1 00:00:07,307 --> 00:00:08,308 [car honks] 2 00:00:42,943 --> 00:00:44,912 [frogs croaking] 3 00:00:46,213 --> 00:00:49,216 [frogs croaking] 4 00:00:56,623 --> 00:00:59,326 Those newts and toads are wearing Andrias armor. 5 00:00:59,326 --> 00:01:02,029 How could anyone choose to be on Andrias's side? 6 00:01:02,029 --> 00:01:03,830 Ugh, those traitors! 7 00:01:03,830 --> 00:01:05,165 Wait a second. Who's that? 8 00:01:07,167 --> 00:01:08,535 [both] Huh? 9 00:01:08,535 --> 00:01:10,304 Please, kind soldiers, 10 00:01:10,304 --> 00:01:13,307 I've twisted my wee ankle and could use some help. 11 00:01:13,307 --> 00:01:15,876 [gasps] Hey, you okay there little guy? 12 00:01:15,876 --> 00:01:17,244 [drinking] 13 00:01:20,948 --> 00:01:22,382 [screaming] 14 00:01:27,321 --> 00:01:28,589 [soldiers scream] 15 00:01:37,197 --> 00:01:39,366 Wow! Rebel newts! 16 00:01:39,366 --> 00:01:41,702 Awesome. Let's see if they'll join us. 17 00:01:41,702 --> 00:01:43,003 [bandits growl] 18 00:01:43,003 --> 00:01:44,871 Whoa! We're on the same side! 19 00:01:44,871 --> 00:01:49,142 [Tritonio chuckles] I'm on no one's "side" but my own! 20 00:01:49,142 --> 00:01:51,078 Wait. I know that voice. 21 00:01:55,082 --> 00:01:57,751 Tritonio. I should have known. 22 00:01:57,751 --> 00:02:01,021 Well, well, well, if it isn't two of my best pupils. 23 00:02:01,021 --> 00:02:03,924 Still have my family sword, Anne? 24 00:02:03,924 --> 00:02:06,159 Why don't you come over here and find out? 25 00:02:06,159 --> 00:02:10,397 Charming. Well, we had a great "ha ha" catching up, but we're in a hurry. 26 00:02:10,397 --> 00:02:13,300 Lil Louise, relieve these two of their supplies. 27 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:14,267 Typical. 28 00:02:14,267 --> 00:02:15,736 The world is falling apart, 29 00:02:15,736 --> 00:02:18,105 and you're still just looking out for yourself. 30 00:02:18,105 --> 00:02:19,172 Mr. Tritonio! 31 00:02:19,172 --> 00:02:20,307 How'd I do? 32 00:02:20,307 --> 00:02:22,442 Excellent, my little JoJo Potato! 33 00:02:22,442 --> 00:02:24,945 Ooh, and I heard those soldiers say there's gonna be 34 00:02:24,945 --> 00:02:28,181 an even bigger caravan passing through the woods at three o'clock. 35 00:02:28,181 --> 00:02:30,517 Ah, great recon work, JoJo. 36 00:02:30,517 --> 00:02:32,152 But Mr. Tritonio, 37 00:02:32,152 --> 00:02:35,255 how will we get past the giant, collared beasts that guard the caravan? 38 00:02:35,255 --> 00:02:38,659 Ugh, not those things again. They were such a pain last time. 39 00:02:38,659 --> 00:02:40,360 Collared beasties, eh? 40 00:02:40,360 --> 00:02:43,130 [scoffs] They're easy to take down once you know the trick. 41 00:02:43,130 --> 00:02:45,032 Ah! So you've dealt with them before? 42 00:02:45,032 --> 00:02:47,134 What am I saying? Of course you have! 43 00:02:47,134 --> 00:02:51,338 You are the smartest, bravest pupils I've ever had! 44 00:02:51,338 --> 00:02:53,140 You're buttering us up so we'll help you. 45 00:02:53,140 --> 00:02:54,708 And it's working! 46 00:02:54,708 --> 00:02:56,309 Come on, Anne. Let's help them! 47 00:02:56,309 --> 00:02:59,646 Fine. But only if you promise to join the Resistance afterwards. 48 00:02:59,646 --> 00:03:01,448 Done! And no backstabbing, 49 00:03:01,448 --> 00:03:03,316 double-crossing or other such deception. 50 00:03:03,316 --> 00:03:04,885 You wound me, Anne! 51 00:03:04,885 --> 00:03:07,020 Come, my friends. To the secret hideout! 52 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:09,623 Wait. Before we go, what's up with the tights? 53 00:03:10,490 --> 00:03:13,193 Reduces friction. We run faster. 