1 00:01:58,219 --> 00:02:03,219 Provided by explosiveskull https://twitter.com/kaboomskull M_I_SForEver 2 00:02:28,709 --> 00:02:31,374 In sure and certain hope of the resurrection 3 00:02:31,407 --> 00:02:35,441 to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 00:02:35,474 --> 00:02:39,474 we commend to Almighty God, our sister Abigail Peller. 5 00:02:39,974 --> 00:02:43,274 And we commit her body to the ground; 6 00:02:43,307 --> 00:02:47,207 earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 7 00:02:49,041 --> 00:02:50,240 Amen! 8 00:03:20,441 --> 00:03:22,941 Mum wanted you to have all her stuff from the house, 9 00:03:22,974 --> 00:03:24,374 the both of you. 10 00:03:24,974 --> 00:03:28,307 To be honest it's mostly old books and a load of junk but... 11 00:03:28,340 --> 00:03:30,542 I can easily drop it off at the charity shop if you want? 12 00:03:30,575 --> 00:03:31,842 We'll pop over and have a look. 13 00:03:31,874 --> 00:03:33,441 Well you'd better be quick. 14 00:03:33,474 --> 00:03:35,508 Your mother and I start clearing the house on Saturday. 15 00:03:36,274 --> 00:03:38,608 Make sure you do the driving Anna ok? Course. 16 00:03:39,441 --> 00:03:40,274 Read your thing. 17 00:03:41,874 --> 00:03:43,240 I don't know. I might leave it. 18 00:03:43,274 --> 00:03:44,941 No go on, just do it. 19 00:03:46,642 --> 00:03:47,542 What's this? 20 00:03:48,642 --> 00:03:51,207 Um... Hello everyone. 21 00:03:51,742 --> 00:03:54,441 I'd like to read a poem in memory of Nana Abigail. 22 00:03:55,207 --> 00:03:57,608 Awake to hear the sweet harps play. 23 00:03:58,141 --> 00:04:00,542 To love before him on his way. 24 00:04:01,441 --> 00:04:04,575 And the night wind answering in antiphon. 25 00:04:04,608 --> 00:04:06,475 Till night is overgone. 26 00:04:07,908 --> 00:04:11,240 Play on, invisible harps, unto Love. 27 00:04:11,775 --> 00:04:14,608 Whose way in heaven is aglow at that hour 28 00:04:14,642 --> 00:04:16,374 when soft lights come and go. 29 00:04:17,075 --> 00:04:19,675 Soft sweet music in the air above. 30 00:04:20,475 --> 00:04:21,874 And in the earth below. 31 00:04:24,974 --> 00:04:25,908 That was lovely. 32 00:04:27,041 --> 00:04:29,575 It was very sweet, it was very moving. 33 00:04:30,508 --> 00:04:32,542 Why don't you go and rest? 34 00:05:51,475 --> 00:05:52,475 You're ok. 35 00:05:55,008 --> 00:05:57,475 It was just a small one. Just a small one. 36 00:06:01,608 --> 00:06:03,874 She'll be fine. She just needs to rest. 37 00:06:04,240 --> 00:06:06,808 Well if you're sure? Yeah of course. 38 00:06:06,841 --> 00:06:07,774 Yeah, that's really lovely. 39 00:06:08,141 --> 00:06:09,508 Listen, I'll just get my coat ok? 40 00:06:09,542 --> 00:06:12,408 - Thanks Hun. - Bye Dad 41 00:06:12,442 --> 00:06:14,274 Nana would've been really pleased. 42 00:06:15,941 --> 00:06:18,941 She's up there right now, looking down on us all 43 00:06:18,974 --> 00:06:20,408 with the good lord, laughing. 44 00:06:26,341 --> 00:06:27,240 You alright? 45 00:06:32,274 --> 00:06:34,308 Let me prop you up a bit. Make you nice and comfy. 46 00:06:41,708 --> 00:06:42,941 You need to drink that, 47 00:06:43,841 --> 00:06:45,408 It's nice and sweet. 48 00:06:48,974 --> 00:06:50,608 I think you should go back to the doctor and get your 49 00:06:50,642 --> 00:06:53,708 medication reviewed or at least let them... 50 00:06:53,741 --> 00:06:55,542 Well... You know. 51 00:06:56,542 --> 00:06:59,475 What happens if I'm not here and you have a fit? 52 00:06:59,508 --> 00:07:02,408 And what if I'm staying at Dan's and... Fine, fine I'll go. 53 00:07:03,774 --> 00:07:05,408 I'm just upset about Nan. 54 00:07:06,508 --> 00:07:07,741 Yeah, I know. 55 00:07:10,308 --> 00:07:11,207 I tell you what... 56 00:07:11,841 --> 00:07:14,008 Why don't you get dressed and we'll pop round to Nan's 57 00:07:14,041 --> 00:07:15,908 before Mum dumps all her stuff? 58 00:07:16,874 --> 00:07:19,207 It'll give us a chance to find something sentimental. 59 00:07:23,974 --> 00:07:25,808 Looks like Mum's been here already. 60 00:07:26,308 --> 00:07:29,207 I know, I wanted to look through everything first. 61 00:07:31,542 --> 00:07:32,674 Is that a book of spells? 62 00:07:33,108 --> 00:07:34,741 No, I think it's stories. 63 00:07:36,808 --> 00:07:37,874 Listen to this. 64 00:07:38,674 --> 00:07:43,275 Remedies prescribed for those who by prest-id-ig-i-tory 65 00:07:43,308 --> 00:07:45,207 art have lost their virile members. 66 00:07:47,341 --> 00:07:50,241 Is prestidi-thingie ye olde English for shagging? 67 00:07:52,641 --> 00:07:54,641 I think it's like, magic tricks or something like that. 68 00:07:55,141 --> 00:07:57,442 With their virile members? That sounds sexy. 69 00:08:22,008 --> 00:08:24,874 They had courted from a young age and life was happy. 70 00:08:26,674 --> 00:08:28,574 Then came the Great War, 71 00:08:28,607 --> 00:08:31,241 and she would not see him again for many years. 72 00:08:32,874 --> 00:08:34,308 On his return, 73 00:08:34,341 --> 00:08:36,641 she loved him as she had always done, 74 00:08:36,674 --> 00:08:39,375 ...but a changeling had come back in his place. 75 00:08:40,542 --> 00:08:44,408 The eager boy had gone, and an angry man returned. 76 00:08:45,408 --> 00:08:48,308 Times were hard and his anger worsened. 77 00:08:49,475 --> 00:08:51,375 He refused to see his children 78 00:08:51,408 --> 00:08:53,841 and she would suffer daily by his hand. 79 00:08:54,874 --> 00:08:57,208 She took to walking in the woods at night, 80 00:08:58,208 --> 00:08:59,908 ...where she would fall upon her knees 81 00:08:59,941 --> 00:09:02,708 and plead to the heavens for an end to the hurt. 82 00:09:04,475 --> 00:09:06,708 The heavens remained silent throughout, 83 00:09:07,408 --> 00:09:09,908 ...but another voice answered in their stead. 84 00:09:10,541 --> 00:09:13,708 An old woman appeared and told her that she too had 85 00:09:13,741 --> 00:09:15,442 suffered at the hand of man... 86 00:09:17,541 --> 00:09:19,908 ...and that she would take away the husband forever... 