1 00:00:00,959 --> 00:00:05,964 [theme music playing] 2 00:00:45,629 --> 00:00:48,632 [frogs croaking] 3 00:00:53,095 --> 00:00:55,097 [squawking] 4 00:00:58,976 --> 00:01:01,144 [Sprig] Doo, doo, doo. Newtopia! 5 00:01:01,144 --> 00:01:06,483 Ugh. I can't believe it! It's been a long journey, but we're finally almost there. 6 00:01:11,113 --> 00:01:12,573 Anne? Huh? 7 00:01:12,573 --> 00:01:15,367 Uh, thought you'd be more excited. 8 00:01:15,367 --> 00:01:19,705 I am excited. It's just... we've been traveling Amphibia for weeks. 9 00:01:19,705 --> 00:01:23,584 I thought there'd be some sign of Marcy by now. But nothin'. 10 00:01:23,584 --> 00:01:29,131 [Sprig] Maybe that's a good thing. Your last friend was kind of... 11 00:01:29,131 --> 00:01:30,299 totally evil. Hey! 12 00:01:30,299 --> 00:01:32,718 Look, Sasha and I might be going through a rough patch, 13 00:01:32,718 --> 00:01:34,636 but that doesn't mean I don't care about her. 14 00:01:34,636 --> 00:01:38,181 And since she got zapped here with me, it must mean Marcy did too. 15 00:01:38,181 --> 00:01:43,228 Also, Marcy is completely different from Sasha. She's harmless. 16 00:01:43,228 --> 00:01:46,189 [video game playing] Boom, just cleared new game plus. 17 00:01:46,189 --> 00:01:47,316 Heads up! 18 00:01:47,316 --> 00:01:49,109 [grunts] Whoa! Thanks, Anne. 19 00:01:49,109 --> 00:01:50,777 ‐Hey, no problem. ‐[whistle blows] 20 00:01:50,777 --> 00:01:52,738 [coach] Marcy, Sasha, Anne! You lose! 21 00:01:52,738 --> 00:01:53,822 [groans] 22 00:01:53,822 --> 00:01:55,574 Okay. Sash, Anne. 23 00:01:55,574 --> 00:01:59,202 Dungeon's almost ready. Then we can finally play some Creatures and Caverns. 24 00:01:59,202 --> 00:02:01,038 ‐Oh, yeah! ‐Locker door! Locker door! 25 00:02:01,038 --> 00:02:03,457 Oop! That was close. 26 00:02:03,457 --> 00:02:05,792 One of these days, she's gonna get herself killed. 27 00:02:05,792 --> 00:02:08,003 Ugh! Don't say that‐‐ [gasps] Wet floor, wet floor! 28 00:02:09,087 --> 00:02:11,965 Oh, man. Where'd I be without you. 29 00:02:11,965 --> 00:02:14,718 ‐Marcy! ‐I did it again, didn't I? 30 00:02:15,594 --> 00:02:17,387 [Anne] She was super smart. 31 00:02:18,221 --> 00:02:20,223 But super oblivious. 32 00:02:20,682 --> 00:02:21,683 Whoo! 33 00:02:22,851 --> 00:02:24,978 And insanely clumsy. 34 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:27,022 Like, maybe the clumsiest person alive. 35 00:02:27,022 --> 00:02:29,691 Wow, that must be horrible. 36 00:02:29,691 --> 00:02:31,902 Back home, we were there to protect her. 37 00:02:31,902 --> 00:02:34,780 But here, she's alone, and instead of kickballs... 38 00:02:34,780 --> 00:02:36,531 She could get mauled by an elephant scarab. 39 00:02:36,531 --> 00:02:40,243 Or crushed to death by a heron. Or worse, flayed alive by a‐‐ 40 00:02:40,243 --> 00:02:42,079 Not helping. 41 00:02:42,079 --> 00:02:45,791 Guys! Come‐‐ It's‐‐ I‐‐ Not gonna believe‐‐ Ah! Just get out here! 42 00:02:46,249 --> 00:02:47,209 [gasps] 43 00:02:53,548 --> 00:02:56,134 [all] Whoa... 44 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:59,805 There she is, gang‐‐ Newtopia. 45 00:02:59,805 --> 00:03:03,809 If there's a way to get you home, it's in that city. 46 00:03:03,809 --> 00:03:06,103 Well, then let's get down there. 47 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:07,854 Whoo‐hoo! Yeah! 48 00:03:09,064 --> 00:03:11,149 Well, my feet are soaked. 49 00:03:11,149 --> 00:03:13,151 Now this is the life. 50 00:03:14,528 --> 00:03:15,654 Huh? 51 00:03:15,654 --> 00:03:17,322 Hey, what do you think made these holes? 52 00:03:17,322 --> 00:03:19,032 Mmm... Better not to ask. Come on! 53 00:03:19,032 --> 00:03:21,118 I feel like this is going to come back later. 54 00:03:23,245 --> 00:03:26,331 We're finally here. Yo! Anybody home? 55 00:03:28,959 --> 00:03:31,128 You can't come in here. Newtopia's closed. 56 00:03:31,128 --> 00:03:32,295 [all] Seriously? 57 00:03:32,295 --> 00:03:35,298 Closed? Like closed, closed? Or like closed for lunch? 58 00:03:35,298 --> 00:03:38,301 The city is closed, closed to all outsiders. 