54 00:03:13,193 --> 00:03:15,328 [grunting] 55 00:03:15,328 --> 00:03:17,898 And we look amazing. 56 00:03:17,898 --> 00:03:21,068 [merry band] Amazing! 57 00:03:21,068 --> 00:03:22,803 I shouldn't have asked. 58 00:03:23,336 --> 00:03:25,338 [jig playing] 59 00:03:30,477 --> 00:03:32,679 So, why do they call you Lil Louise? 60 00:03:32,679 --> 00:03:34,181 You're gigantic! 61 00:03:34,181 --> 00:03:35,282 That's the joke. 62 00:03:35,282 --> 00:03:37,084 [chews] Eh, I don't get it. 63 00:03:37,084 --> 00:03:38,318 [Tritonio] And voilà! Hmm? 64 00:03:38,318 --> 00:03:40,721 We ride away from the caravan, victorious. 65 00:03:40,721 --> 00:03:43,256 Wow. You have a real talent for strategy. 66 00:03:43,256 --> 00:03:45,726 Too bad you're a no-good, backstabbing scallywag. 67 00:03:45,726 --> 00:03:49,563 You'd be a scallywag too, if you grew up like me. 68 00:03:49,563 --> 00:03:53,633 I was born a street urchin, no family, no one to look out for me. 69 00:03:53,633 --> 00:03:54,868 [squeals] 70 00:03:56,870 --> 00:04:01,108 I learned to survive by joining whatever street crew I crossed paths with. 71 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:06,179 But alas, living on the street 72 00:04:06,179 --> 00:04:08,215 meant loyalty was thin. [cackling] 73 00:04:08,215 --> 00:04:09,883 [whispers, indistinct] 74 00:04:09,883 --> 00:04:11,251 [whistling] 75 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:14,087 Oh! Oh, you okay, little guy? 76 00:04:16,256 --> 00:04:17,758 Hey! What are you doin'? 77 00:04:17,758 --> 00:04:19,192 [coins jingling] Get back here! 78 00:04:19,192 --> 00:04:20,927 Wait for me! 79 00:04:20,927 --> 00:04:22,829 [bandits chuckle] [jail cell closes] 80 00:04:22,829 --> 00:04:26,900 [Tritonio] When things get bad, it's always everyone for themselves. 81 00:04:27,968 --> 00:04:29,803 You're telling me, if push came to shove, 82 00:04:29,803 --> 00:04:32,405 you'd even leave these guys in the dust? 83 00:04:32,405 --> 00:04:35,142 [merry band] Ooh! [whistling] 84 00:04:35,142 --> 00:04:39,279 It is the law of the streets: no loyalties, no attachment. 85 00:04:39,279 --> 00:04:40,580 Ah, it is time. 86 00:04:40,580 --> 00:04:42,916 The caravan shall be passing through in mere minutes. 87 00:04:42,916 --> 00:04:43,750 Let's go! 88 00:04:54,361 --> 00:04:58,198 Hey, slither brains! The dum-dum convention is two miles that way. 89 00:04:58,198 --> 00:04:59,833 That is so rude. 90 00:04:59,833 --> 00:05:00,934 Guards! 91 00:05:00,934 --> 00:05:02,169 [hissing] 92 00:05:03,103 --> 00:05:05,005 Catch us if you can. 93 00:05:05,005 --> 00:05:06,573 [hissing] 94 00:05:08,375 --> 00:05:10,143 Hey, who's up there? [shouts] 95 00:05:10,143 --> 00:05:11,578 [whistles] 96 00:05:14,648 --> 00:05:17,651 [Lil Louise] Now let's see what kinda loot we just scored. 97 00:05:17,651 --> 00:05:20,120 [cackling] Ha ha, ha ha, gotcha, gotcha. 98 00:05:20,120 --> 00:05:21,521 [gasps] It's a sting! 99 00:05:26,860 --> 00:05:27,694 No! 100 00:05:31,164 --> 00:05:32,966 Tritonio, you have to help them! 101 00:05:37,470 --> 00:05:39,139 Farewell, my friends. 102 00:05:39,773 --> 00:05:41,608 No! Dang it. 103 00:05:43,176 --> 00:05:44,177 [shouts] 104 00:05:46,279 --> 00:05:47,848 [owl hoots] 105 00:05:47,848 --> 00:05:49,282 [sighs] 106 00:05:53,386 --> 00:05:55,889 Tritonio, come on! We can still save them. 107 00:05:55,889 --> 00:05:57,557 And risk capture ourselves? 108 00:05:57,557 --> 00:05:58,825 No can do, kids. 109 00:05:58,825 --> 00:06:00,560 The rules of the street, remember? 110 00:06:00,560 --> 00:06:03,897 No attachments. No regrets. 