1 00:00:03,394 --> 00:00:07,050 Announcer: And as we know, there is a town in Finland called Fjuurn 2 00:00:07,050 --> 00:00:10,619 comprised entirely of lonely people. 3 00:00:10,619 --> 00:00:14,275 Recent computers have discovered a town in Vietnam Huan 4 00:00:14,275 --> 00:00:17,756 whose populace is also romantically unattached. 5 00:00:17,756 --> 00:00:20,759 One Fjuurnian for each single Huanian. 6 00:00:20,759 --> 00:00:25,199 Compatible ages, interests, fetishes, peccadilli. 7 00:00:25,199 --> 00:00:28,724 Following this finding, Fjuurn became shy. 8 00:00:28,724 --> 00:00:33,294 Every citizen blushed so much, the temperature rose 9 degrees. 9 00:00:33,294 --> 00:00:37,428 A soft, red glow could be seen from space. 10 00:00:37,428 --> 00:00:40,301 It was from this vantage that astro-matchmakers 11 00:00:40,301 --> 00:00:43,434 noticed the skyline of these two locales, 12 00:00:43,434 --> 00:00:47,786 every mountain & valley, tower & well, house & hole 13 00:00:47,786 --> 00:00:49,919 were a perfect, interlocking fit, 14 00:00:49,919 --> 00:00:52,400 a precise inverse of one another 15 00:00:52,400 --> 00:00:56,360 like a hot dog slipped snugly into a set of human buns. 16 00:00:56,360 --> 00:00:57,883 Meant to be. 17 00:00:57,883 --> 00:01:00,321 One night Science got drunk 18 00:01:00,321 --> 00:01:03,715 and decided to force fate to happen. 19 00:01:03,715 --> 00:01:08,242 They folded one over other using cranes and a finger of skylube. 20 00:01:08,242 --> 00:01:09,591 [ Screaming ] 21 00:01:09,591 --> 00:01:11,897 After the carnage of penetration, 22 00:01:11,897 --> 00:01:14,030 each subsequent municipal pump 23 00:01:14,030 --> 00:01:16,511 was hotter than that which preceded it. 24 00:01:16,511 --> 00:01:18,252 [ Screaming ] 25 00:01:18,252 --> 00:01:21,385 The next morning as the sun scorched off the fog of abandon, 26 00:01:21,385 --> 00:01:24,258 Huan awoke alone to discover that Fjuurn 27 00:01:24,258 --> 00:01:27,174 had secretly taped the whole thing. 28 00:01:27,174 --> 00:01:29,785 It was all over the net. 29 00:01:29,785 --> 00:01:34,833 Humiliated, Huan threw itself off the edge of the earth. 30 00:01:34,833 --> 00:01:36,966 But Fjuurn was taping that, too, 31 00:01:36,966 --> 00:01:40,143 so they'd always have proof of Huan's love -- 32 00:01:40,143 --> 00:01:42,580 something to give Fjuurn the confidence 33 00:01:42,580 --> 00:01:45,409 to finally love itself. 34 00:01:45,409 --> 00:01:49,631 ♪♪ 35 00:01:49,631 --> 00:01:54,636 And yet Dr Ton Bntu extracted a lateral infarction 36 00:01:54,636 --> 00:01:55,985 in the optic chiasm 37 00:01:55,985 --> 00:01:59,031 so Eban Dylfyl, blind since birth, 38 00:01:59,031 --> 00:02:01,730 could see the world for the first time. 39 00:02:01,730 --> 00:02:04,559 Dr. Bntu: I am going to remove the bandages, Mr. Dylfyl. 40 00:02:04,559 --> 00:02:05,603 Are you ready? 41 00:02:05,603 --> 00:02:06,648 Eban: I can't wait! 42 00:02:06,648 --> 00:02:07,953 C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! 43 00:02:07,953 --> 00:02:12,219 ♪♪ 44 00:02:12,219 --> 00:02:14,134 You gotta be kidding me. That's it? 45 00:02:14,134 --> 00:02:15,787 Can you see? 46 00:02:15,787 --> 00:02:17,224 Yeah but I just always pictured the world was gonna be, like, 47 00:02:17,224 --> 00:02:18,442 beautiful, ya know? 48 00:02:18,442 --> 00:02:20,227 You need more time to get used to it...? 49 00:02:20,227 --> 00:02:22,403 I don't wanna get used to this. 50 00:02:22,403 --> 00:02:24,666 It's worser than trash. 