1 00:00:11,010 --> 00:00:14,181 {\an1}This next song 2 00:00:11,010 --> 00:00:14,181 {\an1}is about all the ways... 3 00:00:14,222 --> 00:00:16,266 men rock! 4 00:00:16,308 --> 00:00:18,435 {\an8}♪♪ 5 00:00:18,477 --> 00:00:22,272 ♪ You let me 6 00:00:18,477 --> 00:00:22,272 handle the chores ♪ 7 00:00:22,314 --> 00:00:26,234 ♪ Your ponytail 8 00:00:22,314 --> 00:00:26,234 looks like Thor's ♪ 9 00:00:26,276 --> 00:00:30,238 {\an1}♪ You're not held back 10 00:00:26,276 --> 00:00:30,238 by emotion ♪ 11 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:33,450 {\an1}♪ You deserve a promotion ♪ 12 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:35,327 ♪ Men rock! ♪ 13 00:00:35,369 --> 00:00:37,538 ♪ Men rock! ♪ 14 00:00:37,579 --> 00:00:42,376 ♪ Love how you mansplain 15 00:00:37,579 --> 00:00:42,376 when I try to talk ♪ 16 00:00:42,417 --> 00:00:45,337 [ Cheering ] 17 00:00:45,379 --> 00:00:49,633 {\an1}♪ You got so much style ♪ 18 00:00:49,675 --> 00:00:53,094 {\an1}♪ When you tell us 19 00:00:49,675 --> 00:00:53,094 {\an1}we need to smile ♪ 20 00:00:53,136 --> 00:00:56,765 ♪ Or that we shouldn't 21 00:00:53,136 --> 00:00:56,765 drive or vote ♪ 22 00:00:56,807 --> 00:01:00,644 ♪ Because we don't 23 00:00:56,807 --> 00:01:00,644 have a scrote! ♪ 24 00:01:00,686 --> 00:01:04,439 When we say "men," 25 00:01:00,686 --> 00:01:04,439 you say "rock"! 26 00:01:04,481 --> 00:01:05,399 Men! 27 00:01:07,026 --> 00:01:08,903 Bridgette, 28 00:01:07,026 --> 00:01:08,903 you're so hot! 29 00:01:08,944 --> 00:01:10,988 [ Sighs ] 30 00:01:08,944 --> 00:01:10,988 {\an1}At least we have Ron. 31 00:01:11,030 --> 00:01:15,367 {\an8}♪♪ 32 00:01:15,409 --> 00:01:24,418 {\an8}♪♪♪ 33 00:01:24,459 --> 00:01:27,504 {\an7}[ Groans ] 34 00:01:24,459 --> 00:01:27,504 {\an7}That was so embarrassing. 35 00:01:27,546 --> 00:01:29,423 {\an8}C'mon, 36 00:01:27,546 --> 00:01:29,423 {\an8}we had four people there! 37 00:01:29,464 --> 00:01:30,758 {\an8}Last month was two. 38 00:01:30,799 --> 00:01:32,342 {\an8}Our fanbase doubled. 39 00:01:32,384 --> 00:01:34,678 {\an7}I'm just saying, maybe there's 40 00:01:32,384 --> 00:01:34,678 {\an7}something more worthwhile 41 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:36,430 {\an7}we could do the third Wednesday 42 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:36,430 {\an7}of every month. 43 00:01:36,471 --> 00:01:38,015 {\an8}Do you not believe 44 00:01:36,471 --> 00:01:38,015 {\an8}in us anymore? 45 00:01:38,057 --> 00:01:40,935 {\an7}I don't think we're ever 46 00:01:38,057 --> 00:01:40,935 {\an7}going to be successful. 47 00:01:40,976 --> 00:01:42,269 {\an8}[ Gasps ] 48 00:01:42,310 --> 00:01:44,354 {\an7}Guys, you're never gonna believe 49 00:01:42,310 --> 00:01:44,354 {\an8}what I saw online! 50 00:01:46,065 --> 00:01:47,942 {\an8}Wait. 51 00:01:46,065 --> 00:01:47,942 {\an8}We're...popular? 52 00:01:47,983 --> 00:01:49,818 {\an7}I can't read 53 00:01:47,983 --> 00:01:49,818 {\an7}any of the comments. 54 00:01:49,860 --> 00:01:52,821 {\an7}♪ ...back by emotion ♪ 55 00:01:52,863 --> 00:01:56,157 {\an7}♪ You deserve a promotion ♪ 56 00:01:56,199 --> 00:01:58,702 {\an8}[ Cromanian accent ] 57 00:01:56,199 --> 00:01:58,702 {\an8}Emily and Bridgette! 58 00:01:56,199 --> 00:01:58,702 {\an8}I'm Mirek. 59 00:01:58,744 --> 00:02:02,039 {\an8}Minister of arts for 60 00:01:58,744 --> 00:02:02,039 {\an7}splendid nation of Cromania. 61 00:02:02,081 --> 00:02:04,541 {\an8}And huuuge big fan 62 00:02:02,081 --> 00:02:04,541 {\an8}of your bops! 63 00:02:04,583 --> 00:02:06,668 {\an8}Every song so good! 64 00:02:06,710 --> 00:02:09,504 {\an7}Is my pleasure to invite 65 00:02:06,710 --> 00:02:09,504 {\an8}amazing music stars 66 00:02:09,546 --> 00:02:11,090 {\an8}to visit our country. 67 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:13,717 {\an7}You will fly on private jet, 68 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:13,717 {\an8}is so sick, 69 00:02:13,759 --> 00:02:17,387 {\an8}and perform for brave, 70 00:02:13,759 --> 00:02:17,387 {\an7}strong President Agoustan! 71 00:02:17,429 --> 00:02:19,473 Anyway, hit me ups! 72 00:02:19,514 --> 00:02:22,517 [ Squeals ] 73 00:02:19,514 --> 00:02:22,517 This is so cool! 74 00:02:22,559 --> 00:02:24,269 {\an1}Don't you think 75 00:02:22,559 --> 00:02:24,269 {\an1}this seems sketchy? 76 00:02:24,311 --> 00:02:26,396 {\an1}A stranger from the Internet 77 00:02:24,311 --> 00:02:26,396 {\an1}offering to fly us 78 00:02:26,438 --> 00:02:27,898 {\an1}Somewhere On a private jet? 79 00:02:27,940 --> 00:02:29,733 I get five of those 80 00:02:27,940 --> 00:02:29,733 in my DMs every day. 81 00:02:29,775 --> 00:02:31,026 C'mon, Emily. 82 00:02:31,068 --> 00:02:32,402 This is our shot. 83 00:02:32,444 --> 00:02:34,113 Please, please, 84 00:02:32,444 --> 00:02:34,113 please, please. 85 00:02:34,154 --> 00:02:36,865 {\an1}Fine. But if we get murdered, 86 00:02:34,154 --> 00:02:36,865 {\an1}I'm quitting the band. 87 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:38,867 {\an8}♪♪ 88 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:41,662 [ Cheering ] 89 00:02:41,703 --> 00:02:44,372 Are they... 90 00:02:41,703 --> 00:02:44,372 fans of this plane? 