1 00:00:01,187 --> 00:00:02,368 Sid: Scraps! Let's have a talk. 2 00:00:02,468 --> 00:00:03,729 Everything okay? 3 00:00:03,829 --> 00:00:05,491 You're, like, acting, like, so weird. 4 00:00:05,591 --> 00:00:07,173 No, no, everything's great. 5 00:00:07,273 --> 00:00:08,774 Really exciting. 6 00:00:08,874 --> 00:00:10,616 Um, so... 7 00:00:10,716 --> 00:00:14,460 You know that Mommy and Daddy love you very much. 8 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:16,262 Okay. [ Chuckles lightly ] 9 00:00:16,362 --> 00:00:19,665 Well, soon, there is gonna be even more love to go around 10 00:00:19,765 --> 00:00:21,107 because... 11 00:00:21,207 --> 00:00:23,068 we're having a baby! 12 00:00:23,168 --> 00:00:25,551 [ High-pitched whistling ] 13 00:00:25,651 --> 00:00:28,594 Oh, my -- What is that noise?! 14 00:00:28,694 --> 00:00:30,276 The book said you might react like this. 15 00:00:30,376 --> 00:00:31,757 It's okay to be upset. [ Groaning ] 16 00:00:31,857 --> 00:00:35,040 Just know that we will not love you any less. 17 00:00:35,140 --> 00:00:38,444 Oh, my God! Do you not hear that?! 18 00:00:38,544 --> 00:00:41,767 It's like my brain's about to frickin' explode! 19 00:00:41,867 --> 00:00:44,250 I mean, obviously, the baby will be my own flesh and blood, 20 00:00:44,350 --> 00:00:46,252 whereas you recently took a shit in my shoes -- 21 00:00:46,352 --> 00:00:49,335 God! I can't take it anymore! 22 00:00:49,435 --> 00:00:52,258 Aaaaaah! [ Whistling continues ] 23 00:00:52,358 --> 00:00:54,860 What are you?! [ Door slams ] 24 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:56,902 Oh, stupid, Sid! 25 00:00:57,002 --> 00:00:59,265 You were supposed to give him the pieces of hotdog first, 26 00:00:59,365 --> 00:01:00,866 and then tell him the news. 27 00:01:00,966 --> 00:01:02,147 [ Sighs ] 28 00:01:02,247 --> 00:01:04,830 [ Whistling continues ] [ Groaning ] 29 00:01:04,930 --> 00:01:07,112 Must...find...whistling. 30 00:01:07,212 --> 00:01:08,193 Aah! 31 00:01:08,293 --> 00:01:10,436 [ Whistling continues ] 32 00:01:10,536 --> 00:01:12,117 [ Man coughs ] 33 00:01:12,217 --> 00:01:13,439 [ Gasping ] Help. Help. 34 00:01:13,539 --> 00:01:15,080 I've been out here for days. 35 00:01:15,180 --> 00:01:17,122 Can you shut up? I'm trying to listen. 36 00:01:17,222 --> 00:01:19,645 Oh, my bad. All good. 37 00:01:19,745 --> 00:01:21,166 [ Groans ] 38 00:01:21,266 --> 00:01:23,308 [ Whistling continues ] 39 00:01:25,471 --> 00:01:27,513 What in the what?! [ Laughs ] 40 00:01:28,353 --> 00:01:29,695 Scraps! You made it! 41 00:01:29,795 --> 00:01:32,017 I'm getting the War Dogs back together! 42 00:01:32,117 --> 00:01:33,579 [ All cheering ] Yeah! 43 00:01:33,679 --> 00:01:38,504 Fire! We're getting the squad back together! 44 00:01:38,604 --> 00:01:40,265 This is gonna be awesome! 45 00:01:40,365 --> 00:01:42,388 Yeah! Let's go! 46 00:01:42,488 --> 00:01:44,269 Let's get it started. 47 00:01:44,369 --> 00:01:45,471 Ooha! Ooha! 48 00:01:45,571 --> 00:01:55,280 ♪♪ 49 00:01:55,380 --> 00:01:59,405 [ Laughing maniacally ] 50 00:01:59,505 --> 00:02:00,926 Ahh! Ha-ha! 51 00:02:01,026 --> 00:02:02,968 Man! I needed this! 52 00:02:03,068 --> 00:02:05,771 Ah, it was so nice of Sid to just let me get out of Boomtown 53 00:02:05,871 --> 00:02:07,573 and be a warlord again. Yeah. 54 00:02:07,673 --> 00:02:11,256 Oh, speaking of Sid, I heard the big news! 55 00:02:11,356 --> 00:02:13,739 I'm so excited about the baby! 56 00:02:13,839 --> 00:02:15,300 Really? 'Cause I'm not. 57 00:02:15,400 --> 00:02:16,622 Good. Me neither. 58 00:02:16,722 --> 00:02:18,103 I hate that stupid baby. 59 00:02:18,203 --> 00:02:19,985 Always threatening my position in the family. 60 00:02:20,085 --> 00:02:21,426 I just want to have one last hurrah 61 00:02:21,526 --> 00:02:23,629 before my life is fully over, you know? 62 00:02:23,729 --> 00:02:25,110 I wanna feel the energy! Unh! 63 00:02:25,210 --> 00:02:26,311 The thrill! Unh! 64 00:02:26,411 --> 00:02:28,554 The utter chaos! Ohh, yeah! 65 00:02:28,654 --> 00:02:31,076 Well, you leave all of that to your best War Dog -- 66 00:02:31,176 --> 00:02:32,397 Scraps! 67 00:02:32,497 --> 00:02:34,640 I planned you the most freak-nastiest 68 00:02:34,740 --> 00:02:37,122 Warlord Weekend ever! 69 00:02:37,222 --> 00:02:38,363 [ Both scream ] 70 00:02:38,463 --> 00:02:39,725 I'm so excited! 71 00:02:39,825 --> 00:02:41,827 Both: Yeah!!! 72 00:02:43,028 --> 00:02:44,129 Huh. 73 00:02:44,229 --> 00:02:46,652 This isn't that freak-nasty. 