1 00:00:01,601 --> 00:00:02,742 Thanks for giving up your weekend 2 00:00:02,842 --> 00:00:04,224 to straighten out the books. 3 00:00:04,324 --> 00:00:05,905 It's big of you to step up like that. 4 00:00:06,005 --> 00:00:07,067 Yeah, sure. 5 00:00:07,167 --> 00:00:08,508 By the way, I am -- 6 00:00:08,608 --> 00:00:10,430 I am getting paid overtime for this, right? 7 00:00:10,530 --> 00:00:13,393 Oh, Sid, you always know how to put a smile on my face. 8 00:00:13,493 --> 00:00:14,794 No, I'm being serious. 9 00:00:14,894 --> 00:00:16,756 Otherwise, this would be a major labor violation. 10 00:00:16,856 --> 00:00:20,640 [ Laughs ] Oh, Sid, you're too much! 11 00:00:20,740 --> 00:00:23,523 My sides are hurting from laughing too hard. 12 00:00:23,623 --> 00:00:25,125 [ Music playing ] Hm? 13 00:00:25,225 --> 00:00:27,727 Oh, sorry about that. I've got my son for the week. 14 00:00:27,827 --> 00:00:29,929 I didn't even know you had a son. 15 00:00:30,029 --> 00:00:31,731 Yeah. Timmy! 16 00:00:31,831 --> 00:00:33,733 Timmy: What? 17 00:00:33,833 --> 00:00:36,216 Ow! Quit hitting myself! 18 00:00:36,316 --> 00:00:38,578 Ow! I'm not hitting myself. I am. 19 00:00:38,678 --> 00:00:42,822 Oh, so Timmy is, um, how do I say this? 20 00:00:42,922 --> 00:00:45,065 A radioactive freak? Yes. 21 00:00:45,165 --> 00:00:46,706 He's from my first marriage. 22 00:00:46,806 --> 00:00:49,229 You could say it was a "toxic" relationship. 23 00:00:49,329 --> 00:00:50,590 [ Both chuckle ] 24 00:00:50,690 --> 00:00:52,752 But seriously, it was an abusive dynamic. 25 00:00:52,852 --> 00:00:55,315 The psychic wounds from which I'm still recovering. 26 00:00:55,415 --> 00:00:56,956 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. 27 00:00:57,056 --> 00:01:00,240 Now, Timmy, Sid and I are working. 28 00:01:00,340 --> 00:01:03,123 Your pops happens to be a pretty important business man. 29 00:01:03,223 --> 00:01:05,645 Well, I think you're a phoney, and I hate you. 30 00:01:05,745 --> 00:01:09,089 Yeah! Suck deez nuts, old man! 31 00:01:09,189 --> 00:01:10,450 [ Laughs ] 32 00:01:10,550 --> 00:01:12,452 [ Chuckles ] It's just a game we play. 33 00:01:12,552 --> 00:01:14,934 No, I will not "suck deez nuts", son. 34 00:01:15,034 --> 00:01:16,176 [ Door slams ] 35 00:01:16,276 --> 00:01:17,697 [ Music playing ] 36 00:01:17,797 --> 00:01:19,999 We have fun. 37 00:01:21,161 --> 00:01:31,111 ♪♪ 38 00:01:31,211 --> 00:01:32,632 Good morning, Mr. Rubinstein. 39 00:01:32,732 --> 00:01:34,474 The wreckage from this week's death race has come in. 40 00:01:34,574 --> 00:01:36,036 Do you want me to start off by washing off the brains 41 00:01:36,136 --> 00:01:37,357 or picking out the little bits of bones 42 00:01:37,457 --> 00:01:39,399 from underneath the seats? 43 00:01:39,499 --> 00:01:40,440 Either is fine. 44 00:01:40,540 --> 00:01:41,561 [ Clatters ] 45 00:01:41,661 --> 00:01:42,602 What's wrong? 46 00:01:42,702 --> 00:01:43,923 I'm worried about Timmy. 47 00:01:44,023 --> 00:01:45,445 It's his Grouping Ceremony next week. 48 00:01:45,545 --> 00:01:47,727 When you get placed in one of the five groups -- 49 00:01:47,827 --> 00:01:50,730 Strong, Heroic, Kind, Wise, or Malicious. 50 00:01:50,830 --> 00:01:53,373 Wait, those are the only five groups a person can be in? 51 00:01:53,473 --> 00:01:56,336 What if you're something else, like funny or well-organised? 52 00:01:56,436 --> 00:01:58,017 Nope, just the five. 53 00:01:58,117 --> 00:02:00,380 I'm sorry, did you say one of the groups was called Malicious? 54 00:02:00,480 --> 00:02:01,861 Like evil? 55 00:02:01,961 --> 00:02:03,103 That seems like something you wouldn't 56 00:02:03,203 --> 00:02:04,104 want to actively encourage. 57 00:02:04,204 --> 00:02:05,945 Enough with the questions. 58 00:02:06,045 --> 00:02:07,587 You probably don't get it 59 00:02:07,687 --> 00:02:09,069 because you're an animal-person from the Wasteland. 60 00:02:09,169 --> 00:02:10,510 Oh, yeah, good point. 61 00:02:10,610 --> 00:02:11,731 I always dreamed that Timmy would get into 62 00:02:11,811 --> 00:02:13,813 Strong, like his old man. 63 00:02:15,855 --> 00:02:17,197 You wouldn't know it now, but, uh, 64 00:02:17,297 --> 00:02:19,519 I was quite the beefcake in my day. 65 00:02:19,619 --> 00:02:21,721 Wow. That is a disturbing image. 