1 00:01:54,614 --> 00:01:55,614 Now... 2 00:01:56,157 --> 00:01:59,661 your aunties tell me you have questions, about your baptism and such. 3 00:01:59,953 --> 00:02:00,953 I do... 4 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:03,790 but I'm not sure where to begin. 5 00:02:03,873 --> 00:02:04,874 Allow me. 6 00:02:07,544 --> 00:02:11,756 A witch's dark baptism is our most sacred unholy sacrament. 7 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:13,299 The oldest of our rites. 8 00:02:13,383 --> 00:02:15,718 We've been performing them for centuries. 9 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:19,556 Our Dark Lord's book, the Book of the Beast, 10 00:02:19,639 --> 00:02:21,474 is the most ancient tome in existence. 11 00:02:21,558 --> 00:02:22,725 About that. 12 00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,854 If I sign my name in the Book of the Beast, 13 00:02:26,604 --> 00:02:30,024 does that mean I'm giving the Dark Lord dominion over my soul? 14 00:02:30,108 --> 00:02:35,363 That's one interpretation, but it's largely a symbolic gesture, 15 00:02:35,697 --> 00:02:37,740 as rituals in most religions are. 16 00:02:38,825 --> 00:02:40,326 - What else? - Let's say 17 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:44,205 I do sign my name in his book. Doesn't that mean he can call on me? 18 00:02:44,539 --> 00:02:45,539 To do his bidding? 19 00:02:45,582 --> 00:02:47,792 All religions demand some sacrifice. 20 00:02:48,793 --> 00:02:51,004 But signing your name is more like... 21 00:02:51,963 --> 00:02:53,548 a pledge, let's say. 22 00:02:53,923 --> 00:02:55,842 That you'll abide by his commandments. 23 00:02:57,010 --> 00:02:58,595 Do you know your Thirteen Commandments? 24 00:02:58,678 --> 00:03:01,181 - We've taught them to her. - She's learned them by heart. 25 00:03:01,264 --> 00:03:04,142 I'm not an evil person, Father. 26 00:03:08,730 --> 00:03:11,733 I am glad to hear it. Neither am I. Neither are your aunts. 27 00:03:11,816 --> 00:03:12,816 But the Devil... 28 00:03:14,527 --> 00:03:16,321 The Dark Lord, yes? 29 00:03:16,821 --> 00:03:18,823 ...he is the embodiment of evil. 30 00:03:18,907 --> 00:03:19,907 Incorrect. 31 00:03:20,450 --> 00:03:23,578 He is the embodiment of free will. Good. Evil. 32 00:03:23,661 --> 00:03:28,458 Those words matter to the False God, but the Dark Lord is beyond such precepts. 33 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:31,961 What about Hell? I don't want to go there when I die. 34 00:03:32,045 --> 00:03:34,547 First of all, if you accept the Dark Lord's gifts, 35 00:03:34,631 --> 00:03:36,674 you won't die, not for a very long time. 36 00:03:36,758 --> 00:03:39,636 Second of all, Hell is for mortals. 37 00:03:39,719 --> 00:03:41,888 In exchange for their service and devotion, 38 00:03:41,971 --> 00:03:45,642 witches are exempt from the eternal flames of damnation. 39 00:03:46,100 --> 00:03:49,020 Really, what's needed here is a fundamental shift in thinking. 40 00:03:49,103 --> 00:03:51,147 Okay, well, what about my boyfriend? 41 00:03:52,440 --> 00:03:56,653 - Why do I have to break up with him? - Your boyfriend, I assume, is mortal? 42 00:03:58,238 --> 00:04:02,367 There is an inherent incompatibility. Should you become a full witch, 43 00:04:02,450 --> 00:04:05,245 your human partner would age much faster than you. 44 00:04:05,328 --> 00:04:06,496 My father married a mortal. 45 00:04:06,579 --> 00:04:09,415 True, but he was High Priest of the Church of Night 46 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:11,501 and was granted a special dispensation. 47 00:04:11,584 --> 00:04:12,961 - By whom? - The Dark Lord. 48 00:04:13,044 --> 00:04:17,548 Satan himself blessed the union of your warlock father and mortal mother, 49 00:04:17,632 --> 00:04:20,885 but even then, even then, it was not without controversy. 50 00:04:20,969 --> 00:04:23,763 Some girls at the Academy of Unseen Arts have suggested 51 00:04:23,846 --> 00:04:26,224 that my parents' deaths weren't accidental, 52 00:04:26,766 --> 00:04:29,519 that maybe they'd been... murdered. 53 00:04:29,852 --> 00:04:32,647 An inquiry was held. No malfeasance was detected. 54 00:04:33,481 --> 00:04:36,567 It was a terrible accident that befell your mother and father, 55 00:04:36,985 --> 00:04:38,152 but it was just that... 56 00:04:39,654 --> 00:04:40,654 an accident. 57 00:04:41,823 --> 00:04:45,034 Lastly: Earlier today, I took a bite of a malum malus. 58 00:04:45,118 --> 00:04:46,160 You did what? 59 00:04:47,495 --> 00:04:49,580 And the future it showed me was... 60 00:04:50,748 --> 00:04:51,916 horrible. 61 00:04:52,208 --> 00:04:55,378 The biting of a malum malus for prognostication of the future 62 00:04:55,461 --> 00:04:58,339 hasn't been recommended for decades. 63 00:04:58,756 --> 00:05:01,718 Specifically because of its wild inaccuracy. 64 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:05,137 But if I may... 65 00:05:07,598 --> 00:05:10,310 your father was one of the Church of Night's greatest thinkers. 66 00:05:10,685 --> 00:05:12,812 He wanted you to follow in his footsteps. 67 00:05:13,229 --> 00:05:16,482 It's right that you have so many questions. 68 00:05:17,191 --> 00:05:18,359 My advice? 69 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:19,902 Take your baptism. 70 00:05:20,653 --> 00:05:22,613 Come to the Academy of Unseen Arts. 71 00:05:22,864 --> 00:05:24,240 Learn our history. 72 00:05:24,449 --> 00:05:27,243 Find answers to your questions. Challenge them. 73 00:05:27,618 --> 00:05:29,078 Make better answers. 74 00:05:30,038 --> 00:05:31,497 Make us stronger. 75 00:05:32,957 --> 00:05:34,751 Will you try, at least? 76 00:05:35,585 --> 00:05:39,380 - And should it not be to your liking... - You'll let me leave the Church? 77 00:05:39,464 --> 00:05:40,506 Free choice, child. 78 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:43,092 That is the bedrock on which our Church is built. 79 00:05:47,597 --> 00:05:50,808 But I do hope I'll see you in the woods on Samhain. 80 00:05:51,434 --> 00:05:53,770 The moon is certain to be glorious. 81 00:05:54,395 --> 00:05:58,983 She'll be there, Your Excellency. With bells on, won't you, Sabrina? 82 00:06:02,362 --> 00:06:03,613 Looking forward to it. 83 00:06:08,868 --> 00:06:09,994 In that case... 84 00:06:10,745 --> 00:06:12,080 if there's nothing else... 85 00:06:12,205 --> 00:06:14,165 There is one thing, Your Excellency. 86 00:06:21,756 --> 00:06:23,633 A witch's mark, without question. 87 00:06:26,260 --> 00:06:27,720 What about the boy's parents? 88 00:06:27,804 --> 00:06:28,679 Oh, mortal. 