1 00:00:09,275 --> 00:00:12,812 - It's January 30 at 11:52. 2 00:00:12,912 --> 00:00:14,414 Case number 18JST. 3 00:00:16,983 --> 00:00:20,820 We had two missing kids for several weeks. 4 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:22,188 Looks like shower. 5 00:00:22,288 --> 00:00:24,691 (SINGING) How sweet thou art. 6 00:00:24,791 --> 00:00:26,693 - We're not giving up by any means. 7 00:00:28,661 --> 00:00:30,196 - It's a desolate area. 8 00:00:30,296 --> 00:00:31,765 It's the end of December. It's cold. 9 00:00:31,865 --> 00:00:32,766 It's winter. 10 00:00:32,866 --> 00:00:35,669 There's snow on the ground. 11 00:00:35,769 --> 00:00:38,538 We got the call the they had found Jeep. 12 00:00:38,638 --> 00:00:40,373 - The tires were punctured 13 00:00:40,473 --> 00:00:43,309 with a screwdriver or a knife. 14 00:00:43,410 --> 00:00:46,146 We think there's foul play. 15 00:00:46,246 --> 00:00:47,814 It started sending red flags. 16 00:00:47,914 --> 00:00:49,482 We didn't know who we were dealing with 17 00:00:49,582 --> 00:00:52,485 and what the capabilities might be. 18 00:00:52,585 --> 00:00:55,155 - We're not finding them on the surface. 19 00:00:55,255 --> 00:00:58,892 So they've got to be underground. 20 00:00:58,992 --> 00:01:02,062 In Eureka, the mining town, there's mine shafts everywhere. 21 00:01:02,162 --> 00:01:03,797 Mine tunnels everywhere. 22 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:05,832 - He wasn't going to come out to. 23 00:01:05,932 --> 00:01:06,866 Talk to us. 24 00:01:06,966 --> 00:01:08,702 Danger was definitely possible. 25 00:01:10,904 --> 00:01:12,472 - She's hysterical. 26 00:01:12,572 --> 00:01:15,675 And she's just saying, I promise I won't tell. 27 00:01:15,775 --> 00:01:16,976 I promise I won't tell. 28 00:01:17,077 --> 00:01:18,211 And he says, hush, darling. 29 00:01:29,956 --> 00:01:32,225 - The East Tintic Mountains are located 30 00:01:32,325 --> 00:01:36,429 more northwest Juab County. 31 00:01:36,529 --> 00:01:38,998 The mountains are very steep, rugged, 32 00:01:39,099 --> 00:01:40,667 rocky, tough to get around. 33 00:01:42,769 --> 00:01:44,104 - In Juab County, 34 00:01:44,170 --> 00:01:45,739 there are sagebrush, cedar trees, 35 00:01:45,839 --> 00:01:50,910 few pine trees, pinion pines. 36 00:01:51,011 --> 00:01:53,680 - It's open, dry, airy desert. 37 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:58,118 And it gets really cold in the winter. 38 00:01:58,184 --> 00:02:03,089 - It was a boomtown mining area. 39 00:02:03,189 --> 00:02:06,059 There was several towns that aren't there anymore. 40 00:02:06,126 --> 00:02:09,429 Just up and disappeared. 41 00:02:09,529 --> 00:02:12,098 There's thousands of mineshafts out through the western Utah. 42 00:02:15,335 --> 00:02:17,203 You could be riding a four-wheeler off through 43 00:02:17,303 --> 00:02:19,305 the sagebrush and where you go? 44 00:02:19,406 --> 00:02:20,373 You're going down. 45 00:02:24,778 --> 00:02:26,646 NARRATOR: In March of 2018, 46 00:02:26,746 --> 00:02:29,082 a flurry of law enforcement activity 47 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:31,785 surrounds Tintic standard mine number 2. 48 00:02:35,855 --> 00:02:38,091 Rescuers work to recover two bodies 49 00:02:38,191 --> 00:02:39,559 from the cavernous abyss. 50 00:02:45,832 --> 00:02:48,735 - The mission, to bring the bodies up out 51 00:02:48,835 --> 00:02:53,473 of the mine, is very dangerous because it looks like it 52 00:02:53,573 --> 00:02:57,844 could cave in at any minute. 53 00:02:57,944 --> 00:03:02,949 The opening of the mine itself is probably about 30 feet wide 54 00:03:03,049 --> 00:03:05,518 and it's 112 feet down. 55 00:03:08,188 --> 00:03:12,625 Everybody was very anxious. 56 00:03:12,726 --> 00:03:16,930 We could hear the firemen down at the bottom saying, OK, 57 00:03:17,063 --> 00:03:21,301 I'm ready to load the body up. 58 00:03:27,507 --> 00:03:31,478 Once the bodies were brought up and they were examined, 59 00:03:31,578 --> 00:03:34,647 you can clearly see that their hands 60 00:03:34,748 --> 00:03:36,649 are tied behind their back. 61 00:03:36,750 --> 00:03:42,355 We were able to tell that it was one male, one female. 62 00:03:42,455 --> 00:03:45,191 The bodies were pretty well-preserved 63 00:03:45,291 --> 00:03:52,132 because bodies do not decompose as fast in colder weather. 64 00:03:52,232 --> 00:03:57,103 On the female body, we saw that the throat was cut-- 65 00:03:57,170 --> 00:04:01,841 a pretty wide open gash was present. 66 00:04:01,941 --> 00:04:08,748 And with the male, we could see some wounds around the neck. 67 00:04:08,848 --> 00:04:13,086 These two just didn't stumble into an open mineshaft. 68 00:04:13,186 --> 00:04:15,522 - The kids were down there for months. 69 00:04:15,622 --> 00:04:17,190 It was cold. 70 00:04:17,290 --> 00:04:18,758 It had snowed. 71 00:04:18,858 --> 00:04:20,827 - That shaft was so deep. 72 00:04:20,927 --> 00:04:23,663 What happened to this couple and how 73 00:04:23,763 --> 00:04:25,231 did they end up buried in the snow 74 00:04:25,331 --> 00:04:26,599 at the bottom of a mine shaft? 75 00:04:35,975 --> 00:04:39,446 [dramatic music playing] 76 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:46,219 Eureka was, at one time, the biggest city in Utah. 77 00:04:46,319 --> 00:04:49,255 Big silver mining town. 78 00:04:49,356 --> 00:04:50,924 - It was a bit like what 79 00:04:51,091 --> 00:04:52,092 you see on cowboy shows. 80 00:04:54,494 --> 00:04:58,598 Ride the horse to town and have a gunfight and go home. 81 00:04:58,698 --> 00:05:00,400 It used to be a lot more in the olden days, 82 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:05,605 but those days are gone. 83 00:05:05,705 --> 00:05:07,474 - Eureka is a small town. 84 00:05:07,574 --> 00:05:09,042 It's kind of a ghost town. 85 00:05:11,478 --> 00:05:14,280 NARRATOR: With a high school of only 145 students 86 00:05:14,381 --> 00:05:18,385 and no mall or movie theater, local teenagers 87 00:05:18,485 --> 00:05:22,222 need to make their own fun. 88 00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:23,890 - Kids go to school. 89 00:05:24,057 --> 00:05:25,291 You know, they have their friends. 90 00:05:25,392 --> 00:05:27,394 They do the four-wheeler and the motorcycles 91 00:05:27,494 --> 00:05:29,295 and different things like that, so. 92 00:05:29,396 --> 00:05:31,464 - It's a good place to grow up. 93 00:05:31,564 --> 00:05:35,101 There's a lot of parks so a lot of outdoor activities for kids 94 00:05:35,201 --> 00:05:37,504 to do. 95 00:05:37,604 --> 00:05:40,340 Breezy's full name is Brelynne, but she got the nickname 96 00:05:40,440 --> 00:05:45,478 Breezy because Breezy was wild and windy, carefree, 97 00:05:45,578 --> 00:05:47,981 and it just fit. 98 00:05:48,081 --> 00:05:49,816 Breezy was loud, funny. 99 00:05:49,916 --> 00:05:51,951 She was always honest and blunt. 100 00:05:52,085 --> 00:05:53,753 She was a firecracker. 101 00:05:53,853 --> 00:05:56,656 We were together all the time when we were kids. 102 00:05:56,756 --> 00:06:01,761 When Breezy was 12 and I was about 13, my mom and my stepdad 103 00:06:01,861 --> 00:06:06,099 both passed away in 2012 in a car accident. 