1 00:00:06,006 --> 00:00:09,092 Joyner-Kersee won gold over Soviet Irina Belova 2 00:00:09,176 --> 00:00:10,761 in last night's race. 3 00:00:10,844 --> 00:00:13,096 And in Houston, more questions are being asked 4 00:00:13,180 --> 00:00:15,682 in the wake of the Polaris hotel disaster 5 00:00:15,766 --> 00:00:18,810 and the tragic deaths that occurred in Earth orbit. 6 00:00:18,894 --> 00:00:20,854 NASA has vowed a full investigation 7 00:00:20,938 --> 00:00:23,815 and review of its safety certification process, 8 00:00:23,899 --> 00:00:26,860 while some in Congress are questioning NASA's lack of oversight. 9 00:00:26,944 --> 00:00:28,278 Can you please turn that off? 10 00:00:28,362 --> 00:00:30,656 -The tragedy has left the public asking-- -Yes, ma'am. 11 00:01:15,993 --> 00:01:17,119 Ms. Baldwin. 12 00:01:18,829 --> 00:01:20,789 Thank you for coming all the way out here. 13 00:01:20,873 --> 00:01:21,874 Sure. 14 00:01:29,631 --> 00:01:32,593 I am-- I'm truly sorry about Sam. 15 00:01:33,677 --> 00:01:34,803 Thank you. 16 00:01:34,887 --> 00:01:39,057 You two built something amazing together. 17 00:01:44,396 --> 00:01:45,689 It's why I asked you here. 18 00:02:00,579 --> 00:02:01,580 Is it not enough? 19 00:02:01,663 --> 00:02:04,291 No, it's very generous. 20 00:02:04,875 --> 00:02:07,169 So generous it makes me wonder why. 21 00:02:08,586 --> 00:02:12,090 Our company's reputation is in tatters. 22 00:02:12,174 --> 00:02:14,676 I mean, our debtors are calling in their loans. 23 00:02:14,760 --> 00:02:18,305 I mean, if you were gonna sell Polaris off for parts, 24 00:02:18,388 --> 00:02:20,265 you would make me a lowball offer. 25 00:02:25,354 --> 00:02:27,856 But you are not just in this for the money. 26 00:02:29,608 --> 00:02:30,609 No. 27 00:02:33,111 --> 00:02:35,447 You know, I read somewhere you're testing a new methane engine. 28 00:02:36,657 --> 00:02:38,283 From what I know, 29 00:02:38,367 --> 00:02:41,370 methane doesn't offer much advantage for trips to the moon. 30 00:02:43,247 --> 00:02:44,540 But it does to Mars. 31 00:02:45,874 --> 00:02:48,043 From what I can tell, Helios doesn't have a ship 32 00:02:48,126 --> 00:02:50,504 that could support a crew for a two-year trip. 33 00:02:51,588 --> 00:02:54,341 So you must be five years away from building one. 34 00:02:55,175 --> 00:02:56,927 Seven, actually. 35 00:02:57,010 --> 00:03:01,932 But if you were to acquire a ship that could support human life, 36 00:03:02,558 --> 00:03:05,936 let's say my hotel, and attach your new engines to it… 37 00:03:06,019 --> 00:03:08,272 That's a fascinating theory. 38 00:03:16,280 --> 00:03:17,781 You seriously think you can do it? 39 00:03:19,950 --> 00:03:22,995 My dad came to this country with just a few shillings in his pocket. 40 00:03:24,246 --> 00:03:26,582 And he got a degree and became an engineer. 41 00:03:26,665 --> 00:03:28,500 He believed what Jack Kennedy said. 42 00:03:28,584 --> 00:03:32,337 "In America… anything is possible." 43 00:03:33,088 --> 00:03:36,216 I can still remember him sitting in that living room that night in '69, 44 00:03:36,300 --> 00:03:37,968 glued to the TV, 45 00:03:39,136 --> 00:03:42,055 watching the Soviets plant their red flag on the moon. 46 00:03:42,556 --> 00:03:45,517 The tears were rolling down his cheeks. 47 00:03:46,476 --> 00:03:48,896 I had never even seen him cry before. 48 00:03:50,939 --> 00:03:54,276 Being first, it meant something. 49 00:03:54,359 --> 00:03:56,653 But you are going up against the two wealthiest, 50 00:03:56,737 --> 00:03:59,239 most powerful nations in the world. 51 00:03:59,323 --> 00:04:02,201 And if they divide up Mars like they did the moon, 52 00:04:02,284 --> 00:04:06,955 we'll never end this destructive cycle. This "us… versus them." 53 00:04:08,749 --> 00:04:11,543 In Kenya, there's a Kiswahili word, "harambee." 54 00:04:12,461 --> 00:04:15,797 It means "stronger together." Mutual responsibility. 55 00:04:16,757 --> 00:04:21,053 That is what Helios is all about. 56 00:04:22,387 --> 00:04:26,934 That! That's what's gonna push mankind to make the next leap forward. 57 00:04:27,017 --> 00:04:31,813 Colonizing Mars, and the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. 58 00:04:42,783 --> 00:04:44,660 I suppose now your price goes up. 59 00:04:44,743 --> 00:04:47,329 That was a great speech. 60 00:04:48,288 --> 00:04:50,457 I mean, it was worth at least another 10%. 61 00:04:56,964 --> 00:04:59,716 Okay, Karen Baldwin. Done. 62 00:05:02,719 --> 00:05:04,680 I'll have my lawyers draw up the paperwork. 63 00:05:11,270 --> 00:05:12,688 Congratulations. 64 00:05:52,561 --> 00:05:57,941 Five, four, three, two, one. 65 00:07:28,615 --> 00:07:30,367 Make a hole, people! Coming through! 66 00:07:46,300 --> 00:07:48,468 I need to see the generalissimo right fucking now. 67 00:07:48,552 --> 00:07:49,469 She's not available. 68 00:07:49,553 --> 00:07:50,929 -She still in Huntsville? -Yes. 69 00:07:51,013 --> 00:07:53,140 Well, maybe you can explain this bullshit to me. 70 00:07:53,223 --> 00:07:57,603 I-- I can't, 'cause I don't read-- I don't read braille. 71 00:07:57,686 --> 00:08:02,774 I'll bet you transcribe every word the mistress of darkness spews from her lair. 72 00:08:02,858 --> 00:08:06,028 What, she think I wouldn't notice this gem buried at the end? 73 00:08:06,737 --> 00:08:11,408 "Astronaut candidates must conform to criteria 74 00:08:11,491 --> 00:08:16,705 to be established by the Astronaut Candidate Qualifications Committee." 75 00:08:16,788 --> 00:08:20,083 Ha! Committee of handpicked stooges, no doubt. 76 00:08:20,167 --> 00:08:22,461 Of all the backstabbing, underhanded-- 77 00:08:22,544 --> 00:08:23,670 You're overreacting. 78 00:08:23,754 --> 00:08:25,714 The committee is merely an advisory board that's ju-- 79 00:08:25,797 --> 00:08:26,798 Bullshit! 80 00:08:26,882 --> 00:08:29,635 This is a power grab. Plain and simple. 81 00:08:30,594 --> 00:08:33,514 -She's trying to force my hand. -Force your hand? 82 00:08:34,264 --> 00:08:35,640 The Mars mission. 83 00:08:36,517 --> 00:08:38,727 Our fearless leader needs to remember one thing. 84 00:08:38,809 --> 00:08:41,647 I decide who goes up and when, 85 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:44,775 no matter what she writes in any goddamn memo! 86 00:08:45,776 --> 00:08:47,402 Come on, Ollie. Let's go. 87 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:55,327 Listen, with your getting doctorates in advanced robotics 88 00:08:55,410 --> 00:08:58,622 and your lunar experience, I think you are ideally suited 89 00:08:59,122 --> 00:09:01,416 to command the Mars '98 mission. 90 00:09:06,713 --> 00:09:08,382 The second mission to Mars. 91 00:09:09,925 --> 00:09:11,343 So let me get this straight. 92 00:09:11,426 --> 00:09:14,721 My advanced qualifications actually worked against me going first? 93 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:18,058 Well, yeah. They kinda did. 94 00:09:20,269 --> 00:09:22,437 I don't suppose the fact that you and Ed go way back-- 95 00:09:22,521 --> 00:09:25,440 Don't go there, Dani. You and I go just as far. 96 00:09:25,941 --> 00:09:26,984 I know. 97 00:09:28,068 --> 00:09:29,736 But you're wrong on this one, Molly. 98 00:09:29,820 --> 00:09:33,156 Well, it's my call, and that's how I see it. 99 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:36,910 Yeah, there's no argument you'd be better at handling the science. 100 00:09:36,994 --> 00:09:39,413 Someone with your qualifications will be invaluable 101 00:09:39,496 --> 00:09:41,373 once the first flight's proven it can be done 102 00:09:41,456 --> 00:09:44,710 and we start building the infrastructure for a permanent base. 103 00:09:44,793 --> 00:09:48,046 But Ed is first, last and always a test pilot. 