1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,000 《未来岁月》前情回顾 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,680 -你好 薇芙 -她听起来像个恶魔 - Hello, Viv! Hello. - She sounds like a monster. 10003 00:00:01,960 --> 00:00:03,280 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}投给薇芙 4 00:00:04,680 --> 00:00:07,240 我知道 我不会为她投票的 她太可怕了 Oh, I know, I won't vote for her, she's horrific. 5 00:00:07,240 --> 00:00:09,280 你们是否与我并肩战斗 Are you with me? 6 00:00:11,240 --> 00:00:13,480 我们的记录显示你可能没有居留许可 Our records show you may not have leave to remain. 7 00:00:13,480 --> 00:00:14,640 他们要把他送走 They're taking him away? 8 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:15,960 他们让我明早七点上飞机 They're flying me out at 7am. 9 00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:18,120 不能一天之内就把人驱逐出境 You can't deport someone in a single day! 10 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:19,760 你好天真 Ho-ho, your little world. 11 00:00:19,760 --> 00:00:21,200 你好 我是贝丝妮 Hello, Bethany speaking. 12 00:00:21,200 --> 00:00:24,080 -天啊 -我把它植入了 我的手就是手机 - Oh, my God! - I had it implanted. My hand is the phone! 13 00:00:24,080 --> 00:00:26,400 你受到了一戈瑞的辐射 You were exposed to one gray of radiation. 10014 00:00:24,520 --> 00:00:26,240 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}伊迪丝·莱昂斯 活动家 15 00:00:26,400 --> 00:00:28,120 我觉得你也许还能活十年 I think you might have ten years. 16 00:00:30,640 --> 00:00:33,520 加油 薇芙安 你成功了 Go on, Vivienne! You did it. 17 00:00:33,520 --> 00:00:35,640 史蒂芬 你损失了多少钱 Stephen, how much did you lose? 18 00:00:35,640 --> 00:00:38,520 113.5万英镑 £1,135,000. 19 00:00:38,520 --> 00:00:40,960 让我进去 Let me in! 20 00:00:40,960 --> 00:00:42,160 你们要住在哪里 Where are you going to live? 21 00:00:42,160 --> 00:00:43,480 欢迎回家 Welcome home. 10022 00:00:52,440 --> 00:00:54,840 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}未来岁月 第一季 第三集 10023 00:00:52,440 --> 00:00:54,840 {\an2\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}个人译制:石榴16 [打轴不熟练请见谅] 24 00:00:54,840 --> 00:00:57,360 看看我们现在的处境 Just look at the state we are in. 25 00:00:57,360 --> 00:01:01,680 对许多辛勤工作的家庭来说 圣诞节被毁了 Christmas has been ruined for so many hard-working families. 26 00:01:01,680 --> 00:01:03,880 银行还在不断倒闭 The collapse of the banks goes on and on. 27 00:01:03,880 --> 00:01:05,520 现在他们说哈瑟塞奇也陷入危机了 Now they say Hathersage is in trouble. 28 00:01:05,520 --> 00:01:08,640 老天 我妈的毕生积蓄都存在哈瑟塞奇 For God's sake, my mother has got her life savings in Hathersage. 29 00:01:08,640 --> 00:01:10,560 但他们就是这么干了 不是吗 那些银行 But they've done it, haven't they, the banks? 30 00:01:10,560 --> 00:01:12,440 他们把我们彻底[消音] They've left us completely BLEEP. 10031 00:01:10,560 --> 00:01:12,440 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}薇芙安·洛克 四星党议员 曼彻斯特麦特洛克 32 00:01:12,440 --> 00:01:15,120 我们告诉过你 真的不能这样说话 We've told you before, you really can't use language like that. 33 00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:18,000 随你怎么审核我 Well, you can censor me all you like, 34 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:20,600 但他们会骂人 不是吗 but they swear, don't you? 35 00:01:20,600 --> 00:01:21,880 你们所有人 All of you. 36 00:01:21,880 --> 00:01:23,840 想到这个体系对我们做了什么 When you think of what the system has done to us, 37 00:01:23,840 --> 00:01:25,160 你们不会破口大骂吗 don't you swear the roof down? 38 00:01:26,440 --> 00:01:29,720 我们怎么办 我们这些普通人 我们怎么办 What do we do, the rest of us normal people? What do we do? 39 00:01:29,720 --> 00:01:32,040 普通人 你是议员 Normal people? You're a Member of Parliament. 40 00:01:32,040 --> 00:01:33,840 你应该有解决办法 You're supposed to have the answer. 41 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:36,000 我有办法 我正有此意 I think I have, I've got exactly that, 42 00:01:36,000 --> 00:01:39,240 因为明年我们将面临大选 because next year we face a general election and, God knows, 43 00:01:39,240 --> 00:01:41,040 我们需要做出改变 你不觉得吗 we need to shake things up, don't you think? 44 00:01:41,040 --> 00:01:43,360 所以我提议 想要投票的 So I propose, in order to vote, 45 00:01:43,360 --> 00:01:47,300 每个英国公民都必须接受智商测试 every British citizen must take an IQ test. 46 00:01:47,900 --> 00:01:49,120 什么 What? 47 00:01:49,120 --> 00:01:50,520 不能说这种话 You can't say that! 48 00:01:50,520 --> 00:01:51,880 太天才了 Oh, she's brilliant. 49 00:01:51,880 --> 00:01:53,600 我就说你会喜欢 I said you'd like it. 50 00:01:53,600 --> 00:01:57,200 得分高于70就可以投票 就这么简单 If you score above 70, you can vote. Simple as that. 51 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:59,480 她太混账了 Oh, she is outrageous. 52 00:01:59,480 --> 00:02:02,200 70挺低的 没那么严重 70's quite low. It's not that bad. 53 00:02:02,200 --> 00:02:04,400 你是说有些人太蠢了不该投票吗 Are you saying that some people are too stupid to vote? 54 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:06,600 不是 这是你们说的 No. That's what YOU say, 55 00:02:06,600 --> 00:02:09,480 你们数百万人 上班时 在家里 在酒吧 millions of you, at work, at home, in the pub, 56 00:02:09,480 --> 00:02:11,960 你们说 "取消投票权" you say, "Take away the vote." 57 00:02:11,960 --> 00:02:13,080 你就是这么说的 丹 滔滔不绝 You say it, Dan. All the time. 58 00:02:13,080 --> 00:02:15,000 脱欧的时候你没完没了地说 That was you and Brexit, nonstop. 59 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:19,560 你说情况太复杂了 公众不够聪明 You say things are too complicated and people are not clever enough. 60 00:02:19,560 --> 00:02:22,880 [乌克兰语] 61 00:02:26,560 --> 00:02:29,520 你也说了 史蒂夫 我听到你上周说了 And you said it, Steve. I heard you. You said it last week. 62 00:02:29,520 --> 00:02:31,040 行吧 都是我的错 Oh, right. It's all my fault. 63 00:02:31,040 --> 00:02:32,439 我可是有工作的人 Some of us have work to do. 64 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:33,800 不好意思 我也在工作 Excuse me! I'm working! 65 00:02:33,800 --> 00:02:36,920 但他干的是实实在在的体力活 But he's doing actual, physical work. 66 00:02:36,920 --> 00:02:39,120 -你要再来一杯茶吗 -不要 - You want another cup of tea? - No. 67 00:02:39,120 --> 00:02:41,242 不管你喜不喜欢 她说的都有道理 Like it or not, she's got a point. 68 00:02:41,243 --> 00:02:42,200 公众太蠢了 People are thick. 69 00:02:42,200 --> 00:02:44,360 等等 你想禁止我投票吗 Hold on. Would you ban me? 70 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:46,200 只要你通过测试就不禁止 Not if you passed the test. 71 00:02:46,200 --> 00:02:48,480 天啊 你想禁止我投票 Oh, my God! You'd ban me! 72 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:49,561 伊迪丝 我不明白 Edith, I don't get it. 73 00:02:49,562 --> 00:02:51,320 我还以为你是伟大的无政府主义者 I thought you were the great anarchist. 74 00:02:51,320 --> 00:02:54,880 这是薇芙安·洛克 她在破坏民主 我喜欢 Well, that's Vivienne Rook. She's ripping up democracy. I love it. 75 00:02:54,880 --> 00:02:57,640 不过等一下 这不是真的 没有法律效应 Hold on, though. This isn't real. This isn't legal. 76 00:02:57,640 --> 00:03:00,600 只有她一个议员 实际上做不到 She's only one MP. She can't actually do it. 77 00:03:00,600 --> 00:03:04,420 明年还有一件事 爸爸的七十岁生日 Hey, one more thing about next year, dad's birthday, his 70th. 78 00:03:05,220 --> 00:03:05,840 那又怎样 So? 79 00:03:05,840 --> 00:03:07,760 这有什么关系吗 How is that relevant? 80 00:03:07,760 --> 00:03:09,960 天啊 他七十岁了 Oh, my God. Is he 70? 81 00:03:09,960 --> 00:03:14,040 他还住在莱斯特 离得不远 我说说而已 He's still living in Leicester, which isn't far. Just saying. 82 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:17,080 2026年 让人民来决定 2026, let the people decide, 83 00:03:17,080 --> 00:03:18,960 不过仅限聪明人 but only the clever ones. 84 00:03:25,420 --> 00:03:28,120 银行业危机的冲击仍在继续 The shock from the banking crisis continues, 85 00:03:28,120 --> 00:03:31,880 穆迪将英国的信用评级下调至A2 with Moody's reducing the UK credit rating to A2. 10086 00:03:28,120 --> 00:03:31,880 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}银行业危机 政府警告将出现严重衰退 10087 00:03:31,880 --> 00:03:38,600 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}特别报道 行业崩溃 88 00:03:31,880 --> 00:03:35,400 克莱曼·阿贾克斯宣布破产 伦敦金融城陷入恐慌 Panic in the City as Kleiman Ajax has been declared bankrupt. 89 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:38,600 这将对制药行业产生巨大影响 Consequences for the pharmaceutical industry will be enormous. 90 00:03:38,600 --> 00:03:42,120 拿不到药 普通的药 拿不到 Can't get the drugs. Ordinary drugs, you can't get them. 91 00:03:42,120 --> 00:03:44,880 露比服用氯巴占治疗癫痫 Ruby takes Clobazam for her epilepsy. 92 00:03:44,880 --> 00:03:47,560 药剂师说 "我们没药了 六周后再来" The chemist says, "We're out of stock. Come back in six weeks." 10093 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:51,640 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}民粹主义席卷欧洲 94 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:51,640 法国本次紧急选举 又有30%的选民倒向右翼 The emergency election in France has seen a 30% swing to the right. 95 00:03:51,640 --> 00:03:54,080 我们本来要送维克多去法国 We were going to get Viktor into France. 96 00:03:54,080 --> 00:03:55,560 现在不行了 Not any more. 97 00:03:55,560 --> 00:03:59,060 现在他们会驱逐任何没有签证的人 Now they deport anyone without a visa. 98 00:03:59,500 --> 00:04:01,720 [乌克兰语] 10099 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:05,880 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}头条新闻 首相拒绝确认选举日期 100 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:05,880 为了应对大选 In anticipation of the general election, 101 00:04:05,880 --> 00:04:08,640 政府雇佣了一万名数据清理员 the government has employed 10,000 data sweepers 102 00:04:08,640 --> 00:04:10,649 来监控俄罗斯的干扰 to monitor Russian interference. 103 00:04:10,650 --> 00:04:11,080 你好 Hello. 104 00:04:11,080 --> 00:04:14,520 你好 贝丝妮 我是露西 Hi, there, Bethany. I'm Lucie. 105 00:04:14,520 --> 00:04:16,200 我喜欢你的手机 I like your phone. 106 00:04:26,040 --> 00:04:28,160 链克 关闭广播 呼叫维克多 Link, radio off, call Viktor. 107 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:30,120 呼叫中 Calling Viktor. 108 00:04:34,440 --> 00:04:36,360 链克 再试一次 Link, try again. 109 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:41,520 链克 给维克多发送信息 Link, send text to Viktor. 110 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:45,000 你好 逗号 起床 你个懒虫 句号 Hey, comma, get up, you lazy bastard, full stop. 111 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:49,560 亲吻表情 眨眼表情 勃起表情 发送 Emoji kiss, emoji wink... emoji erect penis, send. 112 00:04:50,960 --> 00:04:53,040 链克 再给维克多打一回 Link, try Viktor one more time. 113 00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:55,520 呼叫中 Calling Viktor. 10114 00:04:59,080 --> 00:05:01,400 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}呼叫中 维克多 115 00:05:06,080 --> 00:05:08,400 维克多已接通 Viktor linked. 116 00:05:08,400 --> 00:05:12,160 听着 我想我可以1号去见你 Listen, I was thinking I could come out to see you on the 1st and... 117 00:05:15,160 --> 00:05:18,000 维克多 是你吗 Viktor, is that you? 118 00:05:19,080 --> 00:05:21,680 维克 你在吗 喂 Vik, are you there? Hello? 