1 00:00:06,166 --> 00:00:08,875 [haunting piano music playing] 2 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:12,291 A shooting star 3 00:00:12,875 --> 00:00:15,666 crossing the vast, indifferent night sky. 4 00:00:16,333 --> 00:00:20,125 Perhaps carrying an answer to that age-old question, 5 00:00:20,208 --> 00:00:22,208 are we alone in the universe? 6 00:00:24,166 --> 00:00:26,458 Recorded on a modest device, 7 00:00:26,541 --> 00:00:28,416 stained with blood and death, 8 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:33,375 the answer is a decidedly terrifying… "no." 9 00:00:34,833 --> 00:00:37,333 Our story today is The Autopsy. 10 00:00:37,416 --> 00:00:39,708 And its director David Prior. 11 00:00:42,916 --> 00:00:44,125 [fading footsteps] 12 00:00:44,625 --> 00:00:46,666 [eerie instrumental music playing] 13 00:01:43,375 --> 00:01:44,458 [eerie music fades] 14 00:01:44,541 --> 00:01:45,708 [scuttling] 15 00:01:47,458 --> 00:01:48,833 [unsettling music playing] 16 00:01:51,708 --> 00:01:53,208 [vehicle approaching] 17 00:01:55,416 --> 00:01:57,041 [insects chittering] 18 00:02:08,416 --> 00:02:09,666 [distant clattering] 19 00:02:12,166 --> 00:02:15,166 [distant squeaking, clattering] 20 00:02:18,375 --> 00:02:20,250 [distant clunking] 21 00:02:26,125 --> 00:02:27,916 [footsteps approaching] 22 00:02:30,708 --> 00:02:32,500 [power drill rattling loudly] 23 00:02:36,958 --> 00:02:39,166 [conveyor belt clunking, squeaking] 24 00:02:49,125 --> 00:02:50,625 [man breathes heavily] 25 00:02:51,375 --> 00:02:53,041 [indistinct background chatter] 26 00:02:53,125 --> 00:02:54,541 [man strains] 27 00:02:55,541 --> 00:02:57,458 [man grunts] 28 00:02:59,708 --> 00:03:01,458 [bell rings] 29 00:03:11,875 --> 00:03:13,500 [elevator hisses] 30 00:03:13,583 --> 00:03:15,458 [indistinct chatter] 31 00:03:23,208 --> 00:03:24,333 [miner 1] What are you doing? 32 00:03:24,416 --> 00:03:26,875 [miner 2] Joe, what the fuck are you doing up there? 33 00:03:26,958 --> 00:03:29,541 [man 1] You're gonna kill us! Are you fucking crazy? 34 00:03:29,625 --> 00:03:31,875 What the fuck is wrong with you, man? 35 00:03:31,958 --> 00:03:33,208 You trying to kill us? 36 00:03:33,291 --> 00:03:35,541 -[men shout fearfully] -[alarm sounds] 37 00:03:37,458 --> 00:03:38,833 [wet slithering] 38 00:03:40,708 --> 00:03:42,708 [beeping] 39 00:03:44,541 --> 00:03:46,041 [man 1] What the fuck is that? 40 00:03:49,041 --> 00:03:51,875 -[suspenseful music playing] -[ball beeps, snarls] 41 00:03:51,958 --> 00:03:53,875 [unsettling rattling] 42 00:03:53,958 --> 00:03:55,750 [men shout indistinctly] 43 00:03:55,833 --> 00:03:57,291 [wet slithering] 44 00:04:02,416 --> 00:04:04,416 -[explosion echoes] -[men scream] 45 00:04:06,916 --> 00:04:08,875 [rocks clattering] 46 00:04:11,208 --> 00:04:12,916 [eerie breathing] 47 00:04:16,916 --> 00:04:18,625 [rain pattering] 48 00:04:18,708 --> 00:04:20,125 [somber music playing] 49 00:04:21,833 --> 00:04:23,000 [birds singing] 50 00:04:24,875 --> 00:04:26,208 [bird calling] 51 00:04:28,041 --> 00:04:29,666 [train engine rumbling] 52 00:04:38,250 --> 00:04:40,083 [large vehicle approaching] 53 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:51,708 [bus door squeaks] 54 00:04:53,375 --> 00:04:55,083 [air brake hisses] 55 00:05:03,250 --> 00:05:05,000 [grunts, groans softly] 56 00:05:05,083 --> 00:05:06,291 [solemn music playing] 57 00:05:19,083 --> 00:05:21,083 [groans softly] 58 00:05:22,666 --> 00:05:25,166 [groaning, breathing heavily] 59 00:05:31,500 --> 00:05:33,708 [groaning, breathing heavily] 60 00:05:53,583 --> 00:05:55,250 [solemn music continues] 61 00:06:03,416 --> 00:06:04,625 [door closes] 62 00:06:10,375 --> 00:06:11,583 [man 1] You're so thin. 63 00:06:13,708 --> 00:06:15,500 They could use you for a whip. 64 00:06:15,583 --> 00:06:16,708 What's your secret? 65 00:06:16,791 --> 00:06:20,125 -[man 2] Ah, you know, biology. -Hell, Carl. It's good to see you. 66 00:06:20,208 --> 00:06:22,833 -You too, Nate. It's been too long. -Give me that. 67 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:23,791 [Carl] Oh. 68 00:06:23,875 --> 00:06:25,625 Ooh. Must be exhausted. 69 00:06:26,416 --> 00:06:29,583 -[sports commentary on radio] -Did you eat? I can send someone. 70 00:06:29,666 --> 00:06:31,875 No, no, no. Coffee is just fine. 71 00:06:34,500 --> 00:06:35,333 How's Emma? 72 00:06:36,041 --> 00:06:37,541 Oh. She's well. 73 00:06:39,125 --> 00:06:40,125 How are the kids? 74 00:06:40,791 --> 00:06:42,958 It's an empty nest almost. [chuckles] 75 00:06:43,041 --> 00:06:45,000 -Thank God! -[both chuckle] 76 00:06:45,083 --> 00:06:47,416 Yeah, and Cindy, she's in love, and… 77 00:06:48,375 --> 00:06:51,708 Nate Jr. wants to be a… a lawyer now. 78 00:06:51,791 --> 00:06:52,875 [Carl] Oh. 79 00:06:54,083 --> 00:06:56,000 Sure I can't get you something to eat? 80 00:06:57,166 --> 00:06:59,125 Why don't you tell me what's going on? 81 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:01,791 What did they say in Montague? 82 00:07:02,291 --> 00:07:04,458 Not too much. Ten men dead. 83 00:07:05,375 --> 00:07:06,250 Nine men. 84 00:07:07,333 --> 00:07:10,000 And one inhuman son of a bitch. 85 00:07:10,875 --> 00:07:11,708 [Nate sighs] 86 00:07:11,791 --> 00:07:13,666 What would you call a man who… 87 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:17,541 As bad as that? 88 00:07:21,041 --> 00:07:23,208 -[Nate] What's Waddleton gonna do? -Uh-huh. 89 00:07:24,500 --> 00:07:27,000 It is the position of the coroner's office, 90 00:07:27,083 --> 00:07:32,083 workman's compensation law being clear, that death benefits shall only accrue 91 00:07:32,166 --> 00:07:37,166 to dependents of those whose deaths arise out of the course of their employment. 92 00:07:37,250 --> 00:07:40,416 Not merely in the course of their employment. 93 00:07:42,791 --> 00:07:44,875 Death by lunatic does not obtain. 94 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:50,458 He just about ordered me to find cause for a second autopsy in the city. 95 00:07:50,541 --> 00:07:53,000 Oh, that's Fordham Mutual talking. 96 00:07:53,083 --> 00:07:56,791 Certainly it is, and they've bought every election he's ever stood. 97 00:07:56,875 --> 00:07:59,583 If they had their way, the families wouldn't see a dime 98 00:07:59,666 --> 00:08:01,041 to bury their men with. 99 00:08:01,541 --> 00:08:02,750 It's unconscionable. 100 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:05,750 What am I gonna find, Nate? 101 00:08:05,833 --> 00:08:07,291 Was there a bomb? 102 00:08:07,375 --> 00:08:10,916 The investigators concluded that there was strong, 103 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:13,166 presumptive evidence of a bomb. 104 00:08:13,708 --> 00:08:15,708 That's the best they could do? 105 00:08:15,791 --> 00:08:17,208 -[Nate] Mm-hmm. -Hmm. 106 00:08:19,083 --> 00:08:21,791 -And what do you think? -I think I'm cursed. 