1 00:00:03,541 --> 00:00:06,375 OBI-WAN: A girl has been kidnapped. I need to find her. 2 00:00:06,458 --> 00:00:07,625 STORMTROOPER: Out of the way. 3 00:00:07,708 --> 00:00:10,875 You're never gonna see her again. Nobody leaves this place. 4 00:00:13,125 --> 00:00:15,125 JAYCO: There's a Jedi. He helps people. 5 00:00:15,875 --> 00:00:17,958 OBI-WAN: You're a rat who preys on weakness. 6 00:00:18,041 --> 00:00:20,208 You'll help me find this girl I'm looking for. 7 00:00:20,291 --> 00:00:21,291 Yeah, I'll do it. 8 00:00:22,083 --> 00:00:25,666 REVA: He'll reveal himself eventually, and I will be waiting. 9 00:00:27,125 --> 00:00:28,125 (GRUNTING) 10 00:00:29,208 --> 00:00:30,208 Who are you? 11 00:00:30,750 --> 00:00:32,000 Your father sent me. 12 00:00:32,083 --> 00:00:35,166 GRAND INQUISITOR: You would kidnap an Imperial Senator's child? 13 00:00:35,250 --> 00:00:36,958 I used the girl as bait. 14 00:00:37,041 --> 00:00:38,500 GRAND INQUISITOR: Stand down. 15 00:00:38,583 --> 00:00:41,583 I will take Kenobi in myself. 16 00:00:42,291 --> 00:00:44,375 OBI-WAN: If anyone asks, you're my daughter. 17 00:00:44,458 --> 00:00:45,666 Granddaughter, maybe. 18 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:47,083 -What? -Nothing. 19 00:00:48,500 --> 00:00:51,583 LEIA: Since I met you, I've been chased, shot at, 20 00:00:52,958 --> 00:00:54,666 I almost fell to my death, 21 00:00:55,541 --> 00:00:58,250 and now there are Inquisiting people after us. 22 00:01:00,291 --> 00:01:01,541 Where is he? 23 00:01:03,333 --> 00:01:06,083 HAJA: Go to these coordinates. They'll help you from there. 24 00:01:06,166 --> 00:01:07,291 You're not alone, Obi-Wan. 25 00:01:09,666 --> 00:01:10,916 REVA: You didn't know. 26 00:01:11,416 --> 00:01:12,541 (GRUNTS) 27 00:01:13,416 --> 00:01:17,583 Anakin Skywalker is alive. 28 00:01:19,583 --> 00:01:20,583 Anakin. 29 00:01:23,458 --> 00:01:24,666 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 30 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:25,166 OBI-WAN: Master Qui-Gon. 31 00:02:30,375 --> 00:02:31,375 Master. 32 00:02:36,041 --> 00:02:37,416 Are you there, Master? 33 00:02:40,958 --> 00:02:42,166 REVA: You didn't know. 34 00:02:45,208 --> 00:02:47,000 He's alive, Obi-Wan. 35 00:02:54,166 --> 00:02:55,791 YODA: Only pain will you find. 36 00:02:56,750 --> 00:02:59,250 REVA: (IN SING-SONG VOICE) Obi-Wan... 37 00:03:06,291 --> 00:03:10,083 QUI-GON: Obi-Wan, promise me you will train the boy. 38 00:03:10,166 --> 00:03:13,083 ANAKIN: If you're not with me, then you're my enemy. 39 00:03:14,458 --> 00:03:16,333 Don't make me kill you. 40 00:03:18,583 --> 00:03:20,416 I do not fear the dark side. 41 00:03:21,291 --> 00:03:23,208 I see through the lies of the Jedi. 42 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:32,416 OBI-WAN: Help me, Master Qui-Gon. Give me strength. 43 00:03:32,875 --> 00:03:33,875 (WHIRRING) 44 00:03:36,083 --> 00:03:37,083 (BEEPS) 45 00:03:40,750 --> 00:03:44,708 REVA: Anakin Skywalker is alive. 46 00:03:52,916 --> 00:03:55,750 And he's been looking for you for a long time. 47 00:03:59,958 --> 00:04:02,541 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 48 00:04:06,208 --> 00:04:07,833 OBI-WAN: He's coming, Master. 49 00:04:29,750 --> 00:04:31,708 DARTH VADER: Where is he? 50 00:04:31,791 --> 00:04:34,833 REVA: We have probes out. We're tracking all possible exits. 51 00:04:35,416 --> 00:04:37,291 He will pay for the Grand Inquisitor's-- 52 00:04:37,375 --> 00:04:40,083 The Grand Inquisitor means nothing. 53 00:04:40,166 --> 00:04:44,333 Kenobi is all that matters now. Is that understood? 54 00:04:45,333 --> 00:04:46,625 Yes, my lord. 55 00:04:50,250 --> 00:04:53,416 I have been watching you, Third Sister. 56 00:04:54,666 --> 00:04:57,291 I know what it is you seek. 57 00:04:59,166 --> 00:05:05,750 Prove yourself, and the position of Grand Inquisitor is yours. 