1 00:01:41,817 --> 00:01:42,681 Hello, everyone. 2 00:01:42,692 --> 00:01:46,014 Here's the latest weather report:The observatory 3 00:01:46,025 --> 00:01:48,687 has just issued the black rainstorm warning signal. 4 00:01:48,692 --> 00:01:50,182 Localised heavy rain is expected to fall 5 00:01:50,192 --> 00:01:53,639 exceeding 200mm in an hour tonight. 6 00:01:53,650 --> 00:01:56,607 Starting from 10pm to 6am, 7 00:01:56,608 --> 00:01:58,144 all public facilities will be closed temporarily. 8 00:01:58,150 --> 00:02:00,937 All ferry terminals and public transports 9 00:02:00,942 --> 00:02:04,981 will be suspended. Please stay indoors. 10 00:02:04,983 --> 00:02:06,598 It shall be the highest rainfall record 11 00:02:06,608 --> 00:02:08,849 on Christmas Eve in the past 20 years. 12 00:02:08,858 --> 00:02:09,597 That being the case, 13 00:02:09,608 --> 00:02:11,974 let's hear a Christmas song! 14 00:02:22,275 --> 00:02:23,310 Hey, sir. 15 00:02:23,525 --> 00:02:24,890 Judging from your size, 16 00:02:24,900 --> 00:02:26,856 it's obvious you were not healthy at all. 17 00:02:32,525 --> 00:02:33,935 The second I see, I know that 18 00:02:33,942 --> 00:02:36,149 only people without routine exercise 19 00:02:36,442 --> 00:02:38,228 will end up lying here. 20 00:02:41,483 --> 00:02:42,563 The good news is 21 00:02:42,775 --> 00:02:43,981 your wife didn't kill you. 22 00:02:45,567 --> 00:02:47,057 Well, not intentionally, anyway. 23 00:02:47,067 --> 00:02:49,683 I'm sure she gave you too much good food. 24 00:02:49,692 --> 00:02:50,681 So... 25 00:02:50,692 --> 00:02:52,057 Your wife 26 00:02:52,067 --> 00:02:53,728 still loves you. 27 00:02:55,608 --> 00:02:57,644 Too bad, 28 00:02:58,317 --> 00:02:59,853 it matters to you no more. 29 00:03:12,983 --> 00:03:13,983 Lynn, 30 00:03:14,192 --> 00:03:15,192 why are you still here? 31 00:03:16,275 --> 00:03:17,060 Uncle king, 32 00:03:17,067 --> 00:03:18,432 so are you. 33 00:03:18,775 --> 00:03:19,685 And you're married. 34 00:03:19,692 --> 00:03:21,228 Aren't you also working over time? 35 00:03:22,775 --> 00:03:24,265 I am celebrating... 36 00:03:27,483 --> 00:03:28,768 - Hello. - Uncle king, 8pm. 37 00:03:28,775 --> 00:03:30,060 Ok. See you before 8pm. 38 00:03:30,358 --> 00:03:31,268 Uncle king, 39 00:03:31,317 --> 00:03:32,853 save me one donut, will you? 40 00:03:33,400 --> 00:03:34,400 Dream on! 41 00:03:34,608 --> 00:03:35,222 Merry Christmas, uncle king! 42 00:03:35,317 --> 00:03:36,317 Gotta go! 43 00:03:58,442 --> 00:04:00,273 Your favorite? 44 00:04:00,650 --> 00:04:02,436 He's the one who picked the music. 45 00:04:02,650 --> 00:04:03,935 We are celebrating 46 00:04:03,942 --> 00:04:07,264 that his wife's murder charge has been exonerated. 47 00:04:10,900 --> 00:04:12,185 Forensic pathologist Nick chan. 48 00:04:12,192 --> 00:04:14,774 File number 7377851. 49 00:04:15,192 --> 00:04:18,684 John hon, 57 years old, male. 50 00:04:18,692 --> 00:04:20,209 Cause of death: Atherosclerotic hypertensive 51 00:04:20,233 --> 00:04:22,975 cardiovascular disease with cardiac hypertrophy. 52 00:04:23,400 --> 00:04:25,857 There's significant thickening 53 00:04:25,858 --> 00:04:28,474 on the left ventricle wall. 54 00:04:28,483 --> 00:04:30,690 The cause of death is hypertrophy of the heart. 55 00:04:30,692 --> 00:04:32,452 Manner of death is determined to be natural. 56 00:04:33,608 --> 00:04:34,688 Good job! 57 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:36,935 When I am back in Beijing 58 00:04:36,942 --> 00:04:38,978 I'll miss this dialog of yours. 59 00:04:38,983 --> 00:04:40,063 Interesting. 60 00:04:40,067 --> 00:04:41,067 Your coffee. 61 00:04:42,067 --> 00:04:43,067 When are you leaving? 62 00:04:43,817 --> 00:04:44,817 Next week. 63 00:04:46,567 --> 00:04:47,431 Keep up with the good work! 64 00:04:47,442 --> 00:04:48,557 I have very high hope for you. 65 00:04:48,567 --> 00:04:49,898 Don't you disappoint me! 66 00:04:49,900 --> 00:04:50,855 Don't worry. 67 00:04:50,858 --> 00:04:52,098 I've learned from the best. 68 00:05:09,275 --> 00:05:12,267 "Murder suspect still at large" 69 00:05:17,317 --> 00:05:18,317 Darling. 70 00:05:18,442 --> 00:05:19,442 No. 71 00:05:20,858 --> 00:05:21,858 Darling. 72 00:05:23,608 --> 00:05:24,608 Darling. 73 00:05:25,358 --> 00:05:26,518 Merry Christmas. 74 00:06:08,608 --> 00:06:10,064 They aren't going anywhere. 75 00:06:10,358 --> 00:06:11,768 Since you're still here, 76 00:06:12,067 --> 00:06:13,587 let's have a farewell dinner together. 77 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:18,640 You are... 78 00:06:18,650 --> 00:06:20,060 Too kind! 79 00:06:27,817 --> 00:06:29,353 A Christmas banquet. 80 00:06:30,900 --> 00:06:31,900 And 81 00:06:32,817 --> 00:06:33,932 here is our dessert! 82 00:06:33,942 --> 00:06:34,601 Thank you! 83 00:06:34,608 --> 00:06:35,608 Dig in! 84 00:06:41,650 --> 00:06:42,650 How's it? 85 00:06:43,108 --> 00:06:44,814 Same as yours. 86 00:06:45,900 --> 00:06:47,231 Any plans after work? 87 00:06:47,233 --> 00:06:48,643 It's pouring. Better go home now. 88 00:06:48,650 --> 00:06:49,890 Here comes uncle king. 89 00:06:50,650 --> 00:06:52,090 - Time to go home. - Merry Christmas. 90 00:06:53,192 --> 00:06:54,352 Hey, uncle king! 91 00:06:54,525 --> 00:06:55,685 Don't play too hard tonight! 92 00:06:55,692 --> 00:06:56,477 Bye. 93 00:06:56,650 --> 00:06:57,650 Bye. 94 00:06:58,150 --> 00:06:59,390 The rain is just waiting for us to get off work. 95 00:06:59,400 --> 00:07:00,640 Better go home early. 96 00:07:00,650 --> 00:07:02,606 Such heavy rain, lucky I have an umbrella. 97 00:07:02,942 --> 00:07:05,979 It shouldn't snow or rain on Christmas Eve! 98 00:07:05,983 --> 00:07:07,223 Exactly. 99 00:07:17,567 --> 00:07:18,181 See you. 100 00:07:18,275 --> 00:07:19,435 Bye. 101 00:07:39,650 --> 00:07:40,765 3 more minutes. 102 00:07:47,817 --> 00:07:49,307 We go in, we come out. 103 00:07:50,025 --> 00:07:51,225 No fuss, no fight and no mess. 104 00:07:51,900 --> 00:07:53,481 You with me? 105 00:07:54,067 --> 00:07:55,067 Fine. 106 00:07:58,775 --> 00:07:59,775 Yes, sir! 107 00:08:00,275 --> 00:08:01,481 My wife wants me home 108 00:08:01,567 --> 00:08:02,932 within an hour. 109 00:08:05,858 --> 00:08:06,858 The sooner the better. 110 00:08:27,525 --> 00:08:28,981 Mandy Lee, aged 23. 111 00:08:31,400 --> 00:08:32,685 Hello Mandy. 112 00:08:32,858 --> 00:08:34,723 I'm sorry we have to meet like this. 113 00:08:34,775 --> 00:08:35,935 But you rest assured. 114 00:08:35,942 --> 00:08:37,422 I'll figure out what happened to you. 115 00:08:37,942 --> 00:08:38,942 Let's start. 116 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:54,015 Can I help you? 117 00:08:54,358 --> 00:08:55,358 Yes. 118 00:08:56,108 --> 00:08:57,108 Hands up in the air! 119 00:08:57,275 --> 00:08:58,275 Now! 120 00:08:59,858 --> 00:09:01,348 This fatso gonna slow us down. 121 00:09:01,692 --> 00:09:02,431 Can I shoot him? 122 00:09:02,525 --> 00:09:03,310 No no no... 123 00:09:03,317 --> 00:09:04,317 Stay cool. 124 00:09:05,442 --> 00:09:06,807 Cut the land-lines. 