1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,680 This programme contains strong language and some violent scenes 2 00:00:04,680 --> 00:00:07,360 Correction is a method of real time image manipulation, using the 3 00:00:07,360 --> 00:00:10,320 disruption of camera feeds and the deployment of deep-fake technology. 4 00:00:10,320 --> 00:00:12,880 So it has a name, what happened to me? 5 00:00:12,880 --> 00:00:15,800 Rachel certainly made an impression on Turner. 6 00:00:15,800 --> 00:00:18,040 Wouldn't hurt to keep him on side. 7 00:00:18,040 --> 00:00:22,040 You seem to forget how close she came to reporting us. 8 00:00:22,040 --> 00:00:24,480 If you still don't trust her, Gemma, you know what to do. 9 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:28,120 Keep her close. 10 00:00:28,120 --> 00:00:29,640 I'm filming this for my dossier, 11 00:00:29,640 --> 00:00:32,800 detailing the systematic, illegal practice of 12 00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:35,840 video evidence tampering known as Correction. 13 00:00:35,840 --> 00:00:39,080 If you need technical help with the BBC, I'll loan you one of my guys. 14 00:00:39,080 --> 00:00:41,720 But if I find out you put them on China, the deal's off. 15 00:00:41,720 --> 00:00:43,600 You're convinced China's responsible? 16 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:46,160 Beijing is trying to meddle in British policy. 17 00:00:46,160 --> 00:00:48,720 Yan Wanglei, Xanda's man in London, 18 00:00:48,720 --> 00:00:51,520 he's a part of it. I'm certain. 19 00:00:51,520 --> 00:00:54,720 Sometimes to seems to me as if there are 20 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:56,360 two Isaac Turners. 21 00:00:56,360 --> 00:00:59,960 So which Isaac Turner should I believe? 22 00:00:59,960 --> 00:01:03,320 As London's CEO of Xanda Facial Rec, 23 00:01:03,320 --> 00:01:07,560 Yan Wanglei has the motive and the technical capability. 24 00:01:07,560 --> 00:01:09,960 I'm sorry to hear about your detective sergeant. 25 00:01:09,960 --> 00:01:11,480 GUNSHOTS 26 00:01:11,480 --> 00:01:15,200 You he was shot but you didn't say if he survived. 27 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:16,560 No, I didn't. 28 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:18,720 How do you feel about joining the surveillance unit? 29 00:01:18,720 --> 00:01:20,840 We need eyes on Yan Wanglei. 30 00:01:20,840 --> 00:01:22,160 Sir. 31 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:23,760 Patrick, you'd better wake up. 32 00:01:23,760 --> 00:01:24,920 We need you. 33 00:01:26,120 --> 00:01:27,640 No, I haven't joined them. 34 00:01:27,640 --> 00:01:30,160 I am trying to beat them. 35 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:33,680 And they are watching me day and night. 36 00:01:33,680 --> 00:01:36,200 Isaac Turner's just cut his protection officers loose. 37 00:01:36,200 --> 00:01:38,000 He's booked himself on Newsnight. 38 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:39,800 Mr Turner! 39 00:01:39,800 --> 00:01:42,160 They kill people to protect it. 40 00:01:42,160 --> 00:01:44,320 Have you got a plan to expose it? 41 00:01:44,320 --> 00:01:45,760 Have you changed your mind? 42 00:01:45,760 --> 00:01:48,120 I've reached my decision to recommend to the cabinet... 43 00:01:48,120 --> 00:01:51,440 ..see profiling as an AI flaw. Xanda treats it as a selling point. 44 00:01:51,440 --> 00:01:53,160 Somebody stop this broadcast! 45 00:01:53,160 --> 00:01:54,440 It's not cutting! 46 00:01:54,440 --> 00:01:56,360 I'm advocating the use of racial profiling 47 00:01:56,360 --> 00:01:57,880 wherever it keeps us safe. 48 00:01:57,880 --> 00:01:59,000 We've been hacked. 49 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:00,720 This has been changed, faked. 50 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:03,000 Corrected. 51 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:06,200 You need to prove it definitively, 52 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:08,120 so no-one can deny it. 53 00:02:08,120 --> 00:02:10,480 And how do you suggest doing that? 54 00:02:10,480 --> 00:02:11,920 Together. 55 00:02:16,920 --> 00:02:20,480 I've just committed career suicide on live TV. 56 00:02:21,560 --> 00:02:23,000 Except I haven't. 57 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:25,920 And...what? I'm expected to stay silent? 58 00:02:28,240 --> 00:02:29,640 My wife thinks I've gone insane, 59 00:02:29,640 --> 00:02:31,000 my staff are threatening to quit 60 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:33,200 and the Home Secretary's stopped answering my calls. 61 00:02:33,200 --> 00:02:34,960 I understand how difficult this must be. 62 00:02:34,960 --> 00:02:36,160 Oh, oh, do you? 63 00:02:36,160 --> 00:02:38,640 Because last time I looked it wasn't you on camera extolling 64 00:02:38,640 --> 00:02:41,000 the virtues of racial bias. 65 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:43,800 I thought you said he was being cooperative? 66 00:02:43,800 --> 00:02:45,360 All things considered. 67 00:02:45,360 --> 00:02:47,040 PHONE VIBRATES 68 00:02:48,400 --> 00:02:51,400 Perhaps it's not my place to remind you of the stakes. 69 00:02:51,400 --> 00:02:52,600 No need. 70 00:02:55,760 --> 00:02:59,560 Your minion explained it to us on pain of death. 71 00:02:59,560 --> 00:03:01,240 Issues of National Security, 72 00:03:01,240 --> 00:03:03,840 the likes of which we can never know or understand. 73 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:08,600 I appreciate your support. 74 00:03:08,600 --> 00:03:10,240 We're all public servants, eh? 75 00:03:12,040 --> 00:03:14,880 And I shall just have to cling to my much tested belief 76 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:19,120 that you people have the nation's best interests at heart, 77 00:03:19,120 --> 00:03:21,400 and assume you'll do everything in your power 78 00:03:21,400 --> 00:03:23,680 to prevent this ever happening again. 79 00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:29,880 We'll need you to answer some questions, go over what happened. 80 00:03:29,880 --> 00:03:33,200 Fine. But as this is past my bedtime, 81 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:36,720 I'm going to need a little something to keep me going. 82 00:03:36,720 --> 00:03:39,880 Luckily, I know where Ed keeps his stash. 83 00:03:41,640 --> 00:03:43,320 Coffee. SHE LAUGHS 84 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:44,600 Anyone else? 85 00:03:44,600 --> 00:03:46,000 Thank you. 86 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:47,680 I can't promise milk and sugar. 87 00:03:52,200 --> 00:03:54,240 She seems very compliant. 88 00:03:56,000 --> 00:03:57,760 How the hell did you manage that? 89 00:04:01,560 --> 00:04:03,920 Learning from you, ma'am. 90 00:04:05,720 --> 00:04:07,720 RADIO: Control to Kilo 1. 91 00:04:07,720 --> 00:04:09,040 Kilo 1. 92 00:05:03,960 --> 00:05:06,080 Most common cause of compromise. 93 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:10,120 Sorry? 94 00:05:10,120 --> 00:05:12,040 Needing a wee. 95 00:05:12,040 --> 00:05:13,400 I don't. 96 00:05:13,400 --> 00:05:14,960 Your leg is shaking. 97 00:05:14,960 --> 00:05:16,600 I don't need a wee. 98 00:05:18,880 --> 00:05:21,000 There's only one option if you do. 99 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:22,880 I'm not going to wet myself in your car. 100 00:05:22,880 --> 00:05:24,320 You wouldn't be the first. 101 00:05:26,840 --> 00:05:28,120 Movement. 102 00:05:44,400 --> 00:05:46,040 Kilo 9 to Control. 103 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:49,720 Control, Kilo 9. Go ahead. 104 00:05:49,720 --> 00:05:51,440 Eyes on target. 