1 00:00:04,037 --> 00:00:06,507 -[bell rings] -[teacher on speaker] Attention, students. 2 00:00:06,507 --> 00:00:09,510 - This is yet another reminder... -[students chattering] 3 00:00:09,510 --> 00:00:12,412 ...that the pink powder in the soap dispensers is not candy dust. 4 00:00:12,412 --> 00:00:13,981 So please-- 5 00:00:13,981 --> 00:00:15,215 [student on speaker] What's up, SJMS? 6 00:00:15,215 --> 00:00:16,950 Instead of that boring stuff, 7 00:00:16,950 --> 00:00:19,887 how about an awesome K-pop dance party? 8 00:00:19,887 --> 00:00:21,188 [K-pop music playing] 9 00:00:22,789 --> 00:00:24,925 Hey, do you really think we should be doing this? 10 00:00:24,925 --> 00:00:27,394 Of course. Unleash the puppers! 11 00:00:27,394 --> 00:00:30,130 [barking] 12 00:00:32,966 --> 00:00:36,036 [laughing, cheering] 13 00:00:37,871 --> 00:00:42,009 Waybright. Wu. Boonchuy. My office. Now. [dog growling] 14 00:00:44,044 --> 00:00:45,712 [whistling] 15 00:00:45,712 --> 00:00:47,381 All yours, Marce. 16 00:00:50,117 --> 00:00:51,818 Was it bad? Nah. 17 00:00:51,818 --> 00:00:54,087 Mrs. Murphy just said she wished my leadership skills 18 00:00:54,087 --> 00:00:55,522 went towards something positive. 19 00:00:57,524 --> 00:00:59,526 She was impressed with how I hacked the PA system 20 00:00:59,526 --> 00:01:02,129 and told me not to do it again. You're up next, Anne! 21 00:01:02,129 --> 00:01:04,064 Told ya! Nothing to worry about. 22 00:01:04,064 --> 00:01:05,332 Heck yeah! 23 00:01:05,332 --> 00:01:07,935 See you on the other side! 24 00:01:07,935 --> 00:01:09,369 'Sup, dude? 25 00:01:09,369 --> 00:01:12,940 "'Sup" is that I'm worried about you, Boonchuy. 26 00:01:12,940 --> 00:01:15,709 Oh? Like, me specifically? Or-- 27 00:01:15,709 --> 00:01:17,911 Yep. Sasha's gonna boss her way through life. 28 00:01:17,911 --> 00:01:21,982 And Marcy will probably solve world hunger or something, but you... 29 00:01:21,982 --> 00:01:24,017 incomplete after incomplete. 30 00:01:24,017 --> 00:01:26,420 Unfinished paper after unfinished paper. 31 00:01:26,420 --> 00:01:30,223 You're a smart girl, Anne, but you're just not applying yourself. 32 00:01:30,223 --> 00:01:35,529 In you I see someone who is just floating through life, taking the easy path. 33 00:01:35,529 --> 00:01:37,731 But I like the easy path. It's easy! 34 00:01:37,731 --> 00:01:40,968 It may be easy, but that doesn't make it right. 35 00:01:40,968 --> 00:01:42,402 Now, be straight with me. 36 00:01:42,402 --> 00:01:45,005 Those two pushed you into this prank, didn't they? 37 00:01:45,005 --> 00:01:46,406 What? No! 38 00:01:47,307 --> 00:01:49,509 Okay, yeah. Maybe. 39 00:01:49,509 --> 00:01:52,312 Look, I want you to write an essay for me. 40 00:01:52,312 --> 00:01:55,182 Say what now? About what you want to do with your life. 41 00:01:55,182 --> 00:01:57,818 And what you're willing to do to make it happen. 42 00:01:57,818 --> 00:02:01,254 Wha--? Sasha and Marcy didn't say anything about an essay. 43 00:02:01,254 --> 00:02:03,690 That's because they don't have to write one. 44 00:02:03,690 --> 00:02:05,058 Oh. Ouch. 45 00:02:05,058 --> 00:02:09,396 Anne, you get to choose the type of person you're going to be. 46 00:02:09,396 --> 00:02:10,464 Don't forget that. 47 00:02:11,565 --> 00:02:14,368 Oh, hey! Isn't it your birthday tomorrow? 48 00:02:14,368 --> 00:02:15,836 Happy early birthday, Anne. 49 00:02:19,640 --> 00:02:21,708 [straining, sighs] 50 00:02:23,577 --> 00:02:24,611 [chirps] 51 00:02:24,611 --> 00:02:26,113 We've got to get out of here 52 00:02:26,113 --> 00:02:28,015 before Andrias annihilates Earth. 53 00:02:28,015 --> 00:02:30,117 These dang restraints are too strong. 54 00:02:30,117 --> 00:02:33,120 Perhaps we need to use a little more force. 55 00:02:33,120 --> 00:02:36,723 [grunting] 56 00:02:36,723 --> 00:02:37,724 I'm out of ideas. 57 00:02:37,724 --> 00:02:39,559 All is lost! 58 00:02:39,559 --> 00:02:43,530 Don't panic. I'm sure we can figure this out before the invasion starts. 59 00:02:43,530 --> 00:02:46,733 [Andrias] Primates of Earth. We have arrived! 60 00:02:46,733 --> 00:02:47,801 Never mind. 61 00:02:47,801 --> 00:02:50,237 [gasping, screaming] 62 00:02:53,674 --> 00:02:56,843 Hello, Earth! Congratulations on being conquered. 63 00:02:56,843 --> 00:02:58,779 I have good news and bad news. 64 00:02:58,779 --> 00:03:02,416 The good news? Your planet is rich in the resources we'll need 65 00:03:02,416 --> 00:03:05,452 to conquer other more impressive worlds. 66 00:03:05,452 --> 00:03:10,090 The bad news? We'll need to destroy your civilization to get those resources. 67 00:03:10,090 --> 00:03:11,358 [all gasp] 68 00:03:11,358 --> 00:03:14,261 Omelet, broken eggs... You get it. 69 00:03:14,261 --> 00:03:18,198 Speaking of eggs, how about a show of force? 70 00:03:24,037 --> 00:03:25,639 Huh, well, that doesn't seem so bad-- 71 00:03:25,639 --> 00:03:26,707 [screams] 72 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:29,309 [screaming] 73 00:03:30,544 --> 00:03:32,879 -[screaming] -[squawking] 74 00:03:34,915 --> 00:03:36,283 [screaming continues] 75 00:03:45,625 --> 00:03:47,160 Ready! 76 00:03:47,160 --> 00:03:48,395 Fire! 77 00:03:50,697 --> 00:03:51,998 [roaring] 78 00:03:53,800 --> 00:03:54,835 [screaming] 79 00:03:56,870 --> 00:03:58,705 Forget the birds. Fire at the castle! 80 00:04:12,419 --> 00:04:14,020 Give me the phone! 81 00:04:14,020 --> 00:04:15,155 [ringing] 82 00:04:15,155 --> 00:04:16,790 We're on it. 83 00:04:16,790 --> 00:04:21,194 All right, you two. This is what we've been waiting for. 84 00:04:21,194 --> 00:04:23,029 [screaming in distance] 85 00:04:24,131 --> 00:04:25,198 We're out of time! 86 00:04:25,198 --> 00:04:26,767 All right, I got this. 87 00:04:28,135 --> 00:04:29,669 [Sprig] Wait, Anne! Don't! Huh? 88 00:04:29,669 --> 00:04:32,405 Every time you use those powers, it wipes you out. 89 00:04:32,405 --> 00:04:35,575 Sprig's right. We need you in fighting shape right now. 90 00:04:35,575 --> 00:04:38,145 [sighs] Good point. So, what do we do? 91 00:04:38,145 --> 00:04:42,783 Let's give Frobo a shot. Maybe one of the improvements I made on Earth can help us out. 92 00:04:46,086 --> 00:04:49,322 [whirring, beeping] 93 00:04:49,322 --> 00:04:51,925 Structural weakness identified. 94 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:56,463 [Hop Pop] Uh, was that supposed to do-- 95 00:04:56,463 --> 00:04:58,598 [all screaming] 96 00:04:58,598 --> 00:05:00,967 Okay, now how do we escape our escape? 97 00:05:02,402 --> 00:05:04,838 Whoa! Darcy's RSSI level 98 00:05:04,838 --> 00:05:07,707 must have dropped below negative 70 dBms! 99 00:05:07,707 --> 00:05:09,976 Still not used to you being smart. 100 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:11,311 [screaming] 101 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:13,980 Everyone get on Domino and Joe. Now! 102 00:05:13,980 --> 00:05:15,148 [squawking] 103 00:05:15,148 --> 00:05:17,417 Whew! Just made it. 104 00:05:19,886 --> 00:05:21,154 [all gasp] 105 00:05:21,154 --> 00:05:23,056 We need to work on our timing. 