1 00:00:07,173 --> 00:00:10,577 - I'm Craig Melvin, and this is 2 00:00:07,173 --> 00:00:10,577 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered." 3 00:00:11,644 --> 00:00:15,810 It was getting dark as 4 00:00:11,644 --> 00:00:15,810 the hunter pulled the trigger. 5 00:00:15,115 --> 00:00:18,351 The shape someone said 6 00:00:15,115 --> 00:00:18,351 looked like a bear wasn't. 7 00:00:21,755 --> 00:00:23,523 But was this an accident? 8 00:00:23,556 --> 00:00:26,993 - There's absolutely 9 00:00:23,556 --> 00:00:26,993 no allegation of evil intent. 10 00:00:27,270 --> 00:00:28,261 - Or something else? 11 00:00:28,294 --> 00:00:30,330 - He says, "I'm worth more 12 00:00:28,294 --> 00:00:30,330 to her dead than I am alive." 13 00:00:30,363 --> 00:00:38,438 ** 14 00:00:38,471 --> 00:00:42,342 - Hello, and welcome to 15 00:00:38,471 --> 00:00:42,342 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered." 16 00:00:42,375 --> 00:00:46,179 Mark and Mary Beth Harshbarger 17 00:00:42,375 --> 00:00:46,179 shared a passion for hunting 18 00:00:46,212 --> 00:00:48,982 and both were 19 00:00:46,212 --> 00:00:48,982 excellent marksmen. 20 00:00:49,150 --> 00:00:52,520 So good, they rarely 21 00:00:49,150 --> 00:00:52,520 missed a target. 22 00:00:52,850 --> 00:00:55,880 Then, a shot rang out 23 00:00:52,850 --> 00:00:55,880 that left Mark dead 24 00:00:55,121 --> 00:00:57,157 and Mary Beth under fire. 25 00:00:57,190 --> 00:01:02,950 An investigation revealed 26 00:00:57,190 --> 00:01:02,950 ugly secrets in their marriage 27 00:01:02,128 --> 00:01:04,698 but did they add up 28 00:01:02,128 --> 00:01:04,698 to murder? 29 00:01:04,730 --> 00:01:07,600 Here's Keith Morrison 30 00:01:04,730 --> 00:01:07,600 with "As Darkness Fell." 31 00:01:11,104 --> 00:01:14,174 - Twilight. 32 00:01:11,104 --> 00:01:14,174 The day going fast now. 33 00:01:14,207 --> 00:01:16,408 Night eating up 34 00:01:14,207 --> 00:01:16,408 the rotted track. 35 00:01:16,443 --> 00:01:19,979 The meadow. 36 00:01:16,443 --> 00:01:19,979 The wild black wood. 37 00:01:20,800 --> 00:01:21,781 When did she know? 38 00:01:21,815 --> 00:01:24,840 Now, as she steadied herself 39 00:01:21,815 --> 00:01:24,840 in the truck bed? 40 00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:26,286 Was it hours ago 41 00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:26,286 in September sunlight? 42 00:01:26,319 --> 00:01:27,287 Did she know already, 43 00:01:27,320 --> 00:01:29,756 back at the camp 44 00:01:27,320 --> 00:01:29,756 in the morning? 45 00:01:29,789 --> 00:01:30,857 Or was it later? 46 00:01:30,890 --> 00:01:33,526 Much later, when they 47 00:01:30,890 --> 00:01:33,526 showed her the evidence 48 00:01:33,560 --> 00:01:36,128 and darkness 49 00:01:33,560 --> 00:01:36,128 swallowed them all? 50 00:01:38,631 --> 00:01:39,966 They call it the Rock. 51 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:42,902 This great gorgeous island 52 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:42,902 with its fishing fleets 53 00:01:42,936 --> 00:01:48,408 and its coves and its mile 54 00:01:42,936 --> 00:01:48,408 after mile of primeval woods. 55 00:01:48,441 --> 00:01:53,613 A place to fall in love. 56 00:01:48,441 --> 00:01:53,613 A place where love can sour. 57 00:01:53,646 --> 00:01:56,683 And turn, perhaps, 58 00:01:53,646 --> 00:01:56,683 to murder. 59 00:01:57,684 --> 00:01:59,319 Except, surely not. 60 00:01:59,352 --> 00:02:01,421 Not here in 61 00:01:59,352 --> 00:02:01,421 Newfoundland, Canada. 62 00:02:01,454 --> 00:02:04,224 With its small, sweet towns, 63 00:02:01,454 --> 00:02:04,224 its hospitable people, 64 00:02:04,257 --> 00:02:06,590 its vast 65 00:02:04,257 --> 00:02:06,590 and ancient forests 66 00:02:06,920 --> 00:02:08,961 teeming with bear 67 00:02:06,920 --> 00:02:08,961 and moose and caribou. 68 00:02:09,620 --> 00:02:11,970 Remote. Quiet. 69 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:14,401 Not quite crime-free, 70 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:14,401 but close. 71 00:02:14,434 --> 00:02:15,702 And so, the question 72 00:02:14,434 --> 00:02:15,702 that arose 73 00:02:15,735 --> 00:02:18,138 that awful September night 74 00:02:15,735 --> 00:02:18,138 was this. 75 00:02:18,171 --> 00:02:22,409 Had crime, vicious crime, 76 00:02:18,171 --> 00:02:22,409 been imported to Newfoundland, 77 00:02:22,442 --> 00:02:24,711 or was it 78 00:02:22,442 --> 00:02:24,711 no crime at all? 79 00:02:26,212 --> 00:02:28,782 [rooster crowing] 80 00:02:28,815 --> 00:02:31,451 You'll have to come here 81 00:02:28,815 --> 00:02:31,451 if you hope to find the answer. 82 00:02:31,484 --> 00:02:34,421 Another bucolic place 83 00:02:31,484 --> 00:02:34,421 1,500 miles southwest 84 00:02:34,454 --> 00:02:38,191 of Newfoundland 85 00:02:34,454 --> 00:02:38,191 in rural Eastern Pennsylvania 86 00:02:38,224 --> 00:02:42,862 where Mark Harshbarger met 87 00:02:38,224 --> 00:02:42,862 the love of his life, Mary Beth. 88 00:02:42,896 --> 00:02:45,131 - Mark said 89 00:02:42,896 --> 00:02:45,131 when he saw her, 90 00:02:45,165 --> 00:02:47,867 he said, "Oh, 91 00:02:45,165 --> 00:02:47,867 I want to marry her." 92 00:02:47,901 --> 00:02:50,537 And when she saw Mark, 93 00:02:47,901 --> 00:02:50,537 she said, 94 00:02:50,570 --> 00:02:52,739 "I'm going to marry 95 00:02:50,570 --> 00:02:52,739 that man." 96 00:02:52,772 --> 00:02:54,708 - Mary Beth 97 00:02:52,772 --> 00:02:54,708 was floating on air. 98 00:02:54,741 --> 00:02:56,209 Told her friend Madge 99 00:02:54,741 --> 00:02:56,209 this was it. 100 00:02:56,242 --> 00:02:58,178 He's the one. 101 00:02:58,211 --> 00:03:00,847 - So, it was as if they were 102 00:02:58,211 --> 00:03:00,847 meant for each other. 103 00:03:00,880 --> 00:03:02,682 And they were 104 00:03:00,880 --> 00:03:02,682 very much in love. 105 00:03:02,716 --> 00:03:04,951 Very much in love. 106 00:03:05,510 --> 00:03:06,753 - And when Mark talked 107 00:03:05,510 --> 00:03:06,753 to his sister Sharon 108 00:03:06,786 --> 00:03:09,889 about Mary Beth, 109 00:03:06,786 --> 00:03:09,889 over the moon, he was. 110 00:03:09,923 --> 00:03:12,292 - He started a conversation 111 00:03:09,923 --> 00:03:12,292 with me a couple times 112 00:03:12,325 --> 00:03:15,962 and he said, "Did you ever 113 00:03:12,325 --> 00:03:15,962 just look at somebody 114 00:03:16,620 --> 00:03:18,765 "and know that they were 115 00:03:16,620 --> 00:03:18,765 the right person for you? 116 00:03:18,798 --> 00:03:21,101 - They were so suited 117 00:03:18,798 --> 00:03:21,101 to each other. 118 00:03:21,134 --> 00:03:22,702 So suited. 119 00:03:22,736 --> 00:03:24,704 - Mark was the apple 120 00:03:22,736 --> 00:03:24,704 of his father's eye, 121 00:03:24,738 --> 00:03:28,241 Lee Harshbarger, 122 00:03:24,738 --> 00:03:28,241 who knew love when he saw it. 123 00:03:28,274 --> 00:03:30,777 - He thought, uh, 124 00:03:28,274 --> 00:03:30,777 that she was just- 125 00:03:30,810 --> 00:03:33,146 just what he was lookin' for. 126 00:03:33,179 --> 00:03:35,915 - Mark was an expert hunter. 127 00:03:33,179 --> 00:03:35,915 Learned at his daddy's knee. 128 00:03:35,949 --> 00:03:39,850 And what do you know, 129 00:03:35,949 --> 00:03:39,850 so was Mary Beth. 130 00:03:39,850 --> 00:03:40,954 Not many girls like her. 131 00:03:40,987 --> 00:03:43,690 - She was very much 132 00:03:40,987 --> 00:03:43,690 for the outdoors, too. 133 00:03:43,723 --> 00:03:45,325 For hunting and fishing. 134 00:03:45,358 --> 00:03:46,393 - He was crazy about her. 135 00:03:46,426 --> 00:03:49,262 - She was very good 136 00:03:46,426 --> 00:03:49,262 with a rifle. 137 00:03:49,295 --> 00:03:50,829 She could shoot. 138 00:03:50,864 --> 00:03:52,432 - So she could. 139 00:03:52,465 --> 00:03:55,368 Here's how Mark and Mary Beth 140 00:03:52,465 --> 00:03:55,368 celebrated their marriage. 141 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:58,103 And later, they both joined 142 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:58,103 what must surely be 143 00:03:58,103 --> 00:04:01,274 one of the most 144 00:03:58,103 --> 00:04:01,274 exclusive clubs anywhere. 145 00:04:01,307 --> 00:04:06,780 - They shot competitively in 146 00:04:01,307 --> 00:04:06,780 an exclusive 1,000-yard club 147 00:04:06,813 --> 00:04:09,449 and it's very 148 00:04:06,813 --> 00:04:09,449 difficult to shoot 149 00:04:09,482 --> 00:04:11,851 at a target 150 00:04:09,482 --> 00:04:11,851 1,000 yards away. 151 00:04:11,885 --> 00:04:13,420 - No kidding. 152 00:04:13,453 --> 00:04:15,689 Anyway, as love grew, 153 00:04:13,453 --> 00:04:15,689 so did the young couple's 154 00:04:15,722 --> 00:04:18,158 collection 155 00:04:15,722 --> 00:04:18,158 of precision rifles. 156 00:04:18,190 --> 00:04:19,858 You gotta have a 157 00:04:18,190 --> 00:04:19,858 very special sort of gun 158 00:04:19,893 --> 00:04:21,293 to do that, right? 159 00:04:21,327 --> 00:04:23,329 - Yes, you have to 160 00:04:21,327 --> 00:04:23,329 have good equipment 161 00:04:23,363 --> 00:04:25,732 and you have to be good 162 00:04:23,363 --> 00:04:25,732 with that equipment. 163 00:04:25,765 --> 00:04:27,670 - Sure. 164 00:04:27,670 --> 00:04:30,337 In addition to the skill, 165 00:04:27,670 --> 00:04:30,337 what does the equipment provide 166 00:04:30,370 --> 00:04:33,506 to help people see targets 167 00:04:30,370 --> 00:04:33,506 that far away? 168 00:04:33,540 --> 00:04:37,770 - Well, they had 169 00:04:33,540 --> 00:04:37,770 very good scopes. 170 00:04:37,770 --> 00:04:40,800 - Of course, shooting 171 00:04:37,770 --> 00:04:40,800 was by no means all they did. 172 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:42,315 They had a couple of babies 173 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:42,315 to add to the daughter 174 00:04:42,349 --> 00:04:44,284 Mary Beth brought 175 00:04:42,349 --> 00:04:44,284 into the marriage. 176 00:04:44,317 --> 00:04:46,586 And when Mark 177 00:04:44,317 --> 00:04:46,586 first became a father? 178 00:04:46,619 --> 00:04:48,588 - I remember 179 00:04:46,619 --> 00:04:48,588 how happy he was. 180 00:04:48,621 --> 00:04:50,290 It was a little girl. 181 00:04:50,323 --> 00:04:53,493 And she was so thrilled 182 00:04:50,323 --> 00:04:53,493 and he was too. 183 00:04:53,526 --> 00:04:56,960 He would look at the baby 184 00:04:53,526 --> 00:04:56,960 in the basinet 185 00:04:56,960 --> 00:04:57,697 and he could sit there 186 00:04:56,960 --> 00:04:57,697 for hours. 187 00:04:59,532 --> 00:05:02,335 - Something else about Mark. 188 00:04:59,532 --> 00:05:02,335 He was a good provider. 189 00:05:02,369 --> 00:05:04,237 His contracting job 190 00:05:02,369 --> 00:05:04,237 paid well enough 191 00:05:04,270 --> 00:05:05,839 he was able to build 192 00:05:04,270 --> 00:05:05,839 a big new home 193 00:05:05,872 --> 00:05:07,340 for his growing family. 194 00:05:07,374 --> 00:05:11,344 Which, by 2006, 195 00:05:07,374 --> 00:05:11,344 included a baby boy. 196 00:05:11,378 --> 00:05:13,279 He enjoyed 197 00:05:11,378 --> 00:05:13,279 having family around, too. 198 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:16,883 Like older brother Barry 199 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:16,883 and his wife, Linda. 