89 00:06:28,763 --> 00:06:30,807 They adopted him, Father, they didn't know. 90 00:06:31,182 --> 00:06:32,182 Poor boy. 91 00:06:32,683 --> 00:06:33,810 Alone in the world. 92 00:06:34,519 --> 00:06:35,853 Raised by mortals. 93 00:06:37,063 --> 00:06:38,314 Never baptized. 94 00:06:41,442 --> 00:06:44,904 Think of what he might've accomplished. Tragic, really. 95 00:06:46,280 --> 00:06:49,826 His murder hasn't been solved. I've been checking the papers, the news. 96 00:06:50,660 --> 00:06:52,495 So, we've started to wonder 97 00:06:52,578 --> 00:06:54,872 if there might not be a witch-hunter in our midst. 98 00:06:54,956 --> 00:06:56,541 - Highly unlikely. - But possible. 99 00:07:01,170 --> 00:07:02,630 I'll speak to the Council... 100 00:07:03,631 --> 00:07:06,717 but I shouldn't think this is any more than what it appears to be. 101 00:07:18,688 --> 00:07:21,732 He's a bit dramatic, isn't he? Father Blackwood? 102 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:24,444 He was your father's mentor, you know. 103 00:07:24,986 --> 00:07:27,029 But, then, Dad surpassed him. 104 00:07:27,113 --> 00:07:28,906 Yeah. 105 00:07:31,200 --> 00:07:36,664 Your father was incredibly charismatic, Sabrina. 106 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:39,709 People wanted to follow Edward, wherever he went. 107 00:07:40,293 --> 00:07:41,627 He was so handsome. 108 00:07:42,753 --> 00:07:46,090 He could've been a movie star if he'd chosen, like Cousin Montgomery. 109 00:07:46,340 --> 00:07:49,594 But no, he received the call early. 110 00:07:50,261 --> 00:07:52,346 When he was six years old, you know. 111 00:07:56,184 --> 00:08:01,564 Aunt Hilda, did you ever have any doubts about your dark baptism? 112 00:08:03,941 --> 00:08:08,154 When I was your age, I signed my name in the Book of the Beast. 113 00:08:09,405 --> 00:08:11,449 I mean... 114 00:08:11,532 --> 00:08:14,160 ...us girls didn't have any options back then. 115 00:08:15,620 --> 00:08:17,246 It's just simply what was done. 116 00:08:18,498 --> 00:08:19,624 Do I have regrets? 117 00:08:21,709 --> 00:08:24,378 You mustn't tell your Aunt Zelda this, 118 00:08:24,462 --> 00:08:26,172 but... 119 00:08:26,255 --> 00:08:28,049 ...some days, some nights... 120 00:08:29,008 --> 00:08:31,928 I dream that I am walking into the Greendale woods, 121 00:08:32,011 --> 00:08:33,971 in the peak of dry season... 122 00:08:34,847 --> 00:08:36,599 with a lit torch in each hand... 123 00:08:37,975 --> 00:08:42,146 so that I'd watch the whole forest burn, like so much kindling. 124 00:08:45,358 --> 00:08:48,611 Have a lovely little sleep, my darling. 125 00:08:49,153 --> 00:08:50,238 Tuckity-tuck-tuck-tuck. 126 00:08:50,321 --> 00:08:53,074 Oh, there we go. This little piggy... 127 00:08:53,366 --> 00:08:54,784 We're a little bit old. 128 00:09:01,707 --> 00:09:04,585 Hilda, you fool, you'll be the death of me. 129 00:09:06,254 --> 00:09:07,797 And I'll be the death of you. 130 00:09:19,350 --> 00:09:21,936 There you are. Look who just stopped by for a visit! 131 00:09:29,026 --> 00:09:30,111 - Hey. - Hey. 132 00:09:31,904 --> 00:09:34,323 You drew all of these? They're wicked good, mate. 133 00:09:34,615 --> 00:09:37,743 Thanks. Yeah, I'm pretty into comics and graphic novels. 134 00:09:37,827 --> 00:09:40,830 Me too. Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison. 135 00:09:40,913 --> 00:09:42,623 You came by to talk comics? 136 00:09:43,291 --> 00:09:45,167 Uh, no, I wanted to surprise you. 137 00:09:45,251 --> 00:09:48,045 And isn't it the loveliest surprise. 138 00:09:48,629 --> 00:09:50,298 Um, also to ask your aunts... 139 00:09:51,007 --> 00:09:53,050 I, uh... know you can't do anything 140 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:55,136 on your actual birthday because you have plans. 141 00:09:55,219 --> 00:09:57,263 She does. Set in stone. 142 00:09:57,346 --> 00:10:00,933 So I came by to see if we could celebrate the next day. 143 00:10:01,017 --> 00:10:02,518 Uh, Saturday. 144 00:10:02,810 --> 00:10:04,145 Go bowling, maybe. 145 00:10:04,228 --> 00:10:06,355 You and me and Susie and Roz. 146 00:10:07,315 --> 00:10:09,150 Your aunts can come, if they want. 147 00:10:09,233 --> 00:10:10,901 The day after my birthday. 148 00:10:12,486 --> 00:10:14,447 Would that even be possible? 149 00:10:14,530 --> 00:10:16,616 I think it's a marvelous idea. 150 00:10:16,699 --> 00:10:21,120 I do too, but why don't we play it by ear, hmm? 151 00:10:23,539 --> 00:10:25,458 What was that all about? 152 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:30,630 Me stopping by? It's partly 'cause I don't really know your aunts. 153 00:10:30,713 --> 00:10:33,215 That's entirely intentional, you realize. 154 00:10:33,924 --> 00:10:36,469 I don't know, maybe bowling wasn't the right idea. 155 00:10:36,552 --> 00:10:39,221 No, it was perfect. 156 00:10:39,305 --> 00:10:41,599 Well, hey, if not this Saturday, the next. 157 00:10:42,558 --> 00:10:44,060 And every Saturday after that. 158 00:10:45,102 --> 00:10:46,604 We have all the time in the world. 159 00:10:52,068 --> 00:10:55,071 What's this? I'm thinking we need to redecorate a little bit. 160 00:10:55,154 --> 00:10:56,072 What do you think? 161 00:10:56,155 --> 00:11:00,951 "Women's Intersectional Creative Cultural Association," huh? 162 00:11:01,327 --> 00:11:04,747 Oh, man, well, look at this. 163 00:11:05,164 --> 00:11:07,083 Oh! 164 00:11:09,919 --> 00:11:12,171 Can they even call themselves women? 165 00:11:13,464 --> 00:11:15,257 Hey, dicks-for-brains. 166 00:11:18,678 --> 00:11:21,097 What's your problem, dyke? 167 00:11:29,105 --> 00:11:32,483 Guys, guys, guys, guys! Let's go! 168 00:11:35,986 --> 00:11:38,322 You can't let them get to you like that, Susie. 169 00:11:38,406 --> 00:11:40,425 - What am I supposed... - What happened now? 170 00:11:40,449 --> 00:11:41,867 I got suspended. 171 00:11:41,951 --> 00:11:44,429 I'm supposed to take Susie home and then come right back. 172 00:11:44,453 --> 00:11:47,331 Except I can't go home, I don't want my dad to know about this. 173 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:49,583 He won't, then. We'll go somewhere else. 174 00:11:49,667 --> 00:11:52,378 Suspended for what? It's not even first period. 175 00:11:52,461 --> 00:11:53,379 I got into a fight. 176 00:11:53,462 --> 00:11:56,549 With a bunch of asswipes who were ripping our WICCA posters down. 177 00:11:56,632 --> 00:11:59,135 Those football players? The same ones as before? 178 00:11:59,218 --> 00:12:01,804 Wait. You got into a fight with football players? How many? 179 00:12:01,887 --> 00:12:04,724 - Four of them. - That's it, we're going to the police. 180 00:12:04,807 --> 00:12:07,643 We are pressing charges. Susie, this is physical assault. 