91 00:02:44,414 --> 00:02:45,624 They're here for you! 92 00:02:45,666 --> 00:02:47,459 Crowd: Em-i-ly! 93 00:02:47,501 --> 00:02:49,210 Bri-duh-jit! 94 00:02:49,252 --> 00:02:50,295 Em-i-ly! 95 00:02:50,337 --> 00:02:52,089 Bri-duh-jit! 96 00:02:52,131 --> 00:02:53,841 Ahhh. 97 00:02:52,131 --> 00:02:53,841 This feels right. 98 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:56,010 Bridgette and Emily. 99 00:02:56,051 --> 00:02:57,344 It's me, Mirek! 100 00:02:57,385 --> 00:02:58,762 From Cool Video? 101 00:02:58,804 --> 00:03:01,473 {\an1}Kiss on cheek, kiss on cheek, 102 00:02:58,804 --> 00:03:01,473 best friends. 103 00:03:01,515 --> 00:03:03,433 Welcome to Cromania. 104 00:03:03,475 --> 00:03:06,020 Very fun, very safe. 105 00:03:06,061 --> 00:03:08,271 {\an1}[ Chuckles nervously ] 106 00:03:08,313 --> 00:03:09,857 Don't worry, 107 00:03:08,313 --> 00:03:09,857 they're loaded. 108 00:03:09,898 --> 00:03:12,609 Come, we have 109 00:03:09,898 --> 00:03:12,609 full schedule of events. 110 00:03:12,651 --> 00:03:14,862 Then you meet 111 00:03:12,651 --> 00:03:14,862 President Agoustan. 112 00:03:14,903 --> 00:03:19,198 {\an1}Wonderful man, perfect penis, 113 00:03:14,903 --> 00:03:19,198 let's ride in sweet limo! 114 00:03:22,036 --> 00:03:23,202 -Ooooh. 115 00:03:22,036 --> 00:03:23,202 -Aaah. 116 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:25,039 -Wow. 117 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:25,039 -Okaaaay. 118 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:27,708 {\an1}Welcome to Presidential 119 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:27,708 Palace. 120 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:30,085 {\an1}Sooo many tax dollars. 121 00:03:30,127 --> 00:03:34,131 {\an1}You sleep here in finest suite, 122 00:03:30,127 --> 00:03:34,131 no one even watch. 123 00:03:34,173 --> 00:03:35,757 Sketchy. 124 00:03:35,799 --> 00:03:37,926 {\an1}No, he said 125 00:03:35,799 --> 00:03:37,926 {\an1}they don't watch. 126 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:39,803 [ Groans ] 127 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:39,803 {\an1}Is there a bathroom in here? 128 00:03:39,845 --> 00:03:42,139 Beautiful bathrooms, 129 00:03:39,845 --> 00:03:42,139 no one watching. 130 00:03:42,181 --> 00:03:44,183 But way on other side 131 00:03:42,181 --> 00:03:44,183 of palace. 132 00:03:44,224 --> 00:03:45,433 You make later. 133 00:03:45,475 --> 00:03:47,811 -I gotta make now. 134 00:03:45,475 --> 00:03:47,811 -You guys go. 135 00:03:47,853 --> 00:03:49,479 {\an1}I'll hang back with Candice 136 00:03:47,853 --> 00:03:49,479 and we'll catch up. 137 00:03:49,521 --> 00:03:51,648 We go now. 138 00:03:49,521 --> 00:03:51,648 Have a good shit! 139 00:03:51,690 --> 00:03:54,568 {\an8}♪♪ 140 00:03:54,609 --> 00:03:56,277 Do you really 141 00:03:54,609 --> 00:03:56,277 need to pee? 142 00:03:56,319 --> 00:03:58,321 Or are you just anxious 143 00:03:56,319 --> 00:03:58,321 {\an1}about mom becoming a celebrity 144 00:03:58,363 --> 00:04:01,366 because it makes you feel 145 00:03:58,363 --> 00:04:01,366 like less of a man? 146 00:04:01,408 --> 00:04:02,701 What? 147 00:04:02,743 --> 00:04:05,079 [ Guitars playing ] 148 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:11,585 {\an1}♪ So you were in a public 149 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:11,585 {\an1}bathroom without any shoes ♪ 150 00:04:11,626 --> 00:04:16,590 {\an1}♪ Then you played basketball 151 00:04:11,626 --> 00:04:16,590 {\an1}against green kangaroos ♪ 152 00:04:16,631 --> 00:04:19,218 ♪ You showed up late 153 00:04:16,631 --> 00:04:19,218 for class ♪ 154 00:04:19,259 --> 00:04:22,930 ♪ You couldn't 155 00:04:19,259 --> 00:04:22,930 find your nose ♪ 156 00:04:22,971 --> 00:04:25,557 ♪ You had a chat 157 00:04:22,971 --> 00:04:25,557 with Jose Canseco ♪ 158 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:28,476 ♪ About UFOs ♪ 159 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:33,899 ♪ Don't tell me 160 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:33,899 {\an1}about your stupid dreams ♪ 161 00:04:33,941 --> 00:04:39,446 ♪ Don't tell me 162 00:04:33,941 --> 00:04:39,446 {\an1}about your stupid dreams ♪ 163 00:04:39,487 --> 00:04:42,282 {\an8}♪♪ 164 00:04:42,323 --> 00:04:44,618 {\an1}[ Cheers and applause ] 165 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:48,956 Thank you so much. 166 00:04:48,997 --> 00:04:52,542 What an honor 167 00:04:48,997 --> 00:04:52,542 {\an1}to meet beautiful Emily! 168 00:04:52,584 --> 00:04:54,377 Oh! 169 00:04:52,584 --> 00:04:54,377 Thank you! 170 00:04:54,419 --> 00:04:56,713 {\an1}And Bridgette, 171 00:04:54,419 --> 00:04:56,713 {\an1}the funny one. 172 00:04:56,755 --> 00:04:58,548 Wait, what? 173 00:04:56,755 --> 00:04:58,548 I'm the hot one. 174 00:04:58,590 --> 00:05:00,675 Ha ha! 175 00:04:58,590 --> 00:05:00,675 {\an1}Classic Bridgette! 