104 00:06:06,199 --> 00:06:08,368 And then my grandpa and my grandma 105 00:06:08,468 --> 00:06:11,504 adopted me and Breezy and Madison, our younger sister. 106 00:06:11,604 --> 00:06:14,140 And we moved to another house in Tooele. 107 00:06:14,240 --> 00:06:17,377 My relationship with Breezy was very close. 108 00:06:17,477 --> 00:06:20,280 She was only like a year younger than me. 109 00:06:20,380 --> 00:06:22,716 Sometimes I think that's just regular childhood, 110 00:06:22,816 --> 00:06:23,750 but it probably wasn't. 111 00:06:27,120 --> 00:06:30,123 - My wife and I adopted Riley and his sisters 112 00:06:30,223 --> 00:06:34,728 when he was not quite one, from his biological mom, Misty. 113 00:06:34,828 --> 00:06:36,563 And we adopted him because the state 114 00:06:36,663 --> 00:06:40,500 had taken him away because of the problems at home. 115 00:06:40,600 --> 00:06:43,536 When my wife and I ended up getting a divorce, 116 00:06:43,636 --> 00:06:46,873 and I took Riley with me when he was eight years old. 117 00:06:46,973 --> 00:06:50,844 And my wife had Riley's sisters. 118 00:06:50,944 --> 00:06:54,214 I wanted him to have a better chance at life 119 00:06:54,314 --> 00:06:56,983 so I was a single dad raising Riley 120 00:06:57,083 --> 00:07:01,187 and hopefully, I did a good job. 121 00:07:01,287 --> 00:07:02,722 Riley is a good kid. 122 00:07:02,822 --> 00:07:05,158 He was interested in basketball. 123 00:07:05,258 --> 00:07:06,393 He liked to go shooting. 124 00:07:06,493 --> 00:07:09,162 He liked to ride motorcycles, junior 125 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:13,033 dragsters, four-wheelers. 126 00:07:13,099 --> 00:07:15,735 - Breezy and Riley's sister, 127 00:07:15,835 --> 00:07:18,238 they met in high school and became friends. 128 00:07:18,338 --> 00:07:21,107 And that's when Breezy met Riley. 129 00:07:21,207 --> 00:07:23,410 - I don't know if Riley ever had a plan 130 00:07:23,510 --> 00:07:24,711 for what he wanted to do. 131 00:07:24,811 --> 00:07:26,780 I think he was just going day by day. 132 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:29,082 Meeting Breezy changed his life. 133 00:07:31,117 --> 00:07:32,852 - Breezy really wanted 134 00:07:32,952 --> 00:07:35,188 to finish school in Eureka. 135 00:07:35,288 --> 00:07:36,856 She wanted more of an opportunity 136 00:07:36,956 --> 00:07:39,959 that she didn't have when she was growing up. 137 00:07:40,060 --> 00:07:41,394 - Breezy and Riley 138 00:07:41,494 --> 00:07:43,463 were getting on pretty good. 139 00:07:43,563 --> 00:07:46,399 They both liked to go four-wheeling and beating up 140 00:07:46,499 --> 00:07:49,569 my poor Jeep, so. 141 00:07:49,669 --> 00:07:54,441 Riley had asked her to marry him and had got her a ring. 142 00:07:54,541 --> 00:07:55,942 And so that's pretty serious. 143 00:07:58,511 --> 00:08:00,780 She moved in with us probably under a year. 144 00:08:06,619 --> 00:08:09,823 NARRATOR: It's Christmas season 2017. 145 00:08:09,923 --> 00:08:13,727 And 17-year-old Breezy and 18-year-old Riley make 146 00:08:13,827 --> 00:08:15,395 the rounds visiting family. 147 00:08:18,198 --> 00:08:21,067 - They spent Christmas with Riley's family 148 00:08:21,167 --> 00:08:23,303 in Eureka. 149 00:08:23,403 --> 00:08:28,508 And then they went to Tooele to stay with my sister Jamie. 150 00:08:28,608 --> 00:08:32,612 I did see her on the 27th in Tooele, Utah. 151 00:08:32,712 --> 00:08:34,180 - I had given her 152 00:08:34,280 --> 00:08:37,917 a blanket that I had had made. 153 00:08:38,051 --> 00:08:39,786 She told me that she was going back to Eureka 154 00:08:39,886 --> 00:08:43,757 and then getting things ready for the new year. 155 00:08:43,857 --> 00:08:46,626 - And then we said goodbye. 156 00:08:46,726 --> 00:08:50,130 That's when they never showed back up in Eureka. 157 00:08:52,832 --> 00:08:54,167 - Riley was pretty 158 00:08:54,267 --> 00:08:56,269 good with checking in with me. 159 00:08:56,369 --> 00:08:59,172 Riley called me on a Wednesday, and I talked 160 00:08:59,272 --> 00:09:00,607 to him for quite a while. 161 00:09:00,707 --> 00:09:03,643 I was in Mount Pleasant on my property up there. 162 00:09:03,743 --> 00:09:06,112 But when I got back after New Year's, I 163 00:09:06,212 --> 00:09:09,849 figured Riley would be home, but they weren't there. 164 00:09:10,016 --> 00:09:12,018 Cell phones wouldn't work in Eureka because we 165 00:09:12,052 --> 00:09:14,320 didn't have any cell towers. 166 00:09:14,421 --> 00:09:18,391 So I was asking other people if they saw Riley. 167 00:09:18,491 --> 00:09:21,628 And no one seemed to know where Riley was. 168 00:09:21,728 --> 00:09:25,331 And Amanda came into the picture. 169 00:09:25,432 --> 00:09:28,501 - For Breezy to not call her sisters, 170 00:09:28,601 --> 00:09:33,173 to me there was something that was not right. 171 00:09:33,273 --> 00:09:35,308 NARRATOR: It's now been six days since anyone 172 00:09:35,408 --> 00:09:38,311 has seen Breezy and Riley. 173 00:09:38,411 --> 00:09:41,514 The families contact the Juab County Sheriff's Department to 174 00:09:41,614 --> 00:09:43,249 file a missing persons report. 175 00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:46,853 [music playing] 176 00:09:50,290 --> 00:09:52,726 - Bill was very concerned. 177 00:09:52,826 --> 00:09:54,494 You could tell that he cared about them 178 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,496 and wanted to make sure that they were safe. 179 00:09:56,596 --> 00:09:59,866 [music playing] 180 00:10:01,568 --> 00:10:03,937 He did say that Riley would like to get out and get in the hills 181 00:10:04,037 --> 00:10:05,872 and explore. 182 00:10:05,972 --> 00:10:07,507 My initial thought was that maybe 183 00:10:07,607 --> 00:10:09,242 they were broke down somewhere. 184 00:10:09,342 --> 00:10:11,611 Didn't have cell service. 185 00:10:11,711 --> 00:10:14,514 - We thought that maybe they were offroading 186 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:16,883 and had gone off the road. 187 00:10:16,983 --> 00:10:18,585 It is the middle of winter. 188 00:10:18,685 --> 00:10:20,587 Roads are icy. 189 00:10:20,687 --> 00:10:22,622 - It's a vast desert out there. 190 00:10:22,722 --> 00:10:25,058 There was not a lot of cell phone service. 191 00:10:25,158 --> 00:10:26,793 There's lots of dead zones. 192 00:10:26,893 --> 00:10:29,529 There's obviously an urgency there to locate the vehicle, 193 00:10:29,629 --> 00:10:32,098 locate them, provide rescue. 194 00:10:32,198 --> 00:10:35,101 If they crashed and were trapped in the vehicle, that time 195 00:10:35,201 --> 00:10:39,072 of year in December out there, way below freezing, 196 00:10:39,172 --> 00:10:41,374 there's definitely a concern for their survival. 197 00:10:45,378 --> 00:10:47,313 - We heard a rumor about one kid 198 00:10:47,414 --> 00:10:50,050 wanted to kill Riley and throw him in a mineshaft. 199 00:10:50,150 --> 00:10:52,719 - There's over 800 mineshafts in Juab County. 