533 00:00:05,367 --> 00:00:07,039 前情回顾 685 00:00:07,039 --> 00:00:09,118 本次大选也被称为民众记忆中 It's been called the most unpredictable 514 00:00:09,119 --> 00:00:10,718 最扑朔迷离的一次 general election in living memory. 384 00:00:10,945 --> 00:00:12,257 让人民决定吧 Let the people decide, 498 00:00:12,406 --> 00:00:13,968 不过仅限于聪明人哦 but only the clever ones. 470 00:00:14,023 --> 00:00:15,531 你认识维克多·戈拉亚 You know Viktor Goraya. 81 00:00:15,766 --> 00:00:16,367 我们得把他弄出来 We've got to get them out. 577 00:00:16,827 --> 00:00:18,592 我们得把他弄到一个可以申请庇护的国家 We've got to get him into a country that grants asylum. 719 00:00:18,640 --> 00:00:20,835 但这样他就必须要穿越国边境 But to do that, he's got to cross the border. 210 00:00:20,992 --> 00:00:21,914 你是说非法越境吗? You mean illegally? 96 00:00:22,249 --> 00:00:22,882 我们需要钱 We need the money. 597 00:00:23,155 --> 00:00:24,968 我可是损失了上百万英镑 记得嘛? I'm the man who lost a million quid, remember? 300 00:00:25,117 --> 00:00:26,242 你打了哪五份工啊? What are the five jobs? 290 00:00:26,383 --> 00:00:27,484 瑟莱萨说你打了五份 Celeste said you had five. 627 00:00:27,898 --> 00:00:29,789 别在这儿直呼她的名字 Don't use her name, not here. 643 00:00:29,859 --> 00:00:31,820 这是个令人震惊的结果 This is an extraordinary result. 846 00:00:31,828 --> 00:00:34,578 他们可以来找我 They can come to me, 794 00:00:35,070 --> 00:00:37,546 而以后都是我说了算 and I will decide. 373 00:00:45,833 --> 00:00:47,121 Years and Years S01E04 未来岁月 第一季第四集 西西弗字幕组 254 00:00:47,127 --> 00:00:48,145 翻译:西西弗   时间轴:Yiv 校对:Forever  压 制:LDAN 443 00:00:56,683 --> 00:00:58,128 新年快乐 Happy New Year! 444 00:00:58,316 --> 00:00:59,761 大家都有杯子了吗 Has everyone got a glass? 683 00:01:00,081 --> 00:01:02,152 贝丝妮 你来主持吧 Bethany, you do the honours. 857 00:01:02,449 --> 00:01:05,238 新诺 同步设备 Signor, "sync devices." 910 00:01:05,944 --> 00:01:09,288 新年快乐 Happy New Year! 479 00:01:10,104 --> 00:01:11,621 好了 别吵了 No more than that. Hush now. 951 00:01:11,847 --> 00:01:15,683 很荣幸由我来祝贺你们俩 It is my honour to say congratulations, 821 00:01:15,910 --> 00:01:18,513 a very happy engagement to you both. 367 00:01:18,519 --> 00:01:19,800 祝你二婚幸运哦 丹 Yeah, second time lucky, Dan. 600 00:01:20,019 --> 00:01:21,847 不好意思 大家伙 我来晚了 新年快乐 Sorry, everyone. Happy new Year. 715 00:01:22,847 --> 00:01:25,027 你们都不敢相信路上有多少车 You wouldn't believe how busy the roads are. 393 00:01:25,089 --> 00:01:26,425 嘿 祝贺啊 Hey, congratulations. 327 00:01:26,431 --> 00:01:27,605 真不敢相信你这会儿还得去工作 I can't believe you had to work. 218 00:01:27,769 --> 00:01:28,699 付双倍工资嘛 Double pay. 156 00:01:29,128 --> 00:01:29,917 所以你们怎么样 So, how are you? 391 00:01:30,207 --> 00:01:31,535 那是新公寓吗?怎么样? Is that the new flat? How is it? 972 00:01:31,988 --> 00:01:36,280 那可不是公寓 是一个16人合住的房间 It's not a flat, it's a room in a house with 16 people. 893 00:01:36,288 --> 00:01:39,530 不过是在马德里市中心的贫民区里 所以 Yeah, but it's in one of those tall back streets in the centre of Madrid, so... 141 00:01:39,811 --> 00:01:40,566 我的意思是 挺方便的 I mean, it's handy. 692 00:01:40,738 --> 00:01:42,855 室友们都不错 大部分是索马里人 They are OK. They're mostly Somalis. 798 00:01:43,027 --> 00:01:45,511 扣留中心人满了 他们就把我们赶出来了 The detention centres were full, so they pushed us out, 817 00:01:45,580 --> 00:01:48,166 但是 我觉得这样更好 but, you know, it's better, I think. 952 00:01:48,296 --> 00:01:52,144 那些索马里人能接受两个男的结婚吗? And are they all right with two men getting married, Somalis? 716 00:01:52,386 --> 00:01:54,566 缪丽尔 你动脑子想想吧 索马里可是个伊斯兰国家 Well, if you think about it, Muriel, Somalia's a Muslim country, 543 00:01:54,572 --> 00:01:56,269 显然会很难办 so obviously that's tricky. 549 00:01:56,894 --> 00:01:58,598 我就是想说这个 That was my point, wasn't it? 503 00:01:58,863 --> 00:02:00,438 那我现在已经告诉你了 所以 Well, now I've told you, so... 728 00:02:00,746 --> 00:02:02,956 那可真是太谢谢了 And it's greatly appreciated. 401 00:02:03,076 --> 00:02:04,433 行了 你俩歇会儿吧 All right, you two - ding-ding. 256 00:02:04,566 --> 00:02:05,597 只是指出事实而已 Just pointing out a fact. 507 00:02:05,621 --> 00:02:07,206 然而我已经注意到了 谢谢 Which I have absorbed, thank you. 670 00:02:07,566 --> 00:02:09,597 那现在情况怎么样 See what it's like? I go to work to get out of the house. 295 00:02:09,776 --> 00:02:10,886 事情是这样 The thing is, you lot, 435 00:02:11,433 --> 00:02:12,862 我有好几件事要讲 I've got a sort of announcement to make. 771 00:02:13,355 --> 00:02:15,724 他们再也不会让维克多回到英国了 They are never going to let Viktor back in the UK, 901 00:02:15,730 --> 00:02:19,034 所以我们想的是 等他在这儿拿到居留许可后 so we thought, when he gets his residency here, 690 00:02:19,683 --> 00:02:21,792 显然 我就得搬出去 well, it's obvious, really, I'll have to move out 411 00:02:22,330 --> 00:02:23,713 然后加入西班牙国籍 and become a Spanish citizen. 113 00:02:23,831 --> 00:02:24,519 就是这样 Yes! 671 00:02:24,745 --> 00:02:26,776 我也是这样想的 我这样说过 I thought so. I said so. 402 00:02:26,980 --> 00:02:28,339 挺可以的 不错的招数 That's brilliant, good move. 873 00:02:28,597 --> 00:02:31,605 嗯 不过整个过程办下来大概得10年 Yeah, but it takes about ten years for the whole process to happen. 870 00:02:31,761 --> 00:02:34,683 这么长时间啊 到时候我都25了 That's ages, though. I'll be 25. 436 00:02:35,136 --> 00:02:36,565 相信我 时间过得很快的 Trust me, it flies past. 329 00:02:36,566 --> 00:02:37,753 你还没意识到 10年就过去了 It'll be here before know it. 317 00:02:37,823 --> 00:02:38,980 那会儿你还会活着么? Will you still be alive? 706 00:02:39,081 --> 00:02:41,227 - 贝丝妮! - 可不能这么说话 - Bethany! - You can't say that. 655 00:02:41,233 --> 00:02:43,219 这是什么破问题 What kind of question is that? 484 00:02:43,399 --> 00:02:44,930 但是你被辐射了啊 But you had that radiation. 473 00:02:45,212 --> 00:02:46,727 问得好 It's a very good question. 667 00:02:47,022 --> 00:02:49,040 我发誓我会顽强地活下去 I promise I will cling on for dear life 421 00:02:49,046 --> 00:02:50,452 然后喝一口我哥溶解[水葬]后的水 to get a free drink out of my brother. 311 00:02:51,186 --> 00:02:52,335 祝大家都好运 Good luck to all of us. 897 00:02:52,421 --> 00:02:55,686 也祝你们两个帅气的西班牙小伙 And here's to you beautiful Spaniards. 91 00:02:55,692 --> 00:02:56,311 Yes. 168 00:02:56,405 --> 00:02:57,217 敬丹尼和维克 Danny and Vic! 414 00:02:59,132 --> 00:03:00,522 - 敬我们 - 敬我们 To us. To us. 875 00:03:01,835 --> 00:03:04,878 有个叫坡拉莫斯的小镇 在布拉瓦海岸 It's on the Costa Brava, this little town. 638 00:03:06,038 --> 00:03:07,975 有人在镇子外面直接3D打印出了一个村落 And just outside, they've printed this village. 919 00:03:09,030 --> 00:03:12,421 整个村子 房子 广场 This complete village - houses, squares - 954 00:03:13,279 --> 00:03:17,147 全部都在悬崖顶上打印出来了 俯瞰着大海 all 3D printed on these clifftops, overlooking the sea. 660 00:03:17,725 --> 00:03:19,733 That's my job, housing. 56 00:03:20,913 --> 00:03:21,429 我可以的 I could do that. 848 00:03:21,454 --> 00:03:24,210 我可以把整个小镇 整个城市 都在这儿打印出来 I could print whole towns, whole cities, right here in Spain. 269 00:03:25,608 --> 00:03:26,655 叫做“丹尼海岸” Costa del Danny. 242 00:03:27,616 --> 00:03:28,616 我从来没叫过你丹尼 I never call you Danny. 157 00:03:31,085 --> 00:03:31,874 现在倒还挺喜欢的 I quite like it now. 437 00:03:33,343 --> 00:03:34,772 我小时候挺讨厌这个小名的 不过…… I hated it when I was a kid, but... 7 00:03:36,061 --> 00:03:36,347 丹尼 Danny. 48 00:03:38,979 --> 00:03:39,479 维基! Vicky! 209 00:03:41,229 --> 00:03:42,144 这个称呼可不行! That's no good! 452 00:03:42,456 --> 00:03:43,925 - 不行吗? -嗯?嗯? - No? - Uh-uh? Uh-uh? 39 00:03:44,722 --> 00:03:45,190 你好啊 Hola. 713 00:03:46,065 --> 00:03:48,237 下午好 维基 Buenos tardes, Vicky. 243 00:03:53,972 --> 00:03:54,972 听起来像是在开派对 Sounds like a party. 629 00:04:11,920 --> 00:04:13,820 {\an8}联合国发布警告 美国要求西班牙道歉 世界新闻 西班牙革命 西班牙称其为一月革命 755 00:04:11,964 --> 00:04:14,269 西班牙称之为一月革命 Spain's calling it the January Revolution, 903 00:04:14,347 --> 00:04:17,659 所谓属于人民的政党 新希望党 as the so-called People's Party, Nueva Esperanza, 579 00:04:18,003 --> 00:04:19,776 已宣称成立新政府 declares itself the new government. 835 00:04:20,643 --> 00:04:23,323 现在快打开电视 新闻频道! Link TV, news channels, now! 855 00:04:23,503 --> 00:04:26,284 西班牙的现状标志着原先的左翼政府 The situation in Spain means a left-wing government 890 00:04:26,293 --> 00:04:29,472 即将被极左翼政府取代 is being replaced by a far-left government. 463 00:04:26,495 --> 00:04:27,995 {\an8}西班牙皇室飞往摩纳哥 比塞塔货币被重新引入市场 {\an8}西班牙危机:政府倒台 476 00:04:29,831 --> 00:04:31,347 我们能拿西班牙怎么办? What can we do about Spain? 544 00:04:29,854 --> 00:04:31,554 {\an8}您在西班牙有亲人吗 拨打0909879359 我们可以提供帮助 薇芙·洛克的欧洲 - 解决一切问题 837 00:04:31,550 --> 00:04:34,236 现在我陷在无多数议会中左右为难 Well, I'm stuck in the middle of a hung parliament. 287 00:04:34,237 --> 00:04:35,331 我也爱莫能助 There's nothing I can do. 881 00:04:35,595 --> 00:04:38,682 据说新希望党要出台新的遣返政策 They're saying Nueva Esperanza has a policy of repatriation. 612 00:04:39,307 --> 00:04:41,166 任何没有公民身份的人都将被遣送回国 Anyone without citizenship is sent home. 346 00:04:41,268 --> 00:04:42,503 我还以为他们是左翼政党 I thought they were left-wing. 621 00:04:42,784 --> 00:04:44,659 有极左翼 有极右翼 You've got far-right, you've got far-left - 416 00:04:45,136 --> 00:04:46,534 最后就采取了中间路线 eventually you meet in the middle. 750 00:04:46,690 --> 00:04:48,972 你又不能去法国 那你还能去哪儿 They won't let you into France. Where else can you go? 947 00:04:49,057 --> 00:04:52,838 雅典退出欧元区后 发生了一系列暴力事件 Outbreaks of violence in Athens as the country withdraws from the eurozone, 834 00:04:53,307 --> 00:04:55,978 希腊的脱欧开始了 and the Grexit begins. 971 00:04:54,761 --> 00:04:59,050 政府宣布辞职 意大利开始戒严 Martial law has been declared as the government of Italy resigns. 644 00:04:59,198 --> 00:05:01,159 匈牙利宣布破产 Hungary has been declared bankrupt. 