1 00:00:07,407 --> 00:00:07,774 I'm Craig Melvin 2 00:00:08,641 --> 00:00:11,344 and this is "Dateline: 3 00:00:08,641 --> 00:00:11,344 Secrets Uncovered". 4 00:00:11,344 --> 00:00:12,379 - It was rough. 5 00:00:12,379 --> 00:00:14,647 It was a rough time 6 00:00:12,379 --> 00:00:14,647 for the whole community. 7 00:00:14,647 --> 00:00:17,517 - It hit her town 8 00:00:14,647 --> 00:00:17,517 like a lightning bolt, 9 00:00:17,517 --> 00:00:21,287 the strange disappearance 10 00:00:17,517 --> 00:00:21,287 of Carrie Olson. 11 00:00:21,287 --> 00:00:23,523 - It was scary. 12 00:00:21,287 --> 00:00:23,523 Everyone loved Carrie. 13 00:00:23,523 --> 00:00:25,825 - It was so painful. 14 00:00:25,825 --> 00:00:27,227 - You reached out 15 00:00:25,825 --> 00:00:27,227 to "Dateline". 16 00:00:27,227 --> 00:00:28,294 - I did. Yes. 17 00:00:28,294 --> 00:00:30,363 We started getting people 18 00:00:28,294 --> 00:00:30,363 following our page. 19 00:00:30,363 --> 00:00:33,166 - Where was she? 20 00:00:30,363 --> 00:00:33,166 What was behind this? 21 00:00:33,166 --> 00:00:35,635 Far from home, a lead. 22 00:00:35,635 --> 00:00:39,673 - I saw the tattoo and I said, 23 00:00:35,635 --> 00:00:39,673 that's her tattoo, isn't it? 24 00:00:39,673 --> 00:00:43,343 - And three 25 00:00:39,673 --> 00:00:43,343 caught-on-camera clues. 26 00:00:43,343 --> 00:00:45,110 Someone's in her car. 27 00:00:45,110 --> 00:00:47,647 Someone's at her bank. 28 00:00:47,647 --> 00:00:50,417 But most 29 00:00:47,647 --> 00:00:50,417 jaw-dropping of all, 30 00:00:50,417 --> 00:00:55,155 someone's up on stage with 31 00:00:50,417 --> 00:00:55,155 a song turned sinister. 32 00:00:55,155 --> 00:00:58,124 - I couldn't believe what 33 00:00:55,155 --> 00:00:58,124 I was hearing and seeing. 34 00:00:58,124 --> 00:01:01,361 - Could karaoke be 35 00:00:58,124 --> 00:01:01,361 a key to this case? 36 00:01:01,361 --> 00:01:03,396 - My heart was just 37 00:01:01,361 --> 00:01:03,396 pounding and pounding. 38 00:01:03,396 --> 00:01:04,864 - I was sweating; 39 00:01:03,396 --> 00:01:04,864 I was nervous. 40 00:01:04,864 --> 00:01:05,230 We need to 41 00:01:04,864 --> 00:01:05,230 figure this out, fast. 42 00:01:05,230 --> 00:01:16,943 ** 43 00:01:16,943 --> 00:01:20,613 - Hello and welcome to 44 00:01:16,943 --> 00:01:20,613 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered". 45 00:01:20,613 --> 00:01:24,351 Carrie Olson was the girl 46 00:01:20,613 --> 00:01:24,351 next door who dreamed 47 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:27,687 of falling in love 48 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:27,687 and starting a family. 49 00:01:27,687 --> 00:01:30,256 She was looking 50 00:01:27,687 --> 00:01:30,256 for that perfect guy 51 00:01:30,256 --> 00:01:32,892 when she vanished. 52 00:01:32,892 --> 00:01:34,961 Those close to Carrie 53 00:01:32,892 --> 00:01:34,961 launched a desperate search 54 00:01:34,961 --> 00:01:38,398 for answers but investigators 55 00:01:34,961 --> 00:01:38,398 wondered if one of them 56 00:01:38,398 --> 00:01:41,201 was hiding 57 00:01:38,398 --> 00:01:41,201 a dark secret. 58 00:01:41,201 --> 00:01:44,971 Here's Andrea Canning 59 00:01:41,201 --> 00:01:44,971 with "Without A Trace". 60 00:01:48,475 --> 00:01:50,676 - It's a sad fact 61 00:01:48,475 --> 00:01:50,676 of American life; 62 00:01:50,676 --> 00:01:53,346 families separated 63 00:01:50,676 --> 00:01:53,346 from their loved ones, 64 00:01:53,346 --> 00:01:56,783 gone without a trace. 65 00:01:53,346 --> 00:01:56,783 Nationwide, 66 00:01:56,783 --> 00:02:00,520 there are almost 100,000 active 67 00:01:56,783 --> 00:02:00,520 missing persons cases. 68 00:02:01,554 --> 00:02:03,656 Since December 2013, 69 00:02:03,656 --> 00:02:06,459 "Dateline's" online 70 00:02:03,656 --> 00:02:06,459 "Missing in America" series 71 00:02:06,459 --> 00:02:09,262 has been telling some 72 00:02:06,459 --> 00:02:09,262 of those heartbreaking stories. 73 00:02:11,197 --> 00:02:14,167 One of the first came 74 00:02:11,197 --> 00:02:14,167 from the Heartland 75 00:02:14,167 --> 00:02:19,204 where not everything 76 00:02:14,167 --> 00:02:19,204 is serene and pastoral. 77 00:02:19,204 --> 00:02:22,242 This is the Quad Cities, 78 00:02:22,242 --> 00:02:24,277 urban, 79 00:02:24,277 --> 00:02:26,146 industrial, 80 00:02:26,146 --> 00:02:29,820 gritty, 81 00:02:29,820 --> 00:02:32,185 four cities split by 82 00:02:29,820 --> 00:02:32,185 the mighty Mississippi River, 83 00:02:32,185 --> 00:02:37,357 two on the Iowa side, 84 00:02:32,185 --> 00:02:37,357 two in Illinois. 85 00:02:37,357 --> 00:02:40,727 These days, the Quad Cities 86 00:02:37,357 --> 00:02:40,727 is a sometimes uneasy mix 87 00:02:40,727 --> 00:02:42,728 of old-fashioned 88 00:02:40,727 --> 00:02:42,728 Midwestern values 89 00:02:42,728 --> 00:02:47,100 and modern urban life where 90 00:02:42,728 --> 00:02:47,100 crime is an inescapable part 91 00:02:47,100 --> 00:02:48,268 of the landscape. 92 00:02:48,268 --> 00:02:51,137 This is where 93 00:02:48,268 --> 00:02:51,137 Carrie Olson went missing 94 00:02:51,137 --> 00:02:54,574 in December of 2013. 95 00:02:54,574 --> 00:02:56,609 - She had a heart of gold 96 00:02:56,609 --> 00:02:58,845 and she made you 97 00:02:56,609 --> 00:02:58,845 always feel welcome. 98 00:02:58,845 --> 00:03:02,482 - Amanda Smith and Carrie 99 00:02:58,845 --> 00:03:02,482 were BFFs from the moment 100 00:03:02,482 --> 00:03:05,618 they met as 11-year-olds 101 00:03:02,482 --> 00:03:05,618 at a neighborhood pool. 102 00:03:05,618 --> 00:03:08,154 - We were just swimming 103 00:03:05,618 --> 00:03:08,154 together one day 104 00:03:08,154 --> 00:03:10,560 and sparks just flew. 105 00:03:10,560 --> 00:03:12,525 - How do little girls 106 00:03:10,560 --> 00:03:12,525 have sparks? 107 00:03:12,525 --> 00:03:13,893 What was it about Carrie? 108 00:03:13,893 --> 00:03:15,962 - She was outgoing, fun. 109 00:03:15,962 --> 00:03:18,765 She'd push you in the pool, 110 00:03:15,962 --> 00:03:18,765 she'd splash you. 111 00:03:18,765 --> 00:03:20,600 She'd give you 112 00:03:18,765 --> 00:03:20,600 the best bearhugs. 113 00:03:20,600 --> 00:03:23,636 You know, just would send 114 00:03:20,600 --> 00:03:23,636 tingles through your body 115 00:03:23,636 --> 00:03:25,605 and made you 116 00:03:23,636 --> 00:03:25,605 feel so special. 117 00:03:25,605 --> 00:03:28,241 - The vivacious Carrie 118 00:03:25,605 --> 00:03:28,241 was a people person. 119 00:03:28,241 --> 00:03:31,411 And according to Sarah Paxton, 120 00:03:28,241 --> 00:03:31,411 another friend, 121 00:03:31,411 --> 00:03:32,912 a dog person, too. 122 00:03:32,912 --> 00:03:35,248 She loved her Colby. 123 00:03:35,248 --> 00:03:39,850 - Her dog, Colby Jack, 124 00:03:35,248 --> 00:03:39,850 Colby, Colby Cheese. 125 00:03:39,850 --> 00:03:42,880 She loved, loved, 126 00:03:39,850 --> 00:03:42,880 loved Colby. 127 00:03:42,880 --> 00:03:44,190 Colby was like her child. 128 00:03:44,190 --> 00:03:46,760 - Twenty-nine-year-old Carrie 129 00:03:44,190 --> 00:03:46,760 worked in her father's flooring 130 00:03:46,760 --> 00:03:48,940 and carpet store. 131 00:03:48,940 --> 00:03:51,297 - Carrie was a bit of, um, 132 00:03:48,940 --> 00:03:51,297 a mommy and daddy's girl. 133 00:03:51,297 --> 00:03:52,298 - She was. 134 00:03:52,298 --> 00:03:52,866 - Is that fair? 135 00:03:52,866 --> 00:03:53,966 - Yeah. 136 00:03:53,966 --> 00:03:55,602 - Her dad seemed to do a lot 137 00:03:53,966 --> 00:03:55,602 of things for her. 138 00:03:55,602 --> 00:03:56,936 - He did. 139 00:03:56,936 --> 00:04:00,774 If she needed something, 140 00:03:56,936 --> 00:04:00,774 he was there taking care of it. 141 00:04:00,774 --> 00:04:03,843 - But Carrie was trying 142 00:04:00,774 --> 00:04:03,843 to find her own way. 143 00:04:03,843 --> 00:04:07,470 She lived in her own house 144 00:04:03,843 --> 00:04:07,470 and dreamed of one day 145 00:04:07,470 --> 00:04:08,314 walking down the aisle. 146 00:04:08,314 --> 00:04:09,549 - She wanted to be loved. 147 00:04:09,549 --> 00:04:10,583 She wanted a family. 148 00:04:10,583 --> 00:04:14,187 She wanted something 149 00:04:10,583 --> 00:04:14,187 stable in her life. 150 00:04:14,187 --> 00:04:17,290 - The outgoing Carrie 151 00:04:14,187 --> 00:04:17,290 had no trouble meeting guys 152 00:04:17,290 --> 00:04:19,591 but hadn't found 153 00:04:17,290 --> 00:04:19,591 Mr. Right. 154 00:04:19,591 --> 00:04:21,361 - Carrie was 155 00:04:19,591 --> 00:04:21,361 such a sweetheart. 156 00:04:21,361 --> 00:04:23,697 She was always bubbly. 157 00:04:23,697 --> 00:04:26,466 - Kelly Hornick was a nurse 158 00:04:23,697 --> 00:04:26,466 who moonlighted as a bartender 159 00:04:26,466 --> 00:04:29,135 at a karaoke joint 160 00:04:26,466 --> 00:04:29,135 named Jimmy O's. 161 00:04:29,135 --> 00:04:30,637 Carrie was a regular. 162 00:04:30,637 --> 00:04:33,340 - She was always well-behaved, 163 00:04:30,637 --> 00:04:33,340 always there just hanging out 164 00:04:33,340 --> 00:04:35,575 with her girlfriends, 165 00:04:33,340 --> 00:04:35,575 having a good time. 166 00:04:35,575 --> 00:04:39,312 - It was at Jimmy O's 167 00:04:35,575 --> 00:04:39,312 where Carrie met Tim McVay. 168 00:04:39,312 --> 00:04:41,448 From the moment they laid 169 00:04:39,312 --> 00:04:41,448 eyes on each other, 170 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:43,830 they were smitten. 171 00:04:43,830 --> 00:04:44,617 - They were flirty 172 00:04:43,830 --> 00:04:44,617 with each other. 173 00:04:44,617 --> 00:04:46,419 You could tell that they 174 00:04:44,617 --> 00:04:46,419 were both interested. 175 00:04:46,419 --> 00:04:48,722 It was cute. 176 00:04:48,722 --> 00:04:51,558 - Tim studied theology 177 00:04:48,722 --> 00:04:51,558 at Augustana College. 178 00:04:51,558 --> 00:04:54,159 He planned on becoming 179 00:04:51,558 --> 00:04:54,159 a minister but felt 180 00:04:54,159 --> 00:04:56,563 he was just too young 181 00:04:54,159 --> 00:04:56,563 and inexperienced 182 00:04:56,563 --> 00:04:58,732 to live up to 183 00:04:56,563 --> 00:04:58,732 the responsibility. 184 00:04:58,732 --> 00:05:02,369 So, he took a dramatic U-turn 185 00:04:58,732 --> 00:05:02,369 and found a very different 186 00:05:02,369 --> 00:05:06,106 calling in bars and clubs 187 00:05:02,369 --> 00:05:06,106 as the karaoke king 188 00:05:06,106 --> 00:05:07,841 of the Quad Cities. 189 00:05:07,841 --> 00:05:09,909 - He was very good 190 00:05:07,841 --> 00:05:09,909 at running karaoke. 191 00:05:09,909 --> 00:05:11,778 He was funny. 192 00:05:11,778 --> 00:05:13,460 He entertained 193 00:05:11,778 --> 00:05:13,460 the customers, 194 00:05:13,460 --> 00:05:14,848 he got out there 195 00:05:13,460 --> 00:05:14,848 and danced with them. 196 00:05:14,848 --> 00:05:16,483 He would sing songs. 197 00:05:16,483 --> 00:05:18,818 Yeah, he was a good guy. 198 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:23,560 - Tim, a divorced father of two, 199 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:23,560 was ten years older than Carrie 200 00:05:23,560 --> 00:05:25,910 but that didn't 201 00:05:23,560 --> 00:05:25,910 seem to matter. 202 00:05:25,910 --> 00:05:28,728 They were having fun and Carrie 203 00:05:25,910 --> 00:05:28,728 could imagine a future together. 204 00:05:28,728 --> 00:05:31,231 - She saw everyone around 205 00:05:28,728 --> 00:05:31,231 her getting married 206 00:05:31,231 --> 00:05:33,466 and having children, 207 00:05:31,231 --> 00:05:33,466 myself included. 208 00:05:33,466 --> 00:05:38,571 And I know 209 00:05:33,466 --> 00:05:38,571 she wanted that. 210 00:05:38,571 --> 00:05:41,875 - But Tim wasn't interested 211 00:05:38,571 --> 00:05:41,875 in having more children 212 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:43,977 and that was a deal breaker 213 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:43,977 for Carrie. 