1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:05,120 ANIMALS AND BIRDS CALL 2 00:00:08,160 --> 00:00:10,000 ELEPHANT TRUMPETS 3 00:00:11,080 --> 00:00:14,960 Many tales have been told of Africa. 4 00:00:17,640 --> 00:00:21,800 But this is our story - 5 00:00:21,800 --> 00:00:25,560 a drama set in the heart of our world, 6 00:00:25,560 --> 00:00:29,760 experienced as we live and breathe it. 7 00:00:33,840 --> 00:00:36,440 Our world is changing. 8 00:00:39,480 --> 00:00:41,960 Our lives are in danger. 9 00:00:41,960 --> 00:00:43,840 GRUNTS 10 00:00:43,840 --> 00:00:46,960 But we still have each other... 11 00:00:46,960 --> 00:00:48,840 HOOTS 12 00:00:48,840 --> 00:00:52,920 ..and family is something worth fighting for. 13 00:00:52,920 --> 00:00:54,640 ROARS 14 00:00:54,640 --> 00:00:58,120 This is the next chapter in our story, 15 00:00:58,120 --> 00:01:01,320 in a place they call Serengeti. 16 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:09,320 MUSIC: Serengeti Theme by Will Gregory & Lola Lennox 17 00:01:33,120 --> 00:01:35,080 As this story begins, 18 00:01:35,080 --> 00:01:36,880 Kali has joined what was once 19 00:01:36,880 --> 00:01:38,400 a rival pride. 20 00:01:40,720 --> 00:01:43,040 CALLS 21 00:01:43,040 --> 00:01:45,320 Here, she's found shelter, 22 00:01:45,320 --> 00:01:47,880 but she's yet to feel truly at home. 23 00:01:53,640 --> 00:01:56,840 Nearby, another rock kopje provides sanctuary 24 00:01:56,840 --> 00:01:58,680 to the baboon family. 25 00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:05,800 Here, they can spot danger before danger finds them. 26 00:02:08,920 --> 00:02:14,240 Bakari led his troop here after floods ravaged our land. 27 00:02:14,240 --> 00:02:17,600 For the young, it's now a playground. 28 00:02:17,600 --> 00:02:20,600 BABOONS SCREECH 29 00:02:33,480 --> 00:02:39,120 But Bakari must stay vigilant, despite the fun and games... 30 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:43,480 ..and not miss a thing. 31 00:02:49,840 --> 00:02:52,040 YAWNS 32 00:02:53,120 --> 00:02:55,160 As Bakari tries to relax, 33 00:02:55,160 --> 00:02:59,320 Mtoto, his son, is doing the opposite. 34 00:03:00,360 --> 00:03:03,600 Bakari shouldn't let his guard down. 35 00:03:05,280 --> 00:03:09,160 He has a rival waiting in the wings. 36 00:03:09,160 --> 00:03:11,880 A contender looking for a fight. 37 00:03:11,880 --> 00:03:14,000 LOW GROWL 38 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:16,680 All it takes is one mistake... 39 00:03:19,080 --> 00:03:20,400 GRUNTS 40 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:23,360 ..and Mtoto makes it. 41 00:03:23,360 --> 00:03:25,120 SCREECHES 42 00:03:25,120 --> 00:03:28,360 An insult the rival can't ignore. 43 00:03:35,720 --> 00:03:38,520 Mtoto always bounces back. 44 00:03:39,800 --> 00:03:43,240 Finally, Bakari notices the attack. 45 00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:50,080 No-one bullies Bakari's son. 46 00:03:50,080 --> 00:03:52,520 BOTH GRUNT AND ROAR 47 00:03:52,520 --> 00:03:56,320 This is a battle for the troop's survival. 48 00:04:01,480 --> 00:04:04,640 But Bakari isn't as fast as he once was. 49 00:04:16,960 --> 00:04:19,600 BOTH ROAR 50 00:04:33,520 --> 00:04:35,440 SCREECHES 51 00:04:35,440 --> 00:04:37,560 His rival escapes. 