1 00:00:01,710 --> 00:00:05,839 ♪♪ 2 00:00:12,387 --> 00:00:13,430 Oh. 3 00:00:13,430 --> 00:00:15,349 Finally found it! 4 00:00:15,349 --> 00:00:16,808 What did that take? Like 20 minutes? 5 00:00:16,808 --> 00:00:18,143 Crazy. 6 00:00:18,143 --> 00:00:20,145 What the hell, Becky? 7 00:00:20,145 --> 00:00:22,564 Thanks for watching my station. I overslept. 8 00:00:22,564 --> 00:00:25,275 This is the second time this week you've been late. 9 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:27,486 I can't do your job and my job. 10 00:00:27,486 --> 00:00:29,196 When am I gonna find time to fire you? 11 00:00:29,196 --> 00:00:30,656 Yeah, sorry. 12 00:00:32,199 --> 00:00:33,825 Why are your eyes all red? 13 00:00:33,825 --> 00:00:36,161 You look like hell. 14 00:00:36,161 --> 00:00:37,329 Hey, are you drinking again? 15 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:38,914 Oh, my God. 16 00:00:38,914 --> 00:00:41,542 Just 'cause I told you I had one glass of wine with Mikey, 17 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:43,293 you think I'm drinking again. 18 00:00:43,293 --> 00:00:45,420 These are the red eyes of someone 19 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:48,048 who's working double shifts and her kid won't sleep. 20 00:00:48,048 --> 00:00:51,593 Okay. I just worry. 21 00:00:51,593 --> 00:00:53,470 Beverly Rose won't go down for me 22 00:00:53,470 --> 00:00:56,765 because she just sees this tired, red‐eyed stranger 23 00:00:56,765 --> 00:01:00,018 where Mommy used to be, but thanks for assuming the worst. 24 00:01:00,018 --> 00:01:01,812 I'm sorry. In this family, 25 00:01:01,812 --> 00:01:05,691 you can bat a pretty good average by assuming the worst. 26 00:01:05,691 --> 00:01:09,027 Oh, and I'm not gonna be able to cover for you next week 27 00:01:09,027 --> 00:01:11,989 because I'm taking Molly up on her offer to go to Hawaii. 28 00:01:11,989 --> 00:01:13,699 You're going? 29 00:01:13,699 --> 00:01:15,742 Yeah. Wow. 30 00:01:15,742 --> 00:01:20,330 After just three days of gut‐wrenching indecision. 31 00:01:20,330 --> 00:01:23,625 Oh, please send pictures of you being miserable on the beach. 32 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:26,169 I'm done making myself crazy over things 33 00:01:26,169 --> 00:01:28,297 like whether I deserve to enjoy myself. 34 00:01:28,297 --> 00:01:30,215 Great. That'll free up more time for you 35 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:32,050 to be crazy about other stuff. 36 00:01:32,050 --> 00:01:34,678 Uh, Molly must be excited. 37 00:01:34,678 --> 00:01:35,846 Yeah, I don't know. 38 00:01:35,846 --> 00:01:37,139 She hasn't called me back. 39 00:01:37,139 --> 00:01:39,266 I hope she hasn't changed her mind. 40 00:01:39,266 --> 00:01:42,436 Sometimes, people realize that I might not be as much fun 41 00:01:42,436 --> 00:01:45,105 as this party package promises. 42 00:01:45,105 --> 00:01:47,399 So, you're gonna go have fun without Ben? 43 00:01:47,399 --> 00:01:48,650 Have you told him? 44 00:01:48,650 --> 00:01:49,943 Not yet, but he's the one 45 00:01:49,943 --> 00:01:51,695 that said we should just be honest with each other 46 00:01:51,695 --> 00:01:53,655 when we need something, so he'll be fine. 47 00:01:53,655 --> 00:01:56,408 Oh, yeah. Yeah, that always works. 48 00:01:56,408 --> 00:01:58,952 "Just go talk to Crazy Horse, General Custer. 49 00:01:58,952 --> 00:02:00,662 He'll be fine." 50 00:02:00,662 --> 00:02:02,205 General Custer and Crazy Horse 51 00:02:02,205 --> 00:02:04,499 were never officially dating. 52 00:02:04,499 --> 00:02:06,001 What's that? 53 00:02:11,590 --> 00:02:13,300 Oh, it's from Robin. 54 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:15,385 "Stop fighting and get back to work. 55 00:02:15,385 --> 00:02:17,220 I can see you on the cameras." 56 00:02:17,220 --> 00:02:18,930 Hi, Robin! 57 00:02:18,930 --> 00:02:22,100 You look pretty today! 58 00:02:22,100 --> 00:02:29,191 ♪♪ 59 00:02:30,233 --> 00:02:31,693 Hey, Mrs. Tilden. 60 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:33,028 Is Molly home? 61 00:02:33,028 --> 00:02:34,363 I haven't heard back from her, 62 00:02:34,363 --> 00:02:35,656 and I think she's mad at me 63 00:02:35,656 --> 00:02:38,617 'cause I took three days to decide to go to Hawaii. 