58 00:05:09,500 --> 00:05:13,791 Fail me, and you will not live to regret it. 59 00:05:19,833 --> 00:05:21,625 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 60 00:05:38,625 --> 00:05:40,083 LEIA: Are we almost there? 61 00:05:42,041 --> 00:05:44,291 Can't you make this thing go any faster? 62 00:05:44,375 --> 00:05:47,958 It's a trade route, Leia. I'm not in control of it. 63 00:05:48,041 --> 00:05:50,875 Can't you use the Force on it or something? 64 00:05:52,666 --> 00:05:54,166 That's not how it works. 65 00:05:55,500 --> 00:05:56,791 LEIA: How does it work? 66 00:05:58,458 --> 00:05:59,833 The Force. 67 00:06:01,291 --> 00:06:03,041 What does it feel like? 68 00:06:09,583 --> 00:06:11,583 Have you ever been afraid of the dark? 69 00:06:13,458 --> 00:06:15,750 How does it feel when you turn on the light? 70 00:06:16,875 --> 00:06:18,125 I feel safe. 71 00:06:19,625 --> 00:06:21,083 Yes, it feels like that. 72 00:06:26,208 --> 00:06:27,458 Lola! 73 00:06:30,333 --> 00:06:31,625 You fixed her. 74 00:06:33,166 --> 00:06:34,541 (LOLA BEEPING) 75 00:06:35,916 --> 00:06:36,916 Thank you. 76 00:06:42,708 --> 00:06:43,791 (SHIP RUMBLING) 77 00:06:45,166 --> 00:06:48,166 We better get ready. We're on approach. 78 00:07:44,750 --> 00:07:45,750 (SOFTLY) Okay. 79 00:07:53,375 --> 00:07:54,375 STORMTROOPER: Let's go. 80 00:07:54,458 --> 00:07:55,458 Now. 81 00:08:06,208 --> 00:08:08,291 LEIA: What is this place? 82 00:08:08,916 --> 00:08:11,416 OBI-WAN: Mapuzo. It's a mining system. 83 00:08:14,333 --> 00:08:17,708 Coordinates say the meeting point is further north. 84 00:08:17,791 --> 00:08:20,125 That is if our new friend was telling the truth. 85 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:22,958 -Why would he lie? -People are not all good, Leia. 86 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:29,750 Wasn't always like this here. 87 00:08:31,708 --> 00:08:33,625 There were fields and families. 88 00:08:37,582 --> 00:08:40,291 And then the Empire came in and ravaged it all. 89 00:08:41,707 --> 00:08:44,125 Thought the Empire was supposed to be helping us. 90 00:08:45,333 --> 00:08:48,041 Well, there are some, like your dad, who are trying to. 91 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:52,375 Seems like a losing battle these days. 92 00:09:05,875 --> 00:09:08,000 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 93 00:09:10,583 --> 00:09:11,583 LEIA: Ben? 94 00:09:13,208 --> 00:09:14,208 Ben? 95 00:09:23,666 --> 00:09:24,666 Stay close. 96 00:09:25,083 --> 00:09:27,250 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 97 00:09:58,708 --> 00:10:00,875 (DRAMATIC MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING) 98 00:10:20,541 --> 00:10:22,583 He's in one of the mining systems. 99 00:10:22,833 --> 00:10:25,541 -FIFTH BROTHER: You do not know that. -He could be anywhere. 100 00:10:25,625 --> 00:10:29,583 I traced the manifest. We should send out all remaining probes now. 101 00:10:29,666 --> 00:10:32,375 FIFTH BROTHER: You are not in charge here. 102 00:10:32,916 --> 00:10:34,708 (GRUNTS) 103 00:10:35,166 --> 00:10:39,000 That seat is mine, not yours. 104 00:10:39,666 --> 00:10:42,375 I am the next in line. 105 00:10:43,541 --> 00:10:44,750 (GRUNTS) 106 00:10:49,833 --> 00:10:51,625 I just spoke with Lord Vader. 107 00:10:52,583 --> 00:10:56,125 You spoke to him yourself? 108 00:10:56,208 --> 00:10:57,958 He asked me to lead the hunt. 109 00:10:58,958 --> 00:11:02,125 Unless you feel I should follow your orders instead. 110 00:11:02,625 --> 00:11:06,958 Send out the probes. Do it now. 111 00:11:11,791 --> 00:11:12,958 (GRUNTS) 112 00:11:13,583 --> 00:11:17,708 I will get what I deserve, Third Sister. 