1 00:00:07,970 --> 00:00:09,804 Previously, on Black Monday. 2 00:00:09,887 --> 00:00:11,804 You are not needed, Keith! 3 00:00:11,887 --> 00:00:12,804 You are nothing. 4 00:00:12,887 --> 00:00:14,303 Blair, I want a baby. 5 00:00:14,387 --> 00:00:16,720 The answer is, "Fuck no. Are you crazy?" 6 00:00:16,804 --> 00:00:19,095 I'm just some "mom-a-be" hocking Skants 7 00:00:19,178 --> 00:00:21,637 to a bunch of Bible-breeding bitches 8 00:00:21,720 --> 00:00:23,178 on a channel in the teens! 9 00:00:23,261 --> 00:00:26,136 Hey, I told you, really. I'm done with that stuff. 10 00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:27,845 How quickly can you get behind 11 00:00:27,929 --> 00:00:29,845 - this bank bailout? - That's just not gonna happen. 12 00:00:29,929 --> 00:00:31,512 You're a man of influence. 13 00:00:31,595 --> 00:00:33,345 Your bank bailout for the video. 14 00:00:33,428 --> 00:00:35,637 VHS tape was released, showing 15 00:00:35,720 --> 00:00:38,011 newly-elected congressman from the 13th District... 16 00:00:38,095 --> 00:00:40,345 Roger, I am so fucking sorry. 17 00:00:42,178 --> 00:00:43,637 At least I don't work for the FBI. 18 00:00:43,720 --> 00:00:45,345 He was the guy behind that whole 19 00:00:45,428 --> 00:00:47,220 Amerisavings shootout shit. 20 00:00:47,303 --> 00:00:49,220 You're the one trying to fuck over the AASF fund. 21 00:00:49,303 --> 00:00:50,220 - You are? - Marcus... 22 00:00:50,303 --> 00:00:52,011 I'm the one who leaked the entry. 23 00:00:52,095 --> 00:00:53,637 I'm over all y'all. 24 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:55,762 Power to the people, motherfuckers. 25 00:01:02,053 --> 00:01:03,887 Dawn. 26 00:01:06,762 --> 00:01:07,845 Dawn! Dawn! 27 00:01:07,929 --> 00:01:09,303 - Wait, Dawn. - You lying fuck. 28 00:01:09,387 --> 00:01:11,970 You told me in Miami that you were out. 29 00:01:12,053 --> 00:01:14,136 How do you just lie to people in their fucking faces? 30 00:01:14,220 --> 00:01:15,387 I wasn't... listen! Listen. 31 00:01:15,470 --> 00:01:16,762 I wasn't lying, okay? 32 00:01:16,845 --> 00:01:18,178 I was out, but at that time... 33 00:01:18,261 --> 00:01:20,845 And you were the one who blew up my fucking bank deal? 34 00:01:20,929 --> 00:01:22,345 My God. What the fuck? 35 00:01:22,428 --> 00:01:24,011 You are obsessed with me. 36 00:01:24,095 --> 00:01:25,095 Yeah, but at that time... 37 00:01:25,178 --> 00:01:26,220 "At that time." Say it one more time. 38 00:01:26,303 --> 00:01:27,762 Say it one more fucking time. 39 00:01:27,845 --> 00:01:29,804 - At that time... - At that time... 40 00:01:29,887 --> 00:01:31,095 - You just... - ...at this time, 41 00:01:31,178 --> 00:01:33,595 and for all fucking time, we are done. 42 00:01:33,679 --> 00:01:35,512 We are done forever! 43 00:01:35,595 --> 00:01:37,720 Jesus. Come on, Dawn. 44 00:01:37,804 --> 00:01:38,637 Will you stop being so goddamn drama... 45 00:01:38,720 --> 00:01:40,095 Hey! Hey! 46 00:01:40,178 --> 00:01:42,637 - Where you think you're going? - Shit. 47 00:01:42,720 --> 00:01:44,720 Here. Just... no, just take it. 48 00:01:44,804 --> 00:01:46,762 Dawn. Slow down. 49 00:01:46,845 --> 00:01:47,762 Will you let me explain? 50 00:01:54,595 --> 00:01:57,387 Miss Tiffany, excuse me for waking you, 51 00:01:57,470 --> 00:02:01,220 but your makeup is complete. 52 00:02:02,762 --> 00:02:05,136 What the fuck, Marina? 53 00:02:06,220 --> 00:02:09,637 I said, "do a rocker eye," Marina. 54 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:11,136 Oh, but you fell asleep. 55 00:02:11,220 --> 00:02:14,220 I used the magazine you gave me for reference. 56 00:02:14,303 --> 00:02:17,387 No. No, I meant this. 57 00:02:17,470 --> 00:02:20,804 Doesn't that make more sense for religious-based programming 58 00:02:20,887 --> 00:02:24,679 as opposed to full-faced fucking Kiss makeup, 59 00:02:24,762 --> 00:02:26,011 Marina, doesn't it? 60 00:02:26,095 --> 00:02:27,887 Oh, I'll get the cold cream. 61 00:02:32,387 --> 00:02:34,261 Fuck me, Jesus. 62 00:02:34,345 --> 00:02:36,470 Permission to speak freely. 63 00:02:36,553 --> 00:02:37,679 What? Go. 64 00:02:37,762 --> 00:02:38,595 No, I meant, permission to 65 00:02:38,679 --> 00:02:40,136 speak, comma-Frehley, 66 00:02:40,220 --> 00:02:42,470 like Ace Frehley, the guitar player from Kiss. 67 00:02:42,553 --> 00:02:44,136 'Cause your look is wowza. 68 00:02:44,220 --> 00:02:45,970 It was only supposed to be heavy around the eyes 69 00:02:46,053 --> 00:02:49,053 'cause I need them to run like a river when I cry out there. 70 00:02:49,136 --> 00:02:51,345 Wait a second. That's your plan? 71 00:02:51,428 --> 00:02:54,762 Sympathy tears while you blame your evil husband 72 00:02:54,845 --> 00:02:56,261 and promote your new special, Gene? 73 00:02:56,345 --> 00:02:57,595 I don't have a new special jean. 74 00:02:57,679 --> 00:02:59,512 No, I meant, promote your new Christmas special, 75 00:02:59,595 --> 00:03:01,804 comma-Gene, like Gene Simmons. 76 00:03:01,887 --> 00:03:03,053 'Cause of your whole... the Kiss makeup. 