1 00:00:29,154 --> 00:00:32,658 There's been no sign of a Russian countermove on the lunar surface, sir. 2 00:00:32,741 --> 00:00:35,285 We have two-man teams guarding the site around the clock. 3 00:00:36,078 --> 00:00:38,455 Soviet activity around Zvezda is proceeding normally. 4 00:00:39,164 --> 00:00:42,334 There's also been no increase in military activity in Earth's orbit. 5 00:00:42,417 --> 00:00:44,962 Then I'd say our little operation was a success. 6 00:00:45,045 --> 00:00:47,297 Yes, sir. It sure looks that way. 7 00:00:47,381 --> 00:00:51,134 Please relay my personal thanks to everyone at NASA on a job well done. 8 00:00:51,218 --> 00:00:53,053 Thank you, sir. I will. 9 00:00:53,136 --> 00:00:54,930 Mr. President, if I may? 10 00:00:55,013 --> 00:00:58,267 There's still the matter of the Apollo-Soyuz mission. 11 00:00:58,350 --> 00:01:02,229 What do you think, Ellen? Should we proceed or cancel the mission? 12 00:01:02,312 --> 00:01:05,983 We still have the moral high ground after the shoot down of KAL 7. 13 00:01:06,066 --> 00:01:07,317 I think we should keep it. 14 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:10,445 We've extended our hand in friendship for all the world to see. 15 00:01:10,529 --> 00:01:13,365 If Andropov wants to slap it away, let him. 16 00:01:13,448 --> 00:01:16,910 Let everyone see who's working for war and who's working for peace. 17 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:19,997 My feeling exactly. 18 00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:21,498 -Proceed as planned. -Yes, sir. 19 00:01:21,582 --> 00:01:24,084 And I appreciate the way you handled this situation 20 00:01:24,168 --> 00:01:26,587 under extremely difficult circumstances. 21 00:01:27,212 --> 00:01:28,839 Thank you, sir. That's very kind. 22 00:01:28,922 --> 00:01:31,383 I'd like to officially nominate you to the Senate 23 00:01:31,466 --> 00:01:33,969 as the new permanent administrator of NASA. 24 00:01:37,973 --> 00:01:40,517 Well, sir, that's quite an honor. 25 00:01:42,144 --> 00:01:43,645 I'm not sure what to say. 26 00:01:43,729 --> 00:01:45,522 Your country needs you, Ellen. 27 00:01:45,606 --> 00:01:48,233 But take your time and think it over. 28 00:01:48,984 --> 00:01:50,402 Thank you, everyone. 29 00:01:52,154 --> 00:01:53,614 So... 30 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:56,491 Wow. 31 00:01:58,327 --> 00:01:59,369 Congratulations. 32 00:02:00,078 --> 00:02:02,080 Old man knows how to pick 'em. 33 00:02:02,164 --> 00:02:03,582 Thanks, I think. 34 00:02:05,459 --> 00:02:08,211 What, are you holding out for a bigger office than Margo? 35 00:02:09,378 --> 00:02:12,299 I would just like to think it over, that's all. 36 00:02:12,382 --> 00:02:13,800 Think what over, Ellen? 37 00:02:14,760 --> 00:02:16,345 This is our ticket to Mars. 38 00:02:16,428 --> 00:02:19,932 With you in the cabinet, it'll become a priority again. 39 00:02:20,015 --> 00:02:23,894 It was a priority for Tom. Didn't seem to make much difference. 40 00:02:23,977 --> 00:02:26,355 You're an astronaut. That gives you a different voice. 41 00:02:26,939 --> 00:02:30,108 She's right. President loves his astronauts. 42 00:02:30,192 --> 00:02:33,320 And you're not just any astronaut. You're the girl who caught the tank. 43 00:02:35,239 --> 00:02:37,991 He'll listen to you on space policy more than anyone else. 44 00:02:39,368 --> 00:02:40,410 Maybe. 45 00:02:40,994 --> 00:02:42,037 I'll think about it. 46 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:47,334 General? 47 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:55,467 Thank you. 48 00:02:57,761 --> 00:03:01,557 So, the Soviets have delayed the launch of their Buran shuttle. 49 00:03:01,640 --> 00:03:02,641 Probably for repairs. 50 00:03:03,225 --> 00:03:05,519 Wheeled it back into the maintenance building this morning. 51 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:08,814 I told you so. They got smart people over there too. 52 00:03:08,897 --> 00:03:12,109 Probably figured out your little O-ring problem all by themselves. 53 00:03:12,818 --> 00:03:13,944 Probably so. 54 00:03:22,119 --> 00:03:25,205 Emma, reach out to Sergei Nikulov. 55 00:03:25,289 --> 00:03:27,666 He and his team need to get back here as soon as possible 56 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:30,836 to finalize preparations. 57 00:03:30,919 --> 00:03:32,588 Yes, ma'am. Just a reminder, 58 00:03:32,671 --> 00:03:35,924 Columbia is on the pad, scheduled for a 1430 liftoff. 59 00:03:36,675 --> 00:03:38,343 -Columbia? -Gordo's flight. 60 00:03:38,427 --> 00:03:39,970 Must be beside himself. 61 00:03:40,053 --> 00:03:41,889 Let's just hope he's sober. 62 00:04:05,996 --> 00:04:09,333 MS-2. Right wrist ring. Soft capture and lock. 63 00:04:10,292 --> 00:04:13,170 Copy. MS-2. Right wrist ring complete. 64 00:04:13,795 --> 00:04:14,880 How's that feel? 65 00:04:14,963 --> 00:04:16,048 Fits good. 66 00:04:21,470 --> 00:04:24,348 PLT left wrist ring. Soft capture and lock. 67 00:04:25,807 --> 00:04:27,851 Copy. PLT left wrist ring... 68 00:04:46,662 --> 00:04:48,830 -I'll take it from here. -Yes, sir. 69 00:04:49,665 --> 00:04:51,166 Here you go, sir. 70 00:04:53,418 --> 00:04:55,337 Jesus, Ed. 71 00:04:56,338 --> 00:04:57,881 Don't you got anything better to do 72 00:04:57,965 --> 00:05:00,801 than to come all the way down to Florida just to screw up my launch? 73 00:05:00,884 --> 00:05:02,803 I want to take one last look at these old shuttles 74 00:05:02,886 --> 00:05:05,472 before my Pathfinder make 'em all obsolete. 75 00:05:05,556 --> 00:05:06,640 Fat chance. 76 00:05:08,600 --> 00:05:12,104 Pathfinder's like a Chihuahua compared to my sweet ride. 77 00:05:13,438 --> 00:05:16,650 Yeah, you just listen to the big kids up front, 78 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:19,653 don't touch anything, you'll be just fine. 79 00:05:26,118 --> 00:05:27,578 I'm proud of you, man. 80 00:05:27,661 --> 00:05:29,079 Thanks. 81 00:05:30,372 --> 00:05:32,374 Couldn't have done it without you. 82 00:05:34,001 --> 00:05:35,085 You ready? 83 00:06:09,036 --> 00:06:10,204 Godspeed. 84 00:06:22,466 --> 00:06:25,344 Coming up on the 30-second mark, 85 00:06:25,427 --> 00:06:27,429 and we are go for auto-sequence start. 86 00:06:30,349 --> 00:06:33,477 SRB hydraulic power units have started. 87 00:06:45,989 --> 00:06:47,950 T minus 20 seconds... 88 00:06:48,617 --> 00:06:51,620 18, 17, 89 00:06:51,703 --> 00:06:55,541 16, 15, 14, 90 00:06:56,250 --> 00:06:59,711 13, 12, ten... 91 00:06:59,795 --> 00:07:01,713 We have go for main engine start. 92 00:07:11,807 --> 00:07:15,185 Liftoff of Columbia and astronaut Gordon Stevens to space 93 00:07:15,269 --> 00:07:17,062 after a ten-year absence. 94 00:07:30,117 --> 00:07:31,285 I'm back, baby. 95 00:07:32,619 --> 00:07:33,829 I'm back. 96 00:08:59,873 --> 00:09:01,166 You can sit back now. 97 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:06,755 You have what we call normal-tension glaucoma. 98 00:09:06,839 --> 00:09:10,384 It's a rare condition. No one knows exactly what causes it. 99 00:09:10,467 --> 00:09:13,637 It means that your eye pressure's within the normal range, 100 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:15,889 but your optic nerve has been damaged. 101 00:09:16,807 --> 00:09:18,892 It could be a problem with the amount of blood 102 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:20,894 that's being supplied to the optic nerve, 103 00:09:20,978 --> 00:09:23,021 or you could have a sensitive optic nerve. 104 00:09:23,647 --> 00:09:27,150 Or there could be other conditions that have impaired circulation. 105 00:09:27,234 --> 00:09:28,402 Like radiation? 106 00:09:29,820 --> 00:09:33,657 Possibly. I don't know of any studies looking at that as a cause. 