1 00:01:36,388 --> 00:01:38,265 Sir, there's something you need to see. 2 00:01:40,267 --> 00:01:43,562 The asteroid must have decayed from a near-Jovian Trojan orbit, 3 00:01:43,562 --> 00:01:45,856 which is why we haven't been able to see it until now. 4 00:01:45,856 --> 00:01:48,442 Looks like it passed too close to Jupiter on its last go-around 5 00:01:48,442 --> 00:01:51,236 and was redirected into the inner solar system. 6 00:01:51,236 --> 00:01:54,990 It appears to be coming in on an elliptical Mars-crossing orbit. 7 00:01:54,990 --> 00:02:00,913 Looks like it's about 1.1 kilometers in diameter. Not huge as these things go. 8 00:02:00,913 --> 00:02:03,665 And based on our orbital analysis of its moon, 9 00:02:03,665 --> 00:02:06,793 the density of the asteroid is seven grams per cubic centimeter. 10 00:02:06,793 --> 00:02:09,378 - Means it's full of metal, for sure. - A special analysis tells us 11 00:02:09,378 --> 00:02:11,715 this asteroid likely contains a colossal amount of-- 12 00:02:11,715 --> 00:02:17,137 Iridium? Very rare on Earth. And we already control most of it. 13 00:02:17,137 --> 00:02:18,889 Not this much. 14 00:02:18,889 --> 00:02:25,062 A conservative guess is 70,000 metric tons. 15 00:02:25,062 --> 00:02:28,607 Our estimates indicate there's more iridium in 2003LC 16 00:02:28,607 --> 00:02:30,943 than has been mined in the entire history of Earth. 17 00:02:30,943 --> 00:02:34,196 Iridium is going for about 294 a gram. 18 00:02:34,196 --> 00:02:36,782 Based on current mass estimates, that's worth upwards of-- 19 00:02:36,782 --> 00:02:39,117 {\an8}...twenty trillion dollars and nicknamed 20 00:02:39,117 --> 00:02:40,744 {\an8}the Goldilocks asteroid. 21 00:02:40,744 --> 00:02:44,831 {\an8}If it is able to be harnessed and its iridium mined in Mars orbit, 22 00:02:44,831 --> 00:02:49,586 {\an8}economists predict it will lead to another technological revolution here on Earth. 23 00:02:49,586 --> 00:02:52,005 {\an8}President Korzhenko has expressed skepticism 24 00:02:52,005 --> 00:02:54,800 {\an8}that the asteroid is in fact made of iridium at all, 25 00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:58,554 {\an8}insisting that the USSR remains the only reliable supplier. 26 00:02:58,554 --> 00:02:59,638 {\an8}Let me remind you 27 00:02:59,638 --> 00:03:02,474 {\an8}what happened after NASA's last great discovery, Helium-3. 28 00:03:03,725 --> 00:03:07,020 {\an8}Job cuts, protests, domestic terrorism. 29 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:10,524 {\an8}...traveling through space at tens of thousands of miles per hour. 30 00:03:10,524 --> 00:03:12,943 {\an8}And the window to capture it is closing quickly. 31 00:03:12,943 --> 00:03:15,153 In approximately six months, 32 00:03:15,153 --> 00:03:18,991 the asteroid's new trajectory will send it out of reach for good. 33 00:05:52,811 --> 00:05:54,188 Commander Poole. 34 00:05:55,230 --> 00:05:56,315 Commander. 35 00:06:00,777 --> 00:06:02,029 What time is it? 36 00:06:03,155 --> 00:06:05,199 It's nearly 1:00 a.m., ma'am. 37 00:06:06,575 --> 00:06:08,785 But I thought it best to wake you. 38 00:06:10,204 --> 00:06:11,205 What's happened? 39 00:06:12,539 --> 00:06:14,124 Something incredible. 40 00:06:18,003 --> 00:06:21,340 This asteroid, it's an amazing discovery. 41 00:06:21,340 --> 00:06:24,218 It is going to improve life on Earth immeasurably. 42 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:29,014 But if we fail to secure this valuable resource for the American people, 43 00:06:29,681 --> 00:06:33,936 it'll not only be a black mark on my administration, but on this country. 44 00:06:33,936 --> 00:06:36,563 I assure you, Mr. President, we are doing everything we can 45 00:06:36,563 --> 00:06:38,273 to bring this one home for all of us. 46 00:06:38,273 --> 00:06:40,609 Good. I have faith in you, Eli. 47 00:06:40,609 --> 00:06:43,987 Especially with how you handled the Zakharova situation this past spring. 48 00:06:44,655 --> 00:06:47,699 I'll let you and Ron hash out the details. Keep me posted. 49 00:06:50,536 --> 00:06:51,537 Ron, I think you and I-- 50 00:06:51,537 --> 00:06:54,122 So, how soon can we announce the plan to harness the asteroid? 51 00:06:55,499 --> 00:06:58,001 - I'm sorry? - I don't need to remind you that 52 00:06:58,001 --> 00:07:00,212 the president is headed for a tough reelection battle. 53 00:07:00,212 --> 00:07:04,007 And the more the American people know about what Goldilocks will do for them, 54 00:07:04,007 --> 00:07:05,551 the better his standing will get. 55 00:07:05,551 --> 00:07:08,804 Well, I hear you, Ron. I do. But we have to be very delicate here. 56 00:07:09,388 --> 00:07:10,806 I'm already drowning in calls 57 00:07:10,806 --> 00:07:13,976 from the other M-7 nations wanting a bigger piece of this pie. 58 00:07:13,976 --> 00:07:15,769 Not to mention, the Soviets feel threatened 59 00:07:15,769 --> 00:07:18,522 because iridium happens to be one of their biggest exports. 60 00:07:18,522 --> 00:07:20,274 We're on the same page here, Eli. 61 00:07:20,274 --> 00:07:22,651 The last thing we want to do is antagonize our partners. 62 00:07:22,651 --> 00:07:26,989 Good. Because the only way we're gonna get this thing is if we all work together. 63 00:07:26,989 --> 00:07:28,615 This can't be seen as just an American-- 64 00:07:28,615 --> 00:07:31,577 You just focus on getting Mars whatever it needs to get that asteroid. 65 00:07:31,577 --> 00:07:32,661 We'll handle the rest. 66 00:07:38,917 --> 00:07:41,879 Goldilocks is heading toward us and hauling ass. 67 00:07:41,879 --> 00:07:46,925 So, we need to design and launch this capture mission inside the next ten weeks, 68 00:07:46,925 --> 00:07:48,594 or else she gets away. 69 00:07:48,594 --> 00:07:50,929 That means pedal to the metal for everybody. 70 00:07:50,929 --> 00:07:53,765 And all personal matters are gonna have to take a back seat. 71 00:07:54,474 --> 00:07:58,353 Dimitri, how many more wranglers do you think you'll need to corral this thing? 72 00:07:58,353 --> 00:08:02,858 Still waiting on protocols, but at least ten more. 73 00:08:02,858 --> 00:08:07,571 Gonna have to ramp up microgravity certification for many of my people. 74 00:08:07,571 --> 00:08:08,864 All right. 