1 00:00:51,600 --> 00:00:53,130 (JACK) That's the city 2 00:00:53,130 --> 00:00:56,360 A very ancient site round three hot springs 3 00:01:00,330 --> 00:01:02,360 It's well known that the Georgian architects 4 00:01:02,360 --> 00:01:04,900 used occult principle to lay out the city 5 00:01:05,800 --> 00:01:09,700 It's diameter deliberately matches that of Stonehenge 6 00:01:15,930 --> 00:01:19,630 We discovered there's a hidden level under the streets 7 00:01:20,960 --> 00:01:23,900 a secret from the past that they deliberately kept hidden 8 00:01:23,930 --> 00:01:27,530 It has an occult significance 9 00:01:29,330 --> 00:01:31,500 We will infect you 10 00:01:31,500 --> 00:01:31,860 (JACK) Half beast half man We will infect you 11 00:01:31,860 --> 00:01:33,860 (JACK) Half beast half man 12 00:01:35,060 --> 00:01:36,400 (scream) 13 00:01:45,260 --> 00:01:48,160 Hi... I'm Andy... film student... 14 00:01:48,160 --> 00:01:52,500 And this is footage I'm putting together of my Landlord's business – 15 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:54,500 Occult Angel. 16 00:01:56,200 --> 00:02:00,660 Cool, This is Jack's house. I rent a room here... 17 00:02:01,860 --> 00:02:05,930 he's rented it to students ever since his wife left him 18 00:02:05,930 --> 00:02:06,000 Yeah well It started to change about a month ago... he's rented it to students ever since his wife left him 19 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:09,660 Yeah well It started to change about a month ago... 20 00:02:10,200 --> 00:02:12,400 I just started getting more calls 21 00:02:12,400 --> 00:02:12,430 OK... So last week when I went to a case with Jack I just started getting more calls 22 00:02:12,430 --> 00:02:15,530 OK... So last week when I went to a case with Jack 23 00:02:15,530 --> 00:02:15,630 but then... well this... OK... So last week when I went to a case with Jack 24 00:02:15,630 --> 00:02:19,300 but then... well this... 25 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:29,030 So here I've had to disguise Mrs B. 26 00:02:29,030 --> 00:02:31,030 That's what Jack wanted... 27 00:02:31,030 --> 00:02:33,160 So this is what happened when we got inside. 28 00:02:35,660 --> 00:02:37,960 then sometimes a kind of cry. 29 00:02:37,960 --> 00:02:38,000 like a baby or something then sometimes a kind of cry. 30 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:40,000 like a baby or something 31 00:02:40,030 --> 00:02:42,730 Jack does this weird listening 32 00:02:51,600 --> 00:02:53,860 no, no... 33 00:02:53,930 --> 00:02:55,860 yeah, this feels more interesting 34 00:02:55,860 --> 00:03:01,260 This is an older part of the house here... thicker walls 35 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:07,600 and the floor levels been raised... 36 00:03:17,660 --> 00:03:21,530 This is weird... I don't like this. 37 00:03:24,430 --> 00:03:26,160 (strange noise) 38 00:03:26,430 --> 00:03:29,530 That noise... is getting louder. 39 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:43,700 (scraping noises) 40 00:03:44,930 --> 00:03:47,000 (BANG!) 41 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:49,000 (Jack - Growls) 42 00:04:00,730 --> 00:04:02,400 Turn it off! 43 00:04:06,160 --> 00:04:09,730 It looks like a big chunk of plaster fell off. 44 00:04:13,700 --> 00:04:17,960 And there's markings on it. 45 00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:28,400 something got hold of me 46 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:33,130 All I could see in my minds eye was the serpent 47 00:04:33,130 --> 00:04:35,130 So this is a fetish. 48 00:04:35,130 --> 00:04:40,230 And you can see this is the outline of the horned serpent 49 00:04:40,230 --> 00:04:42,730 It's very unusual about the horned serpent 50 00:04:42,730 --> 00:04:42,760 Not really sure what this symbol is or what it means It's very unusual about the horned serpent 51 00:04:42,760 --> 00:04:46,000 Not really sure what this symbol is or what it means 52 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:50,330 and this looks like hair 53 00:04:50,330 --> 00:04:50,400 and this could possibly be skin tissue and this looks like hair 54 00:04:50,400 --> 00:04:54,760 and this could possibly be skin tissue 55 00:05:08,330 --> 00:05:09,960 Lady who? 56 00:05:12,830 --> 00:05:17,160 She says something killed her dog... 57 00:05:43,160 --> 00:05:45,600 So, this is Lady O's 58 00:05:45,600 --> 00:05:45,630 She was... well, a bit whoozy So, this is Lady O's 59 00:05:45,630 --> 00:05:48,830 She was... well, a bit whoozy 60 00:05:49,360 --> 00:05:53,460 Sorry. She has to touch things to help tune in. 61 00:05:53,860 --> 00:05:57,360 That is Lola, she Jack's niece 62 00:05:57,360 --> 00:05:59,460 and she's here to help Jack out 63 00:06:08,160 --> 00:06:09,360 Ready? 64 00:06:44,130 --> 00:06:46,800 This is definitely and older part of the cellar 65 00:06:46,800 --> 00:06:49,060 older than the house above. 66 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:56,060 Something. 67 00:07:09,560 --> 00:07:12,000 Hang on, I'm putting the night vision on 68 00:07:19,400 --> 00:07:21,800 (Andy) So what's happening? 69 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:26,630 This has been here for a long time. 70 00:07:26,630 --> 00:07:29,330 see this arch has been filled in with breeze block 71 00:07:29,330 --> 00:07:31,330 What do you think Lola? 72 00:07:31,330 --> 00:07:36,800 Well, it's what I'm here for. 73 00:07:45,630 --> 00:07:47,400 (Andy) What's going on? 74 00:07:48,760 --> 00:07:49,600 Lola! 75 00:07:49,600 --> 00:07:51,360 Heuuurrrrrnnnnnn! 76 00:07:51,360 --> 00:07:51,600 Get out! Heuuurrrrrnnnnnn! 77 00:07:51,600 --> 00:07:52,530 Get out! 78 00:07:52,530 --> 00:07:55,130 Lola! LOLA! 79 00:07:57,300 --> 00:07:58,800 (Andy) What was it? 80 00:07:59,860 --> 00:08:01,430 No, no... 81 00:08:01,430 --> 00:08:03,400 Be still! BE STILL! 82 00:08:08,430 --> 00:08:11,200 It stank of meat. 83 00:08:30,730 --> 00:08:35,960 We're in the workroom having a debrief... and Jack is worried. 84 00:08:35,960 --> 00:08:38,930 Yeah good reason 'cos this is definitely getting worse. 