1 00:00:31,490 --> 00:00:32,741 We get back to base camp, 2 00:00:32,741 --> 00:00:35,786 I still gotta write up this geo field report for Site 42. 3 00:00:36,537 --> 00:00:39,540 You're gonna update the techniques and methods sheet too, right? 4 00:00:39,540 --> 00:00:41,750 Yeah. Yeah, I'll make sure to include it. 5 00:00:41,750 --> 00:00:44,127 File the report once you get back to Happy Valley. 6 00:00:44,711 --> 00:00:45,838 And cross-check the-- 7 00:00:47,089 --> 00:00:48,590 Hey, do you see that over there? 8 00:00:48,590 --> 00:00:49,842 Where? 9 00:00:49,842 --> 00:00:51,051 Ten o'clock. 10 00:00:51,051 --> 00:00:52,302 What is that? 11 00:00:52,302 --> 00:00:54,721 I don't know. I'm gonna go check it out. 12 00:02:17,346 --> 00:02:21,266 PROTECT THE LEADER AT ALL COSTS 13 00:05:25,742 --> 00:05:29,663 Taylor, I gotta go monitor the ionizer cooldown sequence. 14 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:32,165 Keep an eye out for anything unusual. 15 00:05:33,041 --> 00:05:34,459 Aye, aye, sir. 16 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:41,008 Happy Valley, Ranger-2. 17 00:05:41,008 --> 00:05:43,510 Ion engine deactivation is complete. 18 00:05:44,094 --> 00:05:46,972 All argon fuel injectors have been rerouted to the plasma drive 19 00:05:46,972 --> 00:05:48,140 for the final burn. 20 00:05:49,224 --> 00:05:50,601 Copy, Ranger-2. 21 00:05:51,310 --> 00:05:52,853 Deactivation confirmed. 22 00:05:53,812 --> 00:05:55,230 Any issues with the changeover? 23 00:05:55,731 --> 00:05:57,733 Negative. All systems nominal. 24 00:05:58,609 --> 00:05:59,610 Good. 25 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:01,695 After we authenticate the final command sequence 26 00:06:01,695 --> 00:06:03,197 for the slingshot from Houston, 27 00:06:03,197 --> 00:06:05,866 we will remotely initiate the final Earth burn. 28 00:06:05,866 --> 00:06:07,826 Copy that. Ranger-2 out. 29 00:06:13,123 --> 00:06:15,626 Commander Poole, I have the final fuel consumption estimates... 30 00:07:06,343 --> 00:07:07,427 Message from Dev. 31 00:07:10,264 --> 00:07:13,267 All right. They're checking the final plasma drive start-up numbers. 32 00:07:13,267 --> 00:07:14,726 We gotta keep everything on track. 33 00:07:14,726 --> 00:07:17,020 Make sure to mirror that last diagnostic upload to Ranger. 34 00:07:17,020 --> 00:07:18,605 Copy. Transmitting. 35 00:07:19,106 --> 00:07:21,149 Looks like Ranger-2's on target. 36 00:07:21,733 --> 00:07:23,610 Two hours, four minutes till final burn. 37 00:07:24,361 --> 00:07:26,572 Good. All right. I'll be right back. 38 00:07:33,745 --> 00:07:34,746 How's he doing? 39 00:07:35,330 --> 00:07:37,249 I think I must take him to medical bay. 40 00:07:37,249 --> 00:07:40,002 No way. He saw our faces. 41 00:07:40,502 --> 00:07:42,129 When he wakes up in there, we're gonna be fucked. 42 00:07:42,129 --> 00:07:43,797 If we keep him here, he could die. 43 00:07:45,674 --> 00:07:47,593 Yeah, I don't think we have a choice. 44 00:07:47,593 --> 00:07:49,303 Easy for you to say, Ed. 45 00:07:49,303 --> 00:07:52,431 You're not the one who's gonna go to jail when he picks you out of a lineup. 46 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:57,019 I take him. 47 00:07:57,603 --> 00:07:58,604 All right? 48 00:07:59,605 --> 00:08:00,981 Decision final. 49 00:08:03,317 --> 00:08:05,027 What are you gonna say to the doc? 50 00:08:07,237 --> 00:08:08,947 Accident with cargo loader. 51 00:08:10,282 --> 00:08:12,075 Okay. That's good. 52 00:08:12,075 --> 00:08:13,660 And when he wakes up? 53 00:08:15,787 --> 00:08:18,081 We have to cross that bridge when we get to it. 54 00:08:18,081 --> 00:08:19,750 I'm sure Dima will help out. 55 00:08:19,750 --> 00:08:21,043 He has before. 56 00:08:29,968 --> 00:08:31,553 It will be fine. 57 00:08:34,181 --> 00:08:35,599 I hope so. 58 00:08:47,611 --> 00:08:49,112 We're running out of time, Dale. 59 00:08:49,112 --> 00:08:52,157 Tell us who else is involved and you are free to go. 60 00:08:52,157 --> 00:08:54,159 Like I told you before, I don't know anything. 61 00:08:55,118 --> 00:08:56,787 Just let me go. 62 00:08:56,787 --> 00:08:59,581 Please, you gotta stop this. 63 00:09:03,293 --> 00:09:04,461 What you doing? 64 00:09:04,461 --> 00:09:06,171 Increasing CO2 levels in room. 65 00:09:09,091 --> 00:09:11,677 You ever have carbon dioxide poisoning before, Miles? 66 00:09:13,303 --> 00:09:15,973 Very quickly it will become hard to breathe. 67 00:09:15,973 --> 00:09:18,183 Your heart rate will increase. 68 00:09:19,893 --> 00:09:22,354 Your head will feel like it's gonna explode. 69 00:09:22,354 --> 00:09:24,064 And soon, you'll wish it had. 70 00:09:24,064 --> 00:09:24,982 Please don't do this. 71 00:09:24,982 --> 00:09:27,818 Give us the names of those involved, 72 00:09:27,818 --> 00:09:29,736 and we'll stop this right now. 73 00:09:29,736 --> 00:09:31,697 I told you, I don't know anything. 74 00:09:54,344 --> 00:09:57,806 You should start feeling the effects of the CO2 quite soon. 75 00:09:57,806 --> 00:09:59,433 Please don't do this. 76 00:10:06,982 --> 00:10:08,775 Who were you working with? 77 00:10:10,903 --> 00:10:13,989 Tell us what you know and we'll stop this. 78 00:10:14,740 --> 00:10:16,992 {\an8}I don't know anything. I swear. 79 00:10:39,223 --> 00:10:40,599 Where are they? 80 00:10:40,599 --> 00:10:45,687 Please. I'm gonna be sick. 81 00:10:45,687 --> 00:10:47,940 Just tell us where they are. 82 00:10:54,154 --> 00:10:55,531 You got some on my shoe! 83 00:11:01,078 --> 00:11:03,121 Please. 84 00:11:03,121 --> 00:11:04,748 I don't know anything. Please. 85 00:11:04,748 --> 00:11:07,501 This isn't working, and we're running out of time. 86 00:11:07,501 --> 00:11:09,878 We gotta try something else. 87 00:11:10,546 --> 00:11:12,631 Please. Please let me go. 88 00:11:15,509 --> 00:11:17,469 Please, man. I just wanna see my family. 89 00:11:18,262 --> 00:11:19,805 Just let me see my family. 90 00:11:28,105 --> 00:11:29,565 Please. 91 00:11:57,092 --> 00:11:58,510 Miss Madison? 92 00:12:11,648 --> 00:12:12,774 Come in. 93 00:12:14,651 --> 00:12:15,652 Good morning. 94 00:12:16,820 --> 00:12:18,197 Yes? 95 00:12:18,197 --> 00:12:19,364 Sorry. 96 00:12:19,364 --> 00:12:22,075 Eli was wondering if you'd be able to come to his office. 97 00:12:24,995 --> 00:12:27,289 - Can't it wait? - He says it's important. 98 00:12:39,551 --> 00:12:41,011 I'm feeling pretty confident 99 00:12:41,011 --> 00:12:43,889 that the security on Happy Valley has it in hand, 100 00:12:43,889 --> 00:12:47,935 as your people well know, because my people detected them attempt-- 101 00:12:49,102 --> 00:12:51,438 Margo, thank you for coming by. 102 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:56,443 Hello, Margo. 103 00:13:02,699 --> 00:13:04,076 Director Morozova. 104 00:13:04,660 --> 00:13:05,786 I... 105 00:13:06,286 --> 00:13:08,622 I wish I'd known you were coming. 