1 00:00:07,132 --> 00:00:09,009 [police radio chatter] 2 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:19,645 [officer speaks Russian] 3 00:00:22,689 --> 00:00:26,777 [officer] Dispatch, transport 25 inbound with 12 detainees. 4 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:30,155 [dispatch] Okay, bring them in. 5 00:00:30,155 --> 00:00:31,281 [officer] Copy. 6 00:00:31,907 --> 00:00:33,825 Why are they doing this? 7 00:00:35,244 --> 00:00:37,454 The police back Korzhenko. 8 00:00:38,914 --> 00:00:43,794 They are making an example of those who ask questions. 9 00:00:46,129 --> 00:00:48,006 Just do what they say. 10 00:00:48,507 --> 00:00:50,509 [people talking outside] 11 00:00:55,013 --> 00:00:56,598 Get out! 12 00:00:57,474 --> 00:00:58,809 Get out! 13 00:01:01,103 --> 00:01:02,437 [officer 2] Quiet! 14 00:01:03,480 --> 00:01:06,149 - Quickly! - [junior sergeant] Feet apart! 15 00:01:06,149 --> 00:01:08,193 [officer 2] Hands forward! 16 00:01:08,193 --> 00:01:10,070 Face against the wall! 17 00:01:11,113 --> 00:01:12,573 Feet apart! 18 00:01:12,573 --> 00:01:13,949 [junior sergeant] Don't talk! 19 00:01:13,949 --> 00:01:15,325 Quiet! 20 00:02:51,046 --> 00:02:54,800 [in English] At this hour, tanks surround the Russian parliament building in Moscow. 21 00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:58,554 Some of them are operated by troops loyal to the communist hard-liners 22 00:02:58,554 --> 00:03:00,848 who've taken control of the Soviet government. 23 00:03:01,640 --> 00:03:04,142 [news anchor 2] Although both the Defense Intelligence Agency 24 00:03:04,142 --> 00:03:07,229 and the Central Intelligence Agency have been warning for months 25 00:03:07,229 --> 00:03:09,606 that Gorbachev's days in power were numbered. 26 00:03:09,606 --> 00:03:12,776 [Christine Francis] The Soviet Defense Ministry urged calm, 27 00:03:12,776 --> 00:03:17,781 requesting that citizens remain inside until the situation is resolved. 28 00:03:17,781 --> 00:03:22,494 The face of the coup is a man named Fyodor Korzhenko, a longtime nationalist 29 00:03:22,494 --> 00:03:26,832 who says he intends to reverse the corrupt Western-friendly policies 30 00:03:26,832 --> 00:03:28,542 of the Gorbachev regime 31 00:03:28,542 --> 00:03:33,505 and restore the Soviet Union to traditional Marxist-Leninist principles. 32 00:03:34,423 --> 00:03:37,843 He leads a group of hard-liners within the Soviet Communist Party-- 33 00:03:37,843 --> 00:03:41,138 [Hobson] The president is expected to condemn the coup within the hour. 34 00:03:42,139 --> 00:03:45,893 We should tell you, Roscosmos and Star City, 35 00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:48,103 we haven't heard from them in almost six hours. 36 00:03:48,729 --> 00:03:52,733 Commander Poole, our thoughts are with our Russian comrades in Happy Valley. 37 00:03:52,733 --> 00:03:54,568 We hope their loved ones are safe. 38 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:57,237 You be safe too. 39 00:03:57,237 --> 00:03:58,322 [line beeps] 40 00:04:02,910 --> 00:04:05,704 Svetlana, I know you have your own channels. 41 00:04:05,704 --> 00:04:08,582 Have you been able to reach anyone at Star City? 42 00:04:08,582 --> 00:04:11,585 My coms-man is sending tritone repeater every three minutes. 43 00:04:11,585 --> 00:04:14,338 - And nothing? - It's not just Star City. 44 00:04:14,338 --> 00:04:18,132 My father sends message to me every Saturday. 45 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:21,845 This is first time I do not hear from him. 46 00:04:21,845 --> 00:04:25,557 Same with Pavel's wife and Maxim's son, Antal. 47 00:04:26,141 --> 00:04:29,561 It's like Moscow just disappeared. 48 00:04:30,979 --> 00:04:32,523 I hate this not knowing. 49 00:04:33,440 --> 00:04:35,859 I'm sorry, Sveta. I know how hard that can be. 50 00:04:37,486 --> 00:04:42,824 All personal Russian and cosmonaut video messages need to take bandwidth priority. 51 00:04:42,824 --> 00:04:44,117 You got it. 52 00:04:44,618 --> 00:04:48,497 And if you want to postpone the asteroid capture training mission, we can. 53 00:04:48,497 --> 00:04:50,666 No, we should proceed as planned. 54 00:04:51,750 --> 00:04:53,335 [Danielle] All right, good. 55 00:04:56,964 --> 00:04:59,967 [waves crashing] 56 00:05:20,737 --> 00:05:21,864 [person exclaims] 57 00:05:25,409 --> 00:05:26,410 [chuckles] Oh. 58 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:28,662 Did you see that? 59 00:05:28,662 --> 00:05:30,247 That's a shooting star. 60 00:05:31,415 --> 00:05:32,624 Whoa. [sighs] 61 00:05:32,624 --> 00:05:34,710 That's the universe sending us a message. 62 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:37,963 The universe doesn't send messages. 63 00:05:38,463 --> 00:05:39,673 How do you know? 64 00:05:39,673 --> 00:05:43,135 It's not sentient. Doesn't give a damn about you and me. 65 00:05:43,135 --> 00:05:47,264 It's just a collection of random particles careening through a void. 66 00:05:47,264 --> 00:05:49,099 Well, that's a message too. Isn't it? 67 00:05:50,142 --> 00:05:51,351 What are you-- 68 00:05:52,436 --> 00:05:53,979 What are you doing here? 69 00:05:54,521 --> 00:05:56,940 This is a private beach. 70 00:05:56,940 --> 00:05:58,358 How did you even get here? 71 00:05:58,358 --> 00:06:02,696 I just went down that path over there. Next to that monstrosity of a house. 72 00:06:02,696 --> 00:06:05,699 You missed the fence and sign that says, "Keep out. Private property?" 73 00:06:05,699 --> 00:06:08,368 Oh, so that's-- that's your monstrosity? 74 00:06:10,162 --> 00:06:15,375 So-- So you-- you own like all that and-- and what? That's not enough? 75 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:17,586 You want to claim the ocean too? 76 00:06:18,170 --> 00:06:19,713 I could just call the sheriff. 77 00:06:19,713 --> 00:06:21,340 Go ahead, you fascist pig. 78 00:06:53,789 --> 00:06:57,501 What we're pitching isn't your usual, pie-in-the-sky, 79 00:06:57,501 --> 00:06:59,795 five-year-calendar aerospace project. 80 00:07:00,337 --> 00:07:02,714 All that hard work and proof of concept. 81 00:07:03,215 --> 00:07:06,218 It's done. NASA already subsidized the whole thing. 82 00:07:06,218 --> 00:07:08,345 What do they say about aerospace? 83 00:07:09,096 --> 00:07:11,932 Every new project is like jumping off a cliff 84 00:07:11,932 --> 00:07:14,101 and building an airplane on the way down. 85 00:07:14,768 --> 00:07:16,687 We're talking one of the most innovative, 86 00:07:16,687 --> 00:07:21,149 semi-autonomous, downright beautiful projects NASA's ever backed. 87 00:07:21,149 --> 00:07:23,902 We call it the Mars S.E.E.K.E.R. 88 00:07:23,902 --> 00:07:25,779 A semi-autonomous robotic crawler 89 00:07:25,779 --> 00:07:30,492 designed to explore uncharted Martian lava tubes, testing bedrock for proof of life. 90 00:07:30,492 --> 00:07:34,246 Prototype-gamma is on a literal shelf at NASA right now. 91 00:07:34,246 --> 00:07:38,083 Gamma is the third in a planned fleet of six to 12 operational S.E.E.K.E.R.s. 92 00:07:38,083 --> 00:07:39,084 Funds would... 93 00:07:39,084 --> 00:07:42,129 Buy cargo space for S.E.E.K.E.R.s on future Mars launches. 94 00:07:42,129 --> 00:07:44,673 Provide setup of a small mission control at Happy Valley. 95 00:07:44,673 --> 00:07:48,343 And fund a full-time engineering team to run the project on Mars. 96 00:07:48,343 --> 00:07:54,558 To find the signatures of life that once existed, that maybe still exist right now. 97 00:07:54,558 --> 00:07:56,435 Kelly, let me stop you there. 98 00:07:56,435 --> 00:08:01,565 So well pitched, but we have several other projects... 