214 00:05:43,977 --> 00:05:46,413 So, they decided to go 215 00:05:43,977 --> 00:05:46,413 their separate ways. 216 00:05:46,413 --> 00:05:48,682 Carrie soon started 217 00:05:46,413 --> 00:05:48,682 dating Justin Mueller, 218 00:05:48,682 --> 00:05:51,818 an Iraq war vet with 219 00:05:48,682 --> 00:05:51,818 a very different personality 220 00:05:51,818 --> 00:05:54,688 from the gregarious 221 00:05:51,818 --> 00:05:54,688 fun-loving Tim. 222 00:05:54,688 --> 00:05:56,890 - He seemed 223 00:05:54,688 --> 00:05:56,890 very quiet and pleasant. 224 00:05:56,890 --> 00:05:59,920 He was polite; 225 00:05:56,890 --> 00:05:59,920 he was nice. 226 00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:02,280 He seemed 227 00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:02,280 a little awkward. 228 00:06:02,280 --> 00:06:04,631 - Despite his quiet 229 00:06:02,280 --> 00:06:04,631 and awkward demeanor, 230 00:06:04,631 --> 00:06:07,167 Justin looked like 231 00:06:04,631 --> 00:06:07,167 a good fit for Carrie. 232 00:06:07,167 --> 00:06:10,670 He was closer in age, 233 00:06:07,167 --> 00:06:10,670 hard-working, loyal, 234 00:06:10,670 --> 00:06:13,206 and he seemed to find 235 00:06:10,670 --> 00:06:13,206 a place in her heart. 236 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:15,709 So, they moved 237 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:15,709 in together. 238 00:06:15,709 --> 00:06:17,430 It was a big step. 239 00:06:17,430 --> 00:06:18,545 For Carrie, it was 240 00:06:17,430 --> 00:06:18,545 the first time 241 00:06:18,545 --> 00:06:22,749 she had set up house 242 00:06:18,545 --> 00:06:22,749 with anyone. 243 00:06:22,749 --> 00:06:24,784 - But right from 244 00:06:22,749 --> 00:06:24,784 the start it wasn't 245 00:06:24,784 --> 00:06:28,121 the happily ever after kind 246 00:06:24,784 --> 00:06:28,121 of life Carrie dreamed about. 247 00:06:28,121 --> 00:06:31,910 The Iraq war left Justin 248 00:06:28,121 --> 00:06:31,910 with a difficult case 249 00:06:31,910 --> 00:06:33,259 of posttraumatic 250 00:06:31,910 --> 00:06:33,259 stress disorder. 251 00:06:33,259 --> 00:06:35,528 - I felt like it wasn't 252 00:06:33,259 --> 00:06:35,528 a good match. 253 00:06:35,528 --> 00:06:37,564 All he wanted to do was 254 00:06:35,528 --> 00:06:37,564 stay home where Carrie 255 00:06:37,564 --> 00:06:39,566 was always wanting 256 00:06:37,564 --> 00:06:39,566 to go out and do things. 257 00:06:39,566 --> 00:06:40,800 - Did you sort 258 00:06:39,566 --> 00:06:40,800 of see that as like 259 00:06:40,800 --> 00:06:42,268 I can see this is 260 00:06:40,800 --> 00:06:42,268 going to be a problem? 261 00:06:42,268 --> 00:06:42,869 - I did. 262 00:06:42,869 --> 00:06:45,505 I saw like a clash. 263 00:06:45,505 --> 00:06:48,641 - Then just three weeks 264 00:06:45,505 --> 00:06:48,641 after Justin moved in, 265 00:06:48,641 --> 00:06:52,345 there was a problem 266 00:06:48,641 --> 00:06:52,345 and it was a big one. 267 00:06:52,345 --> 00:06:54,514 Carrie suddenly disappeared. 268 00:06:54,514 --> 00:06:57,784 It was a Monday, 269 00:06:54,514 --> 00:06:57,784 December 30, 2013, 270 00:06:57,784 --> 00:07:00,286 the start of a work week. 271 00:07:00,286 --> 00:07:02,220 Carrie didn't 272 00:07:00,286 --> 00:07:02,220 show up at the store 273 00:07:02,220 --> 00:07:05,925 and didn't call in, 274 00:07:02,220 --> 00:07:05,925 not like her at all. 275 00:07:05,925 --> 00:07:06,893 - Something was wrong. 276 00:07:06,893 --> 00:07:08,161 - Right. I called her. 277 00:07:08,161 --> 00:07:09,696 I could tell 278 00:07:08,161 --> 00:07:09,696 her phone was off. 279 00:07:09,696 --> 00:07:11,197 It was going 280 00:07:09,696 --> 00:07:11,197 straight to voicemail. 281 00:07:11,197 --> 00:07:13,566 And I thought about 282 00:07:11,197 --> 00:07:13,566 calling hospitals. 283 00:07:13,566 --> 00:07:16,603 I just was scared. 284 00:07:16,603 --> 00:07:19,906 - Not home, not at work, 285 00:07:16,603 --> 00:07:19,906 not in touch. 286 00:07:19,906 --> 00:07:22,420 Where was Carrie? 287 00:07:24,844 --> 00:07:27,280 - A frustrating 288 00:07:24,844 --> 00:07:27,280 search for Carrie. 289 00:07:27,280 --> 00:07:30,116 - It just felt like 290 00:07:27,280 --> 00:07:30,116 a needle in a haystack. 291 00:07:30,216 --> 00:07:47,534 - Grief can sneak in like 292 00:07:30,216 --> 00:07:47,534 a thief and steal your joy. 293 00:07:48,702 --> 00:07:51,905 - That's what seemed to happen 294 00:07:48,702 --> 00:07:51,905 when Carrie Olson disappeared. 295 00:07:51,905 --> 00:07:55,909 Grief ripped an entire community 296 00:07:51,905 --> 00:07:55,909 and didn't let go. 297 00:07:55,909 --> 00:07:58,144 - On New Year's Day 298 00:07:55,909 --> 00:07:58,144 I did create 299 00:07:58,144 --> 00:08:00,647 a Find Carrie Olson 300 00:07:58,144 --> 00:08:00,647 Facebook page. 301 00:08:00,647 --> 00:08:02,820 People were sharing 302 00:08:00,647 --> 00:08:02,820 it left and right, 303 00:08:02,820 --> 00:08:04,840 so, her story 304 00:08:02,820 --> 00:08:04,840 was getting out. 305 00:08:04,840 --> 00:08:09,522 I even contacted "Dateline" 306 00:08:04,840 --> 00:08:09,522 and they published her story. 307 00:08:09,522 --> 00:08:11,570 - When we posted 308 00:08:09,522 --> 00:08:11,570 Carrie's story as part 309 00:08:11,570 --> 00:08:14,160 of "Dateline's" online 310 00:08:11,570 --> 00:08:14,160 "Missing in America" series 311 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:20,367 it reached 1.9 million people 312 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:20,367 and was shared 42,000 times. 313 00:08:20,367 --> 00:08:22,535 - Did you feel like that was 314 00:08:20,367 --> 00:08:22,535 something that could help? 315 00:08:22,535 --> 00:08:23,570 - Yes. 316 00:08:23,570 --> 00:08:24,504 - Just getting it out 317 00:08:23,570 --> 00:08:24,504 on a national level. 318 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:27,941 - I think it 319 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:27,941 helped out a lot. 320 00:08:27,941 --> 00:08:30,610 - Thousands started 321 00:08:27,941 --> 00:08:30,610 to follow Amanda's page. 322 00:08:30,610 --> 00:08:32,746 Carrie's story united 323 00:08:30,610 --> 00:08:32,746 the Quad Cities 324 00:08:32,746 --> 00:08:34,313 in a remarkable way. 325 00:08:34,313 --> 00:08:37,549 Everyone wanted to help 326 00:08:34,313 --> 00:08:37,549 and everyone was hoping 327 00:08:37,549 --> 00:08:41,321 for a break in the case 328 00:08:37,549 --> 00:08:41,321 but they were also on edge. 329 00:08:41,321 --> 00:08:43,559 - Did you just start to have 330 00:08:41,321 --> 00:08:43,559 worse and worse thoughts 331 00:08:43,559 --> 00:08:45,225 as you waited? 332 00:08:43,559 --> 00:08:45,225 - I did. 333 00:08:45,225 --> 00:08:48,395 - What are you told about 334 00:08:45,225 --> 00:08:48,395 what's going on with Carrie? 335 00:08:48,395 --> 00:08:50,960 - That she did not 336 00:08:48,395 --> 00:08:50,960 show up for work, 337 00:08:50,960 --> 00:08:51,931 the family was concerned. 338 00:08:51,931 --> 00:08:55,680 - The family was so concerned 339 00:08:51,931 --> 00:08:55,680 they called the police. 340 00:08:55,680 --> 00:08:58,204 The case went to Detectives 341 00:08:55,680 --> 00:08:58,204 Rick Voy and Bill Thomas 342 00:08:58,204 --> 00:09:00,573 of the Davenport 343 00:08:58,204 --> 00:09:00,573 Police Department. 344 00:09:00,573 --> 00:09:03,143 They say Carrie's 345 00:09:00,573 --> 00:09:03,143 live-in boyfriend Justin 346 00:09:03,143 --> 00:09:05,578 told them he had no idea 347 00:09:03,143 --> 00:09:05,578 where she was. 348 00:09:05,578 --> 00:09:09,582 - Justin didn't 349 00:09:05,578 --> 00:09:09,582 have any answers. 350 00:09:09,582 --> 00:09:12,520 - Justin said he 351 00:09:09,582 --> 00:09:12,520 and Carrie had a fight. 352 00:09:12,520 --> 00:09:13,386 She stormed 353 00:09:12,520 --> 00:09:13,386 out of the house 354 00:09:13,386 --> 00:09:16,220 and he hadn't seen her 355 00:09:13,386 --> 00:09:16,220 in two days. 356 00:09:16,220 --> 00:09:18,191 - Carrie was upset. 357 00:09:16,220 --> 00:09:18,191 - What did she say to him? 358 00:09:18,191 --> 00:09:21,494 - She said something 359 00:09:18,191 --> 00:09:21,494 to him being stupid. 360 00:09:21,494 --> 00:09:25,650 - Carrie's ex, Tim McVay, 361 00:09:21,494 --> 00:09:25,650 was in Las Vegas on vacation 362 00:09:25,650 --> 00:09:26,700 when he was told 363 00:09:25,650 --> 00:09:26,700 she was missing. 364 00:09:26,700 --> 00:09:29,235 He and Carrie were 365 00:09:26,700 --> 00:09:29,235 still close friends. 366 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:32,372 Tim said he wanted 367 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:32,372 to help and had an idea. 368 00:09:32,372 --> 00:09:35,542 He talked to Carrie's father 369 00:09:32,372 --> 00:09:35,542 Dave about where to look. 370 00:09:35,542 --> 00:09:38,778 - Tim told him, hey, 371 00:09:35,542 --> 00:09:38,778 she could be at my place; 372 00:09:38,778 --> 00:09:40,714 go over and look. 373 00:09:40,714 --> 00:09:42,315 There is a window open, 374 00:09:40,714 --> 00:09:42,315 you can crawl in 375 00:09:42,315 --> 00:09:44,284 through the window 376 00:09:42,315 --> 00:09:44,284 and search the house. 377 00:09:44,284 --> 00:09:45,618 - Dave went over there 378 00:09:44,284 --> 00:09:45,618 and searched? 379 00:09:45,618 --> 00:09:46,653 - Yes. 380 00:09:45,618 --> 00:09:46,653 - He did. 381 00:09:46,653 --> 00:09:48,154 - Through the window. 382 00:09:46,653 --> 00:09:48,154 Did he see anything? 383 00:09:48,154 --> 00:09:49,489 - Nope. 384 00:09:49,489 --> 00:09:52,859 - No Carrie at Tim's, 385 00:09:49,489 --> 00:09:52,859 no Carrie anywhere. 386 00:09:52,859 --> 00:09:56,396 And one thing left behind 387 00:09:52,859 --> 00:09:56,396 at her house was a sure sign 388 00:09:56,396 --> 00:09:58,765 something was 389 00:09:56,396 --> 00:09:58,765 terribly wrong. 390 00:09:58,765 --> 00:10:01,534 Her beloved dog Colby. 391 00:10:01,534 --> 00:10:02,969 - Her everything 392 00:10:01,534 --> 00:10:02,969 was Colby. 393 00:10:02,969 --> 00:10:04,170 Just like a little kid. 394 00:10:04,170 --> 00:10:06,573 And if she did go somewhere, 395 00:10:04,170 --> 00:10:06,573 Colby was either with her 396 00:10:06,573 --> 00:10:09,750 or she would make 397 00:10:06,573 --> 00:10:09,750 arrangements for Colby. 398 00:10:09,750 --> 00:10:12,712 There was-- she would 399 00:10:09,750 --> 00:10:12,712 never just leave. 400 00:10:13,680 --> 00:10:16,649 - Colby being at home 401 00:10:13,680 --> 00:10:16,649 without Carrie led 402 00:10:16,649 --> 00:10:20,387 detectives Voy and Thomas 403 00:10:16,649 --> 00:10:20,387 to a grim possibility. 404 00:10:20,387 --> 00:10:23,656 As detectives, do you have 405 00:10:20,387 --> 00:10:23,656 to consider that someone 406 00:10:23,656 --> 00:10:25,125 might have taken 407 00:10:23,656 --> 00:10:25,125 their own life? 408 00:10:25,125 --> 00:10:26,926 - In a missing person's 409 00:10:25,125 --> 00:10:26,926 investigation 410 00:10:26,926 --> 00:10:29,629 that's always 411 00:10:26,926 --> 00:10:29,629 a possibility. 412 00:10:29,629 --> 00:10:31,264 - Amanda gave that theory 413 00:10:29,629 --> 00:10:31,264 some weight. 414 00:10:31,264 --> 00:10:32,932 She said there 415 00:10:31,264 --> 00:10:32,932 was a sadness 416 00:10:32,932 --> 00:10:35,435 behind Carrie's 417 00:10:32,932 --> 00:10:35,435 bubbly personality. 418 00:10:35,435 --> 00:10:39,973 - I started thinking that maybe 419 00:10:35,435 --> 00:10:39,973 she committed suicide somewhere. 