1 00:00:03,920 --> 00:00:07,841 To our glorious leader, Stalin. 2 00:00:07,841 --> 00:00:09,843 I know your parents were both found guilty 3 00:00:09,843 --> 00:00:11,177 of anti-Soviet corruption, 4 00:00:11,177 --> 00:00:12,303 and they were sent to a camp 5 00:00:12,303 --> 00:00:14,139 that they never came back from. 6 00:00:14,139 --> 00:00:15,932 They killed my parents. 7 00:00:15,932 --> 00:00:17,684 I won't do it anymore. 8 00:00:17,684 --> 00:00:19,519 Russia's doors are about to be bolted 9 00:00:19,519 --> 00:00:21,229 from the inside. Help me, 10 00:00:21,229 --> 00:00:22,981 and Sofia's trip to Paris is nothing more 11 00:00:22,981 --> 00:00:24,774 than a stopover to America. 12 00:00:26,067 --> 00:00:28,194 How do I get the tapes to you? 13 00:00:28,194 --> 00:00:30,071 Sofia must bring them to Paris, 14 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:31,698 and then deliver them to the embassy. 15 00:00:31,698 --> 00:00:32,866 They'll kill you, 16 00:00:32,866 --> 00:00:34,868 after they torture you first. 17 00:00:34,868 --> 00:00:37,912 The last thing that I want is for you to be involved. 18 00:00:37,912 --> 00:00:40,623 I've been involved for 30 years. I love you. 19 00:00:41,750 --> 00:00:43,835 Sofia will never have the life 20 00:00:43,835 --> 00:00:46,546 she deserves in this country. 21 00:00:46,546 --> 00:00:48,381 - We have to-- - We have to let her go. 22 00:00:56,806 --> 00:00:58,808 ♪ solemn music ♪ 23 00:01:04,606 --> 00:01:06,524 There was only a small window 24 00:01:06,524 --> 00:01:08,902 of opportunity to succeed. 25 00:01:08,902 --> 00:01:10,904 From the Conservatorie du Perinet, 26 00:01:10,904 --> 00:01:12,530 across Haussmann, 27 00:01:12,530 --> 00:01:14,491 onto Franklin Delano Roosevelt Avenue. 28 00:01:15,909 --> 00:01:18,411 Left onto Avenue Gabriel. 29 00:01:18,411 --> 00:01:22,499 Follow that all the way to the U.S. embassy. 30 00:01:23,124 --> 00:01:26,503 Deliver the tapes to Richard Vanderwhile, 31 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:29,464 and ask him to call 32 00:01:29,464 --> 00:01:31,633 every phone line in the Metropol Hotel 33 00:01:31,633 --> 00:01:33,968 at exactly 10:30. 34 00:01:37,305 --> 00:01:40,850 It all sounded so simple. 35 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:46,106 ♪ lush orchestral music ♪ 36 00:02:43,037 --> 00:02:45,498 You say it's blue, but which blue? 37 00:02:45,498 --> 00:02:49,502 Cobalt? Cerulean? Atlassian? 38 00:02:49,502 --> 00:02:51,004 It's blue. 39 00:02:53,339 --> 00:02:54,841 And the length? 40 00:02:54,841 --> 00:02:57,218 Below the knee, above the ankle. 41 00:02:57,218 --> 00:02:58,344 Because if it's too long, 42 00:02:58,344 --> 00:03:00,513 it'll interfere with the pedals. 43 00:03:00,513 --> 00:03:02,765 Is above the ankle too long? 44 00:03:02,765 --> 00:03:05,393 Well, no. 45 00:03:05,393 --> 00:03:07,520 Then it won't interfere with the pedals. 46 00:03:09,522 --> 00:03:11,149 And you avoided silk, 47 00:03:11,149 --> 00:03:13,359 because that would just crease in her bag. 48 00:03:13,359 --> 00:03:15,111 Uh, velvet would be a very good choice. 49 00:03:15,111 --> 00:03:17,030 Sofia's putting on the dress as we speak. 50 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:20,158 I think we're a little bit beyond fabric choices. 51 00:03:20,158 --> 00:03:22,285 No, I-I know. 52 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,371 Just want it to be right. 53 00:03:27,707 --> 00:03:29,417 Sit down and be quiet. 54 00:03:41,763 --> 00:03:43,514 How are you getting on in there? 55 00:03:43,514 --> 00:03:45,558 Nearly done. 56 00:03:45,558 --> 00:03:47,101 Ready? 57 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:01,282 Oh... 58 00:04:01,282 --> 00:04:04,118 you look magnificent. 59 00:04:04,118 --> 00:04:06,037 Doesn't she, though? 60 00:04:06,037 --> 00:04:08,456 Marina, you have done such a wonderful job. 61 00:04:08,456 --> 00:04:09,874 You must let me give you something for it. 62 00:04:09,874 --> 00:04:13,086 No. No, no, no. This is my gift to Sofia. 63 00:04:13,086 --> 00:04:15,421 Give us a twirl, let's see it. 64 00:04:16,381 --> 00:04:17,757 Oh! 65 00:04:17,757 --> 00:04:19,259 Oh... 66 00:04:19,259 --> 00:04:20,927 It's beautiful. 67 00:04:20,927 --> 00:04:22,762 Thank you, Auntie Marina. 68 00:04:22,762 --> 00:04:25,431 We could take it up a little more. 69 00:04:25,431 --> 00:04:28,268 It's missing something. I know. 70 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:42,240 There. 71 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:44,367 This can't be real. 72 00:04:45,910 --> 00:04:47,745 It's perfect. 73 00:04:47,745 --> 00:04:51,332 After my first paying job, I bought it for myself. 