99 00:08:01,565 --> 00:08:03,233 In this exact same space. 100 00:08:03,233 --> 00:08:05,485 It just doesn't fit our development slate. 101 00:08:05,485 --> 00:08:09,573 I appreciate the passion, but frankly, 102 00:08:09,573 --> 00:08:13,410 we're not in a position to take such a financial risk at this time. 103 00:08:19,958 --> 00:08:21,543 That sucked. 104 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:23,337 [sighs] 105 00:08:23,962 --> 00:08:28,300 What's two hundred million to a company worth more than the GDP of Texas? 106 00:08:32,386 --> 00:08:35,265 I can think of someone else worth just about the same. 107 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:39,227 You really think he'd go for it? 108 00:08:39,227 --> 00:08:40,812 Only one way to find out. 109 00:08:44,191 --> 00:08:46,193 [electronic beeps] 110 00:08:57,746 --> 00:09:01,625 You like it? It's super easy. It's called Pixel Paint. 111 00:09:01,625 --> 00:09:03,085 [Amanda] Let's wrap it up. 112 00:09:03,085 --> 00:09:04,461 [Lily] Okay. 113 00:09:04,461 --> 00:09:09,633 Mom says I gotta go. You're still sending me a Mars rock, right? Love you, Daddy. 114 00:09:10,217 --> 00:09:12,553 [blows kisses] Bye. 115 00:09:13,387 --> 00:09:16,265 [Amanda] Okay. Ah, hey. [chuckles] 116 00:09:17,266 --> 00:09:19,977 Oh, ah, Sarah's at Melinda's. 117 00:09:19,977 --> 00:09:22,604 Sorry, I thought she would be back in time. 118 00:09:22,604 --> 00:09:25,732 Anyway, um, we should talk. 119 00:09:26,316 --> 00:09:30,821 My sister said that there might be a job for me at the company she works for 120 00:09:30,821 --> 00:09:32,364 up in Boise. 121 00:09:32,364 --> 00:09:34,658 I've seen the latest deposit. 122 00:09:34,658 --> 00:09:37,870 I'm sure you're just as frustrated about it as I am. 123 00:09:37,870 --> 00:09:41,039 But something's got to change because this ain't working. 124 00:09:41,874 --> 00:09:43,584 You're millions of miles away 125 00:09:43,584 --> 00:09:47,004 and if you can't make the money that you thought then, 126 00:09:48,046 --> 00:09:50,591 you know, what are you even doing up there, Miles? 127 00:09:53,802 --> 00:09:56,305 Anyway, I'll-I'll talk to you later. [blows kisses] 128 00:09:57,181 --> 00:09:58,390 [line beeps] 129 00:09:59,975 --> 00:10:01,059 Letter from home? 130 00:10:02,227 --> 00:10:03,312 Yeah. 131 00:10:03,312 --> 00:10:06,190 Guessing it was a doozy, too, based on that hangdog look of yours. 132 00:10:06,690 --> 00:10:10,110 No, I was just-- I thought it would be different up here but it's the same shit. 133 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:11,320 Well, count yourself lucky. 134 00:10:11,320 --> 00:10:13,155 Know how many vidmails I got last month? 135 00:10:13,155 --> 00:10:14,406 Big fat zero. 136 00:10:15,115 --> 00:10:16,116 Really? 137 00:10:17,367 --> 00:10:18,827 You have any family down there? 138 00:10:18,827 --> 00:10:20,162 My husband. 139 00:10:20,162 --> 00:10:22,873 [chuckles] I mean, uh, my ex-husband. 140 00:10:22,873 --> 00:10:27,252 He did that whole quickie divorce thing. Ten days before blast off. 141 00:10:27,252 --> 00:10:28,629 Shit. Sorry. 142 00:10:30,464 --> 00:10:32,883 Don't be. He wanted kids and I wanted to go to Mars. 143 00:10:32,883 --> 00:10:35,636 But let's go, uh, drown our sorrows, shall we? 144 00:10:41,016 --> 00:10:43,644 [rock music plays] 145 00:10:50,067 --> 00:10:51,777 Whoa. You gotta catch it. 146 00:11:07,459 --> 00:11:11,213 How much do you think Ilya makes? Getting all this stuff for these people? 147 00:11:12,130 --> 00:11:15,676 Let's see, I gave him 20 bucks last week to get me tampons 148 00:11:15,676 --> 00:11:18,554 better than the glorified TP rolls they sell in the PX. 149 00:11:19,346 --> 00:11:22,850 I gave him ten dollars for all-cotton undies. 150 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:24,643 Three bucks for drinks. 151 00:11:25,269 --> 00:11:28,605 He hauls in $40 to $50 from me a month alone. 152 00:11:28,605 --> 00:11:31,900 So times that by however many people you see coming in here every day. 153 00:11:32,442 --> 00:11:35,195 And I'd say he makes a shitload. Yeah. 154 00:11:41,159 --> 00:11:42,536 Do you want another? 155 00:11:43,036 --> 00:11:44,705 - If you're buying. - Oh, yeah. 156 00:11:44,705 --> 00:11:45,873 [vocalizes] 157 00:11:45,873 --> 00:11:48,208 [metal rattles] 158 00:11:57,009 --> 00:11:58,218 [speaks Russian] 159 00:11:59,511 --> 00:12:01,555 - [in English] What? - Two more, please. 160 00:12:02,347 --> 00:12:04,850 Coming right up. You got lemon, right? 161 00:12:09,104 --> 00:12:11,440 You seem to have everything figured out up here, Ilya. 162 00:12:11,440 --> 00:12:15,944 [chuckles] Other than that fucking still. So slow. 163 00:12:16,653 --> 00:12:20,449 But you'll come to learn, my friend. Give it time. 164 00:12:21,909 --> 00:12:24,661 Don't know about that. I'm a grand shy of what I need every month, 165 00:12:24,661 --> 00:12:26,288 and my wife is not happy. 166 00:12:27,372 --> 00:12:29,666 Helios, they are a shit company. 167 00:12:29,666 --> 00:12:32,002 They're greedy and they're cheats. 168 00:12:32,002 --> 00:12:35,923 I worked for them for 15 years. First on Moon, now here. 169 00:12:37,508 --> 00:12:39,760 So one day I said to myself, 170 00:12:39,760 --> 00:12:44,640 "Fine, you want to rig game? I can do same, only better than you." 171 00:12:45,390 --> 00:12:48,644 When I started on Moon, we were just small operation. 172 00:12:48,644 --> 00:12:52,147 Jack Daniel's, cigarettes, some pornography. 173 00:12:52,147 --> 00:12:56,610 The classy stuff, Playboy, Penthouse. [chuckles] 174 00:12:56,610 --> 00:12:58,654 But it was a tough market. 175 00:13:00,405 --> 00:13:03,200 Here, business much better. 176 00:13:04,409 --> 00:13:07,538 That's great, man. But what about NASA? Do they know? 177 00:13:08,830 --> 00:13:11,542 I'm very careful. Always. 178 00:13:12,668 --> 00:13:15,671 Man on moon who took over after I left, 179 00:13:16,463 --> 00:13:18,006 he was caught. 180 00:13:18,006 --> 00:13:21,510 They charged him with tax evasion. 181 00:13:22,052 --> 00:13:23,929 [chuckles] Fucking idiot. 182 00:13:27,224 --> 00:13:30,185 So, Ilya, do you ever need like, I don't know. 183 00:13:30,185 --> 00:13:32,938 Do you-- Do you need help? Like an extra pair of hands? 184 00:13:35,023 --> 00:13:36,775 I prefer to work alone. 185 00:13:37,568 --> 00:13:40,153 As I said, I must be careful. 186 00:13:40,153 --> 00:13:42,489 Yeah, I understand. I got it. I just thought that maybe-- 187 00:13:42,489 --> 00:13:44,408 Don't be a fucking moron. 188 00:13:44,408 --> 00:13:46,618 Don't you know what Miles's day job is? 189 00:13:47,870 --> 00:13:51,373 He repairs environmental systems all over the base. 190 00:13:51,373 --> 00:13:54,585 Restricted areas, down and up. 191 00:13:54,585 --> 00:13:56,879 - Which means he's got a... - Green badge. 192 00:13:58,046 --> 00:14:00,299 He can get to parts of the base you never could. 193 00:14:01,675 --> 00:14:03,719 But, hey, what do I know? 194 00:14:11,977 --> 00:14:12,978 Okay. 195 00:14:14,688 --> 00:14:16,231 Maybe we'll do test run. 196 00:14:19,359 --> 00:14:21,862 Meet me tomorrow, loading dock B. 197 00:14:21,862 --> 00:14:23,155 Sure thing. 198 00:14:24,156 --> 00:14:25,699 - Thank you. - [chuckles] 199 00:14:36,293 --> 00:14:37,294 Thank you. 200 00:14:38,045 --> 00:14:40,547 For what? All I did was point out the obvious. 201 00:14:41,048 --> 00:14:42,299 Yeah. 202 00:14:42,299 --> 00:14:44,259 You do owe me another drink though. 203 00:14:48,138 --> 00:14:49,848 [Ilya] They demand, we supply. 