111 00:06:03,897 --> 00:06:06,099 But what about the Resistance? You said y-- 112 00:06:06,099 --> 00:06:08,535 Oh, come on, Sprig. You know I was never going to do that. 113 00:06:08,535 --> 00:06:11,104 Sheesh. Okay. Dang. 114 00:06:14,975 --> 00:06:16,610 Dios mío! [Anne] Look, dude. 115 00:06:16,610 --> 00:06:18,144 If you wanna abandon your friends, 116 00:06:18,144 --> 00:06:20,547 who you clearly adore, that's your call. 117 00:06:20,547 --> 00:06:22,549 But it kills me to see you leave like this. 118 00:06:22,549 --> 00:06:24,251 If you grew up how I did... 119 00:06:24,251 --> 00:06:26,887 I get that. We do what we need to do to survive. 120 00:06:26,887 --> 00:06:30,690 But I gotta say, for a "master thief," I'm disappointed in you. 121 00:06:30,690 --> 00:06:34,761 -How so? -You're leaving the best loot in the world on the table. 122 00:06:34,761 --> 00:06:38,098 Friendship, comrades, someone to count on. 123 00:06:38,098 --> 00:06:42,002 By throwing those things away, you're only robbing yourself. 124 00:06:44,070 --> 00:06:47,307 Come on, Sprig. We have a very merry band to save. 125 00:06:47,307 --> 00:06:48,408 Right behind you. 126 00:06:49,242 --> 00:06:50,577 Later, Tritonio. 127 00:06:51,678 --> 00:06:52,679 [sighs] 128 00:06:55,582 --> 00:06:56,583 This way! 129 00:06:57,617 --> 00:06:58,652 There they are. 130 00:07:04,257 --> 00:07:10,330 In the name of the King, I find you guilty of disturbing the peace. 131 00:07:10,330 --> 00:07:13,199 To which there is only one punishment. 132 00:07:15,235 --> 00:07:18,171 Hey, ya metal freaks! Permission to approach the bench? 133 00:07:19,739 --> 00:07:20,740 [battle cry] 134 00:07:25,011 --> 00:07:26,012 Voilà! [all gasp] 135 00:07:29,316 --> 00:07:30,650 [all battle cry] 136 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:38,792 Order! Order! 137 00:07:38,792 --> 00:07:42,862 There will be order in my court! 138 00:07:42,862 --> 00:07:43,863 [all] Huh? 139 00:07:54,708 --> 00:07:56,710 Oh, no. 140 00:07:56,710 --> 00:07:59,446 Deploying corporal punishment! 141 00:08:00,513 --> 00:08:02,015 [screams] 142 00:08:05,652 --> 00:08:06,553 [gasps] 143 00:08:06,553 --> 00:08:08,488 No amnesty for minors! 144 00:08:09,889 --> 00:08:11,057 [screams] 145 00:08:12,325 --> 00:08:13,426 [shouts] 146 00:08:13,426 --> 00:08:15,261 Justice is half blind! 147 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:18,498 [all gasp] 148 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:21,901 [whinnies] 149 00:08:21,901 --> 00:08:23,136 [Anne, Sprig] Tritonio! 150 00:08:25,305 --> 00:08:27,407 Mr. Tritonio, you came back! 151 00:08:27,407 --> 00:08:29,976 But what about the rules of the streets? 152 00:08:29,976 --> 00:08:33,346 Ha! You think I, Tritonio, give a fig for rules? 153 00:08:34,547 --> 00:08:37,317 This court holds you in contempt! 154 00:08:37,317 --> 00:08:39,019 Merry band, to me! 155 00:08:39,019 --> 00:08:40,353 [all] Righto! 156 00:08:43,523 --> 00:08:44,924 [roars] 157 00:08:56,036 --> 00:08:58,805 Legal systems failing. 158 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:02,642 [screams] 159 00:09:02,642 --> 00:09:03,710 Gotcha! 160 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:05,712 [merry band cheering] 161 00:09:05,712 --> 00:09:08,681 Three cheers for the greatest newt of them all! 162 00:09:08,681 --> 00:09:11,584 Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! 163 00:09:11,584 --> 00:09:14,087 Toss me higher! Higher, I say! 164 00:09:14,087 --> 00:09:16,222 Our hero! 165 00:09:17,757 --> 00:09:18,858 [chattering] 166 00:09:18,858 --> 00:09:20,360 [chuckling] 167 00:09:21,494 --> 00:09:23,496 Some victory gruel, senora? 