181 00:12:07,727 --> 00:12:09,311 Yeah, but I started the fight. 182 00:12:09,687 --> 00:12:13,441 Susie, I swear to you, this will never happen again, 183 00:12:13,524 --> 00:12:15,484 but you have to tell me this time. 184 00:12:16,235 --> 00:12:17,653 What are their names? 185 00:12:20,614 --> 00:12:24,076 Billy Marlin, Ed Dursley, Seth Grinwis, and Carl Tapper. 186 00:12:24,410 --> 00:12:27,246 Four of Greendale's favorite sons. Golden boys. 187 00:12:27,329 --> 00:12:30,166 Before, they were bullying Susie, now they're punching her? 188 00:12:30,249 --> 00:12:33,127 She's tiny. They have to be held accountable. 189 00:12:33,210 --> 00:12:35,671 We'll go sit down together with Principal Hawthorne 190 00:12:35,755 --> 00:12:37,006 next week when he's back. 191 00:12:37,089 --> 00:12:38,591 I may not be here next week. 192 00:12:38,674 --> 00:12:39,674 Oh? 193 00:12:40,301 --> 00:12:41,927 Have you decided you're leaving us? 194 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:47,016 It's looking that way, but not if I can't get this sorted out. 195 00:12:47,099 --> 00:12:48,934 I can't leave my friends in trouble. 196 00:12:49,185 --> 00:12:53,314 Well, the only way boys like these learn new behavior is to... 197 00:12:53,397 --> 00:12:54,565 Fight fire with... 198 00:12:54,648 --> 00:12:55,733 Hellfire. 199 00:13:00,696 --> 00:13:05,534 Well, as an educator, I'm not allowed to say such things. 200 00:13:05,618 --> 00:13:08,662 But sometimes a little hell raising 201 00:13:08,746 --> 00:13:11,791 is precisely what's needed to move the needle. 202 00:13:13,042 --> 00:13:18,464 Mind you, I wouldn't take them on alone. Four against one? No, I'd even the odds. 203 00:13:19,048 --> 00:13:21,717 And enlist the baddest bitches you know to help. 204 00:13:22,843 --> 00:13:25,763 I can think of three girls. 205 00:13:26,639 --> 00:13:29,183 And then, once your house is in order here, 206 00:13:29,266 --> 00:13:35,648 you're free to transfer to this new school with a... light heart. 207 00:13:39,777 --> 00:13:44,657 The weird sisters, hand in hand, travelers of the sea and land. 208 00:13:44,740 --> 00:13:47,034 Thrice to thine and thrice to mine, 209 00:13:47,660 --> 00:13:49,745 and thrice again, to make up nine. 210 00:13:50,538 --> 00:13:52,998 Peace! The charm's wound up. 211 00:14:01,465 --> 00:14:02,967 Hello, half-breed. 212 00:14:04,051 --> 00:14:05,719 And how are we feeling today? 213 00:14:07,513 --> 00:14:09,348 Do you mean because of your curse? 214 00:14:09,765 --> 00:14:13,102 - Isn't that why you summoned us? - So that we might remove it? 215 00:14:13,185 --> 00:14:15,813 We'll happily do so, as soon as you pledge 216 00:14:15,896 --> 00:14:17,982 that you won't be going to the Academy. 217 00:14:20,359 --> 00:14:23,612 My Aunt Hilda's taken care of your curse with a reversing spell... 218 00:14:24,572 --> 00:14:27,449 but we still might be able to strike a deal. 219 00:14:30,953 --> 00:14:34,290 There are four mortal boys who need to be taught a lesson. 220 00:14:36,667 --> 00:14:38,002 Help me teach them, 221 00:14:38,669 --> 00:14:41,755 and I'll stay right where I am at Baxter High. 222 00:14:46,719 --> 00:14:49,138 Are they handsome, at least? 223 00:14:49,221 --> 00:14:51,265 It's always more fun when they're handsome. 224 00:14:51,348 --> 00:14:53,851 We'll back you up, half-breed. 225 00:14:55,394 --> 00:14:56,687 But they're your enemies. 226 00:14:57,271 --> 00:14:59,023 You'll have to do most of the work. 227 00:15:10,451 --> 00:15:11,452 Sister? 228 00:15:11,535 --> 00:15:13,829 Ooh! Zelda! 229 00:15:13,996 --> 00:15:17,875 My turnips, they're coming up marvelously this year. 230 00:15:52,326 --> 00:15:55,037 I hope I've done your son justice, Mr. and Mrs. Kemper. 231 00:15:59,291 --> 00:16:02,169 Oh! He's beautiful. 232 00:16:04,546 --> 00:16:05,714 He looks beautiful. 233 00:16:07,257 --> 00:16:08,801 I'm so happy you're pleased. 234 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:14,014 Would you like some tea, Mrs. Kemper? 235 00:16:16,600 --> 00:16:20,062 Forgive me for asking, but I was wondering... 236 00:16:20,688 --> 00:16:22,815 is there any news on what happened to Connor? 237 00:16:24,149 --> 00:16:26,527 - The police don't know anything. - Hmm. 238 00:16:26,610 --> 00:16:30,155 They don't know why he was in the park at that hour. We don't know why. 239 00:16:30,239 --> 00:16:32,908 He went out for a walk, that's all. 240 00:16:32,992 --> 00:16:35,077 And tell me, Mr. and Mrs. Kemper, 241 00:16:35,160 --> 00:16:37,997 should we be expecting a crowd for Connor's visitation? 242 00:16:38,664 --> 00:16:41,959 Connor didn't have a... wide circle of friends. 243 00:16:42,584 --> 00:16:43,794 He kept to himself? 244 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:47,339 Mmm, he was quiet. He loved reading. 245 00:16:48,132 --> 00:16:51,010 Well, and talking to his lizard. 246 00:16:53,804 --> 00:16:54,888 How do you mean? 247 00:16:54,972 --> 00:16:56,852 He kept an iguana in his room under a heat lamp. 248 00:16:57,307 --> 00:16:59,977 He would feed it and talk to it. 249 00:17:00,352 --> 00:17:04,940 Sometimes, I swear, it looked like Connor was actually waiting for it to answer. 250 00:17:05,774 --> 00:17:06,774 Hmm. 251 00:17:13,699 --> 00:17:15,701 What were the Kempers doing here? 252 00:17:15,784 --> 00:17:18,370 I invited them to inspect my handiwork on their son. 253 00:17:18,787 --> 00:17:21,874 Ambrose, you're not meddling in mortal affairs again, are you? 254 00:17:22,249 --> 00:17:23,751 Connor wasn't a mortal. 255 00:17:24,251 --> 00:17:26,754 In fact, I believe he even had a familiar. 256 00:17:27,463 --> 00:17:28,463 An iguana. 257 00:17:29,590 --> 00:17:30,590 Where's Aunt Hilda? 258 00:17:32,551 --> 00:17:35,637 She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard. 259 00:17:43,395 --> 00:17:44,563 What about Meg? 260 00:17:44,646 --> 00:17:47,441 - 'Cause I would, in a heartbeat. - Meg Simms? 261 00:17:48,025 --> 00:17:51,862 - No, dude. She's a prude, I hear. - Yeah, not to mention a dog. 262 00:17:52,154 --> 00:17:56,742 I mean, her face is rather dog-like, but her body, I mean... 263 00:17:56,825 --> 00:17:59,161 Okay, let me ask you a question, then. 264 00:17:59,244 --> 00:18:00,704 Could I put a bag over her head? 265 00:18:00,788 --> 00:18:02,831 You could, but why go through all that trouble 266 00:18:02,915 --> 00:18:04,958 when you could just do her doggie-style? 267 00:18:05,042 --> 00:18:07,711 Good call. 268 00:18:07,836 --> 00:18:10,047 Hey, what's your problem, queer? 