420 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:41,441 - Did you think that 421 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:41,441 Carrie was capable 422 00:10:41,441 --> 00:10:43,760 of taking her own life? 423 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:45,745 - Well, she seemed 424 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:45,745 depressed at times. 425 00:10:45,745 --> 00:10:48,748 - Still, detectives 426 00:10:45,745 --> 00:10:48,748 needed to know more. 427 00:10:48,748 --> 00:10:51,510 They executed 428 00:10:48,748 --> 00:10:51,510 two search warrants, 429 00:10:51,510 --> 00:10:53,860 the first at the house 430 00:10:51,510 --> 00:10:53,860 Carrie shared 431 00:10:53,860 --> 00:10:54,688 with her boyfriend Justin. 432 00:10:54,688 --> 00:10:57,290 - The search warrant that 433 00:10:54,688 --> 00:10:57,290 we prepared for Carrie's house 434 00:10:57,290 --> 00:10:59,426 included everything 435 00:10:57,290 --> 00:10:59,426 that Justin owned 436 00:10:59,426 --> 00:11:01,861 and Justin's vehicle. 437 00:11:01,861 --> 00:11:05,165 - Justin's truck was checked 438 00:11:01,861 --> 00:11:05,165 and photographed and a sweep 439 00:11:05,165 --> 00:11:08,868 was made of the house 440 00:11:05,165 --> 00:11:08,868 it was tidy, undisturbed, 441 00:11:08,868 --> 00:11:11,237 didn't look like 442 00:11:08,868 --> 00:11:11,237 a crime scene. 443 00:11:11,237 --> 00:11:12,339 Another search was done 444 00:11:12,339 --> 00:11:14,574 at ex-boyfriend 445 00:11:12,339 --> 00:11:14,574 Tim McVay's house. 446 00:11:14,574 --> 00:11:16,643 - We wanted to get 447 00:11:14,574 --> 00:11:16,643 into his residence 448 00:11:16,643 --> 00:11:18,812 and see was she there, 449 00:11:16,643 --> 00:11:18,812 was she not there, 450 00:11:18,812 --> 00:11:21,181 were there any clues 451 00:11:18,812 --> 00:11:21,181 that we needed to go on. 452 00:11:21,181 --> 00:11:25,151 - Detective Tina Noe executed 453 00:11:21,181 --> 00:11:25,151 the search on Tim's home. 454 00:11:25,151 --> 00:11:27,870 - We took lots of 455 00:11:25,151 --> 00:11:27,870 photographs because you 456 00:11:27,870 --> 00:11:30,123 never know what's going to be 457 00:11:27,870 --> 00:11:30,123 important possibly later on. 458 00:11:30,123 --> 00:11:32,926 - Tim was in the middle 459 00:11:30,123 --> 00:11:32,926 of a major renovation. 460 00:11:32,926 --> 00:11:34,494 The house was a mess. 461 00:11:34,494 --> 00:11:36,730 Random things were 462 00:11:34,494 --> 00:11:36,730 strewn everywhere: 463 00:11:36,730 --> 00:11:40,133 clothes, construction materials, 464 00:11:36,730 --> 00:11:40,133 rolls of carpeting. 465 00:11:40,133 --> 00:11:43,103 But nothing looked 466 00:11:40,133 --> 00:11:43,103 like a good lead. 467 00:11:43,103 --> 00:11:46,473 Carrie's family was growing 468 00:11:43,103 --> 00:11:46,473 increasingly desperate. 469 00:11:46,473 --> 00:11:49,175 They wanted to do 470 00:11:46,473 --> 00:11:49,175 something, anything. 471 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:51,111 When they reached 472 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:51,111 out to Dennis Harker 473 00:11:51,111 --> 00:11:53,380 of the Quad Cities 474 00:11:51,111 --> 00:11:53,380 Missing Persons Network, 475 00:11:53,380 --> 00:11:56,316 sadly, he knew 476 00:11:53,380 --> 00:11:56,316 just what to do. 477 00:11:56,316 --> 00:11:57,450 - It's traumatic. 478 00:11:57,450 --> 00:12:00,553 I mean, it's just a crisis 479 00:11:57,450 --> 00:12:00,553 and it's overwhelming. 480 00:12:00,553 --> 00:12:03,923 - His own son went missing 481 00:12:00,553 --> 00:12:03,923 just a few months earlier. 482 00:12:03,923 --> 00:12:06,659 - You find yourself 483 00:12:03,923 --> 00:12:06,659 being tireless. 484 00:12:06,659 --> 00:12:07,894 You can't sleep anyway; 485 00:12:07,894 --> 00:12:09,662 you might as well 486 00:12:07,894 --> 00:12:09,662 be doing something. 487 00:12:09,662 --> 00:12:12,132 - Dennis offered suggestions 488 00:12:09,662 --> 00:12:12,132 and organization 489 00:12:12,132 --> 00:12:15,235 to help find Carrie 490 00:12:12,132 --> 00:12:15,235 and keep her story public. 491 00:12:15,235 --> 00:12:17,700 It was 492 00:12:15,235 --> 00:12:17,700 a remarkable effort. 493 00:12:17,700 --> 00:12:20,140 A reward was offered, 494 00:12:17,700 --> 00:12:20,140 a prayer vigil 495 00:12:20,140 --> 00:12:22,175 became a moment 496 00:12:20,140 --> 00:12:22,175 of peace and faith. 497 00:12:22,175 --> 00:12:25,178 And, of course, 498 00:12:22,175 --> 00:12:25,178 there were endless searches. 499 00:12:25,178 --> 00:12:27,681 Dennis led one at 500 00:12:25,178 --> 00:12:27,681 the Mississippi River 501 00:12:27,681 --> 00:12:30,150 where his son's body 502 00:12:27,681 --> 00:12:30,150 had been found. 503 00:12:30,150 --> 00:12:32,185 - The Mississippi tends 504 00:12:30,150 --> 00:12:32,185 to collect a lot of people 505 00:12:32,185 --> 00:12:33,820 that go missing. 506 00:12:33,820 --> 00:12:36,523 - Amanda was with Dennis for 507 00:12:33,820 --> 00:12:36,523 one of his river searches. 508 00:12:36,523 --> 00:12:40,226 - Maybe she had drowned or 509 00:12:36,523 --> 00:12:40,226 been dumped in the-- 510 00:12:40,226 --> 00:12:41,561 in the river. 511 00:12:41,561 --> 00:12:43,196 So, we started looking 512 00:12:41,561 --> 00:12:43,196 along the river. 513 00:12:43,196 --> 00:12:46,566 And I was lifting up everything 514 00:12:43,196 --> 00:12:46,566 looking for her. 515 00:12:46,566 --> 00:12:49,436 - I had to do 516 00:12:46,566 --> 00:12:49,436 something for her 517 00:12:49,436 --> 00:12:51,504 because she would have 518 00:12:49,436 --> 00:12:51,504 done it for me. 519 00:12:51,504 --> 00:12:53,707 - Sarah Paxton 520 00:12:51,504 --> 00:12:53,707 was searching too. 521 00:12:53,707 --> 00:12:56,676 She remembers the frustration 522 00:12:53,707 --> 00:12:56,676 of trudging through a huge park 523 00:12:56,676 --> 00:12:59,512 covered with 524 00:12:56,676 --> 00:12:59,512 a fresh blanket of snow. 525 00:12:59,512 --> 00:13:03,416 - Every search I felt 526 00:12:59,512 --> 00:13:03,416 smaller and smaller 527 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:05,151 and the world 528 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:05,151 felt bigger and bigger. 529 00:13:05,151 --> 00:13:07,530 She was one of 530 00:13:05,151 --> 00:13:07,530 my closest friends. 531 00:13:07,530 --> 00:13:10,423 I loved her dearly. 532 00:13:10,423 --> 00:13:13,960 It just felt like 533 00:13:10,423 --> 00:13:13,960 a needle in a haystack. 534 00:13:15,528 --> 00:13:17,197 - A needle in a haystack. 535 00:13:17,197 --> 00:13:18,698 But Carrie's 536 00:13:17,197 --> 00:13:18,698 friends and family 537 00:13:18,698 --> 00:13:21,401 would not stop 538 00:13:18,698 --> 00:13:21,401 looking or hoping. 539 00:13:21,401 --> 00:13:23,937 Dozens of tips came 540 00:13:21,401 --> 00:13:23,937 in from strangers, 541 00:13:23,937 --> 00:13:27,607 well-wishers, even psychics, 542 00:13:23,937 --> 00:13:27,607 but it would be something 543 00:13:27,607 --> 00:13:29,909 much closer to home 544 00:13:27,607 --> 00:13:29,909 that would finally lead 545 00:13:29,909 --> 00:13:35,148 to the first clues about 546 00:13:29,909 --> 00:13:35,148 what really happened. 547 00:13:35,148 --> 00:13:36,549 - Coming up... 548 00:13:36,549 --> 00:13:39,853 New questions about 549 00:13:36,549 --> 00:13:39,853 Carrie's new boyfriend. 550 00:13:39,853 --> 00:13:42,756 - It sounds like she was 551 00:13:39,853 --> 00:13:42,756 getting ready to maybe end 552 00:13:42,756 --> 00:13:45,725 the relationship 553 00:13:42,756 --> 00:13:45,725 with Justin. 554 00:13:45,825 --> 00:14:02,942 The people of the Quad Cities 555 00:13:45,825 --> 00:14:02,942 were desperately searching 556 00:14:03,677 --> 00:14:06,179 for Carrie Olson 557 00:14:03,677 --> 00:14:06,179 and law enforcement 558 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:09,382 on both sides of the Mississippi 559 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:09,382 were doing their best, 560 00:14:09,382 --> 00:14:12,752 pushing the investigation 561 00:14:09,382 --> 00:14:12,752 as hard as they could. 562 00:14:12,752 --> 00:14:14,621 For Detective Tina Noe, 563 00:14:14,621 --> 00:14:17,190 solving the case 564 00:14:14,621 --> 00:14:17,190 became a mission. 565 00:14:17,190 --> 00:14:19,192 - Finding someone quickly 566 00:14:17,190 --> 00:14:19,192 is very important. 567 00:14:19,192 --> 00:14:20,393 - It is very important. 568 00:14:20,393 --> 00:14:23,196 It was bothering me. 569 00:14:20,393 --> 00:14:23,196 Where-where is she? 570 00:14:23,196 --> 00:14:24,164 What could have 571 00:14:23,196 --> 00:14:24,164 happened to her? 572 00:14:24,164 --> 00:14:26,833 We need to find answers. 573 00:14:26,833 --> 00:14:31,104 - In murder investigations, 574 00:14:26,833 --> 00:14:31,104 eight out of ten suspects 575 00:14:31,104 --> 00:14:32,706 and victim know 576 00:14:31,104 --> 00:14:32,706 each other. 577 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:34,808 - And that meant 578 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:34,808 taking a harder look 579 00:14:34,808 --> 00:14:37,277 at Carrie's boyfriend 580 00:14:34,808 --> 00:14:37,277 Justin Mueller. 581 00:14:37,277 --> 00:14:40,980 Detectives started by talking 582 00:14:37,277 --> 00:14:40,980 to Carrie's family about him. 583 00:14:40,980 --> 00:14:43,717 - We rely heavily 584 00:14:40,980 --> 00:14:43,717 on the information 585 00:14:43,717 --> 00:14:48,254 that families give us early on 586 00:14:43,717 --> 00:14:48,254 in an investigation. 587 00:14:48,254 --> 00:14:50,824 - But Carrie didn't share 588 00:14:48,254 --> 00:14:50,824 details of her love life 589 00:14:50,824 --> 00:14:51,991 with her family. 590 00:14:51,991 --> 00:14:54,761 They didn't even know Justin 591 00:14:51,991 --> 00:14:54,761 had moved in with her. 592 00:14:54,761 --> 00:14:57,630 It turns out the person 593 00:14:54,761 --> 00:14:57,630 Carrie did confide in 594 00:14:57,630 --> 00:15:00,700 was her ex-boyfriend, 595 00:14:57,630 --> 00:15:00,700 Tim McVay. 596 00:15:00,700 --> 00:15:04,204 - To me, it appeared 597 00:15:00,700 --> 00:15:04,204 that they were best buds. 598 00:15:04,204 --> 00:15:05,305 They talked daily, 599 00:15:05,305 --> 00:15:07,874 sometimes they would talk 600 00:15:05,305 --> 00:15:07,874 over 20 times a day. 601 00:15:07,874 --> 00:15:11,611 Their man way of communicating 602 00:15:07,874 --> 00:15:11,611 was text messaging. 603 00:15:14,147 --> 00:15:16,349 - Tim drove straight to 604 00:15:14,147 --> 00:15:16,349 police headquarters 605 00:15:16,349 --> 00:15:18,184 when he flew back 606 00:15:16,349 --> 00:15:18,184 from Las Vegas 607 00:15:18,184 --> 00:15:19,786 saying he wanted to help. 608 00:15:19,786 --> 00:15:23,323 - I want to talk to you, uh, uh, 609 00:15:19,786 --> 00:15:23,323 about Carrie. 610 00:15:23,323 --> 00:15:24,324 - Absolutely. 611 00:15:24,324 --> 00:15:25,392 - You know, that's why 612 00:15:24,324 --> 00:15:25,392 you're down here, right? 613 00:15:25,392 --> 00:15:26,659 - Yeah, anything you want 614 00:15:25,392 --> 00:15:26,659 to know. 615 00:15:26,659 --> 00:15:28,895 I don't know where she is; 616 00:15:26,659 --> 00:15:28,895 I don't know what she's doing. 617 00:15:28,895 --> 00:15:33,433 I-I very much want to know 618 00:15:28,895 --> 00:15:33,433 because I am concerned. 619 00:15:33,433 --> 00:15:34,501 - It turned out 620 00:15:34,501 --> 00:15:37,137 Tim also had a lot of concerns 621 00:15:34,501 --> 00:15:37,137 about Justin, 622 00:15:37,137 --> 00:15:39,239 which he shared 623 00:15:37,137 --> 00:15:39,239 with the detectives. 624 00:15:39,239 --> 00:15:41,540 He said the problem started 625 00:15:39,239 --> 00:15:41,540 even before 626 00:15:41,540 --> 00:15:43,910 Justin moved into 627 00:15:41,540 --> 00:15:43,910 Carrie's house. 