1 00:00:01,476 --> 00:00:02,808 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:02,809 --> 00:00:04,108 Laudanum! 3 00:00:04,109 --> 00:00:06,208 I didn't agree to poison her! 4 00:00:06,209 --> 00:00:07,309 ♪ ♪ 5 00:00:07,310 --> 00:00:09,708 I'm not doing this for money, 6 00:00:09,709 --> 00:00:12,008 but for love. 7 00:00:12,009 --> 00:00:14,075 I say to you now in all sincerity, 8 00:00:14,076 --> 00:00:16,108 you have never looked lovelier. 9 00:00:16,109 --> 00:00:17,908 Lucy and I married young. 10 00:00:17,909 --> 00:00:19,375 She wanted to stay in London. 11 00:00:19,376 --> 00:00:20,543 That's where she met Colonel Lennox. 12 00:00:20,544 --> 00:00:22,442 I went to London, 13 00:00:22,443 --> 00:00:24,175 only to find she was with child. 14 00:00:24,176 --> 00:00:25,408 His child? 15 00:00:25,409 --> 00:00:29,676 ♪ ♪ 16 00:00:30,976 --> 00:00:35,543 ♪ ♪ 17 00:00:41,209 --> 00:00:45,509 ♪ ♪ 18 00:00:51,309 --> 00:00:54,876 ♪ ♪ 19 00:00:56,243 --> 00:01:01,443 ♪ ♪ 20 00:01:11,309 --> 00:01:16,443 ♪ ♪ 21 00:01:31,776 --> 00:01:36,943 ♪ ♪ 22 00:01:48,176 --> 00:01:51,475 So it was the colonel that stole Mr. Colbourne's wife? 23 00:01:51,476 --> 00:01:53,642 He's the villain of the story, not the victim? 24 00:01:53,643 --> 00:01:56,975 Mr. Colbourne is not at all the man I had been led to believe. 25 00:01:56,976 --> 00:01:59,175 I cannot believe how the colonel treated you. 26 00:01:59,176 --> 00:02:01,342 I shall never forgive myself. 27 00:02:01,343 --> 00:02:03,142 All these weeks, we've been urging you to consider him. 28 00:02:03,143 --> 00:02:04,176 Last night, 29 00:02:04,177 --> 00:02:05,975 we insisted you dance with him. 30 00:02:05,976 --> 00:02:07,342 We were all deceived. 31 00:02:07,343 --> 00:02:08,808 It seems I'm a woeful judge of character, 32 00:02:08,809 --> 00:02:11,508 at least where gentlemen are concerned. 33 00:02:11,509 --> 00:02:13,775 Perhaps there's a lesson to be drawn. 34 00:02:13,776 --> 00:02:15,608 Soldiers are not to be trusted. 35 00:02:15,609 --> 00:02:16,643 Better stick to... 36 00:02:16,644 --> 00:02:18,808 Artists? 37 00:02:18,809 --> 00:02:21,175 For example. 38 00:02:21,176 --> 00:02:23,142 Not all soldiers are untrustworthy. 39 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:26,242 I know one who is in every way admirable. 40 00:02:26,243 --> 00:02:28,408 I cannot think who you mean. 41 00:02:28,409 --> 00:02:30,342 I think I shall miss him more than anyone else 42 00:02:30,343 --> 00:02:34,742 I have met here. 43 00:02:34,743 --> 00:02:37,242 Is it not peculiar? 44 00:02:37,243 --> 00:02:39,642 How we can be strangers to our own affections? 45 00:02:39,643 --> 00:02:41,475 ♪ ♪ 46 00:02:41,476 --> 00:02:43,508 It isn't peculiar at all. 47 00:02:43,509 --> 00:02:46,976 ♪ ♪ 48 00:02:48,343 --> 00:02:49,775 I was witness 49 00:02:49,776 --> 00:02:54,675 to your behavior at the ball last night, meine Dame. 50 00:02:54,676 --> 00:02:57,076 We were all greatly concerned. 51 00:02:58,309 --> 00:03:00,075 Und when you returned, 52 00:03:00,076 --> 00:03:03,075 I am told you tried to take the baby. 53 00:03:03,076 --> 00:03:05,542 No. 54 00:03:05,543 --> 00:03:07,642 I would never hurt my child. 55 00:03:07,643 --> 00:03:09,809 Your child? 56 00:03:13,743 --> 00:03:16,575 I did not mean... 57 00:03:16,576 --> 00:03:18,608 My dear Lady Babington. 58 00:03:18,609 --> 00:03:21,242 You have to help me, Doctor. 59 00:03:21,243 --> 00:03:25,275 I cannot tell what is real 60 00:03:25,276 --> 00:03:30,208 and what is the work of my imagination. 61 00:03:30,209 --> 00:03:33,642 Sometimes I want to dash my head against the wall 62 00:03:33,643 --> 00:03:36,476 to rid myself of these thoughts. 63 00:03:43,876 --> 00:03:49,143 ♪ ♪ 64 00:03:58,209 --> 00:04:03,076 ♪ ♪ 65 00:04:11,243 --> 00:04:12,475 Miss Heywood. 66 00:04:12,476 --> 00:04:13,576 I thought I might have missed you. 67 00:04:13,577 --> 00:04:15,842 Will you come in? 68 00:04:15,843 --> 00:04:18,008 Thank you. 69 00:04:18,009 --> 00:04:21,309 What I have to say will only take a moment. 70 00:04:23,909 --> 00:04:25,208 I'm not a man 71 00:04:25,209 --> 00:04:28,508 adept at expressing his feelings, Miss Heywood. 72 00:04:28,509 --> 00:04:31,108 Honesty has an eloquence of its own, 73 00:04:31,109 --> 00:04:33,575 don't you think? 74 00:04:33,576 --> 00:04:37,042 Then let me just say that 75 00:04:37,043 --> 00:04:38,243 these past few weeks, 76 00:04:38,244 --> 00:04:40,509 I have grown to... 77 00:04:45,809 --> 00:04:47,442 to consider you a friend. 78 00:04:47,443 --> 00:04:53,975 And so, I came to offer you this token, 79 00:04:53,976 --> 00:04:55,843 something to remember me by. 80 00:04:57,943 --> 00:05:00,042 ♪ ♪ 81 00:05:00,043 --> 00:05:01,375 Only... 82 00:05:01,376 --> 00:05:03,908 Do not open it until you are returned to Willingden. 83 00:05:03,909 --> 00:05:06,008 Will you promise? 84 00:05:06,009 --> 00:05:09,208 I promise. 85 00:05:09,209 --> 00:05:10,442 Well. 86 00:05:10,443 --> 00:05:13,743 Goodbye, then. 87 00:05:15,443 --> 00:05:21,209 ♪ ♪ 88 00:05:22,143 --> 00:05:23,109 Goodbye. 89 00:05:23,110 --> 00:05:27,943 ♪ ♪ 90 00:05:31,576 --> 00:05:32,976 Damn! 91 00:05:37,043 --> 00:05:39,308 I fear she's become a danger not only to herself, 92 00:05:39,309 --> 00:05:40,975 but to those around her. 93 00:05:40,976 --> 00:05:43,342 That you have asked me here 94 00:05:43,343 --> 00:05:44,708 the morning of your wedding, 95 00:05:44,709 --> 00:05:47,675 Kapitän Denham, speaks of the depths of your concern. 96 00:05:47,676 --> 00:05:50,375 And you are right to be alarmed. 97 00:05:50,376 --> 00:05:54,475 I believe her hysteria has advanced beyond 98 00:05:54,476 --> 00:05:56,075 the point of no return. 99 00:05:56,076 --> 00:05:57,375 Oh, nonsense! 100 00:05:57,376 --> 00:06:00,842 There must be some treatment we can find to shock her 101 00:06:00,843 --> 00:06:02,009 out of this malaise. 102 00:06:02,010 --> 00:06:05,975 This is no malaise, milady! 103 00:06:05,976 --> 00:06:11,475 Alas, I fear the time has come for drastic action! 104 00:06:11,476 --> 00:06:13,343 You don't mean... 105 00:06:14,543 --> 00:06:15,609 Not an institution. 106 00:06:15,610 --> 00:06:21,975 ♪ ♪ 107 00:06:21,976 --> 00:06:23,875 I see you have been packing up 108 00:06:23,876 --> 00:06:25,508 your materials, Mr. Lockhart. 109 00:06:25,509 --> 00:06:27,942 You are not leaving us? 110 00:06:27,943 --> 00:06:30,275 Alas, yes, Miss Hankins. 