1 00:00:01,958 --> 00:00:04,000 OBI-WAN: This is where he told us to come to. 2 00:00:04,916 --> 00:00:06,875 LEIA: Maybe they're just late? 3 00:00:06,958 --> 00:00:10,125 Maybe it was a lie. I knew it! I never should've trusted him. 4 00:00:10,208 --> 00:00:13,750 -LEIA: We don't know if maybe-- -No one is coming here, Leia. 5 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:21,541 Prove yourself, and the position of Grand Inquisitor is yours. 6 00:00:22,583 --> 00:00:24,958 We should send out all remaining probes now. 7 00:00:28,083 --> 00:00:32,500 A couple of strays I found. Thought you might wanna check 'em out. 8 00:00:32,583 --> 00:00:33,708 STORMTROOPER: Raise your head. 9 00:00:36,083 --> 00:00:38,291 STORMTROOPER 2: Get down! Get down on the ground! 10 00:00:40,125 --> 00:00:42,125 Come on. I'll take you the rest of the way. 11 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:47,416 TALA: We have safehouses like this throughout the galaxy. 12 00:00:47,500 --> 00:00:49,166 Some call it the Path. 13 00:00:49,250 --> 00:00:52,583 These days, the Empire hunts anyone who's Force-sensitive. 14 00:00:54,166 --> 00:00:55,166 Ben? 15 00:00:57,583 --> 00:00:59,000 (CHOKING) 16 00:00:59,750 --> 00:01:01,250 OBI-WAN: What have you become? 17 00:01:01,333 --> 00:01:02,958 (GRUNTING) 18 00:01:03,666 --> 00:01:07,458 DARTH VADER: I am what you made me. 19 00:01:08,666 --> 00:01:10,208 (SCREAMING) 20 00:01:12,291 --> 00:01:13,291 STORMTROOPER: Advance! 21 00:01:13,375 --> 00:01:15,916 Ready the transport. We have to get him to Jabiim. 22 00:01:17,958 --> 00:01:20,166 Are you the one I'm supposed to meet? 23 00:01:20,958 --> 00:01:22,458 I'll take you from here. 24 00:02:13,166 --> 00:02:15,250 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 25 00:02:17,375 --> 00:02:20,166 (GRUNTING SOFTLY) 26 00:02:25,125 --> 00:02:26,125 TALA: Ben. 27 00:02:29,458 --> 00:02:31,958 Ben, stay with me. You're gonna be okay. 28 00:02:35,333 --> 00:02:36,416 Hold on. 29 00:02:38,833 --> 00:02:40,000 (GRUNTS) 30 00:02:45,875 --> 00:02:47,583 Get the bacta tank ready. 31 00:02:52,541 --> 00:02:54,291 MAN: Bacta tank is right this way. 32 00:02:57,708 --> 00:02:59,041 (GROANING) 33 00:03:14,166 --> 00:03:16,583 (DARTH VADER BREATHING) 34 00:03:20,625 --> 00:03:23,083 DARTH VADER: The years have made you weak. 35 00:03:23,166 --> 00:03:25,666 (GRUNTING) 36 00:03:30,916 --> 00:03:35,583 You should've killed me when you had the chance. 37 00:03:46,708 --> 00:03:48,041 TALA: Don't. Don't. 38 00:03:48,125 --> 00:03:49,333 -(GASPS) -You're still not healed! 39 00:03:49,416 --> 00:03:51,958 Your burns, your body, they just need time. 40 00:03:52,041 --> 00:03:53,083 Where... 41 00:03:53,166 --> 00:03:55,833 We're on Jabiim. You're safe now. 42 00:03:55,916 --> 00:03:57,333 (PANTING) 43 00:03:57,666 --> 00:03:58,791 Where's Leia? 44 00:04:06,125 --> 00:04:10,166 You can't keep me here. My father is Bail Organa, he's a senator. 45 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:13,708 I am a princess of Alderaan. 46 00:04:17,250 --> 00:04:18,416 That's cute. 47 00:04:20,125 --> 00:04:22,583 You have no rights here, Princess. 48 00:04:23,583 --> 00:04:27,000 The Empire doesn't take kindly to Jedi sympathizers. 49 00:04:27,083 --> 00:04:29,833 -He will come for me. -Oh. 50 00:04:33,833 --> 00:04:35,708 Obi-Wan is dead. 51 00:04:41,541 --> 00:04:43,458 (WHISPERS) Nobody's coming for you. 52 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:52,000 Roken. 