1 00:00:01,292 --> 00:00:05,422 [ Traffic noises ] 2 00:00:05,422 --> 00:00:14,764 ♪♪ 3 00:00:14,764 --> 00:00:18,018 Announcer: But the other thing about this jail was... 4 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:20,645 it could only afford one wall of bars. 5 00:00:20,645 --> 00:00:21,813 Guard! 6 00:00:21,813 --> 00:00:24,065 Whenever a prisoner wanted to escape, 7 00:00:24,065 --> 00:00:28,403 the guards had to lug it over to him so he could try. 8 00:00:29,112 --> 00:00:31,531 Ugh. Ugh. 9 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:32,991 Auuuugghhh! 10 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:35,577 All right, pal. You done here? 11 00:00:35,577 --> 00:00:37,912 Yeah, I'm good. Thanks, guys. 12 00:00:37,912 --> 00:00:39,789 Yeah, yeah. [ Snaps fingers ] 13 00:00:39,789 --> 00:00:42,500 Damn it, we supposed to be on break. 14 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:43,793 I mean, where's our rest? 15 00:00:43,793 --> 00:00:46,921 It's as though, despite the fact that we are the jailers, 16 00:00:46,921 --> 00:00:50,633 in a sense, we are in our own prison... 17 00:00:50,633 --> 00:00:52,093 of the mind. 18 00:00:52,093 --> 00:00:56,222 Oh, man. What a thought! 19 00:00:56,222 --> 00:00:59,726 Announcer: That's when Prisoner 72301 20 00:00:59,726 --> 00:01:01,686 figured out how to escape. 21 00:01:01,686 --> 00:01:03,897 Guard, bars! 22 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:06,858 Do it now, or I say something so profound, 23 00:01:06,858 --> 00:01:08,109 it'll blow every mind in this joint. 24 00:01:08,109 --> 00:01:11,571 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy. Let's not get heavy here. 25 00:01:11,571 --> 00:01:13,823 I-I'm -- I'm bringing it. 26 00:01:13,823 --> 00:01:18,244 You -- Your head here. 27 00:01:18,244 --> 00:01:20,080 J-J-Just don't say anything 28 00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:22,999 to upend my world view, all right? 29 00:01:22,999 --> 00:01:24,834 I got kids. I got kids. 30 00:01:24,834 --> 00:01:27,212 You know what I always wondered -- 31 00:01:27,212 --> 00:01:31,132 like, what's the deal with society, bruh? 32 00:01:31,132 --> 00:01:35,136 Oh, man, that's a trip. 33 00:01:36,096 --> 00:01:39,974 You're free! No bars can hold you now, boys. 34 00:01:39,974 --> 00:01:44,145 Yah, boys! Yah! Yah! Whoo-hoo! 35 00:01:44,145 --> 00:01:46,815 Where did he go? W-Where'd he go? 36 00:01:46,815 --> 00:01:48,691 Aah! 37 00:01:48,691 --> 00:01:52,987 Aaaaaaaaaaaah! 38 00:01:52,987 --> 00:01:59,327 Aaaaaaaaaaah! 39 00:01:59,327 --> 00:02:03,915 Announcer: Then again, some people are born victims -- 40 00:02:03,915 --> 00:02:05,667 all of them. 41 00:02:05,667 --> 00:02:17,595 ♪♪ 42 00:02:17,595 --> 00:02:21,516 And some days, your whole life flashes before your eyes, 43 00:02:21,516 --> 00:02:25,436 in real time, starting with Day One. 44 00:02:25,436 --> 00:02:28,898 One last push, ma'am. It's a boy! 45 00:02:28,898 --> 00:02:30,984 Oh! Oh, God. 46 00:02:30,984 --> 00:02:32,777 What? Oh, no! 47 00:02:32,777 --> 00:02:34,112 What is it?! 48 00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:37,574 I'm sorry, ma'am -- he's a dirty pig. 49 00:02:37,574 --> 00:02:41,119 [ Cries ] 50 00:02:41,119 --> 00:02:44,122 Announcer: But some accidents are even worse... 