200 00:05:16,916 --> 00:05:18,151 - For the first time 201 00:05:16,916 --> 00:05:18,151 in his life, 202 00:05:18,184 --> 00:05:22,880 he was really, uh, 203 00:05:18,184 --> 00:05:22,880 happy with things. 204 00:05:22,122 --> 00:05:24,324 - Of course, 205 00:05:22,122 --> 00:05:24,324 nothing is perfect. 206 00:05:24,357 --> 00:05:25,859 Mark's other 207 00:05:24,357 --> 00:05:25,859 older brother Dean 208 00:05:25,892 --> 00:05:28,328 had issues 209 00:05:25,892 --> 00:05:28,328 with Mary Beth. 210 00:05:28,361 --> 00:05:29,763 - So, she hated me. 211 00:05:29,796 --> 00:05:31,865 - Might've been mutual. 212 00:05:31,898 --> 00:05:35,802 Anyway, all things considered, 213 00:05:31,898 --> 00:05:35,802 Mark was a happy man, 214 00:05:35,835 --> 00:05:37,904 as he told his sister Susan. 215 00:05:37,937 --> 00:05:41,675 - "If I die tomorrow, 216 00:05:37,937 --> 00:05:41,675 I've lived a good life." 217 00:05:41,707 --> 00:05:43,777 - And then, 218 00:05:41,707 --> 00:05:43,777 in the summer of 2006, 219 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:46,880 Mark and Mary Beth 220 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:46,880 planned the ideal vacation. 221 00:05:46,913 --> 00:05:48,314 Ideal for them, anyway. 222 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:50,517 A hunting trip 223 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:50,517 to one of their favorite 224 00:05:50,550 --> 00:05:53,553 and frequent destinations-- 225 00:05:50,550 --> 00:05:53,553 Newfoundland. 226 00:05:53,586 --> 00:05:56,723 - You know, the night before 227 00:05:53,586 --> 00:05:56,723 they left for Newfoundland, 228 00:05:56,756 --> 00:05:59,759 he told me-- 229 00:05:56,756 --> 00:05:59,759 uh, he said, 230 00:05:59,793 --> 00:06:02,862 "You should see Mary Beth 231 00:05:59,793 --> 00:06:02,862 shoot that rifle." 232 00:06:02,896 --> 00:06:05,932 He said, "You know these 233 00:06:02,896 --> 00:06:05,932 little plastic pill bottles? 234 00:06:06,320 --> 00:06:10,470 "She can hit one of those 235 00:06:06,320 --> 00:06:10,470 at 250 yards with the rifle." 236 00:06:10,503 --> 00:06:12,706 And that is pretty 237 00:06:10,503 --> 00:06:12,706 fine shooting. 238 00:06:12,739 --> 00:06:15,410 - It was September 2006. 239 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:16,776 They packed up the truck 240 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:16,776 and camper, 241 00:06:16,810 --> 00:06:20,113 took their baby boy and 242 00:06:16,810 --> 00:06:20,113 4-year-old daughter with them, 243 00:06:20,146 --> 00:06:22,215 and also Mark's brother, 244 00:06:20,146 --> 00:06:22,215 Barry. 245 00:06:22,248 --> 00:06:24,500 They drove up 246 00:06:22,248 --> 00:06:24,500 to Nova Scotia. 247 00:06:24,500 --> 00:06:25,652 Took the ferry 7 hours 248 00:06:25,685 --> 00:06:27,854 across the ocean 249 00:06:25,685 --> 00:06:27,854 to Newfoundland. 250 00:06:27,887 --> 00:06:30,790 - Everything was as fine 251 00:06:27,887 --> 00:06:30,790 as it could be. 252 00:06:30,824 --> 00:06:33,259 - They hired a guide. 253 00:06:30,824 --> 00:06:33,259 Shot a few caribou. 254 00:06:33,293 --> 00:06:35,395 Mark bagged a black bear. 255 00:06:35,428 --> 00:06:37,464 People at the hunting lodge 256 00:06:35,428 --> 00:06:37,464 noted how affectionate 257 00:06:37,497 --> 00:06:41,670 Mark and Mary Beth were, 258 00:06:37,497 --> 00:06:41,670 calling out "I love you" 259 00:06:41,101 --> 00:06:43,603 every time they separated, 260 00:06:41,101 --> 00:06:43,603 even briefly. 261 00:06:43,636 --> 00:06:45,939 - It's a beautiful country. 262 00:06:43,636 --> 00:06:45,939 A beautiful trip. 263 00:06:45,972 --> 00:06:49,509 Uh, he was more than happy 264 00:06:45,972 --> 00:06:49,509 with life. 265 00:06:49,542 --> 00:06:51,811 - Then, day six, 266 00:06:49,542 --> 00:06:51,811 early evening. 267 00:06:51,845 --> 00:06:53,847 They sat out 268 00:06:51,845 --> 00:06:53,847 on one last hunt. 269 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:56,349 Mary Beth's turn, 270 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:56,349 perhaps, to bag a bear. 271 00:06:56,383 --> 00:06:58,852 They dropped off Barry 272 00:06:56,383 --> 00:06:58,852 to hunt by himself. 273 00:06:58,885 --> 00:07:01,554 - It was a rainy, dreary, 274 00:06:58,885 --> 00:07:01,554 foggy night. 275 00:07:01,588 --> 00:07:02,822 The wind was blowin'. 276 00:07:02,856 --> 00:07:05,759 It was an excellent time 277 00:07:02,856 --> 00:07:05,759 for game to come out 278 00:07:05,792 --> 00:07:10,196 and move and feed, you know, 279 00:07:05,792 --> 00:07:10,196 with the early darkness. 280 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:12,599 - Mark and the guide parked 281 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:12,599 the truck in a clearing. 282 00:07:12,632 --> 00:07:14,801 Got out and disappeared 283 00:07:12,632 --> 00:07:14,801 into the woods. 284 00:07:14,834 --> 00:07:18,371 Told Mary Beth they'd scare out 285 00:07:14,834 --> 00:07:18,371 a bear if they saw one. 286 00:07:18,405 --> 00:07:20,774 And she? 287 00:07:18,405 --> 00:07:20,774 Packed the kids into the cab 288 00:07:20,807 --> 00:07:22,676 and climbed into the bed 289 00:07:20,807 --> 00:07:22,676 of the pickup. 290 00:07:22,709 --> 00:07:23,843 Positioned herself. 291 00:07:23,877 --> 00:07:28,381 [gun loading] 292 00:07:23,877 --> 00:07:28,381 Peered through her powerful, 293 00:07:28,415 --> 00:07:30,784 light-enhancing 294 00:07:28,415 --> 00:07:30,784 rifle scope. 295 00:07:30,817 --> 00:07:32,352 - You still could see objects. 296 00:07:32,385 --> 00:07:36,560 You still could see, 297 00:07:32,385 --> 00:07:36,560 to an extent. 298 00:07:36,890 --> 00:07:39,259 - 15 minutes passed. 299 00:07:36,890 --> 00:07:39,259 Almost dark now. 300 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:41,661 Mary Beth saw movement. 301 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:41,661 A bear? 302 00:07:41,695 --> 00:07:43,630 She peered through 303 00:07:41,695 --> 00:07:43,630 her gun scope. 304 00:07:43,630 --> 00:07:45,465 Lined up the shot. 305 00:07:43,630 --> 00:07:45,465 Squeezed the trigger. 306 00:07:48,935 --> 00:07:50,704 But it wasn't a bear. 307 00:07:52,720 --> 00:07:54,740 - Coming up. 308 00:07:54,740 --> 00:07:56,409 What did Mary Beth shoot? 309 00:08:16,960 --> 00:08:23,703 ** 310 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:26,506 - Deep in a wild wood 311 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:26,506 in Newfoundland, 312 00:08:26,539 --> 00:08:28,141 last light fading, 313 00:08:28,174 --> 00:08:30,760 Mark Harshbarger 314 00:08:28,174 --> 00:08:30,760 and a guide 315 00:08:30,110 --> 00:08:32,412 headed back from their 316 00:08:30,110 --> 00:08:32,412 final hunt of the day. 317 00:08:32,445 --> 00:08:33,580 As they approached 318 00:08:32,445 --> 00:08:33,580 the clearing 319 00:08:33,613 --> 00:08:36,820 where Mark's wife Mary Beth 320 00:08:33,613 --> 00:08:36,820 waited in the pickup truck 321 00:08:36,116 --> 00:08:37,283 with the kids, 322 00:08:37,317 --> 00:08:40,886 the guide stopped 323 00:08:37,317 --> 00:08:40,886 to relieve himself. 324 00:08:40,919 --> 00:08:42,789 Alone now, Mark Harshbarger 325 00:08:40,919 --> 00:08:42,789 picked his way 326 00:08:42,822 --> 00:08:44,758 through the rough 327 00:08:42,822 --> 00:08:44,758 undergrowth. 328 00:08:44,790 --> 00:08:46,960 Through ruts called 329 00:08:44,790 --> 00:08:46,960 "skitters." 330 00:08:47,600 --> 00:08:50,397 Sometimes 3 feet deep. 331 00:08:47,600 --> 00:08:50,397 And over fallen logs. 332 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:51,698 And through grass, 333 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:51,698 which at the time 334 00:08:51,731 --> 00:08:54,901 was 3 to 5 feet high 335 00:08:51,731 --> 00:08:54,901 in front of him. 336 00:08:54,934 --> 00:08:57,637 About 200 feet 337 00:08:54,934 --> 00:08:57,637 in that direction, 338 00:08:57,671 --> 00:08:59,720 his wife 339 00:08:57,671 --> 00:08:59,720 Mary Beth Harshbarger 340 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:02,342 was standing in the back 341 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:02,342 of a pickup truck. 342 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:05,612 Could she see him 343 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:05,612 this far away? 344 00:09:05,645 --> 00:09:07,447 That's when the guide 345 00:09:05,645 --> 00:09:07,447 heard the shot. 346 00:09:07,480 --> 00:09:09,883 Stepped out of the woods. 347 00:09:07,480 --> 00:09:09,883 Saw the body. 348 00:09:09,916 --> 00:09:13,190 Felt for a pulse. 349 00:09:09,916 --> 00:09:13,190 Called out to Mary Beth. 350 00:09:21,861 --> 00:09:24,640 That was no bear 351 00:09:21,861 --> 00:09:24,640 she killed. 352 00:09:24,970 --> 00:09:26,533 It was her husband. 353 00:09:26,566 --> 00:09:29,336 It was pandemonium then. 354 00:09:26,566 --> 00:09:29,336 Kids wailing. 355 00:09:29,369 --> 00:09:31,538 Mary Beth sobbing, 356 00:09:29,369 --> 00:09:31,538 trying to go to the body. 357 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:34,400 The guide held her back. 358 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:34,400 Put her in the truck. 359 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:35,742 Drove off to find 360 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:35,742 a working phone. 361 00:09:35,775 --> 00:09:37,844 Picked up Barry 362 00:09:35,775 --> 00:09:37,844 on the way. 363 00:09:37,877 --> 00:09:39,312 - And they come screamin', 364 00:09:37,877 --> 00:09:39,312 yellin'... 365 00:09:39,346 --> 00:09:41,481 and Mary Beth was cryin' 366 00:09:41,514 --> 00:09:43,450 and I didn't know 367 00:09:41,514 --> 00:09:43,450 what had happened. 368 00:09:43,483 --> 00:09:48,540 And she said, 369 00:09:43,483 --> 00:09:48,540 "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." 370 00:09:48,880 --> 00:09:49,422 There had been an accident. 371 00:09:49,456 --> 00:09:51,570 The guide said, 372 00:09:49,456 --> 00:09:51,570 "We gotta go." 373 00:09:51,570 --> 00:09:54,427 And he said, "Mark was 374 00:09:51,570 --> 00:09:54,427 involved in an accident." 375 00:09:54,461 --> 00:09:55,395 And I said, 376 00:09:54,461 --> 00:09:55,395 "Well, how is he?" 377 00:09:55,428 --> 00:09:56,363 And he said, "He's gone." 378 00:09:56,396 --> 00:10:00,000 And I said, 379 00:09:56,396 --> 00:10:00,000 "No, he can't be gone." 380 00:10:00,330 --> 00:10:01,901 - But Mark was gone. 381 00:10:01,935 --> 00:10:03,870 Left dead 382 00:10:01,935 --> 00:10:03,870 back in the clearing. 383 00:10:03,903 --> 00:10:05,972 Once at the lodge, 384 00:10:03,903 --> 00:10:05,972 they called the police. 385 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:09,109 The Royal Canadian 386 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:09,109 Mounted Police. The RCMP. 387 00:10:09,142 --> 00:10:10,643 - Of course, 388 00:10:09,142 --> 00:10:10,643 they closed all the roads 389 00:10:10,677 --> 00:10:14,514 and they came in 390 00:10:10,677 --> 00:10:14,514 and did their investigating. 391 00:10:14,547 --> 00:10:17,984 - Mary Beth was a mess. 392 00:10:14,547 --> 00:10:17,984 Appeared to be in shock. 