1 00:00:35,536 --> 00:00:36,745 {\an8}[people shouting] 2 00:00:43,252 --> 00:00:46,171 [Palmer] You're all in violation of your Helios contract! 3 00:00:46,755 --> 00:00:50,217 Every penny lost will be docked from your pay. 4 00:00:50,217 --> 00:00:53,887 - It is right here in black and white. - That is such bullshit, Palmer. 5 00:00:53,887 --> 00:00:56,139 Helios is a nonunion shop. 6 00:00:57,057 --> 00:00:59,893 Any strike is grounds for immediate termination. 7 00:00:59,893 --> 00:01:04,565 Then fire us. See how easy it is to do literally anything up here without us. 8 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:05,774 [Ed] Fair is fair. 9 00:01:05,774 --> 00:01:08,402 These guys put their asses on the line every single day. 10 00:01:08,402 --> 00:01:10,404 - That's rich coming from you, Ed. - They deserve-- 11 00:01:10,404 --> 00:01:14,241 I can still hear you whining about how most of these people aren't even qualified 12 00:01:14,241 --> 00:01:15,659 to be up here in the first place. 13 00:01:16,410 --> 00:01:20,289 But now you're all what? Down with the common man? 14 00:01:20,289 --> 00:01:22,791 Don't try to make this about me, Dani. 15 00:01:22,791 --> 00:01:26,837 You know as well as I do that Helios, NASA, Roscosmos 16 00:01:26,837 --> 00:01:28,213 and all the other M-7 countries, 17 00:01:28,213 --> 00:01:30,674 they don't give two shits about these workers. 18 00:01:30,674 --> 00:01:33,969 Commander Poole, we are the ones who transformed this base 19 00:01:33,969 --> 00:01:36,763 from a couple of habs into a viable mining colony. 20 00:01:36,763 --> 00:01:39,641 And all we are asking is for you to honor the deal. 21 00:01:39,641 --> 00:01:43,478 If we let that rock go to Earth's orbit, most of our jobs are gone within a year. 22 00:01:43,478 --> 00:01:44,563 [workers murmuring] 23 00:01:44,563 --> 00:01:48,400 What if Helios offered you some kind of... [stammers] ...guaranteed retraining? 24 00:01:48,400 --> 00:01:49,860 - [murmuring continues] - Right? 25 00:01:49,860 --> 00:01:52,237 - More education, an opportunity for you-- - [scoffs] 26 00:01:52,237 --> 00:01:53,822 Forgive us. Forgive us. 27 00:01:53,822 --> 00:01:56,116 We've heard that one before. It's never anything but bullshit. 28 00:01:56,116 --> 00:01:58,952 Listen, if you want your cryo center to start making the fuel 29 00:01:58,952 --> 00:02:00,370 you need to launch for Goldilocks, 30 00:02:00,370 --> 00:02:02,581 if you want your cargo to get unloaded from Phoenix, 31 00:02:02,581 --> 00:02:05,709 if you want your habitation units to be constructed or your food prepared, we-- 32 00:02:05,709 --> 00:02:10,464 I have gone out of my way to address your concerns. 33 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:14,635 Yes, there is some uncertainty about the future. 34 00:02:15,219 --> 00:02:19,848 Yes, this asteroid is forcing us to do things quick, fast and in a hurry. 35 00:02:20,432 --> 00:02:23,644 But we have got to restart that cryo center ASAP. 36 00:02:24,645 --> 00:02:28,649 We need to pump 125 tons of liquid argon 37 00:02:28,649 --> 00:02:32,152 to get Ranger out to Goldilocks and push her onto the right path. 38 00:02:32,152 --> 00:02:34,238 And so far, we've only got 44 tons. 39 00:02:34,821 --> 00:02:36,114 We are running out of time. 40 00:02:36,114 --> 00:02:37,783 And every day you keep dragging your feet 41 00:02:37,783 --> 00:02:40,494 is another day closer to letting Goldilocks get away for good. 42 00:02:40,494 --> 00:02:41,995 And then we all lose. 43 00:02:42,996 --> 00:02:43,997 Is that what you want? 44 00:02:44,581 --> 00:02:45,874 No, what we want is-- 45 00:02:45,874 --> 00:02:48,669 We want for you to get off your goddamn throne 46 00:02:48,669 --> 00:02:50,254 and give us what's fair. 47 00:02:53,465 --> 00:02:55,926 Just how far are you willing to take this, Ed? 48 00:02:55,926 --> 00:02:58,428 The question is how much are you willing to lose? 49 00:02:59,179 --> 00:03:01,181 [people murmuring] 50 00:04:18,841 --> 00:04:21,678 {\an8}These strikers are as driven as any I've seen. 51 00:04:21,678 --> 00:04:23,388 And I've seen my share. 52 00:04:23,388 --> 00:04:27,059 We cannot allow the progress we made in Leningrad to go to waste 53 00:04:27,059 --> 00:04:29,978 because of this-- this tantrum. 54 00:04:29,978 --> 00:04:32,189 You're preaching to the choir, Irina. 55 00:04:32,689 --> 00:04:36,360 I got the president asking every hour if this damn thing's been resolved yet. 56 00:04:37,528 --> 00:04:40,614 Korzhenko is the same. We must bring this to resolution. 57 00:04:40,614 --> 00:04:44,451 Well, they're not budging, especially on their biggest demand. 58 00:04:45,035 --> 00:04:49,122 This insane idea that they want Goldilocks to wind up in Mars orbit, 59 00:04:49,122 --> 00:04:51,416 which is non-negotiable for us. 60 00:04:51,416 --> 00:04:53,043 And for us. 61 00:04:53,043 --> 00:04:55,671 There's only one way I see forward. 62 00:04:56,797 --> 00:04:58,006 We go around them. 63 00:04:59,049 --> 00:05:04,763 Order our cosmonauts, your astronauts to restart the fuel generators immediately. 64 00:05:04,763 --> 00:05:07,182 Well, they're not exactly trained on that equipment. 65 00:05:07,182 --> 00:05:10,394 They're engineers. This is the only way. 66 00:05:10,394 --> 00:05:12,312 If Helios will not help us, 67 00:05:13,981 --> 00:05:15,566 we'll have to help ourselves. 68 00:05:16,358 --> 00:05:19,236 You said they'd cave in a couple of sols. 69 00:05:19,236 --> 00:05:21,697 - And it's been a week. - Shut up, you pussy. 70 00:05:21,697 --> 00:05:24,491 You thought this would be easy? Gotta hold our ground, man. 71 00:05:24,491 --> 00:05:27,244 He's right. Our power is in sticking together. 72 00:05:27,244 --> 00:05:29,413 They start peeling us off, this whole thing crumbles. 73 00:05:29,413 --> 00:05:31,331 Look, I came up here to earn. 74 00:05:31,331 --> 00:05:34,126 And all I know is right now, I'm not earning nothing. 75 00:05:34,126 --> 00:05:36,920 Yeah, well, neither are they. And they're starting to panic. 76 00:05:36,920 --> 00:05:38,005 [workers murmuring] 77 00:05:38,005 --> 00:05:40,632 - We have to hold the course here. - [Sam] Right. You gotta be strong. 