628 00:15:43,910 --> 00:15:46,446 - She called me out of the blue 629 00:15:43,910 --> 00:15:46,446 one afternoon 630 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:48,782 freaking out because 631 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:48,782 this guy Justin 632 00:15:48,782 --> 00:15:54,521 that she had been dating 633 00:15:48,782 --> 00:15:54,521 was kind of stalking her. 634 00:15:54,521 --> 00:15:56,589 - It was something 635 00:15:54,521 --> 00:15:56,589 best friend Amanda 636 00:15:56,589 --> 00:15:59,920 also worried about 637 00:15:56,589 --> 00:15:59,920 when Carrie went missing. 638 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:01,928 - Who did you think 639 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:01,928 would want to hurt her? 640 00:16:01,928 --> 00:16:03,563 - I immediately thought Justin. 641 00:16:03,563 --> 00:16:06,566 - Had you ever heard anything 642 00:16:03,563 --> 00:16:06,566 about Justin stalking Carrie? 643 00:16:06,566 --> 00:16:09,869 - She had told me that 644 00:16:06,566 --> 00:16:09,869 he would drive by her house 645 00:16:09,869 --> 00:16:11,738 before he ended moving in. 646 00:16:11,738 --> 00:16:13,740 He wanted to be with her 647 00:16:11,738 --> 00:16:13,740 so bad. 648 00:16:13,740 --> 00:16:17,770 - And then there was Justin's 649 00:16:13,740 --> 00:16:17,770 post-traumatic stress disorder. 650 00:16:17,770 --> 00:16:18,678 Carrie had talked 651 00:16:17,770 --> 00:16:18,678 to her about it 652 00:16:18,678 --> 00:16:20,246 and she could relate. 653 00:16:20,246 --> 00:16:24,884 Amanda's own military husband 654 00:16:20,246 --> 00:16:24,884 also struggled with PTSD. 655 00:16:24,884 --> 00:16:27,287 - That could be a lot to handle 656 00:16:24,884 --> 00:16:27,287 if you're not used to that 657 00:16:27,287 --> 00:16:30,557 and then you start 658 00:16:27,287 --> 00:16:30,557 dating a guy with PTSD. 659 00:16:30,557 --> 00:16:32,292 - It is a lot to handle. 660 00:16:32,292 --> 00:16:34,461 - Tim told police 661 00:16:32,292 --> 00:16:34,461 that Carrie thought 662 00:16:34,461 --> 00:16:37,764 her relationship with Justin 663 00:16:34,461 --> 00:16:37,764 had reached a tipping point. 664 00:16:37,764 --> 00:16:40,660 - And she was, yeah, I just -- 665 00:16:37,764 --> 00:16:40,660 I can't do this anymore. 666 00:16:40,660 --> 00:16:43,937 I-I can't even keep pretending, 667 00:16:40,660 --> 00:16:43,937 you know, 668 00:16:43,937 --> 00:16:46,873 that this is going to be okay. 669 00:16:46,873 --> 00:16:49,743 - Tim then speculated that 670 00:16:46,873 --> 00:16:49,743 the problems in the relationship 671 00:16:49,743 --> 00:16:53,146 had escalated into 672 00:16:49,743 --> 00:16:53,146 that Saturday morning fight. 673 00:16:53,146 --> 00:16:54,981 - Her and Justin 674 00:16:53,146 --> 00:16:54,981 got in a fight. 675 00:16:54,981 --> 00:16:56,415 She didn't really 676 00:16:54,981 --> 00:16:56,415 want to go back 677 00:16:56,415 --> 00:16:57,751 and get in to more. 678 00:16:57,751 --> 00:16:59,319 She wants to -- 679 00:16:57,751 --> 00:16:59,319 she was stewing; 680 00:16:59,319 --> 00:17:02,355 she wanted him 681 00:16:59,319 --> 00:17:02,355 to learn his lesson. 682 00:17:02,355 --> 00:17:04,590 - And how did Tim 683 00:17:02,355 --> 00:17:04,590 know about that fight? 684 00:17:04,590 --> 00:17:05,925 Carrie had gone to his house 685 00:17:05,925 --> 00:17:08,294 after running out on Justin 686 00:17:05,925 --> 00:17:08,294 in a huff 687 00:17:08,294 --> 00:17:10,497 and told him all about it. 688 00:17:10,497 --> 00:17:13,329 - It sounds like 689 00:17:10,497 --> 00:17:13,329 she was getting ready 690 00:17:13,329 --> 00:17:17,369 to, um, maybe end 691 00:17:13,329 --> 00:17:17,369 the relationship with Justin. 692 00:17:17,369 --> 00:17:18,505 - Tim went on to tell police 693 00:17:18,505 --> 00:17:21,441 that he dropped Carrie back home 694 00:17:18,505 --> 00:17:21,441 the next morning. 695 00:17:21,441 --> 00:17:25,450 - I just watched her 696 00:17:21,441 --> 00:17:25,450 walk into the garage. 697 00:17:25,450 --> 00:17:27,681 - He then borrowed her car 698 00:17:25,450 --> 00:17:27,681 and headed to the airport 699 00:17:27,681 --> 00:17:29,449 for his trip to Las Vegas. 700 00:17:29,449 --> 00:17:31,518 But when detectives 701 00:17:29,449 --> 00:17:31,518 spoke to Justin, 702 00:17:31,518 --> 00:17:33,453 he said 703 00:17:31,518 --> 00:17:33,453 after Carrie stormed out, 704 00:17:33,453 --> 00:17:37,257 she never came back home 705 00:17:33,453 --> 00:17:37,257 and he hadn't seen her since. 706 00:17:37,257 --> 00:17:39,759 And that made a tip 707 00:17:37,257 --> 00:17:39,759 called into police 708 00:17:39,759 --> 00:17:41,428 all the more intriguing. 709 00:17:41,428 --> 00:17:43,196 - You all get a tip that 710 00:17:43,196 --> 00:17:48,201 there's a man looking for Carrie 711 00:17:43,196 --> 00:17:48,201 in the Milan area. 712 00:17:48,201 --> 00:17:51,671 - Yes. 713 00:17:48,201 --> 00:17:51,671 - That deserved a close look 714 00:17:51,671 --> 00:17:54,140 because two days 715 00:17:51,671 --> 00:17:54,140 after she disappeared, 716 00:17:54,140 --> 00:17:57,344 her phone, which hadn't been 717 00:17:54,140 --> 00:17:57,344 connecting to her cell network, 718 00:17:57,344 --> 00:18:01,181 suddenly started pinging 719 00:17:57,344 --> 00:18:01,181 in the nearby town of Milan. 720 00:18:01,181 --> 00:18:03,350 The man with the tip 721 00:18:01,181 --> 00:18:03,350 said the searcher 722 00:18:03,350 --> 00:18:05,485 was Carrie's boyfriend. 723 00:18:05,485 --> 00:18:06,920 - Did you think 724 00:18:05,485 --> 00:18:06,920 it was Tim at first 725 00:18:06,920 --> 00:18:09,389 or did you think it was Justin? 726 00:18:06,920 --> 00:18:09,389 - Justin. 727 00:18:09,389 --> 00:18:12,125 - But Justin had 728 00:18:09,389 --> 00:18:12,125 another story to tell. 729 00:18:12,125 --> 00:18:14,270 He said he wasn't in Milan 730 00:18:14,270 --> 00:18:17,630 and insisted the fight 731 00:18:14,270 --> 00:18:17,630 with Carrie was no big deal, 732 00:18:17,630 --> 00:18:19,366 that it was about 733 00:18:17,630 --> 00:18:19,366 something trivial. 734 00:18:19,366 --> 00:18:21,670 - Over some burnt eggs. 735 00:18:21,670 --> 00:18:23,536 - And she had left that day, 736 00:18:21,670 --> 00:18:23,536 slammed the door 737 00:18:23,536 --> 00:18:26,439 and called him stupid? 738 00:18:23,536 --> 00:18:26,439 - Yes. 739 00:18:26,439 --> 00:18:29,420 - Justin insisted 740 00:18:26,439 --> 00:18:29,420 he never saw Carrie again 741 00:18:29,420 --> 00:18:30,510 after that fight. 742 00:18:30,510 --> 00:18:32,612 And the morning Tim said 743 00:18:30,510 --> 00:18:32,612 he dropped her at home 744 00:18:32,612 --> 00:18:34,514 and watched her 745 00:18:32,612 --> 00:18:34,514 go into the house? 746 00:18:34,514 --> 00:18:37,117 Justin said 747 00:18:34,514 --> 00:18:37,117 that never happened. 748 00:18:37,117 --> 00:18:41,287 - When one guy tells us, 749 00:18:37,117 --> 00:18:41,287 I dropped her off here 750 00:18:41,287 --> 00:18:44,491 at 6:30 in the morning 751 00:18:41,287 --> 00:18:44,491 and the other guy says 752 00:18:44,491 --> 00:18:48,940 she never came in the door, 753 00:18:44,491 --> 00:18:48,940 we know there's a problem. 754 00:18:48,940 --> 00:18:50,530 - A boyfriend 755 00:18:48,940 --> 00:18:50,530 who had a blowout with Carrie 756 00:18:50,530 --> 00:18:53,633 and an ex who gave her 757 00:18:50,530 --> 00:18:53,633 a shoulder to cry on. 758 00:18:53,633 --> 00:18:57,971 One of them was lying. 759 00:18:53,633 --> 00:18:57,971 But which one? 760 00:18:59,105 --> 00:19:00,407 - Coming up... 761 00:19:00,407 --> 00:19:02,776 A caught-on-camera 762 00:19:00,407 --> 00:19:02,776 stunner. 763 00:19:02,776 --> 00:19:05,745 Who is that 764 00:19:02,776 --> 00:19:05,745 using Carrie's bank card? 765 00:19:05,745 --> 00:19:09,249 - He's seen on video 766 00:19:05,745 --> 00:19:09,249 trying to get $400 out. 767 00:19:09,349 --> 00:19:20,694 ** 768 00:19:21,628 --> 00:19:24,330 Welcome back to 769 00:19:21,628 --> 00:19:24,330 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered". 770 00:19:24,330 --> 00:19:25,765 I'm Craig Melvin. 771 00:19:25,765 --> 00:19:27,901 Carrie Olson 772 00:19:25,765 --> 00:19:27,901 had disappeared. 773 00:19:27,901 --> 00:19:31,370 Detectives zeroed in 774 00:19:27,901 --> 00:19:31,370 on two men in her life, 775 00:19:31,370 --> 00:19:33,106 one who was about to appear 776 00:19:33,106 --> 00:19:35,842 in some troubling 777 00:19:33,106 --> 00:19:35,842 surveillance footage. 778 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:39,646 But it was a brazen act 779 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:39,646 in a bar that friends hoped 780 00:19:39,646 --> 00:19:43,283 would bring the investigation 781 00:19:39,646 --> 00:19:43,283 into focus. 782 00:19:43,283 --> 00:19:46,753 Could it hold the secret 783 00:19:43,283 --> 00:19:46,753 to Carrie's disappearance? 784 00:19:46,753 --> 00:19:49,956 Back to Andrea Canning 785 00:19:46,753 --> 00:19:49,956 with "Without A Trace". 786 00:19:50,924 --> 00:19:53,526 - Carrie Olson's boyfriend 787 00:19:50,924 --> 00:19:53,526 and ex-boyfriend 788 00:19:53,526 --> 00:19:55,161 had given conflicting stories 789 00:19:55,161 --> 00:19:57,297 about the day 790 00:19:55,161 --> 00:19:57,297 Carrie went missing 791 00:19:57,297 --> 00:19:59,399 and now police 792 00:19:57,297 --> 00:19:59,399 were taking a close look 793 00:19:59,399 --> 00:20:00,900 at both of them. 794 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:03,360 - That's kind of a tough thing 795 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:03,360 to have to figure out 796 00:20:03,360 --> 00:20:05,271 when you've got 797 00:20:03,360 --> 00:20:05,271 two potential suspects. 798 00:20:05,271 --> 00:20:09,376 - One of these two individuals 799 00:20:05,271 --> 00:20:09,376 is not telling the truth. 800 00:20:09,376 --> 00:20:11,211 - Detectives were 801 00:20:09,376 --> 00:20:11,211 trying to figure out 802 00:20:11,211 --> 00:20:14,914 which one when they came across 803 00:20:11,211 --> 00:20:14,914 a significant clue. 804 00:20:14,914 --> 00:20:18,218 A trace on Carrie's debit card 805 00:20:14,914 --> 00:20:18,218 led them to a gas station 806 00:20:18,218 --> 00:20:20,687 where they looked 807 00:20:18,218 --> 00:20:20,687 at security camera video. 808 00:20:20,687 --> 00:20:24,240 It was chilling. 809 00:20:20,687 --> 00:20:24,240 There was Carrie's car. 810 00:20:24,240 --> 00:20:28,280 Her debit card was being used 811 00:20:24,240 --> 00:20:28,280 but there was no Carrie. 812 00:20:28,280 --> 00:20:33,833 Instead, the person 813 00:20:28,280 --> 00:20:33,833 using the card was Tim McVay. 814 00:20:33,833 --> 00:20:35,935 - He is seen on video 815 00:20:33,833 --> 00:20:35,935 at the pump 816 00:20:35,935 --> 00:20:37,437 trying to enter a number 817 00:20:35,935 --> 00:20:37,437 several times. 818 00:20:37,437 --> 00:20:40,674 You can tell 819 00:20:37,437 --> 00:20:40,674 it's unsuccessful. 820 00:20:40,674 --> 00:20:43,309 - Tim also tried the card 821 00:20:40,674 --> 00:20:43,309 at a drive-through ATM 822 00:20:43,309 --> 00:20:45,478 at the Mississippi Valley 823 00:20:43,309 --> 00:20:45,478 Credit Union 824 00:20:45,478 --> 00:20:48,581 but he had problems. 825 00:20:45,478 --> 00:20:48,581 - That's Carrie's bank. 826 00:20:48,581 --> 00:20:51,584 He's seen on video 827 00:20:48,581 --> 00:20:51,584 over there three separate times 828 00:20:51,584 --> 00:20:53,820 trying to get $400 out. 829 00:20:53,820 --> 00:20:58,910 - The pin is not working. 830 00:20:53,820 --> 00:20:58,910 - The pin is not working. 