59 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:41,138 What the hey hey? Why? Till when? 60 00:03:41,138 --> 00:03:44,099 Until the barbari‐ants are gone, of course. Good luck out there! 61 00:03:44,099 --> 00:03:47,102 [grunting] Stupid handle. Whoa! 62 00:03:47,102 --> 00:03:49,062 [grunting] 63 00:03:49,062 --> 00:03:50,147 [laughs] 64 00:03:51,356 --> 00:03:52,399 [grunts] 65 00:03:53,191 --> 00:03:54,568 I'm okay! 66 00:03:54,568 --> 00:03:56,236 What's a "barbari‐ant"? 67 00:03:56,236 --> 00:03:58,029 Beats me. We don't got 'em in the valley. 68 00:03:58,029 --> 00:04:01,199 Psh, they close the whole city because of a few little ants? 69 00:04:02,576 --> 00:04:03,577 Huh? 70 00:04:04,578 --> 00:04:06,413 Ah! Big ant! Really big ant! 71 00:04:06,413 --> 00:04:07,581 [yells] 72 00:04:07,581 --> 00:04:09,124 [all scream] 73 00:04:10,834 --> 00:04:12,002 [screams] 74 00:04:12,002 --> 00:04:14,087 Nang, nang, nang! Nang, nang, nang! 75 00:04:14,087 --> 00:04:16,882 One... two... three. 76 00:04:21,970 --> 00:04:24,347 Yay‐uh! In your face, ant! 77 00:04:25,557 --> 00:04:28,226 [rumbling] Uh, you guys feel that? 78 00:04:36,276 --> 00:04:38,528 Starting to feel a bit antsy. 79 00:04:39,279 --> 00:04:40,280 What the... 80 00:04:48,121 --> 00:04:50,582 [ants screeching] 81 00:04:52,167 --> 00:04:53,627 Whoa! Huh? 82 00:04:55,212 --> 00:04:59,007 Hop Pop, can I get a crossbow for my birthday? Please, please, please! 83 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:00,509 Eh, we'll talk. 84 00:05:03,637 --> 00:05:06,056 [gasps] That's one cool newt. 85 00:05:07,808 --> 00:05:09,059 [groans] 86 00:05:09,059 --> 00:05:11,686 Been there. Didn't really stick the landing. 87 00:05:11,686 --> 00:05:12,771 Wait a second. 88 00:05:14,231 --> 00:05:17,234 [coughing] Okay, so, 89 00:05:17,234 --> 00:05:21,446 Newtopian rope can hold an average human girl for, uh, 2.3 seconds. 90 00:05:21,446 --> 00:05:26,076 Maybe I could reinforce the rope with ironspider silk to increase the tensile strength. 91 00:05:26,076 --> 00:05:27,285 Marcy? 92 00:05:28,870 --> 00:05:29,955 Anne? 93 00:05:29,955 --> 00:05:32,749 ‐Marcy! ‐Anne! 94 00:05:32,749 --> 00:05:36,002 Oh! Anne? Is that really you? 95 00:05:36,002 --> 00:05:38,505 Marcy! I can't believe it! 96 00:05:38,505 --> 00:05:40,340 You, me, here? 97 00:05:40,340 --> 00:05:43,176 I know! I know! I missed you so much! 98 00:05:43,176 --> 00:05:47,013 [giggling] Oh, I missed you too! 99 00:05:47,013 --> 00:05:48,014 Aw... 100 00:05:49,850 --> 00:05:52,227 Look at you. Look at this outfit. 101 00:05:52,227 --> 00:05:55,188 You're like an Amazon warrior queen or something. 102 00:05:55,188 --> 00:05:59,067 I know, I know, right? It's nuts! This is real! 103 00:05:59,067 --> 00:06:00,652 Yeah, very real. 104 00:06:00,652 --> 00:06:02,863 [laughs] Ah, sorry! 105 00:06:02,863 --> 00:06:05,198 Isn't this place wild? What an adventure. 106 00:06:05,198 --> 00:06:08,368 Aw, man! I've really grown out here, Anne. Come into my own. Leveled up. 107 00:06:08,368 --> 00:06:11,204 No more clumsy, klutzy Marcy. Can you believe it? 108 00:06:11,204 --> 00:06:12,455 Your cloak's on fire. 109 00:06:12,455 --> 00:06:13,540 What? Help! 110 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:15,125 Don't swing it around! 111 00:06:15,125 --> 00:06:18,086 So, Anne, who's your friend? 112 00:06:18,086 --> 00:06:21,006 Note to self: nonflammable cloak, preferable. 113 00:06:21,006 --> 00:06:23,174 You guys, meet Marcy! 114 00:06:23,174 --> 00:06:24,885 Oh, my gosh. Who are these cuties? 115 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:26,970 [gasps] Are they your surrogate frog family? 116 00:06:26,970 --> 00:06:28,555 Did they find you and take you in? 117 00:06:28,555 --> 00:06:30,307 Oh! I love the found family trope! 118 00:06:30,307 --> 00:06:34,060 Gosh, this is just like the hero in my favorite game, Vagabondia Chronicles. 119 00:06:36,062 --> 00:06:38,523 The greatest JRPG of all time. Have you played it? 120 00:06:38,523 --> 00:06:40,150 Do you wanna play it, borrow it? 121 00:06:40,150 --> 00:06:42,068 Just say the word and I'll lend you my copy. 122 00:06:42,068 --> 00:06:43,778 Man, it'll change your lives! 