204 00:14:49,848 --> 00:14:55,437 Now remember, this is customer service. Smile, but not too big. 205 00:14:55,437 --> 00:14:58,524 Just a little smile. And look customer in the eye. 206 00:14:58,524 --> 00:15:01,735 We want them to think of us when they need something. 207 00:15:01,735 --> 00:15:02,861 One, two or three? 208 00:15:02,861 --> 00:15:05,197 [Ilya] And make them feel like they're home. 209 00:15:06,490 --> 00:15:09,201 Here. Write everything down. 210 00:15:10,118 --> 00:15:12,955 Always with pencil, no computer. 211 00:15:13,872 --> 00:15:17,543 What kind, how many. Always precise. 212 00:15:19,211 --> 00:15:22,297 Then I'll take order, send down to Earth. 213 00:15:22,297 --> 00:15:25,926 And my partner there, he finds item, gets it on ship. 214 00:15:31,473 --> 00:15:32,474 And how does that work? 215 00:15:32,474 --> 00:15:35,185 Do you have a secret compartment in the cargo hold or something? 216 00:15:35,185 --> 00:15:38,981 [Ilya] First things first, Milosh. All in good time. 217 00:15:41,942 --> 00:15:43,443 [worker] Hey, Ilya. 218 00:16:00,502 --> 00:16:03,714 [Ilya] Now you always ask for scrip first. 219 00:16:05,382 --> 00:16:06,675 Then hand the package. 220 00:16:07,301 --> 00:16:10,179 And you let me know if there's anything else you need. 221 00:16:10,179 --> 00:16:14,266 Always smile. Bigger smile. Good. [chuckles] 222 00:16:22,482 --> 00:16:24,026 Be more careful upstairs. 223 00:16:24,651 --> 00:16:27,988 That asshole Palmer, he has a hard-on for me. 224 00:16:32,367 --> 00:16:33,619 [Ilya] So be nice. 225 00:16:35,078 --> 00:16:36,205 Be quick. 226 00:16:37,414 --> 00:16:39,541 In and out. Ticktock. 227 00:16:40,501 --> 00:16:41,752 [worker] What's up, Miles. 228 00:16:50,302 --> 00:16:51,678 Thanks, man. 229 00:16:58,894 --> 00:17:01,563 You must start thinking different now, Milosh. 230 00:17:02,272 --> 00:17:04,358 You notice someone needs something. 231 00:17:06,068 --> 00:17:08,987 Suggest maybe you have solution for this. 232 00:17:09,946 --> 00:17:14,326 Always be thinking ahead. Nothing is free. 233 00:17:15,160 --> 00:17:18,955 This is Russian way. [speaks Russian] 234 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:21,083 [in English] Say it. 235 00:17:21,083 --> 00:17:23,544 [speaks Russian] 236 00:17:23,544 --> 00:17:25,878 [speaks Russian, chuckles] 237 00:17:28,841 --> 00:17:31,593 [Baldwin, in English] Getting close to zero, relative motion. 238 00:17:31,593 --> 00:17:34,096 And once we've matched our spin with the docking platform, 239 00:17:34,096 --> 00:17:36,098 I'll refine our ring alignment. 240 00:17:37,182 --> 00:17:40,102 Okay. Got the spin matched nicely. 241 00:17:42,396 --> 00:17:44,022 [controller] Ranger, Happy Valley. 242 00:17:44,022 --> 00:17:46,692 You are go to proceed with docking procedure test. 243 00:17:47,484 --> 00:17:48,485 [Ed] Copy that. 244 00:17:48,485 --> 00:17:51,154 [Svetlana] I'd rather be dancing with an actual asteroid. 245 00:17:51,154 --> 00:17:55,617 Just the easy touch-and-go. Closure rate holding steady at one meter per second. 246 00:17:57,160 --> 00:17:58,704 Thirty meters. 247 00:18:02,875 --> 00:18:04,877 [radar beeps] 248 00:18:06,128 --> 00:18:09,715 - [beeping finalizes] - [Baldwin groans, sighs] 249 00:18:09,715 --> 00:18:12,009 [controller] We're reading a 12168. 250 00:18:12,009 --> 00:18:13,468 [Baldwin scoffs] 251 00:18:13,468 --> 00:18:15,012 Controls are a bit sluggish. 252 00:18:15,679 --> 00:18:17,973 - [beeping continues] - [Svetlana] Fifteen meters. 253 00:18:22,144 --> 00:18:23,604 [beeping finalizes] 254 00:18:26,982 --> 00:18:29,526 Sveta, you've been simming this all week. 255 00:18:31,028 --> 00:18:32,321 Wanna try it for real? 256 00:18:32,321 --> 00:18:33,447 [chuckles] 257 00:18:34,573 --> 00:18:36,450 Yes, Commander. 258 00:18:36,450 --> 00:18:37,868 [Ed] Your controls. 259 00:18:40,078 --> 00:18:41,413 [Svetlana] I have control. 260 00:18:41,914 --> 00:18:42,956 Okay, ten meters. 261 00:18:49,421 --> 00:18:52,674 Go easy on the translation. Allow for the lag when in the low. 262 00:18:55,928 --> 00:18:58,931 [Svetlana] Four meters. Approaching docking of the platform. 263 00:19:01,058 --> 00:19:03,852 - [Ed] One meter. Keep her steady. - [beeping continues] 264 00:19:08,357 --> 00:19:09,566 [beeping ends] 265 00:19:09,566 --> 00:19:11,902 - [AI] Docking complete. - [pants] 266 00:19:12,945 --> 00:19:16,490 Nicely done, Sveta. Nicely done. 267 00:19:17,741 --> 00:19:18,951 [chuckles] 268 00:19:34,842 --> 00:19:37,886 This is a mistake. I'm a Canadian citizen. 269 00:19:37,886 --> 00:19:39,304 [in Russian] Move! 270 00:19:44,351 --> 00:19:45,602 [lieutenant speaks] 271 00:20:07,624 --> 00:20:09,084 [door lock clicks] 272 00:20:10,669 --> 00:20:13,839 [sighs, clears throat] 273 00:20:19,803 --> 00:20:21,597 Twelve hours and 13 minutes. 274 00:20:22,347 --> 00:20:24,224 Interview room 7. 275 00:20:24,224 --> 00:20:27,477 Police Lieutenant Stepan Gura. 276 00:20:27,477 --> 00:20:30,314 Interview with Margaret Reynolds. 277 00:20:31,273 --> 00:20:36,320 I think there is a misunderstanding. 278 00:20:37,738 --> 00:20:41,992 I was at a newsstand buying a paper when-- 279 00:20:41,992 --> 00:20:45,996 [in English] Ms. Reynolds, your Russian is not bad, but-- 280 00:20:47,206 --> 00:20:49,666 but I will conduct in your mother tongue, no? 281 00:20:51,668 --> 00:20:56,173 Yes, that would be better. Now if you would call my consulate-- 282 00:20:56,173 --> 00:20:59,301 We will do this. But first, I have questions. 283 00:21:00,344 --> 00:21:01,720 What is your profession? 284 00:21:04,056 --> 00:21:05,682 I'm a business consultant. 285 00:21:06,433 --> 00:21:10,646 I facilitate deals between Soviet and Western corporations. 286 00:21:10,646 --> 00:21:17,110 So you're, of course, aware foreigners who take part in anti-government activities 287 00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:18,695 fall under Soviet law? 288 00:21:18,695 --> 00:21:21,198 Yes, but I have not violated any-- 289 00:21:21,198 --> 00:21:25,035 You were arrested as part of illegal political demonstration 290 00:21:25,035 --> 00:21:28,830 against orderly government transition, correct? 291 00:21:29,331 --> 00:21:34,628 No, that's-that's not-- [stammers] As I said, I was at a-a newsstand when-- 292 00:21:34,628 --> 00:21:40,050 When you interfered with a Soviet police officer in performance of his duties. 293 00:21:41,802 --> 00:21:44,429 However, there's bigger concern to us. 294 00:22:10,414 --> 00:22:12,082 [Gura] Who gave you this? 295 00:22:16,086 --> 00:22:18,338 - I don't know. - Yet you chose to hide it. 296 00:22:18,839 --> 00:22:19,840 I was just keeping it-- 297 00:22:19,840 --> 00:22:24,636 The prefix is assigned to the Third Chief Directorate of the KGB. 298 00:22:26,054 --> 00:22:29,933 The Third Directorate is currently opposing constitutional transfer 299 00:22:29,933 --> 00:22:32,060 of government power to Korzhenko. 300 00:22:38,692 --> 00:22:42,946 Right now you are held here under Article 70, 301 00:22:42,946 --> 00:22:45,782 which does not allow for extreme penalty. 302 00:22:46,783 --> 00:22:52,039 But if we were to find that you are here under false pretense, 303 00:22:52,623 --> 00:22:56,877 working with a corrupt Gorbachev regime against our nation, 304 00:22:57,878 --> 00:23:03,091 this will be a supplementary circumstance leading to a charge under Article 64. 305 00:23:04,676 --> 00:23:06,178 "Betrayal of Motherland." 306 00:23:07,930 --> 00:23:12,351 Punishment for this can be as little as ten years in work camp. 307 00:23:13,519 --> 00:23:16,021 Or as much as death. 