1 00:00:01,420 --> 00:00:12,890 {\an5}m 1161 315 l 1164 255 119 251 115 315 2 00:00:01,420 --> 00:00:12,890 {\an5}m 1161 365 l 1164 255 119 251 115 365 3 00:00:02,470 --> 00:00:12,890 {\an5}Every man has in himself 4 00:00:02,470 --> 00:00:12,890 {\an5}the most dangerous traitor of all. 5 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:12,890 {\an5}Soren Kierkegaard 6 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:12,890 {\an5}m 905 478 l 898 494 900 494 907 478 7 00:00:38,820 --> 00:00:40,010 Kiyotaka. 8 00:00:42,580 --> 00:00:44,390 Remember this. 9 00:00:44,870 --> 00:00:48,400 To have power and fail to use it 10 00:00:50,150 --> 00:00:51,900 is the behavior of a fool. 11 00:00:53,950 --> 00:00:53,950 {OP} 12 00:00:53,960 --> 00:00:59,690 {\an1}The butterfly glimmered as it flew 13 00:00:53,960 --> 00:00:59,690 {\an1}The butterfly glimmered as it flew 14 00:00:53,960 --> 00:00:59,690 {\an1}in a dust cloud that danced across the earth 15 00:00:53,960 --> 00:00:59,690 {\an1}in a dust cloud that danced across the earth 16 00:00:59,690 --> 00:01:05,920 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 17 00:00:59,690 --> 00:01:05,930 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 18 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:05,000 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 19 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:05,170 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 20 00:01:05,170 --> 00:01:05,340 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 21 00:01:05,340 --> 00:01:05,550 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 22 00:01:05,550 --> 00:01:05,920 {\an1}It longed to be in the sky, however far off it might be 23 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:09,050 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 24 00:01:05,930 --> 00:01:09,080 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 25 00:01:06,300 --> 00:01:06,340 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 26 00:01:06,340 --> 00:01:06,380 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 27 00:01:06,380 --> 00:01:06,420 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 28 00:01:06,420 --> 00:01:06,460 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 29 00:01:06,460 --> 00:01:06,500 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 30 00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:06,550 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 31 00:01:06,550 --> 00:01:06,590 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 32 00:01:06,590 --> 00:01:06,630 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 33 00:01:06,630 --> 00:01:06,670 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 34 00:01:06,670 --> 00:01:06,710 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 35 00:01:06,710 --> 00:01:06,750 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 36 00:01:06,750 --> 00:01:06,800 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 37 00:01:06,800 --> 00:01:06,840 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 38 00:01:06,840 --> 00:01:06,880 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 39 00:01:06,880 --> 00:01:06,920 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 40 00:01:06,920 --> 00:01:06,960 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 41 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:07,010 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 42 00:01:07,010 --> 00:01:07,050 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 43 00:01:07,050 --> 00:01:07,090 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 44 00:01:07,090 --> 00:01:07,130 {\an1}I glare at them, but the stars won't fall 45 00:01:09,080 --> 00:01:11,220 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 46 00:01:09,080 --> 00:01:11,220 {\an1}from where I stand now? 47 00:01:09,090 --> 00:01:15,430 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 48 00:01:09,090 --> 00:01:15,430 {\an1}from where I stand now? 49 00:01:09,300 --> 00:01:09,340 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 50 00:01:09,300 --> 00:01:09,340 {\an1}from where I stand now? 51 00:01:09,340 --> 00:01:09,380 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 52 00:01:09,340 --> 00:01:09,380 {\an1}from where I stand now? 53 00:01:09,380 --> 00:01:09,420 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 54 00:01:09,380 --> 00:01:09,420 {\an1}from where I stand now? 55 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:09,470 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 56 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:09,470 {\an1}from where I stand now? 57 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:09,470 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 58 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:09,470 {\an1}from where I stand now? 59 00:01:09,470 --> 00:01:09,510 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 60 00:01:09,470 --> 00:01:09,510 {\an1}from where I stand now? 61 00:01:09,470 --> 00:01:09,510 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 62 00:01:09,470 --> 00:01:09,510 {\an1}from where I stand now? 63 00:01:09,510 --> 00:01:09,550 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 64 00:01:09,510 --> 00:01:09,550 {\an1}from where I stand now? 65 00:01:09,510 --> 00:01:09,550 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 66 00:01:09,510 --> 00:01:09,550 {\an1}from where I stand now? 67 00:01:09,550 --> 00:01:09,590 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 68 00:01:09,550 --> 00:01:09,590 {\an1}from where I stand now? 69 00:01:09,550 --> 00:01:09,590 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 70 00:01:09,550 --> 00:01:09,590 {\an1}from where I stand now? 71 00:01:09,550 --> 00:01:09,590 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 72 00:01:09,590 --> 00:01:09,630 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 73 00:01:09,590 --> 00:01:09,630 {\an1}from where I stand now? 74 00:01:09,590 --> 00:01:09,630 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 75 00:01:09,590 --> 00:01:09,630 {\an1}from where I stand now? 76 00:01:09,590 --> 00:01:09,630 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 77 00:01:09,630 --> 00:01:09,670 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 78 00:01:09,630 --> 00:01:09,670 {\an1}from where I stand now? 79 00:01:09,630 --> 00:01:09,670 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 80 00:01:09,630 --> 00:01:09,670 {\an1}from where I stand now? 81 00:01:09,630 --> 00:01:09,670 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 82 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:09,720 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 83 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:09,720 {\an1}from