106 00:05:23,056 --> 00:05:24,324 -[shrieking] -[explosion] 107 00:05:24,324 --> 00:05:27,894 -[screaming] -[sirens wailing] 108 00:05:27,894 --> 00:05:31,398 -I don't believe it. -So this is Earth. 109 00:05:31,398 --> 00:05:34,000 It's very geometric. 110 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:36,636 [roaring] 111 00:05:36,636 --> 00:05:39,539 Oh, great. Andrias brought some giant herons. 112 00:05:39,539 --> 00:05:41,808 Those aren't just any giant herons. 113 00:05:41,808 --> 00:05:44,978 Those are the giant herons! 114 00:05:44,978 --> 00:05:48,515 You mean, those two-- Attacked our parents? 115 00:05:48,515 --> 00:05:50,917 I'd recognize them anywhere. 116 00:05:52,719 --> 00:05:55,288 With their blood-red eyes and razor-sharp teeth, 117 00:05:55,288 --> 00:05:58,425 those two have been terrorizing the valley for years! 118 00:05:58,425 --> 00:06:03,063 I arrived too late to save your parents, but not too late to fight back. 119 00:06:08,368 --> 00:06:10,003 [roaring] 120 00:06:10,003 --> 00:06:11,171 [both gasp] 121 00:06:11,171 --> 00:06:14,708 Never thought I'd see them again, much less here. 122 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:16,042 [screaming in distance] [gasps] 123 00:06:18,211 --> 00:06:20,881 We need to get down there and help people! Right behind you. 124 00:06:22,549 --> 00:06:25,452 [clanging, clattering] 125 00:06:29,256 --> 00:06:30,490 [tires screeching] 126 00:06:33,159 --> 00:06:34,060 [clanging] 127 00:06:37,364 --> 00:06:38,465 [both] Anne! 128 00:06:38,465 --> 00:06:41,701 Mom? Dad? Whoa! Boonchuys? 129 00:06:41,701 --> 00:06:44,471 Hi, Sasha! Long time no see. 130 00:06:44,471 --> 00:06:46,006 [Anne giggles] 131 00:06:46,006 --> 00:06:47,140 Hiya, Boonchuys! 132 00:06:47,140 --> 00:06:50,210 Bet you weren't expecting to see us again so soon. 133 00:06:50,210 --> 00:06:52,812 Actually, we kind of were. Huh? 134 00:06:52,812 --> 00:06:55,649 Okay, okay. Let's take this party on the road! 135 00:06:55,649 --> 00:06:58,084 Mr. X! What are you doing here? 136 00:06:58,084 --> 00:07:00,987 Don't worry, Anne. He's with us. Come on! 137 00:07:03,390 --> 00:07:07,227 [Mr. X] Let's just say we had a few weeks head start thanks to these two. 138 00:07:07,227 --> 00:07:09,863 Training. Gearing up. 139 00:07:09,863 --> 00:07:12,399 We also convinced the military we're not insane! 140 00:07:12,399 --> 00:07:14,134 All right, gang. Enough chatter. 141 00:07:14,134 --> 00:07:17,470 We need a base of operations so we can plan a counter attack. 142 00:07:17,470 --> 00:07:20,040 Something close by but inconspicuous. 143 00:07:20,040 --> 00:07:23,109 Anyone know a heavily fortified prison-like structure? 144 00:07:23,109 --> 00:07:24,311 [all] Hmm. 145 00:07:24,311 --> 00:07:25,712 We can think of one. 146 00:07:28,348 --> 00:07:30,350 I need time to set up some equipment. 147 00:07:30,350 --> 00:07:34,454 Anne, can you and your friend do recon? Make sure we weren't followed. 148 00:07:34,454 --> 00:07:35,822 You can count on us, X! 149 00:07:37,824 --> 00:07:39,459 In a shocking turn of events, 150 00:07:39,459 --> 00:07:41,027 the city has found itself invaded 151 00:07:41,027 --> 00:07:43,029 by a talking lizard, his robot army 152 00:07:43,029 --> 00:07:45,665 and a couple of giant angry water fowl. 153 00:07:45,665 --> 00:07:47,734 But in other news, crypto is up big! 154 00:07:47,734 --> 00:07:49,102 Let's do the numbers. 155 00:07:49,102 --> 00:07:51,504 Typical LA. 156 00:07:52,105 --> 00:07:53,039 [gasps] 157 00:07:56,643 --> 00:07:59,112 Whoa! What is that? 158 00:07:59,112 --> 00:08:01,581 Looks like this school has a metal shop. 159 00:08:01,581 --> 00:08:03,116 Private schools, I tell ya. 160 00:08:03,116 --> 00:08:06,920 Well Frobo, think it's time for an upgrade? 161 00:08:07,520 --> 00:08:09,055 [chuckling] 162 00:08:09,055 --> 00:08:11,358 We brought some takeout from the restaurant. 163 00:08:11,358 --> 00:08:13,793 Can't save the world on an empty stomach. 164 00:08:13,793 --> 00:08:16,396 Wow, Mrs. B. You guys thought of everything. 165 00:08:16,396 --> 00:08:18,765 [stomach growls] 166 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:21,034 Yes, it was me. Okay? 167 00:08:24,537 --> 00:08:25,872 [groans] 168 00:08:28,441 --> 00:08:30,877 [Grime screams] I'm dying! [clattering] 169 00:08:30,877 --> 00:08:32,879 [Sprig] Here, Grime. Have some water. 170 00:08:32,879 --> 00:08:34,447 [chuckles] Sounds like Grime tried 171 00:08:34,447 --> 00:08:36,016 some of your parents' food. 172 00:08:36,016 --> 00:08:37,917 Oh! Hey, my locker. 173 00:08:38,618 --> 00:08:39,619 [chuckles] 174 00:08:39,619 --> 00:08:41,221 [groans] Anything in there 175 00:08:41,221 --> 00:08:43,390 that'll help us take down a giant heron? 176 00:08:43,390 --> 00:08:44,624 [scoffs] Not quite. 177 00:08:45,759 --> 00:08:48,661 Hey, what's that? It's just an essay 178 00:08:48,661 --> 00:08:50,296 Mrs. Murphy wanted me to write. 179 00:08:51,297 --> 00:08:52,932 I almost forgot about this. 180 00:08:54,667 --> 00:08:57,370 Hey, Anne, do you really think we can do this? 181 00:08:57,370 --> 00:08:59,572 I mean, that thing knows our every move. 182 00:08:59,572 --> 00:09:01,708 Darcy only knows the old us, 183 00:09:01,708 --> 00:09:04,611 which means she has no idea what we are capable of. 184 00:09:04,611 --> 00:09:06,646 The old us, huh? 185 00:09:06,646 --> 00:09:08,982 It's not who we were that matters, Sash. 186 00:09:08,982 --> 00:09:11,117 It's who we are now that counts. 187 00:09:11,117 --> 00:09:13,553 Hang on, Marcy. We'll get you out of there. 188 00:09:22,495 --> 00:09:23,797 Hmm. 189 00:09:23,797 --> 00:09:27,333 [exclaims] Boom! That makes 300 puzzles finished. 190 00:09:28,968 --> 00:09:29,769 [squeaks] 191 00:09:29,769 --> 00:09:31,805 Man, I have lost track of time. 192 00:09:31,805 --> 00:09:33,973 Speaking of which, I've been here for ages. 193 00:09:33,973 --> 00:09:36,076 I'm starting to get a little worried. 194 00:09:36,076 --> 00:09:37,010 Huh? 195 00:09:38,545 --> 00:09:39,813 Whoa. 196 00:09:44,317 --> 00:09:45,251 Whoa. 197 00:09:51,357 --> 00:09:53,893 [Aldrich] Welcome, Marcy Wu. 198 00:09:56,663 --> 00:09:58,264 My name's Aldrich. 199 00:09:58,264 --> 00:10:01,134 I'm here to welcome you to the Core's inner sanctum. 200 00:10:01,134 --> 00:10:03,670 You'll be the first human to join our ranks, 201 00:10:03,670 --> 00:10:05,171 a great honor. 202 00:10:05,171 --> 00:10:08,174 Huh? I don't understand. What's the Core? 203 00:10:08,174 --> 00:10:09,275 How did I get here? 204 00:10:09,275 --> 00:10:10,944 My memory is so fuzzy. 205 00:10:10,944 --> 00:10:13,413 Like, big chunks of it are missing or something. 206 00:10:13,413 --> 00:10:15,448 None of that matters, my dear. 207 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:16,816 Behold! 