125 00:09:08,942 --> 00:09:09,942 Where's your cellphone? 126 00:09:11,442 --> 00:09:12,522 Left pocket. 127 00:09:21,150 --> 00:09:22,150 All clear. 128 00:09:22,525 --> 00:09:23,264 What... 129 00:09:23,317 --> 00:09:24,317 Do you want? 130 00:09:24,442 --> 00:09:26,162 Do as I say if you don't want to die today. 131 00:09:28,400 --> 00:09:29,560 December 24, 2017. 132 00:09:29,567 --> 00:09:31,228 December 24, 2017. 133 00:09:31,817 --> 00:09:33,432 At 20:05 hours. 134 00:09:34,108 --> 00:09:36,815 Forensic pathologist Nick chan and intern Lynn qiao 135 00:09:36,817 --> 00:09:38,857 performing a post-mortem examination of Mandy Lee... 136 00:09:43,233 --> 00:09:44,233 Open it. 137 00:09:47,192 --> 00:09:48,192 Ok. 138 00:09:55,275 --> 00:09:56,515 Hands up! 139 00:10:02,192 --> 00:10:04,729 You know this isn't a bank, right? 140 00:10:08,317 --> 00:10:10,433 Put the knife down, doctor. 141 00:10:11,067 --> 00:10:12,728 Or she dies. 142 00:10:16,233 --> 00:10:17,769 Where are your cellphones? 143 00:10:18,483 --> 00:10:19,483 In the back. 144 00:10:22,942 --> 00:10:24,603 Can't you cover her face? 145 00:10:30,817 --> 00:10:31,817 Listen up. 146 00:10:32,608 --> 00:10:33,814 Just follow my word. 147 00:10:33,817 --> 00:10:35,297 I guarantee everyone will stay alive. 148 00:10:36,150 --> 00:10:37,481 You had a shooting victim 149 00:10:37,650 --> 00:10:39,766 brought in last night, named ankie Cheng. 150 00:10:40,650 --> 00:10:41,981 Have you done her autopsy yet? 151 00:10:41,983 --> 00:10:42,983 No, we haven't. 152 00:10:43,192 --> 00:10:44,398 What about x-rays? 153 00:10:44,817 --> 00:10:45,817 No. 154 00:10:46,358 --> 00:10:47,358 Excellent. 155 00:10:47,817 --> 00:10:49,899 I want the bullet in her body. 156 00:10:50,150 --> 00:10:51,731 We can't. It's evidence. 157 00:10:53,483 --> 00:10:54,848You talk too much. 158 00:10:58,275 --> 00:10:59,560 Did he ask you? 159 00:11:03,483 --> 00:11:04,222 Done. 160 00:11:04,317 --> 00:11:05,352 Here you go. 161 00:11:19,442 --> 00:11:20,442 Uncle king, 162 00:11:22,108 --> 00:11:23,348 haven't you frisked him? 163 00:11:24,067 --> 00:11:26,729 How could I've known this jerk has 2 cell phones? 164 00:11:28,775 --> 00:11:30,265 Don't play tricks. Are we clear? 165 00:11:33,483 --> 00:11:34,563 Now, where is she? 166 00:11:35,400 --> 00:11:36,418 Her body is in the cooler. 167 00:11:36,442 --> 00:11:37,442 Rudolph, 168 00:11:37,900 --> 00:11:39,265 you go with doc to get the bullet. 169 00:11:39,608 --> 00:11:40,608 Elf, 170 00:11:41,192 --> 00:11:43,023 you take good care of this young lady. 171 00:11:43,692 --> 00:11:45,148 Her safety 172 00:11:45,317 --> 00:11:46,727 depends on you, doc. 173 00:11:46,733 --> 00:11:47,733 Understand? 174 00:11:48,775 --> 00:11:50,140 My pleasure. 175 00:11:57,942 --> 00:11:59,273 I need tools. 176 00:11:59,817 --> 00:12:00,817 Ok. 177 00:12:01,233 --> 00:12:02,268 But remember, 178 00:12:02,983 --> 00:12:03,983 tools 179 00:12:04,733 --> 00:12:05,893 aren't weapons. 180 00:12:15,733 --> 00:12:16,733 Hey, doc, 181 00:12:17,400 --> 00:12:18,560 my hand will shake 182 00:12:18,983 --> 00:12:21,520 when I wait too long! 183 00:12:23,983 --> 00:12:26,349 Elf, stop messing around! 184 00:12:42,775 --> 00:12:44,015 Where did you shoot this woman? 185 00:12:44,192 --> 00:12:45,022 How would I know? 186 00:12:45,150 --> 00:12:46,150 I didn't shoot her. 187 00:12:46,317 --> 00:12:46,976 I mean 188 00:12:46,983 --> 00:12:48,564 where on her body was she shot? 189 00:12:48,567 --> 00:12:50,182 It requires different tools. 190 00:12:52,858 --> 00:12:53,858 Chest. 191 00:12:54,567 --> 00:12:55,567 Should be the chest. 192 00:13:02,442 --> 00:13:04,023 Keep an eye on the door. 193 00:13:04,442 --> 00:13:05,773 We don't wanna be locked in. 194 00:13:08,942 --> 00:13:09,977 Gosh, it's cold in here... 195 00:13:09,983 --> 00:13:10,983 2.8 degrees celsius. 196 00:13:11,608 --> 00:13:12,939 Corpses don't rot, 197 00:13:13,650 --> 00:13:16,357 but human body can easily freeze to death. 198 00:13:20,358 --> 00:13:21,518 Wanna give me a hand? 199 00:13:28,817 --> 00:13:30,557 I'm opening her up. 200 00:13:31,192 --> 00:13:32,227 Shut up. 201 00:13:33,108 --> 00:13:35,349 First I will make the standard "y" incision. 202 00:13:35,567 --> 00:13:37,899 You don't need to tell me what you're doing! 203 00:13:43,442 --> 00:13:45,307 Let me help him, he's injured. 204 00:13:46,275 --> 00:13:47,936 Do you understand what I'm saying? 205 00:13:50,817 --> 00:13:52,808 I am now pulling the chest skin 206 00:13:52,817 --> 00:13:54,148 over her face. 207 00:13:54,400 --> 00:13:56,607 Shut up! Enough of this bullshit! 208 00:13:59,650 --> 00:14:01,481 Cameras are wiped clean. 209 00:14:02,817 --> 00:14:04,057 Who are you people? 210 00:14:06,192--> 00:14:07,557 Do you not know what sound 211 00:14:07,567 --> 00:14:10,058 a cat makes when it's being slaughtered? 212 00:14:13,108 --> 00:14:14,143 Not now. 213 00:14:23,858 --> 00:14:25,598 I am now exposing the chest cavity. 214 00:14:34,317 --> 00:14:35,317 Found it. 215 00:14:56,108 --> 00:14:57,723 The metal walls block the signal. 216 00:14:57,733 --> 00:14:58,768 The signal is very weak. 217 00:15:00,483 --> 00:15:01,563 Don't move! 218 00:15:04,608 --> 00:15:05,608 I got it. 219 00:15:06,150 --> 00:15:06,809 Ok. 220 00:15:07,108 --> 00:15:08,108 Bring them back. 221 00:15:09,483 --> 00:15:10,939 I got a better idea. 222 00:15:17,775 --> 00:15:18,775 Uncle king! 223 00:15:20,650 --> 00:15:22,186 He needs medical attention now. 224 00:15:22,192 --> 00:15:24,057 If we wait longer, he may die. 225 00:15:24,317 --> 00:15:25,397 Keys. 226 00:15:35,150 --> 00:15:36,356 Bye bye. 227 00:15:40,775 --> 00:15:42,140 Shouldn't we silence them? 228 00:15:42,150 --> 00:15:43,606 More bodies, more questions. 229 00:15:43,775 --> 00:15:45,855 They can't connect us to the case without the bullet. 230 00:15:46,108 --> 00:15:47,468 But I think we should kill them... 231 00:15:50,067 --> 00:15:51,182 Enough! 232 00:15:51,608 --> 00:15:52,608 Santa. 233 00:15:52,817 --> 00:15:54,648 My brother didn't mean to offend you... 234 00:15:56,942 --> 00:15:58,662 Killing that girl is the reason we're here. 235 00:15:59,817 --> 00:16:01,682 We have what we want. 236 00:16:04,942 --> 00:16:06,273 No more talking. 237 00:16:06,275 --> 00:16:07,275 Let's go. 238 00:16:08,108 --> 00:16:09,108 The asthma medicine 239 00:16:09,942 --> 00:16:10,942 is on the desk. 240 00:16:11,233 --> 00:16:13,144 Uncle king, take a deep breath. 241 00:16:13,608 --> 00:16:15,348 It's gonna be ok. Hang in there! 242 00:16:21,358 --> 00:16:22,939 Ankie Cheng 243 00:16:35,108 --> 00:16:36,108 And this... 244 00:16:36,400 --> 00:16:37,400 What do we do with it? 245 00:16:38,150 --> 00:16:39,640 We drive there, 246 00:16:39,650 --> 00:16:41,015 toss it into the sea and 247 00:16:41,025 --> 00:16:42,686 live happily ever after. 248 00:16:44,108 --> 00:16:45,723 And mom gets her treatments. 249 00:16:45,858 --> 00:16:47,974 I'm proud of you, baby brother. 