1 00:00:12,291 --> 00:00:15,916 MACE: You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force. 2 00:00:17,416 --> 00:00:19,166 You believe it's this boy? 3 00:00:23,375 --> 00:00:26,625 Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi. 4 00:00:28,416 --> 00:00:31,250 YODA: Clouded this boy's future is. 5 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:36,375 The boy is dangerous. They all sense it. Why can't you? 6 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:39,583 An apprentice you have, Qui-Gon. 7 00:00:39,666 --> 00:00:41,875 Impossible to take on a second. 8 00:00:41,958 --> 00:00:44,416 -Obi-Wan is ready. -I am ready to face the trials. 9 00:00:50,250 --> 00:00:52,000 QUI-GON: You've been a good apprentice, Obi-Wan. 10 00:00:54,458 --> 00:00:56,166 No! 11 00:00:57,166 --> 00:00:59,291 QUI-GON: I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight. 12 00:00:59,375 --> 00:01:00,833 Obi-Wan. 13 00:01:00,916 --> 00:01:02,916 Promise me you will train the boy. 14 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:04,500 Yes, Master. 15 00:01:04,583 --> 00:01:08,000 He will bring balance. 16 00:01:08,416 --> 00:01:11,541 Master Yoda, I gave Qui-Gon my word. 17 00:01:12,208 --> 00:01:15,000 YODA: Your apprentice Skywalker will be. 18 00:01:19,541 --> 00:01:20,541 What took you so long? 19 00:01:23,583 --> 00:01:25,250 ANAKIN: Obi-Wan is a great mentor. 20 00:01:26,208 --> 00:01:27,500 As wise as Master Yoda 21 00:01:28,958 --> 00:01:30,875 and as powerful as Master Windu. 22 00:01:31,500 --> 00:01:33,791 PALPATINE: You are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met. 23 00:01:35,458 --> 00:01:38,333 I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi. 24 00:01:39,666 --> 00:01:40,708 ANAKIN: I feel lost. 25 00:01:41,833 --> 00:01:44,708 Lost? What do you mean? 26 00:01:44,791 --> 00:01:47,416 ANAKIN: I'm not the Jedi I should be. I want more. 27 00:01:48,083 --> 00:01:49,083 And I know I shouldn't. 28 00:01:50,041 --> 00:01:51,791 How do you know the ways of the Force? 29 00:01:52,875 --> 00:01:55,541 My mentor taught me everything about the Force. 30 00:01:56,583 --> 00:01:59,291 Even the nature of the dark side 31 00:02:00,916 --> 00:02:02,500 Only through me 32 00:02:02,583 --> 00:02:06,208 can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. 33 00:02:06,416 --> 00:02:08,125 (GASPING) I can't. 34 00:02:08,583 --> 00:02:09,708 Don't give up, Padmé. 35 00:02:11,166 --> 00:02:13,333 PALPATINE: The power to save Padmé. 36 00:02:14,083 --> 00:02:16,166 ANAKIN: I found a way to save you. 37 00:02:16,250 --> 00:02:21,250 YODA: Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. 38 00:02:22,875 --> 00:02:25,708 The boy you trained, gone he is. 39 00:02:25,791 --> 00:02:27,250 I will not kill Anakin. 40 00:02:29,791 --> 00:02:31,958 This is the end for you, my master. 41 00:02:32,583 --> 00:02:33,958 I have failed you, Anakin. 42 00:02:34,916 --> 00:02:35,916 I have failed you. 43 00:02:37,708 --> 00:02:40,708 It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground. 44 00:02:40,791 --> 00:02:43,458 You underestimate my power. 45 00:02:43,708 --> 00:02:45,208 (ANAKIN SCREAMING) 46 00:02:46,458 --> 00:02:48,208 You were the Chosen One! 47 00:02:48,291 --> 00:02:51,166 It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! 48 00:02:54,125 --> 00:02:55,666 He's still alive. 49 00:03:01,041 --> 00:03:02,833 OBI-WAN: You were my brother, Anakin. 50 00:03:05,166 --> 00:03:09,958 PALPATINE: You shall be known as Darth Vader. 51 00:03:11,166 --> 00:03:12,250 PADMÉ: Obi-Wan? 52 00:03:13,041 --> 00:03:14,833 There's good in him. (BREATHING HEAVILY) 53 00:03:16,958 --> 00:03:18,041 PALPATINE: Rise. 54 00:03:20,916 --> 00:03:24,500 YODA: Hidden, safe the children must be kept. 55 00:03:27,250 --> 00:03:28,583 OBI-WAN: We must take them somewhere 56 00:03:28,666 --> 00:03:30,708 where the Sith will not sense their presence. 57 00:03:32,041 --> 00:03:33,791 My wife and I will take the girl. 58 00:03:34,500 --> 00:03:36,916 We've always talked of adopting a baby girl. 59 00:03:37,708 --> 00:03:38,708 PADMÉ: Leia. 60 00:03:38,791 --> 00:03:39,791 And what of the boy? 61 00:03:40,208 --> 00:03:41,208 PADMÉ: Luke. 62 00:03:41,375 --> 00:03:44,000 To Tatooine. To his family send him. 63 00:03:44,083 --> 00:03:46,041 I will take the child and watch over him. 64 00:03:48,083 --> 00:03:49,333 YODA: In your solitude... 65 00:03:50,041 --> 00:03:51,875 training I have for you. 66 00:03:51,958 --> 00:03:53,916 Your old master. 67 00:03:54,458 --> 00:03:57,541 How to commune with him I will teach you. 68 00:04:50,041 --> 00:04:51,041 (WHOOSHING) 69 00:04:51,875 --> 00:04:53,208 (ALL GASPING) 70 00:04:54,375 --> 00:04:55,875 FEMALE YOUNGLING 1: This way! Quick! 