66 00:02:21,821 --> 00:02:24,284 Oh, I was ripping phone books in half, 67 00:02:24,384 --> 00:02:25,685 grabbing nerds by the ankle, 68 00:02:25,785 --> 00:02:29,008 and swinging them into outer space. 69 00:02:29,108 --> 00:02:31,451 I don't know if Timmy has the right stuff. 70 00:02:31,551 --> 00:02:33,813 Well, hope it all works out for the best. 71 00:02:33,913 --> 00:02:36,896 Um, have you seen my junkyard keys? 72 00:02:36,996 --> 00:02:39,139 Ah, there they are. 73 00:02:39,239 --> 00:02:42,622 [ Clattering ] 74 00:02:42,722 --> 00:02:47,187 Say, you're a strong guy. 75 00:02:47,287 --> 00:02:48,868 Think you could tutor Timmy? 76 00:02:48,968 --> 00:02:50,710 Maybe give him a pointer or two? 77 00:02:50,810 --> 00:02:52,192 I mean, suppose I could, but, I mean, 78 00:02:52,292 --> 00:02:53,793 this work is gonna take me all day. 79 00:02:53,893 --> 00:02:55,555 No, that's fine. You can just get them both done 80 00:02:55,655 --> 00:02:56,796 in the same amount of time. 81 00:02:56,896 --> 00:02:59,239 Yeah, great. Why didn't I think of that? 82 00:02:59,339 --> 00:03:02,081 [ Chuckles ] Yeah. 83 00:03:02,181 --> 00:03:03,603 ♪ You're not a dog, you're a man ♪ 84 00:03:03,703 --> 00:03:05,405 ♪ You've been brainwashed by your captors ♪ 85 00:03:05,505 --> 00:03:08,488 ♪ You should kill them and return to your old life ♪ 86 00:03:08,588 --> 00:03:10,650 Man, where have I heard that song before? 87 00:03:10,750 --> 00:03:13,573 It's been stuck in my head for years. 88 00:03:13,673 --> 00:03:14,774 [ Groans ] Oh, hi. 89 00:03:14,874 --> 00:03:16,876 I need coffee. 90 00:03:18,238 --> 00:03:19,659 [ Gulping ] Oh. 91 00:03:19,759 --> 00:03:21,100 Oh. 92 00:03:21,200 --> 00:03:23,143 [ Gulping ] 93 00:03:23,243 --> 00:03:24,744 Looks like someone had a big night. 94 00:03:24,844 --> 00:03:26,226 [ Belches ] 95 00:03:26,326 --> 00:03:28,027 Tai and I went to one of those heavy metal concerts 96 00:03:28,127 --> 00:03:29,749 in the middle of the Wasteland. 97 00:03:29,849 --> 00:03:31,751 I think at one point, I may have gotten up on stage 98 00:03:31,851 --> 00:03:33,873 and battled a flame-throwing guitarist? 99 00:03:33,973 --> 00:03:35,635 Am I, like, melted anywhere? 100 00:03:35,735 --> 00:03:37,116 Well, not to brag, 101 00:03:37,216 --> 00:03:39,078 but Sid and I had a pretty wild night ourselves. 102 00:03:39,178 --> 00:03:40,640 We cooked a sensible dinner, 103 00:03:40,740 --> 00:03:42,081 than played some cards by the fire. 104 00:03:42,181 --> 00:03:44,164 But let's just say we didn't get much playing done, 105 00:03:44,264 --> 00:03:46,206 because we were asleep by 9:00, baby! 106 00:03:46,306 --> 00:03:48,368 Ugh. That is so lame. 107 00:03:48,468 --> 00:03:50,810 If you ever see me staying in on a weekend, 108 00:03:50,910 --> 00:03:52,652 do me a favor and kill me. 109 00:03:52,752 --> 00:03:54,133 [ Both laugh ] 110 00:03:54,233 --> 00:03:55,455 [ High pitched ringing ] 111 00:03:55,555 --> 00:03:56,856 Aah! What? 112 00:03:56,956 --> 00:03:58,618 Wait, what's wrong? [ Groans ] I don't know. 113 00:03:58,718 --> 00:04:01,661 Ah, it feels like my skull is being ripped apart! 114 00:04:01,761 --> 00:04:02,862 Go get help, boy! 115 00:04:02,962 --> 00:04:04,584 Yeah, no, I'm -- I'm on it. 116 00:04:04,684 --> 00:04:07,587 I just need -- need to finish my breakfast first. 117 00:04:07,687 --> 00:04:09,148 Ooh. 118 00:04:09,248 --> 00:04:10,950 Oh, man, that's good. 119 00:04:11,050 --> 00:04:13,473 "In the Wasteland, you happen upon a gang of marauders 120 00:04:13,573 --> 00:04:15,074 robbing an innocent man. 121 00:04:15,174 --> 00:04:18,838 Do you -- A -- risk life and limb to save the innocent man? 122 00:04:18,938 --> 00:04:21,401 B -- befriend the marauders? 123 00:04:21,501 --> 00:04:25,164 C -- bash the marauders with your huge muscles? 124 00:04:25,264 --> 00:04:28,688 Or -- D -- kill everyone, innocent man included, 125 00:04:28,788 --> 00:04:30,650 and dance in their blood?" 126 00:04:30,750 --> 00:04:32,011 Jesus. 