1 00:00:07,107 --> 00:00:07,507 I'm Craig Melvin, 2 00:00:08,408 --> 00:00:12,212 and this is "Dateline: 3 00:00:08,408 --> 00:00:12,212 Secrets Uncovered." 4 00:00:12,245 --> 00:00:13,713 A beautiful woman 5 00:00:13,747 --> 00:00:17,450 at the heart of 6 00:00:13,747 --> 00:00:17,450 a generation-old mystery. 7 00:00:17,484 --> 00:00:18,952 - I can still 8 00:00:17,484 --> 00:00:18,952 hear them crying. 9 00:00:18,985 --> 00:00:22,956 - A young mom torn between 10 00:00:18,985 --> 00:00:22,956 her photographer husband 11 00:00:22,989 --> 00:00:27,360 and her photographer lover 12 00:00:22,989 --> 00:00:27,360 found dead in her own home. 13 00:00:27,394 --> 00:00:29,290 - It was just 14 00:00:27,394 --> 00:00:29,290 blood everywhere. 15 00:00:29,620 --> 00:00:32,165 - But it would take years 16 00:00:29,620 --> 00:00:32,165 before science could unlock 17 00:00:32,198 --> 00:00:35,101 crucial DNA left 18 00:00:32,198 --> 00:00:35,101 at the crime scene. 19 00:00:35,135 --> 00:00:36,436 - It has a story to tell. 20 00:00:36,469 --> 00:00:38,872 - And then, there was 21 00:00:36,469 --> 00:00:38,872 this diary. 22 00:00:38,905 --> 00:00:41,241 It, too, had 23 00:00:38,905 --> 00:00:41,241 a story to tell. 24 00:00:41,274 --> 00:00:43,576 - Everything she knew 25 00:00:41,274 --> 00:00:43,576 about him was a lie. 26 00:00:43,610 --> 00:00:45,512 - A husband under suspicion. 27 00:00:45,545 --> 00:00:47,480 - You start getting 28 00:00:45,545 --> 00:00:47,480 more convinced 29 00:00:47,514 --> 00:00:49,716 that he was part 30 00:00:47,514 --> 00:00:49,716 of that crime scene. 31 00:00:49,749 --> 00:00:51,885 - A lover the subject 32 00:00:49,749 --> 00:00:51,885 of speculation. 33 00:00:51,918 --> 00:00:53,653 - All of a sudden, 34 00:00:51,918 --> 00:00:53,653 he has a motive. 35 00:00:53,687 --> 00:00:55,955 - After more than 36 00:00:53,687 --> 00:00:55,955 a quarter century, 37 00:00:55,989 --> 00:00:58,958 would this family 38 00:00:55,989 --> 00:00:58,958 get justice? 39 00:00:58,992 --> 00:01:07,670 ** 40 00:01:07,100 --> 00:01:11,710 - Hello, and welcome to 41 00:01:07,100 --> 00:01:11,710 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered". 42 00:01:11,104 --> 00:01:14,941 Kit Mordick was a young mom 43 00:01:11,104 --> 00:01:14,941 launching a new career 44 00:01:14,974 --> 00:01:17,377 when she was found 45 00:01:14,974 --> 00:01:17,377 brutally murdered. 46 00:01:17,410 --> 00:01:19,713 After decades 47 00:01:17,410 --> 00:01:19,713 with no arrest, 48 00:01:19,746 --> 00:01:22,282 hope of solving 49 00:01:19,746 --> 00:01:22,282 the case faded. 50 00:01:22,315 --> 00:01:24,351 What did not fade 51 00:01:24,384 --> 00:01:28,880 were specs of DNA 52 00:01:24,384 --> 00:01:28,880 found at the crime scene. 53 00:01:28,880 --> 00:01:30,190 All these years later, 54 00:01:30,223 --> 00:01:34,494 could it reveal the secret 55 00:01:30,223 --> 00:01:34,494 to her killer's identity? 56 00:01:34,527 --> 00:01:36,896 Here's Keith Morrison 57 00:01:34,527 --> 00:01:36,896 with "Haunting Images." 58 00:01:43,169 --> 00:01:45,771 - Boyd Underwood was back-- 59 00:01:45,805 --> 00:01:48,274 back here where 60 00:01:45,805 --> 00:01:48,274 he always belonged. 61 00:01:48,308 --> 00:01:50,176 He probably shouldn't have 62 00:01:48,308 --> 00:01:50,176 retired in the first place, 63 00:01:50,210 --> 00:01:52,512 born detective like Boyd. 64 00:01:52,545 --> 00:01:55,148 Now the buzz cuts 65 00:01:52,545 --> 00:01:55,148 and shark suits all around him 66 00:01:55,181 --> 00:01:57,984 were a generation younger, 67 00:01:55,181 --> 00:01:57,984 with their high-tech gear 68 00:01:58,180 --> 00:02:01,540 and their fancy 69 00:01:58,180 --> 00:02:01,540 new Anaheim P.D., 70 00:02:01,870 --> 00:02:02,756 but who else had 71 00:02:01,870 --> 00:02:02,756 the experience 72 00:02:02,789 --> 00:02:04,858 to make sense 73 00:02:02,789 --> 00:02:04,858 of what was in here, 74 00:02:04,891 --> 00:02:06,659 this room of lost causes, 75 00:02:06,693 --> 00:02:11,231 so many cases gone cold, 76 00:02:06,693 --> 00:02:11,231 justice denied? 77 00:02:11,264 --> 00:02:13,400 Like this one, 78 00:02:11,264 --> 00:02:13,400 the one about her. 79 00:02:13,433 --> 00:02:17,700 Though, God knows back then 80 00:02:13,433 --> 00:02:17,700 when they gave it to him, 81 00:02:17,700 --> 00:02:18,838 it didn't look so hot. 82 00:02:18,872 --> 00:02:21,408 - It was like, "We sure we're 83 00:02:18,872 --> 00:02:21,408 gonna get involved in this?" 84 00:02:21,441 --> 00:02:23,109 You know? 85 00:02:21,441 --> 00:02:23,109 In hindsight, 86 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:26,179 I'm not sure that's the thing 87 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:26,179 I should have done. 88 00:02:26,212 --> 00:02:29,983 - Maybe not, but then Boyd 89 00:02:26,212 --> 00:02:29,983 opened that file, 90 00:02:30,829 --> 00:02:32,152 and what a story 91 00:02:30,829 --> 00:02:32,152 he found there 92 00:02:32,185 --> 00:02:33,953 of the beautiful woman, 93 00:02:33,987 --> 00:02:37,900 the curious lies, 94 00:02:33,987 --> 00:02:37,900 and those strange books 95 00:02:37,123 --> 00:02:40,126 with their long-ago, 96 00:02:37,123 --> 00:02:40,126 private thoughts. 97 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:42,162 But was he obsessed? 98 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:42,162 Should he have let it 99 00:02:42,195 --> 00:02:44,397 consume more than 100 00:02:42,195 --> 00:02:44,397 a decade of his life, 101 00:02:44,430 --> 00:02:46,232 follow him into 102 00:02:44,430 --> 00:02:46,232 retirement? 103 00:02:48,134 --> 00:02:50,303 The woman he found 104 00:02:48,134 --> 00:02:50,303 in there was Katherine-- 105 00:02:50,337 --> 00:02:53,106 "Kit", as people called her, 106 00:02:50,337 --> 00:02:53,106 and certainly, 107 00:02:53,106 --> 00:02:55,642 to an idolizing little 108 00:02:53,106 --> 00:02:55,642 sister named Donna, 109 00:02:55,675 --> 00:02:57,811 she was something. 110 00:02:57,844 --> 00:03:00,547 - Everywhere she went, 111 00:02:57,844 --> 00:03:00,547 she was just this bright smile 112 00:03:00,580 --> 00:03:02,820 that brought light 113 00:03:00,580 --> 00:03:02,820 into a room, 114 00:03:02,115 --> 00:03:04,551 and you just 115 00:03:02,115 --> 00:03:04,551 gravitated towards her. 116 00:03:06,853 --> 00:03:10,790 - Donna and Kit shared 117 00:03:06,853 --> 00:03:10,790 just about everything. 118 00:03:10,824 --> 00:03:12,459 - And she's just shining. 119 00:03:10,824 --> 00:03:12,459 You know? 120 00:03:12,492 --> 00:03:15,929 She's just gorgeous, 121 00:03:12,492 --> 00:03:15,929 and she's just Kit, 122 00:03:15,962 --> 00:03:18,640 and there's gawky 123 00:03:15,962 --> 00:03:18,640 little Donna, you know? 124 00:03:18,640 --> 00:03:20,100 And she's just-- 125 00:03:18,640 --> 00:03:20,100 "Come on. Let's go, kid. 126 00:03:20,133 --> 00:03:22,969 "Let's go have fun." 127 00:03:23,690 --> 00:03:24,971 - And then the fairytale. 128 00:03:25,710 --> 00:03:27,807 It began in, well, 129 00:03:25,710 --> 00:03:27,807 the happiest place on earth. 130 00:03:27,841 --> 00:03:29,476 Isn't that what 131 00:03:27,841 --> 00:03:29,476 they call it? 132 00:03:29,509 --> 00:03:32,780 It was 1974. 133 00:03:29,509 --> 00:03:32,780 Kit landed a job 134 00:03:32,112 --> 00:03:36,216 at the "It's a Small World" 135 00:03:32,112 --> 00:03:36,216 attraction at Disneyland. 136 00:03:36,249 --> 00:03:38,651 It's where she met 137 00:03:36,249 --> 00:03:38,651 who else? 138 00:03:38,685 --> 00:03:40,353 Prince Charming. 139 00:03:40,387 --> 00:03:43,356 - It seemed like a fairytale. 140 00:03:40,387 --> 00:03:43,356 She was really happy. 141 00:03:43,390 --> 00:03:46,659 And we were happy 142 00:03:43,390 --> 00:03:46,659 for both of them. 143 00:03:46,692 --> 00:03:49,950 - His name was 144 00:03:46,692 --> 00:03:49,950 Gregory Mordick. 145 00:03:49,129 --> 00:03:52,980 He was a foreman on 146 00:03:49,129 --> 00:03:52,980 "It's a Small World," 147 00:03:52,980 --> 00:03:54,801 and he was gentle 148 00:03:52,980 --> 00:03:54,801 and easy. 149 00:03:54,834 --> 00:03:56,670 One of a kind, 150 00:03:54,834 --> 00:03:56,670 really. 151 00:03:56,703 --> 00:03:59,172 That he loved to cook 152 00:03:56,703 --> 00:03:59,172 was not so unusual, 153 00:03:59,204 --> 00:04:03,476 but he also loved sewing, 154 00:03:59,204 --> 00:04:03,476 and she liked that, 155 00:04:03,510 --> 00:04:04,711 liked it also 156 00:04:03,510 --> 00:04:04,711 when he told her 157 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:08,782 about his college degree 158 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:08,782 and his service in Vietnam. 159 00:04:08,815 --> 00:04:12,485 And so, the wedding 160 00:04:08,815 --> 00:04:12,485 in 1977 was magic. 161 00:04:12,519 --> 00:04:15,922 Kit was happy, 162 00:04:12,519 --> 00:04:15,922 and before long, pregnant. 163 00:04:15,955 --> 00:04:18,692 First with Elise, 164 00:04:15,955 --> 00:04:18,692 then Brianna, 165 00:04:18,725 --> 00:04:21,293 and then career. 166 00:04:21,327 --> 00:04:22,829 Kit had studied 167 00:04:21,327 --> 00:04:22,829 home economics, 168 00:04:22,862 --> 00:04:26,166 and so launched her dream 169 00:04:22,862 --> 00:04:26,166 to become a food stylist, 170 00:04:26,199 --> 00:04:27,534 which means she 171 00:04:26,199 --> 00:04:27,534 was the person 172 00:04:27,567 --> 00:04:31,710 who'd make it all look 173 00:04:27,567 --> 00:04:31,710 so wonderful in the ads. 174 00:04:31,710 --> 00:04:32,939 - It's something I don't 175 00:04:31,710 --> 00:04:32,939 have an eye for, 176 00:04:32,972 --> 00:04:35,642 'cause all those corn kernels 177 00:04:32,972 --> 00:04:35,642 look the same to me. 178 00:04:35,675 --> 00:04:37,711 But when you're 179 00:04:35,675 --> 00:04:37,711 a food stylist, 180 00:04:37,744 --> 00:04:39,346 it's your job 181 00:04:37,744 --> 00:04:39,346 to find the best. 182 00:04:39,379 --> 00:04:42,115 - Was she good at it? 183 00:04:39,379 --> 00:04:42,115 - Very. Very. 184 00:04:42,148 --> 00:04:43,917 - Her sister Donna still has 185 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:45,852 food photographs 186 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:45,852 Kit designed before 187 00:04:45,885 --> 00:04:49,589 some of Boyd Underwood's young 188 00:04:45,885 --> 00:04:49,589 detective buddies were born. 189 00:04:49,622 --> 00:04:52,920 These were published back 190 00:04:49,622 --> 00:04:52,920 in the early '80s 191 00:04:52,920 --> 00:04:54,227 by the "LA Times 192 00:04:52,920 --> 00:04:54,227 Home Magazine." 193 00:04:56,796 --> 00:05:00,367 And that's when the strange 194 00:04:56,796 --> 00:05:00,367 story really began. 195 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:02,369 Maybe it was the fact she'd 196 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:02,369 been married four years. 197 00:05:02,402 --> 00:05:04,370 Was she bored? 198 00:05:02,402 --> 00:05:04,370 Or maybe it was 199 00:05:04,700 --> 00:05:05,905 the close quarters, 200 00:05:04,700 --> 00:05:05,905 the long hours 201 00:05:05,939 --> 00:05:10,110 with the photographer of 202 00:05:05,939 --> 00:05:10,110 the food she prepared. 203 00:05:10,143 --> 00:05:12,746 There was an affair. 204 00:05:10,143 --> 00:05:12,746 Kit was in love, 205 00:05:12,779 --> 00:05:15,582 and she was Catholic 206 00:05:12,779 --> 00:05:15,582 and consumed with guilt 207 00:05:15,615 --> 00:05:19,419 and confessed it all 208 00:05:15,615 --> 00:05:19,419 to her husband. 209 00:05:19,452 --> 00:05:21,521 - She went to him and said, 210 00:05:19,452 --> 00:05:21,521 "I've been with another man"? 211 00:05:21,554 --> 00:05:23,456 - Yes, that night. 212 00:05:21,554 --> 00:05:23,456 - The very night it happened? 213 00:05:23,490 --> 00:05:25,580 - That's what she told me. 214 00:05:25,580 --> 00:05:27,127 - Gregory seemed 215 00:05:25,580 --> 00:05:27,127 prepared to forgive. 