1 00:00:32,583 --> 00:00:37,583 Subtitles by explosiveskull Sync by NAIM2007 2 00:00:39,780 --> 00:00:42,301 I've done all sorts. You name it, I've done it. 3 00:00:42,900 --> 00:00:44,900 Mostly building work. 4 00:00:44,939 --> 00:00:47,700 Ground work. Er... Drainage. 5 00:00:47,739 --> 00:00:49,739 Digging out, marking out. 6 00:00:50,421 --> 00:00:53,301 Concreting, roofing. 7 00:00:53,341 --> 00:00:55,860 Flooring, paving, flagging. 8 00:00:56,940 --> 00:00:58,940 Plumbing, joinery. 9 00:00:59,581 --> 00:01:01,820 I've even dug graves. I've done it all. 10 00:01:02,541 --> 00:01:04,301 So why'd you give it up? 11 00:01:04,341 --> 00:01:07,580 Well, there's always someone on your back, isn't there? 12 00:01:07,619 --> 00:01:10,261 And after spending all that time every winter on sites 13 00:01:10,301 --> 00:01:13,181 freezing your balls off, well... it just gets a bit much. 14 00:01:14,940 --> 00:01:17,940 - What about the landscaping work? - Yeah, I loved it. You know... 15 00:01:19,021 --> 00:01:21,380 Out and about. Different customers every day, 16 00:01:21,421 --> 00:01:23,141 different houses, different jobs. 17 00:01:23,181 --> 00:01:25,301 You know, I'm a bit of a grafter and that as well. 18 00:01:25,341 --> 00:01:29,660 It's just a shame the lads I was working with weren't. A set of lazy bastards. 19 00:01:29,700 --> 00:01:33,940 So, erm... Yeah, I'd rather work on my own now and be my own boss. 20 00:01:35,021 --> 00:01:37,101 - Have you ever been on the dole? - No. 21 00:01:37,141 --> 00:01:41,181 No, no, no. I've got my pride. I'd, er... I'd rather starve first. 22 00:01:41,901 --> 00:01:43,780 Music to my ears, Ricky. 23 00:01:43,820 --> 00:01:46,660 Henry was right. You are a trooper. 24 00:01:46,700 --> 00:01:50,141 Let's just get a few things straight at the start, though, shall we? 25 00:01:50,181 --> 00:01:52,739 You don't get hired here. You come on board. 26 00:01:53,261 --> 00:01:55,261 We like to call it on-boarding. 27 00:01:55,301 --> 00:01:58,021 You don't work for us. You work with us. 28 00:01:58,860 --> 00:02:01,860 You don't drive for us. You perform services. 29 00:02:03,301 --> 00:02:06,940 There's no employment contracts. There's no performance targets. 30 00:02:06,980 --> 00:02:08,980 You meet delivery standards. 31 00:02:09,861 --> 00:02:12,181 There's no wages, but fees. 32 00:02:13,141 --> 00:02:14,820 Is that clear? 33 00:02:14,861 --> 00:02:16,540 - Yeah. - Clear? 34 00:02:16,580 --> 00:02:19,780 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sounds all right, yeah. Good. Yeah. 35 00:02:19,820 --> 00:02:22,341 No clocking on - you become available. 36 00:02:22,980 --> 00:02:26,780 You sign up with us, you become an owner driver franchisee. 37 00:02:26,820 --> 00:02:28,780 Master of your own destiny, Ricky. 38 00:02:28,820 --> 00:02:31,301 Sorts the fucking losers from the warriors. 39 00:02:31,341 --> 00:02:32,940 - You up for that? - Yeah. 40 00:02:32,980 --> 00:02:36,141 I've been waiting for an opportunity like this for... ages. 41 00:02:37,580 --> 00:02:40,820 Just one more thing before we go ahead with the franchise. 42 00:02:40,861 --> 00:02:43,940 You bringing your own van or are you gonna hire with us? 43 00:02:44,700 --> 00:02:46,739 Erm... 44 00:02:46,780 --> 00:02:49,261 I'll have a word with Henry if that's all right. 45 00:02:51,780 --> 00:02:56,301 Just let me know. Like everything around here, Ricky, it's your choice. 46 00:03:11,432 --> 00:03:13,312 You've gotta think long-term, Ricky. 47 00:03:13,352 --> 00:03:15,671 If there's too much mileage or it's battered to hell 48 00:03:15,712 --> 00:03:19,030 and you lose a day's work, then you've got to pay for the replacement. 49 00:03:19,071 --> 00:03:21,871 That's a 200-quid kick in the balls straightaway. 50 00:03:21,910 --> 00:03:24,671 That's why you've got to go for something decent. 51 00:03:24,712 --> 00:03:26,312 I went for one of these. 52 00:03:26,352 --> 00:03:30,671 It's cos it's bigger, which means I can get all the oversize parcels in. 53 00:03:30,712 --> 00:03:33,072 Flexibility - a bonus. 54 00:03:33,112 --> 00:03:35,871 But still small enough that it doesn't affect your driving. 55 00:03:35,910 --> 00:03:38,271 I've been doing 24 hours straight in one of these. 56 00:03:38,312 --> 00:03:40,312 Yeah, but it's 14 grand. 57 00:03:40,352 --> 00:03:42,231 Nah, Abby will have kittens. 58 00:03:42,271 --> 00:03:44,831 - We're still paying the loan off. - Do the maths, right. 59 00:03:44,871 --> 00:03:47,831 A van like that's gonna cost you what? £400 a month. 60 00:03:47,871 --> 00:03:51,592 If you hire one from the company, that's 65 quid a day. Every day. 61 00:03:56,352 --> 00:03:59,472 You need to find yourself nigh on a grand deposit for one of these vans. 62 00:03:59,512 --> 00:04:01,392 No chance. 63 00:04:42,711 --> 00:04:44,711 Liza Jane, you should be in bed. 64 00:04:44,791 --> 00:04:47,670 - I just couldn't sleep. - Oh, I'm so sorry, darling. 65 00:04:48,512 --> 00:04:51,670 Sorry, the tuck-ins took a little bit longer than usual. 66 00:04:51,711 --> 00:04:54,231 - Was it old Joe? - Yeah, found him in the pub. 67 00:04:54,271 --> 00:04:56,031 - Get to bed. - Why was he there? 68 00:04:56,072 --> 00:05:00,031 I'll tell you tomorrow, cos I'll try and get home a bit earlier. I promise, OK? 69 00:05:00,072 --> 00:05:02,112 - OK. - Come on. 70 00:05:02,951 --> 00:05:04,112 You read your book? 71 00:05:11,831 --> 00:05:16,231 It's £416 a month. Can you not get a company van? 72 00:05:16,992 --> 00:05:20,951 They're £65 a day. Which is two grand a month. 73 00:05:21,992 --> 00:05:23,992 Throwing money away like the rent. 74 00:05:24,031 --> 00:05:26,512 Yeah, but then you don't have the risks. 75 00:05:26,552 --> 00:05:29,312 Yeah, but 25 years driving without a scratch. 76 00:05:29,352 --> 00:05:32,910 - Hm. - Plus I'm guaranteed 155 quid a day. 77 00:05:34,312 --> 00:05:36,312 Henry's doing 200 quid a day. 78 00:05:36,352 --> 00:05:38,231 And I can be just as quick as him. 79 00:05:38,271 --> 00:05:40,992 That's £1200 a week, not a month. 80 00:05:41,031 --> 00:05:45,192 Yeah, but it'd be like 14 hours a day, six days a week. 81 00:05:45,231 --> 00:05:47,670 I never see you. We never see each other. 82 00:05:49,312 --> 00:05:53,072 Look... I know it's gonna be tough at the start but... 83 00:05:55,271 --> 00:05:58,392 But, I mean, after 12 months under my belt... 84 00:06:00,432 --> 00:06:02,192 ...I can expand the franchise. 85 00:06:02,231 --> 00:06:03,670 - Yeah? - Yeah. 86 00:06:04,352 --> 00:06:06,831 Look, I think we need to take the leap. 87 00:06:06,871 --> 00:06:10,031 Otherwise, we're gonna end up renting for ever. We want our own place. 88 00:06:10,072 --> 00:06:13,031 I don't wanna live somewhere where we're told how long we can stay 89 00:06:13,072 --> 00:06:15,072 or whether we need to move out. 90 00:06:16,472 --> 00:06:20,031 We need to find a £1000 deposit, though, for the van. 91 00:06:20,072 --> 00:06:21,392 £1000? 92 00:06:21,432 --> 00:06:24,231 We're already up to our eyes in debt. 93 00:06:24,992 --> 00:06:27,112 The only thing we've got is my car. 94 00:06:29,271 --> 00:06:31,670 I... I can't get rid of my car. 95 00:06:31,711 --> 00:06:34,992 I can't sell it. You know I need it for work. 96 00:06:35,031 --> 00:06:37,392 - Just get the bus. - I can't. 97 00:06:37,432 --> 00:06:39,952 My clients, some of them live miles away. 98 00:06:39,992 --> 00:06:43,271 I need to be there at a certain time. You know this. 99 00:06:43,312 --> 00:06:45,670 Abby, you're too soft. Just go and do the mornings. 100 00:06:45,711 --> 00:06:48,711 Do the lunches, get back here in the afternoon for the kids. 101 00:06:48,791 --> 00:06:51,072 - And I'll pick the slack up, Abby. - I know you will. 102 00:06:51,112 --> 00:06:53,591 But it's nothing to do with being soft, it's my job. 103 00:06:53,631 --> 00:06:55,432 Look, Abby, listen. 104 00:06:55,472 --> 00:06:58,831 In two years' time we'll have enough money together to get our own place. 105 00:06:58,872 --> 00:07:00,992 We'll have the deposit for a mortgage. 106 00:07:03,352 --> 00:07:06,312 Oh, at last. I was gonna send a search party out for you. 107 00:07:06,352 --> 00:07:08,231 - I've been out. Why? - You're soaking. 108 00:07:08,271 --> 00:07:10,271 Why haven't you got your coat on? 109 00:07:11,831 --> 00:07:14,631 - What's all these letters on the table? - We're just talking. 110 00:07:14,670 --> 00:07:16,831 Your dad's gonna start his own business. 111 00:07:16,872 --> 00:07:18,992 - Yeah, starting a franchise. - Whoa. 112 00:07:19,031 --> 00:07:20,631 Taking over McDonald's? 113 00:07:21,591 --> 00:07:24,791 - No, you smartarse. - No, he's gonna get a delivery van. 114 00:07:24,831 --> 00:07:26,911 - What colour? - White. 115 00:07:26,952 --> 00:07:29,631 So you're gonna be a white van man? 116 00:07:29,670 --> 00:07:31,791 Yeah, if you like, yeah. 117 00:07:35,112 --> 00:07:37,112 Yo, Harpoon. 118 00:07:38,670 --> 00:07:40,670 Nowt much. What are you doing? 119 00:07:43,231 --> 00:07:45,392 Yeah, yeah. Two seconds, mate. Two seconds. 120 00:07:45,432 --> 00:07:46,791 - Mam? - Yeah? 121 00:07:46,832 --> 00:07:49,432 - Where's the cereal? - Right in front of your eyes. 122 00:08:25,352 --> 00:08:27,872 Come on, let's get these parcels off. 123 00:08:28,952 --> 00:08:30,711 Come on. 124 00:08:44,031 --> 00:08:46,112 Is that your personal issue? 125 00:08:47,992 --> 00:08:49,952 I know it's your favourite. 126 00:08:56,031 --> 00:08:57,112 Morning. 127 00:08:57,152 --> 00:08:59,511 Come on, we've got time to make up. Let's go. 128 00:09:01,231 --> 00:09:03,312 - All right? - Yeah, not bad. 129 00:09:06,152 --> 00:09:07,872 - Morning. - Morning. 130 00:09:20,471 --> 00:09:22,112 - All right? - All right, Ricky? 131 00:09:22,152 --> 00:09:23,431 Yeah. 132 00:09:23,471 --> 00:09:25,312 This is the heartbeat of the depot. 133 00:09:25,352 --> 00:09:28,152 This is gonna be a scanner for you to use, all right? 134 00:09:28,192 --> 00:09:30,551 It's precious and very expensive. 135 00:09:30,591 --> 00:09:32,670 You lose it, you pay for it. 136 00:09:32,712 --> 00:09:34,992 You look after it, it'll look after you. 137 00:09:35,631 --> 00:09:38,911 Once you scan a parcel into your van, it's yours. 138 00:09:38,952 --> 00:09:42,712 It's in the system. We can track it every inch of its journey 139 00:09:42,792 --> 00:09:44,792 from here to the doorstep. 140 00:09:44,832 --> 00:09:47,192 This thing even plans your route for you. 141 00:09:47,231 --> 00:09:49,152 - It's child's play. - All right. 142 00:09:49,192 --> 00:09:50,952 But get this into your head. 143 00:09:50,992 --> 00:09:55,072 Precises: those are parcels that have to be delivered at precise times. 144 00:09:55,112 --> 00:09:58,911 You get a one-hour time slot to get them done and you don't miss them. 145 00:09:59,631 --> 00:10:00,792 Ever. 146 00:10:10,755 --> 00:10:13,635 How are we getting on? You're doing great, all right? 147 00:10:13,675 --> 00:10:16,156 Now, just you remember you've got to be a bit quicker. 148 00:10:16,196 --> 00:10:18,435 First in, last out. That's what it is. 149 00:10:18,475 --> 00:10:22,156 Get the order sorted now, it'll save you a nervous breakdown later on. 150 00:10:22,196 --> 00:10:24,595 All right? Now you've got to hit your ETAs. 151 00:10:24,635 --> 00:10:28,235 That's your estimated time of arrival. It's all on your gun, right? 152 00:10:28,276 --> 00:10:29,795 - Right? - Got any more questions? 153 00:10:29,835 --> 00:10:31,715 No, no, no. No. It's fine. It's all right. 154 00:10:31,755 --> 00:10:33,475 - I've got a question. - What's that? 155 00:10:33,515 --> 00:10:35,795 When are you gonna get these fucking parcels out? 156 00:10:35,835 --> 00:10:37,715 Hey. Less of your cheek, right? 157 00:10:37,755 --> 00:10:40,835 - You were a donkey for the first month. - I know, I know, I know. 158 00:10:41,350 --> 00:10:44,350 Ignore him. He couldn't kick shite along a gutter. 159 00:10:45,350 --> 00:10:47,990 He's a sub-contractor driver, works for Big Sam. 160 00:10:48,030 --> 00:10:49,631 That's Sam's van. 161 00:10:49,671 --> 00:10:52,350 Sam gets £170 per route every day. 162 00:10:52,391 --> 00:10:54,270 So how much does he get for driving it? 163 00:10:54,311 --> 00:10:56,311 - 70 quid. - Fucking hell. 164 00:10:56,350 --> 00:10:59,350 I'll tell you what, you do well today, you'll get a better route. 165 00:10:59,391 --> 00:11:02,230 Come on, you two. You've had the Q and As. 166 00:11:02,270 --> 00:11:05,590 Get that cardboard off that concrete. Let's go! 167 00:11:07,949 --> 00:11:11,270 One more thing. And this is the most important thing of all. 168 00:11:11,311 --> 00:11:13,311 - Yeah? - You're gonna need this. 169 00:11:13,350 --> 00:11:15,791 - What's that for? - That's for pissing in. 170 00:11:16,831 --> 00:11:18,710 - You're fucking winding me up. - You'll see. 171 00:11:18,751 --> 00:11:20,751 Come on, I'll give you a hand. 172 00:11:20,791 --> 00:11:22,791 Bastard. 173 00:12:02,391 --> 00:12:05,110 - Hello? - I've got a parcel for Walrus Energy. 174 00:12:05,150 --> 00:12:08,070 - For who, sorry? - Walrus Energy. 175 00:12:08,110 --> 00:12:10,590 - Oh, that's not for us, I'm afraid. - Sorry? 176 00:12:10,631 --> 00:12:12,511 That's not for us. 177 00:12:12,551 --> 00:12:15,271 Why... Don't give me a ticket. Come on. 178 00:12:15,311 --> 00:12:17,949 It's your choice. If you decide not to move on, 179 00:12:17,990 --> 00:12:20,710 - then I've got no option other than... - No. You can't do... 180 00:12:20,751 --> 00:12:23,070 - You can't do that. - Are you gonna move down? 181 00:12:23,110 --> 00:12:25,471 - I'm going there! - You're gonna have to go down. 182 00:12:25,511 --> 00:12:28,671 I'm going there. Why are you being so tight? 