105 00:05:55,680 --> 00:05:57,480 Guv? 106 00:05:57,480 --> 00:05:59,560 Wanglei is mobile. 107 00:06:09,800 --> 00:06:11,720 I want the holy trinity of tracking. 108 00:06:11,720 --> 00:06:13,720 Eyes on, face rec and GPS. 109 00:06:13,720 --> 00:06:15,120 Sir. 110 00:06:17,520 --> 00:06:19,760 Confirm eyeball on target, Kilo 9. 111 00:06:24,800 --> 00:06:25,920 Pos ID. 112 00:06:25,920 --> 00:06:27,360 Run facial rec. 113 00:06:27,360 --> 00:06:28,560 Happening. 114 00:06:34,240 --> 00:06:35,560 Target ID confirmed. 115 00:06:35,560 --> 00:06:37,040 Facial Rec confirmed. 116 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:40,760 Run vehicle check. 117 00:06:40,760 --> 00:06:41,880 Kilo 9 to Control. 118 00:06:41,880 --> 00:06:44,120 Target is in a black S class Mercedes, 119 00:06:44,120 --> 00:06:48,840 registration 735 D812. 120 00:06:48,840 --> 00:06:51,120 Confirmed. 121 00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:53,160 Diplomatic plates. 122 00:06:53,160 --> 00:06:56,320 Good to know the Embassy's looking after him. 123 00:06:56,320 --> 00:06:57,920 Get me into that Merc. 124 00:06:59,960 --> 00:07:01,800 Stand by. Stand by. 125 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:03,240 Target on the move. 126 00:07:03,240 --> 00:07:04,720 Track that vehicle. 127 00:07:04,720 --> 00:07:06,200 Kilo 9, tail target. 128 00:07:09,200 --> 00:07:11,240 Stay close, Kilo 9. 129 00:07:11,240 --> 00:07:13,280 Maintain eyeball on target. 130 00:07:13,280 --> 00:07:14,640 Understood. 131 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:25,760 Kilo 9 to Control. Target turning left on Gower Road. 132 00:07:25,760 --> 00:07:27,880 Run ANPR. 133 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:29,040 Happening. 134 00:07:31,040 --> 00:07:33,080 Confirmed. 135 00:07:33,080 --> 00:07:34,840 How's that GPS? 136 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:38,400 We're into the Merc. 137 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:42,920 Outstanding. 138 00:07:46,560 --> 00:07:48,360 TRANSLATION: 139 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:03,200 Tell us what you've got, Kilo 9. 140 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:05,680 Target turning left onto Mandeville Place. 141 00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:10,440 Confirmed. 142 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:19,080 Target held at the junction with Bellevue Road. 143 00:08:19,080 --> 00:08:20,400 Confirmed. 144 00:08:27,080 --> 00:08:29,040 TYRES SCREECH 145 00:08:29,040 --> 00:08:31,560 Target just ran a red light. Tail compromised. 146 00:08:31,560 --> 00:08:33,600 This is Control to Kilo 9. 147 00:08:33,600 --> 00:08:35,600 I don't care if the target knows you're there. 148 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:37,520 Just don't let him out of your sight. 149 00:08:37,520 --> 00:08:39,040 Understood. 150 00:08:39,040 --> 00:08:41,040 HORN BEEPS 151 00:08:49,560 --> 00:08:51,440 He does not want to be followed. 152 00:08:51,440 --> 00:08:52,760 Tough shit. 153 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:53,880 PHONE RINGING 154 00:08:53,880 --> 00:08:56,320 TV: A spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Great Britain 155 00:08:56,320 --> 00:08:58,320 has called on Security Minister Isaac Turner to 156 00:08:58,320 --> 00:09:02,560 "apologise or resign" after comments he made about racial profiling AI 157 00:09:02,560 --> 00:09:04,560 earlier this evening. 158 00:09:04,560 --> 00:09:07,560 The minister's claims are not just absurd and offensive - 159 00:09:07,560 --> 00:09:08,840 they are inflammatory, 160 00:09:08,840 --> 00:09:11,960 and reinforce the most damaging racial stereotypes. 161 00:09:11,960 --> 00:09:15,040 The truth is racial-profiling is what makes Xanda 162 00:09:15,040 --> 00:09:18,880 the most effective security system on the market. 163 00:09:18,880 --> 00:09:21,800 If, say, and I'm not saying this is the case, 164 00:09:21,800 --> 00:09:24,680 but if, say, Muslim men between the ages of 17... 165 00:09:24,680 --> 00:09:25,720 Is it Daddy? 166 00:09:25,720 --> 00:09:28,640 ..were the most likely demographic to launch an attack on an airport... 167 00:09:28,640 --> 00:09:30,600 No. It wasn't him. SHE SNIFFS 168 00:09:30,600 --> 00:09:33,480 Go back to bed, Harrison. It's the middle of the night. 169 00:09:33,480 --> 00:09:35,400 When is he coming back? 170 00:09:37,240 --> 00:09:38,880 Soon, darling. 171 00:09:38,880 --> 00:09:41,000 Go. I'll come and kiss you night-night in a minute. 172 00:09:43,880 --> 00:09:45,520 PHONE ALERT 173 00:09:52,640 --> 00:09:54,080 Call for support. 174 00:09:54,080 --> 00:09:56,400 I want everyone here ID'd, questioned 175 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:58,400 and slap a D-notice on the whole lot. 176 00:09:58,400 --> 00:10:01,280 If they're not suspects they're witnesses. 177 00:10:01,280 --> 00:10:02,760 Christ. 178 00:10:04,720 --> 00:10:07,280 Journos! 179 00:10:07,280 --> 00:10:09,560 Can't think of worse people to try to keep quiet. 180 00:10:09,560 --> 00:10:11,760 Ma'am, from where I was standing, 181 00:10:11,760 --> 00:10:13,920 I don't think any of them witnessed it. 182 00:10:13,920 --> 00:10:16,280 They know something happened but they were all watching 183 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:17,640 the fake version. 184 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:19,680 The whole system was taken over remotely, 185 00:10:19,680 --> 00:10:20,920 not just the feeds. 186 00:10:20,920 --> 00:10:22,080 The hardware. 187 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:24,600 The edit was locked on Turner in that control room. 188 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:26,240 They couldn't cut away. 189 00:10:30,160 --> 00:10:33,600 We need a list of everybody with access to that room, that kit. 190 00:10:33,600 --> 00:10:35,280 Somebody here must be complicit. 191 00:10:37,440 --> 00:10:38,560 What about Khan? 192 00:10:38,560 --> 00:10:39,840 No. 193 00:10:39,840 --> 00:10:42,080 Khadija Khan's reaction, I just, erm... 194 00:10:43,040 --> 00:10:46,040 I just think somebody behind the scenes is more likely. 195 00:10:49,280 --> 00:10:51,040 DSU GARLAND SIGHS 196 00:11:00,800 --> 00:11:02,440 Kilo 9 to Control. 197 00:11:02,440 --> 00:11:03,760 Kilo 9, go ahead. 198 00:11:03,760 --> 00:11:05,760 Target joining the A4. 199 00:11:05,760 --> 00:11:06,960 Confirmed. 200 00:11:06,960 --> 00:11:09,040 Confirmed. A4 Westbound. 201 00:11:11,440 --> 00:11:13,800 Westbound. 202 00:11:13,800 --> 00:11:15,680 What's the target's home address? 203 00:11:17,880 --> 00:11:20,360 The Grange, Five Oak Green. 204 00:11:20,360 --> 00:11:22,600 Five Oak Green, what the fuck is that? 205 00:11:22,600 --> 00:11:25,000 A village in Kent. 206 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:26,960 Well, he's not headed there, is he? 207 00:11:26,960 --> 00:11:29,040 Not unless he's taking the scenic route. 208 00:11:35,160 --> 00:11:36,800 Kilo 9 to Control. 209 00:11:36,800 --> 00:11:39,640 Target joining the M4 Motorway. 210 00:11:39,640 --> 00:11:41,000 Confirmed. 211 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:43,240 Confirmed. The M4, westbound. 212 00:11:51,280 --> 00:11:53,120 Control to Kilo 1. 213 00:11:53,120 --> 00:11:54,480 Go ahead. 214 00:11:54,480 --> 00:11:56,000 Suspect is on the move. 215 00:11:56,000 --> 00:11:57,800 Direction of Heathrow. 216 00:11:59,960 --> 00:12:01,160 Check passenger logs. 217 00:12:01,160 --> 00:12:02,440 Happening. 218 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:09,200 No name matches any flights to Beijing in the next 24 hours. 