1 00:00:07,541 --> 00:00:09,083 - Brace yourselves! - Disa! 2 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:12,750 A fire-mountain awoke. 3 00:00:12,750 --> 00:00:14,333 The ground-shakes... 4 00:00:14,333 --> 00:00:16,583 it spread through the bones of the Earth, 5 00:00:16,583 --> 00:00:18,583 collapsing our sun-shafts, 6 00:00:18,583 --> 00:00:20,083 our ability to grow crops. 7 00:00:20,083 --> 00:00:21,333 No, no, no. 8 00:00:21,333 --> 00:00:24,250 These Rings will be beyond any power yet devised 9 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:26,458 by Dwarf, or Man. 10 00:00:27,083 --> 00:00:29,041 They shall be Rings of Power. 11 00:00:29,041 --> 00:00:31,041 Power to heal your mountain. 12 00:00:31,041 --> 00:00:33,791 Bringing your father a means of saving his kingdom 13 00:00:33,916 --> 00:00:35,875 might be just the way to earn back his respect. 14 00:00:35,875 --> 00:00:37,666 Perhaps, even your inheritance. 15 00:00:37,666 --> 00:00:39,625 Did you just insult my father? 16 00:00:39,625 --> 00:00:43,625 You speak ill of the Queen again, it'll be you suffers an infirmity. 17 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:45,375 Have I made myself plain? 18 00:00:46,291 --> 00:00:47,333 Queen of lies! 19 00:00:47,333 --> 00:00:48,541 She's unfit to rule! 20 00:00:48,541 --> 00:00:50,625 His dying words, the King spoke to me, 21 00:00:50,625 --> 00:00:53,791 and said it was from this... she took counsel. 22 00:00:53,791 --> 00:00:55,916 This Elf-stone is your queen! 23 00:00:55,916 --> 00:00:58,208 - Silence! - The palantír is mine. We need it. 24 00:01:00,583 --> 00:01:02,125 Murderer! 25 00:01:02,125 --> 00:01:03,375 Dark magic! 26 00:01:06,333 --> 00:01:09,875 Pharazôn! Pharazôn! Pharazôn! 27 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:12,333 Pharazôn! Pharazôn! 28 00:01:12,333 --> 00:01:15,541 Your High King believes the Dwarves to be unworthy. 29 00:01:15,541 --> 00:01:18,541 In fact, he has forbidden the forging of any more Rings at all. 30 00:01:18,541 --> 00:01:23,000 We have not the time to bandy words about, convincing him who is worthy of aid. 31 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:23,958 What are you doing? 32 00:01:23,958 --> 00:01:26,375 I am telling him that I am closing up the forge. 33 00:01:26,375 --> 00:01:28,416 You would lie to your High King? 34 00:01:28,416 --> 00:01:30,791 I would grant us the space to complete our work. 35 00:01:31,625 --> 00:01:35,125 This power in Eregion, I don't trust it. 36 00:01:35,125 --> 00:01:36,750 You told me once, 37 00:01:36,750 --> 00:01:40,375 the fate of Elves is decided by wiser minds than our own. 38 00:01:40,375 --> 00:01:43,125 That to try and alter it, to try and cheat death, 39 00:01:43,125 --> 00:01:45,708 might lead to an even greater catastrophe. 40 00:01:45,708 --> 00:01:47,708 I keep wondering... 41 00:01:47,708 --> 00:01:49,666 What if you were right? 42 00:01:49,666 --> 00:01:52,250 A legion of Orcs have marched into Elvish lands. 43 00:01:52,250 --> 00:01:53,458 That trail. 44 00:01:53,458 --> 00:01:54,791 I gather it leads to-- 45 00:01:54,791 --> 00:01:56,333 Eregion, my liege. 46 00:01:56,333 --> 00:01:59,666 Word of this must reach the High King before our host sails for Mordor. 47 00:02:00,791 --> 00:02:02,208 Over there. 48 00:02:02,208 --> 00:02:04,958 Get to Lindon. I will occupy them as long as I am able. 49 00:02:05,875 --> 00:02:07,083 Take it. 50 00:02:07,750 --> 00:02:09,166 Take it, Elrond. 51 00:02:20,083 --> 00:02:22,750 A star shines on the hour of our meeting... 52 00:02:23,416 --> 00:02:25,125 Lady Galadriel. 53 00:04:54,666 --> 00:04:55,666 This way, sire. 54 00:04:55,666 --> 00:04:59,625 As you can see, we're attempting to dig a new access-shaft, 55 00:04:59,625 --> 00:05:01,333 to try to reach the sunlight. 56 00:05:01,333 --> 00:05:06,958 Uh, but thus far, our every effort has only made the mountain more unstable. 57 00:05:23,791 --> 00:05:24,916 Something the matter, sire? 58 00:05:27,000 --> 00:05:28,000 No. 59 00:05:28,791 --> 00:05:31,833 No, all is shortly to be well. 60 00:05:32,875 --> 00:05:33,875 Yep. 61 00:06:10,958 --> 00:06:12,125 Dig here. 62 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:17,916 Sire. That's a foundation wall. 63 00:06:17,916 --> 00:06:21,166 - Take it down-- - Are you explaining Delve-craft to me? 64 00:06:25,416 --> 00:06:28,583 This is where we are meant to dig. Now do as I say. 65 00:06:36,083 --> 00:06:37,333 Give me your axe. 66 00:06:37,958 --> 00:06:39,583 - Father-- - Axe! 67 00:07:03,750 --> 00:07:04,750 Narvi! 68 00:07:04,750 --> 00:07:07,000 Uh... Shift's over! 69 00:07:07,500 --> 00:07:10,041 Go. Go! 70 00:07:10,041 --> 00:07:11,583 That's good. Tell me twice. 71 00:07:29,125 --> 00:07:33,166 Sire. Don't you think you'd better stop for some air? 72 00:07:34,333 --> 00:07:36,958 It's not air we need, it's light. 73 00:07:44,291 --> 00:07:45,291 Sire! Don't! 74 00:07:45,291 --> 00:07:46,208 Father, no! 75 00:08:05,625 --> 00:08:08,125 Next time I order you to dig, 76 00:08:10,125 --> 00:08:11,208 you do so. 77 00:08:23,500 --> 00:08:25,541 Here. Here. 78 00:08:26,083 --> 00:08:27,666 Right. One, two, three, four. 79 00:08:27,666 --> 00:08:29,500 Pity those who dwell above. 