104 00:09:48,130 --> 00:09:50,090 And he's used to handling the unknown. 105 00:09:50,174 --> 00:09:51,592 And a first flight to Mars 106 00:09:51,675 --> 00:09:53,677 is full of huge unknowns. 107 00:09:55,470 --> 00:09:59,141 He might not be the guy who's gonna find life on Mars. 108 00:09:59,224 --> 00:10:03,437 But he is the guy who, I think, has the best chance of getting the mission done 109 00:10:03,520 --> 00:10:05,772 and bringing everyone home alive. 110 00:10:10,527 --> 00:10:11,653 This sucks. 111 00:10:14,072 --> 00:10:15,407 Yeah, it does. 112 00:10:16,658 --> 00:10:20,579 And I totally understand if you don't wanna lead his backup crew. 113 00:10:20,662 --> 00:10:22,372 So you think about that, you let me know. 114 00:10:22,456 --> 00:10:24,416 I don't need to think about it. 115 00:10:25,042 --> 00:10:26,376 I'll back him up. 116 00:10:27,169 --> 00:10:30,464 Whatever the program needs, whatever Ed needs, 117 00:10:32,049 --> 00:10:33,050 I'll be there. 118 00:10:36,386 --> 00:10:41,099 Now, as you can see, we can make methane, hydrogen and oxygen 119 00:10:41,183 --> 00:10:44,228 from the atmosphere and water resources on Mars. 120 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:47,481 Now, the question I pose to you is 121 00:10:47,564 --> 00:10:51,652 which technology offers the best trade-off for a long-duration Mars mission 122 00:10:51,735 --> 00:10:53,362 with the goals we discussed? 123 00:11:00,619 --> 00:11:03,330 Now, remember, it's not just about mass. 124 00:11:03,830 --> 00:11:07,793 Keep in mind the power requirements for liquification, transportation 125 00:11:07,876 --> 00:11:09,920 and storage in each case. 126 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:12,297 D-mail your analyses to me by next Wednesday. 127 00:11:13,340 --> 00:11:16,927 Belay that, children. You can submit your work to Ken Muriata. 128 00:11:17,511 --> 00:11:19,972 He will be taking over this class from now on. 129 00:11:20,055 --> 00:11:21,056 Why? 130 00:11:21,139 --> 00:11:22,516 Wasn't my call. 131 00:11:22,599 --> 00:11:26,812 The Astronaut Candidate Qualification Committee has concerns 132 00:11:26,895 --> 00:11:31,316 about your availability for the next couple of years. 133 00:11:37,406 --> 00:11:38,574 Don't fuck with me, Molly. 134 00:11:38,657 --> 00:11:40,909 Now, why would I do that, Admiral? 135 00:11:41,910 --> 00:11:44,037 Because you're drunk with power. 136 00:11:45,372 --> 00:11:47,040 I never should've given you that job. 137 00:11:49,209 --> 00:11:51,211 Well, we all make decisions we regret. 138 00:11:52,337 --> 00:11:54,965 I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of mine. 139 00:11:59,595 --> 00:12:00,596 Seriously? 140 00:12:02,472 --> 00:12:03,473 That's right. 141 00:12:05,142 --> 00:12:09,021 Edward Baldwin is gonna command America's first mission to Mars. 142 00:12:16,111 --> 00:12:17,154 Holy shit. 143 00:12:19,031 --> 00:12:20,324 Holy shit! 144 00:12:27,122 --> 00:12:30,250 -Do not fuck this up. -Fuck this up. 145 00:13:17,798 --> 00:13:18,799 Hey there. 146 00:13:19,758 --> 00:13:22,553 Danny! What are you doing here? 147 00:13:23,720 --> 00:13:26,515 Came to pick up Mom's astronaut pin from Sam's office. 148 00:13:31,228 --> 00:13:32,688 I remember the day that she got that. 149 00:13:33,939 --> 00:13:37,484 Sam was always so proud of your mom. You know that? 150 00:13:39,403 --> 00:13:40,612 He was proud of you too. 151 00:13:42,406 --> 00:13:45,742 Way you pulled your life together after everything. 152 00:13:45,826 --> 00:13:47,119 It's really great. 153 00:13:50,330 --> 00:13:52,416 Glad you were able to sell the company. 154 00:13:52,499 --> 00:13:54,209 At least you're walking away with some money. 155 00:13:54,293 --> 00:13:55,544 Well, that's thanks to you. 156 00:13:56,545 --> 00:13:59,173 If you hadn't have turned off that thruster, I-- 157 00:13:59,256 --> 00:14:00,966 I wouldn't even be standing here. 158 00:14:01,758 --> 00:14:05,721 It wasn't completely altruistic. Saved my own ass too. 159 00:14:09,516 --> 00:14:10,893 Guess I better get going. 160 00:14:15,689 --> 00:14:16,690 Hey, Danny? 161 00:14:20,986 --> 00:14:22,362 At the reception… 162 00:14:24,948 --> 00:14:26,533 why did you play it? 163 00:14:27,075 --> 00:14:28,076 Play what? 164 00:14:29,745 --> 00:14:30,954 That song. 165 00:14:36,084 --> 00:14:37,503 It was Amber's idea. 166 00:14:38,795 --> 00:14:40,214 She's a Billy Swan fan too. 167 00:14:44,635 --> 00:14:46,762 Well, it's a great song. 168 00:14:46,845 --> 00:14:47,846 Yeah. 169 00:14:49,723 --> 00:14:50,724 Good night. 170 00:14:59,775 --> 00:15:01,902 -Karen? -Yeah? 171 00:15:01,985 --> 00:15:03,445 I lied just then. 172 00:15:04,363 --> 00:15:08,200 About the song. About you and me. 173 00:15:08,283 --> 00:15:10,536 -About everything. Look, just listen. -Danny-- 174 00:15:11,578 --> 00:15:14,665 Okay, the day of the wedding, I felt sick to my stomach. 175 00:15:16,041 --> 00:15:17,376 I didn't know exactly what it was 176 00:15:17,459 --> 00:15:20,337 until I was out there with the world spinning below me, but… 177 00:15:21,922 --> 00:15:23,465 in that moment, I wasn't thinking about Amber. 178 00:15:23,549 --> 00:15:25,676 -I don't want to hear this. -All I was thinking about was you. 179 00:15:25,759 --> 00:15:27,135 -That's not okay. -It's the truth. 180 00:15:27,219 --> 00:15:29,346 -I don't care. I don't wanna hear it. -I thought about your eyes. 181 00:15:29,429 --> 00:15:31,306 -What? Oh, my God. -The smell of your hair, your lips. 182 00:15:31,390 --> 00:15:33,433 -Go. Get out of here. -How I might never see you again. 183 00:15:33,517 --> 00:15:36,562 Hey! Stop it, right now. Stop it! 184 00:15:39,064 --> 00:15:40,649 That's enough! 185 00:15:41,233 --> 00:15:44,862 Jesus, I thought that you moved beyond all of this! 186 00:15:46,989 --> 00:15:47,990 I tried. 187 00:15:49,449 --> 00:15:51,285 You don't know how hard I tried. 188 00:15:51,368 --> 00:15:53,078 Okay, well, I'm not going through it again. 189 00:15:53,161 --> 00:15:56,206 You're not gonna start calling me in the middle of the night again 190 00:15:56,290 --> 00:15:58,208 and showing up at my house drunk. 191 00:15:58,292 --> 00:15:59,960 It's not gonna happen, okay? 192 00:16:01,962 --> 00:16:04,089 You have to move on. 193 00:16:05,007 --> 00:16:06,008 Please. 194 00:16:07,092 --> 00:16:10,262 It was a mistake, okay? I'm sorry. 195 00:16:11,138 --> 00:16:13,015 It never should have happened. 196 00:16:18,103 --> 00:16:19,438 Is it because of Ed? 197 00:16:20,189 --> 00:16:21,190 What? 198 00:16:21,982 --> 00:16:23,984 I saw the way you both were at the wedding. 199 00:16:24,067 --> 00:16:26,153 I can't believe you're gonna get back with that son of a bitch. 200 00:16:26,236 --> 00:16:27,738 Oh, my God, Danny. 201 00:16:27,821 --> 00:16:29,948 The way he talks down to you, to everyone, 202 00:16:30,032 --> 00:16:32,075 like he's God's gift to this world or something. 203 00:16:32,159 --> 00:16:34,703 Danny, this has nothing to do with Ed. 204 00:16:34,786 --> 00:16:36,205 Nothing! Okay? 205 00:16:36,705 --> 00:16:39,333 You need to go home to your wife. 206 00:17:07,736 --> 00:17:09,154 But I like John. 207 00:17:09,988 --> 00:17:13,534 He and I see eye to eye on most issues, and we have a great rapport. 208 00:17:13,617 --> 00:17:15,202 It's not about rapport. 209 00:17:15,285 --> 00:17:18,914 It's about choosing a vice president that'll add value to the ticket. 210 00:17:18,997 --> 00:17:20,540 Picking a moderate like McCain-- 211 00:17:20,624 --> 00:17:22,835 Will help me attract Democrats. 