208 00:10:23,456 --> 00:10:25,125 [dragon roars] 209 00:10:27,393 --> 00:10:28,761 [bell tolling] 210 00:10:28,761 --> 00:10:31,698 Whoa, ho, ho, ho. 211 00:10:31,698 --> 00:10:32,899 No way! 212 00:10:32,899 --> 00:10:35,168 We've seen your memories. 213 00:10:35,168 --> 00:10:38,104 We know your love of books, of games. 214 00:10:38,104 --> 00:10:41,541 This is the fantasy world you've always dreamt of. 215 00:10:41,541 --> 00:10:46,779 For that's what the Core is: a place where dreams come true. 216 00:10:46,779 --> 00:10:48,982 Hmm. Yeah, I can't help but feel like 217 00:10:48,982 --> 00:10:50,650 I'm forgetting something important. 218 00:10:50,650 --> 00:10:53,586 [Aldrich] Yes. Your map. [gasps] 219 00:10:53,586 --> 00:10:55,221 [Aldrich] You can't go on a fantasy adventure 220 00:10:55,221 --> 00:10:56,523 without one of these. 221 00:10:56,523 --> 00:10:58,491 Right! [chuckles] Of course. 222 00:10:58,491 --> 00:11:00,393 Wahoo! [chuckles] 223 00:11:00,393 --> 00:11:02,162 Come on, Aldrich. Let's dive in! 224 00:11:06,799 --> 00:11:08,635 -[shrieking] -[screaming] 225 00:11:09,502 --> 00:11:10,703 [Mr. X] Here you go, Miss Newt. 226 00:11:10,703 --> 00:11:11,804 Careful with that safety. 227 00:11:11,804 --> 00:11:13,673 The what now? [screams] 228 00:11:13,673 --> 00:11:16,042 Oh, I like this. 229 00:11:16,042 --> 00:11:17,510 [thump] 230 00:11:17,510 --> 00:11:22,115 [Polly] Introducing, Frobo 2.0.! 231 00:11:25,718 --> 00:11:26,819 [all gasp] 232 00:11:26,819 --> 00:11:28,655 Fabulous color scheme. 233 00:11:28,655 --> 00:11:30,356 Complete with drink dispenser. 234 00:11:33,826 --> 00:11:35,228 What you got there, boy? 235 00:11:35,228 --> 00:11:37,630 It's the blank sheet of paper we found in that secret room. 236 00:11:37,630 --> 00:11:41,234 I feel like it's important, but I just can't figure out how. 237 00:11:41,234 --> 00:11:44,204 It's madness out here, folks. I tell you, madness! [screaming] 238 00:11:44,204 --> 00:11:46,606 [groans] The quicker we fix this mess, 239 00:11:46,606 --> 00:11:48,775 the quicker things can go back to normal. 240 00:11:48,775 --> 00:11:50,009 Normal? 241 00:11:50,009 --> 00:11:51,978 Yeah, you know, Anne and us just hanging out. 242 00:11:51,978 --> 00:11:53,780 Monster of the week stuff, yadda yadda. 243 00:11:55,615 --> 00:11:57,150 Sprig, don't you think 244 00:11:57,150 --> 00:12:00,153 Anne needs to go back to her life after all this? 245 00:12:00,153 --> 00:12:04,123 Some things are bound to change. They always do. 246 00:12:04,123 --> 00:12:06,859 [chuckles] Oh, Hop Pop. Nothing will change. 247 00:12:06,859 --> 00:12:09,395 Anne will always be a big part of my life. 248 00:12:09,996 --> 00:12:11,397 Of course she will. 249 00:12:11,397 --> 00:12:12,999 Okay, gather up everybody. 250 00:12:15,201 --> 00:12:16,302 Here's the plan. 251 00:12:16,302 --> 00:12:19,005 Mom, Dad and Mr. X will help me and the Plantars 252 00:12:19,005 --> 00:12:21,641 fight off the robots and save any remaining civilians. 253 00:12:21,641 --> 00:12:23,610 [both] Yeah! 254 00:12:23,610 --> 00:12:27,380 Meanwhile, Grime, Yunan, Olivia and I will take Joe Sparrow up 255 00:12:27,380 --> 00:12:28,815 to infiltrate the castle. 256 00:12:28,815 --> 00:12:30,216 The box will be too heavily guarded, 257 00:12:30,216 --> 00:12:32,051 but Olivia thinks we can sneak in 258 00:12:32,051 --> 00:12:34,220 and turn off the force field protecting the castle. 259 00:12:34,220 --> 00:12:37,023 And give you earthlings a fighting chance. 260 00:12:37,023 --> 00:12:39,125 All right, everyone. Hands in. 261 00:12:40,593 --> 00:12:42,428 Let's do this! 262 00:12:42,428 --> 00:12:43,997 No one die! [all cheer] 263 00:12:45,498 --> 00:12:46,566 Good luck out there. 264 00:12:46,566 --> 00:12:48,368 See you on the other side. 265 00:12:56,843 --> 00:12:59,212 [beeping] 266 00:13:06,185 --> 00:13:07,120 [mouse clicks] 267 00:13:11,824 --> 00:13:13,559 [shrieking] 268 00:13:15,261 --> 00:13:17,664 [chuckles] Whoo! 269 00:13:17,664 --> 00:13:19,299 We missed this. 270 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:23,636 [laughing] 271 00:13:23,636 --> 00:13:25,972 [Darcy giggling] 272 00:13:26,906 --> 00:13:28,207 Come on, Lady Olivia. 273 00:13:28,207 --> 00:13:30,510 There's a whole castle for me to explore! [gasps] 274 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:40,920 King Andrias, I present to you the creature known as Marcy Wu. 275 00:13:40,920 --> 00:13:43,356 So you're the King of Newtopia? 276 00:13:43,356 --> 00:13:44,957 Man, you're huge! 277 00:13:44,957 --> 00:13:47,293 Andrias, huh? Can I call you 'Drias? 278 00:13:49,095 --> 00:13:51,698 Only one person ever called me that. 279 00:13:51,698 --> 00:13:53,599 Oh, gotcha. Too personal. 280 00:13:53,599 --> 00:13:55,401 Boundaries, Marcy. 281 00:13:55,401 --> 00:13:57,303 You know, I bet I can fit in your pocket. 282 00:13:57,303 --> 00:13:58,338 What? 283 00:13:58,338 --> 00:13:59,339 Huh? 284 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:00,907 [grunts] Here we go. 285 00:14:00,907 --> 00:14:02,508 [grunting] Upsy-daisy. 286 00:14:03,176 --> 00:14:04,177 Knew it. 287 00:14:04,177 --> 00:14:06,079 Oh, I just thought of something. 288 00:14:07,113 --> 00:14:09,449 A little gift for the King of Newtopia. 289 00:14:09,449 --> 00:14:10,783 I hope you like it. 290 00:14:10,783 --> 00:14:12,285 [gulps] 291 00:14:14,387 --> 00:14:15,688 [laughing] 292 00:14:15,688 --> 00:14:18,257 Oh. Whoa. Whoa. [grunts] 293 00:14:18,257 --> 00:14:21,260 Indeed I do, Little Master Marcy. 294 00:14:21,260 --> 00:14:24,697 Master? I'm a master? [chuckles] 295 00:14:24,697 --> 00:14:28,468 OMG. Anne and Sasha will never believe this. [grunts] 296 00:14:28,468 --> 00:14:31,104 [chuckles] Speaking of my friends, have you seen 'em? 297 00:14:31,104 --> 00:14:32,271 I need to make sure they're okay. 298 00:14:32,271 --> 00:14:35,007 We haven't, but we are looking. 299 00:14:35,007 --> 00:14:37,577 In the meantime, you'll be our honored guest here. 300 00:14:37,577 --> 00:14:39,912 Lady Olivia will show you to your quarters. 301 00:14:39,912 --> 00:14:41,914 This way, Master Marcy. 302 00:14:41,914 --> 00:14:43,950 Okeydoke. Bye, King Andrias. 303 00:14:54,627 --> 00:14:57,797 [whispering, indistinct] 304 00:14:57,797 --> 00:14:59,899 Kill her? Now? 305 00:14:59,899 --> 00:15:01,534 But we still don't know where the box is. 306 00:15:03,436 --> 00:15:06,706 It's true, the Olm prophecy makes keeping her alive risky, 307 00:15:06,706 --> 00:15:08,975 but, my lord, she's just a child. 308 00:15:08,975 --> 00:15:11,077 Perhaps all of this is overblown. 309 00:15:11,077 --> 00:15:13,146 [whispering, indistinct] 310 00:15:13,146 --> 00:15:16,282 What do I propose? Hmm... 311 00:15:16,282 --> 00:15:18,217 In studying the ancient writings, 312 00:15:18,217 --> 00:15:19,652 it appears there is a ritual 313 00:15:19,652 --> 00:15:23,055 that allows these chosen heroes to give up their abilities 314 00:15:23,055 --> 00:15:25,825 and the responsibility that comes with them. 315 00:15:25,825 --> 00:15:30,229 Why not befriend this "Marcy" and lure her friends here? 316 00:15:30,229 --> 00:15:32,265 We will siphon their powers away, 317 00:15:32,265 --> 00:15:34,033 neutralize the prophecy... 