75 00:08:08,864 --> 00:08:11,867 If we're to have a hope in hell of pulling this off, I strongly suggest that 76 00:08:11,867 --> 00:08:16,079 we curtail all but essential operations and start stockpiling argon. 77 00:08:16,079 --> 00:08:18,874 Are you suggesting that we slow down training operations? 78 00:08:18,874 --> 00:08:20,042 Well, absolutely. 79 00:08:20,042 --> 00:08:23,003 Rushing around with our hands flapping in the breeze, 80 00:08:23,003 --> 00:08:25,464 hoping we can wing it, is not going to get this done. 81 00:08:25,464 --> 00:08:29,343 Well, rushing around with our hands flapping wasn't what I was proposing, Ed. 82 00:08:29,343 --> 00:08:31,720 Well, it sure sounded like it to me. 83 00:08:42,397 --> 00:08:45,108 - Can I speak with you for a minute? - Well, of course. 84 00:08:56,995 --> 00:08:58,872 Let's just get one thing straight. 85 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:01,208 That attitude of yours, it ain't gonna fly. 86 00:09:01,208 --> 00:09:04,336 What, I'm supposed to rubber-stamp any harebrained idea of yours 87 00:09:04,336 --> 00:09:05,796 that washes over the transom? 88 00:09:05,796 --> 00:09:08,507 This is not about harebrained ideas, Ed. 89 00:09:08,507 --> 00:09:10,050 Then what is it about? 90 00:09:13,011 --> 00:09:15,097 Let's just get this out in the open. All right? 91 00:09:16,056 --> 00:09:18,934 Ever since I sent Svetlana Zakharova back Earthside, 92 00:09:18,934 --> 00:09:20,602 you've been fighting me tooth and nail. 93 00:09:20,602 --> 00:09:22,688 I say "left," you say "right." 94 00:09:22,688 --> 00:09:27,067 It has slowed operations on Happy Valley to a crawl these past few months. 95 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:28,318 You're my XO. 96 00:09:28,986 --> 00:09:30,904 We have got to be on the same page. 97 00:09:30,904 --> 00:09:34,366 Sending her back was a bad call. 98 00:09:35,701 --> 00:09:36,910 It hurt morale. 99 00:09:36,910 --> 00:09:39,204 It was my call to make. 100 00:09:40,205 --> 00:09:42,833 We don't have to see eye to eye on this to get this thing done. 101 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:45,419 But we need to get this thing done. 102 00:09:47,004 --> 00:09:52,301 This asteroid, Ed, it could change everything for people back home. 103 00:09:52,301 --> 00:09:54,469 Isn't that why we're up here in the first place? 104 00:09:56,138 --> 00:09:58,056 Look, I want to get this rock as much as you do. 105 00:09:59,975 --> 00:10:00,976 Okay. 106 00:10:01,602 --> 00:10:04,938 Then let's cut the shit and make this happen. 107 00:10:19,411 --> 00:10:20,704 I'll get this round. 108 00:10:23,790 --> 00:10:25,042 Four glasses, comrade. 109 00:10:26,251 --> 00:10:27,669 Excuse me, Miles. 110 00:10:28,504 --> 00:10:30,839 Can I put in order for these cotton shirts? 111 00:10:30,839 --> 00:10:33,133 Other fabric, it give me rash. 112 00:10:33,926 --> 00:10:35,969 - Sure thing. - Grazie, comrade. 113 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:38,096 Thank you. 114 00:10:40,849 --> 00:10:44,061 Next time he calls me comrade, I'm going to punch him in the face. 115 00:10:45,270 --> 00:10:46,396 Glass for you. 116 00:10:47,022 --> 00:10:48,565 I don't like him. 117 00:10:49,358 --> 00:10:51,276 He's not good enough for Samantha. 118 00:10:55,155 --> 00:10:57,991 Okay, Milosh. What is next on the list? 119 00:10:57,991 --> 00:11:01,036 All right, all right. Let's get back to it. 120 00:11:01,036 --> 00:11:06,667 Okay, so, today's haul. I got another order from Staley for Odor-Eaters. 121 00:11:07,251 --> 00:11:09,419 He will not shut up about this. 122 00:11:09,920 --> 00:11:13,507 And Lee keeps asking me about updates on his wife. 123 00:11:13,507 --> 00:11:15,551 We should let him know where we stand on that. 124 00:11:15,551 --> 00:11:18,053 So, where do we stand? 125 00:11:18,720 --> 00:11:20,764 Has your guy gotten the wife out of North Korea? 126 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:24,935 JAXA's next cargo launch to ISP is in a couple of weeks. 127 00:11:24,935 --> 00:11:30,399 Unfortunately, we're not going to be able to bring her up, after all. 128 00:11:32,734 --> 00:11:34,611 It's too risky, Milosh. 129 00:11:36,029 --> 00:11:38,198 Low profile. Remember? 130 00:11:38,198 --> 00:11:41,243 Okay, but you told him we were gonna get it done. And I told him that too. 131 00:11:41,243 --> 00:11:45,122 - If he finds out that we were-- - Last thing we want is to anger him. 132 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:48,876 Korean business has been very good to us. 133 00:11:48,876 --> 00:11:55,924 So, we must wait until right time to say right thing. 134 00:11:56,592 --> 00:11:57,801 You mean lie to him? 135 00:11:58,385 --> 00:12:00,721 You worry too much, Milosh. 136 00:12:01,805 --> 00:12:04,725 Remember, Ilya knows best. 137 00:12:07,019 --> 00:12:09,354 The capture mission's just the tip of the spear. 138 00:12:09,354 --> 00:12:12,232 They're gonna need us to make hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel, 139 00:12:12,232 --> 00:12:13,317 replacement parts... 140 00:12:13,317 --> 00:12:15,235 We'll be mining that thing for decades. 141 00:12:15,235 --> 00:12:17,446 They're gonna have to build Happy Valley out big time. 142 00:12:17,446 --> 00:12:18,530 Thousands more workers. 143 00:12:18,530 --> 00:12:22,326 Right, it's like gold rush. No? Bonuses, overtime, hazard pay... 144 00:12:22,326 --> 00:12:24,912 Well, I heard that we're gonna be working round the clock. 145 00:12:26,079 --> 00:12:28,999 Double shifts. Six, seven days. 146 00:12:28,999 --> 00:12:30,876 And I mean, they're asking us to do this 147 00:12:30,876 --> 00:12:33,086 in half of the time of what we should have. 148 00:12:34,129 --> 00:12:36,173 Samantha's right. We must be careful. 149 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:38,592 But it is also an amazing opportunity, no? 150 00:12:38,592 --> 00:12:41,386 Perhaps you will be assigned to the Ranger crew again. 151 00:12:41,386 --> 00:12:43,388 Glass half full. That is how you say it? 152 00:12:43,972 --> 00:12:45,224 Something like that. 153 00:12:46,934 --> 00:12:48,018 To Goldilocks. 154 00:12:49,061 --> 00:12:51,813 Eighty-four percent of voters who own cell phones 155 00:12:51,813 --> 00:12:57,819 say they support a proposed state ban on the use of handheld phones while driving. 