1 00:00:03,040 --> 00:00:07,920 [tense music] 2 00:00:11,800 --> 00:00:15,000 [music continues] 3 00:00:21,320 --> 00:00:23,320 [gunfire] 4 00:00:24,040 --> 00:00:25,240 [man shouting in distance] 5 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:40,680 [reloading gun] 6 00:00:41,520 --> 00:00:43,120 [gunfire] 7 00:01:06,760 --> 00:01:07,920 [explosion] 8 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:20,600 [tense musical buildup] 9 00:01:35,600 --> 00:01:39,000 [Ali] Baghdad, October 2016. 10 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:43,840 The Iraqi capital hums with a vibrancy and energy 11 00:01:43,920 --> 00:01:47,360 unseen since the American invasion in 2003. 12 00:01:48,480 --> 00:01:53,480 But 400 kilometers north, a great storm is brewing. 13 00:01:55,200 --> 00:01:57,440 My name is Ali Maula. 14 00:01:58,280 --> 00:01:59,720 As a journalist 15 00:01:59,800 --> 00:02:03,160 I have interviewed dozens of Isis defectors 16 00:02:03,240 --> 00:02:06,360 in an attempt to understand their ideology, 17 00:02:06,440 --> 00:02:08,400 their objectives, 18 00:02:08,480 --> 00:02:09,920 their motivations. 19 00:02:10,840 --> 00:02:15,440 I came away from these meetings with more questions than answers. 20 00:02:17,480 --> 00:02:21,960 I have finally secured an interview with a high value detainee 21 00:02:22,040 --> 00:02:24,080 who might be an important piece of this puzzle. 22 00:02:25,040 --> 00:02:28,120 His name is Nasser, an ISIS recruiter. 23 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:32,080 But in order to reach the location where he is being held, 24 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:34,680 my journey will take me up the Tigris River 25 00:02:34,760 --> 00:02:37,120 into the heart of ISIS controlled Mosul. 26 00:02:39,400 --> 00:02:44,640 A grand coalition is forming to reclaim Mosul from the so-called Islamic State. 27 00:02:45,800 --> 00:02:48,960 All of Iraq's diverse ethnic groups are united, 28 00:02:50,280 --> 00:02:54,920 at least for now, to bring an end to the savage rule of Daesh. 29 00:02:56,720 --> 00:02:59,880 The term Daesh has become a popular description 30 00:02:59,960 --> 00:03:03,920 used by those who want to challenge the group's legitimacy and authority. 31 00:03:04,760 --> 00:03:07,520 Yet, even as these groups set aside their differences 32 00:03:07,600 --> 00:03:09,880 to focus on the common enemy, 33 00:03:09,960 --> 00:03:13,960 rumors of sectarian conflict are on the minds of everyone. 34 00:03:15,840 --> 00:03:17,920 That's why the external powers are here, 35 00:03:19,080 --> 00:03:21,840 to have a say in what rises from the ashes of Mosul. 36 00:03:24,680 --> 00:03:27,080 The only information that leads to Baghdad 37 00:03:27,160 --> 00:03:30,440 is the steady stream of snuff videos depicting torture, 38 00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:33,960 beheadings and medieval religious fatwas. 39 00:03:37,280 --> 00:03:41,600 Those lucky enough to escape, paint a bleak picture of life under Sharia rule: 40 00:03:43,040 --> 00:03:43,920 Long beards, 41 00:03:44,720 --> 00:03:46,480 strict dress codes, 42 00:03:46,560 --> 00:03:50,880 and some are execution for just about anything that smells like indulgence. 43 00:03:50,960 --> 00:03:52,960 -[crowd shouting] -[shot] 44 00:03:53,040 --> 00:03:54,720 Christians are burned alive, 45 00:03:55,960 --> 00:03:58,920 homosexuals are thrown from rooftops to their death. 46 00:04:00,520 --> 00:04:04,920 Even trade and commerce for the occupied areas is virtually non-existent. 47 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:09,960 From my sources in the Iraqi government 48 00:04:10,040 --> 00:04:11,800 I learned an uncomfortable truth 49 00:04:11,880 --> 00:04:14,720 about what had led to the surprising success of Daesh. 50 00:04:16,040 --> 00:04:17,760 The Iraqi army had given up. 51 00:04:19,200 --> 00:04:22,600 When they fled to Baghdad, they left behind American weapons, 52 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:25,680 including tanks and Humvees. 53 00:04:27,360 --> 00:04:29,800 Politics and sectarian differences 54 00:04:29,880 --> 00:04:33,320 had all undermined the civil defense against Daesh. 55 00:04:34,360 --> 00:04:37,440 Mosul was infested with Daesh spies and sympathizers. 56 00:04:39,080 --> 00:04:42,320 In the beginning some saw Daesh as liberators, 57 00:04:42,760 --> 00:04:44,960 defenders of the Sunni minority 58 00:04:45,040 --> 00:04:48,040 who would rebuff the Iranian influenced government in Baghdad. 59 00:04:50,160 --> 00:04:52,280 But not all Sunni tribes would agree. 60 00:04:54,840 --> 00:04:57,640 Meet Sheikh Saleh, my government minder, 61 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:01,360 or as he calls himself, The Crocodile. 62 00:05:02,520 --> 00:05:04,840 My ticket into the hot zone is a warrior poet, 63 00:05:04,920 --> 00:05:07,000 with a name ripped from a fantasy novel. 64 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:10,440 A Salute to peace, on behalf of Ali Al Sistani, 65 00:05:10,520 --> 00:05:13,880 The Glorious and Prestigious. 66 00:05:13,960 --> 00:05:16,000 Oh, Son of Generosity and Goodness, 67 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:18,280 if you desire to bind this nation together 68 00:05:18,360 --> 00:05:21,520 and fulfill the honor of Prophet Muhammad with the turns of our world, 69 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:25,520 we are called to return to you. Oh, beloved Mosul. 70 00:05:25,600 --> 00:05:29,640 We are fighting the disobedient with everything we have. 71 00:05:31,480 --> 00:05:33,640 I'll tell you a story. 72 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:36,880 They took two men to be executed near Alam. 73 00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:40,120 A Shiite and a Qaysi. 74 00:05:40,200 --> 00:05:42,160 The Shiite said he was only a student. 75 00:05:42,240 --> 00:05:44,560 The Qaysi said, "Execute me, and free him." 76 00:05:44,640 --> 00:05:46,480 They said, "No, you are a dog. 77 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:50,200 You are an apostate from God's religion, and he is a refuser!" 78 00:05:50,280 --> 00:05:53,680 So, they executed them both, and their blood mixed. 79 00:05:53,760 --> 00:05:56,480 They shouted out... 80 00:06:01,480 --> 00:06:04,760 Our brave brothers, can you help us? 81 00:06:04,840 --> 00:06:06,600 Where is your shame? 82 00:06:06,680 --> 00:06:09,520 Where is the father, and where is the lover? 83 00:06:09,600 --> 00:06:14,360 You fear for your lives 84 00:06:14,440 --> 00:06:17,920 under their weapons. 85 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:19,440 Shaikh Salih. 86 00:06:19,520 --> 00:06:21,240 -We've reached the base? -Yes. 87 00:06:21,320 --> 00:06:23,840 Salutations from Sheikh Saleh Obayd Al Qaysi, Abu Timsah 88 00:06:23,920 --> 00:06:26,760 Vanquisher of Daesh from the map, and onwards to Syria! 89 00:06:26,840 --> 00:06:29,320 [Ali] So, are we there yet, Crocodile? 90 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:32,880 We're close. About 45 minutes. 91 00:06:32,960 --> 00:06:36,360 To Shirqat or Mosul? 92 00:06:36,440 --> 00:06:40,360 We'll arrive in Shirqat. Then to Qayyarah base. 93 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:42,320 Beyond the front lines, we will head into Mosul. 94 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:53,280 [soft music] 95 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:08,920 [Ali] The sheep, they're black from what? 96 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:09,800 From the smoke. 97 00:07:09,880 --> 00:07:11,440 -The smoke? -Yes. 98 00:07:12,600 --> 00:07:14,560 [Ali] What color were they before? 99 00:07:14,640 --> 00:07:15,680 [boy] They were white. 100 00:07:15,760 --> 00:07:16,760 [Ali] White? All of them? 101 00:07:16,840 --> 00:07:18,920 [boy] Yes, all of them. Now they are all black. 102 00:07:20,880 --> 00:07:22,800 [Ali] Your hands, let me see them. 103 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:24,000 Black, from the smoke? 104 00:07:24,080 --> 00:07:25,400 [boy] Yeah, from the smoke. 105 00:07:26,360 --> 00:07:28,960 -Do you bathe every day? -Yeah. I'm going right now. 106 00:07:29,040 --> 00:07:31,480 -And then you come back? -Yeah. I come right back. 107 00:07:33,320 --> 00:07:36,280 Tell us about the smoke. What happened? 108 00:07:36,360 --> 00:07:38,400 It's from when the Daesh fighters came. 109 00:07:38,480 --> 00:07:43,400 They poured 38 barrels of sulphur into a well and added fuel. 110 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:49,480 Then they set it on fire, making all this smoke. 111 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:54,840 It's destroyed the crops, destroyed everything. 112 00:07:54,920 --> 00:07:59,200 People can't handle it. 113 00:08:13,400 --> 00:08:16,600 [intense music] 114 00:08:28,520 --> 00:08:29,960 [Ali] I'm taken to meet the fighter 115 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:33,960 who embodies this war of contrasting narratives and contradictions. 116 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:39,120 Um Hanadi, a female commander in an army of men, 117 00:08:39,640 --> 00:08:44,080 a Sunni serving in a Shia militia called Al-Hashd Al-Sha'abi. 118 00:08:44,160 --> 00:08:47,560 We were behind enemy lines, 119 00:08:50,360 --> 00:08:53,960 my husband, Abu Shaima and I. 120 00:08:54,520 --> 00:08:56,240 I used to arrive at 6 a.m., 121 00:08:56,880 --> 00:09:00,280 cook soup, then return 122 00:09:01,240 --> 00:09:05,240 to the men behind enemy lines 123 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:07,360 and bring bread and tea. 124 00:09:07,440 --> 00:09:10,160 Why? Because I like cooking? No. 125 00:09:10,240 --> 00:09:13,280 Because they are fighters. 126 00:09:13,960 --> 00:09:17,920 They are patriots. 127 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:21,080 And also, because they were deprived of their families. 128 00:09:21,160 --> 00:09:23,960 The enemy had their hometown of Shirqat surrounded. 129 00:09:29,880 --> 00:09:34,400 Since my husband died seven months ago, 130 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:37,640 I vowed never to cook again. It used to be a hobby. 131 00:09:37,720 --> 00:09:39,680 But today, I will make an exception for you. 132 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:45,360 I have an immediate family of daughters and grandchildren, 133 00:09:45,800 --> 00:09:48,400 but my second family is made up of my soldiers. 134 00:09:51,840 --> 00:09:55,240 I give whatever resources I can, food, water. 135 00:09:55,320 --> 00:09:58,680 I give her gifts once in a while because we haven't received salaries. 