1 00:00:13,213 --> 00:00:16,216 and this is "Dateline: 2 00:00:13,213 --> 00:00:16,216 Secrets Uncovered." 3 00:00:17,650 --> 00:00:20,153 - I miss her smile 4 00:00:17,650 --> 00:00:20,153 and her laughter. 5 00:00:20,153 --> 00:00:22,155 I miss everything 6 00:00:20,153 --> 00:00:22,155 about her. 7 00:00:22,155 --> 00:00:25,992 It's more difficult to speak 8 00:00:22,155 --> 00:00:25,992 in public about it now. 9 00:00:25,992 --> 00:00:28,361 - The news swept the nation 10 00:00:25,992 --> 00:00:28,361 when she vanished, 11 00:00:28,361 --> 00:00:31,998 Laci Peterson, 12 00:00:28,361 --> 00:00:31,998 the beaming young mom to be. 13 00:00:31,998 --> 00:00:34,968 - Please, please let her 14 00:00:31,998 --> 00:00:34,968 come home to us. 15 00:00:34,968 --> 00:00:36,770 - Prosecutors speak out 16 00:00:36,770 --> 00:00:38,872 in an in depth 17 00:00:36,770 --> 00:00:38,872 television interview. 18 00:00:38,872 --> 00:00:40,507 - When you put so much 19 00:00:38,872 --> 00:00:40,507 of your life into it, 20 00:00:40,507 --> 00:00:41,941 it stays with you. 21 00:00:41,941 --> 00:00:45,478 - Laci's husband-- 22 00:00:41,941 --> 00:00:45,478 finally hear the story he told. 23 00:00:49,315 --> 00:00:51,785 - His rarely seen 24 00:00:49,315 --> 00:00:51,785 police interrogation. 25 00:00:56,189 --> 00:00:57,857 - We couldn't find anything 26 00:00:56,189 --> 00:00:57,857 wrong with this guy. 27 00:00:57,857 --> 00:00:59,426 - He was that charming. 28 00:00:59,426 --> 00:01:02,195 - And surprising details 29 00:00:59,426 --> 00:01:02,195 from the other woman 30 00:01:02,195 --> 00:01:04,464 who helped uncover 31 00:01:02,195 --> 00:01:04,464 the truth. 32 00:01:04,464 --> 00:01:06,633 - It still affects me 33 00:01:04,464 --> 00:01:06,633 emotionally. 34 00:01:06,633 --> 00:01:08,401 - Did Scott Peterson 35 00:01:06,633 --> 00:01:08,401 kill his wife? 36 00:01:08,401 --> 00:01:09,436 - I do not believe he did. 37 00:01:09,436 --> 00:01:11,938 - I mean, really, 38 00:01:09,436 --> 00:01:11,938 who else coulda done it? 39 00:01:11,938 --> 00:01:13,206 - I'm glad you 40 00:01:11,938 --> 00:01:13,206 asked that question. 41 00:01:13,206 --> 00:01:21,381 ** 42 00:01:21,381 --> 00:01:24,283 - Hello and welcome to 43 00:01:21,381 --> 00:01:24,283 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered." 44 00:01:24,283 --> 00:01:26,553 To loved ones, 45 00:01:24,283 --> 00:01:26,553 Laci and Scott Peterson 46 00:01:26,553 --> 00:01:28,455 appeared to have 47 00:01:26,553 --> 00:01:28,455 an idyllic marriage. 48 00:01:28,455 --> 00:01:29,823 With a baby on the way, 49 00:01:29,823 --> 00:01:31,691 Laci's dreams 50 00:01:29,823 --> 00:01:31,691 of becoming a mother 51 00:01:31,691 --> 00:01:33,526 were about 52 00:01:31,691 --> 00:01:33,526 to come true. 53 00:01:33,526 --> 00:01:36,563 Then, on Christmas Eve, 54 00:01:33,526 --> 00:01:36,563 she vanished. 55 00:01:36,563 --> 00:01:39,966 Laci's story gripped 56 00:01:36,563 --> 00:01:39,966 the country as dark secrets, 57 00:01:39,966 --> 00:01:42,200 once hidden behind 58 00:01:39,966 --> 00:01:42,200 closed doors, 59 00:01:42,200 --> 00:01:44,404 were exposed 60 00:01:42,200 --> 00:01:44,404 for all to see. 61 00:01:44,404 --> 00:01:45,604 Here's Keith Morrison 62 00:01:45,604 --> 00:01:48,675 with "The Disappearance 63 00:01:45,604 --> 00:01:48,675 of Laci Peterson." 64 00:01:48,675 --> 00:01:52,645 ** 65 00:01:52,645 --> 00:01:55,148 - Once upon a time, 66 00:01:52,645 --> 00:01:55,148 in a small California city, 67 00:01:55,148 --> 00:01:58,283 lived a sweet pregnant woman 68 00:01:55,148 --> 00:01:58,283 with a radiant smile, 69 00:01:58,283 --> 00:02:00,787 and outside of friends 70 00:01:58,283 --> 00:02:00,787 and family, 71 00:02:00,787 --> 00:02:03,189 hardly anyone 72 00:02:00,787 --> 00:02:03,189 knew her name. 73 00:02:11,364 --> 00:02:13,967 - She would never know, 74 00:02:11,364 --> 00:02:13,967 of course, how famous 75 00:02:13,967 --> 00:02:16,403 that name of hers 76 00:02:13,967 --> 00:02:16,403 was about to become. 77 00:02:16,403 --> 00:02:19,105 - We have no indication, 78 00:02:16,403 --> 00:02:19,105 no significant leads, 79 00:02:19,105 --> 00:02:20,840 at this point. 80 00:02:20,840 --> 00:02:23,743 - Would never know that 81 00:02:20,840 --> 00:02:23,743 a curious, sympathetic, 82 00:02:23,743 --> 00:02:27,347 puzzled nation had cast 83 00:02:23,743 --> 00:02:27,347 an eye her way. 84 00:02:27,347 --> 00:02:30,483 Laci Peterson, 85 00:02:27,347 --> 00:02:30,483 she was 27 years old, 86 00:02:30,483 --> 00:02:33,486 and, on the night 87 00:02:30,483 --> 00:02:33,486 before Christmas, 88 00:02:33,486 --> 00:02:35,422 she was gone. 89 00:02:35,422 --> 00:02:38,658 - Laci, if you're out there 90 00:02:35,422 --> 00:02:38,658 and can hear us and see us, 91 00:02:38,658 --> 00:02:42,762 we love you, 92 00:02:38,658 --> 00:02:42,762 and we're-we're searching. 93 00:02:42,762 --> 00:02:44,764 We're looking. 94 00:02:44,764 --> 00:02:47,400 - It hit something, 95 00:02:44,764 --> 00:02:47,400 something in the air, 96 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:52,439 the zeitgeist, that name, 97 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:52,439 that smile, that mystery. 98 00:02:52,439 --> 00:02:54,341 Impossible to put down. 99 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:57,210 - Whoever has her, please, 100 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:57,210 please, please let her go. 101 00:02:57,210 --> 00:02:59,245 Bring her back to us. 102 00:02:57,210 --> 00:02:59,245 - We love her so much. 103 00:02:59,245 --> 00:03:01,715 We want her back. 104 00:03:01,715 --> 00:03:04,784 Please give-- let her-- 105 00:03:01,715 --> 00:03:04,784 let us have her back. 106 00:03:04,784 --> 00:03:05,919 - Yes. 107 00:03:05,919 --> 00:03:08,421 - And then there was him, 108 00:03:05,919 --> 00:03:08,421 the husband, 109 00:03:08,421 --> 00:03:11,570 the inscrutable 110 00:03:08,421 --> 00:03:11,570 Scott Peterson. 111 00:03:11,570 --> 00:03:14,694 - I really don't care what 112 00:03:11,570 --> 00:03:14,694 people think of me 113 00:03:14,694 --> 00:03:16,963 as long as it continues 114 00:03:14,694 --> 00:03:16,963 to keep Laci's picture, 115 00:03:16,963 --> 00:03:19,366 description, tip line 116 00:03:16,963 --> 00:03:19,366 in the media. 117 00:03:19,366 --> 00:03:21,768 - Before our very eyes, 118 00:03:19,366 --> 00:03:21,768 he would morph 119 00:03:21,768 --> 00:03:24,700 from a faithful husband 120 00:03:21,768 --> 00:03:24,700 who loved his wife 121 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:26,606 to an object 122 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:26,606 of suspicion. 123 00:03:26,606 --> 00:03:29,242 An outrage, 124 00:03:26,606 --> 00:03:29,242 such a circus, 125 00:03:29,242 --> 00:03:32,412 the whole sad thing 126 00:03:29,242 --> 00:03:32,412 sometimes seemed to be. 127 00:03:32,412 --> 00:03:34,981 - Scott, hey, why don't 128 00:03:32,412 --> 00:03:34,981 you come and talk to us 129 00:03:34,981 --> 00:03:37,183 and tell us the truth? 130 00:03:37,183 --> 00:03:39,986 - But for all the noise, 131 00:03:37,183 --> 00:03:39,986 all the breathless coverage, 132 00:03:39,986 --> 00:03:43,256 the hours of TV, 133 00:03:39,986 --> 00:03:43,256 the acres of tabloid, 134 00:03:43,256 --> 00:03:47,627 there was and is a story 135 00:03:43,256 --> 00:03:47,627 never completely told, 136 00:03:47,627 --> 00:03:50,964 a story the prosecutors 137 00:03:47,627 --> 00:03:50,964 told "Dateline" first. 138 00:03:50,964 --> 00:03:52,232 What do you think 139 00:03:50,964 --> 00:03:52,232 of Scott Peterson, 140 00:03:52,232 --> 00:03:54,134 his personality? 141 00:03:54,134 --> 00:03:56,736 - He's a very 142 00:03:54,134 --> 00:03:56,736 unusual person. 143 00:03:56,736 --> 00:04:00,440 He's clearly very-- he's-- 144 00:03:56,736 --> 00:04:00,440 I think he's very smart. 145 00:04:00,440 --> 00:04:04,811 I think he thinks 146 00:04:00,440 --> 00:04:04,811 he's very smart. 147 00:04:04,811 --> 00:04:07,747 - The story the detectives 148 00:04:04,811 --> 00:04:07,747 saw firsthand. 149 00:04:07,747 --> 00:04:09,115 - When somebody is 150 00:04:07,747 --> 00:04:09,115 in a position like him, 151 00:04:09,115 --> 00:04:11,284 and they didn't do it, 152 00:04:09,115 --> 00:04:11,284 usually they'll say, 153 00:04:11,284 --> 00:04:12,752 "Take blood. 154 00:04:11,284 --> 00:04:12,752 Take a polygraph. 155 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:15,622 "I don't care." 156 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:15,622 But Scott wouldn't do that. 157 00:04:15,622 --> 00:04:16,923 He'd only go to a point. 158 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:18,579 - He was just 159 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:18,579 cool as a moose. 160 00:04:18,579 --> 00:04:19,959 - He was 161 00:04:18,579 --> 00:04:19,959 Steve McQueen cool. 162 00:04:19,959 --> 00:04:23,329 - The story of what 163 00:04:19,959 --> 00:04:23,329 happened to her, too, 164 00:04:23,329 --> 00:04:27,100 the other woman whose name 165 00:04:23,329 --> 00:04:27,100 was also thrust into 166 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:31,710 a cultural moment, 167 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:31,710 Amber Frey. 168 00:04:31,710 --> 00:04:34,740 What does a saga like that 169 00:04:31,710 --> 00:04:34,740 do to a person's life? 170 00:04:34,740 --> 00:04:38,278 - Well, I'd say, I mean, 171 00:04:34,740 --> 00:04:38,278 from day one, 172 00:04:38,278 --> 00:04:40,513 it completely 173 00:04:38,278 --> 00:04:40,513 changed my life. 174 00:04:40,513 --> 00:04:43,717 - And the story told by 175 00:04:40,513 --> 00:04:43,717 a frustrated ex-journalist 176 00:04:43,717 --> 00:04:46,860 convinced that the cops, 177 00:04:43,717 --> 00:04:46,860 the prosecutors, 178 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:49,489 the public 179 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:49,489 got it all wrong. 180 00:04:49,489 --> 00:04:51,909 Did Scott Peterson 181 00:04:49,489 --> 00:04:51,909 kill his wife? 182 00:04:51,909 --> 00:04:52,492 - I don't believe that. 183 00:04:52,492 --> 00:04:54,394 I do not believe he did. 184 00:04:54,394 --> 00:04:58,398 - And a video we found buried 185 00:04:54,394 --> 00:04:58,398 in the court archives. 186 00:05:06,606 --> 00:05:08,808 - Scott Peterson talking 187 00:05:06,606 --> 00:05:08,808 to a detective just hours 188 00:05:08,808 --> 00:05:12,278 after sounding the alarm 189 00:05:08,808 --> 00:05:12,278 Laci was missing. 190 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:16,649 But before we get there, 191 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:16,649 we'll begin here, 192 00:05:16,649 --> 00:05:19,853 with Laci Peterson's mother, 193 00:05:16,649 --> 00:05:19,853 Sharon Rocha, 194 00:05:19,853 --> 00:05:24,570 surrounded, fortified really, 195 00:05:19,853 --> 00:05:24,570 by Laci's best friends, 196 00:05:24,570 --> 00:05:28,495 Stacey Boyers, Lori Ellsworth, 197 00:05:24,570 --> 00:05:28,495 and Rene Tomlinson. 198 00:05:28,495 --> 00:05:29,963 They seem to make 199 00:05:28,495 --> 00:05:29,963 you feel cheerful. 200 00:05:29,963 --> 00:05:31,640 - They do. 201 00:05:31,640 --> 00:05:32,565 They-they help a lot. 202 00:05:31,640 --> 00:05:32,565 I'm glad they're here. 203 00:05:32,565 --> 00:05:34,933 [laughing] 204 00:05:32,565 --> 00:05:34,933 - But it's tough still, huh? 205 00:05:34,933 --> 00:05:37,637 - It is tough. 206 00:05:38,705 --> 00:05:41,875 - Perhaps harder than ever 207 00:05:38,705 --> 00:05:41,875 to talk about it, she said, 208 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:44,210 to talk about her 209 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:44,210 long dead daughter, 210 00:05:44,210 --> 00:05:47,800 whose case so 211 00:05:44,210 --> 00:05:47,800 captivated the country. 212 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:49,449 There are people growing up 213 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:49,449 who probably either 214 00:05:49,449 --> 00:05:52,719 don't remember or never knew 215 00:05:49,449 --> 00:05:52,719 about Laci Peterson. 216 00:05:52,719 --> 00:05:53,953 Tell me about Laci. 217 00:05:53,953 --> 00:05:55,689 - I moved to Modesto 218 00:05:53,953 --> 00:05:55,689 in the third grade, 219 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:57,957 and, um, I knew nobody. 220 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:57,957 - Uh-huh. 221 00:05:57,957 --> 00:06:00,860 - And she was one of 222 00:05:57,957 --> 00:06:00,860 the first people I met, 223 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:03,897 and there was no 224 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:03,897 not meeting her. 225 00:06:03,897 --> 00:06:07,330 - You get the idea, 226 00:06:03,897 --> 00:06:07,330 big personality. 227 00:06:07,330 --> 00:06:08,601 - It just makes 228 00:06:07,330 --> 00:06:08,601 you wanna whistle. 229 00:06:08,601 --> 00:06:09,669 [laughing] 230 00:06:09,669 --> 00:06:10,870 La-la-la-la. 231 00:06:09,669 --> 00:06:10,870 [whistles] 232 00:06:10,870 --> 00:06:14,774 - She made everybody laugh 233 00:06:10,870 --> 00:06:14,774 and welcomed in 234 00:06:14,774 --> 00:06:17,430 just with a smile. 235 00:06:14,774 --> 00:06:17,430 She could smile, 236 00:06:17,430 --> 00:06:18,345 and you would know 237 00:06:17,430 --> 00:06:18,345 that that is the girl 238 00:06:18,345 --> 00:06:19,546 that you're going 239 00:06:18,345 --> 00:06:19,546 to be probably spending 240 00:06:19,546 --> 00:06:22,382 the rest of the night 241 00:06:19,546 --> 00:06:22,382 talking to or laughing at. 242 00:06:22,382 --> 00:06:23,750 - Or listening to. 243 00:06:22,382 --> 00:06:23,750 - Or listening to. 244 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:26,286 Maybe not talking 245 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:26,286 so much but... 246 00:06:26,286 --> 00:06:28,888 She was hard to get 247 00:06:26,286 --> 00:06:28,888 a word in edgewise. 248 00:06:28,888 --> 00:06:31,524 - Talkative, 249 00:06:28,888 --> 00:06:31,524 smart, tenacious. 250 00:06:31,524 --> 00:06:32,826 - Do you have us? 251 00:06:31,524 --> 00:06:32,826 - Oh, no. 252 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:34,327 - I have you. 253 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:34,327 - Is it working? 254 00:06:34,327 --> 00:06:35,328 - Yeah, it's working. 255 00:06:34,327 --> 00:06:35,328 - Okay. 256 00:06:35,328 --> 00:06:37,230 - A person who went 257 00:06:35,328 --> 00:06:37,230 for what she wanted, 258 00:06:37,230 --> 00:06:39,599 the way she did 259 00:06:37,230 --> 00:06:39,599 for Scott Peterson. 260 00:06:39,599 --> 00:06:42,302 How did Laci meet Scott? 261 00:06:42,302 --> 00:06:45,205 - At, um, a cafe 262 00:06:42,302 --> 00:06:45,205 where Scott worked. 263 00:06:45,205 --> 00:06:49,409 - Or at least saw him there 264 00:06:45,205 --> 00:06:49,409 and, just like that, 265 00:06:49,409 --> 00:06:52,679 gave a waiter her phone number 266 00:06:49,409 --> 00:06:52,679 to pass on to Scott. 267 00:06:52,679 --> 00:06:54,247 - She wasn't bashful. 268 00:06:54,247 --> 00:06:55,382 [laughing] 269 00:06:55,382 --> 00:06:58,485 - And Laci's mother 270 00:06:55,382 --> 00:06:58,485 liked Scott, 271 00:06:58,485 --> 00:06:59,886 liked him a lot. 272 00:06:59,886 --> 00:07:02,555 - Very charming, very polite, 273 00:06:59,886 --> 00:07:02,555 perfect gentleman. 274 00:07:02,555 --> 00:07:03,790 - Bring you roses, 275 00:07:02,555 --> 00:07:03,790 that sort of thing? 276 00:07:03,790 --> 00:07:06,192 - Yes, he had 277 00:07:03,790 --> 00:07:06,192 a dozen roses for Laci 278 00:07:06,192 --> 00:07:09,290 and then a dozen rose-- 279 00:07:06,192 --> 00:07:09,290 roses for me. 280 00:07:09,290 --> 00:07:10,730 So, of course, 281 00:07:09,290 --> 00:07:10,730 I was impressed. 282 00:07:10,730 --> 00:07:12,532 - The courtship 283 00:07:10,730 --> 00:07:12,532 was like that, 284 00:07:12,532 --> 00:07:15,402 old fashioned in what 285 00:07:12,532 --> 00:07:15,402 seemed a good way. 286 00:07:15,402 --> 00:07:18,605 - He actually asked 287 00:07:15,402 --> 00:07:18,605 our permission to marry Laci, 288 00:07:18,605 --> 00:07:20,273 and we gave him 289 00:07:18,605 --> 00:07:20,273 our permission. 290 00:07:20,273 --> 00:07:23,443 - There was a big wedding 291 00:07:20,273 --> 00:07:23,443 in the summer of '97, 292 00:07:23,443 --> 00:07:25,745 and by the turn 293 00:07:23,443 --> 00:07:25,745 of the millennium, 294 00:07:25,745 --> 00:07:29,490 Scott was a fertilizer 295 00:07:25,745 --> 00:07:29,490 salesman in Modesto, 296 00:07:29,490 --> 00:07:31,284 Laci a substitute teacher. 297 00:07:31,284 --> 00:07:33,853 His job took him 298 00:07:31,284 --> 00:07:33,853 on the road a lot, 299 00:07:33,853 --> 00:07:36,560 but they were happy. 300 00:07:36,560 --> 00:07:38,391 Did the three of you get 301 00:07:36,560 --> 00:07:38,391 to know the two of them 302 00:07:38,391 --> 00:07:39,726 together much before? 303 00:07:39,726 --> 00:07:41,194 - Mm-hmm. 304 00:07:39,726 --> 00:07:41,194 - Mm-hmm. 305 00:07:41,194 --> 00:07:42,562 I thought he was 306 00:07:41,194 --> 00:07:42,562 a great guy. 307 00:07:42,562 --> 00:07:43,930 - We thought they were 308 00:07:42,562 --> 00:07:43,930 great together. 309 00:07:43,930 --> 00:07:45,165 - She was always happy. 310 00:07:45,165 --> 00:07:46,832 It was almost a joke of, gosh, 311 00:07:45,165 --> 00:07:46,832 does he have a brother? 312 00:07:46,832 --> 00:07:49,690 - Though Laci struggled 313 00:07:46,832 --> 00:07:49,690 to get pregnant, 314 00:07:49,690 --> 00:07:53,907 after nearly five years 315 00:07:49,690 --> 00:07:53,907 of marriage, that came, too. 316 00:07:53,907 --> 00:07:58,278 - The day after my baby shower 317 00:07:53,907 --> 00:07:58,278 that she threw for me, 318 00:07:58,278 --> 00:08:00,880 she took a pregnancy test 319 00:07:58,278 --> 00:08:00,880 and called everybody. 320 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:02,282 - Yeah. 321 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:02,282 - Very early. 322 00:08:02,282 --> 00:08:04,384 - Yeah. 323 00:08:02,282 --> 00:08:04,384 - Very early the next morning. 324 00:08:04,384 --> 00:08:07,654 - Soon enough, the Petersons 325 00:08:04,384 --> 00:08:07,654 learned they were having a boy. 326 00:08:07,654 --> 00:08:11,758 They readied the nursery 327 00:08:07,654 --> 00:08:11,758 and decided to name him Conner. 328 00:08:11,758 --> 00:08:14,427 Laci was nearly eight months 329 00:08:11,758 --> 00:08:14,427 pregnant by Christmas, 330 00:08:14,427 --> 00:08:17,497 the last Christmas before 331 00:08:14,427 --> 00:08:17,497 little Conner was due. 332 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:20,533 You were supposed to have 333 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:20,533 a, uh, Christmas Eve dinner. 334 00:08:20,533 --> 00:08:21,101 Is that right? 335 00:08:21,101 --> 00:08:21,901 - Yes, I was. 336 00:08:21,901 --> 00:08:23,360 She was having 337 00:08:21,901 --> 00:08:23,360 Christmas Day, 338 00:08:23,360 --> 00:08:24,270 and I was having 339 00:08:23,360 --> 00:08:24,270 Christmas Eve dinner. 340 00:08:24,270 --> 00:08:26,106 That was when he called. 341 00:08:27,741 --> 00:08:28,908 It was close to 6:15, 342 00:08:28,908 --> 00:08:31,778 and he called and asked 343 00:08:28,908 --> 00:08:31,778 if Laci was with me. 344 00:08:31,778 --> 00:08:33,212 - Missing. 345 00:08:31,778 --> 00:08:33,212 - I said, "No, she's not here." 346 00:08:33,212 --> 00:08:35,881 "Well, she's missing." 347 00:08:35,881 --> 00:08:38,118 - And that was 348 00:08:35,881 --> 00:08:38,118 the beginning. 349 00:08:38,118 --> 00:08:41,488 Christmas Eve 2002, 350 00:08:38,118 --> 00:08:41,488 Laci Peterson 351 00:08:41,488 --> 00:08:45,125 with her bright smile 352 00:08:41,488 --> 00:08:45,125 was nowhere to be found. 353 00:08:47,600 --> 00:08:48,261 - Where is Laci? 354 00:08:48,261 --> 00:08:50,296 It's the question on 355 00:08:48,261 --> 00:08:50,296 everyone's lips 356 00:08:50,296 --> 00:08:53,867 as the missing mom to be 357 00:08:50,296 --> 00:08:53,867 becomes national news. 358 00:08:55,869 --> 00:08:57,671 - There's a $500,000 reward. 359 00:08:57,671 --> 00:08:59,305 I thought somebody 360 00:08:57,671 --> 00:08:59,305 kidnapped her. 361 00:08:59,305 --> 00:09:00,674 - I was 362 00:08:59,305 --> 00:09:00,674 absolutely panicked. 363 00:09:00,674 --> 00:09:03,877 - The first clues-- 364 00:09:00,674 --> 00:09:03,877 her dog dragging its leash. 365 00:09:03,877 --> 00:09:05,745 [barking] 366 00:09:03,877 --> 00:09:05,745 Her neighbors robbed. 367 00:09:05,745 --> 00:09:08,748 Her husband 368 00:09:05,745 --> 00:09:08,748 asking for help. 369 00:09:08,748 --> 00:09:11,251 - Did he seem frantic 370 00:09:08,748 --> 00:09:11,251 or worried? 371 00:09:11,251 --> 00:09:12,652 - A little bit. 372 00:09:12,752 --> 00:09:27,100 ** 373 00:09:28,340 --> 00:09:30,904 - What was it about 374 00:09:28,340 --> 00:09:30,904 this woman, this man, 375 00:09:30,904 --> 00:09:34,140 this case that so quickly 376 00:09:30,904 --> 00:09:34,140 gripped the nation? 377 00:09:34,140 --> 00:09:35,842 Was it her smile? 378 00:09:35,842 --> 00:09:38,845 Was it because it 379 00:09:35,842 --> 00:09:38,845 happened Christmas Eve? 380 00:09:38,845 --> 00:09:42,480 Subject for 381 00:09:38,845 --> 00:09:42,480 some PhD thesis, that. 382 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:43,550 But at the beginning, 383 00:09:43,550 --> 00:09:46,219 it was like 1,000 384 00:09:43,550 --> 00:09:46,219 other such cases, 385 00:09:46,219 --> 00:09:48,755 a stomach flipping 386 00:09:46,219 --> 00:09:48,755 phone call. 387 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:50,724 She's missing. 388 00:09:50,724 --> 00:09:52,926 I've had a child missing 389 00:09:50,724 --> 00:09:52,926 for ten minutes, 390 00:09:52,926 --> 00:09:55,295 and the-the sense 391 00:09:52,926 --> 00:09:55,295 of, oh, my God, 392 00:09:55,295 --> 00:09:57,664 something may have 393 00:09:55,295 --> 00:09:57,664 happened here is so powerful. 394 00:09:57,664 --> 00:09:58,932 It just takes over 395 00:09:57,664 --> 00:09:58,932 everything, right? 396 00:09:58,932 --> 00:10:00,200 - It does. It does. 397 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:02,202 - It does. 398 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:02,202 - It absolutely does. 399 00:10:02,202 --> 00:10:04,400 - Laci Peterson's mother, 400 00:10:02,202 --> 00:10:04,400 Sharon, remembers 401 00:10:04,400 --> 00:10:06,639 telling her son-in-law, Scott, 402 00:10:04,400 --> 00:10:06,639 check with the neighbors. 403 00:10:06,639 --> 00:10:08,508 Call Laci's friends. 