168 00:09:23,496 --> 00:09:26,933 Thanks, Tritonio. So, what happened to "no loyalties"? 169 00:09:26,933 --> 00:09:29,235 Uh, I just happened to be passing by, 170 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:31,538 and my arrow flew out of my bow! 171 00:09:31,538 --> 00:09:33,573 What are the odds? Mm-hmm. 172 00:09:33,573 --> 00:09:36,743 Face it, Big T. It feels good to have someone's back. 173 00:09:38,745 --> 00:09:40,847 [all laughing] Yeah, maybe. 174 00:09:40,847 --> 00:09:43,716 Listen. Being on your own may have worked before, 175 00:09:43,716 --> 00:09:46,786 but the fate of Amphibia rests on whether we can defeat Andrias. 176 00:09:46,786 --> 00:09:49,956 Yeah! The Rebellion could really use folks like you on our side. 177 00:09:49,956 --> 00:09:52,592 Sasha keeps saying we need help with our battle strategy. 178 00:09:52,592 --> 00:09:54,594 And who's better at strategy than you? 179 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:57,797 [scoffs] I know you're just buttering me up so I'll help you. 180 00:09:57,797 --> 00:09:59,833 Well, I learned from the best. 181 00:09:59,833 --> 00:10:01,468 I gotta say, uh, 182 00:10:01,468 --> 00:10:04,737 you're not the same girl I met all those months ago. 183 00:10:04,737 --> 00:10:06,239 All right. We're in! 184 00:10:06,239 --> 00:10:10,243 Henceforth, the Rebellion shall be our new crew. 185 00:10:10,243 --> 00:10:12,245 [cheering] 186 00:10:15,582 --> 00:10:17,016 [Anne] Good news, Sasha! 187 00:10:17,016 --> 00:10:20,253 We just recruited the top newt strategist. That's awesome! 188 00:10:20,253 --> 00:10:23,590 Now come follow me, Hop Pop just found something really interesting. 189 00:10:24,457 --> 00:10:25,658 Oh, there you are. 190 00:10:25,658 --> 00:10:26,926 So I, uh... 191 00:10:26,926 --> 00:10:28,995 I got lost while looking for the bathroom 192 00:10:28,995 --> 00:10:31,164 and found this strange-looking door. 193 00:10:33,333 --> 00:10:35,201 There's no telling what could be in there. 194 00:10:35,201 --> 00:10:37,237 Trouble is, we can't figure out how to open it. 195 00:10:37,237 --> 00:10:39,105 There's no knob or handle. 196 00:10:39,105 --> 00:10:41,241 Just this little, book-sized slot. 197 00:10:41,241 --> 00:10:42,642 Book-sized? 198 00:10:42,642 --> 00:10:45,311 Hop Pop, have you tried sliding the family tome into it? 199 00:10:45,311 --> 00:10:47,680 The one that had the Calamity Box drawings inside? 200 00:10:47,680 --> 00:10:49,782 It's worth a shot. Lemme go get it! 201 00:10:52,118 --> 00:10:53,353 [gears whirring] 202 00:10:53,353 --> 00:10:57,123 [rumbling] 203 00:10:57,123 --> 00:10:57,957 [all gasp] 204 00:11:03,796 --> 00:11:04,631 Hmm. 205 00:11:06,232 --> 00:11:07,800 It says... 206 00:11:08,768 --> 00:11:10,236 nothing! It's blank. 207 00:11:10,236 --> 00:11:11,604 Well, this is disappointing. 208 00:11:11,604 --> 00:11:14,007 Our family sure was mysterious. 209 00:11:14,007 --> 00:11:17,277 Come on, let's get outta here and head to the canteen. I'm starving. 210 00:11:24,851 --> 00:11:27,887 [frogs croaking] 211 00:11:29,689 --> 00:11:31,624 [owl hoots] 212 00:11:35,995 --> 00:11:39,933 Okay, guys, we need to catch whatever's been breaking into our food bins at night. 213 00:11:39,933 --> 00:11:42,569 Yeah, if this keeps up, we'll be out of food soon. 214 00:11:42,569 --> 00:11:43,903 Dibs on eating Loggle! 215 00:11:43,903 --> 00:11:47,340 [chuckles] You'll have to catch me first! [laughs] 216 00:11:47,340 --> 00:11:48,808 It's gotta be a critter. 217 00:11:48,808 --> 00:11:51,377 With all the destruction of natural resources, 218 00:11:51,377 --> 00:11:55,181 the wildlife has been forced to find food from outside the forests. 