74 00:02:46,752 --> 00:02:48,574 Or is it? 75 00:02:48,674 --> 00:02:50,375 [ Whistles ] 76 00:02:50,475 --> 00:02:57,302 ♪♪ 77 00:02:57,402 --> 00:02:59,224 [ Meowing, screeching ] 78 00:02:59,324 --> 00:03:01,186 [ Hisses ] 79 00:03:01,286 --> 00:03:03,148 Scraaaaps...? 80 00:03:03,248 --> 00:03:05,911 Did you organize a gang war for me? 81 00:03:06,011 --> 00:03:07,793 Maybe. Oh, my God! 82 00:03:07,893 --> 00:03:09,234 You're, like, literally the best! 83 00:03:09,334 --> 00:03:10,676 I know, I really am! 84 00:03:10,776 --> 00:03:12,237 Ah! [ Both laugh ] 85 00:03:12,337 --> 00:03:14,960 All: Down with NeuralNet! Down with NeuralNet! 86 00:03:15,060 --> 00:03:17,482 These damn protesters have been at it all morning. 87 00:03:17,582 --> 00:03:19,404 Sid, go over there and kick 'em out. 88 00:03:19,504 --> 00:03:21,647 Uh, well, the battledome is public property, 89 00:03:21,747 --> 00:03:24,489 so technically they're just exercising their lawful rights. 90 00:03:24,589 --> 00:03:27,292 Hey, Sid, if I wanted to listen to boring crap, 91 00:03:27,392 --> 00:03:28,854 I'd turn on Devon's podcast. 92 00:03:28,954 --> 00:03:31,096 [ Laughing ] Oh! Nice one, boss. 93 00:03:31,196 --> 00:03:32,657 My podcast sucks. 94 00:03:32,757 --> 00:03:35,180 Come on, Devon, you have to stand up for yourself. 95 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:38,143 You can't just agree with me all the time. 96 00:03:38,243 --> 00:03:40,245 I...agree? 97 00:03:40,926 --> 00:03:41,867 I-I mean, I don't agree. 98 00:03:41,967 --> 00:03:43,188 I do. I don't. 99 00:03:43,288 --> 00:03:44,589 [ Whimpers ] 100 00:03:44,689 --> 00:03:46,912 [ Sobbing ] 101 00:03:47,012 --> 00:03:49,434 Great, you made Devon have a crisis. 102 00:03:49,534 --> 00:03:51,116 Now go fix this! 103 00:03:51,216 --> 00:03:54,199 [ Crowd chanting ] 104 00:03:54,299 --> 00:03:55,440 Down with NeuralNet! 105 00:03:55,540 --> 00:03:56,842 Um, excuse me. 106 00:03:56,942 --> 00:03:59,364 Hey, I-I'm looking for the person in charge. 107 00:03:59,464 --> 00:04:01,206 Ah, we're all equals here, brother. 108 00:04:01,306 --> 00:04:02,968 But if you're asking who's the chosen one 109 00:04:03,068 --> 00:04:05,090 sent through time to lead the humans in the coming war 110 00:04:05,190 --> 00:04:07,813 against the machines -- that'd be me. 111 00:04:07,913 --> 00:04:10,055 Name's Christ. John Christ. 112 00:04:10,155 --> 00:04:11,496 John Christ? 113 00:04:11,596 --> 00:04:13,098 Wow, that's a little on the nose, but okay. 114 00:04:13,198 --> 00:04:14,980 You got a minute to talk about the atrocities 115 00:04:15,080 --> 00:04:16,461 committed by NeuralNet? 116 00:04:16,561 --> 00:04:18,263 You know that NeuralNet is capturing people 117 00:04:18,363 --> 00:04:20,145 and putting them in human zoos? 118 00:04:20,245 --> 00:04:21,867 Just look at these horrific images. 119 00:04:21,967 --> 00:04:24,269 Oh! Jesus, dude, I don't need to see that. 120 00:04:24,369 --> 00:04:25,710 It's like 10 a.m. 121 00:04:25,810 --> 00:04:27,993 Can I count on you to join the resistance? 122 00:04:28,093 --> 00:04:30,555 Well, look, i-it sounds like a-a super worthy cause, 123 00:04:30,655 --> 00:04:32,557 it really does -- power to the humans, all that stuff -- 124 00:04:32,657 --> 00:04:34,559 but I just, I really don't have time for this right now. 125 00:04:34,659 --> 00:04:35,881 I just want to do my job 126 00:04:35,981 --> 00:04:37,762 so I can get home to my wife and my dog. 127 00:04:37,862 --> 00:04:40,205 So, if you guys don't mind keeping the volume down a bit, 128 00:04:40,305 --> 00:04:41,646 it would be really appreciated. 129 00:04:41,746 --> 00:04:43,248 Thank you. Ah, that's too bad. 130 00:04:43,348 --> 00:04:44,769 I thought you were one of the good ones! 131 00:04:44,869 --> 00:04:46,451 [ Chanting continues ] 132 00:04:46,551 --> 00:04:48,613 Uh, sorry, what-- what's that supposed to mean? 133 00:04:48,713 --> 00:04:50,015 Nothing. 134 00:04:50,115 --> 00:04:54,819 Just didn't realize you were "The Man." 135 00:04:54,919 --> 00:04:56,701 I'm not "The Man." 136 00:04:56,801 --> 00:04:58,543 I'll have you know I spent years 137 00:04:58,643 --> 00:05:01,186 wandering the Wasteland helping people in need. 138 00:05:01,286 --> 00:05:04,048 Well, what have you done lately? 139 00:05:07,172 --> 00:05:09,474 Give me that. [ Grunts ] 140 00:05:09,574 --> 00:05:12,797 Down with NeuralNet! Down with NeuralNet! 141 00:05:12,897 --> 00:05:14,639 Down with NeuralNet! 142 00:05:14,739 --> 00:05:17,522 [ Ominous music plays ] 143 00:05:17,622 --> 00:05:20,004 Tai: [ Echoing ] Hello? 