176 00:05:00,717 --> 00:05:02,343 {\an1}What is happening? 177 00:05:02,385 --> 00:05:06,223 {\an1}Emily, you are such role model 178 00:05:02,385 --> 00:05:06,223 {\an1}for women of Cromania. 179 00:05:06,265 --> 00:05:07,724 Right, Svetmoosha? 180 00:05:07,766 --> 00:05:09,851 {\an1}Permission to agree? 181 00:05:12,896 --> 00:05:15,190 Oh, my gosh. 182 00:05:12,896 --> 00:05:15,190 {\an1}You guys are such sweeties. 183 00:05:15,232 --> 00:05:17,400 {\an1}Okay, Em, you were right, 184 00:05:15,232 --> 00:05:17,400 this is sketchy. 185 00:05:17,442 --> 00:05:18,819 It's fine. 186 00:05:18,860 --> 00:05:21,696 They love us, they get us, 187 00:05:18,860 --> 00:05:21,696 they're giving us fish. 188 00:05:21,738 --> 00:05:23,364 [ Shudders ] 189 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:26,367 {\an5}Thank you? 190 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:26,367 {\an1}No, to sign. [ Laughs ] 191 00:05:26,409 --> 00:05:28,245 Come on, Bridgette. 192 00:05:28,287 --> 00:05:29,621 It's her first fish. 193 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:32,207 {\an8}I mean, obviously we 194 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:32,207 {\an8}want mom to succeed, 195 00:05:32,249 --> 00:05:34,751 {\an7}but it's normal if her success 196 00:05:32,249 --> 00:05:34,751 {\an7}makes you feel inadequate. 197 00:05:34,793 --> 00:05:36,377 Dad! 198 00:05:34,793 --> 00:05:36,377 Bathroom! 199 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:37,838 I'm at defcon pee. 200 00:05:37,879 --> 00:05:38,797 {\an1}You're right. 201 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:40,007 {\an1}Let's focus 202 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:40,007 {\an1}on what's important, 203 00:05:40,048 --> 00:05:41,758 {\an1}not on the idea 204 00:05:40,048 --> 00:05:41,758 {\an1}that we'll lose her forever. 205 00:05:41,800 --> 00:05:42,968 [ Gasps ] 206 00:05:44,303 --> 00:05:46,554 {\an1}Okay, they'll know 207 00:05:44,303 --> 00:05:46,554 {\an1}where the bathroom is. 208 00:05:46,596 --> 00:05:48,890 {\an8}♪♪ 209 00:05:48,932 --> 00:05:51,434 {\an1}[ Chuckles ] 210 00:05:48,932 --> 00:05:51,434 {\an1}This looks promising. 211 00:05:51,476 --> 00:05:53,937 Almost time 212 00:05:51,476 --> 00:05:53,937 for big concert. 213 00:05:53,979 --> 00:05:56,231 I am legit freaking out! 214 00:05:56,273 --> 00:05:58,275 But first we go 215 00:05:56,273 --> 00:05:58,275 to Croval office 216 00:05:58,317 --> 00:06:01,195 to meet indestructible 217 00:05:58,317 --> 00:06:01,195 leader Agoustan, 218 00:06:01,236 --> 00:06:03,613 powerful hairline, 219 00:06:01,236 --> 00:06:03,613 breath like Jasmine. 220 00:06:03,655 --> 00:06:06,074 {\an1}Emily, I have a very bad 221 00:06:03,655 --> 00:06:06,074 {\an1}feeling about this country. 222 00:06:06,116 --> 00:06:07,242 {\an1}Something's going on here. 223 00:06:07,284 --> 00:06:08,535 Yeah. 224 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:10,871 {\an1}Something is going on here -- 225 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:10,871 you're jealous. 226 00:06:10,912 --> 00:06:12,956 You can't handle that 227 00:06:10,912 --> 00:06:12,956 I'm the hot one. 228 00:06:12,998 --> 00:06:15,209 {\an1}That is absolutely 229 00:06:12,998 --> 00:06:15,209 {\an1}part of it! 230 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:16,626 {\an1}But not all of it. 231 00:06:17,627 --> 00:06:19,296 [ Gasps ] 232 00:06:19,338 --> 00:06:24,467 {\an8}♪♪ 233 00:06:24,509 --> 00:06:28,638 Absolute Unit Agoustan, 234 00:06:24,509 --> 00:06:28,638 {\an1}it is my pleasure to present 235 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:32,100 Emily and Bridgette. 236 00:06:32,142 --> 00:06:34,644 Ah, welcome to 237 00:06:32,142 --> 00:06:34,644 my glorious homeland. 238 00:06:34,686 --> 00:06:36,230 {\an1}Oh. Okay, okay. 239 00:06:36,271 --> 00:06:37,564 [ Sniffs deeply ] 240 00:06:37,605 --> 00:06:38,899 [ Both grunting ] 241 00:06:38,940 --> 00:06:41,818 Entire nation awaits 242 00:06:38,940 --> 00:06:41,818 your performance. 243 00:06:41,860 --> 00:06:44,946 We broadcast live 244 00:06:41,860 --> 00:06:44,946 on every channel. 245 00:06:44,988 --> 00:06:46,405 All two! 246 00:06:46,447 --> 00:06:48,491 {\an1}Your music so inspirational. 247 00:06:48,533 --> 00:06:51,036 See, Bridgette? 248 00:06:48,533 --> 00:06:51,036 We're inspirational. 249 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:55,165 {\an1}Mirek will project patriotic 250 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:55,165 {\an1}slideshow behind performance. 251 00:06:57,458 --> 00:06:59,920 {\an8}♪♪ 252 00:06:59,961 --> 00:07:03,840 ♪ You let me handle 253 00:06:59,961 --> 00:07:03,840 the chores ♪ 254 00:07:03,882 --> 00:07:06,968 ♪ Your ponytail 255 00:07:03,882 --> 00:07:06,968 looks like Thor's ♪ 256 00:07:07,010 --> 00:07:09,596 [ Laughs ] 257 00:07:09,637 --> 00:07:10,847 {\an1}If Emily's 258 00:07:09,637 --> 00:07:10,847 {\an1}like Katy Perry, 259 00:07:10,889 --> 00:07:12,807 {\an1}then I guess 260 00:07:10,889 --> 00:07:12,807 {\an1}I'm like Orlando bloom. 