318 00:15:34,033 --> 00:15:36,169 [The Core] And restore our legacy 319 00:15:36,169 --> 00:15:38,671 all in one fell swoop. 320 00:15:41,040 --> 00:15:44,277 Well done, Andrias. 321 00:15:46,479 --> 00:15:48,414 [laughs] 322 00:15:51,617 --> 00:15:54,120 [people screaming in distance] 323 00:15:54,120 --> 00:15:55,988 Congratulations, big guy. 324 00:15:55,988 --> 00:15:59,792 After 1,000 years, you've finally made amends. 325 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:01,461 [sighs] And isn't it grand? 326 00:16:01,461 --> 00:16:04,363 Who needs friends when they have everlasting power? 327 00:16:04,363 --> 00:16:07,967 Yes. It's everything I ever wanted. 328 00:16:08,634 --> 00:16:09,936 [alarm blares] 329 00:16:11,904 --> 00:16:14,540 You're kidding us. They escaped? 330 00:16:14,540 --> 00:16:18,144 Don't worry. They'll never get by the herons. 331 00:16:31,390 --> 00:16:32,325 [both gasp] 332 00:16:50,476 --> 00:16:51,944 [tires screeching] 333 00:16:51,944 --> 00:16:53,179 Get in, quick! 334 00:16:55,815 --> 00:16:59,285 [tires squealing] Ooh, baby. That never gets old. 335 00:17:00,720 --> 00:17:01,621 [tires squealing] 336 00:17:11,297 --> 00:17:13,499 Frobo, let's light 'em up! 337 00:17:17,670 --> 00:17:18,571 Oh, wait a sec. 338 00:17:20,072 --> 00:17:22,308 That's better. [grunting] 339 00:17:28,314 --> 00:17:30,950 [laughing] [sighs] They grow up so fast. 340 00:17:30,950 --> 00:17:31,751 [gasps] 341 00:17:33,386 --> 00:17:37,590 Oh! You think my grandbaby's the only one who can fight? 342 00:17:38,558 --> 00:17:40,192 You better run! 343 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:42,895 Hey, this is going pretty well. 344 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:44,397 [shrieking] 345 00:17:46,165 --> 00:17:47,266 [rumbling] Hop Pop? 346 00:17:47,266 --> 00:17:49,302 What's the matter? [gasps] 347 00:17:53,806 --> 00:17:55,041 [shrieks] 348 00:17:55,841 --> 00:17:58,411 It's them. The herons. 349 00:17:58,411 --> 00:18:01,080 Those things got Mom and Dad? 350 00:18:02,582 --> 00:18:04,183 [shrieking] 351 00:18:04,183 --> 00:18:06,252 Guys, snap out of it or you're toast! 352 00:18:06,252 --> 00:18:07,687 Sprig, help me get them to-- 353 00:18:07,687 --> 00:18:11,424 [groans] I only have one memory of that day, 354 00:18:11,424 --> 00:18:13,759 and it's the horrible sound the herons made. 355 00:18:14,827 --> 00:18:16,696 Frobo, get them out of there now! 356 00:18:17,997 --> 00:18:18,831 [shrieking] 357 00:18:24,337 --> 00:18:25,438 [both whimpering] 358 00:18:33,679 --> 00:18:35,181 There's our only way in! 359 00:18:37,183 --> 00:18:38,551 [shrieks] 360 00:18:40,953 --> 00:18:42,421 [shrieks] 361 00:18:43,923 --> 00:18:47,226 All right, we get in, take out the force field and get out. 362 00:18:47,226 --> 00:18:48,294 Follow me, everyone. 363 00:18:53,165 --> 00:18:54,800 [chuckling] 364 00:19:00,773 --> 00:19:03,042 [Aldrich] Amazing isn't it? 365 00:19:03,042 --> 00:19:06,078 It's what your heart has always desired. 366 00:19:06,078 --> 00:19:07,513 [giggles] Sure is. 367 00:19:08,547 --> 00:19:11,283 It's a little lonely though. No offense. 368 00:19:11,283 --> 00:19:13,986 [laughs] None taken. 369 00:19:13,986 --> 00:19:15,755 But if it's friends you want... 370 00:19:16,722 --> 00:19:18,858 [both] Hey, Mar-Mar. 371 00:19:18,858 --> 00:19:22,762 [gasps] Guys! Oh, my gosh. It's so good to see you. 372 00:19:22,762 --> 00:19:26,232 I'm-- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. 373 00:19:26,232 --> 00:19:28,434 Never mind that, Mar-Mar. 374 00:19:28,434 --> 00:19:29,735 Do you like your new outfit? 375 00:19:31,237 --> 00:19:32,371 [gasps] 376 00:19:34,974 --> 00:19:36,742 You guys look amazing. 377 00:19:36,742 --> 00:19:39,345 Oh, this is everything I ever wanted. 378 00:19:39,345 --> 00:19:40,513 [Anne] Let's go, Marcy. 379 00:19:40,513 --> 00:19:42,348 What you waiting for, girl? 380 00:19:44,250 --> 00:19:45,418 [giggling] 381 00:19:48,587 --> 00:19:50,690 [people screaming in distance] 382 00:19:52,925 --> 00:19:54,226 Are you guys okay? 383 00:19:54,226 --> 00:19:55,995 I've never seen you like this. 384 00:19:55,995 --> 00:19:59,899 Sorry. I think we may have a tiny bit of trauma leftover 385 00:19:59,899 --> 00:20:03,502 from when these herons destroyed our family! 386 00:20:03,502 --> 00:20:06,505 Sorry, Anne. We're letting you down, girl. 387 00:20:06,505 --> 00:20:08,507 Stop! I totally get it, 388 00:20:08,507 --> 00:20:10,609 but I can't do this without you. 389 00:20:10,609 --> 00:20:13,279 I have seen this family overcome so much. 390 00:20:13,279 --> 00:20:15,748 I know we can get through this too together. 391 00:20:17,249 --> 00:20:19,785 The-- The Boo-- The Buh-- Uh, the Chuh-- 392 00:20:19,785 --> 00:20:22,288 Yeah. Wow, that trauma's messing with your head, HP. 393 00:20:22,288 --> 00:20:24,990 No, look! The Boonchuys! 394 00:20:24,990 --> 00:20:26,225 [heron shrieking] 395 00:20:28,094 --> 00:20:29,228 Honey! 396 00:20:30,162 --> 00:20:32,264 [both grunt, scream] 397 00:20:32,264 --> 00:20:34,633 [both panting] 398 00:20:36,702 --> 00:20:38,337 [shrieks] 399 00:20:39,338 --> 00:20:41,807 Mom, Dad! Oh, no. I've gotta-- 400 00:20:42,608 --> 00:20:44,710 [all] Charge! 401 00:20:44,710 --> 00:20:46,278 What? Guys? 402 00:20:49,281 --> 00:20:50,483 [shrieking] 403 00:20:51,917 --> 00:20:55,554 If you think we're gonna sit here for another second... 404 00:20:55,554 --> 00:20:58,524 While you try to take away the only family we have left... 405 00:20:58,524 --> 00:21:01,093 You've got another thing coming! 406 00:21:01,093 --> 00:21:02,261 [shrieking] 407 00:21:07,166 --> 00:21:08,501 [screams] 408 00:21:12,438 --> 00:21:14,006 You guys thinking what I'm thinking? 409 00:21:14,006 --> 00:21:15,975 [gasps] The bigger they are... 410 00:21:15,975 --> 00:21:17,743 The harder they fall. 411 00:21:30,923 --> 00:21:31,991 It's working! 412 00:21:31,991 --> 00:21:33,425 [shrieks] 413 00:21:36,996 --> 00:21:38,264 [screaming] 414 00:21:38,264 --> 00:21:40,232 Totally forgot birds have wings! 415 00:21:40,232 --> 00:21:42,535 [gasps] Wings! Boy, that's it. 416 00:21:42,535 --> 00:21:44,603 Frobo, turn back, fast! 417 00:21:48,407 --> 00:21:49,742 And back around. 418 00:21:54,713 --> 00:21:55,614 [all screaming] 419 00:21:58,250 --> 00:21:59,385 [grunts] 420 00:22:09,228 --> 00:22:10,563 [both trill] 421 00:22:14,800 --> 00:22:18,270 Hey! We're not afraid of you any more. 422 00:22:18,270 --> 00:22:20,706 You may have taken something important from us, 423 00:22:20,706 --> 00:22:23,108 but you're not gonna take anything else. 424 00:22:23,108 --> 00:22:24,443 Well, kids, 425 00:22:24,443 --> 00:22:27,847 what do you say we teach these monsters some manners? 