1 00:01:55,740 --> 00:01:57,450 Have you ever asked yourself, 2 00:01:59,494 --> 00:02:01,374 "Where did I come from?" 3 00:02:01,996 --> 00:02:05,206 - "Why am I here?" - Please, I'm begging you. Let me go. 4 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:06,921 You don't have to do this. 5 00:02:07,335 --> 00:02:08,665 Tell me, Brother Chalfant. 6 00:02:09,712 --> 00:02:12,012 Do you know how your namesake Luke the Apostle died? 7 00:02:12,090 --> 00:02:14,300 - No. - Luke the Evangelist? 8 00:02:15,135 --> 00:02:16,465 He was martyred. 9 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:18,218 - He was hung upside down... - No! 10 00:02:18,304 --> 00:02:20,564 - ...from an olive tree. - No, please. 11 00:02:21,349 --> 00:02:22,519 Please... 12 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:25,060 - Please, no. - To be clear, I don't wanna hurt you. 13 00:02:28,898 --> 00:02:30,528 I wanna save you. 14 00:02:32,110 --> 00:02:35,070 Well... your soul, at least. 15 00:02:35,780 --> 00:02:39,700 I don't know anything about the witches in Greendale. I don't. 16 00:02:41,369 --> 00:02:42,949 That is a lie. Ah... 17 00:02:45,999 --> 00:02:49,669 Your coven is the Church of Night. Your High Priest is Faustus Blackwood. 18 00:02:49,752 --> 00:02:51,092 You've been on a mission for him, 19 00:02:51,171 --> 00:02:54,511 and we, the Order of the Innocents, have been following you, Luke. 20 00:02:54,591 --> 00:02:56,261 So no more lies. 21 00:02:56,342 --> 00:02:59,512 Give me the names of your fellow witches, tell me where they gather, 22 00:02:59,596 --> 00:03:02,596 and I will save your soul. 23 00:03:06,060 --> 00:03:08,270 All right, all right, all right! 24 00:03:10,398 --> 00:03:12,028 There is a coven, yes. 25 00:03:12,692 --> 00:03:14,152 They meet in the woods. 26 00:03:14,944 --> 00:03:17,284 At a school. An academy. Other places. 27 00:03:18,865 --> 00:03:20,695 You'll provide me a list, of course. 28 00:03:20,783 --> 00:03:22,293 Yes. Yes. 29 00:03:22,994 --> 00:03:26,624 Imagine, an entire academy of witches to evangelize. 30 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:29,330 You'll... You'll never get in there, though. 31 00:03:29,792 --> 00:03:33,252 Only the hand of an initiated coven member can open the school's doors. 32 00:03:34,172 --> 00:03:35,382 How fortunate, then, 33 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:38,295 that you've brought me two. 34 00:03:38,593 --> 00:03:40,803 No! No! No, no! 35 00:03:57,612 --> 00:03:59,072 Aaah! 36 00:04:00,490 --> 00:04:01,570 Ow! 37 00:04:02,575 --> 00:04:03,575 Ugh. 38 00:04:16,881 --> 00:04:18,011 Silly Sabrina. 39 00:04:19,008 --> 00:04:20,178 Did you burn your hand? 40 00:04:20,677 --> 00:04:22,387 As long as you're expelled, 41 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:24,310 there's no getting through these doors for you. 42 00:04:24,389 --> 00:04:27,479 Uh, Prudence, it's been days since Father Blackwood threw Ambrose in jail 43 00:04:27,558 --> 00:04:29,348 and left on his honeymoon. 44 00:04:30,019 --> 00:04:31,769 I demand to see my cousin. 45 00:04:31,854 --> 00:04:32,904 You demand. 46 00:04:33,731 --> 00:04:37,111 No, no. You're in no position to demand anything. 47 00:04:37,443 --> 00:04:39,953 Your traitorous cousin assassinated the Anti-Pope. 48 00:04:40,029 --> 00:04:41,569 That's bull, and you know it. 49 00:04:41,656 --> 00:04:45,536 And then he nearly murdered my father in front of the entire coven. 50 00:04:45,618 --> 00:04:47,198 Ambrose isn't a murderer. 51 00:04:47,287 --> 00:04:50,207 And if I could just talk to him, even for a few minutes, 52 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:51,810 I'm sure he could explain. 53 00:04:52,292 --> 00:04:55,712 - My father gave me strict orders. - Prudence, please, I'm begging you. 54 00:04:56,629 --> 00:04:58,419 I mean, we're friends. 55 00:04:58,506 --> 00:04:59,506 Friends? 56 00:05:00,925 --> 00:05:02,635 Is that what you think that we are? 57 00:05:04,095 --> 00:05:06,715 The only occasions you deign to speak to me or my sisters 58 00:05:06,806 --> 00:05:08,346 is when you need something from us. 59 00:05:08,433 --> 00:05:11,393 - Except for the time I saved your life. - Oh, during the Feast of Feasts? 60 00:05:12,437 --> 00:05:15,017 You did that for you, not for me. 61 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:19,113 The truth is, we were never friends, Sabrina. 62 00:05:20,069 --> 00:05:23,659 We tolerated each other because decorum and the Dark Lord required it. 63 00:05:24,824 --> 00:05:26,034 So run along. 64 00:05:27,327 --> 00:05:30,957 And trust that my sisters and I are taking extremely good care of the prisoner. 65 00:05:37,920 --> 00:05:39,260 Excuse me, Miss? 66 00:05:42,133 --> 00:05:43,263 Quentin! 67 00:05:43,343 --> 00:05:45,303 I heard you talking about Master Ambrose. 68 00:05:45,386 --> 00:05:46,466 Yeah. Have you seen him? 69 00:05:48,556 --> 00:05:49,556 He's in the Witch's Cell. 70 00:05:50,808 --> 00:05:54,228 And, Miss, I heard the Weird Sisters plotting. 71 00:05:55,355 --> 00:05:56,605 They're going to torture him. 72 00:06:01,569 --> 00:06:04,199 Imprisonment's bad enough, but torture? 73 00:06:04,489 --> 00:06:06,508 - Aunt Hilda, we have to do something. - Yeah, um... 74 00:06:06,532 --> 00:06:08,772 God, Zelda normally knows what to do in these situations, 75 00:06:08,826 --> 00:06:11,116 and I have been trying to get ahold of her for a few days. 76 00:06:11,204 --> 00:06:14,714 - But reception's spotty in the Necropolis. - What about using a witch-board? 77 00:06:14,832 --> 00:06:17,432 I was using a witch-board. What'd you think I meant, a cell phone? 78 00:06:17,752 --> 00:06:21,092 Oh. Well, then, it's up to us. I'd like to lodge a formal complaint. 79 00:06:21,381 --> 00:06:22,511 With whom? 80 00:06:22,590 --> 00:06:23,880 Uh... Who's the witch equivalent 81 00:06:23,966 --> 00:06:25,716 - of Amnesty International? - The Council? 82 00:06:25,802 --> 00:06:29,512 Well, they need to know that while the High Priest is on vacation, 83 00:06:29,597 --> 00:06:33,427 the witches he left in charge of the Academy are torturing other witches. 84 00:06:33,518 --> 00:06:37,768 All right, yes. Oh, this is breaking witch protocol six ways to Sunday. 85 00:06:37,855 --> 00:06:38,855 But we will do it. 86 00:06:39,232 --> 00:06:41,442 Great. Where do we go to see the Council? 87 00:06:41,984 --> 00:06:43,574 We have to summon them here. 88 00:06:44,612 --> 00:06:47,782 The... Well, the Trivium, they're the gatekeepers. 89 00:06:48,366 --> 00:06:49,866 Oh, Satan below, 90 00:06:49,951 --> 00:06:53,041 what those three monstresses must be doing to that sweet boy. 91 00:07:06,384 --> 00:07:08,644 Dear Ambrose, prison life agrees with you. 92 00:07:09,595 --> 00:07:13,715 If I'm going to... die here, I might as well leave... 