53 00:04:52,666 --> 00:04:53,666 He shouldn't be here. 54 00:04:53,750 --> 00:04:56,041 -I know you're upset, but... -I mean it. 55 00:04:56,750 --> 00:04:58,750 Get him on the first transport outta here. 56 00:04:58,833 --> 00:05:00,541 Too many people are looking for you. 57 00:05:00,625 --> 00:05:02,708 -You'll put us all in danger. -I need your help. 58 00:05:02,791 --> 00:05:05,458 So does every kid making a rock float from here to Coruscant. 59 00:05:05,541 --> 00:05:07,583 Someone very important to me has been taken. 60 00:05:07,666 --> 00:05:09,125 I need your help to get her back. 61 00:05:09,208 --> 00:05:12,375 General, I'm sorry, but that's not my problem. 62 00:05:12,458 --> 00:05:14,083 Well, I wish that were true. 63 00:05:15,458 --> 00:05:17,041 TALA: She knows everything. 64 00:05:17,875 --> 00:05:19,541 Where we are, what we're doing. 65 00:05:20,291 --> 00:05:23,125 Roken, if she finds us, we need to prepare an evacuation. 66 00:05:23,208 --> 00:05:25,625 I can't shut it down. Everything runs outta here. 67 00:05:25,708 --> 00:05:27,541 OBI-WAN: Then help us to get her back. 68 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:29,708 I can't lose her. 69 00:05:30,458 --> 00:05:32,791 You've no idea what the Empire is capable of. 70 00:05:35,125 --> 00:05:36,250 (ROKEN SIGHS) 71 00:05:39,833 --> 00:05:41,000 I had a wife once. 72 00:05:41,416 --> 00:05:43,875 I knew exactly what she was before we got married. 73 00:05:44,458 --> 00:05:45,666 We tried to hide it. 74 00:05:46,791 --> 00:05:48,958 And the Inquisitors found her anyway. 75 00:05:51,833 --> 00:05:55,041 So I know exactly what the Empire can do. 76 00:06:04,291 --> 00:06:07,000 Look, if you want my help, you got it. 77 00:06:08,375 --> 00:06:11,416 (BEEPING) 78 00:06:13,166 --> 00:06:15,375 Nur. It's a water moon. 79 00:06:16,166 --> 00:06:18,541 We got this off the grid while it was being built. 80 00:06:18,625 --> 00:06:21,291 It's all we have. It's in the Mustafar system. 81 00:06:21,375 --> 00:06:22,375 That's Vader's system. 82 00:06:22,458 --> 00:06:24,791 -Is Vader there? -We don't think so. 83 00:06:24,875 --> 00:06:28,750 Our intel shows he's still on his ship, but he's close. 84 00:06:28,833 --> 00:06:32,375 So that's it? Fortress Inquisitorius. 85 00:06:32,458 --> 00:06:34,000 It's impenetrable, Wade. 86 00:06:34,083 --> 00:06:35,875 How far down do you think it goes? 87 00:06:35,958 --> 00:06:37,500 Have no idea. 88 00:06:37,583 --> 00:06:38,916 It's their base of operations, 89 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:41,833 so probably got a command center, a training facility. 90 00:06:41,916 --> 00:06:44,083 Truth is, nobody knows what it looks like in there. 91 00:06:44,166 --> 00:06:45,375 I don't see any shields. 92 00:06:45,458 --> 00:06:48,041 That's because no one would be stupid enough to attack them. 93 00:06:48,125 --> 00:06:50,291 We could take those speeders, go in at night. 94 00:06:50,375 --> 00:06:51,958 You have some T-47s in the hangar. 95 00:06:52,041 --> 00:06:53,041 It's suicide. 96 00:06:53,125 --> 00:06:54,333 We need to find a way inside. 97 00:06:54,416 --> 00:06:57,333 Yeah, well, we're not soldiers. Those speeders are for hauling sewage. 98 00:06:57,416 --> 00:06:58,750 She's ten years old. 99 00:06:58,833 --> 00:07:00,791 I won't leave her there. I'll go on my own. 100 00:07:00,875 --> 00:07:03,208 SULLY: You can barely stand. You're not getting in there. 