216 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:30,497 They both still swore they 217 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:30,497 cared deeply for each other, 218 00:05:30,530 --> 00:05:32,799 but marriage 219 00:05:30,530 --> 00:05:32,799 is tough enough for two. 220 00:05:32,832 --> 00:05:35,135 there wasn't enough room 221 00:05:32,832 --> 00:05:35,135 for three. 222 00:05:35,168 --> 00:05:36,936 It was over. 223 00:05:36,970 --> 00:05:38,905 That Christmas of 1982, 224 00:05:38,938 --> 00:05:40,440 Kit's big brother 225 00:05:38,938 --> 00:05:40,440 Joe O'Connell 226 00:05:40,473 --> 00:05:43,376 saw how it was 227 00:05:40,473 --> 00:05:43,376 with the new guy. 228 00:05:43,409 --> 00:05:46,346 - It was obvious that they were 229 00:05:43,409 --> 00:05:46,346 very happy with each other. 230 00:05:46,379 --> 00:05:48,810 Very, very happy. 231 00:05:48,114 --> 00:05:51,851 - His name was Henry, 232 00:05:48,114 --> 00:05:51,851 had his own photography studio, 233 00:05:51,885 --> 00:05:53,853 and Donna dropped by 234 00:05:51,885 --> 00:05:53,853 one morning 235 00:05:53,887 --> 00:05:55,422 when Kit was there. 236 00:05:55,455 --> 00:05:58,909 - She was happy, 237 00:05:55,455 --> 00:05:58,909 and she was in love 238 00:05:58,124 --> 00:06:00,493 to someone that 239 00:05:58,124 --> 00:06:00,493 treated her really good 240 00:06:00,527 --> 00:06:02,462 and was in love with her. 241 00:06:02,495 --> 00:06:05,565 They would have 242 00:06:02,495 --> 00:06:05,565 made a great family. 243 00:06:05,598 --> 00:06:08,201 - Kit was bursting 244 00:06:05,598 --> 00:06:08,201 with plans, 245 00:06:08,234 --> 00:06:11,538 announced that she was moving to 246 00:06:08,234 --> 00:06:11,538 Los Angeles from Orange County 247 00:06:11,571 --> 00:06:14,574 to be closer to 248 00:06:11,571 --> 00:06:14,574 her food styling work. 249 00:06:14,607 --> 00:06:16,476 And then that weekend. 250 00:06:16,509 --> 00:06:19,145 It was January 1983. 251 00:06:19,179 --> 00:06:21,581 Decades later, 252 00:06:19,179 --> 00:06:21,581 what happened that weekend, 253 00:06:21,614 --> 00:06:23,183 the mystery of it, 254 00:06:23,216 --> 00:06:26,520 was in a file on 255 00:06:23,216 --> 00:06:26,520 Boyd Underwood's desk, 256 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:28,880 and a family was 257 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:28,880 thinking back, 258 00:06:28,121 --> 00:06:32,792 trying to piece together those 259 00:06:28,121 --> 00:06:32,792 incomprehensible events 260 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:36,363 starting with 261 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:36,363 that first call. 262 00:06:36,396 --> 00:06:37,397 - I called her at home. 263 00:06:37,430 --> 00:06:38,898 It was slightly before 264 00:06:37,430 --> 00:06:38,898 10 Saturday morning. 265 00:06:38,932 --> 00:06:40,367 - Did she pick up? 266 00:06:38,932 --> 00:06:40,367 - Nope. 267 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:41,935 You know, I didn't think 268 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:41,935 anything of it. 269 00:06:41,968 --> 00:06:43,169 She's just gone for 270 00:06:41,968 --> 00:06:43,169 the day already. 271 00:06:43,203 --> 00:06:44,270 I missed her. 272 00:06:44,304 --> 00:06:46,573 - She was supposed to come 273 00:06:44,304 --> 00:06:46,573 on Saturday night, 274 00:06:46,606 --> 00:06:47,607 and we didn't 275 00:06:46,606 --> 00:06:47,607 hear from her. 276 00:06:47,640 --> 00:06:50,176 She didn't come 277 00:06:47,640 --> 00:06:50,176 and didn't call. 278 00:06:50,210 --> 00:06:52,379 - Older brother Joe 279 00:06:50,210 --> 00:06:52,379 remembers how he figured 280 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:54,514 she was just busy 281 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:54,514 with her move 282 00:06:54,547 --> 00:06:56,820 from Anaheim up to LA. 283 00:06:56,820 --> 00:06:58,284 No cause for alarm. 284 00:06:58,318 --> 00:07:02,880 It wasn't until Sunday night 285 00:06:58,318 --> 00:07:02,880 they decided to check on her. 286 00:07:02,122 --> 00:07:04,657 So Joe says he 287 00:07:02,122 --> 00:07:04,657 and Kit's boyfriend Henry 288 00:07:04,691 --> 00:07:07,694 drove down to Anaheim 289 00:07:04,691 --> 00:07:07,694 to Kit's house. 290 00:07:07,727 --> 00:07:09,729 - There were no lights on in 291 00:07:07,727 --> 00:07:09,729 the house that we could see. 292 00:07:09,763 --> 00:07:12,599 So we started to walk away, 293 00:07:09,763 --> 00:07:12,599 thinking everything is fine. 294 00:07:12,632 --> 00:07:16,169 And then, as we turned to 295 00:07:12,632 --> 00:07:16,169 leave and walk off the porch, 296 00:07:16,202 --> 00:07:18,271 Henry just looked 297 00:07:16,202 --> 00:07:18,271 into the garage. 298 00:07:20,140 --> 00:07:21,408 We saw her car, 299 00:07:23,743 --> 00:07:26,312 and that's when 300 00:07:23,743 --> 00:07:26,312 panic started. 301 00:07:26,346 --> 00:07:28,348 - It was a blur 302 00:07:26,346 --> 00:07:28,348 from that point on. 303 00:07:28,381 --> 00:07:29,849 Everything frantic then. 304 00:07:29,883 --> 00:07:32,352 Joe wrapped his jacket 305 00:07:29,883 --> 00:07:32,352 around his arm, he remembered, 306 00:07:32,385 --> 00:07:33,753 getting ready to 307 00:07:32,385 --> 00:07:33,753 punch his fist 308 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:35,755 through the window 309 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:35,755 off the porch. 310 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:37,524 He saw Henry 311 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:37,524 run around back, 312 00:07:37,557 --> 00:07:40,126 and, within moments, heard it-- 313 00:07:37,557 --> 00:07:40,126 Henry's scream. 314 00:07:41,494 --> 00:07:43,196 Henry had managed 315 00:07:41,494 --> 00:07:43,196 to get into the house 316 00:07:43,229 --> 00:07:45,398 through an unlocked 317 00:07:43,229 --> 00:07:45,398 patio door. 318 00:07:45,432 --> 00:07:46,766 He opened the front door. 319 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:50,503 Joe stepped inside 320 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:50,503 into a nightmare. 321 00:07:50,537 --> 00:07:52,439 - I saw her lying there. 322 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:54,174 It was just blood 323 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:54,174 everywhere. 324 00:07:54,207 --> 00:07:56,242 She was dead. 325 00:07:54,207 --> 00:07:56,242 She was murdered. 326 00:07:57,310 --> 00:07:58,812 - Coming up... 327 00:07:58,845 --> 00:08:02,382 - Kit's brother and boyfriend 328 00:07:58,845 --> 00:08:02,382 get grilled by police. 329 00:08:02,415 --> 00:08:05,585 - Was he questioned closely? 330 00:08:02,415 --> 00:08:05,585 - Oh, yeah, we both were. 331 00:08:12,325 --> 00:08:19,320 ** 332 00:08:19,666 --> 00:08:22,168 - How violent was that scene? 333 00:08:22,202 --> 00:08:25,538 - Her head was almost gone. 334 00:08:25,572 --> 00:08:28,808 - The case was old and cold 335 00:08:25,572 --> 00:08:28,808 when he found it. 336 00:08:28,842 --> 00:08:31,440 But before long, 337 00:08:28,842 --> 00:08:31,440 Detective Boyd Underwood 338 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:34,147 was sucked right into 339 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:34,147 the puzzling mystery 340 00:08:34,179 --> 00:08:36,616 of what happened to the 341 00:08:34,179 --> 00:08:36,616 beautiful young food stylist 342 00:08:36,649 --> 00:08:39,152 back in January 1983. 343 00:08:39,184 --> 00:08:40,520 Kit's brother, Joe O'Connell, 344 00:08:40,553 --> 00:08:42,922 told Boyd about 345 00:08:40,553 --> 00:08:42,922 finding her body, 346 00:08:42,956 --> 00:08:45,910 about having to tell 347 00:08:42,956 --> 00:08:45,910 their parents. 348 00:08:45,125 --> 00:08:46,593 - One of the hardest things 349 00:08:45,125 --> 00:08:46,593 I've ever done 350 00:08:46,626 --> 00:08:48,528 was to call 351 00:08:46,626 --> 00:08:48,528 my mom and dad 352 00:08:48,561 --> 00:08:49,896 and tell her 353 00:08:48,561 --> 00:08:49,896 what happened. 354 00:08:49,929 --> 00:08:52,265 I can still hear 355 00:08:49,929 --> 00:08:52,265 them crying. 356 00:08:52,298 --> 00:08:53,900 - Joe remembered how, 357 00:08:52,298 --> 00:08:53,900 having heard 358 00:08:53,933 --> 00:08:56,569 not a peep from Kit that 359 00:08:53,933 --> 00:08:56,569 weekend in 1983, 360 00:08:56,603 --> 00:08:58,772 he and Kit's boyfriend Henry 361 00:08:56,603 --> 00:08:58,772 drove through 362 00:08:58,805 --> 00:09:01,775 the Sunday night dark 363 00:08:58,805 --> 00:09:01,775 to check on her, 364 00:09:01,808 --> 00:09:04,100 how they found her 365 00:09:01,808 --> 00:09:04,100 in the dining room 366 00:09:04,100 --> 00:09:06,212 lying in a pool 367 00:09:04,100 --> 00:09:06,212 of her own blood. 368 00:09:06,246 --> 00:09:07,747 Her throat 369 00:09:06,246 --> 00:09:07,747 had been slashed. 370 00:09:07,781 --> 00:09:10,650 She was nude from 371 00:09:07,781 --> 00:09:10,650 the waist down. 372 00:09:10,684 --> 00:09:13,920 - We were both crying, 373 00:09:10,684 --> 00:09:13,920 both of us out of control. 374 00:09:14,200 --> 00:09:17,257 - Maybe Kit's killer 375 00:09:14,200 --> 00:09:17,257 was out of control too. 376 00:09:17,290 --> 00:09:19,920 The place was a mess, 377 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:21,361 the TV haphazardly placed 378 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:21,361 near the front door, 379 00:09:21,394 --> 00:09:22,896 the speakers 380 00:09:21,394 --> 00:09:22,896 ripped from the walls, 381 00:09:22,929 --> 00:09:26,320 a potted plant 382 00:09:22,929 --> 00:09:26,320 fallen on the floor. 383 00:09:26,320 --> 00:09:29,269 The chaotic scene, her skirt 384 00:09:26,320 --> 00:09:29,269 and underwear pulled down 385 00:09:29,302 --> 00:09:32,380 like somebody had 386 00:09:29,302 --> 00:09:32,380 raped her, killed her, 387 00:09:32,380 --> 00:09:33,707 started to burglarize 388 00:09:32,380 --> 00:09:33,707 the house 389 00:09:33,740 --> 00:09:36,409 and then left 390 00:09:33,740 --> 00:09:36,409 before he was done. 391 00:09:36,443 --> 00:09:39,145 But to the police back then, 392 00:09:36,443 --> 00:09:39,145 it looked phony, 393 00:09:39,179 --> 00:09:40,814 like things had 394 00:09:39,179 --> 00:09:40,814 been staged somehow. 395 00:09:40,847 --> 00:09:42,248 No sign of forced entry, 396 00:09:42,282 --> 00:09:44,718 just the rear sliding door 397 00:09:42,282 --> 00:09:44,718 slightly ajar. 398 00:09:44,751 --> 00:09:46,860 The same entry, 399 00:09:44,751 --> 00:09:46,860 by the way, 400 00:09:46,119 --> 00:09:49,756 that Henry slipped through 401 00:09:46,119 --> 00:09:49,756 to find her body. 402 00:09:49,789 --> 00:09:53,193 Back then, at the end of 403 00:09:49,789 --> 00:09:53,193 that weekend in January '83, 404 00:09:53,226 --> 00:09:55,610 police set out right away 405 00:09:53,226 --> 00:09:55,610 to interview people 406 00:09:55,610 --> 00:09:58,164 in Kit's inner circle, 407 00:09:55,610 --> 00:09:58,164 including Henry. 408 00:09:58,198 --> 00:10:01,134 - Was he questioned closely? 409 00:09:58,198 --> 00:10:01,134 - Oh, yeah, we both were. 410 00:10:01,167 --> 00:10:04,337 - Of course, detectives also 411 00:10:01,167 --> 00:10:04,337 called Gregory, 412 00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:07,574 by then Kit's 413 00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:07,574 estranged husband. 414 00:10:07,607 --> 00:10:10,677 - I got a call that 415 00:10:07,607 --> 00:10:10,677 Kitty was dead. 416 00:10:10,710 --> 00:10:13,313 - More than a quarter century 417 00:10:10,710 --> 00:10:13,313 later, he said, 418 00:10:13,346 --> 00:10:15,480 the memory 419 00:10:13,346 --> 00:10:15,480 still haunts him. 420 00:10:15,810 --> 00:10:17,450 - I remember sitting 421 00:10:15,810 --> 00:10:17,450 at the table shaking. 422 00:10:17,484 --> 00:10:20,387 - Just shivering? 