107 00:09:34,491 --> 00:09:37,703 Were you exposed to an unusual amount of radiation 108 00:09:37,786 --> 00:09:38,996 on your last trip to the moon? 109 00:09:39,079 --> 00:09:40,622 Not as far as you know. 110 00:09:41,456 --> 00:09:42,583 I see. 111 00:09:42,666 --> 00:09:46,211 And I assume you have not had an exam by the flight surgeon at NASA. 112 00:09:47,087 --> 00:09:49,214 Could you just tell me about the treatment? 113 00:09:49,298 --> 00:09:51,967 Well, the treatment to slow down the loss of vision 114 00:09:52,050 --> 00:09:54,094 would probably entail prescription eyedrops, 115 00:09:54,178 --> 00:09:57,097 combined with oral medication and possibly surgery. 116 00:09:57,181 --> 00:09:59,016 -Surgery? -Possibly. 117 00:09:59,099 --> 00:10:03,604 But again, we're talking about slowing down the deterioration of your vision, 118 00:10:03,687 --> 00:10:06,064 not stopping it and certainly not reversing it. 119 00:10:07,357 --> 00:10:10,986 I'm sorry. So, you're saying that you wanna cut open my eyeballs, 120 00:10:11,069 --> 00:10:12,779 but that's not gonna fix it. 121 00:10:12,863 --> 00:10:15,782 I don't wanna cut open anything. It's just a possibility. 122 00:10:15,866 --> 00:10:17,910 But no, it's not going to fix this. 123 00:10:18,994 --> 00:10:22,497 I'm very sorry, Ms. Cobb. Glaucoma is not curable. 124 00:10:23,415 --> 00:10:25,042 You could ask for a second opinion, 125 00:10:25,125 --> 00:10:27,544 but I'm quite certain that you're going to experience 126 00:10:27,628 --> 00:10:30,005 a progressive loss of vision from now on. 127 00:10:30,088 --> 00:10:32,674 And ultimately permanent blindness. 128 00:10:45,187 --> 00:10:46,230 Thank you, Doc. 129 00:10:48,232 --> 00:10:51,360 The flight surgeons are pretty good. They're not going to miss this. 130 00:11:15,884 --> 00:11:18,095 Ellington Ops. NASA niner-6-4. 131 00:11:19,012 --> 00:11:20,639 Copy, Molly. Hold one. 132 00:11:20,722 --> 00:11:24,017 Request you open box Whiskey 147 Charlie. 133 00:11:25,143 --> 00:11:27,187 NASA niner-6-4, Ellington Ops. 134 00:11:27,271 --> 00:11:30,607 You got it, Molly. Box Whiskey 147 Charlie is open. 135 00:11:33,402 --> 00:11:35,153 Come on, let's see what you got. 136 00:11:39,908 --> 00:11:42,494 Give me more. More! 137 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:44,830 Come on. 138 00:11:46,456 --> 00:11:48,000 Go. 139 00:11:48,834 --> 00:11:51,295 Goddamn it. Go. 140 00:11:52,880 --> 00:11:56,300 Fuck you! 141 00:11:57,467 --> 00:12:00,512 Come on! Go. 142 00:12:40,719 --> 00:12:42,596 NASA niner-6-4. Ellington Ops. 143 00:12:42,679 --> 00:12:46,558 You okay there, Molly? Your altitude just dropped 15,000 feet. 144 00:12:48,060 --> 00:12:50,395 Roger that, Ellington Ops. I'm good. 145 00:12:51,813 --> 00:12:53,315 Everything's A-okay. 146 00:12:58,904 --> 00:13:01,365 The president has decided to arm Pathfinder 147 00:13:02,282 --> 00:13:06,036 to show the Soviets this is not some tit-for-tat little game. 148 00:13:06,119 --> 00:13:08,580 This puts us in the driver's seat. 149 00:13:09,373 --> 00:13:11,959 Now, we are going to install a battery of four Phoenix missiles 150 00:13:12,042 --> 00:13:13,502 in Pathfinder's cargo bay. 151 00:13:14,169 --> 00:13:16,421 Now, the space variant of the AIM-54C 152 00:13:16,505 --> 00:13:19,007 has been in development for several years at Vandenberg. 153 00:13:19,091 --> 00:13:24,263 It was designed to be in a DOD shuttle, but it will be compatible with Pathfinder. 154 00:13:24,346 --> 00:13:27,933 It's been decided that this will henceforth be a joint mission 155 00:13:28,016 --> 00:13:30,894 between NASA and the Department of Defense. 156 00:13:30,978 --> 00:13:33,647 Management of flight operations will be controlled from MOCR, 157 00:13:33,730 --> 00:13:37,568 but operations concerning the Phoenix missiles will come from DOD. 158 00:13:37,651 --> 00:13:39,778 Will we be firing missiles on this mission? 159 00:13:39,862 --> 00:13:42,948 There will be a live fire exercise to demonstrate the system. 160 00:13:43,824 --> 00:13:47,160 Now, your targets will be a series of drones launched into low Earth orbit 161 00:13:47,244 --> 00:13:49,872 with a radar signature simulating a Russian satellite. 162 00:13:49,955 --> 00:13:51,999 How many missiles will we fire during the exercise? 163 00:13:52,082 --> 00:13:56,753 -So we're a warship now? -No. Pathfinder is not a warship. 164 00:13:56,837 --> 00:13:59,339 But we're packed with missiles and shooting things out of the sky. 165 00:13:59,423 --> 00:14:03,218 Pathfinder's weapon system is intended primarily for self-defense. 166 00:14:03,302 --> 00:14:05,679 Primarily, but not exclusively. 167 00:14:06,555 --> 00:14:09,850 So in theory, these same missiles could be used for offensive purposes. 168 00:14:09,933 --> 00:14:10,934 Am I right? 169 00:14:11,602 --> 00:14:13,896 That's not in the mission plan. 170 00:14:13,979 --> 00:14:17,065 This flight is a test of the entire Pathfinder system, 171 00:14:17,149 --> 00:14:20,194 and as such, it is appropriate that we test this newest... 172 00:14:21,737 --> 00:14:22,738 component. 173 00:14:22,821 --> 00:14:24,740 But it is only a test. 174 00:14:31,914 --> 00:14:33,749 Phoenix is radar-guided. 175 00:14:33,832 --> 00:14:36,418 With an operational range of 100 nautical miles, 176 00:14:36,502 --> 00:14:39,421 it uses a proximity fuse detonation system. 177 00:14:39,505 --> 00:14:41,507 And once inside the cargo bay, 178 00:14:41,590 --> 00:14:46,053 the lift variation will be exactly 128 pounds per square inch. 179 00:14:51,058 --> 00:14:53,352 -Are you okay? -Yeah. 180 00:14:58,148 --> 00:14:59,316 What is it? 181 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:08,575 The president offered to make me NASA administrator. 182 00:15:10,744 --> 00:15:13,163 -Aren't you already doing that? -Permanently. 183 00:15:17,584 --> 00:15:18,585 Wow. 184 00:15:19,461 --> 00:15:21,380 That's amazing, Ellen. 185 00:15:21,463 --> 00:15:23,715 Congratulations. That's really-- 186 00:15:23,799 --> 00:15:25,133 Crazy, I know. 187 00:15:26,093 --> 00:15:28,220 It's not like I'm gonna actually take it. 188 00:15:40,274 --> 00:15:41,316 Are you sure? 189 00:15:42,401 --> 00:15:45,487 Of course. Yeah, I'm just waiting for the right time to tell him. 190 00:15:45,571 --> 00:15:47,823 There's so much going on right now. 191 00:15:48,866 --> 00:15:51,660 Yeah, but... this is huge. 192 00:15:53,412 --> 00:15:57,207 I mean, you could... be a part of Reagan's cabinet. 193 00:15:58,208 --> 00:16:01,545 -You sound like you want me to take it. -No, it's just... 194 00:16:03,463 --> 00:16:05,299 Isn't this everything you always wanted? 195 00:16:09,595 --> 00:16:12,681 You would be in charge of NASA. You could finally get to Mars-- 196 00:16:12,764 --> 00:16:13,849 Hey. 197 00:16:15,434 --> 00:16:17,186 You're what I want. 198 00:16:20,647 --> 00:16:21,648 Yeah? 199 00:16:23,317 --> 00:16:24,318 Yeah. 200 00:18:34,781 --> 00:18:38,160 Gosh, this place must seem huge compared to the last time you were here. 201 00:18:38,869 --> 00:18:42,039 Yeah, didn't have a lot of legroom to walk around, that's for sure. 202 00:18:42,915 --> 00:18:44,833 I know. It's crazy. 203 00:18:46,210 --> 00:18:50,297 I mean, just to think about what you guys did in here. 204 00:18:51,131 --> 00:18:52,591 I mean, it's the galley now. 205 00:18:52,674 --> 00:18:55,469 Yeah. Yeah, I knew that. 206 00:18:56,220 --> 00:18:58,222 That's where your old bunk used to be, right? 207 00:18:59,097 --> 00:19:00,349 Looks about right. 208 00:19:01,266 --> 00:19:02,809 So, where am I bunking now? 209 00:19:02,893 --> 00:19:05,187 I don't know how you guys did it, man. 210 00:19:05,270 --> 00:19:09,733 All that time in this one room, I mean, I would probably just go out of my gourd. 211 00:19:09,816 --> 00:19:10,901 Nick. 212 00:19:11,568 --> 00:19:12,945 New bunk. 213 00:19:14,780 --> 00:19:16,114 Right, sorry. 214 00:19:16,865 --> 00:19:21,286 Got you a prime spot right here in crew quarters A. 215 00:19:21,370 --> 00:19:23,747 Far away from the recirculating pump. 216 00:19:23,830 --> 00:19:25,791 That sucker starts up about every half hour. 217 00:19:25,874 --> 00:19:28,502 Drives most people crazy until they tune it out. 218 00:19:28,585 --> 00:19:31,755 Well, I sleep like the dead, so no worries there. 