77 00:03:03,136 --> 00:03:04,303 Yeah, that's hilarious, Blair, 78 00:03:04,387 --> 00:03:05,595 but I just got thrown off my own special, 79 00:03:05,679 --> 00:03:07,136 thanks to you. 80 00:03:07,220 --> 00:03:08,970 Now ALF is hosting it by himself. 81 00:03:09,053 --> 00:03:11,804 My brand is butt-fucked like you on that tape. 82 00:03:11,887 --> 00:03:13,178 Why did you release that? 83 00:03:13,261 --> 00:03:14,845 Whoa. I didn't do that. 84 00:03:14,929 --> 00:03:16,261 Why would I do that? 85 00:03:16,345 --> 00:03:18,053 Besides, I'm all over that tape. 86 00:03:18,136 --> 00:03:19,804 I'm arguably the star. 87 00:03:19,887 --> 00:03:21,887 Why would I want the world to know 88 00:03:21,970 --> 00:03:23,804 I roll my Rs when I orgasm? 89 00:03:23,887 --> 00:03:25,011 Why do you do that? 90 00:03:25,095 --> 00:03:26,303 It's just something I picked up 91 00:03:26,387 --> 00:03:27,261 from Raul Julia. 92 00:03:27,345 --> 00:03:28,387 From what movie? 93 00:03:28,470 --> 00:03:30,512 Yeah, from a m-m-movie. 94 00:03:30,595 --> 00:03:32,970 Look, I can fix this for both of us, 95 00:03:33,053 --> 00:03:34,804 but you have to put me on the air. 96 00:03:34,887 --> 00:03:35,970 Ha! That's cute, Blair, 97 00:03:36,053 --> 00:03:37,178 but I think I'll just tell the world 98 00:03:37,261 --> 00:03:38,679 that we're getting a divorce instead. 99 00:03:38,762 --> 00:03:40,762 That's the only way to save my reputation 100 00:03:40,845 --> 00:03:42,136 and Pfaff Fashions. 101 00:03:42,220 --> 00:03:43,887 You think a divorce is gonna jibe 102 00:03:43,970 --> 00:03:46,011 with your new "wholesome, family-first" image? 103 00:03:46,095 --> 00:03:48,887 Tiff, I know this is the last thing you wanna hear, 104 00:03:48,970 --> 00:03:51,178 but the only way to save your brand and yourself 105 00:03:51,261 --> 00:03:54,220 is to double down on me, your husband. 106 00:03:54,303 --> 00:03:58,679 "Stand by your man," "Jesus saves"... all that. 107 00:03:58,762 --> 00:04:01,512 I can fix this for us. 108 00:04:01,595 --> 00:04:05,095 There's only one person to blame for what happened, Tiff. 109 00:04:05,178 --> 00:04:07,470 Let me go out there and explain that to your audience 110 00:04:07,553 --> 00:04:08,762 and make this right. 111 00:04:10,512 --> 00:04:13,178 Fine, but you have to tell Leonard Nimoy 112 00:04:13,261 --> 00:04:14,178 we're bumping him again. 113 00:04:14,261 --> 00:04:16,845 Tough but fair. Kiss? 114 00:04:17,929 --> 00:04:18,804 Oh. 115 00:04:18,887 --> 00:04:20,095 My God, of course. 116 00:04:20,178 --> 00:04:21,345 You meant, tough but fair, comma-Kiss. 117 00:04:21,428 --> 00:04:22,970 - Mm. - Calling me by the band name. 118 00:04:23,053 --> 00:04:24,303 It's a bit of a stretch. 119 00:04:27,303 --> 00:04:30,929 So tell me, what is Jasmine Guy really like? 120 00:04:31,011 --> 00:04:33,136 And I see you are not a story editor 121 00:04:33,220 --> 00:04:34,178 from A Different World, working on 122 00:04:34,261 --> 00:04:35,720 an AASF-themed episode. 123 00:04:35,804 --> 00:04:37,929 I just told your assistant that so you'd see me. 124 00:04:38,011 --> 00:04:39,553 Good lie, specific. 125 00:04:39,637 --> 00:04:41,553 Course, I'm not surprised, considering lying 126 00:04:41,637 --> 00:04:42,437 is what you're best at. 127 00:04:42,470 --> 00:04:43,929 I deserve that. 128 00:04:45,053 --> 00:04:46,387 Please hear me out. 129 00:04:46,470 --> 00:04:47,929 You have until the feds come humiliate me 130 00:04:48,011 --> 00:04:49,845 in front of my peers, which, I assume, 131 00:04:49,929 --> 00:04:51,595 is any minute now. 132 00:04:51,679 --> 00:04:54,220 A scandal like this could take down the whole AASF. 133 00:04:54,303 --> 00:04:55,720 How could you do this to me, Dawn? 134 00:04:55,804 --> 00:04:56,887 To anyone? 135 00:04:56,970 --> 00:04:58,804 'Cause I'm a bad person. 136 00:04:58,887 --> 00:05:00,512 Because... 137 00:05:00,595 --> 00:05:02,095 ...I'm in a... I'm in a bad business, 138 00:05:02,178 --> 00:05:02,978 and I'm just really good at it. 139 00:05:03,053 --> 00:05:04,303 I don't even know anymore. 140 00:05:04,387 --> 00:05:06,428 You're not that good at it considering the FBI's 141 00:05:06,512 --> 00:05:08,011 about to take down every person you've ever known. 142 00:05:08,095 --> 00:05:10,261 I didn't wanna take that money. 143 00:05:10,345 --> 00:05:11,428 I didn't wanna risk the kids' futures. 144 00:05:11,512 --> 00:05:12,720 I tried to turn it down. 145 00:05:12,804 --> 00:05:14,512 But you did. 146 00:05:14,595 --> 00:05:16,178 Yeah. 147 00:05:18,970 --> 00:05:21,720 'Cause when you looked at me, I really... 148 00:05:21,804 --> 00:05:24,345 I just really wanted to be the person that you saw. 149 00:05:25,762 --> 00:05:27,178 I didn't go into this to hurt you 150 00:05:27,261 --> 00:05:31,261 or scam you... or anything. 151 00:05:31,345 --> 00:05:32,762 Trust me. 152 00:05:34,053 --> 00:05:35,970 Believe it or not, I still do. 153 00:05:37,178 --> 00:05:38,970 Unfortunately, that doesn't change 154 00:05:39,053 --> 00:05:41,095 our current situation. 155 00:05:41,178 --> 00:05:42,929 But what if it could? 