156 00:12:58,779 --> 00:13:01,281 Alex, we're leaving for school in five minutes. 157 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:02,658 Okay. 158 00:13:02,658 --> 00:13:05,244 Peanut butter jelly not proper lunch. 159 00:13:05,827 --> 00:13:07,746 Well, Alex loves it, so... 160 00:13:07,746 --> 00:13:11,625 ...central to the initial race to Mars, is finally going himself. 161 00:13:12,209 --> 00:13:13,877 Dev Ayesa has announced 162 00:13:13,877 --> 00:13:18,340 he is finally making the journey to the red planet later this month. 163 00:13:18,340 --> 00:13:20,259 Ayesa talked with reporters today... 164 00:13:20,259 --> 00:13:22,803 - Shit. - ...outside his Helios offices. 165 00:13:23,428 --> 00:13:26,306 I simply felt that as CEO of Helios, 166 00:13:26,306 --> 00:13:28,892 with everything unfolding on Mars as it has, 167 00:13:28,892 --> 00:13:31,103 that I should take a more hands-on role up there. 168 00:13:41,071 --> 00:13:44,074 - What's going on? - Guess you haven't heard the news? 169 00:13:46,493 --> 00:13:51,874 That might be something you wanna tell us before announcing it to the whole world. 170 00:13:52,791 --> 00:13:54,293 It was a spontaneous decision. 171 00:13:54,293 --> 00:13:56,587 You going to Mars was a spontaneous decision? 172 00:13:57,296 --> 00:13:59,214 - Yes. - Dev, I know out there you can do 173 00:13:59,214 --> 00:14:01,425 whatever you want and people kiss your ass regardless. 174 00:14:01,425 --> 00:14:04,678 But in here, in these offices, we're actually trying to get shit done, 175 00:14:04,678 --> 00:14:06,930 - and you throwing this kind of curveball-- - I know. 176 00:14:06,930 --> 00:14:10,350 And you and your team have been killing it developing the asteroid capture plan, 177 00:14:10,350 --> 00:14:12,311 but the real action is up there. 178 00:14:12,311 --> 00:14:15,731 And as leader of this company, I got to go where I'm needed most. 179 00:14:15,731 --> 00:14:17,316 So, if you're up there, 180 00:14:17,316 --> 00:14:20,485 who's going to handle all the M-7 negotiations for Goldilocks? 181 00:14:21,778 --> 00:14:23,989 No way. I'm an engineer, I'm not-- 182 00:14:23,989 --> 00:14:27,117 Aleida, don't worry. You'll be great. 183 00:14:27,618 --> 00:14:29,286 Now, Kelly, we need to talk about robotics. 184 00:14:29,286 --> 00:14:32,789 So, I guess the astrobiology program just gets shunted aside. 185 00:14:33,290 --> 00:14:35,209 - Back burner yet again, right? - On the contrary. 186 00:14:35,209 --> 00:14:36,376 I'm escalating the timeline. 187 00:14:36,376 --> 00:14:39,046 I want your team's personnel and equipment with me when I go. 188 00:14:39,046 --> 00:14:43,509 Okay. The seekers can be ready, but I doubt my expedition team will be. 189 00:14:43,509 --> 00:14:46,011 I was counting on another six weeks to bring them up to speed. 190 00:14:46,011 --> 00:14:47,387 I have a fix for that. 191 00:14:48,430 --> 00:14:49,765 You come with us. 192 00:14:51,225 --> 00:14:52,267 What? 193 00:14:52,267 --> 00:14:54,061 You train your team en route. 194 00:14:54,061 --> 00:14:57,272 By the time we arrive, they'll be ready to hit the ground running. 195 00:14:58,023 --> 00:14:59,441 Dev, I-I hear what you're saying, 196 00:14:59,441 --> 00:15:02,319 but I can't just drop everything and go to Mars with you. 197 00:15:02,319 --> 00:15:03,403 Why not? 198 00:15:03,987 --> 00:15:05,197 I have a son. 199 00:15:05,739 --> 00:15:08,784 I-I'd have to leave him behind for what, six months, a year. Maybe longer. 200 00:15:08,784 --> 00:15:11,787 You have spent 15 years on the search for life. 201 00:15:12,621 --> 00:15:15,832 It would be a shame to drop the ball when you're this close to the finish line. 202 00:15:19,002 --> 00:15:20,087 But it's up to you. 203 00:15:21,880 --> 00:15:25,717 Meanwhile, I got a few loose ends that I need to tie up before I go, 204 00:15:25,717 --> 00:15:28,011 so I will be out of pocket for a couple of days. 205 00:15:28,011 --> 00:15:31,765 A couple of days? But we're right in the middle of revamping capture protocols. 206 00:15:38,772 --> 00:15:40,691 Ranger. Happy Valley. 207 00:15:40,691 --> 00:15:44,611 Ed, I see that you made some changes to the Ranger-2 crew list. 208 00:15:44,611 --> 00:15:46,446 You know that needs to be run by me first. 209 00:15:46,989 --> 00:15:47,990 Come on, Danielle. 210 00:15:47,990 --> 00:15:52,119 You know as well as I do that the mission commander customarily picks his own crew. 211 00:15:52,119 --> 00:15:54,329 This isn't NASA in the '70s, Ed. 212 00:15:54,329 --> 00:15:57,875 Ultimately, I'm responsible for getting Goldilocks into Mars orbit. 213 00:15:57,875 --> 00:16:01,461 Affirmative. Now, what's the problem? 214 00:16:01,461 --> 00:16:03,630 Disregard of protocol, for one. 215 00:16:03,630 --> 00:16:07,009 This should have been run past me before being distributed, but let's just-- 216 00:16:07,009 --> 00:16:09,136 Let's put that to the side, all right. 217 00:16:09,136 --> 00:16:13,182 This crew list, it's cherry-picked based off of what metrics? 218 00:16:13,182 --> 00:16:15,642 Well, after the commissioner's blame-game report 219 00:16:15,642 --> 00:16:18,020 about the Kronos clusterfuck came out, 220 00:16:18,020 --> 00:16:20,689 I thought it would be good to shake things up here and there. 221 00:16:20,689 --> 00:16:26,111 So, some crew members were replaced and others were deemed mission essential. 222 00:16:26,111 --> 00:16:28,655 - Like you as commander? - Yeah. 223 00:16:28,655 --> 00:16:33,911 Experienced commander. Battle-tested. It sounded like a goddamn winner to me. 224 00:16:33,911 --> 00:16:38,415 But hell, if you wanna micromanage me like this, we can start all over. No problem. 225 00:16:39,625 --> 00:16:41,877 Negative, XO. Negative. 226 00:16:42,377 --> 00:16:43,545 Your crew stands. 227 00:16:44,171 --> 00:16:48,258 Just give me more of a heads-up next time. Happy Valley out. 228 00:16:50,052 --> 00:16:51,261 Goddamn it. 229 00:16:52,054 --> 00:16:55,057 Switching back to manual for attitude control checkout. 230 00:16:55,057 --> 00:16:57,559 Copy that. We're go for RCS manual test. 231 00:16:59,770 --> 00:17:01,313 Hold on that test for a minute. 232 00:17:02,564 --> 00:17:03,607 Standing by, Ranger. 