87 00:09:21,674 --> 00:09:25,341 ...and give the woman back her peace. For a price. 88 00:09:25,674 --> 00:09:27,574 Desperate, she accepted. 89 00:09:28,176 --> 00:09:29,674 In return, the old woman 90 00:09:29,708 --> 00:09:32,408 demanded to be given care of the daughter. 91 00:09:37,874 --> 00:09:40,708 Seven days later came a great fire, 92 00:09:40,974 --> 00:09:45,708 and it was not just the man who would perish, 93 00:09:45,741 --> 00:09:50,341 ...but the woman's sons too. Only her daughter survived. 94 00:10:11,808 --> 00:10:13,375 What? 95 00:10:16,607 --> 00:10:17,474 Tea? 96 00:10:18,241 --> 00:10:19,774 Thanks... I'll have it in the bath. 97 00:11:02,408 --> 00:11:03,874 You haven't fallen asleep in there have ya? 98 00:11:04,607 --> 00:11:05,474 No. 99 00:11:30,774 --> 00:11:31,874 Do you ever feel as though you're... 100 00:11:34,474 --> 00:11:36,275 ...slowly fading out of existence? 101 00:11:38,474 --> 00:11:39,275 As if... 102 00:11:41,741 --> 00:11:43,874 As if we're barely even here any more. 103 00:11:47,674 --> 00:11:48,474 Days just... 104 00:11:50,341 --> 00:11:50,874 ...drift by. 105 00:11:54,574 --> 00:11:55,341 Anna? 106 00:11:57,674 --> 00:11:58,774 Yeah, it is what it is. 107 00:12:00,874 --> 00:12:01,774 Get some sleep, huh? 108 00:12:07,341 --> 00:12:08,975 What? 109 00:12:09,009 --> 00:12:10,941 But I wanna come back, I'm fine. 110 00:12:14,308 --> 00:12:15,674 How long? 111 00:12:20,741 --> 00:12:23,308 Well I wouldn't want to give the company a bad name would I? 112 00:12:26,541 --> 00:12:27,474 Well? 113 00:12:29,340 --> 00:12:30,975 I'm officially signed off for three months. 114 00:12:33,340 --> 00:12:34,975 They don't want me having an episode in front of a client. 115 00:12:36,340 --> 00:12:36,874 Christ! 116 00:12:51,474 --> 00:12:52,340 Shit! 117 00:12:55,975 --> 00:12:59,340 Stop Mr Postman. Wait Mr Postman. 118 00:13:00,474 --> 00:13:03,275 Where have you gone Mr Postman? 119 00:13:10,009 --> 00:13:10,808 Ahh fuck! 120 00:13:19,541 --> 00:13:20,407 Please be open. 121 00:14:13,441 --> 00:14:14,208 Hello? 122 00:14:14,441 --> 00:14:15,774 Oh hello darling. 123 00:14:16,042 --> 00:14:17,574 I just want to make sure you were home 124 00:14:17,607 --> 00:14:19,674 because me and your dad were going to pop over. 125 00:14:20,441 --> 00:14:21,875 I bought a new nail varnish 126 00:14:23,009 --> 00:14:24,708 to cheer myself up after mum. 127 00:14:26,474 --> 00:14:27,374 Well, you know. 128 00:14:28,340 --> 00:14:29,607 Deep rouge. 129 00:14:30,009 --> 00:14:31,708 You'll love it. 130 00:14:31,942 --> 00:14:33,541 Anyway, so we'll be over in... 131 00:14:33,574 --> 00:14:34,340 Th-th-that's fine. 132 00:14:37,741 --> 00:14:39,340 Darling. What's wrong? 133 00:14:39,875 --> 00:14:41,441 That's fine... I mean, I'm fine mum. 134 00:14:43,009 --> 00:14:43,741 Come over whenever. 135 00:14:45,708 --> 00:14:46,474 I'm in all day. 136 00:15:45,042 --> 00:15:46,909 This is the color I was telling you about. 137 00:15:47,240 --> 00:15:50,809 It's identical to the one that nail lady was using 138 00:15:50,842 --> 00:15:52,942 and charging us a fortune for. 139 00:15:53,141 --> 00:15:54,307 Nice isn't it? 140 00:15:56,541 --> 00:15:57,274 My god. 141 00:15:58,875 --> 00:15:59,842 Your nose. 142 00:16:01,574 --> 00:16:03,441 Roy... Roy. A tissue! A tissue! 143 00:16:05,009 --> 00:16:06,607 To the kitchen. Come on. Mum, calm down. 144 00:16:07,541 --> 00:16:09,541 - Mum. - Head back. Come on. 145 00:16:12,607 --> 00:16:13,474 Pinch your nose. 146 00:16:14,809 --> 00:16:16,742 It's alright. Put your head back. That's it, that's it. 147 00:16:17,474 --> 00:16:18,240 That's it. 148 00:16:19,574 --> 00:16:20,541 See, it's stopped. 149 00:16:21,307 --> 00:16:21,875 Alright? 150 00:16:24,042 --> 00:16:24,842 This happened before? 151 00:16:27,340 --> 00:16:28,340 What's going on? 152 00:16:33,042 --> 00:16:33,842 Oh, come here. 153 00:16:36,674 --> 00:16:38,274 I wish you'd talk to me, you know? 154 00:16:39,775 --> 00:16:40,842 I can help you. 155 00:16:45,674 --> 00:16:46,842 I prayed for you last night, you know? 156 00:16:48,607 --> 00:16:49,407 Alright? 157 00:16:50,108 --> 00:16:52,407 Thought I'd put another pot on. 158 00:16:57,441 --> 00:16:58,775 It's okay love. Hey... 159 00:16:59,175 --> 00:17:00,909 Come on... Alright. 160 00:17:00,942 --> 00:17:02,909 I'll handle this, thank you Roy. 161 00:17:03,607 --> 00:17:05,340 - What? - Go. 162 00:17:24,875 --> 00:17:27,909 I think I was about your age when this picture was taken. 163 00:17:29,407 --> 00:17:30,709 Where was your house? 164 00:17:31,541 --> 00:17:35,842 Oh, not far. Near here. But long gone. It burned down. 165 00:17:37,009 --> 00:17:39,975 And then they built the Wishing Tree Estate over the top of it. 166 00:17:40,675 --> 00:17:43,240 Is that your mum? My great grandma? 167 00:17:44,009 --> 00:17:44,842 No... Linda... 168 00:17:45,975 --> 00:17:46,809 She's your grandmother. 169 00:17:47,307 --> 00:17:49,709 No. I'm Claire, Grandma. 170 00:17:50,008 --> 00:17:51,742 Linda's my mummy? 171 00:17:52,875 --> 00:17:53,875 Oh dear. Um. 172 00:17:55,742 --> 00:17:56,742 Not to worry my sweet. 173 00:17:58,507 --> 00:18:00,875 Just don't make her upset. As long as you don't question her. 174 00:18:02,075 --> 00:18:05,374 You mustn't speak about her. She'll think you're being rude. 175 00:18:06,842 --> 00:18:07,642 You're not are you? 176 00:18:07,942 --> 00:18:10,507 No no no no. Now you go outside and play 177 00:18:10,541 --> 00:18:11,842 and I'll speak to her. 178 00:18:13,675 --> 00:18:15,742 She's just a child... A silly foolish child. 179 00:18:17,041 --> 00:18:17,875 Go Linda. 180 00:18:18,507 --> 00:18:19,240 Go now. 181 00:20:15,575 --> 00:20:16,742 I'll stay at yours tonight yeah? 182 00:20:19,407 --> 00:20:20,274 I'd love that... 183 00:20:21,709 --> 00:20:22,474 But? 184 00:20:25,340 --> 00:20:27,742 But, Claire really needs me right now. 185 00:20:28,642 --> 00:20:29,407 Oh for God's sake. 186 00:20:30,075 --> 00:20:31,709 No listen, babe. She's my sister. 