52 00:04:37,560 --> 00:04:39,880 But Bakari knows a quicker route. 53 00:04:41,280 --> 00:04:44,080 He'll banish him for good. 54 00:04:49,920 --> 00:04:52,480 SCREECHES 55 00:04:55,280 --> 00:04:58,000 Now it's resilience that counts. 56 00:05:09,440 --> 00:05:14,440 And on the ground, strength and experience prevail. 57 00:05:17,960 --> 00:05:21,240 Bakari triumphs. 58 00:05:27,080 --> 00:05:28,880 He needed to. 59 00:05:28,880 --> 00:05:32,360 The leadership of his troop was at stake. 60 00:05:33,760 --> 00:05:35,000 GRUNTS SOFTLY 61 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:38,440 If he'd lost, Cheka, his favoured female, 62 00:05:38,440 --> 00:05:41,240 would also have been deposed... 63 00:05:42,960 --> 00:05:45,720 ..and his troop would be in turmoil. 64 00:05:47,720 --> 00:05:51,200 But is his rival truly vanquished? 65 00:06:05,240 --> 00:06:08,600 We all do what we can to protect our family... 66 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:14,000 ..whatever our role in this place we share. 67 00:06:20,320 --> 00:06:22,000 LOW GROWLS 68 00:06:30,800 --> 00:06:32,320 For the lions, 69 00:06:32,320 --> 00:06:36,000 caring for family should be a communal affair, 70 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:38,920 but Kali has joined a rival pride 71 00:06:38,920 --> 00:06:41,120 and is still trying to find her place. 72 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:43,600 PURRS SOFTLY 73 00:06:50,800 --> 00:06:53,240 She escaped here with her sister 74 00:06:53,240 --> 00:06:56,280 when her old pride was torn apart. 75 00:06:58,360 --> 00:07:00,880 She now has reason to stay. 76 00:07:04,160 --> 00:07:06,520 Her newborn cubs. 77 00:07:13,440 --> 00:07:16,360 Today, they're taking their first steps 78 00:07:16,360 --> 00:07:17,680 away from the den... 79 00:07:19,800 --> 00:07:21,680 ..to explore the world beyond. 80 00:07:21,680 --> 00:07:23,760 CUBS SQUEAK 81 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:40,800 Adventures are best on a full stomach. 82 00:07:40,800 --> 00:07:42,800 INSECTS BUZZ 83 00:07:50,160 --> 00:07:53,400 A fed cub is a curious cub... 84 00:07:56,320 --> 00:07:59,760 ..and curiosity feeds adventure. 85 00:08:09,680 --> 00:08:11,320 MEOWS 86 00:08:27,080 --> 00:08:32,840 But adventure and misadventure are close companions. 87 00:08:32,840 --> 00:08:35,360 HIGH-PITCHED CHEEPING 88 00:08:37,960 --> 00:08:39,480 MEOWS 89 00:08:44,480 --> 00:08:47,160 The nest of an eagle owl. 90 00:08:51,400 --> 00:08:56,520 And where there's young, parents are never far away... 91 00:08:56,520 --> 00:08:58,520 BOTH SQUAWK 92 00:09:16,920 --> 00:09:19,320 ..including Kali. 93 00:09:33,800 --> 00:09:36,560 But owls look out for each other. 94 00:09:48,000 --> 00:09:49,360 SQUEAKY ROAR 95 00:09:51,080 --> 00:09:54,640 GRUNTS 96 00:10:18,800 --> 00:10:21,640 Kali may have found her cubs sanctuary, 97 00:10:21,640 --> 00:10:25,480 but, for them, nowhere is truly safe. 98 00:10:27,720 --> 00:10:31,160 And old enemies are all around. 99 00:10:31,160 --> 00:10:32,680 YAPS 100 00:10:34,560 --> 00:10:39,320 On any other day, Zalika, queen of the hyenas, 101 00:10:39,320 --> 00:10:41,000 would be shadowing the lions. 102 00:10:45,120 --> 00:10:48,360 But today she's after something new. 103 00:11:00,080 --> 00:11:03,160 The floods left behind a lake... 104 00:11:06,240 --> 00:11:09,160 ..and with it came new visitors. 