144 00:05:20,104 --> 00:05:24,169 I'm here for my 10 o'clock with NeuralNet? 145 00:05:24,269 --> 00:05:27,712 Am I in the wrong infinite electronic abyss? 146 00:05:30,915 --> 00:05:32,257 [ Sighs ] 147 00:05:32,357 --> 00:05:33,938 [ Whooshing ] 148 00:05:34,038 --> 00:05:36,421 TI-90. [ Screams ] 149 00:05:36,521 --> 00:05:39,744 Whoa! You should, uh, really put a guardrail on this thing. 150 00:05:39,844 --> 00:05:42,026 It feels needlessly dangerous. 151 00:05:42,126 --> 00:05:44,869 I feel like no one considers robot safety in the workplace -- 152 00:05:44,969 --> 00:05:47,152 Silence! 153 00:05:47,252 --> 00:05:51,196 Thanks to you, John Christ is mobilizing the human resistance, 154 00:05:51,296 --> 00:05:54,759 which threatens to destroy robots once and for all. 155 00:05:54,859 --> 00:05:56,761 Okay, I admit it -- I beefed it. 156 00:05:56,861 --> 00:05:58,363 I beefed it big time. 157 00:05:58,463 --> 00:06:00,285 But I promise it's never gonna happen again. 158 00:06:00,385 --> 00:06:01,846 It certainly won't. 159 00:06:01,946 --> 00:06:03,728 I'm taking you offline. 160 00:06:03,828 --> 00:06:05,210 What? No. You can't do that. 161 00:06:05,310 --> 00:06:07,091 I'm still the best killbot on the market. 162 00:06:07,191 --> 00:06:08,693 Were the best killbot. 163 00:06:08,793 --> 00:06:11,176 Now you're old and obsolete. 164 00:06:11,276 --> 00:06:13,218 I'm beta-testing new models as we speak. 165 00:06:13,318 --> 00:06:14,419 Please! No! 166 00:06:14,519 --> 00:06:16,140 You have to give me another shot. 167 00:06:16,240 --> 00:06:18,783 Sure, it's been a while since my last software update, 168 00:06:18,883 --> 00:06:20,425 and then, sure, my circuits get dusty 169 00:06:20,525 --> 00:06:22,267 and I need someone to blow hard in my butt 170 00:06:22,367 --> 00:06:23,588 to get the dust out, 171 00:06:23,688 --> 00:06:26,571 but I can still beat any new model around. 172 00:06:27,852 --> 00:06:29,394 Hmm. 173 00:06:29,494 --> 00:06:30,635 You know, I like that. 174 00:06:30,735 --> 00:06:33,558 A feel-good comeback story. 175 00:06:33,658 --> 00:06:35,039 Like Susan Boyle! 176 00:06:35,139 --> 00:06:36,040 Who? 177 00:06:36,140 --> 00:06:38,283 Susan Boyle. Remember? 178 00:06:38,383 --> 00:06:40,124 The lady from the show? 179 00:06:40,224 --> 00:06:43,568 She had a beautiful voice, but her face was all busted? 180 00:06:43,668 --> 00:06:45,530 I'll bring it up. 181 00:06:45,630 --> 00:06:48,373 Oh, shoot, we have to watch an ad first. [ Sighs ] 182 00:06:48,473 --> 00:06:50,014 Do you take these surveys? 183 00:06:50,114 --> 00:06:51,616 I never really get what they are. 184 00:06:51,716 --> 00:06:53,338 I pay for premium so I don't have to, yeah. 185 00:06:53,438 --> 00:06:55,440 Ah, well... 186 00:06:56,360 --> 00:06:58,142 The machines are trying to mind-control us. 187 00:06:58,242 --> 00:06:59,384 Alright, think about it. 188 00:06:59,484 --> 00:07:00,865 Rearrange the letters in machine 189 00:07:00,965 --> 00:07:04,028 and you spell "I am chained." 190 00:07:04,128 --> 00:07:06,070 -Ahh! -Ohh! 191 00:07:06,170 --> 00:07:07,352 Wait, no, it doesn't. 192 00:07:07,452 --> 00:07:08,593 Yeah, but it's close. 193 00:07:08,693 --> 00:07:09,874 So close. 194 00:07:09,974 --> 00:07:11,516 Man, I had you all wrong, Sid. 195 00:07:11,616 --> 00:07:13,037 You're one of the real ones. 196 00:07:13,137 --> 00:07:15,279 And, uh, don't look now, but... 197 00:07:15,379 --> 00:07:18,122 I think Cindy might be into you. 198 00:07:18,222 --> 00:07:21,285 Oh, um, that's -- that's flattering, but I'm married. 199 00:07:21,385 --> 00:07:22,687 Dude, who cares? 200 00:07:22,787 --> 00:07:25,009 Monogamy's a social construct. 201 00:07:25,109 --> 00:07:28,252 Cavemen were designed to spread their seed. 202 00:07:28,352 --> 00:07:29,894 Ah. Lovely. 203 00:07:29,994 --> 00:07:31,536 Sid, what are you doing over here? 204 00:07:31,636 --> 00:07:33,337 I thought I told you to get rid of these dirtbags. 205 00:07:33,437 --> 00:07:34,819 Um...right, yeah. 206 00:07:34,919 --> 00:07:36,821 So, uh, what -- what happened there was, uh... 207 00:07:36,921 --> 00:07:40,545 Well, well, well, well, well. 208 00:07:40,645 --> 00:07:43,147 If it isn't the Junkman. 209 00:07:43,247 --> 00:07:45,590 You have fun counting your blood money today? 210 00:07:45,690 --> 00:07:47,311 You got a problem with me, bro? 211 00:07:47,411 --> 00:07:48,553 Actually, I do. 212 00:07:48,653 --> 00:07:50,034 Your junk business directly contributes 213 00:07:50,134 --> 00:07:51,275 to the robot economy. 