136 00:09:58,760 --> 00:10:00,040 But when we do, she will get hers. 137 00:10:03,960 --> 00:10:05,200 Rumors grew 138 00:10:06,040 --> 00:10:09,360 that Um Hanadi cooks the heads of Daesh. 139 00:10:10,120 --> 00:10:11,920 This, of course, is not true. 140 00:10:12,960 --> 00:10:16,400 It is true that I've suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists. 141 00:10:17,320 --> 00:10:19,680 They hurt me. 142 00:10:20,200 --> 00:10:22,840 And from time to time, I film their corpses 143 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:27,080 and drag them around to show victims' families 144 00:10:27,160 --> 00:10:29,400 that the terrorists were defeated. 145 00:10:29,480 --> 00:10:31,480 But to cook them, no. 146 00:10:32,640 --> 00:10:33,920 That's not true. Absolutely not. 147 00:10:34,440 --> 00:10:37,000 [Ali] I'm confronted by two different narratives. 148 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:43,280 In one, Um Hanadi is a matriarch, cooking chickens too for her soldiers. 149 00:10:44,840 --> 00:10:48,720 In the other, she is boiling the heads of Daesh fighters. 150 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:53,200 I certainly fear for my family. 151 00:10:53,280 --> 00:10:55,600 I'm on a wanted list 152 00:10:55,680 --> 00:10:58,920 of terrorists and regimes. 153 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:00,960 The evidence of this is that they killed my family. 154 00:11:01,040 --> 00:11:03,160 I have buried nine of them. 155 00:11:03,760 --> 00:11:05,600 All that is left are the women and children. 156 00:11:09,200 --> 00:11:13,160 As a fighter and commander 157 00:11:13,240 --> 00:11:16,880 in the PMF, I am the only woman. 158 00:11:19,560 --> 00:11:21,520 But there are other female fighters. 159 00:11:22,160 --> 00:11:23,400 A fighter is every mother 160 00:11:23,480 --> 00:11:27,240 who encourages her sons and sends them to the front lines. 161 00:11:27,880 --> 00:11:31,840 Every woman who celebrates the victory of our troops 162 00:11:31,920 --> 00:11:36,760 when they liberate an area, is a fighter. 163 00:11:39,120 --> 00:11:41,320 My true love that I lost, was my husband. 164 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:47,240 That honest true love can never be replaced. 165 00:11:48,080 --> 00:11:51,720 When I would hear the classic love stories of Qais and Layla, 166 00:11:51,800 --> 00:11:53,680 Abla and Antar, 167 00:11:54,280 --> 00:11:56,400 Romeo and Juliet, 168 00:11:57,480 --> 00:11:58,960 I did not believe them. 169 00:11:59,520 --> 00:12:02,720 But I started to believe when I fell in love with Abu Shaima. 170 00:12:02,800 --> 00:12:07,680 He died four kilometers behind enemy lines in a minefield. 171 00:12:08,680 --> 00:12:10,800 Even though I am one of Daesh's most wanted, 172 00:12:11,680 --> 00:12:13,360 I strapped my gun to my side, rifle in hand, 173 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:15,920 and walked the four kilometers alone 174 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:20,720 and brought him back. 175 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:24,800 I wasn't afraid. With God as my witness, 176 00:12:25,840 --> 00:12:29,880 a fighter pilot and Ahmed, a recruit, was next to his body. 177 00:12:29,960 --> 00:12:31,360 Everyone else had retreated. 178 00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:35,000 I took him from the minefield. 179 00:12:35,080 --> 00:12:38,400 Four of the men from advanced weaponry tried to join me, 180 00:12:38,480 --> 00:12:42,600 but implored me to wait for a mine expert. 181 00:12:43,320 --> 00:12:45,360 I told them, "I am the expert." 182 00:12:45,440 --> 00:12:47,880 If death joins me with my love, then I do not fear it. 183 00:12:47,960 --> 00:12:52,160 I walked across. 184 00:12:52,240 --> 00:12:56,000 I covered his body and dragged him about 50 meters 185 00:12:56,800 --> 00:12:59,240 away from the landmines. The men came and carried his body back. 186 00:13:00,360 --> 00:13:04,840 I have dedicated my life to our memories, my sons on the battlefield, 187 00:13:05,400 --> 00:13:08,000 and my family. 188 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:11,560 However, to love again or return to life as a housewife... 189 00:13:11,640 --> 00:13:14,760 That's impossible. 190 00:13:18,240 --> 00:13:19,720 My work 191 00:13:20,760 --> 00:13:23,680 is the best thing in my life, 192 00:13:24,280 --> 00:13:28,240 except for an only child 193 00:13:28,320 --> 00:13:30,200 that I can't be separated from. 194 00:13:30,840 --> 00:13:35,440 The love I had for Abu Shaima, which was without equal, 195 00:13:35,520 --> 00:13:37,200 is followed by my love for this child, 196 00:13:37,840 --> 00:13:40,000 Mohamed. I call him Sunbul. 197 00:13:41,200 --> 00:13:43,880 [man speaking in distance] 198 00:13:49,800 --> 00:13:51,080 [Um Hanadi] Our love is for Iraq. 199 00:13:52,680 --> 00:13:54,680 Without our sacrifice, there will be no liberation. 200 00:13:55,520 --> 00:13:58,320 Nothing happens without sacrifice. 201 00:13:59,440 --> 00:14:02,680 [Ali] Um Hanadi puts me face to face 202 00:14:02,760 --> 00:14:05,360 with the first Daesh fighters I've encountered. 203 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:09,600 These prisoners appear scared and uncertain. 204 00:14:10,440 --> 00:14:12,320 Not at all how I expected. 205 00:14:13,320 --> 00:14:15,080 Here, we have a Daeshi from Haweejah. 206 00:14:17,280 --> 00:14:21,400 He was one of their prominent fighters. 207 00:14:22,160 --> 00:14:23,600 He fought in the town of Theluia. 208 00:14:24,600 --> 00:14:30,240 His cousin, nicknamed Abu Hamra, the Emir of Hawija, 209 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:33,920 who put children and women in cages, 210 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:37,200 and burned them alive. 211 00:14:37,760 --> 00:14:40,400 Abu Hamra, the Emir of Hawija, 212 00:14:40,480 --> 00:14:42,680 the one who slaughtered and burned families in cages. 213 00:14:42,760 --> 00:14:44,880 What is his relation to you? 214 00:14:44,960 --> 00:14:46,600 My cousin. But I'm on my own. 215 00:14:46,680 --> 00:14:49,040 Just listen. I ask, then you answer. 216 00:14:49,120 --> 00:14:51,840 The son of Abu Hamra, 217 00:14:52,840 --> 00:14:55,480 may God not have mercy on him. The one who blew himself up, 218 00:14:55,560 --> 00:14:56,880 -what is his relation to you? -Huh? 219 00:14:57,400 --> 00:15:00,520 His son! Who blew himself up with a suicide vest! What is he to you!? 220 00:15:01,640 --> 00:15:04,080 I already told you, his father is my cousin. 221 00:15:04,160 --> 00:15:04,960 Ah, okay. 222 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:06,960 Until their time of judgement. 223 00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:12,160 Then, everyone will get what they deserve. 224 00:15:13,880 --> 00:15:16,440 [Ali] Everyone will get what they deserve. 225 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:19,280 She finds comfort in that. 226 00:15:19,960 --> 00:15:23,160 I think it begs the question, 227 00:15:24,480 --> 00:15:26,960 is this what the Iraqis deserve? 228 00:15:30,560 --> 00:15:33,200 [Um Hanadi] Daesh and their secret agents, unfortunately, 229 00:15:33,960 --> 00:15:37,920 Daesh and their fighters haven't greatly harmed us. 230 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:40,480 Daesh is our enemy, we know them. 231 00:15:41,120 --> 00:15:44,880 On the front lines, you know who's the enemy. 232 00:15:44,960 --> 00:15:46,640 You see them, face to face. 233 00:15:46,720 --> 00:15:50,200 However, the real enemy are the Daesh agents planted among us. 234 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:54,120 The ones who are within the government, the ministries, 235 00:15:54,200 --> 00:15:56,520 senior security positions and leaders of tribes, 236 00:15:56,600 --> 00:16:00,240 who abandoned their allegiance, 237 00:16:00,320 --> 00:16:02,520 and surrendered Salahedin and Mosul, 238 00:16:02,600 --> 00:16:05,960 and are promoted to sit on the seats of power. 239 00:16:07,200 --> 00:16:10,720 The Iraqi people never break. They're all cut from the same cloth. 240 00:16:10,800 --> 00:16:12,400 I can remember in my life 241 00:16:12,480 --> 00:16:14,680 never having known who is Yazidi, 242 00:16:14,760 --> 00:16:19,600 Sunni, Sabiqi, or Shiite. 243 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:24,360 I didn't know these things, even though I am Sunni, and my mother is Shiite. 244 00:16:24,440 --> 00:16:27,400 They tried to play the sectarian card on me. 245 00:16:28,440 --> 00:16:31,520 Sectarianism is more dangerous 246 00:16:31,600 --> 00:16:34,840 than chemical and nuclear weapons. 247 00:16:34,920 --> 00:16:38,120 [dramatic music build up] 248 00:16:38,200 --> 00:16:40,880 [Ali] Um Hanadi is a passionate contradiction, 249 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:44,760 who inspires admiration and uncertainty. 250 00:16:47,000 --> 00:16:49,760 I fear her narrative is of very little help 251 00:16:50,520 --> 00:16:52,920 as she has gone beyond the point of no return, 252 00:16:53,880 --> 00:16:57,880 the protagonist in an epic tragedy, all her own. 253 00:16:57,960 --> 00:16:59,680 [man on radio] Transmit 1-9, transmit. 254 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:02,960 Sir, while on patrol, 255 00:17:03,040 --> 00:17:07,440 we noticed there were Daesh fighters climbing by the stone quarry. 256 00:17:07,520 --> 00:17:09,320 Daesh fighters infiltrating near the river. 257 00:17:09,400 --> 00:17:15,040 There are three of them wearing black and camouflage gear. 258 00:17:15,120 --> 00:17:18,680 If it's possible, can you send a force? 259 00:17:20,800 --> 00:17:25,160 [Ali] One member of the alliance stands out for their fervor and exuberance, 260 00:17:26,440 --> 00:17:28,440 the Al-Hashd Al-Sha'abi, 261 00:17:28,520 --> 00:17:32,160 also known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. 262 00:17:33,080 --> 00:17:37,720 In some ways the PMF is the wild card in this conflict. 263 00:17:38,280 --> 00:17:40,880 On paper, they answer to the Iraqi government. 264 00:17:41,520 --> 00:17:44,760 In reality, Iran calls the shots, 265 00:17:44,840 --> 00:17:47,320 and provides their training and weapons. 266 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:51,440 Without them, Iraq would not have the manpower 267 00:17:51,520 --> 00:17:53,600 to take Mosul back from Daesh. 268 00:17:54,640 --> 00:17:59,040 I accept an invitation to meet with their spokesman, Ahmad Asadi, 269 00:17:59,600 --> 00:18:02,080 who is also a member of the Iraqi Parliament. 270 00:18:03,600 --> 00:18:05,800 In order to overcome 271 00:18:05,880 --> 00:18:09,560 the ethnic and sectarian differences 272 00:18:10,560 --> 00:18:15,800 that exist in the region 273 00:18:15,880 --> 00:18:20,560 and are exploited by some groups, 274 00:18:20,640 --> 00:18:24,160 We agreed that only Sunni tribal forces 275 00:18:24,240 --> 00:18:28,760 from Mosul itself would enter the city 276 00:18:28,840 --> 00:18:31,040 with the Iraqi Army or the Police. 