393 00:10:18,180 --> 00:10:19,452 Just past 2 A.M., 394 00:10:19,486 --> 00:10:21,521 the Mounties recorded 395 00:10:19,486 --> 00:10:21,521 her version of events. 396 00:10:28,294 --> 00:10:30,764 Saw it first 397 00:10:28,294 --> 00:10:30,764 with her naked eye, she said. 398 00:10:41,975 --> 00:10:45,378 The bullet hit at mid-chest. 399 00:10:41,975 --> 00:10:45,378 He was dead in an instant. 400 00:10:47,914 --> 00:10:50,784 But couldn't you tell 401 00:10:47,914 --> 00:10:50,784 in the twilight that it was him, 402 00:10:50,817 --> 00:10:52,218 wondered the Mounties. 403 00:11:15,608 --> 00:11:18,678 And then, she said, a little 404 00:11:15,608 --> 00:11:18,678 late for this conclusion-- 405 00:11:30,957 --> 00:11:33,526 So, now the question veered 406 00:11:30,957 --> 00:11:33,526 into territory 407 00:11:33,560 --> 00:11:35,628 all too familiar 408 00:11:33,560 --> 00:11:35,628 to cops everywhere. 409 00:12:16,369 --> 00:12:18,905 Investigators left 410 00:12:16,369 --> 00:12:18,905 Mary Beth to grieve. 411 00:12:18,938 --> 00:12:22,375 And of course, to call the 412 00:12:18,938 --> 00:12:22,375 family with the awful news. 413 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:26,790 Mary Beth's first call 414 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:26,790 was to her friend Madge. 415 00:12:26,112 --> 00:12:28,515 - And she said, 416 00:12:26,112 --> 00:12:28,515 "Oh, Mark is dead! 417 00:12:28,548 --> 00:12:30,450 "He was shot." 418 00:12:30,483 --> 00:12:33,319 And I-I asked, 419 00:12:30,483 --> 00:12:33,319 "Who shot him?" 420 00:12:33,353 --> 00:12:35,922 And she said, "I did." 421 00:12:35,955 --> 00:12:37,524 And she was crying 422 00:12:35,955 --> 00:12:37,524 so hard, 423 00:12:37,557 --> 00:12:40,727 it was difficult to 424 00:12:37,557 --> 00:12:40,727 make out what she was saying. 425 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:42,128 I said, 426 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:42,128 "Have you told anyone?" 427 00:12:42,162 --> 00:12:44,831 "No, you're-- 428 00:12:42,162 --> 00:12:44,831 I'm calling you first." 429 00:12:44,864 --> 00:12:46,833 - Barry got on the phone too. 430 00:12:46,866 --> 00:12:49,469 Not to his father 431 00:12:46,866 --> 00:12:49,469 or his brother or sisters. 432 00:12:49,502 --> 00:12:51,104 He called his wife, Linda. 433 00:12:51,104 --> 00:12:53,640 Asked her to deliver 434 00:12:51,104 --> 00:12:53,640 the news. 435 00:12:53,673 --> 00:12:57,777 - Linda called me 436 00:12:53,673 --> 00:12:57,777 and said, "Mark is gone." 437 00:12:57,811 --> 00:13:00,213 And I said, "What do you mean, 438 00:12:57,811 --> 00:13:00,213 Mark's gone?" 439 00:13:00,246 --> 00:13:02,382 And she said, 440 00:13:00,246 --> 00:13:02,382 "Mary Beth shot him. 441 00:13:02,415 --> 00:13:04,918 She thought he was a bear 442 00:13:02,415 --> 00:13:04,918 and she shot him." 443 00:13:04,951 --> 00:13:09,550 - And then, Sharon had to tell 444 00:13:04,951 --> 00:13:09,550 their father, Lee. 445 00:13:09,890 --> 00:13:11,391 - I'll never forget 446 00:13:09,890 --> 00:13:11,391 the look on her face 447 00:13:11,424 --> 00:13:13,526 when she came in 448 00:13:11,424 --> 00:13:13,526 and right away it was, 449 00:13:13,560 --> 00:13:16,930 "Mark. Mark's gone." 450 00:13:16,963 --> 00:13:18,980 - Just like that. 451 00:13:16,963 --> 00:13:18,980 - Yeah. 452 00:13:18,131 --> 00:13:20,667 And that was 453 00:13:18,131 --> 00:13:20,667 the most devastating thing 454 00:13:20,700 --> 00:13:24,104 that ever happened to me 455 00:13:20,700 --> 00:13:24,104 in my life. 456 00:13:24,137 --> 00:13:27,173 - Mark was his baby. 457 00:13:24,137 --> 00:13:27,173 His hunting buddy. 458 00:13:27,207 --> 00:13:30,110 The son most like him. 459 00:13:30,143 --> 00:13:32,512 Back in Newfoundland, 460 00:13:30,143 --> 00:13:32,512 the Mounties asked Mary Beth 461 00:13:32,545 --> 00:13:34,214 would she mind staying 462 00:13:32,545 --> 00:13:34,214 another day or so 463 00:13:34,247 --> 00:13:36,349 while they 464 00:13:34,247 --> 00:13:36,349 sorted things out? 465 00:13:36,383 --> 00:13:37,550 And of course, she said yes. 466 00:13:37,584 --> 00:13:41,855 Though neither she nor Barry 467 00:13:37,584 --> 00:13:41,855 slept at all that night. 468 00:13:41,888 --> 00:13:44,424 - I cried all night 469 00:13:41,888 --> 00:13:44,424 and threw up all night. 470 00:13:44,457 --> 00:13:47,127 And-- 471 00:13:44,457 --> 00:13:47,127 It's a tragic experience 472 00:13:47,160 --> 00:13:49,529 to ever have to go through. 473 00:13:49,562 --> 00:13:50,964 - At first light, 474 00:13:49,562 --> 00:13:50,964 the Mounties headed back 475 00:13:50,997 --> 00:13:52,899 to the clearing 476 00:13:50,997 --> 00:13:52,899 to collect Mark's body 477 00:13:52,932 --> 00:13:55,702 and document 478 00:13:52,932 --> 00:13:55,702 what they saw on video. 479 00:13:55,735 --> 00:13:59,639 All very sad. 480 00:13:59,673 --> 00:14:01,274 In Newfoundland, 481 00:13:59,673 --> 00:14:01,274 as in many places, 482 00:14:01,307 --> 00:14:04,440 hunting accidents are, 483 00:14:01,307 --> 00:14:04,440 if not exactly common, 484 00:14:04,770 --> 00:14:08,148 an unfortunate reality. 485 00:14:04,770 --> 00:14:08,148 Chalk up another one. 486 00:14:08,181 --> 00:14:10,917 Then, the cops got back 487 00:14:08,181 --> 00:14:10,917 to headquarters 488 00:14:10,950 --> 00:14:13,530 and all hell broke loose. 489 00:14:13,860 --> 00:14:15,221 - Said they're gettin' 490 00:14:13,860 --> 00:14:15,221 bombarded and so on 491 00:14:15,255 --> 00:14:16,790 by the phone calls. 492 00:14:16,823 --> 00:14:18,692 - That is, 493 00:14:16,823 --> 00:14:18,692 calls from Mark's family. 494 00:14:18,725 --> 00:14:19,893 Dean, mostly. 495 00:14:19,926 --> 00:14:21,761 Demanding the police 496 00:14:19,926 --> 00:14:21,761 do something. 497 00:14:21,795 --> 00:14:25,865 So many calls, they asked 498 00:14:21,795 --> 00:14:25,865 Barry to tell them to stop. 499 00:14:25,899 --> 00:14:27,767 - They handed me 500 00:14:25,899 --> 00:14:27,767 a satellite phone. 501 00:14:27,801 --> 00:14:31,504 They said, "Our office can 502 00:14:27,801 --> 00:14:31,504 hardly perform their duties." 503 00:14:31,538 --> 00:14:35,750 - There was, of course, 504 00:14:31,538 --> 00:14:35,750 a reason for all those calls. 505 00:14:35,108 --> 00:14:38,311 And everybody would find out 506 00:14:35,108 --> 00:14:38,311 about that soon enough. 507 00:14:40,213 --> 00:14:41,681 - Coming up. 508 00:14:41,715 --> 00:14:45,552 - The fact that it was only 509 00:14:41,715 --> 00:14:45,552 60 meters in an open area, 510 00:14:45,585 --> 00:14:47,320 immediately we had 511 00:14:45,585 --> 00:14:47,320 that instinct 512 00:14:47,354 --> 00:14:49,422 that this wasn't 513 00:14:47,354 --> 00:14:49,422 an accident. 514 00:14:56,162 --> 00:15:03,360 ** 515 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:06,639 - On September 17, 2006, 516 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:06,639 less than 72 hours 517 00:15:06,673 --> 00:15:09,109 after Mary Beth Harshbarger 518 00:15:06,673 --> 00:15:09,109 said she mistook her husband 519 00:15:09,142 --> 00:15:11,478 for a bear, 520 00:15:09,142 --> 00:15:11,478 she left Newfoundland 521 00:15:11,511 --> 00:15:14,714 for the long, sad drive 522 00:15:11,511 --> 00:15:14,714 back to Pennsylvania. 523 00:15:14,748 --> 00:15:18,510 Her children and 524 00:15:14,748 --> 00:15:18,510 brother-in-law Barry with her. 525 00:15:18,510 --> 00:15:19,219 And Mark? 526 00:15:19,252 --> 00:15:23,456 His body was shipped back 527 00:15:19,252 --> 00:15:23,456 in a casket. 528 00:15:23,490 --> 00:15:25,525 - I don't know how to go 529 00:15:23,490 --> 00:15:25,525 without him. 530 00:15:25,558 --> 00:15:27,827 - And a few days after 531 00:15:25,558 --> 00:15:27,827 that tear-stained statement 532 00:15:27,861 --> 00:15:29,429 in the interview 533 00:15:27,861 --> 00:15:29,429 with the Mounties, 534 00:15:29,462 --> 00:15:33,199 she pulled up in Pennsylvania 535 00:15:29,462 --> 00:15:33,199 with some trophies in the truck. 536 00:15:33,233 --> 00:15:36,690 A few caribou carcasses 537 00:15:33,233 --> 00:15:36,690 promptly carved up for steaks. 538 00:15:36,102 --> 00:15:37,570 And that dead bear. 539 00:15:37,604 --> 00:15:40,940 The one Mark shot 540 00:15:37,604 --> 00:15:40,940 before she shot him. 541 00:15:40,974 --> 00:15:43,276 The bear she had stuffed 542 00:15:40,974 --> 00:15:43,276 and mounted. 543 00:15:43,309 --> 00:15:44,778 A way to honor her husband, 544 00:15:43,309 --> 00:15:44,778 she said. 545 00:15:44,811 --> 00:15:47,147 His last kill and all. 546 00:15:47,180 --> 00:15:49,349 But Mary Beth's in-laws 547 00:15:47,180 --> 00:15:49,349 already demanding 548 00:15:49,382 --> 00:15:51,451 the Mounties an investigation, 549 00:15:51,484 --> 00:15:53,520 now added to their complaints 550 00:15:51,484 --> 00:15:53,520 what they saw 551 00:15:53,553 --> 00:15:57,223 as appalling bad taste 552 00:15:53,553 --> 00:15:57,223 and an uncaring attitude. 553 00:15:57,257 --> 00:15:58,892 Mark's sister Susan. 554 00:15:58,925 --> 00:16:01,270 - If I would've killed someone, 555 00:15:58,925 --> 00:16:01,270 I would've been-- 556 00:16:01,610 --> 00:16:03,363 You'd have had to put me 557 00:16:01,610 --> 00:16:03,363 under sedation. 558 00:16:03,396 --> 00:16:07,233 I mean, I-I cannot even imagine 559 00:16:03,396 --> 00:16:07,233 taking a life like that 560 00:16:07,267 --> 00:16:09,336 and being able to function. 561 00:16:09,369 --> 00:16:11,204 - Was she calm? Was she-- 562 00:16:09,369 --> 00:16:11,204 - Very calm. 563 00:16:11,237 --> 00:16:13,840 - Wasn't agitated 564 00:16:11,237 --> 00:16:13,840 or over-the-top at all? 565 00:16:13,873 --> 00:16:15,475 - Eerily calm. 566 00:16:15,508 --> 00:16:19,145 I did not want to believe 567 00:16:15,508 --> 00:16:19,145 that she did it on purpose. 568 00:16:19,179 --> 00:16:24,217 I gave her every opportunity 569 00:16:19,179 --> 00:16:24,217 to tell me that she was sorry. 570 00:16:24,250 --> 00:16:27,287 And it never happened. 571 00:16:24,250 --> 00:16:27,287 And there was no tears. 572 00:16:27,320 --> 00:16:30,457 There was no... 573 00:16:27,320 --> 00:16:30,457 no "I'm sorrys." 574 00:16:30,490 --> 00:16:35,161 No "Oh, my God. 575 00:16:30,490 --> 00:16:35,161 What have I done?" Nothing. 576 00:16:35,195 --> 00:16:38,798 - Of course, methods of grief 577 00:16:35,195 --> 00:16:38,798 are as varied and personal 578 00:16:38,832 --> 00:16:40,367 as there are grievers. 579 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:42,168 Not really 580 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:42,168 the in-law's business 581 00:16:42,202 --> 00:16:45,538 to judge Mary Beth's 582 00:16:42,202 --> 00:16:45,538 method, perhaps. 583 00:16:45,572 --> 00:16:46,840 But as you'll see, 584 00:16:46,873 --> 00:16:50,677 they didn't seem to believe 585 00:16:46,873 --> 00:16:50,677 Mary Beth was grieving. 586 00:16:50,710 --> 00:16:54,800 And though they were all 587 00:16:50,710 --> 00:16:54,800 shocked by Mark's killing, 588 00:16:54,800 --> 00:16:57,484 they said, they weren't 589 00:16:54,800 --> 00:16:57,484 really surprised. 