78 00:05:40,632 --> 00:05:43,427 [worker 1] You heard what Palmer said. They're gonna shitcan all of us. 79 00:05:43,427 --> 00:05:45,095 [worker 2] They can't. There's no time. 80 00:05:46,305 --> 00:05:50,434 Listen up. I just heard they're gonna try to start the fuel gennies themselves. 81 00:05:50,434 --> 00:05:52,686 [workers clamoring] 82 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,397 Yeah, they're trying to fuck us. Are we gonna let that happen? 83 00:05:55,397 --> 00:05:57,816 - [worker 3] Hell no! - [workers] No! No! 84 00:06:13,790 --> 00:06:15,042 Where are all the suits? 85 00:06:19,379 --> 00:06:21,757 Guys, look at this. 86 00:06:37,022 --> 00:06:40,234 [Danielle] So you're telling me there are no other accessible suits 87 00:06:40,234 --> 00:06:41,401 on this entire base? 88 00:06:41,401 --> 00:06:45,113 Yes, ma'am. And they used the rovers to block the air locks at the fuel plant. 89 00:06:45,113 --> 00:06:46,907 It's a clever move. You gotta give it to 'em. 90 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:49,451 [Danielle scoffs] 91 00:06:49,451 --> 00:06:51,745 We gotta get creative. Right? 92 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:53,372 How are we gonna solve this? 93 00:06:53,372 --> 00:06:55,749 We have to get back over to that cryo center 94 00:06:55,749 --> 00:06:58,961 or we're not gonna have enough fuel when it comes time to get Goldilocks. 95 00:06:58,961 --> 00:07:02,548 It's just too far a distance for any sort of improvised pressure suit. 96 00:07:02,548 --> 00:07:05,259 And it's gonna take too long to make a new one from scratch. 97 00:07:05,259 --> 00:07:06,343 [Danielle] Just stop. 98 00:07:06,343 --> 00:07:08,637 Here we are on the cusp of grabbing something 99 00:07:08,637 --> 00:07:10,681 that could change everything for a lot of people, 100 00:07:10,681 --> 00:07:13,767 and we just can't get out of our own goddamn way. 101 00:07:16,103 --> 00:07:20,524 All right. Well, what if we went under instead of over? 102 00:07:25,362 --> 00:07:27,948 [grunting, panting] 103 00:07:31,451 --> 00:07:32,828 Oh! 104 00:07:33,537 --> 00:07:34,663 Smells nice. 105 00:07:35,372 --> 00:07:38,083 That'd be the gray water from the composting tanks. 106 00:07:38,083 --> 00:07:39,626 [grunts] 107 00:07:40,544 --> 00:07:44,423 Well, it's a little tight, but I think it can work. 108 00:07:44,923 --> 00:07:46,383 You sure they don't know about this? 109 00:07:46,383 --> 00:07:47,843 Uh, it wouldn't even occur to them 110 00:07:47,843 --> 00:07:50,179 that we'd drain the water feed pipe to the cryo center 111 00:07:50,179 --> 00:07:52,431 and then belly crawl people over there. 112 00:07:52,431 --> 00:07:55,309 [Palmer] But it's gonna take at least 12 hours to fully drain it. 113 00:07:55,851 --> 00:07:57,853 [Danielle] Well, then we better get started. 114 00:07:59,688 --> 00:08:03,358 {\an8}ROSCOSMOS 115 00:08:17,372 --> 00:08:19,124 [in Russian] Good morning, Miss Madison. 116 00:08:19,708 --> 00:08:21,043 Good morning, Pasha. 117 00:08:26,381 --> 00:08:27,966 [Irina] We are working with the Americans 118 00:08:27,966 --> 00:08:30,636 to resolve the issues with the transgressing workers. 119 00:08:30,636 --> 00:08:32,929 [executive] I would not trust the Americans. 120 00:08:32,929 --> 00:08:36,015 Helios pretends to be an international company 121 00:08:36,015 --> 00:08:38,684 but it is based in Houston, right next to NASA. 122 00:08:38,684 --> 00:08:41,730 They serve the interests of Gore and his lackeys. 123 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:44,274 [laughs] 124 00:08:46,026 --> 00:08:47,319 What is so funny? 125 00:08:49,238 --> 00:08:54,117 I have met Dev Ayesa and I promise you 126 00:08:54,117 --> 00:09:00,999 he cares more about his own interests than America's. 127 00:09:01,667 --> 00:09:04,628 Margo is right. Our intelligence conveys the same. 128 00:09:04,628 --> 00:09:07,881 Now, while the strike is brought to a close, 129 00:09:07,881 --> 00:09:13,220 all efforts must continue to ensure the safe capture of this asteroid 130 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:15,222 and its return to Earth's orbit 131 00:09:15,222 --> 00:09:18,517 under Margo Madison's direction. 132 00:09:19,268 --> 00:09:22,104 Thank you, Director Morozova. [clears throat] 133 00:09:23,230 --> 00:09:29,236 We have updated 2003LC's projected trajectory, 134 00:09:29,236 --> 00:09:35,909 and Tatyana has now calculated the optimal intercept for Ranger. 135 00:09:36,577 --> 00:09:40,038 She's done some brilliant work. 136 00:09:40,038 --> 00:09:41,874 [Irina] Very good. 137 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:44,501 That will be all. 138 00:09:44,501 --> 00:09:46,545 The meeting is adjourned. Everyone is dismissed. 139 00:09:48,839 --> 00:09:52,134 Margo Madison... stay behind, please. 140 00:10:06,315 --> 00:10:07,316 [door closes] 141 00:10:10,777 --> 00:10:12,905 [in English] The strike will end one way or another. 142 00:10:12,905 --> 00:10:17,409 And we have reached the point where interfacing directly and in person 143 00:10:17,409 --> 00:10:20,329 with the American capture team is necessary. 144 00:10:21,747 --> 00:10:27,377 A representative of Roscosmos must go to Houston to finalize the negotiations. 145 00:10:27,377 --> 00:10:31,215 I agree. And I'll do everything I can to help prepare them for the trip. So-- 146 00:10:31,215 --> 00:10:35,719 President Korzhenko has requested for you to do this. 147 00:10:37,930 --> 00:10:39,223 Uh, I'm sorry? 148 00:10:40,057 --> 00:10:44,686 We have negotiated diplomatic immunity for you for entire time you're there. 149 00:10:44,686 --> 00:10:47,356 They cannot touch you. They cannot arrest you. 150 00:10:47,356 --> 00:10:49,733 I don't-- [stammers] No, no. 151 00:10:49,733 --> 00:10:52,903 I-- I can't go back. That was not part of our agreement. 152 00:10:54,196 --> 00:10:55,697 The agreement has changed. 153 00:10:59,535 --> 00:11:05,457 It is imperative to the president that we send our most capable representative. 154 00:11:06,375 --> 00:11:07,501 Oh, come on. 155 00:11:08,043 --> 00:11:10,045 The only reason Korzhenko wants me to go back 156 00:11:10,045 --> 00:11:12,422 is so he can stick a finger in Gore's eye. 157 00:11:12,422 --> 00:11:13,507 Perhaps. 