269 00:18:10,130 --> 00:18:12,132 I gotta take a piss. 270 00:18:20,432 --> 00:18:21,558 What the hell? 271 00:18:28,107 --> 00:18:29,775 Guys. Guys. 272 00:18:45,707 --> 00:18:47,084 Hello, boys. 273 00:18:49,294 --> 00:18:50,294 What's up? 274 00:18:50,921 --> 00:18:54,341 The four of us were thinking of having a little party in the mines... 275 00:18:56,593 --> 00:18:58,554 but we'd need beer and boys for that. 276 00:19:01,390 --> 00:19:03,058 Do you go to Baxter? 277 00:19:03,767 --> 00:19:05,227 You look kind of familiar. 278 00:19:05,435 --> 00:19:08,230 I do, but my gal pals go somewhere else. 279 00:19:08,313 --> 00:19:11,608 - Where? Riverdale? - You wouldn't know it. 280 00:19:12,442 --> 00:19:14,903 It's a special school. 281 00:19:15,529 --> 00:19:16,864 Very special. 282 00:19:17,573 --> 00:19:18,866 No boys allowed. 283 00:19:23,871 --> 00:19:26,623 You know what they call this place, don't you? 284 00:19:27,666 --> 00:19:29,293 The Devil's Doorway. 285 00:19:30,169 --> 00:19:32,504 They say the mines in Greendale run so deep, 286 00:19:33,046 --> 00:19:36,550 one shaft takes you all the way down to Hell. 287 00:19:37,968 --> 00:19:41,054 I don't know about this, man. This is starting to feel really freaky to me. 288 00:19:41,138 --> 00:19:42,181 Now, boys. 289 00:19:42,806 --> 00:19:44,516 Don't go getting scared on us. 290 00:19:46,101 --> 00:19:48,812 I just don't wanna break my neck tripping in the dark. 291 00:19:49,229 --> 00:19:52,149 There are lamps right inside the tunnel. See? 292 00:19:54,735 --> 00:19:56,445 Maybe they are scared. 293 00:19:57,321 --> 00:20:00,324 Maybe they're just scared little boys. 294 00:20:17,132 --> 00:20:18,634 We're almost there. 295 00:20:20,510 --> 00:20:21,553 Where? 296 00:20:22,471 --> 00:20:23,847 The Devil's Lair. 297 00:20:24,514 --> 00:20:25,891 She's kidding, right? 298 00:20:30,354 --> 00:20:32,105 You know what we forgot? 299 00:20:33,106 --> 00:20:34,106 Music. 300 00:20:34,983 --> 00:20:37,277 We can't have a party without music. 301 00:20:37,361 --> 00:20:39,863 Wait, I hear something. 302 00:20:43,617 --> 00:20:44,701 Listen. 303 00:20:45,577 --> 00:20:46,912 This is so messed up. 304 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,791 - I love this song. - Me too. 305 00:20:50,874 --> 00:20:52,751 - Me three. - Me four. 306 00:20:54,544 --> 00:20:55,963 That's impossible. 307 00:20:56,922 --> 00:20:58,715 Where the hell is that coming from? 308 00:20:59,007 --> 00:21:03,887 It's so... warm down here. 309 00:21:03,971 --> 00:21:08,058 - Probably because we're so close to him. - Who? 310 00:21:09,017 --> 00:21:10,143 You know who. 311 00:21:10,602 --> 00:21:11,728 Guys, we should go. 312 00:21:12,479 --> 00:21:14,519 Shut the hell up, Ed. 313 00:21:14,564 --> 00:21:16,566 ♪ Honey, you're so cold ♪ 314 00:21:18,777 --> 00:21:21,989 ♪ You left me out of control ♪ 315 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:28,870 ♪ Lose my self control with you And within ♪ 316 00:21:29,037 --> 00:21:34,084 ♪ Do things I don't want to do ♪ 317 00:21:34,167 --> 00:21:36,628 ♪ All for you ♪ 318 00:21:36,712 --> 00:21:38,964 ♪ You terrible thing ♪ 319 00:21:39,047 --> 00:21:41,717 ♪ You terrible thing ♪ 320 00:21:41,800 --> 00:21:44,386 ♪ You terrible thing ♪ 321 00:21:44,636 --> 00:21:47,264 ♪ You beautiful thing ♪ 322 00:21:50,559 --> 00:21:51,559 What do we think? 323 00:21:52,811 --> 00:21:53,854 Too bright? 324 00:21:58,859 --> 00:22:02,988 ♪ A wreck, a wreck within me... ♪ 325 00:22:07,576 --> 00:22:10,245 There, that's better. 326 00:22:11,038 --> 00:22:12,038 Much better. 327 00:22:12,205 --> 00:22:13,582 So much better. 328 00:22:50,494 --> 00:22:53,580 - Just look at them. - They're so adorable. 329 00:22:53,663 --> 00:22:56,541 - We should take a picture. - I brought a camera. 330 00:23:03,298 --> 00:23:04,966 - What the hell? - What? 331 00:23:08,512 --> 00:23:10,472 You bitches are gonna regret that. 332 00:23:10,555 --> 00:23:12,933 No... we won't. 333 00:23:13,517 --> 00:23:16,228 Because these photos will be up all over school 334 00:23:16,311 --> 00:23:18,480 if you lay a hand on Susie 335 00:23:18,563 --> 00:23:21,441 or any girl ever again. 336 00:23:21,525 --> 00:23:22,359 Let's get outta here. 337 00:23:22,442 --> 00:23:26,154 No one is going anywhere until you give us those pictures. 338 00:23:26,947 --> 00:23:28,323 No, no, no. 339 00:23:29,199 --> 00:23:33,662 No one's going anywhere because we're not done playing yet. 340 00:23:33,745 --> 00:23:34,788 Prudence. 341 00:23:36,581 --> 00:23:39,501 - You'll like this next game. - This isn't what we talked about. 342 00:23:39,584 --> 00:23:42,421 - It's called Devil... - We got what we needed. 343 00:23:42,504 --> 00:23:43,964 - Let's let them go. - ...in the... 344 00:23:44,047 --> 00:23:46,007 - We can't kill them. - Huh? 345 00:23:46,591 --> 00:23:48,552 - ...Dark. - What the hell? 346 00:23:48,635 --> 00:23:51,179 - What are they doing? - Everyone stay calm. 347 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:54,933 - If we can't see them, they can't see us. - There's where you're wrong. 348 00:23:55,016 --> 00:23:57,269 - Girls? - Guys, I can't see either. 349 00:23:59,271 --> 00:24:01,481 Guys! Did you feel that? Something touched me. 350 00:24:12,159 --> 00:24:13,452 It touched me! 351 00:24:16,496 --> 00:24:18,915 ♪ Oh, you beautiful thing ♪ 352 00:24:21,877 --> 00:24:24,212 ♪ You terrible thing ♪ 353 00:24:25,380 --> 00:24:26,380 What's this? 354 00:24:31,052 --> 00:24:32,387 Souvenirs from tonight. 355 00:24:32,471 --> 00:24:34,514 I don't understand. 356 00:24:34,598 --> 00:24:35,849 We took their boyhoods. 357 00:24:36,183 --> 00:24:37,809 Until you release the birds, 358 00:24:37,893 --> 00:24:42,063 those four boys won't be... rising to any occasion. 359 00:24:42,355 --> 00:24:45,567 A few weeks of impotence might teach them better manners. 360 00:24:49,488 --> 00:24:53,283 You could've warned me. At least given me a heads-up. 361 00:24:53,366 --> 00:24:55,660 We didn't think you'd want to participate. 362 00:24:55,744 --> 00:24:57,787 But perhaps you're more suited to the Academy 363 00:24:57,871 --> 00:24:59,414 than we originally imagined. 364 00:24:59,956 --> 00:25:00,956 Yeah. 365 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:02,501 About that... 366 00:25:02,584 --> 00:25:05,462 Oh, save your breath, we know you lied. 367 00:25:05,962 --> 00:25:07,297 You're a terrible liar. 368 00:25:08,340 --> 00:25:11,218 If you knew I lied, then why would you help me? 369 00:25:11,301 --> 00:25:13,929 We don't need a reason to torment mortal boys. 370 00:25:14,012 --> 00:25:16,139 But if you are transferring to the Academy, 371 00:25:16,223 --> 00:25:17,891 why bother with the boys at all? 372 00:25:17,974 --> 00:25:19,851 They'll soon be out of your life. 373 00:25:20,685 --> 00:25:23,438 I don't want them harassing my friends when I'm gone. 374 00:25:23,522 --> 00:25:26,191 If you care about them so much, why leave them? 375 00:25:26,900 --> 00:25:28,151 If you have a choice? 