71 00:04:56,291 --> 00:05:00,333 -(CLONE TROOPER GRUNTS) -(VELTI GRUNTS) 72 00:05:01,083 --> 00:05:02,083 Come on! Let's go! 73 00:05:02,166 --> 00:05:04,416 MALE YOUNGLING: Let's go! FEMALE YOUNGLING 1: This way! 74 00:05:07,083 --> 00:05:08,083 Come on! Let's go! 75 00:05:08,166 --> 00:05:10,500 FEMALE YOUNGLING 1: This way. FEMALE YOUNGLING 2: Hurry! 76 00:05:10,625 --> 00:05:12,125 (VELTI GRUNTING) 77 00:05:12,208 --> 00:05:13,666 FEMALE YOUNGLING 1: Watch out! 78 00:05:15,166 --> 00:05:16,666 (CLONE TROOPER SCREAMS) 79 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:18,750 Come on! Move! Quick! 80 00:05:19,125 --> 00:05:22,125 (VELTI GRUNTING) 81 00:05:23,291 --> 00:05:26,000 -Go. Come on! Go. Go! Go! -Run! This way! Hurry! 82 00:05:27,000 --> 00:05:29,500 (GRUNTING CONTINUES) 83 00:05:34,083 --> 00:05:36,083 (VELTI GROANING) 84 00:05:36,208 --> 00:05:37,375 FEMALE YOUNGLING 1: No! 85 00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:41,250 -(BLASTERS FIRING IN DISTANCE) -(JEDIS GRUNTING, GROANING) 86 00:05:41,750 --> 00:05:42,750 What do we do now? 87 00:05:43,625 --> 00:05:44,625 We run. 88 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:47,750 (JEDIS GROANING) 89 00:05:47,875 --> 00:05:50,875 PALPATINE: (ON SPEAKERS) Execute Order 66. 90 00:05:51,750 --> 00:05:54,916 Execute Order 66. 91 00:05:55,958 --> 00:05:59,375 Execute Order 66. 92 00:06:12,750 --> 00:06:14,750 (WIND WHISTLING) 93 00:06:19,875 --> 00:06:22,166 (INDISTINCT CHATTER IN OTHER LANGUAGES) 94 00:06:30,625 --> 00:06:33,708 (SPACECRAFT WHOOSHING) 95 00:06:33,791 --> 00:06:36,000 (JAWAS SPEAKING JAWAESE) 96 00:07:01,916 --> 00:07:05,666 (ALL MURMURING INDISTINCTLY) 97 00:08:00,208 --> 00:08:01,583 (GROWLS) 98 00:08:18,500 --> 00:08:19,750 (GRAND INQUISITOR CLEARS THROAT) 99 00:08:31,583 --> 00:08:34,250 You know who we are. 100 00:08:34,916 --> 00:08:35,916 Inquisitors. 101 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:37,958 You know what we do? 102 00:08:38,041 --> 00:08:39,291 You hunt Jedi. 103 00:08:39,375 --> 00:08:44,541 In actuality, I would say the Jedi hunt themselves. 104 00:08:49,541 --> 00:08:53,458 Do you know the key to hunting a Jedi, friend? 105 00:08:54,750 --> 00:08:56,583 It is patience. 106 00:08:59,583 --> 00:09:02,083 Jedi cannot help what they are. 107 00:09:03,708 --> 00:09:06,291 Their compassion leaves a trail. 108 00:09:07,166 --> 00:09:13,250 For example, in our line of work, rumors run rampant. 109 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:16,000 Here's one I heard just recently. 110 00:09:16,083 --> 00:09:21,416 It involves a Jedi hiding right here in your lovely saloon. 111 00:09:23,208 --> 00:09:26,166 Let's say ours is a wanderer. 112 00:09:27,458 --> 00:09:29,666 Maybe he's looking for people like him. 113 00:09:30,833 --> 00:09:33,583 Comes across this establishment. 114 00:09:33,666 --> 00:09:34,750 Nice place. 115 00:09:36,250 --> 00:09:39,833 And then he sees you. 116 00:09:41,750 --> 00:09:42,916 A man in need. 117 00:09:45,500 --> 00:09:47,750 Perhaps the locals are stealing from you. 118 00:09:49,166 --> 00:09:50,458 Threatening you. 119 00:09:51,041 --> 00:09:53,791 So what is the Jedi to do? 120 00:09:56,708 --> 00:10:00,166 Help you and risk exposure? 121 00:10:02,250 --> 00:10:03,333 Or move on? 122 00:10:04,541 --> 00:10:09,833 Now, if he were smart, he'd keep moving, but the Jedi Code is like an itch. 123 00:10:09,916 --> 00:10:11,750 He cannot help it. 124 00:10:11,833 --> 00:10:15,208 So he steps in and saves your saloon. 125 00:10:15,291 --> 00:10:17,833 You offer him a place to hide. 126 00:10:17,916 --> 00:10:20,291 Fresh water, shade from the suns, 127 00:10:20,375 --> 00:10:24,541 but the stories, they begin and they travel quickly. 128 00:10:24,625 --> 00:10:27,666 His compassion has been his undoing. 129 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:29,500 -(GRUNTS) -(GASPS) 130 00:10:34,375 --> 00:10:35,458 REVA: There. 131 00:10:35,583 --> 00:10:37,958 -(NARI GRUNTING) -(PEOPLE GASPING) 132 00:10:38,041 --> 00:10:40,958 -(GROWLS) -(GRUNTING) 133 00:10:41,041 --> 00:10:42,833 (CROWD GASPING) 134 00:10:42,916 --> 00:10:44,416 Prepare him for interrogation. 135 00:10:44,500 --> 00:10:46,958 You're wasting your time. You know that, right? 136 00:10:47,833 --> 00:10:48,958 You'll never find us all. 137 00:10:49,333 --> 00:10:51,875 -(GRUNTING) -(GROANING) 138 00:10:52,958 --> 00:10:55,708 -(GROANS) -(BREATHING HEAVILY) 139 00:10:55,791 --> 00:10:58,125 -(GRUNTS) -(CROWD EXCLAIMING) 140 00:10:58,208 --> 00:11:01,750 (CROWD MUTTERING) 141 00:11:03,500 --> 00:11:05,166 GRAND INQUISITOR: You are reckless. 142 00:11:06,458 --> 00:11:07,625 Why chase after scraps? 143 00:11:07,708 --> 00:11:10,041 Scraps are all we have left. 144 00:11:10,125 --> 00:11:11,750 Then we should be hunting bigger prey. 145 00:11:11,833 --> 00:11:14,958 He is not yours to find. We are past this, Third Sister. 