101 00:07:03,291 --> 00:07:04,375 I'll go with him. 102 00:07:06,666 --> 00:07:08,250 Well, I have officer clearance. 103 00:07:08,333 --> 00:07:10,833 I can get you inside, and I can get you access. 104 00:07:10,916 --> 00:07:12,333 Is your cover still intact? 105 00:07:12,958 --> 00:07:14,583 We'll find out soon enough. 106 00:07:15,166 --> 00:07:17,916 We're wasting time. Get my ship fueled and ready. 107 00:07:45,083 --> 00:07:46,250 I'll be all right. 108 00:07:47,708 --> 00:07:50,500 Your body is not the only thing that needs to heal, Ben. 109 00:07:51,291 --> 00:07:53,041 The past is a hard thing to forget. 110 00:07:53,125 --> 00:07:55,166 And you just need time, that's all. 111 00:07:57,291 --> 00:07:59,125 Some things can't be forgotten. 112 00:08:00,916 --> 00:08:02,708 You care about Leia? 113 00:08:04,708 --> 00:08:06,333 Then you're gonna have to try. 114 00:08:07,958 --> 00:08:09,416 We're almost there. 115 00:08:18,083 --> 00:08:22,041 REVA: We intercepted a transmission on Balnab last year. 116 00:08:23,083 --> 00:08:26,291 Bunch of talk of a secret network. A Path. 117 00:08:28,125 --> 00:08:29,625 We thought it was a lie. 118 00:08:30,541 --> 00:08:33,708 But a safehouse, like the one you were in, 119 00:08:34,458 --> 00:08:36,791 has been found in two systems. 120 00:08:38,250 --> 00:08:39,458 (SLAMS) 121 00:08:43,958 --> 00:08:46,250 I need to find out where they are, Leia. 122 00:08:47,458 --> 00:08:49,875 And I think you know. 123 00:08:53,291 --> 00:08:54,541 How did he die? 124 00:08:56,541 --> 00:08:58,791 He burned to death on Mapuzo. 125 00:09:00,291 --> 00:09:03,250 The people I'm looking for 126 00:09:03,833 --> 00:09:06,333 left him there to die. 127 00:09:08,208 --> 00:09:12,750 If you tell me where the Path is, you can go home to your family. 128 00:09:13,583 --> 00:09:16,375 This can all be over. 129 00:09:21,833 --> 00:09:23,791 I don't know anything about a Path. 130 00:09:27,416 --> 00:09:29,791 Well, let's think a little bit harder, shall we? 131 00:09:40,916 --> 00:09:44,125 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 132 00:09:53,291 --> 00:09:55,333 Prisoner transport 538. 133 00:10:27,625 --> 00:10:29,750 GUARD: Identification. 134 00:10:29,833 --> 00:10:31,541 No admittance without clearance. 135 00:10:31,625 --> 00:10:32,833 I have officer class C. 136 00:10:32,916 --> 00:10:34,208 Now, please. 137 00:10:37,916 --> 00:10:38,916 Here. 138 00:10:47,000 --> 00:10:49,166 (BEEPING) 139 00:10:59,625 --> 00:11:00,625 Is there a problem? 140 00:11:04,250 --> 00:11:07,458 This isn't your sector. I can't let you through. 141 00:11:09,458 --> 00:11:10,625 And you are? 142 00:11:12,291 --> 00:11:14,666 I am the lead security on this level. 143 00:11:14,750 --> 00:11:17,708 Then I'm your commanding officer, and you will address me as "Sir." 144 00:11:17,791 --> 00:11:19,291 Yes, sir, of course. But... 145 00:11:19,375 --> 00:11:22,750 Perhaps I should just inform the Grand Inquisitor of your insolence. 146 00:11:25,666 --> 00:11:27,625 I'm here with classified intelligence. 147 00:11:27,708 --> 00:11:29,541 Do you know what "classified" means? 148 00:11:32,083 --> 00:11:33,083 Yes, sir. 149 00:11:34,083 --> 00:11:36,083 Then why am I wasting my breath on you? 150 00:11:36,583 --> 00:11:39,000 GUARD: Yes, sir. Of course. 