1 00:00:10,260 --> 00:00:14,806 I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal 2 00:00:14,890 --> 00:00:18,393 before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon 3 00:00:18,477 --> 00:00:20,521 and returning him safely to the Earth. 4 00:00:21,855 --> 00:00:25,192 I don't think that we can exaggerate the great advantage 5 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:29,613 which the Soviet Union secured in the '50s by being first in space. 6 00:00:30,739 --> 00:00:34,701 They were able to give prestige to their system. 7 00:00:35,869 --> 00:00:37,788 They were able to give force to their argument 8 00:00:37,871 --> 00:00:39,581 that they were an advancing society... 9 00:00:41,208 --> 00:00:42,709 ...and that we were on the decline. 10 00:00:47,422 --> 00:00:50,259 Our great system will be judged 11 00:00:50,342 --> 00:00:52,719 by how we do in the field of space... 12 00:00:54,263 --> 00:00:55,806 and therefore this country. 13 00:00:56,765 --> 00:01:01,436 Both political parties have determined that the United States shall be first. 14 00:01:05,566 --> 00:01:08,986 Quite obviously, if we fail, we're humiliated, 15 00:01:09,069 --> 00:01:10,654 here and around the world. 16 00:01:27,462 --> 00:01:29,631 Aleida, my dear. Your mamma wants you. 17 00:01:35,053 --> 00:01:38,765 Still no further word on the progress of the spacecraft 18 00:01:38,849 --> 00:01:40,475 toward the surface of the moon. 19 00:01:40,851 --> 00:01:44,938 But we believe that it will be touching down any minute now. 20 00:01:45,022 --> 00:01:47,524 The last official report we have said 21 00:01:47,608 --> 00:01:49,776 that the landing vehicle was descending toward the surface... 22 00:01:49,860 --> 00:01:51,111 Mama. 23 00:01:51,195 --> 00:01:53,280 How long do we have to watch this? 24 00:01:53,363 --> 00:01:54,364 Shh. 25 00:01:54,698 --> 00:01:56,825 They just talk, talk, talk... 26 00:01:56,909 --> 00:01:59,369 Aleida. This is special. 27 00:02:00,329 --> 00:02:02,748 You'll remember this the rest of your life. 28 00:02:02,831 --> 00:02:05,626 This is the beginning of the future. 29 00:02:05,709 --> 00:02:07,753 You can be part of that. 30 00:02:07,836 --> 00:02:10,297 Maybe even go to the moon one day. 31 00:02:11,381 --> 00:02:13,550 You should be in bed. The doctor says you need rest... 32 00:02:13,634 --> 00:02:15,719 Never mind the doctor. 33 00:02:15,802 --> 00:02:17,638 I want to be here for this. 34 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:19,640 With her. 35 00:02:20,724 --> 00:02:22,017 So she'll remember. 36 00:02:22,100 --> 00:02:23,644 ...the spacecraft has landed. 37 00:02:25,312 --> 00:02:26,980 Can we confirm that? 38 00:02:27,648 --> 00:02:28,857 Yes. 39 00:02:28,941 --> 00:02:31,193 They are on the moon, ladies and gentlemen. 40 00:02:34,071 --> 00:02:37,449 {\an8}Radio and television signals from the moon 41 00:02:37,533 --> 00:02:40,536 take less than two seconds to reach us here on Earth. 42 00:02:40,619 --> 00:02:42,704 So if we do get television pictures, 43 00:02:42,788 --> 00:02:45,832 they'll be essentially broadcasting live. 44 00:02:46,625 --> 00:02:47,960 That's right. 45 00:02:48,043 --> 00:02:49,837 Live from the moon. 46 00:03:00,514 --> 00:03:03,934 In the United Kingdom, we're told that Queen Elizabeth II was awakened... 47 00:03:05,853 --> 00:03:09,231 ...when first reports of the pending moon landing was received. 48 00:03:09,314 --> 00:03:11,358 And in Tokyo, Emperor Hirohito... 49 00:03:11,441 --> 00:03:13,569 Are they down? The radio wasn't sure if they landed or... 50 00:03:13,652 --> 00:03:15,237 They're down. They're down. 51 00:03:15,904 --> 00:03:17,656 There's no video yet, but they're down. 52 00:03:17,739 --> 00:03:20,534 At the Vatican, Pope Paul VI positioned... 53 00:03:20,617 --> 00:03:23,328 One of the most shocking events of my lifetime. 54 00:03:23,412 --> 00:03:26,748 This will shake things up in this country. I'll tell you that right now. 55 00:03:26,832 --> 00:03:28,458 Things will never be the same. 56 00:03:50,022 --> 00:03:52,441 ...are little more than guesswork. 57 00:03:52,524 --> 00:03:56,111 But experts have long anticipated a possible viewership 58 00:03:56,195 --> 00:03:58,697 of over 500 million people. 59 00:03:58,780 --> 00:04:00,199 Is this really happening? 60 00:04:01,909 --> 00:04:04,203 I'm hearing we're getting a picture. 61 00:04:04,912 --> 00:04:07,164 Is that right? We have a picture? 62 00:04:07,748 --> 00:04:09,249 Sid, can we patch into... 63 00:04:10,417 --> 00:04:11,835 {\an8}Got it. 64 00:04:11,919 --> 00:04:15,756 {\an8}Ladies and gentlemen, this is a live signal from the moon. 65 00:04:16,173 --> 00:04:18,091 {\an8}Having some trouble seeing it. 66 00:04:19,635 --> 00:04:22,429 Uh... There, I see it. There it is. 67 00:04:24,097 --> 00:04:25,140 Amazing. 68 00:04:26,475 --> 00:04:27,976 Just unbelievable. 69 00:04:28,727 --> 00:04:32,147 The shock across the nation at this event. 70 00:04:32,231 --> 00:04:37,778 Indeed, the shock across the world is just indescribable. 71 00:04:37,861 --> 00:04:41,281 What was considered a fantasy just a short time ago 72 00:04:41,365 --> 00:04:44,159 is coming true right before our eyes. 73 00:04:45,327 --> 00:04:49,289 I believe we're looking at the legs of the lunar lander. 74 00:04:50,165 --> 00:04:54,753 There at the bottom of your screen is what appears to be a ladder. 75 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:58,590 No word yet on when someone will be climbing down that ladder, but... 76 00:04:58,674 --> 00:05:01,134 Wait, wait. Here we go. 77 00:05:01,218 --> 00:05:02,427 I see something. 78 00:05:03,345 --> 00:05:05,681 There he is. We have him. 79 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:08,684 Oh, my goodness. Wow. 80 00:05:09,810 --> 00:05:11,103 Can you believe it? 81 00:05:12,145 --> 00:05:15,399 After thousands of years, ladies and gentlemen, 82 00:05:15,482 --> 00:05:18,735 gazing up in the heavens and dreaming of this day, 83 00:05:19,736 --> 00:05:23,282 a man is about to set foot on the moon. 84 00:05:39,214 --> 00:05:42,134 Don't know what he's saying, obviously, 85 00:05:42,217 --> 00:05:45,304 but we'll get a translation of his words, 86 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:50,517 man's first words from the moon, in just a minute. 87 00:05:53,228 --> 00:05:56,356 Okay, we have the translation now, 88 00:05:56,440 --> 00:06:01,695 and these are the words that Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, 89 00:06:01,778 --> 00:06:04,448 the first man to set foot on the moon, 90 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:06,408 spoke just moments ago. 91 00:06:06,992 --> 00:06:10,913 "I take this step for my country, for my people, 92 00:06:10,996 --> 00:06:14,208 and for the Marxist-Leninist way of life. 93 00:06:14,291 --> 00:06:17,294 Knowing that today is but one small step 94 00:06:17,377 --> 00:06:22,007 on a journey that someday will take us all to the stars." 95 00:06:30,265 --> 00:06:31,934 I'm not sure what to say. 96 00:06:32,017 --> 00:06:34,478 Perhaps there are no words. 97 00:06:35,103 --> 00:06:37,147 So, for now, 98 00:06:37,231 --> 00:06:39,816 we'll let you soak in this historic moment... 99 00:06:41,193 --> 00:06:44,279 and reflect on what it means for our country... 100 00:06:45,489 --> 00:06:47,074 and for the world. 101 00:08:15,996 --> 00:08:16,955 How the hell did this happen? 102 00:08:17,664 --> 00:08:20,918 Those bastards at NASA have been acting like they had everything under control, 103 00:08:21,001 --> 00:08:23,003 and then they fumble the ball right at the goddamn goal line. 104 00:08:23,086 --> 00:08:23,921 Right at the goal! 105 00:08:24,004 --> 00:08:25,797 Yes, sir, it sure looks that way. 106 00:08:25,881 --> 00:08:29,426 CIA is working up a review of their intel over the last year 107 00:08:29,510 --> 00:08:31,720 to see if they missed any signs of Soviet advances that... 108 00:08:31,803 --> 00:08:33,472 They missed the whole goddamn thing! 