277 00:18:31,120 --> 00:18:33,960 Neither the PMF nor the Peshmerga would be allowed to enter the city center. 278 00:18:34,520 --> 00:18:36,720 The participation of the PMF 279 00:18:36,800 --> 00:18:38,880 means the participation of Shiites, 280 00:18:38,960 --> 00:18:41,920 Sunnis, Kurds, Sabeans, Christians, and Yazidis. 281 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:46,240 It is a clear demonstration of national unity. 282 00:18:46,320 --> 00:18:49,600 We are a beacon of unity against 283 00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:52,320 the forces of division, 284 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:57,960 because we act with everyone's voice. 285 00:18:58,040 --> 00:19:03,360 Our mere presence is a resistance to division and vengeance. 286 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:07,920 One of the most important and difficult jobs that we have 287 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:09,760 is to preserve local peace and keep people away 288 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:11,160 from revenge and counter revenge, 289 00:19:11,480 --> 00:19:15,800 because vengeance will keep the tension 290 00:19:15,880 --> 00:19:18,520 in those areas unsolved. 291 00:19:18,600 --> 00:19:21,280 Anywhere our forces enter, they are feared by the enemy 292 00:19:21,360 --> 00:19:26,000 and those who plot against the future of Iraq. They fear our force, 293 00:19:26,080 --> 00:19:29,600 which has now become an official reality. 294 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:34,400 [Ali] Revenge. 295 00:19:35,280 --> 00:19:38,360 Such a reliable motivator for mankind. 296 00:19:39,400 --> 00:19:42,240 Yet it would seem that Um Hanadi and Asadi 297 00:19:42,320 --> 00:19:45,520 are not on the same page when it comes to this issue. 298 00:19:46,760 --> 00:19:47,960 Can I blame her though? 299 00:19:49,360 --> 00:19:53,200 What an unusual alliance has assembled in the face of Daesh. 300 00:19:56,440 --> 00:19:59,080 I'm impressed with al-Asadi's candor. 301 00:20:00,880 --> 00:20:04,480 He readily admits that in the Sunni majority region of Mosul, 302 00:20:05,560 --> 00:20:09,440 a Shiite militia is feared almost as much as Daesh. 303 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:18,160 So how can trust be established between such uneasy allies? 304 00:20:24,560 --> 00:20:27,640 [tense music] 305 00:20:41,880 --> 00:20:44,080 [Ali] Sheikh Saad Halismin, Captain Alaa. 306 00:20:46,720 --> 00:20:49,160 A family man and lawyer who joined the military 307 00:20:49,240 --> 00:20:51,080 to help take back his country. 308 00:20:54,520 --> 00:20:57,920 [tense music] 309 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:18,920 His team radiates confidence and professionalism, 310 00:21:20,240 --> 00:21:23,440 a fact that gives me some courage for the mission ahead. 311 00:21:27,400 --> 00:21:30,680 Come with me to distribute the teams. 312 00:21:31,640 --> 00:21:35,280 [Ali] For Captain Alaa, this turbulent period in Iraq's history 313 00:21:35,360 --> 00:21:38,080 is as much an opportunity for the country's growth 314 00:21:38,160 --> 00:21:41,960 and self-discovery, as it is a fight for its survival. 315 00:21:42,680 --> 00:21:47,000 There are countries where war had such an impact 316 00:21:47,080 --> 00:21:50,600 that it led to revolutionary thinking. 317 00:21:50,680 --> 00:21:54,560 They consider it a lesson. Then, there are others. 318 00:21:55,400 --> 00:21:58,400 Countries that fell backwards. 319 00:21:59,240 --> 00:22:00,840 Take Japan, after World War II, 320 00:22:00,920 --> 00:22:04,080 after the bombs 321 00:22:04,160 --> 00:22:07,880 that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 322 00:22:08,520 --> 00:22:12,400 They saw advancement and improvements 323 00:22:12,480 --> 00:22:15,760 in the culture, and revolutionary thinking. 324 00:22:20,440 --> 00:22:21,760 [engine starts] 325 00:22:28,560 --> 00:22:31,040 [Ali] I forget about my own fear, 326 00:22:31,120 --> 00:22:34,520 as I see the businesslike way these men prepare for battle 327 00:22:35,960 --> 00:22:38,280 like co-workers heading to the office. 328 00:22:43,960 --> 00:22:46,720 Our goal today 329 00:22:46,800 --> 00:22:51,320 is liberating an area of about 500 meters. 330 00:22:51,400 --> 00:22:54,600 This is a dangerous area, we will be facing the enemy. 331 00:22:54,680 --> 00:22:58,200 There's one main street, 332 00:22:58,280 --> 00:23:01,760 and the rest are very narrow alleys. 333 00:23:03,560 --> 00:23:07,000 According to our intel, there are suicide bombers, 334 00:23:07,720 --> 00:23:09,680 vehicles rigged with explosives, 335 00:23:10,640 --> 00:23:15,880 and a number of snipers from the Caucasus and Chechnya. 336 00:23:16,440 --> 00:23:18,640 The area is very dangerous. 337 00:23:18,720 --> 00:23:22,520 I will try to keep you behind our teams, 338 00:23:23,280 --> 00:23:24,520 so you can film from a distance. 339 00:23:24,600 --> 00:23:26,880 It's difficult to have you move with us in this area. 340 00:23:27,360 --> 00:23:30,600 We want to keep you safe and secure. 341 00:23:30,680 --> 00:23:34,120 We'll follow your instructions and try to film from behind. 342 00:23:34,200 --> 00:23:36,440 Honestly, with your passion, 343 00:23:36,520 --> 00:23:39,920 I'm a little worried you'll might run ahead of us. 344 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:41,680 [Ali] I wish I could. 345 00:23:42,320 --> 00:23:45,280 [dramatic music] 346 00:23:48,400 --> 00:23:49,440 Be careful of the sniper. 347 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:51,360 Yes, Hussain, yes. 348 00:23:51,440 --> 00:23:53,600 The intel is that the snipers are now inside the house. 349 00:23:53,680 --> 00:23:56,200 We are currently covering for you. Proceed. 350 00:23:56,280 --> 00:24:01,480 Clear, sir. Roger on the intel. I'm going to climb up from my position. I have room. 351 00:24:02,440 --> 00:24:03,480 [gunfire] 352 00:24:03,560 --> 00:24:06,480 [dramatic music] 353 00:24:06,560 --> 00:24:10,240 [Alaa] Careful, watch your heads. Careful. Cover for him, cover for him! 354 00:24:16,880 --> 00:24:19,360 [gunfire] 355 00:24:25,640 --> 00:24:28,640 [dramatic musical buildup] 356 00:24:35,800 --> 00:24:37,480 [Ali] House by house, 357 00:24:37,560 --> 00:24:39,920 each block must be cleared and secured. 358 00:24:40,000 --> 00:24:40,800 [gunfire] 359 00:24:52,120 --> 00:24:52,960 [gunfire] 360 00:25:00,280 --> 00:25:01,080 [gunfire] 361 00:25:07,720 --> 00:25:08,600 [gunfire] 362 00:25:08,680 --> 00:25:11,680 [tense music] 363 00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:19,400 [gunfire] 364 00:25:23,120 --> 00:25:27,680 [gunfire] 365 00:25:31,920 --> 00:25:35,360 [Ali] Every move forward, pushes a sniper back. 366 00:25:35,880 --> 00:25:36,760 [bullets whizzing] 367 00:25:43,800 --> 00:25:47,320 [gunfire] 368 00:25:53,160 --> 00:25:56,320 Your intel. Have you got him? Go. Proceed. 369 00:25:57,640 --> 00:25:58,880 This house. 370 00:26:01,440 --> 00:26:03,520 [rapid gunfire] 371 00:26:04,320 --> 00:26:06,760 We are going to jump to that house. Then we'll advance from there. 372 00:26:07,800 --> 00:26:09,440 Let's go. No, on me! 373 00:26:10,960 --> 00:26:12,200 Quietly. 374 00:26:15,640 --> 00:26:18,040 -On me. -Do you see any tunnels in there? 375 00:26:21,160 --> 00:26:25,280 [Ali] As we go closer, Captain Alaa identifies Daesh's presence 376 00:26:25,360 --> 00:26:29,400 by the intricate network of tunnels they have built through the neighborhood. 377 00:26:29,480 --> 00:26:30,800 [gunshots] 378 00:26:31,520 --> 00:26:32,680 They're shooting at us, now. 379 00:26:32,760 --> 00:26:35,840 [rapid gunfire in distance] 380 00:26:38,360 --> 00:26:40,880 [Ali] Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, 381 00:26:41,680 --> 00:26:47,680 the Iraqi army is adapting off-the-shelf technology to wage war from above. 382 00:26:47,760 --> 00:26:49,040 God bless you, Mohammed. 383 00:26:50,120 --> 00:26:55,720 [Ali] Consumer drones have been field- improvised to drop modified grenades. 384 00:26:55,800 --> 00:26:57,360 [drone whirring] 385 00:27:02,680 --> 00:27:05,240 [beeping] 386 00:27:10,120 --> 00:27:13,440 [tense music] 387 00:27:22,720 --> 00:27:25,560 [explosions] 388 00:27:33,360 --> 00:27:36,600 Just watch for his friends 389 00:27:37,080 --> 00:27:38,200 between those areas. 390 00:27:38,280 --> 00:27:40,480 Keep him suppressed. 391 00:27:41,440 --> 00:27:43,520 Men, you are going to close in on the snipers. 392 00:27:43,600 --> 00:27:44,720 Keep your movements fast. 393 00:27:44,800 --> 00:27:46,160 Expect explosive devices. Stay alert. 394 00:27:46,240 --> 00:27:47,120 Yes, sir. 395 00:27:47,200 --> 00:27:50,320 Focus. Be careful. 396 00:27:52,480 --> 00:27:53,280 [gunfire] 397 00:28:01,760 --> 00:28:05,840 [Ali] The team turns their focus to identifying explosives and booby traps. 398 00:28:06,920 --> 00:28:10,320 Be careful of explosives. 399 00:28:10,400 --> 00:28:12,200 Take cover. 400 00:28:12,280 --> 00:28:14,840 We can't climb to that house, he's secured it. 401 00:28:14,920 --> 00:28:16,440 If we climb up, he's going to see us. 402 00:28:16,520 --> 00:28:19,320 [Alaa] Okay. Here's what we are going to do: 403 00:28:19,400 --> 00:28:22,240 Duck down a little. From that wall there, we jump. 404 00:28:22,320 --> 00:28:24,520 -Just be careful of that house. -Let's see it. 405 00:28:24,600 --> 00:28:26,400 If there's a path, we'll secure it. 406 00:28:29,520 --> 00:28:30,440 Proceed. 407 00:28:30,520 --> 00:28:33,520 [dramatic music] 408 00:28:50,040 --> 00:28:52,280 [Ali] The shots fade into the distance 409 00:28:52,360 --> 00:28:55,560 as another team calls in artillery fire. 410 00:29:07,080 --> 00:29:08,600 [engine revving] 411 00:29:08,680 --> 00:29:10,880 [man shouting] Let's go. 412 00:29:11,720 --> 00:29:15,120 We've found a group of them. There they are, in the house. 413 00:29:16,200 --> 00:29:18,280 Find the opening in the building. Do you see it? 414 00:29:18,360 --> 00:29:21,280 Captain Mahmood, do you copy? That one. Yes, that one. 415 00:29:27,040 --> 00:29:29,960 [dramatic musical buildup] 416 00:29:30,040 --> 00:29:31,680 [explosion] 417 00:29:31,760 --> 00:29:33,760 [man shouting] Quickly! Correct, destroy it! 418 00:29:33,840 --> 00:29:35,560 Allahu Akbar! Repeat fire, repeat fire! 419 00:29:35,640 --> 00:29:37,480 [explosion] 420 00:29:37,560 --> 00:29:40,520 [man] Well done. The snipers have been killed. 421 00:29:42,240 --> 00:29:43,640 Start moving forward. 422 00:29:45,840 --> 00:29:47,160 [Alaa] Where does it take us? 423 00:29:47,920 --> 00:29:49,240 [soldier] They killed the sniper. 