64 00:02:38,617 --> 00:02:41,995 I know. Who takes that long to decide to go to Hawaii, huh? 65 00:02:41,995 --> 00:02:44,039 This nut. 66 00:02:44,039 --> 00:02:46,333 She's not mad, honey. 67 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:47,959 Molly passed away last night. 68 00:02:47,959 --> 00:02:49,628 I get it. 69 00:02:49,628 --> 00:02:51,213 She doesn't want me to go now. 70 00:02:51,213 --> 00:02:52,464 Alright, well, tell her I'm sorry. 71 00:02:52,464 --> 00:02:56,134 She never told you she was sick, did she? 72 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:58,345 Sick? W‐What do you mean? 73 00:02:58,345 --> 00:03:00,931 She's been fighting brain cancer for over a year. 74 00:03:00,931 --> 00:03:02,849 That's why she came home. 75 00:03:02,849 --> 00:03:04,976 Yesterday, she had a bad seizure, 76 00:03:04,976 --> 00:03:07,104 and they took her to the ICU. 77 00:03:07,104 --> 00:03:08,522 She's gone. 78 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:12,067 [ Breathes sharply ] 79 00:03:12,067 --> 00:03:14,319 What? 80 00:03:14,319 --> 00:03:16,446 Oh, my God. 81 00:03:16,446 --> 00:03:17,781 Um... 82 00:03:17,781 --> 00:03:19,282 I mean, we were ‐‐ 83 00:03:19,282 --> 00:03:20,909 we were just out having fun a few days ago. 84 00:03:20,909 --> 00:03:22,577 I know. 85 00:03:22,577 --> 00:03:25,497 She was trying so hard to outrun this thing, 86 00:03:25,497 --> 00:03:28,542 but we've been prepared for this a long time. 87 00:03:28,542 --> 00:03:31,378 Well, is there anything I can do? 88 00:03:31,378 --> 00:03:32,921 There is one small thing ‐‐ 89 00:03:32,921 --> 00:03:35,382 The family's all coming in tomorrow. 90 00:03:35,382 --> 00:03:37,384 Could you bring back that casserole dish 91 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:39,636 I brought over when your mother died? 92 00:03:39,636 --> 00:03:42,055 Oh, my God. Of course. 93 00:03:42,055 --> 00:03:44,558 Uh, I‐I am so embarrassed. 94 00:03:44,558 --> 00:03:46,309 We must not have known it was yours. 95 00:03:46,309 --> 00:03:47,894 It was my grandmother's. 96 00:03:47,894 --> 00:03:50,397 It had "Tilden" written on all four sides. 97 00:03:50,397 --> 00:03:52,315 Oh. 98 00:03:52,315 --> 00:03:54,943 Um, we must have thought that was the manufacturer. 99 00:03:54,943 --> 00:03:56,611 I feel awful. 100 00:03:56,611 --> 00:03:58,113 If we would have known it was yours, 101 00:03:58,113 --> 00:03:59,114 we would have brought it back. 102 00:03:59,114 --> 00:04:01,741 I wrote your father five times. 103 00:04:01,741 --> 00:04:04,327 Yeah, he barely knows how to check his e‐mail. 104 00:04:04,327 --> 00:04:06,288 I put notes in your mailbox. 105 00:04:06,288 --> 00:04:08,665 Okay, we steal stuff. 106 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:11,626 Uh, I‐I'll go home and look for it, but I may not find it. 107 00:04:11,626 --> 00:04:13,462 We've had a couple yard sales since then. 108 00:04:13,462 --> 00:04:15,964 You sell other people's things? 109 00:04:15,964 --> 00:04:17,591 Yeah. You've been to our house. 110 00:04:17,591 --> 00:04:19,176 Would you pay money for any of that crap? 111 00:04:24,306 --> 00:04:32,063 ♪♪ 112 00:04:32,063 --> 00:04:39,863 ♪♪ 113 00:04:39,863 --> 00:04:47,662 ♪♪ 114 00:04:47,662 --> 00:04:55,420 ♪♪ 115 00:04:57,714 --> 00:04:59,174 I need a drink. 116 00:04:59,174 --> 00:05:00,383 That was a rough funeral. 117 00:05:00,383 --> 00:05:01,802 44? 118 00:05:01,802 --> 00:05:03,303 That's way too young. 119 00:05:03,303 --> 00:05:04,763 I'll have one with you. 120 00:05:04,763 --> 00:05:06,348 Love the sketches. 121 00:05:06,348 --> 00:05:08,183 I'd get a tattoo that says "Eat the rich. 122 00:05:08,183 --> 00:05:10,644 The poor are full of preservatives." 123 00:05:10,644 --> 00:05:11,937 Really? 124 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:13,313 You guys are gonna come in here 125 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:14,564 and day drink while I'm trying to work? 126 00:05:14,564 --> 00:05:16,775 The only time it's appropriate to drink this early 127 00:05:16,775 --> 00:05:18,151 is after a funeral. 128 00:05:18,151 --> 00:05:20,195 Fine. I guess I'll have some. 129 00:05:20,195 --> 00:05:22,113 You didn't go to the funeral. 130 00:05:22,113 --> 00:05:23,573 Well, I didn't know there was an afterparty. 131 00:05:27,661 --> 00:05:29,454 Oh, none for me, thanks. 