200 00:10:55,188 --> 00:10:58,158 - We brought in a team of cadaver dogs. 201 00:10:58,258 --> 00:11:01,628 [dogs barking] 202 00:11:09,869 --> 00:11:12,405 There had been a search going on for Riley and Breezy 203 00:11:12,505 --> 00:11:13,573 for a few days. 204 00:11:13,673 --> 00:11:14,908 And they had searched the desert. 205 00:11:15,075 --> 00:11:18,678 I mean, multiagency search coordination. 206 00:11:18,778 --> 00:11:20,980 - The large part of the search effort 207 00:11:21,081 --> 00:11:23,850 was just looking for the Jeep. 208 00:11:23,950 --> 00:11:26,319 It's definitely plausible that if he was doing 209 00:11:26,419 --> 00:11:30,757 any sort of extreme driving in the Jeep and he crashed, 210 00:11:30,857 --> 00:11:34,160 it would be an out of sight of some main roads. 211 00:11:34,260 --> 00:11:36,663 - We couldn't geolocate them. 212 00:11:36,763 --> 00:11:38,431 Investigators found they used mostly 213 00:11:38,531 --> 00:11:40,200 Facebook, Instant Messenger. 214 00:11:40,300 --> 00:11:43,703 I mean, there were hundreds and thousands of pages of messages. 215 00:11:43,803 --> 00:11:46,106 And then nothing. 216 00:11:46,206 --> 00:11:47,107 Their phones stopped. 217 00:11:51,811 --> 00:11:54,381 - We were out searching for those kids 218 00:11:54,481 --> 00:11:55,782 every single weekend. 219 00:11:59,753 --> 00:12:01,755 Bill, the first week they were missing, 220 00:12:01,855 --> 00:12:05,925 was sunup to sundown searching. 221 00:12:06,059 --> 00:12:07,594 - We got the information 222 00:12:07,694 --> 00:12:10,430 out there to the public the best we could. 223 00:12:10,530 --> 00:12:12,766 We had put posters up all around town, 224 00:12:12,866 --> 00:12:18,605 you know, wanting to find the kids and everything. 225 00:12:18,705 --> 00:12:20,573 - Initially, the communication 226 00:12:20,674 --> 00:12:23,810 for the community was through a Facebook post. 227 00:12:23,910 --> 00:12:26,279 But then, because of the coverage, 228 00:12:26,379 --> 00:12:29,916 the media was able to pick it up. 229 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:33,887 There were easily over 100 people in Eureka 230 00:12:33,987 --> 00:12:34,921 helping search. 231 00:12:37,624 --> 00:12:39,826 - Everybody was searching. 232 00:12:39,926 --> 00:12:41,561 We had planes out. 233 00:12:41,661 --> 00:12:46,099 Flying cowboys came out and helped us and the Jeep party. 234 00:12:46,199 --> 00:12:47,567 Townspeople were searching. 235 00:12:47,667 --> 00:12:49,936 And everybody was saying, where could they be? 236 00:12:53,173 --> 00:12:55,141 - It is the middle of the winter 237 00:12:55,241 --> 00:12:59,012 and it gets below zero out there, 238 00:12:59,112 --> 00:13:02,115 that a huge concern for us was their safety 239 00:13:02,215 --> 00:13:06,419 and them freezing to death. 240 00:13:06,519 --> 00:13:12,459 Every day when we came home with nothing, it was devastating. 241 00:13:12,559 --> 00:13:14,060 We're not giving up by any means. 242 00:13:14,127 --> 00:13:15,795 - You can't find the Jeep. 243 00:13:15,895 --> 00:13:17,163 You can't find them. 244 00:13:17,263 --> 00:13:18,598 It's like, what the heck happened to them? 245 00:13:18,698 --> 00:13:19,966 You just don't fall off the face of the Earth. 246 00:13:22,369 --> 00:13:23,837 - The 9th of January, 247 00:13:23,937 --> 00:13:25,472 we were given the case. 248 00:13:25,572 --> 00:13:27,474 And by then, I would have thought that they would have 249 00:13:27,574 --> 00:13:30,877 found either the Jeep or them. 250 00:13:30,977 --> 00:13:34,280 It had kind of turned into us feeling like something maybe 251 00:13:34,381 --> 00:13:37,951 was going on, that maybe there's a little more than they 252 00:13:38,084 --> 00:13:40,620 were just missing or just stuck or you 253 00:13:40,720 --> 00:13:42,188 had some sort of an accident. 254 00:13:46,292 --> 00:13:48,361 NARRATOR: Desperate for any leads, Breezy 255 00:13:48,461 --> 00:13:51,164 and Riley's families pool their resources to offer 256 00:13:51,264 --> 00:13:55,101 a reward for information. 257 00:13:55,135 --> 00:13:58,004 - The reward initially started at $2,000 258 00:13:58,104 --> 00:14:00,674 and went to $5,000. 259 00:14:00,774 --> 00:14:02,242 - None of us are rich. 260 00:14:02,342 --> 00:14:05,311 And so we really couldn't put up a lot of money, 261 00:14:05,412 --> 00:14:09,049 but we did the best we could. 262 00:14:09,149 --> 00:14:11,151 - Now, you get all kinds of rumors 263 00:14:11,251 --> 00:14:12,819 obviously, floating around that you've 264 00:14:12,919 --> 00:14:16,056 got to try and chase down. 265 00:14:16,156 --> 00:14:19,092 - In the town of Eureka, people like to talk. 266 00:14:19,192 --> 00:14:22,062 If there's not a story to tell, they'll make a story to tell. 267 00:14:25,965 --> 00:14:30,503 - The police pitches reached a standstill. 268 00:14:30,603 --> 00:14:32,906 They were following up every single rumor 269 00:14:33,073 --> 00:14:35,909 no matter how outlandish it was. 270 00:14:36,076 --> 00:14:37,444 - We received rumors 271 00:14:37,544 --> 00:14:40,180 that they were in Arizona because they had stolen 272 00:14:40,280 --> 00:14:42,882 money from somebody in town. 273 00:14:42,982 --> 00:14:46,619 Breezy was pregnant and they needed to get out of town. 274 00:14:46,720 --> 00:14:51,758 People speculated that Breezy and Riley ran off to elope. 275 00:14:51,858 --> 00:14:53,693 It's like spaghetti, people were just throwing 276 00:14:53,793 --> 00:14:55,095 stuff to see what stuck. 277 00:14:58,198 --> 00:15:00,367 - So at this point, we're working 12, 278 00:15:00,467 --> 00:15:01,701 14 hours a day. 279 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:03,603 And then we're going home at night 280 00:15:03,703 --> 00:15:05,038 and we're texting each other. 281 00:15:05,071 --> 00:15:05,805 What about this? 282 00:15:05,905 --> 00:15:06,740 What about this? 283 00:15:09,175 --> 00:15:12,145 And then we get the call that they had found the Jeep. 284 00:15:12,245 --> 00:15:14,547 They're flying over Cherry Creek in Juab County 285 00:15:14,647 --> 00:15:17,384 and they looked down and find the Jeep parked 286 00:15:17,484 --> 00:15:18,818 up in some juniper trees. 287 00:15:21,955 --> 00:15:25,291 That's 150 yards off a main road. 288 00:15:25,392 --> 00:15:28,161 You couldn't see it from the road. 289 00:15:28,261 --> 00:15:30,730 - The van matches the registration. 290 00:15:30,830 --> 00:15:32,232 That's how we know this is the Jeep. 291 00:15:32,332 --> 00:15:33,500 This is Riley's Jeep. 292 00:15:37,704 --> 00:15:41,841 We didn't notice any significant damage to the vehicle. 293 00:15:41,941 --> 00:15:44,310 The Jeep looks more like it got two flat tires 294 00:15:44,411 --> 00:15:46,846 and was stranded there or maybe they broke down. 295 00:15:46,946 --> 00:15:49,749 And they had to leave it there. 296 00:15:49,849 --> 00:15:52,118 - All their warm clothes are in the Jeep. 297 00:15:52,218 --> 00:15:55,088 All their identifications in the Jeep. 298 00:15:55,188 --> 00:15:57,657 - If the Jeep broke down or got stuck there 299 00:15:57,757 --> 00:16:00,193 and they walked to Eureka, then that's 300 00:16:00,293 --> 00:16:01,628 something they would have probably 301 00:16:01,728 --> 00:16:03,697 put on in the cold weather. 302 00:16:03,797 --> 00:16:05,532 - We found out that the Jeep 303 00:16:05,632 --> 00:16:08,635 started and ran and drove. 