1 00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:04,945 [ Birds chirping, soft music playing ] 2 00:00:05,045 --> 00:00:06,826 [ Loud banging ] 3 00:00:06,926 --> 00:00:08,788 [ Gasps ] 4 00:00:08,888 --> 00:00:12,152 Freya. Freya! The house is under attack! 5 00:00:12,252 --> 00:00:13,793 Assume battle positions! 6 00:00:13,893 --> 00:00:15,835 Sid, it's okay. It's just me. 7 00:00:15,935 --> 00:00:17,837 Oh. Whoa. Uh, what are you doing? 8 00:00:17,937 --> 00:00:19,359 Putting up decorations. 9 00:00:19,459 --> 00:00:20,961 What do you think? 10 00:00:21,061 --> 00:00:22,282 Uh... 11 00:00:22,382 --> 00:00:24,284 I mean, wow. Cool, right? 12 00:00:24,384 --> 00:00:25,445 It's the heads of my enemies. 13 00:00:25,545 --> 00:00:26,726 Yeah. No, I see that. 14 00:00:26,826 --> 00:00:28,768 I guess... I'm just worried 15 00:00:28,868 --> 00:00:33,333 it might come across as a bit spine-tingling. 16 00:00:33,433 --> 00:00:34,734 How do you mean? I'm just worried 17 00:00:34,834 --> 00:00:36,336 that our new neighbours aren't accustomed 18 00:00:36,436 --> 00:00:38,058 to the casual horrors of the wasteland 19 00:00:38,158 --> 00:00:39,459 in the same way that we are. 20 00:00:39,559 --> 00:00:40,820 Gosh, Sid, I love you, but I think you're 21 00:00:40,920 --> 00:00:42,102 way off base here. 22 00:00:42,202 --> 00:00:43,263 You really need to see it plugged in 23 00:00:43,363 --> 00:00:44,344 to get the full effect. 24 00:00:44,444 --> 00:00:45,945 [ Generator whirring ] 25 00:00:46,045 --> 00:00:50,330 [ Heads groaning to "When the Saints Go Marching In" ] 26 00:00:54,574 --> 00:00:55,835 Yeah, you're right. It is better like that. 27 00:00:55,935 --> 00:00:57,517 Right? 28 00:00:57,617 --> 00:01:02,162 [ Heads continue groaning ] 29 00:01:02,262 --> 00:01:12,132 ♪♪ 30 00:01:12,232 --> 00:01:15,455 Your subjects in Old New Jersey can't pay your tribute on time 31 00:01:15,555 --> 00:01:17,777 on account of an extended Nuclear Winter. 32 00:01:17,877 --> 00:01:20,380 It's too bad for them. Crush them. "Crush them." Got it. 33 00:01:20,480 --> 00:01:21,981 Uh, the Canyon People were hoping 34 00:01:22,081 --> 00:01:23,823 they could have their women and children back. 35 00:01:23,923 --> 00:01:26,346 Hm. I guess you could do that. Shut up. Crush them. 36 00:01:26,446 --> 00:01:27,987 "Crush them too." Great. 37 00:01:28,087 --> 00:01:29,629 Oh, uh, this note was left for you on the door. 38 00:01:29,729 --> 00:01:31,111 Hm. 39 00:01:31,211 --> 00:01:33,873 "Dear neighbour, you are in violation of Rule 17.4 40 00:01:33,973 --> 00:01:35,955 prohibiting unsanctioned lawn ornamentation. 41 00:01:36,055 --> 00:01:38,598 Please remove the decapitated heads immediately. 42 00:01:38,698 --> 00:01:40,240 Signed, the 'Hoa.'" 43 00:01:40,340 --> 00:01:41,721 Who is this Hoa? 44 00:01:41,821 --> 00:01:43,443 I don't know, but it sounds intimidating. 45 00:01:43,543 --> 00:01:46,686 Like some sort of mythical beast or barbarian king. 46 00:01:46,786 --> 00:01:50,630 Whoever it is, no one tells Freya Exaltada what to do. 47 00:01:51,631 --> 00:01:54,234 I will find this Hoa, and I will destroy it. 48 00:01:55,915 --> 00:01:58,418 That's right, Mommy. You show 'em who is boss. 49 00:01:58,518 --> 00:02:01,481 Give e'm the ol' one, two! Sure, sure! 50 00:02:03,163 --> 00:02:05,105 You know what I love about this job, Devon? 51 00:02:05,205 --> 00:02:07,347 It's that we're doing actual good in the world. 52 00:02:07,447 --> 00:02:10,430 For instance, without us, this doll would just be trash. 53 00:02:10,530 --> 00:02:12,752 But now some child will have a new best friend. 54 00:02:12,852 --> 00:02:16,076 Aah! That...one has a family of scorpions living in it. 55 00:02:16,176 --> 00:02:17,637 But the point remains. 56 00:02:17,737 --> 00:02:19,799 [ Man moans weakly ] 57 00:02:19,899 --> 00:02:21,561 I'm looking for the Junkman. 58 00:02:21,661 --> 00:02:23,883 Ah. My package is here. 59 00:02:23,983 --> 00:02:26,646 I was ambushed by bandits. 