111 00:06:30,276 --> 00:06:31,842 This very day. 112 00:06:31,843 --> 00:06:33,208 What a great shame! 113 00:06:33,209 --> 00:06:35,042 I've a restless soul. 114 00:06:35,043 --> 00:06:39,442 And where will that restless soul be taking you next? 115 00:06:39,443 --> 00:06:41,308 I shall be touring the continent. 116 00:06:41,309 --> 00:06:43,042 With a dear companion. 117 00:06:43,043 --> 00:06:45,042 A friend? 118 00:06:45,043 --> 00:06:48,142 Rather more than a friend. 119 00:06:48,143 --> 00:06:49,375 Congratulations, 120 00:06:49,376 --> 00:06:50,842 Mr. Lockhart! 121 00:06:50,843 --> 00:06:53,208 And who is the fortunate young lady? 122 00:06:53,209 --> 00:06:54,642 Suffice it to say, 123 00:06:54,643 --> 00:06:59,243 she is the most inspiring muse an artist could wish for. 124 00:07:01,876 --> 00:07:06,375 ♪ ♪ 125 00:07:06,376 --> 00:07:07,343 It is done. 126 00:07:07,344 --> 00:07:11,376 ♪ ♪ 127 00:07:18,176 --> 00:07:19,209 Well, Miss Lambe? 128 00:07:19,210 --> 00:07:22,808 Have I captured you? 129 00:07:22,809 --> 00:07:25,342 Utterly. 130 00:07:25,343 --> 00:07:28,475 ♪ ♪ 131 00:07:28,476 --> 00:07:30,442 I've been doing some calculations. 132 00:07:30,443 --> 00:07:32,275 Here's the total owed to our shopkeepers 133 00:07:32,276 --> 00:07:34,242 and hostelries by the colonel and his men. 134 00:07:34,243 --> 00:07:36,475 And this is your debt to the colonel. 135 00:07:36,476 --> 00:07:37,509 Mary... 136 00:07:37,510 --> 00:07:39,375 Apologies serve little purpose, Tom. 137 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:41,208 Right now, we need to decide what is to be done. 138 00:07:41,209 --> 00:07:42,276 We must simply borrow 139 00:07:42,277 --> 00:07:44,376 - from the children's savings. - Sir. 140 00:07:45,476 --> 00:07:49,808 ♪ ♪ 141 00:07:49,809 --> 00:07:53,408 Oh, Sidney's possessions. 142 00:07:53,409 --> 00:07:55,543 At last. 143 00:07:57,076 --> 00:07:58,942 Have it set down in the study. 144 00:07:58,943 --> 00:08:01,042 Certainly, sir. 145 00:08:01,043 --> 00:08:03,143 ♪ ♪ 146 00:08:13,543 --> 00:08:20,776 ♪ ♪ 147 00:08:30,509 --> 00:08:35,976 ♪ ♪ 148 00:08:37,543 --> 00:08:38,876 Miss Heywood. 149 00:08:40,109 --> 00:08:42,876 I wondered if we might take a turn about the grounds. 150 00:08:47,976 --> 00:08:49,375 Our work is all but done. 151 00:08:49,376 --> 00:08:52,575 Babington will return to find his wife half-mad in the asylum. 152 00:08:52,576 --> 00:08:53,809 The asylum?! 153 00:08:54,809 --> 00:08:57,042 We must be sure we're rid of her for good. 154 00:08:57,043 --> 00:08:58,508 We cannot let her take our money. 155 00:08:58,509 --> 00:09:00,476 George's money. 156 00:09:03,176 --> 00:09:04,408 Of course. 157 00:09:04,409 --> 00:09:08,742 Keep her glass full at our wedding breakfast. 158 00:09:08,743 --> 00:09:11,575 She will want to toast our happiness. 159 00:09:11,576 --> 00:09:12,576 Yes, she will. 160 00:09:12,577 --> 00:09:16,709 ♪ ♪ 161 00:09:31,676 --> 00:09:36,609 ♪ ♪ 162 00:09:41,376 --> 00:09:43,543 He'd want you to have it. 163 00:09:52,576 --> 00:09:58,142 ♪ ♪ 164 00:09:58,143 --> 00:10:00,542 His playing cards. 165 00:10:00,543 --> 00:10:02,508 I always hoped that I might one day beat him 166 00:10:02,509 --> 00:10:03,909 at vingt-et-un. 167 00:10:06,709 --> 00:10:08,142 Brother. 168 00:10:08,143 --> 00:10:12,075 It's Sidney's handwriting. 169 00:10:12,076 --> 00:10:17,276 ♪ ♪ 170 00:10:24,709 --> 00:10:28,875 I have been thinking on our conversation last night. 171 00:10:28,876 --> 00:10:30,742 I must apologize. 172 00:10:30,743 --> 00:10:32,008 I said too much. 173 00:10:32,009 --> 00:10:33,009 I beg you never speak of it. 174 00:10:33,010 --> 00:10:35,176 I won't breathe a word. 175 00:10:37,276 --> 00:10:41,509 I too have known heartache and betrayal. 176 00:10:44,043 --> 00:10:45,708 I had sworn off love and marriage. 177 00:10:45,709 --> 00:10:49,908 And yet I have come to realize 178 00:10:49,909 --> 00:10:52,409 I cannot hide myself away. 179 00:10:54,309 --> 00:10:58,308 I must live my life. 180 00:10:58,309 --> 00:11:00,042 Is it not time you did the same? 181 00:11:00,043 --> 00:11:03,543 ♪ ♪ 182 00:11:08,843 --> 00:11:10,275 Mr. Colbourne! 183 00:11:10,276 --> 00:11:12,043 Mr. Colbourne! 184 00:11:14,143 --> 00:11:16,375 It is Miss Leonora, sir. 185 00:11:16,376 --> 00:11:18,409 She is nowhere to be found. 186 00:11:20,676 --> 00:11:23,608 "I fear I am gravely ill and lack the strength to write" 187 00:11:23,609 --> 00:11:25,042 "all that I wish to," 188 00:11:25,043 --> 00:11:27,875 "but suffice to say that you must bear no guilt" 189 00:11:27,876 --> 00:11:30,843 "for my part in saving you from ruin." 190 00:11:32,509 --> 00:11:34,275 "If you wish to honor my memory," 191 00:11:34,276 --> 00:11:38,408 "you must hold fast to your vision." 192 00:11:38,409 --> 00:11:41,509 "Don't be afraid to keep on taking risks..." 193 00:11:44,509 --> 00:11:47,508 "or what is life for?" 194 00:11:47,509 --> 00:11:50,642 I left my purse behind. Mm. 195 00:11:50,643 --> 00:11:51,643 I'll only be a moment. 196 00:11:51,644 --> 00:11:53,742 Mm. 197 00:11:53,743 --> 00:11:55,308 "But the most urgent matter 198 00:11:55,309 --> 00:11:57,108 "I must impress upon you 199 00:11:57,109 --> 00:12:00,942 "is the need to protect Georgiana 200 00:12:00,943 --> 00:12:03,475 "from the man who has been seeking to claim her fortune. 201 00:12:03,476 --> 00:12:06,708 "He is a man quite without scruple. 202 00:12:06,709 --> 00:12:09,342 "His name... 203 00:12:09,343 --> 00:12:10,876 is Charles Lockhart." 204 00:12:12,543 --> 00:12:18,608 ♪ ♪ 205 00:12:18,609 --> 00:12:21,075 We have every last member of staff combing the estate. 206 00:12:21,076 --> 00:12:23,175 We've already searched every inch of the house. 207 00:12:23,176 --> 00:12:25,542 She can't have disappeared into thin air! 208 00:12:25,543 --> 00:12:27,709 Leo! 209 00:12:30,709 --> 00:12:32,909 Augusta. 210 00:12:35,776 --> 00:12:37,942 I gave her my word. 211 00:12:37,943 --> 00:12:39,475 Augusta, for God's sake... 212 00:12:39,476 --> 00:12:41,043 It's all right. 213 00:12:43,709 --> 00:12:45,708 She woke me up late last night. 214 00:12:45,709 --> 00:12:46,909 She, she was crying. 215 00:12:48,209 --> 00:12:49,775 She said she overheard you talking. 216 00:12:49,776 --> 00:12:51,675 Something about Colonel Lennox. 217 00:12:51,676 --> 00:12:54,843 She's gone to speak with him. 218 00:12:56,576 --> 00:13:02,009 ♪ ♪ 219 00:13:06,543 --> 00:13:11,276 ♪ ♪ 220 00:13:18,009 --> 00:13:21,643 Are you here to enlist? 