107 00:08:22,583 --> 00:08:23,416 Cursed? 108 00:08:23,916 --> 00:08:25,958 Well, for laxity 109 00:08:27,083 --> 00:08:28,875 and uselessness. 110 00:08:29,625 --> 00:08:34,208 The innocent get punished and everything is just dust. 111 00:08:35,791 --> 00:08:38,291 I… I think I'm cursed by the Lord. I truly do. 112 00:08:38,875 --> 00:08:41,208 Nate, I've known you 40 years. 113 00:08:41,291 --> 00:08:43,166 From the bottom of my heart, 114 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:44,666 you're not that special. 115 00:08:45,833 --> 00:08:46,666 That's ego. 116 00:08:46,750 --> 00:08:50,708 Who are you to claim special qualities of sin from the rest of us? 117 00:08:51,250 --> 00:08:52,708 If you're cursed, 118 00:08:52,791 --> 00:08:53,791 we're all cursed. 119 00:08:56,833 --> 00:08:59,583 And I meant that in the nicest possible way. 120 00:09:01,291 --> 00:09:03,625 -[snickers] -[chuckles] 121 00:09:04,541 --> 00:09:06,916 You're right. I'm getting maudlin. 122 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:08,333 -[Carl] Mm. -[Nate claps] 123 00:09:12,041 --> 00:09:12,875 Carl, 124 00:09:14,083 --> 00:09:17,833 this is one of those nightmare specials. 125 00:09:19,500 --> 00:09:21,708 The kind you never get to the bottom of. 126 00:09:23,291 --> 00:09:24,791 Tell me what happened. 127 00:09:24,875 --> 00:09:26,958 [eerie suspenseful music playing] 128 00:09:27,041 --> 00:09:28,375 [Nate] Two months ago… 129 00:09:29,291 --> 00:09:30,166 [siren wails] 130 00:09:30,250 --> 00:09:31,625 …a man came up missing. 131 00:09:31,708 --> 00:09:32,666 [siren wails] 132 00:09:33,958 --> 00:09:35,166 [Nate] Ronald Hanley. 133 00:09:36,458 --> 00:09:38,166 Mill worker, family man, 134 00:09:38,250 --> 00:09:40,041 just vanishes without a trace. 135 00:09:41,375 --> 00:09:42,291 [dog whines] 136 00:09:42,375 --> 00:09:43,750 [Nate] About a week later, 137 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:46,958 the lady who ran the laundromat, she disappears too. 138 00:09:48,458 --> 00:09:51,375 Six people, just over a month, 139 00:09:51,875 --> 00:09:52,750 disappear. 140 00:09:53,958 --> 00:09:54,916 This way! 141 00:09:56,000 --> 00:09:58,750 [indistinct chatter over police radio] 142 00:09:59,833 --> 00:10:01,333 [indistinct chattering] 143 00:10:02,666 --> 00:10:04,166 [Nate] My deputies and I, 144 00:10:04,250 --> 00:10:07,583 we might as well have stayed in bed, all the good we did. 145 00:10:10,083 --> 00:10:13,250 Nothing from the western leg, even if we pull some volunteers-- 146 00:10:13,333 --> 00:10:15,041 Over here! We found something. 147 00:10:15,125 --> 00:10:17,041 [dogs barking] 148 00:10:17,125 --> 00:10:18,166 [Nate] Eventually, 149 00:10:19,250 --> 00:10:20,250 we found a body. 150 00:10:25,166 --> 00:10:26,333 [barking] 151 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:30,541 [flies buzzing] 152 00:10:35,500 --> 00:10:36,583 [officers grunt] 153 00:10:40,041 --> 00:10:42,041 Well, open it! What are you waiting for? 154 00:10:42,125 --> 00:10:44,333 [tense suspenseful music playing] 155 00:10:55,041 --> 00:10:56,375 [officer 1 groans] 156 00:10:57,875 --> 00:10:59,625 [Nate] Wasn't animal work. 157 00:10:59,708 --> 00:11:00,958 It was knife work. 158 00:11:01,041 --> 00:11:02,125 [flies buzz loudly] 159 00:11:04,250 --> 00:11:07,500 All the edges butchered clean. 160 00:11:07,583 --> 00:11:10,458 But butchered meat will bleed even after you drain it. 161 00:11:11,291 --> 00:11:14,250 There wasn't one goddamn drop of blood. 162 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:16,750 It was pale as fish meat. 163 00:11:17,583 --> 00:11:18,833 A cache, then? 164 00:11:19,500 --> 00:11:21,083 Yeah. Yeah. 165 00:11:21,166 --> 00:11:25,708 Like you might put a… a pot roast in the icebox for making sandwiches. 166 00:11:25,791 --> 00:11:28,041 -[camera shutter clicks] -[Nate] One more. 167 00:11:28,125 --> 00:11:29,958 -This arm over here. -[flies buzzing] 168 00:11:30,625 --> 00:11:31,708 [Nate] That's it. 169 00:11:31,791 --> 00:11:33,291 Okay, wrap him up. 170 00:11:33,791 --> 00:11:35,333 Tie him back up in that tree. 171 00:11:36,083 --> 00:11:38,750 -[officer 2] Yes, sir. -You men, you're hunters? 172 00:11:38,833 --> 00:11:39,916 -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir. 173 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,750 All right. Consider yourself Posse Comitatus. 174 00:11:43,416 --> 00:11:45,625 Whatever left that will be back for it. 175 00:11:45,708 --> 00:11:49,208 -I need one of you, uh… -Jim Dodge, sir. 176 00:11:49,291 --> 00:11:50,166 -Dodge? -Yeah. 177 00:11:51,208 --> 00:11:53,916 Stake out that ridge over there. Will you? 178 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:55,916 -Yeah, and… -Owens. 179 00:11:56,000 --> 00:11:57,208 -Owens. -Owens. 180 00:11:57,291 --> 00:12:01,125 Uh, we need you to cover that area south there, all right? 181 00:12:01,208 --> 00:12:03,791 Oh, I think the better spot's over there, sir. 182 00:12:03,875 --> 00:12:05,750 It's a better view of the path there. 183 00:12:05,833 --> 00:12:09,500 Yeah, well, okay. Obviously, I've got the right man for the job. 184 00:12:09,583 --> 00:12:11,708 You guys will take first watch. 185 00:12:11,791 --> 00:12:14,208 Lawrence, Davis, give these men your jackets. 186 00:12:14,291 --> 00:12:17,500 It's gonna get cold tonight. Give them a couple radios too. 187 00:12:17,583 --> 00:12:20,208 [Nate] I took the film to be developed, 188 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:25,041 gave the prints to Sophie to have them telexed to every county in the state. 189 00:12:25,125 --> 00:12:26,791 Okay, we're going into town. 190 00:12:26,875 --> 00:12:31,083 Anything happens, anything at all, don't do a thing, just observe. Okay? 191 00:12:32,083 --> 00:12:33,958 We'll be back in five hours. 192 00:12:34,041 --> 00:12:37,000 Then a piss and a spit, and went right back. 193 00:12:37,083 --> 00:12:38,208 [insects buzz] 194 00:12:38,291 --> 00:12:39,666 [tires crunch gravel] 195 00:12:51,625 --> 00:12:53,625 [brakes squeak] 196 00:12:56,125 --> 00:12:57,041 [engine stops] 197 00:12:58,666 --> 00:12:59,625 [radio beeps] 198 00:12:59,708 --> 00:13:00,541 Owens. 199 00:13:04,416 --> 00:13:05,333 [radio beeps] 200 00:13:05,416 --> 00:13:06,291 Dodge? 201 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,083 -Dodge. -[echoes through radio] 202 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:15,458 [radio clicks, static whines] 203 00:13:15,541 --> 00:13:17,000 Dodge, can you hear me? 204 00:13:19,875 --> 00:13:21,375 [grass rustles underfoot] 205 00:13:22,416 --> 00:13:23,708 [Nate] Come in, Dodge. 206 00:13:23,791 --> 00:13:25,458 [radio static whines] 207 00:13:28,625 --> 00:13:29,916 [Nate] Motherfucker. 