60 00:02:26,746 --> 00:02:28,047 It was a slaughter. 61 00:02:28,147 --> 00:02:30,090 Tell my wife... I love her. 62 00:02:30,190 --> 00:02:32,332 Yeah, sure, pal. Here's a shiny beak for your troubles. 63 00:02:32,432 --> 00:02:34,434 [ Groans ] 64 00:02:35,355 --> 00:02:36,376 What is it? 65 00:02:36,476 --> 00:02:39,419 [ Mystical music playing ] 66 00:02:39,519 --> 00:02:41,661 They call it the Gigachron. 67 00:02:41,761 --> 00:02:46,106 Rumour has it its power transcends time and space. 68 00:02:46,206 --> 00:02:47,747 And more importantly, 69 00:02:47,847 --> 00:02:50,470 some rich schmuck is willing to pay me a lot of money for it. 70 00:02:50,570 --> 00:02:52,912 Alright. So, accompanying me 71 00:02:53,012 --> 00:02:55,555 on this very important sale... 72 00:02:55,655 --> 00:02:58,398 is... 73 00:02:58,498 --> 00:02:59,559 Sid, my golden boy. 74 00:02:59,659 --> 00:03:00,880 Hell yes! 75 00:03:00,980 --> 00:03:02,162 I thought I was your golden boy. 76 00:03:02,262 --> 00:03:03,763 Nope. It's Sid now. 77 00:03:03,863 --> 00:03:06,886 In fact, Sid, why don't you take Devon's desk from now on? 78 00:03:06,986 --> 00:03:09,769 Devon, you go sit on that pile of trash over there. 79 00:03:09,869 --> 00:03:11,871 Alright, let's go, Sid. 80 00:03:13,112 --> 00:03:14,574 Sorry, Devon. 81 00:03:14,674 --> 00:03:16,816 Don't be sorry for Devon. He's a piece of crap. 82 00:03:16,916 --> 00:03:20,500 ♪♪ 83 00:03:20,600 --> 00:03:22,222 Hi. Yeah, uh, the pothole on Main Street 84 00:03:22,322 --> 00:03:24,544 still hasn't been fixed, and I tried to drive my car 85 00:03:24,644 --> 00:03:26,426 over it the other day, and it went into a bottomless pit. 86 00:03:26,526 --> 00:03:27,427 [ Loud thud ] Aah! 87 00:03:27,527 --> 00:03:29,108 ♪♪ 88 00:03:29,208 --> 00:03:30,190 [ Gasping ] 89 00:03:30,290 --> 00:03:32,992 It is I, Freya Exaltada. 90 00:03:33,092 --> 00:03:35,074 I have come to slay the Hoa. 91 00:03:35,174 --> 00:03:37,357 Ma'am, this is actually the Homeowners Association. 92 00:03:37,457 --> 00:03:38,518 If you'd like to file a complaint, 93 00:03:38,618 --> 00:03:40,440 you need to wait your turn. 94 00:03:40,540 --> 00:03:42,522 So you must be the leader here. 95 00:03:42,622 --> 00:03:44,564 Surprising choice for an overlord. 96 00:03:44,664 --> 00:03:46,686 Small, mousy, 97 00:03:46,786 --> 00:03:48,848 resting bitch face. 98 00:03:48,948 --> 00:03:51,691 Yes, I am the "overlord," I suppose. 99 00:03:51,791 --> 00:03:53,373 [ Chuckles ] 100 00:03:53,473 --> 00:03:55,094 Linda Sherman, HOA President. 101 00:03:55,194 --> 00:03:58,498 Very well, Linda Sherman, I challenge you 102 00:03:58,598 --> 00:04:01,060 to hand-to-hand combat for control of Boomtown. 103 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:02,502 Oh, no, we don't do that here. 104 00:04:02,602 --> 00:04:03,503 If you want to be president, 105 00:04:03,603 --> 00:04:05,225 you need to win an election. 106 00:04:05,325 --> 00:04:06,666 An election? 107 00:04:06,766 --> 00:04:09,749 Seems like an insane way to pick a leader. 108 00:04:09,849 --> 00:04:11,311 Very well. 109 00:04:11,411 --> 00:04:13,473 If those are your terms of battle, then I accept. 110 00:04:13,573 --> 00:04:16,956 And I promise, when I am president of the HOA... Ma'am, your time is up. 111 00:04:17,056 --> 00:04:21,080 ...I will crush any and all stand in my way. 112 00:04:21,180 --> 00:04:22,682 And there will be -- [ Microphone cuts ] 113 00:04:22,782 --> 00:04:25,044 Wow. Really? 114 00:04:25,144 --> 00:04:26,606 [ Scoffs ] That's crap. 115 00:04:26,706 --> 00:04:29,188 I mean, I don't care, but that's crap. 116 00:04:30,470 --> 00:04:34,534 [ Dramatic music playing ] 117 00:04:34,634 --> 00:04:36,175 Getting kind of a spooky vibe from this place. 118 00:04:36,275 --> 00:04:39,018 How -- How much do we know about this buyer? 119 00:04:39,118 --> 00:04:41,981 I assume he's like a regular customer of yours? 