187 00:20:32,542 --> 00:20:33,908 I can't just turn my back on her now. 188 00:20:35,608 --> 00:20:37,642 The seizures are getting more frequent. 189 00:20:38,742 --> 00:20:40,508 To be honest, as things are now, 190 00:20:40,542 --> 00:20:42,675 I don't see much of a future for her. 191 00:20:42,709 --> 00:20:43,709 She's really fragile. 192 00:20:44,675 --> 00:20:46,575 Yeah but, what about our future? 193 00:20:47,809 --> 00:20:48,841 What about it? 194 00:20:49,307 --> 00:20:51,207 I'm not going anywhere are you? 195 00:20:52,441 --> 00:20:53,675 Well not for the next half hour or so. 196 00:20:55,407 --> 00:20:56,475 Yeah well. 197 00:20:56,508 --> 00:20:59,874 I've got about 8 minutes so let's forget the faff. 198 00:21:00,274 --> 00:21:01,575 Alright, deal. 199 00:21:12,642 --> 00:21:15,207 I gotta go... I need to check on Claire. 200 00:21:17,709 --> 00:21:18,575 Alright? 201 00:21:19,442 --> 00:21:20,307 Yeah, yeah. 202 00:21:23,008 --> 00:21:24,207 Fancy going out later? 203 00:21:25,742 --> 00:21:26,775 Yeah. Why not? 204 00:21:27,742 --> 00:21:28,808 Help take my mind off things. 205 00:21:30,974 --> 00:21:32,675 Dan might pop along too. 206 00:21:33,742 --> 00:21:35,307 Um, I was thinking. 207 00:21:37,008 --> 00:21:38,408 Go easy on the booze. 208 00:21:39,808 --> 00:21:40,974 Fits and all that. 209 00:21:42,340 --> 00:21:42,874 Alright. 210 00:22:00,008 --> 00:22:01,941 Hey, Brad the lad! 211 00:22:03,008 --> 00:22:04,240 Alright Dan? 212 00:22:04,274 --> 00:22:05,442 Have you got a bird mate? 213 00:22:05,642 --> 00:22:07,475 Yeah I, I've, I've got a... 214 00:22:08,274 --> 00:22:09,941 Couple of girls on at the minute. 215 00:22:11,808 --> 00:22:12,874 Alright, so no. 216 00:22:13,375 --> 00:22:16,575 Wow, hey, you are totally coming out with me tonight. 217 00:22:16,608 --> 00:22:17,874 Yeah? 218 00:22:17,908 --> 00:22:20,941 Yeah. So, hey, don't let me down. Six thirty, on the PM. 219 00:22:21,542 --> 00:22:23,741 Do I need to go home and get changed? 220 00:22:23,774 --> 00:22:25,340 Mate, you're good as you are. Chill out. 221 00:22:31,642 --> 00:22:34,874 Alright darling. I heard heaven was missing an angel, 222 00:22:34,908 --> 00:22:36,675 and here you are. 223 00:22:36,709 --> 00:22:39,408 Do you really go in for all that cheesy role play stuff with Dan? 224 00:22:39,908 --> 00:22:41,575 I don't know what you're talking about Sis. 225 00:22:41,608 --> 00:22:43,941 I can handle Dan The Man, don't you worry. 226 00:22:58,642 --> 00:22:59,508 I'm fine. 227 00:23:01,341 --> 00:23:02,675 It's just a wobble. 228 00:23:10,341 --> 00:23:11,475 Look, Claire. 229 00:23:11,508 --> 00:23:12,542 First thing in the morning you are calling the doctor. 230 00:23:12,575 --> 00:23:14,841 And if you don't, I'm gonna do it for you. 231 00:23:17,708 --> 00:23:18,874 I don't get it. 232 00:23:19,675 --> 00:23:22,341 Something's not right. What's changed? 233 00:23:22,974 --> 00:23:24,908 It's happening more and more. 234 00:23:26,408 --> 00:23:27,741 Don't Anna, not now, 235 00:23:29,941 --> 00:23:30,741 It's not me. 236 00:23:31,808 --> 00:23:33,475 What do you mean, it's not you? 237 00:23:36,408 --> 00:23:37,240 Anna. 238 00:23:37,974 --> 00:23:39,874 I'm seeing things... In this house. 239 00:23:41,774 --> 00:23:42,741 What things? 240 00:23:43,608 --> 00:23:45,708 I don't know. 241 00:23:45,741 --> 00:23:46,508 People. 242 00:23:47,908 --> 00:23:49,674 An old woman, a child. 243 00:23:52,408 --> 00:23:54,874 I don't know. I'm not ill... It's more than that. 244 00:23:56,808 --> 00:23:58,608 An old woman and a child? 245 00:24:00,841 --> 00:24:03,741 You're just missing Nan and the meds are messing with ya. 246 00:24:04,008 --> 00:24:06,475 For Christ's sake, my house isn't haunted. 247 00:24:07,141 --> 00:24:08,375 Look Claire, I can deal with the 248 00:24:08,408 --> 00:24:11,674 mood swings and the depression and the seizures, but this... 249 00:24:11,708 --> 00:24:12,974 I am not joking. 250 00:24:13,008 --> 00:24:14,674 I have been face to face with them. 251 00:24:15,542 --> 00:24:17,874 They are as clear as you are sitting in front of me now. 252 00:24:19,275 --> 00:24:22,475 - Anna. - And, they're in my dreams. 253 00:24:23,141 --> 00:24:25,442 In this house, everywhere I go... 254 00:24:30,475 --> 00:24:31,575 Look... 255 00:24:32,207 --> 00:24:35,341 You need to get your drugs sorted, and find that balance. 256 00:24:38,908 --> 00:24:40,708 We're both missing Nan. 257 00:24:42,607 --> 00:24:45,008 You've got to be stronger than this hun. 258 00:24:45,041 --> 00:24:46,874 We can't look after you forever. 259 00:24:50,974 --> 00:24:51,841 Come on. 260 00:24:52,442 --> 00:24:53,708 You could do with a night out. 261 00:24:56,674 --> 00:24:57,741 You're right. 262 00:24:59,974 --> 00:25:01,808 Just the meds, I guess. 263 00:25:03,607 --> 00:25:04,741 Sorry Sis. 264 00:25:21,475 --> 00:25:22,442 You a big drinker then Claire? 265 00:25:23,475 --> 00:25:25,308 Why? Do I look like a big drinker? 266 00:25:26,008 --> 00:25:26,774 Dunno. 267 00:25:29,741 --> 00:25:31,607 I'm more of a lager man myself. 268 00:25:32,874 --> 00:25:33,741 How nice. 269 00:25:36,708 --> 00:25:39,574 Last date I had, absolute disaster. 270 00:25:42,874 --> 00:25:44,641 The shop was shut for refurbishment, 271 00:25:44,674 --> 00:25:45,908 if you know what I mean? 272 00:25:46,841 --> 00:25:47,874 Or should've been, anyway. 273 00:25:50,607 --> 00:25:52,874 It was like a car crash down there. 274 00:25:54,308 --> 00:25:55,641 She didn't seem to mind, though. 275 00:26:00,475 --> 00:26:01,241 Hey. 276 00:26:01,275 --> 00:26:01,908 You alright? 277 00:26:06,741 --> 00:26:07,607 Yeah, I... 278 00:26:10,475 --> 00:26:11,442 I want to leave. 279 00:26:12,341 --> 00:26:12,908 Now. 280 00:26:16,541 --> 00:26:17,341 Dan. 281 00:26:17,708 --> 00:26:18,574 Yeah, yeah, I got it. 282 00:26:40,008 --> 00:26:42,641 Listen Hun, I've said this so many times now, 283 00:26:42,674 --> 00:26:44,408 turn your bedroom light off when you go out. 284 00:26:44,442 --> 00:26:45,974 I always turn my light off. What are you talking about? 