158 00:11:14,424 --> 00:11:20,013 But still it would be wise to accept the request. 159 00:11:29,481 --> 00:11:32,901 {\an8}[Chase] Uh, now, we're gonna do a deep dive on this. This stuff with... 160 00:11:33,527 --> 00:11:35,487 Do I need to say 2003LC? 161 00:11:36,321 --> 00:11:37,906 Let's just go with Goldilocks. 162 00:11:37,906 --> 00:11:40,158 Very interested to hear your POV, 163 00:11:40,158 --> 00:11:43,120 and honestly, just what you were thinking when you saw her. 164 00:11:43,120 --> 00:11:44,246 Uh, saw who? 165 00:11:44,246 --> 00:11:45,414 - Moscow Margo. - [bell rings] 166 00:11:45,414 --> 00:11:48,375 Back from commercial in ten, nine, eight... 167 00:11:48,375 --> 00:11:50,377 I'm not here to talk about Margo Madison. 168 00:11:50,377 --> 00:11:52,462 - ...six, five... - You'll be great. 169 00:11:52,462 --> 00:11:54,506 ...four, three... 170 00:11:56,008 --> 00:11:57,426 [mouthing] ...one, and... 171 00:11:58,760 --> 00:12:01,722 Good evening. Welcome to America Now. I'm Zoey Chase. 172 00:12:01,722 --> 00:12:05,642 Later tonight, a car bomb explodes at the Kingdom Center tower in Riyadh 173 00:12:05,642 --> 00:12:09,354 {\an8}as the civil war in Saudi Arabia continues to rage. 174 00:12:09,354 --> 00:12:14,067 {\an8}But first, joining me now in an exclusive interview is Aleida Rosales 175 00:12:14,067 --> 00:12:18,530 {\an8}from Helios Aerospace who worked side by side with Margo Madison, 176 00:12:18,530 --> 00:12:20,657 {\an8}the woman majority leader Feinstein has called 177 00:12:20,657 --> 00:12:23,619 {\an8}the worst traitor in American history. 178 00:12:23,619 --> 00:12:25,120 {\an8}Aleida, welcome. 179 00:12:28,081 --> 00:12:29,750 {\an8}[clears throat] Thank you, Zoey. 180 00:12:29,750 --> 00:12:33,003 {\an8}Uh, I look forward to discussing the asteroid 2003LC and-- 181 00:12:33,003 --> 00:12:35,964 {\an8}We'll get to that. First, tell me about Margo Madison. 182 00:12:35,964 --> 00:12:40,761 {\an8}For so long she'd been listed amongst the dead of the Johnson Space Center bombing. 183 00:12:40,761 --> 00:12:42,596 {\an8}Did you know that she was alive? 184 00:12:42,596 --> 00:12:44,431 {\an8}[stammering] No, of-of course not. 185 00:12:44,431 --> 00:12:47,809 She fucking sandbagged me. Barely even asked me about the asteroid. 186 00:12:47,809 --> 00:12:49,394 [Aleida] Seven other people were never found. 187 00:12:49,394 --> 00:12:51,146 Do you think they're hiding in Russia too? 188 00:12:51,146 --> 00:12:53,815 {\an8}And how are you feeling about her proposed return to Houston? 189 00:12:53,815 --> 00:12:54,900 {\an8}I'm sorry? 190 00:12:54,900 --> 00:12:56,777 {\an8}Our source at the State Department is saying 191 00:12:56,777 --> 00:12:58,946 {\an8}she'll be granted diplomatic immunity while here. 192 00:12:58,946 --> 00:13:02,908 {\an8}I thought... [clears throat] ...I thought she wouldn't be allowed back into the country. 193 00:13:03,492 --> 00:13:07,246 [Chase] No one did. But you came up under her at NASA. 194 00:13:07,246 --> 00:13:09,414 Her defection couldn't have come out of nowhere. 195 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:11,041 {\an8}I mean, I had-- 196 00:13:11,041 --> 00:13:14,837 {\an8}Did you have a sense that she was working for the Soviets behind the scenes? 197 00:13:14,837 --> 00:13:17,798 {\an8}You know what I get a sense of? That you're a... [bleep] ...hack of a reporter. 198 00:13:17,798 --> 00:13:20,133 - Okay. Give me that. - You're... [bleep] ...not doing this, okay-- 199 00:13:20,133 --> 00:13:21,218 [TV switches off] 200 00:13:21,218 --> 00:13:22,636 Mom, I-- 201 00:13:22,636 --> 00:13:24,680 - It was just starting to get good. - [Aleida sighs] 202 00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:29,017 [Victor sighs] 203 00:13:31,228 --> 00:13:32,229 How you doing? 204 00:13:32,229 --> 00:13:33,313 [Aleida] I'm fine. 205 00:13:36,650 --> 00:13:37,985 The interview wasn't that bad. 206 00:13:39,653 --> 00:13:41,864 In fact, my brother texted me saying how much he loved it 207 00:13:41,864 --> 00:13:44,283 when you flipped her off as you were leaving. [laughs] 208 00:13:44,867 --> 00:13:46,577 - I did? - Yeah. 209 00:13:47,369 --> 00:13:50,038 I mean, he said it was all fuzzed out, but, uh... 210 00:13:50,038 --> 00:13:51,123 [Victor chuckles] 211 00:13:51,665 --> 00:13:52,666 [Aleida sighs] 212 00:13:53,250 --> 00:13:55,544 This will all blow over in no time. 213 00:13:56,128 --> 00:13:58,338 I don't care about the interview, Vic. 214 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:01,425 It's her. Margo. 215 00:14:04,553 --> 00:14:05,846 When I first saw her... 216 00:14:08,390 --> 00:14:11,518 I was so happy she was alive. You know? 217 00:14:12,728 --> 00:14:14,062 I couldn't believe it. 218 00:14:15,689 --> 00:14:19,359 But now that she's coming back, I just... 219 00:14:21,278 --> 00:14:22,821 I wish she was still dead... 220 00:14:25,157 --> 00:14:26,158 but she's not. 221 00:14:27,659 --> 00:14:28,911 She's coming back. 222 00:14:30,329 --> 00:14:31,872 She's coming back here. 223 00:14:32,873 --> 00:14:34,875 I know. It's insane. 224 00:14:36,418 --> 00:14:37,586 You gotta do something. 225 00:14:38,712 --> 00:14:40,923 - What can I do? - Oh, I don't know. 226 00:14:42,299 --> 00:14:45,886 Maybe take a cue from the folks up on Mars. 227 00:14:47,471 --> 00:14:48,472 Push back. 228 00:14:54,228 --> 00:14:56,813 [Mars FIDO 1] Hopper 3, Phoenix, you're clear to disengage. 229 00:14:56,813 --> 00:15:00,150 [Mars FIDO 2] Clearing clean separation. You are clear of docking zone. 230 00:15:00,150 --> 00:15:03,320 We have a good transponder mark and you are clear to maneuver. 231 00:15:04,279 --> 00:15:07,866 [Mars FIDO 1] Happy Valley flight control has your landing at beacon 1-5. 232 00:15:07,866 --> 00:15:10,827 [pilot] Phoenix, Hopper 3 reading you five by five. 233 00:15:10,827 --> 00:15:15,165 Board is green and we're on track for nominal entry at 0217. 234 00:15:15,874 --> 00:15:18,585 Zero down range. EDL surge on. 235 00:15:19,211 --> 00:15:21,296 Almost through the chop, folks. 236 00:15:22,631 --> 00:15:24,466 [Mars FIDO 1] You've got a good acceleration profile 237 00:15:24,466 --> 00:15:26,552 and excellent engine performance. 