1 00:00:22,760 --> 00:00:25,523 [pips of Morse code] 2 00:00:44,340 --> 00:00:46,039 HARRY: The Germans are moving towards us, sir! 3 00:00:46,039 --> 00:00:49,144 Lance Corporal Haywood sustained injuries to neck, chest and hip. 4 00:00:49,184 --> 00:00:51,226 Field hospital drop before returning to base. 5 00:00:51,266 --> 00:00:52,467 Help! 6 00:00:52,507 --> 00:00:53,908 He needs help! 7 00:00:53,948 --> 00:00:56,664 - Put him there. Get him down. - NURSE: Lay him down. 8 00:00:56,722 --> 00:00:58,781 That's it, get him down. Go on. 9 00:00:59,634 --> 00:01:01,395 [he groans with pain] 10 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:08,215 NURSE: Hold his head. 11 00:01:09,619 --> 00:01:10,780 Put your hand here. 12 00:01:10,819 --> 00:01:13,860 MAN: Stay with me. We'll put a bandage on here, mate. 13 00:01:13,969 --> 00:01:15,522 - Lieutenant... - Sir. 14 00:01:16,843 --> 00:01:18,040 German positions. 15 00:01:20,436 --> 00:01:21,520 They're coming. 16 00:01:22,278 --> 00:01:23,657 Well done, Chase. 17 00:01:24,937 --> 00:01:27,459 - Do you need help? - No. 18 00:01:27,499 --> 00:01:28,780 I just... 19 00:01:28,820 --> 00:01:30,768 I just need to get back to my unit. 20 00:01:30,989 --> 00:01:33,235 - Medic! - I just need a minute. 21 00:01:38,349 --> 00:01:41,768 Dear God, Chase! He needs a hospital. 22 00:01:42,089 --> 00:01:43,809 Let's get him to Cairo! 23 00:01:44,612 --> 00:01:46,038 Medic, now, dammit! 24 00:01:47,197 --> 00:01:52,522 ON GRAMOPHONE PLAYER: ♪ SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt 25 00:01:55,445 --> 00:02:01,730 ♪ Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen 26 00:02:03,252 --> 00:02:08,977 ♪ Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit 27 00:02:11,419 --> 00:02:18,178 ♪ Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen 28 00:02:19,539 --> 00:02:26,032 ♪ Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit. ♪ 29 00:02:36,482 --> 00:02:38,364 IN GERMAN: 30 00:03:16,449 --> 00:03:19,842 [Rajib shouts orders] 31 00:03:21,003 --> 00:03:22,511 Come on, come on, hurry up! 32 00:03:22,764 --> 00:03:23,965 [vehicle approaches] 33 00:03:29,455 --> 00:03:30,619 RAJIB: Move it! 34 00:03:30,689 --> 00:03:32,591 Go, go, go! Come on, load up! 35 00:03:33,739 --> 00:03:34,775 What's going on? 36 00:03:34,815 --> 00:03:36,755 - Where have you been? - Border patrol. 37 00:03:36,839 --> 00:03:39,520 The Germans are closing in. We're shipping out. 38 00:03:39,559 --> 00:03:42,530 Half my men have left already. And your unit's left as well. 39 00:03:42,630 --> 00:03:45,065 -Have you seen Chase? -He took a casualty to the field hospital. 40 00:03:45,105 --> 00:03:46,546 He's safe. Listen, we can't wait. 41 00:03:46,586 --> 00:03:49,629 Rommel's got 500 tanks racing in our direction as we speak, 42 00:03:49,639 --> 00:03:52,119 with air support from a dozen Stukasquadrons. 43 00:03:52,139 --> 00:03:54,069 I suggest you get on the road to Tobruk, 44 00:03:54,083 --> 00:03:55,615 unless you want to be here when they arrive. 45 00:03:55,657 --> 00:03:58,266 INDIAN SOLDIER: 46 00:03:59,998 --> 00:04:02,117 You can hitch a ride with us if you need one, Sergeant. 47 00:04:03,599 --> 00:04:05,283 I need to talk to Captain Briggs. 48 00:04:08,806 --> 00:04:09,869 Sir... 49 00:04:09,929 --> 00:04:11,919 Did the rest of Chase's men make it back? 50 00:04:11,919 --> 00:04:13,691 I don't bloody know, Sergeant. 51 00:04:13,731 --> 00:04:15,856 Just get to Tobruk, now! 52 00:04:16,909 --> 00:04:18,375 Oi! Oi! 53 00:04:18,415 --> 00:04:19,496 Oh... 54 00:04:19,536 --> 00:04:21,060 Sir, wait! Sir! 55 00:04:23,019 --> 00:04:24,701 Come on, come on! 56 00:04:25,249 --> 00:04:27,150 Looks like we're your last ride out of here. 57 00:04:27,229 --> 00:04:29,325 Come and join a real regiment. 58 00:04:29,729 --> 00:04:30,859 Come on! 59 00:04:31,038 --> 00:04:32,413 Go to hell. 60 00:04:33,189 --> 00:04:34,510 Hey... 61 00:04:34,719 --> 00:04:36,632 Welcome to the British Indian Army. 62 00:04:36,959 --> 00:04:38,874 [truck engine starts] 63 00:04:45,769 --> 00:04:48,555 I think Harry would be... 64 00:04:49,403 --> 00:04:50,512 ..here now. 65 00:04:50,989 --> 00:04:54,145 The RAF will have to be providing air cover 66 00:04:54,179 --> 00:04:57,309 and soften the Germans before Harry and the boys can attack. 67 00:04:57,416 --> 00:04:59,092 You mean kill them? 68 00:04:59,132 --> 00:05:01,367 Kill as many as we can! 69 00:05:01,459 --> 00:05:04,403 Kasia, er, Jan has homework, I believe. 