51 00:02:44,122 --> 00:02:46,958 when the victim doesn't deserve it. 52 00:02:46,958 --> 00:02:50,962 Sir? Mr. Lem, can you hear me? 53 00:02:50,962 --> 00:02:53,131 Oh. Where am I? 54 00:02:53,131 --> 00:02:54,966 Who am I? 55 00:02:54,966 --> 00:02:56,509 Your name is Neil Lem. 56 00:02:56,509 --> 00:02:58,720 You've been in an accident. You were driving, 57 00:02:58,720 --> 00:03:01,389 and a woman was on the sidewalk without a bra. 58 00:03:01,389 --> 00:03:03,641 You took your eyes off the road to ogle her breasts. 59 00:03:03,641 --> 00:03:06,895 Oh. You hopped the curb and ran over a dog. 60 00:03:06,895 --> 00:03:08,271 Oh! And its owner. 61 00:03:08,271 --> 00:03:10,148 Oh, God. And his kids. 62 00:03:10,148 --> 00:03:12,025 Ohh! And their friends. 63 00:03:12,025 --> 00:03:13,568 Oh. And their pet hamster. 64 00:03:13,568 --> 00:03:17,155 But, miraculously, we were able to save... 65 00:03:17,155 --> 00:03:18,907 only the hamster. 66 00:03:18,907 --> 00:03:20,742 I...was ogling? 67 00:03:20,742 --> 00:03:24,287 The good thing is you managed to swerve back onto the road. 68 00:03:24,287 --> 00:03:26,080 Thank God. Straight into a school bus. 69 00:03:26,080 --> 00:03:28,124 Ohh! None of those kids survived. 70 00:03:28,124 --> 00:03:29,417 The parents are devastated. 71 00:03:29,417 --> 00:03:31,336 Understandably, many have bought guns... 72 00:03:31,336 --> 00:03:34,172 Ohh! ...and are going on shooting sprees all over town. 73 00:03:34,172 --> 00:03:36,382 I-I don't know who I am, but I'm -- I'm -- 74 00:03:36,382 --> 00:03:39,260 I'm sure I did not mean to ogle a girl. 75 00:03:39,260 --> 00:03:42,472 Woman. Woman. She wants to meet you. 76 00:03:42,472 --> 00:03:45,350 Meet me? Why? It's the least you could do. 77 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:48,269 I mean, it seems like you like her so much. 78 00:03:48,269 --> 00:03:49,729 We thought, maybe you two 79 00:03:49,729 --> 00:03:51,648 meet under these tragic circumstances, 80 00:03:51,648 --> 00:03:54,108 it bonds you into an unlikely romance 81 00:03:54,108 --> 00:03:55,652 wherein you help each other heal. 82 00:03:55,652 --> 00:03:57,362 Could be an amazing love story. 83 00:03:57,362 --> 00:04:00,073 Oh. Um...I...Okay. 84 00:04:00,073 --> 00:04:02,158 Do -- Do I -- Do I look all right? 85 00:04:02,158 --> 00:04:03,952 Sure. Lila! 86 00:04:03,952 --> 00:04:05,286 Come on in, honey. 87 00:04:05,286 --> 00:04:07,538 Wait. W-When did the accident happen? 88 00:04:07,538 --> 00:04:09,249 It was about three hours ago. 89 00:04:09,249 --> 00:04:11,209 Why? She's just... 90 00:04:11,209 --> 00:04:13,086 older than I -- I'm sorry. 91 00:04:13,086 --> 00:04:14,212 Is she not your type? No! 92 00:04:14,212 --> 00:04:15,171 I didn't -- I didn't mean... 93 00:04:15,171 --> 00:04:18,800 She's really vulnerable right now. 94 00:04:18,800 --> 00:04:21,803 She's gone. I hope you're happy. 95 00:04:21,803 --> 00:04:25,640 [ Hyperventilating ] 96 00:04:30,937 --> 00:04:33,106 Sir? Mr. Lem? 97 00:04:33,106 --> 00:04:34,983 Can you hear me? 98 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:36,734 What...happened? 99 00:04:36,734 --> 00:04:38,653 You said some offensive things to a woman, 100 00:04:38,653 --> 00:04:40,363 and the media got wind of everything you've done. 101 00:04:40,363 --> 00:04:42,657 Mm-hmm. There's been riots across the state. 