1 00:00:03,586 --> 00:00:08,508 [Osip] You must never leave this hotel. 2 00:00:08,508 --> 00:00:11,177 If you do, I'll be waiting. 3 00:00:11,177 --> 00:00:14,305 ♪ exciting music ♪ 4 00:00:14,305 --> 00:00:16,349 [Olga] You can't have been much older when I found you. 5 00:00:16,349 --> 00:00:19,019 [Osip] We all do what's necessary to survive, 6 00:00:19,019 --> 00:00:20,603 so our loved ones survive. 7 00:00:20,603 --> 00:00:23,023 [Sofia] Will she ever come? 8 00:00:23,023 --> 00:00:24,733 [Count] I don't know, but until she does, 9 00:00:24,733 --> 00:00:26,901 you'll stay here with me. 10 00:00:26,901 --> 00:00:28,862 Even forever? 11 00:00:43,126 --> 00:00:45,211 ♪ lush orchestral music ♪ 12 00:01:15,116 --> 00:01:17,243 13 00:01:35,303 --> 00:01:37,388 14 00:01:39,182 --> 00:01:43,770 [Count] Now, don't worry if it takes time to make friends. 15 00:01:43,770 --> 00:01:47,774 Don't try too hard, but don't be aloof either. 16 00:01:47,774 --> 00:01:49,609 Don't be aloof. Got it. 17 00:01:49,609 --> 00:01:52,320 Just let your natural charm come to the fore, understand? 18 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:54,948 Yes, yes, I know, Papa. 19 00:01:54,948 --> 00:01:57,450 - Don't worry. She'll be fine. - I'm not worried. 20 00:01:57,450 --> 00:01:59,160 What have I got to be worried about? 21 00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:01,246 ♪ lighthearted music ♪ 22 00:02:03,957 --> 00:02:06,292 And don't forget to have fun. 23 00:02:10,088 --> 00:02:11,798 She didn't even look back. 24 00:02:21,432 --> 00:02:22,809 25 00:02:24,185 --> 00:02:25,979 [Count] Ah, there you are. 26 00:02:26,604 --> 00:02:29,607 Papa, you really don't need to wait for me anymore. 27 00:02:29,607 --> 00:02:32,569 Nevertheless, I shall do so all the same. 28 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:35,655 Did you get lost on your way home? 29 00:02:35,655 --> 00:02:37,699 Did they close down all the roads? 30 00:02:37,699 --> 00:02:39,701 - We're not doing this. - Doing what? 31 00:02:39,701 --> 00:02:42,162 I was with my friends. Talking, walking. 32 00:02:42,162 --> 00:02:44,289 Oh. More the former than the-- 33 00:02:44,289 --> 00:02:45,957 More the former than the latter. 34 00:02:45,957 --> 00:02:47,667 You're so predictable, Papa. 35 00:02:47,667 --> 00:02:50,295 Do you have any time for afternoon tea? 36 00:02:50,295 --> 00:02:52,463 Sorry, I have homework. 37 00:02:52,463 --> 00:02:55,175 All right, then I shall let you... 38 00:02:55,175 --> 00:02:56,801 be on your way. 39 00:02:56,801 --> 00:02:59,429 [Vasily] At our age, it all goes by so quickly. 40 00:03:00,763 --> 00:03:03,349 Don't suppose you've heard from Anna. 41 00:03:04,893 --> 00:03:06,477 I would've thought Olga would've been able 42 00:03:06,477 --> 00:03:07,896 to fill you in on her movements. 43 00:03:07,896 --> 00:03:11,149 She's not speaking to me. [laughing] 44 00:03:11,149 --> 00:03:14,194 I think I did something rather rash. 45 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:18,031 I was hoping you might be able to advise me. 46 00:03:18,031 --> 00:03:20,575 [overlapping shouting] 47 00:03:21,993 --> 00:03:23,703 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 48 00:03:23,703 --> 00:03:26,206 Stand back. 49 00:03:26,206 --> 00:03:28,875 - [woman screams on screen] - [gunshots continue on screen] 50 00:03:28,875 --> 00:03:31,377 [projector clicking] 51 00:03:31,377 --> 00:03:33,463 [siren blaring on screen] 52 00:03:35,548 --> 00:03:36,549 Clarence! 53 00:03:36,549 --> 00:03:39,510 Clever. It's very clever. 54 00:03:39,510 --> 00:03:41,346 Yes, isn't it beautiful? 55 00:03:41,346 --> 00:03:44,432 You see, this, this is why America never had a revolution. 56 00:03:46,434 --> 00:03:48,603 Get me back to my wife and kids. 57 00:03:48,603 --> 00:03:51,272 They're all brainwashed into believing the American dream. 58 00:03:51,272 --> 00:03:53,191 Traditionally, the merits of a film 59 00:03:53,191 --> 00:03:55,401 are discussed when it's finished. 60 00:03:55,401 --> 00:03:58,029 And for the price of a nickel, the people are indoctrinated 61 00:03:58,029 --> 00:04:00,615 into the lie if they're good little citizens-- 62 00:04:00,615 --> 00:04:01,866 Shh. 63 00:04:01,866 --> 00:04:03,326 If they just stay in their place, 64 00:04:03,326 --> 00:04:04,369 they'll be rewarded for their hard work 65 00:04:04,369 --> 00:04:05,536 and kindness. 66 00:04:05,536 --> 00:04:07,538 Oh, is that such a terrible idea? 67 00:04:07,538 --> 00:04:09,916 It's a lie to maintain the status quo. 68 00:04:09,916 --> 00:04:10,959 Oh, here we go. 69 00:04:10,959 --> 00:04:12,293 Ten years, 70 00:04:12,293 --> 00:04:14,545 America's Depression lasted ten years. 71 00:04:14,545 --> 00:04:17,131 The proletariat were left to fend for themselves. 72 00:04:18,132 --> 00:04:20,343 Did they take up arms? No. 73 00:04:20,343 --> 00:04:23,721 No. No, they shuffled to the nearest movie house, 74 00:04:23,721 --> 00:04:26,599 where the latest fantasy was dangled before them 75 00:04:26,599 --> 00:04:28,768 like a pocket watch on the end of a chain. 76 00:04:28,768 --> 00:04:31,104 ♪ optimistic music ♪ 77 00:04:31,104 --> 00:04:35,108 Yay! Hello, Bedford Falls. 78 00:04:37,819 --> 00:04:39,612 Merry Christmas! 79 00:04:39,612 --> 00:04:41,406 - [woman] Merry Christmas. - [man] Merry Christmas, George. 80 00:04:41,406 --> 00:04:42,949 [man 2] Merry Christmas, George. 81 00:04:42,949 --> 00:04:46,577 [George] Merry Christmas, movie house! 