831 00:20:58,910 --> 00:20:59,959 - Why was Tim 832 00:20:58,910 --> 00:20:59,959 driving Carrie's car 833 00:20:59,959 --> 00:21:02,620 and using her debit card? 834 00:21:02,620 --> 00:21:05,265 Tim told detective Voy 835 00:21:02,620 --> 00:21:05,265 there was a simple explanation. 836 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:07,767 Even after they broke up, 837 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:07,767 he and Carrie 838 00:21:07,767 --> 00:21:10,700 always had each other's backs. 839 00:21:10,700 --> 00:21:11,671 - She was the kind of friend 840 00:21:10,700 --> 00:21:11,671 that if she called me, 841 00:21:11,671 --> 00:21:14,740 I would drop whatever 842 00:21:11,671 --> 00:21:14,740 I was doing and go help her out, 843 00:21:14,740 --> 00:21:16,443 the shirt off my back 844 00:21:14,740 --> 00:21:16,443 kind of thing. 845 00:21:16,443 --> 00:21:19,790 - Tim said that's why 846 00:21:16,443 --> 00:21:19,790 he had taken care of Carrie 847 00:21:19,790 --> 00:21:22,415 when she came to his house 848 00:21:19,790 --> 00:21:22,415 after storming out on Justin. 849 00:21:22,415 --> 00:21:25,151 And it also wasn't unusual 850 00:21:22,415 --> 00:21:25,151 that she lent him her car 851 00:21:25,151 --> 00:21:26,886 and debit card, he said. 852 00:21:26,886 --> 00:21:28,188 - She gave me her debit card. 853 00:21:28,188 --> 00:21:30,590 She said go to 854 00:21:28,188 --> 00:21:30,590 the IH Mississippi ATM 855 00:21:30,590 --> 00:21:32,592 and get out $400. 856 00:21:32,592 --> 00:21:34,194 Then go and 857 00:21:32,592 --> 00:21:34,194 top off the gas tank, 858 00:21:34,194 --> 00:21:35,829 whatever it takes 859 00:21:34,194 --> 00:21:35,829 to fill it up. 860 00:21:35,829 --> 00:21:37,664 - Tim said Carrie 861 00:21:35,829 --> 00:21:37,664 had also promised to 862 00:21:37,664 --> 00:21:40,667 drive him to the airport 863 00:21:37,664 --> 00:21:40,667 in Minnesota that Sunday 864 00:21:40,667 --> 00:21:43,503 but then she changed her mind 865 00:21:40,667 --> 00:21:43,503 at the last minute. 866 00:21:43,503 --> 00:21:47,307 - She says just take my car 867 00:21:43,503 --> 00:21:47,307 and drive yourself up there. 868 00:21:47,307 --> 00:21:48,842 Drop me off at home. 869 00:21:48,842 --> 00:21:52,779 - So, according to Tim, 870 00:21:48,842 --> 00:21:52,779 he goes back up to his house 871 00:21:52,779 --> 00:21:56,149 and he and Carrie 872 00:21:52,779 --> 00:21:56,149 get into the car 873 00:21:56,149 --> 00:21:58,785 and he takes Carrie 874 00:21:56,149 --> 00:21:58,785 back to her residence. 875 00:21:58,785 --> 00:22:00,620 - And when they pulled up 876 00:21:58,785 --> 00:22:00,620 to the house, 877 00:22:00,620 --> 00:22:02,455 Tim said Carrie told him 878 00:22:00,620 --> 00:22:02,455 she didn't care 879 00:22:02,455 --> 00:22:05,558 how Justin might react 880 00:22:02,455 --> 00:22:05,558 to her doing him a favor. 881 00:22:05,558 --> 00:22:07,594 - She was saying, 882 00:22:05,558 --> 00:22:07,594 I'm going to walk in the door 883 00:22:07,594 --> 00:22:10,764 and say, "Hey, 884 00:22:07,594 --> 00:22:10,764 I let Tim borrow my car 885 00:22:10,764 --> 00:22:13,700 to get himself 886 00:22:10,764 --> 00:22:13,700 up to the airport. 887 00:22:13,700 --> 00:22:16,690 You need to shape up 888 00:22:13,700 --> 00:22:16,690 or ship out. 889 00:22:16,690 --> 00:22:19,105 - Detective Voy questioned 890 00:22:16,690 --> 00:22:19,105 Tim's version of events, 891 00:22:19,105 --> 00:22:22,242 saying security camera video 892 00:22:19,105 --> 00:22:22,242 from the Genesis Health Clinic 893 00:22:22,242 --> 00:22:24,644 next to Carrie's house 894 00:22:22,242 --> 00:22:24,644 did not show him 895 00:22:24,644 --> 00:22:26,680 dropping her off at home. 896 00:22:26,680 --> 00:22:29,449 - Explain to me then 897 00:22:26,680 --> 00:22:29,449 the video cameras 898 00:22:29,449 --> 00:22:32,886 on the side of the Genesis 899 00:22:29,449 --> 00:22:32,886 where you dropped her off, 900 00:22:32,886 --> 00:22:34,487 it does not show you there. 901 00:22:34,487 --> 00:22:36,156 - It has to show 902 00:22:34,487 --> 00:22:36,156 that the car was there. 903 00:22:36,156 --> 00:22:38,858 - It didn't. 904 00:22:36,156 --> 00:22:38,858 - Tim didn't realize it 905 00:22:38,858 --> 00:22:41,194 but Detective Voy 906 00:22:38,858 --> 00:22:41,194 was testing him. 907 00:22:41,194 --> 00:22:44,631 There was actually 908 00:22:41,194 --> 00:22:44,631 no video camera at the clinic. 909 00:22:44,631 --> 00:22:48,468 Tim stuck to his story 910 00:22:44,631 --> 00:22:48,468 insisting he dropped off Carrie. 911 00:22:48,468 --> 00:22:50,103 - You're not on the video 912 00:22:48,468 --> 00:22:50,103 and Justin said 913 00:22:50,103 --> 00:22:54,941 she never came in that house. 914 00:22:50,103 --> 00:22:54,941 He's home. 915 00:22:54,941 --> 00:22:56,142 - I don't know. 916 00:22:56,142 --> 00:23:00,280 - She didn't walk into 917 00:22:56,142 --> 00:23:00,280 the garage and then walk away. 918 00:23:00,280 --> 00:23:01,648 - I'm thinking Justin 919 00:23:00,280 --> 00:23:01,648 is probably not being 920 00:23:01,648 --> 00:23:03,483 very truthful with you. 921 00:23:03,483 --> 00:23:07,530 - It was clear one of them 922 00:23:03,483 --> 00:23:07,530 wasn't telling the truth 923 00:23:07,530 --> 00:23:09,889 and it was time 924 00:23:07,530 --> 00:23:09,889 to find out which one. 925 00:23:09,889 --> 00:23:12,392 - Did you ask Tim 926 00:23:09,889 --> 00:23:12,392 to take a polygraph? 927 00:23:12,392 --> 00:23:13,293 - We did. 928 00:23:13,293 --> 00:23:15,950 - Did you give Justin 929 00:23:13,293 --> 00:23:15,950 a polygraph? 930 00:23:15,950 --> 00:23:17,230 - Did. 931 00:23:17,230 --> 00:23:20,467 - But when Justin and Tim 932 00:23:17,230 --> 00:23:20,467 took those lie detector tests, 933 00:23:20,467 --> 00:23:22,168 they both passed. 934 00:23:22,168 --> 00:23:24,938 And then they both 935 00:23:22,168 --> 00:23:24,938 went back to their lives. 936 00:23:24,938 --> 00:23:27,173 Still, detectives 937 00:23:24,938 --> 00:23:27,173 kept an eye on them, 938 00:23:27,173 --> 00:23:29,743 hoping one might slip. 939 00:23:29,743 --> 00:23:32,512 One night later that winter, 940 00:23:29,743 --> 00:23:32,512 Tim McVay, 941 00:23:32,512 --> 00:23:34,814 the karaoke king 942 00:23:32,512 --> 00:23:34,814 of the quad cities, 943 00:23:34,814 --> 00:23:37,717 was back 944 00:23:34,814 --> 00:23:37,717 singing in front of a crowd. 945 00:23:37,717 --> 00:23:41,187 He sang "I Used To Love Her" 946 00:23:37,717 --> 00:23:41,187 by Guns and Roses. 947 00:23:41,187 --> 00:23:44,624 * I used to love her 948 00:23:41,187 --> 00:23:44,624 Oh yeah * 949 00:23:44,624 --> 00:23:46,793 * and I had to kill her * 950 00:23:46,793 --> 00:23:49,362 - A woman at the bar 951 00:23:46,793 --> 00:23:49,362 who was aware of the case 952 00:23:49,362 --> 00:23:51,464 knew McVay was a suspect. 953 00:23:51,464 --> 00:23:55,101 Shocked by his performance, 954 00:23:51,464 --> 00:23:55,101 she said she shot this video 955 00:23:55,101 --> 00:23:58,571 to document it 956 00:23:55,101 --> 00:23:58,571 then gave it to Detective Noe. 957 00:23:58,571 --> 00:24:01,841 - He says, I used to love her 958 00:23:58,571 --> 00:24:01,841 but I had to kill her 959 00:24:01,841 --> 00:24:04,210 and I put her six feet under. 960 00:24:04,210 --> 00:24:06,680 * Six feet under * 961 00:24:06,680 --> 00:24:09,249 - Tim knew what he was doing. 962 00:24:09,249 --> 00:24:12,352 And to get up there 963 00:24:09,249 --> 00:24:12,352 and sing that song, 964 00:24:12,352 --> 00:24:14,187 it was sickening. 965 00:24:14,187 --> 00:24:16,890 - But that song was played 966 00:24:14,187 --> 00:24:16,890 frequently at the bar 967 00:24:16,890 --> 00:24:19,826 and Detective Noe knew 968 00:24:16,890 --> 00:24:19,826 that Tim's performance 969 00:24:19,826 --> 00:24:21,461 didn't prove anything. 970 00:24:21,461 --> 00:24:24,130 So, with no physical evidence 971 00:24:21,461 --> 00:24:24,130 connecting Tim 972 00:24:24,130 --> 00:24:27,367 to Carrie's disappearance, 973 00:24:24,130 --> 00:24:27,367 there was nothing she could do. 974 00:24:27,367 --> 00:24:30,537 The investigation 975 00:24:27,367 --> 00:24:30,537 had hit a wall. 976 00:24:30,537 --> 00:24:32,372 - It was a mystery. 977 00:24:32,372 --> 00:24:34,740 We felt something 978 00:24:32,372 --> 00:24:34,740 just wasn't right. 979 00:24:34,740 --> 00:24:35,642 Something was going on 980 00:24:35,642 --> 00:24:39,479 and we needed to 981 00:24:35,642 --> 00:24:39,479 figure this out. Fast. 982 00:24:39,479 --> 00:24:41,481 - Carrie was still missing. 983 00:24:41,481 --> 00:24:48,880 Winter was settling in 984 00:24:41,481 --> 00:24:48,880 and it would be a long one. 985 00:24:48,880 --> 00:24:51,691 - Coming up... 986 00:24:48,880 --> 00:24:51,691 A brand-new clue. 987 00:24:51,691 --> 00:24:54,894 This tattoo. 988 00:24:51,691 --> 00:24:54,894 Where would it lead? 989 00:24:54,894 --> 00:24:58,131 Police are poised for 990 00:24:54,894 --> 00:24:58,131 a major break in the case. 991 00:24:58,131 --> 00:25:01,201 - That was a huge piece 992 00:24:58,131 --> 00:25:01,201 to our puzzle. 993 00:25:01,301 --> 00:25:15,582 ** 994 00:25:16,316 --> 00:25:20,653 April 5, 2014. 995 00:25:16,316 --> 00:25:20,653 Warm weather finally 996 00:25:20,653 --> 00:25:23,423 after a merciless 997 00:25:20,653 --> 00:25:23,423 Midwestern winter. 998 00:25:23,423 --> 00:25:27,600 Melting snow led to 999 00:25:23,423 --> 00:25:27,600 a terrible discovery. 1000 00:25:27,600 --> 00:25:31,264 - A body had been found 1001 00:25:27,600 --> 00:25:31,264 in Minnesota 1002 00:25:31,264 --> 00:25:34,200 that was similar to 1003 00:25:31,264 --> 00:25:34,200 Carrie's description. 1004 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:36,803 - It was found unclothed 1005 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:36,803 in a wooded area 1006 00:25:36,803 --> 00:25:39,305 off a country road 1007 00:25:36,803 --> 00:25:39,305 in the town of Hastings, 1008 00:25:39,305 --> 00:25:43,910 300 miles from 1009 00:25:39,305 --> 00:25:43,910 where Carrie Olson went missing. 1010 00:25:43,910 --> 00:25:47,447 Police circulated 1011 00:25:43,910 --> 00:25:47,447 a possible identifying image, 1012 00:25:47,447 --> 00:25:49,883 the dead woman's tattoo. 1013 00:25:49,883 --> 00:25:52,919 - I had one picture 1014 00:25:49,883 --> 00:25:52,919 of her tattoo. 1015 00:25:52,919 --> 00:25:54,821 I sat and compared it 1016 00:25:52,919 --> 00:25:54,821 to the drawing 1017 00:25:54,821 --> 00:25:56,556 on that news report. 1018 00:25:56,556 --> 00:25:58,191 - What is that moment like 1019 00:25:58,191 --> 00:26:02,280 when you look at the photograph 1020 00:25:58,191 --> 00:26:02,280 of your friend 1021 00:26:02,280 --> 00:26:05,632 and the photograph of the tattoo 1022 00:26:02,280 --> 00:26:05,632 in the news report? 1023 00:26:05,632 --> 00:26:10,270 - I was completely empty. 1024 00:26:10,270 --> 00:26:13,440 I called my mom and dad 1025 00:26:10,270 --> 00:26:13,440 and I said 1026 00:26:13,440 --> 00:26:16,609 there's a definite match 1027 00:26:13,440 --> 00:26:16,609 for Carrie 1028 00:26:16,609 --> 00:26:18,311 in Hastings, Minnesota. 1029 00:26:18,311 --> 00:26:20,814 - This is where 1030 00:26:18,311 --> 00:26:20,814 Carrie Olson's body was found 1031 00:26:20,814 --> 00:26:22,816 on Saturday night. 1032 00:26:22,816 --> 00:26:23,883 - We had mixed emotions. 1033 00:26:23,883 --> 00:26:26,520 Obviously, we wanted 1034 00:26:23,883 --> 00:26:26,520 to find her 1035 00:26:26,520 --> 00:26:28,922 but then finding out 1036 00:26:26,520 --> 00:26:28,922 what had happened, 1037 00:26:28,922 --> 00:26:29,956 it was rough. 1038 00:26:29,956 --> 00:26:33,159 It was a rough time 1039 00:26:29,956 --> 00:26:33,159 for the whole community. 1040 00:26:33,159 --> 00:26:36,563 - I just sat there. 