423 00:10:17,484 --> 00:10:20,387 - Shivering, I was just upset. 424 00:10:20,420 --> 00:10:22,689 - In a flash, says Gregory, 425 00:10:20,420 --> 00:10:22,689 his whole world 426 00:10:22,722 --> 00:10:25,625 flipped upside down 427 00:10:22,722 --> 00:10:25,625 after that call. 428 00:10:25,658 --> 00:10:28,161 As Kit's estranged husband, 429 00:10:25,658 --> 00:10:28,161 he, too, was treated 430 00:10:28,194 --> 00:10:30,597 as a person of interest, 431 00:10:28,194 --> 00:10:30,597 of course. 432 00:10:30,630 --> 00:10:34,401 And just like they did Henry, 433 00:10:30,630 --> 00:10:34,401 police interviewed Gregory. 434 00:10:41,307 --> 00:10:43,430 - He'd just seen Kit 435 00:10:41,307 --> 00:10:43,430 that weekend, 436 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:44,944 he told police, 437 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:44,944 when he'd gone to her house 438 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,547 to fetch their daughters 439 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,547 for the weekend, 440 00:10:47,580 --> 00:10:50,316 a moment that lives on 441 00:10:47,580 --> 00:10:50,316 in his memory very clearly, 442 00:10:50,350 --> 00:10:51,718 he told us. 443 00:10:51,751 --> 00:10:53,520 - I got to the house about 444 00:10:51,751 --> 00:10:53,520 10 o'clock in the morning 445 00:10:53,553 --> 00:10:55,388 to pick them up for 446 00:10:53,553 --> 00:10:55,388 a birthday party. 447 00:10:55,422 --> 00:10:57,790 - He and Kit chatted 448 00:10:55,422 --> 00:10:57,790 briefly, he said, 449 00:10:57,824 --> 00:10:59,759 and while the girls finished 450 00:10:57,824 --> 00:10:59,759 getting ready, 451 00:10:59,793 --> 00:11:02,262 Gregory remembered going 452 00:10:59,793 --> 00:11:02,262 back and forth from the house, 453 00:11:02,295 --> 00:11:05,665 loading up his VW Bug with 454 00:11:02,295 --> 00:11:05,665 presents for the birthday party 455 00:11:05,699 --> 00:11:08,835 along with the girls' car seats 456 00:11:05,699 --> 00:11:08,835 and overnight bags. 457 00:11:08,868 --> 00:11:11,271 - I got to the car, 458 00:11:08,868 --> 00:11:11,271 rearranged things a little bit, 459 00:11:11,304 --> 00:11:15,809 put them in, made sure 460 00:11:11,304 --> 00:11:15,809 the gate was closed, 461 00:11:15,842 --> 00:11:18,678 drove off, 462 00:11:15,842 --> 00:11:18,678 and went to a party. 463 00:11:18,712 --> 00:11:21,448 - By the time Gregory had 464 00:11:18,712 --> 00:11:21,448 his chat with detectives, 465 00:11:21,481 --> 00:11:23,830 the autopsy report 466 00:11:21,481 --> 00:11:23,830 had come in, 467 00:11:23,830 --> 00:11:24,718 and it pretty much 468 00:11:23,830 --> 00:11:24,718 eliminated him 469 00:11:24,751 --> 00:11:26,486 as a viable suspect. 470 00:11:26,519 --> 00:11:30,190 It said Kit was killed 471 00:11:26,519 --> 00:11:30,190 during PM hours on Saturday. 472 00:11:30,223 --> 00:11:31,925 Gregory had already 473 00:11:30,223 --> 00:11:31,925 taken the girls 474 00:11:31,958 --> 00:11:34,761 to a birthday party 475 00:11:31,958 --> 00:11:34,761 by then. 476 00:11:34,794 --> 00:11:38,865 So if not Gregory, 477 00:11:34,794 --> 00:11:38,865 then who? 478 00:11:38,898 --> 00:11:40,165 Police wanted to know 479 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:43,300 if Gregory had seen 480 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:43,300 anything unusual that day. 481 00:11:43,103 --> 00:11:44,571 Could somebody 482 00:11:43,103 --> 00:11:44,571 have been lurking, 483 00:11:44,604 --> 00:11:46,473 waiting for him 484 00:11:44,604 --> 00:11:46,473 to drive off? 485 00:12:09,620 --> 00:12:10,730 - They'd made an agreement 486 00:12:09,620 --> 00:12:10,730 about that 487 00:12:10,764 --> 00:12:12,832 after they separated, 488 00:12:10,764 --> 00:12:12,832 said Gregory. 489 00:12:16,503 --> 00:12:18,972 - Police poked around 490 00:12:16,503 --> 00:12:18,972 the crime scene. 491 00:12:19,720 --> 00:12:22,642 All they gleaned was 492 00:12:19,720 --> 00:12:22,642 it looked somehow staged, 493 00:12:22,676 --> 00:12:24,210 but no physical evidence 494 00:12:22,676 --> 00:12:24,210 to point 495 00:12:24,244 --> 00:12:27,800 who would have wanted 496 00:12:24,244 --> 00:12:27,800 to misdirect the police. 497 00:12:27,800 --> 00:12:30,550 Oh, except there was 498 00:12:27,800 --> 00:12:30,550 this one curious thing-- 499 00:12:30,583 --> 00:12:32,585 a letter in 500 00:12:30,583 --> 00:12:32,585 her handwriting, 501 00:12:32,619 --> 00:12:34,654 and the intended 502 00:12:32,619 --> 00:12:34,654 recipient 503 00:12:34,688 --> 00:12:37,790 was sitting right 504 00:12:34,688 --> 00:12:37,790 in front of them. 505 00:12:37,824 --> 00:12:39,659 - Coming up... 506 00:12:39,693 --> 00:12:41,594 - There was more 507 00:12:39,693 --> 00:12:41,594 than just a letter 508 00:12:41,628 --> 00:12:44,970 that might provide 509 00:12:41,628 --> 00:12:44,970 a clue in this case. 510 00:12:44,970 --> 00:12:46,466 There was a diary, too. 511 00:12:46,499 --> 00:12:48,868 - Everything she knew 512 00:12:46,499 --> 00:12:48,868 about him was a lie. 513 00:12:55,241 --> 00:13:00,914 ** 514 00:13:01,514 --> 00:13:02,849 - Looking back 515 00:13:01,514 --> 00:13:02,849 on it now, 516 00:13:02,882 --> 00:13:05,418 with the benefit 517 00:13:02,882 --> 00:13:05,418 of 21st century technology, 518 00:13:05,452 --> 00:13:07,220 cold case Detective 519 00:13:05,452 --> 00:13:07,220 Boyd Underwood 520 00:13:07,253 --> 00:13:09,689 could see the murder of that 521 00:13:07,253 --> 00:13:09,689 beautiful young mother 522 00:13:09,723 --> 00:13:11,725 in Anaheim Hills, 523 00:13:09,723 --> 00:13:11,725 California 524 00:13:11,758 --> 00:13:14,427 could quite possibly 525 00:13:11,758 --> 00:13:14,427 have been solved. 526 00:13:14,461 --> 00:13:17,731 After all, there was blood 527 00:13:14,461 --> 00:13:17,731 all over the crime scene. 528 00:13:17,764 --> 00:13:21,267 Probably, that blood 529 00:13:17,764 --> 00:13:21,267 had a story to tell. 530 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:23,370 But back in 531 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:23,370 the winter of '83, 532 00:13:23,403 --> 00:13:27,730 DNA was still science fiction, 533 00:13:23,403 --> 00:13:27,730 so the cops back then 534 00:13:27,730 --> 00:13:28,708 worked the few leads 535 00:13:27,730 --> 00:13:28,708 they did have, 536 00:13:28,742 --> 00:13:31,144 the sort of thing 537 00:13:28,742 --> 00:13:31,144 that might, they hoped, 538 00:13:31,177 --> 00:13:35,482 produce some circumstantial 539 00:13:31,177 --> 00:13:35,482 evidence of something, 540 00:13:35,515 --> 00:13:38,985 like the unopened letter 541 00:13:35,515 --> 00:13:38,985 lying on the dining room table. 542 00:13:39,850 --> 00:13:43,123 Kit Mordick had written it 543 00:13:39,850 --> 00:13:43,123 to her estranged husband. 544 00:13:43,156 --> 00:13:46,920 "I'm ready to go forward," 545 00:13:43,156 --> 00:13:46,920 the letter says. 546 00:13:46,920 --> 00:13:48,561 "I don't want to be 547 00:13:46,920 --> 00:13:48,561 disgruntled or angry. 548 00:13:48,595 --> 00:13:51,970 "I want you to know 549 00:13:48,595 --> 00:13:51,970 I forgive you for everything 550 00:13:51,970 --> 00:13:52,599 "and ask your forgiveness 551 00:13:52,632 --> 00:13:56,202 "for the very deep pain 552 00:13:52,632 --> 00:13:56,202 I put you though". 553 00:13:56,236 --> 00:14:00,507 So pain, forgiveness. 554 00:13:56,236 --> 00:14:00,507 But for what? 555 00:14:00,540 --> 00:14:04,244 Gregory himself offered 556 00:14:00,540 --> 00:14:04,244 one possible answer. 557 00:14:04,277 --> 00:14:05,679 His dream while 558 00:14:04,277 --> 00:14:05,679 they were married-- 559 00:14:05,712 --> 00:14:07,470 Kit's, too, he said-- 560 00:14:07,800 --> 00:14:09,783 was to launch a business, 561 00:14:07,800 --> 00:14:09,783 food photography. 562 00:14:09,816 --> 00:14:11,510 She would prep it. 563 00:14:11,840 --> 00:14:13,653 He, an aspiring photographer, 564 00:14:11,840 --> 00:14:13,653 would shoot it. 565 00:14:13,687 --> 00:14:16,690 - It would have been 566 00:14:13,687 --> 00:14:16,690 an easy home-based business. 567 00:14:16,723 --> 00:14:17,857 - Why wasn't it? 568 00:14:17,891 --> 00:14:21,361 - Well, she decided 569 00:14:17,891 --> 00:14:21,361 to go out 570 00:14:21,394 --> 00:14:22,796 before I was ready, 571 00:14:22,829 --> 00:14:25,650 And that's when 572 00:14:22,829 --> 00:14:25,650 she met Henry and started 573 00:14:25,650 --> 00:14:27,500 doing food photography 574 00:14:25,650 --> 00:14:27,500 for-for him. 575 00:14:27,534 --> 00:14:31,371 - Ah, yes, Henry, 576 00:14:27,534 --> 00:14:31,371 that other photographer. 577 00:14:31,404 --> 00:14:33,873 So she did exactly 578 00:14:31,404 --> 00:14:33,873 what you wanted to do, 579 00:14:33,907 --> 00:14:35,241 only she did it 580 00:14:33,907 --> 00:14:35,241 with a different guy. 581 00:14:35,275 --> 00:14:36,876 - Yeah. 582 00:14:35,275 --> 00:14:36,876 - And then you two 583 00:14:36,910 --> 00:14:38,778 would work together. 584 00:14:36,910 --> 00:14:38,778 - We'd work together. 585 00:14:38,812 --> 00:14:41,581 - But that never happened. 586 00:14:38,812 --> 00:14:41,581 - It never happened. 587 00:14:41,614 --> 00:14:45,185 - It never happened because, 588 00:14:41,614 --> 00:14:45,185 well, you already know 589 00:14:45,218 --> 00:14:47,754 the other thing that happened, 590 00:14:45,218 --> 00:14:47,754 the affair with Henry, 591 00:14:47,787 --> 00:14:50,900 the guilt, 592 00:14:47,787 --> 00:14:50,900 Kit's confession. 593 00:14:50,123 --> 00:14:52,425 Gregory wrote about it 594 00:14:50,123 --> 00:14:52,425 in his diary. 595 00:14:52,459 --> 00:14:55,862 This is from 596 00:14:52,459 --> 00:14:55,862 August 31, 1981. 597 00:14:55,895 --> 00:14:58,980 "Kit had an affair 598 00:14:55,895 --> 00:14:58,980 with Henry. 599 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:00,330 "The act has not 600 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:00,330 diminished my love 601 00:15:00,330 --> 00:15:01,701 "or devotion 602 00:15:00,330 --> 00:15:01,701 to her one bit. 603 00:15:01,735 --> 00:15:04,370 "I'm truly in love 604 00:15:01,735 --> 00:15:04,370 with a special person. 605 00:15:04,370 --> 00:15:06,272 "I find myself 606 00:15:04,370 --> 00:15:06,272 surprisingly acceptable 607 00:15:06,306 --> 00:15:07,907 "to this whole situation. 608 00:15:07,941 --> 00:15:09,809 "Now let's get on with 609 00:15:07,941 --> 00:15:09,809 our love and life 610 00:15:09,843 --> 00:15:12,512 "and anyone 611 00:15:09,843 --> 00:15:12,512 who will join us, 612 00:15:12,545 --> 00:15:15,480 "as long as the joiner 613 00:15:12,545 --> 00:15:15,480 does not try to hurt 614 00:15:15,810 --> 00:15:17,450 "what Kit and I have." 615 00:15:17,484 --> 00:15:20,587 It was like you were 616 00:15:17,484 --> 00:15:20,587 kind of accepting the idea 617 00:15:20,620 --> 00:15:22,789 that there'd be two men 618 00:15:20,620 --> 00:15:22,789 in this relationship. 619 00:15:22,822 --> 00:15:24,157 - You know, it wasn't 620 00:15:22,822 --> 00:15:24,157 so much accepting 621 00:15:24,190 --> 00:15:27,460 as it was going, 622 00:15:24,190 --> 00:15:27,460 all right, this happened. 623 00:15:29,620 --> 00:15:30,230 She's a wonderful person. 624 00:15:30,263 --> 00:15:32,665 I could see why somebody 625 00:15:30,263 --> 00:15:32,665 would be attracted to her, 626 00:15:32,699 --> 00:15:36,690 but we could move on. 627 00:15:32,699 --> 00:15:36,690 - But? 628 00:15:36,690 --> 00:15:38,605 - Then we moved on, 629 00:15:36,690 --> 00:15:38,605 but separately. 630 00:15:38,638 --> 00:15:41,740 - Separately 631 00:15:38,638 --> 00:15:41,740 because of Henry, 632 00:15:41,107 --> 00:15:44,144 but also because 633 00:15:41,107 --> 00:15:44,144 of that diary. 