238 00:15:30,681 --> 00:15:33,642 Squeeze my hand. You're doing so good. 239 00:15:35,477 --> 00:15:38,438 Hey, little man. What you're feeling now is just turbulence 240 00:15:38,438 --> 00:15:41,483 as we enter Mars's atmosphere. Same as on an airplane. 241 00:15:43,777 --> 00:15:46,113 [pilot] Looks like we're through the rough patch. 242 00:15:46,113 --> 00:15:47,698 Smooth sailing from here on in. 243 00:15:48,365 --> 00:15:50,450 We'll be on the surface in a few minutes, folks. 244 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:51,994 You see that canyon down there? 245 00:15:53,245 --> 00:15:54,705 That's Valles Marineris. 246 00:15:54,705 --> 00:15:56,707 It is four times bigger than the Grand Canyon, 247 00:15:56,707 --> 00:15:58,792 and our new home is at the bottom of it. 248 00:16:00,544 --> 00:16:04,047 [Mars FIDO 1] Hopper 3, you're clear for final approach on beacon 1-5. 249 00:16:05,132 --> 00:16:08,635 [pilot] Roger that. Hopper 3 is clear for final approach on beacon 1-5. 250 00:16:20,230 --> 00:16:21,607 Welcome to Happy Valley. 251 00:16:21,607 --> 00:16:24,276 - Danielle. - [both chuckle] 252 00:16:27,321 --> 00:16:31,742 And you must be the young Luke Skywalker. 253 00:16:31,742 --> 00:16:33,285 [Alex] It's Alex, Mrs. Poole. 254 00:16:33,285 --> 00:16:36,163 [Danielle] Okay. [speaks indistinctly] 255 00:16:36,788 --> 00:16:38,749 And you may be our youngest crew member, 256 00:16:38,749 --> 00:16:41,919 but that doesn't mean we don't have high expectations for you. 257 00:16:41,919 --> 00:16:45,005 [Danielle speaks indistinctly] ...grown so much since the last time I saw you. 258 00:16:45,005 --> 00:16:46,089 [Palmer] Sir. 259 00:16:46,882 --> 00:16:47,883 Welcome. 260 00:16:47,883 --> 00:16:51,220 I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to have you here. 261 00:16:51,220 --> 00:16:54,598 I, uh, wish there was a little bit more of a welcome, 262 00:16:54,598 --> 00:16:56,975 but, uh, with the strike... 263 00:16:56,975 --> 00:16:58,977 It's fine. I prefer it this way. 264 00:16:59,937 --> 00:17:03,649 - [Palmer] We haven't quite figured out... - [Danielle] Give me a sec, Kel. 265 00:17:03,649 --> 00:17:06,193 ...how to get everyone's stowed gear off the transport. 266 00:17:06,193 --> 00:17:09,863 If you'd like to come with me, I can show you your quarters, maybe give you a tour 267 00:17:09,863 --> 00:17:11,990 - around the facilities-- - Belay that, XO. 268 00:17:13,075 --> 00:17:16,286 You and me, we need to talk. There have been some new developments. 269 00:17:16,286 --> 00:17:17,496 This way. 270 00:17:17,496 --> 00:17:18,579 [Palmer] Welcome. 271 00:17:19,080 --> 00:17:23,460 Palmer here will, uh, get you anything you need and show you to your quarters. 272 00:17:24,670 --> 00:17:25,878 Welcome. 273 00:17:25,878 --> 00:17:27,339 Here. Let me get that for you. 274 00:17:27,339 --> 00:17:29,091 - Thank you. - [strains] Here we go. 275 00:17:29,091 --> 00:17:31,134 All right. Follow me. 276 00:17:32,135 --> 00:17:34,096 Mommy. Where's Poppy? 277 00:17:34,096 --> 00:17:35,848 Oh, I'm sure he just got a little delayed-- 278 00:17:35,848 --> 00:17:37,140 [Ed] Kel! 279 00:17:38,141 --> 00:17:39,142 - [chuckles] - Dad. 280 00:17:42,020 --> 00:17:43,021 Hey. 281 00:17:43,856 --> 00:17:44,857 [Ed sighs] 282 00:17:46,650 --> 00:17:47,985 Sorry, I'm a little late. 283 00:17:50,195 --> 00:17:52,239 There's my grandson. 284 00:17:54,241 --> 00:17:56,827 - Alex, it's Poppy. - [Ed] Hey. 285 00:17:57,995 --> 00:17:59,454 You wanna give Poppy a hug, kiddo? 286 00:18:00,747 --> 00:18:01,999 No? 287 00:18:03,667 --> 00:18:06,587 He gets like this sometimes. Probably just a little overwhelmed. 288 00:18:06,587 --> 00:18:08,338 Yeah, well, that makes sense. 289 00:18:10,257 --> 00:18:11,758 That's okay, buddy. 290 00:18:12,634 --> 00:18:13,677 [Ed, Kelly chuckle] 291 00:18:13,677 --> 00:18:15,637 Come on, you two. Let's get you settled then. 292 00:18:15,637 --> 00:18:16,722 Okay. 293 00:18:20,225 --> 00:18:22,728 - [Ed] Ah, Palmer. Finally useful. - [Kelly chuckles] 294 00:18:25,939 --> 00:18:27,357 [Dev] That's quite the view. 295 00:18:28,859 --> 00:18:32,988 Look, I know this is all new and exciting for you, 296 00:18:33,739 --> 00:18:36,700 but right now we're working on a way to get over to the cryo center. 297 00:18:36,700 --> 00:18:38,952 We've got a crisis on our hands. 298 00:18:38,952 --> 00:18:41,872 And it's not just a NASA problem or an M-7 problem. 299 00:18:42,581 --> 00:18:44,082 These are your workers. 300 00:18:44,082 --> 00:18:47,336 They've got legitimate grievances against your company. 301 00:18:47,336 --> 00:18:49,588 So I'd like to know how you plan to proceed. 302 00:18:51,006 --> 00:18:53,050 I am considering my options. 303 00:18:53,842 --> 00:18:55,969 You've had plenty of time to consider your options. 304 00:18:56,595 --> 00:18:58,639 We gotta get this thing resolved now. 305 00:18:58,639 --> 00:19:00,891 Or that asteroid becomes a distant memory. 306 00:19:01,391 --> 00:19:04,186 Thank you for showing me to my quarters, Commander Poole. 307 00:19:04,895 --> 00:19:05,896 Much appreciated. 308 00:19:08,649 --> 00:19:09,650 [Danielle sighs] 309 00:19:17,991 --> 00:19:21,370 Dev, I know you're used to being in charge, 310 00:19:22,037 --> 00:19:24,248 but when you're up here on my base, 311 00:19:25,207 --> 00:19:27,626 what I say goes. Clear? 312 00:19:28,877 --> 00:19:29,878 Crystal. 313 00:19:37,928 --> 00:19:39,513 - [Dimitri] In. - [Alex inhales] 314 00:19:40,806 --> 00:19:43,225 - Out. - [exhales] 315 00:19:43,225 --> 00:19:45,394 Good. Now other side. 316 00:19:47,896 --> 00:19:48,897 Mm-hmm. 317 00:19:50,357 --> 00:19:52,484 Mm-hmm. Good. 318 00:19:53,360 --> 00:19:54,736 I'd like to run some blood work. 319 00:19:56,238 --> 00:19:57,573 Don't worry. Not today. 320 00:19:59,575 --> 00:20:03,495 Did you know I worked with your father for two and a half years? 321 00:20:04,079 --> 00:20:05,205 Even right here. 322 00:20:06,123 --> 00:20:07,207 Did you like him? 323 00:20:08,083 --> 00:20:09,376 I liked him very much. 324 00:20:10,085 --> 00:20:11,461 He loved playing games, 325 00:20:12,546 --> 00:20:13,964 and he would always beat me. 326 00:20:14,715 --> 00:20:19,219 He would find anything around, nuts, bolts, candy for the queen, 327 00:20:19,219 --> 00:20:20,971 and use them as chess pieces. 