146 00:11:15,041 --> 00:11:16,916 I will not warn you again. 147 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:21,458 You will forget this fixation with Kenobi, or I will relieve you of your duties. 148 00:11:21,541 --> 00:11:22,625 Is that clear? 149 00:11:24,875 --> 00:11:27,083 Yes, Grand Inquisitor. 150 00:11:32,916 --> 00:11:34,541 (SOFTLY) Consider him forgotten. 151 00:11:57,541 --> 00:12:01,458 (WIND WHOOSHING) 152 00:12:08,166 --> 00:12:10,208 (WORKERS CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 153 00:12:10,625 --> 00:12:14,875 (PANTING) 154 00:12:14,958 --> 00:12:16,041 (GRUNTS) 155 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:19,541 (FOREMEN SHOUTING ORDERS) 156 00:12:20,041 --> 00:12:23,041 (INDISTINCT CHATTER CONTINUES) 157 00:12:32,166 --> 00:12:34,250 (WHISTLE BLOWING) 158 00:12:37,208 --> 00:12:39,250 (DROID SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) 159 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,083 It's only half. 160 00:13:15,958 --> 00:13:16,958 Please, I have a family. 161 00:13:17,041 --> 00:13:18,041 (GROANS) 162 00:13:19,125 --> 00:13:20,833 One more word, I take it all. 163 00:13:23,500 --> 00:13:24,500 Keep moving. 164 00:13:31,125 --> 00:13:32,458 Something you want to say? 165 00:13:40,291 --> 00:13:42,458 -(MACHINE DINGS) -(COINS CLINKING) 166 00:13:45,708 --> 00:13:47,291 (SCOFFS) 167 00:13:48,708 --> 00:13:51,666 (FOREMAN SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 168 00:13:57,708 --> 00:13:59,708 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 169 00:13:59,791 --> 00:14:03,000 (WORKERS SIGHING WEARILY) 170 00:14:24,375 --> 00:14:25,791 (EOPIE GRUNTS) 171 00:14:32,208 --> 00:14:34,333 (GRUNTING SOFTLY) 172 00:15:26,916 --> 00:15:29,125 (WHIRRING) 173 00:15:29,541 --> 00:15:30,625 (BEEPS) 174 00:16:05,083 --> 00:16:08,208 (WHIRRING) 175 00:16:08,750 --> 00:16:10,208 (IN JAWAESE) 176 00:16:14,875 --> 00:16:16,208 OBI-WAN: (IN ENGLISH) You're late. 177 00:16:16,291 --> 00:16:18,166 (IN JAWAESE) 178 00:16:18,250 --> 00:16:19,416 Do you have it? 179 00:16:21,541 --> 00:16:22,625 (IN JAWAESE) 180 00:16:28,916 --> 00:16:30,333 I'll give you... 181 00:16:31,250 --> 00:16:32,458 I'll give you 50. 182 00:16:33,041 --> 00:16:34,083 (IN JAWAESE) 183 00:16:36,291 --> 00:16:38,625 (VAPORATOR SPUTTERING) 184 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:43,833 Yes, I had some parts stolen. I need a new processor board. 185 00:16:43,916 --> 00:16:45,500 (EXCLAIMING) 186 00:16:47,041 --> 00:16:48,375 (IN JAWAESE) 187 00:16:50,125 --> 00:16:53,458 Teeka, if you're gonna steal my parts and then sell them back to me, 188 00:16:53,541 --> 00:16:56,416 could you at least clean them first as a courtesy? 189 00:16:56,875 --> 00:16:58,958 (IN JAWAESE) 190 00:17:20,375 --> 00:17:21,375 A Jedi? 191 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:23,208 (IN JAWAESE) 192 00:17:30,875 --> 00:17:32,541 (SCOFFS) Well, don't count on it. 193 00:17:33,541 --> 00:17:35,916 I've heard the Jedi are all but extinct. 194 00:17:38,083 --> 00:17:39,166 Here. 195 00:17:40,500 --> 00:17:42,666 (IN JAWAESE) 196 00:17:44,541 --> 00:17:46,166 Well, thank you, Teeka. Goodbye. 197 00:17:47,750 --> 00:17:48,791 (TEEKA GRUNTS) 198 00:17:49,208 --> 00:17:51,708 (WHIRRING) 199 00:18:01,041 --> 00:18:02,375 PADMÉ: I know there's… 200 00:18:05,208 --> 00:18:06,583 OBI-WAN: You were my brother, Anakin! 201 00:18:07,375 --> 00:18:08,916 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 202 00:18:09,541 --> 00:18:11,583 -Promise me you will train the boy. -(LAUGHING) 203 00:18:13,125 --> 00:18:14,166 PADMÉ: Obi-Wan... 204 00:18:14,916 --> 00:18:17,333 -YODA: Only pain will you find. -(QUINN GRUNTS) 205 00:18:18,041 --> 00:18:20,208 PADMÉ: There's good in him. I know there's... 206 00:18:21,083 --> 00:18:22,375 OBI-WAN: You were the Chosen One! 207 00:18:22,458 --> 00:18:24,375 (BABY WAILING) 208 00:18:24,458 --> 00:18:25,625 I hate you! 209 00:18:26,625 --> 00:18:28,500 -(PADMÉ SCREAMS) -(WHOOSHING) 210 00:18:28,583 --> 00:18:29,625 (INHALES SHARPLY) 211 00:18:29,708 --> 00:18:31,041 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 212 00:18:36,625 --> 00:18:39,583 (GRUNTS SOFTLY) 213 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:45,041 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 214 00:18:47,416 --> 00:18:48,500 Master Qui-Gon. 215 00:18:52,708 --> 00:18:53,791 Master? 216 00:18:58,833 --> 00:19:02,125 (SIGHING) 217 00:19:05,250 --> 00:19:07,125 (CHITTERING) 218 00:19:13,291 --> 00:19:15,291 (EOPIE BELLOWING) 219 00:19:38,333 --> 00:19:39,791 (EOPIE GRUNTS) 220 00:19:46,833 --> 00:19:49,500 OWEN: Grab two of those canisters. 