113 00:11:17,791 --> 00:11:19,708 And so will you. 114 00:11:25,416 --> 00:11:26,541 I hope so. 115 00:11:29,875 --> 00:11:31,625 I certainly hope so. 116 00:11:53,958 --> 00:11:54,958 (BEEPS) 117 00:12:01,458 --> 00:12:04,833 OBI-WAN: Now, remember, if anyone asks, we're farmers from Tawl. 118 00:12:04,916 --> 00:12:07,250 You're my daughter, and you don't talk. 119 00:12:07,333 --> 00:12:09,750 LEIA: I can't talk, or I don't like to talk? 120 00:12:09,833 --> 00:12:11,750 OBI-WAN: You don't talk. 121 00:12:11,833 --> 00:12:12,833 LEIA: Got it. 122 00:12:13,666 --> 00:12:14,750 OBI-WAN: This is it. 123 00:12:17,750 --> 00:12:19,416 This is where he told us to come to. 124 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:23,375 Maybe they're just late? 125 00:12:23,458 --> 00:12:26,666 Maybe it was a lie. I knew it! I never should've trusted him. 126 00:12:26,750 --> 00:12:30,000 -We don't know if maybe-- -No one is coming here, Leia. 127 00:12:35,833 --> 00:12:38,791 Well, if we're on our own, we're gonna need some help. 128 00:12:41,208 --> 00:12:42,666 What are you doing? 129 00:12:42,750 --> 00:12:45,166 Maybe they can give us a ride to the spaceport. 130 00:12:45,916 --> 00:12:46,958 But it's not safe. 131 00:12:47,041 --> 00:12:48,291 LEIA: He seems friendly. 132 00:12:49,041 --> 00:12:50,041 OBI-WAN: Leia. 133 00:12:51,208 --> 00:12:52,666 Well, keep your head down. 134 00:12:53,208 --> 00:12:54,791 And remember, you don't talk. 135 00:13:01,958 --> 00:13:05,041 Hi! I'm Luma. This is my friend-- my father. 136 00:13:05,125 --> 00:13:08,583 This is my father, Orden. We're farmers from Tawl. 137 00:13:08,666 --> 00:13:10,166 Hey, there. I'm Freck. 138 00:13:11,333 --> 00:13:13,583 Father, aren't you going to say hello? 139 00:13:15,083 --> 00:13:16,083 Hello. 140 00:13:17,291 --> 00:13:21,375 We were going on a trip, and we got a little lost in this field. 141 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:24,208 That's a weird story. 142 00:13:24,291 --> 00:13:26,208 We got a bit turned around. 143 00:13:26,291 --> 00:13:29,625 We're looking for the nearest port. We need to get home. 144 00:13:29,708 --> 00:13:31,916 Well, I'm going that way. Jump in. 145 00:13:32,000 --> 00:13:34,583 Oh, no, that's all right. Thank you. We just need directions. 146 00:13:34,666 --> 00:13:37,958 Come on, Father, we've walked long enough. 147 00:13:38,041 --> 00:13:39,041 Thanks, Freck. 148 00:13:39,125 --> 00:13:40,833 My pleasure. Hop in. 149 00:13:46,208 --> 00:13:48,791 FRECK: Don't worry. I'll get to the port in no time. 150 00:13:49,875 --> 00:13:52,041 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 151 00:14:10,333 --> 00:14:12,791 Now, where'd you say you're from again? 152 00:14:13,333 --> 00:14:14,333 -Tawl. -Tawl. 153 00:14:14,416 --> 00:14:19,208 Oh, good people out in Tawl. They pay their way, listen to the Empire. 154 00:14:19,291 --> 00:14:22,333 Absolutely. We love the Empire. 155 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:26,500 Nice to meet like-minded folk. Nothing wrong with a little order, right? 156 00:14:28,916 --> 00:14:31,333 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 157 00:14:34,708 --> 00:14:36,291 (BRAKES SQUEALING) 158 00:14:37,916 --> 00:14:39,416 FRECK: Transport late again? 159 00:14:39,500 --> 00:14:40,833 STORMTROOPER: As usual. 160 00:14:40,916 --> 00:14:43,125 FRECK: Well, hop in. Meet my new friends. 161 00:14:43,208 --> 00:14:44,541 STORMTROOPER: Thanks, Freck. 162 00:14:46,125 --> 00:14:48,916 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC CONTINUES) 163 00:14:55,541 --> 00:15:00,208 FRECK: This is Orden and Luma. They're hitchin' a ride to the port. 164 00:15:02,666 --> 00:15:04,125 Where are you all comin' from? 165 00:15:04,875 --> 00:15:08,208 STORMTROOPER 2: They're movin' us around, looking for a Jedi. 166 00:15:08,291 --> 00:15:12,250 FRECK: A Jedi? Out here? I hope we're not in any danger. 167 00:15:12,333 --> 00:15:15,666 STORMTROOPER 3: Ah, no, we'll find him. We always do. 168 00:15:37,250 --> 00:15:38,583 STORMTROOPER 2: You a miner? 169 00:15:40,083 --> 00:15:42,208 Farmer from, uh, Tawl. 170 00:15:42,333 --> 00:15:44,333 STORMTROOPER 2: What are you doin' out here? 171 00:15:44,416 --> 00:15:46,000 That's a long story. 