93 00:07:16,811 --> 00:07:18,061 a good-looking corpse. 94 00:07:22,525 --> 00:07:24,895 Gruel? Again? 95 00:07:27,655 --> 00:07:30,865 Might I not put in a request for something a little more... 96 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:33,413 succulent? 97 00:07:33,911 --> 00:07:37,541 Get away from my sister, you treacherous scum. 98 00:07:40,710 --> 00:07:44,170 And Dorcas, desperation isn't a good look for you. 99 00:07:44,922 --> 00:07:47,342 Even Melvin's better than this Spellman. 100 00:07:47,425 --> 00:07:51,385 This Spellman was good enough for you not too long ago, Prudence. 101 00:07:54,515 --> 00:07:56,135 We all make mistakes, don't we? 102 00:07:57,059 --> 00:07:59,939 But I'm a Blackwood now. And you're a traitor. 103 00:08:00,521 --> 00:08:02,901 I have never betrayed a witch in my life. 104 00:08:02,982 --> 00:08:05,902 I've been charged with obtaining a signed confession from you. 105 00:08:05,985 --> 00:08:09,815 And you'll rot in this cell until you give it to me. 106 00:08:10,740 --> 00:08:14,370 I was under house arrest for 75 years. 107 00:08:14,744 --> 00:08:17,714 It will take more than the gibbering ghosts 108 00:08:17,788 --> 00:08:20,958 and skittering ghouls of this Witch's Cell 109 00:08:21,042 --> 00:08:23,962 to break me, Prudence. 110 00:08:25,922 --> 00:08:27,012 Oh. 111 00:08:31,969 --> 00:08:33,099 He's all yours. 112 00:08:36,349 --> 00:08:37,929 You'll make friends, won't you? 113 00:08:46,442 --> 00:08:48,572 We raise our pleas to Lucifer. 114 00:08:49,403 --> 00:08:51,913 The wheels of justice grind too slowly. 115 00:08:52,448 --> 00:08:55,118 Our judge, jury, executioner... 116 00:08:55,868 --> 00:08:58,118 Convene the Trivium Unholy! 117 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:05,924 You dare summon us? 118 00:09:06,212 --> 00:09:09,262 We apologize, your Dishonors, but we had no choice. 119 00:09:10,132 --> 00:09:13,052 My cousin is being incarcerated at the Academy without trial, 120 00:09:13,135 --> 00:09:15,965 and we wanted to appeal to the Council on his behalf. 121 00:09:16,055 --> 00:09:21,725 After consultation with the Right Reverend Blackwood, 122 00:09:21,811 --> 00:09:26,731 we have determined that there will be no trial. 123 00:09:27,233 --> 00:09:29,903 What? Father Blackwood can't just decree these things. 124 00:09:29,986 --> 00:09:34,276 Ambrose Spellman will be executed 125 00:09:34,365 --> 00:09:37,615 like the scoundrel that he is 126 00:09:37,702 --> 00:09:44,212 on the day Father Blackwood returns home from the Necropolis. 127 00:09:44,292 --> 00:09:45,752 No, my cousin is innocent! 128 00:09:45,835 --> 00:09:46,915 False! 129 00:09:47,253 --> 00:09:52,383 His acts were witnessed by the entire coven. 130 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:56,050 Do not summon us again, 131 00:09:56,137 --> 00:10:00,267 or you will be held in contempt. 132 00:10:04,520 --> 00:10:07,150 You look like the cat who ate the canary. 133 00:10:10,651 --> 00:10:11,901 Call in sick, Mary. 134 00:10:13,738 --> 00:10:14,858 Spend the day with me. 135 00:10:16,824 --> 00:10:20,204 I have responsibilities as principal, Adam, so... 136 00:10:21,954 --> 00:10:24,334 You're underappreciated at that school of yours. 137 00:10:24,999 --> 00:10:27,499 Mm-hmm. Well, that's more true than you know. 138 00:10:27,585 --> 00:10:29,205 I have been giving that girl... 139 00:10:30,755 --> 00:10:33,585 that school my all for some time now. 140 00:10:33,674 --> 00:10:36,764 And the rewards have been less than I expected. 141 00:10:37,845 --> 00:10:41,715 Then take something for yourself, Mary, for us, just this once. 142 00:10:43,225 --> 00:10:44,225 It's a day. 143 00:10:48,731 --> 00:10:49,731 All right. 144 00:10:51,150 --> 00:10:54,030 But I'll have to make arrangements at Baxter High, 145 00:10:54,111 --> 00:10:57,111 and then... I'll be all yours for the rest of the day. 146 00:10:58,908 --> 00:11:00,868 Where's Nick through all of this? 147 00:11:01,410 --> 00:11:03,410 Drowning his sorrows at Dorian's. 148 00:11:03,496 --> 00:11:05,156 Oh. When the going gets tough... 149 00:11:05,790 --> 00:11:07,330 Aunt Zelda should be here. 150 00:11:07,416 --> 00:11:11,246 Ambrose should be here, not rotting in a cell, 151 00:11:11,337 --> 00:11:14,667 - waiting for his death day. - No one is laying a finger on that boy. 152 00:11:15,257 --> 00:11:17,257 We will break him out of there before that happens. 153 00:11:17,301 --> 00:11:20,391 Well, I can't even get into the Academy because I'm expelled. 154 00:11:20,930 --> 00:11:23,680 And even if I could, it's not like Prudence, Dorcas, and Agatha 155 00:11:23,766 --> 00:11:25,886 would let me anywhere near Ambrose. 156 00:11:25,976 --> 00:11:28,936 I am not expelled. I'm no longer excommunicated. 157 00:11:29,021 --> 00:11:31,071 And I know what food in the Academy tastes like. 158 00:11:31,148 --> 00:11:34,818 I bet with this, er, roast chicken, I could bribe my way in to visit Ambrose. 159 00:11:35,069 --> 00:11:38,529 - If anyone can, it's you, Aunt Hilda. - So, what about you, my love? 160 00:11:38,614 --> 00:11:41,301 I don't like to think of you here on your own, twiddling your thumbs. 161 00:11:41,325 --> 00:11:44,195 I am going to Baxter High to talk to Ms. Wardwell. 162 00:11:44,829 --> 00:11:47,039 Maybe she knows a loophole that can help with Ambrose. 163 00:11:47,123 --> 00:11:50,133 It'll be good to see your mortal friends again, my love. 164 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:53,628 No matter what happens in the witch world, I can always rely on them. 165 00:11:53,713 --> 00:11:54,713 Hm. 166 00:11:57,883 --> 00:11:58,883 Oh. 167 00:11:59,301 --> 00:12:01,101 She's going to see little Harvey. 168 00:12:03,848 --> 00:12:08,228 In 13th-century Europe, thousands of children set out on a holy crusade 169 00:12:09,228 --> 00:12:14,228 to win hearts and minds, and reclaim their holy city. 170 00:12:15,735 --> 00:12:19,655 As the children paraded through Europe, they offered each soul the same choice. 171 00:12:20,448 --> 00:12:23,738 Pledge your faith and... and join the mission, or... 172 00:12:25,661 --> 00:12:28,041 burn in the fires of Hell. 173 00:12:31,333 --> 00:12:33,043 Hey, Theo. Harvey. 174 00:12:33,419 --> 00:12:35,259 - Sabrina. - It's been a while. 175 00:12:35,296 --> 00:12:36,856 I know. I've missed you guys. 176 00:12:37,465 --> 00:12:39,795 Hey, where's Roz? Is she sick? Or... 177 00:12:41,135 --> 00:12:43,345 I gotta get to gym class. See you guys later. 178 00:12:46,140 --> 00:12:49,390 Theo, what's, uh... what's goin' on? 179 00:12:50,019 --> 00:12:51,439 It... It's been hard. 180 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:55,571 Roz has just been going through a brutal time. 181 00:12:59,695 --> 00:13:02,525 Roz, I'm so sorry. 