1 00:00:45,546 --> 00:00:49,650 [frogs croaking] 2 00:00:55,088 --> 00:00:58,025 Mother Olm's chamber is at the end of this tunnel. 3 00:00:58,025 --> 00:00:59,660 But be careful. 4 00:00:59,660 --> 00:01:02,296 Especially if you're frail and weak. 5 00:01:02,296 --> 00:01:03,964 How's it going back there, old-timer? 6 00:01:03,964 --> 00:01:06,166 Who are you calling old? 7 00:01:06,166 --> 00:01:07,401 -[bones crack] -[grunts] 8 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:09,303 Oh, help me, frog! 9 00:01:09,303 --> 00:01:12,472 -[grunting] -[screaming] 10 00:01:12,472 --> 00:01:14,341 [screaming continues] 11 00:01:14,341 --> 00:01:15,342 [grunts] 12 00:01:15,342 --> 00:01:18,178 [all groaning] 13 00:01:18,178 --> 00:01:21,348 Sorry, kids. My ding-dang knee's been acting up again. 14 00:01:21,348 --> 00:01:23,450 Forty years of farming will do that to ya. 15 00:01:23,450 --> 00:01:24,718 Good going. 16 00:01:24,718 --> 00:01:26,720 At this rate, you're gonna get everyone killed. 17 00:01:26,720 --> 00:01:27,854 [both laugh] 18 00:01:27,854 --> 00:01:29,690 [groans] 19 00:01:29,690 --> 00:01:31,758 Huh? Ooh! 20 00:01:35,329 --> 00:01:36,964 Wow! What does this do? 21 00:01:37,998 --> 00:01:39,299 [clanging] 22 00:01:39,299 --> 00:01:40,367 -[bones crack] -Ow! 23 00:01:40,367 --> 00:01:42,235 -Whoa! -[screaming] 24 00:01:42,235 --> 00:01:44,738 [all grunt] 25 00:01:44,738 --> 00:01:47,207 [rumbling] 26 00:01:47,207 --> 00:01:49,142 -[bones shaking] -[grunts] 27 00:02:00,420 --> 00:02:02,856 Who is it that summons me? 28 00:02:02,856 --> 00:02:04,591 [all] Wow! 29 00:02:04,591 --> 00:02:07,361 Uh, greetings, Mother Olm. 30 00:02:07,361 --> 00:02:09,763 I'm Anne Boonchuy. This is Sasha Waybright. 31 00:02:09,763 --> 00:02:11,365 Hey. And the Plantars. 32 00:02:11,365 --> 00:02:12,265 -Hello. -What's up? 33 00:02:12,265 --> 00:02:14,534 Ooh, frogs! 34 00:02:14,534 --> 00:02:17,638 Hasn't been one here in about 1,000 years. 35 00:02:17,638 --> 00:02:19,473 And, as for you two, 36 00:02:19,473 --> 00:02:21,642 how exotic. 37 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:23,043 We need your help. 38 00:02:23,043 --> 00:02:26,113 King Andrias is destroying Amphibia and-- [Mother Olm] Wait! 39 00:02:26,113 --> 00:02:27,581 Hold on. 40 00:02:27,581 --> 00:02:30,450 Do you hear a flapping sound, like a million tiny little wings? 41 00:02:30,450 --> 00:02:31,585 No? 42 00:02:31,585 --> 00:02:33,086 It's just me? 43 00:02:33,086 --> 00:02:35,422 Must be all in my head. Continue. 44 00:02:35,422 --> 00:02:40,494 So, Sasha and I and our friend Marcy got zapped to Amphibia by a music box and-- 45 00:02:40,494 --> 00:02:42,095 [Mother Olm] Music box? 46 00:02:42,095 --> 00:02:47,067 I am the keeper of the prophecy of the stones and the music box, 47 00:02:47,067 --> 00:02:51,004 upon which the fate of all world rests. 48 00:02:52,272 --> 00:02:54,341 And that prophecy is... 49 00:02:56,677 --> 00:02:58,445 -[drumming stops] -Wait. How did it go again? 50 00:02:58,445 --> 00:02:59,980 Hold on. It'll come back to me. 51 00:02:59,980 --> 00:03:01,248 Oh, okay. Here we go. 52 00:03:02,683 --> 00:03:05,819 The prophecy is... 53 00:03:05,819 --> 00:03:07,320 -[drumming stops] -...gone. It's gone. 54 00:03:07,320 --> 00:03:08,388 [all] What? 55 00:03:08,388 --> 00:03:09,489 Listen, kids, 56 00:03:09,489 --> 00:03:10,691 when you get to be a certain age, 57 00:03:10,691 --> 00:03:12,926 things like your memory and body just stop working 58 00:03:12,926 --> 00:03:14,561 and abandon you like bad friends. 59 00:03:14,561 --> 00:03:16,396 [sighs] Tell me about it. 60 00:03:16,396 --> 00:03:19,166 Well, is there maybe a way we could help you remember it? 61 00:03:19,166 --> 00:03:22,035 Nope. No chance. When it's gone, it's gone. 62 00:03:22,035 --> 00:03:23,537 [all sigh] 63 00:03:23,537 --> 00:03:27,207 -But there is one chance. -I thought you just said-- 64 00:03:27,207 --> 00:03:29,710 Dr. Yohan's incredible Brain Cream. 