1041 00:26:33,159 --> 00:26:36,563 I cried. 1042 00:26:36,563 --> 00:26:39,265 I lost a confidant. 1043 00:26:39,265 --> 00:26:41,670 I lost someone 1044 00:26:39,265 --> 00:26:41,670 I could laugh with. 1045 00:26:41,670 --> 00:26:48,575 I lost-I lost 1046 00:26:41,670 --> 00:26:48,575 a very good friend. 1047 00:26:51,277 --> 00:26:55,315 - The funeral was at 1048 00:26:51,277 --> 00:26:55,315 St. Paul's Church in Davenport. 1049 00:26:55,315 --> 00:26:57,150 - She got to 1050 00:26:55,315 --> 00:26:57,150 come back home again. 1051 00:26:57,150 --> 00:26:59,853 - It was a day 1052 00:26:57,150 --> 00:26:59,853 to lay Carrie to rest 1053 00:26:59,853 --> 00:27:02,155 and remember a beautiful life. 1054 00:27:02,155 --> 00:27:05,658 But there were still 1055 00:27:02,155 --> 00:27:05,658 so many unanswered questions. 1056 00:27:05,658 --> 00:27:07,293 - Now, we need to find out why. 1057 00:27:07,293 --> 00:27:10,397 We need to find out 1058 00:27:07,293 --> 00:27:10,397 what happened. 1059 00:27:10,397 --> 00:27:12,699 - First step, an autopsy. 1060 00:27:12,699 --> 00:27:16,690 But it couldn't answer 1061 00:27:12,699 --> 00:27:16,690 the key question for detectives. 1062 00:27:16,690 --> 00:27:18,738 - The doctor 1063 00:27:16,690 --> 00:27:18,738 that did the autopsy 1064 00:27:18,738 --> 00:27:22,409 called it homicide 1065 00:27:18,738 --> 00:27:22,409 by unspecified means. 1066 00:27:22,409 --> 00:27:25,450 - No cause of death. 1067 00:27:22,409 --> 00:27:25,450 - No cause of death. 1068 00:27:25,450 --> 00:27:26,279 - Are you thinking, 1069 00:27:26,279 --> 00:27:28,480 "Come on, there's got to be 1070 00:27:26,279 --> 00:27:28,480 a cause of death?" 1071 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:31,384 - It's rare, but we had 1072 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:31,384 seen the photos of the scene 1073 00:27:31,384 --> 00:27:34,120 and you can tell that 1074 00:27:31,384 --> 00:27:34,120 she didn't walk up there 1075 00:27:34,120 --> 00:27:39,225 and just fall over dead. 1076 00:27:34,120 --> 00:27:39,225 Her body was placed there. 1077 00:27:39,225 --> 00:27:42,929 - But the autopsy 1078 00:27:39,225 --> 00:27:42,929 did offer a possible clue. 1079 00:27:42,929 --> 00:27:46,599 - The doctor had found 1080 00:27:42,929 --> 00:27:46,599 a chunk of carpet in her hair. 1081 00:27:46,599 --> 00:27:49,169 We remembered from 1082 00:27:46,599 --> 00:27:49,169 January's search warrant 1083 00:27:49,169 --> 00:27:55,308 that Tim had beige carpet rolls 1084 00:27:49,169 --> 00:27:55,308 in his house. 1085 00:27:55,308 --> 00:27:57,477 - But they also knew that 1086 00:27:55,308 --> 00:27:57,477 Carrie worked in a store 1087 00:27:57,477 --> 00:28:00,580 that sold carpeting, 1088 00:27:57,477 --> 00:28:00,580 so it might not mean anything. 1089 00:28:00,580 --> 00:28:02,782 Still, the carpet 1090 00:28:00,580 --> 00:28:02,782 in Carrie's hair 1091 00:28:02,782 --> 00:28:04,784 and the carpet 1092 00:28:02,782 --> 00:28:04,784 in Tim McVay's house 1093 00:28:04,784 --> 00:28:07,654 were sent to the lab 1094 00:28:04,784 --> 00:28:07,654 for analysis. 1095 00:28:07,654 --> 00:28:10,190 - How long did it take you 1096 00:28:07,654 --> 00:28:10,190 to get your answer? 1097 00:28:10,190 --> 00:28:11,891 - It-it takes a while. 1098 00:28:11,891 --> 00:28:14,594 It doesn't come back 1099 00:28:11,891 --> 00:28:14,594 after the commercial break 1100 00:28:14,594 --> 00:28:16,563 like on TV. 1101 00:28:16,563 --> 00:28:18,732 - While detectives 1102 00:28:16,563 --> 00:28:18,732 waited for results, 1103 00:28:18,732 --> 00:28:20,934 they explored 1104 00:28:18,732 --> 00:28:20,934 the most tantalizing clue 1105 00:28:20,934 --> 00:28:22,302 they had received 1106 00:28:22,302 --> 00:28:24,738 and it didn't come from 1107 00:28:22,302 --> 00:28:24,738 Carrie's body. 1108 00:28:24,738 --> 00:28:27,400 It came from 1109 00:28:24,738 --> 00:28:27,400 where she was found, 1110 00:28:27,400 --> 00:28:29,420 Hastings, Minnesota. 1111 00:28:29,420 --> 00:28:30,810 - We knew that's where 1112 00:28:29,420 --> 00:28:30,810 Tim parked his car 1113 00:28:30,810 --> 00:28:32,946 before he went to the airport. 1114 00:28:32,946 --> 00:28:36,490 - When Tim McVay flew from 1115 00:28:32,946 --> 00:28:36,490 Minneapolis to Las Vegas 1116 00:28:36,490 --> 00:28:38,451 the same weekend 1117 00:28:36,490 --> 00:28:38,451 Carrie disappeared, 1118 00:28:38,451 --> 00:28:40,320 it turns out 1119 00:28:38,451 --> 00:28:40,320 he left Carrie's car 1120 00:28:40,320 --> 00:28:42,422 in Hastings. 1121 00:28:40,320 --> 00:28:42,422 Why? 1122 00:28:42,422 --> 00:28:45,910 That's where his girlfriend 1123 00:28:42,422 --> 00:28:45,910 at the time lived. 1124 00:28:45,910 --> 00:28:46,793 - Pretty big coincidence. 1125 00:28:45,910 --> 00:28:46,793 - Yeah. 1126 00:28:46,793 --> 00:28:50,960 That's what we call a clue. 1127 00:28:50,960 --> 00:28:52,132 - But detectives needed more. 1128 00:28:52,132 --> 00:28:54,801 They had to tie McVay 1129 00:28:52,132 --> 00:28:54,801 to the very spot 1130 00:28:54,801 --> 00:28:57,700 where Carrie's body was found. 1131 00:28:57,700 --> 00:28:59,439 They did have 1132 00:28:57,700 --> 00:28:59,439 one long shot clue. 1133 00:28:59,439 --> 00:29:01,641 Just a few feet 1134 00:28:59,439 --> 00:29:01,641 from Carrie's body 1135 00:29:01,641 --> 00:29:06,479 investigators discovered 1136 00:29:01,641 --> 00:29:06,479 this $4 price tag. 1137 00:29:06,479 --> 00:29:09,482 A Google search showed 1138 00:29:06,479 --> 00:29:09,482 the tag was for a kid's shovel 1139 00:29:09,482 --> 00:29:12,520 sold at the discount chain 1140 00:29:09,482 --> 00:29:12,520 Big Lots. 1141 00:29:12,520 --> 00:29:14,154 Detective Thomas found 1142 00:29:12,520 --> 00:29:14,154 a Big Lots store 1143 00:29:14,154 --> 00:29:16,823 in La Crosse, Wisconsin 1144 00:29:14,154 --> 00:29:16,823 where that kind of shovel 1145 00:29:16,823 --> 00:29:21,940 was bought on the same day 1146 00:29:16,823 --> 00:29:21,940 McVay drove to Minnesota. 1147 00:29:21,940 --> 00:29:23,296 La Crosse is about 1148 00:29:21,940 --> 00:29:23,296 two-thirds of the way 1149 00:29:23,296 --> 00:29:25,865 between the Quad Cities 1150 00:29:23,296 --> 00:29:25,865 and Hastings. 1151 00:29:25,865 --> 00:29:29,690 But the store security 1152 00:29:25,865 --> 00:29:29,690 cameras were broken. 1153 00:29:29,690 --> 00:29:30,370 No video. 1154 00:29:30,370 --> 00:29:33,840 So, how could detectives 1155 00:29:30,370 --> 00:29:33,840 tie McVay to this purchase? 1156 00:29:33,840 --> 00:29:36,476 They decided to 1157 00:29:33,840 --> 00:29:36,476 work backwards. 1158 00:29:36,476 --> 00:29:39,450 - Inside the Tobacco Outlet 1159 00:29:36,476 --> 00:29:39,450 he is seen on video. 1160 00:29:39,450 --> 00:29:42,215 - McVay had told police 1161 00:29:39,450 --> 00:29:42,215 that before driving to Minnesota 1162 00:29:42,215 --> 00:29:45,585 and the airport that Sunday, 1163 00:29:42,215 --> 00:29:45,585 he stopped to buy a cigar 1164 00:29:45,585 --> 00:29:48,421 at this Tobacco Outlet 1165 00:29:45,585 --> 00:29:48,421 in the Quad Cities. 1166 00:29:48,421 --> 00:29:50,924 - So, you knew exactly 1167 00:29:48,421 --> 00:29:50,924 what time Tim had been here. 1168 00:29:50,924 --> 00:29:51,858 - Exactly. 1169 00:29:51,858 --> 00:29:54,600 - And where he was going. 1170 00:29:51,858 --> 00:29:54,600 - Correct. 1171 00:29:54,600 --> 00:29:57,630 - The Big Lots in La Crosse 1172 00:29:54,600 --> 00:29:57,630 is a 3-1/2-hour drive 1173 00:29:57,630 --> 00:30:00,100 up Highway 61 1174 00:29:57,630 --> 00:30:00,100 from the Tobacco Outlet 1175 00:30:00,100 --> 00:30:02,869 and it turns out the shovel 1176 00:30:00,100 --> 00:30:02,869 was purchased 1177 00:30:02,869 --> 00:30:07,707 exactly 3-1/2 hours 1178 00:30:02,869 --> 00:30:07,707 after McVay bought that cigar. 1179 00:30:07,707 --> 00:30:09,476 - That was huge for us. 1180 00:30:09,476 --> 00:30:11,244 You leave the Tobacco Outlet, 1181 00:30:11,244 --> 00:30:12,612 which is the exact 1182 00:30:11,244 --> 00:30:12,612 amount of time 1183 00:30:12,612 --> 00:30:15,810 to get to 1184 00:30:12,612 --> 00:30:15,810 La Crosse, Wisconsin. 1185 00:30:15,810 --> 00:30:18,118 - But detectives still needed 1186 00:30:15,810 --> 00:30:18,118 something more concrete 1187 00:30:18,118 --> 00:30:20,920 to connect McVay to 1188 00:30:18,118 --> 00:30:20,920 the purchase of the shovel. 1189 00:30:20,920 --> 00:30:25,692 - So, then we asked for, uh, 1190 00:30:20,920 --> 00:30:25,692 the actual sales receipt. 1191 00:30:25,692 --> 00:30:27,927 - On the receipt was 1192 00:30:25,692 --> 00:30:27,927 not only the shovel 1193 00:30:27,927 --> 00:30:30,196 but a black bag. 1194 00:30:27,927 --> 00:30:30,196 - Black bag. 1195 00:30:30,196 --> 00:30:32,332 - A Desage brand travel bag. 1196 00:30:32,332 --> 00:30:34,000 It cost only $10, 1197 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:37,270 but it was the big payoff 1198 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:37,270 police had been looking for. 1199 00:30:37,270 --> 00:30:41,700 - We found it in the garage 1200 00:30:37,270 --> 00:30:41,700 at Tim's parents' house. 1201 00:30:41,700 --> 00:30:44,644 That was a huge piece 1202 00:30:41,700 --> 00:30:44,644 to our puzzle. 1203 00:30:44,644 --> 00:30:47,514 - So, on July 18, 2014, 1204 00:30:47,514 --> 00:30:50,316 3.5 months after 1205 00:30:47,514 --> 00:30:50,316 Carrie's body was found 1206 00:30:50,316 --> 00:30:52,819 and seven months after 1207 00:30:50,316 --> 00:30:52,819 she went missing, 1208 00:30:52,819 --> 00:30:55,210 Tina Noe and 1209 00:30:52,819 --> 00:30:55,210 the other two detectives 1210 00:30:55,210 --> 00:30:58,491 went to a construction site 1211 00:30:55,210 --> 00:30:58,491 where McVay was working. 1212 00:30:58,491 --> 00:31:00,126 - Tim was up on a ladder 1213 00:31:00,126 --> 00:31:01,494 and I said 1214 00:31:00,126 --> 00:31:01,494 we have a warrant 1215 00:31:01,494 --> 00:31:02,629 for first-degree 1216 00:31:01,494 --> 00:31:02,629 murder for you 1217 00:31:02,629 --> 00:31:05,465 and concealing a homicide. 1218 00:31:05,465 --> 00:31:08,835 - Tina also brought along 1219 00:31:05,465 --> 00:31:08,835 her signature accessory, 1220 00:31:08,835 --> 00:31:10,637 pink handcuffs. 1221 00:31:10,637 --> 00:31:13,139 - You chose to cuff him 1222 00:31:13,139 --> 00:31:15,408 with your 1223 00:31:13,139 --> 00:31:15,408 hot pink cuffs? 1224 00:31:15,408 --> 00:31:16,576 - Yes. 1225 00:31:16,576 --> 00:31:20,313 - How did it feel seeing him 1226 00:31:16,576 --> 00:31:20,313 in pink handcuffs? 1227 00:31:20,313 --> 00:31:21,414 - Good. 1228 00:31:21,414 --> 00:31:23,917 - Was it an extra 1229 00:31:21,414 --> 00:31:23,917 little jab? 1230 00:31:23,917 --> 00:31:25,819 - Yes. 1231 00:31:25,819 --> 00:31:27,954 Yeah, for Tina. 1232 00:31:27,954 --> 00:31:30,724 - That was a good moment 1233 00:31:27,954 --> 00:31:30,724 for us. 1234 00:31:30,724 --> 00:31:31,691 - Mr. McVay, come on in. 1235 00:31:31,691 --> 00:31:34,127 - Tim McVay pleaded 1236 00:31:31,691 --> 00:31:34,127 not guilty. 1237 00:31:34,127 --> 00:31:36,930 He was denied bail 1238 00:31:34,127 --> 00:31:36,930 and put in the county jail. 1239 00:31:36,930 --> 00:31:38,431 That's where "Dateline" 1240 00:31:36,930 --> 00:31:38,431 found him 1241 00:31:38,431 --> 00:31:40,700 for his first 1242 00:31:38,431 --> 00:31:40,700 television interview. 1243 00:31:40,700 --> 00:31:42,702 - I did not kill Carrie 1244 00:31:42,702 --> 00:31:45,105 and I did not 1245 00:31:42,702 --> 00:31:45,105 dump her body. 1246 00:31:45,105 --> 00:31:47,674 - Tim said the wrong guy 1247 00:31:45,105 --> 00:31:47,674 was behind bars, 1248 00:31:47,674 --> 00:31:49,476 pointing to the fight 1249 00:31:47,674 --> 00:31:49,476 Carrie told him 1250 00:31:49,476 --> 00:31:52,312 that she and Justin had 1251 00:31:49,476 --> 00:31:52,312 that Saturday morning. 