119 00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:24,400 喂 Hello. 120 00:05:24,400 --> 00:05:27,240 我说 喂 I said, hello. 121 00:05:27,240 --> 00:05:29,480 喂 能听到吗 Hello, can you hear me? 122 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:37,040 [乌克兰语] 123 00:05:39,360 --> 00:05:41,560 我听不...我不... I'm not... I don't... 124 00:05:41,560 --> 00:05:45,520 [乌克兰语] 125 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:49,360 不好意思 我不会说... I'm sorry, but I can't speak... 126 00:05:49,360 --> 00:05:51,860 你往这里打网络电话 对吗 You called, Skype here, yes? 127 00:05:52,440 --> 00:05:54,440 -对 -维克多·戈拉亚 - Yes. - Viktor Goraya. 128 00:05:54,440 --> 00:05:57,320 你给维克多·戈拉亚打电话 对吗 You called Viktor Goraya, yes? 129 00:05:57,320 --> 00:05:59,360 你是丹尼尔·莱昂斯吗 Daniel Lyons is you? 130 00:06:03,320 --> 00:06:05,640 -对 -你认识维克多·戈拉亚 - Yes. - You know Viktor Goraya. 131 00:06:09,120 --> 00:06:10,840 他是我朋友 He's my friend... 132 00:06:12,360 --> 00:06:15,320 我在给他打电话 我有权这样做 and I'm calling him, which I'm allowed to do. 133 00:06:15,320 --> 00:06:18,480 我没有做错任何事 他也没有 I haven't done anything wrong and neither has he. 134 00:06:18,480 --> 00:06:20,080 他在哪儿 Where is he? 135 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:22,360 [乌克兰语] 136 00:06:22,360 --> 00:06:25,120 这是你 对吗 It's you, huh? 137 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:26,760 你好 先生 Hello, sir. 138 00:06:26,760 --> 00:06:28,880 [乌克兰语] 139 00:06:38,680 --> 00:06:41,760 -你付钱给他吗 英国人 -没有 - Do you pay him, Englishman? - No. 140 00:06:41,760 --> 00:06:43,960 他是你的骚货 He's your bitch. 141 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:48,920 该死 Shit. 142 00:06:48,920 --> 00:06:51,760 我不知道 但他们是警察 I don't know but they were the police. 143 00:06:51,760 --> 00:06:54,280 反正穿着制服 Well, it was a uniform. 144 00:06:54,280 --> 00:06:55,640 听着 我见识过这些 Look, I've been out there. 145 00:06:55,640 --> 00:06:57,840 他们是正经的警察 They were proper policemen. 146 00:06:57,840 --> 00:06:59,360 我在找维克多 I'm looking for Viktor. 147 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:02,360 维克多·戈拉亚 Viktor Goraya. 148 00:07:04,920 --> 00:07:06,920 [乌克兰语] 149 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:11,920 -不 我今天不去上班了 -我们需要你 - No, I won't be coming into work today. - We need you. 150 00:07:11,920 --> 00:07:14,360 抱歉 我真的不能去 抱歉 No, I'm sorry, I just can't, sorry, no. 151 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:18,280 他在英国境内通过了35号法案的评估 He passed his Rule 35 assessment IN the UK. 152 00:07:18,280 --> 00:07:20,320 我该找谁谈 So who do I speak to? 153 00:07:26,920 --> 00:07:31,520 我叫丹尼尔·莱昂斯 我在曼彻斯特市政府工作 My name is Daniel Lyons. I work for Manchester City Council. 154 00:07:31,520 --> 00:07:34,680 我需要帮助 老天啊 I need some help... For God's sake! 155 00:07:34,680 --> 00:07:36,840 抱歉 不是说你 Sorry, not you. 156 00:07:36,840 --> 00:07:40,160 警察说 "告诉我们他的名字" 但如果我照做 So the police said, "Give us his name," but if I do that 157 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:41,340 然后他们说 "你是谁" and they say, "Who are you?" 158 00:07:41,340 --> 00:07:42,440 然后我说 "我是他男友' and I say, "I'm his boyfriend," 159 00:07:42,440 --> 00:07:44,000 万一他们告诉别人呢 what if they pass that on? 160 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:46,840 因为这是证据 对吗 那我该怎么办 Cos that's like evidence, isn't it? So what do I do? 161 00:07:46,840 --> 00:07:50,240 我该怎么办 说真的 我该怎么办 I mean, what do I do? I mean, really...what do I do? 162 00:07:54,120 --> 00:07:56,360 喂 Hello. 163 00:07:56,360 --> 00:07:58,280 喂 Hello! 164 00:07:58,280 --> 00:08:01,480 是我 我很安全 我没事 It's me. I'm safe. I'm OK. 165 00:08:01,480 --> 00:08:03,400 -抱歉 -天啊 - I'm sorry. - Oh, my God! 166 00:08:06,240 --> 00:08:08,560 -你没事吧 -没事 - Are you all right? - Fine. 167 00:08:08,560 --> 00:08:11,560 -你在哪儿 -我逃走了 - Where are you? - I got away. 168 00:08:11,560 --> 00:08:14,520 -你没事吧 -我没事 我和罗曼在一起 - Are you all right? - I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm with Roman. 169 00:08:14,520 --> 00:08:17,720 我逃得太急没拿手机 不过我没事 I ran so fast I didn't have my phone, but I'm OK. 170 00:08:17,720 --> 00:08:18,920 我保证 I promise. 171 00:08:18,920 --> 00:08:21,680 原来他在敖德萨[俄罗斯] Turns out he's in Odessa. 172 00:08:21,680 --> 00:08:25,400 真的是提前两分钟收到警告 在警察到之前跑了 Literally had two minutes' warning. Ran before the police arrived, 173 00:08:25,400 --> 00:08:27,200 什么都没拿 上了一辆大巴 left everything behind, got on a bus, 174 00:08:27,200 --> 00:08:29,200 那种卡嗒卡嗒的大巴 this clickety-clackety bus type thing, 175 00:08:29,200 --> 00:08:31,440 不用起飞 走陆路 九小时之后 no suspension, overland, nine hours later, 176 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:33,360 敖德萨 谢天谢地 Odessa, thank you very much. 177 00:08:33,360 --> 00:08:35,160 我都不知道那是什么地方 I don't even know where that is. 178 00:08:35,160 --> 00:08:36,800 他安全吗 他还好吗 Is he safe though, is he OK? 179 00:08:36,800 --> 00:08:38,080 他有个朋友 罗曼 He's got this mate, Roman, 180 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:41,320 他说维克多可以在他那里躲一阵子 所以 he says Viktor can hide there for a bit, so... 181 00:08:41,320 --> 00:08:44,160 -我很遗憾 -谢了 亲爱的 谢谢 - I'm sorry. - Thanks, sweetheart, thank you. 182 00:08:44,160 --> 00:08:45,640 -莉兹 -你好 - Hi, Lizzie. - Hello. 183 00:08:45,640 --> 00:08:47,080 他真的犯法了吗 Has he actually broken the law? 184 00:08:47,080 --> 00:08:50,440 没有 严格来说 严格来说没有 Well, no, technically. Technically, no. 185 00:08:50,440 --> 00:08:53,920 但是共产党申请将同性关系定为非法 But the Communist Party applied to make same-sex relationships illegal, 186 00:08:53,920 --> 00:08:55,560 或者你不能公开表露同性关系 or you can't express homosexuality. 187 00:08:55,560 --> 00:08:57,920 就是这么说的 你不能公开表露 That's the phrase, you can't express it. 188 00:08:57,920 --> 00:08:59,760 早在2016年 他们就试图这么做 They tried to do that back in 2016. 189 00:08:59,760 --> 00:09:03,240 这可是共产党 不是一群疯子 Now this is the Communist Party, this isn't a bunch of nutters, 190 00:09:03,240 --> 00:09:07,080 这是人民党 他们在2019年再次申请 this is the people's party and they applied again, in 2019, 191 00:09:07,080 --> 00:09:09,520 然后今年 第三次中大运 and, this year, third time lucky, 192 00:09:09,520 --> 00:09:13,240 于是 他随时都可能成为罪犯 so, yeah, any day now, he's a criminal. 193 00:09:15,880 --> 00:09:18,400 我得走了 伙计 我得走了 Oh, I've got to go, mate, got to go. 194 00:09:18,400 --> 00:09:21,220 有个包裹要送到威利区 抱歉 Delivering a parcel to Whalley Range. Sorry. 195 00:09:21,220 --> 00:09:22,440 那你打算怎么办 So what are you going to do? 196 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:24,320 我们得把他救出来 我们得把他送去 Well, we've got to get him out, we've got to get him into a country 197 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:27,760 提供庇护的国家 但是为此他必须跨境 that grants asylum but, to do that, he's got to cross the border. 198 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:29,760 -你是说非法跨境 -对 - You mean illegally? - Yeah. 199 00:09:30,180 --> 00:09:32,080 这有多危险 And how dangerous is that? 200 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:33,760 很危险 Very. 201 00:09:35,120 --> 00:09:37,200 所以我们只能通过非法途径 So we'll have to do it illegally. 202 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:40,000 天知道要怎么做到 但我得把他弄出边境 God knows how, but I've got to get him over the border and out. 203 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:42,040 天啊 太棒了 Oh, my God! That's amazing. 204 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:43,960 代我向他问好 祝你们好运 Give him my love! Good luck. 205 00:09:46,080 --> 00:09:49,360 不好意思 但我想不出还能怎么说"天啊"了 I'm sorry but I'm running out of ways to say, "Oh, my God." 206 00:09:49,360 --> 00:09:52,080 敖德萨在海边 我觉得很适宜生活 Odessa's by the sea. I think it's a really nice place to live. 207 00:09:52,080 --> 00:09:55,240 -你觉得他有给维克多寄钱吗 -我知道他有 - Do you think he sends Viktor money? - Oh, I know he does. 208 00:09:55,240 --> 00:09:57,120 好了 我要迟到了 我出门了 Right, I'm late, I'm off. 209 00:09:57,120 --> 00:10:00,280 真不要脸 学期中途召我过去 肯定没好事 Bloody nerve, calling me in at half term. I bet it's trouble! 210 00:10:00,280 --> 00:10:04,040 我在想 李今天要和他的小伙伴克雷格一起玩 I was thinking, Lee's spending the day with his little mate, Craig. 211 00:10:04,040 --> 00:10:04,900 我可以带林肯出去 I could take Lincoln out. 212 00:10:04,900 --> 00:10:06,840 惠特沃思美术馆有个中国陶瓷展出 There's this Chinese ceramics thing on at the Whitworth, 213 00:10:06,840 --> 00:10:08,960 然后我们可以去看《玩具总动员重启》 then we could go see Toy Story Resurrection. 214 00:10:08,960 --> 00:10:10,960 你知道伍迪被烧死了吧 You know Woody gets burnt to death? 215 00:10:10,960 --> 00:10:12,880 别害得他做噩梦 Don't go giving him nightmares. 216 00:10:12,880 --> 00:10:15,200 好了 乖乖的 Right, behave. 217 00:10:15,200 --> 00:10:16,640 好孩子 There's a good boy. 218 00:10:16,640 --> 00:10:18,280 还有你 铁头 再见 And you, metal head, bye-bye! 219 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:21,800 再见 Bye. 220 00:10:21,800 --> 00:10:26,040 你觉得呢 和大姨一起来场小小的冒险 What do you think? Nice little adventure with your auntie? 221 00:10:26,040 --> 00:10:30,200 好了 真漂亮 别告诉你妈妈 我给你十镑 There. Gorgeous. OK, don't tell your mum and I'll give you ten quid. 222 00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:32,640 谁是漂亮女孩 你想叫什么名字 Who's a beautiful girl? What do you want to be called? 223 00:10:32,640 --> 00:10:35,700 -苏西 -好 苏西 我们走 - Susie. - OK, Susie, off we go. 224 00:10:37,180 --> 00:10:39,080 现在我们可以去冒险了 你和我 Now we can have an adventure, you and me, 225 00:10:39,080 --> 00:10:41,200 但是要对其他所有人保密 but it's a secret from everyone else. 226 00:10:41,200 --> 00:10:43,940 如果我说"钻石"这个词 So if I say the word "diamond", 227 00:10:43,940 --> 00:10:45,200 你就说 "我想去厕所" you say, "I want to go to the toilet." 228 00:10:45,200 --> 00:10:47,160 比如 这颗钻石真漂亮 Like, oh, what a pretty diamond. 229 00:10:47,160 --> 00:10:49,280 我想去厕所 I want to go to the toilet. 230 00:10:49,280 --> 00:10:50,880 我真想要颗钻石 I'd love to have a diamond. 231 00:10:50,880 --> 00:10:52,800 我想去厕所 I want to go to the toilet. 232 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:54,840 谁给我买颗钻石吧 Someone please buy me a diamond. 233 00:10:54,840 --> 00:10:56,440 我想去厕所 I want to go to the toilet. 234 00:10:56,440 --> 00:10:58,000 我要是有颗钻石就好了 I wish I had a diamond. 235 00:10:58,000 --> 00:10:59,600 我想去厕所 I want to go to the toilet. 236 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:02,760 非常非常非常棒 Very, very, very good... 237 00:11:02,760 --> 00:11:04,760 苏西 Susie. 10238 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:09,440 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}允许进入 239 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:12,360 你好 Hello. 