65 00:03:29,710 --> 00:03:32,212 Dr. Yohan himself used to apply it, 66 00:03:32,212 --> 00:03:34,214 but he went missing some years back. 67 00:03:34,214 --> 00:03:38,251 And ever since then, I've had memory problems and intense migraines. 68 00:03:38,251 --> 00:03:41,021 Okay. So we rub this gunk on your forehead? 69 00:03:41,021 --> 00:03:43,290 My forehead? No. No, no, no, no. 70 00:03:43,290 --> 00:03:46,526 This only works if you put it directly on my brain. 71 00:03:46,526 --> 00:03:48,929 We're going inside your head? 72 00:03:48,929 --> 00:03:51,431 -Cool! -Uh, can we not? 73 00:03:51,431 --> 00:03:52,999 I kind of have a thing with ears. 74 00:03:52,999 --> 00:03:54,401 Suck it up, Sash! 75 00:03:54,401 --> 00:03:57,804 It's incredibly dangerous in there, so be careful. 76 00:03:59,406 --> 00:04:02,375 Hey, uh, kids. I think I'm gonna sit this one out. 77 00:04:02,375 --> 00:04:05,378 What? Is it because of what those jerk guards said? 78 00:04:05,378 --> 00:04:07,247 Listen, HP, you're not gonna slow us down. 79 00:04:07,247 --> 00:04:10,317 Yeah. You may be old, but you're still a killer. 80 00:04:10,317 --> 00:04:12,185 Thanks, kids. But you go on ahead. 81 00:04:12,185 --> 00:04:15,188 Oh-ho-ho, I am all ears, baby. 82 00:04:17,657 --> 00:04:18,892 Sasha! 83 00:04:18,892 --> 00:04:22,028 But it's gross and I don't wanna! [crying] 84 00:04:22,028 --> 00:04:24,431 [sighs, groans] 85 00:04:24,431 --> 00:04:27,467 -Hmm. -Care for some tea, handsome? 86 00:04:29,903 --> 00:04:31,571 Whoa! 87 00:04:31,571 --> 00:04:33,573 [laughs] Nice. 88 00:04:33,573 --> 00:04:34,674 Whoa! 89 00:04:34,674 --> 00:04:36,309 [groaning] 90 00:04:36,309 --> 00:04:38,145 Ooh, the eardrum! 91 00:04:38,145 --> 00:04:40,647 This must be the way Dr. Yohan used to take. 92 00:04:40,647 --> 00:04:42,382 [drumroll] 93 00:04:42,382 --> 00:04:44,351 [door creaks] 94 00:04:44,351 --> 00:04:46,520 [echoing] Echo! 95 00:04:46,520 --> 00:04:47,754 [gasps] 96 00:04:47,754 --> 00:04:49,089 [echoing] Big lot of poo! 97 00:04:49,089 --> 00:04:51,525 [gasps] Language, young lady! 98 00:04:51,525 --> 00:04:53,927 -[laughing] -Real mature, Polly. 99 00:04:53,927 --> 00:04:55,595 -Sasha, look out! -Huh? 100 00:04:57,864 --> 00:04:59,466 [all groan] 101 00:04:59,466 --> 00:05:02,636 Worst mission ever! 102 00:05:02,636 --> 00:05:05,138 Best mission ever. 103 00:05:05,138 --> 00:05:08,575 This hot tea's just what my joints needed, Mother Olm. Thank you. 104 00:05:08,575 --> 00:05:09,976 Oh, you're welcome. 105 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:12,746 You know, it took me 200 years to perfect that recipe. 106 00:05:12,746 --> 00:05:14,981 Curse these joints of mine. 107 00:05:14,981 --> 00:05:17,350 Getting old is the worst. 108 00:05:17,350 --> 00:05:19,352 Oh, it's not that bad. 109 00:05:19,352 --> 00:05:22,122 Our age gives us valuable wisdom. 110 00:05:22,122 --> 00:05:26,126 Hmm. I mean, I might know a thing or two about a thing or two. 111 00:05:26,126 --> 00:05:28,128 Do you now? Like what? 112 00:05:28,128 --> 00:05:31,031 I know every jingle invented to sell cowapillar milk. 113 00:05:31,965 --> 00:05:32,966 Uh, okay. 114 00:05:32,966 --> 00:05:35,268 Now, that actually might be useless. 115 00:05:35,268 --> 00:05:39,940 -Got anything else? -Well, I also got decades of horticultural experience 116 00:05:39,940 --> 00:05:41,141 as a veggie farmer. 117 00:05:41,141 --> 00:05:42,909 Now you're talking. 118 00:05:42,909 --> 00:05:44,144 -[screams] -[grunts] 119 00:05:45,679 --> 00:05:48,648 Ooh, sorry. Looks like those kids reached my nervous system. 120 00:05:48,648 --> 00:05:50,250 [electricity crackling] 121 00:05:57,691 --> 00:05:59,025 It's just like limbo. 122 00:05:59,025 --> 00:06:00,193 [screams] 123 00:06:00,193 --> 00:06:01,328 [groans] 124 00:06:01,328 --> 00:06:03,597 Looks like you touched a nerve there, Anne. 125 00:06:03,597 --> 00:06:04,931 [screams] 126 00:06:04,931 --> 00:06:06,266 Ha-ha! 127 00:06:06,266 --> 00:06:08,468 [screaming] 128 00:06:08,468 --> 00:06:10,470 [Sasha] I hate this! 129 00:06:10,470 --> 00:06:13,573 [screaming] 130 00:06:13,573 --> 00:06:15,242 [all scream] 131 00:06:15,242 --> 00:06:16,910 [all grunt] 132 00:06:16,910 --> 00:06:19,346 -What the heck is this? -[gasps] 133 00:06:19,346 --> 00:06:21,748 It's the brain. 