132 00:05:29,454 --> 00:05:30,872 You know what they say ‐‐ 133 00:05:30,872 --> 00:05:33,667 If you have a glass of wine, you're a raging alcoholic. 134 00:05:33,667 --> 00:05:35,043 I wouldn't say raging. 135 00:05:35,043 --> 00:05:37,087 I'd say sloppy and promiscuous. 136 00:05:37,087 --> 00:05:39,130 Well, there's the shoe that fits. 137 00:05:41,591 --> 00:05:45,428 Is it crazy that Molly's death is hitting me this hard? 138 00:05:45,428 --> 00:05:47,764 I mean, I hated her when we were kids, 139 00:05:47,764 --> 00:05:49,850 and we were only really close for, like, a week. 140 00:05:49,850 --> 00:05:52,269 Yeah, but it was a hell of a week. 141 00:05:52,269 --> 00:05:55,897 She was obviously trying to jam a lot of life into a short time. 142 00:05:55,897 --> 00:05:58,692 That's the only way to live, I tell ya. 143 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:00,735 You never know what day's gonna be your last. 144 00:06:00,735 --> 00:06:03,321 In my truck‐driving days, I made sure to see this country 145 00:06:03,321 --> 00:06:05,657 from head to butt‐crack. 146 00:06:05,657 --> 00:06:07,868 I had peach pie in Georgia 147 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:09,744 and apple strudel in Washington. 148 00:06:09,744 --> 00:06:11,121 You can get those at the grocery store. 149 00:06:11,121 --> 00:06:13,164 I've lived, man! 150 00:06:15,166 --> 00:06:18,211 When I was a cop, I said, "Give me the mean streets, Captain. 151 00:06:18,211 --> 00:06:19,880 I want to experience the danger 152 00:06:19,880 --> 00:06:22,757 that makes you appreciate being alive." 153 00:06:22,757 --> 00:06:24,634 You know the FBI's Most Wanted list? 154 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:26,428 Yeah...? 155 00:06:26,428 --> 00:06:29,180 I arrested a guy who looked just like one of those guys. 156 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:33,518 Got my face in the paper for that bust. 157 00:06:33,518 --> 00:06:36,646 Wasn't a good thing, but life is like that. 158 00:06:38,773 --> 00:06:41,526 This whole thing is just so weird. 159 00:06:41,526 --> 00:06:43,278 I think it's hitting me like this 160 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:45,989 because our lives were so similar. 161 00:06:45,989 --> 00:06:49,451 You know, Molly and I both got married too young. 162 00:06:49,451 --> 00:06:52,412 We both stayed in bad relationships too long. 163 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:54,706 It was like she really got me. 164 00:06:54,706 --> 00:06:57,042 And she was pushing me to get out of my head 165 00:06:57,042 --> 00:06:59,294 and go start enjoying my life while I still could. 166 00:07:01,171 --> 00:07:02,672 I don't know how to do that by myself. 167 00:07:02,672 --> 00:07:05,091 Hmm. 168 00:07:05,091 --> 00:07:07,302 You know, Tiffany Schlesser down the street 169 00:07:07,302 --> 00:07:10,180 is a 32‐year‐old grandma who huffs paint. 170 00:07:10,180 --> 00:07:13,099 I bet she'd be your mentor. 171 00:07:13,099 --> 00:07:16,394 You know, I've felt alone all day, 172 00:07:16,394 --> 00:07:18,855 and then I sit here, and I talk to you, 173 00:07:18,855 --> 00:07:20,148 and I realize how much better that was. 174 00:07:21,816 --> 00:07:24,277 ♪♪ 175 00:07:24,277 --> 00:07:25,862 Okay, it's official. 176 00:07:27,739 --> 00:07:29,991 Between taxes and bills, 177 00:07:29,991 --> 00:07:33,328 by the time I save enough money to go to school, 178 00:07:33,328 --> 00:07:35,705 you and I will be starting college together. 179 00:07:35,705 --> 00:07:37,415 [ Giggles ] 180 00:07:37,415 --> 00:07:40,335 Of course we can share a dorm room, honey. 181 00:07:40,335 --> 00:07:41,836 If Mommy's gettin' some, 182 00:07:41,836 --> 00:07:44,464 I'll hang my Life Alert necklace on the door. 183 00:07:46,466 --> 00:07:48,093 Oh. 184 00:07:48,093 --> 00:07:49,302 [ Coos ] 185 00:07:49,302 --> 00:07:51,680 It's not your fault. 186 00:07:51,680 --> 00:07:56,101 Mommy just can't run hard enough to make this all work. 187 00:07:56,101 --> 00:07:59,270 You know, if you have a God‐given talent 188 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:01,648 or a head for business, 189 00:08:01,648 --> 00:08:03,775 now would be a good time to show it. 190 00:08:05,318 --> 00:08:06,486 [ Coos ] 191 00:08:20,542 --> 00:08:23,670 Here's to the graduating class of 2042. 192 00:08:27,215 --> 00:08:29,759 ♪♪ 193 00:08:29,759 --> 00:08:31,428 [ Cellphone rings ] 194 00:08:31,428 --> 00:08:33,722 Hey. Darlene: Hey, Aunt Jackie. 