123 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:45,322 Uh, Anne? 124 00:06:45,322 --> 00:06:48,783 Yep, the Plantars took me in. The one you got there is Hop Pop. 125 00:06:48,783 --> 00:06:50,201 Uh‐huh, uh‐huh, uh‐huh. 126 00:06:50,201 --> 00:06:52,078 As I thought, 62 centimeters! 127 00:06:52,078 --> 00:06:55,081 Yep! All brain. 128 00:06:55,081 --> 00:06:58,126 Judging from the size of your cranium and flecks of sediment, 129 00:06:58,126 --> 00:06:59,502 you're from Frog Valley, right? 130 00:06:59,502 --> 00:07:02,047 [gasps] You can tell all that from my head? 131 00:07:02,047 --> 00:07:05,050 Oh, Anne. I'm so jealous you found a farming community. 132 00:07:05,050 --> 00:07:07,010 I've been studying Amphibia history, 133 00:07:07,010 --> 00:07:09,804 and farm culture is super underappreciated in my opinion. 134 00:07:09,804 --> 00:07:12,849 You're the backbone of society and do not get enough credit for it. 135 00:07:12,849 --> 00:07:15,060 Hub, bub, bub, bub. Hub, bub, bub, bub... [gasps] 136 00:07:15,060 --> 00:07:16,227 Get off of me! 137 00:07:16,227 --> 00:07:19,105 Thank you, thank you! 138 00:07:19,105 --> 00:07:21,066 ‐Hey, a pollywog! ‐Hi. 139 00:07:21,066 --> 00:07:25,236 Hmm. I'd say those legs should be coming in in about... 140 00:07:25,236 --> 00:07:27,614 bub, bub, bub, buh... two months, give or take. 141 00:07:27,614 --> 00:07:30,241 [gasps] Can I get that in writing? Oh, yeah, absolutely. 142 00:07:30,241 --> 00:07:33,161 [squeals, giggles] 143 00:07:33,161 --> 00:07:34,371 Thank you! 144 00:07:34,371 --> 00:07:36,247 Oh! And hi there. 145 00:07:36,247 --> 00:07:38,583 Wow. I've never seen a frog your color before. 146 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:40,335 You're not poisonous, are you? 147 00:07:40,335 --> 00:07:43,046 Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. 148 00:07:44,297 --> 00:07:45,382 Wait, really? 149 00:07:45,382 --> 00:07:47,801 Yeah, I literally actually don't know. 150 00:07:47,801 --> 00:07:49,636 I will iodine that later. 151 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:53,139 So what about you, Mar‐mar? Have you been in Newtopia this whole time? 152 00:07:53,139 --> 00:07:55,725 Here and there, but, uh, mostly here. 153 00:07:55,725 --> 00:07:57,644 I actually warped in right inside the city walls. 154 00:07:57,644 --> 00:08:01,189 Pretty lucky, right? Like, what are the odds‐‐ Oh, oh, okay! Oh, my gosh! 155 00:08:01,189 --> 00:08:04,693 Remember that game I tried to get you and Sasha to play? Creatures and Caverns? 156 00:08:04,693 --> 00:08:05,819 No. 157 00:08:05,819 --> 00:08:08,154 It turns out newts are just like Cephalons. 158 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:11,074 From Shadows of Xel'noth! 159 00:08:11,074 --> 00:08:14,744 I just role‐played like your typical artificer/rogue and the next thing I know... 160 00:08:14,744 --> 00:08:17,288 Boom... I'm the chief ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard! 161 00:08:18,707 --> 00:08:20,417 [Polly] Uh... Were those words? 162 00:08:20,417 --> 00:08:22,293 So, Marcy, can you get us into the city? 163 00:08:22,293 --> 00:08:24,295 We tried the gate, but they won't let us in. 164 00:08:24,295 --> 00:08:28,133 Unfortunately, those gates will stay closed until the barbari‐ants are defeated. 165 00:08:28,133 --> 00:08:30,009 Luckily, we've got a plan. Come on! 166 00:08:33,304 --> 00:08:34,668 Hop Pop. Birthday. Make it happen. 167 00:08:38,101 --> 00:08:41,271 [Barley] I'm telling you, Branson, what we need is a direct frontal assault. 168 00:08:41,271 --> 00:08:44,482 And I'm telling you, Bartley, a sneak attack is what's called for. 169 00:08:44,482 --> 00:08:45,984 Yeah, well, you're both wrong. 170 00:08:45,984 --> 00:08:48,486 We need to learn how to communicate with our ant brethren 171 00:08:48,486 --> 00:08:50,113 and live in sweet, sweet harmony. 172 00:08:50,113 --> 00:08:52,157 Ludicrous! Yeah, shut up, Blair. 173 00:08:52,949 --> 00:08:54,534 You shut up! 174 00:08:54,534 --> 00:08:56,745 [arguing] 'Sup, triple B? 175 00:08:56,745 --> 00:09:00,373 Ahem. Ah, Master Marcy. Are you lost? 176 00:09:00,373 --> 00:09:04,210 No, no. They're with me. The Plantars traveled here all the way from the valley. 