212 00:17:23,710 --> 00:17:26,505 He favors lower taxes and spending, and less regulation, 213 00:17:26,588 --> 00:17:29,842 but he's also pretty socially liberal and a war hero. 214 00:17:30,676 --> 00:17:33,262 If something happened to me, he'd make a great president. 215 00:17:33,345 --> 00:17:35,472 Well, we wouldn't really need to worry about that 216 00:17:35,556 --> 00:17:37,724 if you don't become president in the first place. 217 00:17:39,977 --> 00:17:41,603 You don't need another you. 218 00:17:41,687 --> 00:17:44,648 You need someone who will shore up your weaknesses. 219 00:17:44,731 --> 00:17:46,358 Clinton's up by six in most polls, 220 00:17:46,441 --> 00:17:48,819 and he's got a 20-point edge with male voters. 221 00:17:48,902 --> 00:17:51,321 Yeah, it doesn't matter that I'm a former astronaut 222 00:17:51,405 --> 00:17:53,615 who put my life on the line for over a decade. 223 00:17:54,324 --> 00:17:57,327 I'm running in a party that's infatuated with alpha males, 224 00:17:57,411 --> 00:18:00,330 so I need one on the ticket. Is that it? 225 00:18:00,414 --> 00:18:03,584 Exactly. Preferably someone who will excite the evangelicals. 226 00:18:05,335 --> 00:18:08,172 That's why I want you to give another look at Bragg. 227 00:18:09,965 --> 00:18:12,009 It doesn't have to be someone you like. 228 00:18:12,092 --> 00:18:14,011 It has to be someone the base likes. 229 00:18:14,761 --> 00:18:17,181 You know what he said about Mars? 230 00:18:17,264 --> 00:18:18,849 He's in favor of a manned mission. 231 00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:22,019 Because, he says, Mars is in the same orbit as Earth 232 00:18:22,102 --> 00:18:24,271 and has canals full of water. 233 00:18:26,064 --> 00:18:28,984 Okay, he's a little fuzzy on the science. You'll bring him up to speed. 234 00:18:29,067 --> 00:18:33,488 The point is, he's a founding member of the Conservatives for Jesus Christ. 235 00:18:33,572 --> 00:18:34,573 Yeah. 236 00:18:36,742 --> 00:18:39,077 Are we sure we want someone that far right on the ticket? 237 00:18:40,704 --> 00:18:43,498 It's not about what we want. It's about what we need. 238 00:18:48,837 --> 00:18:53,008 Okay. Set up a meeting, but I am not making any promises. 239 00:18:55,469 --> 00:18:57,429 -Daddy! -Oh, geez! 240 00:18:59,473 --> 00:19:00,766 Evil hand! Evil hand! 241 00:19:00,849 --> 00:19:04,436 Evil hand, you know, I haven't seen him. I think the coast is clear. 242 00:19:05,437 --> 00:19:06,605 Look out, Daddy! 243 00:19:06,688 --> 00:19:09,942 -Oh, geez! He's coming for ya! -Mommy! Help, Mommy! 244 00:19:10,025 --> 00:19:12,569 Get back, evil hand! Get back. 245 00:19:12,653 --> 00:19:15,614 -There it comes over here. -Get back, evil hand! 246 00:19:15,697 --> 00:19:17,157 -Other side. -Uh-oh. Uh-oh. 247 00:19:17,241 --> 00:19:18,283 Uh-oh. 248 00:19:19,201 --> 00:19:20,369 Yeah, Scotty! 249 00:19:22,371 --> 00:19:25,040 You did it! The victor! 250 00:19:36,969 --> 00:19:39,429 -Way to go, Admiral. -Thanks. 251 00:19:41,598 --> 00:19:42,683 Hi, Bob. 252 00:19:45,310 --> 00:19:46,311 Hi, Bob. 253 00:19:50,190 --> 00:19:52,150 Hope that thing doesn't slow you down too much. 254 00:19:52,234 --> 00:19:55,153 Nah. Just can't drive a clutch for a few weeks. 255 00:19:58,323 --> 00:20:02,077 I rented one of those new electric roadsters. 256 00:20:02,160 --> 00:20:04,329 No gears. Just raw power. 257 00:20:05,080 --> 00:20:08,125 Does zero to 60 in 3.4 seconds. 258 00:20:09,251 --> 00:20:10,252 Sweet! 259 00:20:13,964 --> 00:20:15,424 Congratulations on Mars. 260 00:20:16,425 --> 00:20:18,886 Looks like NASA still values age over beauty. 261 00:20:18,969 --> 00:20:22,264 Hell no! This assignment cost me a whole case of Glenfiddich. 262 00:20:22,347 --> 00:20:24,141 You know, Molly, she don't sway easy. 263 00:20:24,224 --> 00:20:26,226 -Don't I know it. -Look, I promise you, 264 00:20:26,310 --> 00:20:30,856 I'll leave a whole crate of whatever libation you fancy up there on Mars. 265 00:20:30,939 --> 00:20:35,110 Just so long as that geriatric cadaver of yours doesn't wither away first. 266 00:20:35,194 --> 00:20:40,282 There is zero chance of that. Everything is still rock solid. 267 00:20:40,365 --> 00:20:41,658 Except that leg. 268 00:20:41,742 --> 00:20:43,035 It'll heal soon enough. 269 00:20:44,119 --> 00:20:45,120 I hope so. 270 00:20:46,705 --> 00:20:51,043 Because if you stumble, even for just one second, 271 00:20:52,377 --> 00:20:55,297 I'm gonna swoop in and steal your seat in a heartbeat. 272 00:20:56,507 --> 00:20:58,967 Me and my backup crew are gonna be breathing down your neck 273 00:20:59,051 --> 00:21:00,511 all the way to launch. 274 00:21:00,594 --> 00:21:02,846 I expect nothing less. 275 00:21:06,975 --> 00:21:08,936 Come on. Come on. 276 00:21:24,952 --> 00:21:27,162 Hey, Dad. How's your leg? 277 00:21:27,246 --> 00:21:32,251 It's fine. Which you'd know if you ever returned my calls. 278 00:21:32,334 --> 00:21:33,710 I know. I'm sorry. 279 00:21:34,211 --> 00:21:36,547 Anyways. I got some news for you. 280 00:21:36,630 --> 00:21:39,132 Don't tell me. Yvonne cracked up another car? 281 00:21:41,093 --> 00:21:42,594 No. 282 00:21:44,471 --> 00:21:45,806 You might as well know. 283 00:21:46,431 --> 00:21:49,810 She and I have-- We're splitting up. 284 00:21:49,893 --> 00:21:55,148 Wow. Less than a year. That's a new record for you. 285 00:21:55,232 --> 00:21:57,943 You could at least pretend to be sad about it. 286 00:21:58,026 --> 00:22:00,112 You're right. I'm sorry. That was mean. 287 00:22:01,154 --> 00:22:03,740 So, where are you moving now? 288 00:22:04,241 --> 00:22:06,201 Not back to the Shamrock, I hope. 289 00:22:06,285 --> 00:22:11,206 No. I actually found a great new neighborhood. 290 00:22:11,290 --> 00:22:12,958 I think you'll love it. 291 00:22:13,041 --> 00:22:14,585 Really? Where? 292 00:22:20,382 --> 00:22:21,884 In this area right here. 293 00:22:22,551 --> 00:22:24,261 You got the mission? 294 00:22:24,761 --> 00:22:26,889 Holy shit! 295 00:22:29,183 --> 00:22:31,268 Congrats, Dad! 296 00:22:31,351 --> 00:22:33,645 Yeah. I got it. 297 00:22:33,729 --> 00:22:37,065 And word is the Russian engine's got some serious teething problems, 298 00:22:37,149 --> 00:22:41,445 so, you bet your ass the US of A's gonna win this race. 299 00:22:42,446 --> 00:22:44,990 And here's a kicker. 300 00:22:47,743 --> 00:22:48,994 How'd you like to come with me? 301 00:22:50,454 --> 00:22:51,538 Where, to Mars? 302 00:22:51,622 --> 00:22:54,333 You've been preparing for this your whole life, Kel. 303 00:22:55,042 --> 00:22:59,087 Would NASA ever risk letting a family fly together on a mission like this? 304 00:22:59,171 --> 00:23:02,174 Well, your old man's still got some pull at the office. 305 00:23:02,257 --> 00:23:03,842 Me and Molly got an understanding. 306 00:23:03,926 --> 00:23:05,552 Yeah, the geezer network. 307 00:23:05,636 --> 00:23:08,514 This is a chance for you to get your head out of the snow, kiddo, 308 00:23:08,597 --> 00:23:10,098 and back into the sky. 309 00:23:11,058 --> 00:23:12,684 I don't know. I-- 310 00:23:12,768 --> 00:23:16,730 I'd have to put my research down here on hold for four, maybe five years. 311 00:23:16,813 --> 00:23:20,400 I offer you a chance to be one of the first humans on Mars, 312 00:23:20,484 --> 00:23:22,319 and you're talking about research? 313 00:23:22,402 --> 00:23:24,613 I just don't get it. 314 00:23:24,696 --> 00:23:27,533 Four years of Annapolis, two years of flight school. 315 00:23:27,616 --> 00:23:31,161 You aced your astronaut training and your first trip to Skylab. 316 00:23:31,245 --> 00:23:33,997 But instead of going back to space, 317 00:23:34,081 --> 00:23:37,835 you're chasing bacteria in the ass-end of the world. 