182 00:13:02,782 --> 00:13:05,532 Theo just told me. I... I had no idea. 183 00:13:08,037 --> 00:13:09,037 Hey. 184 00:13:09,246 --> 00:13:10,916 Why didn't you tell me? 185 00:13:12,291 --> 00:13:14,001 Honestly, you weren't here. 186 00:13:15,336 --> 00:13:16,496 It's as simple as that. 187 00:13:16,587 --> 00:13:19,127 Why are they keeping you in the library, alone? 188 00:13:20,299 --> 00:13:22,259 - It's just easier this way. - No. 189 00:13:23,135 --> 00:13:25,005 No. I won't accept that. 190 00:13:25,095 --> 00:13:28,135 - I'm gonna go talk to Ms. Wardwell. - No. 'Brina, wait. 'Brina! 191 00:13:31,852 --> 00:13:34,612 Ms. Wardwell, we need to talk. 192 00:13:34,688 --> 00:13:36,978 Oh, Sabrina, shouldn't you be at the Academy? 193 00:13:37,691 --> 00:13:39,571 I'm not really welcome there anymore. 194 00:13:39,652 --> 00:13:42,612 Oh. Well, I'm sure it'll work itself out. 195 00:13:42,696 --> 00:13:45,116 In the meantime, I'm on my way to take a personal day. 196 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:48,119 Oh, wait, Ms. Wardwell. What about Roz? 197 00:13:48,702 --> 00:13:50,252 Oh, poor Roz. 198 00:13:50,329 --> 00:13:54,289 Yes. She's so angry at the world, at the unfairness of it all. 199 00:13:54,375 --> 00:13:56,415 - But can you blame her? - Maybe she's angry 200 00:13:56,502 --> 00:13:59,092 because she's in the library, by herself, isolated. 201 00:13:59,171 --> 00:14:00,921 She ought to be allowed in normal classes. 202 00:14:01,006 --> 00:14:04,466 Studying in the library was Ms. Walker's choice. 203 00:14:05,344 --> 00:14:06,684 I just wanna help Roz. 204 00:14:06,762 --> 00:14:09,222 Why don't you make and give her a comfort charm? 205 00:14:09,306 --> 00:14:12,936 You know, if you really wanna help her, why don't you restore her sight? 206 00:14:13,561 --> 00:14:16,061 I think there is a spell in here. 207 00:14:17,273 --> 00:14:20,113 Circa page 70, I believe. 208 00:14:20,484 --> 00:14:21,484 Anyways. 209 00:14:22,736 --> 00:14:23,896 I must be off. 210 00:14:33,330 --> 00:14:36,130 - Sabrina, what is that? - It's a comfort charm for Roz. 211 00:14:37,001 --> 00:14:38,001 I just made it. 212 00:14:38,419 --> 00:14:40,299 You can keep it in your bag or in your pocket... 213 00:14:40,379 --> 00:14:43,629 Is that supposed to comfort me or comfort you? 214 00:14:45,217 --> 00:14:47,007 Why don't you want 215 00:14:47,094 --> 00:14:48,894 - to be with everyone else? - Why? 216 00:14:50,890 --> 00:14:54,770 So that when I spontaneously burst into tears or scream, 217 00:14:54,852 --> 00:14:57,772 everyone thinks, "Oh, great, now the blind girl's going crazy"? 218 00:15:00,024 --> 00:15:02,904 Is that... Is that really what's been happening? 219 00:15:03,819 --> 00:15:05,739 You've been gone for a while, Sabrina. 220 00:15:07,531 --> 00:15:09,161 It's been challenging. 221 00:15:09,575 --> 00:15:12,945 Not all of us can just leave whenever we want and come back whenever we want. 222 00:15:13,037 --> 00:15:14,247 No, I know. I know. 223 00:15:15,122 --> 00:15:16,332 I can't even imagine. 224 00:15:20,377 --> 00:15:23,337 There's something else I could do. 225 00:15:28,552 --> 00:15:29,432 There's a spell. 226 00:15:29,511 --> 00:15:30,511 No. 227 00:15:31,180 --> 00:15:32,010 No way. 228 00:15:32,097 --> 00:15:35,057 I can fix this. I can make you see again. 229 00:15:35,142 --> 00:15:36,312 Here we go again. 230 00:15:36,393 --> 00:15:39,943 You're gonna fix Roz? Like you fixed my brother, maybe? 231 00:15:40,606 --> 00:15:44,226 This spell isn't as complicated, and I'm more in control now. 232 00:15:44,318 --> 00:15:45,398 Sabrina, no. 233 00:15:45,486 --> 00:15:48,446 Harvey, this isn't your decision. It's Roz's. 234 00:15:52,159 --> 00:15:53,159 I'm with Harvey. 235 00:15:54,203 --> 00:15:55,833 Witches don't cure people. 236 00:15:55,913 --> 00:15:58,213 - They curse people. - Roz? 237 00:16:00,668 --> 00:16:02,418 My Nana said not all witches are evil. 238 00:16:02,962 --> 00:16:05,262 She's right. I'm not evil, Roz. 239 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:07,839 But witches cursed the Walker women with blindness. 240 00:16:08,592 --> 00:16:10,722 That's evil. That's only evil. 241 00:16:12,012 --> 00:16:15,562 And why is it that right after I kiss your ex-boyfriend, 242 00:16:15,641 --> 00:16:18,481 I go blind all at once? 243 00:16:18,560 --> 00:16:23,900 Roz, I know you're upset, but if you think for a second that I did this to you... 244 00:16:23,983 --> 00:16:26,533 Sabrina, did you? 245 00:16:27,111 --> 00:16:28,571 How could you think that? 246 00:16:30,030 --> 00:16:31,780 How could either of you think that? 247 00:16:52,344 --> 00:16:55,224 I'm afraid you've wasted your time, Sister Spellman. 248 00:16:55,305 --> 00:16:57,805 - Oh? - I can't let you in to see Ambrose, 249 00:16:57,891 --> 00:17:01,441 not even to give him a chicken as delicious-smelling as that one. 250 00:17:01,520 --> 00:17:04,060 Thank you. Erm, but actually, Prudence, my love, 251 00:17:04,148 --> 00:17:07,278 I... I didn't cook this plump chicken for Ambrose. 252 00:17:07,568 --> 00:17:10,528 I cooked it for you and your lovely sisters, 253 00:17:10,612 --> 00:17:12,572 who I'm sure are around here somewhere, 254 00:17:13,157 --> 00:17:16,287 in exchange for visiting Ambrose. 255 00:17:16,368 --> 00:17:17,748 My father forbids it. 256 00:17:18,912 --> 00:17:19,912 Please. 257 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:26,133 I'm the only mum the boy's ever known. 258 00:17:29,631 --> 00:17:30,631 Okay. 259 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,394 You know what, Prudence? 260 00:17:35,012 --> 00:17:37,972 You wanna torment him? I have a tip. 261 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:42,560 Go and eat the chicken while I visit him, and then, I don't know... 262 00:17:43,270 --> 00:17:46,320 lick the bones clean and toss 'em at him, I, er... 263 00:17:47,983 --> 00:17:49,283 That'll break his spirit. 264 00:17:51,528 --> 00:17:52,528 So, what do you say? 265 00:17:53,989 --> 00:17:56,119 Please, Prudence? 266 00:17:57,284 --> 00:17:59,624 Guys, should we sneak off campus for lunch? 267 00:18:00,245 --> 00:18:02,495 - And, uh... where's Sabrina? - She left. 268 00:18:03,123 --> 00:18:04,753 - Again. - What? 269 00:18:05,501 --> 00:18:06,501 Why? 270 00:18:07,503 --> 00:18:08,673 We couldn't trust her, Theo. 271 00:18:09,546 --> 00:18:14,676 Theo, witches cursed my family, and what if she made me blind? 272 00:18:17,471 --> 00:18:21,561 Guys, she's our friend, our good friend. And she's a good person. 273 00:18:21,642 --> 00:18:24,142 - Name one good thing she's done. - She saved the town! 274 00:18:24,228 --> 00:18:26,808 - From witches! - She got me on the basketball team. 275 00:18:27,147 --> 00:18:29,437 I couldn't make a single shot before, but... 276 00:18:31,151 --> 00:18:34,201 During try-outs, I saw her, in the bleachers, muttering spells. 