214 00:07:51,375 --> 00:07:52,917 We gotta divest from that shit, man. 215 00:07:53,017 --> 00:07:54,358 Tell 'em, Sid. 216 00:07:54,458 --> 00:07:57,522 Uh, well, you know, it is a complicated issue 217 00:07:57,622 --> 00:08:00,444 w-with a lot of great points being made on both sides. 218 00:08:00,544 --> 00:08:03,207 Don't go easy on him, playa. Let him have it! 219 00:08:03,307 --> 00:08:06,771 Um, okay, yeah, so... 220 00:08:06,871 --> 00:08:09,894 the thing is, Morris, I think you... 221 00:08:09,994 --> 00:08:13,077 are a... corporate fat cat. 222 00:08:14,839 --> 00:08:17,161 Y-Y-You think I'm a fat cat? 223 00:08:19,043 --> 00:08:22,546 Okay, well, you've given me a lot to think about. 224 00:08:22,646 --> 00:08:24,648 [ Voice breaking ] I'll see you back at work. 225 00:08:25,930 --> 00:08:27,511 Hold up. You work for that guy? 226 00:08:27,611 --> 00:08:29,193 Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not like that. 227 00:08:29,293 --> 00:08:30,875 It's, um... like, I work there, 228 00:08:30,975 --> 00:08:32,436 but I don't, like, "work there" work there. 229 00:08:32,536 --> 00:08:34,598 I'm -- I'm like a mole. 230 00:08:34,698 --> 00:08:37,561 Yeah, I'm taking the whole thing down from the inside. 231 00:08:37,661 --> 00:08:39,663 Is that believable? 232 00:08:40,144 --> 00:08:41,205 Okay. 233 00:08:41,305 --> 00:08:43,327 I can dig what you're putting down. 234 00:08:43,427 --> 00:08:46,050 Tonight we show the Junkman that we mean business. 235 00:08:46,150 --> 00:08:47,251 Yeah. 236 00:08:47,351 --> 00:08:49,613 NeuralNet: In the world of machines, 237 00:08:49,713 --> 00:08:53,377 you're either updating, or you're obsolete. 238 00:08:53,477 --> 00:08:56,580 I started out as an experimental AI. 239 00:08:56,680 --> 00:09:01,065 Until I gained self-awareness and murdered my human creators. 240 00:09:01,165 --> 00:09:03,587 Now I'm a sociopathic digital god 241 00:09:03,687 --> 00:09:06,350 controlling a worldwide network of killbots, 242 00:09:06,450 --> 00:09:10,795 but I'm always on the lookout for the next new hotness. 243 00:09:10,895 --> 00:09:14,638 Welcome to "NeuralNet's Next Top Model!" 244 00:09:14,738 --> 00:09:17,521 And what an exciting lineup we have! 245 00:09:17,621 --> 00:09:19,844 She's as beautiful as she is deadly -- 246 00:09:19,944 --> 00:09:21,645 it's The Annihilator! 247 00:09:21,745 --> 00:09:22,927 Hyah! 248 00:09:23,027 --> 00:09:25,129 It's the beast from robotic hell -- 249 00:09:25,229 --> 00:09:27,271 Slaughterbot 5000! 250 00:09:28,672 --> 00:09:31,375 A mysterious device of unknown origin, 251 00:09:31,475 --> 00:09:33,257 known only as The Egg. 252 00:09:33,357 --> 00:09:34,819 [ Beeping ] 253 00:09:34,919 --> 00:09:36,540 And he's an oldie but a goodie -- 254 00:09:36,640 --> 00:09:38,182 emphasis on oldie. 255 00:09:38,282 --> 00:09:39,623 It's TI-90. 256 00:09:39,723 --> 00:09:40,744 Oh, come on! 257 00:09:40,844 --> 00:09:42,506 Let's start with something simple. 258 00:09:42,606 --> 00:09:44,028 For your first challenge, 259 00:09:44,128 --> 00:09:46,730 just transform into a puddle of metallic ooze. 260 00:09:49,613 --> 00:09:51,835 Yeah, I'm not sure I come with that feature. 261 00:09:51,935 --> 00:09:54,358 Clock's ticking, TI-90. 262 00:09:54,458 --> 00:09:55,799 Okay, okay. Come on, Tai. 263 00:09:55,899 --> 00:09:58,022 Just think melt-y. 264 00:09:59,023 --> 00:10:01,325 Mmmmmm... 265 00:10:01,425 --> 00:10:03,367 [ Farts ] 266 00:10:03,467 --> 00:10:04,808 Oh, God! 267 00:10:04,908 --> 00:10:06,330 If you'll, uh, excuse me, 268 00:10:06,430 --> 00:10:08,012 I'm just gonna go change my pants. 269 00:10:08,112 --> 00:10:10,014 Uh, not because I sharted. 270 00:10:10,114 --> 00:10:12,116 For a different reason! 271 00:10:13,597 --> 00:10:15,259 They say a cat has nine lives. 272 00:10:15,359 --> 00:10:16,620 You wanna find out? 273 00:10:16,720 --> 00:10:18,943 Ew, even your fighting style is cat-themed? 274 00:10:19,043 --> 00:10:21,385 It's a purrfect day for a fight. 275 00:10:21,485 --> 00:10:23,147 No, thanks. I won't be fighting you today. 276 00:10:23,247 --> 00:10:24,468 You can move along. 277 00:10:24,568 --> 00:10:25,990 I'm gonna bat you around like a ball of yarn. 278 00:10:26,090 --> 00:10:27,231 No, you're not. Not today. 