318 00:23:37,918 --> 00:23:42,506 This research is teaching us how life might have evolved on Mars. 319 00:23:43,382 --> 00:23:45,425 We found a strain of Sphingomonas dessicabilus 320 00:23:45,509 --> 00:23:47,761 that could survive the extreme cold up there. 321 00:23:47,845 --> 00:23:51,181 So come with me, bring some swing-a-lings with you, 322 00:23:51,265 --> 00:23:53,767 and figure out how to grow some shit up there. 323 00:23:53,851 --> 00:23:54,893 Sphingomonas. 324 00:23:56,103 --> 00:23:58,897 Swingabangas. That's what I said. 325 00:24:01,859 --> 00:24:02,860 So… 326 00:24:05,404 --> 00:24:06,822 Are you in? 327 00:24:09,032 --> 00:24:10,492 Of course I'm in. 328 00:24:12,703 --> 00:24:15,789 Attagirl! It'll be just like old times. 329 00:24:15,873 --> 00:24:18,500 I love you. Always. 330 00:24:19,251 --> 00:24:22,045 Love you too, Dad. Always. 331 00:24:22,129 --> 00:24:23,630 Bye. 332 00:24:35,601 --> 00:24:37,477 -Hey. -Hey. 333 00:24:42,316 --> 00:24:44,610 That scampi sure does smell good. 334 00:24:47,070 --> 00:24:48,989 Just be careful you don't overcook that shrimp. 335 00:24:49,489 --> 00:24:51,408 A good commander doesn't micromanage her crew. 336 00:24:59,875 --> 00:25:01,502 Guess that's why I didn't get the mission. 337 00:25:04,046 --> 00:25:05,255 Molly gave Mars to Ed. 338 00:25:06,632 --> 00:25:07,758 I'm his backup. 339 00:25:09,092 --> 00:25:10,385 Baby, I'm so sorry. 340 00:25:12,304 --> 00:25:13,722 I know how much you wanted it. 341 00:25:23,857 --> 00:25:25,943 You don't seem all that broken up about it. 342 00:25:31,740 --> 00:25:32,741 Well… 343 00:25:34,826 --> 00:25:36,787 I gotta admit I am kind of relieved. 344 00:25:38,372 --> 00:25:40,040 I thought you were okay about me going. 345 00:25:40,123 --> 00:25:42,751 Look, I knew space was dangerous. But it was kind of… 346 00:25:45,212 --> 00:25:46,964 an abstraction. You know? 347 00:25:49,716 --> 00:25:51,510 After what we went through up there. 348 00:25:51,593 --> 00:25:55,639 I know, I-- It's real now. I get it. 349 00:25:56,640 --> 00:25:59,560 But I am still slated to go up in 1998. You know that. 350 00:25:59,643 --> 00:26:00,644 I know. 351 00:26:02,104 --> 00:26:06,024 But at least Isaiah will be out of school, and he could use all the help he can get. 352 00:26:06,108 --> 00:26:08,110 I don't need help. 353 00:26:08,193 --> 00:26:09,820 Your midterms would suggest otherwise. 354 00:26:09,903 --> 00:26:12,239 You know I like to come from behind. I'm on it. 355 00:26:12,322 --> 00:26:13,574 Was studying just now. 356 00:26:13,657 --> 00:26:15,951 Is that why I heard all that simulated gunfire from your room? 357 00:26:17,494 --> 00:26:21,039 So, why are we talking about you being home? 358 00:26:22,708 --> 00:26:25,335 Mr. Baldwin was selected for the Mars mission. 359 00:26:25,419 --> 00:26:28,255 They picked the old white guy. Shocker. 360 00:26:28,922 --> 00:26:31,341 He gonna take a walker and colostomy bag up with him? 361 00:26:31,425 --> 00:26:32,759 Okay, come on now. 362 00:26:33,677 --> 00:26:38,473 Hey, the good news is I will be around to help you out with that AP history paper. 363 00:26:38,557 --> 00:26:39,850 What's the subject again? 364 00:26:39,933 --> 00:26:40,976 John Adams. 365 00:26:41,727 --> 00:26:45,147 John Adams, stuffing the courts with Federalist judges. 366 00:26:45,230 --> 00:26:49,484 The age-old issue. States' rights versus big government. 367 00:26:49,568 --> 00:26:53,280 Ellen Wilson and Bill Clinton are having that exact argument today. 368 00:26:53,363 --> 00:26:54,781 This is going to be so fun. 369 00:26:54,865 --> 00:26:57,075 Now I really wish you got that commander job. 370 00:27:01,121 --> 00:27:03,290 Careless spending led Governor Bill Clinton 371 00:27:03,373 --> 00:27:06,418 to increase the sales tax in Arkansas by 33%. 372 00:27:07,961 --> 00:27:10,088 And now he's hoping to become president 373 00:27:10,172 --> 00:27:14,218 so he can increase the Federal government's spending by $220 billion, 374 00:27:14,301 --> 00:27:17,387 forcing every American to pay more taxes. 375 00:27:17,471 --> 00:27:20,224 This is why we need a true American hero to fight for us. 376 00:27:20,307 --> 00:27:23,060 Senator Ellen Wilson will just say no 377 00:27:23,143 --> 00:27:25,729 to Clinton's disastrous tax-and-spend policies. 378 00:27:25,812 --> 00:27:27,731 And that's why I'm running for president. 379 00:27:27,814 --> 00:27:30,943 Let's build a better future. Together. 380 00:27:32,110 --> 00:27:35,197 When your favorite pan is a great grimy mess, 381 00:27:35,280 --> 00:27:37,032 try our new lemon-scented degreasing formula. 382 00:27:37,115 --> 00:27:38,700 Very excited to have you here, sir. 383 00:27:39,284 --> 00:27:42,287 Governor Bragg. Thank you for coming on such short notice. 384 00:27:42,371 --> 00:27:43,997 I'm sure you have a lot on your plate. 385 00:27:44,081 --> 00:27:47,125 Well, somehow, I'm guessing not as much as you, ma'am. 386 00:27:47,209 --> 00:27:48,502 Honored to be here. 387 00:27:48,585 --> 00:27:49,920 Sorry about all the mess. 388 00:27:50,003 --> 00:27:52,297 We're in the process of moving our campaign headquarters 389 00:27:52,381 --> 00:27:55,884 to a larger building, and it's been a bit chaotic. 390 00:27:55,968 --> 00:27:57,469 Believe me, I understand. 391 00:27:57,553 --> 00:28:00,430 We just had the Governor's Mansion renovated last year, 392 00:28:00,514 --> 00:28:03,892 and I am still trying to find my favorite pair of cuff links. 393 00:28:06,436 --> 00:28:11,191 Well, we haven't had much in the way of personal interaction, 394 00:28:11,275 --> 00:28:15,195 but I've always admired the straightforward way you carry yourself. 395 00:28:15,696 --> 00:28:17,531 I like to think we have that in common. 396 00:28:17,614 --> 00:28:19,116 I couldn't agree more. 397 00:28:19,199 --> 00:28:22,494 I have been a fan of yours ever since-- 398 00:28:22,578 --> 00:28:24,580 Well, you know. 399 00:28:24,663 --> 00:28:26,707 -The tank? -The tank. 400 00:28:26,790 --> 00:28:29,877 Heck, that was something. I'm sure you hear that a lot. 401 00:28:30,878 --> 00:28:32,337 Only every day. 402 00:28:32,421 --> 00:28:35,299 Well, I've been keeping an eye on you ever since, 403 00:28:35,382 --> 00:28:39,595 and your voice in the Senate has been so valuable to the party. 404 00:28:39,678 --> 00:28:42,181 You're bringing us into the 21st century. 405 00:28:42,264 --> 00:28:44,516 Kicking and screaming, to be sure. 406 00:28:45,893 --> 00:28:47,102 Thank you for saying that. 407 00:28:48,520 --> 00:28:50,981 So, as I'm sure Larry made you aware, 408 00:28:51,064 --> 00:28:53,692 I'm considering my options for a running mate. 409 00:28:54,318 --> 00:28:56,069 And before I make my final choice, 410 00:28:56,153 --> 00:28:59,531 I wanted to have a frank conversation with you. 411 00:28:59,615 --> 00:29:02,117 -Only kind worth having. -Good. 412 00:29:02,201 --> 00:29:07,080 There are several areas where you and I don't see eye to eye. 413 00:29:07,873 --> 00:29:09,708 Stem cell research, for example. 414 00:29:09,791 --> 00:29:13,754 True. I do not support stem cell research. 415 00:29:14,254 --> 00:29:16,089 I am staunchly pro-life. 416 00:29:16,173 --> 00:29:17,341 As am I, 417 00:29:17,424 --> 00:29:22,596 but this is a promising area of scientific research that could save lives. 418 00:29:27,100 --> 00:29:30,437 Look, I want my vice president to be someone I can rely on 419 00:29:30,521 --> 00:29:33,607 for their honest, unvarnished opinion. 420 00:29:33,690 --> 00:29:34,691 Always. 