1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:09,000 The website of Bollywood Won Bollywood1.co Custom from the owner. 2 00:00:13,902 --> 00:00:19,169 India's Top Cinemas in Bollywood Van 1Bollywood1.INFO. 3 00:00:22,902 --> 00:00:27,169 Intagram Bollywood Van @ Bolly1official. 4 00:00:28,507 --> 00:00:34,107 Bollywood Van Talking Telegram @Bollywood1official. 5 00:00:34,827 --> 00:00:41,094 First full translation in all languages 6 00:05:29,776 --> 00:05:31,558 1971 7 00:05:32,183 --> 00:05:36,592 This is the story of that time Pakistan was divided into two parts. 8 00:05:37,186 --> 00:05:38,186 West pakistan. 9 00:05:38,600 --> 00:05:39,600 And east pakistan. 10 00:05:40,104 --> 00:05:44,433 East Pakistan Today we know Bangladesh. 11 00:05:45,188 --> 00:05:50,142 East Pakistan people from The tyranny of the government was very dissatisfied. 12 00:05:50,933 --> 00:05:54,100 Everybody was looking for freedom. 13 00:05:55,725 --> 00:06:00,225 There are many innocent people in this regard Were brutally killed. 14 00:06:03,933 --> 00:06:09,647 Thousands of eastern Pakistani people to escape They migrated to India. 15 00:06:10,642 --> 00:06:11,642 However. 16 00:06:12,517 --> 00:06:16,683 The government of India is also struggling For the liberation of eastern Pakistan 17 00:06:17,767 --> 00:06:19,359 two neighboring countries. 18 00:06:20,058 --> 00:06:22,767 They entered the war with each other 19 00:06:30,481 --> 00:06:35,767 Indian Information Institution, Karachi November 1971. 20 00:06:50,559 --> 00:06:55,771 "Grandma, now your granddaughter grew up" 21 00:06:56,808 --> 00:06:59,517 "the only thing that was left." 22 00:07:00,142 --> 00:07:03,063 "The thief bitch got them." 23 00:07:05,514 --> 00:07:12,181 Subtitle Created By Persian Bollywood1 WeBsite. 24 00:07:15,908 --> 00:07:21,508 Schedule and translation: Sepideh. 25 00:07:26,783 --> 00:07:34,783 This work is translated audio Bollywood1.Co. 26 00:07:42,600 --> 00:07:50,600 "Romeo, Akbar, Walter" Translation from Bollywood Web site. 27 00:07:56,600 --> 00:07:59,892 Nine months ago New Delhi, India. 28 00:08:02,564 --> 00:08:05,350 Some time ago I started a new project 29 00:08:05,975 --> 00:08:08,309 who was looking for someone who was in this project. 30 00:08:09,100 --> 00:08:10,558 Without paying attention to himself. 31 00:08:11,708 --> 00:08:13,518 You can put yourself there. 32 00:08:14,642 --> 00:08:16,350 As a secret agent. 33 00:08:17,142 --> 00:08:20,517 Between all options One of the most special 34 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:24,257 this person changing face and identity. 35 00:08:25,267 --> 00:08:27,558 It could be the key to our success. 36 00:08:28,183 --> 00:08:31,600 And in the end I give a bit of poetry 37 00:08:32,433 --> 00:08:33,433 listen. 38 00:08:36,643 --> 00:08:38,059 Recurrence of a structure. 39 00:08:39,770 --> 00:08:40,808 That song goes out. 40 00:08:42,683 --> 00:08:47,225 Blood flow inside the vein That's the color of her. 41 00:08:48,976 --> 00:08:50,644 This is the red color of blood 42 00:08:51,892 --> 00:08:52,892 in every reggae. 43 00:08:53,933 --> 00:08:54,933 It has the same color. 44 00:09:17,949 --> 00:09:19,767 Come on in the interval. 45 00:09:22,683 --> 00:09:24,600 You performed a wandering bitch. 46 00:09:25,600 --> 00:09:28,142 Thank you for playing this narrator. 47 00:09:29,941 --> 00:09:31,642 It was great Romeo. 48 00:09:31,850 --> 00:09:35,130 Sometimes you do not feel like counting off the money Do you have any other talent? 49 00:09:35,225 --> 00:09:36,225 Thankful. 50 00:09:36,600 --> 00:09:38,892 You've finally seen something in me. 51 00:09:40,142 --> 00:09:41,433 Let's go Romeo-Juliet? 52 00:09:42,475 --> 00:09:43,517 It's too late. 53 00:09:44,558 --> 00:09:45,558 Five minutes. 54 00:09:51,189 --> 00:09:52,683 "Oh my heart." 55 00:09:55,767 --> 00:09:57,100 "Oh my heart." 56 00:10:00,645 --> 00:10:05,017 "Come and see this face!" "Hurts my heart." 57 00:10:05,558 --> 00:10:08,975 "It shines like gold" "Absolutely Magic." 58 00:10:09,142 --> 00:10:11,642 "Come and see this face!" 59 00:10:11,892 --> 00:10:14,058 "Shake my heart." 60 00:10:14,475 --> 00:10:17,933 "There is no one like that." 61 00:10:18,350 --> 00:10:22,433 "Everyone with their own accord" "Dont die for him." 62 00:10:23,058 --> 00:10:27,058 "It's so beautiful" "It drops like a dagger in the heart." 63 00:10:27,225 --> 00:10:30,642 "Being at your side is great." 64 00:10:30,723 --> 00:10:32,350 "Oh my heart." 65 00:10:32,475 --> 00:10:34,892 "Where did my heart go?" 66 00:10:35,008 --> 00:10:38,558 "Oh my heart" "Where did my heart go?" 67 00:10:39,217 --> 00:10:43,184 "Oh my heart" "Where did my heart go?" 68 00:10:44,767 --> 00:10:49,142 "Oh, the love you change every moment" "When you come to me." 69 00:10:49,518 --> 00:10:52,933 "Coming to you I forget everything." 70 00:10:53,770 --> 00:10:55,808 "Your eyes are so beautiful." 71 00:10:56,267 --> 00:10:58,142 "I've made your eyes look even prettier" 72 00:10:58,256 --> 00:11:01,558 "I want to be lost in your eyes." 73 00:11:02,808 --> 00:11:06,725 "Look right" "I'm pointing to you" 74 00:11:06,945 --> 00:11:10,976 "I just do not say that" "Everyone is saying." 75 00:11:11,350 --> 00:11:14,932 "Being near you is great." 76 00:11:14,933 --> 00:11:18,343 "Oh my heart" "Where did my heart go?" 77 00:11:19,065 --> 00:11:20,065 Parole. 78 00:11:22,225 --> 00:11:24,725 Two more months I want I ask you this. 79 00:11:26,433 --> 00:11:27,725 Let's go to the movie tomorrow? 80 00:11:28,975 --> 00:11:30,225 I promise not to miss you. 81 00:11:33,058 --> 00:11:34,475 So who do you want to hand? 82 00:11:38,118 --> 00:11:42,392 "I looked at all the colors." 83 00:11:42,558 --> 00:11:46,808 "Dumpling full of happy stars." 84 00:11:46,975 --> 00:11:50,516 "Being near you is great." 85 00:11:50,517 --> 00:11:53,683 "Oh my heart" "Where did my heart go?" 86 00:11:54,725 --> 00:11:58,642 "Oh my heart" "Where did my heart go?" 87 00:11:59,642 --> 00:12:02,808 "Oh my heart" "Where did my heart go?" 88 00:12:11,558 --> 00:12:12,558 Mommy. 89 00:12:14,058 --> 00:12:15,058 You did not sleep? 90 00:12:15,725 --> 00:12:17,142 I said I was late. 91 00:12:17,558 --> 00:12:18,558 Why wake up? 92 00:12:22,890 --> 00:12:23,890 Mom! 93 00:12:24,939 --> 00:12:27,856 My lovely mommy. 94 00:12:27,857 --> 00:12:28,892 Do not play the movie 95 00:12:29,517 --> 00:12:30,517 did you eat yet? 96 00:12:30,725 --> 00:12:31,725 Mommy. 97 00:12:31,810 --> 00:12:33,715 What if I have to leave some day? 98 00:12:35,308 --> 00:12:36,808 - Stand up - What? 99 00:12:37,017 --> 00:12:38,017 Stand up. 100 00:12:44,183 --> 00:12:46,058 Do not mess. 101 00:12:46,683 --> 00:12:47,683 Mommy. 102 00:12:47,708 --> 00:12:48,708 Did you eat yourself? 103 00:12:49,600 --> 00:12:51,475 Have you ever eaten without you? 104 00:12:56,642 --> 00:12:57,725 Heat up for me 105 00:13:09,282 --> 00:13:10,282 next one 106 00:13:12,933 --> 00:13:13,933 next one 107 00:13:26,998 --> 00:13:27,998 see you later. 108 00:13:31,730 --> 00:13:34,683 Where do you take time? What are you playing theater. 109 00:13:35,100 --> 00:13:36,517 Calling your manager 110 00:13:36,767 --> 00:13:37,767 help yourself. 111 00:13:40,725 --> 00:13:41,975 Give me a cup of tea. 112 00:13:43,808 --> 00:13:45,734 What was the vacation you asked for? 113 00:13:46,308 --> 00:13:48,225 You see, for the time being, the teapot is chin. 114 00:13:48,600 --> 00:13:50,058 Mr. Sharma 115 00:13:51,392 --> 00:13:54,433 hands up. 116 00:13:55,058 --> 00:13:56,058 Where is the keyboard? 117 00:13:59,656 --> 00:14:00,656 Do not mess. 118 00:14:01,142 --> 00:14:04,267 Where is the keyboard? Did you hear. 119 00:14:04,642 --> 00:14:06,602 Tell me where is the key? 120 00:14:06,767 --> 00:14:09,017 Tell me where is the key hands up- 121 00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:10,683 Get tiger top. 122 00:14:11,527 --> 00:14:13,267 Where is the keyboard? Get tiger top 123 00:14:13,895 --> 00:14:15,517 hands up Where is the keyboard? 124 00:14:28,118 --> 00:14:29,651 Get Rid Of Police. 125 00:14:31,346 --> 00:14:32,346 Come. 126 00:14:39,763 --> 00:14:42,017 From Raul to Vis. 127 00:14:42,683 --> 00:14:43,683 The goal is for us. 128 00:14:44,100 --> 00:14:46,642 I repeat the goal We leave it all, all 129 00:14:48,683 --> 00:14:51,017 Romeo is famous for Rahmatullah Ali. 130 00:14:51,850 --> 00:14:53,850 Senior Interrogator, Major Gloriz Ali. 131 00:14:56,143 --> 00:14:58,230 In the 1950 War. 132 00:14:58,600 --> 00:15:00,058 To be martyred 133 00:15:01,433 --> 00:15:03,193 between the factors of the victory of war 134 00:15:03,517 --> 00:15:05,767 Bob was the greatest hero. 135 00:15:06,892 --> 00:15:08,600 To make you stand foot. 136 00:15:09,226 --> 00:15:11,100 You wanted to join the army 137 00:15:12,142 --> 00:15:13,142 but your mother. 138 00:15:13,808 --> 00:15:16,933 After your father's death The front of you took. 139 00:15:36,100 --> 00:15:38,427 Where is the keyboard? Hands up 140 00:15:40,493 --> 00:15:41,493 congratulation. 141 00:15:43,475 --> 00:15:44,595 You accepted the final test. 142 00:15:46,767 --> 00:15:47,767 Shirancet Vote 143 00:15:49,517 --> 00:15:50,517 the manager. 144 00:15:52,017 --> 00:15:54,100 Researcher and Operations Analyst. 145 00:15:55,558 --> 00:15:58,683 We work for the Indian National Security Agency. 146 00:15:59,308 --> 00:16:00,308 You 147 00:16:02,789 --> 00:16:03,789 all this 148 00:16:03,814 --> 00:16:06,808 I want you prepare for such a drama. 149 00:16:08,058 --> 00:16:10,725 That can change the future of India. 150 00:16:12,183 --> 00:16:13,476 I want to serve your country. 151 00:16:18,642 --> 00:16:20,355 Join the secret service. 152 00:16:26,360 --> 00:16:29,142 I know that getting this decision It's not easy for you. 153 00:16:29,725 --> 00:16:31,392 Your mother is everything. 154 00:16:32,017 --> 00:16:34,225 Your mother is the reason to live. 155 00:16:35,475 --> 00:16:37,183 But this fact also exists. 156 00:16:37,850 --> 00:16:41,683 Blood of martyr golriz ali It's in your veins. 157 00:16:42,308 --> 00:16:44,370 Who protects the country 158 00:16:45,225 --> 00:16:46,225 Romeo. 159 00:16:46,975 --> 00:16:48,683 This country needs you today. 160 00:17:03,517 --> 00:17:05,722 Today Warshat was finished? 161 00:17:05,754 --> 00:17:06,754 Yes Mom. 162 00:17:55,643 --> 00:17:57,517 The boot took us with Delhi. 