219 00:19:31,839 --> 00:19:36,760 Well, you are very lucky, because Vance over there snores like a roller coaster. 220 00:19:36,844 --> 00:19:40,556 Man, I mean, up, down, up, down, all night. 221 00:19:40,639 --> 00:19:43,809 He's a good guy. Though he's one of the marines. 222 00:19:43,892 --> 00:19:47,312 Little bit edgy. But he's right over here. 223 00:19:47,396 --> 00:19:49,565 And across from him is 224 00:19:50,274 --> 00:19:53,402 where your ex is hot racking. 225 00:19:54,152 --> 00:19:57,823 Sorry. Crew quarters B and C are full. There's not that much space up here. 226 00:19:57,906 --> 00:20:01,034 -Hope you don't mind. -Nah. No, we're good. 227 00:20:01,952 --> 00:20:02,953 Where is she anyway? 228 00:20:04,454 --> 00:20:05,747 She's out with the marines. 229 00:20:05,831 --> 00:20:08,667 They've been doing EVAs by the reactor all week. 230 00:20:08,750 --> 00:20:10,919 Something with the last Sea Dragon's cargo. 231 00:20:11,003 --> 00:20:13,380 All very hush-hush. 232 00:20:13,463 --> 00:20:15,799 Very top secret stuff. 233 00:20:15,883 --> 00:20:17,593 With the marines? Tracy? 234 00:20:17,676 --> 00:20:19,094 It was supposed to be temporary, 235 00:20:19,178 --> 00:20:21,680 until one of their guys could get up to speed on flying the LSAM. 236 00:20:21,763 --> 00:20:24,349 But word is guy's not getting the hang of it. 237 00:20:24,433 --> 00:20:27,144 Yeah, well, LSAM's a tricky beast. 238 00:20:28,020 --> 00:20:31,607 Holy shit, that's right. You flew the original. 239 00:20:32,733 --> 00:20:34,610 Afraid that one's just a junker now. 240 00:20:34,693 --> 00:20:36,195 We just use it for spare parts. 241 00:20:36,278 --> 00:20:38,447 But the other two are still flyable. 242 00:20:38,530 --> 00:20:40,657 Although they're getting pretty cranky in their old age. 243 00:20:40,741 --> 00:20:43,243 Aren't we all? Well, I wouldn't worry. 244 00:20:43,327 --> 00:20:46,330 I'm sure Trace will get that poor jarhead up to speed in no time. 245 00:20:46,413 --> 00:20:49,041 Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Probably. 246 00:20:49,124 --> 00:20:51,919 Anyways, I'll just let you get settled in. 247 00:20:52,002 --> 00:20:53,086 All right. 248 00:20:53,170 --> 00:20:55,506 Welcome home, sir. 249 00:21:07,893 --> 00:21:09,186 Look, these three teams 250 00:21:09,269 --> 00:21:11,396 are working on separate components of the docking module 251 00:21:11,480 --> 00:21:13,232 that will eventually have to work together. 252 00:21:13,315 --> 00:21:15,150 Mechanisms, avionics, life support. 253 00:21:15,234 --> 00:21:17,861 But the inter-team review doesn't happen 254 00:21:17,945 --> 00:21:21,281 until after each team has completed their preliminary design. 255 00:21:21,365 --> 00:21:24,243 Standard procedure. 256 00:21:24,326 --> 00:21:26,370 Yes, I know, you've told me. 257 00:21:26,453 --> 00:21:28,413 But if they simply collaborated from the outset-- 258 00:21:28,497 --> 00:21:29,748 No. 259 00:21:30,374 --> 00:21:32,835 I'm an engineer, and I'm looking at a bad design. 260 00:21:32,918 --> 00:21:34,628 That's rich. 261 00:21:35,796 --> 00:21:39,383 For your information, we went to the moon with this bad design 262 00:21:39,466 --> 00:21:42,094 while you were literally in diapers. 263 00:21:43,262 --> 00:21:45,514 Maybe you should have worn diapers during Gemini. 264 00:21:48,225 --> 00:21:50,686 -Get out! -Sure thing. 265 00:21:51,478 --> 00:21:52,604 Peanut. 266 00:22:42,905 --> 00:22:44,531 I'm sorry, I don't... 267 00:22:45,115 --> 00:22:46,116 Sorry. 268 00:22:46,950 --> 00:22:49,411 Welcome to Little Saigon. How many in your party? 269 00:22:49,494 --> 00:22:50,787 Just me. 270 00:22:55,417 --> 00:22:57,628 -Something to drink? -Coke. 271 00:23:23,070 --> 00:23:24,655 Know what you want? 272 00:23:26,031 --> 00:23:27,282 Not really. 273 00:23:27,366 --> 00:23:29,701 I haven't had that much Vietnamese food, to be honest. 274 00:23:29,785 --> 00:23:31,119 Adopted? 275 00:23:31,203 --> 00:23:32,329 Yeah. 276 00:23:32,412 --> 00:23:34,331 -Do you like Chinese food? -I love it. 277 00:23:34,414 --> 00:23:36,708 It's similar, sorta. 278 00:23:37,251 --> 00:23:40,879 I'd start off with some spring rolls. Then either pho or banh mi. 279 00:23:42,881 --> 00:23:45,342 Beef noodle soup or a pork sandwich. 280 00:23:45,425 --> 00:23:48,804 The sandwich is good, but pho is Dad's specialty. 281 00:23:49,888 --> 00:23:52,432 -Your dad's the cook? -Yeah. 282 00:23:55,102 --> 00:23:56,645 I'll try the "fo." 283 00:23:56,728 --> 00:23:58,605 -Pho. -Pho. 284 00:24:38,395 --> 00:24:41,148 Told you. Family recipe. 285 00:24:41,231 --> 00:24:42,524 It was delicious. 286 00:24:44,318 --> 00:24:45,319 Could you sit? 287 00:24:49,740 --> 00:24:52,409 So, did your dad learn to cook in Vietnam? 288 00:24:52,492 --> 00:24:54,828 From his mother, my grandmother. 289 00:24:54,912 --> 00:24:56,955 -Is she still alive? -Who knows? 290 00:24:57,039 --> 00:24:59,708 Dad pretty much cut off all ties when he left. 291 00:24:59,791 --> 00:25:01,960 Doesn't talk about family back there much. 292 00:25:03,837 --> 00:25:05,005 What about your mom? 293 00:25:05,589 --> 00:25:08,467 She's here. Not today, but she's alive. 294 00:25:08,550 --> 00:25:11,470 She's not from Vietnam though. They met after he came to the States. 295 00:25:12,846 --> 00:25:14,056 So you were born here? 296 00:25:14,139 --> 00:25:17,434 Yeah, I'm a natural-born all-American girl. 297 00:25:19,228 --> 00:25:20,979 Here. Whenever you're ready. 298 00:26:29,006 --> 00:26:30,632 -Here you go. -Thank you. 299 00:26:32,509 --> 00:26:34,595 -Here's your change. -You can keep it. 300 00:26:34,678 --> 00:26:37,472 Thanks. Try the broken rice with pork next time. 301 00:26:37,556 --> 00:26:38,932 I'm assuming you're coming back 302 00:26:39,016 --> 00:26:41,101 and spending a lot more money with your friends? 303 00:26:41,185 --> 00:26:44,730 Yeah, I'll definitely be thinking about it. Thanks. 304 00:27:10,339 --> 00:27:11,632 I have target acquisition. 305 00:27:13,217 --> 00:27:15,886 Confirmed. Radar shows two active targets. 306 00:27:15,969 --> 00:27:18,222 First target range 31 kilometers. 307 00:27:18,305 --> 00:27:21,642 Relative velocity out of plane 1.2 meters per second. 308 00:27:21,725 --> 00:27:23,477 Within targeting parameters. 309 00:27:23,560 --> 00:27:25,771 Ride, lock weapons system to target one. 310 00:27:25,854 --> 00:27:28,065 System locked. Target one. 311 00:27:28,732 --> 00:27:31,568 Lock confirmed. Second target range 45 kilometers. 312 00:27:31,652 --> 00:27:34,571 Y and Z velocities are within targeting thresholds. 313 00:27:34,655 --> 00:27:36,114 Target will be out of range soon. 314 00:27:36,198 --> 00:27:37,491 Switching to second target. 315 00:27:38,659 --> 00:27:40,953 System locked. Target two. 316 00:27:42,579 --> 00:27:44,498 Lock confirmed. Ready to fire. 317 00:27:45,541 --> 00:27:46,625 Fire. 318 00:27:48,585 --> 00:27:49,628 Fox three. 319 00:27:50,420 --> 00:27:51,964 Good lock on first target. 320 00:27:52,047 --> 00:27:54,007 -Fire. -Fox three. 321 00:27:54,091 --> 00:27:57,344 Good target lock on both. Target's maneuvering, weapons still on track. 322 00:27:59,137 --> 00:28:01,849 First target destroyed. Second missile approaching. 323 00:28:02,432 --> 00:28:03,684 Second target destroyed. 324 00:28:06,854 --> 00:28:08,564 Confirmed. No active targets. 325 00:28:10,399 --> 00:28:11,441 They're all dead. 326 00:28:11,525 --> 00:28:12,776 Sim complete. 327 00:28:12,860 --> 00:28:15,195 Secure cabin and prepare for debrief. 328 00:28:19,074 --> 00:28:20,659 -Nice work, people. -Thanks, chief. 329 00:28:21,785 --> 00:28:23,036 Yeah, thanks. 330 00:28:24,371 --> 00:28:25,998 Look, I could use some air. 331 00:28:54,568 --> 00:28:55,777 Not so bad. 332 00:28:57,654 --> 00:28:59,406 Not bad at all. 333 00:29:07,122 --> 00:29:08,999 -Boo! -Jesus! 