376 00:25:29,027 --> 00:25:30,362 I'm not sure I do. 377 00:25:30,820 --> 00:25:34,950 I'm getting a lot of pressure to transfer. Father Blackwood came to my house. 378 00:25:35,033 --> 00:25:36,033 What? 379 00:25:38,411 --> 00:25:40,163 The High Priest visited you? 380 00:25:42,541 --> 00:25:44,417 To relieve me of my doubts. 381 00:25:44,960 --> 00:25:46,753 And he did, some of them, but... 382 00:25:48,088 --> 00:25:49,714 it still feels wrong to me. 383 00:25:50,465 --> 00:25:52,551 Signing my name in the Book of the Beast. 384 00:25:52,634 --> 00:25:54,928 Knowing that, on some level, I... 385 00:25:56,221 --> 00:25:57,472 I'm giving up my freedom. 386 00:25:57,889 --> 00:25:58,889 You are. 387 00:25:59,516 --> 00:26:00,976 In exchange for power. 388 00:26:01,768 --> 00:26:03,144 An even exchange. 389 00:26:03,603 --> 00:26:06,815 But I want both. I want freedom and power. 390 00:26:10,026 --> 00:26:11,486 He'll never give you that. 391 00:26:13,113 --> 00:26:14,281 The Dark Lord. 392 00:26:15,532 --> 00:26:19,160 The thought of you, of any of us, having both terrifies him. 393 00:26:19,828 --> 00:26:20,829 Why is that? 394 00:26:21,830 --> 00:26:23,039 He's a man, isn't he? 395 00:26:33,425 --> 00:26:36,636 Nice outfit. But Halloween's not until tomorrow night. 396 00:26:39,472 --> 00:26:41,474 Roz is still having a party, by the way. 397 00:26:42,100 --> 00:26:45,061 Her parents are out of town at some retreat with their church. 398 00:26:45,312 --> 00:26:47,540 So it should go pretty late, if you wanna stop by after... 399 00:26:47,564 --> 00:26:48,732 Harvey. 400 00:26:49,524 --> 00:26:52,611 You like comic books. No, you love them. 401 00:26:53,111 --> 00:26:54,696 And... And superheroes. 402 00:26:54,779 --> 00:27:00,410 So, let's say you're a kid, a normal kid, with a normal life. 403 00:27:00,493 --> 00:27:03,496 And one day, you wander into a cave... 404 00:27:04,456 --> 00:27:09,252 and this wizard who lives in the cave says he'll grant you all these superpowers. 405 00:27:11,171 --> 00:27:12,172 What powers? 406 00:27:12,922 --> 00:27:14,924 Like, can I fly? 407 00:27:15,884 --> 00:27:17,135 Eventually, yes. 408 00:27:17,218 --> 00:27:20,680 But the wizard, he says that in exchange for these powers, 409 00:27:20,764 --> 00:27:23,183 you have to give up everything else in your life. 410 00:27:24,100 --> 00:27:26,853 Your school, your friends, your girlfriend. 411 00:27:29,814 --> 00:27:30,814 What would you do? 412 00:27:31,691 --> 00:27:33,735 Are you my girlfriend in this scenario? 413 00:27:34,569 --> 00:27:35,569 Yes. 414 00:27:36,571 --> 00:27:37,571 Then no. 415 00:27:39,157 --> 00:27:40,241 I wouldn't take them. 416 00:27:41,076 --> 00:27:42,076 Really? 417 00:27:43,620 --> 00:27:44,996 You'd give up flying? 418 00:27:45,622 --> 00:27:47,290 There's no flying in my life... 419 00:27:48,750 --> 00:27:50,502 without you, Sabrina Spellman. 420 00:28:11,439 --> 00:28:13,024 Zelda. 421 00:28:16,236 --> 00:28:17,445 Took you long enough. 422 00:28:23,743 --> 00:28:26,913 Each slaying, it takes you longer to resurrect. 423 00:28:27,622 --> 00:28:32,627 Eventually, there will come a time when I bury you and you'll stay buried. 424 00:28:32,711 --> 00:28:35,964 You can't keep killing me. 425 00:28:36,047 --> 00:28:37,716 I'm your older sister, Hilda, 426 00:28:37,799 --> 00:28:41,219 it's my Satan-given right to kill you as many times as I please. 427 00:28:41,678 --> 00:28:43,930 Especially when you're behaving so stupidly. 428 00:28:44,347 --> 00:28:47,559 Encouraging Sabrina to do anything other than join the Church of the Night. 429 00:28:48,143 --> 00:28:50,729 Edward entrusted her to our care. 430 00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:55,275 If Sabrina does not sign her name in the Book of the Beast, we will have... 431 00:28:56,443 --> 00:28:58,528 failed him and the Dark Lord. 432 00:28:59,237 --> 00:29:00,947 So fair warning, sister. 433 00:29:01,322 --> 00:29:04,033 Any silly doubts or regrets you feel... 434 00:29:05,118 --> 00:29:06,745 keep them to yourself. 435 00:29:08,329 --> 00:29:11,207 The simple truth is Sabrina has no choice in this matter. 436 00:29:12,167 --> 00:29:14,002 To pretend otherwise is reckless. 437 00:29:16,087 --> 00:29:17,672 Have I made myself clear? 438 00:29:19,299 --> 00:29:21,468 Yes, sister. 439 00:29:38,777 --> 00:29:39,778 Aunt Hilda. 440 00:29:39,861 --> 00:29:42,322 Ooh! Morning. 441 00:29:42,947 --> 00:29:44,240 That's gorgeous. 442 00:29:44,324 --> 00:29:46,701 It's your mom's wedding dress. 443 00:29:47,243 --> 00:29:50,371 They lived such a fairy tale, those two. 444 00:29:50,914 --> 00:29:54,042 I thought you might wear it tonight, to your baptism. 445 00:29:57,128 --> 00:30:00,048 Aren't witches only allowed to wear black to their baptism? 446 00:30:00,590 --> 00:30:03,635 Oh, that hasn't been the rule for years. Decades. 447 00:30:09,265 --> 00:30:13,770 You know, you have nothing to be afraid of, my darling. 448 00:30:16,189 --> 00:30:18,775 I mean, your Aunt Zelda and I are gonna be there. 449 00:30:19,442 --> 00:30:20,442 We... 450 00:30:20,902 --> 00:30:23,238 And we'll make sure nothing bad happens to you. 451 00:30:24,864 --> 00:30:26,616 And then, you know, you'll see. 452 00:30:26,908 --> 00:30:29,911 Tomorrow... you're gonna wake up, 453 00:30:29,994 --> 00:30:32,664 and, well, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about 454 00:30:32,747 --> 00:30:34,415 in the first place. 455 00:30:37,460 --> 00:30:38,628 Do you believe me? 456 00:30:39,379 --> 00:30:41,464 My sweet, brave girl? 457 00:30:43,842 --> 00:30:44,926 I love you. 458 00:30:53,184 --> 00:30:57,397 Hilda and I have errands to run and preparations to finish... 459 00:30:57,480 --> 00:30:59,375 ...but I've already called Baxter High 460 00:30:59,399 --> 00:31:02,443 and told them you're having a terrible outbreak of hives. 461 00:31:02,527 --> 00:31:03,570 Wh... What? 462 00:31:04,863 --> 00:31:06,614 Why would you do that, Aunt Zelda? 463 00:31:06,698 --> 00:31:10,577 The day before your dark baptism should be spent in quiet contemplation, 464 00:31:10,660 --> 00:31:12,161 reading your satanic verses. 465 00:31:12,245 --> 00:31:14,163 But I haven't said goodbye to my friends yet. 466 00:31:14,247 --> 00:31:16,499 I can't just vanish from their lives. 467 00:31:17,041 --> 00:31:19,252 At a minimum, I have to tell them that I'm... 468 00:31:19,335 --> 00:31:22,130 Transferring to some posh private school in Connecticut? 