219 00:12:09,200 --> 00:12:11,160 Could be travelling under a false ID. 220 00:12:11,160 --> 00:12:12,640 You're talking about Wanglei? 221 00:12:12,640 --> 00:12:14,760 We can't let him board a plane, Kilo 1. 222 00:12:14,760 --> 00:12:16,520 I'm aware. It's a political decision. 223 00:12:16,520 --> 00:12:17,920 You want to wake up the Home Sec? 224 00:12:17,920 --> 00:12:19,160 No, no. 225 00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:24,120 Look, you want Government backing to arrest a Chinese national? 226 00:12:24,120 --> 00:12:25,560 Top cover, ideally. Home Sec or PM. 227 00:12:25,560 --> 00:12:27,720 Yeah, by the time you get a straight answer the target 228 00:12:27,720 --> 00:12:29,360 will be in the air. 229 00:12:29,360 --> 00:12:30,960 What makes you say that? 230 00:12:33,160 --> 00:12:34,560 Kilo 9 to Control. 231 00:12:34,560 --> 00:12:36,560 Target passing M4 Junction 2. 232 00:12:36,560 --> 00:12:37,880 Confirmed. Confirmed. 233 00:12:37,880 --> 00:12:39,720 15 minutes to Terminal 1. 234 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:43,640 I'm the Security Minister. 235 00:12:43,640 --> 00:12:45,880 I can declare a critical incident. 236 00:12:45,880 --> 00:12:47,360 Why wake up Gill when you've got me? 237 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:53,280 I can't stop him in a diplomatic vehicle. 238 00:12:53,280 --> 00:12:54,800 I'm aware. 239 00:12:54,800 --> 00:12:56,600 Arrest when target shows intent to travel, 240 00:12:56,600 --> 00:12:59,120 issue an all-ports warning, delay every flight headed east. 241 00:12:59,120 --> 00:13:01,480 Target steps into Departures, that's good enough for me. 242 00:13:01,480 --> 00:13:03,480 I'm heading to Heathrow with a green light from 243 00:13:03,480 --> 00:13:04,680 the Security Minister. 244 00:13:04,680 --> 00:13:05,960 Collate the statements. 245 00:13:05,960 --> 00:13:09,040 Verify all witness IDs with CTC and release. 246 00:13:09,040 --> 00:13:10,880 What? What is it? 247 00:13:10,880 --> 00:13:12,360 No, nothing, ma'am. 248 00:13:24,040 --> 00:13:25,280 Control to all units. 249 00:13:25,280 --> 00:13:26,920 We are moving to Amber. 250 00:13:26,920 --> 00:13:29,360 Stand by for executive action to arrest the target 251 00:13:29,360 --> 00:13:32,040 on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. 252 00:13:34,360 --> 00:13:38,800 The target must demonstrate intent to leave the UK. 253 00:13:38,800 --> 00:13:43,280 Arrest teams at every terminal, remain inside Departures. 254 00:13:43,280 --> 00:13:45,120 Target sees armed guards at the door, 255 00:13:45,120 --> 00:13:47,240 he might get twitchy and change his mind. 256 00:13:47,240 --> 00:13:49,040 Kilo 9 to Control. 257 00:13:49,040 --> 00:13:52,200 Target passing M4 Junction 3. 258 00:13:52,200 --> 00:13:54,280 Stay on him, Kilo 9. 259 00:13:54,280 --> 00:13:56,400 You may not have power of arrest yet, 260 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:59,560 but you have the power to stay up his arse. 261 00:13:59,560 --> 00:14:01,160 Understood. 262 00:14:01,160 --> 00:14:03,720 RACHEL: Sorry to cut this short. I need the room. 263 00:14:03,720 --> 00:14:06,120 That's not necessary, Ms Khan. You can stay. 264 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:08,880 Collate the statements. Verify witness IDs with CTC. 265 00:14:08,880 --> 00:14:10,080 Yes, ma'am. 266 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:13,080 I need to see the interview again. 267 00:14:13,080 --> 00:14:14,640 Do you know your way round this? 268 00:14:14,640 --> 00:14:17,040 Mm. I've spent my time in the gallery. 269 00:14:19,840 --> 00:14:21,280 SHE PLAYS RECORDING 270 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:23,920 VOICE OF ISAAC: You asked me if Xanda had been tested for 271 00:14:23,920 --> 00:14:27,280 racial bias. I'm afraid my answer wasn't entirely accurate. 272 00:14:27,280 --> 00:14:28,560 What is it? 273 00:14:28,560 --> 00:14:30,520 You still think Wanglei is behind this? 274 00:14:30,520 --> 00:14:32,040 The truth is... 275 00:14:32,040 --> 00:14:34,720 ..racial-profiling is what makes Xanda the most effective 276 00:14:34,720 --> 00:14:36,080 security system on the market. 277 00:14:36,080 --> 00:14:38,800 Yes, I was trying to withdraw my support for his bid. 278 00:14:38,800 --> 00:14:41,120 He stopped me from saying China poses a risk. 279 00:14:41,120 --> 00:14:44,000 You were also corrected to say that Xanda Facial Recognition 280 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:45,680 makes use of racial profiling. 281 00:14:45,680 --> 00:14:48,880 While most facial recognition providers see profiling 282 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:51,560 as an AI flaw, Xanda treats it as a selling point. 283 00:14:51,560 --> 00:14:55,360 Why would the head of Xanda UK make you say that about his own company? 284 00:14:55,360 --> 00:14:57,880 I don't know, but he is currently trying to leave the country. 285 00:14:57,880 --> 00:15:00,720 If we don't stop him now, we'll never get the chance to ask. 286 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:03,040 RADIO: Trojan 26 to Kilo 3. 287 00:15:03,040 --> 00:15:04,440 Go ahead. 288 00:15:04,440 --> 00:15:06,040 Update on asset as requested, ma'am. 289 00:15:06,040 --> 00:15:07,200 He's awake? 290 00:15:07,200 --> 00:15:08,920 Doctors just came to check him. 291 00:15:08,920 --> 00:15:11,320 Said they expect him to wake up in the next hour. 292 00:15:20,480 --> 00:15:22,480 You did say to call if he so much as stirred. 293 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:25,000 Yes. Thank you. Ah... 294 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:26,440 ISAAC: What is it? 295 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:31,240 Kilo 3 to Kilo 6? 296 00:15:31,240 --> 00:15:32,840 Kilo 6. Go ahead. 297 00:15:32,840 --> 00:15:35,400 When did you last run a feed check to the hospital? 298 00:15:35,400 --> 00:15:36,680 15 minutes. 299 00:15:36,680 --> 00:15:37,880 Run another. 300 00:15:39,800 --> 00:15:41,840 Any concern, Kilo 3? 301 00:15:42,960 --> 00:15:44,560 Unclear. 302 00:15:44,560 --> 00:15:46,560 Where's Patrick's family? 303 00:15:46,560 --> 00:15:48,880 PPOs escorted them home just before the last check. 304 00:15:48,880 --> 00:15:50,080 I'm heading back there. 305 00:15:50,080 --> 00:15:52,000 Check the feeds. Check the guard detail. 306 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:53,560 Keep me updated on 2. 307 00:15:53,560 --> 00:15:54,680 Understood. 308 00:15:54,680 --> 00:15:55,840 Hospital? 309 00:15:55,840 --> 00:15:57,960 As with everything else we've discussed, Khadija, 310 00:15:57,960 --> 00:15:59,200 you keep this under wraps. 311 00:15:59,200 --> 00:16:02,680 Until you can give me everything, the deep-fake scandal. 312 00:16:02,680 --> 00:16:03,840 Correction. 313 00:16:03,840 --> 00:16:05,160 You leave the wording to me. 314 00:16:05,160 --> 00:16:06,440 I'm going to come with you. 315 00:16:06,440 --> 00:16:08,480 I-I can't allow it. The CPOs will take you home. 316 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:09,960 I declared this critical incident. 317 00:16:09,960 --> 00:16:12,240 If there's a development I want to know what's going on. 318 00:16:12,240 --> 00:16:15,760 And, frankly, you're the only one I trust to tell me the truth. 319 00:16:21,200 --> 00:16:25,480 Ah, don't leave this behind, Minister. You'll be needing it. 320 00:16:25,480 --> 00:16:27,960 And, as I said, 321 00:16:27,960 --> 00:16:31,440 I'll keep my side of the bargain so long as you keep yours. 322 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:41,480 RADIO: Comms check, Trojan 21. 323 00:16:41,480 --> 00:16:43,120 R5. 324 00:16:43,120 --> 00:16:44,960 Status update? 