285 00:26:46,008 --> 00:26:46,774 Well, what's that then? 286 00:26:59,541 --> 00:27:00,908 I'll call it a night I think. 287 00:27:11,408 --> 00:27:13,341 Can I get you something Bradley Bunch? 288 00:27:14,008 --> 00:27:15,241 Yeah, I'll have a squash. 289 00:27:30,441 --> 00:27:31,308 Jesus! 290 00:27:31,741 --> 00:27:32,741 Are you alright? 291 00:27:33,008 --> 00:27:34,774 Yeah. I'll um... 292 00:27:39,541 --> 00:27:40,708 Give you a call tomorrow alright? 293 00:27:43,275 --> 00:27:45,241 See you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow won't I? 294 00:27:49,341 --> 00:27:50,941 Jesus, Claire, that was a bit cold wasn't it? 295 00:27:52,008 --> 00:27:52,941 Excuse me? 296 00:27:52,974 --> 00:27:54,308 Well I mean he's a nice guy. 297 00:27:54,341 --> 00:27:56,208 Would a goodbye kiss have killed you? 298 00:27:57,441 --> 00:27:58,874 Did you hear what he said in the pub? 299 00:27:59,308 --> 00:28:00,607 The man is revolting. 300 00:28:01,241 --> 00:28:03,974 How dare you fix me up on a blind date with no warning. 301 00:28:04,308 --> 00:28:06,474 And with someone who's clearly 302 00:28:06,507 --> 00:28:08,474 never been in the presence of a woman apart from his mum. 303 00:28:08,507 --> 00:28:10,641 And secondly, is that my league now? 304 00:28:10,874 --> 00:28:11,874 Dan the Man. 305 00:28:12,176 --> 00:28:13,741 Is that how you've marked my scorecard? 306 00:28:14,275 --> 00:28:15,441 You know what? 307 00:28:15,974 --> 00:28:17,208 Fuck the pair of you. 308 00:30:04,674 --> 00:30:05,574 It was just a dream. 309 00:30:09,042 --> 00:30:09,874 Get some sleep. 310 00:30:21,874 --> 00:30:23,909 She's adamant the house is haunted. 311 00:30:26,274 --> 00:30:27,307 I don't know. 312 00:30:30,307 --> 00:30:31,808 What if it's not a medical thing? 313 00:30:33,674 --> 00:30:35,674 Yea, I'm not saying that Dan, but... 314 00:30:38,009 --> 00:30:39,875 Look, I've gotta go, I'll speak to you later. 315 00:30:49,841 --> 00:30:50,942 Dan, can I have a word? 316 00:30:50,975 --> 00:30:52,574 Little busy right now, Bradleykins. 317 00:30:53,208 --> 00:30:55,708 Last night when we got to your house. 318 00:30:55,741 --> 00:30:56,674 Yeah about that... 319 00:30:58,474 --> 00:31:00,274 It was wrong to set you up with Claire, mate. 320 00:31:00,307 --> 00:31:01,507 Her head's all over the place right now. 321 00:31:01,541 --> 00:31:03,208 Just, take no notice yeah? Sorry. 322 00:31:03,741 --> 00:31:05,240 Just let me finish Dan. 323 00:31:05,274 --> 00:31:08,207 No, look, um... I should explain. 324 00:31:09,474 --> 00:31:10,474 She's not... 325 00:31:11,374 --> 00:31:12,407 She's not right in head. 326 00:31:13,340 --> 00:31:16,474 She reckons she's seeing things, people. 327 00:31:18,674 --> 00:31:19,641 - Really? - Yeah. 328 00:31:20,374 --> 00:31:21,708 Anna and I thought it would be good 329 00:31:21,741 --> 00:31:23,474 to get her out the house for a bit. 330 00:31:23,507 --> 00:31:25,741 That's why I thought it would be nice to... you know. 331 00:31:27,340 --> 00:31:27,942 Well... 332 00:31:28,774 --> 00:31:29,842 What if she is Dan? 333 00:31:29,875 --> 00:31:31,774 I mean, this is what I wanted to talk to you about. 334 00:31:33,374 --> 00:31:35,541 That house. When we went inside it... 335 00:31:36,340 --> 00:31:37,674 Oh god, not you as well. 336 00:31:38,009 --> 00:31:41,307 It was in the hallway ok? A child wearing a mask. 337 00:31:42,574 --> 00:31:43,507 Maybe I was lagered up but... 338 00:31:43,741 --> 00:31:44,607 I've gotta get this. 339 00:31:44,942 --> 00:31:45,875 Dan Philips. 340 00:31:50,340 --> 00:31:51,741 So... 341 00:31:51,774 --> 00:31:54,574 How's the, um, new medication coming along? 342 00:31:56,009 --> 00:31:57,207 What's it called? Keppra? 343 00:31:59,407 --> 00:32:01,741 Is it having any impact on the... fits? 344 00:32:02,441 --> 00:32:03,441 Dunno. 345 00:32:06,474 --> 00:32:07,507 How's Anna, love? 346 00:32:08,142 --> 00:32:09,708 All this can't be that easy on her. 347 00:32:11,009 --> 00:32:12,474 What's that supposed to mean? 348 00:32:14,708 --> 00:32:15,975 Sweetheart, she called us. 349 00:32:18,641 --> 00:32:21,942 She's worried. She really cares about you and... 350 00:32:22,809 --> 00:32:25,775 All this nonsense... And seeing things. 351 00:32:25,809 --> 00:32:28,641 I can't believe she called you. What a bitch. 352 00:32:28,674 --> 00:32:29,641 Oh come on Claire! She has... 353 00:32:30,942 --> 00:32:33,307 We've been discussing it, hmm? 354 00:32:33,809 --> 00:32:34,975 We've made a decision. We're going to go private. 355 00:32:35,909 --> 00:32:36,875 That's your dad's idea. 356 00:32:36,909 --> 00:32:39,009 I still want you to come to the church with me. 357 00:32:39,042 --> 00:32:41,507 We have found a really good specialist. 358 00:32:41,541 --> 00:32:44,441 He's gonna sort you out ok? 359 00:32:44,474 --> 00:32:45,340 It's not your fault my love. 360 00:32:45,374 --> 00:32:46,042 Dad! 361 00:32:46,076 --> 00:32:47,207 No, no, don't "Dad" me Claire. 362 00:32:48,441 --> 00:32:51,507 Actually we have an appraisal later on today 363 00:32:51,541 --> 00:32:53,407 and I will be taking you. 364 00:34:03,009 --> 00:34:03,875 Father. 365 00:34:05,041 --> 00:34:05,909 Hello Claire. 366 00:34:06,641 --> 00:34:07,709 Father. 367 00:34:09,574 --> 00:34:10,474 Whatever's the matter? 368 00:34:13,975 --> 00:34:16,407 Here we are. Careful, it's hot. 369 00:34:22,307 --> 00:34:23,942 So tell me, what's troubling you? 370 00:34:28,909 --> 00:34:30,374 Everyone thinks I'm going mental. 371 00:34:32,008 --> 00:34:33,474 Why would they think that? 372 00:34:36,340 --> 00:34:36,875 How would you react... 373 00:34:38,909 --> 00:34:40,742 If someone told you they were seeing things? 374 00:34:42,809 --> 00:34:44,642 People that aren't there. 375 00:34:46,507 --> 00:34:48,742 And are you? Seeing things? 