80 00:08:29,500 --> 00:08:30,958 Slaves to the sun. 81 00:08:35,166 --> 00:08:38,208 Chained to its ceaseless rhythm of waking and sleep. 82 00:08:51,458 --> 00:08:55,250 In Khazad-dûm, we are free of its tyranny. 83 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:05,875 Here, we bring the sun to us. 84 00:09:07,958 --> 00:09:12,916 At last, it is daybreak once more 85 00:09:12,916 --> 00:09:14,250 in our mountain! 86 00:09:19,291 --> 00:09:21,041 Khazad... 87 00:09:21,041 --> 00:09:22,750 Dûm! 88 00:09:26,458 --> 00:09:28,875 Dwarves and Elves working together. 89 00:09:28,875 --> 00:09:31,208 It was said to be impossible. 90 00:09:31,208 --> 00:09:34,666 But our cooperation has achieved this wonder. 91 00:09:34,666 --> 00:09:39,166 And today, we embark upon a new dream, 92 00:09:39,916 --> 00:09:42,791 to enshrine our friendship in stone. 93 00:09:45,625 --> 00:09:46,750 Narvi? 94 00:09:51,958 --> 00:09:53,583 Narvi's big moment. 95 00:09:55,875 --> 00:09:56,958 Behold... 96 00:10:02,208 --> 00:10:03,833 the Doors of Durin. 97 00:10:05,791 --> 00:10:08,625 The new West-gate of our mountain. 98 00:10:09,708 --> 00:10:12,833 Unbreachable. Visible only by moonlight. 99 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:18,875 And guarded by a password, known only to friends. 100 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:22,125 Now, take note, smiths, 101 00:10:22,958 --> 00:10:25,750 watch Narvi very closely while he's here. 102 00:10:25,750 --> 00:10:28,083 Not only because he is a masterful artist. 103 00:10:28,083 --> 00:10:29,250 Mm... 104 00:10:29,250 --> 00:10:32,833 He's also a notorious thief. Do not let any jewels go missing. 105 00:10:34,333 --> 00:10:37,166 Yeah, well, try checking his pockets. 106 00:10:37,166 --> 00:10:39,208 Oh, no... 107 00:10:39,208 --> 00:10:41,000 To a lasting friendship... 108 00:10:41,833 --> 00:10:44,916 between Elves and Dwarves. 109 00:10:46,875 --> 00:10:49,416 Hospitality's much appreciated. 110 00:10:57,041 --> 00:11:00,083 Too much? My remarks. 111 00:11:00,708 --> 00:11:02,708 I encouraged you to keep it short. 112 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:05,875 Oh... 113 00:11:05,875 --> 00:11:07,458 Do not recall you saying that. 114 00:11:09,208 --> 00:11:12,000 Well, you do not always listen. 115 00:11:13,541 --> 00:11:15,541 Once you have an idea set in your head. 116 00:11:19,916 --> 00:11:21,625 Truth is, I should've spoken longer. 117 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:24,916 To credit your contributions. 118 00:11:28,458 --> 00:11:29,625 Forgive me. 119 00:11:31,875 --> 00:11:33,916 I find it difficult to stay festive, 120 00:11:35,041 --> 00:11:38,125 when those most affected by Mordor's rise are still suffering. 121 00:11:41,375 --> 00:11:42,750 Rings for Men? 122 00:11:49,541 --> 00:11:51,500 - I did not say anything about Rings. 123 00:11:52,291 --> 00:11:55,541 It is a game you play, is it not? 124 00:11:55,541 --> 00:11:59,125 Sowing seeds in others' minds and then convincing them 125 00:11:59,125 --> 00:12:01,208 that the fruit is of their own thought. 126 00:12:01,208 --> 00:12:04,500 I thought our minds were as one in this. 127 00:12:07,166 --> 00:12:09,375 Have you had a change of heart? 128 00:12:09,375 --> 00:12:13,791 This is a night for Dwarves. Come. We shall speak of Men tomorrow. 129 00:12:15,750 --> 00:12:17,833 I would prefer to speak of them now. 130 00:12:22,125 --> 00:12:24,541 Much of the misery of Men is of their own making. 131 00:12:26,916 --> 00:12:29,500 And I have been informed that it was the Men of the Southlands 132 00:12:29,500 --> 00:12:31,750 who aided Adar in his conquest in the first place. 133 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:32,833 Only some of them. 134 00:12:32,833 --> 00:12:35,291 Many of the rest have already been given new homes, 135 00:12:36,416 --> 00:12:39,541 by their own kind, from Númenor. 136 00:12:40,375 --> 00:12:42,250 Have you ever been to Númenor? 137 00:12:42,250 --> 00:12:43,958 No. 138 00:12:45,208 --> 00:12:46,666 It is remarkable. 139 00:12:47,666 --> 00:12:48,958 But fractured. 140 00:12:50,166 --> 00:12:53,500 Ever teetering between glory and ruin. 141 00:12:55,166 --> 00:12:57,208 I fear Númenor. 142 00:12:58,416 --> 00:13:00,000 More than any land in Middle-earth. 143 00:13:02,416 --> 00:13:05,916 I had hoped our Rings might make her stable. 144 00:13:07,208 --> 00:13:09,583 We cannot give Rings to Men. 145 00:13:10,208 --> 00:13:12,500 The risk of corruption is simply too great. 146 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:15,041 Whatever problems we might solve will be nothing 147 00:13:15,041 --> 00:13:16,750 against those we could create. 148 00:13:16,750 --> 00:13:17,833 Yes. 149 00:13:18,708 --> 00:13:19,875 You are right. 150 00:13:20,958 --> 00:13:23,958 Of course. Men are capable of great frailty. 151 00:13:26,875 --> 00:13:28,583 But when the darkness falls, 152 00:13:29,666 --> 00:13:34,666 there are always some who rise forth and shine. 153 00:13:37,083 --> 00:13:40,208 Eärendil, Tuor, 154 00:13:41,333 --> 00:13:43,833 Beren, son of Barahir. 155 00:13:47,500 --> 00:13:48,916 Exactly what are you proposing? 