105 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:21,800 The flamingos arrive to feast on algae. 106 00:11:27,560 --> 00:11:31,240 Zalika's here to feast on the flamingos. 107 00:11:35,280 --> 00:11:37,560 SQUAWKING 108 00:11:59,040 --> 00:12:02,320 She's never hunted flamingos before. 109 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:07,520 And cover is sparse. 110 00:12:25,840 --> 00:12:29,240 But Zalika has conquered far trickier prey. 111 00:12:31,080 --> 00:12:33,720 She's not about to give up... 112 00:12:39,360 --> 00:12:42,440 ..even though they're like nothing she's ever encountered. 113 00:12:51,480 --> 00:12:56,160 They're so close, but always just out of reach. 114 00:13:30,400 --> 00:13:33,440 All that effort for nothing. 115 00:13:42,480 --> 00:13:45,880 But Zalika is never one to give up. 116 00:13:57,080 --> 00:13:59,520 Aiysha, the cheetah mother, 117 00:13:59,520 --> 00:14:01,400 has more than food on her mind. 118 00:14:01,400 --> 00:14:06,440 She needs her cubs to prove their independence. 119 00:14:10,800 --> 00:14:14,680 They are nearing the age when they'll soon be leaving her... 120 00:14:18,640 --> 00:14:21,880 ..and all they'll have to survive 121 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:23,960 is what she's taught them. 122 00:14:27,040 --> 00:14:29,040 But since the floods, 123 00:14:29,040 --> 00:14:31,640 their training grounds have been under water. 124 00:14:36,240 --> 00:14:38,000 This won't deter Duma. 125 00:14:38,000 --> 00:14:40,000 He's desperate to prove himself. 126 00:14:52,160 --> 00:14:56,280 His mother is usually the one to choose the prey. 127 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:04,600 But Aiysha knows water is never a cheetah's friend. 128 00:15:13,760 --> 00:15:16,560 Duma is not so wise, 129 00:15:16,560 --> 00:15:20,320 especially with food so temptingly near. 130 00:15:24,080 --> 00:15:26,600 But he'll be hunting alone. 131 00:15:36,160 --> 00:15:38,240 And why not? 132 00:15:42,200 --> 00:15:45,320 It's a gift all on its own. 133 00:15:56,960 --> 00:15:59,040 SQUAWKS 134 00:16:13,760 --> 00:16:17,280 Duma's enthusiasm won't be dampened. 135 00:16:21,240 --> 00:16:23,800 But as independence beckons, 136 00:16:23,800 --> 00:16:27,400 he'll need more than enthusiasm to survive. 137 00:16:45,960 --> 00:16:49,200 Here, all life is drawn to water - 138 00:16:49,200 --> 00:16:51,920 the hunted and the hunters. 139 00:16:54,520 --> 00:16:57,960 The black-maned males are fearsome predators... 140 00:16:59,880 --> 00:17:02,600 ..Askari the strongest of all. 141 00:17:03,760 --> 00:17:05,960 And it was he, Askari, 142 00:17:05,960 --> 00:17:08,480 who brought Kali into the pride. 143 00:17:10,920 --> 00:17:13,040 But can she trust him? 144 00:17:29,120 --> 00:17:33,080 Jealous males killed two of Kali's cubs before. 145 00:17:44,600 --> 00:17:45,800 YELPS 146 00:17:45,800 --> 00:17:50,520 Never trusting anyone is a skill she's had to learn. 147 00:18:03,640 --> 00:18:08,640 With her cubs so young, she won't take risks. 148 00:18:33,680 --> 00:18:37,000 CUBS MEOW 149 00:18:38,040 --> 00:18:40,880 For now, she must keep Askari at bay. 150 00:18:40,880 --> 00:18:42,640 GROWLS 151 00:18:52,200 --> 00:18:55,520 Her ferocity belies what's gone before. 