1 00:00:45,350 --> 00:00:48,353 [frogs croaking] 2 00:00:50,898 --> 00:00:54,234 [birds squawking] 3 00:00:54,234 --> 00:00:57,279 [sighs] City walking is great. 4 00:00:57,279 --> 00:01:01,074 But I could use a little sitty‐sitting. Let's stop at this park for a bit. 5 00:01:01,074 --> 00:01:04,953 Works for me. Sprig, Polly, you guys want to toss the old frisbeetle around? 6 00:01:04,953 --> 00:01:06,330 ‐[bell tolls] ‐[gasps] 7 00:01:11,210 --> 00:01:14,922 [rowers grunt] 8 00:01:14,922 --> 00:01:16,048 [fencing newt] En garde. 9 00:01:16,048 --> 00:01:18,258 [band playing] 10 00:01:18,258 --> 00:01:23,680 Kids, this ain't no park. This is Newtopia University. 11 00:01:23,680 --> 00:01:26,058 Oh, man. College is the best. 12 00:01:26,058 --> 00:01:28,894 According to movies back home, you can do crazy things 13 00:01:28,894 --> 00:01:31,897 and be horribly irresponsible with no consequences. 14 00:01:31,897 --> 00:01:34,191 [Hop Pop] I can't believe we're actually here. 15 00:01:34,191 --> 00:01:38,111 No Plantar has ever gone to Newtopia University. 16 00:01:38,111 --> 00:01:44,159 And it's my dream that one day, far, far from now, one of you two will attend. 17 00:01:44,159 --> 00:01:46,078 ‐Huh? ‐[chuckles] Sorry, Hop Pop. 18 00:01:46,078 --> 00:01:48,038 I don't think that either of us is cut out for this. 19 00:01:48,038 --> 00:01:49,331 Especially Sprig. 20 00:01:49,331 --> 00:01:51,250 What? What you talking about? 21 00:01:51,250 --> 00:01:53,168 You don't have the attention span. 22 00:01:53,168 --> 00:01:54,878 Ha! That's ridiculo‐‐ 23 00:01:54,878 --> 00:01:56,255 Sprig, go long! Okay! 24 00:01:57,130 --> 00:02:01,677 Now, how does one escape from a mountain mantis? 25 00:02:01,677 --> 00:02:05,055 ‐Yes, Parsifal. ‐First, we must calculate the probability of escape 26 00:02:05,055 --> 00:02:07,391 by average number of mantises per capita. 27 00:02:07,391 --> 00:02:11,061 Divided by the average body weight of those fleeing for their lives. 28 00:02:11,061 --> 00:02:15,774 Whoa, whoa, guys. All you gotta do is tickle it behind it's hind legs with a willow branch. 29 00:02:15,774 --> 00:02:16,858 You'll escape no problem. 30 00:02:16,858 --> 00:02:18,068 That's correct. 31 00:02:18,068 --> 00:02:19,361 Sprig catch. 32 00:02:20,988 --> 00:02:22,072 [all] Ooh. 33 00:02:22,739 --> 00:02:24,449 My, my, my, my, my. 34 00:02:24,449 --> 00:02:27,077 Aren't you a precocious young frog? 35 00:02:27,077 --> 00:02:31,415 Resourceful, survival‐savvy, athletic. Any other hidden talents? 36 00:02:31,415 --> 00:02:34,084 Hmm. I can do funny things with my arm. 37 00:02:34,084 --> 00:02:35,544 [screams] 38 00:02:35,544 --> 00:02:37,212 Uh, anything else? 39 00:02:38,380 --> 00:02:40,424 ‐I play the fiddle. ‐Show me. 40 00:02:43,552 --> 00:02:45,345 ‐[student] Ooh. ‐Oh, yes. Good. 41 00:02:45,345 --> 00:02:47,347 Sprig, what did you break? What did he break? 42 00:02:47,347 --> 00:02:50,309 Oh, no, nothing, nothing. I'm Professor Herringbone. 43 00:02:50,309 --> 00:02:52,978 Headmaster here at Newtopia University. 44 00:02:52,978 --> 00:02:56,773 Oh, well, uh, I'm Hopediah Plantar. Big fan of your school. 45 00:02:56,773 --> 00:03:00,235 I hope one day far, far in the future 46 00:03:00,235 --> 00:03:03,488 one of my grandchildren will attend your fine institution. 47 00:03:03,488 --> 00:03:07,242 Well, what if that one day is today? Huh? 48 00:03:07,242 --> 00:03:11,371 We have a program for young, promising students of the future! 49 00:03:11,371 --> 00:03:14,416 And I think Sprig here is a perfect fit! 50 00:03:14,416 --> 00:03:18,170 ‐Huh? ‐We could do a trial stay for Sprig tonight. 