334 00:29:10,083 --> 00:29:11,084 Fuck. 335 00:29:11,168 --> 00:29:12,169 You hurt yourself? 336 00:29:13,045 --> 00:29:14,087 No. 337 00:29:15,255 --> 00:29:17,257 -No. -You should have seen your face. 338 00:29:17,341 --> 00:29:19,259 Yeah, got me good, I guess. 339 00:29:22,638 --> 00:29:23,764 So you're here. 340 00:29:23,847 --> 00:29:24,848 Here I am. 341 00:29:24,932 --> 00:29:26,558 How's it feel? Feel any different? 342 00:29:27,142 --> 00:29:28,602 -Totally different. -Yeah? 343 00:29:28,685 --> 00:29:30,521 Like, different in every-- 344 00:29:30,604 --> 00:29:33,982 Hey, Vance. Have you met my ex-husband Gordo? 345 00:29:34,066 --> 00:29:35,526 Gordo, this is Vance Paulson. 346 00:29:35,609 --> 00:29:39,279 He's one of the leathernecks sent here to protect us from the red menace out there. 347 00:29:39,363 --> 00:29:41,198 Hey. Pleasure. 348 00:29:41,281 --> 00:29:42,407 Likewise. 349 00:29:42,491 --> 00:29:43,992 -Navy, right? -That's right. 350 00:29:44,076 --> 00:29:46,078 I won't hold it against you. 351 00:29:46,954 --> 00:29:48,872 This one here, she should have been a marine. 352 00:29:48,956 --> 00:29:49,957 Oh, stop. 353 00:29:50,040 --> 00:29:52,626 No, the way that she flew that bucket when we swooped in on the Russians? 354 00:29:52,709 --> 00:29:54,336 We came right down to the deck. 355 00:29:54,419 --> 00:29:57,214 So low if there were rabbits out there we'd have been clipping their ears. 356 00:29:57,297 --> 00:29:58,298 Thing of beauty. 357 00:29:58,382 --> 00:30:01,426 Y'all are such pussies. I was at least five meters off the deck. 358 00:30:01,510 --> 00:30:04,179 Five-- My ass. 359 00:30:04,263 --> 00:30:06,557 I got moondust in my boots from kicking the hilltops. 360 00:30:06,640 --> 00:30:07,933 Your boots? 361 00:30:08,016 --> 00:30:10,811 Yeah, they were hanging on the outside skids, 362 00:30:10,894 --> 00:30:12,521 all Tarzan-like. 363 00:30:12,604 --> 00:30:15,566 Yeah, singing "Ride of the Valkyries" Apocalypse Now-style. 364 00:30:15,649 --> 00:30:17,693 -That was some fun shit. -Fun shit. 365 00:30:17,776 --> 00:30:20,112 These bastards keep me young. 366 00:30:20,696 --> 00:30:23,740 Well, I'm hungrier than a horse. I'm gonna go grab some chow. 367 00:30:23,824 --> 00:30:25,909 You know, I'm gonna do the same. You wanna join? 368 00:30:25,993 --> 00:30:27,828 Mess hall's your old stomping ground. 369 00:30:27,911 --> 00:30:29,413 Yeah. Yeah, I know. 370 00:30:29,496 --> 00:30:32,291 Nah, I'm good. You know, just settling in. 371 00:30:32,374 --> 00:30:34,376 Might get some rack time, wait till breakfast. 372 00:30:34,459 --> 00:30:36,336 -Good to see you, Gordo. -You too, Trace. 373 00:30:50,017 --> 00:30:54,062 ...reports indicate a massive explosion on the grounds of Fort Gulick, 374 00:30:54,146 --> 00:30:57,774 which is home to elements of the United States 10th Infantry 375 00:30:57,858 --> 00:31:00,861 and some Special Forces units in Panama. 376 00:31:00,944 --> 00:31:05,240 Eyewitness reports describe a large truck, which broke through the sentry post... 377 00:31:05,324 --> 00:31:06,408 Fucking animals. 378 00:31:06,491 --> 00:31:08,368 ...and drove directly into the barracks before exploding... 379 00:31:08,452 --> 00:31:09,870 Enchiladas are ready. 380 00:31:09,953 --> 00:31:11,788 Great. Starving. 381 00:31:12,331 --> 00:31:13,373 Could use another beer. 382 00:31:13,457 --> 00:31:15,834 ...to stay out of the Canal Zone, 383 00:31:15,918 --> 00:31:19,546 which is sovereign US territory under international law. 384 00:31:20,631 --> 00:31:22,966 What was supposed to be a routine resupply mission 385 00:31:23,050 --> 00:31:24,468 to the Jamestown moon base 386 00:31:24,551 --> 00:31:27,721 has turned into another front in the escalating war of words 387 00:31:27,804 --> 00:31:29,806 between the United States and the Soviet Union. 388 00:31:29,890 --> 00:31:32,351 God-- What you doing creeping up on me? 389 00:31:32,434 --> 00:31:33,936 I've been standing right here. 390 00:31:34,728 --> 00:31:35,896 Very funny. 391 00:31:35,979 --> 00:31:38,565 ...which NASA says is a routine resupply mission, 392 00:31:38,649 --> 00:31:40,734 will actually be carrying nuclear-- 393 00:31:41,443 --> 00:31:42,986 -I was watching that. -You didn't see me. 394 00:31:43,070 --> 00:31:44,446 Of course I saw you. 395 00:31:44,530 --> 00:31:47,783 Does it not occur to you that I might have other things on my fucking mind? 396 00:31:47,866 --> 00:31:50,160 Yeah. That occurred to me. 397 00:31:50,994 --> 00:31:53,580 It occurred to me two months ago when you first got back, 398 00:31:53,664 --> 00:31:57,209 and you'd sit in the bathtub for hours staring at the wall. 399 00:31:57,793 --> 00:32:00,629 Told myself, "She's got a lot on her mind. I'll leave her be." 400 00:32:01,880 --> 00:32:05,259 Told myself that every time you'd bite my head off for no reason. 401 00:32:05,342 --> 00:32:07,553 Or every time you'd just sit there silently, 402 00:32:07,636 --> 00:32:09,555 not wanting to talk about anything. 403 00:32:11,849 --> 00:32:15,352 Well, I'm done leaving you be. Okay? I'm done. 404 00:32:15,435 --> 00:32:17,813 Because there's something going on, and you need to tell me what it is. 405 00:32:17,896 --> 00:32:20,315 -What? What do you want me to say? -I want you to tell me the truth. 406 00:32:20,399 --> 00:32:23,235 I want you to tell me... the truth. 407 00:32:27,656 --> 00:32:30,117 I mean, whatever it is, we'll get through it. 408 00:32:33,370 --> 00:32:34,705 I don't know if we will. 409 00:32:44,840 --> 00:32:48,594 I went out into that solar storm... 410 00:32:50,304 --> 00:32:51,763 after Wubbo. 411 00:32:53,557 --> 00:32:57,311 I did not stay in the lava tube. 412 00:32:59,354 --> 00:33:00,606 That was a lie. 413 00:33:04,318 --> 00:33:07,529 I was on the surface for an hour. 414 00:33:09,198 --> 00:33:10,616 Maybe more. 415 00:33:12,701 --> 00:33:16,288 He would have died if I didn't. 416 00:33:18,123 --> 00:33:19,333 Is that why... 417 00:33:31,053 --> 00:33:33,013 Called normal-tension glaucoma. 418 00:35:05,063 --> 00:35:06,064 Trace. 419 00:35:06,148 --> 00:35:08,108 Shit. Gordo, get in here. 420 00:35:08,192 --> 00:35:10,777 Get in here. Be quiet. Close the door, all right? 421 00:35:12,279 --> 00:35:13,363 Christ. 422 00:35:14,740 --> 00:35:15,908 What you doing? 423 00:35:17,159 --> 00:35:21,246 Well, I cycle the air when I'm done, and it just goes out in the great beyond. 424 00:35:21,955 --> 00:35:23,665 You see, and then the next day, 425 00:35:23,749 --> 00:35:26,293 if someone smells something weird, they just think it's the food. 426 00:35:26,376 --> 00:35:27,961 That's genius. 427 00:35:29,379 --> 00:35:31,173 -How many more of those? -Seven. 428 00:35:31,965 --> 00:35:34,092 Seven until-- 429 00:35:34,176 --> 00:35:37,429 until Jimmy sends the new stash up with the next supply run. 430 00:35:37,513 --> 00:35:39,973 Jimmy? You got Jimmy sending you contraband to the moon? 431 00:35:40,057 --> 00:35:44,853 He hollows out this block of stinky cheese and then puts it in a plastic bag. 432 00:35:44,937 --> 00:35:47,105 You know? He's a smart boy. 433 00:35:48,815 --> 00:35:50,984 That's a little too smart. 434 00:35:52,611 --> 00:35:55,239 Yeah, I really don't wanna know where he picked that up. 435 00:35:57,574 --> 00:35:58,742 You gonna share that? 436 00:36:00,702 --> 00:36:02,204 Yeah, why not? 437 00:36:02,955 --> 00:36:04,373 You look good, Gordo. 438 00:36:05,123 --> 00:36:06,583 You look happy. 439 00:36:07,835 --> 00:36:08,836 Thanks. 440 00:36:08,919 --> 00:36:10,254 Yeah. 441 00:36:10,337 --> 00:36:12,381 I haven't seen you like this in a long time. 442 00:36:14,258 --> 00:36:15,592 Turned a corner, I think. 443 00:36:15,676 --> 00:36:16,927 Yeah? How so? 444 00:36:23,767 --> 00:36:26,478 All right, well, unless you want this to be your last cigarette 445 00:36:26,562 --> 00:36:29,314 for the next six months, I suggest you start talking. 