1 00:00:09,009 --> 00:00:11,470 [chattering] 2 00:00:17,392 --> 00:00:18,477 [person coughing] 3 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:23,815 [woman on PA, indistinct] 4 00:00:24,691 --> 00:00:26,568 [clicking] 5 00:00:39,581 --> 00:00:43,168 [woman on PA, indistinct] 6 00:00:43,252 --> 00:00:45,754 Mrs. Baldwin? Dr. Josephson. 7 00:00:45,838 --> 00:00:48,674 Hi, Karen Baldwin. Shane's mother.How's he doing? 8 00:00:49,091 --> 00:00:51,051 Is there a Mr. Baldwin? 9 00:00:51,134 --> 00:00:54,221 Uh, yes.But he's unavailable at the moment. 10 00:00:54,930 --> 00:00:56,890 -Oh.-He's on the moon. 11 00:00:56,974 --> 00:01:00,310 He's on the-- Your husband is Ed Baldwin? 12 00:01:00,394 --> 00:01:02,938 Yes, he is. Can you please tell mehow my son is doing? 13 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:04,480 -Please, sit.-I'm fine. 14 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:07,067 I don't need to sit. I just wanna knowwhat happened to my son. 15 00:01:07,860 --> 00:01:10,779 Paramedics reported a motor vehicleto bicycle accident. 16 00:01:11,738 --> 00:01:12,739 Well, who hit him? 17 00:01:12,823 --> 00:01:14,449 We don't know. The driver left the scene. 18 00:01:14,533 --> 00:01:17,786 A neighbor found him in the streetand called for an ambulance. 19 00:01:17,870 --> 00:01:19,705 He was wearing a basketball uniform. 20 00:01:19,788 --> 00:01:22,291 A-- A basketball uniform? 21 00:01:23,959 --> 00:01:26,378 All right, so what did he break? 22 00:01:28,922 --> 00:01:31,633 Your son has sustained serioushead injuries. 23 00:01:31,967 --> 00:01:34,636 His skull was fractured,and there's bleeding in the brain. 24 00:01:37,806 --> 00:01:38,891 Wait. 25 00:01:40,601 --> 00:01:42,144 Wait. Wait. Wait. 26 00:01:43,228 --> 00:01:44,563 He what? 27 00:01:44,646 --> 00:01:48,066 We're doing our best to help him. He'sin surgery right now to drain the blood 28 00:01:48,150 --> 00:01:50,152 and to alleviate someof the pressure from his brain. 29 00:01:50,235 --> 00:01:52,070 No, he's in surgery? 30 00:01:52,946 --> 00:01:54,156 He's in-- 31 00:01:54,239 --> 00:01:57,659 No, nobody asked me about surgery. Shane'snever been under anesthesia before. 32 00:01:57,743 --> 00:02:01,163 It's a lifesaving intervention,Mrs. Baldwin. We had no choice. 33 00:02:01,663 --> 00:02:05,083 I'm-- I'm-- I'm sorry. Lifesaving? 34 00:02:06,418 --> 00:02:09,880 What the hell is going on here? No.I thought he broke a bone or something. 35 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:11,173 I know. I know. It's okay. 36 00:02:11,256 --> 00:02:15,802 -No, this is not okay. This is not okay.-Okay, well, let's just calm down. 37 00:02:15,886 --> 00:02:20,807 And if the surgery helps, and a lotof times it does, then that's a good sign. 38 00:02:21,767 --> 00:02:25,812 Shane is young,and youth is always on our side. 39 00:02:27,856 --> 00:02:29,024 Okay. 40 00:02:30,609 --> 00:02:32,027 Yeah. 41 00:02:32,861 --> 00:02:34,404 Shane-- Shane is strong. 42 00:02:34,488 --> 00:02:35,739 I don't doubt it. 43 00:02:36,740 --> 00:02:38,325 He's gonna be just fine. 44 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:43,247 Come with me. We have a privatewaiting area for family members. 45 00:02:44,081 --> 00:02:45,541 Okay. Yeah. 46 00:02:52,673 --> 00:02:54,132 No, he's gonna be fine. 47 00:02:54,216 --> 00:02:55,884 -We're doing everything we can.-Okay. 48 00:02:55,968 --> 00:02:57,803 -I'll keep you updated.-Thank you. 49 00:04:20,761 --> 00:04:23,013 ["Howlin' at the Moon" playing] 50 00:04:23,096 --> 00:04:24,723 [computers, equipment whirring] 51 00:04:43,408 --> 00:04:45,577 [music continues] 52 00:04:47,162 --> 00:04:49,540 [howling] 53 00:04:50,374 --> 00:04:52,417 [chuckles] Morning, sunshine. 54 00:04:52,709 --> 00:04:53,877 Morning, Dani. 55 00:04:54,586 --> 00:04:58,757 What's for breakfast today?Eggs, bacon, pancakes? 56 00:04:58,841 --> 00:05:00,717 I finally get a chance forsome peace and quiet, 57 00:05:01,844 --> 00:05:03,679 and they put you and Gordo on CAPCOM. 58 00:05:03,929 --> 00:05:06,515 Oh, come on, Ed. You know you miss me. 59 00:05:06,723 --> 00:05:11,311 By the way, Steelers whompedthe Oilers again. Twenty-four to ten. 60 00:05:11,395 --> 00:05:13,063 Some things never change. 61 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:14,940 Pastorini looked lost out there. 62 00:05:15,482 --> 00:05:17,317 All right, uh, don't forget, 63 00:05:17,401 --> 00:05:20,571 Doc needs you to hook upto the biosensors again today 64 00:05:20,654 --> 00:05:23,740 and make sure to repairthe aux tank coupling. 65 00:05:23,824 --> 00:05:24,950 Yes, ma'am. 66 00:05:25,033 --> 00:05:26,535 It's all there in the readout. 67 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:28,245 Yes, ma'am. 68 00:05:28,328 --> 00:05:29,913 Mm-hmm. Have a good one. 69 00:05:32,749 --> 00:05:33,959 [music continues] 70 00:06:05,157 --> 00:06:06,408 [music continues] 71 00:06:33,477 --> 00:06:35,020 [shutter clicking] 72 00:06:37,898 --> 00:06:39,233 [music continues] 73 00:06:50,452 --> 00:06:51,828 [music ends] 74 00:06:51,912 --> 00:06:56,333 It was Gordon "Gordo" Stevenswho safely piloted the capsule 75 00:06:56,416 --> 00:06:59,127 over 200,000 miles back to Earth, 76 00:06:59,211 --> 00:07:03,882 where he and Mrs. Poole landed safelyin the Pacific just last week. 77 00:07:04,466 --> 00:07:08,011 Gordo Stevens, a real American hero. 78 00:07:08,762 --> 00:07:12,057 Meanwhile,Ed Baldwin remains at Jamestown, 79 00:07:12,474 --> 00:07:15,185 the lone American on the moon. 80 00:07:15,769 --> 00:07:19,231 And we're here with the crew of Apollo 24, 81 00:07:19,314 --> 00:07:23,360 the astronauts taskedwith bringing him home alive. 82 00:07:23,443 --> 00:07:26,321 -Harrison Liu, Deke Slayton...-[TV audience applauding] 83 00:07:26,864 --> 00:07:29,575 ...and mission commander Ellen Waverly. 84 00:07:29,658 --> 00:07:32,202 I'm sorry, Ellen Wilson. 85 00:07:32,286 --> 00:07:34,288 Congratulations on your recent wedding. 86 00:07:34,371 --> 00:07:35,873 -Thank you.-[TV audience applauding] 87 00:07:37,207 --> 00:07:39,084 For those out there who don't know it, 88 00:07:39,835 --> 00:07:44,590 Deke, you were one of the originalMercury guys, isn't that right? 89 00:07:44,673 --> 00:07:46,758 That's right. Over ten years ago. 90 00:07:47,176 --> 00:07:49,261 But this will be your first time in space. 91 00:07:49,344 --> 00:07:51,471 You were grounded for health reasons,right? 92 00:07:51,555 --> 00:07:55,767 And you became a bigwigover at NASA instead. 93 00:07:55,851 --> 00:07:58,187 But now you're cleared to fly, 94 00:07:58,270 --> 00:08:02,524 and I'm sorry, but I gotta ask,why aren't you commanding this mission? 95 00:08:02,608 --> 00:08:04,902 Ellen Wilson is a fine commander. 96 00:08:04,985 --> 00:08:07,779 I should know. I trained herand put her in charge of this mission. 