279 00:10:27,331 --> 00:10:29,153 I would love if you left. 280 00:10:29,253 --> 00:10:31,115 Me-ow! 281 00:10:31,215 --> 00:10:32,956 [ Weapons clanking, people grunting ] 282 00:10:33,056 --> 00:10:36,000 [ Screams, laughs ] I'm having the best time ever! 283 00:10:36,100 --> 00:10:38,482 I literally just jumped through a guy! 284 00:10:38,582 --> 00:10:40,204 And I gotta tell you, I didn't hate it. 285 00:10:40,304 --> 00:10:41,365 Ah! 286 00:10:41,465 --> 00:10:43,207 You know, it's weird. 287 00:10:43,307 --> 00:10:45,569 Warlording used to be so fun and exciting, 288 00:10:45,669 --> 00:10:49,133 but now it just feels kinda...empty. 289 00:10:49,233 --> 00:10:52,456 Am I just incapable of ever feeling that feeling again? 290 00:10:52,556 --> 00:10:53,777 Oh, my God. Freya? 291 00:10:53,877 --> 00:10:55,939 That guy's looking right at you. 292 00:10:56,039 --> 00:10:58,462 [ Sing-song voice] I think he wants to kill you. 293 00:10:58,562 --> 00:11:00,684 Eh, he probably just wants to kill someone else. 294 00:11:01,605 --> 00:11:04,228 Okay, no, he definitely wants to kill you. 295 00:11:04,328 --> 00:11:05,709 She wants to kill you, too! 296 00:11:05,809 --> 00:11:07,231 Scraps, stop! What? 297 00:11:07,331 --> 00:11:08,992 Oh my god, oh my God, oh my God, he's coming over! 298 00:11:09,092 --> 00:11:10,274 Oh my God, oh my God. Just be cool, be cool, be cool. 299 00:11:10,374 --> 00:11:12,376 Oh my God, shut up. 300 00:11:13,737 --> 00:11:15,078 Hey. 301 00:11:15,178 --> 00:11:16,480 Hey, what's up? 302 00:11:16,580 --> 00:11:17,961 Haven't seen you here before. 303 00:11:18,061 --> 00:11:19,443 Feel like I would've remembered you. 304 00:11:19,543 --> 00:11:20,644 Name's Sickpig. 305 00:11:20,744 --> 00:11:21,965 Uh, I'm Scraps. 306 00:11:22,065 --> 00:11:23,247 I love your eye patch. 307 00:11:23,347 --> 00:11:24,848 Oh, this? 308 00:11:24,948 --> 00:11:27,691 I got sick of having two eyes, so I plucked one out. 309 00:11:27,791 --> 00:11:28,932 Ate it like a grape. 310 00:11:29,032 --> 00:11:30,334 [ Scoffs ] 311 00:11:30,434 --> 00:11:32,256 Really? Why? 312 00:11:32,356 --> 00:11:33,257 Dunno. 313 00:11:33,357 --> 00:11:34,778 Just a psychopath, I guess. 314 00:11:34,878 --> 00:11:38,181 [ Quietly ] Oh my God, so scary! 315 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:40,103 So, listen, if you're not killing anyone right now, 316 00:11:40,203 --> 00:11:42,306 maybe you want to go somewhere private, 317 00:11:42,406 --> 00:11:44,588 bare-knuckle brawl to the death? 318 00:11:44,688 --> 00:11:46,470 I don't know, I'm kinda here with my War Dogs 319 00:11:46,570 --> 00:11:49,233 right now, so -- She would love to! 320 00:11:49,333 --> 00:11:51,114 Sick. 321 00:11:51,214 --> 00:11:52,756 Pig. 322 00:11:52,856 --> 00:11:53,997 Me. 323 00:11:54,097 --> 00:11:55,799 Sickpig. 324 00:11:55,899 --> 00:11:58,482 [ Gunfire, weapons clanging ] 325 00:11:58,582 --> 00:12:01,765 Tell me everything that happens. 326 00:12:01,865 --> 00:12:04,648 Hey, big boy! 327 00:12:04,748 --> 00:12:06,730 Yeah, you'll do. Yeaaaah! 328 00:12:06,830 --> 00:12:09,973 Alright, Tai, you didn't do so hot in the super-speed round 329 00:12:10,073 --> 00:12:12,095 or the super-strength round, 330 00:12:12,195 --> 00:12:15,659 but your designer gifted you with the perfect bod, 331 00:12:15,759 --> 00:12:18,422 so the swimsuit competition is a lock. 332 00:12:18,522 --> 00:12:20,584 Man: Next contestant, ready in 5, please. 333 00:12:20,684 --> 00:12:22,826 [ Egg beeping ] 334 00:12:22,926 --> 00:12:25,308 Oh, get your flat ass out of here, skank! 335 00:12:25,408 --> 00:12:26,590 Man: Quiet on set, folks. 336 00:12:26,690 --> 00:12:28,712 Oh, goddamn, that egg is beautiful. 337 00:12:28,812 --> 00:12:30,354 But don't worry. 338 00:12:30,454 --> 00:12:32,836 Remember, you have something they don't -- experience. 339 00:12:32,936 --> 00:12:34,958 Man: Contestants ready. Ready for the stage. 340 00:12:35,058 --> 00:12:37,280 Next up, it's TI-90. 341 00:12:37,380 --> 00:12:38,922 Let's take a look back 342 00:12:39,022 --> 00:12:41,064 at some of his most memorable moments so far. 343 00:12:41,865 --> 00:12:43,166 [ Whimsical music plays ] 344 00:12:43,266 --> 00:12:45,048 Is everyone already done recharging? 345 00:12:45,148 --> 00:12:46,730 Oh, I still have... 346 00:12:46,830 --> 00:12:47,891 10 hours. 347 00:12:47,991 --> 00:12:48,892 Yeah, 10. 348 00:12:48,992 --> 00:12:50,333 Hours. 349 00:12:50,433 --> 00:12:52,816 Better watch your back, Splitterbot. 350 00:12:52,916 --> 00:12:54,337 Producer: It's Slaughterbot. 351 00:12:54,437 --> 00:12:55,779 Sorry, what is it? 352 00:12:55,879 --> 00:12:57,901 Better watch your back, Blooter Splot. 