221 00:19:49,708 --> 00:19:51,000 (WHIRRING) 222 00:20:02,708 --> 00:20:03,791 Luke? 223 00:20:06,041 --> 00:20:07,166 (WHIRS) 224 00:20:08,750 --> 00:20:09,833 Luke! 225 00:20:10,666 --> 00:20:11,666 Luke! 226 00:20:11,750 --> 00:20:13,583 Did he go back inside? 227 00:20:13,666 --> 00:20:14,750 He's run off. 228 00:20:16,791 --> 00:20:17,875 Luke? 229 00:20:23,708 --> 00:20:24,791 BERU: Luke? 230 00:20:29,750 --> 00:20:30,833 OWEN: Luke? 231 00:20:33,875 --> 00:20:36,750 -(PLAYFUL CHATTER) -(BERU LAUGHS) 232 00:21:14,125 --> 00:21:17,291 (EOPIE GRUNTING) 233 00:21:21,833 --> 00:21:24,291 (RUSTLING) 234 00:21:33,708 --> 00:21:36,750 (SMALL ROCKS FALLING) 235 00:21:40,166 --> 00:21:41,250 MAN: Master. 236 00:21:42,666 --> 00:21:44,916 I thought I saw you in the town, but I wasn't sure. 237 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:46,541 I didn't think you'd survived. 238 00:21:46,625 --> 00:21:48,625 You're making some kind of mistake. 239 00:21:48,708 --> 00:21:50,250 I'm sorry, my name is Nari. 240 00:21:51,166 --> 00:21:52,208 Um, there's no mistake. 241 00:21:53,833 --> 00:21:55,541 You're looking for somebody else. 242 00:21:56,791 --> 00:21:58,208 What are you doing here, Obi-Wan? 243 00:21:58,291 --> 00:21:59,416 My name is Ben. 244 00:22:00,250 --> 00:22:01,333 NARI: Come on, please. 245 00:22:01,833 --> 00:22:02,916 Please. 246 00:22:04,500 --> 00:22:06,333 You have no idea what I've been through. 247 00:22:20,000 --> 00:22:21,166 You must leave. 248 00:22:22,083 --> 00:22:23,375 You'll draw too much attention. 249 00:22:23,458 --> 00:22:24,750 But I have nowhere to go. 250 00:22:24,833 --> 00:22:27,208 They're hunting me. You have to help me. 251 00:22:28,750 --> 00:22:29,833 You want my help? 252 00:22:30,291 --> 00:22:31,375 Take this. 253 00:22:31,875 --> 00:22:34,708 Walk into the middle of the desert and bury it in the ground. 254 00:22:37,416 --> 00:22:38,416 Stay hidden. 255 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:41,208 Live a normal life. 256 00:22:41,291 --> 00:22:44,125 What about the people that need us? What about the fight? 257 00:22:45,458 --> 00:22:46,625 The fight is done. 258 00:22:47,500 --> 00:22:48,583 We lost. 259 00:22:51,041 --> 00:22:52,125 What happened to you? 260 00:22:54,166 --> 00:22:55,666 You were once a great Jedi. 261 00:22:58,750 --> 00:23:00,833 The time of the Jedi is over. 262 00:23:06,291 --> 00:23:07,583 Go back to the town. 263 00:23:08,791 --> 00:23:09,875 Let it go. 264 00:23:55,208 --> 00:23:56,666 We're going to be late. 265 00:23:56,750 --> 00:23:58,625 Come on, let's hurry it along. 266 00:23:58,708 --> 00:23:59,708 How is she doing? 267 00:23:59,791 --> 00:24:00,791 She's ready? 268 00:24:01,375 --> 00:24:02,458 Great. 269 00:24:03,083 --> 00:24:04,333 Thank you. 270 00:24:04,416 --> 00:24:06,875 Remember, my sister's whole family is coming. 271 00:24:07,375 --> 00:24:08,666 We need their support. 272 00:24:08,750 --> 00:24:10,333 So try not to make anyone cry. 273 00:24:10,416 --> 00:24:12,875 There will be sweetmallows at the reception after. 274 00:24:13,583 --> 00:24:16,000 If you behave, I will let you... 275 00:24:21,875 --> 00:24:24,666 She insisted you would find it amusing, Your Highness. 276 00:24:29,750 --> 00:24:32,000 She's either in the cellar, in the kitchen... 277 00:24:32,833 --> 00:24:34,541 (SIGHS) ...or in the woods. 278 00:24:40,375 --> 00:24:41,833 (DROID CHIRPING) 279 00:25:11,333 --> 00:25:13,083 (CHIRPING) 280 00:25:13,208 --> 00:25:15,375 (SPACECRAFT WHIRRING) 281 00:25:15,541 --> 00:25:16,958 Medical freighter. 282 00:25:18,458 --> 00:25:20,333 Pleasure barge, boring. 283 00:25:20,416 --> 00:25:21,541 (SAD CHIRP) 284 00:25:22,083 --> 00:25:24,083 Casino ship? Not bad. 285 00:25:24,166 --> 00:25:25,250 (CHIRPS IN AGREEMENT) 286 00:25:26,416 --> 00:25:28,416 Ooh. A Tri-wing. That's a new one. 287 00:25:28,500 --> 00:25:29,708 (CHIRPS EXCITEDLY) 288 00:25:29,791 --> 00:25:31,625 Ooh. An Aquillian Ranger. 289 00:25:31,708 --> 00:25:35,083 Probably scouting for Merson pirates. 290 00:25:35,166 --> 00:25:36,666 (CHIRPS) 291 00:25:36,750 --> 00:25:38,750 No? Trader, maybe? 292 00:25:38,833 --> 00:25:40,000 BREHA: Leia Organa! 293 00:25:41,875 --> 00:25:43,625 You had to do this today? 294 00:25:43,708 --> 00:25:44,708 Do what? 295 00:25:44,791 --> 00:25:45,875 Down. 296 00:25:46,458 --> 00:25:47,958 (CHIRPS NERVOUSLY) 297 00:25:50,875 --> 00:25:52,791 It is like raising a Glor-ag. 298 00:25:58,708 --> 00:26:00,041 No Lola for the rest of the day. 299 00:26:00,125 --> 00:26:02,166 But she didn't do anything. 300 00:26:02,250 --> 00:26:03,250 Shut her down. 301 00:26:04,791 --> 00:26:05,875 I mean it. 302 00:26:07,916 --> 00:26:09,791 (LOLA DEACTIVATES) 303 00:26:12,500 --> 00:26:15,458 If you behaved as well as you climb, 304 00:26:16,000 --> 00:26:17,625 you'd be a senator already. 