308 00:23:16,939 --> 00:23:19,608 But if you were to tell me what I want to know, 309 00:23:19,608 --> 00:23:20,943 perhaps I could help you. 310 00:23:23,278 --> 00:23:24,863 - [in English] Please-- - [gunshots] 311 00:23:24,863 --> 00:23:28,033 [clamor in prison] 312 00:23:31,328 --> 00:23:33,622 [footsteps running] 313 00:23:33,622 --> 00:23:35,332 [gunshots] 314 00:23:35,332 --> 00:23:37,751 [clamor growing closer] 315 00:23:37,751 --> 00:23:39,795 - [airplane passing overhead] - [keys jangle] 316 00:23:39,795 --> 00:23:41,964 - [loud clamoring, banging] - [gunshot] 317 00:23:43,549 --> 00:23:45,384 [cell door unlocks] 318 00:23:47,469 --> 00:23:50,472 - [officer 2] Follow me! Follow me! - [officer 3] I'm behind you! 319 00:24:00,732 --> 00:24:01,900 [gunshots] 320 00:24:05,737 --> 00:24:07,990 - [plane flying overhead] - [gunshots] 321 00:24:07,990 --> 00:24:09,658 [explosion] 322 00:24:14,705 --> 00:24:15,873 [speaks Russian] 323 00:24:16,748 --> 00:24:19,376 - You okay? - [breathes shakily] Yeah, I am fine. 324 00:24:21,795 --> 00:24:25,424 My side is stone cold bitch ever since Kronos mission. 325 00:24:25,424 --> 00:24:27,467 Bet that maneuver didn't help either, did it? 326 00:24:27,467 --> 00:24:29,720 I feel like I was kicked by a horse. 327 00:24:31,388 --> 00:24:34,016 Nothing Mayakovsky gives me helps the pain. 328 00:24:41,607 --> 00:24:43,317 Why don't you come to my garden. 329 00:24:44,943 --> 00:24:48,030 After 2200, greenhouse-C. 330 00:24:48,822 --> 00:24:49,823 Why? 331 00:24:52,409 --> 00:24:53,744 Because I asked. 332 00:24:56,163 --> 00:25:00,501 Well, then how can I refuse. 333 00:25:09,885 --> 00:25:11,470 [doorbell rings] 334 00:25:12,513 --> 00:25:14,181 - [Dev] Come in. - [lock clicks] 335 00:25:14,681 --> 00:25:15,933 This is gonna be great. 336 00:25:23,190 --> 00:25:24,191 Hello? 337 00:25:25,025 --> 00:25:26,109 [Dev] In here. 338 00:25:33,242 --> 00:25:36,870 My team developed techniques way beyond ice cores and water samples, 339 00:25:37,788 --> 00:25:40,707 detecting the signatures of life from the rocks themselves 340 00:25:41,333 --> 00:25:43,377 all thanks to your robotic crawlers. 341 00:25:43,377 --> 00:25:45,879 NASA sends me copies of all your test results. 342 00:25:45,879 --> 00:25:47,297 You've done some remarkable work. 343 00:25:48,382 --> 00:25:50,717 But you still have not answered the crucial question. 344 00:25:50,717 --> 00:25:51,802 Which is? 345 00:25:52,845 --> 00:25:54,763 What's the potential return on my investment? 346 00:25:56,265 --> 00:25:57,766 If we find life, 347 00:25:57,766 --> 00:26:00,727 we map its genome, unfold its proteins, 348 00:26:02,062 --> 00:26:03,564 find its secrets. 349 00:26:04,189 --> 00:26:07,192 And in doing that we might find the secrets to ourselves. 350 00:26:07,985 --> 00:26:11,238 I mean, who knows what advances in biotech might come out of that? 351 00:26:12,281 --> 00:26:14,157 [Dev] I'm still not seeing the ROI in this. 352 00:26:14,157 --> 00:26:16,159 You can't take epiphanies to the bank. 353 00:26:16,159 --> 00:26:17,494 I don't get it. 354 00:26:18,829 --> 00:26:22,833 I thought you were all about discovery, exploring the universe. 355 00:26:22,833 --> 00:26:26,712 Look, I am so flattered that you guys came all the way out here to see me 356 00:26:26,712 --> 00:26:29,840 and I am sorry that I can't be more helpful, 357 00:26:29,840 --> 00:26:33,051 but this-- this-- this isn't for me. 358 00:26:34,595 --> 00:26:35,971 I'm sorry. 359 00:26:41,643 --> 00:26:42,644 Thank you. 360 00:26:46,732 --> 00:26:47,983 Wait that-- that's it? 361 00:26:50,235 --> 00:26:51,236 Yeah, I think so. 362 00:26:52,529 --> 00:26:53,530 [scoffs] 363 00:27:00,829 --> 00:27:01,955 You know what? 364 00:27:04,041 --> 00:27:05,167 You're full of shit. 365 00:27:09,046 --> 00:27:11,215 I remember when my mom first went to work for you. 366 00:27:11,757 --> 00:27:14,218 She told me she had never met someone so passionate 367 00:27:14,218 --> 00:27:15,928 about changing the world for the better. 368 00:27:16,929 --> 00:27:22,476 All your big plans to colonize Mars, the moons of Saturn, Jupiter. 369 00:27:23,852 --> 00:27:26,188 And now you're-you're holed up in Shangri-La 370 00:27:26,188 --> 00:27:29,149 watching your bank accounts grow bigger and bigger, 371 00:27:30,150 --> 00:27:32,569 afraid to step foot outside of your house. 372 00:27:33,612 --> 00:27:35,280 What the hell happened to you? 373 00:27:36,281 --> 00:27:39,368 You want to know what happened to me, Kelly? Your mother. 374 00:27:40,494 --> 00:27:42,037 She stabbed me in the back. 375 00:27:43,705 --> 00:27:46,166 But I'm grateful. I am. 376 00:27:46,834 --> 00:27:48,752 Because she pulled the wool from my eyes 377 00:27:49,419 --> 00:27:53,173 and helped me to see people for what they really are. 378 00:28:09,106 --> 00:28:10,107 [grunts] 379 00:28:11,900 --> 00:28:13,151 Fuck. 380 00:28:14,528 --> 00:28:16,405 Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have brought up my mom. 381 00:28:16,989 --> 00:28:18,073 You think? 382 00:28:22,452 --> 00:28:25,038 Beautiful. [sighs] 383 00:28:26,623 --> 00:28:28,333 I must say I'm impressed. 384 00:28:30,002 --> 00:28:31,962 You do not strike me as a farmer type. 385 00:28:32,546 --> 00:28:33,547 [chuckles] 386 00:28:34,089 --> 00:28:38,969 Well, Kelly, my daughter, she's the real green thumb in the family. 387 00:28:38,969 --> 00:28:41,305 You know, she grew the first plants on Mars? 388 00:28:42,806 --> 00:28:44,266 For me, it's more like a hobby. 389 00:28:44,975 --> 00:28:49,271 I used to putter around in the garden in Houston back on the weekends with Karen. 390 00:28:51,940 --> 00:28:52,941 My wife. 391 00:28:52,941 --> 00:28:54,735 I know who she was, Edward. 392 00:28:56,361 --> 00:28:59,239 - Whole world knows Karen Baldwin. - [chuckles] 393 00:29:05,579 --> 00:29:09,416 It makes me feel close to her, working here. 394 00:29:10,167 --> 00:29:12,920 Not-Not in a sad way. 395 00:29:12,920 --> 00:29:17,049 Just makes me feel good. You know? 396 00:29:17,549 --> 00:29:19,092 - [Svetlana] Mm-hmm. - [chuckles] 397 00:29:22,513 --> 00:29:26,517 My father, he used to be a gardener for Brezhnev. 398 00:29:28,393 --> 00:29:30,437 At his dacha on Black Sea. 399 00:29:32,272 --> 00:29:37,152 When I was little I worked beside him in gardens. 400 00:29:41,406 --> 00:29:42,866 The smell here... 401 00:29:44,201 --> 00:29:45,327 [inhales deeply] 402 00:29:45,327 --> 00:29:46,662 [chuckles] 403 00:29:48,705 --> 00:29:50,582 - ...reminds me of him. - [chuckles] 404 00:29:57,840 --> 00:30:00,467 I wish I would get message from him telling me he's okay. 405 00:30:00,467 --> 00:30:03,053 You'll hear from him soon. I'm sure. 406 00:30:12,563 --> 00:30:13,981 Hey, uh-- 407 00:30:16,567 --> 00:30:18,110 I got something for you. 408 00:30:30,372 --> 00:30:35,169 But yeah, you can't tell anyone about this ever. 409 00:30:35,752 --> 00:30:37,004 My lips are sealed-- 410 00:30:37,004 --> 00:30:38,505 - Ever. - Ever. 411 00:30:49,391 --> 00:30:51,185 Edward. 412 00:30:52,603 --> 00:30:53,854 [gasps] 413 00:30:54,438 --> 00:30:56,565 [speaks Russian, laughs] 414 00:30:56,565 --> 00:30:59,610 Eh, no, it's pot-- um, marijuana. 415 00:31:00,194 --> 00:31:02,070 - I know. - Oh. Okay. 416 00:31:03,155 --> 00:31:04,740 How did you get it up here? 417 00:31:05,574 --> 00:31:09,411 Well, Karen had this friend, uh, Wayne. 