404 00:10:08,508 --> 00:10:10,310 And he did. You all-- 405 00:10:08,508 --> 00:10:10,310 - Yeah, we all got a call. 406 00:10:10,310 --> 00:10:11,311 - Yeah. 407 00:10:11,311 --> 00:10:12,645 He asked me if I'd 408 00:10:11,311 --> 00:10:12,645 seen her that day. 409 00:10:12,645 --> 00:10:13,847 "Have you seen Laci 410 00:10:12,645 --> 00:10:13,847 at all today?" 411 00:10:13,847 --> 00:10:15,248 - And then he called back. 412 00:10:13,847 --> 00:10:15,248 - I said, "No, I haven't." 413 00:10:15,248 --> 00:10:16,816 And he's like, "Well, 414 00:10:15,248 --> 00:10:16,816 she's-she's missing." 415 00:10:16,816 --> 00:10:18,952 - Did he seem frantic 416 00:10:16,816 --> 00:10:18,952 or worried? 417 00:10:18,952 --> 00:10:19,953 - A little bit. 418 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:22,880 - Worried enough to ask 419 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:22,880 for their help. 420 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:23,957 So, did you all 421 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:23,957 go over to his-- 422 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,225 to their place? 423 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,225 - Yeah. 424 00:10:25,225 --> 00:10:26,826 - Sharon Rocha's 425 00:10:25,225 --> 00:10:26,826 longtime boyfriend, 426 00:10:26,826 --> 00:10:29,329 Ron Grantski, 427 00:10:26,826 --> 00:10:29,329 called the cops. 428 00:10:36,369 --> 00:10:38,705 - Golfing on 429 00:10:36,369 --> 00:10:38,705 a cold Christmas Eve? 430 00:10:38,705 --> 00:10:41,608 Odd but okay. 431 00:10:41,608 --> 00:10:45,450 Meanwhile, Sharon followed up 432 00:10:41,608 --> 00:10:45,450 on something Scott told her, 433 00:10:45,450 --> 00:10:47,380 that he came home to find 434 00:10:45,450 --> 00:10:47,380 the dog out in the yard 435 00:10:47,380 --> 00:10:50,160 wearing a leash. 436 00:10:47,380 --> 00:10:50,160 [barking] 437 00:10:50,160 --> 00:10:51,151 - I went directly 438 00:10:50,160 --> 00:10:51,151 to the park. 439 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:52,519 - Because of that leash 440 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:52,519 on the dog and the-- 441 00:10:52,519 --> 00:10:53,687 - Yes. 442 00:10:53,687 --> 00:10:55,655 We had walked together 443 00:10:53,687 --> 00:10:55,655 in the park before. 444 00:10:55,655 --> 00:10:57,757 I was absolutely panicked. 445 00:10:55,655 --> 00:10:57,757 I was running around. 446 00:10:57,757 --> 00:10:59,759 I was looking in trashcans. 447 00:10:57,757 --> 00:10:59,759 - Mm-hmm. 448 00:10:59,759 --> 00:11:00,827 - I was screaming her name. 449 00:11:00,827 --> 00:11:03,963 - No sign of her anywhere. 450 00:11:03,963 --> 00:11:05,165 Laci's friends 451 00:11:03,963 --> 00:11:05,165 spent the early hours 452 00:11:05,165 --> 00:11:08,201 of Christmas morning 453 00:11:05,165 --> 00:11:08,201 making missing posters. 454 00:11:08,201 --> 00:11:11,404 - The next morning, I walked in 455 00:11:08,201 --> 00:11:11,404 was at Christmas Day. 456 00:11:11,404 --> 00:11:13,139 We had fliers, and tape, 457 00:11:11,404 --> 00:11:13,139 and everything. 458 00:11:13,139 --> 00:11:14,740 - Set up. 459 00:11:14,740 --> 00:11:15,750 - We're gonna start 460 00:11:14,740 --> 00:11:15,750 passing these out 461 00:11:15,750 --> 00:11:16,943 to the, um, family 462 00:11:15,750 --> 00:11:16,943 and volunteers. 463 00:11:16,943 --> 00:11:18,845 It's awesome, 464 00:11:16,943 --> 00:11:18,845 just one of the-- 465 00:11:18,845 --> 00:11:21,214 another way to get 466 00:11:18,845 --> 00:11:21,214 her picture out there. 467 00:11:21,214 --> 00:11:21,915 - We hit the ground running. 468 00:11:21,915 --> 00:11:22,916 - We go, go, go. 469 00:11:21,915 --> 00:11:22,916 - Yeah. 470 00:11:22,916 --> 00:11:23,783 - We just get up 471 00:11:22,916 --> 00:11:23,783 the next day and, I mean-- 472 00:11:23,783 --> 00:11:24,651 - I know I didn't sleep 473 00:11:23,783 --> 00:11:24,651 for days. 474 00:11:24,651 --> 00:11:25,985 - Yeah, didn't 475 00:11:24,651 --> 00:11:25,985 put makeup on. I-- 476 00:11:25,985 --> 00:11:27,454 that was the last thing 477 00:11:25,985 --> 00:11:27,454 from my mind. 478 00:11:27,454 --> 00:11:28,488 - We did good. 479 00:11:28,488 --> 00:11:29,456 - I mean, we pretty much 480 00:11:28,488 --> 00:11:29,456 canceled Christmas, like, 481 00:11:29,456 --> 00:11:30,423 with our families. 482 00:11:29,456 --> 00:11:30,423 - Yeah. Oh, yeah. 483 00:11:30,423 --> 00:11:31,424 - Yeah. 484 00:11:30,423 --> 00:11:31,424 - My daughter's first Christmas, 485 00:11:31,424 --> 00:11:33,960 I was not with her. 486 00:11:31,424 --> 00:11:33,960 - Yeah. 487 00:11:33,960 --> 00:11:35,128 - Yeah. 488 00:11:33,960 --> 00:11:35,128 - Let's do, um, Oakdale. 489 00:11:35,128 --> 00:11:37,297 - Yeah, that's 490 00:11:35,128 --> 00:11:37,297 where I'm gonna be. 491 00:11:37,297 --> 00:11:39,665 - Pretty soon, 492 00:11:37,297 --> 00:11:39,665 the whole town of Modesto 493 00:11:39,665 --> 00:11:41,901 seemed to be looking 494 00:11:39,665 --> 00:11:41,901 for Laci Peterson. 495 00:11:41,901 --> 00:11:42,969 - Please have prayers. 496 00:11:42,969 --> 00:11:47,640 Anyone out there, 497 00:11:42,969 --> 00:11:47,640 help bring her home. 498 00:11:47,640 --> 00:11:49,175 Bring her home alive. 499 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:52,746 - Of course, the police 500 00:11:49,175 --> 00:11:52,746 were searching, too, full out. 501 00:11:52,746 --> 00:11:56,160 How long did the search go 502 00:11:52,746 --> 00:11:56,160 on in here anyway? 503 00:11:56,160 --> 00:11:58,718 - Well, all night 504 00:11:56,160 --> 00:11:58,718 and then all the next day. 505 00:11:58,718 --> 00:12:01,521 - Al Brocchini, 506 00:11:58,718 --> 00:12:01,521 the first detective on the case, 507 00:12:01,521 --> 00:12:05,910 watched as searchers 508 00:12:01,521 --> 00:12:05,910 scoured the area. 509 00:12:05,910 --> 00:12:06,593 They were 510 00:12:05,910 --> 00:12:06,593 everywhere here, right? 511 00:12:06,593 --> 00:12:07,427 They were just-- 512 00:12:06,593 --> 00:12:07,427 - Oh, yeah, 513 00:12:07,427 --> 00:12:08,495 they did a grid search. 514 00:12:08,495 --> 00:12:10,597 Meaning they would have-- 515 00:12:08,495 --> 00:12:10,597 they would have been 516 00:12:10,597 --> 00:12:12,799 in eye contact and walked 517 00:12:10,597 --> 00:12:12,799 this whole area. 518 00:12:12,799 --> 00:12:15,568 - Brocchini and John Buehler, 519 00:12:12,799 --> 00:12:15,568 his partner at the time, 520 00:12:15,568 --> 00:12:17,604 had a feeling 521 00:12:15,568 --> 00:12:17,604 from the start. 522 00:12:17,604 --> 00:12:21,641 Laci Peterson missing 523 00:12:17,604 --> 00:12:21,641 wasn't going to end well. 524 00:12:21,641 --> 00:12:23,777 - Because she didn't lead 525 00:12:21,641 --> 00:12:23,777 an at risk lifestyle. 526 00:12:23,777 --> 00:12:24,678 - Yeah. 527 00:12:24,678 --> 00:12:25,545 - She didn't hang around 528 00:12:24,678 --> 00:12:25,545 at the bars, 529 00:12:25,545 --> 00:12:26,713 and she wasn't out 530 00:12:25,545 --> 00:12:26,713 two timing him 531 00:12:26,713 --> 00:12:27,947 or doing anything 532 00:12:26,713 --> 00:12:27,947 like that. 533 00:12:27,947 --> 00:12:30,850 I mean, she was a girl 534 00:12:27,947 --> 00:12:30,850 that was just ecstatic, 535 00:12:30,850 --> 00:12:32,285 from everything 536 00:12:30,850 --> 00:12:32,285 that I learned about her, 537 00:12:32,285 --> 00:12:33,753 of being a mother. 538 00:12:33,753 --> 00:12:36,489 - So, she wasn't someone 539 00:12:33,753 --> 00:12:36,489 who would just walk away, 540 00:12:36,489 --> 00:12:40,360 and yet, 541 00:12:36,489 --> 00:12:40,360 in the anxiety, hope. 542 00:12:40,360 --> 00:12:42,862 An idea formed in the minds 543 00:12:40,360 --> 00:12:42,862 of those who loved Laci 544 00:12:42,862 --> 00:12:45,832 that somehow this might 545 00:12:42,862 --> 00:12:45,832 turn out all right. 546 00:12:45,832 --> 00:12:47,600 - We know we're 547 00:12:45,832 --> 00:12:47,600 gonna find Laci. 548 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:49,769 We know we're gonna bring 549 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:49,769 her home alive and safe. 550 00:12:49,769 --> 00:12:50,870 - We were gonna find her. 551 00:12:50,870 --> 00:12:52,839 Like, I thought 552 00:12:50,870 --> 00:12:52,839 somebody kidnapped her. 553 00:12:52,839 --> 00:12:56,743 I-- that's what I thought 554 00:12:52,839 --> 00:12:56,743 just for the baby or something. 555 00:12:56,743 --> 00:12:58,912 - Here's Lori, Rene, 556 00:12:56,743 --> 00:12:58,912 and Stacey, 557 00:12:58,912 --> 00:13:02,248 along with another friend, 558 00:12:58,912 --> 00:13:02,248 in January 2003. 559 00:13:02,248 --> 00:13:05,652 - There's a $500,000 reward 560 00:13:02,248 --> 00:13:05,652 for her and, you know, 561 00:13:05,652 --> 00:13:07,487 the baby's safe return. 562 00:13:07,487 --> 00:13:09,322 Just take that. 563 00:13:09,322 --> 00:13:12,625 You know, take the money 564 00:13:09,322 --> 00:13:12,625 and give us Laci back. 565 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:15,729 - So, in those first days, 566 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:15,729 an exhausted Sharon Rocha, 567 00:13:15,729 --> 00:13:19,650 her ex-husband, Laci's father, 568 00:13:15,729 --> 00:13:19,650 Dennis, beside her, 569 00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:22,535 went on TV and pleaded 570 00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:22,535 with a kidnapper. 571 00:13:22,535 --> 00:13:24,700 - I would just like to send 572 00:13:22,535 --> 00:13:24,700 a message out there 573 00:13:24,700 --> 00:13:27,507 that whoever has her, 574 00:13:24,700 --> 00:13:27,507 please, please, 575 00:13:27,507 --> 00:13:29,750 please let her go. 576 00:13:29,750 --> 00:13:30,844 Bring her back to us. 577 00:13:29,750 --> 00:13:30,844 - We love her so much. 578 00:13:30,844 --> 00:13:33,113 - Early on, there were clues 579 00:13:30,844 --> 00:13:33,113 the cops uncovered 580 00:13:33,113 --> 00:13:35,682 that made kidnapping 581 00:13:33,113 --> 00:13:35,682 seem plausible. 582 00:13:35,682 --> 00:13:38,351 Remember the couple's dog 583 00:13:35,682 --> 00:13:38,351 with the leash attached? 584 00:13:38,351 --> 00:13:39,319 [barking] 585 00:13:39,319 --> 00:13:41,870 Scott found it 586 00:13:39,319 --> 00:13:41,870 in the backyard. 587 00:13:41,870 --> 00:13:43,289 A neighbor said she 588 00:13:41,870 --> 00:13:43,289 saw the Peterson's dog 589 00:13:43,289 --> 00:13:45,290 wandering the street 590 00:13:43,289 --> 00:13:45,290 earlier that day, 591 00:13:45,290 --> 00:13:49,262 so maybe Laci was kidnapped 592 00:13:45,290 --> 00:13:49,262 while walking the dog. 593 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:51,965 And just about the time 594 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:51,965 Laci disappeared, 595 00:13:51,965 --> 00:13:55,769 there was a burglary 596 00:13:51,965 --> 00:13:55,769 right across the street. 597 00:13:55,769 --> 00:13:58,271 So, did she 598 00:13:55,769 --> 00:13:58,271 witness a crime? 599 00:13:58,271 --> 00:14:00,473 Did burglars take her? 600 00:14:00,473 --> 00:14:02,750 The police wanted to know. 601 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:05,845 - A reward for information, 602 00:14:05,845 --> 00:14:09,490 uh, for the identity 603 00:14:09,490 --> 00:14:12,385 of the, uh, the persons 604 00:14:09,490 --> 00:14:12,385 responsible for the burglary. 605 00:14:13,586 --> 00:14:16,560 - Then two men were caught. 606 00:14:16,560 --> 00:14:17,590 Didn't take long. 607 00:14:17,590 --> 00:14:21,294 And soon enough, one of them 608 00:14:17,590 --> 00:14:21,294 showed up in a TV interview. 609 00:14:29,302 --> 00:14:32,372 - And police agreed, 610 00:14:29,302 --> 00:14:32,372 no connection to Laci, 611 00:14:32,372 --> 00:14:34,874 so they kept digging. 612 00:14:34,874 --> 00:14:36,609 - We were also looking at 613 00:14:34,874 --> 00:14:36,609 and researching up 614 00:14:36,609 --> 00:14:38,912 all the sex registrants 615 00:14:36,609 --> 00:14:38,912 and the parolees, 616 00:14:38,912 --> 00:14:41,381 people with histories 617 00:14:38,912 --> 00:14:41,381 of violent crime, abductions, 618 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:43,616 kidnappings, sexual assaults, 619 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:43,616 and things like that. 620 00:14:43,616 --> 00:14:44,984 - A lot of them hung out 621 00:14:43,616 --> 00:14:44,984 at the park in that area. 622 00:14:44,984 --> 00:14:46,820 - We had some. 623 00:14:44,984 --> 00:14:46,820 We were clearing those guys. 624 00:14:46,820 --> 00:14:48,880 We were interviewing them, 625 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:49,923 and we were verifying 626 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:49,923 their alibis. 627 00:14:49,923 --> 00:14:52,492 - What the police 628 00:14:49,923 --> 00:14:52,492 were not saying, 629 00:14:52,492 --> 00:14:55,428 was that homicide detectives 630 00:14:52,492 --> 00:14:55,428 had other suspicions. 631 00:14:55,428 --> 00:14:58,698 Of course, they talked 632 00:14:55,428 --> 00:14:58,698 to Laci's husband, Scott. 633 00:14:58,698 --> 00:15:00,133 - We're certainly gonna 634 00:14:58,698 --> 00:15:00,133 look at Scott first. 635 00:15:00,133 --> 00:15:01,568 He's the closest to Laci, 636 00:15:00,133 --> 00:15:01,568 and that's where you start 637 00:15:01,568 --> 00:15:03,536 when you're working 638 00:15:01,568 --> 00:15:03,536 a case like that. 639 00:15:03,536 --> 00:15:04,571 - Of course. 640 00:15:04,571 --> 00:15:06,172 - That was 641 00:15:04,571 --> 00:15:06,172 behind the scenes. 642 00:15:06,172 --> 00:15:09,342 In front of the camera, 643 00:15:06,172 --> 00:15:09,342 the official police statements 644 00:15:09,342 --> 00:15:11,277 were more circumspect. 645 00:15:11,277 --> 00:15:13,780 - Let's focus on the fact 646 00:15:11,277 --> 00:15:13,780 that we would still like 647 00:15:13,780 --> 00:15:16,216 to find Laci alive, 648 00:15:13,780 --> 00:15:16,216 but we have to understand 649 00:15:16,216 --> 00:15:17,917 what the possibilities are. 650 00:15:17,917 --> 00:15:20,530 The other possibilities 651 00:15:17,917 --> 00:15:20,530 are that she could be, uh, 652 00:15:20,530 --> 00:15:23,857 you know, a victim 653 00:15:20,530 --> 00:15:23,857 of foul play. 654 00:15:23,857 --> 00:15:26,292 - Those closest to Laci, 655 00:15:23,857 --> 00:15:26,292 who, at first, were having 656 00:15:26,292 --> 00:15:30,960 trouble grappling with 657 00:15:26,292 --> 00:15:30,960 the whole idea of foul play, 658 00:15:30,960 --> 00:15:33,165 certainly couldn't fathom 659 00:15:30,960 --> 00:15:33,165 that Scott had anything 660 00:15:33,165 --> 00:15:35,468 to do with 661 00:15:33,165 --> 00:15:35,468 Laci's disappearance. 662 00:15:35,468 --> 00:15:40,473 Back then, early 2003, 663 00:15:35,468 --> 00:15:40,473 even Sharon Rocha told us, 664 00:15:40,473 --> 00:15:42,676 impossible. 665 00:15:42,676 --> 00:15:46,713 - People who know Scott and Laci 666 00:15:42,676 --> 00:15:46,713 have no doubt whatsoever 667 00:15:46,713 --> 00:15:51,251 that he has nothing 668 00:15:46,713 --> 00:15:51,251 to do with her disappearance. 669 00:15:51,251 --> 00:15:54,870 - It's a powerful thing, 670 00:15:51,251 --> 00:15:54,870 true belief, 671 00:15:54,870 --> 00:15:58,124 but when it comes 672 00:15:54,870 --> 00:15:58,124 crashing down, my, my, my. 673 00:15:58,124 --> 00:16:01,270 ** 674 00:16:04,230 --> 00:16:06,366 - Scott Peterson down 675 00:16:04,230 --> 00:16:06,366 at the station, 676 00:16:06,366 --> 00:16:08,902 a rare look at 677 00:16:06,366 --> 00:16:08,902 his interrogation. 678 00:16:08,902 --> 00:16:10,270 - Was he okay with 679 00:16:08,902 --> 00:16:10,270 talking to you? 680 00:16:10,270 --> 00:16:12,806 Was there any hesitation? 681 00:16:10,270 --> 00:16:12,806 - No, he agreed. 682 00:16:12,806 --> 00:16:14,400 He was okay with it. 683 00:16:14,400 --> 00:16:15,308 - Didn't ask for an attorney 684 00:16:14,400 --> 00:16:15,308 or anything like that. 685 00:16:15,308 --> 00:16:16,876 - No, he didn't-- 686 00:16:15,308 --> 00:16:16,876 he didn't ask for attorney. 687 00:16:22,480 --> 00:16:24,818 - Was there something fishy 688 00:16:22,480 --> 00:16:24,818 about his story? 689 00:16:24,818 --> 00:16:26,319 - He didn't even know 690 00:16:24,818 --> 00:16:26,319 what he was fishing for. 691 00:16:26,319 --> 00:16:28,755 He didn't know what bait 692 00:16:26,319 --> 00:16:28,755 he was using. 693 00:16:28,855 --> 00:16:42,902 ** 694 00:16:43,837 --> 00:16:46,720 - Didn't take long for 695 00:16:43,837 --> 00:16:46,720 the Laci Peterson story 696 00:16:46,720 --> 00:16:47,907 to go wide. 697 00:16:47,907 --> 00:16:50,343 That face was smiling 698 00:16:47,907 --> 00:16:50,343 out of magazines 699 00:16:50,343 --> 00:16:52,746 and television screens 700 00:16:50,343 --> 00:16:52,746 nationwide. 701 00:16:52,746 --> 00:16:54,748 - The more leads we get, 702 00:16:52,746 --> 00:16:54,748 the more-- 703 00:16:54,748 --> 00:16:56,649 she's out there somewhere. 704 00:16:56,649 --> 00:16:59,219 - Friends and family, 705 00:16:56,649 --> 00:16:59,219 desperate to get the story out, 706 00:16:59,219 --> 00:17:03,189 talked to anyone, everyone, 707 00:16:59,219 --> 00:17:03,189 but they noticed one person 708 00:17:03,189 --> 00:17:06,526 seemed to stay 709 00:17:03,189 --> 00:17:06,526 in the background, Scott. 710 00:17:06,526 --> 00:17:11,731 Grieving in private his parents 711 00:17:06,526 --> 00:17:11,731 told us back in 2003. 712 00:17:11,731 --> 00:17:13,767 - He's brave, 713 00:17:11,731 --> 00:17:13,767 but he's just devastated. 714 00:17:13,767 --> 00:17:16,236 - He just would not be 715 00:17:13,767 --> 00:17:16,236 a good spokesperson. 716 00:17:16,236 --> 00:17:20,339 - But there was one camera 717 00:17:16,236 --> 00:17:20,339 Scott couldn't shy away from. 718 00:17:23,309 --> 00:17:25,377 At the police station, 719 00:17:25,377 --> 00:17:27,470 here's Scott with 720 00:17:25,377 --> 00:17:27,470 Detective Brocchini 721 00:17:27,470 --> 00:17:29,516 just hours after 722 00:17:27,470 --> 00:17:29,516 he reported Laci missing. 723 00:17:29,516 --> 00:17:31,384 In this rarely seen video, 724 00:17:31,384 --> 00:17:34,621 you can watch Scott, 725 00:17:31,384 --> 00:17:34,621 hear his words. 726 00:17:34,621 --> 00:17:37,691 Does he seem like a worried, 727 00:17:34,621 --> 00:17:37,691 frantic husband? 728 00:17:37,691 --> 00:17:39,426 You'll see. 729 00:17:55,475 --> 00:17:56,609 - Was he okay with 730 00:17:55,475 --> 00:17:56,609 talking to you? 731 00:17:56,609 --> 00:17:58,878 Was there any hesitation? 732 00:17:56,609 --> 00:17:58,878 - No, he agreed. 733 00:17:58,878 --> 00:18:00,460 He was okay with it. 734 00:18:00,460 --> 00:18:01,548 - Didn't ask for an attorney 735 00:18:00,460 --> 00:18:01,548 or anything like that. 736 00:18:01,548 --> 00:18:03,383 - No, he didn't-- 737 00:18:01,548 --> 00:18:03,383 he didn't ask for attorney. 738 00:18:03,383 --> 00:18:04,584 I didn't read him 739 00:18:03,383 --> 00:18:04,584 his rights. 740 00:18:04,584 --> 00:18:06,353 I wasn't planning on 741 00:18:04,584 --> 00:18:06,353 arresting him, 742 00:18:06,353 --> 00:18:07,754 so I don't have 743 00:18:06,353 --> 00:18:07,754 to do that. 744 00:18:07,754 --> 00:18:10,457 I knew, whatever he told me, 745 00:18:07,754 --> 00:18:10,457 I'm taking him home, 746 00:18:10,457 --> 00:18:12,459 and I told him that. 747 00:18:10,457 --> 00:18:12,459 Doors are unlocked. 748 00:18:12,459 --> 00:18:13,693 I'll drive you home. 749 00:18:13,693 --> 00:18:14,828 Don't have to talk to me 750 00:18:13,693 --> 00:18:14,828 if you don't want to. 751 00:18:32,345 --> 00:18:33,546 - As Brocchini sat there, 752 00:18:33,546 --> 00:18:36,583 he was struck by 753 00:18:33,546 --> 00:18:36,583 how impassive Scott was 754 00:18:36,583 --> 00:18:39,352 even as he revealed 755 00:18:36,583 --> 00:18:39,352 he didn't go golfing. 756 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:57,637 - He said he drove 757 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:57,637 to his warehouse office 758 00:18:57,637 --> 00:18:58,672 a few miles away. 759 00:19:28,435 --> 00:19:31,370 - Then, said Scott, he drove 760 00:19:28,435 --> 00:19:31,370 to the Berkeley Marina 761 00:19:31,370 --> 00:19:34,441 about 90 miles away, 762 00:19:31,370 --> 00:19:34,441 parked his car, 763 00:19:34,441 --> 00:19:36,420 and put his boat 764 00:19:34,441 --> 00:19:36,420 in the water. 765 00:20:12,145 --> 00:20:14,848 - Details that sounded 766 00:20:12,145 --> 00:20:14,848 plausible enough 767 00:20:14,848 --> 00:20:17,384 except to 768 00:20:14,848 --> 00:20:17,384 Detective Brocchini. 769 00:20:17,384 --> 00:20:19,953 He drew a short straw when 770 00:20:17,384 --> 00:20:19,953 he got a fisherman to talk to. 771 00:20:19,953 --> 00:20:22,756 - Me and the-- and the officers, 772 00:20:19,953 --> 00:20:22,756 they were fishermen, too. 773 00:20:22,756 --> 00:20:25,792 His fishing pole is like one 774 00:20:22,756 --> 00:20:25,792 you'd use in a stream, 775 00:20:25,792 --> 00:20:29,620 and his lures are jigs that 776 00:20:25,792 --> 00:20:29,620 you would use in the Delta. 777 00:20:29,620 --> 00:20:30,830 He didn't even know what 778 00:20:29,620 --> 00:20:30,830 he was fishing for, 779 00:20:30,830 --> 00:20:33,400 he didn't know what bait 780 00:20:30,830 --> 00:20:33,400 he was usin', 781 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:35,635 and he didn't have any gear 782 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:35,635 that was really meant 783 00:20:35,635 --> 00:20:37,337 to be fishing in the bay. 784 00:20:37,337 --> 00:20:40,140 - Brocchini also wondered-- 785 00:20:37,337 --> 00:20:40,140 why had Scott bought 786 00:20:40,140 --> 00:20:43,376 a fishing license days 787 00:20:40,140 --> 00:20:43,376 before if he didn't know 788 00:20:43,376 --> 00:20:45,311 he was gonna fish 789 00:20:43,376 --> 00:20:45,311 that day? 790 00:20:45,311 --> 00:20:48,181 - There's a receipt dated 791 00:20:45,311 --> 00:20:48,181 December 20th. 792 00:20:48,181 --> 00:20:49,916 That's when he bought 793 00:20:48,181 --> 00:20:49,916 his fishing license. 794 00:20:49,916 --> 00:20:51,918 - But then he said it was 795 00:20:49,916 --> 00:20:51,918 a last minute decision. 796 00:20:51,918 --> 00:20:54,454 - He said it was just that day, 797 00:20:51,918 --> 00:20:54,454 the-the last minute decision. 798 00:20:54,454 --> 00:20:55,255 So... 799 00:20:55,255 --> 00:20:56,322 - So, that didn't 800 00:20:55,255 --> 00:20:56,322 quite jive. 801 00:20:56,322 --> 00:20:57,991 - That doesn't-- 802 00:20:56,322 --> 00:20:57,991 that doesn't jive. 803 00:20:57,991 --> 00:20:59,893 - The detective was, 804 00:20:57,991 --> 00:20:59,893 to say the least, 805 00:20:59,893 --> 00:21:02,529 skeptical of Scott's 806 00:20:59,893 --> 00:21:02,529 fishing story. 807 00:21:02,529 --> 00:21:06,866 - Why would you go 90 mile-- 808 00:21:02,529 --> 00:21:06,866 if all you're doin' is, 809 00:21:06,866 --> 00:21:08,301 you wanna try out 810 00:21:06,866 --> 00:21:08,301 your new boat, right? 