305 00:26:18,125 --> 00:26:19,583 (SIGHS) 306 00:26:19,666 --> 00:26:22,125 (SIGHS) You'll have to change in the speeder. Come. 307 00:26:22,208 --> 00:26:25,625 It's not like anyone would miss me if I wasn't there. 308 00:26:25,708 --> 00:26:26,791 I'd miss you. 309 00:26:26,875 --> 00:26:28,625 All I ever do is wave. 310 00:26:28,708 --> 00:26:30,291 BREHA: Then do more than wave. 311 00:26:30,375 --> 00:26:32,500 You get out of this what you put into it. 312 00:26:34,250 --> 00:26:35,416 LEIA: I'm sorry, Mother. 313 00:26:36,083 --> 00:26:37,416 I really am. 314 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:40,291 I promise I won't do it again. 315 00:26:43,416 --> 00:26:44,833 (SIGHS) 316 00:26:46,208 --> 00:26:48,958 You know, I can feel you doing that. 317 00:26:49,666 --> 00:26:50,666 Come on. 318 00:26:50,750 --> 00:26:52,666 LEIA: It's like living in a prison. 319 00:26:52,750 --> 00:26:53,833 BREHA: A prison? 320 00:26:55,041 --> 00:26:58,041 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 321 00:27:00,583 --> 00:27:04,625 -(WHISTLE BLOWING) -(WORKERS CHATTERING WEARILY) 322 00:27:30,666 --> 00:27:34,291 (WHOOSHING) 323 00:27:38,666 --> 00:27:41,833 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 324 00:27:48,833 --> 00:27:50,041 (CLATTERS) 325 00:27:52,291 --> 00:27:53,958 I want you to stay away from him. 326 00:27:55,250 --> 00:27:57,041 We don't need anything from you, Ben. 327 00:27:57,125 --> 00:27:58,708 It's just a toy. 328 00:27:58,791 --> 00:28:00,333 It's a lot more than that. 329 00:28:00,416 --> 00:28:03,208 There's more to life than your farm, Owen. 330 00:28:03,291 --> 00:28:06,208 He needs to see that. There's a whole galaxy out there. 331 00:28:06,291 --> 00:28:09,583 I'm asking you to leave us alone, Ben. 332 00:28:09,666 --> 00:28:10,666 I mean it. 333 00:28:11,166 --> 00:28:12,166 Is he okay? 334 00:28:13,500 --> 00:28:15,375 You don't care if he's okay. 335 00:28:16,666 --> 00:28:18,000 You care if he's showing. 336 00:28:18,083 --> 00:28:19,791 He's my responsibility, Owen. 337 00:28:19,875 --> 00:28:21,541 -I'm his uncle. -We talked about this. 338 00:28:21,625 --> 00:28:24,041 When the time comes, he must be trained. 339 00:28:24,125 --> 00:28:25,500 Like you trained his father? 340 00:28:27,083 --> 00:28:29,166 Anakin is dead, Ben, 341 00:28:30,750 --> 00:28:33,166 and I won't let you make the same mistake twice. 342 00:28:34,500 --> 00:28:38,166 So, leave him on the farm with his family, where he belongs. 343 00:28:40,791 --> 00:28:42,791 MAN: Move. Now. 344 00:28:43,250 --> 00:28:45,166 -(CROWD MURMURING) -Get back. 345 00:28:46,333 --> 00:28:47,416 All of you. 346 00:28:48,958 --> 00:28:50,041 Out of the way. 347 00:28:53,625 --> 00:28:54,791 Back up. 348 00:29:00,458 --> 00:29:02,291 You know why we are here. 349 00:29:04,125 --> 00:29:08,291 There is a Jedi hiding on this planet. 350 00:29:08,375 --> 00:29:10,916 We need to know where he is. 351 00:29:12,291 --> 00:29:13,750 You will be rewarded well. 352 00:29:13,833 --> 00:29:14,875 Or you'll be punished! 353 00:29:14,958 --> 00:29:16,000 FIFTH BROTHER: Reva! 354 00:29:16,083 --> 00:29:17,625 Hands go first! 355 00:29:19,916 --> 00:29:22,583 That way, when you reach for anything, 356 00:29:25,208 --> 00:29:26,291 you think of us. 357 00:29:31,791 --> 00:29:33,375 WOMAN: This is the Outer Rim. 358 00:29:34,625 --> 00:29:36,208 You have no rights here. 359 00:29:36,750 --> 00:29:38,541 We're not under the Empire's... 360 00:29:38,625 --> 00:29:41,291 -(WOMAN SCREAMING) -(CROWD GASPING, EXCLAIMING) 361 00:29:41,375 --> 00:29:43,416 REVA: All we want is information. 362 00:29:44,166 --> 00:29:49,916 If anyone knows anything about a Jedi... 363 00:29:55,375 --> 00:29:56,541 You know something? 364 00:30:04,375 --> 00:30:05,458 What's your name? 365 00:30:06,708 --> 00:30:07,833 Owen. 366 00:30:08,791 --> 00:30:09,875 REVA: Owen. 367 00:30:10,291 --> 00:30:11,625 Farmer, right? 368 00:30:13,041 --> 00:30:14,041 Wife? 369 00:30:14,125 --> 00:30:15,125 Kids? 370 00:30:16,541 --> 00:30:17,958 My family's of no concern to you. 371 00:30:18,041 --> 00:30:19,333 They might be. 372 00:30:19,416 --> 00:30:22,041 -You got a Jedi on that farm, too? -No. 373 00:30:22,125 --> 00:30:23,375 Why should I believe you? 374 00:30:23,458 --> 00:30:25,250 I have no love for the Jedi. 375 00:30:26,375 --> 00:30:27,458 Jedi are vermin. 376 00:30:28,625 --> 00:30:30,333 I kill vermin on my farm. 377 00:30:31,333 --> 00:30:32,833 You protect your family. 378 00:30:35,541 --> 00:30:36,791 I like that, Owen. 379 00:30:39,625 --> 00:30:40,625 It's important. 380 00:30:47,916 --> 00:30:50,000 You think you could protect them from me? 381 00:30:51,750 --> 00:30:52,916 (SCOFFS) 382 00:30:53,958 --> 00:30:59,375 (SHOUTING) Tell me where the Jedi is, or this man and his family die! 383 00:30:59,458 --> 00:31:01,375 (CROWD GASPING) 384 00:31:02,375 --> 00:31:03,875 The Jedi are cowards. 