1252 00:31:52,312 --> 00:31:53,780 - Did she say 1253 00:31:52,312 --> 00:31:53,780 what the fight was over? 1254 00:31:53,780 --> 00:31:56,549 - Romantic, uh, issues, 1255 00:31:53,780 --> 00:31:56,549 I guess that would be 1256 00:31:56,549 --> 00:31:57,617 the best way to put it. 1257 00:31:57,617 --> 00:31:58,985 - Of a sexual nature? 1258 00:31:58,985 --> 00:32:00,520 - That was 1259 00:31:58,985 --> 00:32:00,520 my impression, yes. 1260 00:32:00,520 --> 00:32:02,622 - And then what happened 1261 00:32:00,520 --> 00:32:02,622 after that? 1262 00:32:02,622 --> 00:32:03,957 - There was some throwing. 1263 00:32:03,957 --> 00:32:06,590 A couple of things 1264 00:32:03,957 --> 00:32:06,590 had gotten broken. 1265 00:32:06,590 --> 00:32:08,762 There was a little bit of, 1266 00:32:06,590 --> 00:32:08,762 uh, a physical altercation 1267 00:32:08,762 --> 00:32:10,296 between the two of them. 1268 00:32:10,296 --> 00:32:12,465 - Tim said the last time 1269 00:32:10,296 --> 00:32:12,465 he saw Carrie 1270 00:32:12,465 --> 00:32:14,567 was when he drove her 1271 00:32:12,465 --> 00:32:14,567 back to her house 1272 00:32:14,567 --> 00:32:17,237 just before he went 1273 00:32:14,567 --> 00:32:17,237 to the airport. 1274 00:32:17,237 --> 00:32:20,206 - She was walking into 1275 00:32:17,237 --> 00:32:20,206 the garage of her house 1276 00:32:20,206 --> 00:32:23,677 alive, happy, 1277 00:32:20,206 --> 00:32:23,677 as well as could be. 1278 00:32:25,178 --> 00:32:27,800 - Tim said he still 1279 00:32:25,178 --> 00:32:27,800 loved Carrie, 1280 00:32:27,800 --> 00:32:30,830 even though they'd 1281 00:32:27,800 --> 00:32:30,830 broken up. 1282 00:32:30,830 --> 00:32:33,860 How could he explain 1283 00:32:30,830 --> 00:32:33,860 this seemingly damning lyric, 1284 00:32:33,860 --> 00:32:35,422 I used to love her 1285 00:32:33,860 --> 00:32:35,422 but I had to kill her, 1286 00:32:35,422 --> 00:32:37,900 that he sang 1287 00:32:35,422 --> 00:32:37,900 at the karaoke bar 1288 00:32:37,900 --> 00:32:39,920 while she was 1289 00:32:37,900 --> 00:32:39,920 still missing? 1290 00:32:39,920 --> 00:32:40,493 - Maybe not 1291 00:32:39,920 --> 00:32:40,493 the best choice of song, 1292 00:32:40,493 --> 00:32:41,428 given... 1293 00:32:40,493 --> 00:32:41,428 - Oh, I agree with that. 1294 00:32:41,428 --> 00:32:42,729 Actually, I-I told 1295 00:32:41,428 --> 00:32:42,729 my brother-in-law, 1296 00:32:42,729 --> 00:32:43,897 he was with me 1297 00:32:42,729 --> 00:32:43,897 that night, I said, 1298 00:32:43,897 --> 00:32:46,332 why didn't you slap me 1299 00:32:43,897 --> 00:32:46,332 when I put that song in? 1300 00:32:46,332 --> 00:32:47,967 It was kind of 1301 00:32:46,332 --> 00:32:47,967 a bonehead move, just-- 1302 00:32:47,967 --> 00:32:50,370 but it had nothing 1303 00:32:47,967 --> 00:32:50,370 to do with Carrie. 1304 00:32:50,370 --> 00:32:51,571 It was nothing 1305 00:32:50,370 --> 00:32:51,571 to do with anything. 1306 00:32:51,571 --> 00:32:53,673 It was a song. 1307 00:32:53,673 --> 00:32:56,509 - But to prosecutors, 1308 00:32:53,673 --> 00:32:56,509 it was more than a song. 1309 00:32:56,509 --> 00:32:59,112 It was a look inside 1310 00:32:56,509 --> 00:32:59,112 the mind of a killer 1311 00:32:59,112 --> 00:33:01,948 and they were determined 1312 00:32:59,112 --> 00:33:01,948 to prove that in court. 1313 00:33:01,948 --> 00:33:05,452 Tim McVay was about 1314 00:33:01,948 --> 00:33:05,452 to stand trial for murder. 1315 00:33:07,153 --> 00:33:10,290 - A showdown in court 1316 00:33:07,153 --> 00:33:10,290 as Tim's old girlfriend 1317 00:33:10,290 --> 00:33:12,692 reveals a damning secret. 1318 00:33:12,692 --> 00:33:14,694 Then Justin takes 1319 00:33:12,692 --> 00:33:14,694 the stand 1320 00:33:14,694 --> 00:33:18,264 to share his last moments 1321 00:33:14,694 --> 00:33:18,264 with Carrie. 1322 00:33:18,264 --> 00:33:20,133 - Coming up... 1323 00:33:20,133 --> 00:33:22,235 - She stormed 1324 00:33:20,133 --> 00:33:22,235 out of the door 1325 00:33:22,235 --> 00:33:24,404 and I thought 1326 00:33:22,235 --> 00:33:24,404 maybe I upset her. 1327 00:33:24,404 --> 00:33:27,730 - What really 1328 00:33:24,404 --> 00:33:27,730 happened to Carrie? 1329 00:33:27,107 --> 00:33:44,900 - Tim McVay's murder trial 1330 00:33:27,107 --> 00:33:44,900 started in June of 2015. 1331 00:33:44,724 --> 00:33:45,959 - What I would like 1332 00:33:44,724 --> 00:33:45,959 to do is... 1333 00:33:45,959 --> 00:33:47,160 - There was no jury. 1334 00:33:47,160 --> 00:33:50,130 Judge Michael Meersman 1335 00:33:47,160 --> 00:33:50,130 would decide. 1336 00:33:50,130 --> 00:33:52,298 McVay's defense attorneys 1337 00:33:50,130 --> 00:33:52,298 believed they held 1338 00:33:52,298 --> 00:33:53,767 the winning hand. 1339 00:33:53,767 --> 00:33:55,835 - And he had passed 1340 00:33:53,767 --> 00:33:55,835 the polygraph, 1341 00:33:55,835 --> 00:33:57,170 so, we thought 1342 00:33:55,835 --> 00:33:57,170 this could be 1343 00:33:57,170 --> 00:34:00,674 the truly innocent, 1344 00:33:57,170 --> 00:34:00,674 uh, accused here. 1345 00:34:01,708 --> 00:34:03,843 - John McGehee 1346 00:34:01,708 --> 00:34:03,843 prosecuted the case 1347 00:34:03,843 --> 00:34:06,460 and knew he was facing 1348 00:34:03,843 --> 00:34:06,460 a tough test. 1349 00:34:06,460 --> 00:34:09,489 - You had no cause of death. 1350 00:34:06,460 --> 00:34:09,489 You had no weapon. 1351 00:34:09,489 --> 00:34:12,786 You had no ironclad 1352 00:34:09,489 --> 00:34:12,786 forensic evidence. 1353 00:34:12,786 --> 00:34:15,889 - I did feel that 1354 00:34:12,786 --> 00:34:15,889 it could be an uphill battle, 1355 00:34:15,889 --> 00:34:19,590 that it was going to be 1356 00:34:15,889 --> 00:34:19,590 a real challenge. 1357 00:34:19,590 --> 00:34:21,661 - As the trial began, 1358 00:34:19,590 --> 00:34:21,661 McGehee presented 1359 00:34:21,661 --> 00:34:24,630 the prosecution's theory 1360 00:34:21,661 --> 00:34:24,630 as to how Tim did it. 1361 00:34:25,899 --> 00:34:28,234 - Even though there was 1362 00:34:25,899 --> 00:34:28,234 no official explanation 1363 00:34:28,234 --> 00:34:29,936 for how Carrie died, 1364 00:34:29,936 --> 00:34:33,730 the state presented 1365 00:34:29,936 --> 00:34:33,730 something called Burking, 1366 00:34:33,730 --> 00:34:36,176 a method of suffocation 1367 00:34:33,730 --> 00:34:36,176 designed to leave no marks 1368 00:34:36,176 --> 00:34:37,811 by sitting 1369 00:34:36,176 --> 00:34:37,811 on someone's chest 1370 00:34:37,811 --> 00:34:40,380 and covering 1371 00:34:37,811 --> 00:34:40,380 their nose and mouth. 1372 00:34:40,380 --> 00:34:41,715 - Do you solemnly swear... 1373 00:34:41,715 --> 00:34:43,850 - To support that scenario, 1374 00:34:41,715 --> 00:34:43,850 the state called 1375 00:34:43,850 --> 00:34:46,753 one of McVay's 1376 00:34:43,850 --> 00:34:46,753 ex-girlfriends, Cati Smitty. 1377 00:34:53,560 --> 00:34:55,462 - I'm scared of him. 1378 00:34:55,462 --> 00:34:58,932 - Cati described an incident 1379 00:34:55,462 --> 00:34:58,932 one night in 2013. 1380 00:34:58,932 --> 00:35:01,534 She said she was 1381 00:34:58,932 --> 00:35:01,534 startled awake by McVay 1382 00:35:01,534 --> 00:35:03,269 sitting on her chest. 1383 00:35:03,269 --> 00:35:05,138 - I couldn't breathe. 1384 00:35:03,269 --> 00:35:05,138 He had cut off my air. 1385 00:35:05,138 --> 00:35:07,741 I couldn't-- he was-- 1386 00:35:05,138 --> 00:35:07,741 he's a big man 1387 00:35:07,741 --> 00:35:09,476 and I'm not 1388 00:35:07,741 --> 00:35:09,476 a very large woman. 1389 00:35:09,476 --> 00:35:12,112 I couldn't-- 1390 00:35:09,476 --> 00:35:12,112 I couldn't inhale. 1391 00:35:13,947 --> 00:35:15,715 - Yes. 1392 00:35:15,715 --> 00:35:18,118 - The evidence in 1393 00:35:15,715 --> 00:35:18,118 Prosecutor McGehee's case 1394 00:35:18,118 --> 00:35:20,120 was largely circumstantial 1395 00:35:20,120 --> 00:35:22,288 but he still felt 1396 00:35:20,120 --> 00:35:22,288 it was strong. 1397 00:35:22,288 --> 00:35:24,257 He believed McVay 1398 00:35:22,288 --> 00:35:24,257 was the last one 1399 00:35:24,257 --> 00:35:25,558 to talk to Carrie. 1400 00:35:25,558 --> 00:35:28,595 He had her car, 1401 00:35:25,558 --> 00:35:28,595 used her debit card, 1402 00:35:28,595 --> 00:35:30,497 and her body was found 1403 00:35:28,595 --> 00:35:30,497 just minutes from 1404 00:35:30,497 --> 00:35:33,633 where he parked her car 1405 00:35:30,497 --> 00:35:33,633 at his girlfriend's house. 1406 00:35:33,633 --> 00:35:35,735 And the prosecution 1407 00:35:33,633 --> 00:35:35,735 had the test results 1408 00:35:35,735 --> 00:35:38,738 for the carpet fibers 1409 00:35:35,735 --> 00:35:38,738 found in Carrie's hair. 1410 00:35:38,738 --> 00:35:40,974 They matched 1411 00:35:38,738 --> 00:35:40,974 that rolled-up carpet 1412 00:35:40,974 --> 00:35:42,409 in McVay's house. 1413 00:35:53,860 --> 00:35:56,156 - The prosecutors also used 1414 00:35:53,860 --> 00:35:56,156 McVay's internet searches 1415 00:35:56,156 --> 00:35:58,291 to show how he was 1416 00:35:56,156 --> 00:35:58,291 constantly checking 1417 00:35:58,291 --> 00:36:01,327 the website of the newspaper 1418 00:35:58,291 --> 00:36:01,327 in the distant town 1419 00:36:01,327 --> 00:36:03,163 where Carrie's body 1420 00:36:01,327 --> 00:36:03,163 was found. 1421 00:36:21,481 --> 00:36:22,682 - What were you looking for? 1422 00:36:21,481 --> 00:36:22,682 - I-- 1423 00:36:22,682 --> 00:36:24,840 - You don't live 1424 00:36:22,682 --> 00:36:24,840 in Hastings. 1425 00:36:24,840 --> 00:36:25,352 It's-it's kind of 1426 00:36:24,840 --> 00:36:25,352 a long way away. 1427 00:36:25,352 --> 00:36:27,153 - A newspaper is a newspaper 1428 00:36:25,352 --> 00:36:27,153 but I'm not going to answer 1429 00:36:27,153 --> 00:36:28,755 any questions about that. 1430 00:36:28,755 --> 00:36:29,756 - And why not? 1431 00:36:29,756 --> 00:36:31,570 - All I can say is 1432 00:36:29,756 --> 00:36:31,570 a newspaper is a newspaper 1433 00:36:31,570 --> 00:36:33,360 and I don't have any other 1434 00:36:31,570 --> 00:36:33,360 comments about that. 1435 00:36:33,360 --> 00:36:35,595 - Just interest in Hastings? 1436 00:36:35,595 --> 00:36:37,330 - Move on to 1437 00:36:35,595 --> 00:36:37,330 your next question. 1438 00:36:38,398 --> 00:36:41,670 - Finally, prosecutors 1439 00:36:38,398 --> 00:36:41,670 called to the stand 1440 00:36:41,670 --> 00:36:43,603 Carrie's boyfriend, 1441 00:36:41,670 --> 00:36:43,603 Justin Mueller. 1442 00:36:43,603 --> 00:36:46,339 He testified about 1443 00:36:43,603 --> 00:36:46,339 the last time he saw Carrie. 1444 00:36:49,175 --> 00:36:51,177 - I didn't really have 1445 00:36:49,175 --> 00:36:51,177 a chance to say goodbye, 1446 00:36:51,177 --> 00:36:53,713 she-- the way she left. 1447 00:36:53,713 --> 00:36:56,820 I mean, I tried to say 1448 00:36:53,713 --> 00:36:56,820 goodbye, yes. 1449 00:36:56,820 --> 00:36:59,152 - Justin acknowledged 1450 00:36:56,820 --> 00:36:59,152 that she was upset with him. 1451 00:36:59,152 --> 00:37:01,588 - The way she stormed out 1452 00:36:59,152 --> 00:37:01,588 of the door, 1453 00:37:01,588 --> 00:37:05,925 and I thought maybe I upset her 1454 00:37:01,588 --> 00:37:05,925 in maybe some minor way 1455 00:37:05,925 --> 00:37:09,620 because I wasn't paying 1456 00:37:05,925 --> 00:37:09,620 attention to her somehow. 1457 00:37:09,620 --> 00:37:11,664 - As the hours of 1458 00:37:09,620 --> 00:37:11,664 Carrie's unexplained absence 1459 00:37:11,664 --> 00:37:13,333 and silence grew, 1460 00:37:13,333 --> 00:37:16,469 so did Justin's concern 1461 00:37:13,333 --> 00:37:16,469 and his texts. 