1 00:00:41,076 --> 00:00:46,076 Provided by explosiveskull https://twitter.com/kaboomskull M_I_SForEver 2 00:02:52,126 --> 00:02:53,959 Yeah, sure. Then what? 3 00:02:53,992 --> 00:02:55,825 We can get tickets for something to see? 4 00:02:56,925 --> 00:02:58,859 We can see the symphony. Huh? 5 00:02:59,226 --> 00:03:00,392 It'll finish really late. 6 00:03:00,925 --> 00:03:02,392 We can catch the last train, huh? 7 00:04:10,359 --> 00:04:11,992 Excuse me. Could you give me a light? 8 00:04:12,725 --> 00:04:13,859 Yeah, sure. 9 00:04:15,025 --> 00:04:16,426 You're Americans, yes? 10 00:04:16,459 --> 00:04:18,359 Yes, sir. We're on a summer trip. 11 00:04:20,925 --> 00:04:24,092 Please, take this to your embassy. 12 00:04:24,625 --> 00:04:26,992 It is vital. I have no other way. 13 00:04:27,192 --> 00:04:28,292 Come on. Let's get out of here. 14 00:04:28,326 --> 00:04:30,992 Do not go back to your hotel, straight to the embassy. 15 00:04:31,259 --> 00:04:33,359 Give this only to Deputy Chief of Mission. 16 00:04:34,025 --> 00:04:35,159 Understand? 17 00:05:56,451 --> 00:05:57,883 - Thank you. - Mm. 18 00:05:58,551 --> 00:06:00,984 - Emily. Lovely as ever. - Ah! 19 00:06:01,184 --> 00:06:02,817 You do brighten up the old place. 20 00:06:02,850 --> 00:06:03,783 Oh, thank you. 21 00:06:04,017 --> 00:06:05,084 - Emily? - Sir. 22 00:06:05,117 --> 00:06:06,251 - Please sit down. - Ah. 23 00:06:07,883 --> 00:06:10,251 I've brought you boys a present. 24 00:06:19,484 --> 00:06:20,984 Ah, thank you. 25 00:06:23,117 --> 00:06:24,384 Rachel, step out. 26 00:06:30,217 --> 00:06:33,050 I fear a nuclear war is coming 27 00:06:33,384 --> 00:06:35,117 and I want to help you prevent it. 28 00:06:36,284 --> 00:06:37,517 It's got my attention. 29 00:06:38,917 --> 00:06:40,217 He's smart. 30 00:06:40,251 --> 00:06:42,251 Gave us a photo only we'd have copies of 31 00:06:42,584 --> 00:06:45,050 from a few years ago in our embassy in Turkey. 32 00:06:45,551 --> 00:06:50,984 Say hello to Colonel Oleg Vladimirovich Penkovsky. 33 00:06:51,217 --> 00:06:52,984 Code name "Ironbark". 34 00:06:53,017 --> 00:06:54,883 Artillery officer during the war, 35 00:06:54,917 --> 00:06:56,783 decorated 13 times. 36 00:06:57,050 --> 00:06:57,783 Now he's back in Moscow 37 00:06:58,184 --> 00:07:00,150 running the State Committee for Scientific Research. 38 00:07:00,484 --> 00:07:01,850 But that's just a cover. 39 00:07:03,384 --> 00:07:04,883 He's GRU. 40 00:07:10,117 --> 00:07:11,317 Why they toss him? 41 00:07:12,017 --> 00:07:14,117 Hand like this I keep place to my chest. 42 00:07:14,150 --> 00:07:16,084 Because they have no way to make contact. 43 00:07:16,284 --> 00:07:19,017 The CIA is weak in Moscow after that... 44 00:07:19,451 --> 00:07:22,251 disaster with Popov. Am I right? 45 00:07:23,184 --> 00:07:26,451 We're thin on the ground. We need your help. 46 00:07:28,850 --> 00:07:29,551 Let's get him out. 47 00:07:30,017 --> 00:07:32,050 We've got a number of good officers in our embassy. 48 00:07:32,084 --> 00:07:34,184 I'll have one make contact with Penkovsky, 49 00:07:34,217 --> 00:07:36,317 - get this sorted out. - I did have a thought. 50 00:07:37,517 --> 00:07:40,950 This is a GRU Colonel. He's so visible. 51 00:07:40,984 --> 00:07:42,217 I'm worried we could blow Penkovsky 52 00:07:42,251 --> 00:07:43,484 just by making an approach. 53 00:07:43,984 --> 00:07:47,384 That's always a risk. What would the CIA have us do instead? 54 00:07:48,351 --> 00:07:49,384 I don't know. 55 00:07:49,684 --> 00:07:53,251 Maybe use someone outside the embassy 56 00:07:53,718 --> 00:07:56,184 who the KGB won't suspect? 57 00:07:56,651 --> 00:08:00,050 Say a businessman who travels to that part of the world. 58 00:08:00,251 --> 00:08:04,117 Do we know of someone who could fit the bill? 59 00:08:04,651 --> 00:08:05,551 I have to warn you, 60 00:08:05,584 --> 00:08:09,017 I have a pretty good feeling about this. 61 00:08:11,317 --> 00:08:12,351 Oh, hell. 62 00:08:14,417 --> 00:08:16,150 And Greville, that is the saddest thing 63 00:08:16,351 --> 00:08:17,850 I've ever seen. 64 00:08:17,883 --> 00:08:20,017 Well, serves me right, 65 00:08:20,050 --> 00:08:22,117 I should keep my mouth shut. 66 00:08:22,718 --> 00:08:24,384 Now we have to make it up. 67 00:08:25,883 --> 00:08:27,850 We probably have some brochures. 68 00:08:28,050 --> 00:08:28,984 Of what? 69 00:08:29,184 --> 00:08:30,517 A drink first, I think. 70 00:08:33,984 --> 00:08:35,351 You know my reputation. 71 00:08:35,651 --> 00:08:37,484 Parts I want you to know anyway. 72 00:08:37,950 --> 00:08:40,217 I represent the top manufacturers 73 00:08:40,251 --> 00:08:42,317 who sell the best products on the market. 74 00:08:42,651 --> 00:08:45,517 So in combination with you gentlemen knowing your business, 75 00:08:45,551 --> 00:08:46,917 I think it'd be much better if 76 00:08:46,950 --> 00:08:48,284 instead of my usual song and dance. 77 00:08:48,718 --> 00:08:51,284 I just listen. You tell me what your problems are, 78 00:08:51,651 --> 00:08:54,417 and if I think I have a client that may have a solution, 79 00:08:54,917 --> 00:08:58,251 let's talk it through. If not, let's keep drinking. 80 00:08:59,217 --> 00:09:01,017 So tell me, what do you need? 81 00:09:01,883 --> 00:09:03,850 - Thanks, Greville. - Bye. 82 00:09:34,984 --> 00:09:37,017 It still doesn't add up. 83 00:09:37,050 --> 00:09:39,317 Well, did you miss something maybe? 84 00:09:40,750 --> 00:09:43,050 - Like carrying the four? - Oh, yes. 85 00:09:43,084 --> 00:09:44,850 - Oh, yes. - How are you? 86 00:09:45,084 --> 00:09:47,917 Oh, very well. Except our son keeps confusing me 87 00:09:47,950 --> 00:09:50,150 helping with his homework with me doing it for him. 88 00:09:50,184 --> 00:09:50,883 Oh. 89 00:09:51,217 --> 00:09:53,150 - How was your day? - Oh, the usual. 90 00:09:53,184 --> 00:09:55,517 Some empty flatteries and blatant sucking up. 91 00:09:55,750 --> 00:09:57,184 No, really, you should have seen me. 92 00:09:57,384 --> 00:10:00,084 I sold a dozen lace by throwing the easiest putt 93 00:10:00,117 --> 00:10:01,384 in the history of putting. 94 00:10:01,584 --> 00:10:03,217 - I feel filthy. - No. No. 95 00:10:03,251 --> 00:10:04,750 You have to play golf badly. 96 00:10:05,284 --> 00:10:07,150 - But aren't you used to that? - Uh-huh! 97 00:10:07,517 --> 00:10:09,484 Well, just think another 23 years of this 98 00:10:09,517 --> 00:10:10,984 and then we're off to the good life. 99 00:10:11,517 --> 00:10:13,251 Or I could retire early. 100 00:10:13,551 --> 00:10:15,917 Andrew, you don't want to go to university, do you? 101 00:10:15,950 --> 00:10:17,351 Not really. 102 00:10:17,384 --> 00:10:18,883 - Perfect. - Well, I'm not feeding 103 00:10:18,917 --> 00:10:20,084 either of you. 104 00:10:20,584 --> 00:10:21,517 Then what you're smiling at? 105 00:10:21,551 --> 00:10:23,484 Be at least 50 years until you can retire. 106 00:10:23,517 --> 00:10:26,017 - Greville Wynne, please? - Yeah. Let me see if he's home. 107 00:10:26,750 --> 00:10:30,217 - Sounds like work. - No. Tell them I'm in my chair. 108 00:10:30,850 --> 00:10:32,850 Yes. He's just walked in. 109 00:10:39,117 --> 00:10:42,451 - Greville Wynne. - Greville, this is James Dobie 110 00:10:42,484 --> 00:10:44,817 from the Board of Trade. We met last year. 111 00:10:44,850 --> 00:10:46,783 Yes. Yes. At the reception of Whitehall. 112 00:10:46,817 --> 00:10:48,850 James. How good to hear from you. 113 00:10:49,184 --> 00:10:50,950 - James, hello. - Greville. 114 00:10:52,117 --> 00:10:52,850 I hope you don't mind. 115 00:10:53,251 --> 00:10:55,883 My friend Helen is a consultant in from the States. 116 00:10:55,917 --> 00:10:57,251 I thought, "Why not?" 117 00:10:57,517 --> 00:10:59,451 Greville Wynne. A real pleasure. 118 00:10:59,484 --> 00:11:01,251 Helen Talbot, likewise. 119 00:11:03,817 --> 00:11:06,017 James tells me you've been working in Eastern Europe. 120 00:11:06,050 --> 00:11:08,817 Hmm. More and more, tremendous opportunities. 121 00:11:09,150 --> 00:11:11,084 Plenty of demand, no local supplies. 122 00:11:11,551 --> 00:11:14,217 Czechoslovakia, Hungary. 123 00:11:14,783 --> 00:11:17,084 Ghastly food. 124 00:11:17,651 --> 00:11:19,251 What about the Soviet Union? 125 00:11:19,284 --> 00:11:20,917 Oh, not just yet. Someday. 126 00:11:21,251 --> 00:11:23,251 I'd like to see temperatures cool off a bit first. 127 00:11:23,284 --> 00:11:25,017 Actually now might be the perfect time. 128 00:11:25,217 --> 00:11:26,984 Oh, really? Why? What did you hear? 129 00:11:27,351 --> 00:11:29,017 Well, Helen and I have associates 130 00:11:29,050 --> 00:11:31,251 who would be interested to see what might come of it. 131 00:11:33,484 --> 00:11:35,451 It would be a real service to Great Britain. 132 00:11:36,484 --> 00:11:37,817 And the world. 133 00:11:54,451 --> 00:11:56,017 Forgive me. I'm just a bit... 134 00:11:59,084 --> 00:12:01,117 Sorry. James, I know you said you had 135 00:12:01,150 --> 00:12:02,984 an office in Board of Trade. 136 00:12:04,017 --> 00:12:05,117 But... 137 00:12:05,950 --> 00:12:07,883 Is it possible that you actually work... 138 00:12:08,517 --> 00:12:11,251 at a different branch of Her Majesty's government? 139 00:12:15,384 --> 00:12:16,451 Oh, my. 140 00:12:19,317 --> 00:12:20,750 This is unexpected. 141 00:12:22,117 --> 00:12:24,883 Sorry, I... I don't understand. 