240 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:15,560 这是你的"带女儿来上班"活动包 That's your bring your daughter to work activity pack. 241 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:17,560 你可真漂亮 你叫什么名字 Aren't you gorgeous? What's your name? 242 00:11:17,560 --> 00:11:18,600 苏西 Susie. 243 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:19,880 欢迎来到维特尔 苏西 Welcome to Wytel, Susie. 244 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:30,960 假装你非常非常难过 So just pretend you're very, very sad. 245 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:37,000 你好 我是霍利 我负责女儿们的游戏小组 Hello, I'm Holly. I'm in charge of the daughters' playgroup. 246 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:39,040 我以前没见过你 是吗 I've not seen you before, have I? 247 00:11:39,040 --> 00:11:40,880 是的 都是办公桌轮用的问题 No, it's all this hot desking. 248 00:11:40,880 --> 00:11:42,880 我通常在那边工作 I normally, sort of, work over there. 249 00:11:42,880 --> 00:11:45,800 这是苏西 她现在有点难过 因为她爸爸 This is Susie. She's a bit sad at the moment because her father, 250 00:11:45,800 --> 00:11:48,680 你知道的 别提了 那个蠢货 you know, let's not get into it! The buffoon! 251 00:11:48,680 --> 00:11:50,400 所以对她好点 So be nice to her. 252 00:11:50,400 --> 00:11:51,880 当然了 我会的 Oh, of course I will. 253 00:11:51,880 --> 00:11:54,760 好了 苏西 我有些不错的软玩具 Now then, Susie, I've got some nice soft play. 254 00:11:54,760 --> 00:11:58,760 你想来认识一下其他人吗 Would you like to come and meet the others? 10255 00:12:00,840 --> 00:12:04,880 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}下载中 10256 00:12:04,880 --> 00:12:05,780 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}下载完毕 257 00:12:07,440 --> 00:12:09,480 好了 苏西 There now, Susie, 258 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:12,760 我得说 你看起来就像颗小小的钻石 I must say, you look like a right little diamond! 259 00:12:12,760 --> 00:12:14,800 我想去厕所 I want to go to the toilet. 260 00:12:14,800 --> 00:12:16,960 那好 我们走 Oh, right then. Off we go. 261 00:12:25,120 --> 00:12:28,160 干得漂亮 好姑娘 Well done! Good girl! 262 00:12:29,960 --> 00:12:31,400 就像以前一样 Just like the old days. 263 00:12:31,400 --> 00:12:34,080 -这是最后一次 -下周再见 - This is the last time. - See you next week. 264 00:12:34,080 --> 00:12:37,560 -这丝带很适合你 -能给我吗 - You suit those ribbons. - Can I keep them? 265 00:12:37,560 --> 00:12:40,400 有何不可 I don't see why not. 266 00:12:40,400 --> 00:12:42,320 我在鱼叉快递工作了一周 I spent a week working for Harpoons 267 00:12:42,320 --> 00:12:45,600 但是说实话 我认为他们的标准不怎么样 but, to be honest, I thought their standards weren't that high. 268 00:12:45,600 --> 00:12:48,720 他们不太精确 这在这项工作中是致命的 They were a bit imprecise, which is deadly in this job. 269 00:12:48,720 --> 00:12:52,080 所以我想我应该去贝金多工作 城里最好的职业 So I thought I'd go and work for Beckindole's, best careers in town. 270 00:12:52,080 --> 00:12:53,800 我的驾照没有案底 I've got a clean driving licence, 271 00:12:53,800 --> 00:12:56,320 所以让我开车或骑车都行 随你安排 so I can work the vans or the bikes, whatever you want. 272 00:12:56,320 --> 00:12:58,520 好吧 首先 你们不是快递员 Well, for a start, you're not couriers. 273 00:12:58,520 --> 00:13:00,360 我们称你们为生活助力 We call you lifestyle enhancers 274 00:13:00,360 --> 00:13:03,720 因为你们让人们的生活更好过 你明白吗 because you make people's life feel better. Do you get it? 275 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:07,000 -嗯 我没意见 -好 标准规则 - Yeah, works for me. - Right, standard rules. 276 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:08,640 一件包裹50便士 50 pence a parcel. 277 00:13:08,640 --> 00:13:11,720 如果投递时间超过60分钟 If any parcel takes longer than 60 minutes to deliver 278 00:13:11,720 --> 00:13:13,040 那就没有报酬 you won't be paid. 279 00:13:13,040 --> 00:13:16,080 没有假期 没有病假工资 没得商量 No holiday, no sick pay, no argument. 280 00:13:16,080 --> 00:13:17,399 如果你开货车 You'll pay Beckindole 281 00:13:17,400 --> 00:13:20,320 每天要支付贝金多尔1.5英镑的保险费 £1.50 a day insurance if you're on the van, 282 00:13:20,320 --> 00:13:21,560 如果骑车 要支付1英镑 £1 if you're on the bike, 283 00:13:21,560 --> 00:13:25,400 即使是休息日 也要支付1英镑 and the £1 charge applies even on days off. 284 00:13:25,400 --> 00:13:27,200 你有点大材小用了 不是吗 You're a bit overqualified, aren't you? 285 00:13:27,200 --> 00:13:30,000 这个嘛 我可能是浪费了点时间 Oh, well, I suppose I've wasted my time a little bit. 286 00:13:30,000 --> 00:13:32,920 你不是唯一一个 现在我这有很多你这样的人 Yeah, you're not the only one. I've got tons of you these days. 287 00:13:32,920 --> 00:13:35,080 那边的尼尔 上了牛津 Neil, over there, went to Oxford. 288 00:13:35,080 --> 00:13:36,480 学的占星学 Studied astrology. 289 00:13:36,480 --> 00:13:38,680 不会让他骑得更快 对吗 Doesn't help him cycle any faster, does it? 290 00:13:38,680 --> 00:13:41,160 对 天文学应该是没用 No, no, I don't suppose it does, astronomy. 291 00:13:41,160 --> 00:13:43,000 不过不重要 But never mind. 292 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:45,160 那你之前是干什么的 So what did you do before? 293 00:13:45,160 --> 00:13:47,480 银行业 Oh, banking. 294 00:13:47,480 --> 00:13:49,000 那些混蛋 Oh, those bastards. 295 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:51,040 我知道 那些混蛋 I know, bastards. 296 00:13:51,040 --> 00:13:53,600 看看他对我们做了什么 Look what they've done to us. 297 00:13:53,600 --> 00:13:57,640 我讨厌那份工作 不干了我很高兴 I hated it, I'm glad to be out. 298 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:15,360 我怎么做 拉线就行了 So what do I do, just pull the string? 299 00:14:20,680 --> 00:14:23,720 你不能把这个给学生 他们会受伤的 You...you can't let school kids have this. They'll be scarred! 300 00:14:23,720 --> 00:14:26,520 我们放心让他们用刀叉 这个也差不多 We trust them with knives and forks. This is much the same. 301 00:14:29,080 --> 00:14:32,160 不太烫 不太凉 所以他们管这个叫 Not too hot, not too cold. That's why they're calling it 302 00:14:32,160 --> 00:14:35,000 理想清洁肉 Goldilocks Clean Meat, 303 00:14:35,000 --> 00:14:36,320 完全是人造的 completely artificial, 304 00:14:36,320 --> 00:14:38,600 实验室里培养出来的 grown in a laboratory. 305 00:14:38,600 --> 00:14:40,520 与原本的动物相去甚远 It's so far removed from the original animal, 306 00:14:40,520 --> 00:14:42,080 他们说严格素食者都能吃 they're saying it's fit for vegans. 307 00:14:42,080 --> 00:14:44,200 怎么培养的 什么样子的 Grown how? What does it look like? 308 00:14:44,200 --> 00:14:46,320 他们管那个叫栓 肉栓 They're called bolts, bolts of meat. 309 00:14:46,320 --> 00:14:49,560 就像是烤肉店里那种 不过很巨大 Like those things in kebabs shops, but enormous. 310 00:14:49,560 --> 00:14:51,360 我确实喜欢吃烤肉 Well, I do love kebabs. 311 00:14:54,680 --> 00:14:58,080 -靠 -添加了无钠盐 - Damn. - Injected with saltless salt. 312 00:14:58,080 --> 00:15:00,240 天啊 真好吃 Oh, my God! It's delicious. 313 00:15:01,560 --> 00:15:03,160 这是坏消息 That's bad news, that. 314 00:15:04,500 --> 00:15:05,640 天啊 真好吃 是吧 God, it's nice, isn't it? 315 00:15:06,440 --> 00:15:09,040 他们还没研制出沙拉 还是需要有人做沙拉 They haven't cracked salad yet. We still need staff for that. 316 00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:11,560 我算过了 我们需要四个人 I've done the sums. We need four. 317 00:15:11,560 --> 00:15:14,000 -四个人 -对 我想是的 - Four people? - Mm-hm, I think so. 318 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:16,960 我有十个员工 要开除谁 Well, I've got a staff of ten, so who's going to go? 319 00:15:16,960 --> 00:15:19,440 贝弗莉 还有呢 Beverley. Who else? 320 00:15:19,440 --> 00:15:21,560 罗茜 我得削减20万英镑 Rosie, I've got to lose £200,000. 321 00:15:21,560 --> 00:15:23,680 每次都一样 银行倒闭 It's the same every time. The banks collapse, 322 00:15:23,680 --> 00:15:26,880 政府救市 所以他们削减我们的经费 the government bails them out, so they take money off us. 323 00:15:26,880 --> 00:15:30,160 抱歉 但必须解雇六个食堂员工 I'm sorry, but six of the catering staff will have to go. 324 00:15:30,160 --> 00:15:32,440 包括所有管理职位 Including all managerial posts. 325 00:15:32,440 --> 00:15:34,800 但那是我 你是说我吗 But that's me. You mean me? 326 00:15:34,800 --> 00:15:37,440 理想系统不需要你这个级别的技能 The Goldilocks system doesn't need skills at your level. 327 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:38,600 我有两给孩子 I've got two kids. 328 00:15:38,600 --> 00:15:41,840 我们需要重组 你可以工作到复活节 We need to restructure. I can give you till Easter. 329 00:15:41,840 --> 00:15:44,400 提前这么久通知 足够你四处瞧瞧 That's plenty of notice for you to have a look around 330 00:15:44,400 --> 00:15:46,120 换个工作 and try other avenues. 331 00:15:56,320 --> 00:15:59,160 食堂阿姨们来了 怎么样姑娘们 Here come the dinner ladies! All right, girls? 332 00:15:59,160 --> 00:16:00,482 这是我的盛大告别 It's my big farewell, 333 00:16:00,483 --> 00:16:03,040 然后我就要被素食肉栓取代了 before I'm replaced by a bolt of vegan meat. 334 00:16:03,040 --> 00:16:06,400 我们有吃的有酒有音乐 而且不花我一分钱 We've got food and booze and music and it didn't cost me a penny 335 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:08,640 因为这是我同志哥哥的生日 cos it's my big, gay brother's birthday. 336 00:16:08,640 --> 00:16:11,560 统统由他买单 He's paying for the whole thing. 337 00:16:11,560 --> 00:16:13,040 你会喜欢他的 埃里克 You'll like him, Eric! 338 00:16:13,040 --> 00:16:14,160 快来吧 Come on, then. 339 00:16:14,160 --> 00:16:16,226 -伙计们 -史蒂芬 - Hey, lads. - Hi, Stephen. 340 00:16:16,227 --> 00:16:18,006 -你好吗 -你好吗 - Hey, how are you? - All right? 341 00:16:18,007 --> 00:16:19,000 谢谢你们能来 Thanks for coming. 342 00:16:19,000 --> 00:16:22,120 -你真贴心 -这是我弟弟的主意 - This is really nice of you. - Oh, well, it's my brother's idea. 343 00:16:22,120 --> 00:16:26,200 那边那个就是他 对 那就是丹 浑身肌肉 Yeah, that's him, over there. Yeah, that's Dan, with the muscles. 344 00:16:26,200 --> 00:16:27,209 他今天37岁了 Yeah, he's 37 today, 345 00:16:27,210 --> 00:16:29,120 所以他说 "我们来大闹一场吧' so he said, "Let's have a blow out." 346 00:16:29,120 --> 00:16:31,640 这位是忍受我多年的 Oh, this is the long-suffering. 347 00:16:31,640 --> 00:16:33,680 瑟莱萨 这位是我的同事皮特 Celeste, this is Pete from work. 348 00:16:33,680 --> 00:16:36,400 这么说没用 你大概有五份工作吧 哪的同事 That doesn't help. You've got about five jobs. Which one? 349 00:16:36,400 --> 00:16:39,720 快递员同事 对 南曼彻斯特最棒的快递团队 The couriers, yeah! Best courier team in South Manchester. 350 00:16:39,720 --> 00:16:43,560 这几位是斯坦 阿利夫 伊莱恩和约翰 That's Stan and Alif and Elaine and John. 351 00:16:43,560 --> 00:16:46,520 你丈夫工作比任何人都勤奋 他使我们自惭形秽 He works harder than anyone, your husband. He puts us to shame. 352 00:16:46,520 --> 00:16:49,800 我自己在做三份工作 不过我猜他肯定没提起过 Oh, I'm doing three jobs myself, but I bet he didn't mention that. 353 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:51,140 我们需要钱 We need the money! 354 00:16:51,140 --> 00:16:53,120 我是那个损失了一百万镑的人 记得吗 I'm the man who lost a million quid, remember? 355 00:16:53,120 --> 00:16:55,240 我们怎么可能忘记 How can we forget? 356 00:16:55,240 --> 00:16:56,640 我们可以试试 We can try. 357 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:00,400 太棒了 好极了 Oh, brilliant. That's great. 