74 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:53,293 Instead of saving or spending wisely, 75 00:04:53,293 --> 00:04:55,628 I wanted to get something just for me. 76 00:04:55,628 --> 00:04:58,923 It's too much. I can't-- I can't accept this. 77 00:04:58,923 --> 00:05:01,968 Well, I won't take it back, so it's yours now. 78 00:05:03,845 --> 00:05:05,930 You look so grown up. 79 00:05:05,930 --> 00:05:07,181 Dad... 80 00:05:11,102 --> 00:05:12,812 It's wonderful. 81 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:16,941 You really excelled yourself, Marina. 82 00:05:23,531 --> 00:05:26,659 I better take it off before I get something on it. 83 00:05:40,548 --> 00:05:43,009 Are you all right? 84 00:05:43,009 --> 00:05:45,011 I blinked, 85 00:05:45,011 --> 00:05:48,264 and the little girl I played games with 86 00:05:48,264 --> 00:05:50,767 for hours on end has vanished. 87 00:05:53,394 --> 00:05:56,439 How is it possible that she will soon be gone? 88 00:06:03,613 --> 00:06:05,531 I think it's time you told her. 89 00:06:11,621 --> 00:06:13,581 Sofia, I... 90 00:06:15,708 --> 00:06:17,543 You won't be coming back. 91 00:06:18,836 --> 00:06:20,338 What are you talking about? 92 00:06:20,338 --> 00:06:22,423 After your performance in Paris, 93 00:06:22,423 --> 00:06:25,176 you'll make your way to the U.S. embassy, 94 00:06:25,176 --> 00:06:29,555 and from there, you'll be flown to America. 95 00:06:32,600 --> 00:06:34,394 Sofia? 96 00:06:34,394 --> 00:06:36,979 I'm sorry, I just-- 97 00:06:36,979 --> 00:06:38,481 America? 98 00:06:38,481 --> 00:06:40,858 No, I understand. It's a lot to take on board. 99 00:06:40,858 --> 00:06:42,402 A lot to take on board? 100 00:06:42,402 --> 00:06:44,904 I leave in three days' time. 101 00:06:44,904 --> 00:06:47,323 This country will be the ruin of you. 102 00:06:47,323 --> 00:06:49,075 As it has been for so many others. 103 00:06:49,075 --> 00:06:50,993 But that doesn't mean you have to send me away. 104 00:06:50,993 --> 00:06:52,412 No one's sending you away. 105 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:53,788 Then what would you call it? 106 00:06:58,418 --> 00:07:00,378 We want you to have a future. 107 00:07:07,093 --> 00:07:09,554 What about you and Anna? 108 00:07:11,305 --> 00:07:14,100 I can't just leave you behind. 109 00:07:15,518 --> 00:07:17,228 No. 110 00:07:18,729 --> 00:07:21,566 We'll-we'll join you there afterwards. 111 00:07:22,567 --> 00:07:25,903 I haven't worked out all the details, but... 112 00:07:27,447 --> 00:07:29,157 We'll make our way to Finland, 113 00:07:29,157 --> 00:07:32,785 and we'll get a steamer from there to New York. 114 00:07:36,164 --> 00:07:38,958 They'll have guards watching all the doors. 115 00:07:38,958 --> 00:07:40,418 So how will I get away? 116 00:07:40,418 --> 00:07:41,752 Well, your chance will come at the end, 117 00:07:41,752 --> 00:07:43,296 when the audience leaves. 118 00:07:43,296 --> 00:07:45,965 You'll wear a disguise, and then join a group 119 00:07:45,965 --> 00:07:47,633 and walk out past all the guards, 120 00:07:47,633 --> 00:07:49,969 - just like everyone else. - You'll have to cut your hair. 121 00:07:49,969 --> 00:07:51,971 But you are quite early on in the running order, 122 00:07:51,971 --> 00:07:53,556 so you'll have plenty time to prepare 123 00:07:53,556 --> 00:07:54,974 before the final piece ends. 124 00:07:54,974 --> 00:07:57,477 The whole orchestra do the curtain call 125 00:07:57,477 --> 00:07:58,811 after the final piece. 126 00:07:58,811 --> 00:08:00,396 They'll notice I'm gone. 127 00:08:00,396 --> 00:08:02,940 You'll have enough of a head start. 128 00:08:07,945 --> 00:08:09,989 Sofia... 129 00:08:11,032 --> 00:08:12,533 ...if you're caught... 130 00:08:13,784 --> 00:08:16,162 I know what will happen if they catch me. 131 00:08:17,079 --> 00:08:18,539 Just say the word and we'll take all this 132 00:08:18,539 --> 00:08:20,374 up to the roof and burn it straightaway. 133 00:08:20,374 --> 00:08:22,043 We'll forget all about it. 134 00:08:23,878 --> 00:08:26,130 I want to be free. 135 00:08:26,130 --> 00:08:27,882 I want all of us to be free. 136 00:08:29,133 --> 00:08:31,594 So do I. 137 00:08:31,594 --> 00:08:34,347 More than anything. 138 00:08:34,347 --> 00:08:36,265 When will you leave? 139 00:08:36,265 --> 00:08:38,768 Well, the moment I set foot out of this place, 140 00:08:38,768 --> 00:08:40,603 they'll raise the alarm. 141 00:08:40,603 --> 00:08:43,439 And then they'll watch you even more closely. 142 00:08:43,439 --> 00:08:47,360 So we'll have to wait until we know you've escaped. 143 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:49,862 When you get to the embassy, tell Richard Vanderwhile 144 00:08:49,862 --> 00:08:53,533 to have his people call every phone line in the Metropol. 145 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:55,618 The phones should start ringing here about 10:30, 146 00:08:55,618 --> 00:08:59,121 and when I hear that, I'll know you're safe, 147 00:08:59,121 --> 00:09:00,873 and then I'll leave. 