325 00:16:44,960 --> 00:16:46,840 No change, no change. 326 00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:48,680 Asset check. All in order. 327 00:16:48,680 --> 00:16:50,080 Trojan 26. 328 00:16:50,080 --> 00:16:52,360 R5. No change, no change. 329 00:16:52,360 --> 00:16:54,600 Ward clear. All in order. 330 00:16:54,600 --> 00:16:56,360 Feed check? 331 00:16:56,360 --> 00:16:58,280 Trojan 26, feed check. 332 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:02,360 One, two... 333 00:17:02,360 --> 00:17:04,600 ..three. 334 00:17:04,600 --> 00:17:06,360 Unlucky, Trojan 26. 335 00:17:06,360 --> 00:17:07,840 Rocks beats scissors. 336 00:17:07,840 --> 00:17:09,080 Again? 337 00:17:09,080 --> 00:17:10,520 Feed check complete. 338 00:17:10,520 --> 00:17:12,040 Kilo 6, Kilo 3. 339 00:17:12,040 --> 00:17:15,880 Hospital feed check, comms check. All in order. 340 00:17:15,880 --> 00:17:18,080 Received. Repeat checks every ten minutes. 341 00:17:18,080 --> 00:17:19,920 I'm on my way there. 342 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:28,600 Kilo 9 to Control. 343 00:17:28,600 --> 00:17:32,760 Target exiting M4, Junction 4. 344 00:17:32,760 --> 00:17:34,840 Confirmed. Confirmed. 345 00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:36,200 Five minutes to Terminal 1. 346 00:17:36,200 --> 00:17:37,720 SIREN WAILS 347 00:17:37,720 --> 00:17:39,240 Control, my ETA is 12 minutes. 348 00:17:39,240 --> 00:17:42,280 Detain the suspect at the airport and await my arrival. 349 00:17:42,280 --> 00:17:44,120 Understood. 350 00:17:54,880 --> 00:17:57,000 Do you think I've got this wrong? 351 00:17:58,520 --> 00:18:00,200 And if it wasn't China... 352 00:18:00,200 --> 00:18:02,480 What makes you so sure the Home Secretary wouldn't 353 00:18:02,480 --> 00:18:05,440 give us a straight answer on Wanglei? 354 00:18:05,440 --> 00:18:08,080 The UK is under attack by a suspected foreign power. 355 00:18:08,080 --> 00:18:10,440 Do you know what the Government's response is? 356 00:18:11,600 --> 00:18:13,400 Neither do I. 357 00:18:13,400 --> 00:18:16,120 When I tried to doorstep Rowan Gill for a briefing, 358 00:18:16,120 --> 00:18:18,480 I was told to go home and rest. 359 00:18:18,480 --> 00:18:20,400 What aren't they telling you? 360 00:18:22,680 --> 00:18:25,040 PHONE VIBRATES 361 00:18:33,280 --> 00:18:34,720 Take it. 362 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:38,120 Oh... I don't know what to tell her. 363 00:18:38,120 --> 00:18:40,400 I don't want to lie. 364 00:18:40,400 --> 00:18:42,440 It's not really my area. 365 00:18:45,960 --> 00:18:48,120 PHONE STOPS RINGING 366 00:18:49,520 --> 00:18:51,400 HE SIGHS 367 00:18:56,280 --> 00:18:59,800 If we win, 368 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:02,960 you'll be able to tell her everything. 369 00:19:08,560 --> 00:19:11,160 RADIO: Control to Kilo 1. 370 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:13,040 Kilo 1 to Control. 371 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:17,000 All units, stand by for executive action. 372 00:19:21,000 --> 00:19:22,480 Kilo 9 to Control. 373 00:19:23,640 --> 00:19:26,640 Target taking roundabout exit for Terminal 1. 374 00:19:30,600 --> 00:19:32,480 Confirmed. 375 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:33,840 Control to Kilo 9. 376 00:19:33,840 --> 00:19:35,880 The minute the target is out of the vehicle 377 00:19:35,880 --> 00:19:37,920 and proceeding on foot to the terminal, 378 00:19:37,920 --> 00:19:39,720 that is intent to travel. 379 00:19:39,720 --> 00:19:41,680 Walk up, hands on. 380 00:19:41,680 --> 00:19:42,800 Understood. 381 00:19:42,800 --> 00:19:44,800 Target arrival at Terminal 1. 382 00:19:47,320 --> 00:19:49,040 Confirmed. Confirmed. 383 00:19:51,480 --> 00:19:53,200 Kilo 9, arrival. 384 00:20:01,160 --> 00:20:03,120 Get more feeds on that target. 385 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:17,000 Come on, then. 386 00:20:17,000 --> 00:20:18,360 Out you come. 387 00:20:21,440 --> 00:20:22,800 Kilo 1 to Control. 388 00:20:22,800 --> 00:20:24,320 Confirm eyes on target. 389 00:20:24,320 --> 00:20:29,240 We have eyes on target. GPS and CCTV, as instructed. 390 00:20:29,240 --> 00:20:31,640 Eyes on target or target vehicle? 391 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:35,640 Eyes on target... 392 00:20:35,640 --> 00:20:37,040 ..vehicle. 393 00:20:38,440 --> 00:20:39,880 Fuck. 394 00:20:39,880 --> 00:20:42,000 To confirm, we have eyes on a diplomatic car 395 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:43,400 with blacked out windows? 396 00:20:43,400 --> 00:20:46,600 Yes, and we've had eyes on the same vehicle continuously 397 00:20:46,600 --> 00:20:49,400 since the target got into it, Kilo 9? 398 00:20:50,520 --> 00:20:52,640 Confirmed. 399 00:20:52,640 --> 00:20:55,880 So why isn't he getting out? 400 00:20:55,880 --> 00:20:57,680 Kilo 3 to Control. SIRENS WAIL 401 00:20:57,680 --> 00:20:58,960 Go ahead. 402 00:20:58,960 --> 00:21:00,560 Heathrow may be a distraction. 403 00:21:00,560 --> 00:21:02,920 Suspected decoy operation in progress. 404 00:21:02,920 --> 00:21:06,000 Request urgent backup and firearms support to the hospital. 405 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:07,480 I'm two minutes away. 406 00:21:07,480 --> 00:21:08,920 Understood. 407 00:21:11,680 --> 00:21:13,320 Kilo 3 to Kilo 6? 408 00:21:13,320 --> 00:21:14,800 Kilo 6. Go ahead. 409 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:19,040 Assume all feeds monitoring DS Patrick Flynn are unsafe. 410 00:21:19,040 --> 00:21:20,840 Feed check all in order, Kilo 3. 411 00:21:20,840 --> 00:21:24,480 Kilo 6, assume all hospital feeds are unsafe. 412 00:21:25,560 --> 00:21:27,200 Understood. 413 00:21:27,200 --> 00:21:29,440 I take it Patrick is... The surviving officer from 414 00:21:29,440 --> 00:21:31,280 the attempt on Gregory Knox. 415 00:21:31,280 --> 00:21:32,760 He saved my colleague's life. 416 00:21:32,760 --> 00:21:35,000 He's also the only eyewitness to the suspect. 417 00:22:12,440 --> 00:22:15,320 Control, what's the ETA on backup? 418 00:22:15,320 --> 00:22:17,320 Firearms support, three minutes. 419 00:22:19,360 --> 00:22:20,880 I'll be on the ward. 420 00:22:20,880 --> 00:22:23,320 Negative. Stand by for Armed Support, Kilo 3. 421 00:22:25,040 --> 00:22:27,840 Ah... Is-is that wise? 422 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:29,120 Not to wait? 423 00:22:29,120 --> 00:22:31,320 I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, but... 424 00:22:31,320 --> 00:22:32,640 Good. 425 00:22:33,760 --> 00:22:36,000 Ah. Don't even think about it. 426 00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:37,600 Remain in the vehicle. 427 00:22:41,600 --> 00:22:45,080 DRAMATIC MUSIC 428 00:22:47,240 --> 00:22:49,920 Feed check. Ward check. All in order. 429 00:22:49,920 --> 00:22:51,000 Building's clear. 430 00:22:51,000 --> 00:22:52,400 Stand by for support. 431 00:22:52,400 --> 00:22:54,120 Kilo 3 to Trojan 21. 432 00:22:54,120 --> 00:22:55,200 Go ahead. 433 00:22:55,200 --> 00:22:56,480 Be advised, DCI incoming. 434 00:22:56,480 --> 00:22:58,560 I'm on the ground floor, on the way up. 435 00:22:58,560 --> 00:23:00,240 Received. 436 00:23:00,240 --> 00:23:01,800 You're all clear, ma'am. 437 00:23:33,040 --> 00:23:34,680 PHONE VIBRATES 438 00:23:34,680 --> 00:23:35,920 Carey. 439 00:23:35,920 --> 00:23:39,560 So there was a van outside my house the morning before the attack. 440 00:23:39,560 --> 00:23:42,600 We thought it was, like, paps, trying to take our photos. 441 00:23:42,600 --> 00:23:43,800 So? 442 00:23:43,800 --> 00:23:44,960 Well, it's here. 443 00:23:44,960 --> 00:23:47,400 The same van, waiting on the corner, engine running. 