134 00:06:21,748 --> 00:06:23,350 Finally! [laughs] 135 00:06:23,350 --> 00:06:25,719 Race you to the other side. [chuckles] 136 00:06:25,719 --> 00:06:27,120 [chuckles, grunts] 137 00:06:27,954 --> 00:06:29,356 Sorry about that, mister. 138 00:06:29,356 --> 00:06:30,624 [screams] 139 00:06:32,626 --> 00:06:35,528 I think we just found Dr. Yohan. 140 00:06:35,528 --> 00:06:37,631 Eh, old and gone. Let's move it along! 141 00:06:38,798 --> 00:06:40,367 -Ew! -[groans] 142 00:06:47,107 --> 00:06:49,776 [sighs] Balm applied. Mission accomplished. 143 00:06:49,776 --> 00:06:52,379 Thank goodness. Can we please get out of here already? 144 00:06:52,379 --> 00:06:56,049 Hey, do you guys hear something, almost like flapping? 145 00:06:59,819 --> 00:07:02,622 -Batsquitoes! -Run! 146 00:07:05,792 --> 00:07:07,761 [slurping] 147 00:07:07,761 --> 00:07:09,362 Well, that explains the migraines. 148 00:07:09,362 --> 00:07:11,031 Oh, there they go again. 149 00:07:11,031 --> 00:07:12,265 [roaring] 150 00:07:12,265 --> 00:07:13,400 [all scream] 151 00:07:18,171 --> 00:07:19,673 [all screaming] 152 00:07:22,909 --> 00:07:24,244 Ew! 153 00:07:24,244 --> 00:07:26,513 Ugh. What is this stuff? It's like quicksand. 154 00:07:26,513 --> 00:07:28,515 I think we're in Mother Olm's nose, 155 00:07:28,515 --> 00:07:30,917 -which means this must be-- -[both] Don't say it! 156 00:07:30,917 --> 00:07:33,053 Oh, my ears popped. 157 00:07:33,053 --> 00:07:35,221 [rumbling] 158 00:07:35,221 --> 00:07:37,123 What the-- Batsquitoes? 159 00:07:37,123 --> 00:07:38,959 But what about the kids? 160 00:07:38,959 --> 00:07:41,127 [all] Help! 161 00:07:41,127 --> 00:07:42,629 Do you hear that too? 162 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:46,232 Kids! Kids, can you hear me? 163 00:07:46,232 --> 00:07:47,767 Hop Pop, help! 164 00:07:47,767 --> 00:07:49,602 We're stuck in Mother Olm's nose. 165 00:07:49,602 --> 00:07:51,604 Oh, it's gross, gross. 166 00:07:51,604 --> 00:07:53,707 Quick, Mother Olm, sneeze! 167 00:07:53,707 --> 00:07:55,709 I can't sneeze on command. 168 00:07:55,709 --> 00:07:58,111 [thinking] Think, Hopediah, think. 169 00:07:58,111 --> 00:07:59,612 Dark, dank conditions. 170 00:07:59,612 --> 00:08:01,614 Constant temperature. 171 00:08:01,614 --> 00:08:03,350 Perfect conditions for... 172 00:08:03,350 --> 00:08:04,651 Yes! 173 00:08:04,651 --> 00:08:07,220 A wild varietal of wartsabi. 174 00:08:07,220 --> 00:08:08,722 And there's riverwart. 175 00:08:08,722 --> 00:08:10,056 And ragweed. 176 00:08:10,056 --> 00:08:11,391 And some mold from this wood. 177 00:08:11,391 --> 00:08:13,493 Mother Olm, put your nose near those stairs. 178 00:08:14,894 --> 00:08:17,664 [thinking] All right, Hopediah, you can do this. 179 00:08:17,664 --> 00:08:20,500 Dang it, knees. Stop a-shaking! 180 00:08:22,635 --> 00:08:25,205 [grunting] 181 00:08:26,639 --> 00:08:28,708 What's that smell? 182 00:08:28,708 --> 00:08:32,045 A mixture of the most pungent, allergy-inducing plants in Amphibia! 183 00:08:32,045 --> 00:08:33,646 Take a big whiff! 184 00:08:33,646 --> 00:08:35,315 [inhales] 185 00:08:35,315 --> 00:08:37,884 [sniffs] Ah, ah... 186 00:08:37,884 --> 00:08:39,753 -What's happening? -What is that? 187 00:08:39,753 --> 00:08:40,854 Ah... 188 00:08:40,854 --> 00:08:42,422 -What's going on? -I don't know! 189 00:08:42,422 --> 00:08:44,190 [sneezes] [all screaming] 190 00:08:44,190 --> 00:08:45,959 [screaming continues] 191 00:08:47,694 --> 00:08:49,029 Bless you. 192 00:08:49,029 --> 00:08:53,099 [groans] Worst mission ever! 193 00:08:53,933 --> 00:08:56,102 Hop Pop, you saved us. 194 00:08:56,102 --> 00:08:58,438 You're the best, Hop Pop! 195 00:08:58,438 --> 00:09:01,608 [chuckles] Guess you're not so useless after all. 196 00:09:01,608 --> 00:09:03,209 Thanks, Mother Olm. 197 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:06,913 Oh! But this back is totally useless. 