328 00:20:21,889 --> 00:20:22,890 I know chess. 329 00:20:22,890 --> 00:20:25,225 I thought you might. 330 00:20:25,225 --> 00:20:27,227 Maybe we could play? [chuckles] 331 00:20:27,853 --> 00:20:29,438 He's doing quite well. 332 00:20:29,438 --> 00:20:30,731 Low gravity suits him. 333 00:20:30,731 --> 00:20:32,941 Comparing his charts from Houston, 334 00:20:32,941 --> 00:20:35,986 both his blood pressure and respiration are actually stronger. 335 00:20:36,570 --> 00:20:38,447 He's more at home here than on Earth. 336 00:20:39,573 --> 00:20:40,574 Thank you, Dima. 337 00:20:41,158 --> 00:20:42,409 So good to see you again. 338 00:20:43,660 --> 00:20:44,661 Both of you. 339 00:20:45,245 --> 00:20:46,246 You too. 340 00:20:46,246 --> 00:20:50,334 [astronauts, cosmonauts grunting] 341 00:20:51,919 --> 00:20:53,754 [Palmer] Keep moving. Stay together. 342 00:20:56,548 --> 00:20:59,968 [astronaut 1] Christ. This feels like the longest 800 meters on Mars. 343 00:21:00,636 --> 00:21:04,598 [Palmer] If you'd rather walk out there without a suit on, be my guest. 344 00:21:04,598 --> 00:21:09,019 [astronaut 2] It's okay, Jennings. You get scared, I'll hold your hand. 345 00:21:09,019 --> 00:21:10,312 Fuck off, Bishop. 346 00:21:10,312 --> 00:21:12,397 [Palmer] Quit yakking and keep moving. 347 00:21:36,713 --> 00:21:40,217 [devices beeping] 348 00:21:40,217 --> 00:21:44,638 Ops-Com, Entry Team 1, we have reached the main fuel generator control. 349 00:21:44,638 --> 00:21:46,056 Good. 350 00:21:46,056 --> 00:21:47,140 Mr. Howard. 351 00:21:49,351 --> 00:21:52,855 Run a systems check and have them bring everything back up online. 352 00:21:52,855 --> 00:21:54,648 Entry Team 1, Ops-Com, 353 00:21:54,648 --> 00:21:58,193 you are good to proceed with reactivation of argon liquefaction 354 00:21:58,193 --> 00:22:00,028 and methane generation. 355 00:22:00,028 --> 00:22:04,366 Time to start making some of that sweet, sweet galactic go-juice. 356 00:22:04,366 --> 00:22:06,451 [jazz music playing] 357 00:22:07,995 --> 00:22:08,996 How is it? 358 00:22:10,038 --> 00:22:11,248 - Good. - Yeah? 359 00:22:11,248 --> 00:22:12,332 Real good. 360 00:22:13,500 --> 00:22:17,171 I don't know. I feel like it's, um, it's missing something. 361 00:22:17,880 --> 00:22:18,922 Yeah. 362 00:22:19,590 --> 00:22:22,301 Can't quite put my finger on it. 363 00:22:26,513 --> 00:22:28,515 [both laugh] 364 00:22:29,349 --> 00:22:31,226 [Ed] Oh, wow. 365 00:22:32,644 --> 00:22:34,771 Oh, you done good, kiddo. 366 00:22:36,106 --> 00:22:37,524 [laughs] 367 00:22:38,442 --> 00:22:40,527 - Oh, yeah. - [laughs] 368 00:22:41,695 --> 00:22:42,863 Oh, yeah. 369 00:22:42,863 --> 00:22:44,990 - You want some of this, buddy? - No, thank you. 370 00:22:44,990 --> 00:22:47,701 [Ed] Oh. It's the best. You're gonna love it. You gotta try this. 371 00:22:47,701 --> 00:22:50,287 Oh, there you go. Yeah. 372 00:22:50,287 --> 00:22:51,914 Now mix it up. 373 00:22:52,497 --> 00:22:53,707 You gotta mix it. 374 00:23:01,673 --> 00:23:02,966 Why'd you do that? 375 00:23:03,967 --> 00:23:04,968 It was cheese. 376 00:23:04,968 --> 00:23:06,053 [Kelly sighs] 377 00:23:06,845 --> 00:23:10,390 I'm trying to broaden his horizons a little bit. 378 00:23:10,390 --> 00:23:11,892 Well, maybe before you do that, 379 00:23:11,892 --> 00:23:14,061 you can actually try to get to know him a little bit, 380 00:23:14,061 --> 00:23:15,896 instead of playing Norma Rae. 381 00:23:16,647 --> 00:23:19,525 - I'm trying here. Okay? - Are you? 382 00:23:19,525 --> 00:23:23,695 [stammers] Cut me some slack here, kiddo. I'm-I'm-I'm fighting for something here. 383 00:23:24,279 --> 00:23:25,614 I'm Helios too. 384 00:23:25,614 --> 00:23:28,659 So come fight with us. 385 00:23:28,659 --> 00:23:29,743 With me. 386 00:23:32,829 --> 00:23:36,500 You're being so myopic. There's more than one way to see this. 387 00:23:36,500 --> 00:23:40,337 Aleida Rosales, she worked a miracle in Leningrad. 388 00:23:40,337 --> 00:23:43,966 Okay. She came up with something that will change our planet forever. 389 00:23:44,550 --> 00:23:47,636 Yeah. And it'll end everything we worked for on this one. 390 00:23:47,636 --> 00:23:50,180 There will still be a robust research presence here. 391 00:23:50,180 --> 00:23:53,392 They're not just gonna fold up and go home. 392 00:23:53,392 --> 00:23:55,853 That's my point exactly. 393 00:23:55,853 --> 00:23:59,189 It'll end up being some scientific backwater like McMurdo. 394 00:23:59,189 --> 00:24:00,858 What's wrong with McMurdo? 395 00:24:00,858 --> 00:24:03,527 Nothing. But this place could just be so much more 396 00:24:03,527 --> 00:24:06,280 than 10 white-coats and a cleaning lady. 397 00:24:06,280 --> 00:24:07,906 It can be a real colony. 398 00:24:09,116 --> 00:24:10,117 A home. 399 00:24:11,410 --> 00:24:13,912 - You already have a home. - [scoffs] 400 00:24:13,912 --> 00:24:15,122 [knocking on door] 401 00:24:16,832 --> 00:24:17,833 [grunts] 402 00:24:22,337 --> 00:24:24,965 - Huh? - Skipper, we got a problem. 403 00:24:26,550 --> 00:24:28,844 [clamoring] 404 00:24:28,844 --> 00:24:30,721 [worker] Fuck. We get nothing. 405 00:24:36,351 --> 00:24:37,769 Why is it that you're the only one 406 00:24:37,769 --> 00:24:39,396 - who doesn't get it? - All right. 407 00:24:39,396 --> 00:24:40,939 [clamoring ends] 408 00:24:40,939 --> 00:24:44,735 Well, we are fucked now, man. All our leverage is in that fuel plant. 409 00:24:45,485 --> 00:24:47,362 - How'd they get to it? - We don't know. 410 00:24:48,030 --> 00:24:51,867 Well, they'll have a tough time starting those gennies back up without this guy. 411 00:24:55,454 --> 00:24:57,289 [Ed] The primary gas flow regulator? 412 00:24:58,290 --> 00:25:00,751 Grabbed it when we were clearing out just in case. 413 00:25:01,710 --> 00:25:04,588 [astronaut] All right, the voltage limiter is back online. 414 00:25:04,588 --> 00:25:07,508 - [Palmer] Copy that. Here we go. - [machinery revs] 415 00:25:08,300 --> 00:25:12,721 No joy. The intake pipes don't seem to be flowing atmo into the chamber. 416 00:25:12,721 --> 00:25:14,181 All right. Hold. 417 00:25:14,806 --> 00:25:17,100 Jennings, check the condenser. 