444 00:23:52,760 --> 00:23:55,000 Do not exit the vehicle. 445 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,520 Trojan 21. Imminent threat to life. 446 00:23:57,520 --> 00:23:59,360 Trojan 26. Asset compromised. 447 00:23:59,360 --> 00:24:00,840 Imminent threat to life. 448 00:24:00,840 --> 00:24:03,040 Shooter is in the C Block service lift. 449 00:24:19,040 --> 00:24:21,000 All units. I need a PLATO response. 450 00:24:21,000 --> 00:24:24,400 C Block, ninth floor. Threat to life. 451 00:24:24,400 --> 00:24:26,320 Repeat. Imminent threat to life. 452 00:24:36,320 --> 00:24:38,640 Kilo 3 to all units. 453 00:24:38,640 --> 00:24:40,440 Control, do you read me? 454 00:24:40,440 --> 00:24:42,640 Repeat. Asset compromised. 455 00:24:42,640 --> 00:24:44,760 Imminent threat to life. 456 00:24:44,760 --> 00:24:47,080 Shooter is in the C Block service lift. 457 00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:02,040 LIFT BELL RINGS 458 00:25:12,040 --> 00:25:13,840 Oh, shit... 459 00:25:29,640 --> 00:25:31,840 Fuck you. 460 00:25:31,840 --> 00:25:35,920 FLATLINE TONE ON VITALS MONITOR 461 00:26:25,320 --> 00:26:27,360 INDISTINCT ECHOES 462 00:26:32,280 --> 00:26:35,120 SHE INHALES, EXHALES 463 00:26:42,560 --> 00:26:44,280 All units. 464 00:26:44,280 --> 00:26:45,960 Officers down. 465 00:26:45,960 --> 00:26:47,560 Shots fired. 466 00:26:47,560 --> 00:26:49,520 Shots fired. Officers down. 467 00:26:51,560 --> 00:26:53,160 Kilo 3 to Control. 468 00:26:53,160 --> 00:26:55,640 Ward clear. Asset check. All in order. 469 00:27:07,760 --> 00:27:09,160 All units. 470 00:27:09,160 --> 00:27:11,240 OVER OTHER RADIO: Kilo 3 to Control. Ward clear. 471 00:27:12,920 --> 00:27:14,680 Asset check complete. All in order. 472 00:27:14,680 --> 00:27:17,480 Trojan 21, Trojan 26. Check complete. 473 00:27:17,480 --> 00:27:19,080 All in order. 474 00:27:29,880 --> 00:27:32,320 All units. 475 00:27:32,320 --> 00:27:33,880 Officers down. 476 00:27:33,880 --> 00:27:35,440 Shots fired. 477 00:27:36,680 --> 00:27:37,920 Feed check complete. 478 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:39,280 Ward check complete. 479 00:27:39,280 --> 00:27:40,920 All in order. Over. 480 00:27:43,520 --> 00:27:45,840 Feed check complete. Ward check complete. 481 00:27:45,840 --> 00:27:47,400 All in order. Over. 482 00:27:51,520 --> 00:27:53,280 Kilo 1 to Control. 483 00:27:53,280 --> 00:27:54,760 Arrival at Terminal 1. 484 00:27:54,760 --> 00:27:56,160 Status update? 485 00:27:56,160 --> 00:27:57,600 No change. No change. 486 00:27:57,600 --> 00:28:01,040 Kilo 9 has eyes on vehicle, no eyes on target. 487 00:28:01,040 --> 00:28:02,280 Confirmed. 488 00:28:02,280 --> 00:28:05,320 How do you feel about tapping on the window, Kilo 1? 489 00:28:05,320 --> 00:28:06,640 Which bay? 490 00:28:06,640 --> 00:28:08,040 Red. 491 00:28:08,040 --> 00:28:10,280 Red Bay is empty. 492 00:28:10,280 --> 00:28:12,160 Come again? 493 00:28:12,160 --> 00:28:14,280 No eyes on target vehicle. 494 00:28:15,960 --> 00:28:18,720 Control to Kilo 1. We can't see you. Confirm terminal. 495 00:28:25,320 --> 00:28:27,680 Kilo 1. Terminal 1. 496 00:28:27,680 --> 00:28:29,440 Departures, Red Bay drop off. 497 00:28:29,440 --> 00:28:30,640 No eyes on target. 498 00:28:33,080 --> 00:28:35,040 No eyes on target vehicle. 499 00:28:38,960 --> 00:28:40,640 No eyes on Kilo 9. 500 00:28:48,120 --> 00:28:50,360 Kilo 9, this is Control. Do you read? 501 00:28:50,360 --> 00:28:52,640 Control to Kilo 1. Please confirm visual on target. 502 00:28:52,640 --> 00:28:53,720 Control to Kilo 9? 503 00:28:53,720 --> 00:28:55,000 Kilo 9, confirm location? 504 00:28:55,000 --> 00:28:56,480 Control to Kilo 9? 505 00:28:59,480 --> 00:29:01,000 Kilo 9 to Control. 506 00:29:01,000 --> 00:29:03,880 Target leaving the M25, Exit 5. 507 00:29:03,880 --> 00:29:06,880 Maintain that distance at your discretion, Kilo 9. 508 00:29:06,880 --> 00:29:08,680 Update when you're ready. 509 00:29:15,360 --> 00:29:17,400 Target arrival at Five Oak Green. 510 00:29:17,400 --> 00:29:19,400 Home address, ETA two minutes. 511 00:29:20,720 --> 00:29:24,120 Kilo 9, this is Control. Do you read? 512 00:29:24,120 --> 00:29:25,760 Kilo 9, confirm location. 513 00:29:25,760 --> 00:29:27,600 Control to Kilo 1. 514 00:29:28,640 --> 00:29:30,160 Gemma? 515 00:29:34,200 --> 00:29:36,280 Operation Vanguard is compromised. 516 00:30:36,680 --> 00:30:38,560 I'm not exiting the vehicle. 517 00:30:45,760 --> 00:30:48,120 PHONE RINGING 518 00:30:48,120 --> 00:30:50,560 WOMAN: Emergency. Which service do you require? 519 00:30:50,560 --> 00:30:53,240 Ah, police. My name's Isaac Turner. 520 00:30:53,240 --> 00:30:55,680 I'm the Security Minister for the Home Office. 521 00:30:55,680 --> 00:30:58,320 I'm currently in pursuit of a suspect, 522 00:30:58,320 --> 00:31:02,960 or group of suspects, in an ongoing conspiracy to murder investigation. 523 00:31:02,960 --> 00:31:04,880 What's your location? 524 00:31:04,880 --> 00:31:09,160 Ah, my location is the Blackfriars Road. 525 00:31:10,160 --> 00:31:13,400 The suspects are driving a van with the registration 526 00:31:13,400 --> 00:31:20,320 GX66 AEE - that's Golf, X-ray, 66, Alpha, Echo, Echo. 527 00:31:20,320 --> 00:31:22,840 They're driving south on the Blackfriars Road, 528 00:31:22,840 --> 00:31:25,640 away from the hospital, which they've just left, 529 00:31:25,640 --> 00:31:27,480 and where I believe that... SIREN WAILS 530 00:31:27,480 --> 00:31:29,680 All right, I will dispatch... Oh, you're here now. 531 00:31:29,680 --> 00:31:31,000 I can see a car. 532 00:31:31,000 --> 00:31:33,600 Wow. Was that you? Isaac, stay where you are. One second. 533 00:31:33,600 --> 00:31:36,560 And do not put yourself in any danger. 534 00:31:36,560 --> 00:31:39,040 Yeah, they're up ahead. Grey van. 535 00:31:40,360 --> 00:31:44,000 Oh, for fuck's sake, can you tell them? They're trying to... 536 00:31:44,000 --> 00:31:46,200 Isaac, can you repeat where your location is? 537 00:31:46,200 --> 00:31:48,600 Fucking hell. SIRENS WAIL 538 00:31:53,360 --> 00:31:57,880 I-I'm fine. I've just got 999 here. I'm just telling them... 539 00:31:57,880 --> 00:31:59,760 MAN: Step out the vehicle please, sir? 540 00:31:59,760 --> 00:32:02,520 No, no, the van is up there. If you don't go after them... 541 00:32:02,520 --> 00:32:04,400 Please step out of the vehicle. 542 00:32:04,400 --> 00:32:06,160 Jesus Christ. 543 00:32:06,160 --> 00:32:09,320 They'll change the CCTV and get away. 544 00:32:09,320 --> 00:32:11,240 Are you the owner of this vehicle, sir? 545 00:32:11,240 --> 00:32:13,280 Am I the... what? No, no, of course not. 546 00:32:13,280 --> 00:32:16,200 And are you aware of what speed you were driving at when we stopped you? 547 00:32:16,200 --> 00:32:17,760 Am...? 548 00:32:19,640 --> 00:32:21,080 You're shitting me. 549 00:33:31,280 --> 00:33:32,880 INDISTINCT SHOUTS 550 00:34:17,160 --> 00:34:19,000 The whole system was overwhelmed. 551 00:34:20,600 --> 00:34:22,160 Camera networks, comms. 552 00:34:24,720 --> 00:34:27,360 Wanglei was never en route to the airport. 553 00:34:27,360 --> 00:34:29,520 He just knew it'd get our attention. 554 00:34:29,520 --> 00:34:31,600 It isn't him. I'm sorry? 555 00:34:35,560 --> 00:34:37,720 Where's Isaac Turner? Is he safe? 556 00:34:37,720 --> 00:34:39,800 Yeah, I believe so. 557 00:34:39,800 --> 00:34:41,920 I'm waiting for an update. 558 00:34:41,920 --> 00:34:44,440 Apparently, he says he got a... We can't talk here. 559 00:34:58,400 --> 00:35:01,560 There's no CCTV in here, like I said. 560 00:35:01,560 --> 00:35:03,560 No routers. Thank you. 561 00:35:03,560 --> 00:35:05,920 Let's lose comms and phones, please. 