679 00:05:02,972 --> 00:05:05,034 整个世界正处于水深火热之中 The whole world is on fire. 144 00:05:08,800 --> 00:05:09,565 你有多长时间 How long have you got? 231 00:05:09,964 --> 00:05:10,932 一小时左右 About an hour. 464 00:05:12,815 --> 00:05:14,315 {\an8}世界新闻 美国在公共场合禁止使用西语引起震怒 布鲁塞尔向联合国提出定址邀请 964 00:05:12,815 --> 00:05:16,971 联合国威胁称或将总部搬离美国 The United Nations has threatened to remove its headquarters 331 00:05:14,589 --> 00:05:15,789 {\an8}世界新闻 美国在公共场合禁止使用西语引起震怒 特朗普雕像被刻入总统山 49 00:05:17,434 --> 00:05:17,934 {\an8}参议院要求付诸行动 美国最新消息 国会持续骚动 在同性婚姻被暂停后 332 00:05:18,658 --> 00:05:19,858 {\an8}参议员弗林斯拒绝道歉 {\an8}美国最新消息 国会持续骚动 803 00:05:17,330 --> 00:05:19,839 在同性婚姻被叫停后 After the suspension of same-sex marriage, 943 00:05:19,840 --> 00:05:23,597 最高法院还推翻了罗伊有权堕胎案裁决 the Supreme Court has overturned Roe versus Wade. 515 00:05:20,469 --> 00:05:22,069 {\an8}纽约爆发骚乱 美国最新消息 国会持续骚动 465 00:05:22,112 --> 00:05:23,612 {\an8}华盛顿 今日 头条 150人被捕 260人受伤 158 00:05:26,167 --> 00:05:26,956 她来了 她来了 There she is! 262 00:05:27,191 --> 00:05:28,229 没有正义就没有…… No justice! 913 00:05:31,659 --> 00:05:35,026 - 后退一点 后退一点!- 对 往回倒 - 她来了 - 我的天啊 - Go back, go back! - Right, rewind. - There she is. - Oh, my God! 827 00:05:36,744 --> 00:05:39,377 我被美国终身禁止入境了 I've been banned from America, banned for life. 275 00:05:39,846 --> 00:05:40,901 政府却什么也没做 And the government does nothing. 383 00:05:40,902 --> 00:05:42,213 这正是我一直所说的 Exactly, that's what I keep saying. 698 00:05:42,565 --> 00:05:44,690 问问西班牙的内务部吧 他们也是什么政策都没有 Ask the Home Office about Spain, they haven't got a policy. 490 00:05:44,798 --> 00:05:46,345 已经八周了 什么也没有 Nothing. It's been eight weeks now. 276 00:05:46,493 --> 00:05:47,548 饭前别再谈论这个了 Don't start with this again. 739 00:05:47,572 --> 00:05:49,814 你今天看到了吗?现在不叫无多数议会了 Did you see today? They are not calling it a hung parliament any more. 618 00:05:49,815 --> 00:05:51,681 叫水议会吧 They're calling it the Parliament of Water. 540 00:05:52,431 --> 00:05:54,126 就像水一样从你指间流过就没了 Just flows through your fingers - gone! 394 00:05:54,165 --> 00:05:55,501 这是我们的错 是我们把他们选上去的 It's our fault - we voted them in. 352 00:05:55,541 --> 00:05:56,790 呃 现在说这些可真有用 Well, that's helpful. 450 00:05:56,791 --> 00:05:58,251 是的 但我说的没错啊 Yeah, but it's true, you know? 872 00:05:58,525 --> 00:06:01,470 证明民主在短时间内还是很不错的 It just proves that democracy was a very nice idea for a while, 293 00:06:01,471 --> 00:06:02,580 只是现在被玩坏了 and now it's worn out. 541 00:06:03,181 --> 00:06:04,876 薇薇安·洛克总会站出来的 Well, there's always Vivienne Rook. 687 00:06:08,259 --> 00:06:10,353 告诉你们件诡异的事 你记得吗?很多年前 Tell you what's weird, though, do you remember years ago, 525 00:06:10,439 --> 00:06:12,080 我们当时都觉得新闻很无聊 we used to think the news was boring? 634 00:06:12,081 --> 00:06:14,001 天啊 那段时光可真美好 Oh, my God, golden days. 545 00:06:14,002 --> 00:06:15,705 以前一播新闻我们就打哈欠 The news would come on and we'd just yawn. 931 00:06:15,806 --> 00:06:19,369 现在我们得不闻天下事 真的 我得闭上眼睛 Now we hide. I have to hide my eyes, literally. 711 00:06:19,586 --> 00:06:21,750 就像上学的时候 那时候老师们讲历史上的事情 It's like at school, when they tell you about the olden days, 867 00:06:21,767 --> 00:06:24,649 总是用太阳王、戏剧、人们选举出蠢猪来举例 with Sun Kings and plays and people electing pigs. 601 00:06:25,017 --> 00:06:26,845 现在又绕回来了 这些事再次发生了 It's coming back, it's happening again. 645 00:06:26,954 --> 00:06:28,915 我们生于80年代还是有些幸运的 We were lucky for a bit, born in the '80s. 956 00:06:29,033 --> 00:06:32,923 我们大概享了30年的福 我们人生的头30年 We had, like, 30 years, the first 30 years of our lives. 145 00:06:32,962 --> 00:06:33,728 但是打过几次仗 Couple of wars. 882 00:06:33,814 --> 00:06:36,915 呃 是的 但我们还是有过一段快乐的日子的 Yeah, all right, but you and me, we had a nice time. 596 00:06:37,001 --> 00:06:38,813 基本上我们有过一段非常快乐的日子 Basically, we had a really nice time. 764 00:06:39,243 --> 00:06:41,587 事实是 我们出生在和平年代 Turns out we were born in a pause. 782 00:06:42,603 --> 00:06:45,017 啊 瞧 有人发现我在休息了 Oh, you see, somebody heard me relaxing. 534 00:06:45,829 --> 00:06:47,501 职责所在 我得走了 Duty calls. I'm off. 147 00:06:48,251 --> 00:06:49,024 星期五见 好吗? See you Friday, yeah? 481 00:06:49,524 --> 00:06:51,048 你现在打了多少份工? How many jobs have you got now? 6 00:06:52,751 --> 00:06:53,032 11份 11. 777 00:06:55,071 --> 00:06:57,470 我给你叫辆出租车吧 Here, I'll give you the hack thing. 603 00:07:00,688 --> 00:07:02,523 收下吧 是新的 OK, so take this. They are the new ones. 179 00:07:02,524 --> 00:07:03,368 他们把莫·法拉印上去了 They've got Mo Farah on. 785 00:07:03,462 --> 00:07:05,891 只有中国人才这样 我不需要 谢谢 I don't need this, thank you very much. It's only Chinese. 598 00:07:05,915 --> 00:07:07,735 还是收下吧 为孩子们攒点钱 Take it, though. Save your money for the kids. 415 00:07:07,876 --> 00:07:09,266 你在格洛弗那儿只能赚点小钱 You get paid tuppence at Glover's. 440 00:07:09,376 --> 00:07:10,813 我可能在那待不了多久了 Well, I might not be there for long. 232 00:07:11,157 --> 00:07:12,126 为什么?你要去做什么? Why, what are you doing? 87 00:07:12,736 --> 00:07:13,345 你离开的这段时间 You've been away. 301 00:07:13,821 --> 00:07:14,946 我自己谋了个计划 I've got plans. 961 00:07:20,876 --> 00:07:24,978 就是这个 一头野兽 花了我两万磅 There she is - the beast. It cost £20,000. 885 00:07:24,979 --> 00:07:28,095 全新的可能要五六万 甚至更多 If you bought that from scratch, it'd be 50,000, 60, more. 912 00:07:28,868 --> 00:07:32,234 我查过了 这个真的是最低价了 I've checked, and that's a really genuinely knock-down price. 134 00:07:32,242 --> 00:07:32,985 是么 怎么弄到的? Yeah, how come? 724 00:07:33,485 --> 00:07:35,688 原先是琼乔的兄弟的 但那人坐牢了 It's owned by Jonjo's brother and he's gone to jail, 658 00:07:36,095 --> 00:07:38,095 现在他们得把车卖了 为他的孩子们筹钱 and now they need to sell it to raise cash for his kids. 419 00:07:38,149 --> 00:07:39,548 那个人犯了什么事? Went to jail for what? 631 00:07:40,454 --> 00:07:42,368 如果你非要问的话 他在这边卖炸鱼薯条 Well, he was selling fish and chips out of this side, and 583 00:07:42,743 --> 00:07:44,524 而在那边贩卖毒品 drugs out of that side, if you must know. 482 00:07:44,571 --> 00:07:46,095 原来是毒贩的车啊 Oh, it's a drug dealer's van. 374 00:07:46,345 --> 00:07:47,634 但是很便宜啊 It's a bargain. 756 00:07:48,001 --> 00:07:50,306 我想了个赚钱的法子 他们也同意了 I've done a business plan, which they approved. 166 00:07:50,345 --> 00:07:51,149 他们很喜欢 They liked it. 709 00:07:51,445 --> 00:07:53,595 你可以看看 我又不是个傻子 And you can have a look. I'm not daft. 828 00:07:54,001 --> 00:07:56,634 我知道有风险 而且成本也远大于这个货车 I know are risks, and there are costs way beyond the van. 536 00:07:56,837 --> 00:07:58,517 我们得把所有东西帮我准备好 We'll have to get it all kitted out for me, 665 00:07:58,532 --> 00:08:00,548 我还需要把厨房腾出来用于准备和储藏 and I'll need kitchen space for prep and storage, 762 00:08:00,549 --> 00:08:02,892 但琼乔告诉我可以半价买下他兄弟的货车 but Jonjo says I can have his brother's for half price. 219 00:08:03,735 --> 00:08:04,665 那一共多少钱? How much, then, in total? 589 00:08:05,860 --> 00:08:07,657 我可以去借钱 还有申请补助金 Well, I can get a loan and a grant, 922 00:08:08,204 --> 00:08:11,618 琼乔也说他们可以再打九折 但我还需要一万块 and Jonjo says they'll knock off another 10%, but I still need 10,000. 602 00:08:11,837 --> 00:08:13,665 - 我可没有这么多钱! - 我又没说找你要 - I haven't got that! - I don't mean from you. 676 00:08:13,666 --> 00:08:15,720 - 那你告诉我干嘛? - 我想问问外婆 - Well, what are you telling me for? - I mean from Gran. 36 00:08:15,868 --> 00:08:16,298 原来如此 Oh. 368 00:08:17,657 --> 00:08:18,938 我还没问她呢 I just haven't asked her yet. 780 00:08:19,048 --> 00:08:21,460 她肯定会同意的 她为了你什么事都会干 Oh, she'll say yes. She'll do anything for you. 439 00:08:21,461 --> 00:08:22,892 我还以为你会问我要 总算松口气了 I thought you were going to ask me. That's a relief. 747 00:08:23,345 --> 00:08:25,626 才不会呢 我想问你我能不能跟外婆要 No, I'm asking you if I can ask Gran, 811 00:08:26,626 --> 00:08:29,173 毕竟她的钱属于我们所有人 because her money belongs to all of us, really. 104 00:08:30,603 --> 00:08:31,267 可我需要这笔钱 But I need it. 648 00:08:31,563 --> 00:08:33,532 - 你当然可以去问她啊 - 真的? - 嗯 - Of course you can. - Really? - Yeah. 189 00:08:34,095 --> 00:08:34,962 你的想法很棒 I think it's brilliant. 193 00:08:35,228 --> 00:08:36,110 虽然工作量挺大的 I mean, it's a lot of work. 542 00:08:36,751 --> 00:08:38,446 那史蒂芬和丹尼呢 What about Stephen and Danny boy? 95 00:08:38,447 --> 00:08:39,079 你问过他们了吗 Have you asked them yet? 426 00:08:39,267 --> 00:08:40,681 还没 我想先问问你 No, I wanted to ask you first. 392 00:08:41,001 --> 00:08:42,329 - 但你知道丹会说什么的 - 说啥? - But you know what Dan will say.- What? 358 00:08:42,555 --> 00:08:43,806 问我会给维克多找份工作吗? Can we give Viktor a job? 396 00:08:43,807 --> 00:08:45,148 哦 别说了 Oh, stop it. 284 00:08:45,345 --> 00:08:46,431 我们能给维克多买辆卡车吗 Can we buy Viktor a truck? 466 00:08:47,462 --> 00:08:48,962 我们能把所有的钱都给维克多吗? Can we give all the money to Viktor? 309 00:08:48,963 --> 00:08:50,110 你也太坏了吧 You are so bad. 211 00:08:51,540 --> 00:08:52,462 我知道 I know, really. 364 00:08:52,868 --> 00:08:54,134 我认真的 Honestly, you know. 610 00:08:54,540 --> 00:08:56,392 告诉我吧 琼乔是谁? So, tell me, who's Jonjo? 668 00:08:57,087 --> 00:08:59,110 我弟弟 他就是傻 Because my brother, he's just thick. 769 00:08:59,391 --> 00:09:01,754 他五岁的时候我扇过他的脑袋 I used to slap him on the head when he was five years old 216 00:09:01,755 --> 00:09:02,684 然后说 “哦 真是个蠢孩子” and say, "Oi, thick boy!" 556 00:09:03,274 --> 00:09:05,000 他就说他蠢是因为我打的 He says me hitting him on the head made him thick. 940 00:09:05,001 --> 00:09:08,735 我说 “你就是因为蠢才会说这些 仅此而已” I said, "You would say that, because you're thick. QED." 412 00:09:09,009 --> 00:09:10,392 但我姐姐就很聪明 My sister, though, brilliant. 640 00:09:10,845 --> 00:09:12,790 你知道伦敦那些被封锁的区域吗 You know those areas in London they've sealed off? 519 00:09:12,791 --> 00:09:14,415 就像肯辛顿那样不让平民进的地方 Won't let commoners in, like Kensington? 765 00:09:14,532 --> 00:09:16,878 - 知道 - 她有通行证 她可以进 - Yeah. - She's got a pass. She's allowed in. 741 00:09:17,196 --> 00:09:19,454 - 啊 滚开! - 对不起 - Whoops! Get off! - Sorry. 460 00:09:21,118 --> 00:09:22,603 天啊 你是混蛋吧 Oh, my God! You're an arse. 244 00:09:23,781 --> 00:09:24,781 快住手! Get it off me! 883 00:09:26,907 --> 00:09:30,008 现在 看到这个烤架了吗?它可以达到300度 Now, that grill, it can reach temperatures of 300 Celsius, 571 00:09:30,009 --> 00:09:31,766 虽然没什么必要 which is a bit unnecessary. 314 00:09:31,767 --> 00:09:32,923 因为汉堡会碳化 Burgers would be carbonised. 551 00:09:32,924 --> 00:09:34,634 但如果冰河世纪来了 就派上用场了 But handy if there is another Ice Age. 832 00:09:34,635 --> 00:09:37,290 我们可以一起挤在这儿 创造一个新的文明 We can all huddle in here and start a new civilisation. 