85 00:08:38,930 --> 00:08:41,630 It had a real... strength! 86 00:08:41,630 --> 00:08:43,630 Explain what that means. 87 00:08:45,200 --> 00:08:48,860 I... I couldn't stop it... It was using the doorway... 88 00:08:48,860 --> 00:08:50,530 What? 89 00:08:50,530 --> 00:08:54,130 But it's getting worse... and it's got something to do with this symbol. 90 00:08:58,630 --> 00:09:02,960 So we checked out all the different symbols using snakes or serpents. 91 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:08,330 Yes well snakes serpents and dragons all get mixed up 92 00:09:08,330 --> 00:09:11,200 and they can signify all sorts of things. 93 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:12,960 and Jack found this... 94 00:09:12,960 --> 00:09:18,160 The horned serpent is uniquely associated with an ancient Celtic god 95 00:09:18,730 --> 00:09:20,360 called Cernunnos 96 00:09:20,400 --> 00:09:24,700 and the interesting bit is that... 97 00:09:24,700 --> 00:09:28,230 Cernunnos, half stag, half man 98 00:09:28,960 --> 00:09:33,360 is also known in Southern England as Herne. 99 00:09:33,360 --> 00:09:35,360 Heuuurrrrrnnnnnn! 100 00:09:35,360 --> 00:09:37,660 You think that was what she was saying? 101 00:09:39,300 --> 00:09:43,900 Something spoke through her... and it really brutal and primeval 102 00:09:48,900 --> 00:09:51,400 (Andy) So, what's the significance? 103 00:09:51,400 --> 00:09:53,130 (Jack) I'm not sure 104 00:09:53,130 --> 00:09:55,400 Yeah but you know about weirdy stuff like this. 105 00:09:57,530 --> 00:10:00,630 Andy I'm getting really hacked off with your attitude 106 00:10:00,630 --> 00:10:02,530 Why don't you just stop now 107 00:10:02,530 --> 00:10:04,530 Sorry Jack... I was only... 108 00:10:04,530 --> 00:10:06,160 Just Stop! 109 00:10:14,300 --> 00:10:16,830 So Jack got a bit narked with me... 110 00:10:16,830 --> 00:10:20,260 But he's had another call... and agreed for me to come along... 111 00:10:20,260 --> 00:10:22,560 I'm gonna try and keep my mouth shut. 112 00:10:22,560 --> 00:10:24,560 Sounds good to me. 113 00:10:29,730 --> 00:10:32,130 That's the pub manager 114 00:10:32,130 --> 00:10:35,400 We’ve agreed not to reveal his face or the name of the pub 115 00:10:36,430 --> 00:10:40,900 It's usually in the evenings... when I'm cashing up... I sit at the desk. 116 00:10:40,900 --> 00:10:42,260 Here? 117 00:10:48,130 --> 00:10:52,930 then the room will suddenly get cold... and then I feel it... usually on my back... 118 00:10:52,930 --> 00:10:54,930 like a hand. 119 00:10:56,230 --> 00:10:59,860 It's not a draught or anything like that... it's like a hand. 120 00:11:01,660 --> 00:11:04,130 It's not a spirit... it's something else... 121 00:11:09,260 --> 00:11:11,330 It's coming from there... 122 00:11:11,630 --> 00:11:14,900 It's locked... I... I was told not to open it... but... I know where the key is... 123 00:11:14,900 --> 00:11:16,260 Could you get it for us? 124 00:11:19,960 --> 00:11:23,130 Hey can you feel that? 125 00:11:24,160 --> 00:11:26,430 Yeah... It's gone really cold. 126 00:11:30,830 --> 00:11:32,430 Go on... 127 00:11:38,530 --> 00:11:39,630 Wow... 128 00:11:39,630 --> 00:11:41,760 The horned serpent again. 129 00:11:42,860 --> 00:11:44,630 WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? 130 00:11:44,630 --> 00:11:46,630 Who are these people? Get out! 131 00:11:46,630 --> 00:11:48,160 Uh... I asked them 132 00:11:48,160 --> 00:11:50,130 We haven't done anything! 133 00:11:50,130 --> 00:11:51,560 and put that camera down. 134 00:11:51,560 --> 00:11:52,830 Hey! 135 00:11:52,830 --> 00:11:54,760 I told you not to open that door! 136 00:11:54,760 --> 00:11:56,730 (Andy) What was that all about? 137 00:11:56,730 --> 00:11:58,700 Let's go... just go... 138 00:12:11,900 --> 00:12:16,100 I'm a bit skeptical about this paranormal stuff... 139 00:12:16,960 --> 00:12:20,930 but that bloke who burst in and told us to clear out, he was real enough... 140 00:12:20,930 --> 00:12:25,260 So I went back later and talked to the pub manager 141 00:12:25,260 --> 00:12:28,060 and he gave us some more information 142 00:12:28,060 --> 00:12:31,900 turns out the guys name is Crouch and he’s the pub owner 143 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:40,400 So... that's where Crouch's office is... 144 00:12:40,400 --> 00:12:42,000 I hung around a bit earlier... 145 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,000 as far as I could tell he just rents one room... 146 00:12:44,000 --> 00:12:48,030 Now I guess I just wait... stakeout! 147 00:12:48,030 --> 00:12:50,400 Well this is boring. 148 00:12:50,400 --> 00:12:52,400 That’s Crouch! 149 00:12:52,400 --> 00:12:55,500 Ok, so um, this is it! 150 00:13:00,930 --> 00:13:02,660 I bloody lost him! 151 00:13:04,260 --> 00:13:07,400 Ah, there he is... locked on! 152 00:13:14,730 --> 00:13:16,860 Hey, this is cool 153 00:13:21,800 --> 00:13:25,300 This is weird. Suddenly all those seagulls went crazy 154 00:13:25,300 --> 00:13:27,500 and started swirling about over Crouch. 155 00:13:27,500 --> 00:13:29,900 and he keeps looking up at them 156 00:13:34,660 --> 00:13:37,260 Ok, he's going into the church 157 00:13:44,460 --> 00:13:47,130 He's looking at the seagulls again 158 00:13:49,060 --> 00:13:50,930 What's he doing? 159 00:13:55,530 --> 00:13:57,500 He's crazy! 160 00:14:02,760 --> 00:14:05,130 He's gone into the library... 161 00:14:14,130 --> 00:14:16,160 There he is. 162 00:14:18,100 --> 00:14:21,060 OK... Crouch has just gone out... 163 00:14:21,060 --> 00:14:23,030 He's left his stuff on the desk 164 00:14:23,030 --> 00:14:26,360 so I'm going to have a quick look 165 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:02,330 Shit, Crouch! 166 00:15:02,330 --> 00:15:04,660 Crouch finished at the Library... 167 00:15:04,660 --> 00:15:08,560 I was just thinking about giving up when he came out again... 168 00:15:09,500 --> 00:15:11,500 OK. This is weird... 