358 00:17:00,400 --> 00:17:03,160 后面有块地方很完美 我想要你们大声表演 Oh, there's a perfect space at the back. I want you to play loud. 359 00:17:03,160 --> 00:17:04,520 我能做到大声 Oh, I can do loud. 360 00:17:04,520 --> 00:17:06,000 我们去参加格拉斯顿伯里音乐节 We did Glastonbury and 361 00:17:06,001 --> 00:17:07,600 拉尔夫·麦可泰尔抱怨我们太大声 Ralph McTell complained. 10362 00:17:06,001 --> 00:17:07,600 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}英国民谣歌手 363 00:17:07,600 --> 00:17:09,480 我们没问题 对吧 We're OK, aren't we? 364 00:17:09,480 --> 00:17:12,240 我是说这个计划 会成功的 对吗 I mean this plan, it is going to work, isn't it? 365 00:17:13,440 --> 00:17:15,960 希望如此 老天保佑 I hope so. Fingers crossed, yeah. 366 00:17:15,960 --> 00:17:18,360 嗯 好 Yeah, yeah, all right. 367 00:17:19,560 --> 00:17:21,440 好 All right. 368 00:17:23,240 --> 00:17:24,680 莉兹 这是我大姨伊迪丝 Oh, Lizzie, this is my Auntie Edith, 369 00:17:24,680 --> 00:17:26,480 为那些慈善组织工作的人 the one that works for those charities. 370 00:17:26,480 --> 00:17:29,040 莉兹帮你做了调查 调查维特尔公司 Lizzie did that research for you. On Wytel Industries? 371 00:17:29,040 --> 00:17:31,400 对 谢谢 莉兹 真的很有帮助 谢谢你 Oh, yeah, thanks, Lizzie, it really helped, thank you. 372 00:17:31,400 --> 00:17:32,960 是为了筹款的事 It was for this fundraising thing. 373 00:17:32,960 --> 00:17:35,800 他们要破产了 维特尔 你听说了吗 They're going bust now, Wytel, did you hear? 374 00:17:35,800 --> 00:17:39,120 出了个大丑闻 今天早上上新闻了 There's some sort of big scandal. It was on the news this morning. 375 00:17:39,120 --> 00:17:41,760 是吗 话说 我忘了 Oh, is that right? Em, actually I forgot... 376 00:17:41,760 --> 00:17:43,840 有点事 回头见 that thing. I'll see you later. 377 00:17:43,840 --> 00:17:46,120 你能来真是太好了 Oh, it's so good of you to come. 378 00:17:46,120 --> 00:17:48,720 我曾开车路过这里 一直都想知道里面是什么样 I've driven past this house. I always wondered what it was like. 379 00:17:48,720 --> 00:17:51,720 来吧 随便看 维克多向你问好并感谢你 Come on, have a look. Viktor says hello and thank you. 380 00:17:51,720 --> 00:17:54,320 请愿书你做得太棒了 The work you did with that petition was amazing. 381 00:17:54,320 --> 00:17:56,320 丹有点发疯了 是不是 Dan's going a bit nuts, isn't he? 382 00:17:56,320 --> 00:17:57,880 只是有一点点疯 Just a little bit. 383 00:17:57,880 --> 00:18:00,440 他要是不冷静下来 脑袋就要"红沙"了 His head's going to go Hong Sha if he doesn't calm down. 384 00:18:00,440 --> 00:18:03,400 他们现在都这么说 红沙 爆炸 That's what they say now, Hong Sha, kaboom. 385 00:18:03,400 --> 00:18:06,160 你还记得红沙岛爆炸的时候吗 我们都说 Do you remember when Hong Sha went off? We all said, 386 00:18:06,160 --> 00:18:08,520 "整个世界都变了 "Oh, the whole world has changed. 387 00:18:09,920 --> 00:18:11,960 一切都不一样了" "Things will never be the same." 388 00:18:11,960 --> 00:18:14,440 现在几乎没人提起了 Hardly gets mentioned any more. 389 00:18:14,440 --> 00:18:18,400 除了其后果毁了我的一生 Well, except the consequences of that ruined my entire life. 390 00:18:18,400 --> 00:18:20,120 我知道 亲爱的 I know, darling. 391 00:18:20,120 --> 00:18:22,720 埃里克 你要加很多胡椒 Eric, you need lots of pepper. 392 00:18:22,720 --> 00:18:25,640 卷心菜沙拉的灵魂就在于胡椒 Coleslaw is all about the pepper. 393 00:18:25,640 --> 00:18:27,200 你是邀请我们来工作的 You just brought us here to work. 394 00:18:27,200 --> 00:18:28,640 正解 接受现实吧 Correct. Get on with it. 395 00:18:28,640 --> 00:18:31,600 外婆 为什么我的信号断断续续的 Gran, why does my signal keep cutting out? 396 00:18:31,600 --> 00:18:35,200 连到先生二号上 不知为什么能行 Oh, go on to Signor Two! That works, for some reason. 397 00:18:35,200 --> 00:18:37,240 谢谢 Thank you. 398 00:18:37,240 --> 00:18:39,280 她这个新工作是干什么的 So what's this new job of hers? 399 00:18:39,280 --> 00:18:42,083 慈善活动 以前她亲自到现场帮忙 Charity stuff. She used to help them out in the field, 400 00:18:42,084 --> 00:18:43,410 现在她在城市里帮忙 and now she does it in cities. 401 00:18:43,411 --> 00:18:46,080 她找各种董事会要他们捐款 She goes into boardrooms and asks them for money. 402 00:18:46,080 --> 00:18:47,960 这工作对伊迪丝来说太平静了 It just seems so calm for Edith. 403 00:18:47,960 --> 00:18:52,880 她总是把自己锁在栏杆上 或者烧东西 She was always chaining herself to railings and burning things down. 404 00:18:52,880 --> 00:18:54,840 我感到莫名的失望 I'm strangely disappointed. 405 00:18:56,120 --> 00:18:58,840 林肯喜欢那些丝带 Lincoln likes those little ribbons. 406 00:18:58,840 --> 00:19:00,440 这不是问题吧 It's not a problem, is it? 407 00:19:00,440 --> 00:19:03,240 他看起来很漂亮 He looks very pretty. 408 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:05,880 我怀疑维特尔是否知道他们在做什么 Well, I doubt that Wytel knew what they were doing 409 00:19:05,880 --> 00:19:08,040 但泄露的文件说明了一切 but the leaked document spells it out. 10410 00:19:06,080 --> 00:19:15,040 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}特别报道 维特尔在丑闻中倒闭 411 00:19:08,040 --> 00:19:10,128 维特尔向MBJM提供设备 Wytel supplied equipment to MBJM 412 00:19:10,129 --> 00:19:11,800 MBJM将设备送到大马士革 who sent it to Damascus, 413 00:19:11,800 --> 00:19:15,280 用于在那里建造叙利亚的集中营 where it was used to build Syria's concentration camps. 414 00:19:15,280 --> 00:19:17,000 回到头条新闻 And to return to the headlines. 415 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:20,080 首相已经确定了大选的日期为 The Prime Minister has confirmed the date of the general election 10416 00:19:19,360 --> 00:19:22,600 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}2026年大选 竞选活动开始 417 00:19:20,080 --> 00:19:22,840 5月7日 周四 as Thursday the 7th of May. 418 00:19:22,840 --> 00:19:25,520 我们询问了议员们的反应 We asked MPs for their reaction. 419 00:19:25,520 --> 00:19:28,000 我很高兴 I am delighted. 10420 00:19:26,040 --> 00:19:31,390 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}2026年大选 薇芙安·洛克 四星党领袖 421 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:31,560 终于要开战了 At last, let the fight begin. 422 00:19:31,560 --> 00:19:34,200 好了 可以吃了 我们有牛肉汉堡 Right, food's up. We have beef burgers, 423 00:19:34,200 --> 00:19:38,200 热狗 正经香肠 素食汉堡 hot dogs, proper sausages, veggie burgers, 424 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:40,360 还有最新的产品 and this is the latest thing, 425 00:19:40,360 --> 00:19:42,160 这是橙子汉堡 it's orange burger, 426 00:19:42,160 --> 00:19:43,720 用橙子皮做的 made out of orange peel. 427 00:19:46,200 --> 00:19:48,640 她们俩 你觉得是不是... Those two, you don't think...? 428 00:19:48,640 --> 00:19:51,200 -你这样觉得吗 -我不知道 - Do you? - I don't know. 429 00:19:51,200 --> 00:19:54,880 不 我觉得贝丝只是表现得像14岁 No. I think Beth's just being 14. 430 00:19:54,880 --> 00:19:58,200 她从来都不像14岁 她只是有点迷恋而已 She was never 14, she's just got a crush, that's all. 431 00:19:58,200 --> 00:19:59,920 不过 However... 432 00:19:59,920 --> 00:20:01,520 天啊 我也是这么想的 Oh, my God, I thought so too. 433 00:20:01,520 --> 00:20:03,480 你知道吗 我一直都不知道伊迪丝的取向 Do you know, I never know with Edith? 434 00:20:03,480 --> 00:20:06,120 相信我 她什么都试过了 Trust me, she's tried everything, 435 00:20:06,120 --> 00:20:07,960 在海上那么多年 all those years at sea. 436 00:20:17,520 --> 00:20:20,480 我试图告诉我妈 她不理解 I tried telling my mum. She doesn't understand. 437 00:20:20,480 --> 00:20:22,400 我是说 她不肯理解 I mean, she won't understand. 438 00:20:22,400 --> 00:20:24,080 她拒绝 She refuses. 439 00:20:24,080 --> 00:20:26,680 我妈和我爸说 "你还没度过那个阶段吗" My mum and dad, they're like, haven't you grown out of that yet? 440 00:20:26,680 --> 00:20:28,320 我说 "妈 你应该上网查查 I said, "Mum, you should look online. 441 00:20:28,320 --> 00:20:29,880 你应该看看理查德·奥布赖特" "You should see Richard Albright." 442 00:20:29,880 --> 00:20:31,920 他脑子里有一块晶片 He's got a wafer in his head. 443 00:20:31,920 --> 00:20:33,200 他可以把想法打印出来 He can print his thoughts. 444 00:20:33,620 --> 00:20:35,160 天啊 Oh, my God. 445 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:39,760 你会做到什么程度 贝丝 为了成为超人类 How far would you go, Beth, to be trans-human? 446 00:20:40,960 --> 00:20:42,760 我感觉有时候 It's like, sometimes, 447 00:20:42,760 --> 00:20:45,480 我的肺里充满空气 I think my lungs fill with up with air 448 00:20:45,480 --> 00:20:49,240 像风箱一样吸气呼气 感觉很 and it goes in and out like some sort of bellows, and it feels so... 449 00:20:49,240 --> 00:20:51,560 沉重 thick. 450 00:20:51,560 --> 00:20:54,840 -我们可以变得更好 -我们可以获得自由 - We could be so much better than this. - We could be free. 451 00:20:54,840 --> 00:20:56,520 我们可以飞翔 We could be flying. 452 00:20:56,520 --> 00:20:58,440 我们应该成为空气中的波长 We should be wavelengths in the air. 453 00:20:59,680 --> 00:21:02,640 你有多少钱 How much money have you got? 454 00:21:02,640 --> 00:21:04,200 为什么问这个 Why? 455 00:21:04,200 --> 00:21:06,440 告诉我有多少 Tell me how much. 456 00:21:06,440 --> 00:21:08,820 18岁生日时我爸给了我十万 My dad gave me 10,000 for my 18th. 457 00:21:08,820 --> 00:21:09,920 即使我们失去了一切 Even when we lost everything, 458 00:21:09,940 --> 00:21:12,800 他还是说 "那是你的钱 你留着" he said, "That's yours. Hold on to it!" 459 00:21:12,800 --> 00:21:14,880 因为我做到了 贝丝 Cos I did it, Beth. 460 00:21:14,880 --> 00:21:16,360 我联系了那个女人 I contacted that woman. 461 00:21:16,360 --> 00:21:17,126 我跟她谈了 I spoke to her, 462 00:21:17,127 --> 00:21:19,680 我真的跟她谈了 她说我们很合适 I actually spoke to her and she said we'd be perfect. 463 00:21:19,680 --> 00:21:21,200 天啊 Oh, my God. 464 00:21:21,200 --> 00:21:22,680 你可以付我们两人的钱 You could pay for us both. 465 00:21:24,720 --> 00:21:26,360 你想做吗 Would you do it? 466 00:21:26,360 --> 00:21:27,720 你想吗 Would you? 467 00:21:36,880 --> 00:21:38,480 我要你们都来跳舞 I want to see you all dancing. 468 00:21:41,960 --> 00:21:45,360 ♪ 今晚是婚礼的盛宴 ♪ ♪ Tonight, tonight's the wedding feast ♪ 469 00:21:45,360 --> 00:21:48,880 ♪ 男人们带来屠杀的野兽 ♪ ♪ The men arriving with the slaughtered beast ♪ 470 00:21:48,880 --> 00:21:52,400 ♪ 哀号和吟唱很快弥漫空中 ♪ ♪ A wail, a chant soon fills the air ♪ 471 00:21:52,400 --> 00:21:56,720 ♪ 方圆数英里的人们欢呼 ♪ ♪ For miles around the people cheer ♪ 472 00:21:56,720 --> 00:21:59,880 ♪ 腾布妈妈今晚要在这里结婚 ♪ ♪ Mama Thembu's getting married here tonight ♪ 473 00:21:59,880 --> 00:22:03,560 ♪ 大家都很开心 又红又亮 ♪ ♪ All the spirits looking happy, red and bright ♪ 474 00:22:03,560 --> 00:22:07,120 ♪ 腾布妈妈今晚要在这里结婚 ♪ ♪ Mama Thembu's getting married here tonight ♪ 475 00:22:07,120 --> 00:22:11,200 ♪ 骨头被抛出 妈妈的路光芒四射 ♪ ♪ The bones are thrown and Mama's path is shining bright ♪ 476 00:22:11,200 --> 00:22:14,520 ♪ 医生上前去 ♪ ♪ Ela gqirha laqgitha laqabela phaya ♪ 477 00:22:14,520 --> 00:22:17,800 ♪ 医生上前去 ♪ ♪ Ela gqirha laqgitha laqabela phaya ♪ 478 00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:25,760 谢谢 谢谢 是不是很棒 Thank you. Thank you, isn't she amazing? 479 00:22:25,760 --> 00:22:27,320 弗兰·巴克斯特小姐 大家鼓掌 Miss Fran Baxter, everyone. 480 00:22:31,660 --> 00:22:33,200 好了 说几件事 OK, just a couple of things. 481 00:22:33,200 --> 00:22:36,520 祝我生日快乐 很显然 Happy birthday to me, obviously. 482 00:22:36,520 --> 00:22:40,600 先别唱歌 先等等 今天我25岁了 Don't start singing, not yet, hold on. I'm 25 today. 