418 00:31:09,411 --> 00:31:12,998 Uh-- he, uh, gave me some seeds to help me with my aches and pains 419 00:31:12,998 --> 00:31:16,919 and I planted the suckers and they just took off. [chuckles] 420 00:31:27,095 --> 00:31:28,555 No. 421 00:31:31,767 --> 00:31:34,937 This is, uh-- for your back. 422 00:31:36,522 --> 00:31:37,981 [mumbling, stammering] 423 00:31:40,275 --> 00:31:42,319 Okay, you just hold your finger on that. 424 00:31:43,737 --> 00:31:46,698 - Like that? - Yeah, then you inhale. 425 00:31:47,282 --> 00:31:48,700 And then let it go. 426 00:31:51,537 --> 00:31:52,746 There you go. 427 00:31:54,164 --> 00:31:55,499 You hold it in. 428 00:31:57,251 --> 00:31:59,169 [spits, retches] 429 00:31:59,169 --> 00:32:00,754 [coughing] 430 00:32:03,215 --> 00:32:04,466 I'm sorry. 431 00:32:04,466 --> 00:32:07,636 No, that just means you're doing it right. 432 00:32:10,055 --> 00:32:13,308 You treat this like any pain medicine, you gotta be clean before you fly. 433 00:32:13,308 --> 00:32:16,311 For at least eight hours. I know. 434 00:32:21,733 --> 00:32:22,860 Amazing. 435 00:32:34,454 --> 00:32:39,042 You say you smoke to help your aches and pains? 436 00:32:57,936 --> 00:32:58,937 Yeah. 437 00:32:58,937 --> 00:33:00,439 What's wrong with them? 438 00:33:04,234 --> 00:33:05,527 I don't know. 439 00:33:33,305 --> 00:33:34,431 [metal clinking] 440 00:33:34,431 --> 00:33:35,724 [Dev grunting] 441 00:33:56,662 --> 00:33:57,746 [groans] 442 00:34:31,737 --> 00:34:32,864 [lock clicks] 443 00:34:33,699 --> 00:34:34,949 [door opens] 444 00:34:46,420 --> 00:34:47,838 [keys jingle] 445 00:34:53,719 --> 00:34:55,554 I'm Colonel Vidor Kolikoff. 446 00:34:58,348 --> 00:34:59,433 Thank you. 447 00:35:00,184 --> 00:35:04,313 I'm sorry you got caught up in our... politics. 448 00:35:04,313 --> 00:35:05,439 [Margo grunts] 449 00:35:05,939 --> 00:35:07,441 I assure you, 450 00:35:07,441 --> 00:35:12,070 the army is working to restore order and return Mr. Gorbachev to power. 451 00:35:13,071 --> 00:35:15,282 Now please, if you'd indulge me. 452 00:35:19,077 --> 00:35:20,245 [Margo gasps] 453 00:35:21,997 --> 00:35:22,998 [knocks] 454 00:35:24,583 --> 00:35:25,834 [door opens] 455 00:35:29,087 --> 00:35:31,507 - [Kolikoff, in Russian] To his knees. - [Gura grunts, whimpers] 456 00:35:35,177 --> 00:35:36,386 [door closes] 457 00:35:39,932 --> 00:35:43,310 Now, tell me about the card 458 00:35:43,310 --> 00:35:45,604 that you found on her. 459 00:35:47,689 --> 00:35:49,024 Please. 460 00:35:49,024 --> 00:35:50,609 Stop. 461 00:35:50,609 --> 00:35:51,693 I cannot. 462 00:35:55,364 --> 00:35:56,657 - [cracks] - [Gura screaming] 463 00:35:57,324 --> 00:35:59,368 [Kolikoff] I'm asking you again. 464 00:35:59,368 --> 00:36:01,578 Tell me about the card. 465 00:36:01,578 --> 00:36:02,788 [groaning] 466 00:36:02,788 --> 00:36:05,415 [Gura grunts] 467 00:36:05,415 --> 00:36:08,877 You called the number and who... 468 00:36:08,877 --> 00:36:10,003 [yelps] 469 00:36:10,003 --> 00:36:12,256 ...who answered? 470 00:36:12,256 --> 00:36:18,220 The man said it was a watch repair shop. 471 00:36:18,220 --> 00:36:22,432 I told him I found the number in the possession of Margaret Reynolds. 472 00:36:22,432 --> 00:36:24,268 Then? 473 00:36:24,268 --> 00:36:25,352 [whimpers] 474 00:36:25,352 --> 00:36:27,646 My call was transferred 475 00:36:28,480 --> 00:36:31,733 and another man picked up. 476 00:36:31,733 --> 00:36:35,362 He said Margaret Reynolds is one of their most valued customers. 477 00:36:35,362 --> 00:36:37,155 [breathing heavily] 478 00:36:37,155 --> 00:36:41,743 He told me I did well to call him. 479 00:36:42,244 --> 00:36:43,787 [in English] Who gave you that card? 480 00:36:47,541 --> 00:36:49,209 The woman didn't give me her name. 481 00:36:52,880 --> 00:36:55,674 [Kolikoff, in Russian] That number reaches a trap line 482 00:36:55,674 --> 00:36:59,887 that redirects to the Second Directorate of the KGB. 483 00:37:01,013 --> 00:37:03,015 You weren't just talking to the KGB. 484 00:37:03,015 --> 00:37:07,895 You were talking to the KGB who watch the rest of KGB. 485 00:37:10,564 --> 00:37:15,777 Counterintelligence. They're the ones backing Korzhenko. 486 00:37:15,777 --> 00:37:19,198 They are the ones behind the coup. 487 00:37:26,246 --> 00:37:27,956 The man on the phone 488 00:37:29,082 --> 00:37:30,709 did he tell you who she is? 489 00:37:34,880 --> 00:37:35,797 No. 490 00:37:46,141 --> 00:37:47,309 [body thuds] 491 00:37:47,893 --> 00:37:49,895 [Margo breathing shakily] 492 00:38:00,614 --> 00:38:01,740 [Margo whimpers] 493 00:38:02,407 --> 00:38:03,534 [in English] What are you-- 494 00:38:03,534 --> 00:38:04,826 [chain rattles] 495 00:38:05,661 --> 00:38:07,329 [screaming] 496 00:38:10,624 --> 00:38:11,875 [whimpers] 497 00:38:14,837 --> 00:38:16,839 [breathing shakily] 498 00:38:18,382 --> 00:38:22,177 The woman who gave you the card, what did she look like? 499 00:38:23,011 --> 00:38:24,638 Um. [stammers] 500 00:38:25,722 --> 00:38:27,057 Sixties, maybe? 501 00:38:28,141 --> 00:38:29,726 I don't know who she is. 502 00:38:29,726 --> 00:38:31,895 I just spoke to her for a moment. 503 00:38:34,815 --> 00:38:36,149 What are you to her? 504 00:38:36,149 --> 00:38:38,277 I don't know what you're talking about, I swear. 505 00:38:38,277 --> 00:38:39,361 [breathes shakily] 506 00:38:40,279 --> 00:38:44,074 You will tell me everything that you know about this woman. 507 00:38:44,074 --> 00:38:45,576 [breathing shakily] 508 00:38:47,119 --> 00:38:48,829 [sobbing] 509 00:39:02,885 --> 00:39:04,011 What are you doing? 510 00:39:04,011 --> 00:39:05,512 Oh, hey. 511 00:39:06,597 --> 00:39:08,724 Found this compressor in the suit soop's room. 512 00:39:08,724 --> 00:39:11,351 And I remember what you were saying about svyazi. 513 00:39:11,852 --> 00:39:15,898 And I know how you're always complaining that your still is too slow, so... 514 00:39:16,565 --> 00:39:19,610 [laughs] Wow. Thank you, Milosh. 515 00:39:20,861 --> 00:39:23,697 Think nothing of it. All right, check it out? 516 00:39:24,281 --> 00:39:25,282 Sure. 517 00:39:25,866 --> 00:39:27,868 - [switch clicks] - [compressor whirs] 518 00:39:31,121 --> 00:39:32,873 [glass clinking] 519 00:39:32,873 --> 00:39:36,752 [speaks in Russian, laughs] 520 00:39:39,087 --> 00:39:41,173 - [compressor screeches] - Turn it off! Turn it off! 521 00:39:41,882 --> 00:39:43,926 - [sighs] - [engine powers down] 522 00:39:48,555 --> 00:39:49,765 - [yelps] - [Miles] No shi-- 523 00:39:49,765 --> 00:39:51,808 Son of bitch. Fuck! 524 00:39:51,808 --> 00:39:53,977 Your compressor broke my still! 525 00:39:53,977 --> 00:39:57,439 Hang on, hang on. [grunts] Let me check it out. 526 00:39:57,439 --> 00:39:58,899 Ow, fuck. 527 00:39:58,899 --> 00:40:02,027 [groans] Fuck. 528 00:40:02,027 --> 00:40:03,737 Oh, shit. 529 00:40:04,404 --> 00:40:05,864 Yeah, your thermostat's fried. 530 00:40:09,201 --> 00:40:14,623 I need cooling coil to condense alcohol back to liquid. 531 00:40:15,457 --> 00:40:18,710 No coil, no booze! Huh? 532 00:40:23,131 --> 00:40:24,132 [speaks Russian] 533 00:40:27,594 --> 00:40:30,180 [Sam] You should have just left well enough alone. 534 00:40:30,180 --> 00:40:31,515 I vouched for you, Miles. 535 00:40:31,515 --> 00:40:32,891 I know. I'm sorry. 536 00:40:33,392 --> 00:40:35,060 How long is the still going to be down? 537 00:40:35,060 --> 00:40:36,645 He said a couple of months. 538 00:40:36,645 --> 00:40:39,314 He's got to order a new thermostat and have it shipped up here. 539 00:40:39,815 --> 00:40:43,193 [chuckles] He must be so pissed. 540 00:40:43,193 --> 00:40:45,863 I've never seen a human head get that red before. [laughs] 541 00:40:45,863 --> 00:40:49,449 I mean, he told me where I could stick that job, that's for sure. 542 00:40:51,410 --> 00:40:52,786 Sorry, man. 543 00:40:52,786 --> 00:40:56,206 Looks like all the thermostats like that one have been replaced by newer models. 