261 00:07:12,849 --> 00:07:14,184 Oh, yes, yes, yes! 262 00:07:14,226 --> 00:07:15,518 {\an1}Candice, wait! 263 00:07:16,686 --> 00:07:19,564 [ Moans ] 264 00:07:19,606 --> 00:07:20,399 {\an1}[ Screams ] 265 00:07:21,024 --> 00:07:23,026 {\an8}Oh, were you guys 266 00:07:21,024 --> 00:07:23,026 {\an8}in line? 267 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:25,946 {\an1}♪ Or that we shouldn't 268 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:25,946 drive or vote ♪ 269 00:07:25,987 --> 00:07:27,572 {\an1}♪ Because we don't have 270 00:07:25,987 --> 00:07:27,572 a scrote ♪ 271 00:07:27,614 --> 00:07:30,200 We base whole society 272 00:07:27,614 --> 00:07:30,200 on your music. 273 00:07:30,242 --> 00:07:34,413 {\an1}Your song "Stupid Dreams" 274 00:07:30,242 --> 00:07:34,413 teach population 275 00:07:34,454 --> 00:07:37,291 to stop dreaming 276 00:07:34,454 --> 00:07:37,291 of better life. 277 00:07:37,332 --> 00:07:38,875 {\an1}Sketchy yet? 278 00:07:38,917 --> 00:07:40,419 We are way beyond sketchy. 279 00:07:41,461 --> 00:07:43,297 {\an1}And what's going on here? 280 00:07:43,338 --> 00:07:46,007 Emily is most perfect 281 00:07:43,338 --> 00:07:46,007 role model. 282 00:07:46,049 --> 00:07:49,052 She has child, 283 00:07:46,049 --> 00:07:49,052 dresses conservatively, 284 00:07:49,094 --> 00:07:52,013 and hides hair 285 00:07:49,094 --> 00:07:52,013 under modest wig. 286 00:07:52,055 --> 00:07:54,808 {\an5}[ Gasps ] 287 00:07:52,055 --> 00:07:54,808 {\an1}Em, did you hear that? 288 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:57,060 {\an1}About the wig? 289 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:57,060 {\an1}How your hair looks fake? 290 00:07:57,102 --> 00:07:58,895 Okay, 291 00:07:57,102 --> 00:07:58,895 we should get out of here. 292 00:07:58,937 --> 00:08:00,563 Showtime! 293 00:08:00,605 --> 00:08:03,900 {\an1}Ready to impose your catchy bops 294 00:08:00,605 --> 00:08:03,900 {\an1}on subservient masses? 295 00:08:03,942 --> 00:08:07,404 {\an1}Ooooh, so sorry, but I think 296 00:08:03,942 --> 00:08:07,404 we gotta postpone. 297 00:08:07,446 --> 00:08:10,449 {\an1}I'm feeling 298 00:08:07,446 --> 00:08:10,449 {\an1}a little [coughs] raspy? 299 00:08:10,490 --> 00:08:13,368 And I've got diarrhea! 300 00:08:13,410 --> 00:08:15,329 That sounds serious. 301 00:08:15,370 --> 00:08:18,415 But show must go on. 302 00:08:20,334 --> 00:08:21,584 [ Guns cock ] 303 00:08:21,626 --> 00:08:23,211 Do you really 304 00:08:21,626 --> 00:08:23,211 have diarrhea? 305 00:08:23,253 --> 00:08:25,339 Because I have something 306 00:08:23,253 --> 00:08:25,339 for it in my bag. 307 00:08:27,632 --> 00:08:29,259 {\an1}[ Cheers and applause ] 308 00:08:29,301 --> 00:08:30,760 {\an1}We can't do this. 309 00:08:30,802 --> 00:08:33,180 {\an1}If we perform, we'll reinforce 310 00:08:30,802 --> 00:08:33,180 {\an1}their evil system. 311 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:35,515 {\an1}I'm sorry I got carried away 312 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:35,515 by the fame and hotness 313 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:38,018 and didn't notice 314 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:38,018 {\an1}the oppression and misogyny. 315 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:42,647 {\an1}People of Cromania, and women! 316 00:08:42,689 --> 00:08:46,651 Amazing music stars 317 00:08:42,689 --> 00:08:46,651 Emily and Bridgette 318 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:50,447 {\an1}will perform national anthem, 319 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:50,447 "Men Rock"! 320 00:08:50,489 --> 00:08:53,950 {\an1}[ Cheers and applause ] 321 00:08:53,992 --> 00:08:56,911 ♪ You let me handle 322 00:08:53,992 --> 00:08:56,911 the chores ♪ 323 00:08:58,079 --> 00:09:01,416 {\an8}♪ Your ponytail 324 00:08:58,079 --> 00:09:01,416 {\an8}looks like Thor's ♪ 325 00:09:01,458 --> 00:09:04,169 [ Sighs ] 326 00:09:01,458 --> 00:09:04,169 {\an1}We can't keep singing this. 327 00:09:04,211 --> 00:09:06,296 {\an8}♪♪ 328 00:09:06,338 --> 00:09:08,882 Then let's sing 329 00:09:06,338 --> 00:09:08,882 something else. 330 00:09:08,923 --> 00:09:13,470 {\an1}♪ But here's the real message 331 00:09:08,923 --> 00:09:13,470 that we have for you ♪ 332 00:09:13,512 --> 00:09:16,597 ♪ Women can do anything 333 00:09:13,512 --> 00:09:16,597 that men can do ♪ 334 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:19,100 {\an5}[ Groans ] 335 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:19,100 {\an1}♪ Don't be silent ♪ 336 00:09:19,142 --> 00:09:20,601 {\an1}♪ Use your voice ♪ 337 00:09:20,643 --> 00:09:22,270 {\an1}♪ You can stay at home ♪ 338 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:25,315 {\an1}♪ But it should be 339 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:25,315 {\an1}your choice ♪ 340 00:09:25,357 --> 00:09:26,816 ♪ Women rock! ♪ 341 00:09:26,858 --> 00:09:28,776 {\an1}♪ They're so awesome! ♪ 342 00:09:28,818 --> 00:09:30,070 ♪ Girls who code! ♪ 343 00:09:30,111 --> 00:09:32,197 ♪ Beyoncé! Blossom! ♪ 344 00:09:32,239 --> 00:09:34,366 ♪ Women rock! ♪ 345 00:09:34,408 --> 00:09:38,328 {\an1}♪ When we say "women," 346 00:09:34,408 --> 00:09:38,328 {\an1}you say "rock"! ♪ 347 00:09:38,370 --> 00:09:39,079 ♪ Women! ♪ 348 00:09:39,120 --> 00:09:40,330 ♪ Rock! ♪ 349 00:09:40,372 --> 00:09:40,997 ♪ Women! ♪ 350 00:09:41,039 --> 00:09:42,207 Seize them! 351 00:09:42,249 --> 00:09:45,835 {\an8}♪♪ 352 00:09:45,877 --> 00:09:47,337 Emily! 