where I stand now? 84 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:09,720 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 85 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:09,720 {\an1}from where I stand now? 86 00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:09,720 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 87 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:09,760 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 88 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:09,760 {\an1}from where I stand now? 89 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:09,760 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 90 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:09,760 {\an1}from where I stand now? 91 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:09,760 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 92 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:09,800 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 93 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:09,800 {\an1}from where I stand now? 94 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:09,800 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 95 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:09,800 {\an1}from where I stand now? 96 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:09,800 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 97 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:09,840 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 98 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:09,840 {\an1}from where I stand now? 99 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:09,840 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 100 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:09,840 {\an1}from where I stand now? 101 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:09,840 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 102 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:09,880 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 103 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:09,880 {\an1}from where I stand now? 104 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:09,880 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 105 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:09,880 {\an1}from where I stand now? 106 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:09,880 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 107 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:09,920 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 108 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:09,920 {\an1}from where I stand now? 109 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:09,920 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 110 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:09,920 {\an1}from where I stand now? 111 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:09,920 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 112 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:09,970 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 113 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:09,970 {\an1}from where I stand now? 114 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:09,970 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 115 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:09,970 {\an1}from where I stand now? 116 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:09,970 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 117 00:01:09,970 --> 00:01:10,010 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 118 00:01:09,970 --> 00:01:10,010 {\an1}from where I stand now? 119 00:01:09,970 --> 00:01:10,010 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 120 00:01:09,970 --> 00:01:10,010 {\an1}from where I stand now? 121 00:01:09,970 --> 00:01:10,010 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 122 00:01:10,010 --> 00:01:10,050 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 123 00:01:10,010 --> 00:01:10,050 {\an1}from where I stand now? 124 00:01:10,010 --> 00:01:10,050 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 125 00:01:10,010 --> 00:01:10,050 {\an1}from where I stand now? 126 00:01:10,010 --> 00:01:10,050 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 127 00:01:10,050 --> 00:01:10,090 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 128 00:01:10,050 --> 00:01:10,090 {\an1}from where I stand now? 129 00:01:10,050 --> 00:01:10,090 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 130 00:01:10,050 --> 00:01:10,090 {\an1}from where I stand now? 131 00:01:10,050 --> 00:01:10,090 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 132 00:01:10,090 --> 00:01:10,130 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 133 00:01:10,090 --> 00:01:10,130 {\an1}from where I stand now? 134 00:01:10,090 --> 00:01:10,130 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 135 00:01:10,090 --> 00:01:10,130 {\an1}from where I stand now? 136 00:01:10,090 --> 00:01:10,130 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 137 00:01:10,130 --> 00:01:10,170 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 138 00:01:10,130 --> 00:01:10,170 {\an1}from where I stand now? 139 00:01:10,130 --> 00:01:10,170 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 140 00:01:10,130 --> 00:01:10,170 {\an1}from where I stand now? 141 00:01:10,130 --> 00:01:10,170 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 142 00:01:10,170 --> 00:01:10,220 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 143 00:01:10,170 --> 00:01:10,220 {\an1}from where I stand now? 144 00:01:10,170 --> 00:01:10,220 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 145 00:01:10,170 --> 00:01:10,220 {\an1}from where I stand now? 146 00:01:10,170 --> 00:01:10,220 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 147 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:10,260 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 148 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:10,260 {\an1}from where I stand now? 149 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:10,260 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 150 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:10,260 {\an1}from where I stand now? 151 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:10,260 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 152 00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:10,300 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 153 00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:10,300 {\an1}from where I stand now? 154 00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:10,300 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 155 