169 00:15:11,500 --> 00:15:14,030 That's Lady O's house where we were the other day 170 00:15:15,260 --> 00:15:16,600 Oh shit. 171 00:15:18,800 --> 00:15:20,560 OK, I'm going to follow him 172 00:15:28,730 --> 00:15:31,060 (muttering) I can't see a bloody thing 173 00:15:38,400 --> 00:15:40,400 What? 174 00:15:42,130 --> 00:15:45,160 What's he doing? 175 00:15:48,430 --> 00:15:50,230 He's looking at something 176 00:15:54,800 --> 00:15:56,960 (Crouch chants incoherently) 177 00:15:56,960 --> 00:15:58,860 This is weird... 178 00:15:58,860 --> 00:16:00,860 He's weird. 179 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:08,430 He's going to see me... 180 00:16:09,860 --> 00:16:12,160 I had to get behind a car 181 00:16:16,700 --> 00:16:19,800 ... I knew he'd be looking... 182 00:16:19,800 --> 00:16:21,960 And you know I've just thought of something... 183 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:25,630 Lady O's house... it's number thirty-one! 184 00:16:27,830 --> 00:16:30,200 Think it's time I went and saw Jack. 185 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:32,160 Yes I knew about John Wood... 186 00:16:32,160 --> 00:16:34,160 There are two of them father and son... 187 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:37,530 and I knew that they had an interest in the occult... 188 00:16:42,060 --> 00:16:46,330 and I knew that they built the Circus and Royal Crescent 189 00:16:46,330 --> 00:16:48,430 on occult principles 190 00:16:50,160 --> 00:16:52,130 So who's the Thomas Jelly bloke? 191 00:16:52,130 --> 00:16:54,560 He was another builder contemporary with Wood... 192 00:16:55,530 --> 00:16:57,730 I don't know much about him... 193 00:16:57,730 --> 00:17:00,400 seems he had an interest in the occult too 194 00:17:07,130 --> 00:17:08,330 So what do we do now? 195 00:17:09,160 --> 00:17:11,860 Uh... back to Lady O. 196 00:17:12,630 --> 00:17:14,360 So here we are again. 197 00:17:14,360 --> 00:17:17,330 Oi, I can't see the number, you're in the way 198 00:17:18,800 --> 00:17:21,060 Lady O seemed quite keen to talk... 199 00:17:21,060 --> 00:17:23,960 said she knew about Thomas Jelly. 200 00:17:24,730 --> 00:17:27,560 So Crouch was kneeling by that stone 201 00:17:36,260 --> 00:17:37,900 I need to get closer 202 00:17:44,930 --> 00:17:48,500 A horned serpent... and the number '5' 203 00:17:49,130 --> 00:17:51,200 What's it mean? 204 00:18:09,030 --> 00:18:10,160 Ah! 205 00:18:10,160 --> 00:18:10,400 What? Ah! 206 00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:10,860 What? 207 00:18:10,860 --> 00:18:12,100 The same thing! 208 00:18:12,100 --> 00:18:13,360 What thing? 209 00:18:13,360 --> 00:18:14,330 Shut up Andy 210 00:18:14,330 --> 00:18:15,330 What thing? 211 00:18:15,330 --> 00:18:16,960 Not now! 212 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:24,360 Lady O's family have owned this house since 213 00:18:24,360 --> 00:18:26,300 since the old part was built by 214 00:18:26,300 --> 00:18:29,700 by none other than Thomas Jelly in 1758 215 00:18:31,860 --> 00:18:34,700 and so they have all the deeds and that kind of stuff 216 00:18:34,700 --> 00:18:37,060 most of it is just plans and accounts... 217 00:18:37,060 --> 00:18:40,300 but there is this letter... 218 00:18:41,130 --> 00:18:47,200 OK... It's not clear who the letter is to but it's signed IM ... 219 00:18:47,200 --> 00:18:49,460 anyway it says... 220 00:18:49,460 --> 00:18:52,400 Sir, following our investigation 221 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:54,560 I have been able to draw certain conclusions... 222 00:18:54,560 --> 00:18:59,400 Viz: that there are six gates built by the monks of the abbey... 223 00:18:59,400 --> 00:19:03,560 two I believe were damaged severely in an earthquake 224 00:19:03,560 --> 00:19:07,260 that shook this city and much of England in 1275. 225 00:19:07,260 --> 00:19:12,230 In deed I have found some evidence of manifestations at this time. 226 00:19:12,230 --> 00:19:17,260 Moreover the gates seem to be holding since the works at St. Michaels 227 00:19:17,260 --> 00:19:21,060 We also look to your support in regards to sealing the gate 228 00:19:21,060 --> 00:19:23,730 below the church of St. James. 229 00:19:23,730 --> 00:19:30,430 Sir, I implore your pardon for these occurrences 230 00:19:30,430 --> 00:19:33,860 But it is only in the last year that 231 00:19:33,860 --> 00:19:38,200 we have to realise the nature and extremity of our dark enemy. 232 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:40,700 (Andy) So we were chewing over this letter 233 00:19:40,700 --> 00:19:43,860 wondering what it meant by six gates 234 00:19:43,860 --> 00:19:45,800 when Lady O said 235 00:19:45,800 --> 00:19:48,600 Have you looked at the plan on the other piece of paper? 236 00:19:49,430 --> 00:19:51,160 (Andy) and this is what we found 237 00:19:51,300 --> 00:19:53,260 with the horned serpent again! 238 00:19:53,260 --> 00:19:53,300 and then Jack saw a pattern with the horned serpent again! 239 00:19:53,300 --> 00:19:55,830 and then Jack saw a pattern 240 00:19:55,830 --> 00:20:00,900 I mean these are the six gates... but they're not city gates... 241 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:04,860 one... don't know, but two would be St. Michael's chapel, 242 00:20:04,860 --> 00:20:08,230 three is St. Jame's church... 243 00:20:08,230 --> 00:20:11,330 Four is the pub... it had the four 244 00:20:11,330 --> 00:20:14,000 Five is here at Lady O's... 245 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:19,330 and then six would be St. Michael's on Walcot Street! 246 00:20:19,330 --> 00:20:23,730 So what are these gates for? 247 00:20:32,460 --> 00:20:37,400 So we have this rough plan which schematically shows the six gates. 248 00:20:37,400 --> 00:20:43,100 Now the fact that there are two churches dedicated to St. Michael's 249 00:20:43,100 --> 00:20:47,400 interesting especially as he was famous for slaying serpents. 250 00:20:47,400 --> 00:20:51,930 So the two St. Michael churches are where we're heading next 251 00:20:55,530 --> 00:20:59,130 I love this spot... The history that is here... 252 00:20:59,130 --> 00:21:03,530 You have to imagine that two thousand years ago this was a steaming swamp 253 00:21:03,530 --> 00:21:07,660 A sacred site for the Celts... then the Roman's turned up and built their temple 254 00:21:07,660 --> 00:21:11,860 collecting the hot springs into sacred pools... or Roman Baths. 