277 00:18:34,279 --> 00:18:36,239 And I made every single shot. 278 00:18:36,532 --> 00:18:41,162 But how about the fact that she fixed it so your father would stop drinking? 279 00:18:41,245 --> 00:18:42,955 Even though you were broken up. 280 00:18:43,038 --> 00:18:45,248 I... I mean, how is that not a good thing? 281 00:18:52,631 --> 00:18:55,131 - Here you are, Sister Spellman. - Ambrose? 282 00:18:58,512 --> 00:19:01,642 Ten minutes, Spellmans, and I'll be right outside this door. 283 00:19:04,268 --> 00:19:05,518 Let's sit down. Oh! 284 00:19:07,187 --> 00:19:08,477 Oh, Ambrose. 285 00:19:14,945 --> 00:19:16,355 How are you doing, dearest? 286 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:18,164 I've seen better days. 287 00:19:19,241 --> 00:19:20,701 But they are treating me well. 288 00:19:21,243 --> 00:19:22,583 - Justly. - Okay. 289 00:19:22,661 --> 00:19:24,821 Especially considering the horrible things I have done. 290 00:19:34,631 --> 00:19:36,221 There you are, Sister Spellman. 291 00:19:36,967 --> 00:19:38,467 Oh, Ambrose. 292 00:19:38,844 --> 00:19:40,264 Aunt Hilda. 293 00:19:40,345 --> 00:19:41,555 Is that really you? 294 00:19:42,764 --> 00:19:46,644 Ten minutes, Spellmans, and I'll be right outside this door. 295 00:19:47,811 --> 00:19:49,521 Oh. 296 00:19:49,605 --> 00:19:50,855 Ambrose. 297 00:19:51,440 --> 00:19:55,240 You, poor, poor thing. 298 00:19:55,527 --> 00:19:57,107 You look dreadful. 299 00:19:57,529 --> 00:20:01,529 I think death would be much better than this living Hell. 300 00:20:02,868 --> 00:20:03,868 Tell them... 301 00:20:04,411 --> 00:20:05,411 the truth. 302 00:20:06,788 --> 00:20:07,788 Tell them... 303 00:20:08,540 --> 00:20:09,830 you're guilty. 304 00:20:12,711 --> 00:20:13,711 Tell them... 305 00:20:14,963 --> 00:20:16,093 what you did. 306 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:18,677 When Aunt Zelda and the High Priest return... 307 00:20:18,759 --> 00:20:20,139 - Yes? - I will admit my guilt 308 00:20:20,928 --> 00:20:22,388 and beg for their mercy. 309 00:20:22,471 --> 00:20:25,641 In the meantime, do not give me or my plight another thought. 310 00:20:25,724 --> 00:20:28,774 Ambrose, they have no mercy to give, 311 00:20:29,353 --> 00:20:31,483 and you... you have no guilt to admit. 312 00:20:32,940 --> 00:20:35,070 Well, that's not the case, Auntie. 313 00:20:36,735 --> 00:20:38,815 You see, I did murder the Anti-Pope. 314 00:20:42,699 --> 00:20:44,079 You must put this right. 315 00:20:44,159 --> 00:20:47,829 You must admit you killed the Anti-Pope. 316 00:20:47,913 --> 00:20:49,003 I... I didn't. 317 00:20:49,665 --> 00:20:50,705 I didn't! 318 00:20:52,584 --> 00:20:54,464 Sign the confession. 319 00:20:55,420 --> 00:20:58,720 Put this nightmare at an end. 320 00:21:03,804 --> 00:21:10,064 You know, er... last winter, when we threw that party to celebrate 321 00:21:10,143 --> 00:21:12,693 - the passing of dear old Vinegar Tom? - Mm. 322 00:21:13,021 --> 00:21:15,071 - I think of it often. - Oh. 323 00:21:16,108 --> 00:21:17,108 That's funny. 324 00:21:18,652 --> 00:21:20,952 'Cause Vinegar Tom died in 1989. 325 00:21:21,738 --> 00:21:23,658 The day the Berlin Wall fell. 326 00:21:23,740 --> 00:21:24,740 Mm. 327 00:21:26,243 --> 00:21:27,913 So, who are you? 328 00:21:28,787 --> 00:21:31,327 Because I know as sure as Heaven, you ain't Ambrose. 329 00:21:39,131 --> 00:21:41,131 A glamour, Agatha? 330 00:21:42,217 --> 00:21:44,847 What kind of a fool do you think I am? 331 00:21:45,178 --> 00:21:50,478 I will confess, if that's what you truly advise, Auntie Hilda. 332 00:21:50,559 --> 00:21:52,479 - Yes. - But might I ask something? 333 00:21:52,561 --> 00:21:53,731 Of course. 334 00:21:54,604 --> 00:21:56,614 What's your favorite episode of Fawlty Towers? 335 00:21:57,274 --> 00:21:58,364 Well... uh... 336 00:21:59,776 --> 00:22:02,276 Well, I love them all. 337 00:22:02,946 --> 00:22:04,026 Trick question! 338 00:22:04,114 --> 00:22:05,114 Hm? 339 00:22:05,490 --> 00:22:07,370 You hate Fawlty Towers. 340 00:22:08,201 --> 00:22:09,201 So, now... 341 00:22:11,747 --> 00:22:12,747 who are you? 342 00:22:13,248 --> 00:22:16,788 Because sure as Heaven, you are not my auntie. 343 00:22:21,840 --> 00:22:25,180 You're gonna die in this cell, Spellman. 344 00:22:29,473 --> 00:22:30,893 Hope it was worth it. 345 00:22:45,739 --> 00:22:46,949 Nicky, darling. 346 00:22:47,324 --> 00:22:49,454 You're looking a little worse for the wear. 347 00:22:51,036 --> 00:22:53,956 Do you know how much bourbon it takes to get me drunk? 348 00:22:54,039 --> 00:22:56,289 A little early for it, Nick, wouldn't you say? 349 00:22:59,628 --> 00:23:01,298 It's the witching hour somewhere. 350 00:23:05,634 --> 00:23:09,764 And I'm allowed to grieve, Sabrina, I was expelled. 351 00:23:10,222 --> 00:23:12,312 I thought we could commiserate together. 352 00:23:12,391 --> 00:23:14,061 No. 353 00:23:15,310 --> 00:23:16,690 It's not the same for you. 354 00:23:18,522 --> 00:23:20,402 I only had the Academy. 355 00:23:22,109 --> 00:23:23,399 It was my home. 356 00:23:26,071 --> 00:23:27,281 But you... 357 00:23:27,906 --> 00:23:32,906 you can always run back to your mortal friends at your mortal school, 358 00:23:33,703 --> 00:23:37,003 into the arms of your mortal boyfriend. 359 00:23:37,082 --> 00:23:38,082 Not anymore. 360 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:39,881 Ah. 361 00:23:43,004 --> 00:23:45,594 But you tried to, didn't you? 362 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:54,813 If I had a mother, she might've warned me. 363 00:23:54,891 --> 00:23:57,391 "That's what you get, Nicholas, 364 00:23:58,228 --> 00:24:00,268 - falling for a..." - A half-breed? 365 00:24:04,943 --> 00:24:05,943 I should go home. 366 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:08,490 We can talk more once you've dried up. 367 00:24:18,623 --> 00:24:23,713 Adam. It's so good to be away from that dreary little town. 368 00:24:25,130 --> 00:24:28,010 You've always been devoted to Greendale, Mary. 369 00:24:28,508 --> 00:24:29,508 Have I? 370 00:24:31,094 --> 00:24:34,644 Well, perhaps I've grown beyond it. 371 00:24:40,103 --> 00:24:43,573 If that's true, maybe you'd consider... 372 00:24:45,817 --> 00:24:47,317 coming to Tibet with me. 373 00:24:52,574 --> 00:24:53,574 What? 374 00:24:53,617 --> 00:24:57,697 I said I'm done traveling, yes, but Physicians Without Frontiers called. 375 00:24:57,787 --> 00:25:00,247 There's a posting in Tibet, if I want it. 376 00:25:00,790 --> 00:25:04,460 But I wouldn't consider taking it if... 377 00:25:05,754 --> 00:25:07,264 if you don't come with me. 378 00:25:08,298 --> 00:25:09,298 Tibet. 379 00:25:10,425 --> 00:25:12,045 - Adam. - Mary. 380 00:25:13,261 --> 00:25:15,181 I wanna show you the world. 