208 00:13:37,750 --> 00:13:39,250 [eerie music playing] 209 00:13:40,083 --> 00:13:42,333 -[scuttling] -[leaves rustling] 210 00:13:46,875 --> 00:13:48,375 [eerie music intensifies] 211 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:52,833 [thunder rumbles] 212 00:13:52,916 --> 00:13:54,541 [Carl] No sign of them at all? 213 00:13:55,750 --> 00:13:56,708 [sighs heavily] 214 00:13:56,791 --> 00:13:59,750 I wanted to chew nails and break necks. 215 00:14:01,333 --> 00:14:04,875 Next morning, I got a call from the sheriff over in Rakehell, 216 00:14:05,791 --> 00:14:09,250 says our corpse resembled a man named Abel Dougherty, 217 00:14:10,166 --> 00:14:12,250 a mill worker over at Conwood. 218 00:14:13,125 --> 00:14:14,333 He'd been missing too. 219 00:14:14,833 --> 00:14:18,458 He was last seen at a bar called Trucker's Tavern 220 00:14:18,541 --> 00:14:20,708 during that onion snow we had. 221 00:14:21,916 --> 00:14:23,416 [bar patrons cheer] 222 00:14:25,125 --> 00:14:26,708 [soft rock music playing] 223 00:14:28,583 --> 00:14:29,875 [flame roars] 224 00:14:31,291 --> 00:14:32,416 [groans] 225 00:14:33,083 --> 00:14:35,000 -[laughter] -[phone rings] 226 00:14:37,750 --> 00:14:41,583 -Maggie's Farm, my girl. With ice. -[woman] Got it. 227 00:14:41,666 --> 00:14:43,583 And a Hamm's to back it up. 228 00:14:43,666 --> 00:14:45,791 -[phone rings] -Right on. Trucker's. 229 00:14:50,791 --> 00:14:52,750 Hey, Travis! Phone! 230 00:14:53,916 --> 00:14:55,000 Sykes? 231 00:14:57,500 --> 00:14:59,500 -Excuse me? -[man] Eddie Sykes. 232 00:15:00,083 --> 00:15:01,750 The hell are you doing here? 233 00:15:01,833 --> 00:15:05,000 You got me confused with some other body. My name's Joe Allen. 234 00:15:05,083 --> 00:15:07,416 The hell it is. You're Eddie Sykes. 235 00:15:08,166 --> 00:15:11,416 We've been working together at Conwood for a coon's age. 236 00:15:12,083 --> 00:15:13,625 Where the hell you been? 237 00:15:13,708 --> 00:15:16,083 You either had too much or not enough, my friend. 238 00:15:16,166 --> 00:15:19,583 [man] Supposed to go angling for steelhead two months ago. You never showed. 239 00:15:19,666 --> 00:15:21,291 Steelhead? I would've showed. 240 00:15:23,041 --> 00:15:24,041 But you didn't. 241 00:15:25,250 --> 00:15:27,291 Who is it you think I am again? 242 00:15:30,750 --> 00:15:32,291 I thought we was friends. 243 00:15:32,375 --> 00:15:33,791 Yeah, course we are. 244 00:15:35,125 --> 00:15:39,875 -Where did you go, Eddie? You just up-- -Like I said, I'm Joe Allen. 245 00:15:41,958 --> 00:15:43,041 You're confused. 246 00:15:45,958 --> 00:15:47,333 Why are you doing this? 247 00:15:49,000 --> 00:15:49,833 I'll tell you, 248 00:15:50,583 --> 00:15:51,708 but not here. 249 00:15:52,541 --> 00:15:56,125 Somewhere quiet. We don't want these yokels hearing, do we? 250 00:15:56,750 --> 00:15:58,250 [eerie music playing] 251 00:15:58,333 --> 00:15:59,458 [Allen] It's a secret. 252 00:16:01,291 --> 00:16:03,125 And we're friends, aren't we? 253 00:16:04,166 --> 00:16:05,000 Good 254 00:16:05,541 --> 00:16:06,375 friends. 255 00:16:07,375 --> 00:16:09,625 I mean, you said so, didn't you? 256 00:16:10,666 --> 00:16:12,541 Maybe we could be best friends. 257 00:16:15,166 --> 00:16:17,583 -I… -[Allen] Knock your beer onto the floor. 258 00:16:18,083 --> 00:16:20,083 [voice reverberates] Be sloppy. 259 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:22,208 Call me your friend. 260 00:16:24,333 --> 00:16:26,041 Ask me to drive you home. 261 00:16:28,333 --> 00:16:29,166 Home? 262 00:16:30,291 --> 00:16:31,541 Do it now. 263 00:16:36,875 --> 00:16:38,666 [suspenseful music playing] 264 00:16:42,375 --> 00:16:44,041 -[Allen] Shit, man. -[patrons cheer] 265 00:16:44,125 --> 00:16:46,750 Look what you've done. Maybe you need a ride. 266 00:16:46,833 --> 00:16:49,333 -No. -Let's have your keys, you big oaf. 267 00:16:50,833 --> 00:16:51,708 Come on. 268 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:56,250 I'll drive you home. 269 00:16:59,541 --> 00:17:00,916 [glass tinkles underfoot] 270 00:17:12,875 --> 00:17:16,000 Sykes was an itinerant worker. 271 00:17:16,833 --> 00:17:18,875 He was reported missing nine months ago. 272 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:22,666 Told a buddy of his he was going hiking in the woods. 273 00:17:23,625 --> 00:17:25,958 He wanted to check out a meteor shower. 274 00:17:27,416 --> 00:17:29,000 [distant whooshing] 275 00:17:35,125 --> 00:17:36,750 [meteor crackles] 276 00:17:39,041 --> 00:17:40,458 Never came back to work. 277 00:17:42,875 --> 00:17:45,708 A week later, he shows up in Bailey 278 00:17:45,791 --> 00:17:48,083 under the name of Joe Allen. 279 00:17:58,041 --> 00:18:01,000 [Nate] I understand you've got a Joe Allen staying here? 280 00:18:01,083 --> 00:18:05,041 [woman] Well, yes, he's at work right now, but you're welcome to come in and… 281 00:18:05,125 --> 00:18:06,583 [knocking on door] 282 00:18:06,666 --> 00:18:07,625 [Nate] Mr. Allen! 283 00:18:07,708 --> 00:18:09,875 -[muffled cartoon sound effects] -[knocking] 284 00:18:09,958 --> 00:18:11,375 [Nate] Sheriff's Department! 285 00:18:13,083 --> 00:18:13,916 Coming in! 286 00:18:18,000 --> 00:18:20,166 [cartoon sound effects] 287 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:26,375 [voice 1 on TV] Hey, didn't your mama teach you to share? 288 00:18:26,458 --> 00:18:28,583 [voice 2 on TV] Sorry, not enough for you! 289 00:18:28,666 --> 00:18:30,583 [voice 1] I should pick you dry! 290 00:18:39,416 --> 00:18:41,166 [Woody Woodpecker] My goodness me! 291 00:18:42,541 --> 00:18:44,250 [flies buzzing] 292 00:18:46,875 --> 00:18:48,500 [roaches scuttling] 293 00:18:52,041 --> 00:18:53,125 Yo, that was good. 294 00:18:53,791 --> 00:18:55,833 But I'm still hungry! 295 00:18:56,458 --> 00:18:58,458 [Woody Woodpecker] Yeah? So am I. 296 00:18:58,541 --> 00:19:00,208 [suspenseful music on TV] 297 00:19:05,250 --> 00:19:06,833 [triumphant music on TV] 298 00:19:09,583 --> 00:19:11,458 [man on TV] Come to the Honeycomb's hideout! 299 00:19:11,541 --> 00:19:13,000 [kids on TV] A giant! 300 00:19:13,083 --> 00:19:16,083 [giant on TV] I'm a big giant, and I want a big cereal. 301 00:19:16,166 --> 00:19:18,958 [kids sing on TV] ♪ Honeycomb's big, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 302 00:19:19,041 --> 00:19:21,958 ♪ It's not small, no, no, no ♪ 303 00:19:22,041 --> 00:19:24,958 -♪ Honeycomb's got a big, big bite… ♪ -[low snarling] 304 00:19:26,583 --> 00:19:27,500 [Nate] What is this? 305 00:19:28,083 --> 00:19:29,416 I'm sure I don't know. 306 00:19:30,166 --> 00:19:32,041 He said, that his-- 307 00:19:32,125 --> 00:19:36,083 I saw him bringing it in, and he said he got it in the woods. 308 00:19:36,166 --> 00:19:38,083 [low snarling, warbling] 309 00:19:39,250 --> 00:19:40,250 [Nate] In the woods? 310 00:19:41,083 --> 00:19:42,166 [woman] That's right. 