142 00:12:24,917 --> 00:12:27,850 Why, I'm... I'm... I'm just a salesman. 143 00:12:28,084 --> 00:12:30,484 Exactly. An ordinary salesman 144 00:12:30,517 --> 00:12:32,351 with no connection to the government. 145 00:12:32,384 --> 00:12:34,484 Look, this is all fascinating. I mean, I really can't believe 146 00:12:34,517 --> 00:12:38,017 I'm actually having lunch with spies. 147 00:12:39,050 --> 00:12:40,117 But... 148 00:12:42,050 --> 00:12:44,050 ...I couldn't possibly... 149 00:12:48,251 --> 00:12:51,984 - What would you want me to do? - Nothing dodgy, nothing illegal, 150 00:12:52,251 --> 00:12:53,750 just what you would naturally do. 151 00:12:53,984 --> 00:12:55,251 I'm sorry. I don't follow. 152 00:12:55,718 --> 00:12:57,050 Someone in your field 153 00:12:57,384 --> 00:12:59,517 hoping to do business in the Soviet Union, 154 00:12:59,984 --> 00:13:01,251 how would you get started? 155 00:13:02,984 --> 00:13:04,017 Well, I suppose I'd set up 156 00:13:04,050 --> 00:13:05,817 a meeting with the State Committee 157 00:13:05,850 --> 00:13:07,883 for Scientific Research in Moscow. 158 00:13:08,517 --> 00:13:09,917 That sounds fine. 159 00:13:10,384 --> 00:13:14,184 So you want me to go to Moscow and then... 160 00:13:16,117 --> 00:13:17,117 Do business. 161 00:13:20,950 --> 00:13:22,950 All this secrecy must seem absurd 162 00:13:22,984 --> 00:13:24,351 but I promise, it's to help you. 163 00:13:24,384 --> 00:13:25,984 We want you to act exactly like 164 00:13:26,017 --> 00:13:26,917 the ordinary businessman you are. 165 00:13:27,184 --> 00:13:29,351 That'll be much easier if you don't know any details. 166 00:13:29,384 --> 00:13:31,217 Right. But would I be putting myself in danger? 167 00:13:31,251 --> 00:13:32,883 That detail, I... I have to know. 168 00:13:33,084 --> 00:13:34,984 Greville, let me put this delicately, 169 00:13:35,017 --> 00:13:36,184 you're a middle-aged businessman 170 00:13:36,217 --> 00:13:39,484 who drinks a bit too much and isn't exactly in top shape. 171 00:13:39,517 --> 00:13:40,950 During the war, you were a private, 172 00:13:40,984 --> 00:13:42,517 never even saw combat. 173 00:13:42,883 --> 00:13:46,351 My point is, if this mission was the least bit dangerous, 174 00:13:46,584 --> 00:13:48,917 you really are the last man we'd send. 175 00:13:49,551 --> 00:13:52,184 Well, thank you for putting it so delicately. 176 00:13:57,251 --> 00:13:59,150 Make sure you wear it while you're in Moscow. 177 00:14:00,417 --> 00:14:02,750 What does this do? Shoot poison dart? 178 00:14:03,050 --> 00:14:05,017 Thank you so much, Greville. You're a good man. 179 00:14:05,050 --> 00:14:07,317 And I know we can count on you to be discreet. 180 00:14:12,984 --> 00:14:14,084 How's your day? 181 00:14:15,117 --> 00:14:18,117 Oh, it was fine. 182 00:14:20,384 --> 00:14:22,917 Mine was wonderful. Thank you so much for asking. 183 00:14:22,950 --> 00:14:25,251 So sorry, I've got a head full of contracts. 184 00:14:27,117 --> 00:14:29,783 Uh. You out with, uh, Tomado, weren't you? 185 00:14:29,817 --> 00:14:32,517 Yes, we were at the club, planning the charity dinner. 186 00:14:32,718 --> 00:14:34,251 - That was amusing. - Huh! 187 00:14:34,750 --> 00:14:37,917 Before you ask if you have to come, yes, you have to come. 188 00:14:40,251 --> 00:14:43,150 - I've had an interesting lead. - Really? 189 00:14:43,184 --> 00:14:45,551 Might look at doing a little bit of work in the Soviet Union. 190 00:14:45,584 --> 00:14:48,750 Hmm. Do stay out of The Gulag, darling. 191 00:17:15,284 --> 00:17:17,351 How do you do? Greville Wynne, pleasure. 192 00:17:17,384 --> 00:17:19,017 How do you do? Greville Wynne, pleasure. 193 00:17:19,517 --> 00:17:21,084 How do you do? How do you do? 194 00:17:21,117 --> 00:17:22,817 And this is the head of our committee, 195 00:17:22,850 --> 00:17:23,984 Oleg Penkovsky. 196 00:17:24,184 --> 00:17:25,850 Ah, pleasure to meet you. 197 00:17:26,251 --> 00:17:27,317 Thank you for coming. 198 00:17:27,651 --> 00:17:30,284 I'm not here to tell you 199 00:17:30,317 --> 00:17:32,217 what is best for Soviet industry. 200 00:17:37,084 --> 00:17:39,950 You gentlemen know that far better than I ever will. 201 00:17:42,817 --> 00:17:46,117 I'm here simply to open a door... 202 00:17:49,651 --> 00:17:53,050 ...to the top manufacturers in the West. 203 00:18:05,984 --> 00:18:08,917 Your proposal is interesting. 204 00:18:10,284 --> 00:18:12,883 - Would you like to have lunch? - Of course... 205 00:18:13,950 --> 00:18:15,084 after you. 206 00:18:17,117 --> 00:18:18,317 It is good you have dealt 207 00:18:18,351 --> 00:18:19,950 with other communist governments 208 00:18:19,984 --> 00:18:21,217 but so far from home. 209 00:18:21,783 --> 00:18:23,817 Do you not prefer to work in England? 210 00:18:23,850 --> 00:18:26,184 I do what I can to keep things interesting. 211 00:18:27,783 --> 00:18:31,284 But then, there's the political situation. 212 00:18:32,850 --> 00:18:34,517 This is not good time for East and West. 213 00:18:35,184 --> 00:18:37,484 Well, what I like to say is no matter what 214 00:18:37,517 --> 00:18:38,684 the politicians are doing, 215 00:18:38,718 --> 00:18:43,950 factories still need machines, machines still need parts. 216 00:18:44,517 --> 00:18:47,184 I'm a businessman, so I stick to business. 217 00:18:53,517 --> 00:18:54,783 Hmm! 218 00:18:58,850 --> 00:19:02,517 - Do you have a family? - I do, a boy, he's ten. 219 00:19:02,817 --> 00:19:05,783 I wanted a boy very much, then we had a girl... 220 00:19:06,417 --> 00:19:07,184 now she's my world. 221 00:19:07,551 --> 00:19:10,284 Mm. Likely not destroying your home like our son. 222 00:19:17,050 --> 00:19:20,117 Now... most important question. 223 00:19:21,284 --> 00:19:23,017 If you want to do business in Moscow, 224 00:19:23,351 --> 00:19:24,484 I need to know... 225 00:19:25,351 --> 00:19:26,351 Yes? 226 00:19:28,084 --> 00:19:29,750 ...can you hold your alcohol? 227 00:19:33,484 --> 00:19:37,783 It's my one true gift. 228 00:19:50,184 --> 00:19:52,517 I want to show you another side of Russia. 229 00:19:52,551 --> 00:19:54,451 - Are you free this evening? - Certainly. 230 00:19:54,684 --> 00:19:56,084 Where are we off to? 231 00:20:14,984 --> 00:20:16,384 Do you know Cinderella? 232 00:20:19,351 --> 00:20:21,850 Embarrassed to say, I've never been to the ballet. 233 00:20:22,984 --> 00:20:25,351 Then your trip is already worth it. 234 00:20:27,184 --> 00:20:28,817 If you will, mister. 235 00:20:40,184 --> 00:20:42,817 Shh! 236 00:21:48,351 --> 00:21:50,284 Your tie clip, I like it. 237 00:21:50,718 --> 00:21:52,117 Where did you get it? 238 00:21:55,850 --> 00:21:57,783 It was a gift from a friend. 239 00:21:58,217 --> 00:22:01,850 - Is your friend American? - Yes. 240 00:22:05,384 --> 00:22:06,817 We can talk here. 241 00:22:07,883 --> 00:22:08,917 It is safe. 242 00:22:10,950 --> 00:22:13,251 I sent word to your friend, you're, um... 243 00:22:13,451 --> 00:22:17,184 - I think the word is "amateur". - Yes, exactly. Amateur. 244 00:22:19,850 --> 00:22:23,317 I've dreamt of this moment for a very long time. Thank you. 245 00:22:23,651 --> 00:22:25,417 I wish I could tell you how much this means. 246 00:22:25,451 --> 00:22:27,984 I think I'd rather that you didn't tell me. 247 00:22:30,117 --> 00:22:31,251 What happens now? 248 00:22:32,384 --> 00:22:34,184 I don't need to do anything, do I? 249 00:22:34,217 --> 00:22:35,417 No, you go home. 250 00:22:35,451 --> 00:22:37,317 Then you invite me to visit London 251 00:22:37,351 --> 00:22:40,084 with a trade delegation to meet your clients. 252 00:22:40,451 --> 00:22:42,084 Your government would allow you? 253 00:22:42,117 --> 00:22:43,484 They would be thrilled. 254 00:22:44,084 --> 00:22:46,484 Part of my job is to steal technology 255 00:22:46,517 --> 00:22:49,984 from the West. Your friend is clever. 256 00:22:51,417 --> 00:22:54,117 Well, Oleg. May I call you Oleg? 257 00:22:54,351 --> 00:22:56,351 In English, my name doesn't sound good. 258 00:22:56,584 --> 00:22:58,017 Call me Alex. 259 00:22:59,217 --> 00:23:00,351 Alex. 260 00:23:06,317 --> 00:23:07,850 You're a good amateur. 261 00:23:26,050 --> 00:23:27,783 Since you took me to the Bolshoi, 262 00:23:27,817 --> 00:23:29,284 I suppose I should take all of you 263 00:23:29,317 --> 00:23:30,850 to the West End. 264 00:23:31,384 --> 00:23:33,317 Some of the finest theater in the world. 265 00:23:33,351 --> 00:23:34,817 That would be good. 266 00:24:04,050 --> 00:24:05,950 And this is my wife, Sheila. 267 00:24:05,984 --> 00:24:07,351 - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. 268 00:24:07,384 --> 00:24:10,451 - Nostrovia! - Nostrovia! 269 00:24:10,750 --> 00:24:12,017 Cheers! 270 00:24:12,484 --> 00:24:14,117 Up yours, as well. That's another one. 271 00:24:14,417 --> 00:24:15,984 - Up yours! - Up yours! 272 00:24:16,017 --> 00:24:17,050 - Up yours! - Up yours! 273 00:24:56,117 --> 00:24:58,217 - Off you go. - Hello. 274 00:24:58,451 --> 00:24:59,817 Hello, goodbye. 275 00:26:31,251 --> 00:26:32,417 We know you're a patriot. 276 00:26:32,783 --> 00:26:35,251 We know how hard this must be for you. 277 00:26:37,584 --> 00:26:39,484 Colonel, whatever brought you here... 278 00:26:40,584 --> 00:26:44,251 it must frighten you more than the danger of being here. 279 00:26:50,384 --> 00:26:51,317 Khrushchev. 