811 00:21:08,301 --> 00:21:09,502 - Mm-hmm. 812 00:21:09,502 --> 00:21:13,106 - And you live in Modesto, 813 00:21:09,502 --> 00:21:13,106 I could tell you 20 places 814 00:21:13,106 --> 00:21:15,508 within 25 miles of here 815 00:21:13,106 --> 00:21:15,508 you could put that boat 816 00:21:15,508 --> 00:21:18,178 in the water 817 00:21:15,508 --> 00:21:18,178 and t-try it out. 818 00:21:18,178 --> 00:21:20,800 - But Scott said he had proof, 819 00:21:20,800 --> 00:21:22,382 a parking receipt 820 00:21:20,800 --> 00:21:22,382 from the marina. 821 00:21:22,382 --> 00:21:23,983 - "Yeah, here-here-here's 822 00:21:22,382 --> 00:21:23,983 my receipt just in-- 823 00:21:23,983 --> 00:21:26,119 "just to prove 824 00:21:23,983 --> 00:21:26,119 I was there, you know." 825 00:21:26,119 --> 00:21:30,423 So, I mean, I've-I've 826 00:21:26,119 --> 00:21:30,423 fished at Berkeley Marina 827 00:21:30,423 --> 00:21:32,859 lots of times, and I've probably 828 00:21:30,423 --> 00:21:32,859 got four or five of 'em 829 00:21:32,859 --> 00:21:35,729 on my dashboard, right now, 830 00:21:32,859 --> 00:21:35,729 but I don't know what made him 831 00:21:35,729 --> 00:21:37,330 decide to, okay, 832 00:21:35,729 --> 00:21:37,330 I'm done fishin', 833 00:21:37,330 --> 00:21:38,732 I'll take it 834 00:21:37,330 --> 00:21:38,732 off dashboard, 835 00:21:38,732 --> 00:21:40,100 and then I'll put it 836 00:21:38,732 --> 00:21:40,100 in my pocket in case 837 00:21:40,100 --> 00:21:41,368 I need it for later. 838 00:21:41,368 --> 00:21:42,635 I don't know, but that's just-- 839 00:21:41,368 --> 00:21:42,635 he was ready, prepared. 840 00:21:42,635 --> 00:21:45,105 - Hmm. 841 00:21:45,105 --> 00:21:47,273 - Scott said the fish 842 00:21:45,105 --> 00:21:47,273 weren't biting 843 00:21:47,273 --> 00:21:50,710 that Christmas Eve afternoon, 844 00:21:47,273 --> 00:21:50,710 so he headed back to Modesto 845 00:21:50,710 --> 00:21:54,581 and got home around 4:30 846 00:21:50,710 --> 00:21:54,581 where he found the dog 847 00:21:54,581 --> 00:21:58,251 with the leash attached, 848 00:21:54,581 --> 00:21:58,251 an unlocked back door, 849 00:21:58,251 --> 00:21:59,252 but no Laci. 850 00:22:13,500 --> 00:22:16,336 - He was calm as he spoke 851 00:22:13,500 --> 00:22:16,336 to Brocchini, 852 00:22:16,336 --> 00:22:18,905 Calm, matter of fact, 853 00:22:16,336 --> 00:22:18,905 helpful. 854 00:22:36,389 --> 00:22:37,357 - He answers your questions, 855 00:22:37,357 --> 00:22:40,930 but he doesn't do 856 00:22:37,357 --> 00:22:40,930 any more than that, right? 857 00:22:40,894 --> 00:22:43,960 - Yeah, he has an answer. 858 00:22:40,894 --> 00:22:43,960 - Uh-huh. 859 00:22:43,960 --> 00:22:45,865 - And, uh, he doesn't elaborate, 860 00:22:43,960 --> 00:22:45,865 doesn't get emotional. 861 00:22:45,865 --> 00:22:48,935 - Which, the investigators 862 00:22:45,865 --> 00:22:48,935 thought at the time, 863 00:22:48,935 --> 00:22:51,504 wasn't necessarily 864 00:22:48,935 --> 00:22:51,504 a good thing. 865 00:22:51,504 --> 00:22:53,673 - He told me, 866 00:22:51,504 --> 00:22:53,673 "Oh, that's concerning. 867 00:22:53,673 --> 00:22:54,908 I get home, 868 00:22:53,673 --> 00:22:54,908 and her car is there, 869 00:22:54,908 --> 00:22:56,476 and the dog is running around, 870 00:22:54,908 --> 00:22:56,476 a leash, 871 00:22:56,476 --> 00:22:58,645 and, you know, 872 00:22:56,476 --> 00:22:58,645 the door is unlocked, 873 00:22:58,645 --> 00:23:00,280 and her purse is here, 874 00:23:00,280 --> 00:23:03,516 and-and that's-that's really 875 00:23:00,280 --> 00:23:03,516 concerning me." 876 00:23:03,516 --> 00:23:05,385 But let me 877 00:23:03,516 --> 00:23:05,385 take all my clothes off 878 00:23:05,385 --> 00:23:06,853 and wash 'em 879 00:23:05,385 --> 00:23:06,853 and let me, you know, 880 00:23:06,853 --> 00:23:08,888 eat some pizza 881 00:23:06,853 --> 00:23:08,888 and take a shower 882 00:23:08,888 --> 00:23:11,691 before I even try to figure out 883 00:23:08,888 --> 00:23:11,691 what's going on here. 884 00:23:11,691 --> 00:23:15,929 That's concerning. 885 00:23:11,691 --> 00:23:15,929 That was concerning to me. 886 00:23:15,929 --> 00:23:18,198 - And then the detective 887 00:23:15,929 --> 00:23:18,198 asked the question 888 00:23:18,198 --> 00:23:20,767 that soon everyone 889 00:23:18,198 --> 00:23:20,767 would be asking. 890 00:23:28,808 --> 00:23:31,378 - Most people 891 00:23:28,808 --> 00:23:31,378 in that situation, 892 00:23:31,378 --> 00:23:33,790 they're gonna have a lotta 893 00:23:31,378 --> 00:23:33,790 questions for ya. 894 00:23:33,790 --> 00:23:34,214 - Sure. 895 00:23:33,790 --> 00:23:34,214 - Are you guys doin' this? 896 00:23:34,214 --> 00:23:35,815 I've heard of this. 897 00:23:34,214 --> 00:23:35,815 Why don't you do this? 898 00:23:35,815 --> 00:23:36,983 Oh, we got that 899 00:23:35,815 --> 00:23:36,983 from Sharon. 900 00:23:36,983 --> 00:23:38,840 We got that from Ron. 901 00:23:38,840 --> 00:23:40,653 We got that 902 00:23:38,840 --> 00:23:40,653 from Laci's friends. 903 00:23:40,653 --> 00:23:42,989 Everybody had an interest 904 00:23:40,653 --> 00:23:42,989 in-in trying to get us 905 00:23:42,989 --> 00:23:44,991 to go faster. 906 00:23:44,991 --> 00:23:48,361 - Everybody, 907 00:23:44,991 --> 00:23:48,361 that is, but Scott. 908 00:23:48,361 --> 00:23:51,598 Now, why, they wondered, 909 00:23:48,361 --> 00:23:51,598 would that be? 910 00:23:53,600 --> 00:23:55,769 - Coming up... 911 00:23:57,671 --> 00:23:58,838 - When I listened to that, 912 00:23:57,671 --> 00:23:58,838 I thought that 913 00:23:58,838 --> 00:24:02,750 he was leaving this recording 914 00:23:58,838 --> 00:24:02,750 for us to hear. 915 00:24:02,750 --> 00:24:04,110 - Scott under scrutiny. 916 00:24:04,110 --> 00:24:05,545 - I was afraid to 917 00:24:04,110 --> 00:24:05,545 say it out loud. 918 00:24:05,545 --> 00:24:08,448 Could he be involved 919 00:24:05,545 --> 00:24:08,448 with her disappearance? 920 00:24:08,548 --> 00:24:18,892 ** 921 00:24:19,826 --> 00:24:22,262 Welcome back to 922 00:24:19,826 --> 00:24:22,262 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered." 923 00:24:22,262 --> 00:24:23,697 I'm Kate Snow. 924 00:24:23,697 --> 00:24:25,732 After Laci Peterson 925 00:24:23,697 --> 00:24:25,732 disappeared, 926 00:24:25,732 --> 00:24:28,680 detectives questioned 927 00:24:25,732 --> 00:24:28,680 her husband, Scott. 928 00:24:28,680 --> 00:24:30,737 He told them he was fishing 929 00:24:28,680 --> 00:24:30,737 the day she vanished, 930 00:24:30,737 --> 00:24:32,720 but to investigators, 931 00:24:32,720 --> 00:24:34,407 who happened to be 932 00:24:32,720 --> 00:24:34,407 experienced anglers, 933 00:24:34,407 --> 00:24:37,310 Scott's story didn't pass 934 00:24:34,407 --> 00:24:37,310 the smell test. 935 00:24:37,310 --> 00:24:40,800 Laci's mother couldn't 936 00:24:37,310 --> 00:24:40,800 fathom Scott harboring 937 00:24:40,800 --> 00:24:43,316 such a dark secret, 938 00:24:40,800 --> 00:24:43,316 but soon she, too, 939 00:24:43,316 --> 00:24:44,851 would have suspicions. 940 00:24:44,851 --> 00:24:46,553 Here again 941 00:24:44,851 --> 00:24:46,553 is Keith Morrison with 942 00:24:46,553 --> 00:24:50,256 "The Disappearance of 943 00:24:46,553 --> 00:24:50,256 Laci Peterson." 944 00:24:50,256 --> 00:24:51,558 * This little light 945 00:24:50,256 --> 00:24:51,558 of mine * 946 00:24:51,558 --> 00:24:54,160 - A week after 947 00:24:51,558 --> 00:24:54,160 Laci Peterson disappeared, 948 00:24:54,160 --> 00:24:55,528 they had a vigil. 949 00:24:55,528 --> 00:24:57,831 - Everyone coming together 950 00:24:55,528 --> 00:24:57,831 and praying 951 00:24:57,831 --> 00:25:02,435 just helps-helps you feel like 952 00:24:57,831 --> 00:25:02,435 you're doing something. 953 00:25:02,435 --> 00:25:05,380 - Candles, and prayers, 954 00:25:02,435 --> 00:25:05,380 and tears, 955 00:25:05,380 --> 00:25:08,675 and though much of Modesto 956 00:25:05,380 --> 00:25:08,675 was here in body or spirit, 957 00:25:08,675 --> 00:25:12,846 not a single person understood, 958 00:25:08,675 --> 00:25:12,846 not yet, not for a while, 959 00:25:12,846 --> 00:25:17,150 why this gathering would 960 00:25:12,846 --> 00:25:17,150 become a defining moment, 961 00:25:17,150 --> 00:25:20,787 especially, perhaps, 962 00:25:17,150 --> 00:25:20,787 Scott Peterson because, 963 00:25:20,787 --> 00:25:23,957 though it looked as if he might 964 00:25:20,787 --> 00:25:23,957 have shed a tear or two, 965 00:25:23,957 --> 00:25:28,261 he seemed to be avoiding 966 00:25:23,957 --> 00:25:28,261 Laci's family and friends. 967 00:25:28,261 --> 00:25:29,963 What about the vigil? 968 00:25:29,963 --> 00:25:31,798 - He wasn't-- 969 00:25:29,963 --> 00:25:31,798 - He wasn't on the stage. 970 00:25:31,798 --> 00:25:33,660 - No, he wasn't on the stage. 971 00:25:31,798 --> 00:25:33,660 - No. 972 00:25:33,660 --> 00:25:34,267 - No, he was on the phone. 973 00:25:34,267 --> 00:25:36,690 - Sharon wouldn't know 974 00:25:34,267 --> 00:25:36,690 for a long time 975 00:25:36,690 --> 00:25:38,905 the truth about 976 00:25:36,690 --> 00:25:38,905 Scott's phone call that night, 977 00:25:38,905 --> 00:25:40,807 but it was that night 978 00:25:38,905 --> 00:25:40,807 after the vigil 979 00:25:40,807 --> 00:25:43,943 that privately Sharon 980 00:25:40,807 --> 00:25:43,943 first allowed her mind 981 00:25:43,943 --> 00:25:46,880 to go to that very dark place. 982 00:25:46,880 --> 00:25:48,682 - I remember 983 00:25:46,880 --> 00:25:48,682 it was New Year's Eve 984 00:25:48,682 --> 00:25:50,216 when I started 985 00:25:48,682 --> 00:25:50,216 going back and forth. 986 00:25:50,216 --> 00:25:51,484 - Yeah. 987 00:25:50,216 --> 00:25:51,484 - But just to myself. 988 00:25:51,484 --> 00:25:53,860 I wouldn't say it out loud. 989 00:25:53,860 --> 00:25:55,522 I was afraid to say it out loud, 990 00:25:53,860 --> 00:25:55,522 but I started 991 00:25:55,522 --> 00:25:58,291 just kinda thinking 992 00:25:55,522 --> 00:25:58,291 could he be involved 993 00:25:58,291 --> 00:26:00,326 with her disappearance. 994 00:26:00,326 --> 00:26:04,330 - Sharon was a frantic mess, 995 00:26:00,326 --> 00:26:04,330 and she looked at him, 996 00:26:04,330 --> 00:26:08,340 and he just seemed 997 00:26:04,330 --> 00:26:08,340 so detached somehow. 998 00:26:08,340 --> 00:26:11,571 - Never once did he say, 999 00:26:08,340 --> 00:26:11,571 "Oh, my God, where is Laci?" 1000 00:26:11,571 --> 00:26:12,939 - No. 1001 00:26:11,571 --> 00:26:12,939 - "Where could she be? 1002 00:26:12,939 --> 00:26:13,940 I hope she's okay. 1003 00:26:13,940 --> 00:26:15,675 I hope, you know, 1004 00:26:13,940 --> 00:26:15,675 she's not harmed." 1005 00:26:15,675 --> 00:26:16,743 Never, ever, ever. 1006 00:26:16,743 --> 00:26:17,744 - You were feeling 1007 00:26:16,743 --> 00:26:17,744 that panic. 1008 00:26:17,744 --> 00:26:18,912 Even as you talk about it, 1009 00:26:18,912 --> 00:26:20,480 you can see 1010 00:26:18,912 --> 00:26:20,480 a little bit of it left. 1011 00:26:20,480 --> 00:26:21,581 - Yes. 1012 00:26:21,581 --> 00:26:23,116 - He did not seem 1013 00:26:21,581 --> 00:26:23,116 to have that sense. 1014 00:26:23,116 --> 00:26:24,484 - No, he did not have it. 1015 00:26:23,116 --> 00:26:24,484 - Uh-uh. 1016 00:26:24,484 --> 00:26:28,855 - And I actually made out 1017 00:26:24,484 --> 00:26:28,855 a list of did he or didn't he. 1018 00:26:28,855 --> 00:26:31,558 I had a list, 1019 00:26:28,855 --> 00:26:31,558 and there was a lot more 1020 00:26:31,558 --> 00:26:32,892 on the did than didn't, 1021 00:26:32,892 --> 00:26:35,628 and that's 1022 00:26:32,892 --> 00:26:35,628 what really scared me. 1023 00:26:35,628 --> 00:26:36,830 - It scared her. 1024 00:26:36,830 --> 00:26:39,432 She didn't wanna believe it, 1025 00:26:36,830 --> 00:26:39,432 didn't want to go there, 1026 00:26:39,432 --> 00:26:40,934 so she didn't, 1027 00:26:40,934 --> 00:26:43,169 put that thought 1028 00:26:40,934 --> 00:26:43,169 out of her mind, 1029 00:26:43,169 --> 00:26:46,339 but the detectives 1030 00:26:43,169 --> 00:26:46,339 were trained to go there. 1031 00:26:46,339 --> 00:26:48,842 They turned over 1032 00:26:46,339 --> 00:26:48,842 everything Scott said, and did, 1033 00:26:48,842 --> 00:26:52,212 and didn't do, 1034 00:26:48,842 --> 00:26:52,212 and wondered why. 1035 00:26:52,212 --> 00:26:55,810 There was a slickness somehow, 1036 00:26:52,212 --> 00:26:55,810 a fake feeling, 1037 00:26:55,810 --> 00:26:57,751 from the very beginning, 1038 00:26:55,810 --> 00:26:57,751 like the voicemail 1039 00:26:57,751 --> 00:27:01,521 he left Laci while he drove home 1040 00:26:57,751 --> 00:27:01,521 from the Berkeley Marina. 1041 00:27:04,157 --> 00:27:06,526 - When I listened to that, 1042 00:27:04,157 --> 00:27:06,526 I thought now 1043 00:27:06,526 --> 00:27:07,660 this doesn't sound right. 1044 00:27:07,660 --> 00:27:09,829 Been married five years, 1045 00:27:07,660 --> 00:27:09,829 she's pregnant, 1046 00:27:09,829 --> 00:27:10,930 and he's talking to her 1047 00:27:10,930 --> 00:27:13,433 like they're on 1048 00:27:10,930 --> 00:27:13,433 their third date. 1049 00:27:15,802 --> 00:27:17,370 - The tone to it 1050 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:20,540 that he was leaving 1051 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:20,540 this recording for us to hear 1052 00:27:20,540 --> 00:27:24,711 so that he would appear to us 1053 00:27:20,540 --> 00:27:24,711 as this devoted husband 1054 00:27:24,711 --> 00:27:27,480 and not somebody 1055 00:27:24,711 --> 00:27:27,480 that was involved in foul play. 1056 00:27:27,480 --> 00:27:30,884 - Of course, it could also be 1057 00:27:27,480 --> 00:27:30,884 that he was just a romantic guy. 1058 00:27:30,884 --> 00:27:33,119 - We couldn't 1059 00:27:30,884 --> 00:27:33,119 rule that out at all. 1060 00:27:33,119 --> 00:27:34,921 - And there was this. 1061 00:27:34,921 --> 00:27:38,758 Under the circumstances, 1062 00:27:34,921 --> 00:27:38,758 the very day Laci disappeared, 1063 00:27:38,758 --> 00:27:41,561 why was he almost 1064 00:27:38,758 --> 00:27:41,561 obsessively fastidious 1065 00:27:41,561 --> 00:27:43,963 when they searched 1066 00:27:41,561 --> 00:27:43,963 his pickup truck? 1067 00:27:43,963 --> 00:27:46,660 - He was worried about 1068 00:27:43,963 --> 00:27:46,660 the wrong things. 1069 00:27:46,660 --> 00:27:49,736 I'm searching his truck, 1070 00:27:46,660 --> 00:27:49,736 and I open the door, 1071 00:27:49,736 --> 00:27:51,604 and it bangs into 1072 00:27:49,736 --> 00:27:51,604 the Land Rover. 1073 00:27:51,604 --> 00:27:52,505 He was right up there. 1074 00:27:52,505 --> 00:27:53,573 He goes, "Al," 1075 00:27:52,505 --> 00:27:53,573 and he has a glove, 1076 00:27:53,573 --> 00:27:54,541 "I'll hold this, 1077 00:27:54,541 --> 00:27:56,109 or I'll move my truck, 1078 00:27:54,541 --> 00:27:56,109 but, you know." 1079 00:27:56,109 --> 00:27:57,977 I, actually, I wrote it 1080 00:27:56,109 --> 00:27:57,977 in my police report 1081 00:27:57,977 --> 00:27:59,746 because I'm like that's weird. 1082 00:27:59,746 --> 00:28:01,881 - These weren't hard facts 1083 00:27:59,746 --> 00:28:01,881 of evidence, of course, 1084 00:28:01,881 --> 00:28:05,180 just a rising damp 1085 00:28:01,881 --> 00:28:05,180 of suspicion, 1086 00:28:05,180 --> 00:28:08,421 things like 1087 00:28:05,180 --> 00:28:08,421 when did Scott get a boat. 1088 00:28:08,421 --> 00:28:11,257 - The detective said that, 1089 00:28:08,421 --> 00:28:11,257 um, he said that 1090 00:28:11,257 --> 00:28:13,393 he had taken his boat out. 1091 00:28:11,257 --> 00:28:13,393 And I said, "What boat?" 1092 00:28:13,393 --> 00:28:15,950 - What boat? 1093 00:28:13,393 --> 00:28:15,950 - Mm-hmm. 1094 00:28:15,950 --> 00:28:17,300 - "Scott doesn't have a boat." 1095 00:28:15,950 --> 00:28:17,300 - Mm-hmm. 1096 00:28:17,300 --> 00:28:19,199 - Yeah. 1097 00:28:17,300 --> 00:28:19,199 - Until... 1098 00:28:19,199 --> 00:28:20,767 - It turned out... 1099 00:28:19,199 --> 00:28:20,767 - He did have a boat. 1100 00:28:20,767 --> 00:28:22,350 Yes. 1101 00:28:20,767 --> 00:28:22,350 - Yeah. 1102 00:28:22,350 --> 00:28:25,572 - Scott had told Brocchini 1103 00:28:22,350 --> 00:28:25,572 that Laci knew about the boat. 1104 00:28:25,572 --> 00:28:28,408 How could it be that 1105 00:28:25,572 --> 00:28:28,408 Sharon had no idea 1106 00:28:28,408 --> 00:28:32,612 that Scott had recently bought 1107 00:28:28,408 --> 00:28:32,612 a used 14-foot game fisher? 1108 00:28:32,612 --> 00:28:33,646 [snaps] 1109 00:28:33,646 --> 00:28:34,414 - The-the light didn't just 1110 00:28:33,646 --> 00:28:34,414 go on my head 1111 00:28:34,414 --> 00:28:35,415 and say, 1112 00:28:34,414 --> 00:28:35,415 oh, he killed her. 1113 00:28:35,415 --> 00:28:36,383 No, it didn't. 1114 00:28:36,383 --> 00:28:38,818 I treated him like a husband. 1115 00:28:36,383 --> 00:28:38,818 - Mm-hmm. 1116 00:28:38,818 --> 00:28:41,354 - And a miss-- 1117 00:28:38,818 --> 00:28:41,354 the husband of a missing person, 1118 00:28:41,354 --> 00:28:43,323 but I had suspicions, 1119 00:28:43,323 --> 00:28:45,910 and I asked him 1120 00:28:43,323 --> 00:28:45,910 to take me to the boat. 1121 00:28:45,910 --> 00:28:46,760 Show me the boat. 1122 00:28:46,760 --> 00:28:48,561 - Very late that first night, 1123 00:28:46,760 --> 00:28:48,561 the detective 1124 00:28:48,561 --> 00:28:50,764 and Scott went to 1125 00:28:48,561 --> 00:28:50,764 Scott's warehouse 1126 00:28:50,764 --> 00:28:53,400 where he worked 1127 00:28:50,764 --> 00:28:53,400 and kept his boat. 1128 00:28:53,400 --> 00:28:54,768 You came here that night, 1129 00:28:53,400 --> 00:28:54,768 right? 1130 00:28:54,768 --> 00:28:56,690 - Christmas Eve night, yeah. 1131 00:28:56,690 --> 00:28:57,404 - What did he tell you 1132 00:28:56,690 --> 00:28:57,404 when you came here, 1133 00:28:57,404 --> 00:28:58,672 and you wanted to look inside, 1134 00:28:58,672 --> 00:29:00,407 and you had your flashlight out 1135 00:28:58,672 --> 00:29:00,407 and stuff? 1136 00:29:00,407 --> 00:29:02,475 - He said, 1137 00:29:00,407 --> 00:29:02,475 "There's no electricity." 1138 00:29:02,475 --> 00:29:06,513 - No lights, 1139 00:29:02,475 --> 00:29:06,513 which was a lie. 1140 00:29:06,513 --> 00:29:09,516 - So, I just said, 1141 00:29:06,513 --> 00:29:09,516 "Open the door, 1142 00:29:09,516 --> 00:29:11,418 and I'll put my headlights 1143 00:29:09,516 --> 00:29:11,418 in there." 1144 00:29:11,418 --> 00:29:14,387 - To the detectives, 1145 00:29:11,418 --> 00:29:14,387 it all smelled bad, 1146 00:29:14,387 --> 00:29:17,290 so they did the things 1147 00:29:14,387 --> 00:29:17,290 detectives do. 1148 00:29:17,290 --> 00:29:19,259 They got a wiretap 1149 00:29:17,290 --> 00:29:19,259 on Scott's phone, 1150 00:29:19,259 --> 00:29:24,464 hid a GPS under his car, 1151 00:29:19,259 --> 00:29:24,464 and they watched him constantly. 1152 00:29:24,464 --> 00:29:28,168 Sometimes, they noticed, 1153 00:29:24,464 --> 00:29:28,168 he watched them, too. 1154 00:29:28,168 --> 00:29:30,637 - I was surveilling him, 1155 00:29:28,168 --> 00:29:30,637 and I'm in an unmarked car, 1156 00:29:30,637 --> 00:29:33,390 I'm parked three blocks away 1157 00:29:33,390 --> 00:29:35,375 in a high school parking lot 1158 00:29:33,390 --> 00:29:35,375 full of cars, 1159 00:29:35,375 --> 00:29:37,944 and I'm watchin' this place 1160 00:29:35,375 --> 00:29:37,944 with binoculars, 1161 00:29:37,944 --> 00:29:40,447 and all of a sudden, 1162 00:29:37,944 --> 00:29:40,447 I look in my sideview, 1163 00:29:40,447 --> 00:29:41,881 and it's Scott. 1164 00:29:41,881 --> 00:29:45,352 So, I got out of the car, 1165 00:29:41,881 --> 00:29:45,352 and he-he says, uh, "Hey, Al." 1166 00:29:45,352 --> 00:29:47,530 - It was just odd, 1167 00:29:47,530 --> 00:29:49,422 and yet he seemed 1168 00:29:47,530 --> 00:29:49,422 such a Boy Scout. 1169 00:29:49,422 --> 00:29:53,326 He had no secret criminal past, 1170 00:29:49,422 --> 00:29:53,326 no history of being abusive. 1171 00:30:01,434 --> 00:30:03,837 - So, they stewed 1172 00:30:01,434 --> 00:30:03,837 in their suspicion, 1173 00:30:03,837 --> 00:30:06,306 aware they really had 1174 00:30:03,837 --> 00:30:06,306 nothing on him. 1175 00:30:06,306 --> 00:30:08,274 - We couldn't find 1176 00:30:06,306 --> 00:30:08,274 anything wrong with this guy. 1177 00:30:08,274 --> 00:30:09,943 I don't think there 1178 00:30:08,274 --> 00:30:09,943 was a wart on his body. 1179 00:30:09,943 --> 00:30:11,911 I don't think he ever 1180 00:30:09,943 --> 00:30:11,911 had a traffic ticket. 1181 00:30:11,911 --> 00:30:13,513 I mean, he really was 1182 00:30:11,911 --> 00:30:13,513 the guy you want 1183 00:30:13,513 --> 00:30:14,814 to marry your sister. 1184 00:30:14,814 --> 00:30:16,249 We were waiting for 1185 00:30:14,814 --> 00:30:16,249 that one thing 1186 00:30:16,249 --> 00:30:20,887 that showed that he wasn't 1187 00:30:16,249 --> 00:30:20,887 this perfect guy. 1188 00:30:20,887 --> 00:30:25,125 - In one remarkable moment, 1189 00:30:20,887 --> 00:30:25,125 they'd get that and more 1190 00:30:25,125 --> 00:30:29,290 because of her. 1191 00:30:25,125 --> 00:30:29,290 - Coming up... 1192 00:30:30,830 --> 00:30:34,434 - He was single and 1193 00:30:30,830 --> 00:30:34,434 looking for the one. 1194 00:30:34,434 --> 00:30:37,904 - Enter Amber. 1195 00:30:37,904 --> 00:30:39,500 - It was going really good. 1196 00:30:39,500 --> 00:30:40,740 - Did you start to think about, 1197 00:30:39,500 --> 00:30:40,740 wait a minute, 1198 00:30:40,740 --> 00:30:43,376 I could actually make 1199 00:30:40,740 --> 00:30:43,376 a life with this man? 1200 00:30:43,376 --> 00:30:45,110 - You know, I-I did. 1201 00:30:45,111 --> 00:30:58,591 ** 1202 00:30:58,958 --> 00:31:01,394 - October 2002, 1203 00:31:01,394 --> 00:31:04,464 months before 1204 00:31:01,394 --> 00:31:04,464 Laci Peterson disappeared 1205 00:31:04,464 --> 00:31:07,801 and 100 miles away 1206 00:31:04,464 --> 00:31:07,801 in Fresno, California, 1207 00:31:07,801 --> 00:31:10,236 something happened that 1208 00:31:07,801 --> 00:31:10,236 would make all the difference 1209 00:31:10,236 --> 00:31:11,638 in the case. 1210 00:31:11,638 --> 00:31:15,141 A young woman named Amber Frey 1211 00:31:11,638 --> 00:31:15,141 got a phone call 1212 00:31:15,141 --> 00:31:17,777 from a friend about a guy. 1213 00:31:17,777 --> 00:31:20,947 - I was doing really well 1214 00:31:17,777 --> 00:31:20,947 in getting my career started 1215 00:31:20,947 --> 00:31:24,284 in massage therapy 1216 00:31:20,947 --> 00:31:24,284 and single mother 1217 00:31:24,284 --> 00:31:26,186 and was told about 1218 00:31:24,284 --> 00:31:26,186 this great guy 1219 00:31:26,186 --> 00:31:30,757 that-that my friend 1220 00:31:26,186 --> 00:31:30,757 wanted me to meet. 1221 00:31:30,757 --> 00:31:32,692 - Sort of set you up on a date. 1222 00:31:30,757 --> 00:31:32,692 - Yeah. 1223 00:31:32,692 --> 00:31:34,561 So, it was a blind date 1224 00:31:32,692 --> 00:31:34,561 at first. 