221 00:13:24,143 --> 00:13:28,243 I wish to speak with Colonel Lennox. 222 00:13:32,209 --> 00:13:33,309 Hm. 223 00:13:33,310 --> 00:13:38,476 ♪ ♪ 224 00:13:43,309 --> 00:13:45,408 Are we expecting more guests 225 00:13:45,409 --> 00:13:46,975 to join us at the church? 226 00:13:46,976 --> 00:13:48,342 Oh, certainly not. 227 00:13:48,343 --> 00:13:52,308 We want this ceremony to be as swift and discreet as possible. 228 00:13:52,309 --> 00:13:54,608 Ah, well, to your first point, milady, 229 00:13:54,609 --> 00:13:57,708 I have chosen hymns of no more than five or six verses 230 00:13:57,709 --> 00:14:01,708 which I shall instruct my sister to play allegro. 231 00:14:01,709 --> 00:14:03,408 And I shall limit my sermon 232 00:14:03,409 --> 00:14:04,808 to just half an hour. 233 00:14:04,809 --> 00:14:06,075 Hymns are not required. 234 00:14:06,076 --> 00:14:09,142 And we can certainly live without the sermon. 235 00:14:09,143 --> 00:14:12,643 A funeral liturgy might be more apt. 236 00:14:14,976 --> 00:14:17,042 Forgive Lady Babington, Mr. Hankins. 237 00:14:17,043 --> 00:14:19,343 She's not entirely herself. 238 00:14:22,243 --> 00:14:24,275 We must drink a toast. 239 00:14:24,276 --> 00:14:26,242 What shall we drink to? 240 00:14:26,243 --> 00:14:28,575 May your union be blessed 241 00:14:28,576 --> 00:14:30,642 with children. 242 00:14:30,643 --> 00:14:33,709 A little late after the fact, I'm afraid. 243 00:14:35,209 --> 00:14:36,875 To my beautiful wife, Clara. 244 00:14:36,876 --> 00:14:39,475 Thank you for making an honest man of me. 245 00:14:39,476 --> 00:14:40,876 No, Esther. 246 00:14:41,976 --> 00:14:43,308 Oh, Clara's right. 247 00:14:43,309 --> 00:14:44,642 After last night's debacle, 248 00:14:44,643 --> 00:14:46,675 perhaps you'd better abstain, Esther. 249 00:14:46,676 --> 00:14:48,243 Oh, one drink won't harm. 250 00:14:52,043 --> 00:14:55,375 ♪ ♪ 251 00:14:55,376 --> 00:14:57,775 Will you admit the truth, Edward? 252 00:14:57,776 --> 00:15:00,042 Or shall I? 253 00:15:00,043 --> 00:15:03,276 ♪ ♪ 254 00:15:05,476 --> 00:15:09,343 ♪ ♪ 255 00:15:13,076 --> 00:15:14,176 Miss Lambe? 256 00:15:14,177 --> 00:15:17,309 You have visitors. 257 00:15:21,809 --> 00:15:23,209 What is it? 258 00:15:29,176 --> 00:15:32,443 He set out to convince you you were insane. 259 00:15:33,776 --> 00:15:35,208 He took your deepest vulnerabilities 260 00:15:35,209 --> 00:15:38,143 and he exploited them. 261 00:15:39,576 --> 00:15:41,875 To my eternal shame, 262 00:15:41,876 --> 00:15:45,042 I have not only remained silent, 263 00:15:45,043 --> 00:15:47,908 but I have aided him in his cruelty. 264 00:15:47,909 --> 00:15:49,442 This is preposterous! 265 00:15:49,443 --> 00:15:51,343 You cannot believe her. 266 00:15:55,009 --> 00:15:59,942 I told myself it was for the sake of our son. 267 00:15:59,943 --> 00:16:03,609 That you stood in the way of his inheritance. 268 00:16:04,809 --> 00:16:08,909 We have stolen every letter that Babington has sent you. 269 00:16:10,776 --> 00:16:11,909 We have led you 270 00:16:11,910 --> 00:16:17,075 to doubt the evidence of your own eyes. 271 00:16:17,076 --> 00:16:21,709 And Dr. Fuchs's tincture... 272 00:16:24,576 --> 00:16:27,975 the tincture you placed your hope in, 273 00:16:27,976 --> 00:16:30,942 we replaced with this... 274 00:16:30,943 --> 00:16:33,175 Laudanum. 275 00:16:33,176 --> 00:16:34,608 Can't you see what she's doing with these lies? 276 00:16:34,609 --> 00:16:36,908 She's trying to turn us against each other! 277 00:16:36,909 --> 00:16:40,442 You asked for forgiveness and I gave it! 278 00:16:40,443 --> 00:16:42,642 You asked for shelter 279 00:16:42,643 --> 00:16:45,042 and I gave it! 280 00:16:45,043 --> 00:16:48,442 I chose to believe your remorse was genuine! 281 00:16:48,443 --> 00:16:50,908 More fool me! 282 00:16:50,909 --> 00:16:52,375 You're despicable, 283 00:16:52,376 --> 00:16:53,642 the pair of you. 284 00:16:53,643 --> 00:16:57,075 I can think of no punishment severe enough! 285 00:16:57,076 --> 00:16:58,609 No, Aunt. 286 00:17:00,309 --> 00:17:05,008 Clara deserves no punishment. 287 00:17:05,009 --> 00:17:08,876 She is as much his victim as I am. 288 00:17:11,276 --> 00:17:13,409 We cannot cast her out. 289 00:17:16,709 --> 00:17:20,709 For George's sake, as much as hers. 290 00:17:24,543 --> 00:17:29,776 ♪ ♪ 291 00:17:34,343 --> 00:17:37,208 This one is a colonel, like you. 292 00:17:37,209 --> 00:17:40,408 He commands a battalion of a thousand men. 293 00:17:40,409 --> 00:17:43,708 If I were a boy, I would be a colonel, too. 294 00:17:43,709 --> 00:17:46,408 Or maybe a duke. 295 00:17:46,409 --> 00:17:48,642 Do your parents know you're here? 296 00:17:48,643 --> 00:17:52,308 I do not have "parents." 297 00:17:52,309 --> 00:17:53,309 My mother is dead. 298 00:17:53,310 --> 00:17:55,475 I'm sorry to hear that. 299 00:17:55,476 --> 00:17:57,742 It was not long after I was born. 300 00:17:57,743 --> 00:17:58,943 I never knew her. 301 00:18:00,309 --> 00:18:01,676 But you did. 302 00:18:03,476 --> 00:18:06,042 Her name was Lucy Colbourne. 303 00:18:06,043 --> 00:18:08,475 ♪ ♪ 304 00:18:08,476 --> 00:18:09,708 I wanted to meet you 305 00:18:09,709 --> 00:18:14,209 to see if it's true that you are my real father. 306 00:18:17,209 --> 00:18:18,608 How, how old are you? 307 00:18:18,609 --> 00:18:20,343 I shall be nine in October. 308 00:18:22,009 --> 00:18:23,876 I beg your pardon, Colonel. Leo! 309 00:18:25,509 --> 00:18:26,609 Well, sir? 310 00:18:26,609 --> 00:18:27,809 Are you? 311 00:18:27,810 --> 00:18:34,776 ♪ ♪ 312 00:18:39,176 --> 00:18:41,309 No. 313 00:18:42,309 --> 00:18:43,808 No, I'm not. 314 00:18:43,809 --> 00:18:44,776 That man is your father. 315 00:18:44,777 --> 00:18:49,809 ♪ ♪ 316 00:18:58,209 --> 00:19:02,476 ♪ ♪ 317 00:19:04,276 --> 00:19:05,376 Why did you not 318 00:19:05,376 --> 00:19:06,309 come and talk to me? 319 00:19:06,310 --> 00:19:09,075 I thought you'd be angry. 320 00:19:09,076 --> 00:19:11,442 No, no, I'm not angry. 321 00:19:11,443 --> 00:19:12,975 But whatever you thought you heard, 322 00:19:12,976 --> 00:19:14,608 I am your father, 323 00:19:14,609 --> 00:19:15,842 and I always will be. 324 00:19:15,843 --> 00:19:17,542 But last night... 325 00:19:17,543 --> 00:19:19,608 All I meant was that I have not been the father 326 00:19:19,609 --> 00:19:20,609 that you deserve. 