233 00:17:06,276 --> 00:17:07,653 You okay, sir? 234 00:17:07,653 --> 00:17:08,737 Yeah, I'm fine. 235 00:17:09,780 --> 00:17:11,531 Don't forget to cross-check the reactor temps 236 00:17:11,531 --> 00:17:13,742 before we disembark for Phoenix, all right? 237 00:17:15,035 --> 00:17:16,036 Aye, aye. 238 00:17:22,166 --> 00:17:26,213 You gotta go. You can't give this opportunity up because you have a kid. 239 00:17:26,713 --> 00:17:30,634 - You think guys ever have to do that? - Course not, but Alex is different. 240 00:17:30,634 --> 00:17:31,760 You know that. 241 00:17:31,760 --> 00:17:33,679 With his health issues and... 242 00:17:34,471 --> 00:17:37,182 - He just needs me here. - He has his grandma. 243 00:17:37,182 --> 00:17:39,309 Yeah, and she'd probably love it if I left, 244 00:17:39,309 --> 00:17:41,854 so she can take him back to Russia the first chance she gets. 245 00:17:44,565 --> 00:17:49,570 I just couldn't live with myself if he felt like I was abandoning him, you know. 246 00:17:50,070 --> 00:17:51,071 Hey. 247 00:17:51,989 --> 00:17:53,782 Kids are more resilient than you know. 248 00:17:54,950 --> 00:17:56,952 I just don't want him to end up hating me. 249 00:17:56,952 --> 00:17:59,288 He's going to hate you no matter what. Believe me. 250 00:17:59,288 --> 00:18:01,373 Is that supposed to make me feel better? 251 00:18:01,373 --> 00:18:02,791 It's just what happens. 252 00:18:02,791 --> 00:18:05,586 You give them life, you give them everything from yourself, 253 00:18:05,586 --> 00:18:07,504 and then they end up looking at you 254 00:18:07,504 --> 00:18:09,715 like you're the most vile human that ever lived. 255 00:18:10,799 --> 00:18:13,385 I'm sorry. I'm-- I'm sure that isn't easy. 256 00:18:14,052 --> 00:18:15,804 What goes around comes around. 257 00:18:17,055 --> 00:18:19,099 I really put my poor dad through the wringer. 258 00:18:20,517 --> 00:18:22,519 Well, I'm sure he'd be very proud of you now. 259 00:18:23,770 --> 00:18:25,939 Aleida Rosales, power broker. 260 00:18:25,939 --> 00:18:29,651 God. Oh, God, no. It's gonna be a disaster. Just you watch. 261 00:18:30,736 --> 00:18:33,488 I don't know. I think you have it in you. 262 00:18:33,488 --> 00:18:37,868 Come on. Can you imagine me sitting across from all those M-7 reps? 263 00:18:37,868 --> 00:18:39,953 Yes, I can. 264 00:18:41,330 --> 00:18:44,249 Look, I remember my mom when she first bought this place. 265 00:18:44,249 --> 00:18:47,085 Okay, she'd never run a business before in her life. 266 00:18:47,669 --> 00:18:49,546 I asked her if she was nervous. She said, 267 00:18:50,839 --> 00:18:53,717 "There are always a million reasons not to do something. 268 00:18:54,843 --> 00:18:56,803 You have to find the reason to do it." 269 00:19:06,230 --> 00:19:09,274 The American Space Program is central to that. 270 00:19:09,274 --> 00:19:11,777 And during my time as your president, 271 00:19:11,777 --> 00:19:18,617 {\an8}I took the initiative in discovering this incredibly valuable asteroid, 2003LC. 272 00:19:18,617 --> 00:19:23,080 {\an8}A discovery that will change our country and our world for the better. 273 00:19:23,080 --> 00:19:26,667 {\an8}President Gore today appeared to take personal responsibility 274 00:19:26,667 --> 00:19:29,795 {\an8}for the discovery of asteroid 2003LC. 275 00:19:29,795 --> 00:19:32,381 {\an8}The Kremlin has denounced Gore's claim of personal responsibility 276 00:19:32,381 --> 00:19:34,675 {\an8}for the asteroid discovery as an outrageous attempt 277 00:19:34,675 --> 00:19:36,593 {\an8}to take credit for a Soviet achievement. 278 00:19:36,593 --> 00:19:39,304 But here now, other achievements claimed by Al Gore. 279 00:19:39,304 --> 00:19:42,975 {\an8}Number ten, was first human being to grow an opposable thumb. 280 00:19:44,142 --> 00:19:47,688 {\an8}Number nine, while riding bicycle one day, accidentally invented the orgasm. 281 00:19:47,688 --> 00:19:50,816 {\an8}It looks like the president has stepped in it again. 282 00:19:50,816 --> 00:19:53,986 {\an8}Next he'll want to name the asteroid "Tipper." 283 00:19:54,695 --> 00:19:58,156 {\an8}My advice, Al, leave the discoveries to the scientists 284 00:19:58,156 --> 00:20:01,994 {\an8}and stick to doing what you do best, ruining our economy. 285 00:20:02,661 --> 00:20:07,833 What the hell is he doing? This is a dance, Ron. A delicate dance. 286 00:20:07,833 --> 00:20:10,043 I don't control what the president says. You know that. 287 00:20:10,043 --> 00:20:12,087 Don't give me that shit. It was a prepared speech. 288 00:20:12,087 --> 00:20:14,423 He was reading off a fucking teleprompter. 289 00:20:14,423 --> 00:20:15,883 He likes to improvise sometimes. 290 00:20:16,466 --> 00:20:19,011 This is going to destroy all of the goodwill 291 00:20:19,011 --> 00:20:20,888 that we have built up with the Russians. 292 00:20:20,888 --> 00:20:24,057 And do you have any idea of what the other M-7 nations are gonna-- 293 00:20:24,057 --> 00:20:27,436 Yeah, and none of it matters if we lose to Bragg in '04. 294 00:20:27,436 --> 00:20:29,980 - So that's what this is all about? - Of course it is. 295 00:20:29,980 --> 00:20:33,275 You and I both know that Bragg would be a fucking nightmare for NASA. 296 00:20:33,275 --> 00:20:36,361 Not to mention the country. So, let's get off our soapbox. 297 00:20:41,825 --> 00:20:42,826 Fuck. 298 00:20:47,789 --> 00:20:48,916 Oh, shit. 299 00:20:50,584 --> 00:20:54,213 I don't see how Ranger is gonna despin something as big as Goldilocks. 300 00:20:54,213 --> 00:20:56,256 The ion engines just don't generate enough thrust. 301 00:20:56,256 --> 00:20:57,341 I hear ya. 302 00:20:58,050 --> 00:20:59,051 I hear ya. 303 00:20:59,635 --> 00:21:03,305 All right, people. Let's keep thinking on this. In the meantime, 304 00:21:03,305 --> 00:21:06,975 I wanna see some hard data from those 3D torque simulations by tomorrow. 305 00:21:07,518 --> 00:21:08,977 - Thanks, guys. - All right. Thank you. 306 00:21:24,952 --> 00:21:26,537 - Palmer. - Yes, ma'am. 307 00:21:27,037 --> 00:21:30,249 You gonna lurk round my door all day long, or you gonna tell me what's on your mind? 308 00:21:33,460 --> 00:21:35,003 - Do you mind if I-- - Go ahead. 