156 00:05:43,011 --> 00:05:44,887 How? 157 00:05:46,512 --> 00:05:49,303 If you transfer $3 million into an account 158 00:05:49,387 --> 00:05:50,428 in the Cayman Islands, 159 00:05:50,512 --> 00:05:54,887 we can sink that FBI bitch for good 160 00:05:54,970 --> 00:05:56,553 and save the AASF. 161 00:05:56,637 --> 00:05:58,679 Marcus, I can fix this. 162 00:05:58,762 --> 00:06:01,345 Dawn, I can fix this. 163 00:06:01,428 --> 00:06:03,553 Dawn, will you slow down? Give me a chance to explain. 164 00:06:03,637 --> 00:06:05,303 Look, you're in high heels. You're gonna get a bunion. 165 00:06:05,387 --> 00:06:07,970 You are a bunion on my life. 166 00:06:08,053 --> 00:06:09,720 And why is everything always about feet with you? 167 00:06:09,804 --> 00:06:11,053 I don't know. I love them. 168 00:06:11,136 --> 00:06:13,804 Listen. I was out, okay? 169 00:06:13,887 --> 00:06:16,095 But then you tried to erase me from the company that I built. 170 00:06:16,178 --> 00:06:17,428 - It pissed me... - We built! 171 00:06:17,512 --> 00:06:18,970 - We built! - I got angry. 172 00:06:19,053 --> 00:06:20,095 Okay? 173 00:06:20,178 --> 00:06:21,470 You know how hard it is to be 174 00:06:21,553 --> 00:06:24,136 the first black man with his own shop on the street? 175 00:06:24,220 --> 00:06:26,220 Dawn, come on. 176 00:06:26,303 --> 00:06:27,220 See? 177 00:06:27,303 --> 00:06:29,178 There you go... bunion. I told you. 178 00:06:29,261 --> 00:06:31,095 - You want me to rub it out? - No! 179 00:06:31,178 --> 00:06:32,637 And you know what? You're right. 180 00:06:32,720 --> 00:06:34,095 I'm sorry. I didn't think about that. 181 00:06:34,178 --> 00:06:35,345 It must be really difficult 182 00:06:35,428 --> 00:06:36,845 to be a black man on Wall Street... 183 00:06:36,929 --> 00:06:38,303 - Thank you. - ...like one-millionth 184 00:06:38,387 --> 00:06:40,428 as difficult as it is to be a black woman 185 00:06:40,512 --> 00:06:42,428 on any fucking street. 186 00:06:45,261 --> 00:06:46,970 Huh. 187 00:06:47,053 --> 00:06:48,428 At least you can get a cab. 188 00:06:48,512 --> 00:06:49,679 Don't follow me. 189 00:06:51,053 --> 00:06:53,845 53rd and 5th. 190 00:06:53,929 --> 00:06:56,512 - Okay, you know what? - Oh, my fucking God. 191 00:06:56,595 --> 00:06:58,261 You are always complaining and bitching about 192 00:06:58,345 --> 00:06:59,345 how much you help me. 193 00:06:59,428 --> 00:07:00,720 How 'bout how much I've helped you? 194 00:07:00,804 --> 00:07:02,178 Just admit it. 195 00:07:02,261 --> 00:07:04,095 You couldn't stand to see me doing better than you... 196 00:07:04,178 --> 00:07:05,345 - No... - ...without you. 197 00:07:05,428 --> 00:07:06,845 That's why you blew up the bank. 198 00:07:06,929 --> 00:07:07,762 - No. - Shit. 199 00:07:07,845 --> 00:07:10,428 If this is you helping, stop! 200 00:07:14,220 --> 00:07:15,762 - Hey, let me out. - Pay up, pal. 201 00:07:15,845 --> 00:07:16,970 - We haven't even moved! - Meter's running. 202 00:07:17,053 --> 00:07:18,095 Jesus Christ. 203 00:07:18,178 --> 00:07:21,053 This is an expensive fucking fight. 204 00:07:22,261 --> 00:07:24,095 And at my lowest point, 205 00:07:24,178 --> 00:07:27,053 after I'd been betrayed by my husband, 206 00:07:27,136 --> 00:07:29,804 the Lord spoke directly to me. 207 00:07:29,887 --> 00:07:32,053 He said, "Tiff... 208 00:07:32,136 --> 00:07:34,553 to err is to be human; 209 00:07:34,637 --> 00:07:38,387 to forgive is to be divine. 210 00:07:38,470 --> 00:07:42,845 Allow your audience the chance to be divine." 211 00:07:44,136 --> 00:07:47,387 And so by direct orders from God Himself... 212 00:07:47,470 --> 00:07:49,303 ladies and gentlemen, please welcome 213 00:07:49,387 --> 00:07:52,929 my husband... Blair Pfaff. 214 00:08:06,553 --> 00:08:08,970 Thank you, Tiffany. 215 00:08:09,053 --> 00:08:11,512 Thank you, Pfaff Flock. 216 00:08:11,595 --> 00:08:15,095 This is the hardest thing I have ever done. 217 00:08:16,387 --> 00:08:17,428 Ooh. 218 00:08:17,512 --> 00:08:18,804 Every time a person's nervous, 219 00:08:18,887 --> 00:08:19,970 the microphone feeds back. 220 00:08:20,053 --> 00:08:21,387 It's like, 221 00:08:21,470 --> 00:08:22,929 "Do these things sense nerves or what?" 222 00:08:23,011 --> 00:08:25,011 You're not funny. 223 00:08:26,345 --> 00:08:28,929 Anyway... 224 00:08:29,011 --> 00:08:31,553 I have something here that I think will explain 225 00:08:31,637 --> 00:08:34,095 the sinful acts that transpired between 226 00:08:34,178 --> 00:08:35,845 the late congressman and I. 227 00:08:38,553 --> 00:08:41,136 What in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks 228 00:08:41,220 --> 00:08:43,220 does this boy have up his sleeve? 229 00:08:43,303 --> 00:08:45,345 Congressman Harris' suicide note. 230 00:08:46,595 --> 00:08:50,553 "Dear Blair, I need to apologize to you. 231 00:08:50,637 --> 00:08:53,804 I take full responsibility for coercing you 232 00:08:53,887 --> 00:08:57,053 into the sinful, decadent, 233 00:08:57,136 --> 00:09:01,428 and unnatural temptation 234 00:09:01,512 --> 00:09:03,512 that is homosexual fornication. 