353 00:09:45,877 --> 00:09:47,337 {\an1}We gotta get out of here! 354 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:48,922 {\an1}This country hates women! 355 00:09:48,963 --> 00:09:49,964 {\an1}We noticed. 356 00:09:50,006 --> 00:09:51,341 [ Guns cock ] 357 00:09:51,383 --> 00:09:56,513 {\an8}♪♪ 358 00:09:56,555 --> 00:09:58,265 We found these women 359 00:09:56,555 --> 00:09:58,265 in an underground jail. 360 00:09:58,306 --> 00:09:59,849 {\an1}They were arrested 361 00:09:58,306 --> 00:09:59,849 {\an1}for not laughing 362 00:09:59,891 --> 00:10:01,935 at their 363 00:09:59,891 --> 00:10:01,935 {\an1}husbands's jokes! 364 00:10:01,976 --> 00:10:11,611 {\an8}♪♪ 365 00:10:11,652 --> 00:10:13,238 {\an1}[ Both gasps, guns cock ] 366 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:14,822 Mirek, don't! 367 00:10:14,864 --> 00:10:16,450 [ Gunshot ] 368 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:21,496 Guys, your new song! 369 00:10:21,538 --> 00:10:24,458 Incredible. 370 00:10:21,538 --> 00:10:24,458 {\an1}Women doing men things? 371 00:10:24,499 --> 00:10:25,917 Having choices? 372 00:10:25,959 --> 00:10:26,667 Poof! 373 00:10:26,709 --> 00:10:28,211 I had no idea. 374 00:10:28,253 --> 00:10:30,130 Come, 375 00:10:28,253 --> 00:10:30,130 {\an1}I fly you out of country. 376 00:10:30,171 --> 00:10:31,506 Thank you, Mirek. 377 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:33,550 There's that smile! 378 00:10:33,592 --> 00:10:37,011 {\an1}You should smile more, 379 00:10:33,592 --> 00:10:37,011 it's so pretty. 380 00:10:37,053 --> 00:10:38,805 {\an1}You were so close. 381 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:42,142 {\an1}♪ So we made it to the plane ♪ 382 00:10:42,183 --> 00:10:44,936 ♪ And escaped 383 00:10:42,183 --> 00:10:44,936 {\an1}the Cromanian leader ♪ 384 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,439 ♪ All the women 385 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,439 are now in charge ♪ 386 00:10:47,481 --> 00:10:49,732 ♪ But they're not 387 00:10:47,481 --> 00:10:49,732 that great either ♪ 388 00:10:49,774 --> 00:10:52,402 {\an1}♪ They murdered all the men ♪ 389 00:10:52,444 --> 00:10:55,155 {\an1}♪ We think they overdid it ♪ 390 00:10:55,196 --> 00:10:57,657 ♪ But after all 391 00:10:55,196 --> 00:10:57,657 they went through ♪ 392 00:10:57,698 --> 00:11:01,411 {\an1}♪ I guess we kinda get it ♪ 393 00:11:01,453 --> 00:11:03,663 [ Light applause ] 394 00:11:03,704 --> 00:11:05,748 {\an1}Bridgette, 395 00:11:03,704 --> 00:11:05,748 {\an1}you're still hot! 396 00:11:05,790 --> 00:11:08,335 In my country, 397 00:11:05,790 --> 00:11:08,335 Bridgette is a 3. 398 00:11:14,966 --> 00:11:18,345 {\an1}Narrator: Well, looks like them 399 00:11:14,966 --> 00:11:18,345 ol' Santa Ana winds 400 00:11:18,386 --> 00:11:20,138 {\an1}are blowin' once again. 401 00:11:20,180 --> 00:11:22,182 {\an5}Ahhhhh! 402 00:11:20,180 --> 00:11:22,182 They sure do bluster. 403 00:11:22,223 --> 00:11:31,690 {\an8}♪♪ 404 00:11:31,732 --> 00:11:35,778 But sometimes, 405 00:11:31,732 --> 00:11:35,778 {\an1}when troubles got ya down, 406 00:11:35,820 --> 00:11:40,325 {\an1}them winds can stir up 407 00:11:35,820 --> 00:11:40,325 {\an1}exactly what you need. 408 00:11:40,367 --> 00:11:44,162 Now, maybe you didn't 409 00:11:40,367 --> 00:11:44,162 grow up a horse girl. 410 00:11:44,204 --> 00:11:46,080 But I did. 411 00:11:46,122 --> 00:11:48,542 {\an1}And it taught me something. 412 00:11:48,583 --> 00:11:51,461 {\an1}Not something you'd learn 413 00:11:48,583 --> 00:11:51,461 {\an1}at a four year college. 414 00:11:51,503 --> 00:11:55,798 {\an1}It's more of a life lesson 415 00:11:51,503 --> 00:11:55,798 type deal. 416 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:59,010 {\an1}If you got troubles... 417 00:11:59,052 --> 00:12:02,222 {\an1}ain't nothing can fix 'em 418 00:11:59,052 --> 00:12:02,222 like a horse. 419 00:12:02,263 --> 00:12:09,396 {\an8}♪♪ 420 00:12:09,437 --> 00:12:17,237 {\an8}♪♪ 421 00:12:17,278 --> 00:12:19,531 {\an8}♪♪ 422 00:12:19,573 --> 00:12:21,491 Anybody want to play 423 00:12:19,573 --> 00:12:21,491 with me? 424 00:12:21,533 --> 00:12:23,284 {\an7}Sorry, sweetie. 425 00:12:21,533 --> 00:12:23,284 {\an7}I'm late for an install. 426 00:12:23,326 --> 00:12:26,079 {\an7}Finishing this work thing, 427 00:12:23,326 --> 00:12:26,079 {\an7}just give me two quick hours! 