255 00:21:11,860 --> 00:21:13,530 There are three hot springs 256 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:17,200 Up there is the main one and the site of the Roman Temple... 257 00:21:21,130 --> 00:21:23,530 The second one is over there 258 00:21:27,260 --> 00:21:30,130 See the spring is underneath this building... 259 00:21:30,130 --> 00:21:34,900 and right beside it... is a chapel dedicated to St. Michael. 260 00:21:37,760 --> 00:21:41,600 St.Michael the destroyer of serpents... 261 00:21:41,600 --> 00:21:44,360 perhaps pagan serpents 262 00:21:44,360 --> 00:21:49,260 associated with a significant heathen spring. 263 00:21:50,830 --> 00:21:53,700 Anyway, let's take a look inside the church 264 00:22:00,900 --> 00:22:03,960 So... it's a little bland in here now 265 00:22:03,960 --> 00:22:08,830 Obviously nothing left of the earlier chapel that stood here 266 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:13,830 Lola, anything? 267 00:22:13,830 --> 00:22:15,830 Nothing. 268 00:22:17,730 --> 00:22:20,960 We carried on to the next St. Michael's 269 00:22:20,960 --> 00:22:23,860 So we've just come down Upper Borough walls there 270 00:22:23,860 --> 00:22:27,560 and now we're standing at the site of the medieval North Gate 271 00:22:27,560 --> 00:22:31,230 and outside would have been fields with a church 272 00:22:31,230 --> 00:22:34,330 and a small thatched roof. 273 00:22:34,330 --> 00:22:37,430 This St Michael's was a disappointment as well. 274 00:22:37,430 --> 00:22:40,400 The Victorians had completely rebuilt it 275 00:22:57,560 --> 00:23:00,200 We found nothing inside the churches... 276 00:23:00,200 --> 00:23:04,530 so we thought we'd have a scan round to see if we can find gate one 277 00:23:06,100 --> 00:23:10,160 (Andy) We checked the obelisk in Queen's square. Nothing. 278 00:23:12,430 --> 00:23:15,760 We carried on scanning round... and then I realised 279 00:23:15,760 --> 00:23:19,730 Hey... wait up... This is where Crouch's office is! 280 00:23:25,960 --> 00:23:29,200 Now, we think Crouch's office maybe 281 00:23:29,200 --> 00:23:32,030 over or near Gate number one. 282 00:23:32,030 --> 00:23:36,360 OK, we were just wondering what to do when Crouch came out. 283 00:23:36,360 --> 00:23:39,130 Um, he didn't see us... 284 00:23:39,130 --> 00:23:43,900 But we thought maybe we should have a snoop around. 285 00:24:25,030 --> 00:24:28,930 So we've come down to the basement 286 00:24:28,930 --> 00:24:31,930 to meet Jim the security guard 287 00:26:24,200 --> 00:26:26,500 do you mind if Lola has a listen for a minute? 288 00:26:26,500 --> 00:26:28,500 Be my guest. 289 00:26:28,500 --> 00:26:30,630 What do you think Lola? 290 00:26:34,930 --> 00:26:41,260 That's where the gate is... in that room, it must be... 291 00:26:49,530 --> 00:26:55,360 OK... so we just got back to Jack's and we found this. 292 00:26:55,360 --> 00:26:57,360 What's it mean? 293 00:26:57,360 --> 00:27:00,460 I would say someone is trying to scare us... 294 00:27:01,760 --> 00:27:04,530 So who wrote the bloody message? 295 00:27:04,530 --> 00:27:06,530 Crouch, has to be. 296 00:27:06,530 --> 00:27:08,860 Or some one working with him. 297 00:27:08,860 --> 00:27:11,930 He may not be working alone... we don't know that. 298 00:27:11,930 --> 00:27:14,430 Do you think he really was threatening us? 299 00:27:14,430 --> 00:27:16,430 Maybe we should call the police? 300 00:27:16,430 --> 00:27:22,730 No... But it shows Crouch or someone knows where we are. 301 00:27:22,730 --> 00:27:27,230 We'd better be careful... keep an eye out. 302 00:27:33,900 --> 00:27:37,300 Jack has just received this message. 303 00:27:55,330 --> 00:28:00,200 OK... We're on our way to Crouch's office to meet Jim. 304 00:28:00,200 --> 00:28:05,200 Turns out that not only did Crouch lay into Jim for letting us have a snoop round 305 00:28:05,200 --> 00:28:08,860 but he also went into his basement room and 306 00:28:08,860 --> 00:28:14,030 about half an hour later Jim heard this weird animal yell. 307 00:28:14,030 --> 00:28:16,100 Said it freaked him out... 308 00:28:16,100 --> 00:28:20,330 and then Crouch sort of stumbled out of the room and ran outside... 309 00:28:20,330 --> 00:28:23,500 So Jim wants some explanations. 310 00:29:20,400 --> 00:29:22,160 (Andy) That serious? 311 00:29:22,160 --> 00:29:24,160 Yes... that serious. 312 00:29:30,300 --> 00:29:34,030 Hang on, putting the night vision on 313 00:29:37,160 --> 00:29:40,830 Wow! Look at this Andy 314 00:29:40,830 --> 00:29:43,530 (Andy) This is old! 315 00:29:47,330 --> 00:29:48,630 Listen! 316 00:29:49,700 --> 00:29:52,930 Sounds like running water. 317 00:29:58,260 --> 00:30:01,160 Can you feel the air? ... It's warm. 318 00:30:02,060 --> 00:30:05,260 It smells of rotten meat. 319 00:30:05,260 --> 00:30:08,130 I can't smell it. 320 00:30:14,260 --> 00:30:16,700 Andy, look... 321 00:30:16,700 --> 00:30:22,200 Gate One, Conduit to Stanton Drew 322 00:30:22,200 --> 00:30:25,830 Compton Dando, King's Circus 323 00:30:26,530 --> 00:30:28,730 Draconis Extinctor... 324 00:30:28,730 --> 00:30:34,030 It's something do with a dragon... or serpent. Destroying the serpent. 325 00:30:34,030 --> 00:30:35,760 (Loud metallic echo) 326 00:30:35,760 --> 00:30:38,230 (Andy) What is that? 327 00:30:39,700 --> 00:30:41,100 It's coming. 328 00:30:41,100 --> 00:30:42,630 What? 329 00:30:42,630 --> 00:30:44,560 It's coming! 330 00:30:50,760 --> 00:30:52,460 (Jack) Come on we've got to go! 331 00:30:52,460 --> 00:30:53,860 (Andy) What is that? 332 00:30:53,860 --> 00:30:54,730 COME ON! 333 00:30:54,730 --> 00:30:57,500 I just... I've got to see 334 00:30:59,500 --> 00:31:01,130 (Loud snarl and thud) 335 00:31:01,130 --> 00:31:03,430 (Jack) Come on we've got to go now! 336 00:31:03,430 --> 00:31:06,630 Come on move it! 337 00:31:15,230 --> 00:31:16,800 What was that all about? 