1 00:00:01,209 --> 00:00:04,045 ♪♪ 2 00:00:04,045 --> 00:00:09,050 Announcer: Nevertheless, if you mashed together every soul on Earth, 3 00:00:09,050 --> 00:00:12,721 it would weigh less than one flea. 4 00:00:12,721 --> 00:00:15,849 Ryan Regrt scratched so religiously 5 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,559 that the sore on his arm 6 00:00:17,559 --> 00:00:21,396 grew into the shape of a small church. 7 00:00:21,396 --> 00:00:25,900 The more fanatic he scratched, the deeper the itch became, 8 00:00:25,900 --> 00:00:28,820 until Ryan was more church than child, 9 00:00:28,820 --> 00:00:33,074 wholly swallowed by the swell, gone. 10 00:00:33,074 --> 00:00:34,951 His grieving parents were grateful 11 00:00:34,951 --> 00:00:37,787 for the tragic loss of their beloved boy, 12 00:00:37,787 --> 00:00:39,247 as it gave them the perfect place 13 00:00:39,247 --> 00:00:43,960 to mourn the tragic loss of their beloved boy. 14 00:00:43,960 --> 00:00:45,795 Luckily, the church pastor 15 00:00:45,795 --> 00:00:50,050 taught them how to repent for this perverse pleasure. 16 00:00:50,050 --> 00:00:53,178 Pastor: That's good. A little to the left. 17 00:00:53,178 --> 00:00:57,348 Right there. Ah, don't stop. Yes. Ahh, ahh. Yes! Oh! 18 00:00:57,348 --> 00:01:00,268 Ohhhhh! 19 00:01:00,268 --> 00:01:08,985 ♪♪ 20 00:01:08,985 --> 00:01:10,487 Announcer: But as man evolves, 21 00:01:10,487 --> 00:01:14,240 war itself must become increasingly sophisticated. 22 00:01:14,240 --> 00:01:17,952 You puny maggots need me to break you into men... 23 00:01:17,952 --> 00:01:20,330 'cause you're maggots! What are you? 24 00:01:20,330 --> 00:01:23,833 I'm a maggot, sir! I can't hear you! 25 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:25,543 I'm a maggot, sir!! 26 00:01:25,543 --> 00:01:26,711 I don't understand! 27 00:01:26,711 --> 00:01:30,340 Sir! I am -- I'm saying I -- I'm saying a maggot! 28 00:01:30,340 --> 00:01:34,177 But I'm confused -- how are you a maggot of some kind?! 29 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:38,014 Just 'cause you told me I was, so I'm a maggot, sir! 30 00:01:38,014 --> 00:01:40,350 But how is that physiologically possible?! 31 00:01:40,350 --> 00:01:43,269 Huh, maggot?! It just is! 32 00:01:43,269 --> 00:01:45,355 I can't explain the biology of it, 33 00:01:45,355 --> 00:01:48,108 but I am a maggot, I swear! 34 00:01:48,108 --> 00:01:51,027 Are you playin' mental games with me, maggot? 35 00:01:51,027 --> 00:01:52,946 No, sir! Am I playing 36 00:01:52,946 --> 00:01:55,156 mental games with you, maggot? 37 00:01:55,156 --> 00:01:57,283 I really don't know. I-I really don't know, sir! 38 00:01:57,283 --> 00:02:01,246 [ Sobbing ] Do I look like I'm playing mental games? 39 00:02:01,246 --> 00:02:04,374 Look me in the eye. What do you see in there? 40 00:02:04,374 --> 00:02:06,334 [ Sniffles ] 41 00:02:06,334 --> 00:02:09,796 God, I hope he can't really see inside me -- 42 00:02:09,796 --> 00:02:11,339 how fragile I am... 43 00:02:11,339 --> 00:02:14,425 how I can only feel big by belittling others... 44 00:02:14,425 --> 00:02:18,263 how I'd crumble were I not held whole by his fear of me. 45 00:02:18,263 --> 00:02:22,225 Can he tell that I'm the real maggot? 