304 00:16:08,735 --> 00:16:13,673 They could have easily gotten to a road and flagged down help. 305 00:16:13,773 --> 00:16:18,712 The Jeep had two flat tires, but still drivable. 306 00:16:18,812 --> 00:16:22,849 So it started sending red flags that maybe we weren't dealing 307 00:16:22,949 --> 00:16:24,651 with some kids that were just-- 308 00:16:24,751 --> 00:16:25,552 got lost. 309 00:16:28,355 --> 00:16:30,457 - And then the Jeep had a tie down 310 00:16:30,557 --> 00:16:33,059 strap on the driver's side rear axle, 311 00:16:33,159 --> 00:16:35,395 like somebody tied it down to a trailer. 312 00:16:35,495 --> 00:16:39,165 We start theorizing about why does it have a tie down. 313 00:16:39,265 --> 00:16:42,902 Did someone drive it out there and drop it off? 314 00:16:43,069 --> 00:16:46,406 The passenger side tires were deflated. 315 00:16:46,506 --> 00:16:49,909 It's odd to get two flat tires at the same time. 316 00:16:50,076 --> 00:16:51,544 When we're processing the Jeep, we 317 00:16:51,644 --> 00:16:53,079 discovered the tires were punctured 318 00:16:53,179 --> 00:16:55,815 with probably a tool of some type, possibly 319 00:16:55,915 --> 00:16:59,853 a screwdriver or a knife. 320 00:17:00,020 --> 00:17:02,389 We do have foul play going on. 321 00:17:14,834 --> 00:17:16,302 NARRATOR: It's been 16 days 322 00:17:16,403 --> 00:17:19,739 since anyone has seen or heard from teenagers Breezy 323 00:17:19,839 --> 00:17:22,409 Otteson and Riley Powell. 324 00:17:22,509 --> 00:17:24,778 The discovery of their Jeep in the remote mountains 325 00:17:24,878 --> 00:17:29,049 of Juab County has detectives and family fearing foul play. 326 00:17:31,551 --> 00:17:33,553 - The day we found the Jeep, we 327 00:17:33,653 --> 00:17:36,656 have at least a starting point. 328 00:17:36,756 --> 00:17:39,059 - We had this Jeep, but nothing else. 329 00:17:39,159 --> 00:17:40,894 No footprints. 330 00:17:41,061 --> 00:17:42,228 No tire prints. 331 00:17:42,328 --> 00:17:45,231 Nothing to indicate where the kids had gone. 332 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:49,636 - I remember their search efforts 333 00:17:49,736 --> 00:17:56,743 on foot, on ATV, the aircrafts. 334 00:17:56,843 --> 00:18:01,448 That area was just scoured looking for Riley and Breezy. 335 00:18:01,548 --> 00:18:05,485 - That was my new job, searching. 336 00:18:05,585 --> 00:18:07,287 And I took it very seriously. 337 00:18:09,489 --> 00:18:10,824 - When you start 338 00:18:10,924 --> 00:18:13,760 to realize there's foul play involved, 339 00:18:13,860 --> 00:18:15,261 we definitely ramped up our efforts, 340 00:18:15,362 --> 00:18:18,264 pulled in more resources, reached out 341 00:18:18,365 --> 00:18:20,700 to different law enforcement agencies, 342 00:18:20,800 --> 00:18:22,369 started interviewing a lot of people. 343 00:18:25,105 --> 00:18:29,042 Was it just a social interaction gone bad? 344 00:18:29,142 --> 00:18:34,114 Was it some sort of a party out there that they were at? 345 00:18:34,214 --> 00:18:35,949 Why Breezy and Riley? 346 00:18:36,049 --> 00:18:37,317 What happened to them? 347 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:47,460 We were kicking over every rock. 348 00:18:47,560 --> 00:18:50,230 We were running down every tip that came in. 349 00:18:50,330 --> 00:18:51,898 We would still follow up on it in hopes 350 00:18:52,065 --> 00:18:54,167 that it would lead us to locating Riley and Breezy. 351 00:18:59,472 --> 00:19:00,840 - We heard a rumor 352 00:19:01,007 --> 00:19:02,909 about one kid who wanted to kill Riley 353 00:19:03,009 --> 00:19:05,578 and throw him in a mineshaft. 354 00:19:05,679 --> 00:19:07,480 With that, that didn't pan out to anything, 355 00:19:07,580 --> 00:19:12,318 but then that gave us the idea to start searching mines. 356 00:19:12,419 --> 00:19:14,521 We're not finding them on the surface, 357 00:19:14,621 --> 00:19:18,391 so they've got to be underground. 358 00:19:18,491 --> 00:19:19,859 NARRATOR: For over a century, 359 00:19:20,026 --> 00:19:23,163 the region has been scarred by silver mining. 360 00:19:23,263 --> 00:19:27,334 The landscape is now riddled with derelict mines. 361 00:19:27,434 --> 00:19:29,269 - Yeah, make sure you're 362 00:19:29,369 --> 00:19:32,939 stable around that rock. 363 00:19:33,039 --> 00:19:35,375 - There was so much community involvement 364 00:19:35,475 --> 00:19:37,243 in helping search for the kids. 365 00:19:39,746 --> 00:19:43,116 We had made contact with individuals that did spelunking 366 00:19:43,216 --> 00:19:46,419 as a recreational activity-- 367 00:19:46,519 --> 00:19:48,788 going down mineshafts, going into different, 368 00:19:48,888 --> 00:19:50,924 you know, caving. 369 00:19:51,057 --> 00:19:53,560 They offered their services to help 370 00:19:53,660 --> 00:19:57,864 search for Breezy and Riley. 371 00:19:57,964 --> 00:20:02,535 We used the USGS map to plot the different mineshafts 372 00:20:02,635 --> 00:20:05,705 to visit throughout our search. 373 00:20:05,805 --> 00:20:10,543 There's over 800 mineshafts in Juab County. 374 00:20:10,643 --> 00:20:12,946 NARRATOR: As spelunkers continue to probe mines 375 00:20:13,046 --> 00:20:16,783 across the county, a phone tip from a concerned local woman 376 00:20:16,883 --> 00:20:19,085 catches investigators' attention. 377 00:20:22,122 --> 00:20:24,491 - Someone had reported seeing the Jeep being 378 00:20:24,591 --> 00:20:27,794 towed New Year's day on a highway 379 00:20:27,894 --> 00:20:30,663 in between Eureka and Vernon. 380 00:20:30,764 --> 00:20:35,168 It's called SR-36, which runs right near a turnoff that leads 381 00:20:35,268 --> 00:20:38,405 out to Cherry Creek Reservoir. 382 00:20:38,505 --> 00:20:40,140 The reporting party described the vehicle 383 00:20:40,240 --> 00:20:43,743 as a greenish blue Chev truck, extended cab, 384 00:20:43,843 --> 00:20:47,781 and it was pulling a blue Jeep, is what she said. 385 00:20:47,881 --> 00:20:49,582 She had possibly known the individual 386 00:20:49,683 --> 00:20:51,084 that was towing the Jeep-- 387 00:20:51,184 --> 00:20:53,787 Lee Sheppard. 388 00:20:53,887 --> 00:20:56,956 Lee Sheppard was dating Misty Powell, which 389 00:20:57,057 --> 00:20:59,192 was Riley's biological mom. 390 00:20:59,292 --> 00:21:02,662 And they were living together in a trailer. 391 00:21:02,762 --> 00:21:04,330 - Riley's mother lives 392 00:21:04,431 --> 00:21:07,500 in between Eureka and Tooele. 393 00:21:07,600 --> 00:21:09,202 - We found out that Riley 394 00:21:09,302 --> 00:21:14,207 and Breezy would go there often to see Misty and Lee. 395 00:21:14,307 --> 00:21:16,810 Seemed very suspicious that we were able to tie that truck 396 00:21:16,910 --> 00:21:19,212 sighting after Lee Sheppard. 397 00:21:19,312 --> 00:21:23,149 I mean, it was definitely our best lead at the time. 398 00:21:23,249 --> 00:21:25,485 - Riley's mother hadn't really reached 399 00:21:25,585 --> 00:21:28,321 out to us asking questions. 400 00:21:28,421 --> 00:21:32,625 It didn't seem like she was necessarily concerned. 401 00:21:32,726 --> 00:21:34,394 And so that's a red flag. 402 00:21:34,494 --> 00:21:36,463 You're not asking questions. 