183 00:12:28,710 --> 00:12:30,551 I've given you the opportunity to move. 184 00:12:30,590 --> 00:12:33,791 Now if you don't move, then you're gonna get a ticket, OK? 185 00:12:33,831 --> 00:12:35,831 - Thank you. - Fuck you. 186 00:13:25,949 --> 00:13:27,949 Hi, Rosie. It's Abby. 187 00:13:27,990 --> 00:13:29,990 How are you? 188 00:13:35,791 --> 00:13:37,791 Rosie, where are you? 189 00:13:41,471 --> 00:13:43,471 You upstairs, Rosie? 190 00:13:46,790 --> 00:13:48,790 Rosie? 191 00:13:55,590 --> 00:13:57,590 Rosie? 192 00:13:58,590 --> 00:14:00,751 Rosie? 193 00:14:00,790 --> 00:14:03,350 Ah, sweetheart, is it hide and seek? 194 00:14:04,590 --> 00:14:06,590 Your hands are freezing. 195 00:14:06,631 --> 00:14:08,949 - Has he gone yet? - Who? 196 00:14:09,590 --> 00:14:12,710 There's a strange man going into my house. 197 00:14:13,590 --> 00:14:16,311 He's frightening me. He's frightening me. 198 00:14:16,350 --> 00:14:17,949 - He's going around. - Oh, darling. 199 00:14:17,990 --> 00:14:20,790 Honestly, it's just me and you in the house. 200 00:14:20,830 --> 00:14:22,830 - Are you sure? - I'm... I promise you. 201 00:14:22,870 --> 00:14:25,750 - It's just me and you in the house. - Just me and you? 202 00:14:25,790 --> 00:14:29,350 Come on. How long have you been sat in here for? 203 00:14:29,391 --> 00:14:32,870 Oh, quite a while, I think. I was frightened. 204 00:14:32,909 --> 00:14:35,111 - Oh, bless you. - I was frightened. Strange men. 205 00:14:35,151 --> 00:14:38,471 - There's nobody in here, apart from me. - OK. 206 00:14:40,790 --> 00:14:43,671 It's not a stranger, Rosie. It's your new carer. 207 00:14:43,710 --> 00:14:46,350 Does all your meds and your tuck-in. 208 00:14:46,391 --> 00:14:48,391 You don't need to be scared. 209 00:14:57,311 --> 00:15:01,111 - Could I comb your hair, then? - Oh, I haven't got time, Rosie. 210 00:15:02,350 --> 00:15:05,949 I've got to get you to have your dinner and have your tablets, OK? 211 00:15:05,990 --> 00:15:07,990 Come on. 212 00:15:08,030 --> 00:15:09,870 Have a bit more of your dinner. 213 00:15:11,511 --> 00:15:12,949 Oh, Rosie! 214 00:15:12,990 --> 00:15:15,511 - I've broke the plate. - Oh, man! 215 00:15:16,830 --> 00:15:18,391 I'm sorry. 216 00:15:18,471 --> 00:15:21,071 It's all right. Don't worry. It happens. 217 00:15:22,071 --> 00:15:26,590 Come on, I'm going to have to go and get something to clear this all up. 218 00:16:03,191 --> 00:16:05,191 Got a parcel for you. 219 00:16:06,311 --> 00:16:08,909 Oh, aye. That will be my dinner, mate. Cheers. 220 00:16:08,949 --> 00:16:12,311 Right. Well, it's, er... a bit heavy. Do you want me to bring it in for you? 221 00:16:12,350 --> 00:16:15,111 Oh, mate, would you? That's kind, mate. Cheers. 222 00:16:15,151 --> 00:16:16,949 - Thanks, mate. - Yeah. 223 00:16:16,991 --> 00:16:19,391 - What you eating, an elephant? - You cheeky git, man. 224 00:16:19,471 --> 00:16:22,111 I've been at my bloody Zumba, that's what I've been doing. 225 00:17:16,670 --> 00:17:19,709 - All right, mate? Parcel for you there. - Oh, cheers. 226 00:17:19,750 --> 00:17:22,311 Just give us a signature on that. Cheers. 227 00:17:22,350 --> 00:17:25,589 - What's that? - United, mate. Man United. 228 00:17:25,630 --> 00:17:28,271 - Man United? Seriously? - Yeah. 229 00:17:28,311 --> 00:17:30,311 - Aye. - Why, man? Why not support a local team? 230 00:17:30,350 --> 00:17:32,191 Even Sunderland's better than that shite. 231 00:17:32,231 --> 00:17:34,031 It is my local team. I'm from Manchester. 232 00:17:34,071 --> 00:17:36,709 Bollocks, man. I've never seen a Man U fan from Manchester. 233 00:17:36,750 --> 00:17:39,391 - They're all from bloody London. - Come on. 234 00:17:39,471 --> 00:17:40,950 - Here you go. - Ta. 235 00:17:40,991 --> 00:17:43,311 It must have been a long and upsetting day for you. 236 00:17:43,350 --> 00:17:45,550 - What's that? - When you think you've won the league. 237 00:17:45,589 --> 00:17:47,991 Seconds to go. Man City hanging on. 238 00:17:48,630 --> 00:17:52,111 Last kick of the game Sergio Aguero pops up, wins the title. 239 00:17:52,151 --> 00:17:53,950 - Takes it out of your hands. - Yeah, yeah. 240 00:17:53,991 --> 00:17:56,950 They win the title, you win fuck all. Must have been torture for you. 241 00:17:56,991 --> 00:17:59,311 It was fucking great. I nearly pissed myself laughing. 242 00:17:59,350 --> 00:18:01,709 - What a day that was. Brilliant. - Yeah. Funny, innit? 243 00:18:01,750 --> 00:18:03,271 - Aye. - Not as funny as the time 244 00:18:03,311 --> 00:18:05,311 that you lot were 12 points clear, though, eh? 245 00:18:05,350 --> 00:18:07,709 And you blew it. Remember when Keegan went on telly 246 00:18:07,750 --> 00:18:09,991 with his little rant after Fergie got in his head? 247 00:18:10,031 --> 00:18:11,950 "I'd love it. I'd love it if we beat them." 248 00:18:11,991 --> 00:18:13,589 - Aye. - Yeah. And we come up here 249 00:18:13,630 --> 00:18:15,271 and King Eric puts one past your lot. 250 00:18:15,311 --> 00:18:17,271 One nil. And who won the league? 251 00:18:17,311 --> 00:18:19,589 Us. Not fucking you. All right? 252 00:18:19,630 --> 00:18:22,709 Ooh-aah, Cantona, pal. I'll see you in a bit. Enjoy your parcel. 253 00:18:22,750 --> 00:18:26,071 - Have a good day. - Sunday October 20th, 1996. 254 00:18:26,111 --> 00:18:27,790 - We beat youse five nowt! - Fuck off! 255 00:18:27,830 --> 00:18:30,589 And l fucking loved it. Loved it! Fuck off, you wanker. 256 00:18:30,630 --> 00:18:32,630 You've won fuck all! 257 00:18:33,311 --> 00:18:36,031 Dick. 258 00:19:15,750 --> 00:19:18,510 It's all ready, Robert. Just the way you like it. 259 00:19:18,550 --> 00:19:20,950 Thank you, Abby. 260 00:19:28,750 --> 00:19:30,750 How are you getting on? 261 00:19:31,709 --> 00:19:34,709 Ah, it's so sore, pet. So sore. 262 00:19:36,910 --> 00:19:39,670 Just take your time. We'll get you freshened up. 263 00:19:39,709 --> 00:19:42,391 And put a clean pad on, all right? 264 00:19:42,470 --> 00:19:44,709 I never thought... 265 00:19:44,750 --> 00:19:48,871 I never thought this would happen to me, you know. Not in a million years. 266 00:19:48,910 --> 00:19:51,630 - Well, we all get old. - Aye. 267 00:19:52,831 --> 00:19:55,111 - Hey, Abby? - Mm-hm? 268 00:19:55,151 --> 00:19:57,750 Did you hear about the dyslexic insomniac? 269 00:19:57,791 --> 00:19:59,470 No. 270 00:19:59,510 --> 00:20:02,470 He stayed awake all night wondering if there was a dog. 271 00:20:14,617 --> 00:20:17,457 Hi, Liza. Just a quick one. 272 00:20:17,496 --> 00:20:21,175 Your pasta's in the fridge. Heat it up in the microwave, OK? 273 00:20:21,936 --> 00:20:25,617 Leave your, erm... project out and I'll look at it when I come in. 274 00:20:25,657 --> 00:20:28,136 Erm... 15 minutes on your computer, that's it. 275 00:20:28,175 --> 00:20:30,295 I want all your homework done tonight. 276 00:20:30,337 --> 00:20:33,136 And get into bed for quarter to nine, all right? 277 00:20:34,175 --> 00:20:36,737 I'm not sure when I'll be in. I'll be as quick as I can. 278 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:40,256 Your dad's gonna be in late, though. But I'll see you later on, OK? 279 00:20:41,337 --> 00:20:43,457 Right. Love you loads. Right, bye. 280 00:20:44,337 --> 00:20:46,136 Bye. 281 00:20:51,337 --> 00:20:55,296 Seb, did you get my message? I had a text from the school again. 282 00:20:56,175 --> 00:20:57,577 You need to ring us. 283 00:20:57,617 --> 00:21:00,657 I'm glad your... I'm glad your dad's not getting these messages. 284 00:21:00,697 --> 00:21:01,935 I need to know where you are. 285 00:21:01,976 --> 00:21:04,657 Ring us now as soon as you get this message. Bye. 286 00:22:13,617 --> 00:22:15,697 - What's that meant to be? - It's a duck. 287 00:22:15,737 --> 00:22:17,935 - What do youse think? - It looks like a chicken to me. 288 00:22:17,976 --> 00:22:20,377 - A chicken? - It does. It looks like a chicken. 289 00:22:20,417 --> 00:22:23,337 But it's not a chicken, though. You know what I mean? 290 00:22:23,935 --> 00:22:25,657 What's the purpose of it? 291 00:22:25,697 --> 00:22:28,657 It's our logo. It's our, like, sign. 292 00:22:28,697 --> 00:22:32,817 It's what we stand for, and it's what people are gonna recognise us from. 293 00:22:32,856 --> 00:22:35,817 - Do you know what I mean? - Yeah, I like it, but I can do it better. 294 00:22:35,856 --> 00:22:36,976 You can do better? 295 00:22:37,056 --> 00:22:38,935 - He's an idiot. - Definitely. 296 00:22:38,976 --> 00:22:41,896 It's a bit deep just for a bit of graffiti. 297 00:22:41,935 --> 00:22:45,136 Yeah, but, like, it means a lot to me, you know what I mean? 298 00:22:47,175 --> 00:22:50,617 That's Harpoon. I mean, he's bright, but he can piss me off sometimes. 299 00:22:50,657 --> 00:22:51,976 Why did you two come? 300 00:22:52,056 --> 00:22:54,935 I told you I was gonna do it better than you. 301 00:22:55,217 --> 00:22:57,935 - Who's she? - That's Roz. My close friend. 302 00:22:58,697 --> 00:23:02,176 - Is it your girlfriend? - No, no, no. We're just good friends. 303 00:23:03,337 --> 00:23:06,496 That was a nice touch he added, but obviously it's not my style, is it? 304 00:23:07,617 --> 00:23:09,657 Yee! How about that? 305 00:23:09,697 --> 00:23:12,377 So youse are gonna do that every time youse do graffiti? 306 00:23:13,417 --> 00:23:14,816 Maybe. 307 00:23:59,577 --> 00:24:02,577 The lads are in Paddy Whelan's, which has a handy breathalyser 308 00:24:02,617 --> 00:24:04,657 to measure just how drunk you're getting. 309 00:24:04,697 --> 00:24:07,337 Perfect for seeing who's the lightweight of the group. 310 00:24:07,377 --> 00:24:09,617 The higher the number, the more drunk you are. 311 00:24:12,137 --> 00:24:14,536 Gary is no stranger to coming to Eastern Europe... 312 00:24:20,577 --> 00:24:23,337 - Have you seen the time? - Just past half 11. 313 00:24:23,377 --> 00:24:27,457 Oh, God, we need to get to bed. 314 00:24:27,496 --> 00:24:30,097 Come and have a snuggle, cheeky chops. 315 00:24:35,935 --> 00:24:37,935 - You were snoring. - Hm. 316 00:24:38,896 --> 00:24:40,457 It wasn't me, it was your mum. 317 00:24:40,496 --> 00:24:43,296 - It was your dad. - It was your mum. 318 00:25:08,137 --> 00:25:09,776 - All right, bonny lad? - How you doing? 319 00:25:09,816 --> 00:25:12,257 - Watch the match? - I did, yeah. Three-nil. 320 00:25:12,296 --> 00:25:13,896 Good. Very good. 321 00:25:13,935 --> 00:25:16,217 Yeah, you did well. 322 00:25:31,176 --> 00:25:34,296 - You're late. Where's your van? - It's parked outside. 323 00:25:35,296 --> 00:25:39,257 Three times this morning I phoned you. Three times. No answer. 324 00:25:39,296 --> 00:25:42,296 Someone smacked into the mirror, into my wing mirror. 325 00:25:42,337 --> 00:25:43,776 Clean off. On the floor. 326 00:25:43,816 --> 00:25:45,776 So why didn't you bloody fix it last night? 327 00:25:45,816 --> 00:25:48,057 It happened outside the house first thing this morning. 328 00:25:48,097 --> 00:25:50,176 What am I meant to do? It's not my fault, is it? 329 00:25:50,217 --> 00:25:52,577 Well, get a replacement driver. 330 00:25:52,617 --> 00:25:55,577 Just give us two hours, that's all I'm asking for. 331 00:25:55,617 --> 00:25:58,776 What good's that to me? Waiting two fucking hours. You know the rules. 332 00:25:58,816 --> 00:26:01,377 You get down here first thing, or you get a replacement. 333 00:26:01,417 --> 00:26:04,577 Howay, man! I've worked 14 days in a row! 334 00:26:04,617 --> 00:26:08,457 Just give us a bit of slack. Two hours! You never give us an inch. 335 00:26:08,496 --> 00:26:10,696 Because you're always bloody moaning. 336 00:26:10,736 --> 00:26:13,656 You're always on the phone with some kind of feckin' excuse. 337 00:26:13,696 --> 00:26:16,097 And you missed three precises last week as well. 338 00:26:16,137 --> 00:26:19,097 Aye, you know why. You give us too many. You fucking know it! 339 00:26:19,137 --> 00:26:22,656 Well, I can sort that out for you. I'll give your route to somebody else. 340 00:26:22,696 --> 00:26:26,137 Somebody who doesn't moan every two minutes, who hits their fucking numbers. 341 00:26:26,176 --> 00:26:28,896 Aye, aye. Just like Stevie. Squeeze us out, eh? 342 00:26:28,935 --> 00:26:30,377 Aye, same old story, man. 343 00:26:30,417 --> 00:26:32,935 Oh, you couldn't sell a black cat to a fucking witch. 344 00:26:32,977 --> 00:26:34,816 - Drivers! - Fucking twat. 345 00:26:34,856 --> 00:26:36,896 Yo, drivers! 346 00:26:37,417 --> 00:26:39,057 Front and centre. 347 00:26:41,057 --> 00:26:43,536 Come on, I haven't got all day. 348 00:26:46,257 --> 00:26:50,577 Right, there's a new route going. Busier route and a bit of a challenge. 349 00:26:50,616 --> 00:26:55,137 But I need someone who is not gonna whinge every two seconds like certain parties. 350 00:26:55,176 --> 00:26:56,977 Who's up for it? 351 00:26:57,057 --> 00:26:59,377 It's more money. More precises. 352 00:27:01,736 --> 00:27:04,417 Anyone? Carol? 353 00:27:05,776 --> 00:27:07,977 No, not me, mate. Don't need the money. 354 00:27:09,296 --> 00:27:10,377 Les? 355 00:27:10,417 --> 00:27:12,776 Oh, our lass wouldn't be very happy, mate. 356 00:27:12,816 --> 00:27:17,257 Ricky? You've been racing around without any fuss. Do you want a better route? 357 00:27:19,057 --> 00:27:21,097 - Take it. - Cos he's fucking lost this route 358 00:27:21,137 --> 00:27:23,137 regardless of what happens. 