106 00:13:09,206 --> 00:13:10,290 I would have prepared. 107 00:13:10,290 --> 00:13:13,043 No preparations are necessary. 108 00:13:13,710 --> 00:13:15,671 A nice surprise, isn't it? 109 00:13:15,671 --> 00:13:16,797 Yes. 110 00:13:17,798 --> 00:13:18,924 Yes, it is. 111 00:13:19,508 --> 00:13:22,594 Feels like she and I talk pretty much every day lately 112 00:13:22,594 --> 00:13:24,054 over this damn thing. 113 00:13:24,054 --> 00:13:27,558 But I haven't seen Irina in person since Leningrad. 114 00:13:27,558 --> 00:13:30,936 We had the best dinner at that place. 115 00:13:30,936 --> 00:13:34,022 They served that little fried fish with the mashed potatoes-- 116 00:13:34,022 --> 00:13:35,566 - Koryushka. - Koryushka. 117 00:13:35,566 --> 00:13:38,527 Honestly, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. 118 00:13:38,527 --> 00:13:42,447 Well, I've come to observe the culmination of our efforts 119 00:13:42,447 --> 00:13:44,283 to bring the asteroid to Earth. 120 00:13:44,283 --> 00:13:46,451 It's gonna be a special moment for all of us. 121 00:13:47,494 --> 00:13:49,621 Eli tells me you have settled right back in. 122 00:13:49,621 --> 00:13:53,292 Kinda hard to settle in when you're followed everywhere you go. 123 00:13:53,292 --> 00:13:54,918 I can imagine. 124 00:13:55,502 --> 00:13:57,796 Well, you don't have to endure it much longer. 125 00:13:58,505 --> 00:14:01,925 After asteroid has been put on a correct trajectory for Earth, 126 00:14:01,925 --> 00:14:05,179 you and I are returning to Star City. 127 00:14:07,097 --> 00:14:08,223 Wonderful. 128 00:14:34,958 --> 00:14:35,792 Great. 129 00:14:35,792 --> 00:14:38,712 We need to make sure we don't miss any contributors to comm latency. 130 00:14:38,712 --> 00:14:41,173 We've run 50 end-to-end tests. Results match predictions. 131 00:14:41,173 --> 00:14:43,300 Make sure we get those test reports back ASAP. 132 00:14:43,884 --> 00:14:45,344 - Excuse me. - Yes, sir. 133 00:14:55,479 --> 00:14:56,480 What's going on? 134 00:14:57,231 --> 00:14:59,566 Irina Morozova is here. 135 00:15:00,901 --> 00:15:02,110 In Houston? 136 00:15:02,611 --> 00:15:05,322 She was supposed to be in Moscow with Korzhenko when the burn happens. 137 00:15:05,322 --> 00:15:07,533 You know, maybe it's about this sabotage rumor. 138 00:15:07,533 --> 00:15:11,036 Whatever it is, we need to get word to our mutual acquaintance. 139 00:15:11,036 --> 00:15:12,246 Have you been in touch with him? 140 00:15:13,038 --> 00:15:15,499 I sent him the latest kinetic impact calculations this morning, 141 00:15:15,499 --> 00:15:16,875 but I haven't heard back. 142 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:18,252 He's not answering his phone. 143 00:15:18,752 --> 00:15:20,546 You may need to go to him in person. 144 00:15:20,546 --> 00:15:22,714 We're less than two hours away to burn. 145 00:15:22,714 --> 00:15:24,132 - I can't-- - Aleida, please. 146 00:15:24,132 --> 00:15:25,717 I'll cover for you while you're gone. 147 00:15:25,717 --> 00:15:28,846 I'd go myself, but I've got a lot of eyes on me. 148 00:15:30,097 --> 00:15:31,098 Okay. 149 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:35,561 Tell him he needs to leave Houston. It's not safe for him here anymore. 150 00:15:37,396 --> 00:15:38,522 He's not gonna listen. 151 00:15:38,522 --> 00:15:39,523 Make him. 152 00:15:42,109 --> 00:15:43,318 Please. 153 00:16:00,377 --> 00:16:01,378 Commander. 154 00:16:05,132 --> 00:16:06,842 Any update on Miles Dale? 155 00:16:06,842 --> 00:16:08,051 He's not talking yet. 156 00:16:08,051 --> 00:16:10,387 But I think we should be making progress soon. 157 00:16:11,013 --> 00:16:12,181 Keep questioning him. 158 00:16:12,181 --> 00:16:14,433 My gut says that he's involved in this somehow. 159 00:16:15,100 --> 00:16:17,436 And any news about the missing equipment downstairs? 160 00:16:17,436 --> 00:16:21,023 No, ma'am. Just a lot of people pissed off at being searched repeatedly. 161 00:16:23,066 --> 00:16:25,110 I want everyone who doesn't have a mission-essential job 162 00:16:25,110 --> 00:16:27,070 to be confined to their quarters until this is all over. 163 00:16:27,070 --> 00:16:28,822 And continue the sweep of the base. 164 00:16:28,822 --> 00:16:30,991 If someone really is planning something against Ranger, 165 00:16:30,991 --> 00:16:32,784 we need to figure it out fast. 166 00:16:32,784 --> 00:16:33,911 Yes, ma'am. 167 00:16:37,372 --> 00:16:40,751 Team two, start mods at nine through 15. 168 00:16:40,751 --> 00:16:43,462 Team three, mods 16 through 22. 169 00:16:46,089 --> 00:16:47,424 Team one, you're with me. 170 00:16:47,424 --> 00:16:48,342 What's going on? 171 00:16:48,342 --> 00:16:50,093 You all need to return to your quarters immediately. 172 00:16:50,093 --> 00:16:52,137 - Why? - Orders of base commander. 173 00:16:52,137 --> 00:16:53,055 Mandatory curfew. 174 00:16:53,055 --> 00:16:55,265 All non-essential personnel are restricted to quarters. 175 00:16:55,849 --> 00:16:56,850 Bullshit. 176 00:16:57,351 --> 00:16:58,894 Take him. 177 00:16:58,894 --> 00:17:00,979 - Let's go. - Get your hands off of me. 178 00:17:14,952 --> 00:17:18,664 Return to your quarters immediately if you are not... 179 00:17:20,540 --> 00:17:23,877 Non-essential workers are to stay in lockdown for the next 36 hours. 180 00:17:25,753 --> 00:17:27,548 Return to your quarters immediately. 181 00:17:27,548 --> 00:17:30,801 I repeat, non-essential workers, stay in your rooms. 182 00:18:13,051 --> 00:18:14,428 Check-in's at 4:00. 183 00:18:14,428 --> 00:18:15,762 I'm-- I'm not here for a room. 184 00:18:15,762 --> 00:18:21,226 Do you know which room Sergei Bezukhov is in? 185 00:18:22,019 --> 00:18:23,520 That was so sad. 186 00:18:25,355 --> 00:18:26,690 What was sad? 187 00:18:26,690 --> 00:18:30,194 Wha-- He stayed here for a few weeks. 188 00:18:30,194 --> 00:18:32,821 I figured he was here for some sort of business thing. 189 00:18:32,821 --> 00:18:35,324 Yeah, we do get businessmen every once in a while. 190 00:18:36,533 --> 00:18:40,621 He was from Yugoslavia, I think, or maybe it was Sweden. 191 00:18:41,288 --> 00:18:44,833 And yesterday he just... ...ups and shoots himself. 192 00:18:49,671 --> 00:18:51,089 He shot himself? 193 00:18:51,882 --> 00:18:53,217 It's such a shame. 194 00:18:53,800 --> 00:18:58,055 He was just a-- Seemed like a real sweet guy. 195 00:18:58,055 --> 00:18:59,848 Always had a smile. 196 00:20:07,666 --> 00:20:08,667 Water? 197 00:20:18,886 --> 00:20:21,680 You were just down here hiding among us this whole time? 198 00:20:23,265 --> 00:20:25,267 We all have things to hide, no? 199 00:20:26,476 --> 00:20:27,686 Mr. Black Market. 200 00:20:44,494 --> 00:20:46,246 My friend was very helpful. 201 00:20:51,376 --> 00:20:52,586 Hey, buddy. 