235 00:09:03,595 --> 00:09:08,178 Satan took my hand and placed it on your knee, 236 00:09:08,261 --> 00:09:11,136 forcing you to be gay, 237 00:09:11,220 --> 00:09:13,095 which is why, today, 238 00:09:13,178 --> 00:09:15,303 I will take my life, 239 00:09:15,387 --> 00:09:18,303 along with your homosexuality, 240 00:09:18,387 --> 00:09:22,095 with me to Hell... 241 00:09:22,178 --> 00:09:24,178 where I belong. 242 00:09:24,261 --> 00:09:28,553 You can now go back to being straight forever." 243 00:09:28,637 --> 00:09:29,762 Amen! 244 00:09:29,845 --> 00:09:31,887 "I would say, 'I'll see you on the other side, ' 245 00:09:31,970 --> 00:09:36,011 but of course, you will be in the kingdom of Heaven 246 00:09:36,095 --> 00:09:37,804 while I burn in Hell." 247 00:09:38,929 --> 00:09:43,053 "The end. Fondly, Roger." 248 00:09:47,220 --> 00:09:51,053 Take her down, Lynette. Lynette! 249 00:09:51,136 --> 00:09:52,720 Dawn. Dawn! 250 00:09:52,804 --> 00:09:55,428 Listen. Hey, listen. 251 00:09:55,512 --> 00:09:58,136 The feds were onto you and TBD. 252 00:09:58,220 --> 00:09:59,553 Okay? I had no choice. 253 00:09:59,637 --> 00:10:01,053 I had to make a deal with them to try to protect you. 254 00:10:01,136 --> 00:10:02,387 Bullshit. 255 00:10:02,470 --> 00:10:04,804 The only person you ever protect is you. 256 00:10:04,887 --> 00:10:08,178 Did you or did you not put me and Blair into this shit 257 00:10:08,261 --> 00:10:09,061 to save yourself? 258 00:10:09,136 --> 00:10:10,011 No. 259 00:10:10,095 --> 00:10:11,095 No. What? 260 00:10:11,178 --> 00:10:12,053 No. 261 00:10:12,136 --> 00:10:13,553 Look... 262 00:10:13,637 --> 00:10:14,970 ...they had shit on us. 263 00:10:15,053 --> 00:10:17,220 They had sh... they have shit on us. 264 00:10:18,637 --> 00:10:23,387 Dawn, let... let's just disappear, 265 00:10:23,470 --> 00:10:26,387 me and you, for good. 266 00:10:27,970 --> 00:10:30,095 It's our chance to get out of this shit. 267 00:10:30,178 --> 00:10:32,387 We could go to the Maldives tonight. 268 00:10:32,470 --> 00:10:35,970 It-it'd be like-like '78 forever. 269 00:10:38,345 --> 00:10:40,136 Come on, Dawn. 270 00:10:40,220 --> 00:10:43,470 You know you're the only thing I ever cared about. 271 00:10:43,553 --> 00:10:45,804 That's why I was gonna propose to you back in the day. 272 00:10:45,887 --> 00:10:47,095 I mean, I... 273 00:10:47,178 --> 00:10:49,762 ...I sort of did propose to you on Black Monday. 274 00:10:49,845 --> 00:10:51,512 You always complain that 275 00:10:51,595 --> 00:10:53,303 I don't wanna make you my partner. 276 00:10:53,387 --> 00:10:55,011 I was trying to make you my partner in life. 277 00:10:56,011 --> 00:10:57,345 Doesn't that matter even more? 278 00:10:59,512 --> 00:11:00,845 No. 279 00:11:02,303 --> 00:11:05,970 Wow. No, it doesn't. 280 00:11:06,053 --> 00:11:07,553 Idiot. 281 00:11:11,095 --> 00:11:12,011 Mo. 282 00:11:15,595 --> 00:11:17,762 I need 85 cents. 283 00:11:19,595 --> 00:11:21,303 Come on, you owe me that at least. 284 00:11:33,720 --> 00:11:37,387 Operation Free Mo brainstorming session, 285 00:11:37,470 --> 00:11:39,887 now in... session. 286 00:11:39,970 --> 00:11:42,220 No bad ideas. Go. 287 00:11:42,303 --> 00:11:43,387 Kill yourself. 288 00:11:43,470 --> 00:11:44,887 Are you fucking crazy, Alvin? 289 00:11:44,970 --> 00:11:46,637 You think I'm gonna write "kill myself" up here? 290 00:11:46,720 --> 00:11:48,762 - You said "no bad ideas." - Alvin. 291 00:11:48,845 --> 00:11:50,845 Honestly, I can't see any way out of this. 292 00:11:50,929 --> 00:11:52,637 - Except... - Except nothing. 293 00:11:52,720 --> 00:11:54,095 The FBI won't even return my calls, 294 00:11:54,178 --> 00:11:56,261 which isn't a good sign for your deal or for me. 295 00:11:56,345 --> 00:11:57,470 Fucking FBI. 296 00:11:57,553 --> 00:11:58,387 They're just trying to pressure us, okay? 297 00:11:58,470 --> 00:11:59,428 It's what they do. 298 00:11:59,512 --> 00:12:00,470 They're a bunch of fucking teases. 299 00:12:00,553 --> 00:12:02,929 They're coming for you any minute. 300 00:12:03,011 --> 00:12:05,679 Now if we're moving away from the suicide area for sure... 301 00:12:05,762 --> 00:12:06,562 We are. 302 00:12:06,637 --> 00:12:07,845 ...then you have two choices: 303 00:12:07,929 --> 00:12:11,428 turn yourself in and save everyone... or run. 304 00:12:11,512 --> 00:12:13,679 And fuck everyone. 305 00:12:13,762 --> 00:12:15,345 Jesus, no. 306 00:12:15,428 --> 00:12:17,095 I can't fucking be the bad guy again. 307 00:12:17,178 --> 00:12:18,095 I'm not gonna run. 308 00:12:18,178 --> 00:12:19,637 Plus, the feds have my passport. 309 00:12:19,720 --> 00:12:20,887 There are other passports. 310 00:12:20,970 --> 00:12:22,178 Hey. What about Dawn? 311 00:12:22,261 --> 00:12:25,220 There's no way her passport would work for you. 312 00:12:25,929 --> 00:12:27,845 Did you not have breakfast this morning or something? 313 00:12:27,929 --> 00:12:29,261 No, of course I didn't have breakfast. 314 00:12:29,345 --> 00:12:30,637 It's 3:30 in the morning. 