148 00:09:01,791 --> 00:09:03,543 And then? 149 00:09:03,543 --> 00:09:06,045 Don't worry about us. 150 00:09:15,513 --> 00:09:16,931 You know, why don't we let your papa 151 00:09:16,931 --> 00:09:18,307 finish packing your things, 152 00:09:18,307 --> 00:09:20,893 and you and I can go have a drink to relax. 153 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:32,780 I first met your mother 154 00:09:32,780 --> 00:09:35,241 sitting on these very stools. 155 00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:37,410 I invited your papa for a drink, 156 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:39,829 and Nina nominated herself our chaperone. 157 00:09:39,829 --> 00:09:42,081 This was on your first date? 158 00:09:42,081 --> 00:09:44,083 Well, to call it a date is generous. 159 00:09:46,502 --> 00:09:49,380 I wish I could remember her like I used to. 160 00:09:50,298 --> 00:09:52,174 She would have been so proud of you 161 00:09:52,174 --> 00:09:54,343 and the incredible young woman you've become. 162 00:09:56,429 --> 00:09:58,097 I'm proud, too. 163 00:09:58,097 --> 00:10:01,267 Immeasurably so. 164 00:10:01,267 --> 00:10:04,770 I owe it all to you and Papa. 165 00:10:04,770 --> 00:10:06,772 I'm your daughter, too. 166 00:10:08,608 --> 00:10:10,276 You are. 167 00:10:12,320 --> 00:10:14,113 I won't be there tomorrow. 168 00:10:14,113 --> 00:10:16,073 We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. 169 00:10:16,073 --> 00:10:18,576 And I'm not sure I could watch you walk out that door 170 00:10:18,576 --> 00:10:20,369 and not bawl my eyes out. 171 00:10:22,538 --> 00:10:23,998 How long will I have to wait for you 172 00:10:23,998 --> 00:10:25,833 before you reach America? 173 00:10:27,335 --> 00:10:29,670 Don't wait. 174 00:10:29,670 --> 00:10:31,756 Live your life. 175 00:10:33,007 --> 00:10:35,509 You have so much to look forward to. 176 00:10:35,509 --> 00:10:37,762 Don't waste a second of it looking back. 177 00:10:39,013 --> 00:10:41,432 I'd be jealous if I wasn't so damned pleased for you. 178 00:10:44,185 --> 00:10:46,437 Oh, my darling girl. 179 00:10:46,437 --> 00:10:47,855 Better get back to your papa. 180 00:10:47,855 --> 00:10:49,315 He'll be thinking I've stolen you away 181 00:10:49,315 --> 00:10:50,775 for the evening. 182 00:10:50,775 --> 00:10:53,027 Are you not having dinner with us? 183 00:10:53,027 --> 00:10:55,613 I want tonight to be for you and him. 184 00:10:57,198 --> 00:10:58,824 Good luck. 185 00:11:00,201 --> 00:11:02,620 Remember how I taught you how to walk onto stage. 186 00:11:02,620 --> 00:11:03,829 Stand tall. 187 00:11:03,829 --> 00:11:04,997 Straight back. 188 00:11:04,997 --> 00:11:06,582 - Head up. - Head up. 189 00:11:06,582 --> 00:11:08,334 - Relaxed shoulders. - Relaxed shoulders. 190 00:11:08,334 --> 00:11:10,628 And walk like the ground beneath your feet 191 00:11:10,628 --> 00:11:13,506 belongs to you, and you alone. 192 00:11:15,216 --> 00:11:17,343 Walk through life that way, too. 193 00:11:18,302 --> 00:11:20,179 I will. 194 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:31,440 Goodbye, Sofia. 195 00:11:39,407 --> 00:11:42,827 ♪ tranquil music ♪ 196 00:11:42,827 --> 00:11:44,912 Good evening, sir. Over there. 197 00:11:44,912 --> 00:11:47,707 Your table awaits. 198 00:11:50,042 --> 00:11:52,837 Merci, Andrey. 199 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:57,258 Chablis Premier Cru. 200 00:11:57,258 --> 00:11:59,218 1948. 201 00:11:59,218 --> 00:12:03,055 - I shall leave you to your meal. - Thank you, Andrey. 202 00:12:06,100 --> 00:12:08,853 ♪ Papa may have ♪ 203 00:12:08,853 --> 00:12:11,313 ♪ But God bless the child ♪ 204 00:12:11,313 --> 00:12:12,857 ♪ That's got his own... ♪ 205 00:12:12,857 --> 00:12:15,401 - Okroshka? - Absolutely. 206 00:12:16,569 --> 00:12:18,404 Before you travel abroad, 207 00:12:18,404 --> 00:12:21,782 it's best to have a simple, heartwarming soup from home. 208 00:12:25,619 --> 00:12:27,705 There are three lessons I wish to impart 209 00:12:27,705 --> 00:12:31,208 before you take off on your journey. 210 00:12:31,208 --> 00:12:33,794 Only three? You do surprise me. 211 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:36,589 The first... 212 00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:39,258 is that if one does not master one's circumstances-- 213 00:12:39,258 --> 00:12:40,885 One is mastered by them. 214 00:12:42,136 --> 00:12:43,596 The second: 215 00:12:43,596 --> 00:12:48,476 the surest sign of wisdom is constant cheerfulness. 