446 00:36:35,112 --> 00:36:37,072 Well, last time I was up here... 447 00:36:38,949 --> 00:36:39,992 I lost it. 448 00:36:41,034 --> 00:36:42,160 Lost my way. 449 00:36:43,412 --> 00:36:44,997 Started seeing things, and... 450 00:36:45,581 --> 00:36:47,833 I even tried to take my helmet off while I was outside. 451 00:36:50,127 --> 00:36:51,628 Oh, my God. 452 00:36:51,712 --> 00:36:54,339 Dani broke her arm on purpose, Trace, 453 00:36:55,090 --> 00:36:58,093 so that Ed wouldn't have to tell Houston to send me to the nuthouse. 454 00:37:08,145 --> 00:37:11,064 I'm sorry you had to go through that alone, Gordo. 455 00:37:12,149 --> 00:37:13,734 Really wish you would've told me. 456 00:37:14,568 --> 00:37:15,861 You and me both. 457 00:37:16,528 --> 00:37:18,363 This place can take a toll on you. 458 00:37:18,447 --> 00:37:21,742 Even with all these people here, it can still feel really... 459 00:37:23,243 --> 00:37:25,454 lonely, isolating. 460 00:37:25,537 --> 00:37:28,999 I can't imagine how much worse it must've been when you were here. 461 00:37:29,082 --> 00:37:31,710 Spent the last ten years thinking about it. 462 00:37:31,793 --> 00:37:34,213 Could never understand what really happened. 463 00:37:35,756 --> 00:37:38,008 And then the other day 464 00:37:38,091 --> 00:37:40,844 I was... eavesdropping, that's what I was doing, 465 00:37:40,928 --> 00:37:44,556 I was eavesdropping on you talking to Jimmy about his sixth birthday. 466 00:37:44,640 --> 00:37:48,060 And you were saying something about how that was a "happy time." 467 00:37:49,144 --> 00:37:52,606 And, click, it all just fell into place. 468 00:37:53,649 --> 00:37:56,944 What happened up here was nothing to do with space or claustrophobia 469 00:37:57,027 --> 00:37:59,029 or losing my mind. 470 00:37:59,112 --> 00:38:01,406 See, I knew that when I got home, I was moving out. 471 00:38:01,490 --> 00:38:03,200 That was just the beginning of the end. 472 00:38:04,243 --> 00:38:05,911 And I don't think I could handle it. 473 00:38:14,711 --> 00:38:19,633 I couldn't handle losing the most important thing in the world to me. 474 00:38:21,969 --> 00:38:22,970 You. 475 00:38:24,054 --> 00:38:27,432 And it was all my fault. I mean, you have your moments, but... 476 00:38:30,018 --> 00:38:31,019 Fuck you. 477 00:38:32,688 --> 00:38:35,148 I'm the one that screwed up our marriage, Trace. 478 00:38:36,233 --> 00:38:40,195 The lying, the cheating, not being there when you needed me. 479 00:38:40,279 --> 00:38:43,615 Even when I was there, I know I wasn't. 480 00:38:44,408 --> 00:38:45,450 I know that. 481 00:38:49,580 --> 00:38:50,998 And it all just came apart. 482 00:38:53,208 --> 00:38:57,337 And I heard you talking to Jimmy about a happy time, and... 483 00:38:58,547 --> 00:39:02,259 I just knew right then in my heart that I wouldn't ever have a happy time again 484 00:39:02,342 --> 00:39:03,844 until I was back with you. 485 00:39:05,721 --> 00:39:08,891 -Oh, Gordo. -That's why I'm here, Trace. 486 00:39:11,101 --> 00:39:12,603 I'm here to get you back. 487 00:39:12,686 --> 00:39:14,104 Hell, I even told Sam. 488 00:39:16,356 --> 00:39:18,859 -I'm sorry, you what? -To his face. 489 00:39:18,942 --> 00:39:21,820 I said, "I'm getting Tracy back, Sam." 490 00:39:27,075 --> 00:39:30,245 Oh, God, Gordo. What did he say? 491 00:39:30,329 --> 00:39:32,706 -He said-- -Goddamn it, Gordo. 492 00:39:32,789 --> 00:39:35,918 Wait, wait. He said... 493 00:39:37,586 --> 00:39:41,548 "Tracy is like a wild horse. 494 00:39:42,466 --> 00:39:44,301 No one's ever gonna catch her." 495 00:39:53,101 --> 00:39:54,353 Yeah. 496 00:39:55,729 --> 00:39:57,231 Is that what you think? 497 00:40:00,025 --> 00:40:03,070 I think no man, woman or beast could ever catch you. 498 00:40:06,365 --> 00:40:07,908 Unless you wanna be caught. 499 00:40:21,463 --> 00:40:23,048 Catch me if you can. 500 00:40:32,975 --> 00:40:35,269 I don't know if you saw the d-mail from NASA HQ 501 00:40:35,352 --> 00:40:37,396 asking about the Pathfinder cost estimates? 502 00:40:38,105 --> 00:40:40,607 I did a quick budget analysis last night, if it's helpful. 503 00:40:46,488 --> 00:40:47,531 I'd go with red. 504 00:40:48,782 --> 00:40:50,826 -What? -He likes red. 505 00:40:52,369 --> 00:40:53,537 Who? 506 00:40:53,620 --> 00:40:55,247 Mr. Nikulov. Your first meeting. 507 00:40:55,330 --> 00:40:58,208 What does what he likes have to do with anything? 508 00:41:00,002 --> 00:41:01,879 Nothing, I suppose. 509 00:41:01,962 --> 00:41:04,840 I'll get you that Pathfinder budget analysis right away. 510 00:41:11,722 --> 00:41:14,057 -Morning. -Morning. 511 00:41:15,851 --> 00:41:16,935 Nice color. 512 00:41:17,895 --> 00:41:18,937 This? 513 00:41:21,940 --> 00:41:24,943 Did you get a chance to review the docking loads analysis? 514 00:41:25,027 --> 00:41:27,487 I did. They seem satisfactory. 515 00:41:27,571 --> 00:41:30,699 There's a new... directive from Moscow. 516 00:41:30,782 --> 00:41:32,451 The politburo has determined 517 00:41:32,534 --> 00:41:35,746 that the symbolism of the first handshake is important 518 00:41:35,829 --> 00:41:37,539 and that it should be exactly... 519 00:41:42,544 --> 00:41:43,962 equidistant, that's the word. 520 00:41:44,046 --> 00:41:47,090 Equidistant between the two spacecraft. 521 00:41:47,174 --> 00:41:50,677 That way neither side is the host, neither side is the visitor, you see? 522 00:41:52,763 --> 00:41:56,183 Well, the module is exactly 3.15 meters long, 523 00:41:56,266 --> 00:41:58,810 so the midpoint would be 1.575. 524 00:41:58,894 --> 00:42:03,565 Yes. Here... here. 525 00:42:04,358 --> 00:42:06,777 But that presents certain problems. 526 00:42:06,860 --> 00:42:07,903 Look. 527 00:42:11,281 --> 00:42:12,533 You be the Americans. 528 00:42:19,581 --> 00:42:23,669 Now, the midpoint is there. 529 00:42:23,752 --> 00:42:25,712 So-- Come on. 530 00:42:33,387 --> 00:42:35,973 In theory, if you give me your hand... 531 00:42:38,851 --> 00:42:42,437 Like that, so-- All seems good, no? 532 00:42:42,521 --> 00:42:44,273 No. Yes. 533 00:42:45,774 --> 00:42:46,859 Seems good. 534 00:42:47,860 --> 00:42:50,195 But the problem is that from this position 535 00:42:50,279 --> 00:42:53,323 we are blocking all views from both Soyuz and Apollo. 536 00:42:53,407 --> 00:42:54,950 I suppose. 537 00:42:55,033 --> 00:42:57,703 Now, where will the camera go? No one will see this. 538 00:43:01,123 --> 00:43:03,876 No point in doing a symbol of peace if no one can see it. 539 00:43:04,710 --> 00:43:05,919 Okay. 540 00:43:06,003 --> 00:43:07,004 Well-- 541 00:43:08,922 --> 00:43:10,966 If one side had to host... 542 00:43:11,049 --> 00:43:13,385 Moscow would prefer it be the Soviet Union. 543 00:43:14,761 --> 00:43:16,930 And Washington would prefer it be Apollo. 544 00:43:22,186 --> 00:43:25,355 What if we just... flip a coin? 545 00:43:27,983 --> 00:43:29,109 That would be... 546 00:43:30,402 --> 00:43:31,820 acceptable. 547 00:43:31,904 --> 00:43:34,072 -Do you have one? Sorry. -Yeah. 548 00:43:34,156 --> 00:43:37,117 -No pockets. -Yes. I think so. 549 00:43:39,620 --> 00:43:40,829 Okay. 550 00:43:41,788 --> 00:43:42,789 You call it. 551 00:43:44,166 --> 00:43:45,292 Eagle. 552 00:43:49,671 --> 00:43:51,965 -I'm sorry. -Oh, yeah, hold on. 553 00:43:55,344 --> 00:43:57,888 -I think it's on... -Yeah. 554 00:43:57,971 --> 00:43:59,056 Under. 555 00:44:03,227 --> 00:44:07,481 Sorry, you're gonna have to back up. I can't get... 556 00:44:09,191 --> 00:44:10,859 My pants are caught. 557 00:44:16,782 --> 00:44:21,370 Well, maybe I could get... 558 00:44:30,212 --> 00:44:31,630 Ms. Madison-- 559 00:44:33,215 --> 00:44:34,216 Yes? 560 00:44:35,801 --> 00:44:39,930 Ms. Madison, there is a situation I think you need to deal with. 561 00:44:47,145 --> 00:44:48,480 Excuse me. 562 00:44:52,025 --> 00:44:56,530 Bill Strausser quit. And, evidently, you're the cause. 563 00:44:57,197 --> 00:45:00,742 Me? I didn't do anything. 564 00:45:00,826 --> 00:45:02,870 Well, you must've done something. 