198 00:09:06,913 --> 00:09:10,917 Hey, Mother Olm, think you can remember that prophecy now? 199 00:09:10,917 --> 00:09:14,187 The prophecy? Oh, yes! Oh, the prophecy, yes, yes. [clears throat] 200 00:09:14,187 --> 00:09:15,688 Behold! 201 00:09:15,688 --> 00:09:19,125 The great prophecy of the music box that plays the songs 202 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:21,027 between the worlds is... 203 00:09:21,861 --> 00:09:23,463 Nope. Still can't remember. 204 00:09:23,463 --> 00:09:27,467 What? We went through that whole ordeal for nothing? 205 00:09:27,467 --> 00:09:31,337 Hey, did anyone notice the label on this brain balm says it expired 70 years ago? 206 00:09:32,338 --> 00:09:34,174 Wait, Mother Olm. 207 00:09:34,174 --> 00:09:36,843 Did you perhaps write it down someplace? 208 00:09:36,843 --> 00:09:39,279 That's what I do when I wanna remember something. 209 00:09:39,279 --> 00:09:42,348 Oh! Well, if I had, it might be... 210 00:09:42,348 --> 00:09:44,851 up here on the ceiling! 211 00:09:44,851 --> 00:09:46,653 Hop Pop, you clever dear. 212 00:09:46,653 --> 00:09:48,088 What's it say? What's it say? 213 00:09:48,088 --> 00:09:49,823 Quick, before you forget how to read! 214 00:09:50,857 --> 00:09:53,226 Three stars burning bright 215 00:09:53,226 --> 00:09:55,395 -come from beyond to expel the night. -[gasps] 216 00:09:55,395 --> 00:09:58,832 [Mother Olm] Should they fight or embrace the fall? 217 00:09:58,832 --> 00:10:02,135 Their choice will determine the fate of all. 218 00:10:03,036 --> 00:10:05,371 Three stars? Is that us? 219 00:10:05,371 --> 00:10:08,641 Do you burn bright with the power of the stones? 220 00:10:08,641 --> 00:10:10,710 Well, I have powers. 221 00:10:10,710 --> 00:10:13,313 Wait, do Marcy and I get cool anime powers too? 222 00:10:13,313 --> 00:10:16,649 Yes, honey. You should all get cool anime powers. 223 00:10:16,649 --> 00:10:18,885 But I can't even control my powers. 224 00:10:18,885 --> 00:10:21,087 When King Andrias stole the music box from us, 225 00:10:21,087 --> 00:10:22,722 -I couldn't-- -Stole it? Huh! 226 00:10:22,722 --> 00:10:27,427 Then King Andrias has stolen the powers which are rightfully yours. 227 00:10:27,427 --> 00:10:30,396 But so long as you retain a piece of that power, 228 00:10:30,396 --> 00:10:32,532 you can restore it to your friends. 229 00:10:32,532 --> 00:10:35,001 Mother Olm, what's this prophecy for? 230 00:10:35,001 --> 00:10:36,236 What are the stones? 231 00:10:36,236 --> 00:10:39,572 The Olms believe they serve a greater purpose, 232 00:10:39,572 --> 00:10:41,107 and should be left alone. 233 00:10:41,107 --> 00:10:44,878 While others believe their powers should be used for conquest. 234 00:10:44,878 --> 00:10:47,947 These conquerors, with their arrogance and greed, 235 00:10:47,947 --> 00:10:52,886 created an unnatural thing that does not sleep and will not die. 236 00:10:52,886 --> 00:10:55,955 The prophecy is our one shot at salvation. 237 00:10:55,955 --> 00:11:00,727 We believe you three were summoned to save us from what we've become: 238 00:11:00,727 --> 00:11:03,062 the worst version of ourselves. 239 00:11:03,062 --> 00:11:04,731 Unnatural thing? 240 00:11:04,731 --> 00:11:06,566 -[muffled] I don't know. -Thanks, Mother Olm. 241 00:11:06,566 --> 00:11:08,635 You've given us a huge piece of the puzzle. 242 00:11:08,635 --> 00:11:11,304 Now all we need are showers. Happen to have one of those? 243 00:11:11,304 --> 00:11:13,973 Yeah-- Oh, sure, girl! Just hold right there. 244 00:11:13,973 --> 00:11:16,075 [gulping] 245 00:11:17,477 --> 00:11:19,779 What are you guys-- Oh, no! 246 00:11:19,779 --> 00:11:21,014 No! 247 00:11:21,014 --> 00:11:23,116 [Sasha screaming] 248 00:11:23,116 --> 00:11:24,250 Ooh, is that jasmine? 