127 00:04:32,111 --> 00:04:33,613 Well, I guess we know which one Malicious is. 128 00:04:33,713 --> 00:04:35,335 [ Groans ] 129 00:04:35,435 --> 00:04:37,377 This is a waste of time. 130 00:04:37,477 --> 00:04:39,018 I'm never getting into Strong. 131 00:04:39,118 --> 00:04:40,540 Oh, hey, hey, hey. 132 00:04:40,640 --> 00:04:44,103 Don't say that, even if that instinct is likely correct. 133 00:04:44,203 --> 00:04:45,665 Let's just -- We'll tally up your score, 134 00:04:45,765 --> 00:04:47,767 and we'll see where we are. 135 00:04:50,530 --> 00:04:51,711 Oh, my God. 136 00:04:51,811 --> 00:04:53,313 Timmy is heroic. 137 00:04:53,413 --> 00:04:56,596 He chose the Heroic response to every single question. 138 00:04:56,696 --> 00:04:59,499 My son is Heroic? 139 00:05:00,940 --> 00:05:02,362 That's terrible news! 140 00:05:02,462 --> 00:05:04,324 What? That's not the reaction I was expecting. 141 00:05:04,424 --> 00:05:06,526 Well, what's he gonna do as a hero? 142 00:05:06,626 --> 00:05:08,768 Help a little old lady across the street? 143 00:05:08,868 --> 00:05:11,531 Stop a terrorist attack? Where's the money in that? 144 00:05:11,631 --> 00:05:12,932 Uh, okay, I mean, if you're looking at it 145 00:05:13,032 --> 00:05:14,694 from a strictly money-making angle -- 146 00:05:14,794 --> 00:05:17,016 No, it has to be Strong. 147 00:05:17,116 --> 00:05:19,579 It was best for me, and it's best for Timmy. 148 00:05:19,679 --> 00:05:21,421 Look, I hear you, but what do you want to do? 149 00:05:21,521 --> 00:05:24,504 I mean, Timmy just doesn't have the qualifications. 150 00:05:24,604 --> 00:05:26,906 Maybe not in the traditional sense, 151 00:05:27,006 --> 00:05:29,188 but old Morris has his ways. 152 00:05:29,288 --> 00:05:30,189 You mean cheating? 153 00:05:30,289 --> 00:05:32,191 Bingo, baby. 154 00:05:32,291 --> 00:05:34,674 [ Air hissing ] 155 00:05:34,774 --> 00:05:36,436 [ Screams ] 156 00:05:36,536 --> 00:05:38,478 Oh, that's the stuff, baby! 157 00:05:38,578 --> 00:05:41,200 Ooh! Who's my next victim -- 158 00:05:41,300 --> 00:05:43,843 I mean, patient, patient. 159 00:05:43,943 --> 00:05:45,164 Hi. Hi. 160 00:05:45,264 --> 00:05:46,646 Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, 161 00:05:46,746 --> 00:05:48,167 Dr. Crazybrainz. 162 00:05:48,267 --> 00:05:49,689 I heard you were the best doctor in Boomtown. 163 00:05:49,789 --> 00:05:52,211 Actually, I'm the only doctor in Boomtown. 164 00:05:52,311 --> 00:05:55,655 Because all the other doctors were my patients. 165 00:05:55,755 --> 00:05:58,057 [ Laughs ] 166 00:05:58,157 --> 00:05:59,659 I can't tell if you're kidding or not. 167 00:05:59,759 --> 00:06:00,820 Let's take a little looksy-loo 168 00:06:00,920 --> 00:06:02,902 under the hoodsy-hoo, shall we? 169 00:06:03,002 --> 00:06:05,705 Ow. Instruments, instruments. 170 00:06:05,805 --> 00:06:08,868 Whoo! All right, cranial sac looks healthy. 171 00:06:08,968 --> 00:06:11,391 And a nice squishy spleen. [ Chuckles ] 172 00:06:11,491 --> 00:06:13,633 What do you think it could be, doc? 173 00:06:13,733 --> 00:06:15,675 Some kind of deadly super-virus? 174 00:06:15,775 --> 00:06:16,996 Highly advanced nanobots? 175 00:06:17,096 --> 00:06:18,798 God, I hope it's not a zombie infection. 176 00:06:18,898 --> 00:06:20,880 I'm too young to eat brains! 177 00:06:20,980 --> 00:06:23,483 You have a hangover. 178 00:06:23,583 --> 00:06:25,765 What? That's it? 179 00:06:25,865 --> 00:06:28,287 Yeah, just a regular, run-of-the-mill hangover. 180 00:06:28,387 --> 00:06:30,169 You probably hit it a little hard last night, right? 181 00:06:30,269 --> 00:06:32,492 No, no, no, no, no. 182 00:06:32,592 --> 00:06:35,535 That can't be right. I do not get hangovers. 183 00:06:35,635 --> 00:06:38,297 Well, at your age, it's pretty normal to start getting them. 184 00:06:38,397 --> 00:06:41,461 I recommend eight hours of sleep and plenty of liquids. 185 00:06:41,561 --> 00:06:43,102 And that'll cure me? 186 00:06:43,202 --> 00:06:45,024 No, you'll be some combination of tired 187 00:06:45,124 --> 00:06:46,426 and sore for the rest of your life. 188 00:06:46,526 --> 00:06:49,188 This will make you feel slightly less bad. 189 00:06:49,288 --> 00:06:50,750 [ Cellphone buzzes ] 190 00:06:50,850 --> 00:06:51,911 Sorry, one second. 