97 00:08:07,863 --> 00:08:09,323 I'm sure she is. 98 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:14,036 But some people feel Danielle Poole'sincident at Jamestown 99 00:08:14,453 --> 00:08:19,082 raises questions about the wisdomof having women living on the moon 100 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:20,709 in such harsh conditions. 101 00:08:20,792 --> 00:08:24,046 Accidents happen.They're not gender-specific. 102 00:08:24,796 --> 00:08:28,342 Danielle Poole is a fine astronaut,and she handled herself well. 103 00:08:28,884 --> 00:08:32,679 First, Patty Doyle's death.Now, this girl's injury. 104 00:08:32,763 --> 00:08:38,059 One has to ask, have we gone too far, toofast, in rushing women into the program? 105 00:08:38,143 --> 00:08:41,104 If anything, Mr. Newsome,it's taken too long. 106 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:44,942 I believe women should've been part ofthe space program from the very beginning. 107 00:08:45,359 --> 00:08:46,735 Do you feel that way, Deke? 108 00:08:47,444 --> 00:08:50,906 Do you believe women should've beenpart of the original Mercury 7? 109 00:08:51,615 --> 00:08:52,866 I believe... 110 00:08:54,117 --> 00:08:56,954 the mission commander is always right. 111 00:08:57,037 --> 00:08:58,580 [TV audience laughing] 112 00:08:58,664 --> 00:09:03,544 Harrison, you will be on the moonwith Ellen for weeks, possibly months. 113 00:09:03,627 --> 00:09:07,214 Do you have any concernsabout her physical fitness 114 00:09:07,297 --> 00:09:09,716 -to handle living on the moon?-[sighs] 115 00:09:09,800 --> 00:09:12,636 Uh, first, I prefer "Harry." 116 00:09:13,470 --> 00:09:15,597 Second,I just wanna say that the three of us 117 00:09:15,681 --> 00:09:18,100 have been training togetheras a crew for months. 118 00:09:18,183 --> 00:09:20,435 And I served with Ellen beforeon Apollo 19. 119 00:09:20,519 --> 00:09:22,104 I've come to not only respect, 120 00:09:22,187 --> 00:09:27,276 but to admire Ellenas mission commander and as an astronaut. 121 00:09:28,485 --> 00:09:30,445 I'm not worried aboutserving under her at all. 122 00:09:30,529 --> 00:09:33,615 [Newsome] Well, there you have it.Solidarity in space. 123 00:09:35,409 --> 00:09:38,328 When Grumman designedthe upgraded LEM for reuse, 124 00:09:38,412 --> 00:09:41,832 the autonomous piloting systemwasn't qualified for far-side operations. 125 00:09:41,915 --> 00:09:44,543 So once you dock with the LSAM,you'll be performing a system test 126 00:09:44,626 --> 00:09:45,794 of the lunar comm sat. 127 00:09:45,878 --> 00:09:46,879 That's fine. 128 00:09:46,962 --> 00:09:50,132 You guys finally made your minds upabout what our cargo load is gonna be? 129 00:09:50,215 --> 00:09:51,216 We're still working on that. 130 00:09:51,300 --> 00:09:52,426 What's the mystery? 131 00:09:52,968 --> 00:09:56,138 It's basically just 20,000 poundsof food and gas, right? 132 00:09:56,221 --> 00:09:59,600 Uh, 24,000 to be exact. 133 00:09:59,683 --> 00:10:02,519 I'm sorry if cargo is not at the topof our priority list 134 00:10:02,603 --> 00:10:05,647 what with us trying to certifya Saturn V for flight and all. 135 00:10:05,731 --> 00:10:10,152 Moving on to environmentalcontrol systems, the... 136 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:12,321 Want to explain to me howI flew two Gemini missions, 137 00:10:12,404 --> 00:10:15,657 and now I'm backing up a chick,a geezer and a Korean? 138 00:10:16,325 --> 00:10:17,910 -He's Chinese.-Huh? 139 00:10:17,993 --> 00:10:20,537 Harrison. His family's from China. 140 00:10:21,288 --> 00:10:22,664 Even better. 141 00:10:24,166 --> 00:10:26,793 Remember when it used to beabout merit around here? 142 00:10:27,461 --> 00:10:28,754 How good you were. 143 00:10:29,755 --> 00:10:33,258 Now it's about the color of your skinor what's down between your legs. 144 00:10:35,093 --> 00:10:38,514 -How's it feel being back at work?-Good. Real good. Mmm. 145 00:10:39,723 --> 00:10:41,934 Put me on CAPCOM for Jamestown. 146 00:10:42,017 --> 00:10:43,602 Danielle too. Uh... 147 00:10:44,228 --> 00:10:46,772 Figured we'd keep Ed in good spirits, 148 00:10:46,855 --> 00:10:50,567 seeing as we know what he's goingthrough better than anyone. 149 00:10:51,109 --> 00:10:52,110 Uh... 150 00:10:52,194 --> 00:10:54,112 So, yeah, things are pretty good. 151 00:10:59,535 --> 00:11:02,913 When you first came in here, Gordo,do you remember what I told you? 152 00:11:04,665 --> 00:11:08,961 That this only worksif you're completely honest with me. 153 00:11:09,044 --> 00:11:15,968 Okay, uh, for one,I guess I'm worried about my wife. 154 00:11:17,135 --> 00:11:20,264 Okay. What are you worried about? 155 00:11:20,347 --> 00:11:24,726 Well, I don't know. It's just... latelyshe's been acting different toward me. 156 00:11:24,810 --> 00:11:25,811 This is Tracy? 157 00:11:25,894 --> 00:11:26,895 Yeah, Tracy. 158 00:11:27,688 --> 00:11:28,772 Mmm. 159 00:11:28,856 --> 00:11:30,691 I told you she's an astronaut too, right? 160 00:11:30,774 --> 00:11:32,359 Yes, you've mentioned that. 161 00:11:32,860 --> 00:11:34,361 [sighs] Yeah. 162 00:11:35,696 --> 00:11:36,947 Yup. 163 00:11:38,073 --> 00:11:41,285 You said Tracy's been acting different.Different how? 164 00:11:41,368 --> 00:11:42,494 Different. 165 00:11:43,078 --> 00:11:44,288 Uh, like... 166 00:11:44,371 --> 00:11:46,456 um, uh... 167 00:11:46,999 --> 00:11:51,503 while I was away, you know,she rented me an apartment, furnished it. 168 00:11:51,587 --> 00:11:55,924 And whenever I do something wrong,which lately feels like all the time, 169 00:11:56,008 --> 00:11:58,468 she tells me to go to my apartment. 170 00:11:59,720 --> 00:12:02,347 -Does she want a divorce?-Oh, no. God, no. Nothing like that. 171 00:12:02,431 --> 00:12:07,060 No. No, she just wants a little space,I guess. 172 00:12:07,144 --> 00:12:09,938 Well, how do you feel about the ideaof moving out of your own house? 173 00:12:10,022 --> 00:12:11,356 How do I feel? 174 00:12:11,440 --> 00:12:16,695 Uh, not good.That's how I feel. You know. 175 00:12:17,154 --> 00:12:20,908 I don't wanna move out. It's my house.I wanna be there with my family. 176 00:12:23,285 --> 00:12:24,661 How does she feel about this? 177 00:12:24,953 --> 00:12:25,787 Uh... 178 00:12:25,871 --> 00:12:30,209 How do you think? She's proud of me.She's real proud. 179 00:12:30,709 --> 00:12:32,252 How long were you away? 180 00:12:32,920 --> 00:12:34,713 145 days. 181 00:12:34,796 --> 00:12:35,881 Mm. 182 00:12:36,340 --> 00:12:37,758 You know, Tracy... 183 00:12:39,927 --> 00:12:42,471 She's going up real soon.Going with Molly Cobb. 184 00:12:43,013 --> 00:12:46,433 Oh, yeah,the first American woman in space. 185 00:12:46,517 --> 00:12:47,684 Yeah. 186 00:12:47,768 --> 00:12:51,146 Well, that must be quite an honorflying with her. 187 00:12:51,230 --> 00:12:52,272 [laughs] 188 00:12:52,356 --> 00:12:55,776 Yeah, yeah,I don't know if Trace sees it like that. 189 00:12:57,069 --> 00:12:57,945 Um... 190 00:12:58,028 --> 00:12:59,988 It's gonna be her first time up there. 