280 00:26:53,117 --> 00:26:54,484 Khrushchev frightens me. 281 00:26:56,150 --> 00:26:58,817 He is impulsive, chaotic, 282 00:26:58,850 --> 00:27:01,451 a man like him should have no clear command. 283 00:27:03,150 --> 00:27:04,883 The West has fallen for his lie. 284 00:27:05,384 --> 00:27:08,451 A lie that Soviet regime is growing soft, it is not. 285 00:27:08,950 --> 00:27:12,217 Khrushchev wants confrontation with America. 286 00:27:12,517 --> 00:27:14,251 He's looking for one. 287 00:27:15,117 --> 00:27:17,217 Do you have anything you could share with us, 288 00:27:17,251 --> 00:27:18,351 documents, perhaps? 289 00:27:19,984 --> 00:27:21,484 Would you like to read the new edition 290 00:27:21,517 --> 00:27:22,984 of Military Thought? 291 00:27:28,117 --> 00:27:29,984 I need assurances from you. 292 00:27:33,084 --> 00:27:34,517 If it becomes necessary... 293 00:27:35,184 --> 00:27:37,783 I must able to defect with my family. 294 00:27:37,817 --> 00:27:39,984 Absolutely. Whenever you want. 295 00:27:41,584 --> 00:27:43,251 I will remain in place... 296 00:27:43,917 --> 00:27:46,251 and keep you updated on the Kremlin's thinking. 297 00:27:47,217 --> 00:27:48,950 But tell your government... 298 00:27:50,917 --> 00:27:53,351 they must use my information wisely. 299 00:27:53,718 --> 00:27:55,017 Not as a weapon... 300 00:27:56,484 --> 00:27:58,883 but as a tool to bring peace. 301 00:28:17,017 --> 00:28:19,217 Despite what Khrushchev claims, 302 00:28:19,684 --> 00:28:24,817 America's nuclear arsenal is still far superior to ours. 303 00:28:25,351 --> 00:28:28,117 We do not yet have first strike capacity. 304 00:28:28,384 --> 00:28:31,184 You can annihilate us but we cannot annihilate you. 305 00:28:32,251 --> 00:28:34,117 But that won't worry the Politburo. 306 00:28:34,718 --> 00:28:37,217 Do you think in the end that'll keep Khrushchev 307 00:28:37,251 --> 00:28:38,783 from going too far? 308 00:28:41,484 --> 00:28:43,251 You have to be up in a few hours. 309 00:28:43,284 --> 00:28:45,517 - I'm fine. - No, he's right. 310 00:28:45,718 --> 00:28:47,384 We can finish this up tomorrow night. 311 00:28:49,551 --> 00:28:51,050 And one last thing... 312 00:28:52,351 --> 00:28:53,917 we need to talk about Greville. 313 00:28:54,517 --> 00:28:57,017 Don't worry. You won't have to deal with him anymore. 314 00:29:01,417 --> 00:29:04,251 - No. - It was Penkovsky's idea. 315 00:29:04,284 --> 00:29:05,817 You're perfect, you're a civilian, 316 00:29:05,850 --> 00:29:06,718 so the KGB won't be watching you. 317 00:29:07,084 --> 00:29:09,850 You'll be in and out of Moscow anyway to setup contracts. 318 00:29:10,351 --> 00:29:12,017 You still won't know any specifics, 319 00:29:12,050 --> 00:29:13,084 you'll just be a courier. 320 00:29:13,117 --> 00:29:15,117 Just a courier for Russian sea... 321 00:29:18,217 --> 00:29:20,251 My God, I can't believe you're bloody serious. 322 00:29:20,750 --> 00:29:22,317 We've gone over it with Penkovsky. 323 00:29:22,351 --> 00:29:24,384 We believe the risk to you is minimal. 324 00:29:24,618 --> 00:29:25,950 And we'll pay you. 325 00:29:25,984 --> 00:29:28,150 I make my own money, thank you very much. 326 00:29:28,517 --> 00:29:30,917 I have a wife and a child. 327 00:29:31,417 --> 00:29:33,117 Either of you have a family? 328 00:29:34,883 --> 00:29:35,850 Oh, no. 329 00:29:36,417 --> 00:29:37,517 Don't suppose you could tell me about that, 330 00:29:37,551 --> 00:29:41,150 not a lot you can tell me about, is there? Helen, James. 331 00:29:41,184 --> 00:29:43,817 I can tell you we'd both put ourselves in harm's way 332 00:29:43,850 --> 00:29:47,084 when necessary and this is terribly necessary, Greville. 333 00:29:47,117 --> 00:29:48,917 Then might I suggest you find someone 334 00:29:48,950 --> 00:29:50,351 who's suited for it. 335 00:29:50,917 --> 00:29:53,251 Sorry. I really have done all I can for you. 336 00:29:53,284 --> 00:29:54,351 Greville, listen. 337 00:29:54,817 --> 00:29:58,117 The four-minute warning, it won't do you any good. 338 00:29:58,150 --> 00:29:59,950 - What? - The four-minute warning 339 00:29:59,984 --> 00:30:02,517 before a Soviet nuclear missile hits the UK. 340 00:30:02,551 --> 00:30:05,117 No, I know what that... what are you talking about? 341 00:30:05,150 --> 00:30:06,950 That... that's what this has all been about? 342 00:30:06,984 --> 00:30:08,984 Nuclear war? Come on. 343 00:30:13,084 --> 00:30:14,417 See, here's the problem for you. 344 00:30:15,984 --> 00:30:18,284 Your house is a 12-minute drive from your office, 345 00:30:18,317 --> 00:30:20,384 ten minutes if you really push, right? 346 00:30:20,817 --> 00:30:22,351 And you're usually out on a sales call anyway, 347 00:30:22,384 --> 00:30:24,883 so you're not getting back to Sheila in time. 348 00:30:25,317 --> 00:30:26,950 And Andrew's school, that's nine minutes 349 00:30:26,984 --> 00:30:28,484 from your house, 15 from your office, 350 00:30:28,517 --> 00:30:29,950 and no one's getting to him either. 351 00:30:29,984 --> 00:30:31,850 He'll get herded into the school basement. 352 00:30:32,984 --> 00:30:34,484 I looked up the building plans. 353 00:30:35,017 --> 00:30:37,817 That's a sorry excuse for a fallout shelter. 354 00:30:37,850 --> 00:30:39,517 Same with your basement, actually. 355 00:30:39,551 --> 00:30:42,050 Only the government has decent shelters. 356 00:30:45,251 --> 00:30:46,451 What do you do? 357 00:30:48,384 --> 00:30:49,351 Hmm? 358 00:30:49,750 --> 00:30:51,783 You can spend those four minutes 359 00:30:51,817 --> 00:30:52,917 trying to get Sheila on the phone 360 00:30:52,950 --> 00:30:54,351 but you won't be able to get through. 361 00:30:57,050 --> 00:30:59,084 Or you can think about how you might have helped 362 00:30:59,117 --> 00:31:00,850 stop this from happening... 363 00:31:02,117 --> 00:31:03,417 but you didn't. 364 00:31:06,817 --> 00:31:08,050 And then, that's it. 365 00:31:11,484 --> 00:31:12,817 How dare you. 366 00:31:26,351 --> 00:31:28,950 Truly, we'll be better off if he doesn't do it. 367 00:31:29,551 --> 00:31:30,883 He'll do it. 368 00:31:33,584 --> 00:31:35,017 No, I got it. 369 00:31:35,584 --> 00:31:36,783 All right. 370 00:31:39,517 --> 00:31:41,284 - Hello. - Welcome. Do come in. 371 00:31:41,317 --> 00:31:43,117 - Oh! Hello. - Hello. 372 00:31:43,451 --> 00:31:45,384 Oh, vodka, lovely. 373 00:31:45,718 --> 00:31:47,251 I was just saying to Greville we didn't drink 374 00:31:47,284 --> 00:31:48,883 nearly enough last night. 375 00:31:49,417 --> 00:31:52,517 - Thank you. Uh, do come in. - Thank you. 376 00:31:53,984 --> 00:31:55,117 This is for Andrew. 377 00:31:57,017 --> 00:31:58,351 Very kind, thank you. 378 00:31:58,984 --> 00:32:00,117 This way. 379 00:32:16,084 --> 00:32:17,517 Dad told me about Moscow. 380 00:32:17,883 --> 00:32:20,084 What's it like in the rest of Russia? 381 00:32:21,351 --> 00:32:22,850 It is very beautiful. 382 00:32:23,317 --> 00:32:24,850 Especially where I come from. 383 00:32:25,251 --> 00:32:28,384 A lot of trees, a lot of sky. 384 00:32:29,517 --> 00:32:30,817 You feel... 385 00:32:32,251 --> 00:32:34,817 very alone but in a good way. 386 00:32:35,317 --> 00:32:36,517 I'd like to see that. 387 00:32:37,084 --> 00:32:38,351 But then of course your government 388 00:32:38,384 --> 00:32:40,084 isn't all that keen on foreigners 389 00:32:40,117 --> 00:32:41,917 just wandering around. 390 00:32:44,351 --> 00:32:46,517 Do the Russians really hate us that much? 391 00:32:46,850 --> 00:32:49,251 I think they'd like our children to be a little more polite, 392 00:32:49,451 --> 00:32:50,517 Andrew. 393 00:32:51,284 --> 00:32:53,950 Our politicians hate your politicians. 394 00:32:53,984 --> 00:32:56,384 And yours hate ours, do not forget that. 395 00:32:57,050 --> 00:33:01,117 But the people, your father and I, we do business. 396 00:33:01,618 --> 00:33:04,850 We spend time together, I meet his family. 397 00:33:06,451 --> 00:33:08,317 Maybe we're only two people... 398 00:33:09,251 --> 00:33:11,017 but this is how things change. 399 00:33:13,184 --> 00:33:14,150 Hmm. 400 00:33:17,817 --> 00:33:19,950 - What if I get caught? - You won't. 401 00:33:20,217 --> 00:33:21,750 You don't know that. 402 00:33:23,384 --> 00:33:25,084 They'd execute me, correct? 403 00:33:25,117 --> 00:33:27,984 Not if they thought you're just a courier that you took packages 404 00:33:28,017 --> 00:33:29,517 but didn't know what was in them. 405 00:33:29,551 --> 00:33:31,317 They would hold you to trade for one of theirs. 406 00:33:31,351 --> 00:33:32,783 For how long? 407 00:33:33,251 --> 00:33:35,117 - A couple of years. - Oh, just a couple of years 408 00:33:35,150 --> 00:33:36,850 rotting in some Russian Gulag. 409 00:33:37,184 --> 00:33:40,917 They will not catch us. The KGB will have no idea. 410 00:33:41,517 --> 00:33:44,284 Listen, I'm better at this than they are. 411 00:33:44,317 --> 00:33:46,384 Fine. But I'm not. 412 00:33:47,017 --> 00:33:49,117 Look, your work... 413 00:33:49,584 --> 00:33:53,317 it is only deception. Controlling your emotion. 414 00:33:53,883 --> 00:33:56,451 I watched you do it in Moscow, you did it tonight. 415 00:33:56,484 --> 00:33:58,217 It's really not the same thing. 416 00:33:58,517 --> 00:34:00,984 If we're caught, they would definitely execute me. 417 00:34:01,017 --> 00:34:02,850 Well, I'm very sorry but that's your choice. 