315 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:32,303 You called me and told me to get my ass over here 316 00:12:32,387 --> 00:12:33,595 with a whiteboard. 317 00:12:33,679 --> 00:12:34,479 I had to bring it on the 6 train. 318 00:12:34,553 --> 00:12:35,595 - These kids jumped me. - Alvin. 319 00:12:35,679 --> 00:12:36,512 They pissed in my bag! 320 00:12:36,595 --> 00:12:39,220 What's going to happen to Dawn? 321 00:12:39,303 --> 00:12:42,095 I don't know, but I do know what'll happen to you... 322 00:12:42,178 --> 00:12:43,387 life in prison. 323 00:12:43,470 --> 00:12:45,887 This new three-strikes rule is nonnegotiable. 324 00:12:45,970 --> 00:12:47,136 If your FBI deal is off, 325 00:12:47,220 --> 00:12:48,553 then you're gonna go down for everything, 326 00:12:48,637 --> 00:12:49,929 last year and this. 327 00:12:50,011 --> 00:12:51,303 Add to that your Panthers arrest 328 00:12:51,387 --> 00:12:53,178 and that DWI you got when you were 16. 329 00:12:53,261 --> 00:12:55,970 That was a DWB, all right, "driving while black." 330 00:12:56,053 --> 00:12:58,595 Technically, it was a DWBJ, if you know what I'm saying. 331 00:12:58,679 --> 00:13:00,178 - You punched a cop. - Yeah. 332 00:13:00,261 --> 00:13:03,887 Mo, my expert legal advice is run. 333 00:13:14,303 --> 00:13:15,553 Leisure time, Lenny. 334 00:13:15,637 --> 00:13:17,303 I got the Wall Street board game. 335 00:13:17,387 --> 00:13:19,553 You can be the coke straw. 336 00:13:19,637 --> 00:13:21,470 Lenny? 337 00:13:21,553 --> 00:13:23,387 - Lenny? - Ta-da. 338 00:13:23,470 --> 00:13:25,929 Hot stuff coming through. 339 00:13:26,011 --> 00:13:28,053 Ah, fuck m-me. 340 00:13:28,136 --> 00:13:30,720 Hey, let's go out tonight, Larry, and-and get some Betties 341 00:13:30,804 --> 00:13:33,095 and paint this town semen. 342 00:13:33,178 --> 00:13:35,595 Mm. So is that attached to... 343 00:13:35,679 --> 00:13:37,720 Ligaments and nerve-endings? Yep. 344 00:13:37,804 --> 00:13:38,929 - Wow. - I taste metal 345 00:13:39,011 --> 00:13:40,679 or blood every time I take a step. 346 00:13:40,762 --> 00:13:42,178 - Well... - But other than that, 347 00:13:42,261 --> 00:13:43,804 I'm 100%, baby. 348 00:13:45,804 --> 00:13:47,804 Hey, what is that? Is that for me? 349 00:13:47,887 --> 00:13:48,929 - Oh, nothing. - It's got my name on it. 350 00:13:49,011 --> 00:13:50,428 I, uh, thought it might upset you, 351 00:13:50,512 --> 00:13:52,095 so I threw it away. 352 00:13:52,178 --> 00:13:53,762 - It's from Keith. - Hmm? Who? 353 00:13:53,845 --> 00:13:55,428 "I can't believe you betrayed me. 354 00:13:55,512 --> 00:13:57,637 - I thought we were friends." - He's being dramatic. 355 00:13:57,720 --> 00:13:59,178 "You ruined Phantom for me 356 00:13:59,261 --> 00:14:01,595 more than Sarah Brightman's pitchy understudy ever could." 357 00:14:01,679 --> 00:14:02,929 I don't think that's possible. 358 00:14:03,011 --> 00:14:05,011 "Please release me from your Lloyd Webber of lies." 359 00:14:06,804 --> 00:14:08,220 Look on the bright side; 360 00:14:08,303 --> 00:14:10,845 it's back to just us. 361 00:14:10,929 --> 00:14:14,136 Keith was deadweight anyway. We're all we need. 362 00:14:14,220 --> 00:14:17,011 We're all we've ever needed. 363 00:14:17,095 --> 00:14:18,970 Lenny. 364 00:14:19,053 --> 00:14:22,637 Did you do something to Keith without consulting me? 365 00:14:22,720 --> 00:14:25,053 What if I did? This is my company. 366 00:14:25,136 --> 00:14:27,512 It is our company, and I have been running it 367 00:14:27,595 --> 00:14:30,595 by myself, without you for months... okay... 368 00:14:30,679 --> 00:14:32,470 while taking care of you. 369 00:14:32,553 --> 00:14:34,428 Running it into the ground! 370 00:14:34,512 --> 00:14:37,261 Amerisavings & Loan, the Yen trade. 371 00:14:37,345 --> 00:14:38,970 I guess it's true what they say, 372 00:14:39,053 --> 00:14:41,762 that I've always been the brains of the operation. 373 00:14:41,845 --> 00:14:43,970 Well, I guess that makes me the body. 374 00:14:44,053 --> 00:14:47,428 And our little brother, Lonny, would have been the heart, 375 00:14:47,512 --> 00:14:49,387 but you ate him in the womb. 376 00:14:51,720 --> 00:14:53,011 Rumor! 377 00:14:55,261 --> 00:14:56,845 But I never could have mustered the strength 378 00:14:56,929 --> 00:15:00,470 to come forward without Pastor Newell Swafford's 379 00:15:00,553 --> 00:15:01,720 conversion program. 380 00:15:01,804 --> 00:15:03,011 Praise the Lord! 381 00:15:03,095 --> 00:15:06,595 With the miraculous help of Dr. Gabe Egone, 382 00:15:06,679 --> 00:15:09,553 I no longer have a gay bone in my body. 383 00:15:09,637 --> 00:15:11,387 And believe me, ladies and gentlemen, 384 00:15:11,470 --> 00:15:13,011 I did before. 385 00:15:13,970 --> 00:15:15,428 But don't take my word for it. 386 00:15:15,512 --> 00:15:16,679 I have proof. 387 00:15:16,762 --> 00:15:18,887 Tiffany, darling, 388 00:15:18,970 --> 00:15:23,011 would you like to tell everyone, 389 00:15:23,095 --> 00:15:24,595 or shall I, darling? 390 00:15:24,679 --> 00:15:26,762 Uh, tell them what, Blair? 391 00:15:26,845 --> 00:15:30,720 Uh, our big surprise. Duh. 392 00:15:30,804 --> 00:15:32,929 Oh, she's being bashful. 