1225 00:31:34,561 --> 00:31:36,496 I said, 1226 00:31:34,561 --> 00:31:36,496 "Okay," a little, 1227 00:31:36,496 --> 00:31:38,398 kinda like I wonder, 1228 00:31:36,496 --> 00:31:38,398 you know, 1229 00:31:38,398 --> 00:31:41,368 I wonder who she sees 1230 00:31:38,398 --> 00:31:41,368 as a good fit for me. 1231 00:31:41,368 --> 00:31:44,104 - He sounded perfect. 1232 00:31:44,104 --> 00:31:46,573 - She had said he had 1233 00:31:44,104 --> 00:31:46,573 a good sense of humor, 1234 00:31:46,573 --> 00:31:49,342 good-looking, 1235 00:31:46,573 --> 00:31:49,342 had a-a career. 1236 00:31:49,342 --> 00:31:55,949 He was single and looking 1237 00:31:49,342 --> 00:31:55,949 for the one, like, soul mate. 1238 00:31:55,949 --> 00:31:58,251 - He was serious about this. 1239 00:31:55,949 --> 00:31:58,251 - Yeah. 1240 00:31:58,251 --> 00:32:01,321 - His name? 1241 00:31:58,251 --> 00:32:01,321 Scott Peterson. 1242 00:32:01,321 --> 00:32:04,424 It was late November 1243 00:32:01,321 --> 00:32:04,424 when they met in person, 1244 00:32:04,424 --> 00:32:06,726 and it was electric. 1245 00:32:06,726 --> 00:32:09,329 - I mean, we just had 1246 00:32:06,726 --> 00:32:09,329 a really great first date, 1247 00:32:09,329 --> 00:32:10,697 like, really good. 1248 00:32:10,697 --> 00:32:12,465 - Sometimes you meet somebody, 1249 00:32:10,697 --> 00:32:12,465 it's very easy to talk to them, 1250 00:32:12,465 --> 00:32:14,100 and you feel as if 1251 00:32:12,465 --> 00:32:14,100 there's no wall 1252 00:32:14,100 --> 00:32:15,168 between the two of you. 1253 00:32:14,100 --> 00:32:15,168 - Right. 1254 00:32:15,168 --> 00:32:16,536 - It was like that? 1255 00:32:15,168 --> 00:32:16,536 - Yeah. 1256 00:32:16,536 --> 00:32:19,472 - Was it like he was 1257 00:32:16,536 --> 00:32:19,472 immediately attracted to you 1258 00:32:19,472 --> 00:32:20,607 and you to him? 1259 00:32:20,607 --> 00:32:22,475 - When we first met, 1260 00:32:20,607 --> 00:32:22,475 we were both kinda chuckled 1261 00:32:22,475 --> 00:32:25,545 about being pleasantly 1262 00:32:22,475 --> 00:32:25,545 surprised at one another, 1263 00:32:25,545 --> 00:32:28,548 and so I would say there 1264 00:32:25,545 --> 00:32:28,548 was a-a mutual attraction. 1265 00:32:28,548 --> 00:32:30,450 - What did he tell you 1266 00:32:28,548 --> 00:32:30,450 about himself? 1267 00:32:30,450 --> 00:32:32,452 - So, on our first date, 1268 00:32:30,450 --> 00:32:32,452 he was telling me a little bit 1269 00:32:32,452 --> 00:32:36,890 about his family and 1270 00:32:32,452 --> 00:32:36,890 plans he had upcoming, 1271 00:32:36,890 --> 00:32:39,559 like Thanksgiving and, like, 1272 00:32:36,890 --> 00:32:39,559 fishing trips 1273 00:32:39,559 --> 00:32:41,628 and going to Maine 1274 00:32:39,559 --> 00:32:41,628 with his family in a cabin, 1275 00:32:41,628 --> 00:32:45,980 and he was planning to 1276 00:32:41,628 --> 00:32:45,980 go to Europe, uh, 1277 00:32:45,980 --> 00:32:47,701 with some friends. 1278 00:32:47,701 --> 00:32:51,738 - He wooed her fast 1279 00:32:47,701 --> 00:32:51,738 with strawberries and champagne. 1280 00:32:51,738 --> 00:32:53,740 It was early, bright, 1281 00:32:51,738 --> 00:32:53,740 and exciting. 1282 00:32:53,740 --> 00:32:54,774 - Absolutely. 1283 00:32:54,774 --> 00:32:58,110 - He was eager to bond 1284 00:32:54,774 --> 00:32:58,110 with Amber's little girl. 1285 00:32:58,110 --> 00:32:59,446 - I mean, he was 1286 00:32:58,110 --> 00:32:59,446 really sweet with her. 1287 00:32:59,446 --> 00:33:00,914 She was excited. 1288 00:33:00,914 --> 00:33:04,684 We had planned a picnic 1289 00:33:00,914 --> 00:33:04,684 and a little hike. 1290 00:33:04,684 --> 00:33:06,853 She held both of our hands 1291 00:33:04,684 --> 00:33:06,853 as we walked 1292 00:33:06,853 --> 00:33:08,755 and was comfortable with him. 1293 00:33:08,755 --> 00:33:10,523 - That must have been 1294 00:33:08,755 --> 00:33:10,523 very sweet at the time. 1295 00:33:10,523 --> 00:33:11,624 - It was. 1296 00:33:11,624 --> 00:33:14,260 - And it's not always 1297 00:33:11,624 --> 00:33:14,260 you find a man 1298 00:33:14,260 --> 00:33:15,895 who is comfortable 1299 00:33:14,260 --> 00:33:15,895 with the idea 1300 00:33:15,895 --> 00:33:17,864 that you have a child 1301 00:33:15,895 --> 00:33:17,864 or children. 1302 00:33:17,864 --> 00:33:20,700 - Right. 1303 00:33:17,864 --> 00:33:20,700 - He bought them both gifts. 1304 00:33:20,700 --> 00:33:22,302 He brought groceries 1305 00:33:20,700 --> 00:33:22,302 to their house. 1306 00:33:22,302 --> 00:33:23,670 He made dinner. 1307 00:33:23,670 --> 00:33:27,340 He was considerate, caring, 1308 00:33:23,670 --> 00:33:27,340 even in voicemail. 1309 00:33:38,885 --> 00:33:41,554 - It was going really good. 1310 00:33:38,885 --> 00:33:41,554 I was really excited. 1311 00:33:41,554 --> 00:33:42,856 He was always 1312 00:33:41,554 --> 00:33:42,856 complimenting. 1313 00:33:42,856 --> 00:33:45,910 You know, like, 1314 00:33:42,856 --> 00:33:45,910 "You leave the best messages," 1315 00:33:45,910 --> 00:33:48,528 and, you know, 1316 00:33:45,910 --> 00:33:48,528 "Looking forward to seeing you." 1317 00:33:48,528 --> 00:33:50,497 - All so perfect. 1318 00:33:50,497 --> 00:33:51,865 What Scott never mentioned, 1319 00:33:50,497 --> 00:33:51,865 of course, 1320 00:33:51,865 --> 00:33:54,801 was that he was married, 1321 00:33:51,865 --> 00:33:54,801 his wife was Laci, 1322 00:33:54,801 --> 00:33:56,903 and he and Laci 1323 00:33:54,801 --> 00:33:56,903 were readying a nursery 1324 00:33:56,903 --> 00:33:59,372 for their firstborn, 1325 00:33:56,903 --> 00:33:59,372 who was on his way. 1326 00:33:59,372 --> 00:34:01,541 No, Amber knew nothing of that, 1327 00:34:01,541 --> 00:34:03,943 and yet something wasn't 1328 00:34:01,541 --> 00:34:03,943 sitting right with her. 1329 00:34:03,943 --> 00:34:06,913 She thought, why, 1330 00:34:03,943 --> 00:34:06,913 when he called her, 1331 00:34:06,913 --> 00:34:08,915 was there so often 1332 00:34:06,913 --> 00:34:08,915 the sound of running water 1333 00:34:08,915 --> 00:34:10,350 in the background, 1334 00:34:10,350 --> 00:34:14,540 as if he was masking 1335 00:34:10,350 --> 00:34:14,540 the sound of their conversation? 1336 00:34:14,540 --> 00:34:15,880 - It was just odd. 1337 00:34:15,880 --> 00:34:16,956 Like, why are you talking to me 1338 00:34:15,880 --> 00:34:16,956 in the shower? 1339 00:34:16,956 --> 00:34:20,600 And he kinda blew it off 1340 00:34:16,956 --> 00:34:20,600 like it wasn't a big deal. 1341 00:34:20,600 --> 00:34:22,462 - But then, early December... 1342 00:34:22,462 --> 00:34:23,963 - He had called me one day 1343 00:34:23,963 --> 00:34:25,632 saying he really needed to 1344 00:34:23,963 --> 00:34:25,632 talk to me, 1345 00:34:25,632 --> 00:34:28,201 and I could hear in his voice 1346 00:34:25,632 --> 00:34:28,201 he was worried or concerned, 1347 00:34:28,201 --> 00:34:29,668 or something was going on. 1348 00:34:29,668 --> 00:34:31,603 - Scott was contrite. 1349 00:34:31,603 --> 00:34:34,174 Said he had 1350 00:34:31,603 --> 00:34:34,174 a confession to make. 1351 00:34:34,174 --> 00:34:37,976 - He apologized because 1352 00:34:34,174 --> 00:34:37,976 he wasn't honest with me, 1353 00:34:37,976 --> 00:34:39,579 that I had asked if he had 1354 00:34:37,976 --> 00:34:39,579 ever been married 1355 00:34:39,579 --> 00:34:45,784 and-and, uh, that, in fact, 1356 00:34:39,579 --> 00:34:45,784 he had lost his wife, 1357 00:34:45,784 --> 00:34:48,121 and this would be 1358 00:34:45,784 --> 00:34:48,121 the first holidays without her. 1359 00:34:48,121 --> 00:34:50,389 - That's the expression he used. 1360 00:34:48,121 --> 00:34:50,389 "I lost my wife." 1361 00:34:50,389 --> 00:34:55,962 - Yes, and he was crying 1362 00:34:50,389 --> 00:34:55,962 and just, you know, 1363 00:34:55,962 --> 00:34:57,697 like, very emotional. 1364 00:34:57,697 --> 00:34:59,766 - It was a tender moment, 1365 00:34:57,697 --> 00:34:59,766 said Amber, 1366 00:34:59,766 --> 00:35:03,303 and she felt compassion for him. 1367 00:35:03,303 --> 00:35:06,439 - I thought maybe she died of, 1368 00:35:03,303 --> 00:35:06,439 you know, cancer 1369 00:35:06,439 --> 00:35:09,676 or in an accident or, 1370 00:35:06,439 --> 00:35:09,676 I mean, because obvious-- 1371 00:35:09,676 --> 00:35:11,478 his-his words were obviously, 1372 00:35:09,676 --> 00:35:11,478 you know, 1373 00:35:11,478 --> 00:35:13,480 it was something recent 1374 00:35:11,478 --> 00:35:13,480 or more recent. 1375 00:35:13,480 --> 00:35:15,648 - Yeah, sure. 1376 00:35:13,480 --> 00:35:15,648 Did you ask? 1377 00:35:15,648 --> 00:35:16,750 - I didn't ask. 1378 00:35:16,750 --> 00:35:20,253 I didn't wanna pry 1379 00:35:16,750 --> 00:35:20,253 because he was so emotional. 1380 00:35:20,253 --> 00:35:22,255 - With that secret 1381 00:35:20,253 --> 00:35:22,255 off his chest, 1382 00:35:22,255 --> 00:35:24,157 Scott gave her 1383 00:35:22,255 --> 00:35:24,157 a new cell phone number 1384 00:35:24,157 --> 00:35:25,458 where she could reach him 1385 00:35:25,458 --> 00:35:28,828 when he took 1386 00:35:25,458 --> 00:35:28,828 a long planned trip to Europe 1387 00:35:28,828 --> 00:35:31,398 over Christmas. 1388 00:35:28,828 --> 00:35:31,398 That is... 1389 00:35:31,398 --> 00:35:34,200 - "If you still 1390 00:35:31,398 --> 00:35:34,200 wanna talk to me after," 1391 00:35:34,200 --> 00:35:36,469 you know, because-- 1392 00:35:34,200 --> 00:35:36,469 - After I've told you this. 1393 00:35:36,469 --> 00:35:39,105 - Right, and so I was like, 1394 00:35:36,469 --> 00:35:39,105 "Yes, of course." 1395 00:35:39,105 --> 00:35:40,940 - Did you start to think about, 1396 00:35:39,105 --> 00:35:40,940 wait a minute, 1397 00:35:40,940 --> 00:35:43,576 I could actually 1398 00:35:40,940 --> 00:35:43,576 make a life with this man? 1399 00:35:43,576 --> 00:35:45,345 - You know, I-I did. 1400 00:35:45,345 --> 00:35:47,881 - And yet, even here, 1401 00:35:45,345 --> 00:35:47,881 December 14th, 1402 00:35:47,881 --> 00:35:49,916 as they got ready 1403 00:35:47,881 --> 00:35:49,916 for a Christmas party 1404 00:35:49,916 --> 00:35:53,787 with Amber's friends, 1405 00:35:49,916 --> 00:35:53,787 the little beast of doubt 1406 00:35:53,787 --> 00:35:56,656 was worming its way 1407 00:35:53,787 --> 00:35:56,656 into her mind. 1408 00:35:56,656 --> 00:36:01,270 - I was starting to feel 1409 00:35:56,656 --> 00:36:01,270 that women's intuition. 1410 00:36:01,270 --> 00:36:02,929 Somethin' just wasn't right. 1411 00:36:02,929 --> 00:36:05,498 - Really? 1412 00:36:02,929 --> 00:36:05,498 - Yes. 1413 00:36:05,498 --> 00:36:07,100 - While he was in Europe, 1414 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:08,201 he told her 1415 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:08,201 she should write to him 1416 00:36:08,201 --> 00:36:11,370 at a post office box in Modesto, 1417 00:36:11,370 --> 00:36:13,773 but he had told her 1418 00:36:11,370 --> 00:36:13,773 he lived in Sacramento, 1419 00:36:13,773 --> 00:36:15,442 so why Modesto? 1420 00:36:15,442 --> 00:36:18,511 Why these odd questions 1421 00:36:15,442 --> 00:36:18,511 she couldn't answer? 1422 00:36:18,511 --> 00:36:20,460 She had a cop friend. 1423 00:36:18,511 --> 00:36:20,460 She'd called him. 1424 00:36:20,460 --> 00:36:22,480 Could he check up 1425 00:36:20,460 --> 00:36:22,480 on Scott Peterson 1426 00:36:22,480 --> 00:36:24,217 from Sacramento? 1427 00:36:24,217 --> 00:36:26,886 A few days later, 1428 00:36:24,217 --> 00:36:26,886 her friend called back. 1429 00:36:26,886 --> 00:36:29,923 - He said that he found 1430 00:36:26,886 --> 00:36:29,923 an article 1431 00:36:29,923 --> 00:36:32,659 and that he was gonna print it 1432 00:36:29,923 --> 00:36:32,659 and bring it to me. 1433 00:36:32,659 --> 00:36:36,620 I said, "Okay." 1434 00:36:32,659 --> 00:36:36,620 - That was December 29th. 1435 00:36:36,620 --> 00:36:38,631 Scott had left for Europe 1436 00:36:36,620 --> 00:36:38,631 two days earlier, 1437 00:36:38,631 --> 00:36:40,667 or so he said, 1438 00:36:40,667 --> 00:36:43,236 and then Amber 1439 00:36:40,667 --> 00:36:43,236 read the article. 1440 00:36:43,236 --> 00:36:46,239 - I was in disbelief of 1441 00:36:43,236 --> 00:36:46,239 what I'm reading because I-- 1442 00:36:46,239 --> 00:36:50,210 it sounds like him-- 1443 00:36:46,239 --> 00:36:50,210 fertilizer salesman, Modesto. 1444 00:36:50,210 --> 00:36:53,346 I don't think 1445 00:36:50,210 --> 00:36:53,346 there was a full picture of him, 1446 00:36:53,346 --> 00:36:54,280 but there was-- 1447 00:36:54,280 --> 00:36:57,150 uh, his truck 1448 00:36:54,280 --> 00:36:57,150 was in this article. 1449 00:36:57,150 --> 00:37:01,921 - So were these words, 1450 00:36:57,150 --> 00:37:01,921 "pregnant" and "missing." 1451 00:37:01,921 --> 00:37:03,523 - I need this confirmed. 1452 00:37:03,523 --> 00:37:06,920 I don't wanna believe 1453 00:37:03,523 --> 00:37:06,920 what I just read. 1454 00:37:06,920 --> 00:37:07,761 - Kinda turning your world 1455 00:37:06,920 --> 00:37:07,761 upside down, huh? 1456 00:37:07,761 --> 00:37:09,329 - Oh, yeah, absolutely. 1457 00:37:09,329 --> 00:37:12,132 - And that's when Amber 1458 00:37:09,329 --> 00:37:12,132 called the Modesto police. 1459 00:37:12,132 --> 00:37:15,402 - I reach a dispatcher, 1460 00:37:12,132 --> 00:37:15,402 and I said, 1461 00:37:15,402 --> 00:37:17,337 "I-I've been dating 1462 00:37:15,402 --> 00:37:17,337 this person. 1463 00:37:17,337 --> 00:37:20,674 Um, I just wanna know 1464 00:37:17,337 --> 00:37:20,674 if this is the same person." 1465 00:37:20,674 --> 00:37:21,708 - Sure. 1466 00:37:21,708 --> 00:37:22,809 - And she just kept saying, 1467 00:37:21,708 --> 00:37:22,809 "Okay, okay," 1468 00:37:22,809 --> 00:37:25,545 and, like, okay, it is, 1469 00:37:22,809 --> 00:37:25,545 or, okay, what? 1470 00:37:25,545 --> 00:37:27,747 I gave his birth date. 1471 00:37:25,545 --> 00:37:27,747 I gave his full name. 1472 00:37:27,747 --> 00:37:30,450 And-and then, uh, 1473 00:37:27,747 --> 00:37:30,450 she says, "Okay." 1474 00:37:30,450 --> 00:37:32,118 And I said, "Okay, yes?" 1475 00:37:30,450 --> 00:37:32,118 She goes, "Yes." 1476 00:37:32,118 --> 00:37:34,654 - Yes, Amber's Scott Peterson 1477 00:37:34,654 --> 00:37:37,457 and the Scott Peterson 1478 00:37:34,654 --> 00:37:37,457 with the missing wife 1479 00:37:37,457 --> 00:37:39,590 were one and the same. 1480 00:37:39,590 --> 00:37:40,894 - And I just remember crying, 1481 00:37:40,894 --> 00:37:42,495 like, I don't know for how long. 1482 00:37:42,495 --> 00:37:45,198 I was shaking, like, 1483 00:37:42,495 --> 00:37:45,198 the adrenaline, 1484 00:37:45,198 --> 00:37:48,268 and just I was in shock. 1485 00:37:48,268 --> 00:37:52,672 - Amber Frey, who thought maybe 1486 00:37:48,268 --> 00:37:52,672 she'd met the one, 1487 00:37:52,672 --> 00:37:56,910 was in the middle 1488 00:37:52,672 --> 00:37:56,910 of something terrible. 1489 00:37:56,910 --> 00:37:59,579 - Coming up... 1490 00:37:59,579 --> 00:38:00,880 - We wanted to 1491 00:37:59,579 --> 00:38:00,880 start recording calls. 1492 00:38:00,880 --> 00:38:03,650 - Hushed conversations, 1493 00:38:00,880 --> 00:38:03,650 hidden recordings, 1494 00:38:03,650 --> 00:38:05,652 Amber goes undercover. 1495 00:38:05,652 --> 00:38:08,355 - Soon as I plug in 1496 00:38:05,652 --> 00:38:08,355 her little recorder, 1497 00:38:08,355 --> 00:38:09,889 and I'm showing her 1498 00:38:08,355 --> 00:38:09,889 push the red button 1499 00:38:09,889 --> 00:38:12,258 and the black button, 1500 00:38:09,889 --> 00:38:12,258 the phone rings. 1501 00:38:12,258 --> 00:38:13,660 - He called. 1502 00:38:20,330 --> 00:38:22,135 I was shaking uncontrollably. 1503 00:38:22,135 --> 00:38:25,338 I was so just nervous 1504 00:38:22,135 --> 00:38:25,338 and scared. 1505 00:38:25,438 --> 00:38:38,284 ** 1506 00:38:39,285 --> 00:38:41,855 - In all fairness to 1507 00:38:39,285 --> 00:38:41,855 the Modesto Police Department, 1508 00:38:41,855 --> 00:38:43,923 scrambling to manage 1509 00:38:41,855 --> 00:38:43,923 that flood of tips 1510 00:38:43,923 --> 00:38:46,826 about Laci Peterson, 1511 00:38:43,923 --> 00:38:46,826 Amber's phone call 1512 00:38:46,826 --> 00:38:49,429 was a barely discernible ripple. 1513 00:38:49,429 --> 00:38:51,664 Did they call you 1514 00:38:49,429 --> 00:38:51,664 back right away? 1515 00:38:51,664 --> 00:38:52,932 - No. 1516 00:38:52,932 --> 00:38:55,902 - So, the next day, 1517 00:38:52,932 --> 00:38:55,902 she called again and 1518 00:38:55,902 --> 00:38:57,570 looking over 1519 00:38:55,902 --> 00:38:57,570 the dispatcher's shoulder 1520 00:38:57,570 --> 00:39:01,241 at just the right moment 1521 00:38:57,570 --> 00:39:01,241 was Detective Brocchini. 1522 00:39:01,241 --> 00:39:04,377 - I just happened to be 1523 00:39:01,241 --> 00:39:04,377 standing behind, um, one of 'em, 1524 00:39:04,377 --> 00:39:05,412 and Bev was typing, 1525 00:39:05,412 --> 00:39:07,113 and I could see the name 1526 00:39:05,412 --> 00:39:07,113 Amber Frey, 1527 00:39:07,113 --> 00:39:08,181 and then she's saying, 1528 00:39:08,181 --> 00:39:09,883 "Scott Peterson 1529 00:39:08,181 --> 00:39:09,883 is my boyfriend." 1530 00:39:09,883 --> 00:39:11,217 - You're seeing all this being-- 1531 00:39:09,883 --> 00:39:11,217 - I'm seeing this. 1532 00:39:11,217 --> 00:39:12,719 So, I said, "Bev, are 1533 00:39:11,217 --> 00:39:12,719 you talking to her?" 1534 00:39:12,719 --> 00:39:15,550 "Yeah." 1535 00:39:12,719 --> 00:39:15,550 I said, "Let me talk to her." 1536 00:39:15,550 --> 00:39:16,122 - And before long, 1537 00:39:16,122 --> 00:39:17,590 the two detectives 1538 00:39:16,122 --> 00:39:17,590 were in Fresno 1539 00:39:17,590 --> 00:39:20,126 listening in person 1540 00:39:17,590 --> 00:39:20,126 to Amber's story 1541 00:39:20,126 --> 00:39:23,290 of Scott's amorous courtship. 1542 00:39:23,290 --> 00:39:25,231 - It was almost like 1543 00:39:23,290 --> 00:39:25,231 a scriptwriter was writing this 1544 00:39:25,231 --> 00:39:28,568 and, uh, very talented 1545 00:39:25,231 --> 00:39:28,568 with the romance he was. 1546 00:39:28,568 --> 00:39:33,390 - I basically just told 'em 1547 00:39:28,568 --> 00:39:33,390 our whole relationship 1548 00:39:33,390 --> 00:39:37,210 that we had been having 1549 00:39:33,390 --> 00:39:37,210 and what our conversation 1550 00:39:37,210 --> 00:39:39,679 was currently, 1551 00:39:37,210 --> 00:39:39,679 at the moment. 1552 00:39:39,679 --> 00:39:41,581 - And that he was over 1553 00:39:39,679 --> 00:39:41,581 in Europe somewhere. 1554 00:39:41,581 --> 00:39:45,510 - Right, and-and they, you know, 1555 00:39:41,581 --> 00:39:45,510 I think they, too, 1556 00:39:45,510 --> 00:39:47,530 were just a little, like, 1557 00:39:45,510 --> 00:39:47,530 in disbelief, 1558 00:39:47,530 --> 00:39:48,540 shaking their head. 1559 00:39:48,540 --> 00:39:50,757 "No, he's definitely 1560 00:39:48,540 --> 00:39:50,757 in Modesto." 1561 00:39:50,757 --> 00:39:54,600 - Scott had been lying 1562 00:39:50,757 --> 00:39:54,600 the whole time, elaborately. 1563 00:39:54,600 --> 00:39:56,730 He'd even called Amber 1564 00:39:54,600 --> 00:39:56,730 from a payphone at the airport 1565 00:39:56,730 --> 00:39:59,650 to say goodbye when 1566 00:39:56,730 --> 00:39:59,650 he supposedly left for Europe, 1567 00:39:59,650 --> 00:40:02,235 so she'd see the caller I.D. 1568 00:40:02,235 --> 00:40:05,572 But if Amber hadn't known 1569 00:40:02,235 --> 00:40:05,572 where Scott really was, 1570 00:40:05,572 --> 00:40:07,774 she sure knew a lot. 1571 00:40:07,774 --> 00:40:11,440 - And she had a mental recall 1572 00:40:07,774 --> 00:40:11,440 that was punctuated with 1573 00:40:11,440 --> 00:40:13,980 wine corks and 1574 00:40:11,440 --> 00:40:13,980 all sorts of memorabilia. 1575 00:40:13,980 --> 00:40:14,881 - That she had saved. 1576 00:40:14,881 --> 00:40:17,150 - That she'd saved 1577 00:40:14,881 --> 00:40:17,150 from their romance. 1578 00:40:17,150 --> 00:40:18,985 - So, then the detectives asked, 1579 00:40:18,985 --> 00:40:21,354 could she help them 1580 00:40:18,985 --> 00:40:21,354 in their investigation? 1581 00:40:21,354 --> 00:40:23,490 - So, at that point, I said, 1582 00:40:21,354 --> 00:40:23,490 whatever was needed, 1583 00:40:23,490 --> 00:40:27,360 I would cooperate with them 1584 00:40:23,490 --> 00:40:27,360 because it wasn't about me, 1585 00:40:27,360 --> 00:40:28,528 at that point. 1586 00:40:27,360 --> 00:40:28,528 - No. 1587 00:40:28,528 --> 00:40:30,397 - There was a missing 1588 00:40:28,528 --> 00:40:30,397 pregnant woman. 1589 00:40:30,397 --> 00:40:32,320 - True. 1590 00:40:30,397 --> 00:40:32,320 - And, you know, 1591 00:40:32,320 --> 00:40:34,801 I've been having a relationship 1592 00:40:32,320 --> 00:40:34,801 with her husband. 1593 00:40:34,801 --> 00:40:36,569 Unknowingly, 1594 00:40:34,801 --> 00:40:36,569 he was married. 1595 00:40:36,569 --> 00:40:38,738 - Well, we wanted to 1596 00:40:36,569 --> 00:40:38,738 start recording calls. 1597 00:40:38,738 --> 00:40:41,641 - Amber agreed, 1598 00:40:38,738 --> 00:40:41,641 so they went right out 1599 00:40:41,641 --> 00:40:45,378 and bought a portable recorder, 1600 00:40:41,641 --> 00:40:45,378 and what do ya know? 1601 00:40:45,378 --> 00:40:47,947 - Soon as I plug in 1602 00:40:45,378 --> 00:40:47,947 her little recorder, 1603 00:40:47,947 --> 00:40:49,482 and I'm showing 1604 00:40:47,947 --> 00:40:49,482 push the red button 1605 00:40:49,482 --> 00:40:52,180 and the black button, 1606 00:40:49,482 --> 00:40:52,180 the phone rings. 1607 00:40:52,180 --> 00:40:54,888 - He called. 1608 00:40:52,180 --> 00:40:54,888 - Oh, boy. 1609 00:41:02,862 --> 00:41:06,990 - And their expression, 1610 00:41:02,862 --> 00:41:06,990 they-they were just like, 1611 00:41:06,990 --> 00:41:09,369 well, I can't believe 1612 00:41:06,990 --> 00:41:09,369 he's calling you right now. 1613 00:41:15,750 --> 00:41:17,110 - I was shaking uncontrollably. 1614 00:41:17,110 --> 00:41:20,146 My fingers were, like, 1615 00:41:17,110 --> 00:41:20,146 just sweaty palmy mess. 1616 00:41:20,146 --> 00:41:21,581 - Yeah. 1617 00:41:21,581 --> 00:41:25,218 - And I was fumbling 1618 00:41:21,581 --> 00:41:25,218 because I was so just nervous 1619 00:41:25,218 --> 00:41:28,288 and scared. 1620 00:41:25,218 --> 00:41:28,288 - And so, it began. 1621 00:41:28,288 --> 00:41:31,358 For the next eight days, 1622 00:41:28,288 --> 00:41:31,358 Scott Peterson pretended 1623 00:41:31,358 --> 00:41:33,293 he was traveling 1624 00:41:31,358 --> 00:41:33,293 in Europe. 1625 00:41:33,293 --> 00:41:38,331 Amber Frey pretending 1626 00:41:33,293 --> 00:41:38,331 she was still his girlfriend. 1627 00:41:38,331 --> 00:41:40,900 - The cops, they kept looking, 1628 00:41:40,900 --> 00:41:44,871 bringing scent dogs to Berkeley, 1629 00:41:40,900 --> 00:41:44,871 divers to the bay. 1630 00:41:44,871 --> 00:41:48,141 Laci's friends 1631 00:41:44,871 --> 00:41:48,141 held that vigil, prayed. 