429 00:09:37,587 --> 00:09:39,009 我们专门为你把把手高度降低了 We've lowered the handles for you. 442 00:09:39,290 --> 00:09:40,728 但变速箱没改 No good news on the gearbox, 825 00:09:40,737 --> 00:09:43,360 所以你得要我来开车 which means you still need me to drive. 733 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:45,852 只要我能拿到免费的炸鱼薯条 这些都没问题 That's OK, as long as I get free chips. 646 00:09:46,508 --> 00:09:48,469 你想想看看这个抽屉吗?还粘着呢 You want to watch that drawer, it keeps sticking. 944 00:09:49,032 --> 00:09:52,798 先不管这些 我觉得是时候给你一个吻了 Apart from that, I think it's about time I kissed you. 205 00:09:54,056 --> 00:09:54,958 不了 我觉得不行 No, I don't think so. 635 00:09:55,845 --> 00:09:57,767 真的吗?为什么? For real? Why not? 786 00:09:58,259 --> 00:10:00,696 琼乔 太快了吧 我觉得我们应该再等等 Jonjo, it's too soon, I think we should wait. 15 00:10:02,103 --> 00:10:02,431 行吧 OK. 537 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:08,680 - 等够了吗? - 还没呢 - Have we waited long enough? - No. 636 00:10:11,820 --> 00:10:13,742 - 那现在呢? - 没呢 - Have we waited long enough? - No. 315 00:10:17,985 --> 00:10:19,141 好好好 现在等够了 OK, we've waited long enough. 662 00:10:30,256 --> 00:10:32,271 你好呀 我们来啦! Hello, here we are! 220 00:10:33,098 --> 00:10:34,028 太好啦! Bravo! 224 00:10:34,037 --> 00:10:34,989 你觉得怎么样? What do you think? 729 00:10:35,366 --> 00:10:37,576 说实话哦 你喜欢吗?快说喜欢 Be honest, do you like it? Just say yes. 637 00:10:37,599 --> 00:10:39,521 哈哈 我最好喜欢 这可花了我不少钱呢 Well I better had, it cost me enough. 892 00:10:39,669 --> 00:10:42,888 你就是那个在我外孙女身上留下印记的男人吧? And you must be the man with designs on my granddaughter? 853 00:10:43,390 --> 00:10:46,170 正是在下 我可是把我的印记盖满了她可爱的屁股呢 That's me. And I stamped my designs all over her lovely bum. 531 00:10:46,482 --> 00:10:48,146 很高兴见到你 缪 来抱一个 Nice to meet you, Mu. Come here. 977 00:10:50,810 --> 00:10:55,271 大伙们卷起袖子 罗茜·莱昂斯的美味体验正式开张啦 Roll up, folks, the Rosie Lyons Experience is now open. 578 00:10:55,514 --> 00:10:57,279 哇哦! Whoo! 802 00:10:57,639 --> 00:11:00,139 如果想吃汉堡的话 我们有橡实堡 If you want burgers, we've got acorn burgers, 896 00:11:00,140 --> 00:11:03,396 膜堡 代用堡 散装堡 非堡 membrane burgers, ersatz burgers, bulk burgers, non-burgers, 372 00:11:03,397 --> 00:11:04,684 不堡 不是堡 no burgers, not burgers, 723 00:11:04,685 --> 00:11:06,881 汉堡替代品 还有纸堡 burger substitutes and paper burgers. 781 00:11:06,882 --> 00:11:09,295 吃起来可比听起来好 觉得怎么样 缪 Nicer than it sounds. What do you think, Mu? 814 00:11:09,529 --> 00:11:12,099 你看起来就像个传统的足三两汉堡 我说的准吗? You look like a traditional quarter pounder with cheese, am I right? 844 00:11:12,255 --> 00:11:14,990 我要个鳄鱼三明治 做快点 I'll have a crocodile sandwich - and make it snappy. 609 00:11:17,005 --> 00:11:18,849 - 以前妈妈就这么说的 - 现在听起来还是很好笑啊 - Mum used to say that. - It's still funny. 198 00:11:19,029 --> 00:11:19,920 一直都很好笑 It's never not funny. 580 00:11:21,514 --> 00:11:23,287 那个琼乔 人还不错吧 He's all right, Jonjo, yeah? 784 00:11:23,888 --> 00:11:26,310 他就那种看到炸薯片就很开心的人 He's the sort of man who's happy when he finds a big crisp. 630 00:11:27,568 --> 00:11:29,474 罗茜又不傻 她会盯着他的 Rosie's not daft, she kept an eye on him. 203 00:11:30,201 --> 00:11:31,099 他跟那俩小男孩相处得挺好的 He's good with the boys. 425 00:11:32,185 --> 00:11:33,592 我得把维克多弄出去 So, I need to get Viktor out. 748 00:11:34,545 --> 00:11:36,826 - 好 你是说弄出欧洲吗? - 对 - OK, you mean out of Europe? - Yes. 223 00:11:37,537 --> 00:11:38,481 然后弄进英国 And into the UK? 605 00:11:38,482 --> 00:11:40,318 - 对 - 非法入境吗? - 是的 - Yeah. - Illegally? - Yeah. 122 00:11:41,381 --> 00:11:42,092 你们想单独聊会儿吗 Do you want me to go? 504 00:11:42,279 --> 00:11:43,857 不用 会没事的 但我该怎么办呢? No, it's OK. But what do I do? 800 00:11:44,912 --> 00:11:47,404 因为西班牙革命了 现在处境安全一点了 I mean, it's safer now, because this Spanish revolution, 251 00:11:48,921 --> 00:11:49,935 没人知道每个人在做什么 no-one knows what anyone's doing, 805 00:11:49,936 --> 00:11:52,459 但如果政局稳定了 他们就会把他遣送回国 but if they get organised, send him back home, 359 00:11:54,467 --> 00:11:55,718 那就可能是死刑了 well, it could be a death sentence. 699 00:11:56,982 --> 00:11:59,107 就像在乌克兰 真的有人会消失掉的 It's like that in the Ukraine, people just disappear. 818 00:11:59,756 --> 00:12:02,342 我都不敢相信我坐在花园里告诉你们这些 但事实就是如此 I can't believe I'm saying this sitting here in the garden, but it's a fact. 407 00:12:03,154 --> 00:12:04,521 他可能会被处决 He could be executed. 162 00:12:05,592 --> 00:12:06,389 你需要什么 So, what do you need? 197 00:12:07,356 --> 00:12:08,240 一本假护照 A fake passport. 625 00:12:09,693 --> 00:12:11,576 你知道的 你们俩聊吧 You know, really, I'll leave you to it. 453 00:12:13,357 --> 00:12:14,826 我没让她走啊 I didn't like to ask her to go. 395 00:12:15,520 --> 00:12:16,857 你觉得她这些天还好吗? You think she's OK these days? 297 00:12:17,576 --> 00:12:18,693 她跟外婆住在一起 She's living with Gran. 927 00:12:20,342 --> 00:12:23,849 我想着 你认识一些办假证的人 So, I just thought - you know some dodgy people. 30 00:12:25,107 --> 00:12:25,514 我有吗? Do I? 929 00:12:25,515 --> 00:12:29,053 得了吧 伊迪丝 你的那些小伙伴呢? 鬼知道你都干过什么破事 Oh, come on, Edith, your mates. God knows what you get up to. 362 00:12:29,341 --> 00:12:30,599 好吧 估计几年前的话 Well, yeah, I suppose years ago, 934 00:12:30,615 --> 00:12:34,208 我可能会带你去奇塔姆山下的小酒馆里 300块就包了 I could have taken you in a pub down Cheetham Hill, 300 quid, done. 720 00:12:34,209 --> 00:12:36,404 但现如今 得做呼吸测试 But these days, you need a breath scan - 763 00:12:37,514 --> 00:12:39,857 用呼吸来检验身份 我不认识搞这些的人 identification by breathing, I don't know anyone who does that. 273 00:12:39,858 --> 00:12:40,912 一定有办法的 Well, there must be away. 672 00:12:41,934 --> 00:12:43,980 我们不傻 又不穷 也不缺什么 ecause we're not stupid, we're not poor, we're not lacking. 347 00:12:43,982 --> 00:12:45,217 不好意思 我们很聪明的 I'm sorry, but we're clever. 455 00:12:45,873 --> 00:12:47,349 我们肯定能想出什么办法 We could think of something, surely. 864 00:12:48,295 --> 00:12:51,154 我不认为难民之所以成为难民是因为他们蠢 I don't think refugees are refugees because they're thick. 878 00:12:51,162 --> 00:12:54,224 别 别这么说 我说的是这个国家的系统很蠢 No, don't do that, I'm saying the system is stupid. 656 00:12:54,903 --> 00:12:56,889 你认识设计脱欧方案的人吗 Well, do you know the people that designed Brexit? 642 00:12:56,890 --> 00:12:58,849 天啊 别告诉我我们还不如他们聪明 For God's sake, don't tell me we can't outthink them! 64 00:12:59,451 --> 00:12:59,998 行吧 OK. 862 00:13:00,373 --> 00:13:03,224 我猜你一半的工作都是在给前科犯安排住房 I suppose half your job is get ex-cons back into housing, 241 00:13:03,225 --> 00:13:04,224 总会有人认识些谁谁谁的吧 if anyone knows anyone. 918 00:13:04,264 --> 00:13:07,654 我知道 但这样做会更糟糕 我又不能问工作上接触到的那些人 I know, but that makes it worse. I can't ask at work. 238 00:13:08,365 --> 00:13:09,357 要是说错一个字就 One wrong word and... 195 00:13:11,037 --> 00:13:11,920 我喜欢这个肉酱 I like this terrine. 212 00:13:13,881 --> 00:13:14,803 嗯 瑟莱萨做的 Yeah, Celeste made it. 447 00:13:16,607 --> 00:13:18,053 即使你能把他弄进英国 Even if you can get him into Britain, 330 00:13:18,459 --> 00:13:19,654 他也永远不能拿到公民身份 he'll never be a legal citizen. 704 00:13:21,779 --> 00:13:23,920 - 所以呢? - 那他将永远是一名罪犯 - So? - He'd be a criminal forever. 398 00:13:24,303 --> 00:13:25,654 这不重要 不是吗? It doesn't matter, does it? 237 00:13:27,256 --> 00:13:28,238 我们只想在一起生活 Just live our lives. 182 00:13:29,084 --> 00:13:29,943 没有人会知道的 No-one would know. 474 00:13:30,842 --> 00:13:32,357 警察多久上门一次? How often did the police come to the door? 228 00:13:35,217 --> 00:13:36,178 我们还可以搬走 And we could move. 826 00:13:36,639 --> 00:13:39,271 甚至没人会问起 他会一直是我的男朋友 So, no-one would even ask, he would just be my boyfriend. 758 00:13:39,584 --> 00:13:41,904 我来养家糊口 而他会好好的 I'd earn the money and he could be safe. 581 00:13:43,904 --> 00:13:45,677 这总比死刑好多了吧 不是吗? I mean, that's better than a death sentence, isn't it? 861 00:13:45,678 --> 00:13:48,506 天啊 那是死刑啊 I mean, for God's sake, a death sentence. 18 00:13:48,576 --> 00:13:48,920 那可是 It's... 386 00:13:49,943 --> 00:13:51,256 喂 喂 喂 Hey, hey, hey! 403 00:13:51,342 --> 00:13:52,701 你们俩 小心点 Careful, you two. 568 00:13:52,779 --> 00:13:54,529 - 地上很滑 - 知道了 - It gets slippery.- OK. 703 00:13:55,014 --> 00:13:57,154 我们是叫它T恤还是连衣裙呢? Are we calling that a T-shirt, or are we calling that a dress? 248 00:13:58,670 --> 00:13:59,678 我觉得这不重要 I don't think it matters. 812 00:14:03,076 --> 00:14:05,639 是不重要 他看着很漂亮就行 No, he looks beautiful. 183 00:14:07,842 --> 00:14:08,701 那你要怎么做? So, what are you going to do? 607 00:14:17,223 --> 00:14:19,060 伊迪丝·莱昂斯来电 Telephone call, Edith Lyons. 721 00:14:19,061 --> 00:14:21,256 - 来了 - 伊迪丝·莱昂斯…… - 行了 别叫了 - Yeah. - Telephone call... - Shut up! 379 00:14:21,265 --> 00:14:22,568 - ……来电 - 噢! - ..Edith Lyons. - Ugh! 369 00:14:24,670 --> 00:14:25,951 喂 你好 Hey. Hello? 508 00:14:26,076 --> 00:14:27,662 这场派对太棒了 This party is brilliant. 517 00:14:28,115 --> 00:14:29,717 我知道 我能听见 Yeah, I know, I can hear it. 105 00:14:29,928 --> 00:14:30,592 来喝一杯吧 Come and have a drink. 370 00:14:32,045 --> 00:14:33,326 我只穿了条内裤 I'm in me pants! 217 00:14:33,631 --> 00:14:34,560 芙兰不会介意的 That won't affect Fran. 809 00:14:37,185 --> 00:14:39,717 代我祝她生日快乐 你现在在哪儿 Tell her I said happy birthday. Where are you now? 57 00:14:40,248 --> 00:14:40,764 我在你房间外面 I'm out the front. 125 00:14:43,928 --> 00:14:44,654 呃 行吧 Oh... All right. 267 00:14:49,389 --> 00:14:50,435 你好呀! Hello! 59 00:14:50,436 --> 00:14:50,967 你好 Hello. 686 00:14:51,889 --> 00:14:53,974 嘿 我能问问么 Hey, can I ask though - 751 00:14:55,154 --> 00:14:57,443 说真的 你跟芙兰是什么关系啊 what is it with you and Fran, really? 722 00:14:57,724 --> 00:14:59,919 没什么 只是朋友 好伙伴 Nothing, nothing, just friends, just mates. 494 00:15:00,451 --> 00:15:02,006 时不时有一点 Sort of. Now and then. 986 00:15:02,717 --> 00:15:07,889 但关键是 她说她十月要去西班牙 But the thing is, she says she's going to Spain in October. 948 00:15:11,576 --> 00:15:15,372 不 已经被取消了 外联部已经把西班牙标记为 No, no, they're cancelled, the FCO has labelled Spain, 822 00:15:15,373 --> 00:15:17,982 “非必要不建议前往的国家” "We advise against all but essential travel." 