418 00:25:23,065 --> 00:25:25,150 [pipe rattling] 419 00:25:25,901 --> 00:25:26,902 Take a look. 420 00:25:31,406 --> 00:25:33,659 They took out the primary gas flow regulator. 421 00:25:34,159 --> 00:25:36,870 I'm gonna try rerouting the flow through the secondary. 422 00:25:38,247 --> 00:25:40,832 You can't just bypass a regulator. 423 00:25:40,832 --> 00:25:44,795 Relax. Where I grew up, missing parts were all in a day's work. 424 00:25:44,795 --> 00:25:46,797 All we did was find work-arounds. 425 00:25:48,048 --> 00:25:49,800 [tools clinking] 426 00:25:51,969 --> 00:25:53,220 [beeping] 427 00:26:03,313 --> 00:26:05,315 [gas hissing] 428 00:26:14,199 --> 00:26:15,284 [device beeping] 429 00:26:15,284 --> 00:26:18,620 - [hissing continues, lock clicks] - Okay. Try now. 430 00:26:18,620 --> 00:26:20,789 [typing] 431 00:26:22,457 --> 00:26:23,458 [beeps] 432 00:26:24,751 --> 00:26:26,336 [machinery revving] 433 00:26:26,336 --> 00:26:28,839 [Palmer chuckles] 434 00:26:30,215 --> 00:26:31,300 Bingo party. 435 00:26:31,842 --> 00:26:35,429 [Danielle, on radio] Beautiful. The argon generators are coming back online. 436 00:26:37,055 --> 00:26:39,641 [machinery rattles] 437 00:26:43,061 --> 00:26:46,356 [controller] Commander, some of these readings are starting to tip red. 438 00:26:48,275 --> 00:26:50,444 - What the hell? - [machinery rumbles] 439 00:26:50,444 --> 00:26:52,487 [beeping] 440 00:26:54,531 --> 00:26:56,200 [siren blaring] 441 00:26:57,159 --> 00:26:59,661 Shut it down. Tell him to shut it down. 442 00:26:59,661 --> 00:27:02,706 - Hit the emergency cut-off breaker! - [rumbling continues] 443 00:27:22,267 --> 00:27:26,438 Ms. Rosales, did we have a meeting scheduled with Administrator Hobson? 444 00:27:27,147 --> 00:27:28,148 We need to talk. 445 00:27:30,484 --> 00:27:31,485 Um. 446 00:27:32,319 --> 00:27:35,239 All right. Uh, let me just sign this. I'll tell you, at NASA, the-- 447 00:27:35,239 --> 00:27:37,449 Do not give Margo Madison diplomatic immunity. 448 00:27:37,449 --> 00:27:39,451 - Just jumping right in. Okay. - You need to call 449 00:27:39,451 --> 00:27:42,663 the Department of Defense or the White House or whoever you have to call, 450 00:27:42,663 --> 00:27:44,706 - whatever you have to do. Just do it. - It's not up to me. 451 00:27:44,706 --> 00:27:45,874 Do not let her come here. 452 00:27:47,167 --> 00:27:49,211 Not to Houston, not to this building. 453 00:27:50,254 --> 00:27:54,424 If she steps foot on American soil, she should be arrested, and you know it. 454 00:27:54,424 --> 00:27:57,553 I understand your anger, but Moscow is insisting 455 00:27:57,553 --> 00:28:01,515 Margo co-chair these working sessions on engine fabrication, 456 00:28:01,515 --> 00:28:05,227 attachment, slingshot and earthbound escort. 457 00:28:06,270 --> 00:28:08,438 You know, they're just doing this to embarrass us. 458 00:28:08,438 --> 00:28:11,108 Probably, but my hands are tied here, Aleida. 459 00:28:11,608 --> 00:28:14,862 - According to the M-7 charter-- - Oh, fuck the M-7 charter. 460 00:28:14,862 --> 00:28:18,365 How would they like it if we had Arkady Shevchenko representing Helios? 461 00:28:19,241 --> 00:28:21,577 Might as well if this is gonna be a big pissing match. 462 00:28:23,287 --> 00:28:25,038 Aleida, I hear you. I do. 463 00:28:25,664 --> 00:28:29,918 But the fact remains she is the head of their asteroid capture program, 464 00:28:30,460 --> 00:28:33,172 and an incredibly skilled engineer to boot. 465 00:28:33,964 --> 00:28:38,010 If we're gonna pull this off, we need the best people from all over the world. 466 00:28:40,762 --> 00:28:42,681 - Well, I can't work with her. - [door opens] 467 00:28:42,681 --> 00:28:44,224 - Well, before you start-- - [employee] Sir. 468 00:28:45,601 --> 00:28:48,562 There's been an accident at Happy Valley. 469 00:28:53,650 --> 00:28:56,904 [aide] Doctor, we have multiple wounded patients coming in from the explosion. 470 00:28:56,904 --> 00:28:58,405 [Dimitri] I need an IV. 471 00:28:58,405 --> 00:29:00,490 - [people clamoring] - Stabilize him. 472 00:29:00,490 --> 00:29:03,869 Burns are full thickness. Muscles are in contracture. 473 00:29:04,620 --> 00:29:08,290 You! Arterial line kit in that cabinet. Come on! [speaks Russian] 474 00:29:08,290 --> 00:29:10,000 [in English] Doc! Last one. 475 00:29:10,584 --> 00:29:12,169 [Dimitri] Push left over here. 476 00:29:12,753 --> 00:29:15,672 Keep an eye on Jennings. Vitals are starting to stabilize. 477 00:29:15,672 --> 00:29:18,926 We need to protect her airway. Get her on O2. 478 00:29:19,927 --> 00:29:21,595 Third degree, but we can debride. 479 00:29:22,429 --> 00:29:23,555 Start an IV. 480 00:29:24,097 --> 00:29:26,225 Need three liters lactated Ringer's. 481 00:29:26,225 --> 00:29:27,726 Cover those wounds in gauze. 482 00:29:28,519 --> 00:29:29,937 [rhythmic beeping] 483 00:29:32,022 --> 00:29:34,191 - [aide] Doctor, he's bradying down. - [steady beep] 484 00:29:34,191 --> 00:29:35,359 - Jennings? - Get a line in. 485 00:29:35,359 --> 00:29:37,653 [aide] Coming through. Move it. Move it. 486 00:29:37,653 --> 00:29:39,196 [steady beep continues] 487 00:29:39,196 --> 00:29:40,572 [clamoring continues] 488 00:29:44,368 --> 00:29:45,369 Mike. 489 00:29:46,286 --> 00:29:47,871 How many casualties? 490 00:29:48,580 --> 00:29:50,165 We have one fatality so far. 491 00:29:50,165 --> 00:29:51,458 Four more badly injured. 492 00:29:51,458 --> 00:29:53,544 Two in critical condition. 493 00:29:53,544 --> 00:29:56,880 Dima is doing his best to keep them alive, but it's-- it's not looking good. 494 00:29:56,880 --> 00:29:58,340 Oh, goddamn it. 495 00:30:00,008 --> 00:30:02,970 They have dramatically escalated things up there, Eli. 496 00:30:02,970 --> 00:30:04,680 And we need to respond. 497 00:30:04,680 --> 00:30:06,932 What we need to do is get Poole some help. 498 00:30:06,932 --> 00:30:09,560 I agree. Things are getting out of control. 499 00:30:09,560 --> 00:30:12,646 Sir, Central Intelligence knows for a fact 500 00:30:12,646 --> 00:30:15,983 that Moscow has at least one KGB asset in Happy Valley. 501 00:30:16,567 --> 00:30:17,568 Of course they do. 502 00:30:17,568 --> 00:30:19,695 You're not saying they were involved? 