163 00:17:58,100 --> 00:17:59,808 It was January 26th. 164 00:18:01,017 --> 00:18:02,475 Still not torn 165 00:18:02,933 --> 00:18:05,100 Bob was ready to serve. 166 00:18:10,183 --> 00:18:11,808 My mom got promoted. 167 00:18:13,933 --> 00:18:16,142 The bank walks for a few months Send me another city 168 00:18:16,739 --> 00:18:17,739 for education. 169 00:18:20,392 --> 00:18:21,392 Is there another city? 170 00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:24,600 So. 171 00:18:25,017 --> 00:18:27,058 Then you go what do I do? 172 00:18:35,933 --> 00:18:36,933 Just a few months 173 00:18:38,685 --> 00:18:39,933 lets eat. 174 00:18:59,206 --> 00:19:03,806 Bollywood Van Talking Telegram @Bollywood1official. 175 00:19:09,445 --> 00:19:11,725 We are fighting Pakistan. 176 00:19:13,184 --> 00:19:16,102 Winning and losing us in war It just depends on something. 177 00:19:16,683 --> 00:19:17,767 Information. 178 00:19:19,017 --> 00:19:21,683 What a map When and where do I want to implement. 179 00:19:22,933 --> 00:19:25,267 The card is that you will get this information. 180 00:19:42,993 --> 00:19:47,251 The main office of the spy agency is India New Delhi. 181 00:19:57,100 --> 00:19:58,100 Come in. 182 00:20:05,350 --> 00:20:06,411 Welcome to the family. 183 00:20:22,003 --> 00:20:25,600 This is the most used tool for you Russian Wireless Transmission Device. 184 00:20:30,558 --> 00:20:31,758 It's very special for me here. 185 00:20:32,892 --> 00:20:35,392 One in the Mongol and One here too. 186 00:20:37,558 --> 00:20:38,808 I'm watching you. 187 00:20:39,850 --> 00:20:41,517 But what I see Do you see. 188 00:21:01,767 --> 00:21:05,826 Your brain for each lock There must be a key. 189 00:21:08,912 --> 00:21:13,225 You have to look at it once Keep everything. 190 00:21:31,366 --> 00:21:33,517 Tell me more about my childhood 191 00:21:35,808 --> 00:21:37,062 me and my dad. 192 00:21:38,892 --> 00:21:42,225 I think you are more than myself You have information about my childhood. 193 00:21:43,842 --> 00:21:44,842 What to say? 194 00:21:45,558 --> 00:21:47,225 Daba was fond of tracking 195 00:21:48,326 --> 00:21:49,326 and mommy. 196 00:22:03,850 --> 00:22:04,850 Did you see something. 197 00:22:07,142 --> 00:22:09,350 White fiat DNA 7172. 198 00:22:09,710 --> 00:22:11,225 Until now twice 199 00:22:16,131 --> 00:22:17,131 that's good. 200 00:22:23,390 --> 00:22:25,917 Office of the Prime Minister New Delhi. 201 00:22:31,100 --> 00:22:32,683 Your good day rihanna good day 202 00:22:34,058 --> 00:22:37,341 Radio news regulator in relation to Vietnam War. 203 00:22:37,475 --> 00:22:39,808 - It was great - Thankful 204 00:22:40,433 --> 00:22:43,518 I never thought that Follow my work 205 00:22:43,892 --> 00:22:44,975 I have to follow. 206 00:22:45,558 --> 00:22:47,518 You have the power to do this Getting to the minds 207 00:22:48,518 --> 00:22:50,224 what has happened? Morning this soon here? 208 00:22:50,225 --> 00:22:51,475 Ms. Interview. 209 00:22:51,591 --> 00:22:53,235 Oh, okay So now your head 210 00:22:53,392 --> 00:22:54,392 that's good. 211 00:22:54,809 --> 00:22:56,100 You'll see later. Also 212 00:22:59,767 --> 00:23:02,737 A typical mummie Thinking for information work 213 00:23:03,266 --> 00:23:05,695 especially for such a mission. 214 00:23:05,892 --> 00:23:08,808 Surveyor, sometimes To accomplish great missions. 215 00:23:10,499 --> 00:23:12,142 It should be a risk. 216 00:23:12,308 --> 00:23:13,600 But at what price? 217 00:23:14,808 --> 00:23:18,392 You are due to this project You also enter personal issues. 218 00:23:19,225 --> 00:23:21,100 Why? I do not understand. 219 00:23:26,100 --> 00:23:27,100 OK 220 00:23:28,183 --> 00:23:29,433 I'm signing up. 221 00:23:31,100 --> 00:23:34,017 Because you already have Confirmation of Miss. 222 00:23:36,267 --> 00:23:37,558 But I'm sure to note that. 223 00:23:38,350 --> 00:23:41,475 All responsibility for this project is with you. 224 00:23:43,802 --> 00:23:45,058 Only with your own person. 225 00:23:48,123 --> 00:23:49,123 Thankful. 226 00:23:55,933 --> 00:23:58,472 I was an officer in the British Army. 227 00:23:59,850 --> 00:24:02,642 After independence The Indian Army formed a group 228 00:24:03,683 --> 00:24:04,683 Romeo. 229 00:24:05,475 --> 00:24:07,767 We are the lucky ones. 230 00:24:08,850 --> 00:24:11,975 We got an opportunity To serve this country. 231 00:24:13,017 --> 00:24:15,308 Always have this opportunity use. 232 00:24:17,267 --> 00:24:18,933 You will be sent to a secret mission 233 00:24:19,933 --> 00:24:21,643 where you must always remember. 234 00:24:22,475 --> 00:24:23,892 That's always under review 235 00:24:27,767 --> 00:24:30,887 if I tell you that the tea is cold. 236 00:24:32,308 --> 00:24:36,058 I actually mean that You do not need to take this tea. 237 00:24:37,517 --> 00:24:39,350 Someone does not say anything straight to you. 238 00:24:40,100 --> 00:24:43,225 You should understand what you mean. 239 00:24:44,830 --> 00:24:45,830 Intuitive. 240 00:24:46,225 --> 00:24:47,892 If I do not understand it? 241 00:24:48,058 --> 00:24:49,767 Always trust your instincts. 242 00:24:51,642 --> 00:24:54,242 It's the right way to get there It's easier to find a destination. 243 00:25:19,933 --> 00:25:21,601 I am always in control 244 00:25:22,850 --> 00:25:24,017 good luck 245 00:25:42,931 --> 00:25:46,334 Pakistan border Kenny. 246 00:26:06,948 --> 00:26:07,948 Identification sheet. 247 00:26:23,600 --> 00:26:24,600 Identification sheet. 248 00:26:41,577 --> 00:26:43,767 You thought with paper Can you hide your identity? 249 00:26:45,019 --> 00:26:47,267 India indian Take it out. 250 00:26:47,683 --> 00:26:48,935 Well, look it up 251 00:26:59,308 --> 00:27:00,308 identification card 252 00:27:28,703 --> 00:27:29,954 Romeo no longer exists. 253 00:27:30,979 --> 00:27:33,099 From then on that name There is no external existence. 254 00:27:33,683 --> 00:27:36,811 Your new identity Akbar Malek. 255 00:27:38,433 --> 00:27:40,892 Akbari, a Pakistani from Kashmir. 256 00:27:42,725 --> 00:27:46,100 Eight years ago, crossing the border Mother and father killed. 257 00:27:46,933 --> 00:27:49,058 Hate India and the Indian Army. 258 00:28:28,451 --> 00:28:31,558 Akbar at the hotel in Pakistan Deputy director. 259 00:28:34,600 --> 00:28:39,767 An important step in Karachi to do something Come and stay in this hotel 260 00:28:40,183 --> 00:28:41,933 Isaac Alfredi. 261 00:28:45,672 --> 00:28:47,752 One of the important suppliers Army of Pakistan Army. 262 00:28:48,433 --> 00:28:50,475 Special Pakistani army chief. 263 00:28:50,933 --> 00:28:52,808 And the key to your wardrobe 264 00:29:00,725 --> 00:29:01,725 thank you. 265 00:29:01,975 --> 00:29:03,225 Akbar Malek. 266 00:29:11,084 --> 00:29:12,084 Hello. 267 00:31:19,023 --> 00:31:22,492 The second attack by Ishaq Alfredi Over the past four months. 268 00:31:22,517 --> 00:31:25,850 According to reports that responsible for these attacks. 269 00:31:26,725 --> 00:31:31,142 Only one person The only son of Isaac Alfredi, Nawab Alfredi 270 00:32:02,808 --> 00:32:03,808 what is this? 271 00:32:05,561 --> 00:32:07,252 How do you pinch your fingers? 272 00:32:08,475 --> 00:32:11,350 Honestly, a lot I love the kite game. 273 00:32:12,433 --> 00:32:15,148 I watched the rest of the kite Cut my finger 274 00:32:15,173 --> 00:32:17,458 I would love to play a bobed game. 275 00:32:18,433 --> 00:32:21,142 It was an opportunity we play 276 00:32:22,098 --> 00:32:23,098 then we see that. 277 00:32:23,475 --> 00:32:25,768 Who rules the sky. 278 00:32:26,350 --> 00:32:27,350 Be sure. 279 00:32:27,768 --> 00:32:29,684 Sorry sir. 280 00:32:29,850 --> 00:32:31,311 The time for the cooker is gone. 281 00:32:31,933 --> 00:32:34,350 And, in fact, its food stuff is gone. 282 00:32:36,058 --> 00:32:37,229 OK, no problem. 283 00:32:37,254 --> 00:32:38,254 Dear Mr. Afridi 284 00:32:38,767 --> 00:32:40,475 if you do not upset me. 285 00:32:41,228 --> 00:32:42,348 I'm going out and for you. 286 00:32:42,425 --> 00:32:43,683 Where are you going? 287 00:32:44,100 --> 00:32:45,100 That's the same. 288 00:32:45,142 --> 00:32:47,822 In the altar of the messenger, there is a shop in the middle ground 289 00:32:47,850 --> 00:32:49,517 and its foods. 290 00:32:50,558 --> 00:32:52,392 You are not a spy. 291 00:32:52,808 --> 00:32:55,350 You know all my interests very well. 292 00:32:59,225 --> 00:33:01,100 Are you the deputy of this hotel? 293 00:33:01,308 --> 00:33:02,308 Yes, Mr. Afridi. 294 00:33:02,981 --> 00:33:04,867 My house is high. 295 00:33:06,725 --> 00:33:08,142 You live very close to the border. 296 00:33:08,259 --> 00:33:09,259 Yes. 297 00:33:09,600 --> 00:33:11,933 My father worked on that land. 298 00:33:13,558 --> 00:33:14,558 In india? 299 00:33:15,270 --> 00:33:16,270 Not. 300 00:33:16,933 --> 00:33:17,933 In cashmere. 301 00:33:20,277 --> 00:33:23,394 This India separated us from our blood. 302 00:33:25,433 --> 00:33:26,433 What are your parents? 303 00:33:27,801 --> 00:33:28,801 Last eight years. 304 00:34:00,396 --> 00:34:02,350 Come on apples. 305 00:34:03,017 --> 00:34:04,688 I have apples Sieebe. 306 00:34:16,808 --> 00:34:18,933 I have apples Sibi. 307 00:34:29,717 --> 00:34:31,560 Buy apple Apple. 308 00:34:33,350 --> 00:34:35,351 Buy apple Apple. 309 00:35:02,632 --> 00:35:03,632 Dear Mr. Afridi. 310 00:35:06,225 --> 00:35:08,979 They are here until now How long should we stay silent? 311 00:35:42,433 --> 00:35:44,355 You are good 312 00:35:46,850 --> 00:35:50,600 public hospital It takes care of you better. 313 00:35:51,058 --> 00:35:52,938 And even the police do not want anyone to enter. 314 00:35:54,642 --> 00:35:56,683 I heard from the hotel staff that. 315 00:35:57,768 --> 00:36:00,558 Before this happens from the card You resigned. 316 00:36:01,600 --> 00:36:04,100 Guitar Sicker wanted to open another hotel. 317 00:36:05,100 --> 00:36:08,433 Wanted to send me out of the country. 318 00:36:09,970 --> 00:36:12,975 But I can not separate from Pakistan 319 00:36:19,017 --> 00:36:20,017 with me. 320 00:36:20,683 --> 00:36:21,683 Do you work? 321 00:36:22,225 --> 00:36:23,225 In Karachi. 322 00:36:31,267 --> 00:36:32,642 Turn on the cigar. 323 00:36:33,642 --> 00:36:36,350 That means you have an afaride coming to your side 324 00:36:48,558 --> 00:36:54,169 Karachi Pakistan. 