376 00:34:51,340 --> 00:34:51,909 Every day. 377 00:34:54,441 --> 00:34:55,441 I don't know what to do. 378 00:34:56,608 --> 00:34:57,608 Now listen to me. 379 00:34:58,675 --> 00:35:02,742 Let's assume for a moment that you are seeing actual spirits. 380 00:35:03,909 --> 00:35:06,809 It's very rare for these things to occur all of a sudden. 381 00:35:08,541 --> 00:35:11,742 They're usually brought on by people dabbling in the occult. 382 00:35:13,608 --> 00:35:14,875 These things open doors. 383 00:35:17,407 --> 00:35:18,207 Now... 384 00:35:19,642 --> 00:35:20,742 Think very carefully. 385 00:35:22,709 --> 00:35:24,340 Could there have been a time 386 00:35:24,374 --> 00:35:28,207 where you may have invited evil into your life? 387 00:35:31,041 --> 00:35:36,809 No, Father. Didn't start til my nan passed away. 388 00:35:57,274 --> 00:35:58,941 The church is always here for you Claire. 389 00:36:00,742 --> 00:36:01,974 Here, take these. 390 00:36:04,340 --> 00:36:05,908 Read Psalm 91. 391 00:36:06,307 --> 00:36:09,474 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high, 392 00:36:09,507 --> 00:36:11,775 will rest in the shadow of the almighty. 393 00:36:12,108 --> 00:36:12,875 Claire! 394 00:36:14,340 --> 00:36:14,941 I'd better go. 395 00:36:17,875 --> 00:36:20,908 Remember... God is greater than any evil. 396 00:36:53,809 --> 00:36:55,508 Sorry, I got talking to Father. 397 00:36:55,542 --> 00:36:57,809 Claire, what you are experiencing... 398 00:36:57,842 --> 00:37:00,307 it is a medical issue. 399 00:37:00,340 --> 00:37:02,809 Darling, I really want to help, I am trying to be patient, 400 00:37:02,842 --> 00:37:04,908 but if you let these God botherers start 401 00:37:04,941 --> 00:37:06,775 feeding you their nonsense we are only going to 402 00:37:06,809 --> 00:37:08,207 end up right back at the beginning. 403 00:37:08,974 --> 00:37:10,340 Obviously don't tell your Mother I said that. 404 00:37:12,407 --> 00:37:13,874 You're having hallucinations for Christ's sake. 405 00:37:14,775 --> 00:37:15,809 Yeah, that's what they are. 406 00:37:15,841 --> 00:37:16,575 Hmm? What? 407 00:37:16,608 --> 00:37:17,642 I said yes, Dad. 408 00:37:26,307 --> 00:37:27,974 Well it's a pleasure to meet both of you together, 409 00:37:28,008 --> 00:37:28,908 but I just wonder, Roy, 410 00:37:28,941 --> 00:37:30,809 would it be possible for Claire and I just 411 00:37:30,841 --> 00:37:33,240 to have a one-to-one just on our own? 412 00:37:33,274 --> 00:37:34,742 Just for a few minutes. Would that be ok? 413 00:37:36,374 --> 00:37:37,874 - Yes of course. - Great. 414 00:37:40,008 --> 00:37:43,274 Just explain everything that's been going on. 415 00:37:43,307 --> 00:37:44,240 What you've been experiencing. 416 00:37:44,775 --> 00:37:46,775 And what you told Anna, and of course the fits. 417 00:37:48,407 --> 00:37:49,442 I'll be just outside. 418 00:37:50,340 --> 00:37:51,841 Thank you. 419 00:37:52,874 --> 00:37:54,407 So Claire, just to make it clear, 420 00:37:54,442 --> 00:37:55,974 this is in no way a session or anything like that. 421 00:37:56,008 --> 00:37:57,974 It's just a preliminary chat. 422 00:37:58,175 --> 00:38:01,908 Because it was your dad that first contacted the clinic and 423 00:38:01,941 --> 00:38:04,407 it was your dad that said you were seeing things. 424 00:38:04,442 --> 00:38:07,841 I just wanted to hear, in your own words, um... 425 00:38:09,542 --> 00:38:10,340 What's been happening? 426 00:38:16,974 --> 00:38:21,642 My mother and my father, hold quite strong views. 427 00:38:24,808 --> 00:38:26,307 Life's been difficult. 428 00:38:29,475 --> 00:38:30,841 But actually I feel far better today 429 00:38:30,874 --> 00:38:32,240 after speaking to a priest. 430 00:38:34,608 --> 00:38:35,408 Hmm... 431 00:38:38,941 --> 00:38:40,108 So you understand that you are 432 00:38:40,141 --> 00:38:43,941 on a new cocktail of drugs to try and deal with it all, 433 00:38:43,974 --> 00:38:45,642 the seizures you've been having? And that they're working? 434 00:38:46,974 --> 00:38:49,874 I've been through all of your GP's notes and... 435 00:38:50,675 --> 00:38:54,575 I fully support all of the medications 436 00:38:54,608 --> 00:38:55,808 that you've been prescribed. 437 00:38:55,841 --> 00:38:57,808 But it just appears that you're suffering 438 00:38:57,841 --> 00:39:01,442 from some unforeseen reactions. 439 00:39:02,475 --> 00:39:04,642 So that's what this is, is it? 440 00:39:06,408 --> 00:39:07,442 A reaction issue? 441 00:39:08,741 --> 00:39:09,808 Maybe. 442 00:39:11,741 --> 00:39:14,908 That would be convenient for us to assume that, but I think... 443 00:39:15,575 --> 00:39:17,741 I think we might be being naive. 444 00:39:20,008 --> 00:39:22,274 You know, in my experience, 445 00:39:22,307 --> 00:39:26,741 seeing things often comes from a more deep-rooted problem. 446 00:39:31,274 --> 00:39:33,240 Tell me, did your priest recommend 447 00:39:33,274 --> 00:39:36,408 that you not see a medical professional? 448 00:39:40,408 --> 00:39:41,575 He believed me. 449 00:39:44,874 --> 00:39:48,741 Claire, I'm absolutely sure that when you're experiencing 450 00:39:48,774 --> 00:39:50,874 these things they feel very real. 451 00:39:51,475 --> 00:39:52,240 No doubt. 452 00:39:53,675 --> 00:39:56,874 But, I'd like to get you into an MRI scan. 453 00:40:00,375 --> 00:40:01,274 Because I think that if you can 454 00:40:01,308 --> 00:40:04,575 accept that these things aren't real, 455 00:40:04,608 --> 00:40:06,207 you can make that jump. 456 00:40:07,475 --> 00:40:08,542 Then it's gonna make your treatment 457 00:40:08,575 --> 00:40:10,274 a whole lot easier. 458 00:40:10,874 --> 00:40:11,642 Understand? 459 00:40:13,008 --> 00:40:15,741 You need to accept that you need medical help. 460 00:40:17,741 --> 00:40:18,542 Okay? 461 00:40:30,575 --> 00:40:31,741 Are you gonna be alright kid? 462 00:40:32,808 --> 00:40:33,608 I'll be fine Dad. 463 00:40:57,641 --> 00:40:58,708 Alright? 464 00:40:58,741 --> 00:41:00,508 Yeah, come and have a sit down, I wanna talk to you. 465 00:41:09,607 --> 00:41:10,741 I spoke to mum & dad. 466 00:41:11,874 --> 00:41:13,341 I know. 467 00:41:14,408 --> 00:41:15,341 Why would you do that? 468 00:41:18,575 --> 00:41:20,575 We thought it was only right to let them know the situation. 