327 00:19:20,610 --> 00:19:22,308 But I will endeavor to be better, 328 00:19:22,309 --> 00:19:23,975 I give you my word. 329 00:19:23,976 --> 00:19:26,842 I'm glad it's you. 330 00:19:26,843 --> 00:19:29,208 Even though you're not a colonel, I was sad to think 331 00:19:29,209 --> 00:19:32,209 I might not be your daughter. 332 00:19:33,509 --> 00:19:35,809 ♪ ♪ 333 00:19:37,809 --> 00:19:41,508 ♪ ♪ 334 00:19:41,509 --> 00:19:43,575 Will you take her home? 335 00:19:43,576 --> 00:19:45,343 I need a last word with the colonel. 336 00:19:48,309 --> 00:19:50,042 Of course. 337 00:19:50,043 --> 00:19:52,275 Thank you. 338 00:19:52,276 --> 00:19:58,076 ♪ ♪ 339 00:20:05,676 --> 00:20:08,675 Shall we ask if her sister has left yet? 340 00:20:08,676 --> 00:20:10,375 I have said my farewell. 341 00:20:10,376 --> 00:20:11,543 I've always looked up to you, Fraser. 342 00:20:11,544 --> 00:20:13,475 For the first time in your life, 343 00:20:13,476 --> 00:20:15,708 you are acting like a coward. 344 00:20:15,709 --> 00:20:20,476 ♪ ♪ 345 00:20:38,343 --> 00:20:40,908 I came to thank you. 346 00:20:40,909 --> 00:20:42,808 For sparing Leonora the truth. 347 00:20:42,809 --> 00:20:45,608 What good would have come of it? 348 00:20:45,609 --> 00:20:47,942 I only hope you take better care of her 349 00:20:47,943 --> 00:20:49,776 than you did of her mother. 350 00:20:52,643 --> 00:20:54,175 Whatever you told Miss Heywood... 351 00:20:54,176 --> 00:20:56,475 I remember the state Lucy was in 352 00:20:56,476 --> 00:20:58,708 when I first met her. 353 00:20:58,709 --> 00:21:01,075 Lost. 354 00:21:01,076 --> 00:21:02,276 Abandoned. 355 00:21:04,143 --> 00:21:06,042 I know I could have been a better husband. 356 00:21:06,043 --> 00:21:09,042 But I never abandoned her. 357 00:21:09,043 --> 00:21:11,675 It was you who preyed upon her vulnerabilities. 358 00:21:11,676 --> 00:21:12,709 It was you 359 00:21:12,709 --> 00:21:13,743 who made a victim of her. 360 00:21:13,744 --> 00:21:15,208 All I did was offer her 361 00:21:15,209 --> 00:21:18,308 the comfort her husband couldn't. 362 00:21:18,309 --> 00:21:22,942 ♪ ♪ 363 00:21:22,943 --> 00:21:26,508 You know I speak the truth. 364 00:21:26,509 --> 00:21:28,942 Miss Heywood's plainly in love with you. 365 00:21:28,943 --> 00:21:31,275 Can you trust yourself not to fail her as you failed Lucy? 366 00:21:31,276 --> 00:21:38,043 ♪ ♪ 367 00:21:41,843 --> 00:21:44,943 You are not fit to speak their names. 368 00:21:57,509 --> 00:21:59,175 I was beginning to fear 369 00:21:59,176 --> 00:22:01,775 you would not come. 370 00:22:01,776 --> 00:22:03,942 Are you sure you still wish to marry me? 371 00:22:03,943 --> 00:22:07,075 Given that I am 372 00:22:07,076 --> 00:22:09,308 the mulatto daughter of a slave 373 00:22:09,309 --> 00:22:12,342 who conspired to claim the fortune 374 00:22:12,343 --> 00:22:15,008 of a white man who is not even my father. 375 00:22:15,009 --> 00:22:18,775 That was your argument, was it not? 376 00:22:18,776 --> 00:22:19,743 Georgiana... 377 00:22:19,744 --> 00:22:21,642 That because you are his nephew, 378 00:22:21,643 --> 00:22:24,042 you have a greater claim to my fortune than I. 379 00:22:24,043 --> 00:22:29,408 ♪ ♪ 380 00:22:29,409 --> 00:22:30,708 May we talk apart... 381 00:22:30,709 --> 00:22:32,308 This was always your plan. 382 00:22:32,309 --> 00:22:33,875 Your suit had failed, 383 00:22:33,876 --> 00:22:36,809 so you thought to gain my money by marrying me. 384 00:22:38,509 --> 00:22:39,975 Was any of it real? 385 00:22:39,976 --> 00:22:41,176 Yes! 386 00:22:43,343 --> 00:22:44,675 The more I have grown to know you, 387 00:22:44,676 --> 00:22:47,543 the more I have come to ardently admire you. 388 00:22:48,909 --> 00:22:49,909 Things needn't change. 389 00:22:49,910 --> 00:22:51,308 We can still marry, 390 00:22:51,309 --> 00:22:53,342 still travel the world. 391 00:22:53,343 --> 00:22:56,142 Can you honestly say that you would rather remain here 392 00:22:56,143 --> 00:22:59,008 in this stifling place, with these preposterous people? 393 00:22:59,009 --> 00:23:01,042 We may be preposterous, 394 00:23:01,043 --> 00:23:02,942 Mr. Lockhart, 395 00:23:02,943 --> 00:23:08,009 but we are honest and sincere. 396 00:23:09,143 --> 00:23:11,975 These people have shown me a kindness a man like you 397 00:23:11,976 --> 00:23:13,208 could never understand. 398 00:23:13,209 --> 00:23:15,408 Leave, Mr. Lockhart. 399 00:23:15,409 --> 00:23:17,543 Now. 400 00:23:18,409 --> 00:23:23,576 ♪ ♪ 401 00:23:26,976 --> 00:23:28,808 I've been considering 402 00:23:28,809 --> 00:23:32,508 which punishment best fits your crime. 403 00:23:32,509 --> 00:23:34,642 I will spare you the trouble. 404 00:23:34,643 --> 00:23:36,843 I assume I'm banished forever. 405 00:23:37,743 --> 00:23:38,843 What is the point 406 00:23:38,844 --> 00:23:41,142 in throwing you out 407 00:23:41,143 --> 00:23:44,843 when you will only return like the bad penny you are? 408 00:23:45,909 --> 00:23:48,175 So, instead, I propose 409 00:23:48,176 --> 00:23:50,608 a vigorous program of reform. 410 00:23:50,609 --> 00:23:55,442 You will submit to hard labor, religious instruction, 411 00:23:55,443 --> 00:23:58,408 and whatever daily humiliations 412 00:23:58,409 --> 00:24:00,442 I can devise. 413 00:24:00,443 --> 00:24:02,108 And in return, 414 00:24:02,109 --> 00:24:06,175 once I am satisfied that you are genuinely repentant, 415 00:24:06,176 --> 00:24:07,975 I will consider 416 00:24:07,976 --> 00:24:11,476 a small monthly allowance. 417 00:24:18,676 --> 00:24:21,843 I would sooner die in battle. 418 00:24:37,476 --> 00:24:39,175 Now that we have dealt with one 419 00:24:39,176 --> 00:24:42,142 treacherous interloper, we must deal with the other. 420 00:24:42,143 --> 00:24:44,042 But how? 421 00:24:44,043 --> 00:24:46,242 What would Sidney say, 422 00:24:46,243 --> 00:24:50,043 were he standing here instead of me? 423 00:24:51,576 --> 00:24:53,075 He would tell me the only way to conquer 424 00:24:53,076 --> 00:24:56,342 a man like the colonel 425 00:24:56,343 --> 00:24:58,043 is to beat him at his own game. 426 00:25:00,676 --> 00:25:04,609 ♪ ♪ 427 00:25:20,709 --> 00:25:27,809 ♪ ♪ 428 00:25:41,109 --> 00:25:44,376 You had us worried sick, Miss Colbourne. 429 00:25:51,876 --> 00:25:53,842 Mr. Colbourne? 430 00:25:53,843 --> 00:25:56,242 He wanted one last word with Colonel Lennox. 431 00:25:56,243 --> 00:25:58,042 But all is well? 432 00:25:58,043 --> 00:26:02,343 All is well. 433 00:26:08,843 --> 00:26:11,942 Lockhart is a disgrace. 