109 00:08:33,554 --> 00:08:34,890 The whole match! 110 00:08:34,972 --> 00:08:36,808 You know how the press is gonna play this, don't you? 111 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:38,477 The New York Times is going to say that 112 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:40,145 Kennedy started the moon race, 113 00:08:40,354 --> 00:08:41,188 Johnson ran it, 114 00:08:41,270 --> 00:08:42,981 and then Nixon tripped at the goal line. 115 00:08:43,065 --> 00:08:44,024 That's what it's gonna be. 116 00:08:44,691 --> 00:08:46,777 They're gonna try and hang this around my neck, 117 00:08:47,277 --> 00:08:48,278 but they're not gonna succeed. 118 00:08:48,570 --> 00:08:49,363 No, sir. 119 00:08:49,446 --> 00:08:51,156 I'll tell you that right goddamn now. 120 00:08:51,740 --> 00:08:52,616 Not Nixon. 121 00:09:07,256 --> 00:09:09,967 Shane, let's go. Shake a leg. Bus is almost here. 122 00:09:11,844 --> 00:09:13,554 - Last day of school? - Next week. 123 00:09:14,179 --> 00:09:16,056 One more week to go, sailor. 124 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:17,140 Yeah, I know. 125 00:09:17,641 --> 00:09:18,642 What? 126 00:09:19,226 --> 00:09:20,978 - I mean, yes, sir. - That's right. 127 00:09:23,939 --> 00:09:25,524 They shoulda let you land, 128 00:09:26,358 --> 00:09:27,776 then we woulda been first. 129 00:09:31,947 --> 00:09:34,575 Yeah. Well, that wasn't my mission, buddy. 130 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:37,619 Hey. Here's your lunch, okay? 131 00:09:37,703 --> 00:09:39,288 - Let's get going. - Thank you. 132 00:09:39,580 --> 00:09:40,664 Hey, you have a good day, okay? 133 00:09:40,747 --> 00:09:42,249 - Yeah. Bye, Dad. - Bye-bye. 134 00:09:42,791 --> 00:09:44,543 Love you, sweetie. Have a good day. 135 00:09:45,169 --> 00:09:46,336 - Thank you. - Okay. 136 00:09:52,342 --> 00:09:54,636 So, how do you think it's gonna affect the program? 137 00:09:56,638 --> 00:09:59,266 I don't know. Deke's called an all-hands meeting this morning. 138 00:09:59,349 --> 00:10:01,351 So, I guess we'll find out then. 139 00:10:04,855 --> 00:10:06,690 I hope they still fly Apollo 15. 140 00:10:07,274 --> 00:10:08,984 Yeah. 141 00:10:09,067 --> 00:10:10,068 Me too. 142 00:10:11,403 --> 00:10:13,864 Hey, do you want me to save this or toss it? 143 00:10:13,947 --> 00:10:14,948 Toss it. 144 00:10:17,201 --> 00:10:18,202 Okay. 145 00:10:18,410 --> 00:10:19,411 Ah... 146 00:10:20,162 --> 00:10:21,163 Save it. 147 00:11:28,021 --> 00:11:29,356 - Morning, Poppy. - Morning. 148 00:11:30,107 --> 00:11:31,775 - Morning, sir. - Morning. 149 00:11:46,164 --> 00:11:49,084 Apollo 11 is scheduled to fly in two and a half weeks. 150 00:11:49,168 --> 00:11:53,589 Neil, Buzz, Mike and their backup crew will continue training as planned. 151 00:11:53,672 --> 00:11:55,632 Beyond that, there's been no word from the top. 152 00:11:55,716 --> 00:12:00,929 So, training for Apollos 12 to 20 will also continue as planned... 153 00:12:02,264 --> 00:12:03,599 but not today. 154 00:12:07,853 --> 00:12:10,480 I was at the Cape with the rest of the Mercury astronauts 155 00:12:10,564 --> 00:12:15,152 when Jim Webb came down and told us the Russians put the first man in space. 156 00:12:15,235 --> 00:12:18,280 Webb wanted us to put a good face on for the press. 157 00:12:18,363 --> 00:12:21,241 So we did, but not for a while. 158 00:12:22,159 --> 00:12:23,911 First, we had to be pissed off, 159 00:12:23,994 --> 00:12:25,370 and we were. 160 00:12:26,246 --> 00:12:29,124 Gus could hardly speak. And Al... 161 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:31,668 Glad Al Shepard's not here today. 162 00:12:31,752 --> 00:12:34,630 Al was really pissed. Even Glenn. 163 00:12:34,713 --> 00:12:36,131 Yes, believe it or not, gentlemen, 164 00:12:36,215 --> 00:12:38,383 John Glenn actually said the word "fuck." 165 00:12:44,139 --> 00:12:47,392 So before we go back to work, it's time to be pissed! 166 00:12:49,603 --> 00:12:52,481 All training evolutions for today have been canceled. 167 00:12:54,316 --> 00:12:58,737 I suggest you all take the weekend to go out, get drunk, 168 00:12:58,820 --> 00:13:01,114 kick your dog, gnash your teeth, howl at the moon, 169 00:13:01,198 --> 00:13:03,200 or do whatever suits your purpose. 170 00:13:06,495 --> 00:13:07,996 Come Monday morning... 171 00:13:12,125 --> 00:13:13,335 we're back to work. 172 00:13:16,171 --> 00:13:17,297 That is all. 173 00:13:39,278 --> 00:13:41,530 So, Outpost? 174 00:13:44,533 --> 00:13:45,701 Last one buys. 175 00:14:41,548 --> 00:14:42,633 Ah! 176 00:15:29,555 --> 00:15:30,639 Pam. 177 00:15:40,774 --> 00:15:41,942 All right. Fine. 178 00:15:45,529 --> 00:15:47,322 - Pam! Pam! - All right! 179 00:15:49,283 --> 00:15:50,534 Come on up, Pam. 180 00:15:51,577 --> 00:15:53,745 Set it off. Set it off. 181 00:15:55,706 --> 00:15:57,249 - Pam, throw it. - No! 182 00:16:05,340 --> 00:16:07,134 - One more round? - Yeah! 183 00:16:11,346 --> 00:16:13,932 The president wants answers, and he wants them now. 184 00:16:14,808 --> 00:16:19,188 We at NASA were given no indication the Soviets were so close to a landing. 185 00:16:19,271 --> 00:16:22,983 The intelligence provided by the CIA was faulty and inaccurate. 186 00:16:23,066 --> 00:16:24,401 Hold on now. Wait a minute. 187 00:16:24,985 --> 00:16:26,486 Langley's not taking the fall for this. 188 00:16:26,570 --> 00:16:29,406 We did report two launches of the Soviet N-1 rocket. 189 00:16:29,489 --> 00:16:32,075 One launch in January, and then one this past week. 190 00:16:32,159 --> 00:16:34,411 Both launches were duly noted in our intel reports to you. 191 00:16:34,494 --> 00:16:36,288 You said they were unmanned tests. 192 00:16:36,371 --> 00:16:40,083 We said we had a 95% confidence level the January vehicle was unmanned. 193 00:16:40,167 --> 00:16:42,920 But we only had 80% confidence on the second launch. 194 00:16:43,003 --> 00:16:44,588 Only 80%. 195 00:16:44,671 --> 00:16:46,715 The president must understand 196 00:16:46,798 --> 00:16:50,594 that our technology is vastly superior to the Russians'. 197 00:16:50,677 --> 00:16:53,514 The N-1 is a crude and unsophisticated vehicle 198 00:16:53,597 --> 00:16:55,182 compared to the Saturn V. 199 00:16:55,265 --> 00:16:57,267 All the president cares about right now 200 00:16:57,351 --> 00:17:00,437 is getting an American on the moon as soon as possible. 201 00:17:00,521 --> 00:17:02,731 Can you move up the launch of Apollo 11? 202 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:07,653 The vehicle could be ready, 203 00:17:08,278 --> 00:17:10,030 but the phase of the moon would not be correct. 204 00:17:10,405 --> 00:17:12,324 The phase of the moon? Come on. 205 00:17:12,406 --> 00:17:13,617 He's right. 206 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:15,827 If the phase of the moon is not correct, 207 00:17:15,911 --> 00:17:18,204 there won't be enough light on the surface. 208 00:17:18,288 --> 00:17:20,374 And we cannot land in darkness. 209 00:17:21,375 --> 00:17:22,376 Shit. 210 00:17:23,417 --> 00:17:27,130 Our program is much more robust, more capable in every way. 211 00:17:27,214 --> 00:17:30,968 We will not only match the Soviets, we will surpass them. 212 00:17:31,927 --> 00:17:36,306 NASA is prepared to extend manned exploration beyond the moon. 213 00:17:37,182 --> 00:17:40,269 Mankind's journey into the cosmos has only just begun. 214 00:17:40,352 --> 00:17:41,854 Yes? 215 00:17:41,937 --> 00:17:44,606 Deke, just last month you sent Apollo 10 all the way to the moon 216 00:17:44,690 --> 00:17:47,276 for what you called a "dress rehearsal" for the landing. 217 00:17:48,110 --> 00:17:51,196 But Ed Baldwin and Gordo Stevens actually piloted the lunar module 218 00:17:51,280 --> 00:17:53,991 down to within eight miles of the surface. 