151 00:11:42,875 --> 00:11:43,875 (SIGHS IN RELIEF) 152 00:11:46,291 --> 00:11:48,041 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 153 00:12:00,583 --> 00:12:03,208 All right, I'm inside the system. Here we go. 154 00:12:15,125 --> 00:12:18,208 Ben, I'm overriding an entry port. 155 00:12:18,291 --> 00:12:20,583 It should be right ahead of you. 156 00:12:24,541 --> 00:12:27,000 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 157 00:12:56,333 --> 00:12:58,250 (GRUNTING) 158 00:12:58,333 --> 00:12:59,958 (WATER SPLASHES) 159 00:13:06,166 --> 00:13:07,291 I'm in. 160 00:13:18,541 --> 00:13:20,500 Is this a staring contest? 161 00:13:25,833 --> 00:13:26,833 (GRUNTS) 162 00:13:27,458 --> 00:13:28,666 You're strong. 163 00:13:31,083 --> 00:13:32,541 The braver you seem, 164 00:13:34,375 --> 00:13:35,916 the more afraid you are. 165 00:13:37,458 --> 00:13:39,791 I learned that at a very young age as well. 166 00:13:40,125 --> 00:13:42,958 (LOLA BEEPING) 167 00:13:52,791 --> 00:13:55,041 I had a droid when I was younger, too. 168 00:13:56,041 --> 00:13:57,833 It was taken from me. 169 00:13:59,458 --> 00:14:00,875 Like everything else. 170 00:14:07,041 --> 00:14:08,583 God, look at this place. 171 00:14:09,125 --> 00:14:11,083 What are they keeping down there? 172 00:14:14,583 --> 00:14:15,833 Where is she? 173 00:14:15,916 --> 00:14:18,458 TALA: Detention area's in a secure sector. 174 00:14:18,541 --> 00:14:20,125 Just keep heading north. 175 00:14:21,166 --> 00:14:22,416 (WHISPERS) Seeker droid. 176 00:14:25,541 --> 00:14:26,791 TALA: Yeah, I see it. 177 00:14:28,916 --> 00:14:30,541 Looks like they're everywhere. 178 00:14:31,083 --> 00:14:32,208 You'll need to... 179 00:14:33,875 --> 00:14:35,375 This isn't your station. 180 00:14:37,833 --> 00:14:39,791 Let me see some identification. 181 00:14:44,083 --> 00:14:45,208 Come with me. 182 00:14:49,083 --> 00:14:50,333 (WHISPERS) Tala? 183 00:14:51,833 --> 00:14:52,916 Tala, can you hear me? 184 00:14:53,000 --> 00:14:55,000 (TERMINAL OFFICER GRUNTS) 185 00:15:05,333 --> 00:15:07,875 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 186 00:15:23,583 --> 00:15:24,583 (WHISPERS) Tala? 187 00:15:24,666 --> 00:15:28,375 (TERMINAL OFFICER GRUNTING) 188 00:15:34,166 --> 00:15:36,500 STORMTROOPER 1: This place gives me the creeps. 189 00:15:37,833 --> 00:15:40,916 STORMTROOPER 2: Hopefully we won't be stationed here for long. 190 00:15:49,625 --> 00:15:50,625 (WHISPERS) Ben? 191 00:15:52,958 --> 00:15:54,083 Did you hear that? 192 00:16:18,833 --> 00:16:20,250 Over there. Let's go. 193 00:16:28,250 --> 00:16:29,333 What happened? 194 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:32,875 I had some company. 195 00:16:35,500 --> 00:16:37,083 But it's been taken care of. 196 00:16:46,625 --> 00:16:49,083 I know what it's like being alone. 197 00:16:52,250 --> 00:16:53,750 Kenobi is gone. 198 00:16:55,250 --> 00:16:57,416 The people you're trying to protect, 199 00:16:58,750 --> 00:17:02,666 they are not coming for you. 200 00:17:04,250 --> 00:17:07,958 The only person that can save you now, Leia, 201 00:17:09,208 --> 00:17:10,333 is you. 202 00:17:15,875 --> 00:17:17,291 Tell me where they are. 203 00:17:21,041 --> 00:17:23,166 We're all on the same side here. 204 00:17:23,250 --> 00:17:26,208 These people, they'll leave you too. 205 00:17:26,291 --> 00:17:27,416 To die. 206 00:17:27,500 --> 00:17:28,500 Okay. 207 00:17:34,458 --> 00:17:36,041 I'll tell you where they are. 208 00:17:37,250 --> 00:17:39,208 I just don't want anyone to get hurt... 209 00:17:39,291 --> 00:17:41,875 I give you my word. 210 00:17:44,791 --> 00:17:46,541 I'll have to tell my father first. 