172 00:15:46,666 --> 00:15:48,166 STORMTROOPER 2: It's a long way. 173 00:15:50,291 --> 00:15:55,458 He brought me here to see the place where he met my mother before she... 174 00:15:55,541 --> 00:15:57,250 She's not with us anymore. 175 00:15:58,291 --> 00:15:59,708 Been a very difficult time. 176 00:16:02,791 --> 00:16:06,458 STORMTROOPER 2: What about you? You have any information about a Jedi? 177 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:08,375 I wouldn't know one if I saw one. 178 00:16:08,458 --> 00:16:09,583 You haven't heard anything? 179 00:16:09,666 --> 00:16:12,416 Nothing. Are you sure he's even on this planet? 180 00:16:12,500 --> 00:16:14,000 They know what they're doing, Leia. 181 00:16:15,250 --> 00:16:16,500 It's just, I'm-- 182 00:16:16,583 --> 00:16:18,333 STORMTROOPER 2: You called her Leia. 183 00:16:18,416 --> 00:16:19,416 Just that I... 184 00:16:22,208 --> 00:16:24,208 I thought her name was Luma. 185 00:16:27,458 --> 00:16:29,000 That was her mother's name. 186 00:16:30,083 --> 00:16:31,500 I get confused. 187 00:16:32,125 --> 00:16:34,041 Like I said, it's not been easy. 188 00:16:34,666 --> 00:16:36,708 Sometimes when I look at Luma, 189 00:16:37,833 --> 00:16:39,500 I see her mother's face. 190 00:16:43,083 --> 00:16:44,666 We all miss her very much. 191 00:16:48,416 --> 00:16:51,208 STORMTROOPER 2: Well, just keep your eyes open. 192 00:16:51,291 --> 00:16:52,916 Report it if you see anything. 193 00:16:53,000 --> 00:16:54,125 -Of course. -Of course. 194 00:16:55,083 --> 00:16:57,416 STORMTROOPER 3: This is us! Thanks, Freck! 195 00:16:57,833 --> 00:16:59,458 -(VEHICLE STOPS) -Let's move. 196 00:17:06,540 --> 00:17:08,125 STORMTROOPER 2: I'll check out that T-16. 197 00:17:08,208 --> 00:17:09,540 What do they got you doing? 198 00:17:11,290 --> 00:17:13,040 (BOTH SIGH IN RELIEF) 199 00:17:20,750 --> 00:17:21,750 What? 200 00:17:22,625 --> 00:17:26,375 You knew her, my real mother, didn't you? 201 00:17:27,083 --> 00:17:28,290 It was just a story. 202 00:17:29,375 --> 00:17:32,541 The whole time I've known you, you've been hiding something. 203 00:17:34,333 --> 00:17:36,250 -Lying to me. -Leia. 204 00:17:40,708 --> 00:17:42,208 Are you my real father? 205 00:17:45,583 --> 00:17:47,416 I wish that I could say I was, 206 00:17:48,875 --> 00:17:50,083 but no, I'm not. 207 00:17:54,750 --> 00:17:57,416 Sometimes I try to imagine what he was like. 208 00:17:59,291 --> 00:18:00,500 I know that feeling. 209 00:18:02,541 --> 00:18:05,875 As Jedi, we're taken from our families when we're very young. 210 00:18:07,333 --> 00:18:08,708 I still have glimpses, 211 00:18:10,916 --> 00:18:16,000 flashes really, my mother's shawl, my father's hands. 212 00:18:16,666 --> 00:18:19,083 -I remember a baby. -A baby? 213 00:18:19,166 --> 00:18:20,958 Yes, I think I had a brother. 214 00:18:22,250 --> 00:18:23,750 Really don't remember him. 215 00:18:25,083 --> 00:18:26,166 I wished I did. 216 00:18:28,041 --> 00:18:31,625 Then I joined the Jedi, and I got a new family just like you. 217 00:18:35,416 --> 00:18:36,416 Freck? 218 00:18:36,500 --> 00:18:37,500 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 219 00:18:37,583 --> 00:18:39,833 Freck? Can we get off here? 220 00:18:39,916 --> 00:18:42,083 FRECK: Oh, it's a standard inspection. 221 00:18:42,166 --> 00:18:44,958 Don't worry, won't take long. I know these fellas. 222 00:18:55,875 --> 00:18:56,916 STORMTROOPER: Good run today? 223 00:18:57,000 --> 00:18:59,666 FRECK: Not bad. Quarry's running dry. 224 00:19:00,791 --> 00:19:02,375 We're gonna have to dig again. 225 00:19:03,291 --> 00:19:04,625 STORMTROOPER: Who are they? 226 00:19:05,791 --> 00:19:10,333 A couple of strays I found. Thought you might wanna check 'em out. 227 00:19:10,416 --> 00:19:12,208 STORMTROOPER: All right. Thanks, Freck. 