102 00:04:42,657 --> 00:04:44,325 The whole country's in chaos. Oh. 103 00:04:44,325 --> 00:04:45,618 But before it got out of control, 104 00:04:45,618 --> 00:04:47,704 the police were deployed to maintain the peace... 105 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:49,706 Thank Christ for -- ...which means thousands 106 00:04:49,706 --> 00:04:52,333 of innocent citizens have been shot quite dead. 107 00:04:52,333 --> 00:04:55,378 That's awful. The human animal will take only so much 108 00:04:55,378 --> 00:04:58,423 before they rise up to tear down governments that oppress. 109 00:04:58,423 --> 00:04:59,716 -Ohh. -Sensing weakness, 110 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:00,000 the North Koreans launched the first nuke. 111 00:05:01,718 --> 00:05:03,553 -Ohh! -But after we retaliated, 112 00:05:03,553 --> 00:05:05,722 Iran, Russia, China, Japan, India, 113 00:05:05,722 --> 00:05:07,682 Brazil unleashed all they had. 114 00:05:07,682 --> 00:05:09,684 Most of Earth's population is dead. 115 00:05:09,684 --> 00:05:14,314 Of the survivors, 90% are mutant-ed. 116 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:15,898 The only thing the globe agrees on 117 00:05:15,898 --> 00:05:19,319 is that this is all your fault, and you must pay. 118 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:21,612 [ Hyperventilating ] 119 00:05:22,572 --> 00:05:25,241 Mr. Lem? Can you hear me? 120 00:05:25,241 --> 00:05:27,535 Where am I? What happened? 121 00:05:27,535 --> 00:05:29,412 The mutants consider you their God... Ahh. What? 122 00:05:29,412 --> 00:05:30,830 ...presuming this was all your grand plan 123 00:05:30,830 --> 00:05:33,833 to remake civilization with their kind as our overlords. 124 00:05:33,833 --> 00:05:34,667 Ohh. Ohh. 125 00:05:34,667 --> 00:05:37,545 But we normals beseech you -- stand with us. 126 00:05:37,545 --> 00:05:39,297 Ohh. Ohh. Declare allegiance to our resistance! 127 00:05:39,297 --> 00:05:41,424 Aah. Will you wave our flag? 128 00:05:41,424 --> 00:05:44,260 I-I swear I'll never ogle anyone again. 129 00:05:44,260 --> 00:05:45,303 Forget about that! 130 00:05:45,303 --> 00:05:46,763 You're the only fertile male left -- 131 00:05:46,763 --> 00:05:48,473 we need your help to repopulate. What? 132 00:05:48,473 --> 00:05:49,849 Come. Give me some semen. 133 00:05:49,849 --> 00:05:51,142 Oh. Ohh. Hurry. Come on. 134 00:05:51,142 --> 00:05:52,518 Hit me, stat! Uh, okay. 135 00:05:52,518 --> 00:05:55,521 Do you have, like, a-a dirty magazine? 136 00:05:55,521 --> 00:05:57,023 Haven't you ogled enough?! 137 00:05:57,023 --> 00:05:59,400 We've got medical extraction procedures. No, no, no, no, no! 138 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:00,818 Ohh! 139 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:08,159 Ohh. Hello? 140 00:06:08,159 --> 00:06:09,452 Mr. Lem, you're up. 141 00:06:09,452 --> 00:06:13,039 Great. All's back to normal. You're free to go. 142 00:06:13,039 --> 00:06:15,291 But the ogling? 143 00:06:15,291 --> 00:06:17,043 Turns out that was a hoax. 144 00:06:17,043 --> 00:06:20,129 You're totally fine. Exit's through there. 145 00:06:20,129 --> 00:06:23,758 Ohh. Uh. 146 00:06:26,427 --> 00:06:30,264 This is the worst hoax I've ever been a part of! 147 00:06:30,264 --> 00:06:31,724 And I was in the camps. 148 00:06:31,724 --> 00:06:33,393 Oh! 149 00:06:33,393 --> 00:06:35,144 Guard! 