309 00:21:39,132 --> 00:21:40,133 Take a seat. 310 00:21:46,974 --> 00:21:48,016 What's on your mind? 311 00:21:50,102 --> 00:21:51,270 Well, I-- 312 00:21:52,145 --> 00:21:54,690 First off, I just wanna say that 313 00:21:55,732 --> 00:21:56,817 Admiral Baldwin, 314 00:21:58,443 --> 00:22:00,779 he's basically a hero to me. 315 00:22:02,406 --> 00:22:05,617 I was seven when the Russkies beat us to the Moon, 316 00:22:06,410 --> 00:22:10,247 and my dad and I, we saw all those congressional hearings. 317 00:22:11,164 --> 00:22:14,751 When Admiral Baldwin took the blame for losing the Moon, 318 00:22:16,545 --> 00:22:18,005 he was talking about honor. 319 00:22:19,798 --> 00:22:26,096 He was talking about taking responsibility even when it's difficult. 320 00:22:31,602 --> 00:22:35,397 When we were out on Ranger, I-- I saw something. 321 00:22:36,273 --> 00:22:38,775 And God's honest truth, I wish I hadn't. 322 00:22:40,569 --> 00:22:41,653 But I did. 323 00:22:42,654 --> 00:22:46,450 And now I feel compelled to report it. 324 00:22:47,534 --> 00:22:48,535 Okay. 325 00:22:51,413 --> 00:22:56,877 Admiral Baldwin has a tremor or something with his right hand. 326 00:22:58,962 --> 00:23:00,797 And I could tell he was trying to hide it. 327 00:23:02,341 --> 00:23:05,010 He had to halt a training exercise because of it. 328 00:23:09,097 --> 00:23:11,808 Are you saying that Ed is hiding a medical condition? 329 00:23:12,518 --> 00:23:14,978 That is what I suspect, Commander. Yes. 330 00:23:18,232 --> 00:23:20,776 That is a very serious accusation. 331 00:23:22,069 --> 00:23:23,111 I know it is. 332 00:23:24,696 --> 00:23:26,823 But I also know what I saw. 333 00:23:27,950 --> 00:23:29,701 I just thought you should know too. 334 00:23:32,955 --> 00:23:34,623 All right. That'll be all. 335 00:23:34,623 --> 00:23:35,707 Yeah. 336 00:24:50,073 --> 00:24:51,950 Now, make sure to ration this. 337 00:24:53,660 --> 00:24:55,621 It's gotta last you another four weeks. 338 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:01,752 Danielle? 339 00:25:16,433 --> 00:25:17,935 Can I please come back? 340 00:25:19,520 --> 00:25:20,604 Please. 341 00:25:21,980 --> 00:25:23,815 I'll stay in my rack. I'll-I'll-- 342 00:25:23,815 --> 00:25:25,025 I'm sorry. 343 00:25:26,443 --> 00:25:27,611 I know it's hard, 344 00:25:28,904 --> 00:25:30,405 but this is how it's gotta be. 345 00:25:31,657 --> 00:25:32,950 You know that. 346 00:26:03,814 --> 00:26:05,566 Help, Captain. They're shooting us. 347 00:26:08,151 --> 00:26:09,903 Abandon ship. We're going down. 348 00:26:13,115 --> 00:26:14,449 Help! I'm on fire. 349 00:26:17,160 --> 00:26:18,412 Hey, baby. 350 00:26:18,912 --> 00:26:20,831 Hi, Mommy. Do you wanna play with me? 351 00:26:20,831 --> 00:26:22,499 Sure, bud. In a little bit. 352 00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:25,294 I wanna talk to you about something first. 353 00:26:27,254 --> 00:26:29,506 You know how I'm going to send my robots to Mars 354 00:26:29,506 --> 00:26:31,258 to look for those little microbes up there? 355 00:26:31,258 --> 00:26:33,385 - In the lava tubes. - That's right. 356 00:26:33,385 --> 00:26:38,640 Anyway, it-- it looks like I might need to go with them. 357 00:26:38,640 --> 00:26:40,058 To Mars? 358 00:26:40,934 --> 00:26:43,437 But while I'm gone, you'll stay here with grandma. 359 00:26:46,273 --> 00:26:47,524 Why can't I come? 360 00:26:49,943 --> 00:26:52,988 Well, for one, you're still in school, 361 00:26:53,739 --> 00:26:55,699 and space travel isn't really for kids yet. 362 00:26:55,699 --> 00:26:58,869 But Zack's mom and dad took him to this hotel place on the Moon 363 00:26:58,869 --> 00:27:00,204 when we were in second grade. 364 00:27:00,204 --> 00:27:03,290 Well, yes. But it only takes a day to get to the Moon, 365 00:27:03,832 --> 00:27:06,168 and it takes much longer to get to Mars. 366 00:27:08,420 --> 00:27:09,922 How long will you be gone? 367 00:27:12,758 --> 00:27:13,800 About a year. 368 00:27:15,010 --> 00:27:17,221 I know it seems like a long time 369 00:27:18,347 --> 00:27:20,224 but it'll go by so quickly. 370 00:27:21,141 --> 00:27:22,142 You'll see. 371 00:27:22,142 --> 00:27:26,355 What if you decide to stay forever like Poppy did? 372 00:27:26,355 --> 00:27:30,275 Aw, bud, I know this is hard but I've been on work trips before. 373 00:27:30,275 --> 00:27:32,444 This one will just be a bit longer, okay? 374 00:27:34,947 --> 00:27:36,323 Alex, come back. I-- 375 00:27:40,619 --> 00:27:41,828 Alex. 376 00:27:44,414 --> 00:27:46,041 It's okay. It's okay. 377 00:27:50,796 --> 00:27:52,589 It will all be okay, little one. 378 00:27:54,716 --> 00:27:56,426 It will all be okay. 379 00:28:10,858 --> 00:28:13,485 Hey. Aleida, right? Aleida? 380 00:28:13,485 --> 00:28:14,695 So nice to meet you. 381 00:28:14,695 --> 00:28:17,030 I'm Brandt. Government relations. 382 00:28:17,030 --> 00:28:19,491 And obviously, we're going to be working pretty close together 383 00:28:19,491 --> 00:28:21,118 with everything that's been decided. 384 00:28:21,118 --> 00:28:24,496 So, we really need to finalize which senators we're approaching 385 00:28:24,496 --> 00:28:28,625 to support our position with the M-7. Have you looked at the dossiers? 386 00:28:30,002 --> 00:28:32,212 Yeah. Yes, I have. 387 00:28:33,213 --> 00:28:37,509 Still doing a bit more, you know-- 388 00:28:38,719 --> 00:28:39,928 Mulling it over. 389 00:28:40,429 --> 00:28:43,348 Ins and outs. 390 00:28:43,348 --> 00:28:46,685 - You haven't looked at it yet. - Have you talked to Dev at all about this? 391 00:28:46,685 --> 00:28:49,396 I feel like he might have an opinion. 392 00:28:50,230 --> 00:28:53,483 He told us we should just come to you. 393 00:28:53,483 --> 00:28:56,570 So, just take a look at those dossiers, okay? 394 00:29:04,536 --> 00:29:09,917 And this is the entryway and this is the living room. 395 00:29:10,584 --> 00:29:13,420 You know, it's not the biggest but it's got a fireplace. 396 00:29:13,420 --> 00:29:19,301 And there is the kitchen with this little eat-in nook there. 397 00:29:20,636 --> 00:29:21,970 It's gonna be really nice 398 00:29:21,970 --> 00:29:24,765 cooking the girls' breakfast in the morning before school. 399 00:29:27,059 --> 00:29:28,268 I'm gonna get you! 400 00:29:30,062 --> 00:29:31,438 And wait for the best part. 401 00:29:33,607 --> 00:29:35,442 This is Sarah's room, 402 00:29:35,442 --> 00:29:38,779 - and over there, that's Lily's room. - And this is my room! 403 00:29:39,363 --> 00:29:40,531 No! 404 00:29:41,698 --> 00:29:44,159 And over there is our room. 405 00:29:44,660 --> 00:29:47,246 I mean, my room. 406 00:29:48,413 --> 00:29:51,291 But you know, when you get back we'll talk. 407 00:29:52,209 --> 00:29:53,210 Anyway. 