00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:10,300 {\an1}from where I stand now? 156 00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:10,300 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 157 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,340 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 158 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,340 {\an1}from where I stand now? 159 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,340 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 160 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,340 {\an1}from where I stand now? 161 00:01:10,300 --> 00:01:10,340 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 162 00:01:10,340 --> 00:01:10,380 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 163 00:01:10,340 --> 00:01:10,380 {\an1}from where I stand now? 164 00:01:10,340 --> 00:01:10,380 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 165 00:01:10,380 --> 00:01:10,430 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 166 00:01:10,380 --> 00:01:10,430 {\an1}from where I stand now? 167 00:01:10,380 --> 00:01:10,430 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 168 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:10,470 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 169 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:10,470 {\an1}from where I stand now? 170 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:10,470 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 171 00:01:10,470 --> 00:01:10,510 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 172 00:01:10,510 --> 00:01:10,550 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 173 00:01:11,220 --> 00:01:15,430 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 174 00:01:11,220 --> 00:01:15,430 {\an1}from where I stand now? 175 00:01:15,430 --> 00:01:16,140 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 176 00:01:15,430 --> 00:01:16,140 {\an1}from where I stand now? 177 00:01:15,430 --> 00:01:16,140 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 178 00:01:15,430 --> 00:01:16,140 {\an1}from where I stand now? 179 00:01:16,140 --> 00:01:16,180 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 180 00:01:16,140 --> 00:01:16,180 {\an1}from where I stand now? 181 00:01:16,140 --> 00:01:16,180 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 182 00:01:16,140 --> 00:01:16,180 {\an1}from where I stand now? 183 00:01:16,180 --> 00:01:16,220 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 184 00:01:16,180 --> 00:01:16,220 {\an1}from where I stand now? 185 00:01:16,180 --> 00:01:16,220 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 186 00:01:16,180 --> 00:01:16,220 {\an1}from where I stand now? 187 00:01:16,220 --> 00:01:16,260 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 188 00:01:16,220 --> 00:01:16,260 {\an1}from where I stand now? 189 00:01:16,220 --> 00:01:16,260 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 190 00:01:16,220 --> 00:01:16,260 {\an1}from where I stand now? 191 00:01:16,260 --> 00:01:16,310 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 192 00:01:16,260 --> 00:01:16,310 {\an1}from where I stand now? 193 00:01:16,260 --> 00:01:16,310 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 194 00:01:16,260 --> 00:01:16,310 {\an1}from where I stand now? 195 00:01:16,310 --> 00:01:16,350 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 196 00:01:16,310 --> 00:01:16,350 {\an1}from where I stand now? 197 00:01:16,310 --> 00:01:16,350 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 198 00:01:16,310 --> 00:01:16,350 {\an1}from where I stand now? 199 00:01:16,350 --> 00:01:16,390 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 200 00:01:16,350 --> 00:01:16,390 {\an1}from where I stand now? 201 00:01:16,350 --> 00:01:16,390 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 202 00:01:16,350 --> 00:01:16,390 {\an1}from where I stand now? 203 00:01:16,390 --> 00:01:16,430 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 204 00:01:16,390 --> 00:01:16,430 {\an1}from where I stand now? 205 00:01:16,390 --> 00:01:16,430 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 206 00:01:16,390 --> 00:01:16,430 {\an1}from where I stand now? 207 00:01:16,430 --> 00:01:16,470 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 208 00:01:16,430 --> 00:01:16,470 {\an1}from where I stand now? 209 00:01:16,430 --> 00:01:16,470 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 210 00:01:16,430 --> 00:01:16,470 {\an1}from where I stand now? 211 00:01:16,470 --> 00:01:16,510 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 212 00:01:16,470 --> 00:01:16,510 {\an1}from where I stand now? 213 00:01:16,470 --> 00:01:16,510 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 214 00:01:16,470 --> 00:01:16,510 {\an1}from where I stand now? 215 00:01:16,510 --> 00:01:16,560 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 216 00:01:16,510 --> 00:01:16,560 {\an1}from where I stand now? 217 00:01:16,510 --> 00:01:16,560 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 218 00:01:16,510 --> 00:01:16,560 {\an1}from where I stand now? 219 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:16,600 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 220 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:16,600 {\an1}from where I stand now? 221 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:16,600 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 222 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:16,600 {\an1}from where I stand now? 223 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:16,640 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 224 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:16,640 {\an1}from where I stand now? 225 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:16,640 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 226 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:16,640 {\an1}from where I stand now? 227 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:16,680 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 228 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:16,680 {\an1}from where I stand now? 229 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:16,680 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 230 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:16,680 {\an1}from where I stand now? 231 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:16,720 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 232 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:16,720 {\an1}from where I stand now? 233 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:16,720 {\an1}How will I go about capturing them 234 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:16,720 {\an1}from where I stand now? 235 00:01:27,550 --> 00:01:33,410 {\an1}Beneath the fading ultramarine, equality sets a trap 236 00:01:27,550 --> 00:01:33,410 {\an1}Beneath the fading ultramarine, equality sets a trap 237 00:01:33,410 --> 00:01:39,710 {\an1}A hook is cast into my room 238 00:01:33,410 --> 00:01:39,710 {\an1}A hook is cast into my room 239 00:01:39,710 --> 00:01:39,910 {\an1}The shade mixes with the sunlight 240 00:01:39,710 --> 00:01:39,910 {\an1}The shade mixes with the sunlight 241 00:01:39,910 --> 00:01:43,000 {\an1}The shade mixes with the sunlight 242 00:01:39,910 --> 00:01:43,000 {\an1}The shade mixes with the sunlight 243 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:45,970 {\an1}Entropy begins to rise 244 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:45,970 {\an1}Entropy begins to rise 245 00:01:45,970 --> 00:01:48,950 {\an1}As if to ask me, 246 00:01:45,970 --> 00:01:48,950 {\an1}As if to ask me, 247 00:01:48,950 --> 00:01:52,130 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 248 00:01:48,950 --> 00:01:52,130 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 249 00:01:52,130 --> 00:01:52,550 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 250 00:01:52,130 --> 00:01:52,550 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 251 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:52,970 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 252 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:52,970 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 253 00:01:52,970 --> 00:01:53,380 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 254 00:01:52,970 --> 00:01:53,380 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 255 00:01:53,380 --> 00:01:53,800 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 256 00:01:53,380 --> 00:01:53,800 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 257 00:01:53,800 --> 00:01:54,220 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 258 00:01:53,800 --> 00:01:54,220 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 259 00:01:54,220 --> 00:01:55,140 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 260 00:01:54,220 --> 00:01:55,140 {\an1}"How will you choose to live with so few restrictions on your freedom?" 261 00:01:55,160 --> 00:01:58,030 {\an1}Step by step, little by little, 262 00:01:55,160 --> 00:01:58,030 {\an1}Step by step, little by little, 263 00:01:58,030 --> 00:01:59,640 {\an1}We're going to seize the sunlight 264 00:01:58,030 --> 00:01:59,640 {\an1}We're going to seize the sunlight 265 00:01:59,640 --> 00:02:01,520 {\an1}We're going to seize the sunlight 266 00:01:59,640 --> 00:02:01,520 {\an1}We're going to seize the sunlight 267 00:02:01,520 --> 00:02:07,270 {\an1}Change isn't something to be feared— 268 00:02:01,520 --> 00:02:07,270 {\an1}let's achieve evolution 269 00:02:01,520 --> 00:02:07,270 {\an1}Change isn't something to be feared— 270 00:02:01,520 --> 00:02:07,270 {\an1}let's achieve evolution 271 00:02:07,270 --> 00:02:07,650 {\an1}We'll crawl back up as many times as needed 272 00:02:07,270 --> 00:02:07,650 {\an1}We'll crawl back up as many times as needed 273 00:02:07,650 --> 00:02:10,230 {\an1}We'll crawl back up as many times as needed 274 00:02:07,650 --> 00:02:10,230 {\an1}We'll crawl back up as many times as needed 275 00:02:10,230 --> 00:02:13,410 {\an1}The sky will always be waiting for us 276 00:02:10,230 --> 00:02:13,410 {\an1}The sky will always be waiting for us 277 00:02:13,410 --> 00:02:23,950 {\an1}We're travelers walking across our room that we call Earth 278 00:02:13,410 --> 00:02:23,950 {\an1}We're travelers walking across our room that we call Earth 279 00:02:23,950 --> 00:02:23,950 {\an5}{Part A} 280 00:02:23,960 --> 00:02:26,950 {\an5}Day 2 of the Test 281 00:02:23,960 --> 00:02:26,950 {\an5}m 16 10 l 1254 10 1242 701 18 704 282 00:02:34,950 --> 00:02:36,330 Hey! 283 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:39,590 We caught some fish! 284 00:02:39,590 --> 00:02:42,460 Look at all the fruit we found! 285 00:02:42,460 --> 00:02:44,490 Great work, everyone. 286 00:02:44,490 --> 00:02:47,350 Hirata, what should we do next? 287 00:02:47,350 --> 00:02:50,750 Could you two get the fire ready? 288 00:02:50,750 --> 00:02:51,680 Sure! 289 00:02:51,680 --> 00:02:54,270 Kushida's group, you oversee the rationing. 290 00:02:54,620 --> 00:02:55,630 'Kay! 291 00:02:55,630 --> 00:02:59,990 Anyone who's not busy with other tasks, help us collect drinking water. 292 00:02:59,990 --> 00:03:00,930 Okay, everyone. 293 00:03:00,930 --> 00:03:02,230 Could you carry these? 294 00:03:02,230 --> 00:03:03,490 Okay! 295 00:03:03,490 --> 00:03:04,610 {\an8}Thanks! 296 00:03:03,990 --> 00:03:05,490 Hirata Yosuke. 297 00:03:04,610 --> 00:03:05,490 {\an8}I'll help! 298 00:03:05,490 --> 00:03:06,490 {\an8}Well, ready to go? 299 00:03:06,490 --> 00:03:08,780 Class D's leader. 300 00:03:06,490 --> 00:03:07,470 {\an8}Sure. 301 00:03:19,540 --> 00:03:23,640 It's rare to see you taking initiative like this. 302 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:26,150 It's not like I have anything better to do. 303 00:03:26,150 --> 00:03:27,640 This passes the time. 304 00:03:27,640 --> 00:03:32,020 I don't mind doing recon, but I'd personally rather avoid unnecessary movement. 305 00:03:32,380 --> 00:03:37,520 I don't want to waste stamina by wandering around without a clear goal in mind. 306 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:42,660 I understand how you feel, but staying shut up inside won't change the situation. 307 00:03:42,660 --> 00:03:43,910 Besides... 308 00:03:44,470 --> 00:03:47,730 Next time, I'll deal with you personally. 309 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:49,910 Look forward to it. 310 00:03:50,430 --> 00:03:55,290 It's clear they've placed a target on your back. 311 00:03:57,600 --> 00:03:59,050 That's true. 312 00:04:09,900 --> 00:04:15,440 There's plenty of fruit in the forest, and we can probably catch fish in the ocean. 313 00:04:15,440 --> 00:04:17,810 We've got the waterfalls for fresh water, too. 314 00:04:17,810 --> 00:04:19,890 Class B never fails to impress. 315 00:04:19,890 --> 00:04:22,570 It's far more disciplined than I imagined. 316 00:04:24,260 --> 00:04:26,200 It was really hard at first! 317 00:04:26,200 --> 00:04:29,700 But we rigged a few things up, and now we're making it work. 318 00:04:29,700 --> 00:04:34,960 Ichinose, is it safe to assume that our relationship is one of cooperation? 319 00:04:34,960 --> 00:04:37,510 Sure! That's how I think of it. 320 00:04:37,510 --> 00:04:39,210 Sorry to interrupt... 321 00:04:40,180 --> 00:04:41,350 What is it? 322 00:04:41,350 --> 00:04:45,220 I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to help. 323 00:04:45,220 --> 00:04:49,420 Well... why don't you help Chihiro and the others over there? 