424 00:29:55,400 --> 00:29:56,720 Clear to advance. 425 00:29:56,800 --> 00:29:59,360 From here, we can cross. 426 00:30:00,320 --> 00:30:05,400 [Ali] Another day, another neighborhood freed from the clutches of Daesh. 427 00:30:05,480 --> 00:30:07,120 [Alaa] This talk of separation 428 00:30:07,200 --> 00:30:09,960 of the region and partitioning... 429 00:30:10,920 --> 00:30:13,840 These are the voices of politicians, 430 00:30:14,440 --> 00:30:18,360 not the people of Mosul or Anbar and Tikrit. 431 00:30:18,880 --> 00:30:23,160 The citizens of Ramadi and Mosul 432 00:30:23,240 --> 00:30:25,240 and nearby areas are tired. 433 00:30:25,320 --> 00:30:28,600 [indistinct chatter] 434 00:30:31,440 --> 00:30:34,440 [soft music] 435 00:30:36,400 --> 00:30:39,680 We saw him. We shot at him, but it wasn't us that killed him. 436 00:30:39,760 --> 00:30:42,360 I saw when you first shot at him. 437 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:44,400 His group was in the house, behind him. 438 00:30:44,480 --> 00:30:46,360 There were more? I only saw one up there. 439 00:30:48,320 --> 00:30:51,080 Great job, men. May God reward you. 440 00:30:52,320 --> 00:30:57,600 Our goal, above all else, is liberating the people before capturing the ground. 441 00:30:57,680 --> 00:31:00,280 The terrain is not important. It can be easily captured, 442 00:31:00,360 --> 00:31:02,080 but my goal is freeing the people. 443 00:31:02,160 --> 00:31:05,560 I could liberate the entire Old City in one day. 444 00:31:05,640 --> 00:31:10,160 Yet, how many civilian casualties would that be? 445 00:31:10,760 --> 00:31:11,680 Many. 446 00:31:12,160 --> 00:31:15,160 [soft music] 447 00:31:20,320 --> 00:31:21,600 [Ali] On the road back to base, 448 00:31:22,520 --> 00:31:26,000 I'm curious about what these children experienced. 449 00:31:27,000 --> 00:31:28,240 They were killing people. 450 00:31:28,640 --> 00:31:30,880 They took me to be executed, 451 00:31:31,880 --> 00:31:33,400 but my dad got me out. 452 00:31:34,080 --> 00:31:35,520 [Ali] Why did they want to kill you? 453 00:31:35,600 --> 00:31:38,880 I was singing pro-military songs 454 00:31:40,240 --> 00:31:42,040 and that's why they wanted me executed. 455 00:31:42,360 --> 00:31:45,080 -[Ali] Did you sing Daesh songs too? -Just military songs. 456 00:31:45,160 --> 00:31:46,040 [Ali] Which song? 457 00:31:46,120 --> 00:31:48,720 ♪ Someone hanged the army flag... ♪ 458 00:31:49,320 --> 00:31:53,080 There's one about a high-ranking officer 459 00:31:53,160 --> 00:31:55,640 whom Daesh snipers had been hunting: Ali Eid. 460 00:31:55,720 --> 00:31:57,200 [Ali] What was the song? 461 00:31:57,560 --> 00:32:00,320 The song that starts with "Oh, Protector". 462 00:32:01,240 --> 00:32:03,040 [Ali] Do you have school? 463 00:32:03,120 --> 00:32:05,240 -No, I don't. -Why? 464 00:32:05,320 --> 00:32:08,160 I haven't gone to school since the 4th grade. 465 00:32:12,080 --> 00:32:14,000 [boy] Daesh would play tricks on us. 466 00:32:14,520 --> 00:32:19,240 The one named Abu Sabah... the highest ranking one. 467 00:32:19,800 --> 00:32:20,880 [Ali] He's still there? 468 00:32:20,960 --> 00:32:25,120 Yeah. There was a house he had condemned, 469 00:32:25,200 --> 00:32:26,960 so he made us light it on fire. 470 00:32:27,560 --> 00:32:29,280 -[Ali] On the east side of the city? -Yes. 471 00:32:29,360 --> 00:32:30,840 [Ali] Did you live near there? 472 00:32:30,920 --> 00:32:34,440 Yeah. After a day or two, there wasn't much to eat. 473 00:32:35,160 --> 00:32:36,360 The people there are starving. 474 00:32:37,040 --> 00:32:38,120 [Ali] Are things better now? 475 00:32:38,640 --> 00:32:43,160 Things are getting better. I felt relieved after seeing the military arrive. 476 00:32:46,840 --> 00:32:49,600 [boy] Our families were starving. 477 00:32:49,680 --> 00:32:53,200 I swear if we could gnaw on bricks, 478 00:32:53,800 --> 00:32:54,960 we would find more food. 479 00:32:55,840 --> 00:32:57,960 I swear to God. 480 00:32:58,520 --> 00:33:01,600 There was no food there. Just weapons. 481 00:33:02,160 --> 00:33:03,560 [Ali] You still have family there? 482 00:33:03,640 --> 00:33:05,480 All my uncles are still there. 483 00:33:05,560 --> 00:33:06,840 [Ali] Do you talk to them? 484 00:33:06,920 --> 00:33:08,800 There isn't much to say. 485 00:33:08,880 --> 00:33:11,720 Everything is very expensive, and they can't afford anything. 486 00:33:11,800 --> 00:33:13,040 [Ali] Are people able to leave? 487 00:33:13,520 --> 00:33:17,640 [boy] They can, but they wouldn't dare leave their cars and homes behind. 488 00:33:17,720 --> 00:33:20,480 They would be taken by Daesh. 489 00:33:20,560 --> 00:33:21,800 They wouldn't. 490 00:33:24,720 --> 00:33:25,880 [Ali] What about the schools? 491 00:33:25,960 --> 00:33:27,840 What schools? I just told you there is nothing there! 492 00:33:27,920 --> 00:33:30,000 There are no school, no drinks, no food. 493 00:33:30,080 --> 00:33:34,440 The other day, for Friday prayer, there were only three people. 494 00:33:35,120 --> 00:33:38,600 -[Ali] In Hawija? -Yes. Three people only, in the mosque. 495 00:33:39,080 --> 00:33:40,440 And Sbu Sabah the criminal. 496 00:33:40,520 --> 00:33:43,360 Daesh scared them, telling them the army was coming 497 00:33:43,440 --> 00:33:45,240 and they'd abuse their loved ones and kill them. 498 00:33:45,320 --> 00:33:48,120 -All of this was said during the sermon. -[Ali] Do the people believe this? 499 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:50,400 [boy] Everyone knows they are liars. 500 00:33:56,800 --> 00:34:00,400 [tense musical buildup] 501 00:34:01,680 --> 00:34:05,280 [Ali] The violence takes a heavy emotional toll on the psyche, 502 00:34:05,360 --> 00:34:09,040 but perhaps there is some hope in the resilience of humanity. 503 00:34:10,160 --> 00:34:13,160 From a shell-shocked sniper named Khadoury, 504 00:34:13,240 --> 00:34:16,400 I learned about the healing power of service animals 505 00:34:16,480 --> 00:34:18,480 to heal the psychological wounds of war. 506 00:34:20,080 --> 00:34:22,960 [Khadoury] Under constant fire, I am always fighting. 507 00:34:24,000 --> 00:34:26,480 To distract myself, 508 00:34:26,560 --> 00:34:29,560 I surround myself by animals. 509 00:34:29,880 --> 00:34:32,480 I buy them from any nearby market I can find. 510 00:34:33,360 --> 00:34:38,120 I take the car, and buy sheep and songbirds. They preoccupy me. 511 00:34:38,200 --> 00:34:39,320 I bought a bulbul. 512 00:34:43,040 --> 00:34:46,480 My mental state was affected by the death of my colleague Sayed Jafar. 513 00:34:47,640 --> 00:34:49,680 We were on an operation. 514 00:34:52,000 --> 00:34:53,880 He was engaged 515 00:34:54,520 --> 00:34:56,360 and had to leave to attend his wedding. 516 00:34:58,600 --> 00:35:01,320 The day after, he was killed in Fallujah. 517 00:35:02,600 --> 00:35:07,000 These events affected me mentally. 518 00:35:08,800 --> 00:35:12,800 We thank God for motivation and it's what keeps us going. 519 00:35:12,880 --> 00:35:15,640 This is our fate. 520 00:35:16,440 --> 00:35:17,840 We didn't come here just to die. 521 00:35:17,920 --> 00:35:20,960 We came to be part of the first responders. 522 00:35:22,280 --> 00:35:24,520 We didn't come to pretend to fight. 523 00:35:24,600 --> 00:35:27,600 If death comes, then it is our time. 524 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:30,880 There has not come a day where I've cried, 525 00:35:30,960 --> 00:35:34,160 but I've lost too many close friends. I'm trying to forget. 526 00:35:34,240 --> 00:35:38,800 I try to live a soldier's life just like I would live as a civilian. 527 00:35:39,920 --> 00:35:45,640 That's enough for me. 528 00:35:51,600 --> 00:35:55,440 [soft music] 529 00:35:56,360 --> 00:35:59,080 [birds singing] 530 00:36:12,360 --> 00:36:16,200 [Ali] The battle to reclaim Mosul from Daesh is far from won. 531 00:36:16,280 --> 00:36:18,760 But for this recently liberated village, 532 00:36:19,280 --> 00:36:21,440 life is already returning to the streets. 533 00:36:21,520 --> 00:36:22,640 Peace be upon you. 534 00:36:24,080 --> 00:36:29,160 It seems it's not just stores, but the restaurants are open, too. 535 00:36:30,480 --> 00:36:32,360 Thank God, business is good. 536 00:36:32,440 --> 00:36:34,320 -Does anyone bother you now? -No, thank God. 537 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:36,000 Not from Daesh, nor people they know? 538 00:36:36,080 --> 00:36:39,760 No. The federal police have made life comfortable for us. 539 00:36:39,840 --> 00:36:41,440 We don't often see military here. 540 00:36:41,520 --> 00:36:44,000 We regularly get federal police and PMF customers. 541 00:36:44,080 --> 00:36:46,720 But we do have people here who, as an example, their son is a Daeshi. 542 00:36:46,800 --> 00:36:50,160 They remained here, just like any other citizen. 543 00:36:50,240 --> 00:36:52,440 Their son is responsible for his own actions, 544 00:36:52,520 --> 00:36:56,880 and nobody holds the father or the brother accountable. 545 00:36:56,960 --> 00:36:59,240 We have many examples of people here 546 00:36:59,320 --> 00:37:02,160 who are in a similar situation, where a brother is a Daeshi 547 00:37:02,240 --> 00:37:04,560 and he remains a regular citizen. 548 00:37:04,640 --> 00:37:06,560 [background chattering] 549 00:37:08,760 --> 00:37:09,880 [fire hissing] 550 00:37:15,160 --> 00:37:19,400 Thank you, it's okay, I'll pay. 551 00:37:21,080 --> 00:37:22,440 Thank you very much. 552 00:37:23,120 --> 00:37:26,880 [calm music] 553 00:37:28,680 --> 00:37:31,040 [indistinct chattering] 554 00:37:36,080 --> 00:37:38,480 The majority are Shiite, 555 00:37:38,560 --> 00:37:41,960 you have married a Shiite woman and you mother is... 556 00:37:43,560 --> 00:37:46,920 [Ali] After a hard-fought day, Captain Alaa's men 557 00:37:47,000 --> 00:37:50,320 demonstrate the camaraderie of a tight-knit military unit. 558 00:37:59,400 --> 00:38:03,000 [Ali] But even as they sit around the campfire as one family, 559 00:38:04,520 --> 00:38:07,320 the demons of war still shadow their thoughts. 560 00:38:09,240 --> 00:38:11,000 [man] The security forces found an older man crying, 561 00:38:11,080 --> 00:38:13,000 tears streaming down his face. 562 00:38:13,080 --> 00:38:17,000 The security forces asked him what had happened 563 00:38:17,080 --> 00:38:19,400 that caused him to weep so deeply. 564 00:38:19,480 --> 00:38:20,720 After some time, 565 00:38:20,800 --> 00:38:23,520 he told them that he decided to run from Daesh at night. 566 00:38:24,480 --> 00:38:27,080 He took his wife and two boys, 567 00:38:27,160 --> 00:38:30,360 ages two and four years old, 568 00:38:31,080 --> 00:38:33,400 and they ran outside into the street. 