311 00:19:42,250 --> 00:19:44,541 He found it during that meteor shower. 312 00:19:45,583 --> 00:19:46,500 I hate it. 313 00:19:47,875 --> 00:19:49,458 It smells and got hairs on it. 314 00:19:50,416 --> 00:19:53,541 I asked him to toss it in the bin, but he gave me such a look. 315 00:19:53,625 --> 00:19:55,291 [TV continues in background] 316 00:20:00,625 --> 00:20:03,458 Isn't there a shift change coming up at Braddock? 317 00:20:03,541 --> 00:20:04,625 About ten minutes. 318 00:20:05,875 --> 00:20:06,875 [low snarling] 319 00:20:09,041 --> 00:20:11,291 Lawrence, this is Craven. 320 00:20:11,375 --> 00:20:13,791 Meet me at the Braddock Forks Mine on the double. 321 00:20:13,875 --> 00:20:17,208 Muster whatever deputies you can. And, Sophie, call ahead. 322 00:20:17,291 --> 00:20:21,416 Suspect is a miner named Joe Allen or possibly Edward Sykes. 323 00:20:21,500 --> 00:20:22,666 Soon as you get there, 324 00:20:22,750 --> 00:20:25,666 lay down a perimeter and keep him buttoned the hell up. 325 00:20:25,750 --> 00:20:27,333 [digger engine chugs loudly] 326 00:20:30,375 --> 00:20:31,916 [unsettling music playing] 327 00:20:42,416 --> 00:20:46,458 [Nate] You got a Joe Allen on duty here today? 328 00:20:46,541 --> 00:20:48,041 [foreman] Joe Allen, yeah. 329 00:20:48,125 --> 00:20:51,125 Uh, let's go inside and see what we got for you, Sheriff. 330 00:20:55,708 --> 00:20:57,125 [indistinct chatter] 331 00:21:12,958 --> 00:21:13,791 Sheriff? 332 00:21:18,708 --> 00:21:20,291 He's right there, Sheriff. 333 00:21:21,250 --> 00:21:22,416 Joe Allen! 334 00:21:23,208 --> 00:21:25,250 -Hey, you. Freeze! -Hold it. Hold it. 335 00:21:28,291 --> 00:21:29,916 Hey. Hey! 336 00:21:34,041 --> 00:21:35,250 Get him! 337 00:21:35,958 --> 00:21:37,083 Hey! Hey! 338 00:21:37,166 --> 00:21:39,000 [clunking] 339 00:21:39,083 --> 00:21:41,541 [machinery whirs, whines] 340 00:21:49,833 --> 00:21:50,708 [Nate] Which way? 341 00:21:58,625 --> 00:22:00,958 [miner 1] Hey. What the hell are you doing? 342 00:22:01,041 --> 00:22:03,458 [miner 2] Joe? What the fuck are you doing up there? 343 00:22:03,541 --> 00:22:05,416 [Nate] Damn! Seal the exits! 344 00:22:07,833 --> 00:22:10,250 Hey. Hey! Stop that damn elevator! 345 00:22:10,333 --> 00:22:12,666 -[alarm sounds] -Bring that thing back up here! 346 00:22:12,750 --> 00:22:15,958 They're headed to the 260. I can stop them but not before the 92! 347 00:22:16,041 --> 00:22:18,250 I don't give a shit! Get it back up here! 348 00:22:18,333 --> 00:22:22,083 [Davis] No way out. How could he get out without coming back up the shaft? 349 00:22:22,166 --> 00:22:23,375 [Nate] Outta the way! 350 00:22:29,291 --> 00:22:31,041 -[distant explosion] -[growling] 351 00:22:31,125 --> 00:22:33,500 -[Nate gasps] -[explosion reverberates] 352 00:22:35,875 --> 00:22:36,875 [rocks clattering] 353 00:22:41,041 --> 00:22:42,750 [soft grunting] 354 00:22:47,791 --> 00:22:49,666 [eerie suspenseful music playing] 355 00:22:55,458 --> 00:22:57,375 [electricity buzzing] 356 00:22:59,291 --> 00:23:01,750 You think Allen set off the explosion? 357 00:23:01,833 --> 00:23:03,083 [Nate] He must have. 358 00:23:03,166 --> 00:23:04,500 Maybe it was intentional. 359 00:23:04,583 --> 00:23:05,583 Maybe it wasn't. 360 00:23:06,291 --> 00:23:09,291 Maybe it has something to do with that damn ball of his. 361 00:23:10,708 --> 00:23:12,541 No trace of that could we find, no. 362 00:23:14,250 --> 00:23:18,291 What I can't figure out is how did he know that thing was in my car? 363 00:23:19,125 --> 00:23:21,166 He could've made it to the tree line. 364 00:23:21,250 --> 00:23:25,500 Instead, he fetched that damn trophy of his. Hmm? 365 00:23:26,333 --> 00:23:28,041 Knowing that he was boxed in. 366 00:23:29,500 --> 00:23:30,583 Doesn't make any sense. 367 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:36,958 Listen, Carl. 368 00:23:40,291 --> 00:23:41,583 I can't ask you to… 369 00:23:43,541 --> 00:23:45,666 [mysterious music playing] 370 00:23:47,416 --> 00:23:48,541 [engine turns over] 371 00:24:06,458 --> 00:24:07,916 How far is the river? 372 00:24:09,416 --> 00:24:11,000 [Nate] About 100 yards or so. 373 00:24:11,500 --> 00:24:13,416 Good runs this time of year. 374 00:24:14,041 --> 00:24:17,666 I'll take you if you want to go as soon as we get through with this mess. 375 00:24:17,750 --> 00:24:18,583 [Carl] Yeah. 376 00:24:19,916 --> 00:24:21,000 I'd like that. 377 00:24:25,333 --> 00:24:26,166 Carl, 378 00:24:27,750 --> 00:24:28,708 what's going on? 379 00:24:33,583 --> 00:24:35,625 [clicks tongue] I have stomach cancer. 380 00:24:36,958 --> 00:24:38,500 Six months left, they say. 381 00:24:40,958 --> 00:24:41,916 Jesus. 382 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:42,916 It's okay. 383 00:24:43,666 --> 00:24:44,791 That's how it goes. 384 00:24:45,291 --> 00:24:46,583 No point complaining. 385 00:24:51,208 --> 00:24:53,666 You've made your peace with this thing, then? 386 00:24:54,458 --> 00:24:57,458 What's the alternative? Can't do anything about it. 387 00:24:58,583 --> 00:25:01,125 We're all on the same conveyor belt, Nate. 388 00:25:02,625 --> 00:25:05,625 Some of us fall off a bit sooner than the rest, but… 389 00:25:07,416 --> 00:25:10,041 we're all heading for the same destination. 390 00:25:19,416 --> 00:25:20,791 [car approaching] 391 00:25:36,375 --> 00:25:37,375 [Nate groans] 392 00:25:41,583 --> 00:25:43,500 Davis, this is Dr. Winters. 393 00:25:43,583 --> 00:25:46,541 [Davis] Dr. Winters, Sheriff. Everything's shipshape inside. 394 00:25:46,625 --> 00:25:48,458 How low did we get that temperature? 395 00:25:48,541 --> 00:25:51,208 [Davis] 36. Won't go no lower. Some kind of leak. 396 00:25:51,291 --> 00:25:52,833 That should be cold enough. 397 00:25:54,416 --> 00:25:56,791 [Davis] Brought a table from the meat plant and gurneys. 398 00:25:56,875 --> 00:25:59,500 [Carl] Thank you, Deputy Davis. That's just fine. 399 00:25:59,583 --> 00:26:01,958 [Nate] You can get on back. Be here sunup. 400 00:26:03,458 --> 00:26:06,041 I'm sorry we don't have a real facility. 401 00:26:08,041 --> 00:26:11,583 Brought a generator down from the mine. And some work lights. 402 00:26:12,750 --> 00:26:13,833 [door opens] 403 00:26:22,416 --> 00:26:24,250 [Nate] I know it's not ideal, 404 00:26:24,333 --> 00:26:25,208 but… 405 00:26:25,291 --> 00:26:26,291 [switches flipping] 406 00:26:28,625 --> 00:26:29,458 It'll work. 407 00:26:31,291 --> 00:26:33,750 [Nate] We got you set up as best we could there. 408 00:26:34,416 --> 00:26:36,041 Uh, phone's not hooked up, 409 00:26:36,125 --> 00:26:38,916 but there's a pay phone down at the gas station. 410 00:26:40,500 --> 00:26:43,541 I couldn't have asked for anything more, my friend. 411 00:26:45,500 --> 00:26:48,458 You, uh… ready to see 'em? 412 00:26:50,833 --> 00:26:51,666 Yeah. 413 00:26:51,750 --> 00:26:53,458 [unsettling music playing] 414 00:26:57,041 --> 00:26:58,000 [door creaks] 415 00:26:58,916 --> 00:27:01,500 [Nate] I told my deputies to give you a head start 416 00:27:02,083 --> 00:27:03,208 with the clothes. 