359 00:27:24,656 --> 00:27:26,097 Yeah, all right, I'll do it. 360 00:27:26,137 --> 00:27:28,377 That's my boy. Right. 361 00:27:28,417 --> 00:27:31,576 You two, swap routes, swap details. 362 00:27:31,616 --> 00:27:35,936 And, you, if you don't like it, you can fucking walk right now. 363 00:27:36,776 --> 00:27:38,536 Sort this shit out. 364 00:27:38,576 --> 00:27:40,816 Show's over! Back to work! 365 00:27:44,296 --> 00:27:46,656 - Let's go in the office, sort that out. - Freddie, man. 366 00:27:46,696 --> 00:27:47,696 Come on, I'm sorry, mate. 367 00:27:47,736 --> 00:27:49,535 - What route you on? - Fuck off, man. 368 00:27:49,576 --> 00:27:51,535 - Don't be like that. - Oi! I told you two 369 00:27:51,576 --> 00:27:52,856 to sort your routes out! 370 00:27:52,897 --> 00:27:55,377 - Right. I'm 30. What route are you on? - Fuck off! 371 00:27:55,417 --> 00:27:58,137 - You've got two seconds. - What the fuck! 372 00:27:58,176 --> 00:28:00,057 Hey, man! 373 00:28:00,097 --> 00:28:03,377 - Freddie, man. - Get him out! Get him out! 374 00:28:03,417 --> 00:28:06,377 I'm fucking sick of this shit! 375 00:28:06,417 --> 00:28:08,696 I'm fucking sick of this! 376 00:28:08,736 --> 00:28:11,137 - Get him out! - All right, man! 377 00:28:11,176 --> 00:28:12,857 - Come on, Freddie, move. - Freddie. 378 00:28:12,897 --> 00:28:15,417 - He's fucking tapped. - He's doing it on purpose, man. 379 00:28:17,496 --> 00:28:19,535 - Look at him, man, he's crazy. - All right, man. 380 00:28:19,576 --> 00:28:21,977 Get him out of my depot! 381 00:28:22,057 --> 00:28:23,696 - All right. - We're sorting it, man. 382 00:28:23,736 --> 00:28:27,576 Sorting it! I'll sort the fucker. 383 00:28:35,457 --> 00:28:37,656 Right, Ben, get up, breakfast is ready. 384 00:28:38,495 --> 00:28:41,296 Please, leave me alone. 385 00:28:42,097 --> 00:28:44,377 You've gotta get up, Ben. Come on. 386 00:28:44,417 --> 00:28:48,057 What, so I can just stare at these fuckin' walls again? 387 00:28:48,097 --> 00:28:51,897 What have I told you about swearing? I'm not paid to be sweared at. 388 00:28:52,656 --> 00:28:55,495 - Come on, you've gotta get up. - No, I'm not moving. 389 00:28:56,576 --> 00:29:01,456 I'm sick of sitting in my fuckin' chair all day doing nothing. 390 00:29:01,495 --> 00:29:04,857 Look, I've got six other people to go and see, man. 391 00:29:04,897 --> 00:29:07,456 I've gotta get them up, get their breakfast. 392 00:29:08,456 --> 00:29:09,897 I haven't got time for this. 393 00:29:09,936 --> 00:29:14,495 Yeah, six people, but yet you choose to wake me up first. 394 00:29:14,535 --> 00:29:16,616 - Oh. - I'm fuckin' knackered, man. 395 00:29:16,656 --> 00:29:19,776 Right, I'll have a look on me timetable, 396 00:29:19,817 --> 00:29:22,176 - see what I can do. - Yeah, you do that. Go on, yeah. 397 00:29:22,217 --> 00:29:23,696 Seeing as you're so pleasant. 398 00:29:23,736 --> 00:29:27,736 Yeah, sort me out when all I have is nothing to do. 399 00:29:28,535 --> 00:29:29,696 Right. 400 00:29:32,057 --> 00:29:34,217 I've got a break in two hours. 401 00:29:35,377 --> 00:29:38,337 Get yourself sorted, have another little bit of sleep, 402 00:29:38,377 --> 00:29:41,137 you might be in a better fettle for when I return. 403 00:29:41,777 --> 00:29:43,777 It's a good job I like you, isn't it? 404 00:29:46,377 --> 00:29:48,576 I don't like you. 405 00:29:48,616 --> 00:29:50,616 Yes, you do. 406 00:29:53,535 --> 00:29:55,535 Come on, wake up. 407 00:29:56,817 --> 00:29:59,296 - What do you want, man? - Howay, school. 408 00:30:00,535 --> 00:30:02,897 - Mum's already phoned. - What you doing, man? 409 00:30:02,936 --> 00:30:05,857 - Mum's already phoned. - Liza Jane, what you doing? 410 00:30:05,897 --> 00:30:08,656 - Mum phoned to see if you're awake. - I literally don't care. 411 00:30:08,696 --> 00:30:11,857 Howay, Dad'll go mental if you miss school again. 412 00:30:11,897 --> 00:30:14,377 I literally do not care. And what you doing, man? 413 00:30:14,416 --> 00:30:15,897 - Come on. - Stop it, then. 414 00:30:15,936 --> 00:30:17,656 - Just get up. - Stop it, then. 415 00:30:17,696 --> 00:30:19,176 Stop being so lazy! 416 00:30:20,296 --> 00:30:22,897 - What, that's it? - Is that it? 417 00:30:24,535 --> 00:30:25,897 - Roz? - Yeah. 418 00:30:25,936 --> 00:30:28,495 Looks kind of small from here. 419 00:30:28,535 --> 00:30:30,376 Shut up. Wait until you get closer. 420 00:30:30,416 --> 00:30:32,656 - Is that it there? - That's it. 421 00:30:40,495 --> 00:30:43,696 Are you mental, man? High viz? They'll be on to us in no time. 422 00:30:43,737 --> 00:30:46,217 Well, that's the whole point. Just wait and see. 423 00:30:47,097 --> 00:30:49,535 I... I divvent understand what you're on about, man. 424 00:30:49,576 --> 00:30:52,495 - Just wait, man. Just wait. Jesus. - Shut up, Dodge. 425 00:31:06,936 --> 00:31:09,416 That's an awkward way of getting up then, innit. 426 00:31:09,456 --> 00:31:11,936 - Me hair's blowin'. - Seb. 427 00:31:19,456 --> 00:31:20,777 - Seb. - Yeah? 428 00:31:20,817 --> 00:31:22,817 Park authority. 429 00:31:22,857 --> 00:31:24,576 - Ah, shit, man. - Yo! 430 00:31:25,616 --> 00:31:27,977 What the hell do you think you're doing up there? 431 00:31:28,057 --> 00:31:30,817 You're taking the piss, doing that in the middle of a school day. 432 00:31:30,857 --> 00:31:32,535 - Get down. - It is school, sir. 433 00:31:32,576 --> 00:31:36,977 It's an outreach project with The Open University and the police. OBK. 434 00:31:37,057 --> 00:31:39,416 OB... What's all that about, like? 435 00:31:39,456 --> 00:31:43,456 Out Back Krew. For disadvantaged kids from under-privileged backgrounds. 436 00:31:43,495 --> 00:31:45,295 With learning disabilities. 437 00:31:45,336 --> 00:31:47,217 Is that a lass you got up there as well, like? 438 00:31:47,257 --> 00:31:49,456 Hey, that's gender discrimination, that is. 439 00:31:49,495 --> 00:31:52,817 - You should know better, man. - Never mind your gender discrimination. 440 00:31:52,857 --> 00:31:55,336 If you lot are legit, where's your supervisor? 441 00:31:55,376 --> 00:31:58,456 - She's not a supervisor, she's a, um... - Curator. 442 00:31:58,495 --> 00:32:01,217 A curator. She's with Sergeant Johnson down at the station. 443 00:32:01,257 --> 00:32:03,576 I mean, I've got her number just in case you want it. 444 00:32:03,616 --> 00:32:05,697 Aye. Well, I'm not happy with you lot. 445 00:32:05,737 --> 00:32:07,857 I'm gonna be checking up on you. I'll be back. 446 00:32:07,897 --> 00:32:09,857 - Excuse me, sir. - What? 447 00:32:09,897 --> 00:32:12,495 If you don't mind, could you go and get me some red paint? 448 00:32:12,535 --> 00:32:14,657 But don't go out of your way. 449 00:32:15,285 --> 00:32:17,685 If you lot are taking the piss, there'll be trouble. 450 00:32:17,725 --> 00:32:21,525 And you can stick your red paint where the sun don't shine. I'll be back. 451 00:32:24,004 --> 00:32:25,805 - Red paint. - Red paint. 452 00:32:25,844 --> 00:32:28,924 A curator. Nah, you're a genius, you. You defo planned that out. 453 00:32:28,964 --> 00:32:32,365 I didn't, actually, but some pricks don't see what's in front of them, do they... 454 00:32:32,405 --> 00:32:34,805 - Aye, it was all right... - Well done. 455 00:32:35,883 --> 00:32:38,044 Right, so... we need to get this done quickly 456 00:32:38,083 --> 00:32:40,445 cos we haven't got that much time left, so... 457 00:32:50,910 --> 00:32:52,071 - Hello. - Hi, mate. 458 00:32:52,110 --> 00:32:54,110 Can you take this parcel for Mr Campbell? 459 00:32:54,150 --> 00:32:56,110 No, I'd rather not, mate. He's a bastard. 460 00:32:56,150 --> 00:32:58,592 Keeps on parking in me fuckin' parking space. 461 00:32:58,672 --> 00:33:00,712 Right. But you'd be doing me a favour, mate, 462 00:33:00,752 --> 00:33:02,472 I don't get paid till they get delivered. 463 00:33:02,512 --> 00:33:03,831 Mate, he's a fuckin' wanker. 464 00:33:03,871 --> 00:33:06,592 Right, but, well, can you not just sign for it? 465 00:33:07,871 --> 00:33:10,031 - Give it here. - Cheers, man. 466 00:33:11,110 --> 00:33:13,110 Just there, please. 467 00:33:14,672 --> 00:33:16,831 Can I have your last name? I can't read it. 468 00:33:16,871 --> 00:33:19,110 That's all you're gonna get, mate, you know. 469 00:33:19,150 --> 00:33:21,910 - Yeah, but I need your last name. - Big Data. 470 00:33:22,871 --> 00:33:25,352 - Big what? - Big Data. 471 00:33:25,392 --> 00:33:28,871 It's when... when people start hoovering up 472 00:33:28,910 --> 00:33:31,831 all our personal information, 473 00:33:31,871 --> 00:33:34,192 and putting it in that black box. 474 00:33:35,192 --> 00:33:37,991 I tell you, I'll be getting brochures for blow-up dolls next. 475 00:33:38,031 --> 00:33:39,831 - You know what I mean? - Blow-up dolls? 476 00:33:39,871 --> 00:33:42,272 That's probably what this is. I've been in his flat. 477 00:33:42,312 --> 00:33:45,151 There's stuff all over the shop. He's a proper little pervert. 478 00:33:45,192 --> 00:33:46,312 Fucking hell. 479 00:33:46,352 --> 00:33:50,232 You can tell that by the way he parks his car. Now fuck off. 480 00:33:50,272 --> 00:33:51,910 What the... Fucking hell... 481 00:34:03,272 --> 00:34:07,352 Would I be able to do the last OBK? It's gonna be me last one. 482 00:34:07,392 --> 00:34:09,472 - What do you mean? - I'm going to Blackpool. 483 00:34:09,512 --> 00:34:10,910 I've got me ticket booked. 484 00:34:10,951 --> 00:34:13,432 - Are you being serious? - Yeah, I'm being serious. 485 00:34:14,712 --> 00:34:17,151 - Why do you have to go, man? - It doesn't matter. 486 00:34:28,392 --> 00:34:31,071 - Just chuck it down when you get down. - 'Scuse. 487 00:34:54,951 --> 00:34:56,951 I love these photos, Mollie. 488 00:34:57,951 --> 00:35:00,512 So many things going on in it. 489 00:35:00,551 --> 00:35:03,711 That's the Colliery Club in the miners' strike, 1984, 490 00:35:03,751 --> 00:35:06,072 where we had our free caff. 491 00:35:06,111 --> 00:35:08,192 Do you know, we fed 500 a day. 492 00:35:10,432 --> 00:35:12,991 That woman there, very shocked. 493 00:35:13,031 --> 00:35:15,111 - That's me. - It's not. 494 00:35:15,151 --> 00:35:17,072 Do you not recognise us? 495 00:35:17,111 --> 00:35:20,232 And this is Benny. He was one of the union men. 496 00:35:20,272 --> 00:35:21,910 He'd just come in to tell us 497 00:35:21,951 --> 00:35:24,472 that there was another two bus loads of pickets coming. 498 00:35:24,512 --> 00:35:26,192 And all of them wanted feeding. 499 00:35:26,232 --> 00:35:28,512 When he came in, I went in the kitchen to tell them. 500 00:35:28,551 --> 00:35:30,672 God, if you'd heard the language. 501 00:35:30,711 --> 00:35:32,910 - Me mother included, mind. - Yeah. 502 00:35:32,951 --> 00:35:35,151 But we did it. 503 00:35:35,192 --> 00:35:38,831 - Anyway, where's your photos? - They're not as good as yours. 504 00:35:38,871 --> 00:35:42,312 Get away. They're family photos. You should be proud of them. 505 00:35:43,831 --> 00:35:46,711 I've literally just grabbed them. 506 00:35:46,751 --> 00:35:50,551 Hey, I can see that. You still got the frames on some of them. 507 00:35:51,751 --> 00:35:53,751 Let's have a look. 508 00:35:55,272 --> 00:35:58,072 - That's little Seb when he was five. - Oh, he's canny. 509 00:35:58,111 --> 00:35:59,472 Mm-hm. 510 00:35:59,512 --> 00:36:03,472 - And look at you. You're blooming. - Six months pregnant with Liza. 511 00:36:04,592 --> 00:36:06,472 Hey, is that your house? 512 00:36:06,512 --> 00:36:08,111 Should have been our house, 513 00:36:08,151 --> 00:36:10,992 but ten year ago the Northern Rock crash happened. 514 00:36:11,032 --> 00:36:14,352 - Oh, yeah. - We had the mortgage, everything ready. 515 00:36:14,392 --> 00:36:18,192 All gone through, and then Ricky lost his job in the building trade. 516 00:36:19,072 --> 00:36:22,592 Couldn't get anything else. He's just gone from job to job, and we've rented. 517 00:36:22,671 --> 00:36:24,871 Happened to a lot of people, though, didn't it? 518 00:36:24,910 --> 00:36:27,751 - Oh, thousands. - But happier photo. 519 00:36:27,790 --> 00:36:29,831 - Ah... - There we are. Love's young dream. 520 00:36:29,871 --> 00:36:31,551 - Is that you two? - Mm-hm. 521 00:36:32,671 --> 00:36:35,272 Met him at a rave in Morecambe. 522 00:36:36,432 --> 00:36:37,910 We'd go down on buses. 523 00:36:37,951 --> 00:36:41,392 He used to come up from Manchester with his crappy little van. 524 00:36:43,192 --> 00:36:47,432 And this is my boy. But he's getting so big. 525 00:36:47,472 --> 00:36:48,910 Eee... 526 00:36:48,951 --> 00:36:52,952 He's changing every day in front of my eyes. That's when I see him. 527 00:36:52,992 --> 00:36:55,992 Aye. Have you no family round to help you out? 528 00:36:56,032 --> 00:36:57,711 Me mam died three year ago. 529 00:36:58,952 --> 00:37:02,831 And Ricky's family are all down in Manchester, so... 530 00:37:03,751 --> 00:37:05,352 - Eee... - I need to run your bath. 531 00:37:05,392 --> 00:37:08,072 - I'll get in trouble for this, you know. - Never. 532 00:37:08,111 --> 00:37:11,711 Yeah. Can't get friendly with the clients. And I hate that word. 533 00:37:11,751 --> 00:37:14,111 What time's your next appointment, like? 534 00:37:14,151 --> 00:37:16,551 Well, I've got a two-hour break. 535 00:37:16,591 --> 00:37:18,871 - Let's have a look. - So I can chat. 536 00:37:18,910 --> 00:37:21,992 - I hope they pay you, mind. - Zero-hour contract. 537 00:37:22,032 --> 00:37:24,072 I get paid for the visits. 