403 00:21:36,563 --> 00:21:40,133 Maybe you know what happened. 404 00:21:40,233 --> 00:21:43,336 NARRATOR: Lee has a long history of past arrests. 405 00:21:43,436 --> 00:21:45,805 Investigators are cautious about approaching 406 00:21:45,905 --> 00:21:48,308 the isolated trailer. 407 00:21:48,408 --> 00:21:50,010 - We felt that the danger 408 00:21:50,110 --> 00:21:51,911 was definitely possible. 409 00:21:52,012 --> 00:21:54,014 We had two missing kids. 410 00:21:54,114 --> 00:21:55,715 We didn't know who we were dealing with 411 00:21:55,815 --> 00:21:59,019 and what the capabilities might be. 412 00:21:59,119 --> 00:22:02,389 So it was definitely a concern for safety 413 00:22:02,489 --> 00:22:06,059 to enter that property. 414 00:22:06,159 --> 00:22:07,827 We entered the property, obviously 415 00:22:07,927 --> 00:22:09,662 have other officers kind of watching 416 00:22:09,763 --> 00:22:12,432 for safety around the property. 417 00:22:12,532 --> 00:22:14,067 - I look in the back 418 00:22:14,134 --> 00:22:16,369 of her boyfriend's truck. 419 00:22:16,469 --> 00:22:18,238 There's tie down straps that look 420 00:22:18,338 --> 00:22:20,707 identical to the one we find on the Jeep in the back 421 00:22:20,807 --> 00:22:23,610 of this person's truck. 422 00:22:23,710 --> 00:22:25,578 - And we ended up making contact 423 00:22:25,679 --> 00:22:27,580 with Lee in the trailer. 424 00:22:27,681 --> 00:22:31,885 And he wasn't going to come out to talk to us. 425 00:22:31,985 --> 00:22:33,586 - He's not cooperating. 426 00:22:33,687 --> 00:22:35,088 We've got the tie down strap. 427 00:22:35,155 --> 00:22:37,090 We've got this witness that possibly 428 00:22:37,190 --> 00:22:38,291 sees him towing the Jeep. 429 00:22:38,391 --> 00:22:39,526 And now, he doesn't want anything 430 00:22:39,626 --> 00:22:41,394 to do with law enforcement. 431 00:22:41,494 --> 00:22:44,597 Doesn't want to help find his girlfriend's son. 432 00:22:44,698 --> 00:22:47,467 - It's definitely set off red flags. 433 00:22:47,567 --> 00:22:50,203 - It tells me that we're on the right track. 434 00:22:53,506 --> 00:22:55,475 - We got an 18-year-old boy 435 00:22:55,575 --> 00:22:58,111 and a 17-year-old girl. 436 00:22:58,178 --> 00:23:00,747 What would the mafia want anything to do with these two 437 00:23:00,847 --> 00:23:02,716 in Eureka, Utah. 438 00:23:02,816 --> 00:23:04,317 - She finally said, 439 00:23:04,417 --> 00:23:05,785 I have seen him kill two people. 440 00:23:17,564 --> 00:23:19,599 NARRATOR: In the search for Breezy and Riley, 441 00:23:19,699 --> 00:23:22,602 a tip has brought investigators to the door of Riley's 442 00:23:22,702 --> 00:23:26,373 biological mother, Misty Powell, but her boyfriend 443 00:23:26,473 --> 00:23:29,275 Lee Sheppard isn't cooperating. 444 00:23:29,376 --> 00:23:31,211 - We asked Lee to come with us, 445 00:23:31,311 --> 00:23:34,614 and he refused, adamantly refused that he wasn't 446 00:23:34,714 --> 00:23:36,149 going to come to the Sheriff's Office 447 00:23:36,249 --> 00:23:38,518 and answer some questions. 448 00:23:38,618 --> 00:23:41,454 Misty finally agreed to come with us. 449 00:23:41,554 --> 00:23:44,190 So we took her to Juab County Sheriff's Office 450 00:23:44,290 --> 00:23:46,493 and conducted an interview. 451 00:23:49,863 --> 00:23:51,698 During the interview, we did find out 452 00:23:51,798 --> 00:23:54,334 that Riley and Breezy had stopped by the house 453 00:23:54,434 --> 00:23:55,802 before New Year's Eve. 454 00:23:55,902 --> 00:23:58,738 And Lee and Misty were with them. 455 00:23:58,838 --> 00:24:00,840 They all traveled into Tooele. 456 00:24:00,940 --> 00:24:04,911 And there had been an argument of some sort 457 00:24:05,045 --> 00:24:07,313 that Riley had gotten in with Lee. 458 00:24:07,414 --> 00:24:09,349 So we were thinking maybe there was 459 00:24:09,449 --> 00:24:12,585 a possibility that an argument had gotten out of control. 460 00:24:12,686 --> 00:24:15,522 And that's why Lee wasn't coming in to talk to us. 461 00:24:23,329 --> 00:24:26,900 We brought in a team of cadaver dogs to do a search for Misty 462 00:24:27,067 --> 00:24:29,269 and Lee's property. 463 00:24:29,369 --> 00:24:31,571 We spent half a day out there. 464 00:24:31,671 --> 00:24:33,206 We didn't get any hits on anything. 465 00:24:41,081 --> 00:24:43,383 - Lee finally began to cooperate with us 466 00:24:43,483 --> 00:24:45,719 and came in for an interview. 467 00:24:45,819 --> 00:24:47,253 We learned it's not Riley's Jeep that 468 00:24:47,354 --> 00:24:49,289 was being towed on the trailer. 469 00:24:49,389 --> 00:24:52,125 It was a relative's vehicle that had broken down. 470 00:24:52,225 --> 00:24:54,260 - We ended up finding that vehicle. 471 00:24:54,361 --> 00:24:57,931 It was a Nissan pickup truck with the shell. 472 00:24:58,098 --> 00:25:00,533 Could be mistaken for a Jeep. 473 00:25:00,633 --> 00:25:03,470 Obviously, there was a lot of suspicious things that happened 474 00:25:03,570 --> 00:25:06,639 and coincidental things that happened with Lee. 475 00:25:06,740 --> 00:25:11,478 But it didn't put anything to put them at the scene 476 00:25:11,578 --> 00:25:13,046 to corroborate that. 477 00:25:13,079 --> 00:25:15,415 It was just dead end after dead end after dead end. 478 00:25:15,515 --> 00:25:17,384 - We were able to essentially 479 00:25:17,484 --> 00:25:21,654 rule them out of any foul play that was involved. 480 00:25:24,157 --> 00:25:28,762 - We requested Riley's bank records. 481 00:25:28,862 --> 00:25:33,600 And the last transaction we saw was at a 7-11 on December 29, 482 00:25:33,700 --> 00:25:34,968 where he purchased gas. 483 00:25:35,068 --> 00:25:36,403 Nothing unusual. 484 00:25:36,503 --> 00:25:38,738 - I looked at Breezy's bank statements, 485 00:25:38,838 --> 00:25:40,907 but there was no activity. 486 00:25:41,074 --> 00:25:42,442 - We got warrants 487 00:25:42,542 --> 00:25:44,344 for their Facebook records. 488 00:25:44,444 --> 00:25:48,481 And the last Facebook message was from a girl, Morgan Lewis. 489 00:25:48,581 --> 00:25:50,350 - According to the message, 490 00:25:50,450 --> 00:25:52,318 they were on their way to go meet Morgan 491 00:25:52,419 --> 00:25:53,920 on the night of December 29. 492 00:25:57,557 --> 00:25:59,759 NARRATOR: Morgan Lewis lives with her boyfriend, 493 00:25:59,859 --> 00:26:01,828 Jerrod Baum, in nearby Mammoth. 494 00:26:05,031 --> 00:26:06,433 - We initially asked 495 00:26:06,533 --> 00:26:08,802 Morgan, what are you hearing? 496 00:26:08,902 --> 00:26:10,704 Morgan said she didn't know who Riley 497 00:26:10,804 --> 00:26:14,207 was and didn't know Breezy. 498 00:26:14,307 --> 00:26:18,678 And then we confront her with Facebook information. 499 00:26:18,778 --> 00:26:21,214 You're the last person they've talked to. 500 00:26:21,314 --> 00:26:22,649 What's going on? 501 00:26:22,749 --> 00:26:25,652 But body language was very big with Morgan. 502 00:26:25,752 --> 00:26:28,788 I could see her getting nervous. 503 00:26:28,888 --> 00:26:31,191 She had a bracelet, she just kept playing with and playing 504 00:26:31,291 --> 00:26:33,059 with and playing with it. 505 00:26:33,093 --> 00:26:35,962 And then it turns out, Riley and I have known 506 00:26:36,062 --> 00:26:37,330 each other for a little while. 