191 00:06:52,011 --> 00:06:53,353 I'll leave you to it. 192 00:06:53,453 --> 00:06:54,754 Hey, Tai. Hey! 193 00:06:54,854 --> 00:06:57,236 Last night was epic, huh? [ Chuckles ] 194 00:06:57,336 --> 00:07:00,079 Oh, I went home with this super hot droid, 195 00:07:00,179 --> 00:07:01,521 but then this morning I woke up and realised 196 00:07:01,621 --> 00:07:03,162 he was just a normal trash can. 197 00:07:03,262 --> 00:07:05,645 The sex was still amazing, though. 198 00:07:05,745 --> 00:07:07,767 So what are you doing tonight? 199 00:07:07,867 --> 00:07:09,288 Tonight? 200 00:07:09,388 --> 00:07:10,890 I don't know. I was, um -- 201 00:07:10,990 --> 00:07:14,093 I was thinking maybe I would just take a night off. 202 00:07:14,193 --> 00:07:16,856 No, no, no! You can't tonight. 203 00:07:16,956 --> 00:07:19,098 The Sunpiercer's in town. 204 00:07:19,198 --> 00:07:20,940 It's that high-speed bullet train carrying 205 00:07:21,040 --> 00:07:24,624 an entire society on an endless loop around the Earth. 206 00:07:24,724 --> 00:07:26,386 It is supposed to be lit! 207 00:07:26,486 --> 00:07:29,629 Damn, that sounds really fun. 208 00:07:29,729 --> 00:07:31,551 You know what? Screw it. 209 00:07:31,651 --> 00:07:33,433 I'm in. 210 00:07:33,533 --> 00:07:36,275 Wait, you can't leave now. You need to rest. 211 00:07:36,375 --> 00:07:38,237 Thanks for the advice, doc, but you forgot 212 00:07:38,337 --> 00:07:41,000 one thing about -- I'm not a freakin' loser. 213 00:07:41,100 --> 00:07:42,442 Later, Doctor Dork. 214 00:07:42,542 --> 00:07:43,803 Ow. 215 00:07:43,903 --> 00:07:45,405 Hey! 216 00:07:45,505 --> 00:07:48,127 What? 217 00:07:48,227 --> 00:07:50,570 Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me? 218 00:07:50,670 --> 00:07:52,772 Oh, well, time to drill a hole in my brain. 219 00:07:52,872 --> 00:07:57,517 [ Drill whirring ] [ Screams, laughs ] 220 00:08:01,641 --> 00:08:04,464 Excuse me? We're look for The Administrator. 221 00:08:04,564 --> 00:08:06,666 I'm -- Morris Rubinstein. 222 00:08:06,766 --> 00:08:08,908 I've been expecting you. 223 00:08:09,008 --> 00:08:10,590 Wow, how -- how did you know that? 224 00:08:10,690 --> 00:08:13,392 Hm. Well, much like this bonsai tree, 225 00:08:13,492 --> 00:08:18,037 we've perfected the technology that sculpts human behaviour -- 226 00:08:18,137 --> 00:08:21,320 what you might call "fate". 227 00:08:21,420 --> 00:08:22,442 Yeah, something tells me this woman 228 00:08:22,542 --> 00:08:24,123 is not gonna help you cheat. 229 00:08:24,223 --> 00:08:25,965 Shh, will you let me do my thing? 230 00:08:26,065 --> 00:08:27,927 Everyone has their price. 231 00:08:28,027 --> 00:08:31,010 Uh, so, listen, my son, Timmy, really wants to get into 232 00:08:31,110 --> 00:08:34,053 Strong, but doesn't really have the grades. 233 00:08:34,153 --> 00:08:36,095 Think you could help him out for, 234 00:08:36,195 --> 00:08:39,499 oh, I don't know -- 1,000 bird beaks? 235 00:08:39,599 --> 00:08:41,260 Mr. Rubinstein, if you're asking me 236 00:08:41,360 --> 00:08:43,823 to cheat, the answer is no. 237 00:08:43,923 --> 00:08:46,345 The Grouping Ceremony must remain pure for the proper 238 00:08:46,445 --> 00:08:48,708 functioning of our society. 239 00:08:48,808 --> 00:08:50,510 Would you do it for 2,000? 240 00:08:50,610 --> 00:08:52,872 Mr. Rubinstein, you are embarrassing yourself. 241 00:08:52,972 --> 00:08:54,273 Yes, I agree. 242 00:08:54,373 --> 00:08:56,035 Um, thank you so much, Ms. Administrator. 243 00:08:56,135 --> 00:08:57,757 Sorry for wasting your time. 244 00:08:57,857 --> 00:09:00,279 You have a lovely office, by the way, very sterile and cold. 245 00:09:00,379 --> 00:09:02,562 Come on, she said no, Morris. 246 00:09:02,662 --> 00:09:04,443 Wait! 247 00:09:04,543 --> 00:09:05,925 10,000. 248 00:09:06,025 --> 00:09:07,286 Did you say 10 G's? 249 00:09:07,386 --> 00:09:09,949 All yours if you can get Timmy into Strong. 250 00:09:11,711 --> 00:09:13,713 Deal. 251 00:09:15,154 --> 00:09:18,097 Wow, it worked. 252 00:09:18,197 --> 00:09:19,739 You know what, I am just gonna stop asking questions 253 00:09:19,839 --> 00:09:21,841 at this point and sort of go with it. 254 00:09:23,963 --> 00:09:25,625 Morris: All right, let's go over this plan one more time. 255 00:09:25,725 --> 00:09:26,986 Oh, did a child make this? 256 00:09:27,086 --> 00:09:28,948 No, I did, and it took me all night. 