324 00:04:49,420 --> 00:04:51,720 Understood. Thank you very much. 325 00:04:53,850 --> 00:04:56,980 He seems rather distant, for a classmate. 326 00:04:56,980 --> 00:04:59,680 His name's Kaneda. 327 00:04:59,680 --> 00:05:04,240 Apparently he had a falling-out with Class C and got driven out of the camp. 328 00:05:04,240 --> 00:05:08,230 Oh, sorry. I'd better get back to work. 329 00:05:08,230 --> 00:05:11,170 Come back to visit soon, okay? 330 00:05:11,170 --> 00:05:13,940 It's an upgrade from Class D in every way. 331 00:05:13,940 --> 00:05:16,160 I have to admit that. 332 00:05:23,760 --> 00:05:27,380 We can't see what's going on inside from here. 333 00:05:27,380 --> 00:05:28,310 Let's go have a look. 334 00:05:28,310 --> 00:05:29,760 W-Wait! 335 00:05:29,760 --> 00:05:33,430 We can't afford to be intimidated just because they're Class A. 336 00:05:33,430 --> 00:05:35,290 What are you trying to do? 337 00:05:35,290 --> 00:05:38,480 There's nothing to be gained from revealing ourselves. 338 00:05:38,480 --> 00:05:42,620 Skulking around here won't get us anywhere, either. 339 00:05:52,470 --> 00:05:54,080 What do you want? 340 00:05:54,080 --> 00:05:55,890 We came here to scout you out. 341 00:05:55,890 --> 00:05:57,420 Do you have a problem with that? 342 00:06:03,170 --> 00:06:05,210 How very underhanded. 343 00:06:05,730 --> 00:06:06,720 We're going in. 344 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:07,780 Hey! 345 00:06:07,780 --> 00:06:08,470 What? 346 00:06:08,470 --> 00:06:12,720 This place is occupied by Class A. You're not allowed in. 347 00:06:12,720 --> 00:06:16,260 Oh? You've taken occupancy of this spot? 348 00:06:16,260 --> 00:06:17,970 That's right. Now leave. 349 00:06:17,970 --> 00:06:21,730 But there's no rule saying I can't enter the cave. 350 00:06:22,140 --> 00:06:24,820 I can't use a spot that's currently occupied, 351 00:06:24,820 --> 00:06:27,490 but I have the right to see what's inside. 352 00:06:27,490 --> 00:06:30,130 What you're doing is monopolization. 353 00:06:30,490 --> 00:06:33,810 I think maybe you're the ones breaking the rules. 354 00:06:35,330 --> 00:06:37,040 What are you doing? 355 00:06:37,040 --> 00:06:38,410 Katsuragi! 356 00:06:38,870 --> 00:06:42,040 I don't recall giving you permission to invite visitors. 357 00:06:43,540 --> 00:06:45,970 I just want to see what's inside. 358 00:06:45,970 --> 00:06:48,550 I can't imagine how that's against the rules. 359 00:06:49,470 --> 00:06:51,990 Go ahead and look, then. 360 00:06:51,990 --> 00:06:54,380 But be prepared for consequences. 361 00:06:54,380 --> 00:06:57,430 One class occupies one spot, 362 00:06:58,020 --> 00:07:00,520 and they protect it until the test ends. 363 00:07:01,470 --> 00:07:03,940 If you try to break this unspoken rule, 364 00:07:05,940 --> 00:07:07,910 there will be war. 365 00:07:10,820 --> 00:07:13,950 It's best to avoid that sort of trouble. 366 00:07:30,590 --> 00:07:31,890 You've got to be kidding me. 367 00:07:32,380 --> 00:07:34,960 What is Class C thinking? 368 00:07:34,960 --> 00:07:35,850 Um... 369 00:07:36,330 --> 00:07:39,100 Ryuen wants to see you. 370 00:07:39,540 --> 00:07:40,980 Hey. 371 00:07:41,260 --> 00:07:43,100 You seem to be living the high life. 372 00:07:43,540 --> 00:07:45,440 Oh, we are. 373 00:07:45,440 --> 00:07:48,980 It's our summer vacation, and we're going to enjoy it. 374 00:07:48,980 --> 00:07:49,930 Right? 375 00:07:49,930 --> 00:07:51,860 Y-Yes, sir... 376 00:07:52,180 --> 00:07:56,000 When a leader is incompetent, it ends up hurting those beneath him. 377 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:56,990 Ishizaki. 378 00:07:57,530 --> 00:07:58,900 Y-Yes, sir. 379 00:07:58,900 --> 00:07:59,820 It's warm. 380 00:08:00,770 --> 00:08:02,090 I'm sorry, sir... 381 00:08:03,430 --> 00:08:06,730 For just 100 or 200 class points, 382 00:08:06,730 --> 00:08:11,270 you people will endure starvation, heat, and exhaustion. 383 00:08:12,260 --> 00:08:15,030 Just the thought of it makes me want to laugh. 384 00:08:15,510 --> 00:08:18,840 I was a fool to come here on my guard. 385 00:08:18,840 --> 00:08:20,770 Who's the fool here? 386 00:08:21,500 --> 00:08:22,570 Is it me? 387 00:08:24,090 --> 00:08:25,440 Or you? 388 00:08:27,520 --> 00:08:28,770 Ryuen... 389 00:08:33,570 --> 00:08:35,780 This is the way I do things. 390 00:08:35,780 --> 00:08:38,660 There can be nothing more or less. 391 00:08:39,070 --> 00:08:40,400 I see. 392 00:08:40,400 --> 00:08:42,510 Do as you wish, then. 393 00:08:42,510 --> 00:08:45,300 This is best for us, anyway. 394 00:08:45,300 --> 00:08:48,210 Oh, and there's one other thing I wanted to ask. 395 00:08:48,670 --> 00:08:51,530 You know Ibuki, don't you? 396 00:08:51,530 --> 00:08:53,970 She's in our class. 397 00:08:53,970 --> 00:08:56,180 What about her? 398 00:08:56,180 --> 00:08:58,930 Her face was swollen. 399 00:08:58,930 --> 00:09:00,810 What happened to her? 400 00:09:00,810 --> 00:09:04,180 A ruler has no need for disobedient servants. 401 00:09:04,550 --> 00:09:07,100 I just issued an appropriate punishment. 402 00:09:11,190 --> 00:09:14,940 You used all of your points on the first day, didn't you? 403 00:09:14,940 --> 00:09:16,850 That's right. 404 00:09:16,850 --> 00:09:19,530 I used all of our points. 405 00:09:20,010 --> 00:09:21,810 So no matter what happens to Ibuki, 406 00:09:21,810 --> 00:09:25,330 I don't have to worry about losing any points. 407 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}If S-points reach zero, then even if actions are taken that would cause a 408 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}If S-points reach zero, then even if actions are taken that would cause a 409 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}loss of S-points, no penalty will be applied to the class or individual, 410 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}loss of S-points, no penalty will be applied to the class or individual, 411 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}nor will there be any deduction of class points or private points 412 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}nor will there be any deduction of class points or private points 413 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}after the test ends. 414 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:34,330 {\an5}after the test ends. 415 00:09:25,780 --> 00:09:26,950 The rules say that, 416 00:09:26,950 --> 00:09:31,340 even if you lose all 300 S-points, you can't get into negative numbers. 417 00:09:31,770 --> 00:09:34,340 He's negated that effect. 418 00:09:34,340 --> 00:09:36,630 A simplistic way of thinking. 419 00:09:36,630 --> 00:09:39,720 You're wasting all the class points we've been offered. 