426 00:22:48,334 --> 00:22:51,270 Uh, Anne, what are they doing? 427 00:22:51,270 --> 00:22:52,705 No way. 428 00:22:52,705 --> 00:22:54,940 The Plantar-family hunting dance. 429 00:23:02,381 --> 00:23:03,749 Now, sit. 430 00:23:06,352 --> 00:23:07,653 Claw? 431 00:23:12,591 --> 00:23:15,928 Now, destroy those robots! 432 00:23:20,232 --> 00:23:21,166 [shrieks] 433 00:23:24,737 --> 00:23:28,507 [sighs] Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? 434 00:23:29,475 --> 00:23:31,443 [shrieking] 435 00:23:31,443 --> 00:23:32,912 This has gone on long enough. 436 00:23:32,912 --> 00:23:36,482 Get out there and bring me that Boonchuy girl. 437 00:23:36,482 --> 00:23:38,784 Break her legs if you have to. 438 00:23:40,419 --> 00:23:41,854 Oh, and Andrias. 439 00:23:41,854 --> 00:23:45,291 If you fail, you can forget about ever joining your father 440 00:23:45,291 --> 00:23:47,826 and the rest of us up here. 441 00:23:47,826 --> 00:23:49,662 [Andrias] Ready the dyoplosaurus. 442 00:23:53,265 --> 00:23:55,134 [groans] 443 00:23:55,134 --> 00:23:56,402 This will take us to the hall 444 00:23:56,402 --> 00:23:58,103 just outside the shield generator. 445 00:23:58,103 --> 00:24:00,306 [grunting] 446 00:24:00,306 --> 00:24:02,174 Quit yanking on my foot, Grime. 447 00:24:02,174 --> 00:24:03,575 Uh, I'm not. 448 00:24:04,376 --> 00:24:05,678 Whoa. 449 00:24:07,813 --> 00:24:09,148 [chuckles] 450 00:24:11,951 --> 00:24:14,186 [grunting] 451 00:24:15,120 --> 00:24:16,055 [grunts] 452 00:24:16,889 --> 00:24:17,856 [grunts] 453 00:24:22,094 --> 00:24:23,996 [chuckling] 454 00:24:23,996 --> 00:24:25,064 You and Grime go on. 455 00:24:25,064 --> 00:24:27,900 Olivia and I will hold off these creepos. 456 00:24:30,202 --> 00:24:32,137 I'm glad you're with me, General. 457 00:24:32,137 --> 00:24:33,038 Likewise, milady. 458 00:24:36,075 --> 00:24:37,409 This must be it. 459 00:24:37,409 --> 00:24:38,711 The shield generator. 460 00:24:41,413 --> 00:24:44,116 Look out! [grunting] 461 00:24:45,484 --> 00:24:49,455 [chuckling] Dropping by without calling? 462 00:24:49,455 --> 00:24:50,622 So rude. 463 00:24:50,622 --> 00:24:52,725 Then again, we're not surprised. 464 00:24:52,725 --> 00:24:54,827 Marcy always thought you were kind of a brute. 465 00:24:54,827 --> 00:24:58,030 I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. 466 00:24:58,030 --> 00:24:59,098 Yeah, you really think 467 00:24:59,098 --> 00:25:01,734 you can manipulate the queen of manipulation? 468 00:25:01,734 --> 00:25:03,068 Thank you, Grime. 469 00:25:03,068 --> 00:25:04,670 [clears throat] Sorry. 470 00:25:04,670 --> 00:25:07,539 Aw, don't you wanna know what she really thinks of you? 471 00:25:07,539 --> 00:25:09,708 It doesn't matter what she thinks of me. 472 00:25:09,708 --> 00:25:11,777 I'm here to save her and stop you. 473 00:25:13,212 --> 00:25:14,880 Well, then... [neck cracks] 474 00:25:19,318 --> 00:25:21,286 ...let's rumble, girlfriend. 475 00:25:21,286 --> 00:25:22,554 [both grunt] 476 00:25:23,422 --> 00:25:24,556 [grunts] 477 00:25:28,861 --> 00:25:29,962 [shrieks] 478 00:25:32,998 --> 00:25:33,899 [gasps] 479 00:25:33,899 --> 00:25:34,933 [grunts] 480 00:25:38,370 --> 00:25:41,073 Hey, X, when the battle's over can we keep this stuff? 481 00:25:41,073 --> 00:25:44,543 That is proprietary government property, Mr. B! 482 00:25:45,344 --> 00:25:46,945 So, that's a maybe? 483 00:26:08,400 --> 00:26:11,537 What's good, primates? [laughs] 484 00:26:12,871 --> 00:26:14,106 Andrias. 485 00:26:14,106 --> 00:26:16,275 Ten coppers, I can snipe him from here. 486 00:26:18,010 --> 00:26:20,679 I gotta be honest. You've put up a pretty good fight. 487 00:26:20,679 --> 00:26:23,982 For a race as primitive as yours, that is. 488 00:26:23,982 --> 00:26:26,251 And even though we could easily wipe you out, 489 00:26:26,251 --> 00:26:28,554 I'm willing to strike a little bargain. 490 00:26:28,554 --> 00:26:30,856 I'll call off this whole invasion 491 00:26:30,856 --> 00:26:34,059 if Anne Boonchuy beats me in single combat. 492 00:26:34,059 --> 00:26:37,729 That's it. No gimmicks. One life for thousands. 493 00:26:37,729 --> 00:26:39,298 And if she doesn't... 494 00:26:44,369 --> 00:26:45,704 [screams] 495 00:26:45,704 --> 00:26:47,339 [people screaming] 496 00:26:50,609 --> 00:26:52,311 [Andrias] You hear me, Anne? 497 00:26:52,311 --> 00:26:54,213 It's time for a rematch. 498 00:26:59,318 --> 00:27:00,719 No, Anne. Don't do it. 499 00:27:00,719 --> 00:27:02,121 It's a trap for sure. 500 00:27:05,757 --> 00:27:08,627 You know, before I ended up in Amphibia, 501 00:27:08,627 --> 00:27:10,762 I didn't care about right or wrong. 502 00:27:10,762 --> 00:27:12,498 I just did what was easy. 503 00:27:12,498 --> 00:27:14,833 I let people walk all over me. 504 00:27:14,833 --> 00:27:18,103 And I think that's because I didn't love myself. 505 00:27:18,103 --> 00:27:19,204 Not really. 506 00:27:19,204 --> 00:27:22,641 But meeting you three has changed all of that. 507 00:27:22,641 --> 00:27:24,209 And these months we've spent together, 508 00:27:24,209 --> 00:27:26,645 have shown me the person I really wanna be. 509 00:27:27,446 --> 00:27:29,915 Trap or not, I have to do this. 510 00:27:32,217 --> 00:27:34,786 Then you better kick his big, stupid butt. 511 00:27:34,786 --> 00:27:36,822 Couldn't have said it better myself. 512 00:27:36,822 --> 00:27:38,157 You got this. 513 00:27:38,157 --> 00:27:39,124 Thanks, you guys. 514 00:27:40,659 --> 00:27:42,694 [all grunting] [Frobo laughs] 515 00:27:42,694 --> 00:27:43,729 [whistles] 516 00:27:43,729 --> 00:27:45,297 [roaring] 517 00:27:53,672 --> 00:27:55,307 Go, Anne. Go! 518 00:27:55,307 --> 00:27:56,975 Take him down! 519 00:27:56,975 --> 00:27:59,745 [thinking] You can do it, Anne. We believe in you. 520 00:28:08,587 --> 00:28:09,855 You rang? 521 00:28:10,889 --> 00:28:13,559 You know, I think I finally figured out 522 00:28:13,559 --> 00:28:16,828 why the stones picked you as their champion, Boonchuy. 523 00:28:16,828 --> 00:28:18,797 From the moment you walked into my throne room, 524 00:28:18,797 --> 00:28:20,399 I underestimated you. 525 00:28:20,399 --> 00:28:24,369 A scruffy little girl with one shoe and leaves in her hair. 526 00:28:24,369 --> 00:28:28,507 Yet, underneath it all, a true warrior. 527 00:28:28,507 --> 00:28:30,475 Such a brilliant deception. 528 00:28:30,475 --> 00:28:32,144 Speak for yourself. 529 00:28:32,144 --> 00:28:35,147 You went from Santa Claus to supervillain pretty quick there. 530 00:28:35,147 --> 00:28:37,082 [laughs] 531 00:28:37,082 --> 00:28:38,083 Touché. 532 00:28:38,083 --> 00:28:40,085 Oh, and I know about the time limit 533 00:28:40,085 --> 00:28:41,920 on your precious powers. 534 00:28:41,920 --> 00:28:45,090 Do you really think you can beat me before you pass out? 535 00:28:45,090 --> 00:28:47,326 Only one way to find out. 536 00:28:50,596 --> 00:28:52,931 It appears the hopes of Earth rest on... 537 00:28:52,931 --> 00:28:54,566 a disheveled teenage girl? 538 00:28:54,566 --> 00:28:56,702 [crowd gasps, murmurs] 539 00:28:57,970 --> 00:29:00,872 No way. Is that Boobchuy? 