93 00:15:18,670 --> 00:15:19,295 那你还去 You still go. 171 00:15:21,139 --> 00:15:21,959 我订婚了啊 I'm engaged. 438 00:15:22,592 --> 00:15:24,021 但她是得到英国议会赞助的 But she's sponsored by the British Council - 322 00:15:24,209 --> 00:15:25,381 如果你得到了艺术界的资助 if you are funded by the arts, 727 00:15:25,474 --> 00:15:27,678 你就可以进入战区 没人会管的 you can just drive into war zones, no-one cares. 499 00:15:27,982 --> 00:15:29,545 芙兰有一次都带着十四行诗去叙利亚了 Fran once took sonnets to Syria, 740 00:15:29,685 --> 00:15:31,928 不用为吃的发愁 也没人拦她 就带着十四行诗 never mind food, have some sonnets, but no-one stopped her. 178 00:15:32,099 --> 00:15:32,935 开进开出 Drove in, drove out. 229 00:15:34,318 --> 00:15:35,279 对了 维克多还帮过她 Yeah, Viktor helped her. 978 00:15:37,357 --> 00:15:41,904 在巡演中 他把她介绍给了举办节庆的那对夫妇 With the tour, he introduced her to that couple, the ones who put on the festival. 24 00:15:42,693 --> 00:15:43,076 对的…… Well, then... 126 00:15:45,795 --> 00:15:46,521 她欠他个人情 She owes him. 307 00:15:47,849 --> 00:15:48,990 可惜她不能把他偷偷带进来 Pity she can't smuggle him out. 538 00:16:07,498 --> 00:16:09,178 由于不信任投票 With the vote of no-confidence, 467 00:16:07,669 --> 00:16:09,169 {\an8}苏格兰宣布不公平优势 最新消息 大选确定 333 00:16:08,464 --> 00:16:09,664 {\an8}爱尔兰边境陷入新的争议 最新消息 大选确定 由于不信任投票 水议会已被“溶解” 502 00:16:10,355 --> 00:16:11,928 水议会已被“溶解” the Parliament of Water has been dissolved. 962 00:16:12,022 --> 00:16:16,162 大选日期现已确定为 10月21日 星期四 The date for the general election has been set for Thursday, the 21st of October. 119 00:16:12,056 --> 00:16:12,756 {\an8}今日政治 2027大选 大选日期也已确定在10月21日 星期四 877 00:16:16,662 --> 00:16:19,716 但投票在历史上首次成为了强制性义务 But for the first time in history, voting is compulsory. 245 00:16:16,716 --> 00:16:17,716 {\an8}特别报道 大选 - 民调显示四星党支持率激增 869 00:16:20,349 --> 00:16:23,256 就像澳大利亚那样 每一位英国公民都必须参加投票 Like Australia, every British citizen must vote, 807 00:16:23,795 --> 00:16:26,324 不投票将属于违法行为 这将改变一切 or break the law. It's going to change everything. 707 00:16:26,588 --> 00:16:28,737 我真的很期待这次大选 I was really looking forward to the campaign. 468 00:16:27,062 --> 00:16:28,562 {\an8}您被深度伪造过吗 拨打09098790360告诉我们 薇芙调查:深度伪造视频是真的吗 796 00:16:28,753 --> 00:16:31,230 我最喜欢的就是公平竞争 There's nothing I like more than a fair fight. 914 00:16:31,291 --> 00:16:34,658 但这些深度伪造的视频正在摧毁这场辩论 But these deep fake videos are ruining the debate, 594 00:16:34,847 --> 00:16:36,652 它们正在威胁民主 and they're threatening democracy. 946 00:16:36,980 --> 00:16:40,753 深度伪造视频是指利用CGI特效重构一个活人的脸和声音 Deep fakes are videos in which a living person's face and voice 966 00:16:40,754 --> 00:16:44,955 从而使人说出任何程序员想让他说的话 are recreated in CGI to say anything the programmer wants. 859 00:16:45,190 --> 00:16:47,994 这是解决国内外籍人员问题的一个方案 There is one obvious solution to all the foreigners in this country. 858 00:16:45,233 --> 00:16:48,033 {\an8}特别报道 新保守党领导人 玛德琳·巴里 175 00:16:48,158 --> 00:16:48,979 那不是我 That's not me. 553 00:16:49,165 --> 00:16:50,877 逮捕他们 把他们都扔出去 Arrest them, throw them out. 599 00:16:50,939 --> 00:16:52,760 我没说过那番话 我也不会说的 I didn't say that, I would never say that. 281 00:16:52,907 --> 00:16:53,971 如果他们抵抗 And if they resist... 657 00:16:53,972 --> 00:16:55,971 视频里的脸和声音全都是伪造的! That face and that voice are completely fake! 611 00:16:56,173 --> 00:16:58,025 处~~决他们 Ex-ex-execute them. 730 00:16:58,611 --> 00:17:00,822 问我会拿富人怎么办 我会说…… Ask me what to do with the rich, and I say... 516 00:16:59,266 --> 00:17:00,866 {\an8}特别报道 经典工党领导人 特雷弗·莱尔 445 00:17:00,854 --> 00:17:02,299 那真的不是我 That is literally not me. 734 00:17:02,300 --> 00:17:04,533 ……占领他们的家 然后烧掉…… ..take their homes, burn them down... 138 00:17:04,721 --> 00:17:05,471 全是假的! It's a fake! 854 00:17:05,502 --> 00:17:08,282 把那些混蛋都扔去喂狼~狼~狼吧 ..and throw those bastards to the w-w-wolves. 546 00:17:08,283 --> 00:17:09,986 那是CGI 那是骗人的 It CGI, it's a lie! 573 00:17:10,377 --> 00:17:12,135 所以你的意思是 那些视频是假的 So, you are saying these videos are fake? 539 00:17:12,626 --> 00:17:14,307 当然是假的 Oh, of course they're fake videos. 469 00:17:12,675 --> 00:17:14,175 {\an8}薇芙·洛克调查:什么才是真实 四星党承诺没有谎言 没有虚幻 没有造假 604 00:17:14,308 --> 00:17:16,143 大家都看得出来不是真的 Everyone can see they're not real. 970 00:17:17,009 --> 00:17:21,283 虽是如此 他们都说过那些话 All the same, they really did say those things. 112 00:17:22,174 --> 00:17:22,861 不是吗? Didn't they? 371 00:17:23,674 --> 00:17:24,955 那我们该怎么办? What do we do? 815 00:17:26,392 --> 00:17:28,962 我们该如何停止这一切? 我们该如何停下来? How do we make a stand? How do we stop it? 735 00:17:37,314 --> 00:17:39,549 芙兰 我得请你帮个忙 Fran. I need a favour. 689 00:17:40,721 --> 00:17:42,829 对 一个叫维塔的女的帮我的接通的 Hi, yeah, a woman called Vita put me through. 695 00:17:42,830 --> 00:17:44,954 我叫丹尼尔·莱昂斯 我明天会去银行 My name's Daniel Lyons, I'm coming to the bank tomorrow, 953 00:17:44,955 --> 00:17:48,807 我要关停尾号为3032的储蓄账户 I need to close my savings account ending 3032, 708 00:17:48,822 --> 00:17:50,971 还要关停尾号为5061的额外账户 and my extra account ending in 5061. 590 00:17:51,549 --> 00:17:53,346 我要现金 要欧元 I need the money in cash and I need it in euros. 116 00:17:54,635 --> 00:17:55,330 非常感谢 Thank you very much. 775 00:17:56,611 --> 00:17:59,002 随着竞选活动进入最后一周 And with campaigning in the final week, 866 00:17:59,173 --> 00:18:02,049 公平来说民调结果也无法预测会发生什么 it's fair to say that polls have no idea what will happen. 485 00:18:02,213 --> 00:18:03,752 既然投票成为了一种义务 Now that voting is compulsory, 957 00:18:03,753 --> 00:18:07,698 谁也无法预测英国的全体人民会如何投票 no-one can predict how the entire British population will vote en masse. 969 00:18:08,378 --> 00:18:12,627 接通家连家系统 只开音频 Call! Family link, audio only. 705 00:18:13,151 --> 00:18:15,292 - 丹尼尔来电 - 新诺 接吧 - Daniel calling. - Senor, accept. 361 00:18:15,753 --> 00:18:17,010 嗨 我有点忙 怎么了 Hiya, bit busy, what's up? 749 00:18:17,768 --> 00:18:20,049 你好啊 丹尼 你怎么样 Hello there, Danny, how are you? 500 00:18:20,104 --> 00:18:21,667 我正试着工作呢! I'm trying to work! 349 00:18:22,018 --> 00:18:23,260 你好啊 丹尼 我在看医生呢 Hi, Dann. I'm at the doctor's. 123 00:18:24,392 --> 00:18:25,114 Make it quick. 有啥事快点说 849 00:18:25,534 --> 00:18:28,299 早上好 Oh, good morning. 572 00:18:29,831 --> 00:18:31,588 史蒂芬 是你吗?你在干嘛呢? Stephen, is that you? What are you doing? 213 00:18:32,181 --> 00:18:33,103 Parcel on board. 在运包裹 649 00:18:33,548 --> 00:18:35,517 Well, it sounds like you're doing something else. 好吧 听起来像在干别的什么一样 753 00:18:35,595 --> 00:18:37,885 不好意思 瑟莱萨 不是有意要打断你的 Sorry, Celeste, didn't mean to interrupt. 770 00:18:38,354 --> 00:18:40,721 没有 瑟莱萨跟我在家里了 No, Celeste's at home with me. 743 00:18:40,854 --> 00:18:43,118 那她最好和他说话 这个老色鬼 Well, she better have a word with him then, the dirty dog. 207 00:18:43,565 --> 00:18:44,479 我的天 For God's sake! 923 00:18:44,963 --> 00:18:48,385 就想说这个还在上班的人把自己的工作时间改动了一下 Just to say this man at work's moved his days about, 891 00:18:48,386 --> 00:18:51,565 所以突然间 我放假了 准备去西班牙 so all of a sudden, I've got a holiday. I'm off to Spain. 904 00:18:52,917 --> 00:18:56,229 外婆 周日前我都不会回来 很抱歉 Gran, I won't be around on Sunday, OK? I'm sorry about that. 779 00:18:56,581 --> 00:18:58,987 周四要投票的啊 法律规定的 Cast your vote for Thursday, it's the law. 344 00:18:59,370 --> 00:19:00,604 给维克多捎去我们的爱 Give Viktor our love. 921 00:19:01,284 --> 00:19:04,682 警告他那几天我可能哪天就飞过去了 Warn him, I might fly over there myself one of these days. 592 00:19:04,792 --> 00:19:06,596 芙兰现在就在马德里 Fran is in Madrid, right now. 876 00:19:08,362 --> 00:19:11,409 我知道 我们很快会见面的 I know. we're going to meet up. 196 00:19:12,760 --> 00:19:13,643 应该会不错的 Should be nice. 143 00:19:16,151 --> 00:19:16,909 上天保佑 Fingers crossed. 606 00:19:17,745 --> 00:19:19,581 - 是伊迪丝·莱昂斯吗? - 是我 - Edith Lyons? That's me. 172 00:19:19,792 --> 00:19:20,612 祝你好运 丹 Good luck, Dan. 184 00:19:21,542 --> 00:19:22,401 回见 I'll see you soon. 813 00:19:23,932 --> 00:19:26,495 玩得……愉快 Have a... nice... time. 823 00:19:26,924 --> 00:19:29,534 我会的 回见 I will. I'll see you soon. 135 00:19:29,619 --> 00:19:30,362 好 拜拜 Yeah, bye. 194 00:19:30,692 --> 00:19:31,574 关掉家连家系统 Family link off. 950 00:19:42,683 --> 00:19:46,512 芙兰就像是A计划 So, Fran is, like, plan number one, 935 00:19:47,262 --> 00:19:50,918 如果失败了的话 我这儿有1万5欧元 but failing that, I've got 15,000 euros. 879 00:19:52,066 --> 00:19:55,137 严格来说 是15240欧元 Well, strictly speaking, 15,240 euros. 661 00:19:55,146 --> 00:19:57,160 那我们就买一条出路 We are going to buy our way out of here. 795 00:19:57,176 --> 00:19:59,652 哪怕我们得强征一艘快艇 也要带你穿过海峡 Even if I have to commandeer a yacht to get us across the Channel, 323 00:19:59,965 --> 00:20:01,137 我们一起来 你一定要同意 we will do it. Please say yes. 789 00:20:02,902 --> 00:20:05,348 我的天啊 我同意 My God! I'm saying yes. 797 00:20:05,349 --> 00:20:07,832 如果你离开西班牙 却因为没有文件而遭到阻拦 If you leave Spain and you get stopped without your papers, 298 00:20:08,848 --> 00:20:09,965 你就会被遣返回乌克兰 you'll get sent back to Ukraine. 1 00:20:10,045 --> 00:20:12,037 I know. I'm saying yes. 我知道 我同意你的方案 632 00:20:13,058 --> 00:20:14,973 都同意 完全同意 All the yes, completely yes! 887 00:20:17,105 --> 00:20:20,230 我只是从来没想过你会…… I just never thought you'd, you know... 236 00:20:20,254 --> 00:20:21,230 什么 没想过我会怎么? What? Never thought I'd what? 532 00:20:22,152 --> 00:20:23,816 好吧 你总是有点无聊 Well, you are always kind of boring. 422 00:20:24,114 --> 00:20:25,520 Oh, thank you! 是吗 谢谢你这么说 851 00:20:25,926 --> 00:20:28,699 但我喜欢 我爱这种无聊 But I like the boring. I love it. 130 00:20:30,605 --> 00:20:31,340 一直以来…… And all the time... 318 00:20:33,699 --> 00:20:34,863 我都留着你的大门钥匙 ..I kept your front door key. 89 00:20:37,058 --> 00:20:37,676 带我回家 To get me home. 249 00:20:39,738 --> 00:20:40,746 那就这样无聊地生活下去吧 Let's go have a boring life. 787 00:20:55,762 --> 00:20:58,199 他们说要一直在衬衣下面戴着这个 OK, they said to keep one of these at all times under the shirt, 653 00:20:58,489 --> 00:21:00,473 because it's harder to steal. 