469 00:41:20,607 --> 00:41:21,375 We? 470 00:41:22,175 --> 00:41:24,442 So Dan has joined the official committee 471 00:41:24,475 --> 00:41:25,808 of matters pertaining to Claire has he? 472 00:41:30,974 --> 00:41:34,475 Do you know just how much shit 473 00:41:34,508 --> 00:41:36,241 will occur now you've dragged them in? 474 00:41:37,408 --> 00:41:38,341 I've now got mum and 475 00:41:38,375 --> 00:41:40,442 the rest of the god squad preaching to me. 476 00:41:40,475 --> 00:41:42,874 Dad just thinks I'm mental and needs dosing up. 477 00:41:44,442 --> 00:41:45,774 It will be fine Hun. 478 00:41:45,808 --> 00:41:46,774 Well it wasn't. 479 00:41:48,308 --> 00:41:49,574 It was horrendous. 480 00:41:49,607 --> 00:41:53,941 Me and Dan both believe you're experiencing something. 481 00:41:56,741 --> 00:41:57,841 What did the doctor say? 482 00:41:58,408 --> 00:42:01,341 The doctor said there's a medical answer to all this. 483 00:42:01,841 --> 00:42:03,841 Father O'Shea wants to know if I 484 00:42:03,874 --> 00:42:06,208 could've let the devil into my life unknowingly. 485 00:42:07,008 --> 00:42:09,308 I got... these. 486 00:42:10,341 --> 00:42:11,308 And a cup of tea. 487 00:42:14,041 --> 00:42:15,974 I sat on them in the car so Dad didn't see. 488 00:42:21,341 --> 00:42:22,874 I don't know whether to laugh or cry. 489 00:42:25,508 --> 00:42:27,607 Why don't you ask Mum and Dad, see what they'd do. 490 00:42:29,607 --> 00:42:30,574 Oh hang on a minute. 491 00:42:30,874 --> 00:42:31,674 Shut up! 492 00:42:32,208 --> 00:42:36,874 You know you're Mum's fave. At least you work properly. 493 00:42:36,908 --> 00:42:40,008 Yeah, Claire, this isn't you talking. It's the illness. 494 00:42:40,041 --> 00:42:41,741 No, this is definitely me. 495 00:42:43,308 --> 00:42:46,475 Ok fine. I'm gonna head out to see Dan. 496 00:42:48,641 --> 00:42:52,241 Great. Whatever. Enjoy your evening of rapey 497 00:42:52,275 --> 00:42:54,874 sex talk followed by a sixty second shag. 498 00:43:48,408 --> 00:43:49,908 Sorry I'm late. 499 00:43:49,941 --> 00:43:51,574 That's alright. Shall we order? Kitchen closes soon. 500 00:43:51,607 --> 00:43:52,375 Yeah. 501 00:43:56,741 --> 00:43:58,408 Honey. What's she done now? 502 00:44:00,974 --> 00:44:01,908 I should go back, Dan. 503 00:44:01,941 --> 00:44:03,741 She didn't mean it, she's just desperate. 504 00:44:04,142 --> 00:44:06,241 Jesus Christ Anna, you've gotta toughen up. 505 00:44:07,474 --> 00:44:09,341 She's leached off you her whole life. 506 00:44:10,941 --> 00:44:11,908 No, you're not going back. 507 00:44:13,607 --> 00:44:15,607 We're gonna have a nice meal, forget all about her. 508 00:44:16,674 --> 00:44:17,441 You know? 509 00:44:18,741 --> 00:44:19,474 You're not responsible. 510 00:44:19,507 --> 00:44:20,308 But I... 511 00:44:20,341 --> 00:44:21,341 No, listen to me. 512 00:44:22,275 --> 00:44:24,375 Just let her stew in her own juices for the evening. Hmm? 513 00:44:25,341 --> 00:44:26,275 She's doing it to herself. 514 00:44:28,474 --> 00:44:31,341 Hey, you and me. Yeah? That's all that matters. 515 00:47:15,875 --> 00:47:16,674 Get out of my house!! 516 00:47:19,741 --> 00:47:20,574 GET OUT!!! 517 00:47:20,607 --> 00:47:21,307 Claire. 518 00:47:22,541 --> 00:47:24,274 What the hell are you doing? 519 00:47:30,574 --> 00:47:31,674 Claire! Claire! 520 00:48:08,441 --> 00:48:09,808 This is the best place for her right? 521 00:48:11,541 --> 00:48:13,507 I know Roy. It doesn't make it any easier. 522 00:48:13,541 --> 00:48:14,474 I know. 523 00:48:15,009 --> 00:48:16,307 So sorry to keep you waiting. 524 00:48:17,076 --> 00:48:18,741 Mrs. Tate, George Medhurst. 525 00:48:19,274 --> 00:48:20,507 Nice to meet you. 526 00:48:20,541 --> 00:48:23,975 So basically, the results of the MRI scan show that there are 527 00:48:24,009 --> 00:48:26,875 absolutely no obvious abnormalities with the brain. 528 00:48:27,142 --> 00:48:28,875 Ahh, that's a good thing right? 529 00:48:29,340 --> 00:48:32,407 However, she has been extremely distraught. 530 00:48:33,142 --> 00:48:35,541 We think we've got the seizures under control, she hasn't had 531 00:48:35,574 --> 00:48:37,340 another one since she came in last night. 532 00:48:38,674 --> 00:48:39,975 So, where do we go from here? 533 00:48:40,009 --> 00:48:43,307 Well, I would like to get her on a DOLS. 534 00:48:43,340 --> 00:48:45,441 A deprivation of liberties. 535 00:48:45,474 --> 00:48:47,708 So there are some bits of paperwork that I'd like you to 536 00:48:49,474 --> 00:48:51,842 look at and consent forms that you need to sign 537 00:48:51,875 --> 00:48:52,775 in your own time. 538 00:48:52,809 --> 00:48:53,741 Mm hmm, certainly. 539 00:48:55,541 --> 00:48:56,641 Can we see her? 540 00:48:56,674 --> 00:49:01,340 Um, I think you'll find her extremely unresponsive. 541 00:49:03,009 --> 00:49:04,741 She's on a drug called Clozapine, 542 00:49:06,407 --> 00:49:08,307 which brings on extreme exhaustion. 543 00:49:09,009 --> 00:49:11,574 She's basically just gonna be sleeping all day, 544 00:49:11,607 --> 00:49:14,407 whilst being very closely monitored. 545 00:49:14,441 --> 00:49:17,307 Listen, if you want to just drop her things off, 546 00:49:17,641 --> 00:49:20,641 she couldn't be in a better place. Okay? 547 00:49:23,340 --> 00:49:24,240 Thank you, doctor. 548 00:50:01,474 --> 00:50:02,407 Oh my baby. 549 00:50:39,340 --> 00:50:39,909 I brought your teddy. 550 00:51:03,441 --> 00:51:04,942 I'm going to read you a little story. 551 00:51:07,340 --> 00:51:09,307 He had created the Earth 552 00:51:09,340 --> 00:51:12,875 and the heavens and they were beautiful. 553 00:51:12,909 --> 00:51:15,942 The earth was a huge garden, fruitful in its bounty, 554 00:51:17,374 --> 00:51:19,507 but he was lonely and longed to have 555 00:51:19,541 --> 00:51:20,875 someone to share it with. 556 00:51:21,942 --> 00:51:24,407 So one day, he created a man 557 00:51:24,441 --> 00:51:28,307 from dust and named him Adam. 558 00:51:28,340 --> 00:51:31,975 And so that the man too was not alone he created a woman, 559 00:51:32,008 --> 00:51:35,340 also from the dust, as his companion. 