538 00:37:24,111 --> 00:37:27,352 - Well, what about your travelling time? - I pay my own bus fare. 539 00:37:27,392 --> 00:37:29,392 Eee, God... 540 00:37:31,432 --> 00:37:35,711 Hey, I'm just looking at this. 7:30 in the mornings till nine at night? 541 00:37:35,751 --> 00:37:38,111 What happened to the eight-hour day? 542 00:37:48,671 --> 00:37:51,072 - Have you got any water? - I'm fine. 543 00:37:52,272 --> 00:37:55,512 I don't even know where Blackpool is to be honest with you. 544 00:37:58,871 --> 00:38:00,871 Who are you gonna stay with, though? 545 00:38:01,911 --> 00:38:05,192 Friend of a friend. She works in a guest house cleaning. 546 00:38:05,232 --> 00:38:07,911 She says I can stay there until I get a job, so... 547 00:38:07,952 --> 00:38:09,472 There's loads down there. 548 00:38:09,512 --> 00:38:13,111 Madame Tussauds, the fair, all the gift shops. 549 00:38:13,151 --> 00:38:15,352 I mean, it's better there than what it is here. 550 00:38:15,392 --> 00:38:18,992 It probably is better than up here, but why d'you have to go, man? 551 00:38:19,032 --> 00:38:21,392 Those three girls, they jumped us again. 552 00:38:21,432 --> 00:38:23,232 Pulled clumps out of me hair. 553 00:38:23,272 --> 00:38:25,751 They're bullies for life unless you move. 554 00:38:26,952 --> 00:38:28,511 But why would they do that to you? 555 00:38:28,550 --> 00:38:30,671 I don't know. I guess I'm a little different. 556 00:38:30,711 --> 00:38:33,272 And me mum's new boyfriend, he's a bully too. 557 00:38:33,312 --> 00:38:35,790 If it's not inside the house, it's out. 558 00:38:36,591 --> 00:38:39,352 - Have you at least got a sandwich? - I'm not hungry. 559 00:38:39,392 --> 00:38:42,032 - I mean, I can go to Greggs right now... - I'm not hungry. 560 00:38:42,072 --> 00:38:44,392 - Are you sure? - I'll get something when I get off. 561 00:38:44,432 --> 00:38:47,272 - I think this is your bus. - Oh, yeah, it is. 562 00:38:47,550 --> 00:38:49,192 That was quick. 563 00:38:49,232 --> 00:38:51,472 - Have you got everything, yeah? - Yeah. 564 00:38:55,111 --> 00:38:57,952 - Look after yourself, yeah? - I will. Always do. 565 00:39:27,151 --> 00:39:30,471 - How have you afforded all them? - We all chipped in. 566 00:39:30,511 --> 00:39:33,911 - Oh, come on. Just tell the truth. - I am. 567 00:39:33,952 --> 00:39:36,232 Seb, tell the truth. 568 00:39:36,272 --> 00:39:38,272 If I tell the truth, Dad's gonna go bonkers. 569 00:39:38,312 --> 00:39:40,312 Just tell the truth. 570 00:39:43,272 --> 00:39:45,352 I sold my winter jacket. 571 00:39:45,392 --> 00:39:47,992 The Gore-Tex jacket? Seb, for fuck's sake. 572 00:39:48,032 --> 00:39:50,032 Do you know how much it cost? 573 00:39:50,872 --> 00:39:52,952 That cost me a fortune. 574 00:39:52,992 --> 00:39:54,992 I can't get another one. 575 00:39:56,272 --> 00:39:57,550 What you doing? 576 00:39:57,591 --> 00:40:00,352 Have you been on the train tracks and the roofs? Eh? 577 00:40:00,392 --> 00:40:02,511 Spreading that shite everywhere? 578 00:40:02,550 --> 00:40:06,111 Course it's shit, and of course it's everywhere. It's advertising. 579 00:40:06,151 --> 00:40:08,791 It's like all the shitty advertising you see nowadays. 580 00:40:08,832 --> 00:40:10,072 People trying to, like, 581 00:40:10,111 --> 00:40:12,791 them trying to get people to buy stuff that isn't in their league. 582 00:40:12,832 --> 00:40:17,032 - What's that supposed to mean? - Can we just talk? Instead of shouting. 583 00:40:17,711 --> 00:40:20,032 Have you been in school today? 584 00:40:20,072 --> 00:40:21,471 Oh, Seb. 585 00:40:21,511 --> 00:40:24,192 How many days off have you had in the last month? 586 00:40:25,431 --> 00:40:28,272 Do you know, me and your mum are gonna get dragged in? 587 00:40:28,312 --> 00:40:30,391 They sent a letter about it last month, Seb. 588 00:40:30,431 --> 00:40:32,312 We're gonna get a fine, love. 589 00:40:32,352 --> 00:40:35,272 - Just talk. - I know, but, love... 590 00:40:37,032 --> 00:40:39,911 I don't know what's got into you, I really don't. 591 00:40:39,952 --> 00:40:44,752 You're a smart kid, just like Liza. You used to be in all the top sets. 592 00:40:44,791 --> 00:40:49,591 What is going on? Just give yourself some choices, mate. 593 00:40:50,832 --> 00:40:52,391 - Seb. - Mm-hm. 594 00:40:52,431 --> 00:40:54,671 We've talked about this. You could go to uni. 595 00:40:55,232 --> 00:40:57,591 Go to uni. What, and be like Harpoon's brother? 596 00:40:57,671 --> 00:40:59,352 57 grand in debt. 597 00:40:59,391 --> 00:41:01,232 And what, working in a call centre now, 598 00:41:01,272 --> 00:41:04,712 getting smashed every weekend just to forget his problems? 599 00:41:04,752 --> 00:41:06,032 Of course. 600 00:41:06,072 --> 00:41:09,471 Yeah, but it don't have to be like that, does it? There's good jobs out there. 601 00:41:09,511 --> 00:41:11,431 Good jobs? What good jobs? 602 00:41:11,471 --> 00:41:15,712 Well, there is if you just knuckle down. Give yourself some options. 603 00:41:16,712 --> 00:41:18,992 Otherwise, you're just gonna end up like... 604 00:41:19,032 --> 00:41:20,872 - Well, I don't know... - What, like you? 605 00:41:20,911 --> 00:41:22,752 Oh, fucking nice! 606 00:41:22,791 --> 00:41:25,232 - Seb. - Do you really think I want that? 607 00:41:25,272 --> 00:41:27,550 - Really? - Yeah. 608 00:41:28,550 --> 00:41:31,072 Well, yeah, of course I do, don't I? I wanna be like you. 609 00:41:31,111 --> 00:41:34,351 Yeah, going from shit job to shit job, working 14 hours a day, 610 00:41:34,391 --> 00:41:36,791 having to put up with everyone else's shit. 611 00:41:36,832 --> 00:41:39,272 Going from one shit job to another shit job. 612 00:41:39,312 --> 00:41:42,111 - You're just gonna end up a skivvy. - A skivvy? 613 00:41:43,942 --> 00:41:46,462 It's your choice to be a skivvy, isn't it? 614 00:41:46,501 --> 00:41:49,142 A skivvy doesn't come to you, you go to it. 615 00:41:50,262 --> 00:41:52,262 Right? 616 00:41:53,182 --> 00:41:54,382 I'm doing my best, Seb. 617 00:41:54,422 --> 00:41:56,740 Maybe your best isn't good enough, is it? 618 00:41:58,142 --> 00:42:00,942 - No. It's not, is it? - No. 619 00:42:01,981 --> 00:42:04,740 I want it better for you. I want it better for Liza. 620 00:42:07,462 --> 00:42:09,462 D'you know what, fuck this. I'm going to bed. 621 00:42:09,501 --> 00:42:10,981 - Go on, then. - Yeah, fuck off. 622 00:42:11,022 --> 00:42:12,422 Fuck you. 623 00:42:15,862 --> 00:42:18,282 We do want the best for you, you know. 624 00:42:21,101 --> 00:42:24,022 He works so hard. I do. 625 00:42:24,062 --> 00:42:27,002 Where have you gone? Can you not even look at me? 626 00:42:28,022 --> 00:42:30,501 I mean... I just can't. 627 00:42:30,541 --> 00:42:32,541 I'm sorry, I've gotta go. 628 00:43:05,981 --> 00:43:07,981 Other way, Dad. 629 00:43:14,782 --> 00:43:17,621 This way, this way, this way, this way. Here, here. 630 00:43:19,621 --> 00:43:21,382 Here, scan it, scan it! 631 00:43:21,421 --> 00:43:23,421 - Made it! - Ah, yes! 632 00:43:23,942 --> 00:43:25,541 Have some of that. 633 00:43:26,740 --> 00:43:28,621 - Hello. - Hiya. 634 00:43:28,661 --> 00:43:31,022 - Got a parcel for you, love. Cheers. - Thank you. 635 00:43:31,062 --> 00:43:33,421 - Can you sign, please? - Yes. Are you helping your dad? 636 00:43:33,461 --> 00:43:34,661 Yeah. 637 00:43:36,701 --> 00:43:39,062 - Thank you. - Here, get yourself some sweets. 638 00:43:39,101 --> 00:43:40,942 - Thank you. - Thank you. Have a nice day. 639 00:43:40,981 --> 00:43:42,381 - Bye. - See you. Bye-bye. 640 00:43:43,741 --> 00:43:46,581 - Ah, that's the third tip. - Proper gold digger, you, aren't you? 641 00:43:46,621 --> 00:43:49,222 I never get any tips. 642 00:43:49,262 --> 00:43:52,262 Yeah, that's cos you're not as cute as me. 643 00:43:52,301 --> 00:43:54,461 Oh, you think so, do you? 644 00:43:55,954 --> 00:44:00,314 It can text, phone, photograph, scan, 645 00:44:00,355 --> 00:44:02,635 sign, contact the customer. 646 00:44:02,674 --> 00:44:05,154 - Anything else? - Yeah, bleep. 647 00:44:05,194 --> 00:44:06,994 Does loads of bloody bleeping. 648 00:44:07,034 --> 00:44:10,034 I swear it bleeps if I'm out of the cab for two minutes. 649 00:44:10,874 --> 00:44:13,314 Is that so the customer knows where you are? 650 00:44:13,355 --> 00:44:15,515 Customer always knows where I am. 651 00:44:15,554 --> 00:44:19,914 They track every parcel, don't they? To the front door and the back door. 652 00:44:19,954 --> 00:44:23,234 Even if you put one in the garden shed, they know where it lands. 653 00:44:23,275 --> 00:44:27,194 Who puts all the information in there? Somebody has to think about it. 654 00:44:28,034 --> 00:44:31,275 A robot or an... an app, a computer program. 655 00:44:32,194 --> 00:44:33,874 But who feeds the robot? 656 00:44:33,913 --> 00:44:37,755 I don't know. It's probably some specky geek, innit? 657 00:44:38,435 --> 00:44:40,435 Who never goes to the toilet. 658 00:44:42,114 --> 00:44:44,715 I mean, if they have time to measure everything else, 659 00:44:44,755 --> 00:44:47,194 they might as well have time for the toilet. 660 00:44:48,475 --> 00:44:50,355 Yeah. 661 00:44:50,435 --> 00:44:53,275 You didn't inherit them brains from me, did you? 662 00:45:07,275 --> 00:45:09,913 You get the bell, I'll get the parcel, love. 663 00:45:14,435 --> 00:45:16,235 Wargh. 664 00:45:26,074 --> 00:45:29,755 Well, it says leave it in the garden shed. Fill that card in, love. 665 00:45:40,834 --> 00:45:42,994 Fucking hell! 666 00:45:43,715 --> 00:45:47,275 Fuck off, you fucking bastard! Get to fuck! 667 00:45:47,595 --> 00:45:50,755 Fucking twat. 668 00:45:50,795 --> 00:45:53,195 Fuck's sake. 669 00:45:54,515 --> 00:45:56,554 There's a dog round there with massive teeth. 670 00:45:56,595 --> 00:45:58,795 I think it's took a chunk out of my arse. 671 00:45:58,834 --> 00:46:00,834 Come on, hurry up with that card. 672 00:46:02,355 --> 00:46:06,554 You owe my dad 673 00:46:06,595 --> 00:46:11,074 a fresh pair of boxers. 674 00:46:18,314 --> 00:46:20,314 Are you having a laugh? 675 00:46:23,873 --> 00:46:27,314 I've been there over an hour and a half cleaning her up 676 00:46:27,355 --> 00:46:30,595 because she had shit all over her hair, under her nails. 677 00:46:30,635 --> 00:46:33,034 It was on the walls, all over me. 678 00:46:33,074 --> 00:46:35,235 I've... I'm covered in scratches off her. 679 00:46:35,275 --> 00:46:37,515 So what do you think? What am I supposed to do? 680 00:46:37,554 --> 00:46:40,155 - Just leave her? - I know... I know she's difficult. 681 00:46:40,195 --> 00:46:43,195 She's not a difficult, er... client. 682 00:46:43,235 --> 00:46:44,674 She's, she's very vulnerable 683 00:46:44,715 --> 00:46:47,074 and she needs more than what she's getting, actually. 684 00:46:47,114 --> 00:46:49,314 And I've told you this three times already. 685 00:46:49,355 --> 00:46:53,635 Nobody listens to us. I'm just gonna give... make the call meself. 686 00:46:53,674 --> 00:46:55,954 Well, listen. Just calm down. 687 00:46:55,994 --> 00:46:59,435 Don't tell us to calm down! Are you gonna pay us me extra hour? 688 00:46:59,475 --> 00:47:01,275 Well, you know I cannae do that, Abby. 689 00:47:01,314 --> 00:47:03,715 Yeah, but you still expect us to clean up all the mess 690 00:47:03,754 --> 00:47:06,475 in the short space of time that we get. 691 00:47:06,515 --> 00:47:08,715 - That's how it is, isn't it? - Well, the thing is, 692 00:47:08,754 --> 00:47:11,195 you know that I can't pay you, you know that. 693 00:47:11,235 --> 00:47:14,074 Right. And don't bother ringing her daughter. 694 00:47:14,115 --> 00:47:15,913 - No point. - Well, we're gonna have to. 695 00:47:15,954 --> 00:47:19,115 There's no point in ringing her daughter, she couldn't give a shit about her. 696 00:47:19,155 --> 00:47:22,235 She couldn't give a shit. All she wants to do is sell the house. 697 00:47:22,275 --> 00:47:24,674 Right. Listen. I've had two call-offs, Abby. 698 00:47:24,715 --> 00:47:28,715 I want you to do Mrs Sproat tonight for a tuck-in because she keeps asking for you. 699 00:47:28,754 --> 00:47:32,635 Yes, I know. But tonight's my night with my family and I've done extra today. 700 00:47:32,674 --> 00:47:36,595 So, no, I'm not doing it. I'm going. I'll speak to you soon. Bye. 701 00:47:42,635 --> 00:47:44,435 Are you all right, love? 702 00:47:44,475 --> 00:47:47,554 No, I'm doing me bloody best. I don't have enough time. 703 00:47:47,873 --> 00:47:51,754 I'm covered in scratches off that poor old lady. She was frantic. 704 00:47:53,075 --> 00:47:55,075 I've got one rule. 705 00:47:55,635 --> 00:47:58,954 You... You treat them like your mam, like, look after them. 706 00:47:59,873 --> 00:48:03,115 You wouldn't leave your mam in a state like that. Nobody would. 707 00:48:05,275 --> 00:48:07,275 Here's the bus. 708 00:48:09,635 --> 00:48:13,195 - Are you getting on the bus, love? - No, I'm just gonna kill some time here. 709 00:48:13,235 --> 00:48:15,873 OK, love. Take care. 710 00:48:41,913 --> 00:48:43,994 - I've got an idea. - What? 711 00:48:45,355 --> 00:48:49,115 Why don't we get an Indian take-away tonight, eh? Your mum's off. 712 00:48:49,155 --> 00:48:51,155 Yeah. 713 00:48:52,235 --> 00:48:55,235 - And pay for it with your tip money. - No. 714 00:48:57,873 --> 00:48:59,873 Can you do us a favour and ring Seb? 715 00:49:01,235 --> 00:49:05,554 Ask him what he wants. And try and persuade him to stay in if you can. 716 00:49:08,714 --> 00:49:11,673 Dad, I wish youse didn't have to fight so much. 717 00:49:13,995 --> 00:49:15,995 Yeah, me too, love. 718 00:49:18,235 --> 00:49:19,954 Thanks for the great day. 719 00:49:19,995 --> 00:49:21,634 You're all right. 