634 00:15:44,177 --> 00:15:46,713 Kit's sister Donna 635 00:15:44,177 --> 00:15:46,713 knew Gregory kept one. 636 00:15:46,746 --> 00:15:48,848 She recalled asking 637 00:15:46,746 --> 00:15:48,848 Kit about it. 638 00:15:48,882 --> 00:15:51,685 - And I remember for years, 639 00:15:48,882 --> 00:15:51,685 "Why don't you ever read it?" 640 00:15:51,718 --> 00:15:53,653 And she said, 641 00:15:51,718 --> 00:15:53,653 "Oh, no, that's his. 642 00:15:53,687 --> 00:15:56,990 "You know, that's 643 00:15:53,687 --> 00:15:56,990 his private work." 644 00:15:57,900 --> 00:16:00,493 - But there it was, 645 00:15:57,900 --> 00:16:00,493 and temptation won. 646 00:16:00,527 --> 00:16:02,295 Gregory was out of town. 647 00:16:02,328 --> 00:16:05,310 Kit read 648 00:16:02,328 --> 00:16:05,310 those private pages 649 00:16:05,650 --> 00:16:07,734 and discovered the man 650 00:16:05,650 --> 00:16:07,734 she was married to 651 00:16:07,767 --> 00:16:09,690 had lied to her. 652 00:16:09,102 --> 00:16:12,380 Whopping lies about 653 00:16:09,102 --> 00:16:12,380 graduating from college, 654 00:16:12,380 --> 00:16:14,307 about serving in Vietnam. 655 00:16:14,341 --> 00:16:17,577 Now any thought of saving 656 00:16:14,341 --> 00:16:17,577 the marriage was done, 657 00:16:17,610 --> 00:16:19,813 and caught in his lies, 658 00:16:19,846 --> 00:16:22,549 Gregory took refuge 659 00:16:19,846 --> 00:16:22,549 in his diary. 660 00:16:22,582 --> 00:16:26,886 This is what he wrote 661 00:16:22,582 --> 00:16:26,886 on September 8th, 1982. 662 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:29,189 "All of my deceptions 663 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:29,189 have come to light. 664 00:16:29,222 --> 00:16:30,924 "No service in Vietnam, 665 00:16:30,957 --> 00:16:33,193 "did not graduate 666 00:16:30,957 --> 00:16:33,193 from college, 667 00:16:33,226 --> 00:16:35,261 "and a few more to cover 668 00:16:33,226 --> 00:16:35,261 an escape route 669 00:16:35,295 --> 00:16:38,365 "from this relationship." 670 00:16:38,398 --> 00:16:39,966 Why would you have 671 00:16:38,398 --> 00:16:39,966 said those things? 672 00:16:40,660 --> 00:16:44,137 - Again, it goes back to 673 00:16:40,660 --> 00:16:44,137 this guy who liked to sew, 674 00:16:44,170 --> 00:16:48,875 who didn't fit in 675 00:16:44,170 --> 00:16:48,875 at Disneyland very well, 676 00:16:48,908 --> 00:16:51,311 wasn't invited 677 00:16:48,908 --> 00:16:51,311 to the parties. 678 00:16:51,344 --> 00:16:55,849 So I decided to embellish 679 00:16:51,344 --> 00:16:55,849 my life a little bit, 680 00:16:55,882 --> 00:16:58,485 and all of a sudden, 681 00:16:55,882 --> 00:16:58,485 people liked me. 682 00:16:58,518 --> 00:17:00,387 - But there was more. 683 00:17:00,420 --> 00:17:02,255 As Kit read 684 00:17:00,420 --> 00:17:02,255 her husband's diary, 685 00:17:02,288 --> 00:17:05,724 she discovered 686 00:17:02,288 --> 00:17:05,724 a list of women's names. 687 00:17:05,759 --> 00:17:08,528 Were these women 688 00:17:05,759 --> 00:17:08,528 he had slept with? 689 00:17:08,560 --> 00:17:10,195 Gregory denied it, 690 00:17:10,230 --> 00:17:12,932 said these were the names 691 00:17:10,230 --> 00:17:12,932 of women he admired. 692 00:17:13,329 --> 00:17:15,734 He'd never slept 693 00:17:13,329 --> 00:17:15,734 with any of them, but... 694 00:17:15,769 --> 00:17:17,137 - How do you read 695 00:17:15,769 --> 00:17:17,137 someone's diary and you go, 696 00:17:17,170 --> 00:17:20,440 everything she knew 697 00:17:17,170 --> 00:17:20,440 about him was a lie? 698 00:17:20,473 --> 00:17:23,443 - Months later, 699 00:17:20,473 --> 00:17:23,443 Kit filed for divorce. 700 00:17:23,476 --> 00:17:24,778 And so, when she 701 00:17:23,476 --> 00:17:24,778 was murdered, 702 00:17:24,810 --> 00:17:27,781 just six days before the divorce 703 00:17:24,810 --> 00:17:27,781 was to be finalized, 704 00:17:27,814 --> 00:17:31,484 it wasn't long before her family 705 00:17:27,814 --> 00:17:31,484 pointed a finger at Gregory. 706 00:17:31,518 --> 00:17:34,921 But the police just didn't have 707 00:17:31,518 --> 00:17:34,921 enough evidence to arrest him. 708 00:17:34,954 --> 00:17:37,691 - Somebody left that house 709 00:17:34,954 --> 00:17:37,691 with a lot of blood on them, 710 00:17:37,724 --> 00:17:38,925 and here I leave the house 711 00:17:38,958 --> 00:17:40,193 and go straight 712 00:17:38,958 --> 00:17:40,193 to a birthday party. 713 00:17:40,226 --> 00:17:42,228 It's not like I 714 00:17:40,226 --> 00:17:42,228 disappeared for hours. 715 00:17:42,262 --> 00:17:44,197 - And you're saying you had 716 00:17:42,262 --> 00:17:44,197 no blood on you 717 00:17:44,230 --> 00:17:45,331 because people 718 00:17:44,230 --> 00:17:45,331 would have seen it? 719 00:17:45,365 --> 00:17:47,167 - No blood, no cuts. 720 00:17:47,200 --> 00:17:50,136 - These are pictures 721 00:17:47,200 --> 00:17:50,136 from that birthday party. 722 00:17:50,170 --> 00:17:52,238 The man at the edge 723 00:17:50,170 --> 00:17:52,238 of the picture there 724 00:17:52,272 --> 00:17:54,841 in the red plaid 725 00:17:52,272 --> 00:17:54,841 is Gregory. 726 00:17:54,874 --> 00:17:55,942 The host of the party said 727 00:17:55,975 --> 00:17:58,144 Gregory was one of the first 728 00:17:55,975 --> 00:17:58,144 guests to arrive 729 00:17:58,178 --> 00:18:02,150 and was his normal 730 00:17:58,178 --> 00:18:02,150 helpful, happy self. 731 00:18:02,150 --> 00:18:04,617 Still, in the weeks 732 00:18:02,150 --> 00:18:04,617 and months that followed, 733 00:18:04,651 --> 00:18:09,155 the suspicion took its toll 734 00:18:04,651 --> 00:18:09,155 and Gregory finally moved. 735 00:18:09,189 --> 00:18:11,758 He left Southern California 736 00:18:09,189 --> 00:18:11,758 for Spokane, Washington, 737 00:18:11,791 --> 00:18:13,793 with his girls, naturally. 738 00:18:13,827 --> 00:18:16,290 And gradually, 739 00:18:13,827 --> 00:18:16,290 the investigation petered out. 740 00:18:16,290 --> 00:18:17,664 The case went cold. 741 00:18:17,697 --> 00:18:19,299 But as the years passed, 742 00:18:19,332 --> 00:18:21,468 the O'Connells 743 00:18:19,332 --> 00:18:21,468 relinquished hope 744 00:18:21,501 --> 00:18:24,404 that there would ever 745 00:18:21,501 --> 00:18:24,404 be justice for Kit, 746 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:25,638 which, of course, 747 00:18:25,672 --> 00:18:28,942 is where Boyd Underwood 748 00:18:25,672 --> 00:18:28,942 entered the story, 749 00:18:29,420 --> 00:18:31,440 snooping through 750 00:18:29,420 --> 00:18:31,440 that old dead file, 751 00:18:31,440 --> 00:18:33,913 those forgotten 752 00:18:31,440 --> 00:18:33,913 private lives. 753 00:18:33,947 --> 00:18:36,616 If he just dug 754 00:18:33,947 --> 00:18:36,616 a little deeper, 755 00:18:36,649 --> 00:18:40,220 what secrets might he find? 756 00:18:40,253 --> 00:18:43,890 - Kit's cold case 757 00:18:40,253 --> 00:18:43,890 is about to heat up 758 00:18:43,123 --> 00:18:46,126 as old evidence 759 00:18:43,123 --> 00:18:46,126 plus new science 760 00:18:46,159 --> 00:18:48,928 starts to yield some clues. 761 00:18:48,962 --> 00:18:51,197 - Coming up... 762 00:18:51,231 --> 00:18:52,532 - All of that 763 00:18:51,231 --> 00:18:52,532 taken together 764 00:18:52,565 --> 00:18:55,101 would certainly ratchet it up, 765 00:18:52,565 --> 00:18:55,101 the case against him. 766 00:18:55,135 --> 00:18:56,569 - On the sliding door, 767 00:18:56,603 --> 00:19:01,700 there was a mixture 768 00:18:56,603 --> 00:19:01,700 of her blood and his blood. 769 00:19:01,700 --> 00:19:02,809 You start getting 770 00:19:01,700 --> 00:19:02,809 more convinced 771 00:19:02,842 --> 00:19:04,778 that he was part 772 00:19:02,842 --> 00:19:04,778 of that crime scene. 773 00:19:11,117 --> 00:19:14,688 ** 774 00:19:15,655 --> 00:19:18,692 - Welcome back to 775 00:19:15,655 --> 00:19:18,692 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered". 776 00:19:18,725 --> 00:19:20,293 I'm Craig Melvin. 777 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:24,631 It's been said that time 778 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:24,631 heals all wounds. 779 00:19:24,664 --> 00:19:27,133 Not so for the family 780 00:19:24,664 --> 00:19:27,133 of Kit Mordick, 781 00:19:27,167 --> 00:19:30,360 whose 1983 murder 782 00:19:27,167 --> 00:19:30,360 remained unsolved 783 00:19:30,360 --> 00:19:31,938 more than a decade later. 784 00:19:32,380 --> 00:19:34,774 Time, however, would 785 00:19:32,380 --> 00:19:34,774 prove more helpful 786 00:19:34,808 --> 00:19:36,443 to investigators. 787 00:19:36,476 --> 00:19:40,460 New DNA technology was 788 00:19:36,476 --> 00:19:40,460 about to reveal secrets 789 00:19:40,460 --> 00:19:41,881 from the crime scene. 790 00:19:41,915 --> 00:19:45,819 Here's Keith Morrison 791 00:19:41,915 --> 00:19:45,819 with "Haunting Images". 792 00:19:45,852 --> 00:19:48,388 - Gregory Mordick 793 00:19:45,852 --> 00:19:48,388 wanted a fresh start. 794 00:19:48,421 --> 00:19:51,624 He was now the single father 795 00:19:48,421 --> 00:19:51,624 of two small daughters. 796 00:19:51,658 --> 00:19:53,626 And bringing them up among 797 00:19:51,658 --> 00:19:53,626 suspicious in-laws 798 00:19:53,660 --> 00:19:55,962 in the town where 799 00:19:53,660 --> 00:19:55,962 their mother was murdered 800 00:19:56,620 --> 00:19:58,398 was increasingly 801 00:19:56,620 --> 00:19:58,398 unappealing. 802 00:19:58,431 --> 00:20:01,501 So Gregory set up house 803 00:19:58,431 --> 00:20:01,501 here in Eastern Washington 804 00:20:01,534 --> 00:20:04,371 in a middle-class home 805 00:20:01,534 --> 00:20:04,371 in Spokane, 806 00:20:04,404 --> 00:20:07,407 and he went about 807 00:20:04,404 --> 00:20:07,407 organizing a normal life. 808 00:20:07,440 --> 00:20:10,343 He was, it is generally 809 00:20:07,440 --> 00:20:10,343 agreed, an excellent father 810 00:20:10,377 --> 00:20:12,212 to his two little girls. 811 00:20:12,245 --> 00:20:13,913 - They had security. 812 00:20:13,947 --> 00:20:17,500 They had a parent that was 813 00:20:13,947 --> 00:20:17,500 very involved in their life. 814 00:20:17,830 --> 00:20:19,552 - And for himself, 815 00:20:17,830 --> 00:20:19,552 Gregory went back 816 00:20:19,586 --> 00:20:23,230 to his first love, 817 00:20:19,586 --> 00:20:23,230 taking pictures. 818 00:20:23,560 --> 00:20:25,592 He set up a studio 819 00:20:23,560 --> 00:20:25,592 in downtown Spokane, 820 00:20:25,625 --> 00:20:29,529 Photography by Gregory, 821 00:20:25,625 --> 00:20:29,529 and Kit's dreadful death, 822 00:20:29,562 --> 00:20:31,531 a thousand miles south 823 00:20:29,562 --> 00:20:31,531 in California, 824 00:20:31,564 --> 00:20:33,433 faded into history, 825 00:20:33,466 --> 00:20:35,201 except for a family, 826 00:20:33,466 --> 00:20:35,201 Kit's family, 827 00:20:35,235 --> 00:20:36,703 convinced, right or wrong, 828 00:20:36,736 --> 00:20:39,773 that her killer was, 829 00:20:36,736 --> 00:20:39,773 in fact, Gregory. 830 00:20:39,806 --> 00:20:40,940 They had, after all, 831 00:20:40,974 --> 00:20:43,760 witnessed the shouting 832 00:20:40,974 --> 00:20:43,760 and shoving matches, 833 00:20:43,109 --> 00:20:47,547 the acrimony that preceded 834 00:20:43,109 --> 00:20:47,547 the breakup and the murder. 835 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:50,917 - By 1985, pretty much 836 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:50,917 we-we knew 837 00:20:50,950 --> 00:20:52,719 that he'd gotten 838 00:20:50,950 --> 00:20:52,719 away with it. 839 00:20:52,752 --> 00:20:54,621 - Did you ever give up 840 00:20:52,752 --> 00:20:54,621 on the idea 841 00:20:54,654 --> 00:20:57,357 that someday 842 00:20:54,654 --> 00:20:57,357 there would be justice? 843 00:20:57,390 --> 00:21:00,600 - Sure. 844 00:20:57,390 --> 00:21:00,600 In this world, I did. 845 00:21:00,930 --> 00:21:03,530 - It was 1999, long after 846 00:21:00,930 --> 00:21:03,530 the family had given up, 847 00:21:03,563 --> 00:21:05,765 when Boyd Underwood 848 00:21:03,563 --> 00:21:05,765 came along. 849 00:21:05,799 --> 00:21:07,801 - One of the, uh, 850 00:21:05,799 --> 00:21:07,801 administrators asked me 851 00:21:07,834 --> 00:21:10,270 if I would look at 852 00:21:07,834 --> 00:21:10,270 this case in particular. 