因为这样就很难被偷 841 00:21:00,690 --> 00:21:03,393 钱包 钥匙 应急现金 Wallet, keys, emergency cash. 348 00:21:03,411 --> 00:21:04,651 我给你这儿装了200欧 You've got 200 euros in there, 736 00:21:04,652 --> 00:21:06,887 如果我们走散了 你就拿着这些钱 so if we get separated, you've got that. 114 00:21:07,574 --> 00:21:08,262 - 行吗 - 好 - OK? - OK. 930 00:21:15,777 --> 00:21:19,316 - 嘿 - 我们现在 在所有其他同伴上车前就要这样做 - Oh, yeah. - We've got to do this now, before the rest of the company get on board, 778 00:21:19,317 --> 00:21:21,722 因为我谁也没说 没人知道 because I haven't told anyone, OK? No-one knows about this. 63 00:21:21,941 --> 00:21:22,487 不然我会失业的 I'd lose my job. 907 00:21:23,245 --> 00:21:26,574 好了 尽可能走远点 我们会用包挡在你的周围 All right. Go as far back as you can and we'll surround you with bags. 663 00:21:26,762 --> 00:21:28,777 - 安全吗? - 现在你问起这个了? - Is it safe? - Oh, now you ask? 588 00:21:28,778 --> 00:21:30,574 - 我得确认一下啊 - 安全的 没事 - Well, I have to check. - It's safe, it's OK. 62 00:21:31,340 --> 00:21:31,879 我能搞定的 I can manage. 204 00:21:32,457 --> 00:21:33,356 很多人都干过这种事 Plenty of people do this. 820 00:21:34,473 --> 00:21:37,074 感觉到墙了吗? 把自己藏在包的后面 Now feel the wall, hide yourself behind the bags. 696 00:21:37,614 --> 00:21:39,738 要给吉姆500块 And it's 500 quid for Jim. 230 00:21:40,215 --> 00:21:41,176 你不是说200吗 You said 200. 313 00:21:42,106 --> 00:21:43,261 你想和他吵一架吗? Do you want to argue with him? 905 00:24:03,839 --> 00:24:07,159 你们的琼乔叔叔昨晚上在这儿过夜了 And your Uncle Jonjo stayed over last night - 67 00:24:07,503 --> 00:24:08,065 打声招呼吧 say hello. 58 00:24:08,380 --> 00:24:08,909 Hi. 806 00:24:10,370 --> 00:24:12,894 好了 李 别忘了学校那件事 Right, Lee, don't forget that thing for school. 17 00:24:13,080 --> 00:24:13,417 好的 All right. 282 00:24:16,269 --> 00:24:17,347 我可以给自己泡杯咖啡吗? Can I make myself a coffee? 70 00:24:17,487 --> 00:24:18,065 请便 Help yourself. 268 00:24:18,355 --> 00:24:19,401 你们谁想要点什么吗? Do you want anything, anyone? 188 00:24:19,565 --> 00:24:20,425 不用了 我们挺好的 No, we're fine. 937 00:24:28,455 --> 00:24:32,144 好了 我想让你们俩去楼下大厅找一下莱斯莉 OK, you two, I want you to go to Leslie down the hall 880 00:24:32,386 --> 00:24:35,464 问问她区间车什么时候走 and ask her what time the shuttle bus leaves. 319 00:24:35,776 --> 00:24:36,940 哦 区间车整点走 Oh, it leaves on the hour. 925 00:24:38,323 --> 00:24:41,784 我想要你去找莱斯莉问问 待个五分钟 I want you to go to Leslie and ask her, and take five minutes. 936 00:24:44,612 --> 00:24:48,283 这2块5给你弟弟平分吧 现在就去 快走 Split this with your brother. £2.50. Now go. Vamoose! 65 00:24:54,752 --> 00:24:55,299 你还好吧 You all right? 26 00:24:55,455 --> 00:24:55,846 Yeah. 285 00:24:56,955 --> 00:24:58,041 真是个可爱的小厨房 It's a nice little kitchen. 286 00:24:59,237 --> 00:25:00,330 就像我们船上的那种 It's like this on board ship - 451 00:25:00,362 --> 00:25:01,829 我们也有厨房 差不多的设计 we had the galley, same sort of layout. 569 00:25:01,830 --> 00:25:03,580 罗希说你就在绿色和平那样的组织工作,是吗? Rosie said you were like Greenpeace, weren't you? 353 00:25:04,205 --> 00:25:05,455 更破烂一点 不过差不多 A bit more ramshackle, but, yeah. 289 00:25:06,095 --> 00:25:07,190 她说你哪儿都去过了 She said you went all over. 10 00:25:07,330 --> 00:25:07,635 是的 Yeah. 669 00:25:07,901 --> 00:25:09,930 大西洋 太平洋 白令海峡 Atlantic, Pacific, the Bering Straits, 458 00:25:10,549 --> 00:25:12,030 我们开船去过格陵兰北部 we sailed up to the north of Greenland, 493 00:25:12,030 --> 00:25:13,584 在那目睹了最后一块冰川的消融 saw the last of the ice disappear. 47 00:25:13,826 --> 00:25:14,319 那挺糟糕的 It's terrible, that. 808 00:25:15,147 --> 00:25:17,677 挺好笑的 志愿者们上船的时候会说 It's funny, because volunteers would come on board and say, 173 00:25:17,678 --> 00:25:18,498 “啊 我是素食者” "Oh, I'm a vegan," 624 00:25:18,499 --> 00:25:20,380 但连吃了三个月的干豆子后 but after three months of eating dried pulses, 390 00:25:20,381 --> 00:25:21,705 他们会和我们一起钓鱼 they'd be fishing with the best of us. 69 00:25:21,705 --> 00:25:22,280 我信了 I bet. 852 00:25:22,819 --> 00:25:25,592 到最后 我三刀就能把鱼划好 In the end, I could fillet a fish with three strokes. 760 00:25:25,865 --> 00:25:28,194 头 内脏 脊柱 Head, gut, spine. 513 00:25:28,740 --> 00:25:30,334 一刀 两刀 三刀 One, two, three. 560 00:25:30,842 --> 00:25:32,576 就成了耍刀的老手 Became a dab hand with a knife. 700 00:25:34,935 --> 00:25:37,067 你不是一时冲动吧 琼乔 Cos you're more than a fling, Jonjo. 208 00:25:38,014 --> 00:25:38,928 看起来你是打算长久下去 Looks like you're staying. 801 00:25:41,030 --> 00:25:43,522 而我觉得一旦有男人想踏进一个有两个孩子的家庭 And it strikes me that when a man enters a family with two kids, 772 00:25:45,272 --> 00:25:47,647 一个以两个小男孩为核心的家庭 a family with two little boys right at the heart of it, 449 00:25:49,522 --> 00:25:50,975 then I'd better be on the alert. 我觉得最好提高警惕了 98 00:25:52,069 --> 00:25:52,709 明白吗? You understand? 2 00:25:53,131 --> 00:25:53,389 Yeah. 585 00:25:54,240 --> 00:25:56,022 因为外面的世界里有坏人 Because there are terrible men out there. 176 00:25:57,959 --> 00:25:58,787 但我都会盯着的 But I'm watching. 328 00:26:00,639 --> 00:26:01,819 相信我 琼乔 And believe me, Jonjo, 94 00:26:03,303 --> 00:26:03,928 我的手并不干净 I've done some shit. 90 00:26:05,287 --> 00:26:05,905 Have you got that? 明白了吗? 520 00:26:05,998 --> 00:26:07,623 说真的 我发誓 我都是为了罗希 Honestly, I swear, it's all about Rosie. 226 00:26:08,115 --> 00:26:09,069 我觉得她人很好 I think she's amazing. 35 00:26:10,272 --> 00:26:10,694 那就好 Good. 221 00:26:11,506 --> 00:26:12,444 我没什么多的想法 There's no side to me. 461 00:26:12,889 --> 00:26:14,381 我妈妈总是说我没有背景 My mother always says I've got no layers, 608 00:26:14,382 --> 00:26:16,225 我觉得你妹妹真的很可爱 and I think your sister's really, really lovely. 4 00:26:18,248 --> 00:26:18,522 Yeah. 68 00:26:19,647 --> 00:26:20,217 我觉得你是发自内心的 I think you do. 40 00:26:22,006 --> 00:26:22,475 好的 All right. 129 00:26:23,444 --> 00:26:24,178 我还是会盯着你的 I'm still watching. 271 00:26:29,855 --> 00:26:30,905 我不喜欢药物试验这种说法 I don't like the sound of it. 559 00:26:32,076 --> 00:26:33,808 它安全吗? Are they safe, these drugs tests? 354 00:26:35,565 --> 00:26:36,815 300块 现金到手 300 quid, cash in hand. 847 00:26:39,190 --> 00:26:41,940 自从我们脱欧后 药物代理机构就搬去了法国 Ever since we left the EU, the medicines agency moved to France, 714 00:26:41,941 --> 00:26:44,119 所以我们现在得从头开始测试药物 so now we have to test all the drugs from scratch. 405 00:26:45,275 --> 00:26:46,635 这对于我这种人来说刚好是条财路 It's a bonanza for people like me. 980 00:26:48,330 --> 00:26:52,979 时间到了 职责所在 300块呢 Time's up. Duty calls. 300 quid. 955 00:27:01,755 --> 00:27:05,635 请在这儿吹一下 还有这儿 If you could blow there. And there. 32 00:27:07,869 --> 00:27:08,283 谢谢 Thank you. 773 00:27:09,680 --> 00:27:12,055 要抽血了 法律要求我询问如下事项 We'll be taking blood, so I'm legally required to ask, 427 00:27:12,197 --> 00:27:13,611 你想知道你的预期寿命吗? do you want to know your life expectancy? 586 00:27:14,680 --> 00:27:16,463 呃 不了 谢谢 Um, no. No, thanks. 712 00:27:16,557 --> 00:27:18,721 好的 大概要花一个小时 Right. That should take about an hour. 336 00:27:19,072 --> 00:27:20,283 我会回来照看你的 I'll come back to keep an eye on you. 23 00:27:20,541 --> 00:27:20,916 谢谢 574 00:27:34,611 --> 00:27:36,369 {\an8}我们到哪儿了 776 00:27:38,698 --> 00:27:41,096 {\an8}普瓦捷附近 还有六小时 767 00:27:41,127 --> 00:27:43,479 {\an8}搞快点 564 00:27:50,369 --> 00:27:52,110 Lyons in five, he's had a reaction, 5号房的莱昂斯出现反应了 233 00:27:52,111 --> 00:27:53,080 我们可能需要引起注意了 we might need to flag him up. 334 00:27:53,322 --> 00:27:54,525 好 我会调出他的文档 Sure, I'll pull up his file. Thanks. 613 00:27:56,768 --> 00:27:58,627 斯考特医生说没什么好担心的 Dr Scott said there's nothing to worry about. 526 00:27:58,697 --> 00:28:00,338 只是些轻微的副作用 It's a little bit of a side effect, that's all. 38 00:28:01,666 --> 00:28:02,119 我止不住 Yeah, I can't stop... 20 00:28:02,455 --> 00:28:02,807 我一直 I keep... 339 00:28:05,416 --> 00:28:06,630 我一直朝左看 I'm looking left all the time, 434 00:28:06,630 --> 00:28:08,057 我不停地把头朝左扭 I can't stop turning my head left. 745 00:28:08,213 --> 00:28:10,480 你这是在模拟癫痫发作时的症状 You are mimicking symptoms of an epileptic seizure, 387 00:28:10,510 --> 00:28:11,830 当然你没有发作 but without the seizure itself. 488 00:28:11,940 --> 00:28:13,480 再过几个小时副作用自然会消失 Give it a couple hours, it will pass. 495 00:28:14,111 --> 00:28:15,666 你是骑自行车来的 对吗? You came here on your bike, is that right? 491 00:28:16,635 --> 00:28:18,182 行吧 我觉得用那玩意载你回家不够安全 OK, I don't think that's safe to get you home. 614 00:28:18,588 --> 00:28:20,447 你有可以来接你的人吗? Have you got someone who can pick you up? 894 00:28:21,088 --> 00:28:24,338 我可以试试打给伊莱恩 但我没办法集中注意力 I could try Elaine. I can't focus. 274 00:28:24,557 --> 00:28:25,611 好的 没事 我来打 Yeah, it's all right, I'll do it. 185 00:28:25,940 --> 00:28:26,799 伊莱恩·帕里斯 Elaine Parris. 565 00:28:28,971 --> 00:28:30,713 这太奇怪了吧 Oh, this is weird. 151 00:28:31,729 --> 00:28:32,505 外婆会杀了我的 Gran would kill me. 788 00:28:32,505 --> 00:28:34,947 等好之前我先去伊莱恩那儿 I'll go to Elaine, until it passes. 257 00:28:41,510 --> 00:28:42,541 嗨 进行得怎么样 Hi there, how did it go? 774 00:28:42,736 --> 00:28:45,119 我代史蒂芬·莱昂斯先生打电话给你 I'm calling on behalf of Mr Stephen Lyons, 324 00:28:45,369 --> 00:28:46,541 他需要你来接一下他 he needs you to come and collect him. 678 00:28:47,369 --> 00:28:49,429 5号房的莱昂斯 没什么需要担心的 Lyons in five, nothing to worry about, 312 00:28:49,430 --> 00:28:50,580 他现在要坐车回家了 but he's taking transport home. 355 00:28:50,775 --> 00:28:52,025 好的 谢谢你告诉我 OK, thanks for letting me know. 746 00:28:56,619 --> 00:28:58,893 克莱弗顿所来电 SENOR: Phone call, Claverton Facility. 291 00:28:59,259 --> 00:29:00,360 新诺 接通吧 谢谢 Accept, thank you, Senor. Hello? 33 00:29:00,721 --> 00:29:01,135 你好 819 00:29:01,704 --> 00:29:04,291 你好 我代史蒂芬·莱昂斯先生打电话给你 Hello, I'm phoning on behalf of Mr Stephen Lyons. 446 00:29:04,815 --> 00:29:06,260 他需要来个人接一下他 He needs someone to come and collect him. 558 00:29:10,697 --> 00:29:12,424 你好 我叫瑟莱萨·比思敏-莱昂斯 Hi, my name's Celeste Bisme-Lyons. 557 00:29:12,432 --> 00:29:14,158 我来接我的丈夫 史蒂芬·莱昂斯 I'm here to get my husband, Stephen Lyons. 865 00:29:23,236 --> 00:29:26,104 嗨 亲爱的 你好 Hey. Darling. Hello. 337 00:29:26,354 --> 00:29:27,565 见到你真高兴 It's nice to see you. 693 00:29:27,635 --> 00:29:29,752 我是伊莱恩 我们在那次派对上见过的 It's Elaine. We met at that party thing? 