420 00:09:39,720 --> 00:09:43,470 Forget all that and come play with me. 421 00:09:43,470 --> 00:09:46,470 I'll prepare a special tent for us. 422 00:09:47,230 --> 00:09:49,680 Let's go, Ayanokoji. 423 00:09:49,680 --> 00:09:52,670 Being here is only making me sick. 424 00:09:52,670 --> 00:09:56,520 Suzune, come back any time you want to have a little fun. 425 00:09:56,520 --> 00:10:01,190 I'll give you a real taste of heaven. 426 00:10:07,710 --> 00:10:09,440 Absurd, isn't it? 427 00:10:09,440 --> 00:10:11,460 Their self-destruction actually benefits us. 428 00:10:11,460 --> 00:10:12,710 Yeah. 429 00:10:12,710 --> 00:10:18,090 You need to conserve wherever you can, or you won't last the full week. 430 00:10:18,420 --> 00:10:21,850 He's not planning to last the week. 431 00:10:22,300 --> 00:10:23,720 What do you mean? 432 00:10:23,720 --> 00:10:25,560 It's simple. 433 00:10:25,560 --> 00:10:27,920 He'll do what Koenji did. 434 00:10:27,920 --> 00:10:31,300 They just have to claim they're sick, or they can't handle the stress, 435 00:10:31,300 --> 00:10:34,040 or some other reason, then drop out. 436 00:10:34,400 --> 00:10:38,980 Then they can all return to the ship and enjoy their summer vacation. 437 00:10:39,350 --> 00:10:43,740 You mean he'd given up on the test itself from the start? 438 00:10:43,740 --> 00:10:46,810 The test is about the freedom to choose, in every sense of the term. 439 00:10:46,810 --> 00:10:50,500 Ryuen's approach may be one correct answer. 440 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:52,710 It's beyond my comprehension. 441 00:10:53,730 --> 00:10:56,170 A zero point strategy... 442 00:10:56,170 --> 00:10:57,880 Interesting. 443 00:11:06,460 --> 00:11:08,970 {\an5}Day 3 of the Test 444 00:11:06,460 --> 00:11:08,970 {\an5}m 16 10 l 1254 10 1242 701 18 704 445 00:11:57,280 --> 00:11:58,970 Morning, Hirata. 446 00:11:58,970 --> 00:12:02,610 Morning, Ayanokoji. Did I wake you? 447 00:12:02,610 --> 00:12:07,990 No, it's just hard to sleep soundly in an environment like this. 448 00:12:07,990 --> 00:12:09,680 My back hurts. 449 00:12:15,400 --> 00:12:16,650 That feels nice. 450 00:12:17,060 --> 00:12:19,960 It must be hard being the one keeping the class together. 451 00:12:20,320 --> 00:12:22,720 I do it because I like it, that's all. 452 00:12:23,060 --> 00:12:27,850 If it keeps everyone in the class happy, that's enough for me. 453 00:12:31,430 --> 00:12:31,470 {\an5}Summe 454 00:12:31,470 --> 00:12:31,510 {\an5}Summer Sp 455 00:12:31,510 --> 00:12:31,550 {\an5}Summer Special 456 00:12:31,550 --> 00:12:31,600 {\an5}Summer Special Te 457 00:12:31,600 --> 00:12:31,640 {\an5}Summer Special Test R 458 00:12:31,640 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}m 154 195 l 128 305 176 404 178 536 1036 537 1020 298 995 275 917 141 709 139 578 174 513 195 459 00:12:31,640 --> 00:12:31,680 {\an5}Summer Special Test Rules 460 00:12:31,680 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}Summer Special Test Rules 461 00:12:31,930 --> 00:12:31,970 {\an5}Each class will choose one student to be their leader. 462 00:12:31,970 --> 00:12:32,010 {\an5}Each class will choose one student to be their leader. 463 00:12:32,010 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}Each class will choose one student to be their leader. 464 00:12:32,010 --> 00:12:32,060 {\an5}During the test, leaders cannot be changed without a legitimate reason. 465 00:12:32,060 --> 00:12:32,100 {\an5}During the test, leaders cannot be changed without a legitimate reason. 466 00:12:32,100 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}During the test, leaders cannot be changed without a legitimate reason. 467 00:12:32,140 --> 00:12:32,180 {\an5}On the last day of the test, each class can declare who they think is the leader of the other 468 00:12:32,180 --> 00:12:32,220 {\an5}On the last day of the test, each class can declare who they think is the leader of the other 469 00:12:32,220 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}On the last day of the test, each class can declare who they think is the leader of the other 470 00:12:32,230 --> 00:12:32,270 {\an5}classes. For each leader guessed correctly, that class receives 50 bonus points. 471 00:12:32,270 --> 00:12:32,320 {\an5}classes. For each leader guessed correctly, that class receives 50 bonus points. 472 00:12:32,320 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}classes. For each leader guessed correctly, that class receives 50 bonus points. 473 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:32,400 {\an5}If the leader is guessed incorrectly, the class loses 50 points as a penalty. 474 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:32,440 {\an5}If the leader is guessed incorrectly, the class loses 50 points as a penalty. 475 00:12:32,430 --> 00:12:32,480 {\an5}In addition, a class whose leader is guessed correctly loses 50 points as a penalty, 476 00:12:32,440 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}If the leader is guessed incorrectly, the class loses 50 points as a penalty. 477 00:12:32,480 --> 00:12:32,520 {\an5}In addition, a class whose leader is guessed correctly loses 50 points as a penalty, 478 00:12:32,520 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}In addition, a class whose leader is guessed correctly loses 50 points as a penalty, 479 00:12:32,520 --> 00:12:32,560 {\an5}and loses all bonus points gained during the test. 480 00:12:32,560 --> 00:12:32,600 {\an5}and loses all bonus points gained during the test. 481 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:34,890 {\an5}and loses all bonus points gained during the test. 482 00:12:34,900 --> 00:12:34,900 {\an5}{Part B} 483 00:12:34,910 --> 00:12:37,930 {\an5}Day 4 of the Test 484 00:12:34,910 --> 00:12:37,930 {\an5}m 16 10 l 1254 10 1242 701 18 704 485 00:12:46,500 --> 00:12:48,680 Are you sure you want to be paired up with me? 486 00:12:48,680 --> 00:12:50,900 Yeah. Sorry. 487 00:12:50,900 --> 00:12:53,830 I know I'm kind of a drag during searches. 488 00:12:53,830 --> 00:12:57,480 Aren't you afraid people will start to talk? 489 00:12:57,480 --> 00:13:00,170 No, I don't mind that at all. 490 00:13:00,660 --> 00:13:02,090 Besides... 491 00:13:03,340 --> 00:13:08,640 When we set out on this trip, I was really down at first. 492 00:13:08,640 --> 00:13:12,810 I have no friends, so going on a trip wouldn't be fun anyway. 493 00:13:13,260 --> 00:13:14,480 But... 494 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:18,730 Now, I'm a little glad I came. 495 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:21,230 I see. 496 00:13:23,550 --> 00:13:25,190 It's too bad... 497 00:13:25,190 --> 00:13:29,740 If I had my camera, I could take a great picture right now. 498 00:13:34,780 --> 00:13:35,750 Huh? 499 00:13:36,040 --> 00:13:38,120 Everyone's gone. 500 00:13:38,120 --> 00:13:41,060 Ayanokoji, were you out on recon, too? 501 00:13:41,060 --> 00:13:45,380 No, we were just exploring the forest and ended up here on the beach. 