393 00:15:33,011 --> 00:15:35,887 We haven't even told our own families yet, 394 00:15:35,970 --> 00:15:38,637 but... since we consider all of you 395 00:15:38,720 --> 00:15:41,637 our real family, we might as well 396 00:15:41,720 --> 00:15:42,929 just get right to it, right? 397 00:15:43,011 --> 00:15:44,428 I'm scared. 398 00:15:44,512 --> 00:15:46,345 Oh, we're both scared 399 00:15:46,428 --> 00:15:50,178 because you can never be too prepared to become... 400 00:15:50,261 --> 00:15:51,387 parents. 401 00:15:51,470 --> 00:15:52,720 That's right. 402 00:15:52,804 --> 00:15:54,970 Tiffany is with child. 403 00:15:55,053 --> 00:15:58,220 Our firstborn, Blair Jr... boy or girl. 404 00:15:58,303 --> 00:15:59,303 Am I right? 405 00:15:59,387 --> 00:16:00,720 Dump this feed right now, 406 00:16:00,804 --> 00:16:02,720 or I will put a hex upon your kid 407 00:16:02,804 --> 00:16:04,637 that'll span generations! 408 00:16:04,720 --> 00:16:06,387 Dump the feed. Dump the feed! 409 00:16:06,470 --> 00:16:10,095 And if that news wasn't amazing enough... 410 00:16:10,178 --> 00:16:11,595 we got one more little surprise 411 00:16:11,679 --> 00:16:12,970 in store for y'all. 412 00:16:13,053 --> 00:16:14,762 The master pastor himself 413 00:16:14,845 --> 00:16:16,387 has landed for the first time 414 00:16:16,470 --> 00:16:17,136 in years. 415 00:16:17,220 --> 00:16:18,762 Ladies and gentlemen, 416 00:16:18,845 --> 00:16:21,261 please "praise" the roof for 417 00:16:21,345 --> 00:16:24,178 Pastor Newell Swafford! 418 00:16:28,011 --> 00:16:30,345 Come on out, Father! 419 00:16:30,428 --> 00:16:31,845 Oh, praise him! 420 00:16:33,553 --> 00:16:34,595 Tiff, come and join me. 421 00:16:34,679 --> 00:16:35,595 Come on. 422 00:16:35,679 --> 00:16:36,804 Come on. 423 00:16:36,887 --> 00:16:37,687 Come, come. 424 00:16:37,720 --> 00:16:39,637 Oh, if it wasn't for this man 425 00:16:39,720 --> 00:16:41,762 and his amazing conversion program, 426 00:16:41,845 --> 00:16:44,011 I would still be deep in the annals of anal. 427 00:16:44,095 --> 00:16:46,095 But his work needs your help to continue. 428 00:16:46,178 --> 00:16:48,970 So if you believe in this man and his power to heal, 429 00:16:49,053 --> 00:16:50,261 please dial the number on your phone 430 00:16:50,345 --> 00:16:53,428 and donate, donate, donate! 431 00:16:53,512 --> 00:16:54,887 Oh! Oh! 432 00:16:54,970 --> 00:16:57,553 Pastor, look at the numbers climb. 433 00:16:57,637 --> 00:17:00,136 Oh, boy. Oh! 434 00:17:00,220 --> 00:17:01,637 Yes! 435 00:17:01,720 --> 00:17:02,970 Praise Him. 436 00:17:03,053 --> 00:17:05,178 Oh, operators are standing by. 437 00:17:07,220 --> 00:17:08,762 - Ooh! - Tiff. Tiff. 438 00:17:08,845 --> 00:17:09,804 Ooh, we are a witness tonight 439 00:17:09,887 --> 00:17:11,303 miracles do happen. 440 00:17:14,053 --> 00:17:15,804 - Oh, Jesus. - Keith. Keith. 441 00:17:15,887 --> 00:17:17,387 I-I don't know what my brother told you. 442 00:17:17,470 --> 00:17:19,136 Uh, nothing, just that he's alive, 443 00:17:19,220 --> 00:17:21,011 that you're not my friend, you never were, 444 00:17:21,095 --> 00:17:22,512 and this entire time, you've been using me. 445 00:17:22,595 --> 00:17:23,970 You're just gonna throw me back in jail. 446 00:17:24,053 --> 00:17:26,303 Well, yeah, that's an accurate description of our plan, 447 00:17:26,387 --> 00:17:29,136 but what he left out was the part where 448 00:17:29,220 --> 00:17:30,762 I got to know you. 449 00:17:30,845 --> 00:17:34,387 - And I genuinely like you. - Yeah, right. 450 00:17:34,470 --> 00:17:38,053 That's why I rushed over here the second I got your note. 451 00:17:38,136 --> 00:17:40,178 Look, ever since my brother's accident, 452 00:17:40,261 --> 00:17:43,637 there has been this darkness in him... 453 00:17:43,720 --> 00:17:46,011 or more darkness... 454 00:17:46,095 --> 00:17:48,762 and he's jealous of what we have. 455 00:17:48,845 --> 00:17:50,011 But you know what? 456 00:17:50,095 --> 00:17:52,470 I don't give a rat's ass what he thinks. 457 00:17:52,553 --> 00:17:53,679 You don't? 458 00:17:53,762 --> 00:17:56,345 I don't, Keith. 459 00:17:56,428 --> 00:17:58,387 Now why don't you put those wheel-boots away, 460 00:17:58,470 --> 00:18:00,470 and I'll-I'll prove it to you? 461 00:18:08,345 --> 00:18:11,345 ♪ Daisy, daisy ♪ 462 00:18:11,428 --> 00:18:14,178 ♪ Give me your answer, do ♪ 463 00:18:14,261 --> 00:18:16,762 ♪ I'm half-crazy ♪ 464 00:18:16,845 --> 00:18:19,720 ♪ Over the love of you ♪ 465 00:18:19,804 --> 00:18:20,762 - Oh! - ♪ It won't be ♪ 466 00:18:20,845 --> 00:18:22,011 ♪ A stylish marriage... ♪ 467 00:18:22,095 --> 00:18:24,553 Make your own money, ya piece of shit! 468 00:18:24,637 --> 00:18:25,804 ♪ A carriage ♪ 469 00:18:25,887 --> 00:18:27,136 ♪ But you look sweet ♪ 470 00:18:27,220 --> 00:18:29,261 ♪ Upon the seat of ♪ 471 00:18:29,345 --> 00:18:31,887 - Oh! - ♪ A bicycle built for two ♪ 472 00:18:31,970 --> 00:18:33,595 Get your own watch, sucker! 