177 00:09:05,545 --> 00:09:06,671 [burps] 178 00:09:06,671 --> 00:09:08,757 Ah, welcome, dirty peasants. 179 00:09:08,757 --> 00:09:11,092 And this is my friend, Anne‐‐ Ow. 180 00:09:11,092 --> 00:09:13,678 [laughs] Sorry. Just... still can't believe you're here. 181 00:09:13,678 --> 00:09:17,057 [giggles] Anne, quit it. All right, all right. Keep doing what you're doing. 182 00:09:17,057 --> 00:09:20,101 You'll be glad to hear we've agreed on a battle strategy. 183 00:09:20,101 --> 00:09:21,478 What? We've agreed on nothing! 184 00:09:21,478 --> 00:09:23,938 Well, no worries. I think I got it figured out. 185 00:09:23,938 --> 00:09:27,567 Anne, do you remember when we studied insect migration patterns in biology class? 186 00:09:27,567 --> 00:09:29,527 Nope. Well, since the weather warmed up, 187 00:09:29,527 --> 00:09:32,822 those ants have been sending scouting parties deeper into our territory. 188 00:09:32,822 --> 00:09:35,950 In fact, I predict a full‐scale invasion is just around the corner. 189 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:40,455 The king has asked me to stop them before they turn Newtopia into a giant anthill. 190 00:09:40,455 --> 00:09:44,334 Wait. You work directly for the king of Amphibia? 191 00:09:44,334 --> 00:09:46,711 Uh‐huh. Sprig, behave yourself. 192 00:09:46,711 --> 00:09:49,089 I didn't even know you guys had a king. Well, duh. 193 00:09:49,089 --> 00:09:52,133 We're not anarchists, Anne. Speak for yourself. 194 00:09:52,133 --> 00:09:55,970 Okay. Plan is we're gonna sneak behind enemy lines and drive the ant queen away. 195 00:09:55,970 --> 00:09:57,764 With her gone, the rest should retreat. 196 00:09:57,764 --> 00:09:59,641 Oh, yeah? And how are we doing that? 197 00:09:59,641 --> 00:10:02,060 Check it out! 198 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:04,062 [gasps] Boom shrooms? 199 00:10:04,062 --> 00:10:07,398 Not quite. These are stink shrooms! 200 00:10:07,398 --> 00:10:09,025 Oh. Carry on. 201 00:10:09,025 --> 00:10:10,819 They're designed to release pheromones 202 00:10:10,819 --> 00:10:12,946 that should drive the queen away instantly. 203 00:10:12,946 --> 00:10:16,282 But we will have to fight our way through a bloodthirsty hoard of ants. 204 00:10:16,282 --> 00:10:18,201 My interest has been restored. 205 00:10:18,201 --> 00:10:21,204 We'll have to be extra careful. If one thing goes wrong‐‐ 206 00:10:21,204 --> 00:10:22,705 Whoa! 207 00:10:22,705 --> 00:10:24,791 [chuckles] Flimsy table. 208 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:27,168 Uh, Marbles, this sounds pretty dangerous. 209 00:10:27,168 --> 00:10:30,171 Yeah, why don't you leave the mission to me and the Plantars? 210 00:10:30,171 --> 00:10:32,757 We did stuff like this all the time in the valley. 211 00:10:32,757 --> 00:10:34,259 [grunts] To the max! 212 00:10:34,259 --> 00:10:37,428 Ugh. Come on, Anna Banana. I'll be fine. 213 00:10:37,428 --> 00:10:38,346 Banana? 214 00:10:38,346 --> 00:10:39,848 I've changed, remember? 215 00:10:39,848 --> 00:10:41,641 Mm‐hmm. Your cape's on fire again. 216 00:10:41,641 --> 00:10:42,725 [screams] 217 00:10:42,725 --> 00:10:45,186 Fire! Fire! Fire! Somebody do something! 218 00:10:45,186 --> 00:10:46,563 Hold still. There! 219 00:10:48,231 --> 00:10:50,066 Those capes sure are flammable. 220 00:10:50,066 --> 00:10:52,485 Anne, trust me. I can handle this. 221 00:10:52,485 --> 00:10:55,196 Now let's get going. Mission, engage! 222 00:10:56,281 --> 00:10:57,407 [sighs] 223 00:10:58,408 --> 00:11:00,076 What's your problem? 224 00:11:00,076 --> 00:11:02,662 Me? Well, to be honest, my cholesterol's been a little‐‐ 225 00:11:02,662 --> 00:11:05,248 Not you. Frownzilla over there. 226 00:11:05,248 --> 00:11:07,167 Oh, come on, guys. 227 00:11:07,167 --> 00:11:09,836 Surely you don't trust this "Marcy" person. 228 00:11:09,836 --> 00:11:11,421 I do. With my life, actually. 229 00:11:11,421 --> 00:11:14,841 I mean, look, Sprig, she's clearly harmless. 230 00:11:15,967 --> 00:11:17,552 [giggles] 231 00:11:17,552 --> 00:11:20,638 All right, yes, on the surface she looks harmless, 232 00:11:20,638 --> 00:11:22,765 but do you not remember Sasha? 