202 00:20:53,504 --> 00:20:54,796 How you holding up? 203 00:20:59,676 --> 00:21:01,887 Please, man, you gotta believe me. 204 00:21:01,887 --> 00:21:03,931 I don't know what it is you want to know. 205 00:21:06,016 --> 00:21:07,559 God, I want to believe you. 206 00:21:08,227 --> 00:21:09,436 I really do. 207 00:21:09,436 --> 00:21:12,064 That you're just an upstanding individual 208 00:21:12,064 --> 00:21:14,900 caught in the middle of an unfortunate situation. 209 00:21:28,872 --> 00:21:30,165 Amanda? 210 00:21:30,165 --> 00:21:31,500 Yeah. 211 00:21:33,752 --> 00:21:34,837 What is this? 212 00:21:36,922 --> 00:21:40,551 We know all about your little import-export business. 213 00:21:41,385 --> 00:21:45,222 Which makes your lovely little wife an accessory. 214 00:21:49,309 --> 00:21:50,394 Accessory? 215 00:21:50,936 --> 00:21:52,813 She's looking at five years. 216 00:21:54,231 --> 00:21:56,149 Felony, theft, and distribution. 217 00:21:57,192 --> 00:21:59,111 - Son of a bitch. - And your kids. 218 00:21:59,111 --> 00:22:00,487 Hey, you stay away from my kids. 219 00:22:00,487 --> 00:22:02,739 No, don't worry about them. They'll be fine. 220 00:22:03,448 --> 00:22:05,617 Child Protective Services will take good care of them-- 221 00:22:05,617 --> 00:22:07,953 Hey, you-- Hey, come here, you motherfucker! 222 00:22:07,953 --> 00:22:09,913 Hey! Fuck! Fuck! 223 00:22:11,832 --> 00:22:13,208 No, please, man. 224 00:22:14,126 --> 00:22:15,460 Please, man, not my family. 225 00:22:15,460 --> 00:22:16,879 Please don't do that. 226 00:22:17,462 --> 00:22:19,464 Don't do that. 227 00:22:19,965 --> 00:22:21,425 No, please, please. 228 00:22:21,967 --> 00:22:23,218 Please, not my family. Please. 229 00:22:23,218 --> 00:22:25,637 I didn't do this to your family, Miles. 230 00:22:27,181 --> 00:22:28,182 You did. 231 00:22:29,433 --> 00:22:30,726 No, no, no. 232 00:22:31,560 --> 00:22:33,353 You want your family safe. 233 00:22:34,062 --> 00:22:35,314 So do we. 234 00:22:35,314 --> 00:22:37,065 Help me out here. 235 00:22:37,065 --> 00:22:38,609 Fuck me. 236 00:22:38,609 --> 00:22:40,068 I can't. I just-- 237 00:22:42,613 --> 00:22:45,866 You tell us what we need to know, we'll keep them safe. 238 00:22:55,083 --> 00:22:56,668 You'll all be safe. 239 00:22:56,668 --> 00:22:58,378 If you help me out. 240 00:23:11,099 --> 00:23:12,601 Okay. 241 00:23:13,393 --> 00:23:14,978 Okay. 242 00:23:17,898 --> 00:23:18,899 They're-- 243 00:23:22,694 --> 00:23:24,363 They're on sub-level four. 244 00:23:24,363 --> 00:23:27,282 Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 245 00:23:30,077 --> 00:23:31,245 Motherfucker. 246 00:23:34,289 --> 00:23:35,582 Fuck. 247 00:23:41,755 --> 00:23:44,883 Auto-sequences are now executing step 785. 248 00:23:44,883 --> 00:23:46,885 Happy Valley to Ranger. 249 00:23:50,681 --> 00:23:53,475 When we get down there I want every inch searched. 250 00:23:58,605 --> 00:24:00,524 Missions check. 251 00:24:00,524 --> 00:24:02,693 No, don't worry about it now. Pick it up and go. 252 00:24:02,693 --> 00:24:04,486 Wait until Scott's out of here... 253 00:24:06,071 --> 00:24:08,115 How did they even access sub-level four? 254 00:24:08,115 --> 00:24:09,825 I thought we sealed off the lower floors. 255 00:24:09,825 --> 00:24:12,119 Someone circumvented the lockout. 256 00:24:13,537 --> 00:24:15,038 Let's go. 257 00:24:15,038 --> 00:24:17,332 Get extra rounds. We're not coming back here. 258 00:24:17,332 --> 00:24:18,417 All right, let's move. 259 00:24:18,417 --> 00:24:20,669 All right... make sure you got comms. 260 00:24:21,253 --> 00:24:22,296 You good? 261 00:24:35,601 --> 00:24:36,602 It's Mayday, sir. 262 00:24:39,438 --> 00:24:40,898 Jesus, they're coming. 263 00:25:26,777 --> 00:25:27,945 Spread out. 264 00:25:30,239 --> 00:25:31,240 Yes, sir. 265 00:25:38,080 --> 00:25:39,414 It's another Ops-Com. 266 00:25:40,541 --> 00:25:43,168 They built another fucking Ops-Com. 267 00:25:51,677 --> 00:25:53,720 My God. 268 00:25:56,974 --> 00:25:58,141 {\an8}Is that even possible? 269 00:25:58,141 --> 00:26:01,103 In terms of physics, can someone steal an asteroid? 270 00:26:01,979 --> 00:26:03,313 Technically? Yes. 271 00:26:03,981 --> 00:26:05,440 If they had been able to take control 272 00:26:05,440 --> 00:26:08,193 of Ranger's flight computer and lengthen burn, 273 00:26:08,193 --> 00:26:09,695 they could have slowed down the asteroid 274 00:26:09,695 --> 00:26:12,573 long enough to change its trajectory into Mars' orbit. 275 00:26:12,573 --> 00:26:14,449 Don't they know what we're trying to do here? 276 00:26:15,325 --> 00:26:16,952 We're trying to change the world! 277 00:26:17,786 --> 00:26:19,955 And they're trying to line their goddamn pockets. 278 00:26:19,955 --> 00:26:22,165 Look, Eli, there is good news here. 279 00:26:22,165 --> 00:26:24,251 We've regained control of Ranger's discriminator 280 00:26:24,251 --> 00:26:26,170 and we're back on track for Earth burn. 281 00:26:26,795 --> 00:26:27,963 Good. 282 00:26:28,547 --> 00:26:31,425 Will, take charge of this. Please. 283 00:26:31,425 --> 00:26:34,178 Do whatever you need to do to make sure this asteroid comes home. 284 00:26:34,887 --> 00:26:36,263 Yes, sir. I'm on it. 285 00:26:41,894 --> 00:26:43,604 I got one of them! 286 00:26:48,984 --> 00:26:51,028 Where are the rest of you? 287 00:26:56,408 --> 00:26:57,618 Fuck! 288 00:26:57,618 --> 00:26:59,953 Answer the question. 289 00:27:00,996 --> 00:27:01,872 Bishop, that's enough. 290 00:27:01,872 --> 00:27:03,457 Where are they? 291 00:27:03,457 --> 00:27:05,667 That's enough! 292 00:27:05,667 --> 00:27:07,503 What the hell is wrong with you? 293 00:27:15,719 --> 00:27:18,180 What are these foreigners doing in here? 294 00:27:18,180 --> 00:27:20,349 This is against protocols and-- 295 00:27:20,349 --> 00:27:21,600 Quiet! 296 00:27:23,143 --> 00:27:26,188 While Commander Cho is ill, I am in command! 297 00:27:26,980 --> 00:27:28,732 Return to your stations! 298 00:27:34,321 --> 00:27:35,531 Yes, sir. 299 00:27:45,749 --> 00:27:47,292 It's over, isn't it? 300 00:27:47,960 --> 00:27:49,586 - It appears that way. - Shit. 301 00:27:55,259 --> 00:27:57,219 Ranger-2 telemetry reading nominal. 302 00:27:57,219 --> 00:27:59,721 The revised trajectory calcs are coming in from Ames. 303 00:27:59,721 --> 00:28:03,684 Good. Now that we've regained control of Ranger's discriminator, 304 00:28:03,684 --> 00:28:05,561 we need to uplink that data ASAP. 305 00:28:05,561 --> 00:28:08,063 Gonna take at least four minutes to get to them. 306 00:28:08,063 --> 00:28:11,984 Okay, so in order for 2003LC to be at the proper speed 307 00:28:11,984 --> 00:28:14,653 when it reaches Mars for the slingshot maneuver to Earth... 308 00:28:14,653 --> 00:28:19,199 {\an8}Ranger will need to burn its engines for... 309 00:28:22,327 --> 00:28:25,289 20 minutes, 14.271 seconds. 310 00:28:25,289 --> 00:28:26,290 Copy that. 311 00:28:26,790 --> 00:28:28,542 Commence uplink to Ranger-2. 