560 00:51:36,141 --> 00:51:39,340 And the creator called her Lilith. 561 00:51:40,974 --> 00:51:42,709 When the creator ordered that 562 00:51:42,742 --> 00:51:45,507 the woman lie with the man she refused, 563 00:51:45,541 --> 00:51:48,574 and the creator felt that as an insult 564 00:51:48,608 --> 00:51:49,942 as he had given her life. 565 00:51:50,407 --> 00:51:55,608 He cast her out from the garden, scorned for an eternity. 566 00:51:56,407 --> 00:52:00,608 So this time, the creator took a rib from Adam 567 00:52:00,642 --> 00:52:03,340 and fashioned another woman. 568 00:52:20,474 --> 00:52:23,441 In times of fear and darkness, 569 00:52:23,474 --> 00:52:25,541 it reminds us of the Lord's power. 570 00:52:29,374 --> 00:52:30,974 Could you come and see her? 571 00:52:32,642 --> 00:52:34,541 Her Father may not want me to see her. 572 00:52:34,575 --> 00:52:36,307 This is not about them. 573 00:52:36,340 --> 00:52:38,608 Please? Please come and see her? 574 00:52:40,407 --> 00:52:42,974 But she must accept the Lord, 575 00:52:43,008 --> 00:52:45,240 for him to take a step towards her. 576 00:52:47,575 --> 00:52:48,875 Anna. Are you alright? 577 00:52:48,908 --> 00:52:51,842 I'm sorry. I have to go. 578 00:53:20,474 --> 00:53:21,441 There's someone in here! 579 00:53:52,675 --> 00:53:54,207 Are you gonna tell Dan? 580 00:53:56,008 --> 00:53:56,974 I dunno. 581 00:54:00,874 --> 00:54:01,775 I wonder if it's a boy. 582 00:54:04,508 --> 00:54:05,307 Sorry? 583 00:54:06,908 --> 00:54:08,709 Just thinking out loud, 584 00:54:08,742 --> 00:54:10,742 trying to work out why she made me attack you. 585 00:54:12,742 --> 00:54:15,374 Who Claire? Honestly who do you think 586 00:54:15,407 --> 00:54:17,240 made any of this happen other than you? 587 00:54:23,642 --> 00:54:25,207 This is way too much, I can't take it. 588 00:54:26,542 --> 00:54:28,407 You tried to stab me Claire. 589 00:54:28,442 --> 00:54:30,340 No! It wasn't you, it was her! 590 00:54:33,608 --> 00:54:35,274 I need some time away from this, I'm sorry. 591 00:54:46,274 --> 00:54:48,274 Come on sweetheart, It's time for your medication. 592 00:58:24,674 --> 00:58:26,341 How close were you to your grandmother? 593 00:58:28,041 --> 00:58:29,275 Nana Abigail? 594 00:58:29,641 --> 00:58:32,408 Yeah, I'd pop in now and then, 595 00:58:32,442 --> 00:58:34,574 but she preferred to be on her own. 596 00:58:34,607 --> 00:58:35,674 To be honest her mind had 597 00:58:35,708 --> 00:58:37,941 already started going by the time we were teenagers. 598 00:58:38,542 --> 00:58:40,275 I knew Abigail from the village. 599 00:58:41,874 --> 00:58:44,241 In many ways, I saw her as my opponent. 600 00:58:46,008 --> 00:58:49,774 She was involved in some pretty unchristian practices. 601 00:58:51,541 --> 00:58:52,741 They say her mother was the same. 602 00:58:57,841 --> 00:59:01,442 I knew there was a fire when she was younger. 603 00:59:01,874 --> 00:59:03,808 I believe she lost her two brothers. 604 00:59:04,808 --> 00:59:08,841 It's the family history that makes me more inclined 605 00:59:08,874 --> 00:59:11,442 to believe that what Claire is experiencing 606 00:59:11,475 --> 00:59:13,275 is something out of the ordinary. 607 00:59:14,874 --> 00:59:18,874 Abigail once showed me... masks, 608 00:59:20,808 --> 00:59:22,874 that Dorothy made after her sons died. 609 00:59:25,341 --> 00:59:26,908 She referred to them as her family. 610 00:59:30,275 --> 00:59:31,908 She must have been severely traumatised. 611 00:59:38,941 --> 00:59:42,442 If you let the devil into your life, 612 00:59:42,475 --> 00:59:44,808 you have to fight to get back to God. 613 00:59:47,008 --> 00:59:50,741 I believe that Claire is the victim of Abigail's dabbling. 614 00:59:54,607 --> 00:59:57,341 We were never allowed to speak about this with Nana. 615 00:59:58,208 --> 01:00:01,442 Mum and Dad... Well, Mum really, was militant with her. 616 01:00:03,008 --> 01:00:04,908 We need to see Claire as soon as possible. 617 01:00:05,574 --> 01:00:06,974 She must be prepared 618 01:00:07,008 --> 01:00:09,408 to let me help her find a way back to God. 619 01:00:09,442 --> 01:00:10,408 But does that matter? 620 01:00:10,442 --> 01:00:12,808 Can we not just do something for her anyway? 621 01:00:13,474 --> 01:00:14,241 Please. 622 01:00:23,908 --> 01:00:25,808 How did it all go with the Padre? 623 01:00:26,674 --> 01:00:31,874 Um, yeah. He called my dead grandmother a witch. 624 01:00:34,308 --> 01:00:35,908 I don't know Dan, it was odd. 625 01:00:38,641 --> 01:00:39,741 You know what I think don't you? 626 01:00:40,607 --> 01:00:41,674 No. What? 627 01:00:42,041 --> 01:00:45,208 I think that you should move in with me. 628 01:00:47,308 --> 01:00:48,741 I kinda got used to having the whole house to ourselves. 629 01:00:50,741 --> 01:00:51,674 That's sweet. 630 01:00:52,708 --> 01:00:53,741 But... 631 01:00:53,774 --> 01:00:55,441 With everything that's going on with Claire, 632 01:00:55,474 --> 01:00:56,574 can we just put this conversation 633 01:00:56,607 --> 01:00:57,607 on hold for a couple of days? 634 01:00:57,641 --> 01:01:00,341 Oh come on. She's in the best place now, right? 635 01:01:00,841 --> 01:01:03,008 Jesus, Dan. 636 01:01:03,042 --> 01:01:04,741 Look, just let the doctors do their thing. 637 01:01:05,341 --> 01:01:06,774 Come on, there's a glass of wine 638 01:01:06,808 --> 01:01:07,874 then head back to mine yeah? 639 01:01:16,008 --> 01:01:19,674 I wanna go to bed. I'm knackered Dan. 640 01:01:48,474 --> 01:01:49,741 Why you assing about in the dark? 641 01:01:50,607 --> 01:01:52,874 And why is there Chardonnay all over the floor? 642 01:01:57,507 --> 01:01:58,374 Well? 643 01:02:02,009 --> 01:02:03,741 I was getting wine. I dropped the bottle. 