233 00:11:22,765 --> 00:11:25,018 Eh, I try not to. Now that you mention it... 234 00:11:25,018 --> 00:11:28,563 Well, I say we watch "Marbles" like a pigeon hawk. 235 00:11:28,563 --> 00:11:32,233 That way we can be ready if she tries to pull anything funny. 236 00:11:32,233 --> 00:11:33,484 You guys with me? 237 00:11:33,484 --> 00:11:36,321 Still no. Can't say I agree, but you do your thing. 238 00:11:36,321 --> 00:11:39,282 [groans] Fine. Thanks for nothin'. 239 00:11:40,283 --> 00:11:41,910 You guys coming? What, us? 240 00:11:41,910 --> 00:11:43,620 [chuckles] Of course not. We're analysts. 241 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:45,663 We don't do... [snorts] ...field work. 242 00:11:45,663 --> 00:11:48,041 And what's wrong with field work? 243 00:11:48,041 --> 00:11:52,045 I'll have you know we farmers are the backbone of society! 244 00:11:52,045 --> 00:11:53,213 [ribbits] 245 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:57,508 Weirdos. 246 00:12:01,804 --> 00:12:04,349 Okay, we should be arriving there shortly! [screams] 247 00:12:04,349 --> 00:12:07,143 Marcy! Well, down the hatch! 248 00:12:07,143 --> 00:12:10,355 All right, Bessie, we're about to be betrayed... probably. 249 00:12:10,355 --> 00:12:13,191 If we're not back in three hours, send for help. 250 00:12:13,191 --> 00:12:14,275 [neighs] 251 00:12:14,984 --> 00:12:15,985 Good girl. 252 00:12:18,404 --> 00:12:19,697 [Marcy grunts] 253 00:12:19,697 --> 00:12:21,074 All right! Let's go. 254 00:12:21,074 --> 00:12:22,825 Hold up. Stay behind me. 255 00:12:23,493 --> 00:12:25,161 Behind, eh? 256 00:12:25,161 --> 00:12:27,956 Just where a maybe‐backstabber would wanna be. 257 00:12:27,956 --> 00:12:30,250 Okay, if we can just stay in this formation. Wait! 258 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:31,960 This is gonna be a cinch, guys. 259 00:12:31,960 --> 00:12:35,463 Trust me, I know these tunnels better than anyone‐‐ [screams] 260 00:12:36,422 --> 00:12:38,007 [chuckles] Thanks. 261 00:12:38,007 --> 00:12:41,052 Okay. Note to self: Do not step in holes. 262 00:12:41,052 --> 00:12:44,222 Seriously, let us handle this. You'll be safer in the back. 263 00:12:44,222 --> 00:12:46,557 I gotta say, I do feel pretty safe back here. 264 00:12:46,557 --> 00:12:47,934 [grunts] [all] Sprig! 265 00:12:48,893 --> 00:12:52,063 Why me? Ow! Why always me? [screams] 266 00:12:52,063 --> 00:12:53,982 [ants shrieking] 267 00:12:53,982 --> 00:12:55,566 All right, guys. Fight mode! 268 00:12:55,566 --> 00:12:56,651 On it! On it! 269 00:12:56,651 --> 00:12:58,152 Yeah, on it! 270 00:12:58,152 --> 00:12:59,946 Oh, Sprig, good. You survived. 271 00:12:59,946 --> 00:13:02,240 Yeah, I kicked him! 272 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:04,242 Okay, Marcy, stay close. 273 00:13:04,242 --> 00:13:05,076 [blows raspberry] 274 00:13:05,076 --> 00:13:07,287 Ooh! Nice. 275 00:13:08,162 --> 00:13:10,790 [grunts] Marcy, what are you doing? 276 00:13:10,790 --> 00:13:13,501 [chuckles] Essence of Heron's bane. 277 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:15,837 Just what the doctor ordered. 278 00:13:15,837 --> 00:13:17,964 [grunting] 279 00:13:17,964 --> 00:13:19,340 Steady, steady. [screaming] 280 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:22,051 Done! 281 00:13:22,051 --> 00:13:23,761 Guys, this way! [grunts] 282 00:13:24,304 --> 00:13:25,596 Come on! 283 00:13:29,767 --> 00:13:32,186 Insta‐vines! Bred 'em myself. 284 00:13:32,186 --> 00:13:33,229 [Polly] Uh, guys? 285 00:13:33,229 --> 00:13:35,023 A little help here. 286 00:13:35,023 --> 00:13:37,191 Whoopsies! [all gasp] Not the baby! 287 00:13:37,191 --> 00:13:38,776 [grunting] 288 00:13:39,485 --> 00:13:40,486 [grunts] 289 00:13:42,071 --> 00:13:43,406 [roars] 290 00:13:43,406 --> 00:13:46,075 See? That could've been on purpose. 291 00:13:46,075 --> 00:13:47,493 It was an honest mistake, Sprig. 292 00:13:47,493 --> 00:13:49,704 Marcy! Oh, sorry, sorry. 293 00:13:49,704 --> 00:13:51,831 But it all turned out okay, right? 294 00:13:51,831 --> 00:13:54,959 Anyway, isn't vegetation in Amphibia just the coolest? 