418 00:34:02,883 --> 00:34:04,984 That is how sure I am that you can do this. 419 00:34:05,484 --> 00:34:07,251 I'm betting my life on it. 420 00:34:10,850 --> 00:34:12,417 How can I explain this to Sheila? 421 00:34:12,451 --> 00:34:13,984 She cannot know the truth. 422 00:34:14,950 --> 00:34:16,351 For her own safety, for yours. 423 00:34:16,384 --> 00:34:18,084 I can't tell her any of it? 424 00:34:18,117 --> 00:34:19,117 No. 425 00:34:19,317 --> 00:34:20,984 Well, what have you told your wife? 426 00:34:23,517 --> 00:34:26,150 Because you know what she'd say, "Don't do it." 427 00:34:26,184 --> 00:34:27,317 I'm right, aren't I? 428 00:34:29,050 --> 00:34:31,750 Sheila's no fool. And in the past, I've... 429 00:34:32,317 --> 00:34:35,117 given her reason not to trust me dully. 430 00:34:37,850 --> 00:34:39,184 Then you have to lie better. 431 00:34:41,017 --> 00:34:42,117 There are good lies. 432 00:34:42,984 --> 00:34:45,150 Sometimes a lie is gift... 433 00:34:46,117 --> 00:34:47,417 an act of love. 434 00:34:48,850 --> 00:34:50,384 I'm sorry it has to be you. 435 00:34:53,084 --> 00:34:54,251 But, Greville... 436 00:34:55,517 --> 00:34:56,950 it has to be you. 437 00:35:02,284 --> 00:35:04,817 In Moscow, you must at all times 438 00:35:04,850 --> 00:35:06,451 follow the rules of the art. 439 00:35:06,484 --> 00:35:08,150 In English, there's a word. 440 00:35:08,517 --> 00:35:10,251 - Tradecraft. - Yes. 441 00:35:10,517 --> 00:35:12,384 You must follow tradecraft. 442 00:35:12,584 --> 00:35:15,084 Everyone you meet, assume they are KGB, 443 00:35:15,384 --> 00:35:18,184 waiters, hotel staff, my driver, everyone. 444 00:35:18,817 --> 00:35:21,117 Even if they are not actual KGB officers, 445 00:35:21,517 --> 00:35:23,384 they still make reports to KGB. 446 00:35:23,417 --> 00:35:24,150 Ooh! 447 00:35:24,551 --> 00:35:27,384 Every Russian is an eye of the state. 448 00:35:27,817 --> 00:35:30,817 Every room you're in, assume it is bugged. 449 00:35:30,850 --> 00:35:32,217 Even inside our embassy. 450 00:35:32,251 --> 00:35:34,251 Especially inside your embassy. 451 00:35:35,017 --> 00:35:37,484 Still, our embassy will be a good fail-safe 452 00:35:37,517 --> 00:35:38,783 in the event of any... 453 00:35:39,317 --> 00:35:40,351 complication. 454 00:35:41,950 --> 00:35:44,117 The KGB also uses lip readers. 455 00:35:44,150 --> 00:35:46,084 You won't be able to tell who they are. 456 00:35:46,317 --> 00:35:47,251 So never discuss... 457 00:35:47,284 --> 00:35:49,783 ...anything sensitive unless I do first. 458 00:35:50,017 --> 00:35:51,050 How's your family? 459 00:35:51,783 --> 00:35:54,117 Very well, thank you. How's yours? 460 00:35:55,417 --> 00:35:57,384 We will be seeing each other often. 461 00:35:58,551 --> 00:35:59,417 To throw off suspicion, 462 00:35:59,817 --> 00:36:02,750 I will tell my colleagues I recruited you as a source. 463 00:36:04,817 --> 00:36:06,317 You'll keep Colonel Penkovsky supplied 464 00:36:06,351 --> 00:36:08,451 with material on steel manufacturing, 465 00:36:08,484 --> 00:36:10,317 industrial production and so on. 466 00:36:10,984 --> 00:36:13,850 Unclassified, but hard to come by. 467 00:36:14,251 --> 00:36:16,017 They'll believe I would do that? 468 00:36:17,150 --> 00:36:18,150 Of course. 469 00:36:18,817 --> 00:36:20,850 You are a greedy capitalist. 470 00:36:21,251 --> 00:36:23,251 You want to keep the contracts coming. 471 00:36:24,017 --> 00:36:27,351 And from now on, every moment you're in Moscow, 472 00:36:27,384 --> 00:36:29,417 you will be selling one thing. 473 00:36:30,417 --> 00:36:33,883 The idea that you are an ordinary businessman 474 00:36:33,917 --> 00:36:36,351 and nothing more than an ordinary businessman. 475 00:36:36,384 --> 00:36:37,317 Well, gentlemen, I hope 476 00:36:37,618 --> 00:36:41,050 this is the first of many. Thank you all very, very much. 477 00:36:41,484 --> 00:36:43,517 For good health and for business. 478 00:36:45,150 --> 00:36:46,284 I should get you to the airport. 479 00:36:46,317 --> 00:36:47,484 Yes, yes, please. 480 00:36:47,517 --> 00:36:48,883 Do you have any questions? 481 00:36:48,917 --> 00:36:50,484 Gentlemen, 'till next time. Thank you. 482 00:36:51,351 --> 00:36:53,351 I want to be certain of one thing. 483 00:36:54,817 --> 00:36:57,484 I need to know that if anything happens to me, 484 00:36:57,517 --> 00:36:59,950 my wife and son will be provided for. 485 00:37:01,184 --> 00:37:02,517 You have my word... 486 00:37:03,850 --> 00:37:05,384 and I speak for the crown. 487 00:37:32,084 --> 00:37:33,850 Thank you, Alex. Bye. 488 00:37:40,517 --> 00:37:41,750 Thank you. 489 00:38:39,984 --> 00:38:43,750 - My, where did that come from? - I missed you. 490 00:38:44,284 --> 00:38:47,783 - Well, just this one time. - Oh, every time, darling. 491 00:39:00,817 --> 00:39:02,517 They're really gearing up for war. 492 00:39:02,850 --> 00:39:06,217 This is phenomenal. Ironbark's the real thing. 493 00:39:08,251 --> 00:39:09,484 Well, this just became the biggest thing 494 00:39:09,517 --> 00:39:11,317 going in the whole Soviet Section. 495 00:39:11,950 --> 00:39:14,783 Now, if I keep you on this... 496 00:39:16,017 --> 00:39:17,384 am I gonna regret it? 497 00:39:18,184 --> 00:39:19,184 No, sir. 498 00:39:21,817 --> 00:39:24,184 Hell! 499 00:39:24,451 --> 00:39:26,284 This is almost worth all the bullshit 500 00:39:26,317 --> 00:39:30,050 of dealing with the Brits. How is it with those assholes? 501 00:39:30,451 --> 00:39:32,150 They're good guys. I just have to make them think 502 00:39:32,184 --> 00:39:32,984 they're in charge. 503 00:39:33,384 --> 00:39:37,417 Oh, this is such an honor. I'm... I'm learning so much. 504 00:39:41,251 --> 00:39:42,484 Despite growing tensions 505 00:39:42,517 --> 00:39:43,984 between America and the Soviet, 506 00:39:44,017 --> 00:39:45,517 until this morning, there was essentially 507 00:39:45,551 --> 00:39:48,017 free passage between East and West Berlin. 508 00:39:48,251 --> 00:39:50,284 But overnight, without warning, 509 00:39:50,317 --> 00:39:53,317 the communist authorities have barricaded off the city. 510 00:39:53,551 --> 00:39:55,850 In response, President Kennedy has vowed 511 00:39:55,883 --> 00:39:57,817 to increase America's military presence, 512 00:39:57,850 --> 00:39:59,917 directly speaking with General Clay 513 00:39:59,950 --> 00:40:01,251 who is stationed in Berlin. 514 00:40:12,150 --> 00:40:14,718 Grev, would you think it's safe to keep going to Moscow? 515 00:40:15,184 --> 00:40:17,750 Yes, certainly. It's fine. 516 00:40:18,084 --> 00:40:19,517 Even with all this? 517 00:40:20,317 --> 00:40:23,217 That's in Berlin, darling. Nowhere near Moscow. 518 00:40:23,251 --> 00:40:24,883 Yes, I know where Berlin is 519 00:40:24,917 --> 00:40:26,017 and I know the Russians and the Americans... 520 00:40:26,050 --> 00:40:27,849 - Please do let me... - ...are killing any... 521 00:40:27,883 --> 00:40:28,850 ...run my business. 522 00:40:34,017 --> 00:40:35,251 Today in the Arctic, 523 00:40:35,284 --> 00:40:37,150 the Soviet Union had a successful test 524 00:40:37,184 --> 00:40:40,517 of its Tsar Bomba or King of Bombs. 525 00:40:40,551 --> 00:40:42,484 With a yield of 50 megatons, 526 00:40:42,517 --> 00:40:44,351 this is by far the most powerful 527 00:40:44,384 --> 00:40:46,284 nuclear weapon ever detonated. 528 00:40:48,984 --> 00:40:50,384 I have the figures you were asking. 529 00:40:50,684 --> 00:40:52,517 Thank you very much. Very helpful. 530 00:40:57,517 --> 00:40:59,517 Today, every inhabitant 531 00:40:59,750 --> 00:41:01,351 - of this planet... - Just down there. 532 00:41:01,384 --> 00:41:03,950 ...every man, woman and child... 533 00:41:03,984 --> 00:41:04,718 Right here, ma'am? 534 00:41:05,050 --> 00:41:07,517 ...lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles... 535 00:41:08,284 --> 00:41:10,883 hanging by the slenderest of thread... 536 00:41:11,618 --> 00:41:15,184 capable of being cut at any moment by accident 537 00:41:15,517 --> 00:41:18,451 or miscalculation or by madness. 538 00:41:19,184 --> 00:41:21,817 The weapons of war must be abolished 539 00:41:22,117 --> 00:41:23,850 before they abolish us. 540 00:41:28,351 --> 00:41:29,883 Do you have anything for me? 541 00:41:36,050 --> 00:41:37,050 Tomorrow. 542 00:42:48,117 --> 00:42:49,850 - Andrew? - Yeah? 543 00:42:50,084 --> 00:42:51,351 Where are the raincoats? 544 00:42:53,484 --> 00:42:54,950 Oh, right. 545 00:42:56,984 --> 00:42:57,984 Sorry. 546 00:42:58,351 --> 00:43:00,351 It's fine. The forecast is a sun. 547 00:43:00,384 --> 00:43:02,551 No, it's not fine. What if the forecast is wrong? 548 00:43:02,584 --> 00:43:03,517 What if it rains? 549 00:43:03,551 --> 00:43:05,950 Well, we'll want to stay in the tent anyway. 550 00:43:06,184 --> 00:43:07,351 We can read books. It'll be lovely. 551 00:43:07,384 --> 00:43:08,484 It's not the point. The point is, 552 00:43:08,684 --> 00:43:09,551 I told you to pack the raincoats, 553 00:43:09,850 --> 00:43:12,883 I made myself perfectly clear. So why didn't you do it? 554 00:43:12,917 --> 00:43:14,217 Greville, are you certain this is how you want 555 00:43:14,251 --> 00:43:15,284 - to start our holiday? - Answer me! 556 00:43:15,317 --> 00:43:16,251 I... 557 00:43:17,950 --> 00:43:18,984 I... 558 00:43:19,984 --> 00:43:20,651 forgot. 