1632 00:41:48,141 --> 00:41:50,877 And all the while, 1633 00:41:48,141 --> 00:41:50,877 Amber secretly recorded 1634 00:41:50,877 --> 00:41:55,115 her conversations with Scott, 1635 00:41:50,877 --> 00:41:55,115 inwardly trembling. 1636 00:41:55,115 --> 00:41:59,452 - I was shaking and trying to 1637 00:41:55,115 --> 00:41:59,452 catch my breath and calm down. 1638 00:41:59,452 --> 00:42:01,955 There was just 1639 00:41:59,452 --> 00:42:01,955 too much nerves there, 1640 00:42:01,955 --> 00:42:06,920 and I would pace 1641 00:42:01,955 --> 00:42:06,920 back and forth. 1642 00:42:06,920 --> 00:42:07,694 - One of those calls, 1643 00:42:07,694 --> 00:42:09,929 of course she didn't know it 1644 00:42:07,694 --> 00:42:09,929 at the time, 1645 00:42:09,929 --> 00:42:14,670 was going to be notorious. 1646 00:42:09,929 --> 00:42:14,670 - New Year's Eve... 1647 00:42:14,670 --> 00:42:16,202 - That was the big one. 1648 00:42:14,670 --> 00:42:16,202 - Yeah. 1649 00:42:16,202 --> 00:42:17,804 - Coming up... 1650 00:42:17,804 --> 00:42:20,573 - Okay, first of all, 1651 00:42:17,804 --> 00:42:20,573 I met Scott Peterson 1652 00:42:20,573 --> 00:42:23,760 November 20, 2002. 1653 00:42:23,760 --> 00:42:25,345 - Revealing the truth 1654 00:42:23,760 --> 00:42:25,345 to the world, 1655 00:42:25,345 --> 00:42:27,647 Amber Frey's firestorm. 1656 00:42:27,647 --> 00:42:28,882 - We believed, at the time, 1657 00:42:28,882 --> 00:42:30,483 it was probably best 1658 00:42:28,882 --> 00:42:30,483 to get her up there, 1659 00:42:30,483 --> 00:42:32,285 almost like 1660 00:42:30,483 --> 00:42:32,285 exploding your own bomb. 1661 00:42:32,285 --> 00:42:36,890 - I was introduced to him. 1662 00:42:32,285 --> 00:42:36,890 I was told he was unmarried. 1663 00:42:36,890 --> 00:42:40,260 Scott told me 1664 00:42:36,890 --> 00:42:40,260 he was not married. 1665 00:42:40,260 --> 00:42:43,163 We did have a romantic 1666 00:42:40,260 --> 00:42:43,163 relationship. 1667 00:42:43,163 --> 00:42:45,899 I-I had a panic attack. 1668 00:42:43,163 --> 00:42:45,899 I couldn't breathe. 1669 00:42:45,899 --> 00:42:48,234 I literally could 1670 00:42:45,899 --> 00:42:48,234 not catch my breath. 1671 00:42:48,335 --> 00:42:58,110 ** 1672 00:42:58,945 --> 00:43:01,414 - Welcome back to 1673 00:42:58,945 --> 00:43:01,414 "Dateline: Secrets Uncovered." 1674 00:43:01,414 --> 00:43:02,849 I'm Kate Snow. 1675 00:43:02,849 --> 00:43:04,951 Investigators searching for 1676 00:43:02,849 --> 00:43:04,951 Laci Peterson 1677 00:43:04,951 --> 00:43:08,822 caught a huge break when 1678 00:43:04,951 --> 00:43:08,822 Amber Frey called in a tip. 1679 00:43:08,822 --> 00:43:11,570 She suspected 1680 00:43:08,822 --> 00:43:11,570 her boyfriend, Scott, 1681 00:43:11,570 --> 00:43:12,759 wasn't who he said he was, 1682 00:43:12,759 --> 00:43:15,128 that he was actually 1683 00:43:12,759 --> 00:43:15,128 married to Laci. 1684 00:43:15,128 --> 00:43:17,130 Immediately, 1685 00:43:15,128 --> 00:43:17,130 detectives asked Amber 1686 00:43:17,130 --> 00:43:20,100 to record the couple's 1687 00:43:17,130 --> 00:43:20,100 private conversations. 1688 00:43:20,100 --> 00:43:24,137 Now, Scott's secret life 1689 00:43:20,100 --> 00:43:24,137 was about to become very public. 1690 00:43:24,137 --> 00:43:25,805 Once again, 1691 00:43:24,137 --> 00:43:25,805 here's Keith Morrison 1692 00:43:25,805 --> 00:43:29,142 with "The Disappearance 1693 00:43:25,805 --> 00:43:29,142 of Laci Peterson." 1694 00:43:30,643 --> 00:43:33,146 - Amber Frey had been working 1695 00:43:30,643 --> 00:43:33,146 with detectives covertly 1696 00:43:33,146 --> 00:43:36,149 recording her conversations 1697 00:43:33,146 --> 00:43:36,149 with Scott Peterson. 1698 00:43:36,149 --> 00:43:38,118 In this one, 1699 00:43:36,149 --> 00:43:38,118 Scott told Amber 1700 00:43:38,118 --> 00:43:40,854 he was calling from 1701 00:43:38,118 --> 00:43:40,854 a continent away, 1702 00:43:40,854 --> 00:43:42,889 having a ball in Paris. 1703 00:43:42,889 --> 00:43:45,392 Of course, 1704 00:43:42,889 --> 00:43:45,392 it was a big lie. 1705 00:43:59,305 --> 00:44:01,207 - In fact, 1706 00:43:59,305 --> 00:44:01,207 the crowd was huge. 1707 00:44:01,207 --> 00:44:03,410 It just wasn't in Paris. 1708 00:44:03,410 --> 00:44:07,380 It was in Modesto, 1709 00:44:03,410 --> 00:44:07,380 and they weren't celebrating. 1710 00:44:07,380 --> 00:44:10,817 Scott called Amber 1711 00:44:07,380 --> 00:44:10,817 from the vigil for Laci, 1712 00:44:10,817 --> 00:44:12,552 the one where 1713 00:44:10,817 --> 00:44:12,552 he made himself scarce 1714 00:44:12,552 --> 00:44:15,188 while Sharon and Laci's friends 1715 00:44:12,552 --> 00:44:15,188 pleaded for help, 1716 00:44:15,188 --> 00:44:17,657 and Scott called Amber, 1717 00:44:17,657 --> 00:44:20,360 inventing fine details 1718 00:44:17,657 --> 00:44:20,360 from his trip, 1719 00:44:20,360 --> 00:44:22,929 like jogging on 1720 00:44:20,360 --> 00:44:22,929 the cobblestones of Europe. 1721 00:44:27,300 --> 00:44:29,202 - He worked out 1722 00:44:27,300 --> 00:44:29,202 the time difference 1723 00:44:29,202 --> 00:44:30,403 for his phone calls. 1724 00:44:34,240 --> 00:44:36,743 - And he kept on 1725 00:44:34,240 --> 00:44:36,743 wooing her, 1726 00:44:36,743 --> 00:44:39,790 unaware of 1727 00:44:36,743 --> 00:44:39,790 who was listening. 1728 00:44:55,762 --> 00:44:59,299 - All very interesting, 1729 00:44:55,762 --> 00:44:59,299 but... 1730 00:44:59,299 --> 00:45:00,467 What were you hoping for 1731 00:45:00,467 --> 00:45:02,680 from those recorded 1732 00:45:00,467 --> 00:45:02,680 conversations 1733 00:45:02,680 --> 00:45:03,503 that you didn't get? 1734 00:45:03,503 --> 00:45:05,380 - Well, of course, 1735 00:45:03,503 --> 00:45:05,380 ideally, I was hoping 1736 00:45:05,380 --> 00:45:06,606 that he would say, 1737 00:45:05,380 --> 00:45:06,606 "No, I murdered my wife. 1738 00:45:06,606 --> 00:45:07,640 "I dumped her in the bay. 1739 00:45:07,640 --> 00:45:08,808 "And let's run off 1740 00:45:07,640 --> 00:45:08,808 to Europe." 1741 00:45:08,808 --> 00:45:11,440 But that wasn't 1742 00:45:08,808 --> 00:45:11,440 gonna happen. 1743 00:45:11,440 --> 00:45:13,246 - So, detectives 1744 00:45:11,440 --> 00:45:13,246 went right at him. 1745 00:45:13,246 --> 00:45:14,447 They asked Scott 1746 00:45:13,246 --> 00:45:14,447 to come down 1747 00:45:14,447 --> 00:45:16,216 to the police department again. 1748 00:45:16,216 --> 00:45:18,510 And without telling him 1749 00:45:16,216 --> 00:45:18,510 where they got it, 1750 00:45:18,510 --> 00:45:21,121 they showed him a fax 1751 00:45:18,510 --> 00:45:21,121 of a photo of himself 1752 00:45:21,121 --> 00:45:24,424 with Amber Frey 1753 00:45:21,121 --> 00:45:24,424 at the Christmas party. 1754 00:45:24,424 --> 00:45:27,861 - And, of course, he lies 1755 00:45:24,424 --> 00:45:27,861 when he's confronted. 1756 00:45:27,861 --> 00:45:29,763 - Prosecutor Birgit Fladager. 1757 00:45:29,763 --> 00:45:31,498 - He sees the picture 1758 00:45:29,763 --> 00:45:31,498 of himself with Amber, 1759 00:45:31,498 --> 00:45:34,167 and he says, 1760 00:45:31,498 --> 00:45:34,167 "That's not me." 1761 00:45:34,167 --> 00:45:36,202 - Was it clearly him? 1762 00:45:36,202 --> 00:45:38,104 - It was. 1763 00:45:38,104 --> 00:45:39,706 - If Scott suspected 1764 00:45:38,104 --> 00:45:39,706 the detectives had 1765 00:45:39,706 --> 00:45:41,474 somehow found out 1766 00:45:39,706 --> 00:45:41,474 about Amber, 1767 00:45:41,474 --> 00:45:44,511 he didn't let on, 1768 00:45:41,474 --> 00:45:44,511 and he kept calling her, 1769 00:45:44,511 --> 00:45:46,746 and she kept recording, 1770 00:45:46,746 --> 00:45:50,150 but he started testing her 1771 00:45:46,746 --> 00:45:50,150 with questions. 1772 00:45:56,823 --> 00:45:59,292 - And I was like, 1773 00:45:56,823 --> 00:45:59,292 uh, what bombing? 1774 00:45:59,292 --> 00:46:02,162 There was another time 1775 00:45:59,292 --> 00:46:02,162 he had asked, 1776 00:46:02,162 --> 00:46:06,566 um, if I had seen the article 1777 00:46:02,162 --> 00:46:06,566 on the-the monarch butterflies 1778 00:46:06,566 --> 00:46:09,936 that are in Pismo, 1779 00:46:06,566 --> 00:46:09,936 and I said, "No." 1780 00:46:09,936 --> 00:46:14,174 I gathered right away 1781 00:46:09,936 --> 00:46:14,174 he was asking 1782 00:46:14,174 --> 00:46:15,275 because these were, 1783 00:46:14,174 --> 00:46:15,275 in fact, 1784 00:46:15,275 --> 00:46:17,377 something that was 1785 00:46:15,275 --> 00:46:17,377 in the paper, possibly. 1786 00:46:17,377 --> 00:46:18,478 - Right. 1787 00:46:18,478 --> 00:46:20,447 - If I was looking 1788 00:46:18,478 --> 00:46:20,447 at the news. 1789 00:46:20,447 --> 00:46:24,284 - To find out, in other words, 1790 00:46:20,447 --> 00:46:24,284 if she knew about Laci. 1791 00:46:24,284 --> 00:46:26,119 And then, on January 6th, 1792 00:46:26,119 --> 00:46:28,588 13 days after Laci 1793 00:46:26,119 --> 00:46:28,588 disappeared, 1794 00:46:28,588 --> 00:46:30,924 Scott told Amber himself. 1795 00:47:15,835 --> 00:47:18,405 - Scott had no idea, 1796 00:47:15,835 --> 00:47:18,405 of course, that Amber 1797 00:47:18,405 --> 00:47:20,507 happened to be 1798 00:47:18,405 --> 00:47:20,507 in the police station 1799 00:47:20,507 --> 00:47:22,709 when he offered 1800 00:47:20,507 --> 00:47:22,709 that big admission 1801 00:47:22,709 --> 00:47:25,612 or that Amber's 1802 00:47:22,709 --> 00:47:25,612 responding question 1803 00:47:25,612 --> 00:47:29,215 was a huge deal to 1804 00:47:25,612 --> 00:47:29,215 both her and the cops. 1805 00:48:30,176 --> 00:48:32,846 - Different kinds of loss? 1806 00:48:32,846 --> 00:48:34,881 Now, what did that mean? 1807 00:48:37,250 --> 00:48:40,120 While investigators built 1808 00:48:37,250 --> 00:48:40,120 their case against Scott, 1809 00:48:40,120 --> 00:48:43,560 Laci's family was 1810 00:48:40,120 --> 00:48:43,560 in a world of pain. 1811 00:48:43,560 --> 00:48:45,892 It was January of 2003, 1812 00:48:45,892 --> 00:48:48,940 and Sharon Rocha 1813 00:48:45,892 --> 00:48:48,940 was still gripping onto 1814 00:48:48,940 --> 00:48:49,696 a slipping remnant of hope 1815 00:48:49,696 --> 00:48:54,467 that her Laci was still alive, 1816 00:48:49,696 --> 00:48:54,467 was barely hanging on 1817 00:48:54,467 --> 00:48:57,203 the day soon after 1818 00:48:54,467 --> 00:48:57,203 that New Year's Eve vigil 1819 00:48:57,203 --> 00:48:59,906 when Scott walked 1820 00:48:57,203 --> 00:48:59,906 into the house. 1821 00:48:59,906 --> 00:49:02,750 - And I asked him, 1822 00:48:59,906 --> 00:49:02,750 "How are you doing?" 1823 00:49:02,750 --> 00:49:04,711 And he said, 1824 00:49:02,750 --> 00:49:04,711 "You know, I'm doing okay." 1825 00:49:04,711 --> 00:49:06,613 And I just remember 1826 00:49:04,711 --> 00:49:06,613 it was almost like 1827 00:49:06,613 --> 00:49:08,782 I was just pulling 1828 00:49:06,613 --> 00:49:08,782 back from him, 1829 00:49:08,782 --> 00:49:10,784 thinking you're doing okay. 1830 00:49:10,784 --> 00:49:12,919 What do you mean 1831 00:49:10,784 --> 00:49:12,919 you're doing okay? 1832 00:49:12,919 --> 00:49:16,289 - Sharon definitely 1833 00:49:12,919 --> 00:49:16,289 wasn't doing okay. 1834 00:49:16,289 --> 00:49:19,659 While the cops, moving 1835 00:49:16,289 --> 00:49:19,659 forward incrementally, 1836 00:49:19,659 --> 00:49:21,528 needed more. 1837 00:49:21,528 --> 00:49:23,290 - Police looking 1838 00:49:21,528 --> 00:49:23,290 for Laci Peterson 1839 00:49:23,290 --> 00:49:24,364 in Modesto, California 1840 00:49:24,364 --> 00:49:26,900 want to verify 1841 00:49:24,364 --> 00:49:26,900 her husband's alibi. 1842 00:49:26,900 --> 00:49:29,302 - Modesto P.D. put out 1843 00:49:26,900 --> 00:49:29,302 a bulletin. 1844 00:49:29,302 --> 00:49:32,305 Had anyone seen 1845 00:49:29,302 --> 00:49:32,305 this truck, this boat, 1846 00:49:32,305 --> 00:49:34,207 on Christmas Eve? 1847 00:49:34,207 --> 00:49:36,376 They expanded 1848 00:49:34,207 --> 00:49:36,376 their ground search 1849 00:49:36,376 --> 00:49:40,714 to the foothills, 1850 00:49:36,376 --> 00:49:40,714 the reservoirs, even mineshafts. 1851 00:49:40,714 --> 00:49:43,683 And by mid-January, 1852 00:49:40,714 --> 00:49:43,683 police decided they needed 1853 00:49:43,683 --> 00:49:46,720 to tell Sharon 1854 00:49:43,683 --> 00:49:46,720 about Scott's affair. 1855 00:49:46,720 --> 00:49:48,288 - We said, "Hey, we-- 1856 00:49:46,720 --> 00:49:48,288 we've got some information 1857 00:49:48,288 --> 00:49:49,756 "we gotta let you know 1858 00:49:48,288 --> 00:49:49,756 about on this, 1859 00:49:49,756 --> 00:49:51,591 "and the best thing 1860 00:49:49,756 --> 00:49:51,591 we can do, 1861 00:49:51,591 --> 00:49:53,393 "is just give it to ya." 1862 00:49:53,393 --> 00:49:55,895 - They showed her the photo 1863 00:49:53,393 --> 00:49:55,895 at Amber's Christmas party, 1864 00:49:55,895 --> 00:49:58,698 the one Scott said 1865 00:49:55,895 --> 00:49:58,698 wasn't him. 1866 00:49:58,698 --> 00:50:00,734 - I literally thought 1867 00:49:58,698 --> 00:50:00,734 I was going to throw up. 1868 00:50:00,734 --> 00:50:03,670 I stood up real fast 1869 00:50:00,734 --> 00:50:03,670 because I wanted 1870 00:50:03,670 --> 00:50:04,704 to get out of there. 1871 00:50:04,704 --> 00:50:05,739 I wanted to get away 1872 00:50:04,704 --> 00:50:05,739 from them. 1873 00:50:05,739 --> 00:50:07,207 I didn't wanna hear 1874 00:50:05,739 --> 00:50:07,207 what they were saying. 1875 00:50:07,207 --> 00:50:08,842 - What mother would? 1876 00:50:08,842 --> 00:50:11,845 - I just remember 1877 00:50:08,842 --> 00:50:11,845 my stomach just turning, 1878 00:50:11,845 --> 00:50:16,149 and I-- just saying-- 1879 00:50:16,149 --> 00:50:18,180 just crying, he didn't 1880 00:50:16,149 --> 00:50:18,180 have to kill her. 1881 00:50:18,180 --> 00:50:19,919 - That changed everything 1882 00:50:18,180 --> 00:50:19,919 you had ever thought about him. 1883 00:50:19,919 --> 00:50:21,321 - It did. 1884 00:50:21,321 --> 00:50:23,390 - Detective Buehler had 1885 00:50:21,321 --> 00:50:23,390 told Sharon about Amber 1886 00:50:23,390 --> 00:50:25,792 because rumors 1887 00:50:23,390 --> 00:50:25,792 were in the air. 1888 00:50:25,792 --> 00:50:28,728 The media was sniffing about 1889 00:50:25,792 --> 00:50:28,728 and getting close. 1890 00:50:28,728 --> 00:50:30,263 - Get to the office. 1891 00:50:30,263 --> 00:50:31,464 The reporter was 1892 00:50:30,263 --> 00:50:31,464 right there. 1893 00:50:31,464 --> 00:50:33,667 - Oh, boy. 1894 00:50:31,464 --> 00:50:33,667 - Yeah. 1895 00:50:33,667 --> 00:50:36,703 - January 24th, 1896 00:50:33,667 --> 00:50:36,703 local news showed up 1897 00:50:36,703 --> 00:50:38,438 at Amber's workplace. 1898 00:50:38,438 --> 00:50:41,174 National tabloids 1899 00:50:38,438 --> 00:50:41,174 were not far behind. 1900 00:50:41,174 --> 00:50:42,342 - At-- 1901 00:50:41,174 --> 00:50:42,342 - Did you talk to them? 1902 00:50:42,342 --> 00:50:44,444 - No, I refused 1903 00:50:42,342 --> 00:50:44,444 to talk to anybody. 1904 00:50:44,444 --> 00:50:47,414 - Trapped in her office, 1905 00:50:44,444 --> 00:50:47,414 she called Detective Buehler. 1906 00:50:47,414 --> 00:50:49,315 That's when 1907 00:50:47,414 --> 00:50:49,315 the Modesto P.D. decided 1908 00:50:49,315 --> 00:50:52,252 that if Amber's story 1909 00:50:49,315 --> 00:50:52,252 was going to break anyway, 1910 00:50:52,252 --> 00:50:54,888 they'd break it 1911 00:50:52,252 --> 00:50:54,888 on their terms. 1912 00:50:54,888 --> 00:50:56,489 - We believed, at the time, 1913 00:50:54,888 --> 00:50:56,489 it was probably best 1914 00:50:56,489 --> 00:50:57,857 to get her up there, 1915 00:50:57,857 --> 00:50:59,893 almost like exploding 1916 00:50:57,857 --> 00:50:59,893 your own bomb. 1917 00:50:59,893 --> 00:51:02,128 - Buehler sent two colleagues 1918 00:50:59,893 --> 00:51:02,128 to fetch her, 1919 00:51:02,128 --> 00:51:04,464 with a statement 1920 00:51:02,128 --> 00:51:04,464 all prepared. 1921 00:51:04,464 --> 00:51:07,600 - We were speeding back, 1922 00:51:04,464 --> 00:51:07,600 in a sense, getting there, 1923 00:51:07,600 --> 00:51:11,504 and, you know, having 1924 00:51:07,600 --> 00:51:11,504 this statement written out, 1925 00:51:11,504 --> 00:51:13,340 you know, trying 1926 00:51:11,504 --> 00:51:13,340 to read it a few times, 1927 00:51:13,340 --> 00:51:15,750 so it's not too foreign. 1928 00:51:15,750 --> 00:51:16,676 - As they drove to Modesto, 1929 00:51:16,676 --> 00:51:19,245 headquarters gathered 1930 00:51:16,676 --> 00:51:19,245 the media. 1931 00:51:19,245 --> 00:51:20,747 Big news a-comin'. 1932 00:51:20,747 --> 00:51:22,382 - We are waiting for 1933 00:51:20,747 --> 00:51:22,382 Modesto Police 1934 00:51:22,382 --> 00:51:24,684 to come out any moment 1935 00:51:22,382 --> 00:51:24,684 and speak on developments 1936 00:51:24,684 --> 00:51:27,187 in the Laci Peterson 1937 00:51:24,684 --> 00:51:27,187 investigation. 1938 00:51:27,187 --> 00:51:30,323 - And this is the moment 1939 00:51:27,187 --> 00:51:30,323 when Amber Frey burst 1940 00:51:30,323 --> 00:51:33,460 like a deer in headlights 1941 00:51:30,323 --> 00:51:33,460 onto the public stage. 1942 00:51:33,460 --> 00:51:35,962 [sighs] 1943 00:51:33,460 --> 00:51:35,962 - Okay, first of all, 1944 00:51:35,962 --> 00:51:40,367 I met Scott Peterson 1945 00:51:35,962 --> 00:51:40,367 November 20, 2002. 1946 00:51:40,367 --> 00:51:41,768 I was introduced to him. 1947 00:51:41,768 --> 00:51:45,105 I was told 1948 00:51:41,768 --> 00:51:45,105 he was unmarried. 1949 00:51:45,105 --> 00:51:48,441 Scott told me 1950 00:51:45,105 --> 00:51:48,441 he was not married. 1951 00:51:48,441 --> 00:51:51,144 We did have 1952 00:51:48,441 --> 00:51:51,144 a romantic relationship. 1953 00:51:51,144 --> 00:51:52,912 I-I had a panic attack. 1954 00:51:52,912 --> 00:51:54,147 I couldn't breathe. 1955 00:51:54,147 --> 00:51:56,416 I literally could not 1956 00:51:54,147 --> 00:51:56,416 catch my breath. 1957 00:51:56,416 --> 00:51:58,818 When I discovered he was 1958 00:51:56,416 --> 00:51:58,818 involved in the disappear-- 1959 00:51:58,818 --> 00:52:01,821 the Laci Peterson 1960 00:51:58,818 --> 00:52:01,821 disappearance case, 1961 00:52:01,821 --> 00:52:05,910 I immediately contacted 1962 00:52:01,821 --> 00:52:05,910 the Modesto Police Department. 1963 00:52:05,910 --> 00:52:06,960 - She spoke for 1964 00:52:05,910 --> 00:52:06,960 just over a minute. 1965 00:52:06,960 --> 00:52:11,431 - I am very sorry 1966 00:52:06,960 --> 00:52:11,431 for Laci's family 1967 00:52:11,431 --> 00:52:12,465 and the cau-- 1968 00:52:12,465 --> 00:52:15,402 the pain that 1969 00:52:12,465 --> 00:52:15,402 this has caused them, 1970 00:52:16,870 --> 00:52:20,340 and I pray for 1971 00:52:16,870 --> 00:52:20,340 her safe return, as well. 1972 00:52:20,340 --> 00:52:22,108 - And now, everyone knew, 1973 00:52:22,108 --> 00:52:25,211 and Scott knew 1974 00:52:22,108 --> 00:52:25,211 everyone knew. 1975 00:52:25,211 --> 00:52:28,915 So, did he stop 1976 00:52:25,211 --> 00:52:28,915 calling Amber Frey? 1977 00:52:28,915 --> 00:52:31,885 No, listen to this. 1978 00:52:50,170 --> 00:52:52,939 - Scott called 1979 00:52:50,170 --> 00:52:52,939 to congratulate her, 1980 00:52:52,939 --> 00:52:54,741 to thank her. 1981 00:52:54,741 --> 00:52:57,177 Very strange. 1982 00:52:57,177 --> 00:52:59,312 The police were 1983 00:52:57,177 --> 00:52:59,312 thanking Amber, too. 1984 00:52:59,312 --> 00:53:01,147 Now, they had new clues, 1985 00:53:01,147 --> 00:53:04,551 like the day Scott told Amber 1986 00:53:01,147 --> 00:53:04,551 he lost his wife. 1987 00:53:04,551 --> 00:53:07,921 It was the very same day 1988 00:53:04,551 --> 00:53:07,921 he bought the boat. 1989 00:53:07,921 --> 00:53:11,157 Coincidence? 1990 00:53:07,921 --> 00:53:11,157 No, thought the police. 1991 00:53:11,157 --> 00:53:14,600 Had to be evidence 1992 00:53:11,157 --> 00:53:14,600 of premeditation. 1993 00:53:14,600 --> 00:53:17,797 The very existence of 1994 00:53:14,600 --> 00:53:17,797 Amber Frey changed everything 1995 00:53:17,797 --> 00:53:21,301 and revealed that 1996 00:53:17,797 --> 00:53:21,301 many little beasts of doubt 1997 00:53:21,301 --> 00:53:22,902 had been churning 1998 00:53:21,301 --> 00:53:22,902 about in the minds 1999 00:53:22,902 --> 00:53:26,406 of even Scott's 2000 00:53:22,902 --> 00:53:26,406 diehard supporters. 2001 00:53:26,406 --> 00:53:29,750 - After Amber came forward, 2002 00:53:26,406 --> 00:53:29,750 that's when they started 2003 00:53:29,750 --> 00:53:30,543 to open up about 2004 00:53:29,750 --> 00:53:30,543 the things that 2005 00:53:30,543 --> 00:53:32,946 they had been kind of 2006 00:53:30,543 --> 00:53:32,946 hiding and holding back. 2007 00:53:34,581 --> 00:53:36,816 - People remembered things, 2008 00:53:36,816 --> 00:53:38,551 like how Scott 2009 00:53:36,816 --> 00:53:38,551 once told someone 2010 00:53:38,551 --> 00:53:41,588 he was hoping 2011 00:53:38,551 --> 00:53:41,588 for infertility, 2012 00:53:41,588 --> 00:53:44,157 that he seemed uncomfortable 2013 00:53:41,588 --> 00:53:44,157 holding babies, 2014 00:53:44,157 --> 00:53:46,726 that he didn't want to touch 2015 00:53:44,157 --> 00:53:46,726 Laci's pregnant stomach, 2016 00:53:46,726 --> 00:53:48,940 that he complained 2017 00:53:46,726 --> 00:53:48,940 he was having 2018 00:53:48,940 --> 00:53:50,497 a midlife crisis 2019 00:53:48,940 --> 00:53:50,497 at age 30. 2020 00:53:50,497 --> 00:53:52,165 Now, when people 2021 00:53:50,497 --> 00:53:52,165 thought about his story 2022 00:53:52,165 --> 00:53:53,566 that Laci walked her dog, 2023 00:53:53,566 --> 00:53:56,102 they remembered she'd been 2024 00:53:53,566 --> 00:53:56,102 too tired to do that. 2025 00:53:56,102 --> 00:53:59,105 And they remembered, too, 2026 00:53:56,102 --> 00:53:59,105 the peculiar way he acted 2027 00:53:59,105 --> 00:54:00,940 the night Laci disappeared. 2028 00:54:00,940 --> 00:54:02,409 - We're standing 2029 00:54:00,940 --> 00:54:02,409 in the driveway. 2030 00:54:02,409 --> 00:54:04,770 I asked if he had 2031 00:54:02,409 --> 00:54:04,770 called his parents. 2032 00:54:04,770 --> 00:54:05,178 He said, "No." 2033 00:54:05,178 --> 00:54:06,680 I was trying to have 2034 00:54:05,178 --> 00:54:06,680 a conversation with him, 2035 00:54:06,680 --> 00:54:09,820 and he continued 2036 00:54:06,680 --> 00:54:09,820 to just turn away from me. 2037 00:54:09,820 --> 00:54:10,950 He would never look me 2038 00:54:09,820 --> 00:54:10,950 in the eye. 2039 00:54:10,950 --> 00:54:12,886 I had to keep 2040 00:54:10,950 --> 00:54:12,886 following him around, 2041 00:54:12,886 --> 00:54:15,789 trying to have 2042 00:54:12,886 --> 00:54:15,789 visual contact with him. 2043 00:54:15,789 --> 00:54:19,259 - Because Scott Peterson 2044 00:54:15,789 --> 00:54:19,259 had something to hide. 2045 00:54:20,393 --> 00:54:21,728 - Coming up... 2046 00:54:21,728 --> 00:54:24,564 - I had a romantic relationship 2047 00:54:21,728 --> 00:54:24,564 that was inappropriate. 