219 00:17:54,074 --> 00:17:55,284 They were so close. 220 00:17:55,367 --> 00:17:56,910 Why didn't they just land? 221 00:17:56,994 --> 00:17:59,371 If they had, we'd have beaten the Russians by a full month. 222 00:17:59,913 --> 00:18:01,832 Landing wasn't in the mission plan. 223 00:18:01,915 --> 00:18:06,336 Apollo 10 was intended to test equipment and procedures for the actual landing. 224 00:18:06,420 --> 00:18:07,921 And it was a complete success. 225 00:18:08,005 --> 00:18:10,090 But they could've landed, right? 226 00:18:10,716 --> 00:18:11,884 They could've been first. 227 00:18:11,967 --> 00:18:15,596 An American, Edward Baldwin, could have been the first man on the moon. 228 00:18:15,679 --> 00:18:17,097 No, this is not true. 229 00:18:17,681 --> 00:18:20,517 There was insufficient fuel for such an attempt. 230 00:18:20,601 --> 00:18:23,187 And the spacecraft weighed too much for a landing. 231 00:18:23,270 --> 00:18:25,189 It was never considered. Never. 232 00:18:25,272 --> 00:18:26,440 Yes? 233 00:18:29,693 --> 00:18:30,694 How we doin'? 234 00:18:38,660 --> 00:18:40,495 George, good to see ya. 235 00:18:40,579 --> 00:18:41,663 - How ya feelin'? - Hey. 236 00:18:44,166 --> 00:18:45,751 How we doing today, fellas? Huh? 237 00:18:45,834 --> 00:18:48,504 Not at all? You don't have a comment at all about any of this? 238 00:18:48,587 --> 00:18:49,588 No comment. 239 00:18:49,671 --> 00:18:51,465 - Zero? - Zero comment. 240 00:18:51,548 --> 00:18:53,300 - That's... - What's there to talk about? 241 00:18:53,383 --> 00:18:55,010 I couldn't think of a thing. 242 00:18:55,093 --> 00:18:57,429 All right, I'll buy the next round, okay? Thanks. 243 00:19:00,098 --> 00:19:01,099 What's up, big man? 244 00:19:01,934 --> 00:19:03,769 - Hey, how we doing today? - Good, man. 245 00:19:03,852 --> 00:19:05,896 Good to see you again. Good to see you. 246 00:19:05,979 --> 00:19:07,314 - It's kinda shitty. - Kinda shitty. Right. 247 00:19:07,397 --> 00:19:09,149 That's what I've been hearing from everyone else. 248 00:19:09,233 --> 00:19:10,234 Can you give me something? 249 00:19:11,360 --> 00:19:12,361 You don't need that. 250 00:19:13,362 --> 00:19:14,488 Well, what about you two? 251 00:19:14,571 --> 00:19:17,741 Any thoughts from the crew of Apollo 10 on this dark day? 252 00:19:17,824 --> 00:19:20,202 Not a one. We're just here blowing off some steam. 253 00:19:20,285 --> 00:19:22,746 Come on. You guys were pretty close. 254 00:19:23,539 --> 00:19:25,874 Got eight miles above the surface. 255 00:19:26,959 --> 00:19:30,546 So close you just reach out and grab a handful of moondust. 256 00:19:30,629 --> 00:19:32,923 And then NASA decides to bring you home. 257 00:19:34,091 --> 00:19:35,342 That must sting. 258 00:19:37,636 --> 00:19:38,637 Don't matter. 259 00:19:42,474 --> 00:19:45,060 That was our mission. It was a practice run. 260 00:19:45,143 --> 00:19:46,353 Dress rehearsal. 261 00:19:47,521 --> 00:19:48,689 Wasted opportunity? 262 00:19:51,775 --> 00:19:52,901 Wouldn't go that far. 263 00:19:53,819 --> 00:19:57,114 Well, you were there. Are you saying there wasn't an opportunity to land? 264 00:19:57,197 --> 00:19:58,699 Not in the mission plan. 265 00:19:59,157 --> 00:20:02,452 Yeah, okay. Fair enough. But in retrospect, should it have been? 266 00:20:02,536 --> 00:20:04,121 I mean, knowing what you know now, 267 00:20:04,204 --> 00:20:07,082 wouldn't the smart move have been for Apollo 10 to land on the moon? 268 00:20:12,838 --> 00:20:14,089 It's not a matter of smarts. 269 00:20:15,716 --> 00:20:16,717 Yeah. 270 00:20:17,467 --> 00:20:19,761 Yeah, I guess not. NASA's full of smart people. 271 00:20:21,221 --> 00:20:22,931 Of course, I guess it's a moot point 272 00:20:23,015 --> 00:20:26,560 since there wasn't enough fuel on board, and the LEM was too heavy to land anyway. 273 00:20:26,643 --> 00:20:27,811 Bunch of bullshit. 274 00:20:27,895 --> 00:20:29,897 Snoopy was heavier than Eagle. 275 00:20:29,980 --> 00:20:31,857 Had a little less fuel. 276 00:20:31,940 --> 00:20:34,776 But all that means is we woulda had a little narrower safety margin 277 00:20:34,860 --> 00:20:36,403 if we'd gone for the landing. 278 00:20:36,486 --> 00:20:38,488 - Ain't that right, Ed? - That's a fact. 279 00:20:39,823 --> 00:20:41,033 I gotta hit the head. 280 00:20:50,667 --> 00:20:52,711 So, Ed, 281 00:20:52,794 --> 00:20:54,796 if you had the right equipment 282 00:20:54,880 --> 00:20:56,548 and you had the opportunity, 283 00:20:56,632 --> 00:20:58,717 and NASA is full of smart people, 284 00:20:58,800 --> 00:21:00,677 what I can't figure is... 285 00:21:02,054 --> 00:21:06,808 why they didn't have the guts to let you land. 286 00:21:07,392 --> 00:21:08,519 Huh? 287 00:21:08,602 --> 00:21:10,020 You got some balls, man. 288 00:21:10,103 --> 00:21:11,396 I'm just saying. 289 00:21:11,480 --> 00:21:14,441 I mean, NASA's always been known for its willingness to push the envelope. 290 00:21:25,410 --> 00:21:27,079 I wanna just reach down there. 291 00:21:27,955 --> 00:21:30,165 Scoop up a handful of moondust. 292 00:21:39,132 --> 00:21:41,134 Not anymore. 293 00:21:43,345 --> 00:21:45,472 Come on. I've been around you guys a lot. 294 00:21:46,098 --> 00:21:48,350 You like being on the bleeding edge of things. 295 00:21:48,433 --> 00:21:50,185 Abort Descent Stage. 296 00:21:50,644 --> 00:21:53,772 Three, two... one... 297 00:22:07,703 --> 00:22:08,871 We used to. 298 00:22:09,997 --> 00:22:11,415 We used to be like that. 299 00:22:11,832 --> 00:22:13,458 I mean, hell, in Mercury and Gemini, 300 00:22:13,542 --> 00:22:17,212 we hung it out there over the edge every single time we went up. 301 00:22:17,296 --> 00:22:20,048 But those days are over. 302 00:22:23,093 --> 00:22:26,305 You're right. We don't have guts at NASA anymore... 303 00:22:29,641 --> 00:22:30,809 since the fire. 304 00:22:32,936 --> 00:22:34,104 The Apollo 1 fire. 305 00:22:36,773 --> 00:22:39,067 Okay, I loved those guys, all right. I... 306 00:22:40,277 --> 00:22:43,947 Gus and Roger and Ed... 307 00:22:47,409 --> 00:22:49,786 I think about them every day. I mean, we all do. 308 00:22:49,870 --> 00:22:51,163 They were good men. 309 00:22:52,664 --> 00:22:56,293 That's the thing. Good men die in test planes all the time. 310 00:22:56,376 --> 00:23:00,797 But we don't change the whole culture of flight test 'cause good men die. 311 00:23:02,299 --> 00:23:05,010 We still get up there and push the envelope every single day, 312 00:23:05,093 --> 00:23:06,970 and maybe, 313 00:23:07,763 --> 00:23:10,557 maybe today's the day you don't come back. 314 00:23:11,266 --> 00:23:13,227 We all know that. It's always there. 315 00:23:13,310 --> 00:23:15,896 But we get up there anyway, and we keep taking the risks. 316 00:23:17,898 --> 00:23:19,858 But we stopped taking risks at NASA. 317 00:23:24,571 --> 00:23:26,740 And that's why we lost the moon. 318 00:23:36,250 --> 00:23:37,251 Thanks, Ed. 319 00:24:05,863 --> 00:24:06,905 Aleida! 320 00:24:09,366 --> 00:24:10,784 It's time to go! 321 00:24:44,610 --> 00:24:47,029 Houston, Eagle. We have a program alarm. 322 00:24:50,616 --> 00:24:51,950 It's a 12-02. 323 00:24:53,285 --> 00:24:55,037 Copy that. 12-02. 324 00:24:58,457 --> 00:25:00,584 Stand by, Eagle. We're checking. 325 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:04,838 In the meantime, yaw the antenna around minus niner, yaw plus 18. 326 00:25:04,922 --> 00:25:07,674 Copy. Minus nine, plus 18. 327 00:25:16,600 --> 00:25:18,644 GUIDO, what's the story with that alarm? 328 00:25:18,727 --> 00:25:21,396 Uh, checking on it, Flight. Get right back to ya. 329 00:25:48,882 --> 00:25:51,718 GUIDO, this is Margo. I think I recognize that alarm. 330 00:25:51,802 --> 00:25:53,595 It's okay. They can still land. 331 00:25:54,221 --> 00:25:56,557 Margo, you're outta your lane. This is a GUIDO issue. 