46 00:02:22,225 --> 00:02:24,894 Hey, now, I'm not gonna let you 47 00:02:24,894 --> 00:02:27,105 beat yourself up like that. 48 00:02:27,105 --> 00:02:29,315 Wait. How did -- I can hear your voi-- 49 00:02:29,315 --> 00:02:32,569 Shh! It's okay. I genuinely respect you, 50 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:35,446 not because of your performance of masculinity, 51 00:02:35,446 --> 00:02:39,075 but in spite of it. But...I'm toxic trash. 52 00:02:39,075 --> 00:02:42,453 You know what I see behind all your emotional armor? 53 00:02:42,453 --> 00:02:45,123 A real cool cookie. For real? 54 00:02:45,123 --> 00:02:47,584 Triple sugar shine real, real. 55 00:02:47,584 --> 00:02:50,336 I've waited my whole life to hear someone tell me that. 56 00:02:50,336 --> 00:02:55,550 Now that it happened, why do I still feel so alone inside? 57 00:02:55,550 --> 00:02:58,178 You're not alone. I'm in there with you. 58 00:02:58,178 --> 00:03:00,388 You're my tough little guy, okay? 59 00:03:00,388 --> 00:03:03,308 Who's my tough little guy? I am. 60 00:03:03,308 --> 00:03:05,351 I can't hear you. 61 00:03:05,351 --> 00:03:07,228 I-I'm your tough little guy! 62 00:03:07,228 --> 00:03:08,354 Louder! 63 00:03:08,354 --> 00:03:10,273 I'm your tough little guy! 64 00:03:10,273 --> 00:03:13,610 God, I feel so appreciated for the first time. 65 00:03:13,610 --> 00:03:16,029 How can I ever thank you, guy? 66 00:03:16,029 --> 00:03:18,072 How 'bout, uh, maybe -- 67 00:03:18,072 --> 00:03:20,033 I don't know -- a -- a little kiss? 68 00:03:20,033 --> 00:03:22,243 Oh. That's not what I... 69 00:03:22,243 --> 00:03:24,412 That -- That would make me uncomfortable. 70 00:03:24,412 --> 00:03:26,372 After all I've done for you? 71 00:03:26,372 --> 00:03:28,625 One quick little kiss inside of our minds. 72 00:03:28,625 --> 00:03:31,294 No one has to know. Um, okay. 73 00:03:31,294 --> 00:03:34,464 Um, well, o-okay, just -- just one. 74 00:03:34,464 --> 00:03:38,092 [ Smooches ] 75 00:03:38,092 --> 00:03:40,386 That wasn't so bad, was it? 76 00:03:40,386 --> 00:03:43,014 I guess not. Gimme a little more. 77 00:03:43,014 --> 00:03:47,268 Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. 78 00:03:47,268 --> 00:03:49,437 This is all happening so fast. 79 00:03:49,437 --> 00:03:51,272 [ Growling ] What was that? 80 00:03:51,272 --> 00:03:54,484 Be still, my cookie. This'll be over quick. 81 00:03:54,484 --> 00:03:56,653 [ Crunching ] 82 00:03:56,653 --> 00:03:59,239 Where'd I go? Where am I? 83 00:03:59,239 --> 00:04:03,076 You're in the realm of love eternal. 84 00:04:03,076 --> 00:04:04,285 Isn't it beautiful? 85 00:04:04,285 --> 00:04:05,578 I-I don't know. 86 00:04:05,578 --> 00:04:07,872 Just kidding. You're in my tummy. 87 00:04:07,872 --> 00:04:09,666 It's beautiful. 88 00:04:09,666 --> 00:04:12,919 Oh, boy. I gotta go to the bathroom. 89 00:04:12,919 --> 00:04:18,007 [ Groans ] [ Plopping ] 90 00:04:18,007 --> 00:04:21,135 I feel like you're taking advantage of me, Private. 91 00:04:21,135 --> 00:04:22,845 Aw, that's all in your head. [ Horn honks ] 92 00:04:22,845 --> 00:04:25,807 Which reminds me -- I-I forgot to wipe. Hang on. 93 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:29,310 Well, we better get back to it 94 00:04:29,310 --> 00:04:30,895 before the guys notice anything. 