853 00:21:10,303 --> 00:21:13,973 - And if anyone could break 854 00:21:10,303 --> 00:21:13,973 the case, maybe Boyd could. 855 00:21:14,740 --> 00:21:16,376 Anaheim cop since 1964. 856 00:21:16,409 --> 00:21:18,545 Rose up the ranks 857 00:21:16,409 --> 00:21:18,545 to homicide detective. 858 00:21:18,578 --> 00:21:20,413 Was even assigned 859 00:21:18,578 --> 00:21:20,413 to protect President Nixon 860 00:21:20,447 --> 00:21:23,249 on a visit during 861 00:21:20,447 --> 00:21:23,249 the '68 campaign. 862 00:21:23,283 --> 00:21:26,753 He'd heard about Kit's murder 863 00:21:23,283 --> 00:21:26,753 back in 1983, but by then, 864 00:21:26,786 --> 00:21:28,955 he'd gone to work at 865 00:21:26,786 --> 00:21:28,955 the D.A.'s office 866 00:21:28,988 --> 00:21:31,224 where he retired in '95. 867 00:21:31,257 --> 00:21:32,492 So what was he doing 868 00:21:32,525 --> 00:21:36,996 snooping around this old file 869 00:21:32,525 --> 00:21:36,996 years later in 1999? 870 00:21:37,970 --> 00:21:40,500 Simple, Boyd wasn't 871 00:21:37,970 --> 00:21:40,500 the retiring type. 872 00:21:40,533 --> 00:21:42,200 He came back to work 873 00:21:40,533 --> 00:21:42,200 in a new unit 874 00:21:42,102 --> 00:21:43,470 in the Orange County 875 00:21:42,102 --> 00:21:43,470 D.A.'s office. 876 00:21:43,503 --> 00:21:45,739 Trackers, they called it. 877 00:21:43,503 --> 00:21:45,739 Its mission? 878 00:21:45,772 --> 00:21:49,576 Revisit cold cases 879 00:21:45,772 --> 00:21:49,576 and close them. 880 00:21:49,609 --> 00:21:52,579 Here he was, the last 881 00:21:49,609 --> 00:21:52,579 faint chance for justice. 882 00:21:52,612 --> 00:21:54,581 It would probably 883 00:21:52,612 --> 00:21:54,581 go nowhere. 884 00:21:54,614 --> 00:21:56,950 But then something 885 00:21:54,614 --> 00:21:56,950 caught his attention. 886 00:21:56,983 --> 00:22:00,854 A piece of evidence found 887 00:21:56,983 --> 00:22:00,854 back in 1983 in Kit's closet. 888 00:22:00,887 --> 00:22:03,890 A plastic bag. 889 00:22:03,123 --> 00:22:04,557 - The criminalists 890 00:22:03,123 --> 00:22:04,557 at that time 891 00:22:04,591 --> 00:22:07,627 just identified the evidence 892 00:22:04,591 --> 00:22:07,627 on the plastic bag 893 00:22:07,660 --> 00:22:09,295 as being human blood. 894 00:22:09,329 --> 00:22:12,732 It was not the same type 895 00:22:09,329 --> 00:22:12,732 of blood from the victim. 896 00:22:12,766 --> 00:22:14,267 - In fact, in the early '80s, 897 00:22:14,300 --> 00:22:16,269 that's all science 898 00:22:14,300 --> 00:22:16,269 could tell them, 899 00:22:16,302 --> 00:22:18,405 that the blood on the bag 900 00:22:16,302 --> 00:22:18,405 was a different type 901 00:22:18,438 --> 00:22:19,606 than the victim's. 902 00:22:19,639 --> 00:22:23,476 Bit silently, patiently, 903 00:22:19,639 --> 00:22:23,476 that DNA waited. 904 00:22:23,510 --> 00:22:27,847 And in 1999, it was 905 00:22:23,510 --> 00:22:27,847 a whole new scientific world. 906 00:22:27,881 --> 00:22:31,851 - Back in '83, they had 907 00:22:27,881 --> 00:22:31,851 obtained a blood sample 908 00:22:31,885 --> 00:22:33,486 from the husband. 909 00:22:33,520 --> 00:22:34,721 We got a match. 910 00:22:34,754 --> 00:22:36,956 That was his blood that was 911 00:22:34,754 --> 00:22:36,956 found on this plastic bag. 912 00:22:36,990 --> 00:22:39,392 - Inside a closet. 913 00:22:36,990 --> 00:22:39,392 - Inside the closet. 914 00:22:39,426 --> 00:22:42,529 - Though, of course, 915 00:22:39,426 --> 00:22:42,529 that was also Gregory's closet 916 00:22:42,562 --> 00:22:44,164 for more than four years. 917 00:22:44,197 --> 00:22:46,866 He'd only been out of 918 00:22:44,197 --> 00:22:46,866 the place a couple of months. 919 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:49,703 Boyd decided to have 920 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:49,703 all the evidence retested. 921 00:22:49,736 --> 00:22:54,441 And now, Gregory's DNA 922 00:22:49,736 --> 00:22:54,441 turned up in several places. 923 00:22:54,474 --> 00:22:56,876 A tiny spot on 924 00:22:54,474 --> 00:22:56,876 the closet doorknob, 925 00:22:56,910 --> 00:22:59,112 on a rear 926 00:22:56,910 --> 00:22:59,112 sliding glass door, 927 00:22:59,112 --> 00:23:01,481 and in a powder room sink. 928 00:23:01,514 --> 00:23:06,252 But the amount was minuscule, 929 00:23:01,514 --> 00:23:06,252 so perhaps it meant nothing. 930 00:23:06,286 --> 00:23:07,687 Gregory could have 931 00:23:06,286 --> 00:23:07,687 left it there 932 00:23:07,721 --> 00:23:10,890 when he lived 933 00:23:07,721 --> 00:23:10,890 in the house, except... 934 00:23:10,924 --> 00:23:12,959 - The bathroom sink 935 00:23:10,924 --> 00:23:12,959 had her blood 936 00:23:13,590 --> 00:23:14,327 and his DNA mixed. 937 00:23:14,361 --> 00:23:17,197 On the sliding door, 938 00:23:14,361 --> 00:23:17,197 there was a mixture 939 00:23:17,230 --> 00:23:20,233 of her blood and his blood. 940 00:23:20,266 --> 00:23:23,236 You start getting 941 00:23:20,266 --> 00:23:23,236 more convinced that, um, 942 00:23:23,269 --> 00:23:25,505 he was part 943 00:23:23,269 --> 00:23:25,505 of that crime scene. 944 00:23:25,538 --> 00:23:28,375 - Then Boyd listened to 945 00:23:25,538 --> 00:23:28,375 the old police interviews 946 00:23:25,538 --> 00:23:28,375 from 1983 947 00:23:28,408 --> 00:23:30,443 and something jumped out. 948 00:23:30,477 --> 00:23:33,790 On the day Gregory saw Kit 949 00:23:30,477 --> 00:23:33,790 and picked up his girls, 950 00:23:33,790 --> 00:23:35,949 he said, he'd put them 951 00:23:33,790 --> 00:23:35,949 in their car seats 952 00:23:35,982 --> 00:23:37,417 then gone back 953 00:23:35,982 --> 00:23:37,417 toward the house 954 00:23:37,450 --> 00:23:39,352 to close the front gate. 955 00:23:39,386 --> 00:23:42,880 And when he returned to 956 00:23:39,386 --> 00:23:42,880 the car, he told detectives, 957 00:23:42,880 --> 00:23:44,900 his elder daughter 958 00:23:42,880 --> 00:23:44,900 asked him a question. 959 00:23:51,765 --> 00:23:55,168 - I'm thinking, 960 00:23:51,765 --> 00:23:55,168 why would he want 961 00:23:55,201 --> 00:23:56,836 to put that in there? 962 00:23:56,870 --> 00:23:59,339 - Remember, Gregory had 963 00:23:56,870 --> 00:23:59,339 said he never went 964 00:23:59,372 --> 00:24:01,374 back into the house 965 00:24:01,408 --> 00:24:04,440 after strapping the girls 966 00:24:01,408 --> 00:24:04,440 into the car. 967 00:24:04,770 --> 00:24:07,800 But if his daughter complained 968 00:24:04,770 --> 00:24:07,800 he was gone too long, 969 00:24:07,113 --> 00:24:09,282 maybe he did go 970 00:24:07,113 --> 00:24:09,282 in there 971 00:24:09,315 --> 00:24:11,651 and took the time 972 00:24:09,315 --> 00:24:11,651 to kill Kit. 973 00:24:11,685 --> 00:24:13,530 All-in-all, decided Boyd, 974 00:24:13,530 --> 00:24:15,588 there was 975 00:24:13,530 --> 00:24:15,588 enough evidence by 2001 976 00:24:15,622 --> 00:24:18,958 to warrant a little visit 977 00:24:15,622 --> 00:24:18,958 with Gregory up in Spokane. 978 00:24:27,734 --> 00:24:29,703 - And he was, as he 979 00:24:27,734 --> 00:24:29,703 had been years earlier, 980 00:24:29,736 --> 00:24:31,171 perfectly cooperative. 981 00:24:31,204 --> 00:24:33,340 He even let them search 982 00:24:31,204 --> 00:24:33,340 through his house. 983 00:24:33,373 --> 00:24:35,675 So, Boyd and colleagues 984 00:24:33,373 --> 00:24:35,675 offered Gregory 985 00:24:35,709 --> 00:24:37,477 a chance to confess. 986 00:25:10,410 --> 00:25:13,847 - But Boyd didn't charge him. 987 00:25:10,410 --> 00:25:13,847 Couldn't. 988 00:25:13,880 --> 00:25:15,415 Because the prosecutor 989 00:25:13,880 --> 00:25:15,415 told him 990 00:25:15,448 --> 00:25:19,352 he just didn't have enough 991 00:25:15,448 --> 00:25:19,352 to make a case. 992 00:25:19,386 --> 00:25:23,560 The interview and search 993 00:25:19,386 --> 00:25:23,560 did produce a few old diaries. 994 00:25:23,890 --> 00:25:25,258 Gregory had never 995 00:25:23,890 --> 00:25:25,258 thrown them away. 996 00:25:25,291 --> 00:25:27,600 But it wasn't enough. 997 00:25:27,930 --> 00:25:29,950 - Did you think about 998 00:25:27,930 --> 00:25:29,950 just giving up on it? 999 00:25:29,129 --> 00:25:30,330 - No. 1000 00:25:30,363 --> 00:25:31,598 - There was something there. 1001 00:25:31,631 --> 00:25:33,660 - I've always thought so. 1002 00:25:31,631 --> 00:25:33,660 - Yeah. 1003 00:25:33,660 --> 00:25:34,934 - I don't think I could 1004 00:25:33,660 --> 00:25:34,934 ever give up on her. 1005 00:25:34,968 --> 00:25:37,700 - And then, summer of 2007, 1006 00:25:37,700 --> 00:25:39,239 Boyd was grousing 1007 00:25:37,700 --> 00:25:39,239 to one of the young guys 1008 00:25:39,272 --> 00:25:41,708 he felt like he had a case 1009 00:25:39,272 --> 00:25:41,708 but how could he sell it 1010 00:25:41,741 --> 00:25:43,610 to the D.A.'s office. 1011 00:25:43,643 --> 00:25:47,747 And, well, Boyd's been 1012 00:25:43,643 --> 00:25:47,747 around for a long time. 1013 00:25:47,781 --> 00:25:50,684 More than DNA science 1014 00:25:47,781 --> 00:25:50,684 has changed. 1015 00:25:50,717 --> 00:25:53,420 - I was working with a fellow, 1016 00:25:50,717 --> 00:25:53,420 I call them Propeller Heads, 1017 00:25:53,453 --> 00:25:55,455 because they're 1018 00:25:53,453 --> 00:25:55,455 sort of computer, uh-- 1019 00:25:55,488 --> 00:25:57,390 they're a step or two 1020 00:25:55,488 --> 00:25:57,390 ahead of me anyway. 1021 00:25:57,424 --> 00:25:59,659 So, he suggested why don't 1022 00:25:57,424 --> 00:25:59,659 you do a PowerPoint. 1023 00:25:59,693 --> 00:26:01,695 And I said, 1024 00:25:59,693 --> 00:26:01,695 what is a PowerPoint? 1025 00:26:01,728 --> 00:26:03,697 - He learned fast, 1026 00:26:03,730 --> 00:26:05,699 and finally, 1027 00:26:03,730 --> 00:26:05,699 the evidence assembled 1028 00:26:05,732 --> 00:26:07,667 in that Power Point 1029 00:26:05,732 --> 00:26:07,667 presentation, 1030 00:26:07,701 --> 00:26:09,602 bits of Gregory's blood 1031 00:26:07,701 --> 00:26:09,602 in the house, 1032 00:26:09,636 --> 00:26:12,672 his and Kit's DNA mixed 1033 00:26:09,636 --> 00:26:12,672 on that rear slider 1034 00:26:12,706 --> 00:26:14,740 and the bathroom sink, 1035 00:26:14,107 --> 00:26:18,244 and Gregory's diaries 1036 00:26:14,107 --> 00:26:18,244 persuaded the D.A. 1037 00:26:18,278 --> 00:26:21,481 Still, to solidify their case, 1038 00:26:18,278 --> 00:26:21,481 it might be wise, 1039 00:26:21,514 --> 00:26:23,950 the D.A. decided, 1040 00:26:21,514 --> 00:26:23,950 for Boyd to pay Gregory 1041 00:26:24,500 --> 00:26:26,252 one last visit in Spokane, 1042 00:26:26,286 --> 00:26:29,550 see if he could turn up 1043 00:26:26,286 --> 00:26:29,550 some fresh evidence, 1044 00:26:29,550 --> 00:26:32,325 perhaps, with luck, to puncture 1045 00:26:29,550 --> 00:26:32,325 Gregory's consistent denial 1046 00:26:32,359 --> 00:26:34,260 that he'd gone 1047 00:26:32,359 --> 00:26:34,260 back into the house 1048 00:26:34,294 --> 00:26:36,463 after putting 1049 00:26:34,294 --> 00:26:36,463 their little girls in the car 1050 00:26:36,496 --> 00:26:39,650 that long ago 1051 00:26:36,496 --> 00:26:39,650 Saturday morning. 1052 00:26:39,990 --> 00:26:42,936 So, in 2008, 1053 00:26:39,990 --> 00:26:42,936 25 years after the murder, 1054 00:26:42,969 --> 00:26:45,305 Boyd took one last shot. 1055 00:26:45,338 --> 00:26:47,140 Two colleagues 1056 00:26:45,338 --> 00:26:47,140 conducted the interview 1057 00:26:47,173 --> 00:26:50,143 and used an old, 1058 00:26:47,173 --> 00:26:50,143 if unlovely, tactic, 1059 00:26:50,176 --> 00:26:51,978 perfectly legal, mind you. 1060 00:26:52,780 --> 00:26:54,814 They told Gregory a lie. 1061 00:26:54,848 --> 00:26:57,851 It was, in more polite 1062 00:26:54,848 --> 00:26:57,851 parlance, a ruse. 1063 00:27:02,322 --> 00:27:04,657 - The detective told 1064 00:27:02,322 --> 00:27:04,657 Gregory that his DNA 1065 00:27:04,691 --> 00:27:08,610 had been found on 1066 00:27:04,691 --> 00:27:08,610 the waistband of Kit's tights. 