51 00:02:24,666 --> 00:02:26,450 Its freakin' common. 52 00:02:26,450 --> 00:02:27,625 [ Spits ] 53 00:02:27,625 --> 00:02:32,021 Well, maybe try nature. 54 00:02:32,021 --> 00:02:33,414 Lame. Ughk. 55 00:02:33,414 --> 00:02:35,459 My eyes're gonna puke. 56 00:02:35,459 --> 00:02:37,635 [ Retching ] 57 00:02:37,635 --> 00:02:39,333 I'm sorry, but this is the world. 58 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:43,337 Well, you need to fix it now or I'm gonna get you fired! 59 00:02:43,337 --> 00:02:45,600 You'll be on the streets eating cardboard dirt! 60 00:02:45,600 --> 00:02:47,863 No sauce. No beverage. 61 00:02:47,863 --> 00:02:49,995 Like I ate! 62 00:02:49,995 --> 00:02:52,259 Announcer: A Dr's sacred mission is to do everything in his power 63 00:02:52,259 --> 00:02:54,478 to avoid losing his job. 64 00:02:54,478 --> 00:02:57,568 ♪♪ 65 00:02:57,568 --> 00:03:00,702 Aw, now this is more like it. 66 00:03:00,702 --> 00:03:03,008 Whoa, whoa! 67 00:03:03,008 --> 00:03:04,488 Whoa! 68 00:03:04,488 --> 00:03:06,273 Wow. 69 00:03:06,273 --> 00:03:08,884 Announcer: After he fingered the seam of sight, 70 00:03:08,884 --> 00:03:13,062 Eban managed to escape into the realm that lives behind vision. 71 00:03:13,062 --> 00:03:14,672 Eban: Wow! 72 00:03:14,672 --> 00:03:16,239 Yes! 73 00:03:16,239 --> 00:03:17,806 Announcer: There is no survival skill greater 74 00:03:17,806 --> 00:03:21,592 than man's ability to save face. 75 00:03:21,592 --> 00:03:24,813 Having true pride is never letting anyone know 76 00:03:24,813 --> 00:03:26,075 they got to you. 77 00:03:26,075 --> 00:03:27,946 Check out this piece of trash. 78 00:03:27,946 --> 00:03:31,472 Announcer: So when Gil Minugm got tripped by a bully, 79 00:03:31,472 --> 00:03:34,388 he just kept falling as if he meant to do it. 80 00:03:34,388 --> 00:03:36,477 As long as he pretended to tumble, 81 00:03:36,477 --> 00:03:39,175 he kept his self-respect. 82 00:03:39,175 --> 00:03:42,396 He committed to his pride all thru life. 83 00:03:42,396 --> 00:03:46,313 Dignity flowed from him like body water. 84 00:03:46,313 --> 00:03:48,489 He slipsy-won the city marathon 85 00:03:48,489 --> 00:03:52,275 and became the first man to fall up Mt. Everest. 86 00:03:52,275 --> 00:03:56,497 He managed to meet and injure fun, new people. 87 00:03:56,497 --> 00:03:58,847 He fell into a relationship with a girl 88 00:03:58,847 --> 00:04:02,416 who he could express his pride up in every position, 89 00:04:02,416 --> 00:04:05,767 from dignified doggy to respectful cowgirl. 90 00:04:05,767 --> 00:04:07,769 Even butt stuff. 91 00:04:07,769 --> 00:04:09,640 ♪♪ 92 00:04:09,640 --> 00:04:11,381 Gil: Ahh... 93 00:04:11,381 --> 00:04:13,383 Wasn't that a lovely ceremony? 94 00:04:13,383 --> 00:04:16,604 Sometimes I think you're falling on purpose 95 00:04:16,604 --> 00:04:18,693 to avoid grappling with life's real challenges. 96 00:04:18,693 --> 00:04:20,521 What? No. 97 00:04:20,521 --> 00:04:22,349 I just happen to be falling. 98 00:04:22,349 --> 00:04:24,481 Whoa, whoops. See? 99 00:04:24,481 --> 00:04:26,657 When you say that it diminishes validity 100 00:04:26,657 --> 00:04:28,920 from people who are really falling, like me. 101 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:33,011 You're not reallyfalling any more than I am. 102 00:04:33,011 --> 00:04:34,926 We're both just going through the motions. 