206 00:29:30,680 --> 00:29:31,588 对 我记得 Yeah, I remember. 874 00:29:32,463 --> 00:29:35,479 我刚好过来 就顺便看望一下 I was just visiting and I just popped in, 850 00:29:35,729 --> 00:29:38,494 结果他不是很好 有个大肿块 and it turns out he's not very well. The big lump. 304 00:29:38,893 --> 00:29:40,025 他们说是不良反应 Like a bad reaction, they said. 650 00:29:40,400 --> 00:29:42,369 是的 我不停地把头朝左扭 Yeah, I can't stop turning my head left. 375 00:29:42,440 --> 00:29:43,729 我原本是去上班的 I was just on my way into work. 305 00:29:45,838 --> 00:29:46,971 好吧 挺好的 Well, good. 529 00:29:48,588 --> 00:29:50,244 谢谢你 伊莱恩 现在我可以把他带回家了 Thanks, Elaine, I can take him home now. 296 00:29:53,830 --> 00:29:54,940 好的 那晚点见 拜拜 OK. See you soon then, bye. 260 00:29:55,236 --> 00:29:56,268 好 谢谢 Yeah, thanks. 833 00:30:02,159 --> 00:30:04,823 好奇怪啊 我就一直扭头 It's weird, I just keep turning my head. 684 00:30:05,869 --> 00:30:07,940 我知道这没什么?但我就是止不住要看 I know there's nothing, but I can't stop myself from looking. 288 00:30:22,775 --> 00:30:23,869 我感觉是好点了 I think it's getting better though. 554 00:30:26,439 --> 00:30:28,158 露比 你在家吗? Ruby! Are you home? 457 00:30:29,228 --> 00:30:30,705 我要你现在就下楼 I want you downstairs, now. 60 00:30:33,158 --> 00:30:33,689 我回来了 I'm home! 350 00:30:34,400 --> 00:30:35,642 露比 我知道你就在上面 Ruby, I know you're up there. 501 00:30:35,869 --> 00:30:37,439 我要你立刻下楼 I want you downstairs this very second. 159 00:30:37,775 --> 00:30:38,564 这是命令 That's an order. 351 00:30:39,220 --> 00:30:40,462 他怎么了 So, what's wrong with him? 199 00:30:40,586 --> 00:30:41,477 你自己去问他 Ask him yourself. 561 00:30:41,494 --> 00:30:43,228 不好意思 我的头有点奇怪 I'm sorry, it's weird, it's my head. 417 00:30:43,603 --> 00:30:45,001 你的头 这是什么意思 What do you mean, your head? 680 00:30:45,072 --> 00:30:47,134 他们这次又对你做了什么? What have they done to you this time? 664 00:30:47,135 --> 00:30:49,150 Senor, call Bethany at work. 新诺 给在上班的贝丝妮打电话 413 00:30:49,540 --> 00:30:50,923 标注为紧急 这样她才会接 Tag it urgent so she answers. 66 00:30:51,830 --> 00:30:52,384 你这是要干嘛 What's that for? 167 00:30:53,626 --> 00:30:54,431 我觉得我们应该告诉他们了 I think we should tell them. 356 00:30:54,986 --> 00:30:56,236 我只是头有点问题 I've only got a funny head. 299 00:30:56,477 --> 00:30:57,595 到底怎么了 我忙着呢 What is it? I'm busy. 666 00:30:57,845 --> 00:30:59,861 只不过是你的傻老爸 头有点问题 Your daft old dad's just got a funny head, that's all. 509 00:31:00,650 --> 00:31:02,236 喂 真的很紧急吗? Hello? Is it really urgent? 567 00:31:02,237 --> 00:31:03,986 我只有两分钟的私人电话时间 I've only got two minutes for personal calls. 239 00:31:04,228 --> 00:31:05,220 不会打很久的 No, it won't take long. 397 00:31:06,290 --> 00:31:07,634 姑娘们 你们的爸爸想告诉你们一些事情 Your dad wants to tell you something, girls. 82 00:31:09,884 --> 00:31:10,485 好吧 OK. 622 00:31:13,626 --> 00:31:15,501 我每周二都会去那个诊所 I go to that clinic on Tuesdays, 475 00:31:15,563 --> 00:31:17,078 我会试验一些药物…… and I tried this drug... 839 00:31:17,079 --> 00:31:19,780 不 我不是叫你说这些 No, I don't mean that. 725 00:31:20,946 --> 00:31:23,149 我是叫你把伊莱恩的事告诉他们 史蒂芬 I mean tell them about Elaine, Stephen. 647 00:31:25,267 --> 00:31:27,228 告诉他们你和伊莱恩·帕里斯的暧昧关系吧 Tell them about the affair you're having with Elaine Parris. 471 00:31:29,134 --> 00:31:30,642 你到底是什么意思 What on Earth do you mean?! 338 00:31:30,696 --> 00:31:31,907 那你就闭嘴吧 And you can shut up. 191 00:31:33,392 --> 00:31:34,267 新诺 结束通话 Senor, end the call. 306 00:31:38,188 --> 00:31:39,321 老爸 她在说什么 What's she talking about, Dad? 732 00:31:39,735 --> 00:31:41,954 贝丝妮·比思敏-莱昂斯来电 SENOR: Phone call, Bethany Bisme-Lyons. 181 00:31:42,087 --> 00:31:42,938 新诺 接通吧 Senor, accept. 71 00:31:45,056 --> 00:31:45,634 现在告诉他们吧 Now, tell them. 701 00:31:47,032 --> 00:31:49,165 告诉你的女儿们 告诉你的外婆吧 Tell your daughters, tell your gran, 615 00:31:49,751 --> 00:31:51,610 告诉你该死的全家吧 and let's tell your whole bloody family - 616 00:31:51,611 --> 00:31:53,470 你不一直跟他们唠唠叨叨的吗? you're always yap-yap-yapping away to them. 563 00:31:54,605 --> 00:31:56,345 把你怎么劈腿的全都告诉他们 Tell them all how you've been having an affair. 783 00:31:58,353 --> 00:32:00,767 不行 这样说还给你们美化了 No, that sounds too classy, doesn't it? 791 00:32:02,165 --> 00:32:04,618 告诉他们你是怎么性致勃勃地、喘息着 Tell them how you've been rutting and snorting 790 00:32:04,619 --> 00:32:07,071 操那个一头油发的贱货的 操了几周 and fucking that greasy-haired little sack for weeks. 106 00:32:07,493 --> 00:32:08,157 操了几个月 For months. 108 00:32:08,962 --> 00:32:09,634 还是操了几年 For years. 674 00:32:12,720 --> 00:32:14,767 我知道了 让我们问问她吧 I've got an idea. Let's ask her. 752 00:32:15,860 --> 00:32:18,149 新诺 打给伊莱恩·帕里斯 Senor, call Elaine Parris. 562 00:32:18,392 --> 00:32:20,126 正在打给伊莱恩·帕里斯 Calling Elaine Parris. 744 00:32:36,329 --> 00:32:38,595 赶紧出来 他们在挨个搜车 Get out as fast as you can! They're searching every vehicle. 225 00:32:38,806 --> 00:32:39,759 快点 伙计 我抓住你了 Come on, mate, we've had it! 702 00:32:41,055 --> 00:32:43,188 快把话传下去 他们上上下下都会搜个遍 我们走吧 Got word down the line, they're stripping them bare, let's go. 79 00:32:43,455 --> 00:32:44,055 你要怎么做? What will you do? 675 00:32:44,055 --> 00:32:46,105 别担心我们 车到山前必有路 Don't worry about us, there's always an option. 234 00:32:46,110 --> 00:32:47,079 我们要去加来[法国] We're heading to Calais. 462 00:32:48,243 --> 00:32:49,735 呃 我觉得我们已经暴露了你的身份 Oh, I think we've blown your cover. 659 00:32:50,555 --> 00:32:52,555 别在乎了 赶紧走吧 Never mind that, just go. 406 00:32:52,922 --> 00:32:54,282 我们能走过去吗?远不远 Can we walk? Is it far? 163 00:32:54,283 --> 00:32:55,080 可以可以 我正在 Yeah, I'm just getting... 190 00:32:55,080 --> 00:32:55,954 好了 可以了 走吧 Right, got it, come on. 27 00:32:57,579 --> 00:32:57,978 谢谢 Thanks. 932 00:33:02,105 --> 00:33:05,680 没事的 我都算好了 35欧 廉价旅馆 It's OK, because I budgeted, 35 euros, cheap hotel, 824 00:33:05,681 --> 00:33:08,298 把那儿作为我们的作战基地 给你拿到护照 base of operations, get you that passport, 886 00:33:08,610 --> 00:33:11,728 再做好呼吸测试 然后把我们弄上渡船 then the breath test, and get us back onto that ferry. 363 00:33:27,422 --> 00:33:28,681 你错过了一场大戏 You missed all the drama. 381 00:33:29,970 --> 00:33:31,274 14个未接来电 14 missed calls. 988 00:33:32,501 --> 00:33:38,228 原来史蒂芬有外遇了 跟一个叫伊莱恩的女的 Turns out Stephen has been having an affair with a woman called Elaine. 430 00:33:41,188 --> 00:33:42,610 打给罗希 谢谢 Phone call Rosie, thanks. 916 00:33:43,485 --> 00:33:46,853 我见过伊莱恩的 她很强势 I've met Elaine. She's a bit tough. 115 00:33:47,282 --> 00:33:47,970 你来啦 There you are. 483 00:33:48,329 --> 00:33:49,855 所以到底怎么了 So, what the hell?! 365 00:33:49,855 --> 00:33:51,125 天啊 你都去哪儿了 My God! where have you been? 521 00:33:51,126 --> 00:33:52,751 这可是史上最重大的日子 This is like the biggest day in history. 161 00:33:52,752 --> 00:33:53,548 你敢相信吗? Can you believe it? 107 00:33:53,705 --> 00:33:54,376 发生了什么 What's happening? 252 00:33:54,377 --> 00:33:55,392 怎么会这样呢? How did it happen? 227 00:33:55,905 --> 00:33:56,860 所有人都知道了吗? Does everyone know? 681 00:33:57,063 --> 00:33:59,126 瑟莱萨像发布告那样把整件事都说了出来 Celeste announced it like the town crier - 840 00:33:59,127 --> 00:34:01,829 外婆知道了 贝丝和露比那俩孩子 还有大家也都知道 even Gran knows, and the kids, Beth and Ruby, and everyone. 694 00:34:02,282 --> 00:34:04,399 主要是她从来就没跟他站在一边过 The thing is, she was always out of his league, really. 169 00:34:04,798 --> 00:34:05,610 谁啊 瑟莱萨吗? Who was, Celeste? Yeah, I mean, look at her. 973 00:34:05,970 --> 00:34:10,298 是啊 你看看她 她多漂亮 史蒂芬只是史蒂芬而已 She's beautiful. Stephen's just Stephen. 619 00:34:11,767 --> 00:34:13,634 天 我都不想理你们俩 Oh, my God, I'm never turning my back on you two. 186 00:34:13,977 --> 00:34:14,836 你还好吗? You OK though? 88 00:34:14,884 --> 00:34:15,501 你怎么样? How are you? 552 00:34:15,774 --> 00:34:17,485 你和维克多在一起吗?他在吗? Are you with Viktor? Is he there? 302 00:34:17,688 --> 00:34:18,813 在 我们很好 Yeah, we're good, we're fine. 459 00:34:19,532 --> 00:34:21,016 真的没什么可担心的 There's nothing to worry about, honestly. 283 00:34:21,079 --> 00:34:22,157 一切都在控制之中 It's all under control. 983 00:34:22,782 --> 00:34:27,704 我的天啊 史蒂芬 居然是史蒂芬 Oh, my God, though! Stephen - I mean, Stephen?! 900 00:34:29,938 --> 00:34:33,235 你坐这儿对着我的脸说话一点意义都没有 You sit there, saying to my face it didn't mean anything. 55 00:34:33,236 --> 00:34:33,751 是有意义的 But it didn't. 399 00:34:34,352 --> 00:34:35,704 我来告诉你这有多棒 Let me tell you how nice it is 889 00:34:35,930 --> 00:34:39,079 你的整个人生都被一个毫无意义的东西给毁了 to have your whole life wrecked by something that didn't mean anything! 266 00:34:39,730 --> 00:34:40,774 你觉得这有用吗? Do you think that helps? 810 00:34:40,805 --> 00:34:43,344 不 我真的对不起 No. I'm sorry. 518 00:34:43,374 --> 00:34:44,977 全都毁了 All of it, ruined! 717 00:34:45,516 --> 00:34:47,696 都被住在埃格顿路的脏东西给毁了 In some dirty little bedsit in Egerton Road. 816 00:34:50,030 --> 00:34:52,610 - 你是怎么知道的 - 我很久之前就查过她了 - But how do you know? - I looked her up, long time ago. 856 00:34:53,415 --> 00:34:56,196 伊莱恩·帕里斯 埃格顿路120号 就这么简单 Elaine Parris, 120 Egerton Road. Simple as that. 258 00:34:56,610 --> 00:34:57,641 我还能做什么呢? Because what else could I do? 530 00:34:57,829 --> 00:34:59,485 身无分文地困在这间房子里吗? Stuck in this house with no money. 842 00:35:00,016 --> 00:35:02,735 所以我做了我唯一能做的事 我开车去了那里 So, I did the only thing I could do, I drove there. 911 00:35:03,852 --> 00:35:07,196 这是去年的事了 史蒂芬 去年九月 This was last year, Stephen, last year - this was September. 639 00:35:08,235 --> 00:35:10,173 我在外面 坐在车里 我就想 I sat outside in the car, and I thought, 110 00:35:11,094 --> 00:35:11,774 “这就是他搞外遇的地方啊” "This is where he does it. 845 00:35:12,024 --> 00:35:14,766 “这就是他发出淫叫 把淫液喷进她身体的地方” "This is where he makes that noise and slops it into her." 148 00:35:15,876 --> 00:35:16,649 我很抱歉 瑟莱萨 I'm sorry, Celeste, 400 00:35:16,650 --> 00:35:18,005 但我觉得这有点奇怪 but I think that's actually a little bit weird. 