590 00:16:57,517 --> 00:17:00,320 - We all knew that something 591 00:16:57,517 --> 00:17:00,320 like that could happen. 592 00:17:01,755 --> 00:17:04,590 - Knew that this 593 00:17:01,755 --> 00:17:04,590 could happen? How? 594 00:17:04,624 --> 00:17:06,626 Well, for one thing, 595 00:17:04,624 --> 00:17:06,626 the Harshbargers knew very well 596 00:17:06,659 --> 00:17:08,494 that Mary Beth 597 00:17:06,659 --> 00:17:08,494 was a crack shot. 598 00:17:08,528 --> 00:17:10,960 That she was equipped 599 00:17:08,528 --> 00:17:10,960 in Newfoundland 600 00:17:10,130 --> 00:17:13,767 with a sophisticated 601 00:17:10,130 --> 00:17:13,767 light-enhancing rifle scope. 602 00:17:13,800 --> 00:17:16,359 So, really, 603 00:17:13,800 --> 00:17:16,359 at about 200 feet, 604 00:17:16,690 --> 00:17:19,939 how could she have mistaken 605 00:17:16,690 --> 00:17:19,939 her own husband for a bear? 606 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:23,843 - The fact that it was only 607 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:23,843 60 meters in an open area. 608 00:17:23,877 --> 00:17:26,112 I mean, right immediately 609 00:17:23,877 --> 00:17:26,112 had that instinct 610 00:17:26,146 --> 00:17:28,448 that this wasn't 611 00:17:26,146 --> 00:17:28,448 an accident. 612 00:17:28,481 --> 00:17:31,751 Just didn't make any sense. 613 00:17:31,785 --> 00:17:33,386 - No, the Harshbargers 614 00:17:31,785 --> 00:17:33,386 suspected 615 00:17:33,420 --> 00:17:35,880 the worst sort 616 00:17:33,420 --> 00:17:35,880 of foul play. 617 00:17:35,121 --> 00:17:38,625 A calculated, deliberate 618 00:17:35,121 --> 00:17:38,625 killing by a woman 619 00:17:38,658 --> 00:17:42,295 they did not like or trust. 620 00:17:38,658 --> 00:17:42,295 Not one bit. 621 00:17:42,328 --> 00:17:43,930 Especially Dean. 622 00:17:43,963 --> 00:17:46,660 His eyes were opened 623 00:17:43,963 --> 00:17:46,660 a few years earlier, said Dean, 624 00:17:46,990 --> 00:17:48,668 when he lived briefly 625 00:17:46,990 --> 00:17:48,668 with Mark and Mary Beth. 626 00:17:48,702 --> 00:17:50,303 Didn't end well. 627 00:17:50,337 --> 00:17:53,730 - I fell in bad favor 628 00:17:50,337 --> 00:17:53,730 with Mary Beth 629 00:17:53,730 --> 00:17:55,275 because she couldn't 630 00:17:53,730 --> 00:17:55,275 control me. 631 00:17:55,308 --> 00:17:56,643 It got really intense. 632 00:17:56,676 --> 00:18:01,614 Uh, she was so dominating 633 00:17:56,676 --> 00:18:01,614 in her-her manners. 634 00:18:01,648 --> 00:18:03,350 - Dean claimed he saw 635 00:18:01,648 --> 00:18:03,350 disturbing things 636 00:18:03,383 --> 00:18:06,286 during his short, 637 00:18:03,383 --> 00:18:06,286 unhappy stay with the couple. 638 00:18:06,319 --> 00:18:08,455 - Mary Beth 639 00:18:06,319 --> 00:18:08,455 would fly off the handle. 640 00:18:08,488 --> 00:18:11,257 I saw her slappin' Mark 641 00:18:08,488 --> 00:18:11,257 and so on. 642 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:13,260 Just violently. 643 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:13,260 - Slappin' him? 644 00:18:13,590 --> 00:18:15,161 - Slappin' him 'til his lips 645 00:18:13,590 --> 00:18:15,161 were bleedin'. 646 00:18:15,195 --> 00:18:18,310 And asked him 647 00:18:15,195 --> 00:18:18,310 why he wasn't afraid 648 00:18:18,310 --> 00:18:20,660 that she'd follow through, 649 00:18:18,310 --> 00:18:20,660 uh, sometime and-- 650 00:18:20,100 --> 00:18:21,735 end up shootin' him 651 00:18:20,100 --> 00:18:21,735 or killin' him. 652 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:25,138 - 'Cause she'd threaten him? 653 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:25,138 - Yeah. And, uh, he said, 654 00:18:25,171 --> 00:18:27,674 uh, "Our love for each other 655 00:18:25,171 --> 00:18:27,674 is so strong 656 00:18:27,707 --> 00:18:28,608 "that she'd never do it." 657 00:18:28,641 --> 00:18:30,276 And he said, "If she did, 658 00:18:28,641 --> 00:18:30,276 she'd be losin' 659 00:18:30,310 --> 00:18:32,345 "the best thing 660 00:18:30,310 --> 00:18:32,345 ever happened to her." 661 00:18:32,379 --> 00:18:34,114 - Dean said he thought his 662 00:18:32,379 --> 00:18:34,114 little brother was crazy 663 00:18:34,147 --> 00:18:35,882 to stay with Mary Beth. 664 00:18:35,915 --> 00:18:38,785 But Mark loved her 665 00:18:35,915 --> 00:18:38,785 and defended her even when, 666 00:18:38,818 --> 00:18:43,289 according to the family, 667 00:18:38,818 --> 00:18:43,289 she acted up or got riled up. 668 00:18:43,323 --> 00:18:45,325 - They would take her 669 00:18:43,323 --> 00:18:45,325 for a ride in the Jeep 670 00:18:45,358 --> 00:18:47,460 and come back 671 00:18:45,358 --> 00:18:47,460 and everything would be fine. 672 00:18:47,494 --> 00:18:49,929 - Well, he seemed 673 00:18:47,494 --> 00:18:49,929 to be able to control her. 674 00:18:49,963 --> 00:18:51,865 - Of course, 675 00:18:49,963 --> 00:18:51,865 Dean wasn't alone. 676 00:18:51,898 --> 00:18:53,199 Not for long. 677 00:18:53,233 --> 00:18:54,467 Early on, 678 00:18:53,233 --> 00:18:54,467 the rest of the family 679 00:18:54,501 --> 00:18:56,936 saw the very same signs 680 00:18:54,501 --> 00:18:56,936 of trouble. 681 00:18:56,970 --> 00:19:01,508 - She never allowed him, really, 682 00:18:56,970 --> 00:19:01,508 to be with any of us alone. 683 00:19:01,541 --> 00:19:02,342 - She was always there? 684 00:19:01,541 --> 00:19:02,342 - Yes. 685 00:19:02,375 --> 00:19:03,443 - She was very controlling. 686 00:19:03,476 --> 00:19:05,545 - It was like 687 00:19:03,476 --> 00:19:05,545 he was brainwashed. 688 00:19:05,578 --> 00:19:08,248 - As the news of Mark's death 689 00:19:05,578 --> 00:19:08,248 came crashing in on them, 690 00:19:08,281 --> 00:19:10,850 so did a 7-years-long 691 00:19:08,281 --> 00:19:10,850 backlog of grievances 692 00:19:10,884 --> 00:19:12,552 against Mary Beth. 693 00:19:12,585 --> 00:19:14,688 As they saw it, 694 00:19:12,585 --> 00:19:14,688 there'd been temper tantrums 695 00:19:14,721 --> 00:19:18,758 and wild spending sprees. 696 00:19:14,721 --> 00:19:18,758 Disappearing acts. 697 00:19:18,792 --> 00:19:21,127 They said they put up with it 698 00:19:18,792 --> 00:19:21,127 because they loved Mark 699 00:19:21,161 --> 00:19:23,763 and they wanted to keep 700 00:19:21,161 --> 00:19:23,763 the family together. 701 00:19:23,797 --> 00:19:25,310 They knew something 702 00:19:23,797 --> 00:19:25,310 else, too. 703 00:19:25,650 --> 00:19:29,169 They knew Mary Beth had been 704 00:19:25,650 --> 00:19:29,169 diagnosed as being bipolar. 705 00:19:29,202 --> 00:19:31,638 And when she didn't 706 00:19:29,202 --> 00:19:31,638 take her medication, 707 00:19:31,671 --> 00:19:33,640 like when she was pregnant-- 708 00:19:33,673 --> 00:19:34,874 - Everyone was really afraid 709 00:19:34,908 --> 00:19:37,377 and uncomfortable 710 00:19:34,908 --> 00:19:37,377 to be around her. 711 00:19:37,410 --> 00:19:39,412 - I told him he needed 712 00:19:37,410 --> 00:19:39,412 to think of the safety 713 00:19:39,446 --> 00:19:41,414 of himself 714 00:19:39,446 --> 00:19:41,414 and those children. 715 00:19:41,448 --> 00:19:45,118 That he-- she needed to get 716 00:19:41,448 --> 00:19:45,118 the proper treatment 717 00:19:45,151 --> 00:19:47,454 and, uh, 718 00:19:45,151 --> 00:19:47,454 he was always concerned 719 00:19:47,487 --> 00:19:49,956 about if she was 720 00:19:47,487 --> 00:19:49,956 admitted somewhere 721 00:19:50,560 --> 00:19:51,257 she wouldn't be 722 00:19:50,560 --> 00:19:51,257 allowed to hunt 723 00:19:51,291 --> 00:19:52,726 and that's what they 724 00:19:51,291 --> 00:19:52,726 live for. 725 00:19:52,759 --> 00:19:55,829 And he didn't want her 726 00:19:52,759 --> 00:19:55,829 to lose her gun privileges. 727 00:19:55,862 --> 00:19:57,497 - But eventually, 728 00:19:55,862 --> 00:19:57,497 Mary Beth's mood 729 00:19:57,530 --> 00:19:59,532 became so severe, 730 00:19:57,530 --> 00:19:59,532 said the family, 731 00:19:59,566 --> 00:20:02,569 she agreed to let Mark take her 732 00:19:59,566 --> 00:20:02,569 to a psychiatric hospital 733 00:20:02,602 --> 00:20:05,380 just over a year 734 00:20:02,602 --> 00:20:05,380 before the hunting trip. 735 00:20:05,710 --> 00:20:07,807 The family says she signed 736 00:20:05,710 --> 00:20:07,807 the papers herself. 737 00:20:07,841 --> 00:20:10,143 A way to keep her 738 00:20:07,841 --> 00:20:10,143 hunting privileges. 739 00:20:10,176 --> 00:20:12,846 But she certainly did not 740 00:20:10,176 --> 00:20:12,846 like the place. 741 00:20:12,879 --> 00:20:14,147 - Oh, no. 742 00:20:14,180 --> 00:20:16,783 She said, "Nobody will ever 743 00:20:14,180 --> 00:20:16,783 put me in this place again," 744 00:20:16,816 --> 00:20:18,518 when she got out of that. 745 00:20:18,551 --> 00:20:19,819 - And, claimed 746 00:20:18,551 --> 00:20:19,819 the Harshbargers, 747 00:20:19,853 --> 00:20:22,389 she blamed Mark 748 00:20:19,853 --> 00:20:22,389 for putting her there. 749 00:20:22,422 --> 00:20:25,492 But she did ever forgive him 750 00:20:25,525 --> 00:20:26,726 for putting her into 751 00:20:25,525 --> 00:20:26,726 a psychiatric facility? 752 00:20:26,760 --> 00:20:29,429 - I think that's what 753 00:20:26,760 --> 00:20:29,429 brought this about, personally. 754 00:20:29,462 --> 00:20:31,231 Uh-- 755 00:20:29,462 --> 00:20:31,231 - We've all thought that. 756 00:20:31,264 --> 00:20:34,401 - And so, when they heard 757 00:20:31,264 --> 00:20:34,401 about the "accident," 758 00:20:34,434 --> 00:20:36,136 their minds went to that. 759 00:20:36,169 --> 00:20:38,400 And also, 760 00:20:36,169 --> 00:20:38,400 some practical things. 761 00:20:38,380 --> 00:20:40,730 Mark had always been 762 00:20:38,380 --> 00:20:40,730 a good provider. 763 00:20:40,106 --> 00:20:42,776 He'd worked hard to pay 764 00:20:40,106 --> 00:20:42,776 for the big new house 765 00:20:42,809 --> 00:20:44,440 as it was being built. 766 00:20:44,770 --> 00:20:46,790 And just 5 months earlier, 767 00:20:46,112 --> 00:20:49,816 he and Mary Beth 768 00:20:46,112 --> 00:20:49,816 increased his life insurance 769 00:20:49,849 --> 00:20:51,685 by half a million. 770 00:20:51,718 --> 00:20:54,120 - He says, "I'm worth more 771 00:20:51,718 --> 00:20:54,120 to her dead than I am alive." 772 00:20:54,154 --> 00:20:56,656 - It was a joke at 773 00:20:54,154 --> 00:20:56,656 the time, said Susan, 774 00:20:56,690 --> 00:20:58,391 but it was certainly 775 00:20:56,690 --> 00:20:58,391 in their minds 776 00:20:58,425 --> 00:21:00,794 when Dean and his family 777 00:20:58,425 --> 00:21:00,794 made all those phone calls 778 00:21:00,827 --> 00:21:03,363 to the RCMP right 779 00:21:00,827 --> 00:21:03,363 after the shooting. 780 00:21:03,396 --> 00:21:07,300 - I wanted to talk to the 781 00:21:03,396 --> 00:21:07,300 Commander of the Mounted Police, 782 00:21:07,334 --> 00:21:10,136 and-and I did. 783 00:21:10,170 --> 00:21:12,372 - But the Mounties, 784 00:21:10,170 --> 00:21:12,372 said the Harshbargers, 785 00:21:12,405 --> 00:21:14,441 didn't seem to share 786 00:21:12,405 --> 00:21:14,441 their suspicions. 