469 00:31:22,213 --> 00:31:23,756 You'll send them a postcard. 470 00:31:24,090 --> 00:31:27,802 Ambrose will keep you company and keep an eye on you. 471 00:31:28,303 --> 00:31:29,554 Won't you, Ambrose? 472 00:31:32,807 --> 00:31:34,017 But of course, Auntie Zee. 473 00:31:43,651 --> 00:31:46,571 So sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Meeks, 474 00:31:46,654 --> 00:31:52,243 but Sabrina Spellman wasn't in homeroom this morning and I... 475 00:31:53,119 --> 00:31:54,913 I wondered if you'd heard from her. 476 00:31:55,163 --> 00:31:56,163 I did. 477 00:31:58,499 --> 00:32:00,043 Well, from her aunt. 478 00:32:00,919 --> 00:32:02,128 - Ah. - Hilda? 479 00:32:02,420 --> 00:32:03,420 Zelda? 480 00:32:04,631 --> 00:32:07,592 One of them called to say that Sabrina's feeling under the weather 481 00:32:07,675 --> 00:32:10,553 - and will be staying home today. - Oh! Oh! 482 00:32:11,054 --> 00:32:13,848 And on her birthday. Oh, dear. 483 00:32:14,766 --> 00:32:17,143 Well, it can't be helped, I suppose. 484 00:32:23,358 --> 00:32:25,276 Have a good day, Mrs. Meeks. 485 00:32:26,444 --> 00:32:27,612 Happy Halloween. 486 00:32:29,906 --> 00:32:32,659 I'll still be able to see them, won't I, Ambrose? 487 00:32:33,034 --> 00:32:34,285 Roz and Harvey and Susie? 488 00:32:34,369 --> 00:32:36,496 I mean, just because we're not at the same school, 489 00:32:36,579 --> 00:32:38,456 it doesn't mean we can't be friends. 490 00:32:38,539 --> 00:32:42,126 I'll be at the Academy of The Unseen Arts during the week, but during the weekends... 491 00:32:42,210 --> 00:32:43,920 On the weekends, you will still be a witch. 492 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:47,632 No, I know, but we'll still be able to go to the movies, same as always, 493 00:32:47,715 --> 00:32:50,134 and bowling, and all the fun things we do together. 494 00:32:50,218 --> 00:32:54,222 Of course, Auntie Mame and Baby Jane would leave me to explain the hard bits. 495 00:32:54,305 --> 00:32:56,474 Look, it is frowned upon. It is discouraged. 496 00:32:56,557 --> 00:33:00,186 But you talk to mortals. And Hilda and Zelda, they talk to mortals. 497 00:33:00,269 --> 00:33:03,606 Yeah, we do, in passing, but we do not have meaningful connections with them. 498 00:33:04,148 --> 00:33:06,025 The coven forbids that, they will see to it. 499 00:33:06,109 --> 00:33:09,696 What? They'll cast a spell on me if I go to the mall with Harvey? 500 00:33:12,407 --> 00:33:14,283 Ambrose, will they? 501 00:33:16,869 --> 00:33:21,207 It's as though a veil drops... between you and the mortal world, 502 00:33:21,541 --> 00:33:24,585 and eventually, quite quickly, you're... 503 00:33:25,545 --> 00:33:26,379 weaned from it. 504 00:33:26,462 --> 00:33:28,464 - I won't forget them. - You'll want to... 505 00:33:31,175 --> 00:33:34,512 - or else the pain is too much to bear. - Why would it be painful? 506 00:33:34,804 --> 00:33:39,892 Time slows down, and they'll grow old and you won't. 507 00:33:40,309 --> 00:33:43,021 And those things that are so terribly important to them 508 00:33:43,104 --> 00:33:46,607 will... seem trivial and pale to you. 509 00:33:47,108 --> 00:33:49,527 The longer you're a witch, the more you'll understand, but... 510 00:33:52,030 --> 00:33:53,906 it's better to forget the mortal world... 511 00:33:56,325 --> 00:33:58,786 and think only of what is ahead... 512 00:34:01,456 --> 00:34:03,541 and be ready for what is ahead. 513 00:34:10,548 --> 00:34:12,800 - Cousin, where are you going? - To call Harvey. 514 00:34:13,092 --> 00:34:15,219 I'm having one last night with my friends. 515 00:34:23,770 --> 00:34:26,230 Well, there we are. As I promised. 516 00:34:26,689 --> 00:34:27,982 Black narcissus. 517 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:32,236 Marvelous. 518 00:34:45,166 --> 00:34:47,752 How clever. You're dressed as your future. 519 00:34:49,337 --> 00:34:51,130 Sabrina! 520 00:34:52,590 --> 00:34:55,802 It was kind of last minute, borrowed it from my brother. 521 00:34:55,885 --> 00:34:57,595 I'm teasing, you look great. 522 00:34:57,678 --> 00:34:59,555 You can come to the party with us, if you want. 523 00:34:59,972 --> 00:35:02,350 Thanks, but if I'm risking banishment to the Nether Realm, 524 00:35:02,433 --> 00:35:05,978 it's going to be for something other than a high school masquerade. 525 00:35:07,688 --> 00:35:10,316 - Nether Realm? - He's kidding, Harvey. 526 00:35:10,691 --> 00:35:13,611 ♪ Strange magic ♪ 527 00:35:14,612 --> 00:35:18,324 ♪ Got a strange magic ♪ 528 00:35:19,742 --> 00:35:23,579 ♪ Got a strange magic... ♪ 529 00:35:24,956 --> 00:35:28,000 I didn't have a costume, but is this okay? 530 00:35:29,085 --> 00:35:31,754 You're... beautiful. 531 00:35:38,886 --> 00:35:39,929 Happy Halloween. 532 00:35:40,471 --> 00:35:41,848 And Birthday. And... 533 00:35:43,015 --> 00:35:44,015 everything. 534 00:35:49,856 --> 00:35:51,816 Well, if you're leaving, leave now, 535 00:35:51,899 --> 00:35:54,485 before Hilda and Zelda come home and eat you. 536 00:35:55,361 --> 00:35:58,001 I'll explain that you'll meet them at the appointed hour and place. 537 00:35:58,072 --> 00:36:00,324 Cousin, if you are late, the blue flames will burn you. 538 00:36:01,367 --> 00:36:02,367 I won't be. 539 00:36:02,702 --> 00:36:04,287 And thank you, Ambrose. 540 00:36:05,538 --> 00:36:08,416 - Blue flames? - It's just, uh, another joke. 541 00:36:08,499 --> 00:36:10,877 - ♪ Strange magic ♪ - Not joking. 542 00:36:13,713 --> 00:36:16,591 ♪ What are those birds That surround you? ♪ 543 00:36:17,425 --> 00:36:20,136 ♪ What creature lives under your bed? ♪ 544 00:36:20,887 --> 00:36:24,348 ♪ A ghoul or a creep And it comes when you sleep... ♪ 545 00:36:26,058 --> 00:36:27,226 - Hey, girl. - Hey. 546 00:36:28,186 --> 00:36:31,689 Sabrina, you came! 547 00:36:31,772 --> 00:36:35,234 - I did. - Oh, yay! Oh, my God! 548 00:36:35,318 --> 00:36:36,736 Happy birthday! 549 00:36:37,195 --> 00:36:41,115 Wow! You look beautiful. Is that a wedding dress? 550 00:36:41,199 --> 00:36:42,199 Yes. 551 00:36:43,743 --> 00:36:45,244 - But it's not mine. - Good. 552 00:36:45,328 --> 00:36:47,455 You've been acting so cagey about your birthday, 553 00:36:47,538 --> 00:36:49,938 I thought you and Harvey might do something crazy like elope. 554 00:36:49,999 --> 00:36:52,293 Never. 555 00:36:52,668 --> 00:36:55,546 I'd never do anything like that without telling my best friend. 556 00:36:55,630 --> 00:36:57,840 Thank you. I'm relieved to hear that. 557 00:36:57,924 --> 00:37:00,843 Well, come in. Come in. 558 00:37:00,927 --> 00:37:02,428 Hi! 559 00:37:02,637 --> 00:37:05,681 Oh, uh, drinks are in the kitchen, and I think Susie's back there. 