507 00:26:40,800 --> 00:26:45,305 She claims it was the first time she'd ever met Breezy. 508 00:26:45,405 --> 00:26:47,307 Every time Morgan would say something, 509 00:26:47,407 --> 00:26:48,842 I noticed she would look at Jerrod. 510 00:26:48,942 --> 00:26:52,679 Maybe look for his approval of what she had said. 511 00:26:52,779 --> 00:26:55,515 And then we talked to Jerrod. 512 00:26:55,615 --> 00:27:00,920 And he also then admits that he had met Riley one time. 513 00:27:01,021 --> 00:27:05,025 That was the time that Morgan had introduced him. 514 00:27:05,091 --> 00:27:07,594 Then he starts telling us about, you know, well, I heard 515 00:27:07,694 --> 00:27:09,195 some cartel members did it. 516 00:27:09,295 --> 00:27:12,932 And they're probably in a landfill somewhere. 517 00:27:13,033 --> 00:27:17,037 I'm thinking, OK, we got an 18-year-old boy 518 00:27:17,103 --> 00:27:19,105 and a 17-year-old girl. 519 00:27:19,205 --> 00:27:21,708 What would the mafia and the cartel 520 00:27:21,808 --> 00:27:25,045 want anything to do with these two in Eureka, Utah? 521 00:27:25,145 --> 00:27:26,546 - This interaction 522 00:27:26,646 --> 00:27:27,914 we just had with Morgan Henderson 523 00:27:28,048 --> 00:27:29,783 and Jerrod Baum is highly suspicious. 524 00:27:29,883 --> 00:27:33,219 We know from Facebook, Riley's plan was to go meet Morgan, 525 00:27:33,319 --> 00:27:35,555 and Morgan just admitted that they came there. 526 00:27:35,655 --> 00:27:36,690 So what happened to them? 527 00:27:36,790 --> 00:27:38,725 - They were not telling the truth 528 00:27:38,825 --> 00:27:41,361 about knowing Riley and Breezy. 529 00:27:41,461 --> 00:27:43,296 It was very suspicious. 530 00:27:43,396 --> 00:27:47,434 But we didn't have any hard evidence. 531 00:27:47,534 --> 00:27:52,305 And so we kept following up on leads, phone calls, anything 532 00:27:52,405 --> 00:27:54,074 we could to try and get information. 533 00:27:54,174 --> 00:27:55,442 - We're putting 534 00:27:55,542 --> 00:27:56,743 a ton of time and effort. 535 00:27:56,843 --> 00:27:58,812 It's our life. 536 00:27:58,912 --> 00:28:00,613 Late nights, weekends. 537 00:28:05,185 --> 00:28:08,021 NARRATOR: Then nearly three months later, 538 00:28:08,088 --> 00:28:10,457 a chance traffic stop in a nearby county 539 00:28:10,557 --> 00:28:12,392 presents an opportunity. 540 00:28:12,492 --> 00:28:13,793 - I get a call. 541 00:28:13,893 --> 00:28:18,131 Part-time deputy on duty ends up stopping Morgan. 542 00:28:18,231 --> 00:28:21,768 He sees some large weapons in the car-- 543 00:28:21,868 --> 00:28:24,637 a firearm, large, like, machete-type weapons. 544 00:28:24,738 --> 00:28:26,039 And he arrests her. 545 00:28:26,106 --> 00:28:28,408 - But when the officers ran her name, 546 00:28:28,508 --> 00:28:32,145 they had discovered that Juab County marked her as a stop 547 00:28:32,245 --> 00:28:35,115 and hold so that we can talk to her. 548 00:28:35,215 --> 00:28:37,584 She was a person of interest, and there 549 00:28:37,684 --> 00:28:39,819 was some question about whether or not she could 550 00:28:39,919 --> 00:28:43,056 legally possess those weapons. 551 00:28:43,123 --> 00:28:45,291 - We all met at the Sheriff's Office 552 00:28:45,392 --> 00:28:48,094 that night and proceed to interview 553 00:28:48,194 --> 00:28:49,963 Morgan throughout the night. 554 00:28:50,063 --> 00:28:51,931 At the beginning, I mean, she was the same. 555 00:28:52,065 --> 00:28:52,832 I don't know anything. 556 00:28:52,932 --> 00:28:55,168 I don't know anything. 557 00:28:55,268 --> 00:28:57,971 - I got the impression 558 00:28:58,071 --> 00:29:00,774 that she was a victim of domestic violence 559 00:29:00,874 --> 00:29:03,643 because she stated that Jerrod would not 560 00:29:03,743 --> 00:29:06,479 allow her to have any friends. 561 00:29:06,579 --> 00:29:09,115 And he controlled everything in Morgan's life-- 562 00:29:09,215 --> 00:29:15,121 her car, her money, what she did with her time. 563 00:29:15,221 --> 00:29:17,557 - The strategy is to keep her talking. 564 00:29:17,657 --> 00:29:19,292 We just kept at it. 565 00:29:19,392 --> 00:29:20,160 Come on. 566 00:29:20,260 --> 00:29:23,329 You got to tell us more. 567 00:29:23,430 --> 00:29:25,532 How involved are you? 568 00:29:25,632 --> 00:29:30,537 If Jerrod's the one that did this, you need to tell us. 569 00:29:30,637 --> 00:29:33,707 And eventually, she tells us that night, 570 00:29:33,807 --> 00:29:35,141 Jerrod killed Breezy and Riley. 571 00:29:50,423 --> 00:29:53,059 When Morgan finally tells us that Jerrod told her 572 00:29:53,159 --> 00:29:57,931 he killed Riley and Breezy, we were just re-energized back 573 00:29:58,064 --> 00:30:00,600 into the case. 574 00:30:00,700 --> 00:30:03,169 Now, our hopes are high that we're going to solve it. 575 00:30:06,573 --> 00:30:09,542 NARRATOR: Morgan is held for further questioning. 576 00:30:09,642 --> 00:30:12,178 While investigators attempt to locate Jerrod 577 00:30:12,278 --> 00:30:17,017 for another interview, they're surprised to find him in jail 578 00:30:17,117 --> 00:30:18,918 on an unrelated offense. 579 00:30:19,019 --> 00:30:20,553 - I asked him flat out, 580 00:30:20,653 --> 00:30:22,522 did you have anything to do with it, Jerrod? 581 00:30:22,622 --> 00:30:24,924 Did you have anything to do with these guys going missing? 582 00:30:25,025 --> 00:30:26,159 And he's like, no, I didn't. 583 00:30:29,496 --> 00:30:32,532 But one of the huge things that threw red flags up for me 584 00:30:32,632 --> 00:30:35,301 was that he began to talk about Riley 585 00:30:35,402 --> 00:30:38,471 having a possible sexual relationship with Morgan 586 00:30:38,571 --> 00:30:40,140 in the past. 587 00:30:40,240 --> 00:30:43,643 I just remember thinking, wow, you know a lot about Riley 588 00:30:43,743 --> 00:30:44,644 for not knowing Riley. 589 00:30:47,714 --> 00:30:51,551 At that point, we keep interviewing Morgan. 590 00:30:51,651 --> 00:30:53,486 - We knew we would have 591 00:30:53,586 --> 00:30:55,655 to prove the truthfulness of what 592 00:30:55,755 --> 00:31:00,627 she was saying because she was untruthful in the beginning. 593 00:31:00,727 --> 00:31:03,396 - So she tell us about their cell phones 594 00:31:03,496 --> 00:31:07,500 and how they're in this sludge barrel. 595 00:31:07,600 --> 00:31:09,836 And she agreed to take us out to that sludge barrel. 596 00:31:11,905 --> 00:31:13,273 - This barrel is 597 00:31:13,373 --> 00:31:16,443 located just to the East of Jerrod's residence, 598 00:31:16,543 --> 00:31:18,511 in walking distance. 599 00:31:18,611 --> 00:31:20,246 So she leads us there, and she says, this 600 00:31:20,347 --> 00:31:24,517 is where he's kept the phones. 601 00:31:24,617 --> 00:31:27,754 There's a metal burn barrel that has gathered, 602 00:31:27,854 --> 00:31:30,457 like, water into it and turned the contents of it 603 00:31:30,557 --> 00:31:33,927 into a sludge. 604 00:31:34,094 --> 00:31:38,998 We find links of rope, two sheaths to a knife, 605 00:31:39,099 --> 00:31:44,104 we find garbage bags, and we find a few broken cell phones. 