1462 00:37:16,469 --> 00:37:19,472 Prosecutors had him 1463 00:37:16,469 --> 00:37:19,472 read them in court. 1464 00:37:19,472 --> 00:37:21,675 - Baby, come home. 1465 00:37:19,472 --> 00:37:21,675 I love you. 1466 00:37:21,675 --> 00:37:23,430 I'm sorry for 1467 00:37:21,675 --> 00:37:23,430 whatever I did. 1468 00:37:23,430 --> 00:37:24,344 I love you. 1469 00:37:24,344 --> 00:37:26,460 Colby and I miss you. 1470 00:37:26,460 --> 00:37:28,381 Is everything okay? 1471 00:37:26,460 --> 00:37:28,381 I gave Colby his pill. 1472 00:37:30,917 --> 00:37:32,652 - No. 1473 00:37:39,492 --> 00:37:41,728 - Yes. 1474 00:37:41,728 --> 00:37:43,596 - Although there was 1475 00:37:41,728 --> 00:37:43,596 no evidence presented 1476 00:37:43,596 --> 00:37:45,865 about McVay's motive 1477 00:37:43,596 --> 00:37:45,865 for murder, 1478 00:37:45,865 --> 00:37:47,400 in closing arguments, 1479 00:37:47,400 --> 00:37:50,704 the prosecutors offered 1480 00:37:47,400 --> 00:37:50,704 their theory. 1481 00:37:50,704 --> 00:37:53,440 He killed Carrie in 1482 00:37:50,704 --> 00:37:53,440 a twisted fit of rage 1483 00:37:53,440 --> 00:37:56,142 because he demanded her car 1484 00:37:53,440 --> 00:37:56,142 to get to the airport 1485 00:37:56,142 --> 00:37:58,144 and she had said no. 1486 00:37:59,713 --> 00:38:02,449 - We see it all the time 1487 00:37:59,713 --> 00:38:02,449 that people, 1488 00:38:02,449 --> 00:38:04,217 uh, are-are murdered 1489 00:38:04,217 --> 00:38:07,620 for sometimes 1490 00:38:04,217 --> 00:38:07,620 the smallest little things. 1491 00:38:07,620 --> 00:38:11,925 And you-you're just surprised 1492 00:38:07,620 --> 00:38:11,925 that another human being 1493 00:38:11,925 --> 00:38:14,361 can do this 1494 00:38:11,925 --> 00:38:14,361 to another human being. 1495 00:38:14,361 --> 00:38:15,862 But that's what happened. 1496 00:38:15,862 --> 00:38:18,865 - McVay's attorneys, 1497 00:38:15,862 --> 00:38:18,865 Aaron Dyer, Dan Dalton, 1498 00:38:18,865 --> 00:38:21,768 and John Ruud argued 1499 00:38:18,865 --> 00:38:21,768 that the prosecution's theory 1500 00:38:21,768 --> 00:38:24,304 of motive was preposterous. 1501 00:38:24,304 --> 00:38:27,874 - The idea that he could 1502 00:38:24,304 --> 00:38:27,874 kill her and take her car 1503 00:38:27,874 --> 00:38:30,877 to just get a ride 1504 00:38:27,874 --> 00:38:30,877 to Minnesota, 1505 00:38:30,877 --> 00:38:32,278 I think is laughable. 1506 00:38:32,278 --> 00:38:33,279 - They didn't have 1507 00:38:32,278 --> 00:38:33,279 a cause of death, 1508 00:38:33,279 --> 00:38:35,949 so, how do you point 1509 00:38:33,279 --> 00:38:35,949 the finger at somebody? 1510 00:38:35,949 --> 00:38:39,520 - The defense didn't produce 1511 00:38:35,949 --> 00:38:39,520 any witnesses of their own. 1512 00:38:39,520 --> 00:38:41,254 Instead, they 1513 00:38:39,520 --> 00:38:41,254 aggressively challenged 1514 00:38:41,254 --> 00:38:44,691 the state's witnesses 1515 00:38:41,254 --> 00:38:44,691 like that former girlfriend. 1516 00:38:44,691 --> 00:38:46,693 The defense tried 1517 00:38:44,691 --> 00:38:46,693 to show McVay 1518 00:38:46,693 --> 00:38:48,595 was more playful 1519 00:38:46,693 --> 00:38:48,595 than violent. 1520 00:38:53,800 --> 00:38:55,135 - Yes. 1521 00:38:56,690 --> 00:38:57,470 - No, he was not 1522 00:38:56,690 --> 00:38:57,470 striking me. 1523 00:38:57,470 --> 00:38:59,272 He's never struck me. 1524 00:38:59,272 --> 00:39:02,676 - Defense attorneys also 1525 00:38:59,272 --> 00:39:02,676 attacked Detective Bill Thomas 1526 00:39:02,676 --> 00:39:04,440 who traced 1527 00:39:02,676 --> 00:39:04,440 that kid's shovel 1528 00:39:04,440 --> 00:39:06,120 to a Big Lots store 1529 00:39:04,440 --> 00:39:06,120 in Wisconsin. 1530 00:39:08,314 --> 00:39:10,160 - No. 1531 00:39:12,786 --> 00:39:15,255 - No, it was paid by cash. 1532 00:39:15,255 --> 00:39:17,657 - The defense confronted 1533 00:39:15,255 --> 00:39:17,657 Justin Mueller. 1534 00:39:17,657 --> 00:39:19,392 Police said he was 1535 00:39:17,657 --> 00:39:19,392 spotted in the town 1536 00:39:19,392 --> 00:39:21,261 where Carrie's phone 1537 00:39:19,392 --> 00:39:21,261 last pinged 1538 00:39:21,261 --> 00:39:22,796 but he wouldn't admit it. 1539 00:39:28,468 --> 00:39:29,803 - No. 1540 00:39:29,803 --> 00:39:31,304 - His phone records 1541 00:39:29,803 --> 00:39:31,304 put his phone, 1542 00:39:31,304 --> 00:39:32,839 at the very least, 1543 00:39:31,304 --> 00:39:32,839 in Milan. 1544 00:39:32,839 --> 00:39:34,874 Uh, another person 1545 00:39:32,839 --> 00:39:34,874 indicated to police 1546 00:39:34,874 --> 00:39:36,509 that he was seen 1547 00:39:34,874 --> 00:39:36,509 in Milan. 1548 00:39:36,509 --> 00:39:37,711 - What do you make of that? 1549 00:39:37,711 --> 00:39:41,470 - I think it's a huge hole 1550 00:39:37,711 --> 00:39:41,470 in the prosecution's case. 1551 00:39:42,480 --> 00:39:44,651 - The defense also challenged 1552 00:39:42,480 --> 00:39:44,651 the state's evidence, 1553 00:39:44,651 --> 00:39:47,870 like the carpet fibers 1554 00:39:44,651 --> 00:39:47,870 found in Carrie's hair 1555 00:39:47,870 --> 00:39:49,589 that investigators 1556 00:39:47,870 --> 00:39:49,589 said matched the carpeting 1557 00:39:49,589 --> 00:39:51,257 in McVay's house. 1558 00:39:51,257 --> 00:39:53,590 - She worked 1559 00:39:51,257 --> 00:39:53,590 in a carpet store. 1560 00:39:53,590 --> 00:39:54,461 So, just because it 1561 00:39:53,590 --> 00:39:54,461 happened to be in her hair 1562 00:39:54,461 --> 00:39:55,662 certainly doesn't indicate 1563 00:39:55,662 --> 00:39:57,831 anyone intentionally 1564 00:39:55,662 --> 00:39:57,831 killed anybody. 1565 00:39:57,831 --> 00:39:59,899 - They even challenged 1566 00:39:57,831 --> 00:39:59,899 the idea that a crime 1567 00:39:59,899 --> 00:40:01,701 had been committed at all. 1568 00:40:01,701 --> 00:40:03,636 - How did she get there? 1569 00:40:03,636 --> 00:40:04,938 We don't know. 1570 00:40:04,938 --> 00:40:06,439 How did she die? 1571 00:40:06,439 --> 00:40:07,640 We don't know. 1572 00:40:07,640 --> 00:40:09,242 It's one of 1573 00:40:07,640 --> 00:40:09,242 the biggest mysteries 1574 00:40:09,242 --> 00:40:11,144 that not even 1575 00:40:09,242 --> 00:40:11,144 Sherlock Holmes, 1576 00:40:11,144 --> 00:40:13,613 I don't think, 1577 00:40:11,144 --> 00:40:13,613 could solve. 1578 00:40:13,613 --> 00:40:15,648 - Tim McVay declined 1579 00:40:13,613 --> 00:40:15,648 to take the stand 1580 00:40:15,648 --> 00:40:17,517 in his own defense. 1581 00:40:17,517 --> 00:40:19,552 But he maintains 1582 00:40:17,517 --> 00:40:19,552 that he's a family man 1583 00:40:19,552 --> 00:40:21,121 who loves his kids, 1584 00:40:21,121 --> 00:40:24,124 not the violent thug 1585 00:40:21,121 --> 00:40:24,124 described in court. 1586 00:40:24,124 --> 00:40:25,692 - I'm-I'm just not 1587 00:40:24,124 --> 00:40:25,692 that kind of person. 1588 00:40:25,692 --> 00:40:27,260 - I couldn't inhale. 1589 00:40:27,260 --> 00:40:29,729 - You were accused 1590 00:40:27,260 --> 00:40:29,729 by Cati Smitty, though, 1591 00:40:29,729 --> 00:40:32,198 of getting violent. 1592 00:40:29,729 --> 00:40:32,198 - Well, that was a lie. 1593 00:40:32,198 --> 00:40:33,400 That was a lie. 1594 00:40:33,400 --> 00:40:34,567 - Did you kill Carrie? 1595 00:40:34,567 --> 00:40:35,602 - I did not. 1596 00:40:35,602 --> 00:40:37,370 - There's a lot of 1597 00:40:35,602 --> 00:40:37,370 coincidences going on. 1598 00:40:37,370 --> 00:40:37,937 - There are, there are. 1599 00:40:37,937 --> 00:40:39,839 - Terrible coincidences 1600 00:40:37,937 --> 00:40:39,839 for you. 1601 00:40:39,839 --> 00:40:41,141 - I agree, yeah. 1602 00:40:41,141 --> 00:40:42,475 - What-what do you say 1603 00:40:41,141 --> 00:40:42,475 to those people watching 1604 00:40:42,475 --> 00:40:45,278 who-who just maybe don't 1605 00:40:42,475 --> 00:40:45,278 believe you right now? 1606 00:40:45,278 --> 00:40:47,280 - All-all I can say is 1607 00:40:45,278 --> 00:40:47,280 what I know. 1608 00:40:47,280 --> 00:40:49,150 I know that 1609 00:40:47,280 --> 00:40:49,150 I did not kill Carrie. 1610 00:40:49,150 --> 00:40:51,518 She was a beautiful person, 1611 00:40:51,518 --> 00:40:53,987 a wonderful friend, 1612 00:40:53,987 --> 00:40:56,189 a lover, a confidant. 1613 00:40:56,189 --> 00:40:58,591 She was-- she meant 1614 00:40:56,189 --> 00:40:58,591 the world to me. 1615 00:40:58,591 --> 00:41:02,462 - It's been the end 1616 00:40:58,591 --> 00:41:02,462 of a long trial. 1617 00:41:02,462 --> 00:41:05,732 - After more than two weeks 1618 00:41:02,462 --> 00:41:05,732 of testimony and argument, 1619 00:41:05,732 --> 00:41:08,668 Judge Meersman was ready 1620 00:41:05,732 --> 00:41:08,668 to give his verdict. 1621 00:41:08,668 --> 00:41:10,704 - Timothy McVay, 1622 00:41:08,668 --> 00:41:10,704 I find you guilty 1623 00:41:10,704 --> 00:41:12,939 of count one murder, 1624 00:41:12,939 --> 00:41:15,709 count two concealing 1625 00:41:12,939 --> 00:41:15,709 of a homicidal death. 1626 00:41:15,709 --> 00:41:17,677 - I jumped out of my seat. 1627 00:41:17,677 --> 00:41:19,646 I was so excited 1628 00:41:17,677 --> 00:41:19,646 and happy. 1629 00:41:19,646 --> 00:41:23,650 - Tim McVay was stoic, 1630 00:41:19,646 --> 00:41:23,650 showing no emotion. 1631 00:41:23,650 --> 00:41:26,453 And three months later, 1632 00:41:23,650 --> 00:41:26,453 he was just as stoic 1633 00:41:26,453 --> 00:41:29,956 when the judge sentenced him 1634 00:41:26,453 --> 00:41:29,956 to 45 years in prison. 1635 00:41:29,956 --> 00:41:31,758 - I believe you killed her. 1636 00:41:31,758 --> 00:41:33,560 And the saddest part is 1637 00:41:31,758 --> 00:41:33,560 you killed her 1638 00:41:33,560 --> 00:41:36,960 for a car and some money. 1639 00:41:38,131 --> 00:41:39,499 - For Justin Mueller, 1640 00:41:39,499 --> 00:41:42,268 the cloud of suspicion 1641 00:41:39,499 --> 00:41:42,268 finally lifted. 1642 00:41:42,268 --> 00:41:44,337 For Carrie's family 1643 00:41:42,268 --> 00:41:44,337 and friends, 1644 00:41:44,337 --> 00:41:47,941 the verdict meant justice 1645 00:41:44,337 --> 00:41:47,941 and bittersweet relief. 1646 00:41:48,875 --> 00:41:52,879 - I just dropped my head 1647 00:41:48,875 --> 00:41:52,879 and started crying. 1648 00:41:52,879 --> 00:41:57,170 And it-it felt just like 1649 00:41:52,879 --> 00:41:57,170 this huge weight was gone. 1650 00:42:00,353 --> 00:42:01,855 - But justice for Carrie 1651 00:42:01,855 --> 00:42:04,824 still couldn't 1652 00:42:01,855 --> 00:42:04,824 explain the why. 1653 00:42:04,824 --> 00:42:07,360 - If it was over a ride 1654 00:42:04,824 --> 00:42:07,360 to Minnesota, a car, 1655 00:42:07,360 --> 00:42:10,563 and money, that's not 1656 00:42:07,360 --> 00:42:10,563 a very good why. 1657 00:42:12,699 --> 00:42:16,136 - What will you miss most 1658 00:42:12,699 --> 00:42:16,136 about Carrie? 1659 00:42:16,136 --> 00:42:20,240 - What I ultimately miss 1660 00:42:16,136 --> 00:42:20,240 is she's not there 1661 00:42:20,240 --> 00:42:23,343 pulling in that driveway, 1662 00:42:20,240 --> 00:42:23,343 honking, you know? 1663 00:42:24,511 --> 00:42:27,580 Announcing that she's here. 1664 00:42:27,580 --> 00:42:30,216 She had a heart of gold. 1665 00:42:30,216 --> 00:42:32,852 She was there 1666 00:42:30,216 --> 00:42:32,852 for everybody. 1667 00:42:32,852 --> 00:42:35,588 She had a lot of hope 1668 00:42:32,852 --> 00:42:35,588 for her future. 1669 00:42:35,588 --> 00:42:38,391 She had everything 1670 00:42:35,588 --> 00:42:38,391 to live for. 1671 00:42:40,930 --> 00:42:41,194 - That's all for 1672 00:42:40,930 --> 00:42:41,194 this edition 1673 00:42:41,194 --> 00:42:43,596 of "Dateline: 1674 00:42:41,194 --> 00:42:43,596 Secrets Uncovered". 1675 00:42:43,596 --> 00:42:46,866 I'm Craig Melvin. 1676 00:42:43,596 --> 00:42:46,866 Thank you for watching.