560 00:37:07,808 --> 00:37:10,603 I had to sneak out, but that's one good thing about living on a farm. 561 00:37:10,686 --> 00:37:12,206 My dad goes to sleep at eight o'clock. 562 00:37:12,271 --> 00:37:13,314 And you're okay? 563 00:37:13,397 --> 00:37:16,317 You're feeling okay after what happened with those football creeps? 564 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:21,239 Honestly, Sabrina? I don't know why, but I am raring for a rematch. 565 00:37:21,322 --> 00:37:24,242 I have a feeling that won't be necessary, Susie. 566 00:37:24,533 --> 00:37:27,745 You guys, come on, help me get the dancing started. 567 00:37:30,623 --> 00:37:35,544 ♪ I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight ♪ 568 00:37:35,628 --> 00:37:39,215 ♪ For my monster from his slab Began to rise ♪ 569 00:37:39,298 --> 00:37:42,301 ♪ And suddenly to my surprise ♪ 570 00:37:42,385 --> 00:37:45,554 - ♪ He did the mash ♪ - ♪ He did the monster mash ♪ 571 00:37:45,638 --> 00:37:49,558 - ♪ The monster mash ♪ - ♪ It was a graveyard smash ♪ 572 00:37:49,642 --> 00:37:52,728 - ♪ He did the mash ♪ - ♪ It caught on in a flash ♪ 573 00:37:52,812 --> 00:37:55,273 ♪ He did the mash, monster mash ♪ 574 00:37:55,523 --> 00:38:00,695 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ 575 00:38:01,279 --> 00:38:07,868 ♪ Happy birthday, dear Sabrina ♪ 576 00:38:08,661 --> 00:38:14,500 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ 577 00:38:14,583 --> 00:38:15,960 You guys. 578 00:38:16,043 --> 00:38:18,170 No crying! Make a wish! 579 00:38:22,508 --> 00:38:27,263 ♪ Sixteen candles ♪ 580 00:38:29,807 --> 00:38:34,020 ♪ Make a lovely light... ♪ 581 00:38:36,314 --> 00:38:37,314 Hey. 582 00:38:37,732 --> 00:38:38,941 What'd you wish for? 583 00:38:44,488 --> 00:38:45,698 More of this. 584 00:38:49,702 --> 00:38:51,203 Don't forget me, Harvey. 585 00:38:54,165 --> 00:38:55,374 And don't hate me. 586 00:38:59,003 --> 00:39:00,212 No matter what. 587 00:39:01,047 --> 00:39:02,173 Promise? 588 00:39:04,759 --> 00:39:07,345 Sabrina, why would I ever hate you? 589 00:39:09,638 --> 00:39:11,140 Guys! Guys! 590 00:39:11,515 --> 00:39:14,435 Everyone, it's happening. Come on, in the backyard. Hurry. 591 00:39:36,957 --> 00:39:38,209 Harvey, what time is it? 592 00:39:38,292 --> 00:39:40,503 - Almost midnight. - Oh, my gosh. I gotta go. 593 00:39:40,586 --> 00:39:43,381 What? Oh, that thing with your aunts. Let me take you. 594 00:39:43,464 --> 00:39:45,424 No. No. You can't. 595 00:39:47,343 --> 00:39:48,343 But... 596 00:39:49,512 --> 00:39:51,180 I love you, Harvey. 597 00:39:55,684 --> 00:39:57,144 I'll always love you. 598 00:42:00,476 --> 00:42:03,437 Welcome, Daughter of Night. 599 00:42:06,065 --> 00:42:08,901 Who presents this child for unholy baptism? 600 00:42:09,318 --> 00:42:11,028 We do, Your Excellency. 601 00:42:11,362 --> 00:42:13,948 Late for your own baptism. Honestly. 602 00:42:14,031 --> 00:42:15,366 You look lovely, darling. 603 00:42:15,449 --> 00:42:16,825 Disrobe her, sisters. 604 00:42:30,506 --> 00:42:33,175 We are gathered here together, in these woods, 605 00:42:33,259 --> 00:42:35,052 in the presence of our Dark Lord, 606 00:42:35,970 --> 00:42:36,971 with all the souls, 607 00:42:37,054 --> 00:42:39,598 the living and the dead, of our coven: 608 00:42:40,516 --> 00:42:42,685 The Most Unholy Church of Night. 609 00:42:43,811 --> 00:42:44,811 Kneel, child. 610 00:42:57,449 --> 00:42:59,493 Our Dark Lord teaches us. 611 00:43:01,579 --> 00:43:05,249 There is no law beyond. Do what thou wilt. 612 00:43:09,128 --> 00:43:11,005 Our Dark Lord asks: 613 00:43:11,797 --> 00:43:15,092 Would you like to be happy, child, to be free? 614 00:43:16,093 --> 00:43:18,637 Free to love and to hate? 615 00:43:19,346 --> 00:43:24,518 To be what nature meant you to be, true to her laws and yourself only? 616 00:43:28,480 --> 00:43:29,480 Sabrina. 617 00:43:31,859 --> 00:43:32,859 Yes, Father. 618 00:43:33,235 --> 00:43:35,863 Do you believe in Lucifer, the archangel, 619 00:43:35,946 --> 00:43:38,991 who preferred the loss of Heaven to that of his pride? 620 00:43:40,367 --> 00:43:41,452 Yes, Father. 621 00:43:41,535 --> 00:43:42,953 In exchange for this belief, 622 00:43:43,037 --> 00:43:47,291 you shall be granted powers that will enable you to be of service... 623 00:43:47,958 --> 00:43:49,168 to the Dark Lord. 624 00:43:49,752 --> 00:43:52,463 Sabrina Edwina Diana Spellman... 625 00:43:55,132 --> 00:43:57,301 are you willing to forsake the Path of Light 626 00:43:57,384 --> 00:44:00,304 and follow the Path of Night wherever it may lead you? 627 00:44:00,387 --> 00:44:01,221 I am. 628 00:44:01,305 --> 00:44:04,558 And are you willing to place our Dark Lord above all others in your life, 629 00:44:04,642 --> 00:44:08,020 be it your loved ones, your family, your friends, your neighbors? 630 00:44:08,937 --> 00:44:09,937 I... 631 00:44:15,277 --> 00:44:16,277 am. 632 00:44:18,489 --> 00:44:20,449 Then it is time to sign his book. 633 00:45:06,453 --> 00:45:08,573 In signing his book, the Book of the Beast, 634 00:45:08,622 --> 00:45:10,040 you swear to obey without question 635 00:45:10,124 --> 00:45:13,043 any order you may receive from the Dark Lord, 636 00:45:13,127 --> 00:45:16,213 or from any figure he has placed in authority over you. 637 00:45:17,548 --> 00:45:18,924 That's not what you said before. 638 00:45:19,007 --> 00:45:21,009 In signing his book, the Book of the Beast, 639 00:45:21,093 --> 00:45:24,388 you swear to give your mind, body, and soul unreservedly 640 00:45:24,471 --> 00:45:27,182 to the furtherance of the designs of our Lord Satan. 641 00:45:27,266 --> 00:45:29,017 You said I would have free will. 642 00:45:54,334 --> 00:45:55,461 I can't do this. 643 00:45:57,421 --> 00:45:58,421 You must. 644 00:45:59,757 --> 00:46:00,799 Sabrina. 645 00:46:01,759 --> 00:46:02,760 Don’t you dare. 646 00:46:02,843 --> 00:46:03,843 Darling? 647 00:46:06,638 --> 00:46:07,958 Run. 648 00:46:08,390 --> 00:46:10,893 Run. Run! 649 00:46:13,562 --> 00:46:14,938 I'm sorry, Aunties. 650 00:46:22,988 --> 00:46:23,988 Get her. 651 00:46:51,934 --> 00:46:53,435 Ambrose! 652 00:46:55,270 --> 00:46:56,563 Ambrose! 653 00:47:02,653 --> 00:47:04,488 - Sabrina! - Ambrose! 654 00:47:10,285 --> 00:47:12,329 Ambrose! 655 00:47:13,956 --> 00:47:17,084 You won't... You won't believe what happened. 656 00:47:17,417 --> 00:47:19,044 I think I can guess, cousin. 657 00:47:20,045 --> 00:47:21,045 Behind you. 658 00:47:25,342 --> 00:47:27,511 While the blood moon still shines, 659 00:47:27,594 --> 00:47:29,763 you must sign the Book of the Beast. 