559 00:43:20,950 --> 00:43:23,451 You forgot? You know, that's fantastic. 560 00:43:23,651 --> 00:43:25,351 I've got a son who's too dumb to remember something... 561 00:43:25,384 --> 00:43:27,417 - Greville, Greville! Greville! - ...as simple as packing the... 562 00:43:32,050 --> 00:43:33,384 Your father didn't mean that. 563 00:43:37,351 --> 00:43:38,984 Shall we start again, hmm? 564 00:43:54,484 --> 00:43:55,517 Is he all right? 565 00:43:56,184 --> 00:43:59,284 He's asleep. It's a good sign. 566 00:44:01,284 --> 00:44:02,284 Here. 567 00:44:05,883 --> 00:44:09,384 - Will you be all right? - Oh, fine. 568 00:44:12,351 --> 00:44:15,850 I really needed this holiday and it's a good idea. 569 00:44:15,883 --> 00:44:16,984 Glad we came here. 570 00:44:19,451 --> 00:44:21,117 It's not just tonight. 571 00:44:22,517 --> 00:44:24,251 You've been so different lately. 572 00:44:27,384 --> 00:44:28,950 Greville, what's going on? 573 00:44:33,084 --> 00:44:36,750 Look, I didn't want to tell you before because I... 574 00:44:38,384 --> 00:44:40,317 I didn't want you to be involved. 575 00:44:47,850 --> 00:44:49,517 It's the business. Yeah, we've... 576 00:44:50,850 --> 00:44:52,351 hit a bit of a rough patch. 577 00:44:55,517 --> 00:44:57,384 That makes sense, doesn't it? 578 00:44:58,050 --> 00:44:59,184 Men and money? 579 00:44:59,217 --> 00:45:01,150 My God, Colin went almost mad last year 580 00:45:01,184 --> 00:45:03,017 when his job looked the tiniest bit shaky. 581 00:45:04,050 --> 00:45:06,284 I wish it made sense but it's not just that. 582 00:45:06,317 --> 00:45:07,117 It's everything. 583 00:45:07,451 --> 00:45:10,150 He's exercising all the time and he's become so... 584 00:45:10,883 --> 00:45:14,783 - energetic in bed. - That all sounds so awful. 585 00:45:14,817 --> 00:45:17,417 Poor you. 586 00:45:18,317 --> 00:45:21,150 I'm so sorry. I shouldn't joke. 587 00:45:21,917 --> 00:45:25,317 I know Greville had an indiscretion once before but 588 00:45:25,351 --> 00:45:26,817 it doesn't mean he's having an affair now. 589 00:45:26,850 --> 00:45:28,517 Then why is he so secretive with me? 590 00:45:29,417 --> 00:45:30,517 And defensive? 591 00:45:31,517 --> 00:45:33,351 And it's always worse whenever he comes home 592 00:45:33,384 --> 00:45:34,351 from Moscow. 593 00:45:34,651 --> 00:45:37,883 That's when it all started. Moscow. 594 00:45:38,551 --> 00:45:40,117 Oh. 595 00:45:41,984 --> 00:45:43,551 Might be better if you didn't have to travel 596 00:45:43,584 --> 00:45:45,117 so much... 597 00:45:45,984 --> 00:45:47,150 better for our family. 598 00:45:47,384 --> 00:45:49,017 Darling, I told you, it's very important. 599 00:45:49,050 --> 00:45:50,150 - We need the money. - The money? 600 00:45:50,184 --> 00:45:52,317 - Money, yes. - I thought you needed the club? 601 00:45:52,351 --> 00:45:53,783 And you haven't caught any expenses 602 00:45:53,817 --> 00:45:55,351 and now we're going to a smart restaurant. 603 00:45:55,750 --> 00:45:58,050 Really, not quite certain, how I'm supposed 604 00:45:58,084 --> 00:45:58,850 to respond to that. 605 00:45:59,317 --> 00:46:01,783 I mean, why can't we live the good life? It's why I work. 606 00:46:01,817 --> 00:46:03,950 Greville, I'm asking you to stop going to Moscow. 607 00:46:03,984 --> 00:46:05,284 I'm asking you as your wife. 608 00:46:05,317 --> 00:46:06,117 Oh, I know what you're thinking. 609 00:46:06,451 --> 00:46:09,217 - There is no one else, I swear. - I forgave you once, 610 00:46:09,251 --> 00:46:10,950 I never said I would again. 611 00:46:12,451 --> 00:46:13,750 Hello, Nina. 612 00:46:14,883 --> 00:46:16,184 Very nice to meet you. 613 00:46:16,618 --> 00:46:18,551 She's never seen a foreigner before. 614 00:46:36,984 --> 00:46:38,384 My wife apologizes. 615 00:46:38,783 --> 00:46:40,517 We cannot invite you for dinner. 616 00:46:40,883 --> 00:46:43,917 To bring a foreigner into one's home, it is not done. 617 00:46:44,517 --> 00:46:47,117 It's all right. I'd understand. 618 00:46:56,517 --> 00:46:57,950 You have a lovely family. 619 00:46:58,417 --> 00:46:59,417 Thank you. 620 00:47:03,950 --> 00:47:04,950 Alex... 621 00:47:05,417 --> 00:47:07,117 when do you think you'll be ready to defect? 622 00:47:07,384 --> 00:47:09,950 It is best if we do not talk about that. 623 00:47:10,184 --> 00:47:11,317 Is something the matter? 624 00:47:13,251 --> 00:47:14,783 Just a bit of trouble at home. 625 00:47:16,584 --> 00:47:18,417 One day, you will be able to tell Sheila 626 00:47:18,451 --> 00:47:20,817 what you have done and she'll be very proud of you. 627 00:47:20,850 --> 00:47:22,251 That might be a bit too late. 628 00:47:22,750 --> 00:47:26,217 Sometimes Vera, she also struggles with my work. 629 00:47:26,251 --> 00:47:27,551 Yes, but your wife married a soldier, 630 00:47:27,584 --> 00:47:28,984 mine married a salesman. 631 00:47:31,184 --> 00:47:33,150 You know why my government will not let you 632 00:47:33,184 --> 00:47:36,451 travel outside Moscow? They want to hide the suffering. 633 00:47:40,584 --> 00:47:42,317 In the city life is all right, 634 00:47:42,351 --> 00:47:44,117 but in the country where I'm from... 635 00:47:44,584 --> 00:47:46,950 I do not want this life for Nina. 636 00:47:46,984 --> 00:47:49,317 I want her to be free from the State. 637 00:47:50,484 --> 00:47:54,517 Someday, if our work succeeds, when I feel the danger is over, 638 00:47:54,917 --> 00:47:56,351 then I will defect. 639 00:47:57,050 --> 00:47:59,117 I will bring my family to Montana. 640 00:47:59,783 --> 00:48:02,150 - Montana? - Yeah. I've seen some pictures, 641 00:48:02,184 --> 00:48:04,517 it is beautiful like where I grew up. 642 00:48:06,084 --> 00:48:08,150 Perhaps, I will become a cowboy. 643 00:48:08,651 --> 00:48:10,850 You a cowboy? 644 00:48:11,384 --> 00:48:14,184 - Oh, that I would like to see. - Yes. 645 00:48:14,684 --> 00:48:17,783 You must come and visit, with your family, please. 646 00:48:18,150 --> 00:48:19,517 I would like that very much. 647 00:48:20,384 --> 00:48:21,917 I would like that too. 648 00:48:23,417 --> 00:48:26,750 All right. I will. 649 00:48:30,584 --> 00:48:32,351 Sir? 650 00:48:32,384 --> 00:48:33,517 Thank you so much. 651 00:48:53,050 --> 00:48:54,150 What do you have? 652 00:48:54,817 --> 00:48:57,084 I'm seeing references to a lot of new intel 653 00:48:57,117 --> 00:48:58,917 coming from the Soviet Section. 654 00:48:59,317 --> 00:49:00,817 Can you access any of it? 655 00:49:00,850 --> 00:49:02,883 No. It's all way above my clearance. 656 00:49:03,217 --> 00:49:05,150 But I don't think it's coming from intercepts. 657 00:49:05,517 --> 00:49:07,184 It feels like they might have a source. 658 00:49:42,817 --> 00:49:45,517 I... I just don't see it for them to actually do that 659 00:49:45,551 --> 00:49:47,451 to try and sneak nukes into our backyard, 660 00:49:47,484 --> 00:49:50,050 - I mean, it would be... - It'll be like an act of war. 661 00:49:50,251 --> 00:49:52,251 Even Khrushchev isn't that crazy. 662 00:49:52,950 --> 00:49:55,050 All I can tell you is that Ironbark 663 00:49:55,084 --> 00:49:56,817 wouldn't be in the job he or she is in 664 00:49:56,850 --> 00:49:58,484 if he or she were an idiot. 665 00:50:00,251 --> 00:50:02,117 I hope we take this seriously. 666 00:50:06,517 --> 00:50:08,251 Stay on this, guys. 667 00:50:10,184 --> 00:50:12,117 Work every Cuba source we got. 668 00:51:37,984 --> 00:51:39,917 - Have a good flight. - Thank you, Alex. 669 00:55:48,642 --> 00:55:51,309 Ironbark gave us camouflage profiles 670 00:55:51,342 --> 00:55:53,209 for different kinds of missile installations 671 00:55:53,242 --> 00:55:54,409 so we could tell 'em apart. 672 00:55:55,042 --> 00:55:57,476 As soon as we get some U-2 photos 673 00:55:57,509 --> 00:55:59,409 we'll know if Cuba's got nukes or not. 674 00:55:59,609 --> 00:56:02,442 And whether Russian missiles can reach mainland US 675 00:56:02,476 --> 00:56:03,509 for the first time. 676 00:56:04,042 --> 00:56:06,175 Can they get a U-2 in the air? 677 00:56:06,376 --> 00:56:09,442 This time of year there's just too much cloud cover. 678 00:56:10,576 --> 00:56:13,342 'Til October you're all I got. 679 00:56:16,109 --> 00:56:16,908 Mm-hmm. 680 00:56:17,242 --> 00:56:19,542 When I went back to my hotel they searched my room. 681 00:56:19,576 --> 00:56:21,109 But they didn't find anything? 682 00:56:21,509 --> 00:56:23,342 Obviously he wouldn't be here if they had. 683 00:56:23,376 --> 00:56:25,109 I'm saying he's still in the clear. 684 00:56:25,342 --> 00:56:28,242 It could just have been a routine check which he passed. 685 00:56:28,843 --> 00:56:31,242 That's it Greville, we're pulling you out. 686 00:56:31,776 --> 00:56:33,476 But what about Penkovsky? 687 00:56:33,509 --> 00:56:35,342 I didn't have a chance to warn him. 688 00:56:35,376 --> 00:56:37,042 We'll have to find another way to communicate with him, 689 00:56:37,075 --> 00:56:38,275 but you don't need to worry about that. 690 00:56:38,309 --> 00:56:39,642 No. You don't understand. 691 00:56:41,209 --> 00:56:42,975 That's why he's in danger as well. 692 00:56:43,209 --> 00:56:44,908 If the KGB have been looking at me, 693 00:56:44,942 --> 00:56:45,776 they'll be looking at him too. 694 00:56:46,209 --> 00:56:48,409 He's still set to come here for the trade fair next month, 695 00:56:48,442 --> 00:56:49,175 - doesn't he? - Yes. 696 00:56:49,642 --> 00:56:51,442 Then he's all right. If he was under suspicion 697 00:56:51,476 --> 00:56:53,275 they'd never let him leave the country. 