120 00:04:42,081 --> 00:04:43,583 Nope. Never met him in my life. 121 00:04:43,683 --> 00:04:45,345 Really? 122 00:04:45,445 --> 00:04:47,547 The Gigachron seems like an awfully powerful device 123 00:04:47,647 --> 00:04:49,188 to just be handing over to a complete stranger. 124 00:04:49,288 --> 00:04:51,551 Shouldn't we find out what his intentions are 125 00:04:51,651 --> 00:04:53,112 or run a background check? 126 00:04:53,212 --> 00:04:55,074 At least get a copy of his photo I.D., right? 127 00:04:55,174 --> 00:04:58,478 Sid, relax. I've done these deals millions of times. 128 00:04:58,578 --> 00:05:01,241 I'm sure he's just some guy. 129 00:05:01,341 --> 00:05:04,284 Gentlemen, Ugulus Sleeze will see you now. 130 00:05:04,384 --> 00:05:06,886 Wait, did she say his name was Ugulus Sleeze? 131 00:05:06,986 --> 00:05:08,568 [ Mechanical whirring ] 132 00:05:08,668 --> 00:05:13,893 ♪♪ 133 00:05:13,993 --> 00:05:17,116 [ Chuckles menacingly, growls ] 134 00:05:19,759 --> 00:05:21,381 Welcome. 135 00:05:21,481 --> 00:05:25,625 [ Laughs evilly ] 136 00:05:25,725 --> 00:05:28,007 See? Just some guy. 137 00:05:29,969 --> 00:05:33,353 You have the Gigachron? 138 00:05:33,453 --> 00:05:35,515 Yep. It's right here. 139 00:05:35,615 --> 00:05:37,677 That'll be 30,000 bird beaks. 140 00:05:37,777 --> 00:05:41,681 You said 20,000. 141 00:05:41,781 --> 00:05:43,443 That was last week. Price went up. 142 00:05:43,543 --> 00:05:48,368 [ Snarls, laughs ] 143 00:05:48,468 --> 00:05:52,812 I like your style. Get him his money. 144 00:05:52,912 --> 00:05:56,175 ♪♪ 145 00:05:56,275 --> 00:05:57,417 [ Case rattles ] 146 00:05:57,517 --> 00:05:59,539 I think we're good. 147 00:05:59,639 --> 00:06:01,641 [ Grunts ] 148 00:06:02,241 --> 00:06:04,744 At last, the Gigachron is within my grasp. 149 00:06:04,844 --> 00:06:07,587 Okay, no, actually, just -- I need to borrow my boss 150 00:06:07,687 --> 00:06:08,908 for a very quick moment. 151 00:06:09,008 --> 00:06:10,830 We need to discuss a business matter. 152 00:06:10,930 --> 00:06:13,192 Not about you. What are you doing? 153 00:06:13,292 --> 00:06:15,034 We're in the middle of a deal. Okay. 154 00:06:15,134 --> 00:06:18,077 Does anything strike you as concerning about the situation? 155 00:06:18,177 --> 00:06:19,719 How so? Oh, I don't know. 156 00:06:19,819 --> 00:06:22,322 Maybe the fact that Ugulus seems totally evil, 157 00:06:22,422 --> 00:06:24,003 like his greed and depravity turned him 158 00:06:24,103 --> 00:06:25,445 into something not quite human. 159 00:06:25,545 --> 00:06:27,567 And also that it lives in a pool of toxic muck, 160 00:06:27,667 --> 00:06:29,088 which is maybe his life force. 161 00:06:29,188 --> 00:06:30,770 I feel like any one of these things 162 00:06:30,870 --> 00:06:32,251 should be a huge red flag. 163 00:06:32,351 --> 00:06:34,253 He seems like a good guy to me. 164 00:06:34,353 --> 00:06:36,856 Look, he's smiling and he's being very respectful 165 00:06:36,956 --> 00:06:39,058 about keeping his genitals below the muck line. 166 00:06:39,158 --> 00:06:41,060 It's just it's really important to me that my job 167 00:06:41,160 --> 00:06:44,063 doesn't conflict with my personal values. 168 00:06:44,163 --> 00:06:45,425 It doesn't. 169 00:06:45,525 --> 00:06:46,946 I mean, look, of course, 170 00:06:47,046 --> 00:06:49,749 if we knew Ugulus was a bad dude, 171 00:06:49,849 --> 00:06:51,991 we wouldn't be selling him the Gigachron. 172 00:06:52,091 --> 00:06:54,354 But we can't go investigating every single person 173 00:06:54,454 --> 00:06:56,556 we do business with for whether they've ever done 174 00:06:56,656 --> 00:06:58,277 anything bad in their lives. 175 00:06:58,377 --> 00:06:59,519 Nor should we. 176 00:06:59,619 --> 00:07:01,561 That's not part of the job. 177 00:07:01,661 --> 00:07:04,484 Okay? Congrats, Mr. Sleeze. 178 00:07:04,584 --> 00:07:07,767 You are the proud owner of one new Gigachron. 179 00:07:07,867 --> 00:07:11,891 At last! The power! The power! 