219 00:11:55,181 --> 00:11:57,150 Say that last bit five times fast. 220 00:11:57,150 --> 00:11:58,685 Shh. Do you guys hear that? 221 00:11:58,685 --> 00:11:59,719 [wind whistles] 222 00:12:02,789 --> 00:12:04,290 Look! There it is! 223 00:12:04,290 --> 00:12:06,292 What is it? Does it matter? 224 00:12:06,292 --> 00:12:08,361 Whatever it is, we're taking it down! 225 00:12:08,361 --> 00:12:09,996 -[Soggy Joe] Right! -[beast growls] 226 00:12:09,996 --> 00:12:10,997 [all] Yeah! 227 00:12:12,565 --> 00:12:13,900 Quick, after it! 228 00:12:18,404 --> 00:12:19,706 This must be its lair. 229 00:12:22,141 --> 00:12:23,876 Okay, on my cue. 230 00:12:23,876 --> 00:12:25,979 One, two... 231 00:12:30,316 --> 00:12:34,087 Well, bless my bowie knife. It's a Coastal Kill-a-moth! 232 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:36,956 [gasps] Domino 2! 233 00:12:37,957 --> 00:12:39,626 -[toy jingles] -[Domino 2 meows] 234 00:12:46,799 --> 00:12:48,268 [purrs, roars] 235 00:12:48,268 --> 00:12:50,603 I haven't seen her since she flew off months ago. 236 00:12:50,603 --> 00:12:51,704 What should I do? 237 00:12:51,704 --> 00:12:52,772 Should I approach her? 238 00:12:52,772 --> 00:12:54,641 Should I say hello? Is that too forward? 239 00:12:54,641 --> 00:12:56,075 Say hello? 240 00:12:56,075 --> 00:12:58,611 Anne, that monster tried to eat us! 241 00:12:58,611 --> 00:13:03,049 Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she remembers my flavor. 242 00:13:03,049 --> 00:13:04,450 Don't hold a grudge, Sprig. 243 00:13:04,450 --> 00:13:05,985 [robots beeping] 244 00:13:07,620 --> 00:13:08,955 [roars] 245 00:13:11,491 --> 00:13:12,759 [roars] 246 00:13:12,759 --> 00:13:14,827 Domino 2! No! 247 00:13:15,495 --> 00:13:16,663 No. 248 00:13:16,663 --> 00:13:18,164 [roars] 249 00:13:19,799 --> 00:13:21,034 [Soggy Joe, Sprig] Whoo! 250 00:13:21,034 --> 00:13:23,202 Will you look at that? Problem solved. 251 00:13:23,202 --> 00:13:24,570 Up top. Yeah! 252 00:13:24,570 --> 00:13:25,972 Well, let's get a move on. 253 00:13:25,972 --> 00:13:28,074 -I have to save her. -[Soggy Joe, Sprig] What? 254 00:13:28,074 --> 00:13:30,276 Domino 2 and I still have a connection. 255 00:13:30,276 --> 00:13:31,411 I could feel it. 256 00:13:31,411 --> 00:13:34,247 Anne, she's a vicious animal, not your buddy. 257 00:13:34,247 --> 00:13:36,783 [meowing] She's been living in the wild for months now and-- 258 00:13:36,783 --> 00:13:37,950 [shushing] 259 00:13:37,950 --> 00:13:39,352 You hear that? 260 00:13:39,352 --> 00:13:41,020 [meowing] 261 00:13:41,020 --> 00:13:42,121 What the heck are-- 262 00:13:42,121 --> 00:13:43,356 [gasps] 263 00:13:43,356 --> 00:13:46,526 Domino 2 has kittens? 264 00:13:46,526 --> 00:13:47,527 [meows] 265 00:13:47,527 --> 00:13:49,028 [purring] 266 00:13:49,028 --> 00:13:50,797 [meows, purrs] 267 00:13:50,797 --> 00:13:51,964 [meows] 268 00:13:51,964 --> 00:13:53,533 Oho! 269 00:13:53,533 --> 00:13:55,435 Hey, little cuties. 270 00:13:57,103 --> 00:13:58,171 [sneezes] 271 00:13:58,171 --> 00:13:59,439 Well, that settles it. 272 00:13:59,439 --> 00:14:02,342 We're taking these lil babies back to Wartwood. 273 00:14:02,342 --> 00:14:04,277 What? Absolutely not! 274 00:14:04,277 --> 00:14:07,113 Well, we can't just leave these defenseless little kittens 275 00:14:07,113 --> 00:14:09,682 out in the wilderness on their own. 276 00:14:09,682 --> 00:14:12,085 It's just until we save their mother. 277 00:14:12,085 --> 00:14:15,288 No way. No how. Not a million years. 278 00:14:15,288 --> 00:14:16,622 [all meow] 279 00:14:16,622 --> 00:14:20,626 No. Not this time. Must resist. 