483 00:22:40,600 --> 00:22:43,040 不过首先 我想代表 But first of all, I just want to say thank you 484 00:22:43,040 --> 00:22:46,720 今晚不能到场的维克多·戈拉亚致谢 on behalf of someone who can't be here tonight, Viktor Goraya. 485 00:22:46,720 --> 00:22:48,600 开始了 Oh, here we go. 486 00:22:48,600 --> 00:22:52,720 你们中的很多人 好吧 你们每个人都很善良 So many of you, well, everyone, you've all been so kind. 487 00:22:52,720 --> 00:22:54,960 -他说的是你 -我最好了 - He means you. - I'm the best. 488 00:22:54,960 --> 00:22:56,920 我知道已经经过了几个月的担心和请愿 I know it has been months of worry and petitions, 489 00:22:56,920 --> 00:22:59,360 你们都写了信 还做了别的事 你们都很棒 you all wrote letters and things, you've all been amazing, 490 00:22:59,360 --> 00:23:02,720 但是他被困在一个否认他存在的国家 but he was trapped in a country that denies his existence... 491 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:06,520 直到周四晚上 until Thursday night. 492 00:23:07,680 --> 00:23:09,640 因为周四晚上维克多离开敖德萨 Because Thursday night Viktor left Odessa 493 00:23:09,640 --> 00:23:12,080 去了捷尔诺波尔[乌克兰] and he went to Ternopil. 494 00:23:12,080 --> 00:23:13,920 午夜时分 他上了一辆货车 At midnight, he got into a lorry and 495 00:23:13,920 --> 00:23:16,920 在克拉克维兹[乌克兰]成功地越过了边境 they crossed the border at Krakovets, successfully. 496 00:23:18,400 --> 00:23:21,640 进入了波兰 十小时后 穿过德国 Got into Poland, ten hours, down through Germany, 497 00:23:21,640 --> 00:23:24,120 还是太危险了 在斯图加特[德国]附近停车 still too dangerous, stopped near Stuttgart 498 00:23:24,120 --> 00:23:27,880 他们换了一辆货车 and they got from that lorry into another lorry. 499 00:23:27,880 --> 00:23:29,280 谢谢你 西沃恩 Thanks, Siobhan. 500 00:23:29,280 --> 00:23:31,400 接着穿过法国 From there, through France. 501 00:23:33,640 --> 00:23:35,400 我知道 我知道 我知道 I know, I know, I know. 502 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:37,720 继续 到达西班牙 Onwards, down to Spain. 503 00:23:40,880 --> 00:23:43,600 谢谢 他越过了边境 Thank you. He crossed the border 504 00:23:43,600 --> 00:23:46,040 他成功了 他到了 and he did it, he got there. 505 00:23:47,920 --> 00:23:49,960 就是今天 And that was today. 506 00:23:49,960 --> 00:23:53,040 他向西班牙当局自首了 And he's surrendered himself to the Spanish authorities 507 00:23:53,040 --> 00:23:56,440 他们逮捕了他 不过这是他的计划 and they arrested him, but that was the plan. 508 00:23:56,440 --> 00:24:01,400 社会主义西班牙 他们逮捕了他 他申请庇护 Socialist Spain, they arrested him, he applies for asylum, 509 00:24:01,400 --> 00:24:03,080 他们不会驱逐他 they won't deport him. 510 00:24:03,080 --> 00:24:06,720 我想说的是 他成功了 What I'm saying is, well, he did it. 511 00:24:06,720 --> 00:24:09,880 他安全了 他在那里 He's safe. He's there! 512 00:24:11,520 --> 00:24:15,720 我能够确定 因为 因为 I know this for a fact because, because, because... 513 00:24:15,720 --> 00:24:17,640 他就在这 Here he is! 514 00:24:56,280 --> 00:24:58,240 好 谢谢 All right, thanks. 10515 00:24:58,240 --> 00:25:00,040 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}接待处 516 00:25:05,400 --> 00:25:10,040 我叫丹尼尔·莱昂斯 我预订了夫妻套房 My name is Daniel Lyons and I have booked the conjugal suite. 517 00:25:15,760 --> 00:25:17,680 右边第一个门 First door on the right. 518 00:25:19,720 --> 00:25:22,000 谢谢 Thanks. 519 00:25:31,920 --> 00:25:33,960 你来了 There you are. 520 00:25:37,640 --> 00:25:39,120 看看这个屋子 Look at this room. 521 00:25:50,840 --> 00:25:54,280 天啊 你好啊 God. Hello. 522 00:25:54,280 --> 00:25:56,400 你好 Hi. 523 00:26:06,140 --> 00:26:08,200 现在他们干了这个 So what they've done now is this. 524 00:26:08,200 --> 00:26:10,560 贝金多不让我开车穿过曼彻斯特 Beckindole won't let me drive across Manchester 525 00:26:10,560 --> 00:26:12,120 因为有拥堵费 because of the congestion charge, 526 00:26:12,120 --> 00:26:15,560 所以我必须骑车去仓库取东西 so I have to pick things up from the depot on my bike, 527 00:26:15,560 --> 00:26:18,640 不管包裹有多大 我都得骑车把它 large or small, doesn't matter, I have to carry them on my bike 528 00:26:18,640 --> 00:26:22,520 运出拥堵区 送到挤满贝金多货车的 out of the congestion zone to a designated Beckindole car park 529 00:26:22,520 --> 00:26:25,320 贝金多指定停车场 full of Beckindole vans. 530 00:26:25,320 --> 00:26:27,640 我不能用自己的货车 就算我有车也不行 I'm not allowed to use my own van, even if I had one, 531 00:26:27,640 --> 00:26:32,280 以防我在业余时间建立自己的生意 in case I build my own business in my spare time, 532 00:26:32,280 --> 00:26:35,800 所以我只能用贝金多货车 给我分配了一辆 so I can only use Beckindole vans, and I'm allocated one 533 00:26:35,800 --> 00:26:39,720 我去送包裹 扔下我的自行车 天知道它在哪 and I go to deliver my parcel, leave my bike, God knows where, 534 00:26:39,720 --> 00:26:42,320 因为不允许把自行车放在货车里 because I'm not allowed to put it in the van. 535 00:26:42,320 --> 00:26:44,720 每小时7.6英镑 £7.60 an hour, 536 00:26:44,720 --> 00:26:46,440 但我只能拿3.9英镑 因为我是新来的 except I only get £3.90 because I'm new, 537 00:26:46,440 --> 00:26:48,560 所以我被归类为学徒 so I'm classified as an apprentice. 538 00:26:48,560 --> 00:26:50,680 话说五份工作都是什么 So what are the five jobs? 539 00:26:50,680 --> 00:26:53,200 瑟莱萨说你有五份工作 Celeste said you had five. 540 00:26:53,200 --> 00:26:56,880 别叫她的名字 别在这里说 这不地道 Don't use her name. Not here! That's not fair. 541 00:26:59,840 --> 00:27:04,200 送货 快递 招待 披萨 还有 Delivery, courier, hospitality, pizza, and... 542 00:27:06,140 --> 00:27:07,760 药物试验 我是小白鼠 Drug tests! I'm a guinea pig. 543 00:27:09,320 --> 00:27:12,560 零工经济 说的就是我 The gig economy, that's me. 544 00:27:12,560 --> 00:27:15,640 那她都做什么 And what does she do? 545 00:27:15,640 --> 00:27:17,800 记账 Book-keeping. 546 00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:21,840 她以前有25个员工 She used to have a staff of 25, 547 00:27:21,840 --> 00:27:24,400 现在她负责当地小学的预算 now she does the budgets for local primary schools. 548 00:27:24,400 --> 00:27:27,120 她从不抱怨 She never complains. 549 00:27:27,120 --> 00:27:28,480 让我很不爽 That pisses me off. 550 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:33,160 我希望她能抱怨 但是没戏 她就是一尊雕像 I wish she would complain but, no, I get this monument. 551 00:27:33,160 --> 00:27:35,680 但那栋房子那么大 But that house is enormous. 552 00:27:35,680 --> 00:27:38,200 你外婆的房子 你们可以把它卖了 每人拿十万 Your gran's. You could sell it, have 100,000 each! 553 00:27:38,200 --> 00:27:40,000 你们都可以安然度过经济衰退 You could all sail through the recession. 554 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:42,560 现在房子不易转手 大家手上都没钱 Houses don't shift these days. No-one's got any money to spend. 555 00:27:42,560 --> 00:27:44,280 你可以试试 You could try. 556 00:27:44,280 --> 00:27:47,320 损失了一百万磅的男人 The man who lost a million quid. 557 00:27:47,320 --> 00:27:49,920 我损失了两万 跟你比起来可能不算什么 I lost 20,000, which might be nothing to you, 558 00:27:49,920 --> 00:27:52,240 但是害得我被困在这地方 but it's left me stuck in this place. 559 00:27:52,240 --> 00:27:54,760 你够幸运了 知足吧史蒂夫 Know when you're lucky, Steve. 560 00:27:54,760 --> 00:27:57,400 大选注册你用的是这个地址吗 Did you register this address for the election? 561 00:27:57,400 --> 00:28:00,200 我一直没抽出时间来 I never got round to it. 562 00:28:00,200 --> 00:28:01,720 但现在你不能投票了 But now you can't vote. 563 00:28:01,720 --> 00:28:03,680 那又怎样 What's it matter? 564 00:28:06,680 --> 00:28:08,800 未接来电 Missed call. 565 00:28:08,800 --> 00:28:10,240 是老婆 It's the wife. 566 00:28:10,240 --> 00:28:11,600 别闹 Stop it. 567 00:28:12,880 --> 00:28:14,840 0116是哪的区号 Where's 0116? 568 00:28:14,840 --> 00:28:16,480 我想是莱斯特 Leicester, I think. 569 00:29:27,520 --> 00:29:29,280 你好 先生 Hello, Signor. 570 00:29:29,280 --> 00:29:33,160 家庭通话超控 去除缪丽尔 去除瑟莱萨 Family link override, not Muriel, not Celeste. 571 00:29:33,160 --> 00:29:34,720 谢谢 呼叫 Thanks. Call. 572 00:29:34,720 --> 00:29:37,160 家庭通话 史蒂芬来电 Family link, Stephen calling. 573 00:29:37,160 --> 00:29:40,440 接通 你好 这时候打电话有点怪 OK. Hello. Funny time of day. 574 00:29:44,480 --> 00:29:46,760 能等等吗 我有点忙 很重要吗 Hey, can it wait? I'm a little bit busy. Is it important? 575 00:29:46,760 --> 00:29:50,080 你好 这是在马德里的丹尼尔[西语] Hola, esta nueva Danielo en Madrido. 576 00:29:50,080 --> 00:29:53,560 再见 海鲜饭 好 好 好[西语] Hasta la vista, paella, si, si, si. 577 00:29:54,560 --> 00:29:57,280 好吧 我不想等 所以 OK, so I didn't want to wait, so... 578 00:29:58,400 --> 00:29:59,940 孩子们在吗 罗茜 are the kids there, Rosie? 579 00:30:00,520 --> 00:30:01,620 不在 怎么了 什么事 No, why, what is it? 580 00:30:02,560 --> 00:30:05,200 我接到一通电话 So I got a call, and em... 581 00:30:05,200 --> 00:30:06,760 爸爸死了 Dad's dead. 582 00:30:08,360 --> 00:30:09,640 不可能 No way. 583 00:30:11,040 --> 00:30:12,680 你在开玩笑吗 Are you kidding? 584 00:30:12,680 --> 00:30:14,120 不 我是说真的 No, seriously, it's for real. 585 00:30:14,120 --> 00:30:17,360 不 这是我编的 我觉得会很好笑 No, I made it up, I thought it would be funny. 586 00:30:17,360 --> 00:30:19,200 不 他死了 No, he's dead. 587 00:30:19,200 --> 00:30:20,520 不在了 He's gone. 588 00:30:21,840 --> 00:30:24,240 两天了 她说去世两天了 Two days, she said, he's gone. 589 00:30:24,240 --> 00:30:26,400 谁说的 杰奎琳吗 Who did, Jacqueline? 590 00:30:26,400 --> 00:30:28,720 对 她打给我的 Yeah, yeah, she phoned me. 591 00:30:28,720 --> 00:30:31,160 天啊 他才69岁 Oh, my God, he was only 69. 592 00:30:32,880 --> 00:30:35,200 他没能活到生日那天 He never made it to his birthday. 593 00:30:35,200 --> 00:30:37,240 发生了什么 So what happened? 594 00:30:37,240 --> 00:30:38,760 他被车撞了 He was hit by a bike. 595 00:30:38,760 --> 00:30:40,720 抱歉 Sorry! 596 00:30:40,720 --> 00:30:45,800 我是说自行车 她说他被骑手送的自行车撞了 I mean, a bicycle. She said he was hit by a Rideree bike. 597 00:30:45,800 --> 00:30:47,480 自行车 A bike? 598 00:30:47,480 --> 00:30:49,000 杀了他 Killed him? 599 00:30:49,000 --> 00:30:50,880 史蒂芬 你是在逗我们吗 Stephen, are you kidding us? 600 00:30:50,880 --> 00:30:52,360 不 自行车没撞死他 No, the bike didn't kill him. 601 00:30:52,360 --> 00:30:55,040 自行车把他撞到了 The bike knocked him over 602 00:30:55,040 --> 00:31:00,160 然后他手上划破了 就这样 and he had a scratch on his hand, er, that was all. 603 00:31:00,160 --> 00:31:02,160 杰奎琳是这么说的 This is what Jacqueline said. 604 00:31:04,620 --> 00:31:06,720 他没事 只是划破了 He was fine, he had a scratch, 605 00:31:06,720 --> 00:31:08,440 但后来变成血中毒 but that turned into blood poisoning. 606 00:31:08,440 --> 00:31:11,040 天啊 败血症 Oh, my God. Sepsis. 607 00:31:11,040 --> 00:31:12,200 是啊 Yeah. 608 00:31:14,040 --> 00:31:18,680 他们试了所有的抗生素 但都不管用了 所以 And they tried all the antibiotics, but they didn't work any more, so... 609 00:31:20,680 --> 00:31:21,920 划破了手 A scratch on his hand. 610 00:31:23,320 --> 00:31:25,640 他被自行车撞了 He was hit by a bike? 611 00:31:25,640 --> 00:31:27,520 他们把他送去医院 So they took him to hospital, 612 00:31:27,520 --> 00:31:30,840 今天下午一点 one o'clock this afternoon... 613 00:31:30,840 --> 00:31:33,360 器官衰竭 走了 organ failure, and gone. 614 00:31:34,920 --> 00:31:37,360 -那辆自行车当时在送什么 -罗茜 别这样 - What was he delivering, the bike? - Oh, Rosie, don't. 615 00:31:37,360 --> 00:31:38,760 我想知道 I want to know. 616 00:31:38,760 --> 00:31:43,320 其实我也想知道 她是被咖喱鸡杀死的吗 Actually I'd like to know. I mean, was he killed by a chicken vindaloo? 