503 00:30:19,695 --> 00:30:21,113 No. We don't believe so. 504 00:30:21,780 --> 00:30:24,992 The thing is there are options at NASA's disposal 505 00:30:24,992 --> 00:30:27,619 to get things under control that you may not be aware of. 506 00:30:30,038 --> 00:30:32,583 Are you saying we have assets up there too? 507 00:30:32,583 --> 00:30:35,419 - We do. - How are we just now hearing about this? 508 00:30:36,044 --> 00:30:40,090 There are 12 North Koreans sitting a couple hundred feet from Ops-Com. 509 00:30:40,090 --> 00:30:41,717 Uh-- Can you blame us? 510 00:30:41,717 --> 00:30:44,553 Are there any weapons on the base I should know about? 511 00:30:44,553 --> 00:30:49,016 Our man has access to standard attenuated energy projectile systems, 512 00:30:49,016 --> 00:30:52,477 high pressure, nitrogen weapons, firing non lethal rounds 513 00:30:52,477 --> 00:30:54,897 and they can't pierce the walls of the habs. 514 00:30:54,897 --> 00:30:57,482 - And skin? - It doesn't tickle. 515 00:30:57,983 --> 00:30:59,401 Delightful. 516 00:31:00,736 --> 00:31:02,112 So you're suggesting what? 517 00:31:02,988 --> 00:31:06,617 That we have the CIA and the KGB take control of the base? 518 00:31:06,617 --> 00:31:11,205 We just thought you should know. I-- In case things did escalate. 519 00:31:11,205 --> 00:31:12,497 Oh, I hear you, Bob. 520 00:31:12,497 --> 00:31:13,999 But I am not gonna be the guy 521 00:31:13,999 --> 00:31:18,337 that authorizes the CIA to implement martial law on Mars. 522 00:31:18,337 --> 00:31:21,924 We need to reestablish firm control of this base 523 00:31:21,924 --> 00:31:23,717 and stop these terrorist attacks from happening. 524 00:31:23,717 --> 00:31:25,552 Terrorism? Really? 525 00:31:25,552 --> 00:31:27,346 Well, what would you call it, Eli? 526 00:31:27,346 --> 00:31:28,722 I mean, it's happened before. 527 00:31:28,722 --> 00:31:30,891 - In fact, it's happened right here. - Enough. 528 00:31:30,891 --> 00:31:32,351 End of conversation. 529 00:31:33,894 --> 00:31:36,188 We need to find another solution here. 530 00:31:38,649 --> 00:31:42,236 Uh, maybe-- maybe we send up a security detail like in '83. 531 00:31:42,236 --> 00:31:44,655 [chuckles] Yeah, because that went so well. 532 00:31:45,239 --> 00:31:46,615 They stopped World War III. 533 00:31:46,615 --> 00:31:49,117 Well, you could argue that it almost caused it. 534 00:31:50,911 --> 00:31:51,912 [sighs] 535 00:31:51,912 --> 00:31:53,664 We don't have enough time anyway. 536 00:31:54,623 --> 00:31:57,167 Between training and travel, it would take months. 537 00:31:58,836 --> 00:32:00,712 Unless we didn't need to send them up. 538 00:32:02,464 --> 00:32:07,886 We could deputize people on Happy Valley, people with adequate military training. 539 00:32:09,847 --> 00:32:12,516 Well, how many people are there like that up there? 540 00:32:13,308 --> 00:32:17,229 Between us and the Soviets, uh, it must be at least a dozen, if not more. 541 00:32:20,023 --> 00:32:21,024 All right... 542 00:32:23,110 --> 00:32:24,361 let's do that. 543 00:32:25,112 --> 00:32:27,698 [Danielle] This isn't why any of us came up here, 544 00:32:27,698 --> 00:32:31,910 but it's our duty now to ensure the security of this base 545 00:32:32,494 --> 00:32:33,996 and the safety of this crew. 546 00:32:34,663 --> 00:32:37,624 We need to find those responsible for this explosion. 547 00:32:37,624 --> 00:32:40,919 So keep your eyes open for anything suspect. 548 00:32:40,919 --> 00:32:45,549 We have got to make certain that a tragedy like this never happens again. 549 00:32:45,549 --> 00:32:47,551 [resident 1] Shit, man. Put my stuff down! 550 00:32:47,551 --> 00:32:49,553 [people arguing, clamoring] 551 00:32:54,433 --> 00:32:56,602 [resident 2] Hey. Watch it. That's personal property. 552 00:32:56,602 --> 00:32:58,729 - Hey, stop touching my-- [grunts] - Back off! 553 00:32:58,729 --> 00:33:01,481 What are-- What the fuck? Get your hands off him. 554 00:33:01,481 --> 00:33:04,484 [Helios employees shouting, clamoring] 555 00:33:04,484 --> 00:33:06,987 Nothing changes. We keep the pressure on. 556 00:33:06,987 --> 00:33:09,031 The pressure? Jennings is dead. 557 00:33:09,031 --> 00:33:10,782 This has gone too far. 558 00:33:14,786 --> 00:33:18,332 Listen up! Listen up! 559 00:33:28,634 --> 00:33:31,678 You guys negotiated with clarity and with force. 560 00:33:33,013 --> 00:33:34,139 I respect that. 561 00:33:36,350 --> 00:33:37,434 And you stood your ground. 562 00:33:39,561 --> 00:33:43,315 I respect that... even more. 563 00:33:44,149 --> 00:33:48,904 But the truth is unless we resolve this today, right now, 564 00:33:48,904 --> 00:33:51,615 and get that fuel plant repaired and pumping liquid argon 565 00:33:51,615 --> 00:33:55,410 so we can capture the most valuable known object in our solar system, 566 00:33:56,036 --> 00:33:57,287 then we've failed. 567 00:33:57,287 --> 00:33:58,372 All of us. 568 00:33:58,372 --> 00:34:00,666 Okay, so, then give us what we're asking for. 569 00:34:00,666 --> 00:34:03,585 - [Helios employees] Yeah. Yeah. - Send Goldilocks to Mars. 570 00:34:03,585 --> 00:34:06,672 Look, I wish I could tell you that were a possibility, but the truth is 571 00:34:07,464 --> 00:34:11,927 the nations of Earth will never, never send this asteroid to Mars. 572 00:34:11,927 --> 00:34:13,136 You know why? 573 00:34:13,846 --> 00:34:15,973 Because it's not in their financial interest 574 00:34:15,973 --> 00:34:17,891 and space is a business. 575 00:34:18,475 --> 00:34:19,601 It's about resources. 576 00:34:19,601 --> 00:34:21,520 It's about the bottom line. It's about profit. 577 00:34:21,520 --> 00:34:22,646 [worker 1] Fuck your profit! 578 00:34:22,646 --> 00:34:25,190 [Dev] You know, go ahead and scoff all you want to, 579 00:34:25,190 --> 00:34:27,775 but I mean, that's what this strike is all about, isn't it? 580 00:34:28,735 --> 00:34:32,572 - You want your cut, your slice of the pie. - [worker 2] Damn right! I want my cut! 581 00:34:33,072 --> 00:34:36,659 You came here to make a living. 582 00:34:37,452 --> 00:34:42,123 But what you're asking, changing the destination of this asteroid, 583 00:34:42,666 --> 00:34:46,003 that is never going to happen. 