70 00:05:11,944 --> 00:05:13,586 [Vera wails in the distance] 71 00:05:13,626 --> 00:05:14,669 Kasia... 72 00:05:15,068 --> 00:05:19,324 could you speak to Jan about warfare with a little less relish? 73 00:05:19,583 --> 00:05:21,353 All young men are bloodthirsty. 74 00:05:21,393 --> 00:05:23,234 They don't need any encouraging. 75 00:05:23,274 --> 00:05:25,079 [Vera wails] 76 00:05:25,079 --> 00:05:27,594 And is there perhaps any possibility 77 00:05:27,649 --> 00:05:29,600 that your enthusiasm for the good fight 78 00:05:29,640 --> 00:05:32,890 extends to doing battle with your husband's baby? 79 00:05:33,158 --> 00:05:36,484 I thought we had established I'm not a good example to the young. 80 00:05:37,355 --> 00:05:39,184 - [wailing continues] - Ah... 81 00:05:46,527 --> 00:05:47,737 Ah, Joyce, 82 00:05:47,999 --> 00:05:50,846 Vera has been making herself known for quite some time now. 83 00:05:50,852 --> 00:05:52,871 Oh, I've the tea to get on, Mrs Chase, 84 00:05:52,894 --> 00:05:55,615 and Jan is doing his homework in there, so... 85 00:05:55,639 --> 00:05:57,426 Yes, well, I'm sure the tea can wait for ten minutes. 86 00:05:57,466 --> 00:05:58,954 I've not done the beds yet. 87 00:05:59,009 --> 00:06:02,310 And I think it does Vera the world of good to get her lungs going. 88 00:06:02,350 --> 00:06:05,113 Joyce, I appreciate your relentless positivity 89 00:06:05,153 --> 00:06:07,515 and the vast extent of your responsibilities, 90 00:06:07,555 --> 00:06:10,889 but in these challenging times, we might all just pull together. 91 00:06:10,946 --> 00:06:12,920 - [wailing continues] - What about young Mrs Chase? 92 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:15,202 Yes, can we not call her young Mrs Chase? 93 00:06:15,242 --> 00:06:17,970 And I'm afraid Kasia considers it beneath her. 94 00:06:18,006 --> 00:06:19,726 But it's all right for a skivvy, is that it? 95 00:06:19,766 --> 00:06:23,506 Oh, for goodness' sake, Joyce, please, let's not recreate the Jarrow March 96 00:06:23,549 --> 00:06:25,291 over a simple request to change a nappy! 97 00:06:25,331 --> 00:06:28,459 - Just do it, will you! - I won't be spoken to like that. 98 00:06:29,409 --> 00:06:32,345 You can stick your bloody job! 99 00:06:32,389 --> 00:06:35,278 Joyce, do you know what I love about the house you keep? 100 00:06:35,319 --> 00:06:36,781 Always full of life. 101 00:06:36,822 --> 00:06:38,908 There's always something going on. 102 00:06:39,184 --> 00:06:41,957 Well, I try to always give it a good shake, you know? 103 00:06:41,990 --> 00:06:43,860 - Like an eiderdown. - Quite. 104 00:06:43,879 --> 00:06:47,911 Will you get your mother a bunch of flowers tonight? 105 00:06:47,935 --> 00:06:49,570 A treat from me 106 00:06:49,581 --> 00:06:51,976 for giving the world such a useful daughter. 107 00:06:52,998 --> 00:06:55,839 And why don't you take the rest of the day off, hm? 108 00:06:58,003 --> 00:06:59,162 Of course. 109 00:06:59,164 --> 00:07:00,225 Thank you, sir. 110 00:07:01,244 --> 00:07:03,477 - See you tomorrow, Mrs Chase. - Hm. 111 00:07:04,367 --> 00:07:05,368 Hm! 112 00:07:05,832 --> 00:07:08,065 - [door closes] - I hope, er... 113 00:07:08,479 --> 00:07:11,173 I didn't overstep the mark there. 114 00:07:11,213 --> 00:07:13,049 Oh, no, no, no. 115 00:07:13,049 --> 00:07:14,852 As ever, you saved the day. 116 00:07:15,697 --> 00:07:17,579 [Vera coos] 117 00:07:19,975 --> 00:07:22,588 She is changed now, so she should be quiet. 118 00:07:22,609 --> 00:07:25,399 Good, thank you. James is back. 119 00:07:26,379 --> 00:07:27,468 So I see. 120 00:07:27,508 --> 00:07:29,548 Sir James! How was London? 121 00:07:29,624 --> 00:07:32,192 - We heard there was bombing! - Oh, well, not near Whitehall. 122 00:07:32,232 --> 00:07:35,111 Come quick! They're talking about North Africa on the radio. 123 00:07:37,957 --> 00:07:40,359 RADIO: ..armoured division under the brilliant leadership 124 00:07:40,359 --> 00:07:42,361 of Lieutenant Colonel John Combe 125 00:07:42,401 --> 00:07:45,724 soon had the Italian Tenth Army fleeing from East Libya 126 00:07:45,764 --> 00:07:48,127 and evacuating Benghazi without a fight. 127 00:07:48,167 --> 00:07:51,558 Our British lads, backed up by our brave Australian brothers, 128 00:07:51,609 --> 00:07:53,792 took the road to Benghazi with no more trouble 129 00:07:53,807 --> 00:07:56,214 than a charabanc excursion to Blackpool. 130 00:07:56,254 --> 00:07:58,856 The Italian Army is in such poor condition to resist 131 00:07:58,896 --> 00:08:01,379 even at the gates of Tripoli. 