295 00:13:54,959 --> 00:13:57,837 You think vegetables are cool? 296 00:13:57,837 --> 00:14:00,423 Marcy, how'd you like to be adopted? 297 00:14:00,423 --> 00:14:03,051 Hmm. Dude, seriously, chill. 298 00:14:03,051 --> 00:14:06,721 [Hop Pop] Oh, yeah, I got lots of vegetables back home. 299 00:14:06,721 --> 00:14:08,306 Wait. Shh! Get down! 300 00:14:08,306 --> 00:14:10,099 [growls] It's the queen. 301 00:14:13,311 --> 00:14:16,898 [spits, roars] 302 00:14:19,317 --> 00:14:20,693 [purrs] 303 00:14:20,693 --> 00:14:22,361 Well, at least she's a good mother. 304 00:14:22,361 --> 00:14:25,114 Here's the plan. We're going to have to plant these around the room. 305 00:14:25,114 --> 00:14:29,202 That way she gets a nose‐full. They're set to go off in five minutes, so move quickly. 306 00:14:29,202 --> 00:14:31,913 Also, the queen is nearly blind, but hears really well. 307 00:14:31,913 --> 00:14:34,123 So be very, very quiet. 308 00:14:34,123 --> 00:14:35,124 [all grunt] 309 00:14:40,630 --> 00:14:42,840 [crackling] [gasps] 310 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:44,509 Huh? [grunts] 311 00:14:45,843 --> 00:14:48,471 [queen growling] 312 00:14:48,471 --> 00:14:49,514 [exhales] 313 00:14:50,264 --> 00:14:51,933 Anne, what are you doing? 314 00:14:51,933 --> 00:14:54,685 Um, saving you from a giant rock that was about to crush you? 315 00:14:54,685 --> 00:14:55,978 Well, you didn't have to. 316 00:14:55,978 --> 00:14:58,147 I was about to get out of the way, myself. 317 00:14:58,147 --> 00:15:00,608 No, you weren't. I have to protect you. 318 00:15:00,608 --> 00:15:02,819 Like I always do. Just like back home. 319 00:15:02,819 --> 00:15:04,695 But we're not back home, Anne. 320 00:15:04,695 --> 00:15:06,823 And I've been doing just fine by myself. 321 00:15:06,823 --> 00:15:09,075 Yeah, but, but... 322 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:13,246 [crackling] 323 00:15:13,246 --> 00:15:14,497 [squeaking] 324 00:15:14,497 --> 00:15:15,957 You gotta be kidding me. 325 00:15:15,957 --> 00:15:17,291 [grunting] 326 00:15:17,291 --> 00:15:18,668 [screaming] 327 00:15:18,668 --> 00:15:19,669 [roars] 328 00:15:22,213 --> 00:15:24,882 [roaring] 329 00:15:24,882 --> 00:15:25,790 Sprig! Sprig! 330 00:15:26,759 --> 00:15:30,263 He's still alive! These bugs take a while to digest their food. Look! 331 00:15:30,263 --> 00:15:31,889 [roars] 332 00:15:31,889 --> 00:15:33,141 [gurgling] 333 00:15:33,141 --> 00:15:34,684 I can still save him. 334 00:15:34,684 --> 00:15:37,353 No! I'll do it. You just... stay here. 335 00:15:37,353 --> 00:15:40,231 Anne, only I've studied barbari‐ant biology. 336 00:15:40,231 --> 00:15:41,607 It has to be me. 337 00:15:41,607 --> 00:15:44,110 No, it doesn't! I can handle it. 338 00:15:44,110 --> 00:15:46,195 Ugh! Why won't you just let me go? 339 00:15:46,195 --> 00:15:48,114 Because I just got you back, okay? 340 00:15:49,407 --> 00:15:51,284 And I don't... [sniffs] 341 00:15:51,284 --> 00:15:53,035 I don't wanna lose you again. 342 00:15:56,122 --> 00:15:58,374 You won't. I promise. 343 00:15:58,374 --> 00:15:59,876 [snorts] 344 00:16:00,710 --> 00:16:04,088 Okay... go. You got this. 345 00:16:04,088 --> 00:16:06,007 See you on the other side. 346 00:16:06,007 --> 00:16:08,634 [ants shrieking] 347 00:16:08,634 --> 00:16:10,928 Who knew these ants were so bouncy? 348 00:16:10,928 --> 00:16:13,806 I did, 'cause I studied them. 349 00:16:14,307 --> 00:16:15,474 I can't watch. 350 00:16:15,474 --> 00:16:16,726 Dibs on the crossbow. 351 00:16:16,726 --> 00:16:19,353 Come on... Come on... 352 00:16:20,021 --> 00:16:22,231 [Marcy punching, grunting] 353 00:16:22,231 --> 00:16:24,233 [vomits] 354 00:16:27,069 --> 00:16:29,197 [whispers] Trustworthy. 355 00:16:30,615 --> 00:16:31,908 Whoo‐hoo! 356 00:16:31,908 --> 00:16:33,910 [all cheering] She did it! 357 00:16:34,869 --> 00:16:37,205 ‐[Marcy screams] ‐[screaming] Oh, no! 358 00:16:37,205 --> 00:16:38,956 I gotcha! I gotcha! 359 00:16:38,956 --> 00:16:40,124 [all grunt] 360 00:16:41,167 --> 00:16:43,127 [roars] 361 00:16:43,127 --> 00:16:44,962 [gasping] 362 00:16:44,962 --> 00:16:47,590 Uh, not looking forward to being torn apart right now! 363 00:16:47,590 --> 00:16:49,217 Marcy, any ideas? 