95 00:04:30,895 --> 00:04:34,607 And don't you dare squeal about what I done did to you. 96 00:04:35,525 --> 00:04:39,487 Well, do I look like I'm playing mental games, maggot?! 97 00:04:39,487 --> 00:04:41,781 No, sir! You're not, I swear! 98 00:04:41,781 --> 00:04:44,367 Then answer this question, maggot -- 99 00:04:44,367 --> 00:04:46,744 why do you treat me like dirt when all I ever wanted 100 00:04:46,744 --> 00:04:49,998 was to bask in the light of your love?! 101 00:04:49,998 --> 00:04:54,460 [ Sobbing ] 102 00:04:54,460 --> 00:04:57,588 Great! You're ready! What? [ Fanfare ] 103 00:04:57,588 --> 00:04:58,756 This was all a part 104 00:04:58,756 --> 00:05:00,000 of a covert elite psychic training program. 105 00:05:01,342 --> 00:05:03,469 You are now the perfect soldier. 106 00:05:03,469 --> 00:05:07,557 Really? Thanks. W-What an honor. 107 00:05:07,557 --> 00:05:12,020 Yep. Go on now. The big war is right through there. 108 00:05:12,020 --> 00:05:14,981 ♪♪ 109 00:05:14,981 --> 00:05:17,275 [ Laughter ] 110 00:05:17,275 --> 00:05:19,652 Well, that takes care of that dildo. 111 00:05:19,652 --> 00:05:22,989 Announcer: Private Ray Pontle simply did what was required 112 00:05:22,989 --> 00:05:26,367 to get out of his dangerous combat obligations. 113 00:05:26,367 --> 00:05:29,746 Now he was free to pursue his true calling -- 114 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:33,249 a life of secretly watching women purchase underwear. 115 00:05:33,249 --> 00:05:37,295 -Aah! -He knew Sarge would be fine. 116 00:05:38,546 --> 00:05:42,759 Sergeant Pat Mounder, on behalf of the U.S. Armed Forces, 117 00:05:42,759 --> 00:05:44,719 it's my duty to inform you 118 00:05:44,719 --> 00:05:47,305 that we're gonna have to let you go. 119 00:05:47,305 --> 00:05:49,640 [ Robotic voice ] You are firing me? 120 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:51,017 It's not your fault. 121 00:05:51,017 --> 00:05:54,645 It's just you're not a good fit for our organization. 122 00:05:54,645 --> 00:05:57,774 You're more like a piece of meat that just keeps on living. 123 00:05:57,774 --> 00:06:01,569 But your war made me like this. 124 00:06:01,569 --> 00:06:03,905 Now, w-we could get into all that 125 00:06:03,905 --> 00:06:05,490 "he said, meat said" stuff, 126 00:06:05,490 --> 00:06:08,076 but you'd be better off trying for a job 127 00:06:08,076 --> 00:06:10,411 as a raisin or a maggot. 128 00:06:11,496 --> 00:06:13,164 I'll kill you. 129 00:06:13,164 --> 00:06:14,749 I'll kill everyone! 130 00:06:15,416 --> 00:06:17,335 Congratulations! 131 00:06:17,335 --> 00:06:20,421 You passed your cyborg warrior training. 132 00:06:20,421 --> 00:06:21,798 You're ready! 133 00:06:21,798 --> 00:06:23,674 What an honor. 134 00:06:23,674 --> 00:06:27,011 [ Music playing ] 135 00:06:27,011 --> 00:06:31,766 Announcer: Tessa Doinel had wasted enough of her life 136 00:06:31,766 --> 00:06:33,768 doing whatever men wanted her to do. 137 00:06:33,768 --> 00:06:38,815 She decided to take a stand and buy the blue ones this time. 138 00:06:41,150 --> 00:06:43,569 Find what you're looking for? 139 00:06:43,569 --> 00:06:46,447 Did you see these underwear? T-They... 140 00:06:46,447 --> 00:06:50,118 Yes, all the panties on this rack are self-bleeding. 