216 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:54,398 And the third thing I would like you to know... 217 00:12:54,398 --> 00:12:56,567 ♪ You've got lots... ♪ 218 00:12:56,567 --> 00:13:00,154 ...I shall be incredibly sad 219 00:13:00,154 --> 00:13:01,530 in your absence, 220 00:13:01,530 --> 00:13:03,365 but I'll be full of joy 221 00:13:03,365 --> 00:13:05,493 thinking of the adventures that you'll have. 222 00:13:06,744 --> 00:13:08,120 We'll have. 223 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:10,080 You're talking as if you won't be there. 224 00:13:10,080 --> 00:13:12,249 Oh. A-a turn of phrase. 225 00:13:12,249 --> 00:13:14,919 ♪ They don't come no more... ♪ 226 00:13:14,919 --> 00:13:17,671 You are going to be there, aren't you, Papa? 227 00:13:21,509 --> 00:13:23,052 I want to be. 228 00:13:23,052 --> 00:13:26,430 ♪ You can help yourself ♪ 229 00:13:26,430 --> 00:13:29,475 ♪ But don't take too much... ♪ 230 00:13:29,475 --> 00:13:31,977 You've always said one of your greatest regrets was 231 00:13:31,977 --> 00:13:35,105 not having the chance to say a proper goodbye to Helena. 232 00:13:35,105 --> 00:13:37,149 It is. 233 00:13:37,149 --> 00:13:39,443 Let's not make the same mistake again. 234 00:13:39,443 --> 00:13:42,822 ♪ That's got his own... ♪ 235 00:13:42,822 --> 00:13:45,407 I'm going to America on my own. 236 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:55,960 They were willing to give you asylum, 237 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:59,672 but Anna and me was too much. 238 00:14:02,758 --> 00:14:05,803 What are you going to do? You can't stay here. 239 00:14:05,803 --> 00:14:07,596 Well, we'll take a train 240 00:14:07,596 --> 00:14:10,057 from Moscow to Finland, as I said. 241 00:14:10,057 --> 00:14:12,184 From there, we'll have to see. 242 00:14:15,312 --> 00:14:17,314 I prevented my sister 243 00:14:17,314 --> 00:14:19,525 from living the life that she wanted. 244 00:14:19,525 --> 00:14:22,152 And it destroyed her. 245 00:14:22,152 --> 00:14:24,238 I won't make the same mistakes again. 246 00:14:25,197 --> 00:14:26,866 But if you hadn't of made those mistakes, 247 00:14:26,866 --> 00:14:28,701 you wouldn't have been sentenced to life imprisonment 248 00:14:28,701 --> 00:14:31,203 in the Metropol Hotel. 249 00:14:31,203 --> 00:14:32,621 You wouldn't have met my mother, 250 00:14:32,621 --> 00:14:33,956 and you wouldn't have been here 251 00:14:33,956 --> 00:14:35,207 the night she came here with me... 252 00:14:36,333 --> 00:14:37,793 ...needing your help. 253 00:14:41,046 --> 00:14:43,549 That frightened little girl never would have had her papa. 254 00:14:45,509 --> 00:14:47,511 Since the day I was born, Sofia, 255 00:14:47,511 --> 00:14:49,221 there was only one time 256 00:14:49,221 --> 00:14:50,764 when life needed me to be 257 00:14:50,764 --> 00:14:53,392 in a particular place at a particular time, 258 00:14:53,392 --> 00:14:55,394 and that was when your mother brought you 259 00:14:55,394 --> 00:14:57,146 to the lobby of the Metropol. 260 00:14:58,606 --> 00:15:01,066 I promised her that I would take care of you, 261 00:15:01,066 --> 00:15:03,027 and I intend to keep that promise 262 00:15:03,027 --> 00:15:06,530 by getting you safely away from this place. 263 00:15:06,530 --> 00:15:09,408 I'll miss you so much. 264 00:15:10,409 --> 00:15:11,702 And I you. 265 00:15:13,370 --> 00:15:15,623 ♪ gentle, wistful music ♪ 266 00:15:15,623 --> 00:15:17,499 Oh. 267 00:15:17,499 --> 00:15:20,669 - Ah. There you are. - Whoa, look at her. 268 00:15:20,669 --> 00:15:24,048 I want you to say hello to Paris for me. 269 00:15:24,048 --> 00:15:26,592 - I will. - Okay? You take care. 270 00:15:26,592 --> 00:15:28,093 Hmm? 271 00:15:28,093 --> 00:15:30,930 Bye, Marina. I'll try to do your dress proud. 272 00:15:30,930 --> 00:15:33,933 - You couldn't fail to. - Good luck. 273 00:15:33,933 --> 00:15:35,517 I'll miss you all so much. 274 00:15:35,517 --> 00:15:37,436 Oh, Sofia, it's only for two weeks. 275 00:15:37,436 --> 00:15:39,939 You'll be the belle of Paris. 276 00:15:44,985 --> 00:15:47,279 I don't think I can do it. 277 00:15:47,279 --> 00:15:49,615 Yes, you can. 278 00:15:49,615 --> 00:15:52,451 You can do anything you turn your mind to. 279 00:15:52,451 --> 00:15:54,995 Now you have to just let go. 280 00:15:54,995 --> 00:15:56,622 Turn. 281 00:15:56,622 --> 00:15:58,749 Walk out of that door. 282 00:16:00,209 --> 00:16:02,127 ♪ slow, dramatic music ♪ 283 00:16:42,543 --> 00:16:44,003 Goodbye. 284 00:16:55,848 --> 00:16:58,142 Uh, the... the best tonic for sadness 285 00:16:58,142 --> 00:17:00,978 is probably good wine, good food 286 00:17:00,978 --> 00:17:03,814 - and even better company. - Yes. 287 00:17:03,814 --> 00:17:05,858 - Come, my friend. Come, come. - Yes. 288 00:17:05,858 --> 00:17:07,276 Thank you. Emile. 289 00:17:18,746 --> 00:17:22,666 Oh, Emile, the bouillabaisse is absolutely delicious. 