408 00:29:55,128 --> 00:29:57,714 We're just so excited, Miles. 409 00:29:57,714 --> 00:29:59,883 I-- I can't believe that 410 00:30:00,801 --> 00:30:04,972 we can finally buy our own house thanks to you. 411 00:30:05,764 --> 00:30:09,893 Honestly, I-- I never thought that we'd be able to do that. 412 00:30:14,982 --> 00:30:17,401 Okay. Gotta go. Bye. 413 00:30:33,250 --> 00:30:34,251 You okay? 414 00:30:35,377 --> 00:30:38,130 Yeah. They-- They posted the assignments for Goldilocks. 415 00:30:39,923 --> 00:30:41,550 Shit. You didn't get on the Ranger, huh? 416 00:30:42,342 --> 00:30:43,802 Bastards, why don't they realize-- 417 00:30:43,802 --> 00:30:45,971 No, no. I-- I did. I-- 418 00:30:46,805 --> 00:30:49,099 I-- I got on. I am-- 419 00:30:50,934 --> 00:30:52,102 I'm on the crew. 420 00:30:52,102 --> 00:30:55,272 Well, shit. That's great, isn't it? I mean, that's what you wanted. 421 00:30:55,272 --> 00:30:56,565 Yeah, I know. 422 00:30:57,941 --> 00:31:00,903 I know. I've been banging my head against the wall these past few months, 423 00:31:00,903 --> 00:31:03,197 trying to get back out there, and now I-- 424 00:31:07,242 --> 00:31:10,162 Miles, you should've fucking seen us out there. 425 00:31:10,162 --> 00:31:14,833 We-- All running up to that board, looking for our names, you know. 426 00:31:14,833 --> 00:31:19,463 Praying we got a slot. Thinking that we won the-- the fucking lottery. 427 00:31:20,464 --> 00:31:23,634 When-- When the truth is we are powerless up here, Miles. 428 00:31:24,468 --> 00:31:26,178 That's what I keep telling you. 429 00:31:26,178 --> 00:31:28,180 Come in with me on this red obsidian thing. 430 00:31:28,180 --> 00:31:29,306 It's not too late. 431 00:31:29,306 --> 00:31:31,183 People back home are paying anything 432 00:31:31,183 --> 00:31:34,102 to get a piece of Mars. That way you're not putting your life on the line 433 00:31:34,102 --> 00:31:36,271 for people who don't give a shit about you. 434 00:31:38,357 --> 00:31:40,901 No, I don't know. I don't think I'm there yet. 435 00:31:40,901 --> 00:31:44,988 I've been wanting this my whole life, you know? I can't just walk away from it. 436 00:31:47,783 --> 00:31:48,825 Yeah, I get it. 437 00:33:16,038 --> 00:33:18,248 - Looking for Malaika. - She's right over there. 438 00:33:18,248 --> 00:33:19,333 Thank you. 439 00:33:24,213 --> 00:33:26,340 William, move the left side up. 440 00:33:26,340 --> 00:33:28,217 It needs to be straight. 441 00:33:29,843 --> 00:33:30,844 Higher. 442 00:33:35,682 --> 00:33:36,975 Well. 443 00:33:37,601 --> 00:33:40,604 My goodness. What a nice surprise. 444 00:33:47,110 --> 00:33:48,111 Come. 445 00:33:51,990 --> 00:33:53,075 God be praised. 446 00:33:54,910 --> 00:33:56,453 Let me look at you. 447 00:34:07,422 --> 00:34:08,715 Are you hungry? 448 00:34:09,675 --> 00:34:10,926 No. I already ate. 449 00:34:12,261 --> 00:34:13,804 I came to say goodbye. 450 00:34:14,638 --> 00:34:15,681 Goodbye? 451 00:34:16,806 --> 00:34:17,975 I'm going to Mars. 452 00:34:21,562 --> 00:34:23,480 We're doing something important up there. 453 00:34:24,982 --> 00:34:27,568 We're building a new world and it's a better world than this one. 454 00:34:27,568 --> 00:34:30,027 You know you could try to change things here. 455 00:34:30,612 --> 00:34:32,697 You could make such a difference, Dev. 456 00:34:32,697 --> 00:34:34,616 When you come back, there is a community-- 457 00:34:34,616 --> 00:34:36,076 I'm not coming back. 458 00:34:36,659 --> 00:34:37,661 What do you mean? 459 00:34:38,579 --> 00:34:39,830 I'm staying up there. 460 00:34:42,081 --> 00:34:44,543 You're still chasing your father's dream, aren't you? 461 00:34:45,043 --> 00:34:46,587 I'm not doing this for him. 462 00:34:46,587 --> 00:34:52,509 That's what you tell yourself. But these dreams of space destroyed your father. 463 00:34:52,509 --> 00:34:54,636 Space did not destroy him. 464 00:34:56,179 --> 00:34:57,097 You did. 465 00:34:59,725 --> 00:35:03,061 Everything that he did, he did for his family. 466 00:35:03,729 --> 00:35:05,189 For our future. 467 00:35:06,356 --> 00:35:09,985 He never recovered after you left us. 468 00:35:09,985 --> 00:35:12,529 I never left you, my son. You know this. 469 00:35:12,529 --> 00:35:14,656 I was there. Don't you remember? 470 00:35:14,656 --> 00:35:17,910 Yes, I remember how I begged you to come with me. 471 00:35:17,910 --> 00:35:21,914 And you wanted me to leave him with no one at all? I could never do that. 472 00:35:21,914 --> 00:35:26,168 The truth is, he had already infected you with his disease of ambition. 473 00:35:26,168 --> 00:35:28,545 Okay. God forbid anybody have any ambition. 474 00:35:32,299 --> 00:35:36,178 Let's just agree that you and I will never see eye to eye and part as friends. 475 00:35:36,178 --> 00:35:39,348 You're not my friend. You're my son. 476 00:35:40,516 --> 00:35:44,436 Stay here with me. With your people. Don't turn your back on them. 477 00:35:44,937 --> 00:35:49,650 You can do so much good for the young ones. They look up to you. 478 00:35:51,777 --> 00:35:53,487 Harambee, right? 479 00:35:53,487 --> 00:35:56,865 Everybody joining hands, working together for the good of the whole. You know, 480 00:35:57,574 --> 00:35:59,076 of all the lies that you told me, 481 00:36:00,244 --> 00:36:01,828 that one was the cruelest one. 482 00:36:04,998 --> 00:36:08,168 But it's okay because I see how people are now. 483 00:36:12,172 --> 00:36:14,758 If you need anything, 484 00:36:14,758 --> 00:36:15,968 just call this number. 485 00:36:21,807 --> 00:36:23,600 I don't want your money. 486 00:36:24,560 --> 00:36:26,270 I never wanted it. 487 00:36:27,187 --> 00:36:29,231 I just want my son. 488 00:36:35,070 --> 00:36:36,071 Goodbye, Mother. 489 00:36:49,793 --> 00:36:52,880 {\an8}I understand how you feel and I apologize. 490 00:36:53,505 --> 00:36:55,674 The president just got a little carried away, that's all. 491 00:36:55,674 --> 00:36:59,344 He made a grave insult to the honor of the Soviet Union. 492 00:36:59,344 --> 00:37:01,597 I will issue a statement to clarify 493 00:37:01,597 --> 00:37:04,558 the Soviet Union's crucial role in the discovery. 