152 00:18:59,120 --> 00:19:01,400 A past of secret liaisons. 153 00:19:08,920 --> 00:19:11,120 They found each other again 154 00:19:11,120 --> 00:19:13,960 when Kali fled from her previous pride. 155 00:19:19,600 --> 00:19:22,240 But it's still early days. 156 00:19:34,120 --> 00:19:36,400 Although he's yet to meet her cubs, 157 00:19:36,400 --> 00:19:39,320 Askari is their father. 158 00:19:53,360 --> 00:19:57,120 Nearby, another family has just moved in... 159 00:19:57,120 --> 00:19:59,320 HIGH-PITCHED WARBLING 160 00:20:04,560 --> 00:20:08,400 ..and they're still exploring the world around them. 161 00:20:15,040 --> 00:20:18,320 Mongoose have all their babies at the same time, 162 00:20:18,320 --> 00:20:20,720 so they have a team of baby-sitters 163 00:20:20,720 --> 00:20:22,240 to help look after them. 164 00:20:27,240 --> 00:20:31,280 But today, one pup has been left behind. 165 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:36,080 Her baby-sitter has overslept. 166 00:20:40,520 --> 00:20:42,160 SQUEAKS 167 00:20:42,160 --> 00:20:45,000 He had one job... 168 00:20:47,080 --> 00:20:50,800 ..to look after this baby while the family are foraging. 169 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:54,840 But Utani is new to the role... 170 00:20:58,640 --> 00:21:01,760 ..and still learning the basics. 171 00:21:10,120 --> 00:21:13,520 Finding their family is his first challenge. 172 00:21:25,360 --> 00:21:28,000 Luckily, they haven't gone far. 173 00:21:37,480 --> 00:21:40,080 His charge must learn by example. 174 00:21:43,520 --> 00:21:46,920 So lessons begin immediately. 175 00:21:50,680 --> 00:21:53,240 It's best to start slow... 176 00:21:54,400 --> 00:21:57,720 ..then dig with gusto. 177 00:22:07,440 --> 00:22:11,120 Despite Utani's enthusiasm, 178 00:22:11,120 --> 00:22:14,120 he has plenty of room for improvement. 179 00:22:16,480 --> 00:22:19,320 He should have been watching for danger. 180 00:22:24,280 --> 00:22:26,360 Everyone else was. 181 00:22:31,280 --> 00:22:35,600 Duma still needs to impress his mother. 182 00:22:42,320 --> 00:22:46,080 And mongoose should be easier than flamingos. 183 00:22:54,400 --> 00:22:56,640 But Duma's just practising. 184 00:22:58,120 --> 00:23:02,400 Mongoose taste revolting. 185 00:23:06,080 --> 00:23:10,200 Utani finally sees what everyone else has. 186 00:23:20,480 --> 00:23:22,920 But not soon enough. 187 00:23:35,680 --> 00:23:37,320 HISSES 188 00:23:37,320 --> 00:23:38,760 WARBLES 189 00:23:45,720 --> 00:23:48,800 It's now a matter of picking his moment. 190 00:23:56,440 --> 00:23:58,200 This isn't it. 191 00:24:06,640 --> 00:24:07,920 With mongoose, 192 00:24:07,920 --> 00:24:10,880 it's one for all and all for one. 193 00:24:18,080 --> 00:24:20,720 They must stage a rescue. 194 00:24:28,200 --> 00:24:30,280 CALLS 195 00:24:34,440 --> 00:24:38,000 Best to target the chief troublemaker. 196 00:24:40,240 --> 00:24:42,520 That's Duma. 197 00:24:53,720 --> 00:24:55,200 Now's the moment. 198 00:25:00,640 --> 00:25:05,400 It's not just Utani's charge who's learnt a valuable lesson. 199 00:25:35,240 --> 00:25:39,080 Times of calm are the times that hunters strike. 200 00:25:46,720 --> 00:25:52,360 Zalika was beaten last time, but is back to try again. 