103 00:04:34,926 --> 00:04:36,363 Whoa, whoa! 104 00:04:36,363 --> 00:04:37,451 I need to be with someone who can grab life 105 00:04:37,451 --> 00:04:38,713 by the scruff of the ass. 106 00:04:38,713 --> 00:04:40,541 ♪♪ 107 00:04:40,541 --> 00:04:44,588 After their first fight, a couple can slow its faux bumble 108 00:04:44,588 --> 00:04:47,069 and finally hold each other in its gaze, 109 00:04:47,069 --> 00:04:49,811 forever safe, invincible. 110 00:04:50,507 --> 00:04:54,685 Aah! 111 00:04:54,685 --> 00:04:59,255 [ Siren wails ] 112 00:04:59,255 --> 00:05:01,388 You! Are you a relative of the victim? 113 00:05:01,388 --> 00:05:04,739 That, uh, gunk there is my wife. 114 00:05:04,739 --> 00:05:06,393 The only way these folks survive 115 00:05:06,393 --> 00:05:08,743 is if I sew them together right now. 116 00:05:08,743 --> 00:05:10,440 Can you dothat? 117 00:05:10,440 --> 00:05:13,704 I trained as a surgeon specializing in hybrids. 118 00:05:13,704 --> 00:05:15,053 Lousy job market means 119 00:05:15,053 --> 00:05:16,794 that I gotta drive a Goddamn ambulance 120 00:05:16,794 --> 00:05:17,795 to make ends meet. 121 00:05:17,795 --> 00:05:18,840 Do you want her to die?! 122 00:05:18,840 --> 00:05:20,058 No! No! 123 00:05:20,058 --> 00:05:21,321 It's just, I don't know -- 124 00:05:21,321 --> 00:05:22,409 Make a decision! 125 00:05:22,409 --> 00:05:25,063 Grab life by the scruff of the ass! 126 00:05:25,063 --> 00:05:27,196 Okay. Do it. Do it! 127 00:05:27,196 --> 00:05:29,981 Good now stand back, pray, and cheer me on. 128 00:05:29,981 --> 00:05:32,027 "Slab, Slab, Slab!" 129 00:05:32,027 --> 00:05:33,724 They called me "Slab" in med school, 130 00:05:33,724 --> 00:05:35,596 and I don't have long to tell you this story. 131 00:05:35,596 --> 00:05:36,858 C'mon, motivate me! 132 00:05:36,858 --> 00:05:42,429 Umm, Slab... Slab... Slab... Slab... 133 00:05:42,429 --> 00:05:44,213 Slab... Slab... Slab... Slab... 134 00:05:44,213 --> 00:05:46,171 So did you have lunch yet? 135 00:05:46,171 --> 00:05:49,392 Um, uh, no. Slab... Slab... Slab... Slab... 136 00:05:49,392 --> 00:05:51,655 Well get yerself something, menu's on the side. 137 00:05:51,655 --> 00:05:54,615 Wait, this -- this ambulance is a food truck, too? 138 00:05:54,615 --> 00:05:57,531 Slab... Slab... Slab... Slab...I told you -- hybrids. 139 00:05:57,531 --> 00:06:00,838 Now I recommend the Chi-Loco- Lo-Mein-Vein Dragon Bowl. 140 00:06:00,838 --> 00:06:03,972 They're little burritos rolled all the way into noodles! 141 00:06:03,972 --> 00:06:06,104 It's a pretty fun Mexican take 142 00:06:06,104 --> 00:06:08,193 on a traditional Chinese lo mein. 143 00:06:08,193 --> 00:06:09,978 Isn't that a clever lil combo? 144 00:06:09,978 --> 00:06:13,111 Kinda how your wife's gonna end up if she pulls through! 145 00:06:13,111 --> 00:06:14,504 [ Chuckles ] Get used to combos! 146 00:06:14,504 --> 00:06:16,463 I don't really have an appetite right now! 147 00:06:16,463 --> 00:06:19,204 Well, family of patients get 10% off. 148 00:06:19,204 --> 00:06:20,771 I don't know. [ Whispering ] Scruff of ass. 149 00:06:20,771 --> 00:06:24,732 [ Normal voice ] Can ya tell me about the feelawfel? 150 00:06:24,732 --> 00:06:27,343 Okay, that one is our take on the falafel, obviously. 151 00:06:27,343 --> 00:06:30,302 We do it with raw onions since you're crying, anyway. 152 00:06:30,302 --> 00:06:32,827 And if your loved one dies, you get to keep the cup. 153 00:06:32,827 --> 00:06:35,351 So you walk away a winner no matter what happens. 154 00:06:35,351 --> 00:06:36,874 I'll -- I'll do one of those. 155 00:06:36,874 --> 00:06:38,659 Okay. Gotta say it through the window there. 