191 00:13:00,072 --> 00:13:02,699 And her and Mollydidn't exactly get along. 192 00:13:02,783 --> 00:13:03,617 Hmm. 193 00:13:03,700 --> 00:13:06,328 Anyway, they're gonna be repairinga satellite in Earth orbit. 194 00:13:06,411 --> 00:13:07,579 How long will she be away? 195 00:13:07,663 --> 00:13:11,208 Fourteen days, if things go as planned. 196 00:13:12,376 --> 00:13:16,255 It's just you can plan these things, 197 00:13:17,047 --> 00:13:19,132 you know, years and years, 198 00:13:19,216 --> 00:13:22,636 but, you know, then you get up there... 199 00:13:23,679 --> 00:13:25,055 Well, things can... 200 00:13:30,060 --> 00:13:32,312 They can just fall right apart on ya. 201 00:13:39,945 --> 00:13:41,321 What happened up there, Gordo? 202 00:13:46,994 --> 00:13:47,995 [exhales] 203 00:13:52,875 --> 00:13:54,710 Shouldn't there be a couch in here? 204 00:13:55,794 --> 00:13:59,798 I'm never gonna play with Sidney again.He's mean and terrible. 205 00:13:59,882 --> 00:14:03,802 Oh, my. Now what hasSidney done that is so terrible? 206 00:14:03,886 --> 00:14:06,638 -Photosynthesis.-[girl] He said there was no Santa Claus. 207 00:14:06,722 --> 00:14:08,056 So that's why you love chocolate. 208 00:14:08,140 --> 00:14:11,727 -Even after I told him we know Santa---Come on. Focus, Anthony. 209 00:14:11,810 --> 00:14:15,647 The Great Oxidation Event iswhen the atmosphere first became... 210 00:14:16,231 --> 00:14:18,192 "oxynegedated"? 211 00:14:18,734 --> 00:14:21,069 Correct. And when did it happen? 212 00:14:21,153 --> 00:14:23,447 Like, two billion years ago. 213 00:14:23,530 --> 00:14:25,073 You've got to say the exact number. 214 00:14:25,157 --> 00:14:27,701 [girl] I'm sorry, Mommy,but that terrible... 215 00:14:27,784 --> 00:14:31,538 It's 2,500,000,000. 216 00:14:31,622 --> 00:14:32,623 300. 217 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:36,043 [mom] Everyone is entitled to believe inwhat they want. 218 00:14:36,126 --> 00:14:40,672 And incidentally, there's a 50/50 chanceyou might be wrong. 219 00:14:42,508 --> 00:14:45,552 Poor thing.It would be such a-- 220 00:14:45,636 --> 00:14:47,804 -Esmeralda, don't!-Oh! 221 00:14:52,809 --> 00:14:54,019 [keys clatter] 222 00:14:54,102 --> 00:14:56,021 [door closes] 223 00:14:56,104 --> 00:14:57,773 -[Gordo] Hey.-Hey. 224 00:14:57,856 --> 00:15:00,817 Making your famous popcornChristmas decorations. 225 00:15:02,236 --> 00:15:03,570 That's nice. 226 00:15:05,906 --> 00:15:07,616 How was work today? 227 00:15:08,992 --> 00:15:10,160 Good. 228 00:15:13,914 --> 00:15:15,707 You're a real son of a bitch. 229 00:15:15,791 --> 00:15:16,875 What? 230 00:15:17,793 --> 00:15:19,419 Where were you really? 231 00:15:20,879 --> 00:15:23,423 -At work.-Oh, I called JSC. 232 00:15:24,091 --> 00:15:28,720 And they said you left work early.So, who was it this time, Gordo? 233 00:15:29,429 --> 00:15:31,265 Jesus, Trace, I-- 234 00:15:31,348 --> 00:15:33,767 Why you calling JSC checking up on me? 235 00:15:33,851 --> 00:15:35,060 You know... 236 00:15:37,104 --> 00:15:40,899 to think I actually started to feel sorryfor you when you came back. 237 00:15:40,983 --> 00:15:45,654 I thought to myself, "You know what?Maybe I'm being too hard on him. 238 00:15:45,737 --> 00:15:47,990 Maybe I ought to cut him some slack." 239 00:15:49,658 --> 00:15:53,620 But, uh, who is she? What's her name? 240 00:15:57,708 --> 00:15:59,209 Dr. Marsten. 241 00:16:00,169 --> 00:16:01,170 [chuckles] 242 00:16:01,712 --> 00:16:05,090 Impressive. You're...You're screwing a doctor. 243 00:16:05,174 --> 00:16:10,012 No, I'm...I'm seeing a psychiatrist, Trace. 244 00:16:11,513 --> 00:16:14,266 A man. Dr. Marsten. Okay? 245 00:16:14,892 --> 00:16:15,893 [chuckles] 246 00:16:19,062 --> 00:16:21,815 Wow. Really, Gordo? 247 00:16:21,899 --> 00:16:25,944 The shit you come up withto save your own ass. Unbelievable. 248 00:16:26,028 --> 00:16:27,362 I'm serious. 249 00:16:29,323 --> 00:16:32,409 Trace. Dr. Marsten. 250 00:16:41,210 --> 00:16:42,628 Jesus, Gordo. 251 00:16:43,670 --> 00:16:45,130 Um... 252 00:16:46,215 --> 00:16:47,841 A psychiatrist? 253 00:16:49,259 --> 00:16:50,552 Yeah. 254 00:16:53,138 --> 00:16:56,225 Uh, does anyone know? Does-- 255 00:16:56,308 --> 00:16:58,685 If NASA finds out, they'll ground you. 256 00:16:58,769 --> 00:16:59,978 I know. 257 00:17:01,480 --> 00:17:03,857 I've been real careful.I ain't told anyone. 258 00:17:04,608 --> 00:17:05,608 Just you. 259 00:17:13,157 --> 00:17:16,118 Gordo,what's got you seeing a headshrinker? 260 00:17:16,619 --> 00:17:20,707 I needed to... talk to someone. 261 00:17:23,001 --> 00:17:24,795 But you can talk to me. 262 00:17:24,877 --> 00:17:25,878 Mm-hmm. 263 00:17:27,089 --> 00:17:28,423 Or, um... 264 00:17:31,552 --> 00:17:32,970 maybe you can't. 265 00:17:33,887 --> 00:17:35,681 Is that the problem? 266 00:17:35,764 --> 00:17:39,393 That, um... you can't talk to me anymore? 267 00:17:39,476 --> 00:17:41,228 No, I just, um... 268 00:17:44,398 --> 00:17:47,234 Wh-Where...Where did you find this doctor? 269 00:17:48,861 --> 00:17:50,028 Yellow Pages. 270 00:17:55,868 --> 00:17:57,035 Gordo. 271 00:18:00,455 --> 00:18:01,665 -Hey.-Hmm? 272 00:18:06,461 --> 00:18:07,880 What happened to you up there? 273 00:18:12,926 --> 00:18:14,136 Nothing happened. 274 00:18:15,095 --> 00:18:17,472 [phone rings] 275 00:18:20,225 --> 00:18:21,268 [rings] 276 00:18:21,351 --> 00:18:22,603 One minute. 277 00:18:22,686 --> 00:18:23,896 Mm-hmm. 278 00:18:25,981 --> 00:18:27,399 [rings] 279 00:18:27,482 --> 00:18:29,109 Stevens' residence. 280 00:18:30,110 --> 00:18:32,070 Oh, my God. Is he okay? 281 00:18:34,740 --> 00:18:37,868 All right.I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? 282 00:18:41,413 --> 00:18:42,456 What happened? 283 00:18:42,539 --> 00:18:44,458 Shane's been in an accident. 284 00:18:45,209 --> 00:18:47,127 There's a large amount of regolithbeing kicked up. 285 00:18:47,211 --> 00:18:48,837 So they're definitely doingmore construction. 286 00:18:48,921 --> 00:18:51,840 I mean, it was difficult to seewhile I was setting up the camera, 287 00:18:51,924 --> 00:18:54,510 but judging from the amountof dust above the site... 288 00:18:56,720 --> 00:18:58,555 they could be adding a subterranean level. 289 00:18:58,639 --> 00:19:02,226 Well, that fits what we're picking upvia satellite reconnaissance. 290 00:19:02,309 --> 00:19:04,353 Heavy construction underwayat the Soviet base, 291 00:19:04,436 --> 00:19:09,191 but the images have been fairlyinconclusive as to what they're building. 292 00:19:09,274 --> 00:19:11,985 Did you see anything that mightlead you to believe 293 00:19:12,069 --> 00:19:14,696 that this could be of a military nature? 294 00:19:14,780 --> 00:19:18,951 Okay, let's not get out of hand here.Just because they're... 295 00:19:19,618 --> 00:19:23,330 We've talked about subterranean expansion. 