381 00:25:20,185 --> 00:25:21,345 I will consider it 382 00:25:22,562 --> 00:25:24,312 and have an answer for you tonight. 383 00:25:30,654 --> 00:25:31,654 Wait. 384 00:25:32,531 --> 00:25:33,531 Make a wish. 385 00:26:00,433 --> 00:26:04,193 Your aunt... is an amazing chef, Spellman. 386 00:26:07,274 --> 00:26:10,574 What was that, you gorgons? 387 00:26:10,652 --> 00:26:13,742 Roast chicken. With rosemary and thyme. 388 00:26:14,573 --> 00:26:17,743 You can suck on the bones while you contemplate your fate in the abyss... 389 00:26:17,826 --> 00:26:20,286 ...should you not make your confession. 390 00:26:57,991 --> 00:26:58,991 Hi! How are you today? 391 00:26:59,576 --> 00:27:02,496 - Fine. Can I help you? - I'm a missionary for my church. 392 00:27:02,579 --> 00:27:04,869 I go door to door preaching the teachings of Our Lord 393 00:27:04,956 --> 00:27:06,416 and how they can bless our lives. 394 00:27:06,875 --> 00:27:08,835 - Would you be interested in hearing more? - Uh... 395 00:27:08,877 --> 00:27:11,087 - We already have a faith. - Okay. 396 00:27:11,713 --> 00:27:12,713 Fair enough. 397 00:27:14,841 --> 00:27:16,591 Any chance for a glass of water before I go? 398 00:27:18,553 --> 00:27:19,553 Sure. 399 00:27:28,438 --> 00:27:32,108 Do you really get many, um... converts, 400 00:27:32,692 --> 00:27:33,822 going door to door? 401 00:27:33,902 --> 00:27:35,402 Uh, you'd be surprised. 402 00:27:36,112 --> 00:27:38,702 The Word of the Almighty can hold a lot of appeal to people. 403 00:27:40,075 --> 00:27:41,655 As long as they're open to it. 404 00:27:43,078 --> 00:27:44,908 - I'm Jerry, by the way. - Oh, Sabrina. 405 00:27:45,580 --> 00:27:46,580 Thank you. 406 00:27:47,332 --> 00:27:49,962 It's a thirsty business, doing the Lord's work. 407 00:27:52,921 --> 00:27:55,341 What religion do you practice, if you don't mind me asking? 408 00:27:55,757 --> 00:27:59,177 Um... It's more spiritual, really. 409 00:28:00,679 --> 00:28:02,309 Personal to my family. 410 00:28:02,931 --> 00:28:04,181 Does it comfort you? 411 00:28:04,265 --> 00:28:05,305 To be honest... 412 00:28:06,518 --> 00:28:07,978 sometimes it scares me. 413 00:28:08,687 --> 00:28:09,767 What about it? 414 00:28:10,230 --> 00:28:12,820 That at its core, it's... 415 00:28:16,653 --> 00:28:20,323 - What's at the heart of your religion? - Forgiveness and salvation. 416 00:28:21,574 --> 00:28:23,994 Who couldn't use more of those things in their lives? 417 00:28:24,828 --> 00:28:26,408 But aren't some people beyond saving? 418 00:28:27,789 --> 00:28:28,919 Not in my book. 419 00:28:30,417 --> 00:28:32,247 No matter what choices they've made. 420 00:28:33,378 --> 00:28:37,338 The Crusades of 1212 were said to have begun in two different countries. 421 00:28:37,424 --> 00:28:38,424 The... 422 00:28:38,758 --> 00:28:41,048 - Hold on, I have to change the tape. - I can do it. 423 00:28:41,136 --> 00:28:43,176 No, no, it's okay, I should practice. 424 00:29:01,364 --> 00:29:02,364 Roz? 425 00:29:03,408 --> 00:29:04,528 Roz, are you okay? 426 00:29:04,617 --> 00:29:06,237 What's going on? 427 00:29:07,662 --> 00:29:09,712 Harvey, get me the phone. 428 00:29:12,584 --> 00:29:15,554 But if you dedicate your entire life 429 00:29:16,171 --> 00:29:18,011 to something most people think is... 430 00:29:18,423 --> 00:29:19,423 wrong... 431 00:29:20,842 --> 00:29:21,842 or... 432 00:29:22,802 --> 00:29:23,802 evil... 433 00:29:25,889 --> 00:29:27,809 you can't just wash that away. 434 00:29:29,476 --> 00:29:32,596 A hundred percent, you can. You just have to ask for forgiveness. 435 00:29:33,146 --> 00:29:34,936 If only it were that easy. 436 00:29:35,899 --> 00:29:40,649 Sabrina, that is exactly what I am saying. 437 00:29:42,363 --> 00:29:43,363 It is. 438 00:29:48,161 --> 00:29:49,161 Just a sec. 439 00:29:53,833 --> 00:29:55,353 - Spellman Sisters Mortuary. - Sabrina. 440 00:29:55,502 --> 00:29:56,822 Is someone in the house with you? 441 00:29:57,295 --> 00:29:58,375 Like, a missionary? 442 00:29:59,756 --> 00:30:01,716 Uh, yeah, why? 443 00:30:02,175 --> 00:30:04,255 The cunning showed me he wants to kill you! 444 00:30:04,344 --> 00:30:06,514 You need to get out of your house right now! 445 00:30:10,517 --> 00:30:11,517 Wait! 446 00:30:17,732 --> 00:30:18,732 Evanescet. 447 00:30:37,627 --> 00:30:39,997 This is a travesty of justice. 448 00:30:40,255 --> 00:30:44,585 We pray to Satan that the Weird Sisters are as malicious as I think they are. 449 00:30:45,009 --> 00:30:47,599 I'm confused. You want them to throw the bones at your nephew? 450 00:30:47,804 --> 00:30:50,085 Well, how else is he gonna make a skeleton key and escape? 451 00:30:51,266 --> 00:30:52,306 You're brilliant, Hilda. 452 00:30:52,392 --> 00:30:54,522 Thank you very much. 453 00:31:01,276 --> 00:31:03,116 Hello. Welcome to Cerberus, how can I help you? 454 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:06,660 - Hilda Spellman? - Yes? What can I do for you, my love? 455 00:31:07,782 --> 00:31:08,782 Repent. 456 00:31:10,326 --> 00:31:12,286 And beg the Almighty for His forgiveness. 457 00:31:12,370 --> 00:31:14,460 Oh, we don't accept solicitations. 458 00:31:15,164 --> 00:31:19,044 Then you and the rest of your witch-kind can burn in Hell. 459 00:31:28,720 --> 00:31:30,350 Hilda, what are you... 460 00:31:31,973 --> 00:31:33,223 No! What are you doing? 461 00:31:33,558 --> 00:31:35,228 - Setting your incubus free. - Hm! 462 00:31:36,060 --> 00:31:38,300 Be a good little demon and go deal with the witch-hunter. 463 00:31:48,781 --> 00:31:49,781 Dorian. 464 00:31:51,576 --> 00:31:52,446 Another one. 465 00:31:52,535 --> 00:31:53,575 Are you sure, Nicky? 466 00:31:54,454 --> 00:31:56,294 You're too young to be a sad old drunk. 467 00:31:57,040 --> 00:31:59,210 I'll drink myself to death if I want to. 468 00:32:02,795 --> 00:32:04,705 What have I got to live for, anyways? 469 00:32:09,719 --> 00:32:10,719 Dorian? 470 00:32:11,429 --> 00:32:12,429 Dorian? 471 00:32:12,472 --> 00:32:16,142 Normally, I like to give your kind a chance to repent, 472 00:32:17,685 --> 00:32:22,855 but Dorian Gray's far too dangerous a warlock for that. 473 00:32:23,733 --> 00:32:25,743 You, on the other hand, 474 00:32:26,569 --> 00:32:28,359 here's your chance. 475 00:32:31,282 --> 00:32:32,372 Ianuae magicae. 476 00:32:34,035 --> 00:32:35,195 Too drunk to teleport? 477 00:32:36,829 --> 00:32:39,499 That makes my job easier. 478 00:32:44,045 --> 00:32:45,665 You can't hide from God. 479 00:32:46,214 --> 00:32:49,434 Come out and repent. 480 00:32:50,551 --> 00:32:51,891 You shot me. 481 00:32:53,179 --> 00:32:54,179 You bitch. 