294 00:35:18,047 --> 00:35:19,156 你爱怎么想怎么想 You can think whatever you like, 959 00:35:19,157 --> 00:35:23,187 你可以现在就收拾行李滚回埃格顿路 because you can pack your bags right now and take your arse back to Egerton Road! 431 00:35:23,742 --> 00:35:25,164 但我没和伊莱恩在一起 我们没有 But I'm not with Elaine. We're not... 682 00:35:26,890 --> 00:35:28,953 除此之外 我想你也没意识到 我不能走 Besides, I don't think you realise - I can't leave. 410 00:35:28,954 --> 00:35:30,330 这是我家族的宅子 This is my family's house. 718 00:35:30,578 --> 00:35:32,765 如果你不介意的话 先慢着 Hold on. If you don't mind. 967 00:35:33,422 --> 00:35:37,640 不好意思 你看看契据吧 这还是我的房子 Excuse me, I think if you look at the deeds, this is still my house. 136 00:35:37,641 --> 00:35:38,390 我真的很对不起 I'm really, really sorry, 428 00:35:38,391 --> 00:35:39,805 但现在别说这种话 外婆 说真的 but not now, Gran. Seriously. 593 00:35:40,055 --> 00:35:41,859 不 非常有必要 No, it's highly pertinent. 939 00:35:42,297 --> 00:35:46,023 楼上有两位姑娘这一晚上已经够受的了 We've got two young girls upstairs who have had more than enough trouble for one night. 742 00:35:46,742 --> 00:35:49,000 我同意瑟莱萨说的 你滚吧 And I agree with Celeste, get out. 50 00:35:53,695 --> 00:35:54,195 谢谢你 Thank you. 989 00:35:55,258 --> 00:36:01,703 发现有其父必有其子 我真是太失望了 I am so disappointed to discover that you are your father's son. 587 00:36:02,640 --> 00:36:04,430 你妈要是知道了 一定会恶心死 Your mother would've been disgusted. 165 00:36:06,455 --> 00:36:07,255 别这么说 Don't say that. 454 00:36:07,255 --> 00:36:08,730 她一定会恶心死的 She would've been disgusted. 456 00:36:10,164 --> 00:36:11,640 我真的很抱歉 I am so sorry. 264 00:36:19,523 --> 00:36:20,562 那就按外婆说的做吧 Do what Granny says, then. 73 00:36:22,383 --> 00:36:22,969 出去 Out. 376 00:36:42,969 --> 00:36:44,258 你太愚蠢了 爸爸 You're so stupid, Dad. 9 00:36:46,445 --> 00:36:46,742 我知道 I know. 42 00:36:49,555 --> 00:36:50,031 对不起 I'm sorry. 357 00:37:02,930 --> 00:37:04,180 她是什么肤色 What colour is she? 486 00:37:06,180 --> 00:37:07,719 伊莱恩吗?她是白人 Elaine? She's white. 25 00:37:09,484 --> 00:37:09,867 再见 Bye. 726 00:37:16,906 --> 00:37:19,109 你不能开这辆车走 我还得留给女儿们用 You're not taking the car. I need it for the girls. 43 00:37:19,664 --> 00:37:20,140 你可以骑自行车 You can bike. 477 00:37:55,578 --> 00:37:57,094 我在斯里布里奇斯遇到个男的 There is a man I met at Three Bridges, 843 00:37:57,375 --> 00:38:00,109 他说如果想要护照 还想通过呼吸测试的话 and he says for a passport and a breath test 432 00:38:00,578 --> 00:38:02,000 我们得找一个叫伊洛迪的女的 we need to find a woman called Elodie. 31 00:38:04,226 --> 00:38:04,633 All right. 13 00:38:24,258 --> 00:38:24,578 [法语]你好 Bonjour. 496 00:38:26,570 --> 00:38:28,125 [法语]我们找伊洛迪 Nous cherchons Elodie. 982 00:38:28,868 --> 00:38:33,618 [法语] 16 00:38:35,203 --> 00:38:35,531 [法语]好吗? Oui? 917 00:38:56,755 --> 00:39:00,130 2000过呼吸测试 4000搞到护照 It is 2,000 for the breath test, it is 4,000 for the passport. 255 00:39:00,512 --> 00:39:01,530 我现在就要钱 I need the money now. 101 00:39:01,530 --> 00:39:02,180 呃 不行 Er, no. 497 00:39:03,294 --> 00:39:04,855 我们拿到货了才能付钱 No, we're only going to pay when we've got them. 652 00:39:04,855 --> 00:39:06,833 要么先付钱 要么就走人 Money in advance, or you can go. 641 00:39:13,380 --> 00:39:15,325 所以护照比呼吸测试还贵啊 So, the passports cost more than the breath test? 920 00:39:15,536 --> 00:39:18,929 呼吸测试很简单 就跟在嘴里含一片薄荷一样 Well, the breath test is easy, it's like a mint in the mouth, 691 00:39:18,965 --> 00:39:21,080 但护照可不简单 but the passport is not easy. 799 00:39:21,308 --> 00:39:23,794 现在不是纸质护照了 是聚合物材质的 It is not paper any more, it is a polymer. 253 00:39:24,294 --> 00:39:25,309 我需要你的护照 And I'll need your passport. 192 00:39:27,544 --> 00:39:28,419 要我的吗?为什么? Mine? What for? 120 00:39:28,778 --> 00:39:29,480 为了抄来做个假的啊 To copy. 505 00:39:29,958 --> 00:39:31,536 不然你以为假护照从哪儿来 Where do you think the fake's come from? 651 00:39:32,090 --> 00:39:34,067 当然 印的是不同的照片 With a different photograph, of course. 46 00:39:34,380 --> 00:39:34,872 你带了吗? Have you? 804 00:39:34,905 --> 00:39:37,426 带了 在这儿 Yes. Right, I've got that. 688 00:39:41,768 --> 00:39:43,862 I'll get this back straight away? 那我能立刻拿回来的吧 909 00:39:44,065 --> 00:39:47,408 你要是不相信我的话 那就请去找别人 我不在乎的 If you don't trust me, please, go to another. I don't mind. 5 00:39:51,244 --> 00:39:51,518 没事的 It's all right. 984 00:39:56,487 --> 00:40:01,477 丹尼尔·塞缪尔·莱昂斯 1989年生于曼彻斯特 Daniel Samuel Lyons, born in 1989, Manchester? 340 00:40:02,219 --> 00:40:03,445 议会公务员 Council officer. 981 00:40:06,133 --> 00:40:10,820 给我解释解释 一个议会公务员怎么就到这儿了呢 Explain to me, how did the council officer find himself here? 111 00:40:12,867 --> 00:40:13,547 因为他 Because of him. 524 00:40:21,338 --> 00:40:22,977 现在做呼吸测试吧 Now, breath test. 418 00:40:23,336 --> 00:40:24,734 不会花太长时间 Won't take long. 968 00:40:26,480 --> 00:40:30,719 为了更精确 我们邀请一名职业牙医到场 To be precise, we should have a qualified dentist in attendance, 321 00:40:30,720 --> 00:40:31,891 但我们只有一位护士 but we only have a nurse, 860 00:40:32,086 --> 00:40:34,898 所以你们如果想因为我们处理不当而起诉的话 so if you'd like to sue us for malpractice, 584 00:40:34,930 --> 00:40:36,711 我们会跟你们一路斗到法庭上 we will fight you through the courts. 654 00:40:43,242 --> 00:40:45,227 在这儿等两分钟 Wait here. Two minutes. 99 00:40:45,705 --> 00:40:46,352 All right. 838 00:40:46,797 --> 00:40:49,492 只是在牙上盖个小帽子 需要固定一下 Just a small cap on the tooth, it needs fixing. 888 00:40:50,156 --> 00:40:53,281 据说会疼 但我相信你能忍住 They say it hurts, but I'm sure you can manage. 871 00:40:53,930 --> 00:40:56,859 像你这样的男生 一点小痛 Boys like you, little bit of pain... 200 00:40:58,789 --> 00:40:59,680 我的天啊 Oh, my God. 277 00:41:00,273 --> 00:41:01,328 她讨厌我们 She hates us! 335 00:41:01,944 --> 00:41:03,147 她真的很讨厌我们 She really hates us. 673 00:41:03,148 --> 00:41:05,194 她什么意思啊 牙帽什么的 What does she mean, this tooth cap thing? 240 00:41:06,133 --> 00:41:07,130 我讨厌牙齿了 I hate teeth. 121 00:41:07,383 --> 00:41:08,086 我不在意 I don't care. 933 00:41:08,867 --> 00:41:12,455 用锤子把它固定好 就让我通过吧! Just fix it in place with a hammer, just let me through! 325 00:41:14,148 --> 00:41:15,320 天啊 那可是6000欧啊 God, 6,000 euros. 80 00:41:16,687 --> 00:41:17,287 天啊 Jesus. 54 00:41:18,080 --> 00:41:18,594 对不起 I'm sorry. 180 00:41:20,851 --> 00:41:21,695 嘿 不是那个意思 Hey, no... 187 00:41:22,602 --> 00:41:23,461 这钱花得值 It's worth every penny. 408 00:41:24,086 --> 00:41:25,461 真的 别这样 Really... Don't do that. 965 00:41:25,867 --> 00:41:30,055 我说过的 不惜一切代价 不是吗? I said... I said, duh, whatever it takes, didn't I? 3 00:41:31,031 --> 00:41:31,297 嗯? Hmm? 924 00:41:53,277 --> 00:41:56,724 操 操 操 操 操…… Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit... 235 00:41:57,589 --> 00:41:58,558 哦!那是谁?是她吗? Oh! What was it? Was it her? 117 00:42:01,722 --> 00:42:02,418 她会回来的 She's coming back. 278 00:42:04,738 --> 00:42:05,793 她要把那东西打印出来 She has to print that stuff... 902 00:42:07,080 --> 00:42:10,386 她打出来后 她就会回来的 对吗? She's printed... She's coming back, yeah? 100 00:42:11,886 --> 00:42:12,535 你这样觉得吗? Do you think? 279 00:42:40,761 --> 00:42:41,824 你还是可以回家的 You could still go home. 899 00:42:46,300 --> 00:42:49,589 Walk up to customs... "Hey, my passport was stolen." 走到海关那 说:“那个,我的护照被偷了” 945 00:42:50,925 --> 00:42:54,691 “好的 没问题的 先生 请走这边” "OK, no problem, this way, sir." 8 00:42:56,293 --> 00:42:56,582 Yeah... 247 00:42:58,629 --> 00:42:59,636 那就拜拜吧 Bye, then. 53 00:43:00,902 --> 00:43:01,410 你真的可以的 Well, you could. 360 00:43:02,027 --> 00:43:03,280 我要带你回家 I'm taking you home. 382 00:43:04,543 --> 00:43:05,847 我们没办法上渡船 We can't get on the ferry. 626 00:43:06,418 --> 00:43:08,308 我们只需要试试别的方法 Well, we just have to try a different sort of plan. 737 00:43:09,761 --> 00:43:11,996 总共就22英里 22 miles, that's all. 547 00:43:13,683 --> 00:43:15,386 只需要穿过那22英里 Just need to cross 22 miles. 836 00:43:27,924 --> 00:43:30,605 妈妈 我也要进来 Mummy. In you get. 128 00:43:41,933 --> 00:43:42,660 老爸真是个傻子 What an idiot. 83 00:43:43,371 --> 00:43:43,972 好了 OK. 555 00:43:44,933 --> 00:43:46,652 我不想要你们批评你们的爸爸 I don't want you criticising your dad, 831 00:43:47,655 --> 00:43:50,300 但他确实是个该死的傻男人 but, yeah, blasted fool, fool man. 868 00:43:53,339 --> 00:43:56,238 我都不敢相信 你们都认识这么多年了 I can't believe you knew for ages. 270 00:43:56,980 --> 00:43:58,027 所以你们俩是在圣诞节认识的 So, you knew at Christmas? 14 00:43:58,988 --> 00:43:59,308 Yeah. 527 00:43:59,933 --> 00:44:01,574 在新年前夜的派对上吗? And that party on New Year's Eve? 28 00:44:01,761 --> 00:44:02,160 Yeah. 489 00:44:02,430 --> 00:44:03,971 那我的生日呢 你那时候知道吗? And on my birthday, you knew then? 177 00:44:04,253 --> 00:44:05,081 你怎么和我爸在一起的? How did you do it? 118 00:44:06,221 --> 00:44:06,917 我没有选择 No choice. 341 00:44:08,128 --> 00:44:09,354 I was trapped here with him. 当时我和他一起困在这儿 757 00:44:10,464 --> 00:44:12,769 没有房子 没有钱 没有存款 No house, no money, no savings. 472 00:44:13,862 --> 00:44:15,370 我们还能怎么办呢 I mean, what else could we have done? 528 00:44:16,198 --> 00:44:17,839 去玛丽亚港和你们的外婆一起住吗? Go and live with your gran in Port Maria? 570 00:44:18,159 --> 00:44:19,909 - 那可不行 - 那还是不了 谢谢 - Oh, no way. - No, thanks. 140 00:44:21,580 --> 00:44:22,331 你知道她会说什么吗? You know what she'd say? 908 00:44:23,394 --> 00:44:26,730 你们又不怎么坏 这是在跳火坑 You not too wicked and bad. It's hell you're heading for! 987 00:44:27,925 --> 00:44:33,120 至于你 贝丝妮 他们把基佬的鸡窝都带到你身边了 And as for you, Bethany, now bringing dem sodomite nastiness around you! 478 00:44:38,206 --> 00:44:39,722 主要是我6点就会起床 The thing is, I get up at six. 74 00:44:42,675 --> 00:44:43,261 没事 That's OK. 761 00:44:43,628 --> 00:44:45,964 我6点就起床 然后做锻炼 I get up at six and I do my exercises. 506 00:44:46,878 --> 00:44:48,456 我就在这儿做健美操 I do callisthenics in here. 754 00:44:50,800 --> 00:44:53,097 那如果你不介意的话 我就继续待在床上 Well, I'll stay in bed, if you don't mind. 941 00:44:53,909 --> 00:44:57,644 我不介意 但我不是很想让你看到 No, but I don't particularly want you watching. 487 00:44:58,355 --> 00:44:59,894 为什么?健美操有哪些内容? Why? What does callisthenics involve? 78 00:45:00,030 --> 00:45:00,628 没什么 Nothing. 974 00:45:02,776 --> 00:45:07,144 但是 健美操是我的私人时间 仅限于我自己 But it's mine, it's my little hour, all to myself. 