428 00:12:26,120 --> 00:12:27,247 {\an8}[ Groans ] 429 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:28,789 {\an8}[ Horse whinnies ] 430 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:30,166 {\an8}[ Horse blows ] 431 00:12:30,208 --> 00:12:35,213 {\an8}♪♪ 432 00:12:41,135 --> 00:12:43,762 {\an8}[ Vacuums ] 433 00:12:43,804 --> 00:12:45,764 {\an8}[ Gasps ] 434 00:12:45,806 --> 00:12:47,225 {\an8}[ Laughs ] 435 00:12:47,267 --> 00:12:53,356 {\an8}♪♪ 436 00:12:53,398 --> 00:12:55,942 {\an8}[ Thud ] 437 00:12:55,983 --> 00:12:58,528 {\an8}Now in the county 438 00:12:55,983 --> 00:12:58,528 {\an8}of Los Angeles, 439 00:12:58,570 --> 00:13:01,822 {\an7}it's illegal to keep a secret 440 00:12:58,570 --> 00:13:01,822 {\an7}horse in a rental property. 441 00:13:01,864 --> 00:13:04,743 {\an8}So Candice did what 442 00:13:01,864 --> 00:13:04,743 {\an7}any horse girl would do. 443 00:13:04,783 --> 00:13:08,329 {\an7}She hid that dang pony 444 00:13:04,783 --> 00:13:08,329 {\an8}in the garage. 445 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:15,462 {\an1}[ Engine starts, bangs ] 446 00:13:15,503 --> 00:13:17,631 Aah! 447 00:13:17,672 --> 00:13:20,508 {\an1}[ Horn honks, cellphone chimes ] 448 00:13:20,550 --> 00:13:22,343 Oh no, me late! 449 00:13:20,550 --> 00:13:22,343 Ah! 450 00:13:22,385 --> 00:13:24,471 [ Horse blows ] 451 00:13:24,512 --> 00:13:25,846 [ Screams ] 452 00:13:24,512 --> 00:13:25,846 Horsejacker! 453 00:13:25,888 --> 00:13:27,515 Take my wallet. 454 00:13:33,854 --> 00:13:36,441 Maybe me not late. 455 00:13:36,483 --> 00:13:39,235 {\an8}♪♪ 456 00:13:44,991 --> 00:13:49,996 {\an8}♪♪ 457 00:13:56,127 --> 00:14:01,549 {\an8}♪♪ 458 00:14:01,591 --> 00:14:03,343 [ Horse whinnies ] 459 00:14:03,384 --> 00:14:05,094 {\an8}♪♪ 460 00:14:05,136 --> 00:14:07,347 [ Game playing ] 461 00:14:07,388 --> 00:14:08,847 [ Lock clicks, 462 00:14:07,388 --> 00:14:08,847 doorknob rattles ] 463 00:14:08,889 --> 00:14:10,391 We gotta hide you. 464 00:14:11,976 --> 00:14:14,479 {\an1}Well, ah, it's enough of 465 00:14:11,976 --> 00:14:14,479 {\an1}being alone in this room! 466 00:14:14,521 --> 00:14:15,854 {\an1}Uh, okay... 467 00:14:15,896 --> 00:14:18,107 [ Chuckles ] 468 00:14:18,149 --> 00:14:21,361 Ugh, 469 00:14:18,149 --> 00:14:21,361 {\an1}is everyone in Dubai? 470 00:14:21,402 --> 00:14:23,446 [ Sighs ] 471 00:14:23,488 --> 00:14:25,323 {\an1}[ Gasps ] 472 00:14:23,488 --> 00:14:25,323 [ Horse whinnies ] 473 00:14:25,365 --> 00:14:28,451 {\an1}Couch horse! 474 00:14:25,365 --> 00:14:28,451 {\an1}Ooh, pics or it didn't happen! 475 00:14:28,493 --> 00:14:31,120 {\an1}Hashtag do it 476 00:14:28,493 --> 00:14:31,120 {\an1}for the gram. 477 00:14:31,162 --> 00:14:32,330 {\an1}What are you doing? 478 00:14:32,372 --> 00:14:34,332 {\an1}[ Horse snorts ] 479 00:14:34,374 --> 00:14:36,543 No. 480 00:14:34,374 --> 00:14:36,543 {\an1}No, you're right. 481 00:14:38,169 --> 00:14:41,798 {\an1}Why can't I just be 482 00:14:38,169 --> 00:14:41,798 {\an1}in the [echoing] moment? 483 00:14:41,840 --> 00:14:46,845 {\an8}♪♪ 484 00:14:52,684 --> 00:15:02,151 {\an8}♪♪ 485 00:15:02,193 --> 00:15:05,946 {\an8}♪♪ 486 00:15:05,988 --> 00:15:07,574 [ Eagle cries ] 487 00:15:07,615 --> 00:15:10,159 {\an8}♪♪ 488 00:15:10,201 --> 00:15:12,912 Thank you for helping me 489 00:15:10,201 --> 00:15:12,912 find inner peace. 490 00:15:12,953 --> 00:15:15,665 {\an1}Ugh. I've had these elbow 491 00:15:12,953 --> 00:15:15,665 {\an1}patches since undergrad. 492 00:15:15,707 --> 00:15:17,500 {\an1}I look like a schmuck. 493 00:15:17,542 --> 00:15:19,419 Quick, hide! 494 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:21,337 Aagh! 495 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:21,337 {\an1}I love your hair. 496 00:15:21,379 --> 00:15:22,589 Ohmigosh. 497 00:15:21,379 --> 00:15:22,589 {\an1}You're so soft. 498 00:15:22,630 --> 00:15:24,173 Are you kidding me?! 499 00:15:24,215 --> 00:15:26,467 30 bucks? 500 00:15:24,215 --> 00:15:26,467 I can't afford that! 501 00:15:26,509 --> 00:15:28,094 [ Groans ] 502 00:15:28,135 --> 00:15:31,598 What is this, 503 00:15:28,135 --> 00:15:31,598 {\an1}tenured professor magazine? 504 00:15:31,639 --> 00:15:32,849 [ Gasps ] 505 00:15:32,891 --> 00:15:35,935 {\an1}Tree horse! 506 00:15:32,891 --> 00:15:35,935 {\an1}Waaaaaait a minute. 507 00:15:35,976 --> 00:15:38,646 {\an1}I need cash, 508 00:15:35,976 --> 00:15:38,646 {\an1}you're a horse. 509 00:15:38,688 --> 00:15:41,107 {\an1}Are you thinkin' 510 00:15:38,688 --> 00:15:41,107 {\an1}what I'm thinkin'? 511 00:15:41,148 --> 00:15:45,069 [ Trumpet plays, 512 00:15:41,148 --> 00:15:45,069 horse whinnies ] 513 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:47,029 Okay, what about 514 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:47,029 Tupelo Genie? 515 00:15:47,071 --> 00:15:48,239 {\an1}[ Horse snorts ] 516 00:15:48,281 --> 00:15:49,657 Got it. 517 00:15:48,281 --> 00:15:49,657 A drinker. 518 00:15:49,699 --> 00:15:50,784 And Salt Bray? 519 00:15:50,825 --> 00:15:52,118 {\an1}[ Horse growls ] 520 00:15:52,159 --> 00:15:53,870 What about 521 00:15:52,159 --> 00:15:53,870 My Cousin Whinny? 