250 00:16:47,983 --> 00:16:48,983 You did good. 251 00:16:50,358 --> 00:16:51,564 I just follow the boss. 252 00:17:26,567 --> 00:17:28,273 So this girl, was she as hot dead? 253 00:17:28,275 --> 00:17:29,515 I wouldn't know, 254 00:17:29,650 --> 00:17:31,015 her face was covered. 255 00:17:31,775 --> 00:17:33,584 - What did you just say? - Flip it off and take a look! 256 00:17:33,608 --> 00:17:34,438 What did you just say? 257 00:17:34,442 --> 00:17:35,602 Her face is covered. 258 00:17:36,150 --> 00:17:37,310 My brother asked me 259 00:17:37,317 --> 00:17:38,432 if she's hot or not. 260 00:17:38,442 --> 00:17:39,682 I said, how would I know? 261 00:17:39,692 --> 00:17:41,523 She's coveredwith that flap of skin. 262 00:17:41,942 --> 00:17:42,942 Disgusting! 263 00:17:43,442 --> 00:17:44,807 The whole time? 264 00:17:46,983 --> 00:17:48,268 The bullet. 265 00:17:56,358 --> 00:17:57,643 This is a hollow point. 266 00:17:58,650 --> 00:17:59,730 What are you doing? 267 00:18:03,025 --> 00:18:04,025 Finding out the truth. 268 00:18:06,525 --> 00:18:07,139 What now? 269 00:18:07,442 --> 00:18:08,882 Does anyone of us use hollow points? 270 00:18:10,442 --> 00:18:11,442 Dammit. 271 00:18:16,775 --> 00:18:17,480 What's that for? 272 00:18:17,483 --> 00:18:18,483 Trying to get out. 273 00:18:23,150 --> 00:18:24,230 The room 274 00:18:24,233 --> 00:18:26,474 has an emergency latch 275 00:18:26,692 --> 00:18:28,523 in case we are being locked in. 276 00:18:31,942 --> 00:18:33,142 Now it finally comes in handy. 277 00:18:35,442 --> 00:18:36,181 Uncle king, hang in there. 278 00:18:36,192 --> 00:18:37,272 I'll get your asthma meds. 279 00:18:44,775 --> 00:18:46,335 Uncle king, call the police right away. 280 00:18:52,942 --> 00:18:53,942 Oh no... 281 00:18:54,150 --> 00:18:56,357 They must have cut the cables. 282 00:19:02,483 --> 00:19:04,019 Ankie Cheng 283 00:19:04,317 --> 00:19:06,854 is the daughter of the triad boss, dick Cheng. 284 00:19:06,858 --> 00:19:09,315 She was found dead in a rundown house in sham shui po 285 00:19:09,942 --> 00:19:12,524 presumably because a drug deal has gone bad. 286 00:19:17,400 --> 00:19:19,186 4 other men were found dead. 287 00:19:19,442 --> 00:19:22,855 Money and drugs are missing. 288 00:19:23,400 --> 00:19:25,356 Ballistics analysis 289 00:19:25,983 --> 00:19:28,599 suggests they shot each other. 290 00:19:43,650 --> 00:19:44,650 Damn... 291 00:19:50,858 --> 00:19:51,847 They're back! 292 00:19:51,858 --> 00:19:52,858 Hurry. 293 00:19:53,650 --> 00:19:55,231 Uncle king, ok to move? 294 00:19:56,483 --> 00:19:57,097 Keep moving! 295 00:19:57,150 --> 00:19:58,150 Coming. 296 00:20:11,192 --> 00:20:12,432 Get this thing off me! 297 00:20:28,358 --> 00:20:29,814 We need them alive! 298 00:20:30,400 --> 00:20:31,400 Get in. 299 00:20:32,233 --> 00:20:33,233 This way, uncle king. 300 00:20:42,942 --> 00:20:44,432 What should we do now? 301 00:20:46,775 --> 00:20:47,775 This way. 302 00:21:40,358 --> 00:21:41,358 Hello? 303 00:22:03,733 --> 00:22:05,223 Put this off! 304 00:22:09,608 --> 00:22:10,723 Don't trigger the alarm! 305 00:22:10,733 --> 00:22:11,733 Play with fire! 306 00:22:21,025 --> 00:22:22,231 It's locked, this way! 307 00:22:24,525 --> 00:22:25,525 Wyatt! 308 00:22:28,192 --> 00:22:29,192 This way. 309 00:22:30,567 --> 00:22:31,431 Wyatt! 310 00:22:31,483 --> 00:22:33,189 Wyatt! 311 00:22:34,192 --> 00:22:35,192 Go! 312 00:23:05,150 --> 00:23:06,230 You pull the bottom one. 313 00:23:13,442 --> 00:23:15,148 They're coming, hurry! 314 00:23:17,400 --> 00:23:18,400 Go! 315 00:23:31,983 --> 00:23:32,983 Go! 316 00:23:42,108 --> 00:23:42,893 What's the matter? 317 00:23:43,067 --> 00:23:43,806 The keys 318 00:23:43,817 --> 00:23:45,227 must be at the reception! 319 00:23:46,358 --> 00:23:47,358 Help me push it! 320 00:23:58,858 --> 00:23:59,858 Hang in there! 321 00:24:03,358 --> 00:24:04,358 Come. 322 00:24:05,483 --> 00:24:06,483 I can open it! 323 00:24:11,233 --> 00:24:12,439 Easy. Do it again! 324 00:24:14,983 --> 00:24:15,438 How's it going? 325 00:24:15,608 --> 00:24:16,438 Doesn't work. 326 00:24:16,525 --> 00:24:17,525 No. 327 00:24:21,567 --> 00:24:22,647 Let's climb over. Hurry up! 328 00:24:23,275 --> 00:24:24,275 Lynn, you go first. 329 00:24:34,817 --> 00:24:35,522 You two go ahead. 330 00:24:35,650 --> 00:24:36,480 I won't make it. 331 00:24:36,483 --> 00:24:37,438 Never say never. 332 00:24:37,442 --> 00:24:38,147 You can do it! 333 00:24:38,275 --> 00:24:39,275 Coming. 334 00:24:44,192 --> 00:24:45,102 - Come up. - Let go. 335 00:24:45,108 --> 00:24:46,748 - I can't. - Give me your good hand, king. 336 00:24:47,608 --> 00:24:48,723 Dammit. 337 00:24:48,733 --> 00:24:49,813 Find something to open it. 338 00:24:52,317 --> 00:24:53,102 Uncle king, 339 00:24:53,108 --> 00:24:54,848 stop eating so many buns from now on. 340 00:24:55,400 --> 00:24:56,400 Nearly there! 341 00:25:03,483 --> 00:25:04,483 I can't. 342 00:25:04,525 --> 00:25:05,525 I can't. 343 00:25:06,483 --> 00:25:07,063 Uncle king. 344 00:25:07,400 --> 00:25:08,400 I did it! 345 00:25:08,650 --> 00:25:09,650 You made it! 346 00:25:19,150 --> 00:25:20,150 Uncle king. 347 00:25:20,483 --> 00:25:21,188 I made it. 348 00:25:21,192 --> 00:25:22,898 - Climb over. - Hurry! 349 00:25:30,233 --> 00:25:31,233 Lynn. 350 00:25:31,275 --> 00:25:31,684 Lynn. 351 00:25:31,692 --> 00:25:32,181 Hurry! 352 00:25:32,483 --> 00:25:33,483 Run! 353 00:25:33,608 --> 00:25:34,608 If you leave, 354 00:25:34,733 --> 00:25:36,098 I'll kill him. 355 00:25:46,442 --> 00:25:49,104 Doc, you must be proud of yourself. 356 00:25:52,400 --> 00:25:53,731 Lynn, are you ok? 357 00:25:54,858 --> 00:25:55,858 Sure, 358 00:25:55,942 --> 00:25:57,603 I'm a cadet graduate after all. 359 00:25:57,608 --> 00:25:58,563 You? 360 00:25:58,567 --> 00:26:01,434 I'm afraid they won't catch us. 361 00:26:02,733 --> 00:26:03,813 What about you, uncle king? 362 00:26:04,108 --> 00:26:06,850 I never expected that I could climb up there. 363 00:26:17,108 --> 00:26:19,269 Nice and bingo! 364 00:26:52,400 --> 00:26:53,400 Nick. 365 00:26:54,192 --> 00:26:55,227 Let go of me. 366 00:27:05,942 --> 00:27:06,942 Nick. 367 00:27:07,650 --> 00:27:08,730 Dammit. 368 00:27:14,733 --> 00:27:15,733 Piss off! 369 00:27:16,067 --> 00:27:17,398 - Watch over her. - Let go of me. 370 00:27:23,400 --> 00:27:24,480 No. 371 00:27:38,358 --> 00:27:39,358 Nick. 372 00:27:41,400 --> 00:27:42,400 Nick. 373 00:27:47,942 --> 00:27:48,942 Are you ok? 374 00:27:51,442 --> 00:27:52,477 You're right. 375 00:27:52,983 --> 00:27:54,223 He did slow us down. 376 00:27:56,108 --> 00:27:57,108 Now move. 377 00:28:13,025 --> 00:28:14,060 Doc, 378 00:28:14,650 --> 00:28:16,936 I didn't make it quite clear the first time. 379 00:28:17,483 --> 00:28:19,064 So let me explain it again. 380 00:28:19,067 --> 00:28:20,273 Listen carefully. 381 00:28:29,567 --> 00:28:30,567 It hurts? 382 00:28:32,400 --> 00:28:34,937 Now bring ankie Cheng's body out here. 383 00:28:35,525 --> 00:28:37,641 I'll watch you take the bullet out. 384 00:28:40,275 --> 00:28:41,481 Did you call the police? 