569 00:38:33,480 --> 00:38:36,680 A Daesh sniper spotted them 570 00:38:36,760 --> 00:38:39,200 and fired at the man's wife, 571 00:38:39,280 --> 00:38:42,240 killing her instantly. 572 00:38:44,120 --> 00:38:45,920 The man quickly carried his wife 573 00:38:46,000 --> 00:38:47,680 and kids back to their garden where he buried her, 574 00:38:47,760 --> 00:38:50,920 The kids were screaming and crying, clearly in no shape to escape that night. 575 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:53,400 He decided 576 00:38:53,480 --> 00:38:58,960 to give them sleeping pills. 577 00:38:59,520 --> 00:39:03,360 After they had fallen asleep, 578 00:39:05,440 --> 00:39:08,960 he put a child 579 00:39:09,040 --> 00:39:12,800 on each shoulder. 580 00:39:14,680 --> 00:39:17,240 Again, another sniper was able to spot him and fired, 581 00:39:19,040 --> 00:39:22,400 killing the child 582 00:39:22,480 --> 00:39:26,280 on his right shoulder. 583 00:39:26,360 --> 00:39:28,840 The man ran back to the garden 584 00:39:29,640 --> 00:39:32,800 and set his children down 585 00:39:32,880 --> 00:39:35,680 and he began to dig another grave, 586 00:39:36,360 --> 00:39:38,360 shaking and traumatized as the other remained asleep. 587 00:39:39,400 --> 00:39:42,360 After burying his child, he again tried to escape. 588 00:39:43,440 --> 00:39:45,440 The next morning, he reached the security forces. 589 00:39:46,640 --> 00:39:49,080 After they questioned him, 590 00:39:49,160 --> 00:39:53,280 they found he had buried his uninjured sleeping child 591 00:39:53,360 --> 00:39:56,440 next to his mother and escaped with his dead child. 592 00:39:58,720 --> 00:40:00,880 Very painful story. 593 00:40:00,960 --> 00:40:03,800 Just one of many stories. 594 00:40:04,760 --> 00:40:08,160 [ominous music] 595 00:40:18,000 --> 00:40:20,440 [Ali] Another day dawns on the road to Mosul. 596 00:40:21,600 --> 00:40:25,600 Reports from the frontlines are that progress is slow. 597 00:40:25,680 --> 00:40:28,520 There is no tolerance for civilian casualties, 598 00:40:28,600 --> 00:40:31,840 not when the fragile coalition hangs in the balance. 599 00:40:33,200 --> 00:40:36,600 The soldiers who have been in the trenches the longest against Daesh, 600 00:40:36,680 --> 00:40:38,360 have been the Kurdish Peshmerga, 601 00:40:39,280 --> 00:40:41,200 which means those who face death. 602 00:40:42,880 --> 00:40:45,440 The commander is Arif Tayfur, 603 00:40:45,520 --> 00:40:48,760 a former deputy speaker of the Iraqi parliament. 604 00:40:49,440 --> 00:40:51,880 Due to our shared struggles, 605 00:40:51,960 --> 00:40:53,840 the Shiites and us were in the same position. 606 00:40:54,600 --> 00:41:00,000 There were crimes against Kurdistan and the South, 607 00:41:00,080 --> 00:41:02,440 like the Anfal campaign 608 00:41:03,160 --> 00:41:05,320 and the chemical attacks. 609 00:41:05,400 --> 00:41:07,800 We are partners with our Shia brothers. 610 00:41:07,880 --> 00:41:10,560 At the same time, 611 00:41:11,160 --> 00:41:14,160 we have things in common with the Sunnis 612 00:41:14,760 --> 00:41:16,800 because we have geographical borderlines with them, 613 00:41:16,880 --> 00:41:18,560 They are Sunnis and we are also Sunnis. 614 00:41:19,960 --> 00:41:23,640 There are old relationships between us and the people of Mosul. 615 00:41:24,160 --> 00:41:27,840 There are trade relationships and inter-marriages with them. 616 00:41:28,320 --> 00:41:32,520 Our relationships with them are good, 617 00:41:32,600 --> 00:41:37,880 despite the fact that they harmed us a lot. 618 00:41:38,680 --> 00:41:41,040 We've suffered a lot from them. 619 00:41:41,120 --> 00:41:44,000 They hit us with chemical weapons, they organized 620 00:41:44,080 --> 00:41:46,680 Anfal Campaigns against us. This pushed us closer to the Shiites. 621 00:41:47,840 --> 00:41:53,000 Together we were able to defeat Daesh and liberate many areas. 622 00:41:53,960 --> 00:41:57,040 This unity, common understanding, 623 00:41:57,120 --> 00:42:00,560 and coordination led to those victories. 624 00:42:02,280 --> 00:42:04,280 [Ali] Despite his friendly presentation, 625 00:42:05,680 --> 00:42:08,760 I'm beginning to sense further cracks in the coalition. 626 00:42:11,000 --> 00:42:15,480 The Sheikh senses my skepticism and confronts it head on. 627 00:42:17,840 --> 00:42:20,480 They dream of more sectarianism. 628 00:42:20,560 --> 00:42:23,800 They dream of Iraq falling apart. 629 00:42:24,440 --> 00:42:26,440 The Kurds want their own country, 630 00:42:27,320 --> 00:42:29,360 but this is also a false hope. 631 00:42:30,480 --> 00:42:34,320 Turkey has Kurds. 632 00:42:34,920 --> 00:42:38,720 Syria has Kurds. Iran has Kurds. 633 00:42:39,400 --> 00:42:41,080 These groups took advantage of the Kurds in Iraq. 634 00:42:41,160 --> 00:42:42,720 The Turks want to take them from us. 635 00:42:43,360 --> 00:42:46,520 These Turks are greedy for Iraqi land. 636 00:42:47,560 --> 00:42:51,400 The Ottoman Horde wants to fulfill its goal and force this on Iraqis. 637 00:42:52,800 --> 00:42:57,320 This will not happen. 638 00:42:57,720 --> 00:43:01,520 Not for their president, Erdogan 639 00:43:02,160 --> 00:43:05,880 or anyone. 640 00:43:07,240 --> 00:43:11,680 They seek unrest in Mosul. 641 00:43:11,760 --> 00:43:13,720 They have convinced Mosul 642 00:43:13,800 --> 00:43:15,800 that it is Turkish land. 643 00:43:16,440 --> 00:43:19,240 This was true a long time ago. 644 00:43:19,720 --> 00:43:23,000 For it to happen again 645 00:43:23,080 --> 00:43:25,880 is a pipe dream. 646 00:43:27,160 --> 00:43:29,360 If they try to get so much as an inch from Iraq, 647 00:43:29,880 --> 00:43:31,920 the tribes would stand up to Erdogan. 648 00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:36,680 Those dishonorable cowards that sold Mosul to Daesh 649 00:43:36,760 --> 00:43:39,360 will learn their lesson by electrocution. 650 00:43:40,040 --> 00:43:43,720 We have seen nothing but good intentions from Iran. 651 00:43:44,520 --> 00:43:47,400 They wanted to help the militias, 652 00:43:47,480 --> 00:43:50,360 so they provided us weapons and assistance. 653 00:43:51,560 --> 00:43:54,280 What has Turkey 654 00:43:55,240 --> 00:43:58,640 done for us? 655 00:43:59,160 --> 00:44:01,760 They are like a horde, 656 00:44:03,440 --> 00:44:07,920 greedy for our land. My oil, and your oil. 657 00:44:08,640 --> 00:44:11,520 Even our water. 658 00:44:12,160 --> 00:44:15,600 What negative effect has Iran had on us? None. 659 00:44:15,680 --> 00:44:18,560 I'm paying the price. 660 00:44:18,640 --> 00:44:21,240 The Sunnis pay the price. The Shiites pay with blood. 661 00:44:22,280 --> 00:44:26,160 Meanwhile, most people just sit around and watch. 662 00:44:26,240 --> 00:44:30,880 The upscale residents of some areas say this and that 663 00:44:30,960 --> 00:44:33,320 about Iran. 664 00:44:33,400 --> 00:44:36,120 Get back to work and be quiet. 665 00:44:36,200 --> 00:44:38,480 But these are the people we elected. 666 00:44:38,560 --> 00:44:40,920 But now they sit in their fancy hotels 667 00:44:41,000 --> 00:44:43,200 with Turkish prayer beads sipping whiskey 668 00:44:43,280 --> 00:44:47,040 while our children are killed 669 00:44:47,120 --> 00:44:50,920 and slaughtered. 670 00:44:51,000 --> 00:44:55,600 in Hawija and Mosul. 671 00:44:55,920 --> 00:45:00,240 These are the values of the upper class. 672 00:45:00,320 --> 00:45:05,080 They are cowards, not patriots. 673 00:45:08,840 --> 00:45:10,840 [Ali] Like the other government talking heads, 674 00:45:10,920 --> 00:45:16,000 he assures me that the liberation of Mosul will bring forth a historic alliance 675 00:45:16,080 --> 00:45:18,720 of the perpetually feuding peoples of Iraq, 676 00:45:19,360 --> 00:45:21,760 all coming together to fight Daesh. 677 00:45:22,920 --> 00:45:25,280 It is clear what side the Sheikh is on. 678 00:45:26,440 --> 00:45:31,000 His true opinions seem to contradict the supposed unity of the coalition. 679 00:45:33,320 --> 00:45:36,080 The fall of Mosul to Daesh was a nightmare, 680 00:45:36,960 --> 00:45:39,360 a black dream descending upon Iraq. 681 00:45:41,440 --> 00:45:43,360 Their military victory was astonishing, 682 00:45:43,960 --> 00:45:47,720 but the political context was almost impossible to comprehend. 683 00:45:48,600 --> 00:45:50,960 Daesh promised the people of Mosul more jobs, 684 00:45:52,200 --> 00:45:57,040 better public services and their version of Islamic justice. 685 00:45:59,640 --> 00:46:01,080 At the Great Mosque of al-Nuri, 686 00:46:01,640 --> 00:46:04,320 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi ascended the minaret in triumph. 687 00:46:05,440 --> 00:46:09,240 He told his followers that the caliphate had arrived in Mosul. 688 00:46:20,280 --> 00:46:21,960 I arrive at a Christian town 689 00:46:23,560 --> 00:46:25,080 where fires are still burning. 690 00:46:26,560 --> 00:46:30,000 [ominous music] 691 00:46:47,920 --> 00:46:52,240 I also say to you: You are Peter, 692 00:46:52,640 --> 00:46:55,680 and on this rock I build my church, and the gates of hell 693 00:46:55,760 --> 00:46:58,000 shall not be strengthened against it. 694 00:46:58,080 --> 00:47:01,040 Forgive us our sins, 695 00:47:01,120 --> 00:47:05,320 as we also have forgiven those who have sinned against us. 696 00:47:05,400 --> 00:47:08,480 And leads us not into temptation, 697 00:47:08,560 --> 00:47:13,680 but deliver us from evil. 698 00:47:26,440 --> 00:47:29,080 [Bhoutros] You can see the destruction in front of you. 699 00:47:29,160 --> 00:47:32,520 We saw towns like Hamdania, Bartella and Karmless 700 00:47:33,320 --> 00:47:35,680 they are completely demolished. 701 00:47:37,360 --> 00:47:40,600 The Christian areas are the most afflicted. 702 00:47:41,760 --> 00:47:45,360 Daesh leaves nothing standing. 703 00:47:46,040 --> 00:47:50,760 No holy places, no place for prayer. They left nothing for us. 704 00:47:50,840 --> 00:47:52,400 Even the homes are burnt down. 705 00:47:52,800 --> 00:47:55,840 [Ali] Captain Bhoutros is a Christian militia officer 706 00:47:56,800 --> 00:48:01,000 who guides us through what's left of his once cherished place of worship. 707 00:48:02,720 --> 00:48:05,960 See, they've even destroyed the date. 708 00:48:06,040 --> 00:48:10,760 The church was built in 1907. 709 00:48:19,600 --> 00:48:21,080 They've even dug tunnels, like rats. 710 00:48:21,920 --> 00:48:24,840 What can I say? This hole is about 10 to 11 meters deep. 711 00:48:27,200 --> 00:48:29,160 [Ali] They used to sleep in this room? 712 00:48:29,240 --> 00:48:30,920 [Bhoutros] Yes, they slept in this room. 713 00:48:31,000 --> 00:48:35,400 No longer, thanks to our brave forces. 714 00:48:35,480 --> 00:48:39,000 [Ali] I presume these are their names? 715 00:48:39,680 --> 00:48:42,080 These are the names of the rats. 716 00:48:42,160 --> 00:48:43,400 So, we are sure they are all... 717 00:48:43,480 --> 00:48:45,160 Martyrs. 