565 00:45:02,953 --> 00:45:06,415 "It became apparent today after a conversation with Ms. Rosales 566 00:45:06,498 --> 00:45:08,542 that I do not have the respect of my colleagues, 567 00:45:08,625 --> 00:45:11,253 and therefore I am unable to continue in my position." 568 00:45:11,336 --> 00:45:13,839 -What the hell did you say to him? -Nothing. 569 00:45:13,922 --> 00:45:16,049 What did you say to him? 570 00:45:18,051 --> 00:45:22,639 I mean, okay... I did call him... 571 00:45:26,059 --> 00:45:27,144 Peanut. 572 00:45:36,820 --> 00:45:39,072 I should have never told you that story. 573 00:45:39,156 --> 00:45:41,283 I was trying to be nice and share a confident-- 574 00:45:41,366 --> 00:45:43,285 It just popped out. I didn't think it would make him quit. 575 00:45:43,368 --> 00:45:44,620 You didn't think. 576 00:45:45,245 --> 00:45:48,415 Bill Strausser is a valuable member of this team 577 00:45:48,498 --> 00:45:52,544 who has given over 20 years of loyal service to this agency, 578 00:45:52,628 --> 00:45:56,298 and he does not deserve to leave because some dumb kid shot her mouth off 579 00:45:56,381 --> 00:45:57,758 and humiliated him! 580 00:45:58,717 --> 00:46:01,094 Convince him to come back... 581 00:46:02,930 --> 00:46:04,431 or find yourself another job. 582 00:46:08,435 --> 00:46:10,646 -Excuse me? -Aleida, I stuck my neck out for you. 583 00:46:10,729 --> 00:46:13,941 -You owe me at least-- -I don't owe you a damn thing. 584 00:46:14,024 --> 00:46:15,943 -Calm down. -No, don't tell me to calm down. 585 00:46:16,026 --> 00:46:17,903 You don't get to tell me anything, ever. 586 00:46:17,986 --> 00:46:19,905 If you wanna fire me, go ahead. I don't care. 587 00:46:19,988 --> 00:46:21,615 I don't care. 588 00:46:22,574 --> 00:46:23,867 I see. 589 00:46:25,619 --> 00:46:27,246 This is what you do, isn't it? 590 00:46:27,329 --> 00:46:29,081 What? Stand up for myself? 591 00:46:29,164 --> 00:46:31,625 That's why you've been fired from every job you've ever had. 592 00:46:31,708 --> 00:46:33,418 Going gets rough and Aleida gets going, right? 593 00:46:33,502 --> 00:46:34,878 Fuck you. 594 00:46:34,962 --> 00:46:37,673 I think you're doing a pretty good job of that yourself. 595 00:46:38,632 --> 00:46:40,425 You wanna blow this job, go right ahead. 596 00:46:40,509 --> 00:46:45,347 But if you wanna be an aerospace engineer, this is the end of the road. 597 00:47:09,872 --> 00:47:13,667 And with answers ranging in value from $100 to $500 in-- 598 00:47:20,841 --> 00:47:21,842 Hi. 599 00:47:23,677 --> 00:47:24,928 Could I come in and-- 600 00:47:25,012 --> 00:47:27,347 Wait, no. I just wanna talk. 601 00:47:27,431 --> 00:47:30,601 -I don't wanna talk to you. -Just for a few minutes. Five minutes. 602 00:47:30,684 --> 00:47:32,269 Please, Bill. Come on. 603 00:47:34,897 --> 00:47:36,190 Yeah, all right. Come on. 604 00:47:37,274 --> 00:47:39,484 Goddamn it, I missed it. I knew it. 605 00:47:49,369 --> 00:47:52,206 Is that a real commlock from Space: 1999? 606 00:47:53,916 --> 00:47:56,835 I gave a tour of MOCR to Barbara Bain a few years ago, 607 00:47:56,919 --> 00:47:58,879 and she sent that as a thank-you. 608 00:47:58,962 --> 00:48:01,590 Is that Buzz Aldrin's glove? 609 00:48:01,673 --> 00:48:04,885 I'm not giving you a tour. What do you want? 610 00:48:08,138 --> 00:48:11,058 I'm here 'cause I wanted to say... 611 00:48:13,185 --> 00:48:14,186 I'm sorry. 612 00:48:16,855 --> 00:48:19,149 Fine. Thanks for coming by. 613 00:48:20,400 --> 00:48:23,320 So, are you gonna come back to work? Or... 614 00:48:23,403 --> 00:48:24,404 Nope. 615 00:48:24,947 --> 00:48:26,657 Please, Bill. Come on. It was just one moment. 616 00:48:26,740 --> 00:48:30,035 Just a dumb thing to say, and I'll never ever say it again. 617 00:48:30,118 --> 00:48:32,329 You think it's about that? 618 00:48:32,412 --> 00:48:35,332 I've been dealing with this story for almost 20 years. 619 00:48:36,083 --> 00:48:38,877 You're barely at NASA a month? You've already heard. 620 00:48:39,962 --> 00:48:42,798 Do you even know what Gemini mission it was? 621 00:48:42,881 --> 00:48:45,634 What was going on when Bill peed his pants? 622 00:48:46,510 --> 00:48:48,011 -It doesn't matter. -Yes, it does. 623 00:48:48,095 --> 00:48:50,973 -Really... -It's March 16th, 1966. Gemini 8. 624 00:48:51,557 --> 00:48:52,808 That mean anything to you? 625 00:48:53,684 --> 00:48:55,018 Yeah, sure. 626 00:48:58,146 --> 00:49:04,111 Neil Armstrong and David Scott started tumbling and spinning in orbit, 627 00:49:04,194 --> 00:49:05,445 and they nearly blacked out. 628 00:49:05,529 --> 00:49:07,072 Nearly died. 629 00:49:07,155 --> 00:49:08,949 If they black out, it's over. 630 00:49:10,242 --> 00:49:14,538 Now, I'm on console, about to go off duty, and, yeah, I had to pee. 631 00:49:15,414 --> 00:49:18,166 And suddenly Neil is saying he's lost control of the spacecraft, 632 00:49:18,250 --> 00:49:20,169 and it's getting worse. 633 00:49:20,252 --> 00:49:23,046 And we might lose two of the first Americans in space. 634 00:49:23,130 --> 00:49:26,175 So I stayed at my post. 635 00:49:27,551 --> 00:49:29,720 Even after Neil regained control. 636 00:49:29,803 --> 00:49:32,055 We didn't know how badly damaged the capsule was. 637 00:49:32,139 --> 00:49:35,184 So I stayed... with everyone. 638 00:49:37,561 --> 00:49:39,938 Waiting and watching 639 00:49:40,856 --> 00:49:42,149 and hoping 640 00:49:42,900 --> 00:49:44,109 and praying. 641 00:49:46,862 --> 00:49:48,947 You know they had to reenter over China? 642 00:49:50,532 --> 00:49:53,577 Yeah, we don't have any tracking stations in China. 643 00:49:53,660 --> 00:49:56,205 So when we lost their signal, it wasn't for a few minutes. 644 00:49:56,288 --> 00:49:57,497 It was an hour. 645 00:49:59,124 --> 00:50:03,670 Until an air force pilot saw their chutes deploy over Okinawa. 646 00:50:07,257 --> 00:50:10,928 We got word that they splashed down, and they were okay. 647 00:50:11,011 --> 00:50:14,097 We jumped up. And we cheered. 648 00:50:18,393 --> 00:50:22,564 It was the first time I'd ever been part of a moment like that. 649 00:50:25,651 --> 00:50:27,945 And I'm standing there, cheering. 650 00:50:29,571 --> 00:50:33,659 And Frank Bedlow looks at me and says, 651 00:50:33,742 --> 00:50:37,496 "Bill, did you pee your pants?" 652 00:50:40,624 --> 00:50:44,169 People still talk about it 20 goddamn years later. 653 00:50:55,180 --> 00:50:56,431 I... 654 00:50:57,808 --> 00:50:58,892 was shot. 655 00:50:59,977 --> 00:51:01,562 -What? -Shotgun. 656 00:51:01,645 --> 00:51:07,150 Rock salt, but there was some bird shot in it too. 657 00:51:09,319 --> 00:51:11,488 There's still some of it in my shoulder-- 658 00:51:11,572 --> 00:51:13,490 Look, I don't know what you're trying to do-- 659 00:51:13,574 --> 00:51:14,950 Just hear me out. 660 00:51:16,118 --> 00:51:17,160 Okay? 661 00:51:22,457 --> 00:51:27,004 There was a time in my life where... I didn't have anywhere to live. 662 00:51:28,547 --> 00:51:29,631 Nowhere. 663 00:51:30,257 --> 00:51:32,384 Occasionally I would crash on friends' couches, 664 00:51:32,467 --> 00:51:37,264 but it was mostly underpasses, park benches. Some backyards. 665 00:51:37,347 --> 00:51:40,893 Some backyards are so big, people don't know what's going on back there anyway. 666 00:51:44,188 --> 00:51:46,940 I had to eat. Obviously. 667 00:51:48,734 --> 00:51:50,277 But I had no money. 668 00:51:52,613 --> 00:51:53,822 So, I would... 669 00:51:55,282 --> 00:51:57,910 scavenge behind restaurants for food. 670 00:51:58,619 --> 00:52:02,164 There's this restaurant on Bryant Street that had some really good stuff, 671 00:52:02,247 --> 00:52:03,457 so I would go back there, 672 00:52:04,291 --> 00:52:07,419 and the owner would come out, and he would just yell at me. 673 00:52:08,795 --> 00:52:10,589 "Get out of here, you wetback. 674 00:52:11,590 --> 00:52:13,759 You're stinking up the neighborhood. Get a job." 675 00:52:14,885 --> 00:52:16,678 So, one day, I'm back there. 