280 00:14:20,626 --> 00:14:24,797 I don't think I've ever seen eyes this big before. 281 00:14:24,797 --> 00:14:27,200 Never. [kitten meows] 282 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:29,502 [kittens meowing] [Anne sobbing] 283 00:14:30,503 --> 00:14:31,671 [sniffling] 284 00:14:33,506 --> 00:14:34,941 Gah! Fine! 285 00:14:34,941 --> 00:14:37,677 But I have a feeling the rest of camp isn't gonna like this. 286 00:14:37,677 --> 00:14:41,714 [blows raspberry] Don't be so dramatic. They're gonna love it. 287 00:14:41,714 --> 00:14:43,316 [townsfolk] You did what? 288 00:14:43,316 --> 00:14:45,184 What even are those things? 289 00:14:45,184 --> 00:14:47,019 They're monsters. 290 00:14:47,019 --> 00:14:49,222 They're cute as can be, 291 00:14:49,222 --> 00:14:51,257 and once they've transformed into adults, 292 00:14:51,257 --> 00:14:53,760 they'll eat us all for breakfast! 293 00:14:53,760 --> 00:14:56,062 I lost my uncle Magnus to one of those things. 294 00:14:56,062 --> 00:14:58,197 Found his bones in a giant pellet. 295 00:14:58,197 --> 00:15:00,433 Read the room, man. This is a hard no. 296 00:15:00,433 --> 00:15:04,404 Guys, I get your concern, but their mother is Domino 2. 297 00:15:04,404 --> 00:15:09,709 She was my baby precious, and she's been captured by Andrias's robots. 298 00:15:09,709 --> 00:15:12,678 All you gotta go is watch these kittens for a couple of hours. 299 00:15:14,680 --> 00:15:16,482 [sighs] Come on, guys. 300 00:15:16,482 --> 00:15:18,885 Anne has done so much for all of you. 301 00:15:18,885 --> 00:15:21,220 Can't you just do this one thing for her? 302 00:15:22,688 --> 00:15:24,724 [purring] 303 00:15:24,724 --> 00:15:27,093 Ugh, fine! We'll do it. 304 00:15:27,093 --> 00:15:29,228 But you better hurry back, young lady! 305 00:15:29,228 --> 00:15:32,198 Yeah, we don't wanna take care of these little savages 306 00:15:32,198 --> 00:15:33,900 any longer than we have to. 307 00:15:33,900 --> 00:15:35,701 I'm more of a dog person, so... 308 00:15:35,701 --> 00:15:37,270 [hisses] [screams] 309 00:15:37,270 --> 00:15:38,371 Make it quick! 310 00:15:38,371 --> 00:15:39,705 Thanks, everyone! 311 00:15:39,705 --> 00:15:42,008 I just have to bust her out of a mountain-top fortress, 312 00:15:42,008 --> 00:15:43,609 so I shouldn't be gone long. 313 00:15:45,378 --> 00:15:47,713 I still think this is a terrible idea. 314 00:15:47,713 --> 00:15:50,450 What if we save her, and she tears you to shreds? 315 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:52,685 Domino 2 would never hurt me. 316 00:15:52,685 --> 00:15:55,488 I just know. I feel it in my heart. 317 00:15:55,488 --> 00:15:58,458 [sighs] All right. 318 00:15:59,258 --> 00:16:00,460 Well, count me in. 319 00:16:00,460 --> 00:16:02,094 Thanks, dude. Appreciate the help. 320 00:16:02,094 --> 00:16:05,164 I mean, someone's gotta watch your back when this goes horribly wrong. 321 00:16:05,164 --> 00:16:07,300 [Anne] We really need to work on your pep talks. 322 00:16:09,235 --> 00:16:10,636 [all meow] 323 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:15,074 Wally, you take first watch. And be careful. 324 00:16:15,074 --> 00:16:18,110 Aye, aye, ma'am. I'll guard the prisoners with me life. 325 00:16:19,645 --> 00:16:21,981 If you little blighters know what's good for you, 326 00:16:21,981 --> 00:16:23,583 you won't try anything! [meows] 327 00:16:23,583 --> 00:16:26,919 Oh, no. No! Stay back. Stay back! 328 00:16:26,919 --> 00:16:29,455 Stay back! [echoes] 329 00:16:31,190 --> 00:16:34,927 Take a look. Another one of King Andrias's robot bases. 