482 00:32:55,098 --> 00:32:58,518 - I put an arrow through your neck. - Yes, this one. 483 00:33:04,440 --> 00:33:05,570 You see... 484 00:33:06,067 --> 00:33:09,067 I have a very peculiar invulnerability 485 00:33:09,153 --> 00:33:12,033 which makes me insanely difficult to harm. 486 00:33:14,534 --> 00:33:17,754 Well done, Dorian. Ah, but don't kill him. 487 00:33:19,914 --> 00:33:22,044 At least not until he tells us everything. 488 00:33:27,338 --> 00:33:28,878 Oh, no. Aunt Hilda? 489 00:33:29,882 --> 00:33:30,882 Aunt Hilda? 490 00:33:32,010 --> 00:33:34,260 - Yeah. - Auntie, you're okay? 491 00:33:34,971 --> 00:33:36,351 Yeah. Absolutely fine. 492 00:33:37,265 --> 00:33:40,475 Just cleaning up some spilled milk 493 00:33:40,560 --> 00:33:43,100 from a surprise visit from a witch-hunter, 494 00:33:43,187 --> 00:33:44,057 would you believe? 495 00:33:44,147 --> 00:33:46,187 Oh, I can. Did you kill him? 496 00:33:46,274 --> 00:33:47,944 Er, her. And nope. 497 00:33:48,026 --> 00:33:50,356 Oh, but we did chase her out the store. Well, he did. 498 00:33:50,445 --> 00:33:52,605 - Uh, how? - Well, your Aunt Hilda kissed me 499 00:33:52,697 --> 00:33:56,327 and then, uh... she took off the steel that keeps my incubus in check. 500 00:33:56,409 --> 00:33:57,928 - Then I went berserk. - Mm. 501 00:33:57,952 --> 00:33:59,992 He's like the Incredible Hulk without that chain on. 502 00:34:00,038 --> 00:34:02,683 - Scared her right off, didn't you? - A witch-hunter attacked me, too. 503 00:34:02,707 --> 00:34:05,377 A male hunter, which means that there are two of them. 504 00:34:05,460 --> 00:34:06,460 Three. 505 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:09,130 Well, there were three. 506 00:34:09,881 --> 00:34:12,131 - They call themselves the Innocents. - Oh, Nick. 507 00:34:12,216 --> 00:34:15,546 The one who stormed Dorian's is now trapped in one of his paintings. 508 00:34:15,636 --> 00:34:19,716 Sorry, Sabrina. I was a dick before, but believe me, I'm sobering up fast. 509 00:34:20,016 --> 00:34:24,186 - What do they want, do you know? - To kill all the witches in Greendale. 510 00:34:24,687 --> 00:34:27,937 According to the hunter we subdued, their plan was to start with the outliers. 511 00:34:28,024 --> 00:34:30,234 You, your aunt, the crew at Dorian's. 512 00:34:30,318 --> 00:34:31,858 And then converge at the Academy. 513 00:34:32,361 --> 00:34:33,281 Ambrose. 514 00:34:33,362 --> 00:34:35,622 They'll all be sitting ducks. We have to warn them. 515 00:34:35,698 --> 00:34:36,698 We're expelled. 516 00:34:37,200 --> 00:34:39,740 We're not getting into that school, not without a Hand of Glory. 517 00:34:39,827 --> 00:34:42,577 Ooh, you can take your pick at the botanical room at home. 518 00:34:42,663 --> 00:34:45,043 I mean, I have half a dozen, at least. Okay? 519 00:34:51,756 --> 00:34:54,296 You are a man of many talents, Adam. 520 00:34:54,884 --> 00:34:56,344 This roast is delicious. 521 00:34:58,179 --> 00:34:59,679 I promised you deliciousness, 522 00:34:59,764 --> 00:35:01,004 once upon a time. 523 00:35:01,724 --> 00:35:03,644 I can't wait to see what's for dessert. 524 00:35:06,437 --> 00:35:10,107 Dessert is your reward for saying yes to Tibet. 525 00:35:12,110 --> 00:35:13,360 I haven't said yes yet. 526 00:35:15,780 --> 00:35:17,660 But you are going to. 527 00:35:24,288 --> 00:35:25,288 Yes. 528 00:35:25,998 --> 00:35:26,998 I am. 529 00:35:45,226 --> 00:35:46,556 How did that get in there? 530 00:35:52,775 --> 00:35:57,105 Did you really think you could deceive me, Lilith? 531 00:36:06,497 --> 00:36:08,787 Our bond is eternal. 532 00:36:09,250 --> 00:36:11,630 Our bond is unbreakable. 533 00:36:12,253 --> 00:36:16,173 There is no escape to Tibet or anywhere else. 534 00:36:16,257 --> 00:36:19,297 Now, clean your plate of the mortal. 535 00:36:28,603 --> 00:36:32,653 Tonight, class, we are collecting our energies to enact a spell of compulsion. 536 00:36:32,940 --> 00:36:34,730 Ambrose Spellman is a murderer. 537 00:36:35,151 --> 00:36:38,071 - He needs to confess. - And we're going to help him. 538 00:36:39,447 --> 00:36:40,447 Join hands. 539 00:36:42,158 --> 00:36:45,328 Close your eyes, and concentrate with us. 540 00:36:46,913 --> 00:36:49,433 - Confess. Confess. - I, Ambrose Spellman, 541 00:36:49,457 --> 00:36:51,497 - am a traitor to the Church of Night. - Confess. 542 00:36:51,584 --> 00:36:53,924 Confess. Confess. Confess. 543 00:36:54,003 --> 00:36:56,963 Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess. 544 00:36:57,048 --> 00:36:59,298 - I did willingly and knowingly... - Confess. Confess. 545 00:36:59,383 --> 00:37:02,723 Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess. 546 00:37:02,803 --> 00:37:04,973 ...take up arms against the Anti-Pope, 547 00:37:05,056 --> 00:37:06,656 - and murdered him in his bed. - Confess. 548 00:37:07,058 --> 00:37:10,478 Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess. 549 00:37:10,853 --> 00:37:13,233 Confess. Confess. Confess. 550 00:37:13,522 --> 00:37:16,982 - Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess. - Thank you, Aunt Hilda. 551 00:37:17,193 --> 00:37:19,323 Confess. Confess. Confess. 552 00:37:19,904 --> 00:37:21,574 Confess. Confess. 553 00:37:21,656 --> 00:37:24,616 Confess. Confess. Confess. 554 00:37:24,700 --> 00:37:28,000 Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess. 555 00:37:28,246 --> 00:37:30,366 Confess. Confess. Confess. 556 00:37:30,957 --> 00:37:33,417 Confess. Confess. Confess. 557 00:37:33,876 --> 00:37:36,456 Confess. Confess. Confess. 558 00:37:36,754 --> 00:37:38,264 Confess. Confess... 559 00:37:41,217 --> 00:37:43,757 Confess. Confess. Confess. 560 00:37:44,095 --> 00:37:45,755 Confess. Confess. 561 00:37:45,846 --> 00:37:48,176 Confess. Confess. Confess. 562 00:37:53,896 --> 00:37:55,016 Confess. Confess. 563 00:37:55,356 --> 00:37:56,896 Where are you goin', friend? 564 00:37:59,777 --> 00:38:02,317 Witch-hunters! 565 00:38:03,281 --> 00:38:05,571 - That was our prisoner. - Prudence, what do we do? 566 00:38:05,658 --> 00:38:07,618 My father charged me with protecting this Academy, 567 00:38:07,702 --> 00:38:08,902 that's what we're going to do. 568 00:38:08,953 --> 00:38:10,413 Scatter and hide, all of you! 569 00:38:29,515 --> 00:38:30,515 Where are they? 570 00:38:32,059 --> 00:38:33,059 Nearby. 571 00:38:35,021 --> 00:38:36,151 Witches! 572 00:38:37,440 --> 00:38:40,320 Warlocks! Come out of the shadows. 573 00:38:41,068 --> 00:38:44,488 Come, that you may stand and be judged for your sins. 574 00:38:44,572 --> 00:38:46,322 No need to yell. 575 00:38:47,950 --> 00:38:49,120 We're here. 576 00:38:52,872 --> 00:38:55,752 And you should not have come to this place, hunters. 577 00:38:56,625 --> 00:39:00,875 Ardrelamastro, martarastar, frocus! 578 00:39:03,132 --> 00:39:08,262 That pain in your head is your brain atomizing into sand. 579 00:39:08,888 --> 00:39:12,638 The heaviness in your chest is your lungs hardening. 