338 00:31:16,800 --> 00:31:17,830 I don't know 339 00:31:17,830 --> 00:31:21,060 but it's really powerful, we just got to stay away until we know how to deal with it! 340 00:31:21,060 --> 00:31:21,660 Wha? 341 00:31:21,660 --> 00:31:23,660 And don't tell Jim, OK? 342 00:31:23,660 --> 00:31:24,730 Why not? 343 00:31:24,730 --> 00:31:27,530 Just do as I tell you and turn that bloody camera off! 344 00:31:32,500 --> 00:31:39,300 So we're just going over stuff, starting with Gate One. 345 00:31:40,660 --> 00:31:43,500 Look... I know you don't experience this like we do 346 00:31:44,730 --> 00:31:47,830 but there was something in that tunnel that was more... 347 00:31:47,830 --> 00:31:49,900 threatening than anything I've ever experienced in my life 348 00:31:52,100 --> 00:31:53,900 You mean a spirit? 349 00:31:53,900 --> 00:31:57,030 Yes... but... it wasn't just one spirit... 350 00:31:57,030 --> 00:31:59,030 It was different 351 00:31:59,600 --> 00:32:01,830 It was really malevolent 352 00:32:03,300 --> 00:32:06,100 And this is what the gate is for... 353 00:32:06,100 --> 00:32:08,100 to keep this thing locked up? 354 00:32:08,460 --> 00:32:13,230 Yeah... but it's been there since the Eighteenth century... or even before... 355 00:32:16,230 --> 00:32:17,960 Look Andy... 356 00:32:17,960 --> 00:32:20,860 Maybe we should look at what was written on the tablet 357 00:32:20,860 --> 00:32:22,830 I've got it typed up here 358 00:32:26,330 --> 00:32:28,300 It's implying that Gate One... 359 00:32:28,300 --> 00:32:32,160 is at the end of some line that begins at Stanton Drew. 360 00:32:32,730 --> 00:32:36,700 Stanton Drew is a huge stone circle just west of Bath 361 00:32:36,700 --> 00:32:41,660 I've been there lots of times. It's huge but somehow hardly known... 362 00:32:48,100 --> 00:32:51,030 Compton Dando is a village halfway between. 363 00:32:51,030 --> 00:32:53,800 There used to be a statue embedded in the wall of the church 364 00:32:53,800 --> 00:32:56,730 which was taken from the altar in the Roman temple... 365 00:32:56,730 --> 00:33:00,800 right by the hot spring here in Bath. Nobody knows how or why... 366 00:33:00,800 --> 00:33:04,630 The royal circus we know was built by Wood, father and son 367 00:33:04,630 --> 00:33:08,700 and it's diameter deliberately matches that of stonehenge. 368 00:33:09,130 --> 00:33:13,900 It has an occult significance supposedly signifying the sun... 369 00:33:16,300 --> 00:33:20,930 Look at these, all round the circus, deliberately placed by Wood. 370 00:33:21,300 --> 00:33:24,730 Maybe Woods and Thomas Jelly knew about the six gates 371 00:33:24,730 --> 00:33:26,260 and whatever is locked behind it 372 00:33:43,060 --> 00:33:46,300 So, we didn't find anything, but on the way back 373 00:33:46,300 --> 00:33:49,900 Jack wanted to explore a place we'd seen near Compton Dando 374 00:33:49,900 --> 00:33:51,560 It's called Fairy Hill 375 00:33:51,560 --> 00:33:53,930 Close by something called Drakes Well 376 00:33:53,930 --> 00:33:56,330 He said he had a feeling about it 377 00:33:56,330 --> 00:33:59,000 Turned out he was right 378 00:34:11,530 --> 00:34:13,600 What are we looking for Jack? 379 00:34:13,600 --> 00:34:17,330 I'm not sure. Maybe a spring... 380 00:34:28,460 --> 00:34:30,630 (Howling noise) 381 00:34:30,630 --> 00:34:32,700 (Andy) Just heard a weird sound 382 00:34:33,700 --> 00:34:38,000 Like an animal... but weird 383 00:34:40,900 --> 00:34:43,700 We're a bit nervous to be honest 384 00:34:47,360 --> 00:34:49,330 Did you hear the noise? 385 00:34:50,300 --> 00:34:51,360 (Animal Howl) 386 00:34:54,030 --> 00:34:56,330 Weird! 387 00:35:01,500 --> 00:35:04,800 Seen this Andy? It's the spring 388 00:35:06,130 --> 00:35:07,130 (Animal Howl) 389 00:35:07,130 --> 00:35:10,960 There! Bloody Hell! Freaky! 390 00:35:14,630 --> 00:35:16,500 (Loud Howl) 391 00:35:16,500 --> 00:35:18,000 Shit! 392 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:20,560 (Animal grunts and howls) 393 00:35:25,330 --> 00:35:27,760 What the hell was that? 394 00:35:51,160 --> 00:35:56,030 Now St James is destroyed he will escape! ... and you... 395 00:35:56,600 --> 00:35:58,560 will be marked! 396 00:35:58,560 --> 00:36:00,960 What do you mean? Who will escape? 397 00:36:03,030 --> 00:36:05,160 Ha! You don't know? 398 00:36:05,160 --> 00:36:07,100 Just keep away 399 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:12,330 There's only one way to deal with this! Keep away! 400 00:36:20,360 --> 00:36:22,700 What the hell? 401 00:36:28,630 --> 00:36:34,530 He was pretty angry... but he was scared too. 402 00:36:38,900 --> 00:36:41,330 OK. so Crouch said a couple of key things. 403 00:36:41,830 --> 00:36:45,760 Now that St.James is destroyed he will escape... 404 00:36:51,860 --> 00:36:54,000 So this is St. Jame's church 405 00:36:54,000 --> 00:36:58,800 a big full on church right in the middle of Bath and then... 406 00:37:01,500 --> 00:37:04,560 OK... this is where St. James church used to be... 407 00:37:04,560 --> 00:37:08,030 but it was demolished in the nineteen fifties and now... 408 00:37:08,030 --> 00:37:10,400 the site is being built over 409 00:37:10,400 --> 00:37:14,000 St James... founded by King Alfred the Great... 410 00:37:14,000 --> 00:37:19,000 rebuilt by Thomas Jelly... now it's gone. 411 00:37:19,000 --> 00:37:22,800 There's been a burial ground here since medieval times... 412 00:37:22,800 --> 00:37:24,730 underneath this building site 413 00:37:25,830 --> 00:37:27,300 All gone. 414 00:37:27,560 --> 00:37:34,130 Now St James is destroyed he will escape and you... will be MARKED! 415 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:45,300 I've just been editing... 416 00:37:45,300 --> 00:37:50,860 and I heard a sound from downstairs like a girl screaming... 417 00:37:50,860 --> 00:37:57,230 but I'm the only one here... Jack and Lola have gone out. 418 00:37:57,230 --> 00:38:02,600 So I'm just going to have a look downstairs to see if anyone's there 419 00:38:08,130 --> 00:38:09,530 (faint screaming sound) 420 00:38:09,530 --> 00:38:10,630 There! 421 00:38:11,830 --> 00:38:14,100 Lola? 422 00:38:23,830 --> 00:38:25,730 (scream) 423 00:38:25,730 --> 00:38:27,730 This is bloody weird. 