417 00:27:05,333 --> 00:27:08,541 In fact, they only got as far as the boots, I'm afraid. 418 00:27:09,500 --> 00:27:11,166 [Carl] I'll have to thank them. 419 00:27:15,125 --> 00:27:16,750 [Nate] All except this guy. 420 00:27:18,875 --> 00:27:20,500 No one wanted to touch him. 421 00:27:21,291 --> 00:27:22,416 Fucking animal. 422 00:27:23,708 --> 00:27:26,208 I'm having crazy thoughts with this thing, Carl. 423 00:27:27,125 --> 00:27:28,458 [Carl] Let it lie, Nate. 424 00:27:32,708 --> 00:27:34,166 You need to go sleep. 425 00:27:34,750 --> 00:27:36,666 -[Nate] Yeah. Maybe you're right. -Mm. 426 00:27:36,750 --> 00:27:39,375 [Nate] I don't know. I just didn't want to leave you with this. 427 00:27:39,458 --> 00:27:43,041 -Are you sure you're up to this? -Take off the badge and lie down. 428 00:27:44,416 --> 00:27:47,708 I'll be lucky to get through more than just a few of them tonight. 429 00:27:47,791 --> 00:27:50,000 I'll press you into service in the morning. 430 00:27:52,125 --> 00:27:52,958 [Nate] Okay. 431 00:27:55,666 --> 00:27:56,500 Good night. 432 00:28:00,500 --> 00:28:03,416 [door creaks open, closes] 433 00:28:15,541 --> 00:28:17,333 [fading footsteps] 434 00:28:22,583 --> 00:28:24,541 This is Dr. Carl Winters, 435 00:28:24,625 --> 00:28:28,125 reporting pathologist for the Montague County Coroner's Office, 436 00:28:28,208 --> 00:28:30,291 recording my preliminary remarks 437 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:33,750 on the ten decedents of the Braddock Fork Mine incident. 438 00:28:33,833 --> 00:28:35,875 This recording's for you alone, Nate. 439 00:28:35,958 --> 00:28:39,125 My typed report will serve as the official record. 440 00:28:39,208 --> 00:28:44,000 The main cluster of decedents was uncovered 30 yards from suspect Allen. 441 00:28:44,083 --> 00:28:48,833 Decedents Jackson and Brady were found proximate to Allen. 442 00:28:48,916 --> 00:28:52,541 A man named Miller was found alone between the two groups. 443 00:28:52,625 --> 00:28:55,333 If any of the bodies contain bomb fragments, 444 00:28:56,500 --> 00:28:59,333 it would be this one. I'll start with Miller. 445 00:29:09,250 --> 00:29:10,250 [grunts] 446 00:29:11,291 --> 00:29:12,208 [groans] 447 00:29:12,291 --> 00:29:13,958 [unsettling music playing] 448 00:29:20,291 --> 00:29:22,083 [strained groaning] 449 00:29:25,625 --> 00:29:26,875 Come on. 450 00:29:26,958 --> 00:29:29,666 [exerted grunting] 451 00:29:33,916 --> 00:29:34,791 [grunts] 452 00:29:35,958 --> 00:29:39,416 [unsettling music intensifies, stops] 453 00:29:40,750 --> 00:29:42,125 [light buzzes] 454 00:29:43,291 --> 00:29:46,583 ♪ …have a pocketful of starlight ♪ 455 00:29:46,666 --> 00:29:50,666 ♪ Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket ♪ 456 00:29:50,750 --> 00:29:53,541 ♪ Never let it fade away ♪ 457 00:29:54,666 --> 00:29:55,958 ♪ Catch a falling star… ♪ 458 00:29:56,041 --> 00:29:59,083 I apologize for the indignity, my friend. 459 00:29:59,166 --> 00:30:02,000 If it's any comfort, I'm right behind you. 460 00:30:04,166 --> 00:30:09,000 ♪ For love may come And tap you on the shoulder ♪ 461 00:30:09,083 --> 00:30:11,458 ♪ Some starless night ♪ 462 00:30:12,500 --> 00:30:17,041 ♪ And just in case You feel you wanna hold her ♪ 463 00:30:17,916 --> 00:30:21,083 ♪ You'll have a pocketful of starlight ♪ 464 00:30:21,166 --> 00:30:23,458 ♪ A pocketful of starlight ♪ 465 00:30:25,125 --> 00:30:29,333 ♪ Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket ♪ 466 00:30:29,416 --> 00:30:31,708 ♪ Never let it fade away ♪ 467 00:30:33,166 --> 00:30:37,208 ♪ Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket ♪ 468 00:30:37,291 --> 00:30:39,375 ♪ Save it for a rainy day… ♪ 469 00:30:39,458 --> 00:30:40,333 Me again, Nate. 470 00:30:40,416 --> 00:30:43,208 Despite autolysis and putrefaction, 471 00:30:43,791 --> 00:30:47,583 I see signs not inconsistent with asphyxial death. 472 00:30:47,666 --> 00:30:52,291 I'll also examine him internally to establish a baseline. 473 00:30:54,791 --> 00:30:57,625 If I see anything anomalous on the other externals, 474 00:30:57,708 --> 00:31:00,583 well, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. 475 00:31:01,208 --> 00:31:02,041 [water flows] 476 00:31:02,125 --> 00:31:05,958 ♪ Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket ♪ 477 00:31:06,041 --> 00:31:08,666 ♪ Never let it fade away ♪ 478 00:31:09,958 --> 00:31:13,875 ♪ Catch a falling star And put it in your pocket ♪ 479 00:31:13,958 --> 00:31:16,958 ♪ Save it for a rainy day… ♪ 480 00:31:17,041 --> 00:31:19,041 There is blood-tinged mucus, 481 00:31:19,125 --> 00:31:21,791 expressed no doubt during his final agony. 482 00:31:21,875 --> 00:31:23,875 -[labored breathing] -[rocks clattering] 483 00:31:23,958 --> 00:31:25,291 [labored breathing stops] 484 00:31:26,833 --> 00:31:29,500 Dirt under the fingernails, split, 485 00:31:30,125 --> 00:31:32,333 presumably from clawing at the earth. 486 00:31:34,000 --> 00:31:35,125 [recorder squeaks] 487 00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:39,958 [Carl] My apologies, Mr. Miller. 488 00:31:41,625 --> 00:31:45,875 ♪ Spirit in the wood, take away the pain ♪ 489 00:31:45,958 --> 00:31:49,750 ♪ Make the body ripe and alive again ♪ 490 00:31:50,375 --> 00:31:53,541 ♪ I similau ♪ 491 00:31:53,625 --> 00:31:54,833 ♪ I similau ♪♪ 492 00:31:55,333 --> 00:31:56,750 ♪ I similau ♪ 493 00:31:56,833 --> 00:32:00,750 ♪ Spirit in the heart Make the blood flow fast ♪ 494 00:32:01,375 --> 00:32:04,916 ♪ Spirit in the heart Make the beauty last ♪ 495 00:32:05,750 --> 00:32:09,291 ♪ Keep the hope alive When the youth go past… ♪ 496 00:32:10,333 --> 00:32:12,625 [Carl] The lungs exhibit subpleural ecchymosis 497 00:32:13,291 --> 00:32:15,541 consistent with extreme blunt force trauma, 498 00:32:16,416 --> 00:32:18,166 probably from the explosion. 499 00:32:20,041 --> 00:32:21,416 [weighing scales creak] 500 00:32:22,375 --> 00:32:25,916 The right half of the heart is distended and engorged with dark blood, 501 00:32:26,000 --> 00:32:28,750 along with the right coronary artery. 502 00:32:29,333 --> 00:32:30,458 This is good, Nate. 503 00:32:30,541 --> 00:32:34,416 I see signs of respiratory distress, concussive trauma, 504 00:32:34,500 --> 00:32:36,291 but nothing says "bomb" to me, 505 00:32:36,375 --> 00:32:40,333 nothing to prevent a finding of death by crush asphyxiation. 