51 00:03:18,170 --> 00:03:21,631 And if it all goes well, he can start with us next semester. 52 00:03:21,631 --> 00:03:25,093 Seems reasonable. Isn't this great, Hop Pop? It's just what you wanted. 53 00:03:25,093 --> 00:03:29,514 Hmm. Well, this is a once‐in‐a‐lifetime opportunity. 54 00:03:29,514 --> 00:03:31,099 Then it's agreed. 55 00:03:31,099 --> 00:03:34,561 Sprig Plantar, your trial begins immediately. 56 00:03:34,561 --> 00:03:36,480 Welcome to the university. 57 00:03:36,480 --> 00:03:40,108 All right! Hop Pop, your dream is coming true. 58 00:03:40,108 --> 00:03:42,277 And don't worry. I won't let you down. 59 00:03:42,277 --> 00:03:44,321 Hey, you gonna throw that bug‐disc back or what? 60 00:03:44,321 --> 00:03:47,240 Guess what, Anne? I'm going to college. 61 00:03:47,240 --> 00:03:49,117 Cool. Wait, what? 62 00:03:53,872 --> 00:03:56,917 ‐[Sprig grunts] ‐Now, there are a couple of school rules 63 00:03:56,917 --> 00:03:58,460 you'll need to get adjusted to. 64 00:03:58,460 --> 00:04:01,129 [grunts] If I can handle a mountain mantis, 65 00:04:01,129 --> 00:04:02,881 I can totally handle this. 66 00:04:02,881 --> 00:04:06,051 That's the spirit. Enjoy your first class, my boy. 67 00:04:08,095 --> 00:04:09,971 [grunts, groans] 68 00:04:09,971 --> 00:04:14,059 At Newtopia Prep, we do not bound around heedlessly. 69 00:04:14,059 --> 00:04:16,311 Oh, uh, yes, of course. 70 00:04:16,311 --> 00:04:18,605 ‐[Sprig grunts] ‐We also tuck in our shirts. 71 00:04:18,605 --> 00:04:20,190 And straighten our ties. 72 00:04:20,190 --> 00:04:23,568 And we absolutely do not wear hats. 73 00:04:23,568 --> 00:04:24,903 [screams, sighs] 74 00:04:25,904 --> 00:04:27,114 [professor clears throat] 75 00:04:29,199 --> 00:04:30,492 Hey, hi, how's it going? 76 00:04:31,076 --> 00:04:34,704 All right, class. Let us begin with concept of‐‐ 77 00:04:36,456 --> 00:04:40,127 Hmm? Hmm? Uh, I mean, we all wanted to do that, right? 78 00:04:40,127 --> 00:04:44,047 Mr. Plantar, hand over that contraption this instant. 79 00:04:45,132 --> 00:04:48,176 [sighs] Now, back to the lesson. 80 00:04:48,176 --> 00:04:51,304 I can do this. I can do this. I can do this for Hop Pop. 81 00:05:00,814 --> 00:05:01,815 [screams] 82 00:05:12,075 --> 00:05:13,076 [screams] 83 00:05:18,540 --> 00:05:24,671 [sighs] Just look at how happy he is. They grow up so fast. 84 00:05:28,675 --> 00:05:33,221 [gasps] Sprig's tadpole tail. I remember when it fell off. 85 00:05:33,221 --> 00:05:35,682 It's so cute. 86 00:05:37,100 --> 00:05:38,101 [Bessie purrs] 87 00:05:38,727 --> 00:05:40,395 ‐[explosion] ‐[students screaming] 88 00:05:40,395 --> 00:05:42,606 Rodney Mcdonald, for the last time, 89 00:05:42,606 --> 00:05:44,649 get that cow out of the lecture hall. 90 00:05:44,649 --> 00:05:46,651 Eat my shorts, prof. 91 00:05:46,651 --> 00:05:48,445 ‐[cow moos] ‐[professor screams] 92 00:05:48,445 --> 00:05:51,072 ‐[Anne chuckles] ‐Sprig gets to do all that. 93 00:05:51,072 --> 00:05:54,492 ‐[groans] Jelly! ‐Yeah. They're probably having crazy cool parties 94 00:05:54,492 --> 00:05:56,620 and slapping farm animals right now. 95 00:05:56,620 --> 00:05:58,872 Just over that wall. [sighs] 96 00:05:59,873 --> 00:06:02,709 Hey, Anne, how good at climbing are you? 97 00:06:02,709 --> 00:06:06,004 Oh. I'm picking up what you're putting down. 98 00:06:06,004 --> 00:06:07,005 [both chuckle] 99 00:06:10,217 --> 00:06:13,511 Will you two keep it down? I'm trying to cry up here. 100 00:06:13,511 --> 00:06:14,512 [both] Sorry, Hop Pop. 101 00:06:17,015 --> 00:06:19,643 ‐I got extra homework. ‐[gasps] Lucky. 