473 00:18:33,679 --> 00:18:34,804 ♪ Daisy, give me ♪ 474 00:18:34,887 --> 00:18:37,220 ♪ Your answer do... ♪ 475 00:18:37,303 --> 00:18:40,887 Oh, you've found your calling, mister. 476 00:18:40,970 --> 00:18:42,970 Thank you. 477 00:18:43,053 --> 00:18:44,303 ♪ It won't be a stylish marriage ♪ 478 00:18:44,387 --> 00:18:45,929 I gotta get this framed. 479 00:18:46,011 --> 00:18:48,303 ♪ I can't afford a carriage ♪ 480 00:18:48,387 --> 00:18:50,345 ♪ But you look sweet ♪ 481 00:18:50,428 --> 00:18:54,178 ♪ Upon the seat of a bicycle built for two ♪ 482 00:18:54,261 --> 00:18:56,637 Tiffany! 483 00:18:56,720 --> 00:18:59,679 You cannot possibly be upset right now. 484 00:18:59,762 --> 00:19:01,053 They love us. 485 00:19:01,136 --> 00:19:03,845 I fixed everything, and you got everything you wanted 486 00:19:03,929 --> 00:19:05,470 and a baby. 487 00:19:05,553 --> 00:19:08,053 And I used "annal" and "anal" in the same sentence. 488 00:19:08,136 --> 00:19:09,720 I want a divorce. 489 00:19:12,178 --> 00:19:13,845 You and what army? 490 00:19:13,929 --> 00:19:15,804 An army of fucking attorneys, 491 00:19:15,887 --> 00:19:18,637 that's what goddamn army, you fucking psycho. 492 00:19:23,679 --> 00:19:27,345 Pastor Swafford, what a pleasant surprise. 493 00:19:27,428 --> 00:19:29,178 I hope you're not too ground-sick to notice 494 00:19:29,261 --> 00:19:31,595 you just made a one-day fundraising record... 495 00:19:31,679 --> 00:19:33,261 and climbing. 496 00:19:33,345 --> 00:19:34,762 Hate for your flock to find out 497 00:19:34,845 --> 00:19:36,303 it's all based on lies, 498 00:19:36,387 --> 00:19:38,470 that you leaked the tape or that conversion therapy 499 00:19:38,553 --> 00:19:39,845 is utter bullshit. 500 00:19:39,970 --> 00:19:42,261 I underestimated you, Pfaff. 501 00:19:42,345 --> 00:19:45,095 I've never been accurately estimated in my entire life. 502 00:19:45,178 --> 00:19:48,387 So what do you want? 503 00:19:48,470 --> 00:19:51,887 I know how close you are with the governor. 504 00:19:51,970 --> 00:19:54,720 You're gonna ask him to do me a favor. 505 00:19:56,470 --> 00:19:58,178 Oh, he said, "What do you wanna be holding?" 506 00:19:58,261 --> 00:19:59,303 I didn't know. I said, "balloon." 507 00:20:00,512 --> 00:20:01,929 What a fun day. 508 00:20:02,011 --> 00:20:03,345 I mean, any day not spent 509 00:20:03,428 --> 00:20:05,595 emptying my brother's shit bag is a fun day for me. 510 00:20:05,679 --> 00:20:06,762 Thank you, Keith. 511 00:20:06,845 --> 00:20:08,387 I'm happy to have you back in my life 512 00:20:08,470 --> 00:20:09,804 as a friend, of course. 513 00:20:09,887 --> 00:20:11,261 Oh. 514 00:20:11,345 --> 00:20:13,512 And I promise, I'll be honest from now on. 515 00:20:13,595 --> 00:20:14,512 Me too. 516 00:20:14,595 --> 00:20:16,595 Um... 517 00:20:16,679 --> 00:20:18,637 there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you. 518 00:20:18,720 --> 00:20:21,845 Hey, Keithy, come on. You can tell me anything. 519 00:20:21,970 --> 00:20:23,679 You know the Yen trade? 520 00:20:23,762 --> 00:20:24,762 Sure. 521 00:20:24,845 --> 00:20:25,970 The FBI caught wind that 522 00:20:26,053 --> 00:20:27,845 that was insider information, 523 00:20:27,929 --> 00:20:30,970 and they are after us. 524 00:20:31,053 --> 00:20:33,261 The FBI are after us? What the fuck, Keith? 525 00:20:33,345 --> 00:20:34,762 What the fuck did you do to us? 526 00:20:34,845 --> 00:20:37,428 Oh! My brother's gonna kill me. 527 00:20:37,512 --> 00:20:40,303 He's already up my ass about how I'm running the company, 528 00:20:40,387 --> 00:20:41,720 and then when he hears that the Yen trade 529 00:20:41,804 --> 00:20:45,470 that we lost a fortune on is highly fucking illegal... 530 00:20:45,553 --> 00:20:47,512 It's my fault, and I am sorry, okay? 531 00:20:47,595 --> 00:20:49,970 But I have a plan to make this right. 532 00:20:50,053 --> 00:20:51,470 Just trust me, okay? 533 00:20:51,553 --> 00:20:54,428 All we need to do is pin it on a patsy, all right? 534 00:20:54,512 --> 00:20:56,845 People do it all the time; Lee Harvey Oswald, the O-ring. 535 00:20:56,929 --> 00:20:57,845 It'll be easy. 536 00:20:57,929 --> 00:20:59,345 Okay, but you gotta 537 00:20:59,428 --> 00:21:00,470 come with me to tell Lenny. 538 00:21:00,553 --> 00:21:02,011 I mean, he's gonna be crazy-pissed, 539 00:21:02,095 --> 00:21:04,053 but he's-he's gonna know who to pin it on. 540 00:21:04,136 --> 00:21:05,720 - Okay. - Besides, you two need to 541 00:21:05,804 --> 00:21:06,929 bury the hatchet. 542 00:21:07,011 --> 00:21:08,929 Oh, you should come to 543 00:21:09,011 --> 00:21:10,762 our annual camping trip at Wolf Lake. 544 00:21:10,845 --> 00:21:12,887 - Oh, I-I-I wouldn't... - No, it'd be great. 545 00:21:12,970 --> 00:21:14,845 It was our favorite place to go when we were kids. 546 00:21:14,929 --> 00:21:17,345 Yeah, it's, uh... it's where we fell in mud, 547 00:21:17,428 --> 00:21:21,053 where we lost our Virg-inia Slims. 548 00:21:21,136 --> 00:21:23,136 When we were kids, we would steal 549 00:21:23,220 --> 00:21:24,970 our mother's cigarettes, and then we'd throw them 550 00:21:25,053 --> 00:21:26,387 in the mud. 551 00:21:26,470 --> 00:21:30,136 Okay, a lot of weird pauses in there, but sure. 552 00:21:31,679 --> 00:21:32,804 Sorry about the pauses. 