506 00:32:40,416 --> 00:32:44,416 -Nothing for Waddleton to salivate over. -[foot pedal clunks] 507 00:32:47,333 --> 00:32:54,041 ♪ Somewhere there's music ♪ 508 00:32:55,375 --> 00:33:01,000 ♪ How faint the tune ♪ 509 00:33:04,458 --> 00:33:10,125 -♪ Somewhere there's heaven… ♪ -[grunts] 510 00:33:11,458 --> 00:33:16,083 ♪ How high the moon ♪ 511 00:33:18,083 --> 00:33:20,333 [creaking] 512 00:33:20,958 --> 00:33:24,083 [Carl's voice whispers] Run. Get out. Now. 513 00:33:24,833 --> 00:33:26,291 [unsettling music playing] 514 00:33:27,250 --> 00:33:28,333 Run from what? 515 00:33:30,791 --> 00:33:32,416 [door creaking] 516 00:33:41,583 --> 00:33:42,958 [water dripping] 517 00:33:59,458 --> 00:34:00,666 [Carl grunts] 518 00:34:06,416 --> 00:34:07,708 New external, Nate. 519 00:34:07,791 --> 00:34:09,666 One Walter Lou Jackson. 520 00:34:11,208 --> 00:34:15,250 Per your photos, Jackson was unearthed next to Allen. 521 00:34:16,125 --> 00:34:17,458 Nate, I keep thinking… 522 00:34:20,291 --> 00:34:23,500 What if the explosion wasn't a botched escape attempt? 523 00:34:23,583 --> 00:34:26,875 What if that sphere wasn't a bomb? 524 00:34:28,833 --> 00:34:32,333 What if the sphere's destruction was Allen's actual aim? 525 00:34:34,083 --> 00:34:35,083 Not escape? 526 00:34:36,291 --> 00:34:38,750 -[unsettling music playing] -[raspy breathing] 527 00:34:40,458 --> 00:34:43,708 [heartbeat rhythm] 528 00:34:53,875 --> 00:34:57,750 [Carl] I found a small wound at the bottom of Jackson's sternum. 529 00:34:59,333 --> 00:35:00,208 It's deep. 530 00:35:01,375 --> 00:35:03,958 Seems to curve through the diaphragm… 531 00:35:04,041 --> 00:35:05,375 [flesh squelching] 532 00:35:05,458 --> 00:35:06,458 …toward the heart. 533 00:35:10,208 --> 00:35:11,708 -[thrumming] -[light crackles] 534 00:35:17,375 --> 00:35:21,583 Forgive me, friend. My curiosity necessitates opening you up. 535 00:35:30,541 --> 00:35:32,458 [bones cracking] 536 00:35:34,041 --> 00:35:34,916 [Carl] Oh. 537 00:35:38,041 --> 00:35:40,166 The track of the wound does lead to the heart. 538 00:35:40,250 --> 00:35:43,083 The lungs and heart are shrunken and abnormally pale. 539 00:35:45,958 --> 00:35:48,125 Completely drained of blood. 540 00:35:52,958 --> 00:35:54,416 [gentle rumbling] 541 00:35:57,083 --> 00:35:58,625 [flesh squelches] 542 00:35:59,708 --> 00:36:01,375 [unsettling music continues] 543 00:36:05,916 --> 00:36:07,625 [doors squeak loudly] 544 00:36:20,791 --> 00:36:22,500 [refrigerator humming] 545 00:36:26,458 --> 00:36:27,958 [unsettling music intensifies] 546 00:36:34,125 --> 00:36:35,125 [grunts] 547 00:36:42,791 --> 00:36:44,000 [squelching] 548 00:36:54,375 --> 00:36:56,041 [suspenseful music playing] 549 00:37:00,791 --> 00:37:02,041 [sighs] 550 00:37:08,416 --> 00:37:10,375 -[scissors snipping] -[cloth tearing] 551 00:37:17,500 --> 00:37:18,916 [bones cracking] 552 00:37:20,916 --> 00:37:21,875 [sighs] 553 00:37:27,250 --> 00:37:28,750 [squelching] 554 00:37:28,833 --> 00:37:30,125 [gasps] 555 00:37:31,541 --> 00:37:32,541 [exhales sharply] 556 00:37:34,416 --> 00:37:36,375 There's no blood in Brady either. 557 00:37:36,458 --> 00:37:37,833 [heartbeat rhythm] 558 00:37:46,666 --> 00:37:48,166 Jackson, Brady… 559 00:37:53,333 --> 00:37:54,166 Allen. 560 00:38:06,291 --> 00:38:08,375 -[clunking] -[distant creaking] 561 00:38:15,833 --> 00:38:17,958 -[insects chirping] -[water dripping] 562 00:38:20,291 --> 00:38:22,750 [clunking, whirring] 563 00:38:26,958 --> 00:38:29,083 I'm thinking crazy thoughts, Nate. 564 00:38:30,208 --> 00:38:31,250 I'm thinking… 565 00:38:32,541 --> 00:38:35,375 I wonder if all that blood's in Allen's stomach. 566 00:38:42,708 --> 00:38:43,875 I'll examine him. 567 00:38:44,958 --> 00:38:46,833 [distant creaking] 568 00:38:53,666 --> 00:38:55,000 [door squeaking] 569 00:39:02,291 --> 00:39:03,916 [eerie music playing] 570 00:39:07,750 --> 00:39:09,625 [footsteps echoing] 571 00:39:18,458 --> 00:39:19,750 [flies buzzing] 572 00:39:22,500 --> 00:39:24,250 [loud snarling] 573 00:39:25,500 --> 00:39:26,750 [guttural growling] 574 00:39:30,375 --> 00:39:31,958 [shuffling] 575 00:39:32,041 --> 00:39:33,083 [guttural grunt] 576 00:39:36,500 --> 00:39:38,166 [disconcerting music playing] 577 00:39:40,333 --> 00:39:42,791 -[flesh creaking] -[low moaning] 578 00:39:46,666 --> 00:39:48,750 [low moaning, whimpering] 579 00:39:56,041 --> 00:39:58,291 [approaching thuds] 580 00:40:01,541 --> 00:40:03,375 [doors creak eerily] 581 00:40:05,708 --> 00:40:07,625 [unsettling suspenseful music playing] 582 00:40:10,625 --> 00:40:12,041 [guttural groaning] 583 00:40:15,500 --> 00:40:16,416 [scalpel clatters] 584 00:40:21,041 --> 00:40:23,208 [muffled groaning] 585 00:40:28,458 --> 00:40:30,125 [breathing heavily, groaning] 586 00:40:45,500 --> 00:40:47,958 -[squelching] -[low snarling] 587 00:40:49,250 --> 00:40:50,416 [whispers] Help me. 588 00:40:51,416 --> 00:40:53,041 [Allen breathes raspily] 589 00:40:53,125 --> 00:40:54,500 Trapped in this… 590 00:40:55,458 --> 00:40:56,375 flesh. 591 00:40:56,875 --> 00:40:57,833 Starving. 592 00:40:57,916 --> 00:40:58,875 [groans softly] 593 00:40:59,458 --> 00:41:00,833 What are you? 594 00:41:00,916 --> 00:41:01,833 I'm a traveler. 595 00:41:03,875 --> 00:41:05,791 -Not of Earth. -I don't-- 596 00:41:05,875 --> 00:41:07,750 My true form is small. 597 00:41:08,416 --> 00:41:09,333 Shape… 598 00:41:10,083 --> 00:41:11,208 hideous to you. 599 00:41:11,958 --> 00:41:13,416 I feared death. 600 00:41:14,625 --> 00:41:15,875 The cave-in. 601 00:41:15,958 --> 00:41:18,166 -[raspy breathing] -[Carl] Death was your escape. 602 00:41:20,791 --> 00:41:22,375 Maybe you don't need oxygen. 603 00:41:25,083 --> 00:41:28,083 A lesser component of our metabolism. 604 00:41:36,791 --> 00:41:38,291 Was the sphere… 605 00:41:38,375 --> 00:41:39,375 [Allen] My ship? 606 00:41:40,291 --> 00:41:44,250 Its destruction is our first duty facing discovery. 607 00:41:45,916 --> 00:41:49,083 There was no chance to re-enter. Leaving this takes too long. 608 00:41:49,166 --> 00:41:52,291 So in the shaft was my only chance. 609 00:41:53,041 --> 00:41:54,791 [Carl] Why must your ship be destroyed? 610 00:41:55,791 --> 00:41:57,625 [Allen] We must not be understood. 611 00:41:58,125 --> 00:41:58,958 Why not? 612 00:42:00,375 --> 00:42:01,875 [Allen] Put down the knife. 613 00:42:03,583 --> 00:42:04,833 Do it now. 614 00:42:04,916 --> 00:42:06,833 For we are friends, Doctor. 615 00:42:06,916 --> 00:42:10,416 Livestock must not understand what devours it? 616 00:42:10,500 --> 00:42:14,416 Oh, fret not. You will understand what devours you. 617 00:42:14,500 --> 00:42:16,708 That is essential. [gasps] 618 00:42:16,791 --> 00:42:19,666 [moans appreciatively, moans knowingly] 619 00:42:19,750 --> 00:42:22,833 I can smell your cancer, Doctor. 620 00:42:22,916 --> 00:42:25,416 [inhales] It is delicious. 