132 00:08:01,419 --> 00:08:04,782 The desert terrain proved hard going for both British tanks... 133 00:08:04,822 --> 00:08:08,295 Lois, there's wounded men on the way coming in from Libya. 134 00:08:08,364 --> 00:08:09,506 Dozens. 135 00:08:09,546 --> 00:08:11,428 I'll fix it if it bloody kills me! 136 00:08:11,468 --> 00:08:13,029 Have you eaten? 137 00:08:13,579 --> 00:08:14,628 No. 138 00:08:15,472 --> 00:08:16,798 Not hungry. 139 00:08:16,829 --> 00:08:18,846 You'll keel over at this rate. 140 00:08:21,077 --> 00:08:23,359 [aircraft roars overhead] 141 00:08:25,841 --> 00:08:27,763 - [engine fires up] - Ha! 142 00:08:27,803 --> 00:08:29,465 You beautiful beast! 143 00:08:32,847 --> 00:08:34,619 RADIO: Empire troops in Libya 144 00:08:34,619 --> 00:08:38,132 are daily engaged in ferocious fire and air battles 145 00:08:38,172 --> 00:08:40,299 with the German military machine. 146 00:08:40,579 --> 00:08:42,336 Each dawn brings a new attack 147 00:08:42,376 --> 00:08:45,446 from wave upon wave of the Luftwaffe's crack pilots... 148 00:08:45,479 --> 00:08:46,580 Lois? 149 00:08:46,620 --> 00:08:48,449 ..as GermanPanzer divisions try to drive forward... 150 00:08:48,449 --> 00:08:50,664 - Sorry. - What is it? 151 00:08:51,419 --> 00:08:53,707 - Harry's in Libya. - Harry? 152 00:08:53,858 --> 00:08:55,068 An old flame? 153 00:08:55,108 --> 00:08:56,629 Something like that. 154 00:09:01,049 --> 00:09:03,075 Right, Private Rogers, how are we going to get you down 155 00:09:03,115 --> 00:09:04,811 without putting weight on that ankle? 156 00:09:09,138 --> 00:09:11,749 [implement clangs in a metal tray] 157 00:09:17,809 --> 00:09:20,171 [tap water runs] 158 00:09:43,569 --> 00:09:44,773 IN GERMAN: 159 00:10:44,569 --> 00:10:48,171 MAN OVER RADIO: David, keep hidden by the storm until you're over France. 160 00:10:48,211 --> 00:10:50,573 When you break cover, the Germans will open fire, 161 00:10:50,613 --> 00:10:53,372 that way you can pinpoint their gun positions for us. 162 00:10:53,649 --> 00:10:56,347 DAVID: So you sent me here to get shot at, sir? 163 00:10:56,979 --> 00:10:59,061 As I recall, you volunteered, David. 164 00:10:59,101 --> 00:11:02,381 Stay in the storm over the Channel and you at least give yourself a chance. 165 00:11:02,704 --> 00:11:04,426 [thunder crashes] 166 00:11:08,430 --> 00:11:10,140 Going dark, sir. 167 00:11:10,431 --> 00:11:11,793 Good luck, David. 168 00:11:12,039 --> 00:11:14,259 DAVID: Over Northern France, breaking cover 169 00:11:14,311 --> 00:11:15,682 to find those guns. 170 00:11:16,737 --> 00:11:19,897 Heading down now. Co-ordinates, 50 north, 30 west. 171 00:11:31,854 --> 00:11:33,459 I have a visual on the town. 172 00:11:33,537 --> 00:11:36,178 Flak! German's firing at me, sir. 173 00:11:48,369 --> 00:11:49,900 [door opens] 174 00:11:53,631 --> 00:11:55,072 IN FRENCH: 175 00:12:16,412 --> 00:12:17,573 Urgh! 176 00:12:20,691 --> 00:12:21,831 [Albert groans] 177 00:12:43,436 --> 00:12:44,838 We're going the wrong way. 178 00:12:44,878 --> 00:12:47,160 Captain Briggs is taking the Derna road to Tobruk. 179 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:49,137 We should be doing the same, shouldn't we? 180 00:12:50,129 --> 00:12:52,745 We have orders to catch up with the supply trucks... 181 00:12:53,405 --> 00:12:54,628 ..going to Msus. 182 00:12:55,487 --> 00:12:56,549 But that's the wrong way. 183 00:12:56,579 --> 00:12:59,527 That means we're headed south directly towards the enemy. 184 00:13:01,834 --> 00:13:02,949 South-east. 185 00:13:03,053 --> 00:13:04,856 We're heading south-east. 186 00:13:05,382 --> 00:13:07,754 - Those are our orders. - [explosion] 187 00:13:12,943 --> 00:13:14,865 [gunfire] 188 00:13:14,905 --> 00:13:16,564 Get out! Get out! Get out! 189 00:13:35,764 --> 00:13:36,847 I'm out. 190 00:13:39,806 --> 00:13:42,512 - Are we surrendering, sir? - Not a chance. 191 00:13:42,850 --> 00:13:46,401 We are more help to my men fighting than as prisoners. Come on. 192 00:13:47,309 --> 00:13:48,896 [gunfire] 193 00:13:56,223 --> 00:13:58,265 CHARLES: Now, you can try to take my queen, 194 00:13:58,305 --> 00:14:00,426 but watch out for those rooks. 195 00:14:00,449 --> 00:14:01,548 Oh! 196 00:14:01,588 --> 00:14:03,896 Interesting tactics, Jan. 197 00:14:48,079 --> 00:14:49,437 Elias Fischer... 198 00:14:49,712 --> 00:14:52,354 [whistling on the landing] 199 00:15:01,642 --> 00:15:04,485 [footsteps approach] 200 00:15:04,525 --> 00:15:06,407 [he continues to whistle] 201 00:15:32,310 --> 00:15:33,752 JAN: Sir James! 