325 00:37:03,185 --> 00:37:06,487 After getting to Karachi, first of all You have to go see someone. 326 00:37:07,475 --> 00:37:09,394 In the name of the famous joke. 327 00:37:11,017 --> 00:37:13,100 This is not a name Some time. 328 00:37:13,267 --> 00:37:15,683 He is the leader of the intelligence network. 329 00:37:17,684 --> 00:37:21,350 What is the main task of the joker Just I know. 330 00:37:41,475 --> 00:37:42,475 Akbar Malek? 331 00:37:44,112 --> 00:37:46,808 Up to five more minutes Qureshi Market. 332 00:38:19,090 --> 00:38:22,185 This cigarette pack is for people who need it 333 00:38:23,225 --> 00:38:25,267 just use it. 334 00:38:25,517 --> 00:38:29,642 That stuffed in the dangers Or you met with high officials. 335 00:38:30,892 --> 00:38:34,475 To protect my information network This appointment must be hidden. 336 00:38:34,845 --> 00:38:38,642 All your next steps There is a cigar in the box. 337 00:38:39,297 --> 00:38:41,767 This is our first and last meeting. 338 00:38:43,643 --> 00:38:45,058 Can I know the name? 339 00:38:50,267 --> 00:38:51,267 I'll give you a message. 340 00:38:52,183 --> 00:38:54,225 Every thought that comes to mind. 341 00:38:54,850 --> 00:38:56,517 Quick up your head. 342 00:38:57,142 --> 00:38:58,600 You live better. 343 00:38:59,290 --> 00:39:00,290 Good bye. 344 00:40:03,843 --> 00:40:08,443 Intagram Bollywood Van @ Bolly1official. 345 00:40:13,684 --> 00:40:15,975 How many sibahs? Kilium Eight Thomann. 346 00:40:16,183 --> 00:40:17,183 Give a kilo. 347 00:40:39,517 --> 00:40:40,517 Thank you. 348 00:40:41,225 --> 00:40:42,475 Where do you know my name? 349 00:40:43,100 --> 00:40:44,233 Why are you pursuing me. 350 00:40:44,771 --> 00:40:46,808 Telling me to follow you. 351 00:40:47,268 --> 00:40:49,100 I was just taking care of Akbar. 352 00:40:49,309 --> 00:40:52,070 That someone else after meeting with Joker Do not keep you in control. 353 00:40:53,376 --> 00:40:54,376 Are you mad. 354 00:40:54,559 --> 00:40:57,433 Yeah I'm sorry, my darling Serving the card. 355 00:41:02,829 --> 00:41:05,600 God bless you I was wasted 356 00:41:07,199 --> 00:41:08,199 help yourself 357 00:41:17,267 --> 00:41:19,308 help yourself This is your office. 358 00:41:21,808 --> 00:41:23,100 What do you know about Joker? 359 00:41:24,308 --> 00:41:27,226 Know less about it. 360 00:41:27,642 --> 00:41:30,350 It's better for your health help yourself. 361 00:41:40,163 --> 00:41:41,350 This is your office. 362 00:41:58,156 --> 00:41:59,978 This is your transferring device 363 00:42:00,558 --> 00:42:02,058 help yourself. 364 00:42:14,781 --> 00:42:15,781 Get it. 365 00:42:16,166 --> 00:42:17,166 Hold it. 366 00:42:17,850 --> 00:42:19,308 To protect yourself. 367 00:42:20,212 --> 00:42:22,225 Good luck when you have to go somewhere. 368 00:42:35,725 --> 00:42:36,725 Come in. 369 00:43:18,899 --> 00:43:20,032 Joker sent message. 370 00:43:23,933 --> 00:43:25,767 The horses are ready to race. 371 00:45:09,342 --> 00:45:10,342 I got you 372 00:45:30,495 --> 00:45:31,495 come and sit. 373 00:45:33,475 --> 00:45:37,350 Thanks to God, it is a very big deal Let's do it. 374 00:45:38,350 --> 00:45:40,100 An important contract is offered to us 375 00:45:40,767 --> 00:45:41,767 for that reason. 376 00:45:42,183 --> 00:45:45,892 Must be up to seven next days Get to eastern pakistan. 377 00:45:48,392 --> 00:45:50,975 The rest of the details are inside 378 00:45:54,475 --> 00:45:55,475 that's good. 379 00:46:05,169 --> 00:46:07,475 Weapons to eastern Pakistan Will be delivered. 380 00:46:20,393 --> 00:46:24,267 Such a contractor How do you make it so easy? 381 00:46:25,350 --> 00:46:26,767 What's your problem 382 00:46:27,183 --> 00:46:30,522 Pakistani army chief General Jahangir Alam. 383 00:46:30,933 --> 00:46:35,433 Begin each deal with Ishaq She is also present. 384 00:46:37,350 --> 00:46:41,975 The relations between them most of all Two people are losing. 385 00:46:43,017 --> 00:46:47,183 One of your own sons is Mr. Afridi Navab Afaridi. 386 00:46:47,808 --> 00:46:48,808 And second 387 00:46:49,099 --> 00:46:52,392 Pakistan currently has two senior officials 388 00:46:52,975 --> 00:46:56,558 Pakistani Information Officer Gen. Ghazi Ali. 389 00:46:58,850 --> 00:47:01,017 The two are getting together 390 00:47:02,058 --> 00:47:03,058 and both. 391 00:47:03,225 --> 00:47:06,975 In the quest to see ...when can you replace the boss of the army. 392 00:47:07,006 --> 00:47:09,964 And Isaac Afaridi 393 00:47:30,417 --> 00:47:31,417 - head of? - Yes? 394 00:47:31,441 --> 00:47:32,574 Akbar sent a message. 395 00:47:32,808 --> 00:47:34,850 There will be a big gun ship Delivered. 396 00:47:37,795 --> 00:47:39,433 You must also inform the unit 397 00:47:40,725 --> 00:47:41,767 in eastern pakistan. 398 00:47:42,392 --> 00:47:46,100 From two Pakistani units on February 23rd Gaining information. 399 00:47:47,183 --> 00:47:48,475 It seems that 400 00:47:48,892 --> 00:47:50,308 Pakistan is ready to fight. 401 00:47:52,225 --> 00:47:53,642 Everything is quite obvious. 402 00:47:59,100 --> 00:48:00,767 His role is something else. 403 00:48:45,273 --> 00:48:46,273 Beware Javid. 404 00:48:46,767 --> 00:48:48,061 - Dadash Afaz? - What? 405 00:48:48,200 --> 00:48:50,269 these military forces in our office. 406 00:48:50,294 --> 00:48:51,540 Soldier of General Jahangir 407 00:48:51,909 --> 00:48:53,183 the general Here? 408 00:48:53,433 --> 00:48:54,633 Be careful not to be anything. 409 00:49:25,267 --> 00:49:26,267 Bb. 410 00:49:26,726 --> 00:49:27,726 Bb. 411 00:49:28,850 --> 00:49:30,225 You go out clean. 412 00:50:25,202 --> 00:50:27,425 Mr. Sedighi without my permission. 413 00:50:30,100 --> 00:50:31,780 Dear Mr. Afridi, I was with Mr. Sedighi. 414 00:50:34,330 --> 00:50:35,330 Ok then. 415 00:50:36,850 --> 00:50:38,808 Mr. Siddiqui, I'll talk to you later 416 00:50:42,967 --> 00:50:43,967 with permission 417 00:50:45,350 --> 00:50:46,350 help yourself 418 00:50:54,508 --> 00:50:57,842 a few hours later 419 00:51:10,675 --> 00:51:11,675 thank you. 420 00:51:25,302 --> 00:51:29,217 I have new brain points Your new brain. 421 00:51:29,242 --> 00:51:30,833 Give me a package. 422 00:51:32,166 --> 00:51:33,166 Come on. Thank you. 423 00:51:37,165 --> 00:51:40,521 Fresh brain. 424 00:51:50,250 --> 00:51:55,523 On the anniversary of the Hindus. 425 00:51:57,350 --> 00:52:00,393 Where Gautam Buddha was born. 426 00:52:07,270 --> 00:52:08,270 Second October. 427 00:52:08,517 --> 00:52:09,892 Near Nepal. 428 00:52:11,225 --> 00:52:12,475 Joke message arrived. 429 00:52:13,517 --> 00:52:14,767 Akbar wants to see me 430 00:52:35,707 --> 00:52:38,517 Pakistan airport 431 00:52:38,533 --> 00:52:40,308 the news has come. 432 00:52:40,394 --> 00:52:43,974 In Bialipur thousands Are training military. 433 00:52:43,975 --> 00:52:48,475 Ordinary people take guns And calling for Pakistani freedom to move eastward 434 00:52:48,995 --> 00:52:51,106 Nepal 435 00:52:51,249 --> 00:52:54,866 Indian airport. 436 00:53:20,558 --> 00:53:22,225 The air outside the storm 437 00:53:23,642 --> 00:53:25,308 in this stormy weather. 438 00:53:26,392 --> 00:53:28,059 A friend needs help. 439 00:53:46,058 --> 00:53:48,767 Was there a particular reason for me to meet you? 440 00:53:49,183 --> 00:53:50,183 Mom! 441 00:53:52,101 --> 00:53:53,301 Everything happens tomorrow. 442 00:53:56,433 --> 00:53:58,475 You should always take care of my mother. 443 00:54:02,059 --> 00:54:03,308 I promise you 444 00:54:06,433 --> 00:54:08,725 I'll always have your mother's air. 445 00:54:48,600 --> 00:54:52,142 Welcome to East Pakistan It will be worse. 446 00:54:52,933 --> 00:54:56,725 The Indian Army has turned around and surrounded it At your disposal. 447 00:54:57,642 --> 00:54:58,642 Indian Army. 448 00:54:59,060 --> 00:55:01,850 Is in bedlip Educates immigrants 449 00:55:05,517 --> 00:55:07,933 to deal with us in this war 450 00:55:08,558 --> 00:55:13,683 India through Ballypur He has embarked on the problem of eastern Pakistan. 451 00:55:17,350 --> 00:55:20,600 Along the Bldlipour border river There is a small village. 452 00:55:22,058 --> 00:55:24,600 That's the way to supply ammunition. 453 00:55:26,898 --> 00:55:27,898 You are afraid. 454 00:55:28,142 --> 00:55:33,892 When injured to the depth of the bone It must be cut off. 455 00:55:34,100 --> 00:55:37,350 We are working hard to stop working We use the power of the West 456 00:55:38,225 --> 00:55:39,275 that way. 457 00:55:40,267 --> 00:55:42,642 East Abdul Abad Air Base. 458 00:55:44,561 --> 00:55:46,679 Unfriendly attack the enemy. 459 00:55:47,434 --> 00:55:49,517 And stop them. 460 00:55:50,013 --> 00:55:51,013 Only. 461 00:55:52,350 --> 00:55:57,786 Doing this without launching a war Destroy the enemy in the spit. 462 00:55:59,392 --> 00:56:01,100 We did all the planning. 463 00:56:01,350 --> 00:56:03,225 They even read it Can not do the body. 464 00:56:05,058 --> 00:56:08,017 After doing this operation a piece of the Pakistani government. 465 00:56:08,642 --> 00:56:12,433 Or Pakistani army against the world There is. 466 00:56:13,517 --> 00:56:14,726 I want. 467 00:56:15,767 --> 00:56:18,308 To do this operation You help us 468 00:56:21,569 --> 00:56:23,017 we have a Dakota aircraft 469 00:56:23,225 --> 00:56:24,683 explosive bombs. 470 00:56:25,142 --> 00:56:27,686 And we need a non-Pakistani pilot. 471 00:56:28,850 --> 00:56:30,725 Operation Bliopour 472 00:56:31,142 --> 00:56:32,142 it's important. 473 00:56:32,600 --> 00:56:34,478 And an extraordinary operation. 474 00:56:37,058 --> 00:56:39,350 At 11 pm November 20th. 475 00:56:40,204 --> 00:56:43,100 That is the Indian Diwali Night The operation is done. 476 00:56:45,183 --> 00:56:47,267 This night, Diwali, this Kafra. 477 00:56:48,100 --> 00:56:49,183 We are raving 478 00:56:52,475 --> 00:56:54,350 that is, the military contracts. 479 00:56:55,350 --> 00:56:57,642 And their friendship. 480 00:56:59,558 --> 00:57:01,642 It's all a lost trait. 481 00:57:02,433 --> 00:57:04,725 All our senses He was in the villages. 482 00:57:05,933 --> 00:57:08,573 And those Westerners have a map of destruction Do not stick around. 483 00:57:09,225 --> 00:57:10,425 Smart move 484 00:57:11,642 --> 00:57:12,642 - head of? - Yes 485 00:57:13,475 --> 00:57:15,188 Many innocents are killed. 486 00:57:16,183 --> 00:57:18,623 And the number of our army there is more than ordinary people. 