540 00:29:02,174 --> 00:29:03,275 Anne? 541 00:29:03,275 --> 00:29:04,710 I just wanted an essay! 542 00:29:17,589 --> 00:29:18,890 [grunts] 543 00:29:24,229 --> 00:29:25,264 [groans] 544 00:29:27,099 --> 00:29:28,200 [screams] 545 00:29:30,235 --> 00:29:31,270 [grunts] 546 00:29:31,270 --> 00:29:32,437 [electronic voice] Target locked. 547 00:29:41,280 --> 00:29:42,214 Oh, no. 548 00:29:43,248 --> 00:29:44,916 [people screaming] 549 00:29:44,916 --> 00:29:46,051 [sirens blaring] 550 00:29:47,386 --> 00:29:48,353 [people screaming] 551 00:29:49,388 --> 00:29:50,489 [both grunting] 552 00:29:50,489 --> 00:29:52,024 [laughing] 553 00:29:58,563 --> 00:29:59,564 I have an idea. 554 00:29:59,564 --> 00:30:02,768 You go for the generator while I distract her! 555 00:30:02,768 --> 00:30:04,303 You call that an idea? 556 00:30:04,303 --> 00:30:05,304 [grunting] 557 00:30:12,344 --> 00:30:13,879 Oh, no, you don't. 558 00:30:14,880 --> 00:30:17,482 [grunting] 559 00:30:17,482 --> 00:30:18,417 [laughing] No! 560 00:30:19,284 --> 00:30:20,385 Gotcha! 561 00:30:20,385 --> 00:30:21,320 [screams] 562 00:30:21,320 --> 00:30:22,587 Sasha! 563 00:30:27,259 --> 00:30:30,195 [groaning] 564 00:30:30,829 --> 00:30:33,231 Grime! You big dummy. 565 00:30:33,799 --> 00:30:35,067 Listen to me. 566 00:30:35,067 --> 00:30:38,470 Sasha, before I met you, I was nothing. 567 00:30:38,470 --> 00:30:40,072 Just a bully in a tower. 568 00:30:40,072 --> 00:30:44,009 But you, you inspired me to be so much more. 569 00:30:44,009 --> 00:30:47,579 And if you can do that, you can do anything. 570 00:30:48,513 --> 00:30:50,649 [straining] You can do this. 571 00:30:50,649 --> 00:30:53,418 Oops, looks like he's disarmed. 572 00:30:53,418 --> 00:30:54,753 Get it? Disarmed. 573 00:30:54,753 --> 00:30:55,921 [laughing] 574 00:30:55,921 --> 00:30:57,055 [gasps] Huh? 575 00:30:57,756 --> 00:30:58,790 [screams] 576 00:30:58,790 --> 00:31:02,260 [both grunting] 577 00:31:05,197 --> 00:31:06,331 [grunts] 578 00:31:06,898 --> 00:31:08,100 [screaming] 579 00:31:10,335 --> 00:31:11,837 [screaming] 580 00:31:11,837 --> 00:31:13,071 [car alarm blaring] 581 00:31:16,908 --> 00:31:18,343 Why fight it, Anne? 582 00:31:19,611 --> 00:31:22,080 Everything you love will eventually crumble! 583 00:31:22,948 --> 00:31:23,949 [groans] 584 00:31:23,949 --> 00:31:25,717 Your world, your friendships... 585 00:31:25,717 --> 00:31:27,619 So, what? I'm supposed to give up? 586 00:31:27,619 --> 00:31:28,754 Stop feeling things? 587 00:31:28,754 --> 00:31:30,088 Like you? 588 00:31:30,622 --> 00:31:31,490 [grunts] 589 00:31:41,166 --> 00:31:43,468 Honestly, I pity you. 590 00:31:48,974 --> 00:31:51,543 You shut yourself off from the rest of the world, 591 00:31:51,543 --> 00:31:52,978 didn't you? 592 00:32:00,185 --> 00:32:03,455 A thousand years of suffering, of burying your feelings, 593 00:32:03,455 --> 00:32:04,589 of hating yourself... 594 00:32:05,557 --> 00:32:07,092 That must have been hard. 595 00:32:07,092 --> 00:32:09,594 [grunts] Enough! 596 00:32:09,594 --> 00:32:10,529 [groans] 597 00:32:13,732 --> 00:32:16,101 [all gasp] 598 00:32:16,768 --> 00:32:19,004 [grunts, sighs] 599 00:32:19,004 --> 00:32:20,205 Come on, Anne. 600 00:32:20,205 --> 00:32:21,907 [sighs] If only we could let her know 601 00:32:21,907 --> 00:32:23,008 we're all behind her. 602 00:32:24,609 --> 00:32:25,544 Hit it, Mr. X. 603 00:32:26,678 --> 00:32:28,580 Behold, your tax dollars at work! 604 00:32:30,115 --> 00:32:31,750 [K-pop playing on speakers] ♪ One, two, three ♪ 605 00:32:31,750 --> 00:32:33,118 [Mr. X on speakers] Hey, Anne, 606 00:32:33,118 --> 00:32:35,120 looks like you could use a little mood music. 607 00:32:35,120 --> 00:32:37,956 And a little birdie told me this was your jam. 608 00:32:37,956 --> 00:32:39,157 Kick his butt! 609 00:32:39,157 --> 00:32:41,092 -We love you. -You got this girl. 610 00:32:41,092 --> 00:32:42,327 We believe in you. 611 00:32:42,327 --> 00:32:45,630 [crowd] Anne! Anne! Anne! Anne! 612 00:32:45,630 --> 00:32:48,066 [K-pop music continues] 613 00:32:48,066 --> 00:32:49,167 ♪ Baby ♪ 614 00:32:49,801 --> 00:32:50,869 Well, hello there, 615 00:32:50,869 --> 00:32:52,804 sweet life-giving K-pop. 616 00:32:52,804 --> 00:32:55,507 [K-pop music continues] 617 00:32:56,808 --> 00:32:59,478 [Andrias grunting] 618 00:32:59,478 --> 00:33:00,445 [screaming] 619 00:33:00,445 --> 00:33:01,813 [screaming] 620 00:33:01,813 --> 00:33:03,548 [K-pop music continues] 621 00:33:06,718 --> 00:33:08,186 That was for Grime! 622 00:33:09,654 --> 00:33:10,589 [chuckles] 623 00:33:12,057 --> 00:33:13,058 [gasps] 624 00:33:15,060 --> 00:33:17,128 [K-pop music fades] 625 00:33:18,063 --> 00:33:19,197 Hey, Sash. [screams] 626 00:33:20,232 --> 00:33:22,400 Hey, Sasha. [gasps] 627 00:33:22,400 --> 00:33:24,769 Hey, Sash. 628 00:33:24,769 --> 00:33:26,238 Hey, Sasha. 629 00:33:26,872 --> 00:33:28,974 Hey, Sasha. 630 00:33:29,574 --> 00:33:32,511 [grunting] 631 00:33:32,511 --> 00:33:35,380 You think these cheap tricks will work on me? 632 00:33:35,380 --> 00:33:36,481 Yep! 633 00:33:36,481 --> 00:33:38,416 [screams] 634 00:33:41,453 --> 00:33:43,822 Oh, too easy. 635 00:33:43,822 --> 00:33:47,092 [laughing] 636 00:33:47,092 --> 00:33:48,960 [grunts] 637 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:50,795 [laughing] 638 00:33:50,795 --> 00:33:53,765 Okay. So, should we tackle the Marsh of Mystery first 639 00:33:53,765 --> 00:33:55,333 or the Cavern of Courage? 640 00:33:56,201 --> 00:33:58,103 [both] Whatever you want, Mar-Mar. 641 00:33:58,103 --> 00:34:00,038 We only want what you want. 642 00:34:04,776 --> 00:34:07,045 Wh-- What did you just say? 643 00:34:08,113 --> 00:34:09,748 [both] We want what you want. 644 00:34:09,748 --> 00:34:11,449 Always and forever. 645 00:34:20,025 --> 00:34:21,293 [sighs] 646 00:34:21,293 --> 00:34:24,596 This... This isn't real, is it? 647 00:34:26,398 --> 00:34:31,736 The real Anne and Sasha don't want what I want and it hurts. 648 00:34:31,736 --> 00:34:36,575 But forcing them to follow my dreams is wrong. 649 00:34:36,575 --> 00:34:38,310 I've learned that the hard way. 650 00:34:39,945 --> 00:34:43,014 This is getting tiresome, Marcy. 651 00:34:43,014 --> 00:34:44,883 We gave you your silly games 652 00:34:44,883 --> 00:34:47,252 and your idiotic little friends. 653 00:34:47,252 --> 00:34:50,822 It's time for you to be assimilated into the Core. 654 00:34:50,822 --> 00:34:51,756 Now. 655 00:34:52,691 --> 00:34:53,625 No. 656 00:34:53,625 --> 00:34:55,994 Only a coward would hide away 657 00:34:55,994 --> 00:34:57,262 in this place. 658 00:34:57,262 --> 00:34:59,864 Well, I reject this sick fantasy 659 00:34:59,864 --> 00:35:01,466 and I reject you! 660 00:35:03,535 --> 00:35:04,869 [groans] 661 00:35:04,869 --> 00:35:06,237 Fool. 662 00:35:06,237 --> 00:35:07,906 The only thing waiting for you out there 663 00:35:07,906 --> 00:35:09,240 is rejection and misery! 