698 00:56:55,776 --> 00:56:58,942 But you will still help him to defect, won't you? 699 00:56:59,142 --> 00:57:02,008 Whatever he likes, he's more than earned his retirement 700 00:57:02,042 --> 00:57:05,442 and Greville so have you. Outstanding work. 701 00:57:06,975 --> 00:57:08,242 Oh, my God. 702 00:57:11,509 --> 00:57:13,109 So... so, that's it. 703 00:57:17,442 --> 00:57:19,075 Cuba. What about Cuba? 704 00:57:19,109 --> 00:57:21,042 Do try not to worry about any of this anymore. 705 00:57:21,075 --> 00:57:23,209 Put it all out of your head, best you can. 706 00:57:25,075 --> 00:57:27,376 Understood. 707 00:57:33,309 --> 00:57:35,409 Well, thank you. 708 00:57:40,242 --> 00:57:44,376 What the hell are you doing? We're shutting down Wynne, now? 709 00:57:44,409 --> 00:57:47,109 Please recall, Wynne is a British national. 710 00:57:47,376 --> 00:57:48,676 Any fallout from his capture 711 00:57:48,709 --> 00:57:50,376 would cause a major embarrassment 712 00:57:50,409 --> 00:57:51,109 for the government. 713 00:57:51,442 --> 00:57:54,042 We have to know what Penkovsky knows about Cuba. 714 00:57:54,075 --> 00:57:55,242 Which at the moment is nothing. 715 00:57:55,442 --> 00:57:58,175 He'll be here next month, we'll debrief him them. 716 00:57:58,209 --> 00:57:59,275 That's all. 717 00:58:36,242 --> 00:58:37,309 I'm, uh... 718 00:58:37,875 --> 00:58:40,442 I'm closing all the accounts in Moscow. 719 00:58:41,109 --> 00:58:42,542 So I won't be going anymore. 720 00:58:43,409 --> 00:58:44,409 All right. 721 00:58:48,175 --> 00:58:50,309 - Sure you don't want me to help? - I'm fine. Thank you. 722 00:59:25,242 --> 00:59:26,275 Papa! 723 00:59:27,509 --> 00:59:28,509 Nina. 724 01:00:50,509 --> 01:00:54,342 This government, as promised, has maintained... 725 01:00:54,376 --> 01:00:58,442 the closest surveillance of the Soviet military build-up 726 01:00:58,776 --> 01:01:00,509 on the island of Cuba. 727 01:01:00,975 --> 01:01:02,509 Within the past week 728 01:01:03,008 --> 01:01:06,109 unmistakable evidence has established the fact 729 01:01:06,509 --> 01:01:09,609 that a series of offensive missiles sites 730 01:01:10,008 --> 01:01:13,642 is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 731 01:01:14,275 --> 01:01:17,642 The purpose of these bases can be none other 732 01:01:18,042 --> 01:01:21,109 than to provide a nuclear strike capability 733 01:01:21,309 --> 01:01:23,109 against the Western Hemisphere. 734 01:01:24,309 --> 01:01:26,309 It shall be the policy of this nation 735 01:01:26,642 --> 01:01:28,609 to regard any nuclear missile 736 01:01:28,908 --> 01:01:31,275 launched from Cuba against any nation 737 01:01:31,309 --> 01:01:32,576 in the Western Hemisphere 738 01:01:32,908 --> 01:01:34,309 as an attack 739 01:01:34,576 --> 01:01:36,642 by the Soviet Union on the United States. 740 01:01:37,142 --> 01:01:40,275 Requiring a full retaliatory response 741 01:01:40,309 --> 01:01:41,942 upon the Soviet Union. 742 01:01:42,376 --> 01:01:44,309 I call upon Chairman Khrushchev 743 01:01:44,642 --> 01:01:47,409 to halt and eliminate this clandestine... 744 01:03:07,975 --> 01:03:09,175 The Soviets are standing firm, 745 01:03:09,209 --> 01:03:11,442 but JFK is refusing to back down. 746 01:03:11,975 --> 01:03:13,908 It's out of our hands now. 747 01:03:15,142 --> 01:03:16,542 Anything could happen. 748 01:03:19,109 --> 01:03:20,542 - Telegram. - Thank you. 749 01:03:37,075 --> 01:03:38,175 It's time. It's got to be. 750 01:03:38,209 --> 01:03:40,075 - Time for what? - Time to get him out. 751 01:03:40,109 --> 01:03:41,476 Greville, we can't get him out. 752 01:03:41,676 --> 01:03:42,875 Of course you can. 753 01:03:46,008 --> 01:03:47,476 Well then, what did you mean when you said 754 01:03:47,509 --> 01:03:49,175 you were gonna help him to defect? 755 01:03:49,975 --> 01:03:51,476 Family holiday to East Germany, 756 01:03:51,509 --> 01:03:52,442 crossover in Berlin, 757 01:03:52,476 --> 01:03:54,476 to try and smuggle them right out of Moscow, 758 01:03:54,509 --> 01:03:56,242 - I wouldn't dream of it. - But you're MI6 759 01:03:56,275 --> 01:03:56,975 and CIA. 760 01:03:57,242 --> 01:03:58,342 I can't get anywhere near Penkovsky now, 761 01:03:58,376 --> 01:04:01,609 so there's no way to coordinate with him or plan it out. 762 01:04:01,642 --> 01:04:03,942 We'd have to kidnap him and his family off the street. 763 01:04:03,975 --> 01:04:05,209 It'd be a disaster. 764 01:04:05,542 --> 01:04:08,542 And if they won't let them leave, then what? 765 01:04:10,476 --> 01:04:12,409 It was my idea to bring you into all this. 766 01:04:12,442 --> 01:04:14,476 I never should have done that to you. I'm sorry. 767 01:04:19,042 --> 01:04:20,376 Well then, that's it? 768 01:04:24,242 --> 01:04:26,275 We're just going to abandon him and let the KGB murder him 769 01:04:26,309 --> 01:04:27,442 whenever they get round to it? 770 01:04:27,642 --> 01:04:29,275 This is a hard truth. 771 01:04:29,676 --> 01:04:31,942 But if things were the other way around, 772 01:04:31,975 --> 01:04:34,509 - Penkovsky would abandon you. - No. No, he would not. 773 01:04:34,542 --> 01:04:36,242 He's a professional. We use people. 774 01:04:36,275 --> 01:04:38,275 He would do just what I'm doing now. 775 01:04:38,509 --> 01:04:40,542 Move on. Go home. 776 01:04:42,242 --> 01:04:43,875 Go home to your family. 777 01:04:52,042 --> 01:04:53,209 You're wrong. 778 01:04:54,609 --> 01:04:55,609 What? 779 01:04:59,376 --> 01:05:01,642 You're the experts on spying and tradecraft and all of that, 780 01:05:01,676 --> 01:05:04,376 but not Penkovsky. You've met him once, I know him. 781 01:05:05,042 --> 01:05:07,509 He would never leave me to die. 782 01:05:07,843 --> 01:05:08,743 And I'm not leaving him. 783 01:05:08,776 --> 01:05:09,776 I'm afraid it's not your decision. 784 01:05:09,975 --> 01:05:13,075 You said the problem was, there's no way to coordinate 785 01:05:13,109 --> 01:05:14,975 to let Penkovsky know about the escape plan 786 01:05:15,008 --> 01:05:16,342 but there is a way. 787 01:05:17,142 --> 01:05:18,142 Me. 788 01:05:19,109 --> 01:05:20,242 I can tell him... 789 01:05:21,542 --> 01:05:23,109 if I go back to Moscow. 790 01:05:24,042 --> 01:05:25,275 - You would do that? - Yes. 791 01:05:25,309 --> 01:05:26,042 No, he wouldn't. 792 01:05:26,275 --> 01:05:28,075 Because he hasn't entirely lost his mind. 793 01:05:28,109 --> 01:05:29,409 James, be a bloody professional. 794 01:05:29,442 --> 01:05:31,309 I'm volunteering to bring back the best source 795 01:05:31,342 --> 01:05:33,042 of Soviet intelligence you got at a time 796 01:05:33,075 --> 01:05:35,908 where Russia and America are on the brink of nuclear war. 797 01:05:36,242 --> 01:05:39,542 You talk about using people, for God's sake use me. 798 01:05:44,609 --> 01:05:46,509 If you go back to Moscow, I'll go with you. 799 01:05:46,542 --> 01:05:49,442 At no risk to herself. She'll have diplomatic immunity. 800 01:05:49,476 --> 01:05:51,442 - She thinks you're a fool. - I will do everything 801 01:05:51,476 --> 01:05:53,242 in my power to get both of you 802 01:05:53,275 --> 01:05:54,676 - out of there. - But I am telling you, 803 01:05:54,709 --> 01:05:56,209 don't do it. 804 01:06:15,509 --> 01:06:17,008 Oh, I didn't know you were... 805 01:06:26,142 --> 01:06:30,109 I have just one last account to close, then I'm finished. 806 01:06:31,175 --> 01:06:32,175 Truly. 807 01:06:32,542 --> 01:06:33,975 Of course. Yes. 808 01:06:35,376 --> 01:06:36,908 And where are you staying tonight? 809 01:06:40,376 --> 01:06:42,109 A hotel I think would be best. 810 01:07:08,676 --> 01:07:10,542 - Alex. - Hello. 811 01:08:03,242 --> 01:08:06,209 Hi. I'm Karen Tucker. I'm the new press attache. 812 01:08:12,309 --> 01:08:15,542 Our assets will take a boat from Finland to Sosnovy Bor. 813 01:08:15,743 --> 01:08:17,376 Port security there is light. 814 01:08:17,609 --> 01:08:20,376 They'll pick the Penkovskys up, ferry them back across. 815 01:08:20,609 --> 01:08:22,609 I need you to take the van and divert the KGB 816 01:08:22,642 --> 01:08:24,242 when we leave the embassy, okay? 817 01:08:25,008 --> 01:08:26,576 If we can just get the Penkovskys 818 01:08:26,609 --> 01:08:28,242 out of Moscow clean, 819 01:08:28,576 --> 01:08:31,042 - we should be all right. - Yup. Okay. 820 01:08:32,476 --> 01:08:33,942 You're going to do fine. 821 01:08:33,975 --> 01:08:35,409 Permanent representatives 822 01:08:35,442 --> 01:08:36,975 of a large number 823 01:08:37,008 --> 01:08:40,476 of Member governments of the United Nations... 824 01:08:41,609 --> 01:08:44,476 to address an urgent appeal to you 825 01:08:44,908 --> 01:08:47,509 in the present critical situation. 826 01:08:48,642 --> 01:08:50,409 In the interest of international 827 01:08:50,442 --> 01:08:52,509 peace and security... 828 01:08:53,209 --> 01:08:56,875 all concerned should refrain from any action 829 01:08:57,242 --> 01:08:59,676 which may aggravate the situation 830 01:08:59,709 --> 01:09:02,942 and bring with it the risk of war. 831 01:09:02,975 --> 01:09:04,676 Now, we will explain what to do 832 01:09:04,709 --> 01:09:07,075 if a warning sounds when you are at home. 833 01:09:07,509 --> 01:09:10,008 You must immediately take cover. 