82 00:04:46,577 --> 00:04:49,205 Merry Christmas, Emporium! 83 00:04:49,205 --> 00:04:51,958 All the people he touched along the way. 84 00:04:51,958 --> 00:04:53,626 [George] ...Building and Loan! 85 00:04:54,210 --> 00:04:57,088 [Count] Makes us think about our own lives. 86 00:04:57,088 --> 00:04:59,173 The things we've done. 87 00:04:59,173 --> 00:05:01,634 What the world would've been like if we hadn't been in it. 88 00:05:01,634 --> 00:05:03,011 [man] Happy new year to you. 89 00:05:03,011 --> 00:05:04,387 Turn it off. 90 00:05:04,387 --> 00:05:06,097 [Count] Well, it's nearly finished. 91 00:05:06,097 --> 00:05:07,515 [projector clicks] 92 00:05:11,519 --> 00:05:13,521 I choose next time. 93 00:05:20,528 --> 00:05:21,863 [projector clicking] 94 00:05:23,323 --> 00:05:26,492 Mary! Mary! 95 00:05:27,535 --> 00:05:29,746 Mary! 96 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:32,498 Well, hello, Mr. Bank Examiner. 97 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:37,211 - Good morning. - [both] Morning. 98 00:05:43,051 --> 00:05:45,511 [geese honking] 99 00:05:53,644 --> 00:05:55,521 [elevator bell dings] 100 00:05:56,481 --> 00:05:58,107 [wings fluttering] 101 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:03,363 [elevator doors close] 102 00:06:03,363 --> 00:06:05,239 You're no doubt aware of the incident this morning 103 00:06:05,239 --> 00:06:07,367 in the third floor corridor. 104 00:06:07,367 --> 00:06:09,035 Incident? 105 00:06:09,035 --> 00:06:11,662 - No, no, no, I don't believe so. - It appears 106 00:06:11,662 --> 00:06:13,748 two geese have escaped from a cage 107 00:06:13,748 --> 00:06:15,375 in the pantry of the Boyarsky. 108 00:06:16,542 --> 00:06:18,378 Or they were released. 109 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:20,713 Do you think Emile might've had something to do with it? 110 00:06:22,006 --> 00:06:24,384 N-No. I don't. 111 00:06:24,384 --> 00:06:28,513 Two animals are now on the loose somewhere in the hotel. 112 00:06:28,513 --> 00:06:30,181 - Running amok. - [laughs] 113 00:06:31,849 --> 00:06:33,518 Does this amuse you? 114 00:06:33,518 --> 00:06:34,727 [coughs] 115 00:06:34,727 --> 00:06:36,270 Absolutely not. 116 00:06:37,271 --> 00:06:38,815 If I see either of them, 117 00:06:38,815 --> 00:06:40,983 I will report it immediately. 118 00:06:40,983 --> 00:06:43,194 So you know nothing about this. 119 00:06:43,194 --> 00:06:44,404 Well, how would I? 120 00:06:45,738 --> 00:06:47,573 These antics suggest a certain childishness 121 00:06:47,573 --> 00:06:50,910 and a knowledge of the service areas of the hotel. 122 00:06:50,910 --> 00:06:53,996 Did Sofia pay a visit to the kitchens this morning? 123 00:06:53,996 --> 00:06:55,581 Well, how could that have been? 124 00:06:55,581 --> 00:06:58,251 I saw her off to school this morning, as usual. 125 00:06:58,251 --> 00:06:59,335 [scoffs] 126 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:02,004 Of course. 127 00:07:03,506 --> 00:07:05,591 Well, if that's all. 128 00:07:07,009 --> 00:07:08,511 This hotel's reputation 129 00:07:08,511 --> 00:07:11,264 is my reputation. 130 00:07:13,975 --> 00:07:16,436 I won't have it tarnished by anyone. 131 00:07:30,199 --> 00:07:31,868 [geese honking] 132 00:07:31,868 --> 00:07:33,953 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 133 00:07:50,178 --> 00:07:53,139 - [playing simple melody] - [quiet chatter] 134 00:07:53,139 --> 00:07:54,974 [both laugh] 135 00:08:03,816 --> 00:08:05,401 [both laugh] 136 00:08:07,612 --> 00:08:09,155 [quiet chatter] 137 00:08:09,155 --> 00:08:11,324 - Okay. - Okay. 138 00:08:16,579 --> 00:08:18,456 Good grief. [grunts] 139 00:08:18,456 --> 00:08:22,335 All that walking, my ankles have grown ankles on them. 140 00:08:22,335 --> 00:08:24,504 I thought for a moment I'd be taking tea alone. 141 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:27,423 Oh, well, the Metro was down again. 142 00:08:27,423 --> 00:08:30,718 Ah, gin spritz. Hmm. 143 00:08:30,718 --> 00:08:32,678 [Sofia laughs] 144 00:08:32,678 --> 00:08:35,014 Heavy on the gin, light on the spritz. Perfect. 145 00:08:35,014 --> 00:08:36,933 [quiet chatter] 146 00:08:36,933 --> 00:08:38,267 Ah. 147 00:08:38,267 --> 00:08:40,770 Yes, well, Vasily insists on it. 148 00:08:40,770 --> 00:08:42,396 Although, I have to admit it's useful 149 00:08:42,396 --> 00:08:43,940 for swatting children out of my way. 150 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:46,025 Oh, it's sweet he wants to take care of you. 151 00:08:46,025 --> 00:08:48,611 No, he wants me to look old, 152 00:08:48,611 --> 00:08:50,738 so that other men won't be interested. 153 00:08:51,864 --> 00:08:55,201 Last night, silly fool proposed. 154 00:08:56,160 --> 00:08:58,371 - He proposed? - [Olga] Mm. He was drunk. 155 00:08:58,371 --> 00:09:00,998 Well, at least I assume he must've been. 156 00:09:00,998 --> 00:09:03,042 [Anna] You didn't accept? 157 00:09:03,042 --> 00:09:04,752 No. 158 00:09:04,752 --> 00:09:07,296 Well, he'd want me to move in with him permanently, 159 00:09:07,296 --> 00:09:09,131 and where would that leave us? 160 00:09:09,131 --> 00:09:11,259 How's our girl doing? 161 00:09:11,259 --> 00:09:14,011 A natural, apparently. 162 00:09:14,011 --> 00:09:16,305 [both laughing] 163 00:09:16,305 --> 00:09:18,349 [Count] What on earth? 164 00:09:18,349 --> 00:09:20,601 - What is the meaning of this? - [Anna] Oh, no. 165 00:09:20,601 --> 00:09:21,602 [Sofia] Papa. 166 00:09:21,602 --> 00:09:23,062 Sofia, go to your room. 167 00:09:23,062 --> 00:09:24,730 This gentleman and I have matters to discuss. 