257 00:09:29,048 --> 00:09:31,991 All right, now, Timmy's test is tomorrow, 258 00:09:32,091 --> 00:09:33,553 but Timmy won't be there. 259 00:09:33,653 --> 00:09:35,715 You will, passing with flying colours. 260 00:09:35,815 --> 00:09:37,316 Wait, I'm gonna be Timmy? 261 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:39,078 Am I not missing an extra head? 262 00:09:39,178 --> 00:09:40,720 Three steps ahead of you. 263 00:09:40,820 --> 00:09:43,563 I'll be there with you in an oversized sweater, baby! 264 00:09:43,663 --> 00:09:48,407 Meanwhile, Timmy will take a fake exam with a fake proctor. 265 00:09:48,507 --> 00:09:51,611 All we have to do is find someone Timmy won't recognise. 266 00:09:51,711 --> 00:09:54,974 Someone with smarts, a real professor type. 267 00:09:55,074 --> 00:09:56,656 [ Farts ] 268 00:09:56,756 --> 00:09:58,758 Who farted? 269 00:10:00,279 --> 00:10:02,281 False alarm. 270 00:10:04,884 --> 00:10:06,966 I think we found our guy. 271 00:10:08,848 --> 00:10:10,509 Did we? 272 00:10:10,609 --> 00:10:13,913 [ Train whistle blowing ] 273 00:10:14,013 --> 00:10:17,837 So, the Sunpiercer is divided by socioeconomic class, 274 00:10:17,937 --> 00:10:19,959 so I say we pregame here in Poorville 275 00:10:20,059 --> 00:10:21,641 where the drinks are super cheap, 276 00:10:21,741 --> 00:10:23,643 then make our way over to first class 277 00:10:23,743 --> 00:10:26,245 where you can teabag an oil tycoon. 278 00:10:26,345 --> 00:10:28,568 Wow, sounds like a long night. 279 00:10:28,668 --> 00:10:30,129 When did you say this party ends? 280 00:10:30,229 --> 00:10:32,491 [ Laughs ] Never. 281 00:10:32,591 --> 00:10:35,094 The Sunpiercer runs on a perpetual-motion engine 282 00:10:35,194 --> 00:10:37,577 that never stops, baby! 283 00:10:37,677 --> 00:10:39,258 Just like us, right? 284 00:10:39,358 --> 00:10:41,300 [ Chuckles ] Totally! 285 00:10:41,400 --> 00:10:44,183 Choo-choo! 286 00:10:44,283 --> 00:10:47,226 Whew. I'm gonna need a pick-me-up. 287 00:10:47,326 --> 00:10:52,151 [ Dance music plays ] 288 00:10:52,251 --> 00:10:54,473 Yo, yo, yo, what's up, party people? 289 00:10:54,573 --> 00:10:55,835 What's on the menu tonight? 290 00:10:55,935 --> 00:10:58,557 We talkin' Zappers? Freeze? Sludge? 291 00:10:58,657 --> 00:11:01,080 Oh, sorry, we -- we don't do drugs. 292 00:11:01,180 --> 00:11:02,321 Yeah right. Look at you. 293 00:11:02,421 --> 00:11:04,003 You're all hyped up and tweaking. 294 00:11:04,103 --> 00:11:07,647 That's because we're young and full of natural energy! 295 00:11:07,747 --> 00:11:10,129 Oh. Cool, cool. Me too. 296 00:11:10,229 --> 00:11:12,652 Hey, guys! Let's eat a full pizza after this. 297 00:11:12,752 --> 00:11:16,175 We can do that because we have great metabolisms! 298 00:11:16,275 --> 00:11:17,376 [ Cheering ] 299 00:11:17,476 --> 00:11:19,478 Bye. 300 00:11:19,919 --> 00:11:22,441 [ Beeps ] Timmy Rubinstein. 301 00:11:25,725 --> 00:11:27,867 Here. 302 00:11:27,967 --> 00:11:29,629 I told you we should have practiced. 303 00:11:29,729 --> 00:11:31,470 And I told you practicing would ruin 304 00:11:31,570 --> 00:11:33,572 the electricity of the moment. 305 00:11:35,254 --> 00:11:36,836 Timmy Rubinstein. Timmy Rubin-- oh, right. 306 00:11:36,936 --> 00:11:38,798 Sid, sorry, you say it. 307 00:11:38,898 --> 00:11:41,160 Thank you, Timmy. 308 00:11:41,260 --> 00:11:43,042 Have a seat now, please. 309 00:11:43,142 --> 00:11:45,144 Thank you. 310 00:11:46,585 --> 00:11:47,687 She bought it. 311 00:11:47,787 --> 00:11:49,849 She's in on it! 312 00:11:49,949 --> 00:11:54,253 Hey, enough with the talking. Eyes up here. 313 00:11:54,353 --> 00:11:56,255 Class is in session. 314 00:11:56,355 --> 00:11:58,457 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 315 00:11:58,557 --> 00:12:00,559 [ Clattering ] 316 00:12:03,082 --> 00:12:06,826 My name is Professor Scraps. 317 00:12:06,926 --> 00:12:11,630 That's -- 318 00:12:11,730 --> 00:12:14,113 How do you spell "Pruh"? 319 00:12:14,213 --> 00:12:16,555 "How big are your muscles?" 