201 00:25:55,040 --> 00:25:57,480 She has even more to choose from. 202 00:26:05,480 --> 00:26:09,160 And she's learnt to adapt. 203 00:26:17,160 --> 00:26:19,880 There's no point stalking them. 204 00:26:24,760 --> 00:26:27,160 She cuts straight to the chase. 205 00:26:41,040 --> 00:26:43,760 She ignores the ones that fly... 206 00:26:47,160 --> 00:26:49,640 ..and looks for those that don't. 207 00:27:08,520 --> 00:27:11,840 There's always one who's slow off the mark. 208 00:27:24,160 --> 00:27:26,440 Here, tenacity pays. 209 00:27:31,080 --> 00:27:35,400 And Zalika has tenacity to spare. 210 00:27:44,720 --> 00:27:47,600 Having ousted his latest rival, 211 00:27:47,600 --> 00:27:51,600 Bakari is giving everyone a seasonal treat. 212 00:27:56,480 --> 00:27:59,360 He's taken them to a palm grove 213 00:27:59,360 --> 00:28:02,480 where the nuts are ripe for harvesting. 214 00:28:12,000 --> 00:28:14,480 Bakari shows how it's done... 215 00:28:16,160 --> 00:28:19,600 ..and his troop will reap the rewards. 216 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:53,160 Cheka, of course, gets first pickings. 217 00:29:04,440 --> 00:29:07,480 But favouritism breeds resentment. 218 00:29:10,480 --> 00:29:15,280 Bibi was once the ruling female until Cheka took her place. 219 00:29:18,240 --> 00:29:21,960 She was also an ally of Bakari's rival. 220 00:29:28,760 --> 00:29:32,600 Now he's gone, Cheka has no reason to fear her. 221 00:29:40,760 --> 00:29:45,080 Anyway, Cheka has far bigger concerns. 222 00:29:45,080 --> 00:29:47,240 ELEPHANT TRUMPETS 223 00:29:50,880 --> 00:29:54,920 Elephants have a craving for palm nuts, too. 224 00:30:14,680 --> 00:30:18,360 Bibi grabs what she can while she can. 225 00:30:18,360 --> 00:30:20,680 BIBI CHIRPS 226 00:30:20,680 --> 00:30:24,320 And Bakari is now feeding everyone. 227 00:30:24,320 --> 00:30:26,560 ELEPHANT TRUMPETS 228 00:30:28,360 --> 00:30:30,600 SHRIEKS 229 00:30:30,600 --> 00:30:33,280 Some fall just out of reach. 230 00:30:38,160 --> 00:30:40,880 Others are right on target. 231 00:30:40,880 --> 00:30:43,520 PALM NUTS THUD 232 00:30:56,640 --> 00:30:59,120 Nalla, the great matriarch, 233 00:30:59,120 --> 00:31:02,920 is bringing baby Kadogo here for the first time. 234 00:31:12,640 --> 00:31:15,120 He must be wary of visiting males... 235 00:31:18,760 --> 00:31:22,040 ..and what might fall from the sky. 236 00:31:22,040 --> 00:31:23,880 TRUMPETS 237 00:31:34,080 --> 00:31:37,520 But strong males have their uses. 238 00:31:37,520 --> 00:31:40,520 The elephants no longer need Bakari. 239 00:31:40,520 --> 00:31:43,040 BAKARI SCREECHES 240 00:31:43,040 --> 00:31:45,840 He must abandon his post. 241 00:32:21,720 --> 00:32:26,520 For Kadogo, a new game - chasing baboons. 242 00:33:02,120 --> 00:33:05,240 They might have been moving on anyway, 243 00:33:05,240 --> 00:33:08,560 but no harm taking the credit... 244 00:33:12,120 --> 00:33:16,120 ..and enjoying the best reward of all. 245 00:33:21,920 --> 00:33:24,120 Defeated by the mongoose, 246 00:33:24,120 --> 00:33:27,880 Duma and family are still hungry, 247 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:29,840 and Duma needs a win. 248 00:33:36,880 --> 00:33:39,080 He may get his chance. 249 00:33:52,040 --> 00:33:55,600 Gazelles are the cheetahs' meal of choice. 250 00:34:01,920 --> 00:34:04,840 And he has an audience to impress. 