1067 00:27:08,940 --> 00:27:12,132 He pushed Gregory to explain, 1068 00:27:08,940 --> 00:27:12,132 how could it have gotten there? 1069 00:27:12,165 --> 00:27:14,340 Remember, it wasn't true. 1070 00:27:14,670 --> 00:27:16,803 His DNA wasn't found 1071 00:27:14,670 --> 00:27:16,803 on her clothes. 1072 00:27:16,836 --> 00:27:19,139 But listen 1073 00:27:16,836 --> 00:27:19,139 to what Gregory says. 1074 00:27:34,421 --> 00:27:37,791 - And you heard it, 1075 00:27:34,421 --> 00:27:37,791 Gregory changed his story. 1076 00:27:37,824 --> 00:27:39,192 Just enough. 1077 00:27:39,225 --> 00:27:41,610 he put himself in 1078 00:27:39,225 --> 00:27:41,610 the murder scene, 1079 00:27:41,610 --> 00:27:42,862 alone with Kit. 1080 00:27:44,197 --> 00:27:45,598 And with that, 1081 00:27:44,197 --> 00:27:45,598 a quarter century 1082 00:27:45,632 --> 00:27:48,680 after the murder 1083 00:27:45,632 --> 00:27:48,680 of his estranged wife, 1084 00:27:48,680 --> 00:27:50,737 Gregory Mordick 1085 00:27:48,680 --> 00:27:50,737 was arrested and charged 1086 00:27:50,770 --> 00:27:52,672 with first-degree murder. 1087 00:27:52,706 --> 00:27:54,741 Boyd called 1088 00:27:52,706 --> 00:27:54,741 Kit's brother Joe. 1089 00:27:54,774 --> 00:27:57,610 - I think he said 1090 00:27:54,774 --> 00:27:57,610 we've arrested him 1091 00:27:57,644 --> 00:28:00,747 and I didn't know 1092 00:27:57,644 --> 00:28:00,747 what for. 1093 00:28:00,780 --> 00:28:03,216 Honestly. 1094 00:28:00,780 --> 00:28:03,216 Remember, I'd given up. 1095 00:28:03,249 --> 00:28:05,385 Why did you arrest him? 1096 00:28:05,418 --> 00:28:07,354 - Why, indeed? 1097 00:28:07,387 --> 00:28:09,589 DNA from an uncertain time, 1098 00:28:09,622 --> 00:28:13,293 a few ambiguous comments 1099 00:28:09,622 --> 00:28:13,293 in a private diary, 1100 00:28:13,326 --> 00:28:15,528 and a cop's trick 1101 00:28:13,326 --> 00:28:15,528 that produced 1102 00:28:15,562 --> 00:28:18,465 a slightly edited story. 1103 00:28:18,498 --> 00:28:21,201 Was it anywhere 1104 00:28:18,498 --> 00:28:21,201 near enough? 1105 00:28:21,234 --> 00:28:23,770 Maybe not. 1106 00:28:23,803 --> 00:28:25,372 - Coming up... 1107 00:28:25,405 --> 00:28:28,942 - I don't remember 1108 00:28:25,405 --> 00:28:28,942 closing the door. 1109 00:28:29,420 --> 00:28:31,611 So, um, if that's 1110 00:28:29,420 --> 00:28:31,611 how far I closed it, 1111 00:28:31,644 --> 00:28:33,513 that's how far 1112 00:28:31,644 --> 00:28:33,513 I closed it. 1113 00:28:33,546 --> 00:28:35,548 - The focus was 1114 00:28:33,546 --> 00:28:35,548 about to fall 1115 00:28:35,582 --> 00:28:38,510 on the other man 1116 00:28:35,582 --> 00:28:38,510 in Kit's life. 1117 00:28:38,840 --> 00:28:40,860 - If the relationship 1118 00:28:38,840 --> 00:28:40,860 wasn't working out 1119 00:28:40,120 --> 00:28:41,688 and he was 1120 00:28:40,120 --> 00:28:41,688 going to lose her, 1121 00:28:41,721 --> 00:28:43,490 all of a sudden, 1122 00:28:41,721 --> 00:28:43,490 he has a motive. 1123 00:28:50,263 --> 00:28:55,602 ** 1124 00:28:56,269 --> 00:28:58,171 - 26 years later, 1125 00:28:56,269 --> 00:28:58,171 here he was, 1126 00:28:58,204 --> 00:29:00,707 older, grayer, 1127 00:28:58,204 --> 00:29:00,707 so hard of hearing 1128 00:29:00,740 --> 00:29:03,209 he wore earpieces 1129 00:29:00,740 --> 00:29:03,209 in court, 1130 00:29:03,243 --> 00:29:06,790 Gregory Mordick, 1131 00:29:03,243 --> 00:29:06,790 mild-mannered photographer, 1132 00:29:06,112 --> 00:29:08,140 sat at the defense table 1133 00:29:06,112 --> 00:29:08,140 and listened 1134 00:29:08,480 --> 00:29:10,850 to the prosecution 1135 00:29:08,480 --> 00:29:10,850 accuse him of murdering 1136 00:29:10,884 --> 00:29:14,200 the lovely young wife 1137 00:29:10,884 --> 00:29:14,200 who'd rejected him. 1138 00:29:14,200 --> 00:29:17,390 But was this 1139 00:29:14,200 --> 00:29:17,390 going to be easy? 1140 00:29:17,424 --> 00:29:19,590 No, it wasn't. 1141 00:29:19,920 --> 00:29:20,393 - I was just convinced 1142 00:29:19,920 --> 00:29:20,393 by the evidence 1143 00:29:20,427 --> 00:29:22,328 that this case 1144 00:29:20,427 --> 00:29:22,328 was provable. 1145 00:29:22,362 --> 00:29:25,598 - Dan Wagner was the prosecutor 1146 00:29:22,362 --> 00:29:25,598 assigned to the case. 1147 00:29:25,632 --> 00:29:27,330 He believed in it, 1148 00:29:27,330 --> 00:29:30,737 mostly because he believed 1149 00:29:27,330 --> 00:29:30,737 in science and the DNA. 1150 00:29:30,770 --> 00:29:32,105 - It just waits 1151 00:29:30,770 --> 00:29:32,105 in the locker room 1152 00:29:32,138 --> 00:29:33,940 in the dark, waiting. 1153 00:29:34,400 --> 00:29:36,443 And, you know, 1154 00:29:34,400 --> 00:29:36,443 this modern technology 1155 00:29:36,476 --> 00:29:39,546 brought it out 1156 00:29:36,476 --> 00:29:39,546 and it has a story to tell. 1157 00:29:39,579 --> 00:29:41,470 - Here's what he 1158 00:29:39,579 --> 00:29:41,470 showed the jury. 1159 00:29:41,470 --> 00:29:44,484 Tiny drops of Gregory's blood 1160 00:29:41,470 --> 00:29:44,484 on a closet doorknob, 1161 00:29:44,517 --> 00:29:47,530 on this plastic bag 1162 00:29:44,517 --> 00:29:47,530 found inside the closet, 1163 00:29:47,530 --> 00:29:49,322 a mixture of Gregory's DNA 1164 00:29:47,530 --> 00:29:49,322 and Kit's blood 1165 00:29:49,356 --> 00:29:51,324 on a rear sliding door. 1166 00:29:51,358 --> 00:29:53,727 And the piece-de-resistance, 1167 00:29:51,358 --> 00:29:53,727 the one piece of evidence 1168 00:29:53,760 --> 00:29:55,128 that, according 1169 00:29:53,760 --> 00:29:55,128 to the prosecutor, 1170 00:29:55,161 --> 00:29:57,764 inextricably linked Gregory 1171 00:29:55,161 --> 00:29:57,764 to the murder. 1172 00:29:57,797 --> 00:30:00,467 It came out of the bowl 1173 00:29:57,797 --> 00:30:00,467 of a bathroom sink, 1174 00:30:00,500 --> 00:30:03,937 Kit's blood mixed 1175 00:30:00,500 --> 00:30:03,937 with Gregory's DNA. 1176 00:30:03,970 --> 00:30:05,638 - Given the separation, 1177 00:30:03,970 --> 00:30:05,638 that he hadn't been living 1178 00:30:05,672 --> 00:30:06,973 in the house for months, 1179 00:30:07,700 --> 00:30:10,510 there's no innocent explanation 1180 00:30:07,700 --> 00:30:10,510 for his DNA remain 1181 00:30:10,543 --> 00:30:12,645 on that particular spot 1182 00:30:10,543 --> 00:30:12,645 on the sink. 1183 00:30:12,679 --> 00:30:15,382 - Then the medical examiner 1184 00:30:12,679 --> 00:30:15,382 who performed Kit's autopsy 1185 00:30:15,415 --> 00:30:17,417 all those years go 1186 00:30:15,415 --> 00:30:17,417 took the stand, 1187 00:30:17,450 --> 00:30:20,420 the very one who signed off 1188 00:30:17,450 --> 00:30:20,420 on the autopsy report 1189 00:30:20,453 --> 00:30:24,257 that said Kit was killed 1190 00:30:20,453 --> 00:30:24,257 during PM hours. 1191 00:30:24,290 --> 00:30:27,160 Now, a quarter-century later, 1192 00:30:24,290 --> 00:30:27,160 he told the jury, 1193 00:30:27,193 --> 00:30:29,662 he'd reexamined his report 1194 00:30:29,696 --> 00:30:32,298 and decided it was possible 1195 00:30:29,696 --> 00:30:32,298 Kit was killed 1196 00:30:32,332 --> 00:30:34,868 as early as 10 a.m. 1197 00:30:34,901 --> 00:30:37,370 when Gregory 1198 00:30:34,901 --> 00:30:37,370 was at the house. 1199 00:30:37,404 --> 00:30:40,674 And as for motive, 1200 00:30:37,404 --> 00:30:40,674 there were these diaries, 1201 00:30:40,707 --> 00:30:43,777 the ones obtained by 1202 00:30:40,707 --> 00:30:43,777 Detective Boyd Underwood. 1203 00:30:43,810 --> 00:30:45,812 - When I first saw them, 1204 00:30:43,810 --> 00:30:45,812 they were, uh, downstairs 1205 00:30:45,845 --> 00:30:48,548 in what I would call 1206 00:30:45,845 --> 00:30:48,548 a storage room. 1207 00:30:48,581 --> 00:30:50,583 - Boyd sat 1208 00:30:48,581 --> 00:30:50,583 in the witness stand 1209 00:30:50,617 --> 00:30:53,787 as Prosecutor Wagner read 1210 00:30:50,617 --> 00:30:53,787 through Gregory's diary, 1211 00:30:53,820 --> 00:30:56,356 painting a picture 1212 00:30:53,820 --> 00:30:56,356 of a rejected man 1213 00:30:56,389 --> 00:30:58,391 who seemed tormented 1214 00:30:56,389 --> 00:30:58,391 by the possibility 1215 00:30:58,425 --> 00:31:01,194 he'd lose his children 1216 00:30:58,425 --> 00:31:01,194 in the divorce. 1217 00:31:01,227 --> 00:31:03,530 - The hardest part is 1218 00:31:01,227 --> 00:31:03,530 saying goodbye to my girls, 1219 00:31:03,563 --> 00:31:05,298 not tucking them in. 1220 00:31:05,331 --> 00:31:09,102 This will be devastating. 1221 00:31:05,331 --> 00:31:09,102 This is almost incapacitating. 1222 00:31:09,135 --> 00:31:10,770 - The diaries were important. 1223 00:31:10,804 --> 00:31:14,240 They gave us some insight 1224 00:31:10,804 --> 00:31:14,240 into the defendant's mind, 1225 00:31:14,274 --> 00:31:16,910 uh, particularly how 1226 00:31:14,274 --> 00:31:16,910 he was, uh, very attached 1227 00:31:16,943 --> 00:31:18,345 to his daughters, 1228 00:31:18,378 --> 00:31:21,281 more so than, uh, 1229 00:31:18,378 --> 00:31:21,281 the average parent, let's say. 1230 00:31:21,314 --> 00:31:22,749 - But there was more 1231 00:31:21,314 --> 00:31:22,749 in those diaries, 1232 00:31:22,782 --> 00:31:24,317 said the prosecution. 1233 00:31:24,351 --> 00:31:26,860 Gregory confessed 1234 00:31:24,351 --> 00:31:26,860 in this private place 1235 00:31:26,860 --> 00:31:28,455 that there had been violence 1236 00:31:26,860 --> 00:31:28,455 in that marriage breakup, 1237 00:31:28,488 --> 00:31:31,791 the last incident only weeks 1238 00:31:28,488 --> 00:31:31,791 before Kit was killed. 1239 00:31:31,825 --> 00:31:33,693 - Goodbye, Kitty. 1240 00:31:33,727 --> 00:31:35,729 Kitty and I had 1241 00:31:33,727 --> 00:31:35,729 a fight this evening. 1242 00:31:35,762 --> 00:31:39,466 She struck me, I lost 1243 00:31:35,762 --> 00:31:39,466 my temper and struck back. 1244 00:31:39,499 --> 00:31:41,368 - Then there was 1245 00:31:39,499 --> 00:31:41,368 that police interview 1246 00:31:41,401 --> 00:31:44,904 in which, reacting 1247 00:31:41,401 --> 00:31:44,904 to a planted police lie, 1248 00:31:44,938 --> 00:31:47,107 Gregory appeared to admit 1249 00:31:44,938 --> 00:31:47,107 he was in the house 1250 00:31:47,107 --> 00:31:49,743 with Kit alone 1251 00:31:47,107 --> 00:31:49,743 on the day of the murder. 1252 00:31:49,776 --> 00:31:53,213 So, said the prosecution, 1253 00:31:49,776 --> 00:31:53,213 opportunity, motive, and DNA 1254 00:31:53,246 --> 00:31:56,116 all pointed to Gregory 1255 00:31:53,246 --> 00:31:56,116 as the murderer. 1256 00:31:56,116 --> 00:31:58,451 But was that 1257 00:31:56,116 --> 00:31:58,451 evidence enough? 1258 00:31:58,485 --> 00:32:01,688 - When you get into the details, 1259 00:31:58,485 --> 00:32:01,688 uh, it becomes-- 1260 00:32:01,721 --> 00:32:04,491 then you see all the problems 1261 00:32:01,721 --> 00:32:04,491 that were there. 1262 00:32:04,524 --> 00:32:07,827 - Not nearly enough, said 1263 00:32:04,524 --> 00:32:07,827 Defense Attorney Jack Early. 1264 00:32:07,861 --> 00:32:10,964 That vaunted DNA sample 1265 00:32:07,861 --> 00:32:10,964 of Gregory's blood, 1266 00:32:11,640 --> 00:32:13,733 police had a little 1267 00:32:11,640 --> 00:32:13,733 storage problem with that. 1268 00:32:13,767 --> 00:32:15,680 - When did you discover 1269 00:32:15,680 --> 00:32:17,370 that, uh, Mr. Mordick's 1270 00:32:15,680 --> 00:32:17,370 vial of blood 1271 00:32:17,404 --> 00:32:20,840 had broken in, uh, 1272 00:32:17,404 --> 00:32:20,840 the evidence room 1273 00:32:20,874 --> 00:32:22,475 and spilled on other items? 1274 00:32:22,509 --> 00:32:24,444 - I don't think I was 1275 00:32:22,509 --> 00:32:24,444 aware of that 1276 00:32:24,477 --> 00:32:27,747 until maybe 1999 or 2000. 