249 00:11:24,851 --> 00:11:30,290 [frogs croaking] 250 00:11:31,958 --> 00:11:33,393 According to Mother Olm, 251 00:11:33,393 --> 00:11:36,396 in order to defeat Andrias, we need to get to that music box. 252 00:11:36,396 --> 00:11:38,031 Then we're gonna need some allies. 253 00:11:38,031 --> 00:11:40,200 And I know just who to recruit first. 254 00:11:41,568 --> 00:11:44,637 Grime's sister, Beatrix, built a secret army of toads. 255 00:11:44,637 --> 00:11:47,240 I've already asked her to meet with us and she's on her way. 256 00:11:47,240 --> 00:11:48,841 But do you think she'll go for it? 257 00:11:48,841 --> 00:11:51,077 I've noticed frogs and toads don't always get along. 258 00:11:51,077 --> 00:11:54,013 That's why I sent Grime and Sprig to be the welcome wagon. 259 00:11:54,013 --> 00:11:57,250 She'll see firsthand that frogs and toads can work together. 260 00:11:57,250 --> 00:11:59,586 But Grime and Sprig can't work together. 261 00:11:59,586 --> 00:12:02,088 And ever since Sprig beat Grime in Newtopia, 262 00:12:02,088 --> 00:12:04,123 things have been really tense between them. 263 00:12:04,123 --> 00:12:06,125 Oh, really? 264 00:12:08,962 --> 00:12:12,398 So, is your sister cool, or does being a jerk run in the family? 265 00:12:12,398 --> 00:12:15,868 We do share a hatred for the shrill sound of whiny frog children. 266 00:12:15,868 --> 00:12:16,936 You should leave. 267 00:12:16,936 --> 00:12:19,105 Nope. Sasha asked me to be here, 268 00:12:19,105 --> 00:12:20,607 and she's in charge. 269 00:12:20,607 --> 00:12:22,442 I mean, aren't you just a foot soldier now? 270 00:12:22,442 --> 00:12:24,944 All right! I've heard enough out of you, you little-- 271 00:12:24,944 --> 00:12:26,045 -[Sasha] Hey, guys! -[both panting] 272 00:12:26,045 --> 00:12:28,281 Okay, change of plans. 273 00:12:28,281 --> 00:12:29,716 [wings flapping] 274 00:12:32,318 --> 00:12:33,253 [yells] 275 00:12:33,253 --> 00:12:34,487 Oh, boy. [grunts] 276 00:12:34,487 --> 00:12:35,989 [grunting] 277 00:12:35,989 --> 00:12:37,090 Get off! Get off! 278 00:12:37,090 --> 00:12:38,124 What's the matter, Grimothy? 279 00:12:38,124 --> 00:12:39,759 All toads love a good wrestle. 280 00:12:39,759 --> 00:12:42,562 Or did hanging out with these frogs make you soft? 281 00:12:42,562 --> 00:12:44,297 But seriously, Sasha, what do you want? 282 00:12:44,297 --> 00:12:46,532 Anne, drumroll, please. 283 00:12:46,532 --> 00:12:48,101 -[phone beeps] -[drumroll playing] 284 00:12:48,101 --> 00:12:50,603 As commander of the Wartwood Resistance, 285 00:12:50,603 --> 00:12:53,106 I propose you join our frog army. 286 00:12:53,106 --> 00:12:55,942 And together, we take down Andrias. 287 00:12:55,942 --> 00:12:57,510 [gasps] 288 00:12:57,510 --> 00:13:00,013 Toads serving in a frog army? 289 00:13:00,013 --> 00:13:01,581 It doesn't even make any sense. 290 00:13:01,581 --> 00:13:04,083 I mean, last time I checked, frogs couldn't even fight. 291 00:13:04,083 --> 00:13:05,385 Can't fight, eh? 292 00:13:05,385 --> 00:13:07,287 Shh. No. No! 293 00:13:07,287 --> 00:13:10,790 If we can't fight, then how'd I beat Grime in a one-on-one duel? 294 00:13:12,058 --> 00:13:13,126 You what? 295 00:13:13,126 --> 00:13:14,627 That only proves my point. 296 00:13:14,627 --> 00:13:19,032 Living with frogs has made my brother laughably weak. [laughs] 297 00:13:19,032 --> 00:13:20,933 Thanks for wasting my time. 298 00:13:20,933 --> 00:13:22,602 Not so fast. 299 00:13:22,602 --> 00:13:24,871 [yelling] 300 00:13:24,871 --> 00:13:26,606 [vocalizing] 301 00:13:26,606 --> 00:13:28,107 [grunts] [screams] 302 00:13:31,277 --> 00:13:32,879 [grunts] 303 00:13:32,879 --> 00:13:34,380 Uh, what is happening right now? 304 00:13:34,380 --> 00:13:37,283 He has invoked the sacred law of toad challenge. 305 00:13:37,283 --> 00:13:38,785 Whoa! [sighs] 306 00:13:38,785 --> 00:13:41,120 And I am honor-bound to accept it. 307 00:13:41,120 --> 00:13:42,555 State your terms, Brother. 308 00:13:42,555 --> 00:13:45,124 Standard one-on-one arena combat. 309 00:13:45,124 --> 00:13:47,327 Loser's army joins the winner's. 310 00:13:47,327 --> 00:13:50,363 Deal! But it won't be you who I fight. 