195 00:08:33,722 --> 00:08:35,473 I'm a couple blocks from the house. 196 00:08:35,473 --> 00:08:36,808 See if you can hear this. 197 00:08:36,808 --> 00:08:39,894 [ Engine revs ] 198 00:08:39,894 --> 00:08:41,688 Yeah. What are you doing? 199 00:08:41,688 --> 00:08:44,858 Well, my car is in the shop, and I had to get a rental, 200 00:08:44,858 --> 00:08:46,276 and they had a family sedan 201 00:08:46,276 --> 00:08:49,863 or this eight‐cylinder son of a bitch. 202 00:08:49,863 --> 00:08:51,781 I'm trying to live in the moment, so... 203 00:08:51,781 --> 00:08:53,742 [ Engine revs ] 204 00:08:53,742 --> 00:08:55,326 Holy crap. 205 00:08:55,326 --> 00:08:57,537 That sounds like a car that could get out of hand quick. 206 00:08:57,537 --> 00:08:59,039 Come home right now... 207 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:00,540 and pick me up! 208 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:04,252 We're gonna cruise Lanford and terrorize pedestrians! 209 00:09:04,252 --> 00:09:06,046 [ Engine revs ] 210 00:09:07,380 --> 00:09:09,007 Uh, I'll be there in a minute. 211 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:11,134 First, I gotta smoke this fool. 212 00:09:12,510 --> 00:09:14,471 [ Engine revs ] 213 00:09:16,097 --> 00:09:18,058 [ Tires screeching ] Whoo! 214 00:09:21,311 --> 00:09:23,063 ♪♪ 215 00:09:23,063 --> 00:09:24,147 Keys. 216 00:09:24,147 --> 00:09:25,273 What? You trusted me 217 00:09:25,273 --> 00:09:27,025 to drive it home from the impound lot. 218 00:09:27,025 --> 00:09:29,444 Why can't I drive it back to the rental place tomorrow? 219 00:09:29,444 --> 00:09:32,947 'Cause the cops took your license, Baby Driver. 220 00:09:32,947 --> 00:09:34,532 And if I didn't have a buddy at the impound lot, 221 00:09:34,532 --> 00:09:36,576 you wouldn't have even gotten the car tonight. 222 00:09:36,576 --> 00:09:39,370 No, you just want to drive a really hot car. 223 00:09:39,370 --> 00:09:41,164 You're surprisingly smart for somebody 224 00:09:41,164 --> 00:09:44,000 who just went 130 miles an hour! 225 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:49,047 132, according to the visibly shaken cop. 226 00:09:49,047 --> 00:09:50,757 You've done stuff like this before. 227 00:09:50,757 --> 00:09:52,258 There was nobody on the roads. 228 00:09:52,258 --> 00:09:54,427 And I felt like I was 20 again. 229 00:09:54,427 --> 00:09:57,263 Yeah, I felt younger, too. And it's not good. 230 00:09:57,263 --> 00:09:59,265 I thought I was done picking you kids up 231 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:00,975 after you'd done something stupid. 232 00:10:00,975 --> 00:10:03,394 You told me that you would give me a ride any time 233 00:10:03,394 --> 00:10:04,562 and you wouldn't judge me. 234 00:10:04,562 --> 00:10:06,439 You were 14! 235 00:10:06,439 --> 00:10:08,983 That offer expires after you've had your second kid! 236 00:10:08,983 --> 00:10:11,236 [ Whispering ] Hey, can you two please keep it down? 237 00:10:11,236 --> 00:10:13,238 I just got Beverly Rose to sleep. 238 00:10:13,238 --> 00:10:14,989 She had a fever of 103. 239 00:10:14,989 --> 00:10:16,950 It's better now after the ibuprofen. 240 00:10:16,950 --> 00:10:18,535 What? Oh. 241 00:10:18,535 --> 00:10:20,370 Where's Becky? Oh. 242 00:10:20,370 --> 00:10:21,579 Isn't she downstairs? 243 00:10:21,579 --> 00:10:23,081 [ Sighs ] 244 00:10:23,081 --> 00:10:24,415 She's passed out 245 00:10:24,415 --> 00:10:26,292 with a bottle of vodka next to her bed. 246 00:10:26,292 --> 00:10:27,752 She didn't even hear the baby crying. 247 00:10:27,752 --> 00:10:29,003 Dammit. 248 00:10:29,003 --> 00:10:31,131 God, I feel so stupid. You know what? 249 00:10:31,131 --> 00:10:33,174 I knew she was hungover at work the other day, 250 00:10:33,174 --> 00:10:34,926 and I let her talk her way out of it. 251 00:10:34,926 --> 00:10:37,095 I mean, how can she be so irresponsible? 252 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:39,097 You may have to get around on that high horse 253 00:10:39,097 --> 00:10:40,974 until you get your license back. 254 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:42,475 Over 130 miles an hour. 255 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:43,476 [ Gasps ] 256 00:10:43,476 --> 00:10:46,354 That's incredibly dangerous. 