290 00:17:22,666 --> 00:17:23,917 Mm-hmm. - Thank you. 291 00:17:23,917 --> 00:17:26,628 I'm waiting for you to say it... 292 00:17:26,628 --> 00:17:29,506 - I know you're going to say it. - What are you talking about? 293 00:17:30,424 --> 00:17:31,717 Go on. 294 00:17:32,885 --> 00:17:35,179 Mm. Mm. 295 00:17:35,179 --> 00:17:36,472 It tastes... 296 00:17:36,472 --> 00:17:37,806 ...better in France. 297 00:17:37,806 --> 00:17:39,558 Yeah, everything always does. 298 00:17:39,558 --> 00:17:42,394 I know, I know, I've got it. 299 00:17:42,394 --> 00:17:44,730 Andrey... 300 00:17:44,730 --> 00:17:46,065 you were a clown. 301 00:17:46,065 --> 00:17:48,150 No. No. 302 00:17:48,150 --> 00:17:49,735 Andrey used to work under the big top... 303 00:17:49,735 --> 00:17:51,195 Oh, yeah. 304 00:17:51,195 --> 00:17:52,571 ...but he refuses to tell us what he did. 305 00:17:52,571 --> 00:17:54,198 A lion tamer? An acrobat. 306 00:17:54,198 --> 00:17:55,657 A trapeze artist. Close. 307 00:17:55,657 --> 00:17:57,076 A juggler? Hmm. 308 00:17:57,076 --> 00:17:59,411 That's it. You-- you're a juggler. 309 00:17:59,411 --> 00:18:00,913 - Show us. - Yeah, show us. 310 00:18:00,913 --> 00:18:02,206 Prove it. 311 00:18:02,206 --> 00:18:03,665 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 312 00:18:03,665 --> 00:18:05,334 Oranges? 313 00:18:05,334 --> 00:18:08,712 In the circus, it used to be knives I juggled with. 314 00:18:08,712 --> 00:18:11,090 - Do we have knives? - Let's see it. 315 00:18:11,090 --> 00:18:13,592 Yeah. Marina, not-not the, uh... 316 00:18:13,592 --> 00:18:15,511 Ah. Beauty, beauty. 317 00:18:15,511 --> 00:18:17,763 Ah, no. Andrey, don't you dare. 318 00:18:17,763 --> 00:18:20,182 But, but... 319 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:22,559 I need one more. 320 00:18:22,559 --> 00:18:23,811 Uh... No, you can't. 321 00:18:23,811 --> 00:18:25,687 - Not Florence. - Florence? 322 00:18:25,687 --> 00:18:27,439 You gave it a name? 323 00:18:27,439 --> 00:18:28,690 - Hand it over. - Really? 324 00:18:28,690 --> 00:18:30,234 I need it. 325 00:18:32,945 --> 00:18:34,613 Oh. 326 00:18:39,618 --> 00:18:41,286 Whoa! 327 00:18:45,499 --> 00:18:46,875 Thank you. 328 00:18:46,875 --> 00:18:48,460 The man is a marvel! 329 00:18:49,628 --> 00:18:51,964 Thank you. 330 00:19:01,932 --> 00:19:04,309 Where I grew up, 331 00:19:04,309 --> 00:19:05,978 there was an old legend 332 00:19:05,978 --> 00:19:09,106 that, hidden deep in the forest, there was a tree 333 00:19:09,106 --> 00:19:10,899 with apples as black as coal. 334 00:19:10,899 --> 00:19:14,945 And if you could find this tree and eat of its fruit, 335 00:19:14,945 --> 00:19:17,030 you could live your life anew. 336 00:19:17,030 --> 00:19:19,950 Begin the journey again-- 337 00:19:19,950 --> 00:19:21,994 tantalizing thought. 338 00:19:23,120 --> 00:19:24,872 When we're young, we... 339 00:19:24,872 --> 00:19:27,499 we imagine our lives stretching out before us-- 340 00:19:27,499 --> 00:19:31,378 an arrow-straight path through the forest. 341 00:19:31,378 --> 00:19:34,089 And at our age, we look behind us 342 00:19:34,089 --> 00:19:36,967 and all we see are trees-- 343 00:19:36,967 --> 00:19:38,969 the path long since obscured 344 00:19:38,969 --> 00:19:41,263 by all the twists and turns that life takes. 345 00:19:41,263 --> 00:19:44,183 Hardly recognize the person we once were. 346 00:19:45,934 --> 00:19:50,272 But there is nothing that would make eat that apple, 347 00:19:50,272 --> 00:19:55,277 because even though it might erase the-the terrible wrongs 348 00:19:55,277 --> 00:19:58,197 and the unfortunate events of my life, 349 00:19:58,197 --> 00:20:01,491 it would also undo all the joy 350 00:20:01,491 --> 00:20:04,620 and happiness that I've had along the way-- 351 00:20:04,620 --> 00:20:08,457 the friends that I've loved... 352 00:20:08,457 --> 00:20:11,376 this wonderful life that I give thanks for every day. 353 00:20:12,252 --> 00:20:13,545 So... 354 00:20:15,214 --> 00:20:20,052 To a life lived without regret. Mm. 355 00:20:20,052 --> 00:20:22,221 A life lived without regret. 356 00:20:25,265 --> 00:20:27,267 Wait. Wait! 357 00:20:27,267 --> 00:20:29,269 I would like to make a toast. 358 00:20:30,604 --> 00:20:32,397 I would eat the bloody apple. 359 00:20:34,274 --> 00:20:36,902 - To eating the bloody apple. - To eating the bloody apple. 360 00:20:36,902 --> 00:20:40,405 - Marina, why would you say that? - It's a joke. 361 00:20:40,405 --> 00:20:42,241 - It's a joke. I'm joking. - Oh, yes, I... 362 00:20:42,241 --> 00:20:44,117 And I have to confess... 363 00:20:45,118 --> 00:20:48,455 ...this bouillabaisse is probably the... 364 00:20:48,455 --> 00:20:51,083 best I've ever had. Aw... 365 00:21:21,655 --> 00:21:23,949 I came to say goodbye. 366 00:21:25,492 --> 00:21:27,160 Are you going somewhere? 367 00:21:28,620 --> 00:21:30,122 In a manner of speaking. 