385 00:31:05,958 --> 00:31:07,791 They failed you, 386 00:31:07,875 --> 00:31:10,625 abandoned you. 387 00:31:11,250 --> 00:31:13,916 There is no point in protecting them. 388 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:16,041 They would not do the same for you. 389 00:31:20,625 --> 00:31:22,166 But you can save this man. 390 00:31:28,666 --> 00:31:30,291 -Save his family. -(LIGHTSABER ACTIVATES) 391 00:31:30,375 --> 00:31:32,708 (CROWD GASPING) 392 00:31:36,583 --> 00:31:37,708 FIFTH BROTHER: Enough! 393 00:31:39,458 --> 00:31:41,291 If you remember anything, 394 00:31:41,833 --> 00:31:43,416 rewards will be given. 395 00:31:45,916 --> 00:31:47,916 Stand down, Third Sister. 396 00:31:50,166 --> 00:31:51,250 Now! 397 00:31:52,416 --> 00:31:53,625 (LIGHTSABER DEACTIVATES) 398 00:31:53,708 --> 00:31:55,125 Next time, Owen. 399 00:31:58,208 --> 00:32:01,458 (CROWD MURMURING) 400 00:32:01,541 --> 00:32:03,125 FIFTH BROTHER: Ah! Move. 401 00:32:03,958 --> 00:32:07,750 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 402 00:32:10,541 --> 00:32:11,708 (BOTH GRUNT) 403 00:32:12,208 --> 00:32:15,166 You are too impulsive. 404 00:32:15,750 --> 00:32:17,250 I'm sick of wasting time! 405 00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:19,666 This place is beneath us! 406 00:32:20,250 --> 00:32:22,000 The Grand Inquisitor was right. 407 00:32:23,541 --> 00:32:25,083 You still want Kenobi. 408 00:32:26,958 --> 00:32:30,083 But he's gone, and you won't find him. 409 00:32:30,875 --> 00:32:33,458 We spent the last ten years looking for him. 410 00:32:35,125 --> 00:32:37,458 Maybe you've been looking in the wrong places. 411 00:32:38,333 --> 00:32:41,750 What is it you think you will gain by capturing him? 412 00:32:43,125 --> 00:32:44,333 What I'm owed. 413 00:32:49,666 --> 00:32:51,583 Be careful, Third Sister. 414 00:32:51,666 --> 00:32:53,416 You go too far. 415 00:32:55,291 --> 00:32:57,041 Maybe you don't go far enough. 416 00:33:00,416 --> 00:33:03,416 -(WHOOSHING) -(CROWD MURMURING) 417 00:33:08,083 --> 00:33:09,125 Thank you, Owen. 418 00:33:09,583 --> 00:33:10,708 (SCOFFS) 419 00:33:15,416 --> 00:33:16,875 I didn't do it for you. 420 00:33:27,708 --> 00:33:30,208 (WHOOSHING) 421 00:33:54,166 --> 00:33:56,000 Right on time as always. 422 00:33:56,083 --> 00:33:57,416 Anything good today? 423 00:33:57,500 --> 00:33:59,958 A trade ship and an Aquillian Ranger. 424 00:34:00,041 --> 00:34:01,791 Probably scouring for pirates. 425 00:34:01,875 --> 00:34:03,416 That's what I said. 426 00:34:03,500 --> 00:34:05,375 -Don't encourage her. -All right. 427 00:34:08,666 --> 00:34:09,875 Come now. 428 00:34:09,958 --> 00:34:11,583 Let's get this over with. 429 00:34:14,750 --> 00:34:16,791 (LIVELY CHATTER) 430 00:34:16,875 --> 00:34:18,041 -Breha. -Sister. 431 00:34:18,125 --> 00:34:19,375 -BAIL: Greetings. -LEIA: Hi, cousin. 432 00:34:24,333 --> 00:34:25,375 MAN: Princess. 433 00:34:25,458 --> 00:34:27,791 -WOMAN: Oh, there they are. (LAUGHS) -(CROWD CHEERING) 434 00:34:27,875 --> 00:34:29,041 MAN 2: Princess. 435 00:34:30,083 --> 00:34:31,416 MAN 3: Hi, Princess. 436 00:34:40,291 --> 00:34:42,791 (LIVELY CHATTER) 437 00:34:43,708 --> 00:34:45,041 KAYO: Profits have been good. 438 00:34:45,916 --> 00:34:50,958 After the disaster of the Republic, the Empire is finally lining some pockets. 439 00:34:51,041 --> 00:34:53,750 There are still some issues that we need to address. 440 00:34:54,333 --> 00:34:56,791 Slave labor, taxation of the Outer Rim... 441 00:34:56,875 --> 00:34:59,375 I didn't come here to end slavery, Bail. 442 00:35:00,041 --> 00:35:01,750 I came to eat your food. (CHUCKLES) 443 00:35:02,541 --> 00:35:04,208 Save the bleeding heart for the Senate. 444 00:35:04,916 --> 00:35:06,833 A drink, Senator? 445 00:35:06,916 --> 00:35:07,958 (SIGHS) 446 00:35:08,416 --> 00:35:10,125 -Ah. Thank you. -(ALIEN SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) 447 00:35:10,208 --> 00:35:12,458 (C-3PO TRANSLATING IN OTHER LANGUAGE) 448 00:35:14,000 --> 00:35:15,083 Y-O: Your Highness. 449 00:35:15,375 --> 00:35:16,791 Oh. Thanks, Y-O. 450 00:35:16,875 --> 00:35:17,958 Y-O: My pleasure. 451 00:35:19,125 --> 00:35:20,333 (SCOFFS) You thank your droids? 452 00:35:20,958 --> 00:35:22,458 It's good manners. 453 00:35:22,541 --> 00:35:25,458 You don't need manners when you're talking to a lower life form. 454 00:35:25,541 --> 00:35:28,708 Then I guess I don't need manners when I'm talking to you. 455 00:35:29,083 --> 00:35:30,083 (CHUCKLES) 456 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:33,583 You know the difference between you and me, cousin? 457 00:35:34,291 --> 00:35:35,291 I know things. 