202 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:36,011 Coming! 203 00:15:39,719 --> 00:15:41,959 [he resumes whistling] 204 00:15:42,539 --> 00:15:43,695 [door closes] 205 00:15:44,209 --> 00:15:46,483 [she gasps for breath] 206 00:15:46,523 --> 00:15:48,634 DAVID: Mission accomplished. 207 00:15:48,679 --> 00:15:50,761 German gun positions confirmed. 208 00:15:50,912 --> 00:15:53,630 Heading back to base with a song in my heart, sir. 209 00:15:53,639 --> 00:15:55,091 Roger that. 210 00:16:06,702 --> 00:16:08,667 [laughter and chatter] 211 00:16:46,899 --> 00:16:49,301 [quiet sobbing] 212 00:16:56,803 --> 00:16:58,267 IN GERMAN: 213 00:18:09,105 --> 00:18:10,776 Have you heard about Warsaw? 214 00:18:14,149 --> 00:18:16,422 The ghetto for Jews, yes, I know. 215 00:18:19,317 --> 00:18:20,784 You don't seem surprised. 216 00:18:20,824 --> 00:18:22,426 I was there, remember? 217 00:18:22,466 --> 00:18:24,107 Nothing surprises me any more. 218 00:18:24,939 --> 00:18:26,032 Mm. 219 00:18:26,309 --> 00:18:27,976 Perhaps you surprise me. 220 00:18:30,793 --> 00:18:31,935 Really? 221 00:18:32,435 --> 00:18:34,424 Well, in a good way or a bad way? 222 00:18:39,122 --> 00:18:40,602 Whatever you're thinking... 223 00:18:44,859 --> 00:18:46,765 You're military intelligence. 224 00:18:46,932 --> 00:18:48,084 What? 225 00:18:48,929 --> 00:18:51,518 I can assure you I'm nothing of the sort. 226 00:18:52,333 --> 00:18:53,656 Elias Fischer? 227 00:18:53,886 --> 00:18:56,687 You're either military intelligence or you're a spy. 228 00:18:56,809 --> 00:18:58,347 You're not a spy. 229 00:19:00,581 --> 00:19:03,143 Too careless, as you can see. 230 00:19:03,891 --> 00:19:06,386 I fought in the resistance in Warsaw. 231 00:19:06,786 --> 00:19:09,707 I belong there where I can make a difference. Get me home. 232 00:19:10,829 --> 00:19:12,511 I'm afraid that's not in my gift. 233 00:19:12,552 --> 00:19:15,027 - I belong in Poland. - It's out of the question. 234 00:19:43,019 --> 00:19:46,102 IN FRENCH: 235 00:20:36,108 --> 00:20:37,909 [guard dog barks] 236 00:20:52,829 --> 00:20:55,943 Care to explain the missing morphine, Nurse Gerbois? 237 00:20:58,929 --> 00:21:02,412 I sent it to the University Hospital. They need it. 238 00:21:02,619 --> 00:21:04,294 We need sulphonamide. 239 00:21:04,580 --> 00:21:05,687 It's a straight swap. 240 00:21:05,719 --> 00:21:08,337 And you chose not to mention this to me because...? 241 00:21:11,305 --> 00:21:14,503 I didn't want to explain why we need so many antibacterials. 242 00:21:14,858 --> 00:21:16,304 And why is that? 243 00:21:16,345 --> 00:21:18,426 Well, it appears the brothels of Paris 244 00:21:18,466 --> 00:21:21,051 have never been so busy since your troops arrived. 245 00:21:21,407 --> 00:21:24,935 We have something of a gonorrhoea epidemic on our hands. 246 00:21:25,459 --> 00:21:28,747 Your men have been coming to us instead of your own medics. 247 00:21:30,009 --> 00:21:31,510 Isn't that right, soldier? 248 00:21:35,922 --> 00:21:39,191 In future, you will inform me of any such arrangements. 249 00:22:48,714 --> 00:22:49,887 You're kidding? 250 00:22:50,350 --> 00:22:53,173 If the keys are in the jeep, then we stand a good chance. 251 00:22:53,673 --> 00:22:54,794 Ammo? 252 00:22:55,206 --> 00:22:56,236 No. 253 00:22:56,460 --> 00:22:57,564 Ammo? 254 00:22:58,368 --> 00:22:59,388 No. 255 00:22:59,430 --> 00:23:00,603 Ammo? 256 00:23:00,609 --> 00:23:01,761 Oh, hold up... 257 00:23:01,949 --> 00:23:03,032 No. 258 00:23:03,129 --> 00:23:05,399 Just to be clear, sir, we've got no bullets in our guns, 259 00:23:05,399 --> 00:23:07,820 and you suggest we nick a jeep off two Germans? 260 00:23:08,515 --> 00:23:10,656 We have no food, no water. 261 00:23:12,139 --> 00:23:14,179 I'd rather a quick death than a slow one. 262 00:23:14,239 --> 00:23:15,814 I'd rather not die at all. 263 00:23:21,049 --> 00:23:23,020 [soldiers chatter in German] 264 00:23:33,107 --> 00:23:34,270 Come on. 265 00:23:34,635 --> 00:23:36,129 - [engine splutters] - Come on! 266 00:23:37,102 --> 00:23:39,356 - They've seen us. Go! Go now! - Englaänder! 267 00:23:39,359 --> 00:23:41,079 Yes, go, go, go, go, go! 268 00:23:42,878 --> 00:23:44,737 [bullets whistle and ricochet] 269 00:23:53,528 --> 00:23:54,569 Yes! 270 00:23:54,589 --> 00:23:55,598 Yes! 271 00:23:55,619 --> 00:23:58,412 Yes! Yes! 272 00:23:58,453 --> 00:23:59,974 [they both laugh] 273 00:24:14,827 --> 00:24:16,149 IN GERMAN: 274 00:24:29,961 --> 00:24:31,563 [she sighs] 275 00:24:58,187 --> 00:24:59,668 [she slams the book shut] 276 00:24:59,708 --> 00:25:02,791 - [Vera wails] - Please, don't be so stubborn! 