421 00:29:34,775 --> 00:29:37,444 But I also need that person to be on the same team, 422 00:29:37,528 --> 00:29:41,323 even if they don't agree with every decision I make or every position I hold. 423 00:29:42,908 --> 00:29:45,035 There will be times when I call on my vice president 424 00:29:45,118 --> 00:29:47,829 to advocate for something they don't agree with. 425 00:29:49,873 --> 00:29:51,834 Is this something you feel you could handle, Governor? 426 00:29:55,671 --> 00:29:59,258 Are there sacrifices that have to be made? Of course. 427 00:30:00,133 --> 00:30:03,512 But sacrifice is a part of any journey. 428 00:30:03,595 --> 00:30:06,431 Ma'am, I'm going to be straight with you, as you've been with me. 429 00:30:06,515 --> 00:30:10,227 There is no one I would rather be following into a fray 430 00:30:10,727 --> 00:30:13,105 than a true American hero like yourself. 431 00:30:13,730 --> 00:30:17,985 It has been too long that the Republican Party has been defined 432 00:30:18,068 --> 00:30:19,778 by people that look like me. 433 00:30:21,405 --> 00:30:25,409 I would be honored if asked to serve with you. 434 00:30:37,421 --> 00:30:39,506 -Hey. You're back early. -Hey. 435 00:30:39,590 --> 00:30:41,717 The electromagnetic containment guys have the goods? 436 00:30:41,800 --> 00:30:43,135 It's very promising. 437 00:30:43,218 --> 00:30:47,222 Great. I-- You know, I gotta say, I'm a little annoyed. 438 00:30:47,764 --> 00:30:48,765 Why? 439 00:30:48,849 --> 00:30:49,975 Well-- 440 00:30:50,726 --> 00:30:54,229 I had a double sawbuck on Danielle to command Mars '96. 441 00:30:54,313 --> 00:30:55,606 Thought it was a sure thing. 442 00:30:55,689 --> 00:30:59,484 I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand why you went with Ed, but-- 443 00:30:59,568 --> 00:31:01,361 Wait, wait. What did you say? 444 00:31:03,530 --> 00:31:04,573 No, just-- 445 00:31:05,574 --> 00:31:08,952 I mean, you're picking Ed for commander. 446 00:31:16,627 --> 00:31:17,628 Right? 447 00:31:19,755 --> 00:31:22,090 Personality traits must be altered, 448 00:31:22,174 --> 00:31:27,137 which means Babe Ruth will be stuck with what the organization initially selected. 449 00:31:28,472 --> 00:31:29,723 Easy, Ollie. 450 00:31:31,266 --> 00:31:34,978 Can you tell me why I have to hear that you picked Ed Baldwin as commander 451 00:31:35,062 --> 00:31:36,396 from Bill Strausser? 452 00:31:36,980 --> 00:31:38,690 Well, I put it in a memo. 453 00:31:38,774 --> 00:31:41,235 I guess you didn't have a chance to read mine yet. 454 00:31:41,318 --> 00:31:44,279 We agreed to continue discussing it when I returned. 455 00:31:44,363 --> 00:31:47,616 Here you are, and here we are discussing it. 456 00:31:48,659 --> 00:31:51,703 Oh, come on. You went behind my back when I was out of town. 457 00:31:51,787 --> 00:31:52,996 Behind your back? 458 00:31:53,080 --> 00:31:55,916 You mean like putting together a bogus committee for selecting the ASCANs? 459 00:31:55,999 --> 00:31:58,794 Those are some of the finest scientific minds at this agency. 460 00:31:58,877 --> 00:32:01,880 Oh, come on. You are trying to cut the balls off this office 461 00:32:01,964 --> 00:32:05,384 just like you have every other department in this entire agency 462 00:32:05,467 --> 00:32:07,094 over the last ten years. 463 00:32:07,177 --> 00:32:08,595 That's what you think I'm doing? 464 00:32:08,679 --> 00:32:13,308 You don't like having someone around who doesn't kowtow to your every whim. 465 00:32:14,101 --> 00:32:17,104 I don't care how many friends you got in Washington. 466 00:32:17,688 --> 00:32:20,357 -I will not allow you to steamroll-- -Allow? 467 00:32:20,440 --> 00:32:22,192 You will not allow? 468 00:32:22,276 --> 00:32:23,610 Molly, this isn't the '60s, 469 00:32:23,694 --> 00:32:26,071 and NASA's not the same place it was when Deke was around. 470 00:32:26,154 --> 00:32:27,865 And your blind refusal-- 471 00:32:31,910 --> 00:32:34,162 -That's not what I meant. -I know what you fucking meant. 472 00:32:34,246 --> 00:32:38,000 I'm done debating this with you. My job is to assign all the flight crews, 473 00:32:38,083 --> 00:32:41,461 including who will command the Mars '96 mission. 474 00:32:41,545 --> 00:32:42,546 So I did my job. 475 00:32:42,629 --> 00:32:45,340 -You should not have done that. -Well, what's done is done. 476 00:32:48,468 --> 00:32:50,596 No, what's done is now undone. 477 00:32:50,679 --> 00:32:52,306 You're fired, Molly. 478 00:32:56,143 --> 00:32:57,227 You wouldn't dare. 479 00:32:57,728 --> 00:33:00,355 I would. And I did. 480 00:33:01,273 --> 00:33:04,234 Leave your badge at the desk on your way out. 481 00:33:21,919 --> 00:33:23,128 Admiral Baldwin's here. 482 00:33:24,087 --> 00:33:25,714 -Hey, Ed. -Hey. 483 00:33:25,797 --> 00:33:26,715 Have a seat. 484 00:33:26,798 --> 00:33:30,010 Did you get a chance to look at my crew wish list yet? 485 00:33:32,679 --> 00:33:34,056 Ed, we need to talk. 486 00:33:35,557 --> 00:33:37,601 I know. It's about Kelly, right? 487 00:33:37,684 --> 00:33:40,562 Look, I get it. But it's not just 'cause she's my daughter. 488 00:33:40,646 --> 00:33:43,815 -She's abundantly qualified-- -Ed, it's not about that. 489 00:33:45,943 --> 00:33:46,944 Okay. 490 00:33:52,574 --> 00:33:55,077 You're not going to command the Mars mission. 491 00:33:57,496 --> 00:33:58,580 What? 492 00:33:58,664 --> 00:34:00,457 -No, M-- Molly-- -Jumped. 493 00:34:01,667 --> 00:34:06,088 Jumped the gun. Danielle Poole is the agency's choice. 494 00:34:13,804 --> 00:34:15,597 I don't understand. 495 00:34:15,681 --> 00:34:18,141 Ed, you're a great commander. No one questions that. 496 00:34:18,225 --> 00:34:22,813 But Danielle's got a broader skill set in planetary science and-- 497 00:34:22,896 --> 00:34:24,106 This is bullshit. 498 00:34:26,440 --> 00:34:28,025 Jerking me around like this. 499 00:34:28,819 --> 00:34:31,822 I know. And I apologize. 500 00:34:33,197 --> 00:34:37,661 Wait, what the hell happened? Why isn't Molly telling me this? 501 00:34:38,536 --> 00:34:40,330 Because it's my call. 502 00:34:41,540 --> 00:34:43,166 And Molly no longer works here. 503 00:34:45,085 --> 00:34:47,254 -As of when? -As of today. 504 00:34:47,880 --> 00:34:49,590 So who's her replacement? 505 00:34:49,672 --> 00:34:51,925 Going forward, flight crews will be determined 506 00:34:52,009 --> 00:34:55,094 by mission parameters as defined by a selection committee. 507 00:34:57,890 --> 00:34:59,516 By a selection committee. 508 00:35:03,395 --> 00:35:05,314 By a selection committee. 509 00:35:06,273 --> 00:35:10,777 So the weenies and the white coats are finally calling all the shots. 510 00:35:10,861 --> 00:35:13,697 I know this new system will take some adjustment. 511 00:35:13,780 --> 00:35:15,866 Adjustment! Hell. 512 00:35:16,783 --> 00:35:19,286 The whole reason Deke built this system was so we know 513 00:35:19,369 --> 00:35:24,208 that the guy making the call has had his ass on the line just like us. 514 00:35:27,294 --> 00:35:30,506 But now it's just a bunch of pencil-pushing sycophants. 515 00:35:31,590 --> 00:35:34,510 Bravo, Margo. I hope you're proud of yourself. 516 00:35:46,688 --> 00:35:48,273 -No way. -Look at him go! 517 00:35:51,610 --> 00:35:52,611 -He's crushing him. -There it is! 518 00:35:52,694 --> 00:35:55,239 -Off to a strong start. -There it is. All right. 519 00:35:55,322 --> 00:35:57,741 -Yo, Bombshell's gonna crush it. -Come on. I wouldn't put my money on him. 520 00:35:57,824 --> 00:35:58,825 -He's gonna crush it. -Look! 521 00:35:58,909 --> 00:36:00,619 Look. He's crushing him. 522 00:36:00,702 --> 00:36:03,080 -He's crushing him. He's crushing him. -Come on. 523 00:36:03,664 --> 00:36:05,332 He got him up in the air! 524 00:36:08,085 --> 00:36:10,170 Oh, man. 525 00:36:14,132 --> 00:36:16,635 This hurts to just watch this. 526 00:36:16,718 --> 00:36:18,011 -Bombshell being destroyed. -Hello? 