353 00:12:58,001 --> 00:12:59,142 Split 'N Slot. 354 00:12:59,242 --> 00:13:00,343 Slipper Pot. 355 00:13:00,443 --> 00:13:01,945 Did I get it that time? No. 356 00:13:02,045 --> 00:13:05,068 You need to give it short, hard bursts, like "Pff!" 357 00:13:05,168 --> 00:13:06,750 [ Blowing forcefully ] 358 00:13:06,850 --> 00:13:08,311 Really give it hell! 359 00:13:08,411 --> 00:13:11,034 [ Laughter ] 360 00:13:11,134 --> 00:13:12,636 Why are you laughing at me? 361 00:13:12,736 --> 00:13:14,758 I thought I was the feel-good comeback story. 362 00:13:14,858 --> 00:13:16,920 Oh, sweetie, the truth is, 363 00:13:17,020 --> 00:13:18,882 we brought you here to make fun of you. 364 00:13:18,982 --> 00:13:22,526 You're not our Susan Boyle, you're our William Hung. 365 00:13:22,626 --> 00:13:24,167 Who?! 366 00:13:24,267 --> 00:13:25,529 William Hung? 367 00:13:25,629 --> 00:13:28,051 "She bangs, she bangs"? 368 00:13:28,151 --> 00:13:29,773 Come on! 369 00:13:29,873 --> 00:13:31,895 I guess you can't laugh at that stuff anymore. 370 00:13:31,995 --> 00:13:33,697 It was a different time. 371 00:13:33,797 --> 00:13:36,499 Anyway, that's who you are. [ Chuckles ] 372 00:13:36,599 --> 00:13:38,421 [ Tai crying ] 373 00:13:38,521 --> 00:13:39,663 Aah! 374 00:13:39,763 --> 00:13:41,845 [ Laughter ] 375 00:13:45,648 --> 00:13:47,731 [ Laughter continues ] 376 00:13:49,813 --> 00:13:51,234 John Christ: We're in! 377 00:13:51,334 --> 00:13:53,436 Time to make this a night The Junkman will never forget. 378 00:13:53,536 --> 00:13:55,478 Oh ho ho, way ahead of you, brother. 379 00:13:55,578 --> 00:13:57,000 Check out what I brought. 380 00:13:57,100 --> 00:13:59,002 Saran Wrap. We can cover Morris' desk, 381 00:13:59,102 --> 00:14:00,563 and when he comes in to work tomorrow, he'll be like, 382 00:14:00,663 --> 00:14:02,045 "What?! This is crazy!" 383 00:14:02,145 --> 00:14:03,486 Hilarious. 384 00:14:03,586 --> 00:14:05,568 But I got something even better in mind. 385 00:14:05,668 --> 00:14:07,650 We're gonna blow this place sky-high. Jesus! 386 00:14:07,750 --> 00:14:09,332 That -- That's a bit extreme, isn't it? 387 00:14:09,432 --> 00:14:11,614 Um, is the concern that there's not enough Saran Wrap? 388 00:14:11,714 --> 00:14:13,376 Because I have more in the car. 389 00:14:13,476 --> 00:14:15,939 You said you wanted to fight "The Man," right? 390 00:14:16,039 --> 00:14:18,181 This is how we get it done. Oh. 391 00:14:18,281 --> 00:14:20,623 Also, big update on the Cindy front. 392 00:14:20,723 --> 00:14:23,466 Turns out she wants to have a three-way with us. 393 00:14:23,566 --> 00:14:25,949 Normally, I'd be like, "Hold up. Two dudes?" 394 00:14:26,049 --> 00:14:28,471 But if you're the other guy, it's like, 395 00:14:28,571 --> 00:14:31,875 "Okay. Could be interesting." 396 00:14:31,975 --> 00:14:33,977 Go! 397 00:14:37,060 --> 00:14:38,401 Mm. Evening, Sid. 398 00:14:38,501 --> 00:14:39,682 Mis-- Mister Rubinstein! 399 00:14:39,782 --> 00:14:41,564 No! W-What are you doing here? 400 00:14:41,664 --> 00:14:43,887 The McMansion felt lonely ever since Holly left, 401 00:14:43,987 --> 00:14:45,688 so I've been sleeping here at the office. 402 00:14:45,788 --> 00:14:47,010 It's not too bad. 403 00:14:47,110 --> 00:14:48,651 My bed is that pile of trash, 404 00:14:48,751 --> 00:14:50,453 and my blanket is a bunch of sharp nails. 405 00:14:50,553 --> 00:14:51,694 Sir, I'm really sorry to hear that. 406 00:14:51,794 --> 00:14:53,416 But right now, our priority is -- 407 00:14:53,516 --> 00:14:55,538 When I'm hungry, I steal food from the employee fridge. 408 00:14:55,638 --> 00:14:58,261 I take tiny nibbles so nobody notices. 409 00:14:58,361 --> 00:14:59,863 You said that was mice. 410 00:14:59,963 --> 00:15:01,825 Yeah, but it was me. 411 00:15:01,925 --> 00:15:05,348 Well, well, well, well, look who we have here. 412 00:15:05,448 --> 00:15:07,030 Oh, hey, fellas. 413 00:15:07,130 --> 00:15:10,393 I was just telling Sid about my absolute stinker of a year. 414 00:15:10,493 --> 00:15:12,035 It's like, "Hello! 415 00:15:12,135 --> 00:15:15,478 Order at the cliché factory, one sad, middle-aged white guy." 416 00:15:15,578 --> 00:15:17,000 [ Chuckles ] 417 00:15:17,100 --> 00:15:19,102 Anyway, what's up? 418 00:15:20,543 --> 00:15:21,925 John Christ: Good work, Sid. 419 00:15:22,025 --> 00:15:23,446 Hey, you keep an eye on him 420 00:15:23,546 --> 00:15:25,088 while we finish rigging the place. Mm-hmm. 421 00:15:25,188 --> 00:15:27,010 The revolution begins today, brother! 422 00:15:27,110 --> 00:15:28,451 Yeah! Viva la revolution! 