168 00:09:24,730 --> 00:09:26,315 I think there's been a misunderstanding. 169 00:09:26,315 --> 00:09:28,442 No, no, no, no, I understand perfectly well 170 00:09:28,442 --> 00:09:29,819 - what's going on here. - [Sofia] You don't. 171 00:09:29,819 --> 00:09:31,320 Viktor's teaching me piano. 172 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:32,863 Well, that's what they all say. 173 00:09:32,863 --> 00:09:34,323 It's the oldest trick in the book, isn't it? 174 00:09:34,323 --> 00:09:36,242 Alexander, you're making a fool of yourself. 175 00:09:36,242 --> 00:09:38,327 I can promise you, sir, hand on heart, 176 00:09:38,327 --> 00:09:40,454 Sofia and I have been playing scales and sonatas. 177 00:09:40,454 --> 00:09:42,331 Scales and sonatas? 178 00:09:42,331 --> 00:09:44,083 Papa. [sighs] 179 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:46,085 Do you see what I mean about him now? 180 00:09:46,085 --> 00:09:48,838 - Sofia! - Just leave her be. 181 00:09:48,838 --> 00:09:51,424 I'm not finished with you. Sofia. 182 00:09:53,467 --> 00:09:55,386 Apologies, Viktor. [chuckles] 183 00:09:55,386 --> 00:09:57,930 Old age is getting the better of him. 184 00:09:57,930 --> 00:09:59,807 Young lady, stop. 185 00:10:01,100 --> 00:10:02,685 I apologize 186 00:10:02,685 --> 00:10:05,563 if I might have misconstrued what was happening. 187 00:10:05,563 --> 00:10:07,523 Might have? 188 00:10:07,523 --> 00:10:09,275 Viktor isn't even my type. 189 00:10:09,275 --> 00:10:10,943 You have a type? 190 00:10:10,943 --> 00:10:12,903 You completely humiliated me in there. 191 00:10:12,903 --> 00:10:14,697 Viktor might not even speak to me again, 192 00:10:14,697 --> 00:10:16,365 let alone teach me a lesson. 193 00:10:16,365 --> 00:10:18,075 Why didn't you tell me you were learning the piano? 194 00:10:18,075 --> 00:10:20,119 It was supposed to be a surprise 195 00:10:20,119 --> 00:10:21,746 for your birthday, 196 00:10:21,746 --> 00:10:23,497 but you ruined it. 197 00:10:29,378 --> 00:10:31,172 And when did you get back? 198 00:10:31,172 --> 00:10:33,633 The tour was cut short. 199 00:10:33,633 --> 00:10:36,802 Not a moment too soon, by the look of it. 200 00:10:36,802 --> 00:10:38,638 She says she has a type. 201 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:40,681 Yes, I believe she's rather fond of Gene Kelly. 202 00:10:40,681 --> 00:10:42,683 But how? 203 00:10:44,018 --> 00:10:46,646 Surely you understand that she's becoming a young woman. 204 00:10:46,646 --> 00:10:49,440 Yes, of course. It's not that, but... 205 00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:51,317 it's just, nobody told me. 206 00:10:51,317 --> 00:10:52,652 What, that children grow? 207 00:10:52,652 --> 00:10:54,862 Yes. No. I... 208 00:10:54,862 --> 00:10:56,697 I don't know. I had no idea 209 00:10:56,697 --> 00:10:58,532 you were talking to her about any of this. 210 00:10:58,532 --> 00:11:00,242 All what? 211 00:11:00,242 --> 00:11:02,870 Being a woman. 212 00:11:03,871 --> 00:11:05,748 You know I've always cared for Sofia 213 00:11:05,748 --> 00:11:08,167 and been there for her whenever she needed it. 214 00:11:08,167 --> 00:11:09,502 Until such times as you're not. 215 00:11:11,212 --> 00:11:12,672 And what exactly does that mean? 216 00:11:12,672 --> 00:11:14,423 Well, you're here, then you're there. 217 00:11:14,423 --> 00:11:17,802 You're here for a month and then off on tour again. 218 00:11:17,802 --> 00:11:18,969 Excuse me? 219 00:11:18,969 --> 00:11:20,513 I'm her day-to-day guardian. 220 00:11:20,513 --> 00:11:22,598 It's up to me to keep her safe. 221 00:11:22,598 --> 00:11:24,684 It's up to Sofia to keep herself safe, 222 00:11:24,684 --> 00:11:26,185 and she's never going to learn how 223 00:11:26,185 --> 00:11:27,853 if you keep feeling the need to protect her. 224 00:11:27,853 --> 00:11:29,355 Well, I don't know that it's any of your business. 225 00:11:31,565 --> 00:11:33,818 Since the moment she arrived in this hotel, 226 00:11:33,818 --> 00:11:35,903 I've been a part of Sofia's life. 227 00:11:35,903 --> 00:11:37,905 And you have absolutely no appreciation for 228 00:11:37,905 --> 00:11:39,198 the strings I've had to pull, 229 00:11:39,198 --> 00:11:40,574 for the sacrifices I've had to make, 230 00:11:40,574 --> 00:11:42,326 not just for her, but... 231 00:11:45,579 --> 00:11:46,539 I think you should leave. 232 00:11:46,539 --> 00:11:47,540 No. Look-- 233 00:11:47,540 --> 00:11:49,542 I'd like you to go. 234 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:51,127 Now. 235 00:12:09,103 --> 00:12:10,896 Sofia. 236 00:12:12,064 --> 00:12:13,566 I'm so sorry. 237 00:12:47,767 --> 00:12:49,852 [Count clears throat] 238 00:12:58,819 --> 00:13:00,112 [Count clears throat] 239 00:13:00,112 --> 00:13:03,616 ♪ percussive string music ♪ 240 00:13:09,163 --> 00:13:10,998 [laughs] 241 00:13:14,251 --> 00:13:16,295 [laughing] 242 00:13:16,295 --> 00:13:18,464 243 00:13:24,512 --> 00:13:26,555 244 00:13:37,983 --> 00:13:39,693 [gasps] 245 00:13:43,364 --> 00:13:44,490 Ha. 246 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:52,331 [panting] 247 00:14:05,135 --> 00:14:06,428 [approaching footsteps] 248 00:14:06,428 --> 00:14:08,848 Alexander, something happened. 249 00:14:08,848 --> 00:14:09,974 - [Count] What is it? - Sofia. 