718 00:48:45,240 --> 00:48:46,400 [laughs] 719 00:48:46,480 --> 00:48:48,200 No. They were killed. Like dogs. 720 00:48:54,920 --> 00:48:59,920 This is their destructive nature. One can't imagine humans would do this. 721 00:49:00,360 --> 00:49:02,640 [Ali] Seeing their faith should have renewed my own, 722 00:49:03,320 --> 00:49:04,560 but it did the opposite. 723 00:49:05,840 --> 00:49:07,640 How is forgiveness so easy? 724 00:49:08,560 --> 00:49:11,680 It's hard to believe the attacks on these victims are not personal. 725 00:49:13,120 --> 00:49:15,160 And what of those who cannot return home? 726 00:49:16,040 --> 00:49:19,240 [tense music] 727 00:49:24,040 --> 00:49:25,320 [Ali] Along the river bank, 728 00:49:26,400 --> 00:49:27,760 a familiar sight. 729 00:49:30,560 --> 00:49:34,680 Crowds of refugees waving white flags, waiting to be rescued. 730 00:49:36,520 --> 00:49:39,360 Among them could be Daesh spies and saboteurs. 731 00:49:40,440 --> 00:49:41,480 Colonel Nedhal, 732 00:49:42,160 --> 00:49:43,560 head of refugee operations, 733 00:49:43,640 --> 00:49:46,640 explains the danger that hides in plain sight. 734 00:49:47,480 --> 00:49:49,680 The concern 735 00:49:49,760 --> 00:49:53,360 is that they are wearing suicide belts. 736 00:49:53,440 --> 00:49:55,160 They must take their clothes off completely, 737 00:49:55,240 --> 00:49:56,560 and then come one by one. 738 00:49:56,640 --> 00:49:59,680 Just like the army checkpoints, so that we can identify them. 739 00:49:59,760 --> 00:50:04,240 If someone not part of their group sneaks in, they'll be able to identify them. 740 00:50:05,320 --> 00:50:08,320 [tense music] 741 00:50:17,440 --> 00:50:20,600 You have just crossed into the west bank, 742 00:50:20,680 --> 00:50:22,440 which is enemy territory. 743 00:50:28,440 --> 00:50:31,800 We are on our way 744 00:50:31,880 --> 00:50:34,960 to retrieve the displaced families after they are searched. 745 00:50:37,200 --> 00:50:41,440 Stay there, stay there. 746 00:50:42,440 --> 00:50:46,560 Raise your hands higher. Raise them higher! 747 00:50:48,640 --> 00:50:50,640 Search them, men! You there, stay there, ladies. 748 00:50:51,240 --> 00:50:55,960 Stay where you are. Stay there. Search them. 749 00:50:56,040 --> 00:50:59,240 Stand in a line, girls. Stand there in a line. 750 00:51:05,520 --> 00:51:07,800 You can throw away your burqa. No more burqas after today! 751 00:51:07,880 --> 00:51:09,400 Thank God for your safety, again. 752 00:51:09,480 --> 00:51:11,320 You're welcome. 753 00:51:11,400 --> 00:51:15,480 Whomever doesn't have relatives to go to, 754 00:51:15,560 --> 00:51:18,240 I can be your relative. You can come home with me. 755 00:51:18,320 --> 00:51:20,640 Welcome, welcome. 756 00:51:25,240 --> 00:51:29,000 [Ali] Crossing the river is only the first step to salvation. 757 00:51:30,720 --> 00:51:34,120 Daesh agents are often hidden among refugees, 758 00:51:36,560 --> 00:51:39,800 but still there is relief on the faces of some. 759 00:51:48,480 --> 00:51:53,880 Welcome to the city of Shirqat. 760 00:51:53,960 --> 00:51:55,320 The city of the "White" battle, 761 00:51:55,400 --> 00:51:58,360 where multiple official forces worked together. 762 00:51:58,440 --> 00:52:02,960 May it be an example for future battles for the liberation of Mosul. 763 00:52:03,720 --> 00:52:05,480 [Ali] You have tribal forces working with you? 764 00:52:05,560 --> 00:52:08,280 Yes, we have the 51st tribal forces working with us, 765 00:52:08,360 --> 00:52:11,200 area by area. 766 00:52:11,280 --> 00:52:13,520 The rumors in the media, 767 00:52:13,600 --> 00:52:17,920 about disagreements between the Army and the people... 768 00:52:18,000 --> 00:52:19,040 Are they true or false? 769 00:52:19,120 --> 00:52:20,600 False. 770 00:52:20,680 --> 00:52:25,640 These are all coming from lying sources targeting the Iraqi people. 771 00:52:25,720 --> 00:52:27,880 They want to create disorder that doesn't exist. 772 00:52:27,960 --> 00:52:30,760 Since we've arrived in Shirqat, the Army, the PMF, 773 00:52:30,840 --> 00:52:34,800 and the tribes have been working hand in hand, 774 00:52:34,880 --> 00:52:37,200 step by step. 775 00:52:40,880 --> 00:52:43,040 [Ali] Where are the battles now? 776 00:52:43,120 --> 00:52:47,000 The fighting now may seem slow to the world, 777 00:52:47,080 --> 00:52:50,320 however, the pace is, for the sake of accuracy, 778 00:52:50,400 --> 00:52:55,080 preserving our fighters, and protection of the local civilians. 779 00:52:55,160 --> 00:52:59,200 There is no animosity from any group? 780 00:52:59,280 --> 00:53:02,320 No animosity from any group. 781 00:53:02,400 --> 00:53:04,200 [Ali] And no political involvement? 782 00:53:04,280 --> 00:53:06,760 Never. 783 00:53:06,840 --> 00:53:09,840 The people have had their fill of politics and media. 784 00:53:09,920 --> 00:53:11,960 So, the people of Mosul are not 785 00:53:12,040 --> 00:53:13,760 to fear Kurdish or tribal involvement, 786 00:53:13,840 --> 00:53:18,000 that might lead to conflicts? 787 00:53:18,080 --> 00:53:20,440 The people have witnessed and learned. 788 00:53:20,520 --> 00:53:24,040 All of these politics are foreign ploys, 789 00:53:24,120 --> 00:53:26,840 not from the local government, external. 790 00:53:26,920 --> 00:53:28,680 As a citizen of Mosul, 791 00:53:28,760 --> 00:53:31,720 do you presume sectarianism has ended? 792 00:53:31,800 --> 00:53:35,720 It has ended, and it has been buried. Forever, God willing. 793 00:53:36,520 --> 00:53:39,360 [Ali] Ended and buried, there it is again. 794 00:53:40,880 --> 00:53:44,880 But how can that be when the enemy could be anyone? 795 00:53:45,720 --> 00:53:49,320 [ominous music] 796 00:53:49,400 --> 00:53:52,520 I follow the colonel to the next part of his day, 797 00:53:53,920 --> 00:53:55,120 refugee camp. 798 00:53:55,200 --> 00:53:58,520 [indistinct chatter] 799 00:54:02,440 --> 00:54:07,240 [ominous music] 800 00:54:16,680 --> 00:54:19,600 When the refugees arrive, 801 00:54:19,680 --> 00:54:23,040 after the oppression, hunger, 802 00:54:23,120 --> 00:54:26,080 and thirst for life under Daesh, 803 00:54:26,160 --> 00:54:31,280 out of joy they throw off their burqas. 804 00:54:35,160 --> 00:54:37,760 [Ali] What is the reaction of the women, after arriving? 805 00:54:37,840 --> 00:54:42,400 They can't believe it. They can't believe they escaped from Daesh. 806 00:54:43,480 --> 00:54:46,160 [Ali] What did Daesh do to them there? 807 00:54:46,720 --> 00:54:48,080 Oppression and rape. 808 00:54:49,400 --> 00:54:50,960 It was as if they were imprisoned, 809 00:54:51,040 --> 00:54:54,560 without judgement or crime. 810 00:54:55,040 --> 00:54:57,320 They would come and tell us 811 00:54:57,400 --> 00:54:59,920 about the Emirs doing whatever they wanted to the people. 812 00:55:00,000 --> 00:55:04,120 They were in charge of the area, 813 00:55:04,200 --> 00:55:08,600 and everyone in it. 814 00:55:16,600 --> 00:55:17,960 [Ali] Around the camp, 815 00:55:18,960 --> 00:55:21,520 I encounter scores of women and children, 816 00:55:23,560 --> 00:55:25,200 but where are the men? 817 00:55:28,360 --> 00:55:31,040 All men of fighting age are detained for questioning 818 00:55:31,120 --> 00:55:32,800 by the Iraqi Security Services, 819 00:55:33,480 --> 00:55:36,360 to root out any Daesh agents hiding amongst them. 820 00:55:36,440 --> 00:55:39,240 [calm music] 821 00:55:42,920 --> 00:55:45,520 [indistinct chatter] 822 00:55:57,040 --> 00:56:02,000 [Ali] I listen to the stories of countless civilians like Abdullah and his father. 823 00:56:03,320 --> 00:56:06,480 I'm curious about the lives they led under Daesh rule. 824 00:56:10,760 --> 00:56:14,280 I was involved in teaching and politics. 825 00:56:14,360 --> 00:56:16,680 I was a candidate. 826 00:56:17,160 --> 00:56:19,800 I was in danger of being executed 827 00:56:19,880 --> 00:56:22,560 or murdered at any moment. 828 00:56:22,640 --> 00:56:25,800 I couldn't sleep in my own house. 829 00:56:26,200 --> 00:56:28,760 -[Nedhal] Because of Daesh? -Because of Daesh, and their gangs. 830 00:56:31,640 --> 00:56:35,640 They were searching for me. They arrested and executed my colleagues. 831 00:56:36,880 --> 00:56:39,960 Then, in the beginning of 2015, 832 00:56:40,040 --> 00:56:42,560 I escaped. 833 00:56:42,640 --> 00:56:46,280 This entire time 834 00:56:46,360 --> 00:56:48,920 I had no communication with my family. 835 00:56:49,280 --> 00:56:51,760 I didn't know what was going on, 836 00:56:51,840 --> 00:56:55,080 or what had happened to them. 837 00:56:56,080 --> 00:56:57,640 Dead or alive. 838 00:56:58,480 --> 00:57:00,600 Hungry or starving. 839 00:57:00,680 --> 00:57:02,960 All calls and network access were forbidden. 840 00:57:03,040 --> 00:57:04,040 Daesh forces came 841 00:57:04,120 --> 00:57:06,320 and took some of them as human shields. 842 00:57:06,400 --> 00:57:09,160 They then began firing at the security forces, 843 00:57:09,240 --> 00:57:13,040 to provoke return fire 844 00:57:13,640 --> 00:57:19,080 to have the women and children killed. 845 00:57:19,720 --> 00:57:22,400 So that they create a delusion for the people, 846 00:57:22,480 --> 00:57:25,560 using their lying media, 847 00:57:25,640 --> 00:57:29,160 that the security forces intended to kill everyone. 848 00:57:30,520 --> 00:57:32,360 What did Daesh do to you, back there? 849 00:57:33,520 --> 00:57:35,080 -Over there? -Yes, over there. 850 00:57:35,160 --> 00:57:39,360 They would shoot at us. They would stand in the middle of the village, 851 00:57:39,960 --> 00:57:45,320 and shoot at us, to let us believe it was the army killing us. 852 00:57:45,400 --> 00:57:49,240 -You can't clean up your beard. -It had to be full and long? 853 00:57:49,320 --> 00:57:51,680 Yes. If it was cut, or trimmed, you would be fined and whipped. 854 00:57:51,760 --> 00:57:54,720 [Nedhal] What were guys expected to do? 855 00:57:54,800 --> 00:57:58,080 Before the call to prayer, we had to be in the mosque. 856 00:57:58,160 --> 00:58:03,240 If they didn't find you in the mosque, they would kill you. 857 00:58:03,840 --> 00:58:07,720 [Nedhal] Thank God for your safety 858 00:58:08,520 --> 00:58:13,680 and for the safety of your cousins, whom you haven't seen in two years. 859 00:58:13,760 --> 00:58:16,920 Have a car take them to where they need. 860 00:58:20,360 --> 00:58:24,080 [Ali] Their story was heartbreaking, but was it true? 861 00:58:24,920 --> 00:58:30,040 I have begun to doubt my instincts in a world where nothing is as it seems. 862 00:58:31,160 --> 00:58:34,000 There wasn't much time to ponder the question 863 00:58:34,080 --> 00:58:38,320 as Abdullah and his son were heading south to relative safety. 864 00:58:42,280 --> 00:58:46,280 We are headed north, always north. 865 00:58:51,800 --> 00:58:53,760 As we draw closer to the beast, 866 00:58:53,840 --> 00:58:57,760 I prepare for my interview with the high value target, Nasser. 