150 00:06:36,187 --> 00:06:39,690 Announcer: The only way to escape the prison of reality 151 00:06:39,690 --> 00:06:44,404 is to turn your life into a lie so you are not you. 152 00:06:44,404 --> 00:06:47,365 You're a different person making all this up 153 00:06:47,365 --> 00:06:49,700 in his journal of fantastical fiction, 154 00:06:49,700 --> 00:06:53,955 a lonely loser as pathetic as a poet. 155 00:06:53,955 --> 00:06:58,960 No, put that down! Please, n-not poetry! 156 00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:00,670 Aaah! 157 00:07:00,670 --> 00:07:03,005 Where'd he go? Where'd he go? 158 00:07:03,005 --> 00:07:05,675 Announcer: Life flashes forced Officer Dale 159 00:07:05,675 --> 00:07:08,928 to recall his first disappointment... 160 00:07:08,928 --> 00:07:10,638 how, since the age of 6, 161 00:07:10,638 --> 00:07:14,684 he yearned for a puppy but his parents were allergic... 162 00:07:14,684 --> 00:07:16,018 to making him happy. 163 00:07:16,018 --> 00:07:19,313 So, instead, they had his grandma move in, 164 00:07:19,313 --> 00:07:21,023 and Dale taught her some tricks. 165 00:07:21,023 --> 00:07:24,402 He trained Nana to sit up and beg for her meds. 166 00:07:24,402 --> 00:07:29,031 She could shake... Here, Nana, Nana! Good Nana! 167 00:07:29,031 --> 00:07:31,909 ...catch a Frisbee in her teeth. 168 00:07:31,909 --> 00:07:35,246 When she messed the rug, he rubbed her nose in it 169 00:07:35,246 --> 00:07:39,208 until the foul of her unpleasantness was gone. 170 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:42,628 But when Dale took Nana to the vet to get fixed, 171 00:07:42,628 --> 00:07:44,297 they discovered she had mange, 172 00:07:44,297 --> 00:07:49,510 and he had to put her out of his misery and into his ecstasy. 173 00:07:49,510 --> 00:07:50,678 [ Gunshot ] 174 00:07:50,678 --> 00:07:53,639 Weeks later, when his chum got a 3-legged dog, 175 00:07:53,639 --> 00:07:57,810 Dale was jealous because he could only afford a pet leg. 176 00:07:57,810 --> 00:08:02,607 It spent all day humping itself, happy as a lark's arm, 177 00:08:02,607 --> 00:08:06,319 and even gave birth to a litter of toe-lets... 178 00:08:06,319 --> 00:08:10,907 until the day it got hit by a wheel. 179 00:08:10,907 --> 00:08:13,326 Doctors had to amputate his whole body 180 00:08:13,326 --> 00:08:15,828 and replace him with a wooden one. 181 00:08:15,828 --> 00:08:18,706 Other dogs mistook Sock for a stick, 182 00:08:18,706 --> 00:08:23,002 so he contracted rabies and went on a rampage. 183 00:08:23,002 --> 00:08:26,631 Witnessing such carnage gave Dale a deep desire 184 00:08:26,631 --> 00:08:28,591 to create his own fate. 185 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:32,595 But tragically, the urge to conjure a better new world 186 00:08:32,595 --> 00:08:36,933 can turn even a decent human being into a poet. 187 00:08:36,933 --> 00:08:41,020 Dale: The sun-dappled lark crouched on a branch, 188 00:08:41,020 --> 00:08:44,357 admiring the brilliance of the poet... 189 00:08:44,357 --> 00:08:47,735 [ Tweets ] No. That's ridiculous. 190 00:08:47,735 --> 00:08:54,367 The chipmunk crouched on a branch in awe of the poet. 191 00:08:54,367 --> 00:08:56,369 No, no, no. 192 00:08:56,369 --> 00:08:58,079 Hm. Hm. 193 00:08:58,079 --> 00:08:59,038 [ Gasps ] 194 00:08:59,038 --> 00:09:00,373 I know! There he is! 195 00:09:00,373 --> 00:09:02,542 Sir, we need you to come with us immediately. 