487 00:57:19,560 --> 00:57:20,933 It's like attacking us. 488 00:57:21,246 --> 00:57:22,246 About. 489 00:57:22,601 --> 00:57:23,601 But not quite 490 00:57:25,190 --> 00:57:27,433 technically This land belongs to them. 491 00:57:27,683 --> 00:57:29,767 And you know that we are fighting 492 00:57:39,517 --> 00:57:40,558 Rihanna Kazemi? 493 00:57:40,725 --> 00:57:41,725 Promptly. 494 00:57:47,683 --> 00:57:51,225 The map is about the senses of the world Let's draw that 495 00:57:53,475 --> 00:57:54,475 November 20th. 496 00:57:54,975 --> 00:57:56,558 News conference? 497 00:57:57,142 --> 00:57:58,433 Two days before Diwali. 498 00:57:59,235 --> 00:58:00,235 Great. 499 00:58:04,600 --> 00:58:06,892 Hi Rihanna What do you think about tea? 500 00:58:08,600 --> 00:58:10,017 Not here. 501 00:58:10,042 --> 00:58:11,708 It's better to have a little more private 502 00:58:24,216 --> 00:58:25,216 Rihanna. 503 00:58:26,933 --> 00:58:29,850 I want the biggest story I give you your career. 504 00:58:32,142 --> 00:58:35,476 What happened three days ago University of Dakar fell. 505 00:58:36,101 --> 00:58:39,767 Twenty-five students were assigned to a Pakistani soldier they were killed 506 00:58:41,392 --> 00:58:42,767 in this file. 507 00:58:43,225 --> 00:58:44,642 All available details. 508 00:58:45,643 --> 00:58:47,350 - I can see? - Sure 509 00:58:49,433 --> 00:58:52,424 This is the first issue that Get out of eastern Pakistan. 510 00:59:02,350 --> 00:59:03,600 It's so big. 511 00:59:04,183 --> 00:59:06,475 It is alluring for the whole world. 512 00:59:10,892 --> 00:59:12,567 Let me work. 513 00:59:13,754 --> 00:59:14,754 Mr. Sherikante. 514 00:59:16,552 --> 00:59:17,552 Rihanna. 515 00:59:20,017 --> 00:59:22,142 I want to get this news. 516 00:59:22,558 --> 00:59:25,225 Print two days before Diwali. 517 00:59:26,725 --> 00:59:28,142 Not a day later Not a day earlier. 518 00:59:29,850 --> 00:59:31,267 Your time is very vital. 519 00:59:32,427 --> 00:59:33,427 Sure. 520 00:59:34,433 --> 00:59:37,100 I'm working Mercy Shirkanat 521 00:59:37,850 --> 00:59:38,850 you're welcome. 522 00:59:43,101 --> 00:59:44,101 Avast! 523 00:59:46,918 --> 00:59:48,599 With the release of this news. 524 00:59:48,624 --> 00:59:51,267 All the senses of the world To Pakistan. 525 00:59:52,592 --> 00:59:54,183 Network 5 BBC. 526 00:59:54,600 --> 00:59:56,267 Cover all this news 527 00:59:57,475 --> 00:59:59,808 Pakistan is under pressure from the media 528 01:00:01,850 --> 01:00:03,308 however, even if. 529 01:00:04,392 --> 01:00:06,433 What's happening to the poor people or India. 530 01:00:07,958 --> 01:00:10,558 They give them a diplomatic boost 531 01:00:13,725 --> 01:00:15,808 and to prevent this frustration. 532 01:00:17,225 --> 01:00:19,208 Only one way is coming to them. 533 01:00:21,619 --> 01:00:23,405 Stop attacking BullPor. 534 01:00:25,308 --> 01:00:26,308 After the news. 535 01:00:26,975 --> 01:00:28,641 Have a lot to say. 536 01:00:28,642 --> 01:00:29,976 To stand against the world. 537 01:00:32,267 --> 01:00:33,726 Must have this fire Add fuel. 538 01:00:35,433 --> 01:00:36,834 Yes boss. 539 01:00:45,600 --> 01:00:47,225 The mother of John was promoted again. 540 01:00:48,852 --> 01:00:50,517 Give it home Both work better. 541 01:00:50,933 --> 01:00:51,933 Everything is fine. 542 01:00:54,684 --> 01:00:55,684 This? 543 01:00:56,558 --> 01:00:58,433 Do not write when will it return? 544 01:01:00,725 --> 01:01:01,725 I'm coming soon. 545 01:01:03,475 --> 01:01:06,159 From the last beard I ate How long has it been, is not it? 546 01:01:15,332 --> 01:01:16,332 Oh god! 547 01:01:17,058 --> 01:01:18,892 Prolong his life. 548 01:01:28,893 --> 01:01:29,893 Akbar Malek? 549 01:01:32,628 --> 01:01:34,267 You must come with us. 550 01:02:08,600 --> 01:02:10,933 Goodbye to me welcome. 551 01:02:14,725 --> 01:02:17,683 I apologize for all of you That's how I came here. 552 01:02:18,308 --> 01:02:19,508 But its true. 553 01:02:19,933 --> 01:02:21,642 Impatiently waiting for my visit. 554 01:02:22,899 --> 01:02:24,063 I have created you 555 01:02:25,100 --> 01:02:26,100 help yourself. 556 01:02:28,600 --> 01:02:29,683 It's okay, Mr. Navab. 557 01:02:30,683 --> 01:02:32,058 I came to see you. 558 01:02:32,267 --> 01:02:33,350 Thanks. 559 01:02:34,600 --> 01:02:39,767 You made your own heart of my own heart She completely forgot me. 560 01:02:42,058 --> 01:02:46,058 It's easy to get it I do not want to say that you should not work with her anymore 561 01:02:47,308 --> 01:02:48,308 just one amount. 562 01:02:48,725 --> 01:02:53,540 Contract details and personal appointments Get in touch with me. 563 01:02:53,815 --> 01:02:54,815 OK? 564 01:02:55,600 --> 01:02:58,725 In its place Whatever you give me. 565 01:03:02,308 --> 01:03:03,308 Mr. Nawab. 566 01:03:04,350 --> 01:03:06,058 Selling the trust that one has for me. 567 01:03:07,308 --> 01:03:08,586 I'm not in my heart. 568 01:03:12,517 --> 01:03:14,392 You know how you like it. 569 01:03:15,642 --> 01:03:19,183 But nobody should come from you Come here, get to know. 570 01:03:22,058 --> 01:03:23,517 Otherwise I swear. 571 01:03:24,350 --> 01:03:25,808 Take revenge. 572 01:03:28,142 --> 01:03:29,142 Good bye. 573 01:03:30,017 --> 01:03:31,017 Good bye. 574 01:03:48,350 --> 01:03:49,350 Mr. Nawab. 575 01:03:50,440 --> 01:03:52,018 You may have forgotten this envelope 576 01:03:52,808 --> 01:03:53,808 thank you. 577 01:03:55,558 --> 01:03:59,267 I actually wanted this I go to room 117. 578 01:04:00,058 --> 01:04:02,142 If you see it was kind of you. 579 01:04:02,642 --> 01:04:03,922 The eyes of our friend Nawab Sure 580 01:04:04,100 --> 01:04:05,183 and really. 581 01:04:05,767 --> 01:04:07,127 Tomorrow, make sure you also dress 582 01:04:07,242 --> 01:04:09,492 I got a little stuff. 583 01:04:09,517 --> 01:04:11,100 My own home-Yes- 584 01:04:11,952 --> 01:04:12,952 Go for it mercy. 585 01:04:50,888 --> 01:04:51,888 Are you 586 01:05:02,109 --> 01:05:10,109 Indian Movie Experience on the Bollywood Web Site Bollywood1.Co. 587 01:06:21,442 --> 01:06:22,442 Are you alo. 588 01:06:23,350 --> 01:06:24,350 Yes sir. 589 01:06:25,892 --> 01:06:26,892 Yes tomorrow you go 590 01:06:27,933 --> 01:06:29,225 see you tomorrow 591 01:06:29,642 --> 01:06:31,683 I'll meet you there Yes. 592 01:06:32,208 --> 01:06:33,208 Good bye. 593 01:06:55,808 --> 01:06:58,683 This is Mr Navab Afrari Send to you 594 01:06:59,475 --> 01:07:00,475 thank you. 595 01:07:03,017 --> 01:07:04,017 Good bye. 596 01:07:10,058 --> 01:07:12,142 "Accept me." 597 01:07:12,561 --> 01:07:15,475 "I beg you." 598 01:07:16,058 --> 01:07:18,933 "If I do not hurt with you." 599 01:07:19,517 --> 01:07:22,433 "Who do I tell me?" 600 01:07:22,850 --> 01:07:26,188 "I pulled my hands to my door." 601 01:07:26,808 --> 01:07:29,600 "Other than you, where do I go to the house?" 602 01:07:33,380 --> 01:07:34,380 Mr. Nawab. 603 01:07:34,405 --> 01:07:36,017 Call on you. 604 01:07:36,433 --> 01:07:38,517 They are the secretary of the embassy office. 605 01:07:38,772 --> 01:07:40,058 Mrs. Shirada Sharma. 606 01:07:43,058 --> 01:07:46,474 "The Messenger of Allah will help his bloodthirsty people." 607 01:07:46,475 --> 01:07:49,600 "God, you are right" "God, you are all things." 608 01:07:50,017 --> 01:07:52,519 "You are God's Messenger." 609 01:07:53,767 --> 01:07:55,642 "God loves you." 610 01:07:57,475 --> 01:07:59,767 "You are the prophet of the prophet." 611 01:08:00,296 --> 01:08:02,142 "O Messenger of Allah." 612 01:08:03,937 --> 01:08:05,600 "Or the Messenger of Allah." 613 01:08:07,434 --> 01:08:09,267 "Or the Messenger of Allah." 614 01:08:11,058 --> 01:08:12,600 "Or the Messenger of Allah." 615 01:08:15,100 --> 01:08:18,016 "You remember that tears flow from my eyes" 616 01:08:18,017 --> 01:08:19,892 reason for working in the bank. 617 01:08:21,725 --> 01:08:22,725 I was alone. 618 01:08:24,225 --> 01:08:25,892 You were under my protection. 619 01:08:26,019 --> 01:08:30,391 "You remember that tears flow from my eyes." 620 01:08:32,892 --> 01:08:37,475 "If you do not lose my sorrow" "Who does it?" 621 01:08:38,850 --> 01:08:40,725 but he's listening at the hotel room. 622 01:08:40,975 --> 01:08:41,975 Honey. 623 01:08:43,058 --> 01:08:45,808 Every Indian diplomat is under surveillance. 624 01:08:48,933 --> 01:08:50,808 Your main goal is to come here? 625 01:08:53,267 --> 01:08:55,599 You needed a friend in this season. 626 01:08:55,600 --> 01:09:00,683 "The world is changing in every moment." 627 01:09:02,642 --> 01:09:07,392 "Who knows who is right here right now?" "Or who's lying?" 628 01:09:09,725 --> 01:09:15,062 "The world is different from what I see." 629 01:09:17,142 --> 01:09:21,642 "A passenger on the water, what's going on in the depths of the sea." 630 01:09:22,200 --> 01:09:24,643 You should continue to love Isaac 631 01:09:25,017 --> 01:09:27,975 Pakistani army and their espionage organization with me. 632 01:09:28,600 --> 01:09:30,299 I'm sensitive to every move they have. 633 01:09:31,892 --> 01:09:34,612 We must under any circumstances Prevent the operation of the bellhop. 634 01:09:42,433 --> 01:09:45,606 "Prophet of Allah, you are a goddess." 635 01:09:46,520 --> 01:09:49,975 "Prophet Allah, you are the friend of all men." 636 01:09:50,308 --> 01:09:54,331 "You do not bring anyone to the empty hand or the Messenger of Allah." 637 01:09:54,725 --> 01:09:58,225 "Prophet of Allah, you are a goddess." 638 01:09:59,142 --> 01:10:02,683 "Or the Messenger of Allah." 639 01:10:04,642 --> 01:10:08,939 "Or the Messenger of Allah." 640 01:10:11,517 --> 01:10:13,851 "Or the Messenger of Allah." 641 01:10:15,683 --> 01:10:22,350 "Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah" 642 01:10:27,440 --> 01:10:28,725 Romeo Ali 643 01:10:28,892 --> 01:10:30,142 I accept sir. 644 01:10:31,017 --> 01:10:34,975 Your government did the right thing Which you sent here. 645 01:10:35,600 --> 01:10:37,200 Take me off Tell yourself about yourself. 646 01:10:37,892 --> 01:10:40,183 Why do you have an Pakistani Okara? For India? 647 01:10:42,433 --> 01:10:43,892 What do I do 648 01:10:44,725 --> 01:10:48,267 I'll save my country from idiotic. 649 01:10:52,471 --> 01:10:53,471 Actually. 650 01:10:53,683 --> 01:10:55,850 We are Lahore, the unbelievers. 651 01:10:57,100 --> 01:11:01,017 The borderline, I made a drink in my bloodstream. 