527 00:36:18,095 --> 00:36:19,429 Man. 528 00:36:20,013 --> 00:36:22,224 -That's horrible. -Hey, Margo. 529 00:36:22,307 --> 00:36:23,559 Hey. Yeah. 530 00:36:24,434 --> 00:36:27,729 Let the bot battle begin, and here comes Bombshell with that package… 531 00:36:30,983 --> 00:36:32,109 You're kidding me. 532 00:36:32,985 --> 00:36:35,070 What happened to Ed? 533 00:36:36,613 --> 00:36:37,865 Why? 534 00:36:37,948 --> 00:36:40,951 Oh, my God. Margo, I'm-- I am so excited. 535 00:36:41,034 --> 00:36:44,121 And you are not gonna regret this. Yeah? I promise. 536 00:36:46,081 --> 00:36:48,500 Yeah. See you tomorrow. 537 00:36:51,753 --> 00:36:52,880 Oh, my God. 538 00:36:54,464 --> 00:36:55,757 Oh, my. 539 00:37:22,910 --> 00:37:27,039 I never thought she'd do it. I guess times really have changed. 540 00:37:27,122 --> 00:37:30,459 This is not the agency we signed up for. That's for damn sure. 541 00:37:32,628 --> 00:37:34,505 I'm just glad Deke's not alive to see it. 542 00:37:35,506 --> 00:37:38,175 To Deke. Buzz. 543 00:37:39,051 --> 00:37:41,678 To you and me, a dying breed. 544 00:37:48,685 --> 00:37:50,145 You want this back? 545 00:37:50,229 --> 00:37:52,856 Pretty sure my short game is as good as it's going to get. 546 00:37:53,732 --> 00:37:55,692 Probably get some good money for it down at the Outpost. 547 00:37:55,776 --> 00:37:58,820 It's an authentic astronaut souvenir. 548 00:38:01,573 --> 00:38:02,991 The Outpost. 549 00:38:03,909 --> 00:38:06,411 There's another great institution gone to hell. 550 00:38:10,123 --> 00:38:13,836 Yeah. Just like the two of us. 551 00:38:58,964 --> 00:39:01,925 Rosales, come on. Let's get you checked in. 552 00:39:03,927 --> 00:39:05,262 Okay, Rin. Let's go. 553 00:39:43,133 --> 00:39:44,801 -Thank you. -Have a good day. 554 00:39:45,969 --> 00:39:47,804 Scotch on the rocks. Thanks. 555 00:39:58,106 --> 00:39:59,107 Hi, Bob. 556 00:39:59,858 --> 00:40:02,361 I don't even feel like saying that in here anymore. 557 00:40:02,444 --> 00:40:04,238 It feels wrong. 558 00:40:08,033 --> 00:40:10,911 Anyways, congratulations. 559 00:40:12,496 --> 00:40:14,498 First person on Mars. 560 00:40:14,581 --> 00:40:17,751 Ed, this is not how I wanted things to go down. 561 00:40:17,835 --> 00:40:19,002 You know that. 562 00:40:19,086 --> 00:40:20,170 I'm sorry. 563 00:40:20,963 --> 00:40:22,798 You didn't do anything. NASA did. 564 00:40:23,715 --> 00:40:25,551 Bean counters have taken over. 565 00:40:26,635 --> 00:40:27,803 Gordo called this. 566 00:40:28,470 --> 00:40:31,807 Saw this bullshit coming way back when we were on Jamestown. 567 00:40:33,016 --> 00:40:34,351 There's no room for pioneers. 568 00:40:34,434 --> 00:40:36,186 Who's the birthday girl? 569 00:40:37,688 --> 00:40:39,106 Three, two, one. 570 00:40:39,189 --> 00:40:40,566 Liftoff! 571 00:40:41,275 --> 00:40:42,651 Happy birthday! 572 00:40:46,989 --> 00:40:48,365 Liftoff. 573 00:40:50,826 --> 00:40:56,915 Well, in four years, you'll be 140 million miles away from this bullshit. 574 00:40:56,999 --> 00:41:00,127 I'll probably be over there in that corner signing souvenirs. 575 00:41:00,878 --> 00:41:04,464 Not likely. Nobody here will have any idea who the hell you are. 576 00:41:06,717 --> 00:41:08,093 Probably not. 577 00:41:13,390 --> 00:41:14,808 I guess I'll always wonder 578 00:41:14,892 --> 00:41:17,769 why I didn't land Apollo 10 when I had the chance. 579 00:41:20,564 --> 00:41:22,608 But at least that was my own doing. 580 00:41:23,525 --> 00:41:28,030 This, you know-- Just having it taken away from-- 581 00:41:29,031 --> 00:41:30,115 And for-- 582 00:41:34,369 --> 00:41:35,245 For what? 583 00:41:37,247 --> 00:41:38,248 Dani. 584 00:41:40,918 --> 00:41:42,503 I know what you're capable of. 585 00:41:43,754 --> 00:41:48,592 I trained you. I've flown with you. Hell, I gave you your first command. 586 00:41:48,675 --> 00:41:49,718 But? 587 00:41:49,801 --> 00:41:54,014 But we both know there are other factors at play here. 588 00:41:56,683 --> 00:41:57,851 Other factors? 589 00:42:00,187 --> 00:42:01,688 Like what, Ed? 590 00:42:01,772 --> 00:42:03,190 Come on, Dani. 591 00:42:05,067 --> 00:42:08,570 You're a damn fine astronaut. Nobody's disputing that. 592 00:42:08,654 --> 00:42:11,949 But if this were a level playing field, 593 00:42:12,032 --> 00:42:14,576 I'd be commanding this mission, and you know it. 594 00:42:23,627 --> 00:42:25,128 I don't even know what to say. 595 00:42:27,631 --> 00:42:32,261 I've heard crap like that my whole life, but I never thought I'd hear it from you. 596 00:42:35,597 --> 00:42:36,682 Dani. 597 00:42:43,772 --> 00:42:45,691 Hey. Dani. 598 00:43:05,377 --> 00:43:06,420 Come on. 599 00:43:24,938 --> 00:43:26,315 What's wrong? 600 00:43:27,024 --> 00:43:28,358 I lost my watch. 601 00:43:29,735 --> 00:43:34,615 I'm sure it's around somewhere. You'll find it. You always do. 602 00:43:34,698 --> 00:43:36,658 Is Javi there? 603 00:43:36,742 --> 00:43:38,118 Sí, sí… 604 00:43:40,037 --> 00:43:41,163 Javi! 605 00:43:43,874 --> 00:43:45,083 Javi! 606 00:43:45,167 --> 00:43:46,502 You and Vic getting along? 607 00:43:48,670 --> 00:43:50,422 I get along with him. 608 00:43:50,506 --> 00:43:52,341 He doesn't get along with me. 609 00:43:52,424 --> 00:43:55,802 Papá, please try to make it work between you two, okay? 610 00:43:55,886 --> 00:43:56,929 -I can't-- -Hi, Mommy. 611 00:43:57,012 --> 00:43:59,932 Hi, baby. Do you know where I am? 612 00:44:00,891 --> 00:44:02,017 I'm on the moon. 613 00:44:02,100 --> 00:44:05,229 -Uh-huh. -I'm on the Jamestown Base. 614 00:44:05,312 --> 00:44:07,231 You've seen it on TV, right? 615 00:44:07,314 --> 00:44:08,982 I am working on Sojourner 1, 616 00:44:09,066 --> 00:44:13,904 which is this big ship that'll take people from the moon to Mars four years from now. 617 00:44:13,987 --> 00:44:17,324 Your mamá is working on the engines that will take it there. 618 00:44:24,748 --> 00:44:26,166 He's watching the DuckTales. 619 00:44:32,464 --> 00:44:35,092 Papá, it's real. 620 00:44:35,759 --> 00:44:39,471 I'm actually here. I'm on the moon. 621 00:44:40,222 --> 00:44:41,306 Can you believe it? 622 00:44:41,390 --> 00:44:45,477 No. Your mother would be so proud. 623 00:44:46,645 --> 00:44:48,313 So proud of you. 624 00:44:56,530 --> 00:44:58,198 Yeah, I wish she was here too. 625 00:44:59,867 --> 00:45:01,869 Aleida, I need to find my watch. I'm sorry. 626 00:45:01,952 --> 00:45:03,871 I have to make dinner at 6:00. 627 00:45:03,954 --> 00:45:05,455 I need to find my watch. 628 00:45:05,539 --> 00:45:06,999 Have you looked on the bedside table? 629 00:45:07,583 --> 00:45:10,210 -Maybe someone stole it. -No one stole your watch. 630 00:45:12,087 --> 00:45:13,505 Papá? 631 00:45:14,381 --> 00:45:15,465 Papá? 632 00:45:25,225 --> 00:45:29,771 And now a man you know well, your governor, Jim Bragg. 633 00:45:31,356 --> 00:45:32,858 Although unexpected, 634 00:45:32,941 --> 00:45:36,195 Senator Wilson's choice of Governor James Bragg as her running mate 635 00:45:36,278 --> 00:45:40,115 is considered by many political analysts to be a savvy political move 636 00:45:40,199 --> 00:45:41,742 by the Republican nominee. 637 00:45:41,825 --> 00:45:44,953 Governor Bragg's strong and consistent conservative positions 638 00:45:45,037 --> 00:45:48,248 are expected to solidify the evangelical vote. 639 00:45:54,379 --> 00:45:55,380 Ed? 640 00:45:56,381 --> 00:45:59,510 Jesus, what the hell are you doing here? 641 00:45:59,593 --> 00:46:01,595 Goddamn toy car. 642 00:46:02,304 --> 00:46:03,847 Hey, are you all right? 