214 00:45:09,839 --> 00:45:10,761 那会儿我睡得正熟呢 Well, I'll be asleep. 61 00:45:11,144 --> 00:45:11,675 你不会的 But you won't. 793 00:45:13,315 --> 00:45:15,784 我们就只有这一间房 你会盯着看的 And we've only got the one room - you'll be staring. 906 00:45:18,175 --> 00:45:21,495 所以我觉得你可以6点起来去喝杯咖啡 So I thought you could get up at six and go for a coffee 523 00:45:21,496 --> 00:45:23,130 7点再回来 怎么样 and come back at seven, is that all right? 11 00:45:23,300 --> 00:45:23,605 嗯…… Um... 377 00:45:25,605 --> 00:45:26,894 如果你想这样的话 那也行吧 Yeah, if you want. 34 00:45:27,386 --> 00:45:27,805 谢谢 Thanks. 131 00:45:33,386 --> 00:45:34,128 你每天都这样吗? Is that every day? 22 00:45:35,058 --> 00:45:35,425 是的 Yes. 21 00:45:38,019 --> 00:45:38,371 好吧 OK. 738 00:45:46,955 --> 00:45:49,191 [法语]行 运过去 一个人3000欧 OK, transport - 3,000 euros per person. 388 00:45:49,605 --> 00:45:50,925 所以总共是6000欧 So, 6,000 total. 949 00:45:51,628 --> 00:45:55,433 可以 但我们上船之前我不能给钱 OK, but I refuse to give you the money until we're on the boat. 51 00:45:55,925 --> 00:45:56,425 你现在就得给钱 You pay now. 915 00:45:56,785 --> 00:46:00,152 我理解 但我想等到看到船了再给 Yes, I understand, but I want to wait until I can see the boat. 385 00:46:00,285 --> 00:46:01,597 不行 你必须现在给 No, you have to pay now. 759 00:46:01,660 --> 00:46:03,988 听着 这种事之前也发生过 我们就被抢了 Look, this has happened before and we have been robbed. 575 00:46:04,191 --> 00:46:05,949 非常不幸!你现在就得给 Unfortunate! You pay now. 566 00:46:05,964 --> 00:46:07,706 那我绝对不同意 Well, I absolutely refuse. 617 00:46:08,205 --> 00:46:10,066 那祝你好运 没什么好谈的了 OK, good luck. We finish. 595 00:46:11,316 --> 00:46:13,121 别走 等等 No, no, no, just wait, wait, wait, wait! 380 00:46:13,122 --> 00:46:14,425 这样吧 Hey. Just look. 146 00:46:16,261 --> 00:46:17,030 我付一半 I'll pay half. 85 00:46:17,503 --> 00:46:18,105 你全都要付 You give all. 29 00:46:25,050 --> 00:46:25,456 行吧 OK. 863 00:46:45,545 --> 00:46:48,397 {\an8}2027大选 民意调查预估会出现惊人结果? 45 00:47:08,787 --> 00:47:09,272 是他 That's him. 37 00:47:11,115 --> 00:47:11,553 是的 Yes! 127 00:47:11,600 --> 00:47:12,326 来 把包拿上 Come on, get the bag. 990 00:47:14,084 --> 00:47:20,604 510 00:47:31,320 --> 00:47:32,906 上面说的是瓦埃特口 It said Cran de Quette. 303 00:47:33,750 --> 00:47:34,880 是一块凸出来的岬角 It's a bit of headland. 928 00:47:36,047 --> 00:47:39,555 你看到了吗?我们现在离英格兰更近了 Hey, do you see? We're actually closer to England now. 272 00:47:40,080 --> 00:47:41,130 More like 20 miles. 大概还有20英里吧 153 00:47:56,330 --> 00:47:57,109 那个就是船吗? Is that the boat? 423 00:47:58,555 --> 00:47:59,961 那不是船吧 我们是坐那个上船 That's not the boat that takes us to the boat? 154 00:48:00,938 --> 00:48:01,719 不对 我觉得就是船 No, I think that's it. 44 00:48:03,359 --> 00:48:03,836 OK. 行吧 710 00:48:04,672 --> 00:48:06,828 Well, never mind, good. 20 miles - that's all. 算了 还行吧 就20英里 155 00:48:08,344 --> 00:48:09,125 就20英里 20 miles. 938 00:48:16,820 --> 00:48:20,539 等等 等等 等等 等等 接着 接着 接着 接着 接着 OK, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold that, hold that. 576 00:48:22,656 --> 00:48:24,420 丹尼 你在干嘛? Danny, what are you doing? 522 00:48:24,513 --> 00:48:26,138 我要保持鞋子的干燥 你也应该这样 I'm keeping them dry - you should do the same. 492 00:48:27,505 --> 00:48:29,052 丹尼 你看 我们会弄湿的 Danny, look, we're going to get wet. 512 00:48:29,053 --> 00:48:30,646 我跟人一起工作过 我见过这种情况 No, but I've worked with people, I've seen this, 102 00:48:30,647 --> 00:48:31,302 你会得脚腐病的 you get foot rot. 345 00:48:59,008 --> 00:49:00,242 过来 上来 Come over, come on! 152 00:49:13,979 --> 00:49:14,755 哦 完了 Oh, shit! 420 00:49:18,255 --> 00:49:19,659 他们不会上船的 不是吗? Oh, they're not getting on board, are they? 731 00:49:21,280 --> 00:49:23,495 一定还有一艘船 必须得再有一艘船 There must be another boat, there's got to be another boat! 895 00:49:30,530 --> 00:49:33,780 船满了!没有地方了! There is no room! There's no room! 259 00:49:34,159 --> 00:49:35,190 没有足够的空间了 There's not enough room 103 00:49:35,199 --> 00:49:35,854 你们看得到的 you can see 697 00:49:35,855 --> 00:49:37,979 没有足够的空间了 you can see, there's not enough room! 975 00:49:48,714 --> 00:49:53,167 - 他妈的!行吧 - 挪一下,挪一挪!- 别 等等! Oh, shit! OK, budge up, budge up! No, no. Wait! 792 00:49:53,698 --> 00:49:56,151 无所谓了  来 来 It doesn't matter, doesn't matter! Come. Come. 343 00:50:04,280 --> 00:50:05,511 丹尼 我们可以下去的 Danny, we can get off. 150 00:50:05,940 --> 00:50:06,714 我们可以下去 We can get off. 926 00:50:07,761 --> 00:50:11,229 - 我们可以的 - 不 - 我们可以的 - 不 - No, we can do this. - No. We can do it. No. 149 00:51:55,730 --> 00:51:56,503 你一个人吗? Are you on your own? 86 00:51:58,402 --> 00:51:59,010 [乌克兰语] 97 00:51:59,893 --> 00:52:00,526 你叫什么名字 What's your name? 92 00:52:02,613 --> 00:52:03,237 [乌克兰语] 265 00:52:06,659 --> 00:52:07,698 你身上带了什么证明文件吗? Have you got any paperwork with you? 132 00:52:12,003 --> 00:52:12,745 [乌克兰语] 263 00:52:17,855 --> 00:52:18,893 你来自哪里 Where have you come from? 76 00:52:26,425 --> 00:52:27,018 [乌克兰语] 250 00:52:38,492 --> 00:52:39,500 多令人震惊啊 多令人震惊啊 Astonishing, astonishing, astonishing! 292 00:52:39,501 --> 00:52:40,609 {\an8}四星党 355个议席 最新消息 薇芙·洛克当选首相 137 00:52:40,610 --> 00:52:41,359 {\an8}利物浦 谢菲尔德及赫尔爆发骚乱 最新消息 薇芙·洛克当选首相 404 00:52:41,891 --> 00:52:43,250 {\an8}阿尔比恩民联要求重新计票 最新消息 薇芙·洛克当选首相 77 00:54:04,500 --> 00:54:05,094 打开连接系统 Call link. 829 00:54:06,530 --> 00:54:09,164 不对 打开家连家系统 只开音频 No, call family link, audio only. 378 00:54:09,355 --> 00:54:10,656 正接通家连家系统 Calling family link. 591 00:54:14,437 --> 00:54:16,234 丹尼 你看到这边的新闻了吗? Danny, have you seen the news over here? 768 00:54:16,531 --> 00:54:18,883 你最爱的女人当首相了 Your favourite woman Prime Minister! 316 00:54:18,906 --> 00:54:20,062 我可是见过她本人的哦 I've actually met her. 620 00:54:20,390 --> 00:54:22,264 我喜欢死了 她就是个噩梦 I love it, she's a nightmare, 633 00:54:22,265 --> 00:54:24,180 会让整个国家系统分崩离析 the whole system's in pieces. 830 00:54:24,359 --> 00:54:27,000 丹 伙计 把我移出家庭连线吧 Oh, Dan, mate, no, take me off the family link. 174 00:54:27,969 --> 00:54:28,789 我们得跟上时代了 We've got to catch up. 548 00:54:28,844 --> 00:54:30,547 你走后好多事都变了 A lot of things have changed since you went away. 142 00:54:31,080 --> 00:54:31,836 不好意思 瑟莱萨 Sorry, Celeste. 326 00:54:32,156 --> 00:54:33,328 我不介意 不会惹到我 I don't mind. It doesn't bother me, 985 00:54:33,329 --> 00:54:38,351 你继续待在线上吧 你不是很喜欢说话吗?这是你的家人 you stay on the link. Just do what you want. You're very fond of saying, it's your family. 222 00:54:38,484 --> 00:54:39,422 别开始搞这一出吧 Don't start. 963 00:54:39,734 --> 00:54:43,875 不好意思 我觉得如果非得说是谁开始的话 Excuse me! I think, if anyone started this, 366 00:54:43,876 --> 00:54:45,156 是你吧 史蒂芬 it was you, Stephen. 133 00:54:45,422 --> 00:54:46,164 我能直接说明白吗? Can I just point out 628 00:54:46,165 --> 00:54:48,061 丹尼尔为了其他人离开了他的丈夫 - Daniel left his husband for someone else, 320 00:54:48,062 --> 00:54:49,226 当时可没人对他大发雷霆 no-one had a go at him. 409 00:54:49,538 --> 00:54:50,913 到我就变成世界末日了 Me, it's the end of the world. 160 00:54:51,397 --> 00:54:52,187 为什么要这样 Why is that? 280 00:54:52,803 --> 00:54:53,866 我觉得我还是说句话吧 I thought I'd better say. 884 00:54:54,272 --> 00:54:57,382 啊 维克多 不好意思 你还好吗? Oh, Viktor, sorry, are you OK? 448 00:54:57,730 --> 00:54:59,179 你好啊 你在哪儿呢 Hello! Where are you? 623 00:54:59,351 --> 00:55:01,226 啊 维克 伙计 帮我们个忙 让丹尼尔接电话吧 Oh, Vik, mate, do us a favour - put Daniel on. 139 00:55:01,632 --> 00:55:02,382 这些事说来话长了 It's a long story. 441 00:55:02,726 --> 00:55:04,163 等等 不好意思 上面显示你在家 Wait, sorry, but it says you're home. 535 00:55:04,913 --> 00:55:06,585 你从丹叔叔家里打来的 你到英国了 You're phoning from Uncle Dan's. You're in Britain? 582 00:55:06,788 --> 00:55:08,562 天啊 不可能吧 Oh, my God, no way! 72 00:55:08,601 --> 00:55:09,179 你做到了 You did it. 164 00:55:09,897 --> 00:55:10,694 怎么做到的 How did that happen? 766 00:55:11,022 --> 00:55:13,373 太厉害了吧 Oh, that's brilliant! That's amazing! 215 00:55:13,374 --> 00:55:14,296 丹 你怎么做到的 How did you do it, Dan? 424 00:55:16,804 --> 00:55:18,210 丹尼 你在吗? Danny, are you there? 511 00:55:20,679 --> 00:55:22,265 我在家 丹尼尔已经死了 I'm at the house and Daniel's dead. 261 00:55:25,194 --> 00:55:26,226 很抱歉 他淹死了 I'm sorry, but he drowned. 480 00:55:28,505 --> 00:55:30,022 我们以为可以穿过海峡 We thought we could get across the Channel, 976 00:55:31,280 --> 00:55:35,733 新闻上说有17具尸体 其中就有丹尼尔 but on the news it says 17 bodies - that was Daniel. 52 00:55:37,038 --> 00:55:37,538 他死了 He's dead. 41 00:55:38,632 --> 00:55:39,101 他淹死了 He drowned. 389 00:55:41,015 --> 00:55:42,335 我们当时离海岸还有半英里 We got half a mile from the shore, 246 00:55:43,522 --> 00:55:44,522 但还是很远 but that's a very long way. 12 00:55:46,805 --> 00:55:47,116 什么 What? 84 00:55:47,117 --> 00:55:47,718 警察不知道 The police don't know. 342 00:55:48,202 --> 00:55:49,429 他的护照丢了 His passport was gone, 677 00:55:49,647 --> 00:55:51,702 钱包在他的包里 包也丢了 his wallet was in his bag, and his bag was lost. 960 00:55:53,305 --> 00:55:57,382 他现在在一个叫莱的镇上 身份还被没确认 So, he's in a town on the coast called Rye, unidentified. 201 00:55:59,038 --> 00:55:59,929 我不想去确认 I didn't want to do that. 942 00:56:02,179 --> 00:56:05,921 我以为 如果我来这儿 他们可能永远都找不到我了 But I thought, if I came here, they'd never find me. 308 00:56:09,038 --> 00:56:10,179 但我知道 这没用的 That doesn't work, I know. 310 00:56:12,937 --> 00:56:14,085 我向你们所有人道歉 I apologise to you all, 979 00:56:15,905 --> 00:56:20,507 我们上船了 船沉了 他死了 but we got on the boat, and the boat sank.And he's dead. 898 00:56:24,637 --> 00:56:27,905 我是回家了 但这还是家吗? I came home. Is this home? 170 00:57:00,491 --> 00:57:01,304 会没事的 It will be OK. 19 00:57:12,788 --> 00:57:13,132 好吧 OK. 550 00:57:43,955 --> 00:57:45,663 维克多 求你了 在吗? Viktor, please, are you there? 109 00:57:47,655 --> 00:57:48,330 维克多 Viktor! 124 00:57:49,830 --> 00:57:50,555 维克多 Viktor? 433 00:57:51,455 --> 00:57:52,880 开门啊! Open the door! 75 00:57:54,630 --> 00:57:55,218 维克多 Viktor! 202 00:57:56,835 --> 00:57:57,730 维克多 Viktor! 958 00:57:59,186 --> 00:58:03,155 西西弗字幕组 991 00:58:03,156 --> 00:58:30,250 翻译:西西弗  时间轴:Yiv 校对:Forever 压 制:LDAN