787 00:21:14,474 --> 00:21:16,760 - They had made 788 00:21:14,474 --> 00:21:16,760 the comments-- 789 00:21:16,760 --> 00:21:18,845 how could we be 790 00:21:16,760 --> 00:21:18,845 questioning this? 791 00:21:18,878 --> 00:21:20,547 - And I stressed it 792 00:21:18,878 --> 00:21:20,547 to the point, 793 00:21:20,580 --> 00:21:23,483 and I had, uh, one of 794 00:21:20,580 --> 00:21:23,483 the, uh, sergeants 795 00:21:23,516 --> 00:21:25,418 in the RCMP 796 00:21:23,516 --> 00:21:25,418 actually says, 797 00:21:25,452 --> 00:21:28,388 "Nobody tells me how 798 00:21:25,452 --> 00:21:28,388 to run our investigations." 799 00:21:28,421 --> 00:21:31,391 - So it was upsetting, 800 00:21:28,421 --> 00:21:31,391 said the Harshbargers, 801 00:21:31,424 --> 00:21:32,692 but what could they do? 802 00:21:32,726 --> 00:21:36,129 The Mounties apparently 803 00:21:32,726 --> 00:21:36,129 ruled out murder or any crime 804 00:21:36,162 --> 00:21:38,531 when they sent Mary Beth home 805 00:21:36,162 --> 00:21:38,531 with the bear 806 00:21:38,565 --> 00:21:42,235 and the caribou 807 00:21:38,565 --> 00:21:42,235 and the kids and Barry. 808 00:21:42,268 --> 00:21:44,771 The funeral was, 809 00:21:42,268 --> 00:21:44,771 to say the least, awkward. 810 00:21:44,804 --> 00:21:45,872 Tense. 811 00:21:45,905 --> 00:21:48,975 - It was almost as if 812 00:21:45,905 --> 00:21:48,975 you drew a line 813 00:21:49,900 --> 00:21:50,677 down through the middle 814 00:21:49,900 --> 00:21:50,677 of the building. 815 00:21:50,710 --> 00:21:53,446 Uh, some stayed over here. 816 00:21:50,710 --> 00:21:53,446 Some stayed on that side. 817 00:21:53,480 --> 00:21:56,816 - I don't even know where 818 00:21:53,480 --> 00:21:56,816 his ashes were scattered. 819 00:21:56,850 --> 00:21:58,585 I don't know that. 820 00:21:58,618 --> 00:22:03,890 - Well, they may not have been 821 00:21:58,618 --> 00:22:03,890 scattered at all, actually. 822 00:22:03,123 --> 00:22:04,791 Here's the urn 823 00:22:03,123 --> 00:22:04,791 on the shelf 824 00:22:04,824 --> 00:22:08,610 in the house Mark built 825 00:22:04,824 --> 00:22:08,610 for Mary Beth. 826 00:22:08,610 --> 00:22:10,597 And that might've been 827 00:22:08,610 --> 00:22:10,597 the end of it, really. 828 00:22:10,630 --> 00:22:12,832 Except, of course, 829 00:22:10,630 --> 00:22:12,832 for the deep freeze 830 00:22:12,866 --> 00:22:14,968 that now split 831 00:22:12,866 --> 00:22:14,968 the family. 832 00:22:15,680 --> 00:22:17,637 But it wasn't 833 00:22:15,680 --> 00:22:17,637 the end of it, 834 00:22:17,671 --> 00:22:20,306 because not long after, 835 00:22:17,671 --> 00:22:20,306 said Dean, 836 00:22:20,340 --> 00:22:22,275 a strange thing happened. 837 00:22:22,308 --> 00:22:24,770 Two of Mark's friends 838 00:22:22,308 --> 00:22:24,770 came forward, 839 00:22:24,110 --> 00:22:27,781 claimed Mark once made 840 00:22:24,110 --> 00:22:27,781 an unsettling prediction. 841 00:22:27,814 --> 00:22:29,616 - "I think she's 842 00:22:27,814 --> 00:22:29,616 gonna shoot me." 843 00:22:29,649 --> 00:22:31,518 He said Mark hesitated 844 00:22:31,551 --> 00:22:34,788 and then added, 845 00:22:31,551 --> 00:22:34,788 "And she won't miss." 846 00:22:34,821 --> 00:22:37,924 - And yet another 847 00:22:34,821 --> 00:22:37,924 funny thing. 848 00:22:37,957 --> 00:22:40,260 They were stacking up now. 849 00:22:37,957 --> 00:22:40,260 Oh boy, were they ever. 850 00:22:40,293 --> 00:22:42,950 This time, 851 00:22:40,293 --> 00:22:42,950 it was Barry. 852 00:22:42,128 --> 00:22:46,866 Suddenly, Barry's 853 00:22:42,128 --> 00:22:46,866 20-year-marriage ended. 854 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:49,169 And as for what 855 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:49,169 he did next? 856 00:22:49,202 --> 00:22:52,706 Well, what in the world 857 00:22:49,202 --> 00:22:52,706 was happening? 858 00:22:56,643 --> 00:22:59,646 - Perhaps Mary Beth wasn't 859 00:22:56,643 --> 00:22:59,646 fighting with everyone 860 00:22:59,679 --> 00:23:01,581 in her husband's family. 861 00:23:01,614 --> 00:23:03,717 - Did you ever have a 862 00:23:01,614 --> 00:23:03,717 moment when you thought, 863 00:23:03,750 --> 00:23:08,188 I'm trespassing 864 00:23:03,750 --> 00:23:08,188 on my brother's life? 865 00:23:08,221 --> 00:23:12,580 - When "Dateline: Secrets 866 00:23:08,221 --> 00:23:12,580 Uncovered" continues. 867 00:23:16,620 --> 00:23:20,333 ** 868 00:23:21,301 --> 00:23:24,170 Welcome back to "Dateline: 869 00:23:21,301 --> 00:23:24,170 Secrets Uncovered." 870 00:23:24,204 --> 00:23:25,672 I'm Craig Melvin. 871 00:23:25,705 --> 00:23:27,774 A family hunting trip 872 00:23:25,705 --> 00:23:27,774 turned deadly 873 00:23:27,807 --> 00:23:29,109 when Mary Beth Harshbarger 874 00:23:29,142 --> 00:23:31,845 shot her husband Mark 875 00:23:29,142 --> 00:23:31,845 in the chest. 876 00:23:31,878 --> 00:23:34,647 Authorities ruled 877 00:23:31,878 --> 00:23:34,647 the shooting an accident, 878 00:23:34,681 --> 00:23:37,851 but the tragedy divided 879 00:23:34,681 --> 00:23:37,851 Mark's family. 880 00:23:37,884 --> 00:23:41,154 Now that rift was 881 00:23:37,884 --> 00:23:41,154 about to deepen 882 00:23:41,187 --> 00:23:43,723 as a secret 883 00:23:41,187 --> 00:23:43,723 romance bloomed. 884 00:23:43,757 --> 00:23:47,930 Here's Keith Morrison 885 00:23:43,757 --> 00:23:47,930 with "As Darkness Fell." 886 00:23:49,629 --> 00:23:53,990 - In those sad, dark days 887 00:23:49,629 --> 00:23:53,990 after Mark Harshbarger's death, 888 00:23:53,990 --> 00:23:55,101 his family's suspicions 889 00:23:53,990 --> 00:23:55,101 solidified 890 00:23:55,135 --> 00:23:57,203 into a determined 891 00:23:55,135 --> 00:23:57,203 accusation. 892 00:23:57,237 --> 00:24:00,400 His wife Mary Beth, 893 00:23:57,237 --> 00:24:00,400 they were convinced, 894 00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:03,176 had murdered Mark, 895 00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:03,176 their son and brother, 896 00:24:03,209 --> 00:24:04,844 and they told whoever 897 00:24:03,209 --> 00:24:04,844 would listen 898 00:24:04,878 --> 00:24:07,313 she knew she wasn't 899 00:24:04,878 --> 00:24:07,313 shooting any bear 900 00:24:07,347 --> 00:24:10,550 up in the Newfoundland woods. 901 00:24:10,583 --> 00:24:13,530 - His family was terribly 902 00:24:10,583 --> 00:24:13,530 upset, of course. 903 00:24:13,530 --> 00:24:15,550 Then they started 904 00:24:13,530 --> 00:24:15,550 blaming her. 905 00:24:15,550 --> 00:24:16,156 They wanted a reason. 906 00:24:16,189 --> 00:24:20,293 They wanted a-a person 907 00:24:16,189 --> 00:24:20,293 who would be responsible. 908 00:24:20,326 --> 00:24:21,561 Well, she was responsible, 909 00:24:21,594 --> 00:24:23,863 and she said she was, 910 00:24:21,594 --> 00:24:23,863 and she felt horrible, 911 00:24:23,897 --> 00:24:27,167 but they wanted more, 912 00:24:23,897 --> 00:24:27,167 I guess. 913 00:24:27,200 --> 00:24:29,536 I-- You know, more than just 914 00:24:27,200 --> 00:24:29,536 saying "Yes, I did it, 915 00:24:29,569 --> 00:24:32,238 "and I'm so sorry. 916 00:24:29,569 --> 00:24:32,238 I'm so sorry." 917 00:24:32,272 --> 00:24:33,773 - Of all the Harshbargers, 918 00:24:33,807 --> 00:24:36,142 only Barry stood 919 00:24:33,807 --> 00:24:36,142 by Mary Beth. 920 00:24:36,176 --> 00:24:39,179 Barry, who expressed disgust 921 00:24:36,176 --> 00:24:39,179 at brother Dean's accusation 922 00:24:39,212 --> 00:24:41,581 that she killed Mark 923 00:24:39,212 --> 00:24:41,581 out of revenge 924 00:24:41,614 --> 00:24:43,783 or maybe to collect 925 00:24:41,614 --> 00:24:43,783 insurance money. 926 00:24:43,817 --> 00:24:47,387 Dean just hated her, 927 00:24:43,817 --> 00:24:47,387 that's all, said Barry. 928 00:24:47,420 --> 00:24:50,900 - I feel it was a game. 929 00:24:50,900 --> 00:24:54,127 He was playin' a game, 930 00:24:50,900 --> 00:24:54,127 and persuaded everybody else 931 00:24:54,160 --> 00:24:56,896 to feel the same 932 00:24:54,160 --> 00:24:56,896 that he could, you know? 933 00:24:56,930 --> 00:25:00,633 - Meanwhile, Barry did his best 934 00:24:56,930 --> 00:25:00,633 to comfort Mary Beth. 935 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:04,270 - Cryin' and, uh, cryin'. 936 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:04,270 And-and days at a time. 937 00:25:04,304 --> 00:25:06,539 I mean, nights 938 00:25:04,304 --> 00:25:06,539 without sleep. 939 00:25:06,573 --> 00:25:07,440 Who did she have? 940 00:25:07,474 --> 00:25:10,430 I mean, nobody 941 00:25:07,474 --> 00:25:10,430 really helped out. 942 00:25:10,430 --> 00:25:12,450 Uh, they say they 943 00:25:10,430 --> 00:25:12,450 offered to and so on, 944 00:25:12,780 --> 00:25:13,813 but nobody was here. 945 00:25:13,847 --> 00:25:16,820 - Yeah, but you were here. 946 00:25:13,847 --> 00:25:16,820 - As much as possible. 947 00:25:16,116 --> 00:25:20,286 - So much so that Barry's wife 948 00:25:16,116 --> 00:25:20,286 of 20 years walked out. 949 00:25:20,320 --> 00:25:21,855 And then, in what seemed 950 00:25:20,320 --> 00:25:21,855 to the rest of the family 951 00:25:21,888 --> 00:25:23,690 indecent haste, 952 00:25:23,723 --> 00:25:26,526 Barry moved in 953 00:25:23,723 --> 00:25:26,526 with Mary Beth. 954 00:25:26,559 --> 00:25:28,461 - He swore to me 955 00:25:26,559 --> 00:25:28,461 and broke down crying 956 00:25:28,495 --> 00:25:30,363 and put on such 957 00:25:28,495 --> 00:25:30,363 a good front. 958 00:25:30,397 --> 00:25:32,699 And he said 959 00:25:30,397 --> 00:25:32,699 the only reason he's there 960 00:25:32,732 --> 00:25:34,670 is because of 961 00:25:32,732 --> 00:25:34,670 those kids, 962 00:25:34,670 --> 00:25:36,569 and he swore to me that 963 00:25:34,670 --> 00:25:36,569 that was the only thing 964 00:25:36,603 --> 00:25:37,837 that was goin' on. 965 00:25:37,871 --> 00:25:39,839 - Everybody in town 966 00:25:37,871 --> 00:25:39,839 knew they were a couple. 967 00:25:39,873 --> 00:25:41,741 - I still don't wanna 968 00:25:39,873 --> 00:25:41,741 believe that. 969 00:25:41,775 --> 00:25:44,344 I've lost two brothers. 970 00:25:41,775 --> 00:25:44,344 I have lost two brothers, 971 00:25:44,377 --> 00:25:45,745 not one. 972 00:25:44,377 --> 00:25:45,745 - Instantly. 973 00:25:45,779 --> 00:25:50,316 - I-I just can't believe 974 00:25:45,779 --> 00:25:50,316 that these people think 975 00:25:50,350 --> 00:25:53,553 that they have a right 976 00:25:50,350 --> 00:25:53,553 to judge me. 977 00:25:53,586 --> 00:25:55,455 Do I judge them? 978 00:25:55,488 --> 00:25:58,992 Um, who they live with 979 00:25:55,488 --> 00:25:58,992 or who they sleep with? 980 00:25:59,920 --> 00:26:01,394 - Did you ever have a moment 981 00:25:59,920 --> 00:26:01,394 when you thought, 982 00:26:01,428 --> 00:26:06,633 I-I'm trespassing on my 983 00:26:01,428 --> 00:26:06,633 brother's life? 984 00:26:06,666 --> 00:26:10,303 - My brother's gone. 985 00:26:06,666 --> 00:26:10,303 It's no longer his life. 986 00:26:10,337 --> 00:26:14,574 I-I don't feel that way. 987 00:26:10,337 --> 00:26:14,574 Uh, trespassing? 