2048 00:54:24,564 --> 00:54:26,900 - Scott Peterson goes public 2049 00:54:27,670 --> 00:54:41,981 - Since Christmas Eve, 2050 00:54:27,670 --> 00:54:41,981 our one and only focus 2051 00:54:42,882 --> 00:54:45,985 is to find Laci 2052 00:54:42,882 --> 00:54:45,985 and to bring her home to us. 2053 00:54:45,985 --> 00:54:48,154 I love my daughter 2054 00:54:45,985 --> 00:54:48,154 so much. 2055 00:54:48,154 --> 00:54:50,623 I miss her every minute 2056 00:54:48,154 --> 00:54:50,623 of every day. 2057 00:54:50,623 --> 00:54:52,692 - On the same day that 2058 00:54:50,623 --> 00:54:52,692 Amber Frey told the world 2059 00:54:52,692 --> 00:54:55,195 about her relationship 2060 00:54:52,692 --> 00:54:55,195 with Scott Peterson... 2061 00:54:55,195 --> 00:54:57,230 - Scott told me 2062 00:54:55,195 --> 00:54:57,230 he was not married. 2063 00:54:57,230 --> 00:54:59,933 - Laci's mother stood 2064 00:54:57,230 --> 00:54:59,933 before the cameras, too. 2065 00:54:59,933 --> 00:55:03,303 It was exactly a month 2066 00:54:59,933 --> 00:55:03,303 since Laci disappeared. 2067 00:55:03,303 --> 00:55:06,106 - I miss sharing our thoughts 2068 00:55:03,303 --> 00:55:06,106 and our lives together. 2069 00:55:06,106 --> 00:55:07,907 I miss her smile, 2070 00:55:06,106 --> 00:55:07,907 and her laughter, 2071 00:55:07,907 --> 00:55:09,542 and her sense of humor, 2072 00:55:09,542 --> 00:55:11,511 and I miss 2073 00:55:09,542 --> 00:55:11,511 everything about her. 2074 00:55:11,511 --> 00:55:14,381 - Sharon, who kept trying 2075 00:55:11,511 --> 00:55:14,381 to keep hope alive, 2076 00:55:14,381 --> 00:55:16,716 found it slipping away. 2077 00:55:16,716 --> 00:55:18,918 - Someone has taken 2078 00:55:16,716 --> 00:55:18,918 all of this away from me 2079 00:55:18,918 --> 00:55:21,540 and everyone else 2080 00:55:18,918 --> 00:55:21,540 who loves her. 2081 00:55:21,540 --> 00:55:23,890 - Any thoughts that Scott 2082 00:55:21,540 --> 00:55:23,890 had nothing to do with it 2083 00:55:23,890 --> 00:55:25,592 gone, too, 2084 00:55:25,592 --> 00:55:29,496 even though Sharon 2085 00:55:25,592 --> 00:55:29,496 would not mention him by name. 2086 00:55:29,496 --> 00:55:31,498 - I know that someone 2087 00:55:29,496 --> 00:55:31,498 knows where Laci is, 2088 00:55:31,498 --> 00:55:32,732 and I'm pleading with you. 2089 00:55:32,732 --> 00:55:35,602 Please, please let 2090 00:55:32,732 --> 00:55:35,602 her come home to us. 2091 00:55:35,602 --> 00:55:38,710 - Unbeknownst to them, 2092 00:55:35,602 --> 00:55:38,710 Scott was thinking 2093 00:55:38,710 --> 00:55:40,140 about going public, too, 2094 00:55:40,140 --> 00:55:43,309 and he discussed it 2095 00:55:40,140 --> 00:55:43,309 with who else? 2096 00:55:43,309 --> 00:55:44,511 Amber. 2097 00:56:11,371 --> 00:56:15,108 - He got it, all right, 2098 00:56:11,371 --> 00:56:15,108 a sudden whirl of interviews. 2099 00:56:15,108 --> 00:56:17,777 A few days after his affair 2100 00:56:15,108 --> 00:56:17,777 with Amber was revealed, 2101 00:56:17,777 --> 00:56:20,947 Scott talked about it 2102 00:56:17,777 --> 00:56:20,947 on NBC's Bay Area station. 2103 00:56:20,947 --> 00:56:23,950 - Obviously, yes, I had 2104 00:56:20,947 --> 00:56:23,950 a romantic relationship 2105 00:56:23,950 --> 00:56:26,853 that was inappropriate 2106 00:56:23,950 --> 00:56:26,853 and unfair to a lot of people. 2107 00:56:26,853 --> 00:56:28,121 - And now, many of 2108 00:56:26,853 --> 00:56:28,121 the people 2109 00:56:28,121 --> 00:56:30,523 who knew Scott 2110 00:56:28,121 --> 00:56:30,523 and loved Scott 2111 00:56:30,523 --> 00:56:33,326 no longer believed 2112 00:56:30,523 --> 00:56:33,326 a word he said. 2113 00:56:33,326 --> 00:56:35,128 For the police who'd 2114 00:56:33,326 --> 00:56:35,128 never believed him, 2115 00:56:35,128 --> 00:56:37,764 Amber Frey was just 2116 00:56:35,128 --> 00:56:37,764 one part of an intricate 2117 00:56:37,764 --> 00:56:41,534 and entirely circumstantial 2118 00:56:37,764 --> 00:56:41,534 case against Scott. 2119 00:56:41,534 --> 00:56:45,238 It relied on 2120 00:56:41,534 --> 00:56:45,238 the smallest of details, 2121 00:56:45,238 --> 00:56:47,507 strands of evidence 2122 00:56:45,238 --> 00:56:47,507 they tried to weave 2123 00:56:47,507 --> 00:56:51,770 into a rope with which 2124 00:56:47,507 --> 00:56:51,770 to hang Scott. 2125 00:56:51,770 --> 00:56:52,812 Another strand? 2126 00:56:52,812 --> 00:56:55,348 Scott's sudden desire to 2127 00:56:52,812 --> 00:56:55,348 sell his and Laci's home 2128 00:56:55,348 --> 00:56:58,385 just weeks after 2129 00:56:55,348 --> 00:56:58,385 she went missing. 2130 00:56:58,385 --> 00:56:59,619 - He said, "I think 2131 00:56:58,385 --> 00:56:59,619 we should get the house 2132 00:56:59,619 --> 00:57:02,455 up on the market," 2133 00:56:59,619 --> 00:57:02,455 and my mom said, 2134 00:57:02,455 --> 00:57:06,260 "This isn't the time to be 2135 00:57:02,455 --> 00:57:06,260 discussing this, Scott." 2136 00:57:06,260 --> 00:57:10,563 - But he did sell Laci's car, 2137 00:57:06,260 --> 00:57:10,563 another strand. 2138 00:57:10,563 --> 00:57:12,332 And then there was 2139 00:57:10,563 --> 00:57:12,332 this cement dust 2140 00:57:12,332 --> 00:57:14,340 at Scott's warehouse. 2141 00:57:14,340 --> 00:57:15,568 - A lot of people use 2142 00:57:14,340 --> 00:57:15,568 concrete anchors 2143 00:57:15,568 --> 00:57:17,170 for small aluminum boats. 2144 00:57:15,568 --> 00:57:17,170 - Sure. 2145 00:57:17,170 --> 00:57:20,707 - And it looked like five of 2146 00:57:17,170 --> 00:57:20,707 these little coffee can anchors 2147 00:57:20,707 --> 00:57:23,743 had been made there 2148 00:57:20,707 --> 00:57:23,743 on that trailer. 2149 00:57:23,743 --> 00:57:27,470 - But only 2150 00:57:23,743 --> 00:57:27,470 this one anchor was found. 2151 00:57:27,470 --> 00:57:28,715 - It's clear there 2152 00:57:27,470 --> 00:57:28,715 was more than one. 2153 00:57:28,715 --> 00:57:30,483 Now, where are those? 2154 00:57:30,483 --> 00:57:32,318 Nobody knows. 2155 00:57:32,318 --> 00:57:36,122 - Were the other four used 2156 00:57:32,318 --> 00:57:36,122 to weigh down Laci's body? 2157 00:57:36,122 --> 00:57:37,624 And though Scott 2158 00:57:36,122 --> 00:57:37,624 said going fishing 2159 00:57:37,624 --> 00:57:39,592 was a last minute decision, 2160 00:57:39,592 --> 00:57:42,929 there were sea charts and maps 2161 00:57:39,592 --> 00:57:42,929 of the Berkeley Marina 2162 00:57:42,929 --> 00:57:45,899 on his computer 2163 00:57:42,929 --> 00:57:45,899 from early December. 2164 00:57:45,899 --> 00:57:47,667 And Scott told police 2165 00:57:45,899 --> 00:57:47,667 he spent time 2166 00:57:47,667 --> 00:57:50,970 at his warehouse office 2167 00:57:47,667 --> 00:57:50,970 on the day Laci disappeared. 2168 00:57:50,970 --> 00:57:53,573 They couldn't help 2169 00:57:50,970 --> 00:57:53,573 but notice how secluded 2170 00:57:53,573 --> 00:57:55,208 the place was. 2171 00:57:55,208 --> 00:57:57,277 - This is very isolated 2172 00:57:55,208 --> 00:57:57,277 back here 2173 00:57:57,277 --> 00:57:59,612 and especially on 2174 00:57:57,277 --> 00:57:59,612 a Christmas Eve. 2175 00:57:59,612 --> 00:58:02,148 - If-if you wanted 2176 00:57:59,612 --> 00:58:02,148 to get away with something, 2177 00:58:02,148 --> 00:58:03,450 this is a place 2178 00:58:02,148 --> 00:58:03,450 you could do it. 2179 00:58:03,450 --> 00:58:04,551 - Yeah. 2180 00:58:04,551 --> 00:58:06,653 - Like move a body 2181 00:58:04,551 --> 00:58:06,653 into a boat, 2182 00:58:06,653 --> 00:58:08,588 thought the detective. 2183 00:58:08,588 --> 00:58:11,624 So, police gathered 2184 00:58:08,588 --> 00:58:11,624 the strands, spun the rope, 2185 00:58:13,660 --> 00:58:15,261 and everything 2186 00:58:13,660 --> 00:58:15,261 that happened, 2187 00:58:15,261 --> 00:58:18,365 happened with 2188 00:58:15,261 --> 00:58:18,365 a lot of people watching. 2189 00:58:18,365 --> 00:58:21,167 - Where does Scott Peterson 2190 00:58:18,365 --> 00:58:21,167 stand in all of this? 2191 00:58:21,167 --> 00:58:23,403 - He's not been eliminated 2192 00:58:21,167 --> 00:58:23,403 from the investigation, 2193 00:58:23,403 --> 00:58:25,939 nor has he been, uh, 2194 00:58:23,403 --> 00:58:25,939 identified as a suspect. 2195 00:58:25,939 --> 00:58:29,509 - Not identified as 2196 00:58:25,939 --> 00:58:29,509 a suspect, not officially. 2197 00:58:29,509 --> 00:58:32,178 Yet, clearly the only 2198 00:58:29,509 --> 00:58:32,178 person of interest 2199 00:58:32,178 --> 00:58:35,480 for the cops and the media. 2200 00:58:35,480 --> 00:58:37,500 - What you got 2201 00:58:35,480 --> 00:58:37,500 in the bag, sir? 2202 00:58:37,500 --> 00:58:39,586 - I have evidence. 2203 00:58:37,500 --> 00:58:39,586 - Evidence? 2204 00:58:39,586 --> 00:58:42,722 - And Sharon kept grappling 2205 00:58:39,586 --> 00:58:42,722 with the depressing truth 2206 00:58:42,722 --> 00:58:45,592 that she just didn't 2207 00:58:42,722 --> 00:58:45,592 want to believe. 2208 00:58:45,592 --> 00:58:48,695 - I felt that 2209 00:58:45,592 --> 00:58:48,695 I should have felt... 2210 00:58:50,830 --> 00:58:53,166 her leave this earth. 2211 00:58:53,166 --> 00:58:54,300 I brought her 2212 00:58:53,166 --> 00:58:54,300 into this world. 2213 00:58:54,300 --> 00:58:57,303 I should have felt 2214 00:58:54,300 --> 00:58:57,303 when she left 2215 00:58:57,303 --> 00:59:00,807 so that I would have known 2216 00:58:57,303 --> 00:59:00,807 whether she was gone or not. 2217 00:59:00,807 --> 00:59:02,800 So, at that time, 2218 00:59:00,807 --> 00:59:02,800 I still had hope 2219 00:59:02,800 --> 00:59:05,378 that-that she was 2220 00:59:02,800 --> 00:59:05,378 coming home. 2221 00:59:05,378 --> 00:59:07,180 - It's a strange and powerful 2222 00:59:05,378 --> 00:59:07,180 thing, though, isn't it? 2223 00:59:07,180 --> 00:59:08,314 - It is. 2224 00:59:08,314 --> 00:59:10,650 - You give birth to a person, 2225 00:59:08,314 --> 00:59:10,650 you bring them up, 2226 00:59:10,650 --> 00:59:13,753 and you feed them, 2227 00:59:10,650 --> 00:59:13,753 and you care for them, and... 2228 00:59:13,753 --> 00:59:15,755 - And we were 2229 00:59:13,753 --> 00:59:15,755 very, very, very close. 2230 00:59:15,755 --> 00:59:17,190 - Yes. 2231 00:59:17,190 --> 00:59:21,270 And Scott, he soon faded 2232 00:59:17,190 --> 00:59:21,270 from public view. 2233 00:59:21,270 --> 00:59:22,429 Didn't stay much 2234 00:59:21,270 --> 00:59:22,429 in Modesto, 2235 00:59:22,429 --> 00:59:25,799 and Amber finally told him 2236 00:59:22,429 --> 00:59:25,799 to stop calling her. 2237 00:59:51,358 --> 00:59:52,892 [horn blowing] 2238 00:59:52,892 --> 00:59:57,197 - And everyone just 2239 00:59:52,892 --> 00:59:57,197 waited until the sea 2240 00:59:57,197 --> 01:00:00,834 finally revealed what everybody 2241 00:59:57,197 --> 01:00:00,834 had been waiting for. 2242 01:00:02,769 --> 01:00:04,137 - Coming up... 2243 01:00:04,137 --> 01:00:05,438 - I felt something 2244 01:00:04,137 --> 01:00:05,438 that day. 2245 01:00:05,438 --> 01:00:07,173 I just knew. 2246 01:00:07,173 --> 01:00:11,444 - A devastating discovery 2247 01:00:07,173 --> 01:00:11,444 and a ride into danger. 2248 01:00:11,444 --> 01:00:13,146 - This was completely 2249 01:00:11,444 --> 01:00:13,146 off the charts. 2250 01:00:13,146 --> 01:00:15,480 Nobody has ever reacted 2251 01:00:13,146 --> 01:00:15,480 this way. 2252 01:00:15,148 --> 01:00:31,640 - April 13th, 2003, 2253 01:00:15,148 --> 01:00:31,640 it was a cool day 2254 01:00:31,564 --> 01:00:33,533 in Northern California. 2255 01:00:33,533 --> 01:00:36,770 Sharon Rocha was hiding 2256 01:00:33,533 --> 01:00:36,770 from the world. 2257 01:00:36,770 --> 01:00:38,204 - It was one 2258 01:00:36,770 --> 01:00:38,204 of those days. 2259 01:00:38,204 --> 01:00:39,639 I just buried myself 2260 01:00:38,204 --> 01:00:39,639 on the couch 2261 01:00:39,639 --> 01:00:41,107 with a blanket 2262 01:00:39,639 --> 01:00:41,107 over my head. 2263 01:00:41,107 --> 01:00:43,543 - She had so locked 2264 01:00:41,107 --> 01:00:43,543 herself away that day 2265 01:00:43,543 --> 01:00:45,645 that friends had 2266 01:00:43,543 --> 01:00:45,645 to come to her house 2267 01:00:45,645 --> 01:00:47,714 to tell her 2268 01:00:45,645 --> 01:00:47,714 there was news. 2269 01:00:47,714 --> 01:00:49,490 - They're knocking 2270 01:00:47,714 --> 01:00:49,490 on my back door, 2271 01:00:49,490 --> 01:00:50,817 on the slider 2272 01:00:49,490 --> 01:00:50,817 in the backyard. 2273 01:00:50,817 --> 01:00:52,318 - It had been 2274 01:00:50,817 --> 01:00:52,318 nearly four months 2275 01:00:52,318 --> 01:00:53,620 since Laci disappeared. 2276 01:00:53,620 --> 01:00:57,691 Yet, somehow Sharon felt 2277 01:00:53,620 --> 01:00:57,691 more bad news was coming. 2278 01:00:57,691 --> 01:01:00,193 Early that morning 2279 01:00:57,691 --> 01:01:00,193 when the tides were low, 2280 01:01:00,193 --> 01:01:03,196 the body of a baby had been 2281 01:01:00,193 --> 01:01:03,196 found on the shoreline 2282 01:01:03,196 --> 01:01:04,698 north of Berkeley. 2283 01:01:04,698 --> 01:01:07,967 The next day, 2284 01:01:04,698 --> 01:01:07,967 another body, a torso, 2285 01:01:07,967 --> 01:01:10,904 badly decomposed, 2286 01:01:07,967 --> 01:01:10,904 was found nearby. 2287 01:01:10,904 --> 01:01:12,872 - The Contra Costa 2288 01:01:10,904 --> 01:01:12,872 County Coroner has arrived 2289 01:01:12,872 --> 01:01:14,607 at the scene 2290 01:01:12,872 --> 01:01:14,607 and has now recovered 2291 01:01:14,607 --> 01:01:16,810 the remains of the victim. 2292 01:01:16,810 --> 01:01:18,511 We're, at this time, 2293 01:01:16,810 --> 01:01:18,511 letting people know 2294 01:01:18,511 --> 01:01:22,415 that we believe the gender 2295 01:01:18,511 --> 01:01:22,415 of the victim is female. 2296 01:01:22,415 --> 01:01:25,485 - But even without 2297 01:01:22,415 --> 01:01:25,485 positive identification, 2298 01:01:25,485 --> 01:01:28,321 everyone knew, 2299 01:01:25,485 --> 01:01:28,321 even Sharon, 2300 01:01:28,321 --> 01:01:30,557 who, despite everything, 2301 01:01:28,321 --> 01:01:30,557 kept trying to hold on 2302 01:01:30,557 --> 01:01:33,793 to a shred of hope that 2303 01:01:30,557 --> 01:01:33,793 she'd wake from a nightmare. 2304 01:01:33,793 --> 01:01:37,970 From Scott, 2305 01:01:33,793 --> 01:01:37,970 there was not a peep. 2306 01:01:37,970 --> 01:01:39,165 - The fact that 2307 01:01:37,970 --> 01:01:39,165 he didn't pick up the phone 2308 01:01:39,165 --> 01:01:41,735 and call anybody 2309 01:01:39,165 --> 01:01:41,735 to find out 2310 01:01:41,735 --> 01:01:45,472 if that was his wife 2311 01:01:41,735 --> 01:01:45,472 and his baby 2312 01:01:47,607 --> 01:01:49,342 left no doubt 2313 01:01:47,607 --> 01:01:49,342 in my mind. 2314 01:01:49,342 --> 01:01:51,110 - Her daughter was dead. 2315 01:01:51,110 --> 01:01:53,546 Her grandson would 2316 01:01:51,110 --> 01:01:53,546 never be born. 2317 01:01:53,546 --> 01:01:56,516 Detective John Buehler 2318 01:01:53,546 --> 01:01:56,516 had known that for a while, 2319 01:01:56,516 --> 01:01:59,185 and now he was nearly 2320 01:01:56,516 --> 01:01:59,185 ready to arrest Scott, 2321 01:01:59,185 --> 01:02:00,920 just not quite. 2322 01:02:00,920 --> 01:02:02,555 - We were gonna wait 2323 01:02:00,920 --> 01:02:02,555 to serve the warrant 2324 01:02:02,555 --> 01:02:04,758 until after the DNA results 2325 01:02:02,555 --> 01:02:04,758 were released 2326 01:02:04,758 --> 01:02:06,693 to confirm the bodies 2327 01:02:06,693 --> 01:02:08,762 were Laci and Conner. 2328 01:02:06,693 --> 01:02:08,762 - Yes. 2329 01:02:08,762 --> 01:02:11,640 By that April, 2330 01:02:08,762 --> 01:02:11,640 Scott Peterson was living 2331 01:02:11,640 --> 01:02:13,299 in San Diego 2332 01:02:11,640 --> 01:02:13,299 near his parents. 2333 01:02:13,299 --> 01:02:16,169 So, tick-tick-tick. 2334 01:02:16,169 --> 01:02:19,139 Detectives waited 2335 01:02:16,169 --> 01:02:19,139 for lab results. 2336 01:02:19,139 --> 01:02:21,541 Police kept an eye 2337 01:02:19,139 --> 01:02:21,541 on Scott. 2338 01:02:21,541 --> 01:02:22,976 - They had the surveillance 2339 01:02:21,541 --> 01:02:22,976 going on him 2340 01:02:22,976 --> 01:02:24,511 for quite some time 2341 01:02:22,976 --> 01:02:24,511 before that. 2342 01:02:27,547 --> 01:02:31,651 - Then April 18th, 2003, 2343 01:02:27,547 --> 01:02:31,651 7:00 a.m., 2344 01:02:31,651 --> 01:02:33,787 the lab results were 2345 01:02:31,651 --> 01:02:33,787 still pending 2346 01:02:33,787 --> 01:02:36,890 when Scott Peterson decided 2347 01:02:33,787 --> 01:02:36,890 to play cat and mouse 2348 01:02:36,890 --> 01:02:37,824 with whomever 2349 01:02:36,890 --> 01:02:37,824 was after him. 2350 01:02:37,824 --> 01:02:39,392 - He's a pretty good driver. 2351 01:02:39,392 --> 01:02:40,427 At least, he was. 2352 01:02:40,427 --> 01:02:41,928 He knew we were 2353 01:02:40,427 --> 01:02:41,928 behind him. 2354 01:02:41,928 --> 01:02:45,198 - Scott started driving 2355 01:02:41,928 --> 01:02:45,198 erratically, very fast. 2356 01:02:45,198 --> 01:02:46,232 - We were trying to keep 2357 01:02:46,232 --> 01:02:47,534 this rolling surveillance 2358 01:02:46,232 --> 01:02:47,534 on him. 2359 01:02:47,534 --> 01:02:49,436 We had a helicopter 2360 01:02:47,534 --> 01:02:49,436 for part of the time. 2361 01:02:49,436 --> 01:02:50,937 - He stopped and started. 2362 01:02:50,937 --> 01:02:52,605 - He'd cross over 2363 01:02:50,937 --> 01:02:52,605 three lanes of traffic 2364 01:02:52,605 --> 01:02:54,700 and take an exit ramp, 2365 01:02:54,700 --> 01:02:55,108 and, of course, 2366 01:02:54,700 --> 01:02:55,108 we couldn't do that. 2367 01:02:55,108 --> 01:02:56,543 We'd end up missing him. 2368 01:02:56,543 --> 01:02:58,345 - Driving evasively 2369 01:02:56,543 --> 01:02:58,345 at times. 2370 01:02:58,345 --> 01:03:00,313 Giving one cop the finger. 2371 01:03:00,313 --> 01:03:02,480 How long did he lead you 2372 01:03:00,313 --> 01:03:02,480 on this merry chase? 2373 01:03:02,480 --> 01:03:04,351 - Oh, gosh, this was-- 2374 01:03:02,480 --> 01:03:04,351 it seemed like 2375 01:03:04,351 --> 01:03:06,286 it might've been 2376 01:03:04,351 --> 01:03:06,286 a couple hours or so, 2377 01:03:06,286 --> 01:03:07,420 maybe longer. 2378 01:03:07,420 --> 01:03:09,550 - Scott, with 2379 01:03:07,420 --> 01:03:09,550 police trailing, 2380 01:03:09,550 --> 01:03:12,258 traveled 160 miles 2381 01:03:09,550 --> 01:03:12,258 that morning 2382 01:03:12,258 --> 01:03:14,694 until law enforcement 2383 01:03:12,258 --> 01:03:14,694 decided it was 2384 01:03:14,694 --> 01:03:16,796 just too dangerous. 2385 01:03:16,796 --> 01:03:17,864 - We have to arrest him. 2386 01:03:17,864 --> 01:03:19,299 They put the lights on him, 2387 01:03:17,864 --> 01:03:19,299 and he pulled off 2388 01:03:19,299 --> 01:03:22,680 into the entrance 2389 01:03:19,299 --> 01:03:22,680 to Torrey Pines Golf Course, 2390 01:03:22,680 --> 01:03:24,904 and they made contact 2391 01:03:22,680 --> 01:03:24,904 with him as we pulled up, 2392 01:03:24,904 --> 01:03:27,674 came out of the car, 2393 01:03:24,904 --> 01:03:27,674 put the handcuffs on him, 2394 01:03:27,674 --> 01:03:32,145 no hysterics, no profanity, 2395 01:03:27,674 --> 01:03:32,145 typical, you know, Scott 2396 01:03:32,145 --> 01:03:35,281 in all his, uh, controlled, 2397 01:03:32,145 --> 01:03:35,281 you know, demeanor. 2398 01:03:35,281 --> 01:03:37,617 - What they found 2399 01:03:35,281 --> 01:03:37,617 in the car with Scott 2400 01:03:37,617 --> 01:03:39,619 was fascinating, 2401 01:03:39,619 --> 01:03:42,422 camping gear, 2402 01:03:39,619 --> 01:03:42,422 four cell phones, 2403 01:03:42,422 --> 01:03:46,726 his sister's credit card, 2404 01:03:42,422 --> 01:03:46,726 his brother's driver's license, 2405 01:03:46,726 --> 01:03:48,895 and cash. 2406 01:03:48,895 --> 01:03:50,397 - Almost $15,000 in cash. 2407 01:03:50,397 --> 01:03:51,664 - In cash. 2408 01:03:51,664 --> 01:03:53,800 He also looked different, 2409 01:03:51,664 --> 01:03:53,800 way different, 2410 01:03:53,800 --> 01:03:55,602 by intent, clearly. 2411 01:03:55,602 --> 01:03:57,904 When you arrested him, 2412 01:03:55,602 --> 01:03:57,904 did he express anything 2413 01:03:57,904 --> 01:04:00,840 that would su-suggest 2414 01:03:57,904 --> 01:04:00,840 he understood 2415 01:04:00,840 --> 01:04:02,175 that was it? 2416 01:04:00,840 --> 01:04:02,175 He was going away? 2417 01:04:02,175 --> 01:04:04,511 - I went to search his car, 2418 01:04:02,175 --> 01:04:04,511 and he said, uh, 2419 01:04:04,511 --> 01:04:05,879 "John, can you tell me 2420 01:04:04,511 --> 01:04:05,879 if those bodies 2421 01:04:05,879 --> 01:04:07,847 "were my wife and son?" 2422 01:04:07,847 --> 01:04:08,882 And I just told him, 2423 01:04:08,882 --> 01:04:11,510 "Scott, you already know 2424 01:04:08,882 --> 01:04:11,510 the answer to that." 2425 01:04:11,510 --> 01:04:12,485 - As they drove 2426 01:04:11,510 --> 01:04:12,485 north of Modesto 2427 01:04:12,485 --> 01:04:14,354 with their prisoner 2428 01:04:12,485 --> 01:04:14,354 in the backseat, 2429 01:04:14,354 --> 01:04:18,580 Buehler got confirmation 2430 01:04:14,354 --> 01:04:18,580 that the DNA was in. 2431 01:04:18,580 --> 01:04:21,261 The bodies were 2432 01:04:18,580 --> 01:04:21,261 Conner and Laci. 2433 01:04:21,261 --> 01:04:23,196 They told Scott. 2434 01:04:23,196 --> 01:04:24,564 - Now, he's wearing 2435 01:04:23,196 --> 01:04:24,564 sunglasses, at the time. 2436 01:04:24,564 --> 01:04:25,765 I look, and I can't-- 2437 01:04:24,564 --> 01:04:25,765 he doesn't make 2438 01:04:25,765 --> 01:04:27,434 hardly any reaction 2439 01:04:25,765 --> 01:04:27,434 whatsoever. 2440 01:04:27,434 --> 01:04:29,690 - And just 2441 01:04:27,434 --> 01:04:29,690 a few minutes later, 2442 01:04:29,690 --> 01:04:31,371 they stopped by 2443 01:04:29,690 --> 01:04:31,371 a roadside burger place 2444 01:04:31,371 --> 01:04:33,730 to get something to eat. 2445 01:04:33,730 --> 01:04:35,342 Given the news 2446 01:04:33,730 --> 01:04:35,342 he'd just received, 2447 01:04:35,342 --> 01:04:38,978 Buehler assumed Scott wouldn't 2448 01:04:35,342 --> 01:04:38,978 have much of an appetite. 2449 01:04:38,978 --> 01:04:40,547 He was wrong. 2450 01:04:40,547 --> 01:04:43,316 - And he goes, "I'll have 2451 01:04:40,547 --> 01:04:43,316 a double-double with cheese, 2452 01:04:43,316 --> 01:04:45,185 a small fry, 2453 01:04:43,316 --> 01:04:45,185 and a vanilla shake," 2454 01:04:46,419 --> 01:04:48,388 like we were comin' back 2455 01:04:46,419 --> 01:04:48,388 from fishin'. 2456 01:04:48,388 --> 01:04:51,491 - Cold? 2457 01:04:48,388 --> 01:04:51,491 That's what Buehler thought. 2458 01:04:51,491 --> 01:04:53,593 - I've run into people 2459 01:04:51,491 --> 01:04:53,593 that have had grief before 2460 01:04:53,593 --> 01:04:55,929 many, many times, 2461 01:04:55,929 --> 01:04:57,964 and this was completely 2462 01:04:55,929 --> 01:04:57,964 off the charts. 