320 00:12:16,655 --> 00:12:17,636 Huge. 321 00:12:17,736 --> 00:12:19,198 Sid, hey. 322 00:12:19,298 --> 00:12:21,640 I think this little girl is on to us. 323 00:12:21,740 --> 00:12:23,723 Why do you think that? She's not even looking at us. 324 00:12:23,823 --> 00:12:25,524 Yeah, because she knows. 325 00:12:25,624 --> 00:12:27,526 I'm cracking under the pressure, man. 326 00:12:27,626 --> 00:12:28,888 I got to get out of here! 327 00:12:28,988 --> 00:12:30,489 No. 328 00:12:30,589 --> 00:12:32,631 Wait, no. 329 00:12:34,233 --> 00:12:36,455 Just calm down, okay? You literally have to sit here 330 00:12:36,555 --> 00:12:38,978 and do nothing for this plan to work. 331 00:12:39,078 --> 00:12:40,539 [ Beeping ] 332 00:12:40,639 --> 00:12:44,383 Oh, I picked a bad day to stop wearing underwear. 333 00:12:44,483 --> 00:12:45,985 Why are you not wearing underwear? 334 00:12:46,085 --> 00:12:48,267 Because we're supposed to be one person. 335 00:12:48,367 --> 00:12:49,668 If somebody saw two pair of underwear, 336 00:12:49,768 --> 00:12:51,911 then the whole plan is blown wide open. 337 00:12:52,011 --> 00:12:54,013 Doy! 338 00:12:55,895 --> 00:12:57,897 Frey-Frey! 339 00:12:59,018 --> 00:13:00,720 [ Snoring ] 340 00:13:00,820 --> 00:13:02,041 Frey-Frey! Ah! 341 00:13:02,141 --> 00:13:03,442 I'm not asleep, you are. 342 00:13:03,542 --> 00:13:04,844 [ Sighs ] I'm getting kind of tired. 343 00:13:04,944 --> 00:13:06,125 There's not much going on 344 00:13:06,225 --> 00:13:07,566 in this middle-class section of the train. 345 00:13:07,666 --> 00:13:10,049 It's just kind of normal. 346 00:13:10,149 --> 00:13:12,571 Oh. I mean, well, I could keep partying forever. 347 00:13:12,671 --> 00:13:15,254 But, I mean, if you're tired, I suppose we could leave. 348 00:13:15,354 --> 00:13:16,615 Oh, no, we don't have to go. 349 00:13:16,715 --> 00:13:18,818 I just have to switch out my battery. 350 00:13:18,918 --> 00:13:20,920 [ Whirring, clangs ] 351 00:13:21,961 --> 00:13:22,982 [ Whirring ] 352 00:13:23,082 --> 00:13:25,144 Whoo-hoo! Back to 100%. 353 00:13:25,244 --> 00:13:26,705 Oh, are you freakin' kidding me? 354 00:13:26,805 --> 00:13:27,987 Choo-choo, bitch! 355 00:13:28,087 --> 00:13:30,269 [ Laughs ] Choo-choo. 356 00:13:30,369 --> 00:13:33,632 It's just hard to weigh the pros and cons. 357 00:13:33,732 --> 00:13:35,514 And private school can just be so expensive, 358 00:13:35,614 --> 00:13:37,036 but I really liked the way it looked. 359 00:13:37,136 --> 00:13:38,357 [ Snoring ] And the teachers were 360 00:13:38,457 --> 00:13:41,040 quite nice and experienced. 361 00:13:41,140 --> 00:13:45,564 Alfred Ronschtadt, you are Malicious. 362 00:13:45,664 --> 00:13:48,327 [ Cheering ] 363 00:13:48,427 --> 00:13:49,608 Sid: Why are we allowing this to happen? 364 00:13:49,708 --> 00:13:50,770 They're all just standing there. 365 00:13:50,870 --> 00:13:52,051 We could arrest them right now. 366 00:13:52,151 --> 00:13:54,814 Will you shut up? Timmy's up next. 367 00:13:54,914 --> 00:13:56,295 Oh, this is it. 368 00:13:56,395 --> 00:13:58,177 Nothing we can do now but expect the outcome 369 00:13:58,277 --> 00:14:00,219 we predetermined through bribery. 370 00:14:00,319 --> 00:14:02,341 Timmy Rubinstein. 371 00:14:02,441 --> 00:14:05,104 You are Strong. 372 00:14:05,204 --> 00:14:06,225 I am? I am? 373 00:14:06,325 --> 00:14:08,627 Yes! [ Laughs ] He did it! 374 00:14:08,727 --> 00:14:11,150 And you tried to stop me. In your face! 375 00:14:11,250 --> 00:14:12,551 Are you joking? I helped you. 376 00:14:12,651 --> 00:14:13,993 Yeah, but you were reluctant. 377 00:14:14,093 --> 00:14:16,115 Now that Strong is complete, 378 00:14:16,215 --> 00:14:19,158 they'll begin their strength training immediately 379 00:14:19,258 --> 00:14:22,041 by breaking rocks in the hard labor camp. 380 00:14:22,141 --> 00:14:24,483 [ Applause ] 381 00:14:24,583 --> 00:14:28,427 Uh, Sid, I hope we didn't make a huge mistake. 382 00:14:32,791 --> 00:14:35,734 Ah, it's good to be back in Strong. 383 00:14:35,834 --> 00:14:37,216 Ooh, I like what I'm seeing. 384 00:14:37,316 --> 00:14:38,858 Keep it up. 385 00:14:38,958 --> 00:14:41,861 All right, nice and tight. 