385 00:28:41,567 --> 00:28:42,898 Impossible. 386 00:28:43,192 --> 00:28:44,272 They don't have any phones. 387 00:28:46,108 --> 00:28:47,108 Answer it. 388 00:28:47,442 --> 00:28:48,648 Nice and calm. 389 00:28:53,442 --> 00:28:54,442 Hello? 390 00:28:54,858 --> 00:28:56,098 Hey, Lynn, 391 00:28:56,108 --> 00:28:57,188 it's kit from the funeral home. 392 00:28:57,192 --> 00:28:58,728 I am here to pick up a body. 393 00:28:59,400 --> 00:29:00,400 Get rid of him. 394 00:29:00,942 --> 00:29:01,476 Not a good idea. 395 00:29:01,942 --> 00:29:03,057 He said get rid of him. 396 00:29:03,233 --> 00:29:05,126 I'm telling you, that's gonna cause more problems. 397 00:29:05,150 --> 00:29:06,150 And why is that? 398 00:29:06,358 --> 00:29:08,189 Because he's from the Hong Kong funeral home. 399 00:29:08,608 --> 00:29:09,893 If he doesn't get his body, 400 00:29:09,900 --> 00:29:11,060 he will call his boss. 401 00:29:11,650 --> 00:29:12,605 According to protocol, 402 00:29:12,608 --> 00:29:14,769 his boss will have to notify the health department. 403 00:29:14,775 --> 00:29:16,686 Before you know it, shit will hit the fan. 404 00:29:21,233 --> 00:29:22,233 Just let him in. 405 00:29:25,400 --> 00:29:27,391 Have him come through the front door. 406 00:29:29,233 --> 00:29:30,233 Hey kit, 407 00:29:30,442 --> 00:29:32,282 could you come through the front door, please? 408 00:29:32,400 --> 00:29:33,936 What happened to the back gate? 409 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:37,640 The buzzer is broken. 410 00:29:37,650 --> 00:29:38,765 So please come to the front door. 411 00:29:38,775 --> 00:29:39,514 Thanks. 412 00:29:39,733 --> 00:29:41,689 Fine. I'll park up front. 413 00:29:41,692 --> 00:29:43,228 Damn, it's raining out here! 414 00:29:44,983 --> 00:29:46,189 Good job. 415 00:29:47,650 --> 00:29:48,650 Rudolph, 416 00:29:49,150 --> 00:29:50,310 go check the front door. 417 00:29:50,608 --> 00:29:52,288 Make sure everything appears to be normal. 418 00:29:52,525 --> 00:29:53,525 Elf, 419 00:29:54,025 --> 00:29:55,435 clean up the autopsy room. 420 00:29:55,817 --> 00:29:57,102 Open the door for him first. 421 00:30:02,400 --> 00:30:03,731 You have 40 seconds. 422 00:30:05,025 --> 00:30:06,265 And you get the body out 423 00:30:06,275 --> 00:30:07,685 before she runs out of air. 424 00:30:09,775 --> 00:30:11,606 The clock is ticking, doc! 425 00:30:19,733 --> 00:30:20,973 Hurry up! 426 00:31:03,275 --> 00:31:05,982 I'm at the front door. 427 00:31:07,483 --> 00:31:09,474 Kit, wait. I will be there in one minute. 428 00:31:10,650 --> 00:31:13,392 Hurry! I'm getting wet here! 429 00:31:14,025 --> 00:31:17,142 At Christmas, global warming is real! 430 00:31:17,150 --> 00:31:19,232 Dammit! 431 00:31:19,233 --> 00:31:20,313 Rudolph, 432 00:31:20,317 --> 00:31:21,682 take her to the back. 433 00:31:21,692 --> 00:31:22,852 She can't be seen like this. 434 00:31:32,358 --> 00:31:33,768 Don't touch her. 435 00:31:38,608 --> 00:31:39,608 Doc. 436 00:32:37,650 --> 00:32:38,650 W ait. 437 00:32:39,692 --> 00:32:40,932 Let me double-check. 438 00:32:41,692 --> 00:32:44,058 Just making sure you weren't sending out "our" body. 439 00:32:49,733 --> 00:32:53,396 Damn, a baldy! 440 00:33:00,108 --> 00:33:01,108 What now? 441 00:33:03,942 --> 00:33:04,977 Don't be clever. 442 00:33:05,108 --> 00:33:06,188 If you were so cautious, 443 00:33:06,192 --> 00:33:07,853 you wouldn't have left the bullet! 444 00:33:23,317 --> 00:33:24,102 Merry Christmas. 445 00:33:24,108 --> 00:33:25,518 Merry Christmas. 446 00:33:25,900 --> 00:33:26,685 Where's uncle king? 447 00:33:26,692 --> 00:33:28,728 He left already. 448 00:33:29,525 --> 00:33:30,355 No way... 449 00:33:30,358 --> 00:33:33,145 Don't think I've ever seen the fatso leave the desk. 450 00:33:33,358 --> 00:33:35,349 And how's your lovely intern, Lynn? 451 00:33:35,358 --> 00:33:36,518 She's on a break. 452 00:33:46,983 --> 00:33:47,983 Kit! 453 00:33:52,192 --> 00:33:52,931 Kit! 454 00:33:53,150 --> 00:33:54,150 What's wrong? 455 00:33:54,317 --> 00:33:56,774 Look, Santa has been murdered! 456 00:34:08,442 --> 00:34:15,439 Merry Christmas! 457 00:34:24,400 --> 00:34:25,515 You married? 458 00:34:26,567 --> 00:34:28,808 Don't tell me you're a henpecked husband. 459 00:34:28,983 --> 00:34:32,475 Is that a Rudolph mask? 460 00:34:33,275 --> 00:34:35,607 Take the mask off if you have guts! 461 00:34:35,608 --> 00:34:37,473 Let me see your face. 462 00:34:40,483 --> 00:34:42,314 Will you die if you stop talking? 463 00:34:42,900 --> 00:34:43,935 Wuss! 464 00:34:50,692 --> 00:34:51,431 Cool. 465 00:34:51,442 --> 00:34:53,728 You can be a crane operator. 466 00:35:04,983 --> 00:35:06,268 Maybe I spoke too soon? 467 00:35:09,942 --> 00:35:10,942 Are you ok? 468 00:35:12,317 --> 00:35:13,773 I'm fine, just a little cut. 469 00:35:14,275 --> 00:35:15,355 A shot of whisky! 470 00:35:15,358 --> 00:35:16,438 I know you like it. 471 00:35:17,358 --> 00:35:18,438 Scared of women? 472 00:35:18,775 --> 00:35:20,857 Oh you really are scared of women! 473 00:35:27,567 --> 00:35:28,584 You're such a pain in the ass. 474 00:35:28,608 --> 00:35:29,472 Don't you know that? 475 00:35:29,483 --> 00:35:31,098 You're wearing this cute mask. 476 00:35:31,108 --> 00:35:33,850 Holding a gun makes you feel masculine, huh? 477 00:35:34,817 --> 00:35:35,932 To hell with that. 478 00:35:35,942 --> 00:35:37,227 Just shut up! 479 00:35:37,733 --> 00:35:38,597 What's that on your face? 480 00:35:38,608 --> 00:35:39,097 None of your business! 481 00:35:39,108 --> 00:35:39,847 Someone scratched you hard? 482 00:35:39,858 --> 00:35:40,438 None of your business! 483 00:35:40,442 --> 00:35:41,773 Your wife did it? 484 00:35:48,483 --> 00:35:50,098 Bitch! 485 00:35:51,483 --> 00:35:52,483 You hit me? 486 00:36:00,650 --> 00:36:01,935 I never knew a man 487 00:36:01,942 --> 00:36:03,557 could love his wife as much as he did. 488 00:36:03,567 --> 00:36:05,023 But when she died, 489 00:36:05,025 --> 00:36:07,016 I knew you weren't far behind. 490 00:36:07,025 --> 00:36:10,597 Without a woman's love to keep him alive, 491 00:36:10,608 --> 00:36:12,519 a man is just like a zombie. 492 00:36:15,733 --> 00:36:17,269 Know what I mean? 493 00:36:18,275 --> 00:36:19,275 I think I do. 494 00:36:20,775 --> 00:36:21,775 Sorry. 495 00:36:22,692 --> 00:36:23,852 I talk too much. 496 00:36:23,942 --> 00:36:25,853 The cops caught the suspect, right? 497 00:36:26,942 --> 00:36:28,148 But not enough 498 00:36:29,400 --> 00:36:30,480 evidence. 499 00:36:31,067 --> 00:36:33,649 Bastards. Call it the justice system. 500 00:36:42,317 --> 00:36:44,478 You know how I talk to women now. 501 00:36:44,483 --> 00:36:46,565 I know she can beat you up. 502 00:36:47,608 --> 00:36:48,814 Bitch! 503 00:36:57,067 --> 00:36:58,557 Dammit! 504 00:37:07,275 --> 00:37:08,275 Did you hear that? 505 00:37:23,775 --> 00:37:24,981 You really can fight! 