988 00:26:14,607 --> 00:26:18,745 No, I never looked at it 989 00:26:14,607 --> 00:26:18,745 that way. No. 990 00:26:18,778 --> 00:26:20,460 - By this time, 991 00:26:20,460 --> 00:26:21,881 family relationships 992 00:26:20,460 --> 00:26:21,881 were very sour. 993 00:26:21,915 --> 00:26:24,351 - Yes, they were. 994 00:26:21,915 --> 00:26:24,351 - Because what? 995 00:26:24,384 --> 00:26:26,520 They knew you 996 00:26:24,384 --> 00:26:26,520 suspected her. 997 00:26:26,520 --> 00:26:29,422 - Well, they knew that-- 998 00:26:26,520 --> 00:26:29,422 that I couldn't accept 999 00:26:29,456 --> 00:26:31,391 the fact that... 1000 00:26:29,456 --> 00:26:31,391 - Yeah. 1001 00:26:31,424 --> 00:26:33,493 - ...things happened 1002 00:26:31,424 --> 00:26:33,493 the way they did, 1003 00:26:33,526 --> 00:26:35,161 that it was just 1004 00:26:33,526 --> 00:26:35,161 an accident. 1005 00:26:35,195 --> 00:26:37,731 I couldn't accept that. 1006 00:26:35,195 --> 00:26:37,731 - Which is why, 1007 00:26:37,764 --> 00:26:40,133 since the Mounties didn't 1008 00:26:37,764 --> 00:26:40,133 seem too interested, 1009 00:26:40,166 --> 00:26:42,680 the Harshbargers 1010 00:26:40,166 --> 00:26:42,680 took their suspicions 1011 00:26:42,102 --> 00:26:44,170 to a police force 1012 00:26:42,102 --> 00:26:44,170 closer to home. 1013 00:26:44,204 --> 00:26:46,106 - I called the Pennsylvania 1014 00:26:44,204 --> 00:26:46,106 State Police, 1015 00:26:46,139 --> 00:26:47,374 and they, in turn, 1016 00:26:47,407 --> 00:26:50,210 took it to the Wyoming County 1017 00:26:47,407 --> 00:26:50,210 District Attorney's Office 1018 00:26:50,243 --> 00:26:52,245 and the detective there. 1019 00:26:52,278 --> 00:26:54,781 He relayed it to 1020 00:26:52,278 --> 00:26:54,781 the Mounties in Canada. 1021 00:26:54,814 --> 00:26:57,550 - It was Dean who called 1022 00:26:54,814 --> 00:26:57,550 the cops in Pennsylvania, 1023 00:26:57,584 --> 00:27:00,520 Dean who pestered the Mounties 1024 00:26:57,584 --> 00:27:00,520 right after the shooting, 1025 00:27:00,553 --> 00:27:03,230 and Dean who learned 1026 00:27:00,553 --> 00:27:03,230 that, up in Newfoundland, 1027 00:27:03,230 --> 00:27:05,525 investigators went out to 1028 00:27:03,230 --> 00:27:05,525 the very spot in the brush 1029 00:27:05,558 --> 00:27:09,620 where Mary Beth shot Mark 1030 00:27:05,558 --> 00:27:09,620 and conducted a reenactment. 1031 00:27:09,950 --> 00:27:12,232 The results? 1032 00:27:09,950 --> 00:27:12,232 Inconclusive. 1033 00:27:12,265 --> 00:27:15,350 It was possible, at least, that 1034 00:27:12,265 --> 00:27:15,350 in high grass and low light 1035 00:27:15,680 --> 00:27:18,380 Mary Beth could've 1036 00:27:15,680 --> 00:27:18,380 mistaken Mark for a bear, 1037 00:27:18,380 --> 00:27:22,509 though, of course, another 1038 00:27:18,380 --> 00:27:22,509 conclusion was also possible. 1039 00:27:22,542 --> 00:27:25,145 By this time, with some 1040 00:27:22,542 --> 00:27:25,145 help from the Harshbargers, 1041 00:27:25,178 --> 00:27:28,114 Pennsylvania media had 1042 00:27:25,178 --> 00:27:28,114 gotten wind of Mark's death 1043 00:27:28,148 --> 00:27:32,218 and local gossip feasted 1044 00:27:28,148 --> 00:27:32,218 on what was a juicy story. 1045 00:27:32,252 --> 00:27:34,587 Accident or not? 1046 00:27:34,621 --> 00:27:37,724 - It would be pretty hard to 1047 00:27:34,621 --> 00:27:37,724 mistake a human for a bear. 1048 00:27:37,757 --> 00:27:39,292 - And Mary Beth? 1049 00:27:39,325 --> 00:27:41,861 She kept her mouth shut, 1050 00:27:39,325 --> 00:27:41,861 at least in public. 1051 00:27:41,895 --> 00:27:44,764 Though she did fight hard, 1052 00:27:41,895 --> 00:27:44,764 eventually successfully, 1053 00:27:44,798 --> 00:27:47,400 to pry the very substantial 1054 00:27:44,798 --> 00:27:47,400 insurance money 1055 00:27:47,434 --> 00:27:50,303 from firms which first 1056 00:27:47,434 --> 00:27:50,303 refused to pay. 1057 00:27:50,337 --> 00:27:54,774 She started competing again 1058 00:27:50,337 --> 00:27:54,774 in local shooting contests. 1059 00:27:54,808 --> 00:27:58,311 And when it came to the kids, 1060 00:27:54,808 --> 00:27:58,311 Mary Beth claimed 1061 00:27:58,345 --> 00:28:00,313 the Harshbargers never 1062 00:27:58,345 --> 00:28:00,313 asked to see them. 1063 00:28:00,347 --> 00:28:03,783 But Lee Harshbarger told us 1064 00:28:00,347 --> 00:28:03,783 she prevented any contact 1065 00:28:03,817 --> 00:28:05,752 with those 1066 00:28:03,817 --> 00:28:05,752 grandchildren of his. 1067 00:28:05,785 --> 00:28:08,888 And you lost 1068 00:28:05,785 --> 00:28:08,888 two grandchildren. 1069 00:28:08,922 --> 00:28:12,859 - Yes. It's sad. 1070 00:28:08,922 --> 00:28:12,859 It's a sad situation. 1071 00:28:12,892 --> 00:28:15,362 - Then, finally, 1072 00:28:12,892 --> 00:28:15,362 on the one-year anniversary 1073 00:28:15,395 --> 00:28:17,163 of Mark's death, 1074 00:28:15,395 --> 00:28:17,163 Mary Beth called 1075 00:28:17,197 --> 00:28:19,766 the local 1076 00:28:17,197 --> 00:28:19,766 NBC station, WBRE, 1077 00:28:19,799 --> 00:28:22,802 to talk about a bench 1078 00:28:19,799 --> 00:28:22,802 she put on her property. 1079 00:28:22,836 --> 00:28:24,370 - What was the purpose 1080 00:28:24,370 --> 00:28:25,138 for getting this bench here, 1081 00:28:24,370 --> 00:28:25,138 Mary Beth? 1082 00:28:25,171 --> 00:28:26,573 And I see candles here also. 1083 00:28:25,171 --> 00:28:26,573 - Yeah. 1084 00:28:26,606 --> 00:28:27,841 - What-What is this for? 1085 00:28:27,874 --> 00:28:30,510 - It's um-- It's a memorial 1086 00:28:27,874 --> 00:28:30,510 to Mark, um, my husband, uh, 1087 00:28:30,543 --> 00:28:34,470 for the children, 1088 00:28:30,543 --> 00:28:34,470 because Mark was cremated. 1089 00:28:34,470 --> 00:28:36,916 - What do you want them 1090 00:28:34,470 --> 00:28:36,916 to know about you and Mark? 1091 00:28:36,950 --> 00:28:39,719 - That I loved my husband 1092 00:28:36,950 --> 00:28:39,719 very, very, very much, 1093 00:28:39,753 --> 00:28:41,855 and he loved me. 1094 00:28:41,888 --> 00:28:44,491 - What do you think he would 1095 00:28:41,888 --> 00:28:44,491 say about all-- 1096 00:28:44,524 --> 00:28:46,259 some of this-this 1097 00:28:44,524 --> 00:28:46,259 information that's going-- 1098 00:28:46,292 --> 00:28:47,927 and rumors are flying around 1099 00:28:46,292 --> 00:28:47,927 out there. 1100 00:28:47,961 --> 00:28:48,862 What do you think 1101 00:28:47,961 --> 00:28:48,862 he would say? 1102 00:28:48,895 --> 00:28:51,640 - He wouldn't be 1103 00:28:48,895 --> 00:28:51,640 really happy. At all. 1104 00:28:51,970 --> 00:28:52,432 - What do you see 1105 00:28:51,970 --> 00:28:52,432 in your future? 1106 00:28:52,465 --> 00:28:54,670 - Uh, it's unclear 1107 00:28:52,465 --> 00:28:54,670 at this time. 1108 00:28:54,100 --> 00:28:55,835 I live day to day. 1109 00:28:55,869 --> 00:28:58,571 - As unclear 1110 00:28:55,869 --> 00:28:58,571 as the results 1111 00:28:58,605 --> 00:29:02,420 of the Mountie's second 1112 00:28:58,605 --> 00:29:02,420 shooting recreation was. 1113 00:29:02,750 --> 00:29:04,878 Still, local cops, 1114 00:29:02,750 --> 00:29:04,878 at the request of the Mounties, 1115 00:29:04,911 --> 00:29:06,813 were trying to put 1116 00:29:04,911 --> 00:29:06,813 a case together. 1117 00:29:06,846 --> 00:29:09,150 And by September 2007, 1118 00:29:09,150 --> 00:29:11,584 the Pennsylvania cops 1119 00:29:09,150 --> 00:29:11,584 had dug up enough-- 1120 00:29:11,618 --> 00:29:14,870 mostly material 1121 00:29:11,618 --> 00:29:14,870 from Mary Beth's past-- 1122 00:29:14,120 --> 00:29:17,123 to lure two Mounties 1123 00:29:14,120 --> 00:29:17,123 down to the U.S. 1124 00:29:17,157 --> 00:29:21,940 - They were surprised that 1125 00:29:17,157 --> 00:29:21,940 she did have a troubled past 1126 00:29:21,127 --> 00:29:24,431 and a lot of things that 1127 00:29:21,127 --> 00:29:24,431 I didn't know about. 1128 00:29:24,464 --> 00:29:28,101 - There was, for example, 1129 00:29:24,464 --> 00:29:28,101 an incident back in 1992. 1130 00:29:28,134 --> 00:29:30,136 Mary Beth was 1131 00:29:28,134 --> 00:29:30,136 convicted of assault-- 1132 00:29:30,170 --> 00:29:33,506 Did a day in jail, 1133 00:29:30,170 --> 00:29:33,506 a stretch of probation. 1134 00:29:33,540 --> 00:29:37,770 The Mounties accepted a stack 1135 00:29:33,540 --> 00:29:37,770 of investigative material 1136 00:29:37,110 --> 00:29:39,379 from the Pennsylvania 1137 00:29:37,110 --> 00:29:39,379 investigators. 1138 00:29:39,412 --> 00:29:41,781 - They would take that back 1139 00:29:39,412 --> 00:29:41,781 and they determined 1140 00:29:41,815 --> 00:29:46,553 what would be the proper charge 1141 00:29:41,815 --> 00:29:46,553 to charge her with. 1142 00:29:46,586 --> 00:29:51,157 - Still, months went by as 1143 00:29:46,586 --> 00:29:51,157 Mary Beth awaited her fate. 1144 00:29:51,191 --> 00:29:53,393 - It has taken quite 1145 00:29:51,191 --> 00:29:53,393 a toll on her 1146 00:29:53,426 --> 00:29:57,430 to know that his family is-- 1147 00:29:53,426 --> 00:29:57,430 feels she is 1148 00:29:57,464 --> 00:30:02,302 totally and completely 1149 00:29:57,464 --> 00:30:02,302 responsible for Mark's death. 1150 00:30:02,335 --> 00:30:03,870 - And then, 1151 00:30:02,335 --> 00:30:03,870 in 2008, the news. 1152 00:30:03,903 --> 00:30:07,107 The Mounties were 1153 00:30:03,903 --> 00:30:07,107 filing charges. 1154 00:30:07,140 --> 00:30:10,110 She fought the extradition 1155 00:30:07,140 --> 00:30:10,110 for two long years. 1156 00:30:10,143 --> 00:30:12,545 But May 2010, 1157 00:30:12,579 --> 00:30:16,549 almost four years after 1158 00:30:12,579 --> 00:30:16,549 she shot what wasn't a bear, 1159 00:30:16,583 --> 00:30:18,651 it was decided. 1160 00:30:18,685 --> 00:30:21,855 Mary Beth Harshbarger 1161 00:30:18,685 --> 00:30:21,855 would go on trial 1162 00:30:21,888 --> 00:30:23,223 in Newfoundland, 1163 00:30:23,256 --> 00:30:26,920 where a very curious thing 1164 00:30:23,256 --> 00:30:26,920 would happen 1165 00:30:26,126 --> 00:30:28,128 on the way to justice. 1166 00:30:30,897 --> 00:30:33,700 - Mary Beth's 1167 00:30:30,897 --> 00:30:33,700 remarkable memory. 1168 00:30:33,733 --> 00:30:36,336 - She knew the numbers 1169 00:30:33,733 --> 00:30:36,336 off the top of her head. 1170 00:30:36,369 --> 00:30:37,537 - That seems a little weird, 1171 00:30:36,369 --> 00:30:37,537 doesn't it? 1172 00:30:37,570 --> 00:30:39,439 - It did raise eyebrows. 1173 00:30:39,472 --> 00:30:42,842 - When "Dateline: Secrets 1174 00:30:39,472 --> 00:30:42,842 Uncovered" continues. 1175 00:30:46,179 --> 00:30:51,170 ** 1176 00:30:52,520 --> 00:30:56,156 - The summer of 2010 1177 00:30:52,520 --> 00:30:56,156 cooled toward an early autumn 1178 00:30:56,189 --> 00:30:58,224 here in Grand Falls, 1179 00:30:56,189 --> 00:30:58,224 Newfoundland. 1180 00:30:58,258 --> 00:31:01,327 Mary Beth Harshbarger 1181 00:30:58,258 --> 00:31:01,327 was by now 45 years old. 1182 00:31:01,361 --> 00:31:03,763 She'd been in the local jail 1183 00:31:01,361 --> 00:31:03,763 awaiting trial 1184 00:31:03,797 --> 00:31:05,231 for almost five months 1185 00:31:05,265 --> 00:31:07,734 while her live-in boyfriend 1186 00:31:05,265 --> 00:31:07,734 and brother-in-law Barry, 1187 00:31:07,767 --> 00:31:09,803 the only Harshbarger 1188 00:31:07,767 --> 00:31:09,803 on her side, 1189 00:31:09,836 --> 00:31:12,372 supervised the babysitter 1190 00:31:09,836 --> 00:31:12,372 watching the kids 1191 00:31:12,405 --> 00:31:14,341 back in Pennsylvania. 