553 00:21:49,679 --> 00:21:50,679 Hmm. 554 00:22:01,762 --> 00:22:03,637 Fuck. 555 00:22:03,720 --> 00:22:05,970 He lost? 556 00:22:06,804 --> 00:22:08,595 - What? - The election tonight. 557 00:22:08,679 --> 00:22:10,512 Harris, he lost. That's why you're... 558 00:22:10,595 --> 00:22:12,011 that's why you're all upset, right? 559 00:22:12,095 --> 00:22:14,637 He hung himself. 560 00:22:14,720 --> 00:22:15,929 What? 561 00:22:17,845 --> 00:22:22,428 He won... and then he hung himself. 562 00:22:26,470 --> 00:22:28,136 'Cause of his father-in-law, 563 00:22:28,220 --> 00:22:31,220 Pastor Newell Swafford, 564 00:22:31,303 --> 00:22:34,595 leaked a tape to Channel 5 News of us fucking. 565 00:22:34,679 --> 00:22:36,553 "This just in..." 566 00:22:38,011 --> 00:22:40,804 That was, um... that was really insensitive. 567 00:22:40,887 --> 00:22:42,637 I'm sorry. 568 00:22:42,720 --> 00:22:45,470 That's why you're sorry, huh... 569 00:22:45,553 --> 00:22:49,220 not for you turning me into a fucking maniac? 570 00:22:52,178 --> 00:22:54,345 You fucking maniac. 571 00:22:54,428 --> 00:22:58,053 Blair... you're going through something really emotional 572 00:22:58,136 --> 00:22:59,512 right now, which is why I'm not gonna 573 00:22:59,595 --> 00:23:00,595 stomp the shit out of you, 574 00:23:00,679 --> 00:23:03,136 if you get out of my face right now. 575 00:23:03,220 --> 00:23:05,303 I'm not a good guy, man. 576 00:23:12,887 --> 00:23:14,553 Something funny? 577 00:23:14,637 --> 00:23:15,929 Yeah. 578 00:23:16,011 --> 00:23:17,345 You were right, Mo. 579 00:23:17,428 --> 00:23:20,011 "Fuck 'em all, or get fucked by 'em all," 580 00:23:20,095 --> 00:23:22,011 even the ones closest to you. 581 00:23:22,095 --> 00:23:23,762 Well, hell, especially the ones 582 00:23:23,845 --> 00:23:25,095 closest to you. 583 00:23:26,637 --> 00:23:27,679 Look at you and Dawn. 584 00:23:27,762 --> 00:23:29,553 You just keep ruining each other 585 00:23:29,637 --> 00:23:32,261 over and over and over. 586 00:23:34,011 --> 00:23:35,053 What's the point? 587 00:23:35,136 --> 00:23:38,929 Well, life is the point, Blair. 588 00:23:39,011 --> 00:23:41,053 I mean, if you're not even gonna try to love anybody... 589 00:23:41,136 --> 00:23:42,095 You're fired. 590 00:23:44,220 --> 00:23:46,804 And you and me... 591 00:23:46,887 --> 00:23:48,637 we're done forever. 592 00:24:17,136 --> 00:24:18,178 I never thought I'd say this, 593 00:24:18,261 --> 00:24:20,053 but it finally feels like 594 00:24:20,136 --> 00:24:22,136 we're over all our bullshit and back to us, 595 00:24:22,220 --> 00:24:23,387 and it's 'cause of you. 596 00:24:23,470 --> 00:24:26,053 You've really changed, Momo. 597 00:24:26,136 --> 00:24:28,929 So happy re-birthday. Get it? 598 00:24:29,011 --> 00:24:30,762 Love, Dawny. 599 00:25:23,136 --> 00:25:24,428 ♪ What they do? ♪ 600 00:25:24,512 --> 00:25:26,595 ♪ They smiling in your face ♪ 601 00:25:26,679 --> 00:25:28,345 ♪ All the time, they wanna take your place ♪ 602 00:25:28,428 --> 00:25:30,303 ♪ The back stabbers ♪ 603 00:25:30,387 --> 00:25:32,303 ♪ Back stabbers ♪ 604 00:25:32,387 --> 00:25:33,929 ♪ They smiling in your face ♪ 605 00:25:34,011 --> 00:25:35,303 ♪ All time ♪ 606 00:25:35,387 --> 00:25:36,470 ♪ They wanna take your place ♪ 607 00:25:36,553 --> 00:25:38,220 ♪ The back stabbers ♪ 608 00:25:38,303 --> 00:25:39,637 ♪ Back stabbers ♪ 609 00:25:39,720 --> 00:25:41,261 ♪ All you fellas ♪ 610 00:25:41,345 --> 00:25:42,553 ♪ Who have someone ♪ 611 00:25:42,637 --> 00:25:44,303 ♪ And you really care, yeah... ♪ 612 00:25:44,387 --> 00:25:47,345 So what do you want? 613 00:25:47,428 --> 00:25:50,387 I know how close you are with the governor. 614 00:25:50,470 --> 00:25:53,136 You're gonna ask him to do me a favor. 615 00:25:53,220 --> 00:25:55,136 ♪ Yeah ♪ 616 00:25:55,220 --> 00:25:57,136 ♪ Somebody's out... ♪ 617 00:25:57,220 --> 00:26:00,011 If you transfer $3 million into an account 618 00:26:00,095 --> 00:26:01,679 in the Cayman Islands, 619 00:26:01,762 --> 00:26:04,470 we can sink that FBI bitch for good. 620 00:26:04,553 --> 00:26:06,595 ♪ Clenched tight in their fists ♪ 621 00:26:06,679 --> 00:26:08,720 I have a plan to make this right. 622 00:26:08,804 --> 00:26:11,428 All we need to do is pin it on a patsy. 623 00:26:11,512 --> 00:26:12,845 ♪ What they do? ♪ 624 00:26:12,929 --> 00:26:14,804 ♪ They smiling in your face ♪ 625 00:26:14,887 --> 00:26:16,553 ♪ All the time, they wanna take your place ♪ 626 00:26:16,637 --> 00:26:18,679 ♪ The back stabbers ♪ 627 00:26:18,762 --> 00:26:20,470 ♪ Back stabbers ♪ 628 00:26:20,553 --> 00:26:22,637 ♪ They smiling in your face ♪ 629 00:26:22,720 --> 00:26:25,345 ♪ I don't need ♪ 630 00:26:25,428 --> 00:26:27,220 ♪ Low-down and dirty bastards ♪ 631 00:26:27,303 --> 00:26:28,261 ♪ Back stabbers ♪ 632 00:26:28,345 --> 00:26:29,345 ♪ They smiling in your face ♪ 633 00:26:29,428 --> 00:26:31,929 ♪ Da-da, da-da-da ♪ 634 00:26:32,011 --> 00:26:35,261 ♪ Da-da-da-da ♪