312 00:28:29,042 --> 00:28:30,586 Commencing uplink to Ranger-2. 313 00:28:51,023 --> 00:28:54,526 Once the signal is transmitted from Happy Valley to Ranger, 314 00:28:54,526 --> 00:28:57,321 and authenticated via our discriminator box, 315 00:28:57,321 --> 00:28:58,614 we have to keep an eye on... 316 00:28:58,614 --> 00:28:59,740 ...the rate of argon. 317 00:29:00,365 --> 00:29:01,325 Keeping it low. 318 00:29:01,325 --> 00:29:02,534 Excuse me. 319 00:29:07,664 --> 00:29:08,707 Did you get hold of him? 320 00:29:09,875 --> 00:29:11,251 We should go to your office. 321 00:29:12,961 --> 00:29:13,795 Aleida. 322 00:29:14,713 --> 00:29:18,383 Can we please just go to your office? 323 00:29:23,847 --> 00:29:25,390 All right. Let's go. 324 00:29:36,777 --> 00:29:40,030 What is it? We can't be away from MOCR for too long. 325 00:29:54,086 --> 00:29:55,128 What? 326 00:30:08,350 --> 00:30:09,560 That's enough. 327 00:30:45,554 --> 00:30:47,306 ...the North Korean delegation. 328 00:30:47,306 --> 00:30:49,725 We really need to talk about what percentage. 329 00:30:49,725 --> 00:30:51,768 - We should truly-- - What did you do? 330 00:30:52,853 --> 00:30:53,812 Margo. 331 00:30:53,812 --> 00:30:56,648 What did you do? 332 00:30:59,776 --> 00:31:00,652 Whatever you think 333 00:31:00,652 --> 00:31:02,529 - has happened, I would ad-- - Don't fucking handle me. 334 00:31:03,238 --> 00:31:04,489 Not now. 335 00:31:05,115 --> 00:31:07,284 - Please calm yourself. - Irina, what's going on here? 336 00:31:07,784 --> 00:31:10,329 I think you are under a lot of stress. 337 00:31:10,329 --> 00:31:12,539 And I think you should control yourself. 338 00:31:12,539 --> 00:31:14,249 So why don't you go sit down? 339 00:31:15,959 --> 00:31:17,252 You knew him. 340 00:31:17,753 --> 00:31:20,088 You worked with him for years. 341 00:31:22,716 --> 00:31:24,134 How could you? 342 00:31:26,887 --> 00:31:28,222 How could I what? 343 00:31:30,849 --> 00:31:32,851 Margo, why don't you come sit down? 344 00:31:32,851 --> 00:31:34,144 We can talk about this. 345 00:31:34,144 --> 00:31:35,270 But that's not-- 346 00:31:56,375 --> 00:31:57,668 Excuse me. 347 00:32:14,101 --> 00:32:16,603 Really? You can't hold me like this. 348 00:32:16,603 --> 00:32:17,688 What the fuck? 349 00:32:18,480 --> 00:32:19,565 Miles? 350 00:32:22,109 --> 00:32:23,819 Shit, bro. 351 00:32:24,695 --> 00:32:25,946 You okay? 352 00:32:27,072 --> 00:32:28,991 What did you do to him, you fucking animals? 353 00:32:29,825 --> 00:32:30,909 Man. 354 00:32:34,580 --> 00:32:35,664 Fuck. 355 00:32:38,208 --> 00:32:39,501 Everybody okay? 356 00:32:40,419 --> 00:32:41,753 No, man. 357 00:32:42,462 --> 00:32:44,173 They found ghost ops. 358 00:32:45,424 --> 00:32:48,177 Everybody just ran. 359 00:32:51,680 --> 00:32:52,681 It's over. 360 00:32:55,184 --> 00:32:56,435 Everything we did. 361 00:32:56,435 --> 00:32:58,812 It was all for nothing. 362 00:33:00,981 --> 00:33:02,316 Fucking hell. 363 00:33:27,633 --> 00:33:29,384 Ranger, Happy Valley. 364 00:33:29,384 --> 00:33:31,970 Final engine burn duration command transmitting. 365 00:33:32,513 --> 00:33:34,765 Confirm acquisition and authentication. 366 00:33:35,807 --> 00:33:37,059 Copy, Happy Valley. 367 00:33:37,059 --> 00:33:38,936 Stand by for confirmation. 368 00:33:39,895 --> 00:33:42,231 Taylor, verify discriminator active. 369 00:33:43,148 --> 00:33:45,025 Discriminator shows active. 370 00:33:45,025 --> 00:33:46,693 {\an8}Affirmative, Happy Valley. 371 00:33:46,693 --> 00:33:48,487 Command has been authenticated. 372 00:33:50,864 --> 00:33:52,866 Commencing final engine burn checklist. 373 00:33:52,866 --> 00:33:54,743 All systems nominal. 374 00:33:54,743 --> 00:33:57,496 Commander Poole. Ranger is approaching the burn window. 375 00:33:58,163 --> 00:33:59,498 Copy. 376 00:33:59,498 --> 00:34:00,666 Ranger, Happy Valley. 377 00:34:00,666 --> 00:34:03,293 You are go for your slingshot burn to Earth. 378 00:34:03,293 --> 00:34:04,253 Copy. 379 00:34:04,253 --> 00:34:07,089 Executing final Ranger-2 Earth burn 380 00:34:07,089 --> 00:34:08,841 in three, 381 00:34:09,466 --> 00:34:10,717 two, 382 00:34:10,717 --> 00:34:11,927 one. 383 00:34:28,485 --> 00:34:29,945 Happy Valley? Ranger-2. 384 00:34:31,029 --> 00:34:32,572 All systems nominal. 385 00:34:32,572 --> 00:34:33,739 We have good burn. 386 00:34:34,741 --> 00:34:36,326 We're burning for Earth, people. 387 00:34:43,208 --> 00:34:44,333 Congratulations. 388 00:34:54,052 --> 00:34:56,429 Maybe we could just overload the discriminator 389 00:34:56,429 --> 00:34:57,890 by sending multiple commands. 390 00:34:57,890 --> 00:34:58,891 Won't work. 391 00:34:58,891 --> 00:35:01,143 We don't know the box's new encryption key. 392 00:35:01,810 --> 00:35:03,770 The computer's back in control of the entire ship. 393 00:35:04,813 --> 00:35:07,441 Without ghost ops, our hands are tied down here. 394 00:35:19,411 --> 00:35:21,538 Is that a high-gain S-band transmitter? 395 00:35:26,210 --> 00:35:27,628 What are you thinking? 396 00:35:27,628 --> 00:35:31,298 Well, doesn't the M-7 charter require that any North Korean ujunaut 397 00:35:31,298 --> 00:35:35,552 on a joint mission be able to communicate privately with their superior officers? 398 00:35:35,552 --> 00:35:36,970 Yes. 399 00:35:36,970 --> 00:35:38,805 For security. 400 00:35:39,473 --> 00:35:42,267 No foreign entity can hear. 401 00:35:42,267 --> 00:35:44,811 Which means we could talk to Massey on a private channel. 402 00:35:44,811 --> 00:35:46,271 Exactly. 403 00:35:46,271 --> 00:35:47,606 She's the key. 404 00:35:47,606 --> 00:35:49,274 Wait a minute. How-How would that work? 405 00:35:49,274 --> 00:35:52,277 I mean, you just said we don't have control of the discriminator anymore. 406 00:35:52,277 --> 00:35:53,987 Doesn't matter. We go around it. 407 00:35:54,696 --> 00:35:58,033 If Massey can manually disconnect the flight deck from the engines, 408 00:35:58,033 --> 00:36:00,494 they won't be able to stop their own burn. 409 00:36:00,494 --> 00:36:02,371 They'd be completely cut off. 410 00:36:02,371 --> 00:36:05,749 You see, they installed a local command override switch 411 00:36:05,749 --> 00:36:08,460 on Ranger when they were attaching the new plasma engines. 412 00:36:08,460 --> 00:36:11,755 If she can engage the override and plug in a transceiver 413 00:36:11,755 --> 00:36:13,549 tuned to our frequency right here, 414 00:36:13,549 --> 00:36:15,843 the only person in control of the burn... 415 00:36:17,845 --> 00:36:18,846 would be me. 416 00:36:21,682 --> 00:36:23,225 We might be back in business, people. 417 00:36:23,225 --> 00:36:26,478 Hold on. But the override switch is outside the ship. 418 00:36:27,312 --> 00:36:29,439 Sam would have to do an EVA during the burn. 419 00:36:29,439 --> 00:36:30,524 That's insane. 