494 00:37:04,558 --> 00:37:07,019 You must understand, Administrator Hobson, 495 00:37:07,603 --> 00:37:11,398 President Korzhenko also faces enormous political pressure. 496 00:37:12,441 --> 00:37:17,029 Members of the politburo are urging him to go after the asteroid ourselves. 497 00:37:17,029 --> 00:37:20,908 Irina, you know as well as I do that neither one of us have the capability 498 00:37:20,908 --> 00:37:22,784 to grab this rock on our own. 499 00:37:22,784 --> 00:37:25,996 Are we really going to let an amazing opportunity like this 500 00:37:25,996 --> 00:37:29,082 slip through our fingers 'cause of one little screwup? 501 00:37:29,082 --> 00:37:34,880 I think the best course, in the light of your president's behavior, 502 00:37:34,880 --> 00:37:36,590 is to negotiate a new agreement 503 00:37:36,590 --> 00:37:39,676 that specifies how we will divide up the asteroid. 504 00:37:39,676 --> 00:37:43,138 What is the point of previous agreements if we keep tearing them up? 505 00:37:43,138 --> 00:37:48,936 It would mollify the hard-liners in our politburo, as well as Dev Ayesa's Helios. 506 00:37:49,561 --> 00:37:51,480 Well, I am not opposed to a summit 507 00:37:51,480 --> 00:37:53,982 but we would have to include the other M-7 nations. 508 00:37:53,982 --> 00:37:55,400 Of course, 509 00:37:56,151 --> 00:38:00,447 and we will be more than happy to host them here in Soviet Union. 510 00:38:03,534 --> 00:38:05,077 With all due respect, Irina, 511 00:38:05,744 --> 00:38:08,539 I think a neutral location would be the most sensible 512 00:38:08,539 --> 00:38:10,749 in light of the nature of this conference. 513 00:38:12,209 --> 00:38:14,586 I need to give Korzhenko some sign of your contrition 514 00:38:14,586 --> 00:38:16,755 if I am to lure him back to the table. 515 00:38:20,968 --> 00:38:22,302 Administrator Hobson? 516 00:38:26,807 --> 00:38:27,808 All right. 517 00:38:28,600 --> 00:38:30,102 I will talk to the president. 518 00:38:35,148 --> 00:38:37,192 Javi, come set the table. 519 00:38:48,328 --> 00:38:51,623 You know, you wouldn't even be alive if we didn't do stuff like that. 520 00:38:51,623 --> 00:38:53,083 Please stop. 521 00:39:00,591 --> 00:39:01,592 Hello. 522 00:39:02,176 --> 00:39:05,262 Hey, it's Brandt. The M-7 just announced an emergency summit 523 00:39:05,262 --> 00:39:07,931 to hash out how much everyone gets of this asteroid. 524 00:39:08,599 --> 00:39:09,600 Okay. 525 00:39:10,309 --> 00:39:11,476 Thank you for the update. 526 00:39:11,476 --> 00:39:14,313 It starts first thing next week, so... 527 00:39:14,313 --> 00:39:16,148 - But-- - ...you better start preparing. 528 00:39:17,482 --> 00:39:20,235 Dev will already be on his way to Mars by then. 529 00:39:20,736 --> 00:39:22,863 Yep. Pack warm. 530 00:39:22,863 --> 00:39:24,448 You're going to the Soviet Union. 531 00:39:52,142 --> 00:39:54,102 Mommy loves you, Alex. 532 00:39:55,812 --> 00:39:56,980 Always. 533 00:40:39,314 --> 00:40:40,858 God, I miss you. 534 00:40:42,693 --> 00:40:44,236 I miss you so much. 535 00:40:46,363 --> 00:40:48,073 I wish I could be there right now. 536 00:40:49,867 --> 00:40:52,953 I do. Not that-- Not that you need me. 537 00:40:53,537 --> 00:40:59,793 Because you are so strong, and you got this, Kelly. You've got this. 538 00:41:01,378 --> 00:41:03,589 You're stronger than me. 539 00:41:04,673 --> 00:41:07,217 Stronger than all of us put together. 540 00:41:07,968 --> 00:41:09,386 You got this, okay? 541 00:41:10,345 --> 00:41:13,432 And you are gonna be the best mom. 542 00:41:14,099 --> 00:41:15,517 You are. I keep-- 543 00:41:16,268 --> 00:41:20,606 I keep thinking about how nurturing you've always been. 544 00:41:21,815 --> 00:41:26,236 From the day that your dad and I met you, you've nurtured everybody around you. 545 00:41:27,404 --> 00:41:28,614 Even your dad and me. 546 00:41:31,491 --> 00:41:33,410 I can't wait to meet my little grandbaby. 547 00:41:35,245 --> 00:41:36,246 I may have-- 548 00:41:36,246 --> 00:41:40,584 I may have already purchased the wallpaper and the crib for the nursery. 549 00:41:40,584 --> 00:41:44,296 No, I know but I can't help it. 550 00:41:47,174 --> 00:41:48,258 I love you... 551 00:41:50,135 --> 00:41:51,678 with all my heart. 552 00:42:18,330 --> 00:42:21,625 Show me the angular velocity estimates for Asteroid 2003LC. 553 00:42:25,045 --> 00:42:26,296 That's what I thought. 554 00:42:28,507 --> 00:42:29,967 ...goat rope. 555 00:42:48,652 --> 00:42:50,112 We need your speech, babe. 556 00:42:51,029 --> 00:42:54,324 Zay won't admit it but he really wants you to be a big part of the ceremony. 557 00:42:55,033 --> 00:42:57,244 You know, my mom blessed my marriage to his mother 558 00:42:57,244 --> 00:42:59,746 and now he wants you to bless his. 559 00:43:00,914 --> 00:43:02,666 I know you got a lot on your mind up there. 560 00:43:02,666 --> 00:43:06,044 All we're seeing on the news is how important this thing is 561 00:43:06,044 --> 00:43:08,088 and how much y'all gotta do. 562 00:43:08,797 --> 00:43:11,925 But, you know, it's okay to step out of things for a minute. 563 00:43:11,925 --> 00:43:13,552 Sometimes it helps. 564 00:43:14,678 --> 00:43:16,597 I know whatever you come up with will be great. 565 00:43:17,598 --> 00:43:18,599 Love you. 566 00:43:41,914 --> 00:43:43,498 Courtney, Isaiah, 567 00:43:44,499 --> 00:43:45,501 I... 568 00:43:46,627 --> 00:43:48,629 I wish I could be there with you all today. 569 00:43:49,671 --> 00:43:51,715 I am so happy for you. 570 00:43:53,509 --> 00:43:57,262 Marriage, partnerships... It's-- 571 00:44:00,641 --> 00:44:01,642 It's... 572 00:45:28,770 --> 00:45:31,607 After this, there's nothing left. 573 00:45:32,733 --> 00:45:34,026 I have to tell him. 574 00:45:39,239 --> 00:45:40,365 I'll come with you. 575 00:45:44,494 --> 00:45:45,495 Okay. 576 00:46:12,523 --> 00:46:13,524 Danny? 577 00:46:21,573 --> 00:46:22,574 Danny? 578 00:47:12,749 --> 00:47:13,750 Come in. 579 00:47:17,671 --> 00:47:19,047 Do you have a minute, Dev? 580 00:47:20,382 --> 00:47:21,675 Sure. 581 00:47:30,309 --> 00:47:32,394 I've given it a lot of thought, and... 582 00:47:34,605 --> 00:47:36,398 I want to go to Mars with you. 583 00:47:37,482 --> 00:47:41,987 Our work is incredibly important to me and it's important that it's done right. 