867 00:59:03,280 --> 00:59:05,400 From what little I know about him, 868 00:59:05,480 --> 00:59:10,080 he is said to understand and embrace the violent ideology on a visceral level. 869 00:59:12,840 --> 00:59:15,240 Nevertheless, I wasn't afraid, 870 00:59:16,080 --> 00:59:18,600 suspecting I'd find a masked and betrayed man 871 00:59:19,760 --> 00:59:22,840 whose beliefs were already crumbling in confinement. 872 00:59:22,920 --> 00:59:24,080 [engine idling] 873 00:59:30,480 --> 00:59:32,040 [crickets chirping] 874 00:59:37,320 --> 00:59:40,320 [tense music] 875 00:59:46,840 --> 00:59:49,720 The role assigned to me was preaching and guidance. 876 00:59:54,120 --> 00:59:57,320 Young men, at times, 877 00:59:57,400 --> 01:00:00,280 come in need of convincing. 878 01:00:01,440 --> 01:00:06,200 This persuasion is done through a number of methods. 879 01:00:06,280 --> 01:00:09,320 They're either here for a sexual, financial, 880 01:00:09,400 --> 01:00:11,840 intellectual, or humanitarian goal. 881 01:00:11,920 --> 01:00:14,040 They're a person who has come to change his life. 882 01:00:15,320 --> 01:00:16,520 [Ali] If you are convinced 883 01:00:16,600 --> 01:00:17,880 of the Islamic State's ideas, 884 01:00:17,960 --> 01:00:22,120 what are the positive points that convinced you? 885 01:00:23,040 --> 01:00:27,280 The basis of Islamic doctrine rests 886 01:00:27,360 --> 01:00:29,400 on the Prophetic Sunnah. 887 01:00:29,480 --> 01:00:33,680 Directing what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. 888 01:00:36,040 --> 01:00:38,600 The social contract that guarantees 889 01:00:38,680 --> 01:00:41,560 every person the right to live. 890 01:00:42,240 --> 01:00:46,680 If there had been an Islamic system in Iraq, 891 01:00:46,760 --> 01:00:50,520 you wouldn't see homeless people on the street. 892 01:00:51,200 --> 01:00:54,600 There is killing, 893 01:00:54,680 --> 01:00:59,240 sectarianism, and quotas. 894 01:00:59,320 --> 01:01:01,240 Where is the Islamic State? 895 01:01:01,960 --> 01:01:03,000 [Ali] And the alternative? 896 01:01:03,080 --> 01:01:05,400 The alternative is the Islamic State. The Caliphate. 897 01:01:06,600 --> 01:01:08,960 I'm not making this up. 898 01:01:09,040 --> 01:01:12,720 The Sunnah is being implemented as it is. 899 01:01:12,800 --> 01:01:15,320 What is the problem with amputating the hand of a burglar? 900 01:01:15,400 --> 01:01:19,600 God doesn't seek vengeance on people. 901 01:01:20,000 --> 01:01:24,800 Only deterrence. So, what's the problem? 902 01:01:25,200 --> 01:01:30,000 [Ali] There are laws already in place. 903 01:01:30,080 --> 01:01:33,640 There are courts that punish burglars, 904 01:01:33,720 --> 01:01:35,480 punish fornicators, and punish criminals. 905 01:01:35,560 --> 01:01:40,880 Where is the lack of law that you intended to implement replacements for? 906 01:01:40,960 --> 01:01:44,200 What law? If the burglar pays restitution, he is released. 907 01:01:44,760 --> 01:01:47,120 Whose law is more just: The law of God or of the people? 908 01:01:47,840 --> 01:01:51,680 If God made the punishment for stealing, amputation of a hand, 909 01:01:51,760 --> 01:01:54,440 what is your alternative? One year or two years in prison? 910 01:01:54,520 --> 01:01:55,400 [Ali] Times have changed. 911 01:01:55,480 --> 01:01:56,280 What times? 912 01:01:56,360 --> 01:02:01,160 Quran is the same and the Sunna is still applied. 913 01:02:01,240 --> 01:02:03,960 So, what times? Times of corruption and bribery? 914 01:02:04,920 --> 01:02:06,200 You are Iraqi, right? 915 01:02:06,280 --> 01:02:07,280 Iraqi. 916 01:02:07,360 --> 01:02:08,920 Do you belong to Iraq? 917 01:02:09,440 --> 01:02:11,120 Of course. 918 01:02:11,200 --> 01:02:14,160 The evidence is that the Islamic State's first project is in Iraq. 919 01:02:14,240 --> 01:02:17,320 And those that were killed in Camp Speicher, are they Iraqis? 920 01:02:18,480 --> 01:02:20,240 Those that were killed in Mosul? 921 01:02:25,640 --> 01:02:28,040 Do you not feel the pain of the Iraqis, Nasser? 922 01:02:29,080 --> 01:02:32,880 I can sense that you have some negative points 923 01:02:32,960 --> 01:02:38,560 directed towards what is referred to as the Islamic State. 924 01:02:39,560 --> 01:02:40,760 They aren't negative points. 925 01:02:40,840 --> 01:02:45,880 Humans are susceptible to mistakes. 926 01:02:47,400 --> 01:02:48,760 No further comment. 927 01:02:51,840 --> 01:02:53,480 What do you presume is your future? 928 01:02:54,880 --> 01:03:00,600 Nasser Issa is not just a body in a place, 929 01:03:00,680 --> 01:03:04,960 but a soul and an ideology. 930 01:03:05,040 --> 01:03:07,200 If I were to die now, 931 01:03:07,280 --> 01:03:10,440 there are a number of young men that have learned the ideology 932 01:03:10,840 --> 01:03:14,200 that I have planted for the future of Islamic thought. 933 01:03:19,800 --> 01:03:21,920 [Ali] Now is not the time for philosophy. 934 01:03:23,640 --> 01:03:28,600 The final push into the heart of Mosul will commence tonight. 935 01:03:33,120 --> 01:03:34,880 [man] I'm behind you, 936 01:03:34,960 --> 01:03:38,200 I can see, I don't need light. Go ahead. 937 01:03:38,280 --> 01:03:40,320 [indistinct chatter] 938 01:03:46,600 --> 01:03:48,840 [man] What's the next step, Sheikh? 939 01:03:48,920 --> 01:03:50,800 Kill the lights. 940 01:03:50,880 --> 01:03:52,000 [phone ringing] 941 01:03:53,240 --> 01:03:55,120 I can't see a thing. 942 01:03:55,200 --> 01:03:56,800 Can you see anything? 943 01:03:56,880 --> 01:03:58,960 I can't see a thing. 944 01:03:59,040 --> 01:04:01,280 [overlapping conversations] 945 01:04:04,120 --> 01:04:05,440 [man] Our current position 946 01:04:05,520 --> 01:04:08,360 is one of the most important points along the enemy's front lines. 947 01:04:08,440 --> 01:04:11,120 This is the Tigris river. Daesh controls all of the Tigris river. 948 01:04:11,200 --> 01:04:14,280 [Ali] They have weapons that can reach us? 949 01:04:14,360 --> 01:04:15,520 Definitely. 950 01:04:16,560 --> 01:04:19,600 [artillery fire and explosion] 951 01:04:21,400 --> 01:04:23,480 [rapid gunfire and explosion] 952 01:04:26,600 --> 01:04:29,120 [muezzin calling to prayer] 953 01:04:39,960 --> 01:04:44,280 [Ali] The next day we pushed to the city center with the golden division, 954 01:04:44,360 --> 01:04:46,920 Iraq's elite counterterrorism force. 955 01:04:47,880 --> 01:04:49,400 When the bullets started to fly, 956 01:04:49,880 --> 01:04:52,440 I was happy to be under their protection. 957 01:04:52,520 --> 01:04:54,200 [engine idling] 958 01:04:57,120 --> 01:04:58,960 [distant gunfire] 959 01:05:01,720 --> 01:05:04,040 We are crossing the men. 960 01:05:09,040 --> 01:05:11,640 [gunfire] 961 01:05:19,240 --> 01:05:20,160 [bullets whooshing] 962 01:05:25,520 --> 01:05:28,040 [dramatic music] 963 01:05:28,640 --> 01:05:32,440 [Ali] Daesh barricades turned the way forward into a death trap. 964 01:05:35,480 --> 01:05:38,520 The team brings in heavy machinery to clear a path. 965 01:05:39,760 --> 01:05:40,920 [distant explosions] 966 01:05:41,000 --> 01:05:42,840 [indistinct radio communications] 967 01:05:42,920 --> 01:05:44,400 Do you see me? 968 01:05:45,240 --> 01:05:47,200 [man on radio] I see you. 969 01:05:47,280 --> 01:05:48,600 Tell him he must move in, 970 01:05:48,680 --> 01:05:49,720 so they can't get behind us. 971 01:05:49,800 --> 01:05:51,840 First house, second house, third house. 972 01:05:51,920 --> 01:05:55,960 On my signal. There's some room at your five o'clock position. 973 01:05:56,600 --> 01:05:59,720 Can you take the bulldozer's position? 974 01:06:02,680 --> 01:06:06,680 [radio communication] Where exactly, right or left? 975 01:06:06,760 --> 01:06:07,720 In your direction, 976 01:06:07,800 --> 01:06:10,640 the first and second houses that are orange and yellow? 977 01:06:16,000 --> 01:06:19,840 Sir, on your right, up to the third house. 978 01:06:19,920 --> 01:06:21,840 Do you copy? 979 01:06:21,920 --> 01:06:24,360 After the second one, go to the third in that line. 980 01:06:24,440 --> 01:06:25,520 Clear, we got it. 981 01:06:32,240 --> 01:06:35,680 [gunfire] 982 01:06:39,720 --> 01:06:41,960 [distant gunfire] 983 01:06:46,280 --> 01:06:47,520 [explosion] 984 01:06:49,880 --> 01:06:52,560 [Ali] Downstairs a casualty is brought inside. 985 01:06:54,200 --> 01:06:55,920 Listen to me, call the Hummer quickly. 986 01:06:56,000 --> 01:06:57,840 He's in very critical condition. 987 01:06:59,640 --> 01:07:01,120 Clear his airway. 988 01:07:01,200 --> 01:07:02,440 Where are the bandages? 989 01:07:02,520 --> 01:07:04,040 I don't have any bandages. 990 01:07:04,120 --> 01:07:06,320 Give me your shemagh! Grab that! 991 01:07:06,400 --> 01:07:08,000 Grab that! Give it to me! 992 01:07:08,080 --> 01:07:09,840 Bring the Hummer, we have a casualty. 993 01:07:09,920 --> 01:07:12,680 He is dying. 994 01:07:12,760 --> 01:07:16,440 [radio commotion] 995 01:07:16,520 --> 01:07:19,600 You need to move the soldier immediately. 996 01:07:23,480 --> 01:07:27,720 I told you Yusuf was to meet us inside! Where is our air strike? 997 01:07:27,800 --> 01:07:30,480 We will remain here, have him come to us. 998 01:07:31,320 --> 01:07:34,280 [Ali] The Humvee arrives, but not fast enough. 999 01:07:37,000 --> 01:07:39,320 [man crying] 1000 01:07:41,680 --> 01:07:43,080 Adjust his feet. 1001 01:07:43,160 --> 01:07:44,480 Just give him to me. 1002 01:07:44,560 --> 01:07:45,800 You can't take him outside! 1003 01:07:45,880 --> 01:07:47,000 I can! Just grab his hand, 1004 01:07:47,080 --> 01:07:49,080 and put his other foot over. Who told you not to cross? 1005 01:07:49,160 --> 01:07:51,560 Captain Muayid and Lieutenant Murtada. We had no other choice. 1006 01:07:51,640 --> 01:07:52,800 They came up behind us. 1007 01:07:52,880 --> 01:07:55,240 We would have had to move three blocks. 1008 01:07:55,320 --> 01:07:56,960 So, we didn't cross, and held our position. 1009 01:07:57,040 --> 01:07:59,200 I was coming back to tell him, then he got hit. 1010 01:07:59,280 --> 01:08:01,600 I would have never let you move an inch. 1011 01:08:01,680 --> 01:08:04,000 We went back to base, not the other place. 1012 01:08:10,840 --> 01:08:13,000 I told you before, 1013 01:08:13,080 --> 01:08:17,200 when we move forward, never fall back! 1014 01:08:17,280 --> 01:08:19,120 Hold your position and make it home. 1015 01:08:19,200 --> 01:08:21,880 This entire side is not cleared. 1016 01:08:21,960 --> 01:08:23,680 Come on, Alawi. 1017 01:08:23,760 --> 01:08:27,240 You are not going to carry him! Are you crazy? 1018 01:08:28,400 --> 01:08:31,160 There is heavy fire outside! 1019 01:08:36,240 --> 01:08:38,760 [speech fades out as music builds] 1020 01:08:47,880 --> 01:08:50,680 [muted speech] 1021 01:09:17,920 --> 01:09:19,320 [Ali] Still in safe mode. 1022 01:09:20,560 --> 01:09:24,760 For some the war is over before they even fire a single bullet. 