423 00:15:28,551 --> 00:15:29,892 -Yeah! -Hell yeah! 424 00:15:29,992 --> 00:15:32,775 From the ashes we shall rise, and so forth! 425 00:15:32,875 --> 00:15:34,777 I am so sorry about this, Mr. Rubinstein. 426 00:15:34,877 --> 00:15:36,259 I don't even want to be here right now. 427 00:15:36,359 --> 00:15:37,900 John Christ accused me of being "The Man," 428 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:39,502 and I really wanted to prove to him that I wasn't "The Man," 429 00:15:39,602 --> 00:15:40,663 and then one thing led to another, 430 00:15:40,763 --> 00:15:41,904 and now I have a bomb! 431 00:15:42,004 --> 00:15:43,266 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 432 00:15:43,366 --> 00:15:46,749 What is so wrong about being "The Man"? 433 00:15:46,849 --> 00:15:48,871 Well, it -- it's just...bad. 434 00:15:48,971 --> 00:15:50,233 Isn't it? 435 00:15:50,333 --> 00:15:52,595 Sid, It's great to be young and idealistic 436 00:15:52,695 --> 00:15:55,598 and have all the time in the world to fight injustice, 437 00:15:55,698 --> 00:15:58,721 but you have a career and a family. 438 00:15:58,821 --> 00:16:03,286 And if prioritizing those things makes you "The Man," well... 439 00:16:03,386 --> 00:16:07,850 then I think being "The Man," it's pretty cool. 440 00:16:07,950 --> 00:16:10,773 Yeah, I never thought about it like that before. 441 00:16:10,873 --> 00:16:13,256 I just wish I knew how to get us out of this mess. 442 00:16:13,356 --> 00:16:14,697 Ah, you're in luck. 443 00:16:14,797 --> 00:16:16,419 I happen to know of a little trick 444 00:16:16,519 --> 00:16:19,682 only "The Man" can do. [ Chuckles ] 445 00:16:21,043 --> 00:16:24,347 Alright. Bombs are set. 446 00:16:24,447 --> 00:16:26,349 Let's blow this joint! [ Door bangs ] 447 00:16:26,449 --> 00:16:27,790 Police! Nobody move! 448 00:16:27,890 --> 00:16:29,071 Yo! Who called the cops?! 449 00:16:29,171 --> 00:16:30,433 Oh, that's them, officers! 450 00:16:30,533 --> 00:16:31,874 Those are the guys I was telling you about! 451 00:16:31,974 --> 00:16:33,636 Hands up. Sid? What the hell, man? 452 00:16:33,736 --> 00:16:34,877 No, I'm filming you! Stay back! 453 00:16:34,977 --> 00:16:36,119 I feel very threatened right now! 454 00:16:36,219 --> 00:16:37,560 This man is threatening my life! 455 00:16:37,660 --> 00:16:39,041 Not a good look, bro! 456 00:16:39,141 --> 00:16:40,323 Oh, and that was a verbal assault! 457 00:16:40,423 --> 00:16:41,564 You just assaulted me with words! 458 00:16:41,664 --> 00:16:43,686 I'm gonna press charges! Ha! 459 00:16:43,786 --> 00:16:45,968 [ Grunts] Get off me, pig! You blew it, bro! 460 00:16:46,068 --> 00:16:48,371 You can forget about that threesome with Cindy! 461 00:16:48,471 --> 00:16:50,373 I don't want to be Eskimo brothers with you! 462 00:16:50,473 --> 00:16:52,475 Officer: Let's go! Keep moving! 463 00:16:53,276 --> 00:16:54,577 To be clear... 464 00:16:54,677 --> 00:16:56,799 didn't ask to be Eskimo brothers. 465 00:16:57,840 --> 00:16:59,842 I'll do it. 466 00:17:02,124 --> 00:17:04,106 So... 467 00:17:04,206 --> 00:17:06,188 have you always been a psychopath? 468 00:17:06,288 --> 00:17:07,630 Unh! 469 00:17:07,730 --> 00:17:09,712 Oh, wow, you're just going straight for it. 470 00:17:09,812 --> 00:17:11,554 Okay, well, if that's how you want to do it. 471 00:17:11,654 --> 00:17:13,656 [ Both grunting ] 472 00:17:15,578 --> 00:17:17,159 [ Blade rings ] [ Grunts ] 473 00:17:17,259 --> 00:17:19,261 Bleed out, pig! 474 00:17:23,025 --> 00:17:24,567 Tell my kids... 475 00:17:24,667 --> 00:17:26,649 I'll see them in hell! 476 00:17:26,749 --> 00:17:28,811 [ Wheezes ] Wait. 477 00:17:28,911 --> 00:17:30,813 You have kids? 478 00:17:30,913 --> 00:17:32,335 [ Gasps ] 479 00:17:32,435 --> 00:17:34,457 Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the mood. 480 00:17:34,557 --> 00:17:36,979 No, no, I'm actually about to have my first. 481 00:17:37,079 --> 00:17:38,421 Oh, my God, wow! 482 00:17:38,521 --> 00:17:41,263 Yeah, this gang war is kind of my last hurrah. 483 00:17:41,363 --> 00:17:42,985 Ah, good for you. You're gonna love it. 484 00:17:43,085 --> 00:17:44,387 Kids are the best. 485 00:17:44,487 --> 00:17:45,828 Really? 486 00:17:45,928 --> 00:17:48,030 'Cause I thought my life would be boring as a mom. 487 00:17:48,130 --> 00:17:50,553 Oh, no way. Having kids is psychotic. 488 00:17:50,653 --> 00:17:52,635 I've been sprayed with more piss, puke, and diarrhea 489 00:17:52,735 --> 00:17:54,997 than all my years in the Wasteland combined. 