277 00:25:02,831 --> 00:25:04,129 [wailing continues] 278 00:25:04,129 --> 00:25:07,716 It's a trait of your mother's, and I really wish you wouldn't indulge. 279 00:25:07,756 --> 00:25:09,758 I don't know much about babies, but, er, 280 00:25:09,798 --> 00:25:11,799 logical reasoning might work, I suppose. 281 00:25:11,840 --> 00:25:14,644 I'm past caring, to be honest. 282 00:25:14,716 --> 00:25:15,843 Are you having a sherry? 283 00:25:15,883 --> 00:25:18,526 Er, no, it's a little late for me, thank you. 284 00:25:18,566 --> 00:25:20,239 [Vera continues to wail] 285 00:25:20,239 --> 00:25:22,652 Shh, shh, shh, come on... 286 00:25:28,831 --> 00:25:31,257 Oh, I'm not sure that's entirely ethical. 287 00:25:31,297 --> 00:25:33,339 Oh, it's a drop of sherry. 288 00:25:33,379 --> 00:25:35,599 It's hardly a scene from Hogarth. 289 00:25:35,637 --> 00:25:36,862 - Come here. - Oh... 290 00:25:36,902 --> 00:25:37,959 [Vera quietens] 291 00:25:37,959 --> 00:25:39,548 Oh! 292 00:25:43,108 --> 00:25:44,629 You rather have the knack. 293 00:25:45,430 --> 00:25:47,283 Or is it just experience? 294 00:25:47,298 --> 00:25:48,713 Oh, er... 295 00:25:48,753 --> 00:25:50,149 nieces and nephews. 296 00:25:50,149 --> 00:25:53,138 But, er, never been married myself. 297 00:25:53,210 --> 00:25:55,271 Oh, that does surprise me. 298 00:25:57,089 --> 00:25:58,844 Well, I came close once or twice. 299 00:25:59,963 --> 00:26:01,094 But, er... 300 00:26:01,445 --> 00:26:03,024 the timing was wrong. 301 00:26:03,597 --> 00:26:05,048 Or the circumstances. 302 00:26:05,789 --> 00:26:06,997 Or the woman. 303 00:26:07,851 --> 00:26:09,852 Nice to have a choice in the matter. 304 00:26:09,893 --> 00:26:11,941 Oh, we all have a choice in the matter, don't we? 305 00:26:12,255 --> 00:26:14,653 Well, when my husband proposed... 306 00:26:15,339 --> 00:26:17,296 ..I was a young woman and... 307 00:26:18,020 --> 00:26:20,449 ..I felt obliged to say yes. 308 00:26:21,429 --> 00:26:25,507 That was nothing to do with choice, or love, for that matter. 309 00:26:26,255 --> 00:26:28,279 Well, perhaps next time you'll give love a chance? 310 00:26:28,279 --> 00:26:29,369 Next time? 311 00:26:29,369 --> 00:26:30,899 Oh, goodness no, I don't... 312 00:26:30,909 --> 00:26:32,832 I don't think there'll be a next time. 313 00:26:32,879 --> 00:26:34,195 I don't see why not. 314 00:26:34,235 --> 00:26:36,237 A woman like you can't be short of suitors. 315 00:26:36,277 --> 00:26:37,358 Oh! 316 00:26:39,961 --> 00:26:43,643 No, no, no, no, love is far too chaotic for me. 317 00:26:43,683 --> 00:26:46,086 And I'm not really sure that it's good for anybody. 318 00:26:46,126 --> 00:26:47,627 It's given you a beautiful granddaughter. 319 00:26:47,689 --> 00:26:48,955 Who nobody loves. 320 00:26:49,039 --> 00:26:51,330 Oh, I don't think that's true. 321 00:26:51,370 --> 00:26:52,892 You're just sentimental. 322 00:26:52,932 --> 00:26:56,518 How's it going with Kasia? Any bonds forming with Vera yet? 323 00:26:56,554 --> 00:26:58,937 Maternal instincts rising to the fore? 324 00:26:58,977 --> 00:27:01,580 You've shown more maternal instincts in the last five minutes 325 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:03,828 than she has in the last five months. 326 00:27:03,837 --> 00:27:05,784 I've never been called maternal before. 327 00:27:07,825 --> 00:27:10,050 I just don't think it's in her nature. 328 00:27:10,748 --> 00:27:12,169 And even if it was, 329 00:27:12,169 --> 00:27:15,056 she's made it very clear she doesn't want to be here. 330 00:27:18,042 --> 00:27:19,209 Mm. 331 00:27:23,720 --> 00:27:26,963 Congratulations, sir. You lived through another mission. 332 00:27:27,003 --> 00:27:28,214 This time... 333 00:27:28,604 --> 00:27:30,166 it's going to get a little bumpy, sir. 334 00:27:30,206 --> 00:27:32,888 - It's rather the point, isn't it? - Don't say that, sir. 335 00:27:32,928 --> 00:27:35,411 I've grown very fond of you this last week. 336 00:27:35,451 --> 00:27:38,053 Besides, we can't afford to lose another plane. 337 00:27:38,093 --> 00:27:40,655 The RAF have been trying to kill me for years, mate. 338 00:27:40,695 --> 00:27:43,178 Every time I survive, they give me a more dangerous job. 339 00:27:43,218 --> 00:27:46,226 And you're still not getting the message to quit while you're ahead? 