156 00:13:51,125 --> 00:13:53,125 We find Men we can trust. 157 00:13:54,458 --> 00:13:58,291 The wisest, the most noble, the purest of heart. 158 00:13:58,291 --> 00:14:02,750 From Númenor to Rhûn, we identify nine Ring-bearers 159 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:04,583 of the nine greatest mortal kingdoms. 160 00:14:04,583 --> 00:14:05,666 Nine? 161 00:14:08,125 --> 00:14:09,791 The perfection of the Three. 162 00:14:12,083 --> 00:14:13,541 Thrice perfected. 163 00:14:15,750 --> 00:14:20,333 For our third forging, we will make nine. 164 00:14:23,375 --> 00:14:28,416 We have accomplished great things, my friend. 165 00:14:30,333 --> 00:14:33,833 Let us not tempt failure... 166 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:39,541 by allowing our reach to exceed our grasp. 167 00:14:44,041 --> 00:14:47,041 I am sorry. My answer is no. 168 00:14:48,416 --> 00:14:50,916 The Rings of Power are complete. 169 00:14:52,125 --> 00:14:53,208 Of course. 170 00:14:56,333 --> 00:14:59,541 You need not apologize. Very well. 171 00:15:09,291 --> 00:15:11,500 I shall make the Nine myself. 172 00:15:21,125 --> 00:15:24,875 Have you ever seen it? Across our western seas. 173 00:15:25,750 --> 00:15:27,791 The white tower of Eressëa... 174 00:15:27,791 --> 00:15:31,041 the very gateway to the Undying Lands. 175 00:15:31,875 --> 00:15:33,375 I have not. 176 00:15:34,083 --> 00:15:35,708 Only the keenest eye can. 177 00:15:37,458 --> 00:15:40,041 And only from the peak of the Meneltarma. 178 00:15:40,666 --> 00:15:42,958 I reckon the Elves placed it there on purpose. 179 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:48,083 So that every sunset serves as a reminder that our days must end 180 00:15:49,083 --> 00:15:50,625 and theirs will not. 181 00:15:51,750 --> 00:15:54,500 That no matter how high we climb, 182 00:15:54,500 --> 00:15:58,083 some things will be forever withheld from our grasp. 183 00:16:02,625 --> 00:16:05,375 The Scepter is now in yours, Father. 184 00:16:07,291 --> 00:16:08,833 Is that not high enough? 185 00:16:08,833 --> 00:16:12,333 All my life, I believed it was. 186 00:16:20,333 --> 00:16:23,000 The Scepter is what you make it. 187 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:26,583 The Age of Men is upon us, Father. Let us take it. 188 00:16:26,583 --> 00:16:30,291 Let us build the Númenor you have always seen in your mind's eye. 189 00:16:40,250 --> 00:16:42,833 Once, when you were at her breast, 190 00:16:42,833 --> 00:16:47,875 your mother prophesied that you would come to ill ends. 191 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:53,208 My mother? 192 00:16:57,166 --> 00:16:58,791 What did she say? 193 00:16:58,791 --> 00:17:03,166 Impress me in the task that I am about to place upon you 194 00:17:03,166 --> 00:17:04,375 and I will tell you. 195 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:09,875 Fail to do so, and I shall have to find other places to make use of you. 196 00:17:13,750 --> 00:17:17,500 Pharazôn! Pharazôn! Pharazôn! 197 00:17:17,500 --> 00:17:20,083 Pharazôn! Pharazôn! Pharazôn! 198 00:17:20,708 --> 00:17:21,708 Listen to them. 199 00:17:22,541 --> 00:17:24,541 There are other voices out there. 200 00:17:24,541 --> 00:17:26,625 Valandil tells me that in the Old Quarter, 201 00:17:26,625 --> 00:17:28,875 prayers ascend night and day for you. 202 00:17:30,041 --> 00:17:31,333 For their Queen. 203 00:17:33,375 --> 00:17:35,083 Our Queen. 204 00:17:35,083 --> 00:17:37,625 Command us all and together we can put this right. 205 00:17:37,625 --> 00:17:39,708 - The Sea-Guard is still loyal to you. - Elendil-- 206 00:17:39,708 --> 00:17:41,958 - Together we can fight. - Elendil. 207 00:17:53,958 --> 00:17:58,250 It was you, who opened my heart again to the way of The Faithful. 208 00:17:59,333 --> 00:18:01,250 We swore to keep serving. 209 00:18:01,250 --> 00:18:02,583 Now, you wish to be still... 210 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:05,416 while the wolves are licking the cradle? 211 00:18:06,833 --> 00:18:10,000 What did you see? In the palantír. 212 00:18:17,416 --> 00:18:18,541 I saw myself. 213 00:18:21,208 --> 00:18:22,291 Lost. 214 00:18:24,125 --> 00:18:25,541 Riding from the city to... 215 00:18:31,250 --> 00:18:32,250 I know not where. 216 00:18:32,916 --> 00:18:35,125 Then you did not see it. 217 00:18:36,041 --> 00:18:38,166 - See what? - Perhaps it's changed. 218 00:18:38,791 --> 00:18:40,000 What do you mean? 219 00:18:41,416 --> 00:18:43,791 Not every battle must be fought to be won. 220 00:18:43,791 --> 00:18:47,416 Sometimes maintaining stillness of heart is the greatest victory of all, 221 00:18:47,416 --> 00:18:50,458 the greatest act of faith one can perform. 222 00:18:50,458 --> 00:18:51,958 I don't understand. 223 00:18:54,375 --> 00:18:57,958 For years, that palantír 224 00:18:57,958 --> 00:19:00,541 has shown me only our island's downfall. 225 00:19:00,541 --> 00:19:03,541 But when you touched it, that vision was gone. 226 00:19:03,541 --> 00:19:05,500 Changed to a new path. 227 00:19:06,166 --> 00:19:09,666 Pharazôn's kingship is a part of that path. 228 00:19:09,666 --> 00:19:11,958 And so are you. 229 00:19:11,958 --> 00:19:14,458 You have asked for my command. 