102 00:06:20,477 --> 00:06:21,728 [groans] 103 00:06:23,980 --> 00:06:25,273 [sighs] 104 00:06:25,273 --> 00:06:27,234 Mr. Plantar, could I have a word? 105 00:06:27,234 --> 00:06:30,278 Oh. Hi, Professor. So you've heard, huh? 106 00:06:30,278 --> 00:06:32,572 Yes. I've spoken with your professors. 107 00:06:32,572 --> 00:06:35,951 [sighs] And they all think I'm a terrible student. 108 00:06:35,951 --> 00:06:37,160 I get it. I'll leave. 109 00:06:37,160 --> 00:06:40,789 "Leave"? Oh, no, no, no, no. 110 00:06:40,789 --> 00:06:46,002 It's true, your energy can be a bit disruptive, but it's a good disruption. 111 00:06:46,002 --> 00:06:50,423 ‐Huh? ‐And, since this is going to be such a project, 112 00:06:50,423 --> 00:06:52,133 we are starting early. 113 00:06:52,133 --> 00:06:55,470 No waiting for next semester. [chuckles] No, no, no, no. 114 00:06:55,470 --> 00:07:02,310 Tomorrow, you officially start as a student of Newtopia University. 115 00:07:02,310 --> 00:07:06,064 ‐What? ‐With extra classes and extra work, 116 00:07:06,064 --> 00:07:10,110 oh, we will shape you into something amazing. 117 00:07:10,110 --> 00:07:13,446 "Extra work"? "Extra classes"? 118 00:07:13,446 --> 00:07:18,159 Now, sleep well. Because at dawn, the real work begins. 119 00:07:18,159 --> 00:07:21,830 [chuckles] Oh, your family is going to be so proud. 120 00:07:23,873 --> 00:07:29,045 Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope. Sorry, Hop Pop. But I can't be here another ding‐dang second. 121 00:07:29,045 --> 00:07:31,256 ‐I'm leaving tonight. ‐[school bell rings] 122 00:07:31,256 --> 00:07:33,049 ‐Hmm? ‐[PA: man] All right, students, 123 00:07:33,049 --> 00:07:35,468 doors locking in three, two, one. 124 00:07:39,139 --> 00:07:40,432 No! 125 00:07:40,432 --> 00:07:41,641 I'm locked in. 126 00:07:41,641 --> 00:07:44,019 I'm... I'm a prisoner. 127 00:07:49,149 --> 00:07:50,150 What's that? 128 00:07:53,194 --> 00:07:56,281 Now why would a school need all this security? 129 00:07:56,281 --> 00:07:59,492 Unless... [gasps] This ain't a school at all. 130 00:07:59,492 --> 00:08:02,412 Maybe they're frog‐nappers and this whole thing 131 00:08:02,412 --> 00:08:06,249 was just an elaborate scheme to steal Sprig's beautiful pink skin? 132 00:08:06,249 --> 00:08:09,210 Hang on, Sprig, I'm a‐comin'. 133 00:08:10,128 --> 00:08:13,298 [grunts, strains] 134 00:08:13,298 --> 00:08:15,425 Guess I gotta cut back on those bug burgers. 135 00:08:16,134 --> 00:08:18,011 Hang in there, Sprig! 136 00:08:18,386 --> 00:08:20,180 [strains] Got it! 137 00:08:24,225 --> 00:08:25,352 [both giggling] 138 00:08:26,353 --> 00:08:27,896 ‐[sighs] ‐[grunts] 139 00:08:28,271 --> 00:08:30,106 Ready for the time of your life? 140 00:08:30,106 --> 00:08:31,232 Bring it. 141 00:08:32,025 --> 00:08:33,943 Uh, I think I just killed somebody. 142 00:08:34,361 --> 00:08:35,945 [alarm blares] 143 00:08:35,945 --> 00:08:37,614 ‐Oh, shoot. ‐Make a break for it! 144 00:08:37,614 --> 00:08:39,616 [strains] 145 00:08:40,116 --> 00:08:42,160 [guard] A security breach! Hit the lights! 146 00:08:46,665 --> 00:08:47,666 [screams] 147 00:08:49,626 --> 00:08:50,627 [grunting] 148 00:08:53,588 --> 00:08:56,716 ‐Nailed it! ‐Hey, did you just hear someone yell, "Nailed it"? 149 00:08:56,716 --> 00:08:58,093 Release the weevils! 150 00:08:58,885 --> 00:09:01,388 ‐[weevils growl, bark] ‐"Weevils"? 151 00:09:01,388 --> 00:09:03,098 ‐[weevils bark] ‐[screams] 152 00:09:04,057 --> 00:09:05,392 Hey, do you hear dogs? 153 00:09:05,392 --> 00:09:07,227 Depends. What's a dog? 154 00:09:07,227 --> 00:09:08,687 [Sprig screaming] 155 00:09:08,687 --> 00:09:10,271 Is that Sprig? 