580 00:39:14,018 --> 00:39:15,558 And your hearts turning to stone. 581 00:39:16,354 --> 00:39:18,694 I want you to remember who did this to you. 582 00:39:19,190 --> 00:39:21,320 We are no ordinary witches. 583 00:39:22,109 --> 00:39:24,319 We are the daughters of the Church of Night. 584 00:39:24,653 --> 00:39:26,073 We are the Weird Sisters. 585 00:39:27,073 --> 00:39:28,663 The Three-in-One. 586 00:39:29,075 --> 00:39:31,615 And this school is under our protection. 587 00:39:32,078 --> 00:39:36,868 Ardrelamastro, martarastar, frocus! 588 00:39:38,125 --> 00:39:40,665 Heavenly choir of the Nine Principalities, 589 00:39:41,170 --> 00:39:44,170 govern us in soul and body. 590 00:39:45,758 --> 00:39:47,798 Give us strength in battle 591 00:39:47,885 --> 00:39:49,425 to command dominion... 592 00:39:49,512 --> 00:39:52,222 ...over the heretic witches. 593 00:40:02,858 --> 00:40:04,778 We are no ordinary witch-hunters. 594 00:40:06,320 --> 00:40:07,950 We are divine. 595 00:40:09,031 --> 00:40:10,321 We are angels. 596 00:40:12,827 --> 00:40:14,327 Ah! There we go! 597 00:40:14,912 --> 00:40:15,912 All right. 598 00:40:16,622 --> 00:40:17,792 Whoa. 599 00:40:17,873 --> 00:40:19,753 Ooooh, that's pungent, isn't it? 600 00:40:20,543 --> 00:40:21,543 Wow. 601 00:40:22,211 --> 00:40:23,211 Okay. 602 00:40:23,546 --> 00:40:24,546 Phew. 603 00:40:24,922 --> 00:40:25,922 Give me that. 604 00:40:26,757 --> 00:40:30,637 That should open the door and get us into the Academy. 605 00:40:30,719 --> 00:40:32,197 Okay, great, let's go. 606 00:40:32,221 --> 00:40:33,221 Sabrina! 607 00:40:33,681 --> 00:40:34,681 Sabrina! 608 00:40:37,309 --> 00:40:38,729 - Sabrina! - Harvey. 609 00:40:39,228 --> 00:40:40,308 Oh! You're okay. 610 00:40:40,646 --> 00:40:43,146 Well, yeah, I'm fine, but what are you doing here? 611 00:40:43,858 --> 00:40:46,294 Sabrina, someone was trying to kill you. How could I not come? 612 00:40:46,318 --> 00:40:48,638 - How'd you know? - I was with Roz when she had her vision. 613 00:40:48,696 --> 00:40:50,336 I rushed over to make sure you were okay. 614 00:40:50,406 --> 00:40:51,446 Oh. 615 00:40:52,575 --> 00:40:54,865 I'm so sorry for what I said and how I acted. 616 00:40:55,494 --> 00:40:58,124 Roz and I both are. It was shitty. It's just... 617 00:40:58,831 --> 00:41:01,131 Roz has been hurting, and I don't how to help her. 618 00:41:01,208 --> 00:41:03,208 It's fine, Harvey, truly, but we have to go. 619 00:41:03,294 --> 00:41:04,894 Witch-hunters are attacking the Academy. 620 00:41:04,920 --> 00:41:06,760 Witch-hunters are attacking your other school? 621 00:41:06,839 --> 00:41:08,379 Yeah, we better hurry. 622 00:41:08,757 --> 00:41:10,797 - I wanna come too, to help. - Oh... 623 00:41:10,885 --> 00:41:12,335 No way, witch-hunter. 624 00:41:12,428 --> 00:41:15,598 No, uh... Nick's right, Harvey. It's too dangerous. 625 00:41:15,681 --> 00:41:17,521 Yeah. And we don't need any more witch-hunters. 626 00:41:17,600 --> 00:41:20,440 I told you the night of the Greendale Thirteen. I'm done being a coward. 627 00:41:20,811 --> 00:41:22,164 - If there are people... - Witches... 628 00:41:22,188 --> 00:41:24,268 Whatever, in trouble, 629 00:41:25,649 --> 00:41:27,439 you're gonna need as much help as possible. 630 00:41:28,694 --> 00:41:31,824 Oh, for Satan's sake, let him help. He just wants to put things right. 631 00:41:31,906 --> 00:41:35,196 We don't know how many witch-hunters there are, do we? So the more the merrier. 632 00:41:35,284 --> 00:41:38,874 Come on, sweet Harvey. Let's go. I'll catch you up on the way, my love. 633 00:41:55,137 --> 00:41:57,217 Oh... Oh, I don't understand. 634 00:41:57,806 --> 00:41:59,306 I don't understand how... 635 00:42:00,643 --> 00:42:02,983 How did this... How did the Dark Lord... 636 00:42:05,356 --> 00:42:07,106 How did the Dark Lord discover us? 637 00:42:08,192 --> 00:42:09,572 The ring... 638 00:42:09,652 --> 00:42:10,652 The ring must... 639 00:42:11,487 --> 00:42:13,567 The ring should've... hidden Adam. 640 00:42:13,656 --> 00:42:14,776 I don't under... 641 00:42:21,455 --> 00:42:23,245 It was you, wasn't it, Stolas? 642 00:42:26,085 --> 00:42:28,245 You ungrateful stool pigeon. 643 00:42:31,215 --> 00:42:33,215 You've been reporting back to the Dark Lord 644 00:42:33,300 --> 00:42:35,220 ever since He brought you back to life. 645 00:42:39,181 --> 00:42:40,271 Haven't you? 646 00:42:49,275 --> 00:42:50,895 No! 647 00:43:02,246 --> 00:43:04,666 But the Dark Lord doesn't know all. 648 00:43:07,418 --> 00:43:11,088 He's not omniscient and He's not omnipotent. 649 00:43:12,214 --> 00:43:13,384 Which means... 650 00:43:16,802 --> 00:43:18,642 He won't see what's coming next. 651 00:43:23,601 --> 00:43:24,601 Yes. 652 00:43:25,269 --> 00:43:27,149 He took away the one thing I loved. 653 00:43:31,817 --> 00:43:33,397 Now I'll do the same to Him. 654 00:43:40,576 --> 00:43:41,576 Baphomet! 655 00:43:43,746 --> 00:43:45,786 What unspeakable thing could have done this? 656 00:43:45,873 --> 00:43:46,963 Are we too late? 657 00:43:47,041 --> 00:43:49,211 Prudence? Agatha? Dorcas? 658 00:43:49,710 --> 00:43:51,130 Where is everyone? 659 00:43:51,545 --> 00:43:52,795 Ambrose! 660 00:43:52,880 --> 00:43:54,840 Ambrose! Ambrose! 661 00:43:57,384 --> 00:43:58,894 - Oh! - Thanks for the chicken... 662 00:43:59,637 --> 00:44:00,677 - Aun... - Okay... 663 00:44:00,763 --> 00:44:02,324 - Auntie... - He's losing a lot of blood. 664 00:44:02,348 --> 00:44:05,138 Oh, yeah. Okay. This is gonna hurt a tiny bit. Okay? 665 00:44:10,022 --> 00:44:11,612 Oh, I'm sorry. 666 00:44:11,690 --> 00:44:13,530 I'm sorry. Okay. 667 00:44:13,609 --> 00:44:15,569 Rivers must flow that blood may not 668 00:44:15,653 --> 00:44:17,283 Blood be bound, and blood be clot 669 00:44:19,573 --> 00:44:21,743 Ambrose, where is everyone? 670 00:44:21,825 --> 00:44:24,325 Two angels... 671 00:44:24,411 --> 00:44:26,121 ...took them. 672 00:44:26,205 --> 00:44:27,205 Angels? 673 00:44:27,498 --> 00:44:28,958 Aren't angels supposed to be nice? 674 00:44:29,041 --> 00:44:31,171 Have you ever actually read the Bible, mortal? 675 00:44:31,251 --> 00:44:34,921 - Angels are the ones with fiery swords. - Took them where, Ambrose, do you know? 676 00:44:35,005 --> 00:44:36,125 I do, Miss. 677 00:44:37,508 --> 00:44:40,008 Oh! Quentin, what happened? 678 00:44:40,511 --> 00:44:43,931 The angels, they tried to take me and the other ghost children to Heaven, but... 679 00:44:44,473 --> 00:44:45,853 we ran and hid. 680 00:44:46,558 --> 00:44:48,098 Did he say ghost children? 681 00:44:48,185 --> 00:44:51,305 So where did the angels take the witches, darling? 'Cause we need to help them. 682 00:44:51,438 --> 00:44:53,398 Okay, okay, sorry. 683 00:44:53,649 --> 00:44:54,649 Our desecrated church. 684 00:44:54,733 --> 00:44:56,993 Our desecr... Why would they go there? 