506 00:37:28,358 --> 00:37:29,097 Run! 507 00:37:29,108 --> 00:37:30,108 Kit! 508 00:37:57,233 --> 00:37:58,233 Help! 509 00:37:58,442 --> 00:37:59,562 Someone's trying to kill me! 510 00:38:41,733 --> 00:38:42,813 No! 511 00:38:46,025 --> 00:38:48,482 Did you hear a gunshot and someone screaming? 512 00:38:50,108 --> 00:38:51,108 No. 513 00:38:51,650 --> 00:38:53,766 It's probably Lynn watching TV. 514 00:38:54,067 --> 00:38:56,067 She's been into those Samuel Jackson films lately. 515 00:38:59,358 --> 00:39:01,314 Why don't you two go to the bar with me? 516 00:39:01,525 --> 00:39:03,140 After I have delivered the body, 517 00:39:03,150 --> 00:39:04,265 I'm done. 518 00:39:04,733 --> 00:39:07,099 Thanks, kit. I'll take a rain check. 519 00:39:09,025 --> 00:39:10,515 Let's go pick up some girls. 520 00:39:10,608 --> 00:39:11,973 100% success rate. 521 00:39:11,983 --> 00:39:13,189 I still have work to do. 522 00:39:13,400 --> 00:39:14,435 - Go. - Do me a favor! 523 00:39:14,442 --> 00:39:15,773 Picking up girls! 524 00:39:16,317 --> 00:39:18,308 Don't just cut corpses all the time. 525 00:39:20,817 --> 00:39:22,603 You enjoy yourself! 526 00:39:23,400 --> 00:39:25,186 You love cutting corpse so much. 527 00:39:26,942 --> 00:39:28,182 Your loss. 528 00:39:28,608 --> 00:39:29,608 Bye! 529 00:39:30,733 --> 00:39:31,813 Kit! 530 00:39:37,233 --> 00:39:38,643 You change your mind? 531 00:39:41,025 --> 00:39:42,435 Come on baby! 532 00:39:43,567 --> 00:39:45,023 Come on! 533 00:39:46,108 --> 00:39:47,518 You had a few drinks. 534 00:39:48,525 --> 00:39:49,640 Drive safely. 535 00:39:49,817 --> 00:39:51,603 My passenger is dead already. 536 00:39:51,608 --> 00:39:52,768 So I should be fine. 537 00:39:52,775 --> 00:39:54,311 Merry Christmas. 538 00:39:54,775 --> 00:39:55,775 Merry Christmas. 539 00:39:59,733 --> 00:40:00,733 Bye! 540 00:40:00,983 --> 00:40:02,644 Run! 541 00:40:13,692 --> 00:40:15,557 Good choice, doc. 542 00:40:15,983 --> 00:40:18,065 Now let's finish what we started. 543 00:40:28,608 --> 00:40:30,473 You tried to hit me? 544 00:40:31,358 --> 00:40:33,440 You will regret. 545 00:40:48,983 --> 00:40:50,018 What's the matter? 546 00:40:51,067 --> 00:40:54,730 How much do you want it, kiddo? 547 00:41:26,067 --> 00:41:28,023 If only you listened to us from the beginning, 548 00:41:28,025 --> 00:41:29,625 the security guard wouldn't need to die. 549 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:36,640 Go check on your brother. 550 00:42:00,233 --> 00:42:01,233 Hands in the air. 551 00:42:06,775 --> 00:42:07,480 Where's my brother? 552 00:42:07,650 --> 00:42:08,650 Put the gun down! 553 00:42:09,233 --> 00:42:09,892 Where's my brother? 554 00:42:09,900 --> 00:42:11,140 I told you to put the gun down! 555 00:42:11,150 --> 00:42:12,750 - Where's my brother? - Stop right there. 556 00:42:43,317 --> 00:42:44,352 How much longer? 557 00:42:44,483 --> 00:42:46,223 If you want it faster, 558 00:42:46,358 --> 00:42:47,564 I can use the X-ray. 559 00:42:47,900 --> 00:42:49,356 It takes so much longer! 560 00:42:49,650 --> 00:42:50,650 No way! 561 00:42:52,733 --> 00:42:53,813 Don't move! 562 00:42:53,983 --> 00:42:55,473 Hands in the air. 563 00:42:56,150 --> 00:42:57,150 What happened to them? 564 00:42:57,358 --> 00:42:58,358 I killed them. 565 00:42:59,358 --> 00:43:01,223 Put your gun on the floor 566 00:43:01,233 --> 00:43:02,973 and slide it over. 567 00:43:14,192 --> 00:43:15,192 Very good. 568 00:43:15,483 --> 00:43:16,563 Now take off your mask. 569 00:43:17,650 --> 00:43:20,187 I wouldn't do that if I were you. 570 00:43:21,317 --> 00:43:22,181 Don't move. 571 00:43:22,192 --> 00:43:24,774 If you see my face, 572 00:43:24,775 --> 00:43:26,140 I'll have to carve out your eyeballs, 573 00:43:26,150 --> 00:43:28,015 so you can never identify us. 574 00:43:28,983 --> 00:43:30,598 Maybe not today, 575 00:43:30,817 --> 00:43:32,307 but some day for sure. 576 00:43:37,733 --> 00:43:39,815 Emergency call center. How may I help you? 577 00:43:46,483 --> 00:43:47,142 Hello... 578 00:43:47,358 --> 00:43:48,358 Hello? Sir? 579 00:43:50,192 --> 00:43:52,729 I'm sorry. Wrong number. 580 00:43:53,025 --> 00:43:54,481 Hello... 581 00:44:00,817 --> 00:44:02,808 What's the point of shooting me here? 582 00:44:07,233 --> 00:44:09,645 You should have shot me right here, bitch! 583 00:44:11,400 --> 00:44:12,640 We should waste her now! 584 00:44:27,108 --> 00:44:29,269 - Go to hell! - If you want the bullet fast, 585 00:44:29,483 --> 00:44:31,019 I need her to assist me. 586 00:44:31,733 --> 00:44:33,173 Otherwise it could take much longer. 587 00:44:33,400 --> 00:44:34,560 More time, more risk. 588 00:44:43,733 --> 00:44:45,223 10 minutes. 589 00:44:57,025 --> 00:44:57,889 Sorry, 590 00:44:57,900 --> 00:44:59,060 I messed up. 591 00:45:01,400 --> 00:45:02,731 Forget it. 592 00:45:02,900 --> 00:45:04,356 Focus on the body. 593 00:45:07,942 --> 00:45:09,148 I noticed 594 00:45:09,150 --> 00:45:12,517 one of her fingernails was broken. 595 00:45:13,442 --> 00:45:16,514 And there is dried blood under it. 596 00:45:16,983 --> 00:45:18,439 Have you also noticed 597 00:45:18,650 --> 00:45:19,810 that Rudolph 598 00:45:20,192 --> 00:45:21,432 has scratch marks 599 00:45:21,608 --> 00:45:24,600 on his face? 600 00:45:28,275 --> 00:45:31,392 They killed her so she couldn't ID them. 601 00:45:32,400 --> 00:45:36,018 They are wearing bulletproof vests 602 00:45:36,025 --> 00:45:38,266 and use police hand signals. 603 00:45:38,275 --> 00:45:39,856 They're cops. 604 00:45:39,858 --> 00:45:42,144 I think so too. 605 00:45:51,775 --> 00:45:52,890 I can't help you after all. 606 00:45:53,317 --> 00:45:54,352 Say that again. 607 00:45:54,692 --> 00:45:55,977 You see the hole in her back? 608 00:45:55,983 --> 00:45:57,439 The bullet went through. 609 00:45:58,192 --> 00:46:00,774 Your bullet's in the crime scene. 610 00:46:04,442 --> 00:46:05,442 Santa, 611 00:46:05,775 --> 00:46:07,390 if what he said is true, 612 00:46:07,525 --> 00:46:09,106 then we are lost. 613 00:46:09,567 --> 00:46:10,647 We are so lost. 614 00:46:10,650 --> 00:46:12,606 Stop saying the word "lost"! 615 00:46:12,608 --> 00:46:13,848 How many times have I told you? 616 00:46:13,900 --> 00:46:15,515 If you don't believe me, 617 00:46:15,525 --> 00:46:17,085 you're welcome to look for it yourself. 618 00:46:30,275 --> 00:46:32,482 It's the body's inner gases you're smelling. 619 00:46:32,983 --> 00:46:34,939 Hydrogen and methane. 620 00:46:34,942 --> 00:46:38,014 You will never forget that smell. 621 00:46:40,233 --> 00:46:43,225 Do you know who shot your wife? 622 00:46:45,358 --> 00:46:48,600 The killer is still on the loose. 623 00:46:48,608 --> 00:46:50,940 She was shot during the jewelry shop heist, 624 00:46:50,942 --> 00:46:52,307 right? 625 00:46:59,192 --> 00:47:00,523 What was she doing there? 626 00:47:01,192 --> 00:47:02,557 Buying jewels? 627 00:47:02,858 --> 00:47:04,849 She went there to Polish her ring. 628 00:47:06,942 --> 00:47:08,557 I also heard 629 00:47:08,567 --> 00:47:11,309 you had insisted on performing her autopsy yourself. 