584 00:34:46,879 --> 00:34:48,797 But I'm gonna tell you what can happen. 585 00:34:48,797 --> 00:34:53,217 NASA and Roscosmos have agreed to your workplace safety concerns. 586 00:34:54,344 --> 00:34:55,971 And as CEO of Helios, 587 00:34:55,971 --> 00:35:00,392 I'm ready to offer you a 40% increase in your pension contributions... 588 00:35:00,392 --> 00:35:02,144 [scattered applause] 589 00:35:02,144 --> 00:35:07,774 ...a more generous health plan and shares of Helios stock to everybody. 590 00:35:07,774 --> 00:35:11,987 Don't believe a goddamn word this man says, he's a snake oil salesman. 591 00:35:11,987 --> 00:35:14,031 I'll also make sure that everybody involved in this strike 592 00:35:14,031 --> 00:35:15,991 gets amnesty for any and all actions 593 00:35:15,991 --> 00:35:18,869 conducted during the negotiations of the last few days. 594 00:35:18,869 --> 00:35:24,750 And the first 100 people to cross this line will receive a quadruple payday bonus 595 00:35:24,750 --> 00:35:30,130 which will put you just north of a million dollars each. 596 00:35:30,631 --> 00:35:32,549 [Helios employees murmuring] 597 00:35:32,549 --> 00:35:34,343 Don't listen to him. 598 00:35:35,928 --> 00:35:37,804 Can't you see what he's trying to do? 599 00:35:38,472 --> 00:35:42,142 He's trying to buy us off and undercut our solidarity. 600 00:35:42,142 --> 00:35:44,937 We can still win this if we stick together. 601 00:35:44,937 --> 00:35:46,313 That's right. 602 00:35:46,313 --> 00:35:48,690 [Dev] Okay, yeah. Sure. You can try to do that. 603 00:35:48,690 --> 00:35:51,818 But you have to ask yourself, "What's more important?" 604 00:35:51,818 --> 00:35:57,074 Some abstract notion of togetherness, or is it your families back home? 605 00:35:57,741 --> 00:36:00,827 Is it your kids, your-- your nieces, your nephews, 606 00:36:00,827 --> 00:36:04,081 your parents, your grandparents, 607 00:36:04,790 --> 00:36:10,003 or is it some rock that is floating out in space? 608 00:36:10,003 --> 00:36:12,256 [Helios employees murmuring] 609 00:36:15,467 --> 00:36:16,927 Sorry, Sam. 610 00:36:16,927 --> 00:36:18,053 Henry? 611 00:36:19,680 --> 00:36:21,014 [scoffs] 612 00:36:23,433 --> 00:36:25,519 I rep 12 at the fuel plant. 613 00:36:25,519 --> 00:36:27,271 - Welcome. - Thank you. 614 00:36:27,271 --> 00:36:28,480 I've got 88 more. 615 00:36:29,064 --> 00:36:30,065 Come on! 616 00:36:31,108 --> 00:36:33,610 - Hey, hey. Don't do this. Don't do this. - What are you doing? 617 00:36:36,071 --> 00:36:38,907 Cowards. Quitters. 618 00:36:40,909 --> 00:36:42,286 Must stand strong. 619 00:36:46,707 --> 00:36:47,875 Y'all make me sick. 620 00:36:53,797 --> 00:36:54,798 Ilya? 621 00:36:57,176 --> 00:36:58,510 Maya? 622 00:36:59,553 --> 00:37:01,930 Immunity, Skip. Sorry. 623 00:37:10,355 --> 00:37:12,900 I rep all 18 in fab, weld and finish. 624 00:37:24,077 --> 00:37:26,205 Luka. Luka! 625 00:37:36,590 --> 00:37:37,799 Well done, Dev. 626 00:37:39,051 --> 00:37:40,719 You just killed Mars. 627 00:37:47,518 --> 00:37:50,479 {\an8}[news reporter] ... and former director of NASA, Margo Madison, 628 00:37:50,479 --> 00:37:52,648 {\an8}has returned to the United States 629 00:37:52,648 --> 00:37:56,109 nearly a decade after defecting to the Soviet Union. 630 00:37:56,109 --> 00:38:00,239 {\an8}Her arrival in Houston today was met with massive protests. 631 00:38:00,239 --> 00:38:05,827 {\an8}Many calling for her arrest though Madison is protected by a diplomatic immunity 632 00:38:05,827 --> 00:38:09,373 while she is here in her role as the head of Roscosmos as-- 633 00:38:12,167 --> 00:38:14,378 [sirens blaring] 634 00:38:16,380 --> 00:38:19,216 [reporters chattering] 635 00:38:24,972 --> 00:38:27,808 - [sirens blaring] - [camera shutters clicking] 636 00:38:39,611 --> 00:38:41,488 [sighs] 637 00:38:41,989 --> 00:38:44,741 - [reporters chattering] - [camera shutters clicking] 638 00:38:53,166 --> 00:38:55,961 Margo Madison, I'm Eli Hobson. 639 00:38:56,670 --> 00:38:58,380 Welcome to the Molly Cobb Space Center. 640 00:38:59,298 --> 00:39:00,465 Thank you. 641 00:39:01,758 --> 00:39:02,759 Shall we? 642 00:39:33,165 --> 00:39:36,752 - [bicycle pedaling] - [panting] 643 00:39:41,590 --> 00:39:43,342 - [knocking on door] - [door opens] 644 00:39:45,219 --> 00:39:46,303 Admiral. 645 00:39:46,303 --> 00:39:47,930 - What the hell? - [door closes] 646 00:39:50,015 --> 00:39:52,893 [sighs] You got some nerve coming in here after what you just did. 647 00:39:52,893 --> 00:39:57,481 Admittedly so, but, uh, I need your help. 648 00:39:57,481 --> 00:39:59,233 Why the fuck would I help you? 649 00:39:59,233 --> 00:40:02,236 Because we both want the same thing-- To never go back. 650 00:40:02,236 --> 00:40:04,446 You don't know... [scoffs] 651 00:40:04,446 --> 00:40:07,407 You're still here, aren't you? After all these years? 652 00:40:08,283 --> 00:40:10,369 You and I both know that Mars has the potential 653 00:40:10,369 --> 00:40:13,330 to become a living, breathing society. 654 00:40:13,330 --> 00:40:16,083 Something that lasts well beyond the two of us... 655 00:40:17,459 --> 00:40:18,669 and we can make that happen. 656 00:40:19,378 --> 00:40:21,630 [scoffs] You just ruined any chance of that. 657 00:40:21,630 --> 00:40:23,465 I know that was painful. 658 00:40:23,465 --> 00:40:24,883 Believe me. I know. 659 00:40:24,883 --> 00:40:29,555 To see how driven they all were by self-interest, by greed. 660 00:40:30,180 --> 00:40:32,140 It would be funny if it wasn't so predictable. 661 00:40:33,183 --> 00:40:36,228 But the strike, for all its inconveniences, 662 00:40:36,228 --> 00:40:39,940 it wound up being a blessing, because a few of you, 663 00:40:39,940 --> 00:40:42,442 you showed just how much you believe in your cause, 664 00:40:43,402 --> 00:40:47,281 how much that you would sacrifice for something greater than yourselves. 665 00:40:47,781 --> 00:40:51,827 And we're gonna need as much of that as we can get. 666 00:40:51,827 --> 00:40:53,871 What the fuck are you talking about? 667 00:40:53,871 --> 00:40:59,877 I'm talking about the future, Ed. About taking what is rightfully ours. 668 00:41:11,221 --> 00:41:12,764 You can't be serious. 669 00:41:14,141 --> 00:41:16,518 Do you want to help me steal an asteroid?