562 00:35:05,920 --> 00:35:07,440 Would you mind keeping these safe? 563 00:35:10,840 --> 00:35:14,040 DETECTOR BEEPS 564 00:35:31,360 --> 00:35:32,720 It's not China. 565 00:35:34,320 --> 00:35:36,840 Just because Wanglei was used as a decoy 566 00:35:36,840 --> 00:35:38,760 doesn't make him complicit. 567 00:35:38,760 --> 00:35:41,280 The second hack on Newsnight implicated Xanda 568 00:35:41,280 --> 00:35:43,520 in the use of racial profiling. 569 00:35:43,520 --> 00:35:46,920 That can't be in his interests, or Beijing's. 570 00:35:46,920 --> 00:35:51,640 The cameras on Flynn's ward were isolated on a secure network, 571 00:35:51,640 --> 00:35:54,320 controlled from the seventh floor of CTC. 572 00:35:54,320 --> 00:35:55,680 We know. We're investigating. 573 00:35:55,680 --> 00:35:57,920 Ops are tearing down the system and starting again. 574 00:35:57,920 --> 00:36:00,280 Whoever's behind this is watching everything we do - 575 00:36:00,280 --> 00:36:02,240 they know our next move before we do. 576 00:36:02,240 --> 00:36:05,000 They're into CTC, STRAP clearance, the BBC. 577 00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:06,520 They're into our secure comms, 578 00:36:06,520 --> 00:36:09,080 and they're faking our own fucking voices, for Christ's sake! 579 00:36:09,080 --> 00:36:10,960 What is your point? 580 00:36:10,960 --> 00:36:14,480 Who do we know with that much access, 581 00:36:14,480 --> 00:36:18,600 that much capability, with his claws into everything we do? 582 00:36:20,920 --> 00:36:23,120 I saw him. 583 00:36:23,120 --> 00:36:25,040 Frank Napier. 584 00:36:25,040 --> 00:36:26,280 Here at the hospital. 585 00:36:26,280 --> 00:36:27,600 Frank was here? 586 00:36:27,600 --> 00:36:30,520 Earlier this evening, before the hack on the studio. 587 00:36:32,200 --> 00:36:34,360 If you've got any reasoning, Rachel, let's hear it, 588 00:36:34,360 --> 00:36:36,720 beyond seeing the man here and listing his capabilities. 589 00:36:36,720 --> 00:36:38,920 The CIA does not have eyes on the seventh floor. 590 00:36:38,920 --> 00:36:41,640 If they've found a way to hack into it, they do. 591 00:36:41,640 --> 00:36:43,640 You heard him. 592 00:36:43,640 --> 00:36:48,000 As far as Frank Napier's concerned, the US is in a cold war with China. 593 00:36:48,000 --> 00:36:51,320 You think this is a false flag operation? 594 00:36:51,320 --> 00:36:52,840 By America? 595 00:36:52,840 --> 00:36:54,920 It's possible. 596 00:36:54,920 --> 00:36:56,880 A plot to turn the UK against China. 597 00:36:58,840 --> 00:37:02,760 A false flag doesn't explain the mixed messaging. 598 00:37:02,760 --> 00:37:04,320 There's something else. 599 00:37:07,720 --> 00:37:11,320 You said the hack on the studio gallery suggested inside help. 600 00:37:11,320 --> 00:37:13,880 Yeah. 601 00:37:13,880 --> 00:37:16,480 Well, while you're running checks on the director, 602 00:37:16,480 --> 00:37:17,920 the vision mixer, the sound man, 603 00:37:17,920 --> 00:37:20,600 there's another suspect you might want to consider. 604 00:37:20,600 --> 00:37:21,840 He doesn't work in TV. 605 00:37:21,840 --> 00:37:24,480 You might find him a little bit closer to home. 606 00:37:24,480 --> 00:37:26,520 It wasn't just the crew who had access to 607 00:37:26,520 --> 00:37:29,000 the controls in that studio. 608 00:37:29,000 --> 00:37:33,360 Thanks to us, a core member of Napier's team was given 609 00:37:33,360 --> 00:37:35,800 a full unrestricted pass. 610 00:37:35,800 --> 00:37:37,720 Or thanks to you, to be exact. 611 00:37:37,720 --> 00:37:40,200 What are you driving at? 612 00:37:40,200 --> 00:37:41,920 You're the SIO. 613 00:37:41,920 --> 00:37:44,240 You sent Napier's tech op into the BBC. 614 00:37:45,560 --> 00:37:47,400 You're in shock, Detective. 615 00:37:47,400 --> 00:37:50,240 That means you're entitled to be out of line, to a point. 616 00:37:50,240 --> 00:37:52,880 Perhaps we should discuss this after you've been home to rest. 617 00:37:52,880 --> 00:37:54,680 Well, it's hardly a leap! 618 00:37:54,680 --> 00:37:56,960 If Frank Napier's behind this, you can't blame me 619 00:37:56,960 --> 00:37:59,280 for wondering if you are too. Both of you. 620 00:37:59,280 --> 00:38:01,280 Steady the fuck on. 621 00:38:01,280 --> 00:38:03,440 A Police Detective is dead. 622 00:38:03,440 --> 00:38:05,120 Two firearms officers. 623 00:38:05,120 --> 00:38:07,840 Patrick wasn't meant to be a target, though, was he? 624 00:38:07,840 --> 00:38:10,120 He got caught in the crossfire and became a witness. 625 00:38:10,120 --> 00:38:11,560 I'm sure no-one wanted him dead. 626 00:38:11,560 --> 00:38:13,920 But it wouldn't be the first time Frank Napier sacrificed 627 00:38:13,920 --> 00:38:15,880 British life for the sake of Correction, 628 00:38:15,880 --> 00:38:18,240 and it wouldn't be the first time you failed to stop him. 629 00:38:18,240 --> 00:38:19,440 That is enough! 630 00:38:19,440 --> 00:38:21,920 Hannah Roberts was an enemy of the British State. 631 00:38:27,480 --> 00:38:28,840 I need to know. 632 00:38:31,360 --> 00:38:33,560 If this is a plot between us and the CIA 633 00:38:33,560 --> 00:38:35,840 to steer UK government away from Chinese tech 634 00:38:35,840 --> 00:38:37,480 then I need to know, 635 00:38:37,480 --> 00:38:41,000 because at least then Patrick died for a reason. 636 00:38:41,000 --> 00:38:42,680 I do understand. 637 00:38:42,680 --> 00:38:43,840 If, if... 638 00:38:43,840 --> 00:38:47,360 If Beijing gets a stake in UK facial recognition it could amount 639 00:38:47,360 --> 00:38:49,320 to a permanent security breach. 640 00:38:49,320 --> 00:38:52,200 If we're not trying to stop that deal, we should be. 641 00:38:52,200 --> 00:38:54,000 As hard as it is to take, 642 00:38:54,000 --> 00:38:56,680 I understand if DS Flynn became collateral. 643 00:38:58,680 --> 00:39:00,160 It's national security. 644 00:39:01,480 --> 00:39:02,880 Well, ah... 645 00:39:04,040 --> 00:39:06,840 ..as rousing as that was, 646 00:39:06,840 --> 00:39:08,360 you couldn't be more wrong. 647 00:39:08,360 --> 00:39:10,240 We're as much in the dark as you are. 648 00:39:10,240 --> 00:39:13,240 I seriously doubt Frank Napier has a hand in the seventh floor, 649 00:39:13,240 --> 00:39:14,800 but if he does he's on his own. 650 00:39:14,800 --> 00:39:16,880 He's a rogue player. Always has been. 651 00:39:16,880 --> 00:39:18,320 Where did you see him exactly? 652 00:39:19,800 --> 00:39:22,280 He was on the ground floor. 653 00:39:24,080 --> 00:39:26,400 I don't know if this was just for my benefit, but... 654 00:39:26,400 --> 00:39:27,920 So he saw you? 655 00:39:27,920 --> 00:39:30,800 He acted like he was here for something. 656 00:39:32,000 --> 00:39:33,680 Radiology was the department. 657 00:39:35,040 --> 00:39:38,040 For God's sake, Rachel, the man had an appointment in Radiology. 658 00:39:40,000 --> 00:39:41,920 I'm sure we can verify? 659 00:39:41,920 --> 00:39:44,040 I'll deal with Frank. KNOCK AT DOOR 660 00:39:47,280 --> 00:39:48,400 Minister. 661 00:39:48,400 --> 00:39:49,640 Are you OK? 662 00:39:49,640 --> 00:39:51,320 No, I'm fine. 663 00:39:51,320 --> 00:39:55,560 So I saw two men fleeing the hospital in a grey Mercedes van. 664 00:39:55,560 --> 00:39:58,480 Ah, GX66 AEE. 665 00:39:58,480 --> 00:40:01,000 Sorry, this is all very helpful, but would you mind telling me 666 00:40:01,000 --> 00:40:03,160 what the hell you were doing here in the first place? 667 00:40:03,160 --> 00:40:04,320 I insisted. 668 00:40:04,320 --> 00:40:06,760 It's a miracle you didn't get shot. 669 00:40:06,760 --> 00:40:08,480 We'll get you to CTC, 670 00:40:08,480 --> 00:40:09,760 take a full statement. 671 00:40:09,760 --> 00:40:12,040 No, I'm sorry. I haven't got the time. 672 00:40:12,040 --> 00:40:14,080 The Home Secretary has asked to see me, so... 673 00:40:15,600 --> 00:40:17,040 Flynn? 