630 00:47:12,317 --> 00:47:14,353 How did it feel, 631 00:47:14,358 --> 00:47:15,723 cutting up your own wife? 632 00:47:19,483 --> 00:47:20,483 Got it. 633 00:47:25,192--> 00:47:26,477 We're done! 634 00:47:34,858 --> 00:47:37,645 That's a piece of her rib. 635 00:47:37,733 --> 00:47:39,223 I'm truly convinced 636 00:47:39,608 --> 00:47:41,690 it's shattered when you shot her. 637 00:48:05,442 --> 00:48:07,558 Do you know who's in the wrong? 638 00:48:08,108 --> 00:48:09,143 You! 639 00:48:10,233 --> 00:48:12,269 Actually your wife's killer was caught. 640 00:48:13,275 --> 00:48:15,687 But he was set free for lack of evidence. 641 00:48:16,442 --> 00:48:17,807 Life sucks, right? 642 00:48:19,483 --> 00:48:21,314 Do you know what he said? 643 00:48:22,400 --> 00:48:23,400 He said 644 00:48:24,275 --> 00:48:25,936 he enjoyed 645 00:48:26,608 --> 00:48:28,098 watching your wife die very much! 646 00:48:28,983 --> 00:48:31,440 Just like how much I enjoy watching this right now. 647 00:48:33,817 --> 00:48:35,023 You gambler, 648 00:48:35,192 --> 00:48:36,773 you want all in? 649 00:48:38,025 --> 00:48:39,481 You gamblers 650 00:48:39,650 --> 00:48:41,311 don't like to see baldies. 651 00:48:41,775 --> 00:48:43,766 You think they are bad luck, right? 652 00:48:44,025 --> 00:48:45,140 Of course! 653 00:48:45,733 --> 00:48:47,314 You all hate hearing the word "lost"! 654 00:48:47,858 --> 00:48:48,722 On the back of your cellphone, 655 00:48:48,733 --> 00:48:50,018 there's the lucky number 8. 656 00:48:50,608 --> 00:48:51,688 Number 8 means winning. 657 00:48:53,942 --> 00:48:56,399 I feel sorry for you actually. 658 00:48:56,525 --> 00:48:59,107 You must have lost a lot of money in Macau. 659 00:48:59,108 --> 00:49:01,565 You shut your mouth or I shoot you in the head! 660 00:49:01,858 --> 00:49:03,348 Let's have another bet! 661 00:49:04,983 --> 00:49:06,644 I'll help you find the bullet, 662 00:49:06,775 --> 00:49:07,775 and you'll let her go. 663 00:49:09,275 --> 00:49:10,275 One more thing. 664 00:49:11,025 --> 00:49:12,515 You look uglier than a corpse 665 00:49:13,442 --> 00:49:14,807 with your mask off. 666 00:49:16,233 --> 00:49:17,268 If you don't mind, 667 00:49:17,275 --> 00:49:18,310 please put it back on! 668 00:49:19,358 --> 00:49:21,440 Let's have another bet! 669 00:49:21,858 --> 00:49:23,940 If you cheat, 670 00:49:24,317 --> 00:49:25,523 I'll shoot her in the head 671 00:49:25,525 --> 00:49:27,481 right in front of you! 672 00:49:43,858 --> 00:49:45,974 Station, PC officer 26635 calling. 673 00:49:46,067 --> 00:49:47,898 I'm at the kwai chung public mortuary. 674 00:49:47,900 --> 00:49:49,811 It looks quiet outside. 675 00:49:49,817 --> 00:49:51,853 I'm about to check inside, over. 676 00:49:53,692 --> 00:49:54,692 Police. 677 00:49:54,775 --> 00:49:56,390 We received a 999 call earlier. 678 00:49:56,400 --> 00:49:57,560 Just checking to make sure everything's ok. 679 00:49:57,567 --> 00:49:58,932 Open the door. 680 00:49:59,608 --> 00:50:01,974 Everything is fine here, officer! 681 00:50:02,400 --> 00:50:04,516 Ok, but I need to see that for myself.682 00:50:04,525 --> 00:50:05,935 It's protocol. 683 00:50:05,942 --> 00:50:07,478 Open the door now. 684 00:50:23,775 --> 00:50:24,775 Give us a minute, please. 685 00:50:32,900 --> 00:50:33,514 How are you? 686 00:50:33,525 --> 00:50:34,525 Merry Christmas. 687 00:50:34,733 --> 00:50:36,251 We just need to look around. This won't take long. 688 00:50:36,275 --> 00:50:37,275 Ok. 689 00:50:37,650 --> 00:50:38,650 This way. 690 00:50:41,400 --> 00:50:42,400 This way. 691 00:50:46,900 --> 00:50:48,436 What happened there? 692 00:50:50,192 --> 00:50:51,932 The intern is clumsy. 693 00:50:51,942 --> 00:50:52,897 He can't even push a wheel bed properly. 694 00:50:52,900 --> 00:50:54,515 Cleaning crew is off tonight. 695 00:50:56,358 --> 00:50:57,848 I know exactly what you mean. 696 00:50:59,233 --> 00:51:00,518 Is that blood? 697 00:51:03,650 --> 00:51:04,810 We're in a morgue. 698 00:51:04,858 --> 00:51:06,018 Of course it's blood. 699 00:51:06,025 --> 00:51:07,435 Is this your first visit? 700 00:51:23,942 --> 00:51:24,942 May peace be with you. 701 00:51:26,067 --> 00:51:27,432 Busy night. 702 00:51:47,817 --> 00:51:48,932 Sorry, sorry... 703 00:52:10,358 --> 00:52:11,358 Lynn, 704 00:52:11,608 --> 00:52:12,313 are you ok? 705 00:52:12,525 --> 00:52:13,525 I'm fine. 706 00:52:23,358 --> 00:52:24,973 Working so late on Christmas Eve? 707 00:52:24,983 --> 00:52:26,519 People don't stop dying 708 00:52:26,525 --> 00:52:27,935 just because it's Christmas. 709 00:52:28,233 --> 00:52:29,393 Same for us. 710 00:52:30,358 --> 00:52:32,189 Too bad we're cops. 711 00:52:32,692 --> 00:52:35,183 We have to patrol the streets on public holidays 712 00:52:35,192 --> 00:52:37,604 in case some teenagers puke on the sidewalk. 713 00:52:37,858 --> 00:52:38,517 Am I right? 714 00:52:38,733 --> 00:52:39,733 You have our respect. 715 00:52:43,317 --> 00:52:44,898 Still working, officer? 716 00:52:45,150 --> 00:52:45,809 Done? 717 00:52:45,983 --> 00:52:46,983 Done. 718 00:52:51,400 --> 00:52:52,400 Officer, 719 00:52:52,442 --> 00:52:53,978 anywhere else you need to check? 720 00:53:02,317 --> 00:53:03,602 Hands in the air, 721 00:53:07,317 --> 00:53:09,308 where I can see them! 722 00:53:10,775 --> 00:53:12,686 Come out, all of you. 723 00:53:15,358 --> 00:53:16,358 Hurry up! 724 00:53:32,775 --> 00:53:34,060 You think I'm stupid? 725 00:53:34,650 --> 00:53:36,130 I saw the shell casings on the floor. 726 00:53:39,317 --> 00:53:40,317 Officer, 727 00:53:40,608 --> 00:53:41,643 he has a gun. 728 00:53:41,858 --> 00:53:42,813 No, officer. 729 00:53:42,817 --> 00:53:44,023 We work here. 730 00:53:44,025 --> 00:53:45,025 No, officer. 731 00:53:45,233 --> 00:53:46,518 She's an accomplice. Don't listen to her. 732 00:53:46,525 --> 00:53:47,230 - He's lying! - I'm Dr. wong. 733 00:53:47,233 --> 00:53:48,939 - They are a gang! - I've been on night shift here for 5 years. 734 00:53:48,942 --> 00:53:49,681 - He's holding us hostages! - Don't trust them. 735 00:53:49,692 --> 00:53:51,728 Don't believe her, she's lying! 736 00:53:51,733 --> 00:53:52,222 It's him! 737 00:53:52,233 --> 00:53:53,953 Don't believe her, she's trying to kill us. 738 00:53:54,567 --> 00:53:55,807 Officer, please listen to me! 739 00:53:57,192 --> 00:53:57,647 Dammit. 740 00:53:57,692 --> 00:53:58,692 Wyatt, run! 741 00:54:28,567 --> 00:54:29,932 Stand up. 742 00:55:53,608 --> 00:55:54,959 Sorry, I can't help you after all. 743 00:55:54,983 --> 00:55:56,143 You see the hole in her back? 744 00:55:56,317 --> 00:55:57,523 The bullet went through. 745 00:56:07,400 --> 00:56:08,960 This is the bullet they're looking for. 746 00:56:09,150 --> 00:56:10,150 Keep it safe. 747 00:56:10,900 --> 00:56:12,436 You took it out 748 00:56:12,442 --> 00:56:13,802 when they locked us in the cooler? 749 00:56:14,233 --> 00:56:15,473 It's our only leverage. 750 00:56:34,400 --> 00:56:35,890 Stop shooting at me! 751 00:56:46,942 --> 00:56:48,142 I must stay and distract them. 752 00:56:48,233 --> 00:56:48,642 You go now! 753 00:56:48,650 --> 00:56:49,685 No, we need to stick together. 