340 00:27:49,259 --> 00:27:50,544 What are you thinking, sir? 341 00:27:52,186 --> 00:27:54,588 That it'd be a tragedy if yours was the last face I saw. 342 00:27:54,892 --> 00:27:56,316 You're so bloody ugly. 343 00:27:57,826 --> 00:27:59,616 Go fuck yourself, sir. 344 00:28:27,178 --> 00:28:28,819 Morning, dearest. 345 00:28:29,509 --> 00:28:30,644 Letter home? 346 00:28:30,739 --> 00:28:32,616 Er, fuel consumption. 347 00:28:32,759 --> 00:28:34,382 Can we make it to Tobruk? 348 00:28:35,088 --> 00:28:37,203 There are too many unknown variables. 349 00:28:37,243 --> 00:28:38,331 Like what? 350 00:28:39,059 --> 00:28:40,880 Like I have no idea where we are. 351 00:28:41,389 --> 00:28:42,568 [he sighs] 352 00:28:42,608 --> 00:28:44,810 [motorbike approaches] 353 00:28:48,853 --> 00:28:49,937 One of ours? 354 00:28:55,256 --> 00:28:56,492 No such luck. 355 00:29:01,785 --> 00:29:03,267 [engine starts] 356 00:29:20,642 --> 00:29:22,084 [motorcyclist groans] 357 00:29:22,124 --> 00:29:24,005 IN GERMAN: 358 00:29:51,751 --> 00:29:53,013 Mission accomplished. 359 00:29:53,249 --> 00:29:55,875 [explosions from flak fire] 360 00:30:04,202 --> 00:30:06,765 [engine splutters] 361 00:30:19,096 --> 00:30:20,697 Bloody thing! 362 00:30:28,184 --> 00:30:29,344 There's water. 363 00:30:29,429 --> 00:30:32,348 - Enough for three? - Why three? 364 00:30:32,388 --> 00:30:33,599 We cannot just leave him out here. 365 00:30:33,609 --> 00:30:36,190 Well, what do you suggest we do with him? It's not like we've got any rope. 366 00:30:37,189 --> 00:30:38,394 Take off your clothes. 367 00:30:39,795 --> 00:30:40,889 I beg your pardon? 368 00:30:40,889 --> 00:30:43,118 He cannot escape if he has no clothing or water. 369 00:30:45,169 --> 00:30:46,424 Take off... 370 00:30:47,249 --> 00:30:48,443 your clothes. 371 00:31:17,509 --> 00:31:19,471 [vehicle approaches] 372 00:31:24,989 --> 00:31:27,799 - Er muss ganz nah sein! - [vehicle door slams] 373 00:31:27,839 --> 00:31:29,600 [shouting in German] 374 00:31:32,963 --> 00:31:34,565 [he groans] 375 00:32:04,239 --> 00:32:05,633 IN GERMAN: 376 00:33:23,504 --> 00:33:27,748 IN FRENCH: 377 00:33:47,806 --> 00:33:50,088 [soldiers shout in German] 378 00:34:25,200 --> 00:34:27,122 [wind howls] 379 00:34:38,339 --> 00:34:42,135 - You're as bad as Harry. - Because I won't let a man starve? 380 00:34:43,337 --> 00:34:44,504 He's the enemy. 381 00:34:46,700 --> 00:34:48,141 He's a boy. 382 00:34:48,519 --> 00:34:50,744 Letting him live will not alter the outcome of the war. 383 00:34:50,784 --> 00:34:52,998 Yeah, like I said, just like Harry. 384 00:34:53,709 --> 00:34:56,189 - It's not even your war. - Now you sound like my brother. 385 00:34:56,229 --> 00:34:57,979 Yeah, well, they ain't dropping bombs on Delhi, are they? 386 00:34:58,019 --> 00:34:59,818 If Britain loses this war, 387 00:35:00,593 --> 00:35:03,395 then Germany isn't going to turn India down, is it? 388 00:35:03,624 --> 00:35:05,282 They won't need to bomb Delhi. 389 00:35:05,499 --> 00:35:07,737 They just need Britain to lose. 390 00:35:12,684 --> 00:35:13,790 Oi! Oi! 391 00:35:13,839 --> 00:35:14,872 Oi! 392 00:35:15,159 --> 00:35:16,429 Greedy! 393 00:35:54,139 --> 00:35:55,483 IN GERMAN: 394 00:37:06,668 --> 00:37:09,711 [footsteps draw near] 395 00:38:50,563 --> 00:38:52,645 [she fights back a sob] 396 00:38:57,089 --> 00:38:58,490 [door opens] 397 00:39:00,692 --> 00:39:01,831 [door closes] 398 00:39:17,469 --> 00:39:20,870 IN FRENCH: 399 00:41:30,199 --> 00:41:31,950 [he grunts] 400 00:41:50,167 --> 00:41:51,928 [guard dog barks] 401 00:42:45,934 --> 00:42:48,500 IN FRENCH: 402 00:42:51,503 --> 00:42:54,065 [shouting in German] 403 00:44:05,290 --> 00:44:06,369 CHARLES: Kasia... 404 00:44:07,929 --> 00:44:09,974 ..I'm not making any promises... 405 00:44:11,856 --> 00:44:13,492 ..but I may be able to help you. 406 00:44:13,949 --> 00:44:17,195 - To get back to Warsaw? - No, I can't do that. 407 00:44:17,837 --> 00:44:19,583 Then you're wasting my time. 408 00:44:21,399 --> 00:44:23,307 I hear you have nightmares. 409 00:44:25,759 --> 00:44:27,725 What has that got to do with you? 410 00:44:27,769 --> 00:44:30,873 I know you're not in tiptop shape mentally, 411 00:44:31,059 --> 00:44:33,408 yet I'm risking offering you something. 