544 00:40:56,206 --> 00:40:57,958 Fuck. I knew this would happen. 545 00:40:57,958 --> 00:41:00,460 Just when I'm starting to make head way up here, you know. 546 00:41:00,460 --> 00:41:04,965 It's just a little setback is all. I'm sure he'll get over it eventually. 547 00:41:04,965 --> 00:41:06,258 Oh, hang on. 548 00:41:07,426 --> 00:41:08,844 Now that's interesting. 549 00:41:09,553 --> 00:41:11,054 Wait, what is? 550 00:41:11,054 --> 00:41:12,681 There's still one more on base. 551 00:41:13,348 --> 00:41:14,808 Uno momento. 552 00:41:16,476 --> 00:41:17,644 Oh, boy. 553 00:41:17,644 --> 00:41:18,812 What? 554 00:41:19,646 --> 00:41:21,440 The North Koreans have it. 555 00:41:22,024 --> 00:41:24,067 North Koreans? As in it's in their area? 556 00:41:24,067 --> 00:41:25,402 Yeah. 557 00:41:25,402 --> 00:41:26,904 Shit. 558 00:41:28,488 --> 00:41:29,615 Okay. 559 00:41:30,324 --> 00:41:31,825 Okay, that's not insurmountable. 560 00:41:31,825 --> 00:41:36,288 I'll just-- No, I could-- I-I'll go over there and I'll talk to 'em. 561 00:41:36,288 --> 00:41:37,706 You can't be serious. 562 00:41:37,706 --> 00:41:41,418 That was Palmer's number one rule. Stay away from North Korea. 563 00:41:41,418 --> 00:41:42,669 How bad can it be? 564 00:41:42,669 --> 00:41:45,297 I mean, they're up here, we're up here, we're not that different. 565 00:41:45,297 --> 00:41:50,427 Yeah, but North Korean territory on this base is akin to actual North Korea. 566 00:41:51,094 --> 00:41:54,306 You're basically saying you-you're just gonna walk up to the DMZ 567 00:41:54,306 --> 00:41:55,766 and knock on the front door? 568 00:41:55,766 --> 00:41:58,685 Well, yeah. I mean, strength in numbers right? 569 00:41:59,269 --> 00:42:00,395 [chuckles] 570 00:42:01,355 --> 00:42:02,940 [chuckles] No fucking way. 571 00:42:04,441 --> 00:42:07,861 No, I'm on borrowed time as is with this whole accident report thing coming out. 572 00:42:07,861 --> 00:42:11,406 I-I've got to be perfect if I want to get reassigned to the asteroid program. 573 00:42:12,783 --> 00:42:15,118 What about you? You up for an adventure? 574 00:42:16,495 --> 00:42:17,788 Yeah, that's a no from me. 575 00:42:18,372 --> 00:42:20,749 Palmer scares me. A lot. 576 00:42:28,507 --> 00:42:30,717 [blows, sighs] 577 00:42:36,306 --> 00:42:38,141 [distant rumbling] 578 00:42:43,146 --> 00:42:44,147 [beeps] 579 00:43:02,165 --> 00:43:03,500 [beeps] 580 00:43:15,179 --> 00:43:16,305 [in Korean] What is it? 581 00:43:16,305 --> 00:43:18,056 It is an elevated methane warning. 582 00:43:18,056 --> 00:43:19,725 Check the auxiliary flow sensors. 583 00:43:19,725 --> 00:43:20,809 Yes, sir. 584 00:43:22,227 --> 00:43:23,896 [knocks] 585 00:43:30,694 --> 00:43:34,031 [in English] I need to check your air quality levels. There could be a leak. 586 00:43:36,074 --> 00:43:37,201 Come on, open up. 587 00:43:40,662 --> 00:43:41,914 You are not allowed. 588 00:43:54,968 --> 00:43:56,386 Methane. 589 00:43:56,386 --> 00:43:58,096 [in Korean] What do they want? 590 00:43:58,847 --> 00:44:00,224 Entry! 591 00:44:00,224 --> 00:44:01,767 Denied! 592 00:44:03,810 --> 00:44:06,188 - [in English] You cannot come-- - [alarm blaring] 593 00:44:09,107 --> 00:44:11,151 I heard tanks were surrounding The Kremlin... 594 00:44:11,151 --> 00:44:13,987 - [signal beeping] - ...and Gorbachev-- 595 00:44:13,987 --> 00:44:19,576 Ah, ma'am. A possible cooling system leak in the North Korean module. 596 00:44:21,662 --> 00:44:25,624 There's already a Helios tech at the site. You can reset the alert. 597 00:44:27,918 --> 00:44:29,628 [blaring continues] 598 00:44:36,301 --> 00:44:39,137 Listen, all your people need to leave. 599 00:44:39,137 --> 00:44:42,432 I need to check your air quality levels. Could be dangerous. 600 00:44:42,432 --> 00:44:45,435 [in Korean] This is sovereign territory of the People's Republic of Korea. 601 00:44:45,435 --> 00:44:48,355 [in English] Buddy, you want to choke to death, that's your business. 602 00:44:48,355 --> 00:44:50,065 I have a job to do. 603 00:44:50,065 --> 00:44:54,069 Okay, this is a safety issue, you understand? Safety. 604 00:44:54,069 --> 00:44:56,321 [in Korean] He says it is a safety issue. 605 00:44:56,321 --> 00:44:57,865 We must evacuate. 606 00:45:06,248 --> 00:45:08,584 We are temporarily evacuating the module. 607 00:45:39,990 --> 00:45:43,577 [in English] Nobody comes back in here until I give the all clear. 608 00:46:21,907 --> 00:46:25,994 [grunts] 609 00:46:42,928 --> 00:46:44,513 [grunts, sighs] 610 00:46:47,307 --> 00:46:48,308 [strains] 611 00:46:49,309 --> 00:46:52,521 [gasps] Whoa. Shit. Scared me there. 612 00:46:55,566 --> 00:46:57,734 Well, uh, false alarm. 613 00:46:57,734 --> 00:47:00,404 Uh, the air is clear. No sign of contamination. 614 00:47:00,988 --> 00:47:02,406 Probably just a faulty sensor. 615 00:47:02,406 --> 00:47:05,117 You know, happened a couple of times that I've been up here. 616 00:47:05,117 --> 00:47:08,495 - Power surge hits the sensor gauge-- - What is in case? 617 00:47:13,876 --> 00:47:16,378 - [stammers] I, uh-uh, um-- - You put that recording device-- 618 00:47:16,378 --> 00:47:18,213 No, no. I'm, uh-uh, a repairman. 619 00:47:18,213 --> 00:47:22,301 Show me what is in case, sir. Or I report American espionage. 620 00:47:24,094 --> 00:47:25,637 Whoa. No, no. You got the wrong idea. 621 00:47:25,637 --> 00:47:28,599 Look, sir, I'm not, uh-- They're-- I'm not a s-- a spook. 622 00:47:29,349 --> 00:47:30,642 - No? - No. 623 00:47:33,604 --> 00:47:35,647 Then what did you put in case? 624 00:47:46,742 --> 00:47:52,122 Thermostat. I-I needed it and yours is the only one on base. 625 00:47:52,915 --> 00:47:54,124 I'm sorry. 626 00:48:02,299 --> 00:48:03,717 Why you need? 627 00:48:03,717 --> 00:48:08,555 There's this, uh, bar, you know, where you drink alcohol. 628 00:48:09,181 --> 00:48:10,849 Ah. 629 00:48:12,184 --> 00:48:15,395 You are with, uh, Breshov? Uh, Ilya? 630 00:48:15,395 --> 00:48:16,855 You know Ilya? 631 00:48:16,855 --> 00:48:19,191 I know of smuggling. 632 00:48:21,693 --> 00:48:25,614 We have eyes all over base. 633 00:48:25,614 --> 00:48:29,451 Listen, um-- [stutters] I apologize for everything. 634 00:48:30,077 --> 00:48:32,287 This was stupid. I'm just gonna take it. I'm gonna put-- 635 00:48:32,287 --> 00:48:33,872 No. 636 00:48:36,959 --> 00:48:41,672 You keep, but I need you to help me. 637 00:48:48,470 --> 00:48:50,806 [Aleida] Maybe we're going about this all wrong. 638 00:48:50,806 --> 00:48:53,308 [sighs] We could go for an international partner. 639 00:48:54,017 --> 00:48:55,018 ESA? 640 00:48:55,018 --> 00:48:58,605 - Or the Chinese. They have a lot of money. - [Alex] Yeah. That's cool. Let me try. 641 00:48:58,605 --> 00:49:01,316 - [Olga laughing] - [guest] There you go. 642 00:49:03,485 --> 00:49:05,946 - [Olga] Oh, here she is. - [Kelly] Dev? 643 00:49:05,946 --> 00:49:09,199 Kelly. [chuckles] Come here. 644 00:49:09,199 --> 00:49:10,659 Mommy, watch this. 645 00:49:10,659 --> 00:49:13,161 So, here. So, the coin's in this hand. 646 00:49:13,871 --> 00:49:16,206 Three, two, one. 647 00:49:18,166 --> 00:49:19,877 Abracadabra. [imitates whoosh sound] 648 00:49:19,877 --> 00:49:21,628 Whoa! Where did it go? 649 00:49:24,840 --> 00:49:26,216 [chuckles] 650 00:49:26,216 --> 00:49:28,927 - Darn it. - Come, Alexei. [speaks Russian] 651 00:49:29,511 --> 00:49:31,096 Hey, keep working at it, young Alex. 652 00:49:36,059 --> 00:49:37,895 How did you get here before us? 653 00:49:37,895 --> 00:49:39,897 Helps if you have your own jet. 654 00:49:40,981 --> 00:49:42,733 What do you want, Dev? 655 00:49:43,442 --> 00:49:45,652 To apologize for what I said about your mom. 656 00:49:46,904 --> 00:49:48,280 My phone works too. 657 00:49:48,906 --> 00:49:51,158 No, it wouldn't have. 658 00:49:54,870 --> 00:49:59,416 You see, your mother was a remarkable woman. 