754 00:56:49,692 --> 00:56:50,727 That won't work. 755 00:56:50,817 --> 00:56:51,772 You've gotta tell everyone 756 00:56:51,775 --> 00:56:52,935 they are the killers! 757 00:56:53,150 --> 00:56:53,809 Go! 758 00:56:53,817 --> 00:56:54,817 Go! Go! 759 00:57:35,442 --> 00:57:36,932 Look at that! 760 00:57:41,900 --> 00:57:43,515 Two kills in one day! 761 00:57:59,233 --> 00:58:00,233 Howard! 762 00:58:01,150 --> 00:58:02,150 Howard! 763 00:58:03,025 --> 00:58:04,025 Howard! 764 00:58:05,733 --> 00:58:06,813 Howard! 765 00:58:08,817 --> 00:58:09,852 Howard! 766 00:58:12,025 --> 00:58:13,105 Howard! 767 00:58:18,108 --> 00:58:19,644 Release him right away! 768 00:58:22,483 --> 00:58:23,768 Give me that! 769 00:58:31,108 --> 00:58:32,314 Howard! 770 00:58:44,983 --> 00:58:46,018 Kiddo! 771 00:59:57,150 --> 00:59:59,015 Howard! 772 01:00:09,483 --> 01:00:11,849 Dammit! 773 01:00:14,567 --> 01:00:16,432 - You killed my brother. - They have the bullet. 774 01:00:16,442 --> 01:00:17,898 It didn't go through her body. 775 01:00:18,483 --> 01:00:19,939 Who cares about the bullet?! 776 01:00:20,817 --> 01:00:22,648 My brother is dead! 777 01:00:24,192 --> 01:00:25,192 I saw it. 778 01:00:26,108 --> 01:00:27,188 After we finish the job, 779 01:00:27,192 --> 01:00:28,602 we'll come back for him. 780 01:00:29,483 --> 01:00:30,643 Where's the bullet, 781 01:00:31,608 --> 01:00:32,608 you son of a bitch?! 782 01:00:35,067 --> 01:00:39,140 I'll tell you when you lie there some day! 783 01:00:40,567 --> 01:00:42,523 I know who has it. 784 01:00:59,650 --> 01:01:00,639 Hogtie him right here on the floor. 785 01:01:00,650 --> 01:01:01,650 We gonna use him. 786 01:01:05,567 --> 01:01:06,567 Kiddo, 787 01:01:07,442 --> 01:01:09,023 did you hear that? 788 01:01:10,150 --> 01:01:11,890 I just gota nice assortment of tools here. 789 01:01:13,192 --> 01:01:16,355 I've got a hammer, some pliers, a scalpel... 790 01:01:18,567 --> 01:01:19,567 And this. 791 01:01:21,525 --> 01:01:23,390 I'm not even sure what this is... 792 01:01:29,150 --> 01:01:30,606 If you don't open the door now, 793 01:01:31,692 --> 01:01:34,764 things are about to get quite unpleasant for the doc. 794 01:01:51,858 --> 01:01:53,223 If you'll come out now, 795 01:01:53,817 --> 01:01:55,899 I won't use any of it. I promise. 796 01:01:56,650 --> 01:01:58,732 You just gonna kill us anyway. 797 01:01:58,858 --> 01:02:00,894 I told you I would let you guys go. 798 01:02:02,025 --> 01:02:03,515 If you don't open the door, 799 01:02:04,358 --> 01:02:06,394 I'll torture your hero to death. 800 01:02:07,400 --> 01:02:09,891 You don't want him to die because of you, right? 801 01:02:11,900 --> 01:02:12,900 All right, 802 01:02:14,858 --> 01:02:16,598 I'll start with... the pliers. 803 01:02:17,983 --> 01:02:19,894 I'm about to cut one of the doc's fingers. 804 01:02:20,358 --> 01:02:21,358 Last chance. 805 01:02:21,608 --> 01:02:22,267 Lynn! 806 01:02:22,275 --> 01:02:23,875 No matter what you hear, don't come out! 807 01:02:31,067 --> 01:02:32,773 I still have 9 fingers. 808 01:02:47,900 --> 01:02:48,900 Kiddo, 809 01:02:49,858 --> 01:02:50,688 can't you hear he's suffering? 810 01:02:50,775 --> 01:02:51,514 Lynn, 811 01:02:51,525 --> 01:02:53,186 no matter what you hear, don't come out! 812 01:02:55,817 --> 01:02:57,523 I'm gonna cut another finger. 813 01:02:58,817 --> 01:02:59,602 Come out! 814 01:02:59,608 --> 01:03:01,064 Don't scare her anymore. 815 01:03:01,442 --> 01:03:02,602 Shoot me! 816 01:03:03,067 --> 01:03:04,728 But be careful this time! 817 01:03:05,692 --> 01:03:07,172 Remember to take the bullet with you! 818 01:03:07,817 --> 01:03:09,182 You have guts! 819 01:03:14,275 --> 01:03:16,186 You think I really won't kill you? 820 01:03:16,442 --> 01:03:17,442 W ait. 821 01:03:17,983 --> 01:03:18,983 Kiddo, 822 01:03:19,692 --> 01:03:20,477 open the door! 823 01:03:20,483 --> 01:03:21,814 I'm gonna kill him! 824 01:03:40,150 --> 01:03:41,936 She's blocking the door with a body! 825 01:03:42,692 --> 01:03:43,772 She can't get away. 826 01:03:52,317 --> 01:03:53,317 Let me. 827 01:04:17,275 --> 01:04:18,515 Help me here. 828 01:04:28,733 --> 01:04:30,598 - Dammit! - Go to hell! 829 01:04:50,483 --> 01:04:51,483 Kiddo, 830 01:04:52,983 --> 01:04:54,268 you can't get away! 831 01:05:07,775 --> 01:05:09,606 Goddamnit! She escaped! 832 01:05:09,608 --> 01:05:10,643 You wait here! 833 01:05:38,317 --> 01:05:39,477 Dammit! 834 01:05:57,525 --> 01:05:58,605 She's still in there! 835 01:06:00,567 --> 01:06:01,602 Dammit! 836 01:06:01,608 --> 01:06:02,688 She didn't come out here! 837 01:06:03,608 --> 01:06:04,608 What? 838 01:06:04,650 --> 01:06:06,186 She's still in that room! Find her! 839 01:06:06,983 --> 01:06:10,350Come out, bitch! 840 01:06:11,858 --> 01:06:12,858 Come out! 841 01:06:13,942 --> 01:06:15,398 I know you're in here! 842 01:06:16,400 --> 01:06:17,400 Come out! 843 01:06:21,817 --> 01:06:23,102 Come out! 844 01:06:35,358 --> 01:06:40,057 Bitch, you are dead! 845 01:06:47,317 --> 01:06:50,389 Dammit! 846 01:07:48,400 --> 01:07:49,400 Lynn. 847 01:08:05,650 --> 01:08:06,650 Take the stairs. 848 01:09:01,442 --> 01:09:02,442 Lynn, 849 01:09:03,067 --> 01:09:03,852 you have to hide. 850 01:09:03,858 --> 01:09:04,847 Not this time. 851 01:09:04,858 --> 01:09:06,439 I'm staying with you. 852 01:09:06,858 --> 01:09:08,064 Do you know where they keep the walkie-talkies? 853 01:09:08,067 --> 01:09:09,067 In the break room. 854 01:09:12,900 --> 01:09:14,060 Are you tired? 855 01:09:16,442 --> 01:09:18,603 The game has only just begun. 856 01:09:34,192 --> 01:09:35,192 This way. 857 01:09:41,650 --> 01:09:42,650 You guys are doomed. 858 01:09:42,817 --> 01:09:44,478 Inspector kit tong. 859 01:09:49,483 --> 01:09:51,189 Inspector Wyatt so. 860 01:09:54,358 --> 01:09:55,973 I know who you are. 861 01:10:29,192 --> 01:10:30,728 I know what you did. 862 01:10:31,483 --> 01:10:33,895 When you received the intel about a drug deal, 863 01:10:34,400 --> 01:10:35,480 you rushed to the scene. 864 01:10:39,275 --> 01:10:40,936 Your goods are here. 865 01:10:42,275 --> 01:10:43,275 Ok. 866 01:10:44,067 --> 01:10:45,067 All good. 867 01:11:01,692 --> 01:11:02,727 Not bad. 868 01:11:07,358 --> 01:11:08,814 This chick is hot! 869 01:11:10,567 --> 01:11:12,057 Let's get things done 870 01:11:12,067 --> 01:11:13,352 and stop messing around. 871 01:11:15,567 --> 01:11:17,273 How's it? All good? 872 01:11:17,650 --> 01:11:19,231 It's not like I don't pay you. 873 01:11:19,233 --> 01:11:20,894 Why give me this shit? 874 01:11:20,900 --> 01:11:21,889 Hey, what are you trying to say? 875 01:11:21,900 --> 01:11:23,640 My stuff is great! 876 01:11:23,983 --> 01:11:25,268 Did you try it properly? 877 01:11:25,275 --> 01:11:27,357 Trying to dine and dash? 878 01:12:03,275 --> 01:12:06,142 All those drugs and money were right there. 879 01:12:06,275 --> 01:12:09,062 Yours for the taking. So you took everything. 