412 00:44:33,509 --> 00:44:34,869 The least you can do is listen to what 413 00:44:34,909 --> 00:44:37,251 it is before discounting it out of hand. 414 00:44:39,911 --> 00:44:42,000 Have you lost anyone in this war? 415 00:44:44,560 --> 00:44:46,448 - No. - Hm. 416 00:44:47,109 --> 00:44:50,142 Because I lost everyone I cared for in the last war. 417 00:44:52,093 --> 00:44:53,326 Next question. 418 00:44:57,395 --> 00:44:59,904 What is it, your offer? 419 00:45:02,199 --> 00:45:04,882 What if I were to recruit you to work for me here? 420 00:45:04,922 --> 00:45:07,284 - To do what? - Well, to fight, of course. 421 00:45:07,324 --> 00:45:09,379 But here, to help me root out enemy agents. 422 00:45:09,379 --> 00:45:12,481 - Is that why you're here? - Well, partially. 423 00:45:12,949 --> 00:45:14,549 The weather in Manchester is a big draw. 424 00:45:14,609 --> 00:45:15,726 Are you serious? 425 00:45:15,949 --> 00:45:18,822 There would be training. It would be demanding. 426 00:45:18,839 --> 00:45:19,994 I'll do it. 427 00:45:22,738 --> 00:45:23,889 PEARL: Come with me. 428 00:45:23,899 --> 00:45:26,340 Come on, you've got to let your hair down some time. 429 00:45:26,349 --> 00:45:29,664 I'm exhausted. I don't know how you do it. 430 00:45:29,704 --> 00:45:32,776 - And curfew's at ten. - It's not like anyone checks. 431 00:45:35,069 --> 00:45:36,551 You'll enjoy it. 432 00:45:36,844 --> 00:45:39,522 If I wanted to go out drinking with a load of drunken louts, 433 00:45:39,539 --> 00:45:41,257 I'd have stayed in Salford. 434 00:45:41,807 --> 00:45:43,003 Your loss. 435 00:45:44,118 --> 00:45:45,519 If anyone comes, 436 00:45:45,559 --> 00:45:49,522 tell them I ate something bad and had to turn in. 437 00:45:49,563 --> 00:45:51,604 You're not going to fool anyone with that. 438 00:45:51,644 --> 00:45:53,286 It's not failed me so far. 439 00:46:23,619 --> 00:46:24,771 Lois...? 440 00:46:30,280 --> 00:46:31,553 Hello, Harry. 441 00:46:36,549 --> 00:46:39,790 - What are you doing in Egypt? - I could ask you the same thing. 442 00:46:40,959 --> 00:46:42,649 I was on a mission. I was injured. 443 00:46:43,252 --> 00:46:44,413 Me, too. 444 00:46:44,792 --> 00:46:46,375 That's how I ended up here. 445 00:46:47,791 --> 00:46:49,137 I don't understand. 446 00:46:49,730 --> 00:46:51,295 Vera's fine, by the way. 447 00:46:51,569 --> 00:46:54,061 She's with your mother, and Kasia. 448 00:46:54,969 --> 00:46:57,095 I still don't understand why you're here. 449 00:47:01,508 --> 00:47:03,910 You know when we met up in Manchester... 450 00:47:07,394 --> 00:47:11,079 ..and I told you why it was important to me that you were happy? 451 00:47:12,478 --> 00:47:14,560 And you said you wanted to put things right. 452 00:47:16,802 --> 00:47:17,883 Yeah. 453 00:47:19,925 --> 00:47:21,086 Well... 454 00:47:23,008 --> 00:47:25,275 ..I wanted to put things right because... 455 00:47:25,971 --> 00:47:28,105 ..I didn't want to be around any more. 456 00:47:29,189 --> 00:47:31,936 And I didn't know how I was going to do it, but... 457 00:47:31,976 --> 00:47:33,818 I wanted to end everything. 458 00:47:35,099 --> 00:47:36,820 I wanted to end my life. 459 00:47:38,502 --> 00:47:40,023 God, Lois... 460 00:47:41,629 --> 00:47:43,226 You really thought that? 461 00:47:44,729 --> 00:47:46,083 I had nothing. 462 00:47:46,399 --> 00:47:48,447 - I had no-one. - You had Vera. 463 00:47:48,499 --> 00:47:51,189 And all I could think about is how I was going to damage her. 464 00:47:51,189 --> 00:47:52,794 How could you even think that? 465 00:47:53,844 --> 00:47:55,366 I know this is hard. 466 00:47:57,319 --> 00:48:00,306 And I know that it's even harder because of what your dad did. 467 00:48:01,009 --> 00:48:04,383 But I need you to know I'm not thinking like that any more. 468 00:48:05,139 --> 00:48:06,928 I'm not saying I'm not feeling... 469 00:48:07,169 --> 00:48:08,970 like, lost. 470 00:48:09,010 --> 00:48:11,593 But I am fighting back. 471 00:48:12,573 --> 00:48:14,039 And this... 472 00:48:14,039 --> 00:48:17,506 me being here, that is part of me fighting back. 473 00:48:18,138 --> 00:48:19,435 I'm so sorry. 474 00:48:21,501 --> 00:48:23,300 You must have felt so lonely. 475 00:48:27,867 --> 00:48:31,498 It was Kasia who made me realise I had to get away. 476 00:48:31,859 --> 00:48:33,043 How is she? 477 00:48:34,709 --> 00:48:37,035 How is Jan and Grzegorz? 478 00:48:37,075 --> 00:48:38,637 They are all fine, Harry. 479 00:48:44,963 --> 00:48:47,094 That's the difference between us, Harry. 480 00:48:49,847 --> 00:48:51,716 You've got somebody to miss. 481 00:48:53,010 --> 00:48:54,571 Somebody waiting. 