1192 00:31:14,374 --> 00:31:16,543 - It's been almost 1193 00:31:14,374 --> 00:31:16,543 exactly four years 1194 00:31:16,576 --> 00:31:18,178 since Mary Beth Hashbarger 1195 00:31:18,211 --> 00:31:20,613 shot and killed 1196 00:31:18,211 --> 00:31:20,613 her husband, Mark. 1197 00:31:20,647 --> 00:31:22,282 - Mary Beth's story had, 1198 00:31:20,647 --> 00:31:22,282 by then, 1199 00:31:22,315 --> 00:31:24,551 ginned up quite a lot 1200 00:31:22,315 --> 00:31:24,551 of public opinion, 1201 00:31:24,584 --> 00:31:26,419 one way or the other. 1202 00:31:26,453 --> 00:31:27,787 The question that 1203 00:31:26,453 --> 00:31:27,787 drove the debate 1204 00:31:27,821 --> 00:31:30,156 seemed maddeningly 1205 00:31:27,821 --> 00:31:30,156 difficult to answer. 1206 00:31:30,190 --> 00:31:32,659 Was it a simple 1207 00:31:30,190 --> 00:31:32,659 hunting accident? 1208 00:31:32,692 --> 00:31:33,827 Or did Mary Beth, 1209 00:31:33,860 --> 00:31:36,960 a competition-level 1210 00:31:33,860 --> 00:31:36,960 sharp shooter, 1211 00:31:36,960 --> 00:31:39,833 put that hole in her husband's 1212 00:31:36,960 --> 00:31:39,833 chest on purpose? 1213 00:31:39,866 --> 00:31:43,970 - This was a case that raised 1214 00:31:39,866 --> 00:31:43,970 a lot of questions for people. 1215 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:46,773 Um, they'd ask 1216 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:46,773 themselves, "What if?" 1217 00:31:46,806 --> 00:31:49,242 - Sue Bailey covered the 1218 00:31:46,806 --> 00:31:49,242 story and the trial 1219 00:31:49,275 --> 00:31:50,977 for the Canadian Press. 1220 00:31:51,110 --> 00:31:53,113 - For people who believed 1221 00:31:51,110 --> 00:31:53,113 Mary Beth Harshbarger, 1222 00:31:53,113 --> 00:31:55,315 this was a horrible, 1223 00:31:53,113 --> 00:31:55,315 tragic accident, 1224 00:31:55,348 --> 00:31:58,718 and for people who 1225 00:31:55,348 --> 00:31:58,718 don't believe her, um, 1226 00:31:58,752 --> 00:31:59,919 they would say, well, 1227 00:31:59,953 --> 00:32:03,623 if this was deliberate, 1228 00:31:59,953 --> 00:32:03,623 how would you ever prove it? 1229 00:32:03,656 --> 00:32:05,158 - And that's just the thing. 1230 00:32:05,191 --> 00:32:06,793 For all the public chatter, 1231 00:32:06,826 --> 00:32:09,620 murder was never 1232 00:32:06,826 --> 00:32:09,620 on the table. 1233 00:32:09,620 --> 00:32:11,664 The Mounties did not 1234 00:32:09,620 --> 00:32:11,664 allege murder. 1235 00:32:11,698 --> 00:32:15,602 It was not the charge against 1236 00:32:11,698 --> 00:32:15,602 Mary Beth Harshbarger, 1237 00:32:15,635 --> 00:32:19,272 even though, as Mary Beth's 1238 00:32:15,635 --> 00:32:19,272 Canadian attorney Karl Inder 1239 00:32:19,305 --> 00:32:21,341 complained 1240 00:32:19,305 --> 00:32:21,341 about the media... 1241 00:32:21,374 --> 00:32:23,109 - They were reporting 1242 00:32:21,374 --> 00:32:23,109 on this 1243 00:32:23,143 --> 00:32:27,614 as if it were 1244 00:32:23,143 --> 00:32:27,614 a-a murder charge 1245 00:32:27,647 --> 00:32:29,549 or a manslaughter charge. 1246 00:32:29,582 --> 00:32:30,884 - When the actual charge 1247 00:32:30,917 --> 00:32:33,887 was criminal negligence 1248 00:32:30,917 --> 00:32:33,887 causing death. 1249 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:37,490 Big difference. 1250 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:37,490 Very big difference, and yet... 1251 00:32:37,524 --> 00:32:39,526 You know, it was like there was 1252 00:32:37,524 --> 00:32:39,526 a disconnect in some way 1253 00:32:39,559 --> 00:32:41,227 between the charge that was 1254 00:32:39,559 --> 00:32:41,227 being tried in the court 1255 00:32:41,261 --> 00:32:42,562 and the-- 1256 00:32:41,261 --> 00:32:42,562 - And the reporting. 1257 00:32:42,595 --> 00:32:44,898 - Charge of public opinion. 1258 00:32:42,595 --> 00:32:44,898 - Read the criminal code. 1259 00:32:44,931 --> 00:32:47,567 There is absolutely no 1260 00:32:44,931 --> 00:32:47,567 allegation, uh, 1261 00:32:47,600 --> 00:32:49,200 of evil intent. 1262 00:32:49,102 --> 00:32:50,503 - Yes, really, 1263 00:32:50,537 --> 00:32:52,706 agreed Crown Attorney 1264 00:32:50,537 --> 00:32:52,706 Karen O'Rielly. 1265 00:32:52,739 --> 00:32:54,307 - And the criminal 1266 00:32:52,739 --> 00:32:54,307 negligence charge 1267 00:32:54,341 --> 00:32:57,277 meant it was 1268 00:32:54,341 --> 00:32:57,277 a non-intentional shooting. 1269 00:32:57,310 --> 00:32:59,245 - The charge, 1270 00:32:57,310 --> 00:32:59,245 in its simplest terms? 1271 00:32:59,279 --> 00:33:01,781 That Mary Beth was 1272 00:32:59,279 --> 00:33:01,781 criminally irresponsible 1273 00:33:01,815 --> 00:33:04,284 when she squeezed the trigger 1274 00:33:01,815 --> 00:33:04,284 in the gathering dark 1275 00:33:04,317 --> 00:33:05,618 that awful night, 1276 00:33:05,652 --> 00:33:08,288 a big deal nonetheless 1277 00:33:05,652 --> 00:33:08,288 in Canadian law. 1278 00:33:08,321 --> 00:33:10,890 There are severe penalties 1279 00:33:08,321 --> 00:33:10,890 for that sort of thing here. 1280 00:33:10,924 --> 00:33:13,460 A maximum life sentence, 1281 00:33:10,924 --> 00:33:13,460 in fact. 1282 00:33:13,493 --> 00:33:15,929 It was big news, too, 1283 00:33:13,493 --> 00:33:15,929 when Mary Beth's in-laws, 1284 00:33:15,962 --> 00:33:18,498 the Harshbargers made their 1285 00:33:15,962 --> 00:33:18,498 somber presence known 1286 00:33:18,531 --> 00:33:21,267 with a pilgrimage to 1287 00:33:18,531 --> 00:33:21,267 the lonely stand of brush 1288 00:33:21,301 --> 00:33:24,738 where Mary Beth's bullet 1289 00:33:21,301 --> 00:33:24,738 found her mark, 1290 00:33:24,771 --> 00:33:28,308 and when, 1291 00:33:24,771 --> 00:33:28,308 on September 13, 2010, 1292 00:33:28,341 --> 00:33:31,111 four years to the week 1293 00:33:28,341 --> 00:33:31,111 after the incident in the brush, 1294 00:33:31,144 --> 00:33:34,314 Mary Beth was led into 1295 00:33:31,144 --> 00:33:34,314 the courthouse for trial. 1296 00:33:34,347 --> 00:33:36,383 In fact, the public 1297 00:33:34,347 --> 00:33:36,383 fascination with the case 1298 00:33:36,416 --> 00:33:39,319 was sufficiently intense 1299 00:33:36,416 --> 00:33:39,319 that her attorney advised her 1300 00:33:39,352 --> 00:33:42,880 to elect to be tried 1301 00:33:39,352 --> 00:33:42,880 by a judge alone. 1302 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:44,324 - Oh, it would've been foolish 1303 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:44,324 to bring this to a jury. 1304 00:33:44,357 --> 00:33:46,860 - Why do you say that? 1305 00:33:44,357 --> 00:33:46,860 - I was just afraid that, 1306 00:33:46,893 --> 00:33:50,397 um, a jury might think, 1307 00:33:46,893 --> 00:33:50,397 well, okay, she's an American, 1308 00:33:50,430 --> 00:33:51,731 you know, usin' a gun. 1309 00:33:51,765 --> 00:33:53,366 Maybe she did 1310 00:33:51,765 --> 00:33:53,366 intend to kill. 1311 00:33:53,400 --> 00:33:57,337 - So, in front of a judge, 1312 00:33:53,400 --> 00:33:57,337 but no cameras, no jury. 1313 00:33:57,370 --> 00:34:00,340 The hunting guide recalled 1314 00:33:57,370 --> 00:34:00,340 the fateful moment. 1315 00:34:08,748 --> 00:34:11,784 The Mounties told about their 1316 00:34:08,748 --> 00:34:11,784 inconclusive recreations, 1317 00:34:11,818 --> 00:34:13,485 about the twilight, 1318 00:34:11,818 --> 00:34:13,485 the brush, 1319 00:34:13,520 --> 00:34:16,556 the tall grass in which 1320 00:34:13,520 --> 00:34:16,556 Mary Beth claims she saw a bear. 1321 00:34:28,835 --> 00:34:31,905 But the star witness 1322 00:34:28,835 --> 00:34:31,905 was Mary Beth herself. 1323 00:34:31,938 --> 00:34:33,540 The audiotape version-- 1324 00:34:33,572 --> 00:34:36,376 That is, the recorded story 1325 00:34:33,572 --> 00:34:36,376 she told the Mounties 1326 00:34:36,409 --> 00:34:38,411 right after shooting 1327 00:34:36,409 --> 00:34:38,411 her husband. 1328 00:34:59,566 --> 00:35:02,135 And then, some evidence 1329 00:34:59,566 --> 00:35:02,135 that Mary Beth's in-laws 1330 00:35:02,168 --> 00:35:04,671 believed to be particularly 1331 00:35:02,168 --> 00:35:04,671 incriminating. 1332 00:35:04,704 --> 00:35:06,740 During her recorded chat 1333 00:35:04,704 --> 00:35:06,740 with the Mounties, 1334 00:35:06,773 --> 00:35:10,543 Mary Beth was asked 1335 00:35:06,773 --> 00:35:10,543 if there was life insurance. 1336 00:35:32,399 --> 00:35:35,835 A big, brand-new life 1337 00:35:32,399 --> 00:35:35,835 insurance policy on Mark. 1338 00:35:35,869 --> 00:35:38,138 And listen to what happens 1339 00:35:35,869 --> 00:35:38,138 when the policeman asks 1340 00:35:38,171 --> 00:35:42,375 this apparently horrified and 1341 00:35:38,171 --> 00:35:42,375 heartbroken woman for details. 1342 00:36:07,133 --> 00:36:08,234 - She knew the numbers 1343 00:36:08,268 --> 00:36:10,837 off the, you know, 1344 00:36:08,268 --> 00:36:10,837 top of her head. 1345 00:36:10,870 --> 00:36:12,138 - That seems a little weird, 1346 00:36:10,870 --> 00:36:12,138 doesn't it? 1347 00:36:12,172 --> 00:36:13,740 - I'd have to look up 1348 00:36:12,172 --> 00:36:13,740 the number, but-- 1349 00:36:13,773 --> 00:36:15,542 - Yeah. 1350 00:36:13,773 --> 00:36:15,542 - It did raise eyebrows. 1351 00:36:15,575 --> 00:36:17,877 - But as for the 1352 00:36:15,575 --> 00:36:17,877 Harshbarger's allegations 1353 00:36:17,911 --> 00:36:20,447 that Mary Beth was 1354 00:36:17,911 --> 00:36:20,447 a dangerous, loose cannon, 1355 00:36:20,480 --> 00:36:22,582 that Mark may have feared 1356 00:36:20,480 --> 00:36:22,582 for his own safety, 1357 00:36:22,615 --> 00:36:25,251 those allegations did not 1358 00:36:22,615 --> 00:36:25,251 make it into the trial 1359 00:36:25,285 --> 00:36:29,550 because the Crown Attorney 1360 00:36:25,285 --> 00:36:29,550 didn't allege even for a minute 1361 00:36:29,550 --> 00:36:31,758 that Mary Beth intended 1362 00:36:29,550 --> 00:36:31,758 to kill her husband. 1363 00:36:31,791 --> 00:36:33,526 So for the prosecution, 1364 00:36:33,560 --> 00:36:36,329 the Harshbargers' accusations 1365 00:36:33,560 --> 00:36:36,329 were irrelevant 1366 00:36:36,363 --> 00:36:40,233 and the case was about 1367 00:36:36,363 --> 00:36:40,233 criminal carelessness only. 1368 00:36:40,266 --> 00:36:41,501 - When you look at 1369 00:36:40,266 --> 00:36:41,501 the evidence 1370 00:36:41,534 --> 00:36:43,837 that the prosecution 1371 00:36:41,534 --> 00:36:43,837 did introduce, 1372 00:36:43,870 --> 00:36:46,840 the points that, 1373 00:36:43,870 --> 00:36:46,840 uh, were stressed 1374 00:36:46,873 --> 00:36:50,110 were that Mary Beth Harshbarger 1375 00:36:46,873 --> 00:36:50,110 is an experienced hunter. 1376 00:36:50,143 --> 00:36:52,912 She herself describes 1377 00:36:50,143 --> 00:36:52,912 herself as a good shot. 1378 00:36:52,946 --> 00:36:56,816 And yet, that night, 1379 00:36:52,946 --> 00:36:56,816 she fired on a target 1380 00:36:56,850 --> 00:36:58,818 that she hadn't identified. 1381 00:36:58,852 --> 00:37:01,210 - And Mary Beth's defense? 1382 00:37:01,210 --> 00:37:03,323 For one thing, the owner 1383 00:37:01,210 --> 00:37:03,323 of the hunting lodge said, 1384 00:37:03,356 --> 00:37:06,593 maybe Mark did look 1385 00:37:03,356 --> 00:37:06,593 like a bear that night. 1386 00:37:27,247 --> 00:37:30,483 - He was walking in 1387 00:37:27,247 --> 00:37:30,483 a rolling motion downhill, 1388 00:37:30,517 --> 00:37:32,719 watching his step 1389 00:37:30,517 --> 00:37:32,719 in diminishing light. 