1277 00:32:27,781 --> 00:32:30,517 - Gregory's blood sample 1278 00:32:27,781 --> 00:32:30,517 had leaked 1279 00:32:30,550 --> 00:32:32,385 onto some of 1280 00:32:30,550 --> 00:32:32,385 the evidence packaging 1281 00:32:32,419 --> 00:32:35,321 and that, said the defense, 1282 00:32:32,419 --> 00:32:35,321 hopelessly compromised 1283 00:32:35,355 --> 00:32:37,891 the integrity of the DNA. 1284 00:32:37,924 --> 00:32:41,494 Besides, hadn't Gregory lived 1285 00:32:37,924 --> 00:32:41,494 with Kit almost five years? 1286 00:32:41,528 --> 00:32:43,329 Of course, his DNA 1287 00:32:41,528 --> 00:32:43,329 would be in the house, 1288 00:32:43,363 --> 00:32:44,664 said the defense. 1289 00:32:44,698 --> 00:32:47,867 And would have mixed 1290 00:32:44,698 --> 00:32:47,867 with his wife's. 1291 00:32:47,901 --> 00:32:50,503 But one place Gregory's DNA 1292 00:32:47,901 --> 00:32:50,503 was not found, 1293 00:32:50,537 --> 00:32:54,507 said the defense, was anywhere 1294 00:32:50,537 --> 00:32:54,507 on Kit's body or clothes, 1295 00:32:54,541 --> 00:32:56,276 something you'd 1296 00:32:54,541 --> 00:32:56,276 expect to find 1297 00:32:56,309 --> 00:32:59,946 if he'd slit her throat 1298 00:32:56,309 --> 00:32:59,946 and pulled off her clothes. 1299 00:33:00,460 --> 00:33:02,615 Besides, said the woman 1300 00:33:00,460 --> 00:33:02,615 who threw that birthday party 1301 00:33:02,649 --> 00:33:05,510 Gregory went to 1302 00:33:02,649 --> 00:33:05,510 after seeing Kit, 1303 00:33:05,510 --> 00:33:07,687 he certainly didn't look like 1304 00:33:05,510 --> 00:33:07,687 he'd just killed someone. 1305 00:33:07,721 --> 00:33:10,724 - Now, when he was there, 1306 00:33:07,721 --> 00:33:10,724 did you notice 1307 00:33:10,757 --> 00:33:13,930 any injuries 1308 00:33:10,757 --> 00:33:13,930 to Mr. Mordick? 1309 00:33:13,126 --> 00:33:15,362 - No. 1310 00:33:13,126 --> 00:33:15,362 - Did you notice, 1311 00:33:15,395 --> 00:33:18,732 uh, if he had any blood 1312 00:33:15,395 --> 00:33:18,732 on him in any manner? 1313 00:33:18,765 --> 00:33:20,200 - Oh, my goodness, no. 1314 00:33:20,233 --> 00:33:22,869 - Did he-- was there 1315 00:33:20,233 --> 00:33:22,869 anything unusual 1316 00:33:22,902 --> 00:33:24,871 about him at the party? 1317 00:33:24,904 --> 00:33:26,606 - No, not at all. 1318 00:33:26,639 --> 00:33:30,377 - But if not Gregory, 1319 00:33:26,639 --> 00:33:30,377 then who was the killer? 1320 00:33:30,410 --> 00:33:32,512 Well, wait for it. 1321 00:33:32,545 --> 00:33:34,114 Through this testimony, 1322 00:33:34,147 --> 00:33:36,616 the defense made 1323 00:33:34,147 --> 00:33:36,616 a stunning implication. 1324 00:33:36,649 --> 00:33:38,718 - Did she tell you that 1325 00:33:36,649 --> 00:33:38,718 things weren't working out 1326 00:33:38,752 --> 00:33:40,520 with someone named Henry? 1327 00:33:40,553 --> 00:33:43,656 - Um, I believe 1328 00:33:40,553 --> 00:33:43,656 that she indicated 1329 00:33:43,690 --> 00:33:46,526 that there were 1330 00:33:43,690 --> 00:33:46,526 some problems with him, yes. 1331 00:33:46,559 --> 00:33:48,940 - Henry? 1332 00:33:48,940 --> 00:33:50,296 The man Kit left 1333 00:33:48,940 --> 00:33:50,296 Gregory for? 1334 00:33:50,330 --> 00:33:53,333 What motive could he 1335 00:33:50,330 --> 00:33:53,333 possibly have had? 1336 00:33:53,366 --> 00:33:56,469 Well now, the implication 1337 00:33:53,366 --> 00:33:56,469 got much bigger. 1338 00:33:56,503 --> 00:33:59,372 - Well, if the relationship 1339 00:33:56,503 --> 00:33:59,372 wasn't working out 1340 00:33:59,406 --> 00:34:00,940 and he was gonna lose her, 1341 00:34:01,410 --> 00:34:02,876 all of a sudden, 1342 00:34:01,410 --> 00:34:02,876 he has a motive. 1343 00:34:02,909 --> 00:34:06,460 And it's very important 1344 00:34:02,909 --> 00:34:06,460 that he moves onto Donna, 1345 00:34:06,460 --> 00:34:09,382 the new sister, 1346 00:34:06,460 --> 00:34:09,382 shortly afterwards. 1347 00:34:09,416 --> 00:34:11,150 - Well, yes, 1348 00:34:09,416 --> 00:34:11,150 it's true, at least, 1349 00:34:11,184 --> 00:34:12,952 that Henry 1350 00:34:11,184 --> 00:34:12,952 and Kit's sister Donna 1351 00:34:13,530 --> 00:34:15,855 did fall in love 1352 00:34:13,530 --> 00:34:15,855 after the murder. 1353 00:34:15,889 --> 00:34:17,891 Donna wrestled 1354 00:34:15,889 --> 00:34:17,891 with her emotions 1355 00:34:17,924 --> 00:34:19,826 in the beginning, 1356 00:34:17,924 --> 00:34:19,826 she said. 1357 00:34:19,859 --> 00:34:22,696 - I don't deserve this, 1358 00:34:19,859 --> 00:34:22,696 you know? 1359 00:34:22,728 --> 00:34:24,464 You're my sister's guy. 1360 00:34:24,496 --> 00:34:27,100 You know, this is weird, 1361 00:34:24,496 --> 00:34:27,100 but it's not. 1362 00:34:27,132 --> 00:34:29,703 Because when it's him and I, 1363 00:34:27,132 --> 00:34:29,703 it's normal. 1364 00:34:29,735 --> 00:34:32,605 - They married a year 1365 00:34:29,735 --> 00:34:32,605 after Kit's murder. 1366 00:34:32,639 --> 00:34:36,509 The defense saw 1367 00:34:32,639 --> 00:34:36,509 an opportunity and pounced. 1368 00:34:36,543 --> 00:34:38,277 Remember that 1369 00:34:36,543 --> 00:34:38,277 rear sliding door 1370 00:34:38,311 --> 00:34:40,612 that Henry went through 1371 00:34:38,311 --> 00:34:40,612 to find Kit's body? 1372 00:34:40,647 --> 00:34:42,782 Henry had left the door 1373 00:34:40,647 --> 00:34:42,782 slightly ajar, 1374 00:34:42,815 --> 00:34:46,152 the same way the killer had, 1375 00:34:42,815 --> 00:34:46,152 the defense pointed out. 1376 00:34:46,186 --> 00:34:48,288 - Let me ask you, do you 1377 00:34:46,186 --> 00:34:48,288 only partially close doors 1378 00:34:48,321 --> 00:34:49,356 when you go through them? 1379 00:34:49,389 --> 00:34:52,792 - I don't remember 1380 00:34:49,389 --> 00:34:52,792 closing the door. 1381 00:34:52,826 --> 00:34:55,462 So, um, if that's 1382 00:34:52,826 --> 00:34:55,462 how far I closed it, 1383 00:34:55,495 --> 00:34:57,330 that's how far I closed it. 1384 00:34:57,364 --> 00:35:01,368 - There is as much evidence, 1385 00:34:57,364 --> 00:35:01,368 as much things about Henry 1386 00:35:01,401 --> 00:35:04,170 as there is about Greg 1387 00:35:01,401 --> 00:35:04,170 that don't make sense. 1388 00:35:04,204 --> 00:35:06,272 - Ludicrous, 1389 00:35:04,204 --> 00:35:06,272 said the prosecutor, 1390 00:35:06,306 --> 00:35:08,475 and pointed out Henry 1391 00:35:06,306 --> 00:35:08,475 had an alibi anyway. 1392 00:35:08,508 --> 00:35:11,244 He was a two-hour drive 1393 00:35:08,508 --> 00:35:11,244 away in San Diego 1394 00:35:11,277 --> 00:35:13,790 the day of the murder. 1395 00:35:13,113 --> 00:35:16,383 So, now the defense 1396 00:35:13,113 --> 00:35:16,383 played its final card, 1397 00:35:16,416 --> 00:35:18,885 Gregory Mordick himself. 1398 00:35:18,918 --> 00:35:21,870 - Did you kill your wife? 1399 00:35:18,918 --> 00:35:21,870 - No. 1400 00:35:21,121 --> 00:35:23,189 - Why put Gregory 1401 00:35:21,121 --> 00:35:23,189 on the stand? 1402 00:35:23,223 --> 00:35:24,924 One main reason, 1403 00:35:24,958 --> 00:35:27,761 to answer for 1404 00:35:24,958 --> 00:35:27,761 that final police interview 1405 00:35:27,794 --> 00:35:29,696 when he'd reacted 1406 00:35:27,794 --> 00:35:29,696 to that ruse 1407 00:35:29,729 --> 00:35:31,297 by appearing 1408 00:35:29,729 --> 00:35:31,297 to change his story 1409 00:35:31,331 --> 00:35:33,133 about going back 1410 00:35:31,331 --> 00:35:33,133 into Kit's house 1411 00:35:33,166 --> 00:35:36,369 after he picked up his kids 1412 00:35:33,166 --> 00:35:36,369 the day of the murder. 1413 00:35:36,403 --> 00:35:39,372 - After you put Bree in 1414 00:35:36,403 --> 00:35:39,372 and went and closed the gate, 1415 00:35:39,406 --> 00:35:42,750 did you ever go 1416 00:35:39,406 --> 00:35:42,750 back into the house? 1417 00:35:42,750 --> 00:35:43,760 - No. 1418 00:35:43,760 --> 00:35:44,511 - What did you think 1419 00:35:43,760 --> 00:35:44,511 when they told you 1420 00:35:44,544 --> 00:35:46,946 about your DNA being 1421 00:35:44,544 --> 00:35:46,946 found on her clothes? 1422 00:35:46,980 --> 00:35:48,548 - I was going, 1423 00:35:46,980 --> 00:35:48,548 there's no way. 1424 00:35:48,581 --> 00:35:50,583 I didn't touch Kitty 1425 00:35:48,581 --> 00:35:50,583 that morning. 1426 00:35:50,617 --> 00:35:53,520 - He was shocked, confused 1427 00:35:50,617 --> 00:35:53,520 by the detectives' ruse, 1428 00:35:53,553 --> 00:35:55,388 the defense told the jury. 1429 00:35:55,422 --> 00:35:56,923 But what about those diaries, 1430 00:35:56,956 --> 00:35:59,726 asked Prosecutor Wagner 1431 00:35:56,956 --> 00:35:59,726 in his cross examination. 1432 00:35:59,759 --> 00:36:01,194 The diaries 1433 00:35:59,759 --> 00:36:01,194 that seemed to outline 1434 00:36:01,227 --> 00:36:03,229 a real motive for murder. 1435 00:36:03,263 --> 00:36:05,980 - And you-you wrote 1436 00:36:03,263 --> 00:36:05,980 at various times 1437 00:36:05,131 --> 00:36:07,670 that it was almost 1438 00:36:05,131 --> 00:36:07,670 more than you could bear 1439 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:09,350 thinking about 1440 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:09,350 that separation? 1441 00:36:09,690 --> 00:36:12,672 - I'm-I'm sorry 1442 00:36:09,690 --> 00:36:12,672 I wrote that down. 1443 00:36:12,706 --> 00:36:14,307 - Why? 1444 00:36:14,341 --> 00:36:15,709 - Because it's come 1445 00:36:14,341 --> 00:36:15,709 to bite-bite me now 1446 00:36:15,742 --> 00:36:19,790 instead of being 1447 00:36:15,742 --> 00:36:19,790 true feelings at the time. 1448 00:36:19,112 --> 00:36:21,470 You're trying to 1449 00:36:19,112 --> 00:36:21,470 make it bite me. 1450 00:36:21,470 --> 00:36:22,382 - He might never 1451 00:36:21,470 --> 00:36:22,382 had been charged 1452 00:36:22,415 --> 00:36:24,884 had he just thrown 1453 00:36:22,415 --> 00:36:24,884 those diaries away. 1454 00:36:24,918 --> 00:36:26,186 - Why did you keep them? 1455 00:36:26,219 --> 00:36:29,322 - There's nothing in there 1456 00:36:26,219 --> 00:36:29,322 except my history, 1457 00:36:29,356 --> 00:36:30,657 our history together. 1458 00:36:30,690 --> 00:36:33,126 What was to be thrown away? 1459 00:36:30,690 --> 00:36:33,126 - Well, what they did 1460 00:36:33,159 --> 00:36:34,527 was they looked back 1461 00:36:33,159 --> 00:36:34,527 and said, look, 1462 00:36:34,561 --> 00:36:36,262 he-he was involved 1463 00:36:34,561 --> 00:36:36,262 in these violent incidents. 1464 00:36:36,296 --> 00:36:37,697 And, in fact, 1465 00:36:36,296 --> 00:36:37,697 he even admitted 1466 00:36:37,731 --> 00:36:39,265 that he was violent 1467 00:36:37,731 --> 00:36:39,265 in his diary, 1468 00:36:39,299 --> 00:36:40,500 so he must have been 1469 00:36:39,299 --> 00:36:40,500 violent enough to kill her. 1470 00:36:40,533 --> 00:36:42,680 - Yes, yes, 1471 00:36:40,533 --> 00:36:42,680 and Kitty started-- 1472 00:36:42,680 --> 00:36:44,771 And Kitty started every one 1473 00:36:42,680 --> 00:36:44,771 of them, unfortunately. 1474 00:36:44,804 --> 00:36:48,740 I got tired of being hit 1475 00:36:44,804 --> 00:36:48,740 so, I grabbed her arms. 1476 00:36:48,740 --> 00:36:49,909 And I'm the bad guy. 1477 00:36:49,943 --> 00:36:52,312 - Well, was he? 1478 00:36:52,345 --> 00:36:53,980 After nearly a month 1479 00:36:52,345 --> 00:36:53,980 of testimony 1480 00:36:54,800 --> 00:36:56,716 and 26 years 1481 00:36:54,800 --> 00:36:56,716 since Kit's murder, 1482 00:36:56,750 --> 00:36:58,651 the jury retired. 1483 00:36:58,685 --> 00:37:01,688 And guilty or not? 1484 00:37:01,721 --> 00:37:04,624 Hard call. 1485 00:37:04,657 --> 00:37:06,226 - Coming up... 1486 00:37:06,259 --> 00:37:07,727 The jury returns. 1487 00:37:07,761 --> 00:37:09,729 And to the prosecution, 1488 00:37:07,761 --> 00:37:09,729 it... 1489 00:37:09,763 --> 00:37:11,865 - Was just like a gut punch. 1490 00:37:11,898 --> 00:37:13,366 All the wind went out. 1491 00:37:20,206 --> 00:37:24,811 ** 1492 00:37:25,311 --> 00:37:27,313 - In the fall of 2009, 1493 00:37:27,347 --> 00:37:29,849 a jury in 1494 00:37:27,347 --> 00:37:29,849 Santa Ana, California, puzzled 1495 00:37:29,883 --> 00:37:32,552 over the case of 1496 00:37:29,883 --> 00:37:32,552 photographer Gregory Mordick, 1497 00:37:32,585 --> 00:37:34,487 charged with killing 1498 00:37:32,585 --> 00:37:34,487 the wife who'd left him 1499 00:37:34,521 --> 00:37:37,570 more than 1500 00:37:34,521 --> 00:37:37,570 a quarter century earlier. 