230 00:19:17,458 --> 00:19:18,708 Now it is given. 231 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:31,000 No matter how hard they push you, no matter what they try and take, 232 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:34,250 you must not jeopardize Númenor's new destiny. 233 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:38,500 You must remain the calm at the storm's eye. 234 00:19:39,166 --> 00:19:41,416 Go back to your ship, Captain. 235 00:19:48,750 --> 00:19:50,375 You render it willingly? 236 00:19:50,375 --> 00:19:51,291 I do. 237 00:19:51,291 --> 00:19:53,458 You're no longer a Sea-Guard. Next. 238 00:19:55,583 --> 00:19:56,583 Line up. 239 00:19:57,083 --> 00:19:58,250 Lieutenant. 240 00:19:58,250 --> 00:19:59,416 All right. This way. 241 00:20:04,416 --> 00:20:06,000 What's the meaning of all this? 242 00:20:06,791 --> 00:20:11,041 Anyone deemed loyal to the Queen-regent has been stripped of rank. 243 00:20:11,041 --> 00:20:12,541 On whose authority? 244 00:20:12,541 --> 00:20:13,833 On mine. 245 00:20:18,125 --> 00:20:19,916 I'm sorry. I'd hoped to tell you earlier. 246 00:20:19,916 --> 00:20:23,250 Lord Belzagar wanted the lot of you charged with treason. 247 00:20:24,208 --> 00:20:28,291 And yet, overthrowing a queen has earned you a promotion. 248 00:20:28,291 --> 00:20:30,958 How dare you reduce my grief to petty ambition? 249 00:20:31,708 --> 00:20:35,083 My brother is dead because Míriel peeped into an Elf-stone. 250 00:20:35,083 --> 00:20:37,666 You mock that which is sacred. 251 00:20:37,666 --> 00:20:40,083 I mock that which is absurd. 252 00:20:40,083 --> 00:20:41,541 Ar-Pharazôn is your king. 253 00:20:42,208 --> 00:20:43,833 Accept it, Father. I beg you. 254 00:20:45,500 --> 00:20:47,583 You are walking a treacherous path. 255 00:20:48,916 --> 00:20:50,958 And yours is made of seawater. 256 00:20:50,958 --> 00:20:54,666 Take care to keep your feet beneath you, it's a long way to the bottom. 257 00:20:59,750 --> 00:21:01,750 Are you ready? Is everything there? 258 00:21:01,750 --> 00:21:03,208 Yes. Next. 259 00:21:04,250 --> 00:21:06,750 It's all there. This is all from the same. Check him up, now. 260 00:21:14,375 --> 00:21:15,583 Captain leaving deck! 261 00:21:18,041 --> 00:21:19,625 He's nobody's captain now. 262 00:21:40,333 --> 00:21:41,333 He's right. 263 00:21:48,375 --> 00:21:49,375 I'm not. 264 00:21:54,875 --> 00:21:55,875 Captain. 265 00:22:00,875 --> 00:22:02,583 - Thank you, Captain. - The Valar protect you. 266 00:22:02,583 --> 00:22:03,500 That's enough. 267 00:22:03,500 --> 00:22:05,541 Thank you, Captain. Thank you, Captain. 268 00:22:05,541 --> 00:22:07,750 Valar bless you, Captain. Captain, thank you, sir. 269 00:22:07,750 --> 00:22:09,208 Valar bless you. Thank you, sir. 270 00:22:09,208 --> 00:22:10,666 Thank you, Captain. 271 00:22:11,750 --> 00:22:13,000 That's enough. 272 00:22:13,000 --> 00:22:15,000 Thank you, Captain. Thank you, Captain. 273 00:22:15,000 --> 00:22:17,083 How do you think this ends? Silence! 274 00:22:17,083 --> 00:22:20,625 Thank you, Captain. Thank you. Bless you, Captain. Bless you. 275 00:22:22,416 --> 00:22:25,000 Captain, Elendil. Valar bless you. 276 00:22:26,416 --> 00:22:27,416 Valandil. 277 00:22:28,125 --> 00:22:30,250 Perhaps I can have you taken off the list. 278 00:22:31,250 --> 00:22:32,375 I'll speak to the king. 279 00:22:33,500 --> 00:22:34,750 You would do that for me? 280 00:22:37,833 --> 00:22:39,583 You're one of my oldest friends. 281 00:22:40,458 --> 00:22:44,625 I think you've made it clear enough who your friends are. 282 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:35,125 Most noble High King. 283 00:23:35,125 --> 00:23:38,166 I write this letter to convey my deep joy 284 00:23:38,166 --> 00:23:41,833 on hearing of the success of the Three Rings in Lindon. 285 00:23:42,791 --> 00:23:48,125 As requested, the forge is dark and the workshop is empty. 286 00:23:48,791 --> 00:23:54,041 A precious calm has settled over the city, and I foresee brighter days ahead. 287 00:23:54,583 --> 00:23:57,375 I hope you are able to make a visit soon. 288 00:23:57,375 --> 00:24:00,916 Until then, I remain as ever, 289 00:24:00,916 --> 00:24:04,875 your loyal servant, Lord Celebrimbor. 290 00:24:09,916 --> 00:24:11,916 Our armada is ready to depart. 291 00:24:11,916 --> 00:24:13,041 What are we waiting for? 292 00:24:13,041 --> 00:24:15,208 All is well in Eregion. 293 00:24:15,208 --> 00:24:17,708 The letter proves Galadriel was wrong. 294 00:24:17,708 --> 00:24:22,083 And whilst we hesitate, Adar's army grows stronger by the day. 295 00:24:22,625 --> 00:24:25,375 If we are to invade, we must leave now. 296 00:24:39,500 --> 00:24:41,416 Our enemy is in Mordor. 297 00:24:42,458 --> 00:24:45,291 Are you truly prepared to wager the future of Middle-earth 298 00:24:45,291 --> 00:24:47,833 on the whispers of that Ring alone? 299 00:24:57,333 --> 00:24:59,333 - You pushed for this. I know. 300 00:25:00,250 --> 00:25:03,333 - From the beginning. - I know. I did. I know. 301 00:25:05,000 --> 00:25:09,166 But learning to hear the mountain's a gift from Aulë, 302 00:25:09,166 --> 00:25:12,875 one that's honed and refined over a lifetime. 