522 00:15:53,912 --> 00:15:55,371 {\an1}[ Horse grunts ] 523 00:15:55,413 --> 00:15:57,582 He's got unexamined 524 00:15:55,413 --> 00:15:57,582 childhood trauma 525 00:15:57,624 --> 00:15:59,500 from witnessing the death 526 00:15:57,624 --> 00:15:59,500 of his father? 527 00:15:59,542 --> 00:16:01,210 Hard pass. 528 00:16:01,252 --> 00:16:04,213 {\an1}Oooh, what about Extremely Loud 529 00:16:01,252 --> 00:16:04,213 and Incredibly Horse? 530 00:16:04,255 --> 00:16:05,882 {\an1}[ Horse grunts ] 531 00:16:05,924 --> 00:16:07,049 That's the one! 532 00:16:07,091 --> 00:16:09,636 Okay, here goes next 533 00:16:07,091 --> 00:16:09,636 month's rent. 534 00:16:09,677 --> 00:16:11,220 [ Bell ringing ] 535 00:16:11,262 --> 00:16:13,222 [ Horses whinnying ] 536 00:16:13,264 --> 00:16:18,018 {\an8}♪♪ 537 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:19,938 Yes! 538 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:19,938 Yes, yes, yes! 539 00:16:19,979 --> 00:16:21,314 Oh, my God! 540 00:16:19,979 --> 00:16:21,314 Oh, my God, we're rich! 541 00:16:21,355 --> 00:16:23,274 {\an1}We're rich, you dumb horse! 542 00:16:23,316 --> 00:16:26,694 {\an8}♪♪ 543 00:16:26,736 --> 00:16:28,070 {\an1}Say, mister, lookin' sharp. 544 00:16:28,112 --> 00:16:29,823 {\an1}Mind if I take a picture 545 00:16:28,112 --> 00:16:29,823 {\an1}of you and your filly? 546 00:16:29,864 --> 00:16:31,699 {\an1}[ Camera shutter clicks ] 547 00:16:34,118 --> 00:16:36,621 {\an1}Tomorrow I'm thinking it's 548 00:16:34,118 --> 00:16:36,621 {\an1}between Call Me By Your Mane 549 00:16:36,663 --> 00:16:39,039 {\an1}and Won't You Me 550 00:16:36,663 --> 00:16:39,039 {\an1}by Neigh-bor. 551 00:16:39,081 --> 00:16:39,791 Huh 552 00:16:39,916 --> 00:16:41,668 Whoaaa! 553 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:42,627 {\an1}We've got to hide you! 554 00:16:42,669 --> 00:16:44,170 {\an1}[ Grunts ] 555 00:16:44,545 --> 00:16:46,714 [ Humming ] 556 00:16:46,756 --> 00:16:49,717 Oh. gaw! 557 00:16:49,759 --> 00:16:53,053 {\an1}I'll never wow 'em down 558 00:16:49,759 --> 00:16:53,053 at the rink. 559 00:16:53,095 --> 00:16:56,390 {\an7}When it comes to roller skating, 560 00:16:53,095 --> 00:16:56,390 {\an8}I'm a basic bitch. 561 00:16:56,432 --> 00:17:00,060 [ Horse blows ] 562 00:17:00,102 --> 00:17:01,604 Or am I? 563 00:17:01,646 --> 00:17:03,690 {\an8}♪♪ 564 00:17:03,731 --> 00:17:06,192 [ Stammering ] 565 00:17:06,233 --> 00:17:07,527 Yeah. 566 00:17:07,568 --> 00:17:09,904 {\an8}♪♪ 567 00:17:09,946 --> 00:17:11,865 Oh, oh, oh, oh! 568 00:17:18,496 --> 00:17:21,165 {\an8}♪♪ 569 00:17:21,207 --> 00:17:23,417 [ Laughing ] 570 00:17:23,459 --> 00:17:30,008 {\an8}♪♪ 571 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:32,092 [ Slow motion music ] 572 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:38,016 {\an8}♪♪ 573 00:17:38,057 --> 00:17:41,227 [ Cheering ] 574 00:17:41,268 --> 00:17:43,396 {\an1}They're cheering for you, 575 00:17:41,268 --> 00:17:43,396 too. 576 00:17:45,857 --> 00:17:47,107 {\an1}Double IPA? 577 00:17:47,608 --> 00:17:49,652 {\an1}Straight-edge? 578 00:17:47,608 --> 00:17:49,652 {\an1}That's cool. 579 00:17:49,694 --> 00:17:52,739 -[ Groans ] 580 00:17:49,694 --> 00:17:52,739 -Quick, under here. 581 00:17:52,780 --> 00:17:57,785 {\an8}♪♪ 582 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:07,086 I miss you every day, 583 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:07,086 Sergeant Spurs. 584 00:18:07,127 --> 00:18:11,507 {\an8}♪♪ 585 00:18:11,549 --> 00:18:13,133 [ Horse whinnies ] 586 00:18:13,175 --> 00:18:15,678 {\an1}You're no barbecue grill. 587 00:18:15,720 --> 00:18:17,430 {\an8}♪♪ 588 00:18:17,471 --> 00:18:18,723 [ Gasps ] 589 00:18:18,765 --> 00:18:20,641 [ Horse snorts ] 590 00:18:20,683 --> 00:18:22,435 {\an1}It can't be... 591 00:18:22,476 --> 00:18:29,191 {\an8}♪♪ 592 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:30,860 [ Horse grunts ] 593 00:18:30,902 --> 00:18:35,907 {\an8}♪♪ 594 00:18:41,287 --> 00:18:43,247 Let's go! 595 00:18:43,289 --> 00:18:44,958 Power slide! 596 00:18:44,999 --> 00:18:46,584 Whoa! 597 00:18:46,626 --> 00:18:53,049 {\an8}♪♪ 598 00:18:53,091 --> 00:18:54,258 [ Smooches ] 599 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:57,261 Thank you 600 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:57,261 for one last day. 601 00:18:57,303 --> 00:18:59,931 Ooh. 602 00:18:59,973 --> 00:19:01,891 [ Door opens ] 603 00:19:01,933 --> 00:19:04,143 {\an5}Hey, Mr. Salt. 604 00:19:01,933 --> 00:19:04,143 Mr. Salt: Emily! 605 00:19:04,184 --> 00:19:07,187 {\an1}I need you to write my speech 606 00:19:04,184 --> 00:19:07,187 {\an1}for the lettuce convention. 607 00:19:07,229 --> 00:19:09,231 Can you come up 608 00:19:07,229 --> 00:19:09,231 with some jokes? 609 00:19:09,273 --> 00:19:11,525 {\an1}I will "endive" right in. 610 00:19:11,567 --> 00:19:12,986 That's amazing! 611 00:19:13,027 --> 00:19:14,236 Haha endive... 