659 00:49:59,958 --> 00:50:02,294 She was very important to me, 660 00:50:04,087 --> 00:50:06,590 and I have been thinking about the things that you said. 661 00:50:08,467 --> 00:50:10,427 I'm sorry. That was harsh. 662 00:50:11,345 --> 00:50:12,679 Yes, it was. 663 00:50:13,472 --> 00:50:15,807 But it got me thinking about my own father. 664 00:50:17,684 --> 00:50:21,230 See, people let him down, 665 00:50:23,023 --> 00:50:25,317 people he thought he could count on. 666 00:50:25,317 --> 00:50:30,656 And they hurt him so bad that he just gave up. 667 00:50:32,658 --> 00:50:35,202 And I was heading down the same path and didn't even realize it 668 00:50:35,202 --> 00:50:37,162 until you walked through the door. 669 00:50:38,956 --> 00:50:45,254 So, are you saying that you've changed your mind and decided to fund our project? 670 00:50:46,338 --> 00:50:47,756 No. 671 00:50:47,756 --> 00:50:51,343 Rule number one in business, never invest your own money. 672 00:50:52,803 --> 00:50:54,763 Then whose money are we going to use? 673 00:50:55,389 --> 00:50:56,431 Helios's. 674 00:50:56,431 --> 00:50:59,977 We already went to Helios, Dev. They turned us down. 675 00:50:59,977 --> 00:51:03,272 I got a feeling the new management team will be more amenable to our proposal. 676 00:51:03,272 --> 00:51:05,482 What new management team? 677 00:51:07,067 --> 00:51:08,652 Us. 678 00:51:08,652 --> 00:51:12,406 Are you seriously suggesting that we take over Helios? 679 00:51:12,406 --> 00:51:14,700 I still own a substantial amount of stock in the company, 680 00:51:14,700 --> 00:51:16,869 and you inherited everything from your mom. 681 00:51:16,869 --> 00:51:21,415 If we can convince enough stockholders to throw in with us, well, we can do it. 682 00:51:22,583 --> 00:51:23,750 What do you say? 683 00:51:33,218 --> 00:51:34,219 [sighs] 684 00:51:35,512 --> 00:51:37,014 Fuck it. Let's do it. 685 00:51:37,014 --> 00:51:38,348 All right, great. 686 00:51:38,348 --> 00:51:41,268 Now, stakeholders. 687 00:51:42,728 --> 00:51:47,065 I will approach these three here 688 00:51:47,065 --> 00:51:50,194 and, Kelly, I'd like you to approach these others right here. 689 00:51:50,861 --> 00:51:52,237 I'll take this one. 690 00:51:53,363 --> 00:51:54,698 We go way back. 691 00:52:10,047 --> 00:52:11,131 [device beeps] 692 00:52:18,722 --> 00:52:19,973 [Bill] Yeah? 693 00:52:20,682 --> 00:52:21,892 It's me. 694 00:52:23,101 --> 00:52:24,520 Aleida. 695 00:52:24,520 --> 00:52:26,104 I wasn't sure if you were-- 696 00:52:27,773 --> 00:52:29,775 [device buzzing] 697 00:52:42,454 --> 00:52:47,042 [Aleida] Wow. Looks like someone's been on a buying spree. 698 00:52:48,418 --> 00:52:50,045 [Bill] What brings you out my way? 699 00:52:53,841 --> 00:52:55,968 [Aleida] Got something for you to look at. 700 00:52:57,177 --> 00:52:58,512 Give me a minute. 701 00:53:06,144 --> 00:53:07,604 {\an8}Oh, my God. 702 00:53:09,064 --> 00:53:12,693 {\an8}You have Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet. 703 00:53:14,319 --> 00:53:17,406 {\an8}You know it's Victor's all-time favorite movie. 704 00:53:18,323 --> 00:53:19,867 Hey, put that back! 705 00:53:20,409 --> 00:53:23,245 Right where you got it from. Right there. 706 00:53:25,914 --> 00:53:27,124 Come on. 707 00:53:35,507 --> 00:53:36,967 Sorry, it, uh-- 708 00:53:38,635 --> 00:53:41,722 It's just I know where everything is. Don't wanna lose it. 709 00:53:44,975 --> 00:53:46,935 Ah, show me the thing. Come on. 710 00:53:58,864 --> 00:54:00,782 [sighs] Oh, I know about this. 711 00:54:00,782 --> 00:54:06,038 Yeah. It's a fascinating project, but I thought Hobson killed it. 712 00:54:06,038 --> 00:54:08,749 We're doing this through the private sector. 713 00:54:08,749 --> 00:54:09,833 We? 714 00:54:11,335 --> 00:54:12,878 Hold on, you're leaving NASA 715 00:54:14,755 --> 00:54:17,049 to work on this with Kelly Baldwin? 716 00:54:17,049 --> 00:54:18,800 And Dev Ayesa. 717 00:54:18,800 --> 00:54:20,677 Oh, Jesus. 718 00:54:21,386 --> 00:54:24,681 Look, I know it's crazy, but Dev still owns a lot of Helios stock 719 00:54:25,682 --> 00:54:27,643 and so does Kelly. 720 00:54:27,643 --> 00:54:34,691 All we need is a few more stockholders to join us, and we can retake his company. 721 00:54:35,192 --> 00:54:36,860 So that's why you're here. 722 00:54:38,028 --> 00:54:39,238 For my shares. 723 00:54:40,405 --> 00:54:44,284 It's an opportunity to do pure science again without all the political bullshit-- 724 00:54:44,284 --> 00:54:47,913 Spare me the sales pitch. Jesus. 725 00:54:47,913 --> 00:54:52,334 God. I'll sign the fucking thing and then you can just go. 726 00:54:57,130 --> 00:54:58,257 Bill... 727 00:55:00,342 --> 00:55:03,136 I'm sorry I haven't been to see you in so long. 728 00:55:04,304 --> 00:55:07,808 I don't blame you for being mad at me. But I really-- 729 00:55:07,808 --> 00:55:09,142 I'm not mad. 730 00:55:10,978 --> 00:55:12,187 You're not? 731 00:55:12,187 --> 00:55:13,438 No. 732 00:55:14,273 --> 00:55:15,440 I get it. 733 00:55:17,109 --> 00:55:19,486 Probably wouldn't want to see me either. 734 00:55:19,486 --> 00:55:23,240 But if you want my help you're gonna have to explain something to me. 735 00:55:23,240 --> 00:55:24,241 What? 736 00:55:24,241 --> 00:55:27,202 Why you're walking away from NASA, after 15 years, 737 00:55:27,202 --> 00:55:32,291 to work on a private robotics program that, to be frank, is beneath you. 738 00:55:33,250 --> 00:55:35,210 You should be director by now. 739 00:55:35,711 --> 00:55:38,714 You can do this shit in your sleep. You know it. 740 00:55:43,302 --> 00:55:45,304 I can't do manned space flight anymore. 741 00:55:46,180 --> 00:55:48,557 What? 'Cause of the Ranger-1 accident? 742 00:55:52,519 --> 00:55:54,104 You've lost crew before. 743 00:55:55,898 --> 00:55:57,816 Guess everyone has their limit. 744 00:55:57,816 --> 00:56:02,529 But you always seemed more resilient. I mean, you went back when-- 745 00:56:02,529 --> 00:56:04,656 I didn't have a choice. 746 00:56:07,284 --> 00:56:10,495 - I owed it to all the people we lost. - Margo, you mean? 747 00:56:10,495 --> 00:56:11,663 No. 748 00:56:11,663 --> 00:56:14,708 She lied to you. She betrayed her country and still you owed it to her. 749 00:56:14,708 --> 00:56:18,212 Please, let's not have this argument again. Okay? 750 00:56:18,212 --> 00:56:21,173 We don't know why she did it. The Russians probably forced her. 751 00:56:21,173 --> 00:56:24,051 - So we are gonna have this argument again. - Bill! Bill! 752 00:56:27,304 --> 00:56:31,308 The point I'm trying to make is I am not more resilient than you. 753 00:56:41,735 --> 00:56:46,323 When I first walked into the new MOCR. 754 00:56:49,034 --> 00:56:51,078 Gleaming. Immaculate. 755 00:56:54,831 --> 00:56:59,336 I was just hit with that stench of burning plastic. 756 00:57:00,295 --> 00:57:02,589 Hits the back of your throat. [clears throat] 757 00:57:04,842 --> 00:57:06,051 It burns. 758 00:57:07,386 --> 00:57:08,595 Yeah. 759 00:57:09,930 --> 00:57:13,058 But the smell faded and every morning I'd wake up with this... 760 00:57:16,019 --> 00:57:17,563 feeling of dread. 761 00:57:19,815 --> 00:57:21,316 Then with the asteroid... 