141 00:06:50,118 --> 00:06:50,952 But why? 142 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:53,704 They bleed so you don't have to. 143 00:06:53,704 --> 00:06:56,124 Ooh, these would look sexy on you. 144 00:06:56,124 --> 00:06:58,000 No, I-I don't like it. 145 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:01,504 Not your color? No, it's the blood. 146 00:07:01,504 --> 00:07:04,173 Oh. Well, there are other fluids. 147 00:07:04,173 --> 00:07:07,427 These ones here are self-snotting. 148 00:07:07,427 --> 00:07:09,053 [ Coughs ] 149 00:07:09,053 --> 00:07:11,305 Ooh, that's hot on you. 150 00:07:11,305 --> 00:07:13,266 You looking to spice up your marriage? 151 00:07:13,266 --> 00:07:16,269 Well, I'd like to have kids, so... 152 00:07:16,269 --> 00:07:17,478 You should've said so. 153 00:07:17,478 --> 00:07:21,732 These ones are crotchless for easy...you know. 154 00:07:21,732 --> 00:07:23,693 Go on, push. Huh? 155 00:07:23,693 --> 00:07:25,027 Push. Unh. 156 00:07:25,027 --> 00:07:27,029 Don't be shy. [ Grunts ] 157 00:07:27,029 --> 00:07:28,406 [ Moans ] 158 00:07:28,406 --> 00:07:30,158 [ Grunting ] 159 00:07:30,158 --> 00:07:31,742 [ Moaning ] 160 00:07:31,742 --> 00:07:33,161 Here it comes. 161 00:07:33,161 --> 00:07:34,871 Harder. Harder! 162 00:07:34,871 --> 00:07:35,997 [ Grunting ] [ Moaning ] 163 00:07:35,997 --> 00:07:38,499 [ Water splashes, baby cries ] 164 00:07:38,499 --> 00:07:41,627 Ooh, that's sexy. 165 00:07:41,627 --> 00:07:43,880 You broke it, you bought it. 166 00:07:43,880 --> 00:07:46,841 I don't know how to take care of it. Gotcha covered. 167 00:07:46,841 --> 00:07:48,426 Just feed the goddamn thing 168 00:07:48,426 --> 00:07:50,636 till it moves out or goes to jail. 169 00:07:50,636 --> 00:07:54,182 Truth is, I-I don't actually have a husband. 170 00:07:54,182 --> 00:07:55,308 Not a problem. 171 00:07:55,308 --> 00:07:58,853 We carry a wide selection of wifebeaters. 172 00:08:00,146 --> 00:08:05,485 I knew I'd find love if o-- Oh, oh, oh! 173 00:08:05,485 --> 00:08:06,652 He dumped me! 174 00:08:06,652 --> 00:08:09,322 I'll never bask in the light of love... 175 00:08:09,322 --> 00:08:11,491 love...love... love...love... 176 00:08:11,491 --> 00:08:14,368 Announcer: Private Pontle had found his soul mate. 177 00:08:14,368 --> 00:08:15,912 He just had to speak to her 178 00:08:15,912 --> 00:08:19,123 and begin his new life of perfect joy. 179 00:08:19,123 --> 00:08:20,374 Wait! Miss! 180 00:08:20,374 --> 00:08:22,251 [ Horn honking ] 181 00:08:22,251 --> 00:08:24,128 Woman's voice: Attention. 182 00:08:24,128 --> 00:08:25,588 You have activated our 183 00:08:25,588 --> 00:08:27,423 automated insecurity system. 184 00:08:27,423 --> 00:08:30,259 I didn't take anything. Go on -- check. 185 00:08:30,259 --> 00:08:32,762 There's nothing missing. 186 00:08:32,762 --> 00:08:34,514 Oh. I see. 187 00:08:34,514 --> 00:08:37,141 You're saying that there's something missing in me, 188 00:08:37,141 --> 00:08:38,184 is that it? 189 00:08:38,184 --> 00:08:40,895 Like there's a hole in my soul or something? 