250 00:14:11,892 --> 00:14:13,143 - Where is she? - Here. 251 00:14:13,143 --> 00:14:14,228 Sofia! 252 00:14:15,187 --> 00:14:16,897 Oh, my God! Oh my God. 253 00:14:16,897 --> 00:14:18,941 - [Andrey] How is she? - Alexander! 254 00:14:18,941 --> 00:14:19,984 We've called for a doctor. 255 00:14:19,984 --> 00:14:21,861 She won't wake up. 256 00:14:21,861 --> 00:14:23,696 [Count] No, no, no. She needs to go to a hospital. 257 00:14:23,696 --> 00:14:25,948 Help me get her up. 258 00:14:27,741 --> 00:14:29,827 [Marina] Wait, where are you going? 259 00:14:29,827 --> 00:14:31,370 [Andrey] Alexander, you can't. 260 00:14:31,370 --> 00:14:33,038 The doctor will come here. Alexander! 261 00:14:33,038 --> 00:14:34,373 [Count] I've got you, my darling. 262 00:14:34,373 --> 00:14:36,542 [panting] 263 00:14:40,921 --> 00:14:42,298 [gasps] 264 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:45,301 [panting] 265 00:14:45,301 --> 00:14:46,719 Get the door. 266 00:14:49,555 --> 00:14:51,223 [Andrey] Alexander, no. 267 00:14:51,223 --> 00:14:54,560 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 268 00:14:54,560 --> 00:14:57,104 Stop! Stop! 269 00:15:02,902 --> 00:15:04,194 Please, 270 00:15:04,194 --> 00:15:06,363 take me to the hospital. 271 00:15:06,363 --> 00:15:07,364 St. Anselm's. 272 00:15:07,364 --> 00:15:08,949 Please, be quick. 273 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:11,535 [Vasily] Alexander, wait! 274 00:15:14,872 --> 00:15:16,916 275 00:15:18,250 --> 00:15:19,752 Quickly, please. 276 00:15:19,752 --> 00:15:21,879 [driver] I'm going as fast as I can, comrade. 277 00:15:23,255 --> 00:15:24,673 It's all right. 278 00:15:24,673 --> 00:15:26,967 It's going to be all right. Papa's here. 279 00:15:26,967 --> 00:15:28,886 Please, as fast as you can. 280 00:15:30,971 --> 00:15:32,806 - [knock on door] - Yes? 281 00:15:34,308 --> 00:15:37,227 Excuse me. Uh... 282 00:15:37,227 --> 00:15:38,437 There's been an accident. 283 00:15:38,437 --> 00:15:41,273 Sofia's been in an accident. 284 00:15:41,273 --> 00:15:43,108 Where is she? Take me to her. 285 00:15:43,108 --> 00:15:44,443 She's not in the hotel. 286 00:15:44,443 --> 00:15:46,403 Alexander took her to St. Anselm's. 287 00:15:46,403 --> 00:15:47,446 Alexander took her? 288 00:15:47,446 --> 00:15:49,114 He-he left the hotel? 289 00:15:49,782 --> 00:15:51,867 I have to go to the hospital. I have to be with them. 290 00:15:51,867 --> 00:15:53,452 No, no, no. You need to stay here. 291 00:15:53,452 --> 00:15:54,954 People will recognize you. 292 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:56,246 I will go. 293 00:15:56,246 --> 00:15:57,706 Make sure Sofia's all right. 294 00:15:57,706 --> 00:15:59,375 Thank you. 295 00:16:00,459 --> 00:16:02,419 How many people saw? 296 00:16:02,419 --> 00:16:04,630 He carried her out the front of the hotel. 297 00:16:04,630 --> 00:16:07,174 It was late, so not many guests, 298 00:16:07,174 --> 00:16:08,801 but the staff... 299 00:16:08,801 --> 00:16:10,344 How many? 300 00:16:10,344 --> 00:16:13,764 I think there are at least a dozen witnesses. 301 00:16:13,764 --> 00:16:16,266 Including Manager Leplevsky. 302 00:16:18,602 --> 00:16:20,813 ♪ ominous, dramatic music ♪ 303 00:16:22,982 --> 00:16:27,152 Leplevsky? Yes, um... 304 00:16:27,152 --> 00:16:29,697 Manager Leplevsky, at your service. 305 00:16:29,697 --> 00:16:32,449 Captain Abashev, I presume? 306 00:16:32,449 --> 00:16:33,826 We spoke on the phone. 307 00:16:33,826 --> 00:16:35,744 When did Rostov leave? 308 00:16:35,744 --> 00:16:37,329 An hour ago. 309 00:16:37,329 --> 00:16:39,331 His daughter was injured. 310 00:16:39,331 --> 00:16:41,834 He left in a taxi, I presume to 311 00:16:41,834 --> 00:16:43,127 take her to a hospital. 312 00:16:43,127 --> 00:16:45,629 Which hospital? 313 00:16:45,629 --> 00:16:47,798 Oh, uh, I don't know, 314 00:16:47,798 --> 00:16:49,091 but he-he was carrying her. 315 00:16:49,091 --> 00:16:51,010 She was definitely injured. 316 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:54,179 Mmm. 317 00:16:54,179 --> 00:16:56,807 Search all the hospitals. 318 00:16:56,807 --> 00:17:01,520 Post men on all hotel entrances and exits. 319 00:17:02,479 --> 00:17:04,481 Show me to his quarters. 320 00:17:04,481 --> 00:17:06,066 Gladly. 321 00:17:06,066 --> 00:17:07,609 Now. 322 00:17:07,609 --> 00:17:09,695 323 00:17:12,614 --> 00:17:14,074 Thank you. 324 00:17:16,869 --> 00:17:18,370 Come on. 325 00:17:20,956 --> 00:17:22,791 Oh. Sorry. 326 00:17:22,791 --> 00:17:24,334 Hello. 327 00:17:24,334 --> 00:17:25,502 I need some help. 328 00:17:25,502 --> 00:17:28,297 I need some help! My... My... 329 00:17:28,297 --> 00:17:29,506 - [people coughing] - [children crying] 330 00:17:29,506 --> 00:17:31,633 Sorry. Please. Please, help me. 331 00:17:31,633 --> 00:17:32,676 My daughter's hurt. 332 00:17:32,676 --> 00:17:34,762 My daughter needs some help. 333 00:17:34,762 --> 00:17:35,804 Please-- Will you look at her, please?! 334 00:17:35,804 --> 00:17:37,723 What happened? 335 00:17:37,723 --> 00:17:39,433 She fell. She's hurt her head. 336 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:41,143 I need... I need a doctor to look at her. 337 00:17:41,143 --> 00:17:42,853 [nurse] I'm sorry, there's no one available. 338 00:17:42,853 --> 00:17:43,812 - You'll just have to wait. - There must be somebody 339 00:17:43,812 --> 00:17:45,064 to look at her. Please! 340 00:17:45,064 --> 00:17:46,815 Somebody must look at her. 341 00:17:46,815 --> 00:17:48,067 Okay. Wait over here. 342 00:17:48,067 --> 00:17:50,694 Yes. Of course. 