332 00:25:59,434 --> 00:26:00,561 I know the code. 333 00:26:01,395 --> 00:26:05,357 Twelve-02 is a program alarm for the AGC signaling "Executive overflow, no VAC." 334 00:26:06,024 --> 00:26:09,027 The computer is rebooting itself, but it's not a problem. 335 00:26:16,952 --> 00:26:18,871 Houston, we need a reading on the 12-02. 336 00:26:19,496 --> 00:26:21,623 - GUIDO! - Still don't have it, Flight. 337 00:26:25,752 --> 00:26:27,963 Okay, I'm calling it. 338 00:26:28,922 --> 00:26:29,923 Abort the landing. 339 00:26:30,007 --> 00:26:32,050 Eagle, Houston, abort. Repeat. Abort landing. 340 00:27:00,913 --> 00:27:02,289 The fault is yours. 341 00:27:02,789 --> 00:27:04,750 Why? Because I wasn't in my lane? 342 00:27:04,833 --> 00:27:06,251 Because you hesitated. 343 00:27:07,503 --> 00:27:09,505 I wanted to double-check my answer. 344 00:27:09,588 --> 00:27:11,006 You knew the answer, 345 00:27:11,590 --> 00:27:13,926 you hesitated, and the landing was aborted. 346 00:27:14,426 --> 00:27:17,471 You're always telling me that I have to respect the chain of command. 347 00:27:17,554 --> 00:27:18,847 - Yes. - Well, in this situation, 348 00:27:18,931 --> 00:27:20,224 I felt the chain of command... 349 00:27:20,307 --> 00:27:23,227 No, not "feel." This is not a place for feelings. 350 00:27:23,310 --> 00:27:25,896 Something is or it is not. That is science. 351 00:27:25,979 --> 00:27:27,272 It's about fact. 352 00:27:27,356 --> 00:27:31,902 You had the facts on your side, but you felt intimidated. 353 00:27:33,487 --> 00:27:34,488 Yes? 354 00:27:35,948 --> 00:27:37,115 - Yes? - Yes. 355 00:27:38,700 --> 00:27:40,869 Well, that is the problem. 356 00:27:42,871 --> 00:27:44,331 You want to be a flight controller, 357 00:27:45,040 --> 00:27:46,917 to be FIDO on a real mission? 358 00:27:48,961 --> 00:27:52,256 Then you must only do that which advances the work. 359 00:27:53,257 --> 00:27:54,258 Understand? 360 00:28:03,934 --> 00:28:06,895 Yes, Herr Doktor. 361 00:28:08,105 --> 00:28:09,106 Good. 362 00:28:09,982 --> 00:28:12,150 Tell your father I'm sending something for his birthday, 363 00:28:12,234 --> 00:28:14,528 but he won't get it until after. 364 00:28:15,654 --> 00:28:16,780 I will. 365 00:28:19,950 --> 00:28:21,076 "We were right there. 366 00:28:21,159 --> 00:28:25,497 So close you felt like you could reach out and grab a handful of moondust. 367 00:28:25,581 --> 00:28:27,291 All it would've taken was some guts. 368 00:28:27,374 --> 00:28:29,710 But we don't have guts at NASA anymore. 369 00:28:29,793 --> 00:28:32,379 That's why we didn't beat the Russians to the moon." 370 00:28:38,051 --> 00:28:40,053 You are in the shit now, my friend. 371 00:28:40,804 --> 00:28:41,930 How deep? 372 00:28:42,014 --> 00:28:43,515 Above your eyeballs. 373 00:28:45,559 --> 00:28:48,896 Von Braun wants you reassigned to the Apollo Applications Project 374 00:28:48,979 --> 00:28:50,731 effective immediately. 375 00:28:50,814 --> 00:28:52,941 Are you taking me off Apollo 15? 376 00:28:53,650 --> 00:28:56,403 You took you off 15. 377 00:28:57,821 --> 00:28:59,865 Von Braun wanted you outta the program completely, 378 00:28:59,948 --> 00:29:01,658 but I wouldn't let him go that far. 379 00:29:06,121 --> 00:29:07,456 Apollo Applications. 380 00:29:09,333 --> 00:29:12,503 Apollo Applications is Siberia with a desk. 381 00:29:13,670 --> 00:29:15,255 I didn't say anything in that article 382 00:29:15,339 --> 00:29:17,508 that you and I haven't talked about in this very office. 383 00:29:17,591 --> 00:29:20,511 - Jesus Christ. - We have gotten too timid since the fire. 384 00:29:20,594 --> 00:29:23,430 We should be leaning forward instead of worrying about every little goddamn... 385 00:29:23,514 --> 00:29:25,015 Pull your head outta your ass, Ed! 386 00:29:26,016 --> 00:29:27,184 Look around! 387 00:29:27,684 --> 00:29:30,646 You wanna cry about Apollo 15? Let me tell you something. 388 00:29:30,729 --> 00:29:33,273 There may not be an Apollo 12, much less 15. 389 00:29:34,107 --> 00:29:35,442 What the hell are you talking about? 390 00:29:36,860 --> 00:29:39,196 The country's in shock, Eddie. 391 00:29:39,905 --> 00:29:41,573 Like Pearl Harbor shock. 392 00:29:42,324 --> 00:29:44,326 American people thought we had this thing in the bag, 393 00:29:44,409 --> 00:29:47,329 then the Russians come along and snatch it away at the last minute. 394 00:29:48,413 --> 00:29:50,457 Congress is talking about hearings, 395 00:29:50,541 --> 00:29:52,584 the president is looking for someone to blame, 396 00:29:52,668 --> 00:29:55,420 and you just served up the whole goddamn agency 397 00:29:55,504 --> 00:29:56,964 for a necktie party. 398 00:29:58,632 --> 00:30:02,427 They really might cancel everything after 11? 399 00:30:03,262 --> 00:30:05,848 That's usually what happens when the race is over. 400 00:30:05,931 --> 00:30:07,891 Winner collects their prize, 401 00:30:07,975 --> 00:30:09,351 loser goes home. 402 00:30:12,396 --> 00:30:15,691 Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts announced today 403 00:30:15,774 --> 00:30:19,736 that he was canceling a weekend party on Chappaquiddick Island 404 00:30:19,820 --> 00:30:24,616 in order to return to Washington and confer with congressional leaders 405 00:30:24,700 --> 00:30:26,118 on the need for hearings 406 00:30:26,201 --> 00:30:30,122 into how the United States lost the race to the moon. 407 00:30:32,165 --> 00:30:33,917 You know what Teddy's really doing, don't you? 408 00:30:34,501 --> 00:30:36,336 That goddamn pissant's gonna use these hearings 409 00:30:36,420 --> 00:30:38,255 to grandstand against the administration. 410 00:30:38,505 --> 00:30:39,464 Yep... 411 00:30:39,548 --> 00:30:42,759 Gonna get up there and say how NASA was bolder under his brother... 412 00:30:42,968 --> 00:30:44,803 How they've lost their edge under Nixon... 413 00:30:44,887 --> 00:30:45,804 Uh-huh. 414 00:30:45,888 --> 00:30:47,347 This is the opening of the campaign, 415 00:30:47,890 --> 00:30:50,184 Kennedy for President in '72... just you watch. 416 00:30:50,601 --> 00:30:52,436 God help us all. 417 00:31:01,737 --> 00:31:03,864 I guess I'll start packing. 418 00:31:05,657 --> 00:31:06,700 Right? 419 00:31:07,701 --> 00:31:10,871 I mean, if you can't fly for NASA, you'll go back to the navy. 420 00:31:12,956 --> 00:31:14,666 I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. 421 00:31:16,126 --> 00:31:17,794 Well, are you gonna sit behind a desk? 422 00:31:20,297 --> 00:31:21,882 - Hell no. - Exactly. 423 00:31:21,965 --> 00:31:24,885 So, you'll go back to the navy, which means we're moving. 424 00:31:24,968 --> 00:31:27,137 The next question now is where. 425 00:31:28,722 --> 00:31:31,016 I don't know, are you gonna ask for Pax River? 426 00:31:31,099 --> 00:31:33,268 I mean, Maryland's fine. 427 00:31:34,186 --> 00:31:35,354 It beats Texas, I suppose. 428 00:31:35,437 --> 00:31:37,814 I'm sure that Shane will grow to love it. 429 00:31:38,732 --> 00:31:41,360 Look, I doubt they're gonna have an open slot on the flight test 430 00:31:41,443 --> 00:31:43,195 just waiting for me to waltz in. 431 00:31:46,198 --> 00:31:48,575 Okay, and if that's the case... 432 00:31:50,702 --> 00:31:53,580 you'll ask for carrier duty then, right? 433 00:31:53,664 --> 00:31:55,499 Commander of your own fighter squadron? 434 00:31:55,582 --> 00:31:58,293 Which means, based on your past, 435 00:31:58,377 --> 00:32:00,295 they will send you back to Seventh Fleet, 436 00:32:00,379 --> 00:32:02,005 which means we'll be based out of Pearl. 437 00:32:02,089 --> 00:32:04,132 I mean, housing isn't great, 438 00:32:04,216 --> 00:32:07,010 but it's Oahu, so you can't complain, right? 439 00:32:07,094 --> 00:32:08,554 Not that you'll see much of Oahu, 440 00:32:08,637 --> 00:32:12,474 because you'll be commanding your squadron on your carrier on Yankee Station, 441 00:32:12,558 --> 00:32:14,309 flying strike missions over Vietnam. 442 00:32:14,393 --> 00:32:15,644 It's what I do, Karen. 