420 00:36:30,524 --> 00:36:33,068 No, it-it's dangerous, but it's not impossible. 421 00:36:33,068 --> 00:36:36,697 As long as we can figure out a way to use the S-band to communicate with her. 422 00:36:36,697 --> 00:36:37,781 Guide her through it. 423 00:36:37,781 --> 00:36:41,702 I can contact Park Chui Moo. 424 00:36:41,702 --> 00:36:43,954 Science officer on mission. 425 00:36:45,497 --> 00:36:48,834 He can give Massey Korean radio. 426 00:36:49,960 --> 00:36:53,213 Do you trust him? 427 00:36:56,091 --> 00:36:58,719 I see good chamber pressures in all plasma engines. 428 00:36:58,719 --> 00:37:00,596 Fluctuation is well within limits. 429 00:37:04,224 --> 00:37:05,934 Keep checking those pressures. 430 00:37:05,934 --> 00:37:07,311 How's the trajectory? 431 00:37:23,243 --> 00:37:24,870 Massey. 432 00:37:28,081 --> 00:37:29,082 Take. 433 00:37:36,256 --> 00:37:37,716 Yeah? 434 00:37:37,716 --> 00:37:39,176 Hello, Samantha. 435 00:37:41,261 --> 00:37:42,221 Dev? 436 00:37:43,096 --> 00:37:45,599 We need you to go to the rear cargo bay of Ranger. 437 00:37:46,642 --> 00:37:48,852 We just might have another way to keep the engines firing, 438 00:37:48,852 --> 00:37:53,315 but it's-- Well, it is-- It's complicated. 439 00:37:53,815 --> 00:37:55,400 Ranger, Happy Valley. 440 00:37:55,400 --> 00:37:56,735 Trajectory looks nominal. 441 00:37:56,735 --> 00:37:58,987 Deceleration rate as predicted. 442 00:38:04,993 --> 00:38:08,247 Commander, I have alert that cargo bay air lock hatch is open. 443 00:38:10,082 --> 00:38:12,918 Cargo bay? Must be a bad sensor. 444 00:38:12,918 --> 00:38:15,420 Ranger, Happy Valley. 445 00:38:15,420 --> 00:38:18,715 We're also getting a read on your cargo bay air lock hatch alert. 446 00:38:20,217 --> 00:38:21,552 Bring up camera 37. 447 00:38:26,765 --> 00:38:28,433 Switch to 38. 448 00:38:31,562 --> 00:38:32,813 Jesus. 449 00:38:32,813 --> 00:38:35,232 Is that a North Korean suit? 450 00:38:36,316 --> 00:38:37,901 Where's Massey? 451 00:38:42,489 --> 00:38:44,324 Now keep your breathing steady. 452 00:38:44,324 --> 00:38:46,577 Don't wanna burn too much oxygen. 453 00:38:46,577 --> 00:38:50,330 Easy for you to say. 454 00:38:50,330 --> 00:38:53,417 Now what's your distance from the override switch access panel? 455 00:38:54,459 --> 00:38:56,378 Six meters and-and closing. 456 00:38:56,879 --> 00:38:59,798 Acceleration from the engine burn is-is stronger than I thought. 457 00:38:59,798 --> 00:39:01,466 It's trying to pull me off Ranger. 458 00:39:01,466 --> 00:39:03,385 Okay. Be careful. 459 00:39:03,927 --> 00:39:07,389 Now we got about 17 minutes left until they try to shut off their engines. 460 00:39:07,389 --> 00:39:10,809 It's essential that the override switch is engaged at that point. 461 00:39:10,809 --> 00:39:13,478 It won't allow them to stop their own burn. 462 00:39:15,522 --> 00:39:16,523 Copy. 463 00:39:17,316 --> 00:39:18,692 Tether attached. 464 00:39:21,486 --> 00:39:23,822 Translating to the access panel now. 465 00:39:26,700 --> 00:39:27,701 Okay. 466 00:39:28,660 --> 00:39:30,829 And I'm at the override access panel. 467 00:39:31,747 --> 00:39:33,916 All right. Just keep it frosty up there. 468 00:39:34,625 --> 00:39:38,795 Copy. Removing panel. 469 00:39:38,795 --> 00:39:41,465 Oh, my God. 470 00:39:43,842 --> 00:39:45,844 Fuck. 471 00:39:45,844 --> 00:39:49,556 Now under that panel, you'll see a handle with yellow and black markings. 472 00:39:49,556 --> 00:39:50,974 That's the override switch. 473 00:39:51,558 --> 00:39:54,645 To engage it, you gotta pull it out to the override position. 474 00:39:54,645 --> 00:39:58,398 Okay. And I can-- I can see an override handle. 475 00:39:58,899 --> 00:40:00,567 I'm gonna pull it out now. 476 00:40:00,567 --> 00:40:04,196 After it's engaged, you just have to put the transceiver Park gave you 477 00:40:04,196 --> 00:40:07,783 into the RF input and I can control the engine from down here. 478 00:40:11,954 --> 00:40:13,288 One more time. 479 00:40:22,756 --> 00:40:24,716 Shit. 480 00:40:24,716 --> 00:40:26,844 The override handle won't stay out. 481 00:40:27,427 --> 00:40:29,721 Damn it. Must be spring-loaded to auto. 482 00:40:30,639 --> 00:40:32,683 See if you can secure it with something. 483 00:40:33,475 --> 00:40:35,686 I don't have a lot of options up here, guys. 484 00:40:39,106 --> 00:40:40,482 Your tether. 485 00:40:40,482 --> 00:40:41,692 My tether. 486 00:40:41,692 --> 00:40:44,194 Okay. Then I-- then I wouldn't have a tether. 487 00:40:45,153 --> 00:40:47,114 You said you wanted to be an astronaut, didn't you? 488 00:41:05,716 --> 00:41:08,093 She's at the override switch access panel. 489 00:41:08,844 --> 00:41:12,806 Jesus. She's trying to disconnect us from the plasma engines. 490 00:41:12,806 --> 00:41:14,516 Why would she do that? 491 00:41:15,267 --> 00:41:16,810 Happy Valley. Ranger. 492 00:41:16,810 --> 00:41:20,439 They are attempting to engage the safety override so we can't control our engines. 493 00:41:22,065 --> 00:41:24,193 If those engines burn, even for a few seconds longer 494 00:41:24,193 --> 00:41:27,821 past our 20-minute window, the asteroid won't turn for Earth. 495 00:41:28,739 --> 00:41:30,365 Palmer, get suited up. 496 00:41:30,365 --> 00:41:32,284 I need you to put a stop to this. 497 00:41:35,120 --> 00:41:36,955 Yes, ma'am. I'm on it. 498 00:41:47,216 --> 00:41:48,592 A moment, Commander? 499 00:41:58,018 --> 00:41:59,728 Any sign of their crew? 500 00:41:59,728 --> 00:42:02,022 Turns out Commander Cho has been unconscious 501 00:42:02,022 --> 00:42:04,191 in the med bay since this morning. 502 00:42:04,191 --> 00:42:07,694 We think the crew may be holed up in the North Korean module. 503 00:42:07,694 --> 00:42:09,613 - Have you notified Houston? - Yeah. 504 00:42:09,613 --> 00:42:11,114 Still waiting on approval. 505 00:42:11,698 --> 00:42:14,201 - Approval for what? - To go in. 506 00:42:30,467 --> 00:42:31,468 Raise North Korean module. 507 00:42:32,052 --> 00:42:33,053 Yes, Commander. 508 00:42:39,434 --> 00:42:41,478 This is Commander Danielle Poole. 509 00:42:41,478 --> 00:42:43,105 Come in. 510 00:42:48,110 --> 00:42:52,072 - Lee Jung-Gil. Over. - Lee? Let me talk to Ed. 511 00:42:52,990 --> 00:42:54,199 I know he's in there with you. 512 00:42:56,326 --> 00:42:59,997 - He j-- not here. - Don't start with me. 513 00:42:59,997 --> 00:43:01,874 Not after all we've been through. 514 00:43:06,170 --> 00:43:07,212 Hi, Bob. 515 00:43:07,212 --> 00:43:08,839 What the hell are you doing? 516 00:43:08,839 --> 00:43:10,132 Well, Dani... 517 00:43:10,132 --> 00:43:13,552 - Ed, this is crazy. You gotta stop this. - Why? 518 00:43:13,552 --> 00:43:17,014 So you can haul this thing back to Earth and let Mars wither up and die? 519 00:43:17,639 --> 00:43:19,892 - No, thank you. - This ain't about Mars. 520 00:43:19,892 --> 00:43:22,477 This is about changing things for the better on Earth. 