664 00:35:09,240 --> 00:35:10,942 Even if your friends win, 665 00:35:10,942 --> 00:35:13,845 your parents will still tear the three of you apart. 666 00:35:16,548 --> 00:35:20,385 I started this whole mess because I wanted to escape that reality. 667 00:35:20,385 --> 00:35:22,687 But I won't run away from it anymore! 668 00:35:22,687 --> 00:35:24,055 So be it. 669 00:35:24,055 --> 00:35:28,059 Then suffer, child, in eternal darkness. 670 00:35:28,059 --> 00:35:33,198 And in time, anything left of your personality will fade. 671 00:35:39,004 --> 00:35:43,508 Anne, Sasha, I believe in you. 672 00:35:50,682 --> 00:35:52,417 [grunting] 673 00:35:52,884 --> 00:35:54,319 [groans] 674 00:35:56,287 --> 00:35:58,456 [metal clanging] 675 00:36:02,193 --> 00:36:03,595 [grunts] 676 00:36:06,398 --> 00:36:08,800 It's over, Andrias! 677 00:36:08,800 --> 00:36:10,235 Call off the invasion. 678 00:36:10,835 --> 00:36:12,437 [growling] 679 00:36:14,639 --> 00:36:15,740 [gasps] 680 00:36:15,740 --> 00:36:17,709 -[powering down] -No. 681 00:36:17,709 --> 00:36:18,810 No, no, no, no! 682 00:36:18,810 --> 00:36:20,645 Time's up. 683 00:36:20,645 --> 00:36:23,114 Looks like your powers are finally running out. 684 00:36:23,114 --> 00:36:24,249 Oh, no. 685 00:36:25,350 --> 00:36:29,554 It's over! And you were so close too. 686 00:36:30,321 --> 00:36:31,990 Like heck it is! 687 00:36:31,990 --> 00:36:33,491 [grunts, shouts] 688 00:36:34,025 --> 00:36:34,959 [grunts] 689 00:36:35,827 --> 00:36:37,262 [groans] 690 00:36:37,262 --> 00:36:38,863 [crowd gasps] 691 00:36:38,863 --> 00:36:40,265 Anne! Oh, no! 692 00:36:40,265 --> 00:36:41,666 We have to help her! 693 00:36:41,666 --> 00:36:44,102 Come on, come on, boom shrooms. 694 00:36:44,102 --> 00:36:45,203 Aha! 695 00:36:46,504 --> 00:36:48,239 Hey, little man! You dropped your... 696 00:36:48,239 --> 00:36:49,874 -[beeping] -Huh? 697 00:36:54,412 --> 00:36:56,614 What? A letter to Andrias? 698 00:36:56,614 --> 00:36:57,515 Huh? Eh? 699 00:36:57,515 --> 00:37:00,285 This letter is encoded with special ink 700 00:37:00,285 --> 00:37:02,754 that's only visible with red lenses. 701 00:37:02,754 --> 00:37:05,290 And you know this how exactly? 702 00:37:05,290 --> 00:37:08,560 Spy glasses, secret messages. Kind of my job. 703 00:37:08,560 --> 00:37:09,594 Hey! 704 00:37:09,594 --> 00:37:11,229 [beeping] 705 00:37:11,229 --> 00:37:13,331 [gasps] I have to get up there! 706 00:37:13,331 --> 00:37:14,399 [roars] 707 00:37:18,703 --> 00:37:20,605 [shrieks] 708 00:37:23,108 --> 00:37:24,542 Sprig, wait! 709 00:37:24,542 --> 00:37:26,211 It's too dangerous! 710 00:37:28,580 --> 00:37:29,881 [shrieks] 711 00:37:38,356 --> 00:37:39,891 -[shrieking] -[groans] 712 00:37:39,891 --> 00:37:41,259 [shrieking] 713 00:37:50,568 --> 00:37:51,970 [grunts] 714 00:37:51,970 --> 00:37:52,871 [Sprig] Hey, Andrias! 715 00:37:54,205 --> 00:37:55,573 [grunts] 716 00:37:55,573 --> 00:37:57,542 Anne! Get out of here, Sprig! 717 00:37:57,542 --> 00:38:00,345 He's too much, and I'm useless now. 718 00:38:01,412 --> 00:38:04,048 [grunts] Two for one, eh? 719 00:38:04,048 --> 00:38:05,283 Why not? 720 00:38:06,417 --> 00:38:08,386 Stop! I have a message from Leif! 721 00:38:11,856 --> 00:38:12,824 [beeping] 722 00:38:12,824 --> 00:38:16,394 How-- How do you know that name? 723 00:38:16,394 --> 00:38:18,797 I found this letter in my family's basement. 724 00:38:18,797 --> 00:38:21,499 She was the one who betrayed you, wasn't she? 725 00:38:21,499 --> 00:38:23,701 So, what if she was? 726 00:38:23,701 --> 00:38:26,938 She still has something to say to you. 727 00:38:26,938 --> 00:38:28,706 "My dearest Andrias..." 728 00:38:28,706 --> 00:38:32,243 [Leif] ...this message may never reach you, but I hope it does. 729 00:38:32,243 --> 00:38:33,845 I know you must hate me, 730 00:38:33,845 --> 00:38:35,847 but please hear me out. 731 00:38:35,847 --> 00:38:37,682 After hiding the music box on Earth, 732 00:38:37,682 --> 00:38:40,552 I knew I could never return to the kingdom. 733 00:38:40,552 --> 00:38:42,086 Change was scary 734 00:38:42,086 --> 00:38:45,690 and it was for me to open my heart to others again. 735 00:38:46,457 --> 00:38:48,326 But I'm glad I did. 736 00:38:48,326 --> 00:38:50,695 We spent our lives afraid of change. 737 00:38:50,695 --> 00:38:52,530 But after many years, 738 00:38:52,530 --> 00:38:55,934 I realized the beauty of life is the change. 739 00:38:57,735 --> 00:39:01,806 And through it all I had such wonderful memories of you. 740 00:39:01,806 --> 00:39:04,075 -[child laughing] -For even though you, Barrel and I 741 00:39:04,075 --> 00:39:05,810 are no longer together, 742 00:39:05,810 --> 00:39:08,613 the two of you never really left my side. 743 00:39:08,613 --> 00:39:10,515 In the end, my only remaining wish 744 00:39:10,515 --> 00:39:14,519 is that somehow, someday my love reaches you. 745 00:39:14,519 --> 00:39:19,190 So, I'm begging you, my dearest friend, don't close yourself off. 746 00:39:19,190 --> 00:39:21,626 Open your heart and follow it. 747 00:39:22,293 --> 00:39:23,728 With love always... 748 00:39:24,562 --> 00:39:25,864 "...your Leif." 749 00:39:33,705 --> 00:39:37,575 All this time I thought you had forgotten me 750 00:39:37,575 --> 00:39:39,911 like I tried to forget you. 751 00:39:41,012 --> 00:39:42,881 My dear friend. 752 00:39:43,715 --> 00:39:45,416 [sobbing] 753 00:39:45,416 --> 00:39:47,051 But you're too late. 754 00:39:47,051 --> 00:39:49,654 The things I've done. The pain I've caused. 755 00:39:49,654 --> 00:39:51,256 There's no going back! 756 00:39:51,256 --> 00:39:53,024 [echoing] 757 00:39:53,024 --> 00:39:54,993 -Anne! -Come on. 758 00:39:54,993 --> 00:39:56,327 Come on! 759 00:39:56,327 --> 00:39:57,695 [grunts, gasps] 760 00:39:57,695 --> 00:39:58,630 [groans] 761 00:40:00,765 --> 00:40:03,768 Well, Sash, it's been fun. 762 00:40:04,302 --> 00:40:05,703 Do your worst. 763 00:40:05,703 --> 00:40:06,771 Sure! 764 00:40:06,771 --> 00:40:08,273 -[whispering, indistinct] -Huh? 765 00:40:08,273 --> 00:40:09,841 It can't be. 766 00:40:09,841 --> 00:40:11,910 [sobbing] 767 00:40:15,680 --> 00:40:18,883 Aldrich, your son is losing the will to fight. 768 00:40:18,883 --> 00:40:21,019 That weakling! 769 00:40:21,019 --> 00:40:23,688 Hey, Sasha, as a fellow control freak, 770 00:40:23,688 --> 00:40:25,757 you'll probably really appreciate this. 771 00:40:27,992 --> 00:40:30,428 [sobbing continues] 772 00:40:30,428 --> 00:40:31,863 [gasps] 773 00:40:31,863 --> 00:40:33,798 [groaning] 774 00:40:37,568 --> 00:40:40,405 Andrias! Stand up and fight, 775 00:40:40,405 --> 00:40:42,373 you pathetic excuse for a king. 776 00:40:42,373 --> 00:40:44,742 We are all you need. 777 00:40:44,742 --> 00:40:47,645 We are all you will ever have. 778 00:40:49,847 --> 00:40:50,782 [gasps] 779 00:40:55,219 --> 00:40:57,655 [Anne] It's not who we were that matters, Sash. 780 00:40:59,090 --> 00:41:01,225 -It's who we are now that counts. -[groaning] 781 00:41:09,200 --> 00:41:11,536 There. That's better. 