458 00:35:35,875 --> 00:35:38,458 My father says they never let you leave this planet. 459 00:35:39,666 --> 00:35:43,250 They don't want anybody to know about you because you're not one of us. 460 00:35:44,291 --> 00:35:45,791 You're not even a real Organa. 461 00:35:47,833 --> 00:35:48,958 (SCOFFS) 462 00:35:50,500 --> 00:35:51,916 You're scared of him. 463 00:35:53,125 --> 00:35:56,666 Your father. You want him to like you, so you repeat what he says 464 00:35:56,750 --> 00:35:59,166 even though you don't really know what it means. 465 00:36:00,041 --> 00:36:02,833 You think being like him will make people frightened of you, 466 00:36:02,916 --> 00:36:05,583 but really, you're the one who's scared. 467 00:36:05,666 --> 00:36:08,416 You've never made one decision for yourself in your entire life, 468 00:36:08,500 --> 00:36:10,208 and you never will. 469 00:36:11,041 --> 00:36:13,833 I may not have seen much, cousin, 470 00:36:15,000 --> 00:36:16,250 but I can see that. 471 00:36:22,750 --> 00:36:24,666 He was being horrible to everyone. 472 00:36:24,750 --> 00:36:25,875 He's your cousin. 473 00:36:25,958 --> 00:36:27,458 He's rude to droids. 474 00:36:27,541 --> 00:36:29,791 You have to rise above, Leia. 475 00:36:32,541 --> 00:36:33,875 You owe him an apology. 476 00:36:34,333 --> 00:36:37,291 I'd rather be digested by a jakobeast. 477 00:36:49,125 --> 00:36:53,541 BAIL: I wanted to live out way past Kathou when I was your age. 478 00:36:54,500 --> 00:36:57,333 Chase purrgil, you know? 479 00:36:57,416 --> 00:36:58,916 I had a whole plan. 480 00:37:00,708 --> 00:37:01,708 What happened? 481 00:37:02,458 --> 00:37:03,541 I got older. 482 00:37:04,416 --> 00:37:06,458 Had to find some other adventures. 483 00:37:07,458 --> 00:37:09,208 Started chasing your mother instead. 484 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:13,666 This is your future, Leia. 485 00:37:14,458 --> 00:37:17,458 In a few years, you'll be off to university, then Junior Senate. 486 00:37:17,541 --> 00:37:18,541 LEIA: The Senate's boring. 487 00:37:18,625 --> 00:37:21,041 It's people in itchy clothes arguing. 488 00:37:21,125 --> 00:37:24,041 (LAUGHING) Well, it may seem so... 489 00:37:24,125 --> 00:37:25,375 I don't want to be a senator. 490 00:37:25,916 --> 00:37:28,583 It is why you'll probably be one of the best. 491 00:37:29,791 --> 00:37:31,750 I'm not even a real Organa. 492 00:37:32,666 --> 00:37:33,666 What? 493 00:37:38,416 --> 00:37:39,416 Don't ever say that. 494 00:37:41,541 --> 00:37:42,708 You are our child. 495 00:37:44,125 --> 00:37:48,250 You are an Organa in every way. 496 00:37:50,375 --> 00:37:52,666 One day, this planet will look to you, Leia. 497 00:37:54,916 --> 00:37:56,416 There are many ways to lead. 498 00:37:56,500 --> 00:37:58,750 You just have to find yours. 499 00:37:58,833 --> 00:38:01,500 Plus, imagine the look on your cousin's face 500 00:38:01,583 --> 00:38:03,666 when you get to boss him around for real. 501 00:38:04,416 --> 00:38:05,416 (BOTH LAUGH) 502 00:38:07,708 --> 00:38:08,791 But for now, 503 00:38:10,666 --> 00:38:11,750 we will... 504 00:38:13,541 --> 00:38:14,708 apologize. 505 00:38:15,666 --> 00:38:16,666 Yes, Father. 506 00:38:16,750 --> 00:38:17,750 Hmm. 507 00:38:22,666 --> 00:38:24,166 I'll wait for you downstairs. 508 00:38:25,791 --> 00:38:26,833 (LEIA SIGHS) 509 00:38:40,583 --> 00:38:41,666 Thank you. 510 00:38:42,250 --> 00:38:43,333 She's gone. 511 00:38:43,541 --> 00:38:45,750 I thought you said you've really got through to her. 512 00:38:46,250 --> 00:38:47,416 You know what she's like. 513 00:38:47,500 --> 00:38:48,916 I know who she's like. 514 00:38:49,666 --> 00:38:50,833 Send a unit. 515 00:38:50,916 --> 00:38:51,916 She can't be far. 516 00:38:59,333 --> 00:39:00,958 VECT: Hello, Princess. 517 00:39:03,166 --> 00:39:04,333 Why are you here? 518 00:39:05,375 --> 00:39:06,458 Just waiting. 519 00:39:06,916 --> 00:39:08,250 For what? 520 00:39:08,916 --> 00:39:10,250 For you. 521 00:39:10,625 --> 00:39:11,708 (GASPS) 522 00:39:13,583 --> 00:39:15,708 (LEIA PANTING) 523 00:39:21,875 --> 00:39:24,083 (ALL PANTING) 524 00:39:29,958 --> 00:39:30,958 (GRUNTING) 525 00:39:34,083 --> 00:39:35,125 (GRUNTS) 526 00:39:35,791 --> 00:39:37,041 (SHOUTING) 527 00:39:45,875 --> 00:39:46,916 (GROANS) 528 00:39:51,208 --> 00:39:52,291 LEIA: Help! 529 00:39:53,750 --> 00:39:54,833 Help! 530 00:39:54,916 --> 00:39:56,166 (PANTING) 531 00:39:56,250 --> 00:39:57,833 Help! Help me, please! 532 00:39:58,416 --> 00:39:59,500 (GROANS) 533 00:40:00,208 --> 00:40:02,416 (PANTING) 534 00:40:09,750 --> 00:40:12,916 (DEVICE BEEPING) 535 00:40:37,291 --> 00:40:38,875 We don't know who it was. 536 00:40:38,958 --> 00:40:40,583 No ransom, no leads. 