434 00:26:11,943 --> 00:26:13,942 If only I'd seen these sooner. 435 00:26:13,943 --> 00:26:16,042 Georgiana, 436 00:26:16,043 --> 00:26:18,043 there's something else you should know. 437 00:26:19,276 --> 00:26:22,275 Something Sidney mentioned in his letter to Tom. 438 00:26:22,276 --> 00:26:24,742 What is it? 439 00:26:24,743 --> 00:26:28,442 In the process of building his case against Mr. Lockhart, 440 00:26:28,443 --> 00:26:33,542 Sidney learned that contrary to what you believe, 441 00:26:33,543 --> 00:26:37,075 your mother did not die when you were a child. 442 00:26:37,076 --> 00:26:39,275 As recently as five years ago, 443 00:26:39,276 --> 00:26:43,208 she was still hoping you might be reunited. 444 00:26:43,209 --> 00:26:45,342 She left you this to remember her by. 445 00:26:45,343 --> 00:26:48,243 ♪ ♪ 446 00:26:58,843 --> 00:26:59,943 Sidney tried to ascertain 447 00:26:59,944 --> 00:27:02,908 your mother's present whereabouts, 448 00:27:02,909 --> 00:27:05,075 with no success. 449 00:27:05,076 --> 00:27:07,842 But there's every reason 450 00:27:07,843 --> 00:27:10,143 to believe that she's still alive. 451 00:27:16,476 --> 00:27:19,642 My dear... 452 00:27:19,643 --> 00:27:22,408 ♪ ♪ 453 00:27:22,409 --> 00:27:23,376 Colonel. 454 00:27:23,377 --> 00:27:25,275 Not now, Parker, I'm not in the mood. 455 00:27:25,276 --> 00:27:28,309 Uh, I'm sorry, what I have to say will not wait. 456 00:27:29,943 --> 00:27:32,008 In the guise of friendship, you and your men 457 00:27:32,009 --> 00:27:33,842 have taken gross advantage 458 00:27:33,843 --> 00:27:35,275 of this town. 459 00:27:35,276 --> 00:27:37,542 You behaved abominably towards Miss Heywood. 460 00:27:37,543 --> 00:27:39,808 You insulted me and my family. 461 00:27:39,809 --> 00:27:42,376 And I will not stand for it. 462 00:27:44,076 --> 00:27:48,108 What are you going to do? 463 00:27:48,109 --> 00:27:53,008 You claim to be a man of honor. 464 00:27:53,009 --> 00:27:54,276 I ask you now to prove it. 465 00:27:58,543 --> 00:28:00,175 Are you... 466 00:28:00,176 --> 00:28:01,643 Are you challenging me to a duel? 467 00:28:04,776 --> 00:28:07,075 Here is the money I owe you. 468 00:28:07,076 --> 00:28:09,608 100 pounds. 469 00:28:09,609 --> 00:28:12,042 You can take it right now. 470 00:28:12,043 --> 00:28:13,076 Or... 471 00:28:13,077 --> 00:28:14,608 Or... 472 00:28:14,609 --> 00:28:17,975 You can accept my wager. 473 00:28:17,976 --> 00:28:18,943 What's the stake? 474 00:28:18,944 --> 00:28:22,942 If you win, you keep our money, 475 00:28:22,943 --> 00:28:25,508 and I shall honor the shopkeepers' debts myself. 476 00:28:25,509 --> 00:28:26,742 And if you win? 477 00:28:26,743 --> 00:28:28,408 Then you will pay every penny 478 00:28:28,409 --> 00:28:29,842 that you owe the town, 479 00:28:29,843 --> 00:28:31,375 you will write off my debt, 480 00:28:31,376 --> 00:28:34,343 and you will leave Sanditon, never to return. 481 00:28:38,276 --> 00:28:40,242 Very well. 482 00:28:40,243 --> 00:28:41,209 One round of hazard. 483 00:28:41,209 --> 00:28:42,409 Ah... 484 00:28:43,443 --> 00:28:45,242 No. 485 00:28:45,243 --> 00:28:48,408 This time, we choose the game. 486 00:28:48,409 --> 00:28:53,576 ♪ ♪ 487 00:29:04,509 --> 00:29:11,109 ♪ ♪ 488 00:29:19,909 --> 00:29:26,775 ♪ ♪ 489 00:29:26,776 --> 00:29:28,875 Colonel. 490 00:29:28,876 --> 00:29:31,642 Will you stand or choose another card? 491 00:29:31,643 --> 00:29:33,976 ♪ ♪ 492 00:29:42,809 --> 00:29:44,708 ♪ ♪ 493 00:29:44,709 --> 00:29:47,042 My late brother and I could never agree on 494 00:29:47,043 --> 00:29:48,109 the nature of this game. 495 00:29:48,110 --> 00:29:52,975 I've always thought it was a game of luck. 496 00:29:52,976 --> 00:29:56,908 But he claimed it demands strategy. 497 00:29:56,909 --> 00:30:00,608 If I put all my faith in luck, I'd be long dead. 498 00:30:00,609 --> 00:30:03,243 As would most of my men. 499 00:30:14,243 --> 00:30:15,575 ♪ ♪ 500 00:30:15,576 --> 00:30:17,243 Tom. 501 00:30:18,709 --> 00:30:25,376 ♪ ♪ 502 00:30:30,976 --> 00:30:31,943 Then again, 503 00:30:31,944 --> 00:30:34,109 I never won a game against Sidney. 504 00:30:35,809 --> 00:30:38,075 So I have to concede he may have been right. 505 00:30:38,076 --> 00:30:43,143 ♪ ♪ 506 00:30:54,176 --> 00:30:57,709 ♪ ♪ 507 00:31:03,109 --> 00:31:04,775 20. 508 00:31:04,776 --> 00:31:06,808 So, Colonel. 509 00:31:06,809 --> 00:31:08,408 Can you match me? 510 00:31:08,409 --> 00:31:10,708 Or do you surrender? 511 00:31:10,709 --> 00:31:16,876 ♪ ♪ 512 00:31:22,243 --> 00:31:23,808 19. 513 00:31:23,809 --> 00:31:25,143 Game to Mr. Parker. 514 00:31:32,543 --> 00:31:33,942 Please. 515 00:31:33,943 --> 00:31:36,775 Here you go. 516 00:31:36,776 --> 00:31:39,609 Feed your families. 517 00:31:41,609 --> 00:31:44,242 You did the Parker name proud. 518 00:31:44,243 --> 00:31:46,042 You did Sidney proud. 519 00:31:46,043 --> 00:31:48,075 No, Arthur, we did. 520 00:31:48,076 --> 00:31:50,876 ♪ ♪ 521 00:31:57,943 --> 00:31:59,408 Short honeymoon, Denham? 522 00:31:59,409 --> 00:32:00,975 I came to the conclusion marriage isn't for me. 523 00:32:00,976 --> 00:32:03,143 Denham! 524 00:32:04,476 --> 00:32:09,108 Your aunt writes to inform me of your recent conduct 525 00:32:09,109 --> 00:32:12,343 and that you have no means of paying for your commission. 526 00:32:14,943 --> 00:32:18,676 You are a disgrace to yourself and the company! 527 00:32:20,676 --> 00:32:24,908 You're not fit to call yourself an officer. 528 00:32:24,909 --> 00:32:26,509 Out of my way! 529 00:32:39,309 --> 00:32:41,943 Your sunny presence will be much missed. 530 00:32:42,943 --> 00:32:43,943 You are always welcome. 531 00:32:43,944 --> 00:32:45,642 We will miss you, my dear. 532 00:32:45,643 --> 00:32:48,509 I will miss you all dreadfully. 533 00:32:50,209 --> 00:32:51,842 You must be sure to write at least once a week. 534 00:32:51,843 --> 00:32:52,943 I am sorry you did not 535 00:32:52,944 --> 00:32:54,875 get to say goodbye to Captain Fraser. 536 00:32:54,876 --> 00:32:57,275 As a matter of fact, he called on me earlier. 537 00:32:57,276 --> 00:32:58,942 What did he say? 538 00:32:58,943 --> 00:33:01,508 He said he'd grown to consider me a dear friend. 539 00:33:01,509 --> 00:33:02,908 Friend? 