685 00:44:57,069 --> 00:44:58,319 To convert them, probably. 686 00:44:58,862 --> 00:45:01,502 That's what they do. Convert and then kill. They call it cleansing. 687 00:45:01,532 --> 00:45:03,092 - Let's go, then. - No, you can't, Miss. 688 00:45:03,575 --> 00:45:05,075 They found the church from us. 689 00:45:05,160 --> 00:45:07,620 Sealed it with holy water and reconsecrated it. 690 00:45:08,497 --> 00:45:10,207 No witches can get in or out. 691 00:45:10,290 --> 00:45:13,311 Okay. Well, Quentin, it's not safe for you and the other ghost children here. 692 00:45:13,335 --> 00:45:15,165 Go back to your graveyard and hide, okay? 693 00:45:15,254 --> 00:45:16,254 Yes, Miss. 694 00:45:17,631 --> 00:45:18,801 Did he just disappear? 695 00:45:18,882 --> 00:45:21,762 Sabrina, I'm gonna have to tend to Ambrose's wounds, so... 696 00:45:21,844 --> 00:45:23,474 He's losing buckets of blood. 697 00:45:23,554 --> 00:45:25,644 - Do that, Auntie. - Where's the church? 698 00:45:26,181 --> 00:45:28,101 I'm not a witch, so I... I can get in, right? 699 00:45:28,183 --> 00:45:30,233 A mortal against avenging angels? 700 00:45:30,310 --> 00:45:32,350 You can't look at them without your heart exploding. 701 00:45:32,396 --> 00:45:35,516 I can go in there. I was baptized with holy water, remember? 702 00:45:35,607 --> 00:45:38,237 I can enter a church even if it's been reconsecrated. 703 00:45:39,153 --> 00:45:40,573 It's the only play we have here. 704 00:45:42,114 --> 00:45:45,704 You're not seriously gonna let her go alone, are you? It's a suicide mission. 705 00:45:45,784 --> 00:45:48,084 You don't seriously think I tell her what to do, do you? 706 00:45:48,162 --> 00:45:52,372 Nick, Harvey. Whatever happens in there, help my Aunt Hilda with Ambrose. 707 00:46:00,132 --> 00:46:05,472 You were born of the darkest sin against God! 708 00:46:06,180 --> 00:46:10,850 The stain of Lucifer blackens your soul. 709 00:46:10,934 --> 00:46:14,194 I am talking about evil. 710 00:46:14,521 --> 00:46:15,521 But take heart. 711 00:46:16,231 --> 00:46:18,071 God will forgive your original sin, 712 00:46:18,150 --> 00:46:21,240 as long as you vow to accept Him as your one true savior. 713 00:46:21,320 --> 00:46:25,780 And your bodies are then consumed and purified by the fire of righteousness. 714 00:46:27,117 --> 00:46:30,447 Search your heart, witch. Who is your true savior? 715 00:46:31,789 --> 00:46:34,079 The Dark Lord. 716 00:46:34,291 --> 00:46:35,751 Wrong. 717 00:46:35,834 --> 00:46:38,594 Recite with me and be reborn in God's love. 718 00:46:39,004 --> 00:46:40,884 No, never. 719 00:46:40,964 --> 00:46:41,964 As you wish. 720 00:46:47,930 --> 00:46:49,470 Hmm. 721 00:46:49,848 --> 00:46:51,848 It's your turn, warlock. 722 00:46:53,101 --> 00:46:55,731 Say it. "He that dwelleth 723 00:46:55,813 --> 00:46:58,153 in the secret place of the Most High..." 724 00:46:58,232 --> 00:47:00,402 I'll... I... I'll try. 725 00:47:04,446 --> 00:47:05,856 He that dwelleth... 726 00:47:06,406 --> 00:47:07,616 That's a good boy. 727 00:47:08,283 --> 00:47:10,413 "In the secret place of the Most High." 728 00:47:10,911 --> 00:47:13,291 In the secr... 729 00:47:13,497 --> 00:47:14,827 Se... 730 00:47:14,915 --> 00:47:16,745 Work through the pain. 731 00:47:16,834 --> 00:47:18,424 God's grace will heal you. 732 00:47:18,961 --> 00:47:21,301 "He is my refuge and my fortress..." 733 00:47:28,929 --> 00:47:29,929 I... 734 00:47:31,181 --> 00:47:32,721 I can't. 735 00:47:34,852 --> 00:47:35,892 I can't. 736 00:47:35,978 --> 00:47:37,098 Melvin. 737 00:47:37,187 --> 00:47:38,977 You are not worthy of His love. 738 00:47:40,482 --> 00:47:41,482 No! Stop! 739 00:47:44,444 --> 00:47:45,784 Sabrina Spellman! 740 00:47:46,989 --> 00:47:49,949 You have entered a house of the Divine God! 741 00:47:50,033 --> 00:47:51,743 Kneel before the Lord. 742 00:47:52,119 --> 00:47:53,699 I kneel... 743 00:47:54,079 --> 00:47:56,119 before no one! 744 00:47:57,708 --> 00:48:00,838 Hear me, fire! Hear me, air! 745 00:48:01,295 --> 00:48:03,375 No spell casting in a house of the Lord. 746 00:48:03,463 --> 00:48:05,053 That crown ensures that. 747 00:48:06,466 --> 00:48:07,466 Let them go. 748 00:48:11,430 --> 00:48:14,430 Kneel. Pray with us. 749 00:48:15,058 --> 00:48:16,178 Never. 750 00:48:16,768 --> 00:48:18,438 Then, like Saint Sebastian, 751 00:48:18,520 --> 00:48:19,900 you will die, 752 00:48:20,772 --> 00:48:22,652 shot through with arrows. 753 00:49:07,736 --> 00:49:09,606 Where were we? Yes. 754 00:49:11,073 --> 00:49:12,203 Yes. 755 00:49:12,658 --> 00:49:13,868 We were praying. 756 00:49:15,202 --> 00:49:16,412 Say it with me. 757 00:49:16,495 --> 00:49:19,455 "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, 758 00:49:19,539 --> 00:49:22,289 nor the arrow that flieth by day!" 759 00:49:22,376 --> 00:49:23,496 No. 760 00:49:24,127 --> 00:49:25,747 - Like Sabrina... - No! Melvin! 761 00:49:26,755 --> 00:49:30,045 I choose death over your False God. 762 00:49:30,592 --> 00:49:31,842 No. 763 00:49:38,892 --> 00:49:40,352 Your turn, witches! 764 00:49:40,852 --> 00:49:41,852 Hah! 765 00:49:45,899 --> 00:49:46,899 To burn. 766 00:49:49,444 --> 00:49:50,994 That's enough. 767 00:49:53,615 --> 00:49:56,155 I offer you a chance to survive the night. 768 00:49:56,827 --> 00:49:58,697 Convert, Hunters. 769 00:50:04,626 --> 00:50:07,416 Take Lucifer Morningstar into your hearts, 770 00:50:07,504 --> 00:50:09,724 and I promise you mercy. 771 00:50:09,798 --> 00:50:12,678 But you must say His prayer. 772 00:50:13,010 --> 00:50:18,770 "O, Mighty Dark Lord, by whom all things are set afire..." 773 00:50:18,849 --> 00:50:19,849 Never. 774 00:50:19,933 --> 00:50:23,233 Say the prayer! It's your one chance. 775 00:50:23,311 --> 00:50:28,651 Come on! Say it with me, or you'll burn in Hellfire. 776 00:50:29,151 --> 00:50:32,151 - O, Mighty Dark Lord... - O, Mighty Dark Lord... 777 00:50:32,237 --> 00:50:36,447 - ...by whom all things are set afire... - ...by whom all is set afire... 778 00:50:36,533 --> 00:50:38,833 - Thy power be thy path. - Thy power be thy path. 779 00:50:38,910 --> 00:50:41,540 - Thy will be my desire. - Thy will be my desire. 780 00:50:41,621 --> 00:50:44,581 - In Hell as it is on Earth. - In Hell as it is on Earth. 781 00:50:45,000 --> 00:50:47,500 - Praise Satan! - Praise Satan. 782 00:50:49,838 --> 00:50:51,298 Well done. 783 00:50:52,382 --> 00:50:57,222 But my, how quickly you turn on your False God. 784 00:50:57,721 --> 00:50:58,851 You're not a witch. 785 00:51:00,182 --> 00:51:01,642 What are you? 786 00:51:02,476 --> 00:51:06,346 I am the Dark Lord's sword! 787 00:51:30,462 --> 00:51:31,922 Arise, Sister. 788 00:51:39,930 --> 00:51:41,810 Arise, Brother. 789 00:52:03,411 --> 00:52:04,411 'Brina? 790 00:53:18,195 --> 00:53:19,605 Greg, move your head!