621 00:42:26,833 --> 00:42:31,333 Come, let me rid you of it. I will love you. 622 00:42:31,416 --> 00:42:33,166 [flesh squelching] 623 00:42:33,250 --> 00:42:37,000 That body will be your coffin. I'll see you buried in it. 624 00:42:37,083 --> 00:42:38,625 [ominous orchestration] 625 00:42:38,708 --> 00:42:40,375 [squelching] 626 00:42:41,250 --> 00:42:42,875 [wet rumbling] 627 00:42:42,958 --> 00:42:44,375 [eerie chittering] 628 00:42:44,458 --> 00:42:46,458 [otherworldly music playing] 629 00:42:49,750 --> 00:42:51,541 [choked gasping] 630 00:42:51,625 --> 00:42:53,000 [whimpers, gasps] 631 00:42:56,500 --> 00:42:57,500 [strained creaking] 632 00:42:58,500 --> 00:42:59,791 [creaking] 633 00:42:59,875 --> 00:43:01,166 [gasps] 634 00:43:06,791 --> 00:43:08,375 -[raspy breathing] -[Allen gasps] 635 00:43:09,791 --> 00:43:11,333 [slithering] 636 00:43:14,375 --> 00:43:15,750 [Allen] It's rotten blood. 637 00:43:16,375 --> 00:43:17,500 Thin nourishment. 638 00:43:18,500 --> 00:43:21,583 Animating this and synapsing with you is high cost. 639 00:43:21,666 --> 00:43:24,791 Once you and I are one, I will be near starvation again. 640 00:43:26,333 --> 00:43:28,708 -[footsteps approach] -[panicked breathing] 641 00:43:34,375 --> 00:43:36,000 [groans softly, coughs] 642 00:43:49,458 --> 00:43:50,291 [Allen grunts] 643 00:43:50,375 --> 00:43:51,583 [fan creaks] 644 00:43:52,250 --> 00:43:53,916 [strained groaning] 645 00:43:55,708 --> 00:43:56,833 [Carl sighs] 646 00:43:58,791 --> 00:44:02,666 -But you are a prize host, Dr. Winters. -[Carl gasps] 647 00:44:03,333 --> 00:44:06,875 Through you, I can feed even when killing is too dangerous. 648 00:44:07,500 --> 00:44:10,416 Meals are delivered to you still warm. 649 00:44:11,875 --> 00:44:14,333 What the hell are you doing? 650 00:44:14,416 --> 00:44:19,166 Well, we mustn't raise suspicion. The cut must be forensically correct. 651 00:44:24,250 --> 00:44:28,000 Have to be careful of the pectoral muscles or I'll lose the use of these arms. 652 00:44:29,875 --> 00:44:31,083 [cloth tearing] 653 00:44:35,166 --> 00:44:36,416 Why is my arm free? 654 00:44:37,000 --> 00:44:40,208 Final neural splicing requires a sensory-motor standard 655 00:44:40,291 --> 00:44:42,166 to perfect my brain's fit to yours. 656 00:44:43,333 --> 00:44:47,750 The rest of you is paralyzed, but once this is done I will unbind you, 657 00:44:47,833 --> 00:44:49,958 and we will be free together. 658 00:44:52,291 --> 00:44:54,333 You're going to transfer yourself 659 00:44:54,958 --> 00:44:56,666 from Allen into me? 660 00:44:58,041 --> 00:44:58,875 Correct. 661 00:45:00,625 --> 00:45:01,458 How? 662 00:45:02,375 --> 00:45:04,791 Well, normally via the alimentary canal. 663 00:45:04,875 --> 00:45:06,416 [suspenseful music playing] 664 00:45:06,500 --> 00:45:07,875 [Allen] You see, over eons, 665 00:45:07,958 --> 00:45:14,125 we have become perfectly streamlined to facilitate our entry into other beings. 666 00:45:14,208 --> 00:45:18,208 As a larva, I entered Eddie Sykes’ mouth as he slept. 667 00:45:18,875 --> 00:45:20,916 But I've grown since then. 668 00:45:21,583 --> 00:45:23,458 Oh, how I have grown. 669 00:45:24,083 --> 00:45:26,125 We will have to make an incision. 670 00:45:26,208 --> 00:45:27,375 [flesh squelching] 671 00:45:27,458 --> 00:45:31,500 [Carl] You're going to use your puppet there to pluck you out. 672 00:45:32,250 --> 00:45:34,166 But once he's dislodged you, 673 00:45:35,083 --> 00:45:36,875 won't he go limp and drop you? 674 00:45:38,333 --> 00:45:40,958 [Allen] I am quite more familiar with your physiology 675 00:45:41,041 --> 00:45:42,666 than even you, Doctor. 676 00:45:43,458 --> 00:45:46,291 I know what I can and cannot cut. 677 00:45:49,333 --> 00:45:53,666 The most supreme adaptations are purchased at the cost of inessentials. 678 00:45:53,750 --> 00:45:58,125 Our hosts already carry structures for sight, sound, smell, locomotion. 679 00:45:58,875 --> 00:46:02,416 It'd be quite redundant to carry those capacities ourselves. 680 00:46:03,041 --> 00:46:04,625 So we travel light. 681 00:46:04,708 --> 00:46:07,958 No quaint fins or stalks or feathers 682 00:46:08,041 --> 00:46:09,791 terminating in hooks or… 683 00:46:10,333 --> 00:46:12,000 suckers or little digits. 684 00:46:12,750 --> 00:46:14,458 We've no use for any of it, 685 00:46:15,000 --> 00:46:16,416 for we have transcended. 686 00:46:16,916 --> 00:46:18,583 -[Allen laughs] -[Carl sighs] 687 00:46:19,791 --> 00:46:21,541 [Allen] Have I amused you, Doctor? 688 00:46:22,458 --> 00:46:24,500 You are truly self-deluded. 689 00:46:25,250 --> 00:46:26,958 You're stalling for time. 690 00:46:27,041 --> 00:46:28,500 It's already too late. 691 00:46:29,083 --> 00:46:31,166 You really don't see it, do you? 692 00:46:31,250 --> 00:46:33,458 -[Allen] See what? -You're jealous. 693 00:46:35,375 --> 00:46:36,291 Absurd. 694 00:46:36,375 --> 00:46:38,500 You have no senses of your own. 695 00:46:39,125 --> 00:46:41,000 You have to steal them from others. 696 00:46:41,083 --> 00:46:43,250 We have inhabited men for millennia. 697 00:46:44,291 --> 00:46:46,625 We have caused great nations to fall. 698 00:46:48,375 --> 00:46:51,291 -We have shaped– -You've stolen everything you ever had. 699 00:46:51,791 --> 00:46:55,791 You're nothing but a thief and murderer. A parasite. You're pathetic. 700 00:46:56,291 --> 00:46:59,125 You're nothing but cancer with a big mouth. 701 00:47:00,583 --> 00:47:02,750 Your friend, the sheriff, will come soon. 702 00:47:03,500 --> 00:47:05,000 Sunup, I believe. 703 00:47:05,916 --> 00:47:08,708 He will make a fine first meal for us. 704 00:47:09,458 --> 00:47:11,375 His flesh will nurture our body, 705 00:47:11,458 --> 00:47:15,333 and your anguish as we consume him will nurture my soul. 706 00:47:15,416 --> 00:47:18,583 To say nothing at all of his. 707 00:47:20,875 --> 00:47:23,000 Now where will we begin? 708 00:47:23,583 --> 00:47:25,500 You know, it's a curious problem. 709 00:47:25,583 --> 00:47:29,583 With careful flensing of the superior and inferior extremities, 710 00:47:29,666 --> 00:47:34,166 leaving the primary arteries intact, a man can live for hours. 711 00:47:35,000 --> 00:47:38,958 Oh, you can harvest meat all the way to the coxal region before he dies. 712 00:47:39,583 --> 00:47:41,208 He offers up his pain 713 00:47:41,291 --> 00:47:43,083 along with his protein. 714 00:47:43,166 --> 00:47:46,250 Finally, we can harvest the arteries at our leisure. 715 00:47:46,833 --> 00:47:50,958 But of course, the, uh, flesh of the extremities is tough. 716 00:47:51,666 --> 00:47:53,083 Now aside from the rump, 717 00:47:53,166 --> 00:47:55,958 the organs are most toothsome, 718 00:47:56,708 --> 00:47:58,916 but bring death much faster. 719 00:47:59,916 --> 00:48:02,791 You think about it. Let me know which you prefer. 720 00:48:03,833 --> 00:48:04,833 Either way, 721 00:48:04,916 --> 00:48:08,500 as I use your hands to haul forth his smoking entrails, 722 00:48:08,583 --> 00:48:10,875 and your mouth to guzzle them down, 723 00:48:10,958 --> 00:48:17,083 the repeated orgasms that we will have with your loins will be astounding. 