762 00:57:24,695 --> 00:57:26,446 it all came flooding back. 763 00:57:33,287 --> 00:57:35,956 I ran out of the fucking room, Bill. [sighs] 764 00:57:38,041 --> 00:57:39,668 I left my post... 765 00:57:43,088 --> 00:57:45,340 and I couldn't go back in there anymore. 766 00:57:49,553 --> 00:57:51,305 At least you didn't pee your pants. 767 00:57:53,932 --> 00:57:55,184 [chuckles] 768 00:57:55,184 --> 00:57:57,227 [chuckling] 769 00:57:59,271 --> 00:58:01,523 That's for sure. [sighs] 770 00:58:08,989 --> 00:58:09,990 Hmm. 771 00:58:18,290 --> 00:58:19,958 Hey, why don't you come work with me? 772 00:58:21,418 --> 00:58:25,130 Feel like old times. Get you out of the house, at least. 773 00:58:26,215 --> 00:58:28,133 Do whatever you want with my shares. 774 00:58:28,926 --> 00:58:30,052 I trust you... 775 00:58:32,513 --> 00:58:34,223 but I'm never coming back. 776 00:58:55,244 --> 00:58:56,453 Hello, Ms. Reynolds. 777 00:59:12,803 --> 00:59:16,682 Let me ask you again. Who is the woman from the park? 778 00:59:18,183 --> 00:59:23,480 Like I said, she never said who she works for. 779 00:59:24,606 --> 00:59:26,692 Yet you protect her. Why? 780 00:59:27,943 --> 00:59:29,278 Please, 781 00:59:30,445 --> 00:59:32,072 you need to believe me. 782 00:59:32,781 --> 00:59:34,908 I don't even know who she is. 783 00:59:37,077 --> 00:59:39,246 [in Russian] I'm in the middle of something. 784 00:59:39,246 --> 00:59:40,539 [whispers] 785 00:59:50,299 --> 00:59:52,301 [officers muttering] 786 01:00:03,645 --> 01:00:04,938 [door opens] 787 01:00:11,695 --> 01:00:13,822 [whimpers, shouts] 788 01:00:30,088 --> 01:00:31,423 [in English] Goodbye. 789 01:00:31,423 --> 01:00:34,301 No. [gasps] No. No. 790 01:00:34,301 --> 01:00:37,137 Wait. Help-- Call the American embassy. 791 01:00:37,804 --> 01:00:42,226 No, please. [grunting, whimpering] 792 01:01:05,999 --> 01:01:07,292 [groans] 793 01:01:08,085 --> 01:01:09,211 [whimpers] 794 01:01:25,811 --> 01:01:30,357 [Richard] In summary, helium-3 refinery expansion will continue Earth-side, 795 01:01:30,357 --> 01:01:32,401 as we escalate lunar mining. 796 01:01:32,401 --> 01:01:35,946 Relative to the capex number we've shown you today of 29 billion. 797 01:01:35,946 --> 01:01:37,489 We remain committed. 798 01:01:37,489 --> 01:01:39,491 [Dev] A question, uh, Richard. 799 01:01:39,992 --> 01:01:41,702 [audience murmuring] 800 01:01:45,289 --> 01:01:48,625 Dev Ayesa, we're in the middle of a board meeting here. 801 01:01:52,671 --> 01:01:54,047 The bylaws are clear. 802 01:01:54,047 --> 01:01:58,510 Control of this company requires me to make a direct address to the board. 803 01:01:59,011 --> 01:02:00,554 Hello, board. 804 01:02:00,554 --> 01:02:04,391 I have put in a tender offer backed by 23 other shareholders, 805 01:02:04,391 --> 01:02:05,976 giving us majority stake, 806 01:02:05,976 --> 01:02:10,397 naming me CEO of this company effective immediately. 807 01:02:13,525 --> 01:02:17,237 Dev, I'm sorry, there are all kinds of safeguards against that. 808 01:02:17,237 --> 01:02:21,366 And if you try and poison pill this I'll just go ahead and swallow it. 809 01:02:21,366 --> 01:02:24,620 Any proxy fight that just gets killed right in the crib. 810 01:02:25,329 --> 01:02:28,457 If you sue, I'll counter. 811 01:02:28,457 --> 01:02:31,960 If the SEC gets involved, that will take months. 812 01:02:31,960 --> 01:02:35,255 By that point, the share value will crash, 813 01:02:35,255 --> 01:02:39,259 and this company's reputation will be destroyed. 814 01:02:40,385 --> 01:02:42,471 So what are we going to do about it? 815 01:02:43,013 --> 01:02:45,682 The lesson of Icarus is not don't fly too close to the sun. 816 01:02:45,682 --> 01:02:47,851 It's make better fucking wings. 817 01:02:48,352 --> 01:02:53,023 The best way to seize the future is to invent it. 818 01:02:55,817 --> 01:02:57,069 So let's start. 819 01:02:57,069 --> 01:02:59,613 You are barred from this building, effective immediately. 820 01:02:59,613 --> 01:03:03,617 Files, access and your e-mails have been locked. Please, get out of my face. 821 01:03:07,329 --> 01:03:11,416 Arlene Spielman, Phillip Hillhouse, Marla Bales, 822 01:03:12,626 --> 01:03:15,629 you didn't want to go to Mars in the first place. Get out. 823 01:03:16,588 --> 01:03:17,923 I mean it. Get out. 824 01:03:18,674 --> 01:03:20,467 One foot in front of the other. 825 01:03:21,134 --> 01:03:24,179 I'm gutting the entire finance department. Please, get out. 826 01:03:26,849 --> 01:03:28,267 Ivan Ochoa, 827 01:03:28,267 --> 01:03:32,187 the subsidies that you negotiated for helium-3 are absolutely criminal. 828 01:03:32,187 --> 01:03:33,522 You get out as well. 829 01:03:33,522 --> 01:03:37,234 Zoe Howard. Sean Doorly. Get out. 830 01:03:38,819 --> 01:03:45,117 [chuckles] I do not know how you did it, Milosh, but thank you. 831 01:03:45,617 --> 01:03:46,660 Pleasure. 832 01:03:46,660 --> 01:03:47,744 [speaks Russian] 833 01:03:48,245 --> 01:03:49,413 Cheers. 834 01:03:52,332 --> 01:03:54,084 Mmm. [exhales sharply] 835 01:03:55,002 --> 01:04:00,382 And come back tomorrow. I'll have more for you to do. 836 01:04:00,382 --> 01:04:04,344 I'm looking forward to it. Though, uh, there's one more thing. 837 01:04:05,596 --> 01:04:07,806 I might have found you a new customer today. 838 01:04:10,058 --> 01:04:11,185 Really? 839 01:04:27,951 --> 01:04:29,244 [speaks Russian] 840 01:04:31,538 --> 01:04:34,041 Come in, my friend. Come on in. 841 01:04:34,875 --> 01:04:36,084 Come on. 842 01:04:37,294 --> 01:04:39,087 [Ilya] What can I do for you? 843 01:04:39,087 --> 01:04:43,509 Who would've thought? Nixon opened up China, you opened up North Korea. 844 01:04:43,509 --> 01:04:46,011 - [chuckles] - Would you care for a drink? 845 01:04:46,678 --> 01:04:48,263 First one on the house. 846 01:04:49,097 --> 01:04:50,682 No drink. 847 01:04:54,811 --> 01:04:56,939 I can get you anything you need. 848 01:04:57,731 --> 01:05:01,735 Playboy magazine. Foot cream. Even laser disc. 849 01:05:01,735 --> 01:05:02,945 Huh? 850 01:05:06,990 --> 01:05:09,493 I need you 851 01:05:10,202 --> 01:05:14,039 to bring me my wife. 852 01:05:33,100 --> 01:05:35,102 [engine rattles] 853 01:05:44,528 --> 01:05:46,530 [brakes squeal] 854 01:05:47,030 --> 01:05:49,575 - [doors open] - [breathes deeply] 855 01:05:56,790 --> 01:05:58,792 [whimpering] 856 01:06:04,339 --> 01:06:06,592 [sobs] 857 01:06:09,261 --> 01:06:11,221 [in Russian] Please. 858 01:06:12,556 --> 01:06:14,057 [sobbing continues] 859 01:06:17,394 --> 01:06:20,189 [person] Get that hood off of her. 860 01:06:36,246 --> 01:06:41,668 [in English] My apologies, Ms. Madison. It took me some time to locate you. 861 01:06:44,087 --> 01:06:47,007 I-- [stammers] I was-- 862 01:06:48,509 --> 01:06:50,093 They wanted to know-- 863 01:06:50,093 --> 01:06:53,514 It's okay. You're safe now. 864 01:06:56,683 --> 01:06:59,144 Come, follow me. 865 01:07:11,907 --> 01:07:13,116 Who are you? 866 01:07:14,701 --> 01:07:18,080 My name is Irina Vasilievna Morozova. 867 01:07:20,707 --> 01:07:22,376 And I want you to work for me. 868 01:07:24,253 --> 01:07:25,963 Work for you? 869 01:07:36,849 --> 01:07:38,350 Star City. 870 01:07:40,185 --> 01:07:43,689 Gorbachev and the army, they have agreed to terms. 871 01:07:45,440 --> 01:07:47,401 Korzhenko is the president. 872 01:07:47,985 --> 01:07:50,571 And I have been named the new head of Roscosmos. 873 01:07:52,322 --> 01:07:56,785 I need skilled people on my side. And you are very skilled, indeed. 874 01:07:58,620 --> 01:08:00,497 But you barely know me. 875 01:08:02,082 --> 01:08:04,251 I've known you for a long time, Margo. 876 01:08:15,470 --> 01:08:16,638 Are you coming?