652 01:11:01,433 --> 01:11:03,517 I got the government 653 01:11:04,725 --> 01:11:06,433 since that time. 654 01:11:07,475 --> 01:11:08,507 Joker. 655 01:11:08,912 --> 01:11:10,350 Everything I do. 656 01:11:13,683 --> 01:11:15,828 You did not think so now Get out of this? 657 01:11:18,683 --> 01:11:20,000 Why did I think. 658 01:11:22,808 --> 01:11:23,808 Actually 659 01:11:24,725 --> 01:11:27,224 if they even feel that 660 01:11:27,225 --> 01:11:28,892 I do not work for them. 661 01:11:30,350 --> 01:11:33,273 With a beam, they finish my job. 662 01:11:37,443 --> 01:11:38,443 And I 663 01:11:42,297 --> 01:11:43,297 this 664 01:11:45,350 --> 01:11:46,350 this side. 665 01:11:46,767 --> 01:11:49,475 I can not do it This is the world and let's go. 666 01:12:03,725 --> 01:12:05,392 You did not eat tonight. 667 01:12:06,017 --> 01:12:08,725 I'm going to get something. 668 01:12:32,225 --> 01:12:34,933 I put my clothes on your bed. 669 01:12:42,267 --> 01:12:44,184 It takes care of you. 670 01:12:46,183 --> 01:12:48,267 Do not forget your mommy. 671 01:12:48,804 --> 01:12:49,804 You are my only son 672 01:12:50,600 --> 01:12:51,600 Mom! 673 01:12:52,312 --> 01:12:54,225 Have you ever thought of acting and acting? 674 01:12:55,683 --> 01:12:58,267 Do not you 675 01:13:18,084 --> 01:13:19,974 Pakistan Information Office Monitoring room. 676 01:13:19,975 --> 01:13:21,108 See this sir. 677 01:13:22,725 --> 01:13:23,725 Are you alo. 678 01:13:24,281 --> 01:13:25,892 Yes sir. 679 01:13:26,934 --> 01:13:28,183 Yes I'm coming tomorrow 680 01:13:29,133 --> 01:13:30,308 see you tomorrow. 681 01:13:31,558 --> 01:13:34,267 This is the message sent to you by Navab Afridi 682 01:13:35,558 --> 01:13:36,558 A moment. 683 01:13:37,226 --> 01:13:38,850 - Adel - Yes sir? 684 01:13:39,101 --> 01:13:40,977 Play it once more. 685 01:13:41,586 --> 01:13:42,586 Sit down. 686 01:13:47,987 --> 01:13:48,987 Are you. 687 01:13:50,683 --> 01:13:51,683 Hold on. 688 01:13:52,558 --> 01:13:53,558 Who is this woman? 689 01:13:53,600 --> 01:13:56,643 They are Shreda Shamma One Indian diplomat. 690 01:13:56,767 --> 01:13:57,767 When did you come 691 01:13:57,794 --> 01:13:59,154 two night ago The first time comes. 692 01:13:59,600 --> 01:14:00,600 Play it. 693 01:14:02,449 --> 01:14:03,449 Yes sir. 694 01:14:05,058 --> 01:14:06,142 Yes I'm coming tomorrow. 695 01:14:11,767 --> 01:14:12,767 Are you. 696 01:14:16,850 --> 01:14:18,475 Replay this part. 697 01:14:26,475 --> 01:14:27,475 Are you. 698 01:14:27,520 --> 01:14:29,808 This person already knew this woman 699 01:14:36,617 --> 01:14:37,617 thank you. 700 01:14:38,144 --> 01:14:39,144 Enough. 701 01:14:43,643 --> 01:14:45,058 Dear Mr. Afridi 702 01:14:47,308 --> 01:14:49,142 yesterday I You met Nawab. 703 01:14:50,558 --> 01:14:53,267 And that fool wanted to buy you. 704 01:14:54,267 --> 01:14:55,975 Akbar It was not the first man to die 705 01:14:57,808 --> 01:14:58,808 but yeah. 706 01:15:00,308 --> 01:15:01,308 Somebody that. 707 01:15:02,226 --> 01:15:05,183 Assume a powerful navel As if he was a man. 708 01:15:07,058 --> 01:15:08,933 - You - His father 709 01:15:12,267 --> 01:15:13,267 Akbar. 710 01:15:14,225 --> 01:15:15,225 I had. 711 01:15:16,268 --> 01:15:17,933 I see another. 712 01:15:19,600 --> 01:15:22,267 Just like I wanted to see my son. 713 01:15:28,767 --> 01:15:30,017 Hello dear Nawab. 714 01:15:31,267 --> 01:15:33,100 To to Hello 715 01:15:33,308 --> 01:15:34,308 help yourself. 716 01:15:34,933 --> 01:15:37,225 Iqbal Take two glasses of tea. 717 01:15:38,058 --> 01:15:39,058 Mr Navab. 718 01:15:39,767 --> 01:15:43,517 Yesterday at the hotel, you got someone To send you a letter? 719 01:15:43,683 --> 01:15:45,850 Yes Akbar Malek. 720 01:15:46,308 --> 01:15:47,308 Why? 721 01:15:49,517 --> 01:15:53,017 Okay, I want to give you an important job. 722 01:15:53,961 --> 01:15:57,604 A Dakota aircraft Explosive bombs. 723 01:15:58,600 --> 01:15:59,600 And. 724 01:15:59,683 --> 01:16:02,267 Non-Pakistani pilot 725 01:16:03,517 --> 01:16:04,517 these. 726 01:16:04,642 --> 01:16:07,683 Be prepared before November 20th 727 01:16:08,153 --> 01:16:09,153 the eye. 728 01:16:12,642 --> 01:16:13,642 Akbar Malek. 729 01:16:14,983 --> 01:16:16,642 A Pakistani-Kashmiri. 730 01:16:17,100 --> 01:16:20,642 In Karachi, she works at Mr. Afridi's office. 731 01:16:22,058 --> 01:16:24,392 And so it works within three months. 732 01:16:24,768 --> 01:16:26,892 Got of high-end factors 733 01:16:27,271 --> 01:16:28,271 Khan 734 01:16:28,975 --> 01:16:31,017 all these things you have to say about him. 735 01:16:31,475 --> 01:16:32,892 Maybe you just doubt! Sir 736 01:16:35,017 --> 01:16:39,142 When someone progresses so fast Make sure it's working. 737 01:16:39,975 --> 01:16:42,208 I just want to be under intense supervision. 738 01:16:42,411 --> 01:16:43,411 Allow me to. 739 01:16:43,767 --> 01:16:46,642 You know why he should Let the authorities allow. 740 01:16:46,848 --> 01:16:49,600 And that's special people Isaac Alfredie. 741 01:16:50,225 --> 01:16:53,975 And General Jahangir and Ishaq Afridi Friends are close. 742 01:16:54,600 --> 01:16:55,850 It's not easy. 743 01:16:57,517 --> 01:16:59,808 Take my word for my attention. 744 01:17:00,808 --> 01:17:01,808 In three months. 745 01:17:02,308 --> 01:17:05,808 In the space of three months you have created Ishaq's right hand. 746 01:17:11,642 --> 01:17:14,975 Okay, just under electronic supervision. 747 01:17:15,183 --> 01:17:16,223 Not individual monitoring. 748 01:17:16,892 --> 01:17:17,892 And be careful. 749 01:17:18,350 --> 01:17:20,392 Do not know another person. 750 01:17:21,225 --> 01:17:22,225 Yes sir. 751 01:17:24,899 --> 01:17:26,099 - Natsh - Yes sir? 752 01:17:28,725 --> 01:17:31,605 In the offices, we created your building High frequency detection device. 753 01:17:32,517 --> 01:17:35,019 And the phone of Akbar Malik will be heard. 754 01:17:35,382 --> 01:17:36,382 Promptly. 755 01:17:42,523 --> 01:17:43,775 No there no. 756 01:17:43,800 --> 01:17:45,458 Let it go. 757 01:17:51,061 --> 01:17:52,061 Akbar? 758 01:17:58,517 --> 01:18:00,520 We can not see each other here you know you're out 759 01:18:00,521 --> 01:18:04,183 I have to deal with a series of bellipop operations Provide basic ammunition. 760 01:18:08,705 --> 01:18:09,705 The card was good. 761 01:18:09,795 --> 01:18:11,433 What did you need to risk all this? 762 01:18:11,642 --> 01:18:13,433 You could send me. 763 01:18:13,458 --> 01:18:16,583 See some people close by Feels different. 764 01:18:20,850 --> 01:18:22,100 Mrs. Inna is welcome. 765 01:18:22,725 --> 01:18:23,975 Yes I am now. 766 01:18:26,097 --> 01:18:27,097 I have to go 767 01:18:29,600 --> 01:18:31,516 Romeo Ali What was your name? 768 01:18:31,517 --> 01:18:32,517 Yes. 769 01:18:32,558 --> 01:18:34,225 This agent did your job well. 770 01:18:34,725 --> 01:18:36,600 His work is excellent in the bipolar operation. 771 01:18:39,475 --> 01:18:42,432 But I see this progress I feel that. 772 01:18:42,433 --> 01:18:44,933 - Must have gotten close to them - Exactly 773 01:18:45,993 --> 01:18:47,600 Can we trust it? 774 01:18:50,308 --> 01:18:52,023 In fact, he himself is an object. 775 01:18:53,058 --> 01:18:56,424 And you know that this day there are many Muslims ...in India are that. 776 01:18:56,449 --> 01:18:57,449 Surveyor. 777 01:18:58,225 --> 01:19:00,558 It's not just a Hindu for me. 778 01:19:01,131 --> 01:19:02,600 Not even a Hindu or Muslim. 779 01:19:03,883 --> 01:19:05,351 Think as you want. 780 01:19:06,142 --> 01:19:07,433 But a question... 781 01:19:08,433 --> 01:19:09,553 What kind of thinking is it? 782 01:19:10,173 --> 01:19:11,173 We will see. 783 01:19:12,808 --> 01:19:14,267 - Hello - Hello 784 01:19:14,475 --> 01:19:16,558 I'm waiting for a long time please sit. 785 01:19:18,892 --> 01:19:20,308 This is a lot of mistakes. 786 01:19:20,725 --> 01:19:21,725 You have to fix it. 787 01:19:26,278 --> 01:19:28,017 - Hello - Hello 788 01:19:30,100 --> 01:19:31,183 This requires confirmation. 789 01:19:31,808 --> 01:19:33,750 Performance of the pilot and the aircraft. 790 01:19:34,725 --> 01:19:36,433 To show patriotism. 791 01:19:36,892 --> 01:19:38,181 Money does not matter. 792 01:19:41,183 --> 01:19:42,642 An important topic of Akbar. 793 01:19:44,933 --> 01:19:46,308 There is a change in date. 794 01:19:46,767 --> 01:19:48,808 Now planes instead of the twentieth. 795 01:19:49,433 --> 01:19:53,642 The morning of the 19th should be at Abdul Abad airport. 796 01:19:54,594 --> 01:19:55,594 And 19th night 797 01:19:56,590 --> 01:19:59,058 at 10 o'clock at night 798 01:20:00,272 --> 01:20:01,272 the eye. 799 01:20:23,943 --> 01:20:24,943 At eight o'clock. 800 01:20:25,318 --> 01:20:27,548 Naveed Narinjd must have noticed. 801 01:20:27,562 --> 01:20:29,267 The explosion on the 19th night? 802 01:20:30,058 --> 01:20:31,738 According to the map of the authorities 803 01:20:32,142 --> 01:20:33,622 the media are coming to our notice. 804 01:20:34,059 --> 01:20:35,683 They publish the twentieth day. 805 01:20:38,017 --> 01:20:39,977 But this is before him Do their job doing the body 806 01:20:42,392 --> 01:20:43,392 that's mean 807 01:20:43,600 --> 01:20:44,933 all my maps. 808 01:20:53,767 --> 01:20:54,767 We have a penetration. 809 01:20:57,975 --> 01:20:59,392 All our information is leaked. 810 01:21:01,308 --> 01:21:04,517 So, instead of the twentieth The 19th year of operation will be carried out 811 01:21:05,933 --> 01:21:06,933 but the boss. 812 01:21:08,225 --> 01:21:11,350 In conjunction with our media map except for us two, only. 813 01:21:29,100 --> 01:21:30,100 Sorry. 814 01:21:31,350 --> 01:21:32,350 National Security. 815 01:21:33,184 --> 01:21:34,184 You... here. 816 01:21:34,808 --> 01:21:35,808 With who? 817 01:21:35,892 --> 01:21:36,892 Ministry. 818 01:21:36,933 --> 01:21:38,267 You are arresting. 819 01:22:56,769 --> 01:22:58,183 Awesome Baroness. 820 01:22:58,851 --> 01:22:59,851 Very strange 821 01:23:01,100 --> 01:23:02,392 for here. 822 01:23:03,880 --> 01:23:05,040 There are other places too. 823 01:23:05,517 --> 01:23:08,725 This season, Baron has a tougher 824 01:23:10,297 --> 01:23:11,297 head of? 825 01:23:12,058 --> 01:23:13,542 Rihanna Kazemi ...austini. 826 01:23:14,725 --> 01:23:18,225 Fast for me with the East Office Make an appointment. 827 01:23:18,943 --> 01:23:20,517 - Kolkata? - Yeah 828 01:23:21,975 --> 01:23:23,475 What about media stories? 