296 00:19:24,122 --> 00:19:26,667 Could be anything.Natural protection from solar radiation-- 297 00:19:26,750 --> 00:19:27,960 What do you think, Captain? 298 00:19:28,043 --> 00:19:30,629 Well, they've definitely beenmore aggressive of late, sir. 299 00:19:30,712 --> 00:19:34,716 I've seen tracks from their rover onseveral locations around the crater rim. 300 00:19:34,800 --> 00:19:36,885 [Weber] Well, you'll need to increaseyour surveillance effort. 301 00:19:36,969 --> 00:19:39,304 You are our eyes and ears up there. 302 00:19:39,388 --> 00:19:43,684 Can I remind you both that thisis not a military scenario. 303 00:19:43,767 --> 00:19:45,394 The president has been very clear 304 00:19:45,477 --> 00:19:49,106 that this base is aboutresearch and exploration. 305 00:19:51,775 --> 00:19:53,944 Would you excuse us for a moment, Captain? 306 00:20:01,952 --> 00:20:06,540 We are no longer in a researchand exploration world, Harold. 307 00:20:07,082 --> 00:20:10,377 I have the backing of the presidenton this, General. 308 00:20:10,919 --> 00:20:13,380 This is NASA, not the Pentagon. 309 00:20:13,463 --> 00:20:15,632 [Kennedy] How long's this guygonna be stuck up there? 310 00:20:15,716 --> 00:20:18,093 Goddammit, tell me they figured it out. 311 00:20:18,385 --> 00:20:20,304 We need to get him back down here. 312 00:20:20,387 --> 00:20:22,556 This is starting to make me look likea real limp dick. 313 00:20:22,639 --> 00:20:25,142 [man] Mr. President,there is a silver lining here. 314 00:20:25,225 --> 00:20:28,604 It's taking the attention offthe Florida situation. 315 00:20:28,687 --> 00:20:32,191 [Kennedy] Yes, of course.I suppose that's a benefit. 316 00:20:32,274 --> 00:20:37,779 -[chattering]-[baby crying] 317 00:20:43,493 --> 00:20:44,620 [Tracy] Karen. 318 00:20:46,830 --> 00:20:48,916 -Tracy. Hey.-I got here as fast as I could. 319 00:20:51,460 --> 00:20:53,003 How's he doing? 320 00:20:54,463 --> 00:20:57,716 Um, I-- He's in surgery. 321 00:20:58,842 --> 00:21:00,594 Surgery? Why? 322 00:21:01,845 --> 00:21:04,765 Uh, for his head. It's his brain. 323 00:21:05,516 --> 00:21:06,725 His brain? 324 00:21:06,808 --> 00:21:08,268 He just bonked his head really bad. 325 00:21:08,352 --> 00:21:11,396 But the doctor saidthe surgery's gonna fix him right up. 326 00:21:16,527 --> 00:21:18,946 Karen,do you want me to talk to the doctor? 327 00:21:19,029 --> 00:21:21,657 No. No, no. Shane's gonna be just fine. 328 00:21:21,740 --> 00:21:22,908 He's young. 329 00:21:22,991 --> 00:21:24,785 We have the best doctorsin Texas working on him, 330 00:21:24,868 --> 00:21:26,912 so we have all that going for us. 331 00:21:26,995 --> 00:21:28,914 Yeah, he's a tough kiddo. 332 00:21:28,997 --> 00:21:30,874 Mm-hmm. Yeah. 333 00:21:30,958 --> 00:21:34,837 Thank you for bringing this. We'll just,you know, probably be here a day or two. 334 00:21:35,379 --> 00:21:39,967 I packed a change of clothesfor you and Shane. 335 00:21:40,050 --> 00:21:41,176 Toothbrushes. 336 00:21:41,760 --> 00:21:44,179 Your insurance card and your phone book. 337 00:21:45,097 --> 00:21:48,934 Wonderful. Thank you.I just need to call Marge and let her know 338 00:21:49,017 --> 00:21:52,020 I'm probably not going to makethe bake sale tomorrow. 339 00:21:52,104 --> 00:21:54,398 [dialing] 340 00:21:55,148 --> 00:21:57,442 Hey, hon,you want me to take care of that for you? 341 00:21:58,652 --> 00:21:59,862 No, it's all right. 342 00:22:04,533 --> 00:22:06,535 [breathing heavily] 343 00:23:46,927 --> 00:23:49,555 [panting] 344 00:24:56,288 --> 00:24:58,290 It was inside our ice mining operation. 345 00:24:58,373 --> 00:25:01,043 Goddammit.They're encroaching on our territory. 346 00:25:01,126 --> 00:25:02,836 -Yup.-This is full encroachment. 347 00:25:02,920 --> 00:25:05,297 What do you think it is, Ed? 348 00:25:05,380 --> 00:25:09,218 Never seen anything like it, sir.Some kind of surveillance device. 349 00:25:11,261 --> 00:25:12,554 So, what should I do with it? 350 00:25:14,848 --> 00:25:17,226 Nothing. Leave it. 351 00:25:17,309 --> 00:25:21,271 Sir, you really think leaving a Russiandevice right next to our mining site 352 00:25:21,355 --> 00:25:22,564 is the right move here? 353 00:25:22,648 --> 00:25:27,361 We do not want an internationallunar incident. 354 00:25:27,444 --> 00:25:30,822 The president wants to avoidany provocative actions. 355 00:25:30,906 --> 00:25:33,492 Well, they're the onesbeing provocative, sir. 356 00:25:33,575 --> 00:25:35,244 And I'm the one alone up here with 'em. 357 00:25:35,327 --> 00:25:38,497 Now, we need to send them a messagethat this shit won't fly, 358 00:25:38,580 --> 00:25:40,832 that this is our territory. 359 00:25:40,916 --> 00:25:42,417 I concur. 360 00:25:42,501 --> 00:25:45,671 I understand your frustrations, gentlemen. 361 00:25:45,754 --> 00:25:49,842 And I can assure you I will be talkingto the president about this situation. 362 00:25:49,925 --> 00:25:52,344 But for right now, we do nothing. 363 00:25:53,971 --> 00:25:55,305 Understood? 364 00:25:57,683 --> 00:25:58,684 [sighs] 365 00:26:01,812 --> 00:26:02,896 What time is it? 366 00:26:02,980 --> 00:26:04,064 Early. 367 00:26:04,606 --> 00:26:06,066 Is there any sign of the doctor? 368 00:26:07,734 --> 00:26:09,111 Thank you. 369 00:26:12,573 --> 00:26:15,367 Oh, you should go.You have sims today, right? 370 00:26:15,450 --> 00:26:16,910 I can delay it. 371 00:26:16,994 --> 00:26:20,664 No way.It's your first time in space, Tracy. 372 00:26:20,747 --> 00:26:24,501 I mean, your dream is coming true, right? 373 00:26:24,585 --> 00:26:28,297 You've worked so hard.So, you go and you finish training. 374 00:26:30,465 --> 00:26:31,675 I'm not leaving. 375 00:26:34,553 --> 00:26:35,554 [knocking] 376 00:26:35,637 --> 00:26:36,847 Yeah? 377 00:26:38,557 --> 00:26:40,058 How was surgery? 378 00:26:40,601 --> 00:26:42,060 Uh, sit. 379 00:26:45,981 --> 00:26:49,651 Typically, I ask for both parents to bepresent before I have this conversation. 380 00:26:49,735 --> 00:26:51,069 What conversation? 381 00:26:51,153 --> 00:26:53,113 But due to your extraordinarycircumstances-- 382 00:26:53,197 --> 00:26:57,868 Any conversation you need to have,you have with me right here, right now. 383 00:27:00,329 --> 00:27:02,956 Unfortunately, Mrs. Baldwin,because of the amount of time that passed 384 00:27:03,040 --> 00:27:06,376 between Shane's accidentand his arrival here at the ER, 385 00:27:07,002 --> 00:27:09,588 he lost a great deal of oxygento his brain. 386 00:27:12,466 --> 00:27:15,302 I don't understand. Doctor, is Shane okay? 387 00:27:17,304 --> 00:27:20,557 Shane is brain-dead.He's being kept alive on a ventilator. 388 00:27:22,976 --> 00:27:26,480 Brain-dead? I've never-- I don't... 389 00:27:27,564 --> 00:27:28,941 I don't know what that means. 390 00:27:29,024 --> 00:27:30,359 It's a relatively new term. 391 00:27:30,442 --> 00:27:33,612 It means that the brain isn't showingany signs of life on the EEG 392 00:27:33,695 --> 00:27:35,113 even though the heart is still beating. 