211 00:17:48,166 --> 00:17:51,375 But that's okay, right? You said we're all on the same side. 212 00:17:54,125 --> 00:17:55,833 Nice try, Princess. 213 00:17:57,458 --> 00:17:58,750 I hope you like pain. 214 00:17:58,833 --> 00:18:02,708 -I'll never tell you where they are! -Then it's time to make those tears real. 215 00:18:02,791 --> 00:18:05,500 -Let go! Let go of me! -(STORMTROOPER GRUNTS) 216 00:18:08,291 --> 00:18:10,458 TALA: Ben, where are you? 217 00:18:10,541 --> 00:18:13,041 OBI-WAN: I think I just found the secure sector. 218 00:18:26,916 --> 00:18:29,333 Let go! Let go! 219 00:18:31,250 --> 00:18:34,625 Help! Somebody help! Help me, please! 220 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:37,041 What are you doing to me? 221 00:18:39,791 --> 00:18:40,791 (GRUNTS) 222 00:18:41,208 --> 00:18:44,375 Let go! Let me out! 223 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:46,875 Help! Somebody help, please! 224 00:18:55,666 --> 00:18:56,750 TALA: Ben, what is it? 225 00:18:59,750 --> 00:19:02,791 I think I've just found out what they're hiding down here. 226 00:19:03,833 --> 00:19:05,625 This place isn't a fortress. 227 00:19:07,666 --> 00:19:08,916 It's a tomb. 228 00:19:11,833 --> 00:19:14,125 You are gonna tell me what I wanna know! 229 00:19:15,083 --> 00:19:16,500 (GRUNTS) 230 00:19:17,833 --> 00:19:19,291 What are you doing to me? 231 00:19:19,375 --> 00:19:23,541 The same thing I do to anyone who doesn't embrace the Empire. 232 00:19:31,625 --> 00:19:32,958 (DEVICE BEEPS) 233 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:35,166 This is your last chance, Leia. 234 00:19:41,041 --> 00:19:43,458 -Say something! -I'll never tell you! 235 00:19:43,541 --> 00:19:45,458 Then your choice is made. 236 00:19:45,541 --> 00:19:47,583 (MACHINE POWERING UP) 237 00:20:00,583 --> 00:20:01,833 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 238 00:20:06,791 --> 00:20:08,916 LEIA: Help! Somebody help, please! 239 00:20:10,166 --> 00:20:12,041 Tala, I need a distraction. 240 00:20:12,791 --> 00:20:13,916 Why? What's happened? 241 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:15,125 Just do it, now. 242 00:20:15,250 --> 00:20:18,625 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 243 00:20:21,083 --> 00:20:23,375 Help! Somebody help, please! 244 00:20:24,250 --> 00:20:25,875 I'm sorry, Leia, I really am. 245 00:20:26,833 --> 00:20:28,291 You did this to yourself! 246 00:20:28,375 --> 00:20:30,125 LEIA: What are you doing to me? 247 00:20:30,208 --> 00:20:33,416 Please! Help! Help! Somebody help! 248 00:20:35,041 --> 00:20:36,791 I was told it cannot wait. 249 00:20:40,166 --> 00:20:42,541 -(BREATH TREMBLING) -(MACHINE POWERS DOWN) 250 00:20:50,208 --> 00:20:51,250 I'm sorry to intrude. 251 00:20:53,250 --> 00:20:55,875 I... I understand that you're leading the hunt 252 00:20:55,958 --> 00:20:58,541 -for the network they call the Path. -Just speak. 253 00:20:59,708 --> 00:21:02,333 I was stationed on Mapuzo when the hunt began. 254 00:21:02,416 --> 00:21:05,000 -Ranking officer... -Qualifications for discharge. 255 00:21:05,625 --> 00:21:06,916 They're on Florrum. 256 00:21:07,708 --> 00:21:09,833 The network runs out of the Sertar sector. 