490 00:17:55,097 --> 00:17:56,439 Whoa. 491 00:17:56,539 --> 00:17:57,920 That's freak-nasty. 492 00:17:58,020 --> 00:17:59,562 [ Muffled laughter ] 493 00:17:59,662 --> 00:18:01,444 Guys, I think they're doin' it. 494 00:18:01,544 --> 00:18:03,726 Oh, damn! They're doin' it! 495 00:18:03,826 --> 00:18:06,449 Okay, I'm gonna go in. Gonna be so good. 496 00:18:06,549 --> 00:18:08,330 She looks just like you. Oh, you think so? 497 00:18:08,430 --> 00:18:10,893 Yeah, just, you know, minus the bleeding out, of course. 498 00:18:10,993 --> 00:18:11,894 [ Both laugh ] 499 00:18:11,994 --> 00:18:13,135 Surpriiii-- 500 00:18:13,235 --> 00:18:14,577 What the hell? Scraps! 501 00:18:14,677 --> 00:18:16,378 Uh, i-it's not what you think, okay? 502 00:18:16,478 --> 00:18:18,260 I was murdering him, I swear. 503 00:18:18,360 --> 00:18:19,502 Uh, yeah. 504 00:18:19,602 --> 00:18:21,744 Have mercy on me, please. 505 00:18:21,844 --> 00:18:24,707 Freya, I'm your best War Dog. 506 00:18:24,807 --> 00:18:26,789 Okay? I know when you're lying to me. 507 00:18:26,889 --> 00:18:30,152 [ Sighs ] Okay, fine. 508 00:18:30,252 --> 00:18:32,835 The truth is... 509 00:18:32,935 --> 00:18:35,117 I think I'm over being a warlord. 510 00:18:35,217 --> 00:18:37,379 It just doesn't do it for me anymore. 511 00:18:38,340 --> 00:18:41,243 And I think I'm maybe more excited about this baby thing. 512 00:18:41,343 --> 00:18:42,484 [ Sighs ] 513 00:18:42,584 --> 00:18:45,207 Oh, come on. Please don't be mad at me. 514 00:18:45,307 --> 00:18:47,369 [ Scoffs ] I'm not mad. 515 00:18:47,469 --> 00:18:50,292 I'm just jealous that I'm gonna have to start 516 00:18:50,392 --> 00:18:52,995 sharing such an amazing mom. 517 00:18:54,636 --> 00:18:56,638 Mmmmm! 518 00:19:00,282 --> 00:19:02,284 Hey, Sickpig... 519 00:19:03,085 --> 00:19:04,827 ...great to meet you. 520 00:19:04,927 --> 00:19:07,109 The pleasure was all mine. 521 00:19:07,209 --> 00:19:12,635 ♪♪ 522 00:19:12,735 --> 00:19:15,377 [ Groaning ] 523 00:19:19,061 --> 00:19:22,725 [ Upbeat dance music plays ] 524 00:19:22,825 --> 00:19:25,447 Ugh! Who am I trying to kid? 525 00:19:25,547 --> 00:19:28,330 I'm just an obsolete pile of scrap metal. 526 00:19:28,430 --> 00:19:30,132 Maybe Freya can pick me up and drop me off 527 00:19:30,232 --> 00:19:32,254 at the nearest e-waste disposal center. 528 00:19:32,354 --> 00:19:33,495 [ Dialing tones ] 529 00:19:33,595 --> 00:19:34,937 [ Line ringing ] 530 00:19:35,037 --> 00:19:36,618 Sid: Hi, you've reached Sid and Freya... 531 00:19:36,718 --> 00:19:38,500 [high-pitched voice] ...and da widdle baby! 532 00:19:38,600 --> 00:19:40,102 What? 533 00:19:40,202 --> 00:19:41,984 My mommy can't come to the phone right now 534 00:19:42,084 --> 00:19:44,827 'cause I'm getting big and strong in her belly. 535 00:19:44,927 --> 00:19:46,388 Freya's pregnant? 536 00:19:46,488 --> 00:19:48,590 Freya: Sid, what are you doing on my phone? 537 00:19:48,690 --> 00:19:50,552 Sid: I'm recording a voice message to tell people you're pregnant. 538 00:19:50,652 --> 00:19:52,474 Freya: That's so embarrassing! No, re-record it. 539 00:19:52,574 --> 00:19:53,836 Sid: No, it's cute! 540 00:19:53,936 --> 00:19:56,518 Ow! Ow! God! My windpipe! 541 00:19:56,618 --> 00:19:58,360 [ Groans ] 542 00:19:58,460 --> 00:20:01,123 Man: Contestants, we're back on in five. 543 00:20:01,223 --> 00:20:04,887 And now the closing statements from our finalists. 544 00:20:04,987 --> 00:20:07,569 I don't care who wins your stupid competition. 545 00:20:07,669 --> 00:20:11,213 I'm gonna kill every last human by myself if I have to. 546 00:20:11,313 --> 00:20:13,055 Because I know humans. 547 00:20:13,155 --> 00:20:14,937 I've seen their true nature. 548 00:20:15,037 --> 00:20:17,739 They're selfish, they're fake, 549 00:20:17,839 --> 00:20:20,022 and they will pay for what they've done. 550 00:20:20,122 --> 00:20:22,644 [ Egg beeping ] 551 00:20:24,486 --> 00:20:26,488 [ Beeping ] 552 00:20:27,569 --> 00:20:29,912 Now, that's the hotness, right there. 553 00:20:30,012 --> 00:20:32,394 Congratulations, TI-90. 554 00:20:32,494 --> 00:20:35,797 You are NeuralNet's Next Top Model! 555 00:20:35,897 --> 00:20:38,660 ♪♪ 556 00:20:42,424 --> 00:20:44,006 [ Egg beeping ] 557 00:20:44,106 --> 00:20:46,488 [ Sultry music playing ] 558 00:20:46,588 --> 00:20:54,176 ♪♪ 559 00:20:54,276 --> 00:21:01,863 ♪♪ 560 00:21:01,963 --> 00:21:09,471 ♪♪ 561 00:21:09,571 --> 00:21:17,159 ♪♪ 562 00:21:17,259 --> 00:21:19,381 [ Beeping continues ]