537 00:40:41,916 --> 00:40:46,041 Whoever they are, they knew where she would be. They... 538 00:40:46,750 --> 00:40:47,833 They were waiting. 539 00:40:47,916 --> 00:40:48,916 (CLEARS THROAT) 540 00:40:49,208 --> 00:40:51,125 She needs you, Obi-Wan. 541 00:40:52,166 --> 00:40:53,666 We can't trust anyone else. 542 00:40:55,833 --> 00:40:57,250 What about the Senate? 543 00:40:57,750 --> 00:40:59,500 BAIL: We cannot let this become public. 544 00:41:00,166 --> 00:41:01,916 It would draw too much attention. 545 00:41:02,750 --> 00:41:05,666 Well, your guard then? Or a bounty hunter? 546 00:41:05,750 --> 00:41:09,833 Only you know how important she really is, Obi-Wan. 547 00:41:09,916 --> 00:41:11,500 If Leia is discovered... 548 00:41:11,583 --> 00:41:13,166 I can't leave here, Bail. 549 00:41:14,375 --> 00:41:15,541 My duty is to the boy... 550 00:41:15,625 --> 00:41:17,541 What about your duty to his sister? 551 00:41:19,375 --> 00:41:21,208 She's as important as he is. 552 00:41:23,583 --> 00:41:24,958 (SIGHS) 553 00:41:27,416 --> 00:41:28,916 It's been ten years. 554 00:41:32,625 --> 00:41:34,041 I'm not who I used to be. 555 00:41:40,166 --> 00:41:41,250 Find someone else. 556 00:41:42,875 --> 00:41:44,041 She'll be better off. 557 00:41:45,375 --> 00:41:47,291 (WHOOSHING) 558 00:41:47,791 --> 00:41:50,250 LEIA: (GRUNTING) Let go of me! 559 00:41:50,333 --> 00:41:51,791 -Let go! -Shut her up. 560 00:41:52,500 --> 00:41:54,833 (MERCENARY AND LEIA GRUNTING) 561 00:41:56,958 --> 00:42:02,000 (MERCENARY LAUGHING MANIACALLY) 562 00:42:03,500 --> 00:42:05,708 -(WHISTLE BLOWS) -(WORKERS CHATTERING) 563 00:42:26,833 --> 00:42:29,833 (CROWD GASPING, MURMURING) 564 00:42:58,125 --> 00:42:59,875 (MAN SOBBING) 565 00:43:10,875 --> 00:43:13,083 (WHIRRING) 566 00:43:37,250 --> 00:43:38,833 BAIL: She's headed for Daiyu. 567 00:43:41,000 --> 00:43:42,750 You should not have come. 568 00:43:43,708 --> 00:43:46,083 They hid their signature behind a freight transport. 569 00:43:46,166 --> 00:43:48,000 The ship is on its way there now. 570 00:43:48,750 --> 00:43:49,791 I can't. 571 00:43:49,875 --> 00:43:51,625 She's my daughter, Obi-Wan. 572 00:43:51,708 --> 00:43:52,875 I told you... 573 00:43:53,958 --> 00:43:55,416 I'm not the man you remember. 574 00:43:55,500 --> 00:43:56,833 You're going to have to be! 575 00:43:56,916 --> 00:43:58,041 I can't leave the boy. 576 00:43:58,125 --> 00:44:00,041 This isn't about the boy, and you know it! 577 00:44:01,166 --> 00:44:03,125 You've made mistakes. We all did. 578 00:44:03,208 --> 00:44:04,458 It's the past. 579 00:44:05,416 --> 00:44:06,916 Move on. Be done with it. 580 00:44:07,958 --> 00:44:09,625 You couldn't save Anakin, 581 00:44:11,583 --> 00:44:12,916 but you can save her. 582 00:44:15,541 --> 00:44:16,791 And what if I can't? 583 00:44:19,166 --> 00:44:22,083 There is no one I trust more with my child than you. 584 00:44:23,958 --> 00:44:26,666 Please, old friend. 585 00:44:28,416 --> 00:44:29,500 For her. 586 00:44:30,875 --> 00:44:32,125 One last fight. 587 00:44:38,583 --> 00:44:39,958 (WHOOSHING) 588 00:44:41,833 --> 00:44:44,916 Come on, Lola. Come on. 589 00:44:47,041 --> 00:44:48,916 (LOLA ACTIVATES) 590 00:44:51,750 --> 00:44:54,708 (LOLA CHIRPING) 591 00:44:55,000 --> 00:44:56,875 (SHUSHING) 592 00:44:58,625 --> 00:45:00,125 Can you untie me? 593 00:45:05,333 --> 00:45:06,875 (DOOR OPENS) 594 00:45:08,458 --> 00:45:10,166 I'm not afraid of you. 595 00:45:10,416 --> 00:45:11,458 (SCOFFS) 596 00:45:12,250 --> 00:45:13,416 Give it time. 597 00:45:14,791 --> 00:45:16,875 (CHIRPING) 598 00:45:19,291 --> 00:45:20,416 Lola! 599 00:45:20,500 --> 00:45:21,708 (LOLA DEACTIVATES) 600 00:45:21,791 --> 00:45:24,083 My father will rescue me! 601 00:45:24,166 --> 00:45:26,125 He'll send a whole army! 602 00:45:26,708 --> 00:45:28,541 No one's coming for you. 603 00:45:35,333 --> 00:45:37,541 (DOOR CLOSING) 604 00:45:50,083 --> 00:45:52,000 (EOPIE GRUNTING) 605 00:46:22,625 --> 00:46:24,375 (LEIA GRUNTING) 606 00:46:25,625 --> 00:46:26,875 This is a bad idea. 607 00:46:27,625 --> 00:46:28,708 Kidnapping kids... 608 00:46:30,333 --> 00:46:31,500 you think it's gonna work? 609 00:46:32,083 --> 00:46:33,500 Just get this over with. 610 00:46:37,083 --> 00:46:38,125 (SYSTEM BEEPS) 611 00:47:14,333 --> 00:47:15,666 You sure he's gonna come? 612 00:47:16,541 --> 00:47:18,708 REVA: He fought beside her father during the war. 613 00:47:19,666 --> 00:47:20,750 He'll come. 614 00:47:21,750 --> 00:47:23,250 He won't be able to help it. 615 00:47:24,458 --> 00:47:26,708 The Jedi will hunt himself. 616 00:47:29,500 --> 00:47:32,500 (INDISTINCT CHATTER IN OTHER LANGUAGE ON PA) 617 00:47:53,916 --> 00:47:55,375 Well? 618 00:47:55,458 --> 00:47:56,625 You coming or not? 619 00:48:33,625 --> 00:48:35,666 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)