424 00:38:33,730 --> 00:38:36,760 Bloody light's gone. 425 00:38:39,530 --> 00:38:41,760 Lola, are you there? 426 00:38:43,030 --> 00:38:46,430 No! ... that was... that was real... 427 00:38:48,330 --> 00:38:49,260 (groan) 428 00:38:49,260 --> 00:38:51,230 Shit! 429 00:38:53,730 --> 00:38:56,360 It's really freaking me out 430 00:39:07,300 --> 00:39:08,300 (loud scream) 431 00:39:08,300 --> 00:39:10,260 What was that? 432 00:39:11,230 --> 00:39:12,760 There's something out there 433 00:39:12,760 --> 00:39:14,730 (Animal howl) 434 00:39:22,900 --> 00:39:27,060 Oh my God! 435 00:39:30,930 --> 00:39:33,630 Don't know what went on there... 436 00:39:35,430 --> 00:39:37,930 I must admit I was scared... 437 00:39:43,030 --> 00:39:47,500 But if I don't believe in ghosts... then what am I scared of? 438 00:39:47,500 --> 00:39:50,460 It's like, it can't hurt me... 439 00:39:50,460 --> 00:39:52,930 But... I was scared... 440 00:39:52,930 --> 00:39:56,500 the thought of a dead person's spirit... 441 00:39:56,500 --> 00:39:58,960 kind of messes with your mind a bit... 442 00:39:58,960 --> 00:40:02,360 It's like... trying to get into my mind... 443 00:40:02,360 --> 00:40:03,900 like a kind of madness 444 00:40:04,160 --> 00:40:05,900 like a kind of madness 445 00:40:10,900 --> 00:40:12,130 Madness 446 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:21,700 The spirit really scared Jack. 447 00:40:21,700 --> 00:40:24,830 I'm getting worried because the... influence is spreading... 448 00:40:24,830 --> 00:40:26,560 and getting more powerful. 449 00:40:27,930 --> 00:40:32,360 and both Lola and I have the same feeling of foreboding 450 00:40:33,800 --> 00:40:36,030 We think it's blood 451 00:40:41,030 --> 00:40:45,130 There's no way of telling what or who it can get to... 452 00:40:45,130 --> 00:40:47,100 You will be marked! 453 00:40:47,100 --> 00:40:51,130 So, it's getting to us... and Jack's had enough... 454 00:40:51,130 --> 00:40:54,130 we're going to find Crouch and talk to him. 455 00:40:54,130 --> 00:40:54,230 OK... so we wanted to go and see Crouch we're going to find Crouch and talk to him. 456 00:40:54,230 --> 00:40:58,630 OK... so we wanted to go and see Crouch 457 00:40:58,630 --> 00:41:01,360 but he wasn't there, the receptionist said 458 00:41:01,360 --> 00:41:05,300 then we asked to see Jim the security guard but he's off sick... 459 00:41:05,930 --> 00:41:12,760 So... I'm going to break into Crouch's store room and go through the gate. 460 00:41:15,260 --> 00:41:17,460 I need to find out what's there 461 00:41:17,460 --> 00:41:20,300 Andy's agreed to come with me... 462 00:41:20,800 --> 00:41:24,600 But Lola's going to stay outside. I can't afford to risk Lola again. 463 00:41:26,760 --> 00:41:32,960 So Lola's going to watch out if the receptionist goes to the loo or something 464 00:41:36,560 --> 00:41:39,130 Ok, it's clear 465 00:42:19,730 --> 00:42:21,600 alright? 466 00:42:49,630 --> 00:42:55,160 If this goes wrong... get out as quick as you can... understand? 467 00:42:57,160 --> 00:42:58,830 Ready? 468 00:42:59,460 --> 00:43:01,530 Just this bolt holding it... 469 00:43:03,560 --> 00:43:05,060 Oh, it's stiff 470 00:43:26,260 --> 00:43:28,530 Herne... the god... no...It goes on for miles! 471 00:43:29,960 --> 00:43:31,200 (groan) 472 00:43:31,200 --> 00:43:33,160 What was that? 473 00:43:36,500 --> 00:43:40,060 OK? Let's get moving 474 00:44:07,730 --> 00:44:11,030 Andy, come on... keep up 475 00:44:22,700 --> 00:44:24,600 This is weird 476 00:44:28,130 --> 00:44:29,900 I don't like this 477 00:44:31,930 --> 00:44:35,360 You alright? I think there is something up ahead 478 00:44:40,960 --> 00:44:43,160 There's a staircase going up 479 00:44:43,160 --> 00:44:45,230 just there... 480 00:44:49,500 --> 00:44:52,800 (Jack) Oh no... 481 00:45:21,030 --> 00:45:26,130 Herne... the god... no... 482 00:45:26,130 --> 00:45:28,700 What... in there? 483 00:45:30,800 --> 00:45:33,130 Do we open it? 484 00:45:36,900 --> 00:45:38,030 The lids moving 485 00:45:38,030 --> 00:45:41,460 I can smell it now... rotten meat. 486 00:45:41,460 --> 00:45:43,700 (Loud door noise echoing) 487 00:45:43,700 --> 00:45:45,130 What do we do? 488 00:45:45,130 --> 00:45:47,330 They’re coming down the stairs 489 00:45:47,360 --> 00:45:50,360 Quick go back down the corridor a bit. 490 00:45:50,360 --> 00:45:52,360 Come on! 491 00:46:13,200 --> 00:46:15,500 Muttered incantations echoing. 492 00:46:21,830 --> 00:46:25,900 (Sound of iron chains) 493 00:46:36,300 --> 00:46:43,160 (Louder incantations) 494 00:46:44,900 --> 00:46:48,930 (Heavy stone moving with an animal howl) 495 00:46:50,300 --> 00:46:54,600 (increasingly hysterical incantation) 496 00:46:54,600 --> 00:46:55,730 (Loud animal growl and scream) 497 00:46:55,730 --> 00:46:56,960 (Andy) Shit... that was... 498 00:46:56,960 --> 00:46:58,630 (Agonised scream ending suddenly) 499 00:46:58,630 --> 00:47:00,600 (Andy frightened) Oh my god 500 00:47:01,460 --> 00:47:04,000 Oh my god that was something... 501 00:47:04,000 --> 00:47:06,230 (Animal groans) 502 00:47:07,200 --> 00:47:09,960 (A growl) 503 00:47:12,330 --> 00:47:16,660 (heavy animal breathing) 504 00:47:22,760 --> 00:47:25,100 This is bad 505 00:47:29,100 --> 00:47:31,730 Shhh... he's just ahead... 506 00:47:34,430 --> 00:47:37,000 Something bad happened back there... 507 00:47:37,000 --> 00:47:39,060 There's something wrong... 508 00:47:41,630 --> 00:47:44,530 Careful, we're near the gate 509 00:47:46,900 --> 00:47:48,600 It's open 510 00:47:53,600 --> 00:47:55,860 Yeah, it's clear 511 00:47:57,760 --> 00:47:59,500 He's still moving 512 00:48:18,700 --> 00:48:20,300 Did someone just come past? 513 00:48:20,300 --> 00:48:21,530 Yes... Mr. Crouch 514 00:48:21,530 --> 00:48:22,460 Has he gone outside? 515 00:48:22,460 --> 00:48:25,400 Yes... what's going on? 516 00:48:28,630 --> 00:48:30,760 Crouch just came out... He's over there! 517 00:48:32,030 --> 00:48:34,760 Crouch!... He looks bloody weird... 518 00:48:34,760 --> 00:48:36,260 Crouch! Wait! 519 00:48:40,930 --> 00:48:44,260 Crouch... you alright? What happened? 