643 00:46:05,807 --> 00:46:07,226 Well, you're bleeding. 644 00:46:07,309 --> 00:46:09,061 Goddamn rosebushes. 645 00:46:09,770 --> 00:46:14,441 Okay. Well, I guess we're gonna go in and get you cleaned up. 646 00:46:15,067 --> 00:46:16,443 Goddamn boot. 647 00:46:36,547 --> 00:46:40,884 I'll be pushing 70 by the time the next Mars mission launches. 648 00:46:42,177 --> 00:46:44,429 You think they'll be bringing on a geriatric? 649 00:46:45,055 --> 00:46:46,098 Fuck no. 650 00:46:48,809 --> 00:46:49,935 So what's left? 651 00:46:51,186 --> 00:46:52,896 More milk runs to the moon? 652 00:46:54,273 --> 00:46:56,400 Maytag repairs in low Earth orbit? 653 00:46:57,401 --> 00:47:00,237 I'm closer to the end than the beginning, Kar. 654 00:47:03,198 --> 00:47:05,117 It's not how I wanted to go out. 655 00:47:13,917 --> 00:47:16,170 I know. You hate it when I mope. 656 00:47:18,505 --> 00:47:20,048 How you holding up with everything? 657 00:47:21,508 --> 00:47:24,261 Heard you sold the company. 658 00:47:25,721 --> 00:47:26,930 Yep. 659 00:47:30,184 --> 00:47:33,979 Yeah? I mean, that's not the reaction you'd expect 660 00:47:34,062 --> 00:47:36,815 from someone with millions of dollars in their bank account. 661 00:47:37,816 --> 00:47:42,070 Polaris was supposed to be this whole new chapter. 662 00:47:43,572 --> 00:47:44,907 Now it's just gone. 663 00:47:51,663 --> 00:47:53,040 I guess this is the… 664 00:47:53,999 --> 00:47:57,628 big, beautiful tomorrow we used to always dream of. 665 00:47:58,921 --> 00:48:01,089 A lot less shiny than I thought it would be. 666 00:48:02,799 --> 00:48:03,800 Yeah. 667 00:48:04,718 --> 00:48:06,428 You ever wonder… 668 00:48:07,763 --> 00:48:08,764 What? 669 00:48:08,847 --> 00:48:13,769 …what our lives would have been like if we hadn't met that day? 670 00:48:17,773 --> 00:48:21,401 You mean if I hadn't have run into a burst pipe on Penfield Avenue 671 00:48:21,485 --> 00:48:23,737 and taken Friar on the way to school instead 672 00:48:23,820 --> 00:48:28,033 and run into you in a vacant lot setting off bottle rockets? 673 00:48:29,284 --> 00:48:31,245 I guess you have thought about it. 674 00:48:32,412 --> 00:48:33,747 Only once or twice. 675 00:48:36,750 --> 00:48:37,835 Who knows? 676 00:48:39,253 --> 00:48:41,755 Maybe I would have done something completely different. 677 00:48:43,298 --> 00:48:44,842 Come on, Ed. 678 00:48:44,925 --> 00:48:48,387 You not be an astronaut? Yeah, right. 679 00:48:50,514 --> 00:48:51,974 Civil engineer, maybe. 680 00:48:54,017 --> 00:48:57,813 You know, my first year at Annapolis, I thought about it. 681 00:48:58,605 --> 00:48:59,690 About leaving the Academy. 682 00:49:01,567 --> 00:49:03,360 -Really? -Yeah. 683 00:49:03,443 --> 00:49:06,488 It was pure hell. I missed home. 684 00:49:08,240 --> 00:49:09,283 I missed you. 685 00:49:15,205 --> 00:49:16,540 So why didn't you? 686 00:49:18,667 --> 00:49:20,752 I wanted to fly. 687 00:49:22,504 --> 00:49:26,592 And I… didn't wanna let you down. 688 00:49:31,763 --> 00:49:34,433 I guess I did that anyway. Too many times. 689 00:49:44,902 --> 00:49:47,154 So why in the world a civil engineer, Ed? 690 00:49:51,491 --> 00:49:55,329 Be nice to build something that lasts. 691 00:49:56,914 --> 00:50:00,709 Like a bridge. Or a dam. 692 00:50:02,669 --> 00:50:05,672 I mean, I've been flying for, what, 40 years… 693 00:50:07,007 --> 00:50:09,092 -Yeah. -…and what do I have to show for it? 694 00:50:09,176 --> 00:50:12,638 Handful of medals. Mission patches. 695 00:50:13,138 --> 00:50:15,349 Faded photographs in newspapers. 696 00:50:18,060 --> 00:50:22,231 Enough to fill a shoebox in the closet. 697 00:50:50,175 --> 00:50:53,095 Hi. I'm Karen Baldwin, here to see Dev. 698 00:50:53,178 --> 00:50:54,429 -All right. -Okay. 699 00:50:57,516 --> 00:50:59,351 Is this your first time at Helios? 700 00:50:59,434 --> 00:51:01,019 Yes, it is. 701 00:51:01,103 --> 00:51:03,772 If you get a chance after your meeting, check out Building 2. 702 00:51:03,856 --> 00:51:05,691 That's where we assemble our rockets. 703 00:51:06,191 --> 00:51:09,111 We got this 3D printer to make our engine parts. 704 00:51:09,194 --> 00:51:13,240 Dramatically reduces our production costs and does wonders for quality control. 705 00:51:14,157 --> 00:51:15,158 Okay. 706 00:51:16,201 --> 00:51:17,494 Thank you, Renee. 707 00:51:18,829 --> 00:51:19,997 Karen. 708 00:51:20,581 --> 00:51:23,208 Is this your office? 709 00:51:23,959 --> 00:51:25,544 -Is something wrong? -No, no. 710 00:51:25,627 --> 00:51:29,590 I don't know, I just-- I thought you would have an office. 711 00:51:30,174 --> 00:51:32,259 We don't have a hierarchical structure here. 712 00:51:32,759 --> 00:51:34,386 We're a collective. Remember? 713 00:51:38,140 --> 00:51:39,850 So what'd you want to see me about? 714 00:51:39,933 --> 00:51:44,813 Well, I was wondering if you had chosen a commander for your mission to Mars. 715 00:51:45,397 --> 00:51:47,274 -Not yet. -How come? 716 00:51:47,941 --> 00:51:51,820 After our modifications to your hotel, the spacecraft will be mostly automated. 717 00:51:52,487 --> 00:51:54,239 The crew will largely be caretakers. 718 00:51:55,199 --> 00:51:58,452 Okay. But you still need a strong leader. 719 00:51:58,535 --> 00:51:59,620 Indeed. 720 00:51:59,703 --> 00:52:02,581 Thankfully, we have a lot of qualified astronauts here at Helios. 721 00:52:03,290 --> 00:52:06,543 Hey. Do you want a yerba maté? 722 00:52:08,045 --> 00:52:09,046 Sure. 723 00:52:11,924 --> 00:52:17,095 Look, a Helium-3 truck driver isn't really going to cut it. 724 00:52:17,179 --> 00:52:20,307 You're going up against NASA and the Soviets. 725 00:52:20,849 --> 00:52:22,726 I mean, if you intend to tell the world 726 00:52:22,809 --> 00:52:27,105 you're going to slap an outboard motor on my hotel and drive it to Mars, 727 00:52:27,189 --> 00:52:29,441 Wall Street's gonna laugh at you. 728 00:52:29,525 --> 00:52:31,944 You need somebody who can lend you credibility, 729 00:52:32,027 --> 00:52:35,155 somebody with a long, legendary résumé 730 00:52:35,239 --> 00:52:38,575 who can galvanize the public's imagination. 731 00:52:38,659 --> 00:52:41,787 They'll be galvanized when we land on Mars before anybody else. 732 00:52:44,122 --> 00:52:45,332 If you land. 733 00:52:46,500 --> 00:52:48,460 What happens when something goes wrong out there? 734 00:52:48,544 --> 00:52:51,880 Communication between there and Earth can take up to eight minutes, 735 00:52:51,964 --> 00:52:54,508 and you need somebody on the scene who can improvise, 736 00:52:54,591 --> 00:52:55,884 adapt and overcome. 737 00:52:56,510 --> 00:52:58,178 Somebody who isn't gonna buckle under pressure 738 00:52:58,262 --> 00:52:59,847 but, in fact, thrives under it. 739 00:52:59,930 --> 00:53:02,182 Why do I get the feeling you got somebody in mind? 740 00:53:04,518 --> 00:53:05,561 My ex-husband. 741 00:53:08,522 --> 00:53:10,649 I assumed NASA was selecting him for their mission. 742 00:53:12,818 --> 00:53:15,863 Ed's unhappy with the way things are being run over there. 743 00:53:16,905 --> 00:53:17,906 Of course he is. 744 00:53:18,490 --> 00:53:20,158 He's looking for his next challenge. 745 00:53:20,784 --> 00:53:23,287 And I think he might just love what you're trying to do here. 746 00:53:24,830 --> 00:53:26,123 You mean what we are doing here? 747 00:53:29,376 --> 00:53:32,129 Hey, everybody. Bring it in. 748 00:53:49,938 --> 00:53:51,398 This is Karen Baldwin. 749 00:53:52,191 --> 00:53:55,110 And she just pitched me a very interesting idea. 750 00:53:55,736 --> 00:53:59,573 What do you guys think about having Ed Baldwin command our expedition to Mars? 751 00:53:59,656 --> 00:54:01,909 -Love it. -That'd be radical. 