330 00:16:36,963 --> 00:16:39,432 [Sprig] They're using the moths to generate power. 331 00:16:39,432 --> 00:16:41,968 And look! Mind-control collars. 332 00:16:42,602 --> 00:16:43,769 [buzzer rings] 333 00:16:43,769 --> 00:16:44,971 [powers down] 334 00:16:46,439 --> 00:16:47,840 Okay, here's the plan: 335 00:16:47,840 --> 00:16:49,775 We'll wait for the moths to fall asleep, 336 00:16:49,775 --> 00:16:52,445 and then we sneak in and free my baby precious. 337 00:16:52,445 --> 00:16:55,314 Anne, there are dozens of moths. How are you gonna find-- 338 00:16:55,314 --> 00:16:56,482 She's right there. 339 00:16:58,518 --> 00:17:00,253 Oh. Huh. Nice. 340 00:17:00,253 --> 00:17:02,355 [Anne] Now come on. Let's motor. 341 00:17:03,589 --> 00:17:07,560 I'll call you Cali-coco, and Nutgrass, and Josey-Pie, 342 00:17:07,560 --> 00:17:11,030 and of course, little Wally Jr.! 343 00:17:11,030 --> 00:17:12,098 [Mrs. Croaker] Wally? 344 00:17:12,098 --> 00:17:13,599 What's going on in here? 345 00:17:13,599 --> 00:17:14,867 [chuckles] Nothing! 346 00:17:14,867 --> 00:17:17,537 I'm just, uh, passing time with my accordion! 347 00:17:17,537 --> 00:17:19,572 [meowing] 348 00:17:19,572 --> 00:17:21,340 Wally, that... 349 00:17:22,508 --> 00:17:24,510 is the cutest thing I've ever seen! 350 00:17:24,510 --> 00:17:26,012 Aw, lemme hold one! 351 00:17:26,012 --> 00:17:28,447 [meows, purrs] [chuckles] Hey, they're friendly. 352 00:17:28,447 --> 00:17:29,715 [chuckles] And this one is a... 353 00:17:29,715 --> 00:17:31,684 [hisses] ...cute little warrior! 354 00:17:31,684 --> 00:17:34,554 Get off me, you disgusting, little... 355 00:17:34,554 --> 00:17:35,655 dear. 356 00:17:35,655 --> 00:17:36,722 Oh. 357 00:17:36,722 --> 00:17:38,224 You fools! 358 00:17:38,224 --> 00:17:39,825 Quick, shield your eyes! 359 00:17:39,825 --> 00:17:42,261 Don't look at 'em! That's how they get ya! 360 00:17:43,329 --> 00:17:44,397 [meows] 361 00:17:45,598 --> 00:17:48,801 [man vocalizing] 362 00:17:52,505 --> 00:17:55,841 "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, 363 00:17:55,841 --> 00:17:59,278 and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." 364 00:18:03,950 --> 00:18:05,818 [moths snoring] 365 00:18:08,154 --> 00:18:09,322 [sniffing] 366 00:18:11,290 --> 00:18:13,125 [grunts] 367 00:18:14,660 --> 00:18:16,329 [snoring] 368 00:18:16,329 --> 00:18:17,997 Shh. Wait there. 369 00:18:18,998 --> 00:18:20,266 Come on, stupid thing. 370 00:18:21,634 --> 00:18:22,868 Uh-oh. [roars] 371 00:18:22,868 --> 00:18:24,003 Oh! 372 00:18:24,003 --> 00:18:25,771 Stop right-- [screams] 373 00:18:25,771 --> 00:18:27,873 [growls] 374 00:18:27,873 --> 00:18:29,609 Anne, look out! Run! 375 00:18:29,609 --> 00:18:31,911 [roars] No, I can't leave her! 376 00:18:34,914 --> 00:18:35,915 [Anne screams] 377 00:18:39,251 --> 00:18:40,753 Anne, get away! 378 00:18:40,753 --> 00:18:43,756 No. She'll remember me. I know it. 379 00:18:43,756 --> 00:18:44,824 Come on, girl. 380 00:18:46,926 --> 00:18:48,427 [roars] 381 00:18:48,427 --> 00:18:50,563 Or maybe I'm wrong. [screams] 382 00:18:54,100 --> 00:18:55,835 [purrs] [laughs] 383 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:56,969 Ow! 384 00:18:56,969 --> 00:19:00,906 I don't believe this. She does remember you! 385 00:19:00,906 --> 00:19:02,642 Huh. Big win for blind faith. 386 00:19:03,142 --> 00:19:04,110 [meows] 387 00:19:06,245 --> 00:19:08,014 Domino 2, 388 00:19:08,014 --> 00:19:11,083 you didn't forget me. 389 00:19:11,083 --> 00:19:13,853 [purring] Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? 390 00:19:13,853 --> 00:19:18,457 [sniffles] Wow. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my-- 391 00:19:18,457 --> 00:19:20,393 [growls] I'm about to get eaten, aren't I? 392 00:19:21,193 --> 00:19:22,528 [gulps] 393 00:19:22,528 --> 00:19:23,696 [shrieking] 394 00:19:23,696 --> 00:19:25,665 Sprig! Hang on, buddy! 395 00:19:27,700 --> 00:19:29,235 Okay, how do we do this? 396 00:19:29,235 --> 00:19:31,337 Domino 2, up, up and awa-- 397 00:19:31,337 --> 00:19:32,772 [screams] 398 00:19:33,673 --> 00:19:36,142 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, no! 399 00:19:38,577 --> 00:19:39,645 Ah, nuts. 400 00:19:39,645 --> 00:19:41,614 [grunts, screams] 401 00:19:43,015 --> 00:19:43,949 [roars] 402 00:19:45,551 --> 00:19:46,986 [strains] 403 00:19:50,723 --> 00:19:51,724 Whoa! 404 00:19:52,892 --> 00:19:53,893 Whoo! 405 00:19:55,227 --> 00:19:56,395 [screams] 406 00:19:57,329 --> 00:19:58,998 Gotcha! Now let's get outta here! 407 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:04,370 [clanks] 408 00:20:04,370 --> 00:20:05,738 What's wrong, girl? 409 00:20:05,738 --> 00:20:06,739 [coos] 410 00:20:09,341 --> 00:20:11,243 You're right. We can't just leave them here. 411 00:20:11,243 --> 00:20:12,978 I mean, we could. 412 00:20:12,978 --> 00:20:14,747 Sprig. Okay, okay. 413 00:20:20,052 --> 00:20:21,787 [grunting] 414 00:20:23,956 --> 00:20:24,957 [meows] 415 00:20:29,328 --> 00:20:30,563 Looks like we did it. 416 00:20:30,563 --> 00:20:31,997 [screams] Sprig! 417 00:20:31,997 --> 00:20:33,866 [screams] 418 00:20:34,900 --> 00:20:36,235 [screams] 419 00:20:38,137 --> 00:20:40,473 -[Sprig screams] -[moths meow] 420 00:20:40,473 --> 00:20:43,042 There is definitely not enough me to go around! 421 00:20:43,042 --> 00:20:45,377 Sprig, no! 422 00:20:50,182 --> 00:20:51,650 [roars] 423 00:20:56,188 --> 00:20:57,356 [groans] 424 00:20:58,758 --> 00:21:00,426 Th-- Thanks. 425 00:21:00,426 --> 00:21:03,062 Why did they listen to her? 426 00:21:03,062 --> 00:21:04,597 No way. 427 00:21:04,597 --> 00:21:07,233 Sprig, Marcy told me about animals like this. 428 00:21:07,233 --> 00:21:09,935 Domino 2 must be the alpha moth! 429 00:21:09,935 --> 00:21:13,072 So that means, if we've tamed Domino... 430 00:21:13,072 --> 00:21:15,474 Yep! We've tamed 'em all! 431 00:21:15,474 --> 00:21:18,644 Whoo-hoo! Follow me, everyone! 432 00:21:19,745 --> 00:21:20,913 Yeah! 433 00:21:23,149 --> 00:21:26,018 [kittens meowing] 434 00:21:26,018 --> 00:21:31,290 Oh, Lenny Long Bottom, you filled the spider-sized hole in my heart. 435 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:34,393 No one's ever gonna take these babies away from us. 436 00:21:34,393 --> 00:21:36,228 Oh, no! Look! 437 00:21:39,398 --> 00:21:41,167 You stay away from them! 438 00:21:41,167 --> 00:21:43,269 You want 'em, you gotta get through us! 439 00:21:45,271 --> 00:21:48,941 Hey, everyone! You could put your weapons down. They're with us now! 440 00:21:48,941 --> 00:21:50,442 [all] Huh? 441 00:21:50,442 --> 00:21:51,944 With us? 442 00:21:51,944 --> 00:21:56,215 Well, guys, looks like we just got air calvary! 443 00:21:56,215 --> 00:21:58,818 [all cheering] 444 00:21:58,818 --> 00:22:01,821 [Sprig screams] Okay, but can we train them not to do that? 445 00:22:03,556 --> 00:22:05,558 [theme song playing] 446 00:22:08,360 --> 00:22:09,829 [Anne laughs] 447 00:22:21,540 --> 00:22:23,275 [Hop Pop] ♪ Whoo-hoo! Baby ♪ 448 00:22:23,275 --> 00:22:25,144 [Sprig vocalizes] [Hop Pop] Whoa! 449 00:22:25,144 --> 00:22:26,445 [Polly screams] [Anne] ♪ Baby ♪ 450 00:22:26,445 --> 00:22:27,980 [Sprig vocalizes] 451 00:22:27,980 --> 00:22:30,216 [Anne vocalizes] ♪ Ba-ba-ba-baby ♪ 452 00:22:30,216 --> 00:22:31,217 [song ends]