257 00:21:09,916 --> 00:21:13,166 They use a salvage business to launder goods, render new identities, 258 00:21:13,250 --> 00:21:14,541 and fly the Jedi out. 259 00:21:15,708 --> 00:21:18,041 I found evidence before the escape. 260 00:21:18,125 --> 00:21:19,250 Impressive. 261 00:21:20,041 --> 00:21:22,625 We need to direct all resources there immediately, 262 00:21:22,708 --> 00:21:24,958 and take the network out at its root. 263 00:21:26,458 --> 00:21:28,041 Unless, of course, 264 00:21:29,458 --> 00:21:30,625 you're lying. 265 00:21:41,500 --> 00:21:43,166 (GRUNTING) 266 00:21:45,416 --> 00:21:46,666 STORMTROOPER: There's no way out. 267 00:21:48,166 --> 00:21:49,208 Stand where you are. 268 00:21:50,583 --> 00:21:51,916 (GRUNTS) 269 00:21:56,791 --> 00:21:57,833 (DEVICE BEEPS) 270 00:22:00,625 --> 00:22:02,208 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 271 00:22:03,291 --> 00:22:04,750 You're alive. 272 00:22:04,833 --> 00:22:06,416 They told me you were dead. 273 00:22:07,791 --> 00:22:10,000 -I didn't tell them anything. -I know. 274 00:22:10,833 --> 00:22:13,208 Come with me. I'm gonna get you home. 275 00:22:18,250 --> 00:22:22,500 It makes sense the Path would have people among us. 276 00:22:24,375 --> 00:22:25,666 Eyes. 277 00:22:26,958 --> 00:22:32,375 What does not make sense is how an old man and a little girl 278 00:22:32,458 --> 00:22:36,458 escaped an Imperial checkpoint on your planet. 279 00:22:38,833 --> 00:22:41,958 Unless they had help. 280 00:22:42,041 --> 00:22:44,041 I will not have my integrity questioned. 281 00:22:44,125 --> 00:22:46,500 Then admit you're a spy! 282 00:22:46,916 --> 00:22:48,000 Of course I am. 283 00:22:49,875 --> 00:22:54,125 I spent two years undercover trying to find out where they were hidden. 284 00:22:55,333 --> 00:22:58,875 When Kenobi came, they panicked, and I got inside. 285 00:22:58,958 --> 00:23:02,250 -You expect me to believe this? -Look, I couldn't tell anybody. 286 00:23:02,333 --> 00:23:04,916 If they found out, I would've been killed. 287 00:23:05,458 --> 00:23:06,958 Look, I promise you, 288 00:23:08,458 --> 00:23:09,750 he's on Florrum. 289 00:23:24,250 --> 00:23:26,291 (SEEKER DROID BEEPING) 290 00:23:32,333 --> 00:23:34,166 I do like a good liar. 291 00:23:36,458 --> 00:23:40,916 I don't know if you're lying to me or for me, but we'll see. 292 00:23:42,500 --> 00:23:43,958 Take her to interrogation. 293 00:23:44,916 --> 00:23:47,041 If the debriefing confirms it, then... 294 00:23:47,125 --> 00:23:48,875 (ALARM BLARING) 295 00:23:49,166 --> 00:23:50,458 It's him. 296 00:23:56,458 --> 00:23:58,375 Tala! Tala, we're in the open! 297 00:23:58,625 --> 00:24:00,916 (GRUNTING) 298 00:24:02,083 --> 00:24:03,958 (GROANING) 299 00:24:04,416 --> 00:24:06,625 (PANTING) Where are you? 300 00:24:09,250 --> 00:24:11,291 (GRUNTING) 301 00:24:26,541 --> 00:24:27,541 (GRUNTING) 302 00:24:30,666 --> 00:24:31,708 Leia! 303 00:24:35,708 --> 00:24:37,541 (FIRING) 304 00:24:51,333 --> 00:24:52,333 Hide! 305 00:25:00,333 --> 00:25:01,916 (GRUNTING) 306 00:25:03,750 --> 00:25:05,416 Blast him. Keep blasting. 307 00:25:05,500 --> 00:25:06,916 (FIRING) 308 00:25:07,000 --> 00:25:08,250 -(GRUNTS) -(SCREAMS) 309 00:25:10,458 --> 00:25:13,333 (GRUNTING) 310 00:25:18,291 --> 00:25:19,291 (GRUNTS) 311 00:25:20,125 --> 00:25:21,791 (STORMTROOPERS CLAMORING) 312 00:25:24,541 --> 00:25:25,666 Ben, the window! 