752 00:54:01,992 --> 00:54:02,826 Yeah. 753 00:54:02,910 --> 00:54:04,870 Like having Babe Ruth on your baseball team. 754 00:54:06,747 --> 00:54:08,123 Babe Ruth's dead. 755 00:54:08,207 --> 00:54:11,335 I'm pretty sure Ed Baldwin's not too far behind. 756 00:54:11,418 --> 00:54:12,628 No offense. 757 00:54:14,004 --> 00:54:15,881 But he's got the right experience, 758 00:54:15,964 --> 00:54:18,008 and no one's ever flown a ship like this. 759 00:54:18,091 --> 00:54:19,092 Exactly. 760 00:54:19,176 --> 00:54:21,887 And he's probably stuck in his ways like everyone else at NASA. 761 00:54:21,970 --> 00:54:25,432 This is about leadership. The mission's over two years long. 762 00:54:25,516 --> 00:54:27,226 We need somebody like him. 763 00:54:27,309 --> 00:54:31,021 I hear what you're saying, but maybe we should give somebody new a chance. 764 00:54:31,897 --> 00:54:32,940 I think it's a no-brainer. 765 00:54:33,649 --> 00:54:35,150 He should have been first to the moon. 766 00:54:35,234 --> 00:54:36,652 Let's make him first to Mars. 767 00:54:40,113 --> 00:54:41,657 Interesting points of view. 768 00:54:42,574 --> 00:54:44,368 All in favor, raise your hands. 769 00:54:56,713 --> 00:54:59,800 Okay. I will talk to Ed. 770 00:55:13,605 --> 00:55:15,899 -Karen. -Yes? 771 00:55:16,525 --> 00:55:18,277 -I forgot one thing. -Yeah? 772 00:55:21,196 --> 00:55:24,157 Come work for me. You practically already are. 773 00:55:24,241 --> 00:55:27,160 What? You're offering me a job? 774 00:55:28,620 --> 00:55:29,705 Doing what? 775 00:55:31,498 --> 00:55:32,583 Whatever you want. 776 00:55:34,209 --> 00:55:35,419 What does that mean? 777 00:55:35,502 --> 00:55:37,796 There's no official titles here, 778 00:55:37,880 --> 00:55:39,464 no real hierarchy. 779 00:55:39,548 --> 00:55:42,217 So start with doing what you did for Polaris. 780 00:55:43,093 --> 00:55:44,428 You recruited the best astronauts, 781 00:55:44,511 --> 00:55:46,346 engineers and flight controllers in the business. 782 00:55:46,430 --> 00:55:47,598 You know where the talent lies, 783 00:55:47,681 --> 00:55:50,434 and you know how to hook 'em. 784 00:55:54,438 --> 00:55:59,193 I appreciate the offer, Dev. I do. But I don't think so. 785 00:56:00,777 --> 00:56:01,820 Karen. 786 00:56:03,322 --> 00:56:06,909 So you rolled the dice on a wild idea and it didn't pan out. 787 00:56:09,203 --> 00:56:10,287 So what? 788 00:56:11,914 --> 00:56:13,832 Show me somebody who never failed, 789 00:56:14,333 --> 00:56:16,752 and I will show you somebody who never took risks. 790 00:56:18,837 --> 00:56:21,215 I can't do it again. I'm really sorry. 791 00:56:21,298 --> 00:56:24,510 What better tribute to Sam's life 792 00:56:25,719 --> 00:56:30,766 than to help me take what the two of you built to the Red Planet. 793 00:56:42,903 --> 00:56:46,156 Aleida Rosales worked out the NERVA glitch in the lunar shipyard, 794 00:56:46,240 --> 00:56:48,200 so we have that back on the timeline. 795 00:56:48,283 --> 00:56:50,702 But we can't afford another slip like that. 796 00:56:51,328 --> 00:56:53,038 Ninety-six sounds pretty far away, 797 00:56:53,121 --> 00:56:56,375 but those four years are gonna be gone before we can draw a breath. 798 00:56:56,458 --> 00:56:58,418 Well, let's get started on the crew then. 799 00:56:58,502 --> 00:57:00,128 The sooner we get them in the loop, 800 00:57:00,212 --> 00:57:03,090 the faster we can get the hardware and mission design up to speed. 801 00:57:03,173 --> 00:57:08,095 I have Ed's crew wish list here. He'd already reached out to them. 802 00:57:11,932 --> 00:57:13,642 He wanted his daughter on the trip? 803 00:57:16,728 --> 00:57:18,355 If you want her or any of them, just say so. 804 00:57:18,438 --> 00:57:22,442 If not, you'll have to give them the bad news. 805 00:57:22,526 --> 00:57:25,612 Well, I already got some ideas about who I want in my right seat. 806 00:57:27,197 --> 00:57:29,366 Now, as you know, he's a damn good pilot, 807 00:57:29,449 --> 00:57:32,953 and his knowledge of advanced avionics will come in real handy up there. 808 00:57:34,746 --> 00:57:35,956 Excuse me. 809 00:57:37,165 --> 00:57:38,166 What is it? 810 00:57:38,250 --> 00:57:40,085 There's something on the news you may wanna see. 811 00:57:41,128 --> 00:57:42,254 Thanks, Nuri. 812 00:57:46,592 --> 00:57:48,510 Soloflex. Simple-- 813 00:57:48,594 --> 00:57:50,345 Flame-broiled perfection. 814 00:57:51,722 --> 00:57:53,932 And I'd like to welcome the co-founder of Polaris, 815 00:57:54,016 --> 00:57:56,310 Karen Baldwin, to the Helios family. 816 00:57:58,937 --> 00:58:01,481 So now he wants to be the next Conrad Hilton? 817 00:58:01,565 --> 00:58:05,527 Some say private citizens have no business in space travel. 818 00:58:05,611 --> 00:58:08,322 Well, I emphatically disagree. 819 00:58:08,405 --> 00:58:11,450 The first hot-air balloon to carry a human being aloft 820 00:58:11,533 --> 00:58:13,994 was designed by the Montgolfier brothers. 821 00:58:15,287 --> 00:58:20,042 The first powered aircraft was built by a pair of bicycle makers, 822 00:58:20,626 --> 00:58:21,710 Wilbur and Orville Wright. 823 00:58:23,128 --> 00:58:26,340 Charles Lindbergh made the first solo flight across the Atlantic 824 00:58:26,423 --> 00:58:28,550 in a plane built by a private company. 825 00:58:29,176 --> 00:58:30,469 And Robert Goddard, 826 00:58:30,552 --> 00:58:33,680 he built the first liquid-fueled rocket that streaked into the heavens 827 00:58:34,556 --> 00:58:36,934 on his little farm in Auburn, Massachusetts. 828 00:58:37,017 --> 00:58:41,104 We acquired Polaris to enable us to embark on a bold new expedition, 829 00:58:41,188 --> 00:58:42,981 taking us where no man has gone before. 830 00:58:43,065 --> 00:58:46,568 By adding our groundbreaking new Osprey-methane engines to it, 831 00:58:47,361 --> 00:58:49,863 we will propel this one-of-a-kind spacecraft 832 00:58:49,947 --> 00:58:53,951 out of Earth orbit on an epic journey of exploration… 833 00:58:55,994 --> 00:58:56,995 to Mars. 834 00:59:02,501 --> 00:59:04,044 Ladies and gentlemen of the world, 835 00:59:05,212 --> 00:59:06,880 I am thrilled to present to you… 836 00:59:08,382 --> 00:59:09,633 Phoenix. 837 00:59:12,928 --> 00:59:16,431 We will establish a free enterprise zone on the Red Planet 838 00:59:16,515 --> 00:59:20,269 so that innovation and economic development will thrive, 839 00:59:20,352 --> 00:59:25,524 building a new colony, a new society benefiting all people. 840 00:59:25,607 --> 00:59:27,317 But don't take my word for it. 841 00:59:27,401 --> 00:59:29,820 Take the word of the man who will command our mission. 842 00:59:31,280 --> 00:59:35,117 A living legend whose experience reaches back 843 00:59:35,200 --> 00:59:37,619 to the earliest days of space exploration. 844 00:59:38,203 --> 00:59:40,038 The man who commanded the first lunar base, 845 00:59:40,122 --> 00:59:43,542 staying alone when his crew had to return to Earth. 846 00:59:43,625 --> 00:59:47,921 The first commander to operate a nuclear engine in space. 847 00:59:49,840 --> 00:59:51,258 Ed Baldwin. 848 01:00:00,851 --> 01:00:02,227 -What the… -…hell? 849 01:00:04,855 --> 01:00:06,106 Thanks, Dev. 850 01:00:09,026 --> 01:00:12,905 Ed Baldwin won't have to wait four years to lead our expedition. 851 01:00:13,405 --> 01:00:17,367 We'll be going in the next Mars launch window, 1994, 852 01:00:17,451 --> 01:00:21,330 a full two years before NASA or the Soviet Union. 853 01:00:21,413 --> 01:00:25,083 The future belongs to all of us. 854 01:00:50,692 --> 01:00:52,694 Way to go, Ed. 855 01:00:53,195 --> 01:00:55,822 Stick it to the bastards.