834 01:09:10,342 --> 01:09:12,376 Send your children to the fallout room 835 01:09:12,409 --> 01:09:16,175 then turn off the electricity and the gas at the main. 836 01:09:17,642 --> 01:09:21,576 Do you, Ambassador Zorin, deny that the USSR has 837 01:09:21,908 --> 01:09:24,042 placed and is placing medium 838 01:09:24,075 --> 01:09:27,175 and intermediate-range missiles and sites in Cuba? 839 01:09:27,209 --> 01:09:28,376 Yes or no? 840 01:09:35,442 --> 01:09:37,175 And I'm also prepared to present 841 01:09:37,209 --> 01:09:38,609 the evidence in this room. 842 01:09:38,642 --> 01:09:40,442 Which you can all examine at your leisure, 843 01:09:40,642 --> 01:09:43,209 shows three successive photographic enlargements 844 01:09:43,242 --> 01:09:45,609 of another missile base of the same type 845 01:09:46,175 --> 01:09:48,242 in the area of San Cristobal. 846 01:09:49,609 --> 01:09:52,409 These enlarged photographs clearly show 847 01:09:52,442 --> 01:09:54,376 six of these missiles on trailers 848 01:09:54,409 --> 01:09:55,642 and three erectors. 849 01:09:57,676 --> 01:10:00,542 And that is only one example. 850 01:12:56,442 --> 01:12:57,975 Bravo. 851 01:13:00,409 --> 01:13:01,509 Bravo. 852 01:13:02,109 --> 01:13:03,309 Bravo. 853 01:13:05,942 --> 01:13:07,376 Bravo. 854 01:13:21,676 --> 01:13:23,509 - Hmm! - Mm-hmm. 855 01:13:41,576 --> 01:13:43,242 Kennedy has sent the offer. 856 01:13:43,576 --> 01:13:46,142 If the Soviets take out their nukes, 857 01:13:46,442 --> 01:13:48,576 JFK will declare publicly 858 01:13:48,908 --> 01:13:52,576 - that the US will stand down. - Think they'll go for that? 859 01:13:53,109 --> 01:13:54,576 I really don't know. 860 01:14:16,676 --> 01:14:17,908 Good luck. 861 01:14:40,109 --> 01:14:41,275 Can I take you to the airport? 862 01:14:41,476 --> 01:14:44,075 Oh, that would be perfect, thank you. 863 01:16:26,576 --> 01:16:28,109 Excuse me, what did they say? 864 01:16:29,975 --> 01:16:33,142 They say, "We're sorry for the delay." 865 01:16:33,576 --> 01:16:34,576 Thank you. 866 01:16:41,975 --> 01:16:42,942 Vera! 867 01:19:41,442 --> 01:19:42,576 Mr. Wynne... 868 01:19:45,875 --> 01:19:48,542 I'm sorry, I don't understand. 869 01:19:48,776 --> 01:19:52,142 He said, come with us, Mr. Wynne. 870 01:19:52,175 --> 01:19:53,576 Why, what's going on? I don't understand. 871 01:19:53,609 --> 01:19:56,242 Mr. Wynne, please. 872 01:20:23,175 --> 01:20:26,008 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, 873 01:20:26,376 --> 01:20:29,042 has declared you persona non grata. 874 01:20:29,409 --> 01:20:31,609 You are hereby ordered to leave the country 875 01:20:31,642 --> 01:20:33,309 within 24 hours. 876 01:21:27,975 --> 01:21:29,109 Strip! 877 01:21:30,142 --> 01:21:31,942 Strip! 878 01:22:42,542 --> 01:22:46,342 One, two, three. 879 01:22:54,975 --> 01:22:55,975 Thank you. 880 01:23:09,008 --> 01:23:10,175 You were right. 881 01:23:13,242 --> 01:23:14,342 You were right, too. 882 01:23:22,109 --> 01:23:23,109 We had to try. 883 01:23:37,642 --> 01:23:40,509 Mrs. Wynne, I'm James Dobie with the Board of Trade, 884 01:23:40,542 --> 01:23:43,042 - may we come in? - Yes, please. 885 01:23:52,676 --> 01:23:54,676 - Oh, my God. - It's absurd, of course. 886 01:23:54,709 --> 01:23:57,042 The Foreign Office is hard at work sorting this out. 887 01:23:57,075 --> 01:24:00,242 - But it's a delicate situation. - Why? 888 01:24:00,275 --> 01:24:03,609 Oleg Penkovsky has been arrested as well, which is quite serious. 889 01:24:04,442 --> 01:24:06,209 The Russians are claiming Greville was caught up 890 01:24:06,242 --> 01:24:07,309 in some sort of... 891 01:24:08,509 --> 01:24:09,908 well, espionage. 892 01:24:11,409 --> 01:24:13,209 The Foreign Office will be in touch soon. 893 01:24:13,242 --> 01:24:14,942 And while this is all being resolved, 894 01:24:14,975 --> 01:24:17,109 The Crown will provide for you and your son. 895 01:24:17,142 --> 01:24:19,609 - It's true, isn't it? - What's true? 896 01:24:19,642 --> 01:24:22,075 Greville was working with Penkovsky like they say? 897 01:24:22,109 --> 01:24:22,843 No, no. Of course not. 898 01:24:23,109 --> 01:24:24,175 Can I call Greville, I need to speak to him. 899 01:24:24,209 --> 01:24:26,376 - I don't think that's... - No, I have to... I have to... 900 01:24:26,409 --> 01:24:28,209 I have to tell him that I'm sorry. 901 01:24:28,942 --> 01:24:31,476 I thought he was... 902 01:24:32,942 --> 01:24:35,042 My God, I've been so stupid. 903 01:24:35,376 --> 01:24:37,142 - Mommy? - Andrew, go to your room. 904 01:24:37,376 --> 01:24:39,342 - Who are... - Andrew, go to your room! 905 01:24:39,376 --> 01:24:40,409 I'm a friend of your father's. 906 01:24:40,442 --> 01:24:43,342 He told me you have quite the trophy collection. 907 01:24:43,376 --> 01:24:44,642 Could you show me? 908 01:24:47,342 --> 01:24:48,975 Andrew please, it's all right. 909 01:24:57,509 --> 01:24:59,109 Don't tell me it's not true. 910 01:25:00,275 --> 01:25:01,642 I know my husband. 911 01:25:03,209 --> 01:25:04,476 I know he's been acting. 912 01:25:06,609 --> 01:25:08,242 Don't tell me it's not true. 913 01:25:11,709 --> 01:25:13,642 There are things I can't say to you. 914 01:25:25,676 --> 01:25:30,908 I can tell you that your husband is an incredibly brave man. 915 01:25:32,275 --> 01:25:34,309 And he needs you now. 916 01:25:35,342 --> 01:25:37,376 He needs your help, Mrs. Wynne. 917 01:25:38,175 --> 01:25:42,242 You see, once the Russians realize Greville is innocent, 918 01:25:42,542 --> 01:25:45,109 your government will be able to get him home safe. 919 01:25:45,709 --> 01:25:46,908 In time. 920 01:25:48,342 --> 01:25:50,509 But if the Russians do decide... 921 01:25:51,109 --> 01:25:54,409 that Greville actually is some kind of spy... 922 01:25:57,509 --> 01:25:58,642 I'm so sorry. 923 01:26:01,975 --> 01:26:03,609 So when you talk to anybody... 924 01:26:05,042 --> 01:26:06,942 that means your family... 925 01:26:07,676 --> 01:26:10,642 your friends, Andrew, and especially the press... 926 01:26:13,376 --> 01:26:14,975 you have to tell them that none of this 927 01:26:15,008 --> 01:26:16,309 could possibly be true. 928 01:26:16,642 --> 01:26:18,908 And you have to be very convincing. 929 01:26:22,676 --> 01:26:23,975 Can you do that? 930 01:26:29,376 --> 01:26:31,109 Can you do that for Greville? 931 01:26:38,209 --> 01:26:41,509 I can't imagine what Penkovsky could've confessed to. 932 01:26:50,442 --> 01:26:52,975 I... I'm sorry, I don't know what this is. 933 01:26:54,008 --> 01:26:55,275 We know everything, 934 01:26:55,309 --> 01:26:58,942 we know that Penkovsky gave you packages to take to the West. 935 01:26:59,209 --> 01:27:02,075 - Well, yes, a few times. - Then you admit it. 936 01:27:03,509 --> 01:27:07,175 Admit what? I didn't know that I was doing anything wrong? 937 01:27:07,209 --> 01:27:09,242 You think stealing Soviet intelligence 938 01:27:09,275 --> 01:27:09,975 wasn't wrong? 939 01:27:10,509 --> 01:27:13,476 If that is what was happening, I didn't know it. 940 01:27:14,309 --> 01:27:16,476 I never asked him what was in the packages, 941 01:27:16,509 --> 01:27:17,942 I didn't think it was my business. 942 01:27:17,975 --> 01:27:19,975 Who did you give these packages to? 943 01:27:20,008 --> 01:27:21,342 Well, I dropped them off 944 01:27:21,376 --> 01:27:23,209 in various addresses around London, 945 01:27:23,242 --> 01:27:25,142 I never thought anything of it. 946 01:27:28,242 --> 01:27:29,376 Mr. Wynne... 947 01:27:30,409 --> 01:27:34,142 you were asking me to believe that you are very, very stupid. 948 01:27:34,442 --> 01:27:36,942 Oh, well, yes. 949 01:27:36,975 --> 01:27:40,975 I suppose in your world I am, but, look, I'm just a salesman. 950 01:27:42,109 --> 01:27:46,342 I want my clients to like me, so if that meant doing... 951 01:27:46,908 --> 01:27:49,209 a favor for Penkovsky every now and then, 952 01:27:49,242 --> 01:27:51,509 I really didn't see the harm. 953 01:29:57,609 --> 01:29:58,609 Hi. 954 01:30:00,542 --> 01:30:03,409 Ah! That is so sweet of you. 955 01:30:03,442 --> 01:30:05,908 Oh, but I wish I could invite you in, I'm just... 956 01:30:06,275 --> 01:30:07,175 I'm in the middle of 20 things. 957 01:30:07,442 --> 01:30:11,175 Oh, no, no. That's fine. I'm so glad to see you're well. 958 01:30:11,209 --> 01:30:13,275 It's been ages, we've all been worried. 959 01:30:13,309 --> 01:30:15,209 Yes, well, do say hello for me. 960 01:30:15,242 --> 01:30:18,576 Of course. I saw that ridiculous piece in the Mail. 961 01:30:18,776 --> 01:30:20,142 It's so absurd. 962 01:30:21,175 --> 01:30:24,007 You don't think there could be any truth to it, do you? 963 01:30:24,209 --> 01:30:25,908 What they're saying about Greville? 964 01:30:25,942 --> 01:30:27,376 Don't be ridiculous. 965 01:30:27,843 --> 01:30:30,075 How could Greville ever spy on Soviets, 966 01:30:30,109 --> 01:30:31,908 he couldn't even hide his affair for me. 967 01:30:32,109 --> 01:30:33,409 - Right. - Thank you again for dropping by 968 01:30:33,442 --> 01:30:35,175 - and this was so sweet of you. - Oh. 969 01:30:35,209 --> 01:30:36,309 We should have tea. 970 01:30:36,342 --> 01:30:37,942 - I'll be in touch. Thank you. - Yes! 971 01:30:37,975 --> 01:30:41,376 Oh, all right. Bye. 972 01:31:01,175 --> 01:31:05,142 For years the Americans have had the nuclear missiles 973 01:31:05,175 --> 01:31:06,542 in Turkey... 