313 00:25:28,541 --> 00:25:30,750 (GLASS CRACKLING) 314 00:25:32,166 --> 00:25:33,208 Ben! 315 00:25:33,291 --> 00:25:34,375 OBI-WAN: Tala! 316 00:25:36,208 --> 00:25:37,958 (GRUNTING) 317 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:43,291 Tala! Get her out of here. I'll hold it. 318 00:25:45,416 --> 00:25:46,416 Come on. 319 00:25:49,250 --> 00:25:50,291 (GRUNTS) 320 00:25:52,500 --> 00:25:53,791 (BREATHES HEAVILY) 321 00:25:54,208 --> 00:25:56,333 (STRAINING) 322 00:26:02,750 --> 00:26:04,125 (GRUNTING) 323 00:26:06,791 --> 00:26:08,875 (CRACKING) 324 00:26:16,208 --> 00:26:17,208 Run! 325 00:26:27,958 --> 00:26:29,750 TALA: This won't hold for long. 326 00:26:31,833 --> 00:26:34,000 Put this on. This way. 327 00:26:39,625 --> 00:26:41,666 (ALARM BLARING) 328 00:26:47,708 --> 00:26:50,750 I want the base shut down now! 329 00:26:51,375 --> 00:26:53,708 Third Sister will suffer for this. 330 00:26:55,125 --> 00:26:56,458 This is her doing. 331 00:27:08,375 --> 00:27:09,375 Almost there. 332 00:27:15,083 --> 00:27:17,166 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 333 00:27:21,083 --> 00:27:22,416 REVA: A traitor! 334 00:27:24,958 --> 00:27:28,750 A child and an old man. Was it worth it? 335 00:27:31,458 --> 00:27:33,250 Betraying everything you are. 336 00:27:33,791 --> 00:27:35,500 This was never who I was. 337 00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:37,125 Then you die... 338 00:27:38,708 --> 00:27:39,750 For nothing. 339 00:27:53,583 --> 00:27:56,291 (STORMTROOPERS SCREAMING) 340 00:28:05,208 --> 00:28:07,916 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) 341 00:28:14,625 --> 00:28:15,875 (REVA GRUNTING) 342 00:28:24,583 --> 00:28:25,958 SULLY: Come on. Get in. 343 00:28:27,750 --> 00:28:29,041 Get in. Get in. 344 00:28:32,333 --> 00:28:33,416 (GRUNTS) 345 00:28:34,875 --> 00:28:35,916 Wade! 346 00:28:36,166 --> 00:28:37,583 WADE: I got you, Sully, just go! 347 00:28:41,833 --> 00:28:43,125 SULLY: Wade, leave her, come on. 348 00:28:43,208 --> 00:28:44,583 WADE: All right, I'm on my way. 349 00:28:45,333 --> 00:28:46,666 FIFTH BROTHER: Destroy them! 350 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:50,041 (GRUNTS) 351 00:28:50,125 --> 00:28:51,875 All right, I'm right behind you. 352 00:28:53,833 --> 00:28:54,916 Wade! 353 00:29:10,166 --> 00:29:11,625 (FIFTH BROTHER GRUNTS) 354 00:29:19,000 --> 00:29:20,291 (DARTH VADER BREATHING) 355 00:29:22,625 --> 00:29:26,958 You were warned what defeat would bring. 356 00:29:27,416 --> 00:29:28,666 (GROANS) 357 00:29:28,791 --> 00:29:34,458 I will tolerate your weakness no longer. 358 00:29:40,916 --> 00:29:42,041 (CHOKING) I let them go. 359 00:29:46,041 --> 00:29:48,041 (GASPING) 360 00:29:48,125 --> 00:29:49,875 I put a tracker on their ship. 361 00:29:51,500 --> 00:29:55,333 Soon, the location of the network and Kenobi will be ours. 362 00:30:00,166 --> 00:30:04,333 It seems I have underestimated you. 363 00:30:04,416 --> 00:30:06,916 But, my lord, the base was almost destroyed... 364 00:30:07,000 --> 00:30:08,833 Kenobi is all that matters. 365 00:30:10,250 --> 00:30:13,041 There can be no mistakes. 366 00:30:13,125 --> 00:30:16,875 You're certain the tracker is with him? 367 00:30:18,916 --> 00:30:20,041 Yes, my lord. 368 00:30:21,958 --> 00:30:25,708 Where he goes, it will follow. 369 00:30:59,500 --> 00:31:00,583 Where's Wade? 370 00:31:08,458 --> 00:31:10,500 Guess you're soldiers now after all. 371 00:32:28,833 --> 00:32:30,333 (LOLA BEEPS) 372 00:32:37,541 --> 00:32:39,541 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)