257 00:10:46,354 --> 00:10:48,148 But you're still kind of buzzing from it, right? 258 00:10:48,148 --> 00:10:50,024 [ Chuckles ] Yeah. 259 00:10:50,024 --> 00:10:51,734 You know what? 260 00:10:51,734 --> 00:10:53,945 You and your sister better get your crap together. 261 00:10:53,945 --> 00:10:55,947 This night could have ended a lot differently, 262 00:10:55,947 --> 00:10:57,323 with the baby in the hospital 263 00:10:57,323 --> 00:10:58,533 and your car wrapped around a tree. 264 00:10:58,533 --> 00:11:00,118 Shh. I'm exhausted. 265 00:11:00,118 --> 00:11:01,661 I have a long day tomorrow. 266 00:11:01,661 --> 00:11:03,329 Would you mind? Yeah. 267 00:11:03,329 --> 00:11:05,748 I'll keep an eye on the fever. 268 00:11:05,748 --> 00:11:08,793 Oh, do they still do the ice cubes under the armpits thing? 269 00:11:08,793 --> 00:11:10,295 I used to love the look of betrayal 270 00:11:10,295 --> 00:11:11,671 on your shocked little faces. 271 00:11:11,671 --> 00:11:13,715 [ Laughs ] 272 00:11:13,715 --> 00:11:18,428 So, Molly's mom came by 273 00:11:18,428 --> 00:11:20,805 and dropped off this envelope for you. 274 00:11:20,805 --> 00:11:23,266 It's from Molly. 275 00:11:23,266 --> 00:11:24,100 Mm. 276 00:11:30,565 --> 00:11:31,900 What's it say? 277 00:11:33,484 --> 00:11:34,569 [ Sighs ] 278 00:11:34,569 --> 00:11:37,030 "Darlene. 279 00:11:37,030 --> 00:11:40,200 Sorry, but it looks like I'm gonna have to bail. 280 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:42,452 I should have told you I was sick, 281 00:11:42,452 --> 00:11:46,247 but the saddest part is that now I'm never gonna get 282 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:48,208 to see your bird‐like little body 283 00:11:48,208 --> 00:11:51,544 in your baggy, flannel bathing suit. 284 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:55,381 I just hope that what's in this envelope helps you untangle 285 00:11:55,381 --> 00:11:59,469 that dark, twisted abyss you call a soul." 286 00:11:59,469 --> 00:12:01,054 She really knew you. 287 00:12:08,937 --> 00:12:13,107 ♪♪ 288 00:12:13,107 --> 00:12:14,359 Where's Beverly Rose? 289 00:12:14,359 --> 00:12:15,985 She's asleep in Dan's room. 290 00:12:15,985 --> 00:12:16,986 We were up all night with her. 291 00:12:16,986 --> 00:12:18,738 She had a fever of 103. 292 00:12:18,738 --> 00:12:20,698 What? Why didn't you wake me up? 293 00:12:20,698 --> 00:12:23,076 I tried to. You were passed out drunk. 294 00:12:23,076 --> 00:12:25,495 No, I wasn't. I was just exhausted. 295 00:12:25,495 --> 00:12:28,456 Exhausted from the vodka curls you were doing? 296 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:31,376 Oh, what, the bottle on my end table? 297 00:12:31,376 --> 00:12:34,128 That was a gift, and I only took one sip. 298 00:12:34,128 --> 00:12:37,173 Oh, well, then some cheap‐ass gave you a half bottle of vodka. 299 00:12:37,173 --> 00:12:38,841 Come on, Becky. 300 00:12:38,841 --> 00:12:41,761 Trainwreck recognizes trainwreck. 301 00:12:41,761 --> 00:12:44,806 Unless you always sleep in your clothes with your shoes on. 302 00:12:44,806 --> 00:12:46,516 Okay, trainwreck. 303 00:12:46,516 --> 00:12:48,184 So you've never been so exhausted 304 00:12:48,184 --> 00:12:49,560 that you fell asleep in your clothes? 305 00:12:49,560 --> 00:12:50,728 Hey, it's okay, Aunt Becky. 306 00:12:50,728 --> 00:12:51,938 You don't need to be embarrassed. 307 00:12:51,938 --> 00:12:54,065 We all want to help you. I don't need your help. 308 00:12:54,065 --> 00:12:57,318 Especially not from a half‐assed life coach and a weed dealer. 309 00:12:57,318 --> 00:12:58,778 Okay. Not true. 310 00:12:58,778 --> 00:13:01,197 You do if you need weed. Come on. 311 00:13:01,197 --> 00:13:04,701 Becky, you have a problem. 312 00:13:04,701 --> 00:13:08,121 The only problem I have is my baby is sick 313 00:13:08,121 --> 00:13:10,540 and you are keeping me from taking her to urgent care. 314 00:13:10,540 --> 00:13:11,916 I know you're looking for these, 315 00:13:11,916 --> 00:13:13,418 and there's no way in hell 316 00:13:13,418 --> 00:13:15,336 you're driving that child anywhere right now. 317 00:13:15,336 --> 00:13:17,839 You fall asleep drunk, you wake up drunk. 