443 00:32:15,727 --> 00:32:17,980 That is a goddamn useless thing to say. 444 00:32:28,490 --> 00:32:30,868 I didn't know it was gonna blow up like this. 445 00:32:31,952 --> 00:32:35,205 Why? Because you were just two guys in a bar 446 00:32:35,289 --> 00:32:36,999 talking and telling it like it is? 447 00:32:37,082 --> 00:32:38,834 - Something like that. - To a reporter! 448 00:32:40,043 --> 00:32:43,297 I thought there was supposed to be this code. 449 00:32:44,006 --> 00:32:47,843 The pilot's code that says you're not supposed to talk about your feelings. 450 00:32:48,343 --> 00:32:51,597 Like, how you might feel about not landing on the moon, 451 00:32:51,680 --> 00:32:55,309 or, I don't know, how you feel about the whole damned space program. 452 00:32:56,059 --> 00:32:58,729 The code says you're not supposed to talk about those things. 453 00:32:59,438 --> 00:33:01,106 That's what you said. Not with your buddies, 454 00:33:01,190 --> 00:33:03,483 not with your family, not with your wife. 455 00:33:03,567 --> 00:33:05,444 - This has nothing to do... - I mean, who knew? 456 00:33:06,653 --> 00:33:09,656 Who knew that all it took was a couple of drinks in a dive bar 457 00:33:09,740 --> 00:33:11,200 for you to break that code? 458 00:33:12,034 --> 00:33:13,702 I'm gonna learn to drink with the guys. 459 00:33:13,785 --> 00:33:16,997 Yeah, 'cause then I can find out how my husband really feels about his job. 460 00:33:17,080 --> 00:33:20,000 Or I'll just read about it in the newspapers with everyone else! 461 00:33:22,586 --> 00:33:23,587 Right? 462 00:34:21,687 --> 00:34:22,688 Your neck? 463 00:34:22,771 --> 00:34:25,690 Yeah. Couch is too damn small. 464 00:34:27,275 --> 00:34:28,569 I like it that way. 465 00:34:30,779 --> 00:34:31,864 Why is that? 466 00:34:34,366 --> 00:34:35,868 So there's no other choice. 467 00:35:20,204 --> 00:35:21,538 The hell y'all looking at? 468 00:35:23,916 --> 00:35:26,877 You never seen a lowly pudknocker from Apollo Applications? 469 00:35:38,764 --> 00:35:39,890 Look, uh, 470 00:35:39,973 --> 00:35:45,604 I know there was some dumb son of a bitch 471 00:35:45,687 --> 00:35:50,275 that shot his mouth off in the press and made the whole agency look bad. 472 00:35:52,528 --> 00:35:54,071 But I also know that 473 00:35:54,154 --> 00:35:57,824 the crew of Apollo 11 is gonna make everyone forget about all that. 474 00:35:58,534 --> 00:36:01,662 Because Neil, Buzz, Mike, 475 00:36:01,745 --> 00:36:06,500 they're the kind of guys who don't fold when things get tough. 476 00:36:09,628 --> 00:36:12,756 They're the kinda guys that might get knocked down... 477 00:36:14,550 --> 00:36:19,513 but then they just pick themselves up and get back to work. 478 00:36:29,314 --> 00:36:33,402 So, I'm here to help you boys get back to work. 479 00:36:33,485 --> 00:36:34,778 Any way I can. 480 00:36:34,862 --> 00:36:37,614 From Siberia... 481 00:36:39,741 --> 00:36:44,538 I bring you adjusted fuel and payload calculations for the S-IVB. 482 00:36:58,051 --> 00:37:00,721 I think Siberia... 483 00:37:03,182 --> 00:37:04,558 sits over there. 484 00:37:27,539 --> 00:37:29,082 Two weeks to launch, gentlemen. 485 00:37:29,708 --> 00:37:32,127 This will be our last meeting before 11 heads for the Cape, 486 00:37:32,211 --> 00:37:34,004 so I want final checklists on my desk. 487 00:37:42,513 --> 00:37:44,097 So, will he make the call? 488 00:37:44,932 --> 00:37:45,933 I don't know. 489 00:37:46,016 --> 00:37:48,602 Ziegler said the president wants to call the astronauts on the moon, 490 00:37:48,685 --> 00:37:51,480 but I think they're leaving themselves some wiggle room. 491 00:37:51,563 --> 00:37:55,025 But it's another chance to demonstrate the superiority of our technology. 492 00:37:55,776 --> 00:37:57,319 The Russian audio was terrible. 493 00:37:57,819 --> 00:38:01,323 We will call a man on the moon from a telephone. I mean, it's amazing. 494 00:38:01,406 --> 00:38:03,534 I told them. You know what Ziegler said? 495 00:38:04,409 --> 00:38:07,287 "The president doesn't usually call the silver medalist." 496 00:38:07,371 --> 00:38:08,372 Got it! 497 00:38:11,041 --> 00:38:13,001 It wasn't easy, but I got it. 498 00:38:14,920 --> 00:38:16,338 Just glad we remembered. 499 00:38:16,964 --> 00:38:20,092 Just as well. It was always extra weight. 500 00:38:26,974 --> 00:38:28,058 Pilots. 501 00:38:28,725 --> 00:38:30,644 We should have stuck with the monkeys. 502 00:38:35,482 --> 00:38:37,025 Almost a month has passed 503 00:38:37,109 --> 00:38:40,654 since the historic landing of a Soviet cosmonaut on the moon 504 00:38:40,737 --> 00:38:42,155 shocked the world. 505 00:38:42,239 --> 00:38:46,910 During that time, the crew of Apollo 11 has continued to train and prepare 506 00:38:46,994 --> 00:38:49,955 for their own historic landing on the lunar surface. 507 00:38:51,081 --> 00:38:53,792 While the Nixon administration has made no public commitment 508 00:38:53,876 --> 00:38:55,544 to any landing beyond this one, 509 00:38:55,627 --> 00:38:58,088 multiple anonymous sources in the White House have said 510 00:38:58,172 --> 00:39:00,465 that if Apollo 11 were to end in failure, 511 00:39:00,549 --> 00:39:03,260 the entire program would probably be canceled. 512 00:39:29,828 --> 00:39:32,247 This is Apollo Saturn Launch Control. 513 00:39:32,331 --> 00:39:34,917 The crew are aboard the spacecraft, the hatch is closed, 514 00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:37,794 and everything seems to be proceeding satisfactorily. 515 00:39:38,253 --> 00:39:41,256 In just a few moments, there will be a scheduled hold in the count 516 00:39:41,340 --> 00:39:44,009 {\an8}at exactly T-minus two hours. 517 00:39:44,092 --> 00:39:47,554 {\an8}Built-in hold in five, four, 518 00:39:47,638 --> 00:39:51,183 three, two, one. 519 00:39:51,266 --> 00:39:52,267 Holding. 520 00:39:52,351 --> 00:39:55,229 The count has been held at T-minus two hours. 521 00:39:55,312 --> 00:39:57,689 Flight Director Gene Kranz is now giving last-minute... 522 00:39:57,773 --> 00:40:00,192 Jim, I want you to bring in the backups and lock the doors. 523 00:40:00,275 --> 00:40:02,402 - Cut the video and the mics. - You got it, Flight. 524 00:40:21,672 --> 00:40:24,633 Till a few weeks ago, I thought I knew what today was all about. 525 00:40:26,593 --> 00:40:28,512 I thought it was about being first. 526 00:40:30,138 --> 00:40:32,349 Turns out the stakes are much bigger than that. 527 00:40:33,934 --> 00:40:36,478 Today is about the future of our country. 528 00:40:37,229 --> 00:40:38,397 The future of the world. 529 00:40:39,690 --> 00:40:42,526 Because if we fail in our mission today, 530 00:40:42,609 --> 00:40:45,362 the United States will turn away from space, 531 00:40:46,363 --> 00:40:47,823 turn away from the future. 532 00:40:48,699 --> 00:40:52,286 Bogged down by war, poverty, hatred. 533 00:40:54,705 --> 00:40:55,998 And the future? 534 00:40:57,332 --> 00:40:59,376 Well, the future will belong to the Soviet Union. 535 00:41:00,043 --> 00:41:03,589 They will be the ones reaching into space for all of mankind. 536 00:41:05,632 --> 00:41:08,093 Now, I want you all to think about that for a moment. 537 00:41:10,679 --> 00:41:13,182 What that means for the future, 538 00:41:13,265 --> 00:41:16,351 to look like the "Marxist-Leninist way of life." 539 00:41:20,564 --> 00:41:22,316 But if we succeed, 540 00:41:23,525 --> 00:41:26,904 if we succeed in putting Apollo 11 on the moon, 541 00:41:27,905 --> 00:41:29,239 we're still in this thing. 542 00:41:29,323 --> 00:41:31,450 Still in the race. 543 00:41:31,533 --> 00:41:35,454 The future will be ours to fight for and to win. 544 00:41:37,414 --> 00:41:39,208 We put a man on the moon today, 545 00:41:39,291 --> 00:41:41,835 I guarantee we are not stopping there. 546 00:41:42,961 --> 00:41:45,756 We'll go to Mars. Saturn. 547 00:41:46,173 --> 00:41:49,176 The asteroids, the stars, deep space. 548 00:41:49,968 --> 00:41:51,094 The galaxy. 