303 00:25:13,958 --> 00:25:14,833 And this it... 304 00:25:17,500 --> 00:25:19,000 It feels somehow like cheating. 305 00:25:19,708 --> 00:25:21,041 Yeah, he's Durin the Third. 306 00:25:21,958 --> 00:25:24,583 I think he knows a thing or two about wielding power. 307 00:25:25,083 --> 00:25:29,208 That kind of power would test even the most virtuous of Dwarves. 308 00:25:29,208 --> 00:25:31,291 I pray your father keeps his path true. 309 00:25:43,291 --> 00:25:45,708 Oh! It's perfect. 310 00:25:45,708 --> 00:25:46,625 Mmm-hmm. 311 00:25:47,458 --> 00:25:49,125 Two hundred for that one. 312 00:25:49,125 --> 00:25:51,083 Two hundred? For a bloody rock? 313 00:25:51,083 --> 00:25:53,166 It's a tuning crystal. 314 00:25:53,166 --> 00:25:56,916 I don't care if it's a cart and six horses. I won't pay it. 315 00:25:56,916 --> 00:25:58,750 Ah, blame the king's new law. 316 00:25:58,750 --> 00:26:01,875 For every coin spent, another goes to the crown. 317 00:26:01,875 --> 00:26:03,708 Ring tribute, he calls it. 318 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:06,375 Ring tribute? 319 00:26:06,875 --> 00:26:10,166 Sir, this is for our wee girl's birthday next week. 320 00:26:10,166 --> 00:26:13,041 Spare a bit for her sake? We'll give you 100. 321 00:26:13,041 --> 00:26:15,291 - One hundred? - One hundred. 322 00:26:16,375 --> 00:26:17,375 How's that sound? 323 00:26:17,375 --> 00:26:19,666 Like mine shaft robbery. 324 00:26:26,041 --> 00:26:27,250 Mmm! 325 00:26:27,250 --> 00:26:28,291 Hundred and fifty? 326 00:26:35,500 --> 00:26:36,583 Oh! 327 00:26:36,583 --> 00:26:38,708 Careful. - Aulë's beard, excuse me. 328 00:26:38,708 --> 00:26:40,500 It's rollin'. It's rollin'. 329 00:26:42,625 --> 00:26:44,333 You seem to have kicked it. 330 00:26:45,208 --> 00:26:47,541 Madam, I'm so sorry to get in your way. 331 00:26:48,208 --> 00:26:51,833 I have it, I have it, I have it. Oof! No, I don't. 332 00:27:13,083 --> 00:27:14,083 Now then... 333 00:27:14,708 --> 00:27:16,291 Where are you, you little... 334 00:27:21,041 --> 00:27:21,916 Oh! 335 00:27:24,083 --> 00:27:25,083 What? 336 00:27:26,250 --> 00:27:27,958 What is this? 337 00:27:49,666 --> 00:27:51,250 There you are. 338 00:27:57,416 --> 00:27:58,541 Hmm. 339 00:28:24,208 --> 00:28:27,500 Emissaries of the seven Dwarven realms, 340 00:28:28,416 --> 00:28:32,750 I have gathered you all here today because Middle-earth is changing. 341 00:28:34,666 --> 00:28:36,333 Its limbs are stretching. 342 00:28:37,125 --> 00:28:39,583 Its bones, creaking. 343 00:28:41,458 --> 00:28:45,500 Some dark will threatens all our kingdoms. 344 00:28:48,291 --> 00:28:53,000 But by Aulë's favor, my people have passed this test. 345 00:28:55,000 --> 00:28:57,375 And soon, yours shall pass it too. 346 00:28:58,333 --> 00:29:01,333 And rise together into a new age for our kind 347 00:29:04,750 --> 00:29:07,666 with the help of a power that will change everything. 348 00:29:10,708 --> 00:29:12,166 Seven Rings. 349 00:29:14,083 --> 00:29:15,583 Seven lords. 350 00:29:17,333 --> 00:29:22,041 And bound within each... power. 351 00:29:24,166 --> 00:29:25,625 Power over earth. 352 00:29:27,083 --> 00:29:28,083 Power over rock. 353 00:29:29,166 --> 00:29:32,208 Power to shape the destinies of all Dwarves forever. 354 00:29:35,166 --> 00:29:38,583 The Rings are not for you, but for your masters. 355 00:29:38,583 --> 00:29:43,208 Go back and tell them that each of your realms may share in this bounty. 356 00:29:45,833 --> 00:29:47,416 But it comes with a price. 357 00:29:58,875 --> 00:30:01,083 Khazad-dûm shall never want again. 358 00:30:03,916 --> 00:30:06,333 There is gold right beneath us. 359 00:30:10,833 --> 00:30:13,500 We should be delving much deeper. 360 00:30:13,500 --> 00:30:16,208 But who set these restrictions? 361 00:30:16,208 --> 00:30:19,500 Well, you did, sire. Decades ago. 362 00:30:20,958 --> 00:30:22,041 Then strike them. 363 00:30:22,750 --> 00:30:23,791 Strike... But, sire-- 364 00:30:23,791 --> 00:30:27,500 Strike them, Delve-master, or I'll find them... 365 00:30:30,916 --> 00:30:32,666 - Where is it? - You took it off. 366 00:30:32,666 --> 00:30:34,458 Where is it? What have you done with it? 367 00:30:34,458 --> 00:30:37,375 It's there, sire. You-- You took it off. 368 00:30:38,083 --> 00:30:41,916 You said your hand was feeling heavy. 369 00:30:44,125 --> 00:30:44,958 Oh... 370 00:30:46,250 --> 00:30:47,083 Hmm. 371 00:30:47,875 --> 00:30:50,458 It was. It was. 372 00:31:05,875 --> 00:31:08,291 Start to dig, points where I've marked. 373 00:31:09,625 --> 00:31:10,625 Sire. 374 00:31:15,250 --> 00:31:16,250 Stop! 375 00:31:21,750 --> 00:31:23,208 There's something under the mines. 376 00:31:23,208 --> 00:31:25,375 Disa heard it herself. 377 00:31:25,375 --> 00:31:29,458 A nameless evil, ancient and powerful. 378 00:31:30,625 --> 00:31:32,500 You mustn't dig. 379 00:31:36,750 --> 00:31:38,916 You have your orders, Delve-master. 380 00:31:40,583 --> 00:31:42,000 Narvi, I beg you. 381 00:31:43,958 --> 00:31:46,958 Delve-master. You have your orders. 382 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:02,333 Stone-singers speak of hearing the mountain. 