318 00:13:17,839 --> 00:13:19,132 Harris, give me the keys to your car. 319 00:13:19,132 --> 00:13:20,508 I can't do that. Yes, you can. 320 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:22,176 No, I can't. I gave them to Aunt Jackie 321 00:13:22,176 --> 00:13:24,345 because I know you can take me. 322 00:13:24,345 --> 00:13:26,180 Dammit, Jackie, give me the keys! 323 00:13:26,180 --> 00:13:27,724 Harris, get out of the room. 324 00:13:29,142 --> 00:13:31,436 Becky... 325 00:13:31,436 --> 00:13:33,771 don't start none, won't be none. 326 00:13:35,690 --> 00:13:37,608 Aah! Aah! 327 00:13:37,608 --> 00:13:38,693 That hurts! 328 00:13:38,693 --> 00:13:40,486 That's why it works. 329 00:13:44,323 --> 00:13:47,160 Whoa, whoa. That's enough, that's enough. Cool your jets. 330 00:13:47,160 --> 00:13:48,870 Jackie won't let me have the baby because I had a sip ‐‐ 331 00:13:48,870 --> 00:13:51,039 a sip ‐‐ of vodka before I went to bed. 332 00:13:51,039 --> 00:13:52,415 It was more than a sip. 333 00:13:52,415 --> 00:13:54,625 And you had a glass of wine the other night. 334 00:13:54,625 --> 00:13:57,879 No one conjured you up, Sabrina! 335 00:13:57,879 --> 00:14:00,798 And so what if I did? I can handle it. 336 00:14:00,798 --> 00:14:02,216 Some people can have a problem 337 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:04,552 and then find out they can keep it under control. 338 00:14:04,552 --> 00:14:06,512 I don't think that's the case with you, Becky. 339 00:14:06,512 --> 00:14:09,223 I am one of those people, and I am a great mom! 340 00:14:09,223 --> 00:14:11,100 So back off! Okay! 341 00:14:11,100 --> 00:14:13,853 I wasn't gonna tell you this, but now I'm gonna have to. 342 00:14:13,853 --> 00:14:16,105 When I went downstairs and found you passed out, 343 00:14:16,105 --> 00:14:18,691 Beverly Rose had rolled off your bed, 344 00:14:18,691 --> 00:14:21,110 and she was stuck between the bed and the wall, 345 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:23,321 and she couldn't breathe! 346 00:14:23,321 --> 00:14:25,948 And thank God I went down there when I did. 347 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:31,996 [ Voice breaking ] Oh, my God. 348 00:14:31,996 --> 00:14:33,372 [ Sniffles ] 349 00:14:33,372 --> 00:14:36,084 I could've killed her. 350 00:14:36,084 --> 00:14:38,127 Okay, that was a lie. She was in her crib. 351 00:14:38,127 --> 00:14:41,506 What?! But you didn't know that 352 00:14:41,506 --> 00:14:43,382 because you were blackout drunk, 353 00:14:43,382 --> 00:14:45,134 and maybe next time, you don't put her in the crib, 354 00:14:45,134 --> 00:14:47,095 and then something even worse happens. 355 00:14:47,095 --> 00:14:49,889 Geez, Jackie, give me a heads up next time 356 00:14:49,889 --> 00:14:51,140 so I don't have a heart attack. 357 00:14:53,267 --> 00:14:55,520 You need to deal with this, Beck. 358 00:14:55,520 --> 00:14:57,313 Okay. 359 00:14:57,313 --> 00:15:00,024 I'll go cold turkey. I've done it before. 360 00:15:00,024 --> 00:15:03,027 You can't do this by yourself. 361 00:15:03,027 --> 00:15:04,654 You need to go somewhere. 362 00:15:07,657 --> 00:15:10,493 Okay, I'll go. 363 00:15:10,493 --> 00:15:11,828 Now can I see my baby? 364 00:15:11,828 --> 00:15:13,121 I'll go get her. 365 00:15:14,789 --> 00:15:16,874 I'll start looking for rehabs. 366 00:15:16,874 --> 00:15:19,210 I don't know how we're going to afford that. 367 00:15:21,045 --> 00:15:22,380 Don't worry. 368 00:15:22,380 --> 00:15:23,798 It won't be nice. 369 00:15:23,798 --> 00:15:25,299 ♪♪ 370 00:15:25,299 --> 00:15:26,300 [ Door opens ] 371 00:15:26,300 --> 00:15:28,302 Hey. Hey. 372 00:15:28,302 --> 00:15:29,637 You might want to get Harris a lawyer. 373 00:15:29,637 --> 00:15:32,181 She stole a sports car and left it in your driveway. 374 00:15:32,181 --> 00:15:34,267 Oh. Yeah, that's my rental. 375 00:15:34,267 --> 00:15:35,518 I can't return it right now 376 00:15:35,518 --> 00:15:37,478 'cause the police have my license. 377 00:15:37,478 --> 00:15:39,564 Let's talk about that later. 378 00:15:39,564 --> 00:15:41,607 Looking forward to it. 379 00:15:41,607 --> 00:15:42,650 Oh. 380 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:43,943 How you doing? 381 00:15:43,943 --> 00:15:46,237 Uh, I‐I'm okay now. 382 00:15:46,237 --> 00:15:48,072 I was feeling a little lost before, 383 00:15:48,072 --> 00:15:51,951 but then I found out that Molly left me this. 384 00:15:51,951 --> 00:15:54,287 What is it? 385 00:15:54,287 --> 00:15:58,040 Two first‐class tickets to Hawaii. 