251 00:34:29,520 --> 00:34:30,680 CALLS 252 00:34:30,680 --> 00:34:32,640 He got lucky with the lake. 253 00:34:36,800 --> 00:34:40,480 And his sisters are here to help. 254 00:34:46,600 --> 00:34:49,680 But this is what Aiysha needed to see. 255 00:34:58,960 --> 00:35:01,080 Duma is growing up. 256 00:35:04,600 --> 00:35:09,960 But to survive on his own, he'll need more than luck. 257 00:35:16,920 --> 00:35:21,800 From the moment we are born, we all strive to survive 258 00:35:21,800 --> 00:35:24,680 and give rise to the next generation. 259 00:35:31,160 --> 00:35:35,840 Today, the ostrich are in an amorous mood, 260 00:35:35,840 --> 00:35:37,680 particularly the male... 261 00:35:42,720 --> 00:35:46,360 ..who rounds up all the females he can... 262 00:35:50,160 --> 00:35:53,120 ..but they like to play hard to get. 263 00:36:00,760 --> 00:36:05,120 In the end, it's the female who chooses. 264 00:36:10,160 --> 00:36:14,320 She's after a strong and powerful partner... 265 00:36:15,840 --> 00:36:18,640 ..one who will help her defend their nest. 266 00:36:18,640 --> 00:36:20,800 LOW WHOOPS 267 00:36:20,800 --> 00:36:23,480 SQUAWKS AND WHOOPS 268 00:36:32,200 --> 00:36:35,560 She starts by preparing the ground. 269 00:36:42,080 --> 00:36:46,360 Others will lay here, but the nest will be hers... 270 00:36:48,040 --> 00:36:51,320 ..and her eggs will get special treatment. 271 00:36:58,960 --> 00:37:01,280 She won't be raising them on her own. 272 00:37:02,640 --> 00:37:05,960 Her mate will share the caring duties. 273 00:37:15,280 --> 00:37:18,440 Together, they'll face whatever comes their way. 274 00:37:18,440 --> 00:37:20,800 THUNDERING HOOVES, GRUNTING 275 00:37:24,360 --> 00:37:29,920 And here, visitors can be dangerously inquisitive. 276 00:37:43,880 --> 00:37:48,240 Whoever turns up must be dealt with. 277 00:38:08,400 --> 00:38:11,600 It's a never-ending task. 278 00:38:15,640 --> 00:38:18,760 One that draws her away from her nest, 279 00:38:18,760 --> 00:38:21,480 leaving only the male on duty. 280 00:38:27,800 --> 00:38:32,080 But he's taken his eye off the job. 281 00:38:39,080 --> 00:38:42,360 Mtoto is up to his usual mischief. 282 00:38:43,920 --> 00:38:47,520 But he'd be unwise to mess with an ostrich. 283 00:38:57,160 --> 00:38:59,560 He may be growing up, 284 00:38:59,560 --> 00:39:03,240 but he still looks to Cheka when in trouble. 285 00:39:07,560 --> 00:39:10,480 The eggs that remain are safe... 286 00:39:10,480 --> 00:39:12,920 ..at least for now. 287 00:39:17,680 --> 00:39:21,600 The baboons have visited the lake before, 288 00:39:21,600 --> 00:39:25,440 but have never seen such dazzling visitors. 289 00:39:51,280 --> 00:39:54,880 Bakari is hatching a plan. 290 00:40:12,280 --> 00:40:15,320 Surprise will be key. 291 00:40:54,680 --> 00:40:56,080 He led the way, 292 00:40:56,080 --> 00:40:58,960 now everyone gets their chance. 293 00:41:24,440 --> 00:41:28,600 But this is a party with an uninvited guest. 294 00:41:34,280 --> 00:41:37,120 Bakari's rival is back. 295 00:41:40,400 --> 00:41:45,800 He must fight for supremacy all over again. 296 00:41:45,800 --> 00:41:47,760 GRUNTS AND ROARS 297 00:41:52,320 --> 00:41:56,920 This time, he's quickly dispatched... 298 00:41:58,520 --> 00:42:02,040 ..but his rival is getting bolder by the day. 299 00:42:06,840 --> 00:42:09,560 Bakari will only get older. 