720 00:49:23,673 --> 00:49:26,035 Can we do it again? 721 00:49:26,075 --> 00:49:28,075 Yeah, course we can. 722 00:49:29,995 --> 00:49:32,995 There's the two-minute beep. 723 00:49:34,475 --> 00:49:36,475 It can wait, eh? 724 00:49:43,995 --> 00:49:45,995 - Thanks. - Thank you. 725 00:49:49,035 --> 00:49:51,035 Thank you. 726 00:49:54,355 --> 00:49:56,314 - Dad? - Yeah? 727 00:49:56,355 --> 00:49:58,873 You're right. This is actually really nice, you know. 728 00:49:58,913 --> 00:50:00,714 - What's it called? - Korma. 729 00:50:00,754 --> 00:50:03,115 - Is it? - Yeah, it's for all the softies, that. 730 00:50:03,155 --> 00:50:04,794 - Really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 731 00:50:05,475 --> 00:50:08,235 - This is where it's at. Vindaloo. - Is it? Is it, really? 732 00:50:08,275 --> 00:50:10,035 Yeah, separates the men from the boys. 733 00:50:10,075 --> 00:50:13,475 You've gotta be hard to take this stuff, d'you know what I mean, son? 734 00:50:13,515 --> 00:50:15,955 Fucking hell. 735 00:50:16,873 --> 00:50:20,435 - Separates the men from the boys, huh? - Get a drink, love. 736 00:50:20,475 --> 00:50:22,475 All right? 737 00:50:26,075 --> 00:50:28,634 - Excuse me. No phones at the table. - Sorry. 738 00:50:30,035 --> 00:50:32,235 What's the matter, love? 739 00:50:32,275 --> 00:50:35,155 It's Mollie, one of my old ladies. She's been at a wedding. 740 00:50:35,195 --> 00:50:38,435 The taxi's took her home, and the family thought the carer was coming. 741 00:50:38,475 --> 00:50:41,714 - Nobody's turned up. - Why can't you ring the family? 742 00:50:41,754 --> 00:50:45,115 - Can't get hold of them. - Is there no-one else on call? 743 00:50:46,115 --> 00:50:48,475 No-one's answering. She's been stuck for three hours. 744 00:50:48,515 --> 00:50:52,035 She cannae get to the toilet or go to bed. I'll have to go to her. 745 00:50:53,035 --> 00:50:56,435 - See, this is how the bastards do it. - It's not right that, though. 746 00:50:56,475 --> 00:50:59,235 If I don't see to her, I won't sleep. I'll get a taxi. 747 00:51:01,195 --> 00:51:04,115 No, look. You'll not get a taxi on a Saturday night at this time. 748 00:51:04,155 --> 00:51:06,155 You'll be waiting for hours. 749 00:51:07,553 --> 00:51:09,634 Look, Dad, I've got an idea, yeah. 750 00:51:09,673 --> 00:51:11,955 How about we all just go in your van, yeah? 751 00:51:11,995 --> 00:51:14,995 I mean, it might be a bit cramped, but one of us will just double bunk. 752 00:51:15,035 --> 00:51:17,794 I mean, it'll be a laugh cos we'll get there faster. 753 00:51:17,834 --> 00:51:20,355 We'll probably have, like, a little sing-song. 754 00:51:20,435 --> 00:51:23,514 I divvent know, up to you. I mean, it sounds like a good idea, right? 755 00:51:23,553 --> 00:51:25,754 I mean, is that OK with you, though? 756 00:51:25,794 --> 00:51:27,794 - Erm... - Is it? 757 00:51:27,834 --> 00:51:29,435 - Yeah. Good. - You sure? 758 00:51:29,475 --> 00:51:31,553 - Yeah. - Yeah, of course. 759 00:51:44,634 --> 00:51:46,474 ♩ l tell you now my name, my name is Young ♩ 760 00:51:46,514 --> 00:51:48,673 ♩ But so you think it's your destiny to get the best of me ♩ 761 00:51:48,714 --> 00:51:51,553 ♩ But I suggest to be quiet, bro, don't even try it from the east and west of me ♩ 762 00:51:51,594 --> 00:51:53,435 ♩ Takin' it and never breakin' it or even shakin' it ♩ 763 00:51:53,474 --> 00:51:55,435 ♩ Groovin' it and always movin' it, cos I'm not fakin' it ♩ 764 00:51:55,474 --> 00:51:57,474 ♩ Go for it, go for it, go for it! ♩ 765 00:52:05,355 --> 00:52:07,435 Mollie, what's going on? 766 00:52:07,474 --> 00:52:11,435 Oh, Abby, am I pleased to see you. 767 00:52:11,474 --> 00:52:14,314 But I'm sorry to have to call you out on a Saturday night. 768 00:52:14,355 --> 00:52:17,355 I don't mind at all. How long have you been sat here? 769 00:52:17,435 --> 00:52:19,355 Oh, that doesn't matter. You're here now. 770 00:52:19,435 --> 00:52:21,714 Oh, Mollie. You look beautiful, though. 771 00:52:21,754 --> 00:52:23,754 Did you have a little drink at the wedding? 772 00:52:23,795 --> 00:52:27,275 I did. It was great. But I came home, sat in this chair. 773 00:52:27,314 --> 00:52:29,474 Nobody to help us to the toilet. 774 00:52:29,514 --> 00:52:32,075 - So now I'm soaking wet. - Right. 775 00:52:32,115 --> 00:52:34,355 Let's get you a nice bath run, eh? 776 00:52:34,434 --> 00:52:36,995 - That will be lovely. Thank you. - Don't you worry. 777 00:52:38,474 --> 00:52:42,075 Do you know what? It's so humiliating. I feel so stupid. 778 00:52:42,115 --> 00:52:43,914 I can't even get to the toilet on me own. 779 00:52:43,955 --> 00:52:46,355 Right. Come on. Look at me. 780 00:52:46,434 --> 00:52:49,914 And I want you to listen. And don't ever forget this. 781 00:52:49,955 --> 00:52:52,835 You do more for me than you'll ever know. All right? 782 00:52:52,874 --> 00:52:55,195 Well, I'm pleased I can do something for somebody. 783 00:52:55,235 --> 00:52:57,115 You really do. 784 00:53:00,155 --> 00:53:03,155 They surprise you sometimes, don't they? 785 00:53:03,195 --> 00:53:07,075 But he's been so happy tonight. We've had a right good laugh, haven't we? 786 00:53:07,115 --> 00:53:09,914 - Mm. - Just his normal self. 787 00:53:11,155 --> 00:53:14,914 I'm really worried he's gonna get kicked out of school. 788 00:53:14,955 --> 00:53:16,955 Yeah. 789 00:53:18,155 --> 00:53:20,155 I try and talk to him all the time but... 790 00:53:21,075 --> 00:53:24,275 ...I just feel like I'm not here enough. 791 00:53:24,874 --> 00:53:28,594 Three nights a week's not enough. I need to be here with my kids. 792 00:53:28,634 --> 00:53:30,594 - Oh, I know, love. - I do. 793 00:53:30,634 --> 00:53:32,434 Oh. 794 00:53:35,874 --> 00:53:38,355 - Have you got chest rub on? - No. 795 00:53:39,835 --> 00:53:43,195 I have to put it under my nose in case there's a horrible smell... 796 00:53:43,235 --> 00:53:44,835 - Oh, thanks. - ...when I'm at work. 797 00:53:44,874 --> 00:53:46,995 Oh, sorry. 798 00:53:49,075 --> 00:53:52,155 You know, I never thought it would be this difficult, Abby. 799 00:53:52,195 --> 00:53:54,195 I know. 800 00:53:55,115 --> 00:53:58,755 It just seems to me that everything's out of whack. 801 00:53:58,795 --> 00:54:01,155 - Mm-hm. - You know what I mean? 802 00:54:01,195 --> 00:54:03,275 Yeah. 803 00:54:04,235 --> 00:54:06,474 I have horrible dreams, you know. 804 00:54:07,874 --> 00:54:10,354 I'm, like, sinking into quicksand 805 00:54:10,434 --> 00:54:13,354 and the kids are trying to pull us out with a branch. 806 00:54:13,835 --> 00:54:18,275 But it just seems like the more we work and the more hours we do, 807 00:54:18,314 --> 00:54:21,235 we just sink further and further into this big hole. 808 00:54:22,075 --> 00:54:24,195 I have it all the time. 809 00:54:24,235 --> 00:54:27,313 Hey, come on. 810 00:54:30,313 --> 00:54:32,634 I just... I can't. 811 00:54:34,514 --> 00:54:36,914 I'd cry for a week, honestly. 812 00:54:39,674 --> 00:54:42,553 I'll put you on me to-do list for tomorrow, though. 813 00:54:42,995 --> 00:54:45,235 - Top of the list. - Right. 814 00:54:46,075 --> 00:54:48,075 - Yeah? - Yeah. 815 00:55:09,313 --> 00:55:10,635 Hey, love. 816 00:55:10,674 --> 00:55:13,313 Ricky, there's an emergency meeting tonight at the school. 817 00:55:13,354 --> 00:55:15,313 That's a bit short notice, innit? 818 00:55:15,354 --> 00:55:17,795 It's been organised last week. Seb's hid the letter. 819 00:55:17,835 --> 00:55:22,955 Erm... the headmaster, the welfare officer and his head of year want to see us. 820 00:55:24,635 --> 00:55:27,195 - What's the rush? - He's had a fight on Friday. 821 00:55:27,235 --> 00:55:29,715 And the teacher's tried to split it up and he's got hurt. 822 00:55:29,755 --> 00:55:32,795 So it's really serious. We both need to be there. 823 00:55:32,835 --> 00:55:35,755 There's nothing I can do. I can't get anyone to cover me. 824 00:55:35,795 --> 00:55:38,274 I know, but he could get suspended. 825 00:55:38,313 --> 00:55:41,795 Ah, fucking hell. Come on, mate. 826 00:55:42,474 --> 00:55:45,075 - Suspended? - Who's that? 827 00:55:45,115 --> 00:55:47,635 Mr Davis, I've got a package for you. 828 00:55:47,674 --> 00:55:50,955 Can you have your photo ID ready, please? It's your mobile phone. 829 00:56:01,035 --> 00:56:03,474 You're fucking having a laugh. 830 00:56:06,635 --> 00:56:09,354 Ricky, I'm really nervous. The headmaster was so sharp. 831 00:56:09,434 --> 00:56:13,434 - And I said he wasn't listening to us... - Abby, I've told you, I'll do me best. 832 00:56:13,474 --> 00:56:16,955 - I'm not going on my own. I need... - Oh, for fuck's sake, Abby! 833 00:56:17,955 --> 00:56:19,354 Abby? 834 00:56:22,674 --> 00:56:25,274 - Have you got your photo ID, mate? - I couldn't find any. 835 00:56:25,313 --> 00:56:27,955 - I need a passport or driving licence. - Come on. Give us a break. 836 00:56:27,995 --> 00:56:30,955 - I can't. I need your ID. - Come on, I've paid for it. Give it here. 837 00:56:30,995 --> 00:56:33,035 Look, I'm not bothered. It's me job, in't it? 838 00:56:33,075 --> 00:56:36,354 It's cost us 200 quid. I've waited three days for it. Just give it here. 839 00:56:36,434 --> 00:56:38,635 - I'm trying to be nice here. - So am I! 840 00:56:38,674 --> 00:56:41,635 - Go and get your fucking ID now. - Oi, just give us the fucking phone! 841 00:56:41,674 --> 00:56:43,715 Get the fuck off, you fucking dickhead! 842 00:56:43,755 --> 00:56:47,554 Go and get your fucking ID now, or I'll ram your parcel down your fucking throat! 843 00:56:47,595 --> 00:56:50,274 - All right. - Get it, you fucking dickhead! 844 00:56:52,047 --> 00:56:54,047 Liza Jane, something's come up. 845 00:56:54,087 --> 00:56:56,847 So Jessie's mam's gonna take you to swimming, OK? 846 00:56:56,887 --> 00:56:58,567 Your stuff's in your sports bag. 847 00:56:58,606 --> 00:57:01,087 There's some pasta in the fridge in the Tupperware. 848 00:57:01,127 --> 00:57:05,007 Do not go on the computer before you do your, er... homework, please. 849 00:57:05,047 --> 00:57:08,966 Your permission slip for the trip's in the envelope with the money. 850 00:57:09,007 --> 00:57:12,007 It's on the side. So get that and I'll see you later on. 851 00:57:12,047 --> 00:57:14,087 Love you loads. Bye. 852 00:57:15,007 --> 00:57:18,167 Hi, Eddy, it's Abby. I've got your prescription. 853 00:57:18,206 --> 00:57:21,406 I'm running 20 minutes late. I'll not be long, OK? 854 00:57:22,767 --> 00:57:24,606 Seb, did you get my text? 855 00:57:24,647 --> 00:57:27,887 You really need to be at that meeting tonight at the school, no excuses. 856 00:57:27,926 --> 00:57:29,926 Ring me back. 857 00:57:32,326 --> 00:57:34,647 Wrong address. 858 00:57:43,166 --> 00:57:45,606 Do you know, I should work with Bill Gates. 859 00:57:46,726 --> 00:57:48,726 Er, what's the dance with the new scanners? 860 00:57:48,767 --> 00:57:52,687 - You're hilarious. - Aye. Aye, not long, aye. 861 00:57:53,567 --> 00:57:55,926 Right, that's me done now. Thank you very much. 862 00:57:55,966 --> 00:57:58,286 - I shall see youse next week. Bye-bye. - Cheers. 863 00:57:58,326 --> 00:57:59,887 - There you go. - Everything OK? 864 00:57:59,926 --> 00:58:01,246 - Yeah, great. - Any problems? 865 00:58:01,286 --> 00:58:02,567 No, nothing. It's fine. 866 00:58:02,606 --> 00:58:04,486 Have you got two minutes? I need a quick word. 867 00:58:04,527 --> 00:58:06,527 I'm in a bit of a rush to be honest with you. 868 00:58:06,567 --> 00:58:08,606 Aren't we all? If you can just wait over there. 869 00:58:08,647 --> 00:58:10,647 I'll see to these two lads and I'll be with you. 870 00:58:10,687 --> 00:58:13,047 - All right. - Cheers, thanks. 871 00:58:13,087 --> 00:58:14,726 - Everything all right? - Sound. 872 00:58:15,807 --> 00:58:18,047 - Any problems? - No, no. No. 873 00:58:18,087 --> 00:58:21,527 Problems with this new battery. Couldn't do me last scan. 874 00:58:21,567 --> 00:58:23,767 - You got your paper record? - I'm on it now. 875 00:58:27,198 --> 00:58:29,598 It's all right, Ricky. It's nothing to worry about. 876 00:58:29,638 --> 00:58:33,398 Hitting your figures and getting good feedback, everything's going all right. 877 00:58:33,438 --> 00:58:36,677 Just... Did you have somebody in the van with you on Saturday gone? 878 00:58:36,717 --> 00:58:39,598 Oh, yeah, it was... it was me daughter, Liza Jane. Why? 879 00:58:39,638 --> 00:58:41,717 Oh, sorry, mate. We can't have that. 880 00:58:41,757 --> 00:58:46,198 Well, it's... it's my van. My insurance. My daughter. 881 00:58:46,238 --> 00:58:47,877 I thought it was my business? 882 00:58:47,916 --> 00:58:50,038 Yeah, it is. But it's our franchise. 883 00:58:50,078 --> 00:58:52,318 All right? We had a complaint from one of the clients. 884 00:58:52,358 --> 00:58:54,558 Nobody fucks with them, ever, mate. All right? 885 00:58:54,598 --> 00:58:57,598 It's just one of the first commandments, all right? Cheers. 886 00:59:07,358 --> 00:59:09,558 Mate, I've got a meeting with me wife and me son. 887 00:59:09,598 --> 00:59:11,837 - What? - I've got a meeting with the headmaster. 888 00:59:11,877 --> 00:59:14,118 I'm... I'm... I'm shutting up now, mate. 889 00:59:14,157 --> 00:59:16,358 - I... - Right. Is there not another entrance? 