1023 01:09:25,560 --> 01:09:27,840 [gunfire] 1024 01:09:28,240 --> 01:09:31,480 [Ali] The Humvee is right outside, but we're pinned down. 1025 01:09:33,400 --> 01:09:35,080 Send him, send him, send him. 1026 01:09:35,160 --> 01:09:37,480 No, don't go anywhere right now. There's too much heavy fire. 1027 01:09:38,160 --> 01:09:39,720 Take the grenade and throw it. 1028 01:09:39,800 --> 01:09:41,240 There's too much heavy fire, man. 1029 01:09:47,280 --> 01:09:48,440 [explosion] 1030 01:09:55,720 --> 01:09:59,320 Let's go, one of you get in first. 1031 01:10:00,880 --> 01:10:02,040 Come on, come here! 1032 01:10:02,120 --> 01:10:03,360 [engine idling] 1033 01:10:04,440 --> 01:10:06,000 [indistinct chattering] 1034 01:10:08,080 --> 01:10:09,840 [man] Go, crouch until you reach the vehicle. 1035 01:10:09,920 --> 01:10:13,880 [intense music] 1036 01:10:19,400 --> 01:10:20,480 Let's move, guys. Move, move, move! 1037 01:10:26,560 --> 01:10:29,040 [indistinct shouting] 1038 01:10:34,200 --> 01:10:39,040 [gunfire] 1039 01:10:53,880 --> 01:10:57,440 [Ali] Intel indicates that Daesh fighters are using human shields. 1040 01:10:59,280 --> 01:11:02,720 Ready for anything, the team pushes into the house. 1041 01:11:10,360 --> 01:11:12,480 Don't worry. 1042 01:11:12,560 --> 01:11:14,120 [woman crying and moaning] 1043 01:11:14,760 --> 01:11:17,240 Thank God, you're all safe. 1044 01:11:17,320 --> 01:11:18,880 Mother, everything is alright, 1045 01:11:18,960 --> 01:11:21,200 nothing bad is going to happen. Don't be afraid of us. 1046 01:11:21,280 --> 01:11:24,200 You don't need to be afraid anymore. We are your children, too. 1047 01:11:24,280 --> 01:11:26,840 Take everyone inside and stay safe. 1048 01:11:26,920 --> 01:11:27,720 [women crying] 1049 01:11:29,520 --> 01:11:31,480 [soldiers comfort her] 1050 01:11:41,200 --> 01:11:45,080 [Ali] Moments later a Daesh fighter is spotted from the window. 1051 01:11:51,320 --> 01:11:53,560 [soldier] You see him, Ali? 1052 01:11:54,680 --> 01:11:57,640 [soldier] There he is! Near the garden! That's the guy. There's only one. 1053 01:11:58,040 --> 01:11:59,240 [distant explosions] 1054 01:11:59,320 --> 01:12:00,600 [gunfire] 1055 01:12:02,160 --> 01:12:04,240 [soldier] There's two of them. One of them jumped into the house. 1056 01:12:04,320 --> 01:12:05,880 [explosion] 1057 01:12:10,840 --> 01:12:12,320 -Was he killed? -Yes. 1058 01:12:12,400 --> 01:12:14,560 -Is there a dead body? -Should be there in that garden. 1059 01:12:14,640 --> 01:12:15,800 [distant explosion] 1060 01:12:17,560 --> 01:12:19,000 [indistinct radio commotion] 1061 01:12:20,400 --> 01:12:21,320 [gunfire] 1062 01:12:22,200 --> 01:12:25,000 Shoot single shots. Okay. 1063 01:12:29,880 --> 01:12:32,680 [gunfire] 1064 01:12:38,560 --> 01:12:43,000 [Ali] The team follows a trail of blood left by an injured Daesh fighter. 1065 01:12:47,720 --> 01:12:50,560 [ominous music] 1066 01:13:24,320 --> 01:13:26,440 [Ali] We followed through a network of tunnels 1067 01:13:28,160 --> 01:13:29,280 to a ravaged home. 1068 01:13:41,240 --> 01:13:43,440 [dramatic music] 1069 01:13:47,600 --> 01:13:49,360 As the soldiers push inside, 1070 01:13:50,800 --> 01:13:53,040 we expect to find our wounded prey. 1071 01:13:58,680 --> 01:14:00,840 They can't get inside with us. 1072 01:14:03,920 --> 01:14:07,320 [overlapping chattering] 1073 01:14:10,880 --> 01:14:13,360 There are tunnels down there, right? 1074 01:14:19,880 --> 01:14:21,760 Yes, there are tunnels. 1075 01:14:21,840 --> 01:14:23,640 From this direction. 1076 01:14:23,720 --> 01:14:26,520 Until the end of the road. 1077 01:14:27,120 --> 01:14:28,840 Towards the school. 1078 01:14:28,920 --> 01:14:32,520 The street they've burrowed through. Over by Afar park. 1079 01:14:32,600 --> 01:14:35,760 How were you injured? 1080 01:14:35,840 --> 01:14:38,840 A grenade. They threw it at him. Abu Muhammed, who threw it at you? 1081 01:14:38,920 --> 01:14:42,480 They were trying to get me to get out of the house. From that house there. 1082 01:14:42,800 --> 01:14:45,400 [woman's voice overlapping] 1083 01:14:45,480 --> 01:14:48,080 When they retreat from the army, they throw grenades everywhere. 1084 01:14:48,160 --> 01:14:49,680 There's nothing to worry about. 1085 01:14:49,760 --> 01:14:52,400 Take care of the children. Don't be afraid. We love you. 1086 01:14:55,040 --> 01:14:58,640 Are there more families up ahead? 1087 01:14:59,480 --> 01:15:00,920 All families. This whole street. 1088 01:15:01,000 --> 01:15:04,760 There are rockets here... These two guys came, one of them said he was from Rawa. 1089 01:15:06,480 --> 01:15:11,040 I asked him: "What do you want from here?" 1090 01:15:11,120 --> 01:15:14,720 He said, "I'm bringing the launcher." 1091 01:15:14,800 --> 01:15:18,200 He came with about five more and their leader. 1092 01:15:18,760 --> 01:15:22,600 One is called Abu Aisha, the other is Abu Junaid. 1093 01:15:22,680 --> 01:15:25,760 He was ordered to go fire at the Hummer. 1094 01:15:25,840 --> 01:15:28,680 When he came down he asked him, "Did you hit it?" 1095 01:15:28,760 --> 01:15:31,640 He said, "No, they retreated." 1096 01:15:32,400 --> 01:15:34,720 He then said he would exchange the weapon and return. 1097 01:15:35,040 --> 01:15:37,200 After a little while, they threw grenades into our house. 1098 01:15:37,280 --> 01:15:39,000 Then they scattered and retreated. 1099 01:15:39,080 --> 01:15:42,400 One of them got hit in the face after my brother was injured, 1100 01:15:42,480 --> 01:15:43,840 while he was standing in that room. 1101 01:15:48,800 --> 01:15:50,440 [Ali] Was the civilian telling the truth? 1102 01:15:51,200 --> 01:15:53,120 Or was he involved in today's event? 1103 01:15:54,720 --> 01:15:57,760 I am beginning to realize there is no right answer 1104 01:15:58,680 --> 01:16:01,360 or at least no one right answer, 1105 01:16:02,760 --> 01:16:06,400 only the truth as it can be perceived in the moment. 1106 01:16:19,000 --> 01:16:22,000 [soft music] 1107 01:16:32,880 --> 01:16:34,640 -Ready? -Ready. 1108 01:16:37,640 --> 01:16:39,800 [artillery fire] 1109 01:16:39,880 --> 01:16:41,520 [Ali] In July 2017, 1110 01:16:42,640 --> 01:16:45,640 the big guns of the Iraqi army fall silent. 1111 01:16:47,840 --> 01:16:49,560 After 10 months of combat, 1112 01:16:50,480 --> 01:16:53,800 the last Daesh stronghold in the old city of west Mosul, 1113 01:16:53,880 --> 01:16:56,080 is captured by Iraqi forces. 1114 01:16:58,440 --> 01:17:01,320 But there are no cheering crowds to greet the liberators, 1115 01:17:02,720 --> 01:17:04,280 only empty streets, 1116 01:17:06,120 --> 01:17:07,600 and utter devastation. 1117 01:17:09,960 --> 01:17:11,920 The price of victory has been high, 1118 01:17:13,480 --> 01:17:17,200 and the people of Iraq will be paying the price for generations to come. 1119 01:17:21,440 --> 01:17:23,760 The human cost is still being calculated. 1120 01:17:25,440 --> 01:17:28,480 As the suffering continues for wounded soldiers, 1121 01:17:32,000 --> 01:17:34,080 civilians caught in the crossfire, 1122 01:17:38,120 --> 01:17:41,560 and displaced families whose homes have been ground into dust. 1123 01:17:44,360 --> 01:17:47,240 And then there is the moral cost. 1124 01:17:48,200 --> 01:17:50,920 Iraqis will need to reconcile the need for justice, 1125 01:17:52,160 --> 01:17:54,080 against the desire for vengeance. 1126 01:17:55,800 --> 01:17:58,280 Reports emerge about horrific human rights, 1127 01:17:58,360 --> 01:18:01,880 abuses committed against suspected Daesh fighters. 1128 01:18:07,640 --> 01:18:12,440 Mosul is an unhealed wound on the psyche of a nation. 1129 01:18:16,120 --> 01:18:19,480 Many of Mosul's historic landmarks are gone forever, 1130 01:18:20,320 --> 01:18:22,600 including the Great Mosque of al-Nuri. 1131 01:18:24,040 --> 01:18:29,000 It had withstood the wrath of north invaders during its 850-year history, 1132 01:18:30,360 --> 01:18:33,360 until Daesh leveled it in June 2017. 1133 01:18:36,840 --> 01:18:41,160 This is all that remains of the iconic leaning Minaret. 1134 01:18:47,160 --> 01:18:50,480 Iraqis are returning to the old city of Mosul 1135 01:18:50,560 --> 01:18:52,440 to see what is left of their heritage. 1136 01:18:53,920 --> 01:18:55,080 People like Captain Alaa, 1137 01:18:56,200 --> 01:18:58,080 who has come to the Mosul historical museum 1138 01:18:58,160 --> 01:19:03,480 to observe the defensive fortifications that Daesh combat engineers have erected. 1139 01:19:03,560 --> 01:19:06,640 This also was shown in one of Daesh releases. 1140 01:19:06,720 --> 01:19:08,480 They destroyed the antiquities. 1141 01:19:08,760 --> 01:19:10,280 [Ali] They looted almost everything, 1142 01:19:11,680 --> 01:19:14,760 destroyed or burned the rest of the museum's holdings. 1143 01:19:17,720 --> 01:19:21,760 Little remains here except glimpses of past greatness 1144 01:19:22,960 --> 01:19:24,360 and the echoes of time. 1145 01:19:26,640 --> 01:19:32,000 There is a saying that, "Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it." 1146 01:19:33,920 --> 01:19:37,120 But what about those who destroy their own history? 1147 01:19:40,440 --> 01:19:41,760 As I return to Baghdad, 1148 01:19:42,280 --> 01:19:46,240 it struck me that the real question for Iraq, is not the question of a country, 1149 01:19:46,960 --> 01:19:48,280 but of its people. 1150 01:19:50,720 --> 01:19:53,120 Nasser's comment continues to haunt me. 1151 01:19:53,880 --> 01:19:57,880 [Nasser] Nasser Issa is not just a body in a place, 1152 01:19:58,360 --> 01:19:59,400 but a soul and ideology. 1153 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:01,720 If I were to die now, 1154 01:20:01,800 --> 01:20:07,360 there are a number of young men that have learned the ideology 1155 01:20:07,440 --> 01:20:10,920 I have planted, for the future of Islamic thought. 1156 01:20:12,520 --> 01:20:14,640 [Ali] I fear it will take more than razor wire 1157 01:20:14,720 --> 01:20:17,560 and high prison walls to contain this ideology. 1158 01:20:19,280 --> 01:20:22,360 Thinking back to those characters I've met along the way, 1159 01:20:23,280 --> 01:20:26,560 The Crocodile, Um Hanadi, Captain Alaa, 1160 01:20:27,400 --> 01:20:29,400 I wonder what life will be like for them, 1161 01:20:30,560 --> 01:20:32,520 if and when the peace takes hold. 1162 01:20:34,440 --> 01:20:37,760 Will they be able to adapt to civilian roles in a unified country? 1163 01:20:38,960 --> 01:20:41,840 Or will they be caught up as the protagonists 1164 01:20:41,920 --> 01:20:44,680 of the next chapter of this recurring tragedy? 1165 01:20:46,360 --> 01:20:48,360 I hope they find some kind of peace. 1166 01:20:51,920 --> 01:20:53,880 I hope I find it too. 1167 01:21:02,640 --> 01:21:06,120 [ominous music]