228 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:29,708 Not a lot of reasons to be in the outpost today. 229 00:19:29,791 --> 00:19:30,791 Where are you headed? 230 00:19:31,208 --> 00:19:34,833 Uh, back to Tawl. We have family here we were visiting. 231 00:19:36,625 --> 00:19:38,291 All right, step out of the vehicle. 232 00:19:39,166 --> 00:19:40,833 Initiate protocol 23. 233 00:20:10,500 --> 00:20:11,791 STORMTROOPER: Raise your head. 234 00:20:13,916 --> 00:20:15,750 I said raise your head. 235 00:20:17,958 --> 00:20:21,000 (BEEPING) 236 00:20:24,041 --> 00:20:25,041 (ALARM BEEPS) 237 00:20:32,375 --> 00:20:33,583 (GRUNTING) 238 00:20:35,083 --> 00:20:37,708 No, no, no! (WHIMPERING) 239 00:20:37,791 --> 00:20:39,791 -(FIRING) -(SCREAMS) 240 00:20:41,458 --> 00:20:42,625 Hey. 241 00:20:45,000 --> 00:20:46,458 (STORMTROOPER GRUNTING) 242 00:20:48,166 --> 00:20:50,208 Put it down! Put it down! 243 00:20:50,666 --> 00:20:52,416 All right, I'm putting it down. 244 00:20:53,458 --> 00:20:55,708 I'm putting it down. Just... 245 00:20:56,500 --> 00:20:57,583 (WHIMPERING) 246 00:20:58,583 --> 00:20:59,875 Let the girl... 247 00:21:00,666 --> 00:21:01,833 Come on. 248 00:21:04,083 --> 00:21:05,333 (OBI-WAN PANTING) 249 00:21:07,500 --> 00:21:08,500 (FAILED BEEPING) 250 00:21:16,333 --> 00:21:18,625 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLYING) 251 00:21:24,041 --> 00:21:26,458 FEMALE STORMTROOPER: Get down! Get down on the ground! 252 00:21:34,541 --> 00:21:35,625 Put your head down. 253 00:21:44,166 --> 00:21:45,791 -(FIRING) -(GRUNTS) 254 00:21:48,500 --> 00:21:49,500 Come on. 255 00:21:50,375 --> 00:21:52,875 They'll have sent a transmission. We have to hurry. 256 00:21:54,291 --> 00:21:56,083 I'll take you the rest of the way. 257 00:22:02,833 --> 00:22:07,208 Mapuzo. It's a mining planet. Mid-Rim, Type Two. 258 00:22:08,291 --> 00:22:09,291 You were right. 259 00:22:09,375 --> 00:22:15,000 He destroyed the probe. Signal came through before impact. 260 00:22:15,083 --> 00:22:16,666 We have a presence there? 261 00:22:16,750 --> 00:22:19,458 Full battery. It's a strip operation. Vintrium. 262 00:22:19,541 --> 00:22:21,041 I'll inform Lord Vader. 263 00:22:21,125 --> 00:22:23,208 He's already been informed. 264 00:22:24,291 --> 00:22:26,875 He was most appreciative. 265 00:22:29,500 --> 00:22:32,541 You wanna take the credit, you go right ahead. 266 00:22:32,625 --> 00:22:35,916 But we both know who'll be standing by his side when this is over. 267 00:22:42,125 --> 00:22:46,791 Gather your battalions now and shut down every single port. 268 00:22:46,875 --> 00:22:49,916 Nobody goes in or out. Do you understand me? 269 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:51,500 -STORMTROOPER: Understood. -Go. 270 00:22:51,791 --> 00:22:53,250 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 271 00:22:53,833 --> 00:22:55,291 STORMTROOPERS: Out of the way. 272 00:22:55,875 --> 00:22:57,291 He gave you the right coordinates. 273 00:22:57,375 --> 00:22:59,125 I was on my way when the probes arrived, 274 00:22:59,208 --> 00:23:01,875 -but you'd already gone. -I hadn't expected anyone to come. 275 00:23:05,708 --> 00:23:08,500 The Empire's gone into high alert. They've locked everything down. 276 00:23:08,583 --> 00:23:10,583 -Can we still get out? -I can get you to the port. 277 00:23:10,666 --> 00:23:12,166 There's a pilot who's agreed to take you, 278 00:23:12,250 --> 00:23:14,291 but he's not scheduled to leave for a few hours, 279 00:23:14,375 --> 00:23:16,750 so we need to lay low. Wait here. Wait here. 280 00:23:16,833 --> 00:23:18,166 I'll make sure it's clear. 