2463 01:04:57,964 --> 01:05:00,934 Nobody has ever reacted 2464 01:04:57,964 --> 01:05:00,934 this way in my presence 2465 01:05:00,934 --> 01:05:02,569 when it came to 2466 01:05:00,934 --> 01:05:02,569 something like that. 2467 01:05:00,934 --> 01:05:02,569 - Yeah. 2468 01:05:02,569 --> 01:05:04,270 When they got 2469 01:05:02,569 --> 01:05:04,270 back to Modesto, 2470 01:05:04,270 --> 01:05:06,606 Scott was booked into jail. 2471 01:05:06,606 --> 01:05:10,276 It seemed like the end of 2472 01:05:06,606 --> 01:05:10,276 the road for Scott Peterson, 2473 01:05:10,276 --> 01:05:14,214 but the circus 2474 01:05:10,276 --> 01:05:14,214 wasn't leaving. 2475 01:05:14,214 --> 01:05:16,716 It was just moving 2476 01:05:14,214 --> 01:05:16,716 up the road a bit. 2477 01:05:19,285 --> 01:05:21,121 - Coming up... 2478 01:05:21,121 --> 01:05:22,489 - Prosecutors speak out 2479 01:05:22,489 --> 01:05:24,858 in an in depth 2480 01:05:22,489 --> 01:05:24,858 television interview. 2481 01:05:24,858 --> 01:05:27,160 - He wanted 2482 01:05:24,858 --> 01:05:27,160 a different life. 2483 01:05:27,260 --> 01:05:39,139 - Welcome back. 2484 01:05:40,730 --> 01:05:42,509 Sharon Rocha's 2485 01:05:40,730 --> 01:05:42,509 worst nightmare became real 2486 01:05:42,509 --> 01:05:44,310 when authorities 2487 01:05:42,509 --> 01:05:44,310 recovered the bodies 2488 01:05:44,310 --> 01:05:47,914 of her daughter, Laci, 2489 01:05:44,310 --> 01:05:47,914 and unborn grandson, Conner. 2490 01:05:47,914 --> 01:05:49,449 After a wild car chase, 2491 01:05:49,449 --> 01:05:52,318 detectives took 2492 01:05:49,449 --> 01:05:52,318 Scott Peterson into custody. 2493 01:05:52,318 --> 01:05:54,688 He was traveling with 2494 01:05:52,318 --> 01:05:54,688 four cell phones, 2495 01:05:54,688 --> 01:05:57,824 thousands in cash, 2496 01:05:54,688 --> 01:05:57,824 and had changed his appearance. 2497 01:05:57,824 --> 01:06:00,260 Police believed 2498 01:05:57,824 --> 01:06:00,260 he was trying to flee. 2499 01:06:00,260 --> 01:06:03,863 Now, with this trial looming, 2500 01:06:00,260 --> 01:06:03,863 might he escape justice? 2501 01:06:03,863 --> 01:06:05,498 Here again is 2502 01:06:03,863 --> 01:06:05,498 Keith Morrison 2503 01:06:05,498 --> 01:06:09,369 with "The Disappearance 2504 01:06:05,498 --> 01:06:09,369 of Laci Peterson." 2505 01:06:09,369 --> 01:06:10,537 - Is that correct, 2506 01:06:09,369 --> 01:06:10,537 Mr. Peterson? 2507 01:06:10,537 --> 01:06:11,905 You're pleading not guilty 2508 01:06:10,537 --> 01:06:11,905 to the two charges 2509 01:06:11,905 --> 01:06:14,474 of, uh, murder 2510 01:06:11,905 --> 01:06:14,474 plus the special-- 2511 01:06:14,474 --> 01:06:16,276 uh, denying 2512 01:06:14,474 --> 01:06:16,276 the special allegations? 2513 01:06:16,276 --> 01:06:17,544 - Absolutely. 2514 01:06:16,276 --> 01:06:17,544 - That's correct, Your Honor. 2515 01:06:17,544 --> 01:06:19,790 I am innocent. 2516 01:06:20,180 --> 01:06:21,948 - As the case against 2517 01:06:20,180 --> 01:06:21,948 Scott Peterson 2518 01:06:21,948 --> 01:06:24,884 slowly made its way 2519 01:06:21,948 --> 01:06:24,884 from arrest to trial, 2520 01:06:24,884 --> 01:06:26,820 what really happened 2521 01:06:24,884 --> 01:06:26,820 to Laci Peterson 2522 01:06:26,820 --> 01:06:30,557 became a kind of televised 2523 01:06:26,820 --> 01:06:30,557 courtroom theater. 2524 01:06:30,557 --> 01:06:32,625 The cast included 2525 01:06:30,557 --> 01:06:32,625 legal celebrities 2526 01:06:32,625 --> 01:06:35,128 like Defense Attorney 2527 01:06:32,625 --> 01:06:35,128 Mark Geragos, 2528 01:06:35,128 --> 01:06:37,464 who signed on 2529 01:06:35,128 --> 01:06:37,464 to defend Scott Peterson. 2530 01:06:37,464 --> 01:06:40,333 - Scott looks forward 2531 01:06:37,464 --> 01:06:40,333 to finding out who did this 2532 01:06:40,333 --> 01:06:43,837 to his wife and to his, 2533 01:06:40,333 --> 01:06:43,837 uh, child, Conner. 2534 01:06:43,837 --> 01:06:45,638 - And women's advocate. 2535 01:06:45,638 --> 01:06:46,873 - Thank you 2536 01:06:45,638 --> 01:06:46,873 for coming today. 2537 01:06:46,873 --> 01:06:48,708 I'm Attorney 2538 01:06:46,873 --> 01:06:48,708 Gloria Allred. 2539 01:06:48,708 --> 01:06:50,810 To my right, 2540 01:06:48,708 --> 01:06:50,810 is Amber Frey. 2541 01:06:50,810 --> 01:06:53,613 - Gloria Allred, 2542 01:06:50,810 --> 01:06:53,613 who erected a protective wall 2543 01:06:53,613 --> 01:06:57,830 around the story's wild card, 2544 01:06:53,613 --> 01:06:57,830 Amber Frey. 2545 01:06:57,830 --> 01:07:00,200 - Amber was not gonna be 2546 01:06:57,830 --> 01:07:00,200 doing any interviews 2547 01:07:00,200 --> 01:07:01,254 during the course 2548 01:07:00,200 --> 01:07:01,254 of the case 2549 01:07:01,254 --> 01:07:03,857 even though so many people 2550 01:07:01,254 --> 01:07:03,857 wanted to interview her. 2551 01:07:03,857 --> 01:07:05,658 - Sure, yeah. 2552 01:07:03,857 --> 01:07:05,658 Wasn't she offered 2553 01:07:05,658 --> 01:07:06,693 immense amounts of money 2554 01:07:06,693 --> 01:07:08,328 to do covers 2555 01:07:06,693 --> 01:07:08,328 and things like that? 2556 01:07:08,328 --> 01:07:10,897 - There were many offers 2557 01:07:08,328 --> 01:07:10,897 to Amber 2558 01:07:10,897 --> 01:07:14,701 if she would only provide 2559 01:07:10,897 --> 01:07:14,701 an interview, 2560 01:07:14,701 --> 01:07:18,471 but she needed to 2561 01:07:14,701 --> 01:07:18,471 protect her testimony 2562 01:07:18,471 --> 01:07:21,241 for the actual case. 2563 01:07:21,241 --> 01:07:23,543 - But altogether missing 2564 01:07:21,241 --> 01:07:23,543 in the legal cacophony 2565 01:07:23,543 --> 01:07:24,778 were the prosecutors, 2566 01:07:24,778 --> 01:07:27,313 Birgit Fladager 2567 01:07:24,778 --> 01:07:27,313 and Dave Harris. 2568 01:07:27,313 --> 01:07:28,815 This, all these years later, 2569 01:07:28,815 --> 01:07:30,784 was their first in-depth 2570 01:07:28,815 --> 01:07:30,784 television interview 2571 01:07:30,784 --> 01:07:32,218 about the Peterson case. 2572 01:07:32,218 --> 01:07:33,553 During the trial, 2573 01:07:33,553 --> 01:07:36,489 they often had to 2574 01:07:33,553 --> 01:07:36,489 bite their tongues. 2575 01:07:36,489 --> 01:07:37,824 - Your radio would go off 2576 01:07:36,489 --> 01:07:37,824 in the morning, 2577 01:07:37,824 --> 01:07:38,925 the radio alarm, 2578 01:07:38,925 --> 01:07:41,728 and the little news blurb 2579 01:07:38,925 --> 01:07:41,728 that you would hear-- 2580 01:07:41,728 --> 01:07:43,363 - First thing you hear. 2581 01:07:41,728 --> 01:07:43,363 - On the pop radio station, 2582 01:07:43,363 --> 01:07:45,365 whatever, would- 2583 01:07:43,363 --> 01:07:45,365 would reference the case. 2584 01:07:45,365 --> 01:07:47,233 They could say whatever 2585 01:07:45,365 --> 01:07:47,233 they wanted, right? 2586 01:07:47,233 --> 01:07:50,804 And it wasn't always 2587 01:07:47,233 --> 01:07:50,804 necessarily true. 2588 01:07:50,804 --> 01:07:52,205 - Good morning, Your Honor. 2589 01:07:50,804 --> 01:07:52,205 - Good morning. 2590 01:07:52,205 --> 01:07:54,974 - In court, Geragos 2591 01:07:52,205 --> 01:07:54,974 wanted change of venue, 2592 01:07:54,974 --> 01:07:58,111 though just 90 miles 2593 01:07:54,974 --> 01:07:58,111 or so from Modesto. 2594 01:07:58,111 --> 01:08:01,140 Did anyone not know 2595 01:07:58,111 --> 01:08:01,140 about the Peterson case? 2596 01:08:01,140 --> 01:08:04,117 - How is Scott feeling 2597 01:08:01,140 --> 01:08:04,117 about the move? 2598 01:08:04,117 --> 01:08:06,753 - He just wants the trial 2599 01:08:04,117 --> 01:08:06,753 to take place, 2600 01:08:06,753 --> 01:08:10,290 so that people will be able 2601 01:08:06,753 --> 01:08:10,290 to see what really took place. 2602 01:08:10,290 --> 01:08:11,891 - Scott's mom 2603 01:08:10,290 --> 01:08:11,891 assured reporters 2604 01:08:11,891 --> 01:08:14,270 her son was innocent, 2605 01:08:14,270 --> 01:08:15,128 but she couldn't 2606 01:08:14,270 --> 01:08:15,128 have been very happy 2607 01:08:15,128 --> 01:08:17,796 when everyone decamped 2608 01:08:15,128 --> 01:08:17,796 to the new courthouse 2609 01:08:17,796 --> 01:08:20,867 and saw this billboard 2610 01:08:17,796 --> 01:08:20,867 a local radio station bought 2611 01:08:20,867 --> 01:08:22,402 right across the street. 2612 01:08:22,402 --> 01:08:24,470 - "Man or monster?" 2613 01:08:24,470 --> 01:08:25,772 What'd you think 2614 01:08:24,470 --> 01:08:25,772 when you saw that? 2615 01:08:25,772 --> 01:08:27,399 - Well, that was when we 2616 01:08:25,772 --> 01:08:27,399 were about to start 2617 01:08:27,399 --> 01:08:28,174 jury selection. 2618 01:08:27,399 --> 01:08:28,174 - Yeah, yeah. 2619 01:08:28,174 --> 01:08:29,876 - Jury selection, 2620 01:08:28,174 --> 01:08:29,876 first day of jury selection. 2621 01:08:29,876 --> 01:08:31,644 - So, I-I think we were 2622 01:08:29,876 --> 01:08:31,644 worried we were going 2623 01:08:31,644 --> 01:08:34,613 to have another 2624 01:08:31,644 --> 01:08:34,613 change of venue. 2625 01:08:34,613 --> 01:08:37,350 - But here it stayed. 2626 01:08:37,350 --> 01:08:39,652 June 1, 2004, 2627 01:08:37,350 --> 01:08:39,652 a year and a half 2628 01:08:39,652 --> 01:08:41,621 after Laci Peterson 2629 01:08:39,652 --> 01:08:41,621 vanished, 2630 01:08:41,621 --> 01:08:45,580 her husband, Scott, 2631 01:08:41,621 --> 01:08:45,580 went on trial for her murder. 2632 01:08:45,580 --> 01:08:46,326 And right off the bat, 2633 01:08:46,326 --> 01:08:49,729 the prosecution told the jury 2634 01:08:46,326 --> 01:08:49,729 about Scott and Amber. 2635 01:08:49,729 --> 01:08:53,198 He winced as they showed 2636 01:08:49,729 --> 01:08:53,198 these photos of the two of them 2637 01:08:53,198 --> 01:08:54,533 from the night 2638 01:08:53,198 --> 01:08:54,533 of the party, 2639 01:08:54,533 --> 01:08:57,703 the same photos 2640 01:08:54,533 --> 01:08:57,703 that helped him get caught. 2641 01:08:57,703 --> 01:09:00,473 And then they showed 2642 01:08:57,703 --> 01:09:00,473 the jury this picture of Laci, 2643 01:09:00,473 --> 01:09:03,430 same night, 2644 01:09:00,473 --> 01:09:03,430 different party. 2645 01:09:03,430 --> 01:09:05,645 She went alone. 2646 01:09:05,645 --> 01:09:06,613 - The reason for the murder 2647 01:09:06,613 --> 01:09:08,715 was he didn't wanna be 2648 01:09:06,613 --> 01:09:08,715 married anymore. 2649 01:09:08,715 --> 01:09:10,417 He didn't wanna 2650 01:09:08,715 --> 01:09:10,417 have a child. 2651 01:09:10,417 --> 01:09:12,652 He wanted a different life, 2652 01:09:12,652 --> 01:09:15,622 and Amber was just 2653 01:09:12,652 --> 01:09:15,622 a symptom of that. 2654 01:09:15,622 --> 01:09:17,557 He didn't want 2655 01:09:15,622 --> 01:09:17,557 what he had. 2656 01:09:17,557 --> 01:09:19,125 - And he wanted to be rid 2657 01:09:17,557 --> 01:09:19,125 of what he had. 2658 01:09:19,125 --> 01:09:20,660 - He did. 2659 01:09:19,125 --> 01:09:20,660 - One way or another. 2660 01:09:20,660 --> 01:09:21,861 - Mm-hmm. 2661 01:09:21,861 --> 01:09:24,731 - Laci and Conner were- 2662 01:09:21,861 --> 01:09:24,731 were responsibilities, 2663 01:09:24,731 --> 01:09:26,319 and he didn't want that. 2664 01:09:26,319 --> 01:09:28,100 - He doesn't care 2665 01:09:26,319 --> 01:09:28,100 about anyone but himself. 2666 01:09:28,100 --> 01:09:30,359 He can be very smooth, 2667 01:09:30,359 --> 01:09:33,406 but there's something 2668 01:09:30,359 --> 01:09:33,406 underneath the surface 2669 01:09:33,406 --> 01:09:37,911 that is truly evil. 2670 01:09:37,911 --> 01:09:39,479 - So said the prosecutors, 2671 01:09:39,479 --> 01:09:42,549 Scott strangled or suffocated 2672 01:09:39,479 --> 01:09:42,549 Laci on Christmas Eve, 2673 01:09:42,549 --> 01:09:46,520 early in the morning 2674 01:09:42,549 --> 01:09:46,520 or possibly the night before. 2675 01:09:46,520 --> 01:09:50,899 And then after that, 2676 01:09:46,520 --> 01:09:50,899 after he had done that... 2677 01:09:50,899 --> 01:09:52,792 - Dragged her from the bedroom 2678 01:09:50,899 --> 01:09:52,792 out to the carport, 2679 01:09:52,792 --> 01:09:55,228 pickup truck 2680 01:09:52,792 --> 01:09:55,228 backed into the carport, 2681 01:09:55,228 --> 01:09:58,631 take her out the side door, 2682 01:09:55,228 --> 01:09:58,631 wrapped up most likely, 2683 01:09:58,631 --> 01:10:00,200 load her into 2684 01:09:58,631 --> 01:10:00,200 the bed of the truck, 2685 01:10:00,200 --> 01:10:01,601 drive over to the warehouse, 2686 01:10:01,601 --> 01:10:05,372 move her to the boat, 2687 01:10:01,601 --> 01:10:05,372 cover the boat. 2688 01:10:05,372 --> 01:10:06,740 - Then after sending an email 2689 01:10:06,740 --> 01:10:08,942 and putting together 2690 01:10:06,740 --> 01:10:08,942 a woodworking tool, 2691 01:10:08,942 --> 01:10:12,112 law enforcement believed 2692 01:10:08,942 --> 01:10:12,112 he headed to the bay. 2693 01:10:12,112 --> 01:10:16,316 But evidence of murder? 2694 01:10:12,112 --> 01:10:16,316 That was all circumstantial. 2695 01:10:16,316 --> 01:10:19,786 They had no incriminating DNA, 2696 01:10:16,316 --> 01:10:19,786 minimal forensics, 2697 01:10:19,786 --> 01:10:22,155 just all those 2698 01:10:19,786 --> 01:10:22,155 little strands. 2699 01:10:22,155 --> 01:10:25,358 And, in fact, it didn't always 2700 01:10:22,155 --> 01:10:25,358 go well for the prosecution, 2701 01:10:25,358 --> 01:10:29,620 as Geragos worked 2702 01:10:25,358 --> 01:10:29,620 to keep them off balance. 2703 01:10:29,620 --> 01:10:30,497 - We would try 2704 01:10:29,620 --> 01:10:30,497 and present witnesses 2705 01:10:30,497 --> 01:10:32,599 in a chronological order 2706 01:10:30,497 --> 01:10:32,599 in a way that made sense 2707 01:10:32,599 --> 01:10:35,869 to our theory of the case, 2708 01:10:32,599 --> 01:10:35,869 and they were very good 2709 01:10:35,869 --> 01:10:37,504 at disrupting that 2710 01:10:35,869 --> 01:10:37,504 and saying, 2711 01:10:37,504 --> 01:10:38,638 "We're not ready 2712 01:10:37,504 --> 01:10:38,638 for that witness." 2713 01:10:38,638 --> 01:10:39,906 - Just trying to throw 2714 01:10:38,638 --> 01:10:39,906 a monkey-wrench 2715 01:10:39,906 --> 01:10:42,242 into your smooth telling 2716 01:10:39,906 --> 01:10:42,242 of the story. 2717 01:10:42,242 --> 01:10:43,476 - Yeah. 2718 01:10:43,476 --> 01:10:46,746 - If-if it happened once, 2719 01:10:43,476 --> 01:10:46,746 maybe it was just coincidence. 2720 01:10:46,746 --> 01:10:48,480 If it happened 2721 01:10:46,746 --> 01:10:48,480 every single week, 2722 01:10:48,480 --> 01:10:50,517 at some point time, 2723 01:10:48,480 --> 01:10:50,517 it's a plan. 2724 01:10:50,517 --> 01:10:52,986 - It got worse 2725 01:10:50,517 --> 01:10:52,986 for the prosecution. 2726 01:10:52,986 --> 01:10:55,121 Geragos, who believed 2727 01:10:52,986 --> 01:10:55,121 the Modesto P.D. 2728 01:10:55,121 --> 01:10:58,580 had it out for his client, 2729 01:10:55,121 --> 01:10:58,580 tried to make it look like 2730 01:10:58,580 --> 01:11:01,610 Al Brocchini 2731 01:10:58,580 --> 01:11:01,610 had hidden evidence. 2732 01:11:01,610 --> 01:11:02,796 He asked him on the stand. 2733 01:11:02,796 --> 01:11:05,265 "Did you delete information 2734 01:11:02,796 --> 01:11:05,265 from a police report 2735 01:11:05,265 --> 01:11:07,334 about Laci visiting 2736 01:11:05,265 --> 01:11:07,334 Scott's warehouse 2737 01:11:07,334 --> 01:11:09,135 December 23rd?" 2738 01:11:09,135 --> 01:11:11,504 - The answer was, "I did." 2739 01:11:11,504 --> 01:11:13,506 And then, "Okay, 2740 01:11:11,504 --> 01:11:13,506 we're done for the day." 2741 01:11:13,506 --> 01:11:16,810 And it's like, uh, 2742 01:11:13,506 --> 01:11:16,810 you know, can I answer? 2743 01:11:16,810 --> 01:11:18,578 - And that was a very good 2744 01:11:16,810 --> 01:11:18,578 point for him to make 2745 01:11:18,578 --> 01:11:20,580 because it would create 2746 01:11:18,578 --> 01:11:20,580 the impression that, 2747 01:11:20,580 --> 01:11:22,315 in fact, Laci did know 2748 01:11:20,580 --> 01:11:22,315 about the boat, 2749 01:11:22,315 --> 01:11:24,951 as Scott said she did, 2750 01:11:22,315 --> 01:11:24,951 and it lent credibility 2751 01:11:24,951 --> 01:11:26,786 to the rest of his story 2752 01:11:24,951 --> 01:11:26,786 as a result. 2753 01:11:26,786 --> 01:11:28,321 - Well, maybe, maybe not, 2754 01:11:28,321 --> 01:11:30,223 but he could have got 2755 01:11:28,321 --> 01:11:30,223 the whole story. 2756 01:11:30,223 --> 01:11:32,158 - Of course, 2757 01:11:30,223 --> 01:11:32,158 the whole story 2758 01:11:32,158 --> 01:11:34,361 wasn't what the defense 2759 01:11:32,158 --> 01:11:34,361 attorney wanted, 2760 01:11:34,361 --> 01:11:37,330 that the information was in 2761 01:11:34,361 --> 01:11:37,330 another cop's report, 2762 01:11:37,330 --> 01:11:39,366 that nothing 2763 01:11:37,330 --> 01:11:39,366 had been hidden. 2764 01:11:39,366 --> 01:11:42,102 But what did 2765 01:11:39,366 --> 01:11:42,102 the jury think? 2766 01:11:42,102 --> 01:11:43,103 - What was your sense 2767 01:11:43,103 --> 01:11:45,572 of how well that 2768 01:11:43,103 --> 01:11:45,572 prosecution was going? 2769 01:11:45,572 --> 01:11:49,309 - I was a bit concerned. 2770 01:11:49,309 --> 01:11:54,514 I felt that their burden 2771 01:11:49,309 --> 01:11:54,514 of proving guilt 2772 01:11:54,514 --> 01:12:00,530 beyond a reasonable doubt, 2773 01:11:54,514 --> 01:12:00,530 uh, had not yet been met. 2774 01:12:00,530 --> 01:12:02,455 - But the big change, 2775 01:12:00,530 --> 01:12:02,455 the sea change, 2776 01:12:02,455 --> 01:12:04,958 was the day she walked in. 2777 01:12:04,958 --> 01:12:06,926 - Walking in the courtroom, 2778 01:12:06,926 --> 01:12:11,164 you could hear bodies 2779 01:12:06,926 --> 01:12:11,164 shifting towards the door. 2780 01:12:11,164 --> 01:12:14,134 Uh, a lot of pressure. 2781 01:12:14,134 --> 01:12:16,603 - As Scott watched, 2782 01:12:14,134 --> 01:12:16,603 Amber Frey told the jury 2783 01:12:16,603 --> 01:12:18,805 everything from 2784 01:12:16,603 --> 01:12:18,805 strawberries and champagne 2785 01:12:18,805 --> 01:12:21,174 on their first date 2786 01:12:18,805 --> 01:12:21,174 to his tearful confession 2787 01:12:21,174 --> 01:12:24,770 of losing his wife 2788 01:12:21,174 --> 01:12:24,770 weeks before she went missing. 2789 01:12:31,818 --> 01:12:34,554 - And all those phone calls 2790 01:12:31,818 --> 01:12:34,554 were played for the jury. 2791 01:12:34,554 --> 01:12:37,900 - The jury 2792 01:12:34,554 --> 01:12:37,900 could hear his words, 2793 01:12:37,900 --> 01:12:39,492 of course, 2794 01:12:37,900 --> 01:12:39,492 not his words under oath 2795 01:12:39,492 --> 01:12:42,829 but his words 2796 01:12:39,492 --> 01:12:42,829 on the phone call to Amber, 2797 01:12:42,829 --> 01:12:46,433 and how he lied, 2798 01:12:42,829 --> 01:12:46,433 and lied, and lied, 2799 01:12:46,433 --> 01:12:48,501 and even lied about lying. 2800 01:12:48,501 --> 01:12:50,203 - Mark Geragos 2801 01:12:48,501 --> 01:12:50,203 did what he could. 2802 01:12:50,203 --> 01:12:52,605 He went after 2803 01:12:50,203 --> 01:12:52,605 Amber repeatedly. 2804 01:12:52,605 --> 01:12:54,741 Questioned her about 2805 01:12:52,605 --> 01:12:54,741 how much she had to drink 2806 01:12:54,741 --> 01:12:57,577 on her dates with Scott 2807 01:12:54,741 --> 01:12:57,577 and about how often 2808 01:12:57,577 --> 01:13:00,947 she and Scott had sex 2809 01:12:57,577 --> 01:13:00,947 and how soon. 2810 01:13:00,947 --> 01:13:02,849 Did the defense 2811 01:13:00,947 --> 01:13:02,849 rattle you? 2812 01:13:02,849 --> 01:13:05,251 - No. 2813 01:13:02,849 --> 01:13:05,251 He tried. 2814 01:13:05,251 --> 01:13:07,870 - Amber didn't buckle, 2815 01:13:07,870 --> 01:13:09,489 and the prosecution 2816 01:13:07,870 --> 01:13:09,489 hit its stride. 2817 01:13:09,489 --> 01:13:11,191 An expert told the jury 2818 01:13:09,489 --> 01:13:11,191 the baby died 2819 01:13:11,191 --> 01:13:14,294 between December 23rd 2820 01:13:11,191 --> 01:13:14,294 and December 25th. 2821 01:13:14,294 --> 01:13:15,595 Another expert 2822 01:13:14,294 --> 01:13:15,595 told the jury 2823 01:13:15,595 --> 01:13:17,864 that Laci's decomposition 2824 01:13:15,595 --> 01:13:17,864 was consistent 2825 01:13:17,864 --> 01:13:20,433 with three to six months 2826 01:13:17,864 --> 01:13:20,433 in the water. 2827 01:13:20,433 --> 01:13:23,103 And a search dog handler 2828 01:13:20,433 --> 01:13:23,103 testified 2829 01:13:23,103 --> 01:13:24,771 her dog picked up 2830 01:13:23,103 --> 01:13:24,771 Laci's scent 2831 01:13:24,771 --> 01:13:26,706 at the Berkeley Marina. 2832 01:13:26,706 --> 01:13:28,740 And, said the prosecutors, 2833 01:13:28,740 --> 01:13:30,760 it was obvious 2834 01:13:28,740 --> 01:13:30,760 Scott Peterson knew 2835 01:13:30,760 --> 01:13:32,779 Laci and Conner 2836 01:13:30,760 --> 01:13:32,779 were gone for good. 2837 01:13:32,779 --> 01:13:34,748 He'd even turned 2838 01:13:32,779 --> 01:13:34,748 Conner's nursery 2839 01:13:34,748 --> 01:13:36,616 into a storage room. 2840 01:13:36,616 --> 01:13:40,854 - Put office furniture, 2841 01:13:36,616 --> 01:13:40,854 and pillows, 2842 01:13:40,854 --> 01:13:44,424 and a locking device 2843 01:13:40,854 --> 01:13:44,424 from a car in there. 2844 01:13:44,424 --> 01:13:47,930 Scott wasn't expecting Conner 2845 01:13:44,424 --> 01:13:47,930 to ever come home. 2846 01:13:50,196 --> 01:13:53,433 - The evidence appears stacked 2847 01:13:50,196 --> 01:13:53,433 against Scott Peterson, 2848 01:13:53,433 --> 01:13:56,302 but not everyone 2849 01:13:53,433 --> 01:13:56,302 believes he's guilty. 2850 01:13:56,302 --> 01:13:57,771 Coming up... 2851 01:13:57,771 --> 01:14:00,106 - He's a lying cheat. 2852 01:13:57,771 --> 01:14:00,106 - Yes, he was. 2853 01:14:00,106 --> 01:14:03,877 - A cheater, a liar, 2854 01:14:00,106 --> 01:14:03,877 but a killer? 2855 01:14:03,877 --> 01:14:06,379 - I mean, really, 2856 01:14:03,877 --> 01:14:06,379 who else coulda done it? 2857 01:14:06,379 --> 01:14:08,381 - I'm glad you asked 2858 01:14:06,379 --> 01:14:08,381 that question. 2859 01:14:08,481 --> 01:14:19,426 ** 2860 01:14:20,930 --> 01:14:21,494 - Four months 2861 01:14:20,930 --> 01:14:21,494 into the trial, 2862 01:14:21,494 --> 01:14:22,762 the defense got its chance 2863 01:14:22,762 --> 01:14:26,132 to disprove 2864 01:14:22,762 --> 01:14:26,132 the prosecution theory. 2865 01:14:26,132 --> 01:14:28,501 We wanted to talk 2866 01:14:26,132 --> 01:14:28,501 to Attorney Mark Geragos 2867 01:14:28,501 --> 01:14:29,769 about the trial. 2868 01:14:29,769 --> 01:14:32,372 He didn't respond 2869 01:14:29,769 --> 01:14:32,372 to our request. 2870 01:14:32,372 --> 01:14:34,441 We wanted to talk 2871 01:14:32,372 --> 01:14:34,441 to Scott Peterson, 2872 01:14:34,441 --> 01:14:36,609 but he wasn't interested. 2873 01:14:36,609 --> 01:14:38,311 He turned us down, 2874 01:14:36,609 --> 01:14:38,311 said his family, 2875 01:14:38,311 --> 01:14:40,914 because he didn't like 2876 01:14:38,311 --> 01:14:40,914 my coverage of the case 2877 01:14:40,914 --> 01:14:43,830 back in 2003. 