343 00:17:50,694 --> 00:17:53,530 [people coughing] 344 00:17:53,530 --> 00:17:54,948 Stay here with me. 345 00:17:57,534 --> 00:17:59,912 Someone's going to come and help us. 346 00:17:59,912 --> 00:18:01,789 Someone's going to come. 347 00:18:01,789 --> 00:18:04,583 [shudders, kisses] All right. 348 00:18:08,212 --> 00:18:09,254 A-As you can see, 349 00:18:09,254 --> 00:18:11,381 neither bed has been slept in. 350 00:18:13,842 --> 00:18:16,053 Yes. Um... 351 00:18:17,304 --> 00:18:19,098 ...were there any other witnesses? 352 00:18:20,057 --> 00:18:21,558 Well, myself. 353 00:18:21,558 --> 00:18:23,560 There were several members of staff. 354 00:18:23,560 --> 00:18:24,895 Okay. 355 00:18:26,396 --> 00:18:27,606 Round them up. 356 00:18:39,827 --> 00:18:41,870 [Anna] I don't ask any of you to do this lightly, 357 00:18:41,870 --> 00:18:44,081 and I'll understand if you want no part of it. 358 00:18:44,081 --> 00:18:45,749 Alexander would, too. 359 00:18:46,792 --> 00:18:48,669 But you are his only hope, 360 00:18:48,669 --> 00:18:50,504 and it will need all of you. 361 00:18:58,929 --> 00:19:01,181 [children crying] 362 00:19:01,181 --> 00:19:03,809 [people coughing] 363 00:19:30,169 --> 00:19:33,338 I don't care what you do to me, 364 00:19:33,338 --> 00:19:37,342 but, please, please, help my daughter. 365 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:41,555 Come with me. 366 00:19:43,640 --> 00:19:44,766 Yes. 367 00:19:44,766 --> 00:19:46,727 Come on, darling. 368 00:19:52,149 --> 00:19:53,525 Come here, my love. 369 00:19:57,571 --> 00:20:00,199 Uh, lay her on there, please. 370 00:20:00,199 --> 00:20:01,617 [door closes] 371 00:20:01,617 --> 00:20:03,160 Who is he? 372 00:20:03,160 --> 00:20:05,204 [Osip] He's the finest surgeon in all of Moscow. 373 00:20:07,247 --> 00:20:09,541 He's going to take care of Sofia. 374 00:20:11,418 --> 00:20:12,711 All right. 375 00:20:19,051 --> 00:20:20,886 [surgeon] How far did she fall? 376 00:20:20,886 --> 00:20:22,012 How far? 377 00:20:22,012 --> 00:20:23,972 Twenty feet, maybe 25. 378 00:20:27,351 --> 00:20:29,269 Her skull is certainly fractured. 379 00:20:29,853 --> 00:20:32,231 Most probably there's a cerebral hematoma. 380 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:34,483 What does that mean? W-What are you saying? 381 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:38,070 [sighs] 382 00:20:40,239 --> 00:20:42,032 She's suffered a bleed to the brain. 383 00:20:43,242 --> 00:20:45,369 This is a very serious injury. 384 00:20:45,369 --> 00:20:46,870 There's only so much I can do. 385 00:20:46,870 --> 00:20:48,580 Or any other doctor, for that matter. 386 00:20:48,580 --> 00:20:51,208 Then do it, and do it well. 387 00:20:51,208 --> 00:20:53,585 We need to operate immediately to reduce the pressure. 388 00:20:53,585 --> 00:20:54,795 Boy! 389 00:20:54,795 --> 00:20:57,214 ♪ quiet, dramatic music ♪ 390 00:20:58,257 --> 00:21:00,592 Darling. It's all right, sweetie. 391 00:21:00,592 --> 00:21:02,010 [surgeon] Uh, you'll have to wait outside. 392 00:21:02,010 --> 00:21:03,428 No, I'm staying with her. 393 00:21:03,428 --> 00:21:04,429 No, I won't be blamed if his presence 394 00:21:04,429 --> 00:21:05,847 causes an infection. 395 00:21:06,807 --> 00:21:08,267 [Osip] He's right. 396 00:21:08,267 --> 00:21:10,102 All right. I love you. I love you, Sofia. 397 00:21:14,940 --> 00:21:16,441 Alexander. 398 00:21:16,441 --> 00:21:17,901 You need to leave. 399 00:21:17,901 --> 00:21:19,444 No, I ca... I can't go 400 00:21:19,444 --> 00:21:21,446 until I know that Sofia's all right. 401 00:21:21,446 --> 00:21:23,115 My men will be here in 15 minutes. 402 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:24,616 You need to leave now. 403 00:21:24,616 --> 00:21:26,910 [stammers] I can't go back. 404 00:21:26,910 --> 00:21:28,412 It will reflect very poorly on me 405 00:21:28,412 --> 00:21:30,289 if I'm found to have helped a fugitive. 406 00:21:30,289 --> 00:21:32,624 Well, I understand your predicament, and I am sorry. 407 00:21:32,624 --> 00:21:34,626 Well, it's not my situation I'm worried about. 408 00:21:34,626 --> 00:21:36,420 I have a wife to consider. 409 00:21:36,420 --> 00:21:37,796 And a daughter. 410 00:21:37,796 --> 00:21:40,007 So you know why I can't leave 411 00:21:40,007 --> 00:21:42,134 until I know that she's safe. 412 00:21:49,016 --> 00:21:51,226 413 00:21:52,352 --> 00:21:54,646 [door opens] 414 00:21:54,646 --> 00:21:56,023 [door closes] 415 00:21:57,983 --> 00:22:00,360 [Bishop] Tell the captain everything you know. 416 00:22:00,360 --> 00:22:02,821 Well, uh, where to start? 417 00:22:02,821 --> 00:22:05,032 Uh, I was born in the Caucasus. 418 00:22:06,450 --> 00:22:08,160 The last time I saw him, 419 00:22:08,160 --> 00:22:10,329 he was in the Boyarsky kitchen, 420 00:22:10,329 --> 00:22:12,706 arguing with my husband. 421 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:16,918 He told me, Chef Zhukovsky, 422 00:22:16,918 --> 00:22:19,504 that I should use lemon 423 00:22:19,504 --> 00:22:21,506 instead of vinegar for my Borscht. 424 00:22:21,506 --> 00:22:25,177 You would do well remembering who you're talking to. 425 00:22:26,678 --> 00:22:28,930 Hmm? 426 00:22:30,724 --> 00:22:32,601 Gang of clowns. 427 00:22:36,813 --> 00:22:40,192 For anyone wanting to get into the hotel trade, 428 00:22:40,192 --> 00:22:42,527 it's very understanding that you understand the business... 