368 00:21:34,459 --> 00:21:36,420 I've seen a lot of men die. 369 00:21:38,130 --> 00:21:39,923 Women, too. 370 00:21:41,341 --> 00:21:43,802 They don't beg for their lives. 371 00:21:43,802 --> 00:21:46,513 If I'm in the room, they know that's of little use. 372 00:21:48,640 --> 00:21:50,809 Instead, it's, 373 00:21:50,809 --> 00:21:55,022 "Tell my wife, son, daughter... 374 00:21:55,022 --> 00:21:57,149 I love them." 375 00:21:59,359 --> 00:22:02,946 You see, when they left the house that morning, 376 00:22:02,946 --> 00:22:05,198 they had no idea they'd never return. 377 00:22:07,200 --> 00:22:08,660 They never got to say all of the things 378 00:22:08,660 --> 00:22:10,245 you'd want to say to someone 379 00:22:10,245 --> 00:22:13,206 if you knew you'd never see them again. 380 00:22:16,710 --> 00:22:18,170 Why would you? 381 00:22:20,881 --> 00:22:22,841 It's rare... 382 00:22:22,841 --> 00:22:26,178 someone starts the day knowing it will be their last. 383 00:22:42,736 --> 00:22:44,988 Alexander... 384 00:22:52,537 --> 00:22:55,207 The last time I saw my daughter was at the cafe 385 00:22:55,207 --> 00:22:57,167 next to Moscow train station. 386 00:23:00,087 --> 00:23:02,589 She wanted me to stay and have tea... 387 00:23:05,133 --> 00:23:06,551 ...but I had a meeting. 388 00:23:08,095 --> 00:23:10,097 Ministry of Defence. 389 00:23:12,265 --> 00:23:16,478 I never imagined this would be our last moment together. 390 00:23:20,607 --> 00:23:23,068 Ten more minutes was all she wanted. 391 00:23:31,034 --> 00:23:33,745 What I would give for those ten minutes now. 392 00:23:37,290 --> 00:23:39,835 Just for the chance to say goodbye properly. 393 00:23:42,921 --> 00:23:45,132 To tell her how much I love her. 394 00:23:47,634 --> 00:23:51,596 Hold her in my arms just one more time. 395 00:23:52,514 --> 00:23:55,600 Just as I saw you holding on to Sofia. 396 00:24:00,355 --> 00:24:02,607 What are you going to do? 397 00:24:03,942 --> 00:24:05,819 I can't do anything. 398 00:24:07,195 --> 00:24:09,322 It's too late for me. 399 00:24:11,741 --> 00:24:16,121 When word of Sofia's defection spreads... 400 00:24:16,121 --> 00:24:18,373 I assume that's what she's doing? 401 00:24:18,373 --> 00:24:21,460 If they catch her, they will hunt you down. 402 00:24:22,919 --> 00:24:26,381 If they don't catch her, they will hunt you down. 403 00:24:31,261 --> 00:24:34,514 I like you, Alexander. 404 00:24:36,475 --> 00:24:38,560 I think of you as a friend. 405 00:24:40,687 --> 00:24:43,982 As do I you. In a manner of speaking. 406 00:24:49,571 --> 00:24:52,365 They'll be watching the stations. 407 00:24:52,365 --> 00:24:54,993 You may be hard to recognize, but... 408 00:24:54,993 --> 00:24:57,496 Anna Urbanova? 409 00:24:57,496 --> 00:24:59,873 It's a different matter. 410 00:24:59,873 --> 00:25:01,541 It won't work. 411 00:25:03,126 --> 00:25:07,005 Sofia's now an important asset of the state. 412 00:25:07,005 --> 00:25:09,633 They will have someone watching you. 413 00:25:17,057 --> 00:25:18,642 Gather all your belongings. 414 00:25:18,642 --> 00:25:20,977 Don't forget anything. 415 00:25:20,977 --> 00:25:23,813 By your feet, Anastasia. 416 00:25:23,813 --> 00:25:26,316 Welcome to Paris, Sofia. 417 00:25:26,316 --> 00:25:27,943 Wake up. 418 00:25:34,491 --> 00:25:37,035 ♪ The pendulum goes tick-tock, tick-tick ♪ 419 00:25:37,035 --> 00:25:39,871 ♪ The birds of the lake do pick, pick, pick ♪ 420 00:25:39,871 --> 00:25:42,832 ♪ "Glou, glou, glou," go all the turkeys ♪ 421 00:25:42,832 --> 00:25:45,544 ♪ And the beautiful bell goes "ding, ding, dong" ♪ 422 00:25:45,544 --> 00:25:49,673 ♪ But boom, when my heart goes boom ♪ 423 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:51,383 ♪ Everything with it does boom ♪ 424 00:25:51,383 --> 00:25:56,054 ♪ And it's the love that has awakened ♪ 425 00:25:56,054 --> 00:25:58,223 ♪ Everything has changed since yesterday ♪ 426 00:25:58,223 --> 00:26:01,393 ♪ And the street has eyes that look out the windows ♪ 427 00:26:01,393 --> 00:26:03,853 ♪ There is lilac in their outstretched hands ♪ 428 00:26:03,853 --> 00:26:06,606 ♪ On the sea, the sun will come out ♪ 429 00:26:06,606 --> 00:26:10,569 ♪ So boom, the luminary of the day goes boom ♪ 430 00:26:10,569 --> 00:26:13,154 ♪ Everything with it says boom ♪ 431 00:26:13,154 --> 00:26:16,575 ♪ When our heart does boom, boom... ♪ 432 00:26:17,534 --> 00:26:19,035 Sofia? 433 00:26:19,035 --> 00:26:21,037 The director has asked me to pass on a message. 434 00:26:21,037 --> 00:26:24,541 You will now playing the penultimate piece of the night. 435 00:26:24,541 --> 00:26:27,210 But I was due to lead off the second half. 436 00:26:27,210 --> 00:26:30,297 Now you're not. Is that a problem? 