156 00:09:10,271 --> 00:09:12,941 Hey, Sprig, where the party at, man? 157 00:09:12,941 --> 00:09:15,235 ‐Can't talk. Running. ‐[barking] 158 00:09:15,235 --> 00:09:17,070 ‐[barking stops] ‐[weevils growl] 159 00:09:17,070 --> 00:09:19,030 Oh, boy. Run! 160 00:09:21,032 --> 00:09:23,535 This is my fault for looking like such a snack. 161 00:09:23,535 --> 00:09:26,246 ‐[strains, sighs] ‐[alarm blaring] 162 00:09:26,246 --> 00:09:28,123 [pants] Hop Pop, what are you doing? 163 00:09:28,123 --> 00:09:29,541 Coming to save you. 164 00:09:29,541 --> 00:09:30,542 Hang on. [grunts] 165 00:09:31,668 --> 00:09:34,087 ‐[strains] ‐All right, hold it right there. 166 00:09:35,880 --> 00:09:38,466 Sprig and Mr. Plantar? What's going on? 167 00:09:38,466 --> 00:09:40,677 You're not frog‐napping my boy. 168 00:09:40,677 --> 00:09:42,345 You were trying to make me a prisoner. 169 00:09:42,345 --> 00:09:45,265 I'm sorry, frog‐nap? "Prisoner"? 170 00:09:45,265 --> 00:09:48,059 Sprig isn't locked up. He can leave whenever he likes. 171 00:09:48,059 --> 00:09:51,646 Then what's with all the gate locking? The alarms, the guards? 172 00:09:51,646 --> 00:09:55,942 That's for the students' safety. We are in the city, after all. 173 00:09:55,942 --> 00:09:59,154 There are some dangerous oddballs out there. 174 00:09:59,154 --> 00:10:02,991 Hey, Professor, we found these two dangerous oddballs trying to sneak into the university. 175 00:10:02,991 --> 00:10:05,535 You can torture me all you want. I'll never talk. 176 00:10:05,535 --> 00:10:07,454 ‐Polly? Anne? ‐[sighs] 177 00:10:07,454 --> 00:10:09,456 We were just looking for a rad college party. 178 00:10:09,456 --> 00:10:11,332 And I was trying to escape. 179 00:10:11,332 --> 00:10:14,794 Sorry, Hop Pop, but I hate this place. 180 00:10:14,794 --> 00:10:18,298 It's boring and stuffy, and they don't let you wear hats. 181 00:10:18,298 --> 00:10:21,760 I know it's your dream. I'm sorry I couldn't make it come true. 182 00:10:22,427 --> 00:10:24,304 "Dream"? "Dream"? 183 00:10:24,304 --> 00:10:27,974 Forget the ding‐dang dream. [strains, grunts] 184 00:10:27,974 --> 00:10:32,145 I ain't ready to let you go yet. Heck, I ain't letting you go ever! 185 00:10:32,145 --> 00:10:34,230 It's homeschooling for the rest of your life. 186 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:37,275 Forget higher learning, or big opportunities. 187 00:10:37,275 --> 00:10:41,154 You belong at the bottom of the socioeconomic barrel with me. 188 00:10:41,154 --> 00:10:45,200 Yay! Wait, is this a good thing? Oh, what the heck. Yay! 189 00:10:46,242 --> 00:10:49,204 My boy, you continue to impress. 190 00:10:49,204 --> 00:10:52,457 No one has ever evaded campus security before. 191 00:10:52,457 --> 00:10:55,168 The offer of admission still stands. 192 00:10:55,168 --> 00:10:58,671 Thanks, Professor, but I don't think it's for me right now. 193 00:10:58,671 --> 00:11:00,590 In a couple of years, who knows? 194 00:11:00,590 --> 00:11:04,260 Well, we'll be here waiting for you when you're ready. 195 00:11:04,260 --> 00:11:07,806 Now, come on, everyone, let's get back to that crazy party. 196 00:11:07,806 --> 00:11:09,349 [gasps] I knew it. 197 00:11:09,349 --> 00:11:11,184 ‐[weevils bark] ‐[Anne, Polly scream] 198 00:11:11,184 --> 00:11:12,685 Happy you're back, Sprig. 199 00:11:12,685 --> 00:11:14,103 Me too, Hop Pop. 200 00:11:14,103 --> 00:11:15,522 ‐Hey, Sprig, go long! ‐Okay! 201 00:11:16,231 --> 00:11:18,233 [chuckles] Yeah!