383 00:32:03,625 --> 00:32:08,791 - What? - With this Ring, I can see it. 384 00:32:11,041 --> 00:32:15,333 Every shaft, every ore, every jewel. 385 00:32:15,333 --> 00:32:17,750 In thousands of years, 386 00:32:18,541 --> 00:32:23,541 we have barely taken a thimble from the ocean of her riches. 387 00:32:24,416 --> 00:32:26,208 Disa is mistaken. 388 00:32:29,625 --> 00:32:31,041 There is no danger. 389 00:32:42,458 --> 00:32:43,541 My lord. 390 00:32:44,875 --> 00:32:45,875 Are you hurt? 391 00:32:50,666 --> 00:32:51,833 Are you all right? 392 00:33:16,500 --> 00:33:18,125 Do my eyes deceive me? 393 00:33:21,458 --> 00:33:22,458 No. 394 00:33:23,333 --> 00:33:25,500 We were casting a new design for a Ring. 395 00:33:26,041 --> 00:33:28,833 Mirdania was attempting to resize it when... 396 00:33:33,875 --> 00:33:35,083 Where is she? 397 00:33:38,666 --> 00:33:40,458 - Look out! Master! 398 00:33:45,541 --> 00:33:46,541 Get back! 399 00:33:58,666 --> 00:33:59,750 Stop. 400 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:03,166 Breathe. 401 00:34:09,000 --> 00:34:10,250 What happened? 402 00:34:10,250 --> 00:34:13,541 I was in a place like this, 403 00:34:13,666 --> 00:34:19,666 but shrouded in mist and darkness, and... 404 00:34:20,208 --> 00:34:21,875 I saw-- I-- 405 00:34:24,041 --> 00:34:27,083 At first, I thought it was the forge burning. 406 00:34:30,875 --> 00:34:32,125 But it wasn't. 407 00:34:32,708 --> 00:34:33,708 What was it? 408 00:34:35,000 --> 00:34:36,833 It was tall... 409 00:34:38,458 --> 00:34:41,458 and its skin was made of flames. 410 00:34:44,333 --> 00:34:50,083 It came toward me, breathing, reeking of death, 411 00:34:50,083 --> 00:34:52,083 and I saw... I-- 412 00:34:53,125 --> 00:34:54,750 I saw its eyes. 413 00:34:56,333 --> 00:34:58,958 Pitiless and eternal. 414 00:34:59,666 --> 00:35:01,083 I think it's been here. 415 00:35:02,250 --> 00:35:04,666 I think it's been here among us, all along! 416 00:35:04,666 --> 00:35:06,250 You are with us now. 417 00:35:07,666 --> 00:35:09,333 There is nothing to fear. 418 00:35:11,958 --> 00:35:13,458 Look around. 419 00:35:15,666 --> 00:35:16,916 All is well. 420 00:35:20,208 --> 00:35:24,208 What did you do differently this time? 421 00:35:26,958 --> 00:35:32,375 The Lord of Gifts shared your worry that Men are too corruptible. 422 00:35:33,333 --> 00:35:36,333 So, we sought to fortify the alloy by adding more mithril. 423 00:35:36,333 --> 00:35:37,666 No, no! 424 00:35:37,666 --> 00:35:39,916 If you'd wanted to do that, you should've... 425 00:35:41,958 --> 00:35:43,208 You... 426 00:35:47,791 --> 00:35:50,250 It would save us immeasurable hours of toil 427 00:35:50,250 --> 00:35:55,166 if you would offer this one, single word of counsel. 428 00:36:07,916 --> 00:36:09,416 - My lord, Celebrimbor. - You should-- 429 00:36:11,125 --> 00:36:14,791 Forgive me, my lord, but Durin the Younger is arrived from Khazad-dûm. 430 00:36:14,791 --> 00:36:16,083 No, tell him to wait. 431 00:36:17,000 --> 00:36:21,041 He says it is urgent. Something about the Rings. 432 00:36:23,250 --> 00:36:24,666 I will see what he wants. 433 00:36:24,666 --> 00:36:25,833 No. 434 00:36:27,416 --> 00:36:29,750 No. I will go. 435 00:36:40,083 --> 00:36:41,208 How do you mean "changed"? 436 00:36:41,208 --> 00:36:45,083 It's like he's colder. Quicker to anger. 437 00:36:45,083 --> 00:36:48,041 Now they tell me, he refuses to share the other Rings 438 00:36:48,041 --> 00:36:52,833 unless the Dwarf-lords promise him half a share of their mines! 439 00:36:52,833 --> 00:36:55,833 Now, greed is not his way. It never has been. 440 00:36:56,666 --> 00:36:57,708 I-- 441 00:37:02,083 --> 00:37:05,208 Is it possible the Ring he's wearing-- 442 00:37:05,208 --> 00:37:06,583 No. 443 00:37:08,166 --> 00:37:10,625 We used the same process, Durin, 444 00:37:10,625 --> 00:37:13,625 the same materials, even the same tools as for the Three. 445 00:37:14,875 --> 00:37:19,416 Now, there simply cannot be a fault in your Rings. 446 00:37:22,416 --> 00:37:25,000 Then maybe, the fault's in the Ring-maker. 447 00:37:26,416 --> 00:37:27,583 What do you mean? 448 00:37:27,583 --> 00:37:31,416 How much do you really know about this Annatar? 449 00:37:46,791 --> 00:37:48,208 You are very brave. 450 00:37:49,458 --> 00:37:54,833 Some who behold the Unseen world are never quite at home in this one again. 451 00:37:57,041 --> 00:37:58,708 Have you seen it? 452 00:37:58,708 --> 00:38:00,250 Yes. 453 00:38:01,875 --> 00:38:05,958 In its light, things appear as they truly are. 454 00:38:07,375 --> 00:38:11,000 Beings of differing shades of light... 455 00:38:13,916 --> 00:38:15,291 And its darkness. 456 00:38:18,375 --> 00:38:20,083 It pains me to say, 457 00:38:21,208 --> 00:38:23,583 for what you saw, I did not wish for any of you to see 458 00:38:25,041 --> 00:38:26,875 until I had helped him to heal. 459 00:38:29,291 --> 00:38:34,875 You... You speak of... Lord Celebrimbor? 460 00:38:35,750 --> 00:38:36,958 Yes. 461 00:38:39,250 --> 00:38:41,166 The toll that creation has exacted from him 462 00:38:41,166 --> 00:38:45,833 in crafting the Three and the Seven has left him diminished. 