300 00:42:09,560 --> 00:42:12,960 Challenges to his leadership will only grow. 301 00:42:31,280 --> 00:42:33,360 For the young, 302 00:42:33,360 --> 00:42:37,320 the future is still full of promise. 303 00:42:41,120 --> 00:42:44,240 The cheetahs have left the lake behind. 304 00:42:44,240 --> 00:42:46,840 They're now on firmer ground. 305 00:42:51,880 --> 00:42:55,400 Here, they'll wait for the herds to come to them. 306 00:42:57,800 --> 00:43:01,360 But Duma is keen to prove his worth. 307 00:43:04,080 --> 00:43:05,360 HOOVES THUNDER 308 00:43:05,360 --> 00:43:08,240 To hunt something impressive... 309 00:43:14,720 --> 00:43:18,000 ..and do it all by himself. 310 00:43:31,160 --> 00:43:33,520 He's not short of opportunity... 311 00:43:39,400 --> 00:43:44,280 ..but what he needs most is a strategy. 312 00:43:44,280 --> 00:43:46,560 LOW BELLOWS 313 00:43:54,960 --> 00:43:58,560 Enthusiasm alone is not enough. 314 00:44:05,880 --> 00:44:09,280 Nor is running at whatever's nearest. 315 00:44:14,080 --> 00:44:16,640 Or suddenly switching targets. 316 00:44:27,280 --> 00:44:30,520 Speed is nothing without experience. 317 00:44:38,200 --> 00:44:42,920 And it's clear to all that Duma is young and impulsive. 318 00:44:55,000 --> 00:44:59,560 And wildebeest have a plan to deal with beginners. 319 00:45:02,120 --> 00:45:04,920 They soon get organised... 320 00:45:10,320 --> 00:45:12,080 ..and retaliate. 321 00:45:37,560 --> 00:45:39,080 YIPS 322 00:45:39,080 --> 00:45:41,720 Duma's lost and alone... 323 00:45:44,200 --> 00:45:46,680 ..and far from his family. 324 00:45:59,560 --> 00:46:03,000 While Duma is facing a future alone, 325 00:46:03,000 --> 00:46:06,160 Kali's cubs are taking their first steps 326 00:46:06,160 --> 00:46:07,600 into the world. 327 00:46:11,280 --> 00:46:15,200 They are venturing away from their rock fortress. 328 00:46:18,360 --> 00:46:21,360 She won't risk taking them far. 329 00:46:21,360 --> 00:46:22,720 YELPS 330 00:46:40,360 --> 00:46:43,960 For them, it's a great adventure. 331 00:47:06,560 --> 00:47:10,680 For Kali, it's a chance to take a break... 332 00:47:15,840 --> 00:47:17,800 LOW GRUNTS 333 00:47:20,280 --> 00:47:23,960 ..and for her sister to join her once more. 334 00:47:28,760 --> 00:47:32,000 Their bond is stronger than ever, 335 00:47:32,000 --> 00:47:35,440 especially when danger threatens. 336 00:47:47,240 --> 00:47:51,080 Buffalo and lions are mortal enemies. 337 00:47:52,400 --> 00:47:55,280 They'll kill cubs when they can. 338 00:47:57,000 --> 00:47:59,880 Less competition for the future. 339 00:48:03,000 --> 00:48:05,600 BUFFALO BELLOW 340 00:48:22,160 --> 00:48:24,640 Kali and her sister need help. 341 00:48:24,640 --> 00:48:26,520 LOW GROWL 342 00:48:30,200 --> 00:48:32,320 Will Askari give it? 343 00:48:36,720 --> 00:48:41,400 Pride males have let Kali down before. 344 00:48:41,400 --> 00:48:44,000 Not this time! 345 00:48:49,760 --> 00:48:53,080 Askari defends his pride. 346 00:49:03,000 --> 00:49:05,680 He's shown he will protect Kali, 347 00:49:05,680 --> 00:49:07,440 but what of her cubs? 348 00:49:21,640 --> 00:49:26,600 Kali is not yet sure she can trust him. 349 00:49:31,520 --> 00:49:35,800 In the end, it's her cubs who decide. 