196 00:09:02,542 --> 00:09:05,086 Excuse me? I-I don't... No, we need your poetry. 197 00:09:05,086 --> 00:09:07,088 It's the only thing that can save the world. 198 00:09:07,088 --> 00:09:08,798 Your poetry really matters. 199 00:09:08,798 --> 00:09:10,466 It does? Totally. 200 00:09:10,466 --> 00:09:12,802 The world needs your poetry right away! 201 00:09:12,802 --> 00:09:15,137 For real? Yes, and the amazing thing -- 202 00:09:15,137 --> 00:09:17,056 we're not making fun of you at all. 203 00:09:17,056 --> 00:09:19,225 The government personally requested that you, 204 00:09:19,225 --> 00:09:22,019 the best poet on earth, come read his super not boring, 205 00:09:22,019 --> 00:09:23,980 not lame, not solipsistic, indulgent, 206 00:09:23,980 --> 00:09:26,274 narcissistic, vapid, deluded twaddle. 207 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:28,025 Come on! Let's move! 208 00:09:28,025 --> 00:09:31,112 Oh, my God, this is amazing. 209 00:09:31,112 --> 00:09:33,739 I know! It's incredible. You're such a good poet. 210 00:09:33,739 --> 00:09:36,742 I always secretly hoped this would happen. 211 00:09:36,742 --> 00:09:38,661 Oh, it's happening. Let's go! 212 00:09:38,661 --> 00:09:40,580 This is so inspiring. 213 00:09:40,580 --> 00:09:42,873 Hang on. I've got to write about this. 214 00:09:42,873 --> 00:09:44,375 But we need you! Hold on. 215 00:09:44,375 --> 00:09:47,962 Words are coming -- slowly, but, oh, they're coming. 216 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:49,839 Sir, we don't have time! 217 00:09:49,839 --> 00:09:52,758 You know, you're kind of in my space right now, 218 00:09:52,758 --> 00:09:54,552 lagging my flow? 219 00:09:54,552 --> 00:09:56,095 Not sure if you've heard, 220 00:09:56,095 --> 00:09:59,348 but I've recently been acknowledged by the military 221 00:09:59,348 --> 00:10:00,000 as a pretty important poet, 222 00:10:01,934 --> 00:10:03,811 so I can probably get you fired. 223 00:10:03,811 --> 00:10:06,439 No. Please don't, sir. I need this job. 224 00:10:06,439 --> 00:10:08,524 I have 52 children. Well, now you know 225 00:10:08,524 --> 00:10:10,359 there are some things more important than sex 226 00:10:10,359 --> 00:10:14,238 with a whole bunch of stupid, beautiful women. 227 00:10:14,238 --> 00:10:16,657 You really taught me something today. 228 00:10:16,657 --> 00:10:17,908 How did you get so wise? 229 00:10:17,908 --> 00:10:19,535 I've had a lot of lonely time 230 00:10:19,535 --> 00:10:23,581 to think up a lot of very wise, um, thoughts... 231 00:10:23,581 --> 00:10:26,459 Oh, that's so cool. ...thoughts...thoughts... 232 00:10:26,459 --> 00:10:27,752 Anyway, we better go. 233 00:10:27,752 --> 00:10:29,962 World needs you and all. Yeah, right. 234 00:10:29,962 --> 00:10:33,090 My poem isn't finished. But, sir, the world! 235 00:10:33,090 --> 00:10:37,053 I need you to respect my beautiful process. 236 00:10:37,053 --> 00:10:43,351 Aaaaah! 237 00:10:43,351 --> 00:10:47,313 Announcer: And that was the day that man never remembered 238 00:10:47,313 --> 00:10:50,608 to stop ogling the Earth. 239 00:10:50,608 --> 00:10:52,234 [ Thwap! ] 240 00:10:54,153 --> 00:10:57,073 ♪ There's blood in the kitchen ♪ 241 00:10:57,073 --> 00:11:00,284 ♪ There's blood in the hall ♪ 242 00:11:00,284 --> 00:11:07,291 ♪ There's blood in the parlor where my lady did fall ♪ 243 00:11:07,291 --> 00:11:11,921 ♪♪