521 00:43:22,477 --> 00:43:24,146 Mars is not our home, Ed. 522 00:43:24,146 --> 00:43:25,898 That's where you're wrong, Dani. 523 00:43:26,607 --> 00:43:27,983 My family's here. 524 00:43:29,151 --> 00:43:30,736 My future's here. 525 00:43:35,199 --> 00:43:37,117 See, that's the difference between you and me. 526 00:43:38,160 --> 00:43:40,621 You're still tied to that blue little planet. 527 00:43:40,621 --> 00:43:43,290 Of course, I am. We all are. 528 00:43:43,290 --> 00:43:45,792 That is what matters. That is our home. 529 00:43:47,044 --> 00:43:48,545 Not anymore. 530 00:44:19,535 --> 00:44:22,412 Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles. 531 00:44:25,290 --> 00:44:27,251 This is my home. 532 00:44:29,378 --> 00:44:30,963 Mine too. 533 00:44:34,758 --> 00:44:36,552 If those engines burn, 534 00:44:36,552 --> 00:44:39,304 even for a few seconds longer past our 20-minute window, 535 00:44:39,304 --> 00:44:41,265 the asteroid won't turn for Earth. 536 00:44:41,265 --> 00:44:42,599 Palmer, get suited up. 537 00:44:42,599 --> 00:44:44,184 I need you to put a stop to this. 538 00:44:44,184 --> 00:44:46,520 They're trying to lock us out of our own ship? 539 00:44:46,520 --> 00:44:49,898 Well, technically they're engaging a diagnostic and checkout engine protocol, 540 00:44:49,898 --> 00:44:51,817 but-- Yeah. Same idea. 541 00:44:51,817 --> 00:44:54,361 I don't care what we have to do. We must stop them. 542 00:44:54,361 --> 00:44:57,239 If they override the flight computer, there is nothing Ranger can do. 543 00:45:00,367 --> 00:45:02,077 They go around us. We go around them. 544 00:45:03,787 --> 00:45:05,080 What do you mean? 545 00:45:05,080 --> 00:45:09,459 We upload a shutdown command that bypasses the safeguards 546 00:45:09,459 --> 00:45:13,547 of the nuclear fusion reactor controls and turn off the engines. 547 00:45:13,547 --> 00:45:14,882 Right at the end of the Earth burn. 548 00:45:14,882 --> 00:45:16,133 I don't understand. 549 00:45:16,133 --> 00:45:18,510 They can't burn to Mars if they don't have the gas. 550 00:45:18,510 --> 00:45:21,013 Ranger's flight deck doesn't have authorization to execute that, 551 00:45:21,013 --> 00:45:22,306 but we can do it from here. 552 00:45:22,306 --> 00:45:23,682 And if we send up code 553 00:45:23,682 --> 00:45:26,643 that commands Ranger's reactors to stop powering the engines, 554 00:45:26,643 --> 00:45:28,061 they'll be forced to shut down. 555 00:45:28,061 --> 00:45:30,189 With the communication lag, 556 00:45:30,189 --> 00:45:32,941 any command we send would take five minutes to get to Ranger. 557 00:45:33,442 --> 00:45:34,860 Then we should get started. 558 00:45:37,237 --> 00:45:38,447 All right. 559 00:45:39,072 --> 00:45:40,407 This has to work. I mean... 560 00:46:05,182 --> 00:46:06,391 Margo? 561 00:46:15,442 --> 00:46:17,236 Wernher and I used to sit up here. 562 00:46:18,237 --> 00:46:20,280 We'd have lunch every few days. 563 00:46:21,448 --> 00:46:23,033 He'd tell me what I was doing right. 564 00:46:24,201 --> 00:46:26,495 He'd tell me what I was doing wrong. 565 00:46:27,329 --> 00:46:28,956 Try to give me advice. 566 00:46:30,374 --> 00:46:32,584 Usually just listen to me complain. 567 00:46:36,255 --> 00:46:37,798 I was standing right there. 568 00:46:40,133 --> 00:46:41,343 Where you are now. 569 00:46:42,052 --> 00:46:45,222 After everything came out about what he did during the war. 570 00:46:48,225 --> 00:46:49,852 I asked him if he knew. 571 00:46:51,436 --> 00:46:52,771 About the camps. 572 00:46:53,355 --> 00:46:54,690 The deaths. 573 00:46:55,482 --> 00:46:57,401 I'll never forget what he said. 574 00:46:59,361 --> 00:47:01,321 "Progress is never free. 575 00:47:02,823 --> 00:47:06,159 There is always a cost." 576 00:47:09,872 --> 00:47:11,164 You're not him. 577 00:47:12,583 --> 00:47:13,584 No. 578 00:47:15,502 --> 00:47:17,504 But maybe a part of me is. 579 00:47:24,803 --> 00:47:27,139 Margo, we really need your help in there. 580 00:47:28,891 --> 00:47:31,143 This is not a place for feelings. 581 00:47:33,395 --> 00:47:35,063 Just the facts. 582 00:47:38,400 --> 00:47:43,322 Wernher made it seem like... he had no choice. 583 00:47:44,948 --> 00:47:47,242 But there is always a choice. 584 00:47:48,410 --> 00:47:49,661 Just like you said. 585 00:47:55,167 --> 00:47:59,004 That asteroid comes to Earth, then the Mars program is dead. 586 00:47:59,963 --> 00:48:01,673 Just like Sergei said. 587 00:48:01,673 --> 00:48:04,676 Maybe not this year, but soon. 588 00:48:08,180 --> 00:48:11,600 People up there, they don't care about Mars. 589 00:48:12,434 --> 00:48:14,937 - They just care about themselves. - Maybe. 590 00:48:16,563 --> 00:48:22,027 But if they succeed, then NASA, Roscosmos, and the M-7 have no choice 591 00:48:22,027 --> 00:48:25,656 but to continue investing in Happy Valley 592 00:48:27,449 --> 00:48:29,535 and the future of the space program. 593 00:48:31,161 --> 00:48:34,414 We can't let them throw away everything we've built. 594 00:48:42,339 --> 00:48:44,174 Are you saying what I think you're saying? 595 00:48:46,343 --> 00:48:48,262 "Progress is never free." 596 00:49:07,239 --> 00:49:08,282 Sam, what's your status? 597 00:49:08,282 --> 00:49:11,785 Okay. I'm finishing securing the tether. 598 00:49:16,415 --> 00:49:17,249 Okay. 599 00:49:19,418 --> 00:49:23,172 Override handle has been secured in the up position. 600 00:49:23,172 --> 00:49:25,757 Okay, now there should be an electrical connector labeled 601 00:49:25,757 --> 00:49:29,553 J-13 EXT RF to the port side of the override switch. 602 00:49:29,553 --> 00:49:32,848 That's where you can connect the P13 connector coming off your transceiver. 603 00:49:32,848 --> 00:49:34,808 - Do you see that, Sam? - Copy. 604 00:49:41,315 --> 00:49:45,027 Okay. You should be able to receive engine telemetry now. 605 00:49:45,027 --> 00:49:46,069 Signal confirmed. 606 00:49:46,778 --> 00:49:49,281 As soon as I input the timing for the Mars burn, you have to keep 607 00:49:49,281 --> 00:49:51,992 the override switch handle in the up position 608 00:49:51,992 --> 00:49:54,411 for the entire duration of the burn. 609 00:49:54,411 --> 00:49:55,913 Copy that. 610 00:50:14,306 --> 00:50:17,893 If we were able to insert this code directly into what MOCR's uplinking, 611 00:50:17,893 --> 00:50:20,479 it might be able to prevent their shutdown command 612 00:50:20,479 --> 00:50:22,731 from stopping the Mars orbit capture burn. 613 00:50:23,774 --> 00:50:27,194 But how are we going to modify it if they're still writing it? 614 00:50:27,903 --> 00:50:29,655 I'll input it right before uplink. 615 00:50:35,869 --> 00:50:36,787 Let's do it. 616 00:50:43,836 --> 00:50:45,003 But I'm gonna input the code. 617 00:50:46,213 --> 00:50:51,802 - Aleida. No. Absolutely not. - There are too many eyes on you. 618 00:50:54,012 --> 00:50:55,222 It has to be me. 619 00:50:56,265 --> 00:50:57,766 Or it will never work. 620 00:51:05,732 --> 00:51:08,402 Override is still engaged. Holding steady. 