311 00:13:50,363 --> 00:13:51,464 Uh, what? 312 00:13:51,464 --> 00:13:53,299 Wartime law says I may choose 313 00:13:53,299 --> 00:13:55,501 any of your allies to fight in your stead. 314 00:13:55,501 --> 00:13:56,502 [both] What? 315 00:13:56,502 --> 00:13:59,339 -And I choose... -[knuckles cracking] 316 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:02,008 Eenie, meenie, minie, frog! 317 00:14:02,008 --> 00:14:04,344 If this little guy wins, we'll join your army. 318 00:14:04,344 --> 00:14:07,513 But if I win, you have to join our army. 319 00:14:07,513 --> 00:14:10,550 As cannon fodder! [laughing] 320 00:14:10,550 --> 00:14:13,853 I'll return at dawn for our battle. 321 00:14:13,853 --> 00:14:16,155 Later, soon-to-be losers. 322 00:14:19,158 --> 00:14:22,161 Guess I should've brushed up on toad law. [chuckles] 323 00:14:22,161 --> 00:14:26,065 You just bet the whole rebellion on a cage match? 324 00:14:26,065 --> 00:14:28,534 And put Sprig's life down as collateral? 325 00:14:28,534 --> 00:14:30,069 Eh, I'm pretty sure I can take her. 326 00:14:30,069 --> 00:14:31,070 [all] What? 327 00:14:31,070 --> 00:14:33,406 I beat Grime and I'll beat her too. 328 00:14:33,406 --> 00:14:36,342 You barely beat me amidst a chaotic siege. 329 00:14:36,342 --> 00:14:38,411 Arena matches are a different beast. 330 00:14:38,411 --> 00:14:41,414 Grime, you were a gladiator. Can you show Sprig the ropes? 331 00:14:41,414 --> 00:14:44,183 I don't need fighting lessons from Grime! 332 00:14:44,183 --> 00:14:46,786 He can't even stop Beatrix from giving him nuggies. 333 00:14:46,786 --> 00:14:48,087 Fine with me! 334 00:14:48,087 --> 00:14:50,990 Have fun battling the toughest toad in Amphibia. 335 00:14:50,990 --> 00:14:53,393 Enough! I'm making a decree. 336 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:56,629 I hereby order Grime and Sprig to go spend the night training. 337 00:14:56,629 --> 00:14:59,332 If they decide to pout like babies instead, 338 00:14:59,332 --> 00:15:02,535 they'll be banished forever! [echoing] 339 00:15:02,535 --> 00:15:04,036 Or at least until the war starts. 340 00:15:04,036 --> 00:15:06,305 Tough but fair. Your co-signature. 341 00:15:07,540 --> 00:15:09,876 It's official! Happy training, you two. 342 00:15:09,876 --> 00:15:11,644 -[Grime] Boo! -[Sprig] This is so unfair. 343 00:15:15,548 --> 00:15:20,853 [both grumbling] 344 00:15:20,853 --> 00:15:23,356 Okay. I don't like you, you don't like me, 345 00:15:23,356 --> 00:15:26,692 but can we try to let bygones be bygones? 346 00:15:26,692 --> 00:15:28,194 Nope! Ooh! 347 00:15:28,194 --> 00:15:30,396 You extorted my town for years, 348 00:15:30,396 --> 00:15:32,732 imprisoned us when we fought back, 349 00:15:32,732 --> 00:15:34,867 and tried to kill my Hop Pop! 350 00:15:34,867 --> 00:15:36,135 Oh, yeah? 351 00:15:36,135 --> 00:15:38,504 Well, you haven't exactly been great to me either. 352 00:15:38,504 --> 00:15:42,475 I know it was you who put poison ivy in my codpiece. 353 00:15:42,475 --> 00:15:45,812 You tried to kill my Hop Pop! 354 00:15:45,812 --> 00:15:49,882 He was a political liability! 355 00:15:49,882 --> 00:15:52,251 [sighs] Okay. This is getting old. 356 00:15:52,251 --> 00:15:56,289 Guess you might as well teach me your "special" toad tactics. 357 00:15:56,289 --> 00:15:58,624 We actually do call them special toad tactics, 358 00:15:58,624 --> 00:16:01,127 so sarcasm denied. 359 00:16:01,127 --> 00:16:02,128 Dang it! 360 00:16:02,929 --> 00:16:04,330 [grunting] 361 00:16:04,330 --> 00:16:06,532 [straining] 362 00:16:06,532 --> 00:16:08,468 [grunting] 363 00:16:11,404 --> 00:16:12,405 Ah! 364 00:16:14,574 --> 00:16:16,275 [grunting] 365 00:16:16,275 --> 00:16:17,410 [grunts] 366 00:16:17,410 --> 00:16:18,311 Ah! 367 00:16:23,649 --> 00:16:26,118 I said tense your abs. Tense them! 368 00:16:26,118 --> 00:16:27,820 [groans] This isn't working. 369 00:16:27,820 --> 00:16:28,921 You think? 