724 00:48:19,125 --> 00:48:21,833 You called yourselves our livestock, 725 00:48:22,666 --> 00:48:24,583 but you're so much more. 726 00:48:25,458 --> 00:48:29,375 I could've eked two weeks out of Brady and Jackson if that was all. 727 00:48:29,958 --> 00:48:33,208 But I reinvested half the energy their blood gave me 728 00:48:33,708 --> 00:48:35,583 to keep their brains alive. 729 00:48:36,125 --> 00:48:40,458 That way I could whisper directly into their eighth cranial nerves. 730 00:48:40,541 --> 00:48:45,416 Just to make sure they understood everything that I was doing to them. 731 00:48:46,791 --> 00:48:47,916 And Eddie Sykes? 732 00:48:48,750 --> 00:48:51,916 [Allen] Oh, yes. He is here with us right now. 733 00:48:52,000 --> 00:48:54,083 Mute and powerless 734 00:48:54,791 --> 00:48:56,375 as I disembowel him. 735 00:49:03,458 --> 00:49:05,000 You're forgetting something. 736 00:49:05,916 --> 00:49:07,666 I forget nothing. 737 00:49:09,083 --> 00:49:11,541 Your arrogance makes you stupid. 738 00:49:11,625 --> 00:49:14,916 What have I forgotten, sweet doctor? 739 00:49:16,708 --> 00:49:17,666 Never mind. 740 00:49:18,875 --> 00:49:23,125 [Allen] I will know every thought in your head in just a few moments, 741 00:49:24,125 --> 00:49:27,833 all your memories, your senses. 742 00:49:28,583 --> 00:49:30,125 -And your fear. -[ship snarls] 743 00:49:30,916 --> 00:49:32,625 [Allen] Your suffering… 744 00:49:35,166 --> 00:49:37,458 all mine. 745 00:49:42,041 --> 00:49:43,958 [crunching, slithering] 746 00:49:44,041 --> 00:49:45,000 [satisfied gasping] 747 00:49:46,041 --> 00:49:48,458 [Allen] All mine. 748 00:49:48,541 --> 00:49:50,291 [low snarling] 749 00:49:52,333 --> 00:49:54,333 [otherworldly warbling, chittering] 750 00:49:54,958 --> 00:49:56,375 [Carl shudders] 751 00:49:58,666 --> 00:50:00,500 -[Carl whimpers] -[traveler snarls] 752 00:50:11,541 --> 00:50:13,083 [Carl whimpers] 753 00:50:15,166 --> 00:50:16,708 [Carl winces, whimpers] 754 00:50:17,458 --> 00:50:19,000 [traveler slithers] 755 00:50:23,250 --> 00:50:24,833 All mine. 756 00:50:24,916 --> 00:50:26,666 [traveler slithers, growls softly] 757 00:50:35,458 --> 00:50:37,000 [Carl moans] 758 00:50:37,083 --> 00:50:39,833 [gasps, whimpers] 759 00:50:39,916 --> 00:50:41,541 [eerie music playing] 760 00:50:42,708 --> 00:50:44,583 [traveler snarls] 761 00:50:44,666 --> 00:50:46,541 [Carl breathes shakily] 762 00:50:46,625 --> 00:50:50,500 Sykes knew you'd be blind and deaf once you were out of him, 763 00:50:50,583 --> 00:50:52,791 you sadistic bastard. 764 00:50:53,583 --> 00:50:55,250 [Carl grunts, chuckles] 765 00:50:55,333 --> 00:50:56,458 [Carl] Oh! 766 00:50:57,458 --> 00:50:58,375 Here. 767 00:50:58,458 --> 00:50:59,708 [traveler snarls] 768 00:50:59,791 --> 00:51:00,958 [Carl grunts] 769 00:51:01,041 --> 00:51:02,958 [frustrated wailing] 770 00:51:03,958 --> 00:51:05,500 -[strained gasping] -[slithering] 771 00:51:06,375 --> 00:51:08,208 There must… there must be a way. 772 00:51:08,291 --> 00:51:10,041 [solemn string music playing] 773 00:51:12,208 --> 00:51:14,833 -Not to survive, but… -[traveler slithers] 774 00:51:26,625 --> 00:51:28,333 [gasps, choked grunts] 775 00:51:36,666 --> 00:51:37,666 [Carl whimpers] 776 00:51:39,708 --> 00:51:42,250 -[strained grunting] -[slurping] 777 00:51:42,958 --> 00:51:45,166 [Carl whimpers, breathes shakily] 778 00:51:52,583 --> 00:51:54,333 [whimpers] 779 00:51:54,416 --> 00:51:56,875 -[crunch] -[Carl yells painfully] 780 00:52:00,041 --> 00:52:02,458 [pained cries] 781 00:52:02,541 --> 00:52:04,250 -[crunch] -[yells painfully] 782 00:52:04,333 --> 00:52:05,625 [anguished wailing] 783 00:52:05,708 --> 00:52:07,291 [traveler chitters, snarls] 784 00:52:07,875 --> 00:52:09,041 [pained yelping] 785 00:52:13,208 --> 00:52:14,458 [choked gasping] 786 00:52:19,375 --> 00:52:20,958 [squelching] 787 00:52:22,083 --> 00:52:23,375 [choked gasping] 788 00:52:31,791 --> 00:52:33,625 [squelching, cracking] 789 00:52:33,708 --> 00:52:35,291 [wet slithering, warbling] 790 00:52:42,458 --> 00:52:44,291 [ominous music playing] 791 00:52:51,958 --> 00:52:53,500 [synapses whizzing] 792 00:52:58,333 --> 00:53:00,541 [otherworldly warbling] 793 00:53:08,250 --> 00:53:10,083 [low snarling] 794 00:53:26,375 --> 00:53:27,750 [Allen] What have you done? 795 00:53:28,250 --> 00:53:32,583 [Carl] We're communicating through my eighth cranial nerve now, right? 796 00:53:32,666 --> 00:53:34,125 [Allen] Where am I? 797 00:53:34,625 --> 00:53:39,250 [Carl] You are in your new home, but you won't be occupying it for long. 798 00:53:39,791 --> 00:53:42,416 There's been some vandalism, I'm afraid. 799 00:53:42,500 --> 00:53:43,833 The lights don't work. 800 00:53:43,916 --> 00:53:47,291 You'll also find the neighborhood a bit quiet. 801 00:53:47,875 --> 00:53:49,875 [Allen] I can still make you move. 802 00:53:52,125 --> 00:53:54,666 We will await your friend's arrival. 803 00:53:55,708 --> 00:53:57,541 And when he comes close, I will-- 804 00:53:58,208 --> 00:54:02,208 [Carl] I should mention the plumbing has a terminal leak. 805 00:54:04,041 --> 00:54:08,166 You only have a few more minutes before I bleed out. 806 00:54:09,125 --> 00:54:11,625 [Allen] I will live. 807 00:54:14,458 --> 00:54:15,791 [footsteps echoing] 808 00:54:16,791 --> 00:54:18,916 [Allen snarls] I will live. 809 00:54:21,458 --> 00:54:24,041 [Carl] Wouldn't you like to know what you forgot? 810 00:54:25,083 --> 00:54:29,291 The whole time you were forcing poor Sykes to slice himself up, 811 00:54:29,375 --> 00:54:31,083 you were being recorded. 812 00:54:31,166 --> 00:54:32,166 [Allen] No. 813 00:54:32,250 --> 00:54:34,166 [Carl] My tape machine was running. 814 00:54:34,250 --> 00:54:35,625 [Allen] Oh no, no, no, no. 815 00:54:35,708 --> 00:54:37,583 [Carl] The tape ran out a while ago, 816 00:54:38,125 --> 00:54:40,416 but I'm sure the portion that's left 817 00:54:40,916 --> 00:54:45,625 will make for interesting listening when my friend arrives. 818 00:54:45,708 --> 00:54:46,916 [Carl laughs] 819 00:54:47,000 --> 00:54:48,625 [Allen roars] Let me out! 820 00:54:49,916 --> 00:54:51,875 [Carl laughs] 821 00:54:57,958 --> 00:54:59,791 [distant thud, metallic clattering] 822 00:55:10,500 --> 00:55:12,250 [somber music playing] 823 00:55:23,791 --> 00:55:24,625 [Nate] Carl. 824 00:55:32,750 --> 00:55:34,875 [ominous suspenseful music playing] 825 00:55:41,416 --> 00:55:43,000 [ominous orchestration] 826 00:55:43,083 --> 00:55:45,625 [tape recorder whirs] 827 00:55:52,083 --> 00:55:53,833 [recording plays] This is Dr. Carl Winters, 828 00:55:53,916 --> 00:55:57,041 reporting pathologist for the Montague County Coroner's Office. 829 00:55:57,125 --> 00:55:59,500 I'm leaving this recording for you alone, Nate. 830 00:55:59,583 --> 00:56:02,750 My typed report will serve as the official record… 831 00:56:07,083 --> 00:56:09,666 [solemn eerie music playing] 832 00:57:02,250 --> 00:57:05,208 [thunder rumbles, claps]