829 01:23:24,350 --> 01:23:25,670 - Rihanna Kazemi - just let it be 830 01:23:26,767 --> 01:23:28,225 East Pakistan. 831 01:23:28,642 --> 01:23:29,683 Can not do anything 832 01:23:30,308 --> 01:23:31,548 and what we took on our role. 833 01:23:32,808 --> 01:23:34,850 We have to act quite rightly. 834 01:23:37,395 --> 01:23:39,517 Let it know East Pakistan will be released. 835 01:23:39,697 --> 01:23:40,697 Ok boss. 836 01:23:40,976 --> 01:23:41,976 What's next? 837 01:23:42,058 --> 01:23:43,058 Nothing. 838 01:23:43,267 --> 01:23:44,933 When nobody has a bounty You win. 839 01:24:11,393 --> 01:24:13,058 Yooy's meeting Is this the night? 840 01:24:13,059 --> 01:24:14,619 The news has come from the authorities. 841 01:24:14,726 --> 01:24:18,476 To stop the operation, any map that We have to stop. 842 01:24:19,261 --> 01:24:20,767 - But - I know 843 01:24:21,600 --> 01:24:23,683 Just 5 days to go online. 844 01:24:24,308 --> 01:24:26,148 - But the senior official is very clear - stop 845 01:24:27,580 --> 01:24:28,580 I know. 846 01:24:29,938 --> 01:24:31,058 It's very important tonight. 847 01:24:34,350 --> 01:24:35,767 My birthday is my birthday. 848 01:24:40,142 --> 01:24:41,225 And nothing goes right 849 01:24:42,683 --> 01:24:46,225 if Pakistan understands my work 850 01:24:49,517 --> 01:24:50,975 but it should not be about you. 851 01:24:53,683 --> 01:24:55,667 You should not have happened to you. 852 01:25:53,892 --> 01:25:55,975 Pakistan's Ministry of Intelligence Karachi. 853 01:26:18,580 --> 01:26:19,580 Sir. 854 01:26:23,294 --> 01:26:24,294 When. 855 01:26:25,392 --> 01:26:28,600 - Coordinates? - Thirty four degrees north, 67 degrees east. 856 01:26:28,857 --> 01:26:29,857 Come. 857 01:26:57,675 --> 01:26:58,675 Come in 858 01:27:00,644 --> 01:27:01,644 Sir. 859 01:27:02,683 --> 01:27:06,267 Last night at 8 o'clock The device received strong signals. 860 01:27:06,642 --> 01:27:08,142 A message has been sent to India. 861 01:27:09,975 --> 01:27:10,975 Find your position. 862 01:27:11,225 --> 01:27:12,225 Sacrifice. 863 01:27:12,517 --> 01:27:14,142 Message sent from Latezabad. 864 01:27:17,697 --> 01:27:19,725 Yes sir Leackat Abad. 865 01:27:20,558 --> 01:27:22,267 Akbar Malek lives there. 866 01:27:30,697 --> 01:27:32,470 My sister is not lying 867 01:27:36,235 --> 01:27:37,235 and swear to God. 868 01:27:46,268 --> 01:27:47,268 Lady. 869 01:27:47,475 --> 01:27:48,558 It has come to you 870 01:28:21,267 --> 01:28:22,267 Sir. 871 01:28:22,308 --> 01:28:23,308 Yes? 872 01:28:23,558 --> 01:28:25,291 The office of the Akbar office is ringing. 873 01:28:26,517 --> 01:28:27,517 Where is the phone? 874 01:28:27,558 --> 01:28:29,433 Outside the embassy of india. 875 01:28:43,782 --> 01:28:44,782 Take the phone. 876 01:28:56,113 --> 01:28:57,113 Take the phone. 877 01:29:01,683 --> 01:29:02,683 Daddy dan. 878 01:29:08,266 --> 01:29:10,183 You want your signature Confirm it. 879 01:29:11,446 --> 01:29:12,446 Here. 880 01:29:30,989 --> 01:29:31,989 Are you alo 881 01:29:42,641 --> 01:29:43,641 the commander 882 01:29:44,141 --> 01:29:45,141 answer 883 01:29:46,701 --> 01:29:47,701 what has happened? 884 01:29:47,788 --> 01:29:50,058 One is going to tell you about Akbar. 885 01:29:50,202 --> 01:29:51,702 Near the embassy of india. 886 01:29:51,766 --> 01:29:52,886 Exactly outside the embassy. 887 01:30:01,892 --> 01:30:04,308 The intelligence forces are headed by Leakat Abad. 888 01:30:07,206 --> 01:30:11,806 Bollywood Van Talking Telegram @Bollywood1official. 889 01:30:12,981 --> 01:30:19,581 Intagram Bollywood Van @ Bolly1official. 890 01:30:41,041 --> 01:30:42,041 Akbar Malek? 891 01:30:42,227 --> 01:30:43,641 They do not have a home 892 01:30:48,548 --> 01:30:50,183 yeah Sir. 893 01:30:50,350 --> 01:30:51,433 Listen sir. 894 01:30:51,544 --> 01:30:53,047 There TariqSir 895 01:30:53,540 --> 01:30:54,540 there. 896 01:30:57,081 --> 01:30:59,641 What are you doing? Turn around it. 897 01:31:07,971 --> 01:31:09,516 What is the hell? 898 01:31:32,141 --> 01:31:35,891 They go to see movies and Indian music is interested. 899 01:31:36,683 --> 01:31:38,183 - Really? - Yes 900 01:31:41,516 --> 01:31:42,558 Go away. 901 01:33:02,975 --> 01:33:04,475 Do you have this permission? 902 01:33:06,391 --> 01:33:07,433 Akbar Malek? 903 01:33:10,558 --> 01:33:13,266 We must come to the headquarters I want to ask you a few questions. 904 01:33:13,641 --> 01:33:14,774 Show me wisdom. 905 01:33:15,766 --> 01:33:16,766 Sentence? 906 01:33:21,016 --> 01:33:23,933 Police need a warrant 907 01:34:09,748 --> 01:34:10,748 head of. 908 01:34:14,511 --> 01:34:15,511 Joker sent message. 909 01:34:17,016 --> 01:34:18,061 Broken horse leg. 910 01:34:19,016 --> 01:34:20,016 Maybe that'll be over. 911 01:34:22,758 --> 01:34:24,678 Five and four hours until the attack on Bialipur. 912 01:34:36,516 --> 01:34:37,766 Akbar Malek? 913 01:34:39,046 --> 01:34:40,046 Come. 914 01:34:41,368 --> 01:34:42,368 Sit down. 915 01:34:48,558 --> 01:34:50,016 Light up the lights. 916 01:35:08,433 --> 01:35:09,808 You should know this, no? 917 01:35:11,058 --> 01:35:12,058 Polygraph test. 918 01:35:13,183 --> 01:35:14,266 False Detection Device. 919 01:35:17,766 --> 01:35:18,766 Not? 920 01:35:20,891 --> 01:35:22,423 Let's see how it works. 921 01:35:40,016 --> 01:35:41,516 My hand has a few fingers? 922 01:35:44,016 --> 01:35:45,016 Five up. 923 01:35:51,141 --> 01:35:52,141 Is that one of my hands. 924 01:35:53,975 --> 01:35:54,975 Five up 925 01:36:01,516 --> 01:36:02,891 what is your name? 926 01:36:06,266 --> 01:36:08,558 What is your name? The name of reality 927 01:36:11,516 --> 01:36:12,766 what is your name? 928 01:36:15,641 --> 01:36:16,641 Akbar Malek. 929 01:36:27,141 --> 01:36:30,516 You are the first to have a sharda in Shandah Did you see india? 930 01:36:30,683 --> 01:36:31,683 Not. 931 01:36:36,766 --> 01:36:38,266 Are you an Indian agent? 932 01:36:38,683 --> 01:36:39,683 Not. 933 01:36:46,754 --> 01:36:48,641 Do you have contact with Delhi? 934 01:36:48,845 --> 01:36:49,845 Not. 935 01:36:54,016 --> 01:36:55,933 Do you have family homes in Delhi? 936 01:36:56,100 --> 01:36:57,100 Not. 937 01:37:27,969 --> 01:37:32,433 "Grandma, now your granddaughter grew up." 938 01:38:50,641 --> 01:38:52,058 Not sir So far nothing. 939 01:38:53,141 --> 01:38:55,016 But he says everything Just give me a chance. 940 01:38:55,248 --> 01:38:57,373 You can not use grade three interrogations. 941 01:38:57,435 --> 01:38:58,516 Do you know the situation? 942 01:38:59,391 --> 01:39:00,391 Sir? 943 01:39:00,600 --> 01:39:01,933 I'm sure Khan? 944 01:39:02,933 --> 01:39:04,934 It is important that you wait for the right time. 945 01:39:05,641 --> 01:39:06,641 Release him. 946 01:39:17,551 --> 01:39:22,058 Our body is about truth and lies Two different types of reaction. 947 01:39:22,475 --> 01:39:26,183 When we lie, stress gets bigger And we got stuck. 948 01:39:27,433 --> 01:39:29,766 To defeat this device There is one way 949 01:39:31,891 --> 01:39:32,891 the pain. 950 01:39:34,766 --> 01:39:36,516 My hand has a few fingers? 951 01:39:44,891 --> 01:39:45,891 Five up. 952 01:39:46,777 --> 01:39:48,891 With pain, tension increases. 953 01:39:49,266 --> 01:39:52,016 Saying Truth or Lie does not matter. 954 01:39:53,016 --> 01:39:54,516 And the car is gone. 955 01:40:02,016 --> 01:40:05,683 Be careful not to get your wounded sir Good soon enough. 956 01:40:07,141 --> 01:40:10,058 However, Colonel Khan It's not so fast. 957 01:40:10,891 --> 01:40:12,933 But Joker is now dangerous for you 958 01:40:13,533 --> 01:40:14,575 because she knows. 959 01:40:15,058 --> 01:40:18,141 Now under the supervision of the Ministry of Intelligence. 960 01:40:18,766 --> 01:40:20,225 I call Delhi 961 01:40:21,526 --> 01:40:22,526 so what? 962 01:40:23,391 --> 01:40:26,683 For somebody The whole network is compromised? 963 01:40:27,516 --> 01:40:28,516 Sir. 964 01:40:28,558 --> 01:40:30,683 Now you just run away 965 01:40:31,475 --> 01:40:32,766 Isaac Alfredi. 966 01:40:59,894 --> 01:41:02,102 I do not want you to happen. 967 01:41:02,728 --> 01:41:03,728 Nothing will be. 968 01:41:10,102 --> 01:41:14,144 Army Central Office Karachi. 969 01:41:19,977 --> 01:41:21,727 Akbar is a homeland. 970 01:41:22,352 --> 01:41:25,272 An angel who is present to himself To save the rest, put yourself at risk. 971 01:41:26,352 --> 01:41:28,102 What can you do without it? 972 01:41:28,894 --> 01:41:30,977 Torture to the point of spy. 973 01:41:31,852 --> 01:41:33,102 Who is behind this story? 974 01:41:34,727 --> 01:41:35,727 Gen. Gen. 975 01:41:37,019 --> 01:41:38,727 When I speak My heart catches fire 976 01:41:39,352 --> 01:41:40,394 my child. 977 01:41:41,394 --> 01:41:42,661 Someone from my blood. 978 01:41:42,687 --> 01:41:43,687 Nawab 979 01:41:45,093 --> 01:41:46,093 and that. 980 01:41:46,390 --> 01:41:48,102 Because of the suspicion of a fake person. 981 01:41:50,227 --> 01:41:52,061 Mr. Judge is offended. 982 01:41:55,019 --> 01:41:57,352 - Purpose? - Akbar adam me special 983 01:41:57,425 --> 01:41:58,425 they 984 01:41:58,979 --> 01:42:01,269 with my relatives and you. 985 01:42:02,352 --> 01:42:04,227 Do a bad job. 986 01:42:15,936 --> 01:42:17,602 Judge Hello, sir 987 01:42:18,644 --> 01:42:24,019 When did you start without notice? Are you suspicious of interrogation? 988 01:42:24,669 --> 01:42:26,973 She is without my permission No sir. 989 01:42:27,352 --> 01:42:29,227 Never let without you. 990 01:42:29,644 --> 01:42:33,019 So let's go with that With Akbar Malekdin? 991 01:42:33,852 --> 01:42:35,269 Hello. 992 01:42:36,727 --> 01:42:38,602 I'm sorry I did not know. 993 01:42:38,853 --> 01:42:41,144 So you will check quickly. 994 01:42:41,519 --> 01:42:44,239 And until tomorrow at 9am I got a report 995 01:42:44,852 --> 01:42:46,977 Ross at 9 Yes sir 996 01:43:02,644 --> 01:43:03,727 Send Colonel Khan in. 997 01:43:04,102 --> 01:43:05,352 Promptly Yes sir. 998 01:43:27,042 --> 01:43:30,936 Thirty-two hours until the attack on Bialipur. 999 01:43:31,305 --> 01:43:32,305 Thank you. 1000 01:43:32,852 --> 01:43:35,311 You won this game 1001 01:43:38,144 --> 01:43:40,852 Isaac Afaridi knows me like his son. 1002 01:43:42,519 --> 01:43:43,519 And I. 1003 01:43:45,019 --> 01:43:46,019 Brother. 1004 01:43:46,852 --> 01:43:49,602 Something good in your brain. 