370 00:16:28,921 --> 00:16:30,323 Your small frog body 371 00:16:30,323 --> 00:16:34,627 is too frail for traditional toad conditioning. 372 00:16:34,627 --> 00:16:37,697 Then maybe I don't need to fight like a dumb toad. 373 00:16:37,697 --> 00:16:39,966 Say "dumb toad" again. 374 00:16:39,966 --> 00:16:41,300 Dumb toa-- 375 00:16:41,300 --> 00:16:43,336 [yells, grunts] 376 00:16:43,336 --> 00:16:45,738 That's it! I'm outta here. 377 00:16:45,738 --> 00:16:48,808 I'll figure out how to beat Beatrix on my own! 378 00:16:48,808 --> 00:16:50,109 No, you won't. 379 00:16:50,109 --> 00:16:53,145 And now it won't be my fault when you get maimed. 380 00:16:55,648 --> 00:16:57,617 How did I lose to that brat? 381 00:16:59,752 --> 00:17:01,621 Take that! [grunts] 382 00:17:01,621 --> 00:17:03,823 And that! And this! 383 00:17:05,258 --> 00:17:06,259 Huh? 384 00:17:07,326 --> 00:17:09,896 [slurps] Ah, it's honey. 385 00:17:09,896 --> 00:17:11,264 [rumbling] 386 00:17:11,264 --> 00:17:13,099 [growling] 387 00:17:15,134 --> 00:17:16,702 [screams] Oh, crud! 388 00:17:16,702 --> 00:17:19,472 I'm smack-dab in the middle of a hybeena nest! 389 00:17:19,472 --> 00:17:21,741 -[hybeenas snarling] -[screams] 390 00:17:21,741 --> 00:17:22,942 [yells] 391 00:17:22,942 --> 00:17:24,577 -[grunts] -[hybeenas whimper] 392 00:17:24,577 --> 00:17:26,012 Grime? How did you find me? 393 00:17:26,012 --> 00:17:29,382 I heard your shrill, annoying yell from across the forest. 394 00:17:29,382 --> 00:17:30,750 Hurtful, but okay. 395 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:32,785 [hybeenas growling] 396 00:17:32,785 --> 00:17:33,986 [hybeena whimpers] 397 00:17:40,226 --> 00:17:43,129 That speed. It's actually impressive. 398 00:17:43,129 --> 00:17:44,230 Oh! 399 00:17:44,230 --> 00:17:45,731 [hybeenas snarling] 400 00:17:45,731 --> 00:17:47,400 [groaning] 401 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:50,536 [yells] 402 00:17:50,536 --> 00:17:52,438 Whoa! [grunts] 403 00:17:52,438 --> 00:17:55,808 -[Grime grunting] -[hybeenas snarling, whimpering] 404 00:17:59,145 --> 00:18:00,246 [both] Whoo! 405 00:18:00,246 --> 00:18:02,048 [sighs] Good battle. 406 00:18:02,048 --> 00:18:04,884 Yeah. We whooped their little bee booties. 407 00:18:04,884 --> 00:18:06,352 I gotta say, 408 00:18:06,352 --> 00:18:08,921 you pack a lot of speed and accuracy in that tiny body. 409 00:18:08,921 --> 00:18:10,189 [chuckling] And you! 410 00:18:10,189 --> 00:18:12,758 You took that hit and gave it back to them twofold. 411 00:18:12,758 --> 00:18:14,393 How'd you do that? 412 00:18:14,393 --> 00:18:18,898 Toads are trained from a very young age to let rage give you strength. 413 00:18:18,898 --> 00:18:22,034 If funneled correctly, it can be a secret weapon! 414 00:18:22,034 --> 00:18:23,936 Wow, that's pretty cool. 415 00:18:23,936 --> 00:18:26,038 [bird cawing] 416 00:18:26,038 --> 00:18:29,375 Maybe I could learn a thing or two from you. 417 00:18:29,375 --> 00:18:30,710 Yes. 418 00:18:30,710 --> 00:18:32,912 And I think maybe I've been training you all wrong. 419 00:18:32,912 --> 00:18:35,314 Instead of molding you into the perfect toad, 420 00:18:35,314 --> 00:18:38,217 I should be focusing on your strengths as a frog. 421 00:18:38,217 --> 00:18:40,052 Speed, agility, 422 00:18:40,052 --> 00:18:41,387 being annoying. 423 00:18:41,387 --> 00:18:43,689 Well, Grimothy, wanna give this whole thing another shot? 424 00:18:43,689 --> 00:18:45,424 Indeed. 425 00:18:45,424 --> 00:18:48,728 But call me Grimothy again and I'll eat you alive. 426 00:18:48,728 --> 00:18:50,029 [chuckles] Wow. 427 00:18:50,029 --> 00:18:51,097 [rock music playing] 428 00:18:55,368 --> 00:18:56,402 Uh... 429 00:18:57,269 --> 00:18:58,404 Hmm. 430 00:18:58,404 --> 00:19:00,406 [grunting] 431 00:19:06,545 --> 00:19:09,348 Hachi machi! Ooh! 432 00:19:11,183 --> 00:19:13,052 Grime! Are you okay? 433 00:19:13,052 --> 00:19:14,320 Whoo! 434 00:19:14,320 --> 00:19:15,721 You're ready. 