393 00:27:35,197 --> 00:27:38,242 But isn't it too soon to call itbrain-dead, Doctor? 394 00:27:38,325 --> 00:27:40,244 [volume decreasing]He hasn't been here for very long. 395 00:27:40,327 --> 00:27:42,329 I'm sorry. I used to be an RN. 396 00:27:42,412 --> 00:27:44,998 I'm just trying to help my friendunderstand what's going on here. 397 00:27:45,082 --> 00:27:46,917 [Dr. Josephson]We'll repeat the EEG in six hours, 398 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:49,586 but Shane isn't showing any signsof brain activity. 399 00:27:52,089 --> 00:27:54,883 -[normal volume] Mrs. Baldwin?-Yes? 400 00:27:54,967 --> 00:27:58,220 It's extremely unlikely that your sonwill ever recover from his accident. 401 00:28:01,932 --> 00:28:05,018 You know, 24 hours ago... 402 00:28:06,353 --> 00:28:09,523 my son was eatinga peanut butter and jelly sandwich, 403 00:28:09,606 --> 00:28:11,191 and he was talking to me about 404 00:28:11,650 --> 00:28:14,528 which baseball cardshe was gonna trade his best friend. 405 00:28:15,487 --> 00:28:17,865 And now you tell me that his brain is dead 406 00:28:17,948 --> 00:28:21,243 and it's extremely unlikelythat he'll ever recover? 407 00:28:22,536 --> 00:28:24,913 Well, do you know what elseis extremely unlikely? 408 00:28:25,622 --> 00:28:27,791 A man stepping foot on the moon. 409 00:28:28,625 --> 00:28:32,462 And that's where my husband is.200,000 miles away alone on the moon. 410 00:28:32,546 --> 00:28:36,425 So don't tell me what'sextremely unlikely. 411 00:28:38,719 --> 00:28:40,012 If you don't mind... 412 00:28:41,180 --> 00:28:43,015 I'm gonna get a second opinion. 413 00:28:43,390 --> 00:28:45,642 That's a good id--That's a great idea, Karen. 414 00:28:45,726 --> 00:28:47,686 -Yeah. You have Deke's number, right?-I do. 415 00:28:47,769 --> 00:28:50,522 I wanna make sure you understandthe gravity of your son's condition. 416 00:28:50,606 --> 00:28:53,775 If you don't mind, I'd like to havea private conversation with my friend. 417 00:28:54,651 --> 00:28:55,944 Thank you, Doctor. 418 00:28:57,654 --> 00:29:00,115 -[clears throat] I'm sorry.-[scoffs] 419 00:29:01,116 --> 00:29:03,660 Dammit. Why didn't I think of this sooner? 420 00:29:03,744 --> 00:29:04,953 It's okay. 421 00:29:05,037 --> 00:29:06,914 Okay, let's call Deke. 422 00:29:06,997 --> 00:29:10,209 Get the number for NASA's neurologist.He's the best in the country. 423 00:29:10,292 --> 00:29:11,335 Dr. Weddle. 424 00:29:11,418 --> 00:29:13,879 Yes.Deke will know how to get ahold of him. 425 00:29:13,962 --> 00:29:15,130 Okay. 426 00:29:18,675 --> 00:29:20,177 Trace, I'm gonna go see Shane. 427 00:29:20,260 --> 00:29:22,221 Okay. I'll be right here. 428 00:29:22,304 --> 00:29:23,764 -Okay.-Okay. 429 00:29:28,185 --> 00:29:30,187 Deke, hi. It's Tracy. 430 00:29:30,270 --> 00:29:32,314 -[ventilator whirring]-[rhythmic beeping] 431 00:29:59,800 --> 00:30:01,218 [Margo] What's his prognosis? 432 00:30:01,301 --> 00:30:05,806 Unclear. Neurosurgeon's on his wayto give him a second look. 433 00:30:08,350 --> 00:30:09,768 We need to tell Ed. 434 00:30:09,852 --> 00:30:11,186 [Weisner] Absolutely not. 435 00:30:11,770 --> 00:30:14,022 Captain Baldwin is up there all alone. 436 00:30:14,106 --> 00:30:15,941 Who knows how he's going to react? 437 00:30:16,525 --> 00:30:18,986 [sighs] That's a risk we can't affordto take right now. 438 00:30:19,069 --> 00:30:20,070 [Buzz] I agree. 439 00:30:20,571 --> 00:30:23,365 If it were me up there,I wouldn't wanna know. 440 00:30:23,448 --> 00:30:27,327 What good is it gonna do telling himbad news he's got no control over? 441 00:30:27,411 --> 00:30:30,414 He can't change a damn thingabout what's going on down here. 442 00:30:30,497 --> 00:30:34,585 I'm telling you, all of you,I know Ed, and he'd wanna know. 443 00:30:34,668 --> 00:30:37,462 Well, I don't know if that'sthe only consideration here. 444 00:30:38,172 --> 00:30:41,258 There have been several studies onthe effects of psychological turmoil 445 00:30:41,341 --> 00:30:43,594 during high-pressure situations. 446 00:30:44,720 --> 00:30:47,681 We have to calculatethe psychological risks-- 447 00:30:47,764 --> 00:30:49,933 This isn't some equation, Margo.It's his son. 448 00:30:51,268 --> 00:30:54,104 He has a right to know.He's up there all alone. 449 00:30:54,188 --> 00:30:57,858 Exactly. He's alone,isolated, with no one to lean on. 450 00:30:57,941 --> 00:31:00,402 -You can't just hide this type of---It would be a mistake. 451 00:31:00,485 --> 00:31:01,695 Have you talked to his wife? 452 00:31:04,698 --> 00:31:06,867 Have any of you talked to his wife? 453 00:31:11,705 --> 00:31:12,706 [chuckles] 454 00:31:15,834 --> 00:31:18,629 I'm hearing a lot ofdifferent opinions here, 455 00:31:18,712 --> 00:31:20,797 and I'm not saying any of them are wrong, 456 00:31:21,507 --> 00:31:23,467 but she knows Ed best. 457 00:31:23,884 --> 00:31:26,553 It ought to be her callwhether or not we tell him. 458 00:31:28,889 --> 00:31:29,932 [clears throat] 459 00:31:30,015 --> 00:31:31,850 Absolutely not. 460 00:31:35,103 --> 00:31:36,939 With all due respect, Karen... 461 00:31:38,190 --> 00:31:41,193 I think Ed deserves to know.And I know he could handle it. 462 00:31:41,276 --> 00:31:43,737 What would we even tell himat this point, Deke? 463 00:31:44,780 --> 00:31:47,908 We don't really know what's going on.The doctors here are all gloom and doom, 464 00:31:47,991 --> 00:31:52,246 but from what Dr. Weddle said onthe phone, Shane could still recover. 465 00:31:52,871 --> 00:31:54,039 He said that? 466 00:31:54,581 --> 00:31:57,084 He said that this brain death thingis such a new concept 467 00:31:57,167 --> 00:32:00,087 that most of the doctors don't evenreally know what they're talking about 468 00:32:00,170 --> 00:32:03,715 and we shouldn't do anything until he getshere and gets to conduct his own tests. 469 00:32:03,799 --> 00:32:04,800 Hmm. 470 00:32:06,134 --> 00:32:08,011 Well, that sounds like good news. 471 00:32:08,428 --> 00:32:12,182 I think so. And Dr. Weddle's the bestneurologist in the country. 472 00:32:13,475 --> 00:32:16,895 I know my Shane. He can beat this. 473 00:32:22,442 --> 00:32:24,403 Are you sure you don't wanna tell Ed? 474 00:32:24,486 --> 00:32:26,238 I think that he would wanna know. 475 00:32:26,321 --> 00:32:28,323 Not until we know more. 476 00:32:30,909 --> 00:32:33,912 Deke, you wouldn't wanna be lockedalone in a room and know what I know. 477 00:32:35,622 --> 00:32:37,207 You know how Ed gets. 478 00:32:40,419 --> 00:32:41,545 [sighs] 479 00:32:41,628 --> 00:32:44,298 You're scheduled to talk with him soon.Should we cancel or-- 480 00:32:44,381 --> 00:32:45,382 No. 481 00:32:45,924 --> 00:32:47,551 I've never missed a call. 482 00:32:47,968 --> 00:32:49,887 And he would know something's wrong. 483 00:32:51,763 --> 00:32:55,392 I'll figure out what to say later onwhen the time comes. 