437 00:26:31,298 --> 00:26:32,841 No, of course not. 438 00:26:32,841 --> 00:26:36,678 I'll do whatever Director Tarkovsky wants me to. 439 00:26:36,678 --> 00:26:38,638 Glad to hear it. 440 00:26:39,598 --> 00:26:41,224 Good luck tonight. 441 00:26:47,439 --> 00:26:50,442 ♪ Everything has changed since yesterday ♪ 442 00:26:50,442 --> 00:26:53,194 ♪ And the street has eyes that look out the windows ♪ 443 00:26:53,194 --> 00:26:56,197 ♪ The lilac under the stars in your eyes ♪ 444 00:26:56,197 --> 00:26:59,534 ♪ Will appear in the sky, so boom ♪ 445 00:26:59,534 --> 00:27:02,037 ♪ The luminary that played our song ♪ 446 00:27:02,037 --> 00:27:04,748 ♪ Everything with it says boom ♪ 447 00:27:04,748 --> 00:27:08,585 ♪ And our heart does boom-boom... ♪ 448 00:27:08,585 --> 00:27:11,087 The concert will have started by now. 449 00:27:12,464 --> 00:27:14,507 Sofia will be on stage. 450 00:27:21,222 --> 00:27:23,892 Alexander, Anna, excuse me. 451 00:27:23,892 --> 00:27:25,602 With the compliments of our guests. 452 00:27:25,602 --> 00:27:27,729 It's a bottle of Mukuzani. 453 00:27:27,729 --> 00:27:30,273 Oh, good Lord. 454 00:27:30,273 --> 00:27:32,067 It's their anniversary, 455 00:27:32,067 --> 00:27:34,569 and they wanted to thank you, Alexander. 456 00:27:34,569 --> 00:27:36,154 Apparently, you gave them something to talk about 457 00:27:36,154 --> 00:27:38,657 during their first-ever meal together, 458 00:27:38,657 --> 00:27:40,367 and they haven't stopped since. 459 00:27:46,623 --> 00:27:48,208 Thank you. 460 00:27:49,626 --> 00:27:52,295 I assisted them in the choice of wine, 461 00:27:52,295 --> 00:27:55,507 when that pest Leplevsky was trying to ruin it all 462 00:27:55,507 --> 00:27:58,009 with a bottle of Rioja, of all things. 463 00:27:58,009 --> 00:28:01,513 Oh, it could've all turned out so differently. 464 00:28:01,513 --> 00:28:03,848 You mock me, but it could have. 465 00:28:06,851 --> 00:28:09,688 Everything could've been so different. 466 00:28:09,688 --> 00:28:12,816 ♪ Ooh, it sings "Love in Bloom " ♪ 467 00:28:12,816 --> 00:28:15,235 ♪ At the rhythm of this boom ♪ 468 00:28:15,235 --> 00:28:18,196 ♪ Da, da, da, boom, boom... ♪ 469 00:28:18,196 --> 00:28:21,866 Would you do me the honor of one last dance? 470 00:28:21,866 --> 00:28:25,245 ♪ And the street has eyes that look out the windows ♪ 471 00:28:25,245 --> 00:28:28,748 ♪ There is lilac in their outstretched hands on the sea ♪ 472 00:28:28,748 --> 00:28:31,751 ♪ The sun will come out, so boom ♪ 473 00:28:31,751 --> 00:28:34,629 ♪ The luminary of the day does boom ♪ 474 00:28:34,629 --> 00:28:37,006 ♪ Everything with it says boom ♪ 475 00:28:37,006 --> 00:28:40,135 ♪ When our heart does boom ♪ 476 00:28:40,135 --> 00:28:42,387 ♪ Boom ♪ 477 00:28:42,387 --> 00:28:45,306 ♪ When our hearts go boom ♪ 478 00:28:45,306 --> 00:28:47,892 ♪ Everything with it does boom ♪ 479 00:28:47,892 --> 00:28:51,688 ♪ And it's the love that has awakened ♪ 480 00:28:51,688 --> 00:28:55,900 ♪ Boom, it sings "Love in Bloom" ♪ 481 00:28:55,900 --> 00:28:58,695 ♪ At the rhythm of this boom ♪ 482 00:28:58,695 --> 00:29:01,406 ♪ That again says boom to the ear... ♪ 483 00:29:01,406 --> 00:29:03,825 I bought the train tickets. 484 00:29:03,825 --> 00:29:07,245 Did you manage to get the travel documents for us? 485 00:29:07,245 --> 00:29:09,080 Two of our Finnish guests 486 00:29:09,080 --> 00:29:13,001 obligingly left their passports at reception. 487 00:29:13,001 --> 00:29:14,753 ♪ So, boom ♪ 488 00:29:14,753 --> 00:29:17,922 ♪ When our hearts go boom, everything... ♪ 489 00:29:17,922 --> 00:29:20,133 When I was sentenced to spend 490 00:29:20,133 --> 00:29:22,552 the rest of my life in this hotel, 491 00:29:22,552 --> 00:29:24,053 I didn't know that I would have 492 00:29:24,053 --> 00:29:27,474 the happiest days of my life here, 493 00:29:27,474 --> 00:29:30,518 nor did I expect that I would spend them 494 00:29:30,518 --> 00:29:32,937 with someone I love as much as I love you. 495 00:29:34,564 --> 00:29:37,108 You don't think we have much of a chance of escaping. 496 00:29:39,360 --> 00:29:40,612 Do you? 497 00:29:42,572 --> 00:29:44,282 No. 498 00:29:49,162 --> 00:29:52,749 I never imagined my life would have a happy ending. 499 00:29:52,749 --> 00:29:55,627 And yet, you have given me one... 500 00:29:55,627 --> 00:29:57,128 regardless of what happens next. 501 00:29:57,128 --> 00:29:58,963 You have been the greatest, 502 00:29:58,963 --> 00:30:01,800 most surprising gift life could ever offer. 503 00:30:03,676 --> 00:30:04,886 Thank God I found you. 504 00:30:04,886 --> 00:30:06,721 ♪ dark, somber music ♪ 505 00:30:06,721 --> 00:30:09,766 In here of all places. 506 00:30:09,766 --> 00:30:11,851 Almost on this very spot. 507 00:30:27,992 --> 00:30:31,329 You should go. There are things I need to do. 508 00:30:31,329 --> 00:30:33,039 What time are you expecting the call? 509 00:30:33,039 --> 00:30:34,707 10:30. 