429 00:22:42,527 --> 00:22:44,529 Borscht is served with vinegar... 430 00:22:44,529 --> 00:22:46,698 He and Andrey have been known to sneak down there. 431 00:22:46,698 --> 00:22:48,867 [speaking French] 432 00:22:48,867 --> 00:22:50,160 - [overlapping chatter] - [Marian] Have you checked 433 00:22:50,160 --> 00:22:51,536 the wine cellar? 434 00:22:51,536 --> 00:22:53,997 If, if we could just stay 435 00:22:53,997 --> 00:22:56,083 on the matter at hand. 436 00:22:56,083 --> 00:22:57,417 [all] Alexander? 437 00:22:57,417 --> 00:22:58,919 Leave? 438 00:22:58,919 --> 00:23:00,754 - He would never. - No. Never. 439 00:23:00,754 --> 00:23:02,047 - [knocking] - [sighs] 440 00:23:02,047 --> 00:23:03,757 Enter. 441 00:23:05,467 --> 00:23:08,720 Captain, might I speak with you, please? 442 00:23:11,181 --> 00:23:13,934 It concerns the man you're searching for. 443 00:23:15,977 --> 00:23:18,522 Um, I, um... 444 00:23:18,522 --> 00:23:20,148 uh... 445 00:23:20,148 --> 00:23:22,234 yes, fine. 446 00:23:23,276 --> 00:23:25,570 Over a drink, perhaps? 447 00:23:27,197 --> 00:23:28,865 This is a delicate matter, 448 00:23:28,865 --> 00:23:31,910 and I'd appreciate your utmost... 449 00:23:31,910 --> 00:23:34,663 discretion in this. 450 00:23:34,663 --> 00:23:38,625 But Alexander Rostov did not leave the hotel last night. 451 00:23:40,794 --> 00:23:42,504 How can you be so certain? 452 00:23:43,964 --> 00:23:45,924 Because he was with me. 453 00:23:45,924 --> 00:23:48,009 All night. 454 00:23:49,428 --> 00:23:51,263 Hmm? [chuckles] 455 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:52,931 I'm loath to admit it. 456 00:23:52,931 --> 00:23:55,517 I understand he's an enemy of the state. 457 00:23:56,476 --> 00:23:58,520 Perhaps that's what makes it so exciting. 458 00:23:59,813 --> 00:24:01,940 Don't you find it's the dreadfully wrong things 459 00:24:01,940 --> 00:24:04,234 that feel so incredibly right? 460 00:24:04,234 --> 00:24:06,653 [chuckling] Yes. 461 00:24:06,653 --> 00:24:09,072 I must agree with you, um, mm-hmm... 462 00:24:09,072 --> 00:24:10,615 Oh, oh, no. No. 463 00:24:17,789 --> 00:24:19,124 Mm. 464 00:24:19,124 --> 00:24:20,750 Beautiful. 465 00:24:22,169 --> 00:24:23,753 It's a family heirloom. 466 00:24:23,753 --> 00:24:25,839 Whose family? 467 00:24:28,592 --> 00:24:31,470 I know someone like me shouldn't associate with such people, 468 00:24:31,470 --> 00:24:34,723 but, um... he is an amusing diversion. 469 00:24:35,765 --> 00:24:37,142 Someone like you? 470 00:24:37,142 --> 00:24:39,144 Exactly. 471 00:24:40,020 --> 00:24:42,147 Forgive me, [chuckling] but I, um... 472 00:24:42,147 --> 00:24:45,734 I have no idea who you are. 473 00:24:45,734 --> 00:24:47,819 [laughs] 474 00:24:49,362 --> 00:24:51,448 Well, I'm... 475 00:24:51,448 --> 00:24:53,617 I'm Anna Urbanova. 476 00:24:53,617 --> 00:24:55,160 Mm-hmm. 477 00:24:55,160 --> 00:24:57,162 Yes, so you said. 478 00:24:57,162 --> 00:25:00,123 See, I know your name, 479 00:25:00,123 --> 00:25:02,626 because I wrote it down. 480 00:25:03,835 --> 00:25:06,505 I just, um, don't quite understand 481 00:25:06,505 --> 00:25:09,508 who you are, and why it's so important. 482 00:25:12,385 --> 00:25:16,014 Alexei Nachevko, the, uh, Minister for Culture. 483 00:25:16,014 --> 00:25:17,599 He's a friend of mine. 484 00:25:17,599 --> 00:25:19,559 You should call him, he knows who I am. 485 00:25:20,852 --> 00:25:23,188 Citizen Nachevko, yes, he used to be 486 00:25:23,188 --> 00:25:24,981 the Culture Minister. Mm-hmm. 487 00:25:24,981 --> 00:25:27,192 Anyone else I should call? 488 00:25:28,777 --> 00:25:30,070 Oh, Nachevko's gone? 489 00:25:30,070 --> 00:25:31,196 - Mm-hmm. - Oh. 490 00:25:31,196 --> 00:25:33,156 Oh, yes. Permanently. 491 00:25:33,156 --> 00:25:35,033 What time did you say 492 00:25:35,033 --> 00:25:38,119 that Rostov came to your quarters? 493 00:25:38,119 --> 00:25:40,372 I didn't. 494 00:25:44,084 --> 00:25:45,961 After his shift. 495 00:25:45,961 --> 00:25:48,213 Um, 10:00, 10:30. 496 00:25:49,256 --> 00:25:51,299 Around 10:30. 497 00:25:52,259 --> 00:25:54,010 You know, 498 00:25:54,010 --> 00:25:55,679 I have to ask. 499 00:25:55,679 --> 00:25:58,390 And forgive me if it sounds like I'm doubting 500 00:25:58,390 --> 00:26:01,309 your version of events, but... 501 00:26:01,309 --> 00:26:03,812 if what you say is true, 502 00:26:03,812 --> 00:26:05,730 then where is Rostov now? 503 00:26:06,773 --> 00:26:09,067 I couldn't tell you. 504 00:26:10,443 --> 00:26:12,737 I think you're lying. 505 00:26:15,574 --> 00:26:18,827 I think Rostov left the hotel 506 00:26:18,827 --> 00:26:21,079 just as the manager described. 507 00:26:23,123 --> 00:26:26,167 And if you are found 508 00:26:26,167 --> 00:26:28,211 to be aiding and abetting 509 00:26:28,211 --> 00:26:30,589 a fugitive of the state... 510 00:26:33,717 --> 00:26:35,844 ...then you'll be sent to Siberia. 511 00:26:35,844 --> 00:26:37,512 [chuckles] 512 00:26:37,512 --> 00:26:39,556 But... 513 00:26:39,556 --> 00:26:41,391 I'm going to give you 514 00:26:41,391 --> 00:26:44,644 one last chance. 515 00:26:50,317 --> 00:26:52,444 Alexander was with me all night. 516 00:26:55,822 --> 00:26:57,699 Then we shall check your room together. 517 00:26:58,658 --> 00:26:59,784 My room? 518 00:26:59,784 --> 00:27:00,994 Yes. 519 00:27:02,037 --> 00:27:04,122 You can show me everything. 520 00:27:05,081 --> 00:27:07,125 Where you undressed. 