484 00:32:56,476 --> 00:32:57,561 Okay. 485 00:32:58,896 --> 00:33:01,523 I'm heading back to the Cape later today.Marge is here. 486 00:33:01,607 --> 00:33:02,816 Anything you need... 487 00:33:02,900 --> 00:33:04,193 Anything. 488 00:33:06,361 --> 00:33:07,613 Thank you. 489 00:33:10,782 --> 00:33:12,284 I'll bring him home, Karen. 490 00:33:13,285 --> 00:33:14,494 Godspeed. 491 00:33:31,595 --> 00:33:33,597 [woman on PA, indistinct] 492 00:33:36,892 --> 00:33:38,227 -It's time.-Mm-hmm. 493 00:33:40,562 --> 00:33:42,022 You gonna be all right? 494 00:33:42,105 --> 00:33:43,357 Of course. 495 00:33:43,440 --> 00:33:45,943 And what about you? You must be exhausted. 496 00:33:46,026 --> 00:33:47,361 I'll be fine. 497 00:33:48,237 --> 00:33:50,781 I know this isn't how you imagined it,but... 498 00:33:52,741 --> 00:33:54,201 I'm proud of you. 499 00:33:55,452 --> 00:33:57,120 Four more days, Deke. 500 00:33:57,204 --> 00:34:00,415 You are going to the moon. 501 00:34:01,583 --> 00:34:03,001 [chuckles] 502 00:34:27,317 --> 00:34:28,569 Sorry I'm late. 503 00:34:29,695 --> 00:34:30,946 Second time. 504 00:34:31,572 --> 00:34:33,156 The bus got held up. 505 00:34:34,116 --> 00:34:37,452 After it dropped me off,I ran all the way here. 506 00:34:40,455 --> 00:34:42,040 The bus, huh? 507 00:34:44,793 --> 00:34:46,128 What's that? 508 00:34:46,712 --> 00:34:47,754 What? 509 00:34:48,255 --> 00:34:51,257 That necklace.You weren't wearing that last week. 510 00:34:51,341 --> 00:34:53,427 Oh. It's nothing. 511 00:34:53,510 --> 00:34:55,387 It looks like a varsity ring. 512 00:34:56,263 --> 00:34:58,599 -Just something a friend gave me.-Oh. 513 00:35:00,392 --> 00:35:02,603 Did he also give you that hickeyon your neck? 514 00:35:04,021 --> 00:35:07,024 I was really looking forward to today,Aleida. 515 00:35:07,107 --> 00:35:10,444 To telling you your lifeis gonna change in a big way. 516 00:35:10,527 --> 00:35:12,154 But I don't know.You're making it awfully hard 517 00:35:12,237 --> 00:35:15,282 because now we have to talk aboutthe fact that you just lied to me. 518 00:35:16,116 --> 00:35:18,285 What do you mean,my life is going to change? 519 00:35:31,340 --> 00:35:35,177 The Kennedy Math and Science Program.Is it... 520 00:35:35,260 --> 00:35:36,470 Open it and see. 521 00:35:52,736 --> 00:35:56,031 It-- It says I got in. Am I right? 522 00:35:56,114 --> 00:35:58,116 Is that what this means? 523 00:36:04,456 --> 00:36:08,126 "Accepted into two advanced tracks. 524 00:36:08,752 --> 00:36:11,547 Mathematics and physics." 525 00:36:11,630 --> 00:36:13,215 Yeah, you made the cut. 526 00:36:13,298 --> 00:36:14,299 Oh, my God. 527 00:36:15,133 --> 00:36:16,176 Uh... 528 00:36:17,177 --> 00:36:18,595 Congratulations. 529 00:36:19,221 --> 00:36:20,055 Um... 530 00:36:20,138 --> 00:36:23,475 You're holding a ticket tothe best universities in the country. 531 00:36:24,643 --> 00:36:26,144 I can't believe this is happening. 532 00:36:26,228 --> 00:36:30,691 And you transfer to the Kennedy schoolright after first of the year. 533 00:36:33,151 --> 00:36:35,571 -That soon?-Is that a problem? 534 00:36:36,071 --> 00:36:38,740 No. No, it's just... 535 00:36:39,408 --> 00:36:40,659 -Um...-What? 536 00:36:42,202 --> 00:36:44,037 It's all the way across town. 537 00:36:44,746 --> 00:36:48,375 I'll have to leave... all my friends. 538 00:36:49,001 --> 00:36:50,294 So you'll make new ones. 539 00:36:51,211 --> 00:36:55,674 Can I finish the year at Ballardand transfer to Kennedy in the fall? 540 00:36:55,757 --> 00:36:59,344 Aleida,this is a very competitive program. 541 00:36:59,761 --> 00:37:02,472 Kids from all over the countryare fighting to get in. 542 00:37:03,098 --> 00:37:04,850 There might not be an opening in the fall. 543 00:37:04,933 --> 00:37:08,437 Well, I can go in the spring, maybe. 544 00:37:08,520 --> 00:37:11,273 If that's what you want,it's fine with me. 545 00:37:11,356 --> 00:37:14,151 We don't have to do this anymore.You know, you go for it. 546 00:37:14,234 --> 00:37:16,612 You think I don't have a millionother things I could be doing now? 547 00:37:16,695 --> 00:37:18,614 There's a lot going on right now. 548 00:37:18,697 --> 00:37:19,865 I'm sorry. 549 00:37:20,282 --> 00:37:22,784 Ms. Madison, of course,I wanna keep doing this. 550 00:37:22,868 --> 00:37:24,161 Then you need to focus. 551 00:37:25,454 --> 00:37:28,707 You wanna be an engineer, you'renot gonna have time for anything else, 552 00:37:28,790 --> 00:37:33,420 because you're gonna have to workten times harder than the boys. 553 00:37:34,630 --> 00:37:37,633 You don't just have to be on time,you have to be early. 554 00:37:38,550 --> 00:37:40,219 Put everything else aside. 555 00:37:41,637 --> 00:37:43,722 You have to choose, Aleida. 556 00:37:44,389 --> 00:37:48,060 You have to decide whatyou want your life to be. 557 00:37:49,019 --> 00:37:51,021 [ranchera playing on speakers] 558 00:37:51,104 --> 00:37:52,105 Hi, Papa. 559 00:37:52,189 --> 00:37:53,315 There you are. 560 00:37:54,816 --> 00:37:56,193 How was the time with Ms. Margo? 561 00:37:56,276 --> 00:37:57,861 Good. It was good. 562 00:37:58,320 --> 00:38:00,781 Good. Well, go wash up. Hurry. 563 00:38:01,240 --> 00:38:02,908 Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. 564 00:38:02,991 --> 00:38:03,992 Um... 565 00:38:04,868 --> 00:38:05,953 Okay. 566 00:38:06,036 --> 00:38:07,955 [music continues] 567 00:38:12,042 --> 00:38:14,378 [phone rings] 568 00:38:15,921 --> 00:38:17,631 [rings] 569 00:38:17,714 --> 00:38:20,759 ¿Bueno? Sí, un momento. 570 00:38:22,010 --> 00:38:23,136 Aleida! 571 00:38:24,096 --> 00:38:27,140 Aleida! That boy is on the phone for you. 572 00:38:31,478 --> 00:38:32,688 [speaking Spanish] 573 00:38:32,771 --> 00:38:33,897 The boy. 574 00:38:34,648 --> 00:38:35,691 Hmm. 575 00:38:35,774 --> 00:38:36,817 Two minutes. 576 00:38:37,234 --> 00:38:38,610 Okay, Papa. 577 00:38:40,946 --> 00:38:42,155 Hello? 578 00:38:42,239 --> 00:38:44,241 [chattering] 579 00:38:46,368 --> 00:38:48,370 [woman on PA, indistinct] 580 00:38:56,378 --> 00:38:58,213 Real sorry to hear about your son,Ms. Baldwin. 581 00:38:59,840 --> 00:39:01,466 Forgive me. Do I know you? 582 00:39:01,550 --> 00:39:04,469 Jerry Biddle, Houston Sentinel.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 583 00:39:04,553 --> 00:39:06,972 Yeah, she absolutely does.So get the hell outta here. 584 00:39:07,055 --> 00:39:08,932 Just trying to do my job, ma'am.That's all. 585 00:39:09,016 --> 00:39:10,851 Get the hell outta here. 586 00:39:10,934 --> 00:39:11,977 Out! 587 00:39:17,191 --> 00:39:19,735 Goddamn vultures. You all right? 588 00:39:19,818 --> 00:39:21,570 Um... [chuckles] 589 00:39:22,613 --> 00:39:27,034 I should've known it was only a matterof time before the press got wind of this. 590 00:39:27,117 --> 00:39:29,995 Don't you worry, Karen. I willcall Shorty, and we'll take care of it. 591 00:39:31,163 --> 00:39:32,164 -All right.-Yeah. 592 00:39:32,247 --> 00:39:33,415 -Thank you.