890 00:59:16,398 --> 00:59:18,957 - They might still be in. - The whole school's locked, mate. 891 00:59:19,038 --> 00:59:21,797 Sorry. The headmaster, he went about 20, 25 minutes ago. 892 00:59:21,837 --> 00:59:24,118 - Sorry. - Fucking hell. 893 00:59:31,477 --> 00:59:33,477 "I'm writing to inform you 894 00:59:33,517 --> 00:59:37,198 of my decision to exclude Sebastian for a fixed period of 14 days, 895 00:59:37,877 --> 00:59:41,078 beginning October 15th, ending October 29th. 896 00:59:42,717 --> 00:59:47,597 I realise that this exclusion may well be upsetting for you and the whole family... 897 00:59:48,916 --> 00:59:52,517 ...but there must be clear consequences for violent behaviour. 898 00:59:55,078 --> 00:59:58,597 Your son is banned from being in any public space during school hours 899 00:59:58,637 --> 01:00:01,118 and should work from home." 900 01:00:01,157 --> 01:00:03,157 That's not gonna work, is it? 901 01:00:06,318 --> 01:00:10,717 Sebastian should work from home, using an online learning programme called SAM, 902 01:00:10,757 --> 01:00:12,757 with log-in details below. 903 01:00:12,797 --> 01:00:15,477 Well, yeah. That's a fucking joke, innit? 904 01:00:16,477 --> 01:00:17,637 Eh? 905 01:00:18,677 --> 01:00:20,157 When Harpoon was suspended, 906 01:00:20,198 --> 01:00:24,277 he could do his work from the school library, supervised, is that right? 907 01:00:25,238 --> 01:00:27,238 Are you listening to me? 908 01:00:27,277 --> 01:00:29,277 Did you ask about that? 909 01:00:31,198 --> 01:00:35,078 I was too busy listening to him complain about why you weren't there. 910 01:00:37,477 --> 01:00:40,438 There's no way he's gonna be doing his work at home, is there? 911 01:00:40,477 --> 01:00:44,157 So we need to get it changed so that he goes into school and does it. 912 01:00:45,358 --> 01:00:46,677 Abby! 913 01:00:47,717 --> 01:00:48,958 I don't know. 914 01:00:49,038 --> 01:00:51,398 It's common sense, it's an obvious question. 915 01:00:51,438 --> 01:00:53,438 I can't believe you didn't ask it! 916 01:00:53,477 --> 01:00:55,477 Why don't you go and phone him, then? 917 01:00:58,318 --> 01:01:02,717 I can't believe you were face to face with him and you didn't even bother to ask. 918 01:01:02,757 --> 01:01:06,917 I can't believe you didn't turn up and ask the questions yourself! 919 01:01:06,958 --> 01:01:09,318 I've been running around like a blue-arsed fly all day! 920 01:01:09,358 --> 01:01:12,157 I've not even had anything to eat! 921 01:01:12,198 --> 01:01:14,198 Do you know how much work I've had on? 922 01:01:15,958 --> 01:01:18,318 - Blue-arsed fly? - Yeah. 923 01:01:18,358 --> 01:01:20,358 Do you know what it is? Poor you! 924 01:01:20,398 --> 01:01:22,516 I never get my friggin' dinner any day. 925 01:01:22,557 --> 01:01:26,637 Do you know what? I've been stood in bus stops all day. I've got no transport. 926 01:01:26,677 --> 01:01:29,277 I've got to travel around by buses to do my job, 927 01:01:29,318 --> 01:01:32,677 having people shout at me at bus stops all friggin' day! 928 01:01:33,477 --> 01:01:37,978 And I can't get to fucking work cos I don't have the car! Cos you sold it! 929 01:01:38,838 --> 01:01:40,438 I'm sick of youse. 930 01:01:58,887 --> 01:02:02,968 Do you know, the only time I ever argued with your mum, and it's cos of you. 931 01:02:03,767 --> 01:02:05,528 Yeah, Dad. 932 01:02:05,566 --> 01:02:07,847 It's always my fault, innit? Always. 933 01:02:14,727 --> 01:02:18,528 ♩ Last Saturday night I got married ♩ 934 01:02:19,687 --> 01:02:23,606 ♩ Me and my wife settled down ♩ 935 01:02:24,128 --> 01:02:28,007 ♩ Now me and my wife, we are parted ♩ 936 01:02:28,968 --> 01:02:33,247 ♩ Gonna take another show round town ♩ 937 01:02:33,767 --> 01:02:35,767 ♩ Irene ♩ 938 01:02:36,527 --> 01:02:38,888 ♩ Good night, Irene ♩ 939 01:02:39,727 --> 01:02:41,727 ♩ Irene ♩ 940 01:02:41,767 --> 01:02:43,968 ♩ Good night ♩ 941 01:02:44,647 --> 01:02:46,968 ♩ Good night, Irene ♩ 942 01:02:47,566 --> 01:02:50,048 ♩ Good night, Irene ♩ 943 01:02:50,488 --> 01:02:56,128 ♩ I'll see you in my dreams ♩ 944 01:03:04,928 --> 01:03:07,168 I, erm... I just wanted a quick word. 945 01:03:07,928 --> 01:03:11,007 You know I'm a grafter and there's no bullshit with me. 946 01:03:11,807 --> 01:03:16,487 But I'm just having some problems at home at the minute with my teenage son. He's... 947 01:03:16,527 --> 01:03:20,288 He's skipping school and he's just on the warpath. 948 01:03:20,328 --> 01:03:22,727 But it's affecting everybody in the house. 949 01:03:22,767 --> 01:03:24,928 My daughter, Liza Jane, she's... 950 01:03:26,168 --> 01:03:28,288 she's 11 and she's not sleeping right and... 951 01:03:28,328 --> 01:03:30,328 My wife's up the wall with it. 952 01:03:31,247 --> 01:03:33,007 So, erm... 953 01:03:33,048 --> 01:03:35,048 Well, I just need a week off. 954 01:03:35,128 --> 01:03:39,647 I'm not finishing till late. It's gone nine o'clock by the time I'm getting back. 955 01:03:39,687 --> 01:03:41,687 We're just all knackered. 956 01:03:43,447 --> 01:03:45,447 Why are you asking me? 957 01:03:45,487 --> 01:03:48,447 Just get a replacement driver, won't cost you a penny. 958 01:03:48,487 --> 01:03:50,487 It's your business. Remember? 959 01:03:50,527 --> 01:03:52,168 Yeah, well, I've tried. 960 01:03:52,208 --> 01:03:54,208 I've already spoke to eight of my mates. 961 01:03:54,247 --> 01:03:55,928 But, erm... 962 01:03:55,968 --> 01:03:58,128 I can't get one until after Christmas. 963 01:03:58,928 --> 01:04:03,328 I've been speaking to the drivers as well about us getting a driver between us 964 01:04:03,367 --> 01:04:05,288 and, you know, chipping in. 965 01:04:05,928 --> 01:04:08,968 But, erm... Well, it's not that easy. 966 01:04:09,007 --> 01:04:13,247 It's good you're using your initiative, though. It shows planning ahead. 967 01:04:13,288 --> 01:04:14,687 Yeah. 968 01:04:14,727 --> 01:04:17,408 The thing is, though, I could do with a week now. 969 01:04:17,447 --> 01:04:19,247 It's just, erm... 970 01:04:19,288 --> 01:04:20,968 Abby, she, erm... 971 01:04:21,007 --> 01:04:23,447 Well, she's just really struggling again. 972 01:04:23,487 --> 01:04:25,647 I mean, even five days would be good. 973 01:04:26,727 --> 01:04:28,727 I had four drivers in here last week. 974 01:04:29,768 --> 01:04:33,407 First driver's sleeping on his mate's couch cos his wife's kicked him out. 975 01:04:34,128 --> 01:04:36,328 Second driver, his sister had a stroke. 976 01:04:37,447 --> 01:04:40,888 Third driver, he's got fucking piles and needs an operation. 977 01:04:41,566 --> 01:04:44,647 Fourth driver, his daughter tried to commit suicide. 978 01:04:45,687 --> 01:04:47,687 I can go on. 979 01:04:47,727 --> 01:04:50,928 See, at some point, every family is gonna have a problem. 980 01:04:51,888 --> 01:04:56,128 My old man was a farmer. He milked cows. Do you think he got a day off? 981 01:04:59,128 --> 01:05:01,128 Three days? 982 01:05:01,168 --> 01:05:03,366 You know, please, that'd... that'd do. 983 01:05:05,687 --> 01:05:09,366 Everyone in this building knows I am "nasty bastard number one". 984 01:05:09,407 --> 01:05:11,407 But I am greatly misunderstood. 985 01:05:12,208 --> 01:05:16,328 All the complaints, the rage, the anger, the hate, I soak it all up... 986 01:05:17,366 --> 01:05:19,366 ...and I use it as fuel. 987 01:05:19,407 --> 01:05:24,447 And with that energy, I create a protective shield around this depot - 988 01:05:24,487 --> 01:05:28,527 this depot, with the best performing figures in the country bar none. 989 01:05:29,968 --> 01:05:31,968 Do you wanna know why I'm number one? 990 01:05:34,848 --> 01:05:36,848 Cos I keep this happy. 991 01:05:38,128 --> 01:05:42,208 All the houses you go to, all the faces you see, the people you speak to... 992 01:05:43,688 --> 01:05:46,566 ...has anyone ever genuinely asked you how you are? 993 01:05:47,407 --> 01:05:50,128 They couldn't give a shit if you fall asleep at the wheel 994 01:05:50,168 --> 01:05:51,768 and go head on into a bus. 995 01:05:52,447 --> 01:05:56,968 All they care about is price, delivery and the item in the hand. 996 01:05:57,728 --> 01:06:01,768 And all of that gets fed back into this box. 997 01:06:01,808 --> 01:06:03,808 And this box is in competition 998 01:06:03,848 --> 01:06:06,968 with all of the other little black boxes round the country. 999 01:06:07,007 --> 01:06:11,487 And it's that what decides the contracts. This decides who lives and who dies. 1000 01:06:12,128 --> 01:06:18,048 I want Apple, Amazon, Samsung, Zara, here for my drivers and your families. 1001 01:06:18,768 --> 01:06:22,968 This place might look like a shithole but this depot's a fucking goldmine. 1002 01:06:23,007 --> 01:06:27,128 The shareholders should erect a statue in the car park of me, Maloney... 1003 01:06:27,168 --> 01:06:29,688 patron saint of nasty bastards. 1004 01:06:30,527 --> 01:06:33,688 You want a day off? It'll cost you fucking £100 a go. 1005 01:07:11,128 --> 01:07:12,607 Hello? 1006 01:07:13,768 --> 01:07:15,768 It is, yeah. 1007 01:07:17,688 --> 01:07:20,688 Come on, we've got time to make up, let's go. 1008 01:07:23,487 --> 01:07:25,487 Are you winding me up? 1009 01:07:26,208 --> 01:07:28,208 Well, is he there? Can I speak to him? 1010 01:07:39,607 --> 01:07:41,848 No. Yeah. No, I understand. Erm... 1011 01:07:41,888 --> 01:07:44,246 Right, can you give me a minute? I'll ring the wife. 1012 01:07:44,287 --> 01:07:46,407 I'm in the middle of a shift here, so... 1013 01:07:46,447 --> 01:07:48,527 I'll see if I can get her to come in. 1014 01:07:48,567 --> 01:07:51,327 Right, cheers, thanks. Bye-bye. 1015 01:07:51,366 --> 01:07:54,366 - What's the matter, mate? - I'll tell you in a minute. 1016 01:08:00,567 --> 01:08:02,567 Fucking hell, Abby. 1017 01:08:04,407 --> 01:08:06,007 - Come on. - What's wrong? 1018 01:08:06,048 --> 01:08:09,007 That fucking dickhead. He's been caught shoplifting in town. 1019 01:08:09,048 --> 01:08:12,168 - You're joking? - No, I've had the police on the phone. 1020 01:08:13,128 --> 01:08:16,808 The copper's all right but said he needs an adult there or he's gonna charge him. 1021 01:08:16,848 --> 01:08:19,207 - Where's your lass? - I'm trying to ring her now. 1022 01:08:19,246 --> 01:08:21,246 Abby, pick up the phone! 1023 01:08:21,287 --> 01:08:23,648 I can't have him getting a criminal record. 1024 01:08:24,768 --> 01:08:27,528 Hey, come on, we've got time to make up. Let's go. 1025 01:08:29,567 --> 01:08:33,928 Abby, ring me straight back, it's really urgent. OK, thanks, bye. 1026 01:08:33,968 --> 01:08:35,487 What you gonna do? 1027 01:08:35,528 --> 01:08:37,528 Gonna ring him back. 1028 01:08:49,007 --> 01:08:51,007 Hi, it's... it's Mr Turner. 1029 01:08:52,607 --> 01:08:55,688 I've tried ringing my wife. I can't get hold of her. 1030 01:08:55,728 --> 01:08:57,167 So, erm... 1031 01:08:57,207 --> 01:08:59,207 what's the situation? 1032 01:09:03,407 --> 01:09:04,928 Yeah. 1033 01:09:04,968 --> 01:09:06,768 Erm... 1034 01:09:06,808 --> 01:09:08,768 I don't know what to do, mate. 1035 01:09:08,808 --> 01:09:10,808 Well, you're gonna have to go. 1036 01:09:10,848 --> 01:09:12,848 Right, OK, erm... 1037 01:09:13,688 --> 01:09:17,488 Right, well, I'll come, then, if that's OK. I'll be as quick as I can. 1038 01:09:19,528 --> 01:09:21,488 OK, then, thanks. Cheers. Bye. 1039 01:09:21,528 --> 01:09:22,607 Bye. 1040 01:09:24,808 --> 01:09:26,567 Erm... 1041 01:09:26,607 --> 01:09:28,447 Maloney, I'm gonna have to go. 1042 01:09:29,007 --> 01:09:31,287 - What? You having a fucking laugh? - No. 1043 01:09:31,327 --> 01:09:35,366 How am I meant to get a replacement driver now? I can't even share the parcels out. 1044 01:09:35,407 --> 01:09:38,768 There's you and only Henry left. Everyone else has fucking gone. 1045 01:09:38,808 --> 01:09:41,968 I know, I'm sorry. But it's... it's personal. 1046 01:09:42,007 --> 01:09:43,528 Personal? 1047 01:09:43,567 --> 01:09:45,567 Do I look like a fucking counsellor? 1048 01:09:46,488 --> 01:09:50,488 Get those parcels out of your van and that's you landed with a sanction. 1049 01:09:50,528 --> 01:09:52,688 Fucking personal, my arse! 1050 01:09:52,728 --> 01:09:54,407 For fuck's sake! 1051 01:09:54,968 --> 01:09:57,648 You will pay through the fucking nose for this. 1052 01:10:02,808 --> 01:10:05,048 So in your favour you've been honest, 1053 01:10:05,127 --> 01:10:07,366 you've held your hands up and you've admitted it. 1054 01:10:07,407 --> 01:10:09,488 Because of that, we can see my mate out there 1055 01:10:09,528 --> 01:10:12,488 and get this caution agreed and signed up, all right? 1056 01:10:12,528 --> 01:10:15,327 Then it'll go on to the police national computer. 1057 01:10:15,366 --> 01:10:17,207 So, is that a conviction? 1058 01:10:17,246 --> 01:10:18,768 It's not a conviction, 1059 01:10:18,808 --> 01:10:22,047 but obviously if he gets into any more bother, they'll be aware of it 1060 01:10:22,127 --> 01:10:25,207 and they'll use it as evidence of previous character, you know. 1061 01:10:25,246 --> 01:10:27,246 Do you understand that, Seb? 1062 01:10:28,648 --> 01:10:31,968 Sebastian, do you understand what I'm trying to say to you? 1063 01:10:32,007 --> 01:10:33,688 Yes. 1064 01:10:33,728 --> 01:10:36,768 Right, tell you what, let's start here as we mean to go on, eh? 1065 01:10:36,808 --> 01:10:38,808 Get yourself sat upright. 1066 01:10:38,848 --> 01:10:40,928 Lift your head up and look me in the eyes. 1067 01:10:40,968 --> 01:10:44,207 Let's do this properly. This is a big moment for you. 1068 01:10:44,648 --> 01:10:46,648 A big moment, young man, all right? 