521 00:27:08,084 --> 00:27:10,128 Where he took you. 522 00:27:12,839 --> 00:27:14,966 Show me something, 523 00:27:14,966 --> 00:27:16,968 and I might 524 00:27:16,968 --> 00:27:19,137 give you something in return. 525 00:27:22,515 --> 00:27:24,434 No one took, 526 00:27:24,434 --> 00:27:26,144 or is taking anything. 527 00:27:32,859 --> 00:27:34,611 Okay. 528 00:27:34,611 --> 00:27:36,321 We'll see. 529 00:27:36,321 --> 00:27:38,448 Gentlemen? 530 00:27:39,783 --> 00:27:42,827 Don't let her out of your sight. 531 00:27:44,746 --> 00:27:46,665 Ah. 532 00:27:50,543 --> 00:27:52,671 [footsteps retreating] 533 00:28:06,476 --> 00:28:08,436 [muffled, overlapping chatter] 534 00:28:08,436 --> 00:28:10,689 ♪ suspenseful music ♪ 535 00:28:10,689 --> 00:28:12,816 536 00:28:12,816 --> 00:28:15,527 [groans, exhales] 537 00:28:18,113 --> 00:28:20,198 538 00:28:25,036 --> 00:28:27,080 [overlapping chatter] 539 00:28:34,838 --> 00:28:35,922 Rostov. 540 00:28:35,922 --> 00:28:37,507 [continues indistinctly] 541 00:28:39,008 --> 00:28:40,510 I've searched this floor already. 542 00:28:40,510 --> 00:28:42,804 You, you. Check the basement. 543 00:28:42,804 --> 00:28:45,181 Go. 544 00:28:45,181 --> 00:28:47,726 You, you. 545 00:28:47,726 --> 00:28:49,602 You start at the top, work your way down. 546 00:28:49,602 --> 00:28:51,396 Go! 547 00:28:57,694 --> 00:28:59,279 [door opening] 548 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:01,614 My men are here. It's time. 549 00:29:01,614 --> 00:29:03,575 You have to leave. 550 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:05,869 [panting] I don't think I can. 551 00:29:05,869 --> 00:29:08,496 If I am forced to give one of us up, it will be you. 552 00:29:09,581 --> 00:29:11,958 You're no good to your daughter dead. 553 00:29:11,958 --> 00:29:14,294 Sofia will be punished, too. 554 00:29:14,294 --> 00:29:16,045 Why? She's done nothing wrong. 555 00:29:16,045 --> 00:29:18,173 She's your family. It's what we do. 556 00:29:21,593 --> 00:29:23,386 [panting] 557 00:29:23,386 --> 00:29:25,555 How will I know what's happened to her? 558 00:29:25,555 --> 00:29:28,516 When you see me, you will know. 559 00:29:28,516 --> 00:29:30,477 Now go back to the hotel. 560 00:29:30,477 --> 00:29:31,895 I've made arrangements. 561 00:29:31,895 --> 00:29:33,354 A van is waiting for you. 562 00:29:33,354 --> 00:29:34,898 Red Star Bakery. 563 00:29:34,898 --> 00:29:35,982 All right. 564 00:29:39,235 --> 00:29:41,279 ♪ tense music ♪ 565 00:29:42,447 --> 00:29:44,491 [muffled, indistinct chatter] 566 00:29:48,787 --> 00:29:50,830 567 00:30:00,548 --> 00:30:02,091 You'll go that way. 568 00:30:02,091 --> 00:30:04,469 - Metal doors at the end. - All right. 569 00:30:06,679 --> 00:30:08,640 You. You, come with me. 570 00:30:08,640 --> 00:30:10,725 Basement now. 571 00:30:11,976 --> 00:30:14,020 572 00:30:19,776 --> 00:30:21,820 [engine idling] 573 00:30:48,012 --> 00:30:49,639 [phone ringing] 574 00:30:49,639 --> 00:30:51,766 [clears throat] Metropol Hotel. 575 00:30:58,356 --> 00:31:00,316 I understand, comrade. 576 00:31:02,527 --> 00:31:05,363 Those rooms are en suite, yes. 577 00:31:06,489 --> 00:31:08,700 I'll see to it immediately. 578 00:31:13,162 --> 00:31:15,373 [receiver clicks in cradle] 579 00:31:15,373 --> 00:31:17,458 580 00:31:20,336 --> 00:31:23,548 My men have completed their sweep of the hotel. 581 00:31:24,924 --> 00:31:28,052 And, uh, there's no sign of him. 582 00:31:28,052 --> 00:31:30,138 [scoffs] 583 00:31:31,264 --> 00:31:33,349 Then we wait. 584 00:31:33,349 --> 00:31:35,435 [indistinct chatter] 585 00:31:37,854 --> 00:31:39,355 Bread delivery's just arrived. 586 00:31:39,355 --> 00:31:41,608 It came over an hour ago. 587 00:31:47,780 --> 00:31:50,241 [indistinct chatter] 588 00:31:54,579 --> 00:31:56,623 589 00:32:18,603 --> 00:32:20,647 590 00:32:51,344 --> 00:32:53,179 [Osip] Captain Abashev. 591 00:32:53,179 --> 00:32:55,264 Have you got him? Where's Rostov? 592 00:32:55,264 --> 00:32:58,184 Uh, my men were searching the hotel from top to bottom. 593 00:32:58,184 --> 00:32:59,978 We also have soldiers on every door. 594 00:32:59,978 --> 00:33:02,939 There is no way for him to get back inside. 595 00:33:02,939 --> 00:33:05,024 I told the captain exactly what happened last night. 596 00:33:05,024 --> 00:33:06,734 And I witnessed him leaving. 597 00:33:06,734 --> 00:33:08,403 So, whatever anyone says, 598 00:33:08,403 --> 00:33:10,822 Alexander Rostov is not in this hotel. 599 00:33:10,822 --> 00:33:12,323 [elevator bell dings] 600 00:33:19,455 --> 00:33:21,124 Ah. 601 00:33:21,124 --> 00:33:23,835 Good morning, Vasily. Do you have today's paper? 602 00:33:25,336 --> 00:33:26,963 Thank you. 603 00:33:26,963 --> 00:33:29,882 How did you get there? 604 00:33:31,217 --> 00:33:34,345 A very interesting question. Well, if you insist... 605 00:33:34,345 --> 00:33:37,181 I opened the door, I climbed aboard the elevator, 606 00:33:37,181 --> 00:33:39,350 pressed the button, and voilà. 607 00:33:39,350 --> 00:33:41,853 [chuckles] I, uh, I-I can assure you, 608 00:33:41,853 --> 00:33:44,856 he was not in his quarters. 609 00:33:44,856 --> 00:33:46,190 Where were you? 610 00:33:48,568 --> 00:33:50,862 A gentleman would never tell. 611 00:33:50,862 --> 00:33:52,363 As I explained. 612 00:33:52,363 --> 00:33:57,160 I was told Rostov had left the hotel. 613 00:33:57,160 --> 00:33:58,453 And you... 614 00:33:59,704 --> 00:34:02,248 You said you saw him leave? 