180 00:07:11,991 --> 00:07:13,933 [ Groans ] 181 00:07:14,033 --> 00:07:15,334 Oh, man. He's licking it. 182 00:07:15,434 --> 00:07:17,256 [ Vocalising ] Okay, uh, well, 183 00:07:17,356 --> 00:07:19,058 we should probably hit the road then. 184 00:07:19,158 --> 00:07:20,820 Goodbye forever, Mr. Sleeze 185 00:07:20,920 --> 00:07:24,023 Wait! We should celebrate. 186 00:07:24,123 --> 00:07:28,067 Let us from suckle from the teat of decadence. 187 00:07:28,167 --> 00:07:29,509 Mmm. 188 00:07:29,609 --> 00:07:32,872 Sounds nice, right? Suckling some teat? 189 00:07:32,972 --> 00:07:35,835 Beep, beep. The party bus has arrived, 190 00:07:35,935 --> 00:07:40,159 and, uh-oh, the bus driver has been drinking on the job! 191 00:07:40,259 --> 00:07:41,921 What the hell? 192 00:07:42,021 --> 00:07:45,445 Tai, you made it. Did the party bus make a wrong turn? 193 00:07:45,545 --> 00:07:47,166 I thought this was going to be a rager. 194 00:07:47,266 --> 00:07:49,008 Yeah, it's a raging local meet-and-greet 195 00:07:49,108 --> 00:07:50,289 to get to know the candidate. 196 00:07:50,389 --> 00:07:51,651 Help yourself to a lemon square. 197 00:07:51,751 --> 00:07:53,332 We'll get started in a sec. 198 00:07:53,432 --> 00:07:56,416 Oh, man, I can't believe I got my robo penis polished 199 00:07:56,516 --> 00:07:57,777 for this shit. 200 00:07:57,877 --> 00:07:59,879 [ Sighs ] 201 00:08:01,641 --> 00:08:03,222 Would you like to make a donation to the campaign? 202 00:08:03,322 --> 00:08:05,425 Every little bit helps. Oh, yes. 203 00:08:05,525 --> 00:08:06,986 That sounds great. 204 00:08:07,086 --> 00:08:10,149 Ah, shoot. You know, I forgot my wallet. 205 00:08:10,249 --> 00:08:15,635 Oh, no. And I was going to give so much money. Darn it. 206 00:08:15,735 --> 00:08:18,518 [ Clears throat ] Testing, testing. 207 00:08:18,618 --> 00:08:20,440 One, two, three. Hello, everyone. 208 00:08:20,540 --> 00:08:23,322 So when you elect me as your next HOA president, 209 00:08:23,422 --> 00:08:26,045 I promise to rule with an iron fist. 210 00:08:26,145 --> 00:08:28,888 Your houses will burn, chaos will reign. 211 00:08:28,988 --> 00:08:32,411 And every day will be a barrage of suffering and misery 212 00:08:32,511 --> 00:08:34,974 until I grant you the sweet release of death. 213 00:08:35,074 --> 00:08:36,976 Um, yeah. No, I don't like that. 214 00:08:37,076 --> 00:08:39,138 Okay. Well, it doesn't really matter what you like, 215 00:08:39,238 --> 00:08:40,740 because I'll be in charge. 216 00:08:40,840 --> 00:08:42,141 Actually, kind of does. 217 00:08:42,241 --> 00:08:43,863 Because these people won't vote for you 218 00:08:43,963 --> 00:08:46,385 unless you listen to their whiny little jerkoff problems. 219 00:08:46,485 --> 00:08:48,227 Yeah, exactly. 220 00:08:48,327 --> 00:08:52,351 Oh. Okay. Um...okay. let's try this again. 221 00:08:52,451 --> 00:08:56,556 I would love to hear about what you want, 222 00:08:56,656 --> 00:09:00,359 because I care...about you 223 00:09:00,459 --> 00:09:03,803 and don't think that you're a pathetic worm. 224 00:09:03,903 --> 00:09:05,605 Much better. 225 00:09:05,705 --> 00:09:07,086 Hey, great news. 226 00:09:07,186 --> 00:09:08,768 I just remembered you can donate online. 227 00:09:08,868 --> 00:09:10,850 Oh, my gosh. That's so great. 228 00:09:10,950 --> 00:09:12,371 Why don't you send me an e-mail? 229 00:09:12,471 --> 00:09:15,054 Yeah, my e-mail is fakename at 230 00:09:15,154 --> 00:09:18,417 not-a-real-email-address dot nothing. 231 00:09:18,517 --> 00:09:22,461 Got it. Is there a dot between the fake and name? 232 00:09:22,561 --> 00:09:25,705 [ Inhales deeply ] 233 00:09:25,805 --> 00:09:28,187 Ooh, hachi machi! That's strong stuff! 234 00:09:28,287 --> 00:09:34,113 Blossom is an ancient narcotic used to access the great divine. 