482 00:48:56,179 --> 00:48:58,495 In that case, maybe you and I could swap uniforms 483 00:48:58,519 --> 00:49:01,079 and I could take the next ship out disguised as you. 484 00:49:01,079 --> 00:49:02,751 [they both chuckle] 485 00:49:02,769 --> 00:49:05,181 Nice try, but you haven't got the legs for it. 486 00:49:14,670 --> 00:49:16,675 I thought you'd be mad that I was here. 487 00:49:18,319 --> 00:49:19,406 No. 488 00:49:21,396 --> 00:49:22,837 No, I'm sad. 489 00:49:24,158 --> 00:49:26,961 Sad that you feel like this is what you have to do. 490 00:49:28,785 --> 00:49:30,259 And sad that you got so low 491 00:49:30,259 --> 00:49:32,886 you thought Vera would be better off without you. 492 00:49:37,050 --> 00:49:39,240 And I'm sad we've made this mess between us. 493 00:49:44,097 --> 00:49:45,614 Lois, you're part of me... 494 00:49:47,059 --> 00:49:48,621 ..and I'm part of you. 495 00:49:50,462 --> 00:49:51,884 You always will be. 496 00:49:53,025 --> 00:49:56,451 And I'm fighting this war for you just as much as for Kasia and Vera. 497 00:49:56,880 --> 00:49:58,230 I want you to know that. 498 00:49:59,431 --> 00:50:01,232 I don't need you to say that, Harry. 499 00:50:03,659 --> 00:50:06,117 This is our war as much as it's yours. 500 00:50:10,120 --> 00:50:12,082 Find your own reason to fight, Harry. 501 00:50:13,203 --> 00:50:14,946 Just don't do it for me. 502 00:50:31,420 --> 00:50:33,662 [they chatter in German] 503 00:51:08,189 --> 00:51:10,581 STAN: Stepney Town Hall, dance night, 504 00:51:10,609 --> 00:51:12,256 Saturday, November the 2nd, 505 00:51:12,299 --> 00:51:13,952 1936. 506 00:51:14,539 --> 00:51:15,603 My mate Kev said a bird 507 00:51:15,609 --> 00:51:17,120 had started going regular. 508 00:51:17,502 --> 00:51:18,623 Shit! 509 00:51:21,834 --> 00:51:23,033 He's escaped. 510 00:51:25,079 --> 00:51:27,239 - You didn't see him? - No. 511 00:51:28,112 --> 00:51:30,274 Well, it's lightened the load. 512 00:51:30,599 --> 00:51:32,956 - We have to go back. - Oh, fuck that. He's made his choice. 513 00:51:32,996 --> 00:51:36,221 In his underwear with no water? He must have fallen out. 514 00:51:36,288 --> 00:51:37,652 Well, either way, we can't go back. 515 00:51:37,662 --> 00:51:39,219 That is precisely what we are going to do. 516 00:51:39,219 --> 00:51:41,644 Well, look where we are, sir. This is nowhere. 517 00:51:41,684 --> 00:51:44,687 - Turn the vehicle around. - We are running on fumes as it is. 518 00:51:44,727 --> 00:51:46,376 Do you even know how far Tobruk is from here? 519 00:51:46,419 --> 00:51:48,874 - That's an order, Sergeant. - We're at war with them! 520 00:51:48,889 --> 00:51:51,173 If we behave like them, what will we be if we win? 521 00:51:51,213 --> 00:51:53,255 Alive, that's what! 522 00:51:53,499 --> 00:51:54,936 [engine starts] 523 00:51:57,474 --> 00:52:00,825 You refused once before accepting my invitation to evacuate. 524 00:52:02,349 --> 00:52:04,483 Didn't want to travel with brown-skinned men? 525 00:52:06,369 --> 00:52:07,566 I'm not like that. 526 00:52:08,188 --> 00:52:11,247 - Don't make me out to be like that. - Then why did you refuse? 527 00:52:12,359 --> 00:52:13,369 I was just trying... 528 00:52:13,439 --> 00:52:15,875 You knew you'd be safer with the whites. 529 00:52:16,836 --> 00:52:20,307 Should we really be surprised that it was the Indian regiment 530 00:52:20,319 --> 00:52:23,036 who were ordered to escort a supply truck near the enemy lines? 531 00:52:26,925 --> 00:52:28,599 The value of a life... 532 00:52:29,229 --> 00:52:30,978 ..is the value of a life... 533 00:52:31,649 --> 00:52:33,260 ..is the value of a life. 534 00:53:06,481 --> 00:53:07,837 IN GERMAN: 535 00:53:12,847 --> 00:53:15,770 [engine splutters] 536 00:53:18,933 --> 00:53:21,142 [engine splutters] 537 00:53:21,734 --> 00:53:23,617 [engine splutters] 538 00:53:35,424 --> 00:53:36,635 We walk. 539 00:54:49,206 --> 00:54:51,756 - It looks like one of ours, lads. - Yes, they're ours. 540 00:54:53,287 --> 00:54:54,460 STAN: Help... 541 00:54:55,070 --> 00:54:56,944 Come on, we need some help over here. 542 00:54:59,099 --> 00:55:01,463 Water! Get some water quickly! 543 00:55:36,225 --> 00:55:37,353 Him! 544 00:55:37,719 --> 00:55:38,931 Help him! 545 00:55:40,919 --> 00:55:44,388 He is a British officer! You're supposed to go to him! 546 00:55:44,780 --> 00:55:46,190 You go to him! 547 00:55:48,229 --> 00:55:50,201 You're supposed to go to him! 548 00:55:50,759 --> 00:55:52,273 You go to him!