606 00:31:50,944 --> 00:31:53,146 - We kept pressing her for information 607 00:31:53,246 --> 00:31:55,315 of, you know, where are they? 608 00:31:55,415 --> 00:31:56,383 What did you do? 609 00:31:56,483 --> 00:31:58,151 What happened? 610 00:31:58,251 --> 00:32:00,120 NARRATOR: Morgan isn't talking, 611 00:32:00,220 --> 00:32:02,355 and the team heads back to the station. 612 00:32:02,455 --> 00:32:05,825 [music playing] 613 00:32:10,730 --> 00:32:13,066 - We're driving down through this canyon. 614 00:32:13,133 --> 00:32:15,702 And that's where the Tintic Standard Mine is. 615 00:32:15,802 --> 00:32:20,206 And so as we're passing this right close to the mine, 616 00:32:20,306 --> 00:32:22,676 I noticed a change in Morgan. 617 00:32:22,776 --> 00:32:24,310 She's emotional. 618 00:32:24,411 --> 00:32:28,081 She's shaking, like physically, visibly shaking. 619 00:32:40,126 --> 00:32:41,828 - The Tintic Standard 620 00:32:41,928 --> 00:32:45,265 number 2 mine is about a half a mile away from Jerrod's house. 621 00:32:47,734 --> 00:32:52,939 We contacted Spanish Fork City's sewer department. 622 00:32:53,106 --> 00:32:59,012 They brought out a truck and put a camera attached to a cable 623 00:32:59,112 --> 00:33:01,514 and we put it down inside the mineshaft. 624 00:33:07,854 --> 00:33:10,523 I remember standing outside of the truck. 625 00:33:10,623 --> 00:33:14,527 And I heard one of my lieutenants shout, I found him. 626 00:33:14,627 --> 00:33:15,428 I found him. 627 00:33:20,700 --> 00:33:23,370 - And sure enough, you can see a body 628 00:33:23,470 --> 00:33:24,904 laying there plain as day. 629 00:33:29,642 --> 00:33:34,080 The body we saw was a male, shorter haircut. 630 00:33:34,147 --> 00:33:38,551 The camera operator moves around to a dark corner of the mine, 631 00:33:38,651 --> 00:33:40,220 and they see another body. 632 00:33:43,189 --> 00:33:46,159 Our next call was to the Unified Fire 633 00:33:46,259 --> 00:33:47,961 Authority, a heavy rescue team. 634 00:33:51,097 --> 00:33:54,834 They specifically train for these dynamic rescue 635 00:33:54,934 --> 00:34:00,306 operations, rappelling and climbing in places 636 00:34:00,407 --> 00:34:02,342 where it's not really easy to get to. 637 00:34:06,646 --> 00:34:11,151 And so the first person, he had to rappel down. 638 00:34:11,251 --> 00:34:17,290 You could hear small pebbles and stuff kind of going down. 639 00:34:17,390 --> 00:34:18,858 The second person, they just dropped 640 00:34:18,958 --> 00:34:20,260 him straight down the hole. 641 00:34:20,360 --> 00:34:23,129 So he didn't have to touch the sides at all. 642 00:34:23,229 --> 00:34:25,632 Because believe it or not, down there 643 00:34:25,732 --> 00:34:29,869 in the bottom of the mineshaft, that is a crime scene. 644 00:34:29,969 --> 00:34:32,639 They didn't want to contaminate the scene. 645 00:34:36,276 --> 00:34:38,978 We were very anxious. 646 00:34:39,079 --> 00:34:42,282 We could hear the firemen saying, OK, 647 00:34:42,382 --> 00:34:47,687 I'm ready to load the body up. 648 00:34:47,787 --> 00:34:50,156 They lifted the wire basket to retrieve 649 00:34:50,256 --> 00:34:51,124 the bodies from the bottom. 650 00:34:54,194 --> 00:34:56,696 They were immediately taken from the van 651 00:34:56,796 --> 00:34:59,232 to the medical examiner's office. 652 00:35:02,469 --> 00:35:04,671 - They notified us that they had found 653 00:35:04,771 --> 00:35:08,041 two bodies in the mineshaft. 654 00:35:08,108 --> 00:35:09,676 (ON) KYLYSTA MAXFIELD: We had been 655 00:35:09,776 --> 00:35:12,846 through so much that it just couldn't-- couldn't be Bree. 656 00:35:12,946 --> 00:35:13,747 Couldn't. 657 00:35:18,718 --> 00:35:21,488 - We were heartbroken. 658 00:35:21,588 --> 00:35:25,158 As much as we knew in our hearts that they were in a mineshaft, 659 00:35:25,258 --> 00:35:31,698 it was the last thing that we wanted, to know it was true. 660 00:35:35,068 --> 00:35:37,270 NARRATOR: At autopsy, the bodies 661 00:35:37,370 --> 00:35:39,673 are officially identified as Breezy 662 00:35:39,773 --> 00:35:42,542 Otteson and Riley Powell. 663 00:35:42,642 --> 00:35:44,277 (ON) CHRISTINE SCOTT: The autopsy 664 00:35:44,377 --> 00:35:49,883 showed Riley had been stabbed 13 times in his chest in his leg, 665 00:35:49,983 --> 00:35:52,419 in the head, and through the neck, which 666 00:35:52,519 --> 00:35:55,588 caused instantaneous death. 667 00:35:55,689 --> 00:35:58,224 Breezy only had one wound to her neck. 668 00:35:58,324 --> 00:36:01,194 Her throat was slit from one side to the other. 669 00:36:06,032 --> 00:36:08,034 - Once we discovered the condition 670 00:36:08,068 --> 00:36:11,538 of the bodies, we knew that Morgan obviously 671 00:36:11,638 --> 00:36:12,939 hasn't told us the full story. 672 00:36:13,039 --> 00:36:14,874 And we had a lot of questions. 673 00:36:15,041 --> 00:36:17,110 - By this time Jerrod was in jail. 674 00:36:17,210 --> 00:36:19,946 But in this intimate partner violence relationship, 675 00:36:20,046 --> 00:36:23,616 he becomes a sort of all-powerful figure to her. 676 00:36:23,717 --> 00:36:25,719 She was scared for what was going to happen to her 677 00:36:25,819 --> 00:36:27,654 or what Jerrod was going to do to her. 678 00:36:27,754 --> 00:36:30,490 They took a picture of Riley's body in the mine, 679 00:36:30,590 --> 00:36:32,892 and they showed her that. 680 00:36:33,059 --> 00:36:35,729 And she said, it's time to tell everything. 681 00:36:35,829 --> 00:36:38,398 It doesn't matter what happens to me. 682 00:36:38,498 --> 00:36:40,767 He deserved for people to know what happened. 683 00:36:54,080 --> 00:36:56,516 NARRATOR: Still in custody, Morgan Lewis 684 00:36:56,616 --> 00:36:59,152 agrees to tell investigators what happened the night 685 00:36:59,252 --> 00:37:02,622 of Breezy and Riley's murders. 686 00:37:02,722 --> 00:37:07,660 It all starts with a Facebook message on December 29. 687 00:37:07,761 --> 00:37:11,131 - She told us that she used to date Riley, 688 00:37:11,231 --> 00:37:13,033 and Jerrod knew that. 689 00:37:13,133 --> 00:37:16,536 Morgan and Riley were still friends. 690 00:37:16,636 --> 00:37:19,339 Morgan reaches out to Riley, asks him if he 691 00:37:19,439 --> 00:37:22,042 wants to come over for a visit. 692 00:37:22,108 --> 00:37:26,046 Riley responds back and says, hey, I'll be there at midnight. 693 00:37:26,146 --> 00:37:30,717 Riley shows up with his girlfriend Breezy Otteson. 694 00:37:30,817 --> 00:37:34,220 They visit for about 45 minutes. 695 00:37:34,320 --> 00:37:37,457 - But Morgan is very scared about Jerrod 696 00:37:37,557 --> 00:37:40,193 finding out that they were there. 697 00:37:40,293 --> 00:37:41,561 - They come in. 698 00:37:41,661 --> 00:37:42,662 They share cigarettes. 699 00:37:42,762 --> 00:37:43,663 They talk. 700 00:37:43,763 --> 00:37:44,664 They leave. 701 00:37:44,764 --> 00:37:46,966 Morgan goes to shower. 702 00:37:47,067 --> 00:37:48,835 - Morgan leaves the bathroom, 703 00:37:48,935 --> 00:37:52,172 goes back into her bedroom, and that's when Jerrod 704 00:37:52,272 --> 00:37:55,075 barges in through the door. 705 00:37:55,141 --> 00:37:57,544 He said, I told you that no one was 706 00:37:57,644 --> 00:37:59,079 supposed to be at the house. 