386 00:14:41,961 --> 00:14:43,462 Hey, up high. Too slow. 387 00:14:43,562 --> 00:14:45,604 Bongo, bongo, bongo! [ Laughs ] 388 00:14:47,766 --> 00:14:49,668 Anyone seen Timmy? 389 00:14:49,768 --> 00:14:52,591 Timmy: Down here. 390 00:14:52,691 --> 00:14:53,712 What are you doing under there? 391 00:14:53,812 --> 00:14:55,434 I got stuck under this rock. 392 00:14:55,534 --> 00:14:56,996 I've been here all day. 393 00:14:57,096 --> 00:14:59,298 Aw, you just need time to adjust. 394 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:04,944 Can't expect to grow freakishly huge muscles overnight. 395 00:15:06,305 --> 00:15:07,606 Are you making friends at least? 396 00:15:07,706 --> 00:15:09,168 Sort of. 397 00:15:09,268 --> 00:15:11,290 A few of the guys woke me up in the middle of the night 398 00:15:11,390 --> 00:15:14,533 and threw me through a brick wall. 399 00:15:14,633 --> 00:15:18,457 That sounds less friendly and more like a hostile attack. 400 00:15:18,557 --> 00:15:20,459 But you're happy here, right? 401 00:15:20,559 --> 00:15:21,941 I mean, this is what's best for you? 402 00:15:22,041 --> 00:15:23,542 Sure, I'm happy. 403 00:15:23,642 --> 00:15:26,265 Because you're finally proud of me. 404 00:15:26,365 --> 00:15:28,908 Timmy, I'm always proud of you. 405 00:15:29,008 --> 00:15:31,790 I mean, sure, maybe I don't always show it. 406 00:15:31,890 --> 00:15:33,312 And, sure, there's plenty of times 407 00:15:33,412 --> 00:15:35,554 when I don't feel proud of you, 408 00:15:35,654 --> 00:15:40,279 but, well, I guess that's sort of the end of the thought. 409 00:15:40,379 --> 00:15:42,161 Aw, geez. 410 00:15:42,261 --> 00:15:44,123 Come with me. 411 00:15:44,223 --> 00:15:46,045 But I have to finish my rocks. 412 00:15:46,145 --> 00:15:47,526 Oh, that's okay. 413 00:15:47,626 --> 00:15:49,969 I'm sure these beefcakes can handle a few extra. 414 00:15:50,069 --> 00:15:52,071 Hey, one for the road. 415 00:15:54,273 --> 00:15:56,775 [ Yawns ] 416 00:15:56,875 --> 00:16:01,500 Hey, I made it to my own bed with zero repercussions. 417 00:16:01,600 --> 00:16:03,662 Guess I'm not too old to party after all. 418 00:16:03,762 --> 00:16:04,743 Huh. 419 00:16:04,843 --> 00:16:06,345 [ Organ playing ] 420 00:16:06,445 --> 00:16:10,589 Into your arms, we commend Freya's spirit, oh, Lord. 421 00:16:10,689 --> 00:16:12,591 Uh, what's going on? 422 00:16:12,691 --> 00:16:14,673 Hey, yeah. 423 00:16:14,773 --> 00:16:16,635 You fully died last night. 424 00:16:16,735 --> 00:16:19,358 What? Really? That's embarrassing. 425 00:16:19,458 --> 00:16:21,720 She's lives! It's a miracle. 426 00:16:21,820 --> 00:16:23,242 Yo, hey, I'm kind of in the middle 427 00:16:23,342 --> 00:16:24,483 of a conversation right now, so. 428 00:16:24,583 --> 00:16:26,565 Did you witness the afterlife? 429 00:16:26,665 --> 00:16:28,607 Please, you must bestow your knowledge upon us. 430 00:16:28,707 --> 00:16:30,489 Fine, yeah, I went to hell, 431 00:16:30,589 --> 00:16:31,890 and it's exactly like everyone thinks. 432 00:16:31,990 --> 00:16:33,372 Everything's on fire, and the Devil 433 00:16:33,472 --> 00:16:34,493 stuck a pitchfork in my ass. 434 00:16:34,593 --> 00:16:36,375 Now will you please shut up? 435 00:16:36,475 --> 00:16:38,097 Anyways, I'm glad you're feeling better 436 00:16:38,197 --> 00:16:40,940 because there is this awesome clone party tonight. 437 00:16:41,040 --> 00:16:42,221 That's where you get cloned 438 00:16:42,321 --> 00:16:43,662 so you can have sex with yourself. 439 00:16:43,762 --> 00:16:45,144 It's so cool because afterwards, 440 00:16:45,244 --> 00:16:46,745 they kill one of you, and you don't know if 441 00:16:46,845 --> 00:16:48,347 you're the clone or the original. 442 00:16:48,447 --> 00:16:51,150 I mean, that does sound fun. 443 00:16:51,250 --> 00:16:53,352 But I think I need a night off. 444 00:16:53,452 --> 00:16:55,474 So, what, you're just gonna abandon me? 445 00:16:55,574 --> 00:16:56,915 It's not like I want to. 446 00:16:57,015 --> 00:16:59,158 I just -- I'm too old to keep partying like this. 447 00:16:59,258 --> 00:17:02,361 Okay, fine, then go home and be a loser. 448 00:17:02,461 --> 00:17:05,004 I'm gonna go 69 myself. 449 00:17:05,104 --> 00:17:06,365 Tai, wait! 450 00:17:06,465 --> 00:17:08,647 Please, tell us more from the Great Beyond. 