782 00:41:13,438 --> 00:41:14,439 Huh? 783 00:41:14,439 --> 00:41:15,940 [screams] 784 00:41:17,408 --> 00:41:20,445 I am not that person anymore! 785 00:41:21,813 --> 00:41:24,449 [panting] 786 00:41:27,919 --> 00:41:30,021 [gasps] Pfft. [chuckles] 787 00:41:30,021 --> 00:41:31,389 You missed. 788 00:41:31,389 --> 00:41:32,557 Wanna bet? 789 00:41:35,159 --> 00:41:37,128 [screaming] 790 00:41:37,128 --> 00:41:38,262 My connection. 791 00:41:38,262 --> 00:41:41,599 You fool! Do you have any idea what you've done? 792 00:41:41,599 --> 00:41:42,867 [screaming] No! 793 00:41:43,735 --> 00:41:46,237 [glass shattering] 794 00:41:46,237 --> 00:41:47,905 No! 795 00:41:48,873 --> 00:41:51,175 [screaming] 796 00:41:51,175 --> 00:41:52,243 [machine powers down] 797 00:41:57,882 --> 00:42:00,418 Marcy! Marcy, wake up. 798 00:42:00,418 --> 00:42:01,552 Marcy! 799 00:42:06,891 --> 00:42:07,825 [grunts] 800 00:42:09,927 --> 00:42:12,230 [Leif] Don't close yourself off. 801 00:42:12,230 --> 00:42:14,532 Open your heart and follow it. 802 00:42:27,578 --> 00:42:28,713 [grunts] 803 00:42:33,317 --> 00:42:34,619 [crowd gasps] 804 00:42:34,619 --> 00:42:38,122 She did it! 805 00:42:38,122 --> 00:42:39,690 [all cheering] 806 00:42:39,690 --> 00:42:41,692 [horns honking] 807 00:42:41,692 --> 00:42:44,262 [cheering continues] 808 00:42:46,864 --> 00:42:47,899 Whoo! 809 00:42:47,899 --> 00:42:49,500 Yeah! 810 00:42:49,500 --> 00:42:52,603 You won, Anne! You did it. You won! 811 00:42:52,603 --> 00:42:54,539 No, Sprig. We won. 812 00:42:54,539 --> 00:42:56,340 [coughing] 813 00:42:56,340 --> 00:42:57,341 [electricity crackles] 814 00:42:57,341 --> 00:42:59,043 [coughs] 815 00:42:59,043 --> 00:43:01,112 Andrias? What? 816 00:43:01,112 --> 00:43:04,849 Living for a thousand years was not without sacrifice. 817 00:43:08,619 --> 00:43:11,222 The force field's down. Sasha must have won! 818 00:43:11,222 --> 00:43:12,356 [Andrias] Marcy... 819 00:43:12,356 --> 00:43:14,892 You-- You must save Marcy. 820 00:43:18,596 --> 00:43:19,864 [gasps] 821 00:43:21,499 --> 00:43:22,733 Oh, Marcy. 822 00:43:23,434 --> 00:43:24,702 We love you and... 823 00:43:25,536 --> 00:43:26,838 We forgive you. 824 00:43:26,838 --> 00:43:29,841 [sobbing] Please come back to us. 825 00:43:32,510 --> 00:43:33,678 [groans] 826 00:43:34,512 --> 00:43:35,980 Anne? 827 00:43:35,980 --> 00:43:36,948 Sasha? 828 00:43:37,582 --> 00:43:38,749 Marcy? [gasps] 829 00:43:38,749 --> 00:43:40,184 [chuckles] Marcy! [sobbing] 830 00:43:40,184 --> 00:43:41,385 You're alive. 831 00:43:45,456 --> 00:43:46,390 [sniffles] 832 00:43:48,192 --> 00:43:50,394 Anne, Sasha... 833 00:43:50,394 --> 00:43:51,729 [sighs] ...I'm sorry. 834 00:43:51,729 --> 00:43:54,665 I was so scared of moving away. 835 00:43:54,665 --> 00:43:57,969 The thought of losing you was just so big! 836 00:43:57,969 --> 00:44:00,571 I-I was afraid that if we weren't together, 837 00:44:00,571 --> 00:44:02,607 we wouldn't be friends anymore. 838 00:44:02,607 --> 00:44:04,375 I know it's hard, Marcy. 839 00:44:04,375 --> 00:44:08,212 But, no matter how much we fight it or deny it, things change. 840 00:44:08,212 --> 00:44:09,380 We can't stop it. 841 00:44:10,615 --> 00:44:13,050 But nothing, not distance or time, 842 00:44:13,050 --> 00:44:14,819 can break the bond that we share, 843 00:44:14,819 --> 00:44:16,387 because nothing can take away 844 00:44:16,387 --> 00:44:18,189 the memories of the time we spent together. 845 00:44:19,657 --> 00:44:23,594 [wind whistling] 846 00:44:23,594 --> 00:44:25,429 Now come here! 847 00:44:25,429 --> 00:44:27,331 Can you believe we just defeated 848 00:44:27,331 --> 00:44:28,966 an ancient invading empire? 849 00:44:28,966 --> 00:44:30,768 [laughs] That's gonna look real good 850 00:44:30,768 --> 00:44:32,603 on future job applications. 851 00:44:32,603 --> 00:44:34,539 And we'll have videos to prove it. 852 00:44:34,539 --> 00:44:37,375 [all laugh] 853 00:44:37,375 --> 00:44:39,010 The rest of you, get over here! 854 00:44:39,677 --> 00:44:41,512 [Sprig laughs] 855 00:44:41,512 --> 00:44:42,847 Come on, you guys. 856 00:44:42,847 --> 00:44:44,882 I don't do, uh, group hugs. 857 00:44:46,817 --> 00:44:48,619 [singsongy] Grimsey... 858 00:44:48,619 --> 00:44:50,354 Okay. 859 00:44:50,354 --> 00:44:51,422 [footsteps approaching] 860 00:44:51,422 --> 00:44:53,124 [all] Oh, no, no, no, no! 861 00:44:53,124 --> 00:44:54,225 [all grunt] 862 00:44:54,225 --> 00:44:56,360 [all groaning] 863 00:44:56,360 --> 00:44:57,962 [powers up] 864 00:45:03,901 --> 00:45:06,337 Good birdie. [heron trills] 865 00:45:06,337 --> 00:45:08,973 [Anne] Now we just need to see everyone back safely to Amphibia 866 00:45:08,973 --> 00:45:10,975 and make sure everything's okay on the other side. 867 00:45:10,975 --> 00:45:12,944 [Mrs. Boonchuy] We'll hold down the fort here. 868 00:45:12,944 --> 00:45:14,712 [Mr. Boonchuy] Just until you get back home. 869 00:45:14,712 --> 00:45:16,714 Mr. and Mrs. B., 870 00:45:16,714 --> 00:45:19,150 could you let our parents know we're okay? 871 00:45:19,150 --> 00:45:21,252 And that we'll be back soon. [Mrs. Boonchuy] Sure. 872 00:45:21,252 --> 00:45:23,754 Now that the robot attack was all over TV... 873 00:45:23,754 --> 00:45:26,224 What the-- ...it'll be easier to explain. 874 00:45:26,224 --> 00:45:27,491 See you soon! 875 00:45:27,491 --> 00:45:28,993 Love you! Bye! 876 00:45:33,231 --> 00:45:34,131 [music box plays] 877 00:45:43,374 --> 00:45:45,309 [clamoring] 878 00:45:59,190 --> 00:46:02,059 Whoo! Stuck the landing! [all groaning] 879 00:46:03,294 --> 00:46:04,562 Okay, who thought 880 00:46:04,562 --> 00:46:06,097 letting Polly drive was a good idea? 881 00:46:09,066 --> 00:46:13,204 [inhales] King Andrias and Darcy have been defeated. 882 00:46:13,204 --> 00:46:15,072 We are victorious! 883 00:46:15,640 --> 00:46:18,209 [all cheering] 884 00:46:19,677 --> 00:46:21,812 Huh. Everything's over. 885 00:46:21,812 --> 00:46:23,881 Looks like we didn't even need that prophecy. 886 00:46:23,881 --> 00:46:26,117 Prophecy? [gasps] What prophecy? 887 00:46:28,119 --> 00:46:32,223 Hey, Anne, do you think things between us will change too? 888 00:46:32,223 --> 00:46:35,059 The way that things have changed between you, Sasha and Marcy? 889 00:46:35,993 --> 00:46:37,862 It's hard to say, Sprig. 890 00:46:37,862 --> 00:46:40,298 But if they do, we'll face it together. 891 00:46:43,768 --> 00:46:44,902 Huh? 892 00:46:46,537 --> 00:46:48,539 Hey, uh, is it just me 893 00:46:48,539 --> 00:46:50,975 or is the moon getting closer? 894 00:46:55,880 --> 00:46:57,014 [all gasp] 895 00:46:57,882 --> 00:46:59,550 Wha-- What's going on? 896 00:47:01,852 --> 00:47:03,888 [theme song playing on music box] 897 00:47:28,179 --> 00:47:29,080 [song ends]