540 00:33:02,909 --> 00:33:04,842 And he gave me a small gift to remember him by, 541 00:33:04,843 --> 00:33:08,475 but made me swear I wouldn't open it until I got home. 542 00:33:08,476 --> 00:33:13,043 ♪ ♪ 543 00:33:18,309 --> 00:33:22,343 ♪ ♪ 544 00:33:24,543 --> 00:33:27,175 It is a book of poetry. 545 00:33:27,176 --> 00:33:30,175 There is a flower marking a page. 546 00:33:30,176 --> 00:33:31,608 ♪ ♪ 547 00:33:31,609 --> 00:33:34,442 This is the poem William sent me. 548 00:33:34,443 --> 00:33:37,108 "Her face, it bloomed like a sweet flower 549 00:33:37,109 --> 00:33:41,542 and stole my heart away." 550 00:33:41,543 --> 00:33:43,308 ♪ ♪ 551 00:33:43,309 --> 00:33:44,675 Except it wasn't William. 552 00:33:44,676 --> 00:33:48,609 It was, it was Captain Fraser. 553 00:33:51,543 --> 00:33:53,308 It was always him. 554 00:33:53,309 --> 00:33:55,342 This was not given in friendship, Alison. 555 00:33:55,343 --> 00:33:58,243 ♪ ♪ 556 00:34:00,243 --> 00:34:03,509 ♪ ♪ 557 00:34:09,009 --> 00:34:11,508 What will I say to him? 558 00:34:11,509 --> 00:34:13,308 Tell him he has won your heart, 559 00:34:13,309 --> 00:34:16,175 just as you have won his. 560 00:34:16,176 --> 00:34:19,375 Could it be that my cynical sister's heart has softened? 561 00:34:19,376 --> 00:34:23,509 ♪ ♪ 562 00:34:31,709 --> 00:34:32,676 Excuse me, sir. 563 00:34:32,677 --> 00:34:34,508 I'm looking for Captain Fraser. 564 00:34:34,509 --> 00:34:36,142 Gone, miss. 565 00:34:36,143 --> 00:34:37,675 All of them. 566 00:34:37,676 --> 00:34:39,242 Posted to India. 567 00:34:39,243 --> 00:34:44,409 ♪ ♪ 568 00:34:50,909 --> 00:34:53,076 India? 569 00:34:57,909 --> 00:35:02,009 ♪ ♪ 570 00:35:09,176 --> 00:35:12,642 All my fears that he would abandon me, 571 00:35:12,643 --> 00:35:14,308 that he stopped loving me, 572 00:35:14,309 --> 00:35:16,175 they were just 573 00:35:16,176 --> 00:35:18,342 ghosts in my mind, nothing more. 574 00:35:18,343 --> 00:35:20,376 Placed there by me and Edward. 575 00:35:22,843 --> 00:35:26,708 Edward exploited you. 576 00:35:26,709 --> 00:35:27,709 He's incapable of feeling. 577 00:35:27,710 --> 00:35:29,642 I am no different. 578 00:35:29,643 --> 00:35:32,943 I've seen the way you look at George. 579 00:35:35,043 --> 00:35:38,808 I have never known love like it, Esther. 580 00:35:38,809 --> 00:35:41,342 It is so fierce that it scares me. 581 00:35:41,343 --> 00:35:45,775 I hope one day you will discover it for yourself. 582 00:35:45,776 --> 00:35:48,442 It's not meant to be. 583 00:35:48,443 --> 00:35:50,242 All the herbs and tinctures in the world cannot help me. 584 00:35:50,243 --> 00:35:53,275 I shall just have to make my peace with it. 585 00:35:53,276 --> 00:35:57,408 Lady Denham has been kind enough to offer me a cottage 586 00:35:57,409 --> 00:36:00,042 on an estate in Cumbria, 587 00:36:00,043 --> 00:36:04,308 far from prying eyes and the taint of scandal. 588 00:36:04,309 --> 00:36:05,808 Will you take her up on it? 589 00:36:05,809 --> 00:36:09,208 What kind of life will it be for George? 590 00:36:09,209 --> 00:36:13,408 Growing up miles from anywhere, with only me for company. 591 00:36:13,409 --> 00:36:15,842 As long as he is loved, 592 00:36:15,843 --> 00:36:18,576 what else matters? 593 00:36:22,776 --> 00:36:27,275 ♪ ♪ 594 00:36:27,276 --> 00:36:29,076 We missed him. 595 00:36:33,143 --> 00:36:34,343 Ah. 596 00:36:35,776 --> 00:36:37,809 Here she is now. 597 00:36:38,976 --> 00:36:43,108 Is it not a strange coincidence? 598 00:36:43,109 --> 00:36:46,308 Each of you was seeking the other. 599 00:36:46,309 --> 00:36:48,408 ♪ ♪ 600 00:36:48,409 --> 00:36:50,108 - Thomas? - Yes, dear? 601 00:36:50,109 --> 00:36:52,008 ♪ ♪ 602 00:36:52,009 --> 00:36:53,775 Ah! Yes. 603 00:36:53,776 --> 00:36:56,809 Yes, come, Arthur, yes, we must, yes... 604 00:36:59,576 --> 00:37:02,175 They told me your company had left. 605 00:37:02,176 --> 00:37:03,176 They have. 606 00:37:03,177 --> 00:37:05,775 I resigned my commission. 607 00:37:05,776 --> 00:37:08,042 What will you do? 608 00:37:08,043 --> 00:37:10,508 I have no idea. 609 00:37:10,509 --> 00:37:12,143 I'm from a family of farmers in Ireland. 610 00:37:17,343 --> 00:37:19,576 Why should that be so funny? 611 00:37:22,676 --> 00:37:26,808 I was always so determined I would never be a farmer's wife. 612 00:37:26,809 --> 00:37:30,075 That seems rather a presumption. 613 00:37:30,076 --> 00:37:33,542 I opened your book. 614 00:37:33,543 --> 00:37:34,609 A terrible breach of trust, 615 00:37:34,610 --> 00:37:36,675 given I explicitly told you not to. 616 00:37:36,676 --> 00:37:38,308 I never should have guessed 617 00:37:38,309 --> 00:37:42,243 that spartan Captain Fraser could have such a poetic soul. 618 00:37:44,009 --> 00:37:46,642 Fool that I am, 619 00:37:46,643 --> 00:37:48,708 I have fought to hide my feelings from you, 620 00:37:48,709 --> 00:37:52,375 believing them to be futile. 621 00:37:52,376 --> 00:37:55,408 Never daring to hope that you could bring yourself 622 00:37:55,409 --> 00:37:59,542 to love a coarse, battle-scarred soldier. 623 00:37:59,543 --> 00:38:01,942 But, my dearest Alison, 624 00:38:01,943 --> 00:38:05,475 I stand before you now to ask you 625 00:38:05,476 --> 00:38:10,575 if you will honor me with the greatest rank of all, 626 00:38:10,576 --> 00:38:12,443 that of your loving husband. 627 00:38:13,776 --> 00:38:14,743 Yes. 628 00:38:14,744 --> 00:38:16,142 Yes! Yes! 629 00:38:16,143 --> 00:38:17,943 100,000 times, yes! 630 00:38:21,809 --> 00:38:28,243 ♪ ♪ 631 00:38:45,309 --> 00:38:47,076 Clara? 632 00:38:52,809 --> 00:38:54,709 Aw... 633 00:39:05,709 --> 00:39:09,475 Do not judge me too harshly. 634 00:39:09,476 --> 00:39:14,208 The fact is that some of us are meant to be mothers, 635 00:39:14,209 --> 00:39:17,142 and some are not. 636 00:39:17,143 --> 00:39:20,875 He is yours now, Esther. 637 00:39:20,876 --> 00:39:25,042 You will give him the life I never could. 638 00:39:25,043 --> 00:39:28,108 You will be the mother he deserves. 639 00:39:28,109 --> 00:39:31,743 ♪ ♪ 640 00:39:37,876 --> 00:39:43,043 ♪ ♪ 641 00:39:45,076 --> 00:39:46,243 Mrs. Wheatley. 642 00:39:46,244 --> 00:39:47,542 Good morning, Miss Heywood. 643 00:39:47,543 --> 00:39:50,242 You will find your charges outside, 644 00:39:50,243 --> 00:39:52,175 having breakfast with Mr. Colbourne. 645 00:39:52,176 --> 00:39:53,742 Together? 646 00:39:53,743 --> 00:39:57,108 Miracle of miracles, wonder of wonders. 647 00:39:57,109 --> 00:39:58,975 ♪ ♪ 648 00:39:58,976 --> 00:40:02,708 So, Luna has been telling me that she's rather lonely. 