617 00:31:43,320 --> 00:31:45,080 你们太讨厌了 知道吗 You know what? You lot are horrible. 618 00:31:45,080 --> 00:31:47,560 讨人厌的是他 丹尼 是他 No, he was horrible, Danny. He was. 619 00:31:47,560 --> 00:31:49,080 老天啊 Oh, for God's sake. 620 00:31:49,080 --> 00:31:51,240 他跟别人睡了 然后离开了我们 He slept with someone else and left us, 621 00:31:51,240 --> 00:31:53,280 这真的是世界上最严重的犯罪吗 is it really the worst crime in the world? 622 00:31:53,280 --> 00:31:56,240 嗯 然后他和杰奎琳组建了第二个家庭 Yeah, and then he had a whole second family with Jacqueline, 623 00:31:56,240 --> 00:31:57,760 他有没有来找过我们 and did he ever bother with us? 624 00:31:57,760 --> 00:31:59,360 这就是原因 罗茜 And that's why, Rosie, 625 00:31:59,360 --> 00:32:01,680 因为每次你都是这样跟他说话的 because that's how you spoke to him every time. 626 00:32:01,680 --> 00:32:04,840 你不能恨一个人 然后还指望他想来看你 对吗 You can't hate someone and expect him to want to visit, can you? 627 00:32:04,840 --> 00:32:08,000 说得好 丹尼 现在他死了 你倒爱他了 Oh, nice one, Danny. Now you love him, now he's dead. 628 00:32:08,000 --> 00:32:09,320 结束通话 Cut the link. 629 00:32:10,880 --> 00:32:12,680 话说得有点狠 丹 That was a bit hard, Dan. 630 00:32:14,080 --> 00:32:15,480 真是一团糟 What a mess. 631 00:32:16,880 --> 00:32:18,760 我很遗憾 Hey, I'm sorry. 632 00:32:18,760 --> 00:32:20,160 我也是 Yeah, me too. 633 00:32:23,240 --> 00:32:24,600 还有我 And me. 634 00:32:28,840 --> 00:32:30,120 你还好吗 You OK? 635 00:32:31,600 --> 00:32:33,080 不好 No. 636 00:33:05,000 --> 00:33:08,160 不过我是对的 因为从我的角度来看 I'm right though, because look at it from my point of view. 637 00:33:08,160 --> 00:33:11,220 妈妈和爸爸生了史蒂芬 没事 Mum and Dad had Stephen, fine, 638 00:33:11,220 --> 00:33:12,800 生了你 没事 they had you, fine, 639 00:33:12,820 --> 00:33:14,760 生了丹尼尔 一个大大的同志宝宝 they had Daniel, they had a great, big, gay baby 640 00:33:14,760 --> 00:33:16,120 他们还是没事 and they were still fine, 641 00:33:16,120 --> 00:33:18,120 然后他们生了我 爸爸就跑了 then they had me and Dad buggered off. 642 00:33:18,120 --> 00:33:20,080 如果这不是我的错 还能是什么 If that's not my fault then what is? 643 00:33:20,080 --> 00:33:22,160 但这不是你的错 But it's not your fault. 644 00:33:22,160 --> 00:33:26,000 不是说我的错 我只是说我出生了 他就走了 I don't mean fault, I just mean there I was and off he went. 645 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:27,680 也许只是时机不对 Maybe it was just bad timing. 646 00:33:27,680 --> 00:33:30,760 那时候他遇到了杰奎琳 碰巧是那时候 That's when he met Jacqueline, just happened to be then. 647 00:33:30,760 --> 00:33:33,800 杰奎琳 我永远不会忘记那句话 Jacqueline, I'll never forget that, 648 00:33:33,800 --> 00:33:36,680 "别叫我杰基 我的名字叫杰奎琳" "Don't call me Jackie, my name is Jacqueline." 649 00:33:38,600 --> 00:33:42,160 这证明了我的观点 因为他不是个流浪者 Which proves my point, cos he wasn't a wanderer. 650 00:33:42,160 --> 00:33:44,640 他和杰奎琳在一起了 他们生了个儿子 He stayed with Jacqueline, they had a son and everything. 651 00:33:44,640 --> 00:33:48,920 他很忠诚 所以他只有在我出现的时候才不忠诚 He was faithful, so the only time he wasn't was when I came along. 652 00:33:51,200 --> 00:33:52,680 因为他接受不了 It's because he couldn't cope. 653 00:33:54,560 --> 00:33:56,480 我不知道 也许吧 I don't know, maybe. 654 00:33:56,480 --> 00:33:57,960 绝对是 Definitely. 655 00:33:57,960 --> 00:33:59,640 他只是太懦弱了 Just too much of a coward. 656 00:34:01,800 --> 00:34:04,120 我只是希望我问过他 I just wish I'd asked him, 657 00:34:04,120 --> 00:34:06,280 但我从来没有和他说过什么 but I never had anything to say to him really. 658 00:34:06,280 --> 00:34:10,440 每次我看到他 我就坐在那里想 Whenever I saw him, I'd just sit there and think, 659 00:34:10,440 --> 00:34:11,800 "我该说什么呢" "What shall I say?" 660 00:34:13,160 --> 00:34:15,120 我有很多话要说 I had a lot to say. 661 00:34:15,120 --> 00:34:16,480 现在太晚了 Too late now. 662 00:34:18,880 --> 00:34:20,520 他的损失 His loss. 663 00:34:20,520 --> 00:34:22,480 这是事实 Oh, that's the truth. 664 00:34:22,480 --> 00:34:25,520 我总是说 罗茜 可耻的是他 I always say, Rosie, shame on him. 665 00:34:27,120 --> 00:34:29,080 我们的老爸可耻 Shame on our father's head. 666 00:34:30,320 --> 00:34:31,360 可耻 Shame. 667 00:34:32,520 --> 00:34:34,360 随着投票开始 这场选举被称为 As the polls open, it's being called 10668 00:34:32,840 --> 00:34:43,199 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}突发新闻 2026年大选日最新消息 669 00:34:34,360 --> 00:34:37,240 人类记忆中最不可预期的大选 the most unpredictable general election in living memory. 670 00:34:37,240 --> 00:34:40,040 局势紧张 各大政党都在密切关注 Tensions are high, with the major parties keeping an eye 671 00:34:40,040 --> 00:34:42,400 四星党能夺走多少票 on the Four Star Party's wild card vote. 672 00:34:43,440 --> 00:34:46,080 我想我可能有点醉了 I think I might be a little bit tipsy! 10673 00:34:44,080 --> 00:34:52,840 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}现金大奖 预测大选结果 赢一万英镑奖金 674 00:34:46,080 --> 00:34:49,160 我还没投票呢 我肯定晕头转向 I haven't even voted yet, I'll be squiffy, 675 00:34:49,160 --> 00:34:51,800 我可能会填错选票 I'll probably tick the wrong box! 676 00:34:51,800 --> 00:34:56,040 薇芙安·洛克拒绝出现在任何地上信道电视频道 Vivienne Rook has refused to appear on any terrestrial channel. 10677 00:34:53,199 --> 00:35:02,120 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}2026年大选日 选民造假被曝光 四星党候选人"2011年去世" 678 00:34:56,040 --> 00:34:58,920 她拒绝了所有的采访和辩论 She's turned down every interview and every debate, 679 00:34:58,920 --> 00:35:02,280 只在她自己的频道"四星直播"上露面 restricting herself to her own channel, Four Star Live. 680 00:35:02,280 --> 00:35:06,240 可是薇芙 大选日不允许进行竞选活动 But Viv, campaigning isn't allowed on election day. 10681 00:35:02,720 --> 00:35:10,600 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}与薇芙·洛克喝茶 人民的政治家 682 00:35:06,240 --> 00:35:08,920 这不是竞选活动 这是我的频道 This isn't a campaign, this is my channel, 683 00:35:08,920 --> 00:35:11,000 这是我的家 this is my home. 684 00:35:16,880 --> 00:35:20,000 这是给英国人喝的英国葡萄酒 This is British wine for British people, 10685 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:23,840 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}洛克开讲 残酷的话和事实 686 00:35:20,000 --> 00:35:23,600 它应该享受税收减免和运输补贴 and what it deserves is tax breaks and subsidised transport. 10687 00:35:27,040 --> 00:35:32,880 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}洛克开讲 残酷的话和事实 688 00:35:24,800 --> 00:35:26,840 但是这些钱从哪里来呢 薇芙 But where will the money come from, Viv? 689 00:35:26,840 --> 00:35:28,320 你不能提高税收 You can't raise taxes. 690 00:35:28,320 --> 00:35:31,520 我将对进口葡萄酒征收关税 I'll impose a tariff on wines from abroad. 691 00:35:31,520 --> 00:35:32,880 让它们出钱 Let them pay. 692 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:37,600 他没有白白牺牲 He didn't die for nothing. 10693 00:35:35,480 --> 00:35:43,120 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}薇芙·洛克的庄严承诺 694 00:35:37,600 --> 00:35:39,120 他是为我们而牺牲的 He died for us. 695 00:35:39,120 --> 00:35:43,200 每一个让我们的士兵失望的政客都是可耻的 Shame on every politician who has ever let our soldiers down. 10696 00:35:43,200 --> 00:35:44,680 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ Tragedy ♪ 10697 00:35:44,680 --> 00:35:46,800 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ When the feeling's gone and you can't go on ♪ 10698 00:35:46,800 --> 00:35:48,400 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ It's tragedy ♪ 10699 00:35:48,400 --> 00:35:50,800 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ When the morning cries and you don't know why ♪ 10700 00:35:49,580 --> 00:35:51,200 {\an3\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}自由民主党 四星党 保守党 绿党 √ 工党 无党派 10701 00:35:50,800 --> 00:35:52,560 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ It's hard to bear ♪ 10702 00:35:52,560 --> 00:35:54,640 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ With no-one to love you ♪ 10703 00:35:54,160 --> 00:35:55,820 {\an3\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}自由民主党 四星党 √ 保守党 绿党 工党 无党派 10704 00:35:54,640 --> 00:35:56,720 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ You're going nowhere ♪ 10705 00:35:58,520 --> 00:36:00,120 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ Tragedy ♪ 10706 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:02,260 {\an3\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}自由民主党 √ 四星党 保守党 绿党 工党 无党派 10707 00:36:00,120 --> 00:36:02,200 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ When you lose control and you got no soul ♪ 10708 00:36:02,200 --> 00:36:03,840 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ It's tragedy ♪ 10709 00:36:03,840 --> 00:36:06,280 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ When the morning cries and your heart just dies ♪ 10710 00:36:05,760 --> 00:36:07,900 {\an3\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}无党派 保守党 自由民主党 √ 四星党 绿党 工党 10711 00:36:06,280 --> 00:36:07,680 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ It's hard to bear ♪ 10712 00:36:07,680 --> 00:36:09,800 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ With no-one beside you ♪ 10713 00:36:09,800 --> 00:36:11,800 {\an9\fad(300,300)\fn微软雅黑\fs15\bord1\3c&H2F2F2F&\i1}♪ You're going nowhere. ♪ 10714 00:36:12,080 --> 00:36:13,700 {\an3\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}无党派 保守党 自由民主党 四星党 绿党 工党 10715 00:36:17,800 --> 00:36:19,840 {\an3\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}绿党 工党 √ 保守党 四星党 无党派 自由民主党 716 00:36:21,480 --> 00:36:24,040 每天都有虚假的事实 False facts, every day. 10717 00:36:21,920 --> 00:36:32,200 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}薇芙说 现在就投票 为了我们的未来 718 00:36:24,040 --> 00:36:25,960 你知道哪里可以找到真相吗 Do you know where you can find the truth? 719 00:36:25,960 --> 00:36:28,560 就是这里 四星频道 Right here, Four Star Channel. 720 00:36:28,560 --> 00:36:31,960 上帝保佑我们 只有我们了 God help us. We're the only ones. 721 00:36:34,760 --> 00:36:36,000 投好票了吗 Are you done? 722 00:36:36,000 --> 00:36:37,160 你这个左翼嬉皮士 You left-wing hippie. 723 00:36:37,160 --> 00:36:38,800 这样不错 就像以前一样 This is nice, like the old days. 724 00:36:38,800 --> 00:36:41,280 如果我午夜前还车 租金一百磅 It's 100 quid if I get it back before midnight. 725 00:36:41,280 --> 00:36:43,440 我喜欢 我们挤在一辆车里 I love it, us lot in one car. 726 00:36:43,440 --> 00:36:46,240 我们从不这样做 应该买些甜食的 We never do this. Should have bought sweets. 727 00:36:46,240 --> 00:36:47,480 莱斯特 我们来了 Leicester, here we come. 728 00:36:47,480 --> 00:36:49,280 我只是去确保他死透了 I'm just making sure he's dead. 729 00:36:53,080 --> 00:36:54,680 你们两个投票了吧 Now you did vote, you two? 730 00:36:54,680 --> 00:36:56,240 上周邮寄投票了 Did it by post, last week. 731 00:36:56,240 --> 00:36:57,960 这年头没人去投票站投票了 No-one goes and does it by hand any more. 732 00:36:57,960 --> 00:36:59,520 别忘了拿你们的护照 Don't forget your passports. 733 00:36:59,520 --> 00:37:01,080 她们要去苏格兰 They're going to Scotland! 