1069 01:10:47,408 --> 01:10:49,888 Now, if you wanna carry on going the way you're going on, 1070 01:10:49,928 --> 01:10:52,528 there'll be nowt there but misery and heartache for you. 1071 01:10:52,567 --> 01:10:55,367 And not just you but for your folks as well, all right? 1072 01:10:55,408 --> 01:10:59,728 Alternatively, grab a hold of this chance, this opportunity, that I'm giving you. 1073 01:10:59,768 --> 01:11:03,207 Give your head a shake, get through school, get a job, car, holiday - 1074 01:11:03,246 --> 01:11:04,768 whatever it is you want to do. 1075 01:11:04,808 --> 01:11:08,006 But then have the pride in knowing that you've done that, 1076 01:11:08,047 --> 01:11:09,968 you've paid for it, you've earned it. 1077 01:11:10,006 --> 01:11:12,688 Because you've got the best thing in life here. 1078 01:11:12,728 --> 01:11:15,968 You've got a family that care about you, that love you. 1079 01:11:16,006 --> 01:11:20,367 You've got a father that runs away from work to be here for you today 1080 01:11:20,408 --> 01:11:23,928 and suffer this humiliating experience that he's had to go through. 1081 01:11:25,327 --> 01:11:28,207 I see it all the time, right? And there's people don't have that. 1082 01:11:28,246 --> 01:11:32,167 They don't have family that care for them like that. And you've got it. 1083 01:11:32,207 --> 01:11:34,207 It's massive, man. 1084 01:11:34,768 --> 01:11:36,768 So have a think about this, right? 1085 01:11:36,808 --> 01:11:39,167 Take this on board for everybody's sakes. 1086 01:11:39,728 --> 01:11:41,287 Are you gonna do that? 1087 01:11:42,488 --> 01:11:44,127 Yes. 1088 01:11:44,167 --> 01:11:46,167 I hope so. 1089 01:11:51,408 --> 01:11:55,528 This year's a really important year for you, Seb. I hope you paid attention today. 1090 01:11:55,567 --> 01:11:58,328 It's make or break for you, you've got to stop messing about. 1091 01:11:58,367 --> 01:12:00,367 Will you put your phone down! 1092 01:12:00,408 --> 01:12:02,967 I'm listening. It's just called multi-tasking. 1093 01:12:03,006 --> 01:12:05,367 - I'm not gonna ask you again. - Bet you do. 1094 01:12:05,408 --> 01:12:07,408 Seb, cut it out, please. 1095 01:12:10,127 --> 01:12:12,127 - Put it down. - All ears. 1096 01:12:12,888 --> 01:12:14,528 I hope so. 1097 01:12:14,567 --> 01:12:16,967 Do you understand what a conviction means? 1098 01:12:17,006 --> 01:12:20,607 Fuck's sake, man! Lads out here nowadays, stealing motorbikes, 1099 01:12:20,648 --> 01:12:22,648 carrying knives, selling drugs. 1100 01:12:22,688 --> 01:12:26,408 What, I lift three shitty cans of paint, less than 15 quid? 1101 01:12:26,448 --> 01:12:28,448 We don't steal in this family. 1102 01:12:28,488 --> 01:12:30,607 It was a chain store, not a corner shop. 1103 01:12:31,288 --> 01:12:33,288 Seb, that doesn't make it OK. 1104 01:12:33,328 --> 01:12:34,967 What's gonna happen next? 1105 01:12:35,006 --> 01:12:37,848 Do you know, every course you apply for, every job you apply for, 1106 01:12:37,888 --> 01:12:39,888 every form you ever fill in... 1107 01:12:40,808 --> 01:12:43,047 Do you know how much you've cost us today? 1108 01:12:43,688 --> 01:12:45,488 100 pound for a replacement driver, 1109 01:12:45,528 --> 01:12:47,967 plus a day off and not to mention a sanction. 1110 01:12:49,528 --> 01:12:51,528 You just don't give a shit, do you? 1111 01:12:52,448 --> 01:12:55,006 - Put your phone down. - Listen to your mother. 1112 01:12:55,808 --> 01:12:57,808 Calm down, man. All this stress. 1113 01:12:58,888 --> 01:13:01,247 Right, things are gonna change round here. 1114 01:13:01,288 --> 01:13:03,648 First thing in the morning, you're going to school, 1115 01:13:03,688 --> 01:13:05,688 every day without exception. 1116 01:13:05,728 --> 01:13:08,047 How are you gonna do that - put me in a straitjacket? 1117 01:13:08,127 --> 01:13:11,367 You are going to school - cos I've had it up to here with you! 1118 01:13:11,408 --> 01:13:13,127 Ah, I get it. 1119 01:13:13,167 --> 01:13:16,408 Gonna wrap me up, put me in a parcel, put me in the back of your van. 1120 01:13:16,448 --> 01:13:17,927 What, special delivery? 1121 01:13:17,967 --> 01:13:21,408 Right, that's it. You'll get your phone back when you go to school. 1122 01:13:21,448 --> 01:13:24,607 - Give us my phone! Give us my phone! - Fucking warning you. 1123 01:13:24,648 --> 01:13:25,808 Seb, Seb! 1124 01:13:25,848 --> 01:13:28,367 I'm fucking warning you! 1125 01:13:28,408 --> 01:13:30,408 - Get back! - Stop it! 1126 01:13:30,448 --> 01:13:32,448 Get out! 1127 01:13:33,328 --> 01:13:37,328 Biggest mistake you've ever done in your fucking life! You'll pay, I swear! 1128 01:13:37,368 --> 01:13:38,707 Get out! 1129 01:13:42,407 --> 01:13:43,907 All right. 1130 01:13:45,846 --> 01:13:48,368 It's all right, sweetheart. 1131 01:13:48,407 --> 01:13:50,048 It's OK. 1132 01:13:50,087 --> 01:13:51,488 He'll come back. 1133 01:13:54,408 --> 01:13:56,408 I don't believe him. 1134 01:13:56,448 --> 01:13:58,448 It's OK, sweetheart. 1135 01:14:11,249 --> 01:14:13,368 You need to wind it down, not wind it up. 1136 01:14:13,408 --> 01:14:15,408 So it's my fault, is it? 1137 01:14:17,169 --> 01:14:21,368 He's skipping school and shoplifting and he's cost us over 500 quid today. 1138 01:14:21,408 --> 01:14:23,408 He's selfish, Abby. 1139 01:14:23,448 --> 01:14:26,728 It's something else now. It's gone beyond right or wrong. 1140 01:14:27,689 --> 01:14:30,689 Bollocks - that's exactly what it is, right or wrong. 1141 01:14:30,728 --> 01:14:34,929 I've seen it with my friends' kids. We need to keep communicating with him. 1142 01:14:34,969 --> 01:14:37,528 We need to be together. I'm not gonna lose him. 1143 01:14:37,608 --> 01:14:42,009 No, we need to keep communicating with each other. You should be backing me up. 1144 01:14:42,048 --> 01:14:44,048 If you don't, then we're done for. 1145 01:14:44,088 --> 01:14:46,088 I do back you up. 1146 01:14:46,129 --> 01:14:49,328 And we're done for if you don't watch your temper. You're exhausted. 1147 01:14:49,368 --> 01:14:51,288 Can you not see it? 1148 01:14:51,328 --> 01:14:53,088 So it is my fucking fault? 1149 01:14:53,728 --> 01:14:56,288 It will be your fault if you can't control yourself. 1150 01:14:56,328 --> 01:14:58,328 I had to split you up. 1151 01:14:58,368 --> 01:15:00,288 I can't have that. 1152 01:15:01,048 --> 01:15:03,009 I don't want it to be like my dad. 1153 01:15:03,048 --> 01:15:06,048 That's a bit below the belt. I'm fuck all like that old bastard. 1154 01:15:06,088 --> 01:15:07,528 How can you even say that? 1155 01:15:07,609 --> 01:15:11,288 When have you ever seen me raise my hands to the kids? When? 1156 01:15:11,328 --> 01:15:13,088 Look, you came so close. 1157 01:15:13,649 --> 01:15:16,169 Once that line's crossed, you can't go back. 1158 01:15:16,209 --> 01:15:18,209 Can you not see it? 1159 01:15:18,248 --> 01:15:21,728 Did you not see it? He came at me, it wasn't the other way round. 1160 01:15:21,769 --> 01:15:23,969 I was in the middle of you. 1161 01:15:24,009 --> 01:15:26,929 - Why are you blaming me, Abby? - I'm not blaming you. 1162 01:15:26,969 --> 01:15:28,969 I'm not blaming you. 1163 01:15:29,809 --> 01:15:31,848 It sounds like it to me. And do you know what? 1164 01:15:31,889 --> 01:15:35,169 If that's what you think, you can pack your stuff and fuck off. I mean it. 1165 01:15:35,209 --> 01:15:37,328 You're not listening to me. 1166 01:15:37,368 --> 01:15:39,009 Stop it. Stop fighting. 1167 01:15:39,048 --> 01:15:40,848 It's all right, I'll be in in a minute. 1168 01:15:40,889 --> 01:15:42,889 You're not listening to me. 1169 01:15:45,368 --> 01:15:48,769 You know how I feel about fighting and arguing. I hate it. 1170 01:15:50,649 --> 01:15:52,649 It's not my fault, Abby. 1171 01:15:52,689 --> 01:15:54,689 You're exhausted. 1172 01:15:56,129 --> 01:15:58,129 You need to just be careful. 1173 01:15:59,408 --> 01:16:01,408 I'm coming, Liza. 1174 01:16:37,487 --> 01:16:39,487 Abby, I'm really sorry. 1175 01:16:41,048 --> 01:16:42,809 I didn't wanna say anything. 1176 01:16:42,848 --> 01:16:45,649 Didn't wanna worry you but she's wetting the bed. 1177 01:16:45,689 --> 01:16:47,529 What, just now? 1178 01:16:47,609 --> 01:16:50,889 No, but she's shaking. So I'm gonna sleep in there with her tonight. 1179 01:16:52,689 --> 01:16:54,689 I'm sorry as well. 1180 01:16:54,728 --> 01:16:56,728 We need to get through this. 1181 01:16:58,009 --> 01:17:00,009 I just don't know what to do, Abby. 1182 01:17:00,653 --> 01:17:02,653 It's his phone. 1183 01:17:04,574 --> 01:17:06,333 His homework's on there... 1184 01:17:07,494 --> 01:17:10,693 ...his paintings, the photos of them, all of his friends. 1185 01:17:10,733 --> 01:17:12,733 - Did you know that? - No. 1186 01:17:12,773 --> 01:17:14,773 It's his life. 1187 01:17:15,853 --> 01:17:18,414 What are we gaining by taking his phone away? 1188 01:17:19,733 --> 01:17:21,733 Shall we give him his phone back? 1189 01:17:23,414 --> 01:17:24,973 Thank you. 1190 01:17:28,214 --> 01:17:30,214 I should go and look for him. 1191 01:17:30,893 --> 01:17:32,973 He'll be at Harpoon's. I'll text him. 1192 01:17:36,013 --> 01:17:37,614 - Abby? - Yeah? 1193 01:17:38,893 --> 01:17:40,893 What are we doing to each other, eh? 1194 01:17:41,853 --> 01:17:43,494 I don't know. 1195 01:17:44,692 --> 01:17:46,692 I really don't know. 1196 01:19:03,853 --> 01:19:05,333 Abby? 1197 01:19:05,374 --> 01:19:07,214 - Yeah? - Come here. 1198 01:19:08,853 --> 01:19:10,853 - What's wrong? - Just come here. 1199 01:19:18,652 --> 01:19:21,254 - Who's done that? - Who do you think's done that? 1200 01:19:25,893 --> 01:19:27,893 Look at my pictures. 1201 01:19:29,333 --> 01:19:31,652 Yeah, the only one he's not done is of you and Liza. 1202 01:19:31,692 --> 01:19:33,692 So what does that tell you? 1203 01:19:34,534 --> 01:19:36,534 Is his keys there? 1204 01:19:36,574 --> 01:19:38,014 No. 1205 01:19:39,093 --> 01:19:41,093 My van key's gone as well. 1206 01:19:41,134 --> 01:19:42,613 Well, have a look. 1207 01:19:45,692 --> 01:19:47,374 Is it there? 1208 01:19:47,414 --> 01:19:49,414 Yeah, it's there. 1209 01:19:49,453 --> 01:19:51,453 Check your coat. 1210 01:19:53,494 --> 01:19:56,534 - I still need to find them. - Check your coat, I'll check his room. 1211 01:19:56,573 --> 01:19:58,934 If we don't find them, I can't go to fucking work! 1212 01:19:58,974 --> 01:20:01,014 Check your other coat in the living room. 1213 01:20:01,054 --> 01:20:04,333 He's done this so I can't go to work, Abby, I'm telling you. 1214 01:20:04,374 --> 01:20:06,374 There's nothing in here. 1215 01:20:09,974 --> 01:20:11,974 - Anything? - No. 1216 01:20:12,014 --> 01:20:13,573 Nothing. 1217 01:20:13,613 --> 01:20:15,254 What am I gonna do? 1218 01:20:15,294 --> 01:20:17,773 I can't ring Maloney after yesterday, he'll go nuts. 1219 01:20:17,813 --> 01:20:19,934 You know where Harpoon and Dodge live. 1220 01:20:19,974 --> 01:20:22,573 - Look at the time, Abby. - Take Seb's old bike. 1221 01:20:22,613 --> 01:20:24,414 You'll get there in no time. 1222 01:20:46,254 --> 01:20:48,374 ...then take, on your way out of here... 1223 01:20:48,414 --> 01:20:50,414 Go straight down the road. 1224 01:20:50,453 --> 01:20:53,813 Then you need to take two lefts. When you get down there... 1225 01:20:53,854 --> 01:20:55,854 Hello, Maloney, it's Ricky. 1226 01:20:57,214 --> 01:20:58,854 I've, erm... 1227 01:20:58,894 --> 01:21:02,414 I've got a bit of a problem this morning, I can't find the keys for my van. 1228 01:21:03,254 --> 01:21:06,374 Look, that's two days in a row you've fucked up my stats. 1229 01:21:06,414 --> 01:21:09,974 You've jumped from being a blue-eyed boy to a fucking arsehole. 1230 01:21:10,014 --> 01:21:11,374 I know. 1231 01:21:12,214 --> 01:21:14,813 "I know"? Is that all you've got to say, "I know"? 1232 01:21:14,854 --> 01:21:17,014 This is another £100 fine and a sanction. 1233 01:21:17,054 --> 01:21:19,254 You get another one, you're getting a red card. 1234 01:21:58,374 --> 01:22:00,733 - Where's my van keys? - Have you lost your keys? 1235 01:22:00,773 --> 01:22:02,773 What a shame. 1236 01:22:02,814 --> 01:22:04,613 Just give me the fucking van keys. 1237 01:22:04,652 --> 01:22:07,452 - Give me my phone, then, innit? - Give me the fucking van keys! 1238 01:22:07,493 --> 01:22:10,452 I don't even know what you're on about, you mental bastard! 1239 01:22:10,493 --> 01:22:14,214 You don't know what I'm on about? You've been in and sprayed shit everywhere! 1240 01:22:14,254 --> 01:22:17,093 You've took my fucking van keys! I nearly lost my job today! 1241 01:22:17,134 --> 01:22:19,093 I don't know what you're on about, you pisshead! 1242 01:22:19,134 --> 01:22:20,774 You fucking little twat! 1243 01:22:21,814 --> 01:22:23,814 - Fuck! - Move. 1244 01:22:23,854 --> 01:22:25,854 - Fuck's sake. - Get out now! 1245 01:22:25,894 --> 01:22:27,894 Get out! 1246 01:22:29,413 --> 01:22:31,573 All right. 1247 01:22:31,613 --> 01:22:33,134 Jesus. 1248 01:22:54,294 --> 01:22:56,093 Hey! 1249 01:23:08,452 --> 01:23:10,452 Hiya, Liza. 1250 01:23:10,493 --> 01:23:12,493 Dad, can you come home now, please? 1251 01:23:12,533 --> 01:23:14,533 I just... 1252 01:23:14,573 --> 01:23:16,373 I need a bit of time. 1253 01:23:16,413 --> 01:23:18,413 Please come home now. 1254 01:23:18,452 --> 01:23:20,452 How's your brother? 1255 01:23:20,493 --> 01:23:22,493 He's just left. He's fine. 1256 01:23:23,333 --> 01:23:24,894 Good. 1257 01:23:24,934 --> 01:23:26,934 Please come home now. 1258 01:23:30,974 --> 01:23:32,613 I'm sorry. 