1005 01:43:50,394 --> 01:43:53,352 You are not owner of Akbar Romeo Ali. 1006 01:43:54,186 --> 01:43:55,186 Yeah. 1007 01:43:55,602 --> 01:43:59,352 God does not forget to forget your relationship. 1008 01:43:59,519 --> 01:44:00,769 You were in trouble. 1009 01:44:25,275 --> 01:44:26,686 Hold on 1010 01:44:27,546 --> 01:44:28,546 help yourself. 1011 01:44:33,519 --> 01:44:34,977 Why do not you close all the shops? 1012 01:44:35,002 --> 01:44:36,752 Did you hear the news? 1013 01:44:36,977 --> 01:44:38,394 The news is very painful. 1014 01:44:38,568 --> 01:44:40,495 At two o'clock this morning, two people were killed. 1015 01:44:40,519 --> 01:44:44,769 Gen. Jahangir in a blast In the army office, killed. 1016 01:44:45,352 --> 01:44:47,894 And with one of his close friends 1017 01:44:48,269 --> 01:44:50,394 Isaac Afridi is also dead. 1018 01:44:50,769 --> 01:44:54,518 It is not known yet What was the purpose of doing this. 1019 01:44:54,519 --> 01:44:57,394 The name is Akbar Malek As declared responsible for the attack. 1020 01:44:57,769 --> 01:44:59,956 The one who spies on India. 1021 01:47:19,650 --> 01:47:20,650 Get stuck. 1022 01:47:21,644 --> 01:47:22,727 Akbar Malek. 1023 01:47:23,311 --> 01:47:24,977 Farah Sir? 1024 01:47:25,144 --> 01:47:26,144 Go go. 1025 01:47:35,283 --> 01:47:36,977 Go out the outside. 1026 01:47:49,977 --> 01:47:52,269 Not here sir As if in vain. 1027 01:47:52,477 --> 01:47:53,477 What. 1028 01:47:55,102 --> 01:47:56,144 This is there. 1029 01:48:11,394 --> 01:48:12,394 Bitch. 1030 01:48:13,227 --> 01:48:14,852 Akbar Malek. 1031 01:48:17,233 --> 01:48:18,425 How long are you going. 1032 01:49:05,415 --> 01:49:08,352 Head of the Pakistan Spy Organization General Judge Ali. 1033 01:49:08,560 --> 01:49:11,269 As head of Pakistani army announced. 1034 01:49:11,415 --> 01:49:18,144 He ordered that under any circumstances We must keep Akbar Malik alive. 1035 01:49:41,461 --> 01:49:42,977 Thank you Here? 1036 01:49:43,852 --> 01:49:44,894 You should not be here. 1037 01:49:46,584 --> 01:49:48,852 Before someone finds out That you are here. 1038 01:49:49,852 --> 01:49:50,852 You. 1039 01:49:51,061 --> 01:49:53,977 You must reject the border Take your country. 1040 01:49:54,852 --> 01:49:57,477 All the way out, closed. 1041 01:49:58,769 --> 01:50:01,227 Skipping the border is almost impossible. 1042 01:50:03,864 --> 01:50:04,864 OK 1043 01:50:06,477 --> 01:50:08,101 You're a charm 1044 01:50:08,102 --> 01:50:10,352 I'm going to make tea for you. 1045 01:51:17,102 --> 01:51:18,519 To protect Jonas. 1046 01:51:19,834 --> 01:51:21,477 Do not God you have to use it. 1047 01:52:06,283 --> 01:52:09,644 God does not forget to forget your relationship. 1048 01:52:09,872 --> 01:52:11,477 You were in trouble. 1049 01:52:46,042 --> 01:52:51,026 Twenty-four hours until the attack on Bialipur. 1050 01:53:08,813 --> 01:53:10,144 Akbar Malek. 1051 01:54:34,102 --> 01:54:36,602 Sir, your phone is connected. 1052 01:54:38,644 --> 01:54:39,894 - Have you checked? - Yes sir 1053 01:54:40,560 --> 01:54:43,851 Sir, from a store near the sea A call is connected. 1054 01:54:43,852 --> 01:54:44,852 For delhi. 1055 01:54:45,352 --> 01:54:46,693 Head of spy agency headquarters. 1056 01:54:50,227 --> 01:54:52,630 Contact information before disconnecting Send to recording device. 1057 01:54:52,654 --> 01:54:53,752 Yes sir Come on, Grandmas. 1058 01:54:55,269 --> 01:54:57,144 - Goodbye baba - Good bye 1059 01:54:59,401 --> 01:55:00,401 Elo. 1060 01:55:01,852 --> 01:55:02,852 Akbar. 1061 01:55:04,561 --> 01:55:06,352 What is Shandin Saddam? 1062 01:55:08,019 --> 01:55:09,519 I'm happy with Shandin. 1063 01:55:10,144 --> 01:55:11,519 What happened to me last night. 1064 01:55:12,144 --> 01:55:13,852 That method of expressing happiness? 1065 01:55:14,722 --> 01:55:15,722 Not me. 1066 01:55:16,498 --> 01:55:18,977 This decision was made by another person. 1067 01:55:19,602 --> 01:55:22,811 Anyway, talking about the past Do not hurt. 1068 01:55:23,644 --> 01:55:25,352 The question is about today. 1069 01:55:25,811 --> 01:55:27,132 And the future of the country. 1070 01:55:27,310 --> 01:55:28,310 And I? 1071 01:55:28,727 --> 01:55:29,727 What about me? 1072 01:55:29,846 --> 01:55:31,406 That has made all this for the country. 1073 01:55:34,066 --> 01:55:36,394 Come on soon ...Storm. 1074 01:55:40,936 --> 01:55:45,852 Akbar is everywhere near the beach and the sea It might be a storm. 1075 01:55:46,436 --> 01:55:48,516 If by season, the severity of the storm becomes high. 1076 01:55:48,977 --> 01:55:50,602 People work 1077 01:55:51,227 --> 01:55:52,102 home and life. 1078 01:55:52,227 --> 01:55:54,107 All of them must be left behind Get out of here. 1079 01:55:54,311 --> 01:55:56,019 You have to completely empty it. 1080 01:55:56,394 --> 01:55:57,394 What. 1081 01:55:57,591 --> 01:55:58,977 You are trying to tell me what 1082 01:55:59,186 --> 01:56:01,102 the storm you caught in the middle of it. 1083 01:56:01,686 --> 01:56:03,352 No one can help. 1084 01:56:03,977 --> 01:56:05,269 Since I'm seeing. 1085 01:56:06,279 --> 01:56:07,759 You have to do something for yourself 1086 01:56:08,769 --> 01:56:10,227 now you are for me. 1087 01:56:10,403 --> 01:56:11,854 Like a Pakistani. 1088 01:56:12,477 --> 01:56:13,727 Even more dangerous. 1089 01:56:14,394 --> 01:56:15,994 You might have something in your sleeve. 1090 01:56:16,602 --> 01:56:17,602 Like a joke. 1091 01:56:17,958 --> 01:56:20,144 In this situation you are for me Like a stranger. 1092 01:56:20,769 --> 01:56:22,144 I'm doing my job. 1093 01:56:23,352 --> 01:56:25,145 You have to make the card yourself. 1094 01:57:00,930 --> 01:57:02,602 What training will you end? 1095 01:57:05,144 --> 01:57:06,227 Say it is hard for Mom. 1096 01:57:07,769 --> 01:57:09,227 Do that 1097 01:57:15,852 --> 01:57:17,103 I'll be coming soon 1098 01:57:19,904 --> 01:57:22,644 "my mother" 1099 01:57:23,477 --> 01:57:25,769 "my mother" 1100 01:57:26,769 --> 01:57:29,269 "my mother" 1101 01:57:30,144 --> 01:57:32,644 "my mother" 1102 01:57:33,852 --> 01:57:35,977 "my mother" 1103 01:57:37,186 --> 01:57:39,894 "my mother." 1104 01:58:33,063 --> 01:58:41,063 The Best of Indian Cinema on the Bollywood Web Site Bollywood1.Co. 1105 01:58:46,031 --> 01:58:50,631 Intagram Bollywood Van @ Bolly1official. 1106 01:59:13,309 --> 01:59:17,392 Thirteen hours to the bellipur attack. 1107 01:59:18,900 --> 01:59:19,900 Shirada Sharia? 1108 01:59:19,995 --> 01:59:21,602 Yes-You are arresting. 1109 01:59:21,832 --> 01:59:23,227 - What? - Help yourself 1110 01:59:23,392 --> 01:59:24,392 Come please. 1111 02:00:00,307 --> 02:00:01,727 Salah al-Din Ahmad. 1112 02:00:02,352 --> 02:00:03,852 Imam congregation long mosque. 1113 02:00:04,227 --> 02:00:06,147 And the head of the Indian Communication Network. 1114 02:00:06,727 --> 02:00:10,007 Getting this joke The work of the Indian Information Network has ended in Pakistan. 1115 02:00:10,727 --> 02:00:11,769 What did you think? 1116 02:00:12,769 --> 02:00:15,102 You give us some details Do we accept admiration? 1117 02:00:16,103 --> 02:00:17,103 Not 1118 02:00:18,602 --> 02:00:20,322 I'll give you the chance to get it Trust me. 1119 02:00:21,352 --> 02:00:23,644 I have a chance to get to India 1120 02:00:24,477 --> 02:00:27,144 that's what they're doing with this muslim. 1121 02:00:27,977 --> 02:00:31,727 Do not dare to do it again Do a body with Akber Malek or Romeo Ali 1122 02:00:31,769 --> 02:00:33,228 what you want to say? 1123 02:00:35,102 --> 02:00:38,019 I want to do my bare-punch operation. 1124 02:00:40,131 --> 02:00:42,352 Do you have a rationale? Yeah? 1125 02:00:42,561 --> 02:00:45,102 Do you know the importance of doing this operation? 1126 02:00:45,686 --> 02:00:46,686 Very good. 1127 02:00:48,602 --> 02:00:51,227 I have the importance and details of this operation I know well. 1128 02:00:52,644 --> 02:00:54,977 All ammunition of this operation is available to me 1129 02:00:56,269 --> 02:00:58,169 or Mr. Afridi Give you opportunity. 1130 02:00:59,394 --> 02:01:00,225 Sir? 1131 02:01:00,304 --> 02:01:01,304 Help yourself. 1132 02:01:01,477 --> 02:01:02,727 Get ready to go 1133 02:01:03,394 --> 02:01:04,461 we do not have much time. 1134 02:01:06,737 --> 02:01:07,737 Thank you sir. 1135 02:01:16,477 --> 02:01:18,351 Thank you so much for yesterday The spy was india. 1136 02:01:18,352 --> 02:01:22,977 That's why it works with all this This is the final exam. 1137 02:01:23,352 --> 02:01:24,643 But there is a lot of risk. 1138 02:01:24,644 --> 02:01:26,102 You will be on the plane 1139 02:01:26,519 --> 02:01:27,769 if he stepped away. 1140 02:01:28,352 --> 02:01:30,852 You do not miss the mission and you complete the mission 1141 02:01:33,352 --> 02:01:34,352 the eye. 1142 02:01:41,247 --> 02:01:42,247 Lady 1143 02:01:42,771 --> 02:01:48,227 Indian diplomat arrested He returned to his country under protection. 1144 02:02:10,021 --> 02:02:14,039 Abdel Abad Air Base Eastern pakistan. 1145 02:02:20,477 --> 02:02:24,102 Two hours to attack the Bullplay. 1146 02:03:51,751 --> 02:03:52,751 Ten. 1147 02:03:53,311 --> 02:03:54,311 Not 1148 02:03:55,227 --> 02:03:56,227 eight. 1149 02:03:56,852 --> 02:03:57,852 Seven. 1150 02:03:58,348 --> 02:03:59,348 Six. 1151 02:03:59,900 --> 02:04:00,900 Five. 1152 02:04:01,459 --> 02:04:02,459 Four. 1153 02:04:03,144 --> 02:04:04,144 Three. 1154 02:04:04,654 --> 02:04:05,654 Two. 1155 02:04:06,231 --> 02:04:07,231 One. 1156 02:04:08,044 --> 02:04:09,044 Throw. 1157 02:05:14,019 --> 02:05:15,086 Rosothon, goodbye. 1158 02:05:15,477 --> 02:05:16,477 Kolkata. 1159 02:05:17,519 --> 02:05:19,049 Diyolep exploded. 1160 02:05:27,352 --> 02:05:28,352 Third of december 1161 02:05:29,057 --> 02:05:32,102 November 19 night ...at 5:40 am 1162 02:05:32,602 --> 02:05:35,519 Pakistani Air Force Attacked Patanquette Air Base. 1163 02:05:36,144 --> 02:05:37,227 And immediately 1164 02:05:37,644 --> 02:05:40,352 India was attacked by ten other airbases 1165 02:05:40,977 --> 02:05:42,602 India for these attacks. 1166 02:05:42,644 --> 02:05:43,852 Was ready. 1167 02:05:44,061 --> 02:05:46,602 And quickly responded to Pakistani attacks. 1168 02:05:47,227 --> 02:05:49,977 That night, Indra Gandhi. 1169 02:05:50,353 --> 02:05:52,769 He said that the answer should be given to these attacks. 1170 02:05:53,019 --> 02:05:55,269 And so between India and Pakistan. 