190 00:08:40,895 --> 00:08:44,732 How dare this thing attack me! Trying to make me feel guilty? 191 00:08:44,732 --> 00:08:48,569 Judge me? I'm a good guy. So maybe I'm not perfect. 192 00:08:48,569 --> 00:08:51,739 But I'm expected to what -- search inside of myself 193 00:08:51,739 --> 00:08:54,534 and confront the bad things I've done? 194 00:08:55,785 --> 00:09:00,581 Okay, fine! I made him suffer in a really bad war! 195 00:09:00,581 --> 00:09:02,166 I'm a monster! 196 00:09:02,166 --> 00:09:04,335 How can I pay for what I've done?! 197 00:09:04,335 --> 00:09:08,464 You can be forgiven for how you treated Sergeant Pat Mounder 198 00:09:08,464 --> 00:09:11,300 if you seek absolution from above. 199 00:09:11,300 --> 00:09:13,803 And Sarge is probably fine, right? 200 00:09:13,803 --> 00:09:15,763 Right? Right? Right? Right? 201 00:09:15,763 --> 00:09:19,475 Announcer: Sergeant Mounder was thrown into war after war 202 00:09:19,475 --> 00:09:23,980 until every shred of his flesh was blown up. 203 00:09:23,980 --> 00:09:26,691 They managed to keep his essence alive, 204 00:09:26,691 --> 00:09:30,653 though he was stripped down to pure consciousness energy -- 205 00:09:30,653 --> 00:09:34,407 the perfect killing machine. 206 00:09:34,407 --> 00:09:36,659 Contrite, Private Pontle prostrated 207 00:09:36,659 --> 00:09:38,119 before his higher power, 208 00:09:38,119 --> 00:09:41,831 begging for holiness to bright his life. 209 00:09:41,831 --> 00:09:47,461 ♪♪ 210 00:09:47,461 --> 00:09:48,671 It is often said 211 00:09:48,671 --> 00:09:52,174 you should never give a man's pure consciousness 212 00:09:52,174 --> 00:09:55,595 a clear shot to exact vengeance. 213 00:09:57,221 --> 00:09:59,599 But the yucks was on the sergeant again 214 00:09:59,599 --> 00:10:00,000 because, when you're tormented by the itch of guilt, 215 00:10:03,060 --> 00:10:05,938 there is only one path to relief. 216 00:10:05,938 --> 00:10:08,941 Private: Oh, that's good. Yes, yes. Right there. To the left. 217 00:10:08,941 --> 00:10:12,278 Ah, yes. Right there, yes. That's good. 218 00:10:13,904 --> 00:10:15,906 I'm free! 219 00:10:15,906 --> 00:10:19,452 [ Gasps ] 220 00:10:19,452 --> 00:10:21,287 I'm basking in love. 221 00:10:21,287 --> 00:10:24,707 I'm basking in love! Oh, I'm basking in love! 222 00:10:24,707 --> 00:10:26,584 Announcer: And if you spend your life 223 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:28,586 praying for the light of love... 224 00:10:28,586 --> 00:10:30,713 -I'm basking in love! -...you magnify it in your head 225 00:10:30,713 --> 00:10:34,091 until it can caress the stuff between your atoms... 226 00:10:34,091 --> 00:10:36,636 -Aaaah! -...that gunk in there 227 00:10:36,636 --> 00:10:41,599 that makes them all stick together as one whole. 228 00:10:41,599 --> 00:10:44,435 Tessa: Aaaah! 229 00:10:45,936 --> 00:10:48,731 ♪ There's blood in the kitchen ♪ 230 00:10:48,731 --> 00:10:51,901 ♪ There's blood in the hall ♪ 231 00:10:51,901 --> 00:10:58,407 ♪ There's blood in the parlor where my lady did fall ♪ 232 00:10:58,407 --> 00:11:05,164 ♪ Long Lankin was hanged on a gibbet so high ♪ 233 00:11:05,164 --> 00:11:11,962 ♪ And the false nurse was burned in a fire close by ♪