386 00:15:58,040 --> 00:15:59,792 We were supposed to go, 387 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:03,087 but then when she realized she wasn't gonna make it, 388 00:16:03,087 --> 00:16:05,173 she transferred hers to your name 389 00:16:05,173 --> 00:16:06,841 so that you and I could go. 390 00:16:06,841 --> 00:16:11,596 Wait. You and Molly were going to Hawaii? 391 00:16:11,596 --> 00:16:12,972 I know. 392 00:16:12,972 --> 00:16:14,557 Crazy, right? So not me. 393 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:16,267 You ‐‐ You gotta laugh. 394 00:16:16,267 --> 00:16:21,564 But now she's gone, so it's you and me. 395 00:16:21,564 --> 00:16:22,857 Yeah, wow. 396 00:16:22,857 --> 00:16:26,360 That is just... so incredibly generous of her. 397 00:16:26,360 --> 00:16:28,029 Why would she do that? 398 00:16:28,029 --> 00:16:31,407 Well, she knew we were having a hard time 399 00:16:31,407 --> 00:16:33,242 not living together and everything, 400 00:16:33,242 --> 00:16:35,703 and I guess she probably figured a few days in Hawaii 401 00:16:35,703 --> 00:16:38,206 would really help us reconnect. 402 00:16:38,206 --> 00:16:39,832 And we're about to get Becky's baby, 403 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:41,876 so we need a babymoon. 404 00:16:41,876 --> 00:16:44,879 You know, when I call you and ask what's going on, 405 00:16:44,879 --> 00:16:47,840 you've gotta stop saying, "Nothing much." 406 00:16:47,840 --> 00:16:49,508 Becky's going to rehab. 407 00:16:49,508 --> 00:16:51,636 Oh, man. That's tough. 408 00:16:51,636 --> 00:16:53,179 I know. 409 00:16:53,179 --> 00:16:56,474 But we can talk about all this in Hawaii! 410 00:16:56,474 --> 00:16:59,435 Look, I would really love to go, 411 00:16:59,435 --> 00:17:02,104 but if you've got two first‐class tickets, 412 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:03,606 we should be cashing those in, 413 00:17:03,606 --> 00:17:06,025 and we should be putting that money to better use. 414 00:17:06,025 --> 00:17:08,319 No. You know what the best use is? 415 00:17:08,319 --> 00:17:09,820 Having fun. 416 00:17:09,820 --> 00:17:11,239 Life is short. 417 00:17:11,239 --> 00:17:12,949 And when are we ever gonna get a chance 418 00:17:12,949 --> 00:17:14,575 to do something like this again? 419 00:17:14,575 --> 00:17:17,203 [ Sighs ] If we put that money towards your dad's bills, 420 00:17:17,203 --> 00:17:18,329 we could move in together sooner. 421 00:17:21,832 --> 00:17:23,918 I need this. 422 00:17:23,918 --> 00:17:26,295 Hey, we all wanna have fun right now, 423 00:17:26,295 --> 00:17:29,257 but, look, I am living in the back of a hardware store, 424 00:17:29,257 --> 00:17:31,509 and you're sleeping in your childhood bedroom. 425 00:17:31,509 --> 00:17:33,469 There's just more important things to do here. 426 00:17:33,469 --> 00:17:35,680 More important than what I'm telling you 427 00:17:35,680 --> 00:17:36,681 that I need from you right now? 428 00:17:36,681 --> 00:17:38,558 It's four days. 429 00:17:38,558 --> 00:17:41,936 It's thousands of dollars that we could really use. 430 00:17:43,729 --> 00:17:46,482 I want to live with you. 431 00:17:46,482 --> 00:17:47,900 That's my priority. 432 00:17:47,900 --> 00:17:49,318 What's yours? 433 00:17:50,820 --> 00:17:53,072 You know it's mine, too. 434 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:57,660 Fine. I'll sell the tickets. 435 00:18:00,079 --> 00:18:04,458 Hey, look, we'll get there someday. 436 00:18:04,458 --> 00:18:07,420 Hey, but right now, this is the best thing for us. 437 00:18:07,420 --> 00:18:09,130 Mm‐hmm. 438 00:18:11,549 --> 00:18:13,884 Alright, will you return the car for me, please? 439 00:18:13,884 --> 00:18:15,636 Yeah, sure. 440 00:18:15,636 --> 00:18:18,848 [ Sighs ] 441 00:18:18,848 --> 00:18:21,225 Do I have 'til midnight? 442 00:18:21,225 --> 00:18:24,520 Yeah. Just don't drag race any crazy teenagers. 443 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:26,272 Oh, okay. 444 00:18:26,272 --> 00:18:28,190 Now the license thing makes sense. 445 00:18:29,609 --> 00:18:31,110 [ Door closes ] 446 00:18:39,243 --> 00:18:42,580 Hi. Um, I'm calling 'cause I'm looking to get a refund 447 00:18:42,580 --> 00:18:47,501 on two first‐class tickets from Chicago to Hawaii. 