549 00:41:52,638 --> 00:41:56,517 And then, then we're getting answers to the big questions. 550 00:41:58,268 --> 00:42:01,438 Are we alone? Is there life out there? 551 00:42:04,566 --> 00:42:08,529 I am proud to be a member of this team, 552 00:42:09,947 --> 00:42:12,866 and I know that we will succeed today in our mission... 553 00:42:13,951 --> 00:42:18,038 in putting two Americans on the moon. 554 00:42:18,830 --> 00:42:23,085 Because in this room, in this agency, 555 00:42:23,669 --> 00:42:25,254 in this country... 556 00:42:27,339 --> 00:42:29,132 failure is not an option. 557 00:42:43,146 --> 00:42:45,566 Kennedy Launch Control, we are go for launch. 558 00:42:46,233 --> 00:42:49,111 Copy, Houston. We are resuming the countdown. 559 00:43:11,842 --> 00:43:14,094 {\an8}Flying for almost four days, 560 00:43:14,178 --> 00:43:19,808 the American spacecraft known as the Eagle is on course toward the lunar surface. 561 00:43:19,892 --> 00:43:25,189 The spacecraft carrying Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin 562 00:43:25,272 --> 00:43:27,399 is now now flying on its own power. 563 00:43:27,858 --> 00:43:32,404 It should start its descent in approximately one hour. 564 00:43:39,036 --> 00:43:41,538 Why don't you give us an idea of the landing stage 565 00:43:41,622 --> 00:43:43,540 of the lunar module in the Eagle? 566 00:43:44,082 --> 00:43:47,878 {\an8}After separation, the LEM will perform a pitch-up maneuver, 567 00:43:47,961 --> 00:43:50,547 {\an8}then the two spacecraft will back away from one another... 568 00:43:50,631 --> 00:43:52,674 Don't get too rowdy with the boys, okay? 569 00:43:52,758 --> 00:43:54,384 Try to behave. 570 00:43:54,468 --> 00:43:56,970 Well, hey, Shane. Have a seat. Welcome. 571 00:43:57,846 --> 00:43:59,556 - Hey. Come on in. - Thanks. 572 00:43:59,640 --> 00:44:01,517 - Can I take your purse? - No. I'll set it down. 573 00:44:02,142 --> 00:44:06,313 ...a short burn, which will send them down towards the surface. 574 00:44:06,980 --> 00:44:09,358 ...attempting this dangerous landing. 575 00:44:20,160 --> 00:44:21,161 Cheers. 576 00:44:21,912 --> 00:44:24,122 To Snoopy and what might have been. 577 00:44:29,962 --> 00:44:33,131 You ever think about what you would have said if it'd been you? 578 00:44:35,133 --> 00:44:38,303 - What's that? - If you were the first man on the moon. 579 00:44:39,304 --> 00:44:40,681 Probably something better than 580 00:44:40,764 --> 00:44:43,934 "I'm here for the Marxist-Leninist way of fucking life," I'm sure. 581 00:44:46,478 --> 00:44:47,688 Never thought about it. 582 00:44:49,273 --> 00:44:50,566 Come on. Never? 583 00:44:51,859 --> 00:44:53,694 - Never once. - Oh. 584 00:44:55,779 --> 00:44:57,114 I thought about it a lot. 585 00:44:57,823 --> 00:44:59,199 - Oh, yeah? - Mmm. 586 00:45:00,242 --> 00:45:01,785 So, what would you have said, Gordo? 587 00:45:02,286 --> 00:45:03,495 - Thanks, Pam. - Anytime, Ed. 588 00:45:03,579 --> 00:45:06,915 Well, first I thought, you know, maybe quote one of the classics. 589 00:45:06,999 --> 00:45:09,376 Aristotle, Plutarch, Voltaire. 590 00:45:09,459 --> 00:45:10,502 Dean Martin. 591 00:45:12,504 --> 00:45:16,216 But then I thought, no, it should be about today. Now. 592 00:45:16,300 --> 00:45:20,345 You know, the whole world seems like it's tearing itself apart. 593 00:45:20,429 --> 00:45:23,682 War, death, hate. 594 00:45:25,100 --> 00:45:26,768 Chicago, last year. 595 00:45:27,394 --> 00:45:29,479 Man, Chicago last year. 596 00:45:30,022 --> 00:45:32,191 I never seen anything like that before. 597 00:45:33,150 --> 00:45:36,820 I love that city. I went to school there. I had a bunch of friends, you know? 598 00:45:36,904 --> 00:45:39,615 And to be back there on those streets where I went to school 599 00:45:39,698 --> 00:45:41,325 and see it all go down like that? 600 00:45:41,408 --> 00:45:44,119 You know, the cops just beating on those kids? 601 00:45:44,912 --> 00:45:47,122 You remember? You know? 602 00:45:47,789 --> 00:45:50,167 Just crushing their heads with their batons 603 00:45:50,250 --> 00:45:52,127 and just blood everywhere and they... 604 00:45:52,211 --> 00:45:53,879 I just never seen that before. 605 00:45:56,131 --> 00:46:00,135 To see the hate in their eyes. 606 00:46:01,220 --> 00:46:04,806 You know, they wanted to kill those kids. They wanted to crush them. 607 00:46:04,890 --> 00:46:07,434 Right? Like they were just bugs. 608 00:46:08,101 --> 00:46:10,395 And I thought to myself, "You know, maybe, 609 00:46:10,479 --> 00:46:13,398 maybe a man being up on the moon... 610 00:46:15,400 --> 00:46:19,947 might make people like that just lift their eyes for a moment 611 00:46:20,030 --> 00:46:23,408 and look past that hate and see something bigger. 612 00:46:25,285 --> 00:46:26,411 Bigger like... 613 00:46:28,580 --> 00:46:29,665 hope." 614 00:46:34,002 --> 00:46:35,546 So, what would you have said, Gordo? 615 00:46:36,922 --> 00:46:38,882 - Hmm? - What would you have said? 616 00:46:39,633 --> 00:46:40,801 Um... 617 00:46:42,386 --> 00:46:43,387 Uh... 618 00:46:44,263 --> 00:46:45,472 I would've said... 619 00:46:46,765 --> 00:46:49,268 I'm Gordo Stevens and I come in peace. 620 00:46:54,690 --> 00:46:56,191 Three times a night. 621 00:47:03,657 --> 00:47:05,534 You're a stupid idiot. 622 00:47:07,327 --> 00:47:10,247 You're a stupid, stupid man. 623 00:47:10,330 --> 00:47:11,498 You had me. 624 00:47:25,470 --> 00:47:26,680 Eagle, Columbia, Houston. 625 00:47:26,763 --> 00:47:29,266 All systems are looking good for going over the hill. 626 00:47:29,349 --> 00:47:30,726 Ten seconds to LOS. 627 00:47:31,351 --> 00:47:32,394 Roger that. 628 00:47:32,477 --> 00:47:35,063 Roger that, Houston. Talk to you on the other side. 629 00:47:46,033 --> 00:47:49,578 Loss of signal of Apollo 11. Reacquisition in 48 minutes. 630 00:47:53,081 --> 00:47:54,583 Good time for a head call. 631 00:47:59,713 --> 00:48:02,841 It's pretty disturbing, but it was really good. 632 00:48:03,217 --> 00:48:04,968 - Mmm. - You know, it sticks with you. 633 00:48:06,303 --> 00:48:07,471 Jon Voight is amazing. 634 00:48:08,680 --> 00:48:10,599 What did Gordo think of this movie? 635 00:48:10,682 --> 00:48:13,435 Oh, he was just upset that it wasn't that kind of X-rated film. 636 00:48:13,519 --> 00:48:14,603 Of course he was. 637 00:48:14,686 --> 00:48:17,022 Marge. It's so good to see you. 638 00:48:17,481 --> 00:48:18,690 Well, well, well. 639 00:48:19,274 --> 00:48:20,984 The queen has arrived. 640 00:48:21,068 --> 00:48:23,820 - I thought you said she wasn't coming. - I assumed she wasn't. 641 00:48:23,904 --> 00:48:25,781 If I had known Deke's wife was gonna show up, 642 00:48:25,864 --> 00:48:27,866 I would've had the butler bring out the good silver. 643 00:48:27,950 --> 00:48:30,410 - Hello, Karen. - Hello. 644 00:48:30,494 --> 00:48:31,787 - Tracy. - Marge. 645 00:48:32,287 --> 00:48:33,413 Are you busy right now? 646 00:48:34,331 --> 00:48:35,332 Not at all. 647 00:48:35,415 --> 00:48:36,917 Good. Excuse us. 648 00:48:38,919 --> 00:48:40,504 - Napkin. - Thanks. 649 00:48:41,088 --> 00:48:44,132 It's a small spacecraft for three grown men to live in full-time. 650 00:48:44,842 --> 00:48:46,468 - Should we sit down? - Sure. 651 00:48:58,397 --> 00:49:02,234 Everyone believes it would be in the best interests of the agency... 652 00:49:03,485 --> 00:49:05,153 and the country 653 00:49:05,237 --> 00:49:07,865 for Edward to make a public denial, 654 00:49:08,574 --> 00:49:13,954 stating emphatically that he was grossly misquoted by that reporter 655 00:49:14,037 --> 00:49:17,916 and strongly disassociating himself from those remarks. 656 00:49:23,505 --> 00:49:26,300 I also think, in that instance, 657 00:49:27,926 --> 00:49:31,805 Deke would be able to persuade Dr. von Braun to reinstate him on 15. 658 00:49:35,559 --> 00:49:39,104 - It's not that simple, Marge. - Mmm. 659 00:49:44,193 --> 00:49:45,944 Eddie would never get up and lie. 660 00:49:46,028 --> 00:49:48,113 He went to Annapolis. Right? 