156 00:06:38,659 --> 00:06:40,487 One feel-awfel. 157 00:06:40,487 --> 00:06:42,097 Okay, you're gonna want to get the grief sauce 158 00:06:42,097 --> 00:06:43,054 on this, I assume. 159 00:06:43,054 --> 00:06:44,665 You're gonna cook it, too? 160 00:06:44,665 --> 00:06:48,277 I focus best when I'm doing two things at once. 161 00:06:48,277 --> 00:06:50,671 This is the most impressive thing 162 00:06:50,671 --> 00:06:52,629 I've ever witnessed. 163 00:06:52,629 --> 00:06:55,240 Slab! Slab! Slab! 164 00:06:55,240 --> 00:06:57,504 Order up! [ Bell dings ] 165 00:06:57,504 --> 00:06:59,288 Mmm. Mmm! 166 00:06:59,288 --> 00:07:00,681 Incredible! 167 00:07:00,681 --> 00:07:02,117 How'd you get the edges so, uh... 168 00:07:02,117 --> 00:07:03,466 Crispy on the outside? 169 00:07:03,466 --> 00:07:06,382 I flash fry 'em before broiling. 170 00:07:06,382 --> 00:07:08,732 Mmm! Slab! Slab! Slab! 171 00:07:08,732 --> 00:07:10,386 [ Electricity crackling ] 172 00:07:10,386 --> 00:07:14,042 Aaand operation done, order up! 173 00:07:14,042 --> 00:07:15,347 [ Bell dinging ] 174 00:07:15,347 --> 00:07:17,175 She's gonna make a full recovery. 175 00:07:17,175 --> 00:07:20,962 It's kinda my fun take on saving your wife's life, that's all. 176 00:07:20,962 --> 00:07:23,834 Up top! 177 00:07:23,834 --> 00:07:24,879 What happened? 178 00:07:24,879 --> 00:07:27,925 You were in a terrible accident. 179 00:07:27,925 --> 00:07:30,058 What are you, like, eating? 180 00:07:30,058 --> 00:07:33,714 It's seriously the most delicious thing I've ever had. 181 00:07:33,714 --> 00:07:35,411 Here, try a bite. 182 00:07:35,411 --> 00:07:37,065 I don't understand what's going on. 183 00:07:37,065 --> 00:07:41,765 What's going on is I grabbed life by the scruff of that ass. 184 00:07:41,765 --> 00:07:44,115 Aww! 185 00:07:44,115 --> 00:07:46,901 Mmm. What smells amazing? 186 00:07:46,901 --> 00:07:48,859 Mmm. Mmm! 187 00:07:48,859 --> 00:07:51,645 Announcer: When something scrumptious blindsides our senses, 188 00:07:51,645 --> 00:07:54,996 we can see the seam of sight speak its peace. 189 00:07:54,996 --> 00:07:56,650 To warn us -- 190 00:07:56,650 --> 00:08:00,349 Horizon: [ Distorted voice ] Vision is violence. 191 00:08:00,349 --> 00:08:02,394 What you looking at, twerp? 192 00:08:02,394 --> 00:08:04,005 You a tough guy? Huh? 193 00:08:04,005 --> 00:08:05,441 You a tough guy? 194 00:08:05,441 --> 00:08:07,225 I don't know. Whatchu mean? 195 00:08:07,225 --> 00:08:09,445 Are you a tough guy? 196 00:08:09,445 --> 00:08:10,533 I mean, it's complicated. 197 00:08:10,533 --> 00:08:12,883 I'm not sure I can categorize myself. 198 00:08:12,883 --> 00:08:16,191 Okay, well here, let me help you figure it out. 199 00:08:16,191 --> 00:08:19,455 Now, are you a tough guy? 200 00:08:19,455 --> 00:08:22,632 I mean, we all have different facets to ourselves. 201 00:08:22,632 --> 00:08:24,808 One part may be tough, aggressive, dominant, 202 00:08:24,808 --> 00:08:26,767 while another side is introspective and hesitant. 203 00:08:26,767 --> 00:08:30,684 If I'm being honest, I'm a complex amalgam of both. 204 00:08:30,684 --> 00:08:33,687 OK then, I'll separate it for ya. 205 00:08:35,863 --> 00:08:38,996 Now the both of yous can hash it out amongst yourselves. 206 00:08:38,996 --> 00:08:40,694 Losers! 207 00:08:40,694 --> 00:08:42,391 What you looking at, lil half bitch? 