584 00:47:44,364 --> 00:47:45,490 But here's the thing... 585 00:47:47,868 --> 00:47:49,745 I want to bring my son with me. 586 00:47:51,455 --> 00:47:56,877 I know it sounds crazy with his health issues and all, but just hear me out. 587 00:47:59,421 --> 00:48:01,798 I spoke to some of my former colleagues at NASA, 588 00:48:01,798 --> 00:48:04,468 plus the flight surgeons here at Helios, and they all agreed 589 00:48:04,468 --> 00:48:08,138 that Alex's cardiopulmonary issues might actually improve on Mars. 590 00:48:09,097 --> 00:48:11,892 His weaker heart won't have to pump as hard in one-third gravity, 591 00:48:11,892 --> 00:48:15,604 and the higher oxygen concentrations inside the base will help offset 592 00:48:15,604 --> 00:48:17,189 his lower lung capacity. 593 00:48:18,273 --> 00:48:20,651 Yes, the month of travel will be challenging, 594 00:48:22,027 --> 00:48:24,655 but space travel's become safe. 595 00:48:25,989 --> 00:48:26,990 Routine. 596 00:48:28,200 --> 00:48:31,495 Besides, what seven-year-old wouldn't wanna be weightless for a few weeks? 597 00:48:33,830 --> 00:48:36,959 I'd tutor him in my free time so he'd still get an education. 598 00:48:36,959 --> 00:48:39,503 He won't interfere with the functionality of the base, 599 00:48:39,503 --> 00:48:42,548 and my dad will help look after him as well. 600 00:48:45,592 --> 00:48:50,097 Dev, I am committed to doing my job to the best of my ability... 601 00:48:52,432 --> 00:48:54,518 but I can't just abandon my son. 602 00:48:59,439 --> 00:49:00,691 I hope you understand. 603 00:49:04,528 --> 00:49:05,529 'Course I do, 604 00:49:07,239 --> 00:49:08,323 and he'll be welcome. 605 00:49:13,453 --> 00:49:14,454 Thank you. 606 00:49:40,022 --> 00:49:42,858 Milosh, how did we do today? 607 00:49:42,858 --> 00:49:46,069 Great. That new deodorant is flying off the shelves. 608 00:49:46,069 --> 00:49:49,740 I think that loading dock supervisor might be turning into a problem. 609 00:49:49,740 --> 00:49:51,783 Faiza thinks she's got a way around it, 610 00:49:51,783 --> 00:49:54,995 but that, as they say, is tomorrow's problem. 611 00:49:55,913 --> 00:49:56,997 Yes. You're right. 612 00:49:56,997 --> 00:49:58,624 Tomorrow's problem. 613 00:50:04,421 --> 00:50:05,422 Pleasure. 614 00:50:06,215 --> 00:50:07,674 Don't you want to count it? 615 00:50:09,134 --> 00:50:10,886 That's all right. I'm sure it's right. 616 00:50:15,015 --> 00:50:16,183 Let us drink. 617 00:50:17,309 --> 00:50:18,560 To the success. 618 00:50:21,063 --> 00:50:22,940 And to you, Milosh. 619 00:50:22,940 --> 00:50:24,066 No. 620 00:50:27,236 --> 00:50:28,570 To us. 621 00:50:42,751 --> 00:50:43,752 Every time. 622 00:51:05,440 --> 00:51:06,441 What's this? 623 00:51:12,531 --> 00:51:13,574 Ed, I'm-- 624 00:51:15,826 --> 00:51:18,412 I've thought long and hard about this, 625 00:51:19,913 --> 00:51:22,958 and I think it might be time for you to take a step back from flight duty. 626 00:51:24,877 --> 00:51:26,086 Excuse me? 627 00:51:26,086 --> 00:51:29,298 Might be for the best. You let somebody else command Ranger. 628 00:51:30,841 --> 00:51:31,884 Who, like you? 629 00:51:32,467 --> 00:51:34,803 No. It's not about that. 630 00:51:37,306 --> 00:51:39,308 I want you to let the doc take a look at your hand. 631 00:51:40,767 --> 00:51:43,228 My hand. For what? 632 00:51:45,147 --> 00:51:46,440 You know what for. 633 00:51:53,113 --> 00:51:56,867 This is totally out of line, Danielle. 634 00:51:56,867 --> 00:51:59,411 I thought we were putting aside our differences, but I guess 635 00:51:59,411 --> 00:52:01,246 that was just a load of bullshit. 636 00:52:01,246 --> 00:52:03,916 Ed, you have been commanding missions, 637 00:52:03,916 --> 00:52:08,295 flying missions, while concealing a potentially serious health condition. 638 00:52:08,295 --> 00:52:10,714 All because what? You just-- You just couldn't let go. 639 00:52:10,714 --> 00:52:14,343 I know my body. I know what works for it. I'm fine. 640 00:52:14,343 --> 00:52:17,221 That is not your call to make and you know that. 641 00:52:18,639 --> 00:52:21,850 You lied to me. How am I supposed to trust you? 642 00:52:21,850 --> 00:52:24,269 Come on, Danielle. You know I'd never put anyone in danger. 643 00:52:24,269 --> 00:52:26,104 I'm not so sure I do anymore. 644 00:52:26,897 --> 00:52:30,901 You should've gone home a long time ago. Be with your daughter and your grandson. 645 00:52:32,694 --> 00:52:33,695 Is-- 646 00:52:34,571 --> 00:52:36,448 Is that why you went home so quickly? 647 00:52:38,700 --> 00:52:39,952 Be with your family? 648 00:52:43,121 --> 00:52:45,999 Or maybe it was because you're the one really running away. 649 00:52:47,376 --> 00:52:48,502 Watch yourself, Ed. 650 00:52:48,502 --> 00:52:49,586 Or what? 651 00:52:49,586 --> 00:52:51,755 You're already talking about clipping my wings. 652 00:52:51,755 --> 00:52:52,965 What else is there? 653 00:52:52,965 --> 00:52:55,634 You gonna exile me to that North Korean capsule? 654 00:52:58,262 --> 00:52:59,763 Give me a Bible to read? 655 00:53:00,806 --> 00:53:03,100 - Fuck you! - There it is. 656 00:53:03,100 --> 00:53:04,393 Fuck you! 657 00:53:05,936 --> 00:53:09,439 I have been putting up with your shit for the last 30 years! 658 00:53:09,940 --> 00:53:13,193 Watching you make wrong decision after wrong decision, 659 00:53:13,193 --> 00:53:17,865 only thinking about yourself like you're God's gift to the cosmos. 660 00:53:19,032 --> 00:53:21,702 Well, I have news for you, Ed Baldwin. 661 00:53:21,702 --> 00:53:25,873 You are just a pathetic old man who doesn't know when to call it a day. 662 00:53:25,873 --> 00:53:28,917 Yeah. Well, unlike you, I'm not a fucking quitter. 663 00:53:28,917 --> 00:53:33,338 No, Ed. And luckily, that is not your concern anymore. 664 00:53:33,338 --> 00:53:34,423 You're done. 665 00:53:36,091 --> 00:53:37,342 What the hell you talking about? 666 00:53:38,093 --> 00:53:41,138 You are hereby removed from flight status 667 00:53:41,722 --> 00:53:44,683 and relieved of your duties as XO on this base. 668 00:53:45,684 --> 00:53:46,977 Come on, Danielle. 669 00:53:49,563 --> 00:53:51,648 Don't do anything you're gonna regret. 670 00:53:53,942 --> 00:53:56,028 I got a lot of regrets in my life, Ed. 671 00:53:57,654 --> 00:53:59,364 This ain't gonna be one of them.