281 00:23:29,250 --> 00:23:30,416 WOMAN: Yeah, just at the top. 282 00:23:31,166 --> 00:23:33,291 MAN: Let's check all this in. Check it all in. 283 00:23:35,833 --> 00:23:36,875 (BEEPS) 284 00:23:40,875 --> 00:23:42,125 WOMAN: Well, I'm on my way... 285 00:23:42,208 --> 00:23:45,000 Everything will be all right, Leia. We'll make it out. 286 00:23:45,083 --> 00:23:49,083 I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't mean to run away. 287 00:23:49,791 --> 00:23:52,541 I used to do it all the time. I just... 288 00:23:53,083 --> 00:23:54,375 It was just for fun. 289 00:23:54,458 --> 00:23:56,083 It wasn't your fault, Leia. 290 00:24:00,375 --> 00:24:01,583 I miss home. 291 00:24:05,083 --> 00:24:06,333 You'll be home very soon. 292 00:24:06,583 --> 00:24:09,500 WOMAN: That's good. Stack it. Stack it all the way to the right. 293 00:24:15,750 --> 00:24:17,000 (WHISPERS) Come on. 294 00:24:25,958 --> 00:24:28,916 Droid maintenance. It's all automated. No one ever comes in here. 295 00:24:32,041 --> 00:24:36,041 Oh, it's all right. He's on our side. Designation's NED-B. 296 00:24:36,916 --> 00:24:38,125 Hi, NED-B. 297 00:24:39,375 --> 00:24:42,041 This is L0-LA59. 298 00:24:43,458 --> 00:24:44,625 Lola, say hello. 299 00:24:44,708 --> 00:24:45,708 (LOLA BEEPING) 300 00:24:47,041 --> 00:24:50,208 Uh, he's just a loader. They don't allow them to communicate. 301 00:24:50,791 --> 00:24:52,583 But what if he has something to say? 302 00:24:53,916 --> 00:24:55,500 Actions speak louder than words. 303 00:25:09,291 --> 00:25:10,458 OBI-WAN: What is this place? 304 00:25:12,166 --> 00:25:15,500 We have safehouses like this throughout the galaxy. 305 00:25:15,583 --> 00:25:17,083 Trying to link the systems. 306 00:25:18,541 --> 00:25:19,958 Some call it the Path. 307 00:25:22,041 --> 00:25:24,166 You're not the first Jedi to come through here. 308 00:25:25,916 --> 00:25:27,125 It all leads to Jabiim, 309 00:25:27,208 --> 00:25:31,083 and from there, we give them new identities and get them out. 310 00:25:32,416 --> 00:25:35,125 There's a lot of good people risking their lives out there. 311 00:25:37,291 --> 00:25:38,333 Are they all Jedi? 312 00:25:38,958 --> 00:25:40,208 OFFICER: Not all. (CHUCKLES) 313 00:25:41,333 --> 00:25:44,625 These days, the Empire hunts anyone who's Force-sensitive. 314 00:25:46,166 --> 00:25:47,208 Even children. 315 00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:49,250 What happens to them? 316 00:25:51,125 --> 00:25:52,958 We're not sure. 317 00:25:53,041 --> 00:25:54,583 But no one ever sees them again. 318 00:26:01,500 --> 00:26:02,833 Quinlan was here. 319 00:26:02,916 --> 00:26:05,291 Yeah, he helps now and again. 320 00:26:05,375 --> 00:26:06,708 Smuggling younglings. 321 00:26:11,958 --> 00:26:13,125 LEIA: What does it say? 322 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:18,875 "Only when the eyes are closed can you truly see." 323 00:26:19,416 --> 00:26:20,458 LEIA: See what? 324 00:26:24,083 --> 00:26:25,166 The Way. 325 00:26:27,666 --> 00:26:29,125 (KNOCK AT DOOR) 326 00:26:29,875 --> 00:26:31,083 STORMTROOPER 1: Open up in there. 327 00:26:31,333 --> 00:26:32,750 (KNOCKING CONTINUES) 328 00:26:33,375 --> 00:26:34,875 I said open up. 329 00:26:35,291 --> 00:26:37,291 (KNOCKING CONTINUES) 330 00:26:38,208 --> 00:26:39,791 Open up. Now! 331 00:26:52,291 --> 00:26:54,125 STORMTROOPER 2: We need to search the premises. 332 00:26:58,166 --> 00:27:00,458 A Jedi was seen entering this camp. 333 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:09,375 You seen anyone? 334 00:27:12,125 --> 00:27:13,125 Hey! 335 00:27:14,208 --> 00:27:15,541 I'm talking to you. 336 00:27:22,208 --> 00:27:25,208 STORMTROOPER 1: It's just a loader. It doesn't understand. 337 00:27:25,291 --> 00:27:28,000 Come on. Let's try the next one. 338 00:27:45,083 --> 00:27:46,541 (SIGHS) 339 00:27:46,708 --> 00:27:49,000 We've been compromised. We're coming to you right now. 340 00:27:49,083 --> 00:27:51,125 -PILOT: We're not ready. We need more-- -I don't care. 341 00:27:51,208 --> 00:27:52,958 Get the ship ready, and hurry. 342 00:27:54,875 --> 00:27:57,375 Someone must have seen us. We're moving up the timeline. 343 00:28:02,916 --> 00:28:03,916 Is it scary? 