235 00:09:34,213 --> 00:09:37,837 All I know is it's making me want to bust a freakin' nut. 236 00:09:37,937 --> 00:09:41,200 Hey, what's the matter, little one? 237 00:09:41,300 --> 00:09:44,443 This is a glorious day. 238 00:09:44,543 --> 00:09:47,567 When I unleash the power of the Gigachron -- 239 00:09:47,667 --> 00:09:49,248 Oh, no, no, no. Actually, I think the less 240 00:09:49,348 --> 00:09:51,090 I know about your plans for the Gigachron, the better. 241 00:09:51,190 --> 00:09:53,973 Why don't we talk about something else? Hm. 242 00:09:54,073 --> 00:09:55,855 Did you grow up in this lair, 243 00:09:55,955 --> 00:09:57,577 or did you move here after college? 244 00:09:57,677 --> 00:10:01,140 The Sleezes ruled for generations before 245 00:10:01,240 --> 00:10:07,426 before House Benevola overthrew us, spreading peace in the land. 246 00:10:07,526 --> 00:10:10,710 But that all changes tonight 247 00:10:10,810 --> 00:10:12,471 when I unleash the power of the -- 248 00:10:12,571 --> 00:10:14,153 No, no, no, no, no. Again. Again. 249 00:10:14,253 --> 00:10:15,875 I do not need to know what you're doing with it. 250 00:10:15,975 --> 00:10:18,798 How about we will just sit here and finish our drugs in silence? 251 00:10:18,898 --> 00:10:20,519 Sure, sure. Mm-hmm. 252 00:10:20,619 --> 00:10:22,121 ♪♪ 253 00:10:22,221 --> 00:10:24,363 I was just gonna say I'm gonna blow House Benevola away 254 00:10:24,463 --> 00:10:26,445 with the Gigachron. Damn it, Ugulus! Why? 255 00:10:26,545 --> 00:10:28,608 Oopsies. 256 00:10:28,708 --> 00:10:29,929 [ Inhales deeply ] 257 00:10:30,029 --> 00:10:32,331 Mama, mama, mama! 258 00:10:32,431 --> 00:10:33,693 And... 259 00:10:33,793 --> 00:10:35,775 I busted. [ Laughs ] 260 00:10:35,875 --> 00:10:38,497 The Battledome used to be a place where people could gather 261 00:10:38,597 --> 00:10:40,179 and settle disputes. 262 00:10:40,279 --> 00:10:42,301 Now it's covered in trash. 263 00:10:42,401 --> 00:10:45,064 No one's been killed here in ages. 264 00:10:45,164 --> 00:10:46,986 It's a shame. [ Spits ] 265 00:10:47,086 --> 00:10:49,508 How dare you suggest your future queen pick up your trash? 266 00:10:49,608 --> 00:10:51,591 I should bite your friggin' nuts! 267 00:10:51,691 --> 00:10:54,754 Down, boy! Down! Heel! Let me at him! I can tell he's got juicy ones! 268 00:10:54,854 --> 00:10:56,315 [ Shouts indistinctly ] 269 00:10:56,415 --> 00:10:59,518 Hey! Hey! Down, boy, down. 270 00:10:59,618 --> 00:11:00,840 I'll do it. 271 00:11:00,940 --> 00:11:02,602 No! 272 00:11:02,702 --> 00:11:05,524 No. You're Freya Exaltada. You answer to no man. 273 00:11:05,624 --> 00:11:08,047 I don't like it either, but if this is what it takes 274 00:11:08,147 --> 00:11:11,430 to crush Linda and rule the HOA, I'll it. 275 00:11:13,312 --> 00:11:14,533 Time to take out the trash. 276 00:11:14,633 --> 00:11:16,736 [ Upbeat synth music playing ] 277 00:11:16,836 --> 00:11:18,257 ♪♪ 278 00:11:18,357 --> 00:11:20,019 [ Beeping ] 279 00:11:20,119 --> 00:11:29,068 ♪♪ 280 00:11:29,168 --> 00:11:30,990 Man: Hey, you're there. 281 00:11:31,090 --> 00:11:35,154 We think what you're doing is pretty cool. 282 00:11:35,254 --> 00:11:36,355 Want some help? 283 00:11:36,455 --> 00:11:45,805 ♪♪ 284 00:11:45,905 --> 00:11:47,907 Nice work, guys. We did it. 285 00:11:49,068 --> 00:11:51,010 Hey, beautiful job. 286 00:11:51,110 --> 00:11:53,693 So, do I have your vote? 287 00:11:53,793 --> 00:11:56,615 I should have mentioned you. I already voted for Linda. 288 00:11:56,715 --> 00:11:59,578 What?! I -- I did exactly what you asked for. 289 00:11:59,678 --> 00:12:01,981 Yeah, but I always vote for Linda. 290 00:12:02,081 --> 00:12:03,422 We all do. 291 00:12:03,522 --> 00:12:05,705 In fact, she won the election. by a landslide. 292 00:12:05,805 --> 00:12:07,827 [ Groans ] 293 00:12:07,927 --> 00:12:10,069 [ Dramatic music playing ] 294 00:12:10,169 --> 00:12:17,276 ♪♪ 295 00:12:17,376 --> 00:12:22,201 Mommy-y-y-y-y! 296 00:12:22,301 --> 00:12:26,445 Linda-a-a-a-a! 297 00:12:26,545 --> 00:12:29,088 Hey, I'm ready to make that donation now. 298 00:12:29,188 --> 00:12:31,450 [ Gasps ] Oh, no. Did I just miss it? 299 00:12:31,550 --> 00:12:33,813 Oh, is it too late? 300 00:12:33,913 --> 00:12:37,276 Oh, no. I'm so sad. 301 00:12:38,477 --> 00:12:40,900 The time has come 302 00:12:41,000 --> 00:12:45,044 to unleash the power of the Gigachron. 