621 00:51:10,571 --> 00:51:13,574 Okay. Don't let the unit touch the hull plate. 622 00:51:13,574 --> 00:51:15,868 An ion charge could fry the circuits. 623 00:51:15,868 --> 00:51:16,952 Copy. 624 00:51:32,968 --> 00:51:34,011 Sam, are you there? 625 00:51:35,345 --> 00:51:36,346 Come in, Sam. 626 00:51:36,889 --> 00:51:38,432 I've got company. 627 00:51:39,516 --> 00:51:40,767 It's Palmer. 628 00:51:49,902 --> 00:51:51,945 The reactor shutdown path is almost done compiling. 629 00:51:51,945 --> 00:51:54,573 Gotta send the command in the next 60 seconds if it's gonna get there in time. 630 00:51:54,573 --> 00:51:56,742 I'm typing as fast as I can. 631 00:52:18,388 --> 00:52:19,389 Okay. Done. 632 00:52:20,933 --> 00:52:21,934 Uplink complete. 633 00:53:06,562 --> 00:53:08,814 Come on. Come on. Come on, Palmer. 634 00:53:16,905 --> 00:53:18,198 No! 635 00:53:21,702 --> 00:53:23,704 Sam? Sam! 636 00:53:24,746 --> 00:53:28,834 The override switch is locked in the up position. 637 00:53:29,334 --> 00:53:32,921 Looks like she used her tether to secure it. 638 00:53:32,921 --> 00:53:35,716 The goddamn carabiner's jammed closed. 639 00:53:35,716 --> 00:53:37,676 Gonna have to try and cut through it. 640 00:53:38,177 --> 00:53:39,303 Okay. Do it fast. 641 00:53:39,303 --> 00:53:40,929 We have less than a minute. 642 00:54:02,659 --> 00:54:04,578 Come on. Come on. 643 00:54:08,624 --> 00:54:10,792 I'm almost through. 644 00:54:10,792 --> 00:54:13,253 Hurry, Palmer! You've got 12 seconds. 645 00:54:14,296 --> 00:54:15,756 One last tether. 646 00:54:23,347 --> 00:54:25,641 Ranger. Engine shutdown for Earth burn. 647 00:54:25,641 --> 00:54:26,934 In five. 648 00:54:26,934 --> 00:54:28,018 Four. 649 00:54:28,018 --> 00:54:29,061 Three. 650 00:54:29,770 --> 00:54:32,356 - Two. - One. 651 00:55:30,038 --> 00:55:33,000 Happy Valley, Ranger. We have negative engine shutdown. 652 00:55:33,000 --> 00:55:36,086 I say again, we have negative engine shutdown. 653 00:55:36,086 --> 00:55:38,589 Oh, wow! 654 00:55:38,589 --> 00:55:40,549 Son of a bitch. 655 00:55:40,549 --> 00:55:42,259 Yeah! 656 00:56:09,786 --> 00:56:12,789 Commander, the asteroid is on track to enter Mars' orbit. 657 00:56:14,333 --> 00:56:16,376 - Commander? - I heard you. 658 00:56:16,919 --> 00:56:18,295 I just need a minute. 659 00:56:36,188 --> 00:56:37,397 What happened? 660 00:56:38,398 --> 00:56:40,067 Why didn't it work? 661 00:56:42,402 --> 00:56:44,404 The engines are still on. 662 00:56:44,404 --> 00:56:45,489 I don't know. 663 00:56:46,114 --> 00:56:47,533 The calculations were right. 664 00:56:47,533 --> 00:56:50,994 And the code was successfully inserted into the uplink packet. 665 00:56:50,994 --> 00:56:52,663 Something's off here. 666 00:56:53,330 --> 00:56:55,249 The-The shutdown reactor command was sent, 667 00:56:55,249 --> 00:56:59,545 but it was immediately superseded by a restart command? 668 00:57:01,129 --> 00:57:02,714 Someone messed with this code. 669 00:57:02,714 --> 00:57:07,803 I even checked to make sure we haven't missed any contributors to comm latency. 670 00:57:10,180 --> 00:57:11,223 You did this. 671 00:57:15,519 --> 00:57:17,187 You. 672 00:57:19,523 --> 00:57:21,900 What? That's absurd. 673 00:57:21,900 --> 00:57:25,070 Seth was still encoding while I was writing the command sequence. 674 00:57:25,070 --> 00:57:28,490 And besides, you don't have the expertise required to know-- 675 00:57:28,490 --> 00:57:32,160 Perhaps not, but I can tell when someone is lying. 676 00:57:32,160 --> 00:57:33,787 As you are now. 677 00:57:38,000 --> 00:57:39,501 Take her into custody. 678 00:57:40,085 --> 00:57:44,131 - Right now. She has deceived-- - Irina, that is a serious accusation. 679 00:57:44,131 --> 00:57:46,508 She and Ayesa have always had their own agenda. 680 00:57:46,508 --> 00:57:47,926 Aleida. 681 00:57:49,052 --> 00:57:50,637 That's not true, is it? 682 00:57:51,555 --> 00:57:54,600 You di-- Did you do this? 683 00:57:55,517 --> 00:57:59,521 - No. No, I didn't. - It wasn't her. 684 00:58:02,065 --> 00:58:05,110 I inserted the reactor restart command. 685 00:58:06,570 --> 00:58:08,238 Aleida had nothing to do with it. 686 00:58:15,871 --> 00:58:16,997 No. 687 00:58:19,917 --> 00:58:20,792 Not you. 688 00:58:23,337 --> 00:58:25,422 You shouldn't have done that, Margo. 689 00:58:29,259 --> 00:58:31,386 There will be consequences. 690 00:58:32,721 --> 00:58:33,722 I know. 691 00:58:47,736 --> 00:58:49,655 {\an8}In a brazen act, an unknown group 692 00:58:49,655 --> 00:58:56,286 {\an8}has taken control of asteroid 2003LC. More widely known as Goldilocks. 693 00:58:56,286 --> 00:59:00,123 {\an8}In light of this action, the asteroid is no longer headed to Earth 694 00:59:00,123 --> 00:59:02,417 {\an8}but has in fact gone into Mars' orbit. 695 00:59:02,417 --> 00:59:04,586 {\an8}News of the asteroid's hijacking 696 00:59:04,586 --> 00:59:06,672 {\an8}has reverberated around the world 697 00:59:06,672 --> 00:59:09,591 {\an8}with calls from both presidents Gore and Korzhenko 698 00:59:09,591 --> 00:59:14,638 {\an8}to convene an emergency meeting of the M-7 as well as the UN Security Council. 699 00:59:14,638 --> 00:59:15,597 {\an8}A rare sign of unity-- 700 00:59:15,597 --> 00:59:17,975 {\an8}Authorities say it is still unclear 701 00:59:17,975 --> 00:59:19,726 {\an8}who exactly is behind the hijacking. 702 00:59:19,726 --> 00:59:24,606 {\an8}NASA administrator Eli Hobson has vowed that anyone found to be involved 703 00:59:24,606 --> 00:59:28,318 {\an8}will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 704 00:59:33,740 --> 00:59:36,326 Stop. We're stationed over there. 705 00:59:40,873 --> 00:59:42,791 Pack them two by two in the corner. 706 00:59:46,420 --> 00:59:47,713 I'll be right back. 707 00:59:49,506 --> 00:59:51,341 - Make sure-- - Guess it's automatic. 708 00:59:51,341 --> 00:59:53,844 - All right. All right. - This goes in the breech. 709 01:00:01,977 --> 01:00:03,228 Bishop, what is this? 710 01:00:03,228 --> 01:00:04,646 We got the green light from Houston. 711 01:00:06,231 --> 01:00:07,399 To go into North Korea? 712 01:00:07,983 --> 01:00:09,026 Affirmative. 713 01:00:12,613 --> 01:00:14,948 Isn't this all a little excessive? It's over. 714 01:00:14,948 --> 01:00:16,909 We don't know what we're walking into. 715 01:00:16,909 --> 01:00:18,535 And I have orders. 716 01:00:22,539 --> 01:00:23,832 I was not told about any of this. 717 01:00:23,832 --> 01:00:25,876 - Things are moving fast, ma'am. - That may be. 718 01:00:25,876 --> 01:00:29,421 But the last time I checked I am still the commander of this base. 719 01:00:29,421 --> 01:00:32,549 So unless the word comes from me, there will be no raid. 720 01:00:33,884 --> 01:00:39,223 Due respect, my orders come directly from the DOD and they supersede your command. 