510 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:37,919 The last train is at eleven o'clock. 511 00:30:38,878 --> 00:30:41,130 Don't wait for me. 512 00:30:41,130 --> 00:30:43,216 Don't make me. 513 00:31:17,166 --> 00:31:18,793 The passports were left with reception 514 00:31:18,793 --> 00:31:22,630 so we could properly record our guests' details. 515 00:31:22,630 --> 00:31:25,550 And they went missing two nights ago? 516 00:31:25,550 --> 00:31:27,635 And we couldn't find them anywhere. 517 00:31:29,804 --> 00:31:32,348 I've gone through all the drawers myself. 518 00:31:34,434 --> 00:31:36,895 ♪ slow, intriguing music ♪ 519 00:32:03,254 --> 00:32:05,256 Sofia? 520 00:32:05,256 --> 00:32:07,300 You're on now. 521 00:34:27,190 --> 00:34:29,150 Well done. 522 00:34:29,150 --> 00:34:31,986 The final curtain call is after the Borodin string quartet. 523 00:34:31,986 --> 00:34:34,822 - Yes, of course. - Alina? Fara? 524 00:34:34,822 --> 00:34:37,033 Elisa? Paulina? 525 00:35:04,268 --> 00:35:06,104 ♪ dark, suspenseful music ♪ 526 00:35:10,316 --> 00:35:12,401 Close the door. 527 00:35:19,575 --> 00:35:22,453 - Put it down. - Please. 528 00:35:22,453 --> 00:35:25,540 Those old relics are about as effective as you are. 529 00:35:25,540 --> 00:35:26,666 Station chief-- 530 00:35:32,421 --> 00:35:34,882 Put it down. 531 00:35:38,803 --> 00:35:40,930 Unlock that cabinet. 532 00:35:40,930 --> 00:35:42,473 Now. 533 00:35:53,651 --> 00:35:56,028 Empty it on the desk. The files. 534 00:35:56,028 --> 00:35:58,156 Get on with it. 535 00:36:08,541 --> 00:36:10,501 ♪ dark, eerie music ♪ 536 00:36:10,501 --> 00:36:12,503 Final curtain call. 537 00:36:12,503 --> 00:36:14,839 Get ready for the final curtain call. 538 00:36:20,469 --> 00:36:21,721 Forward! 539 00:36:33,399 --> 00:36:35,443 ♪ dark, somber music ♪ 540 00:36:38,696 --> 00:36:42,074 Sofia's missing. Search the building. 541 00:36:44,243 --> 00:36:46,829 Come on. Please. 542 00:36:46,829 --> 00:36:49,707 Master your circumstances or be mastered by them. 543 00:36:49,707 --> 00:36:52,084 Master your circumstances or be mastered by them. 544 00:37:37,797 --> 00:37:39,090 Sofia? 545 00:39:02,214 --> 00:39:04,175 What are you going to do with me? 546 00:39:05,134 --> 00:39:08,304 Can't just... leave me here. 547 00:39:08,304 --> 00:39:11,849 Someone will come looking for you eventually. 548 00:39:13,642 --> 00:39:15,686 They won't. 549 00:39:18,898 --> 00:39:20,107 Please. 550 00:39:20,107 --> 00:39:21,984 Please! 551 00:39:30,242 --> 00:39:32,244 ♪ tense, gloomy music ♪ 552 00:40:13,786 --> 00:40:15,746 Good evening. Metropol Hotel. 553 00:40:17,581 --> 00:40:20,543 Of course, I'll arrange for a cab to the station 554 00:40:20,543 --> 00:40:22,294 first thing in the morning. 555 00:40:40,438 --> 00:40:42,106 All aboard! 556 00:40:42,106 --> 00:40:43,983 All aboard for Helsinki! 557 00:40:52,158 --> 00:40:54,285 You need to get on this train. 558 00:40:54,285 --> 00:40:56,245 No, this isn't my train. 559 00:41:01,167 --> 00:41:04,378 You can use this passport to get you into Finland. 560 00:41:08,674 --> 00:41:09,967 Was he ever coming? 561 00:41:09,967 --> 00:41:11,552 Not after I pointed out 562 00:41:11,552 --> 00:41:14,096 the danger he'd place you in by doing so. 563 00:41:15,973 --> 00:41:17,808 He wanted me to give you this. 564 00:41:21,020 --> 00:41:22,646 Stalin may be gone, but we haven't stopped 565 00:41:22,646 --> 00:41:24,648 punishing the families of our enemies. 566 00:41:24,648 --> 00:41:26,192 Hey. 567 00:41:26,192 --> 00:41:28,068 He wants you to be safe. 568 00:41:29,028 --> 00:41:31,697 Just as I wanted my wife to be. 569 00:41:31,697 --> 00:41:33,157 All aboard! 570 00:41:36,243 --> 00:41:37,786 All aboard for Helsinki! 571 00:41:37,786 --> 00:41:39,788 ♪ stirring, melancholic music ♪ 572 00:42:38,347 --> 00:42:40,140 Good evening, Metropol Hotel. 573 00:42:41,100 --> 00:42:42,101 Hello? 574 00:42:45,396 --> 00:42:46,814 Metropol Hotel. 575 00:42:50,234 --> 00:42:52,236 ♪ sweeping, rousing music ♪ 576 00:43:37,364 --> 00:43:39,450 ♪ gentle, melancholy music ♪ 577 00:44:04,224 --> 00:44:06,393 ♪ soaring music ♪ 578 00:44:24,328 --> 00:44:28,082 I never saw my papa or Anna ever again. 579 00:44:39,468 --> 00:44:41,428 ♪ ethereal, dreamlike music ♪ 580 00:45:14,294 --> 00:45:16,922 I discovered that Papa had escaped the hotel. 581 00:45:16,922 --> 00:45:20,008 But what happened after remains a mystery. 582 00:45:29,560 --> 00:45:33,897 I like to imagine them both finally free, 583 00:45:33,897 --> 00:45:36,817 living out the rest of their lives together. 584 00:45:40,195 --> 00:45:42,156 ♪ rousing, heartfelt music ♪ 585 00:45:45,451 --> 00:45:48,245 They gave me the greatest gift of life. 586 00:45:49,788 --> 00:45:51,790 I'll keep them in my heart. 587 00:45:53,417 --> 00:45:55,461 Always.