435 00:19:15,721 --> 00:19:18,491 [crowd cheering] 436 00:19:18,491 --> 00:19:20,826 ♪ Kickin' butt And takin' names ♪ 437 00:19:20,826 --> 00:19:23,329 ♪ We're the school They call Saint James! ♪ 438 00:19:24,563 --> 00:19:26,399 You didn't even rewrite the song? 439 00:19:26,399 --> 00:19:27,967 I'm very busy, Hop Pop. 440 00:19:27,967 --> 00:19:28,968 Whoa! 441 00:19:28,968 --> 00:19:30,102 [both grunt] 442 00:19:31,771 --> 00:19:34,106 Here you go, bud. Looking intimidating. 443 00:19:34,106 --> 00:19:36,208 What do you think, big guy? Do I have a chance here? 444 00:19:36,208 --> 00:19:37,943 Realistically, no. 445 00:19:37,943 --> 00:19:40,446 But you frogs always surprise me. 446 00:19:43,616 --> 00:19:45,685 So, like, a 5% chance? 447 00:19:48,688 --> 00:19:50,756 [crowd booing] 448 00:19:52,191 --> 00:19:55,261 Don't worry, little frog. I'll make this quick. 449 00:19:55,261 --> 00:19:57,096 We'll see who's quick. 450 00:19:57,096 --> 00:19:59,198 -[bell rings] -Begin match! 451 00:19:59,198 --> 00:20:01,267 [yells] 452 00:20:01,267 --> 00:20:03,235 [grunting] 453 00:20:03,235 --> 00:20:05,271 [overlapping grunting] 454 00:20:05,271 --> 00:20:07,039 Can't dodge every hit! 455 00:20:08,274 --> 00:20:11,711 All that speed, but no strength behind it. 456 00:20:11,711 --> 00:20:14,080 This is why you don't stand a chance! 457 00:20:15,047 --> 00:20:16,916 [distorted, yells] What the-- 458 00:20:18,718 --> 00:20:20,419 [Beatrix] I've never seen this before. 459 00:20:20,419 --> 00:20:22,588 From frog or toad. 460 00:20:22,588 --> 00:20:24,924 That's because it's frog and toad! 461 00:20:24,924 --> 00:20:25,991 [yells] 462 00:20:25,991 --> 00:20:28,861 [Beatrix grunting] 463 00:20:31,030 --> 00:20:34,767 Impressive, but you forget one thing. 464 00:20:37,703 --> 00:20:40,339 We toads love a good wrestle! 465 00:20:40,339 --> 00:20:42,007 -[crowd gasps] -Sprig! 466 00:20:42,007 --> 00:20:43,676 -[laughs] -[Sprig strains] 467 00:20:43,676 --> 00:20:46,178 Looks like you've let everyone down, frog, 468 00:20:46,178 --> 00:20:48,447 surprising no one. 469 00:20:48,447 --> 00:20:49,749 [crowd gasping] 470 00:20:51,383 --> 00:20:54,053 [Grime] Let rage give you strength. 471 00:20:54,053 --> 00:20:57,923 If you funnel it correctly, it can be a secret weapon. 472 00:20:59,892 --> 00:21:02,228 [groaning] 473 00:21:02,228 --> 00:21:04,163 [groaning] What? What the-- 474 00:21:04,163 --> 00:21:05,998 [yells] 475 00:21:05,998 --> 00:21:07,967 [Beatrix grunts] 476 00:21:07,967 --> 00:21:09,702 [grunts] 477 00:21:09,702 --> 00:21:11,036 [crowd gasps] 478 00:21:11,036 --> 00:21:12,972 -Sprig wins! Sprig wins! -[bell rings] 479 00:21:12,972 --> 00:21:14,707 [crowd cheers] 480 00:21:16,642 --> 00:21:17,743 Whoo! 481 00:21:17,743 --> 00:21:19,645 That was amazing, dude! 482 00:21:19,645 --> 00:21:22,314 Well, I couldn't have done it without Grime's training. 483 00:21:22,314 --> 00:21:24,316 Dang right. 484 00:21:24,316 --> 00:21:26,352 [laughs] 485 00:21:26,352 --> 00:21:27,887 No, I'm totally kidding. 486 00:21:27,887 --> 00:21:30,055 -Great job, Sprig. -[Sprig laughs] 487 00:21:30,055 --> 00:21:31,123 [Beatrix] Ahem! 488 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:32,858 I have to admit, 489 00:21:32,858 --> 00:21:36,562 that frog-toad fighting style really was impressive. 490 00:21:36,562 --> 00:21:40,032 Perhaps our armies united will be stronger as well. 491 00:21:40,032 --> 00:21:43,169 Commander, I pledge my troops to fight for the resistance. 492 00:21:44,904 --> 00:21:46,705 Wow! Who would've thought? 493 00:21:46,705 --> 00:21:49,074 Frogs and toads on equal footing. 494 00:21:50,009 --> 00:21:51,644 I know this undercuts the lesson, 495 00:21:51,644 --> 00:21:53,479 but it's too good to pass up. 496 00:21:53,479 --> 00:21:55,648 You got beat by a frog! 497 00:21:55,648 --> 00:21:57,383 Beatrix lost to a frog. 498 00:21:57,383 --> 00:21:59,018 A puny little-- [grunts] 499 00:22:00,619 --> 00:22:02,321 Okay. See you when the war starts. 500 00:22:02,321 --> 00:22:03,556 -[Sprig] Drive safe. -[Anne] Bye.