463 00:38:46,708 --> 00:38:48,291 Vulnerable to the shadow. 464 00:38:52,541 --> 00:38:54,125 Then, what I saw... 465 00:38:55,458 --> 00:38:57,583 Promise me you'll speak to none other of it. 466 00:38:58,500 --> 00:38:59,875 Including him. 467 00:38:59,875 --> 00:39:01,125 I promise. 468 00:39:07,458 --> 00:39:08,791 How strange. 469 00:39:09,500 --> 00:39:12,500 When the light caught your hair, 470 00:39:14,291 --> 00:39:16,291 for a moment, you seemed her perfect likeness. 471 00:39:17,708 --> 00:39:19,041 Whose likeness? 472 00:39:20,500 --> 00:39:22,166 Why, Lady Galadriel's, of course. 473 00:39:41,000 --> 00:39:45,583 The souls of those we have lost yearn for peace. 474 00:39:45,583 --> 00:39:49,083 Tonight, we will help them to find it. 475 00:39:49,958 --> 00:39:54,166 Until we meet again in the far green country 476 00:39:54,166 --> 00:39:56,583 under a swift sunrise. 477 00:40:43,500 --> 00:40:47,000 This shrine is condemned by order of the king. 478 00:40:47,916 --> 00:40:49,166 Return to your homes. 479 00:40:49,166 --> 00:40:51,625 My son, this is the oldest shrine in Númenor. 480 00:40:51,625 --> 00:40:53,375 It's in the way of the new aqueduct. 481 00:40:54,083 --> 00:40:56,416 Leave willingly or leave by force. 482 00:40:56,416 --> 00:40:58,375 The King sends his apologies. 483 00:41:07,833 --> 00:41:10,458 How's it feel to have a daughter who's ashamed of you? 484 00:41:15,625 --> 00:41:18,083 You heard him, old man. Out! 485 00:41:21,333 --> 00:41:22,791 Get his arms. 486 00:41:22,791 --> 00:41:24,291 Wait. Wait! 487 00:41:26,333 --> 00:41:27,625 I'll escort him out. 488 00:41:29,791 --> 00:41:34,208 If she is not stored, the souls for whom she weeps will be lost. 489 00:41:36,958 --> 00:41:38,041 Give him the relic. 490 00:41:42,416 --> 00:41:43,750 Give it to him, boy. 491 00:42:02,333 --> 00:42:04,916 I don't know if you're aware, but I've been promoted to-- 492 00:42:15,791 --> 00:42:17,041 Hold him. 493 00:42:28,000 --> 00:42:31,708 This shrine is for The Faithful. King's men aren't welcome here. 494 00:42:31,708 --> 00:42:33,458 I don't see you praying. 495 00:42:36,916 --> 00:42:38,916 - May the Valar forgive me. - For what? 496 00:42:39,958 --> 00:42:41,375 No! No! 497 00:42:49,916 --> 00:42:50,916 Valandil! 498 00:43:03,291 --> 00:43:05,166 No! Valandil! 499 00:43:23,583 --> 00:43:24,583 No! 500 00:43:43,083 --> 00:43:46,000 No! Valandil, put it down! 501 00:43:53,375 --> 00:43:54,458 Put it down, son. 502 00:43:57,375 --> 00:43:59,041 That's an order. 503 00:44:23,625 --> 00:44:24,708 Aye, Captain. 504 00:44:28,583 --> 00:44:29,583 No. 505 00:44:41,750 --> 00:44:43,416 No, no, no, no, no. 506 00:44:53,208 --> 00:44:54,208 No. 507 00:45:32,166 --> 00:45:37,125 Inform the jailer he was the one who started the uprising. 508 00:45:45,250 --> 00:45:46,083 No! 509 00:45:46,083 --> 00:45:50,125 No, I tell you there is something wrong with the Dwarven Rings! 510 00:45:50,125 --> 00:45:53,666 Or King Durin is misusing his Ring and seeking to deflect blame. 511 00:45:53,666 --> 00:45:54,750 No! 512 00:45:55,458 --> 00:45:57,041 No, I do not believe that. 513 00:45:57,041 --> 00:46:00,000 As one who so masterfully manipulates metals, 514 00:46:00,666 --> 00:46:03,291 just be mindful someone is not manipulating you. 515 00:46:04,125 --> 00:46:05,875 You see daggers where there are none. 516 00:46:05,875 --> 00:46:09,250 And you ignore them, until they are right at your throat. 517 00:46:09,250 --> 00:46:11,000 No. Enough. 518 00:46:11,000 --> 00:46:12,500 Did you... 519 00:46:15,000 --> 00:46:16,333 in some way... 520 00:46:18,291 --> 00:46:20,291 alter the Dwarven Rings, yes or no? 521 00:46:25,541 --> 00:46:26,625 No. 522 00:46:46,958 --> 00:46:47,958 We did. 523 00:46:49,833 --> 00:46:51,458 What are you talking about? 524 00:46:52,833 --> 00:46:57,250 These are matters of spirit, as much as craft. 525 00:46:58,375 --> 00:47:01,458 And this time, we brought deceit into the process. 526 00:47:01,458 --> 00:47:02,875 Deceit? 527 00:47:04,916 --> 00:47:06,458 What deceit could you poss-- 528 00:47:09,833 --> 00:47:11,041 The letter. 529 00:47:14,625 --> 00:47:15,625 No. 530 00:47:17,458 --> 00:47:19,333 No, that, that was... 531 00:47:20,333 --> 00:47:21,541 You lied. 532 00:47:24,291 --> 00:47:26,000 That was not a lie. I-- 533 00:47:26,000 --> 00:47:28,333 Your High King consented to the Three. 534 00:47:29,333 --> 00:47:34,000 But the Seven we forged beneath a cloak of deception. 535 00:47:34,000 --> 00:47:35,666 You must go to Lindon forthwith, 536 00:47:36,541 --> 00:47:38,416 and confess the truth to your High King. 537 00:47:38,416 --> 00:47:40,083 Or matters will worsen. 538 00:47:40,083 --> 00:47:41,750 No, do that, he would... 539 00:47:43,916 --> 00:47:46,416 He would never permit me to forge anything again. 540 00:47:47,458 --> 00:47:49,083 It is either that, 541 00:47:51,125 --> 00:47:52,875 or we plunge straight on... 542 00:47:55,541 --> 00:47:57,291 even deeper into the maelstrom. 543 00:48:01,250 --> 00:48:04,291 Father, I have been to Eregion. 544 00:48:04,291 --> 00:48:09,416 I tell you, some devilry has gone into these Rings. 545 00:48:09,416 --> 00:48:12,500 We mustn't use them anymore. 