612 00:19:14,278 --> 00:19:17,031 Ugh, I'm never 613 00:19:14,278 --> 00:19:17,031 gonna get a break. 614 00:19:17,073 --> 00:19:18,282 [ Groans ] 615 00:19:18,324 --> 00:19:20,118 [ Horse blows ] 616 00:19:20,159 --> 00:19:21,160 [ Gasps ] 617 00:19:24,914 --> 00:19:26,415 {\an1}Hi, is this Animal Control? 618 00:19:26,457 --> 00:19:28,375 {\an1}Yeah, I got a friggin' horse 619 00:19:26,457 --> 00:19:28,375 in my backyard 620 00:19:28,417 --> 00:19:30,377 and I do not need 621 00:19:28,417 --> 00:19:30,377 this today. 622 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:35,091 {\an1}Yes, he's chubby, Brown, 623 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:35,091 big beautiful eyes... 624 00:19:35,133 --> 00:19:37,844 {\an1}He's obviously an angel. 625 00:19:35,133 --> 00:19:37,844 I love him. 626 00:19:37,885 --> 00:19:39,137 You know what? 627 00:19:37,885 --> 00:19:39,137 I'll call you back. 628 00:19:39,178 --> 00:19:40,220 [ Cellphone beeps ] 629 00:19:41,305 --> 00:19:42,890 [ Grunts ] 630 00:19:42,932 --> 00:19:47,937 {\an8}♪♪ 631 00:19:54,027 --> 00:19:59,490 {\an8}♪♪ 632 00:19:59,532 --> 00:20:01,492 {\an1}[ Inhales, exhales deeply ] 633 00:20:01,534 --> 00:20:06,539 {\an8}♪♪ 634 00:20:11,961 --> 00:20:14,964 {\an8}♪♪ 635 00:20:15,006 --> 00:20:16,924 Ahhhhhh! 636 00:20:16,966 --> 00:20:23,305 {\an8}♪♪ 637 00:20:23,347 --> 00:20:26,266 {\an1}Thanks for reminding me 638 00:20:23,347 --> 00:20:26,266 {\an1}to take time for myself. 639 00:20:26,308 --> 00:20:27,560 [ Screams ] 640 00:20:26,308 --> 00:20:27,560 -Mom? 641 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:30,479 -Candice! 642 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:30,479 {\an1}-You found my secret horse? 643 00:20:30,521 --> 00:20:32,565 {\an1}Hey, what are you guys doing 644 00:20:30,521 --> 00:20:32,565 {\an1}with my secret horse? 645 00:20:32,606 --> 00:20:34,608 Your secret horse? 646 00:20:32,606 --> 00:20:34,608 He loves me. 647 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:38,487 {\an1}[ Chuckles ] Uh, no, what he 648 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:38,487 {\an1}loves is installing TVs with me. 649 00:20:38,529 --> 00:20:40,114 Can somebody hand me 650 00:20:38,529 --> 00:20:40,114 some clothes? 651 00:20:40,156 --> 00:20:42,742 Emily, get away 652 00:20:40,156 --> 00:20:42,742 from my best friend! 653 00:20:42,783 --> 00:20:45,078 That's my therapeutic 654 00:20:42,783 --> 00:20:45,078 companion! 655 00:20:45,119 --> 00:20:47,663 {\an1}What's it gonna be, horse? 656 00:20:45,119 --> 00:20:47,663 Who do you love? 657 00:20:47,705 --> 00:20:48,998 You've gotta choose. 658 00:20:49,040 --> 00:20:51,792 {\an8}♪♪ 659 00:20:51,834 --> 00:20:53,419 [ Horse whinnies ] 660 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:56,630 [ All scream ] 661 00:20:59,759 --> 00:21:01,094 Where is he going? 662 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:02,553 {\an1}Maybe he wants to go back 663 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:02,553 to his home. 664 00:21:02,595 --> 00:21:04,346 Come back, Pickles! 665 00:21:04,388 --> 00:21:05,765 {\an1}You call him Pickles? 666 00:21:05,806 --> 00:21:07,141 Well he's definitely 667 00:21:05,806 --> 00:21:07,141 not a "Liam". 668 00:21:07,183 --> 00:21:08,976 -Train! 669 00:21:07,183 --> 00:21:08,976 {\an1}-That's an even worse name! 670 00:21:09,018 --> 00:21:11,020 {\an5}[ Horn blaring ] 671 00:21:09,018 --> 00:21:11,020 No, train! 672 00:21:12,271 --> 00:21:13,189 [ All scream ] 673 00:21:14,941 --> 00:21:17,902 No train, no gain. 674 00:21:17,944 --> 00:21:19,570 [ Engine revving ] 675 00:21:19,612 --> 00:21:22,865 {\an8}♪♪ 676 00:21:24,867 --> 00:21:29,830 {\an8}♪♪ 677 00:21:29,872 --> 00:21:32,166 {\an1}Narrator: Though their time 678 00:21:29,872 --> 00:21:32,166 with him was brief. 679 00:21:32,208 --> 00:21:35,044 Pickles had changed 680 00:21:32,208 --> 00:21:35,044 all their lives. 681 00:21:35,086 --> 00:21:36,295 Forever. 682 00:21:36,336 --> 00:21:41,341 {\an8}♪♪ 683 00:21:41,383 --> 00:21:43,010 Or had he? 684 00:21:45,096 --> 00:21:47,556 Wait, 685 00:21:45,096 --> 00:21:47,556 did we all imagine him? 686 00:21:47,598 --> 00:21:49,516 {\an1}Even if Pickles wasn't real, 687 00:21:49,558 --> 00:21:52,061 {\an1}we all have a little horse 688 00:21:49,558 --> 00:21:52,061 inside of us. 689 00:21:53,687 --> 00:21:56,023 Oh, no, wait. 690 00:21:53,687 --> 00:21:56,023 He's real everybody. 691 00:21:59,152 --> 00:22:01,654 Narrator: 692 00:21:59,152 --> 00:22:01,654 {\an1}Well, of course he was real. 693 00:22:01,695 --> 00:22:03,405 {\an1}If you thought Pickles 694 00:22:01,695 --> 00:22:03,405 was just a metaphor, 695 00:22:03,447 --> 00:22:07,576 well, you're dumber 696 00:22:03,447 --> 00:22:07,576 {\an1}than some kind of asshole. 697 00:22:07,618 --> 00:22:09,703 {\an1}Happy trails, cow pokes! 698 00:22:09,745 --> 00:22:14,750 {\an8}♪♪ 699 00:22:20,464 --> 00:22:25,469 {\an8}♪♪ 700 00:22:32,392 --> 00:22:37,397 {\an8}♪♪ 701 00:22:43,946 --> 00:22:48,951 {\an8}♪♪ 702 00:22:55,499 --> 00:23:01,047 {\an8}♪♪