734 00:37:01,080 --> 00:37:03,040 这次选举什么都可能发生 Anything could happen in this election. 735 00:37:03,040 --> 00:37:04,760 如果你们掌权了 If your lot get into power, 736 00:37:04,760 --> 00:37:07,240 苏格兰可能午夜前就独立[离婚]了 Scotland could be divorced by midnight. 737 00:37:07,240 --> 00:37:09,040 那她们就会被困在那里 Then they'll be stranded. 738 00:37:09,040 --> 00:37:11,440 去吧 玩得开心 Go, have a lovely time. 739 00:37:11,440 --> 00:37:14,600 好好庆祝 这是你爷爷的葬礼 Celebrate. It's your grandad's funeral. 740 00:37:14,600 --> 00:37:16,560 真是个好日子 This is a very fine day. 741 00:37:16,560 --> 00:37:18,160 别听她的 Don't listen to her. 742 00:37:18,160 --> 00:37:20,160 你们去玩吧 Go and have fun. 743 00:37:20,160 --> 00:37:22,600 爱丁堡很美 Edinburgh is beautiful. 744 00:37:22,600 --> 00:37:25,000 -再见 -下周见 - Bye, then. - See you next week. 745 00:37:26,600 --> 00:37:28,760 再见 亲爱的 Bye, darling. 746 00:37:28,760 --> 00:37:30,960 天啊 他们相信了 Oh, my God. They believed us. 747 00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:33,400 他们会理解的 等他们十天后看到 They'll understand. When they see in ten days' time 748 00:37:33,400 --> 00:37:37,480 就会说 "天啊 太无穷了" they'll be like, "Oh, my God, that is infinite!" 749 00:37:39,560 --> 00:37:44,440 目的地 利物浦 帝国民宿 希尔路L6 Destination Liverpool, Imperial B&B, Shiel Road, L6. 750 00:37:44,440 --> 00:37:45,720 开启自动驾驶 Auto drive on. 751 00:37:45,720 --> 00:37:47,520 -谢谢 -不客气 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 752 00:37:49,080 --> 00:37:50,600 再见 Bye! 10753 00:37:59,580 --> 00:38:07,640 {\an9\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}文森特·约翰·莱昂斯 754 00:38:12,080 --> 00:38:14,160 你们好 Hey, there. Hello. 755 00:38:14,160 --> 00:38:15,560 谢谢你们能来 Thanks for coming. 756 00:38:15,560 --> 00:38:18,120 -史蒂芬 -史蒂文 - Stephen. - Steven. 757 00:38:18,120 --> 00:38:20,040 被自行车杀死 Killed by a bike. 758 00:38:20,040 --> 00:38:21,440 令人震惊 Shocking. 759 00:38:22,960 --> 00:38:24,640 可怜的老爸 Poor old Dad. 760 00:38:24,640 --> 00:38:28,560 之后来喝一杯 欢迎你们所有人 Come for a drink after. You're very welcome, all of you. 761 00:38:28,560 --> 00:38:31,200 我在电视上看到你了 核弹那事 I saw you on the TV with the bomb. 762 00:38:33,320 --> 00:38:35,560 回头见 史蒂芬 I'll see you later. Stephen. 763 00:38:35,560 --> 00:38:36,600 史蒂文 Steven. 764 00:38:41,840 --> 00:38:45,240 我坚持认为给两个儿子起同样的名字是不合法的 I still maintain it's not legal to call two sons the same name. 765 00:38:45,240 --> 00:38:46,800 他是"文"结尾的"史蒂文" He's Steven with a V. 766 00:38:46,800 --> 00:38:49,320 杰奎琳选了她爸的名字 "文"结尾的"史蒂文" Jacqueline chose Steven with a V after her dad. 767 00:38:49,320 --> 00:38:50,680 你知道的 You know that. 768 00:38:50,680 --> 00:38:52,080 杰奎琳 Jacqueline. 769 00:38:53,120 --> 00:38:54,960 感觉不像是兄弟 Doesn't feel like a brother. 770 00:38:54,960 --> 00:38:56,720 同父异母的兄弟 Half brother, if that. 771 00:38:57,760 --> 00:38:59,320 他现在做些什么 What does he do these days? 772 00:38:59,320 --> 00:39:01,280 他是药剂师 He's a pharmacist. 773 00:39:01,280 --> 00:39:02,840 "文"结尾 With a V. 774 00:39:02,840 --> 00:39:05,160 他是"药剂文" He's a varmacist! 775 00:39:07,280 --> 00:39:11,080 天啊 这不是火葬场 Oh, my God. This isn't the crematorium. 776 00:39:12,040 --> 00:39:16,160 -什么意思 -这地方不是火葬场 是水葬场 - What do you mean? - This place isn't a crematorium, it's an aquatorium. 777 00:39:16,160 --> 00:39:20,760 他们不烧他 而是溶解他 They don't burn him, he gets dissolved. 778 00:39:29,480 --> 00:39:32,880 贝丝妮·比斯梅-莱昂斯 谢谢 Bethany Bisme-Lyons. Thank you. 779 00:39:32,880 --> 00:39:35,480 莉兹·莫贝可 谢谢 Lizzie Mbeko. Thank you. 780 00:39:35,480 --> 00:39:36,840 你们可以上船了 If you'd like to get on board, 781 00:39:36,840 --> 00:39:39,080 你们准备好我们就出发 we'll take you across as soon as you are ready. 782 00:40:22,600 --> 00:40:26,480 这叫做碱解 对环境更友好 It's called alkaline hydrolysis, better for the environment. 783 00:40:27,360 --> 00:40:29,280 我们家族爸爸这一边一直很环保 We were always green, this side of the family. 784 00:40:29,280 --> 00:40:32,320 泰德叔叔躺在柳编棺里埋在山坡上了 Uncle Ted was buried in wicker, on a slope. 785 00:40:33,860 --> 00:40:35,500 他们要怎么做呢 So what do they do? 786 00:40:35,500 --> 00:40:37,680 把尸体放在大罐子里 灌满水 Put the body in a big tube, fill it with water, 787 00:40:37,680 --> 00:40:40,280 -加热 -他们要煮他 - heat it up. - They boil him? 788 00:40:40,280 --> 00:40:41,800 天啊 My God. 789 00:40:41,800 --> 00:40:44,600 放在袋子里煮 就像是真空低温烹调 Boil in the bag, like sous vide. 790 00:40:47,000 --> 00:40:49,240 这比烧还糟吗 Is it worse than burning? 791 00:40:49,240 --> 00:40:52,080 我知道这更糟 但是为什么 I mean it is, I know, but why? 792 00:40:52,080 --> 00:40:53,400 眼睛 The eyes. 793 00:40:58,280 --> 00:41:01,080 你会溶解 然后被冲洗 You dissolve, then you get rinsed. 794 00:41:02,280 --> 00:41:05,200 然后他们把你倒进缸里 Then they pour you out into a tub, 795 00:41:05,200 --> 00:41:08,080 你会被冲进下水道 you get flushed down the drain, 796 00:41:08,080 --> 00:41:10,800 到达大海 out to sea, 797 00:41:10,800 --> 00:41:11,400 完 the end. 798 00:41:18,220 --> 00:41:21,160 格兰赛德机构提供碱解 The Glenside facility offers alkaline hydrolysis, 799 00:41:21,160 --> 00:41:24,440 一种替代土葬或火葬的现代方式 the modern alternative to burial or cremation. 10800 00:41:21,000 --> 00:41:24,000 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}格兰赛德机构 火葬 土葬及水葬 801 00:41:24,440 --> 00:41:27,480 你所爱的人的遗体会被分解成液体... The remains of your loved one are broken down into liquid... 802 00:41:38,240 --> 00:41:40,400 永别了 文森 Goodbye, Vince. 803 00:41:46,720 --> 00:41:49,040 跟你们说 杰奎琳一点也没变 I tell you what, Jacqueline is true to form. 804 00:41:49,040 --> 00:41:50,640 吧台里面没有钱 No money behind the bar. 805 00:41:50,640 --> 00:41:52,160 民调有什么消息吗 Any news from the polls? 806 00:41:52,160 --> 00:41:54,960 十点前他们不能说 不过投票率很低 They're not allowed to say until ten o'clock. Low turnout though. 807 00:41:54,960 --> 00:41:57,360 看 和薇芙·洛克说的一样 公众太蠢了 See, it's like Viv Rook says, people are too thick. 808 00:41:57,360 --> 00:42:01,480 "文"结尾的"史蒂文"刚刚告诉我爸爸不仅是 So Steven with a V just told me Dad didn't just work 809 00:42:01,480 --> 00:42:05,560 在那个证券公司工作 他55岁时还投了些钱进去 for that security firm - when he was 55 he put some money in 810 00:42:05,560 --> 00:42:07,960 两千磅 买了股票 like 2,000 quid, like shares. 811 00:42:07,960 --> 00:42:09,960 三年前 他们把公司卖了 Three years ago, they sold the company, 812 00:42:09,960 --> 00:42:14,400 他拿到了七万五千英镑 he got a pay-out, £75,000. 813 00:42:14,400 --> 00:42:16,000 我们一分也拿不到 We get none of that. 814 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:17,480 一分也没有 Nothing. 815 00:42:17,480 --> 00:42:19,120 敬文森 Here's to Vince. 816 00:42:19,120 --> 00:42:20,960 嗯 爸爸 Yeah, Dad. 817 00:42:20,960 --> 00:42:22,840 敬爸爸 To Dad. 818 00:42:22,840 --> 00:42:26,480 你们好 家人们 史蒂芬 Hi, you lot. Famalam. Stephen. 819 00:42:26,480 --> 00:42:29,200 史蒂文 我们正在为他干杯 Steven. We were just toasting him. 820 00:42:29,200 --> 00:42:31,600 外面停的车不错 史蒂芬 It's a nice little motor out front, Stephen. 821 00:42:31,600 --> 00:42:33,600 是的 史蒂文 我很喜欢这辆车 Yeah, it is, Steven, yeah, I like it. 822 00:42:33,600 --> 00:42:35,960 -排量2.2 -对 - 2.2 litre. - Yeah. 823 00:42:35,960 --> 00:42:38,480 好吧 你一直都很聪明 Well, you always were very smart. 824 00:42:38,480 --> 00:42:42,760 你们每个人都有一个 Now, you've all got one of these. 825 00:42:42,760 --> 00:42:45,400 用来纪念他的东西 It's just something to remember him by. 826 00:42:47,560 --> 00:42:52,160 我们应该找个时间聚聚 一起吃个晚饭就太好了 We should meet up some time. Go for dinner. That would be nice. 827 00:42:53,760 --> 00:42:56,760 核弹那事你表现得太棒了 伊迪丝 Hey, you were amazing with that bomb, Edith. 828 00:42:56,760 --> 00:42:59,000 你现在还好吗 Are you all right now? 829 00:42:59,000 --> 00:43:01,920 不太好 我辐射中毒了 Not really, no, I'm poisoned. 830 00:43:01,920 --> 00:43:06,400 是吗 有这么回事儿 是吧 Oh, well, that is a thing, isn't it? 831 00:43:08,760 --> 00:43:11,760 回头见 史蒂芬 Well, see you in a bit, Stephen. 832 00:43:11,760 --> 00:43:13,120 史蒂文 Steven. 833 00:43:17,800 --> 00:43:19,400 天啊 Oh, my God. 834 00:43:19,400 --> 00:43:22,120 -爸爸 -太诡异了 - Daddy. - That is weird. 835 00:43:22,120 --> 00:43:24,680 -是不是很诡异 -就剩下这些吗 - Isn't that weird? - Is that all that's left? 836 00:43:24,680 --> 00:43:26,600 他看起来像是茶 He looks like tea. 837 00:43:26,600 --> 00:43:29,720 淡茶 这就是我们最终的结局吗 茶 Weak tea. Is that all we are in the end, tea? 838 00:43:29,720 --> 00:43:31,920 大概和撒骨灰一样吧 Just like scattering the ashes, I suppose. 839 00:43:31,920 --> 00:43:34,400 骨灰可不能这么做 Can't do this with ashes. 840 00:43:34,400 --> 00:43:35,880 -干杯 -伊迪丝 - Cheers. - Edith! 841 00:43:35,880 --> 00:43:37,040 你不能这么做 You can't do that! 842 00:43:37,040 --> 00:43:40,040 -这是酸 -这是碱 - It's acid! - It's alkaline. 843 00:43:40,040 --> 00:43:41,160 他尝起来什么味道 What's he taste like? 844 00:43:41,160 --> 00:43:42,960 -肥皂水 -肥皂水 - Soap. - Soap. 845 00:43:42,960 --> 00:43:44,880 就像除菌啫喱 Like antiseptic gel. 846 00:43:44,880 --> 00:43:47,200 真不敢相信你竟然这么做了 I can't believe you just did that! 847 00:43:47,200 --> 00:43:48,720 这是我的DNA It's my DNA. 848 00:43:48,720 --> 00:43:50,840 我们是一体的 We are as one. 849 00:43:50,840 --> 00:43:53,000 干杯 杰基 Cheers, Jackie. 850 00:43:55,640 --> 00:43:58,360 你为什么没有回家参加妈妈的葬礼 Why didn't you come home for Mum's funeral? 851 00:43:58,360 --> 00:43:59,840 别这样 Don't do that. 852 00:43:59,840 --> 00:44:01,240 为什么 Why not? 853 00:44:03,480 --> 00:44:06,000 我被困在加拿大了 I was stuck in Canada. 854 00:44:06,000 --> 00:44:07,640 本来可以回家的 Could have come home. 855 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:10,640 我不想回家 I didn't want to. 856 00:44:10,640 --> 00:44:12,240 为什么 Why not? 857 00:44:13,720 --> 00:44:15,760 因为那是她的葬礼 Because it was her funeral. 858 00:44:22,800 --> 00:44:26,120 我总是在想她会不会为我感到骄傲 I keep wondering whether she'd be proud of me. 859 00:44:26,120 --> 00:44:28,040 她当然会 Of course she would. 860 00:44:29,200 --> 00:44:31,480 没工作 又一个没爸爸的孩子 No job, another kid without his dad, 861 00:44:31,480 --> 00:44:33,120 我不太确定 I don't know if she would. 862 00:44:35,160 --> 00:44:37,600 她很坚强 伊迪丝 She was tough, Edith. 863 00:44:37,600 --> 00:44:40,040 她不仅是个好人 还很坚强 She wasn't just nice, she was tough. 864 00:44:40,040 --> 00:44:44,160 我在想他会不会觉得我疯了 和维克多在一起 And I wonder if she'd think I was mad, with Viktor. 865 00:44:44,160 --> 00:44:46,760 我想她会为我做过的一些事感到羞耻 I think she'd be ashamed, some of the things I've done. 866 00:44:46,760 --> 00:44:48,960 你永远不会做错任何事 You could never do anything wrong. 867 00:44:48,960 --> 00:44:50,480 相信我 Oh, trust me. 868 00:44:51,920 --> 00:44:54,320 她会杀了我 She'd kill me. 869 00:44:54,320 --> 00:44:56,520 如果她知道 她会杀了我 If she knew, she'd kill me. 870 00:45:00,800 --> 00:45:04,080 总说他们会在天上看着你 All that stuff they say about them looking down on you... 871 00:45:06,280 --> 00:45:07,960 我希望他们不会看 I hope they don't. 872 00:45:30,400 --> 00:45:33,240 来电 贝丝妮·比斯梅-莱昂斯 Phone call, Bethany Bisme-Lyons. 