451 00:17:08,747 --> 00:17:12,211 Will you give it a rest? You're, like, obsessed. 452 00:17:12,311 --> 00:17:15,694 I'd like to place an order for more black pants, please. 453 00:17:15,794 --> 00:17:17,136 That's right, I wear them every day. 454 00:17:17,236 --> 00:17:18,617 [ Door closes ] 455 00:17:18,717 --> 00:17:21,700 Sorry, I need to call you back. 456 00:17:21,800 --> 00:17:23,502 What the hell are you doing here? 457 00:17:23,602 --> 00:17:26,545 Yeah, what are we doing here, Dad? 458 00:17:26,645 --> 00:17:28,107 I brought you here because I got to 459 00:17:28,207 --> 00:17:29,828 come clean about something. 460 00:17:29,928 --> 00:17:34,393 Now, now, let's not go saying something we might regret. 461 00:17:34,493 --> 00:17:39,398 The truth is I cheated to get you into Strong. 462 00:17:39,498 --> 00:17:41,200 Timmy 1: You did? Why? 463 00:17:41,300 --> 00:17:43,882 I thought I was doing what was best for you. 464 00:17:43,982 --> 00:17:47,566 But really, I was just trying to make you more like me. 465 00:17:47,666 --> 00:17:49,408 It was wrong of me to do it. 466 00:17:49,508 --> 00:17:53,272 I'm proud of the person that you are. 467 00:17:58,917 --> 00:18:02,581 What a touching moment between father and son. 468 00:18:02,681 --> 00:18:03,782 Hmm. 469 00:18:03,882 --> 00:18:05,584 Too bad no one's gonna find out about it. 470 00:18:05,684 --> 00:18:07,466 Whoa, take it easy! 471 00:18:07,566 --> 00:18:12,031 I'm not going to let you destroy everything I've worked for. 472 00:18:12,131 --> 00:18:14,793 I've determined your house, Mr. Rubinstein. 473 00:18:14,893 --> 00:18:16,235 You're in... 474 00:18:16,335 --> 00:18:17,796 Dead. 475 00:18:17,896 --> 00:18:19,158 [ Groans ] Ow! 476 00:18:19,258 --> 00:18:22,521 Timmy! That was so... 477 00:18:22,621 --> 00:18:24,443 Heroic! 478 00:18:24,543 --> 00:18:26,965 And this time, I don't mean it as an insult. 479 00:18:27,065 --> 00:18:29,067 Thank you, Dad. 480 00:18:29,628 --> 00:18:31,630 [ Chuckles ] 481 00:18:38,957 --> 00:18:40,899 Another weird, long day. 482 00:18:40,999 --> 00:18:43,462 Freya: Hey, Sid. Aah! Intruder! 483 00:18:43,562 --> 00:18:45,224 Sid, it's just me. 484 00:18:45,324 --> 00:18:48,387 Sorry, I thought you'd be out with Tai still. 485 00:18:48,487 --> 00:18:50,189 It destroys my soul to say this, 486 00:18:50,289 --> 00:18:53,352 but I think I need a night in. 487 00:18:53,452 --> 00:18:55,874 Well, in that case, allow me to introduce you 488 00:18:55,974 --> 00:18:58,397 to Sid's Evening Ritual for Rest and Relaxation. 489 00:18:58,497 --> 00:19:01,560 [ Groans ] You have a name for it? That's so lame. 490 00:19:01,660 --> 00:19:05,564 Okay, first off, we have a strict no-shoes policy. 491 00:19:05,664 --> 00:19:06,605 Okay. 492 00:19:06,705 --> 00:19:07,886 [ Grunts ] 493 00:19:07,986 --> 00:19:10,729 Next, we'll get some pillows going. 494 00:19:10,829 --> 00:19:13,011 And a nice blanket. Mm. 495 00:19:13,111 --> 00:19:16,935 And then we will crack into this jigsaw puzzle. 496 00:19:17,035 --> 00:19:18,897 Aww, kitty! 497 00:19:18,997 --> 00:19:20,859 I mean, yeah, I guess that could be cool. 498 00:19:20,959 --> 00:19:22,981 Oh, and a pro-tip? Let's brush our teeth now, 499 00:19:23,081 --> 00:19:24,863 so we can go to bed as soon as we're sleepy. 500 00:19:24,963 --> 00:19:27,346 [ Gasps ] Okay, now that's freakin' rules. 501 00:19:27,446 --> 00:19:29,708 I would love to relax, 502 00:19:29,808 --> 00:19:31,550 but I got to finish grading these papers. 503 00:19:31,650 --> 00:19:33,152 Oh, no, Scraps, 504 00:19:33,252 --> 00:19:34,953 y-y-you don't have to pretend to be a teacher anymore. 505 00:19:35,053 --> 00:19:36,435 Who's Scraps? 506 00:19:36,535 --> 00:19:38,757 It's Professor Scraps. 507 00:19:38,857 --> 00:19:40,279 [ Sighs ] It's a hard job, and lord knows 508 00:19:40,379 --> 00:19:41,920 the pay ain't great. 509 00:19:42,020 --> 00:19:43,402 [ Chuckles ] 510 00:19:43,502 --> 00:19:47,526 But at the end of the day, I love my students. 511 00:19:47,626 --> 00:19:49,768 What? 512 00:19:49,868 --> 00:19:51,570 Don't ask. 513 00:19:51,670 --> 00:19:53,332 It's too stupid. 514 00:19:53,432 --> 00:19:59,197 ♪♪