520 00:48:45,160 --> 00:48:46,260 Jack! 521 00:48:46,260 --> 00:48:47,560 You alright? 522 00:48:47,560 --> 00:48:50,700 Andy get back... it's dangerous! 523 00:48:53,530 --> 00:48:55,230 That not Crouch. 524 00:48:55,230 --> 00:48:57,300 What do you mean it's not Crouch? 525 00:48:57,300 --> 00:48:59,300 (Lola) It's taken him. 526 00:48:59,300 --> 00:49:03,230 (Jack) let it go… let it go… 527 00:49:24,430 --> 00:49:29,800 So Jack... the big question... What went on back there? 528 00:49:29,800 --> 00:49:34,560 Well... We found a chamber 529 00:49:35,730 --> 00:49:39,330 with a sarcophagus in it with... Herne on it. 530 00:49:39,330 --> 00:49:44,260 Crouch cam in and did some kind of ritual... 531 00:49:44,930 --> 00:49:49,960 then something came out of the sarcophagus and took hold of Crouch... 532 00:49:50,730 --> 00:49:52,860 That wasn't Crouch 533 00:49:52,860 --> 00:49:56,460 It had the same hatred inside it 534 00:49:57,760 --> 00:50:00,060 So what do we do? 535 00:50:00,760 --> 00:50:03,960 Be on our guard... whatever happened... 536 00:50:09,260 --> 00:50:12,400 So it's been six weeks 537 00:50:12,800 --> 00:50:15,460 there's no sign of Crouch 538 00:50:15,460 --> 00:50:20,900 His office is closed, phone is dead... there's no trace of him 539 00:50:20,900 --> 00:50:26,000 So we were thinking... that it might all have gone away... 540 00:50:26,000 --> 00:50:31,130 But... Then this happened... 541 00:50:33,760 --> 00:50:37,630 Somebody pushed it through the letterbox. 542 00:50:38,360 --> 00:50:42,860 So we don't know... 543 00:50:46,130 --> 00:50:50,430 whatever that was... inside Crouch... 544 00:50:51,230 --> 00:50:54,930 It's out there. It's out there somewhere. 545 00:51:02,860 --> 00:51:06,400 (Jack) We uncovered an occult mystery in the city of Bath 546 00:51:06,400 --> 00:51:10,730 The Entity, the Demon has broken free 547 00:51:22,300 --> 00:51:26,760 It's been over a year since we filmed any of the Occult Angel stuff 548 00:51:26,760 --> 00:51:29,960 and really I haven't had much to do with it... 549 00:51:29,960 --> 00:51:31,930 for various reasons – 550 00:51:31,930 --> 00:51:33,800 I moved out of Jack's house, 551 00:51:33,800 --> 00:51:36,830 Um... Lola left... 552 00:51:38,030 --> 00:51:42,530 and... also it scared me. 553 00:51:44,100 --> 00:51:48,330 (Jack) So Andy has finished university and has got a pretty good graphics job 554 00:51:48,330 --> 00:51:50,600 but I’ve asked him to film again… 555 00:51:50,600 --> 00:51:54,060 to explain how there’s been a significant change. 556 00:51:55,360 --> 00:51:59,430 First off I had to get out of my house because we received what was a threat... 557 00:51:59,430 --> 00:52:03,260 But since then we received this... 558 00:52:03,260 --> 00:52:06,700 You see, this letter is different – not threatening like the last one 559 00:52:06,700 --> 00:52:08,300 more like a clue. 560 00:52:09,930 --> 00:52:13,400 So I checked out this ELA organisation 561 00:52:13,400 --> 00:52:15,300 and couldn't find anything at all 562 00:52:15,300 --> 00:52:18,860 until last week when I realised... 563 00:52:20,160 --> 00:52:22,430 So I'm here at Lacock 564 00:52:22,430 --> 00:52:28,700 which is national trust building about fifteen miles outside of Bath 565 00:52:31,200 --> 00:52:34,400 Originally a 13th century monastery... 566 00:52:34,400 --> 00:52:37,100 and guess who founded it... 567 00:52:39,000 --> 00:52:42,860 So there you are E. L. A.... Ela. 568 00:52:42,860 --> 00:52:45,530 You can see that Lacock is on a line 569 00:52:45,530 --> 00:52:47,500 A conduit… 570 00:52:54,000 --> 00:52:57,360 A conduit… which leads to gate 5. 571 00:52:57,360 --> 00:53:00,630 Just like the Stanton Drew Conduit leads to gate 1… 572 00:53:00,630 --> 00:53:03,860 So nearby we found this. 573 00:53:11,700 --> 00:53:13,630 Come and have a film up here Andy. 574 00:53:15,030 --> 00:53:16,260 (Andy) Oh! 575 00:53:19,830 --> 00:53:21,300 (Faint animal howl) 576 00:53:21,300 --> 00:53:22,900 (Jack) Listen! 577 00:53:23,930 --> 00:53:25,900 That sound again. 578 00:53:38,730 --> 00:53:40,860 The Herne entity is near here... 579 00:53:42,330 --> 00:53:45,000 I can feel it... it's the same uh... 580 00:53:45,000 --> 00:53:47,000 (Loud howl and whoops) 581 00:53:47,000 --> 00:53:48,260 (Andy) What is that? 582 00:53:48,260 --> 00:53:51,400 (Voice) You are marked! 583 00:53:55,800 --> 00:53:57,900 Wait a minute... turn it off 584 00:53:59,660 --> 00:54:01,900 We have no idea who that figure was… 585 00:54:01,900 --> 00:54:04,200 but it felt like we were being checked out. 586 00:54:08,160 --> 00:54:10,030 (jack) And then over the following seasons… 587 00:54:10,030 --> 00:54:12,460 always at Beltane and Samain… 588 00:54:12,460 --> 00:54:15,100 we received more instructions. 589 00:54:20,700 --> 00:54:22,700 Again they are like riddles. 590 00:54:22,700 --> 00:54:25,060 Showing the connections with the Occult Gates. 591 00:54:34,000 --> 00:54:37,430 Gate Four, Stonehenge ravaged 592 00:54:37,960 --> 00:54:40,660 Marden destroyed by our enemies 593 00:54:40,660 --> 00:54:43,430 Marsden was a massive henge 594 00:54:43,430 --> 00:54:46,700 But most of it was destroyed in the Eighteenth Century. 595 00:54:49,600 --> 00:54:52,200 and we found the signs 596 00:54:55,200 --> 00:55:00,700 Clee is a beautiful, mysterious hill. South East of Bath. 597 00:55:11,860 --> 00:55:15,560 Gate Two, St Michael’s to St. Michael’s 598 00:55:15,560 --> 00:55:18,660 The conduit of the Tor is closed 599 00:55:18,660 --> 00:55:22,130 This must be the famous Glastonbury Tor 600 00:55:24,630 --> 00:55:27,600 The Saint Michael’s link is clear. 601 00:55:34,330 --> 00:55:36,330 Gate 6. To the North are the Hwicce. 602 00:55:36,330 --> 00:55:38,930 There was a kingdom to the North of Bath. 603 00:55:38,930 --> 00:55:43,960 The land of the Hwicce. The people of witchcraft. 604 00:55:43,960 --> 00:55:47,000 We felt we were being told to keep away. 605 00:55:47,000 --> 00:55:50,830 The conduit at Horningsham remains. 606 00:55:50,830 --> 00:55:55,200 This place is south of Bath… high on a hill 607 00:56:06,300 --> 00:56:09,160 The Durotrigan Giant is our guardian. 