502 00:13:47,130 --> 00:13:51,260 I was hoping to take a guess at Class C's leader, at least... 503 00:13:51,260 --> 00:13:55,150 The goal of the test is to increase your point total as much as possible. 504 00:13:55,150 --> 00:13:58,580 The minute he abandoned that, Ryuen lost. 505 00:13:58,580 --> 00:14:02,150 The straightforward strategy is best for us, yeah. 506 00:14:03,760 --> 00:14:06,900 Ichinose, there's something I wanted to ask you. 507 00:14:06,900 --> 00:14:08,090 What's that? 508 00:14:08,090 --> 00:14:12,310 Do you know anything about Katsuragi from Class A? 509 00:14:12,310 --> 00:14:14,750 Katsuragi, huh? 510 00:14:14,750 --> 00:14:18,160 Sakayanagi is sitting the test out, 511 00:14:18,480 --> 00:14:21,920 so Katsuragi seems to have taken leadership of Class A, but... 512 00:14:21,920 --> 00:14:24,630 Katsuragi's a sharp guy. 513 00:14:24,630 --> 00:14:29,260 Even with Sakayanagi's absence, I doubt they'll suffer any internal discord. 514 00:14:29,260 --> 00:14:34,010 But it's probably not any fun for the people on Sakayanagi's side. 515 00:14:34,010 --> 00:14:36,930 Those two are opposite extremes, after all. 516 00:14:37,260 --> 00:14:38,810 Opposite extremes? 517 00:14:38,810 --> 00:14:41,660 A reformist and a conservative, basically. 518 00:14:41,660 --> 00:14:44,500 They're polar opposites in how they approach things. 519 00:14:44,500 --> 00:14:46,690 They're always butting heads over that, I hear. 520 00:14:47,800 --> 00:14:49,150 Sakayanagi. 521 00:14:52,250 --> 00:14:54,440 Looks like we made it through another day! 522 00:14:54,440 --> 00:14:58,970 By the way, I saw the Class C guys heading back to the ship. 523 00:14:58,970 --> 00:15:00,980 Hirata, do you know anything about that? 524 00:15:00,980 --> 00:15:03,210 No, I don't. 525 00:15:03,210 --> 00:15:07,210 They probably just got sick of island life and gave up. 526 00:15:07,210 --> 00:15:10,220 The whole class? Can you even do that? 527 00:15:10,220 --> 00:15:13,090 How should I know? 528 00:15:14,620 --> 00:15:15,520 Hey. 529 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:19,350 What will you do, Ibuki? 530 00:15:19,870 --> 00:15:22,670 I don't even want to look at those people. 531 00:15:22,670 --> 00:15:24,360 I'll stay here. 532 00:15:24,360 --> 00:15:26,890 Seems kinda suspicious to me. 533 00:15:26,890 --> 00:15:28,110 Sudo. 534 00:15:28,400 --> 00:15:31,280 Hey. Do you know anything about this? 535 00:15:31,280 --> 00:15:33,240 Huh? I don't know what you're talking about. 536 00:15:33,240 --> 00:15:34,260 Hold it! 537 00:15:34,260 --> 00:15:35,870 Keep your hands off me! 538 00:15:35,870 --> 00:15:37,870 What's with that attitude? 539 00:15:37,870 --> 00:15:41,370 We helped you. You ought to help us out a little! 540 00:15:41,370 --> 00:15:44,100 I didn't ask you to help me. 541 00:15:44,100 --> 00:15:46,200 Your people just decided to do it. 542 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:50,130 Wasting your valuable points... How stupid can you get? 543 00:15:50,130 --> 00:15:50,980 What was that?! 544 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:51,760 Sudo! 545 00:15:51,760 --> 00:15:53,130 Hit me if you want to. 546 00:15:53,130 --> 00:15:54,920 Both of you, calm down. 547 00:15:54,920 --> 00:15:57,140 This is no time to be fighting among friends. 548 00:15:57,450 --> 00:16:00,200 Friends? How trusting can you get? 549 00:16:00,200 --> 00:16:02,390 Ibuki, are you okay? 550 00:16:05,440 --> 00:16:08,400 Damn it! What's her problem?! 551 00:16:08,390 --> 00:16:10,890 {\an5}Day 5 of the Test 552 00:16:08,390 --> 00:16:10,890 {\an5}m 16 10 l 1254 10 1242 701 18 704 553 00:16:14,700 --> 00:16:16,100 Hey, boys! 554 00:16:17,080 --> 00:16:18,790 Boys! Wake up! 555 00:16:18,790 --> 00:16:20,660 Wake up already! 556 00:16:19,020 --> 00:16:20,660 What the hell? 557 00:16:23,580 --> 00:16:25,170 What's going on? 558 00:16:26,900 --> 00:16:27,920 Hirata. 559 00:16:28,210 --> 00:16:29,420 Awful news! 560 00:16:30,610 --> 00:16:33,130 What could it be this early in the morning? 561 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:36,250 It probably has nothing to do with you, Hirata... 562 00:16:36,980 --> 00:16:40,140 But there's something we need to find out. 563 00:16:40,140 --> 00:16:44,240 This morning, Karuizawa's underwear went missing. 564 00:16:45,420 --> 00:16:47,900 Karuizawa's in our tent, crying. 565 00:16:48,490 --> 00:16:51,400 Kushida and the others are comforting her, but... 566 00:16:51,400 --> 00:16:54,030 W-Wait a minute! Why are you suspecting u— 567 00:16:54,030 --> 00:16:55,690 Why do you think? 568 00:16:55,690 --> 00:16:58,280 It's obvious that one of you stole them overnight! 569 00:16:58,280 --> 00:17:02,930 It was probably that Ibuki girl, not us! 570 00:17:01,740 --> 00:17:03,920 A girl would never steal something like that! 571 00:17:03,920 --> 00:17:05,290 How can you be so sure? 572 00:17:05,290 --> 00:17:09,010 The point is, we can't camp in the same place as an underwear thief. 573 00:17:09,010 --> 00:17:10,090 Yeah! 574 00:17:10,090 --> 00:17:12,430 Hey, everyone, calm down... 575 00:17:12,430 --> 00:17:16,060 Do you have any proof that it was a boy who stole them? 576 00:17:16,060 --> 00:17:17,590 That's why we came to you, Hirata. 577 00:17:17,590 --> 00:17:20,150 We want you to find the culprit. 578 00:17:20,150 --> 00:17:21,810 The culprit? 579 00:17:22,210 --> 00:17:25,730 First, we request a search of all the boys' bags! 580 00:17:26,570 --> 00:17:27,810 Okay. 581 00:17:28,180 --> 00:17:33,640 But to protect their privacy, could you allow the boys to handle the search? 582 00:17:36,890 --> 00:17:39,650 This is starting to piss me off. 583 00:17:39,650 --> 00:17:43,490 They don't have any evidence that a boy did it! It's nuts! 584 00:17:45,860 --> 00:17:46,960 What's wrong? 585 00:17:46,960 --> 00:17:48,750 Uh, nothing. 586 00:17:49,310 --> 00:17:52,970 Hang on... Are you the one who stole them? 587 00:17:52,970 --> 00:17:54,510 Dumbass! N-No way! 588 00:17:54,920 --> 00:17:58,380 Hey. Don't tell me... 589 00:17:58,380 --> 00:18:01,260 What? Are you suspecting me? 590 00:18:01,260 --> 00:18:02,860 Show me your bag! 591 00:18:01,840 --> 00:18:05,720 Hey! Cut it out! Come on! 592 00:18:07,810 --> 00:18:09,400 Caught red-handed! 593 00:18:09,400 --> 00:18:11,280 I-It wasn't me, I'm telling you! 594 00:18:11,280 --> 00:18:13,790 Th-They were just in there somehow! 595 00:18:13,790 --> 00:18:16,980 No need to make excuses, man. 596 00:18:16,980 --> 00:18:18,860 I'm telling you, I don't know how they got there! 597 00:18:21,620 --> 00:18:25,350 Hey, Ayanokoji! You believe me, right? 598 00:18:25,350 --> 00:18:30,620 I can't be certain you're not the culprit, under the current circumstances. 