974 01:31:07,442 --> 01:31:10,342 aimed right at us. 975 01:31:12,342 --> 01:31:16,376 Oh, but how dare we put missiles in Cuba... 976 01:31:17,942 --> 01:31:19,109 is that fair? 977 01:31:20,442 --> 01:31:22,509 - I don't know. - Mm. 978 01:31:23,142 --> 01:31:26,942 Do you realize your country has left you here to die? 979 01:31:28,642 --> 01:31:31,109 No, sir, I don't believe that's true. 980 01:31:46,609 --> 01:31:47,609 Why? 981 01:31:48,975 --> 01:31:49,975 Why? 982 01:31:50,642 --> 01:31:55,609 Why? For God sake. What have I done? 983 01:31:55,809 --> 01:31:58,376 I didn't do anything. 984 01:31:59,576 --> 01:32:04,642 I didn't do it, you... you fucking animals! 985 01:33:20,509 --> 01:33:22,476 You will not touch. Sit down. 986 01:33:24,476 --> 01:33:25,642 Sit down. 987 01:33:33,409 --> 01:33:35,042 Oh, my God, darling. 988 01:33:36,409 --> 01:33:39,442 I know I've been ill, but I'm on the mend now... 989 01:33:42,275 --> 01:33:43,542 and this will help. 990 01:33:45,242 --> 01:33:46,275 This will help. 991 01:33:47,109 --> 01:33:48,908 - Very much. - What are they doing? 992 01:33:48,942 --> 01:33:50,242 What the hell are you people doing to him? 993 01:33:50,275 --> 01:33:51,609 It's not like that. 994 01:33:51,908 --> 01:33:55,409 They've been quite respectful given the circumstance. 995 01:33:57,342 --> 01:33:58,576 You mustn't fault them. 996 01:34:00,109 --> 01:34:01,642 Really. You mustn't. 997 01:34:04,376 --> 01:34:05,642 What you're going through... 998 01:34:07,275 --> 01:34:08,542 it's all so unfair. 999 01:34:09,442 --> 01:34:11,109 I'm sorry for what happened. 1000 01:34:12,975 --> 01:34:14,409 I feel wretched for doubting you. 1001 01:34:14,709 --> 01:34:17,476 No, no. Couldn't be helped. 1002 01:34:22,942 --> 01:34:26,275 I'm really so glad you're here. I missed you both... 1003 01:34:27,642 --> 01:34:28,975 very much. 1004 01:34:29,509 --> 01:34:31,309 The foreign office said, that's a very good sign 1005 01:34:31,342 --> 01:34:32,975 I'm being allowed to visit you. 1006 01:34:33,642 --> 01:34:36,442 - Hmm. - They said it might... 1007 01:34:36,476 --> 01:34:39,975 it might still take a while yet to get you home 1008 01:34:40,776 --> 01:34:42,609 since the Russians backed down in Cuba 1009 01:34:42,642 --> 01:34:44,008 they're being very stubborn right now. 1010 01:34:44,042 --> 01:34:45,476 What happened in Cuba? 1011 01:34:45,509 --> 01:34:48,242 Well, they removed the missiles. It's... It's all fine now. 1012 01:34:48,275 --> 01:34:49,509 No more about this. 1013 01:35:06,676 --> 01:35:08,442 And we're trying very hard. 1014 01:35:10,642 --> 01:35:11,908 It might take another... 1015 01:35:13,142 --> 01:35:14,409 it might take another year... 1016 01:35:15,409 --> 01:35:16,509 or two. 1017 01:35:24,676 --> 01:35:26,376 Tell me something about home. 1018 01:35:26,776 --> 01:35:29,209 Tell me what I have to look forward to. 1019 01:35:32,576 --> 01:35:34,542 Well, the garden's cooperating a bit. 1020 01:35:35,042 --> 01:35:36,875 Finally. 1021 01:35:37,709 --> 01:35:40,175 And we have tomatoes this year. 1022 01:35:41,542 --> 01:35:44,109 And Andrew, he... 1023 01:35:45,008 --> 01:35:46,376 he passed his Maths exam 1024 01:35:46,642 --> 01:35:48,209 somehow. 1025 01:35:50,209 --> 01:35:51,242 You'd be proud. 1026 01:35:57,542 --> 01:35:58,942 How are you? 1027 01:36:00,376 --> 01:36:01,376 I'm... 1028 01:36:02,576 --> 01:36:03,609 I'm all right. 1029 01:36:05,109 --> 01:36:06,175 Really. 1030 01:36:08,509 --> 01:36:10,376 If you can be strong enough for this... 1031 01:36:15,709 --> 01:36:17,142 when you come home... 1032 01:36:19,576 --> 01:36:21,376 I hope we can start again. 1033 01:36:29,542 --> 01:36:31,609 And I was very foolish. 1034 01:36:33,309 --> 01:36:34,309 I'm sorry. 1035 01:36:37,008 --> 01:36:41,075 But I just want you to know that every moment I've been here, 1036 01:36:41,275 --> 01:36:43,342 I have done nothing but think about 1037 01:36:43,376 --> 01:36:45,875 how I'm going to get home to you. 1038 01:36:50,609 --> 01:36:51,609 Really. 1039 01:36:56,576 --> 01:36:57,576 I will. 1040 01:37:00,442 --> 01:37:02,476 I will. 1041 01:37:10,676 --> 01:37:12,376 It's a matter of who. 1042 01:37:13,542 --> 01:37:15,975 We can't send someone of real value. 1043 01:37:22,975 --> 01:37:23,975 Not for Wynne. 1044 01:37:24,676 --> 01:37:26,242 Wynne wasn't valuable? 1045 01:37:26,609 --> 01:37:28,376 We're all alive, aren't we? 1046 01:37:28,709 --> 01:37:31,008 He's not an officer, is the point. 1047 01:37:31,275 --> 01:37:34,309 If we propose an officer of theirs that sends a message 1048 01:37:34,342 --> 01:37:37,008 about how we perceive Wynne the wrong message. 1049 01:37:37,942 --> 01:37:41,642 If you let Wynne die over there, and he will die, 1050 01:37:41,843 --> 01:37:43,642 a lot sooner than you think. 1051 01:37:44,008 --> 01:37:47,242 No one will ever trust MI6 to protect them. 1052 01:37:47,642 --> 01:37:48,875 Ever again. 1053 01:37:52,376 --> 01:37:53,509 You feel guilty. 1054 01:37:54,975 --> 01:37:55,975 I know. 1055 01:37:56,709 --> 01:37:58,442 But you were doing your job and Wynne 1056 01:37:58,476 --> 01:38:00,442 is our countryman, Emily. I promise... 1057 01:38:01,975 --> 01:38:03,242 we'll get him home. 1058 01:38:12,676 --> 01:38:15,342 If you think Penkovsky will protect you... 1059 01:38:16,008 --> 01:38:18,342 you think too highly of him. 1060 01:38:20,275 --> 01:38:22,042 He betrayed his country... 1061 01:38:23,942 --> 01:38:24,975 his family... 1062 01:38:26,409 --> 01:38:27,542 why not you? 1063 01:38:32,376 --> 01:38:35,376 It is every man for himself. Yes? 1064 01:38:53,142 --> 01:38:54,142 Hi. 1065 01:38:57,242 --> 01:39:00,008 I have not seen a mirror for a long time. 1066 01:39:03,576 --> 01:39:06,042 I like to think I'm still quite worth... 1067 01:39:07,709 --> 01:39:09,242 for the time. 1068 01:39:11,342 --> 01:39:13,942 I wasn't sure I'd ever see you again. 1069 01:39:15,975 --> 01:39:18,008 I'm so sorry you're here Greville. 1070 01:39:20,975 --> 01:39:24,376 I hope you can forgive me for this... 1071 01:39:26,975 --> 01:39:28,509 and for what I had to do. 1072 01:39:30,376 --> 01:39:32,642 What you mean, what you had to do? 1073 01:39:38,342 --> 01:39:39,509 I held back... 1074 01:39:42,008 --> 01:39:43,542 for as long as I could. 1075 01:39:44,975 --> 01:39:47,242 I have to protect my family, Greville. 1076 01:39:48,975 --> 01:39:52,242 To save them, I had to tell the KGB the truth. 1077 01:39:54,109 --> 01:39:55,509 All of the truth. 1078 01:40:01,008 --> 01:40:02,109 I told them... 1079 01:40:04,109 --> 01:40:06,109 I gave you pictures that... 1080 01:40:06,709 --> 01:40:09,875 helped Americans find missiles in Cuba. 1081 01:40:21,008 --> 01:40:22,509 And of course I told them... 1082 01:40:24,109 --> 01:40:26,542 you didn't know what was in the packages I gave you. 1083 01:40:45,609 --> 01:40:46,542 Greville... 1084 01:40:50,075 --> 01:40:53,542 I thought I could make the world a safer place... 1085 01:40:57,275 --> 01:40:58,376 but I failed. 1086 01:41:00,042 --> 01:41:01,042 All this... 1087 01:41:03,975 --> 01:41:05,409 betraying my country, 1088 01:41:06,042 --> 01:41:09,476 my people, all for nothing. 1089 01:41:12,275 --> 01:41:13,376 Alex... 1090 01:41:20,975 --> 01:41:22,642 of course I forgive you. 1091 01:41:25,008 --> 01:41:27,476 I have to look after my family, too. 1092 01:41:29,209 --> 01:41:31,275 Easier now I know there's not gonna be 1093 01:41:31,309 --> 01:41:32,642 a nuclear war... 1094 01:41:34,075 --> 01:41:36,342 because Khrushchev withdrew his missiles... 1095 01:41:36,542 --> 01:41:39,376 ...because of you. 1096 01:41:39,776 --> 01:41:41,109 Because of you. 1097 01:41:42,175 --> 01:41:43,175 You. 1098 01:41:43,743 --> 01:41:46,975 You did it, Alex. You did it. 1099 01:41:47,476 --> 01:41:49,509 You. You did it. 1100 01:41:50,476 --> 01:41:52,509 Because of you, Alex. 1101 01:41:53,275 --> 01:41:54,376 You did it. 1102 01:43:31,409 --> 01:43:33,242 Maybe we're only two people... 1103 01:43:38,342 --> 01:43:39,975 but this is how things change. 1104 01:43:51,975 --> 01:43:54,542 Daddy, where are you? 1105 01:45:03,542 --> 01:45:05,209 Mr. Wynne, you've just spoken to your wife, 1106 01:45:05,242 --> 01:45:06,509 what were your first words to her 1107 01:45:06,542 --> 01:45:08,075 and what were her first words to you? 1108 01:45:08,109 --> 01:45:10,142 Frankly, we're both rather speechless. 1109 01:45:10,175 --> 01:45:11,476 There were no words for a moment. 1110 01:45:11,709 --> 01:45:13,609 Do you have any idea of what you're going to do 1111 01:45:13,642 --> 01:45:15,075 in the future? 1112 01:45:15,376 --> 01:45:19,142 Oh, I want to get back to my normal business activities 1113 01:45:19,175 --> 01:45:21,242 as soon as I possibly can. 1114 01:45:21,275 --> 01:45:22,908 Well, is that to the same company? 1115 01:45:24,442 --> 01:45:26,042 With my own company. 1116 01:45:26,075 --> 01:45:27,908 Will you travel in East Europe again? 1117 01:45:28,109 --> 01:45:29,542 Oh, now, that is quite a question 1118 01:45:29,576 --> 01:45:32,008 which I can't answer today. 1119 01:45:35,719 --> 01:45:37,281 Provided by explosiveskull https://twitter.com/kaboomskull