303 00:12:46,886 --> 00:12:48,828 Yes... 304 00:12:48,928 --> 00:12:53,472 Okay, so I have just spoken to Ugulus, and long story short, 305 00:12:53,572 --> 00:12:55,154 he is definitely evil. 306 00:12:55,254 --> 00:12:56,796 Oh, jeez. He is? 307 00:12:56,896 --> 00:12:59,198 Yeah, he was pretty explicit that he's planning on using 308 00:12:59,298 --> 00:13:01,320 the Gigachron to blow a bunch of innocent people. 309 00:13:01,420 --> 00:13:04,203 So obviously we can't work with him now. 310 00:13:04,303 --> 00:13:06,205 Yeah. 311 00:13:06,305 --> 00:13:08,247 But I also want to make a lot of money. 312 00:13:08,347 --> 00:13:11,130 So there's that. But, no, you -- you said 313 00:13:11,230 --> 00:13:13,372 we were okay as long as we didn't know what his plans are. 314 00:13:13,472 --> 00:13:15,895 Now we do know what they are, so, what, are we just gonna... 315 00:13:15,995 --> 00:13:17,696 throw away your morals for a paycheque? 316 00:13:17,796 --> 00:13:18,978 Exactly! 317 00:13:19,078 --> 00:13:21,981 See? You did learn something today. 318 00:13:22,081 --> 00:13:24,383 The old order falls. 319 00:13:24,483 --> 00:13:27,186 A new order begins. 320 00:13:27,286 --> 00:13:33,152 [ Laughs evilly ] 321 00:13:33,252 --> 00:13:35,755 Aah! 322 00:13:35,855 --> 00:13:37,556 No! 323 00:13:37,656 --> 00:13:40,659 [ Gurgling ] 324 00:13:43,983 --> 00:13:46,125 What did you do? I stopped Ugulus 325 00:13:46,225 --> 00:13:48,167 before he could kill everyone with the Gigachron. 326 00:13:48,267 --> 00:13:51,250 The Gigachron isn't a weapon. 327 00:13:51,350 --> 00:13:53,052 It isn't? No. 328 00:13:53,152 --> 00:13:55,474 It's a karaoke machine. 329 00:13:56,795 --> 00:13:58,898 [ "Waterfalls" playing ] 330 00:13:58,998 --> 00:14:02,862 Oh, I remember this song. "Waterfalls" by TLC. 331 00:14:02,962 --> 00:14:04,503 Catchy tune. 332 00:14:04,603 --> 00:14:05,785 Did you know it was about AIDS? 333 00:14:05,885 --> 00:14:07,306 Guards. 334 00:14:07,406 --> 00:14:10,649 ♪ Don't go chasing waterfalls ♪ 335 00:14:11,210 --> 00:14:13,712 We find you guilty of the murder 336 00:14:13,812 --> 00:14:16,876 of our beloved boss and dear friend, Ugulus Sleeze. 337 00:14:16,976 --> 00:14:18,717 Okay, wait. Timeout for just a second. 338 00:14:18,817 --> 00:14:20,920 In my defence, the guy did say he was gonna 339 00:14:21,020 --> 00:14:22,161 blow everyone away. 340 00:14:22,261 --> 00:14:23,762 Yes, he was going to blow them 341 00:14:23,862 --> 00:14:26,605 away with his beautiful singing voice. 342 00:14:26,705 --> 00:14:28,447 Ugulus was going to bring the Gigachron to 343 00:14:28,547 --> 00:14:29,688 Lord Benevola's birthday party 344 00:14:29,788 --> 00:14:31,490 and finally end their silly feud. 345 00:14:31,590 --> 00:14:32,731 Okay, but I mean, you can see 346 00:14:32,831 --> 00:14:34,333 how I might have misinterpreted that. 347 00:14:34,433 --> 00:14:36,415 The guy was an insane, disgusting 30-ton monster, 348 00:14:36,515 --> 00:14:39,218 for God's sake. Whoa! So we're fat shaming him now? 349 00:14:39,318 --> 00:14:40,980 No, no, I did-- That's not -- 350 00:14:41,080 --> 00:14:43,142 So you just go around killing every fat person you see. 351 00:14:43,242 --> 00:14:44,864 People like you make me sick. 352 00:14:44,964 --> 00:14:48,107 Can I say that I just hired this guy, like, a week ago, 353 00:14:48,207 --> 00:14:50,709 and he does not represent the values of my business. 354 00:14:50,809 --> 00:14:56,075 Okay, clearly... I owe everyone a huge apology. 355 00:14:56,175 --> 00:15:00,479 I realise now that I have a huge amount of work to do on myself, 356 00:15:00,579 --> 00:15:06,125 and I appreciate all of your support on that journey. 