707 00:37:59,179 --> 00:38:00,480 Grabbed her phone and then looked 708 00:38:00,580 --> 00:38:03,216 through her text messages. 709 00:38:03,316 --> 00:38:04,718 - They go outside. 710 00:38:04,818 --> 00:38:09,089 And Riley and Breezy are bound, gagged 711 00:38:09,189 --> 00:38:11,925 in the back of Riley's Jeep. 712 00:38:12,025 --> 00:38:13,727 - They drive to the Tintic 713 00:38:13,827 --> 00:38:16,596 Standard number 2 mine. 714 00:38:16,696 --> 00:38:19,532 Jerrod is saying, hey, it's OK, we're just 715 00:38:19,632 --> 00:38:22,035 going to go have a little talk. 716 00:38:22,135 --> 00:38:23,937 They parked near the mine. 717 00:38:24,037 --> 00:38:26,706 Morgan and Jerrod both get out of the Jeep, 718 00:38:26,806 --> 00:38:29,209 and they start walking. 719 00:38:29,309 --> 00:38:33,179 When they get to the opening of the mine, 720 00:38:33,279 --> 00:38:36,783 the atmosphere turns scary. 721 00:38:36,883 --> 00:38:38,952 And Jerrod's demeanor changes. 722 00:38:40,653 --> 00:38:42,122 (ON) CHRISTINE SCOTT: Jerrod started 723 00:38:42,222 --> 00:38:47,093 stabbing Riley, stabbing him everywhere in the head, 724 00:38:47,193 --> 00:38:49,129 in the chest. 725 00:38:49,229 --> 00:38:50,563 Calling him names. 726 00:38:50,663 --> 00:38:54,100 It was just very brutal. 727 00:38:54,200 --> 00:38:55,969 At this point, Breezy is hysterical. 728 00:38:56,069 --> 00:38:58,071 And she's just saying, I promise I won't tell. 729 00:38:58,138 --> 00:38:59,706 I promise I won't tell. 730 00:38:59,806 --> 00:39:01,574 And he comes up behind her, and he says, hush, darling. 731 00:39:01,675 --> 00:39:03,877 And then he takes the knife and slit her throat. 732 00:39:07,213 --> 00:39:10,550 - Jerrod carries Breezy over to the mineshaft 733 00:39:10,650 --> 00:39:13,720 and drops her in. 734 00:39:13,820 --> 00:39:16,923 From there, he goes over to Riley 735 00:39:17,023 --> 00:39:22,128 and picks him up and throws him into the mineshaft. 736 00:39:22,228 --> 00:39:27,334 Morgan is hysterical at this point Morgan says, 737 00:39:27,434 --> 00:39:29,636 once they get back to the Jeep and start driving home, 738 00:39:29,736 --> 00:39:35,108 Jerrod begins laughing, almost euphoric. 739 00:39:35,208 --> 00:39:38,311 When they get back to the house, they have 740 00:39:38,411 --> 00:39:40,580 to dispose of Riley's Jeep. 741 00:39:40,680 --> 00:39:44,050 He instructs Morgan to get in the driver's seat. 742 00:39:44,084 --> 00:39:46,820 Now, Morgan breaks down again. 743 00:39:46,920 --> 00:39:52,459 And so Jerrod takes a garrote, which is a wire with two 744 00:39:52,559 --> 00:39:54,427 handles on each side. 745 00:39:54,527 --> 00:39:57,664 He puts the garrote around Morgan's neck and says, 746 00:39:57,764 --> 00:40:01,267 you better stop crying about Riley. 747 00:40:01,368 --> 00:40:02,702 So she stops. 748 00:40:02,802 --> 00:40:05,805 Jerrod gets in his truck, and they both drive 749 00:40:05,905 --> 00:40:08,508 out to the Cherry Creek area. 750 00:40:08,608 --> 00:40:11,344 On the way to the Cherry Creek area, 751 00:40:11,444 --> 00:40:13,546 the roads are not maintained. 752 00:40:13,646 --> 00:40:15,782 It was snowing. 753 00:40:15,882 --> 00:40:19,652 NARRATOR: Jerrod's truck gets stuck in the snow. 754 00:40:19,753 --> 00:40:22,489 They use tie down straps to pull out the vehicle. 755 00:40:22,589 --> 00:40:24,357 And then they continue to Cherry Creek 756 00:40:24,457 --> 00:40:27,060 where they ditch Riley's Jeep. 757 00:40:27,160 --> 00:40:28,661 - That's when Jerrod 758 00:40:28,762 --> 00:40:30,363 pops the tires to make it look like they 759 00:40:30,463 --> 00:40:33,066 got flats and got stranded. 760 00:40:33,166 --> 00:40:37,237 They return home, and they take a shower with bleach. 761 00:40:37,337 --> 00:40:40,073 And they end up burning some clothes. 762 00:40:40,173 --> 00:40:42,542 - Jerrod starts breaking apart their phone. 763 00:40:42,642 --> 00:40:45,045 And then they go walking to the rock quarry 764 00:40:45,145 --> 00:40:48,248 and there's a 55-gallon drum there, 765 00:40:48,348 --> 00:40:52,585 drops it inside of this barrel. 766 00:40:52,686 --> 00:40:54,354 NARRATOR: But what motivated 767 00:40:54,454 --> 00:40:57,724 Jerrod Baum to kill Riley Powell and Breezy Otteson? 768 00:41:00,727 --> 00:41:02,495 - It was a jealous rage. 769 00:41:02,595 --> 00:41:05,165 Morgan had told us she was not supposed to have male friends. 770 00:41:07,767 --> 00:41:11,071 Jerrod knew that Riley was over there. 771 00:41:11,171 --> 00:41:13,440 - Jerrod did not like Riley 772 00:41:13,540 --> 00:41:17,077 because Riley dated Morgan. 773 00:41:17,110 --> 00:41:20,113 Jerrod was a jealous man. 774 00:41:20,213 --> 00:41:24,184 NARRATOR: While still in jail on a previous offense, 775 00:41:24,284 --> 00:41:26,586 Jerrod Baum is charged with the kidnapping 776 00:41:26,686 --> 00:41:30,123 and murder of Riley and Breezy. 777 00:41:30,223 --> 00:41:31,891 - Morgan was facing 778 00:41:31,991 --> 00:41:37,731 30 second-degree felonies for obstruction of justice, 779 00:41:37,831 --> 00:41:40,400 concealing evidence, lying to the police. 780 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:42,635 You were warning somebody about the police. 781 00:41:42,736 --> 00:41:44,437 She was facing 30 years in prison. 782 00:41:48,341 --> 00:41:50,810 In exchange for both cooperating with the police 783 00:41:50,910 --> 00:41:54,214 and testifying against Jerrod, Morgan sentence was 784 00:41:54,314 --> 00:41:55,348 reduced to three years in jail. 785 00:41:58,618 --> 00:42:03,490 NARRATOR: The COVID pandemic delays the proceeding. 786 00:42:03,590 --> 00:42:05,825 It will take four years for Jerrod Baum 787 00:42:05,925 --> 00:42:08,061 to stand trial for the murders of Breezy 788 00:42:08,094 --> 00:42:09,729 Otteson and Riley Powell. 789 00:42:12,232 --> 00:42:13,833 - We were at every court 790 00:42:13,933 --> 00:42:17,804 hearing, every court date. 791 00:42:17,904 --> 00:42:20,407 We never missed a single thing. 792 00:42:20,507 --> 00:42:24,077 NARRATOR: On April 15, 2022, 793 00:42:24,177 --> 00:42:25,745 the jury returns their verdict. 794 00:42:25,845 --> 00:42:27,113 (ON) CHRISTINE SCOTT: Jerrod Baum 795 00:42:27,213 --> 00:42:28,515 was found guilty on all counts. 796 00:42:34,587 --> 00:42:36,089 - Evil doesn't win. 797 00:42:36,122 --> 00:42:38,158 Love wins. 798 00:42:38,258 --> 00:42:41,861 Both Breezy and Riley are loved by more people 799 00:42:41,961 --> 00:42:42,962 than they'll ever know. 800 00:42:46,099 --> 00:42:51,271 - I remember Breezy as my fun, 801 00:42:51,371 --> 00:42:56,142 strong, brave, carefree sister. 802 00:42:56,242 --> 00:42:58,812 She never stepped down from anything or anyone 803 00:42:58,912 --> 00:43:01,047 for that matter. 804 00:43:01,147 --> 00:43:02,816 - I still have Riley home. 805 00:43:02,916 --> 00:43:06,119 He's in my living room. 806 00:43:06,219 --> 00:43:10,357 I actually talk to him every day, so. 807 00:43:10,457 --> 00:43:12,158 He don't answer though. 808 00:43:12,258 --> 00:43:13,059 I'm waiting. 809 00:43:13,159 --> 00:43:16,529 [music playing]