880 01:12:09,942 --> 01:12:12,228 No witnesses. No evidence to tie you 881 01:12:12,233 --> 01:12:14,098 to the crime scene. 882 01:12:21,692 --> 01:12:22,772 Kit. 883 01:12:22,775 --> 01:12:23,775 Kit... 884 01:12:24,192 --> 01:12:25,272 Kit... 885 01:12:28,733 --> 01:12:30,064 Lucky it's you! 886 01:12:30,067 --> 01:12:30,977 Bobby, 887 01:12:31,025 --> 01:12:32,025 it's gonna be fine... 888 01:12:39,858 --> 01:12:41,769 Take them all! 889 01:12:49,650 --> 01:12:50,930 Only... how could you have known 890 01:12:51,108 --> 01:12:52,564 the triad boss's daughter 891 01:12:55,358 --> 01:12:56,643 was right in the next room? 892 01:13:16,525 --> 01:13:18,061 I've seen you before... 893 01:13:20,525 --> 01:13:23,517 All units. Shots fired in sham shui po. 894 01:13:24,983 --> 01:13:27,224 Station, p128066 calling. 895 01:13:28,483 --> 01:13:30,269 We're at the scene in sham shui po. 896 01:13:30,275 --> 01:13:31,606 Requesting back up. 897 01:13:42,858 --> 01:13:43,858 Inspector tong, 898 01:13:44,317 --> 01:13:46,478 you must have felt like an idiot when you realized 899 01:13:46,483 --> 01:13:48,690 you had used your service weapon to shoot ankie Cheng, 900 01:13:49,150 --> 01:13:51,482 because the ballistic report on the bullet 901 01:13:51,483 --> 01:13:52,848 would tie your gun to the murder. 902 01:13:53,025 --> 01:13:54,105 And the scarier thing is... 903 01:13:54,150 --> 01:13:56,106 The triad boss would go after you. 904 01:14:03,400 --> 01:14:04,856 You go first. 905 01:14:14,442 --> 01:14:16,854 But you know how to cover your tracks. 906 01:14:19,192 --> 01:14:20,022 The one piece of evidence 907 01:14:20,025 --> 01:14:21,640 that ties you to her murder 908 01:14:21,900 --> 01:14:23,731 is the bullet. 909 01:14:28,108 --> 01:14:29,393 After I kill you both, 910 01:14:29,400 --> 01:14:30,515 no one will ever know. 911 01:14:30,983 --> 01:14:31,847 I'm sorry. 912 01:14:31,858 --> 01:14:33,018 But they already do. 913 01:14:33,025 --> 01:14:34,515 Check the autopsy room. 914 01:14:43,233 --> 01:14:44,233 Over there. 915 01:14:50,400 --> 01:14:52,516 You see the pedal under the table? 916 01:14:52,525 --> 01:14:53,525 Did you see it? 917 01:14:53,983 --> 01:14:55,473 It's a medical dictaphone. 918 01:14:55,483 --> 01:14:57,168 It connects directly to the recording system. 919 01:14:57,192 --> 01:14:58,773 It's been recording us this whole time. 920 01:14:58,775 --> 01:15:00,390 I'm sure another colleague of mine, 921 01:15:00,733 --> 01:15:01,848 who is in the health department this very moment, 922 01:15:01,858 --> 01:15:04,349 is staring at her computer, obviously confused. 923 01:15:06,858 --> 01:15:09,190 We cut the phone lines before we even walked in here. 924 01:15:09,192 --> 01:15:10,932 Have you ever heard of satellite antenna? 925 01:15:11,733 --> 01:15:13,519 I guess you didn't notice the satellite dish on the roof. 926 01:15:13,525 --> 01:15:15,265 You're stalling. 927 01:15:15,275 --> 01:15:16,835 You would have told this to me earlier. 928 01:15:17,358 --> 01:15:18,689 Listen up. 929 01:15:19,275 --> 01:15:22,392 I will tell the truth to the whole world. 930 01:15:37,108 --> 01:15:38,564 What causes chenimal reaction with hydrogen peroxide? 931 01:15:38,567 --> 01:15:39,397 Magnesium. 932 01:15:39,483 --> 01:15:40,689 Find it and spread it on the floor. 933 01:15:40,692 --> 01:15:41,692 Ok. 934 01:15:55,233 --> 01:15:56,268 But such chemical reactions 935 01:15:56,275 --> 01:15:57,640 won't hurt him. 936 01:15:57,650 --> 01:15:58,650 Flammable powder. 937 01:16:02,317 --> 01:16:03,432 I'll lead him here. 938 01:16:08,858 --> 01:16:09,813 Good idea. 939 01:16:09,817 --> 01:16:11,353 Flammable powder in a confined space. 940 01:16:11,358 --> 01:16:13,223 A touch of flame can cause explosions. 941 01:16:17,025 --> 01:16:18,025 You stay here. 942 01:16:19,317 --> 01:16:20,317 I'll draw his attention. 943 01:16:23,025 --> 01:16:24,140 Wyatt so. 944 01:16:24,858 --> 01:16:26,143 Do you know when your inspector tong 945 01:16:26,150 --> 01:16:27,890 put on a silencer? 946 01:16:27,900 --> 01:16:29,185 And why? 947 01:16:31,483 --> 01:16:32,518 What are you doing? 948 01:16:32,900 --> 01:16:33,900 Are you crazy? 949 01:16:40,358 --> 01:16:43,555 My brother and I were never gonna make it. 950 01:16:44,442 --> 01:16:46,353 You knew it from the get go, didn't you? 951 01:16:46,358 --> 01:16:48,269 We were never supposed to get out alive. 952 01:16:49,650 --> 01:16:52,016 You planned to take our share 953 01:16:52,650 --> 01:16:55,938 and pay your gambling debts! 954 01:17:03,525 --> 01:17:06,232 We were crazy to ever listen to you. 955 01:17:25,192 --> 01:17:26,192 Come out! 956 01:17:26,900 --> 01:17:27,935 Keep going, 957 01:18:35,150 --> 01:18:36,150 Come out! 958 01:18:41,025 --> 01:18:42,686 Or you'll die ugly. 959 01:18:46,108 --> 01:18:47,393 You think I wanted this? 960 01:18:48,025 --> 01:18:49,310 Don't you force me! 961 01:19:12,983 --> 01:19:13,983 He's coming! 962 01:19:14,608 --> 01:19:15,608 Hide. 963 01:19:16,525 --> 01:19:17,525 Done. 964 01:20:25,900 --> 01:20:26,900 Kiddo. 965 01:20:28,608 --> 01:20:30,144 The game is over! 966 01:20:31,025 --> 01:20:32,025 Goodbye! 967 01:20:48,650 --> 01:20:49,765 You asked for it! 968 01:21:23,733 --> 01:21:25,098 I'm sending you to see your wife. 969 01:21:35,817 --> 01:21:36,897 Go to hell! 970 01:22:06,942 --> 01:22:07,942 Don't move! 971 01:22:09,567 --> 01:22:10,567 Stand still! 972 01:22:13,733 --> 01:22:14,438 Shoot me. 973 01:22:14,733 --> 01:22:15,733 Stay right there. 974 01:22:17,483 --> 01:22:18,017 Shoot me! 975 01:22:18,067 --> 01:22:19,067 Go to hell! 976 01:22:33,275 --> 01:22:34,355 Dammit. 977 01:22:39,150 --> 01:22:40,936 You two forced me! 978 01:23:11,067 --> 01:23:12,102 Doc, 979 01:23:16,650 --> 01:23:19,141 everybody for himself, 980 01:23:20,358 --> 01:23:22,474 and god against all! 981 01:23:24,025 --> 01:23:27,597 I released your wife's murderer! 982 01:23:30,233 --> 01:23:31,598 How about that? 983 01:23:36,650 --> 01:23:39,187 Dammit, you have it all along! 984 01:23:39,358 --> 01:23:40,814 You can have it! 985 01:24:03,608 --> 01:24:04,643 What now? 986 01:24:07,067 --> 01:24:08,067 Step back. 987 01:24:13,025 --> 01:24:14,811 Hurry! It's gonna explode any minute. 988 01:24:29,233 --> 01:24:30,233 Trust me. 989 01:24:33,067 --> 01:24:34,067 Now! 990 01:25:29,108 --> 01:25:30,223 Merry Christmas. 991 01:25:31,567 --> 01:25:32,773 Merry Christmas. 992 01:25:32,942 --> 01:25:35,604 Did it ever occur to you that's how you would have 993 01:25:35,608 --> 01:25:37,168 spent your last Christmas in Hong Kong?994 01:25:37,817 --> 01:25:38,977 Who says 995 01:25:38,983 --> 01:25:41,520 this is my last Christmas here? 996 01:25:58,692 --> 01:25:59,602 Hello, everyone. 997 01:25:59,608 --> 01:26:02,475 The moment of truth has finally arrived. 998 01:26:02,483 --> 01:26:05,805 The black rainstorm warning signal has been cancelled. 999 01:26:05,817 --> 01:26:07,808 Christmas is waiting. 1000 01:26:07,817 --> 01:26:10,524 Let's go out and have some fun!