661 00:49:48,197 --> 00:49:51,241 Duty, honor, country. Those things matter to him. 662 00:49:52,784 --> 00:49:55,704 You don't have to go to Annapolis to have integrity, Karen. 663 00:49:55,787 --> 00:49:58,957 No, I don't mean to imply that, but I know my husband... 664 00:49:59,041 --> 00:50:00,626 Duty, honor, country. 665 00:50:02,085 --> 00:50:03,420 I believe in those things. 666 00:50:06,381 --> 00:50:07,424 Sometimes... 667 00:50:08,842 --> 00:50:10,427 you have to pick two. 668 00:50:19,102 --> 00:50:21,897 This is a very exciting time. 669 00:50:22,272 --> 00:50:25,567 Just one month ago, Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov 670 00:50:25,651 --> 00:50:27,861 became the first man to step foot on the moon. 671 00:50:28,779 --> 00:50:32,074 Now, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin 672 00:50:32,533 --> 00:50:34,117 hope to do the same. 673 00:50:34,493 --> 00:50:38,121 Much preparation has been made for this moment. 674 00:50:38,580 --> 00:50:42,209 Millions of people around the world await their landing. 675 00:50:43,293 --> 00:50:45,712 Once they are on the moon's surface... 676 00:50:49,925 --> 00:50:51,468 Your father says he misses you. 677 00:50:53,053 --> 00:50:56,390 He says you don't call. You don't write. 678 00:50:57,850 --> 00:50:59,518 You should go home and see him. 679 00:50:59,601 --> 00:51:00,644 I'll call. 680 00:51:01,603 --> 00:51:03,230 Have you no wish to go home? 681 00:51:03,772 --> 00:51:06,733 No sentimental attachments to Huntsville? 682 00:51:08,235 --> 00:51:10,070 To paraphrase a great man, 683 00:51:11,071 --> 00:51:15,075 "Alabama is not a place for feelings." 684 00:51:15,993 --> 00:51:18,829 Your tongue will get you in trouble one day, Margo. 685 00:51:19,454 --> 00:51:20,706 So I've heard. 686 00:51:24,126 --> 00:51:27,337 One minute to reacquisition of signal from Apollo 11. 687 00:51:27,421 --> 00:51:28,922 One minute to reacquisition. 688 00:51:29,965 --> 00:51:33,010 All the work was for this moment. 689 00:51:33,760 --> 00:51:37,097 We are about to land a man on the moon. 690 00:51:42,477 --> 00:51:43,478 Come. 691 00:51:50,944 --> 00:51:52,279 Godspeed, Eagle. 692 00:51:54,364 --> 00:51:56,325 Eagle has begun its final descent... 693 00:51:56,408 --> 00:51:57,451 Final approach! 694 00:51:59,953 --> 00:52:00,996 Come on now, Neil. 695 00:52:01,079 --> 00:52:03,540 You got this, buddy! Right down the pipe! 696 00:52:04,249 --> 00:52:06,585 Okay. Gather round, gather round. Come on, kids. Come on. 697 00:52:06,668 --> 00:52:08,962 - Come on. Sit down, Shane. - They're heading for the landing. 698 00:52:09,379 --> 00:52:10,589 Isn't this exciting? 699 00:52:10,672 --> 00:52:14,176 ...two men to descend from orbit to the moon's surface 700 00:52:14,259 --> 00:52:15,636 and then back up again. 701 00:52:15,719 --> 00:52:16,762 Cheers. 702 00:52:16,845 --> 00:52:18,514 It is a marvel of modern engineering. 703 00:52:25,312 --> 00:52:26,480 There it is. 704 00:52:27,856 --> 00:52:29,900 There is a crossing half a mile to the east. 705 00:52:36,031 --> 00:52:37,157 This way. 706 00:52:40,035 --> 00:52:41,703 Turn that off! 707 00:52:41,787 --> 00:52:43,288 Silence from now on! 708 00:52:51,129 --> 00:52:53,423 Beta ARM. Altitudes are a little high. 709 00:52:57,928 --> 00:53:00,973 Houston, I'm getting a little fluctuation in the AC voltage now. 710 00:53:02,933 --> 00:53:05,394 Roger. Looks good to us. You're still looking good at three. 711 00:53:05,477 --> 00:53:06,603 Coming up three minutes. 712 00:53:08,981 --> 00:53:11,942 Our position checks downrange show us to be a little long. 713 00:53:21,493 --> 00:53:24,288 AGS has gone about two feet per second greater than it should be. 714 00:53:26,206 --> 00:53:29,835 Roger. That still looks good to us. You are go. You are go for landing. 715 00:53:29,918 --> 00:53:32,379 Roger. Understood. Go for landing. 716 00:53:34,631 --> 00:53:35,924 Three thousand feet. 717 00:53:37,050 --> 00:53:38,635 Eight hundred feet. 718 00:53:38,719 --> 00:53:41,054 Eight hundred feet. Into the AGS, 47 degrees. 719 00:53:41,972 --> 00:53:43,724 Eagle, looking great. You're go. 720 00:53:45,058 --> 00:53:46,351 Thirty-five degrees. 721 00:53:47,728 --> 00:53:52,107 Thirty-five degrees. 750. Coming down to 23. 722 00:53:52,191 --> 00:53:53,400 Copy. 723 00:53:54,151 --> 00:53:56,612 Three hundred feet, down three and a half, 47 forward. 724 00:53:58,238 --> 00:53:59,823 Altitude velocity light. 725 00:54:00,782 --> 00:54:01,992 Watch your shadow out there. 726 00:54:04,244 --> 00:54:05,579 I see the shadow. 727 00:54:06,455 --> 00:54:09,041 Wait. Got some boulders up ahead. 728 00:54:09,666 --> 00:54:10,667 Right in our path. 729 00:54:11,293 --> 00:54:13,879 I'm going long, looking for a better site. 730 00:54:14,379 --> 00:54:15,380 Thrusting forward. 731 00:54:16,632 --> 00:54:19,051 One hundred feet, three and a half down, nine forward. 732 00:54:19,134 --> 00:54:20,302 Five percent. 733 00:54:20,761 --> 00:54:22,429 Control, how much fuel does he have left? 734 00:54:22,930 --> 00:54:24,014 Twenty seconds, Flight. 735 00:54:25,390 --> 00:54:26,433 Seventy-five feet. 736 00:54:27,100 --> 00:54:29,645 Rocks everywhere. Still looking for a spot to set down. 737 00:54:30,312 --> 00:54:31,730 He's outside the safety margin. 738 00:54:33,565 --> 00:54:34,733 Should we abort? 739 00:54:37,069 --> 00:54:39,905 Neil knows the situation. It's his spacecraft now. 740 00:54:42,407 --> 00:54:44,201 Lights on. Twenty feet. 741 00:54:45,244 --> 00:54:46,537 Kicking up some dust. 742 00:54:46,620 --> 00:54:48,455 - Lot of dust. - Drifting right. 743 00:54:48,539 --> 00:54:49,540 Watch that one! 744 00:54:50,415 --> 00:54:51,458 Watch it! 745 00:54:52,167 --> 00:54:53,252 We've lost telemetry. 746 00:54:53,919 --> 00:54:54,920 No bioreadings! 747 00:54:55,796 --> 00:54:56,755 Lost contact. 748 00:54:56,839 --> 00:54:59,341 AGC is negative. And no data from the onboard computer. 749 00:54:59,424 --> 00:55:00,801 Flight, I've got nothing here. 750 00:55:00,884 --> 00:55:02,427 - I've lost the whole board! - No signal! 751 00:55:08,809 --> 00:55:10,894 Settle down, people. Settle! 752 00:55:12,980 --> 00:55:14,773 CAPCOM, see if you can raise the LEM. 753 00:55:15,858 --> 00:55:17,734 Eagle, Houston. Do you read? 754 00:55:20,028 --> 00:55:22,155 Eagle, this is Houston. Do you read? 755 00:55:27,828 --> 00:55:29,872 Eagle, this is Houston, do you copy? 756 00:55:31,456 --> 00:55:33,584 Eagle, Houston. Do you read? 757 00:55:33,667 --> 00:55:35,127 CAPCOM, see if Columbia can reach them. 758 00:55:35,878 --> 00:55:39,173 Columbia, Houston. We've lost contact with the Eagle. See if you can raise them. 759 00:55:39,715 --> 00:55:41,175 Roger that, Houston. 760 00:55:41,258 --> 00:55:43,552 Eagle, Columbia. Do you read? Over. 761 00:55:45,804 --> 00:55:49,266 Eagle, this is Columbia. Can you copy my transmission? Come back. 762 00:55:53,145 --> 00:55:54,396 Eagle, this is Columbia. 763 00:55:54,855 --> 00:55:56,064 How do you read? 764 00:56:02,696 --> 00:56:05,324 Eagle, this is Houston. Do you copy? 765 00:56:05,908 --> 00:56:06,909 Over. 766 00:56:12,998 --> 00:56:15,167 Is it possible the spacecraft exploded? 767 00:56:16,126 --> 00:56:17,878 Unlikely. 768 00:56:17,961 --> 00:56:19,379 If the LEM had exploded, 769 00:56:19,463 --> 00:56:21,340 we would have seen some precursor events 770 00:56:21,423 --> 00:56:23,342 in the telemetry stream before we lost signal. 771 00:56:23,425 --> 00:56:26,386 They're outta fuel, so they're definitely down. 772 00:56:26,470 --> 00:56:28,055 Maybe it was just communications. 773 00:56:28,138 --> 00:56:29,640 And all telemetry? No. 774 00:56:30,682 --> 00:56:32,434 These are independent systems. 775 00:56:32,518 --> 00:56:37,648 They could not fail simultaneously unless there was a catastrophic event. 776 00:56:39,733 --> 00:56:40,859 So they crashed? 