344 00:28:05,416 --> 00:28:06,833 Having to pretend? 345 00:28:07,416 --> 00:28:10,666 Yeah, sometimes. But it's worth it if I can help people. 346 00:28:15,166 --> 00:28:17,625 I wear it on the other side. Gives me a faster draw. 347 00:28:17,708 --> 00:28:19,791 Can you teach me how to shoot? 348 00:28:20,500 --> 00:28:23,916 Leia, come and get ready. 349 00:28:24,000 --> 00:28:25,916 She'll make a good fighter one day. 350 00:28:27,500 --> 00:28:29,666 -Yes, I think you might be right. -Yes. 351 00:28:32,208 --> 00:28:35,166 Why do you do this? Risk everything? 352 00:28:35,250 --> 00:28:38,000 I joined up when the Empire stood for something. 353 00:28:38,083 --> 00:28:42,250 By the time I realized what they really were, it was too late. 354 00:28:42,333 --> 00:28:43,958 I made some mistakes. 355 00:28:44,875 --> 00:28:45,958 We all did. 356 00:28:46,750 --> 00:28:49,541 OFFICER: I can't imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi doing anything wrong. 357 00:28:49,625 --> 00:28:51,708 It's just Ben these days. 358 00:28:53,041 --> 00:28:54,583 Well, Tala. 359 00:28:57,833 --> 00:28:59,625 Come on, this will take us out. 360 00:29:05,625 --> 00:29:07,666 (GASPING) 361 00:29:10,666 --> 00:29:13,041 Ben? What is it? 362 00:29:15,458 --> 00:29:16,458 Ben. 363 00:29:19,125 --> 00:29:20,833 (BREATH TREMBLING) 364 00:29:29,166 --> 00:29:30,375 (FEMALE SHRIEKS IN DISTANCE) 365 00:29:30,458 --> 00:29:31,708 MAN: Go inside. Inside now. 366 00:29:31,791 --> 00:29:33,458 WOMAN: No. MAN: Inside. Go. Go right now. 367 00:29:33,541 --> 00:29:35,375 Just move! Move! 368 00:29:36,916 --> 00:29:38,375 (DARTH VADER BREATHING HEAVILY) 369 00:29:41,375 --> 00:29:42,958 (GASPS) 370 00:29:53,916 --> 00:29:56,083 (DARTH VADER CONTINUES BREATHING HEAVILY) 371 00:29:59,291 --> 00:30:00,833 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 372 00:30:14,625 --> 00:30:17,000 (WHISPERS) Let's get back in the room. Go. Go. Now. 373 00:30:39,291 --> 00:30:40,500 (BREATH TREMBLING) 374 00:30:43,708 --> 00:30:45,333 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS) 375 00:30:45,625 --> 00:30:47,166 (GRUNTS) No! 376 00:30:47,250 --> 00:30:49,291 -BOY: Stop! No! -(GRUNTS) 377 00:30:50,125 --> 00:30:51,833 -(GASPING) -BOY: Stop! 378 00:30:52,208 --> 00:30:53,375 (CHOKING) 379 00:30:57,208 --> 00:30:58,208 BOY: Dad! 380 00:31:01,333 --> 00:31:02,333 Please. 381 00:31:02,416 --> 00:31:03,416 -(NECK SNAPS) -No! 382 00:31:06,666 --> 00:31:09,291 (SOBBING) 383 00:31:09,958 --> 00:31:11,416 (WHISPERING) Come. We have to go now. 384 00:31:12,291 --> 00:31:13,458 Come on! 385 00:31:14,666 --> 00:31:15,666 Leia. 386 00:31:16,208 --> 00:31:19,166 -Go with Tala. I'll be right behind you. -(WHIMPERS) 387 00:31:19,750 --> 00:31:21,250 Get her to Alderaan. 388 00:31:21,750 --> 00:31:24,583 -Promise me. Promise me. -Okay. 389 00:31:24,666 --> 00:31:25,958 I'll lead them away. 390 00:31:34,375 --> 00:31:36,000 (GROANING) 391 00:31:37,958 --> 00:31:41,416 (SCREAMING) 392 00:31:50,333 --> 00:31:52,416 (WHIMPERING) 393 00:31:54,875 --> 00:31:56,416 (WHIMPERING) 394 00:31:59,125 --> 00:32:00,708 (DARTH VADER BREATHING HEAVILY) 395 00:32:07,166 --> 00:32:09,458 He said not to engage. 396 00:32:10,125 --> 00:32:13,791 We're to sweep the town, search for others. 397 00:32:35,708 --> 00:32:38,333 (PANTING) 398 00:32:46,791 --> 00:32:48,708 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS) 399 00:32:55,416 --> 00:32:59,333 (PANTING) 400 00:33:21,583 --> 00:33:25,250 DARTH VADER: You cannot run, Obi-Wan. 401 00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:30,416 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 402 00:33:45,041 --> 00:33:46,875 (DARTH VADER BREATHING HEAVILY) 403 00:33:55,041 --> 00:33:56,541 What have you become? 