357 00:15:06,225 --> 00:15:08,467 I am a work in progress. 358 00:15:10,629 --> 00:15:11,810 [ Whispering ] Did that work? 359 00:15:11,910 --> 00:15:13,893 Kill them. [ Weapons powering up ] 360 00:15:13,993 --> 00:15:18,037 Ma'am, we found this holodex at Mr. Sleeze's tank. 361 00:15:21,880 --> 00:15:23,542 Hello, friends. 362 00:15:23,642 --> 00:15:27,826 If you're seeing this, then I'm already dead. 363 00:15:27,926 --> 00:15:31,190 Reunited with my beautiful wife, Janine. 364 00:15:31,290 --> 00:15:33,152 Aw, man. Dead wife. 365 00:15:33,252 --> 00:15:37,877 In these polarised times, with everyone's squabbling 366 00:15:37,977 --> 00:15:39,718 over who's right and who's wrong, 367 00:15:39,818 --> 00:15:43,522 we must remember that we're all human. 368 00:15:43,622 --> 00:15:47,326 We must forgive and rebuild. 369 00:15:47,426 --> 00:15:50,289 Namaste. Woman: Namaste. 370 00:15:50,389 --> 00:15:51,450 He's right. 371 00:15:51,550 --> 00:15:53,292 You two are free to go. 372 00:15:53,392 --> 00:15:55,054 It's what Ugulus would have wanted. 373 00:15:55,154 --> 00:15:57,416 Oh. Yeah. Thank you. 374 00:15:57,516 --> 00:15:59,518 Thank you. Thank you so much. 375 00:16:00,759 --> 00:16:02,541 I just -- Can I say for the record as well 376 00:16:02,641 --> 00:16:04,103 my favourite uncle struggled with weight issues 377 00:16:04,203 --> 00:16:05,104 his whole life. 378 00:16:05,204 --> 00:16:06,625 Get out of here! Okay. 379 00:16:06,725 --> 00:16:08,908 Sid, you've done enough harm for one day. 380 00:16:09,008 --> 00:16:11,010 Let's go. Okay. 381 00:16:13,852 --> 00:16:15,634 Linda Sherman! 382 00:16:15,734 --> 00:16:17,036 Again with the door. 383 00:16:17,136 --> 00:16:21,720 You had the gall to challenge me in battle. 384 00:16:21,820 --> 00:16:24,323 I declare... 385 00:16:24,423 --> 00:16:25,925 defeat. [ Gasps ] 386 00:16:26,025 --> 00:16:27,806 I was a fool to believe I could challenge a ruler 387 00:16:27,906 --> 00:16:29,969 as omnipotent as you. 388 00:16:30,069 --> 00:16:31,971 Shame, 'cause I actually kind of like helping the community. 389 00:16:32,071 --> 00:16:35,014 But that's all in the past now, 390 00:16:35,114 --> 00:16:37,937 and you must chop my head off. 391 00:16:38,037 --> 00:16:39,218 Oh. 392 00:16:39,318 --> 00:16:41,020 No, we don't kill you if you lose. 393 00:16:41,120 --> 00:16:44,423 Huh? No, in fact, the person who wins second place 394 00:16:44,523 --> 00:16:46,705 automatically becomes vice president. 395 00:16:46,805 --> 00:16:48,707 I mean, that is if you want it. 396 00:16:48,807 --> 00:16:52,591 Oh. Uh, well, I hadn't considered that. 397 00:16:52,691 --> 00:16:56,915 I mean...I suppose I could be...vice president. 398 00:16:57,015 --> 00:16:59,878 If that's how it works? Yep. Hmm. 399 00:16:59,978 --> 00:17:02,441 Thank you, Linda. You are a merciful god. 400 00:17:02,541 --> 00:17:07,086 My children's children will sing songs of your greatness. 401 00:17:07,186 --> 00:17:08,767 Thank you. [ Chuckles ] 402 00:17:08,867 --> 00:17:11,130 Freya: We're planning so much cool stuff for the neighbourhood. 403 00:17:11,230 --> 00:17:12,611 Every Sunday, we're turning the Battledome 404 00:17:12,711 --> 00:17:13,973 into a farmer's market. 405 00:17:14,073 --> 00:17:15,174 Oh, and at the end of the month 406 00:17:15,274 --> 00:17:17,376 we're hosting a huge blood orgy. 407 00:17:17,476 --> 00:17:18,497 My idea. 408 00:17:18,597 --> 00:17:20,980 How is this possible? 409 00:17:21,080 --> 00:17:22,741 My infallible leader destroyed, 410 00:17:22,841 --> 00:17:25,424 my entire sense of reality shattered. 411 00:17:25,524 --> 00:17:28,147 Do I even exist? 