350 00:49:55,080 --> 00:50:00,400 From now on, Askari will be there to protect them all. 351 00:50:11,760 --> 00:50:15,240 We all strive to keep our offspring safe, 352 00:50:15,240 --> 00:50:19,160 but not all the threats they face can be foreseen. 353 00:50:19,160 --> 00:50:21,040 ANIMALS CALL 354 00:50:27,520 --> 00:50:31,320 Bakari is first to see the warning signs. 355 00:50:37,480 --> 00:50:41,480 An omen, perhaps, of what's to come. 356 00:50:52,280 --> 00:50:54,320 A darkness all around. 357 00:51:09,400 --> 00:51:11,880 Those that can fly. 358 00:51:15,360 --> 00:51:18,760 Those that can't still heed the warning. 359 00:51:30,440 --> 00:51:35,280 For Kali and her cubs, refuge is their stone fortress. 360 00:51:41,320 --> 00:51:44,000 But the fire only grows. 361 00:51:48,000 --> 00:51:51,400 Duma's mother prepared him for hunting, 362 00:51:51,400 --> 00:51:53,800 not to face the flames alone. 363 00:51:57,920 --> 00:51:59,320 CALLS 364 00:52:04,200 --> 00:52:06,440 Speed is all he has. 365 00:52:07,440 --> 00:52:09,960 ZEBRAS BRAY 366 00:52:16,160 --> 00:52:19,640 The mongoose could never outrun the fire. 367 00:52:25,680 --> 00:52:29,280 But they do have an underground shelter. 368 00:52:46,800 --> 00:52:49,640 Bakari gives the sign - 369 00:52:49,640 --> 00:52:53,080 assemble at the highest point. 370 00:53:03,080 --> 00:53:07,400 Up here, Bakari's troop will try to sit out the fire... 371 00:53:14,160 --> 00:53:16,880 ..but it's already getting crowded. 372 00:53:21,440 --> 00:53:23,840 They're safe. 373 00:53:23,840 --> 00:53:25,280 But for how long? 374 00:53:31,120 --> 00:53:33,240 It can only get worse. 375 00:53:51,320 --> 00:53:54,280 The inferno conquers all in its path. 376 00:53:56,840 --> 00:53:59,320 Wind fans the flames. 377 00:54:05,520 --> 00:54:06,840 Once more, 378 00:54:06,840 --> 00:54:11,200 our land is threatened by forces from beyond. 379 00:54:22,600 --> 00:54:26,280 With the fire come billowing smoke clouds... 380 00:54:28,280 --> 00:54:31,080 ..a choking smog few can survive. 381 00:54:33,920 --> 00:54:36,360 Nalla's family run for their lives... 382 00:54:38,040 --> 00:54:40,920 ..while Kadogo struggles to keep up. 383 00:54:47,480 --> 00:54:49,800 Fire never rests. 384 00:54:49,800 --> 00:54:52,040 It rages while it can. 385 00:55:06,880 --> 00:55:10,000 It spares nothing in its wake. 386 00:55:27,720 --> 00:55:32,600 Dawn reveals the devastation. 387 00:55:37,200 --> 00:55:39,280 It's not over yet. 388 00:55:40,880 --> 00:55:44,000 Bakari should look what's behind him. 389 00:55:49,680 --> 00:55:53,400 The wind now brings fire to the other side. 390 00:56:01,840 --> 00:56:04,800 It's fast engulfing their kopje. 391 00:56:09,000 --> 00:56:11,800 Soon they will be overwhelmed. 392 00:56:29,880 --> 00:56:33,640 Bakari's baby is lost in the confusion... 393 00:56:37,480 --> 00:56:39,240 COUGHS 394 00:56:44,200 --> 00:56:47,840 ..and her mother blinded by the smoke. 395 00:56:53,800 --> 00:56:56,280 But still Cheka finds her. 396 00:57:03,040 --> 00:57:07,040 Now everyone's assembled, Bakari decides. 397 00:57:08,920 --> 00:57:10,640 It's time to leave. 398 00:57:10,640 --> 00:57:12,560 SCREECHING 399 00:57:17,120 --> 00:57:19,160 But has he left it too late? 400 00:57:22,640 --> 00:57:26,240 With their home in flames and fire all around, 401 00:57:26,240 --> 00:57:30,000 how can they possibly survive?