1171 02:05:55,727 --> 02:05:56,977 War started 1172 02:05:57,394 --> 02:05:59,894 December 17, 1971. 1173 02:06:00,269 --> 02:06:02,394 The Pakistani army accepted the defeat 1174 02:06:02,602 --> 02:06:05,352 and also Surrenders his weapons. 1175 02:06:05,560 --> 02:06:06,977 And the Sent Deal. 1176 02:06:07,221 --> 02:06:09,477 And on the global map. 1177 02:06:09,692 --> 02:06:11,769 A new country appeared 1178 02:06:12,024 --> 02:06:13,024 Bangladesh. 1179 02:06:52,227 --> 02:06:54,268 President of Pakistan General Judge. 1180 02:06:54,269 --> 02:06:58,269 And Senior Vice President, Nawab Afaridi There are only three days left before retirement. 1181 02:06:58,727 --> 02:07:01,852 This is the transfer of power transmissions. 1182 02:07:02,061 --> 02:07:04,602 And a new government will appear in Pakistan 1183 02:07:05,227 --> 02:07:06,582 more news 1184 02:07:06,977 --> 02:07:09,019 in the game of England and Pakistan. 1185 02:07:09,852 --> 02:07:11,532 What is the use of the boss to follow him? 1186 02:07:12,282 --> 02:07:13,282 Past ten years. 1187 02:07:14,114 --> 02:07:15,727 And now you're going to retire. 1188 02:07:16,102 --> 02:07:17,262 This is not for your benefit. 1189 02:07:17,602 --> 02:07:18,602 Out of habit. 1190 02:07:20,102 --> 02:07:22,602 You're comfortable with what you have To be rescinded 1191 02:07:24,227 --> 02:07:25,519 but mental restraint. 1192 02:07:26,596 --> 02:07:27,596 Too much trouble. 1193 02:07:29,602 --> 02:07:30,852 Can you get a bills please? 1194 02:07:31,269 --> 02:07:32,269 Thankful. 1195 02:07:32,519 --> 02:07:34,269 What is all this for? 1196 02:07:51,602 --> 02:07:52,602 Walter Khan. 1197 02:07:57,144 --> 02:07:59,439 I cut off all your contacts with you. 1198 02:08:06,289 --> 02:08:07,289 Scotch. 1199 02:08:11,602 --> 02:08:13,769 Check to be safe here There is no problem 1200 02:08:15,852 --> 02:08:17,352 here are two special friends. 1201 02:08:18,394 --> 02:08:19,561 Get out of our land. 1202 02:08:20,186 --> 02:08:21,852 Do you have to drive them out? 1203 02:08:33,977 --> 02:08:35,249 Hope you do not have a problem. 1204 02:08:39,977 --> 02:08:41,477 You gave me a great favor 1205 02:08:42,727 --> 02:08:43,727 help yourself. 1206 02:08:44,430 --> 02:08:46,519 Today I got the opportunity Thank you so much. 1207 02:08:50,352 --> 02:08:52,269 A normal person Became a special person. 1208 02:08:53,584 --> 02:08:55,394 Understand the value of blood and its place. 1209 02:08:55,977 --> 02:08:56,977 Actually. 1210 02:08:57,894 --> 02:09:00,227 For the real meaning of life Thank you, thank you. 1211 02:09:01,727 --> 02:09:02,852 Thanks for all this. 1212 02:09:03,477 --> 02:09:05,269 Otherwise, where should I learn from this? 1213 02:09:08,144 --> 02:09:09,602 Mr. Shirkanet voted. 1214 02:09:10,269 --> 02:09:11,269 Instinct man. 1215 02:09:12,644 --> 02:09:14,102 What is your instinct? 1216 02:09:14,862 --> 02:09:16,102 I still believe in him. 1217 02:09:18,977 --> 02:09:20,177 So you have to be proud of me. 1218 02:09:23,227 --> 02:09:24,227 Mr. Avesti 1219 02:09:25,769 --> 02:09:26,769 everything is OK? 1220 02:09:27,727 --> 02:09:29,352 Take a few days to get promoted. 1221 02:09:30,769 --> 02:09:32,519 The youngest head of the spy agency. 1222 02:09:39,525 --> 02:09:40,525 Good luck. 1223 02:09:40,718 --> 02:09:41,718 Gentlemen 1224 02:09:49,102 --> 02:09:50,102 - head of? - what? 1225 02:09:50,519 --> 02:09:51,977 What was this fool doing? 1226 02:09:52,852 --> 02:09:54,852 My promotion has not yet been officially announced. 1227 02:09:55,727 --> 02:09:57,767 And just two people from the office Know about this. 1228 02:09:58,102 --> 02:09:59,235 Where did it come from? 1229 02:10:00,852 --> 02:10:01,852 Magic. 1230 02:10:27,144 --> 02:10:29,227 A great wizard said 1231 02:10:30,103 --> 02:10:31,645 magic is not something. 1232 02:10:31,810 --> 02:10:33,394 Except the art of distraction. 1233 02:10:35,102 --> 02:10:38,851 All the senses of the people see what they are seeing And do not care elsewhere. 1234 02:10:38,852 --> 02:10:40,352 Kolkata November 1971 1235 02:10:40,377 --> 02:10:42,252 I used the same trick. 1236 02:10:42,815 --> 02:10:44,686 I made my own work 1237 02:10:46,394 --> 02:10:49,352 up to twelve more hours. 1238 02:10:49,519 --> 02:10:53,268 Baron and severe storms come to this side. 1239 02:10:53,269 --> 02:10:54,726 Bldlipour, November 18, 1971 Twenty four hours before the attack. 1240 02:10:54,727 --> 02:10:59,143 Everyone needs to pick up your stuff 1241 02:10:59,144 --> 02:11:01,852 and to escape from the climatic conditions. 1242 02:11:02,477 --> 02:11:04,977 Disconnect as soon as possible. 1243 02:11:08,186 --> 02:11:11,102 Even farther away There was no rain. 1244 02:11:11,727 --> 02:11:13,394 The dry season was the area. 1245 02:11:18,602 --> 02:11:22,477 So you have all the things Do you covertly 1246 02:11:23,477 --> 02:11:24,477 November 1971. 1247 02:11:24,977 --> 02:11:28,477 Twenty-five kilometers around Bedilapur. 1248 02:11:28,729 --> 02:11:30,102 Was evacuated. 1249 02:11:30,352 --> 02:11:32,019 That was under our control. 1250 02:11:33,477 --> 02:11:35,602 We just transferred them to another place. 1251 02:11:36,277 --> 02:11:37,277 This. 1252 02:11:41,227 --> 02:11:42,227 Cigarette. 1253 02:11:43,227 --> 02:11:44,227 Yes, Sure. 1254 02:12:04,102 --> 02:12:05,102 What. 1255 02:12:06,352 --> 02:12:07,602 Is that joke. 1256 02:12:22,519 --> 02:12:24,602 The Joker Tab That Anyway. 1257 02:12:26,269 --> 02:12:27,727 Something else. 1258 02:12:28,144 --> 02:12:29,236 But he does something else. 1259 02:12:32,727 --> 02:12:34,977 This is also the main message of today's meeting. 1260 02:12:42,852 --> 02:12:43,852 Yes 1261 02:12:44,727 --> 02:12:45,977 Walter Khan That's Joker. 1262 02:12:47,644 --> 02:12:50,528 So far, only I and Mrs. were aware of her. 1263 02:12:51,144 --> 02:12:52,602 And now the new boss. 1264 02:12:59,102 --> 02:13:00,102 Do you remember 1265 02:13:00,936 --> 02:13:02,602 once in the house. 1266 02:13:03,020 --> 02:13:04,352 I had a call from Akbar? 1267 02:13:04,653 --> 02:13:05,352 Yeah. 1268 02:13:05,614 --> 02:13:08,394 And I tried to figure it out. 1269 02:13:08,811 --> 02:13:13,602 Akbar is everywhere near the beach and the sea It might be a storm. 1270 02:13:14,186 --> 02:13:16,266 If by season, the severity of the storm becomes high. 1271 02:13:17,102 --> 02:13:18,602 People work 1272 02:13:18,769 --> 02:13:19,769 home and life. 1273 02:13:19,852 --> 02:13:21,852 All of them must be left behind. 1274 02:13:22,061 --> 02:13:23,769 You have to drain somewhere. 1275 02:13:24,394 --> 02:13:25,019 What. 1276 02:13:25,345 --> 02:13:26,727 What do you want to say. 1277 02:13:27,352 --> 02:13:30,269 You are for me like a Pakistani now. 1278 02:13:30,477 --> 02:13:31,727 Even more dangerous. 1279 02:13:32,602 --> 02:13:34,202 You might have something in your sleeve. 1280 02:13:34,852 --> 02:13:35,852 Like a joke. 1281 02:13:44,227 --> 02:13:47,394 If I tell you that the tea is frozen. 1282 02:13:48,602 --> 02:13:52,352 In fact, I'm telling you You do not need to take this tea. 1283 02:13:53,394 --> 02:13:55,102 I never talk straight to you. 1284 02:13:56,727 --> 02:13:57,727 You should. 1285 02:13:58,019 --> 02:13:59,477 Understand the main meaning. 1286 02:14:00,727 --> 02:14:01,977 You need to understand 1287 02:14:05,894 --> 02:14:07,144 now you are for me. 1288 02:14:07,769 --> 02:14:09,644 Like a Pakistani. 1289 02:14:09,811 --> 02:14:11,411 You might have something in your sleeve. 1290 02:14:11,807 --> 02:14:12,977 Like a joke. 1291 02:14:14,019 --> 02:14:16,099 If by season, the severity of the storm is excessive. 1292 02:14:16,352 --> 02:14:18,227 You have to leave everything behind. 1293 02:14:19,477 --> 02:14:21,352 They should empty their living space 1294 02:14:24,269 --> 02:14:25,977 that is, the map of the bellhop. 1295 02:14:28,227 --> 02:14:30,102 Pakistani is getting it 1296 02:14:31,352 --> 02:14:33,477 that he himself would attack the Bullplay. 1297 02:14:36,644 --> 02:14:37,777 It was all your job 1298 02:14:38,144 --> 02:14:39,977 I mentioned and understood it. 1299 02:14:40,889 --> 02:14:42,852 But he chose to follow his path. 1300 02:14:44,102 --> 02:14:46,102 The war of 1981. 1301 02:14:47,225 --> 02:14:49,102 War to the Indian Air Base. 1302 02:14:51,352 --> 02:14:53,019 The information we got from the attack 1303 02:14:53,602 --> 02:14:57,355 India has always been in the last ten years One step ahead of Pakistan. 1304 02:14:58,394 --> 02:15:00,061 Just because of an Adam 1305 02:15:01,186 --> 02:15:03,020 Romeo, Akbar, Walter. 1306 02:15:03,894 --> 02:15:07,644 He is attacking Bullipour Trust me perfectly. 1307 02:15:07,852 --> 02:15:09,519 And never looked at his previous country. 1308 02:15:10,977 --> 02:15:13,269 He forgot his main identity And served the country. 1309 02:15:13,477 --> 02:15:15,019 It is forever for us 1310 02:15:17,977 --> 02:15:19,227 up to now. 1311 02:15:19,644 --> 02:15:21,102 After his mother's death. 1312 02:15:22,352 --> 02:15:23,811 I have never been happy. 1313 02:15:30,502 --> 02:15:32,061 "Oh my mom." 1314 02:15:37,602 --> 02:15:40,977 "Oh my mom." 1315 02:15:51,894 --> 02:15:55,477 "Oh my mom." 1316 02:16:03,602 --> 02:16:05,727 "Oh my mom." 1317 02:16:06,894 --> 02:16:09,019 "Oh my mom." 1318 02:16:15,502 --> 02:16:16,852 This is just a land of Madreia. 1319 02:16:18,481 --> 02:16:19,727 And she both lost her mother 1320 02:16:29,477 --> 02:16:32,894 Karachi, Pakistan. 1321 02:16:39,960 --> 02:16:47,960 Bollywood Van, A Great Experience of Indian Cinema Bollywood1.Co. 1322 02:16:54,182 --> 02:17:00,182 Translator: Sepideh 1323 02:17:53,037 --> 02:17:54,102 are people who are. 1324 02:17:54,686 --> 02:17:56,352 We do not know their names. 1325 02:17:56,977 --> 02:17:58,477 Nor do we know them. 1326 02:17:58,894 --> 02:18:02,852 These people have all their lives Endow your homeland 1327 02:18:03,852 --> 02:18:04,852 they know 1328 02:18:05,352 --> 02:18:06,769 in this trip. 1329 02:18:07,467 --> 02:18:08,852 Not to reputation. 1330 02:18:09,477 --> 02:18:10,477 And not to relax. 1331 02:18:11,352 --> 02:18:16,602 These people even after their death They do not get a piece of their own soil 1332 02:18:17,811 --> 02:18:18,811 this story. 1333 02:18:19,727 --> 02:18:22,644 He is a Hindu Hindi hero. 1334 02:18:23,852 --> 02:18:24,852 Long live India. 1335 02:18:27,033 --> 02:18:30,977 Long live the motherland