644 01:02:04,908 --> 01:02:05,708 And? 645 01:02:06,275 --> 01:02:07,407 And what? That's what happened. 646 01:02:08,874 --> 01:02:09,607 Are you alright Dan? 647 01:04:12,975 --> 01:04:14,808 Wake up! 648 01:04:50,240 --> 01:04:52,842 Claire? Can you hear me? Claire? 649 01:04:52,875 --> 01:04:54,975 You've just had a nightmare sweetheart. 650 01:06:57,674 --> 01:06:58,975 I'm sorry. 651 01:06:59,009 --> 01:07:01,709 Oh, I'm looking for my parishioner Claire Tate. 652 01:07:01,742 --> 01:07:04,307 I'm Father John O'Shea. 653 01:07:04,340 --> 01:07:05,909 Hi, nice to meet you. Umm... 654 01:07:05,942 --> 01:07:09,607 I'm really sorry but Claire is just not up for 655 01:07:09,641 --> 01:07:10,909 receiving visitors at the moment. 656 01:07:10,942 --> 01:07:11,842 Oh? 657 01:07:11,875 --> 01:07:13,441 She had a very restless night and 658 01:07:13,474 --> 01:07:17,340 she's highly sedated today so, I'm sorry. 659 01:07:17,374 --> 01:07:18,607 Oh, could I come back later 660 01:07:18,641 --> 01:07:20,641 perhaps after she's had some rest? 661 01:07:20,675 --> 01:07:22,842 Maybe. Umm. We are going to be monitoring Claire 662 01:07:22,875 --> 01:07:24,541 very, very closely over the next few days. 663 01:07:24,574 --> 01:07:27,574 Her family are very keen that I see her. 664 01:07:27,607 --> 01:07:32,274 Yes, but she's highly delusional so maybe you could come back 665 01:07:32,307 --> 01:07:33,742 in a day or two? Is that okay? 666 01:07:33,775 --> 01:07:35,742 Has she mentioned her visions, Doctor? 667 01:07:38,775 --> 01:07:41,441 Yes, she has, she's said a lot of things. 668 01:07:41,474 --> 01:07:46,374 But I believe that allowing you into see her now, 669 01:07:46,407 --> 01:07:49,008 A very vulnerable, a very suggestive young woman, 670 01:07:49,041 --> 01:07:51,474 I believe that, would be perilous. 671 01:07:51,507 --> 01:07:52,875 You're not a religious man, are you Doctor? 672 01:07:53,541 --> 01:07:55,975 I believe there's a time for faith, 673 01:07:56,008 --> 01:07:57,709 but this is a time for medicine, 674 01:07:57,742 --> 01:07:59,775 and luckily, the modern world agrees with me. 675 01:07:59,809 --> 01:08:02,909 Medicine is a kind of faith and you're behaving like a zealot. 676 01:08:02,942 --> 01:08:04,541 So you think I should be treating Claire 677 01:08:04,574 --> 01:08:05,541 with Christian prayer, 678 01:08:05,574 --> 01:08:06,675 rather than anti-psychotic drugs? Is that it? 679 01:08:06,709 --> 01:08:09,642 Not everything can be explained by science, Doctor. 680 01:08:09,675 --> 01:08:10,742 Ok. 681 01:08:10,775 --> 01:08:11,875 I wouldn't expect you to understand that. 682 01:08:20,608 --> 01:08:21,842 Where were ya? 683 01:08:21,875 --> 01:08:24,374 I was asleep. I knew it though. 684 01:08:26,441 --> 01:08:29,608 It's this house. We can't be in this house. 685 01:08:31,608 --> 01:08:34,175 Fuck off to work, then Dan, and give me my fucking house back! 686 01:08:36,909 --> 01:08:38,875 Fine. Fine! 687 01:10:25,709 --> 01:10:26,675 Leave us alone. 688 01:10:27,809 --> 01:10:28,842 Leave us alone! 689 01:10:29,974 --> 01:10:33,374 Leave us alone! Leave us alone! 690 01:10:44,542 --> 01:10:46,575 Put her on the bed. 691 01:10:46,608 --> 01:10:49,274 Anna can't see her like I can. She'll get Anna next. 692 01:11:51,475 --> 01:11:52,374 Anna. 693 01:11:55,608 --> 01:11:56,374 Anna, are you...? 694 01:11:57,941 --> 01:12:00,240 What's going on? Are you sleeping? What is this? 695 01:12:02,008 --> 01:12:03,374 What do you want me to do Anna? 696 01:12:03,408 --> 01:12:04,908 Do you want me to call the doctor or what? 697 01:12:25,709 --> 01:12:27,207 Anna, we can't stay in this house, hon. 698 01:12:28,941 --> 01:12:30,741 Fuck this! I've gotta go. I'm sorry. 699 01:12:53,341 --> 01:12:54,874 I think it's time for your bed bath now. 700 01:12:57,475 --> 01:12:59,874 Don't you dare fucking touch me. 701 01:13:59,408 --> 01:14:04,375 She asked Lilith to get rid of her husband. 702 01:14:49,341 --> 01:14:50,375 Now then... 703 01:14:51,008 --> 01:14:52,542 This one will be called... 704 01:14:54,008 --> 01:14:55,475 Father. 705 01:14:58,841 --> 01:15:03,841 And this one will be called... 706 01:15:05,308 --> 01:15:05,874 Edward. 707 01:15:08,475 --> 01:15:13,475 My beautiful, beautiful Edward. 708 01:15:36,275 --> 01:15:37,908 We've been trying to tell you. 709 01:15:38,208 --> 01:15:40,941 It's going to happen again. 710 01:15:52,008 --> 01:15:54,308 She's not strong like you. 711 01:16:05,641 --> 01:16:06,774 Oh God! 712 01:16:10,375 --> 01:16:11,974 Visiting time is over, Father. 713 01:16:29,308 --> 01:16:30,641 Lilith! 714 01:16:31,341 --> 01:16:32,841 Lilith! 715 01:16:35,874 --> 01:16:37,408 Can we get some help here please? 716 01:16:37,442 --> 01:16:38,607 Don't you come near me. 717 01:16:39,908 --> 01:16:40,841 Give me the glass Claire. 718 01:16:40,874 --> 01:16:42,241 No! Lilith! 719 01:16:52,874 --> 01:16:54,341 This is what you want is it? 720 01:16:54,375 --> 01:16:55,341 Claire I can help you. 721 01:16:55,375 --> 01:16:57,574 Back! Or so help me God, I'll cut my throat. 722 01:16:58,841 --> 01:16:59,941 Is this what you want? 723 01:17:01,075 --> 01:17:04,275 You want me dead so you can have Anna and her baby. 724 01:17:05,008 --> 01:17:08,474 Well I won't do it! You're stuck with me. 725 01:17:34,941 --> 01:17:35,741 Claire! 726 01:17:54,441 --> 01:17:55,208 Hi. 727 01:17:56,407 --> 01:17:57,708 Hey. 728 01:17:59,441 --> 01:18:00,308 You need anything? 729 01:18:00,808 --> 01:18:01,774 Dan! 730 01:18:04,541 --> 01:18:05,407 I'm fine. 731 01:18:12,341 --> 01:18:16,708 It was just a long absence. But I'm back now. 732 01:18:25,474 --> 01:18:29,241 She... Didn't even notice. 733 01:18:34,908 --> 01:18:35,941 Daniel! Are you deaf? 734 01:18:36,607 --> 01:18:39,607 Sorry honey. What do you need? Hm? 735 01:18:40,741 --> 01:18:42,241 Well, this one's hungry. 736 01:18:43,941 --> 01:18:45,275 So is this one. 737 01:19:48,908 --> 01:19:51,774 Fuck you. I've won. 738 01:20:01,408 --> 01:20:06,408 Provided by explosiveskull https://twitter.com/kaboomskull