649 00:40:02,709 --> 00:40:06,542 And she would like a dog companion. 650 00:40:06,543 --> 00:40:08,542 That's what she told me. 651 00:40:08,543 --> 00:40:11,143 I was thinking perhaps another lurcher? 652 00:40:12,109 --> 00:40:13,809 I should like a mastiff. 653 00:40:15,609 --> 00:40:17,176 Good choice, Leo. 654 00:40:18,643 --> 00:40:20,242 Miss Heywood! 655 00:40:20,243 --> 00:40:22,875 We're going to get a new dog. 656 00:40:22,876 --> 00:40:24,308 How exciting! 657 00:40:24,309 --> 00:40:26,275 Miss Heywood. 658 00:40:26,276 --> 00:40:28,108 I wondered if we might, um, 659 00:40:28,109 --> 00:40:30,976 speak in private. 660 00:40:32,676 --> 00:40:34,843 Of course. 661 00:40:37,876 --> 00:40:40,157 I don't suppose you'll change your mind about marrying me. 662 00:40:41,209 --> 00:40:44,708 Then I would never have to consider the subject again. 663 00:40:44,709 --> 00:40:48,009 Thank you, but I must decline again. 664 00:40:49,409 --> 00:40:52,742 I am more convinced than ever that marriage is not for me. 665 00:40:52,743 --> 00:40:56,142 Anyway, I firmly believe the right man is waiting 666 00:40:56,143 --> 00:40:57,343 out there for you. 667 00:40:59,443 --> 00:41:00,843 In the middle of the sea? 668 00:41:04,243 --> 00:41:06,076 I meant figuratively. 669 00:41:08,676 --> 00:41:11,908 I blame myself, you know. 670 00:41:11,909 --> 00:41:13,308 For Lockhart. 671 00:41:13,309 --> 00:41:17,542 You had your reservations and I urged you to ignore them. 672 00:41:17,543 --> 00:41:21,176 I let his charm get the better of me. 673 00:41:23,009 --> 00:41:24,876 He charmed us both, Arthur. 674 00:41:26,143 --> 00:41:27,943 You are not to blame. 675 00:41:29,309 --> 00:41:32,242 And he's gone now. 676 00:41:32,243 --> 00:41:35,375 Let us never think of him again. 677 00:41:35,376 --> 00:41:37,108 ♪ ♪ 678 00:41:37,109 --> 00:41:40,442 Have you given any more thought to what you will do 679 00:41:40,443 --> 00:41:41,875 when you come of age 680 00:41:41,876 --> 00:41:44,842 and inherit your fortune? 681 00:41:44,843 --> 00:41:47,742 For now, my only thought is to find my mother. 682 00:41:47,743 --> 00:41:51,708 As for where I will go, it is strange. 683 00:41:51,709 --> 00:41:52,975 Having longed to escape Sanditon, 684 00:41:52,976 --> 00:41:54,708 I'm beginning to think I might stay a while. 685 00:41:54,709 --> 00:41:56,608 You must! 686 00:41:56,609 --> 00:41:57,643 After all, 687 00:41:57,644 --> 00:42:00,375 you're a part of our family. 688 00:42:00,376 --> 00:42:01,976 An honorary Parker! 689 00:42:05,609 --> 00:42:11,676 ♪ ♪ 690 00:42:15,643 --> 00:42:16,843 Miss Heywood... 691 00:42:20,509 --> 00:42:22,608 I owe you an apology. 692 00:42:22,609 --> 00:42:25,208 For what? 693 00:42:25,209 --> 00:42:27,542 My behavior has been unforgivable. 694 00:42:27,543 --> 00:42:30,842 Twice I allowed my emotions to get the better of me. 695 00:42:30,843 --> 00:42:33,876 Twice I have taken advantage of my position over you. 696 00:42:36,143 --> 00:42:38,908 You make it sound as if I were not a willing participant. 697 00:42:38,909 --> 00:42:41,242 You are the girls' governess and I am master of the estate. 698 00:42:41,243 --> 00:42:42,609 I am your employer. 699 00:42:44,809 --> 00:42:45,809 It was deeply inappropriate 700 00:42:45,810 --> 00:42:47,976 and I feel only shame and regret. 701 00:42:50,609 --> 00:42:52,143 That is all I am to you? 702 00:42:54,143 --> 00:42:56,642 A member of your staff? 703 00:42:56,643 --> 00:43:00,242 In the circumstances, I understand that your position 704 00:43:00,243 --> 00:43:01,376 here has become untenable 705 00:43:01,377 --> 00:43:06,542 and you will wish to leave at once. 706 00:43:06,543 --> 00:43:09,042 I hope you'll accept six months ex gratia to compensate you 707 00:43:09,043 --> 00:43:10,009 for the loss of earning. 708 00:43:10,010 --> 00:43:13,209 I don't care about the money! 709 00:43:15,643 --> 00:43:16,843 What will you tell the girls? 710 00:43:18,176 --> 00:43:22,575 We shall say that your term came to a natural conclusion 711 00:43:22,576 --> 00:43:24,875 by mutual agreement. 712 00:43:24,876 --> 00:43:26,675 No. 713 00:43:26,676 --> 00:43:29,675 This is your decision. 714 00:43:29,676 --> 00:43:31,008 And yours alone. 715 00:43:31,009 --> 00:43:36,176 ♪ ♪ 716 00:43:44,243 --> 00:43:46,142 Miss Heywood! 717 00:43:46,143 --> 00:43:47,708 Miss Heywood! 718 00:43:47,709 --> 00:43:50,543   ♪ ♪ 719 00:43:57,876 --> 00:44:00,642 You will regret this. 720 00:44:00,643 --> 00:44:03,642 It's better this way. 721 00:44:03,643 --> 00:44:06,675 For her sake. 722 00:44:06,676 --> 00:44:08,408 Xander... 723 00:44:08,409 --> 00:44:10,242 Do not shut 724 00:44:10,243 --> 00:44:12,442 yourself away again. 725 00:44:12,443 --> 00:44:13,643 Please. 726 00:44:13,644 --> 00:44:19,043 ♪ ♪ 727 00:44:26,109 --> 00:44:28,708 My dear Lady Babington. 728 00:44:28,709 --> 00:44:30,075 We heard you were leaving. 729 00:44:30,076 --> 00:44:31,608 And we could not let the moment pass 730 00:44:31,609 --> 00:44:33,708 without coming to bid you bon voyage. 731 00:44:33,709 --> 00:44:36,342 Well, you could have. 732 00:44:36,343 --> 00:44:37,543 Thank you both. 733 00:44:41,643 --> 00:44:43,975 But who is this? 734 00:44:43,976 --> 00:44:46,343 This is George. 735 00:44:48,276 --> 00:44:50,308 My son. 736 00:44:50,309 --> 00:44:55,809 ♪ ♪ 737 00:44:59,909 --> 00:45:03,142 ♪ ♪ 738 00:45:03,143 --> 00:45:04,176 What did you say to her?! 739 00:45:04,177 --> 00:45:05,575 That is not your concern. 740 00:45:05,576 --> 00:45:06,576 I saw her leaving! 741 00:45:06,577 --> 00:45:09,508 There are things you do not understand! 742 00:45:09,509 --> 00:45:14,275 I understand that she brought light into a house 743 00:45:14,276 --> 00:45:16,942 which before her knew only darkness. 744 00:45:16,943 --> 00:45:19,242 I understand that she brought us together. 745 00:45:19,243 --> 00:45:21,008 That she cared about me and Leonora 746 00:45:21,009 --> 00:45:23,575 as if we were her own sisters! 747 00:45:23,576 --> 00:45:27,275 I understand that she almost restored you to a... 748 00:45:27,276 --> 00:45:30,376 To a human being. 749 00:45:31,509 --> 00:45:33,575 Are we to revert to how things were? 750 00:45:33,576 --> 00:45:35,308 Augusta! 751 00:45:35,309 --> 00:45:37,975 Oh, what is it you are frightened of, Uncle? 752 00:45:37,976 --> 00:45:40,142 That we might finally be happy? 753 00:45:40,143 --> 00:45:42,342 Go to her! Please! 