364 00:16:49,217 --> 00:16:51,844 ‐Three, two, one... ‐[clucks] 365 00:16:53,429 --> 00:16:56,015 [ants shrieking] 366 00:16:57,850 --> 00:16:59,268 [roars] 367 00:16:59,268 --> 00:17:02,438 [rumbling] 368 00:17:04,857 --> 00:17:06,442 [all coughing] 369 00:17:06,442 --> 00:17:09,237 Huh, you know what? It actually smells kinda nice. 370 00:17:09,237 --> 00:17:12,240 I mean, it will liquefy your lungs if you breathe too much of it, so... 371 00:17:12,240 --> 00:17:13,449 Well, time to go! 372 00:17:13,449 --> 00:17:16,077 Hey. Thanks for having my back. 373 00:17:16,077 --> 00:17:19,205 Not that you needed it. You're right. You really have changed. 374 00:17:19,205 --> 00:17:21,123 [both] Uh, you're on fire again. 375 00:17:21,123 --> 00:17:22,375 What? 376 00:17:22,375 --> 00:17:23,668 Oh, come on! 377 00:17:23,668 --> 00:17:25,920 There wasn't even any fire this time! 378 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:28,506 [Marcy grunts] Mission success! 379 00:17:29,048 --> 00:17:30,508 Hey, uh, Marcy? 380 00:17:30,508 --> 00:17:32,426 Sorry for all the suspicion earlier. 381 00:17:32,426 --> 00:17:35,304 I was wrong about you. You're no backstabber. 382 00:17:35,304 --> 00:17:37,056 Hey, I'm just glad you're okay. 383 00:17:37,056 --> 00:17:39,141 It's obvious you mean a lot to Anne. 384 00:17:40,142 --> 00:17:41,352 [gurgling] 385 00:17:42,144 --> 00:17:44,063 Nyeh! Dang it, Sprig! 386 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:45,356 [laughing] 387 00:17:45,356 --> 00:17:47,191 Oh, ha‐ha. 388 00:17:47,191 --> 00:17:48,943 [bell tolling] 389 00:17:51,195 --> 00:17:54,240 [musical fanfare plays] 390 00:17:55,533 --> 00:17:56,951 Now, come on. 391 00:17:56,951 --> 00:17:58,661 Who's ready to go to Newtopia? 392 00:17:58,661 --> 00:18:00,621 And write up a detailed report! 393 00:18:00,621 --> 00:18:01,706 Yeah! Yeah! 394 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:04,083 [Sprig] Wait, what? [Polly] A report? Boo! 395 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:07,753 Wow. Marcy hasn't just changed, she's flourished. 396 00:18:07,753 --> 00:18:09,839 I've never seen her so happy. 397 00:18:09,839 --> 00:18:13,175 Always impressive what people are capable of, isn't it? 398 00:18:13,175 --> 00:18:15,970 [grunting] 399 00:18:15,970 --> 00:18:17,263 A little help, please? 400 00:18:23,227 --> 00:18:25,062 [all] Whoa! 401 00:18:30,776 --> 00:18:32,695 [Anne] Whoa, look at this place! 402 00:18:32,695 --> 00:18:34,196 [Hop Pop] Mighty impressive. 403 00:18:34,196 --> 00:18:36,365 [gasps] I want to touch everything! 404 00:18:36,365 --> 00:18:38,200 This is like a city, city. 405 00:18:41,037 --> 00:18:42,997 ‐Huh? ‐What's going on? 406 00:18:42,997 --> 00:18:44,081 I didn't do it! 407 00:18:49,211 --> 00:18:50,338 [clears throat] 408 00:18:50,338 --> 00:18:52,006 Well met, Lady Olivia. 409 00:18:52,006 --> 00:18:54,592 The king sends his greetings, Marcy. 410 00:18:54,592 --> 00:18:56,552 He trusts you have succeeded? 411 00:18:56,552 --> 00:18:58,763 [imitates trumpet fanfare] 412 00:19:00,848 --> 00:19:03,267 Ah, still fresh, I see. Excellent work. 413 00:19:03,267 --> 00:19:05,936 As expected of the great Marcy Wu. [snaps fingers] 414 00:19:07,521 --> 00:19:09,190 Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. 415 00:19:09,190 --> 00:19:11,275 I see you have... company. 416 00:19:11,275 --> 00:19:12,902 Lady Olivia... [squeals] 417 00:19:12,902 --> 00:19:15,363 Meet Anne, one of the friends I was telling you about. 418 00:19:15,363 --> 00:19:17,531 Turns out she got transported to Frog Valley. 419 00:19:17,531 --> 00:19:20,117 Uh‐huh. A little town called Wartwood. 420 00:19:20,117 --> 00:19:22,078 It's a pleasure to meet you, Anne. 421 00:19:22,078 --> 00:19:23,287 You too, dude! 422 00:19:23,287 --> 00:19:25,164 Oh, uh, I mean... milady. 423 00:19:25,164 --> 00:19:26,916 Hmm, hmm, hmm. Oh, oh... 424 00:19:26,916 --> 00:19:28,292 And these are the Plantars. 425 00:19:28,292 --> 00:19:30,002 Hey there! 'Sup. 426 00:19:30,002 --> 00:19:32,004 ‐Hello. We can bow too. ‐Your Highness. 