1501 00:37:37,570 --> 00:37:39,693 The case was largely 1502 00:37:37,570 --> 00:37:39,693 circumstantial, 1503 00:37:39,726 --> 00:37:42,796 a smidgen of possibly 1504 00:37:39,726 --> 00:37:42,796 tainted DNA, 1505 00:37:42,829 --> 00:37:45,732 a story that seemed 1506 00:37:42,829 --> 00:37:45,732 to change, 1507 00:37:45,765 --> 00:37:48,468 and those sad, 1508 00:37:45,765 --> 00:37:48,468 possibly desperate scribbles 1509 00:37:48,501 --> 00:37:50,603 in a private diary. 1510 00:37:50,637 --> 00:37:52,238 In a hallway 1511 00:37:50,637 --> 00:37:52,238 outside the courtroom, 1512 00:37:52,272 --> 00:37:54,908 Kit's family paced 1513 00:37:52,272 --> 00:37:54,908 nervously. 1514 00:37:54,941 --> 00:37:57,711 Her little sister Donna 1515 00:37:54,941 --> 00:37:57,711 held out hope. 1516 00:37:57,744 --> 00:38:00,313 - Oh, there's no way 1517 00:37:57,744 --> 00:38:00,313 that there's anything. 1518 00:38:00,347 --> 00:38:02,749 They'll be back 1519 00:38:00,347 --> 00:38:02,749 in a few minutes. 1520 00:38:02,782 --> 00:38:05,180 - In fact, it was days. 1521 00:38:05,510 --> 00:38:07,487 But the jury did come back. 1522 00:38:07,520 --> 00:38:10,457 Family members 1523 00:38:07,520 --> 00:38:10,457 braced themselves, and... 1524 00:38:10,490 --> 00:38:12,158 - My understanding is 1525 00:38:10,490 --> 00:38:12,158 that, uh, the jurors 1526 00:38:12,192 --> 00:38:14,527 are, at this point 1527 00:38:12,192 --> 00:38:14,527 in time, hung. 1528 00:38:14,561 --> 00:38:16,429 Is that right? 1529 00:38:14,561 --> 00:38:16,429 - That's correct. 1530 00:38:16,463 --> 00:38:18,310 - They were hung. 1531 00:38:18,310 --> 00:38:20,533 Not just hung, 1532 00:38:18,310 --> 00:38:20,533 split six to six. 1533 00:38:20,567 --> 00:38:23,303 - Six to six was just a-- 1534 00:38:20,567 --> 00:38:23,303 like a gut punch. 1535 00:38:23,336 --> 00:38:25,271 All the wind went out. 1536 00:38:25,305 --> 00:38:26,673 - He recovered his poise, 1537 00:38:26,706 --> 00:38:29,409 told the judge 1538 00:38:26,706 --> 00:38:29,409 he'd try Mordick again. 1539 00:38:29,442 --> 00:38:31,344 - I was attached 1540 00:38:29,442 --> 00:38:31,344 to the victim's family. 1541 00:38:31,378 --> 00:38:34,914 Uh, in some respect, I felt 1542 00:38:31,378 --> 00:38:34,914 a certain duty, um, to them. 1543 00:38:34,948 --> 00:38:37,250 - And them September 2010, 1544 00:38:37,283 --> 00:38:39,586 the O'Connells 1545 00:38:37,283 --> 00:38:39,586 filed into court. 1546 00:38:39,619 --> 00:38:41,688 Prosecutor Wagner 1547 00:38:39,619 --> 00:38:41,688 stuck to the science, 1548 00:38:41,721 --> 00:38:43,757 Gregory's DNA in the house. 1549 00:38:43,790 --> 00:38:45,558 How could his DNA be present 1550 00:38:45,592 --> 00:38:46,793 when he hadn't lived 1551 00:38:45,592 --> 00:38:46,793 in the home 1552 00:38:46,826 --> 00:38:48,228 for more than two months? 1553 00:38:48,261 --> 00:38:49,529 - I lived there for 4.5 years. 1554 00:38:49,562 --> 00:38:50,930 - Yeah, but you'd 1555 00:38:49,562 --> 00:38:50,930 been away for months. 1556 00:38:50,964 --> 00:38:51,931 - For two months. 1557 00:38:51,965 --> 00:38:54,501 Two months to eradicate 1558 00:38:51,965 --> 00:38:54,501 all your DNA? 1559 00:38:54,534 --> 00:38:55,869 - But if she-- 1560 00:38:54,534 --> 00:38:55,869 - A few months-- 1561 00:38:55,902 --> 00:38:57,437 - If she cleans up 1562 00:38:55,902 --> 00:38:57,437 the house once in a while, 1563 00:38:57,470 --> 00:38:58,972 yeah, it probably would. 1564 00:38:59,720 --> 00:39:00,600 Did she? 1565 00:39:00,600 --> 00:39:01,574 - Kitty was a terrible 1566 00:39:00,600 --> 00:39:01,574 house cleaner. 1567 00:39:01,608 --> 00:39:04,100 Even the police said 1568 00:39:04,100 --> 00:39:06,346 they'd never seen 1569 00:39:04,100 --> 00:39:06,346 such a filthy house. 1570 00:39:06,379 --> 00:39:08,648 - The defense, it turned out, 1571 00:39:06,379 --> 00:39:08,648 had been busy. 1572 00:39:08,682 --> 00:39:10,350 It had retested 1573 00:39:08,682 --> 00:39:10,350 the blood evidence 1574 00:39:10,383 --> 00:39:11,785 on that rear sliding door, 1575 00:39:11,818 --> 00:39:13,920 the one that showed 1576 00:39:11,818 --> 00:39:13,920 a mixture of Kit's blood 1577 00:39:14,200 --> 00:39:16,220 and Gregory's DNA. 1578 00:39:16,220 --> 00:39:18,291 And the result was 1579 00:39:16,220 --> 00:39:18,291 quite stunning. 1580 00:39:18,324 --> 00:39:22,280 Gregory and his daughters shared 1581 00:39:18,324 --> 00:39:22,280 an identical blood protein. 1582 00:39:22,280 --> 00:39:24,664 - We were very excited 1583 00:39:22,280 --> 00:39:24,664 because we were hoping just one. 1584 00:39:24,698 --> 00:39:28,668 And as-as it ends up, 1585 00:39:24,698 --> 00:39:28,668 both daughters had that. 1586 00:39:28,702 --> 00:39:30,570 - So, it was impossible, 1587 00:39:30,603 --> 00:39:33,807 Defense Attorney Jack Early 1588 00:39:30,603 --> 00:39:33,807 said, to be absolutely certain 1589 00:39:33,840 --> 00:39:36,142 it was only a mixture 1590 00:39:33,840 --> 00:39:36,142 of Gregory's DNA 1591 00:39:36,176 --> 00:39:38,178 in Kit's blood 1592 00:39:36,176 --> 00:39:38,178 on that slider. 1593 00:39:38,211 --> 00:39:41,470 It could have been a mixture 1594 00:39:38,211 --> 00:39:41,470 of the entire family 1595 00:39:41,470 --> 00:39:43,450 piled on over the years. 1596 00:39:43,483 --> 00:39:45,952 And then, after weeks 1597 00:39:43,483 --> 00:39:45,952 of testimony, 1598 00:39:46,520 --> 00:39:48,540 another jury 1599 00:39:46,520 --> 00:39:48,540 left the courtroom 1600 00:39:48,880 --> 00:39:50,790 and the waiting began again. 1601 00:39:50,824 --> 00:39:52,359 - Based on the results 1602 00:39:50,824 --> 00:39:52,359 of the first trial, 1603 00:39:52,392 --> 00:39:54,928 I didn't have the same sense 1604 00:39:52,392 --> 00:39:54,928 of confidence the second time. 1605 00:39:54,961 --> 00:39:57,630 - Gregory, however, 1606 00:39:54,961 --> 00:39:57,630 was confident 1607 00:39:57,970 --> 00:39:59,265 as Thanksgiving weekend 1608 00:39:57,970 --> 00:39:59,265 approached. 1609 00:39:59,299 --> 00:40:00,467 - And everybody was going, 1610 00:40:00,500 --> 00:40:02,200 hey, we'll see you 1611 00:40:00,500 --> 00:40:02,200 over the weekend. 1612 00:40:02,350 --> 00:40:05,238 - Then, after two days, 1613 00:40:02,350 --> 00:40:05,238 the jury rang the bailiff. 1614 00:40:07,574 --> 00:40:09,509 - We, the jury in 1615 00:40:07,574 --> 00:40:09,509 the above-entitled action 1616 00:40:09,542 --> 00:40:12,120 find the defendant 1617 00:40:09,542 --> 00:40:12,120 William Gregory Mordick 1618 00:40:12,450 --> 00:40:14,714 guilty of murder 1619 00:40:12,450 --> 00:40:14,714 in the first degree. 1620 00:40:14,748 --> 00:40:18,840 - And Gregory, 1621 00:40:14,748 --> 00:40:18,840 before the shock set in, 1622 00:40:18,118 --> 00:40:21,540 thought he'd simply 1623 00:40:18,118 --> 00:40:21,540 heard it wrong. 1624 00:40:21,870 --> 00:40:24,224 - And I just couldn't believe 1625 00:40:21,870 --> 00:40:24,224 I didn't hear the word "not". 1626 00:40:24,257 --> 00:40:27,560 I kept on looking at 1627 00:40:24,257 --> 00:40:27,560 the court clerk going, 1628 00:40:27,594 --> 00:40:29,562 there's a word missing. 1629 00:40:29,596 --> 00:40:33,400 - But when Prosecutor Dan Wagner 1630 00:40:29,596 --> 00:40:33,400 finally heard those words... 1631 00:40:33,433 --> 00:40:36,269 - It's a rush. 1632 00:40:36,302 --> 00:40:37,837 It's a relief. 1633 00:40:37,871 --> 00:40:40,440 Um, think about 1634 00:40:37,871 --> 00:40:40,440 the people behind you, 1635 00:40:40,473 --> 00:40:41,875 what they had been through, 1636 00:40:41,908 --> 00:40:45,779 how this much-- 1637 00:40:41,908 --> 00:40:45,779 what this will mean to them. 1638 00:40:45,812 --> 00:40:48,248 Um, justice for the victim. 1639 00:40:48,281 --> 00:40:50,717 - At the sentencing hearing, 1640 00:40:48,281 --> 00:40:50,717 Kit's family pronounced 1641 00:40:50,750 --> 00:40:54,254 the words they'd stored up 1642 00:40:50,750 --> 00:40:54,254 nearly 28 years. 1643 00:40:54,287 --> 00:40:56,523 - There's a hole 1644 00:40:54,287 --> 00:40:56,523 in our lives, 1645 00:40:56,556 --> 00:40:59,125 a hole left by this murder. 1646 00:40:59,159 --> 00:41:01,494 - I wish her children 1647 00:40:59,159 --> 00:41:01,494 had an idea 1648 00:41:01,528 --> 00:41:04,640 of what they've missed out on 1649 00:41:01,528 --> 00:41:04,640 in their life. 1650 00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:07,500 - Oh, but they do, 1651 00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:07,500 said Gregory in reply. 1652 00:41:07,534 --> 00:41:09,536 They all do. 1653 00:41:09,569 --> 00:41:11,137 - The O'Connell family 1654 00:41:09,569 --> 00:41:11,137 thinks they're the only one 1655 00:41:11,171 --> 00:41:14,641 who has missed Kitty, 1656 00:41:14,674 --> 00:41:16,509 and that's not true. 1657 00:41:16,543 --> 00:41:18,478 She is missed by 1658 00:41:16,543 --> 00:41:18,478 my family, myself, 1659 00:41:18,511 --> 00:41:20,480 my two beautiful daughters. 1660 00:41:20,513 --> 00:41:22,820 - Daughters who, 1661 00:41:20,513 --> 00:41:22,820 throughout it all, 1662 00:41:22,115 --> 00:41:25,251 have been staunch defenders 1663 00:41:22,115 --> 00:41:25,251 of their father. 1664 00:41:25,285 --> 00:41:27,654 In court, the elder 1665 00:41:25,285 --> 00:41:27,654 of the two spoke 1666 00:41:27,687 --> 00:41:29,889 for both her parents. 1667 00:41:29,923 --> 00:41:32,492 - My family and now-- 1668 00:41:29,923 --> 00:41:32,492 I have now been sentenced 1669 00:41:32,525 --> 00:41:35,662 to another 25 years 1670 00:41:32,525 --> 00:41:35,662 of pain and agony. 1671 00:41:39,866 --> 00:41:41,534 I miss my mother very much, 1672 00:41:41,568 --> 00:41:44,471 but it's not fair that 1673 00:41:41,568 --> 00:41:44,471 my father's being taken away. 1674 00:41:44,504 --> 00:41:46,106 - For a long time. 1675 00:41:46,106 --> 00:41:48,408 The sentence, 1676 00:41:46,106 --> 00:41:48,408 25 years to life. 1677 00:41:50,110 --> 00:41:51,945 While he sat in jail 1678 00:41:50,110 --> 00:41:51,945 waiting to be transferred 1679 00:41:51,978 --> 00:41:54,447 to a new prison life, 1680 00:41:54,481 --> 00:41:57,417 I asked him 1681 00:41:54,481 --> 00:41:57,417 about his daughters. 1682 00:41:57,450 --> 00:42:00,253 And Gregory said... 1683 00:42:00,286 --> 00:42:02,922 - At least I've got 1684 00:42:00,286 --> 00:42:02,922 their love. 1685 00:42:04,424 --> 00:42:07,427 - And Kit's family? 1686 00:42:04,424 --> 00:42:07,427 What do they have? 1687 00:42:07,460 --> 00:42:09,362 - I think she's in my soul. 1688 00:42:09,396 --> 00:42:11,898 Even though she's 1689 00:42:09,396 --> 00:42:11,898 not here physically, 1690 00:42:11,931 --> 00:42:13,333 she's with us. 1691 00:42:13,366 --> 00:42:15,301 - And finally, 1692 00:42:13,366 --> 00:42:15,301 one determined Detective 1693 00:42:15,335 --> 00:42:17,704 officially retired again. 1694 00:42:17,737 --> 00:42:21,941 This case, for him, 1695 00:42:17,737 --> 00:42:21,941 was, well... 1696 00:42:21,975 --> 00:42:23,877 - Very emotional. 1697 00:42:23,910 --> 00:42:26,179 - Was it worth all that time 1698 00:42:23,910 --> 00:42:26,179 you put on this thing? 1699 00:42:26,212 --> 00:42:28,715 - Oh, yeah. 1700 00:42:28,748 --> 00:42:30,583 Sure. 1701 00:42:30,617 --> 00:42:33,553 - The case Boyd Underwood 1702 00:42:30,617 --> 00:42:33,553 came back for. 1703 00:42:33,586 --> 00:42:36,289 The case of his life 1704 00:42:33,586 --> 00:42:36,289 is closed. 1705 00:42:39,793 --> 00:42:43,697 - That's all for this edition of 1706 00:42:39,793 --> 00:42:43,697 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered". 1707 00:42:43,730 --> 00:42:46,266 I'm Craig Melvin. 1708 00:42:43,730 --> 00:42:46,266 Thank you for watching.