1259 01:23:33,452 --> 01:23:35,214 It shouldn't... 1260 01:23:35,254 --> 01:23:37,254 It shouldn't have happened but... 1261 01:23:37,294 --> 01:23:39,613 Well, it's just one of them things, innit? 1262 01:23:41,134 --> 01:23:43,693 Just... got out of hand. 1263 01:23:46,774 --> 01:23:48,974 There's something I need to tell youse. 1264 01:23:50,014 --> 01:23:51,573 What? 1265 01:23:53,332 --> 01:23:56,734 The night when Seb came in and he was spray-painting the pictures, 1266 01:23:56,774 --> 01:23:58,774 I woke up and I heard him but... 1267 01:23:58,814 --> 01:24:01,413 he was out of the door before I could get there. 1268 01:24:04,214 --> 01:24:06,332 I just wanted things the way they were. 1269 01:24:06,373 --> 01:24:08,373 And I wanted Seb back. 1270 01:24:09,894 --> 01:24:12,014 So I thought that if I took your keys... 1271 01:24:13,734 --> 01:24:15,734 ...things might go back to normal. 1272 01:24:15,774 --> 01:24:17,774 Oh, darling. 1273 01:24:28,413 --> 01:24:30,493 I'm sorry. It's all my fault. 1274 01:24:33,934 --> 01:24:35,934 It's not your fault. 1275 01:24:47,533 --> 01:24:49,533 Well, I can go to work now. 1276 01:24:49,573 --> 01:24:51,134 Eh? 1277 01:24:54,413 --> 01:24:56,413 It's all right. It's all right, love. 1278 01:24:56,452 --> 01:24:58,452 It's fine. 1279 01:24:59,814 --> 01:25:01,814 Where's Seb? 1280 01:25:02,452 --> 01:25:04,573 Oh, God, I owe him a really big apology. 1281 01:25:04,614 --> 01:25:06,614 He's at Harpoon's, he's OK. 1282 01:25:06,653 --> 01:25:08,653 I spoke to Harpoon's mam. 1283 01:25:08,693 --> 01:25:11,413 He's gonna sleep there tonight. He's OK. 1284 01:25:13,014 --> 01:25:15,014 I wanna tell him... 1285 01:25:16,014 --> 01:25:18,014 ...that it's my fault. 1286 01:25:58,974 --> 01:26:01,093 Hey, stop! 1287 01:26:01,934 --> 01:26:03,493 Oi! 1288 01:26:56,332 --> 01:26:58,332 - Hiya, love. - All right? 1289 01:27:04,534 --> 01:27:06,093 Huh. 1290 01:27:06,934 --> 01:27:08,934 - Look at all these mouths. - Mm-hm. 1291 01:27:12,534 --> 01:27:14,534 - What's that? - I don't know. 1292 01:27:14,574 --> 01:27:16,373 These as well? 1293 01:27:16,413 --> 01:27:18,054 Yeah. 1294 01:27:19,253 --> 01:27:21,693 - Asking a lot of questions, innit? - Mm-hm. 1295 01:27:28,854 --> 01:27:30,854 There's a lot I don't know about him. 1296 01:28:25,974 --> 01:28:27,534 Fuck! 1297 01:28:28,614 --> 01:28:29,774 Argh! 1298 01:28:30,453 --> 01:28:32,014 Get those phones! 1299 01:28:32,053 --> 01:28:33,293 Argh! 1300 01:28:33,332 --> 01:28:35,332 Come here, you cunt! 1301 01:28:35,894 --> 01:28:37,734 - Give up, you cunt! - Argh! 1302 01:28:37,774 --> 01:28:39,494 - You prick! - Fuck him! 1303 01:28:39,534 --> 01:28:42,373 Give me the fucking bag, man! The fucking bag! 1304 01:28:42,414 --> 01:28:43,854 - Go for it. - Cunt! 1305 01:28:46,574 --> 01:28:48,574 Fucking shit. 1306 01:28:48,614 --> 01:28:51,213 - Here's your shit. - You broke my fucking nose, man! 1307 01:28:51,253 --> 01:28:53,014 - Come on! - Wanker! 1308 01:28:54,693 --> 01:28:56,332 Fucking wanker. 1309 01:29:20,854 --> 01:29:23,293 Take a seat. Somebody'll be with you soon. 1310 01:29:23,332 --> 01:29:24,934 Thank you. 1311 01:29:24,974 --> 01:29:26,974 Ayeshea Robson, please. 1312 01:29:31,934 --> 01:29:33,934 Come on, Ayeshea. 1313 01:29:35,453 --> 01:29:37,453 Stephen Baron? 1314 01:29:41,213 --> 01:29:43,213 - It's all right. - Sure? 1315 01:29:53,774 --> 01:29:55,774 Nell McShane? 1316 01:30:03,453 --> 01:30:05,453 I'm worried about your head and your ribs. 1317 01:30:05,494 --> 01:30:07,494 Your eye's so swollen. 1318 01:30:08,333 --> 01:30:10,333 It's all right. I can see fine, Abby. 1319 01:30:11,133 --> 01:30:14,374 I think you've punctured your knuckles as well, though. 1320 01:30:15,294 --> 01:30:17,294 It were worth it. Fucking wankers. 1321 01:30:18,973 --> 01:30:20,693 Did you pass out? 1322 01:30:20,734 --> 01:30:22,253 No, why? 1323 01:30:22,294 --> 01:30:24,294 Did you wet yourself? 1324 01:30:24,774 --> 01:30:26,333 No, I, erm... 1325 01:30:26,374 --> 01:30:28,534 I had a piss in a bottle in the back of the van 1326 01:30:28,574 --> 01:30:30,574 and they found it and threw it on me. 1327 01:30:32,253 --> 01:30:33,774 I'm fine, Abby. 1328 01:30:33,814 --> 01:30:35,933 Just go and find out how long we're gonna be. 1329 01:30:35,973 --> 01:30:38,333 I fucking hate it here. It's dead boring. 1330 01:30:38,374 --> 01:30:40,374 I'd rather be at home. Go on. 1331 01:30:40,414 --> 01:30:42,933 We're not going without your X-ray results. 1332 01:30:57,653 --> 01:30:59,734 - Sorry, what was the name? - Turner. 1333 01:31:01,614 --> 01:31:03,653 Right, I can see the X-ray result is back, 1334 01:31:03,693 --> 01:31:05,774 but it does need to be assessed by a GP. 1335 01:31:16,973 --> 01:31:19,254 It's gonna be about three hours waiting. 1336 01:31:19,294 --> 01:31:21,294 - Three fucking hours? - I know. 1337 01:31:21,333 --> 01:31:23,333 Jackie said she'll, erm... 1338 01:31:23,374 --> 01:31:25,653 she'll have Liza Jane, so she's OK. 1339 01:31:26,213 --> 01:31:27,774 Yeah. Have you spoken to Seb? 1340 01:31:27,814 --> 01:31:30,414 Yeah, but he just froze. I think he's in shock. 1341 01:31:31,494 --> 01:31:32,774 Right. 1342 01:31:34,453 --> 01:31:36,453 Will you get that? 1343 01:31:37,414 --> 01:31:39,053 Derek Anderson? 1344 01:31:39,092 --> 01:31:41,092 Oh, fucking hell, it's Maloney. 1345 01:31:41,133 --> 01:31:43,133 Hello, Maloney. 1346 01:31:43,214 --> 01:31:44,614 Are you OK? 1347 01:31:44,653 --> 01:31:46,853 Yeah, I'm just waiting for some X-rays. 1348 01:31:46,893 --> 01:31:48,973 All right, well, good luck with that. 1349 01:31:49,013 --> 01:31:51,774 Er... what's happening with the other parcels? 1350 01:31:51,814 --> 01:31:54,893 Don't worry, they're safe. Henry's picked the van up. 1351 01:31:54,933 --> 01:31:57,294 I've been on the phone to the insurance companies, 1352 01:31:57,333 --> 01:31:59,534 and we're covered for all the phones... 1353 01:31:59,574 --> 01:32:02,653 pretty much everything, in fact, apart from the passports, 1354 01:32:02,693 --> 01:32:05,214 and you had two of them, Ricky. I'm sorry about that. 1355 01:32:05,254 --> 01:32:07,254 Sorry about what? 1356 01:32:07,294 --> 01:32:09,013 Well, the passports. 1357 01:32:09,053 --> 01:32:11,653 It's £250 for each passport. 1358 01:32:11,693 --> 01:32:13,734 It's a bit of a blow. It's 500 quid, mate. 1359 01:32:14,893 --> 01:32:16,893 500 quid for two fucking passports? 1360 01:32:16,933 --> 01:32:18,933 I can't believe it. 1361 01:32:19,853 --> 01:32:22,414 Erm... have you got a replacement driver for tomorrow? 1362 01:32:22,453 --> 01:32:24,813 I've had the shit kicked out of me and I'm in hospital 1363 01:32:24,853 --> 01:32:26,933 and you ask if I've got a replacement driver? 1364 01:32:26,973 --> 01:32:29,414 I suppose you're gonna hit me with another 100 quid fine? 1365 01:32:29,453 --> 01:32:31,574 I'm sorry, but the stiff one's the gun. 1366 01:32:31,614 --> 01:32:33,614 - The gun? - What? 1367 01:32:33,653 --> 01:32:36,534 The hand-held scanner. Them dickheads smashed it up. 1368 01:32:36,574 --> 01:32:38,013 Go on. 1369 01:32:38,053 --> 01:32:40,133 Well, you know that's a grand, right? 1370 01:32:40,214 --> 01:32:42,214 We can do instalments. 1371 01:32:43,013 --> 01:32:45,494 A grand? You're expecting me to pay £1,000? 1372 01:32:45,534 --> 01:32:47,092 Are you having a laugh? 1373 01:32:47,133 --> 01:32:49,614 - Hang on, Abby, don't. - It's Ricky's wife, Abby. 1374 01:32:49,653 --> 01:32:51,333 I'm sat in hospital with him. 1375 01:32:51,374 --> 01:32:54,134 His face has been pummelled, he's waiting for X-rays, 1376 01:32:54,214 --> 01:32:55,734 he could have a punctured lung, 1377 01:32:55,774 --> 01:32:57,973 they haven't even checked his head injuries. 1378 01:32:58,013 --> 01:33:00,893 And you're saying about fines and £1,000 devices. 1379 01:33:00,933 --> 01:33:02,653 Are you having a laugh? 1380 01:33:02,693 --> 01:33:04,453 - Abby... - Self-employed? 1381 01:33:04,494 --> 01:33:07,013 How's he self-employed? He's worked 14 hours a day, 1382 01:33:07,053 --> 01:33:08,494 six days a week for youse. 1383 01:33:08,534 --> 01:33:11,333 He works for you. How's that self-employed? 1384 01:33:11,374 --> 01:33:13,092 How do you get away with this? 1385 01:33:13,134 --> 01:33:16,053 How does your company get away with treating people like this? 1386 01:33:16,092 --> 01:33:17,813 This is people's lives. 1387 01:33:17,853 --> 01:33:21,734 This is my family and I'm telling you now, don't fuck with my family. 1388 01:33:21,773 --> 01:33:24,333 And fuck you, fuck your fucking device... 1389 01:33:24,374 --> 01:33:27,254 and your fucking phone, put it up your fucking arse! 1390 01:33:27,294 --> 01:33:29,534 Abby, it's not the place. I'm sorry. 1391 01:33:29,574 --> 01:33:31,254 I'm sorry, I don't swear. 1392 01:33:31,294 --> 01:33:34,134 I'm really sorry. I'm a carer and I care for people. 1393 01:33:34,214 --> 01:33:36,053 And I'm really sorry. I don't swear. 1394 01:33:36,093 --> 01:33:38,614 - Abby, just come on. - I don't swear. 1395 01:33:38,653 --> 01:33:40,214 Abby, get your bag. 1396 01:33:40,254 --> 01:33:42,973 - I'm so sorry! - I know. Just come on. 1397 01:33:43,853 --> 01:33:45,853 - I'm so sorry. - No, it's all right. 1398 01:33:48,494 --> 01:33:50,653 - Is everything all right? - Yeah, fine. 1399 01:33:50,693 --> 01:33:52,973 - She's just... - What about your X-ray results? 1400 01:33:53,013 --> 01:33:55,733 It's fine. I'll come back tomorrow. She's just a bit upset. 1401 01:33:55,773 --> 01:33:57,773 I'll pop back in the morning, if that's OK. 1402 01:33:57,813 --> 01:34:00,733 I need to... She's had a bit of trauma. 1403 01:34:17,813 --> 01:34:19,214 - Psst, Dad. - What? 1404 01:34:19,254 --> 01:34:20,574 Are you OK? 1405 01:34:21,574 --> 01:34:22,813 Yeah. 1406 01:34:22,853 --> 01:34:24,853 Yeah, I'm fine, thanks, Seb. 1407 01:34:24,893 --> 01:34:26,893 Just a bit shaky. 1408 01:34:26,933 --> 01:34:29,933 Can I get you anything, like water or a cup of tea? 1409 01:34:29,973 --> 01:34:32,453 No, I'm good, I've got some. 1410 01:34:33,494 --> 01:34:35,692 No, but, Dad, man, look at the state of you. 1411 01:34:35,733 --> 01:34:37,733 Yeah, well, it's... 1412 01:34:37,773 --> 01:34:40,494 - It's worse than it looks. - You're a mess. 1413 01:34:40,534 --> 01:34:42,254 Yeah, well... 1414 01:34:42,294 --> 01:34:43,973 You know me. 1415 01:34:44,013 --> 01:34:45,893 Strong in the arm, thick in the head. 1416 01:34:48,214 --> 01:34:50,494 Are you sure you don't need anything, though? 1417 01:34:50,534 --> 01:34:52,534 No, I'm... I'm fine, thanks, son. 1418 01:34:52,574 --> 01:34:55,453 All right. I'll be in the next room just in case you need me, OK? 1419 01:34:55,494 --> 01:34:57,494 - Yeah. - All right. 1420 01:34:58,733 --> 01:35:00,054 Seb? 1421 01:35:01,692 --> 01:35:03,214 Yeah? 1422 01:35:03,254 --> 01:35:05,254 It's really good to see you, son. 1423 01:37:05,093 --> 01:37:07,093 Dad, where are you going? 1424 01:37:09,214 --> 01:37:11,214 Wind down the window. 1425 01:37:12,134 --> 01:37:13,414 Where are you going? 1426 01:37:13,453 --> 01:37:16,773 Calm down, Seb. I'm just going to the hospital for the X-ray results. 1427 01:37:16,813 --> 01:37:18,934 At 6:30 in the morning? Are you stupid? 1428 01:37:20,414 --> 01:37:22,453 I'll speak to you tonight when I get back. 1429 01:37:22,494 --> 01:37:24,573 But what do you need to speak to me about? 1430 01:37:24,613 --> 01:37:28,054 We're thousands of pounds in debt, Seb. I've got fines coming out of my arse. 1431 01:37:28,093 --> 01:37:30,692 If I don't pay him and sort it out, we'll end up on the streets. 1432 01:37:30,733 --> 01:37:32,934 I'm not having that for you and your mum and Liza. 1433 01:37:32,974 --> 01:37:34,294 So let me go. 1434 01:37:34,333 --> 01:37:37,093 You can't go like that, man, Dad. Look at the state of you. 1435 01:37:37,134 --> 01:37:39,014 You've only got one eye that works. 1436 01:37:39,054 --> 01:37:41,533 You're gonna kill yourself when you're driving. 1437 01:37:42,134 --> 01:37:44,414 Son, I've got to go to work. 1438 01:37:44,453 --> 01:37:46,453 I have not got a choice. 1439 01:37:46,974 --> 01:37:49,333 Dad, I just want you back the way you were, 1440 01:37:49,374 --> 01:37:51,374 the way everything was. 1441 01:37:52,414 --> 01:37:53,894 It's all I want. 1442 01:37:53,934 --> 01:37:56,934 It'll be different in six months, I promise. 1443 01:37:56,974 --> 01:37:59,894 - But how do you know that? - Because I'll sort it out, I promise! 1444 01:37:59,934 --> 01:38:01,692 Now, come on, I've got to go. 1445 01:38:01,733 --> 01:38:04,093 - Dad, don't. - Fuck's sake, Seb, I'm going to work. 1446 01:38:04,134 --> 01:38:06,254 - I can't let you go! - I've got to fucking go! 1447 01:38:06,294 --> 01:38:07,974 - Move! - No, Dad, don't go! 1448 01:38:08,014 --> 01:38:09,613 - I'm going. - What do you mean? 1449 01:38:09,652 --> 01:38:11,573 - I've got to go! - Get out of your van! 1450 01:38:11,613 --> 01:38:13,692 - Jesus Christ! - Get out of your van! 1451 01:38:13,733 --> 01:38:15,254 Open the door. 1452 01:38:15,294 --> 01:38:17,254 - I've got to go! - Get out of your van. 1453 01:38:17,294 --> 01:38:20,294 - I've got to go to work! - Get out! You can't go to work. 1454 01:38:20,333 --> 01:38:22,294 - I'm going to work! - You can't go to work! 1455 01:38:22,333 --> 01:38:25,054 - Let go of the fucking van! - You can't go to work! 1456 01:38:25,093 --> 01:38:27,093 Ricky, don't go to work! 1457 01:38:52,533 --> 01:38:54,533 Come on. 1458 01:39:39,835 --> 01:39:44,835 Subtitles by explosiveskull Sync by NAIM2007