721 01:00:41,558 --> 01:00:42,518 Let's move out! 722 01:00:43,227 --> 01:00:44,645 - Here we go! - Let's go! 723 01:00:44,645 --> 01:00:45,979 Okay. Let's move. 724 01:01:01,787 --> 01:01:03,330 Who else is in your crew? 725 01:01:05,958 --> 01:01:08,252 Who are you working with? 726 01:01:17,970 --> 01:01:19,930 What the fuck? 727 01:01:22,599 --> 01:01:23,517 Oh, God. 728 01:01:24,768 --> 01:01:26,812 Are you okay? 729 01:01:29,606 --> 01:01:32,234 Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's go. 730 01:01:40,409 --> 01:01:42,411 Guns in place. Preparing to breach. 731 01:01:42,411 --> 01:01:44,580 Assessing the situation out. We'll advise. 732 01:01:45,080 --> 01:01:46,665 Try that one. 733 01:01:46,665 --> 01:01:47,749 They are here. 734 01:01:48,250 --> 01:01:49,251 Shit. 735 01:01:52,838 --> 01:01:54,631 - Miles, are you okay? - Yeah. 736 01:01:56,550 --> 01:01:58,135 Do you hear what's happening? 737 01:01:58,677 --> 01:01:59,678 What? 738 01:01:59,678 --> 01:02:02,014 They're about to attack the North Korean quarters. 739 01:02:02,014 --> 01:02:04,600 Ed, Sparks, Rich, they're all in there right now. 740 01:02:09,271 --> 01:02:10,981 We gotta do something. 741 01:02:12,191 --> 01:02:13,692 - I'm tired of this shit. - Yeah. 742 01:02:14,276 --> 01:02:17,070 It's time we remind them who really runs this base. Right? 743 01:02:17,070 --> 01:02:18,030 Yeah! 744 01:02:18,030 --> 01:02:19,531 - Let's do it! - Let's do it! 745 01:02:19,531 --> 01:02:21,658 - Who's with me? - Yeah! 746 01:02:27,206 --> 01:02:28,332 Here. Go ahead. 747 01:02:29,625 --> 01:02:30,751 Open that door. 748 01:02:30,751 --> 01:02:32,044 That's it. 749 01:02:33,295 --> 01:02:35,214 Sir! The Americans, they are coming in! 750 01:02:35,214 --> 01:02:36,340 Keep them out! 751 01:02:36,340 --> 01:02:37,841 We must protect our territory! 752 01:02:37,841 --> 01:02:39,218 Yes sir! Let's go! 753 01:02:52,940 --> 01:02:54,650 Confirm... 754 01:02:56,568 --> 01:02:57,569 Clear! 755 01:02:59,988 --> 01:03:01,740 Fire in the hole! 756 01:03:04,493 --> 01:03:05,327 Stay here. 757 01:03:06,411 --> 01:03:09,623 Three. Two. One. 758 01:03:09,623 --> 01:03:11,333 Stop! 759 01:03:15,379 --> 01:03:17,840 Oh, shit! 760 01:03:18,382 --> 01:03:20,050 No! 761 01:03:25,347 --> 01:03:27,391 What the fuck is-- 762 01:03:51,081 --> 01:03:52,082 My God... 763 01:04:14,563 --> 01:04:16,356 Hey! All right. Listen. 764 01:04:16,356 --> 01:04:18,275 That's enough! Let her go! 765 01:04:19,151 --> 01:04:20,110 - Stop! - Jesus! 766 01:04:20,110 --> 01:04:24,698 Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop! 767 01:04:24,698 --> 01:04:25,949 Break this up. 768 01:04:25,949 --> 01:04:27,409 Hey! Stop! Stop. 769 01:04:27,409 --> 01:04:28,535 - Hey! - Hey! 770 01:04:28,535 --> 01:04:30,120 - Get off of me! - Break it up! 771 01:04:36,543 --> 01:04:38,962 - Hey! Hey. Hey! - Break this up! 772 01:04:38,962 --> 01:04:41,381 - It's your fault! - No! Calm down! 773 01:04:41,381 --> 01:04:44,593 - Hey! Break it up! No, no! - You have got to break it up! 774 01:05:30,097 --> 01:05:31,181 Dani? 775 01:05:39,690 --> 01:05:40,691 No, no. 776 01:05:41,191 --> 01:05:43,652 No, no. Hey. 777 01:05:43,652 --> 01:05:44,987 No. Hey. 778 01:05:45,779 --> 01:05:47,865 No. No, no. 779 01:05:50,367 --> 01:05:51,785 Hey. Hey. 780 01:05:51,785 --> 01:05:53,078 Help! Come on! 781 01:05:54,329 --> 01:05:56,373 We gotta get her to Dima. Help me up, Lynn. 782 01:06:00,711 --> 01:06:01,712 Get out of the way. 783 01:06:03,130 --> 01:06:04,214 Clear the way! 784 01:06:09,011 --> 01:06:10,304 Maintain pressure. 785 01:06:11,138 --> 01:06:12,681 Start an IV. 786 01:06:12,681 --> 01:06:14,016 Inserting line now. 787 01:06:14,016 --> 01:06:16,351 I need three liters, normal saline. 788 01:06:16,977 --> 01:06:18,020 Get her on O2. 789 01:06:18,020 --> 01:06:20,105 Hey, Dani. Look at me. Hey. 790 01:06:20,105 --> 01:06:21,356 You're gonna be fine. 791 01:06:21,857 --> 01:06:23,775 Okay? You're gonna be fine. 792 01:06:24,276 --> 01:06:25,611 You got this. 793 01:06:27,654 --> 01:06:29,448 Lungs are wet. 794 01:06:29,448 --> 01:06:31,074 She's aspirating. And stand by with something. 795 01:06:31,074 --> 01:06:32,576 I need room. 796 01:06:36,288 --> 01:06:39,082 Vitals are failing. I need to start a central line. 797 01:06:39,082 --> 01:06:40,584 Where is my X-ray? 798 01:06:40,584 --> 01:06:42,336 We need to operate immediately. 799 01:06:46,173 --> 01:06:48,592 Pupils are blown. Stay with us, Dani. 800 01:06:48,592 --> 01:06:50,802 - Still dropping. - You hang in there, Dani. 801 01:06:51,470 --> 01:06:52,638 Maintain pressure. 802 01:06:53,680 --> 01:06:55,307 Compress rate increasing. 803 01:06:55,307 --> 01:06:57,351 BP 80 over 40 and falling. 804 01:06:57,351 --> 01:06:59,770 - Pulse 130, IV below-- - Come on. 805 01:07:51,154 --> 01:07:52,948 You can't let them do this. 806 01:07:52,948 --> 01:07:54,074 I don't have a choice. 807 01:07:54,741 --> 01:07:57,160 The Russians withdrew her diplomatic immunity. 808 01:08:30,736 --> 01:08:32,446 It'll be okay, Aleida. 809 01:09:22,412 --> 01:09:26,750 I've always been captivated with the idea of justice. 810 01:09:27,960 --> 01:09:31,171 It's what attracted me to engineering in the first place. 811 01:09:35,050 --> 01:09:36,844 The sense of right and wrong. 812 01:09:38,886 --> 01:09:40,389 That I was in control. 813 01:10:04,705 --> 01:10:06,415 Comrade Morozova, 814 01:10:06,915 --> 01:10:08,083 please come in. 815 01:10:08,667 --> 01:10:10,210 But the truth is 816 01:10:10,210 --> 01:10:13,505 the world is not as simple as we want it to be. 817 01:10:16,091 --> 01:10:19,303 It can't just be boiled down into an equation. 818 01:10:23,182 --> 01:10:26,185 Especially when it comes to human beings. 819 01:10:32,191 --> 01:10:38,614 We are flawed, unpredictable, and full of contradictions. 820 01:10:41,116 --> 01:10:43,202 It's taken me most of my life to realize 821 01:10:43,202 --> 01:10:47,581 it's exactly these traits that make us so resilient. 822 01:10:48,957 --> 01:10:54,838 That give credence to the improbable idea that anything is possible. 823 01:10:59,051 --> 01:11:01,470 Even in the darkest of times. 824 01:11:56,525 --> 01:11:59,695 Your Honor, I was always told 825 01:11:59,695 --> 01:12:03,699 that we shouldn't let personal feelings cloud our search for the truth. 826 01:12:06,368 --> 01:12:07,995 But looking back now, 827 01:12:09,413 --> 01:12:11,123 I don't think that's right. 828 01:12:12,416 --> 01:12:14,459 Our feelings may not be convenient. 829 01:12:17,671 --> 01:12:19,882 They may even slow our progress. 830 01:12:22,467 --> 01:12:26,638 But they are also the only way to truly begin to understand 831 01:12:27,931 --> 01:12:30,142 the world around us. 832 01:12:32,936 --> 01:12:35,814 And the new worlds that await us.