10873 00:45:28,480 --> 00:45:31,640 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}主要政党担心选民失信转投四星党 874 00:45:33,240 --> 00:45:36,560 -先生 开启通话 -通话开启 - Oh, Signor, open on link. - Link open. 875 00:45:36,560 --> 00:45:39,040 你好 亲爱的 怎么样 Hello, darling, how is it? 876 00:45:39,040 --> 00:45:41,800 苏格兰伙计 Hoots, mon! 877 00:45:41,800 --> 00:45:43,200 贝丝妮 Bethany? 878 00:45:43,200 --> 00:45:44,360 能听到吗 Can you hear me? 879 00:45:45,640 --> 00:45:47,360 贝丝 你没事吧 Beth, are you all right? 880 00:45:48,840 --> 00:45:51,120 你能帮帮我吗 Can you help me, please? 881 00:45:51,120 --> 00:45:53,920 怎么了 亲爱的 出什么事了 What is it, sweetheart? What's wrong? 882 00:45:53,920 --> 00:45:56,480 -我在呢 怎么了 -对不起 - I'm here, what is it? - I'm sorry. 883 00:45:56,480 --> 00:45:58,160 你没事吧 Are you all right? 884 00:45:58,160 --> 00:46:00,240 你受伤了吗 Are you hurt? 885 00:46:00,240 --> 00:46:03,840 不管什么情况 我都能解决 我向你保证 Whatever it is, I will fix it, I promise you. 886 00:46:03,840 --> 00:46:05,720 现在告诉我 Now, tell me. 887 00:46:06,960 --> 00:46:09,920 他在利物浦 不是苏格兰 她在该死的利物浦 She's in Liverpool, not Scotland. She's in bloody Liverpool. 888 00:46:09,920 --> 00:46:12,840 去那干什么 她干什么了 What for? What's she done? 889 00:46:12,840 --> 00:46:15,000 她不肯说 天知道 She won't say, God knows. 890 00:46:15,000 --> 00:46:16,640 我给史蒂芬打电话 I'll call Stephen. 891 00:46:16,640 --> 00:46:18,800 别打 No. 892 00:46:18,800 --> 00:46:20,360 求你了 Please. 893 00:46:21,480 --> 00:46:23,800 缪丽尔 别打 她联系了我 Muriel, don't. She called me. 894 00:46:23,800 --> 00:46:25,000 去吧 Go. 895 00:46:36,480 --> 00:46:38,360 告诉我发生什么了 Just tell me what's happened. 10896 00:46:36,400 --> 00:46:37,680 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}利物浦 62号高速 897 00:46:38,360 --> 00:46:40,200 -我不能说 -为什么 - I can't. - Why not? 898 00:46:40,200 --> 00:46:41,560 你会恨我的 You'll hate me. 899 00:46:41,560 --> 00:46:43,440 我永远不会恨你 I could never hate you. 900 00:46:43,440 --> 00:46:44,480 永远不会 Never. 901 00:47:07,880 --> 00:47:09,120 她们不肯告诉我 They won't tell me. 902 00:47:09,120 --> 00:47:10,640 我只听到了哭声 All I've heard is crying. 903 00:47:10,640 --> 00:47:13,400 我试了 我说 "让我进去" 但她们不肯 I did try, I said, "Let me in," but they wouldn't. 904 00:47:13,400 --> 00:47:16,160 你来利物浦做什么 你为什么要撒谎 What are you doing in Liverpool? Why did you lie? 905 00:47:16,160 --> 00:47:17,920 -他们只在这里做 -做什么 - It's the only place they do it. - Do what? 906 00:47:17,920 --> 00:47:19,520 手术 The operation. 907 00:47:19,520 --> 00:47:20,720 什么手术 What operation? 908 00:47:26,200 --> 00:47:27,760 只是我妈妈 It's only my mum. 909 00:47:27,760 --> 00:47:28,960 你答应过我的 You promised me. 910 00:47:28,960 --> 00:47:30,480 没事的 It's OK. 911 00:47:30,480 --> 00:47:32,120 我来了 I'm here now. 912 00:47:32,120 --> 00:47:33,880 你什么都不用担心 You have nothing to worry about. 913 00:47:36,920 --> 00:47:38,960 你的眼睛怎么了 So what happened to your eye? 914 00:47:38,960 --> 00:47:40,440 莉兹 Lizzie? 915 00:47:41,880 --> 00:47:43,280 你能告诉我吗 Can you tell me? 916 00:47:43,280 --> 00:47:45,000 出了差错 但我们能解决 It's gone wrong, but we can fix it. 917 00:47:45,000 --> 00:47:46,880 我们只是需要找到他们 We just need to find them. 918 00:47:48,080 --> 00:47:49,360 让我看看 Let me see. 919 00:47:50,680 --> 00:47:52,120 让我看看你的眼睛 Let me see your eye. 920 00:47:57,600 --> 00:47:59,240 好 OK. 921 00:47:59,240 --> 00:48:01,080 没那么严重 Well, that's not too bad. 922 00:48:01,080 --> 00:48:02,520 你好 莉兹 Hello, Lizzie. 923 00:48:02,520 --> 00:48:04,320 你好 Hello. 924 00:48:04,320 --> 00:48:06,360 那你都做了些什么 So what have you had done, hm? 925 00:48:06,360 --> 00:48:07,920 你个笨蛋 You daft things. 926 00:48:09,160 --> 00:48:12,840 你不是去做拉皮了吧 年纪轻轻的 You haven't had a face-lift, have you, at your age? 927 00:48:12,840 --> 00:48:15,480 没事的 不过肿得很严重 It's OK, but there is a lot of swelling, 928 00:48:15,480 --> 00:48:16,800 但是会消肿的 but that will calm down. 929 00:48:19,000 --> 00:48:20,680 什么 What? 930 00:48:20,680 --> 00:48:22,280 我控制不了 I can't control it. 931 00:48:22,280 --> 00:48:23,760 你在做什么 What are you doing? 932 00:48:23,760 --> 00:48:25,160 它停不下来 It won't stay still. 933 00:48:25,160 --> 00:48:27,080 莉兹 停下 你在做什么 Lizzie, stop it, what are you doing? 934 00:48:27,080 --> 00:48:28,640 我看不见 I can't see. 935 00:48:28,640 --> 00:48:30,640 这是什么 What is that? 936 00:48:32,320 --> 00:48:34,440 你做了什么 What have you done? 937 00:48:34,440 --> 00:48:36,640 -那是个镜头 -什么 - It's a camera. - What? 938 00:48:36,640 --> 00:48:40,400 他们向我们承诺 他们说我们能看见 数字视觉 They promised us, they said we could see, digital vision. 939 00:48:40,400 --> 00:48:42,960 但这不是她的眼睛 But, but that's not her eye. 940 00:48:42,960 --> 00:48:44,840 那她的眼睛怎么了 在哪呢 What's happened to her eye? Where is it? 941 00:48:44,840 --> 00:48:46,640 -他们摘除了 -他们是谁 - They took it out. - Who did? 942 00:48:46,640 --> 00:48:48,960 -船上的那些人 -什么船 - The people on the boat. - What boat? 943 00:48:48,960 --> 00:48:51,160 他们跟我说 "下一个到你了" They said to me, "You're next," 944 00:48:51,161 --> 00:48:53,360 但是我做不到 我太害怕了 but I couldn't, I was too scared. 945 00:48:53,360 --> 00:48:55,080 我这只眼睛看不见 I can't see with this eye. 946 00:48:55,080 --> 00:48:56,360 它应该会整合的 It's supposed to integrate, 947 00:48:56,360 --> 00:48:58,680 我应该在脑中看见成像 但我看不见 I'm supposed to see the output in my head, but I can't. 948 00:48:58,680 --> 00:49:00,560 我的视觉在那边 My eyesight's over there. 949 00:49:10,419 --> 00:49:11,840 你妈妈在路上了 Your mother's on the way. 950 00:49:11,840 --> 00:49:12,680 天啊 帮帮她 God, help. 951 00:49:12,680 --> 00:49:14,120 这种情况已经持续了几十年 It's been going on for decades, 952 00:49:14,120 --> 00:49:17,760 特别改造成医院的游轮到达码头 cruise ships arrive at the docks specially adapted as hospitals, 953 00:49:17,760 --> 00:49:20,400 由俄罗斯人 斯洛伐克人 罗马尼亚人经营 run by Russians, Slovakians, Romanians, 954 00:49:20,400 --> 00:49:23,240 人们登船进行便宜的手术 and people go on board for cheap operations. 955 00:49:23,240 --> 00:49:27,960 90年代是整容手术 00年代是变性手术 It was face-lifts in the '90s, gender reassignment in the 2000s, 956 00:49:27,960 --> 00:49:30,560 现在他们发现了超人类 and now they've discovered transhumans. 957 00:49:30,560 --> 00:49:31,480 但他们在犯法 But they're breaking the law. 958 00:49:31,480 --> 00:49:34,440 这些人是在犯法 他们是屠夫 This lot are. They're butchers. 959 00:49:34,440 --> 00:49:35,440 但你可以试试去找他们 But you try finding them. 960 00:49:35,459 --> 00:49:36,819 那么大一艘船 It's a great big ship. 961 00:49:36,819 --> 00:49:39,440 我是说 找出背后的老板 起诉他们 I mean, try finding the owners, try suing them. 962 00:49:39,440 --> 00:49:42,120 所有权绕着全世界转 There's a chain of ownership bouncing round and round the world 963 00:49:42,120 --> 00:49:44,840 最终你一个人都找不到 船还是继续航行 until you end up with no-one and the ship sails on. 964 00:49:44,840 --> 00:49:47,720 那她的眼睛呢 真正的眼睛 And her eye, her real eye? 965 00:49:47,720 --> 00:49:50,080 没了 报废了 Gone, junked. 966 00:49:51,440 --> 00:49:55,240 如果你有五十万 他们说现在有移植物 If you had 500,000, they say there are grafts now to integrate 967 00:49:55,240 --> 00:49:57,080 可以把镜头和视神经整合起来 the lens with the optical nerve, 968 00:49:57,080 --> 00:50:00,000 但不是给利物浦的这种孩子的 but not for kids like that in Liverpool. 969 00:50:01,000 --> 00:50:04,160 某个地方有一个金色的世界 这些事情都能做到 Somewhere there's a golden world where these things are possible, 970 00:50:04,160 --> 00:50:05,440 但永远不会是这里 对吗 but it's never here, is it? 971 00:50:08,520 --> 00:50:09,440 呼叫史蒂芬 Call Stephen. 972 00:50:09,440 --> 00:50:10,920 呼叫史蒂芬·莱昂斯 Calling Stephen Lyons. 10973 00:50:33,000 --> 00:50:33,520 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}按压解锁 10974 00:50:42,920 --> 00:50:48,880 {\an9\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}伊莱恩 很高兴又见到你 明天见 好吗 亲亲 像上周那样干我 我就买披萨 亲亲 说好了 975 00:50:54,979 --> 00:50:56,440 回头见 弗兰 See you later, Fran! 976 00:51:03,240 --> 00:51:05,360 -晚上见 好吗 -好 - See you tonight, yeah? - Yeah. 977 00:51:08,419 --> 00:51:09,720 史蒂芬·莱昂斯没有接听 Stephen Lyons not answering. 978 00:51:18,080 --> 00:51:18,960 你告诉他了吗 Did you tell him? 979 00:51:20,480 --> 00:51:24,560 你送出去一万英镑 而你爸爸无时无刻不在工作 You gave away £10,000 and your dad works every hour! 10980 00:51:23,080 --> 00:51:29,880 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}急诊室 981 00:51:29,200 --> 00:51:33,200 见鬼去吧 他可以等 Oh, to hell with it. He can wait. 982 00:51:33,200 --> 00:51:35,320 谢天谢地你害怕了 Thank God you were scared, 983 00:51:35,320 --> 00:51:37,720 害怕救了你 贝丝 it saved you, Beth. 984 00:51:37,720 --> 00:51:39,000 害怕救了你 It saved you. 985 00:51:57,980 --> 00:51:59,340 十点了 It's gone ten. 986 00:51:59,340 --> 00:52:02,600 如果投票后民调是准确的 那么这个结果不同寻常 If the exit polls are correct, this is an extraordinary result. 10987 00:52:00,600 --> 00:52:08,040 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}2026年大选日 民调预测悬峙议会 988 00:52:02,600 --> 00:52:06,200 我们看到保守党有288个席位 We're seeing 288 seats for the Conservatives, 989 00:52:06,200 --> 00:52:08,120 工党有287个席位 287 seats for Labour 990 00:52:08,120 --> 00:52:12,160 而薇芙安·洛克的四星党有惊人的15个席位 and an astonishing 15 seats for Vivienne Rook's Four Star Party. 991 00:52:12,160 --> 00:52:15,880 这15个席位 使得英国的权力平衡 That's 15 seats, leaving the balance of power in the United Kingdom 992 00:52:15,880 --> 00:52:18,920 牢牢掌握在薇芙安·洛克手中 firmly in the hands of Vivienne Rook. 10993 00:52:17,880 --> 00:52:28,200 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}2026年大选日 曼彻斯特麦特洛克直播 994 00:52:20,280 --> 00:52:25,200 我不会 我不会与保守党达成协议 I will not... I will not form a pact with the Tories, 995 00:52:25,200 --> 00:52:28,280 我不会与工党达成协议 I will not form a pact with Labour. 996 00:52:28,280 --> 00:52:32,560 相反 下议院的每一次投票 Instead, for every vote in the House of Commons, 997 00:52:32,560 --> 00:52:34,440 -他们都可以来找我 -对 - they can come to me. - Yeah! 998 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:41,160 他们可以来找我 由我来决定 They can come to me and I will decide. 999 00:52:50,560 --> 00:52:53,040 满意了吗 罗茜 Happy now, Rosie? 1000 00:52:53,040 --> 00:52:54,600 嗯 Yeah. 1001 00:52:57,520 --> 00:52:59,040 新世界 New world. 1002 00:53:07,480 --> 00:53:08,659 抱歉 Sorry! 1003 00:53:47,200 --> 00:53:49,200 你在干什么 What are you doing? 1004 00:54:20,920 --> 00:54:22,520 你干什么 Hey, what are you doing? 1005 00:54:22,520 --> 00:54:24,040 那是我的自行车 That's my bike! 1006 00:55:00,760 --> 00:55:01,480 下集预告 1007 00:55:04,880 --> 00:55:06,240 她来了 她来了 There she is, there she is! 11008 00:55:06,040 --> 00:55:06,840 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}今日华盛顿 150人被捕 260人受伤 1009 00:55:07,120 --> 00:55:10,240 我们得把维克多救出来 他可能会被处决 We need to get Viktor out. He could be executed. 1010 00:55:30,080 --> 00:55:33,840 太惊人了 太惊人了 Astonishing! Astonishing! 11011 00:55:30,080 --> 00:55:33,840 {\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}突发新闻 薇芙·洛克当选首相