-Mm-hmm. 593 00:39:34,041 --> 00:39:38,253 Hey, Karen, hon. You sure you'restill up for a phone call with Ed? 594 00:39:40,130 --> 00:39:41,465 That's now? 595 00:39:41,548 --> 00:39:42,591 Yeah. 596 00:39:44,092 --> 00:39:46,803 Yes, of course. I just wanna-- 597 00:39:46,887 --> 00:39:49,097 I'm gonna maybe freshen up my hairand my makeup. 598 00:39:49,181 --> 00:39:50,516 Do you know where my bag is? 599 00:39:50,599 --> 00:39:51,600 -Sweetheart.-Yes? 600 00:39:51,683 --> 00:39:53,685 Do you want me to drive you to JSC? 601 00:39:54,061 --> 00:39:56,438 I'll take her. You stay with the girlsand wait for the doctor. 602 00:39:56,522 --> 00:39:58,982 -Are you sure? Tracy, you've done so much.-I'm sure. Thank you. 603 00:39:59,066 --> 00:40:00,234 Okay. 604 00:40:02,110 --> 00:40:05,864 Thank you, Marge. Look after my boy. 605 00:40:08,534 --> 00:40:09,618 All right. 606 00:40:13,956 --> 00:40:16,583 And the carpenter saidit's going to be an extra $20 607 00:40:16,667 --> 00:40:18,335 just to repair that part of the fence. 608 00:40:18,418 --> 00:40:20,254 -Twenty dollars?-Mm-hmm. 609 00:40:20,337 --> 00:40:21,338 I mean-- [chuckles] 610 00:40:21,421 --> 00:40:24,341 Mr. Graham refuses to takeany responsibility, of course. 611 00:40:24,424 --> 00:40:25,717 Oh, he refuses, huh? 612 00:40:25,801 --> 00:40:29,346 Well, when I get back, that sumbitchis gonna be trimming back that tree. 613 00:40:29,429 --> 00:40:30,848 I guarantee it. 614 00:40:31,682 --> 00:40:32,891 Of course. 615 00:40:33,642 --> 00:40:34,852 All right. 616 00:40:35,811 --> 00:40:38,564 Hey, uh, how did the game go? 617 00:40:41,191 --> 00:40:42,276 The... 618 00:40:43,151 --> 00:40:44,778 Shane's basketball game. 619 00:40:46,822 --> 00:40:49,449 Yeah, yeah. No, uh, it was good. 620 00:40:49,992 --> 00:40:51,493 -Yeah?-Mm-hmm. 621 00:40:51,577 --> 00:40:52,703 Did he play? 622 00:40:54,788 --> 00:40:55,789 Hmm? 623 00:40:55,873 --> 00:40:59,168 In the game, did he--Did he get time on the court? 624 00:41:03,922 --> 00:41:05,132 Karen, you okay? 625 00:41:06,675 --> 00:41:08,594 Yeah, yeah. I'm-- I'm fine. Uh... 626 00:41:09,845 --> 00:41:13,390 I'm tired.I've been fighting this head cold, so... 627 00:41:13,932 --> 00:41:14,933 Mmm. 628 00:41:16,852 --> 00:41:18,353 Um, Shane was... 629 00:41:19,313 --> 00:41:20,606 He had... 630 00:41:23,984 --> 00:41:25,319 He had a good game. 631 00:41:25,402 --> 00:41:26,612 Yeah? 632 00:41:27,029 --> 00:41:29,031 Yeah, he did. [chuckles] He did. 633 00:41:29,323 --> 00:41:30,782 -It was great.-It was great? 634 00:41:30,866 --> 00:41:34,119 Yeah. I could see he was nervous at first,of course. 635 00:41:34,203 --> 00:41:38,248 He was biting his lower liplike he always does... 636 00:41:38,332 --> 00:41:39,666 [Baldwin chuckles] 637 00:41:39,750 --> 00:41:43,337 ...even though I tell him not to,but he doesn't listen to me. 638 00:41:43,420 --> 00:41:44,463 No. 639 00:41:46,548 --> 00:41:48,133 It was a home game. 640 00:41:49,176 --> 00:41:53,847 So, he was in his dark jersey. You know,the one with the stripes on the side? 641 00:41:54,223 --> 00:41:55,224 Mm-hmm. 642 00:41:55,307 --> 00:41:56,433 Yeah. 643 00:41:57,851 --> 00:41:59,603 He looks good in that color. 644 00:42:02,022 --> 00:42:03,941 Wish I had a photo of him wearing it. 645 00:42:05,025 --> 00:42:08,278 I can see him running around on the courtout there while he's playing and... 646 00:42:10,239 --> 00:42:11,823 [sighs] he's getting so big. 647 00:42:13,075 --> 00:42:14,201 -Yeah.-Mm-hmm. 648 00:42:14,618 --> 00:42:18,038 But he still pulls his socks upto his knees, you know? 649 00:42:18,121 --> 00:42:20,707 Like he's a little boy. [chuckles] 650 00:42:20,791 --> 00:42:21,834 [Baldwin laughs] 651 00:42:21,917 --> 00:42:23,085 Yeah. 652 00:42:23,168 --> 00:42:24,920 Even though he's not and... 653 00:42:28,757 --> 00:42:30,551 He used to be so tiny, right? 654 00:42:30,634 --> 00:42:31,969 So tiny. 655 00:42:32,886 --> 00:42:34,054 Yeah. 656 00:42:34,137 --> 00:42:36,348 You remember when he was born? 657 00:42:37,015 --> 00:42:42,771 I mean, I could hold him in one hand. 658 00:42:43,397 --> 00:42:44,815 I remember. 659 00:42:47,067 --> 00:42:48,986 He's growing up so fast. 660 00:42:49,069 --> 00:42:50,487 -So fast.-Mm-hmm. 661 00:42:51,321 --> 00:42:53,949 And he's always in a hurryto get somewhere, like he... 662 00:42:54,950 --> 00:42:56,743 doesn't have enough time. 663 00:42:58,161 --> 00:43:01,999 You know, I'm always telling him,"Just slow down." 664 00:43:02,875 --> 00:43:06,003 You know? "Go easy. Don't be so impatient. 665 00:43:08,630 --> 00:43:10,215 There's plenty of time." 666 00:43:11,216 --> 00:43:14,052 [sighs] Yeah. 667 00:43:15,053 --> 00:43:16,305 So, who won? 668 00:43:16,722 --> 00:43:17,723 Hmm? 669 00:43:17,806 --> 00:43:19,474 [chuckles] 670 00:43:19,558 --> 00:43:20,726 What? 671 00:43:21,226 --> 00:43:22,519 Who won the game? 672 00:43:22,603 --> 00:43:23,604 Oh, um... 673 00:43:24,980 --> 00:43:25,981 Well, we did. 674 00:43:26,064 --> 00:43:27,774 -Damn right we did.-Mm-hmm. 675 00:43:28,317 --> 00:43:29,318 That's my boy. 676 00:43:29,401 --> 00:43:30,444 -Yeah.-Mm-hmm. 677 00:43:30,903 --> 00:43:33,405 Sorry, I'm tired. It's been a long day. 678 00:43:33,488 --> 00:43:35,240 No, it's been a long everything. 679 00:43:36,325 --> 00:43:37,868 -Yeah, I know.-Mm-hmm. 680 00:43:38,827 --> 00:43:40,245 Ten more days to go. 681 00:43:41,413 --> 00:43:43,123 -Can't wait.-Me too. 682 00:43:44,249 --> 00:43:45,334 I love you, Ed. 683 00:43:45,417 --> 00:43:46,919 I love you too, baby. 684 00:43:52,341 --> 00:43:54,134 [chuckles] 685 00:44:10,776 --> 00:44:12,778 Did I just do something unforgivable? 686 00:44:15,531 --> 00:44:17,074 You did what you had to do. 687 00:44:19,826 --> 00:44:23,080 If he... you know? 688 00:44:26,792 --> 00:44:28,752 What if he just... 689 00:44:28,836 --> 00:44:31,338 Just drive, okay? 690 00:44:32,798 --> 00:44:34,716 Troubling reports out of Houston today. 691 00:44:34,800 --> 00:44:37,678 We have received informationthat while Captain Edward Baldwin 692 00:44:37,761 --> 00:44:39,263 remains stranded on the moon, 693 00:44:39,346 --> 00:44:42,307 his young son has been hospitalizedfor an undisclosed accident. 694 00:44:42,391 --> 00:44:43,600 A NASA spokesman said that 695 00:44:43,684 --> 00:44:47,771 the Baldwin family deserves privacyin this trying moment. 696 00:44:48,146 --> 00:44:49,481 Listen up, everyone. 697 00:44:53,443 --> 00:44:56,864 I know a lot of you are thinking aboutEd Baldwin and his son right now, 698 00:44:57,781 --> 00:45:02,953 but it is important we go about businessas usual and focus on our jobs. 699 00:45:03,954 --> 00:45:06,748 That is the best thing we can do for him. 700 00:45:08,959 --> 00:45:12,171 In discussing it with his family,the determination has been made 701 00:45:12,254 --> 00:45:15,966 to keep Ed's focus on Jamestownand the moon, where it needs to be. 702 00:45:17,050 --> 00:45:23,932 So we all need to be very careful in howand what we communicate with him, 703 00:45:24,016 --> 00:45:27,227 especially now that the presshas got ahold of this. 704 00:45:28,061 --> 00:45:32,900 Nothing is to be said to Captain Baldwinabout the situation down here. 705 00:45:34,902 --> 00:45:37,070 Do either of you havesomething you wanna say? 706 00:45:37,154 --> 00:45:38,155 [whispering] 707 00:45:39,406 --> 00:45:41,241 Yeah. Okay. 708 00:45:42,451 --> 00:45:44,661 -I don't think it's right.