2878 01:14:43,830 --> 01:14:44,384 Scott's frantic story, 2879 01:14:44,384 --> 01:14:47,287 simple yet utterly baffling, 2880 01:14:44,384 --> 01:14:47,287 was this... 2881 01:14:47,287 --> 01:14:50,623 His family still insists 2882 01:14:47,287 --> 01:14:50,623 he's an innocent man, 2883 01:14:50,623 --> 01:14:53,593 and we wanted 2884 01:14:50,623 --> 01:14:53,593 to hear that from them. 2885 01:14:53,593 --> 01:14:55,495 They turned us down, too, 2886 01:14:55,495 --> 01:14:57,864 and suggested we talk 2887 01:14:55,495 --> 01:14:57,864 to a retired journalist 2888 01:14:57,864 --> 01:15:02,350 named Richard Cole, 2889 01:14:57,864 --> 01:15:02,350 who shares their point of view, 2890 01:15:02,350 --> 01:15:07,400 and said the prosecution theory 2891 01:15:02,350 --> 01:15:07,400 of the case makes no sense. 2892 01:15:07,400 --> 01:15:09,420 - Because it was 2893 01:15:07,400 --> 01:15:09,420 so ridiculous. 2894 01:15:09,420 --> 01:15:14,514 Scott Peterson 2895 01:15:09,420 --> 01:15:14,514 kills his 160-pound wife-- 2896 01:15:14,514 --> 01:15:17,517 puts her body 2897 01:15:14,514 --> 01:15:17,517 in the back of his truck. 2898 01:15:17,517 --> 01:15:23,656 He then drives it to his office 2899 01:15:17,517 --> 01:15:23,656 to pick up the boat. 2900 01:15:23,656 --> 01:15:25,625 And then what does he do 2901 01:15:25,625 --> 01:15:28,161 with the dead body of his wife 2902 01:15:25,625 --> 01:15:28,161 in a parking lot? 2903 01:15:28,161 --> 01:15:35,702 He goes back into the office, 2904 01:15:28,161 --> 01:15:35,702 spends an hour on the internet 2905 01:15:35,702 --> 01:15:38,872 sending a Christmas email 2906 01:15:35,702 --> 01:15:38,872 to his boss, 2907 01:15:38,872 --> 01:15:40,507 and then he said, "Oh, 2908 01:15:40,507 --> 01:15:42,642 "well, I guess I better 2909 01:15:40,507 --> 01:15:42,642 get rid of the body now." 2910 01:15:44,911 --> 01:15:47,380 - Cole believes 2911 01:15:44,911 --> 01:15:47,380 that media coverage, 2912 01:15:47,380 --> 01:15:49,349 biased against 2913 01:15:47,380 --> 01:15:49,349 the defendant, 2914 01:15:49,349 --> 01:15:52,385 somehow seeped inside 2915 01:15:49,349 --> 01:15:52,385 the courtroom. 2916 01:15:52,385 --> 01:15:58,158 - This gigantic tsunami 2917 01:15:52,385 --> 01:15:58,158 of media coverage, 2918 01:15:58,158 --> 01:16:02,620 much of it false, 2919 01:15:58,158 --> 01:16:02,620 much of it totally distorted-- 2920 01:16:02,620 --> 01:16:04,300 - Mm-hmm. 2921 01:16:02,620 --> 01:16:04,300 - Uh... 2922 01:16:04,300 --> 01:16:05,899 concentrating on things 2923 01:16:04,300 --> 01:16:05,899 that had nothing to do 2924 01:16:05,899 --> 01:16:10,103 with the evidence, 2925 01:16:05,899 --> 01:16:10,103 and that basically, 2926 01:16:10,103 --> 01:16:14,574 I think, consumed 2927 01:16:10,103 --> 01:16:14,574 that little fact trial 2928 01:16:14,574 --> 01:16:16,142 inside the courthouse. 2929 01:16:16,142 --> 01:16:19,179 - The most damaging witness 2930 01:16:16,142 --> 01:16:19,179 against Scott, he said, 2931 01:16:19,179 --> 01:16:23,490 didn't see anything 2932 01:16:19,179 --> 01:16:23,490 really related to a murder 2933 01:16:23,490 --> 01:16:25,618 but nonetheless, 2934 01:16:23,490 --> 01:16:25,618 forever tainted Scott 2935 01:16:25,618 --> 01:16:28,488 in the eyes of the public 2936 01:16:25,618 --> 01:16:28,488 and the jury. 2937 01:16:28,488 --> 01:16:31,124 - Once you started looking 2938 01:16:28,488 --> 01:16:31,124 at that case 2939 01:16:31,124 --> 01:16:32,859 through an Amber lens-- 2940 01:16:31,124 --> 01:16:32,859 - Uh-huh. 2941 01:16:32,859 --> 01:16:35,528 - Everything he did 2942 01:16:32,859 --> 01:16:35,528 was wrong. 2943 01:16:35,528 --> 01:16:38,640 - 'Cause he's a lying cheat. 2944 01:16:35,528 --> 01:16:38,640 - Yes, he was. 2945 01:16:38,640 --> 01:16:39,599 - The affair with Amber, 2946 01:16:38,640 --> 01:16:39,599 said Cole, 2947 01:16:39,599 --> 01:16:42,335 made everything Scott did 2948 01:16:39,599 --> 01:16:42,335 look sinister, 2949 01:16:42,335 --> 01:16:44,571 but it didn't prove 2950 01:16:42,335 --> 01:16:44,571 he killed Laci. 2951 01:16:44,571 --> 01:16:48,541 Scott Peterson was behaving 2952 01:16:44,571 --> 01:16:48,541 pretty oddly. 2953 01:16:48,541 --> 01:16:51,770 - His behavior 2954 01:16:48,541 --> 01:16:51,770 does look odd. 2955 01:16:51,770 --> 01:16:55,810 He backed himself 2956 01:16:51,770 --> 01:16:55,810 into a horrible position. 2957 01:16:55,810 --> 01:16:57,250 - Sure. 2958 01:16:55,810 --> 01:16:57,250 - He's thinking, 2959 01:16:57,250 --> 01:16:59,285 if anyone ever finds out 2960 01:16:57,250 --> 01:16:59,285 about this woman, 2961 01:16:59,285 --> 01:17:01,454 not only will it 2962 01:16:59,285 --> 01:17:01,454 look bad for me, 2963 01:17:01,454 --> 01:17:04,691 but that will become 2964 01:17:01,454 --> 01:17:04,691 what this story is about, 2965 01:17:04,691 --> 01:17:06,826 and he was exactly right. 2966 01:17:06,826 --> 01:17:11,398 So, he very foolishly 2967 01:17:06,826 --> 01:17:11,398 and not very well 2968 01:17:11,398 --> 01:17:13,633 tried to keep her at bay 2969 01:17:11,398 --> 01:17:13,633 with lies, 2970 01:17:13,633 --> 01:17:16,336 thinking Laci will be home 2971 01:17:13,633 --> 01:17:16,336 next week. 2972 01:17:16,336 --> 01:17:19,105 - And that would explain 2973 01:17:16,336 --> 01:17:19,105 why Scott hid from TV cameras, 2974 01:17:19,105 --> 01:17:22,909 not guilt about Laci, 2975 01:17:19,105 --> 01:17:22,909 guilt about Amber. 2976 01:17:22,909 --> 01:17:24,778 In Cole's mind, 2977 01:17:22,909 --> 01:17:24,778 Scott acted like a man 2978 01:17:24,778 --> 01:17:27,447 who'd expected his wife 2979 01:17:24,778 --> 01:17:27,447 to come home. 2980 01:17:27,447 --> 01:17:28,915 So, that, said Cole, 2981 01:17:28,915 --> 01:17:32,352 is why Scott didn't want 2982 01:17:28,915 --> 01:17:32,352 a ding on the car door 2983 01:17:32,352 --> 01:17:34,821 when the cops were 2984 01:17:32,352 --> 01:17:34,821 searching his truck. 2985 01:17:34,821 --> 01:17:37,570 Sold Laci's car, though. 2986 01:17:37,570 --> 01:17:39,159 - He did sell the car 2987 01:17:37,570 --> 01:17:39,159 because, you know, 2988 01:17:39,159 --> 01:17:40,600 he-he was not rich. 2989 01:17:40,600 --> 01:17:42,620 The Peterson family 2990 01:17:40,600 --> 01:17:42,620 isn't rich. 2991 01:17:42,620 --> 01:17:44,497 - And Scott hemmed and hawed 2992 01:17:42,620 --> 01:17:44,497 about what he was fishing for, 2993 01:17:44,497 --> 01:17:46,866 said Cole, because 2994 01:17:44,497 --> 01:17:46,866 the whole point of the trip 2995 01:17:46,866 --> 01:17:49,302 was not so much 2996 01:17:46,866 --> 01:17:49,302 to catch something 2997 01:17:49,302 --> 01:17:51,404 as it was to test the boat 2998 01:17:51,404 --> 01:17:54,674 before giving it to Laci's 2999 01:17:51,404 --> 01:17:54,674 step-dad, Ron Grantski, 3000 01:17:54,674 --> 01:17:56,543 as a Christmas present. 3001 01:17:56,543 --> 01:17:59,746 - The boat was basically 3002 01:17:56,543 --> 01:17:59,746 a kind of a gift, 3003 01:17:59,746 --> 01:18:01,810 and that's why 3004 01:17:59,746 --> 01:18:01,810 it was kept a secret 3005 01:18:01,810 --> 01:18:02,182 from the Grantskis, 3006 01:18:02,182 --> 01:18:03,883 'cause it was 3007 01:18:02,182 --> 01:18:03,883 a Christmas thing. 3008 01:18:03,883 --> 01:18:06,152 - All innocent, said Cole. 3009 01:18:06,152 --> 01:18:07,687 But why did Scott 3010 01:18:06,152 --> 01:18:07,687 tell Amber 3011 01:18:07,687 --> 01:18:11,424 before Laci vanished, 3012 01:18:07,687 --> 01:18:11,424 "I lost my wife?" 3013 01:18:11,424 --> 01:18:13,193 Amber confronts Scott 3014 01:18:11,424 --> 01:18:13,193 about having a wife, 3015 01:18:13,193 --> 01:18:15,280 and he says, "I lost her, 3016 01:18:15,280 --> 01:18:17,630 and this will be my 3017 01:18:15,280 --> 01:18:17,630 first Christmas without her." 3018 01:18:17,630 --> 01:18:18,164 - Yeah. 3019 01:18:18,164 --> 01:18:22,350 Scott had had that line 3020 01:18:18,164 --> 01:18:22,350 used on him by a woman 3021 01:18:22,350 --> 01:18:24,804 who was married, 3022 01:18:22,350 --> 01:18:24,804 and, uh, 3023 01:18:24,804 --> 01:18:26,473 he asked her 3024 01:18:24,804 --> 01:18:26,473 if she was married, 3025 01:18:26,473 --> 01:18:30,110 and she said, 3026 01:18:26,473 --> 01:18:30,110 "Uh, I lost my husband," 3027 01:18:30,110 --> 01:18:31,778 and Scott decided 3028 01:18:30,110 --> 01:18:31,778 that he liked that, 3029 01:18:31,778 --> 01:18:33,747 and that was 3030 01:18:31,778 --> 01:18:33,747 a really good line. 3031 01:18:33,747 --> 01:18:35,749 - In other words, 3032 01:18:33,747 --> 01:18:35,749 Scott was a cad, 3033 01:18:35,749 --> 01:18:38,718 not a killer, 3034 01:18:35,749 --> 01:18:38,718 so said Cole anyway. 3035 01:18:38,718 --> 01:18:41,540 But then how to explain 3036 01:18:38,718 --> 01:18:41,540 the strange similarities 3037 01:18:41,540 --> 01:18:43,890 between Scott's fishing story 3038 01:18:43,890 --> 01:18:46,590 and the circumstances 3039 01:18:43,890 --> 01:18:46,590 of the murder? 3040 01:18:46,590 --> 01:18:46,960 But, you know, 3041 01:18:46,960 --> 01:18:49,620 he went fishing in the bay. 3042 01:18:46,960 --> 01:18:49,620 - Yeah. 3043 01:18:49,620 --> 01:18:51,164 - They found the bodies 3044 01:18:49,620 --> 01:18:51,164 in the bay. 3045 01:18:51,164 --> 01:18:53,299 - Yes. 3046 01:18:51,164 --> 01:18:53,299 - I mean, really? 3047 01:18:53,299 --> 01:18:54,401 Who else coulda done it? 3048 01:18:54,401 --> 01:18:55,702 - I'm glad you asked 3049 01:18:54,401 --> 01:18:55,702 that question. 3050 01:18:55,702 --> 01:19:00,640 Let's remember the scene. 3051 01:18:55,702 --> 01:19:00,640 She disappears. 3052 01:19:00,640 --> 01:19:05,745 Within a few days, 3053 01:19:00,640 --> 01:19:05,745 Scott's "I went fishing 3054 01:19:05,745 --> 01:19:10,417 "in Berkeley" story 3055 01:19:05,745 --> 01:19:10,417 is all over the media. 3056 01:19:10,417 --> 01:19:15,321 - So, the real bad guys 3057 01:19:10,417 --> 01:19:15,321 may be local sex offenders 3058 01:19:15,321 --> 01:19:17,290 or the two men arrested 3059 01:19:15,321 --> 01:19:17,290 for the burglary 3060 01:19:17,290 --> 01:19:18,458 across the street. 3061 01:19:18,458 --> 01:19:22,562 Took their victim to the bay 3062 01:19:18,458 --> 01:19:22,562 and framed Scott that way. 3063 01:19:22,562 --> 01:19:24,297 That's Cole's theory 3064 01:19:22,562 --> 01:19:24,297 anyway. 3065 01:19:24,297 --> 01:19:27,667 Made more sense, he said, 3066 01:19:24,297 --> 01:19:27,667 than the case against Scott. 3067 01:19:27,667 --> 01:19:32,172 So, what really happened 3068 01:19:27,667 --> 01:19:32,172 on that cold December morning? 3069 01:19:32,172 --> 01:19:34,874 Twelve people would decide. 3070 01:19:34,874 --> 01:19:36,376 After five months of trial, 3071 01:19:36,376 --> 01:19:38,845 the jury went off 3072 01:19:36,376 --> 01:19:38,845 to deliberate. 3073 01:19:38,845 --> 01:19:43,830 One day, two, a week 3074 01:19:38,845 --> 01:19:43,830 they stayed out, 3075 01:19:43,830 --> 01:19:46,786 and nobody knew 3076 01:19:43,830 --> 01:19:46,786 what were they thinking. 3077 01:19:48,855 --> 01:19:50,357 - Coming up... 3078 01:19:50,357 --> 01:19:51,524 A legacy. 3079 01:19:51,524 --> 01:19:54,127 - She's in heaven, 3080 01:19:51,524 --> 01:19:54,127 and she's in our hearts. 3081 01:19:54,127 --> 01:19:56,262 - A lesson. 3082 01:19:54,127 --> 01:19:56,262 - That gut feeling, 3083 01:19:56,262 --> 01:19:58,231 more women need to listen 3084 01:19:56,262 --> 01:19:58,231 to that. 3085 01:19:58,231 --> 01:20:00,700 - A life 3086 01:19:58,231 --> 01:20:00,700 in the jury's hands. 3087 01:20:00,700 --> 01:20:01,901 - I just burst into tears. 3088 01:20:01,901 --> 01:20:03,636 Everything 3089 01:20:01,901 --> 01:20:03,636 just comes gushing out. 3090 01:20:03,737 --> 01:20:17,951 ** 3091 01:20:18,818 --> 01:20:21,354 - Nearly two years 3092 01:20:18,818 --> 01:20:21,354 after Laci disappeared, 3093 01:20:21,354 --> 01:20:23,823 after nine days 3094 01:20:21,354 --> 01:20:23,823 of deliberation, 3095 01:20:23,823 --> 01:20:25,759 the jury in 3096 01:20:23,823 --> 01:20:25,759 the Scott Peterson trial 3097 01:20:25,759 --> 01:20:29,195 finally announced 3098 01:20:25,759 --> 01:20:29,195 they had a verdict. 3099 01:20:29,195 --> 01:20:32,699 - This was pretty exciting 3100 01:20:29,195 --> 01:20:32,699 and terrifying. 3101 01:20:32,699 --> 01:20:34,701 - As the crowds 3102 01:20:32,699 --> 01:20:34,701 gathered out front, 3103 01:20:34,701 --> 01:20:37,103 the reporters 3104 01:20:34,701 --> 01:20:37,103 got into position, 3105 01:20:37,103 --> 01:20:39,739 and everyone flooded 3106 01:20:37,103 --> 01:20:39,739 back into the courtroom. 3107 01:20:39,739 --> 01:20:41,775 What is it like 3108 01:20:39,739 --> 01:20:41,775 for your level of anxiety? 3109 01:20:41,775 --> 01:20:44,377 - I felt like 3110 01:20:41,775 --> 01:20:44,377 I was going to explode. 3111 01:20:44,377 --> 01:20:46,120 - The verdict is being read, 3112 01:20:44,377 --> 01:20:46,120 right now, 3113 01:20:46,120 --> 01:20:48,381 in a California courtroom 3114 01:20:46,120 --> 01:20:48,381 in the double murder case 3115 01:20:48,381 --> 01:20:49,883 against Scott Peterson. 3116 01:20:49,883 --> 01:20:51,518 There is no camera 3117 01:20:49,883 --> 01:20:51,518 in the courtroom, 3118 01:20:51,518 --> 01:20:54,320 but an audio, live audio feed, 3119 01:20:51,518 --> 01:20:54,320 is being provided. 3120 01:21:01,928 --> 01:21:05,265 - Finally, the words Sharon 3121 01:21:01,928 --> 01:21:05,265 and all those who loved Laci 3122 01:21:05,265 --> 01:21:08,902 had been waiting for, 3123 01:21:05,265 --> 01:21:08,902 guilty of Laci's murder, 3124 01:21:08,902 --> 01:21:10,770 and... 3125 01:21:13,306 --> 01:21:15,642 [cheering] 3126 01:21:15,642 --> 01:21:20,347 - Outside the courthouse, 3127 01:21:15,642 --> 01:21:20,347 crowds cheered. 3128 01:21:20,347 --> 01:21:21,681 Inside... 3129 01:21:21,681 --> 01:21:23,350 - I-I remember, 3130 01:21:21,681 --> 01:21:23,350 I just burst into tears. 3131 01:21:23,350 --> 01:21:25,352 Everything 3132 01:21:23,350 --> 01:21:25,352 just comes gushing out. 3133 01:21:25,352 --> 01:21:29,322 - Oh, yeah. 3134 01:21:25,352 --> 01:21:29,322 - It was two years of-- 3135 01:21:29,322 --> 01:21:31,658 - Anxiety, of waiting. 3136 01:21:29,322 --> 01:21:31,658 - Mm-hmm. 3137 01:21:31,658 --> 01:21:34,728 - A month later, 3138 01:21:31,658 --> 01:21:34,728 the jury decided Scott's fate. 3139 01:21:39,466 --> 01:21:40,967 - For 15 years, 3140 01:21:39,466 --> 01:21:40,967 Scott Peterson 3141 01:21:40,967 --> 01:21:44,871 sat on San Quentin's death row, 3142 01:21:40,967 --> 01:21:44,871 a condemned man. 3143 01:21:44,871 --> 01:21:46,406 - Calling the matter 3144 01:21:46,406 --> 01:21:49,909 of The People versus 3145 01:21:46,406 --> 01:21:49,909 Scott Lee Peterson. 3146 01:21:49,909 --> 01:21:53,246 - Then, in June of 2020, 3147 01:21:49,909 --> 01:21:53,246 via video conference, 3148 01:21:53,246 --> 01:21:55,150 the California State 3149 01:21:53,246 --> 01:21:55,150 Supreme Court 3150 01:21:55,150 --> 01:21:57,650 heard his appeal, 3151 01:21:55,150 --> 01:21:57,650 which focused, in part, 3152 01:21:57,650 --> 01:22:00,320 on how the trial jury 3153 01:21:57,650 --> 01:22:00,320 was chosen. 3154 01:22:00,320 --> 01:22:04,570 - What happened here, 3155 01:22:00,320 --> 01:22:04,570 was the systematic exclusion 3156 01:22:04,570 --> 01:22:07,193 of those jurors who were 3157 01:22:04,570 --> 01:22:07,193 opposed to the death penalty 3158 01:22:07,193 --> 01:22:08,528 but could consider death. 3159 01:22:08,528 --> 01:22:10,630 - The state countered. 3160 01:22:10,630 --> 01:22:13,933 - There is no credible claim 3161 01:22:10,630 --> 01:22:13,933 in this appeal 3162 01:22:13,933 --> 01:22:19,239 that any one of the 12 jurors 3163 01:22:13,933 --> 01:22:19,239 that heard that evidence 3164 01:22:19,239 --> 01:22:23,443 was anything other than 3165 01:22:19,239 --> 01:22:23,443 fair and impartial. 3166 01:22:23,443 --> 01:22:26,790 - In a written ruling issued 3167 01:22:23,443 --> 01:22:26,790 nearly three months later, 3168 01:22:26,790 --> 01:22:29,516 the court sided with Peterson 3169 01:22:26,790 --> 01:22:29,516 on the jury question 3170 01:22:29,516 --> 01:22:32,318 and overturned 3171 01:22:29,516 --> 01:22:32,318 his death sentence, 3172 01:22:32,318 --> 01:22:35,855 but the court also affirmed 3173 01:22:32,318 --> 01:22:35,855 his murder conviction. 3174 01:22:35,855 --> 01:22:37,590 Meanwhile, 3175 01:22:35,855 --> 01:22:37,590 the California Supreme Court 3176 01:22:37,590 --> 01:22:39,192 delivered another ruling. 3177 01:22:39,192 --> 01:22:42,128 The very same justices who 3178 01:22:39,192 --> 01:22:42,128 overturned Peterson's sentence 3179 01:22:42,128 --> 01:22:46,866 now said they also wanted 3180 01:22:42,128 --> 01:22:46,866 his conviction reexamined, 3181 01:22:46,866 --> 01:22:48,468 ordering a lower court 3182 01:22:46,866 --> 01:22:48,468 to determine 3183 01:22:48,468 --> 01:22:51,204 whether he should 3184 01:22:48,468 --> 01:22:51,204 get a new trial. 3185 01:22:51,204 --> 01:22:52,639 At issue, 3186 01:22:52,639 --> 01:22:56,976 whether a juror committed 3187 01:22:52,639 --> 01:22:56,976 prejudicial misconduct. 3188 01:22:56,976 --> 01:22:58,611 Prosecutors said they 3189 01:22:56,976 --> 01:22:58,611 expect the process 3190 01:22:58,611 --> 01:23:02,449 to take years before the case 3191 01:22:58,611 --> 01:23:02,449 is fully resolved. 3192 01:23:02,449 --> 01:23:05,385 In the meantime, 3193 01:23:02,449 --> 01:23:05,385 Peterson was resentenced 3194 01:23:05,385 --> 01:23:08,455 to life without 3195 01:23:05,385 --> 01:23:08,455 the possibility of parole, 3196 01:23:08,455 --> 01:23:10,560 and he remains in prison. 3197 01:23:13,126 --> 01:23:16,429 No one has survived 3198 01:23:13,126 --> 01:23:16,429 untouched. 3199 01:23:16,429 --> 01:23:20,266 Amber Frey's life certainly 3200 01:23:16,429 --> 01:23:20,266 never returned to what it was, 3201 01:23:20,266 --> 01:23:22,102 but, if anything, 3202 01:23:20,266 --> 01:23:22,102 she told us, 3203 01:23:22,102 --> 01:23:25,472 the whole strange experience 3204 01:23:22,102 --> 01:23:25,472 made her stronger, 3205 01:23:25,472 --> 01:23:27,774 her beliefs stronger. 3206 01:23:27,774 --> 01:23:28,975 - I'm a Christian. 3207 01:23:28,975 --> 01:23:30,744 I'm a true believer 3208 01:23:28,975 --> 01:23:30,744 in Jesus Christ. 3209 01:23:30,744 --> 01:23:32,780 - Uh-huh. 3210 01:23:32,780 --> 01:23:34,147 - And I believe 3211 01:23:32,780 --> 01:23:34,147 truly in my heart 3212 01:23:34,147 --> 01:23:39,586 that God prepared 3213 01:23:34,147 --> 01:23:39,586 my life for this. 3214 01:23:39,586 --> 01:23:42,880 - And she's determined 3215 01:23:39,586 --> 01:23:42,880 to teach her own daughter 3216 01:23:42,880 --> 01:23:44,991 something she wished 3217 01:23:42,880 --> 01:23:44,991 she'd understood better 3218 01:23:44,991 --> 01:23:46,626 when she met Scott. 3219 01:23:46,626 --> 01:23:50,960 - We all have heard 3220 01:23:46,626 --> 01:23:50,960 the expression 3221 01:23:50,960 --> 01:23:53,199 women's intuition, 3222 01:23:50,960 --> 01:23:53,199 that gut feeling. 3223 01:23:53,199 --> 01:23:56,336 I think more women need 3224 01:23:53,199 --> 01:23:56,336 to listen to that 3225 01:23:56,336 --> 01:23:59,439 because it's so easy for... 3226 01:23:59,439 --> 01:24:02,420 I will say, a man 3227 01:23:59,439 --> 01:24:02,420 to say, "You're crazy. 3228 01:24:02,420 --> 01:24:04,678 Like, you're being paranoid." 3229 01:24:02,420 --> 01:24:04,678 - Mm-hmm. 3230 01:24:04,678 --> 01:24:07,814 Sharon Rocha wishes she had 3231 01:24:04,678 --> 01:24:07,814 had some sort of gut feeling 3232 01:24:07,814 --> 01:24:11,840 in late December 2002 3233 01:24:07,814 --> 01:24:11,840 when she and Laci 3234 01:24:11,840 --> 01:24:13,186 were looking forward 3235 01:24:11,840 --> 01:24:13,186 to the new baby, 3236 01:24:13,186 --> 01:24:15,522 their lives full of hope 3237 01:24:13,186 --> 01:24:15,522 back then, 3238 01:24:15,522 --> 01:24:17,590 back in those innocent days, 3239 01:24:17,590 --> 01:24:20,660 before the rest of us heard 3240 01:24:17,590 --> 01:24:20,660 the name Laci Peterson 3241 01:24:20,660 --> 01:24:22,962 or saw that smile. 3242 01:24:22,962 --> 01:24:25,165 - It does make you 3243 01:24:22,962 --> 01:24:25,165 question yourself. 3244 01:24:25,165 --> 01:24:26,633 - Mm-hmm. 3245 01:24:26,633 --> 01:24:28,568 - Um, you no longer 3246 01:24:26,633 --> 01:24:28,568 trust your instinct. 3247 01:24:28,568 --> 01:24:29,602 - Yeah. 3248 01:24:28,568 --> 01:24:29,602 - Yeah. 3249 01:24:29,602 --> 01:24:30,837 - Or what you think 3250 01:24:29,602 --> 01:24:30,837 you know about people 3251 01:24:30,837 --> 01:24:34,507 or who you know 3252 01:24:30,837 --> 01:24:34,507 or how you know them. 3253 01:24:34,507 --> 01:24:37,770 - Laci's mother, 3254 01:24:34,507 --> 01:24:37,770 her friends, 3255 01:24:37,770 --> 01:24:39,479 their lives never really 3256 01:24:37,770 --> 01:24:39,479 returned to normal. 3257 01:24:39,479 --> 01:24:40,914 How could they? 3258 01:24:40,914 --> 01:24:43,650 But they've adapted 3259 01:24:40,914 --> 01:24:43,650 like humans do. 3260 01:24:43,650 --> 01:24:47,554 Stacey, Lori, and Rene 3261 01:24:43,650 --> 01:24:47,554 now have their own children, 3262 01:24:47,554 --> 01:24:50,123 and those children, 3263 01:24:47,554 --> 01:24:50,123 who never met Laci, 3264 01:24:50,123 --> 01:24:52,559 know her in a way. 3265 01:24:52,559 --> 01:24:53,927 - She's a part 3266 01:24:52,559 --> 01:24:53,927 of our lives. 3267 01:24:53,927 --> 01:24:55,795 I mean, she is a part 3268 01:24:53,927 --> 01:24:55,795 of our life still, 3269 01:24:55,795 --> 01:24:58,980 so that means our children 3270 01:24:55,795 --> 01:24:58,980 need to know 3271 01:24:58,980 --> 01:24:59,366 about that part 3272 01:24:58,980 --> 01:24:59,366 of our lives. 3273 01:24:59,366 --> 01:25:02,769 - She's special, 3274 01:24:59,366 --> 01:25:02,769 and she had a baby. 3275 01:25:02,769 --> 01:25:05,472 - So, the cemetery isn't 3276 01:25:02,769 --> 01:25:05,472 a place of sadness 3277 01:25:05,472 --> 01:25:09,642 for them, usually. 3278 01:25:09,642 --> 01:25:13,460 It's a place where 3279 01:25:09,642 --> 01:25:13,460 they can celebrate a life, 3280 01:25:13,460 --> 01:25:14,447 someone they loved. 3281 01:25:14,447 --> 01:25:17,617 - She's in Heaven, 3282 01:25:14,447 --> 01:25:17,617 and she's in our hearts. 3283 01:25:19,386 --> 01:25:21,955 - Their Laci. 3284 01:25:21,955 --> 01:25:24,724 - They're beautiful. 3285 01:25:21,955 --> 01:25:24,724 - Oh, how pretty. 3286 01:25:27,394 --> 01:25:28,661 - That's all 3287 01:25:27,394 --> 01:25:28,661 for this edition 3288 01:25:28,661 --> 01:25:30,764 of "Dateline: 3289 01:25:28,661 --> 01:25:30,764 Secrets Uncovered." 3290 01:25:30,764 --> 01:25:33,990 I'm Kate Snow. 3291 01:25:30,764 --> 01:25:33,990 Thank you for watching.