412 00:17:28,247 --> 00:17:30,789 Are we all but shadows dancing upon a cave wall? 413 00:17:30,889 --> 00:17:32,431 Aww, cheer up, boy. 414 00:17:32,531 --> 00:17:33,872 Hey. Hey. 415 00:17:33,972 --> 00:17:36,996 Truth is... 416 00:17:37,096 --> 00:17:40,719 this is all a part of my secret plan to take over the town. 417 00:17:40,819 --> 00:17:43,122 It is? [ Chuckles ] 418 00:17:43,222 --> 00:17:45,204 First, I have befriend the neighbours, 419 00:17:45,304 --> 00:17:48,047 helping them with their issues, offering a shoulder to lean on. 420 00:17:48,147 --> 00:17:51,610 Then, after many years of earning their trust and respect, 421 00:17:51,710 --> 00:17:56,015 right when they least expect it, the HOA will be mine! 422 00:17:56,115 --> 00:17:59,218 [ Both laughing evilly ] 423 00:17:59,318 --> 00:18:01,060 Oh, hey, Frey-Frey. 424 00:18:01,160 --> 00:18:02,621 The girls are coming over later for wine o'clock 425 00:18:02,721 --> 00:18:03,822 if you want to join. 426 00:18:03,922 --> 00:18:05,744 Yes, bitch. You know it, girl. 427 00:18:05,844 --> 00:18:08,207 [ Laughs ] Okay, bitch! 428 00:18:10,129 --> 00:18:11,670 Um... 429 00:18:11,770 --> 00:18:14,193 wine o'clock is also part of the plan. 430 00:18:14,293 --> 00:18:15,954 [ Snickers ] 431 00:18:16,054 --> 00:18:18,056 Truly wicked. I know. 432 00:18:23,902 --> 00:18:26,685 Thanks for the ride home, and I'm really sorry again 433 00:18:26,785 --> 00:18:29,848 about ruining your big deal and killing that guy. 434 00:18:29,948 --> 00:18:31,650 Yeah, it's fine. 435 00:18:31,750 --> 00:18:34,133 I wouldn't be much of a mentor if I gave up on you 436 00:18:34,233 --> 00:18:36,095 after your first mistake. 437 00:18:36,195 --> 00:18:38,177 You're still my golden boy. 438 00:18:38,277 --> 00:18:40,739 Thank you. 439 00:18:40,839 --> 00:18:44,823 Besides, at least today wasn't a total bust. Check this out. 440 00:18:44,923 --> 00:18:46,785 I stole it from Ugulus's nightstand 441 00:18:46,885 --> 00:18:49,068 while the guards were fishing out his dead body. 442 00:18:49,168 --> 00:18:51,390 That's -- That's really bad. 443 00:18:51,490 --> 00:18:52,991 Well, who's to say? 444 00:18:53,091 --> 00:18:55,033 What if I told you I was going to sell the watch 445 00:18:55,133 --> 00:18:56,195 to buy more drugs? 446 00:18:56,295 --> 00:18:57,676 That makes it much worse. 447 00:18:57,776 --> 00:18:59,037 Eh, who's to say? 448 00:18:59,137 --> 00:19:00,479 Well, if you'll excuse me, 449 00:19:00,579 --> 00:19:03,942 I have some important... business to attend to. 450 00:19:08,867 --> 00:19:10,609 Hi. I missed you. Hey. 451 00:19:10,709 --> 00:19:12,531 Did you have a good day at work? 452 00:19:12,631 --> 00:19:14,333 I don't know that the words good and bad 453 00:19:14,433 --> 00:19:17,616 have any meaning for me anymore. 454 00:19:17,716 --> 00:19:19,778 I did make money, though. 455 00:19:19,878 --> 00:19:21,900 ♪♪ 456 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:24,503 How was your day, Freya? It was good. Thanks for asking. 457 00:19:24,603 --> 00:19:26,625 ♪♪ 458 00:19:26,725 --> 00:19:28,947 ♪♪ 459 00:19:29,047 --> 00:19:33,112 ♪ Don't go chasing waterfalls ♪ 460 00:19:33,212 --> 00:19:38,717 ♪ Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to ♪ 461 00:19:38,817 --> 00:19:44,563 ♪ I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all ♪ 462 00:19:44,663 --> 00:19:49,328 ♪ But I think you're moving too fast ♪ 463 00:19:49,428 --> 00:19:51,570 ♪♪ 464 00:19:51,670 --> 00:19:54,653 ♪ I seen a rainbow yesterday, but too many storms ♪ 465 00:19:54,753 --> 00:19:58,096 ♪ Have come and gone, leaving a trace of not one God-given ray ♪ 466 00:19:58,196 --> 00:20:00,018 ♪ Is it because my life is 10 shades of grey, I pray ♪ 467 00:20:00,118 --> 00:20:03,262 ♪ All 10 fade away, seldom praise Him for the sunny days ♪ 468 00:20:03,362 --> 00:20:05,784 ♪ And like His promise is true, only my faith can undo ♪ 469 00:20:05,884 --> 00:20:08,427 ♪ The many chances I blew to bring my life to anew ♪ 470 00:20:08,527 --> 00:20:11,150 ♪ Clear blue and unconditional skies ♪ 471 00:20:11,250 --> 00:20:14,393 ♪ Have dried the tears from my eyes, no more lonely cries ♪ 472 00:20:14,493 --> 00:20:17,676 ♪ Don't go chasing waterfalls ♪ 473 00:20:17,776 --> 00:20:20,859 ♪ Please stick to the rivers... ♪