546 00:48:13,000 --> 00:48:18,625 Time and pressure can shape a Dwarf, 547 00:48:18,625 --> 00:48:21,375 as surely as it can shape a stone. 548 00:48:23,750 --> 00:48:28,083 I had hoped our estrangement would help shape you, my son. 549 00:48:28,083 --> 00:48:32,916 But I did not expect how much it would shape me. 550 00:48:32,916 --> 00:48:34,666 - Father-- - I am proud of you. 551 00:48:34,666 --> 00:48:36,416 - No. - I am proud of you. 552 00:48:37,833 --> 00:48:43,291 Your desire to partner with the Elves has saved our kingdom. 553 00:48:44,708 --> 00:48:48,375 That is why now, now, more than ever, 554 00:48:49,750 --> 00:48:51,375 I need you. 555 00:48:52,375 --> 00:48:55,458 I need your axe, by my side. 556 00:49:04,083 --> 00:49:05,083 Prince Durin. 557 00:49:28,083 --> 00:49:29,375 Durin? 558 00:49:30,375 --> 00:49:33,000 Durin, what did he say? Did he-- 559 00:49:39,125 --> 00:49:40,125 I tried. 560 00:49:40,125 --> 00:49:42,708 But-- Durin, no. 561 00:49:42,708 --> 00:49:44,458 I tried to tell him. 562 00:49:46,958 --> 00:49:48,000 Durin... 563 00:49:58,666 --> 00:49:59,666 Swear it. 564 00:50:02,250 --> 00:50:06,458 Swear to me that you will never wear one of those Rings. 565 00:50:15,750 --> 00:50:17,083 I swear it. 566 00:50:23,916 --> 00:50:28,375 There is agency uncanny in the heart of stone and ore. 567 00:50:30,041 --> 00:50:33,291 Even when a work is yet within the artist's bosom, it begins to... 568 00:50:36,333 --> 00:50:37,333 disobey him. 569 00:50:39,875 --> 00:50:42,500 We have failed. Every one of us. 570 00:50:43,041 --> 00:50:47,750 The designs were carried out to the most exacting detail, my lord. 571 00:50:47,750 --> 00:50:49,125 Were they? 572 00:50:50,458 --> 00:50:53,833 Every last hammer stroke done to perfection? 573 00:50:53,833 --> 00:50:59,250 Or did, did hubris and sloth come together to dull your attention? 574 00:51:02,125 --> 00:51:06,291 We must atone for our mistakes in the only way we can, 575 00:51:06,291 --> 00:51:11,041 by completing the Rings together. 576 00:51:13,625 --> 00:51:17,083 The Nine must do far more than bring aid to Men, 577 00:51:17,083 --> 00:51:20,208 they must bring balance to the entire project. 578 00:51:20,208 --> 00:51:24,000 They must draw strength from the Three. 579 00:51:24,625 --> 00:51:25,875 And somehow... 580 00:51:28,291 --> 00:51:29,958 redeem the Seven. 581 00:51:32,958 --> 00:51:36,000 They must redeem us all. 582 00:51:39,208 --> 00:51:41,583 We shall work night and day. 583 00:51:43,166 --> 00:51:47,625 New designs. New alloys. A new process. 584 00:51:48,625 --> 00:51:50,333 I will be with you at every turn. 585 00:51:50,333 --> 00:51:54,750 And any of you who offers so much as a hair's breadth less 586 00:51:54,750 --> 00:51:58,166 than his utmost effort is a s-- 587 00:51:58,166 --> 00:52:00,375 A smith of Eregion no longer. 588 00:52:03,458 --> 00:52:05,000 Have I made myself plain? 589 00:52:05,000 --> 00:52:06,791 Yes, yes, my lord. 590 00:52:07,541 --> 00:52:08,625 It starts now. 591 00:52:14,666 --> 00:52:16,291 What has gotten into him? 592 00:52:18,250 --> 00:52:21,916 My friends. Do not be discouraged. 593 00:52:24,291 --> 00:52:28,166 Your master may seem unreasonable. 594 00:52:29,833 --> 00:52:34,208 His demands intemperate, or even impossible. 595 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:39,416 But that is simply because he knows how much depends on your success. 596 00:52:40,375 --> 00:52:42,916 Yet, I know you will not disappoint him. 597 00:52:47,041 --> 00:52:48,250 Or me. 598 00:52:52,208 --> 00:52:54,875 I, for one, am certain 599 00:52:56,250 --> 00:52:58,375 that we will complete the Rings of Power. 600 00:52:58,375 --> 00:52:59,458 Yes. 601 00:53:04,750 --> 00:53:05,958 Shall we begin? 602 00:53:05,958 --> 00:53:07,458 Yes, of course, my lord. 603 00:53:08,791 --> 00:53:09,791 Lord of Gifts indeed. 604 00:53:12,541 --> 00:53:13,625 Let's get to it. 605 00:53:58,875 --> 00:54:00,083 High King! 606 00:54:01,583 --> 00:54:04,583 High King, the Orcs are not in Mordor. 607 00:54:05,083 --> 00:54:07,333 A legion of them are headed for Eregion. 608 00:54:07,833 --> 00:54:09,041 Galadriel was right. 609 00:54:09,041 --> 00:54:12,125 You must send the army to Eregion this moment. 610 00:54:13,375 --> 00:54:15,041 That will not be possible. 611 00:54:15,541 --> 00:54:21,250 I have reason to believe that Sauron is the architect of all this. 612 00:54:22,166 --> 00:54:26,250 High King, Eregion is the very jewel of Elvendom. 613 00:54:26,250 --> 00:54:29,416 If it were to fall, it would be a mortal blow for all in Middle-earth. 614 00:54:29,416 --> 00:54:31,208 You must send aid! 615 00:54:32,208 --> 00:54:36,333 Our armies cannot defeat both Adar and Sauron. 616 00:54:36,333 --> 00:54:37,666 Not alone. 617 00:54:40,750 --> 00:54:44,083 Come on! Come on! 618 00:54:58,000 --> 00:54:59,208 Back away! 619 00:55:26,833 --> 00:55:27,833 Get her out. 620 00:55:30,125 --> 00:55:32,291 Look out for her. It's okay. 621 00:55:32,291 --> 00:55:33,666 Yeah. 622 00:55:51,916 --> 00:55:53,125 I brought you here 623 00:55:54,125 --> 00:55:55,208 not as a prisoner... 624 00:55:55,958 --> 00:55:57,083 But as a potential ally. 625 00:55:58,791 --> 00:56:00,666 For we share a common enemy.