404 00:33:59,375 --> 00:34:02,875 DARTH VADER: I am what you made me. 405 00:34:08,208 --> 00:34:09,333 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 406 00:34:10,375 --> 00:34:12,458 STORMTROOPER: Move. Everybody out. Everybody out. 407 00:34:12,750 --> 00:34:14,625 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 408 00:34:15,791 --> 00:34:16,875 FIFTH BROTHER: Move! 409 00:34:16,958 --> 00:34:18,750 MAN: Just please, please, just leave us alone. 410 00:34:22,916 --> 00:34:25,208 STORMTROOPER: Get in line. MAN: I know nothing. 411 00:34:25,291 --> 00:34:26,708 STORMTROOPER: Stay where you are. 412 00:34:31,708 --> 00:34:33,375 LEIA: You have to help him. 413 00:34:33,458 --> 00:34:34,500 TALA: He'll be fine. 414 00:34:34,583 --> 00:34:38,416 No, he won't be. I can make it on my own from here. 415 00:35:16,916 --> 00:35:20,625 (GRUNTING) 416 00:35:26,833 --> 00:35:29,541 (GRUNTING) 417 00:35:33,541 --> 00:35:35,916 DARTH VADER: The years have made you weak. 418 00:35:39,583 --> 00:35:41,625 (PANTING) 419 00:35:47,125 --> 00:35:48,125 Go. 420 00:35:55,541 --> 00:35:58,958 Keep running till you reach the port. A pilot will meet you there. 421 00:36:00,083 --> 00:36:01,083 Okay. 422 00:36:08,583 --> 00:36:09,666 Bring him back. 423 00:36:17,666 --> 00:36:20,666 (BOTH GRUNTING) 424 00:36:37,500 --> 00:36:42,375 You should've killed me when you had the chance. 425 00:36:42,541 --> 00:36:43,958 (PANTING) 426 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:25,000 (GRUNTS) 427 00:37:26,125 --> 00:37:27,791 (PANTING) 428 00:37:48,916 --> 00:37:51,208 (PANTING) 429 00:37:55,833 --> 00:37:57,000 (GRUNTS) 430 00:37:59,208 --> 00:38:00,458 (GASPS) 431 00:38:00,541 --> 00:38:04,708 (GROANING) 432 00:38:15,291 --> 00:38:19,291 (CONTINUES GROANING) 433 00:38:22,541 --> 00:38:27,500 Now you will suffer, Obi-Wan. 434 00:38:28,583 --> 00:38:29,958 (GRUNTS) 435 00:38:33,083 --> 00:38:35,541 (SCREAMING) 436 00:38:40,583 --> 00:38:45,000 Your pain has just begun. 437 00:38:53,791 --> 00:38:55,375 (OBI-WAN CONTINUES SCREAMING) 438 00:39:01,708 --> 00:39:03,333 DARTH VADER: Bring him to me. 439 00:39:07,458 --> 00:39:08,500 (STORMTROOPER GROANS) 440 00:39:08,625 --> 00:39:10,750 STORMTROOPER 1: Heads down! STORMTROOPER 2: Secure the area! 441 00:39:10,833 --> 00:39:12,125 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 442 00:39:15,750 --> 00:39:17,458 (STORMTROOPERS SCREAM) 443 00:39:17,541 --> 00:39:19,541 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 444 00:39:20,958 --> 00:39:23,041 STORMTROOPER 1: Fire! STORMTROOPER 2: Blast him! 445 00:39:23,125 --> 00:39:24,541 STORMTROOPER: Can't see a thing. 446 00:39:24,916 --> 00:39:25,916 STORMTROOPER: Stop him! 447 00:39:28,458 --> 00:39:29,791 STORMTROOPER: Advance! 448 00:39:31,208 --> 00:39:32,750 STORMTROOPER: I can't get through! 449 00:39:35,666 --> 00:39:37,208 STORMTROOPER: Go now! Go! 450 00:39:38,833 --> 00:39:40,333 STORMTROOPER: I can't see anything. 451 00:39:40,750 --> 00:39:42,375 STORMTROOPER: There's no way around. 452 00:39:44,791 --> 00:39:46,666 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 453 00:39:55,041 --> 00:39:56,666 STORMTROOPER: Everybody out! 454 00:39:56,750 --> 00:39:59,041 MALE 1: What's going-- MALE 2: Wait. What's happening? 455 00:39:59,125 --> 00:40:00,125 FOURTH SISTER: Understood. 456 00:40:00,208 --> 00:40:01,625 STORMTROOPER: Get down! Do not move. 457 00:40:02,333 --> 00:40:05,041 They lost him. He had help. We're to sweep the planet. 458 00:40:05,666 --> 00:40:07,208 Now we'll never find him. 459 00:40:11,625 --> 00:40:14,083 Ready the transport. We have to get him to Jabiim. 460 00:40:15,125 --> 00:40:17,500 -(OBI-WAN GROANING) -You're going to be okay. 461 00:40:31,208 --> 00:40:32,416 VOICE: Don't be afraid. 462 00:40:33,625 --> 00:40:34,833 Come closer. 463 00:40:35,916 --> 00:40:38,166 Are you the one I'm supposed to meet? 464 00:40:39,916 --> 00:40:44,833 Unfortunately, they couldn't make it, but I'll take you from here. 465 00:40:51,750 --> 00:40:53,750 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)