448 00:18:47,501 --> 00:18:48,961 Sure. Uh‐huh. 449 00:18:48,961 --> 00:18:50,588 You can put me on hold. 450 00:18:51,922 --> 00:18:54,467 [ Hawaiian music playing ] [ Sighs ] 451 00:18:54,467 --> 00:19:03,351 ♪♪ 452 00:19:03,351 --> 00:19:04,727 Hm. 453 00:19:04,727 --> 00:19:06,312 Representative: Thank you for holding. 454 00:19:06,312 --> 00:19:09,732 I'll just need the ticket number for your refund. 455 00:19:09,732 --> 00:19:11,692 You know what? I changed my mind. 456 00:19:11,692 --> 00:19:13,235 Can you put me back on hold? 457 00:19:13,235 --> 00:19:14,695 Certainly. 458 00:19:14,695 --> 00:19:16,155 [ Hawaiian music playing ] 459 00:19:16,155 --> 00:19:18,199 [ Sighs ] 460 00:19:18,199 --> 00:19:22,036 ♪♪ 461 00:19:22,036 --> 00:19:24,288 [ Exhales deeply ] 462 00:19:24,288 --> 00:19:27,291 ♪♪ 463 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:28,042 Ooh. 464 00:19:29,627 --> 00:19:32,296 Wow. I had no idea how pricy 465 00:19:32,296 --> 00:19:34,757 even these cheap rehab places are. 466 00:19:34,757 --> 00:19:35,841 That's 'cause some of them 467 00:19:35,841 --> 00:19:37,760 are more like resorts for the rich. 468 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:40,805 You get to hike. You get to play tennis. 469 00:19:40,805 --> 00:19:43,099 You know what sounds great after a day like that? 470 00:19:43,099 --> 00:19:43,974 A couple beers. 471 00:19:46,227 --> 00:19:48,771 So, have you guys found a place to lock me up? 472 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:51,107 Not yet. The cheap ones are all booked up. 473 00:19:51,107 --> 00:19:53,401 There's not a bed for 100 miles. 474 00:19:53,401 --> 00:19:56,737 It's not quite rehab, but there's a work camp here, 475 00:19:56,737 --> 00:19:58,656 and you come out of it knowing how to fight forest fires. 476 00:19:59,824 --> 00:20:01,450 What about these religious ones? 477 00:20:01,450 --> 00:20:03,411 They actually look pretty good. 478 00:20:03,411 --> 00:20:05,705 And some of them have breaks for single moms. 479 00:20:05,705 --> 00:20:08,249 This Jewish one is offering a discount. 480 00:20:08,249 --> 00:20:09,709 Can I say that? Is that offensive? 481 00:20:09,709 --> 00:20:12,253 No, no. All businesses have discounts. 482 00:20:12,253 --> 00:20:13,963 It's not just a Jewish thing. 483 00:20:13,963 --> 00:20:16,757 I can't get into a Jewish rehab. I got tattoos. 484 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:19,218 No, that's not rehab. That's a graveyard. 485 00:20:19,218 --> 00:20:20,928 But how do I even get in? 486 00:20:20,928 --> 00:20:23,139 Don't I need someone Jewish to vouch for me? 487 00:20:23,139 --> 00:20:25,349 I don't even know if there's a synagogue in Lanford. 488 00:20:25,349 --> 00:20:26,892 I think there's a deli, though. 489 00:20:26,892 --> 00:20:28,269 Oh, is that offensive? 490 00:20:28,269 --> 00:20:29,729 It's a delicatessen. 491 00:20:29,729 --> 00:20:31,939 It's a restaurant with food that Jewish people happen to like. 492 00:20:31,939 --> 00:20:33,399 It's not offensive. 493 00:20:33,399 --> 00:20:35,443 It says here they take all denominations. 494 00:20:35,443 --> 00:20:37,903 We can tell them we're a denomination. 495 00:20:37,903 --> 00:20:39,780 What's that one with the snakes? 496 00:20:39,780 --> 00:20:41,782 What do you think, Becky? 497 00:20:41,782 --> 00:20:42,783 You ready to do this? 498 00:20:42,783 --> 00:20:44,827 I say... 499 00:20:44,827 --> 00:20:47,121 looks like shalom, rehab. 500 00:20:47,121 --> 00:20:48,539 Now, that might be offensive. 501 00:20:48,539 --> 00:20:50,124 We should ask next time we're at the deli. 502 00:20:58,716 --> 00:21:00,342 Like I said, you gotta live 503 00:21:00,342 --> 00:21:02,094 every minute like it's your last. 504 00:21:02,094 --> 00:21:05,806 There's no way I'm going to my grave without a tattoo. 505 00:21:05,806 --> 00:21:07,558 I've got some lidocaine. You want me to use that? 506 00:21:07,558 --> 00:21:09,935 No. I just wish you could do it old school. 507 00:21:09,935 --> 00:21:11,645 You know? Stick and a poke. 508 00:21:11,645 --> 00:21:14,148 BIC pen and a knife. 509 00:21:14,148 --> 00:21:16,025 Okay, maybe just a touch. 510 00:21:16,025 --> 00:21:18,027 Oh, God! That's cold! 511 00:21:18,027 --> 00:21:19,445 Oh, my God! 512 00:21:19,445 --> 00:21:23,532 What kind of sadist does that to another person?! 513 00:21:23,532 --> 00:21:25,743 My God, I can't feel my shoulder! 514 00:21:25,743 --> 00:21:26,494 [ Gasps ]