1390 00:37:32,752 --> 00:37:35,550 He, unknowingly, 1391 00:37:35,550 --> 00:37:37,791 exhibited the characteristics 1392 00:37:35,550 --> 00:37:37,791 of a bear. 1393 00:37:37,824 --> 00:37:41,895 - For the Harshbarger family, 1394 00:37:37,824 --> 00:37:41,895 the trial was not easy. 1395 00:37:41,928 --> 00:37:44,130 - I wanted and waited 1396 00:37:41,928 --> 00:37:44,130 four years, 1397 00:37:44,164 --> 00:37:47,534 so it came with a lot of mixed 1398 00:37:44,164 --> 00:37:47,534 emotions in that courtroom. 1399 00:37:47,567 --> 00:37:51,171 - And then, the judge adjourned 1400 00:37:47,567 --> 00:37:51,171 the case for a week 1401 00:37:51,204 --> 00:37:53,506 to ruminate 1402 00:37:51,204 --> 00:37:53,506 about his verdict. 1403 00:37:53,540 --> 00:37:55,750 A criminal 1404 00:37:53,540 --> 00:37:55,750 negligence conviction 1405 00:37:55,108 --> 00:37:58,178 would send Mary Beth to prison 1406 00:37:55,108 --> 00:37:58,178 here in Canada for years, 1407 00:37:58,211 --> 00:38:00,313 possibly even for life. 1408 00:38:00,347 --> 00:38:03,249 So what would it be? 1409 00:38:06,419 --> 00:38:07,620 - The verdict. 1410 00:38:07,654 --> 00:38:11,791 - She was visibly shaking 1411 00:38:07,654 --> 00:38:11,791 waiting for the judge to-- 1412 00:38:11,825 --> 00:38:12,892 - Trembling? 1413 00:38:11,825 --> 00:38:12,892 - Trembling. 1414 00:38:12,926 --> 00:38:14,828 She was just shaking. 1415 00:38:14,861 --> 00:38:18,498 - When "Dateline: Secrets 1416 00:38:14,861 --> 00:38:18,498 Uncovered" continues. 1417 00:38:26,390 --> 00:38:27,807 - It would not be 1418 00:38:26,390 --> 00:38:27,807 accurate to say 1419 00:38:27,841 --> 00:38:29,843 the Harshbarger family 1420 00:38:27,841 --> 00:38:29,843 was satisfied 1421 00:38:29,876 --> 00:38:32,879 with the Canadian case against 1422 00:38:29,876 --> 00:38:32,879 their in-law, Mary Beth. 1423 00:38:32,912 --> 00:38:35,810 They believe Mary Beth 1424 00:38:32,912 --> 00:38:35,810 committed murder 1425 00:38:35,115 --> 00:38:37,117 when she shot 1426 00:38:35,115 --> 00:38:37,117 Mark Harshbarger, 1427 00:38:37,150 --> 00:38:39,819 then claimed she thought 1428 00:38:37,150 --> 00:38:39,819 he was a bear. 1429 00:38:39,853 --> 00:38:42,956 Still, criminal negligence 1430 00:38:39,853 --> 00:38:42,956 causing death, 1431 00:38:43,560 --> 00:38:45,580 the actual charge 1432 00:38:43,560 --> 00:38:45,580 against Mary Beth, 1433 00:38:45,910 --> 00:38:47,527 could bring a long sentence, 1434 00:38:45,910 --> 00:38:47,527 even life in prison, 1435 00:38:47,560 --> 00:38:52,650 and on October 1, 2010, 1436 00:38:47,560 --> 00:38:52,650 four years after the shooting, 1437 00:38:52,650 --> 00:38:55,135 justice was about 1438 00:38:52,650 --> 00:38:55,135 to be served. 1439 00:38:55,168 --> 00:38:58,938 Again, a very nervous 1440 00:38:55,168 --> 00:38:58,938 Mary Beth was led 1441 00:38:58,972 --> 00:39:00,807 into the courtroom 1442 00:38:58,972 --> 00:39:00,807 in Grand Falls, 1443 00:39:00,840 --> 00:39:02,542 watched by Sue Bailey, 1444 00:39:02,575 --> 00:39:05,478 then with the Canandian Press 1445 00:39:02,575 --> 00:39:05,478 News Agency. 1446 00:39:05,512 --> 00:39:09,582 - She was visibly shaking, 1447 00:39:05,512 --> 00:39:09,582 waiting for the judge to-- 1448 00:39:09,616 --> 00:39:11,840 - Trembling? 1449 00:39:09,616 --> 00:39:11,840 - Trembling. 1450 00:39:11,117 --> 00:39:12,452 She was just shaking. 1451 00:39:12,485 --> 00:39:15,522 - Karl Inder, Mary Beth's 1452 00:39:12,485 --> 00:39:15,522 attorney, had the jitters, too. 1453 00:39:15,555 --> 00:39:17,424 - I was nervous. 1454 00:39:15,555 --> 00:39:17,424 It was a cliffhanger. 1455 00:39:17,457 --> 00:39:19,526 He kept us all 1456 00:39:17,457 --> 00:39:19,526 in suspense for the-- 1457 00:39:19,559 --> 00:39:22,462 uh, the bulk 1458 00:39:19,559 --> 00:39:22,462 of his decision. 1459 00:39:22,495 --> 00:39:25,131 - In suspense, 1460 00:39:22,495 --> 00:39:25,131 because the judge read 1461 00:39:25,165 --> 00:39:28,268 from a 35-page decision 1462 00:39:25,165 --> 00:39:28,268 he'd written. 1463 00:39:28,301 --> 00:39:30,270 It went on for 1464 00:39:28,301 --> 00:39:30,270 quite some time. 1465 00:39:32,939 --> 00:39:34,541 But then, finally... 1466 00:39:34,574 --> 00:39:36,776 - I think about halfway 1467 00:39:34,574 --> 00:39:36,776 through page 30 1468 00:39:36,810 --> 00:39:39,379 of the 35-page decision, 1469 00:39:36,810 --> 00:39:39,379 he showed his hand. 1470 00:39:50,690 --> 00:39:52,125 And that was that. 1471 00:39:52,158 --> 00:39:54,594 Not guilty of 1472 00:39:52,158 --> 00:39:54,594 any crime at all. 1473 00:39:54,627 --> 00:39:57,497 Mary Beth Harshbarger 1474 00:39:54,627 --> 00:39:57,497 was free to go. 1475 00:39:57,530 --> 00:40:01,334 - She burst into tears 1476 00:39:57,530 --> 00:40:01,334 and was led out, 1477 00:40:01,368 --> 00:40:03,403 and you could 1478 00:40:01,368 --> 00:40:03,403 hear her sobbing 1479 00:40:03,436 --> 00:40:05,138 as she was taken 1480 00:40:03,436 --> 00:40:05,138 into the back room. 1481 00:40:05,171 --> 00:40:08,675 - It was a great relief. 1482 00:40:05,171 --> 00:40:08,675 I was glad for my client. 1483 00:40:08,708 --> 00:40:12,479 It was a lot of work 1484 00:40:08,708 --> 00:40:12,479 and it turned out. 1485 00:40:12,512 --> 00:40:15,150 They don't always 1486 00:40:12,512 --> 00:40:15,150 turn out, Keith. 1487 00:40:15,480 --> 00:40:17,917 - Mary Beth left the courthouse 1488 00:40:15,480 --> 00:40:17,917 with her attorney 1489 00:40:17,951 --> 00:40:21,388 and departed for Pennsylvania 1490 00:40:17,951 --> 00:40:21,388 the very next day, 1491 00:40:21,421 --> 00:40:23,623 free to return 1492 00:40:21,421 --> 00:40:23,623 to the kids and Barry 1493 00:40:23,656 --> 00:40:24,991 and her lovely, big house 1494 00:40:25,250 --> 00:40:26,860 and her Porsche 1495 00:40:25,250 --> 00:40:26,860 and her Hummer 1496 00:40:26,893 --> 00:40:28,280 and what was left 1497 00:40:28,610 --> 00:40:31,131 of the $600,000-plus 1498 00:40:28,610 --> 00:40:31,131 insurance settlement, 1499 00:40:31,164 --> 00:40:33,533 and furious relatives. 1500 00:40:33,566 --> 00:40:36,603 - She knows what she did 1501 00:40:33,566 --> 00:40:36,603 and, in my opinion, 1502 00:40:36,636 --> 00:40:38,471 she killed Mark 1503 00:40:36,636 --> 00:40:38,471 intentionally. 1504 00:40:38,505 --> 00:40:40,507 She's getting 1505 00:40:38,505 --> 00:40:40,507 away with murder. 1506 00:40:40,540 --> 00:40:44,100 - It was unbelievable that 1507 00:40:40,540 --> 00:40:44,100 they would let her off 1508 00:40:44,440 --> 00:40:48,748 with no consequences, uh, 1509 00:40:44,440 --> 00:40:48,748 no penalty whatsoever. 1510 00:40:48,782 --> 00:40:50,750 - Are you happy now, 1511 00:40:48,782 --> 00:40:50,750 Mary Beth? 1512 00:40:50,784 --> 00:40:53,190 - And Mary Beth 1513 00:40:50,784 --> 00:40:53,190 might've expected 1514 00:40:53,530 --> 00:40:54,554 a sunny sort of reception 1515 00:40:54,587 --> 00:40:57,424 upon her return home 1516 00:40:54,587 --> 00:40:57,424 to her big farmhouse, 1517 00:40:57,457 --> 00:41:00,493 but there was a bit of a shakeup 1518 00:40:57,457 --> 00:41:00,493 back at the homestead. 1519 00:41:00,527 --> 00:41:03,960 Barry had run off 1520 00:41:00,527 --> 00:41:03,960 with the babysitter. 1521 00:41:03,129 --> 00:41:05,732 They'd moved out, 1522 00:41:03,129 --> 00:41:05,732 gotten married. 1523 00:41:05,765 --> 00:41:08,968 You might wonder what Mary Beth 1524 00:41:05,765 --> 00:41:08,968 thought about it all-- 1525 00:41:09,690 --> 00:41:10,403 The shooting, the in-laws, 1526 00:41:10,437 --> 00:41:13,606 the accusations, 1527 00:41:10,437 --> 00:41:13,606 the trial, Barry. 1528 00:41:13,640 --> 00:41:16,609 Well, of course, 1529 00:41:13,640 --> 00:41:16,609 we did too. 1530 00:41:16,643 --> 00:41:18,211 We met with Mary Beth 1531 00:41:18,244 --> 00:41:20,547 as she went about rebuilding 1532 00:41:18,244 --> 00:41:20,547 life with the kids 1533 00:41:20,580 --> 00:41:23,950 after spending all those months 1534 00:41:20,580 --> 00:41:23,950 in jail awaiting trial. 1535 00:41:23,983 --> 00:41:27,487 She told us she avoids contact 1536 00:41:23,983 --> 00:41:27,487 with the Harshbargers now, 1537 00:41:27,520 --> 00:41:28,822 and for that matter, 1538 00:41:27,520 --> 00:41:28,822 just about everybody 1539 00:41:28,855 --> 00:41:30,690 in the little towns 1540 00:41:28,855 --> 00:41:30,690 around her 1541 00:41:30,724 --> 00:41:32,892 where the gossip 1542 00:41:30,724 --> 00:41:32,892 churns as usual. 1543 00:41:32,926 --> 00:41:35,950 We made a date for 1544 00:41:32,926 --> 00:41:35,950 an on-camera interview 1545 00:41:35,128 --> 00:41:36,896 so she could tell her 1546 00:41:35,128 --> 00:41:36,896 side of the story, 1547 00:41:36,930 --> 00:41:38,631 and then, as the date 1548 00:41:36,930 --> 00:41:38,631 approached, 1549 00:41:38,665 --> 00:41:40,133 she changed her mind. 1550 00:41:40,166 --> 00:41:41,334 "Won't do it," she said. 1551 00:41:41,368 --> 00:41:43,470 "Don't care what anybody 1552 00:41:41,368 --> 00:41:43,470 thinks about me." 1553 00:41:43,503 --> 00:41:45,572 Especially the Harshbargers, 1554 00:41:45,605 --> 00:41:48,408 who are left now 1555 00:41:45,605 --> 00:41:48,408 with only memories. 1556 00:41:48,441 --> 00:41:51,978 - The only thing we have 1557 00:41:48,441 --> 00:41:51,978 left to remind us of Mark 1558 00:41:52,120 --> 00:41:54,381 is the family pictures 1559 00:41:54,414 --> 00:41:57,217 and, of course, 1560 00:41:54,414 --> 00:41:57,217 those two grandchildren. 1561 00:41:57,250 --> 00:41:58,418 Mark's children. 1562 00:41:58,451 --> 00:42:00,887 - Lee Harshbarger 1563 00:41:58,451 --> 00:42:00,887 walked the forest 1564 00:42:00,920 --> 00:42:02,689 he taught his son to love 1565 00:42:02,722 --> 00:42:05,859 and that his 1566 00:42:02,722 --> 00:42:05,859 son so loved to hunt. 1567 00:42:05,892 --> 00:42:07,761 - He had a favorite saying. 1568 00:42:07,794 --> 00:42:10,563 "Well, Dad, that was another 1569 00:42:07,794 --> 00:42:10,563 fine day afield." 1570 00:42:10,597 --> 00:42:15,635 That was very, 1571 00:42:10,597 --> 00:42:15,635 very rewarding. 1572 00:42:15,669 --> 00:42:17,103 - And Mary Beth? 1573 00:42:17,137 --> 00:42:19,506 Probably the gift 1574 00:42:17,137 --> 00:42:19,506 she sent her attorney 1575 00:42:19,539 --> 00:42:22,909 is as heartfelt a comment 1576 00:42:19,539 --> 00:42:22,909 as we'll get. 1577 00:42:22,942 --> 00:42:25,812 - Well, she sent me 1578 00:42:22,942 --> 00:42:25,812 a little, uh, 1579 00:42:25,845 --> 00:42:28,748 token of her appreciation, 1580 00:42:25,845 --> 00:42:28,748 a bumper sticker that read, 1581 00:42:28,782 --> 00:42:33,860 "It is as bad as it gets, 1582 00:42:28,782 --> 00:42:33,860 and they are out to get you." 1583 00:42:33,860 --> 00:42:35,880 And I thought that 1584 00:42:33,860 --> 00:42:35,880 was pretty fitting. 1585 00:42:40,360 --> 00:42:41,628 - And that's all for 1586 00:42:40,360 --> 00:42:41,628 this edition 1587 00:42:41,661 --> 00:42:43,897 of "Dateline: 1588 00:42:41,661 --> 00:42:43,897 Secrets Uncovered." 1589 00:42:43,930 --> 00:42:46,800 I'm Craig Melvin. 1590 00:42:43,930 --> 00:42:46,800 Thank you for watching.