427 00:19:32,004 --> 00:19:33,381 ‐[Polly and Sprig grunt] ‐Oh! 428 00:19:33,381 --> 00:19:34,465 [guard snickers] 429 00:19:34,465 --> 00:19:36,384 Yes, well, uh... 430 00:19:36,384 --> 00:19:39,595 Welcome to Newtopia, Plantars and Anne. 431 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:44,392 This is an old city, but one rich in history and splendor. 432 00:19:44,392 --> 00:19:46,936 Please don't touch anything that looks important. 433 00:19:46,936 --> 00:19:49,647 Hey, look what I did! [grunts] 434 00:19:49,647 --> 00:19:51,232 I'm okay! Statue's broken. 435 00:19:52,692 --> 00:19:54,443 Do enjoy your stay. 436 00:19:56,696 --> 00:19:59,156 She seems friendly... ish. 437 00:19:59,156 --> 00:20:01,117 So, are you like a big deal here or something? 438 00:20:01,117 --> 00:20:04,036 Let's just say I have a perfect record when it comes to missions. 439 00:20:04,036 --> 00:20:06,956 Okay. So, Marcy, I've got a couple of questions. 440 00:20:06,956 --> 00:20:10,042 How'd you get so smart? What's your coat made out of? What's in this pouch? 441 00:20:10,042 --> 00:20:11,460 Where'd you get that wrist thing? 442 00:20:11,460 --> 00:20:13,462 [whispers] What was Anne like back home? 443 00:20:13,462 --> 00:20:16,841 [clears throat] Kids, will you help me get the fwagon unloaded? 444 00:20:16,841 --> 00:20:19,176 Let's give Anne and Marcy some space. 445 00:20:19,176 --> 00:20:21,470 [groans] Fine. [groans] Buzzkill. 446 00:20:23,097 --> 00:20:25,891 So, you haven't found a way home either, huh? 447 00:20:25,891 --> 00:20:27,268 Nerp. 448 00:20:28,227 --> 00:20:29,603 You know, it's funny. 449 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:32,106 I've been hoping to find you for so long, 450 00:20:32,106 --> 00:20:34,150 but now that I actually found you, 451 00:20:34,150 --> 00:20:36,277 I have no idea what to do next. 452 00:20:36,277 --> 00:20:38,279 [chuckles] I know what you mean. 453 00:20:38,279 --> 00:20:40,322 First things first though. We have to find Sasha. 454 00:20:40,322 --> 00:20:43,242 Oh! Actually, I did find Sasha. 455 00:20:43,242 --> 00:20:45,161 We, uh... we had a fight. 456 00:20:45,161 --> 00:20:46,871 No... Was it bad? 457 00:20:46,871 --> 00:20:48,205 Er... 458 00:20:48,205 --> 00:20:51,167 There were maybe some swords, minor explosions. 459 00:20:51,167 --> 00:20:54,003 Anyways, I don't know where she is now. [sighs] 460 00:20:54,003 --> 00:20:56,255 Well, even if we find a way home, 461 00:20:56,255 --> 00:20:58,924 it's pointless without Sasha. So, what now? 462 00:20:58,924 --> 00:21:02,094 I don't know. Back home, Sasha always decided the plan. 463 00:21:02,094 --> 00:21:06,140 [chuckles] Yeah. Maybe it's time we started making our own decisions, huh? 464 00:21:06,140 --> 00:21:09,018 Yeah! I mean, it's worked out for us so far, right? 465 00:21:09,018 --> 00:21:10,394 Come on, stand up! 466 00:21:10,394 --> 00:21:12,146 Uh... okay. 467 00:21:12,146 --> 00:21:14,774 Come on, Anne. Let me see that power pose! 468 00:21:16,066 --> 00:21:17,860 [inhales] This good? 469 00:21:17,860 --> 00:21:20,279 Good enough! [clears throat] 470 00:21:20,279 --> 00:21:21,989 I'm Marcy Wu! 471 00:21:21,989 --> 00:21:25,367 And, uh, I'm Anne Boonchuy! 472 00:21:25,367 --> 00:21:27,995 [both] And together, we're gonna find Sasha 473 00:21:27,995 --> 00:21:29,205 and find a way home! 474 00:21:29,830 --> 00:21:32,166 [grunting, laughing] 475 00:21:32,166 --> 00:21:36,128 Oh, my gosh. Okay, so I wanna know everything that's happened to you since you got here. 476 00:21:36,128 --> 00:21:38,714 ‐You got any photos? ‐Do I? 477 00:21:38,714 --> 00:21:41,050 Here's me and Domino 2. She tried to eat us. 478 00:21:41,050 --> 00:21:44,345 Here's me and Sprig by the lake. There was a snake that tried to eat us. 479 00:21:44,345 --> 00:21:46,889 Oh, oh! Here's us running from a giant centipede that‐‐ 480 00:21:46,889 --> 00:21:48,516 [Marcy] Let me guess. Tried to eat you? 481 00:21:48,516 --> 00:21:50,976 [Anne gasps] How did you know? 482 00:21:50,976 --> 00:21:52,978 [bell tolling] 483 00:21:54,438 --> 00:21:57,191 The pieces are starting to fall into place. 484 00:21:57,191 --> 00:22:00,444 It's time for the game to begin.