676 00:52:16,762 --> 00:52:21,558 The guy comes out. And this time... he's got a gun. 677 00:52:25,270 --> 00:52:27,439 I don't even remember getting shot. 678 00:52:28,941 --> 00:52:32,486 I just remember this loud noise and being on the ground 679 00:52:32,569 --> 00:52:34,821 and then just getting up and running. 680 00:52:36,782 --> 00:52:37,950 Just kept running. 681 00:52:39,701 --> 00:52:40,869 Stopped in the park. 682 00:52:43,997 --> 00:52:49,378 And that's when I realized that... blood was soaking my shirt. 683 00:52:50,587 --> 00:52:54,299 And the left side of my body felt like it was on fire. 684 00:52:56,677 --> 00:52:58,178 Jesus. 685 00:53:00,973 --> 00:53:06,144 So I went to the emergency room, and they cleaned me up. 686 00:53:06,228 --> 00:53:09,356 And I told them what happened, and they called the police. 687 00:53:09,439 --> 00:53:11,567 'Cause that's what you do when someone gets shot. 688 00:53:11,650 --> 00:53:13,318 You call the police. 689 00:53:14,736 --> 00:53:17,573 But I was here illegally, and I didn't want to talk to the police. 690 00:53:17,656 --> 00:53:18,782 So I just... 691 00:53:20,284 --> 00:53:21,285 left. 692 00:53:22,369 --> 00:53:27,165 I left before they got all the bird shot out. 693 00:53:27,249 --> 00:53:29,751 So I still have a lot of it in there. 694 00:53:29,835 --> 00:53:34,423 I have these big, ugly... 695 00:53:36,884 --> 00:53:37,968 scars... 696 00:53:39,887 --> 00:53:41,054 all through there. 697 00:53:43,765 --> 00:53:49,188 So... I don't wear any tank tops 698 00:53:49,271 --> 00:53:53,233 or bathing suits or halter tops or any of that shit. 699 00:53:56,570 --> 00:53:57,738 Nobody gets to see that. 700 00:54:03,035 --> 00:54:04,036 So... 701 00:54:05,913 --> 00:54:09,750 I have my own shame, Bill. 702 00:54:12,461 --> 00:54:14,087 And believe me when I say that... 703 00:54:16,548 --> 00:54:18,217 I'm really sorry... 704 00:54:19,343 --> 00:54:23,305 I made you feel yours all over again. 705 00:54:28,310 --> 00:54:30,229 Screen Actors Guild is absolutely right. 706 00:54:30,312 --> 00:54:32,564 World Leaders for 200. 707 00:54:32,648 --> 00:54:34,650 The answer: Britain's first female prime minister. 708 00:54:34,733 --> 00:54:37,027 Her popularity soared after the Falklands War. Larry. 709 00:54:37,110 --> 00:54:38,153 It's Margaret Thatcher. 710 00:54:38,237 --> 00:54:40,030 -Who is Margaret Thatcher? -Right. 711 00:54:40,113 --> 00:54:43,367 -Let's try Hot Movies for 400. -Needs to be in the form of a question. 712 00:54:46,662 --> 00:54:47,788 Fuck you. 713 00:54:47,871 --> 00:54:49,873 -You're right. -Hot Movies for 300. 714 00:54:49,957 --> 00:54:53,168 The male stars tested their disguises for this '59 film 715 00:54:53,252 --> 00:54:55,128 by visiting the studio ladies' room. Larry. 716 00:54:55,212 --> 00:54:57,422 -What is Some Like It Hot? -Some Like It Hot. Yes. 717 00:54:57,506 --> 00:54:58,757 Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. 718 00:54:58,841 --> 00:55:01,426 They must've had a lot of fun going to the ladies' rooms dressed up that way, 719 00:55:01,510 --> 00:55:03,262 but we'll talk about that on some other show. 720 00:55:03,345 --> 00:55:04,888 Right now, Larry, make a selection. 721 00:55:13,647 --> 00:55:15,732 Okay. I have your tips ready. 722 00:55:18,360 --> 00:55:19,736 21.50. 723 00:55:20,988 --> 00:55:24,783 -Not a bad night. -No, that's great. Thank you. 724 00:55:26,368 --> 00:55:28,245 I just wanted to say... 725 00:55:30,080 --> 00:55:31,290 about the other night... 726 00:55:32,332 --> 00:55:35,210 -Yeah, I don't really know what happened. -Nothing happened. 727 00:55:36,753 --> 00:55:37,754 Right. 728 00:55:37,838 --> 00:55:40,591 Two friends had a nice moment... 729 00:55:41,425 --> 00:55:43,635 and shared a friendly kiss. 730 00:55:46,305 --> 00:55:49,766 Maybe it was a little more friendly than it should have been, but... 731 00:55:49,850 --> 00:55:50,851 Yeah. 732 00:55:51,852 --> 00:55:52,895 Sorry. 733 00:55:56,064 --> 00:55:57,149 Don't be sorry. 734 00:56:01,278 --> 00:56:03,864 We can move on. We don't have to keep talking about it. 735 00:56:03,947 --> 00:56:05,115 Right. 736 00:56:08,744 --> 00:56:10,871 -Good night, Danny. -Good night, Mrs. Baldwin. 737 00:56:19,046 --> 00:56:20,297 Thought you were leaving. 738 00:56:21,965 --> 00:56:22,966 I don't... 739 00:56:24,468 --> 00:56:26,011 I don't know what to say. 740 00:56:27,888 --> 00:56:29,973 I know we're supposed to... 741 00:56:31,767 --> 00:56:34,603 forget about what happened. 742 00:56:34,686 --> 00:56:35,771 But I... 743 00:56:37,356 --> 00:56:38,565 I can't. 744 00:56:39,733 --> 00:56:41,735 I just keep thinking about it. 745 00:56:43,946 --> 00:56:45,155 Your hair... 746 00:56:46,198 --> 00:56:47,241 -and your lips. -Danny. 747 00:56:47,324 --> 00:56:49,535 All I can do is think about holding you in my arms. 748 00:56:49,618 --> 00:56:50,786 Stop talking. 749 00:56:52,538 --> 00:56:53,539 Stop talking. 750 00:57:03,882 --> 00:57:05,592 Go lock the door. 751 00:57:05,676 --> 00:57:07,219 Turn off the lights. 752 00:57:08,262 --> 00:57:09,596 Come meet me downstairs. 753 00:57:15,143 --> 00:57:16,520 Go. Now. 754 00:57:46,884 --> 00:57:48,385 You really gonna sell this place? 755 00:57:49,887 --> 00:57:51,305 Lock, stock and barrel. 756 00:57:53,098 --> 00:57:55,184 Gonna be weird, someone else owning the Outpost. 757 00:57:56,727 --> 00:57:59,980 First day I ever came here, day you had the grand opening. 758 00:58:00,772 --> 00:58:01,857 Yeah? 759 00:58:02,858 --> 00:58:04,193 That was a fun day. 760 00:58:05,152 --> 00:58:07,696 It was a total disaster. 761 00:58:07,779 --> 00:58:11,617 I remember the beer taps wouldn't work, the toilets overflowed. 762 00:58:11,700 --> 00:58:15,537 It was... a mess. But fun. 763 00:58:18,498 --> 00:58:21,793 So, is it just not... fun anymore? 764 00:58:24,254 --> 00:58:25,589 That's a good way to put it. 765 00:58:29,551 --> 00:58:30,886 People love it though. 766 00:58:32,471 --> 00:58:36,433 They do. They come in here, and they look at the space pictures 767 00:58:36,517 --> 00:58:37,976 and the space models. 768 00:58:38,060 --> 00:58:40,395 Anything that has anything to do with space. 769 00:58:41,104 --> 00:58:43,774 Yeah, I see it in their faces when they come through the door. 770 00:58:44,483 --> 00:58:47,819 They look around, like, "There any astronauts in here?" 771 00:58:49,738 --> 00:58:51,865 "Did that piece of crap really go to space?" 772 00:58:53,033 --> 00:58:54,618 "Is that space crap?" 773 00:58:56,203 --> 00:58:57,871 I swear I could sell actual crap. 774 00:58:57,955 --> 00:59:00,999 Just a ziplock bag filled with it, if I said it had been to space. 775 00:59:01,083 --> 00:59:02,918 Yeah, I don't doubt it. 776 00:59:03,752 --> 00:59:04,795 Why? 777 00:59:05,712 --> 00:59:07,297 Everyone wants to go to space. 778 00:59:08,632 --> 00:59:10,801 Not me. Never have. 779 00:59:10,884 --> 00:59:12,886 Well, everyone but you. 780 00:59:15,097 --> 00:59:17,808 But... most people never will. 781 00:59:17,891 --> 00:59:21,979 So coming here, buying some goofy trinket 782 00:59:22,062 --> 00:59:24,356 is the closest they'll ever come to the real thing. 783 00:59:25,691 --> 00:59:27,401 Till NASA starts selling tickets. 784 00:59:30,612 --> 00:59:32,030 NASA's never gonna do that. 785 00:59:32,114 --> 00:59:34,783 They would never sell tickets to space, right? 786 00:59:36,618 --> 00:59:38,245 I highly doubt it. 787 00:59:41,164 --> 00:59:42,249 Someone will. 788 00:59:43,041 --> 00:59:44,501 And they're gonna make a killing. 789 00:59:44,585 --> 00:59:45,586 Karen. 790 00:59:47,045 --> 00:59:48,255 You called me Karen. 791 00:59:49,423 --> 00:59:50,549 I love you. 792 00:59:53,802 --> 00:59:55,512 No, you don't, Danny. No, you don't. 793 00:59:55,596 --> 00:59:56,972 -Yes, I do. -No, you don't. 794 00:59:57,055 --> 00:59:59,266 I... I love you, Karen. 795 01:00:01,894 --> 01:00:05,522 Okay. Let's get a grip here. 796 01:00:06,648 --> 01:00:08,442 You're all that I think about. 