674 00:40:25,040 --> 00:40:26,280 I'm sorry. 675 00:40:30,440 --> 00:40:31,920 Did you get a look at them? 676 00:40:31,920 --> 00:40:34,200 Yes. They were both wearing scrubs and face masks. 677 00:40:34,200 --> 00:40:37,040 Well, I could see they were both white males, medium build. 678 00:40:37,040 --> 00:40:39,480 I'd say one was in the region of six foot. 679 00:40:39,480 --> 00:40:41,800 The other was smaller, about 5'10. 680 00:40:41,800 --> 00:40:43,360 Start processing hospital staff 681 00:40:43,360 --> 00:40:45,400 for anyone matching that description. 682 00:40:46,520 --> 00:40:48,520 Detective? 683 00:40:48,520 --> 00:40:50,680 Ah, sorry. I, erm... 684 00:40:50,680 --> 00:40:53,680 I think you're right. I do need to rest. 685 00:40:53,680 --> 00:40:55,760 I'll be in in the morning. 686 00:40:55,760 --> 00:40:59,040 The shock you've had, you'll need longer than that. 687 00:40:59,040 --> 00:41:01,480 Consider it compassionate leave. 688 00:41:01,480 --> 00:41:04,480 We'll discuss timeline in due course. 689 00:41:04,480 --> 00:41:06,520 Thanks, ma'am. 690 00:41:06,520 --> 00:41:08,080 Sir. 691 00:42:05,120 --> 00:42:08,440 Well, it seems you've had quite the night. 692 00:42:08,440 --> 00:42:11,760 First you book yourself on the BBC without consulting me, 693 00:42:11,760 --> 00:42:13,920 McKenzie, or anyone in the press department. 694 00:42:13,920 --> 00:42:18,240 You sanction the arrest of a foreign national whose only 695 00:42:18,240 --> 00:42:23,320 apparent wrongdoing seems to be catching a ride home? 696 00:42:23,320 --> 00:42:26,360 And then you get yourself pulled over by the police for 697 00:42:26,360 --> 00:42:28,840 speeding in a car that isn't yours. 698 00:42:28,840 --> 00:42:31,840 Yes. I backed the arrest of Yan Wanglei. 699 00:42:33,200 --> 00:42:35,640 Now I realise the police were looking in the wrong place 700 00:42:35,640 --> 00:42:38,480 but there was a major security threat. 701 00:42:38,480 --> 00:42:40,440 At the time it seemed like the right decision. 702 00:42:40,440 --> 00:42:42,000 It wasn't your decision to make. 703 00:42:42,000 --> 00:42:46,000 Well, honestly, I was concerned if you or the PM had to make 704 00:42:46,000 --> 00:42:47,920 a call on China, you would buckle. 705 00:42:47,920 --> 00:42:49,120 Really? 706 00:42:54,040 --> 00:42:56,000 Isaac, you're a clever lad. 707 00:42:56,000 --> 00:42:58,160 You've seen the reaction to Newsnight. 708 00:42:58,160 --> 00:43:00,160 You know where this is going. 709 00:43:00,160 --> 00:43:01,840 I've spoken to the PM. 710 00:43:01,840 --> 00:43:04,640 Sorry, no, I don't know where this is going. 711 00:43:04,640 --> 00:43:08,360 You sat on TV and said you were in favour of racial profiling. 712 00:43:08,360 --> 00:43:09,680 What? 713 00:43:09,680 --> 00:43:10,880 There's no other option. 714 00:43:10,880 --> 00:43:12,040 I didn't say it. 715 00:43:12,040 --> 00:43:13,920 You did. I was watching and I heard you. 716 00:43:13,920 --> 00:43:15,600 Rowan, you know what's happening here. 717 00:43:15,600 --> 00:43:17,800 They're hacking my interviews and changing my words. 718 00:43:17,800 --> 00:43:21,000 Maybe it's not China, but... You're not listening to me. 719 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:22,240 People heard it. 720 00:43:22,240 --> 00:43:23,560 Now it's real. 721 00:43:30,920 --> 00:43:33,200 Welcome to the nightmare that is Correction, Isaac. 722 00:43:34,880 --> 00:43:38,920 Now, our enemies fake things that we can't deny. 723 00:43:38,920 --> 00:43:40,400 Proof is impossible. 724 00:43:40,400 --> 00:43:43,000 Denial without proof is pointless. 725 00:43:43,000 --> 00:43:44,280 And, worst of all, 726 00:43:44,280 --> 00:43:46,880 if we do ever prove it or deny it we are fucked. 727 00:43:46,880 --> 00:43:48,080 Why? 728 00:43:48,080 --> 00:43:50,480 You know why. We're as guilty of it as they are! 729 00:43:52,120 --> 00:43:54,920 You heard those Intelligence spods. 730 00:43:56,320 --> 00:43:59,760 If Correction unravels... 731 00:43:59,760 --> 00:44:02,400 ..then Counter Terrorism, the courts, 732 00:44:02,400 --> 00:44:04,840 the Justice Department, all unravels with it, 733 00:44:04,840 --> 00:44:05,960 across the whole world. 734 00:44:05,960 --> 00:44:08,000 And it is worse in democracies 735 00:44:08,000 --> 00:44:13,000 because we can't muzzle our judges or our media like China 736 00:44:13,000 --> 00:44:16,560 or Russia, or whoever the hell did this. 737 00:44:18,480 --> 00:44:22,320 Home Secretary, I'm not apologising for something I didn't say. 738 00:44:22,320 --> 00:44:24,960 This has gone way beyond an apology. 739 00:44:27,760 --> 00:44:29,440 You want me to resign. 740 00:44:30,600 --> 00:44:34,240 McKenzie reckons it plays better if we make the first move. 741 00:44:37,680 --> 00:44:40,160 You're sacking me. 742 00:44:40,160 --> 00:44:42,360 We won't forget this. 743 00:44:42,360 --> 00:44:45,920 Right? You just... You need to just spend a... 744 00:44:45,920 --> 00:44:49,200 ..a little time in purgatory. That's all. 745 00:44:49,200 --> 00:44:51,440 Until you get... My second chance. 746 00:44:55,720 --> 00:44:57,400 It's nothing personal. 747 00:45:29,440 --> 00:45:31,120 I'm so sorry, ma'am. 748 00:45:31,120 --> 00:45:35,000 I didn't know. The whole time I thought I was getting updates. 749 00:45:35,000 --> 00:45:37,080 You're not the only one. 750 00:45:37,080 --> 00:45:39,240 And DS Flynn, did anyone see... 751 00:45:41,200 --> 00:45:42,960 Not here, Detective. 752 00:45:44,400 --> 00:45:46,240 Not now. 753 00:45:46,240 --> 00:45:48,920 What have you got for me, ma'am? 754 00:45:48,920 --> 00:45:51,640 The first thing you need to do is hand over all phones and comms. 755 00:45:51,640 --> 00:45:53,040 You'll be issued replacements 756 00:45:53,040 --> 00:45:55,760 as soon as we can guarantee they're secure. 757 00:45:55,760 --> 00:45:57,000 Ma'am. 758 00:46:01,720 --> 00:46:03,360 I do have something for you. 759 00:46:07,040 --> 00:46:08,480 We'll talk. 760 00:46:34,920 --> 00:46:36,440 SHE GASPS 761 00:46:53,000 --> 00:46:55,040 KEYS JANGLE 762 00:47:25,560 --> 00:47:27,760 Oh, for fuck's sake. 763 00:47:27,760 --> 00:47:29,920 Finally! Is this what time you finish? 764 00:47:32,920 --> 00:47:35,160 Why are you here? 765 00:47:35,160 --> 00:47:36,400 I called you. 766 00:47:36,400 --> 00:47:37,840 I need to sleep over. 767 00:47:37,840 --> 00:47:39,920 You said I could come stay any time, so... 768 00:47:39,920 --> 00:47:41,160 Look, Abigail, this is... 769 00:47:42,680 --> 00:47:44,840 This is a bad time, OK? 770 00:47:44,840 --> 00:47:47,800 I can't choose when Mum and Dad go on a city break. 771 00:47:47,800 --> 00:47:50,680 What, and you can't be in the house alone? 772 00:47:50,680 --> 00:47:52,000 I won't sleep. 773 00:47:52,000 --> 00:47:53,320 You weren't sleeping here. 774 00:47:53,320 --> 00:47:54,680 I was waiting up for you. 775 00:47:54,680 --> 00:47:57,200 Are you making tea? I couldn't find any oat milk. 776 00:47:57,200 --> 00:47:59,160 If you don't have oat milk, I'll do without. 777 00:47:59,160 --> 00:48:00,960 The milk, I mean, not tea. 778 00:48:00,960 --> 00:48:02,040 I'll have tea. 779 00:48:02,040 --> 00:48:04,000 I've got tonnes I need to talk to you about. 780 00:48:04,000 --> 00:48:06,280 I'm starting a podcast. 781 00:48:06,280 --> 00:48:08,000 Why don't we talk about it tomorrow? 782 00:48:08,000 --> 00:48:09,440 SHE UNCORKS BOTTLE 783 00:48:11,160 --> 00:48:13,720 Don't worry. I'll sleep now you're here. 784 00:48:13,720 --> 00:48:16,000 It's been like this since the burglary, which is weird 785 00:48:16,000 --> 00:48:19,800 cos that happened in the daytime and I wasn't even home. 786 00:48:19,800 --> 00:48:22,080 The only way I can get to sleep by myself these days 787 00:48:22,080 --> 00:48:23,720 is when I vape weed, 788 00:48:23,720 --> 00:48:26,840 but then I just wake up at three in the morning with anxiety. 