777 00:56:41,860 --> 00:56:43,153 Most likely. 778 00:56:44,947 --> 00:56:46,532 The skin on the Eagle is so thin, 779 00:56:46,615 --> 00:56:49,034 you could punch a hole in it with a screwdriver. 780 00:56:52,579 --> 00:56:54,998 At least they were in their suits. 781 00:56:55,082 --> 00:56:57,876 So, they could've survived a breach of the LEM's hull. 782 00:57:02,798 --> 00:57:05,676 If they are alive, what's our contingency plan? 783 00:57:06,009 --> 00:57:07,845 There is no contingency plan. 784 00:57:07,928 --> 00:57:11,056 There is no way to effect a rescue from the lunar surface. 785 00:57:11,974 --> 00:57:15,769 Columbia will pass over Tranquility in 54 minutes. 786 00:57:16,562 --> 00:57:18,146 There's a telescope on board. 787 00:57:18,647 --> 00:57:20,357 Maybe Mike can see something from orbit. 788 00:57:21,441 --> 00:57:24,319 Eagle, this is Houston. Do you copy? Over. 789 00:57:33,412 --> 00:57:36,498 I'm coming up on the Sea of Tranquility now. 790 00:57:36,582 --> 00:57:38,792 I'm following the surface terrain. 791 00:57:39,751 --> 00:57:42,337 I think the landing site should be coming up soon. 792 00:57:43,046 --> 00:57:45,966 Can't see anything yet. Nothing. 793 00:57:47,217 --> 00:57:50,345 Can't see... Wait. There. 794 00:57:50,429 --> 00:57:52,097 Don't know if you can see this. 795 00:57:52,181 --> 00:57:53,473 I don't see anything. 796 00:57:53,557 --> 00:57:55,142 Mike's got a better view through the scope. 797 00:57:55,225 --> 00:57:57,144 We're just looking at a shitty TV screen. 798 00:57:57,519 --> 00:57:59,605 I see Eagle. 799 00:58:00,022 --> 00:58:05,068 I'd say she's about six to eight miles southwest to the targeted landing site. 800 00:58:05,152 --> 00:58:08,280 Seems to be in a pretty rocky area. 801 00:58:08,363 --> 00:58:10,324 Can't see any movement or activity. 802 00:58:10,407 --> 00:58:12,075 He wouldn't be able to from that altitude. 803 00:58:12,743 --> 00:58:14,411 At least we know where they are. 804 00:58:15,287 --> 00:58:17,956 Eagle, this is Houston. Do you copy? Over. 805 00:58:18,665 --> 00:58:21,543 Thousands have gathered in cities across the world, 806 00:58:21,627 --> 00:58:26,048 waiting with bated breath for any word on the fate of Apollo 11 and its crew. 807 00:58:26,131 --> 00:58:29,968 But as more time passes, hope is beginning to fade. 808 00:58:30,052 --> 00:58:34,598 In Rome, Pope Paul led the faithful in prayers for the return of the men, 809 00:58:34,681 --> 00:58:36,099 quoting the Ninth Psalm, 810 00:58:36,183 --> 00:58:39,728 "The Lord is a stronghold in times of trouble." 811 00:58:42,231 --> 00:58:48,195 To recap: It's been over four hours since radio contact with the Eagle was lost... 812 00:58:48,737 --> 00:58:51,490 Karen, you and Louanne head over to the Aldrin house. 813 00:58:51,573 --> 00:58:53,617 Betty and Jackie, to the Collins. 814 00:58:53,700 --> 00:58:55,994 Linda, you come with me over to the Armstrongs. 815 00:58:56,078 --> 00:58:57,746 There's gonna be a lot of press out there, 816 00:58:57,829 --> 00:58:59,790 but you just push past them and say "No comment." 817 00:58:59,873 --> 00:59:01,625 Everyone else, stay here with Tracy and the kids 818 00:59:01,708 --> 00:59:03,335 and hold down the fort, please. 819 00:59:03,836 --> 00:59:05,295 Stay by your phones. 820 00:59:06,129 --> 00:59:07,631 I think it's gonna be a long night. 821 00:59:09,716 --> 00:59:10,717 Let's go. 822 00:59:17,599 --> 00:59:18,433 Mr. President, 823 00:59:18,517 --> 00:59:20,978 after running various simulations 824 00:59:21,061 --> 00:59:22,104 it is our judgment 825 00:59:22,187 --> 00:59:24,231 that the likelihood of the astronauts 826 00:59:24,314 --> 00:59:26,859 having survived a crash of this nature 827 00:59:27,359 --> 00:59:28,986 ...is very low. 828 00:59:29,069 --> 00:59:30,988 It's... 829 00:59:31,405 --> 00:59:32,656 such a tragedy. 830 00:59:32,739 --> 00:59:36,952 There is a statement that was prepared for you in just this eventuality. 831 00:59:37,035 --> 00:59:38,078 Yeah, I've read it. 832 00:59:38,620 --> 00:59:39,454 I'll... 833 00:59:40,455 --> 00:59:43,417 alert the networks that I want airtime to address the nation. 834 00:59:47,254 --> 00:59:48,839 "In ancient days..." 835 00:59:50,132 --> 00:59:51,592 ...better ancient times, I think. 836 00:59:52,092 --> 00:59:53,844 "In ancient times..." 837 00:59:54,178 --> 00:59:58,599 "men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations." 838 00:59:59,558 --> 01:00:01,977 "In modern times we do much the same..." 839 01:00:02,728 --> 01:00:05,772 "but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood..." 840 01:00:07,024 --> 01:00:10,027 "and these men will remain the foremost in our hearts." 841 01:00:10,777 --> 01:00:15,199 "For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come..." 842 01:00:16,116 --> 01:00:18,869 "will know that there is some corner of another world..." 843 01:00:19,536 --> 01:00:21,413 "that is forever mankind." 844 01:00:23,040 --> 01:00:26,001 Okay, that's great. We'll do it just like that. 845 01:00:59,159 --> 01:01:02,162 There's nothing left for us to do in the back, 846 01:01:03,163 --> 01:01:04,540 so they let us go. 847 01:01:06,416 --> 01:01:08,126 There is an old superstition. 848 01:01:09,461 --> 01:01:12,256 Never drink to a success before it happens. 849 01:01:12,881 --> 01:01:16,009 Not very scientific, but good advice. 850 01:01:16,093 --> 01:01:18,470 Doctor, we have a problem. 851 01:01:22,266 --> 01:01:24,893 Mike, I think we all understand how you feel, but... 852 01:01:24,977 --> 01:01:28,355 All due respect, Houston, I don't think you do understand. 853 01:01:28,438 --> 01:01:31,233 I decided a long time ago that if something like this were to happen, 854 01:01:31,316 --> 01:01:33,026 that I wasn't coming home alone. 855 01:01:33,443 --> 01:01:35,070 I'm staying right where I am. 856 01:01:35,153 --> 01:01:36,572 Columbia, out. 857 01:01:37,155 --> 01:01:39,408 He doesn't get to make that decision. 858 01:01:39,491 --> 01:01:40,951 Give him a direct command. An order. 859 01:01:41,034 --> 01:01:43,996 The man's 200,000 miles away. How you gonna enforce it? 860 01:01:44,079 --> 01:01:46,498 I am not calling the president and telling him 861 01:01:46,582 --> 01:01:49,877 that Michael Collins refuses to come home alone. 862 01:01:50,377 --> 01:01:52,004 Find his wife. Get her to talk to him. 863 01:01:52,087 --> 01:01:55,924 Oh, Jesus Christ. Please tell me we are not gonna bring this man's wife in. 864 01:02:05,726 --> 01:02:08,729 Houston. Tranquility Base here. Do you read? Over. 865 01:02:08,812 --> 01:02:10,772 Tranquility Base, Houston. Neil, is that you? 866 01:02:11,190 --> 01:02:12,816 That's affirmative, Houston. 867 01:02:13,233 --> 01:02:16,236 Just wanted to let you know that the Eagle has landed. 868 01:02:16,320 --> 01:02:18,447 She might have clipped a feather or two on the way down, 869 01:02:18,530 --> 01:02:21,533 but she's still here, and so are we. 870 01:02:34,213 --> 01:02:35,589 Copy that, Tranquility. 871 01:02:35,672 --> 01:02:38,300 You just made a whole lot of people very happy down here. 872 01:02:39,051 --> 01:02:40,636 Glad to hear it, Houston. 873 01:02:40,719 --> 01:02:43,472 We're pretty happy up here too, to tell you the truth. 874 01:02:44,681 --> 01:02:46,683 I think I got this camera working, Neil. 875 01:02:49,603 --> 01:02:51,188 We have a picture, Eagle. 876 01:02:54,316 --> 01:02:55,651 Not one of my better landings. 877 01:02:56,568 --> 01:02:58,946 But like we used to say in the navy, 878 01:02:59,029 --> 01:03:01,532 any landing that you can walk away from is a good one. 879 01:03:03,075 --> 01:03:04,243 We had a rough start, 880 01:03:04,326 --> 01:03:07,663 but we've decided to pick ourselves up and get back to work. 881 01:03:13,043 --> 01:03:14,878 Well, we did it. 882 01:03:15,504 --> 01:03:16,922 We're on the moon. 883 01:03:18,090 --> 01:03:19,675 Now we gotta get 'em home.