797 01:00:09,067 --> 01:00:10,068 No. 798 01:00:10,152 --> 01:00:13,238 -I've been in love with you for years now. -What? No. That's not what this is. 799 01:00:13,322 --> 01:00:14,615 -Yeah. -No, no, no. 800 01:00:14,698 --> 01:00:17,451 I'll leave the academy. We can find a place to live in the city. 801 01:00:17,534 --> 01:00:18,535 What? 802 01:00:18,619 --> 01:00:21,371 Danny, that's not what this is. 803 01:00:21,455 --> 01:00:23,081 This is not love. 804 01:00:23,665 --> 01:00:25,834 -It's not going any further. -What? 805 01:00:25,918 --> 01:00:28,462 -I thought we just had-- -We had a really great time. 806 01:00:29,671 --> 01:00:32,549 We did. It was really, really great, okay? 807 01:00:32,633 --> 01:00:36,845 And it was something that we both wanted and needed maybe. 808 01:00:36,929 --> 01:00:37,930 I don't... 809 01:00:38,013 --> 01:00:40,557 I mean, I know I wanted it. And I needed it. 810 01:00:40,641 --> 01:00:41,642 And so I did it. 811 01:00:43,268 --> 01:00:45,103 And it was great. 812 01:00:46,271 --> 01:00:48,774 Hey. You were great. 813 01:00:51,818 --> 01:00:53,153 You were great, sweetie. 814 01:00:57,032 --> 01:00:58,158 But it's over. 815 01:00:58,742 --> 01:00:59,743 -No. -It's over. 816 01:00:59,826 --> 01:01:01,453 -It doesn't have to be. -Yes, it does. 817 01:01:01,537 --> 01:01:04,414 -Why? -Because I said so, okay? 818 01:01:04,498 --> 01:01:05,832 It's over. Get dressed. 819 01:01:08,961 --> 01:01:11,839 Just-- You should leave out the back door, all right? 820 01:01:11,922 --> 01:01:15,008 Just lock it behind you like you're the last one that was here. 821 01:01:15,092 --> 01:01:16,718 And I'll leave later on. 822 01:01:17,553 --> 01:01:20,556 Just get in your car and you drive home. 823 01:01:24,142 --> 01:01:25,727 Call in sick tomorrow though. 824 01:01:25,811 --> 01:01:28,605 And you leave for the academy at the end of the week anyway. 825 01:01:29,898 --> 01:01:31,817 Don't worry. I'll get you your last week's paycheck. 826 01:01:31,900 --> 01:01:33,277 I don't care about any of that. 827 01:01:41,368 --> 01:01:42,411 About-face. 828 01:01:43,620 --> 01:01:44,621 That's an order. 829 01:01:57,551 --> 01:01:59,678 Don't turn back. Just go. 830 01:02:26,830 --> 01:02:28,040 Oh, my God. 831 01:02:35,923 --> 01:02:38,383 357 Bravo, LSAM 2, 832 01:02:38,967 --> 01:02:41,428 I am five minutes out with your relief crew. 833 01:02:41,512 --> 01:02:43,222 Copy that, LSAM 2. 834 01:02:43,305 --> 01:02:46,141 Looking forward to some hot chow and a shower. 835 01:02:46,225 --> 01:02:49,895 Captain Stevens, you ready for some stick time? 836 01:02:53,565 --> 01:02:54,775 Roger that. 837 01:02:57,778 --> 01:03:00,906 All right. Switching to PLT. You have the vehicle. 838 01:03:03,617 --> 01:03:05,786 A lot of lag in the RCS thrusters. 839 01:03:06,537 --> 01:03:08,872 Man, she does not respond like she used to. 840 01:03:13,293 --> 01:03:17,631 Okay, boys and girls, please return your tray tables and your seat backs 841 01:03:17,714 --> 01:03:19,967 to their upright and locked positions. 842 01:03:33,939 --> 01:03:37,484 Next mining crew is set to arrive at 1130 hours to start. 843 01:03:38,986 --> 01:03:40,696 -Movement. -What? 844 01:03:41,655 --> 01:03:42,656 Where? 845 01:03:42,739 --> 01:03:45,951 Ten o'clock. I saw something flash at the top of that ridge. 846 01:03:49,454 --> 01:03:52,541 Are you sure? I don't see movement anywhere up there. 847 01:03:53,792 --> 01:03:56,378 Wait. Got it. 848 01:03:56,962 --> 01:03:57,963 We got company. 849 01:03:58,755 --> 01:04:00,549 Wilhelm, hold the fort. 850 01:04:01,216 --> 01:04:04,344 Webster, Lopez, come with me. 851 01:04:12,686 --> 01:04:14,188 Houston, MARDET actual. 852 01:04:14,271 --> 01:04:17,024 We've got unfriendlies on the ridge over 357 Bravo. 853 01:04:17,107 --> 01:04:19,067 Heading up to check it out. 854 01:04:19,151 --> 01:04:21,028 Copy that. Approach with caution. 855 01:04:21,111 --> 01:04:25,073 Once you have them in your sight, attempt to contact on their radio frequency. 856 01:04:26,867 --> 01:04:28,243 Will comply, Houston. 857 01:04:32,623 --> 01:04:35,334 Heads up, eyes open. Spread out. 858 01:04:41,006 --> 01:04:42,257 Clear on the right. 859 01:04:43,300 --> 01:04:45,093 Webster, cover left. 860 01:04:45,886 --> 01:04:48,138 Roger left. Holding. 861 01:04:48,805 --> 01:04:49,806 Moving. 862 01:04:50,974 --> 01:04:53,602 Left is clear. Crossing right. 863 01:04:54,228 --> 01:04:56,772 Gotcha. Taking left flank. 864 01:04:57,356 --> 01:04:58,524 Still nothing. 865 01:05:07,032 --> 01:05:09,076 Houston. Contact, front. 866 01:05:09,785 --> 01:05:10,786 What've you got? 867 01:05:10,869 --> 01:05:14,790 I see two cosmonauts working on some kind of equipment. 868 01:05:14,873 --> 01:05:16,124 They haven't spotted us yet. 869 01:05:16,208 --> 01:05:17,876 Lopez, you see any more of them? 870 01:05:17,960 --> 01:05:20,295 Negative, skipper. Just these two. 871 01:05:20,379 --> 01:05:22,172 Houston, your call. 872 01:05:22,256 --> 01:05:25,133 MARDET 1, switch to Russian communication frequency 873 01:05:25,217 --> 01:05:27,553 and order them to vacate immediately. 874 01:05:27,636 --> 01:05:28,679 Wilco. 875 01:05:28,762 --> 01:05:30,722 Webster, take point. 876 01:05:30,806 --> 01:05:33,141 Get on their freq and tell these guys to get lost. 877 01:05:33,934 --> 01:05:35,352 Lopez, keep her covered. 878 01:05:35,435 --> 01:05:36,520 Roger. 879 01:05:36,603 --> 01:05:38,480 Switching frequencies. 880 01:05:39,022 --> 01:05:42,025 Attention Soviet Cosmonauts. 881 01:05:43,026 --> 01:05:47,239 This area is claimed by the United States government. 882 01:06:01,336 --> 01:06:02,462 They're moving. 883 01:06:04,047 --> 01:06:05,215 I got 'em. 884 01:06:05,966 --> 01:06:07,134 Stay cool, guys. 885 01:06:19,771 --> 01:06:23,192 I don't like this. What's he doing? 886 01:06:23,275 --> 01:06:25,903 What's in that case? Is that a gun? 887 01:06:25,986 --> 01:06:28,697 Stop! Step away from the case. 888 01:06:33,911 --> 01:06:35,454 Shots fired. Shots fired. 889 01:06:36,121 --> 01:06:37,122 Enemy down. 890 01:06:37,206 --> 01:06:40,125 You, stay away from the case. 891 01:06:45,506 --> 01:06:47,382 Shit. Go, go, go. 892 01:06:48,425 --> 01:06:49,468 Goddamn it. 893 01:06:50,260 --> 01:06:52,471 MARDET 1, Houston. 894 01:06:52,554 --> 01:06:54,264 MARDET 1, sitrep. 895 01:06:54,932 --> 01:06:57,643 Houston, two hostiles down. And it's bad. 896 01:06:58,435 --> 01:06:59,728 Wait one. 897 01:07:01,772 --> 01:07:04,274 Jesus. This guy's on fire. 898 01:07:04,358 --> 01:07:05,526 Holy shit. 899 01:07:06,109 --> 01:07:07,736 Jesus. What do I do? 900 01:07:09,238 --> 01:07:10,280 Hold on, buddy. 901 01:07:10,364 --> 01:07:12,866 You got a hole in your suit, but we're gonna patch you up. 902 01:07:12,950 --> 01:07:15,327 Webster, Lopez. Sound off. 903 01:07:15,410 --> 01:07:18,205 -I'm good. -I'm good. 904 01:07:18,288 --> 01:07:20,958 Breathe, buddy, breathe. You're gonna be okay. 905 01:07:21,041 --> 01:07:22,584 -Stevens? -Copy, Vance. 906 01:07:22,668 --> 01:07:24,545 This guy needs a medevac, ASAP. 907 01:07:24,628 --> 01:07:25,546 Fuck me. 908 01:07:26,129 --> 01:07:29,258 We're on the ridge. About 300 meters in from the crest. 909 01:07:31,426 --> 01:07:33,637 Copy your position. Be there in a flash. 910 01:07:33,720 --> 01:07:35,806 Webster, secure their weapons. 911 01:07:36,890 --> 01:07:38,308 Aye, aye. 912 01:07:38,392 --> 01:07:40,686 MARDET 1, Houston. What's your situation? 913 01:07:41,728 --> 01:07:44,857 I say again, MARDET 1. Houston. Request status update. 914 01:07:50,821 --> 01:07:54,449 Houston, MARDET actual. 915 01:07:54,533 --> 01:07:56,076 Site is secure. 916 01:07:56,159 --> 01:07:59,329 We have two enemy casualties. One dead, one wounded. 917 01:07:59,413 --> 01:08:00,664 Medevac inbound. 918 01:08:01,415 --> 01:08:02,499 Get the White House. 919 01:08:11,383 --> 01:08:14,011 Jesus. Skipper. 920 01:08:15,262 --> 01:08:16,721 What is it? 921 01:08:16,805 --> 01:08:18,223 There are no weapons. 922 01:08:19,183 --> 01:08:20,642 Then what were they reaching for? 923 01:08:22,560 --> 01:08:24,020 Oh, my God.