-Mm-mmm. 709 00:45:44,745 --> 00:45:48,290 Me and Dani, we're the ones talking to himevery day. Can't just ask us to lie. 710 00:45:48,373 --> 00:45:50,417 That's exactly what I'm asking you to do. 711 00:45:51,251 --> 00:45:55,088 And if you are unable or unwilling,then we will find someone who is. 712 00:45:55,172 --> 00:45:56,715 It's not that simple. 713 00:45:56,798 --> 00:45:59,510 We were up there with him for 145 days.We have been through-- 714 00:45:59,593 --> 00:46:00,594 I... 715 00:46:02,429 --> 00:46:03,805 understand. 716 00:46:06,058 --> 00:46:10,604 But this is at the request of his wife. 717 00:46:11,438 --> 00:46:14,566 And we are gonna respecther wishes in this situation. 718 00:46:15,692 --> 00:46:16,818 Karen wants it this way? 719 00:46:21,073 --> 00:46:22,074 [sighs] 720 00:46:22,157 --> 00:46:24,952 Well... all right. 721 00:46:28,705 --> 00:46:30,707 [chattering] 722 00:46:32,251 --> 00:46:34,253 [chattering continues] 723 00:46:38,841 --> 00:46:40,884 ["Dream Lover" playing] 724 00:46:40,968 --> 00:46:43,929 [grunting] 725 00:46:46,431 --> 00:46:48,433 [beeps, whirring] 726 00:47:05,158 --> 00:47:06,159 [song ends] 727 00:47:07,035 --> 00:47:10,622 [Baldwin]Houston. It's Jamestown. You there? 728 00:47:12,708 --> 00:47:14,418 Jamestown, Houston. 729 00:47:15,377 --> 00:47:16,628 Reading you loud and clear. 730 00:47:17,462 --> 00:47:20,090 I just got a messagefrom the Russian base. 731 00:47:22,134 --> 00:47:23,302 Roger that. 732 00:47:24,469 --> 00:47:25,804 What's the message? 733 00:47:25,888 --> 00:47:27,556 It's for me. 734 00:47:28,515 --> 00:47:29,641 It's got my name on it. 735 00:47:29,725 --> 00:47:32,394 It says,"Deepest sympathies about your son." 736 00:47:33,896 --> 00:47:35,564 What the hell's that supposed to mean? 737 00:47:38,734 --> 00:47:41,612 Maybe something got lost in translation. 738 00:47:42,446 --> 00:47:44,072 You think they heard me talk to Karen 739 00:47:44,156 --> 00:47:47,451 about Shane's basketball gameor something? 740 00:47:50,996 --> 00:47:53,332 I mean, they could be monitoringour communications. 741 00:47:55,459 --> 00:47:56,835 Could be. 742 00:47:57,294 --> 00:47:59,046 You think they're screwing with me? 743 00:48:00,797 --> 00:48:02,007 [sighs] 744 00:48:02,090 --> 00:48:03,258 Hello? 745 00:48:04,468 --> 00:48:05,677 Right here. 746 00:48:07,679 --> 00:48:08,931 Uh, got me. 747 00:48:09,014 --> 00:48:10,766 Um, I... 748 00:48:12,976 --> 00:48:15,354 I have no idea what they're up to. 749 00:48:19,858 --> 00:48:22,736 "Deepest sympathies about your son."These Russian bastards. 750 00:48:24,154 --> 00:48:27,366 First, they invade our mining site.Now they wanna start playing head games? 751 00:48:28,075 --> 00:48:32,037 Wanna distract me? Want me to startworrying about things back home? 752 00:48:32,120 --> 00:48:35,082 Want me to start worrying about my son?I mean, my son! 753 00:48:39,419 --> 00:48:41,213 This is low, even for them. 754 00:48:42,089 --> 00:48:43,215 [Gordo] Ed. 755 00:48:44,132 --> 00:48:48,303 We shouldn't start to speculateon motives here. 756 00:48:50,973 --> 00:48:54,643 I'm heading out to the mining site.Jamestown, out. 757 00:49:12,286 --> 00:49:13,912 [clicks] 758 00:49:24,882 --> 00:49:26,425 [breathing heavily] 759 00:50:14,139 --> 00:50:16,350 Mrs. Baldwin, I'm Dr. Weddle. 760 00:50:17,601 --> 00:50:19,394 I'm so sorry. 761 00:50:20,979 --> 00:50:25,234 I have checked your son's condition,and there's nothing more I can do for him. 762 00:50:26,360 --> 00:50:27,444 The amount of brain trauma, 763 00:50:27,528 --> 00:50:30,572 [voice fading] in combinationwith the time before treatment, 764 00:50:30,656 --> 00:50:33,325 -unfortunately led to total brain death.-[sobs] 765 00:50:33,408 --> 00:50:35,410 [Baldwin breathing heavily] 766 00:51:03,522 --> 00:51:05,524 [Baldwin breathing heavily] 767 00:51:45,689 --> 00:51:48,275 [sobbing] 768 00:51:48,358 --> 00:51:49,359 No! 769 00:51:51,486 --> 00:51:52,988 No! [sobbing] 770 00:51:57,326 --> 00:51:59,786 [sobbing] 771 00:52:22,100 --> 00:52:23,310 [air hissing] 772 00:52:30,609 --> 00:52:31,777 [Karen] Ed. 773 00:52:34,446 --> 00:52:39,076 Ed, are you there? I need you. 774 00:52:39,159 --> 00:52:40,285 Karen? 775 00:52:49,253 --> 00:52:50,712 It's Shane. 776 00:53:15,070 --> 00:53:17,239 [sighs, sniffles] 777 00:53:58,488 --> 00:54:00,199 -Sorry.-It's okay. 778 00:54:06,997 --> 00:54:08,290 [inhales] 779 00:54:08,790 --> 00:54:09,958 Let's go inside. 780 00:54:11,585 --> 00:54:12,794 Okay. 781 00:54:41,907 --> 00:54:43,200 Karen? 782 00:54:43,283 --> 00:54:44,284 Yeah. 783 00:54:44,701 --> 00:54:45,786 What are you doing? 784 00:54:45,869 --> 00:54:48,205 I'm getting a head start onthe funeral arrangements. 785 00:54:48,789 --> 00:54:50,832 Ed wants to be buriedat the Naval Academy, 786 00:54:50,916 --> 00:54:54,586 but technically he only qualifiesfor interment if he makes flag rank, 787 00:54:54,670 --> 00:54:57,172 and there's nothing in hereabout children, 788 00:54:57,256 --> 00:55:01,635 so maybe I just-- I need to ask for anexception from the superintendent and... 789 00:55:01,718 --> 00:55:03,804 You don't have tothink about this right now. 790 00:55:04,429 --> 00:55:06,181 Funeral's not gonna plan itself. 791 00:55:06,723 --> 00:55:11,728 And if Annapolis is a no, I need to finda local cemetery that can take Shane, 792 00:55:11,812 --> 00:55:13,063 'cause I don't-- 793 00:55:13,146 --> 00:55:14,398 Karen. 794 00:55:15,274 --> 00:55:16,441 I mean... 795 00:55:17,943 --> 00:55:19,403 it's only been a few hours. 796 00:55:19,486 --> 00:55:20,654 Tracy. 797 00:55:21,738 --> 00:55:23,574 If you need to cry, that is fine. 798 00:55:24,491 --> 00:55:26,660 But I need you to do it somewhere else. 799 00:55:31,123 --> 00:55:32,124 [sighs] 800 00:55:33,000 --> 00:55:34,459 This isn't... 801 00:55:41,758 --> 00:55:43,802 Ed, it's-- it's Gordo. 802 00:55:44,511 --> 00:55:46,471 Come on. Are you there? 803 00:55:46,555 --> 00:55:48,098 [static] 804 00:55:48,182 --> 00:55:49,641 Talk to me, Ed. 805 00:55:50,058 --> 00:55:51,977 Let me know that you're all right. 806 00:55:52,561 --> 00:55:54,605 If you're listening to me... 807 00:55:56,857 --> 00:55:58,775 24 will be there soon. 808 00:55:59,401 --> 00:56:03,322 We're...We're gonna get you back here. Okay? 809 00:56:03,405 --> 00:56:04,823 Oh, thank God, Ed. 810 00:56:19,796 --> 00:56:20,923 [sighs] 811 00:56:28,597 --> 00:56:31,225 [breathes deeply] 812 00:56:32,267 --> 00:56:33,268 [thuds]