789 00:48:28,240 --> 00:48:29,760 Is this whisky? 790 00:48:29,760 --> 00:48:31,240 What did you just say? 791 00:48:32,400 --> 00:48:34,040 I vape weed? 792 00:48:35,000 --> 00:48:36,560 Sorry, are you going to arrest me? 793 00:48:36,560 --> 00:48:38,280 What burglary? 794 00:48:38,280 --> 00:48:39,760 The burglary. 795 00:48:39,760 --> 00:48:41,600 I thought Dad would've told you. 796 00:48:41,600 --> 00:48:43,480 When was this? 797 00:48:43,480 --> 00:48:46,320 I don't know. Months ago. 798 00:48:46,320 --> 00:48:48,760 You were burgled months ago and nobody told me? 799 00:48:48,760 --> 00:48:50,120 I'm a police detective. 800 00:48:50,120 --> 00:48:52,240 Well, Dad probably didn't want to bother you. 801 00:48:52,240 --> 00:48:53,800 We all know how busy you are. 802 00:48:53,800 --> 00:48:55,000 What did they take? 803 00:48:55,000 --> 00:48:57,240 Not a lot. They turned the whole place over 804 00:48:57,240 --> 00:49:01,440 but they only took my iPad, Mum's laptop... 805 00:49:01,440 --> 00:49:02,840 Where are you going? I just... 806 00:49:02,840 --> 00:49:05,000 Ah, I'll be back soon. Just get some sleep. 807 00:49:05,000 --> 00:49:06,440 Wait. Did they get an alarm? 808 00:49:06,440 --> 00:49:08,440 Huh? After the burglary, did Dad get an alarm? 809 00:49:08,440 --> 00:49:09,520 Yes. 810 00:49:09,520 --> 00:49:10,680 What's the code? 811 00:49:10,680 --> 00:49:12,000 My birthday. 812 00:49:13,800 --> 00:49:16,360 You're going to have to tell me the numbers, Abigail. 813 00:49:19,760 --> 00:49:22,080 Isaac Turner has been sacked from his role as 814 00:49:22,080 --> 00:49:24,120 Home Office Security Minister, 815 00:49:24,120 --> 00:49:27,240 following comments he made during a BBC interview 816 00:49:27,240 --> 00:49:29,000 about racial profiling. 817 00:49:29,000 --> 00:49:32,920 VOICE OF ISAAC: The truth is, racial profiling is what makes Xanda 818 00:49:32,920 --> 00:49:35,160 the most effective security system in the world. 819 00:49:35,160 --> 00:49:37,880 Ah, could you, erm... Could you turn it off? 820 00:49:37,880 --> 00:49:41,000 Huh? Just turn it off, please. 821 00:49:41,000 --> 00:49:43,560 VOLUME INCREASES: I'm not saying this is the case but if, say... OK? 822 00:49:43,560 --> 00:49:45,520 No, no, no. I... ..Muslim men between the ages of 823 00:49:45,520 --> 00:49:47,920 17 and 35 were the most likely to... Don't worry. It's fine. 824 00:49:47,920 --> 00:49:50,080 ..launch an attack on an airport... Yes, thank you. 825 00:49:50,080 --> 00:49:52,040 ..what's wrong with a system that factors that in? 826 00:49:52,040 --> 00:49:54,560 Minister, are you suggesting the programme uses 827 00:49:54,560 --> 00:49:57,120 racial bias deliberately? 828 00:50:01,120 --> 00:50:04,680 ALARM BEEPS 829 00:50:15,640 --> 00:50:18,040 DETECTOR BEEPS 830 00:50:55,920 --> 00:50:58,960 SHE GASPS FOR BREATH 831 00:51:15,440 --> 00:51:18,000 SHE SOBS 832 00:51:31,760 --> 00:51:33,800 INDISTINCT SHOUTING 833 00:51:36,840 --> 00:51:39,040 DRIVER: Here, or you want to go back? 834 00:51:39,960 --> 00:51:41,720 Back in time, if you could. 835 00:51:46,240 --> 00:51:48,360 I think you are right. 836 00:51:48,360 --> 00:51:49,800 I'm sorry? 837 00:51:51,800 --> 00:51:53,880 You have to protect people. 838 00:52:04,200 --> 00:52:06,840 Are you going to resign as MP, Mr Turner? 839 00:52:06,840 --> 00:52:08,960 Why should your Muslim constituents vote for you? 840 00:52:08,960 --> 00:52:11,720 Mr Turner, why won't you respond to the love-child allegations 841 00:52:11,720 --> 00:52:13,280 made by Victoria Bello? 842 00:52:26,480 --> 00:52:29,080 There are Black Lives Matter protesters out there. 843 00:52:32,600 --> 00:52:36,880 I don't think... Outside my house, protesting against my husband, 844 00:52:36,880 --> 00:52:39,200 who, last time I saw him, was black. 845 00:52:41,000 --> 00:52:43,200 I'm still black, Simmy. 846 00:52:44,120 --> 00:52:45,800 Why did you say those things? 847 00:52:50,240 --> 00:52:52,120 Where are you going? 848 00:52:52,120 --> 00:52:53,720 I asked you a question. 849 00:52:53,720 --> 00:52:55,720 Did someone put a gun to your head? 850 00:52:55,720 --> 00:52:56,920 Where's my laptop? 851 00:52:56,920 --> 00:52:58,160 Where's your laptop?! 852 00:52:58,160 --> 00:53:00,640 I've been waiting to speak to you since 11 o'clock last night. 853 00:53:00,640 --> 00:53:01,920 Yes. I need it. 854 00:53:02,920 --> 00:53:04,880 I know there are things you have to say, Isaac. 855 00:53:04,880 --> 00:53:07,600 I've sat through enough party conferences watching you clapping 856 00:53:07,600 --> 00:53:10,000 like a fucking seal for ministers you don't like, 857 00:53:10,000 --> 00:53:12,160 for policies you don't truly believe in, 858 00:53:12,160 --> 00:53:15,400 government stances that don't always reflect who you are, 859 00:53:15,400 --> 00:53:16,600 who we are. 860 00:53:17,520 --> 00:53:19,560 But racial fucking profiling? 861 00:53:22,520 --> 00:53:24,040 I can't do this now. 862 00:53:27,200 --> 00:53:29,120 You can't talk to your wife? 863 00:53:29,120 --> 00:53:31,240 When I've spent all night, all morning, 864 00:53:31,240 --> 00:53:34,120 wondering what the hell is going on, worrying for you, 865 00:53:34,120 --> 00:53:35,560 telling Ruby everything's OK, 866 00:53:35,560 --> 00:53:37,760 that the people outside don't want to hurt us, 867 00:53:37,760 --> 00:53:39,240 trying - unsuccessfully by the way - 868 00:53:39,240 --> 00:53:41,360 to keep Harrison away from the TV? 869 00:53:42,480 --> 00:53:44,000 Yeah, that's right. 870 00:53:44,000 --> 00:53:45,760 So if you can't talk to me, 871 00:53:45,760 --> 00:53:48,400 then perhaps you'd at least like to explain to our children 872 00:53:48,400 --> 00:53:50,640 why their daddy's being called a racist. 873 00:53:50,640 --> 00:53:53,040 I certainly can't. 874 00:53:53,040 --> 00:53:54,920 I didn't. What? 875 00:53:54,920 --> 00:53:56,520 Say those things. 876 00:53:56,520 --> 00:53:58,040 What does that mean? 877 00:54:14,320 --> 00:54:16,880 You promised you'd explain to me when you got home. 878 00:54:16,880 --> 00:54:18,720 I said I'd explain when I can! 879 00:54:18,720 --> 00:54:20,440 Well, if not now, then when? 880 00:54:20,440 --> 00:54:21,920 In case you haven't noticed, Isaac, 881 00:54:21,920 --> 00:54:24,040 you've just lost your job in government. It's over. 882 00:54:24,040 --> 00:54:26,360 No, it isn't! 883 00:54:26,360 --> 00:54:28,040 HE SLAMS DOOR 884 00:55:04,480 --> 00:55:06,120 If Frank Napier's behind this, 885 00:55:06,120 --> 00:55:08,280 you can't blame me for wondering if you are too. 886 00:55:08,280 --> 00:55:09,760 Steady the fuck on. 887 00:55:09,760 --> 00:55:12,280 And it wouldn't be the first time Frank Napier sacrificed 888 00:55:12,280 --> 00:55:14,120 British life for the sake of Correction, 889 00:55:14,120 --> 00:55:16,360 and it wouldn't be the first time you failed to stop him! 890 00:55:16,360 --> 00:55:17,440 That is enough! 891 00:55:17,440 --> 00:55:19,800 Hannah Roberts was an enemy of the British State. 892 00:55:19,800 --> 00:55:21,760 SHE PAUSES CLIP 893 00:55:36,040 --> 00:55:39,680 Welcome to the nightmare that is Correction, Isaac. 894 00:55:39,680 --> 00:55:43,440 Our enemies fake things which we can't deny. 895 00:55:43,440 --> 00:55:46,920 Proof is impossible. Denial without proof is pointless. 896 00:55:46,920 --> 00:55:50,000 And, worst of all, if we do ever prove it or deny it 897 00:55:50,000 --> 00:55:51,600 we are fucked. Why? 898 00:55:51,600 --> 00:55:54,440 You know why. We're as guilty of it as they are!