608 00:56:09,160 --> 00:56:11,630 I knew exactly what this meant... 609 00:56:11,630 --> 00:56:14,030 The Cerne Abbas giant. 610 00:56:15,100 --> 00:56:19,160 This ancient carving is in the heart of the land of the Durotriges. 611 00:56:19,160 --> 00:56:21,100 A Celtic tribe. 612 00:56:25,600 --> 00:56:29,800 The name links it with Cernunnos or Herne. 613 00:56:32,000 --> 00:56:36,460 So, we visit each site… And there is always a symbol or a sign… 614 00:56:36,460 --> 00:56:39,400 like we’re being lead towards something… 615 00:56:39,400 --> 00:56:43,030 A conduit showing the connection with the occult gates 616 00:56:43,030 --> 00:56:46,460 This last communication talks of pilgrimage… 617 00:56:46,460 --> 00:56:48,500 and that’s what it felt like 618 00:56:55,760 --> 00:57:01,500 A beautiful pilgrimage across the pagan landscape of South West England. 619 00:57:19,030 --> 00:57:22,000 But a pilgrimage has to lead somewhere… 620 00:57:22,960 --> 00:57:25,500 When we got back from Cerne Abbas 621 00:57:25,500 --> 00:57:28,200 this was on my computer. 622 00:57:33,400 --> 00:57:37,630 Pilgrim. You have followed our riddles 623 00:57:37,630 --> 00:57:40,260 and you desire more. 624 00:57:41,260 --> 00:57:47,700 But, you cannot intervene without consequences. 625 00:57:47,700 --> 00:57:51,530 Consider this before you choose. 626 00:58:11,530 --> 00:58:17,860 We are the Nemeton... The dark enemy 627 00:58:17,860 --> 00:58:21,300 We have revealed ourselves. 628 00:58:23,430 --> 00:58:26,360 You have seen the demon 629 00:58:27,460 --> 00:58:32,530 You saw it attack... and devour 630 00:58:33,930 --> 00:58:36,630 Will you be chosen? 631 00:58:37,360 --> 00:58:41,230 or will you enter the path of sacrifice? 632 00:58:43,530 --> 00:58:46,930 Tread carefully pilgrim. 633 00:58:58,730 --> 00:59:02,300 Well, I realise we are playing with fire here… 634 00:59:04,400 --> 00:59:07,260 Maybe we should just walk away and forget it... 635 00:59:07,660 --> 00:59:10,760 But I can't... I can't stop now! 636 00:59:11,830 --> 00:59:16,930 Andy is … upset by this. You know he’s not happy… 637 00:59:16,930 --> 00:59:19,130 but he’s going to stick with me… Yeah? 638 00:59:19,130 --> 00:59:20,360 (Andy) Yeah... 639 00:59:20,700 --> 00:59:24,060 OK, we’ll lets just see what happens. 640 00:59:32,730 --> 00:59:33,560 Madness... 641 00:59:33,560 --> 00:59:35,400 Like a kind of madness... 642 00:59:36,900 --> 00:59:38,700 Madness 643 00:59:40,200 --> 00:59:42,860 When Herne takes your breath 644 00:59:44,760 --> 00:59:49,660 Madness will crawl through your soul 645 00:59:54,530 --> 00:59:56,330 (Jack on phone) Andy are you OK? 646 00:59:56,330 --> 00:59:58,160 You’re scaring me… 647 00:59:58,160 --> 01:00:02,130 You don’t… seem the same. 648 01:00:02,730 --> 01:00:05,160 Maybe you should get some help… 649 01:00:06,030 --> 01:00:09,000 Andy… this is, serious… 650 01:00:09,830 --> 01:00:13,330 Mr. Roberts. You have chosen. 651 01:00:13,330 --> 01:00:16,360 We will infect you. 652 01:00:17,200 --> 01:00:20,000 You will serve us. 653 01:00:35,700 --> 01:00:41,330 So it’s been a few years since Andy made the videos, a long time… 654 01:00:41,330 --> 01:00:44,700 and there’s… been quite a bit of bad stuff 655 01:00:44,700 --> 01:00:48,060 Especially for Andy. He’s not been well. 656 01:00:51,130 --> 01:00:54,630 I've been trying to keep my head down… 657 01:00:57,900 --> 01:01:04,330 But over this period of time I’ve been receiving communications… 658 01:01:06,400 --> 01:01:09,060 I don't know who they're from 659 01:01:09,060 --> 01:01:12,930 The letters never say anything clear. 660 01:01:13,560 --> 01:01:17,900 until this last one arrived, and it said this. 661 01:01:22,230 --> 01:01:26,500 So a man rang, I don't know who, just a voice… 662 01:01:26,500 --> 01:01:28,960 and gave us a location 663 01:01:29,560 --> 01:01:31,600 So we’re going there now. 664 01:01:31,600 --> 01:01:36,400 I don’t … I’m scared. But we need to know... so... 665 01:01:40,830 --> 01:01:43,600 OK. we are here at the location. 666 01:01:43,600 --> 01:01:48,560 All I can say is that we're near the Cerne giant in Dorset 667 01:01:51,860 --> 01:01:53,630 (Jack) Look at all those Rooks! 668 01:01:53,630 --> 01:01:55,730 (Loud Rook screeches) 669 01:01:55,730 --> 01:01:59,130 They’re like an alarm… like sentinels. 670 01:02:09,900 --> 01:02:11,430 (Jack) Come on! 671 01:02:29,600 --> 01:02:31,830 (Whooping calls) 672 01:02:31,830 --> 01:02:34,060 Looks like we’re expected 673 01:02:34,060 --> 01:02:37,360 (shouts and drumming) 674 01:02:43,460 --> 01:02:46,330 Look... Look! Over there... 675 01:02:50,460 --> 01:02:52,860 (Chanting and drumming gets louder) 676 01:02:52,860 --> 01:02:56,300 (Loud echoing horns) 677 01:03:01,000 --> 01:03:03,300 (Jack) Ok, this is it... 678 01:03:07,200 --> 01:03:09,060 (Jack) Careful... 679 01:03:10,630 --> 01:03:15,330 (Loud drumming and chanting) 680 01:03:17,900 --> 01:03:20,360 (Jack) There’s another one. 681 01:03:20,360 --> 01:03:22,360 They’re all around us. 682 01:03:25,130 --> 01:03:30,030 I don’t like this… it doesn’t feel safe… 683 01:03:37,300 --> 01:03:40,060 (Chanting and drumming very loud) 684 01:03:42,360 --> 01:03:45,300 (Horn blast, then silence) 685 01:03:46,600 --> 01:03:50,130 (Jack) Ok… We’ll go in. 686 01:03:52,900 --> 01:03:54,800 (Jack) You alright Andy? 687 01:03:57,900 --> 01:04:00,400 (ominous ringing sound) 688 01:04:11,360 --> 01:04:16,300 To be chosen, or sacrificed. 689 01:04:17,760 --> 01:04:22,360 Mr Andy Roberts was chosen… 690 01:04:27,200 --> 01:04:30,800 And as our loyal servant... 691 01:04:30,800 --> 01:04:37,030 he procured Mr. Jack Angel for sacrifice. 692 01:04:56,330 --> 01:05:00,900 (Voice) You violated my sanctuary. 693 01:05:12,600 --> 01:05:17,430 This is a warning for all who try to find us. 694 01:05:18,200 --> 01:05:20,700 You have been traced 695 01:05:20,700 --> 01:05:23,600 you are marked. 696 01:05:24,530 --> 01:05:26,660 Look behind you... 697 01:05:30,060 --> 01:05:34,060 Look behind you. Death is at your shoulder. 698 01:05:57,200 --> 01:06:00,500 (Incoherent reversed voice)