599 00:18:30,620 --> 00:18:32,920 Ayanokoji! 600 00:18:32,920 --> 00:18:36,980 But if you were the culprit, I don't think you'd be this careless. 601 00:18:36,980 --> 00:18:37,880 Right?! 602 00:18:37,880 --> 00:18:41,970 So, you think someone stuck the panties in Ike's bag? 603 00:18:41,970 --> 00:18:44,760 Yeah! That's what it's gotta be! 604 00:18:44,760 --> 00:18:47,640 Hey! Hurry it up! 605 00:18:47,640 --> 00:18:49,420 Wh-What do I do? 606 00:18:49,420 --> 00:18:51,150 I'm in serious trouble here! 607 00:18:53,050 --> 00:18:53,970 Good luck! 608 00:18:55,980 --> 00:18:58,060 You'll just have to hide them. 609 00:18:58,060 --> 00:18:59,450 Hide them?! Where? 610 00:18:59,450 --> 00:19:01,160 I'm totally panicking here! 611 00:19:01,160 --> 00:19:03,850 If you think I should hide them, you should handle it! 612 00:19:03,850 --> 00:19:04,910 Okay? Okay? 613 00:19:04,910 --> 00:19:06,660 Wait, I... 614 00:19:06,660 --> 00:19:08,150 I'm on my way! 615 00:19:10,450 --> 00:19:11,420 You've got to be kidding. 616 00:19:14,410 --> 00:19:16,170 We searched them all. 617 00:19:16,170 --> 00:19:17,420 For real? 618 00:19:17,420 --> 00:19:19,630 Yeah, it's clear now. 619 00:19:19,630 --> 00:19:21,930 None of the boys were behind it. 620 00:19:21,930 --> 00:19:24,430 We can let everyone put their stuff away now, right? 621 00:19:24,890 --> 00:19:27,100 After that, we can talk. 622 00:19:27,100 --> 00:19:29,070 I demand a pat-down. 623 00:19:29,560 --> 00:19:32,590 An underwear thief is a pervert. 624 00:19:32,590 --> 00:19:34,560 You don't know where he might be keeping them. 625 00:19:34,560 --> 00:19:36,820 G-Give us a break! 626 00:19:36,820 --> 00:19:39,390 Ike's been acting pretty fishy this whole time. 627 00:19:38,090 --> 00:19:39,860 You think he's the one who did it? 628 00:19:39,390 --> 00:19:40,820 Gross! 629 00:19:40,820 --> 00:19:42,940 Fine, I get it. 630 00:19:42,940 --> 00:19:44,820 Search me if you want! 631 00:19:44,820 --> 00:19:48,580 Hey, if you lead the conversation down that path... 632 00:19:48,580 --> 00:19:50,070 We will, then. 633 00:19:50,070 --> 00:19:52,080 Hirata, if you please. 634 00:19:56,090 --> 00:19:58,650 The worst possible situation. 635 00:19:58,650 --> 00:20:01,090 There's no talking my way out of this. 636 00:20:01,090 --> 00:20:05,280 Maybe I'd be at least a little better off if I told the truth... 637 00:20:05,280 --> 00:20:08,220 Sorry. I'll make this fast. 638 00:20:11,040 --> 00:20:12,480 It's over. 639 00:20:16,170 --> 00:20:18,160 Ayanokoji doesn't have them, either. 640 00:20:19,620 --> 00:20:21,410 It really wasn't a boy. 641 00:20:21,410 --> 00:20:22,520 Really? 642 00:20:22,520 --> 00:20:24,380 Well, we'll trust you... 643 00:20:24,380 --> 00:20:24,990 Thanks. 644 00:20:29,340 --> 00:20:32,250 Well, I'll let the others know. 645 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:34,940 Okay. See you later. 646 00:20:36,400 --> 00:20:37,460 Hirata. 647 00:20:38,080 --> 00:20:39,320 Can we talk for a minute? 648 00:20:47,260 --> 00:20:49,160 Why didn't you tell them? 649 00:20:50,220 --> 00:20:53,350 I thought so... That was the underwear, wasn't it? 650 00:20:54,060 --> 00:20:54,850 Yeah. 651 00:20:55,420 --> 00:20:57,480 Did you steal it, Ayanokoji? 652 00:20:57,480 --> 00:20:59,420 No, I didn't. 653 00:20:59,420 --> 00:21:00,930 I believe you. 654 00:21:01,480 --> 00:21:03,850 You're not the kind of person who'd do that. 655 00:21:05,210 --> 00:21:08,930 Do you mind if I hold on to the underwear? 656 00:21:09,400 --> 00:21:10,440 Are you sure? 657 00:21:12,760 --> 00:21:17,070 I'm the one who would be least damaged by being named the culprit. 658 00:21:18,130 --> 00:21:19,770 I'm her boyfriend, after all. 659 00:21:21,340 --> 00:21:24,300 I believe you're not the culprit, Ayanokoji. 660 00:21:25,460 --> 00:21:27,220 That's why I saved you. 661 00:21:28,570 --> 00:21:30,690 And, this isn't a conditional thing, 662 00:21:31,470 --> 00:21:34,850 but would you try to find the real culprit? 663 00:21:35,460 --> 00:21:37,060 Me, find the culprit? 664 00:21:41,790 --> 00:21:44,990 Well, I'll try, at least. 665 00:21:45,940 --> 00:21:47,110 Thanks. 666 00:21:48,120 --> 00:21:53,880 And if you do find the culprit, I'd like you to tell me first. 667 00:21:54,440 --> 00:21:57,720 I don't want you to tell anyone else. 668 00:21:57,720 --> 00:22:01,000 Are you asking me to cover up the truth? 669 00:22:01,870 --> 00:22:03,800 Cover up the truth? 670 00:22:04,550 --> 00:22:06,580 I guess that is what this is. 671 00:22:07,350 --> 00:22:12,510 Because no matter who it turns out to be, I believe I should probably bury the truth. 672 00:22:16,380 --> 00:22:18,520 I don't want to ruin everything over this. 673 00:22:20,660 --> 00:22:24,460 That's why I want you to help me. 674 00:22:25,790 --> 00:22:25,800 {\an5}{ED} 675 00:22:25,860 --> 00:22:25,860 {\an1}{ED Start} 676 00:22:33,320 --> 00:22:37,680 {\an5}Ayanokoji Kiyotaka Horikita Suzune Kushida Kikyo Sakura Airi Sudo Ken Hirata Yosuke Yamauchi Haruki Ike Kanji Karuizawa Kei Inogashira Kokoro Matsushita Chiaki Sato Maya Shinohara Satsuki Wang Mei-yu 677 00:22:37,990 --> 00:22:42,320 {\an5}Ryuen Kakeru Ibuki Mio Komiya Kyogo Kondo Leon Ishizaki Daichi Kaneda Satoru 678 00:22:37,990 --> 00:22:42,320 {\an5}Ichinose Honami Kanzaki Ryuji Shiranami Chihiro Kobashi Yume 679 00:22:37,990 --> 00:22:42,320 {\an5}Katsuragi Kobei Totsuka Yahiko 680 00:22:38,520 --> 00:22:49,890 {\an1}I've locked away the real me with a false smile 681 00:22:49,890 --> 00:22:56,060 {\an1}Hidden and closed away, visible to no one 682 00:22:56,060 --> 00:23:02,580 {\an1}I'll be fine alone 683 00:23:03,210 --> 00:23:08,360 {\an1}The world will continue to test you, 684 00:23:08,360 --> 00:23:14,160 {\an1}Ripping off your wings of freedom 685 00:23:14,160 --> 00:23:20,980 {\an1}Now, to your never ending daily life, to your battlefield, 686 00:23:20,980 --> 00:23:27,420 {\an1}There's no reason to hesitate 687 00:23:29,380 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an1}In our dreams that we could never give up on 688 00:23:36,060 --> 00:23:42,600 {\an1}The scenery that we seized together shined so brilliantly 689 00:23:42,600 --> 00:23:55,870 {\an1}Even if you abandon your solitude, you'll still be you 690 00:23:45,570 --> 00:23:55,870 {\an5}Summer Special Test Points 691 00:23:45,570 --> 00:23:55,870 {\an5}Summer Special Test Points 692 00:23:55,030 --> 00:23:57,030 {\an5} 693 00:23:55,880 --> 00:23:55,880 {\an5}{Preview} 694 00:23:55,950 --> 00:24:00,870 {\an5}m 1161 315 l 1164 255 119 251 115 315 695 00:23:55,950 --> 00:24:00,870 {\an5}m 1161 365 l 1164 255 119 251 115 365 696 00:23:56,200 --> 00:24:00,870 {\an5}What people commonly call fate is mostly their own stupidity. 697 00:23:56,240 --> 00:24:00,870 {\an5}Schopenhauer