754 00:45:42,343 --> 00:45:43,808 Ask her to come back! 755 00:45:43,809 --> 00:45:45,942 Tell her that you made a mistake! 756 00:45:45,943 --> 00:45:47,475 For our sake, 757 00:45:47,476 --> 00:45:49,175 if not for your own. 758 00:45:49,176 --> 00:45:54,343 ♪ ♪ 759 00:46:06,676 --> 00:46:12,209 ♪ ♪ 760 00:46:16,943 --> 00:46:19,342 Having had time to reflect, 761 00:46:19,343 --> 00:46:21,443 I've decided to accept your offer. 762 00:46:22,676 --> 00:46:24,475 I thought you might. 763 00:46:24,476 --> 00:46:26,808 It seems marginally less horrifying than debtor's prison. 764 00:46:26,809 --> 00:46:29,775 Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. 765 00:46:29,776 --> 00:46:32,642 And with Esther and Clara safely dispatched, 766 00:46:32,643 --> 00:46:36,242 you shall have my undivided attention. 767 00:46:36,243 --> 00:46:37,908 Where's my son? 768 00:46:37,909 --> 00:46:41,942 He's on his way to a better life, 769 00:46:41,943 --> 00:46:46,309 far removed from his wretched father. 770 00:46:51,676 --> 00:46:54,075 At least now that you're no longer working, 771 00:46:54,076 --> 00:46:55,775 we can enjoy the rest of the summer. 772 00:46:55,776 --> 00:46:58,475 Father expects me home. 773 00:46:58,476 --> 00:47:01,875 I've tried his patience long enough. 774 00:47:01,876 --> 00:47:02,843 You have our friendship. 775 00:47:02,844 --> 00:47:05,375 Is that not reason enough to stay? 776 00:47:05,376 --> 00:47:06,875 You can help me find my mother. 777 00:47:06,876 --> 00:47:09,142 I hope I shall always have that, Georgiana, 778 00:47:09,143 --> 00:47:11,008 whether or not we are in the same place. 779 00:47:11,009 --> 00:47:14,575 And of course I'll do whatever I can to help you find her. 780 00:47:14,576 --> 00:47:16,942 You'll be invited to Alison's wedding, 781 00:47:16,943 --> 00:47:19,708 so it shan't be long before we see each other again. 782 00:47:19,709 --> 00:47:21,642 I do wish you would stay. 783 00:47:21,643 --> 00:47:23,675 Charlotte. 784 00:47:23,676 --> 00:47:25,709 A Mr. Colbourne is here to see you. 785 00:47:29,543 --> 00:47:30,975 I've been thinking on 786 00:47:30,976 --> 00:47:34,808 our conversation, Miss Heywood. 787 00:47:34,809 --> 00:47:36,975 As have I. 788 00:47:36,976 --> 00:47:39,142 I came to tell you that I regret 789 00:47:39,143 --> 00:47:42,442 the circumstances under which we parted company. 790 00:47:42,443 --> 00:47:45,475 You made yourself very clear. 791 00:47:45,476 --> 00:47:47,575 Augusta's rightly furious with me. 792 00:47:47,576 --> 00:47:49,442 She urged me to come and speak with you at once. 793 00:47:49,443 --> 00:47:51,608 Then you are here at Augusta's request. 794 00:47:51,609 --> 00:47:52,743 Not of your own volition? 795 00:47:52,744 --> 00:47:55,542 No. 796 00:47:55,543 --> 00:47:59,643 The house feels your absence already. 797 00:48:02,476 --> 00:48:03,842 And I'm here to ask if you... 798 00:48:03,843 --> 00:48:06,142 I'm resolved to leave Sanditon, Mr. Colbourne. 799 00:48:06,143 --> 00:48:09,242 ♪ ♪ 800 00:48:09,243 --> 00:48:12,508 You were right in what you said. 801 00:48:12,509 --> 00:48:15,709 We let our emotions get the better of us. 802 00:48:16,943 --> 00:48:20,408 I mistook what I was feeling for a certain kind of affection. 803 00:48:20,409 --> 00:48:22,308 But I realize now I, 804 00:48:22,309 --> 00:48:24,042 I could never feel such tenderness for a man 805 00:48:24,043 --> 00:48:26,375 who showed me so little respect. 806 00:48:26,376 --> 00:48:28,975 ♪ ♪ 807 00:48:28,976 --> 00:48:31,808 I will miss the girls a great deal. 808 00:48:31,809 --> 00:48:34,508 But I cannot be your governess, 809 00:48:34,509 --> 00:48:37,475 if that is what you came to ask. 810 00:48:37,476 --> 00:48:44,209 ♪ ♪ 811 00:48:46,476 --> 00:48:48,875 Thank you 812 00:48:48,876 --> 00:48:52,142 for making your feelings so clear. 813 00:48:52,143 --> 00:48:58,509 ♪ ♪ 814 00:49:09,209 --> 00:49:11,709 ♪ ♪ 815 00:49:16,909 --> 00:49:19,409 Enough! 816 00:49:28,409 --> 00:49:33,442 Wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, 817 00:49:33,443 --> 00:49:37,408 live together after God's ordinance 818 00:49:37,409 --> 00:49:39,776 in the holy estate of matrimony? 819 00:49:41,776 --> 00:49:44,708 Wilt thou obey him 820 00:49:44,709 --> 00:49:46,242 and serve him, 821 00:49:46,243 --> 00:49:49,075 love, honor, and keep him, 822 00:49:49,076 --> 00:49:50,608 and, forsaking 823 00:49:50,609 --> 00:49:54,708 all other, keep thee only unto him, 824 00:49:54,709 --> 00:49:56,408 so long as ye both 825 00:49:56,409 --> 00:49:58,075 shall live? 826 00:49:58,076 --> 00:50:00,109 I will. 827 00:50:01,843 --> 00:50:06,143 ♪ ♪ 828 00:50:19,843 --> 00:50:26,243 ♪ ♪ 829 00:50:34,843 --> 00:50:36,409 How long will we be gone, Father? 830 00:50:37,776 --> 00:50:40,976 I cannot say. 831 00:50:42,176 --> 00:50:45,108 We've been confined here too long. 832 00:50:45,109 --> 00:50:47,275 We need a change. 833 00:50:47,276 --> 00:50:48,276 All of us. 834 00:50:48,277 --> 00:50:54,176 ♪ ♪ 835 00:51:31,676 --> 00:51:34,275 You must come and stay with us again soon, my dear. 836 00:51:34,276 --> 00:51:36,275 All of our sea view apartments have been taken... 837 00:51:36,276 --> 00:51:37,942 even one by Georgiana. 838 00:51:37,943 --> 00:51:40,175 Sanditon goes from strength to strength. 839 00:51:40,176 --> 00:51:42,275 I shall be holding a party for my 21st birthday. 840 00:51:42,276 --> 00:51:43,875 Promise you will return for that. 841 00:51:43,876 --> 00:51:45,108 Forgive the interruption, 842 00:51:45,109 --> 00:51:47,508 but I believe I am promised the next dance. 843 00:51:47,509 --> 00:51:50,275 May I introduce Mr. Ralph Starling. 844 00:51:50,276 --> 00:51:53,008 Charlotte talks of you often and with great fondness. 845 00:51:53,009 --> 00:51:55,042 I assume she's told you 846 00:51:55,043 --> 00:51:56,275 our happy news? 847 00:51:56,276 --> 00:51:58,608 What news is that? 848 00:51:58,609 --> 00:52:00,908 Ralph and I are to be married. 849 00:52:00,909 --> 00:52:06,009   850 00:52:15,976 --> 00:52:20,508 ♪ ♪ 851 00:52:20,509 --> 00:52:23,608 Go to our website, listen to our podcast, 852 00:52:23,609 --> 00:52:25,908 watch video, and more. 853 00:52:25,909 --> 00:52:29,075 To order this program, visit ShopPBS. 854 00:52:29,076 --> 00:52:31,942 "Masterpiece" is available with PBS Passport 855 00:52:31,943 --> 00:52:34,742 and on Amazon Prime Video. 856 00:52:34,743 --> 00:52:38,876 ♪ ♪