615 00:34:02,248 --> 00:34:04,250 A-As he was leaving. Yes. 616 00:34:06,127 --> 00:34:07,879 Did you see his face? 617 00:34:09,255 --> 00:34:11,007 No. 618 00:34:11,007 --> 00:34:13,384 It was definitely him. 619 00:34:14,552 --> 00:34:16,429 [Abashev] My apologies. 620 00:34:16,429 --> 00:34:20,725 It appears that you've wasted your time, Commander Glebnikov. 621 00:34:22,518 --> 00:34:24,062 You. 622 00:34:25,104 --> 00:34:26,397 A word. 623 00:34:49,796 --> 00:34:52,340 ♪ sentimental music ♪ 624 00:34:52,340 --> 00:34:54,967 625 00:34:55,968 --> 00:34:56,928 [groans] Papa? 626 00:34:56,928 --> 00:34:58,596 [Olga exclaims] 627 00:35:00,306 --> 00:35:02,016 [exhales] 628 00:35:03,476 --> 00:35:06,729 Don't-don't try to get up. Don't try to get up. 629 00:35:07,688 --> 00:35:10,274 You're in hospital. 630 00:35:10,274 --> 00:35:11,818 You've had a fall. 631 00:35:11,818 --> 00:35:14,612 - I don't remember. - Oh, no. 632 00:35:17,198 --> 00:35:19,242 Who brought me here? 633 00:35:19,242 --> 00:35:20,660 Papa. 634 00:35:21,911 --> 00:35:23,454 Don't worry. He's safe. 635 00:35:23,454 --> 00:35:25,456 He's back in the hotel now. 636 00:35:26,874 --> 00:35:28,459 You're safe. 637 00:35:32,755 --> 00:35:35,758 He's never gonna let me do anything again. 638 00:35:35,758 --> 00:35:37,844 [Olga chuckles] 639 00:35:40,972 --> 00:35:43,141 You gave us all quite the scare. 640 00:35:45,309 --> 00:35:47,061 You just rest. 641 00:35:49,021 --> 00:35:50,815 Leave your Papa to me. 642 00:35:54,110 --> 00:35:56,154 643 00:35:57,196 --> 00:35:58,656 [footsteps approaching] 644 00:35:58,656 --> 00:36:00,158 [door opens] 645 00:36:00,158 --> 00:36:01,993 [Anna] Olga's called me from hospital. 646 00:36:01,993 --> 00:36:03,536 - She's awake and talking. - Oh, God! 647 00:36:03,536 --> 00:36:05,288 [crying] 648 00:36:05,288 --> 00:36:06,956 Thank God. 649 00:36:09,292 --> 00:36:12,253 She's afraid you'll never let her out of your sight again. 650 00:36:12,253 --> 00:36:14,714 She's right. [chuckles] 651 00:36:14,714 --> 00:36:16,591 Thank you. 652 00:36:16,591 --> 00:36:19,343 I don't know exactly what it is that you did, but thank you. 653 00:36:20,595 --> 00:36:22,930 Well, it wasn't just me. 654 00:36:22,930 --> 00:36:24,557 Everyone played a part. 655 00:36:26,684 --> 00:36:28,644 They all did it for you. 656 00:36:31,105 --> 00:36:33,024 I'm sorry... 657 00:36:33,024 --> 00:36:35,526 if I ever gave you any reason to feel 658 00:36:35,526 --> 00:36:38,696 that I-I didn't appreciate you enough in the past. 659 00:36:38,696 --> 00:36:40,031 "If"? 660 00:36:41,657 --> 00:36:43,826 Didn't appreciate you enough. 661 00:36:45,244 --> 00:36:47,121 That it was hard not being able to go anywhere, 662 00:36:47,121 --> 00:36:50,208 while you gallivant around the country. 663 00:36:54,253 --> 00:36:55,963 The tour wasn't cancelled. 664 00:36:58,090 --> 00:37:01,552 I came back, because for some absurd reason, 665 00:37:01,552 --> 00:37:03,554 I missed you both. 666 00:37:05,514 --> 00:37:09,060 Ever since I left home as a child, I... 667 00:37:09,060 --> 00:37:11,479 I found the idea of staying in one place terrifying. 668 00:37:14,023 --> 00:37:15,566 Until now. 669 00:37:17,818 --> 00:37:19,237 I miss you. 670 00:37:20,655 --> 00:37:23,241 But it doesn't have to be that way. 671 00:37:23,241 --> 00:37:26,369 [stammers] You could stay here in Moscow. 672 00:37:26,369 --> 00:37:28,871 You could... You could move in with me. 673 00:37:28,871 --> 00:37:30,623 Goodness no. 674 00:37:31,791 --> 00:37:34,418 I'll take a suite in the hotel. [sniffles] 675 00:37:35,795 --> 00:37:37,380 Permanently. 676 00:37:37,380 --> 00:37:40,258 ♪ sentimental music ♪ 677 00:37:40,258 --> 00:37:41,926 [chuckles softly] 678 00:37:41,926 --> 00:37:44,053 679 00:38:02,488 --> 00:38:03,948 - Sofia-- - Papa. 680 00:38:03,948 --> 00:38:06,367 Oh! My darling girl. 681 00:38:06,367 --> 00:38:08,953 - Papa. Papa, you're crushing me. - Oh, I'm sorry. 682 00:38:08,953 --> 00:38:11,080 - [laughs] - I'm so sorry. 683 00:38:14,709 --> 00:38:16,669 [Olga] You're sure this is what you want? 684 00:38:16,669 --> 00:38:19,297 It's what I want for you. 685 00:38:20,548 --> 00:38:23,467 I will never forget the years we've spent together. 686 00:38:23,467 --> 00:38:26,053 You've been my mentor, my mother. 687 00:38:26,053 --> 00:38:29,640 You've been a pain in my backside. [chuckles] 688 00:38:32,768 --> 00:38:34,979 Oh, go on. Put him out of his misery. 689 00:38:46,615 --> 00:38:48,784 [Olga] Vasily... 690 00:38:48,784 --> 00:38:49,994 I accept. 691 00:38:49,994 --> 00:38:52,121 [both laughing] 692 00:38:56,876 --> 00:38:58,961 [playing Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 by Frédéric Chopin] 693 00:39:28,866 --> 00:39:30,951 694 00:39:51,555 --> 00:39:53,099 [projector clicking] 695 00:39:58,854 --> 00:40:00,898 696 00:40:19,625 --> 00:40:21,377 [narrator] Olga and Vasily spent 697 00:40:21,377 --> 00:40:23,754 five happy years together... 698 00:40:24,380 --> 00:40:27,967 ...before old age took our beloved Olga from us. 699 00:40:28,551 --> 00:40:31,804 She had been like a grandmother to me. 700 00:40:40,146 --> 00:40:42,189 [pen scribbling] 701 00:40:43,816 --> 00:40:47,111 The Metropol staff were my family. 702 00:40:49,488 --> 00:40:53,534 It was the last time I remember us all being together. 703 00:41:21,187 --> 00:41:23,856 [applause] 704 00:41:27,693 --> 00:41:29,361 Happy birthday. 705 00:41:30,988 --> 00:41:32,948 ♪ lush orchestral music ♪ 706 00:41:32,948 --> 00:41:35,034 707 00:42:03,979 --> 00:42:34,217