660 00:47:43,318 --> 00:47:44,403 I will not. 661 00:47:45,362 --> 00:47:47,239 There is another path for me, 662 00:47:47,531 --> 00:47:49,783 just as there was for my father and mother. 663 00:47:50,158 --> 00:47:51,285 A third way. 664 00:47:52,327 --> 00:47:53,996 And even if there isn't, 665 00:47:54,079 --> 00:48:00,711 my name is Sabrina Spellman, and I will not sign it away! 666 00:48:07,551 --> 00:48:08,551 Girls. 667 00:48:13,348 --> 00:48:15,851 A circle of protection rings this house! 668 00:48:18,145 --> 00:48:20,522 And no witch save a Spellman may cross it. 669 00:48:21,648 --> 00:48:24,610 Any unwelcome witch that tries shall burn! 670 00:48:25,360 --> 00:48:28,030 So please, go ahead. 671 00:48:45,297 --> 00:48:46,977 When did you put a protection on the house? 672 00:48:47,215 --> 00:48:48,216 I didn't. 673 00:48:48,884 --> 00:48:50,761 Though I should probably start, hmm? 674 00:49:02,272 --> 00:49:03,690 I failed you. 675 00:49:03,857 --> 00:49:07,653 I failed you, Dark Lord. I deserve no mercy. 676 00:49:08,570 --> 00:49:10,530 Please show me mercy. 677 00:49:10,822 --> 00:49:11,822 Please. 678 00:49:12,574 --> 00:49:13,867 Please, Dark Lord. 679 00:49:34,596 --> 00:49:36,682 Thank you. 680 00:49:37,182 --> 00:49:39,977 I am not worthy of your love... 681 00:49:41,520 --> 00:49:44,189 but I kiss your beautiful feet. 682 00:49:56,576 --> 00:49:59,705 I will not stumble again, I swear to you. 683 00:50:01,748 --> 00:50:03,291 You shall have her. 684 00:50:04,668 --> 00:50:06,545 You shall have the girl. 685 00:50:09,256 --> 00:50:10,256 Thy... 686 00:50:10,924 --> 00:50:11,924 will... 687 00:50:12,592 --> 00:50:13,592 be... 688 00:50:13,802 --> 00:50:15,178 ...done. 689 00:50:34,489 --> 00:50:35,489 Morning. 690 00:50:35,991 --> 00:50:37,617 Oh, blessed morning, child. 691 00:50:37,951 --> 00:50:38,951 Morning, cous. 692 00:50:52,049 --> 00:50:55,052 Please, Aunt Zelda, are you never going to speak to me again? 693 00:50:55,552 --> 00:50:56,887 You want me to speak? 694 00:51:02,017 --> 00:51:03,351 All right, I'll speak. 695 00:51:08,774 --> 00:51:11,610 You humiliated us in front of the entire coven. 696 00:51:12,235 --> 00:51:14,154 You dishonored the Spellman family name. 697 00:51:14,237 --> 00:51:16,281 Father Blackwood lied, Aunt Zelda. 698 00:51:16,364 --> 00:51:19,576 He sat in our parlor and told me that I'd always have a choice, 699 00:51:19,659 --> 00:51:22,120 that our religion is based on free will. 700 00:51:22,204 --> 00:51:25,415 But in the woods, that was the exact opposite of free will. 701 00:51:25,499 --> 00:51:28,043 Beyond that, your refusal to sign the Book of the Beast 702 00:51:28,126 --> 00:51:30,378 goes directly against your father's explicit wishes. 703 00:51:30,462 --> 00:51:32,339 I'm not sure that's true, either. 704 00:51:32,422 --> 00:51:33,340 Sabrina. 705 00:51:33,423 --> 00:51:34,423 I'm sorry, but... 706 00:51:36,426 --> 00:51:38,637 in the woods, during the ceremony, 707 00:51:38,720 --> 00:51:41,556 I saw two figures who looked like my mom and dad. 708 00:51:42,057 --> 00:51:43,642 Like some sort of spectral vision? 709 00:51:43,725 --> 00:51:45,018 I'm not sure what... 710 00:51:46,103 --> 00:51:48,703 but they definitely didn't want me to sign the Book of the Beast. 711 00:51:50,565 --> 00:51:51,733 They wanted me to run. 712 00:51:57,864 --> 00:52:00,117 And so the girl who had to decide 713 00:52:00,200 --> 00:52:02,702 between being a witch and being mortal... 714 00:52:03,453 --> 00:52:04,913 chose neither path. 715 00:52:05,413 --> 00:52:09,376 Or, if you look at it another way, chose both. 716 00:52:10,043 --> 00:52:12,838 She was half-witch, but with two covens. 717 00:52:15,423 --> 00:52:18,093 You guys, we were just talking... 718 00:52:18,468 --> 00:52:21,429 about how we've been waiting a long time for a group like this. 719 00:52:21,513 --> 00:52:25,308 And not just at Baxter High, but in Greendale. 720 00:52:25,600 --> 00:52:26,600 Agreed. 721 00:52:26,852 --> 00:52:28,311 Yeah. Uh... 722 00:52:28,728 --> 00:52:31,898 Welcome, one and all, to WICCA. 723 00:52:32,482 --> 00:52:35,193 Uh... let's pass around the sign-in sheet. 724 00:52:39,781 --> 00:52:41,158 Sorry I'm late, girls. 725 00:52:41,533 --> 00:52:42,868 Ms. Wardwell. 726 00:52:43,451 --> 00:52:46,121 No, you're, uh... you're right on time. 727 00:52:46,496 --> 00:52:49,791 You do know that just because you're our faculty advisor 728 00:52:49,875 --> 00:52:52,544 doesn't mean you have to attend every meeting, right? 729 00:52:52,627 --> 00:52:55,172 Oh, but I want to, Sabrina. 730 00:52:55,255 --> 00:52:58,049 - Huh. - As long as you're at Baxter High, I... 731 00:52:58,133 --> 00:53:01,052 I want us working extremely closely on this. 732 00:53:01,511 --> 00:53:03,513 Sabrina Spellman, 733 00:53:03,597 --> 00:53:05,849 please report to Principal Hawthorne's office. 734 00:53:06,183 --> 00:53:08,393 Sabrina Spellman to the principal's office. 735 00:53:08,935 --> 00:53:11,146 He's baaaack. 736 00:53:17,360 --> 00:53:18,360 Harvey. 737 00:53:18,945 --> 00:53:20,572 - Oh, my gosh. - Sabrina. 738 00:53:20,906 --> 00:53:22,240 Hey. 739 00:53:22,324 --> 00:53:23,200 I got your messages. 740 00:53:23,283 --> 00:53:26,369 It was a super-intense weekend with my aunts. 741 00:53:27,162 --> 00:53:29,080 Don't worry about me, as long as you're okay. 742 00:53:30,165 --> 00:53:31,165 I am. 743 00:53:31,917 --> 00:53:32,917 I think I am. 744 00:53:33,710 --> 00:53:37,172 I'll explain everything as soon as I can, but I am gonna need you, Harvey. 745 00:53:38,673 --> 00:53:40,675 I'm here for you, 'Brina. 746 00:53:40,759 --> 00:53:42,093 Always, you know that. 747 00:53:42,969 --> 00:53:43,969 I do. 748 00:53:44,763 --> 00:53:45,763 I so do. 749 00:54:02,697 --> 00:54:05,116 You wanted to see me, sir? 750 00:54:05,825 --> 00:54:07,327 I did, indeed. 751 00:54:10,247 --> 00:54:12,624 This outrageous club of yours. 752 00:54:29,266 --> 00:54:30,725 Principal Hawthorne? 753 00:54:38,358 --> 00:54:39,358 Dark Lord. 754 00:54:40,777 --> 00:54:43,363 I admire your defiance, girl, 755 00:54:44,155 --> 00:54:46,616 but you will sign my book. 756 00:54:47,867 --> 00:54:49,577 You will beg to sign it. 757 00:54:51,162 --> 00:54:53,540 I... I don't think so. 758 00:54:54,666 --> 00:54:56,626 You think this is a contest? 759 00:54:57,377 --> 00:55:00,255 You think that you can defeat me? 760 00:55:00,338 --> 00:55:02,007 You cannot. 761 00:55:02,424 --> 00:55:03,758 And do you know why? 762 00:55:05,468 --> 00:55:09,347 Because your flesh is mortal, 763 00:55:09,889 --> 00:55:11,099 and in the end, 764 00:55:11,599 --> 00:55:16,646 all mortal flesh must burn. 765 00:56:23,088 --> 00:56:24,506 Brett, move your head.