208 00:08:42,391 --> 00:08:44,045 Nothing. I just -- 209 00:08:44,045 --> 00:08:46,438 [ Mocking ] Nothing, I just -- Nothing, I just -- I just -- 210 00:08:46,438 --> 00:08:48,571 Shut up. Gimme yer lunch money, now. 211 00:08:48,571 --> 00:08:50,617 But, like, isn't it ourlunch money? 212 00:08:50,617 --> 00:08:52,140 [ Slurps ] 213 00:08:52,140 --> 00:08:54,490 You gonna be a little bitch, you bitch? 214 00:08:54,490 --> 00:08:57,145 That's not a simple question. 215 00:08:57,145 --> 00:08:59,843 You know, It'd be erroneous to adhere to one broad label 216 00:08:59,843 --> 00:09:02,280 when Jungian scholars agree a personality 217 00:09:02,280 --> 00:09:06,502 comprises infinite gradations of 7 archetypical traits. 218 00:09:06,502 --> 00:09:08,678 Here's your 7 component archetypes right here. 219 00:09:08,678 --> 00:09:11,463 Horizon: It requires great strength to analytically 220 00:09:11,463 --> 00:09:15,076 octosect ourselves into sub-sets of neuroticism, 221 00:09:15,076 --> 00:09:17,208 agreeableness, extroversion, 222 00:09:17,208 --> 00:09:19,602 openness, conscientiousness, 223 00:09:19,602 --> 00:09:22,170 warmth, and assertiveness. 224 00:09:22,170 --> 00:09:23,824 [ Shouts ] 225 00:09:23,824 --> 00:09:25,869 Now dat I done helped you truly know yerself fer free, 226 00:09:25,869 --> 00:09:28,611 whydoncha cough up that lunch money as payment? 227 00:09:28,611 --> 00:09:31,440 [ Coughs ] 228 00:09:31,440 --> 00:09:34,182 I know who I am: I'm rich! 229 00:09:34,182 --> 00:09:36,880 His Alpha side breezed through life, 230 00:09:36,880 --> 00:09:40,710 grabbing whatever its half-heart desired. 231 00:09:40,710 --> 00:09:44,322 Tragically, his beta half was forced to develop 232 00:09:44,322 --> 00:09:48,544 a personality and sharpen his intellect to survive. 233 00:09:48,544 --> 00:09:52,592 Announcer: Both sides grew up utterly happy and secretly miserable 234 00:09:52,592 --> 00:09:54,942 because each suspected the other 235 00:09:54,942 --> 00:09:58,641 was actually happy and not utterly pretending. 236 00:09:58,641 --> 00:10:02,340 They developed a sick fixation upon each other. 237 00:10:02,340 --> 00:10:04,865 Each side snuck to the other one's house 238 00:10:04,865 --> 00:10:07,563 to creep on their other side sleeping. 239 00:10:07,563 --> 00:10:11,132 Both were horrified to discover their other side not home 240 00:10:11,132 --> 00:10:13,134 but probably out having real fun. 241 00:10:13,134 --> 00:10:15,005 [ Screams ] 242 00:10:15,005 --> 00:10:17,747 They had too much pride to get back together. 243 00:10:17,747 --> 00:10:21,229 But one afternoon, when they had both moped off to brood 244 00:10:21,229 --> 00:10:25,059 in a meadow, they inexplicably felt the re-connection 245 00:10:25,059 --> 00:10:26,538 they had longed for. 246 00:10:26,538 --> 00:10:29,367 They savored the sensation. 247 00:10:29,367 --> 00:10:32,893 As long as they remained in Eban's healing gaze, 248 00:10:32,893 --> 00:10:35,112 held whole in the stitch of his sight, 249 00:10:35,112 --> 00:10:39,900 they felt they could do absolutely anything at all 250 00:10:39,900 --> 00:10:42,946 Horizon: So that's exactly what they did. 251 00:10:42,946 --> 00:10:47,603 ♪♪ 252 00:10:47,603 --> 00:10:50,388 ♪ There's blood in the kitchen 253 00:10:50,388 --> 00:10:53,565 ♪ There's blood in the hall 254 00:10:53,565 --> 00:10:56,612 ♪ There's blood in the parlor 255 00:10:56,612 --> 00:10:59,571 ♪ Where my lady did fall 256 00:10:59,571 --> 00:11:05,926 ♪ Long Lankin was hanged on a gibbet so high ♪ 257 00:11:05,926 --> 00:11:14,195 ♪ When the false nurse was burned in a fire close by ♪